Wastewater Cert Booklist 10 Worksheet Ref Mro

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Monthly Report of Operation


Wastewater Treatment Plant
Name of Facility Permit Number For Month Of: Year Name of Facility

Exampleville WWTP IN0000000 February 2008 (DATE) Exampleville

Page 3 of 4 State Form 10829 (R/12-2006) AUTHORIZED AGENT) Page 4 of
Flow BOD Total Suspended Solids Ammonia Other

Susp. Solids - lbs/day

Oil & Grease - mg/l

Susp. Solids - mg/l
Susp. Solids - mg/l

Ammonia - lbs/day
Effluent Flow Rate

Susp. Solids - lbs

CBOD5 - lbs/day
Weekly Average

Weekly Average

Weekly Average

Weekly Average

Weekly Average

Weekly Average

Weekly Average
Ammonia - mg/l

Ammonia - mg/l

Ammonia - lbs
CBOD5 - mg/l

CBOD5 - mg/l
Day Of Month

Day Of Month
Effluent Flow
Day of Week

CBOD5 - lbs

1 Sun 0.07 11 6.4257 8 4.6732 1.1 0.6426 ###

2 Mon 0.09 8 6.0084 5 3.7553 1.2 0.9013 ###
3 Tue 0.07 ###
4 Wed 0.065 ###
5 Thu 0.06 15 7.5105 6 3.0042 1 0.5007 ###
6 Fri 0.062 17 8.7956 7 3.6217 0.9 0.4657 ###
7 Sat 0.06 0.06814 20 14.2 10.014 7.7508 8 6.8 4.0056 3.812 1.1 1.06 0.5508 0.6122 ###
8 Sun 0.056 23 10.748 9 4.2059 1.3 0.6075 ###
9 Mon 0.063 24 12.618 11 5.7831 1.3 0.6835 ###
10 Tue 0.06 15 7.5105 ###
11 Wed 0.06 ###
12 Thu 0.063 23 12.092 18 9.4632 1.1 0.5783 ###
13 Fri 0.062 22 11.383 17 8.7956 . ###
14 Sat 0.059 0.06043 23 11.71 14 7.1517 1.2333 0.6231 ###
15 Sun 0.056 23 10.748 2 0.9346 ###
16 Mon 0.15 18 22.532 35 43.811 1.9 2.3783 ###
17 Tue 0.16 ###
18 Wed 0.14 28 32.712 45 52.574 5 5.8415 ###
19 Thu 0.11 24 22.031 35 32.128 4.8 4.4062 ###
20 Fri 0.08 22 14.687 33 22.031 4.6 3.071 ###
21 Sat 0.065 0.10871 29 24 15.73 19.74 36 36.8 19.527 34.014 5 3.8833 2.7121 3.224 ###
22 Sun 0.065 30 16.273 36 19.527 4.1 2.2239 ###
23 Mon 0.17 22 31.21 29 41.141 3.3 4.6815 ###
24 Tue 0.171 ###
25 Wed 0.16 ###
26 Thu 0.146 28 34.114 37 45.08 4.2 5.1172 ###
27 Fri 0.09 22 16.523 39 29.291 3.9 2.9291 ###
28 Sat 0.077 0.12557 19 24.2 12.209 22.066 33 34.8 21.205 31.249 3.7 3.84 2.3775 3.4658 ###
29 Sun 0.078 ###

Avg 0.09028 21.4 15.718 23.1 19.057 2.71 2.1896

Max 0.171 0.12557 30 24.2 34.114 22.066 45 36.8 52.574 34.014 5 3.8833 5.8415 3.4658
Min 0.056 0.06043 8 14.2 6.0084 7.7508 5 6.8 3.0042 3.812 0.9 1.06 0.4657 0.6122
Data 29 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 19 4 19 4 0 0


Percent Removal BOD5 S.S. Ammonia Phosphorus (million gallons) 2.618 ###
Primary Treatment NA NA ###
Secondary Treatment NA NA Percent Capacity ###
Tertiary Treatment NA NA (actual flow/design) 116% ###
Overall Treatment 89.1 89.5 88.1 NA ###

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