Environmental Modelling & Software: Tan Zi, Mukesh Kumar, Gerard Kiely, Ciaran Lewis, John Albertson
Environmental Modelling & Software: Tan Zi, Mukesh Kumar, Gerard Kiely, Ciaran Lewis, John Albertson
Environmental Modelling & Software: Tan Zi, Mukesh Kumar, Gerard Kiely, Ciaran Lewis, John Albertson
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Since soil erosion is driven by overland ow, it is fair to expect heterogeneity in erosion and deposition in
Received 3 August 2015 both space and time. In this study, we develop and evaluate an open-source, spatially-explicit, sediment
Received in revised form erosion, deposition and transport module for the distributed hydrological model, GEOtop. The model was
11 May 2016
applied in Dripsey catchment in Ireland, where it captured the total discharge volume and suspended
Accepted 3 June 2016
sediment yield (SSY) with a relative bias of 1.2% and 22.4%, respectively. Simulation results suggest
that daily SSY per unit rainfall amount was larger when the top soil was near saturation. Simulated
erosion and deposition areas, which varied markedly between events, were also found to be directly
Distributed hydrologic model
inuenced by spatial patterns of soil saturation. The distinct inuence of soil saturation on erosion,
Soil erosion deposition and SSY underscores the role of coupled surface-subsurface hydrologic interactions and a
Sediment spatio-temporal dynamics need to represent them in models for capturing ne resolution sediment dynamics.
Coupled modeling 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sediment transport model
GEOtop model
Software Name: GEOtopSed Soil erosion by rainfall and overland ow is a widespread threat
Developers: Tan Zi to soil fertility and water quality. Accurate estimation of soil loss
Contact Address: Department of Civil and Environmental and its spatial distribution is often needed for pollutant risk ana-
Engineering, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, lyses, reservoir management, agriculture productivity forecasts,
27708, US and soil and water conservation. In this regard, several distributed
Email: [email protected] models have been developed to obtain erosion estimates (DeRoo
Year First Available: 2015 et al., 1996; Wicks and Bathurst, 1996; Morgan et al., 1998;
Hardware Required: Desktop/Laptop with 2 GHz CPU, 2 GB RAM or Hessell, 2005; Jain et al., 2005; de Vente et al., 2008). Notably,
more majority of distributed erosion-deposition models e.g., WEPP,
Operating System Required: Macintosh OSX 10.4 or newer; EUROSEM etc., consider simplistic representations of vertical and
Windows XP or newer; Linux lateral subsurface water ow, and often do not account for the
Libraries Required: ASCII, FLUIDTURTLES, GEOMORPHOLOGYLIB, lateral subsurface water movement, or the coupled dynamic
KeyPalette, MATH interactions between vadose zone and the groundwater table, or
Cost: Free the evolution of soil moisture and groundwater with evapotrans-
Source Code: https://sourceforge.net/projects/geotopero/ piration. Given that the detachment, transport, and deposition of
Program Language: C soil are dominantly inuenced by the velocity and volume of
overland ow (Julien and Simons, 1985), which in turn may be
* Corresponding author. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, inuenced by antecedent soil moisture conditions (Legates et al.,
Duke University, NC, USA. 2011; Penna et al., 2011; Jost et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2014;
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Albertson).
1364-8152/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Zi et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 83 (2016) 310e325 311
Hueso-Gonz alez et al., 2015), subsurface heterogeneity (Lewis et al., monotonically with precipitation amount and energy? If not, does
2012; Ghimire et al., 2013; Orchard et al., 2013; Zimmermann et al., the hydrologic response of the watershed has a role to play in the
2013; Niu et al., 2014; Tao and Barros, 2014), and groundwater departure from monotonic relation? c) Does the simulated source/
distribution (Kumar et al., 2009; Miguez-Macho and Fan, 2012; sink area of sediments vary spatially from one event to other? If yes,
Rosenberg et al., 2013; Safeeq et al., 2014; von Freyberg et al., 2015), is the variation driven by hydrologic state, specically the surface
it is important to consider the coupled impacts of antecedent hy- soil saturation state? and d) To what extent does the linear relation
drologic states (soil moisture and groundwater distribution) and between erosion and the slope-length factor (product of specic
subsurface hydrogeologic properties on sediment generation and catchment area and slope), which is often used in USLE-based
yield. Failing to do so may limit the applicability of these models to model representations (e.g. USLE (Wischmeier and Smith, 1978),
a few events (Hessel et al., 2006; Mati et al., 2006; Ramsankaran RUSLE (Renard et al., 1991), RUSLE2 (Foster et al., 2005)), hold for
et al., 2013) or to regimes where the dynamic role of antecedent GEOtopSed simulated states and uxes?
conditions and subsurface heterogeneity on erosion are not large
enough. Heppner et al. (2006) made signicant headway in this 2. Process formulation, model implementation, and
direction by coupling sediment processes within an integrated verication
hydrologic model, InHM (VanderKwaak and Loague, 2001). The
study specically evaluated the rainfall splash erosion component 2.1. The GEOtop model: a short review
of the model on a 6 m by 2.4 m plot. Heppner et al. (2007) used the
same model to perform sediment-transport simulations for six The open-source GEOtop model (Rigon et al., 2006) is process
events in a 0.1 km2 rangeland catchment. It is to be noted that InHM based and simulates core hydrological processes such as unsatu-
solves subsurface ow using the variably saturated 3D-Richards rated ow, saturated ow, overland ow, stream ow generation/
equation, while surface ow is simulated using diffusion wave routing, and surface energy balances. Overland ow modeling is
approximation of St. Venant equation. Equations corresponding to performed using the kinematic wave approximation of St. Venant
these coupled processes are spatially discretized using a control equation while subsurface ow and soil moisture simulations are
volume nite element strategy on each unstructured grid. A global performed by solving a variably-saturated representation of 3D
implicit solver is used to perform the simulation. Another notable Richards equation. By solving the Richards equation, GEOtop model
effort in this direction was by Kim et al. (2013), who coupled can simulate the surface runoff generation processes due to both
sediment processes within a hydrologic and hydrodynamic model inltration excess and saturation excess, and can also redistribute
tRIBS-OFM and validated their model against analytical solutions. the sub-surface water both laterally and vertically, as determined
Similar to InHM, tRIBS-OFM is also an unstructured grid based by the head gradient. The model has been extensively tested and
model. The model uses a gravity-dominated formulation (Cabral validated in Bertoldi (2004). The water and energy balance calcu-
et al., 1992) to simulate vadose zone ow and a quasi-3D Boussi- lations in GEOtop were recently rened to account for soil freezing
nesq's equation under the Dupuit-Forchheimer assumptions to and thawing effects (Endrizzi et al., 2014). In summary, with
simulate groundwater ow (Ivanov et al., 2004). The model was detailed water and energy balance modules, GEOtop can provide
used to evaluate sediment yield simulations for 10 events in a accurate simulations of evapotranspiration and soil moisture dy-
0.036 km2 Lucky Hills watershed located in southeastern Arizona, namics (Bertoldi et al., 2014; Della Chiesa et al., 2014), given
USA. Development of these physically-based integrated models of adequate watershed data. By simulating coupled hydrologic states
hydrology and sediment dynamics has opened new opportunities, (e.g. surface ow depth, soil moisture and groundwater) on each
especially in regards to understanding the impact of the hydrologic grid of the model domain, the model is well suited to study the
state on spatio-temporal distribution of erosion, deposition and inuence of watershed properties and subsurface states on
yield. Notably, the aforementioned two models are not open- spatially-distributed runoff, an important control on erosion, at
source. multiple scales. Furthermore, as an open source software (http://
Here, we develop an open-source, spatially-explicit, structured- www.geotop.org/wordpress/), the GEOtop model provides a com-
grid based, sediment erosion/deposition module for a 3D surface- plete hydrological model framework with ease for extensions. One
subsurface hydrologic model, GEOtop (Rigon et al., 2006; Endrizzi such example is the incorporation of landslide occurrence predic-
et al., 2014), and evaluate its applicability in explaining the sedi- tion within the GEOtop framework by Simoni et al. (2008).
ment yield dynamics. Similar to InHM (Heppner et al., 2007), the
GEOtop model also solves subsurface ow using the variably
2.2. Process formulation of the sediment dynamics model
saturated 3D-Richards equation, while surface ow is simulated
using kinematic wave approximation of St. Venant equation. The
The sediment dynamics model developed here takes advantage
sediment dynamics model developed here takes advantage of the
of the GEOtop simulated distributed hydrological states such as
GEOtop simulated distributed hydrological states such as moisture
moisture content, surface ow depth, and ow velocity. Here we
content, surface ow depth, and ow velocity. The model accounts
only highlight the aspects of the model that are most relevant to the
for the inuence of spatial heterogeneities in land surface charac-
sediment erosion, deposition and transport modeling. Readers may
teristics, subsurface hydrogeology, and antecedent conditions in
refer to GEOtop model papers (Rigon et al., 2006; Endrizzi et al.,
the generation of overland ow, and hence on the erosion and
2014) to learn more about the individual process representations.
deposition of sediment in the catchment. The model developed
GEOtop simulates soil moisture in each subsurface layer by
here was applied on a much larger catchment (area 15 km2) and
solving the 3D Richards equation:
for a longer period (simulation duration 2 years) than in Heppner
et al. (2007) and Kim et al. (2013), allowing validation of the vH
coupled model for extended wet and dry periods. The coupled CHf Sw Ss V$KVH Sw 0 (1)
model is then used synergistically with the observed data to
answer four pointed questions: a) Is the performance of the GEO- where K [m s1] is the hydraulic conductivity, H [m] is the sum of
topSed model for simulating SSY, dependent on the ow regime pressure and potential head, and Sw is the source/sink mass ux
and the model's ability to capture streamow response? b) Does [s1], Ss is the specic storage coefcient [m1], f is porosity [],
the daily suspended sediment yield (SSY) from the watershed vary and C(H) is the specic moisture capacity function.
312 T. Zi et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 83 (2016) 310e325
highest rainfall intensity (>80 mm/h) and shortest duration among antecedent soil moisture have been found to play an important role
the three selected scenarios, the model was able to capture the on runoff generation (Lewis et al., 2013) and nutrient transport
observed timing of both ow and SSC peaks. Observed ow peaks (Warner et al., 2009) in the catchment, the site serves as a good test
were also captured accurately. Further analyses of simulation re- case for validating the integrated model at catchment scale. The
sults suggest that a smaller runoff peak for the rst event, even Dripsey catchment is located approximately 25 km northeast of
though the duration and intensity of all the precipitation events Cork, and has an area of 15 km2. The elevation of this catchment
were almost identical, was because of drier antecedent soil mois- ranges from 60 to 210 m. It is a beef and dairy producing agricul-
ture conditions in the top soil layer. Once the moisture decit of top tural catchment and is almost 100% covered by perennial ryegrass.
layer is fullled, additional precipitation contributes to inltration- The catchment slopes gently, with around 85% of the area having
excess runoff even while the lower soil layers are not yet saturated. less than 3% grade. Gleys and podzols are the two major soil types.
Since the second event occurred only 0.25 h after the rst one, the The experimental eld site is managed by the Hydromet team of
top soil layer was still near saturation resulting in a larger runoff the University College Cork (UCC). There is a meteorological ux
peak than the rst event. For later events, several model cells were tower at the top of the catchment (elevation 192 m) where radia-
fully saturated i.e. all vertical layers were saturated, indicating that tion, wind speed, air temperature, surface temperature, relative
both inltration-excess and saturation-excess processes played a humidity, and soil moisture (at ve depths) have been measured at
role in generation of runoff peaks for these events. The model was 30 min interval since 1998 (Albertson and Kiely, 2001). All the
also able to capture the relatively smaller runoff peak magnitude in meteorological data from the site are archived in the FLUXNET re-
scenarios 14 and 18 due to the reduced intensity of events. Overall, pository (http://uxnet.ornl.gov). At the catchment outlet (eleva-
the timing of simulated SSC peaks also matched the peak in tion 60 m), stream ow was monitored continuously at 30 min
observed records. For scenarios 10, the model was able to capture interval for a period of over two years (2002e2003). Flow-
the magnitude and the decreasing trend in SSC for events 2 to 5. weighted water samples at the catchment outlet were collected
The rst simulated SSC peak was however underestimated. Ana- using an ISCO 6712 auto-sampler with intake set at approximately
lyses of simulated states suggest that the decreasing trend in SSC 0.25 m above the streambed (Lewis, 2003, 2011).
may be explained based on the combined effects of increase in ow The climate in the study region is temperate maritime, and is
volume which reduces SSC, reduction in sediment generation with characterized by high humidity and a lack of temperature extremes
small decrease in peak ow, and an increase in soil cohesion with during the year. The minimum daily temperature for years 2002
increasing soil moisture which impedes sediment generation. For and 2003 was 0.2 C. The mean annual precipitation locally is
scenario 14, the model was again able to capture the decreasing approximately 1400 mm. The annual precipitation in the Dripsey
trend in SSC for the four events. In scenario 18, the SSC was catchment for year 2002 and 2003 was 1823 mm and 1178 mm,
measured only for two events as the rst precipitation pulse did not respectively. Winter and spring were the wetter seasons while
generate any response. The model captured the magnitude of summer was generally dry (Fig. 3). No precipitation was recorded
runoff peak corresponding to the third event, but underestimated during the period with temperature below 0 C during the two
for the second event. It is to be noted that the runoff generated for years. Suspended sediment losses over the catchment were esti-
the second event is negligible and SSC estimates are very sensitive mated from measured data of stream ow volume and suspended
at these magnitudes. sediment concentration. The monthly variations in suspended
In summary, the GEOtopSed model generally captured both the sediment yield are shown in Fig. 3. Notably, the runoff ratio in
trend and the quantity of runoff and suspended sediment con- January 2003 is larger than one. This indicates that antecedent
centration (SSC). It is to be noted that an accurate simulation of groundwater recharge participated in delayed streamow response
runoff and consequently of SSC was possible because of compre- in this month. Marked variations in runoff ratio through the year
hensive representation of surface and subsurface hydrological underscores the need for appropriate partitioning of the water
processes in the model. budget across different stores of the hydrologic continuum.
3.1. Site description GEOtop requires a digital elevation model (DEM), land use/land
cover (LULC) map, and soil type map to simulate the hydrological
The coupled model was applied at a small experimental catch- processes for a catchment. The soil type map and soil parameters
ment, in Dripsey, Ireland (Fig. 2). Given that groundwater and were obtained from Irish Forestry soils (IFS) database and in situ soil
Table 1
Summary of plot experiment. The experiment data are from Ran et al. (2012). Numbers in the parenthesis are simulation results from GEOtopSed.
Scenario no. Event Rainfall intensity Rainfall amount Rainfall duration (h) No-rainfall Time of runoff Runoff peak SSC (kg/m3)
(mm/h) (mm) interval (h) peak (h) (ml/s)
10 US001 83.99 21.00 0.25 0 0.12 (0.15) 30.2 (31) 57.08 (25.6)
US002 84.42 21.10 0.25 0.25 0.09 (0.15) 38.8 (41) 30.05 (32.6)
US003 85.05 21.26 0.25 0.5 0.20 (0.25) 40 (40) 19.53 (32.7)
US004 86.08 21.52 0.25 1 0.12 (0.15) 38.9 (35) 14.30 (24.2)
US005 83.80 20.95 0.25 3 0.18 (0.15) 40.8 (36) 10.63 (20.3)
14 UM001 59.15 29.57 0.5 0 0.24 (0.4) 13.6 (17) 69.35 (89.4)
UM002 59.28 29.64 0.5 0.5 0.27 (0.3) 21.95 (21) 36.76 (33.4)
UM003 59.47 29.73 0.5 1 0.21 (0.3) 22.4 (23) 24.20 (18.3)
UM004 61.09 30.54 0.5 3 0.27 (0.5) 21.45 (20) 16.78 (18.7)
Fig. 1. Modeled and observed records for rainfall scenarios 10 (left column), 14. (middle column), and 18 (right column). The rst row are the time series of precipitation and surface
runoff; the second row are time series of precipitation and suspended sediment concentration (SSC); and the third row are time series of plot-average soil moisture of three
subsurface layers. In the top two rows, precipitation (P) is plotted on the secondary axis.
Fig. 2. Location of Dripsey catchment in County Cork, Ireland. The location of the meteorological tower is where Dripsey is marked in yellow. The right top panel is the Google
Earth image of Dripsey catchment. The lower panel shows the conceptualization of rills (discussed in Section 3.3).(For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure
legend,the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).
samples (Lewis, 2011). LULC parameters were derived based on resolution. Meteorological data such as precipitation, temperature,
classications using the Corine land cover 2000 database and land incoming shortwave radiation, air pressure, relative humidity, wind
use data observed in the catchment. The stream channel was speed and direction in half-hourly time steps were collected at the
delineated using DEM processing in GIS. The derived extent of HYDROMET ux tower at Dripsey. Because of the small size of the
stream was validated against the regional channel map. Geomor- catchment (area 15 km2) and absence of any other precipitation
phic properties of the channel were dened based on the DEM data. data ne enough to resolve the heterogeneities within the water-
All thematic maps were resampled at 50 m 50 m spatial shed, the rainfall was assumed to be uniform within the catchment.
T. Zi et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 83 (2016) 310e325 315
Fig. 3. Observed monthly variations in precipitation (P), discharge volume (Q) and suspended sediment losses (SSY) in the Dripsey catchment.
The assumption is reasonable given the mild topographic relief and The model accounts for erosion, deposition, and transport of
a uniform land cover within the catchment. The stream ow and suspended sediment on the hillslopes. However, considering that
suspended sediment concentration data, collected by the water the bank and bed erosion and deposition in rst order river chan-
level recorder and water ISCO 6712 auto-sampler at the outlet of nels are not signicant (Golubev, 1982), these processes were not
catchment, were used to both calibrate and validate the model. included in sediment dynamics calculations in the channel. All the
sediment entering the channels was assumed to directly reach the
outlet of the watershed. It is to be acknowledged that this
3.3. Model implementation in dripsey catchment assumption may cause bias in suspended sediment yield estimates,
especially from large basins wherein river beds and banks can be a
The integrated model simulations were performed at signicant source and/or sink of sediment.
50 m 50 m spatial resolution. Simulation results were output at
hourly temporal resolution. While overland ow (from either
saturation excess or inltration excess) is generated over the entire 3.4. Sensitivity analysis
land surface cell in the original GEOtop model, a rill width ratio
(wdx) parameter was introduced in the sediment dynamics model A global multivariate sensitivity analyses was rst conducted to
to account for the ow organization within each cell. The evaluate the role of physics-based parameters that may impact soil
assumption here is that the generated overland ow is transferred erosion and deposition. The methodology is based on a Monte Carlo
into small rills (Fig. 2) in which overland ow gets concentrated and framework, and can be used to analyze the inuence of a parameter
the potential of rill erosion is high. The rill width ratio (wdx) was while also considering the inuence of all other parameters at the
calculated using the following equation: same time (Franks et al., 1997). The parameters chosen for the
sensitivity analysis included hydrologic properties that may inu-
i wdi
ence runoff generation (Table 2) and land properties that may in-
wdx (14) uence soil erodibility (Table 3). Ranges of some of the soil
parameter such as saturated conductivity for different layers (K),
where i is the rill index within a cell, wdi is the width of ith rill [m], soil residual water content (qr), wilting point (qw), eld capacity
and xw is the width of the cell [m]. In other words, wdx is the fraction (qfc), saturated water content (qs), and soil median particle size (D50)
of a grid cell covered by overland ow, when overland ow is active. were assigned based on the sand-silt-clay fraction of in situ soil
The soil erosion calculations were accordingly modied to account samples (Lewis, 2011). The LAI range was assigned based on the
for erosion under a redistributed overland ow regime. Rain splash land cover of the catchment. Other parameters (Table 2, Table 3),
detachment occurred in the entire cell while the ow detachment such as Chezy's roughness coefcient (Cm), rill width ratio (wdx),
only occurred within the rills. While rill characteristics can be and root area ratio (Ra) were assigned a conservative range large
observed, the absence of relevant data for the site leads us to enough to encompass the range of parameters used in previous
consider rill characteristics as a calibration parameter. This is an studies. Model simulations were conducted using a single rainfall
important area for future research attention. event for 10,000 random sets of parameters, which were sampled
316 T. Zi et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 83 (2016) 310e325
Table 2
Ranges and numerical sensitivity index (NSI) of hydrologic parameters.
Fig. 4. Sensitivity of rill width ratio, wdx (a) and soil cohesion, z (b) on suspended sediment yield (SSY) for a range of precipitation intensities.
force for water erosion in Dripsey catchment. This is possibly 0 indicates no agreement at all. Krause et al. (2005) concluded that
caused by the dense grassland vegetation cover within Dripsey IOA of 0.65 could indicate a good model performance, although IOA
catchment which protected the soil surface from detachment by is not sensitive to systematical under- or over-estimation:
raindrops. Similar sensitivity experiment for soil cohesion (z) Pn 2
showed that the sediment yield decreased with increase in z. The i1 Oi Si
IOA 1 2 : (18)
inuence of soil cohesion on erosion was the largest when cohesion Pn Si O Oi O
value was between 10 and 20 kPa. Notably, as the precipitation i1
intensity increased, the sensitivity to soil cohesion decreased.
RMSE quanties prediction error as:
It is to be noted that sediment yield simulations could be
inuenced both by parameters that control rainfall-runoff pro- s
Pn 2
cesses and parameters that dene the land surface and soil char- i1 OI Si
RMSE : (19)
acteristics. This makes calibration of a physically based integrated N
erosion-deposition models much more challenging than inte-
A RMSE value of zero indicates perfect t. If the value is less than
grated hydrologic models.
half of the standard deviation of the observations, the model per-
formance may be considered as good (Singh et al., 2005).
3.5. Model performance during calibration and validation periods
3.5.2. Calibration period
3.5.1. Evaluation metrics The calibration was carried out using hourly ow data and
Performance of the model was evaluated using four metrics: suspended sediment concentration data from Jan 1st, 2002 to Mar
Relative bias (RB), NasheSutcliffe efciency (NSE), index of agree- 14th, 2002 (73 days, 10% of the observed data). The GEOtopSed
ment (IOA), and Root mean square error (RMSE). RB evaluates the model spin-up was performed using the meteorological data of Dec
relative distances between observed (O) and simulated (S) data 2001. The calibration process mainly focused on the most sensitive
with respect to the observed mean (O) using: parameters, as identied in the global sensitivity analyses. Cm, D1,
Pn and wdx were the three major parameters calibrated for the ow
i1 Si Oi simulation. z and D50 were mainly calibrated for erosion simulation.
RB 100 (16)
nO The initial values of the calibration parameters were set to the
median of the ranges in Tables 2 and 3. The model calibration was
where n is the length of data series. NSE (Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970) is
based on both mass balance and goodness of t of hydrograph and
a dimensionless goodness-of-t indicator that ranges from nega-
sedigraph. The goal was to at least limit the relative bias (RB) of total
tive innity to one. A NSE value of 1 indicates a perfect t between
discharge volume and total SSY to less than 15% and to have NSE of
observed and simulated data.
daily average ow rate and daily total SSY to be larger than 0.4.
Pn 2 The observed and simulated stream ow series in calibration
i1 Oi Si
NSE 1 2 : (17) period are shown in Fig. 5a and b. Observed and simulated total
i1 Oi O
discharge volumes per unit area over the calibration period were
411 mm and 472 mm, respectively (RB ~ 15%). The R2 and Nash-
In the context of watershed hydrologic modeling, Moriasi et al. Sutcliff coefcient (NSE) were 0.76 and 0.48, respectively. The in-
(2007) summarized that the model performance could be consid- dex of agreement (IOA) was 0.92 and the root mean square error
ered as Good if the RB is less than 15% for streamow and 30% for (RMSE) was 3.03 mm/day. The NSE, IOA, and RB values indicate a
sediment, and NSE is larger than 0.65 for monthly time step sim- good model performance based on the threshold proposed by
ulations. For ner time step, the equivalent goodness threshold of Moriasi et al. (2007) and Krause et al. (2005). The RMSE was 71% of
NSE is lower, e.g. NSE value of 0.65 for monthly time step may yield the standard deviation of observed streamow, which means that
a NSE value of 0.4 for daily time step (Fernandez et al., 2005). IOA the model performance was not good (Singh et al., 2005). Large
(Willmott, 1981) is used to detect the differences in the observed RMSE value is because of the model's tendency to overestimate high
and simulated means and variances, especially during the intense ow and underestimate low ow (Fig. 5b).
rainfall events as the metric is sensitive to extreme values. IOA In regards to the estimates of suspended sediment yield (SSY),
ranges from 0 to 1. A value of 1 indicates a perfect match, and the model also showed good agreement with the observations. The
318 T. Zi et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 83 (2016) 310e325
Fig. 5. Model estimates of daily discharge and daily suspended sediment yield (SSY) during the calibration period. (a) plot of observed (with subscription o) and simulated (with
subscription s) daily average stream ow rate; (b) scatter plot of observed and simulated daily average stream ow rate; (c) plot of observed and simulated daily total SSY; (d)
scatter plot of observed and simulated daily total SSY. Black solid line in panel (b) and (d) is the 1:1 line. Blue dashed line is the best-t line.(For interpretation of the references to
colour in this gure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).
observed and modeled total suspended sediment losses were 72.76 The model performances of ow and SSY simulation during
and 79.94 tons, respectively, for the calibration period. The RB was calibration and validation periods are summarized in Table 4. The
9.87%. R2 and NSE were 0.79 and 0.65, respectively (Fig. 5c, d). The NSE and IOA values of modeled ow in calibration and validation
RMSE was 0.83 ton/day (56% of the standard deviation of observed periods were similar. The RMSE of simulated ow in validation
SSY) and IOA was 0.93. The model performance based on the NSE, period was smaller than in calibration period. The differences be-
IOA, and RB values can be termed as very good. The SSY during the tween observed and simulated ow rate were smaller during the
peak ow were overestimated, just like the overestimation of high low ows than high ows. This was partly because of the longer
ows by the hydrologic model. duration of low ow during the validation period. The model per-
formance of suspended sediment simulation in validation period
3.5.3. Validation period was not as good as in calibration period, even though the perfor-
The model was validated using data from Mar 15th, 2002 to the mances of ow simulation in both periods were similar. This was
end of 2003. Observed and simulated total discharge per unit area due to the bias in the ow simulation and power-law relationship
were 1303.8 mm and 1287.7 mm, respectively. The time series of between ow rate and water transport capacity, which exacerbated
cumulative observed and simulated discharge volume matched the SSY estimates.
each other for most of the period, and the RB was only 1.2%. In In order to investigate the performance of the integrated model
general, the model reasonably simulated both the timing and during markedly different ow regimes, a 20-day moving average
magnitude of stream ow during the validation period (RMSE: discharge threshold of 0.2 m3/s was used to divide the simulation
1.47 mm/day or 56% of the standard deviation of observed series into wet and dry periods (see Fig. 6a). The total duration of
discharge; NSE: 0.5; and IOA: 0.9). However, the model simulation the dry period was 173 days, almost 27% of the two years. The total
overestimated high ows and underestimated low ows, much like precipitation during the dry period was 326.6 mm, which is almost
it performed during the calibration period. 11% of the total precipitation. Table 5 summaries the performances
The performance of SSY simulation registered similar biases as
that shown in streamow simulation. The observed and simulated
Table 4
total annual suspended sediment losses were 170.66 and 132.48
Performance of stream ow and total suspended sediment yield simulation in
tons, respectively. The total simulated SSY for validation period had calibration and validation periods.
a relative bias of 22.37%. The erosion model did not miss any
Calibration Validation
erosion events during the validation period. Similar to the ow
simulation results, SSY estimates were somewhat larger than Q SSY Q SSY
observed during high ows and smaller during low ows. The RMSE NSE 0.48 0.65 0.5 0.32
was 0.41 ton/day (53% of the observed SSY) and the value of IOA was IOA 0.92 0.93 0.9 0.86
0.86. NSE was 0.32. Relatively poor NSE is because of the metric's RB 15% 9.87% 1.2% 22.37%
RMSE 3.03 0.83 1.47 0.41
sensitivity to overestimation of SSY peaks.
T. Zi et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 83 (2016) 310e325 319
Fig. 6. Model estimates of discharge and suspended sediment yield (SSY) during the validation period. (a) plot of observed and simulated daily average stream ow rate. The wet
and dry periods were identied by letter W and D; (b) scatter plot of daily average stream ow rate; (c) plot of observed and simulated daily total SSY; (d) scatter plot of daily total
SSY. Black solid line in panel (b) and (d) is the 1:1 line. Blue dashed line is the best-t line.(For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend,the reader is referred to
the web version of this article.).
of the integrated model for both ow and SSY simulations during intensity (Fig. 7a). The R2 between observed daily SSY and daily
wet and dry periods. Both simulations showed better agreement rainfall was only 0.14. The R2 between observed daily SSY and the
with observed data during wet periods than in dry periods. In product of daily total rainfall kinetic energy and maximum 30-min
general, discharge volume was overestimated for dry periods and rainfall intensity (EI30) was relatively better but still modest, and
underestimated in wet periods, while the SSY was underestimated was equal to 0.53. It is to be noted here that the lagged correlation
in both wet and dry periods. It is to be noted however that for large magnitude between observed daily SSY and daily rainfall was
peaks, both ow rate and SSY was overestimated by the model. The maximum for a zero day lag. The large variations in observed daily
negative NSE and RB indicate that the calibrated parameter set did SSY indicate that the daily precipitation magnitude and intensity
not provide accurate enough estimates of ow and SSY during dry only have a marginal potential for estimating daily SSY. The varia-
periods. This is in line with the ndings of Jetten et al. (1999) that tion could be because of the non-linear integrated response of the
showed erosion-deposition models cannot guarantee good per- catchment, which may result in generation of markedly different
formance, especially during dry periods, if the events used for runoff and hence SSY for the same daily precipitation amount and
calibration are not representative of the prevailing ow regime. It is EI30. Since runoff generation is directly inuenced by the soil
to be noted that even though the suspended sediment simulation moisture in the surface soil layer (which in turn is inuenced by
was not good enough during dry period, the bias of suspended meteorological forcings, antecedent hydrologic states, and water-
sediment is only 9.94% of the total bias. shed properties), we explore if the variations in daily SSY with EI30
could be directly related to the prevailing soil moisture. To this end,
4. Results and analyses data in the SSY vs EI30 plot are color coded based on simulated daily
average soil moisture (Fig. 7a). Based on the rst glance, for an
4.1. Temporal variations in modeled estimates identical EI30, SSY value appears to be larger for larger catchment-
average soil moisture.
SSY from the catchment varied markedly from day to day and To explore this further, two daily events of similar magnitude
also non-monotonically with daily precipitation magnitude and but with very different moisture conditions were considered
(Fig. 8). The rst event occurred on 2002/1/27 (identied in Fig. 5)
Table 5 and delivered a total precipitation of 11 mm, a total measured
Performance of stream ow and suspended sediment simulations in wet and dry streamow of 1.3 105 m3 (modelled: 1.8 105 m3) and an event
periods. total suspended sediment yield (SSY) of 2.1 ton (modelled: 3.4 ton).
QW Qd SSYw SSYd The second event occurred on 2002/7/2 (identied in Fig. 6) and
delivered almost identical rainfall (11.6 mm in total) as the rst
NSE 0.33 0.75 0.25 1.52
IOA 0.88 0.59 0.85 0.44 event, but the total streamow response and SSY at the outlet were
RB 4.55% 57.58% 20.65% 95.76% much different. Streamow response for the second event was
Bias 56.32 39.15 34.44 3.80 measured at 1.1 104 m3 (modelled: 1.8 104 m3), while the event
320 T. Zi et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 83 (2016) 310e325
Fig. 7. (a) Scatter plot of daily observed SSY and EI30, color coded with daily simulated catchment-average soil moisture; the inset gure is a zoom-in of daily observed SSY between
0 and 1 ton/d and EI30 between 0e1.2 104 MJ*mm*ha1*h1; (b) Scatter plot of daily observed SSY from 2002 to 2003 and daily simulated catchment average soil moisture.
mean SSY was 0.066 ton (modelled: 0.054 ton). Notably, even responses (both streamow and SSY) were negligible for events
though the rainfall volumes and intensities were similar for these from day-of-year (DOY) 200 to 290 in 2002, as the soil moisture was
two selected events, the rst event lead to much larger runoff and generally below saturation during this period (Fig. 9c). By day 290,
SSY at the outlet (Fig. 8a). The difference was mostly because of the water table was near the soil surface, which resulted in any
strong contrast in the antecedent moisture condition between the additional precipitation to cause saturation excess runoff. To eval-
two cases (Fig. 8c and f). Around 88% of the catchment area was uate the variation of SSY with soil moisture across all events, a
saturated at the start of event 1, with this fraction increasing to scatter plot between SSY and spatially averaged moisture condi-
around 98% during the event. As a result almost the entire catch- tions in the top soil layer (of thickness 10 cm) was drawn (Fig. 7b).
ment participated in runoff generation leading to larger soil loss The gure suggests that runoff generation (from saturation excess
and larger mean SSY. This is not surprising as the catchment is fairly or inltration excess) and hence erosion per unit event magnitude
small. In contrast, only around 18% of the catchment area was is indeed larger when the top soil layer in the catchment is near
saturated before event 2 and the fraction increased to around 36% saturation. These results suggest that accurate prediction of spatial
during the event. Fig. 9b and d further reinforces the narrative that distribution of soil moisture is critical for generating temporally
surface soil moisture inuences SSY as it shows that event ne estimates of SSY. Notably, increase in soil saturation also
Fig. 8. The hourly rainfall, observed discharge and SSY of two selected events (a,d); the simulated spatial distribution of soil loss area for two selected events (b,e), area with soil
losses were black; the changes of saturated ratio of the simulated rst layer soil moisture of the whole catchment (e,f); the plots for rst event were on the top.
T. Zi et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 83 (2016) 310e325 321
increases soil cohesion which in turn may reduce erosion (see fraction were larger in wet periods than in dry periods. The varia-
Equation (7)), but its impact is negated by large runoff generation tions of erosion and deposition areal portion were larger in wet
for higher soil saturation cases. It is to be noted that the soil satu- periods (Table 6). Notably, the erosion and deposition areal frac-
ration of the top soil layer is a function of coupled surface water- tions in the catchment were as large as 79% and 36% of the catch-
groundwater-evapotranspiration interactions, and the parameters ment area during the two year simulation periods. These statistics
(such as topography, subsurface soil property, land cover etc.) that highlight that the source and sink areas in a catchment are very
inuence these processes. As such, the expressed role of surface soil dynamic and change at both event and seasonal scales. Also, given
moisture on SSY indirectly highlights the need for modeling of the role of soil saturation area on runoff/erosion generation, dy-
coupled processes in both space and time, much along the lines of namic mapping of source/sink areas can benet from spatially-
process representations implemented in GEOtop. explicit simulations of coupled hydrologic processes.
Suspended sediment yield from the catchment also showed At the annual scale, most deposition occurred near the riparian
ample variations between wet and dry periods. Even though the zone of the stream (dark blue color in Fig. 10a), due to its relatively
wet period (see Fig. 6a) spanned only around 73% of the simulation at topography. Erosive losses were mainly located in the transition
time, it delivered 98.4% (99.9%, modeled) of the total sediment area between the hillslope and the riparian zone (dark red color in
yield. This is in line with previously reported results from both eld Fig. 10a), which had both large ow accumulation area and rela-
(Fu, 1989) and modeling experiments (Baartman et al., 2012; Zhang tively steep slope. The locations of erosion and deposition in terms
et al., 2012) that have shown that a few extreme events may of slope and specic catchment area are shown in Fig. 10c and d.
contribute to a large portion of annual total soil erosion. Notably, Specic catchment area is the ratio of total contributing area of
our research area has a temperate weather and lacks extreme each land pixel and the pixel's width perpendicular to the ow
precipitation events, but nonetheless the dry period (~27% of the direction. The bar plot of average erosion/deposition per unit area
total simulation time) delivered only ~1% of the total SSY. for different specic catchment areas shows that in general, erosion
and deposition rates per unit area were larger with increasing
4.2. Spatially distributed estimates of erosion and deposition specic catchment area. Areas with larger contributing areas
generally had larger overland ow and hence larger transport ca-
Estimates of erosion and deposition simulated by the model pacity thus allowing more entrainment of soil particles (Fig. 10c).
displayed signicant heterogeneity in both space and time. For Additionally, as more suspended sediment was transported to areas
example, for the two selected precipitation events with similar with large contribution area, the possibility that the suspended
amounts of rainfall (Fig. 8a, d), the areal extent of soil loss and its sediment concentration (SSC) exceeded the transport capacity,
spatial distribution locations were very different (Fig. 8b, e). The especially at atter locations, also increased. This explains the in-
percentage area that participated in erosion loss was as high as 72% crease in deposition with larger contributing areas (Fig. 10d).
in event 1, while reaching only around 14% for event 2. Similarly the Notably, total simulated soil erosive losses per unit area (Es) did not
areal fraction of deposition areas were 14% and 7% respectively for show a monotonic trend with slope (Fig. 10c). For atter slopes, Es is
the two events. A larger erosion loss area for event 1 can again be expected to be small because of the lower ow velocities. For larger
attributed to higher antecedent surface soil moisture in the slopes, while the local erosion at the cell under consideration is
catchment, which leads to a larger fraction of catchment area expected to be large, the incoming sediment input may either be
generating runoff. A larger volume of overland ow resulted in, small or large for a given contributing area depending on the
higher shear stress and hence more soil loss from larger area. For spatio-temporal extent of soil saturation area that determines
the two years, the mean areal fraction of erosion and deposition runoff generation. As a result, Es, which is an integrated net-
was 27% and 8% respectively. Both erosion and deposition areal erosional response from the contributing area and the pixel
Fig. 9. (a) the integrated model is able to capture occurrence of runoff events after a dry periods. The red box identies the periods used in panel b, c, and d; (b)observed and
simulated discharge per unit area; (c). observed and simulated soil moisture (top 25 cm) (d)observed and simulated daily SSY.
322 T. Zi et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 83 (2016) 310e325
Table 6
The mean and standard deviation of erosion and deposition areas.
Mean erosional Mean depositional Standard deviation of erosional Standard deviation of depositional
area fraction area fraction area fraction area fraction
Fig. 10. (a) Spatial map of soil erosion and deposition for each land pixel (unit:ton/ha/yr) for the entire two year simulation period; (b) Scatter plot between erosive loss (Es) and
slope-length factor for each land pixel; (c) Color chart of the logarithm of simulated erosive loss (log (ton)) for a range of slope (on x-axis) and specic ow accumulation area (on y-
axis). Also included on the two axes are the bar plots of total erosive losses per unit area for different slope and specic catchment area classes; (d) Color chart of the logarithm of
simulated deposition (log (ton)). Also included on the two axes are the bar plots of total deposition per unit area for different slope and specic catchment area classes. Note: grey
cells in (c) and (d) are used to identify joint classes with no data.
under consideration, may show non-monotonic variation with deposition module for a 3D surface-subsurface hydrologic model,
slope. This non-monotonic variation also has a tangible impact on GEOtop, and evaluated its applicability in explaining the spatio-
the relation between the length-slope (LS) factor and the total temporal distribution of erosion, deposition, and sediment yield
simulated soil erosive losses per unit area (Es). Model results sug- dynamics at both plot and catchment scale. The model uses a
gest that while Es shows an overall increasing trend with LS physically-based representation of coupled surface-subsurface hy-
(Fig. 10b), the relation is not one to one, and shows ample variations drologic processes and a comprehensive land-surface energy and
around the Es-LS line (R2 0.47, s2 5.44). While the result is based water interaction scheme to simulate hydrologic response and
on only two years of simulation, it does highlight that the source consequent sediment dynamics. Because of its fully distributed
efciency or the erosion rates (in homogeneous watersheds/hill- nature, the model can account for spatial heterogeneity in the
slopes with uniform soil property) is not just a simple function of watershed. As the model runs at an adaptive time interval deter-
contribution area and slope, and can be strongly inuenced by the mined by the dynamics of states, it can be used to perform simu-
dynamic spatio-temporal distribution of soil moisture conditions. lations at event to inter-decadal scales. At the plot level, the model
was evaluated at event time scale. Results show that the model was
5. Summary and conclusions able to capture both the trend and the quantity of runoff and sus-
pended sediment concentration (SSC) in response to events of
In this study, we developed an open-source sediment erosion/ varying intensity and duration. At the catchment level, after
T. Zi et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 83 (2016) 310e325 323
performing a global multivariate sensitivity analyses to identify parameters (e.g. rill width, soil cohesion etc.), and by implementing
sensitive parameters for hydrologic modeling (such as leaf area the model in varied settings. The presented model version does not
index, rill width ratio, depth of the rst soil layer, Chezy's roughness account for bank-erosion processes, which limits its applicability to
coefcient, and vertical hydraulic conductivity of the rst soil layer) watersheds with small bank erosion w.r.t. total hillslope losses. It is
and sediment dynamics (such as Chezy's roughness coefcient, soil to be noted that 1D representation of ow routing in channel
median particle size, and rill width ratio), the model performance especially limits the calculation of lateral convective gradients and
was evaluated at daily and seasonal time scales. In general, the shear, thus hindering the development of a comprehensive sedi-
model reasonably simulated both the timing and magnitude of ment erosion and transport module. Also, as the GEOtop model
stream ow and suspended sediment yield (SSY) from the catch- uses kinematic wave scheme to solve for overland and channel
ment. Both streamow and suspended sediment yield simulations ow, the model is not well suited for ow and sediment yield
showed better agreement with observed data during wet periods calculations in ow regimes with either Froude number smaller
than in dry periods. The discharge volume was overestimated for than 0.5 or kinematic wave number smaller than 5 (Vieira, 1983).
dry periods and underestimated in wet periods, while the SSY was For using the model as a predictive tool, vegetation dynamics in
underestimated in both wet and dry periods. Notably, the biases in response to changes in meteorological forcings and hydrologic
suspended sediment yield simulation were similar to that shown in states need to be accounted for. In spite of aforementioned limi-
streamow simulation, thus highlighting that accuracy of ow tations, the open-source integrated modeling framework presented
simulations critically inuences the estimation accuracy of SSY. here offers the potential for its use both as an evaluation and
While our research area has a temperate maritime climate and retrospective-prediction tool, and as a virtual laboratory for un-
lacks extreme precipitation events, but still dry period (~27% of the derstanding the role of hydrologic states and parameters on sedi-
total simulation time) delivered only ~1% of the SSY. This un- ment dynamics.
derscores the importance of obtaining robust calibration parameter
sets that at least perform well during wet periods, as is well Acknowledgements
documented in nutrient export studies (Jordan et al., 2005; Nasr
et al., 2007; Ye et al., 2012). It is to be noted that the sensitivity We appreciate the valuable feedbacks from reviewers and the
analysis performed for Dripsey catchment could serve as a refer- editor, which greatly improved this manuscript. This study was
ence for future model applications, and for prioritizing observation supported by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
of parameters to reduce the uncertainties in the erosion model. under the Science Technology Research & Innovation for the
Observed SSY from the catchment showed a non-monotonic Environment (STRIVE) Programme 2007e2013 of Ireland (Soil H:
variation with daily precipitation magnitude. Further examination Interactions of soil hydrology, land use and climate change and
of simulation results revealed that SSY per unit event magnitude their impact on soil quality; 2007S-SL-2-S1). Mukesh Kumar
varied proportionally with the prevailing soil moisture. The result acknowledges the support of National Science Foundation CZO
indicates that accurate prediction of spatial distribution of soil grant (EAR-1331846). We acknowledge the developers of GEOtop
moisture is critical for generating temporally ne estimates of SSY. model, for keeping the software open-source and free.
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