Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment With Using GIS
Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment With Using GIS
Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment With Using GIS
Received: 9 June 2017 / Accepted: 11 October 2019 / Published online: 25 October 2019
© The Author(s) 2019
Vulnerability assessment to delineate areas that are more susceptible to contamination from anthropogenic sources has
become an important element for sensible resource management and land use planning. It has been recognized for its ability
to delineate areas that are more likely than others to become contaminated as a result of anthropogenic activities near the
earth’s surface. The main methods of mapping and assessing intrinsic vulnerability in porous media are the following: SI,
GOD, SINTACS and DRASTIC. The basic purpose of these maps is to divide an area into more classes, each of which will
represent a different dynamic for a specific purpose and use. These models have been used to map groundwater vulnerability
to pollution in Hamadan–Bahar aquifer. The results showed in models of DRASTIC, SI, GOD and SINTACS, respectively,
7.1, 44.21, 29.56 and 20.16 percent of the areas are high potential vulnerabilities. According to the model DRASTIC at study
area, 33.6% of has a low class of groundwater vulnerability to contamination, whereas a total of 29.4% of the study area has
a moderate vulnerability. The final results indicate that the aquifer system in the interested area is relatively protected from
contamination on the groundwater surface. The correlation between models shows that DRASTIC model has the highest
CI, which is 141, and the GOD model has the highest CI, which is 139. Also, the highest CI for SINTACS and SI is 137 and
136, respectively. Therefore, DRASTIC model is the best model among these models for predicting groundwater vulner-
ability in Hamadan–Bahar plain aquifer.
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comparative study of the vulnerability maps was performed et al. 1992; Foster 1987; Daly and Drew 1999; Oroji and
in order to choose the best method (Teixeira et al. 2015; Karimi 2018; Oroji 2018). Before starting detailed data
Chenini et al. 2015). Krishna et al. (2015) assessed the collection, some general information pertaining to the
groundwater vulnerability to pollution in Ranchi district, hydrology, geology, soil characteristics, geomorphologi-
Jharkhand, India. The results showed that the model was cal and water balance was gathered. This information has
validated by comparing the model output with the observed been used as a base for planning the field data collection
nitrate concentration in water resources in the study aquifer. and determining the selection of the sample population
Al-Abadi et al. (2017) evaluated intrinsic groundwater vul- (Tadesse et al. 2013). The following explained each indica-
nerability in the shallow aquifer northeastern Missan gover- tor and how to determine them.
norate, south of Iraq by using the DRASTIC model. Some Topography (T): This indicator to the slope percent of
other studies in the field include: Awawdeh et al. (2015) used the land surface was determined directly from the topo-
a modified DRASTIC model to evaluate the vulnerability of graphic maps of the Hamadan area (scale 1:50.000) and
groundwater to pollution in Yarmouk River watershed, north also using SRTM data and DEM for creating slope raster
Jordan. Rahman (2008) in India; Leal and Castillo (2003) file. Soil media (S): This index was obtained by digitizing
in Mexico; Ghazavi and Ebrahimi (2015) in Iran; Abdullah the existing soil maps, with 1:50.000 as a scale required
et al. (2016) in Iraq; Babiker et al. (2005) in Japan. Also, from Hamadan Research and Education Center for Agricul-
Nadiri et al. (2017, 2018) have been using artificial intel- ture and Natural Resources which cover the entire region.
ligence methods to evaluate models and vulnerability maps Net recharges (R): To calculate the recharge parameter dis-
in several areas of Iran. Because of the expansion of agricul- tribution, the water table fluctuation method (WTF) was
tural activities, excessive use of chemical fertilizers and the used. One of the major impacts of the integrated water-
location of industrial and municipal wastewater of Hama- shed management program was on improving ground-
dan, it is possible for this aquifer to be polluted. Nitrate, the water recharge and its availability (Pathak et al. 2013). It
primary form of nitrogen, is not in the groundwater system estimates groundwater recharge as the product of specific
naturally, but it can be one of the predominant contaminants yield, and the annual rate of water table rise added to the
associated with agricultural activities. It has high solubility total groundwater draft ended by the equivalent perme-
and can easily reach groundwater. Thus, it could be a seri- ability, which is found from well logs (Sophocleous 1991).
ous threat to groundwater resources. Therefore, measured Depth (D): Its index represents the depth from the land
nitrate concentrations from monitoring wells can be used to surface to the first groundwater aquifer. It determines the
associate and correlate the concentration in the aquifer to the thickness of the material through which infiltrating water
vulnerability index (Gheisari 2017). must move before reaching the aquifer-saturated zone
The aim of the present study is to assess the aquifer vul- (Witczak et al. 2004). Consequently, the depth of the
nerability of Hamadan–Bahar plain and to recognize the groundwater impacts on the interaction degree between
sensitive areas against pollution. Recognizing the vulner- the percolating contaminant and subsurface materials
ability of groundwater will help to manage their quality and and, therefore, on the degree and extent of physical and
protect groundwater resources. The possibility of pollutants chemical attenuation, and degradation processes, the depth
reaching and releasing into the groundwater after contami- groundwater distribution (D) was established by subtract-
nating the ground is called the aquifer vulnerability. In this ing the groundwater level, measured in 35 wells in Hama-
study, an aquifer vulnerability assessment is to identify areas dan–Bahar aquifer, from the topographic elevation in the
prone to the pollution that were modeled via the DRASTIC, corresponding cell location (Rahman 2008). Groundwater
GOD, SINTACS and SI models, and the maps generated depths were interpolated using the Kriging algorithm. A
for each parameter were classified and combined based on raster map was generated and then categorized into ranges
the models. defined by the DRASTIC model. Hydraulic conductivity
(C): Due to the unavailability of hydraulic conductivity
data in the study area, information of the aquifer media
Materials and methods was used to derive the approximate ratings for hydrau-
lic conductivity. It was converted to raster data according
A comprehensive groundwater vulnerability model must to the defined ratings. Aquifer media map was prepared
include parameters to describe how much a site is risky from the geologic map of Hamadan-Bahar plain. Aquifer
to be contaminated and how the contaminant moves from media in the study area were reclassified into five types
the contamination site to the aquifer; therefore, numerous and their corresponding ratings were assigned for each
vulnerability modeling approaches are proposed. In this aquifer media. The vadose zone characteristics show the
study, the vulnerability rating used is the SI, SINTACS, attenuation behavior of the materials that are located above
GOD and DRASTIC (Aller et al. 1987; Van Stempvoort the groundwater table and below the soil.
Applied Water Science (2019) 9:196 Page 3 of 13 196
The study area is situated in the Hamadan province and Using the GIS software, raster map was made from the inter-
partially in the central province of northwest Iran, with polation of the well data for each indicator. To obtain the vul-
an area of 520 square kilometers covering an area from nerability indexes the corresponding weight and rating accord-
latitude 34°N to 35° and from longitude 48°E to 49°30′E ing to the formula of each method was given to each indicator.
(Fig. 1). The highest elevation, 3.580 m, occurs at the All indicators in different models were mapped (Philes 2004).
Kuh-e Alvand south of Hamadan. The lowest elevations, The slope map is obtained from the digital elevation model,
slightly less than 1.500 m, occur along with the water and the map of soils is scanned and then processed from the
courses on the western margin of the sheet (Akhavan soil map. Also, all indicators are classified on vulnerability
et al. 2011). The output area is located in the northern classes with values from the DEM. Distribution maps for each
plains and groundwater with Kabodarahang–Ghahavand indicator were prepared using the Kriging interpolation tech-
the hydrogeological relationship. The most prominent nique. The Hamadan–Bahar alluvial aquifer is an important
geologic feature is the belt of metamorphic and igneous water resource because it is used for irrigation; therefore, the
rocks which trends northwest to southeast. This belt con- aquifer vulnerability to pollution by generic pollutants has
sists largely of Hamadan phyllites with well-developed been studied by applying the following methods. After clas-
hornfels near the margins of post-Cretaceous granodior- sifications data for each indicator, the spatial mapping in raster
ite intrusions. An area of more mafic igneous material format by interpolation of these indicators is a necessary step
occurs northwest of Hamadan. Paleozoic marbles and in this work. All the realized maps were projected in “WGS
Cretaceous crushed limestone and igneous bodies occur 1984 UTM Zone 39 N, datum Carthage.”
in the Zagros thrust belt in the southwestern corner of the
sheet. Cretaceous limestone and Oligo-Miocene marbles DRASTIC method
and limestones occupy the northeastern and southeastern
portions of the sheet. Faulting in this area trends north- Inherent in each hydrogeological setting are the physical
west to southeast except for the Mesozoic sedimentary characteristics that affect the groundwater pollution potential.
zone east of Hamadan where there is north-northeast to After the factors such as transmissivity, temperature, aquifer
south-southwest trend (Akhavan et al. 2011). Figure 2 chemistry, gaseous phase transport, tortuosity and some others
shows the geological map of the area. have been evaluated, the most important factors that control
the groundwater pollution potential have been determined to
be net recharge, soil type, depth to water, topography, aquifer
material, impact of the unsaturated zone and aquifer media
196 Page 4 of 13 Applied Water Science (2019) 9:196
of the hydraulic conductivity, in short DRASTIC. In the fol- weight between 1 and 5 for each used parameter. For DRAS-
lowing, a numerical ranking system to assess groundwater pol- TIC models used Eq. (1).
lution potential in the hydrogeological setting has been devised
(Aller et al. 1987). It assigns a note between 1 and 10 and a DI = Dp × Dc + Rp × Rc + Ap × Ac + Sp
× Sc + Tp × Tc + Ip × Ic + Cp × Cc
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where DI, vulnerability index; D, depth to water; R, net where Ci, aquifer type; Ca, saturated zone and Cp, depth. The
recharge; A, aquifer material; S, soil media; T, topography; results of GOD model are shown in Fig. 4.
I, vadose zone and C, hydraulic conductivity. The results of
this model are shown in Fig. 3.
SINTACS method
GOD method
The acronym SINTACS stands for the seven indicators
The GOD method is an empirical method for the assessment included in the method: net recharge, depth to water, vadose
of aquifer pollution vulnerability developed in Great Britain; zone, slope, hydraulic conductivity, aquifer media and soil
this method uses three indicators: overlying lithology, depth media. The SINTACS method was established for hydrogeo-
to groundwater and groundwater occurrence. Values from logical, climatic and impacts settings, typical of the Medi-
0 to 1 can be assigned to the indicators (Foster 1987). For terranean countries. In the same way that the DRASTIC
GOD models used Eq. (2). method, SINTACS assigns notes and weights for each of
IGOD = Ci × Ca × Cp (2)
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these indicators in the following way (Civita and De Maio activity with intense use of chemical fertilizers. The DRAS-
2004). For SINTACS models used Eq. (3). TIC map resulting from overlaying the seven thematic maps
shows four classes, as indicated in Fig. 7. The highest class
Iv = Sp × Sc + Ip × Ic + Np × Nc + Tp of vulnerability index (VI > 200) covers 7.1% of the total
× Tc + Ap × Ac + Cp × Cc + Sp × Sc (3) surface in the central part of the study area (Table 1). This
condition, it is due to the high aquifer permeability coming
where Iv, vulnerability index; S, depth to water; I, net from the vadose zone sediments nature.
recharge; N, vadose zone; T, soil type; A, hydrogeological The aquifer combination was of quaternary alluvium and
characteristics aquifer; C, conductivity and S, slope. The sandstones, medium recharge, shallow groundwater and
results of SINTACS model are shown in Fig. 5. medium hydraulic conductivity. This results in a low capac-
ity to attenuate the contaminants. Also, very low vulnerabil-
SI method ity, which is represented by 14.7% of the total Hamadan sur-
face, is essentially due to the deep groundwater, the vadose
Specific vulnerability is the term used to define the vul- zone sediments and the low permeability, added to that the
nerability of groundwater to a particular contaminant or low hydraulic conductivity. As well as the low recharge rate,
group of contaminants. SI method is a vulnerability method we assume that these are the same conditions in the case
for evaluating the specific vertical vulnerability to pollu- of low vulnerability, with less degree of impact for these
tion originated by agricultural activities mainly by nitrates indicators. The moderate vulnerability represents 29.4%
(Ribeiro 2000). SI assigns notes and weight for each of these of the study area. Vulnerability pattern is mainly dictated
indicators in the following way. For SI models used Eq. (4). by the variation of the permeability and the vadose zone
SI = Dp × Dc + Rp × Rc + Ap × Nc + Tp × Tc + OSp × OSc (Aranyossy 1991). The recharge and the depth of ground-
water are two indicators having an influence on vulnerability
degrees to pollution. The application of SI, susceptibility
where SI, vulnerability index; D, depth to water; R, net
index, method indicates the high vulnerable zones to be con-
recharge; A, lithology; T, topography and OS, soil occu-
taminated by pollutants (Fig. 7). The most vulnerable areas
pation. The indicators mentioned above are defined and
have an indicator between 85 and 100. Zones which have
determined as follows. The results of SI model are shown
indicator value less than 45 are the less vulnerable (Table 2).
in Fig. 6.
The use of model SINTACS indicates the very high
After mapping all the indicators, the vulnerability maps
vulnerable zones to be contaminated by pollutants (Fig. 7).
were obtained by overlaying the individual maps and calcu-
The most vulnerable areas have an index between 187 and
lating the indices on a grid map. The vulnerability index for
210. Zones that have an index value of less than 106 are
each grid cell was calculated as the weighted sum of the indi-
less vulnerable (Table 2). The GOD model application
cators according to the equation. In the following, we have
indicates the very high vulnerable zones to be contami-
to evaluate the hydrological settings which are present on
nated by pollutants (Fig. 7). The most vulnerable areas
the map. Finally, the areas on the final map are labeled with
have an index between 0.5 and 0.7 (Table 2). Zones that
the appropriate hydrogeological setting. The vulnerability
have an index value between 0.1 and 0.3 are less vul-
indexes for all models are calculated, and the final vulnerabil-
nerable. Statistical comparison among the vulnerability
ity map was subdivided into classes related to vulnerability
maps generated by each method has been carried out.
degrees according to the classification of Engel et al. (1996).
Figure 7 shows the difference in classification between
The comparison between DRASTIC, SINTACS, SI
the used methods of vulnerabilities. This comparison
and GOD methods shows that the closest results are those
shows a certain similarity between the results obtained
from the method SINTACS and SI, modified versions of
using the SINTACS and SI methods (Rahman 2008). Also,
the DRASTIC method adapted to climate prevailing in the
the DRASTIC map classification shows different results.
study area. The DRASTIC vulnerability map, according to
We see much more of a class at the DRASTIC method;
standard classical, provides, in turn, more detailed results
this method is thus more suitable to use in our case. As
widely different from other methods (Fig. 7). The results
shown in the overlapping of the layers, the combination
showed that the maximum contamination potential in the
of weighted information layers, models and subsequently
Hamadan–Bahar plain groundwater was observed in the
a vulnerability map of the area was prepared. Since the
south, west and northeast borders of the plain. Also, there
ratio of the weights considered for the layers is differ-
were areas with very low and low potential in the center,
ent, it is necessary to have a criterion for comparing and
north and east of the plain. Both techniques have prospected
confirming the proposed combination. For this reason,
the vulnerability potential in Hamadan–Bahar plain with the
verification of the models used for the aquifer of the study
same accuracy. This region is an area of high agricultural
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Fig. 7 The vulnerability maps using different methods along with the distribution of nitrate concentration in study area
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