Page 24 - Word Reduction
Page 24 - Word Reduction
Page 24 - Word Reduction
( Word Reduction )
Formation: gimme = give + me
Usage: Please gimme the book.
Meaning: Please give me the book.
Study the reductions listed above. For each test question, fill in the blank (________) with the correct
A. gimme
B. lemme
A. gimme
B. lemme
A. gimme
B. lemme
4. ________ the book on that table and then I will talk to you.
A. Gimme
B. Lemme
5. ________ read a few paragraphs and then I will give you the book.
A. Gimme
B. Lemme
A. gimme
B. lemme
A. Gimme
B. Lemme
Reductions formed with word + have
Study the reductions listed above. For each test question, fill in the blank (________) with the correct
1. She wanted you to pay for her movie ticket. Then she ________ gone.
A. woulda
B. mighta
C. musta
D. shoulda
2. That ________ been a difficult exam. Many students could not pass.
A. coulda
B. mighta
C. musta
D. shoulda
3. You ________ listened more closely to the boss at the office meeting.
A. coulda
B. mighta
C. musta
D. shoulda
4. They ________ eaten a lot more food.
A. coulda
B. mighta
C. musta
D. shoulda
5. You ________ been really tired. You fell asleep in a few minutes.
A. coulda
B. woulda
C. musta
D. shoulda
A. woulda
B. mighta
C. musta
D. shoulda
A. coulda
B. mighta
C. musta
D. shoulda
8. You ________ stayed at the party longer. They brought in more food.
A. coulda
B. mighta
C. musta
D. shoulda
9. I think you ________ cleaned your room before going to the park.
A. coulda
B. mighta
C. musta
D. woulda
A. coulda
B. shoulda
C. musta
D. woulda