Bridge Engineering: Homework

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Bridge Engineering


Professors Name : Lei, Jun Qing

Students Name : Heng Piseth
Students ID : 14129188

Civil Engineering School

(1) The characteristics of Beam Bridge, arch bridge, cable-stayed bridge, and
suspension bridge are discussed.
Answer: The characteristic of bridge type:
- Beam bridge: the beam bridge superstructure is composed of a concrete slab resting
on a set of girders (beams) which could be steel or precast-prestressed concrete beam.
The set of beam and slab are formed a frame structure to support traffic passes over
the top of the slab. This type of bridge provides three main advantages:
+ Design is simple for designer. It is simple design structure of beam and slab.
+ Beam bridge design is a uniform design which can be standardized easily.
+ Construction of beam bridge is relatively straightforward due to its
prefabricated primary members.
However, beam bridge is primarily designed for short to medium span length of
91m maximum span for steel beam and 49m maximum span for prestressed
concrete beam.

Figure 1: Beam Bridge

- Arch bridge: Arch bridge structure is a major crossing structure which is composed
of steel or prestress concrete arch structure and steel or concrete frame deck.
Generally, the deck is suspended by the vertical cable (hanger) from the arch and
for other design, the deck is supported by the short column from the top of the arch
structure. When the deck is supported on the top of the arch, this is called a deck
arch. When the deck is suspended from the arch, the structure is called a through
arch. The arch bridge is constructed for medium long bridge with the span up to

Civil Engineering School

Figure 2: Arch Bridge

- Cable-stayed bridge: Cable-stayed bridge superstructure may be designed to be
supported at pylons (bearings), to be fixed at pylons or to be floating (no support at
pylons). To limit longitudinal sway movement, dampers were installed. The
maximum displacement at the expansion joint was controlled at 0.90m. If the
superstructure were fixed at the pylons, the foundation force due to earthquake
would become unmanageable. The significant number of modern bridges have the
span length from 153 to 1088m.

Figure 3: Cable-stayed bridge

- Suspension bridge: a suspension bridge is a type of bridge in which the deck is hung
below suspension cables on vertical suspenders. This type of bridge has cables
suspended between towers, plus vertical suspender cables that carry the weight of
the deck below, upon which traffic crosses. The suspension cables must be anchored
at each of the bridge, since any load applied to the bridge is transformed into a
Civil Engineering School

tension in these main cables. The main cables continue beyond the pillars to deck-
level supports, and further continue to connections with anchors in the ground. The
significant number of modern bridges have the span length from 1991m.

Figure 4: Suspension bridge

(2) What are the bridge classification methods?

Answer: The bridges are classified by many methods according to its used material, its
serviceability function, or its design appearance.
- The bridge classified by its used material:
+ Wood bridge
+ Steel bridge
+ Prestress concrete bridge
+ Cable bridge
+ Glass bridge
- The bridge classified by its serviceability function:
+ Highway bridge
+ Railway bridge
+ City bridge
+ Pipe bridge
+ Pedestrian bridge
- The bridge classified by its design appearance:
+ Beam bridge
+ Suspension bridge

Civil Engineering School

+ Self-anchored suspension bridge

+ Steel and concrete box girder bridge
+ Pre-stress concrete beam bridge
+ Steel or concrete arch bridge
+ Truss bridge

(3) What are the basic structure of the bridge?

Answer: The bridge is composed of 3 main structures, superstructure, substructure and
appurtenances and site-related features, which is divided into some basic structures.
- Superstructure is all components of a bridge above the support. The basic
superstructure components consist of the following:
+ Wearing surface:
+ Deck:
+ Primary members:
+ Secondary members:
- Substructure consists of all elements required to support the superstructure and
overpass roadway. The basis substructure components consist of the following:
+ Abutments:
+ Piers:
+ Bearings:
+ Pedestals:
+ Stem:
+ Back wall:
+ Wing wall:
+ Footing:
+ Piles:
+ Sheeting:
- Appurtenance is any part of the bridge or bridge site that is not major structural
component yet serves some purpose in the overall functionally of the structure. The
major appurtenances and site-related features are as follow:
+ Embankment and slope protection:
+ Underdrain:
+ Approach:
+ Bridge railings and traffic barriers:

Civil Engineering School

(4) The length of the bridge?

Answer: The length of the bridge is the length between the sidewalls of both abutments
of the bridge.

Figure 5: Length of the bridge

(5) Calculate the span

Answer: The span of bridge is the distance between the two bearing columns without
any intermediate bearing support.

Figure 6: Bridge span

(6) Bridge height

Answer: The bridge height is the distance between the deck of the bridge and the lowest
water level or the distance between the deck of the upper bridge and the deck of the
lower bridge or the distance between the deck of the bridge and ground level.

Civil Engineering School

Figure 7: Bridge height

(7) Net height
Answer: Net height is the clear vertical distance from the lowest point of the bottom of
the crown section of the bridge to the lowest point of ground or water level.

Jim J. Z. & Demetrios E. T. (2012). Bridge Engineering: Design, Rehabilitation, and
Maintenance of Modern Highway Bridges (Third Edition). United States: The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc.

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