Soft BB
Soft BB
Soft BB
A minor project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree
Civil Engineering
Submitted By
December 2016
University Institute of Technology, R.G.P.V., Bhopal
Department of Civil Engineering
This is to certify that the dissertation titled, “Design of soft storey framed structures with
various combinations of beam and column section while keeping their area constant of
beam and column in seismic prone region” submitted by Md Umar Farooque Enrolment
Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal is a bonafide record of the work carried out by him under our
University Institute of Technology, R.G.P.V., Bhopal
Department of Civil Engineering
I hereby declare that the work presented in this dissertation entitled “Design of soft storey
framed structures with various combinations of beam and column section while keeping
their area constant of beam and column in seismic prone reason” partial fulfilment of
the department of civil engineering is an authentic record of my own work carried under the
supervision of Dr. Saleem Akhtar (Professor) and Mr. Aslam Hussain (Assistant
Professor), civil engineering department. I have not submitted the matter embodied in this
I also declare that “check of plagiarism” has been carried out on the thesis and is found within
In terms of gratify my accomplishment of project. I would like to express that the project
would not have been completed without the assistance and support of those who guided me in
the course of my Master's project.
Second hand foremost, I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Aslam
Hussain. He encourages me throughout the dissertation work with his extravagant guidance
and influences me in effective way by including a speed of devotion and dedication. I want to
thank Dr. Suresh Singh Kushwah, Dr. S.S. Bhadoriya, Dr. K.K Pathak, and Dr. Amit
Vishwakarma for their Co-operation during my entire courses of work.
I would like to convey my regards and thanks to Dr. Sanjay Silakari, director of University
Institute of Technology (R.G.P.V) Bhopal, for a consistent Co-operation, support providing
necessary facility throughout the period of my thesis work.
Last but not least, I am grateful to my parents Mr. Md Haroon Rashid, Mrs. Rafat
Perween and all family members for their love, support and daily encouragement.
Nowadays, building has provided by soft storey or weak storey. This feature is not suitable
for building situated earthquake prone reason. In this study effect of soft storey in different
height, different section of beam and columns while keeping their area constant. The
determinations of percentage stiffness. Here the present works (problem taken) are on a
G+10 storied regular building. These buildings have the plan area of 15 meter x 15 meter
with a soft storey height of 2 meter, 2.2meter, 2.5 meter, 2.8 meter, and 3 meter at first floor,
and 3 meter constant height above first floor in all models. Depth of foundation is 2.5 meter,
and the overall height of chosen building including depth of foundation are 34.5 meter ,34.7
meter, 35 meter, 35.3 meter and 35.5meter respectively. The analysis has done by analytical
method using the parameters for the design as per the IS-1893- 2002-Part-1[C], A text book
Certificate ii
Declaration iii
Acknowledgement iv
4 Abstract v
Chapter 1
1.1 Background and motivation
8 1.2 Objectives 1-7
1.3 Irregularities in soft storey buildings
1.4 Scope of the study
Chapter 2
9 Review of literature
2.1 International codes of practice on soft storey building
2.2 Previous research on soft storey building
Proper utilization of space has become a major concern in developing countries like India
due to rapid urbanization and population growth. As a result, multi-storey housing buildings
in urban areas are forced to have parking in the ground floor. In such framed buildings, the
ground storey is generally built without any infill walls to allow easy movement of vehicles
but the upper storeys are enclosed with infill walls. This type of framed building is known as
soft storey or weak storey or open ground storey building (P.agarwal, M. shirkhande,
2009)[A] in this study It represents a typical soft storey building as shown in figure 1.1. &
figure 1.2.
While these types of soft storey buildings have various functional advantages, they possess a
potentially dangerous type of vertical irregularity. The rapid reduction in lateral stiffness and
strength of the ground storey in soft storey building results in large lateral displacements in
ground storey level, which increases the curvature and force in the ground storey columns.
The collapse of this type of buildings is mainly due to the formation of soft-storey
mechanism in the ground storey columns. Past earthquakes have demonstrated the
vulnerability of soft storey buildings (Lamb & Londhe, 2012)[14]. A number of soft storey
framed buildings have experienced severe damage during the 2001 Bhuj earthquake. As
Reinforced-concrete framed structure in recent time has a special characteristic i.e. the
ground storey is left open for the reason of social and functional use such as car parking,
shops, reception area, space required for meeting room and banking hall etc. Such buildings
are often called open ground storey buildings or soft storey buildings.
Again when a sudden change in stiffness takes place along the building height, the story at
which this extreme change of stiffness occurs is called a soft storey. The Indian code (clause
no. 4.20) classifies a soft storey as, it is one in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70
percent of that in the storey above or less than 80 percent of the average lateral stiffness of
the three storey above(IS 1893:2002)[B]. Soft storey can form at any level of a high rise
In usual design practice, the stiffness involvement of infill walls present in upper storeys of
soft storey framed buildings is ignored in the structural analysis (‘bare frame’ analysis).
Design based on such analysis results in underestimation of the bending moments and shear
forces in the ground storey columns and this is perhaps responsible for the failures of such
magnify the forces in ground storey columns. This factor is referred as ‘multiplication factor
(MF)’ in this study. IS 1893 (2002)[B] states: “The columns of the soft-storey are to be
designed for 2.5 times the storey shears and moments calculated under seismic loads of bare
frame”. Different other international codes and published literature addressed this problem
design approach for soft storey buildings. In this circumstance it is very important to
the basis of more rational methods such as reliability-based design. This is the underlying
motivation of the present study. Ductile detailing in reinforced concrete columns includes
closely spaced closed stirrups to confine the concrete, prevent longitudinal steel buckling and
to increase the shear capacity of columns (Mander, 1988; Park, 1997; Paulay)
1) Modelling and analysis of the multi-storey building with different height of soft storey at
first floor for various combinations of beam and column with the help of Staad.Pro V8i
2) Comparative study on variations in the structural response in the structure due to seismic
3) The building with soft storey is tending to fail at seismic excitations, hence the
recommendations for the earthquake resistant design of the considered buildings are
4) In this study the aim is to provide a safe design of a building with soft storey in a seismic
5) The main objective of this study is to improve the stiffness of soft storey by using various
combinations of beam and column section while keeping with different height and their area
A soft storey is one in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70 percent of that in the storey
above or less than 80 percent of the average lateral stiffness of the three storeys above.
A extreme soft storey is one in which the lateral stiffness is less than 60 percent of that in the
storey above or less than 70 percent of the average stiffness of the three storeys above. For
If one storey is higher than others, or one storey is weaker than others. A soft or weak
storey exists if the height of that storey is at least 15% greater than storey’s above or
below; or if it has at least 30% fewer columns in the case of a frame system, or at least
30% less full- height structural or infill wall length in the case of a wall or infill wall system
Figure 1.5: Irregularities in buildings
The present study is limited to soft storey reinforced concrete multi-storey frames that
are regular in plan. Hence, representative plane frames are used in the present study.
The plan asymmetry arising from possible irregular distribution of infill walls are not
The infill walls are assumed to be non-integral with the surrounding frames.
Indian context.
The present study uses an equivalent single strut approach based on recent studies for
Random variables considered in the present study (concrete strength, steel strength,
In the first chapter, the problem of designing in soft storey buildings and the need for a
systematic assessment of seismic risk and reliability in current design practice is outlined.
This chapter deals with the current state of the art in the design of soft storey buildings. It
integral part of this research. The later part of this chapter presents a detailed review on
based assessment of building response and reliability based seismic design is presented at the
International design codes recognise soft storey buildings as soft or weak storey buildings
that require special attention. The design codes reviewed here are almost identical to define
the soft storey and weak storey buildings. Tables 2.1 and 2.2 summarise the characterization
of soft storey and weak storey buildings, respectively, as per the design codes. It is to be
noted that soft storey buildings, in most of the cases, fall either in the extreme soft storey or
extreme weak storey category or both. Majority of the design codes do not recommend the
Table 2.1: Characterization of soft-storey building as per International design codes
Eurocode 8 (2003) × ×
International Building Code (ICC IBC, 2012)[B], American Standard ASCE/SEI 7 (2010)[B]
and New Zealand Code NZS 1170.5 (2004)[B] require dynamic analysis (and do not allow
equivalent static analysis) procedure for the design of buildings with soft/weak storey
irregularity as this type of irregularity induce lateral loads that are significantly different
from the predominantly first mode distribution assumed in the equivalent static analysis
method. However, Indian Standard IS 1893 (2002)[B], Eurocode 8 (2003)[B], Israel Standard
SI 413 (1995)[B], Nepal National Building Code NBC 201 (1994)[B] and Costa Rica Code
FCEACR (1986)[B] among others permit the use of equivalent static analysis procedure with
suitable modifications for the design of soft storey buildings. ICC IBC (2012)[B] and
ASCE/SEI 7 (2010)[B] do not allow construction of ‘extreme soft or weak storey building’ in
seismic areas. The various code provisions with regard to the design of soft storey building
using equivalent static approach are described and compared in this section.
Indian Standard IS 1893 has been revised in 2002 to include new recommendations for the
design of soft storey buildings. Although IS 1893 (2002)[B] defines extreme soft storey
category of building irregularity it is silent about any design guideline for this building type.
However, in the Clause 7.10.3(a), the code recommends the use of equivalent static method
for analysis and design of soft storey type buildings with certain modifications as follows:
“The columns and beams of the soft storey are to be designed for 2.5 times the storey shears
and moments calculated under seismic loads of bare frame”. This is to be noted that the code
recommends the MF of 2.5 even for the beams whereas the research has shown that the
increase in the beam strength will further increase the seismic demands on the columns.
Indian Standard IS 1893:2002[B] does not explicitly recommend any guideline for the
Euro code 8 (2003)[B] does not categorise the irregular buildings as soft-storey or weak storey
buildings. But if there are considerable irregularities in building elevation (due to drastic
Euro code 8 (2003)[B] imposes a local increase of the seismic action effects in vertical
elements of the respective storeys. The magnification multiplication factor to increase the
×𝑞 (2.1)
VRW is the total reduction of the lateral resistance of masonry infill in the ground storey
compared to that in the upper storey. As there is no infill wall in the ground storey is soft
storey building, VRW is equal to the resistance of masonry in the first storey itself and VED is
the sum of seismic shear forces acting on all structural vertical elements of the storey
concerned. The term ‘q’ is called behaviour factor, which accounts for energy dissipation
capacity of the structure and the value varies from 1.50 to 4.68 depending upon the type of
Israel Standard SI 413 (1995) allows a soft storey or a weak storey, including open ground
storey, in buildings with low or medium ductility levels only, which correspond to the
buildings of little or moderate importance only. While other international codes recommend
to increase the design force only in the ground storey columns, SI 413:1995[B] requires
increasing the design force of the columns of the adjacent storeys also in addition to the
columns of the ground storey. As per this standard the design forces for the flexible or weak
storey members, and for the members in the storey above and below, are required to be
increased by a factor 0.6R (where ‘R’ is the response reduction factor). For masonry infill RC
frame buildings, R is 3.5 for low ductility level, and 5.0 for medium ductility level.
Therefore, beams and columns of the flexible or weak storey and also of the two adjacent
storeys are required to be designed for at least 2.1-3.0 times the actual design forces for the
irregular storey, depending upon the ductility level of the building. SI 413 (1995) also
imposes some special requirements with regard to the reinforcement detailing. Confinement
in columns in the flexible or weak storey, and in the storey above and below, is required to be
increased in such a way that the maximum spacing of shear reinforcement (min. 8mm
diameter) shall not exceed 100 mm throughout the height of columns. In addition, the
overlapping length of column longitudinal bars in the flexible or weak storey, and in the two
adjacent stories is required to be 30% more than that for the corresponding regular columns.
Nepal code (NBC-201, 1995)[B] restricts the vertical irregularity using some thumb rules.
There should be at least two lateral load resisting walls along the two principal directions at
Costa Rica Code FCEACR (1986)[B] requires that all structural-resisting systems must be
continuous from the foundation to the top of buildings, and stiffness of a storey must not be
less than 50% of that of the storey below. Also, the weight of two adjacent stories must not
differ by more than 15%, except at the roof level and at those stories located in the first 20%
of the height of tall buildings. These clauses are intended to help reduce the adverse effects of
the vertical irregularities in buildings. Soft storey or weak storey with some restriction in
analysis and design methods. Some of the international codes allow only dynamic analysis
for design of such soft storey and weak storey buildings with appropriate model including
masonry infill whereas others permit equivalent static analysis of a bare frame model with
some stiffness to improve the design forces of the members of soft stores. Israel Standard SI
413 (1995)[B] required to improve the design forces of members in not only the soft storey
alone but also the adjacent storeys. The design codes published in the recent years
recommended to increase the design forces of only the vertical members of the soft storey
A significant amount of research work on seismic behaviour of soft storey building has been
building with soft stories” Investigate many buildings that collapsed during the past
earthquake exhibited exactly the opposite strong beam weak column behaviour means
columns failed before the beams yielded mainly due to soft storey effect. For proper
assessment of the storey stiffness of buildings with soft storey building, different models
were analysed using software. Concluded the displacement estimates of the codal lateral load
patterns are observed to be smaller for the lower stories and larger for the upper stories and
Investigate nonlinear pushover analysis is conducted to the building models using ETABS
and evaluation is carried for non-retrofitted normal buildings and retrofitting methods are
suggested like infill wall, increase of ground story column stiffness and shear wall at central
core. Concluded storey drift values for soft storey models maximum values compare to other
storeys and the values of storey drift decreases gradually up to the top.
comparison of regular and vertically irregular rc building with soft storey at different level”
Investigate the soft storey are provided at different level for different load combinations and
ETABS is used for modelling and analysis RC buildings. Concluded the inter storey drift was
observed to be maximum in vertically irregular structure when compared with that of regular
Susanta Banerjee, Sanjaya K Patro and Praveena Rao,(2014)[4], titled as “inelastic seismic
analysis of reinforced concrete frame building with soft storey” Analysis response parameters
such as floor displacement, storey drift, and base shear. Modelling and analysis of the
building are performed by nonlinear analysis program IDARC 2D. Concluded lateral roof
displacement and maximum storey drift is reduced by considering infill wall effect than a bare
framed structures by using nonlinear static procedure (NSP) or pushover analysis in finite
element software “SAP2000”.and the Comparative study made for different models in terms
of base shear, displacement, performance point. Concluded base shear is minimum for bare
frame and maximum for frame with infill for G+8 building.
Miss Desai Pallavi T, (2013)[6], entitled as “seismic performance of soft storey composite
column” Investigate the behaviour of reinforced concrete framed structures by using Staad
Pro. Modelling four structure and compare stiffness this models. Concluded provide the
Amit and S. Gawande,(2013)[7], entitled as “seismic analysis of frame with soft ground
storey” Investigate the seismic performance and design of the masonry infill reinforced
concrete structure with the soft first storey under a strong ground motion.
Nikhil Agrawal,(2013)[8], entitled as “analysis of masonry infilled RC frame with & without
opening including soft storey by using equivalent diagonal strut method” Analysis the
performance of masonry infilled reinforced concrete (RC) frames including open first storey
of with and without opening. The increase in the opening percentage leads to a decrease on
the lateral stiffness of infilled frame. Concluded Infill panels increase stiffness of the
soft basement of rc framed” Investigate the behaviour of five reinforced RC frames with
providing infill wall in RC building controlled the displacement, storey drift and lateral
RC frame building for earthquake resistance design” Investigate the behaviour of RC frames
with provided strength and stiffness to the building frame by modified soft storey provision in
two ways, (i) By providing stiff column & (ii) By providing adjacent infill wall panel at each
corner of building frame. Concluded the walls in upper storeys make them much stiffer than
open ground storey. Difficult to provide such capacity in the columns of the first storey .
effect of soft storey” Investigate the behaviour of RC frames with Testing of scaled models is
essential to arrive at optimal analytical model and special design provisions for such
structures. Structure is modelled and analyzed using SAP platform including seismic effect.
Concluded both steel and RCC structures gives nearest result for full scale model.
N. Sivakumar and S. Karthik,(2013)[12], titled as “seismic vulnerability of open ground
floor columns in multi storey buildings” Investigate the behaviour of the columns at ground
level of multi-storeyed buildings with soft ground floor subjected to dynamic earthquake
loading. ETABS used for modelling of the six and nine storey structure, line element was
used for columns and beams and concrete element was used for slabs. Concluded reducing
the drift as well as the strength demands on the first storey columns so that provides stiffer
Dr. Saraswati Setia and Vineet Sharma,(2012)[13], entitled as “seismic response of R.C.C
building with soft storey” Analysis seismic response of R.C.C building with soft storey.
Equivalent static analysis is performed for five different models by using the computer
software such as STAA Pro. Concluded minimum displacement for corner column is
P.B.Lamb and Dr R.S. Londhe,(2012)[14], titled as “seismic response of r.c.c building with
soft storey” Analysis multi-storeyed building with soft first storey, located in seismic zone
IV. It is intended to describe the performance characteristics such as stiffness, shear force,
bending moment, drift. Concluded shear wall and cross bracings are found to be very
effective in reducing the stiffness irregularity and bending moment in the columns.
storeyed infilled frame with soft storey and with window openings of different mortar ratios”
Investigate the four storied one bay infilled frame with soft storey at ground floor and
window openings in higher floors. Shape of opening - square opening showed lower lateral
deformation compared to rectangular opening and on other hand rectangular opening oriented
horizontally exhibit lower lateral deformation than vertical orientation. Concluded square
opening showed lower lateral deformation compared to rectangular opening and on other
hand rectangular opening oriented horizontally exhibit lower lateral deformation than vertical
piloti rc frame using shaking table equipment” Investigate the effect of soft story on seismic
performance of 3D-panel buildings. Results verified numerically with finite element model
using ABAQUS program and 3D-panel system has considerable resistance. Concluded
applying several ground motions final cracks is appeared at the end of columns and beam-
column connections. However, upper stories had no crack during shaking table test.
G.V. Mulgund and D.M. Patil,(2010)[17], entitled as “seismic assessment of masonry infill
RC framed building with soft ground floor” Investigate the behaviour of RC frames with
various arrangement of infill when subjected to dynamic earthquake loading and result of
bare and infill frame are compared. Concluded masonry infill panels in the frame
Dr. Mizan Dogan and Dr. Nevzat Kirac,(2002)[18], entitled as “soft storey behaviour in
earthquake and samples of izmit – duzce” Investigate the quake results, it is observed that
partitioning walls and beam fillings enable buildings to gain great rigidity. Also solutions
were Investigate d for making the soft storeys in the present constructions and in the ones to
response of RC frame buildings with soft first storeys” Investigate the behaviour of
reinforced concrete framed structures by using ETABS . The nine models of building
compare stiffness. Concluded such buildings will exhibit poor performance during a strong
shaking. Solution to this problem is in increasing the stiffness of the first storey
[A] Pankaj agarwal and Manish Shrikhande (2009). A text book of earthquake resisting
[B] As per IS-1893 part 1 2002, ASCE/SEI 7 (2010), ICC IBC (2012), Euro code 8 (2003),
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