Reinforcement Concrete: Homework

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Reinforcement Concrete


Professors Name : Liberato Ferrara

Students Name : Heng Piseth
Students ID : 14129188

Civil Engineering School

Exercise 1:
Q 10kN / m
G1 20kN / m
G2 10kN / m
Concrete: C25
Steel: B500

1. For ultimate limit state (ULS): q G1G1 G2 G2 QQ 1.3G1 1.5G2 1.5Q

i. Design flexural reinforcement and check M Rd .

ii. Design shear reinforcement and check VRd .

2. For serviceability limit state (SLS):
i. Characteristic: q G1 G2 Q . Calculate c 0.6 f ck .

ii. Quasi-permanent: q G1 G2 0.3Q . Calculate c 0.4 f ck .

iii. Frequent: q G1 G2 0.5Q . Calculate steel stress s to control the crack of


Concrete C25: f ck 25N / mm 2 ; f cd 0.85 f ck 14.2 N / mm 2

f ctm 0.3 f 2.56 N / mm 2 ; f ctk 0.7 f ctm 1.8 N / mm 2

Ac bh 200 300 60000mm 2

f yk
Steel B500: f yk 500 N / mm 2 ; f yd 435N / mm 2
1. For ultimate limit state (ULS): q 1.3G1 1.5G2 1.5Q 56kN / m

Assume that the maximum longitudinal steel diameter is sl 16mm and the used

transversal steel diameter is st 8mm .

The normal concrete cover of the beam: cnom cmin cdev

Where: cmin max cmin,b ; cmin,dur c y cdur ,st cdur ,add ;10mm

a. For transversal reinforcement

cmin,b st 8mm ; cmin,dur 10mm ; c y cdur ,st cdur ,add 0

Civil Engineering School

cmin max 8mm;10mm;10mm 10mm

cdev 10mm

cnom 10 10 20mm

b. For longitudinal reinforcement

cmin,b sl 16mm ; cmin,dur 10mm ; c y cdur ,st cdur ,add 0

cmin max 16mm;10mm;10mm 16mm

cdev 10mm

cnom 16 10 26mm

Then, take the cover of beam c 20mm from the edge of the stirrup which is 28mm from
the longitudinal bar.
sl 16
The effective depth of the section is: d h c st 300 20 8 264mm
2 2
i. Flexural reinforcement design
Diagram bending moment in the beam

ql 2 56 32
The maximum moment: M Ed 63kN .m
8 8
f ctm 2.56
The minimum reinforcement: As ,min 0.26 bt d 0.26 200 264 70mm 2
f yk 500

There is no positive moment applying on the beam. So, the top reinforcement is no need.
But construction the top bars are needed. For this beam, As ' 212mm 226mm 2 is the top

reinforcement with its center to the top edge of the beam d ' 20 8 34mm .
0.8bxf cd d 0.4 x As ' f yd d d ' M Ed
0.8 200 x 14.2 264 0.4 x 226 435 264 34 63 106
908.8 x 2 599808 x 40388700 0
Civil Engineering School

599808 5998082 4 908.8 40388700

x1 584mm h 300mm
2 908.8

599808 5998082 4 908.8 40388700

x2 76mm
2 908.8
Then, x x2 76mm
The required reinforcement:
0.8bxf cd 0.8 200 76 14.2
As As ' 226 623mm 2 As ,min 70mm 2
f yd 435

Thus, As ' 212mm 226mm 2 ; As 416mm 804mm 2 are the reinforcement bar in the
Check the moment strength
As As ' f yd 804 226 435 110mm
New neutral axis: x
0.8bf cd 0.8 200 14.2

M Rd 0.8bxf cd d 0.4 x f yd As ' d d '

0.8 200 110 14.2 264 0.4 110 435 226 264 34
77593700 N .mm 77.6kN .m M Ed 63kN .m Checked !
ii. Shear reinforcement design
Diagram shear force in the beam

The maximum shear force: VEd 84kN

The stirrup is placed in vertical 90o . The diameter of stirrup bar st 8mm , then the

section area of stirrup is Asw 2 100mm 2 .
The maximum spacing of the stirrup is:

Civil Engineering School

st ,max min 0.75d 1 cot ;300mm

min 0.75 264 1 cot 90o ;300mm 198mm

The requirement spacing of stirrup:

VEd ,s 0.9d f yd sin 1 cot
0.9dAsw f yd sin 1 cot
VEd ,s
0.9 264 100 435 sin 90o 1 cot 90o

84 103
Take the stirrup diameter st 8mm with spacing s 100mm .

Check the shear strength:

The shear strength:
VRd ,s 0.9d f yd sin 1 cot
0.9 264 435 1 103 103.36kN VEd 84kN
2. For serviceability limit state (SLS):
i. Characteristic: q G1 G2 Q 10 20 10 40kN / m
Diagram bending moment in the beam

The maximum bending moment is: M Ed 45kN .m

Assume that the concrete doesnt crack. The neutral axis of the beam is:

Civil Engineering School

bh 2
E As d E As ' d '
x 2
bh E As E As '
200 3002
15 804 264 15 226 34
2 163mm
200 300 15 804 15 226
The stress of the top concrete:
M Ed x
bx b h x
3 3

E As d x E As ' x d '
2 2

3 3
45 106 163

200 1633 200 300 163

15 804 264 163 15 226 163 34

2 2

3 3
11.5N / mm 0.6 f ck 15N / mm 2

The stress of the bottom concrete:

hx 300 163
c ' c 11.5 9.66 N / mm 2 f ctk 1.8 N / mm 2 Cracked!
x 163
The new neutral axis need to be found again.
c xb s As s ' As ' 0
1 dx xd
c xb c E As c E As ' 0
2 x x
bx 2 E As As ' x E dAs d ' As ' 0
200 x 2 15 804 226 x 15 264 804 34 226 0
200 x 2 15450 x 3299100 0
15450 154502 4 200 3299100
x 95.5mm
2 200
The stress of the top concrete is:
M Ed x
c 3
E As d x E As ' x d '
2 2

45 106 95.5

200 95.53
15 804 264 95.5 15 226 95.5 34
2 2

10.4 N / mm 2 0.6 f ck 15N / mm 2 Checked !

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ii. Quasi-permanent: q G1 G2 0.3Q 20 10 0.3 10 33kN / m

Diagram bending moment in the beam

The maximum bending moment is: M Ed 37.125kN .m

Assume that the concrete doesnt crack. The neutral axis of the beam is:
bh 2
E As d E As ' d '
x 2
bh E As E As '
200 3002
15 804 264 15 226 34
2 163mm
200 300 15 804 15 226
The stress of the top concrete:
M Ed x
bx b h x
3 3

E As d x E As ' x d '
2 2

3 3
37.125 106 163

200 1633 200 300 163

15 804 264 163 15 226 163 34

2 2

3 3
9.5N / mm 0.4 f ck 10 N / mm 2

The stress of the bottom concrete:

hx 300 163
c ' c 9.5 8 N / mm 2 f ctk 1.8 N / mm 2 Cracked!
x 163
The new neutral axis need to be found again.

Civil Engineering School

c xb s As s ' As ' 0
1 dx xd
c xb c E As c E As ' 0
2 x x
bx 2 E As As ' x E dAs d ' As ' 0
200 x 2 15 804 226 x 15 264 804 34 226 0
200 x 2 15450 x 3299100 0
15450 154502 4 200 3299100
x 95.5mm
2 200
The stress of the top concrete is:
M Ed x
c 3
E As d x E As ' x d '
2 2

37.125 106 95.5

200 95.53
15 804 264 95.5 15 226 95.5 34
2 2

8.58 N / mm 2 0.4 f ck 10 N / mm 2 Checked !

iii. Frequent: q G1 G2 0.5Q . Calculate steel stress s to control the crack of

For control crack of Wmax 0.4mm in bar with diameter sl 16mm , the tensile stress of

the steel should not exceed allowable crack stress s W , 280 N / mm 2 .

q G1 G2 0.5Q 20 10 0.5 10 35kN / m

Diagram bending moment in the beam

The concrete cracks. The neutral axis of the beam is:

15450 154502 4 200 3299100

x 95.5mm
2 200

Civil Engineering School

The stress of the top concrete is:

M Ed x
c 3
E As d x E As ' x d '
2 2

39.375 106 95.5

200 95.53
15 804 264 95.5 15 226 95.5 34
2 2

9.1N / mm 2
The stress of the tensile reinforcement is:
dx 264 95.5
s E c 15 9.1 241N / mm2 s W , 280 N / mm2 Crack
x 95.5

Exercise 2:

Concrete: C25 and Steel: B500

With the axial compressive force N Ed : 250kN,
500kN, 1000kN, 1250kN, 2000kN and 2400kN,
calculate allowable moment strength M Rd and then

plot M Rd with N Ed .


Concrete C25: f ck 25N / mm 2 ; f cd 0.85 f ck 14.2 N / mm 2

f ctm 0.3 f ck3 2.56 N / mm 2 ; f ctk 0.7 f ctm 1.8 N / mm 2

Ac bh 200 300 60000mm 2

f yk
Steel B500: f yk 500 N / mm 2 ; f yd 435N / mm 2

As As ' 2 226mm 2
Take the cover form the center of steel to the edge of the concrete is c d ' 40mm .

Civil Engineering School

The effective depth of the section: d h c 400 40 360mm

1. For N Ed 250kN :

Consider s ' yd ; s yd :

Force equilibrium:
0.8bxf cd As ' s ' As f yd N Ed
0.8bxf cd Es s ' As ' As f yd N Ed
0.8bxf cd Es cu As ' As f yd N Ed
0.8bf cd x 2 Es cu As ' As f yd N Ed x Es cu As ' d ' 0
0.8 400 14.2 x 2 200000 0.0035 226 226 435 250000 x
200000 0.0035 226 40 0
4544 x 2 190110 x 6328000 0
x 63.7mm 0.625h 250mm Ok !

So the moment resistance is:

h h h
M Rd 0.8bxf cd 0.4 x As ' s ' d ' As f yd d
2 2 2
h h x d ' h
0.8bxf cd 0.4 x As ' Es cu d ' As f yd d
2 2 x 2
0.8 400 63.7 14.2 0.4 63.7 226 200000 0.0035
400 63.7 40 400
40 226 14.2 360
2 63.7 2
60446269 N .mm 60.45kN .m

2. For N Ed 500kN

Consider s ' yd ; s yd :

Force equilibrium:
0.8bf cd x 2 Es cu As ' As f yd N Ed x E s cu As ' d ' 0
0.8 400 14.2 x 2 200000 0.0035 226 226 435 500000 x
200000 0.0035 226 40 0
4544 x 2 440110 x 6328000 0
x 109.6mm 0.625h 250mm Ok !

So the moment resistance is:

Civil Engineering School

h h h
M Rd 0.8bxf cd 0.4 x As ' s ' d ' As f yd d
2 2 2
h h x d ' h
0.8bxf cd 0.4 x As ' E s cu d ' As f yd d
2 2 x 2
0.8 400 109.6 14.2 0.4 109.6 226 200000 0.0035
400 109.6 40 400
40 226 14.2 360
2 109.6 2
94358694 N .mm 94.35kN .m

3. For N Ed 1000kN

Consider s ' yd ; s yd :

Force equilibrium:
0.8bf cd x 2 Es cu As ' As f yd N Ed x Es cu As ' d ' 0
0.8 400 14.2 x 2 200000 0.0035 226 226 435 1000000 x
200000 0.0035 226 40 0
4544 x 2 940110 x 6328000 0
x 207.5mm 0.625h 250mm Ok !

So the moment resistance is:

h h h
M Rd 0.8bxf cd 0.4 x As ' s ' d ' As f yd d
2 2 2
h h x d ' h
0.8bxf cd 0.4 x As ' E s cu d ' As f yd d
2 2 x 2
0.8 400 207.5 14.2 0.4 207.5 226 200000 0.0035
400 207.5 40 400
40 226 14.2 360
2 207.5 2
131263010 N .mm 131.26kN .m

4. For N Ed 1250kN

Consider s ' yd ; s yd :

Force equilibrium:
0.8bf cd x 2 Es cu As ' As f yd N Ed x Es cu As ' d ' 0
0.8 400 14.2 x 2 200000 0.0035 226 226 435 1250000 x
200000 0.0035 226 40 0
4544 x 2 1190110 x 6328000 0
x 267mm 0.625h 250mm Not ok !

Civil Engineering School

The section may in condition s ' yd ; s yd

Force equilibrium:
0.8bxf cd As ' f yd As s N Ed
0.8bxf cd As ' f yd As Es s N Ed
0.8bxf cd As ' f yd As Es cu N Ed
0.8bf cd x 2 Es cu As As ' f yd N Ed x Es cu As d 0
0.8 400 14.2 x 2 200000 0.0035 226 226 435 1250000 x
200000 0.0035 226 360 0
4544 x 2 993490 x 56952000 0
x 265.8mm h 400mm Ok !
So the moment resistance is:
h h h
M Rd 0.8bxf cd 0.4 x As ' f yd d ' As s d
2 2 2
h h d x h
0.8bxf cd 0.4 x As ' f yd d ' As Es cu d
2 2 x 2
400 400
0.8 400 265.8 14.2 0.4 265.8 226 435 40
2 2
360 265.8 400
226 200000 0.0035 360
265.8 2
137846473N .mm 137.85kN .m

5. For N Ed 2000kN

Consider s ' yd ; s yd :

Force equilibrium:
0.8bf cd x 2 Es cu As ' As f yd N Ed x Es cu As ' d ' 0
0.8 400 14.2 x 2 200000 0.0035 226 226 435 2000000 x
200000 0.0035 226 40 0
4544 x 2 1940110 x 6328000 0
x 430mm 0.625h 250mm Not ok !

The section may in condition s ' yd ; s yd

Force equilibrium:
0.8bf cd x 2 Es cu As As ' f yd N Ed x Es cu As d 0
0.8 400 14.2 x 2 200000 0.0035 226 226 435 2000000 x
200000 0.0035 226 360 0
4544 x 2 1743490 x 56952000 0

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x 414mm h 400mm Not ok !

N Ed As f yd As ' f yd 2000000 226 435 226 435
x 317.5mm
bf cd 400 14.2
So the moment resistance is:
h h h
M Rd bx f cd kx As ' f yd d ' As f yd d
2 2 2
h h h
bx f cd 0.4 x As ' f yd d ' As f yd d
2 2 2
400 400
400 317.5 14.2 0.4 414 226 435 40
2 2
226 435 360
62036960 N .mm 62.04kN .m
(Take k=0.4)
6. For N Ed 2400kN

Consider s ' yd ; s yd :

Force equilibrium:
0.8bf cd x 2 Es cu As ' As f yd N Ed x Es cu As ' d ' 0
0.8 400 14.2 x 2 200000 0.0035 226 226 435 2400000 x
200000 0.0035 226 40 0
4544 x 2 2340110 x 6328000 0
x 518mm 0.625h 250mm Not ok !

The section may in condition s ' yd ; s yd

Force equilibrium:
0.8bf cd x 2 Es cu As As ' f yd N Ed x Es cu As d 0
0.8 400 14.2 x 2 200000 0.0035 226 226 435 2400000 x
200000 0.0035 226 360 0
4544 x 2 2143490 x 56952000 0
x 497mm h 400mm Not ok !
N Ed As f yd As ' f yd 2400000 226 435 226 435
x 388mm
bf cd 400 14.2
So the moment resistance is:

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h h h
M Rd bx f cd kx As ' f yd d ' As f yd d
2 2 2
h h h
bx f cd 0.4 x As ' f yd d ' As f yd d
2 2 2
400 400
400 388 14.2 0.4 497 226 435 40
2 2
226 435 360
2644608 N .mm 2.64kN .m
(Take k=0.4)

Relationship between the axial compressive force and bending moment

250 500 1000 1250 2000 2400

60.45 94.35 131.26 137.85 62.04 2.64

Axial Compressive Force and Bending Moment Resistance

Bendind Resistance MRd [kN.m]








0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Axial Compressive Force NEd [kN]


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