3114 Arsenic and Selenium by Hydride Generation/Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 3114 A
3114 Arsenic and Selenium by Hydride Generation/Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 3114 A
3114 Arsenic and Selenium by Hydride Generation/Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 3114 A
3114 A. Introduction
For general introductory material on atomic absorption spec- Two methods are presented in this section: A manual method
trometric methods, see Section 3111A. and a continuous-flow method especially recommended for se-
lenium. Continuous-flow automated systems are preferable to
manual hydride generators because the effect of sudden hydro-
* Approved by Standard Methods Committee, 1997.
gen generation on light-path transparency is removed and any elements being determined is incorporated into the background
blank response from contamination of the HCl reagent by the base line.
1. General Discussion
conc HNO3); 1.00 mL 0.100 g As(III). Prepare diluted Recommended wavelengths are 193.7 and 196.0 nm for As and
solutions daily. Se, respectively.
k. Arsenic(V) solutions: b. Instrument calibration standards: Transfer 0.00, 1.00, 2.00,
1) Stock As(V) solution: Dissolve 1.534 g arsenic pentoxide, 5.00, 10.00, 15.00, and 20.00 mL standard solutions of As(III) or
As2O5, in distilled water containing 4 g NaOH. Dilute to 1 L; Se(IV) to 100-mL volumetric flasks and bring to volume with
1.00 mL 1.00 mg As(V). water containing the same acid concentration used for sample
2) Intermediate As(V) solution: Prepare as for As(III) above; preservation (commonly 2 to 5 mL conc HNO3/L). This yields
1.00 mL 10.0 g As(V). blank and standard solutions of 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, and 20 g As
3) Standard As(V) solution: Prepare as for As(III) above; 1.00 or Se/L. Prepare fresh daily. In all cases, standards must be
mL 0.100 g As(V). carried through the same digestion protocol as the samples to
l. Organic arsenic solutions: monitor digestion effectiveness.
1) Stock organic arsenic solution: Dissolve 1.842 g dimethyl- c. Preparation of samples and standards for total recoverable
arsinic acid (cacodylic acid), (CH3)2AsOOH, in water containing arsenic and selenium: Use digestion procedure described in
4 g NaOH. Dilute to 1 L; 1.00 mL 1.00 mg As. [NOTE: Check 3030F for samples and standards. Alternatively, add 50 mL
purity of cacodylic acid reagent against an intermediate arsenic sample, As(III), or Se(IV) standard to 200-mL Berzelius beaker
standard (50 to 100 mg As/L) using flame atomic absorption.] or 100-mL micro-kjeldahl flask. Add 7 mL 18N H2SO4 and 5 mL
2) Intermediate organic arsenic solution: Prepare as for conc HNO3. Add a small boiling chip or glass beads if necessary.
As(III) above; 1.00 mL 10.0 g As. Evaporate to SO3 fumes. Maintain oxidizing conditions at all
3) Standard organic arsenic solution: Prepare as for As(III) times by adding small amounts of HNO3 to prevent solution
above; 1.00 mL 0.100 g As. from darkening. Maintain an excess of HNO3 until all organic
m. Selenium(IV) solutions: matter is destroyed. Complete digestion usually is indicated by a
1) Stock Se(IV) solution: Dissolve 2.190 g sodium selenite, light-colored solution. Cool slightly, add 25 mL water and 1 mL
Na2SeO3, in water containing 10 mL HCl and dilute to 1 L; 1.00 conc HClO4 and again evaporate to SO3 fumes to expel oxides of
mL 1.00 mg Se(IV). nitrogen. CAUTION: See Section 3030H for cautions on use of
2) Intermediate Se(IV) solution: Dilute 10 mL stock Se(IV) to HClO4. Monitor effectiveness of either digestion procedure used
1000 mL with water containing 10 mL conc HCl; 1.00 mL by adding 5 mL of standard organic arsenic solution or 5 mL of
10.0 g Se(IV). a standard selenium solution to a 50-mL sample and measuring
3) Standard Se(IV) solution: Dilute 10 mL intermediate recovery, carrying standards and the sample with known addition
Se(IV) solution to 1000 mL with water containing the same through entire procedure. To report total recoverable arsenic as
concentration of acid used for sample preservation (2 to 5 mL total arsenic, average recoveries of cacodylic acid must exceed
conc HNO3). Prepare solution daily when checking the equiva- 80%. After final evaporation of SO3 fumes, dilute to 50 mL for
lency of instrument response for Se(IV) and Se(VI); 1.00 mL arsenic measurements or to 30 mL for selenium measurements.
0.100 g Se(IV). For analysis of both elements in a single sample, increase sample
n. Selenium(VI) solutions: volume to 100 mL and double the volumes of acids used in the
1) Stock Se(VI) solution: Dissolve 2.393 g sodium selenate, digestion. Adjust final digestate volume to 100 mL. Use 50 mL
Na2SeO4, in water containing 10 mL conc HNO3. Dilute to 1 L; for As and 30 mL for Se determinations, making appropriate
1.00 mL 1.00 mg Se(VI). volume corrections in calculating results.
2) Intermediate Se(VI) solution: Prepare as for Se(IV) above; d. Preparation of samples and standards for total arsenic and
1.00 mL 10.0 g Se (VI). selenium: Add 50 mL undigested sample or standard to a
3) Standard Se(VI) solution: Prepare as for Se(IV) above; 1.00 200-mL Berzelius beaker or 100-mL micro-kjeldahl flask. Add 1
mL 0.100 g Se(VI). mL 2.5N H2SO4 and 5 mL 5% K2S2O8. Boil gently on a
pre-heated hot plate for approximately 30 to 40 min or until a
final volume of 10 mL is reached. Do not let sample go to
4. Procedure dryness. Alternatively heat in an autoclave at 121C for 1 h in
capped containers. After manual digestion, dilute to 50 mL for
a. Apparatus setup: Either see Figure 3114:1 or follow man- subsequent arsenic measurements and to 30 mL for selenium
ufacturers instructions. Connect inlet of reaction cell with aux- measurements. Monitor effectiveness of digestion by measuring
iliary purging gas controlled by flow meter. If a drying cell recovery of As or Se as above. If poor recovery of arsenic added
between the reaction cell and atomizer is necessary, use only as cacodylic acid is obtained, reanalyze using double the amount
anhydrous CaCl2 but not CaSO4 because it may retain SeH2. of K2S2O8. For analysis of both elements in a single sample,
Before using the hydride generation/analysis system, optimize increase sample volume to 100 mL and double the volumes of
operating parameters. Align quartz atomizers for maximum ab- acids used in the digestion. Adjust final digestate volume to 100
sorbance. Aspirate a blank until memory effects are removed. mL. Use 50 mL for As and 30 mL for Se determinations, making
Establish purging gas flow, concentration and rate of addition of appropriate volume corrections in calculating results.
sodium borohydride reagent, solution volume, and stirring rate e. Determination of arsenic with sodium borohydride: To 50
for optimum instrument response for the chemical species to be mL digested standard or sample in a 200-mL Berzelius beaker
analyzed. Optimize quartz cell temperature. If sodium borohy- (see Figure 3114:1) add 5 mL conc HCl and mix. Add 5 mL NaI
dride reagent is added too quickly, rapid evolution of hydrogen prereductant solution, mix, and wait at least 30 min. (NOTE: The
will unbalance the system. If the volume of solution being NaI reagent has not been found necessary for certain hydride
purged is too large, the absorption signal will be decreased. reaction cell designs if a 20 to 30% loss in instrument sensitivity
3-36 METALS (3000)
CUTTER, G.A. 1978. Species determination of selenium in natural waters. SINEMUS, H.W., M. MELCHER & B. WELZ. 1981. Influence of valence
Anal. Chem. Acta 98:59. state on the determination of antimony, bismuth, selenium, and
GODDEN, R.G. & D.R. THOMERSON. 1980. Generation of covalent hy- tellurium in lake water using the hydride AA technique. Atomic
drides in atomic absorption spectroscopy. Analyst 105:1137. Spectrosc. 2:81.
BROWN, R.M., JR., R.C. FRY, J.L. MOYERS, S.J. NORTHWAY, M.B. DENTON DEDINA, J. 1982. Interference of volatile hydride forming elements in
& G.S. WILSON. 1981. Interference by volatile nitrogen oxides and selenium determination by atomic absorption spectrometry with
transition-metal catalysis in the preconcentration of arsenic and hydride generation. Anal. Chem. 54:2097.
selenium as hydrides. Anal. Chem. 53:1560.
1. General Discussion
e. Working standard solutions, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 g/L: compounded using chemically pure sodium selenite and sodium
Dilute 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 mL intermediate standard selenate. The values of Se(IV) Se(VI) were determined by
solution to 100 mL in a volumetric flask. converting Se(VI) to Se(IV) by digestion with HCl. Results are
f. Sulfanilamide solution: Prepare a 2.5% (w/v) solution daily; tabulated below.
add several drops conc HCl per 50 mL solution to facilitate
No. Mean Se(IV) Rel. Dev. Se(IV) Se(VI) Rel. Del.
4. Procedure Analyses g/L % g/L %
21 4.3 12 10.3 7
a. Sample preparation: See Section 3500-Se or 3114B.4c and 26 8.5 12 19.7 6
d for preparation steps for various Se fractions or total Se. 22 17.2 7 39.2 8
b. Preconditioning hydride generator: For newly installed 20 52.8 5 106.0 6
tubing, turn on pump for at least 10 to 15 min before instrument
calibration. Sample the highest standard for a few minutes to let
volatile hydride react with the reactive sites in the transfer lines 7. Bibliography
and on the quartz absorption cell surfaces.
c. Instrument calibration: Depending on total void volume in REAMER, D.C. & C. VEILOON. 1981. Preparation of biological materials
sample tubing, sampling time of 15 to 20 s generally is sufficient for determination of selenium by hydride generation-AAS. Anal.
to obtain a steady signal. Between samples, submerge uptake Chem. 53:1192.
tube in rinse water. Calibrate instrument daily after a 45-min SINEMUS, H.W., M. MELCHER & B. WELZ. 1981. Influence of valence
lamp warmup time. Use either the hollow cathode or the elec- state on the determination of antimony, bismuth, selenium, and
trodeless discharge lamp. tellurium in lake water using the hydride AA technique. Atomic
d. Antifoaming agents: Certain samples, particularly waste- Spectrosc. 2:81.
water samples containing a high concentration of proteinaceous RODEN, D.R. & D.E. TALLMAN. 1982. Determination of inorganic sele-
substances, can cause excessive foaming that could carry the nium species in groundwaters containing organic interferences by
liquid directly into the heated quartz absorption cell and cause ion chromatography and hydride generation/atomic absorption
splattering of salty deposits onto the windows of the spectrom- spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 54:307.
eter. Add a drop of antifoaming agent* to eliminate this problem. CUTTER, G. 1983. Elimination of nitrite interference in the determination
e. Nitrite removal: After samples have been acidified, or after of selenium by hydride generation. Anal. Chim. Acta 149:391.
acid digestion, add 0.1 mL sulfanilamide solution per 10 mL NARASAKI, H. & M. IKEDA. 1984. Automated determination of arsenic
sample and let react for 2 min. and selenium by atomic absorption spectrometry with hydride gen-
eration. Anal. Chem. 56:2059.
f. Analysis: Follow manufacturers instructions for operation
WELZ, B. & M. MELCHER. 1985. Decomposition of marine biological
of analytical equipment.
tissues for determination of arsenic, selenium, and mercury using
5. Calculation hydride-generation and cold-vapor atomic absorption spectrome-
tries. Anal. Chem. 57:427.
Construct a calibration curve based on absorbance vs. standard EBDON, L. & S.T. SPARKES. 1987. Determination of arsenic and selenium
concentration. Apply dilution factors on diluted samples. in environmental samples by hydride generation-direct current plas-
ma-atomic emission spectrometry. Microchem. J. 36:198.
6. Precision and Bias EBDON, L. & J.R. WILKINSON. 1987. The determination of arsenic and
selenium in coal by continuous flow hydride-generation atomic
Working standards were analyzed together with batches of absorption spectroscopy and atomic fluorescence spectrometry.
water samples on a routine production basis. The standards were Anal. Chim. Acta. 194:177.
VOTH-BEACH, L.M. & D.E. SHRADER. 1985. Reduction of interferences in
the determination of arsenic and selenium by hydride generation.
* Dow Corning or equivalent. Spectroscopy 1:60.