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Brazilian Journal of Microbiology (2003) 34:255-259

ISSN 1517-8382



Valéria Costa Salustiano; Nélio José Andrade*; Sebastião César Cardoso Brandão;
Raquel Monteiro Cordeiro Azeredo; Sandra Aparecida Kitakawa Lima

Departamento de Tecnologia de Alimentos, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brasil.

Submitted: July 10, 2002; Returned to Authors: October 10, 2002; Approved: June 26, 2003


The microbiological air quality at processing areas in a dairy plant was evaluated by using a one-stage air
sampler, based on Andersen principles (impaction technique) and by culture settling plate technique, also
known as sedimentation technique. Among these areas, milk reception, packaging, and pasteurization rooms
were included. Rooms where cheese, yogurt, butter and “doce de leite” (Latin American typical treat made
of concentrated milk and sugar) are made were also evaluated. For all processing areas, the numbers of
mesophilic aerobic bacteria and yeast and molds recovered by air sampler were higher than 90 CFU·m-3 – the
maximum value recommended by American Public Health Association (APHA). In four of the six processing
areas, the microbial numbers were higher than APHA’s standard (30 CFU.cm-2.week-1) according to culture
settling plate technique. The results showed a difference (p<0.05) for the Staphylococcus aureus numbers
(from <1.0 to 4.3 UFC·m-3) at processing areas. The numbers of microorganisms recovered by impaction
technique were about 2 to 10 times higher than by sedimentation technique. The microorganism group
determined at processing areas depended mainly on the technique. By the air sampler technique, it was
observed the predominance of yeasts and molds and by sedimentation technique, of mesophilic aerobic
bacteria. The increase of temperature at processing areas did not seem to affect the numbers of airborne
microorganisms. On the other hand, the increase of air humidity showed a relation with the increase of
microorganism numbers. The impaction technique should be chosen since it is better to recover airborne
microorganisms, including pathogens.

Key words: Dairy plant, air processing areas, microbiological quality, air sampler.

INTRODUCTION Several techniques for microbiological air quality

determination have been developed (7,14). One of them is the
During production the air of processing areas can contaminate air sampler technique, based on the number of microorganisms
foods with pathogenic or spoilage microorganisms, affecting their in a given air volume, suctioned by a sampler that allows the
quality. Dairy products are particularly susceptible to recovery of viable particles on a solid culture medium surface
contamination by airborne microorganisms’. The greatest aerosol such as the plate count agar (7). An alternative procedure is the
sources in dairy plants are personnel, floor drains, ventilation sedimentation technique as culture settling plates, based on
system and water, when applied under pressure in the cleaning deposition of viable particle on the surface of a solid culture
and sanitizing procedures (1,6,15). Food contact processing medium per a given exposure time, as proposed by the American
surfaces can support growth of microorganisms and become a Public Health Association (APHA) (14).
contamination source for the aerosols formation in the air APHA recommends the following standards for aerobic plate
processing areas (4). count in the air of food processing areas: 90 CFU.m-3, when

*Corresponding author. Mailing address: Departamento de Tecnologia de Alimentos, Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Campus Universitário. 36571-000,
Viçosa, MG, Brasil. Tel.: (+5531) 3899-1855. Fax: (+5531) 3899-2208. E-mail: [email protected]

V.C. Salustiano et al.

evaluated by the air sampler technique and 30 CFU.cm-2.week-1 The numbers of CFU.m-3 determined by impaction technique
when evaluated by the culture settling plate technique, using were corrected, as recommended by the manufacturer of the
plate count agar as culture medium (14) sampler, using a table based on the formula: Pr = N[1/N + 1/N-1
In this research, the microbiological quality of the air in + 1/N-2 + 1/N-r+1], where Pr = probable number of CFU/air
different processing areas of a dairy plant was evaluated using volume; N = total number of lid pores (400), r = lid pores that
a one-stage Andersen air sampler and the culture settling plate have already been crossed by viable particles (8).
technique. A descriptive analysis of the results was done to evaluate
the influence of humidity and temperature of the processing
MATERIALS AND METHODS areas on the microorganisms’ numbers using a dry and wet
bulbs psicrometer. Lilliefors and Cochran tests were used to
The number of airborne microorganisms of milk processing evaluate the normality and uniformity of the results, respectively.
areas of a dairy plant was evaluated by culture settling plate The averages of the log10 of the numbers of microorganisms at
technique and impaction technique. The following areas were processing areas recovered by both techniques were compared
evaluated: milk reception, packaging and pasteurization; and by Duncan test (5%).
cheese, yogurt, butter and “doce de leite” processing rooms.
The numbers of aerobic plate count (mesophilic aerobic RESULTS
bacteria), yeast and molds, total coliform and Staphylococcus
aureus were determined using, respectively, plate count agar Tables 1 and 2 show the microbial numbers obtained by
(PCA), potato dextrose agar (PDA), VRB agar (VRB) and Baird culture settling plate and air sampler techniques. For all the
Parker agar (BPA), according to methods proposed by APHA processing areas in the dairy plant, the numbers of mesophilic
(14). The experiment was conducted with a threefold repetition aerobic bacteria and yeasts and molds obtained by a one-stage
for each microbiological determination. For each repetition, 48 air sampler were higher than 90 CFU.m-3 – the maximum value
samples were collected for each technique. The intervals recommended by APHA for mesophilic aerobic bacteria. Both
between the samplings were two weeks.. mesophilic aerobic bacteria and yeasts and molds were higher
For the culture settling plate technique, open Petri dishes than APHA’s standard (30 CFU.cm-2.week-1), according to culture
containing 20 ml of culture media (PCA, PDA, VRB or BPA) settling plate technique, in four processing areas. The culture
were distributed at the processing areas and exposed for about settling plate technique was not able to detect coliforms and S.
15 to 30 minutes. The Petri dishes were closed and incubated at aureus in the evaluated processing areas.
35ºC/ 48 h for aerobic plate count, 25ºC/ 3-5d for yeasts and The microbiological numbers in the air of the processing
molds, 37ºC/ 48 h for S.aureus and total coliform (14). Results areas obtained by air sampler were between 10 CFU.m-3 and
were expressed as CFU.cm-2.week–1. 1310 CFU. m-3 (Tables 1 and 2). There were no significant
For the impaction technique, volumes of 100, 500 or 1000L of air differences (p≥0,05) for the numbers of mesophilic aerobic
were suctioned by an air sampler and impressed on solid medium bacteria and yeasts and molds, among the evaluated processing
surface contained on Petri dishes, according to APHA’s areas at the dairy plant.
recommendation (14). The air sampler’s lid, firstly sterilized at 121ºC/ The numbers of total coliform and S. aureus were between
15 minutes, was sanitized with 70% ethyl alcohol, before and after <1.0 and 1.7 and <1.0 and 4.3 CFU.m-3, respectively. There were
each sampling. After microbial determinations, the Petri dishes significant differences (p<0,05) among processing areas for the
were incubated in the same conditions as the culture settling numbers of S. aureus determined by impaction technique and
plate technique. The results were expressed as CFU.m-3 of air. analyzed by Duncan test (Table 3) among the different

Table 1. Count range, average, and standard deviations of the numbers of yeast and molds and mesophilic aerobic bacteria as
determined by impaction technique, at processing areas in a dairy plant.

Air quality in a doiry plant

Table 2. Count range, average, and standard deviations of the numbers of yeast and molds and mesophilic aerobic bacteria as
determined by culture settling plates technique, at processing areas in a dairy plant.

Table 3. Numbers of Staphylococcus aureus., as expressed

CFU·m-3, at processing areas at a dairy plant. Averages of three

Averages followed by the same letter in the same column did

not differ among them, at 5% probability level, by Duncan Test.

processing areas at the dairy plant. These differences were not

observed for total coliforms.
Fig. 1 shows the numbers of mesophilic aerobic bacteria in
the air according to the temperature and humidity in the
processing areas. Microbial counts were not affected by
variations in the temperature. However, these counts had been
influenced by air humidity.


Microbiological air counts Figure 1. Influence of the temperature and humidity at processing
In addition to APHA, there are other recommendations for areas in the number of yeast and molds and mesophilic aerobic
microbiological counts in the air at food processing areas. Kang bacteria, as determined by impaction technique.
and Frank, 1989, recommended 180-360 CFU.m-3 of air for
mesophilic aerobic bacteria and 70-430 CFU.m-3 for yeasts and
molds, according to food processing areas (5). Other researchers plant (9,10,11,13). Some of these experiments were conducted
proposed limits at 200 CFU.m3 for dairy products’ packaging with the plant working, including personnel activity, similarly to
rooms (10). In our study, the values recommended by APHA our research. In our experiment, there were 3 to 5 manipulators in
were adopted. the processing area and they were probably responsible for the
In our experiment, the microbial numbers between 10 and increased air contamination. It is known that one manipulator is
1310 CFU.m-3 found in the air of the processing areas are similar able to spread between 20 and 70 microorganisms per min ( 3).
to the results reported for other dairy processing areas, such as According to the literature, several factors could be
an ice-cream plant and processing and packaging room at a dairy contributing to air contamination at processing areas at the

V.C. Salustiano et al.

dairy plant evaluated in our experiment. Among them are: dairy Table 4. Average and numeric relation between numbers of yeast
plant localization, contamination sources, ventilation system, and molds and aerobic plate countas determined by culture
and manufacturing practices (3,4). settling plates and impaction techniques at processing areas in
The total coliform and S. aureus counts were between <1.0 a dairy plant.
and 3.0 and <1.0 and 1.7 CFU.m3, respectively. These numbers
are lower than those obtained by Sullivan, 1979 (13), between
10 and 100 UFC·m-3. Such low numbers for coliform and S. aureus
at processing areas suggest that these microorganisms do not
survive well in aerosols. Furthermore, there is another possible
explanation for these low numbers the microorganism growth
could be affected by the use of selective media since they would
be stressed in the aerosols (2,14).
There are evidences in literature that the temperature affects
the microbial number in the air. However, in our experiment, this
was not observed for the microbial groups evaluated. This fact
was probably due to environmental variations at the processing
areas in a same working day and the presence of steam in air.
The influence of temperature in the viability and in the
vegetative cell transport in the air has been demonstrated (4).
MPA =milk pasteurization room; MR =milk reception room; BDL
The microbial groups detected at different processing areas
=Butter and “doce de leite” room; C =Cheese room; Y = Yogurt
varied according to the technique used to analyze the air. Four
room; MP=milk packaging room.
processing areas showed higher number of yeasts and molds
when analyzed by impaction technique. Five processing areas
presented higher numbers of mesophilic aerobic bacteria when if there are no interferences from other factors, such as
the culture settling plate technique was used. ventilation and personnel activity at processing areas (13).
This fact could be explained by aerodynamic behavior of Similarly, the spore dimensions influence the deposition on
the aerosols, affecting the deposition of yeasts and molds on surfaces. Molds were classified in three categories according
solid media surface exposed at air. The aerodynamic behavior to their dimensions: higher dimension spores (Alternaria,
of theses aerosols is different for each microbial group and is Stemphilium, Epicoccum, Nigrospora, Diplospora, Monotospora
influenced by their physical and biological characteristics, and Sepedonium); intermediate dimension spores (Geotrichum,
diameter of the particle, humidity, temperature, ventilation and Cândida, Pullularia, Saccharomyces, Aspergillus,
personnel activity at processing areas, gravitational and Hormodendrum, e Penicillium) and lower dimension spores
electrostatics forces (5). (Ustilago, Rhodotorula, Rhizopus, Oospora, Gliocladium,
Paecilomyces, Hemispora, e Streptocyces). Once analyzed by
Impaction technique versus culture setting plate technique culture settling plates and impaction techniques, the numeric
To compare the impaction and the culture settling plate relation found for spores with higher, intermediate and lower
techniques, a numeric relationship between APHA’s standards dimensions were approximately 1:5, 1:14 and 1:19, respectively
was established (14). For that, the value of 30 (CFU.m-2.week-1) (12). Furthermore, the lower the spore dimension, the more
was divided by 90 (CFU.m-3) obtaining the numeric relation of visible the difference between the techniques and the better
1:3. The Table 4 presents the numeric relation between the the performance of the impaction technique.
microbial counts obtained in our experiment by the different Using culture-settling plates, most of the analysis showed
techniques. The impaction technique showed microbial numbers neither total coliform, nor S. aureus growth on media culture
2 to 10 times higher than those determined by the culture settling surface. According to this method, this result expresses <10
plates technique. On basis in these results, it can be concluded CFU·cm-2·week-1. It can be concluded that the impaction
that impaction technique is better to recover higher number of technique is better to determine low numbers of microorganisms
microorganisms in air. at air food processing areas, including pathogens.
This lower capacity of the culture settling plate technique Also, the analysis time is an important factor to compare the
to recover microorganisms in the air is explained by the need of techniques. The procedures of the culture settling plates suggest
deposition of viable particles on the solid medium surface. For 15-30 min of air exposure time for the microorganism deposition.
example, particles with diameter equal or higher than 10mm are This relatively long exposure time can dry the media surface,
able to move vertically between 30 and 60 cm per minute while dificulting the colonies growth and underestimating the microbial
particles of lower diameter take longer to move the same distance counts (5). In the procedures of impaction agar, the air suctioned

Air quality in a doiry plant

is considered dried but, inside the sampler, the air humidity contagens microbianas por impressão em ágar foram de 2 a 10
increases quickly, not causing the media surface to dry (1). vezes maiores que as obtidas por sedimentação, evidenciando
Regarding the air microbial contamination, it can be observed a maior capacidade da impressão em ágar em determinar
that none of the areas evaluated by impaction technique at the microrganismos do ar, inclusive patógenos. Quanto à
dairy plant complied with the APHA’s standards. In addition, distribuição da microbiota do ar, houve a predominância de
by the culture settling plates, the milk pasteurization room met fungos filamentosos e leveduras pela técnica de sedimentação
APHA’s recommendation for yeast and molds and the milk em ágar e de mesófilos aeróbios pela de impressão em ágar. O
packaging room for mesophilic aerobic bacteria. Analyzed by aumento da temperatura ambiente, ao contrário do aumento da
culture settling plates, two processing areas (33.4%) were umidade relativa do ar, não contribuiu para maiores contagens
approved for food processing due to this technique’s lower microbianas no ar.
capacity of recovering airborne microorganisms.
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due to the air sampler, this technique is faster and recovers processamento, qualidade microbiológica, amostrador de ar.
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