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METALS (3000)


3020 A. Introduction
General information and recommendations for quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) are provided in Sections
1020 Quality Assurance, 1030 Data Quality, and 1040 Method
Development and Evaluation. This section discusses QA/QC
requirements that are common to the analytical methods presented in Part 3000.
The requirements described in this section are recommended
minimum QA/QC activities; refer to individual methods and
regulatory program requirements for method-specific QA/QC
requirements. NOTE: If an individual method in Part 3000 has
requirements more stringent than those shown here, follow re-

Joint Task Group: Cindy A. Ziernicki (chair), Katherine B. Adams, Myriam E.

Cardenas, David Eugene Kimbrough; 20th EditionDavid W. Tucker (chair),
Nilda B. Cox, David W. Haddaway, Daniel A. McLean, Jonalea V. Ostlund, John
T. Pivinski.

quirements of that method. If analyses are to be conducted for

regulatory purposes and QA/QC requirements are set in regulations or in a reference method, follow those requirements.
Always consider the overall purpose of analyses. QA/QC
measures and substantiation for operational-control determinations may differ significantly from those for determinations of
trace metals at water quality criteria levels. Levels of trace
metals in environmental samples may be orders of magnitude
lower than in potential sources of contamination.
Use replicates of measurable concentration to establish precision and known-additions recovery to determine bias. Use
blanks, calibrations, control charts, known additions, standards,
and other ancillary measurement tools as appropriate. Provide
adequate documentation and record keeping to satisfy client
requirements and performance criteria established by the laboratory.

3020 B. Quality Control Practices

1. Initial Quality Control

2. Calibration

a. Initial demonstration of capability: Verify analyst capability before analyzing any samples and repeat periodically to
demonstrate proficiency with the analytical method. Verify that
the method being used provides sufficient sensitivity for the
purpose of the measurement. Test analyst capability by analyzing at least four reagent water portions containing known additions of the analyte of interest. Confirm proficiency by generating analytical results that demonstrate precision and bias within
acceptable limits representative of the analytical method.
b. Method detection level (MDL): Before samples are analyzed, determine the MDL for each analyte by the procedures of
Section 1030, or other applicable procedure.1 Determine MDL at
least annually for each method and major matrix category. Verify MDL for a new analyst or whenever instrument hardware or
method operating conditions are modified. Analyze samples for
MDL determinations over a 3- to 5-d period to generate a
realistic value. Preferably use pooled data from several analysts
rather than data from a single analyst.
c. Dynamic range (DR): Before using a new method, determine the dynamic range, i.e., the concentration range over which
a method has an increasing response (linear or second-order), for
each analyte by analyzing several standard solutions that bracket
the range of interest. Each standard measurement should be
within 10% of the true value for acceptance into the DR determination. Take measurements at both the low and high end of the
calibration range to determine method suitability. Analytical
instrumentation with curve-fitting features may allow utilization
of nonlinear instrument response.

a. Initial calibration: Calibrate initially with a minimum of a

blank and three calibration standards of the analyte(s) of interest.
Select calibration standards that bracket the expected concentration of the sample and that are within the methods dynamic
range. The number of calibration points depends on the width of the
dynamic range and the shape of the calibration curve. One calibration standard should be at or below the reporting limit for the
method. As a general rule, differences between calibration standard
concentrations should not be greater than one order of magnitude
(i.e., 1, 10, 100, 1000). Apply linear or polynomial curve-fitting
statistics, as appropriate, for analysis of the concentration-instrument response relationship. The appropriate linear or nonlinear
correlation coefficient for standard concentration to instrument response should be 0.995. Use initial calibration for quantitation of
analyte concentration in samples. Use calibration verification, b
below, only for checks on the initial calibration and not for sample
quantitation. Repeat initial calibration daily and whenever calibration verification acceptance criteria are not satisfied.
b. Calibration verification: Calibration verification is the periodic confirmation that instrument response has not changed
significantly from the initial calibration. Verify calibration by
analyzing a midpoint calibration standard (check standard) and
calibration blank at the beginning and end of a sample run,
periodically during a run (normally after each set of ten samples). A check standard determination outside 90 to 110% of the
expected concentration indicates a potential problem. If a check
standard determination is outside 80 to 120% of the expected
concentration, immediately cease sample analyses and initiate cor-


rective action. For instrumental methods (3111, 3113, 3120, and

3125), cease analysis and initiate corrective action if check standards exceed 90 to 110%. Repeat initial calibration and sample
determinations since the last acceptable calibration verification. Use
calculated control limits (Section 1020B) to provide better indications of system performance and to provide tighter limits.
c. Quality control sample: Analyze an externally generated
quality control sample of known concentration at least quarterly
and whenever new calibration stock solutions are prepared.
Obtain this sample from a source external to the laboratory or
prepare it from a source different from those used to prepare
working standards. Use to validate the laboratorys working
standards both qualitatively and quantitatively.
3. Batch Quality Control

a. Method blank (MB): A method blank (also known as reagent

blank) is a portion of reagent water treated exactly as a sample,
including exposure to all equipment, glassware, procedures, and
reagents. The MB is used to assess whether analytes or interference
are present within the analytical process or system. No analyte of
interest should be present in the MB at a warning level based on the
end users requirements. Undertake immediate corrective action for
MB measurements above the MDL. Include a minimum of one MB
with each set of 20 or fewer samples.
b. Laboratory-fortified blank (LFB): The laboratory-fortified
blank (also known as blank spike) is a method blank that has
been fortified with a known concentration of analyte. It is used
to evaluate ongoing laboratory performance and analyte recovery in a clean matrix. Prepare fortified concentrations approximating the midpoint of the calibration curve or lower with stock
solutions prepared from a source different from those used to
develop working standards. Calculate percent recovery, plot
control charts, and determine control limits (Section 1020B) for
these measurements. Ensure that the LFB meets performance
criteria for the method when such criteria are specified. Establish


corrective actions to be taken in the event that LFB does not

satisfy acceptance criteria. Include a minimum of one LFB with
each set of 20 or fewer samples.
c. Duplicates: Use duplicate samples of measurable concentration to measure precision of the analytical process. Randomly
select routine samples to be analyzed twice. Process duplicate
sample independently through entire sample preparation and
analytical process. Include a minimum of one duplicate for each
matrix type with each set of 20 or fewer samples.
d. Laboratory-fortified matrix (LFM)/Laboratory-fortified matrix duplicate: Use LFM (also known as matrix spike) and LFM
duplicate to evaluate the bias and precision, respectively, of the
method as influenced by a specific matrix. Prepare by adding a
known concentration of analytes to a randomly selected routine
sample. Prepare addition concentrations to approximately double
the concentration present in the original sample. If necessary,
dilute sample to bring the measurement within the established
calibration curve. Limit addition volume to 5% or less of sample
volume. Calculate percent recovery and relative percent difference, plot control charts, and determine control limits (Section
1020B). Ensure the performance criteria for the method are
satisfied. Process fortified samples independently through entire
sample preparation and analytical process. Include a minimum of
one LFM/LFM duplicate with each set of 20 or fewer samples.
e. Method of known additions: To analyze a new or unfamiliar
matrix, use the method of known additions (Section 1020B) to
demonstrate freedom from interference before reporting concentration data for the analyte. Verify absence of interferences by
analyzing such samples undiluted and in a 1:10 dilution; results
should be within 10% of each other. Limit known-addition
volume to 10% or less of the sample volume.
4. Reference
1. U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. 1995. Definition and procedure for the determination of the method detection limit, revision
1.11. 40 CFR Part 136, Appendix B. Federal Register 5:23703.

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