Astm D1607-91 (2018)
Astm D1607-91 (2018)
Astm D1607-91 (2018)
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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5.2 In combustion processes, significant amounts of nitric 7.2.1 The porosity of the fritted bubbler, as well as the
oxide (NO) may be produced by combination of atmospheric sampling flow rate, affect absorption efficiency. An efficiency
nitrogen and oxygen; at ambient temperatures NO can be of over 95 % may be expected with a flow rate of 0.4 L/min or
converted to NO2 by oxygen and other atmospheric oxidants. less and a maximum pore diameter of 60 µm. Frits having a
Nitrogen dioxide may also be generated from processes involv- maximum pore diameter less than 60 µm will have a higher
ing nitric acid, nitrates, the use of explosives, and welding. efficiency but will require an inconvenient pressure drop for
sampling. Considerably lower efficiencies are obtained with
6. Interferences coarser frits.
6.1 A ten-fold ratio of sulfur dioxide (SO2) to NO2 produces 7.2.2 Measure the porosity of an absorber in accordance
no effect. A thirty-fold ratio slowly bleaches the color to a with Test Method E128. If the frit is clogged or visibly
slight extent. The addition of acetone to the reagent retards the discolored, carefully clean with concentrated chromic-sulfuric
fading by forming a temporary addition product with SO2. This acid mixture, and rinse well with water and redetermine the
permits reading the color intensity within 4 to 5 h (instead of maximum pore diameter. (Warning—Do not dispose of this
the 45 min required without the acetone) without appreciable reagent in the drain system.)
losses. 7.2.3 Rinse the bubbler thoroughly with water and allow to
dry before using.
6.2 A five-fold ratio of ozone to NO2 will cause a small
interference, the maximal effect occurring in 3 h. The reagent 7.3 Mist Eliminator or Gas Drying Tube, filled with acti-
assumes a slightly orange tint. vated charcoal or soda lime is used to prevent damage to the
flowmeter and pump.
6.3 Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) can produce a color change
in the absorbing reagent. However, in ordinary ambient air, the 7.4 Air-Metering Device—A calibrated, glass, variable-area
concentration of PAN is too low to cause any significant error flowmeter, or dry gas meter coupled with a flow indicator
in the measurement of NO2. capable of accurately measuring a flow of 0.4 L/min.
6.4 Interferences may exist from other nitrogen oxides and 7.5 Thermometer—ASTM Thermometer 33C, meeting the
other gases that might be found in polluted air. requirements of Specification E1, will be suitable for most
applications of this test method.
7. Apparatus 7.6 Manometer, accurate to 670 Pa (0.20 in. Hg). See Test
7.1 Sampling Probe—A glass or TFE-fluorocarbon (pre- Methods D3631.
ferred) tube, 6 to 10 mm in diameter provided with a 7.7 Air Pump—A suction pump capable of drawing the
downwind facing intake (funnel or tip). The dead volume of the required sample flow for intervals of up to 60 min is suitable.
system should be kept minimal to avoid losses of NO2 on the 7.8 Spectrophotometer or Colorimeter—An instrument suit-
surfaces of the apparatus. able for measuring the intensity of absorption at 550 nm, with
7.2 Absorber—An all-glass bubbler with a 60-µm maximum stoppered tubes or cuvettes. The wavelength band-width is not
pore diameter frit, similar to that illustrated in Fig. 1. critical for this determination.
7.9 Stopwatch or Timer.
Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications, American
Chemical Society, Washington, DC. For suggestions on the testing of reagents not
listed by the American Chemical Society, see Analar Standards for Laboratory
Chemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset, U.K., and the United States Pharmacopeia
and National Formulary, U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. (USPC), Rockville,
FIG. 1 Fritted Bubbler for Sampling Nitrogen Dioxide MD.
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D1607 − 91 (2018)´1
heating is permissible to speed up the process. To the cooled 10.2.2 Alternate Procedure:
mixture, add 20 mL of the 0.1 % stock solution of N-(1- Standardization is based upon the empirical obser-
naphthyl)-ethylenediamine dihydrochloride, and 10 mL of vation (1, 3)6 that 0.82 mol of NaNO2 produces the same color
acetone. Dilute to 1 L. The solution will be stable for several as 1 mol of NO2. One mL of the working standard solution
months if kept well-stoppered in a brown bottle in the contains 24.6 µg of NaNO2. Since the molecular weight of
refrigerator. The absorbing reagent shall be at room tempera- NaNO2 is 69.1, this is equivalent to (24.6/
ture before use. Avoid lengthy contact with air during prepa- 69.1) × (46.0 ⁄0.82) = 20 µg NO2.
ration and use since discoloration of reagent will result because For convenience, standard conditions are taken as
of absorption of NO2. 101 kPa (29.92 in. Hg) and 25°C, at which the molar gas
8.4 N-(1-Naphthyl)-Ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride, volume is 24.47 L. This is very close to the standard conditions
Stock Solution (0.1 %)—Dissolve 0.1 g of the reagent in 100 used for air-handling equipment–101 kPa (29.92 in. Hg), 70°F
mL of water. Solution will be stable for several months if kept (21.1°C), and 50 % relative humidity, at which the molar gas
well-stoppered in a brown bottle in the refrigerator. volume is 24.76 L, or 1.2 % greater. Ordinarily, the correction
(Alternatively, preweighed amounts of the solid reagent may of the sample volume to these standard conditions is slight and
be stored.) may be omitted, however, for greatest bias, it may be made by
means of the perfect gas equation.
8.5 Sodium Nitrite, Standard Solution (0.0246 g/L)—One
mL of this working solution of sodium nitrite (NaNO2) Add graduated amounts of NaNO2 solution up to 1
produces a color equivalent to that of 20 µg of NO2 in 1 L of mL (measured accurately in a graduated pipet or small buret) to
air at 101 kPa (29.92 in. Hg) and 25°C (see 10.1). Prepare fresh a series of 25-mL volumetric flasks, and dilute to the marks
just before use by dilution from a stock solution containing with absorbing reagent. Mix, allow 15 min for complete color
2.46 g of the reagent grade granular solid per litre. Assay the development, and read the absorbance (see 11.2).
solid reagent. The stock solution is stable for 90 days at room Good results can be obtained with these small
temperature, and for 1 year in a brown bottle under refrigera- volumes of standard solution if they are carefully measured.
tion. Making the calibration solutions up to 25-mL total volume,
rather than the 10-mL volume used for samples, increases
8.6 NO2 Permeation Device—With a permeation rate of 0.1 accuracy.
to 0.2 µg/min. Plot absorbances of the standards against micro-
9. Sampling grams of NO2 per mL of absorbing reagent. The plot follows
Beer’s law. Find the standardization factor, K, as described in
9.1 Sampling procedures are described in Section 11. Dif-
ferent combinations of sampling rates and time may be chosen
to meet specific needs, but sample volumes and air flow rates
11. Procedure
shall be adjusted so that linearity is maintained between
absorbance and concentration over the dynamic range. 11.1 Assemble in order as shown in Fig. 2, a sampling probe
(optional), fritted-tip absorber, mist eliminator or trap,
9.2 See Practice D1357 for sampling guidelines.
flowmeter, and pump. Measure temperature and pressure
10. Calibration and Standardization difference from atmospheric so that corrections for gas volume
may be applied. Keep the flowmeter free from spray or dust.
10.1 Sampling Equipment:
Use ground-glass connections. Butt-to-butt glass connections
10.1.1 Flowmeter—Calibrate flowmeter prior to use, using
with vinyl tubing also may be used for connections without
Practice D3195.
losses if lengths are kept minimal.
10.1.2 Gas Meter—Calibrate gas meter prior to use, using
Test Methods D1071. 11.2 Pipet 10.0 mL of absorbing reagent into a dry fritted
10.2 Analysis: bubbler. Draw an air sample through it at the rate of 0.4 L/min,
10.2.1 Recommended Procedure: long enough to develop sufficient final color (about 10 to 60 The recommended procedure for preparation of min). Note the total air volume sampled. Measure and record
calibration standards is by the use of permeation devices (2). air temperature and pressure. After using the bubbler, rinse
Analysis of known concentrations gives calibration curves that well with water and dry. If fritted tip is visibly discolored, clean
simulate all of the operational conditions performed during in accordance with the procedure in 7.2.2.
sampling and analytical procedures. 11.3 After sampling, development of the red-violet color is Using the apparatus described in Practice D3609, complete within 15 min at room temperatures. Transfer to a
generate a gas stream of known concentration. Sample it as stoppered cuvette and read in a spectrophotometer at 550 nm,
described in 11.1, five times, adjusting the sample times so that using distilled water as a reference. Deduct the absorbance of
the amount of NO2 in each collected sample solution covers the the reagent blank from that of the sample.
dynamic range of this test method. Analyze each as described
in 11.2, and prepare a calibration curve using regression
analysis by this test method of least squares. Determine the 6
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
reciprocal of the slope of the line, and denote it as K, the be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D22-1019. Contact ASTM Customer
volume of NO2, in µL, intercepted at an absorbance of 1.0. Service at [email protected].
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D1607 − 91 (2018)´1
laboratories taking separate samples from the flowing air of NO2 gas to a sample stream and determining the percent
stream, is plotted in Fig. 3 against the mean value of NO2 recovery on the basis of simultaneous analyses of spiked and
determined. The range of data used is 16 to 400 µg/m3. “unspiked” samples. Bias is the difference between the deter-
Duplicate values should be considered suspect (95 % confi- mined recovery and 100 %.
dence level) if they differ by more than 2.81 times the standard 13.5 The method for determining the bias detects only those
deviation of reproducibility. errors that are proportional to the NO2 level; fixed errors are
13.4 Bias—Although the measurement of bias was designed cancelled in the subtraction process. Fixed errors shall refer to
to produce data that described the bias of this test method, no interferences. For this reason, bias is expressed in percentage
generally applicable statements regarding bias can be made. terms rather than in absolute units.
Table 1 gives the average bias found at each of the three 13.6 Based on the data in Table 1, it is clear that the bias
locations used during the interlaboratory test program. The found in Manhattan, NY, is significantly higher than that found
method of evaluating bias consisted of adding a known amount in Los Angeles, CA, or Bloomington, IL. This difference in
bias is not due to the fact that the average NO2 levels found in
TABLE 1 Bias Found in NO2 Measurement Found During Project Manhattan were higher than those found at the other two sites
Threshold (4) (4). The difference in bias may be caused by other interfering
Uncertainty of substances, such as NO or other nitrogen oxides, but these data
Mean Degrees of Mean NO2
Bias Freedom Measured
mean (95 % alone are not conclusive.
Los Angeles, CA +11 % 86 150 µg/m3 ±10 % 14. Keywords
Bloomington, IN −11 % 82 50 µg/m3 ±10 %
New York, NY +35 % 70 210 µg/m3 ±10 % 14.1 ambient atmospheres; analysis; colorimetric analysis;
Griess-Saltzman Reaction; nitrogen dioxide; sampling
(1) Saltzman, B. E., “Colorimetric Microdetermination of Nitrogen Di- Determination of Nitrogen Dioxide,” Environmental Science and
oxide in the Atmosphere,” Analytical Chemistry, Vol 26, 1954, pp. Technology, Vol 4, 1970, pp. 924–929.
1949–1955. (4) Foster, J. F., and Beatty, G. H., “Final Report on Interlaboratory
(2) O’Keefe, A. E., and Ortman, G. C., “Primary Standards for Trace Gas Cooperation, Study of the Precision and Accuracy of the Measure-
Analysis,” Analytical Chemistry, ANCHA, Vol 38, 1966, pp. ment of Nitrogen Dioxide Content in the Atmosphere Using ASTM
760–763. Method D1607,” Battelle, Columbus Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio,
(3) Scaringelli, F. P., Rosenberg, E., and Rehme, K. A., “Comparison of 1973.
Permeation Devices and Nitrite Ion as Standards for the Colorimetric
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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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