Antarctica: (Planning Guide Sailing Directions & Enroute)
Antarctica: (Planning Guide Sailing Directions & Enroute)
Antarctica: (Planning Guide Sailing Directions & Enroute)
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Internet: http:// Phone: toll free (866) 512-1800; DC area (202) 512-1800
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. Preface
Pub. 200, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide and Enroute)
7. Mailing address: Maritime Safety Office
Antarctica, Tenth Edition, 2014, is issued as Part I and Part II, National Geospatial-Intelligence
with both Planning Guide and Enroute information combined Agency
in one volume.
Mail Stop N64-SFH
Digital Nautical Chart 29 provides electronic chart coverage 7500 Geoint Drive
for the area covered by this publication. Springfield VA 22150-7500
This publication has been corrected to 13 December 2014,
including Notice to Mariners No. 50 of 2014. Subsequent Pub-
lication Data Updates (PDUs) have corrected this publication New editions of Sailing Directions are corrected through the
to 2 January 2016, including Notice to Mariners No. 1 of 2016. date of publication shown above. Important information to
amend material in the publication is available as a Publication
Explanatory Remarks Data Update (PDU) from the NGA Maritime Domain web site.
Sailing Directions are published by the National Geospatial- NGA Maritime Domain Website
Intelligence Agency (NGA) under the authority of Department
of Defense Directive 5105.40, dated 12 December 1988, and
pursuant to the authority contained in U. S. Code Title 10, Sec-
tions 2791 and 2792 and Title 44, Section 1336. Sailing Direc- 0.0Courses.Courses are true, and are expressed in the same
tions, covering the harbors, coasts, and waters of the world, manner as bearings. The directives steer and make good a
provide information that cannot be shown graphically on nauti- course mean, without exception, to proceed from a point of ori-
cal charts and is not readily available elsewhere. gin along a track having the identical meridional angle as the
0.0Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) are intended to assist designated course. Vessels following the directives must allow
mariners in planning ocean passages and to eliminate duplica- for every influence tending to cause deviation from such track,
tion by consolidating useful information about all the countries and navigate so that the designated course is continuously be-
adjacent to a particular ocean basin in one volume. ing made good.
Planning Guide publications are compiled and structured in 0.0Currents.Current directions are the true directions toward
the alphabetical order of countries contained within the region which currents set.
covered by each publication. 0.0Distances.Distances are expressed in nautical miles of 1
Bearings.Bearings are true, and are expressed in degrees minute of latitude. Distances of less than 1 mile are expressed
from 000 (north) to 360, measured clockwise. General bear- in meters, or tenths of miles.
ings are expressed by the initial letters of the points of the com- 0.0Geographic Names.Geographic names are generally
pass (e.g. N, NNE, NE, etc.). Adjective and adverb endings those used by the nation having sovereignty. Names in paren-
have been discarded. Wherever precise bearings are intended, theses following another name are alternate names that may
degrees are used. appear on some charts. In general, alternate names are quoted
0.0Charts.Reference to charts made throughout this publica- only in the principal description of the place. Diacritical marks,
tion refer to both the paper chart and the Digital Nautical Chart such as accents, cedillas, and circumflexes, which are related to
(DNC). specific letters in certain foreign languages, are not used in the
0.0Corrective Information.Users should refer corrections, interest of typographical simplicity.
additions, and comments to NGAs Maritime Operations Desk, 0.0Geographic names or their spellings do not necessarily re-
as follows: flect recognition of the political status of an area by the United
States Government.
0.0Heights.Heights are referred to the plane of reference
1. Toll free: 1-800-362-6289 used for that purpose on the charts and are expressed in meters.
0.0Internet Links.This publication provides Internet links to
2. Commercial: 571-557-5455
web sites concerned with maritime navigational safety, includ-
3. DSN: 547-5455 ing but not limited to, Federal government sites, foreign Hy-
drographic Offices, and foreign public/private port facilities.
4. DNC web site: NGA makes no claims, promises, or guarantees concerning the
DNC.portal accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of these
web sites and expressly disclaims any liability for errors and
5. Maritime Do- omissions in the contents of these web sites.
main website: MSI.portal 0.0International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS)
Code.The ISPS Code is a comprehensive set of measures to
6. E-mail: [email protected] enhance the security of ships and port facilities developed in
response to the perceived threats to ships and port facilities in
the wake of the 9/11 attacks in the United States. Information
on the ISPS Code can be found at the International Maritime
Pub. 200
claims and maritime boundary disputes, which have been com- Winds.Wind directions are the true directions from which
piled from the best available sources, is provided solely in the winds blow.
interest of the navigational safety of shipping and in no way
constitutes legal recognition by the United States. These non-
recognized claims and requirements may include, but are not
Reference List
limited to:
The principal sources examined in the preparation of this
Argentina Sailing Directions.
3. The establishment of a security zone, where a state
Reports from United States Naval and merchant vessels
Pub. 200
Pub. 200
Conversion Tables
Feet to Meters
Feet 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.00 0.30 0.61 0.91 1.22 1.52 1.83 2.13 2.44 2.74
10 3.05 3.35 3.66 3.96 4.27 4.57 4.88 5.18 5.49 5.79
20 6.10 6.40 6.71 7.01 7.32 7.62 7.92 8.23 8.53 8.84
30 9.14 9.45 9.75 10.06 10.36 10.67 10.97 11.28 11.58 11.89
40 12.19 12.50 12.80 13.11 13.41 13.72 14.02 14.33 14.63 14.93
50 15.24 15.54 15.85 16.15 16.46 16.76 17.07 17.37 17.68 17.98
60 18.29 18.59 18.90 19.20 19.51 19.81 20.12 20.42 20.73 21.03
70 21.34 21.64 21.95 22.25 22.55 22.86 23.16 23.47 23.77 24.08
80 24.38 24.69 24.99 25.30 25.60 25.91 26.21 26.52 26.82 27.13
90 27.43 27.74 28.04 28.35 28.65 28.96 29.26 29.57 29.87 30.17
Fathoms to Meters
Fathoms 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.00 1.83 3.66 5.49 7.32 9.14 10.97 12.80 14.63 16.46
10 18.29 20.12 21.95 23.77 25.60 27.43 29.26 31.09 32.92 34.75
20 36.58 38.40 40.23 42.06 43.89 45.72 47.55 49.38 51.21 53.03
30 54.86 56.69 58.52 60.35 62.18 64.01 65.84 67.67 69.49 71.32
40 73.15 74.98 76.81 78.64 80.47 82.30 84.12 85.95 87.78 89.61
50 91.44 93.27 95.10 96.93 98.75 100.58 102.41 104.24 106.07 107.90
60 109.73 111.56 113.39 115.21 117.04 118.87 120.70 122.53 124.36 126.19
70 128.02 129.85 131.67 133.50 135.33 137.16 138.99 140.82 142.65 144.47
80 146.30 148.13 149.96 151.79 153.62 155.45 157.28 159.11 160.93 162.76
90 164.59 166.42 168.25 170.08 171.91 173.74 175.56 177.39 179.22 181.05
Meters to Feet
Meters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.00 3.28 6.56 9.84 13.12 16.40 19.68 22.97 26.25 29.53
10 32.81 36.09 39.37 42.65 45.93 49.21 52.49 55.77 59.06 62.34
20 65.62 68.90 72.18 75.46 78.74 82.02 85.30 88.58 91.86 95.14
30 98.42 101.71 104.99 108.27 111.55 114.83 118.11 121.39 124.67 127.95
40 131.23 134.51 137.80 141.08 144.36 147.64 150.92 154.20 157.48 160.76
50 164.04 167.32 170.60 173.88 177.16 180.45 183.73 187.01 190.29 193.57
60 196.85 200.13 203.41 206.69 209.97 213.25 216.54 219.82 223.10 226.38
70 229.66 232.94 236.22 239.50 242.78 246.06 249.34 252.62 255.90 259.19
80 262.47 265.75 269.03 272.31 275.59 278.87 282.15 285.43 288.71 291.99
90 295.28 298.56 301.84 305.12 308.40 311.68 314.96 318.24 321.52 324.80
Meters to Fathoms
Meters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.00 0.55 1.09 1.64 2.19 2.73 3.28 3.83 4.37 4.92
10 5.47 6.01 6.56 7.11 7.66 8.20 8.75 9.30 9.84 10.39
20 10.94 11.48 12.03 12.58 13.12 13.67 14.22 14.76 15.31 15.86
30 16.40 16.95 17.50 18.04 18.59 19.14 19.68 20.23 20.78 21.33
40 21.87 22.42 22.97 23.51 24.06 24.61 25.15 25.70 26.25 26.79
50 27.34 27.89 28.43 28.98 29.53 30.07 30.62 31.17 31.71 32.26
60 32.81 33.36 33.90 34.45 35.00 35.54 36.09 36.64 37.18 37.73
70 38.28 38.82 39.37 39.92 40.46 41.01 41.56 42.10 42.65 43.20
80 43.74 44.29 44.84 45.38 45.93 46.48 47.03 47.57 48.12 48.67
90 49.21 49.76 50.31 50.85 51.40 51.95 52.49 53.04 53.59 54.13
Pub. 200 V
N north S south
NNE northnortheast SSW southsouthwest
NE northeast SW southwest
ENE eastnortheast WSW westsouthwest
E east W west
ESE eastsoutheast WNW westnorthwest
SE southeast NW northwest
SSE southsoutheast NNW northnorthwest
Vessel types
LASH Lighter Aboard Ship Ro-ro Roll-on Roll-off
LNG Liquified Natural Gas ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier
LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier
OBO Ore/Bulk/Oil VLOC Very Large Ore Carrier
NGL Natural Gas Liquids FSO Floating Storage and Offloading
Lo-lo Lift-on Lift-off FPSO Floating Production Storage and Offloading
FSU Floating Storage Unit
ETA estimated time of arrival GMT Greenwich Mean Time
ETD estimated time of departure UTC Coordinated Universal Time
Water level
MSL mean sea level LWS low water springs
HW high water MHWN mean high water neaps
LW low water MHWS mean high water springs
MHW mean high water MLWN mean low water neaps
MLW mean low water MLWS mean low water springs
HWN high water neaps HAT highest astronomical tide
HWS high water springs LAT lowest astronomical tide
LWN low water neaps
D/F direction finder MF medium frequency
R/T radiotelephone HF high frequency
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System VHF very high frequency
LF low frequency UHF ultra high frequency
LANBY Large Automatic Navigation Buoy SPM Single Point Mooring
CALM Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring CBM Conventional Buoy Mooring System
NAVSAT Navigation Satellite MBM Multi-Buoy Mooring System
ODAS Ocean Data Acquisition System TSS Traffic Separation Scheme
SBM Single Buoy Mooring VTC Vessel Traffic Center
VTS Vessel Traffic Service
AIS Automatic Identification System MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity Code
Pub. 200
Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
Publication Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV
Conversion Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII
Part II (Enroute) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Sector 1
The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Sector 2
The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Sector 3
The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen SeaJoinville Island to Cape Colbeck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Sector 4
The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
IndexGazetteer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Pub. 200 IX
The Antarctic 1
Pub. 200
2 The Antarctic
Pub. 200
Regulations 53
Antarctica, unlike the series of publications which cover the
Search and Rescue 64 world in separate Enroute and Planning Guide formats, is a
Seas 64 combination of both volumes and contains in one publication
Ship Reporting System 73 information normally found in both of the above. This combi-
Appendix ISouth African Ship Reporting System nation of volumes was initiated due to the rather unique aspect
(SAFREP) 79 of the Antarctic continent.
Pub. 200
4 The Antarctic
0.0Part I, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Antarctica in- (243 MHz UHF)
cludes information concerning physical geography, meteorolo- 2. U.S. forces will exercise appropriate measures in self-
gy, exploration, treaties and legal agreements, regulations, defense if warranted by the circumstances. Aircraft, surface
history, and navigation. vessels, and subsurface vessels approaching U.S. forces will,
0.0Part II, Sailing Directions (Enroute) Antarctica is comprised by making prior contact as described above, help make their
of four sectors and includes basic coastal and navigational in- intentions clear and avoid unnecessary initiation of such de-
formation. fensive measures.
0.0Polar Regions.Various criteria have been used to define 3. U.S. forces, especially when operating in confined wa-
the polar regions and many have been based upon meteorologi- ters, shall remain mindful of navigational considerations of
cal considerations, mean temperatures, the length of the frost- aircraft, surface vessels, and subsurface vessels in their im-
free growing season, the amount of ice, or the tree line. mediate vicinity.
0.0Astronomically, the limits of the Arctic Circle and the Ant- 4. Nothing in this special warning is intended to impede or
arctic Circle may be considered to lie at approximately otherwise interfere with the freedom of navigation or over-
6630'N and S, respectively, or at the point where the sun be- flight of any vessel or aircraft, or to limit or expand the inher-
comes circumpolar (90 minus the maximum declination of the ent self-defense right of U.S. forces. This special warning is
sun). published solely to advise of the heightened state of readiness
0.0Below the S polar region, the transitional subpolar region is of U.S. forces and to request that radio contact be maintained
often defined as the winter limits of the drift ice (about 60S). as described above.
However, this subpolar region is sometimes considered as ex-
tending another 10 of latitude and well into the stormy seas Climatology
surrounding Antarctica.
0.0Geographic Names.The lack of international agreement 0.0The following information concerning weather along the
on the use of geographic names is a world problem. However, shipping routes was prepared by the National Environmental
the problem of geographic names in Antarctica differs from Satellite Data and Information Service, National Oceanic and
that of any other land mass of comparable size because this ar- Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
ea has unresolved questions of sovereignty. 0.0Antarctic Climate.The Antarctic is one of the coldest re-
0.0As a result of the Antarctic Treaty, there is now a degree of gions in the world with a recorded minimum temperature of -
agreement to handle this problem. Although some duplication 86.9C. The continental influence of Antarctica is enhanced by
and substitution of names occurs, most participating countries its size and altitude. Along with minimum sunlight and maxi-
have now established nomenclature committees responsible for mum radiational cooling, the continental influence produces
names in this region. extremely cold winters. These severe conditions are tempered
0.0All proposed new names, together with the supporting argu- on the coast and at sea by a vast expanse of relatively warm
ments for their recognition, are considered by national commit- ocean surrounding the continent.
tees. Subsequently, these names are brought forth for 0.0Most of the ice-free ocean area is located in a belt of strong,
international agreement and are ultimately proclaimed by the persistent W winds. The boundaries between the polar conti-
initiating country. Some geographic features have not achieved nental and polar maritime air masses (Antarctic front) and be-
international agreement on nomenclature, and different names tween the polar maritime and tropical maritime air masses
may be found on charts produced by different countries. (polar front) represent areas of frequent and intense storm ac-
0.0In the United States, a gazetteer, Geographic Names of the tivity throughout the year. Most of these storms form to the N
Antarctic-1995, has been published with approval by the Unit- of 70S and circle the continent from W to E. Lows forming
ed States Board on Geographic Names and the Secretary of the along the polar front tend to move SE toward the continent.
Interior. This gazetteer contains names for features in Antarcti- Some penetrate the interior, while others end up in the Ross
ca and the area extending N to the Antarctic Convergence. Sea and the Weddell Sea, where they dissipate. Some tend to
0.0For the names of submarine features, reference should be stagnate in the Bellingshausen Sea where the resultant NE
made to Undersea Features-1990, which is also published by winds provide a milder climate than on the E side of the Ant-
the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. These names have been arctic Peninsula.
approved for use by U.S. Government agencies. 0.0The storms of this region resemble those of the N hemi-
sphere except that the winds blow clockwise toward the center.
Cautions The contrast in air mass temperatures and the uncomplicated
land and sea distribution makes fronts and weather changes
Special Warning 120 (Issued 16 November 2001; reviewed more distinct than in the N latitudes. This is especially true of
20 November 2014) cold fronts. In addition, the storm movement is more constant,
1. Due to recent events in the Middle East and the Amer- more rapid, and less erratic than in the N. The average speed of
ican homeland, U.S. forces worldwide are operating at a these systems ranges from about 20 knots in summer to more
heightened state of readiness and taking additional defensive than 30 knots in winter. The regularity of movement enables
precautions against terrorist and other potential threats. Con- vessels proceeding E to remain in an area of good or bad
sequently, all aircraft, surface vessels and subsurface vessels weather if its speed matches the speed of these troughs and
approaching U.S. forces are requested to maintain radio con- ridges (good weather). Vessels proceeding W usually encoun-
tact with U.S. forces on bridge-to-bridge channel 16, interna- ter a series of disturbances. These storms have a tendency to
tional air distress (121.5 MHz VHF), or MILAIR Distress occur every 3 to 5 days. The first indications of their approach
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 5
is often a cirrus or altocumulus cloud deck observed some 100 of Good Hope, gales blow 20 to 30 per cent of the time, as
to 200 miles away on the W horizon. Several hours later, the storm activity remains frequent, but to the E of 60E in the
barometer begins to fall and mist gradually fills the air reduc- middle of summer, the frequency drops to 5 per cent or less.
ing visibility to a few miles. About 8 hours after the first cirrus, Winds from SW through NW are common everywhere near
a stratus deck forms, becoming overcast within a few hours. 60S. To the S, winds from E are frequent, but strong winds are
The passage of the low is indicated by rising pressure and not. Fog and precipitation decrease the visibility in summer to
winds from a W quadrant. less than 5 miles about 40 per cent of the time. Along the 60th
0.0In addition to the intense low pressure systems and their as- parallel, isolated areas exist where the visibility falls to below
sociated fronts, frequent cold frontal troughs occur which ex- 0.5 mile up to 20 per cent of the time. Precipitation is encoun-
tend for hundreds of miles to the N and NW. The sudden and tered about 30 to 40 per cent of the time. Snow accounts for 15
often violent changes occurring during the E passage of these to 20 per cent of the precipitation observations. This is reflect-
troughs can create problems for vessels. ed in the temperatures which drop below freezing at about
0.0Summer (October-March).Since nearly 85 per cent of 60S.
the sea ice melts during the summer, navigation is much less 0.0Winds from SW through NW also prevail when entering the
restricted, particularly from December through March. Howev- adjacent waters from the Pacific where extratropical activity is
er, the weather remains hazardous. During September and Oc- at a minimum in summer. Gales are encountered about 5 to 10
tober when the ice cover reaches its N position and the per cent of the time. To the S of 60S, winds are lighter and
temperature difference between the air masses is the greatest, more variable. The visibility decreases to less than 5 miles
storms are most frequent and intense. To the S of 60S, two to about 20 to 40 per cent of the time. Temperatures close N of
six storms per month are common. By the middle of summer the region, which range from 7.8 to 11.1C on the average, de-
this frequency is usually cut in half. The effects of these storms crease to an average of 1.7C to the S of 60S. This is reflected
are greatest along the N portions of the routes. in the snowfall frequency which accounts for about one-half of
0.0Through the Drake Passage, where extratropical storm activ- all observations at these higher latitudes. Precipitation is gener-
ity is frequent in early summer, gales are encountered up to 20 ally encountered about 30 to 40 per cent of the time.
per cent of the time. The frequency slackens to 15 per cent and 0.0Along circumpolar routes near 60S there is some climatic
less by the middle of summer as storm activity decreases. The variation in conditions. While W winds predominate, these
worst conditions are found on the W side of the passage where routes are close to the transition area and velocities are general-
SW through NW winds blow at an average of about 20 knots ly slower than those farther N. Winds from E are also present
throughout the season. These winds are responsible for wave on occasion. Gales are encountered only about 5 per cent of the
heights of 3m or more, which are reported 20 to 35 per cent of time. The frequency of the visibility being less than 5 miles
the time even in the middle of summer. They are reported more ranges from 20 per cent on the Pacific Ocean side to 40 per
than 50 per cent of the time during the rough October period. cent elsewhere. The visibility decreases to less than 0.5 mile
Under mostly cloudy skies visibility remains good except in about 5 to 10 per cent of the time with some isolated 20 per
precipitation, which occurs about 30 to 40 per cent of the time. cent occurrences existing to the N of Queen Maud Land during
Snow and frontal fogs can decrease visibility to less than 0.5 the middle of summer. Temperatures range from 5 to 7C on
mile, but this is uncommon. Snow is most likely early in the the Pacific side and from -2 to 0.5C on the Atlantic side. This
season and to the S. Temperatures hover around freezing in accounts for the variation in snow frequency which ranges
these waters while near Cape Horn they range from about 4.4 from one-half of all precipitation to the S of the Atlantic as
to 8.9C; the warmest readings occur in January and February. compared to less than 10 per cent to the S of the Pacific. In
0.0The routes that approach Antarctica from the Atlantic Ocean general, precipitation occurs 30 to 40 per cent of the time along
usually encounter the roughest conditions. Winds from SW these routes.
through NW are responsible for the gales that blow 10 to 20 Winter (April-September).Most winter navigation is re-
per cent of the time even in the middle of summer. Gale fre- stricted to the seas around and N of 60S because of ice. Along
quencies, in general, decrease with increasing latitude. Gales the routes that circle the continent at about 55S, winds blow
are most likely to occur to the N of 55S from around South mainly out of the SW through NW. They are strongest early
Georgia Island and E into the W part of the Indian Ocean area. and late in the season when gales are encountered 20 to 30 per
Near 60S, NE gales become common by the middle of sum- cent of the time in the Drake Passage and in the waters to the S
mer. of the Atlantic. Elsewhere along these routes, gales can be ex-
0.0Fog is most likely during the middle of summer when visi- pected 10 to 20 per cent of the time. During the middle of win-
bility decreases to less than 5 miles about 40 to 60 per cent of ter, gales are less frequent, but may still be expected about 20
the time and less than 0.5 mile about 10 to 20 per cent of the per cent of the time in the Drake Passage.
time. 0.0The visibility is usually good, except during precipitation. It
0.0Precipitation as well as fog restricts visibility. Precipitation is best along the portions of the routes to the S of the Pacific
is most likely along the N portions of the routes where it is en- Ocean and the Indian Ocean and worst to the S of the Atlantic
countered about 30 to 40 per cent of the time. It falls as snow Ocean and Drake Passage, off the Cape of Good Hope. In gen-
on about one-half of the precipitation observations. Snow is eral, the visibility decreases to less than 5 miles about 20 to 40
most likely to occur to the S of 60S where temperatures aver- per cent of the time. Sometimes fog or snow may reduce the
age about -2.2 to 0C. visibility to less than 0.5 mile. This is most likely to the S of
0.0Routes from the Indian Ocean usually face less hostile con- the Atlantic Ocean where the frequency is about 10 per cent.
ditions than those in the Atlantic region. To the S of the Cape 0.0On the average, temperatures are coldest and least variable in
Pub. 200
6 The Antarctic
the middle of winter when they are near freezing everywhere ciers, particularly in the SE corner. Lallemand Fjord forms a
along these routes except in the Pacific area where the average natural funnel to strong winds blowing off the plateau, which
is a few degrees warmer. Early and late in the season, tempera- turn to the N when moving up the fjord. The S part of Hanusse
tures remain around freezing, or even a little below, to the S of Bay is influenced by winds funneling through The Gullet.
the Atlantic. However, they are more likely to be a few degrees 0.0Among the South Shetland Islands and the South Orkney Is-
warmer elsewhere. This temperature spread is indicative of the lands, winds are variable and often strong. Winds from E and
snowfall distribution as well. In general, precipitation occurs W are both frequent as lows pass to the N and S of these is-
about 40 to 50 per cent of the time along these routes with little lands. The stations at Admiralty Bay and Deception Island are
seasonal variation. However, in the Drake Passage, the precipi- sheltered from the worst effects of the high winds. At Decep-
tation occurs as snow about one-quarter of the time. To the S of tion Island, gales blow on an average of 35 days annually as
the Atlantic during the middle of winter and late season, snow compared to 60 days at Scotia Bay on Laurie Island. In the
occurs on about 30 per cent of all precipitation observations. South Orkney Islands, winds are frequently from the NW and
To the S of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, this fre- W. Winds from the SE and SW are also common. The stations
quency decreases to about 10 per cent. on the South Shetland Islands have reported a slight preponder-
0.0The Antarctic Peninsula.The rugged peninsula and the ance of NE winds, but only SE and S winds are infrequent.
nearby islands project out into the adjacent waters, interrupting Throughout the islands, winds are usually strongest from about
the general E flow around the continent and extending into the July through October with average speeds ranging from 12 to
W winds of the lower latitudes. The climate benefits from the 18 knots.
relatively warm waters that flow into the area for a good por- 0.0The visibility is often exceptional in this region, which is
tion of the year. Its maritime nature is most apparent in summer free of pollution and dust particles. Fog is reported less than 5
when diurnal temperature variations are small, rain is preva- per cent of the time while the visibility is more likely to be re-
lent, and winds are weakest. Weather producers include extra- duced by rain, mist, drizzle, snow, blowing snow, and sea
tropical storms, from the oceans to the N, and cold continental spray. On rare occasions, radiation fog forms in protected ar-
outbreaks, from the S. Both are modified somewhat by local eas. This is usually composed of supercooled water droplets,
topography. but observations of ice fog have been reported at Marguerite
0.0Storms, high pressure systems, and local topography pro- Bay with temperatures below -31.7C. Occasionally steam fog
duce variable, and often strong, winds throughout the region. or sea smoke, usually 15 to 30m thick, will form when very
Wind speeds are usually highest from June through October cold air off the continent blows out over warmer water.
when averages range from 10 to 20 knots, depending upon ex- 0.0Snowstorms and blowing snow can obscure the coast and ad-
posure. Gales are most likely during this period. From Novem- jacent waters. A 20-knot wind blowing over a recent dry snow-
ber through May, wind speed averages range from 5 to 15 fall can raise snow a few meters while a 40-knot gale can raise
knots while gales blow on about 1 to 8 days per month. January it as high as 15m and reduce the visibility to less than 100m.
and February are usually the quietest months. 0.0In the South Shetland Islands, blowing snow is the major re-
0.0Coastal and island locations are subject to foehn winds, striction to visibility. At Deception Island, poor visibility is re-
which develop on the lee side of the mountains. Their descent ported on an average of 84 days annually as compared to
causes a sharp increase in wind speed along with a drop in hu- Scotia Bay, in the South Orkney Islands, where 41 days are re-
midity and a rise in temperature. For example, the wind in- ported. The visibility is worst in winter throughout these is-
creased from calm to WSW at 44 knots at Hope Bay during an lands.
observation in July. The humidity dropped from 86 to 20 per 0.0The annual average number of days with fog or reduced visi-
cent and the temperature increased from -10 to 6.1C. bility ranges from less than 20 in the Argentine Islands to more
0.0In the Bellingshausen Sea, dissipating storms generate a pre- than 100 at Hope Bay. Winter is the worst period when 5 to 10
ponderance of NE winds over its E shores. However, a strongly fog days per month occur on the average. December, January,
curved arc of mountains protects this area from the gales that and February are generally the months with the best visibility.
blow along the flank of the Graham Land range. Hence, the 0.0Most precipitation in this region falls as snow or other frozen
leeward side of the Antarctic Peninsula has a noticeably high forms. Rain frequency generally increases with decreasing lati-
percentage of calms and light winds. For example, calms are tude. Frequent precipitation does not necessarily coincide with
reported at Port Lockroy on about 20 per cent of the observa- large amounts, as much of it falls as light, dry, powdery snow.
tions from February through August. Blowing and drifting snow make measurements difficult while
0.0Along the Argentine Islands, winds are variable and gales the topography and ice shelves complicate precipitation pat-
are infrequent. In Marguerite Bay during the summer, winds terns. Another form of precipitation observed on the Antarctic
from NW through N have been observed to blow for weeks at a Peninsula is rime or hoarfrost from supercooled fogs. Rime de-
time. These winds produce a densely packed area of drift ice posits on the windward sides of obstructions may build up to a
off the W coast of Adelaide Island, which clogs the S part of thicknesses of a few meters.
the bay. At times, winds from the N and NE reach gale force in 0.0Precipitation is usually generated by the frequent extra-tropi-
this bay. cal storms and their associated fronts. Many of these systems,
0.0In Crystal Sound, the predominant winds blow from the SW, moving E from W of Cape Horn, are channeled through the
but the effects of the central plateau and coastal topography Drake Passage and deflected S across the Antarctic Peninsula
cause strong E gales close to the coast in some areas. Lows of- and into the Weddell Sea.
ten bring N gales, which cause a rise in temperature and heavy 0.0Precipitation is frequent throughout the year along the Ant-
snow. Darbel Bay is affected by winds blowing down the gla- arctic Peninsula and over the islands. In the Bellingshausen
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 7
Sea, it is observed on about 15 to 25 days per month on the av- occur when the saturation point is reached. The highest record-
erage. September through October and March through April ed readings in this region occur in the islands. At Scotia Bay, in
seem to be the peak periods along the coasts. Snow is usually the South Orkney Islands, the average relative humidity ranges
most frequent, but rain reaches a peak during the latter period. from 86 per cent in January to 92 per cent during June and Au-
From December through April, rain occurs on up to 12 days gust.
per month over the off-lying islands. At Signy Island during 0.0East Antarctica.The circumpolar trough that flanks this
March, rain falls on an average of 12 days while snow occurs region throughout the year reflects the large number of storms
on 16. that affect the area. Winds are mostly from the E quadrant
0.0Gray overcast conditions blanket the area for days at a time. while gales are frequently generated by the storms and interior
Dense masses of frontal clouds can cover large areas of the winds. Precipitation, under mostly cloudy skies, is usually
open sea, restricting daylight and reducing visibility. Near De- snow as temperatures do not often climb above freezing.
ception Island, cloudy conditions prevail on an average of 240 0.0The prevailing winds blow from NE to SE throughout the
days annually while clear days are only observed about 4 times year, although S winds are also somewhat common. In general,
per year at some island locations. Near the coast, the onset of winds are strongest in winter, blowing from the prevailing di-
offshore winds sometimes improves conditions. The least rections at averages of 20 to 35 knots at many locations. At
cloudy conditions generally occur from May through Septem- Sanae in May, NE winds average a speed of 39 knots. In sum-
ber. In coastal waters on both sides of the peninsula, clear skies mer, the averages decrease to 10 to 25 knots. Gales blow on
are estimated to occur about 10 per cent of the time. Summer is about 100 days annually and are most likely from March
usually the cloudiest period in many locations, but local varia- through September. In many locations, katabatic or drainage
tions occur. For example, on Stonington Island, in Marguerite winds boost the averages. Novolazarevskaya, Roi Baudouin,
Bay, the least cloudy months of December and January coin- Mawson, and Mirnyy are particularly susceptible along this
cide with the period of least frequent precipitation. In the South coast. The winds usually extend out only into the near coastal
Orkney Islands, the cloudiest period is from October through waters and are local. For example, at Gauss, winds are lighter
April. and gales much less frequent than at nearby Mirnyy Station.
0.0While an extreme of -89.6C was recorded in the interior at Mawson is exposed to SE winds which blow, at an average of
Vostok (7827'S., 10652'E.), temperatures along the coast are 20 to 25 knots, for 60 to 85 per cent of the time all year-round,
much warmer. On the peninsula, extremes range from -26.1 to and 80 to 85 per cent from February through May and again
45.5C. Extreme maximums range from 7C near the base of from August through September.
the peninsula to 15.5C in the South Shetland Islands. The ex- 0.0Maximum wind gusts throughout the year range from 80 to
tent of the cold continental air reaches a minimum in February 120 knots and usually blow from the SE or ESE. By contrast,
when the warmer maritime air advances beyond the latitude of the second most common wind conditions are calms which oc-
the South Orkney Islands. cur 5 to 15 per cent of the time at Mawson. Sanae also has a
0.0In general, temperatures are warmer on the W side of the relatively high percentage of calms. Strong wind gusts are
peninsula than on the Weddell Sea side. The distribution of ice common throughout the region and many locations have re-
and water may also account for temperature differences be- corded speeds of 100 knots or more. While they can occur in
tween nearby locations. For example, Port Lockroy is usually any season, strong gusts are most likely from April through
1.7 to 3.3C warmer than the Argentine Islands, which are on- October. Snow prevails and is recorded on 150 to 200 days an-
ly about 40 miles distant. Diurnal temperature changes are nually along these coasts. Precipitation amounts are often not
smallest in summer (2.8 to 5.6C) due to the small change in reported because of the difficulty in obtaining accurate mea-
the angle of elevation of the sun between day and night. How- surements. At the few stations where records are available, the
ever, day to day differences are large. Changes of 11.1 to averages range from 150 to 630m annually. At Novolaza-
16.7C can occur in a few hours by a change in the air mass. In revskaya, the peak period for snow is from July through Octo-
Graham Land, high temperatures are often associated with ber. Mirnyy Station records about 600mm of precipitation each
foehn winds. At Hope Bay, maritime air crossing the moun- year with 50 to 100mm of snow per month from May through
tains may reach a temperature of 10C, even in winter. September.
0.0Maximum temperatures climb above freezing consistently 0.0The coast is usually less cloudy than the open sea. Sheltered
from November through March. January and February are usual- locations on the lee side of high ground often have frequent pe-
ly the warmest months when average maximums are about 2C riods of broken clouds. May through September is usually the
and minimums range from -2.2 to -1.1C. Latitudinal influenc- least cloudy period. Showa, one of the few locations measuring
es are small in summer in this region. The coldest temperatures clear days, records 69 days annually when skies are clear. This
usually occur in July when maximums average -7.8 to -5.3C reaches a peak during the period from May through September
and minimums range from -17.8 to -9.4C. when 6 to 8 clear days per month occur on the average. Sum-
0.0The average relative humidity across this region ranges from mer is usually the cloudiest time.
78 to 85 per cent with a small daily change. The annual range 0.0Good visibility prevails and exceptional visibility is com-
is also small, but lowest values usually occur on summer after- mon. Coastal stations are usually not affected by sea fog or ra-
noons. Although humidities are high, the relatively low tem- diation fog and most report true fog less than 2 per cent of the
peratures mean that absolute moisture is small. When a foehn time. At Sanae, fog or poor visibility has been reported on 25
wind blows, humidities can drop below 30 per cent, particular- days annually. Snow, rain, and drizzle are common restrictions
ly on the islands. Highest readings occur when relatively warm and can cause the visibility to decrease below fog limits.
air from the N flows across the colder water. Areas of fog may Strong winds can reduce visibility with sea spray on the water
Pub. 200
8 The Antarctic
and blowing snow along the coast. This blowing snow can ob- 9 months.
scure both the coastline and adjacent waters. 0.0Other locations are less windy and some are well sheltered
0.0In general, fog is most likely in summer when relatively from strong winds. At Cape Hallett, when strong winds arent
warm air is cooled by the water or ice. In coastal waters, the blowing from the S, there is a good chance that conditions are
visibility can decrease to less than 0.5 mile on up to 10 days calm. Extreme winds at most locations approach or exceed 100
per month. In winter, the visibility is more wind and precipita- knots. At Wilkes, a maximum gust of 120 knots was reported
tion related. At Halley Bay, blowing snow has been recorded blowing from the ESE during October.
on average on 188 days annually and on 16 to 19 days per 0.0Reduced visibility is often associated with storms. In the
month from March through November. frontal zone, precipitation may be accompanied by fog while
0.0Along this coast there is a temperature swing of about -1.1C blowing snow is often a problem in coastal waters. In this re-
from winter to summer. Maximums in the middle of summer gion the winds are the rule rather than the exception. At Du-
average 0 to 1.7C with the minimums being 4.4 to 8.3C mont dUrville, near Cape Denison, 132 days annually are
colder. Extreme maximum temperatures may reach up to 5C. reported with blowing snow and 346 days with wind speeds of
Temperatures generally decrease rapidly as the sun moves to 28 knots or more. This station records 30 days per year with
the N. By April, the maximum temperatures average less than - fog as compared to 50 days at McMurdo. The fog is most like-
6.7C. July, August, and September are the coldest months. ly to occur from April through October. At Little America, the
Average maximums range from -16.1 to -13.9C at lower ele- visibility decreases to less than 0.5 mile on 40 days per year.
vations to -25C at Halley Bay (30m above Mean Sea Level) in 0.0Most of the precipitation in this region falls as snow. Al-
August. Minimums usually decrease to -17.8C. Extreme min- though a large number of snow days are recorded each year, in
imums range from -34.4 to -51.1C. many places, amounts are not large since many snows are light.
0.0The average relative humidity along this coast ranges from At Oasis, 200mm of precipitation was recorded as compared to
55 to 85 per cent. The determining factors seem to be exposure 300mm at Wilkes, where snow falls on an average of 104 days
to winds off the water and temperature. Foehn winds can drop annually. At Cape Hallett, snow, measuring about 200mm, falls
the humidity to less than 30 per cent. The highest humidity of- on an average of 181 days annually, with the maximum occur-
ten occurs in winter, when temperatures are lowest, although ring during February and March. Mist is observed sometimes
the moisture content of the air may be very small. during the summer months.
0.0West Antarctica.Storms in this area are frequent and of- 0.0Cloud amounts are often difficult to assess due to persistent
ten move past Cape Adare into the Ross Sea. The area extend- blowing snow. Cumulus clouds are uncommon, but cirrus is
ing from the Adelie Coast to George V Land is known as the widespread and forms at lower levels than in temperate re-
windiest region in the world and the home of the blizzards. gions. While extratropical storms and their associated fronts
Stormy conditions are almost continuous for 9 months of the bring an abundance of cloudiness to this region, the downslope
year and frequently reach hurricane force. Cyclogenesis is pro- flow from the interior often dissipates clouds and this is reflect-
nounced W of the Ross Sea where frequent outbreaks of cold ed in cloud cover minimums over the Ross Ice Shelf and on the
continental air steepen the horizontal temperature gradients. Wilkes Land coast. Cloudiness reaches a seasonal minimum in
The resulting differences between cold dry continental air and winter when the long nights and expansion of the ice field fur-
relatively warm moist maritime air are also pronounced in the ther intensify the polar anticyclones. At Little America, clear
Ross Sea with its sharply indented coastline. These differences, skies have been reported on as many as 17 days in July. Mini-
and therefore cyclonic activity, are most pronounced during mum cloud coverage usually occurs from May through Sep-
September and October. tember and a maximum occurs in summer.
0.0In this region, particularly around the Ross Sea, the frequen- 0.0Along these coasts, the average maximum temperatures
cy of extratropical cyclones and continental air mass outbreaks range from above freezing in summer to -12.2C and less in
increases the frequencies of winds from W to S. At Little winter. Minimums are usually 2.8 to 5.6C cooler in summer
America, winds are mostly from the E, except from July and 5.6 to 11.1C cooler in winter. As a result of foehn winds
through September when S and SW winds are more common. descending from the interior, extreme high temperatures have
At Cape Hallett, S winds are frequent all year-round while SW reached from 4.4 to 10C. These are most likely to occur in
winds are common from April through August. Winds from SE January although they have occurred in November and Decem-
and S make up most of the observations at Cape Denison while ber at some locations. The coldest temperatures are recorded
E winds prevail at Oasis. from July through September and range from -34.4 to -
0.0The extreme wind speeds experienced along these coasts are 51.1C.
the result of extratropical cyclones and local katabatic winds 0.0Diurnal temperature variations are similar to those in tem-
off the interior highlands and ice plateaus. However, these perate latitudes except in winter. When the sun is continuously
winds seldom extend more than 3 miles to seaward. below the horizon (May, June, and July), the temperatures re-
0.0In Commonwealth Bay, violent SE gales are common. Along main above the daily average from 0900 to 1900, but they fall
the coast between the Adelie Coast and George V Land, strong below during the remaining hours.
land winds can develop at night even in the relatively quiet 0.0During December and January, the average maximum tem-
summer season. At Cape Denison, the annual average wind peratures range from -1.1C at McMurdo to 4.4C at Oasis.
speed is 38 knots and this is probably the windiest region in the The minimums average below freezing everywhere. By March,
world. The average wind speed for July is 47 knots with gales temperatures everywhere usually remain below freezing even
blowing on 29 days on the average. For the year, gales occur on during the day. The coldest temperatures occur from June
an average of 284 days and blizzards are almost continuous for through August when average maximums range from -12.2 to
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 9
-23.3C and average minimums range from -17.8 to -34.4C. the shield forms a high plateau which on average is one of the
The warmest region is along the S coast of Wilkes Land while worlds highest continents. If the ice were removed from this
the coldest is along the Ross Sea shore. area, much of the underlying land would remain above sea lev-
0.0Because of the pronounced continental influence and the ex- el.
tensive ice fields, the relative humidity is low along these 0.0The base of East Antarctica is composed of high-grade meta-
coasts and ranges from 45 to 85 per cent on average. The high- morphic and intrusive igneous rocks such as basalts. Flat-lying
er readings are often due to the low temperatures and not any sedimentary and volcanic rocks, such as sand and silt-stones,
large moisture content. The highest readings occur at Cape overlie the base. These strata are exposed extensively in the
Denison from March through May when averages range from Transantarctic Mountains but rarely in other sections of this ar-
80 to 87 per cent. This is due to a combination of minimum ice ea.
cover and falling temperatures. At Oasis, with its frequent land 0.0West Antarctica (Lesser Antarctica) is geologically very dif-
winds and relatively warm temperatures, the usual humidity in ferent. This area is composed of a series of mountain ranges
summer is about 45 per cent. whose rocks are much younger, but its geologic structure is
less well known. The base is believed to be of Paleozoic age
Geophysical Features and mostly composed of igneous intrusives and metamorphic
rocks. Strongly folded and metamorphosed sedimentary and
0.0Physical Geography.Antarctica is a geographically iso- volcanic sequences of Paleozoic and Mesozoic age mantle this
lated land mass centered approximately at the South Pole and base level.
surrounded by water. South America, the nearest continent to 0.0The relatively few lakes that are located in Antarctica have
Antarctica, lies about 380 miles away. The land area of Antarc- few associated streams. These lakes rarely receive sediments
tica is approximately 5.4 million square miles, or slightly larg- and are rarely thermally stratified in the summer. Most of the
er than the size of the continental United States and Mexico. lakes are highly saline and have low species diversity. They
The continental shelves of Antarctica, although relatively nar- may or may not be permanently covered by ice.
row, have an area of about 1.5 million square miles. 0.0Ice-free oases, or dry valleys, occur in some portions of
0.0The weather conditions of Antarctica are extremely cold and East Antarctica. They are the result of evaporation and subli-
harsh, and about 98 per cent of this continent is permanently mation of water and ice, and the restricted flow of glaciers into
covered with an ice sheet that averages 2,000m in thickness. the valleys. The soils, ponds, or lakes within the valleys are
Only areas along the coast, the Transantarctic Mountains, and usually saline because there is no external drainage. The best
the Ellsworth Mountains have extensive snow and ice-free ar- known dry valleys are those located in the S part of Victoria
eas. Land and the Bunger Oasis region.
0.0East Antarctica (Greater Antarctica), the area lying between 0.0Permafrost.Knowledge of the permafrost conditions in
approximately 30 W and 165 E, is characterized by a vast Antarctica is limited. Dry permafrost, a condition in which the
dome-shaped cover of ice that is generally over 3,000m thick soil or rock contains no ice or contains very little ice, prevails
and locally exceeds 4,000m in thickness. Beneath the ice sheet over most of the continent, but ice-rich permafrost has been
in East Antarctica, the bedrock surface is made up of large low- identified at some locations. When dry permafrost materials
land plains bounded by several large interior and coastal moun- thaw, there is little or no reduction in volume and consequently
tainous regions. The Transantarctic Mountains separate East no expansion upon refreezing. However, the melting of ice-rich
Antarctica from West Antarctica, and extend from the Oates permafrost produces large volumes of water. This almost spon-
Coast to Coats Land. They range in elevation from 2,000 to taneous liquefaction can cause the mass movement of sediment
4,530m. and water even on slight inclines. The base of the permafrost in
0.0West Antarctica (Lesser Antarctica) includes Marie Byrd the McMurdo-Dry Valley area is irregular, ranging from 440 to
Land, Ellsworth Land, and the Antarctic Peninsula. This area 550m in depth at McMurdo Station to 970m near Lake Vanda.
would be a mountainous island archipelago if the ice cover This irregularity is explained by steep geothermal gradients,
were removed. The mountains of the Antarctic Peninsula are the high salinity of groundwater, and possible solar heating be-
considered to be a continuation of the South American Andes neath the lake ice. Ice-rich permafrost is more prevalent in the
to which they are linked by a submarine arc, the Scotia Ridge, Antarctic Peninsula, especially in depressions and on slopes
that curves out to enclose the Scotia Sea. The South Orkney Is- facing S.
lands, the South Sandwich Islands, and South Georgia are but 0.0Volcanism.Evidence of volcanic activity (past and pres-
above-water peaks of this undersea chain. ent) has been found along the Transantarctic Mountains be-
0.0Vinson Massif, the highest peak, attains a height of 5,140m tween McMurdo Sound and Cape Adare, and in the Queen
and rises in the Ellsworth Mountains. Maud Range. It has also been found in Marie Byrd Land, the
0.0Two great indentations in the continent, the Ross Sea and the Antarctic Peninsula, and the South Shetland Islands.
Weddell Sea, reduce Antarctica to its narrowest width of about 0.0The largest volcano, Mount Erebus, rises on Ross Island and
1,200 miles. attains a height of 3,743m. The crater of this volcano consists
0.0East Antarctica (Greater Antarctica) is twice as large as West of a pool of molten lava.
Antarctica (Lesser Antarctica) and geologically much older, 0.0Fumarole activity (a hole or vent from which vapors rise) has
having been inactive since Precambrian time. This area is what been reported at Mount Erebus; at Mount Terror, on Ross Is-
geologists call a shield, a term used to describe a very old land; at Mount Morning, which rises 140 km SW of Mount
and stable part of the earths crust. It is similar to the continen- Erebus; on Deception Island, in the South Shetland Islands;
tal shields of Africa, Australia, and Canada. In East Antarctica, and on Thule Island, in the South Sandwich Islands.
Pub. 200
10 The Antarctic
0.0Seismic studies were conducted in the McMurdo Sound and annual yield of icebergs that break off the ice cap is approxi-
Mount Erebus areas and the data collected showed that one mately 1,000km3. If 10 per cent of this annual iceberg produc-
small earthquake occurred every 2 days. Other tectonically ac- tion could be transported economically, the water demands of
tive areas are the Antarctic Peninsula, with its surrounding is- an urban population of 500 million could be satisfied.
lands, and the Scotia Arc region. Prominent tectonic features 0.0Sea Ice.Whereas icebergs calve off the front of ice shelves,
include active volcanoes in the South Sandwich Islands and the sea ice (drift ice) forms from the freezing of seawater and covers
South Shetland Islands. enormous areas around Antarctica, with significant physical and
0.0Extensive seismic studies are needed to determine the stabil- biological implications. The area of the sea ice varies several
ity of the entire continent. However, it can be reasonably as- fold between the summer and the winter. In March, sea ice cov-
sumed that East Antarctica is a more stable area in comparison ers approximately 3,000,000km2; in August or September, it
to West Antarctica. covers approximately 20,000,000km2, hence, in effect, doubling
0.0Terrestrial Biota.The terrestrial ecosystems of the Ant- the ice area of Antarctica. In winter, this ice cover completely
arctic are simple and lack diversity because they exist under encloses Antarctica and can extend as far N as 55S. Individual
extreme conditions for life support. In addition, in many cases, ice floes extend 10 to 100m across and can be about 3m thick,
they represent the early stages of colonization following degla- but most of the drift ice is first-year ice, which averages 1.5m
ciation. Even so, interrelationships between organisms are in thickness. As the summer progresses, the ice moves N and
poorly understood. Due to energy pathways or food webs being melts. Consequently, open water can be found in coastal areas
simple, the ecosystems are vulnerable to disruption and are while a zone of drift ice occurs farther offshore. Sea ice moves in
slow in recovering from disturbances. response to the winds and can travel up to 65km in a day.
0.0The ecosystems of Antarctica comprise mainly non-vascular 0.0The widely varying extent of the ice is believed to have an
plants and small invertebrates. The vegetation on the continent important influence on worldwide climatic conditions. Howev-
consists mostly of scattered patches of cryptogams such as er, the relationship is complex and only partially understood.
mosses, lichens, algae, and fungi. The invertebrates include Two factors that play a role are the thermal insulating proper-
bacteria, protozoa, and certain arthropods such as springtails ties of ice and its high albedo. Sea ice acts as a thermal insula-
and mites. tor that restricts the exchange of heat between the atmosphere
0.0The maritime areas of the continent have less snow, higher and the ocean. Because of its high albedo relative to water, it
temperatures, and more precipitation. Therefore, these areas affects the amount of radiant energy that is absorbed regional-
have additional developed vegetation such as ferns, fruiticose, ly. These properties along with the wide seasonal fluctuations
crustose lichens, and some flowering plants. Invertebrates and in the extent of the sea ice cover will affect the heat transfer in
other low life forms are more abundant and small wingless in- Antarctica and, hence, the global climate.
sects, annelids, spiders, and molds exist. 0.0The sea ice provides habitat for many seals and penguins.
0.0Ice Sheet.The enormous ice sheet that covers Antarctica While these animals feed on organisms in the ocean, the sea ice
accounts for about 65 to 70 per cent of the worlds freshwater. offers a refuge from predators. Therefore, these animals are
The average thickness of this ice sheet is approximately frequently found at the edge of the sea ice near open water.
2,000m, but it attains a thickness of over 4,500m in places.
0.0From the high elevations in the interior, the ice slowly flows
outward to the edge of the continent. At the coast, the flows History of Exploration
combine to form ice shelves in many places. These ice shelves
comprise more than 10 per cent of the area of Antarctica. The 0.0History.The concept of a southern continent intrigued
largest are the Ross Ice Shelf (700,000 km2), the Filchner Ice even the ancient Greeks, who believed that such a continent
Shelf, the Ronne Ice Shelf, and the Amery Ice Shelf. An ice was needed to balance the land masses of the North Hemi-
shelf may range in thickness from 200 to 600m and may be ei- sphere. In 1772-1775, Captain James Cook circumnavigated
ther floating or grounded. Antarctica, but saw no continent. However, the 1800s brought
0.0Icebergs.Eventually, as the ice shelves grow, icebergs many adventurers to this region.
calve off the leading edges and move N into the adjacent wa- 0.0The first person to sight the continent, as reported by the
ters. These icebergs can be of enormous size, some measuring Americans, was Nathaniel Palmer in November, 1820; Captain
larger than 60km by 100km horizontally. They can also rise up Edward Bransfield, as reported by the English, in January,
to 100m above sea level and extend up to 400m below sea lev- 1820; and Captain Fabian Von Bellingshausen, as reported by
el, causing deep scouring of the continental shelf. the Russians, 1820-1821. Between the years of 1838 and 1843,
0.0In 1987, it was reported that a massive iceberg (Designated three expeditions, led by dUrville, Wilkes, and Ross, were
B9) was calved from the Ross Ice Shelf. This berg was the made to Antarctica in order to find the South Magnetic Pole.
largest piece of floating ice on record, being approximately Although the goal of these expeditions was not realized, other
208km long, 53km wide, and 250m thick. (Three times the size significant scientific contributions were made. A number of
of Long Island, NY.) firsts in the history of the continent include achievements by
0.0The icebergs move in a N direction in response to the ocean Bull, Gerlache, Borchgrevink, Bruce, Mawson, and Amund-
currents and can generally be found as far N as 45S in the Pa- sen. Subsequently, scientific research programs began in the
cific Ocean and 35S in the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian early 1900s and have continued to the present.
Ocean. 0.0Early geologic exploration of Antarctica began in the late
0.0The ice cap of Antarctica represents a potential resource to 19th century with the collection of rock fragments from the sea
those areas of the world deficient in freshwater resources. The bottom. Extensive programs were carried out by teams of sci-
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 11
entists who accompanied voyages to Antarctica from the 1890s twelve countries during this period. New data was obtained on
to the 1920s. Progress was made in mapping and in under- meteorology, upper atmosphere physics, geomagnetism, seis-
standing Antarcticas geology, glaciology, and geography. Af- mology, glaciology, and geography.
ter World War I, advances in transportation and communica- 0.0The record of investigations begins in the 1830s with obser-
tions allowed even greater exploration. vations made by James Eights and the Charles Wilkes expedi-
0.0The International Geophysical Year (IGY) conducted in tion. Robert Cushman Murphy made important contributions
1957-58 was the beginning of Antarcticas role as an interna- concerning subantarctic birds and terrestrial flora and fauna in
tional science laboratory. Base stations were maintained by the early 1900s.
Pub. 200
12 The Antarctic
0.0Between 1920 and 1955, four expedition teams from the In 1968, the first drill hole to penetrate rock through the ice,
United States developed a sizable data base on Antarctic terres- which was 2,164m thick, was made at Byrd Station (elevation
trial features, including that of the interior. The Second Byrd 1,530m).
Antarctic Expedition (1935-37) explored the inland mountains Currently, work is being done in all aspects of Antarctic re-
and nunataks, and made extensive discoveries. The United search with funding, management, and guidance provided by
States Service Expedition of 1939-1941 investigated the natu- the National Science Foundation (NSF).
ral resources of Antarctica; studied botany, zoology, and
Additional information concerning stations and bases is
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The Antarctic 13
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14 The Antarctic
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The Antarctic 15
of the original signatories (Belgium, Japan, South Africa, Rus- of these seals are now protected by the Convention for Conser-
sia, and the United States) have neither made claims nor recog- vation of Antarctic Seals.
nized claims made by other countries. In the Antarctic Treaty, 0.0In the early 20th century, a whaling station was established in
the disagreement over the issue of territorial sovereignty is King Edward Cove, on South Georgia Island, to support whal-
dealt with in a manner that allows the parties to cooperate in ing operations. The activities in this harbor grossly polluted the
the conduct of the specific activities addressed by the treaty. water with organic effluents and fuel oil, impacting the local
0.0Historical Impact.To date, the major impacts on the ter- marine communities. However, contamination has stopped and
restrial environment from the present occupation of Antarctica evidence indicates that the benthic fauna has recovered.
are localized and are mostly associated with support facilities 0.0The Antarctic environment has been contaminated at ex-
such as fuel-handling and storage; waste disposal; and con- tremely low levels with organochlorides as a result of human
struction, operation, and maintenance of stations and field activities outside of Antarctica. The entire impact of these con-
camps. Those environmental features that have been affected taminants is not known. However, DDT and other chlorinated
include rocks, soils, lakes, ponds, terrestrial biota, and glacial hydrocarbons have been found in Antarctic birds. In addition,
snow and ice. The degree to which they have been affected, in DDT, PCBs, and other organochlorides have also been found in
some cases, is unknown, but is generally only local in extent. krill, although at concentrations that do not pose a human
0.0During 1980 and again in 1991, the National Science Foun- health hazard.
dation performed comprehensive environmental impact assess- 0.0Marine traffic is considerable in the Drake Passage, which is
ments of U.S. activities in Antarctica. The assessments used by vessels too large to pass through the Panama Canal.
concluded that continuation of these activities would have no Commercial shipping, which includes oil tankers, pass through
significant continental impacts on Antarctica. this area, usually to the N of the Antarctic Convergence. Re-
0.0Only a few localized impacts of any significance could be cently, several cruise vessels have transited Antarctic waters.
identified. Most of these impacts are significant only in in- 0.0Bases.McMurdo Station is the main United States base
stances where research being carried out requires an undis- and also the largest multipurpose research and logistics center
turbed environment for its success. in Antarctica. The population of bases on the continent may
0.0The protection of the Antarctic environment is of prime con- reach 2,000 people during the summer and 800 people during
cern to personnel working in Antarctica, and this concern is re- the winter. The U.S. bases rely heavily on aircraft, rather than
flected in directives issued under the Antarctic Treaty. on ships, for transport of personnel and priority cargo. Howev-
0.0Current scientific activities and tourism in Antarctica have er, when fuel or bulk cargo is transported (some 90 per cent of
little impact on the marine environment. Those impacts that the total), it is shipped to McMurdo. Icebreakers are used to
have been noted are only local in extent. A small number of open an approach channel, enabling cargo vessels and tankers
birds and seals are lost to scientific collecting. Activities near to off-load directly at this station. McMurdo has one of the few
rookeries, such as helicopter overflights and foot expeditions, airfields on the continent that are suitable for use, at times, by
are restricted. wheeled aircraft.
0.0Impact on the marine environment has been limited in the
past except for the harvesting of mammals. The disposal of Ice
garbage, sanitary waste, and solid waste in coastal waters de-
grades water quality on a local scale. Vessel traffic and the han- Combined Antarctic Naval Patrol
dling of petroleum products have resulted in small oil spills or 0.0The Combined Antarctic Naval Patrol (Argentina-Chile)
oil discharges which may harm local animal populations. normally carries out patrol duties from November 15 until
During 1989, a vessel ran aground to the SW of Palmer Sta- March 15. Patrol duties include search and rescue duties; mari-
tion, spilling about 4,000 barrels (about 170,000 gallons) of fu- time salvage, surveillance, and anti-pollution work; providing
el into the sea. safe conditions for mariners and human life at sea; and main-
0.0Commercial harvesting of whales and seals has had signifi- taining the area to be free of pollution. The area of responsibil-
cant impacts in the past. Twentieth century whaling greatly re- ity is S of 60S between the meridians of 10W and 131W.
duced the populations of baleen whales. The International Vessels requiring assistance should contact naval patrol vessels
Whaling Commission now regulates whaling. The fin, blue, on VHF channel 16 or 2182 kHz or with any of the following
humpback, and southern right whales are protected from har- Maritime Rescue Coordination Centers (MRCC) or Maritime
vesting, and harvest quotas have been set for other species. The Rescue Subcenters (MRSC):
reduction of the number of whales in this century from approx- 1. MRCC Ushuaia
imately 975,000 to approximately 338,000 means that less krill a. Telephone: 54-2901-431098
are consumed by whales. Whereas baleen whales used to con- b. Facsimile: 54-2901-431098
sume an estimated 180 million tons of krill, they now only con- c. Radio: 500 kHz, 2182 kHz, 4660 kHz, and
sume an estimated 33 million tons, increasing the availability VHF channel 16
of krill for other predators. Subsequently, the population of cra- d. E-mail: [email protected]
beater seals increased and the populations of other predators 2. MRCC Punta Arenas
may also have increased. Hence, whaling may have altered the a. Telephone: 56-61-2201161
populations of many species besides the whales themselves. 56-61-2201162
0.0Fur seals and elephant seals were captured for their fur and b. Facsimile: 56-61-2201172
blubber, respectively, during the eighteenth and nineteenth cen- c. Radio: 2182 kHz, 2738 kHz, and VHF
turies, and the number of fur seals was severely reduced. Both channel 16
Pub. 200
16 The Antarctic
d. E-mail: [email protected] density currents operate until the freezing point is reached and
3. MRSC Puerto Williams theoretically the entire body must be cooled to this temperature
a. Telephone: 56-61-2621090 before ice can form on the surface.
b. Facsimile: 56-61-2621090 0.0However, in nature, rapid cooling of still water often occurs
c. Radio: 2182 kHz, 2738 kHz, and VHF under conditions where heat is removed from the surface layers
channel 16 faster than it can be supplied from the deeper layers through
d. E-mail: [email protected] convection currents. In such a case, ice will form on the surface
[email protected] of the water before the deeper layers have approached the
4. MRCC Antarctica Chilena freezing point.
a. Telephone: 56-32-2208556 0.0A practical outcome of the foregoing is that if a body of wa-
56-32-2208557 ter originally of uniform density is losing heat at the surface,
b. E-mail: [email protected] ice will be formed most readily in fresh water, less readily in
[email protected] sea water of low salinity, and least readily in sea water of high
salinity. The greater heat removal required to freeze sea water
Natural Characteristics is due not only to its relatively low freezing point, but also to
0.0Formation and Growth of Sea Ice in Polar Regions.An the increased tendency of the cooled surface water to sink as
understanding of the formation, growth, and decay of sea ice is the temperature of maximum density decreases.
desirable for comprehension of many of the problems in ice 0.0Ice Propagation.Ice forms first in shallow water, near the
seamanship. The climatic factors bearing on the formation of coast or over shoals and banks; in bays, inlets, and straits in
ice naturally vary from place to place and from season to sea- which there is no current; and in regions with reduced salinity,
son. However, a knowledge of the basic physics involved such as those near the mouths of rivers. It then spreads from
should be of great assistance and enable mariners to recognize these areas.
certain salient features of ice and take advantage of its proper- 0.0The first sign of freezing is an oily or opaque appearance of
ties. the water. This is due to the formation of needle-like spicules
0.0Freezing.In temperate and tropical latitudes, the ocean and thin plates of ice, about 1 centimeter wide, which are
acts as a storehouse of radiant heat from the sun, the visible known as frazil crystals. These crystals of fresh ice, which are
and infrared wave lengths being largely absorbed in the surface free of salt, increase in number until the sea is covered by a
layers. The heat that is stored by this action is then given off to thick and soupy slush, known as grease ice.
the air at night and at other periods when the air is colder than 0.0Snow, falling into water, aids the freezing process by cooling
the sea surface. However, in higher latitudes, insufficient heat and by providing nuclei for the ice crystals. In such conditions,
is stored in the short daylight periods to compensate for the the slush forms into new ice. Except in sheltered waters, an
losses at night and the temperature of the surface water is low- even sheet of ice seldom forms immediately. The slush, as it
ered. As the altitude of the sun becomes lower, less radiation is thickens, breaks up into separate masses and frequently into
received and more is reflected from the sea surface due to the the characteristic pancake form, the rounded shape and raised
low angle of incidence of the rays. Finally, the water reaches rim of which are due to the fragments colliding with each oth-
freezing point and further loss of heat results in the formation er. The formation of slush dampens down the sea and swell,
of ice. and if the low temperature continues, the pancakes of ice ad-
0.0Conditions then become even less favorable for the retention here to each other, forming a continuous sheet or floe.
of radiant heat from the sun; since, ice reflects much more of 0.0An accumulation of spongy ice lumps, known as shuga, is
the visible radiation than does water. The cooling of the air that the next normal stage of formation from grease ice. On further
is in contact with the ice becomes accelerated and even more freezing and depending upon the salinity and wind exposure,
ice is formed as this cold air spreads. shuga develops into nilas, an elastic crust of high salinity and
0.0Salinity.Fresh water freezes at 0C, but sea water remains up to 10 centimeters thick, or into ice rind, a brittle and shiny
liquid until a lower temperature is reached due to the presence crust of low salinity up to 5 centimeters thick. When the ice
of salt. The greater the amount of salt (salinity), the lower the reaches a thickness of from 10 to 30 centimeters, it is collec-
freezing point. Ordinary sea water, with a salinity of 35 parts tively referred to as young ice which is the transition stage be-
per thousand, does not begin to freeze until it has been cooled tween nilas and first-year ice. First-year ice is usually between
to -1.88C. 30 centimeters and 2 meters thick. Ice up to 3m or more in
0.0Salinity may also affect the rate of freezing through its influ- thickness that has survived at least one summer melt is known
ence on the density of the water. Fresh water contracts on cool- as old ice. Multi-year ice is the term now used to describe old
ing and sinks below the surface until a temperature of 4C is ice which has survived more than two summers melts. Old ice
reached. On further cooling, fresh water expands and its densi- has a bluish-green tone on its surface in contrast to the green-
ty decreases. If the cooling takes place at the surface with no ish-white tone of first-year ice. Multi-year ice usually develops
other process of mixing at work, the coldest water will stay in a an intense blue tone with age.
layer at that position. It is then necessary for only the layer at 0.0Melting.The melting of ice takes place mostly at the ex-
the surface to be cooled to the freezing point for ice to form. pense of the heat of the surrounding water. This heat may have
0.0The temperature of maximum density decreases faster than been absorbed from solar radiation in the vicinity or provided
the freezing point with increasing salinity. These two tempera- by currents originating in warmer latitudes. Melting also re-
tures coincide at a salinity of 24.7 parts per thousand. This sults from direct absorption of radiation by the ice and from
means that with a salinity of 24.7 parts per thousand or greater, contact with warm air. Ice will condense dew from warm,
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 17
moist air on its surface, and each increment of moisture so con- 0.0Decay of the ice is expedited by mechanical attrition from
densed will melt several times its weight of ice in the ratio of the swell. The physical erosion of the floes produces scaling,
the latent heat of evaporation to the heat of fusion. resulting in the formation of a quantity of small blocks and
0.0Another factor tending to accelerate the rate of ice melting brash. The scaling process enables the sea to reach more exten-
from solar radiation, once it has commenced, is the increased sive areas of ice where the cycle continues.
stability of the surface layers of the sea brought about by the 0.0The final stages of melting vary with the type of ice. Ice of
freshening effect of the melt water. Mixing between the surface one winters growth melts readily in low latitudes, if brine is
and deeper layers, already diminished by the wave-damping still present. The internal melting due to variations in the salt
action of floating ice, is further decreased by the formation of a content produces a honeycombed appearance with a much
surface stratum of relatively low density. The normal transfer greater surface area. Since the rate of heat absorption through
to greater depths of heat received as infrared radiation in the conduction is proportional to the area exposed, the ice so
top layers is retarded, and the melting of the ice is thereby sped formed quickly disappears. Fresher and firmer hummocky ice
up. is longer lived. The old floes are heavily undercut at the water
0.0The phenomenon of dead water is sometimes encountered line, but honeycombing is rare, due to the absence of salt. Un-
by vessels in areas where a layer of nearly fresh water that has derwater rams are produced by the melting back of the upper-
derived from melting ice extends to about keel depth. Under most meters of ice. The years-old hummocks, having a
such conditions, the propulsive power of a vessel may be large- homogeneous structure of nearly salt-free ice and a minimum
ly dissipated in generating internal waves in the boundary be- of exposed surface in proportion to their bulk, survive the lon-
tween the fresher water and the more saline water. gest in warmer waters.
Consequently, the vessel slows down, begins to steer sluggish- 0.0Break-up on rivers usually occurs three or four weeks after
ly, and appears to be stuck in the water. Fortunately, this state the mean air temperature has risen above 0C. Ice on lakes
of affairs occurs only when the speed of the vessel is below the breaks up two or three weeks later, and sea ice may break up
speed of propagation of such waves, which is not more than 2 about this same time.
or 3 knots. Therefore, dead water will usually affect only 0.0Comparison of Arctic and Antarctic Ice.The warmth of
sailing vessels, in light winds, small craft, or tugs with very the Arctic summer has no parallel in the Antarctic and, mainly
heavy tows. because of this thermal difference, the ice sheets of the N polar
0.0In regions where the spring melting of ice is brought about region are unlike those of the S. The edge of the Antarctic cap,
chiefly by atmospheric transfer of heat from lower latitudes overflowing its land support, is free to spread over the sea until
and where local fogs restrict the solar radiation reaching the ice it fractures and large strips become detached. Hence, such
and sea surface, the fresh surface layers of sea water may be- large strips that form tabular or box-shaped bergs are generally
come greatly chilled and the rate of melting reduced. a characteristic of only the S polar region.
0.0In places where the vertical exchange of water caused by 0.0In Greenland, by contrast, the edge of the inland ice ends on
wind, sea, currents, and tides occurs, melting of the ice is expe- land and usually icebergs that are irregular in shape are formed.
dited by heat being brought to the upper layers. Hence, the pinnacled and picturesque berg is generally a char-
0.0Disintegration.In spring, as the duration of daylight be- acteristic of only the N polar region.
gins to increase and the mean air temperature at the sea surface 0.0The Antarctic sea ice surrounds the continent while the Arc-
rises, the snow cover of the sea ice and the top layers of the ice tic sea ice forms a central mass surrounded by land. The ice
itself begin to thaw. Under conditions of low humidity, most moves around and outward from Antarctica and it is unusual
loss on the upper surface of the ice will take place through for sea ice to be more than 1 or 2 years old. The drifts in both
evaporation imperceptible to the ordinary observer. When the the Weddell Sea and the Ross Sea carry the ice out into the
relative humidity is high, pools of dew and melt water will open oceans in a period of just over 1 year.
form on the surface. This fresh water, running down through 0.0However, in the Arctic, floes of great age are frequent. Ice
cracks and holes in the ice, will freeze again on contact with formed off the Siberian coast may take from 3 to 5 years to
the cold sea water; hence, sealing the openings. In addition, drift across the polar basin and down the E side of Greenland.
cracks extending only part way through the ice will be widened Subsequently, ice of this age becomes pressed and hummocked
by the expansion of the water freezing in them. On further ris- to a degree unknown in lower latitudes. During the Arctic sum-
ing of the air temperature and melting of the surface, these mer, melting on the surface is considerable and pools of fresh
cracks open up again and fresh water in a layer, as much as 1m water are formed on the floes. In the Antarctic, surface pools
thick, flows under the ice. on floes in the ice such as these are almost unknown.
0.0Sea ice less than 1 year old melts more readily than older ice 0.0The outstanding difference between Arctic and Antarctic ice,
because of its higher salt content. Fast ice usually melts first which becomes soon apparent to the navigator, is the softer tex-
near the shore, forming the so-called offshore water. As melt- ture of the latter.
ing progresses, the ice farther out from the shore becomes hon- 0.0While Arctic sea ice appears to be formed primarily through
eycombed with cracks due to tides, air temperature changes, surface freezing of sea water, Antarctic sea ice apparently in-
temperature gradients in the ice, and ice pressure. Under the in- cludes substantial amounts of infiltrated snow ice and under-
fluence of wind and current, this ice now commences to disin- water ice. Infiltrated snow ice is formed by the flooding and
tegrate and an increased number of channels and polynyas refreezing of extensive fields of snow lying on existing floes.
(open areas) are produced. With the first strong wind, the ice Underwater ice results from the growth and consolidation of a
breaks into smaller pieces and finally all the fast ice disinte- cloud of ice crystals in the cold water column beneath existing
grates into drift ice. ice.
Pub. 200
18 The Antarctic
0.0Classification.Ice met at sea consists for the most part ei- berg that augments the apparent size of the ice mass.
ther of icebergs, originating from glacier and continental ice 0.0Icebergs may, at any time, calve off large sections of sheet
sheets, or of sea ice, formed by the freezing of the top layers of ice or glaciers, relieving stresses set up by temperature changes
the sea itself. Sea ice proper accounts for probably 95 per cent or responding to vibrations from sound or wave action. After
of the area of ice encountered, but bergs are important because falling into the water, they may travel up to the surface again
of the manner in which they drift far from their place of origin with great force and often at a considerable distance away. Ice-
and constitute a grave menace to navigation. A certain amount bergs are often so balanced that this calving causes a shift in
of ice may also originate in rivers or estuaries as freshwater ice, their center of gravity with consequent capsizing and readjust-
but it is already in a state of decay by the time it reaches the ment of their mass to a new state of equilibrium. Therefore,
open sea and its importance is no more than local. vessels and boats should keep well clear of icebergs that give
0.0Icebergs.Icebergs are large masses of floating (or strand- any evidence of disintegrating or overturning. In addition, ice-
ed) ice derived from the fronts of glaciers, from glacier ice bergs may also possess underwater spurs and ledges which ex-
tongues, or from the shelf ice of the Antarctic. They are prod- tend considerable distances from the visible portions.
ucts of the land and not of the sea. Their structure and, to some 0.0In good weather, icebergs can be of great assistance to navi-
extent, their appearance depend upon the source from which gation in floating ice as they may mark shoals, break up a con-
they are derived. solidated mass of ice, and provide reference points. Having a
0.0Antarctic ice islands, commonly called tabular icebergs, are relatively small sail area in proportion to their bulk, icebergs
significantly larger and more numerous than their Arctic coun- are not affected by wind to the same extent as drift ice. With
terparts. Some, with observed horizontal dimensions of more the wind blowing drift ice past a berg, an optical illusion often
than 200km by 50km, have calved away from the Ross, Ronne, occurs and the berg seems to be moving to windward and cut-
and other ice shelves. These huge tabular floes, which may ting a channel through the ice. Illusion or not, such a lee may
tower as high as 200m above the sea surface, have been ob- be a desirable place for a vessel to lie in order to avoid heavy
served grounded at depths of about 500m. However, Antarctic ice. Under such circumstances, vessels have reported laying
icebergs rarely find their way into the main shipping lanes. out an ice anchor to a berg, but a careful watch must be kept for
They move in a N direction in response to the ocean currents growlers which have calved off. Vessels are frequently alarmed
and can generally be found as far N as 45S in the Pacific by the presence of icebergs in an anchorage area. However, it is
Ocean and 35S in the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. usually safe unless the bergs are of mammoth size or disinte-
0.0Bergs are usually an opaque, flat, and white color with soft grating.
iridescent hues of blue or green. Many bergs show veins of soil 0.0When navigating in fog, the presence of a large number of
or rock debris and others may have yellowish or brownish growlers, bunched together, may be a good indication of an
stains, probably due to diatom (minute algae) films. Under cer- iceberg to windward. In calm weather, growlers may some-
tain conditions of illumination, an iceberg may appear dark in times be found distributed in a curved line, with the iceberg lo-
color in contrast with the sky or with other bergs under direct cated on the concave side of the curve.
sunlight. This phenomenon has often led mariners to report is- 0.0Sea Ice.Sea ice can be divided into fast ice and drift ice,
lands where none exist. according to mobility.
0.0The ratio of the mass of the submerged portion of a berg to 0.0Fast ice forms in sheltered bays, gulfs, and fjords, as well as
its total mass is equal to the ratio of the specific gravity of the among floating lumps of old ice. Developing along the shore
berg to that of the water in which it is floating. On account of and spreading into the sea, fast ice joins the new ice formed
the origin of glacial ice in compacted snow, berg ice contains around islands, grounded floebergs, and floating masses of old
up to perhaps 10 per cent of trapped air and is somewhat less ice. Although subjected to repeated fracturing with the fall in
dense than ordinary ice. Measurements of the specific gravity temperature of the air, it then spreads farther and farther into
of icebergs have given values close to 0.9, while the cold sea the sea, increasing in thickness and offering more and more re-
water in which they float has a specific gravity of about 1.027. sistance to breaking up. Finally in the first months of the win-
Consequently, about seven-eighths of the mass of a berg is sub- ter, the fast ice extends up to its maximum distance offshore,
merged. beyond which the region of drift ice is found. The width of a
0.0It is often erroneously assumed that an iceberg floats with a belt of the fast ice depends upon the configuration of the shore,
draft seven times its height above the water, but these ratios since the more rugged the coastline and the greater the number
hold good for only mass and not for linear dimensions. Actual of islands in its vicinity, the greater is the width of the fast ice.
reported measurements of bergs indicate that the draft is sel- Hummocks stranded in shoal water also assist fast ice to devel-
dom more than five times the exposed height for the blockiest op. Fast ice can extend a few meters or several miles from the
bergs, and may be as low as one or two times the exposed shore. Generally, fast ice that projects more than 2m above sea
height for the pinnacled and irregular types. level is known as an ice shelf.
0.0On a clear day, an iceberg can be seen at a great distance due 0.0Along open coasts, the fast ice is liable at all times to break
to its brilliant luster. However, an iceberg may not be percepti- up and drift away. However, this break-up may not occur in re-
ble until dangerously close during foggy weather. When the gions where the configuration of the land is such as to shelter
fog is dense and the sun is shining, the first appearance of an the ice from the prevailing winds. In addition, stranded bergs
iceberg is in the form of a luminous, white object. If the sun is sometimes act as anchors for fast ice and prevent it from break-
not shining, the first appearance is in the form of a dark, som- ing out and drifting into the open sea.
ber mass with a narrow streak of black at the water line. The 0.0Drift ice is the term widely used to include any area of sea
diffusion of light in the fog will produce a blink around the ice, other than fast ice, no matter what form it takes. When drift
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 19
ice is highly concentrated, over seven-tenths of the surface, it is floes. This process is usually caused by winds, tides, and cur-
then described as pack ice. Flat pieces of sea ice that are 20m rents. It transforms a relatively flat sheet of ice into pressure ice
or more wide are called floes. An ice-covered area over 10km which has a rough surface.
wide that is formed by floes freezing together is called an ice 0.0Pressure set up in the floes produces bending, tenting, and
field. rafting. Bending, the first stage, is an upward or downward mo-
0.0The age of floes may often be judged by the presence of col- tion and occurs in thin and very plastic ice. In heavier floes,
ored bands at their edges. During the summer, minute algae, which are less resilient, tenting occurs. Here, the ice bends up
known as diatoms, adhere to the underside of pieces of floating until a crack is formed perpendicular to the direction of pres-
ice, which may be slowly growing through the freezing of fresh sure. This results in the formation of a flat-sided arch with a
water derived from melting of their upper side. In the winter, cavity beneath that resembles a tent-like structure. Rafting, the
the ice grows more rapidly and diatoms are absent due to the most frequent movement, is the overriding of one floe on top of
lack of sunlight. Consequently, the intervals between two win- another.
ter freezings are marked by yellow strata of frozen diatoms and 0.0When pieces of ice pile up haphazardly over one another and
may indicate the age of the floe. form a wall or line of broken ice, the process is known as ridg-
0.0A piece of sea ice that rises less than 1m above the sea level; ing and the wall is referred to as a ridge. When this action re-
covers an area of about 20m2, and often appears transparent, sults in the pressure ice having a surface consisting of
green, or almost black in color is known as a growler. numerous mounds, the process is known as hummocking. The
0.0A large piece of sea ice that rises between 1 and 5m above surface is referred to as hummocked ice and each mound is re-
the sea level and covers an area of about 100 to 300m2 is ferred to as a hummock. When weathered, hummocked ice has
known as a bergy bit. the appearance of smooth hillocks.
0.0A massive piece of sea ice that is composed of a hummock 0.0The ridges in pressure ice may be as high as 15m where
or several hummocks, rises up to 5m above sea level, and is grounded against a coast, but in deep water and away from the
separated from any ice surroundings is known as a floeburg. land they are usually no more than 10m high.
0.0Pack Ice.Pack ice may be composed of high concentra- 0.0Massive detachments of ice resulting from hummocking are
tions of drift ice, detached fragments of fast ice, and, to a lesser called floebergs. These should not be confused with icebergs,
extent, disintegrated particles of land ice. or growlers, which are of glacial origin.
0.0Pack ice is classified according to the thickness of its ar- 0.0Movement.Any wind will tend to regroup ice that is more
rangement and may be described as compact pack, consolidat- or less scattered over a considerable area. As the wind rises, the
ed pack, close pack, and open pack. The ice masses themselves separate floes form lines at right angles to the wind direction.
are described according to size and may be ice fields, floes, or These lines break up when the wind changes and, after a time,
pancakes. Depending on their surface, they may be described realign themselves at right angles to the new wind direction.
as level or hummocked. When the wind blows out from the coast, a channel of open
0.0The belts of pack ice usually lie perpendicular to the prevail- water usually forms between the shore and the ice or any such
ing wind. Projections, called tongues, are sometimes formed existing channel increases in width. When the wind blows to-
by the wind or currents and extend considerable distances from ward the coast, the fast ice tends to move closer to shore and
the ice edge. Bays or bights may also be formed by the wind or reduce the width of any existing channel. If the wind is strong
current in a belt of pack ice. The degree of openness and the enough, hummocks may be produced along a line lying ap-
physical character of the ice forming the belt greatly determine proximately at right angles to the wind direction.
the resistance offered against such actions. When the wind pro- 0.0The rate at which the different floes travel is not so much de-
duces this effect, the indentation is usually small. However, in- pendent upon the size and depth of the floe as upon the nature
dentations formed in the pack ice by the influence of a current of its surface. Since pack ice is made up of a conglomeration of
sometimes are of huge dimensions. young ice, old floes, and icebergs, it varies radically in resis-
0.0Often consolidated pack ice, the heaviest form, will drift tance to wind and current. Surface irregularities, such as hum-
away from the shore or will separate, forming cracks, fractures, mocks and pressure ridges, act as sail areas. Hence, the rate of
and leads through the ice area. When the separation is wide movement of a floe depends to a certain extent on the amount
enough to permit the passage of a ship, it is called a lead. A of hummocking in proportion to the area and weight of the
lead between pack ice and the shore is known as a shore lead floe. As a result of previous pressure, hummocked floes in turn
and one between pack ice and fast ice is known as a flaw lead. become the cause of still further pressure. When two floes are
A lead ending in an impenetrable barrier is known as a blind moving at different rates, either the distance between them is
lead. increased and an open lane is produced or the distance between
0.0Navigation in shore leads and flaw leads is dangerous be- them is decreased and they are brought into physical contact. In
cause the pack ice can close against the fast ice or the shore. gaining momentum, larger floes will accelerate more slowly.
Before leads refreeze, lateral motion generally occurs between However, once underway, they will retain their motion long af-
the floes. Hence, unless the pressure is extreme, numerous ter smaller floes have stopped. Therefore, in the early stages,
large patches of open water remain. These nonlinear shaped the large and heavy floes will be charged and overtaken by
open patches, which are called polynyas, may contain small smaller floes. In the later stages, the smaller floes will be dis-
fragments of ice. In summer, the leads do not generally re- rupted by the larger ones and their surface appearance will be
freeze. changed. This process will then create new and further differ-
0.0Pressure Ice.The deformation of ice results in greater ences in the speed of their movement.
thickness and is caused by the movement and interaction of 0.0The swinging or turning of floes is due to the tendency of
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each cake of ice to trim itself to the wind when the cover is suf- open water below which may connect with a larger distant area
ficiently open to permit this freedom of movement. In close of open water.
pack ice, this tendency may be produced by pressure from an- 0.0The sound of a surge in the ice indicates the presence of
other floe. Since floes continually hinder each other and the large expanses of open water in the immediate vicinity.
wind may not be constant in direction, even greater forces may 0.0When approaching ice, a darkness appearing on the low
result. Hence, the wind can also produce a rotating motion in horizon indicates that there is probably open water beyond the
the floe. This shearing or rotating effect results in excessive ice, in some cases up to 40 miles or more beyond the visible
pressure at the projecting corners of floes and usually forms a horizon.
hummock of loose ice blocks. The process of rotating is re- 0.0With a cloudless sky, no iceblink is possible although a yel-
ferred to as screwing and this action is extremely dangerous to low or white haze or glare on the horizon may indicate the
vessels. presence of ice. However, abnormal refraction may occur. This
0.0During its motion, ice opens up and closes like an accordion. effect raises the horizon and enables the observer to see the ice
There are always a certain number of lanes or leads present, or patches of open water at greater distances than would nor-
otherwise the ice could not move. In summer, these lanes usu- mally be possible. The ice or area of open water, or a mixture
ally remain open, except in very high latitudes. However, in of the two, may be seen as an erect or inverted image, or both
winter they are soon frozen over with young ice. In addition, images may be seen at once, one above the other. In the latter
the swell tends to break up the ice. Consequently, as a result of case, the erect image is the higher of the two. Allowance must
all these actions, the ice is alternately being broken up, even also be made for the fact that refraction causes the apparent di-
throughout the winter, and subjected to pressure. mensions of ice to increase. Hence, sometimes bergy bits ap-
0.0Signs of Ice.There are two reliable signs of drift ice, ice pear to be icebergs. Areas of open water often appear dark
blink and abrupt smoothing. Ice blink, the reflection of ice on relative to the ice.
the lower clouds, is the indication that has been most used by 0.0Drift.While the general direction of the drift of icebergs
experienced polar navigators. It is rarely, if ever, produced by over a long period of time is known, it may not be possible to
bergs, but is nearly always distinct over consolidated and ex- predict the drift of an individual berg at a given place and time
tensive pack ice. On clear days with a mostly blue sky, ice because bergs lying close together have been observed to move
blink is reported to appear as a luminous yellow haze on the in opposite directions. Bergs usually move under the influence
horizon in the direction of the ice. On days with an overcast of the prevailing current at the depth to which they are sub-
sky or low clouds, it is reported to appear as a whitish glare on merged. Such currents may often be in opposition to the exist-
the clouds, the yellow color being absent. Under certain condi- ing wind and current at the surface.
tions, ice blink has appeared as brilliant, scintillating strips on 0.0Drift ice moves with the wind and tide, usually to the left of
the horizon. the true wind in the S hemisphere and to the right in the N
0.0Abrupt smoothing of the sea and the gradual decrease of the hemisphere. The speed of drift may not depend entirely upon
normal sea swell is a sign that drift ice lies to windward. the strength of the wind, since it is influenced greatly by the
0.0Other likely signs of ice include fog and the presence of presence or absence of open water in the direction of the drift,
birds. even though the open water may be somewhat distant.
0.0In late spring and summer, a thick band of fog often lies over 0.0Neglecting the resistance of the ice, Ekmans theory of wind
the edge of the drift ice. In fog, white patches indicate the pres- drift calls for the ice to drift 45 from the wind direction. Ob-
ence of ice at a short distance. servations show that the actual drift is about 30 from the wind
0.0In the Antarctic, the presence of the Antarctic Petrel or the direction on the average, or very nearly parallel to the isobars
Snow Petrel indicates the proximity of ice. The former bird is on a weather map. In winter, when the ice is more closely
normally seen only within about 400 miles of the ice edge and packed and offers more resistance, its drift deviates less from
the latter considerably closer. the wind direction than in summer, and tidal influences become
0.0The lowering of the sea surface temperature is reported to more important. Therefore, the speed of drift ice (pack ice) can
give little or no indication of the proximity of ice. However, if be fairly closely determined from the wind speed.
the surface temperature falls to 1C and the vessel is not in one 0.0Note.The National Ice Center (NIC) operates MetFax
of the main cold currents, the ice edge may be considered to lie which is a dial-up service. In order to receive MetFax, ships
between 100 and 150 miles distant. If the temperature falls to - must have a facsimile machine with polling function capability.
0.5C, the nearest ice should generally be considered to lie not The products available include sea ice analysis and forecasts
more than 50 miles distant. for the Antarctic.
0.0Signs of Open Water.Dark patches or steaks on the un- 0.0To receive weather data charts from MetFax and access the
derside of low clouds, sometimes almost black in comparison autopolling system, receivers should dial 301-763-3190/3191.
with the clouds in general, usually indicate the presence of When connected, receivers should follow the menu and select
open water below them. This phenomena is known as water the data required. To access the system, a Personal Identifica-
sky. tion Number (PIN) is required which allows the NIC to identi-
0.0Like ice blink, water sky depends upon the greater absorption fy users and requests in order to maximize services. PIN access
of sunlight by water than by ice or snow and the subsequent dif- is provided at no cost. For a PIN or further information con-
fusion of the reflected light in the lower atmosphere. cerning MetFax, send requests to the NIC at the following ad-
0.0Dark spots in fog give a similar indication, but are only visi- dress:
ble at a short distance. A dark bank on the underside of a cloud 0.0National Ice Center
at a high altitude indicates the existence of small patches of 0.0Federal Building No. 4
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30 The Antarctic
0.0Easy area.A general qualitative expression to indicate, in 0.0Flaw lead.A passageway between (pack) drift ice and fast
a relative manner, that ice conditions prevailing in an area are ice which is navigable by surface vessels.
such that navigation is not difficult. 0.0Flaw polynya.A polynya between pack ice and fast ice.
Fast iceSea ice which forms and remains fast along the 0.0Floating ice.Any form of ice found floating in water. The
coast, where it is attached to the shore, to an ice wall, to an ice principal kinds of floating ice are lake ice, river ice, and sea
front, between shoals, or grounded icebergs. Vertical fluctua- ice, which form by the freezing of water at the surface, and gla-
tions may be observed during changes of sea level. Fast ice cier ice of land origin), which is formed on land or in an ice
may be formed in situ from sea water or by freezing of drift ice shelf. The concept includes ice that is stranded or grounded.
of any stage to the shore; it may extend a few meters or several 0.0Floe.Any relatively flat piece of sea ice 20m or more
hundred kilometers from the coast. Fast ice may be more than wide. Floes are subdivided according to horizontal extent, as
1 year old and may then be prefixed with the appropriate age follows:
category (old, second-year, or multi-year). If it is thicker than 1. Giantover 10 km wide
about 2m above sea level it is called an ice shelf. 2. Vast2 to 10 km wide
0.0Fast ice boundary.The ice boundary at any given time be- 3. Big500 to 2,000m wide
tween fast ice and drift ice. 4. Medium100 to 500m wide
0.0Fast ice edge.The demarcation at any given time between 5. Small20 to 100m wide
fast ice and open water. 0.0Floeberg.A massive piece of sea ice composed of a hum-
0.0Finger rafted ice.Type of rafted ice in which floes thrust mock, or a group of hummocks, frozen together and separated
fingers alternately over and under the other. from any ice surroundings. It may protrude up to 5m above sea
Finger raftingType of rafting whereby interlocking level.
thrusts are formed, each floe thrusting "fingers" alternately 0.0FloebitA relatively small piece of sea ice, normally not
over and under the other. more than 10m across, composed of hummocks or parts of
0.0Firn.Old snow which has recrystallized into a dense mate- ridges frozen together and separated from any surroundings. It
rial. Unlike snow, the particles are to some extent joined to- typically protrudes 2m above sea level.
gether. However, unlike ice, the air spaces in it still connect 0.0Flooded ice.Sea ice which has been flooded by melt water
with each other. or river water and is heavily loaded by water and wet snow.
0.0First-year ice.Sea ice of not more than one winters 0.0FractureAny break or rupture through very close ice,
growth developing from young ice. It has a thickness of from compact ice, consolidated ice, fast ice, or a single floe resulting
30cm to 2m and may be subdivided into thin first-year ice/ from deformation processes. Fractures may contain brash ice
white ice, medium first-year ice, or thick first-year ice. and/or be covered with nilas and/or young ice. The length may
0.0Flaw.A narrow separation zone between pack ice and fast vary from a few meters to many kilometers.
ice, where the pieces of ice are in a chaotic state; it forms when 1. Large: More than 500m wide
pack ice shears under the effect of a strong wind or current 2. Medium: 200 to 500m wide
along the fast ice boundary. 3. Small: 50 to 200m wide
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32 The Antarctic
marines track. ance, generally assuming the form of scales, needles, feathers,
0.0Frost smoke.Fog-like clouds due to the contact of cold air or fans; produced in a manner similar to dew (i.e. by condensa-
with relatively warm water, which can appear over openings in tion of water vapor from the air), but at a temperature below
the ice, or to leeward of the ice edge, and which may persist 0C.
while ice is forming. 0.0Hostile ice.From the point of view of the submariner, an
0.0Giant floe.See floe. ice canopy containing no large skylights or other features
0.0Glacier.A mass of snow and ice continuously moving which permit a submarine to surface.
from higher to lower ground or, if afloat, continuously spread- 0.0Hummock.A hillock of broken ice which has been forced
ing. The principal forms of glacier are inland ice sheets, ice upwards by pressure. May be fresh or weathered. The sub-
shelves, ice streams, ice caps, ice piedmonts, cirque glaciers, merged volume of broken ice under the hummock, forced
and various types of mountain (valley) glaciers. downwards by pressure, is termed a bummock.
0.0Glacier berg.An irregularly-shaped iceberg. 0.0Hummocked ice.Sea ice piled haphazardly one piece over
0.0Glacier ice.Ice in, or originating from, a glacier, whether another to form an uneven surface. When weathered, it has the
on land or floating in the sea as icebergs, bergy bits, or growl- appearance of smooth hillocks.
ers. 0.0Hummocking.The pressure process by which sea ice is
0.0Glacier tongue.Projecting seaward extension of a glacier, forced into hummocks. When the floes rotate in the process it
usually afloat. In the Antarctic, glacier tongues may extend for is termed screwing.
over many tens of kilometers. 0.0Iceberg.A massive piece of ice of greatly varying shape,
0.0Grease ice.A later stage of freezing than frazil ice when protruding more than 5m above sea level, which has broken
the crystals have coagulated to form a soupy layer on the sur- away from a glacier. May be afloat or aground. Icebergs may
face. Grease ice reflects little light, giving the sea a matte ap- be described as tabular, dome-shaped, sloping, pinnacled,
pearance. weathered, or glacier bergs.
0.0Grey (gray) ice.Young ice 10 to 15cm thick. Less elastic 0.0Iceberg tongue.A major accumulation of icebergs pro-
than nilas and breaks on swell. Usually rafts under pressure. jecting from the coast, held in place by grounding and joined
0.0Grey (gray)-white ice.Young ice 15 to 30cm thick. Under together by fast ice.
pressure more likely to ridge than to raft. 0.0Ice blink.A whitish glare on low clouds above an accumu-
0.0Grounded hummock.Hummocked grounded ice forma- lation of distant ice.
tion. There are single grounded hummocks and lines (or 0.0Ice bound.A harbor, inlet, etc. is said to be ice bound
chains) of grounded hummocks. when navigation by ships is prevented on account of ice, except
0.0Grounded ice.Floating ice which is aground in shoal wa- possibly with the assistance of an icebreaker.
ter (See stranded ice). 0.0Ice boundary.The demarcation at any given time between
0.0Growler.Smaller piece of ice than a bergy bit or floeberg, fast ice and drift ice or between areas of drift ice of different
often transparent but appearing green or almost black in color, concentrations (See ice edge).
extending less than 1m above the sea surface and normally oc- 0.0Ice breccia.Ice of different stages of development frozen
cupying an area of about 20m2. together.
0.0HoarfrostA deposit of ice having a crystalline appear- 0.0Ice cake.Any relatively flat piece of sea ice less than 20m
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34 The Antarctic
the center; and end moraine, deposited at the foot. Moraines fingers (finger rafting). Has a matte surface and is up to 10
are left after a glacier has receded, providing evidence of its centimeters in thickness. May be subdivided into dark nilas and
former extent. light nilas.
0.0Multi-year ice.Old ice up to 3m or more thick which has 0.0Nip.Ice is said to nip when it forcibly presses against a
survived at least two summers melt. Hummocks even ship. A ship so caught, though undamaged, is said to have been
smoother than in second-year ice, and the ice is almost salt- nipped.
free. Color, where bare, is usually blue. Melt pattern consists of 0.0NunatakA rocky crag or small mountain projecting from
large interconnecting irregular puddles and a well-developed and surrounded by a glacier or ice sheet.
drainage system. 0.0Old ice.Sea ice which has survived at least one summers
0.0New ice.A general term for recently formed ice which in- melt, thickness up to 3m or more. Most topographic features
cludes frazil ice, grease ice, slush, and shuga. These types of are smoother than on first-year ice. May be subdivided into
ice are composed of ice crystals which are only weakly frozen second-year ice and multi-year ice.
together (if at all) and have a definite form only while they are 0.0Open ice.Floating ice in which the concentration is four-
afloat. tenths to six-tenths with many leads and polynyas, and the
0.0New ridge.Ridge newly formed with sharp peaks and floes are generally not in contact with one another.
slope of sides usually 40. Fragments are visible from the air at 0.0Open water.A large area of freely navigable water in
low altitude. which sea ice is present in concentrations less than one-tenth.
0.0Nilas.A thin elastic crust of ice, easily bending on waves When there is no sea ice present, the area should be termed ice
and swell under pressure, thrusting in a pattern of interlocking free.
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36 The Antarctic
0.0Sea ice.Any form of ice found at sea which has originated one ice feature is grinding past another. This type of ridge is
from the freezing sea water. more linear than those caused by pressure alone.
0.0Second-year ice.Old ice which has survived only one Shear ridge field.Many shear ridges side by side.
summers melt. Thickness up to 2.5m and sometimes more. Shore lead.A lead between drift ice and the shore, or be-
Because it is thicker than first-year ice, it stands higher out of tween drift ice and an ice front.
the water. In contrast to multi-year ice, summer melting pro- Shore melt.Open water between the shore and the fast ice,
duces a regular pattern of numerous small puddles. Bare patch- formed by melting and/or due to river discharge.
es and puddles are usually greenish-blue. Shore polynya.A polynya between drift ice and the coast,
0.0Shearing.An area of ice is subject to shear when the ice or between drift ice and an ice front.
motion varies significantly in the direction normal to the mo- Shore ice ride-up.A process by which ice is pushed
tion, subjecting the ice to rotational forces. These forces may ashore as a slab.
result in phenomena similar to flaw. Shuga.An accumulation of spongy white ice lumps, a few
0.0Shear ridge.An ice ridge formation which develops when centimeters wide; they are formed from grease ice or slush and
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sometimes from anchor ice rising to the surface. rise and fall of the tide.
0.0Skylight.From the point of view of the submariner, thin 0.0Tongue.A projection of the ice edge up to several kilome-
places in the ice canopy, usually less than 1m thick and appear- ters in length, caused by wind or current.
ing from below as relatively light, translucent patches in dark 0.0Vast floe.See floe.
surroundings. The undersurface of a skylight is normally flat. 0.0Very close pack ice.Pack ice in which the concentration is
Skylights are called large if big enough for a submarine to at- nine-tenths to less than ten-tenths.
tempt to surface through them (120m), or small if not. 0.0Very open pack ice.Pack ice in which the concentration is
0.0Slush.Snow that is saturated and mixed with water on land one-tenth to three-tenths and water preponderates over ice.
or ice surfaces, or as a viscous floating mass in water after a 0.0Very small fracture.See fracture.
heavy snowfall. 0.0Very weathered ridge.Ridge with peaks very rounded,
0.0Small floe.See floe. slope of sides usually 20 to 30.
0.0Small fracture.See fracture. 0.0Water sky.Dark streaks on the underside of low clouds,
0.0Small ice cake.An ice cake less than 2m wide. indicating the presence of water features in the vicinity of sea
0.0Small ice field.An ice field 10 to 15km wide. ice.
0.0Snow barchan.See snow drift. 0.0Weathered ridge.Ridge with peaks slightly rounded and
0.0Snow-covered iceIce covered with snow. slope of sides usually 30 to 40. Individual fragments are not
0.0Snow drift.An accumulation of wind-blown snow depos- discernible.
ited in the lee of obstructions or heaped by wind eddies. A 0.0Weathering.Processes of ablation and accumulation
crescent-shaped snow drift, with ends pointing downwind, is which gradually eliminate irregularities in an ice surface.
known as snow barchan. 0.0White ice.(See thin first-year ice/white ice).
0.0Standing floe.A separate floe standing vertically or in- 0.0Young coastal ice.The initial stage of fast ice formation
clined and enclosed by rather smooth ice. consisting of nilas or young ice. Its width varies from a few
0.0Stranded ice.Ice which has been floating and has been meters up to 200m from the shoreline.
deposited on the shore by retreating high water. 0.0Young ice.Ice in the transition stage between nilas and
0.0Strip.Long and narrow area of pack ice, about 1km or less first-year ice, 10 to 30cm thick. May be subdivided into grey
wide. Usually composed of small fragments detached from the ice and grey-white ice.
main mass of ice which have run together under the influence
of wind, swell, or current. Magnetic Field
0.0Tabular berg.A flat-topped iceberg. Most tabular bergs
form by calving from an ice shelf and show horizontal banding 0.0(The following information was prepared by the U.S. Naval
(See ice island). Oceanographic Office.)
0.0Antarctic Magnetic Field.The dip poles, commonly re-
ferred to as the magnetic poles, are the points on the earths
surface at which the horizontal component (H) of the total
magnetic field decreases to a minimum (approaches zero) and
where the magnetic field is most nearly all vertical. At such a
point, a dip needle will stand straight up and down.
0.0The magnetic poles should not be confused with the geo-
magnetic poles. Although the term geomagnetic pole does not
have a rigorous definition and usage varies among different
textbooks, the most common definition is a theoretical point at
which the axis of a central dipole field intersects the earths
surface. However, the earths magnetic field is not a pure di-
pole as it contains approximately 5 per cent quadrupole and ex-
ternal magnetic field components. Therefore, the two principal
magnetic dipoles (North and South) do not correspond with the
geomagnetic poles.
0.0There is a misconception that the needle of a magnetic com-
pass points to the magnetic pole. Actually, the direction indi-
cated by such a needle is the local horizontal direction of the
Courtesy of British Antarctic Survey earths magnetic lines of force. These lines eventually converge
Tabular Berg at the magnetic poles but wander considerably. A compass can-
not be used in regions near the magnetic pole to find direction
Thaw holes.Vertical holes in sea ice formed when surface
0.0 as it will remain in any direction in which it happens to be
puddles melt through to the underlying water. placed. In reality, a rather large area, in which a compass can-
Thin first-year ice/white ice.First-year ice 30 to 70cm
0.0 not be used, surrounds the magnetic pole because of the low
thick. May sometimes be subdivided into first stage (30 to magnitude of H. Where H is approximately 6,000 nanoteslas
50cm thick) and second stage (50 to 70cm thick). (nT) or less, the compass is frequently erratic. The magnetic
Tide crack.Crack at the line of junction between an im-
0.0 compass is not reliable for underway navigation where H is
movable ice foot or ice wall and fast ice, the latter subject to 3,000 nT or less. An illustration of horizontal magnetic intensi-
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38 The Antarctic
ty contours shows the areas bounded by the 3000 and 6,000 nT (which contains electrons and protons) past the earth creates
contours. In comparison with the North Magnetic Pole, the re- magnetic disturbances at the earths surface. Some of these dis-
gion surrounding the South Magnetic Pole, where the compass turbances are known to be highly localized while others occur
is unreliable, is much smaller. over wide areas. Auroras are the visible result of a significant
magnetic storm.
Magnetic Poles 0.0There are four different periodicities of magnetic disturbanc-
The computed location of the North Magnetic Pole on Janu- es. Although magnetic storms can occur at any time, they are
ary 1, 2015 was 8022.2'N, 7237.2'W; the computed location most numerous during the period of maximum activity in the
of the South Magnetic Pole on the same date was 8022.2'S, 11-year sunspot cycle. There is a weak semi-annual periodicity
10722.8'E. These locations were computed using the 2015 where the level of disturbance is at a maximum in October and
Epoch World Magnetic Model, WMM-2015, which was used April. More prominently, magnetic storms tend to have a 27-
in the compilation of charts published by U.S. National Geo- day repetition period due to the synodic rotation period of the
spatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) beginning in January, sun, that is, the apparent rotation period as seen from the earth.
2015. Magnetic storms typically last 2 to 3 days. The substorms
0.0WMM-2015 is a joint product of NGA and the United King- which accompany them only last from 1 to 3 hours and tend to
doms Defence Geographic Center (DGC). The U.S. National occur more frequently and more strongly at local midnight.
Geophysical Data Center (NGDC, Boulder, Colorado) and the 0.0During a particularly intense magnetic storm, such as oc-
United Kingdoms British Geological Survey (BGS, Edin- curred in March 1989, electrical currents are generated in the
burgh, Scotland) produced WMM-2015, with funding provided magnetosphere and the ionosphere. The magnetic fields of
by NGA and United Kingdoms Defence Geographic Imagery these currents also induce fluctuating voltages in the earth and
and Intelligence Agency (DGIA). It is the official model for cause additional current. The total current can significantly al-
both the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.K. Ministry of De- ter the geomagnetic field observed at the earths surface and
fence, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the change its direction as much as several degrees and its magni-
International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) for navigation, tude as much as 10 per cent.
attitude, and heading referencing systems using the geomag- 0.0Navigation.Navigation by magnetic compass in polar re-
netic field. It is also widely used in civilian navigation and gions is much less reliable than in equatorial and mid-latitudes.
heading systems. Low directive force on the compass card, the enhanced effects
The model, associated software, and documentation are dis- of magnetic storms near the magnetic poles, the relatively
tributed by NGDC on behalf of NGA. The model is produced sparse knowledge of local anomalies in regions outside com-
at 5-year intervals; WWM-2015 will expire on December 31, mercial traffic areas, and the slow drift of the actual magnetic
2019. pole positions all contribute. As a minimum, the most current
magnetic information and charts should be carried. Any chart
World Magnetic Model (WMM) Home Page older than the current model should be replaced.
0.0Charts of the geomagnetic field are available from the De- partment of Defense (DoD). Magnetic variation charts are pub-
lished every 5 years. Charts of the total intensity, vertical
0.0Magnetic Variation.Magnetic variation information intensity, horizontal intensity, and inclination (magnetic dip)
printed on topographic maps and navigation charts is derived are published every 10 years.
from a model, which must be redefined at least every five
years. The principal reason is that the earths magnetic field Meteorology
changes appreciably in that period of time, and it has not been
possible to predict the secular change with confidence more 0.0The meteorological conditions encountered on the Antarctic
than a few years into the future. continent and adjacent seas are the worlds most adverse. The
0.0Variation, also known as magnetic declination, is measured frequent passage of intense cyclonic offshore storms (60 to
in angular units and named East or West to indicate the side of 70S), the strong outflow of relatively cold air from the conti-
True North on which the N part of the magnetic meridian lies. nent (katabatic winds), extremely low temperatures, and pre-
East variation is positive and West variation is negative. The cipitation in excess of evaporation are the major features that
DoD publishes grid variation charts which illustrate the angle contribute to the rigorous climatic conditions. Not only are the
between the grid and magnetic meridians at any place. average conditions harsh, but the weather can be extremely
0.0Anomalies.Significant magnetic anomalies may exist due variable. This high degree of variability and the relatively
to local magnetization in the earths crust. These geologically sparse number of weather stations makes meteorological fore-
produced magnetic fields cannot be modeled on a worldwide casting somewhat unreliable.
basis. Individual detailed geomagnetic surveys are required. 0.0In coastal areas, the mean temperatures range from about
Local conductivity anomalies will affect the way external mag- 0C in summer to -30C or lower in winter. The Antarctic Pen-
netic fields generate currents in the crust, which in turn gener- insula, particularly its NW coast and the islands of the Scotia
ate induced magnetic fields. These induction fields will also be Arc, have a milder winter, with mean temperatures of approxi-
local in character. Observations of erratic compass behavior mately 10C. The mean temperatures on the continental pla-
should be reported with details of the particular circumstances teau are much colder, ranging from -40C in summer to -70C
at the time. Any disturbances to the geomagnetic field can also or lower in winter. These extremely low temperatures result
interfere with magnetic navigation. The flow of the solar wind from the loss of heat by radiation from the snow covered
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The Antarctic 39
ground. The temperature is actually much higher at a height of understanding of its role.
only a few meters above the ground.
0.0Coastal areas can be stormy. Storm conditions are associated Weather-Related Phenomena
with cyclonic centers or depressions which are frequently gen- 0.0Superstructure Icing.In certain weather conditions, ice
erated around Antarctica between 60S and 70S. The S extent accumulating on hulls and superstructures can be a serious
of these storms can penetrate the coastal areas, causing windy danger to vessels. Ice accumulation may occur because of fog
conditions and heavy snowfalls. with freezing conditions; freezing rain or drizzle; and sea spray
0.0Katabatic winds or gravity winds occur when cold, dense air or salt water breaking over vessels when the air temperature is
flows down the slopes from the high continental interior. These below freezing (about -1.9C).
winds can be extremely strong. With the passage of cyclonic 0.0The most dangerous form of icing is caused by sea spray,
storms, conditions are enhanced for katabatic outflow from the sometimes known as glaze ice, which has high density and
continent, particularly along the E coast of the Antarctic Penin- great powers of adhesion.
sula and along most of the coast of East Antarctica. These kata- 0.0In evaluating the potential for superstructure icing, two cate-
batic winds often last for the entire period, one to several days, gories were subjectively selected. Moderate ice accumulation
between cyclonic storm passages. They are more frequent in seems to occur when the air temperature is less than or equal to
winter and may continuously exhibit wind speeds in excess of -2C and the wind is stronger than or equal to 13 knots. If the
70 knots for several hours. During the summer, the frequency air temperature decreases to -9C or below and the wind reach-
of windstorms (both katabatic and cyclonic) is significantly re- es 30 knots or more, ice accumulation takes place at an acceler-
duced, but by no means nonexistent. ated rate. This category is termed severe. For example, on a
0.0The primary role of the polar regions in relation to global cli- small fishing vessel of 300 to 500 tons displacement, ice accu-
mate is that they provide a major heat sink to counterbalance mulation in the severe category would exceed about 4 tons per
the heat source of the tropics. Atmospheric motions are initiat- hour.
ed and maintained by patterns of heating and cooling. Changes 0.0Radio and radar failures due to ice accumulating on aerials
in these thermal patterns, if persistent, can change atmospheric and insulators may be experienced soon after superstructure ic-
circulation patterns which, in turn, feed back to alter the ther- ing begins. The ice tends to form high up on vessels and a large
mal patterns. amount of accumulation may result in a loss of freeboard and
0.0Thermal patterns are influenced by the composition of the at- stability.
mosphere and by radiative and reflective properties of the 0.0The probability of forecasting gales with freezing air tem-
earths surface. Constituents of the atmosphere, both natural peratures is made difficult by the sparseness of meteorological
and anthropogenic, which can significantly affect radiative and oceanographic information in the Antarctic region. For this
properties of the air and hence the climate, include carbon reason, superstructure icing represents a serious hazard to navi-
monoxide, water vapor, and ozone. Chlorofluoromethane, ni- gation anywhere S of the Antarctic Circle.
trous oxide, methane, and carbon tetrachloride also affect the 0.0Immersion Hypothermia.Immersion hypothermia is the
radiative properties, but to a less certain degree. loss of heat when a body is immersed in water. With few ex-
0.0Radiative properties of the earths surface also have a strong ceptions, humans die if their normal rectal temperature of ap-
influence on the patterns of heating and cooling and, thereby, proximately 37.6C drops below 25.9C. Cardiac arrest is the
atmospheric motions. Seasonal fluctuations in the extent of the most common direct cause of death. Except in tropical waters
ice around Antarctica strongly influence the heat exchange be- warmer than 20 to 25C, the main threat to life during pro-
tween the air and sea surface. This interaction affects air tem- longed immersion is cold or cold and drowning combined.
perature and the degree to which Antarctica acts as a global 0.0Cold lowers the body temperature, which in turn slows the
heat sink. For example, the strength, frequency, and track of heart beat and lowers the rate of metabolism. This increases the
cyclonic storms near 65S varies seasonally in response to the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood and results in an im-
seasonal fluctuations of the drift ice boundaries. In the summer paired mental capacity which is a major factor in death by hy-
when the ice has receded, the intensity and frequency of cy- pothermia. Numerous reports from wrecks and accidents in
clonic storms is reduced and they tend to pass to the S of their cold water indicate that people can become confused and even
mean winter tracks. delirious, further decreasing their chances of survival.
0.0The reflective properties or albedo of the surface of Antarcti- 0.0The length of time that a human can survive in water de-
ca strongly influence the heat budget of the polar region and pends on the water surface temperature and, to a lesser extent,
hence the climate. Snow and ice can reflect up to 98 per cent of on a persons behavior. The table following shows the approxi-
incoming solar radiation but they average about 80 per cent, mate human survival time in the sea. Body type can cause devi-
while moderately rough ocean water will reflect only 10 to 15 ations, since thin people become hypothermic more rapidly
per cent. This characteristic of the Antarctic ice cap provides a than fat people. Extremely fat people may survive almost in-
powerful positive feedback mechanism, affecting climate. For definitely in water near 0C if they are warmly clothed.
example, a decrease in the average Antarctic temperature will 0.0The cooling rate can be slowed by the persons behavior and
lead to an increase in sea ice cover, which, in turn, increases insulated gear. Studies have shown that if the critical heat loss
the albedo of the S pole and leads to further cooling. While the areas can be protected, survival times will increase. The Heat
importance of Antarctica in influencing the global climate is Escape Lessening Posture (HELP) was developed for those
clear, the interactions and feedback mechanisms of the atmo- persons in the water alone and The Huddle for small groups of
sphere-hydrosphere-cryosphere system are far too complex people, but both methods require life preservers.
and polar observations far too meager to provide a complete 0.0HELP involves holding the upper arm firmly against the
Pub. 200
40 The Antarctic
sides of the chest, keeping the thighs together, and raising the Both result from exposure to cold and a lack of circulation.
knees to protect the groin area. In The Huddle, people face Wetness can add to the problem as water and wind soften the
each other and keep their bodies as close together as possible. tissues and accelerate heat loss. The feet swell, discolor, and
These positions improve survival time in water with a tempera- frequently blister. Secondary infection is common and gan-
ture of 8.9C to 4 hours, or approximately double that of a grene may result.
swimmer and one and one-half times that of a person in the 0.0Injuries from the cold may, to a large extent, be prevented by
passive position. maintaining natural warmth through the use of proper footgear
and adequate, dry clothing. Personnel should avoid being in
Table of Survival Time versus Water Temperature cramped positions or wearing constricting clothing. They
should also carry out active exercises of the hands, legs, and
Water Exhaustion or Expected time of feet.
temperature unconsciousness survival 0.0Frostbite usually begins when the skin temperature falls
0C 15 minutes 15 to 45 minutes within the range of -10 to -15.5C. Ice crystals form in the tis-
sues and small blood vessels. Once started, freezing proceeds
0 to 5C 15 to 30 minutes 30 to 90 minutes
rapidly and may penetrate deeply. The rate of heat loss deter-
5 to 10C 30 to 60 minutes 1 to 3 hours mines the rate of freezing, which is accelerated by wind, wet-
ness, extreme cold, and poor blood circulation. Parts of the
10 to 15C 1 to 2 hours 1 to 6 hours
body most susceptible to freezing are those with surfaces large
15 to 20C 2 to 7 hours 2 to 40 hours in relation to their volume, such as toes, fingers, ears, nose,
3 hours to indefi- chin, and cheeks.
20 to 25C 3 to 12 hours
Navigational Information
25C Indefinite Indefinite
0.0Pilotage.Pilotage is not available at any place within the
0.0Near-drowning victims in cold water (temperature less than area covered by this publication. However, vessels approaching
21.1C) show much longer periods of revivability than usual. a manned base or harbor are advised to seek information con-
The keys to a successful revival are immediate cardiopulmo- cerning navigational conditions by radio.
nary resuscitation (CPR) and administration of pure oxygen. 0.0Navigational Aids.Lights, ranges, buoys, and beacons
The whole revival process may take hours and require medical etc., are virtually non-existent in the Antarctic region. Such
help. aids are subject to damage and failure by ice or storm, or may
0.0WindchillFrostbite.A body begins to lose heat when it disappear altogether and remain unreported for long periods of
is warmer than the surroundings. The rate of loss depends on time.
the barriers to heat loss such as clothing and insulation in addi- 0.0Polar Charts.Even in high latitudes, mariners have exhib-
tion to the speed of air movement and the air temperature. Heat ited an understandable partiality for Mercator charts, on which
loss increases dramatically in moving air that is colder than a rhumb line appears as a straight line, and these have been
skin temperature (33C). In the Antarctic, wind chill results used virtually everywhere ships have sailed. However, as the
from the intense cold and strong winds. This combination af- latitude increases, the superiority of the Mercator projection
fects not only comfort, but the morale and safety of personnel. decreases, primarily because the value of the rhumb line be-
0.0The equivalent wind chill temperature relates a particular comes progressively less. At latitudes greater than 60, the de-
wind and temperature combination to whatever temperature crease in utility begins to be noticeable, and beyond 70, it
would produce the same heat loss at about 3 knots, the normal becomes troublesome. In the clear polar atmosphere, visual
speed of a person walking. At extremely cold temperatures, bearings are observed at great distances, sometimes 50 miles or
wind and temperature effect may account for only two-thirds more. The use of a rhumb line to represent such a bearing and
of the heat loss from the body. For example, at a temperature of distance at high latitudes introduces excessive errors. Another
-40C, about one-third of the heat loss from the body occurs problem with the use of Mercator charts at high latitudes is the
through the lungs in the process of breathing. Conversely, heat increasing rate of change of scale over a single chart. This as-
loss is not as great in bright sunlight. pect results in the shape of the land mass being distorted and
0.0When the skin temperature drops below 10C, a marked con- subsequent errors in measuring distances.
striction of the blood vessels occurs, leading to vascular stag- 0.0At some latitudes, the disadvantages of the Mercator projec-
nation, oxygen want, and some cellular damage. The first tion outweigh its advantages. The latitude at which this occurs
indication that something is wrong is a painful tingling. Swell- depends upon the physical features of the area, the configura-
ing of varying extent follows, provided freezing has not oc- tion and orientation of land and water areas, the nature of the
curred. Excruciating pain may then be felt if the skin operation, and mostly, upon the previous experience and per-
temperature is lowered rapidly, but freezing of localized por- sonal preference of the mariner. Because of differences of
tions of the skin may be painless when the rate of change is opinion in this matter, a transitional zone exists in which sever-
slow. al projections may be useful. Under all circumstances, a wise
0.0Cold allergy is a term applied to the welts which may occur. navigator should be prepared to use any of them, because cov-
Chilblains usually affect the fingers and toes and are manifest- erage of the operating area may not be adequate on the pre-
ed as reddened, warm, and itching swollen patches. Trench ferred projection.
foot and immersion foot present essentially the same picture. 0.0Charts of polar areas are generally inferior to those of other
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 41
regions because of lack of detail, inaccuracy, and poor cover- this time rises relatively high in the sky. In addition, light from
age. the aurora australis is often quite bright, occasionally exceed-
0.0Relatively few soundings are available in polar areas and ma- ing that of the full moon. Even the planets and stars contribute
ny of the coastal features are only shown on the chart by their an appreciable amount of light in this area where the snow cov-
general outlines. Large areas are perennially covered by ice er provides an excellent reflecting surface.
which presents a changing appearance as the amount, position, 0.0All time zones, like all meridians, meet at the pole. Local
and the character of the ice changes. Heavy covers of ice and time does not have its usual significance, because the hours of
snow also prevent the accurate determination of the surface the day bear no relation to periods of light and darkness or to
features beneath. the altitude of celestial bodies.
0.0Polar charts, of which relatively few are available, may be 0.0Operations in polar regions are attended by hazards and
inaccurate because they are based upon limited information problems not encountered elsewhere. Lack of knowledge,
and reports from those who have been in the areas. These re- sometimes accompanied by fear of the unknown, has prevented
ports are usually less reliable than in other areas as icebergs are navigation in these areas from being conducted with the same
sometimes mistaken for islands, especially those having mo- confidence with which it is pursued in more familiar areas. As
rainic deposits; and ice-covered islands are occasionally mis- experience in high latitudes has increased, much of the mystery
taken for grounded icebergs. In addition, shorelines are not surrounding these areas has been dispelled and operations there
easy to detect and inlets and sounds may be completely ob- have become more predictable.
scured by ice and snow. 0.0Before entering polar regions, navigators should acquaint
0.0The three chart projections most commonly used near the themselves with the experience of those who have preceded
poles are the transverse Mercator, the modified Lambert con- them into these areas. This information can be found in ac-
formal, and the polar stereographic. When a gyro is used as a counts of explorers, reports of previous voyages in high lati-
directional reference, the track of the craft is approximately a tudes, and articles in professional journals concerning
great circle. A desirable chart is one on which a great circle is operations in polar regions. The search for knowledge should
represented as a straight line with a constant scale and with an- not be confined to just navigation and such subjects as survival,
gles correctly represented. These requirements are not met en- geography, ice, climate, and weather should be studied.
tirely by any single projection, but they are approximated by 0.0Planning, important in any operation, is vital to the success
both the modified Lambert conformal and the polar stereo- of polar navigation. Vessels should be provided with all the
graphic. needed charts, publications, and special navigational material.
0.0Polar Navigation.Navigation in polar regions does not All available data and information from previous operations in
differ materially from that in lower latitudes. However, unique the area should be available. Key personnel should be ade-
conditions, such as high latitude and meteorological factors, re- quately instructed in polar navigation prior to departure or
quire the use of special techniques. Much of the thinking of the while enroute to the region. Forecasts on anticipated ice and
marine navigator is in the terms of the rectangular world of weather conditions should be obtained before departure and on
the Mercator projection, on which the meridians are equally approach to the continent.
spaced with vertical lines perpendicular to the horizontal paral- 0.0Radar.In polar regions, where fog and long periods of
lels of latitude. On such a projection, direction is measured rel- continuous daylight or darkness reduce the effectiveness of
ative to the meridians a straight line on a chart represents a both celestial navigation and visual piloting, radar is particular-
rhumb line. ly valuable. Its value is further enhanced by the fact that polar
0.0In polar regions, conditions are somewhat different as the seas are generally smooth, resulting in relatively little oscilla-
meridians rapidly converge at the poles, which are centers of a tion of the shipborne antenna. In addition, when ice is not pres-
series of concentric circles constituting the parallels of latitude. ent, relatively little sea return is encountered from the calm sea.
The rapid convergence of the meridians renders the usual con- 0.0However, certain limitations exist with the use of radar in po-
vention of direction inadequate for some purposes and even vi- lar regions. Similarity of detail along the polar shore is even
sual bearings cannot be adequately represented as rhumb lines. more apparent by radar than by visual observation. Lack of ac-
At the pole, all directions are toward the opposite pole and curate detail on charts adds to the difficulty of coastal identifi-
lines of position, in the usual sense, are replaced by longitude. cation. Identification is even more of a problem when the
0.0Stars circle the sky without noticeable change in altitude and shoreline is beyond the radar horizon and accurate contours are
planets rise and set once each sidereal period (12 years for Ju- not shown on the chart. When an extensive mass of ice extends
piter, 30 years for Saturn). At the S pole, the sun rises about out from shore, accurate location of the shoreline is also ex-
September 23; slowly spirals to a maximum altitude of approx- tremely difficult.
imately 2327' about December 21; slowly spirals downward 0.0Experience is required to interpret accurately the radar re-
to the horizon about March 21; and then disappears for another turns in polar regions where ice may cover both land and sea. A
6 months. number of icebergs lying near the coast may be located too
0.0It requires about 32 hours for the sun to cross the horizon, close together to be resolved, giving an altered appearance to a
during which time it circles the sky one and one-third times. shoreline, or they may be mistaken for off-lying islands. The
The twilight periods, following sunset and preceding sunrise, shadow of an iceberg or pressure ridge and the lack of return
last for several weeks. The moon rises and sets about once each from an open lead in the ice may easily be confused. Smooth
month and only celestial bodies with S declination are visible ice may look like open water.
at the pole. 0.0As with visual bearings, radar bearings require correction for
0.0The long polar night is not wholly dark as the full moon at convergence unless the objects observed are quite close to the
Pub. 200
42 The Antarctic
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 43
magnetic compass. Instructions for use at high latitudes are it is good practice to use this to help establish the identity and
sometimes provided by the manufacturer of the gyro compass. location of some prominent feature a considerable distance
0.0Bearings.Natural landmarks are plentiful in some areas, ahead. Through this practice, unidentifiable or uncharted fea-
but their usefulness is restricted by the difficulty in identifying tures can be used to establish future positions.
them, or locating them on the chart. Along many of the coasts 0.0In high latitudes, it is not unusual to make use of bearings of
in the Antarctic, the various points and inlets bear a marked re- objects which are located a considerable distance from the ves-
semblance to each other. In addition, the appearance of the sel. Because of the rapid convergence of the meridians in these
coast is often very different when many of its features are areas, such bearings are not accurately represented by straight
masked by a heavy covering of snow or ice. lines on a Mercator chart. Therefore, if this projection is used,
0.0Bearings of landmarks are useful, but they have limitations. the bearings should be corrected in the same manner as radio
When bearings of more than two objects are taken, they may bearings because both can be considered to be great circles.
fail to intersect at a point because the objects may not be chart- Neither visual nor radio bearings require a correction when
ed in their correct relation to each other. Even a two-point fix plotting on a Lambert conformal or a polar stereographic chart.
may be considerably in error since the objects used may be 0.0Soundings.Soundings are so important in polar regions
charted in correct relationship to one another, but in the wrong that echo sounders are customarily operated continuously
position geographically. However, in restricted waters, it is while underway. A good practice is to have two such instru-
usually more important to know the position of the vessel rela- ments, preferably those of the recording type with a wide flexi-
tive to the nearby land and shoals than to know the accurate lat- bility in range. Enough soundings have been obtained to
itude and longitude. The bearings and distances of uncharted, produce an accurate portrayal of the bottom configuration in
locally known objects then become valuable. only a few parts of the polar regions. Hence, caution should be
0.0When a position is established relative to nearby landmarks, maintained at all times in order to avoid unobserved shoaling.
Pub. 200
44 The Antarctic
0.0The polar regions have relatively few shoals, but a number of gradient. Shoal water is often found off low islands and spits,
pinnacles and ledges may rise abruptly from the bottom in etc., but seldom near a steep shore. Where glaciation has oc-
some areas. Such dangers constitute a threat to vessels because curred, moraine deposits are likely to have formed an offshore
they exist in areas generally not surrounded by any apparent bar. Submerged rocks and pinnacles are more likely to be en-
shoaling. Therefore, in unknown areas, vessels are advised to countered off a rugged shore than near a low, sandy beach.
send one or more small craft ahead with portable sounding 0.0Icebergs.Radar can easily pick up large icebergs in ample
gear. It should be noted that echo sounders will not give a read- time to avoid collision. However, small bergs or growlers,
ing when ice is under the vessels or when the water beneath the which are capable of inflicting serious damage to vessels, may
ship is disturbed by turbulence by ice floes being shoved go undetected even with moderate conditions of wind and sea.
around. A vessel proceeding in uncharted coastal waters may Only in exceptionally smooth seas can radar be depended upon
minimize the risk of grounding by having a boat equipped with to pick up growlers. Therefore, it is unsafe for any vessel, be-
a portable echo sounder scout ahead. cause of radar, to assume immunity to ice hazards.
0.0In very deep water, 2,000m or more, the echo return from the 0.0Air temperatures are not a reliable guide to the presence of
bottom is sometimes masked by the sound of ice coming in icebergs, nor can sea temperatures be depended upon to give
contact with the hull of the vessel. This is generally not a prob- warning of their approach. It is true that a small increase in wa-
lem when the bottom is close enough to be menacing. Ice gen- ter surface temperature can usually be detected within about 1
erally prevents the effective use of a hand lead unless the vessel mile of an iceberg. This increase is due to the freshening of the
is stopped. surface layer of the sea by the melting ice. However, variations
0.0When vessels become beset by ice, they may lose steerage of surface temperature of the same order of magnitude are fre-
way and drift with the ice. Such vessels may be in danger of quently encountered in the total absence of icebergs.
grounding as the ice moves over a shoal area. Therefore, it is 0.0In fog, the use of the steam whistle or foghorn for detecting
important that soundings be continued to be taken even when a small bergs or growlers by echo is of little value. The sound
vessel is beset. If necessary, a hole should be made in the adja- waves will only be reflected by a high, vertical wall of ice and
cent ice and a hand lead used. A vessel with limited means for they are not always discernible. Hence, the absence of an echo
freeing itself may prudently save such means for use only does not mean that no bergs are close.
when there is danger of grounding. 0.0Care should be exercised when approaching icebergs and
0.0Useful information concerning the depth of water in the vi- soundings should be taken continuously as submerged projec-
cinity of a vessel can sometimes be obtained by watching the tions caused by overcutting may extend a considerable distance
ice. A stream of ice moving faster than surrounding ice or a to seaward.
stretch of open water located in loose drift ice often marks a 0.0Vessels hove-to in drift ice during heavy weather are advised
channel leading through shoal water. A patch of stationary ice to place their bow against a floe and use their engines to hold
located in the midst of moving ice often may mark a shoal. themselves up into the wind. If vessels are allowed to drift in
0.0Some knowledge of earth formations may also prove helpful. such circumstances, serious damage may be sustained from
The slope of the land is often an indication of the underwater grinding and surging floes. Often in the mass of ice, old ice is
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 45
integrated by a film of young ice. Under such conditions, it is These buoy systems may be expected to become more numer-
prudent to remain amongst the young ice since its soft texture ous each year and may be found in polar waters.
will buffer the vessel against encroachment by old ice. The buoy systems vary considerably in size and are either
0.0When approaching snow-covered land from ice-free waters, moored or free-floating. As far as possible, positions of the for-
a yellowish landblink is usually observed before the land is mer will always be widely promulgated, and, if considered to
seen above the horizon. Many of the coasts of Antarctica are be of a permanent enough nature, will be charted. In both
fronted by a belt of ice which extends between 20 and 60 miles types, the instruments may be either in the float or attached at
offshore. Hence, a strip of ice-free water lies adjacent to the any depth beneath it.
shore. When transiting in this strip of water, vessels should The buoys are colored yellow and marked ODAS with an
maintain observations of any movement of the belt of drift ice. identification number. The moored buoys usually display a yel-
With onshore winds, the belt of drift ice may be driven in low light, showing a group of 5 flashes every 20 seconds.
quickly and such vessels placed in danger of being set on to the
land. 0.0ODAS may be encountered in unexpected areas and often in
0.0An accumulation of icebergs offshore invariably marks a deep water where navigational buoys would not be found. It
shoal. An area of water lying offshore from which a line of ice- should be noted that valuable instruments are often suspended
bergs extends is almost certain to be foul. Islands with nearly beneath these systems or attached to the mooring lines. In
continuous lines of icebergs extending between them and the some cases, the moorings have been cut loose beneath the buoy
shore are usually connected to the coast by shallow water or by by unauthorized salvors, with the consequent loss of the most
a submerged shoal ridge. However, if the icebergs are concen- valuable part of the system.
trated around the islands, leaving wide spaces free of ice, such 0.0The moored buoys may be up to 7.5m in diameter and 2 to
spaces are probably clear of shoals. A coast that is fringed by 3m in height. The free-floating buoys are usually much small-
glaciers or studded with inshore bergs, but is free of ice to sea- er, 2m wide, and do not display a light.
ward, is usually considered to be safe up to about 1 mile from 0.0Caution.Vessels should use extreme care when navigating
the shore. in the regions covered by this publication as very few of the
0.0Bays in which icebergs are found generally have a channel bays, inlets, and harbors have been carefully surveyed. Infor-
leading into them. Channels, the sides of which are bordered mation contained herein was compiled from numerous sources,
with bergs, may invariably be considered safe if their centers much of which appears to be contradictory. Charts of the re-
are clear of ice. Open water will usually be found during the gion lack details and should be utilized only as a guide.
summer adjacent to coasts where offshore winds prevail. 0.0Reliance should not be placed upon sketchy reports by ob-
0.0Duration Of Sunlight.Rising, setting, and twilight data servers as the unusual phenomena and atmospheric conditions
are tabulated in the Nautical Almanac to latitude 72N and in the S pole region often lead the inexperienced observer to
60S. Within these limits, the times of these phenomena can be optical errors. Navigation in this area becomes further compli-
determined. Graphs are used in the higher latitudes instead of cated with sea ice, sudden and violent changes in the weather,
tables because they give a clearer picture of conditions, which dangerous shoals, compass instability, and the absence of navi-
may change radically with relatively little change in position or gation aids.
date. Under these conditions, interpolation is simpler by graph
than by table. In those parts of the graph which are difficult to 0.0The most serious danger is that caused by the pressure of ice
read, the times of the phenomenas occurrence are themselves on a vessel, which may result in the crushing of the hull or
uncertain, being altered considerably by relatively small damage to underwater hull fittings. The risk is greatest when a
changes in refraction or height of eye. The graphs for high lati- vessel is navigating in pack ice. Apart from this hazard, vessels
tudes may be found in the Air Almanac which is published beset in ice, and hence drifting with it, may be forced into wa-
each year by the U.S. Naval Observatory. ters that are dangerous for navigation.
0.0The graph displaying the semiduration of sunlight may be 0.0Distances.The following navigable surface distances
used for latitudes higher than 60 and shows the number of (nautical miles) between points combine the use of great cir-
hours from sunrise to meridian passage or from meridian pas- cles and rhumb lines:
sage to sunset. There is continuous daylight in the area marked
sun above horizon. The figures near the top of the graph indi- From: Anvers IslandAntarctic Peninsula (6400'S.,
cate, for several convenient dates, the LMT of meridian pas- 6400'W.)
sage. With the aid of the intermediate dots, the LMT for any
given day may be obtained to the nearest minute. Using the lat- To: Boston, United States 7,235
itude and the LMT of meridian passage, the semiduration can Buenos Aires, Argentina 1,856
be extracted. The time of sunrise may be found by subtracting
the semiduration from the time of meridian passage. The time Cape Town, South Africa 3,811
of sunset can be found by adding the semiduration to the time Fremantle, Australia 6,839
of meridian passage. Similar graphs for twilight and semidura-
tion of moonlight in high latitudes are also displayed. Montevideo, Uruguay 1,762
0.0ODAS.The term Ocean Data Acquisition System (ODAS) Panama 4,489
covers a wide range of devices for collecting weather and
Port Stanley, Falkland Islands 885
oceanographic data. However, the devices of most concern to
vessels consist of buoy systems which support instruments. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2,604
Pub. 200
46 The Antarctic
Ushuaia, Argentina 606 severe blizzards, particularly when the drifts are dry and pow-
dery, driven over a long distance by a gradient wind, and steep
Valparaiso, Chile 1,987 fronted. This phenomena usually builds up an electrical charge
of several thousand volts before it discharges and can strongly
From: Cape AdareRoss Sea (7100'S., 17200'E.) distort high frequency radio systems. It is reported that mea-
sures to reduce smaller forms of static shocks have been suc-
To: Auckland, New Zealand 2,287 cessful to some degree by filterization and special grounding.
Dunedin, New Zealand 1,532 0.0Flutter, which is a rapid succession of reflected pulses result-
ing from ionospheric storms, is common in polar regions. Its
Fremantle, Australia 3,504
effect is particularly noticeable on voice circuits and in severe
Hobart, Tasmania 1,843 cases, radio teletype reception is impacted. Since flutter is usu-
McMurdo Sound, Antarctica 380 ally associated with fading signal strength, high powered trans-
mitters are sometimes suggested, but they should not exceed
Melbourne, Australia 2,208 signal to noise ratios required for good reception.
Pearl Harbor, Oahu 5,662 0.0It is important that the signal to noise ratio at the receiver
should be at as high a level as is necessary to give intelligible
Sydney, Australia 2,338 communication. However, it is equally important that the pow-
Wellington, New Zealand 1,800 er used to transmit the signal should not be greater than neces-
sary. Hence, it should not be so great as to cause radio
frequency interference with scientific programs and other radio
0.0Note.Due to changing ice conditions in the Antarctic re- reception, nor is it desirable for logistics reasons to use more
gion, the above distances may differ from those actually power than is necessary.
steamed. 0.0The specification of signal to noise ratio for the mode of sig-
nal to be employed presents no problems. Nor is there any
Electronic Navigation and Communication problem in measuring the noise level on which to base this
0.0In general, radio wave propagation in high latitudes follows specification. As previously stated, the ionosphere in the auro-
the same principles that apply elsewhere. However, certain ral zone is unstable. Therefore, the theory of measuring noise
anomalies occur, and although these are but imperfectly under- level in this case becomes highly speculative.
stood and experience to date has not always been consistent, 0.0Disturbances on the sun may cause interference with radio
there is much that has been ascertained. An understanding of communication. At the time of an intense solar flare or erup-
these conditions is important if maximum effective use is to be tion, a flash of ultraviolet light and a stream of charged parti-
made of electronics in high latitudes. cles are emitted from the sun. The flash of ultraviolet light
0.0Communication between the scientific stations in Antarctica takes only 8 minutes to reach the earth, where it produces great
and the rest of the world, including vessels at sea, is vital. ionization (electrification) at abnormally low layers of the up-
However, radio communications in high latitudes presents spe- per atmosphere. Short radio waves, which travel round the
cial problems. The permanent stations on the various parts of earth by being reflected from a higher layer of the upper atmo-
Antarctica are widely separated within an area of 4,000,000 sphere, cannot penetrate this barrier of ionization and a radio
square miles. Hence, these stations are isolated by great dis- fadeout is experienced. However, long radio waves may be
tances and by ice caps. Most radio communications depend on reflected more strongly from the base of the lower layer of ion-
the high frequency band, using the ionosphere as a reflector. A ization. Since these short wave radio fadeouts and long wave
network of high frequency radio systems connects other parts enhancements are caused by the effects of ultraviolet light from
of the world to Antarctica, including summer bases, field par- the sun, they are confined to the sunlit side of the earth and are
ties, ships, and aircraft. Generally, this high frequency network almost simultaneous with the flare, lasting on the average for
of communications is effective over great distances, but the about 20 minutes.
system may become ineffective at times due to atmospheric 0.0The stream of charged particles, traveling much more slowly
disturbances, high ionospheric absorption flutter, drift static, than light, arrives at the earth, if it is suitably directed, in about
and local man-made interference. one to three days. The stream visibly signals its arrival at the
0.0Disturbances.The ionosphere is irregular and unstable in earth by producing a bright and active aurora. It also causes
the auroral zone and the intensity of absorption is high nearly great ionization in the upper atmosphere, which is much more
all of the time, especially during the daylight hours. prolonged than that caused by the ultraviolet light. There is
0.0Man-made interference is caused by locally produced noise again deterioration in short wave radio communications, which
such as generators, transmitters, mobiles, switchgear, power may be a complete blackout in higher latitudes. At this time,
lines, scientific equipment, etc. Because the Antarctic atmo- currents of up to a million amperes may circulate in the upper
sphere is not restrictive to noise interference, a receiver unit be- atmosphere. The resulting magnetic field may extend to the
comes unusually sensitive to locally produced noise. In surface of the earth and may deflect a compass needle notice-
addition, the noise from other electrical equipment is accentu- ably from its normal position. The effects of these magnetic
ated by low ground conductivity. and ionospheric storms, which may persist with varying inten-
0.0Drift static and/or precipitation static are caused by electri- sity for several days, are usually greatest in higher latitudes.
cally charged particles and are a common phenomena in this Radio blackouts and simultaneous deflections of magnetic
region. Static discharges are a serious problem frequented by compasses are not uncommon in and near the auroral zones.
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 47
When a great aurora is seen in abnormally low latitudes, it is panies an aurora and a magnetic storm may occur by day or at
invariably accompanied by a magnetic and ionospheric storm. night. All these effects occur most frequently and in most in-
Unlike the fadeouts which occur only on the sunlit side of the tense forms at the time of sunspot maximum.
earth, the interference with radio communications that accom- Polar Cap Disturbance (PCD) is an ionospheric disturbance
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48 The Antarctic
which is in no way dependent on the ice cap in the polar re- region of the magnetic pole with the result that normal very
gion. It is the result of the focusing effect the earths magnetic low frequency propagation is disrupted. The effect on radio
field has on particles released from the sun during a solar pro- waves is known as Polar Cap Absorption (PCA).
ton event. The effect concentrates high energy particles in the Historically PCDs produced large or total absorption of high
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 49
frequency radio waves crossing the polar region. A transmis- ly a few days. The frequency of this phenomenon increases
sion path that is entirely outside the polar region is unaffected during those years of peak solar activity.
by PCDs. The PCDs, often called PCA Events (PCAs), may Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance (SID) is a sudden increase
persist for a week or more, but commonly the duration lasts on- in the ionization density in the lower part of the ionosphere. It
Pub. 200
50 The Antarctic
is caused by very sudden and large increases in X-ray flux components in the visible light spectrum. The effect, which is
which is emitted from the sun, usually during a solar flare. restricted to sunlit propagation paths, causes a phase advance
These disturbances (SIDs) also occur during flares called X- and is known as a Sudden Phase Anomaly (SPA). The SID ef-
ray flares that produce large X-ray flux, but which have no fects are related to solar zenith angle and consequently occur
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 51
mostly in lower latitude regions. Usually, a phase advance over ated by the U.S. Air Force, which provides very accurate
a period of 5 to 10 minutes occurs which is followed by a re- positioning, time, and velocity information to multiple users. It
covery over a period of 30 to 60 minutes. is an all-weather system with world wide and continuous usage
0.0International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMAR- which will replace OMEGA and other such hyperbolic radio
SAT).Around the world satellite communication systems navigation systems. The space component of GPS consists of
have now become synonymous with reliable and quality trans- 24 satellites, of which a minimum of six are observable from
fer of information. The International Maritime Satellite Orga- any place on earth. GPS receivers convert data from the satel-
nization (INMARSAT) is an international consortium lites to produce three-dimensional positions (latitude, longi-
comprising over 75 partners who provide maritime safety man- tude, and altitude). They compute information for fixes in
agement and maritime communications services. terms of the World Geodetic System (1984) reference ellip-
0.0The INMARSAT system consists of a number of satellites, soid; hence, a datum shift correction may be required before a
which maintain geosynchronous orbits, and provides quality position can be plotted on a chart.
communications coverage between about 77N and about 0.0GPS provides two services for navigation positioning, as fol-
77S, including locations with less than a 5 angle of elevation. lows:
0.0INMARSAT-A, the original system, provides telephone, tel- 1. Standard Positioning Service (SPS)The standard
ex, and fax services. However, this system is being replaced by level of positioning and timing accuracy. It is available
INMARSAT-B, which, by the use of digital technology, is pro- without restrictions to any user on a continuous worldwide
viding the services with improved quality and higher data basis. As of midnight (EDT) 1 March 2000, Selective Avail-
transmission rates. INMARSAT-C provides a store and for- ability was set to zero; users should experience a GPS hori-
ward data messaging capability, but no voice communication. zontal accuracy of 10 to 20m or better.
0.0To qualify for access into the system, the National Science 2. Precise Positioning Service (PPS)An encoded level
Foundation (NSF) applied through COMSAT, the United intended for use by the Department of Defense.
States representative to INMARSAT. Because McMurdo Sta- 0.0Note.For further information concerning the International
tion, the main United States base in Antarctica, qualifies as a Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT), the Global
search and rescue coordination center for that region, the appli- Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), the Safe-
cation was approved and the base now operates within the net- tyNET system, and the Global Positioning System (GPS), see
work as a ship/earth station. Since 1983, a permanent Pub. No. 9, The American Practical Navigator (Bowditch-2002
communication link between McMurdo Station and the United Edition); Pub. 117, Radio Navigation Aids; and Annual Notice
States has been provided via INMARSAT. to Mariners No. 1.
0.0Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
(GMDSS).The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Oceanography
(GMDSS) provides a great advancement in safety over the pre-
vious usage of short range and high seas radio transmissions. 0.0The Antarctic continent is surrounded by waters forming a
This system, fully implemented since 1 February 1999, con- confluence of the S portions of the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic
sists of satellite as well as advanced terrestrial communications Ocean, and the Indian Ocean. Adjacent to the continent lie the
operations. Weddell Sea, the Bellingshausen Sea, the Amundsen Sea, and
0.0The GMDSS has been adopted by the International Conven- the Ross Sea. The water surrounding Antarctica is unique
tion for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974. It applies to among the worlds oceans because the configuration of land
cargo vessels of 300 gt and over and all vessels carrying more and water in the southern hemisphere permits a circumpolar
than 12 passengers on international voyages. Unlike previous oceanic flow comprising about 10 per cent of the worlds sea
regulations, the GMDSS requires vessels to carry specified water. The only major physical boundary that constricts the
equipment according to the area in which they are operating. zonal flow is Drake Passage which lies in the Scotia Sea region
Such vessels navigating in polar regions must carry VHF, MF, between the southernmost part of the South American conti-
and HF equipment and a satellite Emergency Position Indicat- nent and the Antarctic Peninsula. Great depths within this pas-
ing Radiobeacon (EPIRB). sage permit an unhindered flow of water. However, this area
0.0It should be noted that after 1999, compliant vessels are no can become exceptionally stormy because there is no barrier to
longer required to maintain a voice listening watch on VHF reduce the persistent and strong W winds.
channel 16 or 2182kHz and considerable difficulty may be ex- 0.0Antarctica provides the S boundary of the adjacent waters
perienced in establishing communications between a GMDSS whereas the N boundary is defined by the cold water lying S of
and a non-GMDSS equipped vessel. the Antarctic Convergence or Polar Front Zone.
0.0SafetyNET.NAVTEX is an international automated direct 0.0The continental shelves surrounding Antarctica are relatively
printing service for providing coastal navigational information, narrow and deep. Although they have an average width of
distress warnings, and meteorological warnings, including ice 30km, they comprise an area of approximately 4,000,000km2
reports. It is an element of GMDSS and has replaced the broad- and reach depths of 500 to 900m at the shelf edge. This is two
casts of safety information over MF morse frequencies. to four times greater than the world average shelf depth, and
0.0The SafetyNET broadcast system provides the same infor- may be caused by isostatic subsidence in response to the
mation as NAVTEX to vessels on the high seas and is delivered weight of the ice cap. At the edge of the shelf, the gradient
by the INMARSAT-C system. steepens to define the continental slope. The water depth in-
0.0Global Positioning System (GPS).The NAVSTAR Glob- creases rapidly to approximately 3,000m over a distance of less
al Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based system, oper- than 100km. Seaward of the continental slope, the continental
Pub. 200
52 The Antarctic
rise and deep ocean bottom lie at depths greater than 3,000 and nental shelf. Estimates of bottom water formation in the
4,500m, respectively. These areas are underlain by thick sedi- Weddell Sea vary from 2 to 5 million cubic meters per second.
ments. 0.0Tides are long-period forced waves whose speed is deter-
0.0The Antarctic Convergence.The Antarctic Convergence mined by the balance between the attraction of the sun and
occurs where the cold Antarctic water merges with warmer moon and the frictional effects of the ocean bottom. Tidal
tropical waters and downwells or dives underneath the warmer movement around Antarctica is unique in the worlds ocean ba-
surface of the South Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the sins in that there are no significant land masses to impede the
Indian Ocean. This phenomenon occurs in a remarkably dis- E/W (counterclockwise) sweep of the tides around the conti-
cernible climatic and oceanic boundary which extends to the nent. The tidal movement is therefore principally a progressive
50th parallel. In many locations this line is easily and precisely wave, and the tide is predominantly diurnal. Diurnal tides are
distinguished by a quick alteration in surface temperature; characterized by one high water and one low water each tidal
hence, producing a physical boundary between the waters lying day (a lunar day of 24 hours and 50 minutes).
adjacent to Antarctica and those of the sub-polar region or Po- 0.0Wind-generated waves are greatest around 50S to 60S be-
lar Front Zone. cause of predominant W winds and the long fetch. The tip of
0.0The Antarctic Convergence may form the extreme N limit of the Antarctic Peninsula extends into this region and rough seas
drift ice, but such ice is rarely found so far to the N. The waters can be encountered along its ice-free coastline. Higher lati-
to the S of the Antarctic Convergence are ice laden and abound tudes and ice cover account for smoother seas along the rest of
with sub-polar aquatic life, forming a feeding ground for pe- the Antarctic coast.
lagic birds and the worlds largest population of seals and 0.0Surface Temperature.The Antarctic Convergence is a
whales. boundary surface which separates the heavier, colder Antarctic
0.0The Antarctic Divergence.In the zone of Antarctic upper water to the S from the lighter but more saline water to the N.
water, between the continent and the Antarctic Convergence, The mean position of this circumpolar boundary is fairly con-
there is an area of divergence of surface waters and consequent stant, lying at about 50S in the Atlantic sector and between
upwelling, which coincides with the boundary between the E 50S and 60S in the Pacific sector. Its position is marked by
and W wind belts. The position of this Antarctic Divergence steep horizontal temperature and salinity gradients at the sur-
and the occurrence and strength of divergent motion are both face. Across the convergence, the temperature ranges in the
variable and depend on the prevailing meteorological condi- summer from 3.9 to 6.7C and in the winter from 1.1 to
tions. Influenced by the wind and the rotation of the earth, the 2.8C. Surface waters immediately S of the convergence have
ocean surface water on each side of the Divergence moves in a an average temperature of about 1.1 to 2.2C in the winter and
direction to the left of the wind direction. The Divergence lies 2.8 to 5C in the summer, while further S near the continent
N of the drift ice and between 5 and 10 of latitude S of the temperatures vary only from about -1.7 to -0.5C.
Antarctic Convergence. 0.0Salinity in the region to the N of the Antarctic Convergence
0.0TidesCurrents.The Antarctic Circumpolar Current, changes only little throughout the year. However, to the S of
known as the West Wind Drift, is the worlds greatest current. the convergence, the melting of ice during spring and summer
Strong W winds between about 40S and 60S (Roaring For- results in a highly variable distribution of surface salinity. Par-
ties) drive this current in an E direction at approximately 0.5 tially-melted fields of drift ice produce extensive local areas of
meter per second. This current completely encircles Antarctica relatively low salinity.
and is so deep that it can reach the ocean bottom. Closer to 0.0Tsunamis.Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and subma-
Antarctica, E or SE winds prevail that cause a W current which rine landslides frequently produce an unusual wave called a
is known as the East Wind Drift. The flow of this current is seismic sea wave or a tsunami. Tsunamis have long wave
complicated by the irregular coastline and gyres (eddies) can lengths and travel across the open ocean at high speeds. As
form in bays such as the Weddell Sea, the Ross Sea, and Bell- they approach the shore, the wave length decreases and the
ingshausen Sea. wave height increases, so that they can be a formidable agent
0.0Relatively warm, saline, and nutrient rich water, which has of destruction. In the open ocean, the wave height is only 0.3 to
flowed at depth to high latitudes from lower latitudes, upwells 0.6m and may pass unnoticed. However, near the shore, the
to the surface in a zone. This zone of general upwelling, known wave may build rapidly to heights of more than 15m.
as the Antarctic Divergence, separates the Circumpolar Current 0.0Approximately 6 tsunamis occur in the Pacific Basin per
from the East Wind Drift. This divergence, located 150 to 200 year and only one of these is likely to cause local damage.
miles from the coast, is not entirely continuous, but disappears There is little chance that a tsunami will form that is large
to the E of Drake Passage. enough to affect the entire Pacific Basin, including the Antarc-
0.0More than half of the bottom waters of the worlds oceans tic. Such a tsunami may occur only once every 7 to 10 years,
are formed around Antarctica. Cold winter temperatures and but even then stations in the Antarctic would probably not ex-
ice formation produce dense seawater which sinks to the ocean perience any damage.
bottom, where it spreads to the N. The continual production of 0.0Marine Biota.The food web of the Antarctic is short, al-
this Antarctic Bottom Water plays an important role in renew- lowing unusually large populations of top carnivores to devel-
ing the bottom waters of the oceans; without this renewal, the op. The key element is krill which are the dominant
respiration of animals in the deep ocean would deplete the oxy- zooplankton. Krill serve as an important link between the pri-
gen content of the bottom waters. In the Weddell Sea, which is mary production and the marine mammals and birds. Krill,
believed to be the major source, bottom water formation ap- which grow to several centimeters in length, are large marine
pears to occur year-round, particularly on the S and W conti- herbivores (shrimp-like crustaceans) and are found in swarms,
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 53
several to hundreds of meters wide. They serve as the prime land bases. Ross seals are the rarest of the Antarctic breeds.
food source for seals, squid, penguins, whales, and several oth- Southern fur seals and elephant seals are found N and S of
Pub. 200
54 The Antarctic
whales are occasionally found off the continent, but generally Antarctic Convergence, in the Scotia Sea, and around the South
inhabit more temperate waters. Sperm whales and killer whales Sandwich Islands, South Georgia Island, the South Orkney Is-
(related to dolphins) are found in the adjoining waters through- lands, and the South Shetland Islands.
out the entire year. Krill have been reported to give off a luminescence in the
0.0Bioluminescence.Bioluminescence is the emission of form of a greenish light. When vessels pass through extensive
light by biological organisms. In the ocean environment, or- areas (swarms) of krill, flashes from the individual crustaceans
ganisms may be stimulated to glow around the hulls and in the have been observed within 100m of the hull against the back-
wake of vessels, submerged vessels, small boats, and divers. ground color of the water.
This phenomenon is generally infrequent in the Antarctic re-
gion, but luminescence can occur in all waters at any time. Optical Phenomena
Some strong luminescence activity has been reported in ice as
it is broken by icebreakers. It has also been reported along the 0.0 Optical phenomena are common in the region to the S of
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 55
Pub. 200
56 The Antarctic
surface water and ice. roral zones, where it may be seen at some time on every clear
0.0Whiteout is a condition in which daylight is diffused by mul- and dark night, there are times when it moves towards the
tiple reflection between a snow surface and an overcast sky. Equator from each zone. On rare occasions, it has even been
Contrasts vanish and the observer is unable to distinguish the visible in the tropics. Departures of aurora far from its usual
horizon or any snow surface feature. In addition, depth percep- geographical position occur at times of great solar activity,
tion is greatly reduced. As falling snow, drift, fog, and mist are when large sunspots appear on the suns disk. The aurora that
not involved, a dark object can be seen at any distance. This is seen widely over the earth usually follows about a day after a
condition is a special hazard to low-flying aircraft. great flare or eruption has occurred in the central part of the
0.0Auroral Forms.Aurorae are among the most beautiful of suns disk and is known as the Great Aurora. It is at this time
all natural phenomena. Their cause, which has attracted study that observers in lower latitudes may see the aurora, not as the
since the 17th century, is still not fully understood by scientists. familiar unspectacular glow on the horizon, but in the many
0.0The generally accepted thesis at the present time is that striking forms that it may assume when it is situated nearly
streams of electrically charged particles, possibly electrons and overhead.
protons, are shot from the flaming surface of the sun with a ve- 0.0Solar Activity.Being closely associated with solar activi-
locity of a little less than that of light. These particles are be- ty, the intensity and frequency of auroral displays are greatest
lieved to be pulled toward the N and S magnetic poles of the at the time of the maximum of the 11-year sunspot cycle and
earth, striking the alternated outer atmosphere which may ex- least at the time of sunspot minimum. Especially at the time of
tend up to 800 miles above the earths surface. There, the sunspot minimum, the aurora shows a tendency to recur at in-
streams collide with atoms and molecules of the atmosphere, tervals of 27 days, which is the period of rotation of the sun as
stripping off outer electrons and causing light-producing states. observed from the earth. This suggests that a particular local
There are indications that the greatest auroral activity is associ- area of the sun is the source of a continuous stream of particles,
ated with sunspots and magnetic disturbances, but this has not which is sprayed out, rather like water from the rotating nozzle
been proven. Aurorae are not visible when the sky is overcast, of a hose. This stream sweeps across the earth at intervals of 27
during daylight, or when brilliant moonlight obscures the ef- days. Marked disturbances in the earths magnetic field, which
fects. are called magnetic storms when they are of exceptional sever-
0.0The light of the aurora is emitted by the atmospheric gases ity, are associated with the aurora.
when they are bombarded by a stream of electrically charged 0.0Saint Elmos fire is less frequent than the aurora, but may oc-
particles originating in the sun. As this stream of particles ap- cur anywhere. It is more likely in summer than in winter and is
proaches the earth, it is directed towards the two magnetic best observed at night or under stormy conditions because of
poles by the earths magnetic field and so it normally enters the its faintness. Saint Elmos fire occurs when static electricity
upper atmosphere in high latitudes in each hemisphere. There- collects in sufficiently large charges around the tips of pointed
fore, the aurora occurs most frequently in two zones girdling objects. These charges ionize the air in the vicinity and leak off
the earth about 20 to 25 from the N and S magnetic poles. in faintly luminescent discharges. Eerie flickers of blue light
The aurora of the N hemisphere is called Aurora Borealis and are observed on the masts of vessels and on airplane wings, of-
that of the S hemisphere Aurora Australis. ten in the vicinity of storms. Sometimes, these discharges are
0.0The emission of the light that is seen as aurora, takes place at described as weird greenish glows or as thousands of tiny air-
heights above 60 miles. Consequently, the aurora may be seen like electrical sparks flickering along the sharp edges of the
at distances of up to 600 miles from the place where it is over- surfaces.
0.0Auroral rays are always aligned along the direction of the Pollution
lines of force of the earths magnetic field so that when they
cover a large part of the overhead sky, they appear to radiate General
from a point to form a crown or corona. The point from which 0.0The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution
they radiate lies in the direction in which the S pole of a freely from Ships, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL
suspended magnetic needle (a dip needle) points. The lumi- 73/78) is implemented into United States law by The Act to
nance of the normal aurora is below the threshold of color per- Prevent Pollution from Ships (33 U.S.C. 1901). The Interna-
ception of the eye, so the forms appear gray-white in color. tional Convention includes five annexes. Annexes I, II, and V
However, a brilliant display may be strongly colored, greens are mandatory and the remainder optional.
and reds being predominant. When the aurora is brilliant, with 0.0Annex I contains regulations concerning the prevention of
colors, and the rays have rapid movement, the phenomenon pollution by oil.
produces a very magnificent display, beyond description. 0.0Annex II contains regulations concerning the control of pol-
0.0Much of the S auroral zone lies within the continent of Ant- lution by noxious liquid substances carried in bulk.
arctica. This zone extends N into the adjacent oceans, passing 0.0Annex III contains regulations concerning the prevention of
near Macquarie Island, and reaching its lowest latitude, 53S, pollution by harmful substances carried in packaged forms,
at approximately 140E. Hence, the Aurora Australis is seen containers, or tanks.
more frequently over the SE parts of the Indian Ocean and in 0.0Annex IV contains regulations concerning sewage from
Australian waters than at the same latitudes in the South Atlan- ships.
tic Ocean. It is believed to be centered over Wilkes Land and is 0.0Annex V contains regulations concerning the disposal of
usually associated with the moonless Antarctic night. garbage from ships and the management of ballast.
0.0While the overhead aurora is mainly confined to the two au- 0.0Special Areas and Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas are desig-
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 57
nated in the Annexes. In these areas more stringent restrictions a. 2003 for ships delivered in 1973 or earlier.
are applied to avoid the effects of harmful substances. A Partic- b. 2004 for ships delivered in 1974 and 1975.
ularly Sensitive Sea Area may lie within a Special Area. c. 2005 for ships delivered in 1976 and 1977.
The Antarctic Area, which is the sea area S of 60S, has been
0.0 d. 2006 for ships delivered in 1978 and 1979.
designated in the Annexes as a Special Area (1992). e. 2007 for ships delivered in 1980 and 1981.
For further information, see Annual Notice to Mariners No.
0.0 f. 2007 for ships delivered in 1980 and 1981.
1, MARPOL 73/78, and The Act to Prevent Pollution from g. 2008 for ships delivered in 1982.
Ships (33 U.S.C. 1901). h. 2009 for ships delivered in 1983.
In accordance with Regulation 13G of Annex I of the MAR-
0.0 i. 2010 for ships delivered in 1984.
POL Convention, single-hull tankers should be phased out or j. 2011 for ships delivered in 1985.
converted to a double-hull configuration according to a sched- k. 2012 for ships delivered in 1986.
ule based on their year of delivery. These requirements are de- l. 2013 for ships delivered in 1987.
signed to reduce the risk of oil spills from tankers involved in m. 2014 for ships delivered in 1988.
low-energy collisions or groundings. n. 2015 for ships delivered in 1989 or later.
The types of vessels affected by these regulations and their
0.0 Single-hull tankers of 5,000 dwt and over are prohibited
phase-out schedule is, as follows: from carrying heavy grade oil (HGO) after 5 April 2005. Sin-
1. Category 1Commonly known as Pre-MARPOL gle-hull tankers of 600 dwt and over but less than 5,000 dwt are
Tankers, consists of the following types of vessels: prohibited from carrying HGO after the anniversary of their
a. Tankers of 20,000 dwt and over carrying crude oil, delivery date in 2008.
fuel oil, heavy diesel oil, or lubricating oil as cargo. Treaty Parties have endorsed Guidelines for Ships Operating
b. Tankers of 30,000 dwt and over carrying other oils, in Arctic and Antarctic Waters.
which do not comply with the requirements for protective-
ly-located segregated ballast tanks. Special Requirements for Carrying Oil in the Antarctic Ar-
The phase out schedule for Category 1 vessels is, as fol- ea
lows: 0.0Vessels are prohibited from carrying the following in bulk,
a. 2003 for ships delivered in 1973 or earlier. either as cargo or for use as fuel:
b. 2004 for ships delivered in 1974 and 1975. 1. Crude oil with a density at 15C of greater than 900
c. 2005 for ships delivered in 1976 and 1977. kg/m3.
d. 2006 for ships delivered in 1978, 1979, and 1980. 2. Oils, other than crude oils, with a density at 15C of
e. 2007 for ships delivered in 1981 or later. greater than 900 kg/m3 or a kinematic viscosity at 50C of
2. Category 2Commonly known as MARPOL Tank- greater than 180 mm2/s.
ers, consists of the following types of vessels: 3. Bitumen, tar, and their emulsions.
a. Tankers of 20,000 dwt and over carrying crude oil, 0.0This prohibition does not apply to vessels involved in search
fuel oil, heavy diesel oil, or lubricating oil as cargo, which and rescue operations or in securing the safety of ships.
comply with the MARPOL requirements for protectively-
located segregated ballast tanks. Ballast Water Management
b. Tankers of 30,000 dwt and over carrying other oils, Guidelines for ballast water exchange in the Antarctic Treaty
which comply with the MARPOL requirements for pro- area (the area S of 60S) provide an interim Ballast Water Re-
tectively-located segregated ballast tanks. gional Management Plan for Antarctica. This interim plan shall
The phase out schedule for Category 2 vessels is, as fol- be used until sufficient ballast water management technologies
lows: have been developed, as set out in the International Convention
a. 2003 for ships delivered in 1973 or earlier. for the Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water and
b. 2004 for ships delivered in 1974 and 1975. Sediments. Practical guidelines for ballast water exchange in
c. 2005 for ships delivered in 1976 and 1977. this area are, as follows:
d. 2006 for ships delivered in 1978 and 1979. 1. The applications of these guidelines should apply to
e. 2007 for ships delivered in 1980 and 1981. those vessels covered by Article 3 of the IMOs International
f. 2007 for ships delivered in 1980 and 1981. Convention for the Control and Management of Ships Bal-
g. 2008 for ships delivered in 1982. last Water and Sediments, taking into account the exceptions
h. 2009 for ships delivered in 1983. in Regulation A-3 of the Convention. The guidelines do not
i. 2010 for ships delivered in 1984. replace the requirements of the Ballast Water Management
j. 2011 for ships delivered in 1985. Convention, but provide an interim Ballast Water Regional
k. 2012 for ships delivered in 1986. Management Plan for Antarctica under Article 13(3).
l. 2013 for ships delivered in 1987. 2. If the safety of the ship is in any way jeopardized by a
m. 2014 for ships delivered in 1988. ballast exchange, it should not take place. Additionally these
n. 2015 for ships delivered in 1989 or later. guidelines do not apply to the uptake or discharge of ballast
3. Category 3Consists of tankers 5,000 dwt and over water and sediments for ensuring the safety of the ship in
but less than the tonnage specified for Category 1 and Cate- emergency situations or saving life at sea in Antarctic waters.
gory 2 vessels. 3. A Ballast Water Management Plan should be prepared
The phase out schedule for Category 3 vessels is, as fol- for each vessel with ballast tanks entering Antarctic waters,
lows: specifically taking into account the problems of ballast water
Pub. 200
58 The Antarctic
exchange in cold environments and Antarctic conditions. ing 200 miles seaward from their continental claims, but these
4. Each vessel entering Antarctic waters should keep a claims are not recognized. The United States and many other
record of ballast water operations. states do not recognize these territorial claims and have made
5. For vessels needing to discharge ballast water within no claims themselves, although Russia and the United States
the Antarctic treaty area, ballast water should first be ex- reserve the right to do so. No claims have been made in the sec-
changes before arrival in antarctic waters (preferably N of ei- tor from 90W to 150W. Several states with territorial claims
ther the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone or 60S, whichever is in Antarctica have expressed their intention to submit data to
the furthest N) and at least 200 miles from the nearest land in the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continen-
water at least 200m deep. If this is not possible for operation- tal Shelf to extend their continental shelf claims to adjoining
al reasons then such exchange should be undertaken in wa- undersea ridges.
ters at least 50 miles from the nearest land in water at least 0.0Article I states that Antarctica shall only be used for peaceful
200m deep. purposes and no military action or testing of weapons can be
6. Only those tanks that will be discharged in Antarctic carried out.
waters would need to undergo ballast exchange following the 0.0Article II gives scientists the freedom of investigation.
procedures in paragraph 5. Ballast water exchange of all 0.0Article III states that all scientific information, observations,
tanks is encouraged for all vessels that have the potential/ca- and results shall be accessible.
pacity to load cargo in Antarctica, as changes in routes and 0.0Article IV states that the treaty shall not renunciate any pre-
planned activities are frequent during Antarctic voyages due viously made territorial claims. It also says that no new claims
to changing meteorological and sea conditions. or enlargement of existing claims are allowed.
7. If a vessel has taken on water in Antarctic waters and 0.0Article V prohibits nuclear explosions, nuclear waste, and
is intending to discharge ballast water in Arctic, sub-Arctic, radio active waste.
or Antarctic waters, it is recommended that ballast water 0.0Article VI states that the treaty applies to the area located to
should be exchanged N of the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone the S of 60S. It also says that the treaty should not affect the
and at least 200 miles from the nearest land in water at least rights of any nations under international law regarding the high
200m deep. If this is not possible for operational reasons then seas within this area.
such exchange should be undertaken in waters at least 50 0.0Articles VII and VIII give any of the contracting nations the
miles from the nearest land in water at least 200m deep. right to observe, inspect, and examine any other nations work
8. Release of sediments during the cleaning of ballast in order to ensure compliance with the treaty. In addition, na-
tanks should not take place in Antarctic waters. tions shall give advance notice of their expeditions and voyages
9. For vessels that have spent significant time in the Arc- to the Antarctic.
tic, ballast water sediment should preferably be discharged 0.0Article IX states that regular meetings shall be held and na-
and tanks cleaned before entering Antarctic waters (S of tions may make recommendations concerning the Antarctic.
60S). If this cannot be done, then sediment accumulation in However, these recommendations must be unanimously
ballast tanks should be monitored and sediment should be agreed.
disposed of in accordance with the ships Ballast Water Man- 0.0Article X prohibits any activity that is not allowed by the
agement Plan. If sediments are disposed of at sea, they treaty.
should be disposed of in waters at least 200 miles from the 0.0Article XI states that any disputes between the signatory na-
shoreline in waters at least 200m deep. tions will be peacefully resolved.
0.0Article XII states that the treaty will be in effect for a mini-
MARPOL Special Area mum of thirty years, but can be amended or modified.
The Antarctic Area, consisting of the sea area around Ant-
0.0 0.0Articles XIII and XIV state that the treaty shall be subject to
arctica S of latitude 6000'S, has been designated as a MAR- ratification, shall be deposited in the United States archives,
POL Special Area. Any discharge into the sea of oil or oily and shall be written in English, French, Russian, and Spanish.
mixtures from any ship is prohibited. 0.0The following two items that are included in the treaty are of
particular operational importance to mariners:
Regulations 1. Article VII.3 gives any of the contracting nations the
right to inspect any other nations work in order to ensure
Legal Information and Regulations compliance with the treaty. This includes the inspection of
Antarctic Treaty.Below is a summary of the Antarctic
0.0 all ships discharging, or loading, cargoes or personnel.
Treaty which was signed by 12 nations at Washington D.C. on 2. Article VII.5 requires each contracting party to in-
December 1, 1959 and ratified in 1961. form the other contracting parties of expeditions to Antarc-
In the treaty, the seven territorial claimant nations agreed for
0.0 tica by its ships or organized in or proceeding from its
a period of 30 years to set aside their claims. However, the trea- territory.
ty is non-expiring and signatory nations must adhere to the Planned U.S. government expeditions are reported
agreements and conventions unless they give a 12-month ad- through the Department of State by the National Science
vance notice that they intend to withdraw. Foundation, which funds and manages the United States
Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway,
0.0 Antarctic Research Program.
and the United Kingdom claim land and maritime sectors; 0.0Nongovernmental U.S. vessels or nongovernmental expedi-
some of the claims are overlapping. Argentina, Australia, and tions, organized in or proceeding from the U.S.A., should re-
Chile claim Exclusive Economic Zone rights or similar extend- port their plans directly to the Office of Ocean Affairs, Room
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 59
5801, Department of State, Washington, D.C. 20520. historic monuments, and entering restricted areas. Regula-
Subsequent agreements since 1959 include the following:
0.0 tions for Antarctic Non-Governmental Expeditions can be
1. The Agreed Measures for the Conservation of Antarc- found in 45 CFR Part 673. In addition, the Treaty Parties
tic Fauna and Flora were recommended at the Third Antarc- agree on Site Specific Guidelines for some commonly visit-
tic Treaty Consultative Meeting held at Brussels in 1964 and ed sites.
were subsequently ratified by the treaty nations. 4. In 1988, the signatory nations tried to pass a Mineral
In the analyses of comparison between Antarctic fauna Resources Agreement, commonly referred to as CRAMRA,
and flora with other parts of the world, the relationship to which banned mineral and oil exploration. However, this
their environment has sustained little hindrance by man, ex- agreement was never ratified.
cept in the case of whales. In addition, it was established that Subsequently, in 1991 at Madrid, representatives of the
Antarctica offers outstanding research opportunities, due to treaty nations signed a Protocol on Environmental Protection
its present state of untempered ecology. In parallel, it was al- to the Antarctic Treaty (Madrid Protocol 1991) that signifi-
so established that the Antarctic fauna, seals and penguins in cantly modified environmental standards in Antarctica and
particular, are peculiarly vulnerable and susceptible to exter- superseded CRAMRA.
mination, willfully or by accidental introduction of disease. The protocol applies to the area, as defined in the treaty, as
The Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978 (Public Law 95- that located to the S of 60S. It prohibits any activity relating
541), enacted by the 95th Congress, as amended by the Ant- to mineral resources, other than scientific research; it re-
arctic Science, Tourism, and Conservation Act of 1996 (Pub- quires an environmental impact assessment of any proposed
lic Law 104-227), is the United States basis for the activity; and it obliges member nations to devise rules and
ratification of The Agreed Measures. procedures relating to liability for damages. A Liability An-
Regulations pursuant to U.S. Public Law 95-541 and 104- nex relating to environmental emergencies was agreed upon
227 list Antarctic Specially Protected Areas (ASPA), into by the Treaty Parties in 2005 and will be implemented by
which entry is restricted to permitted individuals; Antarctic U.S. laws and regulations.
Specially Managed Areas (ASMA), into which entry may be The protocol has five annexes which describe the proce-
restricted; and Historic Sites and Monuments. These regula- dures for environmental impact assessment, the elaborate
tions also make it unlawful, unless authorized by permit, to measures for conservation of fauna and flora, the procedures
carry out the following: for waste disposal and management, and the rules concern-
a. kill, handle, or import Antarctic animals or birds. ing disposal of waste at sea and the prevention of marine pol-
b. introduce species into Antarctica not already native lution, and area protection and management. Non-
to the continent. governmental expeditions are required to undertake an envi-
c. discharge pollutants. ronmental impact assessment pursuant to 40 CFR Part 8 of
2. The Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Ma- the Code of Federal Regulations.
rine Living Resources 1980 (CCAMLR). 0.0Law of the Sea.In 1982, the Law of the Sea was estab-
U.S. Public Law 98-623 (Title 3: Antarctic Marine Living lished which conflicted with the rules and regulations of the
Resources Convention) provides the legislative authority Antarctic Treaty.
necessary to implement the convention. This law makes it 0.0In regard to the Law of the Sea and the Madrid Protocol, it
unlawful to harvest marine species in Antarctica and in vio- should be noted that Article VI of the Antarctic Treaty states
lation of the convention. The law also directs the Secretary nothing in the present Treaty shall prejudice or in any way af-
of Commerce to promulgate regulations pursuant to the con- fect the rights, or the exercise of the rights, of any State under
vention. international law with regard to the high seas within that area.
The area to which the new convention applies extends far- Hence, open access to the territorial waters of the high seas
ther N than the area to which the Antarctic Treaty applies. around Antarctica has been allowed.
The treaty covers the area to the S of 60S, whereas the con- 0.0Antarctic Specially Protected Areas (ASPA).Any area,
vention extends N to the Antarctic Convergence, defined in including any marine area, may be designated as an ASPA to
the convention as being as far N as 45S. Antarctic marine protect outstanding environmental, scientific, historical, aes-
living resources are defined as all species of living organisms thetic, or wilderness values; any combination of those values;
found S of the Antarctic Convergence. or ongoing or planned scientific research.
By designating all populations, not just harvested ones, as 0.0Permits authorizing entry into ASPAs may only be issues in
resources, the convention recognizes the interdependence of accordance with the management plan relating to that area or,
all components of an ecosystem. This broad concept of re- in the absence of a management plan, for a compelling scientif-
sources is a significant advance for conservation in interna- ic purpose which cannot be served elsewhere and which will
tional agreements concerning renewable marine resources. not jeopardize the natural ecological system in that Area.
3. Guidelines for visitors to the Antarctic were discussed
in 1979 at the 10th Antarctic Treaty consultative meeting. Antarctic Specially Protected Areas are listed in the accom-
Subsequently, the treaty nations adopted a recommendation panying table titled Antarctic Specially Protected Areas (AS-
(X-8) which is primarily intended to inform tourists and non- PA).
government expeditions of suitable actions and behavior. Additional ASPAs have been, and continue to be, established
The recommendations included subjects such as disturbing by the Antarctic Treaty parties. For additional information and
wildlife, retaining litter, use of sporting guns, introduction of applications concerning permits, contact the National Science
plants or animals, collecting eggs or fossils, taking care of Foundation (NSF), Office of Polar Programs (OPP), 4201 Wil-
Pub. 200
60 The Antarctic
son Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia (22230). ronmental impacts. An AMSA may contain one or more
0.0Antarctic Specially Managed Areas (ASMA).Any area, ASPAs, entry into which shall be prohibited except in accor-
including any marine area, where activities are being conduct- dance with a permit issued under Article 7.
ed or may in the future be conducted, may be designated as an Historic Sites and Monuments (HSM).Sites or monu-
Antarctic Specially Managed Areas (ASMA) to assist in the ments of recognized historic value may be listed as Historic
planning and coordination of activities, avoid possible con- Sites and Monuments (HSM). Listed HSMs shall not be dam-
flicts, improve cooperation between parties, or minimize envi- aged, removed, or destroyed.
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 61
Pub. 200
62 The Antarctic
0.0Further information on Antarctic Specially Protected Areas, (DOD) and the Department of Transportation (DOT).
Antarctic Specially Managed Areas, and Historic Sites and 0.0Major logistic elements currently provided include the oper-
Monuments, including the management plans for these area, ation and maintenance of McMurdo Station and an advance
can be found at the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat web site staging facility in Christchurch, New Zealand; aviation support
( on the Antarctic continent; intercontinental air and sealift sup-
0.0Further information regarding Antarctica can be found in port between the U.S. and Antarctica; and communications
web sites listed in the table titled Antarctica Related Web support.
Sites. 0.0Note.For information concerning operations and logistics
0.0Operations Support.Antarctic research is a remote expe- in the Antarctic; the Antarctic Treaty, including any modifica-
ditionary activity requiring a support system capable of provid- tions or amendments; U.S. laws and regulations pursuant to the
ing virtually all necessities for living and working in Antarctic Treaty; Antarctic Specially Protected Areas; Antarc-
Antarctica. Such necessities include special cold weather tic Specially Managed Area; Historic Sites and Monuments;
clothing, food and housing, transportation, utilities, communi- and research bases, questions and correspondence should be
cations, tools, equipment, research instruments and laborato- directed to:
ries, and all supplies, particularly fuel, essential for life The National Science Foundation (NSF)
0.0The National Science Foundation (NSF) funds and manages 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 755
the entire United States Antarctic Program, obtaining opera- Arlington, VA (22230)
tions support, under contracts, from private sector firms and, Telephone: 703-292-8030
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 63
Pub. 200
Pub. 200
The Antarctic
The Antarctic Treaty Committee for Environmental Protection
Antarctic Specially Protected Areas (ASPA)Chartlet 2
The Antarctic
Pub. 200
66 The Antarctic
Search and Rescue ernment protocol for ships assisting people in distress at sea is
now in place (2002).
Treaty Parties have recently agreed upon minimum require-
This protocol sets out important principles that must be rec-
ments for search and rescue capabilities and insurance for non- ognized to ensure a smooth post-rescue effort while minimiz-
governmental expeditions to the treaty area. These require- ing the disruption to the intended voyage of the rescuing
ments will be implemented by U.S. laws and regulations. vessel. It provides guidance to ships masters on the processes
Masters of vessels operating within the Australian Search
0.0 to be followed in relation to landing people who have been res-
and Rescue Region (SRR) are advised that an Australian Gov- cued at sea. Copies of the protocol can be obtained from the
Pub. 200
The Antarctic
Pub. 200
68 The Antarctic
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 69
web site listed below. centered at 75S, 165E, forms by late November. The ice-free
area off the shelf expands to the N and eventually meets the re-
Protocol for Commercial Shipping Rescuing Persons at treating outer edge of the ice during the second half of January.
Sea in or Adjacent to the Australian Search and Rescue Drift ice in the S portion of the Ross Sea drifts NW against
Region Victoria Land where it persists throughout the austral summer.
Thick ice floes are also advected into the central and eastern- most portions of the Ross Sea by prevailing W winds and cur-
sea_rescue_protocol.htm rents. Sea ice coverage becomes minimal in the middle of
Reinforced vessels can normally reach the NE end of Ross
Seas 0.0
Pub. 200
70 The Antarctic
open by icebreakers from the middle of December to early Jan- during late September. The heaviest ice is encountered between
uary, depending upon the severity of the winter. Vessels will 6730'S and 7230'S. Multi-year floes, 2.4 to 3.6m thick, drift
normally need icebreaker assistance for a period following the into the N central area from the E. Sea ice in the W part of the
channel completion. The channel is usually open to all vessels Ross Sea is principally first-year ice, 0.6 to 1.2m thick. The
in late January although, it was open one year as early as 10 movement of ice during the austral winter is in a N direction
December. away from the ice shelf, and as a consequence, relatively thin
Fast ice begins to deteriorate in late December and to dis-
0.0 ice, up to only 0.3m thick, prevails off the shelf front.
lodge in late January. By the first week of March, all fast ice is Numerous icebergs occur throughout the Ross Sea. The S
usually gone except for a narrow strip attached to the shelf. half of the sea is covered by the Ross Ice Shelf, the front of
Soon thereafter, new ice rapidly forms and the sound is frozen which varies in height above sea level from 30 to 55m. Tabular
over by late March. icebergs are periodically calved off the shelf front. Most of
Sea ice in the Ross Sea area reaches its maximum extent
0.0 these bergs are between 300 and 3,048m long with an estimat-
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 71
ed freeboard-to-draft ratio of 1:5. However, icebergs of 16 to 0.0The density field is determined primarily by the salinity dis-
22 miles in length are occasionally formed. The largest berg tribution, hence, only minor horizontal variations in density are
observed in the Ross Sea was 100 miles long. The icebergs present in the Ross Sea.
drift to the W off the Ross Ice Shelf and then to the N along 0.0The Amundsen-Bellingshausen Sea Sector.Ice condi-
Victoria Land. Icebergs may enter McMurdo Sound, but nor- tions in the Amundsen Sea and the Bellingshausen Sea are
mally they do not drift farther than 7730'S. highly variable from year to year and the N movement of the
0.0The W flow of the East Wind Drift is strongly influenced by outer edge of the drift ice fluctuates. This outer edge normally
the deep indentation of the Ross Sea. One branch of this cur- reaches its lowest latitude in the Bellingshausen Sea and the
rent passes outside the entrance of the Ross Sea, while another Amundsen Sea during late August and the middle of Septem-
branch sets S along the seas E boundary. The S branch contin- ber, respectively.
ues W along the Ross Ice Shelf at a rate of 1 to 3 knots and is 0.0Usually by early November, polynyas develop to the SW of
then deflected N along the coast of Victoria Land. This outflow Alexander Island, to the W of Smyley Island, to the W of the
from the Ross Sea rejoins a branch of the East Wind Drift near King Peninsula, and to the N of the Bear Peninsula. These po-
Cape Adare. The combined flow then passes between the Bal- lynyas expand N and can join with the open water in mild sum-
leny Islands and the continent. mers. Sea ice coverage in both of the seas is minimal during
0.0Satellite imagery was used to make observations of sea-ice early March.
drift motion near the Ross Sea along the Getz Ice Shelf, be- 0.0Palmer Station (6446'S., 6403'W.) is normally open to re-
tween Cape Colbeck and Mount Siple. The sea ice studied dis- inforced vessels from the middle of December to the middle of
played a highly variable motion when observed over 2-day May and to all vessels from the middle of January to the mid-
time intervals with typical speeds ranging from nearly zero to dle of April. The opening and closing of the approach to Palm-
0.6 knot. In agreement with the circulation pattern, a general W er Station varied greatly during the navigation seasons from
flow was observed near shore. 1974/75 through 1982/83. The approach opened to reinforced
0.0In the S part of the Ross Sea, the ocean tide beneath the Ross vessels as early as late October and as late as early February. It
Ice Shelf is dominated by diurnal, harmonic constituents, with closed to reinforced vessels as early as the middle of April and
small semidiurnal tidal constituents. Along the N margin of the as late as the end of June.
ice shelf, near 78S, the tropic (diurnal spring) tide ranges from 0.0Rothera Station (6734'S., 6808'W.) is normally open to re-
0.9m to more than 2m near the Siple Coast. The amplitudes of inforced vessels from early February through the middle of
the diurnal tide constituents are larger in the Ross Sea than in April.
the adjacent S part of the Pacific Ocean, indicating a diurnal 0.0The current pattern within the Amundsen Sea and the Bell-
resonance related to the shape of the embayment and the depth ingshausen Sea is typical of the general adjacent seas circula-
of the sea. tion. The W current follows the coast with an outward cyclonic
0.0The main inflow into McMurdo Sound is the Cape Bird Cur- flow which eventually merges with the E current near the Ant-
rent which reaches Cape Bird as a W flow and turns into the arctic Convergence.
sound with velocities of up to 3 knots. Direct current measure- 0.0The surface temperatures in the Amundsen Sea and the Bell-
ments (1967) made at a depth of 55m, between Cape Bird and ingshausen Sea range from -1.7C, near the coast, to greater
Beaufort Island, indicate a W current with an average speed of than 1.7C, near the Antarctic Convergence (62 to 64S). The
1 knot and a maximum speed of 2.7 knots. The Cape Bird Cur- surface shows an expected warming trend to the N of the Ant-
rent continues along the W coast of Ross Island until it ap- arctic Convergence. The horizontal variations of surface salini-
proaches Cape Royds where it joins a strong NW flow from ties are small.
under the Ross Ice Shelf, near Cape Armitage. However, direct 0.0The Weddell Sea Sector.The Weddell Sea contains
current measurements made more than 1 mile from the coast throughout the year a large portion of the Antarctic ice cover.
near Cape Armitage indicate a flow towards the Ross Ice Shelf. During the austral winter, the ice cover for all of Antarctica
The flow along the W side of McMurdo Sound, near the Dailey reaches its northernmost extent to the N of the Weddell Sea.
Islands, is towards the NW at an average speed of 0.2 knot. During the austral summer, most of the W part of this sea is
This flow is part of the outflow from the Cape Bird Current covered by heavy drift ice. Summer sea ice is normally dis-
with some addition from the N flow near Cape Armitage. The charged from the perennial ice regime in an ice tongue extend-
surface flow in the center of McMurdo Sound is directed to- ing out to the NE.
wards the Ross Ice Shelf. It is uniformly slow, usually having a 0.0The maximum ice cover is attained during the first week of
mean speed of less than 0.1 knot. September in the Weddell Sea region to the W of 40W. It is at-
0.0Since a large portion of the Ross Sea is generally covered tained during the last week of September in that part to the E of
with ice, the sea surface temperatures in summer are almost at 40W.
the freezing point, ranging from -1.7 to 0.3C. 0.0During the winter period of the mid-1970s, an extensive
0.0Salinity in the Ross Sea area is strongly influenced by the open-water polynya formed generally from 5W to 25W and
amount of melting and freezing that occurs at the sea surface from 63S to 70S. Scientists have hypothesized that this re-
and beneath the ice shelves. The Ross Sea Shelf water, which curring polynya was the result of wind divergence and a large
forms primarily from freezing at the sea surface in the W part, vertical ocean heat flux.
has the highest salinity and density of any sea water in the Ant- 0.0Flaw leads usually appear during the first half of November.
arctic region. The horizontal surface salinity distribution is also During most summers, the Weddell Sea is clear of ice to the
influenced by the clockwise circulation pattern in the Ross Sea, coast, between the Greenwich meridian and 20W. Sea ice be-
the highest salinity values being concentrated in the W part. comes minimal in the last week of February.
Pub. 200
72 The Antarctic
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 73
late 1963 and is believed to have impacted the Trolltunga Ice by the presence of the Antarctic Peninsula and the ice shelves.
Shelf. This shelf then broke off in September 1967 to form a The mountain barrier, 1,200 to 1,981m high, standing on the
berg, 57 miles long and 29 miles wide, which in turn impacted peninsula has a strong effect on the climate and on the wind
the Larsen Ice Front in March 1968 and supposedly caused the driven water and ice circulation in the W part of the Weddell
Pub. 200
74 The Antarctic
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 75
Pub. 200
76 The Antarctic
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 77
Pub. 200
78 The Antarctic
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 79
tion Report, a Deviation Report, and an Arrival Report. the nearest radio communications station, not the AMVER
0.0Departure Reports have been eliminated in favor of the more center.
common practice of filing a combined Sailing/Departure Re- Note.For further details of the system, see Pub. 117, Radio
port. However, Departure Reports will continue to be accepted Navigational Aids; and the AMVER Bulletin, which is avail-
indefinitely. able from U.S. Coast Guard District Offices, Marine Inspection
0.0A worldwide radio station network of coastal facilities sup- Offices, and Captain of the Port Offices.
Pub. 200
80 The Antarctic
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 81
Pub. 200
82 The Antarctic
1. INMARSAT-C: 582-451-200-067 been established to identify and monitor the positions and
2. Telephone: 00-64-4-550-5260 movements of vessels participating in the system within the
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 83
SAFREP area. All vessels operating within the SAFREP area The Modernized Australian Ship Tracking and Reporting
are welcome to participate in the system, although emphasis is System (MASTREP)
placed on trading vessels of over 100 gt.
For further information on SAFREP, see Appendix I.
0.0 The Modernized Australian Ship Tracking and Reporting
System (MASTREP) is compulsory for foreign vessels from
Chilean Ship Reporting System (CHILREP) their arrival at their first Australian port until their departure
0.0The Chilean Ship Reporting System (CHILREP) is a volun- from their final Australian port and for all regulated Australian
tary system operated by the General Directorate of the Mari- vessels while in the MASTREP area.
time Territory and Merchant Marine, which is a Directorate of All other vessels are encouraged to participate when within
the Chilean Navy. the MASTREP area. Further information can be found in
0.0For further information on CHILREP, see Appendix II. Appendix III.
Pub. 200
84 The Antarctic
SAFREPMessage Formats
Name/call sign/MMSI number/flag//
A/ (for flag, use as defined in Lloyds X X X X X X X X X
Time (UT (GMT))//(date and time of
B/ report 6 digits-day of month 2 digits; hour X X X X X X X X X
and minutes 4 digits)
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 85
SAFREPMessage Formats
Lat/Long//(latitude is 4-digit group in
degrees and minutes with N or S;
C/ X X X X X X X X
longitude is 5-digit group in degrees and
minutes E)
Course//(true heading is a 3-digit
X X X X1 X X
Pub. 200
86 The Antarctic
X Required information.
X1 When sailing from a port in the SAFREP area, this information is not required for coastal vessels but is required
from vessels departing from a port outside South Africa or Namibia.
X2 This information is not required for coastal vessels.
X3 Coastal vessels sailing in the SAFREP area for the first time should include this information.
DGThis information is required if the condition of the vessel is such that there is danger additional losses of
packaged dangerous cargo into the sea.
MPThis information is required in the event of probable discharge.
The following details should be included:
1 Correct technical name(s) of cargo.
2 UN number(s).
X4 3 IMO hazard class(es).
4 Name(s) of manufacturer(s), when known, or consignee(s) or consignor(s).
5 Types of packages, including identification marks. Specify whether portable tanks or tank vehicles, whether
vehicle or freight container, or other transport unit containing packages. Include official registration marks and
numbers assigned to the unit.
6 An estimate of the quantity and likely condition of the cargo.
Information not immediately available should be sent in a supplementary message or messages.
The following details should be included:
1 Type of oil or the correct technical name(s) of the noxious liquid substance on board.
2 UN number(s).
X5 3 Pollution category (A, B, C) for noxious liquid substances.
4 Name(s) of manufacturer(s) of substances, if appropriate, when known, or consignee(s) or consignor(s).
5 Quantity.
The following details should be included:
X6 1. Condition of the vessel.
2. Ability to transfer cargo/ballast/fuel.
The following details should be included:
1 Correct technical name(s) of cargo.
2 UN number(s).
3 IMO hazard class(es).
4 Name(s) of manufacturer(s), when known, or consignee(s) or consignor(s).
5 Types of packages, including identification marks. Specify whether portable tanks or tank vehicles, whether
X7 vehicle or freight container, or other transport unit containing packages. Include official registration marks and
numbers assigned to the unit.
6 An estimate of the quantity and likely condition of the cargo.
7 Whether loss is continuing.
8 Whether lost cargo floated or sank.
9 Cause of loss.
The following details should be included:
1 Type of oil or the correct technical name(s) of the noxious liquid discharges into the sea.
2 UN number(s).
3 Pollution category (A, B, C) for noxious liquid substances.
4 Name(s) of manufacturer(s) of substances, if appropriate, when known, or consignee(s) or consignor(s).
X8 5 An estimate of the quantity of the substances.
6 Whether lost substances floated or sank.
7 Whether loss is continuing.
8 Cause of loss.
9 Estimate of the movement of the discharge or lost substances, giving current position, if known.
10 Estimate of the surface area of the spill, if possible.
Name, address, telex number, and telephone number of the vessels owner and representative (charterer, manager, or
X9 operator of the vessel or their agent).
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 87
The following details should be included:
1 Action being taken with regard to the discharge and the movement of the vessel.
2 Assistance or salvage efforts which have been requested or which have been provided by others.
3 The master of an assisting or salvaging vessel should report the particulars of the action undertaken or planned.
After the transmission of the information referred to in the initial report, as much as possible of the information
essential for the protection of the marine environment as is appropriate should be reported in a supplementary
X10 message as soon as possible. That information should include items P, Q, R, S, and X. The master of any vessel
engaged in or requested to engage in an operation to render assistance or undertake salvage, should report as far as
practicable, using the standard reporting format, the following items:
HSItems A, B, C, E, F, M, P, Q, R, S, T, U, and X.
MPItems A, B, C, M, P, Q, R, S, T, U, and X.
The master should also keep the coastal state informed of any developments.
matic entry of this information into the SAFREP computer data should be done in uppercase.
base. An example is: Transmission of Messages.SAFREP messages can be
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88 The Antarctic
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The Antarctic 89
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90 The Antarctic
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 91
Required information. Other designators may be included at the discretion of the Master or when relevant to the type of
report being sent.
DGThis information is required if the condition of the vessel is such that there is danger additional losses of
packaged dangerous cargo into the sea.
MPThis information is required in the event of probable discharge.
The following details should be included:
1 Correct technical name(s) of cargo.
2 UN number(s).
X1 3 IMO hazard class(es).
4 Name(s) of manufacturer(s), when known, or consignee(s) or consignor(s).
5 Types of packages, including identification marks. Specify whether in portable tanks or tank vehicles, or
packaged in vehicle, freight container, or other transport unit containing packages. BA NP281(2) 2007/2008 edition
6 An estimate of the quantity and likely condition of the cargo.
Information not immediately available should be sent in a supplementary message or messages.
The following details should be included:
1 Type of oil or the correct technical name(s) of the noxious liquid substance on board.
2 UN number(s).
X2 3 Pollution category (A, B, C, or D) for noxious liquid substances.
4 Name(s) of manufacturer(s) of substances, if appropriate, when known, or consignee(s) or consignor(s).
5 Quantity.
Information not immediately available should be sent in a supplementary message or messages.
The following details should be included:
3 1. Condition of the vessel.
X 2. Ability to transfer cargo/ballast/fuel.
Information not immediately available should be sent in a supplementary message or messages.
The following details should be included:
1 Correct technical name(s) of cargo.
2 UN number(s).
3 IMO hazard class(es).
4 Name(s) of manufacturer(s), when known, or consignee(s) or consignor(s).
5 Types of packages, including identification marks. Specify whether in portable tanks or tank vehicles, or
X4 packaged in vehicle, freight container, or other transport unit containing packages. BA NP281(2) 2007/2008 edition
6 An estimate of the quantity and likely condition of the cargo.
7 Whether lost cargo floated or sank.
8 Whether loss is continuing.
9 Cause of loss.
Information not immediately available should be sent in a supplementary message or messages.
The following details should be included:
1 Type of oil or the correct technical name(s) of the noxious liquid discharges into the sea.
2 UN number(s).
3 Pollution category (A, B, C, or D) for noxious liquid substances.
4 Name(s) of manufacturer(s) of substances, if appropriate, when known, or consignee(s) or consignor(s).
5 An estimate of the quantity of the substances.
X5 6 Whether lost substances floated or sank.
7 Whether loss is continuing.
8 Cause of loss.
9 Estimate of the movement of the discharge or lost substances, giving current position, if known.
10 Estimate of the surface area of the spill, if possible.
Information not immediately available should be sent in a supplementary message or messages.
Pub. 200
92 The Antarctic
When reported, the following items are recommended:
Pressure (Pa) (4 digits).
Wind direction and force in knots (5 digits).
X6 Air and water temperature, when available, in C.
Dew point (in degrees and tenths) (3 digits) in C.
Vessels which anticipate passing through areas of severe weather conditions or are experiencing severe weather are
urged to report their position at more frequent intervals.
Name, address, telex, and telephone number of the vessels owner and representative (charterer, manager or operator of
X7 the vessel, or their agent).
X8 Include the reason for the deviation (speed reduction due to change ion weather, change of destination, etc.).
Pub. 200
The Antarctic 93
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94 The Antarctic
forwarded by JRCC Australia. Ships are requested to pass Life at Sea (SOLAS), Chapter 5, Regulation 19.2.4.
these reports direct. 3. When a vessel departs the REEFVTS Area and is re-
REEFVTS interaction.The following applies to ships porting to MASTREP, the master must report any malfunc-
transiting through the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait: tion of the vessels AIS equipment to JRCC Australia.
1. Ships must report to REEFVTS. Further information about REEFVTS can be found in Pub.
2. REEFTVS automatically forwards regular position 127, Sailing Directions (Enroute) East Coast of Australia and
reports to JRCC Australia. When a vessel departs a port New Zealand.
within the REEFVTS Area and intends to report to MAS- Procedures for reporting to REEFVTS are provided in the
TREP when it exits the REEFVTS Area, the vessel should Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait Vessel Traffic Service Us-
ensure that Position Reports are transmitted by AIS in accor- er Manual available from AMSA and Maritime Safety
dance with the International Convention for the Safety of Queensland, as well as at the following web sites:
Pub. 200
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Pub. 200
The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island
1.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
1.0 Additional DNC library coverage may be found in NGA DNC 29 (Limited Distribution) disc within the README\GRAPHICS folder.
96 Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island
of the ice shelves. coastlines consist entirely or partially of ice or ice fronts have
1.1Icebergs, the products of numerous glaciers and ice fronts, suffered significant ablation landward and exhibit deformation.
may be encountered in all parts of the Weddell Sea. In 1969, Calving from the ice has also accelerated, exposing uncharted
two giant icebergs, one 25 miles wide and 55 miles long and land and rocks. This is particularly significant along the N
the other 38 miles wide and 62 miles long, were reported in the coast of Hope Bay (see paragraph 1.34) and along the ice shelf
Weddell Sea. of the Petrel Cove roadstead (see paragraph 1.37). The con-
1.1TidesCurrents.The tides in the Weddell Sea, as in the tours displayed on the radar screen in these cases may cause
rest of the Antarctic Ocean, are predominantly diurnal, charac- confusion and uncertainty in the vessels position.
terized by one HW and one LW each tidal day. At the N ex-
tremity of the Antarctic Peninsula, mixed tides are present. The Cape Norvegia to the Filchner Ice Shelf
range of tide varies from 0.6m in the N limits of the sea to 3m
in the W part of the sea. 1.2 The E coast of the Weddell Sea includes Queen Maud
1.1The tidal currents tend to flood in a counter clockwise direc- Land which extends W from Cape Norvegia to the E end of the
tion and ebb in the reverse. Filchner Ice Shelf, in Coats Land.
1.1A belt of clockwise eddies, known as the Antarctic Circum- Cape Norvegia (7120'S., 1218'W.), on the E side of the
polar Current or West Wind Drift, transports large volumes of Weddell Sea, is prominent and the land rises to a height 500m
water E and NE around Antarctica. Along the coast of the con- close SE of it. Stranded icebergs have been reported stretching
tinent, E or SE winds prevail, resulting in a W current known to the SW of the cape in depths of up to 221m, but greater
as the East Wind Drift. Since these are associated with clock- depths lie E of this area.
wise eddies they eventually turn N. The cape is fronted by an ice shelf, about 50 miles wide,
1.1One clockwise eddy is a semipermanent feature of the Wed- which is called Riiser-Larsen. An angle is formed at the cape
dell Sea. Its rotation sets W and is then forced N, due mostly to and on its W side lies a bight known as Seal Bay. Two small is-
the configuration of the W coast of the Weddell Sea, specifical- lands lie on the SW side of this bay.
ly the protuberance of the Antarctic Peninsula. The current sets The Princess Martha Coast (7200'S., 730'W.), in Queen
W and is then directed between NE and E, joining with the Maud Land, is fronted by a cliffed ice face, 21 to 36m high.
Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the N part of the Weddell The W part of the coast consists of the Riiser-Larsen Ice Shelf,
Sea. A small branch of the current leads NW through Joinville an extensive ice mass. The shelf leads SW from Cape Norvegia
Strait, eventually becoming part of the current system of the to Lyddan Island. An inlet, extending 8 miles S, indents the
Bellinghausen Sea. shelf, 20 miles SW of Seal Bay. Depths within the inlet are un-
1.1DepthsLimitations.Depths in the Weddell Sea are gen- known and two islands lie at the head.
erally greater than 3,600m. The 500, 800, and 1,000m curves ex- The Kraul Mountains (7330'S., 1410'W.), standing 60
tend from the Antarctic Peninsula to Coats Land, between 72S miles from the coast, are surrounded by the Riiser-Larsen Ice
and 73S. The 900m curve is irregular, extending S at one point Shelf. They form a chain of peaks and nunataks, rising to an el-
to the E limit of the Filchner Ice Shelf, between 35W and 40W. evation of 1,199m.
To the E of this area, the bottom shoals gradually to Coats Land, Lyddan Island (7425'S., 2045'W.), ice-covered, lies at the
where the continental shelf is comparatively narrow and irregu- SW end of the Riiser-Larsen Ice Shelf, about 25 miles from
lar, with the 500m curve lying close to the coast. On the W side Queen Maud Land. It is about 45 miles long and has three nar-
of the Weddell Sea, soundings indicate the existence of a broad row arms.
shelf. To the S of the 500m curve, a series of level terraces occur Coats Land (7700'S., 2730'W.) encompasses the E coast
with depths of 270 to 475m. The bottom is composed mostly of of the Weddell Sea between 20W and 36W, where it joins the
blue, glacial mud approximating red clay. E end of the Filchner Ice Shelf. Contained within Coats Land
1.1Caution.The charted areas of the Weddell Sea have not are the Caird Coast and the Luitpold Coast, presenting a near
been completely surveyed and most of the data is of reconnais- continuous ice cliff to the sea.
sance nature only. The Stancomb-Wills Glacier (7518'S., 1900'W.) leads
1.1When approaching the NW and W parts of the sea from high NE from Coats Land, becoming the extensive the Stancomb-
latitudes, ice may trap a vessel and subject its hull to regions of Wills Glacier Tongue (7500'S., 2200'W.) to the SW of
high pressure. Therefore, mariners must use extreme care when Lyddan Island.
navigating in these waters. Caird Coast (7600'S., 2400'W.) leads SW to the W limit
1.1The Larsen Ice Shelf N of Robertson Island (6510'S., of the Hayes Glacier. Within this coast are the Brunt Ice Shelf,
5935'W.) has collapsed in an approximate WNW direction as the Dawson-Lambton Glacier, and the Hayes Glacier.
far as the solid ground of the Antarctic Peninsula, leaving a Brunt Ice Falls (7555'S., 2500'W.) extends 50 miles along
large expanse of sea exposed. This area is encumbered by old the Caird Coast to where the steep ice-covered shore descends
ice, many ice floes, and recent formations of sea ice, all of to the Brunt Ice Shelf (7540'S., 2500'W.). This shelf borders
which are highly influenced by tidal currents. The face of the the coast between the Stancomb-Wills Glacier Tongue and the
ice shelf S of Robertson Island must be considered unsafe due NE end of the Dawson-Lambton Glacier.
to frequent calving.
1.1Although the area between Robertson Island and Cape Long- 1.3 McDonald Ice Rumples (7528'S., 2618'W.) is a se-
ing is free of fast ice, navigability of this area cannot be deter- verely disturbed glacial area lying on the N side of the Brunt
mined due to lack of surveys. Ice Shelf. It descends from ice-covered hills, 305 to 610m high,
1.1All the inlets and bays of the Antarctic Peninsula whose and terminate at the sea in perpendicular ice walls, 120 to
Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island 97
153m high. Crevasses and pressure ridges are present within A glacier was reported (1955) to be in motion in the vicinity
the area. A small bay lies N of the glacier and is open to N of Vahsel Bay. Deep fissures and deformations were noted in
winds. Within the bay, the glacial ice descends to about 1m the ice shelf which was 41m high. Many tabular icebergs were
above sea level. The seaward end of the glacial face extends also reported in this area.
about 17 miles SW. A sounding of 146m found in this bay indi-
cates that the glacier is aground and is moving upward. The Filchner Ice Shelf to the Bowman Peninsula
1.3Halley Bay (7524'S., 2630'W.) indents the ice shelf to the (The Lassiter Coast)
W of McDonald Ice Rumples, 18 miles SW of Lyddan Island.
A least depth could not be determined (1984) in the bay be- 1.5 The S coast of the Weddell Sea extends W from the E
cause, like much of the coast, it had not been accurately sur- end of the Filchner Ice Shelf and encompasses Berkner Island
veyed. Halley, a permanently-manned station of the British and the Ronne Ice Shelf.
Antarctic Survey, is situated in the vicinity of the bay. This sta- 1.5The Filchner Ice Shelf (7900'S., 4000'W.) extends about
tion is continually moving due to the motion of the ice. 130 miles in a general W and WSW direction, between Vahsel
1.3Tottan Hills, standing more than 200 miles E of Halley Bay, Bay and Berkner Island, and S for over 200 miles. It is fed by
were reported (1981) to be visible from the station. three glaciers, Slessor, Recovery, and Support Force.
1.3The Dawson-Lambton Glacier (7608'S., 2645'W.) is a 1.5The Slessor Glacier and the Recovery Glacier lie on either
huge glacial out-flow lying about 30 miles SSW of Halley Bay. side of the Shackleton Range (8040'S., 2600'W.). This moun-
It is heavily crevassed and broken, rises to elevations of 900 to tain range, standing on the SE side of the Filchner Ice Shelf,
1,200m, and forms a 30-mile front with a floating tongue. rises to an elevation of 2,010m and extends in an E/W direction
1.3The Hayes Glacier (7616'S., 2754'W.), discovered in for about 85 miles.
1967 and charted as part of the Dawson-Lambton Glacier, 1.5The Slessor Glacier, about 75 miles long and 50 miles wide,
leads SW to the border of the Luitpold Coast. flows W into the Filchner Ice Shelf, on the N side of the range.
1.3The Luitpold Coast (7730'S., 3200'W.) is that part of The Recovery Glacier, about 60 miles long and 40 miles wide
Coats Land lying between the Hayes Glacier and the E end of at its mouth, flows W into the Filchner Ice Shelf, to the S of the
the Filchner Ice Shelf. The coast attains a height of 610m and range. The Support Force Glacier, a major glacier in the Pen-
slopes gradually to an unbroken ice cliff, 9 to 30m high. About sacola Mountains, flows N into the ice shelf.
25 miles SW of the Hayes Glacier and about 0.4 mile seaward 1.5The Pensacola Mountains (8345'S., 5500'W.), rising on
of the ice front, an angle (7641'S., 3025'W.) of the ice wall the S side of the ice shelf, is a range which extends about 280
exists in a depth of 114m. Many large icebergs, showing tide- miles in a NE/SW direction. This range is located in the E part
marks, have been reported grounded in this area. of Edith Ronne Land (8300'S., 6000'W.), which forms the in-
1.3An inlet, 12 miles long, indents the ice shelf, 55 miles SW of land border of the Filchner Ice Shelf and the Ronne Ice Shelf.
the Dawson-Lambton Glacier. In 1984, depths within this inlet 1.5The huts of the former Shackleton Station are reported to
were unknown. stand about 34 miles W of Vahsel Bay.
1.3From this point, the ice shelf leads SW for 60 miles to Vahsel 1.5The General Belgrano Station, an Argentinean base, is situ-
Bay (Duke Ernst Bay) (7749'S., 3507'W.). The E side of this ated about 20 miles W of the former Shackleton Station. A
bay is bounded by nunataks and glaciers. beacon, 42m high, and a flagpole stand at the site. The beacon
1.3The Schweitzer Glacier and the Lerchenfeld Glacier, which consists of an iron tripod with a slatted yellow and black top-
lead W, join with the Penck Glacier, which descends to the N. mark. A black wooden tripod, with a black square topmark,
These glaciers then extend 8 miles NW as an ice tongue into was reported (1962) to stand about 1 mile W of the station.
Vahsel Bay. Two huts are reported to stand in an indentation on 1.5About 60 miles W of Vahsel Bay, the ice shelf projects N in a
the N side of the Schweitzer Glacier. promontory that is 30 miles wide and 15 miles long. The NE
side of this promontory is indented by a crevasse that extends
1.4 General Belgrano II is a base station surmounting a about 18 miles S. The site of the former Ellsworth Station,
small rock outcrop with an elevation of 400m. It is situated at marked by huts, is situated on the E side of the entrance to the
the junction of the Schweitzer Glacier, the Lerchenfeld Glacier, crevasse. The W side of the promontory trends 27 miles S and
and the Penck Glacier and overlooks Vahsel Bay. SW to Gould Bay.
1.4The Littlewood Nunataks are a group of four lichen-covered 1.5Gould Bay (7800'S., 4500'W.) lies at the junction of the
rock outcrops, each about 45m wide and brick-red in color, Filchner Ice Shelf and Berkner Island. It is the southernmost
which are located between the Schweitzer Glacier and the Ler- part of the Weddell Sea that is accessible to ships. The bay is
chenfeld Glacier. Bertrab Nunatak is a bare rock, 530m high, about 20 miles wide and is reported to offer a suitable place to
standing SW of the Lerchenfeld Glacier. land a wintering party.
1.4The coast leads W for 5 miles from the ice tongue formed by 1.5Berkner Island (7930'S., 4730'W.), lying at the W end of
the glaciers and then S for about 10 miles to the Wiedenmann the Filchner Ice Shelf, is ice-covered, about 200 miles long,
Glacier. The Moltke Nunataks, forming a chain standing in a and about 85 miles wide. It rises to an elevation of 975m.
N/S line, rise along this stretch of coast, 8 miles SW of the ice 1.5General Belgrano III (7754'S., 4559'W.), a base adminis-
tongue. tered by Argentina, was reported to have been deactivated in
1.4A glacier, 15 miles long, lies S of the Moltke Nunataks and 1983.
extends to the E end of the Filchner Ice Shelf. 1.5Hemmen Ice Rise (7757'S., 4946'W.), 11 miles long and 2
1.4The coast in the vicinity Vahsel Bay is reported to be unsta- miles wide, extends from the NW extremity of Berkner Island
ble and calving of ice occurs. in the Ronne Ice Shelf.
98 Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island
Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island 99
ridge that separates the glaciers near the head and rises to an el- filled. Schott Inlet leads N and indents the Merz Peninsula
evation of 1,390m. about 17 miles N of Violante Inlet. Flagon Point marks the S
1.9Mount Grimminger (7318'S., 6218'W.), rising NE of side of the entrance into Schott Inlet and is surmounted by two
Mount Barkow, is cone-shaped, mostly ice-covered, and peaks, 293 and 395m high.
1,680m high. At the E edge of the ice front, about 7 miles E of Flagon
1.9The high, rocky coastal piedmont extends to the S of New Point, Butler Island rises to an elevation of 183m. It is 6 miles
Bedford Inlet and loses its cliff-like face, assuming the aspect wide, circular, and ice-covered.
of a continuous slope. Widely scattered peaks rise in the interi- At the NE end of the Merz Peninsula, a smaller peninsula
or and areas of level country lie between them. leads N and forms a headland, 271m high. This headland is ice-
1.9Cape Kidson, located on the N side of New Bedford Inlet, is covered, surmounted by small rock outcrops, and is known as
an abrupt rock scarp, 300m high. Cape Darlington.
1.9Mossman Inlet, narrow and ice-filled, recedes 10 miles N be- Hilton Inlet (7157'S., 6120'W.) is ice-filled, 12 miles
tween Cape Kidson and Cape Deacon, on the S side of the wide, and 22 miles long. It leads between Cape Darlington and
Kemp Peninsula. Cape Knowles. The Gruening Glacier, a broad glacier, de-
1.9The Kemp Peninsula (7308'S., 6015'W.) is that part of the scends in a SE direction between steep, rocky walls into the
mainland extending E at the N limit of the Lassiter Coast. This NW part of the inlet. The Kellogg Glacier, 9 miles long, leads
irregular ice-covered peninsula extends 26 miles in a N/S di- SE and joins with the Gruening Glacier, close inland of the
rection and is 5 to 12 miles wide. It projects E between the head of Hilton Inlet. Another unnamed glacier flows into the
heads of Mason Inlet and Mossman Inlet and rises to an eleva- inlet from the S.
tion of 305m. Cape Deacon, ice-covered, is located at the S end
of the peninsula. The N end of the peninsula is low, ice-cov- 1.11 The Condor Peninsula (7146'S., 6130'W.) encom-
ered, and known as Cape Mackintosh. passes that part of the Black Coast between Hilton Inlet and
1.9On the N side of Kemp Peninsula, E of Cape Mackintosh, Odom Inlet. Cape Knowles, located at the S end of the penin-
Mason Inlet indents the coast and extends 15 miles in a SW di- sula, rises to an elevation of 320m.
rection. This inlet is ice-filled and fed by the Clowes Glacier Cape MacDonald, a distinctive headland, forms the S side of
which enters from the W. Cape Mackintosh marks the N limit the entrance to Odom Inlet and is composed of a vertical, bare
of the Lassiter Coast and the S limit of the Black Coast. rock wall. It reaches the maximum height of 430m at the N end
1.9The Black Coast (7145'S., 6200'W.) extends 130 miles N where it descends in a perpendicular cliff to the sea ice. A
from Cape Mackintosh to Cape Boggs. Glaciers are common snow-free nunatak, with an identical outline, stands close S of
along the S part of this coast with very few glaciers in the N this entrance point.
part. Cape Bryant (7112'S., 6055'W.) is located about 20 miles
1.9Violante Inlet (7235'S., 6105'W.), large and ice-filled, is N of Cape MacDonald. The coast between is indented by three
16 miles long and 12 to 15 miles wide. It is entered between inlets, Odom, Lamplugh, and Palmer.
Cape Fanning, on the N side, and Cape Herdman, on the S side. Odom Inlet trends SW for about 10 miles. Many rocky peaks
The Maury Glacier, 4 miles wide, and the Defant Glacier, 2 stand at the head of this inlet between which numerous glaciers
miles wide at its mouth, flow, respectively, ENE and ESE into descend to the sea. This inlet widens as it recedes from the en-
the inlet. trance.
1.9On the S side of this inlet, close E of the Maury Glacier, O'Sullivan Peak (7126'S., 6206'W.), 1,768m high, stands
Mount Reynolds rises to an elevation of 1,128m. It is snow- about 11 miles W of the N arm of Odom Inlet, near the S end
capped and marked by a large massif. The walls of the massif of an ice-covered ridge.
are composed of a series of aretes, having bare rock on the Mount Jackson (7123'S., 6322'W.) dominates the upland
steep lower slopes and snow on the heights. They are sur- in the S part of Palmer Land. This remarkable massif is a vast
mounted by a network of connecting sharp peaks and ridges. cirque open to the N. From the S and E, it presents a steeple
Inland from this massif, numerous glaciers descend from the summit, 4,191m high, which stands majestically above the
high interior and flow between the mountain masses of the high plateau. On the N side, it is flanked by another peak,
coastal range. about 1,000m lower in elevation. A range of mountains rises E
1.9Pullen Island (7235'S., 6057'W.) is snow-covered, 5 miles of Mount Jackson and flanks the coast.
long, and rises to a height of 495m at its N end, about 5 miles E Cape Howard is located at the terminus of the Snyder Penin-
of the glacial wall in the inlet. This island is distinctive because sula, between Odom Inlet and Lamplugh Inlet. The cape is
of its precipitous, ice-free cliffs on the N side and its gentle marked by a high, flat-topped and snow-covered promontory
slopes on the S side. The slopes terminate in a long, low terrace which has steep snow-free cliffs on its S face and a distinctive
which extends S close to the piedmont shores of the inlet. pyramidal-shaped rock at its lowest extremity.
Lamplugh Inlet indents the coast for 7 miles between Cape
1.10 The Merz Peninsula (7215'S., 6105'W.), irregular Howard, to the S, and Cape Healy, to the N. This inlet narrows,
and ice-covered, extends about 15 miles in an E/W direction from a width of 5 miles at the entrance, to a width of about 1
and is 25 miles wide. It lies between Hilton Inlet and Violante mile, at the head. Several large, rocky masses, with steep
Inlet, on the E coast of Palmer Land. slopes, stand above the piedmont at the head of the inlet.
Cape Christmas is abrupt and rises to a height of 320m. Cape
1.10 The Foster Peninsula is high, ice-covered, and protrudes
Fanning marks the entrance to Wust Inlet. from the coast to the N of Lamplugh Inlet. It terminates in
Wust Inlet (7220'S., 6050'W.) is 2 to 5 miles wide and ice-
1.10 Cape Healy, at the S end, and Cape Musselman, at the N end.
100 Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island
4 miles N of Cape Healy, on the S side of the entrance to Palm- lies W of the Eternity Range and rises to an elevation of
er Inlet. Between Cape Healy and Cape Musselman, the coastal 1,067m. The Eland Mountains, another range, stands at the S
piedmont has extensive ice falls descending E to the sea ice end of the Wilkins Coast, to the E of the Eielson Peninsula. It
which is about 15m above sea level. extends for about 20 miles in a NE/SW direction and rises to an
Palmer Inlet, rectangular-shaped, indents the coast for about
1.11 elevation of 2,440m.
8 miles and is ice-filled. Its shores are formed by almost verti- Smith Inlet (7025'S., 6200'W.) indents the coast and ex-
cal cliffs of the piedmont with many bare and rocky walls. tends 15 miles W. The Clifford Glacier flows into the E end of
Marshall Peak (7109'S., 6132'W.), standing 6 miles in-
1.11 this inlet. It is a broad glacier, about 40 miles long, and flows in
land of Palmer Inlet, rises to an elevation of 1,207m. This peak an ESE direction through the gap lying between the Eland
is ice-covered, except for its rocky NE side. Mountains and Mount Tenniel, which is 1,625m high.
Cape Bryant, located at the N side of Palmer Inlet, is a high,
1.11 Cape Collier, a broad and ice-covered projection, marks the
snow-covered and dome-shaped cliff with a dimpled skyline. N side of the entrance to Smith Inlet. Numerous snow-covered
The Black Coast leads 27 miles NW and N from Cape Bry-
1.11 nunataks and ridges, up to 762m high, stand on the slopes of
ant to Cape Sharbonneau. the piedmont in this vicinity and rise steeply from the sea ice.
At the entrance to Smith Inlet, depths of 36.6m lying off Cape
1.12 Mount Hill (7056'S., 6142'W.), 945m high, stands Collier and 110m off Smith Inlet have been recorded.
23 miles NW of Cape Bryant and is marked by a thin cap of The coast trends 17 miles N and NW from Cape Collier to
bare rock at its summit. James Nunatak, which is conical and rises to an elevation of
Cape Sharbonneau rises 8 miles NE of Mount Hill, at the S
1.12 410m. Lewis Point, located 5 miles N of James Nunatak, is
entrance to Lehrke Inlet. This cape is formed by a rounded, marked by rocky exposures on its N side and surmounted by an
snow-covered headland. ice-covered dome, 510m high. This point is located at the S
Morency Island lies offshore, about 10 miles NW of Cape
1.12 end of the mouth of the Anthony Glacier.
Bryant. This island is 213m high and rocky, with steep cliffs on
its E side and gentle slopes on its W side. 1.14 Ewing Island (6954'S., 6113'W.) lies 20 miles E of
Steele Island, 12 miles long and 10 miles wide, lies 8 miles
1.12 Lewis Point at the S end of the Larsen Ice Shelf. This island is
NE of Cape Bryant. It is snow-covered and rises to an elevation ice-covered and dome-shaped. It is 8 miles in diameter and ris-
of 488m. The deep slopes of the island are crevassed, but no rock es to an elevation of 305m.
outcrops are visible. Like Butler Island, Steele Island lies at the The Anthony Glacier flows in an ESE direction to the coast,
edge of the ice shelf, on the W side of the Weddell Sea. close NW of Lewis Point.
Lehrke Inlet (7049'S., 6145'W.) is 8 miles wide and re-
1.12 Stefansson Strait (6926'S., 6225'W.) is ice-filled, 35
cedes SW for 17 miles. It is ice-filled and entered between miles long, and 3 to 10 miles wide. It leads between the
Cape Sharbonneau, on the S side, and Cape Boggs, on the N. Wilkins Coast and Hearst Island. The shelf ice in the straight
Many massive ridges and peaks stand close inland from the varies. It was reported (1940) that shelf ice in the N part was
head of this inlet and steep ice falls descend to the coastal low 146m above sea level, while it was only 15m above sea level in
lands. An islet, 12m high, lies off the mouth of the inlet. the S part.
The Eielson Peninsula, rugged and mainly snow-covered,
1.12 The highlands, to the E of the Eternity Range, descend in a
borders the NW side of Lehrke Inlet. It is 20 miles long, about maze of lower peaks and an ice-covered plateau which is bor-
10 miles wide, and terminates at Cape Boggs. This cape is dered by hills, up to 1,524m high. A broad coastal piedmont
composed of an ice-capped headland, with precipitous cliffs of extends to the E of these mountains and reaches the coast in
igneous rock, and is 762m high. It forms the coastal abutment steep ice cliffs, up to 610m high.
of the Eternity Range foothills. Cape Rymill, the NE point of the coastal piedmont, is locat-
Wilkins Coast and trends in a N/S direction for about 28 miles. fansson Strait, 4 miles E of Cape Rymill. This island is 36
Mount Faith, Mount Hope, and Mount Charity are the three miles long, 7 miles wide, and has no visible rock outcrops. It is
most prominent features of this range. ice-covered, domed-shaped, and rises to an elevation of 366m.
Mount Hope (6946'S., 6434'W.), 2,859m high, is the cen-
1.13 The W side of the island is steep and crevassed. The sea ice
tral and highest peak of the Eternity Range. It is flanked by fronting the E side of the island is usually widely broken into
Mount Faith, 2,652m high, rising 9 miles N and Mount Chari- pressure ridges and contains many icebergs.
Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island 101
The coast trends NNW for about 9 miles from Cape Rymill
1.14 Inlet.
to Cape Reichelderfer (6922'S., 6243'W.), a rounded and ice- The Larsen Ice Shelf (6730'S., 6230'W.), located in the
covered headland. A nearly vertical rock cliff, known as NW part of the Weddell Sea, is 300 miles long. It extends N
DeBusk Scarp, is located 4 miles W of the cape. It is 2 miles along the E coast of the Antarctic Peninsula from close S of
long and rises to an elevation of 300m. Hearst Island to Cape Longing. The ice shelf encompasses the
The coast to the N of Cape Reichelderfer is indented by an
1.14 N extremity of Palmer Land and almost the entire length of
inlet. The N side of the inlet, which is 5 miles long, is bordered Graham Land. At one point, this shelf is about 120 miles wide.
by Finley Heights. The Bingham Glacier feeds into the inlet A protrusion in the ice shelf occurs about 55 miles NE of
from the W. This glacier crosses Palmer Land, extending from Hearst Island. At this point, the ice extends E for about 23
the coast of the Weddell Sea to the coast of Marguerite Bay. It miles from the general contour of the shelf.
is about 8 miles wide at the E entrance and rises in steep ice Gipps Ice Rise (6846'S., 6056'W.) is 10 miles long, 9.5
falls from the ice shelf, which is 45m above sea level, to an ele- miles wide, and stands 270m above the ice shelf. It is located
vation of 2,134m, near the meridian of 6430'W. Its N and S on the Larsen Ice Shelf, 35 miles NE of Hearst Island, and is
flanks are marked by high peaks with numerous tributary gla- bounded by ice cliffs on all sides. Depths along the edge of the
ciers entering from the bordering highlands. ice shelf range from 610m, at the N end of the protrusion de-
Finley Heights, to the N of the Bingham Glacier, fronts the
1.14 scribed above, to a least depth of 60m, close E of Cape Long-
ice shelf and forms a stretch of rugged coast, about 7 miles ing.
long. It rises to a prominent, snow-covered and rocky mass,
1,070m high. Graham Land (West Coast)
Cape Hinks (6912'S., 6307'W.), located at the NE end of
Finley Heights, is formed by a low, dark, and rocky cliff, 222m 1.15 Graham Land (6600'S., 6330'W.) is that part of the
high. Antarctic Peninsula lying N of a line between Cape Jeremy and
The Lurabee Glacier, lying on the N side of Finley Heights,
1.14 Cape Agassiz. It includes the Bowman Coast, the Foyn Coast,
is about 5 miles wide. It extends in a SW direction for 10 miles the Oscar II Coast, the Nordenskjold Coast, and the Trinity
where it joins the major transverse rift crossing Palmer Land. Peninsula.
Cape Keeler is located 20 miles N of Cape Hinks. The coast
1.14 The Bowman Coast (6810'S., 6500'W.), the southernmost
between is distinctive and is formed by a series of low fault coast of Graham Land, extends 80 miles N from Cape Agassiz,
troughs which are bordered by vertical rock walls and termi- at the extremity of the Hollick-Kenyon Peninsula, to Cape
nate in low, steep faces. Northrup. Several inlets mark the shore of Bowman Coast and
Scripps Heights surmount the peninsula extending between
1.14 are all engulfed by the Larsen Ice Shelf.
the Lurabee Glacier and the Casey Glacier. Its peaks are rug- Mobiloil Inlet, which is ice-filled, leads SW between the
ged and largely ice-covered. The heights terminate at Cape Hollick-Kenyon Peninsula, to the SE, and Rock Pile Point, to
Walcott, an ice-covered headland, 625m high. the NW. The Hollick-Kenyon Peninsula is 40 miles long, ice-
Casey Inlet, lying close N of Cape Walcott, is fed from the
1.14 covered, and leads from the main mountain mass of the Ant-
W by the Athene Glacier and the Casey Glacier. The Athene arctic Peninsula. It separates Casey Inlet from Mobiloil Inlet.
Glacier is 10 miles long and merges with the terminus of the Glaciers radiate from a wide roadstead, located to the W of
Casey Glacier, which is 6 miles long. Mobiloil Inlet, into the interior of the Palmer Peninsula. One of
From Casey Inlet, the coast extends 7 miles and is formed by
1.14 these glaciers flows E to the head of the inlet. Along the Bow-
Miller Point, Cape Mayo, and Cape Keeler. man Coast, these glaciers are separated by rocky ice-covered
Miller Point, low and black, is formed by bare rock. It is
1.14 peninsulas. The locus of these glaciers is known as the Traffic
232m high and forms the termination of a rocky and ice-cov- Circle. It is located S of Mount Ptolemy and is marked by a
ered mass. Between this rocky mass and Cape Mayo, a small conspicuous beehive-shaped nunatak, known as Hub Nunatak.
glacier trends NW for about 15 miles and merges with the On the N side of the inlet, a peninsula extends E for 10 miles.
highland ice which inundates the tableland. It is marked by Rock Pile Peaks, 1,109m high, which consists
Cape Mayo, a bare and rocky cliff, is the terminus of a flat,
1.14 of many sharp peaks and ridges standing prominently above
snow-covered tableland which is 435m high. A narrow glacier the ice sheet that envelopes its lower heights. The E extremity
lies between the rocky walls of Cape Keeler and Cape Mayo. It of the peninsula is formed by Rock Pile Point, an ice-covered
trends NW for about 15 miles and merges with the snow-cov- and rocky cape, which has several bare rock faces and is 244m
ered tableland. high.
Cape Keeler, 518m high, has a flat and tent-shaped summit
1.14 Solberg Inlet lies between Rock Pile Peaks, to the S, and the
which slopes gently to the E in slate cliffs. This cape forms the Joerg Peninsula, to the N. It is 5 to 18 miles wide, ice-filled,
S side of the entrance to Revelle Inlet. and trends about 14 miles in a general W direction to the conti-
The coast to the N of Cape Keeler trends NW along the inlet
1.14 nental plateau escarpment. A remarkable cirque mountain
and consists of a high snow-covered tableland. It has steep stands at the head of the inlet and reaches an elevation of
cliffs through which bare rock is occasionally seen. Revelle In- 1,372m. The terrain at the head is composed of a maze of jag-
let lies between Cape Keeler and Cape Agassiz. It is broad, ice- ged, snow-covered peaks which extend in wild confusion to the
filled, and 15 miles long. summit of the continental plateau. Between these peaks, heavi-
Cape Agassiz, 130m high, is located at the terminus of the
1.14 ly crevassed ice falls fill the lower slopes. These glacier-filled
Wilkins Coast and Palmer Land. It is formed by a narrow ice- valleys have steep gradients and trend in a jumbled pat-tern to-
drowned spur which extends between Revell Inlet and Mobiloil ward the continental plateau.
102 Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island
and trends SW, in a remarkable series of terraced ice falls, to the N limit of the Bowman Coast. This cape consists of a con-
the continental plateau, which is 1,676m high at this point. On spicuous rocky bluff, 1,160m high, which is mostly ice free
the W side of the plateau, similar ice falls descend sharply and and has nearly vertical sides.
extend SW to the NE part of Neny Fjord, on the Fallieres The Foyn Coast (6640'S., 6420'W.) trends 87 miles in a
Coast. The S wall of the glacier is formed by a group of round- NE direction from Cape Northrup. It is marked by a continuous
ed ridges, inundated by highland ice, which gradually descends range of sharp snow-covered peaks with steep slopes and ridg-
to the coast and forms a peninsula. This peninsula, known as es.
the Joerg Peninsula, is about 15 miles long, 3 to 5 miles wide, Mamelon Island lies 11 miles ENE of Cape Northrup. It is
and projects E toward the Weddell Sea. It is mostly bare on the mostly ice-covered with a smooth and rounded summit.
N side where the rocky faces are too steep for snow to lodge Hodges Point, located 6 miles ENE of Cape Northrup, is
upon them. The N side is indented by a number of small coves rocky and terminates in an impressive black cliff. This point
at the head of which are many gaps. Small glaciers, widely cre- has twin summits, 940 and 960m high.
vassed, descend from the heights through these gaps. The pen- The Hess Glacier leads E to the ice shelf, 12 miles N of Cape
insula is submerged by highland ice which rests as a thin cap Northrup. It is dominated on the S side by Mount Thorarinson,
on the heights. The seaward termination of the peninsula is a pyramidal peak, 860m high. This peak is one of the most dis-
formed by a large, rocky mass which attains an elevation of tinctive features along the coast.
1,067m. Pylon Point, the E slopes of which are completely
covered by glaciers, projects seaward and forms a low, rolling 1.16 Mill Inlet, entered between Monnier Point and Cape
ice cape. The shelf ice at the E side of this point rises 61m Robinson, lies 13 miles N of the Hess Glacier. Karpf Point, lo-
above sea level and is heavily crevassed. cated on the N side of this inlet, is formed by a turret-shaped
Three Slice Nunatak (6802'S., 6457'W.), mostly snow-
1.15 bluff, 1,503m high, and is mainly ice free. It marks the termi-
covered, stands 4 miles NE of Pylon Point. This feature, which nation of the inland plateau escarpment. A small rock nunatak
is about 2 miles long and 1 mile wide, is very distinctive and stands 1 mile SSE of this point.
serves as an excellent landmark. A serrated ridge, with three Cape Chavanne, located at the head of the inlet, is a promi-
prominent slices, forms its long axis. nent and partly ice-free bluff. Its S extremity stands at the
The shelf ice lying E of this nunatak is badly crevassed and
1.15 mouth of the Breitfuss Glacier and is formed by a conspicuous,
at a distance of 5 miles, attains a height of only 18m above sea elongated dome. The N side of the inlet is flanked by the Cole
level. Peninsula, which is 15 miles long and 8 miles wide. This pen-
Seligman Inlet is broad and extends 6 miles inland. Choyce
1.15 insula is ice-covered, except for several rocky spurs which ra-
Point and Cape Freeman form the N and S entrance points, re- diate from Mount Hayes.
spectively, of this inlet. At the S side of the entrance, three nar- Mount Hayes, a plateau-type mountain, rises to a height of
row glaciers break through the vertical rock wall in divergent 1,140m and stands at the base of the peninsula. Cape Robin-
directions. Cape Freeman is formed by a low ice-covered spur son, forming the seaward end of the peninsula, is a rounded
with a prominent dome-shaped nunatak standing at its E end. and ice-covered promontory.
Choyce Point, 910m high, is ice-capped and rocky. Between Cape Robinson and Cape Alexander, Cabinet Inlet,
Glacier, separated by Cape Church, flow between the rock Ice-free cliffs descend to the ice shelf from its summit which
walls into this inlet. stands at the W end. The true Antarctic Circle crosses the S ex-
Tonkin Island, 518m high, lies about 11 miles NE of Cape
1.15 tremity of this island in 6633'S.
Freeman. This island is narrow and ice-capped. Its S end is Cape Casey, located 9 miles N of the island, is formed by a
formed by a bare rock in the shape of a pyramid, about 1 mile prominent, partly ice-free promontory which rises 753m above
long. Close N of the pyramid, a snow-covered ridge, 411m the level of the ice shelf. An island, 792m high, lies about 3
high, extends N for about 2.5 miles. miles NW of this cape.
Francis Island lies 12 miles ENE of Choyce Point and has an
1.15 Cape Alexander forms the S end of the Churchill Peninsula.
irregular shape. This island is 7 miles long, 5 miles wide, and This ice-covered peninsula extends about 30 miles in a SE di-
rises to an elevation of 707m. It is mainly ice-covered, but has rection.
several rock exposures and rocky peaks. Like Tonkin Island, it The Oscar II Coast (6545'S., 6230'W.) extends 97 miles
is encompassed within the ice shelf. NE from Cape Alexander to Cape Fairweather and is indented
Tent Nunatak, a conspicuous and pyramidal rock, stands 6
1.15 by several inlets. The Jason Peninsula, a prominent projection,
miles N of Choyce Point and marks the S limit of Whirlwind extends E from the coast.
Inlet. It is 0.5 mile in diameter and emerges from the ice shelf, The Hektoria Glacier, consisting of a series of long bays,
1 mile from the S entrance of the inlet. forms the N portion of this coast. The bays are bordered by
Whirlwind Inlet is wide and consists of two bays. A prom-
1.15 steep, rugged, and rocky peninsulas. The coast, to the S of the
Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island 103
glacier, is formed by the steep slopes of several pyramid- A group of islands, lying S of the Nordenskjuold Coast, con-
shaped peaks and ridges which front the inland plateau. A few sists mainly of Robertson Island, Lindenberg Island, and the
steep glaciers flow from the high interior between these peaks Seal Nunataks.
and ridges. Robertson Island, the largest and easternmost of the group,
and rises steeply to a flattened ice-free summit. Gemini Nuna- group, rises to an elevation of 299m, about 1 mile N of Robert-
tak and Borchgrevink Nunatak stand 5 miles and 10 miles, re- son Island.
spectively, NNE of Gulliver Nunatak. Lindenberg Island, with a sugarloaf appearance, lies 11
10 miles. It consists of a low snow-covered promontory, 7 extremity of the island. It is formed by rugged and black lava
miles wide, which rises to an elevation of 395m at the W end. mass. Castor Nunatak, 1 mile long, lies about 1 mile from the
Medea Dome, snow-covered and 350m high, stands at the E W side of the island and has a high summit on its SE side. Her-
end of this promontory. tha Nunatak, a low and featureless rock, is about 1 mile long
and lies 2 miles NW of Castor Nunatak. Arctowski Nunatak, 1
1.17 The Jason Peninsula extends 33 miles E from Philippe mile long, lies about 2 miles N of Hertha Nunatak and has a
Rise and reaches to within 3 miles of the Weddell Sea. The E high summit at its E end. Gray Nunatak, 0.5 mile long, lies
terminus of this peninsula is formed by Cape Framnes. The about 1 mile NW of Arctowski Nunatak and has a high summit
current in the vicinity of this cape has been reported to set NNE at its E extremity. Donald Nunatak, lying close W of Gray
at a velocity of 1 knot. Nunatak, is lower and has no distinctive features. Bruce Nuna-
Stratton Inlet, which is ice-filled, indents the S side of the
1.17 tak, lying 1 mile NW of Donald Nunatak, is formed by a dark
peninsula, E of Veier Head. Standring Inlet, which is also ice- and high-ridged rocky mass, 3 miles long.
filled, indents the N side of the peninsula. Dallmann Nunatak and Bull Nunatak, both 0.5 mile long, lie
wide, which indents the coast and extends about 15 miles to that runs E from Foster Plateau toward Sentinel Nunatak. Ruth
join with the Hektoria Glacier. With Flanders Bay on the W Ridge, black and rocky, runs in a N/S direction to the N of the
side, the Evans Glacier reduces the width of the peninsula to Dryglaski Glacier. It is 1.5 miles long and terminates in a peak
about 12 miles at this locality. at its S end. This ridge forms the S end of Detroit Plateau and
Cape Fairweather, 705m high, is located at the N end of the
1.17 marks the change in direction of the plateau escarpment along
Oscar II Coast and flanked by glaciers. This cape is ice-cov- the E coast of Graham Land, turning W to form the N wall of
ered, except for several rocky exposures along its SE and E the Dryglaski Glacier.
sides. Cape Worsley is located E of Ruth Ridge and fronts the ice
tableland with steep slopes. This striking tableland is known as tends S from the main coast for 11 miles, terminating at Cape
the Detroit Plateau. Sobral. This cape is partly ice free and appears from the air to
104 Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island
rocky point. A deep fjord, leading E, indents the middle of this Mount Roberts. This peak is 955m high and has a dark, mostly
inlet. ice-free summit with a flat sloping top.
Cape Longing forms the N end of the Nordenskjuold Coast
1.18 The Aitkenhead Glacier lies N of Mount Roberts and leads
and also the N limit of the Larsen Ice Shelf. A depth of 331m is 10 miles E from Detroit Plateau to Prince Gustav Channel,
reported to lie about 5 miles E of Cape Longing and is the sho- close N of Alectoria Island. This latter island is less than 1 mile
alest depth charted along the Larsen Ice Shelf. long, 107m high, low, and nearly ice free.
Mount Bradley has a pyramidal peak, 835m high. It stands N
1.19 The Trinity Peninsula (6337'S., 5820'W.) is that of the Aitkenhead Glacier, at the S end of a ridge which de-
portion of Graham Land lying N of a line between Cape Long- scends from the Detroit Plateau.
ing and Cape Kater (6346'S., 5954'W.). A least channel depth of 7.3m is reported to lie close W of
is comparatively low and covered with a continuous ice sheet Gustav Channel and its S approaches are free of fast ice, ex-
with occasional rock outcrops. Numerous rocky islets and sub- reme care must be taken when navigating in this area due to the
merged reefs lie offshore and extend up to 10 miles seaward. incomplete nature of the surveys.
These waters have not been thoroughly surveyed and caution Depths in the approaches to Prince Gustav Channel have
must be exercised when approaching the coast. The most been reported (2007) to be less than charted.
prominent peaks in this vicinity are Mount Bransfield, 762m
high; Mount Jacquinot, 474m high; and Mount D'Urville, 1.20 Pitt Point (6351'S., 5824'W.) consists of a promonto-
1,083m high. ry, 84m high, which is located 40 miles above the S entrance of
Prince Gustav Channel (6350'S., 5815'W.) divides the
1.19 the channel. The Victory Glacier, gently sloping, is 8 miles long
mainland from the Ross Island group. It is about 80 miles long and lies close N of the point. Azimuth Hill, standing 6 miles N of
and varies in width from 9 miles, between Bald Head and Vega Pitt Point, is a low and rocky outcrop, 85m high.
Island, to 14 miles, between Cape Longing and Nygren Point at Between Cape Longing and Azimuth Hill, the coast consists
the S entrance. Three uncharted islands of considerable size of an almost continuous line of ice cliffs backed by an escarp-
were reported to lie within this channel. The center of the chan- ment of rock or ice that rises towards Detroit Plateau.
nel can be navigated safely in deep water as far S as 6406'S, The Russell East Glacier lies on the N side of Azimuth Hill.
where passage is blocked by a permanent ice shelf. In January It is 6 miles long, 3 miles wide, and leads in an E direction.
1985, a vessel secured alongside this ice shelf. Vessels may pass Mount Canicula is formed by two peaks, 825 and 890m high. It
on either side of Carlson Island in safety, but are advised to pass stands 3 miles E of Sirius Knoll, on the divide which separates
not less than 1 mile off Pitt Point due to the existence of unchart- the Russell East Glacier from the Russell West Glacier.
ed shoals lying close inshore. It was reported that strong tidal Long Island, 3 miles long, lies SE of Azimuth Hill. Its sum-
currents, sometimes with rates in excess of 2 knots, set up and mit, 113m high, rises at the N end and is surmounted by a
down the channel. The N flow was reported to be the most pro- cairn. Cugnot Ice Piedmont is 15 miles long and 3 to 6 miles
nounced and in addition, strong eddies were observed in the vi- wide. It leads NE from the Russell East Glacier to Eyric Bay
cinity of the W side of Carlson Island. Caution should also be and is bounded on the N side by the Louis Philippe Plateau.
taken in the vicinity of Cape Lachman as a drying spit extends
about 180m N from the shore, a depth of 17m lies within 1 mile 1.21 Louis Philippe Plateau, occupying the central part of
NE of the cape and a bank, with a depth of less than 55m, ex- the Trinity Peninsula, is 11 miles long, 5 miles wide, and rises
tends 2 miles farther NE into the channel. to a height of 1,370m.
On the W side of the channel, Cape Longing forms the end
1.19 Church Point is located 11 miles NE of Azimuth Hill and S
of a large pear-shaped peninsula. This peninsula is connected of Cugnot Ice Piedmont. It is surmounted by a dark, distinctive
to the mainland by Longing Gap, a low valley, which is faced rocky peak, 340m high. Camp Hill, small and ice free, stands 2
with snow-free cliffs, up to 180m high. On the E side of the miles E of the point and is 120m high.
peninsula, a small and rocky cliff rises to a summit, 340m high. Red Island, lying 2.5 miles SSE of Church Point, is promi-
The remainder of the E side as well as the N side are entirely nent, ice free, and 1 mile in diameter. It is circular, flat-topped,
covered by ice. and has reddish cliffs of volcanic rock which rise to an eleva-
Tower Peak, standing 5 miles NW of Longing Gap, is 830m
1.19 tion of 495m. An isolated, rocky pillar, 494m high, stands NW
high and has a rocky exposure which stands out clearly from of this island. It resembles a monument and is prominent from
the evenly contoured ice field. the NE and SW.
The Sjuogren Glacier, lying 19 mile NW of Cape Longing, is
1.19 A depth of 66m is charted about 4 miles ESE of Red Island.
about 15 miles long. It flows SE from Detroit Plateau and en- A depth of 1.1m is reported to lie about 3.5 miles SE of Red Is-
ters the channel in the form of a tongue. This glacial tongue is land. A depth of 16.8m was reported (1982) to lie about 1.8
5 to 7 miles wide and extends E to the vicinity of Persson Is- miles SE of Red Island.
Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island 105
ice free, 150m high, and forms the summit of the headland ly- and Cape Obelisk and is known as Ruohss Bay. The W coast of
ing between Camp Hill and Bald Head. McCalman Peak, James Ross Island in this vicinity is broken by a series of semi-
standing 3 miles N of Criptal Hill, is 550m high and forms the circular valleys with almost perpendicular walls of red and
summit of a ridge. black basalt. The inland ice cap slopes to the sea between pro-
Bald Head is located 3.5 miles NE of Crystal Hill. This
1.21 jecting rock masses which present vertical faces.
headland is bare, ice free, and 152m high. Several islands lie About 7 miles NNW of Cape Broms, Persson Island, 1.5
off the coast between Crystal Hill and Bald Head including miles long, rises to an elevation of 213m and marks the E end
Egg Island, Tail Island, Eagle Island, Corry Island, and Vortex of the Sjuogren Glacier Tongue. Some conspicuous and rocky
Island. cliffs, known as Tumbledown Cliffs, front the channel, 3 miles
Egg Island, lying 1 mile SE of Crystal Hill, is 442m high.
1.21 N of Cape Obelisk. Holluschickie Bay, lying 6 miles NNE of
Tail Island, 171m high, lies 1 mile E of Egg Island. Both of these cliffs, is entered between Kotick Point, on the S side, and
these islands are shaped like mounds, surrounded by extensive Matkah Point, on the N.
scree slopes, and almost ice free. Lagrelius Point, located 3 miles N of Matkah Point, is long
topped peak, with an ice-free summit, 560m high. The N side Cape Lachman, the N extremity of James Ross Island. It is in-
of the island is ice free, except for a small glacier lying about dented by a series of bays with variegated, perpendicular cliffs.
midway. The S part of the island has an ice cap, 150 to 300m Carlson Island, ice free and less than 1 mile in diameter, lies
high. Scree cliffs and low rocks border the S side of this ice about 1.5 miles N of Lagrelius Point. Cliffs and scree slopes
cap. lead steeply to its summit which is flat-topped and 299m high.
Corry Island, 2 miles long and 508m high, is separated from
1.21 The coast trends 4 miles NE from the island and recedes inland
Eagle Island by a channel, 0.3 mile wide. It is rounded, ice- for 2 miles between Rink Point and Stoneley Point. Brandy
capped, and fringed by cliffs and steep scree slopes which are Bay indents the coast, 4 miles NE of Stoneley Point.
broken in places by ice falls. Vortex Island is the smallest of the Cape Lachman forms the N end of James Ross Island and
group. It is 0.5 mile long and has a jagged rocky peak, 244m the W entrance point of Herbert Sound. A small square-shaped
high. A penguin colony is located on its NE side. headland is located near the NE end of Prince Gustav Channel.
It is 97m high and is separated from the mountains, to the S, by
1.22 The E side of Prince Gustav channel is formed by a low and flat-topped scree spur.
James Ross Island and Vega Island. Prince Gustav Channel terminates in the vicinity of Vega Is-
James Ross Island is 40 miles long and 1,629m high. This is-
1.22 land, close E of the N end of James Ross Island. This channel
land, which is part of the James Ross Island Group, is separat- has never been known to be ice free. It is reported that three sec-
ed into two sections by a neck of land extending from the SW tions lying in this area have been found to be recently frozen
corner of Croft Bay to the NE corner of Rohss Bay. The SE over and apparently open during the summer. One section lies in
portion of the island, which is the larger of the two parts, rises the strait between a group of six islands, located N of Vega Is-
at the center in the form of Mount Haddington. The island rock land, and the mainland. Another section lies in the area to the
underlying the ice cap is mainly volcanic and, where visible, NNW of Cape Lachman and the third lies within Herbert Sound,
appears as dark wall-like cliffs. There is no dominating ice cap between The Naze and Vega Island. The three sections lie where
in the NW part, but mountainous masses, known as Massey the channel is narrow and strong currents are likely.
Heights, rise to elevations of 360 to 940m. Farther S, there is strong indication that the water has re-
purposes the description will begin at Cape Foster. nel, is indented by Eyrie Bay and Duse Bay. Eagle Island,
Cape Foster is located at the S end of James Ross Island, 7
1.22 Tongue Rocks, a group of volcanic rocks, and Beak Island lie
miles SE of Nygren Point. Trending NW for 2 miles from this off the entrances to these bays.
cape, the coast is indented by Carlsson Bay. The Tait Glacier
backs the head and a prominent, rocky headland projects from 1.24 Beak Island, lying 0.5 mile NE of Eagle Island, is arc-
the N shore of the bay. shaped and 4 miles long. This island is 358m high, rocky, and
Caution.A dangerous rock has been reported (2006) in an
1.22 ice free. Its SE part is separated from the W part by a ridge,
approximate position about 1.3 miles WSW of Cape Foster. 88m high, which rises to a bluff at the S extremity. It was re-
Large masses of drifting ice are a hindrance to navigation S
1.22 ported that good anchorage, in a depth of 26m, can be taken
of James Ross Island. Large numbers of ice floes have beached within a bay on the N side of the island, about 0.2 mile off-
S of James Ross Island. shore. A good landing was also reported to exist on a sloping
beach of volcanic sand.
1.23 Nygren Point (6423'S., 5813'W.), located 3 miles Eyrie Bay, lying 6 miles W of Beak Island, is entered close N
WNW of Carlsson Bay, is rocky and marks the actual S en- of Jade Point. This bay is 2.5 miles wide at its mouth and re-
trance to Prince Gustav Bay. The coast trends 7 miles NNW cedes for 3 miles. Jade Point is rocky and slopes gently with its
from this point to Cape Broms. This stretch of the coast ap- lower part covered in greenish-tinged ice.
pears conspicuous because of the alternating ice falls flowing Cain Nunatak and Abel Nunatak are located W of Eyrie Bay,
from the high interior and the bare, rocky cliffs. at the S end of Broad Valley. This valley is glacier-filled and lies
106 Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island
on the S side of the Laclavegre Plateau (Laclavere Plateau). man and provides safe anchorage with a good holding ground
View Point, located E of Eyrie Bay, forms the W entrance
1.24 of thick, gray mud. It offers easy access to the hinter-land and
point of Duse Bay and rises to an elevation of 150m. The shore good protection, especially from N gales. Although ice collects
in the vicinity of this point consists of steep dark-colored in this bay, it rarely becomes packed during the summer
mountain slopes. months. It is reported that an orange hut stands on the SW side
Duse Bay, 7 miles wide, lies between the W side of the
1.24 of the entrance to the bay and is clearly visible, except when
Tabarin Peninsula and View Point. This bay recedes about 3.5 covered with snow. Landing can be carried out by shallow in-
miles N and is nearly rectangular in shape. Two islands lie flatable craft.
within the bay, close to the S shore, and three other islands of The Naze, a peninsula, extends N from Terrapin Hill and
ice-free appearance lie close to the seaward end of the S en- forms the SE end of Herbert Sound. Terrapin Hill, 545m high,
trance point. Theodolite Hill, 680m high, stands 5 miles W of is rounded and reddish in color. Comb Ridge, forming the NE
the NW corner of the bay has a small, rocky outcrop on its end of The Naze, rises to an elevation of 105m.
summit. The E side of Herbert Sound is bordered by Vega Island. The
and 1 mile S, respectively, of the entrance to this bay. about 16 miles long and 5 miles wide. It is high, precipitous,
Cape Green, the SE extremity of the Tabarin Peninsula, is lo-
1.24 and has tower-like rocks. The lower falls of eruptive rock are
cated 2.5 miles ESE of the bay. A depth of 40m was reported plateau-like in form and brown in color.
(1980) to lie about 3.3 miles S of this cape. Sandwich Bluff, located close W of the center of Vega Is-
sound was navigated for the first time. Passage was made in both from the N coast, near the middle of the island. Devil Island,
directions with little ice being encountered. Depths of 150 to 21m high, lies close to the N shore in the vicinity of this cape.
400m were reported to lie in the center of the channel. It has steep stone sides and is ice free.
Caution.Depths in Herbert Sound have been reported
1.25 Caution.Depths off the shore of Devil Island have been
Head, which is rounded and has vertical cliffs rising to a small 1m high, lies about 6.5 miles E of this cape and is surrounded
ice dome, 190m high. by a shoal area which may best be seen on the chart.
Lachman Crags (Lachmans Crags), an escarpment, extends
1.25 A rock lies about 0.5 mile offshore, 5 miles SW of Cape
in a N/S direction and rises to an elevation of 620m. It stands Gordon. Another rock lies 1.5 miles E of the cape, 4 miles NE
on the W side of the sound, 3 miles SSW of Cape Lachman. of False Island Point.
Croft Bay indents the coast, 8 miles S of Lachman Crags, on
1.25 The SE side of James Ross Island fronts the Erebus and Ter-
the SW side of the sound. Dreadnought Point forms the W en- ror Gulf and is marked by numerous glaciers. Trending S and
trance point of this bay and Stark Point forms the E entrance SE from The Naze, the coast is fronted by steep cliffs which
point. Dobson Dome, standing W of the bay, is a prominent rise to a mostly ice-covered plateau.
mountain. It is snow-covered, dome-shaped, and 948m high. Skep Point (6403'S., 5718'W.), high and ice free, resem-
The Naze. The sound narrows to a width of 2 miles in this area Point. Lonely Rock, lying 2.8 mile ESE of Ula Point, is 46m
and is obstructed by numerous rocks and islets. long, isolated, and prominent.
Between Cape Lachman and Cape Obelisk, 28 miles SSW,
1.25 The area leading between the SE end of Herbert Sound and
the coast is indented by a number of bays. These bays are sepa- Erebus and Terror Gulf is not fully surveyed.
rated by headlands which are fringed by rocky cliffs with ex- A depth of 15.8m was reported (1980) to lie about 1.3 miles
tensive scree slopes. Brand Bay lies 6 miles SW of Cape Lac- E of Humps Island. Depths of 7.6m and 14m were reported to
Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island 107
lie within 2.3 miles of each other, about 12 miles SE of Humps 1.28 Snow Hill Island (Isla Cerro Nevado) (6430'S.,
Island. It was reported (1982) that anchorage could be taken in 5715'W.) is located E of Lockyer Island and lies SE of James
a depth of 15.8m to the S of Comb Ridge. However, shallow Ross Island, from which it is separated by Admiralty Sound. It
depths were reported to lie about 2 miles SW of this anchorage is about 20 miles long and about 6 miles wide. The island is en-
area. tirely snow-capped, except at the NE extremity which, for a
An unexamined depth of 32.9m is believed to exist about
1.26 distance of 3.5 miles, consists of a rugged projection with
23.5 miles ESE of Humps Island. steep, lofty cliffs of olivine-basalt. A low shore fronts the NW
Between Ula Point and Cape Gage, 5 miles SSE, the Coley
1.26 side of this snow-free projection. Anchorage may be taken
Glacier flows inland and extends 5 miles E to the gulf. about 90m off this low shore in a depth of 11m with a rocky
Cape Gage, located S of the glacier, is a rocky promontory
1.26 bottom and good holding ground. The E side of the projection
which forms the E extremity of James Ross Island. This cape is perpendicular and offers no landing place.
also forms the W side of the N entrance to Admiralty Sound. The ice cap is extensive, hilly with deep depressions, and at-
sound, and then proceeds to the islands. the ice cliff, at a point lying about 5 miles from the NE extrem-
Caution.Depths in Admiralty Sound have been reported
1.27 ity of the island where the ice cap is about 3m above sea level.
(2007) to be less than charted. This anchorage is reported to have a depth of 13.7m with a
mud bottom. Anchorage can also be taken in depth of 29m,
The coast, to the SW of Cape Gage, trends for 5 miles to
1.27 gravel and rock, about 1 mile from the ice cliff.
Ekeluof Point which is high, rocky, and forms the N entrance The bottom is reported to be irregular to the S and E of Snow
point, three glaciers flow into the bay. The northernmost gla- island rises to a large, wide shoulder which is about 150m
cier is about 1 mile wide and enters the bay between steep, above the sea level.
rocky headlands. The central glacier, known as the Gourdon A beacon stands on the NE extremity of Snow Hill Island. It
Glacier, is similar in size and form to the N glacier. It enters the consists of a triangular framework tower, 5.2m high, with three
bay between Saint Rita Point, a steep and rocky outcrop, on the horizontal panels painted yellow and orange.
N side and Rabot Point, high and rocky, on the S side. The The mean temperature at Snow Hill Island, during a period
Hobbs Glacier, the southernmost, is about 2 miles wide and has of twenty months, was reported to be -11.7C. The prevailing
a lateral moraine on its higher slopes. winds were SW and these were also the strongest and coldest.
Hamilton Point consists of a headland, 5 miles long, the S
1.27 Winds from the SW prevail 38 percent of the year and, during
end of which forms the N limit of the narrows of Admiralty some months, 50 percent of the time, with an average velocity
Sound. A narrow, perpendicular ridge of rock, which is shaped of 32 mph. Winds from this quarter blowing during the winter
like a tower, stands prominently on the high cliffs of Hamilton months had an average velocity of 20 mph. The stronger the
Point. winds from this direction, the lower the temperature. The mean
The coast between Hamilton Point and Cape Foster, 13 miles
1.27 temperature when SW winds were blowing was reported to be
WSW, is occupied by the Swift Glacier which terminates at the more than 2 below normal.
sea edge in steep ice cliffs. The Watchtower, a prominent and Winds from the N and NNW are strong and, once started, are
rocky feature, stands 4 miles W of the S end of Hamilton Point. usually of long duration. These are foehn winds which bring
It consists of a rocky mass which is steep-sided, flat-topped, warm weather, but they are not common. Winds from the NE
isolated, and 400m high. are comparatively strong and cold. Calm periods usually raise
The coast then trends SW to Cape Foster and is fronted by
1.27 the temperature above the normal, but bring a wide daily varia-
three headlands. Jefford Point, the most prominent headland, tion in temperature.
consists of a rock cliff surmounted by ice. During the summer months, the temperature does not drop
108 Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island
dell Sea and to the unstable equilibrium of the high pressure ar- a depth of 10m about 4 miles S of Cape Wiman. However, a
ea over the plateau of the Antarctic Peninsula. tidal current, with an estimated rate of 2 knots, was reported to
Caution.Large masses of drifting ice are a hindrance to
1.28 set NE/SW along the SE coast of the island.
navigation S and SE of Snow Hill Island. Large numbers of ice According to a preliminary survey, shoals were reported to
floes have beached S of Snow Hill Island. lie off Cape Wiman. It was also reported that the area between
Cockburn Island and Bodman Point appeared to be extensively
1.29 Picnic Passage, a strait, is about 0.5 mile wide and 1.5 shoaled.
miles long. It separates Snow Hill Island from Seymour Island It is reported that access to the N coast of Seymour Island is
to the NE. Strong currents and tide rips exist in this channel doubtful without the use of an icebreaker. Ice conditions
which shoals to depths of less than 2m in the center LW. The around the island are changeable and dependent on wind direc-
bottom deepens steeply on the NW side of the channel. Sey- tion. There is considerable ice movement along the S coast of
mour Island is 8 miles long and 4 miles wide. It is entirely the island.
snow-free and has a remarkable appearance. The N portion of Currents generally set ESE and WSW in the vicinity of the
the island consists of a level, extensive plateau which reaches island with velocities of up to 1 knot. However, currents of 3 to
an elevation of 180m. Below this smooth plateau, terraces oc- 4 knots have been observed near the SW extremity of Seymour
cur which contain valleys and small irregular knolls of hard Island where Picnic Passage separates the island from Snow
rock. Cross Valley, which cuts through the island from E to W, Hill Island.
has a bottom which is not much above sea level. This valley Directions.It was reported that passage to a bay on the
opens at Penguin Point, on the E shore, and into an unnamed NW side of Seymour Island was attempted by rounding Cape
bay lying close E of Bodman Point, on the W shore. A strip of Wiman. The cape was passed 3 miles to the N and then an at-
deeply dissected land extends between Penguin Point and the tempt was made to steer SW. Depths shoaled to less than 20m
NE extremity of the island. The SW portion of the island pres- on this course that lead between Cockburn Island and Seymour
ents an appearance that is in marked contrast to the smooth sur- Island. At this point, the vessel turned back on a NE course un-
faces of the N portion. The S half of the island has a peculiar til the 180m curve was reached. A W course was then steered,
ribbed appearance, being low and deeply dissected, with many passing Cockburn Island 4 miles to the N. With the left tangent
low hills. Low, perpendicular, and rocky cliffs border the shore, of this island bearing 126 and the right tangent of Cape Gor-
but there are many landing places where the gorges slope grad- don, on Vega Island, bearing 349, the vessels changed course
ually to the sea. to 177. A passage, with considerable depths, was then found
Penguin Point, located on the E side of Seymour Island, is
1.29 by steering S, midway between James Ross Island and Cock-
the site of the Vice Comodoro Marambio base, an Argentinean burn Island. The bottom shoaled gradually from depths of over
station. Anchorage may be taken in a depth of 22m about 1 365m lying between Cape Gage, on James Ross Island, and
mile off this point. Cockburn Island to 15.8m at the anchorage area located 4 miles
Several beacons are reported to stand 3 miles NNE of Pen-
1.29 SSW of Bodman Point.
guin Point and at the NE end of the island. Caution.Large masses of drifting ice are a hindrance to
Cape Wiman, low and rocky, forms the N extremity of the is-
1.29 navigation SE and E of Seymour Island.
land. Bodman Point, a projection, is located on the W side of
the island, 5 miles SW of this cape. 1.31 Erebus and Terror Gulf (6355'S., 5640'W.) lies on
the SE side of the extremity of the Antarctic Peninsula. It is
1.30 Cockburn Island, lying at the NE end of Admiralty bordered on the NE side by Joinville Island and on the SW side
Sound, is circular, 1 mile in diameter, and consists of a high by the James Ross Island Group. This gulf is noted for heavy
plateau. This plateau has steep slopes and is surmounted on its ice conditions and variable currents. Many icebergs have been
NW side by a peak which is 450m high and pyramidal-shaped. observed streaming into the gulf. A SW current, setting at 4
The island is almost entirely ice free. A bold ridge of rock, knots, has been observed at times in the gulf. In the vicinity of
which resembles a tower, stands on the NE edge of the plateau. the Danger Islands, strong currents and whirlpools have been
It is conspicuous and appears prominently in the profile of the reported seen, which render steering difficult and dangerous.
island. A beach fronts the N extremity of the island. Colonies The gulf has not been thoroughly surveyed, but depths of 183
of penguins and cormorants are reported to inhabit the slopes to 366m were reported to lie between the NW extremity of Jo-
of the island. inville Island and the latitude of 65S.
It was reported (1963) that anchorage in this area is not rec-
1.30 An unexamined patch, with a depth of 32.9m, was reported
ommended because sustained offshore winds can blow the drift to lie about 11.5 miles N of Ula Point in position 6401'S,
ice into the area and force the ship upon the lee shore. Howev- 5630'W. In the N section of the gulf, a depth of 40.2m was re-
er, anchorage was taken (1963) on the W side of Seymour Is- ported (1982) to lie in position 6342'S, 5548'W.
land. A vessel obtained anchorage in a depth of 54m, thick
mud and gravel, about 4 miles SW of Bodman Point. It was re- 1.32 Antarctic Sound (6320'S., 5645'W.), about 30
ported (1963) that anchorage can also be taken in a depth of miles long and 7 to 12 miles wide, separates the NE end of the
16m, thick mud and gravel, about 4 miles SSW of Bodman Antarctic Peninsula from the Joinville Island Group. At the SE
Point. These anchorages lying off the W side of the island were end of this sound, the passage narrows and is obstructed by Ro-
reported to appear well-protected from all directions except the samel Island, Andersson Island, and Jonassen Island. There is a
N. depth of 45.7m in the NW entrance to the sound and depths of
It was also reported (1963) that anchorage had been taken in
1.30 over 549m in its central part. A depth of 36.6m lies in the SE
Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island 109
entrance to the sound. Shoals were reported (1963) to lie N of the base of Cape
1.32The sound is usually blocked by ice. On the few occasions Scrymgeour and close above the parallel of 6330'S.
when the sound has been reported to be ice free, it was ob- Yalour Sound, leading between Andersson Island and Jona-
served that heavy drift ice streamed through the narrow pas- ssen Island, is 1 mile wide and 4 miles long. Two small rocks
sage with the impetus of winds and current. lie within this strait and a depth of 7m is reported to lie in the
1.32A vessel reported (1985) that the entire Antarctic Sound, to NE entrance.
the N of Rosamel Island, was essentially ice free and navigable Rosamel Island, 356m high, lies 3.5 miles E of Cape Scrym-
during operations between 27 February and 12 March. How- geour. This island rises in precipitous cliffs of volcanic rock to
ever, there were some icebergs and drift ice during that period. a summit that is flat and mainly ice free.
1.32An Argentinean pilot reported that the Antarctic Sound is The following is a description of the NE end of the Antarctic
free of ice when there is a N wind and the N part of the passage Peninsula, along the W side of the Antarctic Sound:
is navigable. The S part of the sound is usually not navigable in From Fridtjof Sound, the coast trends 3.5 miles NW to a bay.
winter because of ice accumulation. This bay recedes 0.8 mile and has a least depth of 29.3m in its
1.32In the winter of 1969-1970, an Argentinean Army Officer, entrance. Brown Bluff, 745m high, stands 1 mile SW of the
stationed at a base in Hope Bay, reported that the sound was head of the bay. This mountain is ice-capped, flat-topped, and
navigable on a year-round basis. The N part of the passage be- has a prominent cliff, formed of reddish-brown volcanic rock,
ing ice free almost continuously and the S entrance being ice on its N face.
free in N winds. Trepassey Bay (6328'S., 5658'W.), less than 1 mile wide,
1.32According to charted information, adequate mid-channel lies 4 miles N of Brown Bluff and several mountains stand be-
depths, avoiding the rocks and shoal areas, can be found by tween them. Stone Point is located 3.5 miles N of this bay and
steering through the sound on a course of 326 and passing 1 marks the SE entrance to Hope Bay.
mile off Cape Scrymgeour. The N approach to the sound
should be made from the NE, passing 9 miles off D'Urville Is- 1.34 Hope Bay is entered between Stone Point and Shep-
land in order to avoid the rocky shoal areas lying NW and W of pard Point, 1.7 miles NW, and extends 2.5 miles SW. A shelf
it. extends 0.2 mile S from the NE part of the bay and its bottom
1.32Zelee Rocks (6257'S., 5715'W.), lying about 17 miles NW slopes abruptly to depths of over 180m. Depths in the entrance
of D'Urville Island, should be approached from the N with gradually decrease to 24m, about 0.3 mile offshore. Numerous
care. This group of rocks, both visible and submerged, should rocky and shoal areas lie close inshore.
be given a berth of at least 1.5 miles. Within the bay, depths of 110 to over 180m lie in the middle
1.32Caution.A dangerous submerged rock lies about 7 miles and depths of 18.2 to 40m lie in the SW part. The W part of the
WNW of Zelee Rocks. bay has only been partially surveyed and caution is advised in
this area. A depth of 4.5m is reported to lie about 180m S of
1.33 Fridtjof Sound, lying at the SW side of the entrance to Sheppard Point.
Antarctic Sound, separates the Tabarin Peninsula from Anders- The bay was reported (1963) to be open to shipping on an
son Island and Jonessen Island. It leads N for 6 miles, is 2 annual basis. It is estimated that a period of accessibility, from
miles wide, and has a least charted depth of 51.2m lying near early December to late April, exists under ordinary conditions
the N end. A small islet or nunatak lies on the W side of the for ships which are not ice-strengthened.
sound, 5.5 miles NNE of Cape Green, and caution is advised Along the S side of Hope Bay, foul ground and shoals extend
when navigating in this area. up to 0.3 mile offshore and ice cliffs, 150 to 300m high, back
It was reported (1935) that when the S part of the Antarctic
1.33 the coast.
Sound is blocked by heavy ice, safe passage can be found with- Grunden Rock lies 160m offshore, 0.8 mile W of Stone
in Fridtjof Sound for vessels with drafts up to 4.2m. Point. It is 12.5m high and about 90m long. Several other
Gamma Hill, standing 5 miles N of Cape Green, rises to an
1.33 rocks, uncovered and awash, extend up to 0.2 mile N of Grun-
elevation of 300m. Andersson Island lies on the E side of the den Rock.
sound and has a summit, 1,829m high. An anchorage area, with a depth of 40m, lies 0.3 mile NW of
ice cliffs. Overfalls lie close off the NW extremity of Anders- taken because the approaches to the anchorage areas may be
son Island. blocked by bergy bits. This condition is also likely in areas
Cape Scrymgeour, the E extremity of Andersson Island, is
1.33 where depths are less than 90m.
formed by a prominent promontory. It consists of an irregular A rock, awash, is reported to lie close E of the westernmost
mass of volcanic tuff rising perpendicularly out of the sea. This anchorage area in position 6324'50''S, 5658'46''W.
mass forms a lofty precipice and extends inland to the high pla-
teau of the island. 1.35 Hut Cove (6324'S., 5659'W.), lying 1 mile W of
110 Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island
Stone Point, is entered between Grunden Rock and Seal Point. and has a maximum width of 11 miles. The NE part of this is-
Seal Point is located at the seaward end of a peninsula, which land is low and smooth while a mountain of volcanic rock, cov-
forms the W side of the cove, and is fronted by rocks. A land- ered by an ice cap, rises to an elevation of 590m in the S part.
ing place is located close SE of this point. Cape Purvis forms the S extremity of the island and consists of
The depths within the cove decrease to 1.8m close to the
1.35 a high bluff. Welchness, located at the W extremity of the is-
shore. The cove has not been completely surveyed and appears land, consists of a low, gravel spit which projects 1 mile W
to be generally foul. Jagged Rocks, a group of rocks, extends from a line of morainic ice-free hillocks. A light is reported to
for about 200m in a NE/SW direction and lies centered about be shown from a structure, 9m high, standing in the vicinity of
180m off the W shore of the cove, 0.3 mile SE of Seal Point. this spit.
Several rocks, awash, front the NE end of this group. A shoal patch, with a depth of 1.8m, was reported (1975) to
and is fronted by a small pier. A tower, situated near an observ- fronts the ice face. The face is 12m high forms the terminus of
ation spot, stands in the vicinity of the S end of the peninsula. the ice cap which descends in a gentle slope from the higher in-
Eagle Cove (6324'S., 5700'W.), entered on the W side of
1.35 terior. Several patches of exposed rock, brownish-green in col-
Seal Point, has a least depth of 6.4m lying in its E side. Rocky or, can be observed where the snow mantle is thin.
cliffs line the coast in this vicinity and a former British base Ski Beacon, 5.5m high, stands 1.3 miles NE of Welchness.
was situated at the top of the rocky area near the piedmont. This beacon was reported (1982) to be destroyed.
At the head of Hope Bay, the Depot Glacier, a large valley-
1.35 A radiobeacon is reported to be situated 1.5 miles E of
glacier with a lateral moraine, terminates at the water's edge in Welchness, in the vicinity of Petrel, an Argentinean base,
a high, vertical cliff. This glacier is fed by the highland ice which consists of several huts. Petrel Cove lies close NE of the
sheet which extends for a considerable distance to the S. base. Anchorage can be taken in a depth of 62m about 0.7 mile
Caution.For information on the dangers caused by glacial
1.35 NNW of the base. In the approach to this anchorage, the depths
ablation in the Hope Bay area, see paragraph 1.1. shoal rapidly from about 550 to 90m and then gradually level
off. The maximum tidal range is 2.4m. It was reported (1963)
1.36 Mount Flora, standing 0.7 mile SW of the head of that during a 27-hour period, a current in the anchorage area set
Hope Bay, is 520m high and has a well-defined cirque, facing SSW with an average velocity of 0.3 knot and a maximum ve-
NE. locity of 0.5 knot. Care should be taken as this anchorage af-
Whitten Peak, standing 0.5 mile W of the head of Hope Bay,
1.36 fords little protection against NE gales due to the low
is 445m high and pyramidal shaped. elevations of Dundee Island and Joinville Island. The estimated
Mount Taylor, 998m high, and Twin Peaks, 752m high,
1.36 access to this area is from the middle of December until the end
stand W of Hope Bay and are both prominent. of March.
On the W side, the Arena Glacier flows NE from Mount Tay-
1.36 The N side of the island, fronting Active Sound, consists
lor and enters the bay 2 miles SW of Sheppard Point. mainly of ice cliffs but in some places there are beaches and
Sheppard Point, the NW entrance point of the bay, is sur-
1.36 exposed rock. From the W extremity of the island, a continu-
mounted by Sheppard Nunatak, which is conical and 59m high. ous ice cliff fronts the coast. Two rocks, known as Eden Rocks,
Anderson Nunatak, 183m high, stands 1 mile W of this point lie off the E extremity of the island. Puget Rock, fronted by
and rises above the coastal ice cliffs of the N shore. submerged rocks, lies close E of Eden Rocks, 2 miles E of the
The piedmont area in this vicinity is subject to sudden, high
1.36 island.
winds. It was reported that downslope winds from the SW have Caution.For information on the dangers caused by glacial
been recorded with velocities of up to 150 knots. ablation in the Petrel Cove area, see paragraph 1.1.
At Hope Bay, the MHWS is 2.7m and the MLW is -0.5m. It
was reported (1963) that the tidal range is 3.7m. During a 23- 1.38 Paulet Island (6335'S., 5547'W.), lying 3 miles SE
hour period, the currents were observed to be weak and vari- of Dundee Island, is circular and 1 mile in diameter. This island
able. is ice free with steep rocky and scree slopes rising to its summit
Cape Dubouzet, located 7 miles N of Hope Bay, forms the
1.36 which is 353m high. It is composed of volcanic rock and has
NE extremity of the Antarctic Peninsula. It also forms the NW the appearance of a crater. A cone, fronted by a gravel beach,
entrance point of Antarctic Sound. stands on the NE side of the island. It is backed by a lake which
Mount Bransfield is a prominent ice-covered cone from
1.36 is nearly at sea level and fills a cirque cutting into the island. A
which two rocky spurs lead NE and ENE to the coast. A group large penguin colony and a small shag colony are situated near
of moraines lies between the two spurs and at the foot of a gla- this lake. A beacon, 2m high, stands on the island at an eleva-
cier which descends directly from the cone. tion of 100m.
Koerner Rock, lying 3.5 miles SSW of Cape Dubouzet, is a
1.36 Currents, with rates of 2 to 3 knots, have been recorded to
small but conspicuous outcrop. the W of Paulet Island and S of Dundee Island.
Active Sound leads ENE from Antarctic Sound and joins the
1.37 The Joinville Island Group lies at the E extremity of Firth of Tay, which separates Joinville Island and Dundee Is-
Antarctic Sound. The largest islands are Dundee, Joinville, land. This sound has an average width of 2 miles and its shores
Bransfield, and D'Urville. are fronted by ice cliffs. A reef extends about half way across
Dundee Island (6330'S., 5555'W.) is ice-covered and lies
1.37 the sound from the NW extremity of Dundee Island. A rock
at the S end of the group. It is roughly circular, 14 miles long, lies in the center of the sound at the E end where it joins Gib-
Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island 111
son Bay and the Firth of Tay. This sound was reported to be ice and, is low. Fliess Bay, lying close W of the point, and Ambush
locked. Bay, lying 5 miles further W, have not been surveyed. A dan-
The Firth of Tay, 12 miles long and 6 miles wide, leads in a
1.38 gerous rock is reported to lie 0.3 mile offshore, between these
NW/SE direction from the NE end of Active Sound. Active two bays.
Reef extends for about 1 mile into the firth from the NE side of
Dundee Island. A depth of 37m lies close N of Active Reef in 1.40 Etna Island, lying 5 miles NNW of Fritzroy Point, is
position 6322'S, 5549'W. 0.3 mile long and 0.3 mile wide. This island is 49m high and
can be identified by its summit which is cone-shaped and re-
1.39 Joinville Island (6315'S., 5545'W.) is the largest of sembles a volcano. The N end of the island descends to the sea
the group, being 40 miles long and 12 miles wide. This island in a long slope while the S end abruptly drops from the summit
is completely ice capped and rises to Mount Tholus, the sum- to a low plateau. A horizontal band of stones, which is ice free
mit, which is 823m high. Smooth glacial slopes extend from and appears black from a distance, aids in distinguishing this
Mount Tholus and are broken by a series of undulating hills. island. Several reefs, above-water, have been reported to ex-
Mount Percy, 765m high, stands 6.5 miles E of Mount Tholus. tend up to 0.5 mile N and W from the island and it should be
The S coast of the island leads along Active Sound and the given a berth of at least 1 mile.
Firth of Tay. King Point forms the NW entrance point of Ambush Bay.
tak stands inland from the bay and is prominent, isolated, and and Rockpepper Bay and extend up to 1.5 miles offshore.
440m high. Rockpepper Bay is entered close E of Borcal Point and recedes
Gibson Bay, lying at the junction of Active Sound and Firth
1.39 to the S. The E side of the bay is fronted by numerous small is-
of Tay, indents the S side of Joinville Island and recedes for 1.5 lets and rocks.
miles. The interior slopes above this bay are irregular and cre- Papua Island, circular and about 0.3 mile in diameter, lies 3
vassed. The shore of the bay is formed by ice cliffs, up to 18m miles WNW of Boreal Point. A large number of gentoo pen-
high. Near the head of the bay, an island is reported to lie about guins have been sighted on this island.
1 mile offshore. The NW shore of Joinville Island fronts Larsen Channel.
by Mount Alexander, which consists of several summits and lated. When viewed from the S, this nunatak appears dome-
rises to an elevation of 595m. Haddon Bay, lying E of this pen- shaped while from the N, it appears as a conspicuous, rocky
insula, extends 2.5 miles N but has not been surveyed. wall.
Tay Head (6321'S., 5534'W.) is located 6 miles E of
1.39 A small islet lies at the NE end of Larsen Channel, N of Sax-
Mount Alexander, at the end of a narrow peninsula, and fronted um Nunatak and 0.5 mile off the N shore of Joinville Island.
by several small islets and rocks. Moody Point is located 13 Madder Cliffs (6318'S., 5629'W.), formed of reddish
miles E of Tay Head. The coast between is fringed by numer- rock, rise steeply from the sea and attain a height of 305m.
ous rocks and small islands. Two rocks, known as Williwaw Suspiros Bay, lying close SW of Madder Cliffs, indents the
Rocks, lie about 1 mile SE of Moody Point. Scud Rock, isolat- coast of Joinville Island and recedes E for 1.5 miles. An island
ed, and Brash Island, also isolated, lie 4 miles S and 6 miles is reported to lie 0.2 mile off the S side of this bay. Another is-
SE, respectively, of Moody Point. Brash ice is reported to be land, 0.4 mile long, is reported to lie 0.5 mile SW of the N en-
frequently found in the vicinity of Brash Island. trance point. Anchorage may be obtained in the S part of the
The Danger Islands (6326'S., 5441'W.) is a chain, con-
1.39 bay. It is reported that anchorage may also be taken between
sisting of seven islands, which trends in a NE/ SW direction the two islands over a bottom of sand, mud, and stones.
within 15 miles ESE of Moody Point. It was reported (1963) that shoals were observed to lie to the
land of the chain, is an isolated stack, 35m high. Other islands gently slopes toward the bay.
in the chain include Brash Island, Earle Island, and Beagle Is- Cape Kinnes, the W extremity of Joinville Island, is located
land. A beacon, 2m high, is reported to stand on the northeast- 3.5 miles S of Suspiros Bay and fronts the Antarctic Sound.
ernmost island of the chain. The area in the vicinity of these is-
lands is difficult to access due to the large number of tabular 1.41 Larsen Channel, 10 miles long and 1 to 2.5 miles
icebergs found aground in the shallow waters. wide, lies in a NE/SW direction and separates Joinville Island
The coast extending for 5 miles SW of Moody Point is
1.39 from D'Urville Island. This channel has never been reported to
formed by a single glacier which descends from the interior be ice free and has a least reported depth of 88m. Rocks and is-
heights to a cliffed face, 30m high, at the water's edge. lets extend up to 1.3 miles offshore along both sides of the E
Fitzroy Point is located 10 miles N of Moody Point. Depths
1.39 entrance. Two islets lie close off the N shore of Joinville Island,
of 29 to 102m lies within 1.8 miles of this stretch of the coast. at the NE end of the channel. Overfalls were reported (1963) to
Foul ground, with several rocks and islets, fronts Fitzroy Point exist about 0.5 mile NW of the westernmost islet. A shoal, with
and extends up to 2.5 miles SE and 1 mile offshore. a depth of 9.1m, lies about 2 miles off Joinville Island, 2 miles
Fitzroy Point, which forms the NE extremity of Joinville Isl-
1.39 NW of Boreal Point.
112 Sector 1. The Weddell SeaCape Norvegia to Joinville Island
the Joinville Island Group, is 17 miles long and 305m high. It lle Island, 5.5 miles W of Medley Rocks.
has a smooth and unbroken ice cap which terminates at the From the NE end of D'Urville Island, the coast trends W for
coast in high cliffs. Several islets and rocks extend up to 7 12 miles to Cape Juncal, the NW extremity of the island. Foul
miles seaward of this island. ground extends up to 1 mile W and 2 miles N of this cape.
Turnbull Point, the W extremity of the island, is exposed,
1.41 Southtrap Rocks, located about 4 miles W of the cape, and
rocky, and fronted by numerous rocks and islets. Hope Island, Northtrap Rocks, located about 5.5 miles NW of the cape, lie
the largest of a group of islands, lies centered about 6 miles W near the approach to the Antarctic Sound and caution is ad-
of this point. This island is 31m high and a rock lies about 3 vised when transiting in this area.
miles SSW of it. Care should be taken when navigating in this A group of rocks, existence doubtful, was reported to lie
extremity of D'Urville Island. Burden Passage separates the Juncal. It is the largest of a group of above and below-water
SW side of the island from Bransfield Island. This channel is rocks which lie off the N coast of D'Urville Island. Harris Rock
2.5 miles wide and extends from Antarctic Sound, at the NW and a submerged rock lie 1.5 miles N and about 4 miles NNE,
end, to Larsen Channel, at the SE end. It is unsurveyed, but ice- respectively, of Montrol Rock.
bergs indicate the presence of considerable depths within this
passage. Bransfield Island (6311'S., 5636'W.), low and ice cov-
The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands
2.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
2.0 Additional DNC library coverage may be found in NGA DNC 29 (Limited Distribution) disc within the README\GRAPHICS folder.
116 Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands
accelerated, exposing uncharted land and rocks. This is partic- which is 6m high, lie 0.5 mile ESE of Florence Rock. A shoal,
ularly significant along the ice shelf of Maxwell Bay (Dan with a depth of 9.1m, and another rock lie about 0.5 mile SSE
Samuel Bay) (paragraph 2.23). The contours displayed on the and 0.3 mile NW, respectively, of Florence Rock.
radar screen in these cases may cause confusion and uncertain- 2.2Point Rae, the NE entrance point of Scotia Bay, is located
ty in the vessels position. 0.5 mile W of Valette Island.
2.1Numerous bergs may be carried through the straits and nar- 2.2Ailsa Craig, a precipitous island, is 169m high and lies 1
row channels by the strong currents, often restricting naviga- mile SSW of Florence Rock.
tion within these waters. 2.2Scotia Bay (6046'S., 4440'W.), lying near the SE extremi-
2.1Red Dot Areas and Red Dot Points have been identified ty of the Mossman Peninsula, is entered between Point Rae and
by remote-sensed gravity data as containing depths which may Cape Murdoch. Depths of 53 to 119m lie about 1 mile NE of
be potential hazards to navigation. The areas, which lie NW, N, Cape Murdoch. Shoals, with depths of 29 and 31m, lie 0.9 mile
and NE of, as well as within, the South Shetland Islands, and NE and 1.1 miles NNE, respectively, of the cape.
the predicted depths (plus or minus 250m) within them, are 2.2It is reported that strong S winds cause many icebergs to lie
best seen on the chart. Mariners are advised to navigate with in the approaches to Scotia Bay.
caution in these areas. 2.2Five rocks lie offshore between Point Rae and Point Davis;
however, the survey data for this area is extremely limited. It
The South Orkney Islands was reported that a least depth of 12.8m lies in the vicinity of
these rocks.
2.2 Laurie Island (6044'S., 4437'W.), located at the E 2.2Point Davis is located 1.2 miles WNW of Point Rae and
end of the South Orkney Islands, is 12.5 miles long and lies in cliffs extend inland to the coast at this point. Two submerged
an E/W direction. rocks, over which heavy seas break, lie about 0.3 mile S of this
2.2The E end of the island is formed by Cape Dundas, which is point. A rock, with a least depth of 1.8m, was reported to lie
229m high. The peninsula leading to this cape slopes gradually about 0.5 mile WNW of Point Davis.
to a low plateau, rising again to a hill at the E extremity. It is 2.2Point Moreno, the E entrance point of a cove, is located 1.2
joined to the mainland by a neck of land, 90m wide. Rocks and miles NW of Point Davis and fronted by a ledge that extends
ledges front the SW side of this peninsula and seas break heav- up to about 90m S. The cove, which is 0.3 mile long, has
ily over the rocks which lie up to about 1 mile E of it. depths of 9 to 18m that decrease toward the shore. A shoal,
2.2A shoal, with a depth of 9.1m, lies about 1.6 miles NNE of with a depth of 1.8m, lies 0.2 mile NW of Point Moreno.
Cape Dundas. Hart Rock, 10m high, lies 3.2 miles NNE of the 2.2Anchorage in Scotia Bay is not recommended because the
cape and another rock lies about 2 miles WNW of it. Care bay is exposed and it is too restricted within the cove. Howev-
should be taken when approaching this area. er, temporary anchorage may be taken, in a depth of 17m, good
2.2Fitchie Bay, lying 2.5 miles SW of the Ferrier Peninsula, is 3 holding ground, near the middle of the entrance to the cove,
miles wide. about 0.3 mile W of Point Moreno and 0.25 mile from the
2.2Graptolite Island (6044'S., 4428'W.) lies at the NE end of beach at the head of the cove. The masts of a radio station are
Fitchie Bay and a small islet is located 1.3 miles SW of it. A reported to stand near the head of the cove.
submerged wreck lies about 0.7 mile WSW of this island and a 2.2Point Martin (6047'S., 4441'W.) is located 1.4 miles S of
patch of discolored water is reported to lie 1 mile SSE of it. the cove, on the E coast of the Mossman Peninsula. Depths of
2.2A rock, with a depth of 2m, and a shoal, with a depth of 18m, less than 5.5m lie up to 0.4 mile offshore and the entire coast
lie about 1.5 miles SE and 1.7 miles ESE, respectively, of Cape between the cove and Cape Murdock, 2.4 miles SE, is lined
Dundas. Another shoal, with a depth of 9.1m, lies in the SE ap- with cliffs. Two rocks, one marked by a beacon, lie about 1.3
proach to the bay, 1.5 miles SSW of Cape Dundas. miles NNW of Point Martin.
2.2Aitken Cove, lying close SW of Fitchie Bay, is separated 2.2Two islets lie between Point Martin and Cape Murdock, 1
from Methuen Cove, to the SW, by Cape Whitson. Several con- mile SE. Numerous below and above-water rocks lie within 0.5
spicuous serrated ridges are located on the W side of Aitken mile of the cape.
Cove and a small glacier fronts the head. Cape Whitson is very 2.2Buchan Bay recedes for 0.5 mile between the two forks of
exposed and is fronted by a continuous ice cliff. Rocks, sub- the Mossman Peninsula and its shores are fronted by numerous
merged and awash, lie within 1.5 miles SE of this cape. Murray rocks.
Island, 18m high, lies 1.2 miles E of the cape. 2.2Cape Hartree, 155m high, is formed by a jagged saw-toothed
2.2Mill Cove, 0.6 mile wide, extends for about 0.6 mile in a N promontory which is located 1.5 miles SW of the Mossman
direction. Its E side, 244m high, is fringed by rocks which rise Peninsula.
abruptly to a cliff. A terminal glacier, fronted by an ice cliff, is 2.2Wilton Bay, 1.3 miles long, lies 2 miles NNW of the west-
located at the head. It fills a narrow column and extends N to ernmost fork of the Mossman Peninsula. Cape Davidson, the S
Browns Bay. Valette Island, 0.3 mile long, lies in the entrance extremity of the Mackenzie Peninsula, forms the NW entrance
of the cove, close to the W shore. Depths of 38 to 47m lie in the point of this bay. A group of below and above-water rocks ex-
outer part of the cove, while the NW part of the cove has tends up to 0.3 mile S of this cape and the outermost is 11m
depths of 10 to 20m. A shoal is located in the center of the NE high. Another rock, 12m high, lies about 0.3 mile W of the
part of the cove. The inner part of the cove has not been sur- cape.
2.2Florence Rock, 24m high, lies 0.5 mile S of Valette Island 2.3 The Mackenzie Peninsula (6045'S., 4448'W.),
and a small islet lies close NE it. Two rocks, the northernost of steep and rocky, forms the W end of Laurie Island and is 366m
Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands 117
high. Its W side, which has several indentations, leads NW E side of this bay and Cape Valavielle, 43m high, forms its N
from Cape Davidson to Route Point, the NW extremity. extremity. Numerous rocks front the N coasts of the peninsula
2.3Cape Roca is located 1.8 miles NW of Cape Davidson and and lie up to 0.5 mile offshore. The outermost rock, 4.6m high,
an unnamed cape lies midway between them. A group of rocks lies about 0.5 mile NW of Cape Valavielle.
front the coast, 0.2 mile N of Cape Davidson and several rocks 2.4Marr Bay and Mackintosh Cove, unsurveyed, lie E of the
lie up to 0.4 mile SSW of the unnamed cape. Another rock Watson Peninsula and are separated by a projection of land the
fronts the shore, close S of Cape Roca. N extremity of which is known as Fraser Point. Several ex-
2.3A group of prominent rocks lies N of the Mackenzie Penin- posed rocks front this point and a rock, 4.6m high, lies about 2
sula. Nigg Rock, fringed by numerous small rocks, is the inner- miles NE of it.
most of this group. It is 155m high and lies 0.5 mile off Route 2.4Cape Dundas is located 3.4 miles SE of Mackintosh Cove.
Point. The coast between is marked by several protruding points of
2.3Eillium Island, 201m high, lies 0.5 mile NNW of Nigg Rock. land, each of which is fronted by numerous rocks and islets.
An islet, 46m high, and a rock lie 0.2 mile NW and 0.5 mile E,
respectively, of this island. 2.5 The Weddell Islands (6039'S., 4451'W.) and Sad-
dle Island (6038'S., 4450'W.) lie 4.5 miles N and 5.7 miles
2.4 Jessie Bay is entered between Cape Robertson, locat- N, respectively, of Route Point, on Laurie Island.
ed on the Mackenzie Peninsula, and Cape Mabel, located on 2.5The Weddell Islands consist of two islands and a number of
the Price Peninsula. This bay is 4.5 miles long, 3.5 miles wide, rocks. Two rocks, awash, and several submerged rocks lie close
and Uruguay Cove lies at its head. Rocks, with depths of less SW of the easternmost island and seas break over this entire ar-
than 1.8m, have been reported to lie in the middle of the bay, ea. Scapa Rock, 20m high, lies 0.5 mile N of the westernmost
ENE of Route Point. island.
2.4Uruguay Cove, about 0.5 mile wide and 0.5 mile long, is 2.5Saddle Island, 2 miles long, is nearly divided into two parts
open to the sea on the N side and open to the SE across the low, by a narrow channel filled with boulders. This island has twin
narrow isthmus which separates it from Scotia Bay. A conspic- summits, the tallest being 427m high and standing at the E end.
uous and sugar-loaf shaped hill, 40m high, stands near the head A glacier lies on the S side of the island and forms a prominent
of the bay and projects through the glacier which extends to the landmark. Numerous rocks lie off the W side of the island and
sea. off the E extremity. A small rocky cove indents the N side of
2.4Mount Ramsay (6044'S., 4444'W.), 474m high, stands on the island is used for landing.
the W side of Uruguay Cove and is one of the highest peaks on 2.5There are depths of 37 to over 360m in the waters lying be-
Laurie Island. tween Laurie Island and the Weddell Islands. A least depth of
2.4Mount Lola (6044'S., 4443'W.) is 171m high and another 29m is reported to lie in the W end of the passage leading be-
peak, 270m high, rises close E of it. tween the Weddell Islands and Saddle Island. Care should be
2.4Uruguay Cove has general depths of 11 to 26m. Shoal patch- taken when navigating within 1 mile S of the Weddell Islands.
es, with depths of 6.4 and 11m, lie 0.5 mile NW and 0.4 mile 2.5Washington Strait, 3 miles wide, leads between Laurie Is-
NW, respectively, of Mount Lola. Another shoal patch, with a land, on one side, and Frederiksen Island and Powell Island on
depth of 8.4m, is reported to lie about 0.3 mile SSW of Mount the other. A depth of 73m lies in the S part of the strait and
Lola. lesser depths are reported to lie in the N part. The strait was ob-
2.4Cape Mabel forms the N extremity of the Pirie Peninsula served to be free of dangers, except for shoal depths of 16.4
which is narrow and trends 3 miles N from the main island. and 18.3m which were reported to lie 1.3 miles S and 2.3 miles
This peninsula separates Jessie Bay from Brown's Bay. Cliffs SE, respectively, of the S end of Frederiksen Island. However,
extend along the coast in the vicinity of the cape. Islets lie 0.5 strong tidal currents and tide rips may be expected in this strait
mile NW and 0.5 mile N of the cape. and grounded icebergs are frequently encountered here. Ex-
2.4Mabel Island (6044'S., 4442'W.), 180m long, lies 1.5 treme care should be taken when navigating in this strait and its
miles NW of Cape Mabel. approaches as several islands lying in this vicinity are reported
2.4Brown's Bay, 1.5 miles wide, is entered between Thomson to have been incorrectly charted.
Point, located on the Pirie Peninsula, and Cape Geddes, located 2.5Several islands, the largest of which are Fredriksen and Pow-
at the N end of the Ferguslie Peninsula. Several islets and a ell, lie on the W side of the strait.
submerged rock lie off the E coast of the Pirie Peninsula and 2.5Fredriksen Island (6044'S., 4459'W.), 2.5 miles long and
front this bay. 0.5 mile wide, is rocky with steep slopes. It has no ice covering
2.4Cape Geddes, located at the N end of the Ferguslie Peninsula, except for a few patches of permanent snow. The summit of
is faced by a cliff, 152m high, and fronted by crushed rocks. this island rises at the N end and 244m high. The N extremity
2.4The depths within Brown's Bay have not been completely of the island, which is known as Cape Barlas, is fronted by sev-
surveyed and are reported to vary between 18m, near to the eral above-water rocks. Numerous rocks and islets lie close off
shore, and 143m, in the E part of the center of the entrance. the E and W sides of the island, within about 1 mile of the
Rudmose Rocks, lying 0.8 mile N of Cape Geddes, are round- cape.
ed, ice worn, and may be seen above the surface of the water. 2.5A channel, with a least depth of 14.6m, lies close to the W
Numerous other rocks lie close offshore between Rudmose side of Fredriksen Island and permits passage between this is-
Rocks and Cape Geddes. land and Powell Island, but considerable discolored water has
2.4Macdougal Bay, lying NE of the Ferguslie Peninsula, is not been reported to exist on the W side of this strait.
recommended for anchorage. The Watson Peninsula flanks the 2.5Powell Island (6041'S., 4503'W.), lying close NW of
118 Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands
Fredriksen Island, is 7 miles long and about 1.5 miles wide. Skilling Island, Steepholm Island, Matthews Island, and Coffer
The N extremity of this island is formed by Cape Faraday and Island.
its N part consists of glaciers. John Peaks, up to 415m high, 2.7Atriceps Island (6047'S., 4509'W.), 1 mile long, is the
rise near the S end of the island and are snow-covered. southernmost of the group and South Cape forms the S extremity
2.5Numerous rocks front the E shore of the island and a rock, of this island. Vessels should navigate with extreme care in the
with several submerged rocks lying within 0.2 mile N of it, lies areas lying to the S and SE of this cape as the salient points are
about 0.8 mile ESE of Cape Faraday. frequently obscured by large icebergs and several shoal areas ex-
2.5A group, consisting of seven rocks, and a submerged rock, tend up to 3.6 miles S and 1.5 miles E from the island.
which sometimes beaks, lie about 0.8 mile WSW and 1 mile 2.7Skilling Island (6046'S., 4509'W.) is small and lies close
SW, respectively, of Cape Faraday. A group of rocks fronts N of Atriceps Island. A rocky area lies between these islands
Cape Disappointment, the W extremity of the island, and lies and rocks extend up to 0.8 mile ESE from this island.
up to 0.8 mile offshore. An islet lies almost midway between 2.7Steepholm Island (6046'S., 4509'W.), along with two
Capes Disappointment and Faraday. smaller unnamed islands, lies close N of Skilling Island. An
2.5Caution.The S part of Powell Island, which includes John above-water rock and a rock, awash, lie about 0.7 mile E of
Peaks, Christoffersen Island, Michelson Island, Fredriksen Is- these islands.
land, and the adjacent islets all lie within a designated specially 2.7Matthews Island, the largest of the Robertson Islands, is
protected area. They are considered to support vegetation, horseshoe shaped and separated from Coronation Island, to the
birds, and mammals, representative of the South Orkney Is- N, by The Divide, a narrow passage. Whale Bay is located at
lands. the W end of The Divide.
2.7Coffer Island (6045'S., 4508'W.), lying close E of Matthews
2.6 Michelson Island lies near the S end of Powell Island Island, is 105m high. Anchorage can be taken in a depth of 27m to
and is connected to it by a narrow isthmus of boulders, inter- the S of this island, but the berth is exposed to the E.
mittently submerged. This island is 0.6 mile long, 38m high, 2.7Coronation Island (6037'S., 4535'W.), the largest of the
and several islets lie close off its NE end. A smaller and un- South Orkney Islands, extends for 25 miles in an E/W direction
named island, encompassed by foul ground, lies off the S end and is 3 to 8 miles wide. This island is mainly ice covered and
of Michelson Island. Grey Island, 0.2 mile long and 43m high, comprises many bays, glaciers, and peaks. The highest peak,
lies about 0.5 mile S of this unnamed island. Two small islets Mount Nivea, rises to an elevation of 1,265m and stands on the
lie off the E end of Grey Island and foul ground extends up to E side of the central part of the island. The ridge of this peak
0.2 mile S of it. descends to the sea in steep, rocky ridges that terminate in bold
2.6Ellefsen Harbor is entered between Michelson Island and headlands, except on the N and NW coasts, where the ice cap
Christoffersen Island, 0.3 mile W. This harbor extends for 0.2 descends in a gentle slope to the water's edge. Deacon Hill, a
mile and has depths of 12.8 to 25.6m in the middle, decreasing conspicuous and ice-covered peak, is 330m high. It forms the
toward the shore. Although small, the harbor has good holding most prominent landmark when approaching from the N or S.
ground and is sheltered. Across the entrance, a chain of above- 2.7Orwell Bight (6043'S., 4523'W.), about 5 miles wide, in-
water rocks extends for about 0.4 mile SSE from the S end of dents the S coast of the island and is bounded on the W side by
Christoffersen Island. The southernmost rock is 27m high and Signy Island. The coast in this vicinity is rocky and steep with
a rock, awash, lies close ESE of it. ice falls and glaciers.
2.6The approaches to the harbor from the S and SE have not be-
ing fully surveyed and extreme care must be exercised. En- 2.8 Whale Bay (6044'S., 4511'W.) leads to the W end
trance to the harbor may be made via a channel lying near the of The Divide and as far as Saunders Point, 4.5 miles NW. The
W side of Michelsen Island. This channel is about 180m wide coast is fronted by many islands and rocks which extend up to
and has depths of 11 to 24m. A dangerous rock lies in the en- about 0.5 mile offshore. This area, which was surveyed in
trance to the harbor, about 0.3 mile off the S extremity of 1965, is considered to be free of dangers to within 1.5 miles of
Christoffersen Island. the coast.
2.6Falkland Harbor, suitable only for small craft, is entered 0.4 2.8A depth of 37m lies in the entrance to Whale Bay and an-
mile NW of Ellefsen Harbor and is mostly foul. chorage can be obtained in a depth of 33m within its NE cor-
2.6Lewthwaite Strait separates Powell Island from Coronation Is- ner, near The Divide.
land, to the W. This strait is 2.5 miles wide, but its navigable 2.8Schist Point (6043'S., 4514'W.) is fronted by a small islet.
width is reduced to about 1 mile by rocks lying on each side and 2.8Amphibolite Point (6041'S., 4521'W.), located 1 mile
grounded icebergs are reported to be frequently found here. Ex- NW of Schist Point, is conspicuous and pyramidal-shaped.
treme care should be taken when navigating in the approaches 2.8Olivine Point (6040'S., 4529'W.) is located 5 miles ESE of
and within the strait as many of the small islands in this vicinity Saunders Point. The coast between is fronted by numerous is-
have been reported to be incorrectly charted. A tidal current set- lands and dangers which extend up to 0.5 mile offshore. A sur-
ting SW at a rate of 2 to 2.5 knots was experienced (1982) at a vey was made of this vicinity to within 2 miles of the shore and
position about 8 miles NNE of the strait. vessels approaching any closer should do so with care.
2.8Reid Island (6041'S., 4530'W.) lies at the E side of the en-
2.7 Several islands, the largest being Coronation Island, trance leading into Iceberg Bay (6039'S., 4530'W.) at the
lie on the W side of Lewthwaite Strait. In addition, a group, head of which lies Sunshine Glacier (6038'S., 4530'W.).
known as the Robertson Islands, extends from the SE extremity This glacier is 3 miles long, 2 miles wide, and flows in a S di-
of Coronation Island. This group includes Atriceps Island, rection. It is the largest glacier on the S coast of Coronation Is-
Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands 119
land and terminates in ice cliffs, up to 60m high. mile W of Confusion Island. Passage through the channel is
2.8Iceberg Bay is entered between Olivine Point and Cape recommended for boats only. Moe Island has been designated a
Hansen (6040'S., 4535'W.). The bay has depths up to 183m Specially Protected Area.
lying in the center, but it shoals at the W end where there are Mariholm Island (6045'S., 4542'W.), 26m high, is the
several islets and rocks. largest of a group of islands which lies about 0.5 mile S of Moe
2.8Shingle Cove (6039'S., 4534'W.), small and sheltered, lies Island. Numerous obstructions front this island. A rock, with a
in the NW corner of the bay. Landing on the beach at the SW depth of 3.6m and over which the sea often breaks, lies 0.3
side of this cove is reported to be usually easy. This cove is one mile E of Mariholm Island. Another rock, with a depth of 7m,
of the few places in the vicinity from which access to the interior lies 0.9 mile S of Confusion Island and a shoal patch, with a
of Coronation Island can be made. A large cairn, 76m high, depth of 16.4m, lies 0.5 mile SE of it. A shoal, with a depth of
stands on the rocky spur which forms the SW side of the cove. 15.5m, lies about 1.5 miles SW of Mariholm island. Vessels
2.8Marshall Bay (6039'S., 4538'W.) lies between Cape Han- navigating in this area are advised to pass to the S of all of
sen and Cape Vik (6040'S., 4540'W.). This bay is 2 miles these dangers.
wide and has depths of 54 to 165m; however, caution is neces- Several irregular patches, in which the depths decrease rap-
sary as drying rocks are located throughout the bay up to 0.75 idly from about 100m, lie S of Mariholm Island. The southern-
mile off the NE shore of the bay. A small rock lies 0.5 mile SW most patch, with a least depth of 27m, lies about 3.5 miles
of Cape Vik. SSW of Oliphant Island.
2.8Lynch Island (6039'S., 4536'W.), 33m high, lies on the E Porteous Point (6044'S., 4541'W.) and Jebsen Point
side of the bay and is designated as a Specially Protected Area. (6043'S., 4541'W.) are separated by an unnamed bay which
2.8Laws Glacier (6038'S., 4538'W.), a confluent glacier sys- has several rocks fronting its E side. A rock, with a depth of
tem, flows into Marshall Bay. 3.5m, has been reported (2007) to lie about 0.25 mile SW of
Jebsen Point. Cummings Cove lies on the NE side of the point
2.9 Signy Island (6043'S., 4538'W.), 4 miles long and and has a beach at its head.
less than 3 miles wide, lies close S of the middle of Coronation Port Jebsen, formed by a cove, lies close N of Jebsen Point.
Island from which it is separated by Normanna Strait A stranded wreck is reported to lie at the head of this cove. Jeb-
(6040'S., 4538'W.). This strait is 1 mile wide at its narrowest sen Rocks lie up to about 0.5 mile NW and N of the point.
part, deep, and mostly clear. The Flensing Islands (6042'S., 4541'W.), a group of four
2.9North Point (6041'S., 4538'W.), the N extremity of Signy island, lies about 1 mile N of Jebsen Rocks. The southernmost
Island, is fronted by foul ground which extends up to 0.2 mile island is 0.3m high, the central island is 3.3m high, and the oth-
offshore. The island is fringed by numerous islets and above er two islands are 1.2m high.
and submerged rocks; however, there are several good anchor- A submerged rock, foul ground, and an unexamined area
ages that are sheltered from the wind and have good holding front the coast between the Flensing Islands and North Point.
ground. Spindrift Rocks (6042'S., 4540'W.), a group of rocks, lies
2.9Tioga Hill (6044'S., 4539'W.), 279m high, stands on the close off the coast, 0.9 mile SW of North Point. The rocks are
W side of the island and forms the summit. Robin Peak, 262m ice free and a attain a height of about 15m.
high, is the highest peak on the N side of the island. This hill is Paal Harbor (6043'S., 4536'W.) lies between Rethval
rocky with sheer cliffs on its E side. Jane Peak, 205m high, has Point (6044'S., 4536'W.) and Polynesia Point (6043'S.,
a rocky turret and rises at the head of Borge Bay (6043'S., 4536'W.). This inlet has depths of 18 to 31m in its entrance.
4537'W.). Borge Bay (6043'S., 4537'W.) lies between Bernsten
2.9The Oliphant Islands (6045'S., 4536'W.) is a group con- Point, at the S side, and Balin Point, at the N side. Vessels are
sisting of several small islands, islets, and rocks, which lies advised to approach this bay from the NE. A light is reported to
close S of Gourlay Point (6044'S., 4536'W.). be shown from a structure standing 0.1 mile S of Bernsten
2.9Dove Channel (6045'S., 4536'W.) leads through this Point.
group in a general E/W direction and is obstructed by many Outer Island lies 0.4 mile ESE of Bernsten Point and is sur-
reefs and shoals. A rock, awash, lies 0.3 mile NE of Gourlay rounded by foul ground which extends up to about 0.2 mile off-
Point and a shoal, with a depth of 9.4m, lies close ESE of it. shore on the N side.
Another shoal, with a depth of 5m, lies 0.6 mile SE of Gourlay Bare Rock, 5.8m high, and Small Rock, 0.3m high, lie 0.2
120 Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands
ed, and a stream from which freshwater can be obtained lie on (6038'S., 4601'W.) and Penguin Point (6031'S., 4556'W.),
the W side of the bay. is fronted by a series of rocky cliffs over which the highland ice
Factory Cove (6043'S., 4537'W.) is the site of Signy, a
2.11 spills in the form of ice falls and hanging glaciers.
permanently-manned British Antarctic Survey Station. A radio Fulmar Bay (6037'S., 4601'W.), 1 mile wide, lies between
station, with several masts, and a meteorological station stand Return Point and Moreton Point (6037'S., 4602'W.). An ice
on the E side of the cove. The station is fronted by a small pier cliff, 49m high, rises within this bay and twin peaks, 635m
and a slipway that are both accessible except at LW. high, stand close E of it.
A stranded wreck is reported to lie on the beach at the cove.
2.11 Monroe Island (6036'S., 4603'W.), 299m high, is the larg-
Anchorage may be obtained in a depth of 26m about 0.3 mile S est and easternmost of the Larsen Islands (6036'S.,
of Balin Point and in a depth of 7.3m within the cove. It is re- 4603'W.). The northernmost of this group of islands is 241m
ported that a vessel anchored in a depth of 36.6m about 0.3 high.
mile N of Outer Island. Nicolas Rocks (6034'S., 4606'W.), a chain, extends sea-
care should be taken as many of the shoals have not been fully mountains, the tallest being 636m high.
examined. Sphinx Rock (6037'S., 4605'W.) lies close SW of Monroe
2.12 Gerd Island (6040'S., 4544'W.), 16m high, lies 1 The Twins (6037'S., 4604'W.), two rocks lying close to-
mile W of Stene Point (6039'S., 4542'W.). A clear passage, gether, are located 0.4 mile SE of Sphinx Rock. It is reported
about 0.8 mile wide, leads between this island and Coronation that tide rips occur to the W of these rocks.
Island. A drying rock lies about 0.3 mile SSW of Gerd Island. Numerous above and below-water rocks lie in the NW part
covered by glaciers. crease towards the head. The N entrance of the bay is narrowed
The Gosling Islands (6039'S., 4555'W.), a scattered group
2.12 by Spine Island (6036'S., 4602'W.) which lies between
of islands and rocks, lies close S and W of Meier Point. An- Monroe Island and Coronation Island. A channel, about 180m
chorage can be taken in depths of 18 to 36m on the W side of wide, leads through the N entrance and W of Spine Island
Norway Bight and clear of the islands and rocks. where depths of 14.6 to 37m can be found. The channel leading
The Monk Islands (6040'S., 4555'W.), a group of very
2.12 to the E of the island is not recommended.
small islands and rocks, lies 2 miles S of Meier Point. The tall- Anchorage can be obtained in depths of 9 to 12m in the N
est island is 7.3m high and rocks extend up to 0.5 mile N and part of the bay and S of Mainsail Rock. It was reported (1950)
0.5 mile S from it. Foul ground fronts the coast extending be- that a vessel anchored 0.6 mile SSW of Mainsail Rock. How-
tween Meier Point and Cheal Point (6038'S., 4559'W.). ever, anchoring within Sandefjord Bay was not recommended,
The W coast of Coronation Island, between Return Point
2.12 except in calm weather, as the berths were subject to strong tid-
Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands 121
al currents. Anchorage can also be obtained in depths of 26 to rocks and foul ground lie between these islets.
33m in the S entrance to the bay. The coast between Foul Point and Palmer Bay (6037'S.,
gation, lie about 3.5 and 4.5 miles WNW of Melson Rocks. 4511'W.) and is broken and irregular with cliffy bays.
Despair Rocks (6033'S., 4610'W.) lie 3 miles S of Melson
2.13 Rayner Point (6039'S., 4510'W.) is located 1 mile SE of
Rocks. These rocks extend 0.5 mile SSE and the sea sometimes East Cape. The coast between is formed by several rugged out-
breaks over them. croppings with glacial slopes and foul ground extends up to
Lay-brother Rock (6034'S., 4613'W.), awash, lies about
2.13 about 0.5 mile offshore.
1.8 miles SW of Despair Rocks. Gibbon Bay (6039'S., 4511'W.) lies 1.3 miles S of Rayner
mile of the above dangers. forms the S entrance of point of the bay and is 462m high. An-
chorage can be taken in depths of 33 to 55m within the bay.
2.14 The Inaccessible Islands (6034'S., 4644'W.), a group However, this bay is too open to afford any protection from
of small and precipitous islands, lies 22 miles W of Penguin Point. winds and is frequently filled with drifting ice.
The southernmost island is 293m high, the middle island is 226m Spencer Harbor (6041'S., 4509'W.) lies 1.5 miles S of
high, and the northernmost island 160m high. The channels lead- The Turret. This inlet has depths up to 90m lying close off-
ing between the islands are mostly clear, but many off-lying rocks shore and affords little protection.
fringe the shores and landing is difficult. Petter Bay (6043'S., 4510'W.) lies 0.5 mile S of Spencer
ported to lie about 5 miles N of Penguin Point. side of Coffer Island (6045'S., 4508'W.), but this roadstead
Tonsberg Cove (6032'S., 4555'W.) lies 1 mile SE of Pen-
2.14 is not recommended.
guin Point. From this cove, the coast extends ENE for 6 miles
to Conception Point (6031'S., 4541'W.) and is fronted by The South Shetland IslandsThe Northeastern
many rocks. Group
Bridger Bay (6033'S., 4551'W.), semicircular and 2.5
miles wide, lies close W of Tickell Head (6032'S., 4548'W.). 2.16 Clarence Island (6112'S., 5405'W.), the eastern-
Conception Point, the N extremity of Coronation Island, is
2.14 most island of the South Shetland Islands, lies 215 miles W of
located 4 miles NW of Prong Point (6032'S., 4534'W.). Foul the Inaccessible Islands.
ground, on which an islet lies, extends up to 0.8 mile N and 1.5 Cape Bowles (6119'S., 5406'W.), the S extremity, is
miles W of Conception Point. A patch, with a least depth of formed by a precipitous cliff. Mount Irving, 1,924m high, rises
27.4m, lies about 2 miles N of this point. 2 miles N of Cape Bowles.
Cape Lloyd (6107'S., 5401'W.) is the N extremity and
2.15 Ommanney Bay (6033'S., 4532'W.), 2 miles wide, slopes to the sea from the summit of a peak, 1,389m high. Tide
lies between Prong Point and Foul Point (6032'S., 4529'W.) rips have been reported to occur off this cape.
and has depths of 37 to 44m. A rock lies in the SE portion of Sugarloaf Island (6111'S., 5400'W.) is the northernmost
the bay, about 1 mile SW of Foul Point and 0.5 mile offshore. of two islands which lie about 1 mile off the E side of the is-
A glacier is located at the head of the bay. land.
The coast between Foul Point and Cape Bennett (6037'S.,
2.15 Between Humble Point (6111'S., 5408'W.) and Chin-
4513'W.) is cliffy in places and is fronted by numerous islets strap Cove (6114'S., 5411'W.), several islets lie within 2
and rocks which extend up to 1.5 miles offshore. miles of the W coast of the island.
An islet, 107m high, and another islet, 29m high, lie close N
2.15 Escarpada Point (6117'S., 5414'W.) forms the SW ex-
and 1.5 miles E, respectively, of Foul Point. Many submerged tremity of the island and is fronted by shoal patches on its SW
122 Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands
of Clarence Island and is separated from it by Prince Charles which Cape Lindsey, a headland, forms the seaward extremity.
Strait (6105'S., 5435'W.), which is clear and has depths of From this cape, the coast trends generally SE for 14 miles to
18 to 42m. Cape Lookout and consists mostly of rocky cliffs and hanging
glaciers. Numerous islets and rocks front this stretch of coast
2.17 Elephant Island (6110'S., 5514'W.), 24 miles long, and lie up to about 3 miles offshore.
lies in an E/W direction with Cape Valentine, the NE extremity, Cape Lookout is formed by a steep bluff, 238m high, and
located 19 miles W of Cape Lloyd. The E part of this island is marked by a beacon. Anchorage may be taken in a depth of 9m
formed by an ice-covered plateau, 457m high, with steep within a small bay lying on the W side of this cape. The bay is
slopes that end in rocky cliffs or glacier faces, up to 90m high. fronted by a small spit which extends between two high rocks.
Cape Valentine, consists of a rocky cliff, 244m high, and is A large glacier rises between two massive shoulders near the
fronted by an islet. A shoal depth of 5m lies about 0.7 mile shoreward end of the spit.
ENE of Cape Valentine. Rowett Island (6117'S., 5513'W.), 1 mile long, lies 1 mile
Pinnacle Rock (6106'S., 5447'W.), 122m high and resem- S of Cape Lookout. It has steep slopes and several jagged
bling a castle, lies 1 mile offshore, midway between Cape Val- peaks.
entine and Cape Belsham (6105'S., 5453'W.). A reef, on Mount Pendragon (6115'S., 5514'W.), the summit of the
which the sea breaks, connects this prominent rock with the N island, is 973m high and rises 1.5 miles NW of the cape.
coast. Mount Elder, another prominent peak, stands 3 miles farther
From Cape Belsham, which has a notched peak and is 244m
2.17 NNE.
high, the N coast extends 14 miles W and consists of rocky The SE side of Elephant Island is mostly occupied by En-
cliffs which fall steeply to the water's edge. The coast then ex- durance Glacier (6110'S., 5508'W.), which extends between
tends 4.5 miles SW to Cape Lindsey (6106'S., 5529'W.), the the slopes of Mount Elder and Muckle Bluff (6109'S.,
W extremity of the island. Numerous rocks and islets front this 5452'W.), located 12 miles NE of Cape Lookout.
stretch of coast and lie up to about 3 miles offshore. Walker Point (6108'S., 5442'W.) is located 6 miles E of
Cape Lindsey, has a narrow, sandy beach lying at the foot of its 2.19 Gibbs Island (6128'S., 5534'W.), 400m high, lies 16
steep cliffs. Anchorage can be taken in a depth of 18m within miles SW of Elephant Island. This island has a thick snowcap
this cove. The shores of Elephant Island offer little protection and a pronounced dip near its middle. A small and crescent-
from the wind or sea and landings can only be made during shaped promontory stands close SE of the main part of the is-
calm weather. land. A prominent peak, 262m high, rises on this promontory.
Cape Yelcho (6103'S., 5522'W.) forms the NW extremity
2.17 The Spit (6129'S., 5530'W.), a short and narrow isthmus,
of the island. Minstrel Point (6104'S., 5525'W.), located 2 is composed of boulders, up to 21m high, and connects the
miles SW of the cape, lies at the foot of Hammer Hill promontory to the main part of the island. Landing during calm
(6104'S., 5521'W.). weather may be made on a small beach on the S coast of the is-
The Seal Islands (6058'S., 5524'W.), a group of small is-
2.17 land.
lands and rocks, lies about 8 miles N of Cape Lindsey. Anchor- Caution.A depth of 7.5m has been reported (2007) to lie
age may be taken in a depth of 14m off the S side of the about 2 miles off the N side of Gibbs Island, about 3 miles NW
islands, but this roadstead is not recommended as submerged of its E extremity.
ledges and rocks have been reported to exist in this area. Shoal
patches, with depths of 6.4 and 18m, are reported to lie about 9 Aspland Island (6128'S., 5555'W.), 3 miles long and
miles NW and 5 miles ENE, respectively, of the Seal Islands. 734m high, lies 5 miles W of Gibbs Island.
Sealers Passage (6102'S., 5523'W.) lies between Cape
2.17 Eadie Island (6128'S., 5557'W.), less than 1 mile long and
Yelcho and the Seal Islands. Shoal patches, each with a depth 450m high, lies close SW of Aspland Island and may be con-
of 18.3m, lie in this passage, 2 miles NNW and 2 miles NNE of nected to it.
Cape Yelcho. O'Brien Island (6130'S., 5558'W.) lies 1.5 miles SW of
Eadie Island and has three sharp peaks. The middle peak forms
2.18 West Reef (6105'S., 5536'W.), surrounded by foul the summit of the island and is 420m high.
ground, consists of a chain of shallow rocks which extends up Bridgeman Island (6204'S., 5644'W.), 240m high, lies 38
to about 6 miles W from Cape Lindsey. Vessels are advised not miles SW of O'Brien Island. This island is volcanic and ap-
to navigate in this area except in very calm weather. pears as a truncated pyramid. Its summit is inclined to the S
Stinker Point (6113'S., 5523'W.) is located 8 miles SSE of
2.18 and covered with snow. The reddish-brown coasts of the island
Cape Lindsey. Beaches, which lie close N and between 0.5 and are nearly vertical on the N side and sloping on the S side.
1 mile SE of this point, uncover at LW, but their approaches are Cliffs face the shores of the island. Those on the N and W sides
encumbered by numerous rocks. have a yellow appearance and rise almost sheer from the sea
Cruiser Rocks (6113'S., 5528'W.), a group of rocks, ex-
2.18 while those on the S and E sides are red and rise more gradual-
tends up to 4 miles seaward between Cape Lindsey and Cape ly towards the summit. Dangers fronting the island are reported
Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands 123
to all lie within 0.2 mile of the shores. The Flat Top Peninsula (6213'S., 5902'W.), located 1
and reefs. It is mostly covered with ice through which a few Bell Point (6207'S., 5853'W.) and Square End Island
prominent nunataks rise. (6210'S., 5859'W.) lies 3.3 miles NNE of the Flat Top Penin-
Caution.Depths within 5 miles of the coast between Mar-
2.20 sula.
tins Head (6211'N., 5814'W.) (see paragraph 2.26), on the S Sinbad Rock (6210'S., 5902'W.) lies 1.3 miles WNW of
side of King George Island, and Barnard Point (6246'S., Square End Island and a submerged rock is reported to lie, po-
6021'W.) (see paragraph 2.44), on the S side of Livingstone sition approximate, about 2.5 miles WNW of the Flat Top Pen-
Island, have been reported (2007) to be less than charted. insula.
Venus Bay (6155'S., 5754'W.) lies between North Fore-
2.20 Fildes Strait leads between the N extremity of Nelson Island
land and False Round Point (6154'S., 5802'W.). (6218'S., 5903'W.) and the SW extremity of King George Is-
Esther Harbor (6155'S., 5759'W.), an inlet, lies at the W
2.20 land. The N entrance of this strait is foul and narrow and is
side of the head of the bay. Brimstone Peak, a steep and yellow navigable only by small boats. The tidal currents within the
bluff, forms the NE entrance point and Esther Nunatak forms strait are reported to be so strong that passage is not recom-
the SW. A group of three small islets lies near the SW shore of mended.
the inlet and extends for about 1 mile in an E/W direction. Several beaches, formed mostly of black sand and gravel,
These islets are 9m high and lie about 0.2 mile from the land fringe the shores of the strait. Some scanty vegetation, consist-
ice which rests on a shelving, rock platform. Esther Harbor was ing of thick-bladed tufts of coarse grass, grows on these beach-
formerly described as a good anchorage, but it has not been re- es.
cently surveyed and is not presently recommended, even for The NW side of the entrance to the strait is fronted by sever-
miles offshore, also fronts the coast between False Round Point miles wide, is completely ice covered and has no conspicuous
and Round Point. summit. A few bare rock exposures lie near the coastal ice
Ridley Island (6151'S., 5803'W.), 254m high, is located 2
2.20 cliffs. This island is completely fronted by many islets and
miles N of False Round Point and foul ground lies in between. rocks.
The coast trends 12.5 miles SW and W from False Round
2.20 Duthoit Point (6219'S., 5850'W.), the E extremity of Nel-
Point to Round Point (6156'S., 5828'W.). The waters lying son Island, forms the S entrance point of Fildes Strait.
off this stretch of the coast have not been fully surveyed. Lone Rock (6221'S., 5850'W.), 3m high, lies 2 miles SW
only approach these shores with extreme care. It is reported conspicuous, lies 1.3 miles NE of Rip Point and 0.3 mile S of
that the changes of depths in this area are sudden and give no Halfthree Point (6214'S., 5857'W.), the NE entrance point
warning of the dangers. of Fildes Strait.
An isolated shoal patch, with a least depth of 11m, lies about
2.21 Stigant Point (6202'S., 5845'W.), 64m high and 0.7 mile SW of the W extremity of this island. A narrow drying
conspicuous, is located 10 miles W of Round Point. Foul reef, about 0.3 mile long, lies 1.4 miles SSW of the W extremi-
ground lies off the coast in this vicinity and extends up to 2 ty of this island.
miles offshore. An unnamed point, located 1 mile SW of the W extremity of
124 Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands
from it. This foul area fronts the coast to the W of the point and is faced by cliffs which are composed of black and buff rocks
extends up to about 0.3 mile offshore. Several rocks front this with numerous veins of red and green jasper.
stretch of coast and lie up to 2.5 miles offshore. A stranded wreck is reported to lie close to the shore, 0.3
extensive shoal area, with a least depth of 3m, lies about 4.5 beacon, 3m high, stands on the shore at its W end.
miles WNW of this point. A shoal patch, with a depth of 10m, Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva, a Chilean scientific sta-
is reported to lie about 3.5 miles W of this point. tion fronted by a small pier, and Bellingshausen, a Russian sta-
A beacon with a racon stands on Harmony Point; another
2.22 tion, are situated at the head of this cove. An aeronautical
beacon stands 0.2 mile E of the point. radiobeacon is reported to be situated close N of the latter base.
Folger Rock (6216'S., 5915'W.), above-water, lies 2.5
2.22 Great Wall, a Chinese station, is situated close S of Ardley
miles N of Harmony Point. Cove and a quay, used by small craft, lies close to it. Artigas, a
Harmony Cove (6219'S., 5912'W.), lying on the W side of
2.22 Uruguayan station, is situated in the vicinity of Jasper Point.
the island, is a small inlet. Its shores consist of low rocky Anchorage, with good holding ground, can be taken in a
shelves which are backed by rocky mounds. Extensive penguin depth of 48m, mud, about 0.5 mile SW of Suffield Point. An
rookeries are situated in the vicinity of these mounds. This in- airstrip is situated 1 mile N of Ardley Cove.
let provides no protection from the swell and is not recom-
mended as an anchorage. 2.24 Collins Harbor (6211'S., 5851'W.), an inlet, can
The Toe (Punta Dedo) (6220'S., 5911'W.), marked by a
2.22 accommodate several large vessels. Anchorage can be taken in
beacon, forms the S entrance point to Harmony Cove. depths of 22 to 29m near the head. A survey indicated that the
Inca Point, a prominent headland, is located 1.3 miles E of
2.22 bottom near the middle of the entrance is irregular. When en-
Harmony Point. It is formed by a double rock and surmounted tering, vessels should favor the W side of the entrance in order
by a hut. to avoid a shoal, with a depth of 3m, lying 2.3 miles ENE of
Suffield Point.
2.23 Ross Point (6221'S., 5908'W.) is located 4 miles SE A spit, with depths of 9 to 18m, extends NNW from the E
of Harmony Point. The water lying to the E of a line joining entrance point to the above shoal. A patch, with a depth of
these points has a light-green appearance, but this is believed to 13m, lies 2.3 miles ENE of Suffield Point.
be due to the reflection from the glacier forming the coastline. Marion Cove (6213'S., 5848'W.) lies 2 miles SE of Col-
miles ENE, is fringed with rocks. 255m high and stands on the S side of this cove.
Grace Rock (6222'S., 5901'W.), the southernmost of these
2.23 Foul ground and several below and above-water rocks lie on
rocks, lies 1 mile offshore, 3.5 miles ESE of Ross Point. the N side of the cove, near its head. The cove is partly sur-
Maxwell Bay (Dan Samuel Bay) (6215'S., 5851'W.) lies
2.23 rounded by ice cliffs, but beaches front both sides of the en-
between the SW end of King George Island and the NE side of trance and a shingly promontory stands on the S side of the
Nelson Island. It is entered between Stranger Point (6216'S., entrance. Several hills, up to 95m high, rise behind the beach
5837'W.) and Duthoit Point, the E extremity of Nelson Island. on the S side.
Tu Rocks (6214'S., 5853'W.), a group consisting of three
2.23 Foul ground fronts the N entrance point and a conspicuous
conspicuous islets, lies 2.3 miles SSW of Nebles Point square rock, 34m high, lies near the coast, 0.3 mile NNE of it.
(6212'S., 5852'W.). One of these islets is 4m high; the other A group of rocks, one of which dries, lies 0.2 mile offshore, 1
two are 10m high. mile E of the N entrance point. A shoal, with a depth of 6m,
Ardley Island (6213'S., 5856'W.), 72m high, lies with
2.23 lies 0.2 mile farther ENE.
Braillard Point, its NE extremity, located 0.8 mile WNW of Tu Anchorage by large vessels can be taken about 0.4 mile NE
Rocks. The W end of this island is joined to the mainland by a of the S entrance point; anchorage by small vessels can be tak-
drying spit. A light is reported to be shown from a structure, en near the head of the cove.
6m high, standing near the E end of this island. A hut stands on
the N side of the island. 2.25 Potter Cove (6214'S., 5842'W.) lies 2 miles SE of
Suffield Point (6212'S., 5855'W.), a conspicuous bluff, is
2.23 Marion Cove, from which it is separated by a small peninsula.
located 1 mile N of Braillard Point. Three Brothers Hill (6215'S., 5841'W.), 196m high,
ablation in the Maxwell Bay area, see paragraph 2.1. Depths in 2.5 miles NE of Three Brothers Hill.
Maxwell Bay are reported (2007, 2009) to be less than charted. The cove is entered between an unnamed point, located 0.5
Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands 125
on the E side of the entrance to the cove, 0.3 mile NW of Three Peak (6211'S., 5818'W.) to Point Hennequin (6208'S.,
Brothers Hill. 5824'W.), 4.5 miles inside the bay. A sandy beach, on which a
The coast trends 0.9 mile N from the E entrance point to a
2.25 landing can be made, extends 0.8 mile N from this point. On
point located 0.2 mile NNW of Three Brothers Hill. It then ex- the W side, glaciers slope from the heights to the water's edge
tends 0.4 mile E to a stream on the E side of which stands a between Demay Point and Point Thomas (6210'S.,
small, green pump house. The ruins of a jetty lie close E of the 5830'W.), 4 miles inside the bay.
stream, but the beach in this vicinity slopes and is free from ob- Sphinx Hill (6211'S., 5827'W.) stands close to the shore,
structions. This beach is reported to be the site of a colony of midway between Demay Point and Point Thomas. This peak is
elephant seals. The low coast, with four huts standing along it, conspicuous, isolated, black, and 145m high.
then continues ENE until it reaches an ice cliff. This ice cliff, The coast is fronted by foul ground as far as 1.5 miles ESE
which is 30 to 49m high, extends 0.6 mile N and then 1.5 miles of Point Thomas. Napier Rock (6210'S., 5826'W.), 5m high,
WSW. Over time, the position of the face of the ice cliff is re- lies 1.5 miles SE of Point Thomas. Shoals, with depths of 7 and
ported to change. 6m, lie 2.1 miles SE and 1.9 miles SE, respectively, of Demay
From the SW end of the ice cliff, a stony beach, backed by
2.25 Point.
steep and snow-clad hills, extends 0.9 mile SSW to the W en- A light is shown from a metal tower with a gallery, 6m high,
trance point of the cove. A prominent outcrop stands midway standing in the vicinity of Point Thomas. A hut is situated near
along this beach and a lagoon forms in the shingle by the ice this light.
cliff during the summer. A reef, which dries 2m in places, ex- Ezcurra Inlet is entered between Point Thomas and Denais
tends 0.2 mile from the shingle beach, opposite the N end of Stack (6208'S., 5830'W.), a conspicuous rocky stack, lying
the lagoon. An area of foul ground, with numerous rocks, lies 1.5 miles N. Dufayel Island (6210'S., 5834'W.) occupies the
N of this reef. A rock, 8m high, lies 0.2 mile offshore, about center of this inlet. The W end of this island is fringed by a
0.2 mile S of the lagoon. shoal which has depths of 6 to 8m and extends up to 0.2 mile
Three above-water rocks, the tallest being 14m high, lie on a
2.25 offshore. The outer edge of this shoal is steep-to and slopes
drying, rocky ledge which extends 0.2 mile S from the W en- abruptly to a depth of 37m. Vessels usually enter the inlet by
trance point of the cove. Two rocks, 22 and 23m high, lie 0.3 passing to the N of the island and leave by passing to the S.
mile farther W and are prominent. Between the rocky ledge Cardozo Cove (6210'S., 5837'W.) and Goulden Cove
and these two rocks, a small beach fringes the shore and can be (6211'S., 5838'W.) indent the SW end of the inlet. These
used as landing by boats, but care should be taken as many coves both have glaciers at their heads and are separated by
small reefs lie in the vicinity of the ledge. Rhyolite Head, a prominent headland. Herve Cove (6211'S.,
It was reported that a vessel anchored in a depth of 31m,
2.25 5833'W.) and Monsimet Cove (6211'S., 5834'W.), two
black soft mud, near the head of the cove. This anchorage berth small indentations, lie on the S side of the inlet, S of Dufayel
was reported to be sheltered, except from SE winds, and ap- Island.
peared to afford better holding ground than farther seaward. Anchorage is available in a depth of 18m to the SW of the is-
Vessels can also anchor about 0.3 mile NNW of the pump land. The holding ground is good, but the shelter is poor as
house with their sterns made fast to bollards on the shore. Such squalls can blow from all directions. Care must also be taken to
vessels should anchor with their sterns about 0.2 mile offshore. avoid a shoal, with a depth of 6m, lying 0.2 mile W of the is-
However, care must be taken as this places the stern of the ves- land.
sel between two shoals, each with a depth of 6m. Lange Glacier (6207'S., 5830'W.) reaches the W side of
Continual falls may be expected from the ice cliff during the
2.25 Admiralty Bay between Denais Stack and Crepin Point
melt season and the cove often becomes filled with brash ice (6206'S., 5829'W.), 2.5 miles N.
and blocks of stranded ice, making landings difficult. Potter Admiralen Peak (6206'S., 5830'W.), 305m high and
Cove is recommended as a harbor of refuge, with good anchor- prominent, rises 1 mile SW of Crepin Point.
age, during bad weather. Wegger Peak (6206'S., 5831'W.), 304m high and promi-
Demay Point and Martins Head (6211'S., 5814'W.), a prom- spicuous, rises 1 mile N of Crepin Point.
inent headland. The bay is irregular and contains three inlets;
Ezcurra (6210'S., 5834'W.), Mackeller (6205'S., 2.27 Mackeller Inlet is entered between Crepin Point and
5828'W.), and Martel (6205'S., 5822'W.). These inlets and Plaza Point (6206'S., 5826'W.), 1.8 miles E. A shoal, with a
the bay offer shelter from all winds and provide anchorage in depth of 2m, lies 0.5 mile WNW of Plaza Point. Depths of over
moderate depths. 35m extend as far as the head of this inlet, but shoals, with a
The entrance of the bay is clear and depths over 360m extend
2.26 least depth of 4m, extend W from the Keller Peninsula
to the entrance to Martel Inlet. (6205'S., 5826'W.) to the W side of the inlet.
Demay Point rises to The Tower, a prominent peak, the sum-
2.26 Martel Inlet is separated from Mackeller Inlet by the Keller
mit of which is formed by a square nunatak, 345m high. Tele- Peninsula which is surmounted by several peaks, up to 305m
fon Point is located 1.8 miles SW of Demay Point and Telefon high. The inlet is divided by an extensive shoal area, with
Rocks, up to 24m high, lie 1 mile E of it. Sentry Cove, a small depths of less than 11m, which extends 0.8 mile SSE from the
inlet, indents the S side of Demay Point. middle of its NW side. A submerged rock lies on this shoal ar-
The shores along both sides of the bay are covered with gla-
2.26 ea, 1.3 miles NW of Plaza Point. The shores of this inlet are
ciers. On the E side, Vieville Glacier extends from Vaureal fringed by numerous rocks. It has been reported (2009) that the
126 Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands
N shore of Martel Inlet lies from 0.3 to 0.5 mile N of its chart- shelter proved satisfactory. This anchorage was also considered
ed position. to be good during E winds.
Visca Anchorage (6205'S., 5824'W.) lies at the W side of
the head of Martel Inlet and is divided by a small peninsula. 2.29 Penguin Island (6206'S., 5754'W.), which is prom-
This latter peninsula is 48m high and its summit is surmounted inent, marks the E entrance to King George Bay. Deacon Peak,
by a cairn. a volcanic cone, forms the summit of this island and is 166m
Stenhouse Bluff (6204'S., 5824'W.), a headland, forms the
2.27 high. The N part of the island consists of a plateau, 15m high,
SE end of the peninsula. O'Connors Rocks, up to 0.9m high, lie in which an extinct crater lies.
about 0.2 mile off the SW part of the peninsula, 0.2 mile W of Penguin Island is separated from Mersey Spit (6205'S.,
the headland. A shoal area, with depths of 5 to 11m, extends up 5755'W.) by a narrow strait which is obstructed with sub-
to about 0.3 mile S from the headland. A rock, with a depth of merged rocks. The shores of the island are formed by large
4m, lies about 0.2 mile ESE the headland. boulders and landing is difficult in all but calm weather. Depths
Sea Leopard Patch (6205'S., 5824'W.), with a least depth
2.27 of less than 6m extend up to 0.4 mile W of the island and
of 18m, lies 0.4 mile SSW of Stenhouse Bluff. depths of less than 18m extend up to 1 mile SW of Turret
Above-water rocks extend up to about 0.2 mile S from Plaza
2.27 Point. A shoal, with a depth of 15m, lies about 4 miles E of the
Point. A shoal, with a depth of 7m, lies about 0.2 mile ESE of island. Anchorage can be obtained in depths of 15 to 36m,
Plaza Point. A shoal, with a depth of 5m, extends about 0.2 black gravel and sand, to the W and SW of Penguin Island. Ir-
mile into the inlet, 0.7 mile NE of Plaza Point. regular depths were reported to lie 4 miles ENE of the E ex-
A meteorological station, which was abandoned in 1961, is
2.27 tremity of the island and rapid shoaling was reported to occur
situated on the W side of Martel Inlet and an anemometer tow- about 1 mile ENE of the island. It is recommended that great
er, 21m high, stands close N of it. A grave, marked by a cairn care be used when approaching the E side of the island and
surmounted by a wooden cross, is situated 0.2 mile NW of this vessels should not anchor here. Anchorage can also be taken in
tower. a depth of 42m on the W side of the bay, about 0.5 mile N of
Convenient anchorage can be taken in a depth of 31m, mud,
2.27 Twin Pinnacles.
about 0.3 mile ENE of the tower. The holding ground is good, Mersey Spit lies 1 mile SW of Three Sisters Point
but this roadstead is subject to violent squalls and strong (6204'S., 5753'W.) and is located on the E side of a small
winds. Sheltered anchorage is obtainable on the SE side of promontory. Turret Point, the E entrance point of the bay,
Martel Inlet within Lussich Cove (6206'S., 5821'W.). The forms the W extremity of this promontory.
berth has depths of 8 to 29m over a bottom of glacial mud. Sherratt Bay (6202'S., 5750'W.) lies between Penguin Is-
2.28 Lions Rump (6208'S., 5807'W.) is located 5 miles 3 miles W of the seaward extremity of the cape.
ENE of Martins Head. The coast between consists of a con- Between Cape Melville and North Foreland, 7 miles N, the
spicuous and rocky cliff, up to 277m high, which is composed coast consists of sheer, crumbling cliffs with numerous rock
of dark gray columns of basalt. falls and landslides of great size. This stretch of coast is fringed
Legru Bay (6210'S., 5812'W.) lies between Loe Head
2.28 by rocks, reefs, and foul ground, which extend up to about 0.8
(6209'S., 5808'W.) and Martins Head. The beaches in this vi- mile offshore, and should be given a wide berth.
cinity are steeply shelving and composed mainly of coarse Rocks, on which the sea breaks continuously, lie 0.8 mile S
shingle. Low Head is located 1.5 miles S of Lions Rump and and 1.5 miles NE of Cape Melville. Rocks and foul ground ex-
the coast between is fringed by foul ground which extends up tend up to 1.5 miles offshore between the cape and North Fore-
to 0.5 mile offshore. Shallow rocks, positions approximate, are land.
reported to lie about 0.8 mile and 1 mile SE of Low Head. Vessels are advised to pass at least 3 miles off Cape Melville.
Turret Point and Lions Rump, 5.5 miles SW. Its shores consist 2.30 Foreland Island (6157'S., 5739'W.), 24m high, lies
of low and level ice faces, fronted by shingle beaches. This bay 3.5 miles SSE of North Foreland and Middle Island (6158'S.,
is deep, but a number of islets and rocks obstruct its W side. 5738'W.) lies 1.5 miles farther S.
These include Twin Pinnacles (6208'S., 5806'W.), Growler Simpson Rocks (6158'S., 5723'W.), up to 9m high, lie 7
Rock (6207'S., 5808'W.), Martello Tower (6206'S., miles NE of Cape Melville and should be given a wide berth. A
5808'W.), and Stump Rock (6205'S., 5808'W.). navigable channel leads between Simpson Rocks and Hauken
Vessels have taken temporary anchorage in a depth of 37m
2.28 Rock (6201'S., 5733'W.), the outermost group of rocks lying
about 1 mile W of Deacon Peak (6206'S., 5754'W.); in a NE of Cape Melville.
depth of 42m about 0.4 mile NE of Twin Pinnacles; and in a Nelson Strait (6220'S., 5918'W.) leads between Nelson Is-
depth of 62m about 0.4 mile E of Growler Rock. land and Robert Island (6224'S., 5930'W.). It is deep and
Vessels have also anchored, free from ice, in a depth of 37m
2.28 clear, particularly on the E side. However, this passage is not
about 1 mile W of Penguin Island. Winds blowing from the W recommended, except in clear weather, due to strong tidal cur-
at 25 to 30 knots were experienced in this anchorage, but the rents, tide rips, and a difficulty in identifying local features.
Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands 127
Point. Several shoals lie close NW, W, and SW of this shoal stands 1.8 miles SE of Fort William and surmounts the SE en-
patch. After passing Table Island (6221'S., 5949'W.), Nel- trance point of the cove.
son Strait forms the shortest route leading to Potter Cove or A bay indents the SW side of Robert Island and is entered
Admiralty Bay, especially in November and December. The about 1 mile SE of The Triplets. Numerous above and below-
strait and its E end are clear of dangers while some shoal patch- water rocks fringe the SW entrance point of this bay and ex-
es lie at the W end. These include Mellona Rocks (6218'S., tend up to 0.2 mile offshore. Anchorage can be taken in a depth
5930'W.), Liberty Rocks (6219'S., 5927'W.), and Salient of 40m on the W side of this wide bay, about 0.9 mile E of The
Rock (6222'S., 5920'W.). These rocks lie on the SW side of Triplets. However, depths of less than 10m lie up to 0.3 mile
the strait and are among the outermost dangers. Foul ground from the coast, close NE of this anchorage. There are no
fronts the NE shore of Robert Island and extends between 1.5 known dangers on the E side of this bay.
and 2.5 miles offshore. A shoal patch, with a least depth of Edwards Point (6229'S., 5930'W.), located 3.3 miles
10m, lies about 3.5 miles W of Harmony Point. WSW of Robert Point, forms the S extremity of the island and
Caution.Depths in Nelson Strait are reported (2007,
2.30 also the N entrance point on the SE side of English Strait. A
2009) to be less than charted. Stranded icebergs may reduce the light is shown, between 15 November and 15 December annu-
usable width of the strait to about 1 mile. ally, from a structure, 4m high, standing on the point.
2.31 Robert Island, 11 miles long, lies in a NW/SE direc- 2.33 English Strait (6227'S., 5938'W.) leads between
tion and is 6 miles wide at its E end. This island is completely Robert Island and Greenwich Island (6228'S., 5948'W.). It
ice covered and has no prominent peaks or other features. Only is deep and clear throughout, but the tidal currents are strong
the SW and NW extremities of the island appear free of the en- and variable and a dangerous NE set has been experienced. The
veloping snow and ice. The N coast of the island is fringed by NW entrance is encumbered with many islets and rocks. The
foul ground. outermost of these dangers is a rock, awash, which has been re-
From Robert Point (6228'S., 5923'W.), the SE extremity
2.31 ported to lie about 17.5 miles NW of Fort William. The sea
of the island, the E coast extends N for 5 miles and then WNW breaks heavily on this rock and its position is reported to be
for 6 miles to Newell Point (6220'S., 5932'W.). This stretch doubtful.
of the shore is fronted by numerous rocks. In the narrowest part of the strait, between Passage Rock
the roadstead can accommodate about nine small vessels. This less than charted.
anchorage has depths of 7 to 9m over a blue-clay bottom. Gen- The Watchkeeper (Isla Flat) (6218'S., 5949'W.), a low
erally, one tide occurs every 24 hours with a rise of about 2.9m, rock, lies 2.3 miles N of Table Island and has submerged rocks,
but at times the tides are irregular. which break, located about 0.5 mile W and 0.3 mile N of it.
Heywood Island (6220'S., 5941'W.) lies about 2 miles
2.31 Another rock, awash, was reported to lie about 1 mile N of The
NW of Clothier Harbor. Watchkeeper.
Fort William (Cabo Morris) (6223'S., 5943'W.), a con-
2.31 Asses Ears (Islas Orejas de Burro) (6219'S., 5945'W.), a
spicuous cape, forms the W extremity of the island. It is 90m group of islets, lies 1.8 miles NE of Table Island. The north-
high and comparatively free of ice and snow. A light is shown, westernmost islet of this group presents the appearance which
between 15 November and 15 May annually, from a structure, suggests the name.
3m high, standing on this cape. Monica Rock (6220'S., 5944'W.), 2m high, stands at the S
W, S, and SE of Fort William. Two rocks, awash, with an Rock and Passage Rock (6223'S., 5945'W.). A rock, 1m
above-water rock between them lie about 0.5 mile SSE of the high, lies on the reef. Passage Rock is 18m high and lies 0.3
cape. mile W of Fort William. Several dangers lie between Turmoil
Rock and Passage Rock and foul ground extends up to 0.5 mile
2.32 Coppermine Cove (6223'S., 5942'W.) lies on the farther SSE.
128 Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands
(6224'S., 5948'W.). fringed by many islets and rocks which extend up to 0.4 mile N
Dee Island (6226'S., 5947'W.), lying 1 mile off the N
2.33 of it. Fuente Rock, 9m high, lies about 0.4 mile N of the point.
coast of Greenwich Island and 3 miles SW of Fort William, has Canto Point, 61m high, has four conspicuous rocky outcrops
a prominent double summit. Burro Peaks, 191m high, is prom- at its extremity. This point is fringed, on its E side, by numer-
inent and rises near the S side of the island. ous off-lying rocks and shoals. These dangers include Bonert
Rock (6227'S., 5943'W.), which is 6m high, and Ibar Rocks
2.34 Greenwich Island (6228'S., 5948'W.), lying SW of (6227'S., 5943'W.), the outermost, which are 1m high and lie
Robert Island, consists of two parts which are joined by a nar- 0.7 mile ESE of the point. A shoal, with a depth of 8m, is re-
row isthmus. This island is entirely ice capped and rocky bluffs ported to lie about 0.3 mile E of Ibar Rocks.
along the coasts form capes which project beyond the glaciers. From Canto Point, the W shore of the bay trends S for 1 mile
The N coast of the island is fronted by foul ground and should and then ice cliffs extend SSW for 2.5 miles. This stretch of
not be approached within 5 miles. coast is fringed by foul ground which extends up to 0.5 mile
Mount Plymouth, 634m high, stands near the center of the N
2.34 offshore.
part of the island. Two black and conspicuous peaks stand on the Tenorio Rock (6228'S., 5944'W.), 1m high, lies about 1.5
W side of the N part of the island. Greaves Peak (6228'S., miles SSW of Canto Point.
5959'W.), the westernmost, is 239m high and has sharp, dou- Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 31m, mud, about 1.3
ble-pointed peak. Crutch Peak (6228'S., 5956'W.), 277m miles SSW of Ash Point. Anchorage was also reported to have
high, has a rocky peak and stands 1.5 miles E of Greaves Peak. been taken, in a depth of 48m, thick mud, off the base with the
The N coast of the island between Canto Point (6227'S.,
2.34 E tangent of the NE extremity of Greenwich Island bearing
5944'W.), marked by a light, and Duff Point (6227'S., 342 and the W tangent of the peninsula, which is located 2.5
6002'W.), the W extremity, is fronted by foul ground and sev- miles SSW of Ash Point, bearing 191.
eral small islands which lie up to 5 miles offshore. These small
islands include Ongley Island (6226'S., 5954'W.) and Ro- 2.36 Yankee Harbor (6232'S., 5947'W.), an inlet, lies
meo Island (6223'S., 5955'W.). on the W coast of Greenwich Island and is formed by volcanic
Discovery Bay (Bahia Chile) (6229'S., 5943'W.) is entered
2.34 debris.
on the W side of English Strait, between Canto Point and Ash Glacier Bluff (6232'S., 5948'W.) forms the N entrance
Point (6229'S., 5939'W.), 2.3 miles SE. This bay recedes for point and Spit Point (6232'S., 5948'W.), marked by a bea-
2.5 miles and is mostly fringed by ice cliffs that are backed by con, forms the S entrance point. Foul ground and several shal-
featureless snow slopes, up to 300m high. low shoals are reported to lie up to about 0.3 mile S of Glacier
Ash Point consists of a low, rounded, and ash-covered prom-
2.34 Bluff. Foul ground is also reported to fringe the NE side of Spit
ontory. It is steep-to with no off-lying dangers. A beacon, 6m Point. A rock, the position of which is doubtful, is reported to
high, stands on the point. lie about 1 mile S of Spit Point.
Poisson Hill (6229'S., 5939'W.), a rocky outcrop, is locat-
2.34 A lofty escarpment of volcanic rocks stands close SE of the
ed 0.4 mile SSE of Ash Point. It is 80m high and marked by a harbor and a glacier extends to the harbor shore. The harbor
beacon. can accommodate several vessels, but it provides very little
Lopez Nunatak (6229'S., 5939'W.), steep-sided and 253m
2.34 protection from heavy offshore gusts, particularly during E
high, stands 1 mile SSE of Ash Point. winds.
Good anchorage may be obtained, in a depth of 40m, mud
2.34 Anchorage can be taken, in 31m, brown ash, about 0.2 mile
with good holding ground, about 0.6 mile NNW of Fuente E of Spit Point; in 29m, about 0.4 mile E of Spit Point; and, in
Rock (6230'S., 5941'W.). Good anchorage can also be taken 42 to 47m, about 0.5 mile E of Spit Point. Although the anchor
about 0.3 mile WSW of Gonzalez Island (6229'S., sinks deeply into the bottom, the holding ground is reported to
5940'W.). be unreliable.
It is reported that tanker vessels anchor within the bay lying
2.34 Hospital Point (6232'S., 5947'W.) is located 0.5 mile E of
between the Guesalaga Peninsula (6229'S., 5940'W.) and Glacier Bluff and a patch, with a depth of 15m, lies about 0.2
Ash Point, where there is a jetty, 21m long, and several stern mile S of it. A rocky spit, with depths of less than 15m, extends
Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands 129
about 0.2 mile S from the point. Rocks, awash, and depths of Foul ground extends up to 1 mile E of Williams Point and
less than 6m lie up to 0.2 mile from the SE side of the harbor, constricts the passage, to the W of Meade Islands, to a naviga-
near its S end. The harbor is otherwise clear of dangers to with- ble width of only about 0.3 mile.
in 0.2 mile of the shore. Cave Island (6227'S., 6004'W.) lies close within the en-
age was taken with Spit Point bearing 073.5 and Triangle vessels can easily identify Ephraim Bluff. This high bluff has
Point bearing 311. one or two prominent outcroppings of dark rock on its S side.
The rocky spit and shoals lying across the entrance protect
2.36 submerged rocks lie off this bluff and extend up to about 0.5
the inner part of the harbor from rough seas and high winds. mile offshore. submerged rocks also front Triangle Point, the
Anchorage can also be taken, in 31m, E of Triangle Point and outer N entrance point of Yankee Harbor.
about 1 mile W of Spit Point.
Caution.It has been reported (2007) that depths in Yankee
2.36 2.39 Livingston Island (6236'S., 6030'W.), 39 miles long,
Harbor and its approaches are less than charted. It has also extends in an E/W direction and is 2 to 19 miles wide. The E part
been reported (2007) that the coastline on the E side of Yankee of this island is very mountainous and ice capped, except on the
Harbor has extended up to 0.4 mile E due to glacial retreat. steep slopes which form the coast. Between these slopes, ice
Ephraim Bluff (6234'S., 5943'W.), located 2 miles W of
2.36 cliffs descend to the water's edge. Several prominent and rugged
the point, forms the N entrance point of the SE entrance to Mc- peaks, partly ice free, extend across the island with broad ice-
Farlane Strait. Reefs extend up to 0.5 mile S from this bluff. filled depressions between them. The coast of the island consists
of exposed rock ridges and glacier fronts. The westernmost part
2.37 Sartorius Point (6234'S., 5939'W.), the S extremity of the island is very low and flat while, in sharp contrast, the E
of the island, is located 2.5 miles WSW of Fort Point. part has wild mountainous topography.
Santa Cruz Point (6231'S., 5933'W.), the NE extremity of
2.37 Mount Bowles (6237'S., 6012'W.), the most prominent
Greenwich Island and the S entrance point at the SE end of En- summit, stands 10 miles W of Renier Point.
glish Strait, is located 3.5 miles SE of Ash Point. Mount Friesland (6240'S., 6012'W.), 1,788m high, is
is not recommended. The tidal currents are strong, sometimes tend about 1 mile NW from Renier Point. A reef, awash, lies
attaining rates of 5 or 6 knots, and there are numerous tide rips 0.3 mile NW of these rocks. A rock, existence doubtful, lies
and eddies. close to the shore, 0.5 mile SW of the point.
The outermost danger in the NW approaches to the strait is a
2.37 Caution.Depths with 5 miles of the coast between Martins
small, above-water rock which lies about 7.5 miles NW of Duff Head (6211'N., 5814'W.), on the S side of King George Island
Point, the E entrance point at N end. Other dangers, consisting (see paragraph 2.20) and Barnard Point (6246'S., 6021'W.), on
of submerged rocks, lie between 4.5 miles SW and 3 miles the S side of Livingstone Island (see paragraph 2.44), have been
SSW of the above-water rock. reported (2007) to be less than charted.
Pyramid Island (6226'S., 6006'W.), 206m high, lies about
2 miles NNE of Williams Point (6228'S., 6009'W.). It is 2.40 The N side of the entrance to Moon Bay (6235'S.,
conspicuous and has vertical sides. An unexamined shoal, with 6000'W.) is formed by Edinburgh Hill (6233'S., 6001'W.),
a reported least depth of 14.6m, lies about 2 miles NW of this a conspicuous and volcanic knob. This knob consists of a pil-
island. lar, 95m high, which rises out of the sea and is connected to the
The Zed Islands (6226'S., 6010'W.) lie 1.5 miles NW of
2.37 shore by a narrow spit of loose rocks. Several submerged rocks
Williams Point. The westernmost and tallest of these islands is lie close to the shore, near this knob.
290m high. Half Moon Island (6236'S., 5955'W.), 101m high, lies in
NNW and 0.8 mile S, respectively, of the Meade Islands. A cept those from the E quadrant. Numerous rocks, awash, lie up
beacon, 5.5m high, stands on Channel Rock. to 0.4 mile off the S shore of the bay as far as about 3 miles W
130 Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands
Williams Point (6228'S., 6009'W.) and is backed by Sharp about 3 miles E of Cape Shirreff. A shoal depth of 8.5m lies
Peak (6232'S., 6004'W.), 425m high. Samuel Peak, another NE of Cape Shirreff in position 6226'10.8''S, 6042'19.2''W.
prominent hill, rises 2.5 miles WSW of Sharp Peak. An underwater obstruction is reported to lie about 1.2 miles N
Dragon Cove (6228'S., 6008'W.), a small inlet, lies on the
2.40 of Black Point.
W side of McFarlane Strait, 1 mile SSE of Williams Point. Shirreff Cove (6228'S., 6048'W.), which is sheltered, lies
Lister Cove, another small inlet, lies 2 miles farther SE. on the W side of Cape Shirreff.
The N coast is fronted by many dangers and vessels should
2.40 San Telmo Island (6228'S., 6049'W.) lies on the W side of
give it a wide berth. the entrance to the cove and provides protection. The best an-
Hero Bay (6231'S., 6027'W.) lies between Williams Point
2.40 chorages lie close NE of this island and 0.2 mile SE of it.
and Black Point, a rocky headland, 15 miles W. Numerous is- These berths have depths of 33 to 40m over a good bottom of
lets and rocks lie within this bay to the S and SW of Desolation blue clay.
Island. Winds from the NW blow directly into Shirreff Cove and, if
this island presents an unusual appearance of stratification Cape Shirreff and Start Point (6235'S., 6113'W.), 14 miles
which is caused by chasms in the black rock being filled with SW. This bay recedes for about 4 miles and is reported to be
snow. filled with numerous submerged rocks. Dangers are reported to
Cape Danger (6227'S., 6023'W.), the N extremity of Des-
2.40 front the E and S coasts and extend up to 2 miles offshore. An-
olation Island, is located 5 miles W of Williams Point and is chorage within this bay is not recommended.
180m high. A group of submerged rocks lies 0.4 mile N of this Campastri, a group of two rocks, lies about 5 miles SW of
cape. These rocks are very dangerous in calm weather, espe- Cape Shirreff and two other rocks are reported to lie about 2.5
cially since the tidal currents in this vicinity set strongly in both miles S of this group.
2.43 Window Island (6234'S., 6107'W.) lies 2.5 miles
2.41 Craggy Island (6228'S., 6019'W.) forms the NE NE of Start Point. A small islet and a rock are reported to lie
side of Blythe Bay (6228'S., 6020'W.). A submerged rock, close S and about 0.3 mile W, respectively, of this island. An
existence doubtful, is reported to lie about 0.6 mile E of this is- unnamed island, existence doubtful, is reported to lie about 2
land. miles N of Start Point.
Cora Cove (6228'S., 6021'W.), a boat harbor, lies on the NW
2.41 A group of stranded ice floes has been reported to extend up
side of Blythe Bay. A small pond and a well, from which good to 3 miles NNE of Start Point and may indicate that shoals are
water has been obtained, are situated in the vicinity of this cove. located in this area. Areas of foul ground lie NW of Start Point
A group of small islands and rocks, including Wood Island
2.41 and extend up to 0.8 mile offshore. These areas also extend
(6229'S., 6019'W.) and Indian Rocks (6229'S., 6017'W.), ENE as far as Window Island and SW to Barclay Bay.
extends S and E from the S extremity of Craggy Island. The Byers Peninsula (6238'S., 6105'W.) is located W of a
berth as although the bottom feels soft, it may consist of only miles E of Devils Point (6240'S., 6111'W.).
rocks covered with seaweed. Long Rock (6242'S., 6111'W.), a detached above-water
Gales from the NW are infrequent along this coast, but they
2.41 rock, lies 1 mile SSW of Devils Point and Conical Rock
are violent and vessels should seek shelter within Blythe Bay. (6243'S., 6111'W.) lies 1.3 miles S of it.
Anchorage may be obtained on the S side of the Byers Pen-
2.42 The Dunbar Islands (6229'S., 6012'W.), a group of insula, 4.5 miles ESE of Devils Point.
small islands, lie between 1.5 miles and 2.5 miles SW of Wil- New Plymouth (Puerto Echeverria) (6237'S., 6112'W.)
liams Point. A chain of above-water rocks, lying 1 mile N of consists of a bay which is entered between Start Point and
Siddons Point, extends NW into the bay and terminates in a Rugged Island (6238'S., 6115'W.), 2 miles SSW. This bay
rock, awash, which is located 5 miles E of Black Point may be identified by Eddystone Rocks (6236'S., 6123'W.)
(6229'S., 6043'W.). which are prominent and lie 4.5 miles W of Start Point.
Chapman Rocks (6230'S., 6029'W.) and Lynx Rocks
2.42 The Pointers (6236'S., 6119'W.), a group of submerged
(6232'S., 6032'W.) lie 3.5 miles NNW and 3.3 miles W, re- rocks, lies 2 miles E of Eddystone Rocks and 2 miles N of
spectively, of Siddons Point. A bay lies between Black Point Cape Sheffield (6237'S., 6119'W.), the NW extremity of
and Cape Shirreff, 3.5 miles NW, and Fortin Rock (6229'S., Rugged Island.
6044'W.), which is conspicuous, lies in its center. The head of the bay is obstructed by Astor Island (6239'S.,
Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands 131
sea, and the bottom consists mostly of rock and is very foul. A prominent rock pillar stands on the E shore, 2.3 miles E of
the point. Anchorage can be taken in a depth of 31m, speckled
2.44 Morton Strait (6242'S., 6114'W.) has a navigable gray mud, about 0.3 mile W of this pillar. A small islet lies
channel, less than 1 mile wide. This channel has a least depth close to the shore, about 0.3 mile NE of this pillar. Two other
of 12.8m, but local knowledge is essential for safe passage. small islets lie close together, about 0.5 mile SSE of the pillar.
Numerous tide rips and whirlpools have been reported to occur Johnsons Dock (6240'S., 6022'W.), a small cove, lies at
at the S entrance of this strait. In addition, strong tidal currents the NE end of South Bay and directly under Mount Bowles
set through the strait and navigation is hazardous. (6237'S., 6012'W.). The entrance to the cove is not easy to
Hell Gates (6240'S., 6111'W.), a chain of above and be-
2.44 identify, but its E entrance point is formed by a prominent per-
low-water rocks and islets, extends across the strait between pendicular cliff. The cove provides safe anchorage for six or
Livingston Island and Snow Island. Passage through this chain seven vessels, moored in a nest, and has depths of 16 to 24m.
of dangers should be attempted only with local knowledge. Local knowledge is advised.
Svip Rocks (6235'S., 6138'W.) is a group of submerged
2.44 False Bay (6243'S., 6022'W.) is entered between Barnard
rocks, existence doubtful, which is reported to lie in the NW Point and Miers Bluff (6243'S., 6027'W.), the S extremity of
approach to the strait, about 7.5 miles W of Cape Sheffield, the the Hurd Peninsula (6241'S., 6023'W.). Huntress Glacier
NW extremity of Rugged Island. lies at the head of this bay. A conspicuous rock stands on the E
Snow Island (6247'S., 6123'W.) lies 4 miles SW of Liv-
2.44 side of the Hurd Peninsula, 2 miles NE of Miers Bluff. Anchor-
ingston Island from which it is separated by the strait. This is- age can be taken on each side of the bay, 0.3 mile E or 1.5
land is entirely ice capped and presents no distinctive rock miles E of this conspicuous rock.
outcrops. Numerous islets, rocks, and reefs surround the island Barnard Point is fronted by numerous rocks, which extend
and vessels should approach it with great care. Foul ground ex- up to about 1 mile W and S, and several small islets lie close
tends up to 4 miles seaward from the W side of this island. off Miers Bluff. An area of foul ground extends up to 0.3 mile
Tooth Rock (6252'S., 6124'W.), jagged and 85m high, lies
2.44 SW of Miers Bluff.
1.3 miles S of Cape Conway (6251'S., 6124'W.). From Barnard Point, the coast trends NE for 17 miles to Re-
is located 4 miles NW of Cape Conway. coast, about 5 miles NE of Barnard Point. Its summit is sharp,
Castle Rock (6248'S., 6134'W.), the largest and most con-
2.44 pointed, and black. A small cove lies close NE of this peak, but
spicuous rock lying off the W side of the island, is 177m high it has not been surveyed.
and Keep Rock lies close SW of it. Caution.During thick weather, vessels should use care not
which lie up to about 1 mile seaward. A shoal, with a depth of E side of the island and Mount Kirkwood (6300'S.,
13.7m, lies about 2 miles SW of Barnard Point. 6239'W.), 467m high, rises near the middle of the S side.
The E coast of the island is fringed, for 4 miles, by an ice
2.45 Bond Point (6241'S., 6048'W.) is located between face. A smaller ice face fringes part of the S coast and is front-
Hetty Rock (6240'S., 6044'W.) and Elephant Point ed by an area of foul ground which extends up to 0.5 mile sea-
(6241'S., 6052'W.), 1.8 miles WSW. Three shallow rocks lie ward. A few rocky islets lie close to the shores on all sides of
about 1.8 miles S of Bond Point and an islet, position approxi- the island. Several sandy beaches fringe the shores, particularly
mate, is reported to lie about 3 miles ESE of Elephant Point. A on the N side and at each end of the ice face on the E side. In
depth of 1.6m lies about 0.5 mile ESE of Bond Point; a depth other parts, the shore is steep-to and formed by cliffs. The W
of 4.4m lies about 1 mile ESE of Bond Point. and SW coasts of the island are reported to be fronted by shal-
Walker Bay (6238'S., 6042'W.), which has not been ex-
2.45 low depths. A shoal, with a least depth of 9.1m, lies off the W
amined, lies between Hannah Point (6239'S., 6037'W.) and coast of the island, close NW of Collins Point (6300'S.,
Hetty Rock, 3.5 miles W. 6035'W.), and another shoal, with a depth of 4.6m, lies close
South Bay (6240'S., 6023'W.), 2.5 miles wide, extends NE
2.45 off the N side of the island.
between high, rocky slopes. An islet lies 0.5 mile off Hannah Port Foster (6257'S., 6039'W.), a crater-like basin, is en-
Point, the NW entrance point of this bay. Several rocks and an tered through Neptunes Bellows (6300'S., 6034'W.), a nar-
area of foul ground also front this point. A bank, with a least row passage which lies on the SE side of the island.
depth of 27m, lies about 2.3 miles SE of Hannah Point. Entrance Point is located on the S side of this passage and
the bay from the N shore, 4 miles E of the NW entrance point. trance to the passage; the existence of this danger is now
132 Sector 2. The South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands
doubtful as recent surveys (2008) have found greater depths at shore. This rock is 305m long, 152m wide, and has steep, per-
its location. The channel leading between this rock and En- pendicular sides. A shoal, with a depth of 17m, lies about 0.4
trance Point is narrow and obstructed by foul ground. The mile SW of this rock.
channel leading between the rock and Fildes Point is deep but Lavebrua Island (6302'S., 6035'W.), 97m high, lies 1.5
only about 200m wide. A prominent stranded wreck was re- miles E of South Point. The island is reported (2008) to lie 0.1
ported to lie close N of Entrance Point. Uncharted dangers mile N of its charted position.
have been reported (2008) to extend up to 0.1 mile seaward for Caution.The SW and W coasts of Deception Island, be-
a distance of 0.5 mile S of Entrance Point. tween a point about 1.5 miles WNW of Lavebrua Island and a
Within Neptunes Bellows, the depths rapidly increase to more
2.46 point about 3 miles further WNW, then continuing N for about
than 90m. The tidal currents attain rates of up to 1.3 knots at 4.3 miles, has extended about 0.25 further seaward.
springs and turn at about the times of HW and LW, by the shore. Depths surrounding the island may also be significantly less
of 25m, cinders and stones, about 1.5 miles E of Collins Point miles wide, lies 42 miles W of Deception Island. This island is
(6300'S., 6035'W.), which lies on the S side of Neptunes Bel- conspicuous due to its tall peaks and striking appearance.
lows about 2 miles W of Entrance Point. Secure anchorage Mount Pisgah (6257'S., 6229'W.), 1,859m high, stands 4
during E gales can be obtained, in a depth of 45m, cinders, in miles NE of Mount Foster and is also snow-covered.
the lee of the island and about 2.3 miles NW of New Rock. Mount Foster (6300'S., 6233'W.), 2,103m high, has a tri-
(2009) to lie 0.6 mile SSE of its charted position. miles NE of Mount Pisgah.
Neptunes Window (6259'S., 6033'W.), a narrow gap, lies The coasts of the island are rugged and are faced by sheer, black
between two rock pillars at the top of a cliff in a small cove. This cliffs while the high lands behind them are completely snow-cov-
cove lies on the NW side of a bay which is located between Pe- ered. The W coast between Gregory Point (6255'S., 6233'W.)
tes Pillar and South East Point (6259'S., 6031'W.). and Cape James (6306'S., 6245'W.), the S extremity, is formed
by prominent, vertical cliffs, 610 to 914m high.
Stanley Patch (6259'S., 6038'W.), a rocky shoal, has a
2.46 Van Rocks (6306'S., 6250'W.), consisting of two small
least depth of 27m and lies 1.8 miles NW of Collins Point. groups of conspicuous pointed rocks, lies 2 miles W of Cape
Whalers Bay (6259'S., 6034'W.) is entered between Fil-
2.46 James.
des Point and Penfold Point, 0.5 mile NW. Anchorage can be Cape Smith (6252'S., 6219'W.), the N extremity of the is-
obtained in depths of 64 to 91m, loose cinders, within the bay, land, is fringed by foul ground and the entire N coast is fronted
but the holding ground is not good. by breakers which extend up to 2 miles offshore.
Pendulum Cove (6256'S., 6036'W.), lying on the NE side
2.46 A patch, with a least depth of 42m, lies 31 miles WSW of
of Port Foster, provides shelter. Vessels can anchor in depths of Cape Smith and another patch, with a least depth of 36m, lies
20 to 29m, muddy ashes, about 100m offshore, but this berth is about 2 miles, position doubtful, N of it.
exposed to W and NW winds and the holding ground is poor.
A wreck is reported to lie close to the S shore of this cove.
2.46 2.48 Low Island (6317'S., 6209'W.) lies with Cape
Grumete Light is shown from a structure standing 2.2 miles
2.46 Wallace (6313'S., 6215'W.), its NW extremity, located 14
WNW of Collins Point. When approaching Neptunes Bellows, miles SE of Smith Island. This island has a low elevation and is
the hill, on which this structure stands, appears in the shape of almost entirely covered with snow, only a few rocks being visi-
a flat pyramid, showing up clearly against the snowy slopes be- ble. The entire N and W coasts of the island are fronted by foul
hind it. ground between Cape Hooker (6318'S., 6159'W.), the NE
Wensleydale Beacon (6257'S., 6042'W.), surmounting a hill,
2.46 extremity, and Cape Garry (6321'S., 6216'W.), the SW ex-
is situated on the W side of Port Foster, 4 miles NW of Collins tremity. Several rocks front the N and W sides of the island and
Point. A lighted beacon stands 1.3 miles SSW of this beacon. lie up to 2.5 miles offshore. The E side of the island has not
Sail Rock (6302'S., 6057'W.), 28m high, lies about 6.5 been fully examined, but a patch, with a depth of 16.4m, is re-
miles WSW of New Rock. It is pyramidal-shaped and resem- ported to lie about 5 miles SSW of Cape Hooker. Another
bles a ship under sail when viewed from a distance. However, it patch, with a depth of 36.6m, is reported to lie about 33 miles
appears more like a house with a gable roof from closer in- WSW of Cape Garry.
The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen SeaJoinville Island to Cape Colbeck
3.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
3.0 Additional DNC library coverage may be found in NGA DNC 29 (Limited Distribution) disc within the README\GRAPHICS folder.
136 Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck
3.3Jacquinot Rocks lie at the N edge of an area of foul ground, of Brabant Island and has depths of 212 to 914m. Shoaling oc-
about 2 miles WNW of Astrolabe Island. A submerged rock, curs in the vicinity of Anvers Island and the depths decrease to
existence doubtful, is reported to lie about 10 miles WSW of less than 180m in some places within the strait.
the island. A shoal, with a depth of 5.5m, is reported to lie 3.4Tower Island (6333'S., 5951'W.), 305m high, lies 10.5
about 10 miles NW of the island. miles N of Cape Kater.
3.3Hombron Rocks lie about 3 miles offshore, 8 miles NE of 3.4Condyle Point (6335'S., 5948'W.) is located 1.5 miles E
Cape Roquemaurel, and are fronted by several reefs. Molina of the S extremity of this island and Cape Dumoutier is located
Rocks lie about 5.5 miles ESE of Astrolabe Island and a shoal 2.3 miles farther NE. Foul ground fringes the E, S, and W sides
patch, with a depth of 18m, lies close NW of them. of this island and extends up to 1.5 miles offshore. A foul
3.3Young Point (6336'S., 5855'W.) is located 3.5 miles S of ground area also fronts the N side of the island. It is about 2.5
Cape Roquemaurel. Bone Bay, which is 3 miles wide at its en- miles wide and extends up to 5 miles seaward.
trance, indents the coast close S of this point. Blake Island, 3.4Dumoulin Rocks (6326'S., 5947'W.) lie close N of Cape
which is narrow and about 1 mile long, lies in the center of the Leguillou. Kendall Rocks, consisting of several pillar-shaped
approach to this bay and is fringed by foul ground on its W islets, lie 5 miles NNE of Tower Island and have been reported
side. Whaleback Rocks lie about 1.5 miles W of this island. to attain a height of 133m.
From the head of this bay, the Trinity Peninsula extends 18 3.4Ohlin Island, 170m high and 1.5 miles long, lies 5 miles
miles to Prince Gustav Channel. WNW of Tower Island. Two islets and a submerged rock lie
3.3Cape Kjellman (6344'S., 5924'W.) is located 12 miles centered about 1 mile W of this island. Three islets and a sub-
SW of the S entrance point of Bone Bay and is fringed by sub- merged rock lie between 2 and 3 miles WSW of the island.
merged rocks. The stretch of coast extending 6 miles ENE of 3.4Caution.The area lying ESE of Tower Island has not been
this cape is fronted by numerous islets and dangers. Several completely surveyed and vessels should exercise great care
hills, 305 to 1,158m high, stand along the Trinity Peninsula in when navigating in this vicinity.
this vicinity.
3.3Cape Kater (6346'S., 5954'W.) is located 13 miles WSW 3.5 Gilbert Strait (6338'S., 6016'W.) separates the
of Cape Kjellman; Charcot Bay indents the coast between dangers lying W of Tower Island from Cape Neumayer
them. Almond Point projects from the head of this bay at the E (6342'S., 6034'W.). An air survey (1957) of the strait and the
side of White Cloud Glacier. Webster Peaks, a group of four area lying between Tower Island and Cape Kater revealed the
rocky hills, rises 5 miles WSW of this glacier and attains a existence of many uncharted dangers. However, a survey
height of 1,065m. (1984) reported that a passage, 3 miles wide and clear, leads
3.3Two glaciers flow into the bay. McNeile Glacier flows N to through the strait.
the SE side of Almond Point while Andrew Glacier flows ENE 3.5A research vessel reported (1977) that a clear passage led
to the W shore, about 5 miles S of Cape Kater. through Gilbert Strait along the meridian of 6028'W, but
3.3Anchorage, sheltered from W winds, may be taken in a depth passed through unsurveyed areas.
of 32m, shingle, about 0.5 mile off the W side of the bay. 3.5Trinity Island (6345'S., 6044'W.), 15 miles long and 7.5
3.3The aspect of this entire part of the coast is a high ice-cov- miles wide, lies 20 miles W of Cape Kater. Tower Hill, its sum-
ered plateau in the interior with glaciers flowing toward the mit, is 1,125m high and formed by a distinctive sharp cone. A
coast and forming a continuous ice platform out of which only small island, 186m high, lies close off the rugged NW extremi-
a few rocky points project. ty of Trinity Island.
3.5The SW part of the island is formed by an ice-covered table-
Cape Kater to Anvers Island land, the S extremity of which is known as Stottsburg Point.
Spert Island, 160m high, lies close W of the W extremity of the
3.4 Lanchester Bay (6355'S., 6006'W.) is entered be- island and several above and submerged rocks lie up to about
tween Wennersgaard Point, located 5 miles SSW of Cape Kat- 1.8 miles N and NW of its N end.
er, and Havilland Point, 7 miles WNW. Chanute Peak stands on
the E side of this bay and Temple Glacier covers the E side of 3.5Farewell Rock (6352'S., 6101'W.), a rocky reef, lies close
Wright Ice Piedmont which extends to Cape Andreas off the SW end of Spert Island. A rock, awash, lies 2.5 miles
(6400'S., 6043'W.), 20 miles W. WNW of this reef. Banks, with least depths of 31 and 44m, lie
3.4Cape Page is located 2 miles W of Havilland Point; Short Is- 6 miles SW and 9 miles WSW, respectively, of the beacon.
land lies close offshore, 3.5 miles further SW. 3.5Caution.Three small islets, surrounded by foul ground,
3.4Palmer Archipelago (6415'S., 6250'W.), consisting of a are reported to lie about 3.5 miles NE of Cape Wollaston, the
number of islands, lies off the Davis Coast (6400'S., NE extremity of Trinity Island. A dangerous area, about 1.5
6000'W.). The principal islands are Tower Island, Trinity Is- miles in diameter, is reported, existence doubtful, to be cen-
land, Hoseason Island, Liege Island, Brabant Island, Anvers Is- tered about 3 miles ENE of this cape.
land, and Wiencte Island. These islands are separated from the 3.5Several dangers are reported to lie up to 5 miles seaward of
mainland by a continuous channel which, from N to S, bears the W coast of Trinity Island.
the names Orleans Strait (6350'S., 6020'W.), Gerlache 3.5Breakers have been seen 3 miles W and 3.7 miles SW of
Strait (6430'S., 6220'W.), and Bismarck Strait (6451'S., Cape Wollaston.
6400'W.). 3.5Vessels are advised not to approach within 5 miles of the N
3.4Depths of up to 366m are reported to lie 7 miles N of the ex- shore of Trinity Island as the area has not been completely sur-
tremities of the islands. Gerlache Strait is clear in the vicinity veyed and foul ground is reported to exist.
Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck 137
3.6 Mikkelsen Harbor (6354'S., 6047'W.) indents the Small Island, 335m high and 1 mile in diameter, lies within
S coast of Trinity Island, E of Stottsburg Point. This inlet has the foul ground area close off the S shore. This island is report-
general depths of 46 to 164m. Anchorage can be taken, in a ed to have a sphinx-like appearance when viewed from some
depth of 82m, fine clay, on a bank lying about 0.5 mile from directions. Several above-water rocks and a rock, awash, lie up
the glacier at the head. Anchorage may also be taken, in a to 1.5 miles SE of the island.
depth of 18m, about 0.2 mile SE of D'Hainaut Island, which Two rocks, which break and are fringed by foul ground, are
lies in the center of the harbor. The bottom consists of a thin reported to lie about 5 miles E of Small Island. Chance Rock, a
layer of mud over rock, with moderate holding ability. The har- submerged rock, is reported to lie, position approximate, about
bor provides shelter from winds from E, through N, to WSW, 6 miles E of Small Island.
but a rough sea sets in during S and SW winds. The flood cur- Diamonen Island, 171m high, is located 5 miles ESE of
rent sets NE, at a rate of 1 knot, while the ebb current sets SW Small Island and a rock, 1.2m high, lies 0.8 mile NNW of it.
at a similar rate. Drift ice and bergs set in from the SW and fre- A shoal, with a depth of 11m, and a dangerous rock, are re-
quent calving of the glacier often renders this anchorage unde- ported to lie about 8 miles ESE and 1.5 miles W, respectively,
sirable. of Small Island. A foul ground area, about 2.5 miles long, lies
3.6Klo Rock, with a least depth of 1.5m and on which the sea 7.5 miles NE of Intercurrence Island and extends in a N/S di-
breaks, lies in the middle of the harbor. In addition, several oth- rection.
er rocks obstruct the approaches to the harbor. Two beacons, The Danco Coast is that portion of the Antarctic Peninsula
each 30m high, stand on an islet, 9m high, which lies near the forming the shore between Cape Kater and Cape Renard
middle of the harbor, on the W side. (6501'S., 6346'W.), 130 miles SW.
3.6Orleans Strait leads between Trinity Island and the Danco From Cape Kater, the Danco Coast trends 21 miles SW and
Coast (6442'S., 6200'W.). This passage is about 4 miles W to Cape Andreas (6400'S., 6043'W.).
wide, but is restricted to a navigable width of 2 miles. Vessels
should pass to the S of the rocks lying off the SE side Trinity 3.8 Cape Sterneck (6404'S., 6102'W.) is located 23
Island but may pass either side of a rock located near the mid- miles SW of Cape Andreas and the coast between is regular
dle of the channel. A shoal, with a depth of 2.4m, lies about 2.5 and unbroken. The shore is fringed by numerous small rocks,
miles SE of Awl Point, the SE extremity of Trinity Island. A especially close N and S of this cape.
rock, awash, lies about 3.5 miles further SE of Awl Point. 3.8Cape Sterneck is formed by a bold and dark-colored cliff,
3.6Chionis Island (6353'S., 6038'W.), 127m high, lies about 460m high. It is the NW extremity of a promontory and forms
1.2 miles SE of Trinity Island. A dangerous rock, existence the SW limit of the Davis Coast. Monument Rocks, up to 55m
doubtful, is reported to lie about 4.5 miles SE of this island. high, lie 3 miles NNE of the cape and numerous small islets
3.6A clear and navigable channel, 1.3 miles wide, leads through and rocks lie between them.
Orleans Strait. It passes S of Chionis Island and connects Gil- 3.8The Danco Coast appears as a continuous ice slope, broken
bert Strait Gerlache Strait. only by several protruding rock masses. The plateau, rising far-
3.6Austin Rocks (6326'S., 6104'W.) lie centered about 13 ther inland, attains heights of 1,220 to 1,830m.
miles NW of Trinity Island. This group attains a height of 42m Hughes Bay (6413'S., 6120'W.), 22 miles long, irregularly
and extends about 3 miles in a NE/SW direction. Ice floes fre- indents the coast and recedes for about 8 miles. The shores of
quently ground in the vicinity of the rocks. this bay are completely ice-covered except for several rocky
3.6Hoseason Island (6344'S., 6144'W.), 529m high, lies 19 headlands. The ice extends inland to the base of some irregular
miles W of Trinity Island and is marked by two snow-covered mountains which have steep snow-free slopes.
summits. Cape Barrow, the NE extremity of the island, is faced 3.8Cierva Cove lies 6 miles SSE of Cape Sterneck and a hut
by a steep cliff and backed by gentle slopes which rise toward surmounts its S entrance point. An islet lies 1 mile NW of the S
the N summit of the island. This cape is fronted by several entrance point. A beacon, 6m high, noted as destroyed on the
rocks which extend up to 1 mile seaward. A submerged rock, chart, stands on an islet lying 2 miles N of the S entrance point.
existence doubtful, is reported to lie about 1.3 miles NNW of 3.8Brialmont Cove lies 4 miles SSW of Cierva Cove and is en-
the cape. Cetacea Rocks and an islet, 65m high, lie centered 2.5 tered between Charles Point and Spring Point. Alcock Island
miles SE of the cape. lies on an area of foul ground which fronts the W side of
3.6From Cape Barrow, the coast of the island extends 7 miles to Charles Point.
Angot Point, its S extremity. Numerous small islets and rocks, 3.8Good anchorage can be taken in depths of 25 to 30m about
both above and below-water, front the shores of this island. 0.3 mile NNE of Spring Point, but strong winds often blow
3.6Cape Possession, 259m high, is the W extremity of Chanti- from the SSE. Primavera, an Argentinean base station, is situ-
cleer Island, which lies close off the W extremity of Hoseason ated in the vicinity of Brialmont Cove.
Island. Numerous above and below-water rocks partially sur- 3.8Midas Island, Moss Island, and Apendice Island, together
round this island. with a number of shoals, lie up to 4 miles W of this stretch of
coast and can be best seen on the chart.
3.7 Intercurrence Island (6355'S., 6124'W.) is the 3.8Sprightly Island (6417'S., 6104'W.) lies 0.5 mile NW of
northernmost and largest of the Christiania Islands (6357'S., Spring Point and Roget Rocks, surrounded by foul ground, lie
6127'W.). Babel Rock, 58m high, is one of two rocks which 3.8 miles SW of it.
lie close N of this island and is surrounded by foul ground. The 3.8Tournachon Peak, 859m high, rises 1.5 miles SSW of Spring
W and S shores of the island are fronted by foul ground which Point and is prominent.
extends up to 2.5 miles seaward. 3.8Salvesen Cove (6424'S., 6120'W.) lies about 9 miles SSW
138 Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck
of Spring Point and indents the coast for 2 miles. Ice rises in a in vertical ice cliffs. A small island lies about 4 miles WSW of
series of terraces to the E of this cove. The S shore of the cove this island and is located in the center of the entrance of a wide
rises to a high, rugged ridge, with several rocky outcrops and cove.
ice-capped peaks, which extends inland to the plateau. Be- Delaite Island, 2 miles long, lies 2 miles W of Nansen Island.
tween Spring Point and this cove, the coastal ice cliff is fringed A small islet and a submerged rock lie close off the S extremity
by numerous small, rocky islets. The S shore of the cove is of this island.
formed by large glacier cliffs which extend NW for 7 miles to Emma Island, with several sharp peaks, lies 3 miles E of
Cape Murray. Cape Anna. A rock, with a depth of 1.2m, lies about 2.5 miles
NNW of the N extremity of the island.
3.9 Cape Murray (6421'S., 6138'W.) is formed, in re- Luisa Island, small and ice-capped, lies 1.5 miles ESE of
ality, by Murray Island (Bluff Island). This island has a number Cape Anna.
of extensive rocky exposures which are conspicuous and ex- Brabant Island (6415'S., 6220'W.) lies on the NW side of
tend vertically down to the shore. Several islands, the largest Gerlache Strait. It extends 33 miles in a N/S direction and is
being about 2 miles long, lie close off this cape and may best about 16 miles wide. The Solvay Mountains rise along the E
be seen on the chart. side of the island. A rocky ice-covered spur projects S from
3.9Graham Passage, about 0.5 mile wide and 4 miles long, sep- these mountains and ends in Mount Buckle, a conspicuous
arates the island of Cape Murray from the mainland. Cape summit, 1,030m high. From Mount Buckle, the SE part of the
Murray Bay, a small and sheltered harbor, is formed between island is formed by glacier slopes. Lagrange Peak, 452m high,
Cape Murray and a small island lying close N. Anchorage may stands 8 miles NE of Mount Buckle and backs a flat-topped
be taken in a depth of 36m within the E part of this harbor. rocky headland.
However, deeper water lies in the W part and a depth of 110m Buls Bay indents the center of the E shore of the island and
with no bottom has been reported. recedes for about 3 miles. A large glacier lies at the head of this
3.9The Reclus Peninsula (6433'S., 6147'W.), high and rocky, bay and is fronted by several rocks. The rounded and promi-
forms the W side of Charlotte Bay. The Gaston Islands, 58 and nent summits of the Solvay Mountains stand above the bay and
81m high, lie 1 mile WNW and 1 mile NNW, respectively, of attain heights of up to 1,520m. D'Ursel Point, small and ice
this peninsula. A beacon, 6m high, surmounts the higher is- free, forms the S entrance point of the bay. Although this bay
land. Several shoals lie close SE of these two islands. has not been thoroughly surveyed, it was reported that anchor-
3.9Cape Anna (6435'S., 6226'W.), marked by a beacon, is lo- age could be taken close behind an island lying in the entrance.
cated 18 miles SW of the peninsula and Wilhelmina Bay Strong winds, which sweep off the glacier at the head, have
(6438'S., 6210'W.), a large indentation, lies between them. been experienced within this bay.
The head of this bay is fronted by several rocky masses, with Pampa Island (Hunt Island), a large island, lies close to the
numerous valley glaciers, and an extensive ice cliff. Several shore, about 3 miles NE of Buls Bay.
large islands lie in the E part of the bay and Plata Passage, a Lecointe Island (6416'S., 6203'W.), the largest of a group
navigable channel, leads between them and the high ice-cov- of three islands, lies 6 miles NE of Buls Bay. A light is reported
ered mainland. to be shown from a structure standing on the N extremity of
3.9Caution.A depth of 2.1m lies about 0.75 mile ENE of the Guesalaga Island, the easternmost island of this group.
beacon on Cape Anna. From Buls Bay, the coast trends generally NNE to Spallan-
3.9Nansen Island, 6 miles long and the largest within the bay, zani Point, the NE extremity of Brabant Island, and is indented
lies 5 miles SW of the Reclus Peninsula and two small islands by several small bays and coves. Harry Island, steep and snow-
lie close off its N extremity. capped, lies close to the coast in the vicinity of Spallanzani
3.9Brooklyn Island lies 1 mile offshore, about 1 mile SE of Point and has perpendicular cliffs on its W side. A small chan-
Nansen Island. It is 3 miles long, high, and ice-covered. Wyck nel, with several arms, lies on the W side of this island and is
Island, 1 mile long, lies 1 mile S of the W extremity of this is- not recommended for use. Bernard Rocks lie in the middle of
land. this channel, between Harry Island and Spallanzani Point.
3.9Foyn Harbor (6433'S., 6201'W.) lies within Wilhelmina
Bay. It is located on the E side of Nansen Island and is bor- 3.11 Two Hummock Island (6408'S., 6142'W.), lying 8
dered by several small islands and rocks which lie on the E side miles SW of Small Island, presents a convex appearance with a
of the entrance. Anchorage can be taken in depths of 27 to smooth snow mantle. Two pyramidal-shaped rocky nunataks
36m, rocky bottom with poor holding ground, in this harbor. project through the snow and their summits form a range which
However, this anchorage is not recommended due to the calv- extends in the direction of the length of the island. The shore of
ing of the high glacier face and violent SE winds which have the island is formed by ice cliffs, fronted by narrow strips of
often been experienced in the bay. bare rock at the water's edge. Wauters Point, the N extremity of
3.9Caution.The tidal range in the vicinity of Nansen Island is the island, is formed by a conspicuous and snow-covered cape.
about 1.3m. However, the tides are reported to be of a peculiar Auguste Island, 1 mile long, lies 3.5 miles NE of Two Hum-
nature and very irregular. mock Island. It is flat-topped, with steep slopes, and is mostly
free of snow. Landing may be made on the rocky shore of the
3.10 Pelseneer Island (6439'S., 6213'W.), 2 miles long, NW part of this island.
lies in the center of the bay and about 2 miles from the head. Cobalescou Island lies 0.8 mile ESE of the SE extremity of
This island has three summits, formed by needle-like peaks, Two Hummock Island. It is free of snow and has two flat sum-
from which icy slopes extend to the water's edge and terminate mits, surmounted by broken rocks, each 25m high.
Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck 139
Island and are separated from it by Croker Passage. This pas- wide, contains a large glacier which descends from the heights
sage, deep and clear of dangers, joins Gerlache Strait at its S of the interior mountains.
end and is reported to be the safest and best approach to the lat- The W shore of the Pasteur Peninsula terminates in Lehaie
ter channel. Point. The W coast of Brabant Island is fronted by rocks and
Liege Island (6402'S., 6155'W.) lies 4 miles NW of Two
3.11 has not been thoroughly surveyed. Vessels navigating in this
Hummock Island. The Brugmann Mountains, forming the vicinity should exercise extreme care.
highest land, rise in a steep range along the E side of this is- From Lehaie Point, the coast extends SE for 5 miles to Strath
land. Neyt Point, a prominent projection, is located on the E Point, the S extremity, above which stands Victoria Peak. This
shore of the island, 1 mile SE of the N extremity, and marks the conspicuous summit is cone-shaped and 485m high.
end of this range of irregular peaks. Mount Allo, 305m high, From Cape Anna, the coast extends SW for 3 miles and is in-
stands near this point. It is formed by a conspicuous sharp cone dented by Orne Harbor (6437'S., 6232'W.), a bay. This bay
and is completely covered by snow. Anchorage can be taken affords shelter from winds and swells. Anchorage can be ob-
about 1 mile SW of Neyt Point. tained within this bay, but there is no protection from drift ice.
Moureaux Point, the N extremity, forms the seaward end of a
3.11 From Orne Harbor, the coast extends SW for 2 miles to
narrow peninsula which is joined to the island by a rather high where a conspicuous, black nunatak rises near the shore. It then
and narrow isthmus. Three islets lie about 1 mile offshore, trends 7 miles S and 3 miles W to Beneden Head (6446'S.,
close W of the point, and foul ground is located in this vicinity. 6242'W.). Steep glacial slopes extend into the interior, with
A shoal patch, with a depth of 3.7m, is reported to lie, position occasional rocky outcrops, from this headland.
approximate, about 5.5 miles NE of Moureaux Point.
A depth of 16.5m lies about 7 miles S of the S extremity of
3.11 3.13 Errera Channel (6442'S., 6236'W.) separates
Hoseason Island. Ronge Island from the mainland. Ronge Island lies with
Yoke Island, 72m high, lies 3 miles WSW of Moureaux
3.11 Georges Point, its N extremity, located 8 miles SW of Cape
Point and is surrounded by foul ground. Anna.
3.13Cuverville Island and Danco Island lie within this channel,
3.12 Chauveau Point (6405'S., 6202'W.), the W extrem- 1.5 miles SE of Georges Point and 2.8 miles E of the S extrem-
ity of the island, is bordered by numerous islets, rocks, and ity of Ronge Island, respectively. A dangerous submerged rock
reefs. The channel leading between Liege Island and Brabant lies about 0.4 mile NNW of the N extremity of Cuverville Is-
Island is obstructed by many islets and rocks. Davis Islet, the land. Danco Island is fronted by rocks which extend up to 0.2
largest of these, almost entirely blocks the channel and forms mile offshore; an above-water shingle patch lies 0.3 mile E of
two narrow passages. The northernmost passage is about 0.3 it.
mile wide and may be transited by small vessels. Such vessels 3.13Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 26m, off the E part of
should stay close to Liege Island in order to avoid the dangers the N end of Danco Island. However, vessels using this anchor-
fringing Davis Island. Several shoals front the S shore of this age have reported some difficulty with icebergs being swept
island and lie up to 0.5 mile seaward. through the channel by the tidal current which attains a rate of
The N coast of Brabant Island trends generally NW for 7
3.12 3 knots.
miles then N for 5 miles to Duclaux Point which forms the W 3.13Mount Tennant, a conspicuous peak, is 688m high and rises
entrance point of Bouquet Bay (6403'S., 6210'W.). This in the N part of Ronge Island.
large bay is reported to be foul. 3.13The Orne Islands and several above-water rocks lie on an ar-
Cape Cockburn, the E extremity of the Pasteur Peninsula, is
3.12 ea of foul ground which extends up to 1.3 miles N of Georges
formed by a high, rocky cliff. This cliff extends 5 miles to Cape Point. Ferrer Rocks lie 1 mile W of Ketley Point, the W ex-
Roux, the W extremity. Depths of less than 9m are reported to tremity of Ronge Island; a shoal, with a least depth of 3.7m, is
lie up to 1.5 miles off this stretch of coast and two rocks, located close S of them while a depth of 6m lies close NNW of
awash, lie on a foul ground area, which breaks, about 4.5 miles them. Useful Island, marked by a beacon, lies 2.8 miles W of
NW of Cape Roux. Ketley Point and rocks extend up to about 1 mile ENE of it.
From Cape Roux, the W shore of the peninsula trends SW
3.12 3.13Andvord Bay (6450'S., 6239'W.), which lies between
for 4 miles to Point Metchnikoff, the N entrance point of Guy- Beneden Head and Duthiers Point, extends 11 miles in a gener-
ou Bay (6405'S., 6235'W.). This bay recedes SE for about 3 al SE direction. The S end of this bay is divided into two small
miles and the land at its head is much lower than that in the N inlets which trend E and S for about 2.5 miles. Depths within
part of the peninsula. Claude Point, a prominent vertical rock, the main part of the bay are deep with the exception of a small
forms the S entrance point of the bay. This bay is encumbered indentation along the E shore, 5.5 miles SE of Beneden Head.
with numerous awash, above, and below-water rocks. Foul Anchorage may be taken as is convenient in depths of up to
ground fronts Claude Point and extends up to 1.3 miles off- 73m. The shore at the head of the bay is formed by the cliffed
shore. face of a broken glacier which descends from the NE shoulder
Astrolable Needle (6408'S., 6236'W.) stands 1 mile S of
3.12 of Mount Theodore.
Claude Point. This pointed monolith, 104m high, is visible
from a great distance. 3.14 Meko Harbor (6450'S., 6233'W.), a small bay, in-
From Claude Point, the coastal range rises as a snow-covered
3.12 dents the E shore of Andvord Bay. Two small coves lie on the S
ridge and extends S for 8 miles to Mount Parry. This peak is side of this bay at the base of steep slopes which ascend to the
2,432m high and dominates this part of the coast. summit of Forbes Point. The harbor provides anchorage and
140 Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck
has general depths of 55 to 90m. Shoals, with depths of less in the center of the island. The Fief Mountains stand at the SW
than 5.5m, fringe the shores. end of this range and include Savoia Peak, the summit of the is-
A submerged rock, fringed by foul ground, lies close to the E
3.14 land, which is 1,435m high. A striking, serrated range of
shore of Andvord Bay, 3 miles NW of this harbor. Several mountains rises NW of the central range and is separated from
coves indent the E shore of the bay to the S of Meko Harbor. A it by a wide valley. This range has Noble Peak standing at its
rock, awash, lies, position doubtful, close off the N entrance NE end and Jabet Peak standing at its SW end.
point of the southernmost of these coves. Vazquez Island (6455'S., 6325'W.), 103m high, lies close
plateau. with two small islets, about 1 mile off the E coast of Wiencke
Waterboat Point (6449'S., 6251'W.) is located 1.5 miles
3.14 Island. Bob Island, 145m high, lies 3 miles SSW of this island
SW of Duthiers Point. Small vessels may anchor SW of this and is marked by a beacon.
point. Capstan Rocks, up to 10m high, lie about 0.5 mile S of Bob
the harbor terminates in Skontorp Cove. Wiencke Island and Doumer Island, is entered, at its NE end,
Ice constantly moves through the passage leading between
3.14 between Felicie Point, the S extremity of Lion Island, and Cape
the mainland and Lemaire Island. It often changes direction Astrup.
with the two daily tides, which attain rates of up to 3 knots, and
vessels anchored here should be on constant alert. However, 3.16 Damoy Point (6449'S., 6332'W.), located 3.5 miles
the tidal currents prevent the ice in the bay from freezing, even SW of Noble Peak, is the W extremity of a peninsula which
in winter months. forms the N side of Port Lockroy. Casabianca Island, 46m
A light is reported to be shown from a pyramidal-shaped
3.14 high, lies 0.2 mile offshore, 0.5 mile NE of the point. A beacon
tower, 4m high, standing on O'Neill Point, the N extremity of stands near the E side of this island. Anchorage may be taken
Lautaro Island. This island is 58m high and lies at the W en- in depths of 22 to 36m about 0.2 mile NE of Casabianca Island
trance to Bryde Channel, 1.5 miles W of Lemaire Island. It was or in a depth of 54m about 0.3 mile E of the same island.
reported that this light is often unreliable and is obscured to the Dorian Bay lies on the N side of the isthmus at the root of the
S by high land. peninsula which forms the N side of Port Lockroy. This bay is
Leith Cove and Skontorp Cove indent the E side of Paradise
3.14 difficult to enter and may only be used by vessels with drafts of
Harbor. The Coughtrey Peninsula projects from the N entrance less than 4m. There are depths of 5 to 5.8m within the bay over
point of this cove and a beacon stands at its N end. Anchorage a bottom of soft mud. A reef, which nearly covers at HW, ex-
can be taken in a depth of 40m, rock with good holding ground, tends almost entirely across the entrance to the bay from its W
within Skontorp Cove, 0.6 mile NE of Garzon Point. entrance point. A narrow channel, with a depth of 2.7m, leads
Oscar Cove is entered between Garzon Point and Stoney
3.14 between the E end of the reef and the E entrance point of the
Point, 1.5 miles W. A beacon, 7m high, stands on the latter bay. A refuge hut is reported to stand on the S shore of the bay.
point. Mascies Cove lies on the N side of Ferguson Channel, An airstrip situated in the vicinity of Damoy Point is occasion-
1.5 miles W of Oscar Cove. ally used. Anchorage can be taken in a depth of 73m about 0.2
Almirante Brown, an Argentinean base, is situated in the vi-
3.14 mile E of the beacon standing on Casabianca Island.
cinity of the Coughtrey Peninsula.
Bruce Island (6454'S., 6308'W.), 320m high, lies in the W
3.14 3.17 Port Lockroy (6449'S., 6330'W.), lying on the W
entrance of Ferguson Channel and is separated from a peninsu- side of Wiencke Island and NE of Doumer Island, is one of the
la by a deep channel. Mount Banck, a prominent peak, stands best harbors in this region. It affords good shelter, with moder-
on this peninsula. Boutan Rocks, up to 5m high, lie about 1.3 ate depths, in good holding ground. This harbor is entered be-
miles SW of this island. tween Flag Point, on the N side, and Lecuyer Point, 0.5 mile
SSE, and extends E for about 0.8 mile. The W half of the S side
3.15 Wiencke Island (6450'S., 6325'W.) lies SE of An- of the harbor is encumbered by two islands and two islets. The
vers Island and is separated from it by Neumayer Channel. passages leading between these obstructions are reported to be
Throughout the length of this island, three mountain ranges foul. Goudier Island, with Bills Island located close NE, lies
slope in a SE direction down to Gerlache Strait. Nemo Peak, close off a small peninsula on the SW side of the harbor. Two
864m, and Nipple Peak, form the NE range. Wall Range rises islets, both bare, lie about 0.4 mile W of Bills Island. A chan-
Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck 141
nel, 0.2 mile wide, passes N of these islets and into the inner cedes for about 2 miles. William Glacier lies at the head of this
part of the harbor which can only be used by small craft. Alice bay. From the bay, the coast trends E for 2 miles and then NE
Creek, in the inner part, has a reef extending E at least halfway for 8 miles to Lion Sound. This stretch of the coast is bordered
across its entrance. by sheer cliffs, many of which are so steep that snow cannot
The ocean swell does not penetrate into the harbor and rocks
3.17 cling to them, and backed by several sharp summits. Billie
protect it from drifting icebergs. However, loose ice may be ex- Peak, 725m high, is the most prominent of these summits and
perienced due to calving of the glacier face which skirts the Copper Peak, 1,125m high, rises 2 miles N of it and is green-
harbor shore. Vessels may approach the harbor through either colored.
Neumayer Channel or Peltier Channel which are usually ice Mount Francais, 2,821m high, is the tallest summit rising on
free due to the currents. The N shore is formed by steep ice Anvers Island and stands above and inland from this portion of
slopes which descend from the serrated hills. These slopes the coast.
have vertical faces at the water's edge, 140 to 185m high. The E Lion Island (6441'S., 6308'W.), 411m high, stands 1.5
shores are marked by Smith Point and Besnard Point. miles SSW of Iceberg Point. The entrances leading into Lion
Goudier Island is fronted by a wharf, 4.5m long, which has a
3.17 Sound are clear, but a reef extends about 1 mile SW from Feli-
least depth of 0.9m alongside. However, it is reported to be in cie Point, the S extremity of this island. Two small islets lie
poor condition. A cairn stands on this island. close off the shore of Anvers Island, W of Felicie Point. A
The outer part of the harbor provides anchorage, but the bot-
3.17 rock, with a depth of less than 1.8m, lies about 0.8 mile ENE of
tom is rocky and the holding ground is not good during E Hippolyte Point, the N extremity of the island. Dobrowolski Is-
winds. When entering the harbor, vessels should pass to the N land lies close to the shore, 3 miles SW of Ryswyck Point.
of the islands and then proceed along the ice edge of the N Caution.When navigating in the vicinity of Cape Lancast-
shore. Good anchorage may be taken in a depth of 16.5m, mud, er, vessels should exercise extreme care as reefs, which do not
about 0.3 mile NE of Bills Island. Anchorage may also be tak- break, have been reported to lie up to about 1 mile from the
en in a depth of 18m, mud, about 0.2 mile of Besnard Point shore.
which is located at the E side of the harbor.
Port Lockroy is usually ice locked until the middle of De-
3.17 3.19 Ryswyck Point (6434'S., 6250'W.) forms the NE ex-
cember, but it affords an excellent harbor during the months of tremity of Anvers Island and Clifford Peak, 1,160m high, rises 4
January, February, and March. However, winds from the S may miles W of it. Fournier Island lies 0.3 mile E of this point.
block the entrances with loose drift ice. A group of islets and rocks, named The Waifs, lies in the
con is reported to stand near Py Point and an emergency box of Fournier Island and has a least depth, in the middle, of 20m.
provisions is situated in this vicinity. A spit, with several rocks Vessels are recommended to approach this channel from the N
awash, extends up to 0.3 mile from the head of this bay. An- steering a course of 168 and from the S steering a course of
chorage can be obtained in a depth of 35m about 0.7 mile NNE 000. The channel leading E of The Waifs is deep, but vessels
or 0.5 mile NW of Py Point. A shoal patch, with a depth of using it should keep at least 1 mile off the coast of Brabant Is-
7.3m, lies about 0.6 mile ENE of the point. land. The fairway leading through Schollaert Channel is deep
Homeward Point, located 1.5 miles NNE of Cape Kemp, is
3.17 and clear of dangers, except for a rock, with a depth of less
the W entrance point of Security Bay. Gauthier Point, marked than 1.8m, which lies 0.2 mile NE of False Island; a depth of
by a beacon, forms the NE entrance point of this bay and is the 4m lies about 0.5 mile further NW.
NW extremity of the island. A shoal patch, with a depth of Dallmann Bay separates Brabant Island and Anvers Island
8.8m, lies about 1 mile NE of this point. and forms the W entrance to Schollaert Channel. Several
groups of low snow-capped islands, which are surrounded by
3.18 Cape Lancaster (6451'S., 6344'W.), the S extremi- rocks, lie within this bay.
ty of Andvers Island, forms the S extremity of an ice-covered
promontory which rises gradually to Mount Ancla. A chain of 3.20 The Melchior Islands (6419'S., 6257'W.) lie in the
reefs extends up to 1.5 miles S from this cape. A shoal depth of center of Dallmann Bay between Mount Parry and The Hump.
8.8m lies in Bismarck Strait about 3 miles SSW of Cape Lan- These islands consists of two groups, the West Melchior Is-
caster. lands and the East Melchior Islands, which are separated by
Chata Rock, 3m high and over which the sea breaks heavily
3.18 The Sound.
in rough weather, lies about 0.6 mile S of the cape. A chain of The East Melchior Islands consist principally of two islands,
rocks, which runs parallel to the coast about 0.2 mile offshore, Eta Island and Omega Island, which are separated by a narrow
extends from close E of the cape to about 0.6 mile E of it. strait. Omega Island is 183m high and is the largest of the en-
Strong eddies and overfalls have been reported to occur up to
3.18 tire group.
about 1.2 miles seaward of this cape, especially during NE Andersen Harbor, an indentation in the SW side of Eta Is-
winds. land, lies at the W end of this strait. The SW shore of this har-
Borgen Bay (6445'S., 6331'W.) indents the coast and re-
3.18 bor is formed by the N extremity of Omega Island. The harbor
142 Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck
is entered between Tripod Island, on the N side, and Pabellon land and Kappa Island bearing 239 and the beacon on Gallows
Island, on the S side. A lighted beacon is reported to be situated Point bearing 125. Anchorage may also be taken about 0.2
on Pabellon Island. The harbor extends E for about 0.5 mile mile N of this latter beacon.
and has depths of 9 to 54m. It provides anchorage in depths of The Sound runs in a N/S direction between the East Melchi-
Melchior Islands. Peace Island, the Tau Islands, and several 3.21 Gand Island (6424'S., 6251'W.), flat and ice-cov-
small islets lie on this area. ered, is 3 miles long and 1.5 miles wide. It lies about 3 miles
A beacon, 4m high, stands on an islet lying 0.4 mile NW of
3.20 SSE of the Melchior Islands. Several rocks and reefs lie within
the W side of Omega Island. Another beacon stands on an islet 0.5 mile of the S shore of the island and a small island, known as
lying 0.5 mile S of Omega Island. Manoury Island, lies 1.3 miles S of it. Gand Island forms the N
The West Melchior Islands consist of the large Lambda Is-
3.20 entrance point of Schollaert Channel and lies on its E side.
land, lying on the N side, and the smaller Gamma Island, lying From Hackapike Bay, the coast extends N for 0.8 mile to
about 1 mile S. A chain of small islands and islets extends in a Andrews Point which forms the S entrance point of Discovery
NE/SW direction and lies centered between these two islands. Sound. Three rocks lie close N of Andrews Point.
Delta Island is the northeasternmost of this chain, followed Guepratte Island is covered with snow and lies on the W side
close SW by Alpha Island, Beta Island, and Kappa Island. Ep- of Schollaert Channel, 1.8 miles W of Andrews Point. Numer-
silon Island lies close NW of Alpha Island and the Theta Is- ous small islands front the E shore of this island. Several rocks
lands lie close W of Kappa Island. Two harbors are formed by and areas of foul ground extend up to 1 mile seaward of the E
this chain. Inner Harbor, which lies S of Lambda Island, and side of this island.
Melchior Harbor, which lies N of Gamma Island. Discovery Sound leads S of Guepratte Island and connects
of Delta Island. Anchorage may be taken in the center of the vers Island, on the W side of Dallmann Bay, and forms the N
harbor in depths of 31 to 77m, clay, sand, or stones with good side of Fournier Bay. A number of islets lie close off its sea-
holding ground. However, vessels may be inconvenienced by ward extremity. A large bay lies between the Thompson Penin-
icebergs and drift ice. sula and Gourdon Peninsula, 2 miles NW. The latter peninsula
A foul ground area extends up to 0.5 mile N from Lambda
3.20 forms the S shore of Lapeyrere Bay. Pyramid Rock, 40m high,
Island, the northernmost of the W group. The Rho Islands, sev- lies close off the NE extremity of the Gourdon Peninsula and
eral in number, lie within this area. The Hump rises on the N side of Lapeyrere Bay.
The W entrances to Inner Harbor and Melchior Harbor have
3.20 D'Abnour Bay is small and lies close W of Cape Bayle
not been surveyed and strong tidal currents, which often bring (6417'S., 6310'W.), the NE extremity of Anvers Island. From
large quantities of drift ice, are reported to set through them. Cape Bayle, the N shore extends W for 10 miles to Cape Gron-
Moorings are available on the N shore of Gamma Island, about land, the NW extremity of the island. D'Abnour Bay is ob-
0.2 mile SW of Gallows Point, its NE extremity. A hut and a structed by many rocks and shoals.
beacon are situated near Gallows Point. Anchorage can be tak- The N shore of the island is fringed by numerous rocks and
en with the summit of the island that lies between Gamma Is- small snowy islands. The most prominent being the Lajarte Is-
Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck 143
lands (6414'S., 6324'W.) which extend up to 2.5 miles N Shortcut Island lies 0.8 mile ESE of Punta Bonaparte. This
from coast. Breakers and foul ground are reported to extend up island is separated from Anvers Island by a deep and narrow
to about 5 miles N of these islands. channel which provides a direct route between Arthur Bay and
The W coast of Anvers Island is frequently obscured by fog
3.22 Biscoe Bay. A shoal, with a depth of 14.6m, lies about 1.3
and low clouds. Many rocks and snow-covered islands lie off miles SW of Halfway Island. Breakers were reported to occur
the coast and up to 4 miles offshore. Approach to this stretch of about 1.5 miles NNW of Halfway Island. Vessels have an-
coast is hazardous, except during periods of good visibility. chored, in a depth of 36m, about 0.3 mile offshore, 7 miles SE
From Cape Gronland, the W coast of the island extends SW
3.22 of Cape Monaco.
for 31 miles to Cape Monaco. The Paul Islands, a group of five
islands, lies about 4 miles W of Cape Gronland. 3.24 Arthur Harbor (6446'S., 6404'W.), an inlet, lies
Perrier Bay indents the W coast, 8 miles SW of Cape Gron-
3.22 between Punta Bonaparte and Norsel Point, 1.2 miles NNW. It
land. The N entrance point of this bay is formed by Quinton is fronted by six large islands and numerous islets and rocks.
Point and the S entrance point is formed by Giard Point. Ham- Torgersen Island lies 0.2 mile NW of Bonaparte Point. A bea-
burg Bay lies SW of Perrier Bay and is separated from it by a con stands on this island, but it was reported (1992) to be de-
peninsula, 4.5 miles wide. Bonnier Point forms the W extremi- stroyed. Elephant Rocks partly uncover and lie close N of this
ty of this peninsula. A chain of rocks, 2 miles long, extends NE island.
from the S side of Hamburg Bay to beyond Perrier Bay. Ger- Palmer Station (6446'S., 6404'W.), a United States base,
lache Island lies 7 miles SW of Hamburg Bay. An extensive stands on a small area of bare rock on Anvers Island, adjacent
patch of submerged rocks, which break heavily even in calm to Arthur Harbor. This base consists of a main laboratory
weather, lies 2 miles N of this island. building, a second major building, and several smaller struc-
Cape Monaco is located 8 miles SSW of Gerlache Island.
3.22 tures. It has a helicopter landing pad, a dock, and two large fuel
The shore between is fronted by the Rosenthal Islands which tanks.
extend up to 1.5 miles seaward. The northernmost of this group The base is operated by the U.S. National Science Founda-
of islands is conspicuous. Numerous dangerous rocks, sur- tion in order to support scientific research, with an emphasis on
rounded by breakers, lie in an area, with a diameter of 0.8 mile, marine biology. This base was designated (1991), along with
centered about 4 miles NNW of Gerlache Island. its surroundings within 2 miles, as a Long Term Ecological Re-
search Project. Any disturbance of the islands, waters, or wild-
3.23 Cape Monaco (6442'S., 6415'W.), the W extremity life at this site would be detrimental to the research. Vessels
of Anvers Island, is fringed with numerous small islands and that have obtained prior approval to approach the site should
rocks which extend up to 10 miles SW. Large icebergs are fre- contact the base 24 to 72 hours in advance for permission to
quently grounded in the vicinity of these obstructions. anchor.
The Gossler Islands lie close off the cape. Buff Island, the
3.23 A concrete wharf, 46m long, extends ESE from Grange
outermost of this group, is formed by a steep rock, 33m high, Point, the headland on which Palmer Station is situated. The
with a sheer N side. It is very prominent and radar conspicu- wharf was constructed with an alongside depth of 6.4m but
ous. there is now a depth of only 4m at the inner end of the wharf. A
Lenie Passage, which is deep and has a least width of 0.8
3.23 vessel with a maximum length of 62m has been accommodated
mile, leads between the Joubin Islands and the Gossler Islands. at the wharf.
Numerous dangers lie close to the shores on each side of this In January 1989, the Bahia Paraiso, an Argentinean vessel,
8.5m, lies 5 miles W of Cape Monaco. This passage should be lies 0.2 mile W of Torgersen Island. Many dangerous ledges
used in good weather as the water is smooth and the detour and pinnacle rocks extend SW from the S extremity of Litch-
round the Joubin Islands can be avoided. field Island. A dangerous rock lies 0.3 mile SSW of the S ex-
A conspicuous rock, upon which the sea breaks heavily, lies
3.23 tremity and a shoal, with a depth of 3.3m, lies close E of it.
about 2.5 miles SE of Cape Monaco. A shoal, with a depth of Humble Island and Breaker Island lie 0.4 mile and 0.8 mile,
16.2m, lies about 2 miles S of the cape and a shoal, with a respectively, NW of Torgersen Island. Shallow depths front the
depth of 4.9m, lies about 3 miles W of the Gossler Islands. W side of Torgersen Island and lie up to 0.1 mile offshore.
Punta Bonaparte (Bonaparte Point) is located 7 miles SE of
3.23 Arthur Harbor is easily entered and anchorage may be ob-
Cape Monaco. The coast between is fronted by many small is- tained in a depth of 18m, clay, about 0.5 mile NNE of Punta
lands which lie up to 3 miles offshore. Two oil tanks are report- Bonaparte. It would be difficult for more than one vessel to an-
ed to stand on a small peninsula which is located 0.5 mile NE chor at the same time within the harbor due to its small size
of Punta Bonaparte. A small pier is situated on the S side of and many obstructions. The approach to the harbor, which lies
this peninsula. This pier can accommodate vessels of up to between Hermit Island and the Outcast Islands, is not recom-
5.4m draft, but lacks mooring facilities for large vessels. mended.
144 Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck
From a position with Buff Island bearing 000 distant 3 miles, rates the SW side of Anvers Island from the Wauwermans Is-
the vessel steered a course of 090 for 9.6 miles and then a lands, about 5 miles S. The strait has a width of about 3 miles
course of 003 for 6.1 miles. When the left tangent of Halfway between Chata Rock, lying S of Cape Lancaster, and the north-
Island was bearing 003 distant 2.5 miles, the vessel then easternmost of the Wauwermans Islands. It is mostly deep, but
steered a course of 090 and passed midway between Janus Is- care is necessary when navigating in this vicinity as isolated
land and Spume Island until the right tangent of the former is- shoals rise steeply on each side of the fairway channel. Bis-
land was bearing 000. The vessel then steered a course of marck Strait leads NE to Neumayer Channel and Gerlache
038 toward the anchorage. Strait, and SSW through Butler Passage and Lemarie Channel.
Caution.A primary difficulty encountered in the approach
to the harbor was reported to be the inability to correctly identi- Cape Willems to Darbel Bay
fy Halfway Island. Difficulty was also encountered in identify-
ing Spume Island. 3.27 Flandres Bay (6502'S., 6320'W.), a large indenta-
Vessels should not approach Arthur Harbor via West Chan-
3.24 tion, lies at the S end of the Danco Coast between Cape Wil-
nel between Litchfield Island and Delaca Island. lems (6457'S., 6316'W.), its NE entrance point, and Cape
Renard, its SW entrance point. Between these capes, the bay
3.25 Biscoe Bay (6448'S., 6350'W.) is entered between has a width of about 11 miles, but it narrows toward the head
an unnamed point, located 4 miles ESE of Punta Bonaparte, which lies 15 miles SE. Numerous rocks and reefs front the
and Biscoe Point, 3.5 miles ESE. The latter point is formed by shores of this bay.
a jagged and rocky peninsula on which a penguin rookery is The Moureaux Islands lie 3 miles from the head and 3 miles
situated. Access Point is located 0.8 mile SE of Biscoe Point. E of Rahir Point, a rocky promontory, which forms the W en-
Shortcut Island lies 0.8 mile ESE of Punta Bonaparte and is trance point of the inner part of the bay. These islands are low,
separated from Anvers Island by a deep, narrow channel which snow-covered, and are connected by moraines which at times
provides a direct route between Arthur Bay and Biscoe Bay. appear above the sea.
Several indentations, which might provide sheltered anchor- The Guyou Islands and a shoal, with a depth of 10.9m, lie
age, lie on each side of the peninsula. about 4 miles and 5.3 miles, respectively, WNW of Rahir
The Wauwermans Islands (6455'S., 6353'W.) lie 4 miles
3.25 Point. Swan Rock, 2.4m high, lies in the NE entrance of the
SW of Cape Lancaster. This group consists of numerous is- bay, about 1.8 miles SSW of Cape Willems.
lands which extend in an E/W direction for about 9 miles. The The head of the bay is narrowed to a width of about 4 miles
islands are 9 to 91m high and are covered with snow. Water is in the vicinity of Rahir Point which projects N from the S
available from streams on some of these islands during the shore. Beyond this point, the inner part of the bay contains sev-
summer months. eral small inlets. Briand Fjord, the northernmost, is 2 miles
Wednesday Island, the easternmost of the group, is almost
3.25 long and 1 mile wide. Etienne Fjord indents the coast in the
circular with a diameter of about 1.5 miles. The NE extremity SW part of the inner bay. It is 4 miles long and has an entrance
of this island lies 3 miles WSW of Cape Errera. Brown Island about 1.5 miles wide. Thomson Cove indents the E side of Ra-
lies 2 miles S of Wednesday Island and is small, brown, and al- hir Point. It is about 1 mile long and 1.5 miles wide.
most free of snow. A reef, marked by breakers, extends up to The W side of a peninsula trends S for 2 miles and forms the
about 1.5 miles S and SSW from this island. A dangerous rock, E shore of Lauzanne Cove. From the W entrance point of this
awash, lies about 1 mile S of the island. inlet, the S shore of Flandres Bay extends W for 1.5 miles to
Hazard Rock, isolated and small, is 0.9m high and lies 2
3.25 Sonia Point, a distinctive rocky projection. From this point, the
miles SE of Brown Island. This rock forms an extreme danger coast extends NW to an unnamed point which forms the E en-
in low visibility as it may easily be mistaken for floating ice trance point of Hidden Bay. This stretch of shore is indented by
and is not radar conspicuous. A dangerous rock lies about 0.5 four small bays. An extensive foul ground area extends up to
mile N of Hazard Rock. A shoal patch, with a depth of 25.6m, 1.5 miles seaward of the entrance to this bay and many small
is reported, existence doubtful, to lie about 1 mile N of Hazard islets lie on it. The shore then extends SSW for 4 miles to the
Rock. head of Hidden Bay and then trends N for about 3 miles to
A light is reported to be shown from a structure standing on
3.25 Cape Renard.
Prevot Island, the northwesternmost island of the group, which Cape Renard (6501'S., 6346'W.) is a conspicuous head-
lies 6 miles WNW of Wednesday Island. Menier Island lies 4 land, 740m high. This cape is marked by two steep needles, the
miles S of Cape Errera and the Puzzle Islands lie 2 miles W of slopes of which are too precipitous for snow to cover them.
it. Numerous dangers lie in a chain that extends up to 1.5 miles The Dannebrog Islands (6503'S., 6408'W.) consist of a
NW of Menier Island and include several islands, reefs, and chain of islands and rocks lying S of the Bismarck Strait. This
shoals. chain extends WSW for 20 miles from a position located about
5 miles W of Cape Renard. The Dannebrog Islands group also
3.26 Butler Passage (6458'S., 6344'W.) leads between includes several large islands lying E of the above chain which
the E side of the Wauwermans Islands and the W side of the are separated by Lemaire Channel. The area in the vicinity of
Puzzle Islands. The N entrance of this passage is formed by the the Dannebrog Islands has not been completely surveyed.
junction of Bismarck Strait, Neumayer Channel, and Peltier However, Nimrod Passage, which separates these islands from
Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck 145
the Wauwermans Islands, is mostly deep and has a width of at part of the island.
least 0.8 mile, except for a shoal, with a depth of 14.6m, lying The E part of the N shore of the island is fronted by foul
in the middle of its E end. Numerous dangers, which may best ground, while the W shore is mostly clear. Several islands lie S
seen on the chart, lie between 22 and 31 miles W of Cape Re- of Petermann Island. The largest of these are Charlat Island,
nard. Thiebault Island, and Boudet Island. A beacon stands on the
SE end of Boudet Island and submerged rocks lie between this
3.28 Booth Island, the largest of the Dannebrog Islands island and Herald Reef, 0.8 mile WSW.
group, lies with Turquet Point, its N extremity, located 5 miles Petermann Island may be approached through French Pas-
WSW of Cape Renard. This island is high, rugged, and con- sage, Penola Strait, or Lemaire Channel. However, vessels
sists of two rocky masses joined by a low, narrow peninsula of should approach Port Circumcision from the SE. Anchorage
ice and snow. Gourdon Peak (Wandel Peak), 979m high, rises can be taken to the S of Boudet Island in a depth of 33m, rock,
in the S part of the island. Two spurs extend N from this peak with the right tangent of Herald Reef bearing 277 and the bea-
and fall steeply to the sea, enclosing a beautiful glacier be- con on Petermann Island bearing 004. This anchorage is pro-
tween them. The westernmost of these spurs forms a peninsula tected to the E by the Graham Coast and somewhat to the W by
on the N side of which lies, Port Charcot, a small bay. Jeanne the numerous small islands and reefs.
Hill, 193m high, and Louise Peak, 625m high, stand on this
peninsula. A large penguin rookery is reported to be situated on 3.30 From Cape Renard, the coast extends SW for 13 miles
the slopes of Jeanne Hill. and forms the E shore of Lemaire Channel. This stretch of
Francais Cove, a small creek, lies at the head of Port Charcot
3.28 coast is formed by steep cliffs, up to 610m high, which rise
between Vanssay Point and Cholet Island. vertically from the water. Deloncle Bay, lying 6 miles SW of
Splitwind Island (6502'S., 6356'W.), with a group of
3.28 Cape Renard, forms an indentation in a glacier which rises
rocks lying NE and SE of it, is located 0.5 mile NE of Turquet steeply to the E. Loubat Point and Glandaz Point form, respec-
Point. tively, the N and S entrance points of this bay. Girard Bay lies 3
Port Charcot (6504'S., 6400'W.) indents the N side of
3.28 miles SW of Glandaz Point. Mount Cloos, snow-covered and
Booth Island. This bay has depths over 25m lying W of Vans- dome-shaped, rises on the N shore of Deloncle Bay. A sharp
say Point, but the bottom is rocky and the holding ground is cone-shaped hill, 981m high, rises close W of this peak and has
very poor. This harbor offers protection from all winds except steep, bare, and rocky slopes.
NE gales which raise a rough sea. The S shore of Girard Bay is formed by the high cliffs of
Hovgaard Island. A shoal area, with rocks that break, is report- Rasmussen Island and Cape Tuxen. Cape Tuxen is indented by
ed to lie within 0.2 mile E of the E end of this island. A pen- several coves and surmounted by the steep slopes of Mount
guin rookery is situated on the NE end of the island. Demaria. This peak is 638m high, free of snow, and conspicu-
Anchorage was obtained in a depth of 49m, rock, within the
3.28 ous. It stands perpendicular and resembles a crouching cat.
channel leading between Pleneau Island and Booth Island. An- The Yalour Islands, a group of islands and rocks, lies in the
chorage was also taken with Gourdon Peak bearing 070, dis- middle of Penola Strait with a navigable channel passing on ei-
tant 1 mile. The islands lying around this anchorage afford ther side. The channel leading E of the group has not been sur-
good protection from all seas except those from the W. veyed and dangers may lie within it. The W side of the group is
The Vedel Islands lie 2 miles W of Hovgaard Island. This
3.28 fringed by foul ground.
group consists of numerous islands and rocks, but has not been A rock, 2m high, lies about 2 miles W of Cape Tuxen and
surveyed. A chain of rocks extends NE for 2 mile from this Barros Rocks lie 0.4 mile S of it.
group and another group of rocks lies between 1 and 2 miles S French Passage leads between the Dannebrog Islands, to the
of it. N, and the Roca Islands and the Argentine Islands, to the S.
A beacon, 6m high, is reported to stand on one of the Stray
3.28 This passage is believed to be clear of dangers; however, nu-
Islands, a small group, which lies S of the Vedel Islands and W merous pinnacle rocks and reefs lie in this vicinity and great
of Petermann Island. Numerous dangers lie W, NW, and N of care should be taken.
the Vedel Islands and extend up to about 5 miles seaward. An above-water rock, with a submerged rock lying close
146 Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck
from Cape Tuxen and consists of an archipelago of islands, the water rocks front all the islands in this group. Black Island
largest having a diameter of about 0.7 mile, which are fringed Channel, which leads between Skua Island and Black Island, is
by many rocks and reefs. None of these islands rise to a height 180m wide, deep, and clear of dangers in the fairway. Howev-
of more than 65m. The islands in the group are separated by er, Runciman Rock, which is marked by breakers, lies in the
several narrow channels through which swift currents run with middle of the S approach to this channel, about 0.2 mile E of
many eddies. Black Island. Shoals extend up to about 0.2 mile SE and S from
The Argentine Islands can be divided roughly into seven
3.31 Finger Point, the SW extremity of the island. A shoal, with a
groups. The five principal islands of the northernmost group depth of 2.1m, lies about 0.3 mile E of Runciman Rock.
are Irizar Island, Uruguay Island, the two Corner Islands, and An area, which is about 0.5 mile long and 0.2 mile wide, lies
Grotto Island. Anchorage was obtained in a depth of 31m, with Winter Island and Skua Island, on its SE side, and Three
rock, off Irizar Island. Little Pigs and Shelter Islands, on its NW side. This area has
A group of islands lies SSW of the northernmost group and
3.31 depths of 14 to 34m. The channel, which leads to this area from
is separated from it by Meek Channel. Galindez Island is the Black Island Channel, passes between Skua Island and Shelter
northeasternmost of this group Skua Island is the southwest- Island. It is deep and clear of dangers in the fairway.
ernmost. Winter Island almost fills the entire bight lying be- The westernmost group of the Argentine Islands consists of
tween the W side of the former island and the N side of the The Barchans, four principal islands. These islands are snow-
latter island. A disused hut is situated on the SE extremity of capped and fronted by a number of islets and rocks. A beacon
Winter Island. A beacon is reported to stand on the W end of stands on the NW extremity of the northwesternmost island.
Winter Island. Several isolated rocks and reefs lie up to 3 miles S of this
Galindez (Faraday), a British base, is situated on the penin-
3.31 group.
sula that forms the NW end of Galindez Island. Marina Point is Anchorage can be obtained in a depth of 23m about 0.2 mile
the NW extremity of this peninsula. S of the central of Three Little Pigs. Anchorage can also be ob-
Meek Channel, with a least depth of 7.9m, leads between
3.31 tained in a depth of 31m within the NW part of Meek Channel,
Corner Island and the NE side of Galindez Island. Corner E of Channel Rock. Both of these anchorages are protected
Rock, with a least depth of 2.1m, lies in the E entrance and re- from the swell, but drift ice may be troublesome. Small vessels
stricts the use of this channel to vessels of less than 60m in may find good shelter within Stella Creek. The best approach
length. A reef, with a least depth of 2.1m, lies close off the NW to Stella Creek is via Black Island Channel which passes be-
part of Galindez Island. Thumb Rock lies at the SE end of the tween Skua Island and Shelter Island. Vessels proceeding to
reef, Indicator Island lies on its SW part, and two islands, Stella Creek from the E by way of Meek Channel should keep
known as The Buttons, lie on its N part. A narrow channel, close to the S side of the westernmost of the Corner Islands in
with a least depth of 8.5m, leads between the reef and the NW order to avoid Corner Rock.
part of Galindez Island. A deep channel, reported to be clear of
dangers, leads between the reef and the N side of Winter Is- 3.33 Barros Rocks (6517'S., 6412'W.), a group of small
land. These two channels lead to Stella Creek which separates islets, lie in a crescent-shape chain about 3 miles W of Cape
Galindez Island from Winter Island. Tuxen. A rock, 1.8m high, lies, position approximate, about 0.5
mile N of this chain.
3.32 Stella Creek (6515'S., 6416'W.) has a least depth of The Berthelot Islands lie centered about 4 miles S of Cape
4.6m in its N part and 0.9m in its S part. However, its S en- Tuxen. This group consists of three small and barren islands,
trance is shallow and obstructed by numerous rocks. Cornice the largest being 166m high. Numerous rocks lie between this
Channel separates Galindez Island from Skua Island. The N group and the mainland. Urchin Rock, which breaks, is report-
end of this passage is narrow and has a depth of 1.2m. The ed to lie about 2.5 miles W of the largest of the Berthelot Is-
channel leading between Galindez Island and Skua Island, lands. Gaunt Rock lies 2.8 miles NNW of Urchin Rock and a
which is known as Skua Creek, has depths that decrease from shoal, with a depth of 11m, is reported to be located close NE
20m at the NW entrance to 2.4m at the SE end. The SE end of of it. Shoals, with depths of 13.7 and 14m, lie 0.5 mile NW and
this channel is also obstructed by foul ground. The NW en- 3 miles W, respectively, of Urchin Rock.
trance is narrowed by a bank extending from its NE side on A foul ground area, which is about 0.8 mile in diameter, lies
which a rock, with a depth of 2m, lies. 8.5 miles W of Cape Tuxen.
A number of islands and above-water rocks lie up to 0.2 mile
3.32 Darboux Island, 270m high, lies 3 miles W of Cape Perez. It
seaward of the W side of Skua Island. In addition, several has precipitous sides and a conical snow-clad summit. A small
shoals have been observed from the air to extend up to about group of islands lies about 1 mile N of this island. Somerville
0.2 mile S from the S side of this island. Island lies 2.5 miles NW of Darboux Island. This island is lo-
The NW part of the Argentine Islands contains three groups
3.32 cated within an area of islets and rocks, about 2 miles in diam-
of islands. The northernmost of these groups is the Forge Is- eter. Gedges Rock and Grim Rock lie 10 miles W and 10 miles
lands, the central group is the Three Little Pigs, and the south- WSW, respectively, of the Berthelot Islands. A group of islands
ernmost group is the Shelter Islands. Several above and and rocks lies centered 6 miles SW of Grim Rock.
submerged rocks lie in the channel leading between Horseshoe A shoal, with a least depth of 2.1m, lies 0.5 mile NW of
cipal islands; Black Island is the southeasternmost and Leopard and three rocks, lie centered 22 miles W of Cape Tuxen.
Island is the northwesternmost. Numerous above and below- A reef, almost awash and breaking, is reported to lie about 1
Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck 147
mile S of the westernmost island of the Betbeder Islands group. are formed by ice cliffs which face the seaward edges of broad,
Another reef extends about 0.3 mile N from the largest island glacial slopes. At the head of the bay, three glaciers descend
of the group. from the interior between high rocky masses.
Sooty Rock and Lumus Rock lie 3 miles and 7.8 miles, re-
spectively, WNW of Betbeder Island. A shoal patch, with a 3.35 Sphinx Island (6554'S., 6453'W.), 2 miles long and
depth of 9.7m, lies about 2.5 miles NNE of the Betbeder Is- 0.5 mile wide, lies near the S entrance to Barilari Bay. This is-
lands. Sooty Rock is 18m high and breaks heavily. land is inaccessible and presents a bare rock summit with verti-
A group of rocks lies between 4 and 6 miles N of the Betbed-
3.33 cal ice faces on all its sides. Several islets and rocks lie close off
er Islands group. A survey reported that two isolated shoals, the N and SE extremities of the island. The location of Sphinx
with depths of 23.8 and 27.4m and surrounded by foul ground, Island reduces the width of the entrance to Barilari Bay.
lie about 4.3 miles NE of the westernmost of the Betbeder Is- A bay, which is obstructed by an island, lies between Loqui
lands group. A danger to navigation, existence doubtful, was Point and Rossa Point, 6.5 miles WSW. Landing can be effect-
also reported to lie about 1.8 miles NW of the westernmost is- ed in the vicinity of the latter point. The Llanquihue Islands,
land of this group. which form the E side of Harrison Passage, extend 7 miles N
A submerged rock is reported to lie, position approximate,
3.33 from this island. Tuorda Peak, 871m high, rises 2 miles SE of
about 0.5 mile S of Sooty Rock. An isolated shoal, with a depth Rossa Point with Hoek Glacier located E of it.
of 11m, lies about 6 miles NNW of the E extremity of Sooty The Biscoe Islands (6600'S., 6630'W.) form a chain which
land, Tot Island, and the Edwards Islands all lie within 6 miles from the latter by an unexamined channel, about 1.5 miles
of the NW end of the Takaki Promontory. wide. Extension Reef extends up to 8 miles SW from Rabot Is-
Leroux Bay is wide and extends for about 7 miles SE. It is
3.34 land and many small islands lie on it. Numerous icebergs are
bordered on the NE side by the ice-covered peninsula which also usually reported to be aground on this reef. A beacon is re-
forms Nunez Point. The entrance to the bay is reduced in width ported to stand on one of the islands lying near the SW end of
by the location of Lahille Island. The E entrance is 2 miles the reef, 5.5 miles SSW of Monflier Point, the SW extremity of
wide and lies between Lahille Island and Nunez Point. The W Rabot Island. Another beacon stands near Monflier Point and a
entrance is 3 miles wide and lies between Lahille Island and a hut is reported to be situated close to a small cove, 0.8 mile
group of three islands which are located 1 mile E of Chavez Is- ENE of it.
land. Renaud Island is the largest of the Biscoe Islands group. The
extremity of Chavez Island and Cape Garcia, 7 miles SW. 3.36 The Pitt Islands (6526'S., 6530'W.), a group of is-
Mount Bigo, 1,981m high, rises at the head of this bay. Lizard lands, are located near the N end of the Biscoe Islands. Two
Island lies parallel to the N side of the bay and is separated isolated islands lie close N of the main group, about midway
from it by a narrow channel. It is low and covered with ice ex- between Snodgrass Island and Lumus Rock.
cept at the summit. The Pitt Islands include Trundle Island, the northeasternmost
148 Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck
land; and Slumkey Island. Johannessen Harbor is bordered by miles NNE of them. Another submerged rock is reported to lie
Snodgrass Island, Weller Island, and Jingle Island. It is entered about 0.8 mile W of these islands.
through Wardle Entrance. Buzfuz Rock lies 1 mile W of Snub- Auvert Bay (6614'S., 6545'W.), of undetermined extent,
bin Island. lies between Cape Evensen and Cape Bellue. A group of is-
3.36Smiggers Island, Lacuna Island, and Trivial Island lie at the lands and rocks lies within 1 mile SSE of Cape Evensen. Risk
SE side of the Pitts Islands, with Huddle Rocks, Symington Is- Rock, above-water, and Pesky Rocks, also above-water, lie 1.8
lands, Lorn Rocks, Cornet Island, Milnes Island, and Wool- miles WSW and 4.5 miles W, respectively, of this cape.
pack Island located farther E and SE. Malus Island, 30m high, lies 4 miles S of Cape Evensen and
3.36A large number of islands and rocks, which may best be seen two low rocks lie 1 mile NE of it. A rocky islet lies 1 mile
on the chart, lie within an unsurveyed area located E of Renaud WSW of Cape Bellue and several rocks front the rocky cliffs
Island. These include Karelin Island, Martin Island, the Vize on the NE side of this cape.
Islands, Nusser Island, Wittmann Island, Laktionov Island, Crystal Sound separates the Biscoe Islands from the mainland.
Schule Island, Budel Island, Bates Island, Hummock Island, It is about 55 miles long, 20 miles wide, and contains numerous
Round Island, Hennessy Island, Zukriegel Island, Curtis Is- islands which are not easily distinguished from the drift ice. This
land, Dodman Island, and the Trump Islands. Jagged Island lies sound has numerous shoals, which rise from very deep water,
close E of Dodman Island and Beer Island is located close S of and navigation within it is exceedingly hazardous.
it. Lavoisier Island (6612'S., 6644'W.) is the northernmost of
3.36Duchaylard Island (6543'S., 6507'W.), 553m high, has a the S group of the Biscoe Islands. Foul ground extends up to 2.5
prominent conical peak and lies at the SW end of Grandidier miles seaward from Cape Leblond, its N extremity. The W shore
Channel, 5 miles SSW of Woolpack Island. Landing may be of the island, which has not been fully examined, is fronted by
made at the SE end of this island. foul ground extending up to about 2.5 miles seaward. The E
shore of the island has not been examined at all.
3.37 Vieugue Island, 305m high, has a conical peak and Dubois Island and Krogh Island lie close SW of the SW ex-
lies 1 mile NE of Duchaylard Island. Hook Island and Holmes tremity of Lavoisier Island. Molnar Rocks lie about 4.5 miles
Island lie 1 mile NE and close SSW, respectively, of this island. off the W coast, abreast the middle of the island, and a danger-
Guile Island, Cat Island, and Runnelstone Rock lie 1.3, 3.3, ous rock lies 1.3 miles NNW of them.
and 5.8 miles, respectively, SW of the island. Watkins Island lies 3 miles SW of Lavoisier Island. A group
the coast extends SW for 6 miles and then W for 6 miles to land. The NW shore of this island is fringed by foul ground.
Ferin Head (6559'S., 6520'W.). This headland is marked on Several islets and areas of foul ground extend up to about 3.5
its N face by a horizontal ridge, behind which rises a snowy miles SW of the SW extremity of this island. An isolated and
cone, and forms the NE entrance point of Holtedahl Bay. The dangerous rock lies about 5.8 miles WSW of the SW extremity
Fish Islands, a group of six, lie in the NE part of the entrance to of the island.
the bay and extend 4 miles SW from Ferin Head. A depth of The NW shore of Watkins Island is fronted by numerous is-
36m was reported to lie about 4 miles WSW of Ferin Head. lets and rocks which extend up to 1.3 miles seaward. A rock,
From Ferin Head, the coast extends S for 3 miles to Sharp
3.37 awash, and a submerged rock lie about 2 miles NW and 2.5
Peak. Prospect Point is located 1.3 miles S of Ferin Head and a miles W, respectively, of the NW end of Watkins Island. An
hut is reported to stand on its NE side. Flounder Island, the isolated, small island, existence doubtful, is reported to lie
largest of the Fish Islands group, lies 1.5 miles SSW of Pros- about 7 miles WSW of the NW extremity of Watkins Island.
pect Point. Numerous small islands and rocks lie E of the Biscoe Is-
This peak is conspicuous and bears some resemblance to the tween the rocks, which lie SW of Belding Island and the Bar-
monolith at Cape Perez, but is not as sharp. Cape Evensen, lo- croft Islands, and the Sillard Islands, which lie off Cape
cated 7 miles WSW of Black Head, is a bold headland, with Mascart, the NE extremity of Adelaide Island.
cliffs of ice and rock, which forms the W extremity of the pen-
insula. A shoal, with a depth of 11m, was reported (1958) to lie Darbel Bay to Horseshoe Island
about 1 mile NW of Cape Evensen. Marie Island lies close NW
of this cape. 3.39 Darbel Bay (6637'S., 6632'W.) is entered between
Cape Bellue and Cape Rey, 25 miles SW.
3.38 The Saffery Islands (6604'S., 6549'W.), a group Rambler Harbor (6628'S., 6627'W.), a sheltered anchor-
with Turnabout Island at its SE end and Turtle Island at its NW age area, lies on the N side of Rambler Island. Reefs extend NE
end, lie between 2 and 8.5 miles WNW of Black Head. The from this island to the first group of islands, the outermost of
Trump Islands lie between 4 and 5 miles WNW of Turtle Is- which is known as Atom Rock. Rambler Island is mostly sur-
land, 5 miles WSW of Dodman Island. Breakers have been ob- rounded by ice cliffs.
served to front the W side of the Trump Islands and a Vessels approaching this harbor from the S should keep out-
submerged rock has been reported, from the air, to lie about 2.8 side the off-lying islands and enter from the N. A rock, awash,
Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck 149
lies close off an isolated outcrop which projects midway along 3.41 Andresen Island lies on the E side of the entrance to
the W side of Sunday Island. This rock outcrop is only notice- Lallemand Fjord, 4 miles from the ice cliffs which form the E
able from the E and, being only 6m high, is difficult to identify shore. A dangerous rock lies about 1 mile ESE of the SE extrem-
when there is drift ice. ity of the island. Landing can be made on the NW extremity of
Two small snow-covered rocks lie close off the ice cliffs of
3.39 this island where a rocky ridge extends to the coast.
Rambler Island and opposite the SE extremity of Sunday Is- Detaille Island, 36m high, lies 2 miles WNW of Andresen
land. A low rock and an island lie 2.5 miles NNW of the Bragg Island. Numerous above and below-water rocks and foul
Islands. ground extend up to 0.8 mile from all sides of this island. A hut
Caution.Navigation within Darbel Bay is dangerous.
3.39 is reported to stand on the N side and a beacon surmounts the
When entering the bay between the Ouston Islands and the summit of the island. A depth of 6m lies about 4.5 miles NNW
Darbel Islands, the largest of which lies 6 miles SSW of Cape of the island.
Bellue, care should be taken to avoid the off-lying rocks which Shmidt Point (6655'S., 6702'W.) is the N extremity of the
extend up to 0.5 mile N of the N end of the latter group. The Arrowsmith Peninsula which extends 41 miles SSW to Cape
entire area surrounding these groups of islands is foul. Saenz. Hanusse Bay is entered between this point and Cape
Mascart, the NE extremity of Adelaide Island, 20 miles NW.
3.40 The Loubet Coast (6700'S., 6600'W.) forms the At the S end of this bay, Hansen Island lies close to The Gullet,
continuation of the W coast of the Antarctic Peninsula and ex- a narrow passage, which separates Adelaide Island from the
tends from Cape Bellue to the head of Bourgeois Fjord mainland.
(6740'S., 6705'W.), in Marquenite Bay. The Gullet lies between the Arrowsmith Peninsula and Ade-
The Pauling Islands (6632'S., 6658'W.), forming an iso- lands lie 3 miles W of its SW extremity. Another small island
lated group, lie 12.6 miles NNW of Cape Rey. This group con- lies close off Adelaide Island and 1 mile NW of the N extremi-
sists of a snow-domed island and several smaller ice-capped ty of Day Island.
islands. Numerous rocks front the W and S sides of these is- Wyatt Island lies 2.5 miles offshore, 6 miles NE of Webb Is-
lands. The main island is 100m high and surrounded by ice land. A razor back ridge of exposed rock projects through the
cliffs except at its NE extremity, where a rock outcrop projects blanket of snow and ice covering this island.
to form a landing place. An island, existence doubtful, was re- Pinero Island, prominent when viewed from the SW, lies 4
ported to lie about 5 miles SW of this group. miles W of Cape Saenz (6733'S., 6739'W.) and another
small island lies 0.4 mile NE of it. Several jagged peaks, up to
Matsuyama Rocks, a group of islets and rocks, lie 4 miles
3.40 380m high, rise at the S end of this island. The N end of the is-
SW of Cape Rey and front the shore where a rocky promontory land is comparatively flat, 224m high, and is marked by a cairn
protrudes from the ice cliffs. Holdfast Point and a small bay lie with a flagstaff. A dangerous rock is reported to lie about 1
8 miles S of this rocky promontory. Mist Rocks and an isolated mile NNW of the N extremity of Pinero Island.
rock lie about 1 mile W and 2 miles NW, respectively, of this Covey Rocks lie about midway between Cape Saenz and
separated by a snow-covered, rocky plateau mass which is of the island and Mount Arronax, 1,585m high, rises close N of
about 1,500m high. The W entrance point of the fjord is it. The N coast of the island is indented by a large bay, 4 miles
formed by a rocky peninsula which is surmounted by two wide. This bay recedes for 3 miles and its shores consist of low,
prominent peaks. glacial slopes with occasional rocky hills and shingle beaches.
Roux Island (6654'S., 6657'W.), 293m high, lies NE of
3.40 Quilp Rock, consisting of two above-water rocks, lies about
the W entrance point from which it is separated by a channel, 3.5 miles NNE of Lainez Point. A small island is reported to lie
0.3 mile wide. This island has vertical slopes on its N side. about 7.5 miles W of Lainez Point.
150 Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck
is separated from Pourquoi Pas Island by a channel, about 1 Adelaide Island. Anchorage, sheltered from strong NE winds,
mile wide. has also been taken in a depth of 42m about 1 mile S of the
The Narrows lie between Pourquoi Pas Island and Blaiklock
3.41 rocks fronting the SW side of Jenny Island.
Island. This channel is about 0.5 mile wide and connects
Bigourdan Fjord to Bourgeois Fjord. Strong currents usually 3.43 Ryder Bay (6734'S., 6820'W.) is entered between
set in this channel. A small island, fringed by rocks, lies in the an unnamed point on the SE coast of Adelaide Island, located 4
NE entrance to this narrow channel. miles N of Jenny Island, and Rothera Point, 9 miles NE. Four
It was reported (1979) that Jones Channel was blocked by an
3.41 glaciers flow into this bay.
ice shelf and was not navigable. Killingbeck Island, 28m high, lies 0.9 mile E of Rothera
3.42 Adelaide Island (6715'S., 6830'W.) is 73 miles numerous dangers and is hazardous for boats. However, a clear
long and extends in a NE/SW direction. This island has an av- channel, with a depth of 42m, leads between the island and this
erage width of over 18 miles and lies seaward of the Loubet area. Local knowledge is advised. The approach to Ryder Bay
Coast. It is separated from the mainland by Hanusse Bay, in the is obstructed by the Leonie Islands group.
S part of Matha Strait; by Loubet Strait; and by Laubeuf Fjord,
in the N part of Marguerite Bay. 3.44 Leonie Island (6736'S., 6821'W.), the largest and
A range of mountains extends the entire length of the island
3.42 westernmost of a group of islands, is 1.5 miles long, conical,
and presents a number of steep slopes on its E side. On the W and 494m high. This island is reported to be often difficult to
side of this range, a long terrace of snow and ice spreads from distinguish against the background of Adelaide Island. A sub-
the base of the mountains to the sea. This terrace terminates in merged rock lies about 0.5 mile N of this island and several
perpendicular cliffs, 30 to 45m high. rocks, awash, lie 0.3 mile E and 0.5 mile S of the E extremity
Jenny Island, 1.8 miles long and 0.9 mile wide, lies 4 miles
3.42 of the island. The area surrounding this island is otherwise un-
NE of Cape Alexandra. From some directions, this island has surveyed.
been reported to be difficult to distinguish. The S side of the is- Lagoon Island lies 2 miles E of Leonie Island. A shallow
land consists of cliffs, up to 244m high, with a small glacier at boat harbor, which is entered from the S, indents the shore of
their base. The E side of the island is perpendicular and fringed this island. Foul ground is reported to extend from the entrance
Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck 151
points of this harbor. to Mount Bridgman, 914m high. The coast of the island con-
Limpet Island lies 1.5 miles SE of Leonie Island and is 25m
3.44 sists of an unbroken line of ice cliffs except at Tutton Point, its
high. Several small islands and submerged rocks lie within 0.3 SW extremity. Several extensive rock exposures are located
mile N and W of this island. A rock, existence doubtful, was re- close N of this latter point. Numerous reefs and shoals lie up to
ported (1980) to lie about 0.8 mile SE of this island. Additional 4.5 miles seaward of the N extremity of the island.
dangers were also reported to lie close SW of this rock. Buchanan Passage leads between Adelaide Island and Laird
harbors indent the E side of Anchorage Island. The southern- are ice covered and lie 2.5 miles NE of Cape Mascart, the NE
most harbor has depths of 3 to 7m, but was reported (1976) to extremity of Adalaide Island. These islands are surrounded by
be heavily blocked with ice. The approach to the northernmost foul ground. A small reef and two rocks, awash, lie close off
harbor was reported (1977) to be blocked by several grounded the N side of these islands, on S side of Matha Strait.
bergs. A number of submerged rocks front the S side and ex- From the NW extremity of Adelaide Island, the W coast ex-
tend up to 0.4 mile S of the island. A channel, with a least tends in an unbroken line of ice cliffs to Cenobite Rocks. The
depth of 7.7m, leads between Lagoon Island and Anchorage Is- shore steep-to and mostly clear of dangers.
land. At the beginning of January, a tongue of drift ice forms on
groups of islands merge together and identification is difficult. N of Cenobite Rocks and indicate the N limit of the shallow
The passage leading between Anchorage Island and the Mik-
3.44 water.
kelsen Islands is deep, but a small islet, 2m high, lies 0.5 mile N of The Amoit Islands, consisting of two groups, lie between 10
the northernmost island in the Mikkelsen group. This islet is often and 12 miles W of Cape Adriasola and are fronted by several
obscured by bergs. Ives Bank, with a least depth of 11m, lies about reefs and rocks. The Ward Islands, two in number, are located
1 mile S of the westernmost island of the Mikkelsen group. The in the southernmost group and rise to heights of 6.7 and 7.6m.
passage should be navigated with great care. Cumbers Reef and a small island, 5.2m high, are located in the
An area, 18 miles long and 3 miles wide, lying in the ap-
3.44 northernmost group. These dangers may best be seen on the
proach to Rothera Point was examined in 1976. This area ex- chart.
tends for 1.5 miles on each side of a line, 18 miles long, drawn A shoal patch, with a depth of 33m and which breaks in a
on a bearing of 030 from a position located 3.5 miles E of the heavy swell, lies 2 miles N of Cumbers Reef. Grounded ice
Guebrant Islands. A least depth of 95m within this area was re- bergs are reported to often indicate the shoal areas lying in the
ported to lie about 3 miles E of Killingbeck Island. vicinity of the Amoit Islands, the Ward Islands, and Cumbers
Deep-water routes lead between Jenny Island and Adelaide
3.44 Reef.
Island and then to the E of the Mikkelsen Islands or between
Anchorage Island and the Mikkelsen Islands. However, the use 3.46 Cenobite Rocks (6735'S., 6918'W.), consisting of
of these routes may depend on the ice conditions. three, lie about 2.5 miles W of Adelaide Island. The largest of
Anchorage.No safe anchorage exists in the vicinity of
3.44 these rocks is 5.2m high. To the S of these rocks, the coast of
Rothera Point, Anchorage Island, or the Mikkelsen Islands. Adelaide Island extends 4.5 miles SSE to Cape Adriasola and
Temporary anchorage may be taken, by small vessels with lo- is fringed by numerous small islands and submerged rocks.
cal knowledge, in a depth of 35m within the bay close N of Cape Adriasola consists of a promontory fronted by an ice
Rothera Point and about 350m NW of the N extremity of the cliff. At many points on this ice cliff, rocky outcrops can be
headland. However, this anchorage is very dangerous with the seen protruding, a few meters above sea level. A small group of
prevailing NE winds, especially at night, due to the risk of rocks, up to 2.4m high and usually obscured by ice, lies 0.8
large icebergs drifting close inshore. mile W of this cape.
The Chatos Islands, a group of three, lie about 1 mile SSW
3.45 Weertman Island (6658'S., 6745'W.), the largest of of the cape. The group is fronted by numerous rocks and its
the Bennett Islands, has a prominent pyramidal-shaped peak, largest island is 12m high. Cono Island, conspicuous and coni-
596m high. This island is the southernmost of a group of five cal, is 58m high and lies 1 mile S of this group.
which lies SW of Liard Island. A landing place is located at the Johnston Passage separates the Amoit Islands from Cenobite
NE extremity of Weertman Island, below a prominent cliff. A Rocks. Grounded icebergs are reported to often indicate the
shoal patch, with a depth of 12.8m, lies about 2 miles NNE of shoal areas lying in the vicinity of the Amoit Islands, the Ward
the E end of this island. Islands, and Cumbers Reef.
Liard Island, 11 miles long, lies in the middle of Hanusse
3.45 Fullastern Rock, with a least depth of 1.8m, lies 6.5 miles
Bay. This island has a central range of mountains which rises WNW of Cape Adriasola, in the middle of Johnston Passage. It
152 Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck
is steep-to and has been reported not to break. This rock is not casional rock outcrops at their base. A short patch of rocky
always marked by grounded icebergs and should be given a cliffs, 482m high, is located 1.5 miles W of Cape Alexandra.
wide berth.
3.48 Jennings Reef extends 3 miles E from Avian Island
3.47 From Cape Adriasola, the ice cliff trends 8.5 miles SE and up to 1.5 miles from the coast to the Rocca Islands. This
to Adelaide, a disused British base. The remains of the base, reef consists of an extensive chain of low islands, shoals, and
several boarded-up huts and three metal masts, stand on an ice- rocks. The Rocca Islands rise to a height of 6m.
free rocky point, 24m high. The Ginger Islands, up to 13m high, lie 0.3 mile offshore,
fronted by foul ground lying up to 1 mile offshore. and a submerged rock lies 0.5 mile W of it. Another submerged
Novel Rock, which is steep-to and frequently breaks, lies 3.5
3.47 rock is reported to lie about 0.7 mile NE of Fitton Rock.
miles S of Cone Island (6741'S., 6910'W.). League Rock, Vessels have obtained anchorage in a depth of 35m about 0.8
6m high, and the Esplin Islands, up to 6m high, lie 3 miles SE mile NE of the Rocca Islands. This roadstead was reported to
and 4 miles E, respectively, of Novel Rock. Cox Reef, which be almost completely free of any dangers from drifting ice
dries, lies 2 miles ESE of Novel Rock. A shoal patch, with a bergs or bergy bits.
depth of 6.4m, lies 0.9 mile N of this reef. This shoal lies near
the N end of a bank, with depths of 13 to 37m, which extends Square Bay to Alexander Island including Mar-
N from the reef. guerite Bay
Box Reef, a chain of drying rocks, lies between League
Rock and the Esplin Islands and may best be seen on the chart. 3.49 Square Bay (6751'S., 6700'W.) is 9 miles long and
Hibbert Rock, awash, lies 0.9 mile SE of League Rock and foul 9 miles wide. Broken Island and Center Island lie within this
ground extends up to 2 miles E of it. bay. Lagotellerie Island and Horseshoe Island front the bay and
Patience Rocks, up to 1.2m high, lie 0.7 mile NNW of the
3.47 separate it from Bourgeois Fjord.
former base. From these rocks, foul ground extends 1 mile SW The E shore of the bay is mostly formed by almost vertical,
to within 0.2 mile of the foul ground extending E from League rocky walls which, in places, are faced by ice falls or hanging
Rocks. Glover Rocks lie close SE of the former base and ex- glaciers. The S part of the E shore is filled by a large glacier
tend up to 0.4 mile from the shore. Launch Rock, with a depth which extends into an interior valley. Many raised beaches and
of 1.5m, lies 0.5 mile SSW of the former base. glacial moraines front the steep and rocky cliffs within this bay.
Avian Island (6746'S., 6854'W.) lies close off the coast,
3.47 The S shore of the bay consists of precipitous, bare rock walls
0.2 mile SSE of the SW end of Adelaide Island. This island is which rise to Mount Wilcox, 1,402m high. These walls are bro-
rocky, ice free, and 48m high at its S end. A lattice tower, 12m ken up by two small glaciers, each about 1 mile wide.
high, is reported to stand on the S end of this island. Several Camp Point (6758'S., 6719'W.), a prominent pyramid-
reefs fringe the W side of the island and extend up to about 0.5 shaped promontory, has steep sides and is 884m high.
mile S. Two huts are reported to stand on this island. Broken Island lies in the N part of the bay, about 2 miles
Worth Reef and Dean Rocks extend up to 1 mile N and 1.5 tremity located 1.8 miles E of Legotellerie Island. Mount
miles E, respectively, from Preston Island. Biggs Island, 3.7m Breaker, 879m high, is the southernmost and tallest of several
high, lies 1.3 miles S of Avian Island. peaks standing in the SE part of this island. Penitent Peak,
Anchorage can be obtained in a depth of 27m about 0.7 mile
3.47 823m high; Ryan Peak, 809m high; Trifid Peak, 646m high;
SSW of the former base. The shoal patches in the vicinity pro- Spincloud Heights, with two peaks 646 and 626m high; and
vide some protection from large icebergs which continually drift Russet Pikes, 538m high, rise in the NE part of the island. The
into this anchorage from the W. The anchorage may be ap- slopes of the peaks are covered by loose boulders, the steepest
proached from the E by passing through Crosse Passage, close N being devoid of snow. Several conspicuous glaciers lie between
of Biggs Island, and then altering course to 320. By keeping the the peaks.
latter island astern, bearing 140, this course leads midway be- Several small islets and rocks fringe the S side of Horseshoe
tween Skeen Rocks and Worth Reef. The anchorage should be Island and Reluctant Island lies close off the E extremity. A
used only in case of necessity and is not recommended due to the number of small islands front the SW shore of Horseshoe Is-
frequency of icebergs drifting in the area. land and foul ground fringes the W extremity. A shoal, with a
From the SW end of Adelaide Island, the coast extends 7
3.47 depth of 3.7m, is reported to lie about 4 miles W of the NW ex-
miles E to Cape Alexandra which is faced by steep, rocky tremity of this island. Another shoal, with a depth of 12.8m,
cliffs. It consists mostly of ice cliffs, up to 30m high, with oc- lies about 2 miles WSW of the NW extremity.
Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck 153
inside the S entrance point. Shoals, with depths of 6.4 and 0.6 and 0.9 mile SW of the summit of Barbara Island. Numer-
4.1m, lie 0.5 mile W and 0.5 mile WNW, respectively, of this ous other shoals and dangers front this chain and strong cur-
spit. rents have been observed in its vicinity.
Anchorage can be obtained in depths of 38 to 55m within
3.49 Anchorage may be taken in a depth of 38m midway between
Lystad Bay. However, the depths may be less than those chart- Audrey Island and the mainland. Due to the violent winds,
ed and the bottom consists of sand, gravel, and rock. which sweep off the interior, vessels are recommended not to
Caution.Depths of only about 19m have been reported
3.49 anchor in the narrow passages or in the vicinity of any sub-
(1991) to lie up to 4.5 miles SW of Camp Point. merged dangers.
General San Martin, an Argentinean base, is situated on Bar-
3.50 Calmette Bay (6803'S., 6710'W.) is entered be- ry Island. Beacons are reported to stand on Brian Island and
tween Camp Point and Cape Calmette, 6 miles SSE. Bare Audrey Island, the two westernmost of the chain. The beacon
slopes, up to 780m high, front the NE side of this bay. McMor- on the former island is reported to be 30m high and situated at
rin Glacier descends into the bay from Mount Wilcox and the W side.
Mount Metcalfe. Todd Glacier descends toward the bay from Neny Island lies in the entrance to Neny Bay, 3 miles SE of
Boulding Ridge. Millerand Island. Its summit, formed by a sharp peak, rises in
Cape Calmette is formed by the NW extremity of a narrow
3.50 the center of the island and is 675m high. Store Point, a small
and rocky peninsula which is 460m high and rises from the sea projection, forms the N extremity of this island. The shores of
in precipitous cliffs. A group of submerged rocks lies 2 miles the island are steep and partly free of ice in the summer. A
WSW of this cape. A rock, awash, was reported (1975) to lie rock, with a depth of 2m, lies about 0.4 mile ENE of Store
about 3.5 miles WSW of the cape and another rock was reported Point. Two shallow shoals lie about 0.6 mile E of Store Point.
(1981) to lie, position approximate, about 2 miles farther W. Trepassey Island lies 1.2 miles E of Store Point and is front-
the island and is bounded by low, rocky spurs. These spurs ex- ton Rocks, which cover and uncover, lie 2.5 miles SW of Beau-
tend from the base of a promontory which is 579m high. This mont Island, 0.8 mile S of the middle of the S side of Neny
cove has not been surveyed, but it may provide an anchorage. Island.
The island is reported to be radar conspicuous and has been TidesCurrents.At Barry Island, in the Debenham Is-
sighted at a distance of 40 miles in good weather. lands chain, the MHHWS near the solstices is reported to be
A chain of small islands and rocks lies close off the SW ex-
3.50 1.8m above chart datum, the MLLW is reported to be 0.8m The
tremity of Millerand Island and extends up to 2 miles SE. Sev- tides in this vicinity are usually diurnal.
eral reefs and numerous small islands also extend up to 3 miles
NW and 6 miles W of the island. Pod Rocks lie 5 miles W of 3.52 Stonington Island (6811'S., 6701'W.) lies 0.6 mile
the island and a reef, with a least depth of 12.5m, is reported to NE of Neny Island. This island is 0.3 mile long and extends in
lie about 5 miles SW of them. A fairway, with a least depth of a NW/SE direction. Landing may be made on a few small
13m, leads through Powell Channel between Millerand Island stony beaches fringing the E and SW shores of the island.
and the Debenham Islands. The huts of a disused British base stand close E of Flagpole
observed. In addition, violent winds often blow off the high in- and the Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition (1948) stand
terior in this vicinity. close E of the disused British base and are designated as an
Historic Site under the Antarctic Treaty. Visitors may enter the
3.51 The Debenham Islands, a chain of islands and rocks, buildings and inspect artifacts, but should avoid disturbing the
extend between Cape Calmette and Millerand Island. This site and re-secure all doors upon departure.
154 Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck
beacon, and Boulder Point, 1.9 miles NNW. Anchorage can be Berteaux, on the S side of Mikkelsen Bay. A rock, awash, is re-
taken in a depth of 49m, rock with patches of sand and mud, ported to lie about 14 miles W of Keyhole Island.
about 0.3 mile WSW of a framework tower situated near Boul- A bight lies between Cape Berteaux and an unnamed point,
der Point. The tidal current at this anchorage usually sets in a 30 miles SW, and is filled by an extensive mass of ice which is
SE direction at a rate of 0.5 knot. This current has never been known as the Wordie Ice Shelf. This mass of ice is fed by nu-
observed to set in a NW direction. merous glaciers which descend from the inland mountains. Its
Neny Fjord, which extends 9 miles E, is entered between the
3.52 front is 6 to 18m high, except close SE of Cape Berteaux where
Roman Four Promontory and the NW extremity of Red Rock it descends almost to sea level.
Ridge, 5.5 miles WSW. Postillion Rock fronts the S side of the The promontory forming the SW side of this bight, close SW
Roman Four Promontory. Red Rock Ridge, a conspicuous and of Cape Berteaux, is fringed by a glacier. Mount Guernsey, a
reddish-colored peninsula, forms the S side of the fjord. This rocky and flat-topped mountain, is 1,230m high and rises 32
peninsula is 690m high and has vertical cliffs, up to 250m high, miles SW of Cape Berteaux. Three islands lie near the edge of
facing its N side. A glacier fringes its S side. A number of is- Wordie Ice Shelf, between 8 and 12 miles SSE of Mushroom
lands, of which Gremlin Island is the northernmost, lie close Island.
off the NW extremity of the peninsula. Numerous rocks lie up The Puffball Islands, a group of eight, extend 10 miles in a
to 1 mile seaward of the W side of the peninsula and an isolat- SW direction from a position located 13 miles WSW of Mush-
ed rock, awash, lies 7 miles SW of Gremlin Island. Two shoal room Island. Seven of these islands form a chain. The addition-
patches, with depths of 14 and 10.7m, lie 11.5 miles W and al island of the group lies E of this chain and about halfway
10.5 miles WNW, respectively, of Gremlin Island. between it and the Wordie Ice Shelf. These islands are reported
The Refuge Islands, about five in number, lie about 0.3 mile
3.52 to be often hidden among the tabular icebergs in this area.
SW of the ice cliffs fringing Red Rock Ridge. A hut is reported However, they can sometimes be identified by their convex and
to stand on one of these islands. A rock, awash, lies about 5.5 ice-capped tops beneath which, nearly always on their N sides,
miles W of these islands. A shoal, with a depth of 8.9m, and a small rock exposures protrude.
very shallow rock are reported to lie about 9 miles WNW and 8 The Bugge Islands, a group of three, lie close together close
miles N, respectively, of the islands. off the SW end of the Wordie Ice Shelf. The largest island of
A shoal, with a depth of 20.1m, lies about 11.5 miles W of
3.52 this group is 366m high. Several islets and rocks front the N,
the W extremity of Red Rock Ridge and another shoal, with a SE, and SSW sides of these islands.
depth of 14m, lies about 1 mile SE of it. A shoal, with a depth Caution.Local magnetic anomalies exist in the vicinity of
of 3.1m, is reported to lie about 1 mile SSE of the latter shoal. Compass Island, Flyspot Rocks, and Cape Berteaux.
Rocky cliffs extend continuously S for about 4 miles from
close E of Red Rock Ridge to where a glacier, about 1 mile Alexander Island to Cape Herlacher including
wide, slopes steeply to the sea. This glacier lies on the Bertrand Bellingshausen Sea
Ice Piedmont and is bordered on its S side by the notched and
almost vertical walls of Black Thumb, a rocky column, which 3.54 Alexander Island (7100'S., 7000'W.) forms the S en-
is 1,190m high. Mikkelsen Bay lies between the Bertrand Ice trance point of Marquerite Bay and is separated from the mainland
Piedmont and Cape Berteaux, 20 miles SSW. of the Antarctic Peninsula by George VI Sound. This island is
shaped like the letter "J" and extends for about 235 miles in a N/S
3.53 Cape Berteaux (6850'S., 6730'W.) is formed by the direction. The width of this island varies from about 50 miles in
W part of a conspicuous promontory, 1,210m high. Several the N part to nearly 150 miles in the S part. The N and W shores of
peaks rise on the E part of this promontory. the island are formed by a coastal piedmont which is similar to
The Terra Firma Islands (6842'S., 6732'W.) lie 7 miles
3.53 that on the W side of Adelaide Island.
NW of this cape and comprise a group of several islands and Terminal Island, small and isolated, is 152m high and lies
skerries. The islands are very steep and rocky. The southern- close off the N extremity of Alexander Island. Toadstool
most island of the group is the largest and is 320m high. A hut Rocks, up to 2m high, are reported to lie about 26 miles ESE of
is reported to stand on a small island lying close N of the larg- Terminal Island.
est island. Caution.Numerous shoal patches and isolated islands are
Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck 155
crest. A deep depression, 3 miles wide, separates this crest from was reported (1984) to stand on the lower summit.
the S part of the Roven Mountains. The peaks in this latter range From the Eklund Islands, the sound continues W for 120
of mountains have rounded summits, rise up to a height of miles. Two large islands and one small island encumber this
2,440m, and have steep N and W sides. The range extends to part of the sound. Several nunataks stand on the westernmost
Mount Cupola which rises 28 miles SSE of Mount Bayonne. and largest of these three islands.
Mount Calais, a detached summit, is 2,347m high and stands 22 The English Coast is considered to extend 240 miles W from
miles SE of Mount Bayonne. the Buttress Nunataks (7222'S., 6647'W.) to Rydberg Pen-
Cape Brown (6916'S., 6945'W.), 823m high, forms the W
3.55 insula.
entrance point of George VI Sound, at its N end. This cape is Cape Vostok (6908'S., 7211'W.), fronted by a small islet,
chaotic in appearance, with jagged spurs and ridges descending is located 41 miles WSW of Terminal Island and steeply rises,
in steep slopes to the sea. Schoklsky Bay lies on the N side of 2.5 miles ENE, to Saint George Peak, which stands at the W
the cape. This bay extends NW for about 9 miles to Mount Cal- end of Havre Mountain Range. A number of prominent spurs
ais and recedes for 6 miles. Hampton Glacier enters the head of project through this range.
this bay. The Johansen Islands, a group of five, lie 15 miles W of the
range extends 90 miles SSE from the vicinity of Hampton Gla- side of this part of Alexander Island and this area has been ob-
cier. served to be free from ice in the winter months.
Mount Nicholas, 1,463m high, stands 5.5 miles SSW of
3.55 Lazarev Bay is entered between Cape Vostok and the N ex-
Cape Brown and forms the N limit of the Douglas Range. tremity of Rothschild Island, 13 miles SSW. Umber Island,
Mount Stephenson, 2,987m high, forms the summit of this Dint Island, and the Glinka Islands lie within this bay.
range and rises 33 miles S of the cape.
Other prominent peaks in the Douglas Range include Mount
3.55 3.57 Rothschild Island (6925'S., 7230'W.) lies 6 miles
Spivey, Mount Huckle, Mount Egbert, Mount Ethelwulf, and W of the NW extremity of Alexander Island, from which it is
Mount Ethelred. separated by an unsurveyed channel. It is formed by a black,
Mount Tyrrell (6958'S., 6930'W.), 1,310m, stands 4 miles
3.55 rugged mass which extends for 18 miles in a SE/NW direction.
WNW of Damocles Point, on the W side of George VI Sound. The island is about 11 miles wide in its N part, narrowing per-
Toynbee Glacier separates Mount Huckle from this peak. ceptibly toward its S end, and is bordered on all sides by a
Tombaugh Cliffs, ice free, front the N side of Pluto Glacier,
3.55 fringing piedmont. Two peaks, each over 600m high, rise in the
on W side of George VI Sound. N part and near the center of the island.
Fossil Bluff (7120'S., 6817'W.), a projection, is located 15
3.55 This island has been reported at times to be actually a penin-
miles S of Tombaugh Cliffs. A British scientific base is situat- sula which extends W from Alexander Island.
ed in the vicinity of this projection, but is reported to be only A bank, with a least depth of 27m, lies 46 miles W of this is-
occupied during the summer. land and extends for about 12 miles in an E/W direction.
Two Step Cliffs (7204'S., 6825'W.), located 34 miles S of
3.55 Wilkins Sound (Wilkins Ice Shelf) (7015'S., 7300'W.) ex-
Fossil Bluff, form the N side of a cove. Kirwan Inlet lies 12 tends 60 miles W from the SE extremity of Rothschild Island
miles SSW of Corner Cliffs, where form the S side of this cove. to Charcot Island. From this latter island, the ice front extends
Le May, a range of mountains, extends S from the S end of
3.55 S to Latady Island and then SE to the NE entrance point of
Douglas Range to Mimas Peak (7156'S., 6936'W.). Mendelsohn Inlet.
Dorsey Island lies off the W side of Alexander Island, 27
3.56 George VI Sound (7100'S., 6800'W.) is a major miles SSE of Rothschild Island. Merger Island lies 14 miles
fault depression which skirts the E and S shores of Alexander ESE of Dorsey Island, at the entrance to Haydn Inlet.
Island. The N entrance of this sound, which is 13 miles wide, is Charcot Island (6945'S., 7515'W.) lies 40 miles WSW of
formed by Cape Jeremyon, on the E side, and Cape Brown. Rothschild Island from which it is separated by Wilkens
The edge of the ice shelf at the N end of the sound is 12m high. Sound. This island is pear-shaped with the narrow end, 12
The edge at the SW end is 9m high. miles wide, forming its SW extremity. The remainder of the is-
Vessels entering the N part of the sound are advised to keep
3.56 land has a width of about 45 miles. The entire island is covered
to the center or the W side as strong currents set in this area by a low ice cap, 274m high, from which the only rock expo-
and the E coast appears to be more gently shelving with the sures are a series of isolated mountain peaks bordering its N
probability of uncharted rocks and shoals lying within this ar- shore.
ea. Cape Byrd (6938'S., 7607'W.), the W extremity of the is-
156 Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck
2 miles seaward of the N shore of the island. The entire area in land, is fronted by rocks which are surrounded by foul ground.
the vicinity of this islet has not been fully surveyed. A patch, Several submerged rocks and shoals extend up to 1 mile N
with a depth of 73m, was reported (1973) to lie about 25 miles from the NW extremity of the island. Breakers may be ob-
N of the islet. served up to some distance seaward of these dangers. Two
rocks, 2 and 53m high, lie 1 mile SW of the NW extremity.
3.58 Carroll Inlet (7318'S., 7830'W.) forms the E They are dark, snow-free, and have vertical sides with flat tops.
boundary of the Bryan Coast, which extends W, as an unbroken Larsen Glacier lies 2 miles S of the NW extremity and the
ice cliff, for about 120 miles to approximately 85W, the E shore between consists of ice cliffs. Norvegia Bay lies between
boundary of the Eights Coast. the S side of this glacier and Cape Ingrid, 1 mile S. An above-
The hinterland of Ellsworth Land (7530'S., 8000'W.)
3.58 water rock lies close off the NE side of this bay.
consists of a plateau, about 2,000m high, which is known as the Cape Ingrid consists of a bare, barren, and rocky promontory
Hollick-Kenyon Plateau (7800'S., 10500'W.). Sentinel which is 152m high and has vertical sides. A shoal fronts the
Ranges rise between 7730'S and 7900'S, and between W side of this cape and extends up to about 0.3 mile seaward.
9230'W and 8600'W. Mount Ulmer, 3,672m high, stands near Two small glaciers are located on the S side of this promontory.
the N end of these ranges. A large cavern, known as Celil Cave, is located in the rock
Vinson Massif (7835'S., 8225'W.), 5,140m high, is the
3.58 cliffs of the cape.
highest known summit in Antarctica. Sandefjord Cove lies on the S side of Cape Ingrid. This inlet
land. McNamara Island, about 240m high, lies 15 miles E of four pinnacles and one large rock, 9m high and lies in the ap-
Dustin Island, at the N side of the ice front. proach to Glacier Roads. This reef is located about 4 miles
Seraph Bay is formed between the W side of Dustin Island
3.58 from the NW side of the Noville Peninsula and 20 miles ENE
and the Tierney Peninsula, 18 miles NW. Peale Inlet indents of Cape Davies. Mount Palmer rises near the N extremity of
the W side of this peninsula and extends SE for about 15 miles. the Noville Peninsula. Bergy bits and pieces of ice floes fre-
A glacier flows into the sea about 10 miles NW of the W en- quently rest on top of this reef.
trance point of this inlet.
3.61 Cape Flying Fish (7206'S., 10229'W.), the W ex-
3.59 Peter I Island (6847'S., 9035'W.), under Norwe- tremity of Thurston Island, forms the E boundary of the Wal-
gian sovereignty, lies 212 miles NE of Thurston Island and 308 green Coast. This coast extends S for about 170 miles to Pine
miles W of Cape Byrd, the W extremity of Charcot Island. The Island Bay and then WNW for about 185 miles to Cape Her-
island is entirely covered with snow and ice, no bare rock being lacher, the N extremity of the Martin Peninsula. The W bound-
visible except where the slopes are precipitous. It was reported ary of the coast is still undetermined.
that the shape of the island varies from that currently charted Peacock Sound is the largest of four bays, all open to the W,
and several rocks lie close off its N end. which indent the coast between Cape Flying Fish and a point,
Lars Christensen Peak, the lofty and rounded dome of an ex-
3.59 located about 170 miles S, where the Walgreen Coast turns to
tinct crater, is 1,753m high and forms the summit of the island. the W. This sound is 40 miles wide, at its N entrance, and is re-
The W part of the island consists of precipitous slopes while ported to extend SE for about 110 miles and then S for about
the E part is lower and consists of a piedmont platform. The N 50 miles, but its farthest SE extent is unknown.
side of the island consists of large twin glaciers. Cape Waite, the S entrance point of Peacock Sound, forms
Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck 157
the NW extremity of the King Peninsula. From this cape, the small islets are reported to lie within 18 miles N and NE of
coast extends about 50 miles S to the NE extremity of the Can- Mount Siple.
isteo Peninsula. The bay lying close N of this latter peninsula is Executive Committe Range extends in a NE/SW direction
much smaller than Peacock Sound and an ice shelf was report- between 7630'S, 12700'W, and 7720'S, 12855'W.
ed (1946) to obstruct its inner half. Grant Island (7430'S., 13130'W.), the extent of which is
Sterrett Islands and the Edwards Islands lie close W of the SW Cape Dart and Grant Island. Dean Island is enclosed within
extremity of this peninsula. this ice shelf, 48 miles E of Grant Island.
The Brownson Islands, reported to be a group of four, lie
3.61 A detached group of bare, rocky hills stands S of Grant Island.
about 6 miles SW of the SW extremity of the Canisteo Penin- This group marks the W side of Wrigley Gulf and the E end of
sula. the Hobbs Coast. From this group, the Ames Range extends SE
Cranton Bay, 30 miles wide, extends about 20 miles E and
3.61 and consists of several large, isolated, and snow-covered masses
lies close S of the SW extremity of the Canisteo Peninsula. which have flat tops and steep, precipitous sides. Large glaciers
From the S entrance point of this bay, the coast recedes to form debouch NE between these masses. This high range extends SE
Pine Island Bay, the last of the four major indentations in the S to the E extension of the Hal Flood Range.
part of the Walgreen Coast. This bay is 20 miles wide at its en-
trance and extends SE for an unknown distance. 3.63 The Hobbs Coast (7450'S., 13200'W.) extends 120
The Hudson Mountains, two parallel ranges of detached
3.61 miles SW from the W edge of the Getz Ice Shelf to the E side
peaks, extend E along the shore between the Canisteo Peninsu- of Land Bay. The section of this shore lying between Land Bay
la and Pine Island Bay. The mountains are snow-covered and and Hull Bay, 60 miles NE, is bordered by a coastal range. The
attain heights of up to 1,220m. peaks in this range are nearly bare and have steep, snow-free
From the head of Pine Island Bay, the Walgreen Coast ex-
3.61 cliffs on their N faces. The S side of this range is drowned by
tends W for about 160 miles to the Martin Peninsula. Cape the continental ice descending from the high interior plateau.
Herlacher forms the N extremity of this latter peninsula. Hull Bay is completely filled by Cordell Hull Glacier, which
50 miles in the W half of the bay. Another bay lies between the located 15 miles NNE of the entrance to Hull Bay. This cape is
W side of the Bear Peninsula and the E side of the Martin Penin- marked by bare rock and a penguin rookery is situated in its vi-
sula. It is obstructed by the Dotson Ice Shelf. cinity.
The Kohler Range, an extensive mountain range, stands 30
3.61 Cruzen Island (7447'S., 14040'W.), lying 57 miles W of
miles S of the base of the Martin Peninsula. The peaks in this Cape Burke, is a rocky crag, over 300m high. It is composed of
range attain heights of up to 4,570m. black coal-like rock which is probably of volcanic origin. A
A snow-covered island, 5 miles long, is reported, existence
3.61 vessel reported (1962) that this island was conspicuous among
doubtful, to lie about 103 miles NNE of the Bear Peninsula. A the many huge and grounded bergs in the area. A large ice
number of bare, rocky islands are reported, existence doubtful, field, not navigable in 1940 except by icebreakers, was report-
to lie close off the coastal ice cliffs of the NE end of the Bear ed to extend WSW and ESE of the island.
Peninsula. A small island was reported (1963) to lie about 15 miles SE
of Cruzen Island.
Cape Herlacher to Cape Colbeck including Land Bay is about 10 miles wide. Mount McCoy, a high and
Amundsen Sea flat-topped massif, stands near the head of this bay and has
dark, snow-free, and vertical sides. Land Glacier, heavily cre-
3.62 Amundsen Sea lies between the W side of Thurston vassed, descends into the bay on either side of this massif.
Island and Cape Dart, 400 miles W.
Cape Dart (7307'S., 12609'W.), lying at the E side of
3.62 3.64 The Ruppert Coast (7545'S., 14100'W.) extends
Wrigley Gulf, is located at the foot of Mount Siple, a massive about 75 miles WSW from Land Bay to the N entrance point of
and snow-covered mountain, 3,110m high. An ice front ex- Block Bay. It consists of an ice slope which has many snow-
tends between this cape and Cape Herlacher, 228 miles E, and covered ridges. The Phillips Mountains, a coastal range of iso-
partly encloses two islands. The E and smaller island, known lated peaks, stand behind the shore and attain a height of
as Wright Island, is 244m high. The W island, of which Cape 1,200m.
Dart forms the NE extremity, is about 100 miles long. Three Block Bay, 20 miles wide, lies between the W side of the
158 Sector 3. The Bellingshausen Sea and the Amundsen Sea Joinville Island to Cape Colbeck
Ruppert Coast and the Guest Peninsula. A glacier descends in- mits, on the W side of the bay, 53 miles ESE of Cape Colbeck.
to the head of this bay. The Guest Peninsula is about 40 miles McKinley Peak, 760m high, rises 90 miles SE of Scott Nuna-
long, 25 miles wide, and extends in an E/W direction. taks, near the head of the bay. This mountain forms the SW end
Sulzberger Bay, about 130 miles wide, lies between the W
3.64 of the Ford Ranges which extend along the S and E sides of the
side of the Guest Peninsula and Cape Colbeck (7710'S., bay. These ranges consist of a series of mountain groups of
15800'W.), the N extremity of Edward VII Peninsula. The Al- variated structures and appearance. The Rockefeller Plateau,
exandra Mountains form the coastal range which stands along 760 to 1,220m high, stands about 270 miles SE of Cape Col-
the shores of the bay. This extensive bay is almost entirely beck.
filled by the Sulzberger Ice Shelf and four glaciers flow into its
SE side. Although patches of water have been observed from Marie Byrd Land is defined as that portion of Antarctica ly-
aircraft, the bay has never been reported to be ice free. A vessel ing E of the Ross Ice Shelf and the Ross Sea and S of the Pacif-
reported (1962) that four low ice-covered islands lie within the ic Ocean. It extends E approximately to a line between the
bay, the northernmost being located about 14 miles WSW of head of the Ross Ice Shelf and the Eights Coast. The Rockefel-
the Guest Peninsula. ler Plateau is considered to be the Marie Byrd Land portion of
The Scott Nunataks, over 600m high, stand, with twin sum-
3.64 the Antarctica Plateau.
The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia
4.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Additional DNC library coverage may be found in NGA DNCs 2,3,4,5 and 29 (Limited Distribution) disc within the README\GRAPHICS folder.
162 Sector 4. The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia
this vicinity are between E and SW which tend to keep drift ice island appears to be surrounded by deep water, but the area has
out of the bay. The bay can be approached by transiting the not been fully surveyed.
drift ice near 180. When open water is reached, vessels should 4.4It was reported (1961) that a shoal area extended about 0.5
then head E toward the bay. mile seaward from the SW extremity of the island. This shoal
4.3 The N coast of Ross Island (7730'S., 16800'E.) extends was reported to be marked by a color change and could be eas-
SE for about 25 miles between Cape Bird (7710'S., ily avoided.
16641'E.) and Cape Tennyson (7722'S., 16818'E.). This lat- 4.4A strong current sets W through the passage leading between
ter cape is formed by a dark, rocky outcrop projecting from the Beaufort Island and Cape Bird and, at times, attains a rate of 3
ice-covered slopes of Mount Terra Nova (7731'S., knots. The strength of this current, but not its direction, is af-
16757'E.). fected by the tides. This passage is frequently blocked by drift
4.3 A bay lies close W of Cape Tennyson where the slopes of ice which has traveled along the coast of Ross Island, but there
Mount Erebus (7732'S., 16710'E.) recede S for about 7 is little danger of heavy pressure.
miles. The coast extending to the E of Cape Tennyson consists 4.4Cape Bird, the N extremity of Ross Island, is located 7 miles
of a precipitous cliff. Williamson Rock (7727'S., 16915'E.) N of Mount Bird (7717'S., 16643'E.). This cape is formed
lies close to the cliff, 13 miles ESE of the cape, and Cape Cro- by a rounded and lofty promontory with many headlands of
zier, the E extremity of Ross Island, is located 5 miles SSE of black lava.
it. 4.4Wohlschlag Bay (7722'S., 16625'E.) lies between Cape
Bird and Cape Royds. The greater part of the shore of this bay,
4.4 Cape Crozier (7731'S., 16924'E.), surmounted by a except within 2 miles of Cape Royds, is faced by inaccessible
small cairn, consists of a black, basalt cliff, 61 to 122m high. ice cliffs, 9 to 30m high.
The Knoll (7731'S., 16921'E.), a conspicuous cone, stands
above the cape and is 369m high. This cone is backed by the 4.5 Cape Royds (7733'S., 16609'E.), a dark mass of
black and bare slopes of Mount Terror (7731'S., 16832'E.). rock, is faced by steep cliffs. Rocky Point, located 2.5 miles N
4.4The cliffs in the vicinity of the cape form a prominent series of the cape, is flanked, on the N side, by the unbroken glacier
of basalt columns, about 30m long, which appear as narrow slopes of Mount Erebus and, on the S side, by Horseshoe Bay
hexagonal rods that are curved and interlocked. The cliffs are (7732'S., 16612'E.). This latter bay is 0.3 mile wide and pro-
interrupted, about 2 miles NW of the cape, by a low, pebble vides shelter in emergencies. Between Horseshoe Bay and
beach. Many stranded bergs have been observed near this Cape Royds, the shore is fringed by a broad, sandy beach
beach and a depth of 22m is reported to lie about 0.3 mile off- above which stands a conspicuous peak, 67m high.
shore in this vicinity. 4.5Backdoor Bay (7734'S., 16612'E.), about 0.8 mile wide,
4.4Beaufort Island (7656'S., 16656'E.), 686m high, lies 13 lies close E of Cape Royds. A dangerous rock, which uncovers,
miles NNE of Cape Bird. This island is volcanic in origin and lies about 0.5 mile NW of Flagstaff Point, the W entrance point
has an egg-shaped appearance. The E side of the island is of this bay. The bay has depths of 18 to 33m, but the holding
steep, bare, and rocky while the W side consists of a long ice ground is poor and anchorage is not recommended. A hut is re-
slope which terminates at the sea in cliffs, 2 to 15m high. The ported to stand on Flagstaff Point.
Sector 4. The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia 163
4.5North Bay lies between Cape Barne, located 2 miles SE of Shoal patches, with depths of 8.8 and 4m, lie 2 miles N and 0.8
Flagstaff Point and Cape Evans, 4 miles SE. Anchorage can be mile S, respectively, of this point.
taken in a depth of 35m about 200m off the shore of the bay al- 4.6Pram Point (7751'S., 16645'E.) is located on the edge of
though this is too close if the wind shifts from the prevailing the Ross Ice Shelf, 1.3 miles NE of Cape Armitage.
SE. The bottom is quite steep and a depth of 100m lies about 4.6Scott Base (7751'S., 16645'E.), the principal New Zealand
0.3 mile from the shore. A depth of 27m was reported to lie base, stands on this point. It was originally established for the
about 0.6 mile from the shore and 0.4 mile from the face of International Geophysical Year in 1957 and has been manned
Barne Glacier, which fronts the head of the bay. ever since. It was the base used by Sir Edmund Hillary for the
4.5Cape Barne (7735'S., 16614'E.) consists of a steep and Trans Antarctic Expedition and was the base to which Sir Vivi-
rocky bluff, 90m high, surmounted by a prominent volcanic an Fuch's party returned on 2 March 1958, after crossing the
pillar, 46m high. Mickle Island lies close offshore, about 0.8 continent via the South Pole in 99 days.
mile N of this cape. Several sandy beaches fringe the shore be- 4.6The base consists of nine buildings, is permanently manned
tween the cape and this island. throughout the year, and is connected by road to McMurdo Sta-
4.5Cape Evans (7738'S., 16624'E.) consists of a low triangu- tion.
lar-shaped promontory. A shoal area extends 0.8 mile S from
the cape. It was reported (1992) that a vessel touched bottom 4.7 McMurdo Station (7751'S., 16640'E.), the princi-
about 200m W of this area, indicating that shoals also extend pal United States base, stands on the low, volcanic hills at the S
SW from the cape. extremity of Ross Island. Part of the station fronts Winter
4.5McMurdo Sound (7730'S., 16500'E.) is entered between Quarters Bay. This station is one of the seven original con-
Dunlop Island and Cape Bird, the N extremity of Ross Island. structed by the United States for the International Geophysical
This sound, which is reported to be deep throughout, extends S Year (1955-56) and has been used continually since then. Over
for about 50 miles to the ice edge. This region is perhaps the the years, the station has expanded to provide extensive facili-
best known in Antarctica. Having been the site of four British ties for both support activities and research. It now includes the
expedition bases, it is now the location of the principal scientif- 4,320m2 Albert P. Crary Science and Engineering Center and
ic base station of the United States. It is reported that there is numerous dormitories.
no safe anchorage within McMurdo Sound. 4.7The base is the primary rescue coordination center for the con-
tinent and the operational hub for the U.S. Antarctic Program,
4.6 The Dellbridge Islands (7740'S., 16625'E.), a which is managed by the National Science Foundation. Virtually
group of four, lie S of Cape Evans. Inaccessible Island lies 1.3 all personnel, equipment, and supplies destined for continental
miles SW of the cape and is 160m high at its E end. A subma- bases and field camps, except Palmer Station on the Antarctic
rine ridge, with depths of 101 to 152m, lies between this island Peninsula, are routed through McMurdo. Bulk fuel and cargo are
and the cape. This ridge is an extension of the shoal fronting transported by ship to this station.
the cape and many icebergs have stranded in its vicinity. Tent 4.7The station consists of approximately 110 buildings with
Island lies 1 mile S of Inaccessible Island and is 137m high. A graded roads, a power plant, and other utility systems such as
least depth of 58m was reported to lie 2.3 miles SW of this is- water and waste disposal. It has a communications system, sur-
land. Big Razorback Island, 64m high, lies 1.3 miles E of Tent face vehicles, a heliport, a docking area, and a fuel depot. This
Island and Little Razorback Island, 36m high, lies 0.8 mile N latter depot consists of 20 storage tanks with a total capacity of
of it. about 190,000 barrels (about 8 million gallons). In addition, a
4.6From Cape Evans, the coast extends ESE for 4 miles to Turks diesel-fueled saltwater distillation plant produces fresh water
Head (7740'S., 16646'E.), a precipitous, black headland, 158m for most needs.
high. It consists of ice cliffs, 12 to 30m high. The coast then ex- 4.7An airfield (Williams Field) is situated in the vicinity of the
tends S for 12 miles to Cape Armitage, the S extremity of Ross station. It is reported that ski-equipped aircraft can land
Island, and is mostly fronted by low ice cliffs. throughout the year and wheeled aircraft can land on an ice
4.6Erebus Bay lies on the S side of Erebus Glacier Tongue. Tur- runway from October to early December. The field also in-
tle Rock, 30m high, lies 1 mile offshore, about 2 miles S of the cludes facilities for refueling, repairing and servicing aircraft,
latter tongue. A shoal, with a least depth of 8.7m, lies about 0.5 and housing and feeding operating personnel.
mile offshore, 3 miles NNW of Cape Armitage. Vessels are ad- 4.7A wharf, used by supply vessels, fronts the base in Winter
vised not to pass E of this shoal because the area is unsurveyed. Quarters Bay. It is 201m long, 140m wide, and constructed of
A shoal, with a depth of 9.1m, is reported to lie about midway ice. Vessels must obtain approval in advance to visit McMurdo
between this shoal and the shore. and should contact the station 72 hours and 24 hours prior to
4.6Cape Armitage (7751'S., 16640'E.), the sloping termina- arrival. (See Part IRegulations.)
tion of the Hut Point Peninsula, is backed, 0.5 mile NE, by Ob-
servation Hill which is 228m high. A memorial cross to 4.8 Mount Morning, 2,712m high, stands near the head of
Captain R.F. Scott, RN, and the southern party, who lost their the sound at the W end of a peninsula which is located SE of
lives on their return from the South Pole in March 1912, sur- Koettlitz Glacier. Mount Discovery (7822'S., 16501'E.),
mounts this hill. 2,767m high, stands 20 miles ENE of this peak where the pen-
4.6Carter Hill, 301m high, stands 1.5 miles N of Cape Armitage insula divides with the Brown Peninsula extending 15 miles N
and Castle Rock, 412m high, lies 3 miles N of it. and Minna Bluff extending 25 miles ESE. Bratina Island lies
4.6Hut Point, where Scott's party wintered in 1902-1904, is lo- close N of the Brown Peninsula.
cated 1 mile NW of Cape Armitage and fronted by shoals. Black Island (7807'S., 16605'E.), 1,110m high, lies with
164 Sector 4. The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia
Cape Hodgson, its NW extremity, located 10 miles SE of Bratina Marble Point (7726'S., 16350'E.) is located 2.5 miles S of
Island. Cape Spirit forms the NE extremity of this island. Gneiss Point. Bernacchi Bay lies on the S side of this rocky
4.8White Island, 16 miles long and 702m high, lies E of Black spur. The bottom of the bay appears to regular and a depth of
Island from which it is separated by White Strait. Cape Spen- 75m lies in the middle, about 1.3 miles offshore. Between
cer-Smith forms the N extremity of this island. Gneiss Point and Cape Bernacchi, located at the S side of the
4.8The ice front, which is generally 1.5 to 8m high, trends NE bay, the shore, from which the face of the piedmont has reced-
from a position located 20 miles S of Butter Point and then SE ed, consists of a bare, rocky terrace, about 1 mile wide.
to a position 3 miles S of Cape Armitage. It then curves NE
and NW and meets the S coast of Ross Island at Pram Point. 4.10 Granite Harbor (7633'S., 16244'E.) lies between
This front, however, changes considerably from year to year. Cape Archer, on the N side, and Cape Roberts, on the S. It is
4.8The part of the E coast of Victoria Land that lies S of Mc- 12 miles wide and recedes W for about 10 miles. This harbor
Murdo Sound is quite unapproachable by sea. forms the seaward end of a deep valley filled by the Mackay
4.8From Cape Chocolate, the coast trends NNW for 17 miles to Glacier, which descends in a gentle slope from the interior pla-
Butter Point and is backed by the Royal Society Range. Mount teau. About 1 mile inside Cape Archer, ice falls descend be-
Lister, the summit of this range, is 3,891m high and rises 27 tween steep cliffs and reach the sea in the form of a small
miles SW of Cape Chocolate. The Dailey Islands, a scattered glacier tongue.
group of five, lie NE of Cape Chocolate. The westernmost of Point Retreat is located 5.5 miles SW of Cape Archer and is
these small, volcanic islands is 183m high and lies 5 miles off backed by Kar Plateau, a flat glacier-cut shelf of black dolerite.
the cape. Dreikanter Head, located 1.5 miles NNW of Point Retreat, is a
4.8Koettlitz Glacier descends into the sound SE of Cape Choc- steep dark promontory, 515m high. This promontory is mostly
olate (7756'S., 16435'E.) and terminates in an ice cliff. enveloped by glacier slopes. Lion Island, 230m high, lies 1.7
4.8Butter Point, the S entrance point of New Harbor, is formed miles NNE of Dreikanter Head, at the edge of a glacier.
by an angle in the ice cliff, about 6m high. This angle marks Mckay Glacier is located at the SW side of the harbor and
the N extremity of the southernmost of the piedmonts skirting Mckay Glacier Tongue projects seaward for about 2.5 miles, 3
the W shore of the Ross Sea. Vessels can moor on the N side of miles SW of Point retreat.
the ice cliff, using ice anchors placed about 200m inshore. The A bay, about 2 miles wide, lies on the S side of the tongue
piedmont ice terminates in a low ice cliff which trends ESE for and Cuff Cape, a small and dark projection from which the gla-
about 6 miles to The Strand Moraines. These moraines are sep- cier has receded, is located at its head. The shore to the S of
arated from the piedmont glacier by a water-cut channel which this cape consists of steep ice falls which are almost free from
undercuts the ice. silt and about 15m high. Flatiron, a flat and triangular-shaped
shelf of granite from which the glacier ice has receded, is locat-
4.9 New Harbor (7736'S., 16351'E.), a bay, lies be- ed about 1 mile S of Cuff Cape. Finger Point, the E end of this
tween Cape Bernacchi and Butter Point and recedes 6 miles shelf, is sharp, precipitous, and gives the feature the appear-
SW. The Kukri Hills rise at the head of this bay and Mount ance of a skyscraper.
Barnes, the summit, is 984m high. The SW side of Flatiron forms the steep N shore of a small
4.9The harbor has not been fully surveyed, but it is believed to inlet, known as Devils Punchbowl, which is about 0.2 mile
be deep, although shoals may exist in the NW part. The current wide and 0.6 mile long. A small, hanging glacier, known as
sets into this bay from the SE and may carry much drift ice. Dewdrop Glacier, fronts the head of this inlet. This glacier ter-
Winds from that direction usually form a heavy swell and there minates in ice face, 18m high, which lies close above the inlet
is little shelter within the bay. Strong W winds, descending via and behind a dry, gravel beach fronting avalanche slopes. A
the glacier valley, may also be encountered. long and narrow curving ridge of red granite forms the W and
4.9From Cape Bernacchi, the coast trends NNW for 29 miles to S shores of the inlet. This ridge is 305m high at its W end and
Cape Roberts and is formed by a continuous piedmont. This descends gradually, reaching sea level at its E extremity. Devils
piedmont varies in width from 3 to 12 miles and is fed by three Thumb, 250m high, is a conspicuous knob of granite standing
outlet glaciers. about midway along the ridge.
4.9Cape Dunlop, a rocky headland, is located 11 miles SSE of Devils Punchbowl was reported (1958) to be obstructed and
Cape Roberts. It is formed of gneissic granite above which contain dangerous loose ice. No anchorage was available as
rests the piedmont ice. deep water extended up to the beach.
4.9Dunlop Island (7714'S., 16330'E.), 1.5 miles long and It was reported that a spit, with a depth of less than 37m,
18m high, lies E of Cape Dunlop from which it is separated by projects from the S side of the harbor, about 2 miles E of Dev-
a strait, 0.3 mile wide. ils Punchbowl.
4.9Spike Cape, a bare and rocky point from which the piedmont New Glacier lies S of Devils Thumb and is an extension of a
ice has receded, is located 6 miles S of the island. Gneiss Point, level snow-covered plateau which forms the S side of Mackay
long and rocky, is located 7 miles S of this cape. The Bay of Glacier. New Glacier is fed by the Minnehaha Ice Falls which
Sails lies between these two rocky points. Another rocky out- descend from a mottled cone standing W of Mount England.
crop, from which the piedmont ice has receded, is located at Mount England (7702'S., 16227'E.), 1,205m high, is the
the head of this bay. most prominent massif rising on the S shore of Granite Harbor.
4.9Mount Newall, 2,134m high, rises 12 miles W of Gneiss Its slopes descend abruptly from the snow-covered summit to
Point and forms the S side of the Wright Lower Glacier. the New Glacier.
Sector 4. The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia 165
4.11 Cape Roberts (7702'S., 16312'E.), the S entrance formed of snow. Its relationship with Davies Glacier is based
point of Granite Harbor, is formed by a low, rocky, triangular- principally upon conjecture.
shaped spit which extends seaward for about 0.5 mile. Many
grounded icebergs have been observed in the vicinity of this 4.12 Prior Island (7541'S., 16254'E.) lies 5 miles S of
cape. Cape Irizar and about 1 mile off the SE end of Lamplugh Is-
Discovery Bluff, 490m high, is located on the W side of Av-
4.11 land. The granite cliffs of this island are about 90m high and
alanche Bay, 7 miles WNW of Cape Roberts. This bluff con- covered with an ice cap, about 23m thick. Lamplugh Island, 4
sists of a conspicuous headland with steep slopes separated by miles wide and about 10 miles long, is 244m high and capped
gullies. Botany Bay lies between Discovery Bluff and Cape by glacial ice. Cape Irizar, the N extremity of the island, is
Geology, about 1 mile W. This latter cape is formed by a patch formed by a bold, rocky headland. It is 180m high, consists of
of gravel. A beach of granite boulders fronts the head of the red granite, and has a glacial cap.
bay. Franklin Island (7605'S., 16819'E.) lies 100 miles SSE of
miles NW of Cape Ross. It is conspicuous, dark, and marks the Glaciers. This ice formation extends about 38 miles to its sea-
entrance to two deep valleys which lie behind it. The northern- ward extremity and varies in width. It is reported to have a
most of these valleys is filled by Fry Glacier which is about 2 maximum width of about 25 miles, along the shore. David Gla-
miles wide and has vertical, smooth walls. cier flows into the Drygalski Ice Tongue to the N of Geikie In-
Cape Day is located 30 miles N of Cape Ross. Charcot Cove
4.11 let. This glacier is about 8 miles wide and is presumed to
lies between this cape and Bruce Point, 7 miles NW. The Nor- extend WNW as far as the interior plateau, about 25 miles in-
denskjold Ice Tongue occupies most of this cove, although in- land.
lets, which recede about 2 miles, lie between the tongue and Cape Philippi, a dark cliff with vertical sides, is the E ex-
each of the entrance points. This tongue is about 20 miles long, tremity of D'Urville Wall, a strongly glaciated cliff, about
5 miles wide, 30m high, and is believed to be afloat. Its surface 1,000m high, which extends W and forms the N wall of David
is formed by hard, bare glacier ice, except on the N side and the Glacier. Above the cape, the summits of an extensive massif
seaward end, where drifting snow piles up. The surface is gen- rise and separate David Glacier from Larsen Glacier. Mount
erally flat with gentle undulations. The N edge of the tongue Neumayer is the S of these summits and Mount Bellingshau-
terminates in a vertical ice cliff, 15m high, with overhanging sen, 1,380m high, is the northernmost. This latter peak has a
snow cornices. The S edge is not uniform as the S winds pro- steep and conspicuous cone.
duce marked erosion. This edge consists of steep slopes
formed of serrated and scalloped green-glacier ice. There is no 4.14 Terra Nova Bay (7450'S., 16430'E.) lies between
evidence of this ice tongue being actively fed. It is now be- Cape Washington, 274m high, and the Drygalski Ice Tongue,
lieved that the tongue was once a part of a large piedmont and 55 miles SSW, and recedes about 25 miles. The shores of the
is now inactive and disintegrating. bay to the W of Cape Washington are formed by the ice cliffs,
Harbord Glacier Tongue lies 14 miles N of Nordenskjold Ice
4.11 15 to 48m high. These cliffs rise to the slopes of Mount Mel-
Tongue and Cheetham Ice Tongue, the seaward extension of bourne, 2,730m high, which rises 15 miles N. Occasionally,
Davies Glacier, is located 7 miles N of it. Davies Glacier, 6 dark rocks project through the slopes of this peak and heavy ice
miles wide, trends W for about 15 miles and then curves SW. falls are visible on its SW side. Mount Dickason, 2,134m high,
This glacier is heavily crevassed and a branch, which forms stands about 37 miles NW of Cape Washington. Markham Is-
Clarke Glacier, flows N behind Lamplugh Island from near its land, 60m high, lies 8 miles NNW of the cape.
seaward termination. Cheetham Ice Tongue is about 3 miles Gerlache Inlet lies 20 miles WSW of the same cape. Gond-
long, 2 miles wide, and 12m high. The structure of this tongue wana, a German scientific station, and Baia Terra Nova, an Ital-
has not been fully determined, but it appears to be largely ian scientific station, are situated in the vicinity of this inlet and
166 Sector 4. The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia
are manned during summer. along the shore by a thick ice foot. Cape Wadworth, the N ex-
Near Markham Island, the coast extends SW for 17 miles,
4.14 tremity, consists of a vertical cliff, 793m high, with glacier
the low shore rising to the slopes of a peninsula. Mount Abbott, cliffs on either side. Landings have been made on rocks lying
1,020m high, forms the summit of this peninsula and stands 25 under these cliffs.
miles WSW of Cape Washington. The S extremity of the pen- Caution.A local magnetic anomaly has been reported to
insula consists of many low foothills. Evans Cove, 2.5 miles exist in the vicinity of Coulman Island.
wide and free of dangers, lies close W of these foothills. The N
shore of the cove is formed by a glacier with several conspicu- 4.16 From Cape Phillips, located 17 miles N of the N end
ous moraines. of Coulman Island, the coast extends N, with rocky cliffs and
Inexpressible Island, about 7 miles long and 3 miles wide, is
4.14 spurs, for 21 miles to Cape Daniell. Steep, high cliffs, which
390m high and forms the W shore of the cove. A penguin rook- are broken occasionally by ice slopes, extend 14 miles SW
ery has been reported to exist at the S end of this island. Vege- from Cape Phillips to Cape Jones, a black bluff with vertical
tation Island, narrow and about 1 mile long, lies 3 miles N of sides. Mount Brewster, 2,026m high, is dome-shaped and
Inexpressible Island. Hells Gate Moraine is located between stands above Cape Jones. The ice slopes descend from the
these two islands and extends SE to the shore of Evans Cove. summit of this peak and completely cover this section of the
Terra Nova Bay is often ice free when dense drift ice is
4.14 coast.
found up to 20 miles offshore. This is due to the deflection of Tucker Inlet lies between Cape Daniell and Cape Wheat-
the current by the Drygalski Ice Tongue. The best approach to stone, 8 miles NNE, and is usually blocked by drift ice. The
the bay is from the NE, but this route may be closed if strong head of this inlet consists of snow-covered hills which rise W
SE winds have prevailed. Open water may be found near the N to Mount Northampton. This latter peak is 2,465m high and
edge of the Drygalski Ice Tongue due to the current deflected stands 18 miles W of Cape Daniell.
by submarine eskers under the ice tongue. The land extending between Cape Wheatstone and Cape
near the center of this glacier, 18 miles W of Vegetation Island. This inlet recedes S for about 8 miles and is 3 miles wide.
Teall Nunatak stands about 5 miles seaward of Hansen Nuna- There are depths of 293 to 558m within this inlet.
tak. Large moraines extend SE on the undulating and heavily Moubray Bay lies between Cape Hallett and Cape Roget, 20
crevassed surface of the glacier. miles NNE. An isolated rock lies about 8.5 miles N of the latter
Mount Larsen, 1,562m high, forms the S wall of the Reeves
4.14 cape.
Glacier and consists of sheer, faceted-granite cliffs on its N
side. Larsen Glacier, 3 miles wide, lies on the S side of Mount 4.17 The Possession Islands (7156'S., 17110'E.), a
Larson and extends 25 miles from its seaward end to the interi- group of nine islands and islets, lie 5 miles offshore, 9 miles E
or plateau. of Cape Roget. These islands and islets vary in size from being
1.3 miles long to being mere pillars of rock. Possession Island,
4.15 Cape Washington (7439'S., 16525'E.), a bold and the northernmost and largest island, is low and bare except at
truncated headland, is 274m high and forms the extremity of a its SW extremity. Archer Peak, 116m high and abrupt, forms
spur of Mount Melbourne. This spur, which projects 7 miles the S extremity of this island. Foyn Island, the central island, is
SE and then 5 miles SSE, separates Wood Bay from Terra No- 247m high and has mostly vertical sides. Heftye Island, the
va Bay. Vast quantities of drift ice, swept N by the tidal current southernmost island, is 64m high. Several of the islets in the
or moved by the summer prevailing winds, are often trapped group are formed by pillars which have vertical walls up to
along the shores of the spur. A shoal, with a depth of 14.6m, about 9m high. Landings have been made on these islands. The
was reported to lie within 0.5 mile of the cape. channel leading between the group and the mainland is 5 miles
Wood Bay lies between Cape Washington and Cape John-
4.15 wide. This channel has been navigated by several vessels and is
son, 35 miles N. This bay provides shelter, but drift ice is often believed to be free of dangers, but it may be blocked by heavy
carried in by the tidal currents and SE winds. The ice within drift ice at times. A tidal current has been experienced in the
the bay may not break out until February. The S shore of the vicinity of this channel. The N setting current, with a rate of 3
bay consists of ice cliffs. knots, is reported to be considerably stronger than the S.
Lady Newnes Bay (7340'S., 16730'E.) indents the coast
4.15 Cape McCormick, a conspicuous cliff, is located 11 miles
between Coulman Island and Cape Johnson. This bay, about 80 NE of Cape Roget and is backed by steep glacial slopes which
miles wide, is completely filled by extensive and undulating extend from the interior mountains. Mount Sabine, 3,622m
shelf ice. Most of the area lying seaward of this bay has not high, and Mount Whewell rise close N of the cape. Mount
been surveyed. Robinson stands behind Downshire Cliffs, 12 miles N of the
Coulman Island (7328'S., 16945'E.), 18 miles long, lies
4.15 cape, and has a conspicuous sharp peak.
95 miles NE of Cape Washington. A peak, 1,998m high, stands From Downshire Cliffs, the coast extends 23 miles NNW to
at the S end of this island. Cape Anne, the S extremity of the is- Cape Adare, the N extremity of the Adare Peninsula. This penin-
land, consists of an abrupt cliff, 305m high, and is fringed sula is 2,050m high and its E side descends in sheer cliffs to the
Sector 4. The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia 167
sea. Several pillars of rock fringe the shore in this vicinity. prominent being Mount Pechell which stands 13 miles W of
Cape Scott.
Cape Adare to Porpoise Bay Yule Bay lies 20 miles NW of Smith Inlet and is entered be-
tween Cape Dayman and Cape Hooker, 9 miles NW. The latter
4.18 Cape Adare (7117'S., 17014'E.) is the E entrance cape forms the S end of a fork-shaped projection.
point of Robertson Bay and also the NE extremity of Victoria The Lyall Islands, a group of four, lie about 3 miles offshore,
Land. This cape consists of a vertical cliff of black basalt, 6 miles SE of Cape Dayman. This portion of the coast is
305m high. It is reported that a hut is situated near the N end of backed by high hills, the most prominent peak being Mount El-
the cape. Rose Rock, a pillar rock originally part of a double liot.
rock group known as The Sisters, lies close to the N extremity Cape North, located 27 miles WNW of Cape Hooker, con-
of the cape; Gertrude Rock, the former outer pillar rock, no sists of a vertical, snow-covered cliff, 61m high. The coast be-
longer exists. tween this cape and Yule Bay consists of high ice cliffs.
Several shoals have been reported to lie within an area locat-
ed about 2.5 miles NW of the cape. However, deep water, over 4.20 The Balleny Islands (6655'S., 16320'E.), a group of
an uneven bottom, has been reported to lie about 3.5 miles NW five, lie with the southeasternmost island located about 190
of the cape. Shoals have been reported extending 3 to 4 miles miles NNW of Cape Hooker. The group forms a chain which
W from Cape Adare. extends in a NW/SE direction for about 100 miles. The islands
Robertson Bay lies between Cape Adare and Cape Barrow, 19
4.18 are heavily glaciated and are volcanic in origin. Ice tongues
miles W, and recedes for about 25 miles. This bay is dominated project into the sea from their slopes.
by the Admiralty Mountains, the slopes of which are so steep The sea area lying between this group and the mainland is
that, except in the valleys, no snow or ice is able to lodge, and frequently impenetrable due to heavy drift ice. The current in
bare rock is shown everywhere. This bay probably remains free the vicinity of the chain sets NW and field ice from the Ross
of ice from January to April. New freezing usually begins in Sea drifts toward the group and often becomes choked up be-
April, but strong offshore winds frequently drive the ice out of tween the islands and the mainland.
the bay during the winter months. Drift ice moves in and out of Young Island, the northwesternmost island, is long and nar-
the bay under the influence of the tidal currents. row with a gentle, sloping plateau, 1,340m high. This island is
A current sets round Cape Adare and into Robertson Bay,
4.18 19 miles long, 4 miles wide, and is entirely covered with snow.
bringing in masses of ice. This current sometimes attains a rate Cape Ellsworth, the N extremity of this island, consists of a
of 5 knots, but is much affected by the tide. An eddy current rocky bluff, 290m high, off which lie Seal Rocks, up to 15m
has been reported to occur within the inner part of the bay and high. Foul ground fronts these rocks and lies up to 2 miles sea-
then set out along its E side. Anchorage can be obtained any- ward. A submerged rock lies about 3 miles NNW of this cape.
where off the E side of this bay but usually in a depth of 27m Breakers, position approximate, were reported (1959) to exist
close off the S side of a beach which lies 1 mile S of Cape in the vicinity of this rock.
Adar. However, this side of the bay is especially subject to SE The W side of the island is steep and crevassed, but the E
blizzards. Anchorage can also be taken in a depth of 20m close side is low. The S extremity consists of a rocky wall, 186m
off the E side of Colbeck Bay, a small inlet, lying near the head high, capped by an ice sheet. Cape Douglas, the E extremity, is
of Robertson Bay. located 4.5 miles NNE of the S extremity, and is fronted by two
Caution.Robertson Bay should be navigated with great
4.18 prominent and rocky bluffs, 162m high. A prominent cone is
care and vessels should give Cape Adare a wide berth. reported to stand 6.5 miles SSE of Cape Ellsworth.
Row Island lies 2.3 miles SSE of Cape Douglas. It is about
4.19 Atkinson Cliffs (7117'S., 16855'E.), 680m high, are 0.5 mile long and 183m high.
located 7.5 miles SE of Nelson Cliff, 540m high, from which Borradaile Island, lying 3 miles SE of the S extremity of
they are separated by the Simpson Glacier Tongue, projecting Young Island, is 2 miles long and 1 mile wide. This island is
about 2.5 miles seaward. Mount Cherry-Garrard, a conspicu- ice capped, 381m high, and has sheer sides. Beale Pinnacle,
ous peak, stands on Atkinson Cliffs and Anderson Ice Falls lie 61m high, lies close to the E end of this island and is shaped
close SE of them. The E side of these ice falls are bordered by like a boot. Rocks, which break, front the N and NW ends of
a steep, rocky ridge which descends from the slopes of Mount this island and extend up to 2.5 miles seaward. The channel
Wright. Turret Island and Flat Island lie close SE of this ridge. leading between Borradaile Island and Young Island has not
Cape Barrow forms the NE end of the latter island and the W been thoroughly surveyed.
entrance point of Robertson Bay. Shipley Glacier descends Buckle Island lies 16 miles SE of Young Island. This island
steeply and envelops the W sides of those two islands, ending is 13 miles long, 4 miles wide, and extends in a N/S direction.
at the water's edge in a vertical cliff, 27m high. Cape Wood It consists of a gentle sloping plateau, 1,238m high. In some
forms the E extremity of Flat Island. places, rocky cliffs descend to the water's edge. In others, long
Cape Scott is located 22.5 miles NW of Nelson Cliff and 6
4.19 ice cliffs forms the seaward edge of glacial slopes and descend
miles ESE of Cape Oakeley. Smith Inlet, 8 miles wide, appears between breaks in the rocky masses. Cape McNab, 354m high,
to be a fjord and recedes for a considerable distance. Mount forms the S extremity of this island. A glacier descends in the
Dalmeny stands above the S shore of this inlet and Cape Oake- vicinity of the cape from the high interior and flows between
ley, a dark and bold headland, forms its E entrance point. This rocky walls. Scott Cone, 31m high, rises 2 miles NNE of this
section of the coast consists of dark, conspicuous cliffs fronting cape. Eliza Cone, 67m high with an archway through it, rises 1
snow-covered hills. High mountains rise inland, the most mile W of the cape.
168 Sector 4. The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia
high. A group of rocks, which breaks heavily, lies 2.5 miles SE SE of Cape Kinsey. The land between has not been fully sur-
of this pinnacle. submerged rocks lie close N and NE of the is- veyed. This cape appears to be an isolated pinnacle which
land. A shoal is reported to lie in midchannel between Sabrina forms the E extremity of Rennick Bay. The bay is about 18
Island and Buckle Island. miles wide and its W entrance point consists of high cliffs with
Sturge Island, the southeasternmost of the group, lies 45 miles
4.20 outcroppings of rock. Rennick Glacier flows into this bay.
SE of Buckle Island. It is 18 miles long and 8 miles wide. Steep, From Cape Cheetham, the coast extends ESE for 18 miles to
rocky cliffs and a broad ice tongue descend from the interior to Cape Williams and is backed by the Bowers Mountains, which
form the coast. This island is completely ice capped and Brown are rugged, snow-covered, and of moderate height. An island,
Peak, 1,167m high and prominent, stands in its S part. Cape known as Sputnik Island, is reported to lie about 15 miles SE
Freeman, 672m high with a vertical rock wall, forms the N ex- of Cape Williams and a rock is located close off its SW end.
tremity of this island and Cape Smyth, with a long ice slope, Cape Cheetham is separated by a valley of col from Mount
forms the S extremity. Rocks, awash, lie within about 0.5 mile Bruce. This latter peak is 1,639m high and forms the summit of
SE and SW of this latter cape. A shingled spit extends about 0.3 the Bowers Mountains.
mile ESE from Cape Smyth and rises to a hill, 100m high. Four Leningradskaya, a Russian station, is situated 18 miles SE of
detached stacks lie close ESE of the seaward extremity of this Cape Kinsey. It was reported to be unoccupied (1995).
spit. A shelf, with depths of 11 to 15m, extends up to about 0.5 Lillie Glacier Tongue, 38m high, extends about 12 miles N
mile S of the shingled spit. Temporary anchorage may be taken from snow-covered, rounded hills between Cape Cheetham
on this shelf and about 0.2 mile from the spit. and Cape Williams. An islet, 900m high, is reported to lie close
Scott Island (6724'S., 17955'W.) lies 315 miles NE of
4.20 off the NW end of this glacier tongue and about 3 miles E of
Cape Adare. It is about 0.3 mile long, 1.5 miles wide, and ex- Cape Cheetham. A depth of 245m was reported to lie about 8
tends in a N/S direction. When approaching the Ross Sea from miles N of the tongue of the glacier. Many grounded icebergs
New Zealand, many vessels prefer to proceed to Scott Island and unbroken fast ice have been observed to fringe the shore in
and then turn S. The N part of the island consists of precipitous this vicinity. A strong NW current sets along this part of the
cliffs, 41m high. The slopes above these cliffs rise to a rounded coast.
summit, 49m high, which stands in the center of the island. The Cape Freshfield (6820'S., 15100'E.) is located 150 miles
slopes on the S side of this summit descend toward the S ex- WNW of Archer Point. The coast between is quite jagged and
tremity of the island where they end about 2m above the water. consists of numerous indentations. Lauritzen Bay lies about 15
The island is completely ice capped. Small coves lie at the NE miles W of Archer Point and is obstructed by an ice shelf.
and NW extremities of the island and are obstructed by many Depths of 117 to 362m have been reported to lie within this
rocks over which the sea breaks. bay. The head of the bay is backed by Magga Peak, 244m high,
Haggits Pillar, a column of rock, is 64m high and stands
4.20 which consists of a mass of sheer rock in flat-iron shape with a
close off the W side of the island. A cavern, 15m high, passes strip of fast ice, 1 mile wide, extending along the coast from its
through the N end of Scott Island. The S side of the island is base. A cairn was reported (1962) to stand on the summit of
fringed by foul ground. The remaining sides of the island have this peak. Drury Nunatak and Reynolds Peak both stand about
depths of at least 14m lying as close as 90m offshore. 14 miles SW of Magga Peak.
Scott Island Bank extends up to 40 miles S of the island. An
isolated depth of 60m is reported to lie about 28 miles SSW of 4.22 Cape Buromskiy, located 35 miles WNW of Archer
the island. Point, forms the W extremity of a small projection which ex-
tends NW from the coast. An island lies close W of this cape.
4.21 Archer Point (6911'S., 15739'E.) is rocky and The Mawson Peninsula, about 35 miles wide, is centered with its
backed by the Wilson Hills, which extend WNW. A long and N extremity located about 40 miles E of Cape Freshfield.
narrow glacier, with a forked end, lies close W of this point. It The George V Coast is considered to lie between 155E and
extends NNW from the Wilson Hills and projects about 15 142E. It was discovered and explored by the Australasian
miles seaward. Babushkin Island lies close E of this glacier and Antarctic expedition, under Sir D. Mawson (1911-14).
5 miles NW of the point. The Terra Nova Islands lie 17 miles Virik Bank lies about 160 miles N of Cape Freshfield and
NNE of the point. They are small, low, and rocky. has a least reported depth of 95m. A dangerous shoal has been
Cape Kinsey is located 25 miles ESE of Archer Point and
4.21 reported to lie about 33 miles SW of this bank, but its existence
three small islands are reported to lie about 3.5 miles NW of it. and position are doubtful.
The coast between is rugged and reaches the sea in steep, rocky Deakin Bay (6823'S., 15010'E.) lies 18 miles W of Cape
points which are separated by glaciers and backed by the Wil- Freshfield. A depth of 585m over a bottom of slate, mud, and
son Hills. The most prominent headlands along this stretch are stone was reported to lie within this bay.
Williamson Head, located 4 miles E of Archer Point, and Cape Wild (6823'S., 14907'E.), the W entrance point of
Drake Head, located 12 miles WNW of Cape Kinsey. Harald Deakin bay, is located 28 miles W of Cape Freshfield. Cape
Bay indents the coast between Archer Point and Williamson Blake is located 8 miles NW of Cape Wild.
Head. Davies Bay lies close W of Cape Kinsey and appears to Horn Bluff, located 8 miles SW of Cape Blake, is formed by
recede for a considerable distance. A depth of 278m was re- a prominent rock bastion projecting from beneath the ice cap.
ported to lie about 17 miles NE of Cape Kinsey. Many ground- This bastion is fronted by coastal cliffs, 325m high, and its up-
Sector 4. The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia 169
per part consists of several great conspicuous columns, resem- The Laseron Islands, a small group, lie on the SE side of the
bling organ pipes. The cliffs are broken only by shallow, bay. The Mackellar Islands lie in the center of the bay and
narrow coves where the ice descends to the sea. about 1.5 miles from the head. This group consists of about 30
rocks and small islands which extend over an area, about 2
4.23 Cape Spencer is located 25 miles W of Cape Blake miles long and 1 mile wide. The largest island in the group is
and about 5 miles E of Buckley Bay, which is filled by the high about 0.5 mile long and is the site of a large penguin rookery.
ice cliffs of the Ninnis Glacier. This large glacier descends Several reefs and shoals lie in the vicinity of these islands and
steeply from the high interior through a broad valley and is they should be approached with care.
heavily hummocked and crevassed. Dixson Island, 335m high,
lies 33 miles NW of Cape Spencer, near the W limit of the Nin- 4.25 Cape Denison (6700'S., 14240'E.), a rocky point, is
nis Glacier. This island is ice covered, about 11 miles long and located in the center of the S shore of Commonwealth Bay.
6 miles wide. This cape is formed by a glacial moraine of ice-polished
Cape Hurley (6736'S., 14518'E.) is located about 45 miles
4.23 gneiss. It is about 0.5 mile long, 1 mile wide, and has a mean
NW of Dixson Island and marks the point where Mertz Glacier elevation of 12m above sea level. Landing may be made within
reaches the sea. This stretch of coast is unbroken by rock out- a cove lying close S of the cape. This cove is 0.2 mile wide, 0.5
crops and, like the coast farther E, consists of an ice cliff be- mile long, and has an average depth of 4.6m.
hind which, 20 to 25 miles from the sea, rise ice-covered About 0.5 mile inland, the morainic ice joins the inland ice
slopes, up to 920m high. Fisher Bay lies 4 miles W of Cape sheet, which is 55m high. About 12 miles inland, the continen-
Hurley and is bounded on its W side by the E side of Mertz tal slopes rise to a height of 610m. Heavily crevassed ice slopes
Glacier Tongue. descend vertically to the sea in ice cliffs, 18 to 46m high, on
Mertz Glacier Tongue extends NE for about 30 miles from
4.23 each side of Cape Denison. A hut and a memorial cross are re-
the coast and has a width throughout of about 20 miles. It ter- ported to stand near the cape.
minates at the sea in ice cliffs, up to about 50m high. This Anchorage can be obtained about 1 mile W of Cape Deni-
tongue is believed to be afloat and a depth of 728m has been son, but the bottom is extremely uneven. This area appears to
reported to lie close off its W edge. The surface of this tongue have depths of 37m or less over a bottom of mostly rock. The
is heavily fissured. anchorage is protected from the strong prevailing winds, which
blow offshore from between S and SE, and also from drifting
4.24 Buchanan Bay, located 47 miles NW of Cape Spen- icebergs and ice pressure.
cer, lies on the W side of Mertz Glacier Tongue. Mount Mur- At Cape Denison, the average wind speed is phenomenally
chison, 567m high, stands 8 miles SW of this bay and is almost high and it is probably the windiest region in the world. The
entirely covered in snow. Aurora Peak, 533m high, rises 4 annual average wind speed is reported to be 38 knots or gale
miles SSW of Mount Murchison from which it is separated by force. Almost continuous blizzards blow for nine months of the
a gully. The W shore of the bay is formed by the continental ice year in this vicinity and whirlwinds of snow occur during the
slopes which rise to Mount Hunt. This latter peak is dome- rare periods of comparative calm.
shaped and 457m high. It forms the S end of a promontory It was reported (1985) that a sheltered haven for small boats
which projects N and terminates in Cape de la Motte, the W lies close W of Cape Denison. A reef, which is partly above-
entrance point of the bay. The Hodgeman Islands and the Close water at LW, extends across the entrance. A rock, awash, was
Islands lie close off the W and E sides, respectively, of this reported (1989) to lie about 1.6 miles W of the cape.
cape. The islands are all small and ice capped. Point Alden (6648'S., 14202'E.) is the W entrance point of
extensive ice plain which descends from the interior in a series the Zelee Glacier. This stretch of coast is fronted by many is-
of crevassed slopes. lands, some of which lie up to about 2.5 miles offshore.
The Way Archipelago consists of numerous small islands
4.24 Port Martin, a peninsula, is located 8 miles SW of Cape De-
and rocks which front the coast and lie up to 2 miles offshore. couverte and was the site of a former base. This base was de-
Stillwell Island, the largest of this archipelago, lies close NE of stroyed in 1952, as a result of a storm of great violence and a
the cape. This island is steep, rocky, about 0.3 mile in diameter. fire.
It is 37m high near the NW extremity. Petrel Island (6640'S., 14000'E.) lies 30 miles WNW of
miles W Cape Gray. Whetter Nunatak, a conspicuous rocky 1. VHF: VHF channels 16, 26, and 27
outcrop, juts through the ice cliffs, 3.5 miles S of these islands. 2. Radiotelephone: 8245 kHz
170 Sector 4. The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia
3. Telephone: 262-2-62002001 flanks. Both of these rocks rise from islands that are embedded
870-764651922 (INMARSAT-F77) in the ice.
881-631413549 (Iridium) From Pourquoi Pas Point, the ice-covered cliffs of the Clarie
4. Facsimile: 262-2-62002002 Coast extend generally W for 140 miles to Cape Morse. The
5. E-mail: [email protected] Pourquoi Pas Glacier Tongue lies near the E end of this coast.
[email protected] The Dibble Glacier is located 30 miles W of Pourquoi Pas
6. Web site: Point and close E of Davis Bay. The Dibble Glacier Tongue,
Note.VHF channel 26 is relayed as far as Petrel Island.
4.25 about 18 miles wide, is reported to extend up to about 40 miles
The VHF channel 27 relay, installed on the highest point of Pe- N from the coast.
trel Island, provides a range of about 25 miles. Davis Bay, about 15 miles wide at its entrance, lies between
located about 1 mile apart and fronted by shoals on their E terminates at Cape Keltie and forms the northernmost point of
sides, lie 4 miles NE of the N extremity of the glacier. The La- land on the Claire Coast. Freeman Point is located 23 miles W
croix Nunatak, which reaches the coast about 1.5 miles NW of of Cape Keltie and forms the W entrance point of Perry Bay.
the glacier, is 88m high at its W end. This latter bay is about 12 miles wide at its entrance and re-
Cape Jules, 0.7 mile wide, is located 15.5 miles W of Cape
4.26 cedes for about 4 miles. Freeman Glacier fills the W side of
Decouverte and projects about 0.8 mile from the coast. A small this bay.
cove indents the middle of the N side of this cape. Tristan Is- From Freeman Point, the coast extends 35 miles W to Cape
land and Yseult Island lie close off the NW and NE extremi- Carr. This latter cape is prominent, ice covered, and forms the
ties, respectively, of the cape. seaward extremity of the W part of the Claire Coast. Harrison
From Cape Jules, the Adelie Coast extends W for about 10
4.26 Glacier and May Glacier are located 13 miles ESE and 7 miles
miles to Cape Bienvenue. This latter cape is small, rocky, par- WSW, respectively, of Cape Carr.
tially ice covered, and 44m high. From Cape Bienvenue, the The Banzare Coast extends between Cape Morse and Cape
coast continues W for 10 miles to the Astrolabe Glacier Southard. Porpoise Bay, Maury Bay, and Paulding Bay lie E to
Tongue. This tongue extends 4 miles NE from the ice cliffs and W, in that order, and completely indent this stretch of coast.
is about 3.3 miles wide. Piner Bay, an open bay, is formed be- Porpoise Bay, 85 miles wide at its entrance, lies at the E end
tween the NE extremity of the glacier tongue and Cape Bien- of the Banzare Coast. It recedes for about 46 miles and is en-
venue. Cape Geodesie, low and ice covered, is located 2.8 tered between Cape Morse and Cape Goodenough. This latter
miles NW of the W side of the Astrolabe Glacier Tongue. It has cape, which forms the W entrance point, is ice covered and the
several prominent and rocky outcrops at the NE end. N extremity of the Norths Highland. The shores of the bay are
The Geologie Archipelago extends W and N of the glacier
4.26 interrupted by numerous glaciers. The westernmost glacier ter-
tongues. This archipelago is roughly divisible into three island minates in Cape Spieden, a prominent tongue, which lies 16
groups. The northernmost group consists of the Dumoulin Is- miles SE of Cape Goodenough.
lands which are numerous and cover an area about 2 miles in
extent. Icebergs are reported to ground along a line, which ex- Porpoise Bay to Barrier Bay
tends SSE for about 4 miles, from close E of these islands.
Islands are reported to lie about 6 miles NW and 8 miles N
4.26 4.27 Maury Bay (6633'S., 12442'E.) lies SW of Cape
of Cape Geodesie. Breakers were reported (1958) to exist Goodenough and is entered between Stuart Point and Clark
about 16 miles N of the cape. Point. This bay is believed to be generally filled by ice and is
From Cape Geodesie, the coast extends 31 miles WNW to
4.26 marked by prominent tongues which extend seaward from
Cape Pepin. About 8 miles NW of Cape Geodesie, Liotard Blair Glacier and Mackellar Glacier. The bay was reported
Glacier reaches the sea and forms a small tongue. Janet Rock, a (1963) to be fronted by the Voyeykov Ice Shelf, which extend-
small rock, lies 17.5 miles WNW of Cape Geodesie and close ed up to about 30 miles offshore, as far E as Cape Goode-
off the ice cliffs. The Francais Glacier lies about 7 miles W of nough.
Cape Pepin. Paulding Bay, centered 40 miles W of Maury Bay, is ice
point forms the W entrance point of Victor Bay and also the W the Islands and Chick Island obstruct this cove. An automatic
limit of the Adelie Coast. weather station is reported to be situated in the vicinity of this
Victor Bay extends about 7 miles to its head and is almost
4.26 bay. The Dalton Iceberg Tongue extends up to about 60 miles
completely filled by the Commandant Charcot Glacier. N from the vicinity of Cape Southard.
Mathieu Rock lies close off the E side of the bay and X Rock Cape Mikhaylov is located 80 miles W of Cape Southard.
lies 3 miles W of it. X Rock, 33m high, consists of a promi- Cape Waldron is located 85 miles WNW of Cape Mikhaylov
nent, black mass which is streaked with quartz on its eroded and the Totten Glacier discharges on its E side.
Sector 4. The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia 171
this coast. The Balaena Islands lie about 50 miles WSW of sist of rock with poor holding ground. Vessels may anchor in a
Cape Poinsett and close off the coast. The largest island of this depth of 44m about 0.2 mile E of Kilby Island, or in a depth of
group is 1 mile long and 46m high. It is composed of granite 29m about 0.2 mile NNW of Molholm Island, or close E of
and has cliff-like slopes. Larsen Bank.
Caution.It is reported that explosives are scattered across
4.28 Cape Folger (6608'S., 11044'E.), located 17 miles an area of 500 square meters lying close E of Wilkes Station.
SW of the Balaena Islands, is the E entrance point of Vin- This area is marked by warning signs.
cennes Bay. Shoals front this cape and extend up to about 20
mile WNW of it. Shoal depths of 12.8 and 16.4m are reported 4.29 The Knox Coast extends W from the Hatch Islands to
to lie about 14 miles NW and 8 miles NW, respectively, of the Cape Hordern. From Cape Nutt, this coast extends 146 miles
cape. Petersen Bank lies with its S end located about 24 miles NW to Cape Elliott.
NW of the cape. The Underwood Glacier, located 2 miles W of Cape Nutt,
cier and the Bond Glacier descend into the head of this bay. liott. It is low, dumbbell-shaped, and ice domed. The center
The Windmill Islands, forming a chain, lie close off the NE section of this island is about 2 miles wide. Two rocky islands,
side of the bay. This chain extends S for 15 miles and its N end positions approximate, were reported (1948) to lie about 50
lies 6 miles SSW of Cape Folger. The Frazier Islands and the miles ENE of the N extremity of this island.
Donovan Islands, two groups located about 5 miles apart, lie Mill Island (6537'S., 10100'E.), crescent-shaped and ice
between 5 and 7 miles off the E side of the bay. Nelly Island, capped, is 18 miles long and 4 miles wide near its middle.
the southeasternmost of the Frazier Islands, is 90 high. Chapel Bowman Island and Mill Island are usually surrounded by
Island, the northeasternmost of the Donovan Islands, is 43m drift ice and grounded icebergs.
high. The Shackleton Ice Shelf, an extensive ice sheet, fronts the
mile SW of the W extremity of the Clark Peninsula. Gibney W and then 20 miles N from the NW end of the Shackleton Ice
Reef, which dries 1.5m, lies about 0.5 mile NW of the W ex- Shelf. The Davis Sea lies on the W side of the Shackleton Ice
tremity of the Clark Peninsula. Larsen Bank, with a least depth Shelf. The Queen Mary Coast extends E from Cape Filchner to
of 15.8m, lies about 0.5 mile ENE of Fitzpatrick Rock. The N Cape Hordern.
part of this bay has depths of 18 to 82m and provides safe an-
chorage for large vessels over good holding ground. 4.30 Junction Corner (6628'S., 9435'E.) marks the
Kilby Island is 13m high. Another island, 30m high, lies 0.3
4.28 point where the W edge of the Shackleton Ice Shelf meets the
mile SSE of Kilby Island. Molholm Island lies 0.6 mile ENE of mainland. The surface here is undulating with extensive pres-
Kilby Island. sure ridges and crevasses. The ice-covered slopes of the conti-
Wilkes Station (6615'S., 11031'E.), in a state of disrepair
4.28 nent, up to 914m high, stand S of Junction Corner. They extend
and decay, is situated in a valley on the Clark Peninsula, 0.3 for about 30 miles but are devoid of any conspicuous land-
mile NE of Stonehocker Point. It was established by the USA marks.
in 1957 and remained active until 1969. During the summer, From Junction Corner, the coast extends ESE for 38 miles to
the station remains uncovered to a limit dependent on the sea- Cape Moyes, an ice-covered point. The Roscoe Glacier flows
son melt. Numerous radio masts can be seen in the vicinity of into the Shackleton Ice Shelf about midway between these two
the former station. points. The Gillies Islands lie 5 miles N of Cape Moyes. They
Casey Station (6617'S., 11032'E.) is situated on the high-
4.28 consist of two small, rocky outcroppings, 53m high.
est point of the Bailey Peninsula. This facility consists of nu- Masson Island lies 23 miles N of Cape Moyes. This island is
merous large modern buildings which are painted with bright 19 miles long, 9 miles wide, and 252m high.
colors and are visible for 6 miles. A reinforced earthen wharf is From Cape Moyes, the coast extends SE for 5 miles and then
situated in the vicinity of this station and is used for re-supply NE for 13 miles to Cape Dovers (6629'S., 9708'E.). Heavy
operations. A radiobeacon is situated at the station and will be ice falls descend from the interior slopes between these two
activated on request. capes. Henderson Island, ice capped and 241m high, lies 5
The former station, which is now known as Old Casey Sta-
4.28 miles N of Cape Dovers. Bay of Winds, lying E of Cape Do-
172 Sector 4. The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia
vers, is 8 miles wide and recedes for about 12 miles. Alligator the Haswell Islands. This island is 9 miles wide, 327m high,
Island, lying in the center of this bay, is 0.5 mile long, narrow, and has no rock visible. It is surmounted by a domed ice cap. A
and 150m high on its W side. Avalanche Rocks, lying on the current setting NW has been observed in the vicinity of this is-
SE shore of the bay, are a distinctive outcrop of rocks, 180m land.
high. Delay Point, the E entrance point of the bay, consists of a The Wilhelm II Coast extends from Cape Filchner to Cape
Delay Point and forms the NE extremity of the Melba Peninsu- 28 miles to Krause Point and then SW for 46 miles to
la. Cape Kennedy, located 4 miles S of Cape Charcot, forms Posaousky Glacier.
the S extremity. The Reid Glacier, 8 miles wide, descends from Gaussberg (6648'S., 8915'E.), an extinct volcano, is 350m
the interior close SE of Cape Kennedy. high and its pyramidal summit descends sharply on the N side
to the sea. Its N side consists of rocky terraces and bare slopes
4.31 Cape Gerlache (6630'S., 9902'E.) is located 12 covered with loose rubble. On the S side of this volcano, the
miles E of Cape Kennedy and forms the N extremity of the Da- ice rises to a height of 122m. The slopes on the W and E sides
vis Peninsula. This peninsula is 180m high, 4 miles wide, and are covered with vast ice falls. Posadowsky Glacier, on the E
forms the E limit of Reid Glacier. side, descends about 450m in height over a distance of 6 miles.
David Island lies at the entrance to the Reid Glacier. A chan-
4.31 Cape Penck is located 40 miles W of Gaussberg. A large bay,
nel, 3 miles wide, separates this island from Cape Charcot and which recedes for 10 miles, lies between these two features and
another channel, 4 miles wide, leads between the island and the Philippi Glacier is located at its head.
Davis Peninsula. David Island is 87m high and has several bare From Gaussberg, a large ice barrier, known as the West Ice
peaks and dark knolls. Watson Bluff, the NE extremity of the Shelf, extends NW as far as 66S. The E edge of this shelf lies
island, is formed by a projecting bluff of ice-worn gneiss, along 89E. This shelf fronts the coast up to about 81E and is
274m high. The island is 12 miles long, 10 miles wide, and its reported to extend up to 100 miles seaward in places.
summit consists of a bare ridge with steep, coarsely-weathered Barrier Bay (6747'S., 8115'E.) is formed between the SW
flows NNE and joins the Denman Glacier. This latter glacier depth of 124m and was discovered by Thorshavn (1937). Anoth-
projects 45 miles N from the general line of the coast. er bank, with a least depth of 97m, is reported to lie about 25
Mount Barr Smith, 1,252m high, stands 40 miles S of David
4.31 miles NNE of the shallowest part of Four Ladies Bank.
Island. Mount Strathcona, 976m high, stands 13 miles SSE of
Mount Barr Smith. The coast to the W of David Island is front- Princess Elizabeth Land
ed by the W part of the Shackleton Ice Shelf. Bigelow Rock
lies off the W edge of the ice shelf, 23 miles NNE of Junction 4.34 Princess Elizabeth Land was first sighted from the air
Corner. This small rock is reported to show about 3m of ex- by Sir Douglas Mawson in 1931 and later partially charted by
posed rock above sea level. Lars Christensen in 1934 and Klaus Mikkelsen in 1935. The E
part of this land has not yet been fully explored, but recent re-
4.32 Farr Bay (6635'S., 9423'E.) lies close W of Junc- connaissance by Russian and Australian expeditions has great-
tion Corner. It is about 10 miles wide and recedes for about 5 ly improved knowledge of this area.
miles into the ice-clad coast. From the W side of this bay, the Princess Elizabeth Land extends from 73E to 8743'E,
land trends NW for 10 miles in a series of heavy, broken, and where it joins Wilhelm II Land. The part of the coast lying be-
crevassed ice falls. Helen Glacier lies 5 miles W of the bay and tween 76E and 81E is named the Ingrid Christensen Coast,
is fronted by Helen Glacier Tongue, which projects 10 miles and that part lying between 81E and 8743'E is named the
seaward. King Leopold and Queen Astrid Coast.
The Haswell Islands (6631'S., 9300'E.), a group of twelve
4.32 Gillock Island (7014'S., 7132'E.), the extent of which is
small and rocky islands, lie off Mabus Point, the W entrance not known, lies within the Amery Ice Shelf some distance off
point of Wright Bay. The largest island is 0.7 mile long and Princess Elizabeth Land.
100m high. The King Leopold and Queen Astrid Coast was discovered
the E side of this latter cape. Adams Island lies 8 miles W of least known depth of 184m and appeared to lie near the W end
the Haswell Islands and 3 miles off the SW shore of the bay. of a large bank the E limit of which is yet to be determined.
Drygalski Island (6545'S., 9230'E.) lies 45 miles NNW of
4.32 Depths of less than 550m were reported to lie about 160, 250,
Sector 4. The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia 173
and 285 miles E of the Banzare Bank. on the N end Torckler Rock. These drums are rusted and are
hard to distinguish against the surrounding hillsides. Another
4.35 Prydz Bay (6900'S., 7600'E.) is contained between beacon, cross-shaped, stands on the S summit of Anchorage Is-
the Amery Ice Shelf, on the W side, and the Ingrid Christensen land. A small wharf, situated close S of the station buildings,
Coast, on the E. can be used by small craft. It is constructed from boulders and
The Larsemann Hills (6925'S., 7605'E.), consisting of
4.35 earth fill. Amphibious vehicles can land over the beach lying
eleven rocky peninsulas, occupy about 11 miles of ice-free adjacent to this wharf.
coast extending between the Polar Record Glacier and the Caution.Care should be taken when approaching Davis
Svenner Islands (6902'S., 7645'E.), which lie 70 miles NE Station as many large icebergs may be encountered to the W of
of Mount Caroline Mikkelsen. a line extending between Keuken Island and Barratt Island.
Mount Caroline Mikkelsen (6945'S., 7407'E.) is 235m
4.35 The area lying to the E of this line may contain numerous small
high. Larsemann Hills rise to their tallest summit, 160m high, icebergs, bergy bits, and large quantities of brash ice. Local
on the second peninsula from the E end. knowledge is required when approaching this base.
A number of bases are situated in this area. Zhongshan, a
4.35 A local magnetic anomaly has been reported to exist in the
Chinese station, stands in the this vicinity and Druzhnaya-4, a vicinity of Davis Anchorage.
Russian station, is situated on the promontory between Rogers
Glacier and Polar Record Glacier. Law Base, an Australian sat- 4.36 The Svenner Islands (6902'S., 7650'E.), a group of
ellite station, is situated in this area. It is maintained from Da- ten, lie 11 miles from the continental ice. An area of foul
vis Base and often activated during the summer months. ground lies about 10 miles N of this group of small islands.
Ranvik Bay (6900'S., 7740'E.) is entered 15 miles NE of
4.35 The Sostrene Islands, consisting of two rounded islands, lie
the Svenner Islands and is bounded on its N side by the Rauer about 25 miles SW of the Svenner Islands and about 3 miles
Islands (6851'S., 7750'E.). These are a group of numerous from the coast.
and small rocky islands which lie SW of the Sorsdal Glacier The main coast located opposite the Sostrene Islands trends
(6842'S., 7810'E.). The glacier is about 10 miles wide and is SW for 45 miles to Mount Caroline Mikkelsen. From this peak,
broken with ice falls and crevasses. Calving of the glacier front the coast extends N and forms Sandefjord Ice Bay, at the head
occurs in the summer months. The glacier tongue extends up to of MacKenzie Bay. An island, known as Kista Rock, is the
about 8 miles seaward, N of the Rauer Islands. southernmost in a chain of small islands which extends in a N/
Vestfold Hills (6833'S., 7815'E.), a stretch of ice-free coast
4.35 S direction within Sandefjord Bay. This island is reported to lie
about 40 miles long, lies NE of Sorsdal Glacier and stands 200 about 1 mile N of Mount Caroline Mikkelsen.
to 300m high. The ice cap, in which there are many ice-free sa- The Lars Christensen Coast is considered to be that part of
line lakes, can be seen rising behind this stretch of coast. the continent lying between Murray Monolith and the head of
Davis Station (6835'S., 7758'E.), an Australian base, is per-
4.35 the Amery Ice Shelf.
manently manned and includes a radio station which operates MacKenzie Bay, which indents the Lars Christensen Coast,
daily between 2330 and 1400 UT (GMT) and for longer periods is entered between the Amery Ice Shelf and Cape Darnley. On
on request. Numerous radio masts are situated in an area close N the W side of this bay, the ice slopes upward to a height of
of the base buildings. A non-directional radiobeacon is situated 274m high and is very crevassed. It then rises more sharply to
at the base and will be activated on request. the Prince Charles Mountains.
A large number of islands lie up to 3 miles offshore, 25 miles
4.35 From its W edge located in MacKenzie Bay, the Amery Ice
NE of Davis Station. Davis Anchorage (6814'S., 7755'E.) Shelf extends S for over 190 miles. Seylla Glacier, Charybdis
lies in the S part of these islands and has been reported to be Glacier, and Nemesis Glacier, descending from the Prince
one of the best in the Antarctic. It is used by research vessels Charles Mountains, join together and discharge on to this ice
and others engaged in re-supply operations. Vessels have re- shelf, about 150 miles S of Cape Darnley.
mained at anchor here with winds of up to 50 knots. The bot- Gillock Island (7026'S., 7152'E.), the extent of which is
tom consists of patches of boulder-strewn medium sand lying not fully known, lies within the ice shelf and some distance off
between areas of rocky outcrops. The center of the anchorage, Princess Elizabeth Land.
which has a depth of 22m, lies 0.4 mile S of Anchorage Island. MacRobertson Land lies near 68S and extends from Wil-
Anchorage Patch, with a depth of only 12.1m, lies near the liam Scoresby Bay to Cape Darnley. It consists of high ice-cov-
center. A wreck, with a depth of 19.8m, lies about 200m NE of ered land through which bare peaks rise at various intervals
this patch. The inshore limits of the anchorage are formed by along or near the coast. The E part of this land is ice covered
O'Gorman Rocks, a rocky shoal area, which has a depth of only and featureless, the shore presenting ice-cliffs, 18 to 43m high.
1.3m. The W limits of the anchorage are formed by Newman The W part is bordered by coastal cliffs and rocky headlands,
Shoal, which dries 0 3m, lying 0.6 mile W of Torckler Rocks. and fronted by numerous islands and rocks. In the S part, many
A shoal, with a depth of 0.4m, lies about 200m S of Anchorage high peaks project above the ice slopes of the interior.
Thala Rock (6833'S., 7753'E.) is reported to lie, position
4.35 4.37 Cape Darnley (6743'S., 6930'E.), the extremity of
approximate, about 0.3 mile W of the S extremity of Turner Is- the Bjerko Peninsula, consists of an ice cliff, 90m high, behind
land. This rock presents a danger to vessels approaching from which slopes rise upward to a height of about 610m. Numerous
the N. icebergs have been observed stranded up to 50 miles NE of this
Beacons, constructed of drums welded together, stand at the
4.35 cape. These grounded bergs often cause congestion of the drift
N end of Gardner Island, on the summit of Turner Island, and ice in this vicinity. A depth of 141m over a rocky bottom was
174 Sector 4. The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia
reported to lie close off the seaward extremity of the cape. as Jocelyn Islands lie on the E side. The latter group consists of
From Cape Darnley, the coast extends W for about 40 miles
4.37 Verner Island, Petersen Island, Teyssier Island, and Lee Island.
to Point Williams. This latter point consists of a bluff which Anchorage may be obtained by small vessels in a depth of 73m
forms the E entrance point of Shallow Bay. within the harbor, which is about 0.2 mile wide. Entrance Is-
Shallow Bay, a small recession in the ice cliffs, is about 10
4.37 land, 0.2 mile long, lies across the N side of the harbor and En-
miles wide. Dingsor Dome, a snow-covered mountain, stands trance Shoal, with a depth of 7.9m, lies about 200m W of it.
10 miles SSE of Cape Williams and is 792m high. Local knowledge is essential for entering the harbor and ap-
Murray Monolith, 244m high, stands 8 miles W of Cape
4.37 proaching the station. Vessels are advised to contact the base
Rouse and two rocks, awash, lie between them. Landing may by radio before attempting to enter.
be made at the foot of the W side of the monolith where the Falla Bluff, a prominent headland, is located at the head of
slope is not so steep. A dangerous rock is reported (1983) to lie Utstikkar Bay. It is rocky, steep, and 366m high. Cape Simp-
about 5 miles NE of Cape Rouse. son, a conspicuous and rocky bluff, is located at the N extremi-
Scullin Monolith (6747'S., 6642'E.) is crescent-shaped
4.37 ty of Ufs Island, 10 miles NW of this headland.
and 433m high. A reef extends N from the W extremity of the Byrd Head, a rocky and conspicuous outcrop, is located 2.5
monolith, but vessels can approach it safely from the NNE. miles WNW of Cape Simpson and is 366m high. Howard Bay
The Gustav Bull Mountains stand 15 miles W of Scullin
4.37 lies between Byrd Head and Cape Simpson.
Monolith and several conspicuous peaks in this range rise Cape Bruce, a bold and conspicuous bluff, is located 6 miles
about 5 to 7 miles S of the coast. NW of Byrd Head. It is 184m high and forms the E entrance
From Scullin Monolith, the coast extending W as far as Cape
4.37 point of Oom Bay.
Daly is reported to be fronted by many uncharted rocks and Oom Bay, about 2 miles wide, affords good shelter. However,
submerged pinnacles. Shoals, with depths of less than 15m, several islands lie off the entrance and stranded icebergs have
have been reported to exist in this area. The depths vary rapidly been observed in their vicinity. Landing may be made on shelv-
in this vicinity and vessels are advised to exercise great care ing beaches fringing the lee sides of some of the islands.
when approaching the coast. Campbell Head, 182m high, is located 3 miles WNW of
ported to lie between 25 and 35 miles NNE of the cape. Bay and William Scoresby Bay. This coast consists of ice cliffs
Strahan Glacier descends to the sea and calves numerous ice-
4.37 that are occasionally indented by bays. Except to the E of Cape
bergs which, together with drifting bergs, usually congest Wilkins, mostly no bare rock is visible. Until recent years,
Nilsen Bay, which lies close W. Many bergs ground within the heavy drift ice has rendered this coast inaccessible to vessels.
bay. Stevens Rock, small and bare, lies 2 miles E of Strahan From Campbell Head, the ice-covered coast extends W for
Glacier and is 7m high. Storegg Bank lies about 30 miles N of 20 miles to Trethewry Point, a rocky promontory projecting
Strahan Glacier. about 1 mile N from the coast. Rocky islands lie 0.5 mile E and
From Strahan Glacier, the coast extends W, in a gradual con-
4.37 close W of the seaward extremity of this point.
vex arc, for 42 miles to Horseshoe Harbor. Cape Daly, an ice- Numerous islands front the coast to the E of William Scores-
covered promontory, is located about midway along this by Bay. Dales Island, 50m high, lies 13 miles N of Trethewry
stretch. It is inconspicuous except when viewed from W and Point (6724'S., 5947'E.). The Warnock Islands and Far-
NW. rington Island lie 1 mile S and 4.5 miles SSW, respectively, of
Several groups of snow-free islands lie within 15 miles NW
4.37 Dales Island. The Twins, two islands, lie 1.5 miles E of Far-
of Cape Daly. These include the Thorgaut Islands, the Robin- rington Island.
son Islands, and the Douglas Islands. The latter group, which William Scoresby Archipelago, which consists of numerous
rises to a height of 18m, is the outermost. small and ice-free islands, extends for about 10 miles in a NE/
Holme Bay is entered between Gibbney Island and an un-
4.37 SW direction between Farrington Island and the mainland
named point, 19 miles E. This bay is obstructed by a large coast to the S.
number of scattered islands and rocks. A group of islands, Caution.Ryrie Rock (6703'S., 6128'E.) has been re-
known as the Rookery Islands, lies 2 miles offshore on the W ported to lie 2.8 miles SSW of its charted position.
side of the bay.
4.39 The Sheehan Islands (6722'S., 5946'E.), two in
4.38 Mawson Station (6736'S., 6252'E.), an Australian number, lie 1 mile N of Trethewry Point and at the E end of an-
scientific base, is situated at the head of Horseshoe Harbor and other group. These islands, which are separated by a narrow
is permanently manned. This base consists of about 48 build- strait, are 0.5 mile long and have steep, rocky slopes with a
ings and includes a power station, an aircraft hangar, a radio rugged outline. Islay Island, 3 miles long and 1 mile wide, lies
station, several garages for transport, a clinic, several laborato- close W of the Sheehan Islands. Hum Island lies 0.8 mile SW
ries, and living quarters. of McDonald Point, the E extremity of Islay Island. Couling Is-
Horseshoe Harbor may be approached through Holme Bay
4.38 land, 114m high, lies 0.5 mile N of Islay Island.
and Kista Strait, on the W side of which lie the Flat Islands and Macfie Sound separates the SW portion of William Scoresby
Moller Bank. Welch Rocks, Welch Island, and a group known Archipelago from Bertha Island. This sound extends in an E/W
Sector 4. The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia 175
direction and is about 1 mile wide. A sounding of 183m, with crops project from the head of this bay. The peaks of the
no bottom, was observed in the E part of the entrance to this Nicholas Range rise 10 miles S of the bay. Cape Borley is lo-
sound, midway between Sheehan Island and Trethewry Point. cated 48 miles NW of Cape Davis.
William Scoresby Bay is entered between Green Point and
Hope Point. Bertha Island, which is low at its E end and 122m 4.41 Enderby Land (6730'S., 5300'E.), extending be-
high at its W end, is formed of fine-grained gneiss-like rock of tween 45E and Edward VII Bay, was discovered by Biscoe in
a lightish-brown hue. The island also has many intrusions of a 1831. It is covered by an ice sheet, above which stand several
darker, igneous rock and a remarkable quantity of garnets. conspicuous mountain ranges.
These rocks show the effects of severe wind erosion, being The continental shelf is clearly defined in this vicinity. It ex-
weathered into fantastic shapes. tends 15 to 25 miles seaward of Enderby Land and has depths
The head of William Scoresby Bay is reported to consist of
4.39 of 149 to 200m. Lines of grounded icebergs have been ob-
two coves, separated by a tongue of ice. No suitable anchorage served at intervals in this vicinity and these greatly influence
has been found within this bay, but it affords excellent shelter the movements of the coastal drift ice. Prevailing winds and
in any weather and a landing may be made in several places. swells often drive the ice near to the land.
The shores of the bay are backed by hills, up to 213m high. In summer, gales from between NE and E are not uncommon
son Bay, 5 miles W of Cape Wilkins. Blackrock Head, a con- and consists of darkish-colored rock. It has steep, rocky slopes
spicuous and rocky outcrop, is located on the mainland behind and a rounded summit, 244m high.
these islands, 7 miles W of Cape Wilkins. The Aagaard Islands, a group of small islands, lie close W of
located 3 miles NW of East Stack. From this outcrop, the coast 30 miles to Cape Close. Simmers Peaks, four sharp and black
projects SSW in the form of a rocky bluff. Edward VIII Bay, peaks, stand about 7 miles S of this part of the coast and are
about 12 miles wide, is entered about 20 miles NW of West 840m high.
Stack. This bay lies between the Oygarden Group, on the S From Cape Close, the coast extends SW for 35 miles to Cape
merged rocks which extend up to 2 miles seaward. tion for 40 miles to near 50S where it trends S. This part of the
Kloa Point, a prominent promontory, projects about 1 mile E
4.40 coast is usually fringed by dense drift ice.
from the coast. It was reported (1961) that a dangerous rock White Island, the limits of which have not been fully de-
lies about 1.3 miles NNW of this point. fined, lies N of the Sakellari Peninsula, from which it is sepa-
Rayner Peak stands 60 miles WSW of West Stack and low,
4.40 rated by Styles Strait.
ice-covered land extends N for some distance from it. Several Casey Bay, about 25 miles wide, indents the coast SW of the
peaks, up to 457m high, stand to the W of Cape Boothby. Sakellari Peninsula. Pinn Island and a number of smaller is-
From Cape Boothby, the coast extends NW for 13 miles to
4.40 lands lie at the head of this bay. Alasheyev Bight lies W of Ca-
Cape Davis and consists of an unbroken ice cliff, 18 to 36m sey Bay and is separated from it by a promontory, 25 miles
high. wide.
Magnet Bay (6622'S., 5620'E.), about 8 miles wide, lies 9
4.40 Molodezhnaya Station (6740'S., 4551'E.) is the main
miles WNW of Cape Davis. The Galten Islands lie close off the Russian research base. It is permanently manned and includes
E entrance point of this bay. The shore of the bay does not re- a meteorological station and an airfield.
cede deeply into the land. Several prominent and rocky out- Spooner Bay, which lies in the SE corner of Alasheyev
176 Sector 4. The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia
Bight, was entered by a vessel for the first time in 1961. It is re- bay, the ice-covered land rises gradually to a height of about
ported that this bay is backed by a number of reddish-tinged, 700m high at the base of these mountains. The ice in this vicin-
rocky hills. The E side of the bay consists of a vertical face of ity, including Godel Ice Port, was reported (1960) to extend to
black rock with an organ-pipe formation, 100m high. about 7005'S.
Queen Maud Land extends between Coats Land and Enderby
4.42 The Princess Astrid Coast, discovered by sea in 1931, is con-
Land. Very little exposed rock lies near the coast of this land and sidered to extend between 5E and 20E.
the shore is mostly formed by high cliffs of continental ice or Novolazerevskaya Station (7046'S., 1150'E.), a perma-
shelf ice. Depths of 1,646m were reported to lie at the edge of nently-manned Russian scientific base, and Georg Forster
the ice and indicated that the shelf was floating and that the edge Station (7046'S., 1150'E.), a permanently-manned German
of the land mass was located still some distance to the S. scientific base, are situated along this coast. A coastal radio
The E coast of Lutzow-Holm Bay is formed by a vast ice
4.42 station is situated at the former base.
sheet which slopes gently W to the sea and terminates in an ice From the latter station, the land mass extends 180 miles SW
cliff, 20m high. Numerous bare, rocky areas, some of which and rises fairly evenly to the Wohlthat Mountains, which are
are quite extensive, protrude through this ice sheet. Many is- 4,300m high.
lands fringe this part of the coast, which extends S to 70S. The Princess Martha Coast is considered to extend between
during the summer. about 65 miles and varies in width from about 55 miles at its
Syowa Station (6900'S., 3935'E.), a main Japanese base, is
4.43 base to about 25 miles at its seaward end. This tongue has been
situated within a bay on the NE side of Ongul Island and is per- determined to be afloat with depths of over 2,000m lying near
manently manned. its edge. Many icebergs have been observed packed up against
From the head of Lutzow-Holm Bay, the W shore of the bay
4.43 this ice tongue in a chaotic mass. These bergs are apparently
extends N for 30 miles to an unnamed point. Padda Island, carried by the coastal current.
255m high, lies 5 miles N of this point.
The coast then extends in a general NW direction for about
4.43 4.45 Byrd Ice Port (6934'S., 0041'W.), an indentation,
110 miles to the N extremity of the Riiser-Larsen Peninsula. lies on the W side of a tongue of ice which projects N from
The Prince Harald Coast was discovered by air in 1937 and
4.43 Fimbul Ice Shelf. This ice port was reported (1964) to be about
is considered to extend between the N extremity of the Riiser- 5 miles wide and to be fringed by ice cliffs, 6 to 18m high. Sev-
Larsen Peninsula, in 34E, and the mainland in the vicinity of eral islands were reported to lie within this tongue of ice.
the Flatvaer Islands, in 40E. A chain of reddish-colored ice- From Byrd Ice Port, the ice tongue continues SW for about
free mountains is reported to stand along this coast. 20 miles to the mouth of an unnamed ice port. This latter ice
port is about 13 miles wide and depths of 263 to 2,295m have
The Riiser-Larsen Peninsula to Cape Norvegia been reported to lie within its entrance. The shelf then extends
SSW for about 18 miles where it is interrupted by a stretch of
4.44 The Princess Ragnhild Coast, discovered by air in the the Princess Martha Coast, 17 miles long, which is not fronted
1931, is considered to extend between 2030'E and 3400'E. by a shelf.
This coast consists of a continuous ice cliff with high mountain Sanae Station (7018'S., 0222'W.), a South African base, is
ranges rising in the interior. The Riiser-Larsen Peninsula sepa- situated near the NE extremity of a peninsula which separates
rates the Princess Ragnhild Coast from the Prince Harald the Jelburt Ice Shelf from the Fimbul Ice Shelf.
Coast. From the E entrance point of Norsel Ice Port (7101'S.,
extends W for 20 miles and forms the N shore of a broad pen- entrance and was reported (1982) to extend for about 14 miles
insula. The ice-covered land in this vicinity is devoid of nuna- S into the shelf. It was reported (1955) that wave action had un-
taks or bare outcrops. From this latter peninsula, the coast dercut the shelf in numerous places and several underwater ice
extends SW for about 250 miles in the form of high ice cliffs to rams projected up to 30m seaward. The shelf within the ice
23'E. It then extends W to 20E. port is 4 to 12m high. A depth of 50m was reported to lie close
Breid Bay (7015'S., 2415'E.), about 20 miles wide, in-
4.44 to the ice front in the SW part of this ice port.
dents the ice cliffs and recedes S for about 15 miles. This bay is Georg Von Neumayer Station (7039'S., 0815'W.), a per-
reported to have a least depth of 187m. The former Roi Boud- manently-manned German scientific base, is situated close W
ouin Station, which was closed in 1967, was situated on the S of Atka Ice Port. Anchorage may be obtained in a depth of
side of this bay. 147m off the W side of Atka Ice Port and also in a depth of
The Sor Rondane Mountains, up to 3,460m high, stand about
4.44 73m within its SW corner. Vessels, with icebreaker assistance,
75 miles S of Breid Bay. From the coast in the vicinity of the can usually reach Atka Ice Port by approaching it between
Sector 4. The AntarcticCape Colbeck to Cape Norvegia 177
15W and 5W and then proceeding along the ice front. Svea Station (7435'S., 1113'W.), a Swedish base, is situat-
gian-Swedish-British Expedition of 1950 when the depth Norvegia, 215 miles NE, the coast is fronted by an ice shelf
alongside was reported to be 393m. about 50 miles wide.
Druzhnaya-3 (7106'S., 1049'W.), a Russian base, operates
4.45 Cape Norvegia (7120'S., 1218'W.) See paragraph 1.2 for
Geographic names of navigational features are generally those used by the nation having sovereignty and are listed
alphabetically. Diacritical marks, such as accents, cedillas, and circumflexes, which are related to specific letters in certain foreign
languages, are not used in the interest of typographical simplicity.
Geographic names or their spellings do not necessarily reflect recognition of the political status of an area by the United States
Government. Positions are approximate and are intended merely as locators to facilitate reference to the charts.
To use as a Gazetteer note the position and Sector number of the feature and refer to the Chart Information diagram for the
Sector. Plot the approximate position of the feature on this diagram and note the approximate chart number.
To use as an Index of features described in the text note the paragraph number at the right. To locate this feature on the best
scale chart use the Gazetteer procedure above.
Pub. 200
180 IndexGazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
' ' Para ' ' Para
CAPE FLYING FISH 72 06 S 102 29 W 3.61 CORA COVE 62 28 S 60 21 W 2.41
CAPE FOLGER 66 08 S 110 44 E 4.28 CORNWALLIS ISLAND 61 04 S 54 28 W 2.16
CAPE FRESHFIELD 68 20 S 151 00 E 4.21 CORONATION ISLAND 60 37 S 45 35 W 2.7
CAPE GARCIA 65 44 S 64 40 W 3.34 COULMAN ISLAND 73 28 S 169 45 E 4.15
CAPE GARRY 63 21 S 62 16 W 2.48 COURT NUNATAK 73 22 S 61 36 W 1.9
CAPE GERLACHE 66 30 S 99 02 E 4.31 COVADONGA HARBOR 63 19 S 57 55 W 3.2
CAPE GRAY 66 51 S 143 22 E 4.24 COVE ROCK 61 54 S 57 51 W 2.20
CAPE HANSEN 60 40 S 45 35 W 2.8 CRAGGY ISLAND 62 28 S 60 19 W 2.41
CAPE HINKS 69 12 S 63 07 W 1.14 CREPIN POINT 62 06 S 58 29 W 2.26
CAPE HOOKER 63 18 S 61 59 W 2.48 CRUISER ROCKS 61 13 S 55 28 W 2.18
CAPE HURLEY 67 36 S 145 18 E 4.23 CRUTCH PEAK 62 28 S 59 56 W 2.34
CAPE JAMES 63 06 S 62 45 W 2.47 CRUZEN ISLAND 74 47 S 140 40 W 3.63
CAPE KATER 63 46 S 59 54 W 3.3 CUTLER STACK 62 36 S 60 59 W 2.43
CAPE KJELLMAN 63 44 S 59 24 W 3.3
CAPE LANCASTER 64 51 S 63 44 W 3.18
CAPE LEGOUPIL 63 19 S 57 55 W 3.2 D
CAPE LINDSEY 61 06 S 55 29 W 2.17
CAPE LLOYD 61 07 S 54 01 W 2.16 D'URVILLE ISLAND 63 05 S 56 20 W 1.41
CAPE LOOKOUT 61 16 S 55 12 W 2.18 D'URVILLE MONUMENT 63 25 S 56 18 W 1.39
CAPE MELVILLE 62 02 S 57 37 W 2.29 DAMOY POINT 64 49 S 63 32 W 3.16
CAPE MONACO 64 42 S 64 15 W 3.23 DANCO COAST 64 42 S 62 00 W 3.6
CAPE MURRAY 64 21 S 61 38 W 3.9 DANGER ISLANDS 63 26 S 54 41 W 1.39
CAPE NEUMAYER 63 42 S 60 34 W 3.5 DANNEBROG ISLANDS 65 03 S 64 08 W 3.27
CAPE NORVEGIA 71 20 S 12 18 W 1.2 DARBEL BAY 66 37 S 66 32 W 3.39
CAPE RENARD 65 01 S 63 46 W 3.27 DARWIN ISLAND 63 26 S 54 46 W 1.39
CAPE REY 66 36 S 66 27 W 3.40 DAVEY POINT 61 58 S 58 34 W 2.20
CAPE ROBERTS 77 02 S 163 12 E 4.11 DAVIS ANCHORAGE 68 14 S 77 55 E 4.35
CAPE ROQUEMAUREL 63 33 S 58 56 W 3.3 DAVIS COAST 64 00 S 60 00 W 3.4
CAPE ROYDS 77 33 S 166 09 E 4.5 DAVIS STATION 68 35 S 77 58 E 4.35
CAPE SAENZ 67 33 S 67 39 W 3.41 DAWSON-LAMBTON GLACIER 76 08 S 26 45 W 1.3
CAPE SHEFFIELD 62 37 S 61 19 W 2.43 DEACON PEAK 62 06 S 57 54 W 2.28
CAPE SMITH 62 52 S 62 19 W 2.47 DEAKIN BAY 68 23 S 150 10 E 4.22
CAPE STERNECK 64 04 S 61 02 W 3.8 DECEPTION ISLAND 62 57 S 60 38 W 2.46
CAPE TENNYSON 77 22 S 168 18 E 4.3 DEE ISLAND 62 26 S 59 47 W 2.33
CAPE VIK 60 40 S 45 40 W 2.8 DELLBRIDGE ISLANDS 77 40 S 166 25 E 4.6
CAPE VOSTOK 69 08 S 72 11 W 3.56 DENAIS STACK 62 08 S 58 30 W 2.26
CAPE WALLACE 63 13 S 62 15 W 2.48 DENIAU ISLAND 65 27 S 64 19 W 3.34
CAPE WASHINGTON 74 39 S 165 25 E 4.15 DESOLATION ISLAND 62 28 S 60 22 W 2.40
CAPE WILD 68 23 S 149 07 E 4.22 DESPAIR ROCKS 60 33 S 46 10 W 2.13
CAPE WILKINS 67 15 S 59 18 E 4.39 DEVILS POINT 62 40 S 61 11 W 2.43
CAPE WILLEMS 64 57 S 63 16 W 3.27 DISCOVERY BAY 62 29 S 59 43 W 2.34
CAPE YELCHO 61 03 S 55 22 W 2.17 DOVE CHANNEL 60 45 S 45 36 W 2.9
CAPE ZUMBERGE 76 14 S 69 40 W 1.6 DRAGON COVE 62 28 S 60 08 W 2.40
CARAQUET ROCK 62 07 S 59 02 W 2.21 DRUZHNAYA-3 71 06 S 10 49 W 4.45
CARDOZO COVE 62 10 S 58 37 W 2.26 DRYGALSKI ISLAND 65 45 S 92 30 E 4.32
CARROLL INLET 73 18 S 78 30 W 3.58 DUCHAYLARD ISLAND 65 43 S 65 07 W 3.36
CASEY STATION 66 17 S 110 32 E 4.28 DUFAYEL ISLAND 62 10 S 58 34 W 2.26
CASTLE ROCK 62 48 S 61 34 W 2.44 DUFF POINT 62 27 S 60 02 W 2.34
CASY ISLAND 63 14 S 57 30 W 3.2 DUMOULIN ROCKS 63 26 S 59 47 W 3.4
CAVE ISLAND 62 27 S 60 04 W 2.38 DUNBAR ISLANDS 62 29 S 60 12 W 2.42
CECILIA ISLAND 62 25 S 59 43 W 2.33 DUNDEE ISLAND 63 30 S 55 55 W 1.37
CENOBITE ROCKS 67 35 S 69 18 W 3.46 DUNLOP ISLAND 77 14 S 163 30 E 4.9
CHANNEL ROCK 62 28 S 60 05 W 2.38 DUPERRE BAY 64 27 S 62 41 W 3.12
CHAOS REEF 62 22 S 59 46 W 2.33 DUROCH ISLANDS 63 18 S 57 54 W 3.2
CHAPMAN POINT 65 55 S 61 20 W 1.17 DUTHOIT POINT 62 19 S 58 50 W 2.21
CHAPMAN ROCKS 62 30 S 60 29 W 2.42 DYER PLATEAU 70 30 S 65 00 W 1.13
CHARCOT ISLAND 69 45 S 75 15 W 3.57
CHAUVEAU POINT 64 05 S 62 02 W 3.12
CHEAL POINT 60 38 S 45 59 W 2.12 E
CHESHIRE ROCK 62 22 S 59 45 W 2.33
CHINSTRAP COVE 61 14 S 54 11 W 2.16 EADIE ISLAND 61 28 S 55 57 W 2.19
CHIONIS ISLAND 63 53 S 60 38 W 3.6 EAGLE COVE 63 24 S 57 00 W 1.35
CHRISTIANIA ISLANDS 63 57 S 61 27 W 3.7 EAST CAPE 60 38 S 45 11 W 2.15
CLARENCE ISLAND 61 12 S 54 05 W 2.16 EDDYSTONE ROCKS 62 36 S 61 23 W 2.43
CLOTHIER HARBOR 62 22 S 59 40 W 2.31 EDGELL BAY 62 16 S 58 59 W 2.22
CLOWES BAY 60 44 S 45 38 W 2.9 EDINBURGH HILL 62 33 S 60 01 W 2.40
COATS LAND 77 00 S 27 30 W 1.2 EDWARDS POINT 62 29 S 59 30 W 2.32
COCKERELL PENINSULA 63 24 S 58 08 W 3.3 EKLUND ISLANDS 73 16 S 71 45 W 3.56
COCKSCOMB HILL 62 05 S 58 30 W 2.26 ELEPHANT ISLAND 61 10 S 55 14 W 2.17
COFFER ISLAND 60 45 S 45 08 W 2.7 ELEPHANT POINT 62 41 S 60 52 W 2.45
COLLINS HARBOR 62 11 S 58 51 W 2.24 ELIZA ROCKS 62 26 S 60 14 W 2.37
COLLINS POINT 63 00 S 60 35 W 2.46 ELLSWORTH LAND 75 30 S 80 00 W 3.58
COMMONWEALTH BAY 67 01 S 142 40 E 4.24 EMELINE ISLAND 62 24 S 59 48 W 2.33
CONCEPTION POINT 60 31 S 45 41 W 2.14 ENDERBY LAND 67 30 S 53 00 E 4.41
CONDOR PENINSULA 71 46 S 61 30 W 1.11 ENDURANCE GLACIER 61 10 S 55 08 W 2.18
CONDYLE POINT 63 35 S 59 48 W 3.4 ENGLISH STRAIT 62 27 S 59 38 W 2.33
CONE ISLAND 67 41 S 69 10 W 3.47 EPHRAIM BLUFF 62 34 S 59 43 W 2.37
CONE ROCK 62 27 S 60 07 W 2.38 EREBUS AND TERROR GULF 63 55 S 56 40 W 1.31
CONFUSION ISLAND 60 44 S 45 38 W 2.9 ERRERA CHANNEL 64 42 S 62 36 W 3.13
CONICAL ROCK 62 43 S 61 11 W 2.43 ESCARPADA POINT 61 17 S 54 14 W 2.16
COPPERMINE COVE 62 23 S 59 42 W 2.32 ESTHER HARBOR 61 55 S 57 59 W 2.20
COPPERMINE PENINSULA 62 22 S 59 43 W 2.31 ETERNITY RANGE 69 46 S 64 34 W 1.13
Pub. 200
IndexGazetteer 181
Pub. 200
182 IndexGazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
' ' Para ' ' Para
LECOINTE ISLAND 64 16 S 62 03 W 3.10 MOUNT DISCOVERY 78 22 S 165 01 E 4.8
LEGRU BAY 62 10 S 58 12 W 2.28 MOUNT ENGLAND 77 02 S 162 27 E 4.10
LEHRKE INLET 70 49 S 61 45 W 1.12 MOUNT EREBUS 77 32 S 167 10 E 4.3
LEONIE ISLAND 67 36 S 68 21 W 3.44 MOUNT FOSTER 63 00 S 62 33 W 2.47
LIBERTY ROCKS 62 19 S 59 27 W 2.30 MOUNT FRIESLAND 62 40 S 60 12 W 2.39
LION ISLAND 64 41 S 63 08 W 3.18 MOUNT FRITSCHE 66 00 S 62 42 W 1.16
LIONS RUMP 62 08 S 58 07 W 2.28 MOUNT GRIMMINGER 73 18 S 62 18 W 1.9
LIUEGE ISLAND 64 02 S 61 55 W 3.11 MOUNT HILL 70 56 S 61 42 W 1.12
LIVINGSTON ISLAND 62 36 S 60 30 W 2.39 MOUNT HOPE 69 46 S 64 34 W 1.13
LOE HEAD 62 09 S 58 08 W 2.28 MOUNT JACKSON 71 23 S 63 22 W 1.11
LONE ROCK 62 21 S 58 50 W 2.21 MOUNT KIRKWOOD 63 00 S 62 39 W 2.46
LONG ROCK 62 42 S 61 11 W 2.43 MOUNT LOLA 60 44 S 44 43 W 2.4
LOPEZ NUNATAK 62 29 S 59 39 W 2.34 MOUNT PENDRAGON 61 15 S 55 14 W 2.18
LOUBET COAST 67 00 S 66 00 W 3.40 MOUNT PISGAH 62 57 S 62 29 W 2.47
LOW ISLAND 63 17 S 62 09 W 2.48 MOUNT POND 62 57 S 60 33 W 2.46
LUITPOLD COAST 77 30 S 32 00 W 1.3 MOUNT RAMSAY 60 44 S 44 44 W 2.4
LUSSICH COVE 62 06 S 58 21 W 2.27 MOUNT TERRA NOVA 77 31 S 167 57 E 4.3
LYDDAN ISLAND 74 25 S 20 45 W 1.2 MOUNT TERROR 77 31 S 168 32 E 4.4
LYNCH ISLAND 60 39 S 45 36 W 2.8 MOUNT THOMPSON 70 40 S 62 21 W 1.12
LYNX ROCKS 62 32 S 60 32 W 2.42 MOUNT TRICORN 73 58 S 61 45 W 1.8
MOUNT TYRRELL 69 58 S 69 30 W 3.55
MUCKLE BLUFF 61 09 S 54 52 W 2.18
MABEL ISLAND 60 44 S 44 42 W 2.4 N
MACKELLER 62 05 S 58 28 W 2.26
MACKENZIE PENINSULA 60 45 S 44 48 W 2.3 NANCY ROCK 62 13 S 59 06 W 2.21
MADDER CLIFFS 63 18 S 56 29 W 1.40 NANTUCKET INLET 74 35 S 61 45 W 1.8
MAGNET BAY 66 22 S 56 20 E 4.40 NAPIER ROCK 62 10 S 58 26 W 2.26
MAINSAIL ROCK 60 37 S 46 03 W 2.13 NEBLES POINT 62 12 S 58 52 W 2.23
MANSFIELD POINT 60 39 S 45 44 W 2.12 NEEDLE PEAK 62 44 S 60 11 W 2.45
MARBLE POINT 77 26 S 163 50 E 4.9 NELSON ISLAND 62 18 S 59 03 W 2.21
MARIHOLM ISLAND 60 45 S 45 42 W 2.10 NELSON ISLAND 62 18 S 59 13 W 2.21
MARION COVE 62 13 S 58 48 W 2.24 NELSON STRAIT 62 20 S 59 18 W 2.30
MARSHALL BAY 60 39 S 45 38 W 2.8 NENY BAY 68 12 S 66 58 W 3.52
MARSHALL PEAK 71 09 S 61 32 W 1.11 NEPTUNES BELLOWS 63 00 S 60 34 W 2.46
MARTEL 62 05 S 58 22 W 2.26 NEPTUNES WINDOW 62 59 S 60 33 W 2.46
MARTELLO TOWER 62 06 S 58 08 W 2.28 NEW BEDFORD INLET 73 22 S 61 15 W 1.9
MARTINS HEAD 62 11 S 58 14 W 2.26 NEW HARBOR 77 36 S 163 51 E 4.9
MATHA STRAIT 66 34 S 67 30 W 3.38 NEW PLYMOUTH 62 37 S 61 12 W 2.43
MATTHEWS ISLAND 60 45 S 45 09 W 2.15 NEW ROCK 63 01 S 60 44 W 2.46
MAURY BAY 66 33 S 124 42 E 4.27 NEWELL POINT 62 20 S 59 32 W 2.31
MAWSON STATION 67 36 S 62 52 E 4.38 NICOLAS ROCKS 60 34 S 46 06 W 2.12
MAXWELL BAY 62 15 S 58 51 W 2.23 NOEL HILL 62 14 S 58 46 W 2.24
MCDONALD ICE RUMPLES 75 28 S 26 18 W 1.3 NORDENSKJUOLD COAST 64 30 S 60 30 W 1.17
MCFARLANE STRAIT 62 32 S 59 55 W 2.37 NORMANNA STRAIT 60 40 S 45 38 W 2.9
MCMURDO SOUND 77 30 S 165 00 E 4.5 NORSEL ICE PORT 71 01 S 11 00 W 4.45
MCMURDO STATION 77 51 S 166 40 E 4.7 NORTH POINT 60 41 S 45 38 W 2.9
MEADE ISLANDS 62 27 S 60 05 W 2.38 NORWAY BIGHT 60 37 S 45 49 W 2.12
MEIER POINT 60 38 S 45 54 W 2.12 NOVOLAZEREVSKAYA STATION 70 46 S 11 50 E 4.44
MEKO HARBOR 64 50 S 62 33 W 3.14 NYGREN POINT 64 23 S 58 13 W 1.23
MELCHIOR ISLANDS 64 19 S 62 57 W 3.20
MELLONA ROCKS 62 18 S 59 30 W 2.30
MELSON ROCKS 60 31 S 46 10 W 2.13 O
MELVILLE PEAK 62 01 S 57 41 W 2.29
MERSEY SPIT 62 05 S 57 55 W 2.29 O'BRIEN ISLAND 61 30 S 55 58 W 2.19
MERZ PENINSULA 72 15 S 61 05 W 1.10 O'SULLIVAN PEAK 71 26 S 62 06 W 1.11
MIDDLE ISLAND 61 58 S 57 38 W 2.30 OKUMA BAY 77 50 S 158 20 W 4.2
MIERS BLUFF 62 43 S 60 27 W 2.45 OLIPHANT ISLANDS 60 45 S 45 36 W 2.9
MIKKELSEN HARBOR 63 54 S 60 47 W 3.6 OLIVINE POINT 60 40 S 45 29 W 2.8
MILL ISLAND 65 37 S 101 00 E 4.29 OMMANNEY BAY 60 33 S 45 32 W 2.15
MIMAS PEAK 71 56 S 69 36 W 3.55 ONGLEY ISLAND 62 26 S 59 54 W 2.34
MINSTREL POINT 61 04 S 55 25 W 2.17 ORFORD CLIFF 66 55 S 66 30 W 3.40
MIRNY STATION 66 33 S 93 01 E 4.32 ORLEANS STRAIT 63 50 S 60 20 W 3.4
MOE ISLAND 60 45 S 45 42 W 2.10 ORNE HARBOR 64 37 S 62 32 W 3.12
MOLODEZHNAYA STATION 67 40 S 45 51 E 4.42 ORVILLE COAST 75 45 S 65 30 W 1.6
MONICA ROCK 62 20 S 59 44 W 2.33 ORWELL BIGHT 60 43 S 45 23 W 2.7
MONK ISLANDS 60 40 S 45 55 W 2.12 OSCAR II COAST 65 45 S 62 30 W 1.16
MONROE ISLAND 60 36 S 46 03 W 2.12 OWEN ISLAND 61 56 S 58 26 W 2.20
MONROE POINT 62 49 S 61 30 W 2.44
MONSIMET COVE 62 11 S 58 34 W 2.26
MONTRAVEL ROCK 63 09 S 58 02 W 3.3 P
MOON BAY 62 35 S 60 00 W 2.40
MORETON POINT 60 37 S 46 02 W 2.12 PAAL HARBOR 60 43 S 45 36 W 2.10
MORRIS ROCK 62 23 S 59 48 W 2.33 PALMER ARCHIPELAGO 64 15 S 62 50 W 3.4
MORTON STRAIT 62 42 S 61 14 W 2.44 PALMER BAY 60 37 S 45 20 W 2.15
MOUNT AUSTIN 74 53 S 63 10 W 1.8 PALMER LAND 71 30 S 65 00 W 1.8
MOUNT BAGSHAWE 71 28 S 67 10 W 3.56 PALMER STATION 64 46 S 64 04 W 3.24
MOUNT BIRD 77 17 S 166 43 E 4.4 PARADISE HARBOR 64 51 S 62 54 W 3.14
MOUNT BOWLES 62 37 S 60 12 W 2.39 PARRY PATCH 62 17 S 59 22 W 2.30
MOUNT CAROLINE MIKKELSEN 69 45 S 74 07 E 4.35 PAS ISLAND 67 41 S 67 28 W 3.41
MOUNT CHRISTI 62 55 S 62 24 W 2.47 PASSAGE ROCK 62 23 S 59 45 W 2.33
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184 IndexGazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
' ' Para ' ' Para
T VAUREAL PEAK 62 11 S 58 18 W 2.26
VAZQUEZ ISLAND 64 55 S 63 25 W 3.15
TABARIN PENINSULA 63 32 S 57 00 W 1.24 VENUS BAY 61 55 S 57 54 W 2.20
TABLE BAY 61 09 S 55 24 W 2.18 VESTFOLD HILLS 68 33 S 78 15 E 4.35
TABLE ISLAND 62 21 S 59 49 W 2.30 VIETOR ROCK 62 41 S 61 06 W 2.43
TARTAR ISLAND 61 56 S 58 29 W 2.20 VINSON MASSIF 78 35 S 82 25 W 3.58
TAY HEAD 63 21 S 55 34 W 1.39 VIOLANTE INLET 72 35 S 61 05 W 1.9
TENORIO ROCK 62 28 S 59 44 W 2.35 VISCA ANCHORAGE 62 05 S 58 24 W 2.27
TERNYCK NEEDLE 62 05 S 58 16 W 2.27
TERRA FIRMA ISLANDS 68 42 S 67 32 W 3.53
TERRA NOVA BAY 74 50 S 164 30 E 4.14 W
THALA ROCK 68 33 S 77 53 E 4.35
THE KNOLL 77 31 S 169 21 E 4.4 WADDINGTON BAY 65 16 S 64 05 W 3.30
THE POINTERS 62 36 S 61 19 W 2.43 WALKER BAY 62 38 S 60 42 W 2.45
THE SPIT 61 29 S 55 30 W 2.19 WALKER POINT 61 08 S 54 42 W 2.18
THE TOE 62 20 S 59 11 W 2.22 WATERBOAT POINT 64 49 S 62 51 W 3.14
THE TRIPLETS 62 24 S 59 41 W 2.32 WAUWERMANS ISLANDS 64 55 S 63 53 W 3.25
THE TURRET 60 40 S 45 09 W 2.15 WEDDELL ISLANDS 60 39 S 44 51 W 2.5
THE TWINS 60 37 S 46 04 W 2.13 WEEKS STACK 62 14 S 59 03 W 2.21
THE WATCHKEEPER 62 18 S 59 49 W 2.33 WEERTMAN ISLAND 66 58 S 67 45 W 3.45
THE WEDDELL SEA 72 00 S 45 00 W 1.1 WEGGER PEAK 62 06 S 58 31 W 2.26
THREE BROTHERS HILL 62 15 S 58 41 W 2.25 WENSLEYDALE BEACON 62 57 S 60 42 W 2.46
THREE LAKES VALLEY 60 42 S 45 37 W 2.11 WEST REEF 61 05 S 55 36 W 2.18
THREE SISTERS POINT 62 04 S 57 53 W 2.29 WEST STACK 67 03 S 58 03 E 4.40
THREE SLICE NUNATAK 68 02 S 64 57 W 1.15 WHALE BAY 60 44 S 45 11 W 2.8
THURSTON ISLAND 72 06 S 99 00 W 3.60 WHALERS BAY 62 59 S 60 34 W 2.46
TICKELL HEAD 60 32 S 45 48 W 2.14 WIDEOPEN ISLANDS 63 00 S 55 49 W 1.42
TIOGA HILL 60 44 S 45 39 W 2.9 WIENCKE ISLAND 64 50 S 63 25 W 3.15
TONSBERG COVE 60 32 S 45 55 W 2.14 WILHELMINA BAY 64 38 S 62 10 W 3.9
TOOTH ROCK 62 52 S 61 24 W 2.44 WILKES STATION 66 15 S 110 31 E 4.28
TOWER ISLAND 63 33 S 59 51 W 3.4 WILKINS COAST 69 40 S 63 00 W 1.13
TREPASSEY BAY 63 28 S 56 58 W 1.33 WILKINS ICE SHELF 70 15 S 73 00 W 3.57
TRETHEWRY POINT 67 24 S 59 47 E 4.38 WILKINS SOUND 70 15 S 73 00 W 3.57
TRIANGLE POINT 62 32 S 59 51 W 2.36 WILLIAMS POINT 62 28 S 60 09 W 2.37
TRINITY ISLAND 63 45 S 60 44 W 3.5 WILLIAMSON ROCK 77 27 S 169 15 E 4.3
TRINITY PENINSULA 63 37 S 58 20 W 1.19 WINDOW ISLAND 62 34 S 61 07 W 2.43
TU ROCKS 62 14 S 58 53 W 2.23 WINSHIP POINT 62 15 S 58 44 W 2.25
TUPINIER ISLANDS 63 22 S 58 16 W 3.3 WITHEM ISLAND 62 14 S 59 09 W 2.21
TURKS HEAD 77 40 S 166 46 E 4.6 WOHLSCHLAG BAY 77 22 S 166 25 E 4.4
TURMOIL ROCK 62 21 S 59 47 W 2.33 WOOD ISLAND 62 29 S 60 19 W 2.41
TWIN PINNACLES 62 08 S 58 06 W 2.28 WUST INLET 72 20 S 60 50 W 1.10
TWO HUMMOCK ISLAND 64 08 S 61 42 W 3.11
TWO STEP CLIFFS 72 04 S 68 25 W 3.55
TWO SUMMIT ISLAND 62 15 S 58 57 W 2.22 Y
YANKEE HARBOR 62 32 S 59 47 W 2.36
U YOUNG POINT 63 36 S 58 55 W 3.3
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