Pub 191 BK
Pub 191 BK
Pub 191 BK
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Twentieth Edition, 2022 is issued for use in conjunction with Maritime Quality
Pub. 140, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Feedback System
Ocean and Adjacent Seas. Companion volumes are Pubs. 192, (MQFS)
193, 194, and 195.
Digital Nautical Chart 20 provides electronic chart coverage
0.0 Mailing address Maritime Safety Office
for the area covered by this publication. National Geospatial-Intelligence
This publication has been corrected to 5 March 2022, includ-
0.0 Agency
ing Notice to Mariners No. 10 of 2022 Subsequent updates Mail Stop N64-SFH
have corrected this publication to 26 November 2022 including 7500 Geoint Drive
Notice to Mariners No. 48 of 2022. Springfield VA 22150-7500
Explanatory Remarks New editions of Sailing Directions are corrected through the
port approach information which supplements the largest scale 0.0Courses.—Courses are true, and are expressed in the same
chart produced by the National Geospatial-Intelligence manner as bearings. The directives “steer” and “make good” a
Agency. This publication is divided into geographic areas course mean, without exception, to proceed from a point of
called “Sectors.” origin along a track having the identical meridional angle as
Bearings.—Bearings are true, and are expressed in degrees
0.0 the designated course. Vessels following the directives must
from 000° (north) to 360°, measured clockwise. General allow for every influence tending to cause deviation from such
bearings are expressed by the initial letters of the points of the track, and navigate so that the designated course is
compass (e.g. N, NNE, NE, etc.). Adjective and adverb continuously being made good.
endings have been discarded. Wherever precise bearings are 0.0Currents.—Current directions are the true directions toward
intended, degrees are used. which currents set.
Charts.—Reference to charts made throughout this
0.0 0.0Distances.—Distances are expressed in nautical miles of 1
publication refer to both the paper chart and the Digital minute of latitude. Distances of less than 1 mile are expressed
Nautical Chart (DNC). in meters, or tenths of miles.
Corrective Information.—Users should refer corrections,
0.0 0.0Geographic Names.—Geographic names are generally
additions, and comments to NGA’s Maritime Operations Desk, those used by the nation having sovereignty. Names in paren-
as follows: theses following another name are alternate names that may
appear on some charts. In general, alternate names are quoted
NGA Maritime—Contact Information only in the principal description of the place. Diacritical marks,
such as accents, cedillas, and circumflexes, which are related to
Maritime Operations Desk specific letters in certain foreign languages, are not used in the
interest of typographical simplicity.
Toll free 1-800-362-6289 0.0Geographic names or their spellings do not necessarily re-
flect recognition of the political status of an area by the United
Commercial 571-557-5455 States Government.
0.0Heights.—Heights are referred to the plane of reference
DSN 547-5455 used for that purpose on the charts and are expressed in meters.
E-mail [email protected] 0.0Internet Links.—This publication provides Internet links to
web sites concerned with maritime navigational safety, includ-
Maritime Safety Office ing but not limited to, Federal government sites, foreign Hy-
drographic Offices, and foreign public/private port facilities.
DNC web site NGA makes no claims, promises, or guarantees concerning the
accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of these
Maritime Domain web sites and expressly disclaims any liability for errors and
web site omissions in the contents of these web sites.
Pub. 191
Code.—The ISPS Code is a comprehensive set of measures to specifically designated as Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
enhance the security of ships and port facilities developed in Time Zone.—The Time Zone description(s), as well as in-
response to the perceived threats to ships and port facilities in formation concerning the use of Daylight Savings Time, are in-
the wake of the 9/11 attacks in the United States. Information cluded. The World Time Zone Chart is available on the Inter-
on the ISPS Code can be found at the International Maritime net at the web site given below.
Organization web site:
Standard Time Zone of the World Chart
International Maritime Organization Home Page
U.S. Maritime Advisory System.—The U.S. Maritime
0.0Lights and Fog Signals.—Lights and fog signals are not Advisory System is a streamlined inter-agency approach to
described, and light sectors are not usually defined. The Light identifying and promulgating maritime security threats. The
Lists should be consulted for complete information. system replaces Special Warnings to Mariners (State
0.0National Ocean Claims.—Information on national ocean Department), MARAD Advisories (Maritime Administration),
claims and maritime boundary disputes, which have been com- and Marine Safety Information Bulletins (U.S. Coast Guard)
piled from the best available sources, is provided solely in the and consists of the following items:
interest of the navigational safety of shipping and in no way 1. U.S. Maritime Alert—Provides basic information (lo-
constitutes legal recognition by the United States. These non- cation, incident, type, date/time) on reported maritime secu-
recognized claims and requirements may include, but are not rity threats to U.S. maritime industry interests. U.S.
limited to: Maritime alerts do not contain policy or recommendations
1. A requirement by a state for advance permission or for specific courses of information.
notification for innocent passage of warships in the territorial 2. U.S. Maritime Advisory—Provides more detailed in-
sea. formation, when appropriate, through a “whole-of-govern-
2. Straight baseline, internal waters, or historic waters ment” response to an identified maritime threat.
3. The establishment of a security zone, where a state Maritime Administration (MARAD)—U.S.
claims to control activity beyond its territorial sea for securi- Maritime Advisory System
ty reasons unrelated to that state’s police powers in its terri-
tory, including its territorial sea.
0.0Radio Navigational Aids.—Radio navigational aids and ra- office-of-security/msci
dio weather services are not described in detail. Publication
No. 117 Radio Navigational Aids and NOAA Publication, Se- Winds.—Wind directions are the true directions from which
tion, the international telephone and facsimile numbers provid- publication were:
ed as contact information contain the minimum digits British Hydrographic Department Sailing Directions.
necessary to dial. Please note that these contact numbers do not Canadian Sailing Directions.
include additional digits or special characters, such as (0) or Various port handbooks.
(+), which may be required when dialing. The necessity of Reports from United States Naval and merchant vessels and
such digits and characters depend upon numerous factors and various shipping companies.
conditions, such as the user's geolocation and service provider. Other U.S. Government publications, reports, and docu-
Pub. 191
Pub. 191
Conversion Tables
Feet to Meters
Feet 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.00 0.30 0.61 0.91 1.22 1.52 1.83 2.13 2.44 2.74
10 3.05 3.35 3.66 3.96 4.27 4.57 4.88 5.18 5.49 5.79
20 6.10 6.40 6.71 7.01 7.32 7.62 7.92 8.23 8.53 8.84
30 9.14 9.45 9.75 10.06 10.36 10.67 10.97 11.28 11.58 11.89
40 12.19 12.50 12.80 13.11 13.41 13.72 14.02 14.33 14.63 14.93
50 15.24 15.54 15.85 16.15 16.46 16.76 17.07 17.37 17.68 17.98
60 18.29 18.59 18.90 19.20 19.51 19.81 20.12 20.42 20.73 21.03
70 21.34 21.64 21.95 22.25 22.55 22.86 23.16 23.47 23.77 24.08
80 24.38 24.69 24.99 25.30 25.60 25.91 26.21 26.52 26.82 27.13
90 27.43 27.74 28.04 28.35 28.65 28.96 29.26 29.57 29.87 30.17
Fathoms to Meters
Fathoms 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.00 1.83 3.66 5.49 7.32 9.14 10.97 12.80 14.63 16.46
10 18.29 20.12 21.95 23.77 25.60 27.43 29.26 31.09 32.92 34.75
20 36.58 38.40 40.23 42.06 43.89 45.72 47.55 49.38 51.21 53.03
30 54.86 56.69 58.52 60.35 62.18 64.01 65.84 67.67 69.49 71.32
40 73.15 74.98 76.81 78.64 80.47 82.30 84.12 85.95 87.78 89.61
50 91.44 93.27 95.10 96.93 98.75 100.58 102.41 104.24 106.07 107.90
60 109.73 111.56 113.39 115.21 117.04 118.87 120.70 122.53 124.36 126.19
70 128.02 129.85 131.67 133.50 135.33 137.16 138.99 140.82 142.65 144.47
80 146.30 148.13 149.96 151.79 153.62 155.45 157.28 159.11 160.93 162.76
90 164.59 166.42 168.25 170.08 171.91 173.74 175.56 177.39 179.22 181.05
Meters to Feet
Meters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.00 3.28 6.56 9.84 13.12 16.40 19.68 22.97 26.25 29.53
10 32.81 36.09 39.37 42.65 45.93 49.21 52.49 55.77 59.06 62.34
20 65.62 68.90 72.18 75.46 78.74 82.02 85.30 88.58 91.86 95.14
30 98.42 101.71 104.99 108.27 111.55 114.83 118.11 121.39 124.67 127.95
40 131.23 134.51 137.80 141.08 144.36 147.64 150.92 154.20 157.48 160.76
50 164.04 167.32 170.60 173.88 177.16 180.45 183.73 187.01 190.29 193.57
60 196.85 200.13 203.41 206.69 209.97 213.25 216.54 219.82 223.10 226.38
70 229.66 232.94 236.22 239.50 242.78 246.06 249.34 252.62 255.90 259.19
80 262.47 265.75 269.03 272.31 275.59 278.87 282.15 285.43 288.71 291.99
90 295.28 298.56 301.84 305.12 308.40 311.68 314.96 318.24 321.52 324.80
Meters to Fathoms
Meters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.00 0.55 1.09 1.64 2.19 2.73 3.28 3.83 4.37 4.92
10 5.47 6.01 6.56 7.11 7.66 8.20 8.75 9.30 9.84 10.39
20 10.94 11.48 12.03 12.58 13.12 13.67 14.22 14.76 15.31 15.86
30 16.40 16.95 17.50 18.04 18.59 19.14 19.68 20.23 20.78 21.33
40 21.87 22.42 22.97 23.51 24.06 24.61 25.15 25.70 26.25 26.79
50 27.34 27.89 28.43 28.98 29.53 30.07 30.62 31.17 31.71 32.26
60 32.81 33.36 33.90 34.45 35.00 35.54 36.09 36.64 37.18 37.73
70 38.28 38.82 39.37 39.92 40.46 41.01 41.56 42.10 42.65 43.20
80 43.74 44.29 44.84 45.38 45.93 46.48 47.03 47.57 48.12 48.67
90 49.21 49.76 50.31 50.85 51.40 51.95 52.49 53.04 53.59 54.13
Pub. 191
N north S south
NNE northnortheast SSW southsouthwest
NE northeast SW southwest
ENE eastnortheast WSW westsouthwest
E east W west
ESE eastsoutheast WNW westnorthwest
SE southeast NW northwest
SSE southsoutheast NNW northnorthwest
Vessel types
LASH Lighter Aboard Ship Ro-ro Roll-on Roll-off
LNG Liquified Natural Gas ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier
LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier
OBO Ore/Bulk/Oil VLOC Very Large Ore Carrier
Lo-lo Lift-on Lift-off FSO Floating Storage and Offloading
NGL Natural Gas Liquids FSU Floating Storage Unit
FSRU Floating Storage and Regasification Unit FPSO Floating Production Storage and
ETA estimated time of arrival GMT Greenwich Mean Time
ETD estimated time of departure UTC Coordinated Universal Time
Water level
MSL mean sea level LWS low water springs
HW high water MHWN mean high water neaps
LW low water MHWS mean high water springs
MHW mean high water MLWN mean low water neaps
MLW mean low water MLWS mean low water springs
HWN high water neaps HAT highest astronomical tide
HWS high water springs LAT lowest astronomical tide
LWN low water neaps
D/F direction finder MF medium frequency
R/T radiotelephone HF high frequency
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System VHF very high frequency
LF low frequency UHF ultra high frequency
LANBY Large Automatic Navigation Buoy SBM Single Buoy Mooring
NAVSAT Navigation Satellite SPM Single Point Mooring
ODAS Ocean Data Acquisition System TSS Traffic Separation Scheme
CBM Conventional Buoy Mooring System VTC Vessel Traffic Center
MBM Multi-Buoy Mooring System VTS Vessel Traffic Service
Pub. 191
The following abbreviations may be used in the text:
CALM Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring
AIS Automatic Identification System MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity
COLREGS Collision Regulations No./Nos. Number/Numbers
IALA International Association of Lighthouse PA Position approximate
Authorities PD Position doubtful
IHO International Hydrographic Organization Pub. Publication
IMO International Maritime Organization SOLAS International Convention for
Safety of Life at Sea
IMDG Intermational Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
LOA length overall St./Ste. Saint/Sainte
UKC Under keel clearance ISPS International Ship and Port facility
Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III
Chartlet—Sector Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V
Conversion Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII
Sector 1
Sector 1—England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Sector 2
Sector 2—England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Sector 3
Sector 3—France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg, including Plateau des Minquiers and the Iles Chausey . . . 79
Sector 4
Sector 4—The Channel Islands and France—North Coast—The Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Sector 5
Sector 5—France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Sector 6
Sector 6—France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Sector 7
Sector 7—England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Index--Gazetteer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Pub. 191 IX
Sector 1—England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point
Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 191
4 Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point
Ocean between the Belgian border and Spanish border. Such ea covered by this volume, Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS)
vessels preparing to pass through or stop within French Territo- and Inshore Traffic Zones have been established in the follow-
rial Waters are required to send a message to the appropriate ing areas:
CROSS station giving their intended movements. In addition, 1. To the W and S of the Scilly Isles, and between those
such vessels must use the designated Mandatory Access islands and the English coast.
Routes and Channels when approaching a port or roadstead. 2. To the NW of Ile d’Ouessant.
For further details of these special procedures, see Pub. 140, 3. To the N of Casquets.
Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and 4. In Dover Strait.
Adjacent Seas. 1.1All these Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS) are IMO-adopt-
1.1An Automatic Ship Identification and ship reporting system ed and Rule 10 of The International Regulations for Preventing
(AIRS) has been established to monitor the movements of ves- Collisions at Sea (72 COLREGS) applies.
sels around the British Isles including the Dover Strait. The 1.1Special provisions have been adopted by IMO for use in the
system utilizes the capability of the VHF DSC installations ad- TSS lying NW of Ile d’Ouessant. French national regulations
opted for the Global Marine Distress and Safety System govern navigation in the Inshore Traffic Zone of this scheme
(GMDSS). For further details of AIRS, see Pub. 140, Sailing and certain channels off the NW coast of Bretagne.
Directions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and Adja- 1.1For details of the IMO special provisions and French regula-
cent Seas. tions, see paragraph 3.1.
1.1The WETREP (Western Europe Tanker Reporting System) is 1.1For details of the TSS lying N of Casquets, see paragraph
a VTS system, under SOLAS regulations, which operates in 4.1.
the W approaches to Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, the 1.1For details of the TSS lying within the Dover Strait, see para-
United Kingdom (including the Shetland Islands), and Ireland. graphs 6.2 and 7.1.
This system is mandatory for all oil tankers over 600 dwt car- 1.1Directions—Routes.—Vessels making a landfall SSW of
rying heavy crude oil, heavy fuel oil, or bitumen and tar and Bishops Rock (49°52'N., 6°27'W.) and proceeding to Dover
their emulsions. It does not apply to warships, naval auxiliary, Strait should pass through the Traffic Separation Scheme
or other vessels owned or operated by a contracting govern- (TSS) lying S of the Scilly Isles. They should then continue in
ment and used, for the time being, only on government non- a general E direction for about 135 miles and pass through the
commercial service. For further details, see Pub. 140, Sailing Off Casquets TSS (49°43'N., 2°22'W.).
Directions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and Adja- 1.1Vessels making a landfall W of Bishops Rock (49°52'N.,
cent Seas. 6°27'W.) and intending to proceed N should pass through the
1.1The WETREP (Western Europe Tanker Reporting System) TSS lying W of the Scilly Isles.
operating areas have also been designated by the IMO as Par- 1.1Vessels making a landfall WSW of Wolf Rock (49°57'N.,
ticularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSA). For further details of PS- 5°48'W.) and intending to proceed N should pass through the
SA, see Pub. 140, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) North Off Land’s End TSS lying E of the Scilly Isles between Seven
Atlantic Ocean and Adjacent Seas. Stones (50°02'N., 6°07'W.) and Longships, 14 miles E. For re-
1.1Regulations—General.—The European Union (EU) has in- strictions concerning this TSS, see Pub. 142, Sailing Directions
troduced legislation whereby inspections (EI) of high risk ves- (Enroute) Ireland and the West Coast of England.
sels must take place every 12 months. High risk vessels include 1.1Directions—Navigation.—The Netherlands Hydrographic
oil tankers over 15 years and over 3,000 gt, gas and chemical Service publishes, in English, a Deep Draft Planning Guide
tankers over 10 years old, bulk carriers over 12 years old, and covering the Deep Draft Route through Dover Strait to Eu-
passenger ships over 15 years old (excluding those covered by ropoort for vessels with drafts over 20.7m. However, the con-
the EU Ferry Directive). For further details see Pub. 140, Sail- tents of the guide are not necessarily endorsed in every detail
ing Directions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and Ad- by the British authorities.
jacent Seas. 1.1Vessels with drafts up to 22m, and up to 22.6m in favorable
1.1Signals.—International traffic signals displayed at the ma- conditions, can use this Deep Draft Route. However, the rec-
jority of ports described within this volume are, as follows: ommended underkeel clearances should be taken into consider-
1. Three red lights displayed vertically indicate that ves- ation.
sels shall not proceed. 1.1For further details of the Deep Draft Routes within the Dover
2. Three red flashing lights displayed vertically indicate Strait and S part of the North Sea, see paragraph 6.2.
that there is an emergency and all vessels must stop or divert 1.1The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office publishes the
according to instructions. Mariners’ Routing Guide (chart 5500) which depicts routes
3. Three green lights displayed vertically indicate that through the English Channel, Dover Strait, and the S part of the
vessels may proceed in one-way traffic. North Sea as far as the entrance to Europoort. The guide also
4. Three lights displayed vertically, the two upper lights provides details concerning regulations, pilotage, and radio
being green and the lower one being white, indicate that ves- services.
sels may proceed in two-way traffic. 1.1The IMO has adopted a recommendation that all vessels nav-
5. Three lights displayed vertically, the upper and lower igating in the English Channel and Dover Strait should carry
lights being green and the center light being white, indicate the latest edition of this guide or other equivalent publications.
that vessels may proceed only when they have obtained spe- 1.1The Channel Navigation Information Service (CNIS) is op-
cific instructions to do so. erated from Dover Strait Coast Guard and CROSSMA Griz
1.1Directions—Traffic Separation Schemes.—Within the ar- Nez. It provides information by scheduled broadcasts or on re-
Pub. 191
Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point 5
quest to vessels uncertain of their position on passage through 1.2A series of ridges, all of which lie in a NE to SW direction,
the Dover Strait. are located W and SW of the Scilly Isles (49°52'N., 6°20'W.),
Caution.—It is reported (2006) that 32 locations around the
1.1 within the continental shelf. However, some of these ridges, al-
United Kingdom coasts have been identified as Marine Envi- though being of considerable length, are very narrow.
ronmental High Risk Areas (MEHRAs). Vessels should exer- 1.2The positions given below indicate the approximate location
cise even more caution than usual when navigating within of the least depth on the named banks. It is to be noted that oth-
these areas. For further details of MEHRAs, see Pub. 140, Sail- er shallower depths of less than 90m exist in this incompletely
ing Directions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and Ad- surveyed area.
jacent Seas. 1.2Great Sole Bank (49°53'N., 9°36'W.), with depths of 95 to
126m, lies about 30 miles within the W edge of the continental
Approaching the English Channel shelf and 140 miles W of the Scilly Isles.
1.2Cockburn Bank (50°01'N., 8°45'W.), with a least depth of
1.2 The continental shelf, which is approximately delin- 82m, and Jones Bank (49°53'N., 7°58'W.), with a least depth
eated by the 200m curve, lies more than 200 miles W of the of 71m, lie between Great Sole Bank and the Scilly Isles.
SW coast of England. It may generally be recognized in calm 1.2Another depth of 73m lies 35 miles WSW of Jones Bank.
weather by the numerous ripplings in its vicinity, and in bois- 1.2Melville Knoll (49°14'N., 8°16'W.), with a least depth of
terous weather by a turbulent sea and the sudden alteration in 104m, lies about 35 miles SSW of Jones Bank.
the color of the water from a dark blue to green. 1.2Little Sole Bank (48°27'N., 8°53'W.) lies between the edge
1.2Within the 200m curve, the shoaling is irregular due to the of the continental shelf and Ile d’Ouessant (48°27'N., 5°08'W.).
banks and ridges described below; however, in general the sur- It has a least depth of 115m and consists of fine sand.
roundings shoal gradually E, the depth on a line joining lle 1.2Shamrock Knoll (48°11'N., 7°34'W.), with depths of 95 to
d’Ouessant and Bishop Rock being almost uniformly about 128m, and Parsons Bank (48°25'N., 6°32'W.) lie 50 miles W
100m, decreasing a little within 20 miles of the Scilly Isles. of Ile d’Ouessant. Over Parsons Bank and within about 10
1.2Approaching the English Channel from W, it is essential to miles of it, the depths decrease from 148 to 99m and then in-
use every opportunity to ascertain the vessel’s position until a crease again to 131m.
landfall is made. Although soundings will be of service, they 1.2Kaiser-i-hind Bank (48°06'N., 6°34'W.), with a least depth
give no exact determination of position as the inequalities in of 117m, lies about 15 miles S of Parsons Bank.
depths are generally too slight, with the exception of Hurd 1.2Between Parsons Bank and Ile d’Ouessant, the bottom is
Deep (49°30'N., 3°30'W.). Careful consideration should be giv- more even and there are depths of 100m or more lying up to
en to the effects of wind, currents, and tidal current in order to within about 3.5 miles of the W danger located of Ile d’Oues-
ensure keeping S of the Scilly Isles. Recent prevailing S and sant.
SW winds, combined with the influence of surface drift and 1.2La Fosse d’Ouessant, a remarkable trench, lies about 5 miles
tidal current, almost always result in a N set. NW of Ile d’Ouessant. It is about 1 mile wide and has depths of
1.2In low visibility, vessels should not approach the Scilly Isles 118 to 190m.
within a depth of 100m unless certain of their position. 1.2The bottom of the W approaches to the English Channel ap-
1.2When approaching Ile d’Ouessant, which is surrounded by pears to consist mainly of fine or coarse sand, a great deal of
dangers, vessels should guard against the danger of setting E. broken shell, and occasional patches of pebbles, gravel, and
Caution is also needed when rounding this island, as the tidal small stones. Mud may be found in places now and then. The
currents are strong and the extent of their influence to seaward sand is mostly white; although, in many places it is yellow,
is undetermined. with black specks. The black specks are often found mixed
1.2In low visibility, Hurd Deep will indicate the approach to both with the white and yellow sand; they are very fine, resem-
Casquets from NW and N. Approaching from the W, vessels bling fine cinder dust.
can avoid the dangers off Casquets, Alderney, and Cap de la 1.2The greater proportion of yellow sand lies S of the parallel of
Hague by following Hurd Deep. 49°30'N, and that of black specks N of that line. This distribu-
1.2In navigating the English Channel it is important that the tion is very marked, especially between the meridians of
mariner be acquainted with the general system of winds, as 9°40'W and 7°30'W.
well as with the incidence of poor visibility. To this must be 1.2Hurd Deep (49°30'N., 3°30'W.), with general depths of
added the caution that the wind has a considerable effect on the more than 90m, is 2 to 3 miles wide. It extends about 80 miles
strength and direction of the tidal current, as well as on the NE from a position located 38 miles N of Ile de Batz
range of the tides. (48°45'N., 4°00'W.). In the NE part, lying about 9 miles NW of
1.2The tidal currents are strong in the central part of the English Casquets, the depths increase to about 170m. Although there
Channel, especially at spring tides in the area lying between are sudden variations in depths in various parts of the English
Portland, Isle of Wight, and the Cotentin Peninsula; strong Channel, there is none so marked as that of Hurd Deep.
winds opposing the tidal current raise steep seas which can be 1.2Several fields of sand waves exist in the W part of the En-
hazardous for small vessels. glish Channel in deep water. The waves tend to run in a N to S
1.2Numerous ports and anchorages where vessels may seek direction. Two such fields are centered about 17 miles and 33
shelter are found on both the English and French coasts; how- miles SE of Eddystone Light (50°11'N., 4°16'W.). Each field
ever, apart from the harbors of Dartmouth and Tor Bay, there is extends about 15 miles in a N to S direction and 10 miles in an
little shelter during strong SW winds between Start Point E to W direction. A third field is centered about 30 miles SE of
(50°13'N., 3°40'W.) and The Bill of Portland, 50 miles ENE. Start Point (50°13'N., 3°38'W.). It extends about 10 miles in a
Pub. 191
6 Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point
N to S direction and 12 miles in an E to W direction. Average the rigs may be moored within 1.5 miles of them and should be
amplitudes are from 1 to 2m, with a maximum amplitude of given a wide berth.
5m, and average wavelengths are between 100 and 300m. Av- 1.2Seismic and other survey vessels, operating in connection
erage amplitudes are from 5 to 15m with occasional sand with oil and gas rigs, may be encountered throughout the En-
waves exceeding heights of 20m. The average wavelengths are glish Channel.
between 250 and 1,500m. 1.2As stated in the Mariners’ Routing Guide (chart 5500), ves-
1.2For information concerning fields of sand waves in the Do- sels using TSS traffic lanes must proceed at a safe speed, tak-
ver Strait, see paragraph 6.2. ing particular account of conditions such as reduced visibility.
1.2Pilotage.—Pilotage is available at every port of any conse- It must be noted that vessels on through routes do not have any
quence on the British side of the English Channel and in the special privileges or right of way.
Channel Islands; relevant details are provided under the indi-
vidual port descriptions. Mandatory pilotage for French ports The Scilly Isles
is determined by the tonnage or length of a vessel, which is de-
fined in the port description. Pilotage is obligatory for all ves- 1.3 The Scilly Isles (49°55'N., 6°20'W.) comprise a group
sels carrying hydrocarbons or dangerous substances. of isles and numerous above and below-water dangers that oc-
1.2Vessels inbound for ports in NW Europe, including the Brit- cupy a bank, about 5 miles wide, lying between 21 and 31
ish Isles and The Baltic Sea, may embark deep-sea pilots be- miles WSW of Land’s End, the SW extremity of England.
fore reaching the complex Traffic Separation Schemes and 1.3The largest isles are concentrated in the NE part of the bank
Deep Water Routes in the Dover Strait and the North Sea areas. and the small isles, rocks, and hidden dangers intersperse, rath-
Such pilots should be requested in advance through the various er sporadically, the SW part of the bank.
pilotage agencies based in the British Isles or other European 1.3Bishop Rock (49°45'N., 6°35'W.), the SW extremity of the
countries. Scilly Isles, is the N of a small detached group of above-water
1.2Deep-sea pilots are normally embarked by prior arrangement rocks which are mostly awash at HW.
off Brixham or Cherbourg for ports in NW Europe and The 1.3Bishop Rock Light, equipped with a racon and an AIS, is
Baltic. shown from a conspicuous granite tower, 49m high, standing
1.2Caution.—British and French submarines exercise frequent- on the rock. The light tower is radar prominent and generally
ly in the English Channel and in its W approaches. As per Pre- the first sighting made when approaching the English Channel
fectural Order 2020/09 English Channel and North Sea, from the W. The light is obscured on some bearings.
approaching within 500m of a surfaced submarine or an air-
craft carrier is prohibited at any time within the internal and
territorial waters of the English Channel and Rades de Cher-
bourg. For the full text of the law, the French authorities should
be contacted. The limits of submarine exercise areas are gener-
ally indicated on the charts.
1.2Firing and bombing practices and other defense exercises
take place within areas lying about 40 miles of the English
1.2Several former mine areas, within which sea bottom activi-
ties are prohibited, are situated in the English Channel.
1.2Several explosive deposit zones, for use of vessels with sus-
picious devices, lie in French waters.
1.2For further details of the above areas, see Pub. 140, Sailing
Directions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and Adja-
cent Seas.
1.2Disused explosives dumping ground areas lie at the E and W
ends of Hurd Deep (49°30'N., 3°30'W.). 1.3 Bishop Rock Light
1.2Transhipment of liquid cargo between tankers takes place
regularly in Lyme Bay and in the NW part of Baie de la Seine. 1.3Pol Bank (49°50'N., 6°28'W.), with a least depth of 27m,
Vessels engaged in those operations may be at anchor, or other- constitutes the S danger in the Scilly Isles area. It should be
wise unable to maneuver, and should be given a wide berth. avoided by all vessels, especially in periods of heavy swell,
1.2Crossing traffic in parts of the English Channel and Dover when strong overfalls are formed.
Strait increases the risk of collision in these areas. Extreme 1.3St. Agnes lies close SW of St. Mary’s; an old conspicuous
caution is advised. lighthouse stands on its summit.
1.2High speed ferries may be encountered in the English Chan- 1.3St. Martin’s, fronted by rocks and islets, lies at the NE side
nel and Dover Strait. of the group about 1.5 miles N of St. Mary’s. A conspicuous
1.2Fishing vessels of various sizes and of different nationalities beacon, 56m high, is situated on the E and highest end of this
may be encountered throughout the English Channel and Do- isle.
ver Strait. 1.3Round Island (49°59'N., 6°19'W.), the N isle of the group,
1.2Drilling rigs may operate in the English Channel throughout is low and surrounded by rocks. Round Island Light is shown
the year. Buoys, barges, and other equipment associated with from a prominent tower, 19m high, standing on its N side. The
Pub. 191
Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point 7
Pub. 191
8 Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point
boundaries of each of the above schemes and the coasts of the 1.6Cape Cornwall, surmounted by a conspicuous disused mine
Scilly Isles and the Cornwall Peninsula as these have been des- chimney, is located 3.5 miles N of Land’s End. A prominent
ignated as Inshore Traffic Zones. television mast stands 1.8 miles NE of this cape.
Directions.—Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS), which may 1.6For further information concerning the waters and landmarks
best be seen on the chart, are situated W of the Scilly Isles, S of N of Land’s End, see Pub. 142, Sailing Directions (Enroute)
the Scilly Isles, and between the Scilly Isles and the English Ireland and the West Coast of England.
coast. These schemes are IMO-adopted and Rule 10 of the
Navigational Rules (72 COLREGS) applies.
Caution.—Many of the dangers in this area are steep-to and
Pub. 191
Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point 9
but they should not be used with winds between SSW and SE.
1.8St. Michael’s Mount (50°07'N., 5°29'W.), a small conical
island, is the best landmark in Penzance Bay. It is 80m high
and surmounted by a castellated building with a conspicuous
tower. This island bears a striking resemblance to the mount of
similar name in Normandy, although much smaller, and is like-
wise connected to the shore by a drying ledge and causeway.
Gwennap Head. A church, with a conspicuous tower, is situat- 1.8 St. Michael’s Mount (Penzance Bay)
ed at St. Buryan, about 2 miles NW of the light.
St. Clements Isle (50°05'N., 5°32'W.), about 8m high with
an obelisk on its S end, lies 0.2 mile off the W shore of
Penzance Bay, about 0.5 miles NNE of Carn du. This island
provides shelter for the drying boat harbor of Mousehole which
is located on the mainland, WNW of it.
Penzer Point, surmounted by a prominent building, and a
conspicuous hotel are situated 0.8 mile and 0.3 mile, respec-
tively, S of Mousehole. The cliffs near Penzer Point are 25m
high and the land rises abruptly behind them.
1.8Penlee Point is located 0.5 mile N of St. Clement’s Isle and
the cliffs here are 18m high. Low Lee and Carn Base, with
depths of 1.5m and 1.8m, respectively, lie about 0.5 mile ENE
and NNE of this point. Both are weed-covered rocks. Low Lee
is marked by a lighted buoy.
1.8A church, with a prominent tower, stands at Paul, 0.5 mile W
of Penlee Point.
1.7 Tater-du Light 1.9 Newlyn (50°06'N., 5°33'W.) (World Port Index No.
35240) is situated on the W side of Penzance Bay, within a
cove known as Gwavas Lake. This small port, formed by two
Carn du, the E entrance point of Lamorna Cove, lies about 1
piers, has a narrow entrance. It is used by coasters, fishing ves-
mile NE of Tater-du Light. Gull Rock, 24m high and precipi- sels, and pleasure craft.
tous, lies close off this point.
Caution.—Several submarine cables, which may best be
Pub. 191
10 Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point
are 0800 to 1700 weekdays and 0800 to 1200 Saturday. Depths—Limitations.—The harbor, which consists of a tid-
al basin and a wet dock basin, is formed by two piers. The tidal
Newlyn—Berth Information basin mostly dries. A ferry berth, located near the head of the S
pier, has a depth of 7.6m alongside at HW. There is one ro-ro
Berth Depth Length berth which has a maximum depth of 4.7m. The wet dock basin
Mary Williams Pier 2.4m 300m is entered through a gate, 15.3m wide, and accepts vessels up
to 14.8m wide. It usually has a depth of 4.3m, but at HWS
North Pier 2.4m 500m there is a depth of 5.3m.
South Pier 2.7m 120m Vessels up to 92m in length, with drafts up to 4.5m at
Facsimile 44-1736-332-709 trance and is marked by a lighted buoy. A light is shown from a
E-mail [email protected] tower, 9m high, standing on the head of the S breakwater. A
church, with a prominent tower, stands close W of the wet dock
basin. The dome of the market, situated 0.3 mile NW of the
1.9Anchorage.—Vessels waiting to enter the harbor can an-
wet dock basin, is conspicuous from seaward.
chor, in depths of 12 to 13m, about 0.9 mile ENE of the S pier;
in a depth of 15m, about 0.7 mile E of the S pier; and in a depth Regulations.—The harbor can be contacted on VHF chan-
of 7m, about 0.3 mile SE of the S pier. nel 9, 12, or 16 from 0830 to 1730 weekdays and on all tides
from 2 hours before to 1 hour after HW.
1.10 Penzance (50°07'N., 5°32'W.) (World Port Index No. Pilotage.—Pilots are not available but the Harbor Master
35250) is situated in the NW part of Penzance Bay. This small can provide navigational advice.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Penzance—
port is used by coasters, fishing vessels, and pleasure craft. It is
also the terminal of the ferry which runs to the Scilly Islands. Contact Information.
Winds—Weather.—Winds are generally from the N to NE
Penzance—Contact Information
depth of 15m, sand, about 0.5 mile SSE of Gear Rock. The an-
MLWS 0.8m
chorage should be used with caution in winter. Vessels can also
LAT 0.2m anchor, in depths of 12 to 13m, about 0.9 mile ENE of the S
Note.—Predicted heights are in meters above pier at Newlyn; in a depth of 15m, about 0.7 mile E of the S
charted datum. pier at Newlyn; and in a depth of 7m, about 0.3 mile SE of the
S pier at Newlyn.
Pub. 191
Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point 11
is situated in the NE part of Mounts Bay. This small and shal- spicuous from seaward.
low harbor is entered between the head of a pier and Deazle A cluster of rocks, collectively known as The Stags, extends
Rocks, about 90m W. The entrance is open to the SW and, up to 0.5 mile S of Lizard Point, terminating in Men Hyr, a
when necessary, heavy timbers are placed across the inner har- rock which dries 4m.
bor for protection. Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
shown from the easternmost tower. It is obscured from N until 9.6m, lie up to 0.8 mile E of Bass Point, about 0.5 mile ENE of
WNW of the point. Lizard Point.
A conspicuous large hotel is situated at the head of a small
1.12 Vrogue Rock, with a depth of less than 1.8m, lies about 0.4
bay, 0.4 mile NE of the light. Several dish-shaped antennas mile ESE of Bass Point, with depths of less than 10m close
stand on Goonhilly Downs, 5 miles N of the light and are con- around. Craggen Rocks, with a least depth of 1.5m, lie nearly
Pub. 191
12 Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point
point on the shore located 0.5 mile N of Bass Point and its sea-
ward end is marked by a buoy.
Several submarine cables, which may best be seen on the
stands on Dolor Point, 0.4 mile N of Chynhalls Point. A pier trance point of the Helford River and Pendennis Point, 2.5
extends NW from this point and is used by small craft which miles NE. The coast consists of cliffs up to 15m high in the S
can take the ground at LW. part and is fronted by drying ledges in the N part.
Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
Saint Anthony Head (50°08'N., 5°01'W.) forms the SW ex-
on VHF channels 16 and 19 whenever blasting is due to take World Port Index No. 35290
place in order to warn vessels navigating close inshore.
Manacle Rocks (50°03'N., 5°02'W.), also known as The
1.13 1.14 Falmouth Harbor is a deep water harbor regarded as
Manacles, lie up to 0.8 mile offshore E of Manacle Point, about one of the major ports of the English Channel which includes
3.3 miles NNE of Black Head. Steep-to on their seaward edge, the world's third largest natural harbor. The harbor is centered
these drying and submerged rocks can be particularly danger- between Saint Anthony Head and Pendennis Point, 1 mile W.
ous in thick weather when rounding the coast for Falmouth. A and contains extensive facilities for bunkering, ship repair,
Pub. 191
Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point 13
cruise vessels, cargo handling, explosives (loading and trans- ration support vessels. In addition, there are extensive facilities
shipment), fish landing and an oil rig lay. The harbor extends N for ship repairs. Details for the principal berths are shown in
for about 4 miles with numerous coves and inlets. The main fa- the table titled Falmouth—Berth Information.
cilities, available to ocean-going vessels, are situated on the E
side of the town, NW of Pendennis Point. Falmouth—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Falmouth Harbor Home Page
County Wharf 204m 8.0m General cargo
Duchy Wharf 240m 8.0m General cargo
Winds—Weather.—During summer, the land and sea
1.14 General cargo
breeze effect is very pronounced with winds from the N in the Queen’s Wharf
190m 6.5m and cruise ves-
morning and S in the afternoon. During winter, Falmouth expe- (North)
riences numerous gales, many of which are severe, but Lizard
Point gives some protection from those from the SW. General cargo
Queen’s Wharf
168m — and cruise ves-
Sea fog is most likely to occur in early spring during SW
1.14 (South)
winds when moist air is driven over the cooler waters. Warn-
ings about gales or other severe weather conditions will be Northern Wharf
109m — General cargo
broadcast by Falmouth Coastguard on VHF. (North)
Land fog occurs most regularly in winter on calm clear
Northern Wharf
deep, but Old Wall, a rocky shoal with a least depth of 6.4m, Falmouth Harbor
lies about 1.3 miles SSE of Saint Anthony Head and should be
avoided, especially in periods of swell. The berth on the Eastern Breakwater is mostly used by tank-
ing W of Black Rock has a least depth of 5.4m and should only The maximum size of vessel normally permitted at either of
be used with local knowledge. these buoys, except by special permission, is 61m in length
The fairway channel leading to Docks Basin and Inner Har-
1.14 with a draft of 3.5m. Larger vessels can moor between the
bour has a least depth of 5.4m. A buoyed channel leads 1.3 buoys.
miles NNW from the entrance to Carrick Road, the main an- There are three drydocks in the harbor. The largest is 250m
chorage area. long and 39.6m wide, with a depth of 11m over the sill at
The port provides about 2,500m of total quayage. There are
1.14 HWS. It can handle vessels up to 100,000 dwt.
facilities for general cargo, tanker, fishing, and offshore explo- Aspect.—In addition to Saint Anthony Head Light, the port
Pub. 191
14 Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point
con, 13m high, and a lighted buoy is moored close E of it. Pe-
narrow Point, located about 2 miles NNW of the entrance, is
marked by a prominent elm tree and a pillar, 3m high. This
point is not easily identified from outside the harbor.
Pub. 191
Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point 15
Pub. 191
16 Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point
length of the tug and tow is the length overall of a single vessel. must avoid the wrecks charted in the vicinity of the anchorage
The rules above apply to vessels underway. They do not ap-
1.14 area. Within the harbor the usual anchorage for deep-draft ves-
ply to HM ships and foreign warships, vessels less than 20m in sels is in Carrick Road, in depths of 26 to 27m, coral and
length, or registered fishing vessels less than 47.5m in length. shells. However, winds from S may cause a considerable sea in
Vessels should send their request for pilotage and an ETA at
1.14 this roadstead. Vessels over 203m in length usually anchor out-
least 24 hours in advance via telephone, facsimile, e-mail, or side the harbor.
A confirmation of ETA message should be sent 1 hour prior
Falmouth Harbor—Contact Information
contact Falmouth Pilot Radio on VHF channel 9 stating their VHF VHF channels 9 and 16
destination and planned time for passing Black Rock. Telephone 44-1326-211-395
Vessels departing from an anchorage without a pilot on
board should similarly report their intentions 15 minutes prior Facsimile 44-1326-211-352
to weighing anchor. Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting E-mail [email protected]
substances are required to display the appropriate special sig-
Web site
nals by day and at night and report the following:
1. The correct technical names of dangerous or polluting
goods together with IMO hazard classes. Vessels of unlimited size may anchor in the outer part of Fal-
2. Confirmation that a loading plan showing the location mouth Bay, which lies within the port limits, for bunkering
of this cargo is held on board the vessel. purposes. Vessels anchoring within port limits without a pilot
3. Address from which detailed information on the cargo must report arrival and anchor position to Falmouth Pilot Radio
may be obtained. which maintains a continuous listening watch on VHF channel
All vessels navigating or at anchor within the port limits
1.14 16.
must maintain a listening watch on VHF channel 16. Caution.—Transhipment of explosives is occasionally car-
bor should not immobilize their main engines without permis- A small circular foul area lies centered 3.3 miles ESE of
sion of the Harbormaster. Saint Anthony Head and may best be seen on the chart.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Falmouth Har-
1.14 Spoil ground areas, the limits of which are shown on the
bor—Contact Information. chart, lie centered 4.5 miles SE of Saint Anthony Head and 0.7
Anchorage.—There is good anchorage with offshore winds
1.14 mile WSW of Pendennis Head.
outside the harbor, in depths of 13 to 20m, gravel and shell, Numerous uncharted buoys used for yacht races may be
about 1 mile SW of Saint Anthony Head. However, vessels moored in the vicinity of the harbor from March to September.
Pub. 191
Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point 17
Falmouth to Plymouth Chapel Point, located about 2.5 miles NNE of Dodman
a prominent stone cross near the S extremity. 0.8 mile SSE of Chapel Point and is marked close SE by a
The Bellows, with a depth of 6.1m, and The Field, with a lighted buoy.
depth of 7m, are two rocky patches lying about 0.9 mile S and Mevagissey (50°16'N., 4°47'W.), a small port, is situated in
0.8 mile SSE, respectively, of the point. The depths extending the SW part of Mevagissey Bay. It consists of an outer harbor
up to about 1 mile S of the point are very irregular and heavy and an inner harbor and is used by fishing vessels and pleasure
overfalls are formed in bad weather in this area. It is advisable craft. The entrance to the outer harbor is 50m wide and has a
to stay at least 2 miles S of Dodman Point. depth of 2.1m. The inner harbor dries. The harbors afford good
shelter except in strong E winds. A light is shown from a prom-
inent structure, 8m high, standing on the S pier head. The port
can be contacted by VHF during the day.
Anchorage is available within Mevagissey Bay in depths of
10 to 20m, sand.
Black Head (50°17'N., 4°46'W.), the N entrance point of
Mevagissey Bay, also forms the W entrance point of a large
bight in the coast, of which Gribbin Head, located about 3
miles ENE, forms the E entrance point. St. Austell Bay, located
in the W part of the above bight, affords good temporary an-
Dodman Point
Gull Rock
ing about 1 mile N of Nare Head. It consists of a mound, 6m harbor, and a prominent building is situated 0.3 mile E of it.
high, surmounted by a hut. Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels over 37.5m
Pub. 191
18 Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point
in length except those exempt by law. The pilot normally Fowey Harbour (50°19'N., 4°39'W.)
boards in an arranged position up to 1 mile from the harbor en-
trance. World Port Index No. 35340
Pilots may be contacted on VHF channel 14. They are pro-
vided by the station at Fowey and are available 2 hours before 1.18 Fowey is a small harbor situated just within the en-
to 1 hour after HW. See Fowey Harbour, in paragraph 1.18, for trance of the River Fowey, about 1.3 miles NE of Gribbin
further information. Head. It is a commercial port and an extensive yachting center.
Anchorage.—Anchorage is available off the harbor, in
1.16 The entrance lies between St. Catherines Point, on the W side,
depths of 2 to 6m, with good holding ground of firm sand. and Punch Cross Rocks, about 0.2 mile ESE.
1.17 Par Sands (50°21'N., 4°42'W.), at the head of Ty- Fowey Harbor Home Page
wardreath Bay in the E part of the bight with St. Austell Bay, is
a drying flat, the W part of which contains the small drying
harbor of Par.
Par (50°21'N., 4°42'W.) is a small port used mainly by
Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
coasters. The harbor closed to commercial traffic in 2009. The Fowey Harbour.
harbor basin has three quays and is protected by a breakwater.
It is tidal and vessels lie aground at LW. The entrance is 38m The tidal currents in the river attain rates up to 1 knot on the
wide. Generally, vessels up to 130m in length, 13.5m beam, flood and 1.5 knots on the ebb.
and 3.4m draft can be accommodated. Vessels with drafts up to
5.2m can be handled at HWS.
Tidal Ranges for Fowey Harbour
A lighted mooring buoy is located close ESE of the head of
Point, 1.5 miles above the entrance, has a least depth of 7.0m.
1.17 Gribbin Head Vessel with drafts in excess of 6.0m will need to enter accord-
ing to tide height and possibly at slack water. Vessels with less
Gribbin Head (50°19'N., 4°40'W.), with a conspicuous bea-
1.17 draft may enter at all times of tide. A swinging area, with a
con tower, 26m high, standing on its E side, is bordered by nu- least depth of 4.3m, is situated opposite the town and close SW
merous rocks which break heavily in bad weather. Cannis of Penleath Point. However, due to small craft moorings locat-
Rock, which dries, lies about 0.3 mile SE of the head and is ed in this vicinity, vessels swinging are limited to a length of
marked by a lighted buoy. 35m.
Pub. 191
Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point 19
paratively high land on either side and also by Fowey Hall, a VHF VHF channel 6
large mansion, and above it a large school, both standing just
W of the town. St. Fimbarrus Church, located in the town, and
the ruins of a church tower, standing 0.2 mile E of Punch Cross Call sign Fowey Pilots
Rocks, are also both conspicuous. A prominent white house is VHF VHF channels 9 and 16
situated in Polruan, about 0.3 mile ESE of Punch Cross Rocks.
Fowey Light is shown from a prominent octagonal tower, 6m
Telephone 44-7890-555-563 (mobile)
high, standing close SW of St. Catherines Point. Whitehouse E-mail [email protected]
Point Light, with sectors indicating the entrance channel, is
shown from a column, 4m high, standing 0.4 mile NE of St. Web site
Catherines Point. It can only be seen when in line with the har-
bor entrance. A prominent hotel is situated close W of this Regulations.—Port regulations prohibit vessels from operat-
light. ing above Penleath Point without a pilot unless granted permis-
Penleath Point is located on the E side of the river, 0.6 mile
sion by the harbormaster.
NE of Punch Cross Rocks, and is surmounted by a conspicuous Maximum speed over the ground within the harbor limits is
for Charlestown. Pilots for Fowey are available from 2 hours be obtained from the pilot station on VHF channel 9. Informa-
before to 1 hour after the vessel’s ETA. tion in regard to entering the port may be obtained from Fowey
Pilotage is not required by foreign or domestic warships.
Harbor Radio on VHF channel 12.
Anchorage.—There is good anchorage outside the harbor,
ing Pencarrow Head (50°19.4'N., 4°36.0'W.) and Cannis Light- side of the fairway between Polruan Point and Penleath Point,
ed Buoy (50°18.4'N., 4°39.9'W.) and the shore. but they must remain clear of the swinging ground SW of the
The pilot vessels maintain a listening watch on VHF channel
1.18 latter.
9 when manned. In poor weather, arrangements to board a pilot Caution.—Vessels are warned not to pass E of vessels
may be varied and may include boarding inside harbor entranc- layed-up on the E side of the fairway N of Penleath Point be-
es. cause they may be connected to the shore by breast ropes.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Fowey Har-
There are telephone, electricity and pipelines in the lower
bour—Contact Information. harbor between Polruan castle and the Fowey shore. These are
marked on the chart and though buried, ships should not anchor
Fowey Harbour—Contact Information near them.
Salmon fishing takes place in the upper parts of the river.
Port Control
Pub. 191
20 Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point
and has depths of 3.4m at HWS and 1.5m at HWN. This pictur- to Looe Harbor and Whitsand Bay.
esque town is a tourist resort and filming site. A spoil ground and disused explosive dumping area lies cen-
of Polperro, and may best be seen on the chart. cated 1.2 miles S of Penlee Point and may best be seen on the
1.20 St. Georges Island (Looe Island) (50°20'N.,
4°27'W.), nearly connected to Hannafore Point about 0.5 mile 1.21 Eddystone Rocks (50°11'N., 4°16'W.), lying 8 miles
N by low shelving rocks, is surrounded by dangers and shoals. S of Rame Head, do not completely cover. They are fairly
Vessels proceeding to Looe Harbour should round the island
1.20 steep-to outside a radius of 0.3 mile, but vessels are recom-
at a distance of at least 1.5 miles and then pass to the E, with mended to give them a wide berth. Eddystone Light is shown
Looe Light bearing not more than 313°. from a prominent granite tower, 49m high and surmounted by a
The Ranneys, which dry 4.6m, extends about 0.3 mile SE of
1.20 helicopter platform, standing on the rocks. This tower is radar
St. Georges Island. Sherbeterry Rocks, with a least depth of conspicuous. A racon is situated at the light.
5.4m, extend up to about 2 miles S of the shore, 2.8 miles NE
of St. Georges Island.
Knight Errant Patch, at the SE end of the shoals, has a depth
Eddystone Light
Pub. 191
Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point 21
breakwater lies at the E side of the sound with its W end situat-
During the summer and winter the sea breeze is primarily
1.22 ed about 1.5 miles NE of Penlee Point.
from the SW during the day, the land breezes at night shifting The Knap extends up to about 0.6 mile S from the W end of
mostly from NW or W. Gales obtain the highest incidence the breakwater. This shoal area has depths of 5 to 8m and is
during the months of December and January, possibly reaching marked on the SW side by a lighted buoy.
3 to 4 days a month, but in summer they are rare. Tinker, with a least depth of 3.0m, lies at the S end of a shoal
See the table titled Tidal Ranges for Plymouth (Devon-
water and Staddon Point, about 0.4 mile ENE. It is not recom-
MLWN 2.2m
mended for use by small craft during strong W winds due to a
MLWS 0.8m dangerous sea. The least depth in the approach is 5.4m over a
LAT 0.0m width of about 100m. However, vessels are recommended to
maintain an underkeel clearance of at least 2m due to scend
Note.—Predicted heights are in meters and inequalities of the rocky bottom.
above charted datum. Western Channel, the main approach channel, rounds the W
ebb current and delay the flood by about 15 minutes. Freshets NE and N from the inner end of Western Channel to the outer
after heavy rain have the same effect as a strong N wind and ends of Smeaton Pass, Asia Pass, and Cobbler Channel.
long summer droughts can prolong the flood current up to 30 A recommended deep-water track, which may best be seen
minutes. on the chart, leads through Western Channel, the entrance fair-
The flood current sets through Western Channel toward Asia
1.22 way, and Smeaton Pass. Its outer end lies about 0.8 mile SE of
Pass, and through Eastern Channel toward Smeaton Pass at a Penlee Point.
velocity of 1.2 knots at springs. The ebb current sets outward Cobbler Channel leads NE and E to the commercial berths of
from the passes toward the respective channels at the same rate. Cattewater and Sutton Harbour.
The tidal currents in Drake Channel, the Narrows, and Ha-
1.22 Smeaton Pass, with a least depth of 25m, and Asia Pass, with
moaze set generally in the direction of the channels, with a a least depth of 7.6m, lead NW between the shoals lying ENE
spring velocity of 2.5 knots in the Narrows and about 1.5 knots of Drake’s Island to Mill Bay Docks and the outer end of
in Hamoaze. Drake’s Channel.
The naval facilities along Hamoaze are accessible via
Rame Head. Draystone, a shallow reef, fronts the SE side of the N end and has a vertical clearance of 30m. The Tamar
this point and is marked by a lighted buoy. Bridge, a road bridge, stands close N of the railroad bridge and
Great Mew Stone (50°18'N., 4°06'W.) lies about 0.5 mile S
1.22 has a vertical clearances of 35m.
of Wembury Point to which it is connected by a drying rocky Drake Channel is reported (1995) to have a least charted
reef. This island is 57m high, conical, and prominent. Both depth of 10.7m. Recommended tracks, which may best be seen
Penlee Point and Great Mew Stone are reported to be conspicu- on the chart, lead through the fairways to the Hamoaze.
ous radar navigation aids. The main berths on the E side of Hamoaze include Rubble
Pub. 191
22 Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point
No. 5 Basin is the largest and deepest. It is maintained at The largest drydock at the naval base is 242m long with a
depths of 9 to 9.5m and may best be seen on the chart. The sea- depth of 14.7m on the sill at HWS. Its length can be increased
wall extending S of the entrance to this basin provides the by 12m by using a caisson. The dock is entered from No. 5 Ba-
deepest berths. There is 508m of total quayage with a depth of sin, which has a maximum entrance width of 37.7m at HWS.
11.9m alongside. Weston Mill Lake Jetty, close N of No. 5 Ba- Yonderberry Point oil jetty is situated at the W side of Ha-
sin, provides 503m of quayage with depths of 8.5 to 9.2m moaze with a 61m berth head and depth of 11.6m alongside.
Plymouth—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Aggregate Industries Terminal
Promphlett Jetty 76m — 99m 6.0m 15.0m 5,316 dwt Cement and aggregates.
Victoria Terminal
Victoria Wharf W 132m 6.5m 140m — 18.0m 8,000 dwt Others.
Victoria Wharf E 96m 6.5m 140m — 18.0m 8.000 dwt Others.
West Country Cement
Cement Berth 172m — — — — — Cement.
Cattedown Terminal
Cattedown Wharf Grain, multipurpose, bunkers,
110m 7.6m 150m 8.4m 28.0m 21,000 dwt
West chemicals, and clean products.
Cattedown Wharf Continuous berthing length of
110m 7.6m 150m 8.4m 28.0m 21,000 dwt 220m.
Mill Bay Docks (ABP Port)
Passengers, ro-ro, and petroleum
Ro-Ro West Wharf 162m 8.5m 200m — 15.0m 12,000 dwt
Pub. 191
Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point 23
Plymouth—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Cruise vessels, passengers, and pe-
Trinity Pier 150m 4.5m 120m 5.0m 15.2m 5,000 dwt
troleum products.
Tanker Berths
Petroleum products. Berthing
Yonderberry Fuel
60m 11.5m 185m — 20.4m 12,984 dwt length of 248m (including dol-
uated at the W side of the outer basin. The inner basin is only
used by small craft. A marina lies at the E side of the outer ba-
sin. There are two berths with depths up to 9m alongside. Ves-
sels up to 200m in length and 8.5m draft can be
Drakes Island
Cobbler Channel is maintained at a dredged depth of 5.5m as
tional lights when the main power supply at the port is inter-
1.22 Plymouth Breakwater West Light is shown from a prominent rupted. Special high intensity fog lights are shown on request
Pub. 191
24 Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point
Plymouth—The Hoe
1.22 Smeaton Tower (disused) Plymouth Breakwater. An old fort, which has been converted
into a prominent block of apartments, stands on this point.
from several positions within the harbor and sound. Drakes Island, privately owned, lies 1 mile NE of Pickle-
Two special lighted buoys (OSR North and OSR South) are
1.22 combe Point and is fronted by drying rocky ledges. It is promi-
moored about 1.2 miles SSW of the W end of Plymouth Break- nent and cliffy. The tower of a former signal station is situated
Pub. 191
Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point 25
peninsula, 1.3 miles N of Staddon Point. A short breakwater hours can contact the Harbor Control Officer by telephone or
extends W from the W side of this peninsula. on VHF channel 14.
A conspicuous silo, 61m high, stands at the W side of Mill
Bay Docks outer basin. It is surmounted by a tower and a flag- Vessel Traffic Service
staff. A prominent hotel and the conspicuous Civic Center
building are situated 0.3 mile and 0.6 mile, respectively, NE of Plymouth is a UK-designated VTS port; the following types
its present location in 1882 when the foundation was discov- exiting the port. Vessels over 25m must contact the VTS for
ered to be unsafe. permission to use the Eastern Channel.
The Naval War Memorial consists of a stone column, 30m
1.22 Vessels may obtain information on the Traffic Signals dis-
high, surmounted by a copper sphere. It stands close N of played at Drake’s Island from “Longroom Port Control” or
Smeaton Tower and is prominent. “Flagstaff” stations.
The city of Plymouth is radar conspicuous.
1.22 1.22It was reported (2011) by a vessel constrained by its draft
that its inbound and outbound transits were required by KHM
Pilotage Plymouth to begin 1 hour prior to slack water at high tide.
All vessels over 20m in length have the following require-
ing to or departing an anchorage or Ministry of Defence an ETA at least 48 hours prior to arrival. The message must in-
owned berth, dock or mooring. clude a description, quantity or weight, substance identification
3. Any vessel enroute between the Sound and a Ministry number and appropriate classification of the cargo in accor-
of Defence owned berth, dock or mooring. dance with the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas
Pilots board vessels once direct communication has been es-
1.22 (DSHA) Regulations 1987.
tablished to vessels of 150m in length and less within 0.75 mile Vessels are required to maintain a continuous listening watch
of the W entrance to the Sound and vessels over 150m in on VHF channel 14 while underway or at anchor.
length in position 50°18.5'N, 4°10.5'W (about 0.9 mile SE of Commercial vessels should use VHF channel 4 or 16. Minis-
Penlee Point). The pilot vessel is black with orange upper try of Defense vessels should use VHF channel 8, 10, 11, 12,
Pub. 191
26 Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point
Control” when passing a line joining Penlee Point and Shag Port Control
Stone (50°19.0N., 4°08.1W.) and obtain permission to enter Call sign Longroom
the sound. They must then report when passing Plymouth
Breakwater (50°20.0N., 4°07.9W.) and when berthed. VHF VHF channels 13, 14, and 16
When the Port Control Traffic Light System displays no
1.22 44-1752-836-490 (Longroom PCS)
lights there are no restrictions in force unless notified on VHF
Telephone 44-1752-663-225 (Longroom PCS)
channel 13, 14, or 16.
Submarines frequently operate within the sound and the ap-
1.22 44-1752-552-416 (Flag PCS)
proaches with equipment extending up to 800m astern. Vessels Facsimile 44-1752-836-401
should not pass within 200m of any submarine or cross astern
within 800m. If in doubt, vessels should contact the submarine E-mail [email protected]
directly on VHF channel 14 or 16 to seek advice. If contact Web site
with the submarine cannot be established, vessels should call
Longroom Port Control. Harbor Control Officer
basin of Millbay Docks and prior to entering the main channel, Call sign Sutton Lock
sound one prolonged blast in order to warn other traffic of their VHF VHF channel 12
movement in accordance with Rule 34 of the Collision Regula-
tions. Telephone 44-1752-204-702
Facsimile 44-1752-204-693
Contact Information E-mail [email protected]
See the table titled Plymouth Harbor—Contact Informa-
Victoria Wharves
Telephone 44-1752-663-175
Anchorage Facsimile 44-1752-313-147
E-mail [email protected]
1.22 Anchorage can be obtained in Cawsand Bay to the W of the
Pub. 191
Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point 27
Plymouth Harbor—Contact Information miles E of Eddystone Light, and steer for the light on the W
end of Plymouth Breakwater bearing N. When Maker Light
Pilotage (Commercial) (50°20.5'N., 4°10.9'W.) is in sight, steer for it on a bearing of
Call sign Plymouth Pilots 350°; this course will bring the vessel to the pilot boarding
VHF VHF channels 14 and 16 Approaching from the W, vessels should pass about 1 mile S
Telephone 44-1752-662-708 of Rame Head, with the summit of Great Mew Stone ahead
bearing 080°. When Plymouth Breakwater Light bears about
Facsimile 44-1752-669-691
020°, vessels should change course for the boarding ground,
E-mail [email protected] with Maker Light ahead bearing 350°.
Hours 24 hours From the E, vessels should steer to pass not less than 1 mile
Assistant) es within the harbor limits and may best be seen on the chart.
Diving training areas are situated within the port and may
lies close S of Drake’s Island. The berths are numbered 3 to 5 Several small craft mooring areas and groups of mooring
and may best be seen on the chart. Another anchorage for these buoys are situated within the port and may best be seen on the
vessels, which may best be seen on the chart, lies E of the
entrance channel and 0.3 mile S of Mount Batten Tower. Local ferries cross the channel in a number of places within
lies N of Plymouth Breakwater and on the NW side of the en- may best be seen on the chart.
trance channel. The berths are numbered 1, 2, 6, and 7 with Submarines may be frequently encountered in the sound and
berths 2, 6, and 7 dredged to 8.1m in 2009 and may be seen the approaches (see Signals).
best on the chart. High speed craft may be encountered in the approaches to
depth of 8.6m. es, may be encountered in the approaches and N of the break-
Special anchorage rules apply to vessels carrying hydrocar-
water. In addition, ships may carry out minelaying exercises in
bons, hazardous liquid chemicals, and liquefied gases. Also to an area lying 3 miles S of the entrance to the sound. Such ves-
vessels in ballast but not gas-freed after carrying such cargo. sels may not follow the regular traffic patterns.
Warships frequently enter the port via both channels to trans-
Directions fer personnel to and from support craft. These transfers are
usually carried out 0730 to 0830, Monday to Friday except in
1.22 If approaching from seaward, vessels should pass about 3 August, in the vicinity of C, D, and E mooring buoy berths. In-
Pub. 191
28 Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point
Pub. 191
Sector 1. England—South Coast—English Channel Approaches—The Scilly Isles to Start Point 29
formation regarding these operations may be requested from 3m with isolated peaks of 5m. The distance between crests var-
“Longroom Port Control.” ies from 100m to 300m. The waves usually form in a N to S di-
Plymouth to Start Point
1.24 Bolt Head (50°13'N., 3°47'W.), a prominent head-
1.23 Yealm Head (50°18'N., 4°04'W.), located 1.2 miles E land, is located 3.8 miles SE of Bolt Tail. The coast between
of Great Mew Stone, is the W extremity of a hilly peninsula. It consists of a prominent succession of dark rugged cliffs rising
forms the E entrance point of Wembury Bay and the S side of abruptly to a height of about 120m. Large vessels are recom-
the mouth to the Yealm River. mended to keep at least 1.5 miles off this part of the coast.
Wembury Bay, with irregular depth of less than 15m, is used
1.23 Several prominent radio masts, each 50m high, stand at an
by small craft as an anchorage. The Yealm River, a yachting elevation of 180m near the coast, about 2.5 miles NW of Bolt
center, has a bar which dries. Head. A fairly conspicuous notch in the cliffs exists about 0.8
The coast E of Yealm Head is craggy and reef strewn, with
1.23 mile SE of the masts.
numerous dangers lying within the 20m curve. Stoke Point, lo- A coast guard station stands on Bolt Head and a conspicuous
cated 2 miles E of Yealm Head, is the SE extremity of the radio tower is situated about 1 mile NNW of it. The headland is
above peninsula. Conspicuous cliffs stand about 0.5 mile NNE fronted by two small islands, known as The Mewstones.
of this point.
Bigbury Bay lies between Stoke Point and Bolt Tail, 6.5
Salcombe Harbour (50°14'N., 3°46'W.), approached be-
miles ESE. The mouth of the Erme River, located near the head tween Bolt Head and Prawle Point, 2.5 miles E, is a small well-
of the bay, can be identified by clumps of trees just within the sheltered inlet. The harbor is primarily an extensive yachting
W entrance point. The river dries and can only be entered by center. Vessels up to 30m in length and 5.5m draft can enter at
small craft with local knowledge. HW. The entrance is obstructed by a bar with a least depth of
Wells Rock, with a depth of 1.2m, lies about 0.5 mile S of
1.23 0.5m. A heavy sea breaks on this bar during S gales.
the E entrance point of the river. Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
The River Avon, used only by small craft, enters the bay 2.3
miles NNW of Bolt Tail. Burgh Island, 47m high, lies close off
the N entrance point of the river. It is connected to the shore by Tidal Ranges for Salcombe
a drying sandy neck and a small ruined chapel stands on the
summit. A church, with a conspicuous spire, stands at Bigbury, HAT 5.7m
1.8 miles NE of the island. MHWS 5.3m
Thurlestone Rock, 10m high and resembling the hull of a
MHWN 4.1m
lies about 4.5 miles WSW of Bolt Tail and has a least depth of the bar; however, local knowledge is recommended. The har-
8.9m. Two special lighted buoys (NGS West and NGS East) bor can be contacted on VHF channel 14 by day. Anchorage is
are moored about 2.3 miles S of the shoal. available within the harbor, in depths of 5 to 8m. Anchorage is
Caution.—A spoil ground area. the limits of which may best
1.23 also available outside the bar, in a depth of 11m.
be seen on the chart, lies 3.4 miles SSW of Stoke Point. The town of Salcombe stands along the W side of the harbor.
Pub. 191
Sector 2—England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
avoid the currents. Generally, the harbor does not function as a commercial port
Pub. 191
34 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
MLWN 2.0m Totnes is divided into two pilotage zones. The Outer Zone ex-
tends from the entrance to Anchor Stone. The Inner Zone ex-
MLWS 0.6m tends from Anchor Stone to Totnes.
LAT -0.2m Pilotage in the Outer Zone is compulsory for the following
Note.—Predicted heights are in meters 1. Vessels of 20m and over in length carrying any pas-
above charted datum. sengers or carrying dangerous goods in bulk (including non-
gas free tankers).
Depths—Limitations.—The harbor is capable of accommo-
2.3 2. Towing vessels and tows, with a combined length of
dating vessels up to 10,000 tons, 180m in length, and 8.0m 50m and over, where the towing vessel or one or more of the
draft. The controlling depth on the entrance range is 7.9m. The vessels in the tow is 20m or over in length.
port is mainly used by yachts and pleasure craft and has three 3. All other vessels of 50m and over in length.
passenger vessel berths. Pilotage in the Inner Zone is compulsory for the following
mum loa of 100m and a maximum draft of 6.0m their local agent 72 hours in advance, updating their ETA 12
Several mooring buoys, which can be used by vessels up to
2.3 hours prior to arrival. They should also provide their draft,
10,000 tons, are situated in the harbor. length, type, and quantity of cargo, type and quantity of bun-
A bar, with depths of less than 5m, crosses the river about
2.3 kers, and number of passengers. Pilots can be contacted on
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 35
Dartmouth—Contact Information
Call sign Dartnav 2.4 Berry Head Light (Coast Guard Station)
VHF VHF channels 11 and 16 berth.
44-1803-832-337 (office hours)
Telephone 2.5 Tor Bay (50°26'N., 3°28'W.), entered between Berry
44-7968-839-846 (after office hours) Head and Hope’s Nose, about 4 miles N, affords good shelter
Facsimile 44-1803-833-631 in W winds, but E or SE gales send in a heavy dangerous sea.
The Ridge, a shoal area with depths of 6 to 7m, lies in the
proaching Tor Bay from the S should give the shore a wide 2 hours in advance. All vessels intending to anchor or maneu-
Pub. 191
36 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
ver within the Tor Bay harbor limits, including any fishing ves- 9. The pilot boards in position 50°25.0'N, 3°25.7'W.
sels regardless of length, should contact Bay Reporting on 2.6Regulations.—Vessels should send ETA 48 hours in ad-
VHF channel 9, before arrival, and entering harbor limits and vance. All vessels intending to anchor or maneuver within the
when departing harbor limits if any of the following situations Torbay Harbor limits should contact Bay Reporting 2 hours
exist: prior to arrival on VHF channel 9. All vessels maneuvering or
1. Is on fire or has recently been on fire. at anchor within the Tor Bay Harbour limits should maintain a
2. Is defective such that the maneuvering capability or continuous listening watch on VHF channel 9.
the safe navigation of the vessel is affected. 2.6Contact Information.—See the table titled Brixham Har-
3. Has been involved in a collision, grounding or other bour—Contact Information.
event that has affected the watertight integrity and/or stabili-
ty of the vessel. Brixham Harbour—Contact Information
4. Creates any risk not normally associated with the safe Brixham
passage of such a vessel and is directed that the vessel must
contact Bay Reporting on VHF channel 9 before entering Call sign Brixham Port
harbor limits. VHF VHF channels 14 and 16
All vessels maneuvering or at anchor within the Tor Bay har-
4. Any vessel of less than 80m loa providing they do not cupies a large area on the W side of Tor Bay and is fronted by
enter or leave an enclosed harbor. sandy beaches. The small harbor is formed by two jetties and is
5. Any vessel engaged in towing where the length of used by pleasure craft. A conspicuous promenade pier stands
such vessel combined with the length of the tow is less than close N of the harbor.
80m or less than 36m for those entering or leaving an en-
closed harbor. 2.7 Torquay Harbour (50°28'N., 3°32'W.) (World Port
6. Any fishing vessel less than 47.5m loa. Index No. 35410) is situated on the NW shore of Tor Bay and
7. Any vessel proceeding to or departing from a desig- is protected by two breakwaters piers forming an entrance,
nated anchorage provided such vessel has been forced by 50m wide. The harbor consists of an outer basin, an inner ba-
stress of weather to seek shelter. Such vessels must contact sin, and an extensive yacht marina. The resort town is situated
Bay Reporting on VHF channel 9 before entering harbor at the meeting of two deep valleys and several prominent build-
limits and again on departing harbor limits. ings stand in it.
8. Pilots board vessels bound for Brixham, Paignton, 2.7Princess Pier has berths on both sides, with a depths of 2.2 to
Torquay, and Tor Bay Anchorage about 2.5 miles ENE of 3.1m on the N side and 2.3 to 4.1m on the S side. Haldon Pier
Berry Head Light. Vessels should send an ETA and a request has a depths between 1.8 and 2.5m alongside the N side and is
for pilotage 48 hours in advance to the pilot station by fac- used for cargo operations. It can accommodate vessels up to
simile or e-mail. Vessels should then contact the pilot on 36m in length. Vessels with greater lengths than 36m may be
VHF channel 9, two hours prior to arrival. accepted after consultation with the harbormaster. A slip ex-
Vessels requesting a deep sea pilot should send an ETA tents for about 70m WSW from the root of the pier on the N
and a request 48 hours in advance to the pilot station. Vessels side.
should then contact the pilot 2 hours prior to arrival on VHF 2.7There is a regular cargo ferry service between Torquay and
channel 9. the Channel Islands. The port operates commercially through-
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 37
out the year, but such operations are limited during the summer
months when the harbor becomes a yachting center.
Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
Torquay Harbour.
may best be seen on the chart, lies centered about 4 miles NE The coast between Teignmouth and Exmouth, about 5 miles
of Berry Head. NE, is bordered by low sandstone cliffs and numerous rocks.
Caution.—A number of off-port services are provided from
2.7 Tides—Currents.—Tides rise about 4.6m at MHWS and
Brixham and Torquay. These services include compass adjust- 3.6m at MHWN, in the approaches. At the new quay, tides rise
ment, divers, repairs, crew changes, surveys, provisions, and about 4.7m at MHWS and 3.6m at MHWN.
inspections. Vessels are serviced at the designated deep-draft Depths—Limitations.—The bar at the entrance of the river
Pub. 191
38 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
has a least depth of 0.3m, but has a tendency to shift and re- Teignmouth Harbour—Contact Information
quires local knowledge. Tides rise about 5m at HWS and 3.7m
at HWN. Pilots
2.8Numerous drying banks lie in the vicinity of the entrance VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
channel including East Pole Sand, which dries up to 0.6m. Due
to the shifting nature of the fairway, local knowledge is re- 44-1626-774-902
quired. Telephone 44-1626-778-112
2.8 The harbor is used by coasters, pleasure craft, and yachts. It
44-7708-704-760 (mobile)
has two main quays; the East Quay is 115m long while the
Western Quay is 300m long. Vessels up to 5,000 dwt, a maxi- E-mail [email protected]
mum loa of 124m and drafts up to 5m, can be accommodated
at MHWS. Vessels should contact the local authorities to ascer- Caution.—An outfall pipeline extends about 1.2 miles ESE
tain the latest information concerning the maximum draft al- from The Ness. Diffusers are situated at the seaward end and
lowed. are marked by a lighted buoy.
2.8Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels over 30m
length. Other vessels should consult the harbor master to ob- 2.9 Exmouth Harbour (50°37'N., 3°25'W.) lies in a
tain information and advice. Vessels without local knowledge coastal bight between Langstone Point and Straight Point,
should not enter the estuary without advising their presence or about 3 miles NE. The town fronts the shore on the E side of
seeking advice. Vessels should send a request for pilotage and the entrance to the River Exe. It is approached through a nar-
an ETA at least 12 hours in advance. This message should in- row channel, which is fronted by a bar with a least depth of
clude the vessel length and exact draft. Pilots board about 1 0.2m. Numerous drying shoals and sand banks obstruct the en-
mile SE of The Ness. trance. The channel, which is subject to frequent change, is
2.8Regulations.—Vessels shall declare and report if it is carry- buoyed and lies close to the N shore. Channel buoys are moved
ing dangerous cargo and its intentions to enter a harbor. The ar- as required to account for shifting sand banks.
eas and procedures are defined in MARPOL Annex I, II and
III; the OMDG Code; and DGHAR Regulation 2016. For fur- Exmouth Harbour Marina Home Page
ther information, see Pub. 140, Sailing Directions (Planning
Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and Adjacent Seas.
2.8Contact Information.—See the table titled Teignmouth
Harbour—Contact Information. The harbor is only used by small craft and is closed to com-
mercial shipping. Prior to closure, vessels up to 3,200 dwt,
Teignmouth Harbour—Contact Information 88m in length, and 5.1m draft could be handled at HWS. An-
chorage is available about 0.6 mile SE of Orcombe Point.
Harbormaster The river leads to the entrance of the Exeter Canal, 3 miles
Teignmouth Port Radio (for commercial above the town. The canal is 5 miles long and is entered
shipping) through a lock. It can be used by small craft up to 350 tons,
Call sign 37m in length, 7.9m beam, 11m vertical clearance, and 3m
Teignmouth Harbour Radio (for all other
shipping) Holy Trinity Church, with a tower and flagstaff, and the
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16 Catholic Church, with a green spire, stand in the W part of the
town and are prominent.
44-1626-773-165 (office hours)
Telephone Caution.—Dawlish Rock, with a least depth of 1.8m, lies
44-7796-178-456 (emergencies only) about 0.5 mile E of the town of Dawlish, 0.8 mile SSW of
E-mail [email protected] Langstone Point. An outfall pipeline extends from the shore in
the vicinity of this rock.
Web site
2.10 Lyme Bay (50°36'N., 3°18'W.) lies between Straight
Port (ABP) Point and Bill of Portland, 35 miles E. The coastline of the bay
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16 curves inward in a broad sweep.
Caution.—Mussel farms consisting of ropes suspended
Telephone 44-1626-774-044
Saturday (0900-1200 and whenever a ves- er Otter empties into the sea close W of this point through a
sel is expected.) mouth obstructed by a shingle bar. Budleigh Salterton, a resort,
is situated close W of the river mouth in a narrow valley. Sid-
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 39
mouth, another resort, is situated 4 miles NE of Otterton Point of Bridport Harbour entrance. It is marked by a lighted buoy at
in a valley between two hills. It is fronted by two offshore rock the seaward end.
breakwaters. Liquid cargo transfer takes place regularly in Lyme Bay,
England. The cliffs extending to the W of the point consist of awaiting berthing instructions must anchor beyond the 3-mile
red sandstone. limit, and as far away from land as is possible. Tankers requir-
A conspicuous radio mast stands at an elevation of 445m on
2.10 ing urgent or necessary shore facilities can anchor NE of
Stockland Hill, 7 miles N of Beer Head. Hope’s Nose on the 3-mile limit, but not off Tor Bay.
Beer Roads, a small anchorage, fronts the village of Beer,
2.10 An area in which vessels are warned against anchoring,
0.7 mile NNE of Beer Head. A recommended berth, sheltered sweeping, and trawling, due to the existence of cables and
from N winds, lies about 0.4 mile SE of the village, in a depth buoys, extends 3 miles SSW from the shore 4 miles SE of Brid-
of 8m, sand. A prominent water tower stands 1.2 miles NNE of port. The seaward boundaries of the zone are marked by two
the village. buoys and the shore boundaries are each marked by a beacon.
Caution.—A firing range area, marked by two lighted
2.10 The area described above is best seen on the chart.
buoys, extends up to 1.5 miles E of Straight Point and may best A submarine exercise area is centered 5 miles SW of the
be seen on the chart. Red flags are displayed when the rifle Portland Peninsula. Vessels should keep a good lookout when
range is in use. passing through these waters.
Crab pots are often laid from 2 to 4 miles offshore close E of
2.10 From Bridport to the N end of the Portland Peninsula, 15
Beer Head. miles SE, the coast is almost straight. The SE part of this
stretch is formed by Chesil Beach. This beach consists of a
2.11 Lyme Regis Harbour (50°43'N., 2°56'W.) lies 6.5 steep-to narrow isthmus of shingle, about 200m wide and 13m
miles ENE of Beer Head and is used by fishing boats and plea- high. Lagoons lie between the inner side of this isthmus and
sure craft. The harbor is protected from SW by The Cobb, a the land. After continuous strong SW winds, the sea often
sizable stone pier. The harbor basin has depths of 2.7 to 4.3m at breaks over the SE portion of the beach and floods the land.
HWS, but dries at LWS. A lighted range indicates the approach
to the harbor. During strong S winds, the sea breaks heavily 2.12 Bill of Portland (50°31'N., 2°27'W.), the S extremity
around the piers. Fishing boats up to 11m in length and 1.9m of Portland Peninsula (Isle of Portland), is a low extended
draft can be accommodated. point. Portland Bill Light is shown from a conspicuous tower,
The coast trends E from Lyme Regis and remains cliffy ex- 41m high, standing on the SE side of the Bill.
cept near the mouth of the River Char, 1.8 miles ENE of the
harbor. Golden Cap, where the cliffs rise to a height of 187m,
is located 3.5 miles E of Lyme Regis. This cape is fringed by
several shoals which extend up to 0.5 mile seaward.
High Ground and Pollock, two shoal areas with depths of 3
to 4m, lie up to 1 mile offshore, 1.8 and 2.6 miles SE of Golden
Cape. These dangers should be given a wide berth.
Bridport Harbour (50°43'N., 2°46'W.) lies 3 miles ESE of
Golden Cap and is known locally as West Bay. The town is sit-
uated 1.4 miles N of the harbor. This harbor is used by fishing
boats and pleasure craft. It has a canal-type entrance, about
230m long and 22m wide, formed by two piers. A basin, 160m
long and 42m wide, lies at the N end of the entrance channel
and mostly dries. The entrance is fronted by a bar which dries.
There are two berths with depths of up to 2m alongside. Small Portland Bill Light
Pub. 191
40 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
The land between this hill and the Bill, about 3 miles S, Portland Harbour (50°35'N., 2°26'W.)
forms a conspicuous wedge-shaped landmark and is one of the
best aids to navigation for vessels proceeding up and down the World Port Index No. 35450
English Channel. The Bill of Portland is radar conspicuous.
Anchorage.—West Bay, lying on the W side of Portland
2.12 2.14 Portland Harbour, a former naval base, is situated at
Peninsula, is sheltered from nearly all E winds and affords an- the N end of Portland Peninsula and affords shelter to deep-
chorage nearly anywhere. The roadstead has depths of 25 to draft vessels in all weather. The harbor is protected by four
30m, loose gravel and shells. However, the holding ground is breakwaters that form three entrances. The S entrance is ob-
poor. If a sudden, but not uncommon, shift of wind to the W structed by a wreck and overhead cables.
takes place, the sea quickly rises and vessels should immedi-
ately vacate the anchorage. Portland Harbour Home Page
Directions.—The offshore passage leads from S of the Bill
tween the Bill and The Shambles or E of The Shambles. ea, the sea breeze effect results in a strong tendency for winds
Caution.—A tidal race, caused by the very strong S currents
2.12 from the N to veer toward E and those from the W to back to-
from both sides of Portland Peninsula meeting the E and W ward the SW, especially in the morning.
currents off the Bill, is formed from 1 to 2 miles S of the point The fluctuation of land and sea breeze at Portland is some-
with the strongest part of the race in the direction of the main times NE to SW, usually blowing parallel to the coast.
current. During strong winds or gales, the harbor area, although pro-
and rate. In heavy weather, especially when the wind is blow- es attain a velocity of 1 knot at spring tides and are irregular.
ing against the current, strong overfalls and breaking seas are Inside the harbor the tidal currents are uncertain.
formed and may be dangerous to boats and small vessels. See the table titled Tidal Ranges for Portland.
charts, possibly up to 10 knots, may be found in or near the Tidal Ranges for Portland
race and care is advised.
HAT 2.5m
2.13 The Shambles (50°30'N., 2°22'W.), a bank of broken MHWS 2.1m
shells with depths of 5 to 8m, lies centered about 3 miles ESE
of the Bill of Portland. It may best be seen on the chart and is MHWN 1.4m
reported to be extending farther to the E. Except at slack water, MSL 1.04m
the position of this bank is clearly shown by ripples or overfalls
MLWN 0.8m
on the N or S side according to the direction of the tidal flow.
Lighted buoys are moored off the E and W ends of this bank. MLWS 0.1m
However, these navigational aids should not be wholly relied LAT -0.1m
upon, especially after stormy weather when the sea breaks
heavily over the bank. Note.—Predicted heights are in meters
Caution.—Although the channel lying between The Sham-
above charted datum.
bles and the Bill of Portland can be used at any time, it is only
recommended in good weather and with local knowledge. Depths—Limitations.—After clearing The Shambles, the
All vessels not familiar with the area should pass E of The
2.13 approaches are deep and only the testing facilities (Noise
Shambles and W of Adamant Shoal when proceeding to Port- Range) SE of the harbor must be avoided. The harbor may be
land. Due regard should be allowed for the tidal current when entered either by East Ship Channel, which has a least depth of
transiting this area. 11.6m or by North Ship Channel, which has a depth of 11.4m.
The general depths within the harbor range between 10 to 15m.
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 41
mile ENE from the NE side of Portland Peninsula. Outer lighted range.
Breakwater is separated from the N end of Inner Breakwater by Pilotage.—A joint pilotage area for Portland and Weymouth
South Ship Channel (closed). It curves in a N direction and is has been established W of a line joining Grove Point
about 1 mile long. Fort Head is situated at its N end. Its S end is (50°32.9'N., 2°24.6'W.) and White Norte (50°37.5'N.,
designated as “D” Head. 2°19.3'W.).
Northern Arm extends about 0.7 mile ESE from the shore.
2.14 Within the Weymouth Pilotage Area (N of The Nothe) pilot-
Its SE end is designated as “C” Head. Northeastern Breakwa- age is compulsory for all vessels of 50m and over, all vessels
ter, 0.7 mile long, lies between Northern Arm and Outer Break- over 36.6m in length carrying dangerous cargo, and any vessel
water. Its N end is designated as “B” Head and its S end is carrying 12 passengers or more.
designated as “A” Head. Regular ferries and those passing only within the pilotage ar-
East Ship Channel leads between Fort Head and “A” Head.
2.14 ea, HM Ships, Foreign and Commonwealth Naval vessels, and
North Ship Channel leads between “B” Head and “C” Head. those vessels exempted by law are excluded.
Vessels should send an ETA and request for pilotage 24
is compulsory for all vessels of 50m and over, all vessels 20m
in length and over carrying dangerous cargo, and all vessels
20m in length and over carrying more than 12 passengers.
Ministry of Defense vessels in the Outer Harbour and in the
all vessels over 50m in length (20m for vessels carrying dan-
gerous cargo and over carrying more than 12 passengers) pro-
ceeding to or from Portland and Weymouth.
Portland Harbour
All vessels must request permission before weighing anchor
Pub. 191
42 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
nel 74, when passing the designated reporting points CF, CG, porting point designator), destination, ETA (inbound vessels),
and CH listed below. and intended route, E or W of The Shambles (outbound ves-
The report should include the vessel’s name, position (re-
2.14 sels, where appropriate).
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 43
Pier Light (outbound only). which are sheltered from the swell. The bottom of blue slimy
Naval vessels within 3 miles of “A” Head should maintain a
mud provides good holding ground.
continuous listening watch on VHF channels 16 and 74; else- Caution.—Torpedo firing takes place periodically in a chart-
where, naval vessels should maintain a continuous listening watch ed area E of Portland Harbour. When firing is underway, or-
on VHF channels 16 and 71. ange flags are displayed from the firing point on the NE
Vessels carrying or loading/unloading dangerous substances at
breakwater and from safety craft as necessary.
Weymouth should maintain a listening watch on VHF channel 12. Due to the naval facilities being moved from the harbor
seen on the chart. Vessels seeking shelter from W winds chart, lies centered 0.7 mile ESE of “D” Head and is marked by
generally proceed to Weymouth Roads (see paragraph 2.15). four buoys. Restricted Areas, which may best be seen on the
Anchorage may be obtained at designated berths lying NE of chart, lie N and S of this range. When the range is in use, an-
Northeastern Breakwater, in depths of 12 to 18m. choring and fishing are prohibited in these areas. Static fishing
gear may also be encountered within these areas.
Portland—Contact Information
Port Portland Harbour to Poole Harbour
Call sign Portland Harbour Radio 2.15 Weymouth Harbour (50°37'N., 2°27'W.) (World
VHF VHF channels 9, 16, 71, and 74 Port Index No. 35460), a small commercial port, is situated at
the mouth of the River Wey in the SW part of Weymouth Bay.
Telephone 44-1305-824-044
Facsimile 44-1305-826-143 Weymouth Harbour Home Page
E-mail [email protected]
Web site
Tides—Currents.— Tide heights are 5.8m at MHWS and
Hours 24 hours
Telephone 44-1305-824-044 tered between two stone piers. The entrance is 137m wide and
Pub. 191
44 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
Weymouth Harbour—Signals
Port closed—serious emer-
Three red flashing lights
Entrance foul—entry/de- Two red lights and one
parture forbidden green light
Vessel is to proceed only One green light over one
when directed by Harbor white light over one green
Master light
Vessel departing, no vessel
Three red lights
to approach entrance.
Weymouth Harbour Vessel approaching, no
Three green lights
vessel to leave the harbor
provides a channel fairway, 76m wide. There is an advertised
depth of 5.2 m in all states of tide within the harbor that ex- Contact Information.—See the table titled Weymouth
tends to Berth No. 4. The controlling depth for the harbor is Harbour—Contact Information.
4.8m between the head piers and 2.2m within 60m of the Town
Bridge. Weymouth Harbour—Contact Information
There is 360m of principal quayage providing three berths,
with depths of 5.2m alongside. There are facilities for bulk, ro- Port
ro, and vehicle ferry vessels. Vessels up to 135m in length, 28m Call sign Weymouth Harbour
beam, and 5.2m draft can be accommodated at HW.
VHF VHF channel 12
The Town Bridge, a double bascule bridge, has an overhead
clearance of 2.5m. It spans the harbor, 0.5 mile within the en- Telephone 44-1305-848-423
trance, and blocks the channel to large vessels. A passage, E-mail [email protected]
24.4m wide, leads through the bridge to an extensive marina.
There are also facilities for fishing vessels and small craft. 0730-1700 (winter)
For further berthing information see the table titled Wey- Hours
0730-2100 (summer)
mouth Harbour—Berth Information.
Weymouth Harbour—Berth Information VHF VHF channel 12
Berth Length Remarks Pilots
No. 1 115m General cargo VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
No. 2 35m General cargo Telephone 44-1305-838-423
No. 3 130m Passengers and ro-ro Hours When a vessel is expected
No. 4 110m Accommodation
Anchorage.—Designated anchorages, which may best be
No. 5 175m General cargo
seen on the chart, lie in depths of 9 to 18m, fine sand and shell,
No. 6 175m General cargo in the roadstead, NE and E of the harbor.
A refuge anchorage area, the limits of which may best be
bay. 0.6 mile NNW of the head of the N pier. rise and fall of the tide within the harbor is considerably affect-
Pilotage.—See pilotage for Portland Harbour in paragraph
ed by winds.
2.14 for details. Two outfall pipelines extend up to 0.2 mile seaward from the
watch on VHF channel 12. on the chart, lies close E of The Nothe and is marked by buoys.
Signals.—Traffic signals are displayed vertically from a
A Restricted Area, which may best be seen on the chart, ex-
mast 0.1nm SW of the head of S pier. See the table titled Wey- tends E and SE from The Nothe. When the range is in use, an-
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 45
It provides no shelter from S winds except at Lulworth Cove, 3 about 0.7 mile N of Peveril Point. There are depths of about 8m
miles E. This small circular basin is encompassed by chalk over good holding ground of mostly sand and clay.
cliffs and provides anchorage to small craft. The entrance is re- Caution.—A firing range area extends up to 12 miles sea-
ported to be difficult to identify. A prominent radar scanner is ward between Saint Albans Head and Lulworth Cove. Lighted
reported (1999) to stand close NE of the cove. buoys associated with this range are moored in the vicinity of
Worbarrow Bay (50°37'N., 2°12'W.), an open bight, lies
Saint Albans Ledge. When the range is in use, red flags and red
1.5 miles E of Lulworth Cove. It is entered between a group of lights are displayed from a hill close NNE of the cove and from
rocks on the W side and Worbarrow Tout, a point surmounted above the coast guard station on the headland.
by a conical hill, on the E side. The bay has high cliffy shores During summer, crab pots may be moored within 0.5 mile of
divided in the center by Arish Mell Gap. This gap is fronted by the shore in the vicinity of Saint Albans Head.
a conspicuous white sandy beach. A measured mile (1,849m), marked by two sets of range bea-
the E entrance point of the bay. and may best be seen on the chart.
Caution.—An outfall pipeline, marked at its seaward end by
a lighted buoy, extends about 2 miles SSE from Arish Mell 2.18 Poole Harbour (50°41'N., 1°57'W.) (World Port In-
Gap. dex No. 35480), one of the most extensive natural harbors in
England, lies in the W part of Poole Bay. It is a ferry terminal
2.17 Saint Albans Head (St. Aldhelms Head) (50°35'N., and an extensive yachting center. However, entry is limited by
2°03'W.) is a bold headland, 107m high, bordered by cliffs on a bar.
all sides. It is radar conspicuous. A chapel and a coast guard
station stand on this headland. Poole Harbour Home Page
Saint Albans Ledge, with depths of 8.5 to 16m, extends up to
ledge and the overfalls within may be dangerous to small craft. Tides—Currents
The current runs continuously SE along the W side of the head-
land and, during the flood tide, a race forms to the SW. See the table titled Tidal Ranges for Poole Harbour.
Anvil Point (50°36'N., 1°57'W.), located 3.5 miles ENE of Within the harbor the tidal cycle is abnormal and results in
Saint Albans Head, is low and cliffy with higher land close the phenomenon of a double HW with the tide standing at or
within. Anvil Point Light is shown from a conspicuous tower near HW for 6 or 7 hours. The neap tides are very irregular and
with a dwelling, 12m high, standing on the point. may produce a second HW, which is higher than the first. Baro-
A conspicuous castellated building is situated on Durlston metric pressure and strong winds can change the tidal cycles
Head, 0.3 mile NE of the light. Anvil Point is reported to be ra- significantly.
dar prominent.
Swange Bay, lying 1.5 miles N of Anvil Point, is entered be- Tidal Ranges for Poole Harbour
tween Peveril Point and Ballard Point, 1.5 miles NNE. Peveril
Ledge, with depths of less than 5m, extends up to about 0.5 HAT 2.6m
mile E of Peveril Point and is marked by a buoy. Swanage, a re- MHWS 2.2m
sort, occupies the S part of the bay and is fronted by a pier.
MHWN 1.7m
Handfast Point, which is conspicuous, is located 0.8 mile
NNE of Ballard Point. The shore between is fronted by steep MSL 1.59m
chalk cliffs. Old Harry, a prominent column of chalk 18m high MLWN 1.2m
with a flat grassy top, stands close off this point.
Pub. 191
46 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
knots at springs. The ebb current, which is weak for the first 3
hours, attains a maximum rate of 4.7 knots at springs. At neaps 2.18 Poole Harbor
both tidal currents are weak and uncertain.
are also several marinas and numerous yacht moorings.
Depths—Limitations Vessels up to 20,500 gt, 160m in length, and 5.5m draft can
(50°40.8'N., 1°57.0'W.), on the S side, and Sandbanks, a penin- Cruise vessels and
South Quay 198m —
sula, on the N side. The peninsula extends 1 mile SW from breakbulk
Poole Head and is well built over. South Haven Point is low Passenger vessels.
and sandy. A chain ferry runs across the harbor entrance be- Ro-Ro Berth
90m 5.0m Maximum size of
tween Sandbanks and South Haven Point. No. 2
180 tons.
Five main islands are situated within the harbor. Brownsea
Island, the largest, lies close within the entrance and is thickly Passenger vessels.
Ro-Ro Berth
wooded. 140m 7.5m Maximum size of
No. 3
Middle Ship Channel, with a minimum width of 80m, is the
180 tons.
main fairway leading from the entrance, close E of Brownsea Tanker Berths
Island, to the principal commercial facilities in the S part of the
port. It has a controlling depth of 6m and is marked by stakes Chevron-Tex-
82m 4.9m Closed.
and lighted buoys. aco Oil Jetty
Little Channel, with a controlling depth of 3.9m (1999),
leads from the inner end of Middle Ship Channel to the Town Aspect
Quays and the bascule bridge in the N part of the port.
North Channel, a secondary buoyed fairway, also leads into
2.18 The seaward entrance of Swash Channel is marked by Bar
the harbor from close E of Brownsea Island. It has a controlling Lighted Buoy No. 1 (50°39.3'N., 1°55.15'W.).
depth of 4m (1999) but is reported (2005) to be not maintained Several prominent buildings, including a large hotel, stand
similar channel, used by craft with drafts up to 1.5m, lies on on the SE side of Brownsea Island, close inside the harbor en-
the S side of Middle Ship Channel. East Looe Channel, used by trance, and is very prominent from the approaches. A number
light-draft small craft, extends parallel to the shore close S of of tall buildings are located in the vicinity of a marina on the
sand banks. NE side of the harbor, about 1.5 miles N of the entrance.
The Poole Bridge, a bascule bridge, is situated in the N part
2.18 Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for all the following types
of the port. It has an opening 18.4m wide and is located near of vessels:
the SW part of the town. 1. Vessels over 50m in length and vessels of 30m or
The ro-ro freight and ferry terminal, situated in the S part of
2.18 more in length or 10m or more in beam capable of carrying
the port, provides three main linkspan berths. more than 12 passengers, except those exempted by law.
Poole Town Quay, 400m long, has depths of 3.6 to 4.5m
2.18 2. Commercial vessels between 30m and 50m loa carry-
alongside and is normally used only by pleasure craft. There ing dangerous goods or hazardous substances.
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 47
3. Dredger and hopper barges of 50m or more loa. of 25m loa or more should seek permission from Poole Har-
Vessels should send ETA 24 hours in advance to Poole Har-
2.18 bour Control on VHF channel 14 before commencing move-
bour Control and the port agents indicating requirement for a ment in the harbor. Poole Harbour Control will inform vessels
pilot when appropriate. of other movements which may affect their navigation. Vessels
Any vessel requiring a pilot should call Poole Harbour Con-
2.18 should maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF channel
trol on VHF channel 14 giving at least 90 minutes notice of ar- 14.
rival at the pilot boarding position. If vessel is departing a berth
then 1 hour notice is required before ETD. Vessel Traffic Service
Vessels exempt from pilotage should call Poole Harbour
Control on VHF channel 14 giving at least 1 hour notice of ar- A local Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) system operates in the
rival at pilot boarding position and 15 minutes notice of sin- vicinity of the harbor.
gling up prior to departure. Vessels of 25m or more in length should report to the VTS
displays an orange strobe light when heading S. South Haven Point when a large vessel is about to enter that
All yachts and small craft are required to keep clear of large
2.18 part of the channel lying between No. 6 Lighted Buoy and No.
commercial vessels navigating in the main channels. 22 Aunt Betty Lighted Buoy, 2 miles NNW. The light is shown
Incident or Damage Reports—Any incident that reflects
2.18 for both arriving and departing vessels.
on the safe operation of the port is to be reported as soon as Bridge traffic lights are visible by day and night and are ex-
possible to Poole Harbour Control, using either VHF or tele- hibited from towers on the bridges. A fixed red light indicates
phone. Incidents that are considered to require such a report are vessels are not to proceed, a flashing green light indicates ves-
as follows: sels may proceed with caution, and a fixed green light indicates
1. Vessel damage. vessels are to proceed, bridge is almost fully open.
2. Movement of or damage to navigational marks. The bridge will be opened at any time for commercial ves-
3. Damage to shore infrastructure. sels. The bridge control system permits one cycle of traffic in
4. A close quarters situation between two or more ves- each direction at a time.
sels which results in emergency action being taken by one or
more of the vessels involved. Contact Information
A written follow-up report will normally be requested.
Pub. 191
48 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
There are no anchorage berths within the harbor for commer-
2.19 Hurst Point Light
cial vessels. The best outer anchorage, sheltered from W
winds, lies in a depth of 12m, sand and gravel, about 0.5 mile
NE of Handfast Point (50°38'N., 1°56'W.). Anchorage can also
be obtained 0.5 mile E of Bar Lighted Buoy No. 1, but this
roadstead is exposed and it can become very uncomfortable
during S or SE gales.
Numerous pleasure craft and fishing boats may be encoun-
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 49
shallow bank is marked by lighted buoys; its steep-to SE side the Port of Southampton and Portsmouth, on the S coast of En-
forms the NW side of Needles Channel. Due to the wash of the gland. It is separated from the mainland by a stretch of water
sea and the scour of the currents, this bank is subject to con- known as The Solent. The Solent can be entered from W via
stant changes. With the least swell the sea breaks violently on Needles Channel and from E via several channels lying in the
the shallower parts. North Channel leads in a NW direction be- vicinity of the Nab Tower.
tween Hurst Point and the NE end of Shingles. This narrow Needles Point (50°40'N., 1°35'W.) is the W extremity of the
channel has a least depth of 4.8m and local knowledge is re- isle. Precipitous white chalk cliffs extend E from this point and
quired. are conspicuous.
and gas pipelines exist, extends S between the mainland coast up to 0.2 mile W of Needles Point. Needles Rocks Light is
in the vicinity of Stansore Point and the N coast of the Isle of shown from a conspicuous round granite tower, 31m high,
Wight. Anchoring and fishing are prohibited within this area, standing at the seaward side of the outermost rock.
which may best be seen on the chart. The Bridge (50°38'N., 1°39'W.), a dangerous reef, extends
Pub. 191
50 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
Point, 0.9 mile NE. This bay has high white cliffs on its S side
and cliffs of varying colors on its E side.
Fort Albert, which is also conspicuous, is built into the side
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 51
Yarborough Monument
ed by several shoals. olent when the wind opposes the current. The race may be es-
Saint Helen’s Fort (50°42.3'N., 1°05.0'W.), a round stone
2.21 pecially violent in an area lying SE of the point when a W
structure marked by a light, stands 0.6 mile offshore, 1.2 miles spring current is accompanied by a W gale.
NW of Foreland. A disused explosives dumping ground area, the limits of
Pub. 191
52 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
Saint Catherines Point. vise ETA at least 12 hours in advance to Southampton Vessel
Submarines exercise in an area lying about 10 miles S of
2.21 Traffic Services (VTS). The message must state the maximum
Saint Catherines Point. draft both fore and aft, the point of destination within the area,
A submarine outfall pipeline extends 1.5 miles SE from a
2.21 and the required pilot boarding position.
point on the shore located 1.5 miles WSW of Culver Cliff. Vessels should reconfirm their ETA not later than 3 hours
in this area, which may best be seen on the chart. ments once contact is made with Southhampton Pilots on VHF
channel 9, 3 hours prior to ETA. Vessels requiring pilots for
The Solent only Portsmouth, Cowes Harbour, or the River Medina should
contact the appropriate competent harbor authority.
2.22 The Solent separates the Isle of Wight from the main- Eastern Approach for the port of Southampton—Pilots
land, and provides access to Portsmouth and the Port of South- board, as follows:
ampton. Several small harbors lie along the shores of this 1. Deep-draft oil tankers (VLCCs)—In position
stretch of water and are used by pleasure craft, local ferries, 50°36.06'N, 0°57.50'W (4 miles S of Nab Tower Light).
and yachts. Entry into The Solent may be made from the W, 2. All other vessels of 150m and over in length:
through Needles Channel, or from the E, through the channels a. In Nab West Pilot Boarding Area—An area be-
lying in the vicinity of Nab Tower. tween 0.5 and 1.5 miles from Nab Tower within a sector
Pilotage.—Southampton.—The Port of Southampton Com-
2.22 bound by the bearings of 270° and 195° from the tower.
pulsory Pilotage Area covers the Port of Southampton, South- b. In Nab East Pilot Boarding Area—An area between
ampton Water, and The Solent. Its boundary is formed by a line 1 and 2 miles from Nab Tower within a sector bound by
joining the following points: the bearings of 090° and 145° from the tower.
1. Western Limit: 3. Vessels less than 150m in length when carrying dan-
a. Stansore Point (50°47.2'N., 1°20.5'W.). gerous or polluting goods in bulk—In the Saint Helen’s Pilot
b. Egypt Point, Isle of Wight (50°46.0'N., 1°18.7'W.). Boarding Area bound by the following positions:
2. Southern Limit: a. 50°43.77'N, 1°02.24'W.
a. Egypt Point, Isle of Wight (50°46.0'N., 1°18.7'W.). b. 50°43.36'N, 1°03.10'W.
b. Old Castle Point (50°45.9'N., 1°16.6'W.). c. 50°42.82'N, 1°01.22'W.
3. Eastern Outer Limit: d. 50°43.23'N, 1°00.37'W.
a. Culver Cliff, Isle of Wight (50°40.0'N., 1°05.6'W.). 4. Vessels between 61m and 150m in length (20m if car-
b. Nab Tower Light (50°40.0'N., 0°57.1'W.). rying more than 12 passengers), other than those described
c. 1.1 miles S of Selsey Bill (50°43.3'N., 0°47.3W.). in section 3 above—in position 50°45.83'N, 1°09.09'W
d. 0.1 mile S of Selsey Bill. (about 0.75 mile NW of North Sturbridge Lighted Buoy).
e. Chichester Bar Lighted Beacon (50°45.9'N., 5. In the event of the visibility falling below 1 mile or
0°56.4'W.). traffic congestion occurring in the vicinity of North Stur-
f. Horse Sand Fort Light (50°45'00.0'N., bridge Lighted Buoy, the pilot boarding position for vessels
1°04'21.0''W.). described in section 4 above will be temporarily relocated to
g. Outer Spit Lighted Buoy (50°45'34.8''N., the Saint Helen’s Pilot Boarding Area (see section 3 above).
1°05'30.0'W.). Western Approach for the port of Southampton—All vessels
h. Gilkicker Point Light (50°46'25.8''N., subject to compulsory pilotage with pilots boarding in position
1°08'27.6''W.). 50°45.43'N, 1°21.64'W (Lepe Pilot Boarding Position). The pi-
4. Eastern Inner Limit: lot disembarks in position 50°46.57'N, 1°19.91'W.
a. Gilkicker Point Light (50°46'25.8''N., Outbound vessels or vessels within the Southampton Pilot-
1°08'28.4''W.). age Area requiring the services of a pilot should give the
b. West end of Ryde Pier, Isle of Wight. Southampton VTS at least 3 hours notice of their ETD.
Pilotage is compulsory within the area above for the follow-
2.22 Vessels having carried dangerous or polluting goods, which
ing vessels: are neither gas free nor inerted, will be subject to the same con-
1. All vessels over 61m in length, including fishing ves- ditions as specified in section 3 above and will be subject to pi-
sels. lotage and will also be boarded at the Saint Helen’s Pilot
2. All vessels of 20m or over in length carrying more Boarding Area.
than 12 passengers. Pilotage on a voluntary/optional basis is available, by prior
3. Any other vessels exempted by law. length of the tug and tow shall be the distance from the forward
Inbound vessels requiring pilotage within the area should ad-
2.22 end of the towing vessel to the vessel to the stern of the last
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 53
2. All vessels of 20m or over in length carrying more send an ETA at least 24 hours in advance to Portsmouth Pilots,
than 12 passengers. stating vessel’s length, beam, draft, last port of call, and intend-
The categories of vessels that are exempted from compulsory
2.22 ed berth in Portsmouth.
pilotage by the Portsmouth Competent Harbor Authority in- Vessels should then confirm their ETA at the pilot boarding
clude the following: positions 8 hours in advance. Confirmations are also required
1. Vessels in government service except when berthing on VHF channel 11 or by other means 2 hours in advance for
Pub. 191
54 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
the Nab boarding area (see paragraph No. 1 below) and 1 hour should obtain permission before entering the Ports of
30 minutes in advance for the Saint Helens and North Stur- Southampton or Portsmouth
bridge boarding areas (see paragraph No. 2 and paragraph No. h. Tankers only—Advise any changes to information
3 below). previously given and confirmation that the Tanker Check
Outbound vessels or vessels moving within the area should
2.22 List has been completed.
send ETD 8 hours and 1 hour 30 minutes in advance, stating 2. Vessels needing to anchor in the small ship anchorage
draft destination and whether proceeding through East Solent are to seek permission from Southampton VTS via VHF
or West Solent. channel 12 before entering the Western Approach Channel
Pilots for Portsmouth board from the Southampton Pilot
2.22 (Thorn Channel) or North Channel (also applies to outbound
launch, as follows: vessels).
1. Vessels over 150m in length—in position 50°40.07'N, 3. Vessels within the Southampton VTS Area should
0°58.70'W (1 mile W of Nab Tower Light). maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF channel 12
2. Vessels between 48m and 150m in length—within a (VHF channel 11 should be used by all vessels underway in
boarding area (Saint Helens) bound by lines joining the fol- Portsmouth, N of Outer Spit Buoy. The KHM may instruct
lowing positions: vessels to use VHF channel 13 instead of VHF channel 11;
a. 50°43.77'N, 1°02.24'W. vessels needing to use VHF channel 13 should first obtain
b. 50°43.36'N, 1°03.10'W. permission from KHM on VHF channel 11).
c. 50°42.82'N, 1°01.22'W. Vessels should report to the VTS at the following times:
d. 50°43.23'N, 1°00.37'W. a. When passing the designated reporting points. (See
3. Vessels 48m or more in length using the W ap- Signals paragraph for table of points)
proach—in position 50°45.8'N, 1°09.1'W (about 0.75 mile b. Thirty minutes before getting underway from an an-
NW of North Sturbridge Lighted Buoy). chorage in The Solent to Southampton VTS (making an
Regulations.—Port Operations and Information Ser-
2.22 inbound or outbound report, as appropriate); vessels
vice.—A Port Operations and Information Service covers bound for Portsmouth should also report to KHM Ports-
Southampton Water, The Solent, the Port of Southampton, and mouth stating ETA at Outer Spit Buoy.
Portsmouth. The monitoring and coordination of shipping c. Upon berthing.
movements is carried out by the Vessel Traffic Service d. When anchored prior to berthing or seeking shelter.
Vessel Traffic Service.—The service covers The Solent and
2.22 e. When a pilot has boarded.
Southampton Water, includes the Ports of Southampton and 4. Outbound vessels and vessels shifting berth should re-
Portsmouth, and involves the monitoring and coordination of port to Southampton VTS on VHF channel 12, as follows:
shipping movements utilizing the following two coordination a. From the Port of Southampton, at least 30 minutes
centers: before leaving the berth, including the following informa-
1. Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Southampton, which tion:
coordinates the movements of all vessels 20m or more in i. Vessel name and call sign.
length in The Solent and Southampton Water, excluding the ii. Confirmation of sailing time
Port of Portsmouth N of a line between Gilkicker Point and iii. Maximum draft, loa, and beam.
Horse Sand Fort Light. iv. Other important information
2. King’s Harbour Master (KHM), Portsmouth, which v. Tug working frequency, if appropriate
coordinates the movements of all vessels N of a line between vi. ETAs at various locations as requested
Gilkicker Point and Horse Sand Fort Light. vii. Next port of call
All vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods entering
2.22 b. From the port of Portsmouth upon passing Southsea
the area should comply with the Merchant Shipping Regula- War Memorial.
tions. Such vessels are required to complete a Check List, a co- c. From Langstone Harbour: Upon passing the Lang-
py of which must be sent to the Harbor Master by fax or telex stone Fairway Pile.
and another copy handed to the pilot upon boarding. 5. In addition, vessels in Portsmouth Harbour should re-
The following procedures are mandatory for all vessels over
2.22 quest permission from KHM Portsmouth before leaving the
20m in length: berth.
1. Inbound vessels should establish contact with South- The VTS Center at Southampton offers radar coverage assis-
ampton VTS on VHF channel 12 when approaching the Nab tance to vessels upon request.
Tower or the Needles. Their report should include the fol- The following regulations apply to Incident reporting:
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 55
or it may be completed and forwarded electronically. formed before vessel enters the Dockyard Port of Ports-
2. Reportable incidents are considered to be those that mouth.
involve: Such vessels are to wait outside the port limits until per-
a. Vessel damage. mission to enter is given by the Harbormaster or KHM as
b. Movement of or damage to navigational marks. relevant.
c. Damage to shore facilities whether or not affecting 6. Advice to the Harbormaster may be sent to Southamp-
the use of such facilities. ton VTS on VHF channel 12 or by facsimile. Advice to the
d. Close quarters situations between two or more ves- KHM may be sent on VHF channel 11.
sels, which result in emergency action on the part of the 7. In order that oil pollution may be effectively dealt
vessels involved. with, vessels and recreational craft sighting significant
e. Other 'near miss' incidents with the potential to patches of oil in the sea in the Port of Southampton, South-
have caused injury or damage. ampton Water, The Solent, and Portsmouth Harbour are in-
3. Vessels are additionally requested to report any poten- vited to report the sighting including the following
tial risks encountered in harbor or pilotage waters by use of information:
the “Potential Risk Report” form available on the port web a. Position.
site. b. Extent.
4. In cases when damage is caused to commercial instal- c. Description (light film, slick, heavy black, crude).
lations; the Harbormaster, the Port manager at Southampton d. Direction of movement if possible.
or Portsmouth is also to be informed. 8. Reports should be made by VHF or telephone to the
5. Vessels which have sustained damage outside the lim- following:
its of the Port of Southampton or the Dockyard Port of Ports- a. Harbormaster Southampton
mouth which affects, or is likely to affect, the seaworthiness b. KHM Portsmouth
of the vessel, or if oil or dangerous or inflammable substanc- c. HM Solent Coastguard for recreational craft:
es are escaping or are likely to escape from the vessel; the 9. These reports will be forwarded to the appropriate au-
Harbormaster must be informed before the vessel enters the thorities who will then put into operation all the necessary
Port of Southampton or the KHM Portsmouth must be in- action to deal with the pollution.
Pub. 191
56 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
and on Bank Holiday Mondays from Easter Good Friday until Marine Emergency Plan (Solfire), incorporating the Oil Spill
June 1st and from September 30th until the last weekend in Oc- Contingency Plan (Solspill), has been developed to deal with
tober. any marine accidents, including pollution, within The Solent,
2.22The Traffic Information Broadcast will be made on a daily Portsmouth, the Port of Southampton, and Southampton Water.
basis between June 1st and September 30th between the hours Assistance for a vessel involved in such an incident should be
specified above. requested by its Master, owner or agent. In a grave emergency
The broadcast will identify those large vessels and approxi-
2.22 endangering navigation, assistance will be requested on the
mate times in which a Moving Prohibited Zone* will apply vessels behalf by KHM Portsmouth or Harbormaster South-
whilst navigating in the Precautionary Area** and any other ampton. Southampton VTS or KHM Portsmouth will become
relevant information for the safety of small craft. “Emergency Control,” as follows:
*Moving Prohibited Zone—All vessels over 150m loa while
2.22 1. Incident in Southampton—Southampton VTS “Solf-
navigating in the Precautionary Area will be given a Moving ire West”
Prohibited Zone around the vessel of 1,000m ahead and 100m 2. Incident in Portsmouth or East Solent—KHM “Solf-
either side of the vessel. ire East”
**Precautionary Area—Main Navigable Channel, which lies
2.22 3. Incident in West Solent or S of the Isle of Wight—
between a line from Prince Consort Lighted Buoy to South HM Coastguard, Lee-on-Solent "Solfire South"
Bramble Lighted Buoy and a line between Black Jack Lighted Details of Emergency Solfire will be broadcast by South-
Buoy and Hook Lighted Buoy, is designated as a Precautionary ampton VTS on VHF channel 12 or KHM Portsmouth on VHF
Area. channel 11 as considered appropriate. The end of the emergen-
Announcements of imminent Traffic Information Broadcasts
2.22 cy will be indicated by a broadcast of "Cancel Emergency Sol-
will initially be made on VHF channel 12. fire"
Portsmouth Harbour Fog Routine—will be announced on
2.22 Regulations.—General.—Special regulations are in effect
VHF channels 11, 13, and 73 when visibility is reduced so low for vessels constrained by draft and vessels restricted in their
that normal shipping movements are considered dangerous. ability to maneuver. These regulations are in force within the
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 57
Port of Southampton and Portsmouth. No gas tanker exceeding 8,000 cubic meters total capacity or
3. Vessels having a tonnage of 100,000 dwt or over. 1°06.4'W.) and Ballast Beacon (50°47.6'N., 1°06.8'W.), at the
Extracts from the local regulations are stated below.
2.22 W side of the entrance into Portsmouth. The use of this channel
Any vessel other than a “vessel not under command” or a
2.22 is mandatory for all vessels less than 20m in length entering or
vessel “restricted in ability to maneuver” should, if the circum- leaving the harbor. All sailing vessels fitted with engines must
stances permit, avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel proceed under power when in this channel. Vessels less than
which is displaying the shape or lights for a vessel “constrained 20m in length proceeding to or from Gunwharf Quays or the
by draft.” town cambers must cross the main navigation fairway at right
A vessel “constrained by draft” and inbound from Nab Tow-
2.22 angles to the N of Ballast Beacon, after first obtaining permis-
er to Southampton is at particular risk from outbound vessels sion from the King's Harbour Master (KHM).
when off the entrance to Portsmouth and when off North Stur- Vessels are advised to consult the local authorities and the
bridge Buoy and shaping a course to pass S of Ryde Middle pilot for the latest information concerning the regulations.
Shoal. For additional regulations concerning the approach to the
precaution to avoid impeding a vessel “constrained by draft” KHM Portsmouth when passing the designated Reporting
and avoid presenting such vessels with a crossing situation. Points, as indicated in the two tables titled Southampton/Ports-
All vessels “constrained by draft” or “restricted in ability to
2.22 mouth—Inbound Vessels and Southampton/Portsmouth—Out-
maneuver” must have permission from KHM Portsmouth or bound Vessels.
Southampton VTS before navigating in Portsmouth Harbour or Outbound vessels are requested to display an “E” flag over
the Port of Southampton. the Answering Pendant when proceeding E towards the Nab
A Precautionary Area has been established in Thorn Channel
2.22 Tower and the Answering Pendant over a “W” flag when pro-
and may best be seen on the chart. ceeding W towards The Needles.
All vessels over 220m in length navigating in the Port of
2.22 Caution.—Dredges may frequently be encountered within
Southampton must be given “a clear channel” when within the the approach channels leading to The Solent.
Precautionary Area between Hook Lighted Buoy (50°49.5'N., High speed craft and large ro-ro ferries may be encountered
1°18.3'W.) and Prince Consort Lighted Buoy (50°46.4'N., within the The Solent and its approaches.
1°17.6'W.). During the summer, numerous pleasure craft and yachts may
Southampton/Portsmouth—Inbound Vessels
Southampton VTS KHM Portsmouth on
Reporting Point
on VHF channel 12 VHF channels 11 or 13
Solent East Approach
On an arc, with a radius of 10 miles, from Nab Tower Light
(50°40.0'N., 0°57.1'W.)
50°36.4'N, 0°58.1'W (vessels constrained by draft) X
50°38.1'N, 0°57.3'W (vessels constrained by draft) X
Nab Tower (or when pilot boarded) specify distance East or West of
Nab Tower (or when pilot boarded, and include ETA Outer Spit
Lighted Buoy)
Warner Lighted Buoy X
Pub. 191
58 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
Southampton/Portsmouth—Inbound Vessels
Southampton VTS KHM Portsmouth on
Reporting Point
on VHF channel 12 VHF channels 11 or 13
Gas tankers; before navigating between Warner Lighted Buoy and
N Sturbridge Lighted Buoy
Approaching No Man's Land Fort X
Saddle Lighted Buoy X
Before entering the Swashway Channels X
S. Ryde Middle Lighted Buoy X
Solent West Approach
Needles Channel Fairway Lighted Buoy X
Yarmouth, Isle of Wight X
Between West Lepe Lighted Buoy and East Lepe Lighted Buoy X
Prince Consort Lighted Buoy, Cowes Roads (include ETA Outer
Spit Lighted Buoy)
Before entering the Swashway Channels X
Before entering the Swashway Channels X
Saddle Lighted Buoy X
Southampton Water
Calshot Castle/Hook Lighted Buoy X
Southampton/Portsmouth—Outbound Vessels
KHM Portsmouth on
Southampton VTS
Reporting Point VHF channels 11 or
on VHF channel 12
Southampton Water
Pier Head, Southampton X
Crosshouse Beacon, R. Itchen X
Hythe Pier X
Calshot Castle/Hook Lighted Buoy X
Gas tankers—before navigating between Warner Lighted Buoy and
N Sturbridge Lighted Buoy
Southsea War Memorial X
Saddle Lighted Buoy X
Solent (Eastward)
No Man's Land Fort X
Position 0°42.7'N 0°58.7'W (Vessels constrained by draft) X
Nab Tower, specify distance E or W of tower X
The Solent (Westward)
Yarmouth, Isle of Wight X
within The Solent and may best be seen on the chart. ity of Western Approach Channel and is indicated on the chart.
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 59
The Solent—Western Approach miles ENE. The shore extending NW of Selsey Bill is mostly
2.23 Needles Channel (50°38'N., 1°39'W.), lying between
the W extremity of the Isle of Wight and the mainland to the N,
forms the W approach to The Solent. It has a least depth of
10.5m and may be used at any time. Vessels with drafts over
9.5m should not attempt to use this channel, especially at LW
with any scend.
Solent Bank (50°44'N., 1°26'W.), with a least depth of
10.8m, divides the W part of The Solent into two channels. The
S channel is usually favored because of its width and overall
deeper depths.
Tides—Currents.—At Hurst Point (50°42'N., 1°33'W.),
and attain their greatest rates between Hurst Point and Fort Al-
bert, where in mid-channel they flow at up to 4.5 knots. On the
ebb, the current sets down on Shingles Bank. On the flood, the
current comes off the bank with numerous overfalls.
Nab Tower
The tidal currents in the North Channel are strong and set
mainly in the direction of the channel where they gain and lose
strength quickly. The currents from North Channel and Nee- The main dangers on the SW side of the outer part of the ap-
dles Channel meet and separate SE and S of Hurst Point where proach are Princessa Shoal and New Grounds which extend up
there may be turbulence when they are stronger than the NE to about 2 miles SE and 3 miles E, respectively of Foreland.
setting current. During the W setting current a strong eddy runs The main dangers on the E side of the outer approach are Bull-
E along the land S of Hurst Point. ock Patch and Pullar Bank, which lie about 5 miles WSW and
Needles Channel is subject to strong tidal currents and its
2.23 3 miles SSW, respectively, of Selsey Bill.
width is liable to change. The section in the vicinity of The Nab Channel (50°42'N., 0°57'W.), with a width of 396m, is
Bridge is subject to dangerous overfalls during heavy weather entered about 1 mile NNE of Nab Tower. Nab Channel leads 2
at all stages of the tide. miles NNW and NW into The Solent. The channel, which is
The tidal currents in the vicinity of Solent Bank set generally
2.23 marked by buoys, is dredged to a depth of 13.3m and can be
E and W across the shoals and reach a maximum rate of 3.5 used by tankers with drafts up to 14.9m at HW.
knots at springs. Vessels intending to use Nab Deep Water Channel should
current, the savings in distance will be more than offset by the cise extreme care when approaching the pilot boarding posi-
loss in speed and the extra care required to navigate this chan- tions, and should not proceed N of 50°37.3'N at LWS.
nel. Local knowledge is advised when transiting this channel. Deep-draft vessels, as described above, should approach
from the S and pass between Outer Nab No. 1 Lighted Buoy
The Solent—Eastern Approach (50°38.2'N., 0°56.9'W.), moored 2 miles SSE of Nab Tower,
and Outer Nab No. 2 Lighted Buoy (50°38.4'N., 0°57.7'W.),
2.24 Nab Tower (50°40'N., 0°57'W.) is situated 4.6 miles moored 1.8 miles SSW of Nab Tower. They should then pass
ESE of Foreland, the E extremity of the Isle of Wight, and close E of Nab Tower and enter Nab Channel. The track leads
marks the E approach to The Solent. It is constructed of steel NNW and WNW through this buoyed channel.
and concrete, 28m high, and is equipped with AIS and a racon. Deep-draft vessels should continue in a WNW direction and
Nab Tower Light is shown from the tower. pass between Dean Tail Lighted Buoy (50°43.0'N., 0°59.2'W.)
The E approach lies between Foreland and Selsey Bill, 11 and Nab End Lighted Buoy (50°42.6'N., 0°59.5'W.). These two
Pub. 191
60 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
may pass either side of Nab Tower, but must remain clear of
Nab Channel. Such vessels should pass between New Grounds
Lighted Buoy (50°42.0'N., 0°58.6'W.) and the W side of Nab
Channel. Vessels should then enter the buoyed fairway leading
through The Solent by passing between Nab End Lighted Buoy
(50°42.6'N., 0°59.5'W.) and Dean Tail S Lighted Buoy
(50°43.0'N., 0°59.6'W.).
Light-draft vessels may pass over the NE end of New
2.24 The Solent—No Man’s Land Fort
Grounds, in a least depth of 8.3m. They may then proceed in a
NW direction and join the buoyed fairway by passing SW of
Nab East Lighted Buoy (50°42.8'N., 1°00.8'W.).
It should be noted that a wreck, with a depth of 5.2m, lies on
graph 2.20 and paragraph 2.21, and the Nab Tower, the land- Tower, there are depths of less than 20m. Heavy overfalls have
marks described below are prominent from seaward. been observed in this area. Numerous wrecks lie in this vicinity
No Man’s Land Fort (50°44.4'N., 1°05.7'W.), a round stone
and may best be seen on the chart.
structure marked by a light, stands on the S side of The Solent, A spoil ground area lies about 4 miles S of Nab Tower and
1.2 miles NNE of Nettlestone Point. A submerged barrier ex- may best be seen on the chart.
tends about 0.4 mile SW from this fort. Dredges may be frequently encountered within an area, the
extends 1.7 miles N from this fort to the mainland shore. to the fairway channel leading through the E part of The Solent
Pilotage.—For pilotage information and details of outer
and may best be seen on the chart.
boarding positions for Southampton and Portsmouth, see Pilot- Numerous pleasure craft and high-speed ferries may be en-
age under The Solent (paragraph 2.22). countered in the approaches to The Solent.
Anchorage.—A Deep-Draft Vessel Anchorage Area, used
Regular cross-channel ferries frequently use an inshore route
by VLCCs, lies centered about 5.5 miles SSW of the Nab Tow- which leads in a NW direction and passes about 1.5 miles off
er and may best be seen on the chart. Vessels using this anchor- Foreland, the E extremity of the Isle of Wight.
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 61
Portsmouth (50°48'N., 1°06'W.) also enter after HW, arranging to pass Outer Spit Lighted Buoy
between 30 minutes and 1 hour after HW, depending upon the
World Port Index No. 35600 distance to the berth which is to be occupied. The maximum
currents are usually experienced on the ebb when spring rates
2.25 Portsmouth, situated on the N side of the E part of may reach 5.5 knots in the entrance, about 3 hours and 30
The Solent, is a major naval base, the dockyard of which fronts minutes after HW.
a large area at the E side of the harbor. There are also extensive
facilities for commercial ro-ro ferries and pleasure craft.
Tidal Ranges for Portsmouth
Portsmouth Home Page HAT 5.1m MHWS 4.7m
MHWN 3.8m
MSL 2.88m
Winds often blow along The Solent and Spithead, with the
MLWN 1.9m
main breeze blowing in either from the SW or SE.
The sea breeze, which reaches force 3 or 4 on the coast and
MLWS 0.8m
more over the water, increases with the day. The land breeze, LAT 0.1m
more prevalent on clear winter nights, is usually from the NW
but is light. Fog occurs from 3 to 4 days a month in winter but Note.—Predicted heights are in meters
is rare in summer. Most heavy fogs are radiation in nature and above charted datum.
generally lift by mid-morning.
During maximum tidal flow, countercurrents in the harbor
4 hours of the flood current, during the first, second, and fifth Spithead, an area within the E part of The Solent, is bound
hours of the ebb current, and at slack low water. by Spit Sand, on the N side, Horse and Dean Sand, on the NE
The best time for large vessels to enter the harbor is as soon
side, and Ryde Sand and No Man’s Land, on the S side.
after LW as there is sufficient depth in the channel. They may
Portsmouth—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Regards
LOA Beam Size
Portsmouth International Port Terminal
No 1 100m 5.0m 140m 21.4m 5,215 dwt
No 2 128m 7.0m 268m 32.2m 12,757 dwt
Passengers, cruise vessels, ro-ro, multipurpose,
No 3 120m 7.0m 186m 21.0m 7,511 dwt
bunkers, and petroleum products.
No 4 132m 7.0m 228m 28.8m 7,511 dwt
No 5 125m 6.5m 145m 21.0m 7,511 dwt
Portsmouth Ferries Terminal
Harbor Railway
104m — 76m 17.2m 574 dwt Passengers, cruise vessels, and ro-ro.
Wightlink Gunwharf Terminal
Ro-Ro Berth 48m — 89m 19.4m 811 dwt Ro-ro.
Portico Cargo Terminal
Containers, reefer, breakbulk. project/heavy car-
Albert Johnson
285m 7.3m 230m 30.4m 34,677 dwt go, multipurpose, cruise vessels, and petroleum
Containers, reefer, breakbulk. project/heavy car-
Flathouse Quay 190m 8.3m 165m 28.0m 18,703 dwt
go, multipurpose, and petroleum products.
Pub. 191
62 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
Portsmouth—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Regards
LOA Beam Size
Naval Base Terminal
Oil Jetty 60m 12.0m 190m 32.0m 12,984 dwt Aviation fuel and clean products.
far as the N end of the main naval base. Vessels up to 9.5m is utilized by small coastal tankers and bunkering barges.
draft can enter the harbor.
A small craft channel, for vessels under 20m in length, lies to
the W of the main entrance fairway. It is 50m wide and may
best be seen on the chart. The city of Portsmouth, along with its suburbs, and the town
age on the E side of the harbor er painted in prominent black and white bands, is situated at
In addition, several mooring buoys, for use by naval vessels,
2.25 the S extremity of the land at the E side of the approach. A di-
are situated within the harbor and may best be seen on the rectional sector light is shown from the tower. The tower light
chart. is reported to be an excellent navigation mark in the approach.
The naval installations, which may best be seen on the chart,
2.25 A number of prominent buildings stand within 0.4 mile of
include three basins. The largest basin, No. 3, is maintained at Southsea Castle and may best be seen on the chart. South Pa-
a depth of 5.7m. It may be entered through a series of locks sit- rade Pier fronts the shore 0.5 mile E of the castle.
uated between South Wall and North West Wall. The two larg- Spit Sand Fort (50°46.2'N., 1°05.9'W.), a prominent round
est locks, which are used as drydocks, are 259m long and stone structure, is also known as Spit Bank Fort. It stands 0.6
33.5m wide. mile SW of Southsea Castle and is marked by a light.
Whale Island, occupied by a naval installation, lies 0.3 mile
2.25 Outer Spit Lighted Buoy (50°45.6'N., 1°05.5'W.) is moored
N of No.3 Basin and is connected to the shore at the E side by a about 1.1 miles S of Southsea Castle, at the entrance to the
causeway. A training vessel is moored alongside a jetty at the channel.
SW end of the island. Fort Gilkicker (50°46.4'N., 1°08.5'W.) stands at the W side
date vessels up to 165m in length and is used for container, harbor entrance, about 1 mile NW of Southsea Castle.
reefer, and general cargo. It is reported (2005) that a cruise Saint Thomas Cathedral, with a prominent white cupola,
ship, 28,430 gt and 198m in length, has been handled at this stands about 0.2 mile E of Round Tower.
quay. The Naval War Memorial is situated near the shore, 0.7 mile
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 63
Paul Europe Building, 63m high and the tallest, is situated 0.2
mile NNE of Spinnaker Tower.
HMS Warrior, Britain’s first iron-hulled armored battleship,
tresses, commemorates the 24,589 names of the naval dead at the W side of the harbor entrance, about 0.1 mile W of
from both World Wars. Round Tower.
Clarence Pier, with a prominent amusement park, fronts the
Holy Trinity Church, with a prominent tower 37m high, is
shore, 0.3 mile NW of the Naval War Memorial. situated in Gosport, 0.4 mile NW of Fort Blockhouse. Two
Spinnaker Tower, 141m high, stands 0.3 mile N of Round
conspicuous apartment buildings, 51m and 48m high, stand on
Tower and is reported to be visible for several miles, day and the W side of the harbor, close E of the church. Extensive mari-
night. nas front the NE and SE shores of Gosport.
Several large buildings stand on the E side of the harbor. The
In fog a light is exhibited at the S end of the Gosport Ferry
Pub. 191
64 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
For regulations concerning the approach to the harbor, see
Pontoon. Large vessels operating in the port are to be given the prece-
prominent buildings of the submarine museum are situated within 50m of any HM vessels, foreign warships, or auxiliary
close WNW of the white tower. vessels which are alongside or at anchor. Such vessels must al-
so not navigate within 50m of any government facility/base or
Pilotage within 100m of any submarine which is alongside or at anchor.
Exclusion zones for warships underway may be activated by
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 65
the escort commander, are to remain clear of the zone. Portsmouth—Contact Information
An exclusion zone will be activated by direction from the
KHM on VHF channel 11. It will be terminated on the subject Facsimile 44-2392-753-029
vessel crossing the Dockyard Port boundary or when notified E-mail [email protected]
by the KHM on VHF channel 11 or by Southampton VTS on
VHF channel 12. Langston Harbour
During activation, Southampton VTS, on behalf of the
2.25 Pilots and Local Port Services
KHM, will direct traffic within the Dockyard Port of Ports-
Call sign Langstone Harbour Radio
mouth to remain at least 500m clear of the subject vessel. If
this is not possible, commercial traffic will be held until the VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
warship is clear. During the harbor entry or exit phase, all small
Telephone 44-2392-463-419
craft traffic will cease in the harbor entrance.
The warship, for which the exclusion zone is activated, will
Facsimile 44-2392-467-144
display two vertically-disposed diamond shapes by day or two E-mail [email protected]
horizontally-disposed flashing red lights at the masthead at
night. All escorting vessels will show a blue flashing light by Web site
day and at night. VTS Contact Information
Mariners are cautioned that vessels in contravention of an
exclusion zone, after being warned by at least two methods (ra- See paragraph 2.28 (Southampton)
dio, flashing light, or voice), will be deemed to have the inten-
tion of committing a hostile act against the warship being Anchorage
Man of War Anchorage Area, with depths of 5 to 24m, lies
Contact Information off the S end of Spit Sand, 1.3 miles SW of Southsea Castle.
The limits of the area and the designated numbered berths may
2.25 See the table titled Portsmouth—Contact Information. best be seen on the chart. Merchant vessels are prohibited from
using this anchorage area without prior permission from the
Portsmouth—Contact Information Harbormaster.
Spithead provides many anchorage areas for vessels but ves-
King’s Harbour Master (KHM) sels requiring to anchor in depths greater than 10m, except in
Call sign King’s Harbour Master (KHM) emergency situations, must gain permission from the Harbor-
VHF VHF channels 11, 13, 71, and 74
Mariners must not anchor in a foul area lying between Spit-
Telephone 44-2392-720-189 (Deputy KHM) head Anchorage 8A and Spithead Anchorage 9 in position
E-mail [email protected] 50°46'N, 1°08.9'W. An additional obstruction, with a depth of
22.5m, lies in position 50°46.1'N, 1°09.8'W.
Web site A historic wreck lies in the NE part of the anchorage.
Commercial Port Caution
Call sign Portsmouth Harbour Radio A submarine cable area, which may best be seen on the
VHF VHF channels 11 (24 hours) and 14 chart, lies in the approach to the port and is centered about 2
miles S of Southsea Castle.
Telephone 44-2392-727-395 During summer months there is typically much traffic con-
Facsimile 44-2392-824-662 gestion near the harbor entrance. Mariners should take special
care when transiting in the vicinity of Fort Blockhouse.
E-mail [email protected]
A ferry runs across the fairway about 0.3 mile N of Round
Pilots (Portsmouth) maintained by dredging have depths less than charted. The
Harbormaster should be contacted for the latest information.
Call sign Portsmouth Pilots A minelaying practice area, the limits of which may best be
VHF VHF channels 11 and 14 seen on the chart, lies centered 2.3 miles SW of Southsea Cas-
tle. Anchoring and fishing are prohibited within this area.
Telephone 44-2392-855-900 A restricted area, with a 300m radius, lies centered about 1
Pub. 191
66 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
mile SW of Southsea Castle. The area, marked by a buoy, is the ebb and 2.5 knots on spring flood.
former position of the wreck of the Mary Rose which sunk in
1545 and was raised 1982. Several unlit buoys may be moored Tidal Ranges for Cowes Harbour
within the area and the depths may be less than charted.
The harbor will be closed during the movement of aircraft
HAT 4.8m
carriers. Special sector lights will be operated for the entry and MHWS 4.4m
exit of carriers; all other lights will be extinguished during
these times. The new sector lights are not charted and are re- MHWN 3.7m
ported (2017) under construction. Extensive dredging has tak- MSL 2.80m
en place within Portsmouth harbor in 2017. Channel depths are
MLWN 1.9m
best seen on the chart.
MLWS 0.9m
The Solent—Central Portion LAT 0.2m
2.26 The central portion of The Solent is considered to lie Note.—Predicted heights are in meters
between a line extending from Stansore Point (50°47'N., above charted datum.
1°21'W.) to Egypt Point (50°46'N., 1°19'W.) and a line extend-
ing from Ryde (50°44'N., 1°09'W.) to Fort Gilkicker (50°46'N., When a vessel transits the breakwaters at the mouth of Cow-
Ryde Middle (50°46'N., 1°14'W.) divides the E branch of The entrance fairway, marked by a lighted range and lighted
The Solent into two channels, both equally used and easily buoys, lies at the W side of the mouth.
navigated. This shoal bank is formed of mud, shells, gravel, A small oil terminal, Kingston Quay North is 60m long with
and sand. It has a least depth of 3.4m and is marked by lighted depths alongside of 2.2m. The Kingston Quay South
buoys. The tidal currents in the vicinity of this shoal bank gen- (50°44.8'N., 1°17.3'W.), has two berths; one of 60m length and
erally follow the direction of the channel, attaining maximum one of 50m length, with depths alongside of 0.9 to 1.2m.
rates of about 2 knots. The Cowes Breakwater construction is reported to be com-
For information concerning landmarks located on the S side, plete and consists of a detached breakwater oriented WNW/
along the NE coast of the Isle of Wight, see paragraph 2.21. ESE, centered at (50°46'N., 1°17.7'W.). Mariners are advised
For information concerning landmarks located in the ap- to pass at least 50m clear to the N, and 30m clear to the S of the
proaches to Southampton Water, see paragraph 2.28. breakwater to avoid depths that are reported to be shallower
Caution.—A submarine outfall pipeline extends 0.6 mile than the charted depths. Mariners should not pass between the
SSW from a point on the shore located about 0.3 mile ESE of breakwater and the adjacent buoys.
Browndown Point. Its seaward extremity is marked by a light-
ed buoy.
the approach to Cowes Fairway can reach 3.5 knots on spring side of the river. It is 182.8m long and has a depth of 2m along-
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 67
side. Generally, vessels up to 100m in length and 13.5m beam lowing points:
can be accommodated with drafts up to 5.3m at MHWS and 1. Egypt Point (50°46.0'N., 1°18.7'W.).
4.7m at MHWN. Vessels of greater length or beam will be con- 2. Position 50°46.3'N, 1°18.1'W.
sidered on a individual basis after consultation with the Har- 3. Prince Consort Lighted Buoy (50°46.4'N., 1°17.5'W.).
bormaster. Vessels up to 60m in length with drafts up to 2.9m 4. Position 50°46.1'N, 1°16.5'W.
at MHWS and 2.1m at MHWN can reach Newport. See table 5. Old Castle Point (50°46.0'N., 1°16.6'W.).
titled Cowes Harbour—Berth Information for more berthing The area includes the River Medina as far as the Folly Inn.
3. Defective vessels as initially determined by the pilot’s Pilots board vessels with an loa of less than 61m, as follows:
or master’s report or Department of Transport survey. 1. When arriving from the E—Position 50°46'13.8''N,
4. Sub-standard vessels and those which lack the proper 1°16'42.0''W.
amended charts and equipment. 2. When arriving from the W—In the vicinity of Gur-
5. All vessels engaged in towing with an overall length nard Lighted Buoy (50°46'13.2''N, 1°18'50.4''W).
of 48m or more. Pilots board vessels with an loa of 61 to 150m, as follows:
6. All vessels with a beam or aggregate beam over 15m. 1. When arriving from the E—Position 50°45'49.8''N,
7. In addition, after taking into account the nature and 1°09'05.4''W. (about 0.75 mile NW of North Sturbridge
quantity of a dangerous substance (as defined in Clause 3 of Lighted Buoy).
the Dangerous Substances in Harbor Areas Regulations 2. When arriving from the W—Position 50°45'25.8''N,
1987), the Cowes Pilotage Authority may direct a vessel to 1°21'38.4''W. (Lepe pilot boarding position).
take an authorized pilot. (See Pub. 140, Sailing Directions 3. Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting cargo as bulk
(Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and Adjacent Seas.) cargo and approaching from the E—The Saint Helen’s Pilot
Pilotage is not required for the following categories of ves-
2.27 Boarding Area.
sels determined by the Cowes Competent Harbour Authority 4. Vessels may also embark a Cowes pilot, on a volun-
(CHA). tary basis, in the vicinity of New Grounds Lighted Buoy
1. MOD owned or operated vessels and United King- (50°41'50.4''N., 0°58'29.4''W.).
dom vessels. When the visibility falls below 1 mile, the pilot boarding po-
2. Naval vessels of foreign and Commonwealth coun- sition will be relocated to the Saint Helen’s Pilot Boarding Ar-
tries. ea as specified by Southampton VTS.
3. Vessels exempted by law. Cowes pilots can be contacted through the appropriate local
Pub. 191
68 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
sels engaged in towing are required to give notice of entry, of gational aids, damage to shore facilities, near miss' incidents
movement affecting the fairway or departure by transmitting an with the potential to have caused injury, or Close quarter situa-
"all ships" call on VHF when approaching Cowes or prior to tions between two or more vessels, which results in emergency
departure from the harbor on VHF channel 69. This call is sup- action on the part of the vessels involved, should be reported
plementary to that required for the chain ferry. The noti- immediately to Cowes Harbormaster on VHF channel 69.
fication, which should include the vessel name, position, and In the event of any incident causing personal injury or in-
intention, must be made in the form of an “All Ships Call” pri- volving Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) the circumstances of
or to departure from any berth within the harbor and when which demand immediate action, then contact should be made
passing the following positions: with UK Coastguard on VHF channel 16 or 67, or by telephone
1. Inbound vessels—Fairway approaches, passing Shep- (44-2392-552100), who will then coordinate the emergency
ards Wharf Marina (50°45'36.0''N., 1°17'33.0''W.), and Folly services.
Inn. In order that oil pollution may be effectively dealt with, mar-
2. Outbound vessels—Folly Inn, Kingston Wharf iners, occupants of recreational craft, and other persons sight-
(50°44.80'N., 1°17.35'W.), and position 50°45.33'N, ing significant patches of oil in the sea in Cowes Harbour are
1°17.35'W. invited to report the sighting, giving the position, extent, de-
All vessels underway in the harbor that are required to give
2.27 scription, and direction of movement, if possible, by any of the
notification must, on hearing an “All Ships Call,” respond by following methods:
stating their name, position, and whether inbound or outbound. 1. Cowes Harbormaster’s Office on VHF c hannel 69 or
The purpose of this procedure is to assist vessels in determin- by telephone (44-2392-552100).
ing the necessary actions for safe navigation. 2. UK Coastguard on VHF channel 16 or 67.
The Chain Ferry (50°45'·46N 1°17'·49W) has the right-of-
2.27 3. By telephone to the UK Coastguard if contact cannot
way over all vessels. Vessels of over 20m loa, vessels con- be made with Cowes Harbormaster’s Office.
strained by draft, vessels towing, and vessels with limited ma- Contact Information.—See the table titled Cowes—Con-
neuverability are required to advise the ferry of their intention tact Information.
to pass through the ferry area on VHF channel 69. The Master Anchorage.—Cowes Roads, lying off the entrance to the
of the ferry will acknowledge the call. The “All Ships Call” de- river, provides anchorage, in depths of 9 to 15m. This road-
scribed above is supplementary to that required for the chain stead is bound on the NW side by Prince Consort Shoal.
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 69
Cowes—Contact Information Southampton Water. The land breeze, which blows on clear
nights throughout the year, generally is from the NW and
Port comes down Southampton Water fairly steadily, but here it usu-
Call sign Cowes Harbour Radio ally is light.
Gales from the SW occur on occasion in winter and close down
VHF VHF channel 69 Needles Channel, but the Nab approach is usually always open.
Telephone 44-1983-293-592
E-mail [email protected] Tides—Currents
Web site Fog occurs on the average of 4 or 5 days a month in winter,
range details.
Water Taxi In Southampton Water the unusual phenomenon of double
VHF VHF channel 77 HW occurs. The flood current and HW period have a duration
of about 9 hours. The ebb current has a duration of only about
Pilots 3 hours 30 minutes.
Call sign Cowes Pilots There is also a local phenomena called “Young Flood
44-7050-344-819 (mobile/AOH) Water except at the S end, where they become confused over
Facsimile 44-1983-299-357 Bramble Bank. The currents, at springs, attain rates of 2.5
knots near the entrance of Southampton Water and 1.7 knots
Chain Ferry
close below the port facilities.
Call sign Cowes Chain Ferry Thorn Channel (50°48'N., 1°18'W.) and Calshot Reach,
VHF VHF channel 69 which may best be seen on the chart, lead in a N direction into
Southampton Water from The Solent. These channels are en-
UK Coastguard closed within a Precautionary Area (see Regulations).
Call sign UK Coastguard
Tidal Ranges for Southampton
VHF VHF channels 16 and 67
HAT 5.0m
Telephone 44-2392-552-100
MHWS 4.5m
VTS Contact Information
MHWN 3.7m
See paragraph 2.28 (Southampton)
MSL 2.91m
Caution.—All vessels entering or leaving the harbor must
MLWN 1.8m
keep a good lookout for high speed craft including hydrofoils
and catamarans on regular service. Such vessels, which may MLWS 0.5m
enter and leave the fairway at speeds in excess of 6 knots, will LAT -0.1m
exhibit a quick flashing yellow light. Local knowledge is ad-
vised for entry. Note.—Predicted heights are in meters
above charted datum.
Southampton (50°54'N., 1°24'W.)
World Port Index No. 35580
Vessels should continue in a WNW direction for about 7
2.28 The Port of Southampton is situated at the head of a 5- miles from Spithead (see paragraph 2.24) through the central
mile long inlet known as Southampton Water. It is located at portion of The Solent to the entrance to Southampton Water. It
the junction of the River Test and the River Itchen and is one of is reported (2005) that the main fairway passes S of Ryde Mid-
the principal ports in England. dle (see paragraph 2.26).
Southampton Water is considered to extend about 5 miles
Pub. 191
70 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
Channel, Calshot Reach, and the River Test, as far as the main side of Southampton Water about 0.6 mile SW of the entrance
container terminal. The area leading through the River Itchen to the River Itchen. It is entered via a small lock.
to Eastern Docks and Empress Docks is dredged to a depth of A base, leased to the U.S. Department of Defense, is situated
Southampton—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
DP World Southampton Container Terminal
SCT1 420m 15.0m 400m — 45.8m 122,962 dwt
SCT2 290m 14.6m 400m — 54.0m 187,625 dwt Containers. Continuous berthing length
SCT3 306m 14.0m 400m — 54.0m 187,625 dwt of 1,350m.
SCT4 334m 13.6m 400m — 54.0m 185,199 dwt
SCT5 545m 16.0m 400m 15.5m 59.0m 202,684 dwt Containers. Maximum TEU of 21,000.
Empress Dock
No. 20 100m 7.5m 75m — 9.5m — Project/heavy cargo and breakbulk.
No. 21 76m 7.5m — — — — Project/heavy cargo and breakbulk.
No. 22 100m 6.8m 183m — 32.2m 49,999 dwt Project/heavy cargo, breakbulk, clean
products and dirty products. Continuous
No. 23 100m 6.8m 119m — 18.0m 7,511 dwt berthing length of 200m.
No. 24 95m 7.1m 130m — 18.0m 8,000 dwt Project/heavy cargo and breakbulk.
No. 25 95m 7.1m 170m 7.0m 22.7m 6,670 dwt Continuous berthing length of 190m.
No. 26 107 7.1m 101m — 18.0m 7,511 dwt Project/heavy cargo and breakbulk.
No. 27 108 7.1m 101m — 18.0m 7,511 dwt Continuous berthing length of 215m.
Itchen Quays
PCC, project/heavy cargo, and break-
Nos. 30-33 220m 9.1m 250m 9.0m 32.2m 21,428 dwt
No. 34 161m 9.9m 265m — 32.2m 43,878 dwt
PCC, breakbulk, grain, ro-ro freight,
No. 35 162m 9.9m 265m — 32.2m 43,878 dwt and project/heavy cargo. Continuous
berthing length of 485m.
No. 36 162m 9.9m 229m — 32.2m 27,178 dwt
Eastern Docks (Test Quays)
No. 38 180m 10.5m 345m — 41.0m 19,189 dwt
No. 39 180m 10.5m 345m — 41.0m 19,189 dwt PCC, project/heavy cargo, and cruise
vessels. Continuous berthing length of
No. 40 140m 9.3m 200m — 38.0m 29,152 dwt 672m.
No. 41 172m 8.7m 200m — 38.0m 29,152 dwt
No. 48 100m 7.1m 74m — 17.0m 1,324 dwt Fast ferries and breakbulk.
No. 49 120m 7.1m 73m — 9.2m — Fast ferries and breakbulk.
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 71
Southampton—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Ocean Cruise Terminal
No. 43 241m 11.7m 244m — 32.2m 39,401 dwt PTCC and cruise vessels. Continuous
No. 44 241m 11.7m 294m — 32.2m 43,874 dwt berthing length of 482m.
No. 45 190m 10.2m 129m — 19.0m 11,169 dwt Containers and breakbulk.
No. 46 230m 10.2m 345m — 41.0m 19,186 dwt PTCC and cruise vessels. Continuous
No. 47 250m 11.7m 345m — 41.0m 19,189 dwt berthing length of 480m.
Western Dock
No. 101 370m 10.2m 345m — 44.0m 115,853 dwt
Ro-ro and cruise vessels.
No. 102 310m 10.2m 360m — 47.0m 30,796 dwt
No. 103 170m 10.2m 277m — 40.0m 67,796 dwt
PCC, breakbulk, and reefer.
No. 104 170m 10.5m 264m — 32.2m 7,260 dwt
No. 105 200m 11.7m 211m — 32.2m 25,682 dwt
Cruise vessels and PCC.
No. 106 260m 11.7m 345m — 41.0m 58,091 dwt
No. 107 250m 11.7m 345m — 41.0m 56,838 dwt
Animal feed, fertilizer, grain, gypsum,
No. 108 250m 11.7m 225m — 32.2m 74,082 dwt recycled glass, metals, salt, and wood
No. 109 250m 11.7m 229m — 38.0m 82,354 dwt
Berth Nos. 101-109 have a continuous berth length of 2,270m.
Marchwood Industrial Park Terminal
Dry Bulk
220m 1.7m 79m — 11.4m 2,386 dwt Aggregates and sand.
Marchwood Military
Ro-ro passenger/vehicles/rail, break-
170m 8.0m 200m — 26.0m 14,103 dwt bulk, and naval vessels. Berthing length
North Jetty
of 225m (including dolphins).
Ro-ro freight, breakbulk, and naval ves-
170m 8.0m 200m — 26.0m 13,274 dwt sels. Berthing length of 225m (includ-
South Jetty
ing dolphins).
Gunwharf Coastal vessels, breakbulk, and naval
116m 4.9m 85m — 15.0m 4,513 dwt
North Jetty use.
116m 3.0m — — — — Naval use.
South Jetty
Ro-ro freight, breakbulk, and naval
75m 4.9m 125m — — — vessels. Berthing length of 97m
North Jetty
(including dolphins).
Ro-ro freight, breakbulk, and naval ves-
115m 4.9m 125m — — — sels. Berthing length of 135m (includ-
South Jetty
ing dolphins).
Tanker Berths
Fawley Marine Terminal
No. 1 69m 10.2m 220m — 32.2m 52,642 dwt Petroleum and LPG products.
No. 2 69m 12.6m 276m — 42.0m 105,330 dwt Petroleum and LPG products.
Pub. 191
72 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
Southampton—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
No. 3 69m 12.6m 276m — 32.2m 52,550 dwt Petroleum products.
No. 4 69m 14.9m 276m — 48.0m 159,385 dwt Chemicals and petroleum products.
No. 5 92m 14.9m 368m 14.4m 60.0m 319,319 dwt Petroleum products.
No. 6 24m 5.6m 96m — 18.0m 7,511 dwt Chemicals and petroleum products.
No. 7 24m 5.6m 96m 5.1m 16.9m 6,711 dwt Chemicals and petroleum products.
No. 8 24m 5.6m 96m 5.1m 15.0m 3,183 dwt Chemicals and petroleum products.
No. 9 31m 6.6m 124m 6.1m 17.2m 7,700 dwt Chemicals and petroleum products
Hamble Oil Terminal
Petroleum products. Berthing length of
BP Oil 54m 13.6m 260m 13.0m 43.0m 110,000 dwt
271m (including dolphins).
Southampton Water is considered to extend N from the vi-
2.28 Fawley Power Station
cinity of Calshot Castle, which stands 2.5 miles NE of Stansore
Point (50°47'N., 1°21'W.). The castle and a radar tower, 34m
high, are situated at the end of a low spit and are both promi-
A house, with a conspicuous red roof, stands near the E
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 73
For pilotage information and details of outer boarding posi-
A Precautionary Area, which may best be seen on the chart,
of the silo. Five prominent blocks of apartments, 43m high, are by the Southampton harbor patrol launch showing, in addition
situated in line close NW of this building. to normal steaming lights, a blue flashing light.
A prominent radar scanner, 34m high, stands on the seaward
The Southampton VTS Center makes hourly broadcasts on
extremity of Admiralty Jetty, about 0.9 mile SSE of the silo. VHF channel 12 giving information on Moving Prohibited
Zones in operation in the Precautionary Area.
Vessels under 20m in length are prohibited from entering the
Pub. 191
74 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 75
until permission to enter is given by the Harbor Master or Dock ire West”.
Master as relevant. b. Incident in Portsmouth or East Solent: Dock Master
Advice to the harbormaster may be sent to Southampton “Solfire East”.
VTS on VHF channel 12 or by facsimile. Advice to the Dock c. Incident in West Solent or S of the Isle of Wight:
Master may be sent on VHF channel 11. Harbor Master Coastguard, Lee-on-Solent “Solfire South”
In order that oil pollution may be effectively dealt with, ves- 3. Details of the emergency “Emergency Solfire” will be
sels and recreational craft sighting significant patches of oil in broadcast by Southampton VTS (on VHF channel 12) or
the sea in the Port of Southampton, Southampton Water, The KHM Portsmouth (on VHF channel 11), as appropriate.
Solent, and Portsmouth Harbour are invited to report the sight- 4. The end of the emergency will be indicated by “Can-
ing stating: cel Emergency Solfire”.
1. Position.
2. Extent. Signals
3. Description (e.g. light film, slick, heavy black, crude,
etc.). Traffic signals are shown from a mast at the VTS Center at
4. Direction of movement if possible. the S extremity of Eastern Docks. The signals displayed on the
Reports should be made by VHF or telephone to the follow- E side of the mast apply to the docks fronting the River Itchen,
ing: while the signals on the W side apply to those fronting the Riv-
1. Harbor Master Southampton. er Test. The day signals consist of colored semaphore-type
2. Dock Master Portsmouth. boards. The night signals consist of lights.
3. In the case of recreational craft—Harbor Master So- The signals are, as follows:
a. Incident in Southampton: Southampton VTS “Solf- ea on the E side of Calshot Reach. This area lies centered 0.5
Pub. 191
76 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
mile NNE of Calshot Castle and has depths of 5 to 6m. Southampton—Contact Information
A submarine pipeline crosses the channel close N of the oil
terminal. An area in which anchoring and fishing are prohibit- The VTS Data Center is the contact Mon-
ed, best seen on the chart, lies in the vicinity of the pipeline. Hours day-Friday 0900-1700. At all other times
contact the VTS Center
Southampton—Contact Information Solent Coastguard
King’s Harbour Master Call sign Solent Coastguard
VHF VHF channels 11, 13, 71, and 74 VHF VHF channels 16 and 67
44-2380-608-208 (Monday-Friday 0900- Telephone 44-2392-552-100
Port Office (ABP)
E-mail Telephone 44-2380-488-800
Facsimile 44-2380-336-402
Southampton Patrol
E-mail [email protected]
Call sign Southampton Patrol (SP)
Web site
VHF VHF channel 12
Marchwood (Military Port)
Duty Watch
VHF VHF channels 10, 12, 14, 19, 71, and 74
Call sign Marchwood Duty Watch
Berthing/Unberthing, Ship/Tug/Pilot/Berthing Master
VHF VHF channel 73
VHF VHF channels 71 and 74
44-2380-664-386 (Monday-Friday 0800-
Port Office (ABP) Telephone
Telephone 44-2380-488-800
Port Operations
Facsimile 44-2380-336-402
44-2380-664-370 (Monday-Friday 0800-
E-mail [email protected] 1700)
Web site Hamble (BP Oil Terminal)
Container Terminal BP Oil Terminal
44-2380-701-701 Call sign BP Hamble
44-2380-528-285 Telephone 44-2380-745-715
E-mail [email protected] Facsimile 44-2380-455-578
Web site Pilots and Tugs
Pilots VHF VHF channels 16, 71, and 74
Nab Pilot, Sturbridge Pilot, Lepe Pilot, or Harbor Master
Call sign
Southampton VTS
VHF VHF channels 16 and 68
VHF VHF channels 9 and 12
BP Hamble
Telephone 44-2380-608-208
VHF VHF channel 19
E-mail [email protected]
Web site
VHF VHF channel 10
Southampton VTS Contact Information
Hamble River
Call sign Southampton VTS
VHF VHF channels 9, 12, 14, and 20
Call sign Hamble Harbour Radio
Telephone 44-2380-608-208 VHF VHF channel 68
E-mail [email protected]
Telephone 44-1489-576-387
Web site
Facsimile 44-1489-580-718
E-mail [email protected]
Pub. 191
Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill 77
Southampton—Contact Information ampton VTS. All vessels over 20m loa are subject to its report-
ing requirements. The harbor may be contacted by VHF and
Web site pilots are available from the Southampton Pilotage Service.
UK Coastguard Vessels subject to compulsory pilotage should not enter the
harbor if visibility is reduced in the harbor approaches or if
Call sign UK Coastguard there is any doubt regarding visibility in the harbor. There are
VHF VHF channels 16 and 67 two jetties, 73m and 105m long. Vessels up to 80m in length
and 4.4m draft can be handled at MHWS.
Telephone 44-2392-552-100
Fawley Tidal Ranges for Langstone Harbour
Esso Marine Terminal HAT 5.4m
Call sign Esso HQ MHWS 4.8m
VHF VHF channels 14, 16, and 19 MHWN 3.9m
Telephone 44-2380-896-428 MSL 2.93m
Facsimile 44-2380-896-310 MLWN 1.9m
MLWS 0.8m
LAT 0.1m
For details of directions in the outer approaches, see The So-
radar coverage area will at any time, on request by VHF to the about 1.4 miles ESE of the entrance to this inlet. During sum-
VTS Center, be given its position relative to the line, or, where mer months, up to 5,000 yachts may be moored in the vicinity
the line is not shown, relative to navigational landmarks. of the harbor.
2.28The shoal area fronting the shore to the S of Marchwood
Military Port (50°53.7'N., 1°25.2'W.) is fouled by several sink- 2.30 Selsey Bill (50°43'N., 0°47'W.), fronted by dangerous
ers with wire attachments. shoals, appears from E and W as a low, sharp point. The tower
of the coast guard station, situated 0.7 mile NW of the point, is
conspicuous from seaward.
The Solent to Selsey Bill Several buildings stand on the point and are reported to be
2.29 The mainland shore between The E part of Ports- radar prominent, but difficult to identify. The spire of Chiches-
mouth and Selsey Bill, 10 miles ESE, is low-lying. It is backed ter Cathedral, standing about 7 miles N of the point, is reported
by a range of chalk hills about 10 miles inland. The coast, to be conspicuous from seaward.
which is fronted by an area of shallow sands, consists of an ex- For a description of the coast extending E of Selsey Bill, see
Harbour and Chichester Harbour. the areas of foul ground and rocky shoal patches fronting
Selsey Bill. These dangers, which may best be seen on the
Langstone Harbour (50°47'N., 1°02'W.) is entered between chart, extend up to about 3 miles S, 6 miles SE, and 4 miles E
two drying flats known as East Winner, formed of sand, and of the point.
West Winner, formed of gravel. The bar at the entrance has a The Looe, a channel with depths of 6 to 7m, leads between
least depth of 1.8m and local knowledge is required. This inlet the dangers fronting Selsey Bill. It is used only by small ves-
is used only by pleasure craft, yachts, and small coasters. sels. Passage should be only attempted during daylight and in
Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
clear weather. Local knowledge is advised. Buoys indicating
Langstone Harbour. the channel cannot be relied on and the leading marks are diffi-
The approaches to Langstone Harbour lie within the South- cult to identify.
Pub. 191
78 Sector 2. England—South Coast—Start Point to Selsey Bill
miles SE of Selsey Bill, marks the SE extremity of these dan- ed buoy before changing course toward the E entrance of The
gers. It is equipped with a racon. Solent.
Pub. 191
Pub. 191 Sector 3—France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg, including Plateau des Minquiers and the Iles Chausey
Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 191
82 Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg
2. Ships carrying in bulk the substances classified in cat- individual information to vessels with regard to positioning and
egories X and Y as defined in regulation 6, Annex II of the navigational assistance.
convention referred to in item 1. All vessels over 300 gt entering the area must report to Oues-
3. Ships corresponding to the requirements of the Inter- sant Traffic (Ushant Traffic) on VHF channel 13 or 79 and give
national Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships the following information:
Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code).
4. Ships carrying fissile or irradiated materials. Designator Information Required
3.1The IMO states that navigation in the Inshore Traffic Zone at
the SE side of this TSS is subject to French national regula- Name, call sign, and IMO number or
tions. These regulations state that traffic movements are to be MMSI number
in accordance with Rule 10 (72 COLREGS). B Date and time
3.1The following regulations, promulgated by the French au-
thorities, affect the Inshore Traffic Zone (ITZ) and certain in- C Position (latitude/longitude) or
ner channels lying off NW Bretagne: Position (range and bearing from a clearly
1. Navigation is prohibited in Chenal du Four, Chenal de D
identified landmark)
la Helle, Passage du Fromveur, and in Raz de Sein except to
the following categories of vessels: E True course
a. French government vessels. F Speed
b. Rescue craft and those giving assistance to others.
G Port of departure
c. Passenger vessels employed on local services.
d. Fishing vessels with lengths less than 35m. I Port of destination and ETA
e. Pleasure craft. O Draft
Exceptions are possible under certain circumstances for
other types of vessels, notably vessels under 1,600 gt not car- Cargo and, if dangerous cargo on board,
rying passengers or dangerous goods. IMO quantity and class
2. Vessels transiting the ITZ or the above channels must Defects, damage, and/or deficiencies af-
report to the CORSEN-OUESSANT Vessel Traffic Service fecting the structure, cargo, or ship’s equip-
(VTS) 2 hours before commencement of their passage. Q or R ment or any other circumstances affecting
3.1Special regulations and reporting procedures apply to tank- normal navigation in accordance with the
ers transporting hydrocarbons and to vessels transporting dan- SOLAS and MARPOL conventions
gerous substances navigating in the approaches to the French
coasts of the North Sea, the English Channel, and the Atlantic Address for provision of information con-
Ocean between the Belgian border and the Spanish border. cerning a cargo of dangerous goods
Such vessels preparing to pass through or stop within French W Number of persons onboard
territorial waters are required to send a message to the appro-
priate CROSS station 6 hours in advance giving their intended Miscellaneous:
movements. In addition, such vessels must maintain a listening 1. Estimated quantity of bunker fuel
watch on VHF channel 16 and use the designated Mandatory X and characteristics for vessels carrying
Access Routes and Channels when approaching a port or road- more than 5,000 tons of bunker fuel
stead. 2. Navigation conditions
3.1Navigation at less than 7 miles from the French coast is for-
bidden for vessels over 1,600 gt carrying dangerous cargo in 3.1 The CORSEN-OUESSANT VTS operates the following
bulk, except in Dover Strait. shore stations:
3.1For further details of these special procedures, see Pub. 140, 1. Ouessant Traffic Control Center at CROSS Corsen
Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and (48°24.9'N., 4°47.2'W.)—VHF channels 13, 16, and 79.
Adjacent Seas. 2. Le Stiff at Ile d’Ouessant radar tower (48°28.6'N.,
3.1Regulations—Vessel Traffic Reporting Systems.—The 5°03.1'W.)—VHF channel 16.
CORSEN-OUESSANT Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) system, 3. Saint-Mathieu Stiff at Vigie de Saint-Matheiu
with full radar surveillance, is in operation in the vicinity of the (48°19.8'N., 4°46.2'W.)—VHF channel 16.
TSS lying off Ile d’Ouessant. This VTS is mandatory under 4. La Chevre at Cap de la Chevre (48°10.2'N.,
SOLAS regulations and covers a circular area, with a radius of 4°33.0'W.)—VHF channel 16.
40 miles, centered on Ile d’Ouessant. 5. La Raz at Vigie du Raz (48°02.3'N., 4°43.8'W.)—VHF
3.1The VTS Traffic Center broadcasts bulletins in French and channel 16.
English on VHF channel 79, following an announcement on Station 2, Station 3, Station 4, and Station 5 can be used to
VHF channel 16, concerning marine traffic, urgent warnings, relay radio communications to the Traffic Control Center.
and weather information. These broadcasts are made at 10 and Ouessant Traffic Control Center may be contacted by e-mail
Pub. 191
Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg 83
tary reporting system operating in the English Channel and Do- Tidal Ranges for Ile d’Ouessant
ver Strait.
3.1All merchant vessels over 300 gt are requested to report to MLWS 1.1m
the appropriate shore station when approaching the following: LAT -0.6m
1. The TSS off Ile d’Ouessant.
2. The TSS off Casquets. Note.—Predicted heights are in meters
3. The TSS within the Dover Strait. above charted datum.
3.1For further details of MAREP, see Pub. 140, Sailing Direc-
tions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and Adjacent 3.2Creac’h Light (48°28'N., 5°08'W.) is shown from a conspic-
Seas. uous tower, 55m high, standing on Pointe de Creac’h, near the
3.1Note.—Due to the CORSEN-OUESSANT Vessel Traffic W end of the island. A racon is situated at this light, but it can
Service (VTS) being mandatory in this area, vessels are ad- only be used by vessels passing NW of the island.
vised that this system takes preference over the Ship Move- 3.2Le Stiff Light (48°29'N., 5°03'W.) is shown from a conspic-
ment Report System (MAREP), which is only voluntary. uous structure formed by two adjoining towers, 32m high,
3.1The WETREP (Western Europe Tanker Reporting System) is standing near Pointe du Stiff, the NE extremity of the island. A
a VTS system, under SOLAS regulations, which operates in prominent radar tower, 72m high, is situated 0.3 mile NE of
the W approaches to Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, the this light.
United Kingdom (including the Shetland Islands), and Ireland. 3.2Nividic Light (48°27'N., 5°09'W.) is shown from a tower,
This system is mandatory for all oil tankers over 600 dwt car- 36m high, standing on the reef, about 1mile WSW of Creac’h
rying heavy crude oil, heavy fuel oil, or bitumen and tar and Light.
their emulsions. It does not apply to warships, naval auxiliary 3.2La Jument Light (48°25'N., 5°08'W.) is shown from a con-
or other vessels owned or operated by a contracting govern- spicuous tower, 48m high, standing near the SW edge of the
ment and used, for the time being, only on government non- reefs, 2.3 miles S of Creac’h Light.
commercial service. For further details, see Pub. 140, Sailing
Directions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and Adja-
cent Seas.
3.1The WETREP (Western Europe Tanker Reporting System)
operating areas have also been designated by the IMO as Par-
ticularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSA). For further details of PS-
SA, see Pub. 140, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) North
Atlantic Ocean and Adjacent Seas.
3.1Caution.—Fish havens, which may best be seen on the
chart, lie within the inshore waters of the coasts described in
this sector and are usually marked by buoys.
3.1There is an obstruction located in position 49°01.4'N,
Ile d’Ouessant
3.2 Creac’h Light
3.2 Ile d’Ouessant (48°28'N., 5°05'W.), also known as
Ushant Island, lies about 10 miles W of the WNW extremity of
France. Viewed from N or NW, the E and NE coasts appear as
high steep cliffs declining in a gentle slope towards the W and
SW coasts.
3.2Ile d’Ouessant is radar conspicuous and can easily be identi-
fied from SW by two headlands, which extend SW from the
SW end of the island and portray the appearance of an open
lobster claw when viewed on the screen.
3.2Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
Ile d’Ouessant.
uous tower, 41m high, standing near the NE edge of the reefs
MLWN 2.7m
fronting the mainland, about 2.6 miles SSE of Le Stiff Light.
Pub. 191
84 Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg
small islands, reefs, and rocks. Passage du Fromveur leads be- ing about 1.5 miles offshore, 5 miles NE of Le Four Light. It
tween Ile d’Ouessant and the dangers lying SE. Chenal du Four can be distinguished from Le Four Light in thick weather due
Pub. 191
Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg 85
to the fact that no rocks can be identified to the W of Le Four. 3.4Qeyn-Cos, a detached rocky bank, lies 4 miles E of Pointe de
Portsall Cove lies about 2.5 miles SSE of Corn-Carhai Light. A Beg-Pol and about 3.5 miles offshore.
conspicuous water tower stands in the village of Tremazan at 3.4A number of small drying harbors lie along this stretch of the
the SW side of this cove. The wreck of the “Amoco Cadiz coast. They are used by local fishing vessels and pleasure craft.
(1978)” lies about 0.7 mile ENE of Corn-Carhai Light. Mogueriec, a small dying harbor, lies 10.5 miles E of Pointe de
Grande Basse de Portsall, with a depth of 12m, lies about 1.5
3.3 Beg-Pol. Ile de Sec lies in the approach to the harbor and is
miles NW of Corn-Carhai Light. It is marked by a lighted buoy connected to the mainland at its SE end by a causeway that
and forms the outermost danger in this area. covers. This island is 15m high and a ruined house stands near
its center. A conspicuous water tower stands at Sibiril, about
1.4 miles S of the harbor.
3.4Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents off this coast are
strong, attaining velocities of 2.5 to 3 knots, generally flowing
parallel to the coast. The flood current sets E and the ebb cur-
rent sets W; the velocity of the current increases closer inshore.
3.4Caution.—A Prohibited Area surrounds the wreck of the
“Amoco Cadiz” and may best be seen on the chart.
3.4A former Mine Danger Area lies E of Ile Vierge Light. It ex-
tends up to about 3 miles from the coast and may best be seen
on the chart.
8.5 miles W of Pointe de Beg-Pol. It extends up to 2.5 miles N 3.6 Roscoff (48°44'N., 03°59'W.), a small harbor, lies in
from the shore and is marked by a lighted buoy. the bight close W of Pointe de Bloscon and is used by small
Plateau d’Aman ar Rouz, a rocky shoal area, fronts the coast
coasters, fishing vessels, and pleasure craft. The channel lead-
4.2 miles W of Pointe de Beg-Pol. It extends up to 2 miles N ing between Ile de Batz and the coast affords access to the port
from the shore and is marked by a lighted buoy. from the W. The main approach is from the NE through the
Pub. 191
86 Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg
controlled mandatory access channel. There are two quayed Roscoff—Contact Information
basins. The harbor dries up to 3 to 5m at LW. Local knowledge
is required (see Baie de Morlaix in paragraph 3.8). Port Authority
3.6Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for Telephone 33-298-612-785
Facsimile 33-298-611-816
Tidal Ranges for Roscoff E-mail [email protected]
HAT 9.7m Pilots
MHWS 8.9m Call sign Roscoff Pilot
MHWN 7.1m VHF VHF channel 12
MSL 5.30m Telephone 33-298-443-495
MLWN 3.4m E-mail [email protected]
MLWS 1.3m
Caution.—A wreck, in a depth of 42m, lies in position
Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and merous islets, rocks, and dangers.
Adjacent Seas for further information regarding French naviga-
3.8Plateau des Duons (Roches Duon) (48°44'N., 3°55'W.), on
tion regulations, as well as guidelines concerning hydrocarbons
the W side of the bay, is marked by a gray tower standing on
or dangerous substances.
the highest rock of the group.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Roscoff—Con-
La Lande Light is shown from a prominent square tower,
tact Information.
19m high, standing 6.2 miles SE of Pointe de Bloscon.
3.8Riviere de Morlaix (48°40'N., 3°53'W.) is navigable by
Roscoff—Contact Information small vessels as far as Morlaix, about 6 miles within its en-
Harbormaster trance. Two approach channels, which should not be attempted
without local knowledge, lead to the roadstead. Grand Chenal,
Call sign Bloscon
with a least depth of 2m, is approached with La Lande Light
Telephone 33-298-612-784 and Ile Louet Light in range bearing 176°. Chenal de Treguier,
Facsimile 33-298-193-187 with a patch drying 0.9m, is approached with La Lande Light
and Ile Noire Light in range bearing 190°.
ddtm-dml-sscam-capt-roscoff@finis- This channel can only be used at night if the weather is suffi-
E-mail 3.8
Pub. 191
Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg 87
in length entering Port de Roscoff and Port de Roscoff-Blo- encumbered by numerous dangers. A bridge with a vertical
scon, and for all vessels over 45m in length entering Morlaix. clearance of 10m spans the river close above the mouth. The
All vessels should send an ETA and a request for pilotage to drying river channel is marked by beacons and used by plea-
Roscoff-Morlaix pilot station at least 24 hours in advance with sure craft.
any amendments of more than 3 hours.
3.8Vessels bound for Port de Roscoff-Bloscon should contact Baie de Lannion
the pilot vessel 30 minutes prior to arrival on VHF channel 12
or 16. Vessels using the mandatory controlled access channel 3.10 Baie de Lannion (48°44'N., 3°40'W.), entered be-
should contact the signal station on Ile de Batz upon entering tween Point de Primel, and Ile Grande (48°48'N., 3°35'W.),
and maintain a listening watch on VHF channel 16. about 10.5 miles ENE, is encumbered with numerous islands,
3.8Pilots for Port de Roscoff-Bloscon generally board about 1.2 rocks, and shoals. Chaises-de-Primel, a chain of above-water,
miles NE of the harbor. Pilots for Morlaix board in the vicinity drying, and submerged rocks, extends about 2 miles NE of
of Pot-de Fer Buoy (48°44.3'N., 3°53.9'W.). Pointe de Primel.
3.8Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken in depths of 15 to Haut-Fond-du-Chenal (48°46'N., 3°44'W.), with a depth of
20m, sand and shells, with good holding ground, between Pla- 9.3m, lies centered about 4.5 miles NE of Pointe de Primel.
teau des Duons, Le Pot de Fer, and Le Rater, to NW and N, and Toul Tan Bras, the deep channel leading between Chaises de
La Vielle and Pierre Noire, to the S. This anchorage is shel- Primel and Plateau de la Meloine, can be used by vessels com-
tered from the SE, through S, to W winds. ing from Canal des Sept-Iles in order to proceed directly into
Baie de Morlaix. This channel should only be used when the
3.9 Morlaix (48°35'N., 3°50'W.) (World Port Index No. visibility is satisfactory.
36360), comprising of an avant-port and a wet basin, formed Ile Grande, an island with a conspicuous hummock, has foul
by the damming of the river, can accommodate vessels up to ground extending up to about 2 miles N of it. Ile Milliau lies
63m in length with drafts up to 4m at springs and 3m at neaps. close W of the mainland shore, 2 miles SSW of Ile Grande.
It is used by coasters and pleasure craft. This island has two summits. A conspicuous white house with
3.9Depths—Limitations.—The entrance channel is difficult to a flat roof surmounts the northernmost summit. Port Tre-
navigate for vessels more than 50m in length due to the bends. beurden, an extensive marina, fronts the mainland E of Ile Mil-
The river fairway, which dries up to 3.6m, is marked by bea- liau and is protected by a breakwater. Small craft can anchor, in
cons, buoys, and range marks. a depth of 5m, mud, close N of Ile Milliau. The holding ground
3.9The avant-port is 53m wide with drying quays on both sides is good and the tidal currents are not felt here.
of the river. The wet basin has depths of 3 to 4m alongside the A conspicuous church belfry is situated at Trebeurden, 1.2
quays. The lock has a usable length of 63m and is 16m wide. A miles E of Ile Milliau. A prominent water tower stands at Pen-
marina is situated at the S end of the wet basin. The lock is op- vern, 1 mile NNE of the belfry.
erated from 1 hour 30 minutes before to 1 hour after HW. A very conspicuous aluminum radar dome stands about 2.1
3.9A bridge with a vertical clearance of 30m spans the channel miles SE of Ile Grande. When approaching the coast, this dome
close seaward of the lock. will probably be the first object sighted because the shore in
3.9Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for this area is relatively low.
Morlaix. Locquirec (48°42'N., 3°39'W.), a small drying harbor, lies
Pub. 191
88 Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg
has quays, which dry up to 5m, on both sides of the river. Ves-
sels up to 50m in length with drafts up to 4m at springs and
2.2m at neaps can be handled.
Anchorage can be taken in depths of 5 to 13m, sand and
ous isolated below-water rocks in its E part. between Les Sept-Iles and the mainland. In bad weather, with
Les Triagoz Light (48°52'N., 3°39'W.) is shown from a
the wind against the tidal currents, the sea in this passage be-
prominent stone tower, 30m high, standing on Rocher Guen- comes very rough.
Bras, an above-water rock lying at the SE end of the plateau. The flood tidal currents flow SE near the W end of the is-
lands, ENE in the middle of the canal, and E along the coast.
The ebb currents flow in the opposite directions. The maxi-
mum velocity of the currents in the canal, in both directions, at
springs is about 4.6 knots at the W end, 3.7 knots in the center,
and 2.7 knots at the E end.
lands and numerous islets and rocks. The four principal islands
are Ile aux Moines, Ile de Bono, Ile de Malban, and Ile Rouzic.
They are reported to be radar conspicuous.
Les Sept-Iles Light is shown from prominent gray tower and
merous drying and submerged rocks and shoals surround the Mean Ruz Light
of Les Sept-Iles Light. Le Bonnet, with a depth of 0.9m, lies of the bay lying close W of Pointe de Mean Ruz. It is used by
about 1 mile ESE of Ile Rouzic. local fishing vessels and yachts.
Les Dervinis (48°52'N., 3°27'W.), which dries to 3m and is
3.12 Ile Tome (48°50'N., 3°24'W.), 64m high, lies 3 miles E of
marked on the S side by a buoy, lies about 1 mile ESE of Les the light. Foul ground and shallow rocks surround this rocky is-
Sept-Ile Light; Basse Melen, with a least depth of 3m, lies land and extend up to about 2.3 miles NE and 1 mile NW of it.
Pub. 191
Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg 89
Anchorage is available, sheltered from W winds, in depths of 6 er. There is a main berth, 75m long, with a dredged depth of
to 16m, sand and shells with good holding ground, E of the N 3m alongside. The remaining berths dry 0.5 to 4.2m. Tides in
end of the island. the river rise about 8.5m at springs and 4.2m at neaps. An ex-
Anse de Perros, a drying bight, lies 3 miles SE of Pointe de
3.13 tensive marina lies above the quay and close below a bridge,
Mean Ruz. Two channels, passing either E or W of Ile Tome, which spans the river.
lead into the bight. The fairways are marked by range and di-
rectional lights. The S part of the bight provides good drying Tidal Ranges for Treguier
berths on a bottom of mud and weed.
Local knowledge is advised.
HAT 10.9m
Perros-Guirec (48°48'N., 3°27'W.), a small harbor, lies in MHWS 9.9m
the SW part of Anse de Perros. An extensive marina, enclosed
by a sea wall, is situated in the N part of the harbor. The sea MHWN 7.7m
wall is 7m high and covers at HW. A jetty, which dries up to MSL 5.72m
4m, extends S from the N side of the harbor. It can be used by
MLWN 3.6m
vessels up to 40m in length with drafts up to 4m at HWS and
3m at HWN. The harbor can be contacted by VHF. MLWS 1.3m
Port Blank (48°50'N., 3°18'W.), a small harbor, lies 3 miles
LAT 0.3m
E of Ile Tome and is used by fishing vessels and pleasure craft.
A directional sector light indicates the approach channel lead- Note.—Predicted heights are in meters
ing between the dangers fronting the shore in this vicinity. above charted datum.
3.14 Pointe du Chateau (48°52'N., 3°13'W.), located 4 Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over 45m in
miles NE of Port Blank, is fronted by foul ground, islets, and length. Pilotage is available for vessels over 100m LOA only
rocks extending up to about 2.3 miles N. during daylight hours. Pilots can be contacted on VHF channel
The Riviere de Treguier (Le Jaudy) flows into the sea be- 12 and board in the vicinity of Basse Crublent Lighted Buoy
tween this point and another point, 2.3 miles ESE. The ap- (48°54.4'N., 3°11.1'W). Pilotage is provided by the station at
proach to the river entrance is encumbered by numerous Le Legue (Saint Brieuc) and vessels must send an ETA at least
dangers. Basse Crublent, a shoal area, lies in the outer ap- 24 hours in advance through the agent and confirm the ETA 12
proaches, about 3 miles NE of Pointe du Chateau and is hours and 4 hours before arrival. The 24-hour message should
marked by a lighted buoy. include the following information:
The slim spire of the church at Plougrescant, 1.5 miles S of
1. Vessel's name.
Pointe du Chateau, and the spire of the cathedral at Treguier, 2. Flag.
are conspicuous. 3. Gross tonnage.
La Corne Light is shown from a prominent tower, 23m high,
4. LOA.
standing on the E side of the river, 2 miles ESE of Pointe du 5. Beam.
Chateau. 6. Maximum draft upon arrival.
7. Last port of call.
3.15 Treguier (48°47'N., 3°14'W.) (World Port Index No. 8. ETA at Le Legue Lighted Buoy.
36300), a port which dries, lies about 4.5 miles within the river 9. Nature and quantity of dangerous cargo.
entrance, at the confluence of the Jaudy River and the Guindy 10. Cargo details.
River. 11. Any defects.
Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
Contact Information.—See the table titled Treguier—
with drafts up to 6.7m at HWS and 3.7m at HWN. La Corne Light, in depths of 8 to 10m, mud, good holding
A quay, with 400m of berthage, fronts the W bank of the riv-
ground, sheltered from all winds except those from the N when
Pub. 191
90 Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg
Roches-Douvres Light
miles NE from the mainland, 2 miles S of Les Heaux de Brehat against the tidal current. Roche Barnouic Light is shown from
Light. This spit is surrounded by reefs, which extend about 1.5 an octagonal tower beacon, 19m high, standing on a drying
miles NE from its outer end. Ile Mondez, an islet, lies on the rock, about 5 miles S of Roches-Douvres Light.
edge of the reef, about 2 miles SE of the outer end of the spit. Caution.—A wreck, with a depth of 21m, has been reported
Queyn Enes Terch, with a depth of 5.8m, lies about 3.5 miles
to lie 2.25 miles ESE of the Plateau de Barnouic Light.
W of the light; La Jument, marked N by a lighted buoy, lies Basse du Moulec (49°03'N., 2°15'W.), a detached rocky
about 2 miles WNW of the same light. patch with a least depth of 3.9m, lies about 1.8 miles NW of
Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
Roche Barnouic Light. Shoal patches extend about 3 miles W
Les Heaux. and 1 mile S of the same light structure. A lighted buoy is
moored about 3.3 miles WSW of the light.
Tidal Ranges for Les Heaux Plateau des Roches-Douvres and Plateau de Barnouic rise
HAT 10.6m abruptly from depths of 37 to 44m, and soundings give no ac-
curate indication of approach to these dangers.
MHWS 9.8m Basse Maurice (48°58'N., 2°56'W.), a detached rocky patch
MHWN 7.6m with a depth of 13m, lies about 6.5 miles SW of Roche Bar-
nouic Light and should be avoided in bad weather.
MSL 5.70m
MLWN 3.6m Approaches to le Trieux and Anse de Paimpol
MLWS 1.3m 3.18 The approaches to Le Trieux (Riviere de Pontrieux)
LAT 0.7m (48°50'N., 3°04'W.) and Anse de Paimpol (48°49'N.,
2°56'W.), are encumbered with numerous islands, rocks, and
Note.—Predicted heights are in meters shoals.
above charted datum. Carrec-Mingui (48°55'N., 3°00'W.), with a depth of 3.5m,
Pub. 191
Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg 91
Basses du Nord, lying about 1 mile N of the lighted beacon, Rosedo Light (48°52'N., 3°00'W.) is shown from a promi-
is the northernmost danger of this ledge and is marked by a nent white tower with a green gallery, 13m high, standing adja-
buoy. cent to a building in the NW part of the island.
Basses du Sud-Est, with a depth of 2.6m, lies about 1.5 miles
3.18 A conspicuous signal station, formed by a white dwelling
E of the lighted beacon. Plateau de Men Marc’h, a dangerous with a square tower, and a conspicuous chapel, with a red roof
rocky area, lies close S of Basses du Sud-Est and is marked at and belfry, stand near the center of the island.
its NE end by a buoy. Bancs de Sable, with depths of 4 to 16m, Men Joliguet Lighted Beacon, 8m high, stands on the edge
extends about 5 miles SE from the NE end of Plateau de Men of the shoals fronting the S part of the island.
Caution.—A wreck, in a depth of 25m, is reported to lie E
3.18 3.19 Le Trieux (Riviere de Pontrieux) (48°50'N., 3°04'W.)
of Bancs de Sable in position 48°52.1'N, 2°45.9'W. Another provides access to the drying ports of Lezardrieux and Pon-
wreck, in a depth of 21m, is reported to lie in position trieux.
48°51.2'N, 2°43.7'W. Tides—Currents.—See paragraph 3.20 for tidal informa-
The island is low and the sea breaks heavily around it during mer, 1 mile below Lezardrieux. It then has a least depth of
bad weather. 3.2m as far as Lezardrieux. Pontrieux is situated 6 miles above
Lezardrieux. The river dries about 1 mile above the latter port.
A suspension bridge, with a least vertical clearance of 17m,
spans the river 0.5 mile above Lezardrieux.
Le Paon Light
23m high, standing on the N shore of the river, about 1.8 miles
SW of La Croix Light. These two lights, which are intensified
on their alignments, form the initial entrance range, bearing
224°45', of Grand Chenal.
Pilotage.—The pilot station of Paimpol-Pontrieux has no
nent tower, 12m high, standing close off the NE extremity of weather or midway between L’ost Pic (48°46.8'N., 2°56.3'W.)
the island. The seaward side of the tower is painted white. and Grand Lejon Light (48°45.0'N., 2°39.7'W.).
Pub. 191
92 Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg
Rosedo Light
Pub. 191
Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg 93
Plouezec on the surrounding heights, about 1.5 miles SW and 4 Baie de Saint-Brieuc
miles SSE, respectively, of the point. Pointe de la Trinite, S of
the latter point, is bordered about 0.8 mile ESE by Ile Saint-Ri- 3.23 Baie de Saint-Brieuc (48°40'N., 2°50'W.) is entered
on, which has two summits, and is the most conspicuous of nu- between Pointe de Minard (48°45'N., 2°56'W.) and Cap Frehel,
merous islands in the vicinity. A conspicuous mast stands 0.7 about 25 miles ESE. The shores of the bay consist of cliffs bro-
mile W of Ploubazlance Church. ken by sandy beaches.
Ile Mez de Goelo, located 0.5 mile N of Pointe de Plouzec, is
3.21 The bay is obstructed by large rocky flats, through the mid-
covered with green vegetation. It is the largest and most promi- dle of which a channel, about 3 miles wide in a N to S direc-
nent island lying off the S entrance point of the bay. tion, lies between Roches de Saint-Quay and Plateau du
L’Ost-Pic Light is shown from two connected towers, 15m
3.21 Rohein (48°39'N., 2°37'W.).
high, standing close E of Ile Mez de Goelo. Pointe de Porz- Caution.—A wreck is reported to lie in position 48°50.8'N,
l’Arcouest. A sector of this light, which may best be seen on high, is the largest rock lying at the SW end of a group of dan-
the chart, indicates the approach from E. gers, which extend up to about 2.5 miles E. A lighted beacon
tower, 15m high, stands on this rock. Les Comtesses (48°39'N.,
3.22 Paimpol (48°47'N., 3°03'W.) (World Port Index No. 2°34'W.), consisting of several rocks, lies at the E end of this
36260) comprises avant-port and two wet basins. The channel group.
leading to the harbor is 30m wide and dries up to 4.9m. Grand-Lejon (48°45'N., 2°40'W.), the outermost danger in
pleasure craft. There are extensive facilities for yachts. shoal lying about 0.8 mile SSE of the light. Petit-Lejon, a dry-
The lock gates are open for 2 hours either side of HW, when
3.22 ing shoal surrounded by dangers, lies about 3.7 miles SSE of
the height of tide at Les Heaux does not exceed 10m. If the tide the light and is marked close W by a buoy.
exceeds this height, the gates remain open for 2 hours 30 min- On the high land backing of the coast, the belfry (spire) of
de Paimpol (48°47.5'N., 2°58.0'W.). This anchorage has depths length. Vessels should send an ETA at least 24 hours in ad-
of 6 to 8m, sand and gravel, and is sheltered from most winds. vance, stating their draft and overall dimensions, through
Brest-le-Conquet (FFU) or Boulogne (FFB). The ETA should
Pub. 191
94 Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg
be confirmed 12 hours and 4 hours prior to arrival stating the tower with a dwelling, 13m high, standing on this rock.
following information: Plateau des Hors (48°39'N., 2°45'W.), a large rocky flat, ex-
8. ETA Le Legue Lighted Buoy. mile S of Pointe du Roselier, between Pointe de l’Aigle,
9. Nature and quantity of dangerous cargo. marked by a light, and Pointe de Cesson, 0.3 mile S.
10. Cargo details.
11. Any defects. 3.26 Saint-Quay-Portrieux (Portrieux) (48°39'N.,
Vessels obliged to use the mandatory access route should es-
3.24 2°50'W.) (World Port Index No. 36240) and Binic (48°36'N.,
tablish contact with “Legue Port” on VHF channel 16 and re- 2°49'W.) (World Port Index No. 36230), about 2.5 miles S, are
port their entry into the access channel. small drying harbors.
All inbound vessels must maintain a continuous listening
3.24 Tides—Currents.—There are depths of less than 2m lying
watch on VHF channel 16. All vessels anchoring in or transit- in the S approaches to the harbor. The tides rise about 11.3m at
ing the bay should establish VHF contact with the signal sta- MHWS and about 8.6m at MHWN.
tion (Brehat). Depths—Limitations.—Binic has an avant-port, protected
Pilots usually board vessels in the vicinity of Le Legue
3.24 by moles, and a wet dock. It is used by fishing vessels and
Lighted Buoy (48°34.3'N., 2°41.2'W.). When certain condi- pleasure craft. The avant-port dries 4 to 6m and has a quay,
tions prevent this position from being used, vessels will be re- 105m long, used by fishing vessels. The wet dock is entered
quested to proceed toward the entrance of the buoyed channel through a gate, 10m wide, and has facilities for pleasure craft
until the pilot is able to board. in depths of 1.5 to 3m. A light is shown from a prominent
Regulations.—A mandatory access channel, indicated on
3.24 structure, 12m high, standing on the head of the N mole.
the chart, for tankers transporting hydrocarbons and vessels Saint-Quay-Portieux consists of a new harbor and marina,
carrying dangerous substances over 1,600 gt has been estab- which are accessible at all stages of the tide, and an old drying
lished in the approaches to Baie de Saint Brieuc. harbor. It is used by small coasters, fishing vessels, and plea-
Anchorage.—Vessels waiting to enter Dahouet and Erquy
3.24 sure craft. The new harbor and marina, lying close NE of the
should anchor about 2 miles S of Le Rohein. Vessels waiting to old harbor, are protected by moles. A directional light shown
enter Saint Quay-Portrieux and Binic should anchor in the from a tower, 12m high, standing on the elbow of the N mole
roads off these ports. Vessels waiting to enter Le Legue (Saint indicates the entrance fairway. A quay, 120m long, and three
Brieuc) should anchor about 1.5 miles ENE of Pointe du Rose- pontoons with depths of 3m alongside are situated in the N part
lier, in a depth of 4m, sand, with good holding ground. of the new harbor for the use of fishing vessels. There are ex-
With strong NE winds, vessels should anchor S of Le Ro-
3.24 tensive facilities for pleasure craft up to 18m in length in the S
hein. With strong NW winds, vessels should anchor in Mouil- part.
lage de Binic, 4 miles NW of Pointe du Roselier. The old harbor is used by small craft and is accessible to ves-
about 1.5 miles S of Pointe de Minard, is the best anchorage Le Legue (Buoy).
during W winds in Baie de Saint-Brieve.
Pointe de Roselier (48°33'N., 2°43'W.), a bluff headland, is
teau, extends about 5 miles parallel to the coast, from which it MHWN 8.9m
is separated by a narrow channel. This channel, for which local MSL 6.46m
knowledge is essential, provides access to the ports of Saint-
Quay-Portrieux and Binic. MLWN 4.1m
Ile Harbour (48°40'N., 2°48'W.), in the NW part of the pla-
MLWS 1.4m
teau, is the largest rock. A light is shown from a prominent
Pub. 191
Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg 95
Tidal Ranges for Le Legue (Buoy) Vessels up to 83m in length and 13m beam can be
Brieuc—Contact Information.
and dries about 5m. It has depths of 5.8m at MHWS and 3m at Call sign Saint-Brieuc Bay Signal Station
MHWN. VHF VHF channels 10 and 16
The outer basin dries. The two wet basins are entered via a
lock and connected by a passage. The lock has a usable length 1-2 hours before to 1-1.5 hours after HW
of 85m and a width of 14m. The first basin has 605m of berth- (according to height of tide)
ing space and depths of 5.5 to 6m. See table titled Le Legue/ Le Semaphore de I’lle de Brehat
Saint Brieuc—Berth Information for berthing details. The
second basin has 1,330m of berthing space and depths of 2.1 to Call sign Brehat Island Signal Station
4.6m. The passage is 80m long and is spanned by a swing VHF VHF channels 10 and 16
bridge, which, when open, provides an access 11m wide. The
level of the water in the wet basins is constantly maintained, Hours 24 hours
except during periods of drought, by a weir on the N side. Pilots
Call sign Legue Pilot
Le Legue/Saint Brieuc—Berth Information
VHF VHF channel 12
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Remarks Telephone 33-296-685-631
LOA E-mail [email protected]
Ville de Gillette Quay 1-2 hours before to 1-1.5 hours after HW
(according to height of tide)
Sand and
No. 1 120m 90m 5.0m
scrap metal
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be obtained 1.5 miles ENE of
Inner Basin Pointe du Roselier. This area has depth of 4.0m, sandy bottom,
and provides good holding ground. With strong NE, winds,
Nos. 1-2 165m 83m 4.0m General cargo
vessels are recommended to anchor S of La Rohein.
Nos. 4-5 185m 83m 4.0m General cargo Caution.—The height of the tide in the harbor is influenced
Cesson Terminal (Outer Basin) by the wind and may vary by up to 0.7m.
No. 1 123m 120m 5.5m General cargo 3.28 Pointe de Pleneuf (48°36'N., 2°33'W.), 60m high, is
No. 2 123m 120m 5.5m General cargo bordered about 1.5 miles NW by drying Plateau des Jaunes.
Ilot le Verdelet, a conical islet, fronts the point. The resort of
Vessel berthed at Ville de Gillette Quay and Cesson Termi- Val-Andre extends along a beach to the S of the point and is
nal will be dry at LW. dominated by two water towers.
Pub. 191
96 Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg
coast between is fronted by a prominent stretch of sand and the cape and is prominent.
bordered by rocky ledges which extend up to 1 mile offshore in Bank de l’Etendree, drying at its W end, extends about 1
mile SE of Cap d’Erquy. It is accessible to small craft with NNE of Cap Frehel.
drafts up to 2.5m. Tides—Currents.—Currents attain a velocity of 3.7 knots
with offshore winds. of Cap Frehel, has a conspicuous fort at its extremity. Pointe de
Anchorage can be taken, in depths of 5 to 10m, mud and
3.28 Saint-Cast, located 2 miles SE of Pointe de la Latte, is sur-
sand, good holding ground, S and SW of the N entrance point mounted by a signal station. Les Bourdinots, a small group of
of Erquy. rocks which dries up to 2m, lies about 0.8 mile ENE of this
Dangers extend up to about 3 miles offshore between Pointe
3.28 point and is marked at the N end by a buoy.
de Pleneuf and Cap Frehel (48°41'N., 2°19'W.). Rohinet, 11m Pointe du Decolle (48°38'N., 2°08'W.), located 8.5 miles
high, lies about 2 miles N of Cap d’Erquy and is the highest of ESE of Cap Frehel, is surmounted by a disused signal station
the rocky ledges located N of Cap d’Erquy. and fronted by rocks.
Pierre du Banc, a shoal patch with rocks awash, lies 8.7
3.28 Ile Argot (48°38'N., 2°10'W.), a grass-covered island, lies
miles W of Cap Frehel and is marked by a lighted buoy. about 0.5 mile offshore, 1.3 miles W of Pointe du Decolle. It is
Grande Liviere, a shoal with a depth of 4.6m, lie about 3 miles 36m high, sheer on the SW side, and easily identified from sea-
WNW and of Cap Frehel. These shoals form the outermost ward.
dangers in this vicinity. Between Cap Frehel and Pointe du Decolle the coast is deep-
Approaches to Saint-Malo
3.30 Between Pointe du Decolle and Dinard, about 2.5
miles E, the coast consists of several resorts fringed by sandy
beaches separated by rocky points. A plateau formed by nu-
merous rocks and dangers fronts the shore and extends up to
about 1.5 miles seaward.
Baie de Saint-Malo (48°40'N., 2°02'W.) lies between Pointe
3.28 Cap Frehel Light du Decolle and Pointe de Meinga (48°42'N., 1°56'W.), 8 miles
NE. The bay is encumbered with numerous islands, islets,
rocks, and shoals through which several passages provide ac-
Pub. 191
Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg 97
cess to Saint-Malo. the pilot boarding place. Vessels approaching from the W
Grand-Jardin (48°40'N., 2°05'W.), a reef which dries 11m,
3.30 should pass at least 2 miles N of Cap Frehel and N of La Catis.
lies 1.9 miles NE of Pointe du Decolle. Grand-Jardin Light is They should then steer in a SE direction and pass between Le
shown from a prominent tower, 38m high, standing on the SW Vieux Banc and Banchenou, about 2 miles SSW.
extremity of this reef. Chenal de la Grande-Porte and Chenal de la Petite-Porte, the
Chenal de la Petite-Porte.
Chenal de la Petite-Porte (48°41'N., 2°06'W.) leads close
lies about 0.5 mile NE of Grand-Jardin Light and has two sum- Saint-Malo (48°39'N., 2°01'W.)
World Port Index No. 36130
Grande-Conchee (48°41'N., 2°03'W.), a rock surmounted
and adjoins the town of the same name. The port consists of an
1.3m, lies on a shoal about 1 mile NW of Grand-Jardin Light.
avant-port and a wet dock comprising four interconnected ba-
It is one of the outermost dangers in this area. Le Bunel, a dry-
sins. The Saint-Malo harbor has extensive facilities for plea-
ing rock, lies about 0.5 mile E of Grande-Hupee and is marked
sure craft, fishing vessels, and ferries, which operate to the
close W by a lighted buoy.
Channel Islands and the United Kingdom. The harbor has han-
dled vessels with an loa of 150m and a draft of 9m.
3.31 Les Bucharats (48°40'N., 2°07'W.), a shoal with a
least depth of 3.5m, lies about 1.5 miles W of Grand-Jardin
Light and is one of the outermost dangers in this area. Tidal Ranges for Saint-Malo
Basse NE des Portes, a shoal with a least depth of 2.2m, lies
HAT 13.5m
about 0.5 mile WNW of Grande-Jardin Light. Les Courtis
Lighted Beacon, 21m high, stands close WSW of this shoal. MHWS 12.2m
La Nouvelle Decouverte, a shoal with a least depth of 3.6m,
MHWN 9.2m
lies about 0.3 mile WNW of this lighted beacon.
Les Cheminees (48°40'N., 2°07'W.), lying about 1 mile MSL 6.76m
NNE of Pointe du Decolle, is the tallest and most conspicuous MLWN 4.4m
of the numerous above-water and drying rocks extending off-
MLWS 1.5m
shore in this vicinity.
Regulations.—A mandatory access channel for tankers
3.31 LAT 0.1m
transporting hydrocarbons and vessels transporting dangerous Note.—Predicted heights are in meters
substances over 1,600 gt has been established in the approach- above charted datum.
es to Saint Malo. This access channel, which may best be seen
on the chart, leads SE and may be entered about 7.8 miles
WNW of Cap Frehel. Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
in French waters. 2°02'W.) and then N toward the entrance channel and SW
Directions.—Vessels approaching from the E should pass at
along Mole des Noires. The ebb tidal current sets WSW from
least 4 miles N of the coast before steering in a S direction for the lock along the approach channel to join the outgoing cur-
rent from La Rance. The currents attain rates of 2 to 2.5 knots.
Pub. 191
98 Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg
wide. It has two berths, with about 300m of berthage. It can ac-
commodate vessels with a maximum loa of 150m, a maximum
draft at HW of 9.0m, and a maximum beam of 21m. The basin
handles chemicals, petroleum products, ro-ro, containers, and
breakbulk cargo.
The lock is worked normally for 2 hours either side of HW.
vides an extensive yacht harbor in its S part. A hydrofoil ferry La Balue Rear Range Light
dredged depth of 7m and can handle vessels up to 22m beam. tower, 20m high, standing near the coast, 2.5miles NE of the
The entrance channel leading to this terminal has a dredged entrance lock. A conspicuous radio mast is situated 0.7 mile SE
depth of 4m. of this light.
The entrance channel leading to the wet dock lock has a
dredged depth of 2m. The lock is 154m long, 24m wide, and
has a depth of 1.7m over the sill.
Vauban Basin, at the inner end of the lock, provides facilities
Pub. 191
Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg 99
1.5 miles S of Mole des Noires. A hydroelectric power station E-mail [email protected]
stands at the center of the dam and is operated by the tides. The Pilots
sluices from which the station derives its power are situated be-
Call sign Pilotes Saint Malo
tween it and the E end of the dam. A lock, situated on the W
side of the dam, provides access for small craft to the river and VHF VHF channel 12
the inland canal system. It is 65m long, 13m wide, and has a
Telephone 33-299-816-166 (office hours)
depth of 2m on the sill.
See Approaches to Saint-Malo in paragraph 3.30 for addi-
Facsimile 33-299-816-126
tional information. E-mail [email protected]
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels over 45m
in length and all vessels carrying dangerous cargo. Hours 3.5 hours before HW to 1.5 hours after HW
Vessels should send a request for pilotage, with their ETA
and draft, through Brest-le Conquet or Boulonge at least 6 Whistle signals are used by vessels proceeding from one
hours in advance. Vessels should then confirm the ETA 2 hours basin to another. The signals request that the bridges spanning
prior to arrival, reporting immediately any change over 1 hour. the passages between the basins be opened. One long blast for
Pilots can be contacted on VHF channel 12 or 16 and board
3.32 Pertuis de Saint-Servan, the passage leading to Bouvet Basin;
from a vessel, with a black hull and white upperworks, about 1 two long blasts for Pertuis de Saint Malo, the passage leading
mile N of the outer fairway lighted buoy (48°42.4'N., to Duguay-Trouin Basin; and three long blasts for Pertuis de
2°07.3'W.). Corsaires, the passage leading to Jacques Cartier Basin.
During bad weather, particularly in N gales, boarding may
3.32 Anchorage.—Vessels awaiting the pilot should anchor in the
be impractical and the pilot will lead the vessel into port, com- vicinity of the outer fairway lighted buoy (48°41'N., 2°07'W.).
municating by VHF. The area has depths of 13 to 20m, of mud and gravel, bottom
Regulations.—All vessels required to use the mandatory ac-
3.32 quality unknown.
cess channel should establish contact with the port captain on Rade de Saint-Malo, in the mouth of La Rance, is used only
entering the channel and maintain a listening watch on VHF by vessels waiting to enter port. The roadstead is open NW, and
channel 12. All other vessels desiring to use this fairway the tidal currents are strong. The anchorage has about 250m of
should establish a listening watch on VHF channel 12. swinging room and can be used by large vessels at neap tides
Vessels carrying hydrocarbons or dangerous cargo are re-
3.32 only. There are depths of 7 to 8m and the holding ground is re-
quired to be assisted by tugs after passing Le Buron Lighted ported to be mediocre.
Beacon (48°39'N., 2°04'W.). Tugs are required for all other Caution.—The approach to Baie de Saint-Malo is encum-
vessels over 100m in length. Vessels equipped with bow thrust- bered by numerous islets, rocks, and shoals. The main channels
ers are exempt. are well marked; however, entry is still dangerous in low visi-
Signals.—International port traffic signals regulating the en-
3.32 bility. Shoaler depths than charted occasionally exist in Chenal
try and departure of vessels from the lock are displayed by day de la Grande-Porte, Chenal de la Petite-Porte, and Rade de
and night from a signal mast near the lock entrance. Saint-Malo. Therefore local knowledge is required.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Saint-Malo—
3.32 A Prohibited Area extends up to 100m around Ile de Cezem-
bruno.lassus@equipement-agricul- miles E, the coast is high, with beautiful beaches lying between
E-mail rocky points.
Pointe du Grouin (48°43'N., 1°51'W.), high, rocky, steep,
3.33 and sloping NE, is conspicuous. The white house of the signal
Web site
ports station (disused) standing 0.2 mile S of the extremity of the
Port Operations point is prominent.
The Iles des Landes, a narrow and rocky islet, lies close E of
Telephone 33-299-205-100 the point. It is 38m high but does not stand out from the land.
Facsimile 33-299-821-125 Pierre de Herpin (48°44'N., 1°49'W.), a rock, lies 1.5 miles
Pub. 191
100 Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg
Le Mont Saint-Michel
Banc des Corbieres lies with its S end located about 1 mile E
and NW, attaining velocities of up to 5 knots. 2 knots and flow in N and S directions.
Basse Rault (48°44'N., 1°56'W.), an isolated rock with a
3.33 Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken in Grande Rade de
depth of 4.4m, lies about 1.5 miles N of Pointe de Meinga. Cancale between Banc de Chatry and Banc des Corbieres.
Basse du Nid (48°44'N., 1°54'W.), an isolated rock with a
3.33 There are depths of 11 to 13m, rock with a layer of clay mud
depth of 2.4m, lies about 2 miles NE of Pointe de Meinga. less than 1m thick. The anchorage is sheltered from SW to NW
Basse Grune (48°45'N., 1°54'W.), an isolated rock with a
3.33 winds, but the currents are strong.
depth of 2m, lies about 3 miles NW of Pointe du Grouin. Anchorage can also be taken between Banc de Chatry and
which extend about 7 miles from its head. trance of Baie du Saint-Michel, with its NW corner about 2.3
Pointe de Champeaux is rocky when viewed from N or W,
3.34 miles ESE of Pierre de Herpin Light. This area is marked by
and terminates in a regular 45° slope. buoys and all seabed activities are prohibited within it.
Le Mont Saint-Michel (48°38'N., 1°31'W.), a precipitous
3.34 Shellfish beds (mussels), marked by beacons, extend over a
rock, lies in the SE part of the bay, 7 miles SSE of Pointe de wide area in the S part of the bay. Vessels are prohibited from
Champeaux. It is 128m high, surmounted by the spire of a con- taking the ground or anchoring in the vicinity of these beds.
spicuous monastery, and connected to the shore by a causeway.
Tombelaine, a large isolated rock, lies 1.5 miles N of Le
3.34 3.35 Pointe du Roc (48°50'N., 1°37'W.) terminates W in a
Mont Saint-Michel and is about 40m high. steep cliff, 5.7 miles NNW of Pointe de Champeaux. It forms
Pointe de la Chaine (48°40'N., 1°50'W.) is located 2 miles S
3.34 the W extremity of a small peninsula. A conspicuous signal
of Pointe du Grouin. A prominent water tower stands about 1 station (wooden structure surmounting a blockhouse) is situat-
mile WSW of this point. ed on the point. Point du Roc Light is shown from a prominent
Ile des Rimains (48°41'N., 1°50'W.), surmounted by an old
3.34 tower, 16m high, standing on the point.
fort, lies about 0.4 mile E of Pointe de la Chaine. The coast between Pointe de Champeaux and Pointe du Roc
Pub. 191
Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg 101
the port entrance to the wet basin gate. The passage is 19.8m
wide and the sill of the gate has depths of 4.8 to 10.3m over it,
depending on the tide. There are five berths, 94 to 255m long,
in the wet basin, with depths alongside of 3.8 to 4.5m at HWN
and 7.1 to 7.7m at HWS.
The port can only be approached near HW and vessels with
Pointe du Roc (Granville) Light drafts over 4.6m should contact the local authorities prior to ar-
lighted buoy. An extensive marina, known as Port de Herel, is situated
Le Videcoq. 24m high, stands 0.6 mile SE of Pointe du Roc and marks the
approach channel giving access to the port. Banc de Tombe-
3.36 Granville (48°50'N., 1°36'W.) (World Port Index No. laine, parts of which dry, lies about 1 mile SW of this beacon.
36110) is located about 1 mile E of Pointe du Roc and charac- A water tower, with a domed top, stands about 1.2 miles E of
terized by extreme ranges of tide. Pointe du Roc. It is the highest and only prominent landmark
standing near the built up area of the town when viewed from
Granville Home Page seaward.
tide is affected by the prevailing winds. Fresh W winds cause length and for all vessels carrying dangerous cargo.
higher tides, and E winds lower the level of the water; differ- Vessels should send an ETA and request for pilotage 18
ences may exceed 0.6m. The flood tidal current enters the hours in advance or on departure from a previous port if the
avant-port with a rate of about 2 knots at the center of the chan- time is less. The message should state the draft, vessel dimen-
nel and along the E jetty from about mid-tide until 30 minutes sions, and type and tonnage of dangerous substances carried.
before HW; during this time a countercurrent flows out along The port may be contacted on VHF channel 12, or through a
the W jetty. coastal radio station, for 1 hour 30 minutes before and after
Depths—Limitations.—The commercial harbor consists of
HW. The marina may be contacted on VHF channel 9.
an avant-port, protected by two jetties, and a wet basin. There Pilots may be contacted on VHF channel 12 or 16 and usual-
are facilities for cargo vessels, fishing boats, ferries, and plea- ly board in the vicinity of Le Videcoq Lighted Buoy
Pub. 191
102 Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg
(48°49'39.0''N., 1°42'19.2''W.). In bad weather pilots will board Passage de la Deroute and Deroute de Terre are the two main
within 0.5 mile of Le Loup Lighted Beacon. passages which lead from the Race of Alderney, and to the S of
Regulations.—See Pub. 140, Sailing Directions (Planning
3.36 Plateau des Minquiers and the Iles Chausay. These channels
Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and Adjacent Seas for rules per- are little used due to the currents, and the inadequacy of the
taining to vessels in French waters. navigation aids marking them. At night, Deroute de Terre is the
When the passage gate is open, commercial traffic has the
3.36 only practical channel.
right-of-way over other vessels between the wet basin entrance Vessels bound for Saint-Malo or Granville, from the Race of
and Le Loup Lighted Beacon. Alderney, normally proceed W of Jersey and Plateau des Min-
Contact Information.—See the table titled Granville—
3.36 quiers. In clear weather, the reefs E of Jersey are not too diffi-
Contact Information. cult to negotiate.
Regulations.—The IMO has issued recommendations for
Granville—Contact Information navigation within the Race of Alderney. For further informa-
tion, see paragraph 4.1.
An area encompassing most of the Channel Islands has been
Call sign Capitainerie Granville designated an Inshore Traffic Zone, and may best be seen on
the chart. For further information, see paragraph 4.1.
VHF VHF channel 12
See Pub. 140, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) North At-
Telephone 33-233-911-864 lantic Ocean and Adjacent Seas for rules pertaining to vessels
Facsimile 33-233-911-863 in French waters.
Caution.—Due to the very large range of tide in this area, is-
E-mail [email protected] lands, islets, and rocks have a marked difference in appearance
Hours 1½ hours before to after HW at high and low water.
Local magnetic anomalies and abnormal variation can be ex-
acting on the stern, assists the vessel in turning to starboard to- of Maitresse Ile, are three remarkable steep above-water rocks.
ward the entrance of the wet basin. A beacon tower stands on one of the rocks.
Caution.—A small explosives dumping area lies off the N
3.36 Brisants du Sud, with depths of less than 2m, lie about 6
side of Banc de Tombelain, 1.3 miles S of Pointe du Roc. miles SW of Les Maisons. Brisants du Nord-Ouest, with a least
Entry to the port is difficult and local knowledge is required.
3.36 depth of 0.2m, lies 5 miles W of Les Maisons.
During strong W and NW winds, a choppy sea is formed in
3.36 A wide berth should be given to the W side of the plateau as
the entrance to the port. Vessels entering at this time should the sea breaks along the line between the lighted buoys mark-
have a draft of at least 0.8m less than the depth in the channel. ing this edge.
Le Four, a rock which dries 5.5m, lies about 5.5 miles SW of
3.37 The W coast of the Cotentin Peninsula is one of the has a least depth of 1.8m. It lies close off the S side of the pla-
most inhospitable coasts of France. There are few prominent teau and is marked by a lighted buoy moored close SE.
objects, and it is bordered by dangers which join with those of Basse Nord du Plomb (48°52'N., 2°02'W.), an isolated
Jersey, the Iles Chausey, and Plateau des Minquiers. Fog is fre- shoal with a depth of 9.7m, lies about 1.8 miles SSW of Les
quent and the tidal currents are strong. Sauvages and is the outermost danger in this vicinity.
This coast is exposed to W and N winds; there is no secure
3.37 Les Ardentes (48°58'N., 1°52'W.), forming the E extremity
Pub. 191
Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg 103
sand banks close the channel between the Iles Chausey and the
coast N of Pointe du Roc. Vessels should not approach closer
than 0.5 mile to the islets and rocks on the S side of the Iles
Vessels arriving from foreign ports are prohibited from visit-
craft may be encountered in the vicinity of the islet during the Grand Ile Chausey, is a rocky ledge which dries 1.5m. A light-
summer. Iles Chausey Light is shown from a square tower, 19m ed buoy is moored close SW of the ledge and a buoy (special)
high, standing on the SE end of this islet. is moored about 0.6 mile ENE of it.
A conspicuous former signal station (white building with a
3.39 Chaussee des Boeufs (49°07'N., 1°47'W.) is a group of
black flagstaff) is situated on an elevation near the NW end of rocky ledges, some drying, lying 4.5 miles N of Basse Le Ma-
the islet. rie. Le Boeuf, the highest rock, is marked by a beacon tower.
Le Pignon Lighted Beacon, 20m high, stands on a drying
3.39 Dangerous wrecks (positions doubtful) have been reported to
rock, about 4 miles ENE of Iles Chausey Light. lie about 2.5 miles SW and 0.8 mile S of this beacon.
Two channels, marked by beacons, lead through the
3.39 Basse Jourdan, a rock with a least depth of 0.2m, lies about
archipelago and are available to small vessels having pilots 1.6 miles ENE of Le Boeuf at the E end of Chaussee des
with local knowledge. Boeufs. A lighted buoy is moored about 0.5 mile E of this
Anchorage, sheltered from NW to N winds, can be taken off
3.39 shoal.
the SE side of the Iles Chausey, between Grande Ile Chausey Le Senequet (49°05'N., 1°40'W.), a drying rock, lies near
and Le Founet, about 5 miles ENE. The bottom is sand and the W edge of a rocky ledge which extends up to about 3.5
shells, good holding ground. miles from the coast. Le Senequet Light is shown from a prom-
inent tower, 26m high, standing on this rock.
3.40 La Catheue (49°07'N., 1°47'W.), a drying rock, lies Dangerous shoals extend up to about 1 mile W and NW of
near the middle of Banc de le Catheue and is marked on the SE the light and are marked by a buoy.
side by a lighted buoy. The bank consists of a chain of sand Les Nattes, a group of drying rocks, lies 2.5 mile SW of Le
banks extending about 5 miles NNW with its S end located Senequet Light and is marked by a buoy. The entire area be-
about 5.7 miles NNW of Pointe du Roc. tween this group and the light is encumbered with rocks on
Roche d’Agon, an extensive group of above-water and dry-
3.40 which the sea breaks during strong W winds.
ing rocks, extends up to about 3 miles seaward from the coast.
Le Ronquet (49°00'N., 1°37'W.), the highest rock in the
3.40 3.41 Les Dirouilles (49°18'N., 2°02'W.) lies 4 miles N of
Pub. 191
104 Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg
Le Senequet Light
ny islets and numerous rocks connected by drying sand banks. which terminates in a rocky cliff. Cap de Carteret Light is
Maitre Ile (49°17'N., 1°56'W.), 7m high, is the largest islet
3.41 shown from a prominent tower, 18m high, standing on this
of the group and a beacon stands on its summit. Marmotier, a cape.
craggy islet, lies 0.4 mile N of Maitre Ile and is surmounted by A signal station is situated near the light and a conspicuous
a group of buildings. L’Ecreviere, a rock which dries 9m, lies house stands 0.7 mile E of it. A large conspicuous white build-
about 0.8 mile E of Maitre Ile. ing with a gray roof stands near the beach, 1.4 miles ESE of the
Ecreviere Bank extends about 2 miles SE from l’Ecreviere;
3.41 light.
the seas are very rough over this bank when the tidal current is Havre de Carteret, a small harbor, lies 1 mile E of Cap de
against the wind. A lighted buoy is moored close SE of the SE Carteret. It is used by local fishing vessels and pleasure craft.
end of the bank. Vessels can anchor, in a depth of 14m, gravel, Portbail, a small drying harbor, lies 4.7 miles SE of Cap de
about 1.5 miles SSE of Maitre Ile and W of the S end of the Carteret. It is used by small craft and yachts. A conspicuous
bank. water tower stands close N of the entrance.
Basses de Taillepied and Bancs Feles lie about midway be-
tween Les Ecrehou and the French coast. Basses de Taillepied 3.43 Passage de la Deroute (49°15'N., 1°50'W.) and Der-
lies with its N end located 2.8 miles NE of Maitre Ile. This reef oute de Terre (48°54'N., 1°38'W.), two channels, lead from the
extends about 2.7 miles SE and in its N part has one rocky head Race of Alderney (Raz Blanchard) to S of Plateau des Minqui-
which dries 0.7m. ers and the Iles Chausey. At night, only Deroute de Terre is
Bancs Feles extends E from Basses de Taillepied and con-
3.41 practicable. Passage de la Deroute is used, except for local traf-
sists of ridges of sand and broken shells on which lie several fic, only by vessels bound for or coming from, Saint-Malo and
rocks, one of which dries 0.9m. Granville.
Plateau des Trois-Grunes (49°22'N., 1°54'W.), a group of
3.41 Passage de la Deroute is frequently used by ferries. Other
drying and below-water rocks, lies about 5 miles NNE of Mai- such vessels save little time by using these routes, and it is sim-
tre Ile and 3.5 miles W of Cap de Carteret. The group is pler to pass W of Plateau des Minquiers and Jersey, and E of
marked on the W side by a lighted buoy. A small area lying Sark (49°26'N., 2°21'W.).
close E of this lighted buoy is prohibited to navigation due to These channels are little used because they are situated out-
the deployment of measuring devices. side the principal commercial routes, the tidal currents are
strong, and landmarks are difficult to identify.
3.42 The coast between Pointe du Roc and Le Senequet, 15 Because of the great range of tide, the passages between the
miles N, is fringed by a bank, which dries up to 3.5 miles off- reefs are not difficult to negotiate at HW. Local knowledge is
shore in places, and is fronted by dangers extending up to essential for these channels.
about 6 miles seaward. Passage de la Deroute passes W of Plateau des Trois-Grunes,
Pub. 191
Sector 3. France—South Coast—Ile d’Ouessant to Nez de Jobourg 105
tween Bancs Feles and Cap de Carteret, between Les Boeufs used by small craft and fishing vessels.
and Le Senequet, and between the Iles Chausey and Pointe du Caution.—A firing danger area lies within Anse de Vauville
Roc. Deroute de Terre passes through depths of 2.5m between and extends up to 4 miles from the coast. The N limit lies 1.7
Plateau des Trois-Grunes and Basse le Marie, and 1m between miles S of Nez de Jobourg and the S limit lies 3.4 miles N of
Basse le Marie and Pointe du Roc. Cap de Flamanville.
Entree de la Deroute (48°54'N., 1°55'W.) separates the Iles
3.43 A prohibited anchorage area, in which navigation is restrict-
Chausey from Plateau des Minquiers. The channel is 3.5 to 5 ed, lies adjacent to the entrance of the basin fronting the nucle-
miles wide, but is not generally used due to the strong and er- ar power station, N of Cap de Flamanville. This area extends
ratic tidal currents. It leads into Passage de la Deroute. up to 0.6 mile offshore and is marked by buoys.
Caution.—Several dangerous wrecks, which may best be
3.43 Local magnetic anomalies may occur in the vicinity of Di-
Nez de Jobourg
Caillou, a reef with a least depth of 3.9m, extend about 2 miles rocks, fronts Nez de Jobourg and extends up to about 1.2 miles
offshore between Cap de Carteret and Cap de Flamanville. NW. Basse du Rhin, the NW rock, has a depth of 2.2m.
Basse Bihard, with a least depth of 2m, lies about 2.6 miles
3.44 Les Huquets de Jobour (49°39'N., 1°57'W.), a reef with be-
offshore, 4.8 miles S of Cap de Flamanville. low-water and drying rocks, lies centered 1.5 miles S of Nez de
Anse de Vauville (49°37'N., 1°55'W.), lying between Cap de
3.44 Jobourg and is about 1 mile long. The highest rock of the group
Flamanville and Nez de Jobourg, about 9 miles NNW, is bor- dries 5m and lies on the S side.
dered E by a drying bank extending about 0.3 to 0.5 mile off- Basses Saint-Gilles, with a least depth of 2.3m, lies about 1.5
shore. The E shore of the bay consists of a sandy beach backed miles SSW of Nez de Jobourg and is separated from the W end
by rounded hills covered with vegetation, except near the cen- of Les Huquets de Jobourg by a passage about 0.5 mile wide.
ter, where the sand dunes of Biville can be seen. Huquets de Vauville, a small group of drying rocks, lies 2
gravel, poor holding ground. ing are prohibited lies in the N part of Anse de Vauville and ex-
Dielette (49°33'N., 1°52'W.), a small drying harbor, lies in
3.44 tends up to 2 miles S of Nez de Jobourg.
the S part of the bay, 2 miles NNE of Cap Flamanville. It is
Pub. 191
Sector 4—The Channel Islands and France—North Coast—The Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur
Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
cerning navigation in the immediate vicinity of the TSS off Vessel Traffic Service
1. Subject to factors that may affect safe navigation, ves- The Jobourg Vessel Traffic Service (VTS), known as MAN-
sels proceeding from the W part of the English Channel to CHEREP, is a mandatory reporting system under SOLAS
the Dover Strait or vice versa should use the TSS off which operates in an area covering the Traffic Separation
Casquets. Scheme (TSS) lying off Les Casquets.
2. The Race of Alderney should not be used by vessels The operational area is bound by the meridians of 2°58'W
other than those proceeding to and from ports in the Channel and 2°00'W, and the latitudes of 50°10'N and 49°20'N.
Islands, to and from ports situated on the French coast be- The following vessels are required to participate in the sys-
ers transporting hydrocarbons and to vessels transporting dan- bourg Traffic on VHF channel 13.
Pub. 191
110 Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur
Pub. 191
Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur 111
an advantage. 4.2To the E of the Channel Islands the depths are a safe guide in
Fishing activities in the vicinity of Jersey, Les Ecrehou, and
4.1 approaching to within a reasonable distance of the French
Plateau des Minquiers consist mainly of lobster potting; ap- coast. A line drawn from the E end of Alderney to the E end of
proximately 40 pots, spread about 18m apart and marked by Jersey is nearly parallel to the mainland and about 9 miles dis-
unlit spar buoys, are laid near the rocks. tant from it. To the E of this line, the depths decrease gradually
Potting boats occasionally work on the edge of Hurd Deep,
4.1 toward the French coast; S of Jersey the numerous reefs make
N of Alderney, and caution should be used while navigating in approach to that coast very dangerous.
the vicinity. Directions.—When approaching from the SW and passing
A dumping ground area for explosives lies centered about 8
4.1 W of Guernsey and Casquets, the NW coast of Guernsey
miles NW of Alderney with a disused dumping ground area sit- should not be approached within a distance of 3.5 miles, due to
uated close S of it. The limits of these areas may best be seen the numerous off-lying shoals. To ensure being clear of the
on the chart. heavy swell prevalent off this coast, vessels should keep at
Another disused dumping ground area, the limits of which
4.1 least 5 miles to seaward.
may best be seen on the chart, lies about 8 miles SW of Guern- 4.2When approaching from S, vessels should pass well to the W
sey. of the buoys marking the W edge of Plateau des Minquiers
(48°58'N., 2°08'W.), as the sea breaks on the edge of this pla-
The Channel Islands teau (see paragraph 3.38).
4.2Passage de la Deroute and Deroute de Terre are two routes
4.2 The Channel Islands, with off-lying islands and rocks, which lead from the Race of Alderney to the S of Plateau des
occupy a large portion of the bight between Ile de Brehat Minquiers and the Iles Chausey (48°52'N., 1°52'W.), passing E
(48°51'N., 3°00'W.) and Cap de la Hague (49°44'N., 1°56'W.), of Les Ecrehou (49°18'N., 1°56'W.) and Jersey. These channels
about 70 miles NE. are little used because they do not serve any main commercial
4.2The Casquets, Burhou, and Alderney lie to the N and form a route (see paragraph 3.43).
chain of islands separated from the coast of France by the Race 4.2When approaching from the N through the Race of Alderney
of Alderney. Guernsey, with the off-lying islands of Herm and (49°44'N., 2°05'W.) and bound for Saint Helier, Jersey, vessels
Sark, lies to the NW; Jersey and Plateau des Minquiers an ex- should pass 5 miles E of Sark and close W of Banc Desormes
tensive reef, are located in the middle of the bight. (49°19'N., 2°17'W.). They should then pass W of Banc De-
4.2The S side of the island of Guernsey is higher than its N side; sormes and proceed to a position located about 3.5 miles W of
whereas, the N side of Jersey is higher than its S side. Howev- Grosnez Point (49°16'N., 2°12'W.), steering with La Corbiere
er, these distinguishing features are not noticeable when first Light bearing between 140° and 145°.
sighting these islands from a distance from the W. As they are 4.2At night, vessels should remain within the white sector of the
approached, the low N part of the land on Guernsey, as con- light, which leads between West Rock and Rigdon Bank. They
trasted with the S slope of the land on Jersey, should prevent should then alter course to pass W of Green Rock.
the possibility of either island being mistaken for the other. 4.2The E coast of Jersey can be approached by way of Le Ruau
4.2The approaches to the Channel Islands present peculiar diffi- (49°16'N., 2°03'W.), but due to the strength and erratic direc-
culties to vessels without local knowledge. Vessels approach- tion of the tidal currents, vessels usually prefer to proceed via
ing from the W in thick weather should stay in depths of 64m the W coast of the island.
or more to keep outside of, or W of, Plateau des Roches-Dou- 4.2When approaching from the N through the Race of Alderney
vres and Guernsey. and bound for Saint Peter Port, Guernsey, vessels should head
4.2Depths of over 56m lie close W of Guernsey and Casquet for either Little Russel, the channel leading between Guernsey
Southwest Bank and, occasionally, small gravel knolls, with and Herm, or Big Russel, the channel leading between Herm
depths of about 38m, may be heaped up on Hurd Deep by the and Sark. Care should be taken to avoid Banc du Milieu
combined action of gales and tidal currents. In such cases, (49°39'N., 2°09'W.) and Banc de la Schole (49°35'N., 2°13'W.)
these knolls may be distinguished from the larger banks by when using Big Russel.
their smaller size and the greater depths surrounding them. 4.2When approaching from the N or NW, vessels passing W of
4.2Hurd Deep (49°40'N., 3°00'W.), with depths of over 92m, Casquets and bound for Saint Peter Port should shape a course
extends about 87 miles SW from a position located 12 miles N for either Little Russel or Big Russel, taking care to avoid
of Cap de la Hague. It indicates the approach to the Casquets Casquet SW Bank.
from the N or NW. The S edge of this deep lies 4 miles N of the 4.2The approach to Little Russel in poor visibility can be dan-
outermost dangers in the vicinity of the Casquets. gerous and vessels are advised in such a case to pass around the
4.2An increase in depth from 74m to a depth of 92m, or up to SW end of Guernsey and approach Saint Peter Port from the S.
119m, indicates a position lying NW of Guernsey and some- 4.2Caution.—The Channel Islands, surrounded by dangers
where in the W part of Hurd Deep; depths of 128m to over consisting of numerous rocks and shoals, become more formi-
165m are found only N of the Casquets and in the E part of dable because of the great rise and fall of the tides and the tre-
Hurd Deep. mendous rates attained by the tidal currents. Gales from the
4.2The bottom of Hurd Deep is unusual for the large patches of SW and NW send in the heaviest seas among the islands.
black mud on it, although there is also considerable rocky 4.2This is accentuated by the strength of the tidal currents, par-
ground and other substances. Between this deep and the islands ticularly between 3 hours before and 3 hours after HW by the
the bottom has no distinctive character, but consists of rock, shore.
gravel, hard sand, and other coarse materials. 4.2The off-lying rocks fronting their coasts, the strength and
Pub. 191
112 Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur
4.3 Jersey (49°14'N., 2°08'W.), the S and largest island of
the Channel Islands, rises to a height of 125m in its N part. The
land slopes gradually from this height to the S coast. The inte-
rior of the island is cultivated in small fields. Trees are mostly La Corbiere and Light
Pub. 191
Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur 113
4.5 Jersey—South coast.—Point la Moye (49°11'N., 4.7 Demie de Pas (49°09'N., 2°06'W.), which dries 6m,
2°15'W.), about 1 mile ESE of La Corbiere, is a high, cliffy lies about 1.3 miles SW of Point Le Croc at the edge of a group
bluff. Grosse Tete, a prominent square rock, about 24m high, of rocks fronting the coast. A lighted beacon, 13m high, stands
lies about 0.5 mile farther E. on this rock. A racon is situated at the beacon.
4.5Saint Brelade Bay (49°11'N., 2°12'W.), is entered between 4.7Les Tetards is a group of rocks, some awash, lying about 0.8
Grosse Tete and Point le Fret, about 1 mile ESE. mile W of Demie de Pas.
4.5Large vessels may anchor outside the bay, in depths of about 4.7Icho Bank, with a least depth of 5.8m, is a detached rocky
15m, gravel, with La Corbiere Light just open S of Point la shoal lying about 2.3 miles SSE of Demie de Pas. This shoal
Moye bearing 290°, and the summit of Grosse Tete bearing forms the outermost SE danger in the approach.
336°. 4.7Tides—Currents.—The tides in the bay rise about 9.7m at
4.5 At night, the colored lights of the airport runways, located springs and 7m at neaps. The range of the tide may be in-
1.2 miles N of the head of Saint Brelade Bay, may be seen. creased by W winds and decreased by NE winds. The E tidal
4.5Jument Rock, 8m high with a conspicuous white patch, lies current along the S coast of Jersey forms a countercurrent in
about 0.6 mile WNW of Pointe la Moye and 0.4 mile ESE of Saint Aubin Bay and the W current sets NW into the bay.
La Corbiere Light. 4.7Tide rips, which may be very violent and dangerous, are
4.5A conspicuous weather radar station stands 0.2 mile N of formed off Noirmont Point with the current setting in either di-
Pointe la More. The tower, 22m high, is surmounted by a large rection. The N tidal current sets across the entrance and into
white spherical cover. Saint Helier at a rate of about 3 knots during spring tides and
4.5Noirmont Point (49°10'N., 2°10'W.) is located 0.8 mile ESE the S current has a rate 1 knot less.
of Point le Fret. Noirmont Point Light is shown from a tower, 4.7Anchorage.—Saint Aubin Bay offers good shelter from off-
10m high, standing at the foot of the point. A prominent look- shore winds. The best berths lie NW and W of Diamond Rock,
out tower stands on the higher ground above the light. a 2.1m patch located about 1 mile E of Noirmont Point. This
4.5Caution.—During strong W gales, the entire area between anchorage area shows general depths of 5m and lies out of the
the off-lying rocks located S of Noirmont Point is a confused strength of the tidal current.
mass of breakers and landmarks at sea level may be obscured 4.7Anchorage berths closer to Saint Helier are available near
by driving spray. Ruaudiere Rock, a drying rock located 1 mile ESE of Noir-
mont Point. These berths are situated 0.3 mile N, 0.3 mile S,
4.6 Saint Aubin Bay (49°11'N., 2°08'W.) is entered be- and 0.4 mile E of the rock, in general depths of 4 to 10m.
tween Noirmont Point (49°10'N., 2°10'W.) and Point de Pas, 4.7Care should be exercised if anchoring close to, or E of, the
about 2.5 miles ENE. A conspicuous chimney, 95m high and range marking Red and Green Passage, as several submarine
floodlit at night, stands at a power station, which is situated on cables are situated in this vicinity.
Point de Pas, about 0.3 mile SE of the entrance to Saint Helier. 4.7Directions.—There are several channels available to vessels
Four prominent tanks are located close N of the power station. approaching Saint Aubin Bay, all of which require local knowl-
4.6Point Le Croc, a low, sandy point, lies about 1.5 miles farther edge. The channels may best be seen on the chart.
SE. La Motte, a rocky islet 8m high, lies close S of this point. It 4.7Northwest Passage is the most frequently used channel and
is reported that four conspicuous apartment buildings stand on usual sea route for commercial vessels. It is the safest by both
Pointe Le Croc. day and night and has a least controlling depth of 4.3m. The
4.6Saint Aubin Castle (Fort), located on a large rock lying about channel leads from the W and passes S of La Corbiere Light,
1 mile NNE of Noirmont Point, is conspicuous. SSW of Pointe le Fret, and S of Noirmont Pointe Light. The in-
4.6Saint Aubin (49°11'N., 2°10'W.) (World Port Index No. ner part of the fairway is indicated by range lights. The channel
36050) lies on the W side of the bay. This small drying harbor is 0.25 mile wide at its narrowest part, off Point le Fret.
is formed by two piers and its entrance, which faces NE, is 4.7Western Passage leads from WSW. It passes S of La Cor-
25m wide. It is used by small craft and yachts. Local knowl- biere Light, close N of Passage Rock, and joins the inner part
edge is advised. of Northwest Passage, S of Noirmont Pointe Light. This chan-
The W, S, and E approaches to the bay are encumbered by nel is narrow and the aids are difficult to identify in poor visi-
numerous steep-to dangers, making access to the bay through bility.
the various channels difficult without local knowledge. 4.7Danger Rock Passage leads from SW and passes close SE of
4.6The bay itself dries at the head and is encumbered with nu- Les Grunes Vaudin. It is indicated by range marks.
merous drying and below-water dangers. 4.7Sillette Passage leads from S into the W part of the bay and
Passage Rock (49°10'N., 2°12'W.), with a least depth of 4m, passes E of Les Grunes Vaudin. It is indicated by range marks
lies about 1.5 miles WSW of Noirmont Point and is marked and joins Northwest Passage.
close W by a lighted buoy. 4.7Red and Green Passage, a shallow channel, leads NNE into
4.6Frouquie des Vracheres, with a depth of 2.1m, lies about 1 the E part of the bay. Middle Passage leads NNW into the W
mile S of Passage Rock. It is the shallowest of a group of rocky part of the bay. These channels are marked by range marks.
shoals which forms the SW dangers in the approach to the bay. 4.7South Passage leads from SSE and passes close E of Les
4.6Les Grunes Vaudin is an extensive group of rocks, many of Tetards. It joins Red and Green Passage.
which dry. SW Rock, which dries 2.1m, lies in the middle of 4.7Eastern Passage leads from SE and passes close SW of De-
the S edge of the group, about 1 mile S of Noirmont Point. mie de Pas Lighted Beacon. It joins South Passage.
Danger Rock, with a least depth of 1.2m, lies about 1 mile SE 4.7It is reported that there are depths of over 6m in all the chan-
of Noirmont Point. nels at half tide.
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114 Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur
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Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur 115
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116 Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur
2. High speed ferries approaching Saint Helier from the 4. An amber quick flashing light indicates vessels under
S should make their report 10 minutes prior to arrival abeam power and 25m or less in length may enter or leave the har-
Demie de Pas Light in place of the report on entering the bor contrary to the light signal shown at the time. Such ves-
VTS area. High speed ferries departing southbound should sels must keep to the starboard side while passing between
make their final report on passing Demie de Pas Light. No the pier heads.
further report for leaving the VTS area is required. Contact Information.—See the table titled Saint Helier—
Pub. 191
Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur 117
Saint Helier—Contact Information Violet Channel, with general depths of 6.7 to 11.6m, passes
VHF VHF channel 14 Caution.—When navigating in Violet Channel, vessels
Telephone 44-1534-447-722 should pay close attention to the set of the tidal currents which
change direction hour by hour.
E-mail [email protected]
4.10 North coast of Jersey.—The coast between Grosnez
4.8Anchorage.—There are five designated anchorages off the Point (49°16'N., 2°15'W.) and La Coupe Point, 9 miles ESE, is
south coast of Jersey, Vessels are prohibited from anchoring in high and cliffy. Below-water and drying rocks extend up to 0.6
Small Road, the fairway, between Albert Pier and London mile from the shore in places.
Berth or any place other than that indicated by the harbormas- Grosnez Point and Banc Desorme were previously described
of HW, due to the N tidal current, which, at or near spring extensive group of rocks, lies centered about 2.5 miles NE of
tides, runs strongly. Grosnez Point. Great Rock, 10m high, is located near the cen-
4.8In strong winds large vessels are advised to wait until after ter of the group. It is the tallest and most prominent rock.
HW before entering. Reclamation years ago caused a reverse to Flat Rock, which dries 10.4m, and Southwest Grune, with a
the normal direction of the tidal current across the entrance to depth of 0.3m, lie about 0.5 mile, respectively, WSW and SSW,
the harbor. of Great Rock. La Grun de Lecq, which dries 0.9m, lies about
4.8It is reported that the port control (VHF channel 14) has a 0.5 mile SSE of Great Rock.
limited range of only about 8 miles. On the N side of the group, North Rock, which dries 9m, and
East Reef, which dries 2.4m, lie about 0.5 mile, respectively,
4.9 Jersey—South coast (continued).—Violet Bank is NNW and NNE of Great Rock. Northwest Reef, awash, lies
the general name of the reefs lying SE of the low coast between about 0.9 mile WNW of Great Rock.
Point de Pas, close S of Saint Helier, and La Rocque Point Plemont Deep separates Pierres de Lecq ou Paternosters
(49°10'N., 2°02'W.), the SE extremity of Jersey. from the N coast of the island.
4.9The bank dries as far as La Conchiere, a rock, 1.8m high and Plemont Point (49°16'N., 2°14'W.) is located 0.8 mile E of
marked by a beacon, about 2 miles SE of La Rocque Point. Grosnez Point. It is surmounted by a conspicuous hotel. Anoth-
Depths of less than 5.5m over foul ground extend nearly 1.8 er conspicuous hotel and a martello tower stand 1.3 miles SE of
miles E of La Conchiere. the point, at the head of a small bay.
4.9Icho Tower, 16m high, stands 1.3 miles SW of La Rocque Sorel Point (49°16'N., 2°09'W.) is located 2.7 miles E of
Point and is conspicuous. The upper half of this tower is white- Plemont Point. A light is shown from a round tower, 3m high,
washed and it is situated on a rock surrounded by other high standing on this point.
rocks. A prominent television tower, the top of which has an eleva-
4.9Seymour Tower, located about 1 mile ESE of La Rocque tion of 232m, stands 1.2 miles ESE of the light.
Point, is a stone tower, 16m high, with its E, S, and W sides Belle Houge Point (49°15'N., 2°06'W.), fringed by rocks, is
painted white. At HW, this tower is completely isolated, differ- the highest headland on the N coast. A conspicuous hotel
ing in this respect from Icho Tower. stands near the head of Bouley Bay, 1.3 miles SE of the point.
4.9Plateau de la Frouquie consists of numerous submerged and Tour de Rozel lies 2 miles ESE of Belle Houge Point and is
drying rocks. Canger Rock, which dies 3.4m, and La Gou- detached from the shore at HW. This conical whitewashed rock
biniere, which dries 5.3m, lie near the W end of the plateau, 3.2 is 37m high and prominent.
miles SSE of La Rocque Point, and are marked on their NW A conspicuous house, with a red roof, stands 0.5 mile SW of
side by a lighted buoy. Froquier Aubert lies on the SW side of Tour de Rozel, at the E side of Bouley Bay. A conspicuous
the plateau. It dries 8.2m and is marked by a lighted buoy. building, with a turret surmounted by a green conical roof, is
4.9Monte Ube Light (49°00'N., 2°04'W.) (rear range) is shown situated at the extremity of Nez du Guet, a bluff, 0.4 mile SE of
from a framework tower, 14m high, standing 1.2 miles W of La Tour de Rozel.
Rocque Point. Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of about
Petite Anquette (49°09'N., 1°56'W.), a rock drying 6.4m, 15m, gravel, about 1 mile NW of Tour de Rozel.
lies about 2.5 miles E of La Conchiere, and about 1 mile E of Anchorage can also be taken closer inshore, in depths of 7 to
the E extremity of Violet Bank. A rocky patch, with a depth of 9m about 0.8 mile W of Tour de Rozel, in Bouley Bay.
4.3m, lies about 0.3 mile W of Petite Anquette. Anchorage, sheltered from S and W winds, can be taken, in
4.9Seal Rocks, some drying up to 1.5m, extend to about 0.3 depths of 10 to 12m, sand and gravel, about 0. 4 mile offshore,
mile NW of Petite Anquette. 0.6 mile W of Belle Houge Point.
4.9Grande Anquette, a rock drying 8.5m and marked by a bea- Anchorage can be taken, in depths of 15m, about 0.4 mile
con, lies about 0.8 mile E of Petite Anquette, and N of Plateau offshore, 1.2 miles WSW of Sorel Point Light.
de l’Arconie. Caution.—Dangerous wrecks, positions doubtful, are re-
Pub. 191
118 Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur
ported to lie about 1 mile NW of Tour de Rozel and at the E part, within a limited space, is continually shifting and during
side of Pierres de Lecq ou Paternosters, about 1.7 miles N of W winds, the ridges of the sand banks are about 1.2m higher
Sorel Point Light. than with E winds.
Anchorage.—Outer Road, the roadstead for Gorey, lies be-
4.11 East coast of Jersey.—La Coupe Point (49°14'N., tween Banc du Chateau and the coastal bank W. The roadstead
2°01'W.), the NE extremity of Jersey, is a 33m high knoll con- provides safe anchorage for vessels, in depths of 9 to 15m,
nected to the mainland by a lower neck of land; a white stone gravel and shells, about 1 mile ESE of Mont Orgueile Castle.
turret stands on its summit. Large vessels can anchor E of Banc du Chateau, in depths of
clut Point, located 0.6 mile SSE of La Coupe Point, and La the S part of Saint Catherine Bay and several disused subma-
Crete Point, 0.9 mile S. A breakwater extends about 0.4 mile rine cables extend seaward from the shore, 0.3 mile NE of Ver-
ESE from Verclut Point. A light is shown from a framework clut Point.
structure, 9m high, standing on the head of this breakwater.
Saint Catherine Bank, consisting of mud and drying rocks,
Guernsey, Herm, and Sark
extends up to about 0.9 mile seaward from the middle part of
the bay. 4.12 The islands of Guernsey, Herm, and Sark, with their
Archirondel Tower stands on the shore of the bay, 0.3 mile
4.11 adjacent dangers, form the W of the three groups that comprise
NNW of La Crete Point, and is prominent. the Channel Islands. Little Russel, a narrow channel, separates
Mont Orgueil Castle stands 0.6 mile S of La Crete Point and
4.11 the NE part of Guernsey from Herm, and is restricted by the
is conspicuous. It is situated on a rocky promontory at an ele- reefs and dangers extending from, and lying off, both islands.
vation of 64m. Guernsey and Herm, with their adjacent dangers, lie on a
exempted by law. The pilotage zone, see figure titled Saint Pe-
ter Port and Saint Sampson Pilotage Zone, consists of an area
bound by a line joining the following:
1. Saint Martin’s Point (49°25'N., 2°32'W.).
2. Lower Heads Lighted Buoy (49°26'N., 2°28'W.).
3. Southeast coast of Herm.
4. Grande Amfroque (49°31'N., 2°25'W.).
5. Grandes Brayes (49°31'N., 2°30'W.).
6. Fort le Plomb (49°30'N., 2°31'W.).
Vessels should inform Saint Peter Port coast radio station on
of Grouville Bay. It is formed by a pier extending SW from the son. Pilot boarding positions are dependent on the weather and
foot of Mont Orgueil Castle. The harbor dries and is used by are made by arrangement with the pilots. Pilots normally board
pleasure craft and, in summer, small ferries. The approach in position 49°25.0'N, 2°30.0'W or in position 49°30.8'N,
channel is indicated by a lighted range. Local knowledge is re- 2°27.7'W. If the pilot is unable to board due to rough weather,
quired. the pilot boat will lead the vessel to the destination.
Grouville Bay extends between Mont Orgueil Castle and La
4.11 Vessels over 15m in length should contact Port Control prior
Rocque Point. Its shore consists of white sand backed by a sea- to entering or leaving the harbor.
wall. A sandy bank, the S part of which has numerous rocks, The output power of VHF channel 12 is restricted to only
encumbers the bay and extends up to about 1.3 miles seaward. cover the pilotage zone. If difficulty is experienced in contact-
The outer dangers are marked by beacons and buoys. ing Port Control, vessels may send messages through Saint Pe-
Banc du Chateau extends for about 2 miles in a NNW to SSE
4.11 ter Port coast radio station on VHF or MF.
direction, seaward of Grouville Bay, and is awash in its middle Vessel Traffic Service.—Guernsey VTS is bounded by lines
part. The bank is formed of sand, gravel, and shells, and is joining the following positions:
much affected by the weather and tidal currents; the shallower a. 49°30'21.0''N, 2°30'19.2''W. (Fort Doyle)
Pub. 191
Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur 119
b. 49°30'49.8''N, 2°29'07.8''W. Vessels shall call the VTS again for traffic clearance before
f. 49°25'18,0''N, 2°31'41.4''W. (St. Martin's Point) VTS with 1 hour notice to Roustel Beacon/Lower Heads Light-
Vessels of 20m and over and vessels engaged in towing are
4.12 ed Buoy. Anchor, providing the vessel's name, exemption num-
designated as reporting vessels and must participate in the ber, maximum draft, any maneuvering deficiencies, and if
VTS, reporting on VHF channel 12. Non-reporting vessels are carrying dangerous cargo.
to monitor VHF channel 12 while in the VTS Area. Non-re- Vessels shall call the VTS again with 15 minutes to run to
porting vessels are to monitor VHF channel 12 whilst in the Roustel Beacon/Lower Heads Lighted Buoy requesting traffic,
VTS area. weather, and tide information and confirmation of berth or an-
Inbound vessels requiring a pilot (includes vessels going to
4.12 chorage. Final traffic clearance to enter the port must be re-
anchor) shall report to the VTS not less than 1 hour before ar- quested when passing Roustel Beacon or Lower Heads.
rival at the pilot boarding area (cruise ships report 1 hour15 Vessels under special pilotage shall pass vessel’s name, des-
minutes prior) providing the vessel’s name, maximum draft, tination (going N or S), and any maneuvering deficiencies to
last port of entry, any maneuvering deficiencies, and if carrying the VTS 10 minutes before departure.
dangerous cargo. Vessels shall call the VTS for traffic clearance before weigh-
Pub. 191
120 Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur
cident of pollution. Saint Sampson, which dries, lie on the E side of the island. The
The Guernsey VTS area will be monitored by radar, AIS,
4.12 only anchorage for large vessels is E of Saint Peter Port.
VHF, and CCTV to provide a safe Vessel Traffic Service. This For information on Guernsey VTS, see paragraph 4.12.
Telephone 44-1481-220-229 (0900-1700) A prominent radio mast stands on the high ground, close
Web site shore, 0.9 mile NE of Pleinmont Point. It is 20m high and con-
nected to the shore by a causeway.
Hours 24 hours
4.15 Guernsey—North coast.—The N coast of the island
Caution.—In poor weather, vessels coming from the W
4.12 extends between Pleinmont Point and Fort Doyle (49°30'N.,
should not approach Guernsey within a depth of 70m unless 2°30'W.), the NE extremity. It is low and consists of numerous
certain of their position. Allowance should be made for the bays bordered by rocky points, which are marked by old forts
strong tidal currents setting toward the island. or towers. These small bays afford shelter from offshore winds
The dangers lying off the N coast of Guernsey are located
4.12 to small vessels with local knowledge.
close to the coastal shelf and soundings may give little warning The belfry of Saint Matthew (49°28'N., 2°36'W.) and the
of their locations. spire of Vale Church, about 2.5 miles NE, are conspicuous.
Fort Le Plomb stands on a headland, 0.5 mile WNW of Fort
mont Point, then declining in the form of a wedge toward the proached within a distance of 5 miles as the entire coast is en-
N. The W coast of Guernsey has more verdure and appears of a cumbered by extensive foul ground and numerous off-lying
deeper shade than Jersey. dangers, which may best be seen on the chart.
Saint Peter Port, the only town and principal harbor, and
4.13 The outermost dangers consist of several detached steep-to
Pub. 191
Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur 121
shoal patches and rocks, with depths of 9 to 20m, on which the Platte, a drying rock, lies 0.6 mile offshore, about 1.3 miles
sea breaks heavily. SSE of Fort Doyle. A light is shown from a stone tower, 9m
A firing range extends about 1.3 miles N and 1.5 miles NE of
4.15 high, standing on this rock.
Fort le Plomb. Vessels should keep clear of the danger area Roustel, a reef which dries, lies 0.5 mile ENE of Platte and is
when red flags are displayed from the fort. marked by a lighted beacon.
Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents off the E side of
4.16 Guernsey—South coast.—The S coast of the island Guernsey are very strong. In the vicinity of Saint Martin’s
extends between Pleinmont Point and Saint Martin’s Point, 6 Point they set in the same direction at a rate of 3 knots during
miles E. It is high and cliffy. Hautnez, 103m high, the highest spring tides. Close E of Saint Martins Point the currents divide;
part of the island, lies about 4 miles E of Pleinmont Point. Con- one part sets N over The Great Bank through Little Russel, and
spicuous disused lookout towers stand near the S shore, 0.4 the other part sets NE, past and between the rocks lying S of
mile and 2.1 miles E of Pleinmont Point. Jethou, and through Big Russel.
Several dangers front this stretch of coast and lie up to 0.8
4.16 The S and SW currents passing through Little Russel and
mile offshore. Big Russel also meet E of Saint Martins Point. In the narrowest
Saint Martins Point (49°25'N., 2°32'W.), the SE extremity
4.16 part of Little Russel these currents attain a rate of 5 knots
of Guernsey, is backed by high land on which there are con- during spring tides.
spicuous barracks. Doyle’s Column, a conspicuous square
granite tower, stands at an elevation of 118m, about 0.5 mile 4.18 Herm (49°28'N., 2°27'W.) lies 2 miles E of Guernsey.
NNW of the point. This island, along with the surrounding rocks, divides Little
Saint Martin’s Point Light is shown from a concrete build-
4.16 Russel from Big Russel. A conspicuous stone obelisk stands at
ing, 5m high with a flat roof, standing on a rocky spur below the N end of the island. The smaller island of Jethou lies 0.5
Saint Martin’s Point. mile SW of the S end of Herm.
Caution.—An explosives dumping area, which may best be
4.16 Several small but high islets, numerous above and below-wa-
seen on the chart, lies centered 8 miles SSW of Pleinmont ter rocks, and a number of areas of extensive foul ground sur-
Point. round both these islands.
The southernmost dangers are Lower Heads, which dry
4.17 Guernsey—East coast.—The E side of the island in- 1.2m, and Sardriere, a rock with a depth of 1.5m, lying 0.3 mile
cludes Herm and the adjacent dangers. The E coast of Guern- ESE. These dangers lie about 1.5 miles SSW of Jethou and are
sey has a gradual downward slope from Saint Martins Point to marked close S by a lighted buoy.
close N of Saint Peter Port, 2.4 miles N. The land then contin- Fourquies of Big Russel, a drying rock, lies about 0.6 mile
ues low with a few small hills toward Fort Doyle. The entire SE of the SW extremity of Herm. This rock forms the south-
stretch of coast is fringed by numerous dangers. eastern-most danger and is marked close N by a lighted buoy.
The Great Bank (49°26'N., 2°31'W.) lies with its S end lo-
4.17 Noire Pute, 2m high, lies about 1 mile E of the E extremity
cated about 0.5 mile ENE of Saint Martin’s Point. It has a least of Herm. It forms the easternmost danger and is marked by a
depth of 4m and consists of sand and shells. This bank extends light.
about 2 miles NNE and lies nearly parallel to the S part of the Grande Amfroque (49°31'N., 2°25'W.), lying about 2 miles
E coast. A passage, with general depths of 34 to 47m, separates NE of the N extremity of Herm, is the outermost above-water
The Great Bank from the dangers fronting the coast and has a rock in this vicinity. It has two peaks; the tallest is 17m high
minimum width of about 0.3 mile. and is marked by two beacons.
Little Russel, the N approach channel to Saint Peter Port,
4.17 Bonne Grune, a rock with a depth of 3.4m, lies 1 mile ENE
leads between the coastal dangers and those adjacent to Herm. of Grande Amfroque and is the NE danger off Herm. Platte
This channel has depths of 2.1 to 13.4m. The recommended Boue, a small group of shallow rocks, forms the northernmost
courses leading through the passage have a least depth of 5.2m danger off Herm and lie about 0.8 mile NNW of Grande Am-
but pass close to lesser depths. froque.
Beaucette Yacht Marina, formed from a disused quarry, is Tautenay, a drying reef, is located 1.1 miles N of the N ex-
situated 0.2 mile S of Fort Doyle. The entrance fairway is indi- tremity of Herm. It lies at the E side of Little Russel and is
cated by a lighted range. marked by a lighted beacon.
Vale Mill, a conspicuous tower, stands 0.9 mile SSW of Fort Brehon Tower (49°28'N., 2°29'W.), round and 17m high,
Doyle and is the tallest object on NE part of the island. Belve- stands in the middle of a partly drying reef, 1.3 miles WSW of
dere House, a large conspicuous building, is situated 1.6 miles the NE extremity of Herm. It is conspicuous and marked by a
N of Saint Martin’s Point. light.
Platte Fougere (49°31'N., 2°29'W.), a reef which dries 4m, Directions.—Saint Peter Port and Saint Sampson can be ap-
lies 0.9 mile NE of Fort Doyle. It is located at the W side of proached from the N through Little Russel, the entrance of
Little Russel and is the outermost danger fronting the NE ex- which lies E of Platte Fougere. Vessels can pass either E or W
tremity of the island. Platte Fougere Light is shown from a of Roustel. This channel, however, can be very dangerous due
prominent tower, 25m high, standing on this reef. to strong tidal currents and the numerous above and below-wa-
Petite Canupe, which dries 3.4m, is one of the principal
4.17 ter rocks in its vicinity. During poor visibility, vessels are rec-
rocks of a group of dangers fronting the E side of Fort Doyle. It ommended to pass W of Guernsey and approach from the S.
lies about 0.6 mile S of Platte Fougere and is marked by a From S of Saint Martin’s Point, the route leads generally N,
lighted beacon. passing between The Great Bank and the E coast of the island.
Pub. 191
122 Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur
Alternatively, vessels may pass between The Great Bank and Saint Peter Port (49°27'N., 2°32'W.)
the dangers fronting the SW side of Jethou.
World Port Index No. 36000
4.19 Saint Sampson (49°29'N., 2°31'W.) (World Port In-
dex No. 35990), a small harbor protected by a breakwater, is 4.20 Saint Peter Port, an artificial harbor, is the only deep-
used by coasters. water harbor on the island. The S side is formed by Castle Pier,
Depths—Limitation.—The harbor and the approach chan-
4.19 which extends 0.3 mile ENE to Castle Cornet. Castle Breakwa-
nel dry. The entrance channel, which has a width of 36m, has ter then extends 0.1 mile NE from Castle Cornet. The N side is
depths of 7.3m at MHWS and 4.9 to 5.2m at MHWN. There is formed by Saint Julian’s Pier, extending E from the shore, and
about 500m of total quayage. There are facilities for general White Rock Pier continuing SSE.
cargo, tanker, and LPG vessels. Generally, coasters up to 76m
in length and 4.6m draft can be accommodated. It is reported Saint Peter Port Home Page
(1999) that a vessel 76m in length with a draft of 6.1m entered
at HW.
Aspect.—A lighted range indicates the entrance fairway.
Vale Castle stands near the shore, 0.2 mile N of the harbor en- Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents in Great Road reach a
trance. rate of less than 1 knot. Tidal eddies may form at times, close
Three conspicuous chimneys stand close N of the harbor and
4.19 inshore off the port.
a group of prominent storage tanks are situated along the shore See the table titled Tidal Ranges for Saint Peter Port.
are prohibited from entering or leaving the harbor. A flashing MHWN 7.0m
orange light is shown when the commercial berths will be oc- MSL 5.27m
cupied during the next tide.
MLWN 3.6m
Caution.—Tidal currents set across the harbor entrance
LAT 0.1m
Pub. 191
Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur 123
Tidal Ranges for Saint Peter Port Saint Peter Port—Contact Information
Note.—Predicted heights are in meters Port Control
above charted datum.
Call sign Port Control
and again 1 hour in advance to Guernsey Coastguard on VHF 4.20 Saint Peter Port
Channel 20 and call Port Control or Pilots when approaching
the pilotage zone. Vessels over 15m in length should contact
Port Control prior to entering, leaving or shifting berth.
Signals.—Traffic signals are displayed from a signal station
the harbor or leave a berth or mooring while the above signal Anchorage.—Great Road fronts the harbor entrance.
lights are exhibited. Vessels may not enter or leave the harbor Anchorage is prohibited in a circular area, with about a 0.25
or shift berth without obtaining permission from Port Control mile radius, centered about 0.3 mile E of the head of White
through Saint Peter Port radio station. Vessels under 13m in Rock Pier; this area is kept clear for vessels entering or leaving
length, except those under sail, are exempt. the port. The best anchorage for large vessels is about 0.55
Contact Information.—See the table titled Saint Peter
mile ENE and 0.55 mile ESE of the harbor entrance. Small
Port—Contact Information. vessels may anchor about 0.4 mile or 0.65 mile NE of the head
of Castle Breakwater.
Pub. 191
124 Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur
line bearing 018° with Roustel Light, distant 0.4 to 0.7 mile. land, about 0.7 mile WSW of Point Robert. It surmounts the
Winds between SE and SSW send in considerable swell and summit of Sark and is conspicuous. A prominent radio mast,
sea, especially with a falling tide, and smoother and better con- 30m high, stands about 0.3 mile ENE of Sark Mill.
ditions will be found NE of Herm. Pilcher Monument is situated on the W side of the island,
1. Anchorage A (49°27'37.8"N, 2°31'02.4"W). lies 0.2 mile S of Point Robert. It is separated from Creux Har-
2. Anchorage B (49°27'38.4"N, 2°30'52.2"W). bour by a steep and rugged bluff. A jetty extends 45m from the
3. Anchorage C (49°27'33.0"N, 2°30'09.6"W). shore at the S end of the harbor and has depths of 0.2 to 5.1m
Caution.—A range indicating the channel in Little Russel is
4.20 alongside its W side. Local knowledge is required.
formed by the structures of Belvedere Light and Castle Break- Creux Harbour, which dries at MLWS, is located 0.4 mile S
water Light. It is reported that this range is difficult to distin- of Point Robert. It is protected by stone piers and used by local
guish in the afternoon light or in hazy conditions. ferries and small craft. Local knowledge is required.
High speed craft (catamarans and hydrofoils) may be en-
countered in the approaches to the port. 4.22 Blanchard (49°26'N., 2°18'W.), with a least depth of
1.4m, lies about 1.9 miles ESE of Point Robert. This rock
Sark forms the outermost danger in this vicinity is marked by a
lighted buoy moored about 0.5 mile ESE of it.
4.21 Sark (49°26'N., 2°22'W.) has a rocky coast line rising Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents in the immediate vi-
steeply to a plateau. The small island of Brecqhou lies close off cinity of the Sark group are irregular and strong. Their set is
the W extremity. Little Sark, the S part of the island, is almost largely governed by the configuration of the land. In the pas-
separated from the main part by a narrow and high isthmus. sages on either side of the group, the currents in general, are
The shores of the island are indented by numerous small bays regular and set in the direction of the passage.
and coves. Numerous rocks and small islets front the island and There is an eddy off the NE coast of Sark during the whole
close approach is only possible on the NW side. period of the NE current in Big Russel.
Bec du Nez (49°27'N., 2°22'W.) is the northernmost of a
4.21 This eddy extends about 2 miles offshore but not right up to
group of rocky islets lying on a reef, which extends about 0.2 it, and decreases in width as the distance from the coast in-
mile NNW from the N extremity of Sark. A light is shown creases.
from a structure, 1m high, standing on Corbee du Nez, a rock Information regarding the rates of the currents and eddies
lying close S of it. around Sark is limited, but they are probably strong and erratic
A conspicuous tower stands on the N extremity of the island.
4.21 in places, particularly off salient points and where the coast
Point Robert (49°26'N., 2°21'W.), a rugged point, is located
4.21 changes direction.
on the E coast of Sark, about 1.3 miles SE of Bec du Nez, and There are numerous overfalls off the S and E coasts of Sark,
is fronted by rocks. Point Robert Light is shown from a promi- some of which can be dangerous to small craft, especially near
nent tower, 17m high, standing on this point. spring tides.
Anchorage.—Sark affords good shelter from almost all
found about 0.7 mile SW of Bec du Nez and 0.4 mile N of the
E end of Brecqhou.
Big Russel
4.21 Point Robert Light 4.23 Big Russel (49°27'N., 2°25'W.) leads between the
outermost dangers lying E of Herm and Jethou and the outer-
4.21 L’Etac, a prominent islet, lies 0.4 mile SE of the S extremity most dangers lying NW of the Sark group. This channel is
Pub. 191
Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur 125
about 2 miles wide and easy to access. It has general depths of gy, are two rocks lying about 0.2 mile W and 0.3 mile WSW,
37 to 44m, but several detached rocky patches, with depths of respectively, of the light.
10 to 16m, lie near the S entrance. Grode Bank, with a least Point Colotte, 10m high, lies about 0.3 mile E of the light. It
depth of 15m, lies near mid-channel, about 1.2 miles W of the is the easternmost of six detached rocks. The tidal currents run
W extremity of Brecqhou. very strongly through the narrow gullies that separate these
Banc de la Schole (49°35'N., 2°14'W.) lies about 9 miles
4.23 rocks. The S side of the group is steep-to.
NE of Sark. This shoal has a least depth of 2.7m at its W side Eight Fathom Ledge (49°43'N., 2°24'W.), a steep-to rocky
and general depths of 4.9 to 19m, fine gravel, sand, and shells. ledge, lies about 0.9 mile WNW of Casquets Light and has a
The bank lies nearly in the direct line between Big Russel and depth of 14.6m. This ledge causes violent eddies and during
the Race of Alderney. In bad weather, the sea breaks danger- strong winds the sea breaks on it.
ously on all parts of the shoal. Pommier Banks consist of two groups of submerged rocks.
depth of 6.4m. These rocks lie close together about 2.3 miles
Casquets and Alderney ENE of Casquets Light. They should be approached with care
as depths less than charted may exist in this vicinity.
4.24 Casquets and Alderney, with the island of Burhou, Casquet SW Bank is composed of fine gravel, sand, and
and their adjacent islets and dangers, comprise the N group of shells. It has a least depth of 7.3m and lies centered about 4.5
the Channel Islands. The Race of Alderney separates Alderney, miles SSW of Casquet Light. Casquet SSW Bank has a least
the easternmost island, from Cap de la Hague. Ortac Channel depth of 20m and lies about 2 miles S of Casquet Light. There
and The Swinge, two deep passages rendered somewhat haz- are strong overfalls on the former bank and in the middle of the
ardous by the strong tidal currents, lead through this group. latter bank.
Ortac Channel, the W channel, leads between the detached
4.24 Casquet SSE Bank has a least depth of 7.3m and lies cen-
dangers lying E of Casquets and the dangers lying W of tered about 3.6 miles SSE of Casquet Light.
Burhou, the middle island of the group. The Swinge leads be- Caution.—Approaching Casquets is hazardous during poor
tween Alderney and Burhou. visibility due to the strong tidal currents in their vicinity. Ves-
Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents in the vicinity of the
4.24 sels should never approach with the tidal current.
Casquets and Alderney, and in the Race of Alderney, are partic-
ularly strong. About 3 miles N of the Casquets the E and W Burhou
currents attain a rate of about 4 knots during spring tides.
Alderney and the Casquets lie partly across the direction of
4.26 Burhou (49°44'N., 2°15'W.), a grassy islet with rocky
the tidal currents when they set at their greatest rate. shores, has its summit, 21m high, located near the W end. This
At such times, countercurrents are formed on the opposite
islet is the home of numerous seabirds during the breeding sea-
side of the islands. Within The Swinge the tidal currents are re- son. A refuge hut, with a prominent rock close W of it, stands
ported to attain a rate of 7 to 8 knots during spring tides. In Ort- on the S coast.
ac Channel, a rate of 7 knots was observed during spring tides. North Rock, with a depth of 3.4m, lies about 0.3 mile S of
the E extremity of the island.
Casquets Little Burhou, an islet 13m high, lies close WSW of Burhou,
tensive group of islets and rocks, lies 5.5 miles W of Alderney. miles WSW of Burhou; a ledge, with a least depth of about
Three towers are situated on the largest islet, which is 27m 3.7m, lies about 0.2 mile W of Ortac.
high. Casquets Light is shown from the NW and tallest of the Renonquet, an islet 8.8m high, with White Rock, 4.9m high
three towers, which is 23m high. A racon is situated at the and close ENE, lies about 0.8 mile WNW of Burhou.
light. Verte-Tete, a two-headed rock, is 8m high and lies about 0.3
Pub. 191
126 Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur
bound on the E side by the Verte-Tete, Renonquet, Ortac, and Chateau a L’Etoc Point, marked by a light and surmounted
the other reefs extending W from Burhou. by a fort, is located miles 0.7 mile WNW of Quenard Point. A
Dasher Rock, with a depth of 12.2m, lies in the middle of the prominent concrete blockhouse stands on a hill about 0.2 mile
channel, about 0.6 mile E of Danger Rocks. This rock may be SW of Alderney Light.
passed on either side, although the fairway to the E is pre- Houmet Herbe lies close offshore, about 0.2 mile SSE of
ferred. Quenard Point. This rocky islet is surmounted by a fort and
Speedy Rock, with a depth of 10.4m, lies in the N part of the joined to the shore by a group of drying rocks. A group of
channel, about 0.5 mile NNW of Verte-Tete. rocks, some of which dry, extend 0.4 mile SE from the fort.
The Swinge (49°43'N., 2°15'W.) is the passage leading be-
4.27 Essex Castle stands at an elevation of 62m about 1 mile SW
tween the dangers fronting the E side of Burhou and those of Quenard Point. The castle is situated on the SW side of
fronting the W side of Alderney. It should only be used in clear Longy Bay and its seaward wall is painted white. A prominent
weather and in favorable conditions. television tower stands at an elevation of 90m about 0.5 mile W
The swift tidal currents cause much broken water even in the
4.27 of this castle.
calmest weather. When strong winds oppose the tidal currents, A church, with a conspicuous spire, stands in the town of
overfalls extend nearly across the passage. Saint Anne, about 1 mile W of Essex Castle. A water tower and
South Rock, with a depth of 4.9m, lies on the SE side of The
4.27 a framework tower, both prominent, stand about 0.2 mile W
Swinge, and nearly 1 mile S of the E extremity of Burhou. A and 0.2 mile SE, respectively, of the church spire.
9.4m rocky head, and Hope Rock, with a depth of 8.5m, lie Longy Bay, which dries, lies 0.7 mile SW of Quenard Point.
about 0.3 mile SW and 0.2 mile S, respectively, of South Rock. Raz Island lies in the entrance of the bay and is connected to
Pierre au Vraic, a drying rock, lies in the fairway of The
4.27 the shore by drying rocks and a causeway, which is covered at
Swinge, about 2 miles WSW of the SW extremity of Alderney. HW. A fort stands on this island.
Richards Rock, with a depth of 8.5m, lies about 0.8 mile
4.27 Old Telegraph Tower, 6m high, stands at an elevation of 84m
Alderney the W extremity of the island. Between this fort and the W ex-
tremity the coast is cliffy and fringed by a ledge. Fort Clonque
4.28 Alderney (49°43'N., 2°12'W.) is about 3.2 miles long stands on this rocky ledge and is connected to the shore by a
and 1.2 miles wide. Le Rond But, the highest part of the island, causeway, which covers at HW. Clonque Rock, 10m high, lies
is located on a plateau near the S coast. The W and S shores of close NW of the fort and is conspicuous.
the island consist of high precipitous cliffs, broken by narrow Les Etacs, a group of rocks, lies about 0.5 mile WNW of the
valleys, and are fronted by rocks. Low hills on the N and E SW extremity of Alderney. The westernmost and tallest rock is
coasts slope down to bays of sand and gravel, separated by 37m high.
rocky points. The majority of these bays are inaccessible due to Orbouee Rock, 0.3m high, lies about 0.6 mile SW of the SW
the off-lying dangers. There are few trees and these only grow extremity of the island. The Noires Putes, a group of rocks, lies
in the valleys N of Saint Anne, the main town, which is situated centered about 0.8 mile S of the SW extremity. The S rock is
near the middle of the island. 14m high and the easternmost is 19m high.
Alderney Harbour, with the village of Braye at its head, lies Bonit, a rock which dries 0.6m, lies about 1.2 miles WSW of
on the N side and is the only port. Essex Castle and about 0.5 mile offshore.
Quenard Point (49°44'N., 2°10'W.), the NE extremity of The Ledge, a shoal with a depth of 4m, lies about 0.5 mile N
mile W of this point. Tchue, a small rocky bay, lying about 1.2 miles SW of Quenard
Point. This anchorage has depths of 14 to 18m and is sheltered
from W to NNE winds.
Vessels can also anchor off Longy Bay, about 0.3 mile S of
Alderney Light
4.29 Alderney Harbour (Braye) (49°43'N., 2°12'W.)
Pub. 191
Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur 127
(World Port Index No. 35980), a small commercial port, is situ- sels over 60 gt. The pilot boards small vessels about 1 mile NE
ated about midway along the N coast of the island. There are of the breakwater; large vessels are boarded about 3 miles NE
extensive facilities in the harbor for local small craft and of the breakwater.
yachts. The village of Braye stands at the head of the harbor. Vessels should send an ETA message at least 24 hours prior
Harbour—Contact Information.
Alderney Harbour—Contact Information
Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
rounding it without paying strict attention to the ranges and di- Cap de la Hague. This bank should be avoided because it caus-
rections run the risk of grounding on the submerged extension. es strong overfalls and the sea occasionally breaks on it. Sever-
The W current, especially during spring tides, sets strongly al shoal patches, with depths of less than 20m, lie within 2
across the harbor entrance and directly onto the submerged miles W of the bank.
portion of the breakwater for about 9 hours. Great care, partic- The fairway of the race is about 4 miles wide between Race
close inside the breakwater head to the two commercial berths least depth of 14m, lies about 4.5 miles S of the E extremity of
at Brave Jetty, in the SW corner of the harbor. It is 55m wide Alderney. During strong tidal currents, this rock is marked by
and has a least depth of 4.3m. overfalls or breakers and there is always a ripple over it.
No. 1 Berth is 65m long and has depths alongside of 1.7 to
4.29 Tides—Currents.—In the Race of Alderney, the tidal cur-
3.1m. No. 2 Berth is 65m long and has a depths alongside of rents attain rates of up to 5.5 knots during spring tides in mid-
3.1 to 5.6m. Vessels up to 80m in length and 5m draft can be channel; the rates in other parts are subject to considerable
accommodated. variation.
Vessels should note that the jetty wall is not vertical, and that
4.29 For instance, about 1 mile W of La Foraine Beacon
some vessels should maintain separation from the wall, espe- (49°42.9'N., 1°58.7'W.), the maximum currents occur during
cially during periods of high winds, and accompanying seas. spring tides when the flood and ebb attain velocities of 10 and
Aspect.—The approach channel leading between the off-ly-
4.29 7 knots, respectively.
ing dangers is indicated by a lighted range. In heavy weather, when the wind is blowing against the cur-
Pub. 191
128 Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur
Alderney and bound for Guernsey, proceed through the fairway Aspect.—The approach to Cap de la Hague is very danger-
and shape course for either Big Russel or Little Russel. ous, especially at certain hours when the tidal currents flow to-
After passing through the Race, due allowance should be
4.30 wards the many dangers bordering the cape.
made for the tidal current which will then be running mainly When approaching Cap de la Hague from the W, after having
across the course to be steered; care should be taken to avoid identified Casquets and Alderney, vessels will first sight the
Basse du Milieu and Banc de la Schole. high land terminating SW in the promontory of Nez de Jo-
The IMO has issued a recommendation stating that the Race
4.30 bourg. A radar surveillance station is situated 1.5 miles NE of
of Alderney should not be used by vessels other than those pro- this promontory.
ceeding to and from ports in the Channel Islands, to and from About 2.5 miles E of Nez de Jobourg, the hills are dominated
ports situated on the French coast between Cherbourg and by a conspicuous chimney, 100m high, standing at a nuclear re-
Ouessant, or to and from the inshore routes in the vicinity of processing plant. It is reported that this chimney can be easily
Ouessant. For further information, see General Remarks in identified on radar, when approaching from the W, before the
paragraph 4.1. surrounding land appears above the horizon.
The structure of Cap de la Hague Light is prominent but not
North Coast of France—Nez de Jobourg to Cher- conspicuous against the background of the land.
bourg For details of landmarks situated S of Nez de Jobourg, see
paragraph 3.45.
4.31 Cap de la Hague (49°44'N., 1°56'W.), a low point In fog, Fosse de la Hague, with depths of 70 to 105m, gives
fronted by drying rocks, is located 3.2 miles N of Nez de Jo- an indication of the approach to the cape. This deep area lies
bourg (see paragraph 3.45). Dangers extend up to about 0.8 centered about 2.5 miles N of Cap de la Hague and its S edge is
mile seaward on the N side and about 1.5 miles on the W side located only about 1 mile N of the outermost dangers.
of the cape. A signal station, consisting of a white tower and a
dwelling, stands on the N extremity. 4.32 The coast between Cap de la Hague and Pointe de
Cap de la Hague Light is shown from a tower, 51m high, Querqueville 10.5 miles ESE, is high, sloping gradually to the
standing on Gros du Raz, a large rock lying about 0.5 mile shore. The tidal currents are very strong, and when the wind is
WSW of Cap de la Hague. against the current a high steep sea occurs.
Basse du Houffet, with depths of 10m, lies about 1 mile E of
and gravel. Local knowledge is advised. strength, particularly off Cap de la Hague, where they attain a
Goury, a small harbor, lies 0.8 mile SSW of the cape and is
4.31 rate of about 7 knots, and off Pointe de Barfleur they attain a
protected by a breakwater. This harbor dries and is only used rate of about 5 knots in each direction. Midway between these
by local small craft. Rocks front the entrance channel, which is points they attain a rate of about 3 knots. In general, the cur-
indicated by a lighted range. rents off the coast of the peninsula are rectilinear, and with the
Pub. 191
Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur 129
the transatlantic service. The outer roadstead provides a deep trance to Grande Rade, lies between the head of Digue de
and well-sheltered anchorage. There are also extensive facili- Querqueville and Fort de l’Ouest. It has depths of 9.1 to 12m.
ties for fishing vessels and pleasure craft. A fairway channel, dredged to a controlling depth of 11m,
The port consists of Grande Rade, an outer roadstead, and
leads though the E side of the pass.
Petite Rade, an inner anchorage area. Grande Rade is protected An obstruction, with a least depth of 10.1m, lies about 0.4
by three breakwaters. The W breakwater, Dique de Querque- mile ENE of the head of Digue de Querqueville near the W
ville, extends 0.7 mile ENE from a point on the shore located limit of the entrance fairway. Below-water rocks front the W
close SE of Fort Querqueville. The N breakwater, Dique Cen- end of Digue Centrale, near the E limit of the entrance fairway,
trale, is about 2 miles long and detached. The E breakwater, and are marked by a lighted buoy.
Dique de l’Est, is about 1 mile long and extends N and NW
from the shore. Its S end covers at HW.
Petite Rade, enclosed by Grande Rade, is protected on the W
See the table titled Tidal Ranges for Cherbourg.
Pub. 191
130 Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur
cess Route for hydrocarbon carriers over 1,600 gt. (See Regu-
Passe de l’Est, the secondary entrance, lies between Fort de
l’Est and Fort de l’Ile Pelee. It has a least depth of 4.3m and is
not recommended for use at night.
La Truiye, a shoal with a least depth of 0.7m, and Roches du
NW, a shoal with a least depth of 3.4m, lie about 0.2 mile NW
and 0.4 mile NNW, respectively, of Fort de l’Ile Pelee. These
two dangers lie on the E side of Passe de l’Est and are marked
by lighted buoys.
Vessels up to 350,000 dwt, 350m in length, 50m beam, and
Rade and can be entered by a channel dredged to a depth of 4.33 Fort du Roule
Quai de France, on the W side of the basin, is 600m long and
4.33 about 2.5 miles ESE of Fort du Roule. This mast is reported to
has a depth of 13m alongside. It has an ocean cruise terminal. be usually the first landmark sighted on the skyline when ap-
Quai de Normandie, on the E side of the basin, is 500m long
4.33 proaching from N.
and has a depth of 11m alongside.
Darse des Mielles, another basin, is situated E of Darse
the W side of Petite Rade. Five berths located along the S side
of Digue de Homet are available to commercial vessels. Re-
quests should be sent to the naval authorities at least 48 hours
in advance.
Three main drydocks, for commercial vessels, are situated
within the port. The largest is 206.4m long and 25.7m wide.
Cherbourg is dominated to the S by a high cliff, which is
4.33 Fort Central
steep on its W side. A number of white quarries lie on its E
side. Fort du Roule stands on the summit of this cliff, about 1.5 Cherbourg Approach CH1 Lighted Buoy is moored about
miles S of the entrance to Petite Rade. 3.3 miles NNW of the head of Digue de Querqueville.
Prominent water towers stand about 0.5 mile SW and 1 mile
4.33 Fort de Querqueville (see paragraph 4.32) stands near the
SE of Fort du Roule. A conspicuous television mast is situated root of Digue de Querqueville; Fort de Chavagnac stands close
Pub. 191
Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur 131
Departing vessels should request a pilot 2 hours in advance
(before 1800 for departure between 2000 and 0800 the follow-
ing day).
Pilots can be contacted on VHF channel 12 or 16 and gener-
4.33 Fort de l’Ile Pelee North Waiting Area, about 3 miles N of Fort de l’Ouest.
Vessels carrying hydrocarbons or dangerous cargo must em-
within the head of this breakwater, on the W side of the harbor. bark deep-sea pilots from launches in a position 7 miles N of
A light is shown from a column, 7m high, standing on the head Fort de l’Ouest, and, in all cases, not less than 7 miles off the
of Digue de Querqueville. coast.
Fort de l’Ouest stands at the W end of Digue Centrale. A
4.33 Vessels embarking pilots by helicopter must send a request
light is shown from a structure, 9m high, standing on this fort. for pilotage 48 hours in advance to Cherbourg (Pilotage Hautu-
Fort Central, marked by a light, stands at the center of this rier Cherbourg) through a French coastal radio station. The
breakwater; Fort de l’Est is situated at the E end. A light is message should include vessel name, type, and characteristics;
shown from a pylon, 9m high, standing on Fort de l’Est. nature of service (deep-sea pilot to board by helicopter); ETA
Fort de l’Ile Pelee stands at the NW end of Digue de l’Est.
4.33 at pilot boarding position; confirmation that VHF equipment is
Ile Pelee, a drying flat of bare rock, extends about 0.5 mile NE in working order; and confirmation that full landing, restricted,
from this breakwater. It is marked by two beacon towers and is or winching area is available.
bordered by a shallow bank. A light is shown from a pedestal, Vessels should confirm their ETA to Pilot Hauturier Cher-
8m high, standing on Fort de l’Ile Pelee. bourg 24 hours prior to arrival and to Jobourg Traffic 4 hours
Fort du Homet stands near the root of Digue du Homet and
4.33 prior to arrival on VHF channel 13.
Fort des Flamands stands near the root of Jetee des Flamands. Jobourg Traffic (VTS Casquets TSS) will confirm the pilot
Pilotage ter, vessels should transmit a locked key homing signal on 410
kHz. The helicopter pilot will establish contact on VHF chan-
Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels over 50m in length and
4.33 nel 16 or 11 in order to receive relative wind details.
for vessels carrying dangerous cargo. The compulsory pilotage Pilots board by helicopter in the following positions:
area extends within a radius of 7 miles seaward of Fort de 1. Point A—13 miles N of Cap de la Hague (pilots
l’Ouest. boarding eastbound vessels).
Vessels should send an ETA and a request for pilotage 12
4.33 2. Point B—10 miles N of Cap Levi (pilots boarding
hours in advance. The message must include their name, type, eastbound vessels).
characteristics, ETA, draft, and the number of tugs required. 3. Point C—5 miles N of Cap Levi (pilots boarding east-
Vessels should then contact Vigie de Homett Coast Guard) 2
4.33 bound vessels except those carrying hydrocarbons or danger-
hours prior to arrival and confirm if tug assistance required on ous cargo).
VHF channel 16 or 12 and maintain a continuous watch on 4. Point D—32 miles N of Cap Levi (pilots disembark-
these VHF channels confirming their ETA 1 hour prior to arriv- ing from westbound vessels).
Pub. 191
132 Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur
Regulations Signals
A Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) reporting system has been
4.33 When international signals are shown from the Homet Coast
established in the approaches to Cherbourg and is compulsory Guard station prohibiting entry or departure by Passe de
for vessels over 1,600 gt carrying hydrocarbons or dangerous l’Ouest, vessels should keep a listening watch on VHF channel
cargo see Vessel Traffic Service for details. 12.
The North Waiting Area, centered 3 miles N of Fort de
l’Ouest, is reserved for vessels with a draft of 10m or greater, Contact Information
or vessels of 1,600 gross tons or more, and for vessels not
bound to or from Cherbourg. 4.33 See the table titled Cherbourg—Contact Information.
The South Waiting Area, centered 1.75 miles NNE of Fort de
prohibited from stopping or anchoring within 100m of naval VHF VHF channel 6
vessels moored in the roadstead. Hours 1 hour prior to HW to 1 hour after HW
Military Port
Vessel Traffic Service
Call sign Base Navale
The VTS (Homet Coastguard) monitors traffic in the area
VHF VHF channel 74
and relays information to the Naval Base and the Maritime Pre-
fecture Operations Center. In certain circumstances, the VTS Tugs
will assume control of traffic movements and will authorize or VHF VHF channel 12
prohibit movements in the area.
All vessels must maintain a continuous listening watch on
VHF channel 12 in order to coordinate movements between Telephone
33-6-6337-2073 (mobile)
In reduced visibility all vessels over 20m LOA must contact
E-mail [email protected]
Vigie du Homet to obtain permission to enter the Passe de Web site
l'Ouest, Passe de l'Est or the Passe du Homet.
Vessels requiring to anchor within the area must obtain the
Deep Sea Pilots—Cherbourg Office
authorization of the Commandant of the Naval Base. This may Call sign Cherbourg Deep Sea Pilot
be obtained through Vigie du Homet on VHF channel 12.
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
4.33Vessels anchoring in the area but not calling at Cherbourg
must advise details of cargo and reasons for anchoring. If an- 33-2-3320-5123
choring is due to safety or damage, full details must be advised. Telephone
33-6-0775-1891 (mobile)
When international signals are flown at the Vigie du Homet
Pub. 191
Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur 133
Hours 24 hours through Passe de l’Est and may best be seen on the chart. Passe
Local Pilots de l’Est, between Fort de l’Est and Fort de l’Ile Pelee, is not
recommended at night.
Call sign Cherbourg Pilots
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16 Caution
Telephone High speed craft may be encountered in the approaches to
VHF VHF channels 10, 12, and 16 centered 1.2 miles NNE of Fort de l’Ouest and 0.4 mile S of
Hours 24 hours Fort Central on Digue Centrale. They may best be seen on the
Prohibited Areas, which may best be seen on the chart, lie
Anchorage 4.33
Large vessels approaching from E should stay N of a line ex-
which is marked by lighted ranges and a directional light, may shoals, is low. Cap Levi Light is shown from a prominent tow-
Pub. 191
134 Sector 4. Channel Islands and France— Cotentin Peninsula to Pointe de Barfleur
er, 28m high, standing on the cape. A conspicuous signal sta- consists of shifting sand and broken shells. The sea breaks
tion, with a white mast, is situated on a hill about 0.2 mile SSE heavily in bad weather on this bank, especially with the wind
of the light. against the tidal currents.
Port du Cap Levi, a small drying harbor, lies 0.5 mile S of
4.34 Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents close N of La Pierre
the light. It is used by local fishing boats and yachts. Noire attain velocities (E and W) of about 4.8 knots at springs.
An area of rocky shoals extends up to about 2 miles N of Cap
4.34 Close N of Basses du Renier, the ESE tidal current attains ve-
Levi and is marked by a lighted buoy. This area is steep-to and locities of about 4.8 knots while the W tidal current attains ve-
the sea breaks on it in rough weather. Tete Septentrionale, with locities of about 3.8 knots at springs.
a depth of 9.2m, and another shoal patch, with a depth of 9.3m Directions.—The offshore Traffic Separation Scheme, lead-
lying 0.3 mile ENE, form the outermost dangers of this area. ing from Casquets to the Greenwich Lanby, passes about 20
La Pierre Noire, with a least depth of 2.2m, lies about 0.3 mile miles N of Cap Levi.
S of Tete Septentrionale. Chenal des Trois Pierres and Chenal Hedouin, which are
2.5 miles from the shore. The shore is rocky and interspersed area of shoals extending up to 2.5 miles N of Cap Levi, espe-
with sandy beaches. cially when the wind is against the tidal current.
Basses du Renier, with a least depth of 4.5m, lies about 2
4.34 Anchoring, trawling, and dredging are prohibited within an
miles N of the coast, 4.5 miles ENE of Cap Levi, and is marked area, which may best be seen on the chart, lying centered 2
by a lighted buoy. miles W of Cap Levi.
Haut-Fond des Equets, with a depth of 7m, lies about 2.5
4.34 An Explosives Dumping Area, the limits of which are shown
mile ESE of Basses du Renier and about 2.3 miles NW of on the chart, lies centered 7 miles NE of Cap Levi. A circular
Pointe de Barfleur. It is located about 2 miles offshore and Prohibited Area, with a radius of 1.5 miles, lies in the vicinity
marked by a lighted buoy. of this Explosives Dumping Area and may best be seen on the
Banc de Saint Pierre, extending SE of Haut-Fond des Equets,
4.34 chart.
Pub. 191
Sector 5—France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer
Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 191
138 Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer
Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (72 COLREGS) vessels with drafts up to 4m.
and by the International Code of Signals for vessels engaged Tides—Currents.—The N and W sides are quayed and dry
in special operations but not underway. 2 to 4m. Vessels lie alongside on a bottom of muddy sand and
Caution.—A firing danger area lies in the S part of Baie de
5.1 gravel. The approach channel is indicated by a lighted range
la Seine and is situated within the parallels of 49°45'N and and marked by buoys and beacons. The square belfry tower of
49°25'N, and the meridians of 0°30'W and 1°00'W. the church situated in the town can be easily identified from the
Numerous wrecks, some marked by buoys, lie within 10
5.1 approaches. Another prominent church belfry stands at Mont-
miles of the shores of the bay. Small undetected wrecks and farville, about 1 mile SW of the harbor. Local knowledge is re-
obstructions may also lie close offshore. quired and local fishermen act as pilots.
See the table titled Tidal Ranges for Barfleur.
5.3 Barfleur (49°40'N., 1°16'W.) is a small drying harbor 5.3 Fort de la Hougue Breakwater Light
lying 1.5 miles S of Pointe de Barfleur. It is used by fishing
vessels, small coasters, and pleasure craft. The harbor, en- Fort de la Hougue, high and surmounted by a turret, stands 1
closed by a jetty and a breakwater, can accommodate small mile SSW of the harbor and is conspicuous. It is joined on the
Pub. 191
Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer 139
N side to the mainland by a breakwater. This fort, which is prior to anchoring in this roadstead (see paragraph 5.1).
marked by a light, is situated at the end of a drying rocky bank
extending from the coast. The harbor is used by fishing vessels 5.4 Iles Saint-Marcouf (49°30'N., 1°09'W.) consists of
and pleasure craft. The approach is indicated by a lighted two low islands and lies about 4 miles offshore, 7 miles SE of
range. Local knowledge is required. The harbor consists of a Saint-Vaast-la-Hongue. A light is shown from a square tower,
drying outer basin and an inner wet basin. A gate, 16m wide, 17m high, standing on Ile du Large, the NE island. Ile de Terre,
provides entry to the wet basin, which has a least depth of lying 0.3 mile SW, is a bird sanctuary and landing is prohibit-
2.3m. ed. In very clear weather, these islands can be easily distin-
guished. A submarine cable extends SW from the islands to the
mainland and may best be seen on the chart.
5.3 Fort de la Hougue 5.4An extensive area of shallow shoal banks, lying parallel to
the coast and separated from the coastal dangers, extends about
5.3A conspicuous water tower stands about 2 miles inland, 5.5 5 miles NW and about 6 miles ESE of the Iles Saint-Marcouf.
miles SSW of Sainte-Vaast-la-Hongue. A church, with a prom- This shoal area is marked by lighted buoys.
inent pointed belfry, is situated at Quinville, 1.7 miles E of the 5.4Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
water tower. Another church, with a prominent pointed belfry Iles Saint-Marcouf.
stands at Les Gougins near the shore, 5.2 miles S of Sainte-
Vaast-la-Hongue. Tidal Ranges for Iles Saint-Marcouf
5.3Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue. HAT 7.6m
MHWS 6.9m
Tidal Ranges for Saint-Vaast-la- MHWN 5.6m
MSL 4.28m
HAT 7.3m
MLWN 2.4m
MHWS 6.8m
MLWS 1.1m
MHWN 5.5m
LAT 0.5m
MSL 4.03m
Note.—Predicted heights are in meters
MLWN 2.5m above charted datum.
MLWS 1.0m
LAT 0.5m 5.4Anchorage.—An anchorage area is centered near
49º32.4’N., 0º57.9’W and is best seen on the chart.
Note.—Predicted heights are in meters 5.4Caution.—A channel leads between this extensive area of
above charted datum. shoal banks and the mainland shore. However, due to the nu-
merous wrecks lying in this vicinity, local knowledge is ad-
5.3Anchorage.—Rade de Saint-Vaast consists of two anchor- vised.
ages and provides shelter from W winds. The bottom is formed 5.4Baie du Grand Vey (49°25'N., 1°07'W.) is entered between
by sand, mud, and clay, and provides good holding ground. Pointe de la Madeleine and Pointe de Maisy, 4 miles ESE. It is
Onshore winds can cause heavy seas within this roadstead. encumbered by drying sand banks through which two channels
5.3Grande Rade, with a depth of 14m, lies about 1.5 miles S of lead. The seaward entrances of these channels are marked by a
Ile de Tatihou and close NW of the N end of Banc de la Rade. lighted buoy moored about 2 miles E of Pointe de la Made-
5.3Petite Rade, with depths of 2 to 6m, lies about 0.7 mile S of leine.
Ile de Tatihou. 5.4The coast between Sainte-Vaast-la-Hongue and Pointe de la
5.3Vessels must request permission from CROSS JOBOURG Madeleine is low and fringed with wooded dunes. A coastal
Pub. 191
140 Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer
bank extends up to 1.5 miles offshore in places. A prominent 5.6A prominent church stands at Vierville-sur-Mer, 1.3 miles
church spire stands about 1 mile inland at Brucheville, at the W SSE of Pointe de la Percee, and a conspicuous water tower is
side of the bay. situated about 1 mile W of it. Another prominent church stands
Pointe de la Madeleine is marked by a monument commem-
5.4 at Colleville-sur-Mer, 4 miles SE of Pointe de la Percee, and a
orating the Allied invasion landings of WWII on Utah Beach, conspicuous television mast is situated about 1 mile SE of it.
which extends NW. 5.6Between Pointe de la Percee and Port-en-Bessin, 7 miles
High seas are formed in the bay with onshore winds; vessels
5.4 ESE, the coast is fronted by a bank with rocky ledges extend-
should not attempt to reach Carentan or Isigny, at the head of ing up to 1 mile seaward in places.
the bay, except in fair weather and at HW. 5.6A dangerous area extends between 1 mile and 3.5 miles ESE
of Pointe de la Percee. It extends up to 1 mile offshore and is
5.5 Carentan (49°18'N., 1°14'W.), a small harbor with a marked by buoys. Within this area are the remains of the block-
wet basin, lies 4.5 miles inland from the head of the bay. It is ships and other obstructions that formed the artificial harbor off
used by fishing vessels and pleasure craft. Passe de Carentan, Omaha Beach during the WWII Allied invasion landings of
the entrance channel, dries 3.2m. It is indicated by a lighted 1944.
range and marked by buoys and beacons. The harbor may be
contacted by VHF. The wet dock, with depths of 3 to 4m, is 0.8 5.7 Port-en-Bessin (49°21'N., 0°45'W.) (World Port In-
mile long and 60m wide. The entrance lock is 30m long and dex No. 35900), a small harbor, is used by fishing vessels and
9m wide. Local knowledge is required. pleasure craft. Tides rise about 7.2m at springs and 5.9m at
5.5Isigny (49°19'N., 1°06'W.), a small drying port, lies 1.5 miles neaps. The harbor consists of an outer and inner avant-port,
inland on the Aure River. It is used by small coasters, fishing and two narrow wet basins. The avant-port dries 2 to 4m and is
vessels, and pleasure craft. Passe d’Isigny, the entrance channel, protected by a breakwaters. Entry to the wet basins is provided
is indicated by a lighted range and marked by buoys and bea- by a passage, 10.5m wide, with a gate. These basins are acces-
cons. The inner part of this channel leads between two dikes and sible to small vessels with drafts up to 4.2m at springs and
is 85m wide. The alongside berths dry up to 3m. Vessels up to 2.6m at neaps. The harbor may be contacted by VHF. The ap-
55m in length and 12m beam can be accommodated with drafts proach channel is indicated by a lighted range. With strong on-
up to 4.2m at springs and 2.2m at neaps. Local knowledge is re- shore winds, entry is not advised as a dangerous swell occurs
quired. in the outer avant-port.
5.5Anchorage.—Rade de la Capelle, a roadstead lying between
Banc du Cardonnet and Baie du Grand Vey, provides anchor-
age sheltered from S and SW winds, in a depth of 12m, mud
and sand, good holding ground. Care is necessary to avoid sev-
eral dangerous wrecks lying in this vicinity.
5.5Grandcamp-Maisy (49°23'N., 1°03'W.), a small harbor, lies
1.5 miles E of Pointe de Maisy and 4.5 miles W of Pointe de la
Percee. It is used by fishing vessels and yachts. The approach
channel is indicated by a lighted range. The entrance channel
has a minimum width of 18m and dries 2m. The entrance is
protected by breakwaters and submerged seawalls. The wet ba-
sin is entered through a gated passage, 14.3m wide, and has a
depth of 2m.
5.5A light is shown from a mast, 12m high, standing in the town
close S of the wet basin. A conspicuous water tower stands on
the higher land about 2 miles SSW of the harbor. A prominent
bell tower, 67m high, is situated on the high land backing the
5.6 Pointe de la Percee (49°24'N., 0°55'W.) is bordered A prominent signal station is situated 0.5 mile W of the har-
by foul ground extending about 1 mile NE. A race is caused bor. A conspicuous water tower stands about 1.8 miles ESE of
when the wind opposes the tidal currents in the vicinity of the the harbor. The prominent spires of Bayeux Cathedral, stand-
point. At Pointe de la Percee the cliffs fall steeply to the shore ing inland 5 miles SSE of Port-en-Bessin, may be seen from
and form a good landmark for vessels coming from the E. seaward.
5.6Perhaps one of the most overwhelming sites along the coast- Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
Pub. 191
Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer 141
dry, form part of the coastal bank bordering the shore between
Courseulles-sur-Mer and Ouistreham, 9 miles ESE.
Tides—Currents.—The tides rise about 7.4m at MHWS
hours, from 3.25 hours before to 3.25 hours after HW. The ca-
Arromanches-les-Bains and Ouistreham, 15 miles ESE. This nal, which is 7.5 miles long, leads SSW to the port of Caen.
rocky bank has depths of less than 5m and extends up to about
2 miles offshore in places. Caen Port Home Page
5.8 Pointe de Ver (49°20'N., 0°27'W.) is located 4 miles
E of Arromanches-les-Bains. Ver-sur-Mer Light is shown from
conspicuous white tower, 16m high, standing among trees on a Tides—Currents
hill close S of the point.
5.8Courseulles-sur-Mer (49°20'N., 0°28'W.) (World Port In- 5.9 See the table titled Tidal Ranges for Ouistreham.
dex No. 35890), situated 2.5 miles E of Pointe de Ver, is a
small harbor lying at the mouth of the Riviere Seulles. It is Tidal Ranges for Ouistreham
used by small fishing vessels and pleasure craft. The harbor
consists of an avant-port leading to a wet dock and a tidal ba- HAT 8.2m
sin. The approach channel is indicated by a lighted range and MHWS 7.6m
dries 3.5m. Local knowledge is advised. The entrance, with a
least width of 27m, lies between a jetty and a breakwater. MHWN 6.3m
Training walls, which cover and are marked by beacons, extend MSL 4.63m
seaward from the outer ends of the jetty and the breakwater.
The tidal basin is used by yachts and its entrance is spanned by MLWN 2.6m
a swing bridge. The wet dock is entered through a passage, MLWS 0.9m
9.6m wide, with a gate. It has depths of 3 to 4m and can handle
LAT 0.0m
small vessels with drafts up to 2.5m. Entry is reported to be dif-
ficult for small craft with low height of eye because the range
Pub. 191
142 Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer
Tidal Ranges for Ouistreham dredged depth of 7m (1993) over a width of 50m. The inner
part of this channel is contained between two training walls,
Note.—Predicted heights are in meters which cover at HW and extend about 1 mile seaward. It was re-
above charted datum. ported (2011) that the western training wall was being raised
2m and extended northward by 220m. Reclamation was taking
In Rade de Caen, the tides have characteristics similar to
place N of the adjacent ro-ro terminal and was expected to be
those in the estuary of the Seine; the HW stand is 1 hour 30 completed by the spring of 2012. Dredging of the turning basin
minutes during spring tides, and 2 hours during neap tides. E of the ro-ro terminal was expected to be completed by 1 Oc-
tober 2011. The dredged depth within the turning basin is 1m
less than charted. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution
in the area.
5.9The channel leading from the outer harbor through the avant-
port to the locks is dredged to a depth of 3m.
5.9Canal de Caen.—Two entrance locks provide access to Ca-
nal de Caen. The W lock is open from 3 hours before to 4 hours
after HW. It is 225m long and 28.8m wide with a depth of
3.25m on the sill.
5.9Four bridges span the canal. Pont de Benouville (Pegasus
Depths—Limitations Bridge), a swing bridge, is situated 2.4 miles S of the locks and
has a clearance width of 40m.
5.9An Approach Channel, within which navigation is con- 5.9Pont de Colombelles Bridge, a swing bridge, is situated
trolled, leads S and SW to the beginning of the entrance chan- about 0.5 mile N of Bassin d’Herouville and has a clearance
nel. This channel, which may best be seen on the chart, is width of 30m.
entered about 8.5 miles NNE of Ouistreham and has depths in 5.9Calix Viaduct, a fixed bridge, is situated between Basin de
excess of 20m decreasing to 9m. Calix and Nouveau Basin. It has a vertical clearance of 33m.
5.9A Waiting Area, which may best be seen on the chart, lies 5.9 Pont de la Fonderie, a swing bridge, is situated at the en-
adjacent to the SE side of the SW leg of the Approach Channel. trance to Bassin Saint Pierre and has clearance width of 12m.
It has depths of 8.8 to 11m. 5.9Vessel dimensions, with fresh water (FW) drafts, permitted
5.9The entrance channel leads from the S end of the Approach in the canal are, as follows:
Channel through the coastal bank into the outer harbor. It has a 1. Between the locks and Bassin d’Herouville:
Pub. 191
Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer 143
a. By day—vessels up to 205m in length, 23.5m beam, the local authorities before arrival. Other vessels with drafts
and 8.4m draft. Vessels less than 172m in length and 22m over 7.92m should contact the local authorities prior to their in-
beam may transit with drafts up to 8.95m. Vessels pro- tended port call to ensure the entry conditions.
ceeding only to Blainville Wharf, inbound or outbound, 5.9Berths.—Two ro-ro ferry berths are situated on the W side
may transit with drafts up to 9m depending upon the rise of the outer harbor at Ouistreham, about 0.5 mile N of the
of tide in the entrance channel and the characteristics of locks.
the ship. 5.9An extensive marina, with a depth of 3m, lies close S of the
b. At night—vessels up to 20m beam and 8m draft. locks at the E side of the canal.
Vessels proceeding to Blainville Wharf may transit with 5.9Blainville Terminal is situated on the E side of the canal
beams up to 22m. about 1.3 miles above Pont de Benouville (Pegasus Bridge). It
2. Between Bassin d’Herouville and Bassin de Calix: is 636m long and has a depth of 9m alongside.
a. By day—vessels up to 180m in length and 23.5m 5.9Bassin d’Herouville contains President Delaunay Quay,
beam, with drafts of 8.2 to 8.6m. which is 370m long, and Ponderex Mole, which is 215m long.
b. At night—vessels up to 150m in length, 20m beam, 5.9Bassin de Calix contains Quay de Calix, which is 140m
and 8m draft. long.
3. Entering Nouveau Basin: 5.9Nouveau Basin contains Quay President Gaston Lamy,
a. By day—vessels up to 145m in length and 20.5m which is 550m long, and President Lelievre Quay, which is
beam, with drafts of 3.8 to 7m. 150m long.
b. At night—vessels up to 145m in length and 20m 5.9Bassin Saint Pierre is entered from Nouveau Bassin through
beam, with drafts of 3.8 to 6m. a passage 12.3m wide. It has a depth of 4m and is used by plea-
The maximum drafts for tankers depend upon the size of the
5.9 sure craft up to 50m in length.
vessel and the amount of cargo. Such vessels should contact
Ouistreham-Caen—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft
Terminal Aval Ouistreham
T1 167m 5.0m 145m — Passengers.
T2 200m 6.0m 165m — Passengers.
Ranville - Le Maresquier
K2 200m — — 6.0m Ro-ro and aggregates.
Blainville Terminal
Berth F1 9.0m 205m — Grain and cereals.
Berth F2 636m 9.0m 205m — Fertilizer, scrap, and salt.
Berth F3 9.0m 205m — Containers and timber.
President Delaunay Quay - Herouville
E1 200m — 205m 6.4m Waiting berth.
E2 200m — 205m 8.9m Ore and sea aggregates.
E5 — 205m 8.9m Waiting area for cereal berth.
E6 370m — 205m 8.9m Timber and fertilizer.
E7 — 205m 8.9m Timber and fertilizer.
Nouveau Bassin
Lamy C1 8.6m 145m 6.3m
Lamy C2 8.6m 145m 6.3m
Lamy C3 550m 8.6m 145m 7.0m Cruise vessels.
Lamy C4 8.6m 145m 7.0m
Lamy C5 8.6m 145m 7.0m
Pub. 191
144 Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer
Ouistreham-Caen—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft
Lelievre C6 8.6m 145m 7.0m General cargo with bonded
Lelievre C7 8.6m 145m 7.0m warehousing.
Normandie B1 8.6m 145m 3.8m
Normandie B2 8.6m 145m 6.1m
375m Fuels, coal, pitches, and coke.
Normandie B3 8.6m 145m 6.1m
Normandie B4 8.6m 145m 6.1m
D1 140m — 180m — Molasses.
ham Light and a large prominent water tower is situated 0.5 Regulations
mile SW of it. Another prominent water tower stands at Mer-
ville-Franceville, about 2 miles E of Ouistreham Light. Vessels over 1,600 gt and carrying hydrocarbons or danger-
Pub. 191
Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer 145
to be restricted in their ability to maneuver and must show the Ouistreham-Caen—Contact Information
appropriate lights and shapes.
5.9All other vessels must contact the authorities on VHF chan- E-mail [email protected]
nel 74 when entering the entrance channel. Port
5.9Vessels waiting for the tide, navigating in the approach and
entrance channels, or maneuvering in the locks must maintain Telephone 33-2-3135-6300
a listening watch on VHF channel 74. Facsimile 33-2-3135-6306
5.9The Waiting Area lying adjacent to the SE side of the SW leg
E-mail [email protected]
of the Approach Channel may only be used by vessels over
1,600 gt and carrying hydrocarbons or dangerous cargo. Such Port Authority
vessels anchored in the Waiting Area must maintain a watch on
Telephone 33-2-3153-3461
VHF channel 74 and be able to sail on 15 minutes notice. It is
forbidden for these vessels to remain in the Waiting Area Facsimile 33-2-3153-6464
during periods of bad weather from NW to NE. Such vessels E-mail [email protected]
should then remain at sea at least 7 miles from the French
coast, or seek shelter off Le Havre. Web site
5.9All navigation in the entrance channel leading to the locks is Pilots
prohibited during the arrival or departure of automobile ro-ro
ferry vessels. Call sign Caen Pilot
5.9The maximum speed allowed in Canal de Caen is 7 knots. VHF VHF channels 16 and 74
5.9Vessels wishing to enter, depart, or move within the limits of
the port or its approach must obtain prior authorization from 33-2-3197-1681
the Harbormaster. 33-6-1435-6211 (24 hours)
5.9Vessels transiting the canal must keep a watch on VHF chan-
nel 74. Facsimile 33-2-3197-4173
5.9A distance of 400m must be maintained between vessels E-mail [email protected]
transiting the canal. All overtaking is prohibited except in an
emergency. Anchorage
5.9Vessels navigating in the approaches to Caen-Ouistreham are
also within the Estuary of the Seine. For additional information Rade de Caen, off the mouth of the Riviere Orne, affords
concerning the mandatory Baie de Seine VTS Identification shelter from winds between SW and SE.
Zone system, see Regulations under Estuary of the Seine (para- Vessels over 1,600 gt and carrying hydrocarbons or danger-
red light, vessels should stop no less than 400m from the the vicinity of the lighted entrance range.
bridge, and wait for the green light signal.
The request for a bridge to open is one long blast. A long
blast is also a request for small craft in the canal to keep close
to the bank for the passage of a commercial vessel. 5.9The principal route from the sea to the port approaches is
through Le Parfond (49°26'N., 0°15'W.), a comparatively deep
Contact Information bight extending in an ESE direction toward the Estuary of the
5.9See the table titled Ouistreham-Caen—Contact Informa- 5.9In order to avoid the wrecks and obstructions in Rade de
tion. Caen, vessels, except those obliged to use the Approach Chan-
nel, should approach on the lighted range leading to the en-
Ouistreham-Caen—Contact Information trance when about 2 miles N of Ouistreham Fairway Lighted
Port Control Buoy.
Call sign Ouistreham Port or Caen Port Control Caution
VHF VHF channels 16 and 74
5.9Numerous wrecks and obstructions, some marked by buoys,
Harbormaster lie in Rade de Caen and may best be seen on the chart.
Telephone 33-2-3136-2200 5.9A restricted area, which may best be seen on the chart, lies in
the vicinity of a wreck, 2 miles N of Ouistreham Fairway
Facsimile 33-2-3196-3952 Lighted Buoy. Anchoring, fishing, and diving are prohibited
within this area.
Pub. 191
146 Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer
The Estuary of the Seine (49°30'N., 0°01'W.) it sets NE and attains a rate of 3 knots; then it turns progres-
sively to the N and diminishes gradually and expires about 2
5.10 The Estuary of the Seine, in the E part of Baie de la hours after HW at Le Havre.
Seine, provides access to the port of Le Havre on its N shore. The ebb current begins 3 hours after HW at Le Havre and
used by deep-draft tankers, is situated 10 miles N of Le Havre. Banc de Seine, with depths of less than 15m, lies on the par-
On the SW side, the port of Caen-Ouistreham (see paragraph allel of Le Havre and extends to about 15 miles W of Cap de la
5.9) is situated 19 miles SW of Le Havre. Heve. The tidal currents, when they oppose the wind, cause a
All of the above ports are considered to be within the Estuary
5.10 very rough sea on this bank.
of the Seine as far as the Baie de Seine VTS Identification Le Parfond (49°26'N., 0°15'W.), a comparatively deep bight,
Zone regulations are concerned. extends in an ESE direction toward the Estuary of the Seine.
Chenal de Rouen, providing access to La Seine Maritime,
per reaches of the river. The tides and currents will be de- merged when the tide rises; it is marked by beacons on raised
scribed in greater detail later in the text. platforms, about 0.5 mile apart, and by a light at its W extremi-
In Rade de la Carosse the S current begins at LW at Le Havre
5.10 ty.
and attains a rate of 1 knot during spring and neap tides. Since the construction of this dike, the banks in the vicinity
knots during spring and neap tides. tance to seaward when the sun shines on them, are located in
The rate of the tidal currents in Petite Rade varies consider-
5.10 the vicinity of the cape. These cliffs are in contrast to those ex-
ably, but in no part does the flood current during spring tides tending from near the cape to the vicinity of Cap d’Antifer, 11
exceed 2.5 knots, or the ebb current exceed 2 knots. miles NNE, which are 100m high and reddish in color.
Larger vessels operating with or near a minimum underkeel
5.10 A conspicuous television mast, 189m high, stands at
clearance may wish to contact the local authorities for addi- Graville, 4.2 miles E of Cap de la Heve.
tional information. From observations in the E part of Baie de Two conspicuous chimneys, 250m high, are situated near a
la Seine, it was reported that the tidal currents never exceed a power station in the port area of Le Havre, 3.7 miles SE of Cap
rate of 2.5 knots. de la Heve.
These observations conflict with French sources; conse-
5.10 The Riviere Dives (49°18'N., 0°06'W.) flows into the S side
quently, prudence is necessary, particularly in thick weather. of the bay about 5.5 miles E of Ouistreham. The banks at the
The flood current lasts longer and is stronger than the ebb cur- mouth of this river dry up to 1 mile seaward. Cabourg is situat-
rent. In Grande Rade, which lies about 5.5 miles W of Cap de ed on the W side of the river and Dives-sur-Mer is situated on
la Heve, the flood current begins about 4 hours 30 minutes be- the E side. The river contains a large marina and a quay, which
fore HW at Le Havre and sets SSW. is used by small fishing vessels and pleasure craft. Local
Then, increasing in force, it turns and sets S about 3 hours
5.10 knowledge is required for entry. A conspicuous casino stands
before HW, and then sets SSE 2 hours 30 minutes before HW in Cabourg.
and attains a rate of 2.5 knots during the greatest tides. At HW
Pub. 191
Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer 147
Pilotage for vessels approaching the Estuary of the Seine and
Pub. 191
148 Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer
time) is provided by the Rouen Pilotage Service. For further in- formation to the Harbormaster by telex (Le Havre Port de
formation, see Pilotage under La Seine Maritime (paragraph Commerce), 24 hours prior to arrival:
5.13). a. Vessel's name and call sign.
b. ETA at the LHA or A5 Lighted Buoy.
Regulations c. Maximum draft on arrival in meters.
d. Any damage.
Reporting System—The Baie de Seine Identification Zone
5.10 4. Inbound vessels should contact the Control Center 3
system operates in the approaches to the Estuary of the Seine to hours prior to arrival on VHF channel 12 to confirm the ETA
assist the identification of vessels and barge trains of 50m loa and maximum draft. Le Havre will then advise the vessel of
and over bound for or departing from the Ports of Le Havre- pilotage information.
Antifer, Le Havre, Rouen and Caen-Ouistreham. and facilitates 5. Before entering territorial waters, vessels carrying hy-
recognition of vessels bound to or from the ports of Port du drocarbons or dangerous substances must:
Havre-Antifer, Le Havre, Rouen, and Caen-Ouistreham. It is a. Inform the Signal Station of any failures relating to
managed by the Baie de Seine Traffic Control Center, which is the propulsion system, mooring equipment, mooring
located at Le Havre. winches, steering gear or radar.
The Identification Zone is bounded by an arc with a radius of
5.10 b. Maintain listening watch on VHF channel 16 until
22 miles centered on Cap de Le Heve Light. It is bound on the alongside.
S side by the coastline and on the N side by the intersection 6. On departure, vessels must advise the Harbormaster
with the meridian of Cap d’Antifer Light (0°10'E.); see the via their agents 24 hours in advance of the following:
graphic titled Le Havre—Baie de Seine Identification Zone. a. Vessel's name and call sign.
The following procedures apply:
5.10 b. ETD.
1. All vessels and tows over 50m in length entering or c. Destination and ETA.
within the zone bound to or from any port, waiting area, or d. Maximum draft in meters.
anchorage should report on VHF channel 22 to the Baie de 7. Vessels must confirm their ETD 4 hours and 2 hours
Seine Traffic Control Center. This regulation is mandatory prior to departure.
within French territorial waters. All vessels should also 8. On departure, vessels must advise Havre-Port or Anti-
maintain a listening watch on VHF channel 16 and the VHF fer-Port of the following:
channel of the port of destination or departure if they remain a. Vessel name and call sign.
within the Baie de Seine Identification Zone. b. Time of departure.
2. All vessels or barge trains of 50m LOA and over must c. Berth number.
comply with the following procedures: d. Destination and ETA.
a. When leaving the Ports of Le Havre and Le Havre- 9. All vessels carrying hydrocarbons or dangerous sub-
Antifer will be identified directly by Baie de Seine Trafic. stances must:
b. When leaving the Seine, must report to Baie de a. Report any fault in the equipment to the Harbor-
Seine Trafic on VHF channel 22 when passing Chenal de master.
Rouen Lighted Buoys No. 11 and No. 12. b. Maintain listening watch on VHF channel 16 (or
c. When leaving the Port of Caen-Ouistreham must any other directed frequency) until they leave territorial
report to Baie de Seine Trafic on VHF channel 22. waters.
3. Vessels should maintain a listening watch on VHF
channel 16 and the VHF channel of the departure port Heading Reporting Position VHF
throughout the time that they remain in the Baie de Seine
Identification Zone. For foreign vessels, this obligation is NNW 49°28.9'N, 0°00.5'W VHF channel 12
limited to the area located within French territorial waters. S 49°34.2'N, 0°01.7'W VHF channel 12
The following procedures apply to vessels traveling between
through their agent 48 hours in advance of their arrival at only enter the Approach Channels with permission from the
LHA Lanby (49°31.7'N., 0°09.9'W.) or Port du Havre-Anti- Control Center.
fer A5 Lighted Buoy (49°46'N., 0°17'W.) with the following Vessels mooring in the Waiting Areas must contact the Con-
b. ETA at the LHA or A5 Lighted Buoy. Havre or Port du Havre-Antifer should not:
c. Maximum draft on arrival in meters. 1. Cross Le Havre Approach Channel E of LH7 Lighted
d. Description of cargo (IMDG code if appropriate). Buoy and LH8 Lighted Buoy (49°30'N., 0°01'W.). Vessels
e. Any damage. may cross W of these buoys with permission from the Con-
3. Vessels must send confirmation of the following in- trol Center on VHF channel 12.
Pub. 191
Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer 149
Pub. 191
150 Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer
miles WSW of Cap de la Heve, near the NE corner of the found in the entrance channel. An extensive yacht basin, with a
area. This area has depths of 11 to 12m and is for the use least depth of 2.8m, lies on the W side of the harbor entrance,
of vessels of 190m in length and less or with a draft of 9m at Deauville. It is protected by a breakwater and entered via a
and less. lock, which is 52m long and 12m wide. Basin des Yachts, a wet
c. No. 3 Waiting Area lies centered about 8.3 miles basin, is situated in the S part of the harbor and entered via a
WSW of Cap de la Heve and has depths of 12 to 14m. It is gate, 14.5m wide. Basin Mornay is entered from the S end of
for the use of vessels over 190m in length or with a draft of Basin des Yachts via a passage, 13.1m wide. Small vessels
more than 9m. Vessels over 150m in length or with a draft with drafts up to 3.5m at springs and 2.5m at neaps can enter
more than 9m carrying dangerous and polluting goods the basins.
must also use this anchorage. The E bank of the river provides a quay, which dries up to
For anchorages for deep-draft vessels bound for Port du
5.10 3m, mud. Vessels up to 60m in length and 13m beam can enter
Havre-Antifer, see paragraph 5.19. the harbor with drafts up to 3.6m at springs and 2.5m at neaps.
Aspect.—A lighted range, which may best be seen on the
Caution chart, indicates the entrance channel. The training walls are
marked by beacons and lights.
Numerous wrecks, which may best be seen on the chart, lie
5.10 A conspicuous casino is reported to stand in Deauville at the
in the approach to Le Havre and in the Estuary of the Seine. W side of the harbor.
Shoal banks lie, in places, adjacent to the fairway channel
5.10 Pilotage.—Pilots are available from the La Seine Maritime
and vessels should not pass too closely to the lighted aids (Rouen Port) Pilotage Service (see paragraph 5.13).
marking the edges. Pilotage in the port is compulsory for all vessels over 55m in
Small vessels should avoid impeding the navigation of deep-
5.10 length and all vessels carrying hydrocarbons or dangerous sub-
draft vessels, which are frequently encountered in the estuary. stances.
Vessels should not proceed into depths of less than 15m un-
5.10 Vessels should send an ETA and a request for pilotage 48
less they have verified their position as this contour lies close hours in advance, with a confirmation 5 hours prior to arrival.
to the coastal dangers. The message should include the vessel’s length and draft.
Anchoring, fishing, and waiting are prohibited within a large
5.10 Pilots can be contacted by VHF and board in the vicinity of the
area, which may best be seen on the chart, lying adjacent to the Rouen Waiting Area, about 4 miles SW of Cap de la Heve.
N side of the Le Havre Approach Channel. Vessels should also send an ETA to the port 24 hours in ad-
A restricted area, which may best be seen on the chart, lies
5.10 vance, with a confirmation 2 hours prior to arrival.
centered about 3 miles NW of Cap de la Heve. Anchoring, Anchorage.—Small vessels may anchor, in a depth of 4m,
dredging, and trawling are prohibited within this area. A spoil about 2.3 miles WNW of the harbor entrance.
ground is located within the restricted area and less water than Caution.—Dredges may be frequently encountered in the
proaches to the estuary as there is a slight risk of fouling dis- Le Havre (49°29'N., 0°06'E.)
used cables, which may best be seen on the chart.
It is reported (2005) that extensive construction (Port 2000)
5.10 World Port Index No. 35840
is being carried out on the N side of the river entrance, at the S
side of the port of Le Havre. 5.12 Le Havre owes its importance mainly to its geograph-
ic location and the long stand of HW. The port, with its exten-
5.11 Trouville-Deauville (49°22'N., 0°05'E.) (World Port sive commercial docks, serves as a terminus for large
Index No. 35870) is situated on the S side of the estuary, on passenger ships. It also provides comprehensive facilities for
both sides of the mouth of the Riviere La Touques. It is used by container, petroleum, and ro-ro traffic.
fishing vessels and pleasure craft. Bassin Theophile Ducrocq and Bassin Rene Coty extend
The harbor is entered between two rubble training walls, along the S side of the port and form a large continuous tidal
which cover at HW. The W wall extends NNW from the outer dock. A lock situated at the E end of this tidal dock leads into a
end of a curved breakwater. The harbor consists of an avant- number of constant level basins. In addition, a complex of wet
port, a riverside quay, and two wet basins. docks, entered via locks at the W end, extends along the N side
Tides—Currents.—The tides rise about 8.3m at MHWS of the port.
and 6.9m at MHWN. Off the harbor, the tidal currents set ENE
and WSW with rates up to 3 knots at springs. Within the en- Le Havre Home Page
trance channel, the flood current attains a rate of 2.8 knots and
the ebb current a rate of 1.8 knots. An eddy forms off the en-
trance to the outer yacht basin about 1 hour before HW. The
best time to enter is at slack water, about 15 minutes before to Tides—Currents
15 minutes after HW.
Depths—Limitations.—An entrance channel, which dries See the table titled Tidal Ranges for Le Havre.
1.2m at its N end, leads through the coastal bank to the en- Le Havre is subject to a particular type of HW stand known
trance. It is reported (2007) that depths less than charted are as “the duration of high water.” After a rapid rise, the tidal
Pub. 191
Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer 151
Le Havre
Tidal Ranges for Le Havre ance should consult the local authorities for guidance.
Any rule governing the tidal currents in the approaches to Le
HAT 8.5m Havre and at the entrance of the Seine is necessarily complex.
MHWS 7.9m It is often different, even for adjacent positions.
In general, the tidal currents may be said to be rotary in di-
MHWN 6.6m
rection during the rise and fall of a tide.
MSL 4.96m This is best observed in the case of the currents in Grande
Note.—Predicted heights are in meters rapid current of constant direction, springs up and flows NE
above charted datum. and N towards Cap de la Heve. The Verhaule current runs until
the time of HW, and the ebb current sets to the W and then to
During the leveling off period, the variation in water level re-
5.12 the SE for a period of 4 to 5 hours.
mains slight (0.3m) in relation to the tidal range. The actual The exceptions to the generality occur in Petite Rade, N of
time of HW varies within the duration of the HW stand de- the entrance of Le Havre, and in the Estuary of the Seine. In
pending on the phase of the moon. these areas the current has only two directions; that is, SE
During spring tides, it will occur during the third quarter of
5.12 (flood) and NW (ebb). It should be noted that the tidal currents
the HW stand, while at neaps, HW will occur toward the mid- set across the entrance of Le Havre and not into the port.
dle of HW stand. The LW stand at Le Havre lasts for only a At springs the flood current attains a maximum rate of 2
few moments. knots about 4 hours before HW; the ebb current attains a maxi-
Storms from the SW to NW may increase the tidal level by
5.12 mum rate of about 2 knots about 3 hours after HW. About 2
as much as 0.7m, while weather from E to NE will lower the hours after LW the current entering the avant-port and Bassin
tidal level by 0.3 to 0.5m. Theophile-Ducrocq can attain a velocity of about 1.6 knots.
The variations due to weather may shift the time of HW by
Pub. 191
152 Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer
bor entrance, which is protected by two breakwaters. It is 300m basin from which access to the wet dock complexes to the N
wide, maintained at a dredged depth of 15.5m on the range and E is gained.
line, and entered about 0.5 mile NE of the LHA Lanby. The small wet docks extending to the N of Bassin la Manche
Lanby at least 3 hours prior to HW. ing vessels and port authority craft. It is entered through a lock
Vessels up to 150,000 dwt and 17m draft may enter Grand
5.12 situated at the NE end of Bassin la Manche. The lock is 75m
Canal du Havre. The recommended time for vessels of over long and 16m wide with a depth of 1.7m over the sill.
Le Havre—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
America Quay 1-2 500m 14.5m 363m 14.2m (HW) 48.2m 131,095 dwt Containers and reefer.
Asie Quay 1-2 600m 13.5m 346m — 60.0m 302,550 dwt Containers.
Atlantic Quay 1-3 750m 12.8m 334m — 48.2m 124,453 dwt Containers and reefer.
Basin De L Eure
Cameroun Quay 220m — 210m — 25.0m 1,377 dwt Cruise vessels and breakbulk.
Guinee Quay 370m — — — 26.0m — Fast ferries.
Marseille Quay 137m — 136m — 26.0m — Breakbulk.
Fast ferry, fishing and break-
New York Quay 150m — — — — —
Bougainville Nos. 8.0 -
1,620m 293m 13.5m (HW) 40.0m 63,056 dwt Cruise vessels and PCC.
1-5 15.2m
Cemex Betons
Cement Berth 55m — — — — — Cement
EDF Central Terminal
No. 3 120m — — — — —
EDF Power Plant shut down
No. 4 190m — 118m — 15.0m 6,500 dwt
April 2021. Berths closed.
No. 6 240m — — — — —
France Container Terminal
Nos. 9-12 1,400m 16.3m 400m 15.8m (LW) 61.5m 232,60 6dwt Containers and reefers.
France Laints
No. 2 85m — 111m — 16.0m 5,401 dwt Breakbulk.
No. 1-6 840m 8.8m — — — — Containers and breakbulk.
No. 3 228m — 189m — 32.2m 56,693 dwt Breakbulk and bunkers.
Pub. 191
Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer 153
Le Havre—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Nos. 1-2 220m 8.8m — — — — Breakbulk.
Nos. 3-4 148m 8.8m — — — — Breakbulk.
Grande Bretagne Terminal
TGB 3 130m 7.0m 203m — 26.8m 7,000 dwt Fast ferries and ro-pax.
Hermann de Pasquier
Fishing vessels, containers,
Nos. 1-8 1,470m — 210m — 26.0m 7,003 dwt ro-ro freight, bunkers, and
Jean Reinhart
Nos. 1-3 486m 4.8m 138m — 36.0m 12,754 dwt Breakbulk.
Lafarge Cement
CMT 1 105m 5.5m 200m — 13.6m 4,529 dwt Cement.
No. 1 - 2 430m — — — — — Breakbulk. Closed.
Minerals Terminal
Minerals Berth 11m — — — — — Barge use for aggregates.
Multivrac Terminal
Coal. Berthing length of
Barge Berth 70m — 110m 7.1m (HW) — 8,000 dwt
125m (including dolphins).
Coal. Waterline to hatch
Main Berth 250m — 250m 17.5m (HW) 43.0m 150,000 dwt combing height at HW of
North Terminal—Europe Quay
Nos. 1- 4 906m 15.2m 275m 14.3m (LW) 40.0m 70,590 dwt Ro-ro freight and containers.
Ocean Terminal
Nos. 7-8 680m 16.3m 399m 16.3m (LW) 59.0m 214,121 dwt Containers and bunkers.
Osaka Quay 1-2 510m 13.5m 229m — 38.0m 93,062 dwt Containers and breakbulk.
Pierre Callet
No. 1 - 3 598m 12.0m 347m — 43.0m 79,501 dwt Cruise vessels.
Raverat Quay 300m — 130m — 17.0m — Breakbulk.
Roger Meunier Cruise
No. 1 - 3 500m 9.5m 299m — 37.6m 13,294 dwt Cruise vessels.
Roulier Terminal—Champion Quay
Ro-Ro 1 140m 10.7m 116m — 20.0m 4,253 dwt PCC.
Ro-Ro 2 114m 10.7m 200m — 36.0m 11,260 dwt PCC.
Ro-Ro 3 226m 10.7m 200m — 36.0m 44,574 dwt PCC.
Pub. 191
154 Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer
Le Havre—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Ro-Ro 4 65m 3.7m 200m — 36.0m — Ro-ro/lo-lo.
Ro-Ro 5-6 443m 12.7m 200m 12.4m (HW) 36.0m 43,878 dwt PCC.
TNMSC Terminal
Nos. 3-6 1,500m 16.3m 400m 16.3m (LW) 61.0m 228,406dwt Containers and reefer.
Joannes Couvert
Chemicals, clean products,
breakbulk, grain, sugar, proj-
Nos. 1-7 1,528m 12.0m 224m — 32.2m 120,000 dwt
ect/heavy cargo, and multi-
Chemicals, clean products,
Nos. 1-4 618m — 128m — 20.4m 12,661 dwt
multipurpose, and breakbulk.
Tanker Terminals
Alkion Terminal Le Havre
Chemicals and clean prod-
SOG 3 11m — 127m 9.2m (HW) 20.0m 15,000 dwt ucts. Berthing length of 56m
(including dolphins).
Chemicals and clean prod-
SOG 4 30m 11.9m 210m 11.8m (HW) 32.2m 50,000 dwt ucts. Berthing length of 100m
(including dolphins).
Chemicals. Berthing length
SOG 4B — 4.8m 110m 4.7m (HW) 11.0m 4,375 dwt
of 53m (including dolphins).
Chemicals. Berthing length
SOG 5 10m — 130m 8.3m (HW) 19.0m 8/750 dwt
of 53m (including dolphins).
Antifer East 42m 29.0m 500m 26.5m (HW) 60.0m 550,000 dwt Clean products and crude.
Antifer West 42m 29.0m 500m 27.0m (HW) 60.0m 700,000 dwt Crude.
Aviation fuel and clean prod-
Cim Berth No. 1 75m 3.5m 120m 3.2m (HW) 25.0m 10,000 dwt
Cim Berth No. 2 80m 7.5m 198m — 25.0m 30,000 dwt Clean products.
Cim Berth No. 3 85m 8.4m 210m — 35.0m 67,000 dwt Clean products.
Cim Berth No. 5 154m 6.0m 230m — 35.0m 54,000 dwt Clean products and crude.
Aviation fuels, clean prod-
Cim Berth No. 6 120m 9.7m 245m — 40.0m 100,000 dwt
ucts, and crude.
Aviation fuels, clean prod-
Cim Berth No. 7 120m 10.0m 265m — 50.0m 120,000 dwt
ucts, and crude.
Aviation fuels, clean prod-
Cim Berth No. 8 74m 13.4m 330m — 50.0m 230,000 dwt
ucts, and crude.
Cim Berth No. 10 66m 15.2m 350m — 60.0m 320,805 dwt Crude.
Chemicals. Berthing length
No. 1 — — — — — —
of 110m (including dolphins).
No. 2-3 260m — 110m — 16.8m 5,757 dwt Chemicals.
Pub. 191
Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer 155
Le Havre—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Chemicals and LPG. Berth-
SOG 1 17m 11.7m 240m 11.6m (HW) 37.2m 67,000 dwt ing length of 90m (including
SEPP Berth 105m — 165m 8.5m (HW) 23m 4,494 dwt Clean products.
Clean products and dirty
Junction No. 1 11m 7.8m 150m 6.5m (HW) — 5,000 dwt products. Berthing length of
98m (including dolphins).
Clean products. Berthing
Junction No. 2 14m — 189m 10.0m (HW) 32.2m 45,680 dwt length of 56m (including dol-
Junction No. 3 17m 13.4m 280m 13.3m (HW) 48.0m 158,409 dwt Clean products.
Total Fluides
Chemicals and clean prod-
No. 1 52m — 109m — 14.0m 5,413 dwt
Chemicals and clean prod-
No. 2 32m — — — — —
ucts. Closed.
Total Normandy Refinery
Clean products and dirty
Orcher Berth 10m — 100m 4.3m (HW) 14m 5,413 dwt
Total Petrochemicals
Chemicals. Berthing length
No. 1 17m — 100m 6.5m (HW) 17.2m 5,733 dwt
of 85m (including dolphins).
No. 2 40m — 171m 11.0m (HW) 26.8m 26,197 dwt Chemicals and LPG.
Total Reffinerie
Main Berth 90m 4.8m 110m — 14.0m 5,413 dwt Chemicals.
Yara France
SNA 1 138m — 174m — 28.0m 26,348 dwt LPG.
wide with a depth of 4.5m over the sill. Vessels up to 180m in Rene Coty, leads into Grand Canal du Havre and several con-
length and 26m beam can lock in. When the gates are open, stant level basins. It is 400m long and 67m wide with a depth
vessels up to 210m in length can pass through. of 14.5m over the sill. Vessels up to 320m in length, 55m
Bassin Vauban and Bassin de la Barre are entered from the N
5.12 beam, and 17m draft can use this lock.
end of Bassin de l’Eure through a passage 16m wide. Both of Grande Canal du Havre, with depths up to 22m, extends E
these basins are use by fishing vessels and port authority craft. for about 6 miles from the lock. It is marked by buoys and pro-
Sas Vetillart Lock, at the E end of Bassin Bellot, leads into
5.12 vides berths for several large industrial complexes.
Bassin Vetillart, Bassin Marcel Despujols, and then into Canal Darse de l’Ocean, a deep basin, extends about 1 mile SSE
de Tancarville. It is 175m long and 27m wide with a depth of from Ecluse Francois Premier Lock.
2m over the sill. Vessels up to 165m in length, 23m beam, and Canal Bossiere leads NE from Ecluse Francois Premier Lock
8.5m draft can use this lock. into Bassin de Lancement and Canal de Tancarville.
Bassin Theophile Ducrocq, about 2 miles long, is entered 0.6
5.12 Several bridges, which may best be seen on the chart, span
Pub. 191
156 Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer
14.5m alongside. Oil Port Berth No. 10, on the SW side, has
a depth of 19m alongside and can handle vessels up to
280,000 dwt.
5. Canal Bossiere—Terminal de l’Europe, a terminal
for containers on the SW side, includes Quai de l’Europe,
which is 910m long.
6. Darse de l’Ocean—Quai de Bougainville, on the E
side, is 1,625m long and can handle vessels up to 13m draft.
7. Grand Canal de Havre—Multivrac Bulk Center, sit-
uated on the S side about 3 miles E of the entrance, can han-
dle vessels up to 150,000 dwt and 17m draft. Sogestrol
Terminal Berths, on the N side about 0.8 mile E of the en- 5.12 Le Havre (outer harbor)
trance, can handle chemical and LPG vessels up to 240m in
length. about 12 miles to the locks at Tancarville where it connects
It is reported (2006) that a new container terminal basin,
5.12 with La Seine Maritime. At Gonfreville L’Orcher, about 2
known as Port 2000, has been constructed within the port. This miles E of Bassin de Lancement, there are berths for coastal
terminal basin extends along the N side of the river, close S of cargo, tanker, and LPG vessels up to 100m in length and 5.3m
Bassin Theophile Ducrocq, and is protected on its S side by a draft. Between these berths and the locks at Tancarville the
long breakwater. The channel leading into the entrance of this maximum permitted draft is 3.5m.
terminal basin has a dredged depth of 15m. There are two locks leading into La Seine Maritime. The
Pub. 191
Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer 157
0.4m over the sill. The S lock is 200m long and 23.8m wide Pilotage
with a depth of 3m over the sill.
For more berthing information see the table titled Le
5.12 Pilotage for the ports of Le Havre and Port du Havre-Antifer
ea are, as follows:
The channel is marked by lighted buoys. A directional sec-
5.12 1. The NE limit is a line joining Cap d’Antifer Light to
tor light indicates the entrance fairway. position 49°46'N, 0°01'E.
A light is shown from a prominent tower, 15m high, standing
5.12 2. The N limit is the parallel of 49°46'N.
on the N breakwater head. 3. The W limit is the meridian of LHA Lanby
Numerous prominent oil tanks stand on Digue Ouest, which
5.12 (0°09'08''E.).
extends along the S part of the port. The church of Saint Jo- 4. The S limit is the parallel of 49°27'N.
seph, with a conspicuous tower, stands about 0.5 mile NE of 5. The E limit is the easternmost extremity of Le Havre
the harbor entrance. Port, including the Canal de Tarcanville upstream to the Tar-
canville lock gates.
Pilotage is compulsory for the following vessels:
nels 12 or 20 or by telephone.
Pilotage is exempt under certain conditions for vessels
signal stations around the port area. The pilot should be con-
sulted for the details and meaning of the various codes.
Pub. 191
158 Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer
dangerous cargo should consider the Navigation Controlled
Approach Channel to be a Mandatory Access Channel. VHF VHF channels 83 and 88
Baie De Seine Identification Zone
Le Havre—Contact Information Call sign Baie de Seine Trafic
Le Havre Commercial Port VHF VHF channel 22
Berthing Office Le Havre—Antifer
33-2-3274-7070 Harbormaster
33-2-3274-7090 (Container Carriers) Call sign Antifer-Port
Facsimile 33-2-3274-7099 VHF VHF channels 12, 14, and 22
[email protected] Facsimile 33-2-3513-6738
E-mail [email protected] Signal Station
(Container Carriers)
Telephone 33-2-3520-7170
Control Tower
Call sign Havre-Port
VHF VHF channel 14
VHF VHF channels 12, 14, 16, and 87
Telephone 33-2-3274-7071
Call sign Pilots Le Havre
Facsimile 33-2-3274-7075
VHF VHF channels 12, 16, and 20
E-mail [email protected]
33-2-3519-2840 (office hours)
Harbormaster Telephone
33-2-3519-2848 (24 hours)
33-2-3543-1091 (office hours)
Telephone 33-2-3274-7066 Facsimile
33-2-3519-2849 (24 hours)
E-mail [email protected]
Facsimile 33-2-3274-7069
Telex 42-190663 PAHAVRE F
Call sign Lima Hotel (LH)
E-mail [email protected]
Pub. 191
Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer 159
Le Havre—Contact Information The passage up river to Rouen takes about 6 hours and can
the port may anchor, lie in the approaches to the Estuary of the it lasts throughout the day. Fog detectors stationed at various
Seine and may best be seen on the chart. For further details, see positions along the river transmit visibility information to the
paragraph 5.10. port information center at Rouen. The port center will provide
visibility information via VHF on request.
The alongside depths stated in the description of the port are
approximate. The port authority of Le Havre does not provide The rise of tide within the Seine is complex, characterized by
exact figures for drafts permitted alongside the quays. The ac- a double HW at springs, below Duclair. At neap tides the HW
tual depths may be less due to siltation within the basins be- merge, and are indefinable.
tween the dredging schedules. The port authority publishes a At springs, the first HW becomes less and less important as
quarterly timetable showing the maximum admissible drafts the river is ascended.
for large vessels for each tide. At Rouen there is only one HW, but the rise of tide is rapid in
Vessels are advised to consult the port authority for the latest
the first hour after LW. Above Caudebec, the LWN are lower
depths within the constant level basins and the wet dock sys- than the LWS. In periods of drought or certain meteorological
tems prior to arrival. conditions, the water level in the river may be lowered by as
For additional cautions, see paragraph 5.10.
much as 0.8m. Tide gages, some of which are lit, are placed at
several points along the river.
La Seine Maritime (49°30'N., 0°15'E.) In addition, the radar station at Honfleur broadcasts tidal in-
311), and 7.8m and 6.8m at Rouen. The MLWS and MLWN is
3.5m and 3.8m at Caudebec (km 311), and 4.5m and 4.4m at
Current rates in the river vary with the tidal stage, meteoro-
cient water to enter the channel. several causes. The largest depth variations occur in the fair-
Pub. 191
160 Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer
way between Honfleur (Km 56) and Tancarville (Km 338). The Chenal de Rouen is marked by lighted buoys.
variation in this stretch may be as much as 0.3m per week and The city and port installations of Le Havre stand along the N
soundings are taken daily. Dredging is carried out on a continu- side of the entrance to Chenal de Rouen and are prominent.
ous basis. It is reported (2006) that Lighted Buoy No. 2 (49°27.4'N.,
mal meteorological conditions. by the Rouen (La Seine) Pilotage Service. This service also
The published drafts may be increased or decreased at the
5.13 provides pilots for the ports of Honfleur and Trouville-Deau-
stage of a vessel’s arrival or departure if the water level differs ville.
considerably from that predicted. The pilotage area is divided into two sections, as follows:
with the aid of two tugs. Under these circumstances a greater 1. All vessels carrying dangerous substances, hydrocar-
draft than normal is permitted on certain tides. Vessels can also bons, or liquefied gases, including non-gas-free vessels.
proceed in three stages, mooring at the buoys or dolphins and 2. Passenger vessels.
at Radicatel Quay. This programmed descent of the river is not 3. Vessels in the Seine Aval section over 55m in length.
authorized for tankers which are not gas-free. 4. Vessels in the Seine Amont section over 45m in
It is reported (2000) that vessels proceeding downriver in the
5.13 length and those which, although shorter in length, do not
above stages may be permitted a maximum draft of 10.8m. have VHF or radar suitable for river navigation.
The Rouen Pilotage Service should be contacted well in ad-
5.13 5. Vessels under tow which are subject to compulsory
vance of arrival for maximum draft information, which should pilotage.
be confirmed when the pilot boards. Vessels less than 70m in length whose Master possesses a Pi-
at Km 353, Km 338, and Km 309. The minimum vertical clear- Carosse (49°28'N., 0°02'E.) and a request for pilotage to Rouen
ance of all these obstructions is 49m. Pilot at least 48 hours in advance or on departure from another
port if less than 48 hours. This message is usually passed via
Aspect the agent.
Vessels should then send a confirmation message by telex or
training walls, border the N and S sides of Chenal de Rouen. 1. In the Seine Aval section in position 49°28.7'N,
These walls, which cover, extend about 4 miles W of La Falais 0°02.7'W (about 4.8 miles WSW of Cap de la Heve Light).
des Fonts Light and are marked by beacons. Digue Basse du 2. In the Seine Amont section in an area lying between
Nord, on the N side, is 3 to 6m above chart datum and Digue de Norville Light (km 310.75) and Saint-Wandrille Light (km
Ratir, on the S side, is 2 to 5m above chart datum. The outer 306.8).
head of Digue de Ratir is marked by Lighted Beacon A, which
is 10m high. Regulations
The fairway within Chenal de Rouen is marked by lights and
lighted buoys, which may best be seen on the chart. The Baie de Seine VTS Identification Zone system operates
Pub. 191
Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer 161
ognition of vessels bound to or from the ports of Port du 48 hours in advance or on departure from another port if less
Havre-Antifer, Le Havre, Rouen, and Caen-Ouistreham. It is than 48 hours. This message, which is usually passed via the
managed by the Baie de Seine Traffic Control Center, which is agent, must include the following:
located at Le Havre. The Identification Zone is bounded by an 1. Vessel name and call sign.
arc with a radius of 22 miles centered on Cap de Le Heve 2. ETA Rade de la Carousse.
Light. For further information, see Regulations under the Estu- 3. Speed.
ary of the Seine (paragraph 5.10). 4. Last port of call.
Special regulations and reporting procedures apply to vessels
5.13 5. Destination and ETA.
carrying hydrocarbons or dangerous substances bound for or 6. Maximum salt water draft.
sailing from Port du Havre-Antifer, Le Havre, Rouen, and oth- 7. Cargo information.
er La Seine ports. For further information pertaining to these 8. Possible defects, damage, or deficiencies (vessel or
special regulations, see paragraph 5.9. cargo).
Rouen Port (La Seine) VTS system operates in the river area
5.13 Vessels should send a confirmation message by telex or fac-
extending between the Estuary of the Seine and Rouen. It is simile 5 hours prior to arrival, including details of their speed,
mandatory for all commercial vessels. maximum salt water draft, and ETA at Rade de la Carousse to
This VTS system provides maritime and river traffic surveil-
5.13 Rouen Port Control.
lance between Rade de la Carosse (49°28'N., 0°02'E.) and Vessels must then contact Rouen Port Control 3 hours prior
Rouen. Information and radar assistance are provided on re- to arrival on VHF channel 73.
quest. Vessels must request authorization from Rouen Port Control
Port Control on VHF channels 6, 13, 16, and 73. 73, or on the prescribed channel, during passage between the
All inbound vessels should send their ETA at Rade de la
5.13 estuary and Rouen.
Carosse (49°28'N., 0°02'E.) to Rouen Port VTS Control at least Vessels must advise Rouen Port Control of the following:
Pub. 191
162 Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer
Facsimile 33-2-3210-2409
ity, navigational conditions, and weather on VHF channel 73.
Information concerning water levels between the estuary and
5.13 E-mail [email protected]
Caudebec-en-Caux is broadcast every 5 minutes on VHF chan-
Le Havre Office
nel 82.
Rouen Port Control will provide on request details of water
Telephone 33-2-3519-2731
levels between Le Havre and Rouen on VHF channel 73. Facsimile 33-2-3519-2739
The area of radar coverage extends 20 miles W of Honfleur
Radar to Aizer (km 325). Honfleur Radar will provide naviga- E-mail [email protected]
tional information on request on VHF channel 73.
Overtaking is permitted within La Seine Maritime providing
the visibility is clear and no other ship can be seen approaching
from the opposite direction. Vessels bound for ports in La Seine Maritime should head
Anchorage best seen on the chart. The crossing points are marked by white
boards with the word “BAC” or a violet light at night. In addi-
Three designated Waiting Areas for vessels bound for
5.13 tion to their usual lights, ferries at night display three vertical
Rouen, which may best be seen on the chart, lie in the estuary lights. White, red, and green lights are shown when proceeding
of the Seine. For further information, see paragraph 5.11. toward the right or N bank; and white, green, and red are
In the Seine, vessels anchor either to await the tide, or in case
5.13 shown when proceeding toward the left or S bank.
of dense fog. The pilot should be consulted as to the place of Dredges permanently operate within La Seine Maritime.
anchorage, as well as for the proper precautions to be taken on Instructions are frequently given by the authorities using the
the arrival of the flood. convention “left bank or right bank” referring to the position of
the banks when headed downstream.
La Seine—Contact Information
Honfleur (49°25'N., 0°15'E.)
Telephone 33-2-3552-5400 World Port Index No. 35870
Facsimile 33-2-3552-5402 5.14 Honfleur is situated on the left bank of the estuary of
E-mail [email protected] La Seine. The port is approached from Chenal du Rouen and
entered through an outer lock.
Radar Upstream Winds—Weather.—See paragraph 5.13 for further informa-
Pub. 191
Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer 163
leads between two tall jetties to the outer lock. This outer lock, VHF VHF channel 17
which is 40m long and 23m wide, provides access to the port.
Vessels of less than 36m in length may use the lock. Vessels Anchorage.—See paragraph 5.13 for further information.
36m and over in length must wait for HW slack to enter with Caution.—Sluicing takes place at spring tides, during which
both gates open. time the entrance channel should not be used.
Bassin de l’Ouest is entered from the avant-port through the
W inner lock, which is 10.5m wide. This basin is 128m long Honfleur to Rouen
and 77m wide, with depths of 2.2m. It is used by fishing ves-
sels and yachts. 5.15 Chenal de Rouen continues almost as far as the mouth
Bassin de l’Est is entered from the avant-port through the E
of the riviere La Risle, about 5.5 miles E of Honfleur. Then as
inner lock, which is 16.5m wide. It is 295m long and 70m far as Rouen embankments confine the river to a permanent
wide. Bassin Carnot is entered from Bassin de l’Est by a pas- channel.
sage, 13m wide, which can be used by vessels with beams up Quais Exterieurs de Honfleur are situated close E of Hon-
to 12.5m. This basin is 788m long and 108m wide. fleur, on the S bank. These two quays are 122m long and can
Bassin de l’Est and Bassin Carnot provide facilities for com-
accommodate vessels up to 170m in length with drafts up to
mercial vessels. Vessels up to 110m in length and 15.5m beam 7m at LWS.
can be handled with drafts up to 6.2m at springs and 3.7m at Poste Miroline (Km 353) is a dolphin berth for tankers on the
neaps. These limitations are subject to change due to frequent S bank. It is capable of handling vessels up to 60,000 tons. This
siltation within the port. berth is subject to rapid siltation and vessels must ascertain the
For more information see the table titled Honfleur—Berth
depth alongside in advance.
Information. Quai de Radicatel (Km 336), fronting a container terminal, is
further information. uated on the N bank. It can handle tankers up to 51,000 dwt,
Contact Information.—See the table titled Honfleur—
220m in length, and 10m draft.
Contact Information. Quai de Saint-Wondrille (Km 307) is situated on the N bank.
Call sign Honfleur Harbor Master Caudebec (Km 310), Yainville (Km 299), and Duclair (Km
Honfleur—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Remarks
LOA Draft Size
QSH1 122m
QSH2 122m 200m 8.0-9.0m 50,000 dwt Timber and general cargo.
QSH3 136m
Aggregate Wharf 120m — — — Aggregates. Self-unloading vessels.
Pub. 191
164 Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer
Rouen (49°27'N., 1°06'E.) drocarbures and can handle tankers up to 270m in length and
10.5m draft.
World Port Index No. 35850 Quai de Petit-Couronne (Km 252), on the left bank, is a ro-ro
Maritime Port Section, used by ocean-going traffic, extends vides over 2,000m of berthage with depths of 10m alongside.
from La Bouille (Km 260) to the bridge. The River Section lies Bassin Saint-Gervais (Km 245), on the right bank, has an en-
above Pont Jeanne d’Arc. It is used by barges, pleasure craft, trance 140m wide. Quai de l’Ouest, on its N side, is 700m long
and small coasters, which can lower their masts. and has a depth of 8.8m alongside.
Pilotage.—See paragraph 5.13 for further information.
Rouen Home Page Regulations.—See paragraph 5.10 and paragraph 5.13 for
further information.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Rouen—
Contact Information.
Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
Rouen—Contact Information
Tidal Ranges for Rouen
Rouen Port (upstream)
HAT 8.4m Call sign
Rouen Port Control (downstream)
MHWS 7.9m
VHF VHF channels 16 and 73
MHWN 6.9m
Telephone 33-2-3552-5400
MLWN 4.5m
Facsimile 33-2-3552-5402
MLWS 4.5m
E-mail [email protected]
LAT 4.4m
Port Authority
Note.—Predicted heights are in meters
above charted datum. Telephone 33-2-3552-5456
Facsimile 33-2-3552-5413
Depths—Limitations.—The river banks provide a total of
Web site
vessels up to 40,000 dwt and partly loaded vessels up to 140,000 Caution.—The port is subject to silting. Inbound draft lim-
dwt, with inbound drafts up to 11.5m and outbound drafts up to itations are also dependent on meteorological and hydrological
10.4m. conditions. Vessels should contact the harbor authorities in ad-
Below Bassin de Rouen-Quevilley (Km 246), there are many
5.16 vance of arrival for the latest information.
private specialist berths serving the industries situated on the left
bank. The principal facilities are listed below. La Seine above Rouen
Quai Grand Couronne Moulineaux (Km 256), on the left bank,
fronts a container terminal. It provides 900m of berthage and has a 5.17 Above Rouen, several ports and berths are available to
depth of 11.5m alongside. Vessels up to 10.5m draft can be han- vessels capable of meeting the restrictions. Connections are
dled. available, by canal and river navigation, to the Mediterranean,
Grand Couronne Bulk Berth (Km 254), on the left bank, is
5.16 the North Sea, and the Baltic. Vessels wishing to navigate N of
360m long and can handle vessels up to 10.7m draft. Rouen are advised to contact the local authorities for guidance.
Bassin au Hydrocarbures (Jupiter) (Km 253) provides two
5.16 Depths—Limitations.—The dimensions of vessels are lim-
petroleum berths and one gas berth. Tankers up to 210m in ited by the dimensions of locks and bridges, and the depth of
length and 10.5m draft, and LPG carriers up to 160m in length water. There are eight locks between Poses (Km 202) and Par-
and 8m draft, can be handled. is, with a usable length of 180m and a usable width of 15.5m.
5.16A riverside oil berth is situated close below Bassin au Hy- These locks operate from 0700 to 1800 (0630 to 1930 in sum-
Pub. 191
Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer 165
mer months).
Gennevilliers, an island port situated about 5 miles NW of
the center of the city of Paris, lies on the left bank of the river,
and is used by vessels proceeding upriver from the sea with a
draft of about 3.5m, avoiding the necessity of transshipment at
Rouen. The maximum size of vessel reaching this port, with
3,000 tons of cargo, is 120m in length, 15.5m beam, 3.5m
draft, and 7.7m air draft.
Grennevilliers port comprises a series of six basins, dredged
Mammes, then through Canal du Loing, Canal de Baire, Canal between S and W. Local regulations are in force to prevent in-
Lateral a le Loire, and Canal du Centre, and then down the Riv- cidents due to bad weather. Strong winds may reduce the water
er Saone and the River Rhone. The speed limit in the canals is level in the port by up to 0.5m.
3.5 knots. Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
miles NNE of Cap de la Heve, and is the most prominent land- a maximum rate of 3 knots at springs.
mark along this stretch of shore. Depths—Limitations.—The Approach Channel, which
Pub. 191
166 Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer
into the Access Channel, is known as the Zone d’Engainement. For further information concerning landmarks and aids, see
to the Entrance Channel. The Entrance Channel, 0.3 mile wide, the Seine and specifically the ports of Port du Havre-Antifer
leads ESE for about 4 miles from the SE end of the Access and Le Havre is provided by the Le Havre-Fecamp Pilotage
Channel to the terminal. Service (Pilots Le Havre). For further information, see Pilotage
A Disengagement Area, which may best be seen on the
5.19 under Le Havre (paragraph 5.12).
chart, lies adjacent to the S side of the Approach Channel, Pilots board vessels proceeding to Port du Havre-Antifer
about 4.5 miles WNW of the terminal. This area enables deep- about 1 mile N of Antifer A5 Lighted Buoy (49°46'N.,
draft vessels to abort their approach, turn, and return to the 0°17'W.).
Waiting Areas. An electronic navigation system called Syledis is used in the
their draft must enter the port via the Approach Channel. Such
vessels may enter or leave the Approach Channel only to the W
of A7 Lighted Buoy and A8 Lighted Buoy (49°45'N., 0°07'W.).
Vessels constrained by their draft should display the appro-
their draft bound for the port must establish radio contact with
Le Havre port radio station before entering French territorial
waters. Such vessels must remain in continuous contact until
berthed alongside.
Vessels carrying hydrocarbons and vessels constrained by
5.19 Cap d’Antifer Oil Terminal their draft bound for the port must report any significant de-
fects concerning propulsion machinery, steering or anchor
Lighted sign boards are placed at each berth to assist in
5.19 gear, mooring winches, or radar equipment to the authorities
docking or undocking operations. The signs indicate the dis- prior to entering French territorial waters. Vessels with any de-
tance from the berth to the stem or stern of the vessel, and the fects will be required to complete a questionnaire.
vessel’s approach speed in centimeters per second. Vessel carrying hydrocarbons and vessels constrained by
high, standing on the outer extremity of this breakwater. proach Channel or safety areas. Vessels not constrained by
Pub. 191
Sector 5. France—North Coast—Baie de la Seine—Pointe de Barfleur to Cap d’Antifer 167
their draft, when W of A19 Lighted Buoy and A20 Lighted holding ground has been reported.
Buoy (49°41'N., 0°03'E.), may leave the Disengagement Area The area centered about 2 miles WNW of A5 Lighted Buoy
if navigation conditions allow provided that they have a pilot is for vessels with drafts of 25m and over; the area centered
on board and they are in contact with the Traffic Control sta- about 1 mile E of A5 Lighted Buoy is for vessels with drafts of
tion. less than 25m.
Anchorage.—Two designated Waiting Areas, the limits of
5.19 Caution.—Numerous wrecks, some within the anchorage
which may best be seen on the chart, lie adjacent to the S side areas, lie in the approaches to the port and may best be seen on
of the Deep Water Route. These areas are exposed but good the chart.
Pub. 191
Sector 6—France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
6.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 191
General Remarks
6.1 Navigation within Dover Strait is a complex affair, af-
fected by adverse hydrographic and meteorological conditions.
Traffic patterns within the strait are equally complex, with
cross-channel, locally-bound vessels, and fishing boats affect-
ing the through passage. Due to the relatively shallow water,
vessels constrained by their draft may also be encountered
within the strait.
Vessels bound for ports in NW Europe, the British Isles, and
the Baltic Sea may wish to employ a deep-sea pilot before ap-
Greenwich Light Float
proaching the strait. Such pilots may be ordered from and em-
Pub. 191
172 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
6.2The rates of the tidal currents vary depending on the width of a gradual rise of a few degrees occurs during a spell of warm
the English Channel. In Dover Strait, the narrowest part of the weather and a similar drop of several degrees happens during a
English Channel, currents may attain rates of 4 knots at period of E winds in mid-winter. Coastal waters are warmer
springs. In the wider parts of the English Channel, a rate of 2.5 than the open sea in summer and usually a little colder in win-
knots is rarely exceeded. ter.
6.2Data for predictions should be obtained from Tidal Current
Tables produced by the National Ocean Service (NOS), tables Aspect
on the charts, and other available references. The United King-
dom Hydrographic Office publishes a series of Tidal Current The Varne (50°58'N., 1°20'E.), a dangerous steep-to and
Atlases for the English Channel, Dover Strait, the Thames Es- narrow shoal, lies 11 miles NW of Cap Griz-Nez and extends
tuary, and the North Sea. for about 8 miles in the middle of the traffic lane heading SW
6.2A strong wind blowing with the main flood current will tend in the Pas de Calais TSS. It is possible to pass on both sides of
to increase the height of the tide and prolong the flood current. the bank. Strong tide rips occur in the vicinity of this shoal and
6.2Likewise a wind blowing with the ebb current may lower the a heavy sea breaks over it during bad weather. This shoal has a
height of the tide and prolong the ebb current. Winds blowing least depth of about 3m and is marked by lighted buoys to the
against the currents will have the opposite effect. W, E, and S.
6.2Seiches are short oscillations in sea level that may be caused 6.2Varne LANBY (51°01'N., 1°24'E.), with a red hull, is
by abrupt changes in meteorological conditions, such as the moored to the NNE of The Varne and is equipped with a racon
passage of an intense depression. Small seiches are not uncom- and fog signal.
mon around the coasts of the British Isles, especially in winter 6.2The Ridge (Le Colbart) (50°53'N., 1°20'E.), a dangerous
months. steep-to and narrow shoal, lies about 10 miles W of Cap Gris-
6.2Winds from the NW and N drive water into the North Sea Nez. It extends for about 10 miles and forms a natural separa-
and raise sea level in its S part. tion between the traffic lanes of the TSS. This shoal, which is
6.2If these winds are of storm force and are accompanied by an composed mostly of sand with mud and shells in places, has a
intense depression moving slowly across the N part of the least depth of 1.5m and is marked by lighted buoys. The sea
North Sea, a wave known as a storm surge travels down the breaks heavily on this shoal, especially with the wind against
North Sea raising tidal heights in extreme cases as much as 3m. the tidal current.
6.2If the peak of the surge coincides with HW, a severe flooding 6.2Bullock Bank (50°45'N., 1°05'E.), a steep-to and narrow
can result, as has happened in the Thames Estuary and along shoal, lies about 20 miles WSW of Cap Gris-Nez. It extends
the Netherlands coast. for about 7 miles and is marked by a lighted buoy. This bank
6.2A system exists for giving advance warnings of storm surges has a least depth of 14m and is usually marked by strong tidal
to civil emergency services in low-lying areas along the E coast rips.
of England. 6.2Les Ridens (50°45'N., 1°18'E.), lying about 13 miles SW of
6.2Negative tidal surges, a result of abnormal decrease in tidal Cap Gris-Nez, is an area consisting of several shoals. These
heights, are less predictable than storm surges since they occur shoals are formed of sand, gravel, and shells disposed irregu-
in this area as a result of storms, but also affected by abnormal- larly on a rocky bottom. The area has a least depth of 13m and
ly high barometric pressure. is marked by a lighted buoy. The sea breaks heavily on this ar-
6.2Negative tidal surges are more of a threat to deep-draft ves- ea and strong eddies occur in bad weather.
sels than storm surges, since they may lower predicted tidal 6.2Bassurelle (50°38'N., 1°05'E.), a sandy shoal with a least
heights as much as 2m, and they are more frequented in tidal depth of about 7m, lies 24 miles SW of Cap Gris-Nez. Strong
estuaries and shallow water. eddies and a dangerous sea occur during bad weather, especial-
6.2Years ago, at Southend-on-Sea (51°31'N., 0°47'E.), the sea ly with the wind against the tidal current, in the vicinity of this
level was 2m below the predicted level. A deep and complex shoal. The shoal extends for about 9 miles and the depths over
depression formed over Iceland that moved swiftly S until W it frequently change.
of Ireland. This gave rise to persistent S winds over the entire 6.2Bassurelle Lighted Buoy (50°33'N., 0°58'E.), equipped
North Sea, blowing to gale force in places. with a racon, is moored about 1.5 miles off the SW side of this
6.2As a result, sea level in the S part of North Sea dropped by shoal.
0.5m below normal in some areas, and in other parts the drop 6.2Vergoyer (50°33'N., 1°15'E.), a narrow sand bank, lies 23
was 1.8m below prediction levels during a period of 24 hours. miles SSW of Cap Griz-Nez. It extends for about 15 miles and
6.2Years ago, an experimental warning service was instituted is marked by lighted buoys. A shoal patch, with a least depth of
from September through April, inclusive, annually, to give ad- 4.2m, lies near the NE extremity. The E side of this sand bank
vance warnings of negative surges. Negative tidal surge warn- is steep-to, while the W side slopes gradually. In bad weather
ings to shipping are broadcast by Niton Radio, Hastings Radio, the sea breaks over this bank.
North Foreland, and Thames Radio. 6.2Vergoyer N Lighted Buoy (50°40'N., 1°22'E.), equipped
6.2The mean sea density in the offshore area covered by this with a racon, is moored about 2 miles N of the N end of this
volume is slightly greater in the winter than in the summer. bank.
6.2Slightly lower densities than these figures occur off the 6.2Bassure de Baas (50°27'N., 1°20'E.), a narrow bank of sand
coasts of France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. and shells, lies with its N end located about 4.5 miles SSW of
6.2The coldest period occurs at the end of February and the hot- Cap Griz-Nez. This bank has mostly depths of less than 7m
test period in August. Day to day variations are negligible, but and extends for about 35 miles. During bad weather the sea
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 173
breaks heavily over the entire bank. about 3.7 miles WNW of Dyck Lighted Buoy, at the SE limit
6.2Numerous unmarked wrecks lie in the channel leading be- of the northeastbound traffic lane.
tween the mainland coast and the N part of Bassure de Baas. 6.2Out Ruytingen (51°08'N., 2°04'E.) extends ENE for about
6.2Battur, a shoal extending for about 9 miles, lies parallel with 16 miles from the vicinity of Ruytingen SW Lighted Buoy. It
and SE of the SW extremity of Bassure de Baas. It has a least has depths of less than 5m in parts and is the outermost shoal
depth of 8.9m and is formed of sand, gravel, and shells. During fronting the coast in this area.
strong W winds the sea breaks heavily on this shoal. 6.2South Falls (51°23'N., 1°47'E.), a narrow shoal, lies with its
6.2Sandettie (51°15'N., 2°00'E.), a shoal bank extending for S extremity located about 5 miles N of the SW end of Sandet-
about 15 miles, lies with its SW end located 11 miles NNW of tie. It has a least depth of about 6m and is marked by lighted
Calais. It has a least depth of 5m and is marked by lighted buoys. This shoal extends ENE for about 15 miles and forms
buoys. the southeasternmost part of the Outer Banks fronting the
6.2Sandettie Light Float (51°09'N., 1°47'E.), with a red hull, is Thames Estuary.
moored off the SW end of the bank and equipped with a racon. 6.2South Falls Lighted Buoy (51°14'N., 1°44'E.) is moored
This light vessel may be replaced by a Lanby during the sum- close S of the S end of South Falls at the NW limit of the south-
mer months. westbound traffic lane.
6.2East Goodwin Light Float (51°13'N., 1°36'E.), with a red
hull, is moored 8 miles WNW of Sandettie Light Float and is
equipped with a racon.
reduce the risk of collision, a recommended direction of flow about 4 miles S of the Varne Lightvessel at the center separa-
for traffic has been established in the vicinity of the lighted tion zone of the TSS.
buoy. Crossing vessels should leave the buoy to port.
6.2Inter Bank Lighted Buoy (51°17'N., 1°52'E.) (special) is Regulations
moored 9 miles SW of Foxtrot 3 Light Float and is equipped
with a racon. It is located 2 miles NW of the NW side of Sand- Special regulations and reporting procedures apply to tank-
ettie and marks the center separation zone of the TSS. ers transporting hydrocarbons and to vessels transporting dan-
gerous substances navigating in the approaches to the French
6.2MPC Lighted Buoy (51°06'N., 1°38'E.) is moored 13.5
coasts of the North Sea, the English Channel, and the Atlantic
miles SW of Inter Bank Lighted Buoy and marks the center
Ocean between the Belgian border and Spanish border. Such
separation zone of the TSS.
vessels preparing to pass through or stop within French Territo-
6.2F2 Lighted Buoy (51°21'N., 1°56'E.) is moored 4.5 miles
rial Waters must send a message to the appropriate CROSS sta-
NE of Inter Bank Lighted Buoy and marks the center separa-
tion giving their intended movements. In addition, such vessels
tion zone of the TSS.
must use the designated Mandatory Access Routes and Chan-
6.2F1 Lighted Buoy (50°11'N., 1°45'E.) is moored 7 miles SW
nels when approaching a port or roadstead.
of Inter Bank Lighted Buoy and marks the center separation
zone of the TSS. 6.2Generally, tankers and vessels carrying dangerous cargo over
1,600 gt must stay at least 7 miles from the French coast unless
6.2Dyck Lighted Buoy (51°03'N., 1°52'E.), equipped with a
in the northeastbound lane of the Dover Strait TSS or using the
racon and an AIS, is moored about 5 miles N of Calais.
Mandatory Access Routes leading to Fecamp, Dieppe, Bou-
6.2Ruytingen SW Lighted Buoy (51°05'N., 1°47'E.) is moored
Pub. 191
174 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
logne, Calais, or Dunkerque. line extending from the Royal Sovereign Tower through Bas-
6.2For further details of these special procedures, see Pub. 140, surelle Lighted Buoy (50°33'N., 0°58'E.) to the coast of
Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and France.
Adjacent Seas. 6.2Vessels should report, as follows:
6.2Traffic Separation Schemes.—An IMO-adopted Traffic 1. Northeastbound traffic—to Gris-Nez Traffic on VHF
Separation Scheme (TSS), which may best be seen on the channel 13 when 2 miles prior to crossing the SW system
chart, is situated in the Dover Strait and Rule 10 of The Inter- limit line.
national Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (72 COL- 2. Southwestbound traffic—to Dover Coastguard on
REGS) applies. Inshore Traffic Zones lie on both sides of the VHF channel 11 when within VHF range of North Foreland
TSS; a Precautionary Area is located near Foxtrot 3 Light and not later than when crossing the NE system limit line.
Float. 3. When departing from a port within the ITZ.
6.2Routes.—The Mariners’ Routeing Guide (Chart 5500) is 6.2Special reporting arrangements can be made on a ship-by-
published by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office and de- ship basis, subject to approval by both system traffic stations.
picts routes through the English Channel, Dover Strait, and the 6.2Reports should be made by VHF. However, when reporting
S part of the North Sea as far as the entrance to Europoort. The to Dover Coastguard, vessels may fulfill the reporting require-
guide also provides details concerning regulations, pilotage, ment of CALDOVREP through the use of automatic ship iden-
and radio services. tification (AIRS) transponders (see paragraph 1.1).
6.2The IMO has adopted a recommendation that all vessels nav- 6.2Reports to the traffic stations must include the following:
igating in the English Channel and Dover Strait should carry
the latest edition of this guide or other equivalent publications. Designator Information Required
6.2The Netherlands Hydrographic Service publishes, in En-
glish, a Deep Draft Planning Guide covering the Deep Draft Name, call sign, and IMO number or
Routes from the Greenwich Light Float to Europoort for ves- MMSI number
sels with drafts over 20.7m. However, the contents of the guide B Date and time
are not necessarily endorsed in every detail by the United
Kingdom authorities. C Position (latitude/longitude) or
6.2Information Service.—Vessels in the vicinity of the Dover Position (range and bearing from a clearly
Strait TSS are advised to listen to the appropriate VHF broad- D
identified landmark)
casts given by the Channel Navigation and Information Service
(CNIS). This service, which is operated from Dover Strait E True course
Coast Guard and CROSSMA Griz-Nez, provides information F Speed
concerning traffic, navigation, and visibility.
G Port of departure
6.2CNIS broadcasts are given on VHF channel 11 by Dover
Coast Guard at 40 minutes past the hour (additional broadcasts I Port of destination and ETA
at 55 minutes past the hour when visibility is less than 2 miles)
O Draft
and by Griz-Nez Traffic on VHF channel 79 at 10 minutes past
the hour (additional broadcasts at 25 minutes past the hour Cargo and, if dangerous cargo on board,
when visibility is less than 2 miles). IMO quantity and class
6.2The information broadcasts are preceded by an announce- Defects, damage, and/or deficiencies af-
ment on VHF channel 16 and followed by a reminder concern- fecting the structure, cargo, or ship’s equip-
ing the time and VHF frequency of the next broadcast. Q or R ment or any other circumstances affecting
6.2Reporting Systems.—The Dover Strait Reporting System normal navigation in accordance with the
(CALDOVREP), a mandatory reporting system under SOLAS SOLAS and MARPOL conventions
regulations, has been established (1999) in a 65-mile stretch of
the Dover TSS. Address for provision of information con-
6.2In order to enhance safe navigation, shore based facilities at cerning a cargo of dangerous goods
Gris-Nez Traffic and Dover Coastguard will monitor shipping W Number of persons onboard
movements and provide advise and information pertaining to
navigational hazards and weather conditions. Miscellaneous:
6.2The following vessels are required to participate in the sys- 1. Estimated quantity of bunker fuel
tem: X and characteristics for vessels carrying
1. All vessels over 300 gt. more than 5,000 tons of bunker fuel
2. All vessels 300 gt and under when either: 2. Navigation conditions
a. Not under command or at anchor in the TSS or its
Inshore Traffic Zone. 6.2The Ship Movement Reporting System (MAREP) is a volun-
b. Restricted in ability to maneuver. tary reporting system operating in the English Channel and Do-
c. Having defective navigational aids. ver Strait.
6.2The reporting system area is bound to the E by a line extend- 6.2All merchant vessels over 300 gt are requested to report to
ing between North Foreland Light (51°23'N., 1°27'E.) and the the appropriate shore station when approaching the following:
France/Belgium border (51°05'N., 2°33'E.); and to the W by a 1. The TSS off Ile d’Ouessant.
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 175
2. The TSS off Casquets. 4. Southeast of MPC Lighted Buoy (51°06'N., 1°38'E.).
3. The TSS within Dover Strait. 5. Westnorthwest of Ruytingen SW Lighted Buoy
6.2For further details of MAREP, see Pub. 140, Sailing Direc- (51°05'N., 1°47'E.) moored 4.5 miles S of the Sandettie
tions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and Adjacent Light Float.
Seas. 6.2Sandettie to Noord Hinder Junction.—The main north-
6.2Note.—Due to the CALDOVREP reporting system being eastbound route leads SE of Sandettie and should be used by
mandatory in the area of the Dover Strait TSS, vessels are ad- all vessels that can safely navigate in the channel with respect
vised that this system takes preference over the Ship Move- to their draft. The Deep Draft Route leads NE of Sandettie.
ment Report System (MAREP), which is voluntary. These two routes merge again NE of Sandettie. From a position
WNW of the Ruytingen SW Lighted Buoy (51°05'N., 1°47'E.),
Directions the route leads 58 miles passing:
1. Southeast of Sandettie.
The northeastbound traffic lane of the TSS runs along the SE 2. Northwest of Out Ruytingen.
side of Dover Strait to the Noord Hinder Junction Precaution- 3. West of the entrance to the eastbound lane of the West
ary Area, a total distance of 145 miles. The West Hinder TSS Hinder TSS.
branches off the Dover Strait TSS, about 4 miles NE of the N 4. East of Sandettie N Lighted Buoy (51°18'N., 2°05'E.).
end of Sandettie, and leads E for 20 miles to the pilot station. 5. Eastsoutheast of Foxtrot 3 Light Float (51°24'N.,
6.2The southwestbound traffic lane of the TSS runs along the 2°01'E.).
NW side of Dover Strait and lies more or less parallel to the 6. West of Hinder 1 Lighted Buoy (51°21'N., 2°11'E.).
northeastbound lane. 7. Either side of Fairy W Lighted Buoy (51°24'N.,
6.2Deep Draft Routes for deep-draft vessels follow the north- 2°09'E.), then 30 miles NE through the North Hinder South
eastbound and southwestbound traffic lanes but pass through TSS to the Noord Hinder Junction (51°55'N., 2°50'E.).
specific positions known as waypoints. 6.2For additional information, including graphics, concerning
6.2The northeastbound Deep Draft Route passes to the NW of the above routes and their continuation into the S part of the
Sandettie and is recommended by the Netherlands authorities. North Sea, see Pub. 192, Sailing Directions (Enroute) North
It leads through that part of the TSS which has been designated Sea (Sector 6 and Sector 7).
a Deep Water Route by the IMO. 6.2Noord Hinder Junction to Greenwich Light Float.—From
6.2The southwestbound Deep Draft Route passes SE of the The the Noord Hinder Junction the SW route follows the south-
Varne and has no official standing. westbound lane of the Noord Hinder South TSS to Sandettie. It
6.2Inshore Traffic Zones are situated between the coasts and the then follows the southwestbound lane of the Dover Strait TSS
traffic lanes on both sides of the TSS. to a position about 6 miles NNW of Greenwich Light Float.
6.2The routes, described below, are divided, as follows: The route is about 140 miles long and passes:
1. Northeastbound lane—Greenwich Light Float to Les 1. Northwest of Foxtrot 3 Light Float (51°24'N.,
Ridens. 2°01'E.).
2. Northeastbound lane—Les Ridens to Sandettie. 2. Westnorthwest of Inter Bank Lighted Buoy (51°17'N.,
3. Northeastbound lane—Sandettie to Noord Hinder 1°52'E.).
Junction. 3. Eastsoutheast of South Falls Lighted Buoy (51°14'N.,
4. Southwestbound lane—Noord Hinder Junction to the 1°44'E.).
Greenwich Light Float. 4. Northwest of F1 Lighted Buoy (51°11'N., 1°45'E.).
5. Southwestbound Deep Draft Route. 5. Northwest of MPC Lighted Buoy (51°06'N., 1°38'E.).
6. Northeastbound Deep Draft Route. 6. Either side of Varne Lightvessel (51°01'N., 1°24'E.).
6.2Depths in the routes are critical for deep-draft vessels. A 7. Either SE or NW of S Varne Lighted Buoy (50°55'N.,
number of shoals and wrecks, with depths of less than 20m, lie 1°17'E.).
within the lanes of the TSS. However, these can be avoided by 8. Southeast of CS3 Lighted Buoy (50°52'N., 1°02'E.).
using the Deep Draft Routes. 9. Southeast of CS2 Lighted Buoy (50°39'N., 0°33'E.).
6.2Greenwich Light Float to Les Ridens.—From a position 10. Northnorthwest of Greenwich Light Float.
about 6 miles S of Greenwich Light Float, the NE route follows 6.2Southwestbound Deep Draft Route.—The controlling
the northeastbound traffic lane, which is 4 miles wide, for 60 depth in this route is considered to be 23m lying over a swept
miles in a general ENE direction passing: wreck close SE of The Varne. A maximum draft is not stipulat-
1. Southeast of Bassurelle. ed for this route but recommended underkeel clearances are
2. Northwest of Vergoyer. stated below. The Deep Draft Route consists of a track joining
3. Southeast of Les Ridens. a series of waypoints. Waypoints designated 19 to 27 follow
6.2Les Ridens to Sandettie.—From a position SE of Les the SW traffic lane of the Noord Hinder South TSS and the Do-
Ridens, the NE route follows the northeastbound traffic lane ver Strait TSS. A section of this track, indicated by Waypoint
for 27 miles in a general NNE direction passing: No. 23 through Waypoint No. 26, leads SE of The Varne.
1. Westnorthwest of ZC1 Lighted Buoy (50°45'N., 6.2The waypoints of the route are designated, as follows:
1°27'E.) marking the Boulogne Approach Channel. 1. Waypoint No. 19 51°57.7'N, 2°37.8'E.
2. Eastsoutheast of The Ridge (Le Colbart). 2. Waypoint No. 20 51°50.6'N, 2°30.3'E.
3. Westnorthwest and NW of ZC2 Lighted Buoy 3. Waypoint No. 21 51°34.5'N, 2°08.2'E.
(50°54'N., 1°31'E.). 4. Waypoint No. 21A 51°22.8'N, 1°52.5'E.
Pub. 191
176 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
5. Waypoint No. 22 51°11.4'N, 1°44.3'E. 6.2In addition, the mandatory provisions of the Deep Water
6. Waypoint No. 23 51°00.9'N, 1°25.0'E. Route in the vicinity of the Off Botney Ground TSS do not ap-
7. Waypoint No. 24 50°57.5'N, 1°22.4'E. ply to vessels sailing between ports on the E coast of the Unit-
8. Waypoint No. 25 50°54.7'N, 1°18.7'E. ed Kingdom.
9. Waypoint No. 26 50°45.1'N, 0°57.0'E. 6.2Both the northeastbound and the southwestbound Deep Wa-
10. Waypoint No. 27 50°36.5'N, 0°33.9'E. ter Routes are shown in the Mariners’ Routeing Guide (Chart
11. Waypoint No. 28 50°20.2'N, 0°49.7'W. 5500), which is published by the United Kingdom Hydro-
6.2Northeastbound Deep Draft Route.—The Netherlands au- graphic Office. In the area of the deep draft route east of the
thorities have selected a route within the northeastbound traffic separation line, ships are recommended to avoid overtaking
lanes of the Dover Strait TSS and Noord Hinder South TSS as where traffic and navigation do not allow sufficient sea room
being the most favorable for vessels, with drafts over 20.7m, and passing distance. If overtaking is performed then a safe
navigating from Greenwich Light Float to Europort. This route distance must be maintained and COLREG Rule 13 observed.
consists of a track joining a series of waypoints. The con- 6.2Deep-draft vessels may have to make use of the height of
trolling depth in this route is considered to be 27.3m lying be- tide in order to have a safe underkeel clearance in areas where
tween Waypoint J and WaypointL. A section of this track, the depths are critical. This applies especially to southwest-
indicated by Waypoint F through Waypoint I, leads NW of bound vessels in the area lying between The Varne and The
Sandettie. Ridge.
6.2Vessels with drafts up to 22m, up to 22.6m in favorable con- 6.2The recommendations stated below have been extracted
ditions, can use this Deep Draft Route. However the recom- from the Netherlands Deep Draft Planning Guide for vessels
mended underkeel clearances stated below should be taken into using the northeastbound Deep Draft Route.
consideration. 6.2Vessels constrained by their draft should display the appro-
6.2The waypoints indicating the selected route are designated, priate lights and shapes.
as follows: 6.2The passage should not be undertaken unless both the ves-
1. Waypoint A 50°19.4'N, 0°02.0'E. sel’s GPS and radar equipment are functioning correctly.
2. Waypoint B 50°29.8'N, 0°58.6'E. 6.2A pilot with experience in VLCCs should be employed for
3. Waypoint C 50°35.2'N, 1°13.1'E. the whole route, at least for the vessel’s first transit.
4. Waypoint D 50°40.2'N, 1°21.5'E. 6.2Accurate navigation to maintain the selected track is essen-
5. Waypoint E 50°54.0'N, 1°28.7'E. tial. In particular, drift and speed over the ground should be
6. Waypoint F 51°04.7'N, 1°40.6'E. calculated in advance to help maintain the route and initiate
7. Waypoint G 51°10.2'N, 1°44.1'E. turns correctly.
8. Waypoint H 51°15.7'N, 1°53.7'E. 6.2Underkeel Clearances.—The British authorities recom-
9. Waypoint I 51°22.0'N, 1°58.6'E. mend the following underkeel clearances for deep-draft vessels
10. Waypoint J 51°33.8'N, 2°20.3'E. proceeding through Dover Strait at 12 knots:
11. Waypoint K 51°47.5'N, 2°36.3'E. 6.2A recent British study has shown that an underkeel clearance
12. Waypoint L 51°53.0'N, 2°44.9'E. of 9.5m is required between Vergoyer N Lighted Buoy
13. Waypoint M 51°56.8'N, 2°53.7'E. (50°40'N., 1°22'E.) and ZC2 Lighted Buoy (50°53'N., 1°31'E.)
14. Waypoint N 51°57.2'N, 2°51.5'E. for a vessel with a draft of 22m during SW storms.
15. Waypoint O 52°02.7'N, 2°41.3'E. 6.2Waypoint No. 20 and Waypoint No. 21 were not covered by
16. Waypoint P 52°01.8'N, 3°53.6'E. the study. However, a clearance of 6.1m has been recommend-
6.2Vessels proceeding to Anchorage Area No. 1 (52°06'N., ed between these two waypoints in winds up to force 7, 7.0m in
2°27'E.) may go direct from Waypoint K to Waypoint O. Ves- winds up to force 8, and 8.4m in winds up to force 9.
sels proceeding to Anchorage Area No. 2 (51°56'N., 2°55'E.) 6.2These underkeel clearances only apply on the normal head-
may go from Waypoint L to Waypoint M. Vessels proceeding ing for each of the various legs of the passage. If the vessel is
into the Eurogeul may go from Waypoint L to Waypoint N, and compelled to make a large change of course, bringing storm
then to Waypoint P at the E end of the channel. waves or swell on the beam, then the stated clearances may be
6.2Deep-Draft Routes.—The above northeastbound route is insufficient and other measures, such as a reduction in speed,
described in detail in a Deep-Draft Planning Guide (HP 8), may be required.
which is published by the Hydrographer of the Royal Nether-
lands Navy. Southwestbound Vessels—Underkeel Clearances
6.2There is no official Deep-Draft Guide for the southwest- Vessel Underkeel
bound route. A track, which may be followed by very large Between Waypoints
Heading Clearance
vessels, runs from Sullom Voe (Shetland Islands) to the En-
glish Channel. This track, having merged with the two-way No. 21 to No. 21A 220° 6.0m
Deep Water Route in the vicinity of the Off Botney Ground No. 21A to approx. 51°14'N 204° 5.1m
TSS, enters the Noord Hinder Junction Precautionary Area and
Approx. 51°14'N to No. 22 204° 5.3m
then follows the southwestbound traffic lanes of the Noord
Hinder South TSS and Dover Strait TSS. The British authori- No. 22 to approx. 51°04'N 228° 5.3m
ties do not endorse these two routes in every detail as both pass
Approx. 51°04'N to No. 23 228° 6.3m
through areas which have not been surveyed to modern stan-
dards. No. 23 to No. 24 204° 6.1m
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 177
end of Sandettie; in an area lying about 4.5 miles NW of Gar- may be encountered, especially in the area lying between the
den City Lighted Buoy (51°29'N., 2°18'E.); off the SW end of MPC Lighted Buoy (51°06'N., 1°38'E.) and the F2 Lighted
Buoy (51°21'N., 1°56'E.). Such vessels often proceed in a di-
South Falls; within the southwestbound traffic lane E of South
Falls; and off the SW end of Sandettie. rection which is nearly opposite to that of the TSS traffic lane.
Frequently this leads to nearly head-on situations in the area to
Pub. 191
178 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
the NW of Sandettie where the possibility for deep-draft ves- b. Pitching 1.0°—Increase of 3.1m.
sels to alter course to starboard is limited. c. Pitching 1.5°—Increase of 4.6m.
All vessels should be aware that deep-draft vessels may not
6.2 3. With a length of 450m:
be able to alter course in critical areas without the danger of a. Pitching 0.5°—Increase of 2.0m.
running aground. A good lookout should be kept for vessels b. Pitching 1.0°—Increase of 3.9m.
constrained by their draft and showing the appropriate signals. c. Pitching 1.5°—Increase of 5.9m.
Vessels coming from the English Channel and bound for the
Thames Estuary and the E coast of England usually cross the Cap d’Antifer to Fecamp
southwestbound traffic lane in the stretch between the S end of
South Falls and Varne Lightvessel. 6.3 Cap d’Antifer (49°41'N., 0°10'E.), previously de-
Due to the set caused by cross currents, vessels frequently
6.2 scribed in paragraph 5.18, is a rounded perpendicular cliff,
drift down onto buoys. Subsequently, considerable damage is about 122m high. The coast from the cape to the town of Ault,
often done by vessels to South Falls Lighted Buoy (51°14'N., about 55 miles NE, consists of gray or white chalky, vertical
1°44'E.), CS4 Lighted Buoy (51°09'N., 1°34'E.), and CS3 cliffs, bordered by drying rocks; the cliffs are broken by val-
Lighted Buoy (50°52'N., 1°03'E.). leys, where the ports are situated.
Vessels using the Deep Draft Route leading NW of Sandettie
6.2 6.3Etretat (49°42'N., 0°12'E.), situated about 2 miles NE of
should take into account the close proximity of vessels using Cap d’Antifer, is a small town that lies within the valley of
the southwestbound traffic lane. Such vessels are recommend- Etretat. A conspicuous monument in the form of a spire, some-
ed to avoid overtaking in the vicinity of Sandettie. times illuminated in summer, stands on the E cliff of the valley.
Vessels are advised to navigate with extreme caution in the
6.2 L’Aiguille d’Etretat, 51m high, is a pointed detached rock lo-
area between Sandettie and Fairy W Lighted Buoy as the Deep cated close off the W cliff.
Draft Route and the main traffic lane rejoin here. 6.3Yport (49°44'N., 0°19'E.) is a small town where landing can
Vessels should be aware that their speed may need to be re-
6.2 be made, standing close SE of Pointe du Chicart, 6.5 miles NE
duced in certain areas in order to reduce the effect of squat. In of Cap d’Antifer. A small stone jetty, at the head of which
addition, rolling and pitching should also be taken into ac- stands a beacon, projects from the shore abreast Yport. Range
count. lights, in line bearing 166°, lead to the best location for beach-
Squat (shallow water effect) may decrease the forward draft
6.2 ing boats.
on vessels of 200,000 to 400,000 dwt, as follows: 6.3Tides—Currents.—Currents around Cap d’Antifer run
1. At a speed of 5 knots: NNE, NE, and ENE towards Fecamp on the flood. Ebb cur-
a. Keel clearance 2m—Increase of 0.20m. rents flow WSW, SW, and SSW towards Cap de la Heve.
b. Keel clearance 6m—Increase of 0.17m. 6.3Eddies occur close inshore with both currents. One such ed-
c. Keel clearance 10m—Increase of 0.15m. dy, known locally as “Les Hardiers,” runs E during the entire
2. At a speed of 9 knots: ebb current, and extends to about 1 mile offshore.
a. Keel clearance 2m—Increase of 0.66m.
b. Keel clearance 6m—Increase of 0.56m. Fecamp (49°46'N., 0°22'E.)
c. Keel clearance 10m—Increase of 0.49m.
3. At a speed of 14 knots: World Port Index No. 35830
a. Keel clearance 2m—Increase of 1.74m.
b. Keel clearance 6m—Increase of 1.45m. 6.4 Fecamp, lying in a valley close S of Point Fagnet, is a
c. Keel clearance 10m—Increase of 1.25m. small port with facilities for commercial vessels, fishing boats,
Rolling may increase a vessel’s draft, as follows:
6.2 and pleasure craft. The harbor consists of Avant-port, Arriere-
1. With a beam of 45m: port, Bassin de Mi-Maree, and two non-tidal basins.
a. Rolling 3°—Increase of 1.2m. Winds—Weather.—With winds from the W through N to
b. Rolling 6°—Increase of 2.4m. NE, visibility is very good, and even in rainy weather, loss of
c. Rolling 10°—Increase of 3.9m. visibility is only temporary.
2. With a beam of 60m: With strong winds from the SW through N to NE, especially
a. Rolling 3°—Increase of 1.6m. with an ebb current, a dangerous bar forms between the jetties,
b. Rolling 6°—Increase of 3.1m. which may at times completely block the entrance. The effect
c. Rolling 10°—Increase of 5.2m. of a strong swell is felt in the entrance channel, but gradually
3. With a beam of 75m: weakens in Avant-port and Arriere-port.
a. Rolling 3°—Increase of 2.0m. Winds from the ENE through S to WSW, may result in
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 179
Tidal Ranges for Fecamp flood current may attain a rate of 2.9 knots at springs. The ebb
current is weaker. At about 140m within the jetty heads, the
MHWN 6.8m currents flow with the channel. Both currents attain rates of 1
MSL 4.96m knot at springs and 0.5 knot at neaps.
6.4Depths—Limitations.—The entrance channel is 70m wide
MLWN 2.8m and lies between two parallel jetties. The N jetty stands on the
MLWS 1.2m SW edge of the drying rocks fronting Pointe Fagnet. A shingle
beach extends S from the S jetty.
LAT 0.4m
6.4Avant-port is located on the S side of the entrance channel
Note.—Predicted heights are in meters and has a depth of 1.5m. There is a quay, 150m long, at the E
above charted datum. side, but a marina occupies most of this basin.
6.4Bassin Berigny is entered at the SE side of Avant-port
Off the entrance jetties, the NNE flood current runs from
through a gate, 16.5m wide, with a sill depth of 1.3m. This
about 4 hours before HW at the harbor until HW. The SSW ebb basin is used by fishing vessels and pleasure craft.
current starts about 30 minutes after HW at the harbor. The
Fecamp—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft
Arriere Port
Quai Jopesh Duhamel 200m 7.5m 105m 7.0m Fertilizer. grain, salt, breakbulk, and bunkers.
Basin Freycinet
Quai de la Marne (East) 60m 6.3m 105m 6.0m
Breakbulk, bunkers, and vegetable oils.
Quai de la Marne (West) 125m 6.3m 105m 6.0m Beam restriction of 17m due to lock/canal
Quai de Verdun 305m 6.3m 105m 6.0m
Pub. 191
180 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
6.4The entrance channel leads directly into Arriere-port, the a depth of 10m at the ESE edge of the area.
inner harbor, through a passage, 40m wide, with a depth of
1.5m. A quay, 250m long, is situated in the S part of this Fecamp—Contact Information
harbor. It is dredged alongside to depth of 7m and used by
commercial vessels. The remainder of the harbor is used by Harbormaster
fishing vessels and pleasure craft. Call sign Fecamp Port
6.4Bassin Freycinet is entered from Arriere-port via Bassin de
Mi-Maree. The passage leading into Bassin de Mi-Maree is VHF VHF channels 9, 12, and 16
20m wide and is spanned by a revolving bridge. The gate at the Telephone 33-2-3528-2376
entrance of Bassin Freycinet is 18m wide and has a sill depth
Facsimile 33-2-3528-7586
of 0.8m. The basin has 450m of berthage with depths up to
6.3m alongside. E-mail [email protected]
6.4Due to the difficulty of maneuvering in the entrance channel,
vessels entering Bassin Freycinet are limited to a length of Web site
100m and a beam of 17m. Vessels up to 105m in length can en-
ter Arriere-port with prior permission. Vessels can be accom- Signal Station
modated with drafts up to 7m at springs and 5.5m at neaps. Call sign Semaphore Fecamp
6.4For more berthing information see the table titled Fecamp—
Berth Information. VHF VHF channels 10 and 16
6.4Aspect.—The chapel of Notre-Dame-du-Salut, with a black Gayant Lock
roof; a television mast; and a signal station, consisting of a dis-
used light tower surmounted by a blockhouse, are situated in Call sign Bureau du Port
the vicinity of Pointe Fagnet and are conspicuous from sea- VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
ward. A prominent chimney stands 0.8 mile E of the point. The
square tower of Saint-Etienne, with its four pinnacles, and the Telephone 33-2-3528-2553
belfry of an abbey, consisting of a large square tower with a Berigny Lock
pointed roof, stand nearly 0.8 mile, and 1 mile, respectively,
Call sign Ecluse Berigny
SSE of Pointe Fagnet. A conspicuous water tower rises on high
ground SE of the town. VHF VHF channel 9
6.4Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory within 2 miles of the Telephone 33-2-3528-9052
heads of the jetties for vessels over 45m in length. Vessels
should send a request for pilotage and an ETA 24 hours in ad- Pilots
vance or at least 12 hours before HW or on leaving their last Call sign Pilote Fecamp
port of call if less than 24 hours distant. This request message
should include vessel length, overall dimensions, draft, and VHF VHF channels 12, 14 (PV), and 16
whether equipped with a bow thruster or other maneuvering 33-2-3519-2840 (office hours)
capability. On arrival off the port vessels should contact the pi- Telephone
lot station on VHF channel 12 or 16 for instructions. Pilots 33-2-3519-2848 (24 hours)
board about 1 mile WNW of the jetties (49°46'18.0''N., 33-2-3519-2841 (office hours)
0°20'22.8''E.) Facsimile
33-2-3519-2849 (24 hours)
6.4Pilotage is provided by Le Havre-Fecamp Pilots (see para-
graph 5.12 and paragraph 5.13). E-mail [email protected]
Regulations.—Vessels over 1,600 gt carrying hydrocarbons
Web site
given after agreement between the port authority, the pilot, and approach to the harbor. However, it is reported that the lights of
the agent. the town make the range lights difficult to distinguish.
6.4Signals.—International port traffic signals are shown from It is recommended that vessels enter at the end of the flood
the root of the S jetty (see paragraph 1.1). current about 30 minutes before HW, which is the time of slack
6.4Contact Information.—See the table titled Fecamp—Con- water.
tact Information. After approaching the entrance using the range, vessels
6.4Anchorage.—A designated anchorage area (Waiting Area), should adjust course to about ENE in order to pass as close N
with a radius of about 0.5 mile, lies centered about 1.3 miles W as possible to the head of the S jetty. This approach allows for
of the N jetty. This anchorage has depths of 10 to 16m, sand the yaw as the bow enters slack water while the stern remains
and shells, bad holding ground and is exposed to winds from in the current. The effect of any swing should result in the ves-
the SW through N to NE. The sea rises rapidly and vessels sel lining up with the entrance channel.
should only anchor in good weather. The best anchorage lies in Caution.—Entry is often difficult with strong offshore
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 181
logical mast has been established in position 49°50.9'N, Canada, Bassin de Paris, and Bassin Duquesne.
6.5Saint-Valery-en-Caux (49°52'N., 0°43'E.) (World Port In- Dieppe Port Home Page
dex No. 35820), a small harbor, lies at the entrance of a narrow
valley between two white cliffs. It is used by small coasters,
fishing boats, and recreational craft.
6.5The harbor consists of an avant-port and a wet dock. The en- 6.7Winds—Weather.—The most frequent winds are from the
trance, 60m wide, lies between two jetties. A shingle bank, SW and W; they cause a heavy sea off the entrance of Dieppe.
which dries, forms a bar close outside the entrance. The avant- 6.7Although the trend of the coast shelters it from SW winds,
port dries and has a quay, 100m long, at its E side. The wet the waves sweep around Pointe d’Ailly and break with vio-
dock, which is mostly used as a marina, is entered through a lence on the beach.
gate, 9m wide, and has a depth of 3.5m. Vessels up to 50m in 6.7During bad weather from the NW through N to NE, the sea
length and 8m beam with drafts up to 4.5m at springs and 3m is very high at the entrance of the harbor during the outgoing
at neaps can enter. Local knowledge is required. current, and a swell is felt in Avant-port.
6.5A prominent water tower, 51m high, stands about 0.8 mile 6.7The geographical position of the valley of Dieppe modifies
SSW of the harbor entrance. A conspicuous television mast, the direction of the wind; thus E winds turn to SE and SSE at
82m high, stands about 1.2 miles ESE of the harbor entrance. the entrance of the port and along the channel.
6.7When the wind is from the W to seaward of the port it will be
6.6 Pointe de Scotteville (49°48'N., 0°50'E.), located 4.8 from the SW at the entrance and from the S farther inside.
miles ENE of Saint-Valery-en-Caux, is fronted by large blocks 6.7Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
Pub. 191
182 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
with a large belfry, stands on the cliffs, 0.3 mile SSE of the
head of the E breakwater. A light structure, 4m high, stands in
front of this chapel. A prominent radio mast, 165m high, is sit-
uated 2 miles ESE of the chapel.
A prominent signal station stands close N of the chapel. A
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory within an area extending
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 183
lots) 24 hours in advance and 5 hours in advance stating their Dieppe—Contact Information
ETA at DI Lighted Buoy, their draft, and whether or not a pilot
is required. E-mail [email protected]
6.7Vessels should then contact the Rouen pilot station on VHF Web site
channel 12 at least 3 hours prior to their original ETA stating
any delay over 2 hours or any incapacity to make the tide. Pilots
6.7Pilots board between 1 mile and 2 miles from the breakwa- Call sign Pilot Dieppe
VHF VHF channel 12
6.7Pilotage is not compulsory for vessels under 50m loa and not
transporting dangerous substances provided they are equipped 33-2-3584-2401 (only when a vessel is
with VHF. However, they must advise the port authorities in expected)
the same manner as other vessels.
Facsimile 33-2-3210-2409
6.7Pilotage is provided by La Seine Maritime-Rouen Pilots.
(see paragraph 5.13). [email protected]
Regulations.—All vessels should send a message to the har- E-mail
[email protected]
bormaster 24 hours prior to arrival at DI Lighted Buoy stating
their ETA, length, and draft. Web site
6.7All vessels should then contact the harbormaster on VHF
channel 16 on arrival to obtain instructions. A continuous VHF 6.7Anchorage.—The anchorage for vessels waiting to enter the
watch must be maintained until berthed. port lies in the vicinity of DI Lighted Buoy (49°57'N., 1°01'E.).
6.7Fishing vessels and small craft are prohibited from navigat- There are depths of 8 to 12m; the bottom is sand and shingle or
ing in the approach to the port when the entry or departures sig- sand and shells, good holding ground.
nals are displayed. 6.7It is reported (1995) that an area of the bottom within a radi-
6.7Special regulations and reporting procedures apply to vessels us of 1 mile from the lighted buoy has been systematically sur-
over 1,600 gt transporting dangerous cargo in bulk in the ap- veyed by sonar for any obstructions.
proaches to the French coasts of the North Sea, the English 6.7The recommended anchorage lies, in a depth of 8m, about
Channel, and the Atlantic Ocean between the Belgian border 0.4 mile ENE of the lighted buoy. This anchorage is exposed to
and the Spanish border. winds from the W through N to NE and in such conditions ves-
6.7For further details of these special procedures, see Pub. 140, sels may prefer to seek shelter elsewhere.
Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and 6.7Caution.—An explosive dumping ground area, which may
Adjacent Seas. best be seen on the chart, lies centered about 1.5 miles NNE of
6.7In order to avoid impeding access, anchoring, stopping, or the harbor entrance.
fishing are prohibited within a triangular controlled navigation 6.7Several wrecks lie in the approaches to the harbor and may
zone fronting the port. This zone, which may best be seen on best be seen on the chart.
the chart, extends up to about 1 mile NW and NE from the har- 6.7A submarine cable, best be seen on the chart, extends sea-
bor entrance. All vessels intending to enter the zone must re- ward from the shore, 0.8 mile WSW of the port entrance.
ceive permission from the port authorities. 6.7It is reported (2001) that high speed ferries may be encoun-
6.7Signals.—International traffic signals regulating entry and tered in the approaches to the port from March to October.
departure are shown by day and at night from the signal mast at
the root of the W breakwater (see paragraph 1.1). Dieppe to Le Treport
6.7When dredges are operating or the channel is obstructed, a
yellow light is shown at the same level and to the right of the 6.8 The coast from Dieppe to Le Treport, about 14 miles
main signal. NE, consists of high steep chalk cliffs broken by several val-
6.7A green light shown above and to the right of the main signal leys.
indicates the entry of a ferry. A red light similarly shown indi- 6.8Mont Jolibois, with a round treeless summit, rises above a
cates a ferry departing. perpendicular cliff about 10 miles NE of Dieppe. The valley of
6.7Contact Information.—See the table titled Dieppe—Con- Criel-sur-Mer, close E, is the widest in this vicinity. The valley
tact Information. of Mesnil-Val, about 1 mile farther NE, is also conspicuous.
6.8The shore is fronted by a rocky bank which dries and extends
Dieppe—Contact Information up to about 0.5 mile seaward.
6.8Ridens de Belleville (49°59'N., 1°09'E.), a group of shoal
Harbormaster patches, has a least depth of 7m and lies centered 3.5 miles NE
Call sign Dieppe Port of the entrance to Dieppe harbor.
6.8Ridins de Neuvillette, a group of narrow sandbanks, lies cen-
VHF VHF channel 12 tered 8 miles NE of the entrance to Dieppe harbor. These sand
33-2-3584-1055 banks have a least depth of 7.2m and extend up to about 1.8
Telephone miles offshore.
33-6-6338-7661 (mobile)
6.8Ridens de Dieppe (50°06'N., 1°06'E.), a group of shoal
Facsimile 33-2-3506-1256 patches, lies centered 10 miles N of the entrance to Dieppe har-
bor. This group has a least depth of 7.4m and is formed of sand
Pub. 191
184 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
and gravel. 6.9Several quays border Avant-port and dry 4 to 5m, with a bot-
6.8Roches du Muron, a drying rocky bank, fronts the coast 2.5 tom of soft mud. Part of Quai Bellot, on the N side, is used by
miles SW of Le Treport and extends up to about 0.4 mile off- recreational craft.
shore. 6.9Port du Peche et de Plaisance is entered from the SE end of
6.8Ridens de Treport (50°06'N., 1°18'E.), with a least depth of Avant-port through a lock, 28m long and 9.5m wide. It is used
5.1m, lies about 2.8 miles NW of the entrance to Le Treport. by fishing vessels and recreational craft.
6.8Banc Franc-Marque, with a least depth of 3.6m, lies about 2 6.9Port du Commerce is entered from the NE end of Avant-port
miles N of the entrance to Le Treport. through a dock gate, which is 19m wide and has a depth of 2m
6.8Penly Nuclear Power Station (49°59'N., 1°13'E.) stands on the sill.
near to the shore, 5.4 miles NE of Dieppe. It is fronted by a 6.9The port has facilities for bulk and general cargo vessels.
prohibited area, which extends up to 0.8 mile seaward and is Vessels up to 7,000 dwt, 115m in length, and 16m beam can be
marked by lighted buoys. A narrow winding channel leads be- accommodated with drafts limited to the height of tide minus
tween short breakwaters to the power station. 2m. Generally, vessels can enter with drafts up to 7m at springs
6.8A prominent radio mast stands about 0.8 mile SE of the pow- and 4.4m at neaps.
er station. 6.9Aspect.—Le Treport Light is shown from a prominent struc-
6.8Caution.—Numerous wrecks lie along this stretch of the ture, 14m high, standing on the head of the W breakwater.
coast and may best be seen on the chart. 6.9A conspicuous silo, 53m high, stands on the N side of Port
6.8 A former mined area, which is open to surface navigation, is du Commerce, 0.5 mile ESE of the harbor entrance. A large
still considered to be dangerous by the French authorities with prominent church tower stands about 0.4 mile SSE of the har-
regard to anchoring, trawling, or carrying out any sea bed ac- bor entrance and can be seen over the houses. A large church
tivities. It is bounded by lines joining the following positions: stands at the base of the cliffs near Mer-les-Bains, about 0.7
a. 50°08.0'N, 1°06.5'E. mile ENE of the harbor entrance, and a prominent television
b. 50°16.5'N, 1°13.5'E. mast is situated 0.6 mile E of it.
c. 50°16.0'N, 1°20.0'E. 6.9A conspicuous statue of the Madonna stands near the coast,
d. 50°06.5'N, 1°14.0'E. about 1 mile NE of the harbor entrance. A prominent pylon is
situated about 1.7 miles SE of the harbor entrance.
Le Treport (50°04'N., 1°22'E.) 6.9Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels 45m or
more in length. Vessels should contact the harbor by VHF 3
World Port Index No. 35800 hours prior to HW and maintain a listening watch. Vessels
should maintain a listening watch on VHF channels 16 and 12
6.9 Le Treport, situated at the mouth of La Bresle, is a when anchored in the Waiting Area. Pilots board about 1.5
small port used by commercial vessels, fishing boats, and rec- miles NW of the harbor entrance, 2 hours before HW.
reational craft. It consists of Avant-port, which dries, and two 6.9Regulations.—A triangular area, within which anchoring
wet basins. and fishing are prohibited, extends up to 1 mile NW of the har-
Le Treport stands on the SW side of the harbor and the
6.9 bor entrance and may best be seen on the chart.
smaller town of Mers-les-Bains stands on the NE side. 6.9Anchorage.—A designated anchorage area (Waiting Area),
Tides—Currents.—Strong onshore winds cause a heavy
6.9 with depths of 8 to 15m, sand and shells, lies centered 3 miles
scend in the outer harbor. NW of the harbor entrance and can best be seen on the chart.
See the table titled Tidal Ranges for Le Treport.
6.9 This anchorage area, which is untenable with onshore winds,
should only be used by vessels waiting to enter the port.
Tidal Ranges for Le Treport 6.9Caution.—An explosive dumping ground area, which may
best be seen on the chart, lies centered about 2.8 miles NNE of
HAT 10.4m the harbor entrance.
MHWS 9.6m 6.9Several wrecks and obstructions lie in the approaches to the
port and may best be seen on the chart.
MHWN 7.6m
6.9It has been reported (2020) that less water than charted may
MSL 5.05m exist within the harbor, the Port Authority should be consulted
MLWN 2.6m for the latest information.
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 185
6.11 Baie de Somme (50°14'N., 1°34'E.), the estuary of W and is obstructed by drying sand banks.
the Riviere Somme, is entered between Pointe du Hourdel Bancs de Somme extend up to about 1.5 miles seaward of the
(50°13'N., 1°34'E.), located 2.5 miles NE of Cayeux-sur-Mer general line of the coast. These banks frequently vary in posi-
Light, and Pointe de Saint Quentin, 3 miles N. The bay faces tion and height. The outermost banks consist of very fine shift-
Pub. 191
186 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
(50°13'N., 1°20'E.), two banks of sand and shells, front the bay
and extend up to 9.5 miles offshore. The sea breaks over these
banks during bad weather.
Tides—Currents.—The tides at Cayeux-sur-Mer rise about
winds from E lower it by the same amount. with the sea, is entered through a lock 260m long and 50m
Depths—Limitations.—A buoyed channel, which dries,
6.11 wide. The locks are accessible for 2 hours, and sometimes 3
leads E into the bay from AT-SO Lighted Buoy. This channel hours, during each tide; the sills of the lock are 5m and 5.3m
changes frequently. above chart datum.
Aspect.—Pointe du Hourdelight is shown from a conspicu-
6.11 The canal permits the passage of vessels up to 45m in length,
ous tower, 18m high, standing on Pointe du Hourdel (50°13'N., 8m beam, and 3.4m draft. Vessels navigating this canal should
1°34'E.). request the opening of bridges by sounding a prolonged blast
AT-SO Lighted Buoy is moored about 3.8 miles WNW of
6.11 on the whistle.
Pointe du Hourdel. Abbeville, located 7 miles SE of the lock, extends for about
within the Baie de Somme before HW, they should proceed to fishing boats and recreational craft. It is formed by a creek pro-
a position seaward of the banks. Anchoring in the shelter of the tected on the W side by a promontory on which stands the
banks is not advised because the shifting sands provide poor town. A quay, on the S side of the harbor, dries 6m. A narrow
holding ground. buoyed channel leads to the harbor.
Local knowledge is required for entry into Baie de Somme.
marked by buoys and beacons. The fairway stays dry until the SSE of Pointe de Routhiauville.
incoming tide reaches it, about 2 hours before HW. Berck-Plage Light (50°24'N., 1°34'E.) is shown from a
embankment and a quay. The bottom alongside the quay con- shore close N of the light and are conspicuous from seaward.
sists of mud and dries 5m. The tides rise about 10.1m at Pointe de Touquet (50°32'N., 1°35'E.) is located 8.7 miles
springs and 8.1m at neaps. Small vessels up to 50m in length N of Pointe du Haut-Banc. Pointe de Touquet Light, also
and 3.6m draft can be handled at HWS. known as Le Touquet-La Canche Light, is shown from a prom-
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 187
Berck-Plage Light
cumbered by drying banks. These banks extend up to about 1 on a patch of drying rocks at the edge of the drying coastal
mile seaward of the entrance and the sea breaks heavily over bank, 1 mile N of Cap d’Alprech.
them during bad weather. Fort du Mont de Couple is situated close to the coast, 0.8
Pub. 191
188 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
prolonged by winds blowing in the same direction. vessels up to 135m in length and 21m beam, with drafts up to
7.8m at springs and 7.5m at neaps. Vessels less than 100m in
Tidal Ranges for Boulogne length can be locked at the regular operating times. Vessels
100m to 120m in length can be locked only from 2 hours 30
HAT 9.6m minutes before HW to 1 hour after HW. Vessels 120m to 135m
MHWS 8.8m in length can enter only during the period close to HW when
both lock gates are open.
MHWN 7.2m
MSL 4.91m
MLWN 2.6m
MLWS 1.1m
LAT 0.4m
Note.—Predicted heights are in meters
above charted datum.
is navigation controlled, runs between the Dover Strait TSS merged. Digue Carnot, the S breakwater, is partly covered at
and the port entrance. HW. A light is shown from a prominent tower, 22m high,
The outer harbor, which is protected by breakwaters, has
6.15 standing at the head of Digue Carnot.
berths in its S part within Rade Carnot and Darse Sarraz Bour- Colonne de la Grande Armee, a conspicuous monument
net. The channel leading through the outer harbor is dredged to 141m high, stands 1.9 miles E of the head of Digue Carnot. A
a depth of 5m. prominent Port Control tower 42m high, is situated at the S
A channel leads SE between two jetties from the outer har-
6.15 side of the entrance to Avant-port, about 1 mile SE of the head
bor into Avant-port. A ro-ro ferry terminal, with three berths, is of Digue Carnot.
situated in the SE part of Avant-port. Port de Marie, an open The cathedral, with a prominent dome 142m high, is situated
basin connected to the E side of Avant-port, is used by fishing in the elevated part of the city, about 1 mile E of the Port Con-
boats and recreational craft. Bassin Napoleon, connected to the trol tower. In the background Mont Lambert, 189m high, rises
S part of Avant-port by a lock, 95m long and 21m wide, is used about 1.5 miles ESE of the cathedral and is surmounted by a
by fishing boats. television mast.
Bassin Loubet, used by commercial vessels and fishing
6.15 A prominent tower surmounts the cement works at the NW
boats, is connected to the SW part of Avant-port by a lock. The side of Darse Sarraz Bournet basin, 0.8 mile SSE of the head of
lock is 125m long and 25m wide, with a depth of 5m on the Digue Carnot.
sill. This wet basin has a depth of 8.5m and can accommodate It is reported (2005) that several wind generators stand on
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 189
the inner part of Digue Carnot and are conspicuous from sea-
Vessels should send a message to the harbormaster 12 hours
Special regulations and reporting procedures apply to vessels
E from the Dover Strait TSS toward the port to be a Mandatory ter off the English coast.
Access Channel. Vessels arriving from Dunkerque or Calais
are only required to use that section of the Approach Channel Boulogne—Contact Information
lying E of Boulogne Approach Lighted Buoy.
Such vessels must establish contact with the port on VHF
channel 12 before entering the channel and maintain a listening 33-3-2180-3467
watch on the same frequency. Telephone
Such vessels transiting the Approach Channel are deemed to
be restricted in their ability to maneuver and must show the ap- E-mail [email protected]
propriate lights and shapes.
For further details of these special procedures, see Pub. 140,
Port Authority
Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and Telephone 33-3-2100-3520
Adjacent Seas.
Facsimile 33-3-2100-3548
Signals.—International port traffic signals are shown from
masts situated at the E side of the entrance to Darse Sarraz E-mail [email protected]
Bournet, at each end of Jetee Sud-Ouest on the S side of the en- Control Tower
trance to Avant-port, and at the central control tower standing
close S of Jetee Sud-Ouest. For further information, see para- Call sign Boulogne Port or Boulogne Dispatching
graph 1.1. VHF VHF channel 12
A yellow light is shown level with the top of the main traffic
signal when dredges are operating in the harbor channel. Telephone 33-3-2180-3467
Contact Information.—See the table titled Boulogne—
Facsimile 33-3-2180-3470
Contact Information.
Anchorage.—The outer anchorage area for large vessels lies
E-mail [email protected]
midway between the gap in Bassure de Baas and Digue Carnot. Pilots
It has depths of 14 to 16m and lies S of the Approach Channel,
about 1 mile W of the head of Digue Carnot. When anchorage Call sign Boulogne Pilot
is untenable in this roadstead, vessels are advised to seek shel- VHF VHF channel 12
Pub. 191
190 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
Boulogne—Contact Information Cap Blanc-Nez presents a very white cliff to seaward and
pass E of Bassure de Baas Lighted Buoy (50°48.5'N., the coast between Boulogne and Calais. At about 2.5 miles
1°33.0'E.). NW of Cap Gris-Nez, the flood and ebb tidal currents attain
By an agreement with the local fishermen, ferries transiting
velocities of about 3.5 knots at springs.
between the port and Cap Gris-Nez usually use a channel lead- At 1 mile NW of Cap Gris-Nez, the NE tidal current begins
ing through Rade d’Ambleteuse. about 2 hours before HW at Dover, and the SW tidal current
The time at which vessels may enter Darse Sarraz Bournet
begins about 3 hours 45 minutes after HW at Dover; the veloc-
depends on their draft and the height of tide. The best time for ity in both directions is about 4 knots at springs.
vessels with drafts over 9m to enter is from 2 hours before to 2 For additional information concerning currents in Dover
which need to maintain a relatively high speed for maneuver- seen on the chart, lies about 1.5 miles N of the entrance to Bou-
ing, should enter either 3 hours before or 1 hour after HW, de- logne.
pending on their draft. Large concentrations of drift-net fishing vessels may be en-
Boulogne to Calais 6.17 Calais is the most important port for cross-channel
ferry traffic from England. It also provides extensive facilities
6.16 The coast between the N side of Boulogne and Cap for commercial shipping and is connected to the network of ca-
Gris-Nez, 7.5 miles N, consists of dark red cliffs with grassy nals in the N part of France.
summits, interspersed with beaches and dunes.
Landmarks along this stretch of coast include the residential
6.16 Calais Home Page
buildings of Wimereux (50°46.0'N., 1°36.7'E.), with a promi-
nent water tower; Ambleteuse (50°48.6'N., 1°36.4'E.), with a
round fort situated close off the beach; Audresselles
(50°49.5'N., 1°35.7'E.), with a prominent square belfry stand- Winds—Weather
ing among the red-roofed houses; and Audinghen (50°51.2'N.,
1°36.7'E.), with a prominent large belfry on the skyline. During strong winds from WSW, through N, to ENE, a very
to and marked by a beacon. 6.17 See the table titled Tidal Ranges for Calais.
Between Cap Gris-Nez and Cap Blanc-Nez, 6 miles NE, the
shore is bordered by a coastal bank and several reefs, which ex- Tidal Ranges for Calais
tend up to about 1.8 miles seaward in places. CA3 Lighted HAT 7.8m
Buoy is moored at the outer side of the coastal bank, about 1.6
miles NW of Cap Blanc-Nez. MHWS 7.3m
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 191
Tidal Ranges for Calais The entrance channel leads into Avant-port. Bassin Henri
Note.—Predicted heights are in meters Paul-Devot, located in the SE part, is 240m in length.
above charted datum. Gare Maritime, situated between the SE end of Avant-port
port. The ebb current runs WSW and begins 3 hours 30 min- through a dock gate, 17m wide, which is spanned by a road
utes after HW. The flood current attains a maximum rate of 3 bridge. The gate has a depth of 2m over the sill and the basin is
knots at springs and the ebb current a rate of 2 knots. maintained at a depth of 7.6m. Vessels up to 110m in length,
Close to the jetty heads the slack water periods, which last
6.17 16m beam, and 6m draft can enter the basin but it is mainly
15 minutes in good weather, occur 2 hours 30 minutes after used by small craft and pleasure boats.
HW at the port and 3 hours 30 minutes before HW (LW slack). Bassin Carnot is entered from the E end of Arriere-port
These times may be advanced by 30 minutes during strong W through a lock, 133m long and 21m wide, with a depth of 1.8m
winds and retarded by 30 minutes during strong E winds. over the sill. The basin is maintained at a depth of 7.6m and
The current is rectilinear. There is probably little or no cur-
provides 1,700m of berthage. Vessels up to 150m in length and
rent between the jetties or within the harbor. 16m beam can enter with drafts up to 6.6m. Vessels with beams
between 16m and 19.5m can enter with drafts up to 5.9m. Ves-
Depths—Limitations sels over 115m in length have to canal through the lock at near
Ridens de la Rade, a bank of sand and shells, fronts the port
The port has facilities for ro-ro ferries, container, general
and extends up to about 1.5 miles offshore. This bank lies al- cargo, bulk, and passenger vessels. Vessels up to 245m in
most parallel to the coast and is an extension of the coastal length and 11.5m draft can be accommodated.
bank bordering the shore to the E of the port. It has depths of 3 The port also provides repair facilities. A drydock, situated
to 8m in the W part and almost dries in the E part. The sea at the S end of Bassin Carnot, can handle vessels up to 150m in
breaks heavily on this bank with N to E winds. length, 19m beam, and 6m draft.
Ridens de Calais, a bank with depths of 8 to 16m, extends
It is reported (2003) that high-speed vessels are operating
about 5.3 miles NE from the NW end of Ridens de la Rade. from the former hovercraft terminal which is situated 1.5 miles
The Approach Channel, swept for obstructions, has depths
6.17 E of the main port entrance. For further berthing information
over 10m. The entrance channel, which is 230m wide between see the table titled Calais—Berth Information.
the jetties, has a dredged depth of 9m.
Calais—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Draft Remarks
LOA Beam Size
Cross Channel Ferry Terminal (Outer Port)
P5 188m — 210m 7.0m 43.0m 7,509 dwt Ferries and ro-ro.
P6 200m — 210m 7.0m 27.7m 33,477 dwt Ferries and ro-ro.
P7 218m — 210m 7.0m 27.7m 7,178 dwt Ferries and ro-ro.
P8 214m — 210m 7.0m 27.7m 7,178 dwt Ferries and ro-ro.
P9 274m — 210m 7.0m 27.7m 7,178 dwt Ferries and ro-ro.
Cross Channel Ferry Terminal (East Port)
T1 — — 130m 7.0m — — PCC.
T2 100m — 66m — 10.2m 1,718 dwt PCC.
T3 100m — 89m 9.0m 12.5m 3,146 dwt PCC.
Pub. 191
192 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
Calais—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Draft Remarks
LOA Beam Size
T4 — — 153m 9.0m 20.6m 7,261 dwt PCC.
Basin President Henri Ravisse (BPHR)
South Quay 435m 12.5m 245m 11.5m 22.8m 80,000 dwt Cruise and breakbulk.
Sugar, ro-ro/lo-lo, and
North Quay 590m 12.5m 182m 10.5m 23.0m 18,000 dwt
Paul Devot Quay (Inner Port)
No. 1 240m — 190m 9.0m 22.0m 9,677 dwt Cruise vessels and breakbulk.
Carnot Basin East Quay
Rhone Quay 130m 7.7m 132m 6.4m 19.5m 9,677 dwt Breakbulk and general cargo.
Mineral ore, petcoke, sand, ro-
Loire Quay 650m 7.7m 150m 6.4m 19.5m 7,984 dwt
ro/lo-lo, and breakbulk.
Carnot Basin West Quay
Crespin Quay 130m 7.7m 150m 6.4m 19.5m 4,267 dwt Breakbulk and general cargo.
Mineral ore, petcoke, sand, and
Fouirnier Quay 420m 7.7m 150m 6.4m 19.5m 12,150 dwt
Volga Quay 180m 7.7m 150m 6.4m 19.5m 4,279 dwt Breakbulk and sand.
Sangatte Light, a directional sector light, is shown from a py-
nal tower.
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 193
6.17 High-speed ferry passing bulk berth silos
Pilotage is compulsory within 3.5 miles of the port entrance
for both inbound and outbound vessels; 60m or more in length, agreement from the harbormaster).
vessels carrying hydrocarbons or dangerous substances, and Pilotage is not required for state patrol vessels and lifeboats
vessels with a damaged propulsion system or have run with a length of less than 60m and for vessels with a length of
aground. Pilotage is also compulsory for any dredging or ser- less than 50m provided they are equipped with VHF radio
vice vessels greater than 60m loa, where the master is making a equipment and for vessels involved in port maintenance and
first visit to the port. surveillance.
Pilotage is not compulsory for vessels warping along a quay
All vessels should send a message to the pilot station 12
(pilot available on request), Vessels changing quay or maneu- hours in advance, giving their ETA at Calais Approach Lighted
vering in the Carnot Basin (with agreement from the harbor- Buoy (formerly designated CA4) (50°59'N., 1°45'E.) and also
master), and vessels passing through the Carnot Lock (with including their length, beam, draft, and last port of call.
Pub. 191
194 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
SE from the Dover Strait TSS and E toward the port entrance to
Vessels should then contact the pilot station 2 hours prior to
6.17 be a Mandatory Access Channel. The outer N limit of this Ap-
arrival on VHF channel 17, then again in 1 hour to confirm proach Channel is marked by Calais Approach Lighted Buoy
ETA. (formerly designated CA4). They must also establish contact
Vessels carrying hydrocarbons or dangerous substances
6.17 with the port traffic control on VHF before entering the Ap-
should not enter the channel E of the meridian passing through proach Channel and maintain a listening watch on the same
Calais Approach Lighted Buoy (1°45.08'E) without a pilot on frequency. Such vessels may not enter the channel to the E of
board. the meridian of Calais Approach Lighted Buoy (formerly des-
Pilots usually at position board about 0.5 mile S of Calais
6.17 ignated CA4) without a pilot on board. While transiting the
Approach Lighted Buoy (formerly designated CA4). During Approach Channel these vessels are deemed to be restricted in
bad weather, small vessels may, at the latest, embark the pilot their ability to maneuver and must show the appropriate lights
on passing CA2 Lighted Buoy (formerly designated CA6) and shapes.
(50°58'N., 1°46'E.). Such vessels must also use the designated Waiting Area (an-
(formerly designated CA4), with the Calais pilot boat, which Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and
only leaves port to meet vessels. Adjacent Seas.
Control) operates in the approaches to the port. This VTS area tower standing on the E jetty, at the entrance to Bassin Henri
is bounded, as follows: Ravisse, and on the W side of the entrance to Arriere-port. For
1. On the SW side—by the SW boundary of the con- further information, see paragraph 1.1.
trolled area (a line joining 50°56.6'N, 1°44.5'E; 50°57.1'N,
1°41.2'E; and 50°58.6'N, 1°37.0'E). Contact Information
2. On the NW side—by the NW boundary of the con-
trolled area (a line extending between 50°58.6'N, 1°37.9'E 6.17 See the table titled Calais—Contact Information.
and 51°01.4'N, 1°41.7'E).
3. On the N and E sides—by the parallel of RCW Light- Anchorage
ed Buoy (51°01.3'N., 1°45.4'E.) and a line joining RCW
Lighted Buoy, the RCE Lighted Buoy (51°02.5'N., A designated Waiting Area, the limits of which are shown on
1°53.2'E.) and the disused Point Walde Lighthouse the chart, lies centered 5 miles NNW of the port entrance. This
(50°59.6'N., 1°54.9'E.). anchorage area has depths of 17 to 28m and is shared with the
Inbound vessels must send an ETA at the roadstead 48 hours
6.17 port of Dunkerque. Vessels waiting to enter Calais may anchor
in advance to the Harbormaster. The message must include in the S part of this area.
their characteristics, and, if appropriate, the nature and quantity
of dangerous goods onboard. Calais—Contact Information
Vessels must then confirm their ETA to the Harbormaster 12
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 195
E-mail [email protected] port entrance must allow for the strong cross tidal current.
Port Authority An area, within which anchoring and fishing are prohibited,
Calais lies between Ridens de Calais and Ridens de la Rade, Strait TSS and described in paragraph 6.2.
and between the meridians of 1°47'E and 1°48'E.
Out Ruytingen (51°08'N., 2°04'E.), the outermost bank lying
trance. Sangatte Light (50°57.2'N., 1°46.5'E.), bearing between stands at the SE side of Dyck Oriental (Oost Dyck). It is light-
089° and 152°, indicates the approach from seaward. ed and equipped with a racon. A second tower, with a helipad,
A directional light is shown from a structure standing about
is situated alongside the radar tower and connected to it by an
0.3 mile NNE of Calais Light. However, the harbor entrance aerial walkway.
alignment depends on the time of the tide. The best time for en- The Ratel Banks, lying inside the Dyck Banks, extend about
tering the harbor is at slack water, about 3 hours before HW. 19 miles NE from a position 4.5 miles NNE of Port Ouest
(Dunkerque). This line consists of In Ratel, Binnen Ratel, and
Caution Buiten Ratel. Banc Breedt, which dries in its central part, runs
almost parallel to In Ratel and Binnen Ratel. This bank lies
According to recent French surveys, depths are generally
about 0.5 mile inside In Ratel and connects with Binnen Ratel
less than charted on the N side of the port approach channel (on near its NE extremity.
Ridens de la Rade). Vessels are advised not to sail closely 6.18There are also a number of inner banks which may best be
seen on the chart. Most of these banks are extensions of the
Pub. 191
196 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
6.18 Oost Dyck Radar Tower proach to Passe de l’Ouest, is moored about 3.3 miles E of Dy-
coastal bank. ck Lighted Buoy.
Haut-Fond de Gravelines, with a least known depth of 4.3m,
Gravelines Nuclear Power Station (51°01'N., 2°08'E.) is
lies about 3 miles N of the entrance to Gravelines, and also NW situated about 8 miles E of Pointe de Walde disused lighthouse,
of the crossroads where Passe de Ruytingen and Passe de between the entrance to Gravelines and Dunkerque (Port
l’Ouest meet. Ouest). Four lighted buoys (special thermograph), which may
Bancs du Snouw, Break, Hills, Traepegeer, and Smal, with
best be seen on the chart, are moored up to 0.7 mile offshore in
many drying patches, border the N side of Rade de Dunkerque. the vicinity of the power station. The six chimneys, which are
Tides—Currents.—In the area of Bancs de Flandre, the
60m high and grouped in three pairs, are conspicuous.
flood tidal current in spring tides lasts about 5 hours, and the
ebb about 7 hours; in neap tides, the differences are reduced.
The tidal currents are alternating; offshore the currents run in
about 1 mile offshore. are situated at Bray Dunes (51°05'N., 2°31'E.), about 6.5 miles
Pointe de Walde Lighthouse (50°59.6'N., 1°54.9'E.), dis-
6.19 E of Dunkerque (Port Est).
used, consists of a hut surmounting a framework tower, 18m The border between France and Belgium lies about 1.2 miles
high. It stands on the drying coastal bank, about 0.6 mile off- E of Bray Dunes.
shore, and is prominent. For a description of the waters E of the France-Belgium bor-
racon and AIS, and is moored at the W end of Dyck Occiden- tend seaward from points on the shore located about 1.2 miles
tal, about 4.7 miles NNE of the entrance to Calais. SW and 4.7 miles E of Pointe de Walde Light.
RCE Lighted Buoy (51°02'N., 1°53'E.) is equipped with an
6.19 Three detached breakwaters, used for sand stabilization, lie
AIS, and is moored at the NE end of Ridens de Calais, about 1 about 0.3 mile offshore, 1.8 miles E of Dunkerque (Port Est).
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 197
stands close to the root of the E jetty. The spire, 46m high, of a
MLWS 0.6m church standing in Petit-Fort-Philippe is prominent. The belfry,
LAT 0.2m 38m high, of a church standing in Grand-Fort-Philippe is
prominent. A conspicuous square church tower is situated
Note.—Predicted heights are in meters about 0.4 mile E of the wet dock, among the factory chimneys.
above charted datum. Pilotage.—Pilots are provided by the station at Dunkerque
level of water by as much as 0.7m. depths of 6 to 10m, sand and shells, with good holding ground.
At a position about 0.5 mile off the jetties, the flood current
6.20 This anchorage is untenable with strong onshore winds and
runs ENE and starts about 2 hours 30 minutes before HW at should only be used by vessels waiting to enter the harbor.
Dunkerque. It attains a normal maximum rate of 2 knots about Caution.—Local knowledge is advised. Entry to the harbor
10 minutes before HW at Dunkerque, although rates up to 3.5 is especially difficult with onshore winds. Larger vessels usual-
knots have been observed. Slack water occurs for 15 minutes ly enter the port 30 minutes before HW and must make allow-
about 3 hours after HW at Dunkerque. The ebb current runs ance for the flood current running ENE across the entrance.
WSW and starts after the slack water period. It attains a maxi- An explosives dumping area, which may best be seen on the
mum rate of 1.7 knots between 4 hours 50 minutes and 5 hours chart, lies 1.7 miles NW of the jetty heads.
50 minutes after HW at Dunkerque.
Close off the jetty heads, the currents begin about 30 minutes
6.20 Approaches to Dunkerque
earlier. Within the jetties the currents do not exceed a rate of
1.5 knots. 6.21 There are three main approaches to Dunkerque (Port
Depths—Limitations.—The port is approached from Passe
6.20 Ouest) or Dunkerque (Port Est).
de l’Ouest. The entrance to the river is protected by two jetties, Passe de l’Ouest (51°03'N., 2°09'E.) is the principal route
which extend about 0.8 mile seaward. A bar, consisting of sand for vessels approaching from the W. It leads to Port Ouest. The
banks, fronts the entrance and dries 1m. channel is dredged to a depth of 22m as far as the entrance to
Avant-port extends along the river to the wet basin. A wharf,
6.20 Port Ouest. Chenal Intermediaire, a continuation of Passe de
170m long, is situated on the W bank. It dries 1.5m and is used l’Ouest, leads to Port Est and has a least depth of 12.5m.
by fishing vessels. The fairway is 15m wide and marked by The approach to Passe de l’Ouest lies between Dyck Lighted
Coasters up to 70m in length and 9.8 beam can be accommo- the channel leads in an ENE direction for 4 miles to the harbor
dated with drafts up to 3.4m at springs and 2.1m at neaps. entrance. This section of the channel passes S of Haut-Fond de
Small craft can gain access to the river and the canal system
6.20 Gravelines and N of the coastal bank. It is marked on each side
Pub. 191
198 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
by lighted buoys, which may best be seen on the chart. Dunkerque (51°03'N., 2°21'E.)
Chenal Intermediaire, marked by lighted buoys, leads 8.5
miles E from the E end of Passe de l’Ouest to the entrance to World Port Index No. 35730
Port Est. The channel passes N of Banc de Mardyck and Banc
de Saint-Pol, and S of Banc de Snouw and Banc Braek. A rec- 6.22 Dunkerque (Dunkirk) is a large commercial port serv-
ommended track, which may best be seen on the chart, leads ing the industrial and mining regions of the N part of France.
through this channel. The port complex extends from Gravelines to the old town of
Bancs de Flandre (51°15'N., 2°26'E.) is a route leading
6.21 Dunkerque, about 10 miles E.
from NE. It should only be used by vessels with local knowl- The port of Dunkerque has two harbors, Port Ouest and Port
edge or under pilotage. Est, with their entrances 6 miles apart. These harbors are linked
From a position about 3 miles S of the West Hinder Light
6.21 internally by a canal and to seaward by Chenal Intermediaire.
Platform (51°23'N., 2°26'E.) and S of the West Hinder TSS Dunkerque is connected to the French and Belgian canal net-
limit, the route leads 26 miles in a general SW direction. The works.
route passes between Dyck Oriental (Oost Dyck) (51°15'N.,
2°26'E.) and Bergues Bank (51°17'N., 2°22'E.), and then N and Dunkerque Home Page
W of the N part of In Ruytingen (51°13'N., 2°16'E.). It then
passes though Passe de Ruytingen (51°10'N., 2°10'E.), which
lies between In Ruytingen and Out Ruytingen (51°08'N.,
2°04'E.). The route then passes through Passe du Dyck Tides—Currents
(51°06'N., 2°06'E.), which lies between the E end of Dyck Oc-
cidental and the W end of Le Dyck, (Dyck Central). It then The tides rise about 6m at MHWS and 5m at MHWN. See
passes through Passe du Haut-Fond de Gravelines, lying W of the table titled Tidal Ranges for Dunkerque.
the W end of Haut-Fond de Gravelines, and connects with In the area of the off-lying banks, the tidal currents are more
Passe de l’Ouest, about 3.5 miles W of the harbor entrance or less reciprocal in direction and follow the line of the main
(Port Ouest). channels. In the vicinity of the harbor entrances the current
Generally, depths over 11m can be maintained on this route
6.21 turns away from the land at the end of the flood and turns to-
from NE, except within Passe du Dyck and Passe du Haut- ward the land at the end of the ebb.
Fond de Gravelines, where depths less than 9m are found. Af- The tidal currents off Dunkerque attain their maximum rate
ter passing through Passe de Ruytingen (51°10'N., 2°10'E.), of about 2.5 knots where the banks are close together. They are
vessels with deeper drafts may continue WSW and stay N of weaker to the E, attaining rates of 1.5 to 2 knots off Bray-
Dyck Occidental. Such vessels may then round Dyck Lighted Dunes, and to the W, attaining rates of 1.7 to 2.2 knots off
Buoy (51°03'N., 1°52'E.) and enter Passe de l’Ouest. Gravelines.
Passe de Zuydcoote (51°08'N., 2°31'E.), a coastal route,
Off Gravelines and Port Est, the E flood current attains its
leads from the E. From a position at the SW end of Westdiep maximum rate about the time of local HW and the W ebb cur-
close E of E12 Lighted Buoy (51°08'N., 2°31'E.), the route, rent attains its maximum rate about 5 hours before local HW.
which is marked by buoys, leads 3.5 miles S and SW through The duration of slack water off Dunkerque is about 15 min-
Passe de Zuydcoote. It then leads 4.5 miles WSW through utes. It may be reduced to 10 minutes during W winds and in-
Passe de l’Est into Rade de Dunkerque, which fronts the harbor creased to 20 minutes during E winds. Slack water occurs 2
entrance (Port Est). A recommended track, which may best be hours before and 4 hours after local HW.
seen on the chart, indicates the route. The depths along this Generally, the duration of the flood current is appreciably
route are subject to frequent changes. The route through Passe less than the duration of the ebb current and it is probably
de Zuydcoote crosses depths of less than 5m. stronger.
Passe de Zuydcoote connects Dunkerque with Nieuwpoort
The times and strengths of the tidal currents may differ sig-
(51°09'N., 2°43'E.) and Oostende (51°14'N., 2°55'E.). From nificantly due to meteorological conditions. At springs, the
the position close E of E12 Lighted Buoy (51°08'N., 2°31'E.), a predicted strength of the tidal currents may be exceeded by 25
route leads 16.5 miles ENE through Westdiep (Belgian waters) per cent. At neaps, the predicted strength of the tidal currents
and Kleine Rede (51°10'N., 2°13'E.) to the vicinity of Oost- may be exceeded by as much as 40 per cent. The timing of
ende. slack water may also vary by as much as 2 hours.
Caution.—Depths in the approach channels are subject to
Winds from NE may reduce the predicted tidal height by up
change and the port authorities should be consulted prior to us- to 0.3m while winds from other directions may increase the
ing them. height by up to 0.5m.
A former mined area lies in the vicinity of the approaches to
Dunkerque. The area is considered safe for surface navigation, Tidal Ranges for Dunkerque
but remains dangerous for anchoring, trawling, or carrying out
any seabed activities. These dangers do not apply to the E and HAT 6.5m
W approach channels. For further details, see Pub. 140, Sailing MHWS 6.0m
Directions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and Adja-
MHWN 5.0m
cent Seas.
MSL 3.24m
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 199
Tidal Ranges for Dunkerque tique, is used by container and ro-ro vessels.
Darse de la Manche is connected to the NE side of Bassin de
above charted datum. known as Port Rapide. Movements in Port Rapide are
unrestricted day or night.
Two buoys, which indicate the direction of the tidal current,
Quai d’Alsace and Quai de Ramsgate, situated at the E side
are moored 0.9 mile WNW of the head of Port Ouest W jetty of Darse de la Manche, They provide passenger, rail, and
and 0.4 mile WNW of the head of Port Est W jetty. Viewed freight facilities for the cross-channel ferries. Vessels up to 7m
from N these buoys show a black side by day and a white light draft can be handled.
over an orange light at night when the E flood current is Canal des Dunes, with a depth of 3.5m, connects Bassin de
running. They show a white side by day and two white lights at Mardyck in Port Este to Darse de la Manche in Port Ouest. It is
night when the W ebb current is running. mostly used by small craft and barges.
Port Est.—Port Est, protected by two jetties, is entered
entrance, 450m wide. It consists of Avant-port, 1 mile long, main lock, are dredged to a depth of 13.5m.
and Bassin de l’Atlantique, a large tidal basin. Port d’Echouage, a tidal basin, is connected directly to the E
Pub. 191
200 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 201
Pub. 191
202 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
separated by piers. A passage, 26m wide and spanned by a minal, handles chemical tankers and gas carriers. It is capable
swing bridge, divides the two southeasternmost basins from the of accepting vessels up to 100,000 dwt, 280m in length, and
remaining four. 14.2m draft.
Three small inner basins, which are used by fishing vessels
6.22 Dunkerque (Port Ouest and Port Est) provides extensive fa-
and small craft, are connected to the SE side of Bassin de cilities for bulk, container, oil, ro-ro, rail, LPG, passenger,
Freycinet by a narrow passage. chemical, general cargo, fishing, and ferry vessels. The port al-
Ecluse Charles de Gaulle, the main lock, is entered at the W
6.22 so has repair facilities. A drydock, situated at the N side of
side of Avant-port. It is 364m long and 47.5m wide, with a Bassin de Freycinet, is 310m long and 50m wide. It can accom-
depth of 13.5m over the sill. This lock is operational at all modate vessels up to 289m long, 45m beam, and 6.5m draft.
times. Vessels up to 289m in length, 45m beam, and 14.2m Vessels up to 300,000 dwt, 360m in length, 60m beam, and
draft can be accepted by day, in favorable conditions. 20.5m draft have been accommodated in Port Ouest. Generally,
This lock leads into Bassin d’Evitage, a turning area dredged
6.22 vessels over 300m in length can enter only by day.
to a depth of 13.2m. Bassin d’Evolution is entered at the SE Vessels up to 120,000 dwt, 289m in length, 45m beam, and
side of the turning area and leads into the W end of Bassin de 14.2m draft have been accommodated in Port Est. Generally,
Freycinet. Bassin Maritime is entered at the W side of the turn- vessels over 250m in length and 40m beam can enter only by
ing area and leads to Bassin de Mardyck, 2.8 miles WSW. day. The preferred time for vessels over 180m in length and
An oil terminal, fronting a refinery, is situated on the S side
6.22 10m draft to enter is at slack water at the jetty heads, which is
of Bassin d’Evolution. either about 3 hours before HW or 2 hours after, depending on
Bassin Maritime, with a swinging area at its W end, has a
6.22 the weather conditions and the tidal predictions. Such vessels
general dredged depth of 12m. A grain terminal berth, situated have priority over other commercial vessels, which may enter
at the E end Bassin Maritime and leave at any time. For further berthing information see the
Quai Usinor, situated close W of the grain terminal, provides
6.22 table titled Dunkerque (Dunkirk)—Berth Information.
six bulk berths. A T-shaped quay, 720m long, is situated close
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 203
Port Ouest.—Lighted ranges, which may best be seen on
the chart, indicate the entrance channel leading into Port Ouest.
They consist of high intensity sector lights. A directional sector
light, situated at the S end of the basin, indicates the fairway
within Bassin de l’Atlantique.
Conspicuous landmarks in the vicinity of Port Ouest include
cate the limits of the entrance channel leading into Port Est and
may best be seen on the chart.
The head of the W jetty is faced with two white-painted pan-
er, 56m high, standing 0.8 mile SE of the head of the E jetty,
close NW of Ecluse Trystam Lock.
Vessels wishing to take a Deep Sea Pilot are to apply at least
Pub. 191
204 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
2. Inner Zone.—Bounded to the W by the line joining On passing Dyck Lighted Buoy or E12 Lighted Buoy on ar-
the position on the coast 2 miles W of the outer jetties of the rival from the E or the W.
Gravelines Access Channel and the point 51°03.0'N Vessels coming from the W must also contact the Pilot Ra-
2°08.0'E; to the N by a line joining latitude 51°03.0'N, the dar Station on VHF channel 72, 2 hours before arrival at the pi-
coastline, longitude 2°20.0'E, latitude 51°04.5'N, and to the lot boarding position, confirming 1 hour before arrival.
E by the longitude of Dunkerque Light (2°21.9'E). Waiting areas are, as follows:
Pilotage is compulsory for the following vessels:
6.22 1. Waiting Area B2-A is centered on position 51°03.0'N
a. All vessels of 100m loa or more in the Outer Zone. 1°48.0'E. It is recommended that large vessels constrained
b. All vessels of 70m loa or more in the Inner Zone by their draft should use the services of a pilot in order to an-
bound for Port Ouest. chor. The recommended anchorage for deep draft vessels is a
c. All vessels of 50m loa or more in the Inner Zone position bearing 255° at 5 miles from Dyck Lighted Buoy.
bound for Port Est. Tidal currents found in these areas are in a rectilinear direc-
d. All vessels carrying dangerous cargoes or without tion and vessels are advised to anchor at slack water. Slack
VHF, regardless of length, in both Zones. water occurs about 2.5 hours before and 3.5 hours after HW
e. Pilotage is compulsory within the basins and outer at Calais. Vessels should avoid anchoring at HW since tidal
harbor area for the following vessel movements: currents can be as strong as3 knots.
i. Passing through a lock or lock gate. 2. Waiting Area B1 for LNG vessels. Pilotage is com-
ii. Entering or leaving a dock or dry dock. pulsory.
iii. Moving from one dock or basin to another. 3. Vessels obliged to anchor in the waiting area must
iv. Moving from one port zone, as described in (f) contact Pilots Dunkerque 2 hours prior to their ETA at the pi-
below, to another. lot boarding place (or as soon as possible if leaving a port
v. Any movement involving the use of tugs. less than 2 hours away) and confirming 1 hour in advance of
f. The following vessels are not bound by the require- arrival on VHF channel 72, All vessels crossing or anchored
ments described in (e) above when moving without tug as- within the area must maintain a continuous watch on VHF
sistance within the same zones as described below: channel 72.
i. Vessels less than 70m loa in Zone A (Port Est, E 4. Vessels at anchorage must maintain a continuous
of the Brocquaire Channel). watch on VHF channels 16, 73, and 72 (VHF channels 16
ii. Vessels less than 80m loa in Zone B (Port Est, W and 73 if maintaining a watch on three channels is not possi-
of the Brocquaire Channel) ble).
iii. Vessels less than 90m loa in Zone C (Port Ouest) LNG vessels should advise ETA at Dyck Lighted Buoy on
Note.—These lengths are increased to 85m, 100m, and departure from previous port of call. Pilot Dunkerque will pro-
130m, respectively, for vessels, including ferry boats, with vide a rendezvous point in the vicinity of position 51°00.8'N
working thrusters. 1°44.2'E. Actual boarding and position will depend on weather
Vessels should send request for pilotage at least 12 hours in
6.22 conditions.
advance (or on departure from previous port if less than 12 Pilot boards in the following positions:
hours away) including the following information: 1. Near Dyck Lighted Buoy (51°02.9'N 1°51.7'E).
1. Vessel name. 2. Near E12 Lighted Buoy (51°07.9'N 2°30.7'E).
2. LOA. 3. Rade de Dunkerque Est (51°04.0'N 2°21.4'E).
3. Draft forward and aft. Dunkerque provides pilotage for Gravelines. On request,
4. Last port of call. vessels bound for or departing from Dunkerque may extend
5. The ETA at pilot boarding position stating "Dyck" their pilotage past the Outer Zone in the Route des Bancs de
(for boarding between Dyck Lighted Buoy and CA2 Lighted Flandre as far as Nieuwpoort, Oostende, Wandelaar Pilot Sta-
Buoy), "E12" (for boarding near E12 Lighted Buoy) or tion, and the entrance to the Westerschelde.
"Rade de Dunkerque Est" (Dunkerque East Roads). Boarding by helicopter is at the discretion of the Pilot.Ves-
Any change of ETA in excess of 2 hours must be notified at sels are to receive instructions from Pilotes Dunkerque on VHF
least 6 hours before arrival. channel 72 or by telephone 2 hours prior to arrival at Dyck
Vessels must confirm their request for pilotage by VHF, fac- Lighted Buoy.
simile, telephone or e-mail 2 hours before arrival at the pilot The pilot may board at the following places at the request of
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 205
anchoring, except in emergency or with permission, within the Dunkerque VTS Area
approach channels (Passe de l’Ouest, Passe Est, Westdiep,
Passe de Zuydcoote, and Chenal Intermediaire) and roadsteads 4. 51°01'38.4''N, 1°50'24.0''E
of Dunkerque. This regulation also applies to the four dumping 5. 51°01'00.0'N, 1°48'31.8''E (RCA Lighted Buoy)
ground areas lying N of the approach channels.
Restricted Areas (Release Zones), the limits of which may
6. 51°01'00.0''N, 1°45'50.4''E (RCW Lighted Buoy)
be best seen on the chart, lie about 2 miles NW and 7 miles W 7. 50°59'57.0''N, 1°44'06.0''E
of the entrance to Port Ouest. Vessels waiting to enter the port
8. 51°00'57.0'N, 1°42'19.2''E
can stop or anchor in these areas only with permission of the
harbormaster. 9. 51°04'54.0''N, 1°48'06.0''E
Vessels with drafts over 10m or lengths over 230m are con-
10. 51°05'24.0''N, 1°50'24.0''E
12 hours before arrival to the pilot station and to Dunkerque regulated zones of the Dunkerque VTS area, vessels subject to
Port Control. the SURNAV system should maintain a continuous watch with
3. Such vessels are not authorized to proceed E of Dyck Gris-Nez Traffic on VHF channel 13 and with Dunkerque VTS
Lighted Buoy (51°03.0'N., 1°51.8'E.) or W of E12 Lighted on VHF channel 73. SURNAV is a system designed to monitor
Buoy (51°07.9'N., 2°30.7'E.) without a pilot. However, ves- the movements of vessels carrying dangerous cargo navigating
sels less than 100m in length unable to embark a pilot be- in the approaches to the French coast. For more information on
cause of weather may, with permission from the authorities, SURNAV, see Pub. 140, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide)
proceed through the approach channel. North Atlantic Ocean and Adjacent Seas.
For further details of these special procedures, see Pub. 140, All vessels in the regulated shipping zone, access channels,
Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and discharge area and the dredging dumping ground are to main-
Adjacent Seas. tain a continuous listening watch on VHF channel 73.
Vessels must advise their ETA at least 48 hours in advance
bounded by the lines joining the positions listed in the table ti- least 2 hours before entering the VTS area, and on request, pro-
tled Dunkerque VTS Area. viding the following information:
Dunkerque VTS provides an Information Service and a Nav-
1. ETA at Dyck Lighted Buoy, at E12 Lighted Buoy,
igation Assistance Service, and also provides traffic regulation and at Rade de Dunkerque Est, or at a proposed point of en-
and planning in the port area. try to the channel.
Dunkerque VTS includes a main center, Dunkerque VTS,
2. Draft.
and a secondary center, Dunkerque Ouest. The secondary 3. Any observed defects concerning buoyage and aids
center is more concerned with vessels heading to or from Port to navigation.
Ouest. 4. ISPS notification, if necessary.
After agreement with the Pilots, Dunkerque VTS will pro-
Dunkerque VTS Area 1. Directions for entry, including transit and anchorage
1. 51°00'36.0''N, 2°07'06.0''E instructions.
2. Wind conditions.
2. 51°01'54.0''N, 2°07'06.0''E 3. Any defects concerning buoyage and aids to naviga-
3. 51°01'54.0''N, 1°57'12.0''E tion, if necessary.
4. Any abnormal situations.
Pub. 191
206 Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier
information: seen on the chart, extends SW from the vicinity of Dyck Light-
1. Any deficiencies. ed Buoy (51°03'N., 1°52'E.). All vessels intending to anchor in
2. Maximum draft. this area are required to follow the instructions of the Dunker-
3. ETA at the jetties. que pilot station. Care should be taken to avoid the wrecks and
4. Request for boatmen. obstructions lying within this area. The recommended anchor-
Vessels approaching from the W should contact Dunkerque
6.22 age berth within the area for vessels with drafts over 15m lies
West on passing DW10 Lighted Buoy. about 5 mile WSW of Dyck Lighted Buoy. Vessels with drafts
Vessels approaching from the E, heading to Port Ouest must
6.22 of 10 to 15m should anchor about 2 to 3 miles WNW of Dyck
report their position to Dunkerque VTS and to Dunkerque Lighted Buoy.
West when passing DW24 Lighted Buoy. The latter then takes
over from Dunkerque VTS. Dunkerque—Contact Information
Vessels 300 gt and over entering the area of the VTS must
make contact with Dunkerque VTS on VHF channel 73 and the
Dunkerque Pilot Station on VHF channel 72. VHF VHF channel 73
When in the VTS area, vessels must do the following:
6.22 Telephone 33-3-2828-7596
1. Keep a continuous radio watch on VHF channel 73.
2. Communicate in French or English. E-mail [email protected]
3. Report any instances of emergency, collision, ground- Port Authority
ing, fire or any situation affecting vessels maneuverability or
Telephone 33-3-2828-7878
any environmentally hazardous situation.
LNG vessels must follow the following additional proce-
Facsimile 33-3-2828-7877
dures: Dangerous Substances
1. LNG vessels must advise ETA at Dyck Lighted Buoy
via the agents to the harbormaster at the following time with Telephone 33-3-2828-7595
the following information: E-mail [email protected]
a. On departure from the port of loading.
b. Provide details of any amended plans at least 4 Tugs
hours in advance of arrival and then every 24 hours there- Telephone 33-3-2865-8103
after via the agents.
2. LNG vessels must advise ETA at Dyck Lighted Buoy E-mail [email protected]
48 hours in advance to harbormaster’s office and the pilots Deep- Sea Pilots—Dunkerque Office
directly by e-mail or telephone confirming ETA 12 hours in
Telephone 33-3-2866-6380
advance to the agent, harbormaster, pilots and terminal.
3. LNG vessels must contact Dunkerque VTS on VHF Facsimile 33-3-2821-1555
channel 73 and Pilotes Dunkerque on VHF channel 72, 2
E-mail [email protected]
hours before arrival at the pilot boarding position.
Note.—Dunkerque VTS provides radar coverage of an area Deep-Sea Pilots—Cherbourg Office
extending 45 miles from sites at Gris-Nez, Calais, Dunkerque Call sign Cherbourg Deep Sea Pilot
Ouest, Dunes and Dunkerque Est.
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
Signals Telephone 33-3-3323-1297
Dredges operating on the S side of the approach channel dis-
Facsimile 33-3-3323-1297
play a black cone by day and a green light at night. When oper- E-mail [email protected]
ating on the N side of the approach channel, they display a red
cylinder by day and a red light at night. Local Pilots
Movement signals controlling entry are shown from the ends
Call sign Pilotes Dunkerque
of the three locks at Port Est. A green fixed light and a green
flashing light indicate that vessels should enter the lock and se- VHF VHF channels 16, 72, and 73
cure to the side with the flashing light. Two red lights indicate Operations
that entry is prohibited. When permission to enter the lock is
about to be given, the red light situated on the side of the lock Telephone
to which the vessel should secure starts flashing. 33-6-7800-5400 (mobile)
Facsimile 33-3-2859-0188
Contact Information
E-mail [email protected]
6.22 See the table titled Dunkerque—Contact Information.
Pub. 191
Sector 6. France—North Coast—Dover Strait—Cap d’Antifer to the Belgian Frontier 207
Dunkerque—Contact Information has depths of 17 to 28m and is shared with vessels bound for
Calais, which anchor in the S part.
Web site Vessels approaching from E may, with permission, obtain
Call sign Dunkerque VTS changed without notice. Vessels are recommended to contact
VHF VHF channels 16 and 73 the local authorities for the latest information concerning the
33-3-2828-7589 (Maritime Traffic Control- Dumping ground areas (spoil areas), which may best be seen
Telephone ler) on the chart, lie centered about 1.5 miles N and 3.4 miles NNE
33-3-2828-7603 of the entrance to Port Ouest, and 1.2 miles N and 2.5 miles
NW of the entrance to Port Est.
Facsimile 33-3-2828-7597 An explosives dumping ground area, which may best be seen
E-mail [email protected] on the chart, lies centered about 2 miles NNW of the entrance
to Port Est.
Dunkerque West It is reported that frequent accidents have occurred at Port
Telephone 33-3-2828-7604 Est due to vessels disregarding the effect of the wind on the tid-
al currents.
High speed ferries may be encountered in the approach chan-
the tidal currents may attain rates of 3 knots. The Waiting Area about 50m seaward from the head of the W jetty at Port Est
Pub. 191
Sector 7—England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill
7.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 191
Pub. 191
212 Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill
waters located to the N of it, see Pub. 192, Sailing Directions ter HW at Dover to about 1 hour before HW at Dover. The
(Enroute) North Sea (Sector 4). flood current sets NE from about HW at Dover to about 4
7.2The cliffy coast in the vicinity of North Foreland is fringed hours after HW at Dover. The currents off the entrance attain a
by rocky ledges, which extend up to about 0.2 mile offshore. A maximum rate of about 1.2 knots at springs.
very conspicuous building stands 1.5 miles WNW of the light
and, when viewed from N, is the highest landmark in this area. Tidal Ranges for Ramsgate
7.2Elbow (51°22'N., 1°31'E.), a sandy ridge, forms the NE ex-
tremity of the shoal bank extending seaward from North Fore- HAT 5.7m
land. It is marked by a lighted buoy moored about 3 miles ENE MHWS 5.2m
of the light.
MHWN 4.0m
7.2Broadstairs (51°21'N., 1°27'E.), a small town fronted by a
drying boat harbor, is situated 1 mile S of North Foreland. MSL 2.73m
Broadstairs Knolls, with depths of less than 5m, are the out-
MLWN 1.4m
ermost shoal patches on the flats that front the coast between
Ramsgate and North Foreland. They extend up to about 1.5 MLWS 0.6m
miles seaward and are marked by a lighted buoy moored 1.8 LAT -0.3m
miles ESE of Broadstairs.
Note.—Predicted heights are in meters
7.3 Off-lying banks.—South Falls (51°23'N., 1°47'E.), above charted datum.
with a least depth of 6.4m, lies 13 miles E of North Foreland
and forms the southernmost part of the Outer Banks fronting Depths—Limitations
the Thames Estuary. This shoal, which is marked by lighted
buoys, is about 15 miles long and consists of a narrow ridge of 7.4The main approach channel, which may best be seen on the
sand and shells. See paragraph 6.2 for more details. chart, leads 2.5 miles W to the port entrance. It is marked by
7.3Drill Stone (51°26'N., 1°42'E.), with depths of 11 to 18m, lighted buoys and dredged to a depth of 7.5m. The port en-
lies about 10 miles ENE of North Foreland and is marked by a trance is 180m wide between the breakwater heads. The fair-
lighted buoy. Strong tide rips occur in the vicinity of this patch. way channel leading through the entrance is 125m wide.
7.3Caution.—Outfall pipelines extend up to about 2 miles ENE 7.4Royal Harbour, situated in the N part of the port, has an en-
from the coast in the vicinity of North Foreland and may best trance, 63m wide. It is dredged to a depth of 2m and mostly
be seen on the chart. used by pleasure craft. A commercial quay, 109m long, is situ-
7.3Numerous submarine cables, some disused, extend seaward ated at the NW side and has a depth of 2.1m alongside. Vessels
from points on the shore close N and about 1.5 miles S of up to 120m in length and 5m draft can be accommodated at
North Foreland, and may best be seen on the chart. HW.
7.3A dumping area (spoil ground), which may best be seen on 7.4The Inner Harbour, a large marina, has a dredged depth of
the chart, lies 7.2 miles E of North Foreland. 3m. It is entered from Royal Harbour through dock gates,
12.1m wide, which are spanned by a bascule bridge. Yachts up
Ramsgate (51°20'N., 1°25'E.) to 24m in length and 2.4m draft can enter.
7.4Ramsgate Ferry Terminal and ferry harbor has a dredged
World Port Index No. 35715 depth of 7.5m. It provides extensive facilities for cross-channel
passenger and freight ferries. Three ro-ro ferry berths, with
7.4 Ramsgate is an artificial harbor containing Western depths of 7.5m alongside, are situated at the W side of the har-
Marine Terminal, the cross-channel ferry harbor, Royal Har- bor. Vessels up to 165m in length and 6m draft can be accom-
bour, the old commercial port, and Inner Harbour, which is a modated.
yacht marina. The harbor is enclosed by breakwaters. East Pier
and North Breakwater, its extension, provide protection on the Aspect
E side while South Breakwater provides protection on the S
side. A lighted range, with a directional sector light, indicates the
range, which may best be seen on the chart. It leads WNW and joins the main channel about 0.3 mile E of the port entrance.
The Granville Hotel, with a prominent tower, stands about
Pub. 191
Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill 213
Pub. 191
214 Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill
tional Vesselsfor departing (outbound) vessels. out specific permission, on VHF, from the Port Control:
For Arriving (Inbound) Vessels Requiring a Pilot—Any a. Enter the harbor limits from seaward.
vessel must report to the Harbour Authority on VHF channel b. Leave the Royal Harbour.
14 (or telephone or facsimile) at the following times: c. Move from or to any berth or place in the Western
a. 12 hours before arrival at pilot boarding station. Ferry Terminal.
b. 2 hours before arrival at pilot boarding station.
For Departing (Outbound) Vessels Requiring a Pilot— Contact Information
Any vessel must report to the Harbour Authority on VHF chan-
nel 14 (or telephone or facsimile) at the following times: 7.4 See the table titled Ramsgate—Contact Information.
1. On arrival (the vessel shall give the Harbour Authority
(usually via the pilot) the best estimate of their departure Ramsgate—Contact Information
2. Two (2) hours before pilot required (vessel must also Harbormaster
advise if the pilot required time changes) Telephone 44-1843-572-105
Tug Services—No harbor tug is available on station. Con-
tact Port Control for advice on obtaining a local provider by Harbor Office
prior arrangement. Telephone 44-1843-572-100
Oil Pollution—Mariners should note that it is illegal to dis-
Facsimile 44-1843-590-941
charge any oil or petroleum products into harbor waters. In the
event of any accidental discharge mariners should immediately E-mail [email protected]
contact Ramsgate Port Control on VHF channel 14 or tele- Port Authority
phone (01843-572100) to advise of the incident and to receive
instructions. Mariners are advised that it is illegal to use oil dis- Telephone 44-1843-587-661
persant within the harbor area without the prior approval of the Facsimile 44-1843-222-515
E-mail [email protected]
Signals Local Port Service
Pub. 191
Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill 215
Pub. 191
216 Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill
cause it sets toward the sands near the time of HW. nel the minimum depth is about 10m. For the remainder of the
7.5Reports indicate that E of Goodwin Sands the flood current channel the minimum depth is about 8m. The authorities
sometimes sets NW with considerable velocity. If this occurs, should be contacted for the latest depth information.
the set is likely to be strong and dangerous near the time of 7.6NE Goodwin Lighted Buoy (51°20'N., 1°34'E.) is moored
HW. about 5.5 miles E of Ramsgate and is equipped with a racon.
7.5Care is advised, as S of South Sand Head (51° 10'N., 7.6East Goodwin Light Float (51°13'N., 1°36'E.), with a red
1°29'E.) the flood current sets strongly toward and across the S hull, is moored about 7.5 miles E of Deal and is equipped with
portion of Goodwind Sands, from about 1 hour before to about a racon. See Directions in paragraph 7.1.
3 hours after HW at Dover.
7.5Anchorage.—The Downs (51°13'N., 1°26'E.), an anchor- Dover (51°07'N., 1°20'E.)
age area for ocean-going vessels, lies centered about 1 mile E
of the town of Deal and may best be seen on the chart. The World Port Index No. 35710
holding ground is not good in some parts of this area, particu-
larly S of Goodwin Fork Lighted Buoy (51°14.3'N., 1°26.9'E.). 7.7 Dover, a fairly large harbor, can easily be identified
However, good anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 12.8m, by its breakwaters and the castle surmounting the cliffs above.
about 1.3 miles ESE of the castle at Deal or, in a depth of Although of some commercial importance, the port is pri-
12.5m, about 1.1 miles E of Walmer Castle. marily used as a cross-channel terminal for ro-ro ferries. The
7.5The Small Downs (51°15'N., 1°26'E.), lying 1.8 miles NNE harbor is enclosed by Admiralty Pier, Southern Breakwater,
of Deal, is an area that provides anchorage to vessels with and Eastern Arm, which together form the W and E entrances
drafts less than 5m. It is more sheltered and has better holding to the port.
ground than The Downs.
7.5Trinity Bay (51°12'N., 1°30'E.) provides good anchorage Dover Port Home Page
during NE winds, but the tidal currents can be strong. Vessels
may anchor, in a depth of 21m, about 3.2 miles ESE of Deal.
7.5Caution.—Several submarine cables, which may best be
seen on the chart, extend seaward from the vicinity of Saint Winds—Weather.—The greatest proportion of wind in the
Margaret’s Bay. Dover area is from the SW, usually with a force of 4 to 7 in the
7.5Several wrecks and obstructions, which may best be seen on winter months.
the chart, lie within the anchorage areas of The Downs and The From February to June, winds from the NE increase some-
Small Downs. what, nearly equaling those from the SW in May. Rain occurs
mostly from October to December, nearly twice that of the
7.6 Off-lying dangers.—Goodwin Sands (51°14'N., summer season. Fog occurs fairly frequent in the winter, aver-
1°32'E.), a shifting mass of drying sand banks, extends up to aging about 4 or 5 days a month. During the summer haze can
about 7 miles offshore between North Foreland and South be a problem anytime.
Foreland and is marked by lighted buoys. The area surrounding Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
the sands, which may best be seen on the chart, is littered with Dover.
the wrecks of numerous vessels. Some of these wrecks are vis-
ible depending on the state of the tide. Tidal Ranges for Dover
7.6The sands are moved by the tidal currents and their forms are
frequently changed. Large drying patches lie along the E and HAT 7.4m
W edges. Except for The Downs, where an area of deeper wa- MHWS 6.8m
ter exists, the 20m contour lies to the E of Goodwin Sands.
MHWN 5.3m
7.6Kellet Gut (51°14'N., 1°32'E.), a passage bordered by drying
patches, leads 4.5 miles NE between Trinity Bay and Goodwin MSL 3.77m
Knoll. This channel is unmarked and subject to frequent MLWN 2.1m
changes. It should only be used by small vessels with local
knowledge. MLWS 0.8m
7.6Gull Stream (51°18'N., 1°30'E.) leads NE from The Downs LAT 0.2m
to the North Sea or the Thames Estuary. This passage, which is
marked by lighted buoys, may be used by medium-draft ves- Note.—Predicted heights are in meters
sels with local knowledge. The fairway frequently changes and above charted datum.
the navigational aids are often moved without prior notice.
7.6A sand bar, subject to sandwave action, lies near the NE end Tidal currents in the entrances are subject to great variations
of Gull Stream. Several shoal patches and other dangers lie in hourly. In either entrance there may be an incoming current in
the vicinity of the channel and may best be seen on the chart. one part and outgoing current in another.
7.6Historically, depths over all the shoal patches in the channel Eddies run off the breakwater heads, and due to the variable
have been shallower than presently charted. Periods of accre- directions of the currents, may also produce turbulence in the
tion, influenced by the ebb tidal flow, are followed by periods entrances. The sub-surface currents may differ appreciably
of erosion brought on by the effect of storms and the resulting from those near the surface and caution is necessary.
system seems to be self-regulating. On the W side of the chan- Depths—Limitations.—The W entrance is 225m wide, but
Pub. 191
Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill 217
Dover Harbor
Pub. 191
218 Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill
7.7 Ferry Terminal with Church Tower and Dover Castle on cliff
North Sea, and the Baltic Sea may be ordered from Dover. Ves-
sels should send a request at least 48 hours and 24 hours prior
to arrival at the boarding place. Pilots will board at Brixham
and Cherbourg (by launch or helicopter), Penzance, Fishguard,
Pentland Firth, Dover (by launch only), or any port in north-
7.7 Dover West Entrance
Pub. 191
Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill 219
western Europe. Pilotage requirements are, as follows: 3. Inbound vessels requiring a pilot off Dover should
1. Pilotage in Dover Harbour is compulsory for the fol- send their ETA to Dover Port Control at least 2 hours in ad-
lowing: vance, stating security level, length, maximum draft, defects,
a. Vessels over 50m loa. any hazardous cargo, and number of persons on board.
b. Vessels over 20m loa which are: 4. Pilots board in position 51°07.3'N, 1°25.3'E (3 miles
i. Certified to carry more than 12 passengers. E of Dover Harbor Eastern Entrance). Large (with a length
ii. Carrying dangerous substances in bulk. over 250m) or hampered vessels should be ready to receive a
iii. Hampered in anyway. pilot when at a distance of 5 miles E of the port.
2. Pilotage is not compulsory for the following: 5. Outbound vessels requiring a pilot should inform Port
a. United Kingdom warships Control at least 2 hours in advance and confirm pilot require-
b. Foreign warships ments 1 hour before ETD. Vessels should contact Port Con-
c. Fishing vessels with a registered loa of less than trol before departure and maintain a listening watch on VHF
47.5m. channel 74 until clear of the harbor. Vessels are then advised
d. Vessels navigated by a person holding a PEC valid to monitor the Channel Navigation Information Service
for that vessel and the Dover Pilotage Area. (CNIS).
Dover—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam
Cargo Berth Terminal
1 (outer) — 8.0m 200m — —
Ro-ro. Continuous berthing length of 483m.
1 (inner) — 9.0m 200m — —
South Jetty 215m 8.6m 200m 8.5m — Reefer, containers, and breakbulk cargo.
Eastern Docks Terminal
ED 2 200m 8.0m — — 28.5m Ro-ro and passengers.
ED 3 200m 8.0m — — 29.0m Ro-ro and passengers.
ED 5 162m 7.0m — — 28.0m Ro-ro and passengers.
ED 6 162m 8.0m — — 27.7m Ro-ro and new vehicles.
ED 6a 55m 4.0m — — — Closed (2021).
ED 7 168m 8.0m 90m 7.6m 28.5m Ro-ro and passengers.
ED 8 195m 8.5m 220m 9.0m 32.0m Ro-ro and passengers.
ED 9 195m 8.5m 220m 9.0m 32.0m Ro-ro and passengers.
Western Docks Terminal
Admiralty Pier Outer 240m 8.0m 80m — — Cruise vessels.
Cruise Terminal 1 (CT1) 213m 10.5m 261m — 32.2m Cruise vessels.
Pub. 191
220 Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill
Dover—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam
Cruise Terminal 2 (CT2) 318m 10.5m 300m — — Cruise vessels.
Dunkirk Jetty 100m — — — — Aggregates. Closed (2021).
Jetfoil Terminal (JTF) 143m 5.0m — — — Closed (2021).
7.7The pilotage area includes the waters extending up to 1 mile Contact Information.—See the table titled Dover—Con-
Pub. 191
Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill 221
Dover to Folkstone
7.8 The coast between Dover and Folkstone, 5 miles SW,
is formed mostly by chalk cliffs.
Shakespeare Cliff, 103m high, stands about 1 mile SW of
Dover and is the first chalk cliff. It is prominent and appears
conical when seen from the E. Abbot’s Cliff, standing 2.5 miles
SW of Dover, is also prominent
A conspicuous radio mast, with an elevation of 382m, is situ-
ated near Hougham, about 0.7 mile N of Abbot’s Cliff.
7.8Copt Point (51°05'N., 1°12'E), with a conspicuous Martello
Tower standing above it, is located 4.5 miles SW of Dover.
Copt Rocks, formed by drying ledges of sandstone, front the
point and extend up to 0.3 mile E.
7.8Mole Head Rocks extend SW from Copt Rocks to the vicini-
ty of the entrance to Folkstone.
7.7 Dover Castle and Church Tower (from S) 7.8East Wear Bay lies between Copt Point and Abbot’s Cliff, 2
miles NE. It provides good holding ground and is sheltered on
meter. the W side. However, this bay is recommended only as a tem-
Depths within the harbor are liable to change and the Port
porary anchorage for vessels waiting for the tide. The best
Control should be contacted for the latest information. Silting berth is in the middle of the bay, in a depth of about 9m.
often occurs in the central part of Outer Harbour. 7.8Caution.—Numerous wrecks, which may best be seen on
A spoil ground (dumping area), which may best be seen on
the chart, lie offshore between Dover and Folkstone.
the chart, lies centered 1.5 miles SSE of the E entrance. 7.8 Yacht racing marker buoys are moored in season (April to
Vessels passing Dover are warned that cross-channel ferries,
November) about 0.6 mile WSW of Abbot’s Cliff.
including high speed craft, frequently enter or leave the port by 7.8Several submarine cables, which may best be seen on the
both the W and E entrances. Vessels are cautioned to keep at chart, extend seaward from the vicinity of Copt Point.
least 1 mile seaward of Southern Breakwater.
Tidal cross-currents, with velocities at times up to 2.5 knots,
7.7 Folkestone (51°05'N., 1°12'E.)
run in the vicinity of the port entrances. The Port Control
should be contacted for the latest information. World Port Index No. 35700
A submarine power cable extends between the heads of East-
ern Arm and the E end of Southern Breakwater. 7.9 Folkestone is a terminal for cross-channel ferries, in-
cluding high speed craft. It is rarely used by other regular cargo
Pub. 191
222 Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill
7.9Off the head of the breakwater, the ENE tidal current starts Anchorage.—Anchorage off the port is exposed, and should
about 2 hours before HW at Dover and attains a rate of 2 knots only be used by vessels waiting for a favorable tide to enter
at springs. The WSW tidal current starts about 3 hours 20 min- harbor. The recommended anchorage is E of Roar Bank
utes after HW at Dover and attains a rate of 1.5 knots at (50°59.1'N., 1°00.7'E.), in depths of 12 to 18m, clay and sand,
springs. with the red sector of Dungeness Light bearing about 211°.
7.9During the ENE current, an eddy runs W along the coast Caution.—High speed ferry craft may be encountered in the
from Copt Point, and sets strongly toward the South Quay approaches to the port.
7.9Depths—Limitations.—Three berths, with depths of 5 to Folkestone to Dungeness
6m alongside, are situated along the NE side of the main break-
water and are used by ro-ro ferry vessels and high speed craft. 7.10 The coast between Folkestone and Dungeness, 13
Outer Harbour dries but has depths of 3 to 4.5m at HWS. South miles SW, forms a bay the shore of which is low and flat. How-
Quay, at the S side of Outer Harbour, has a depth of 5m along- ever, near Folkestone the interior hills join the coast and it be-
side at HWS. The N side of Outer Harbour is used by fishing comes cliffy.
vessels and pleasure craft. Sandgate is situated about 2.5 miles W of Folkestone. Sand-
range, which may best be seen on the chart, indicates the ap- tween Dymchurch and Hythe. A conspicuous red brick tower is
proach to the ferry berths. A conspicuous hotel is situated situated at Littlestone-on-Sea, 2.5 miles SSW of Dymchurch.
about 0.2 mile WNW of the root of the main breakwater. Roar Bank, a ridge of sand with depths of 2.5m, runs nearly
Pub. 191
Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill 223
parallel with and about 1 mile off the shore to the E of Little- confuse the water tower standing near Lydd-on-Sea, 2 miles N
stone-on-Sea. Vessels should avoid this bank by keeping in a of Dungeness, with either of the two light towers at Dungeness.
least depth of 10m. Several disused submarine cables, which may best be seen
light. the E part of the bay. The best anchorage lies, in a depth of 8m,
Tides—Currents.—The tides rise 7.8m at MHWS and
7.10 inside of Stephenson Shoal, about 3 miles WSW of Dungeness
about 5.9m at MHWN. Light.
Tidal currents in the entrances are subject to great variations
7.10 A number of banks, including Boulder Banks, Tower Knoll,
hourly. In either entrance there may be an incoming current in and Fairlight Knoll, lie in the W part of the bay and may best
one part and outgoing current in another. be seen on the chart.
Dungeness Nuclear Power Station (50°55'N., 0°58'E.)
7.10 Rye Harbour (50°57'N., 0°44'E.) (World Port Index No.
stands 0.5 mile W of the light and is radar conspicuous. The 35690) lies at the mouth of the River Rother, near the head of
Pub. 191
224 Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill
Beachy Head
the bay. It is mostly used by pleasure craft. The town of Rye Depths—Limitations.—Hastings Shoal, lying about 0.8
stands about 1.5 miles NW of the mouth. It is built on sand- mile S of the town, and Four Fathoms Sand Ridge, lying 4
stone rock and rises above the surrounding marshes. The land miles S of the town, may best be seen on the chart. The latter
on either side of the river mouth is flat with no landmarks. shoal extends NE and merges with the coastal bank fronting
The entrance, which lies between two training walls, is ap-
7.11 the shore of Rye Bay.
proached directly from seaward. A fairway lighted buoy is Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken during fair weather
moored about 2 miles SSE of the harbor entrance. A sand bar off Hastings. The best berth lies, in a depth of 6m, sand and
lies at the entrance and has a depth of 5.2m at HWS. mud, about 0.6 mile S of the pier.
The main commercial quay, 180m long, is situated 1 mile
7.11 Bexhill, situated 4.5 miles WSW of Hastings, can be identi-
above the entrance. Vessels take the muddy ground at LW. fied by its numerous red brick houses. The old town, surround-
Tides—Currents.—The tides rise about 5.4m at MHWS
7.11 ed by trees, stands on a hill, about 0.5 mile inland.
and about 3.6m at MHWN. Pevensey Bay is a slight indentation in the coast extending
Leonards located close W, stands on high ground about 3 miles Langney Point. A conspicuous building, 81m high, is situated
WSW of Fairlight, the W extremity of Rye Bay. These two re- near the shore at the S end of Eastbourne, 2.7 miles SW of
sort towns are separated by a prominent valley with buildings Langney Point.
on each side. In 2010 the Hastings pier caught fire resulting in The conspicuous dome of the Isaac Newton telescope (ob-
most of the promenade being destroyed. The pier is currently servatory) is situated at Herstmonceux, 5 miles N of Langney
closed to tourism but there are plans to rebuild it in the coming Point.
years. The pier still remains radar prominent. The coast extend- Eastbourne (50°46'N., 0°17'E.), a resort town, extends
ing close E of the town is composed of steep yellow-brown about 3 miles SW from close W of Langney Point to within 1.5
cliffs broken by grassy slopes. Fairlight Down is located E of miles of Beachy Head. It is fronted by promenades, large
the town and about 1.5 miles W of Fairlight. It has an elevation buildings, and hotels. A pier, 295m long, extends seaward from
of 172m and is the highest area of land in this vicinity. A prom- the town and is radar prominent.
inent hotel fronts the town of St. Leonards. Anchorage.—Anchorage, sheltered from winds from W
Pub. 191
Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill 225
buoy, extends about 1.7 miles SSE from a point on the shore at
the E end of Bexhill.
An outfall pipeline extends about 1.8 miles SSE from the vi-
Eastbourne Pier
7.12 high, standing on drying rocks, which front the base of the
cliff. A conspicuous watchtower (radio) is situated on the head,
7.13 Off-lying dangers—Shingle Bank (50°44'N., about 0.5 mile ENE of the light.
0°35'E.), with a least depth of 14.8m, lies 7.5 miles S of Hast- A prominent disused lighthouse, 14m high, stands on the
ings. A dredging area, within which gravel is extracted, lies in summit of the cliffs, about 1 mile W of Beachy Head.
the vicinity of this bank. It is marked by buoys and may best be The Seven Sisters front the coast between Birling Gap, 1.3
seen on the chart. miles W of the head, and the valley of the Cuckmere River at
Royal Sovereign Shoals (50°44'N., 0°26'E.), a group of
7.13 Cliff End, about 2.5 miles WNW of the head.
rocky patches with a least depth of 3.5m, lie centered about 7 A prominent hotel stands at Birling Gap and a conspicuous
miles E of Beachy Head and directly in the path of vessels water tower is situated about 1.3 miles N of it.
heading for Dungeness. Strong eddies are formed over these Seaford Head, 83m high, rises 1.3 miles W of the Cuckmere
shoals at springs and the sea breaks heavily on the heads during River and 2.5 miles SE of the entrance to Newhaven. It has a
bad weather. chalky, but rust-streaked, appearance and may also be identi-
Royal Sovereign Light (50°43'N., 0°26'E.) is shown from a
7.13 fied by a patch of green on the face of the cliff, just under the
prominent tower, 28m high, standing on Southern Head, at the summit. A conspicuous barn stands 0.8 mile E of this head.
S side of Royal Sovereign Shoals. The light structure sur- The town of Seaford is situated close W of Seaford Head.
mounts a helicopter deck standing on a concrete column. The coast abreast the town is fronted by numerous groins, the
larger of which are marked by beacons.
Pub. 191
226 Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill
7.14 Beachy Head Disused Light Tower without permission from the harbormaster or in contravention
of the traffic signals.
The foreshore between Beachy Head and Seaford consists
7.14 No vessel may be navigated so as to interfere in any manner
mainly of rocky ledges and shingle, strewn with boulders fallen with the arrival or departure of an advertised passenger vessel.
from the cliffs above. Signals.—The following traffic signals, displayed vertically,
Anchorage may be taken all along this part of the coast, with
7.14 are shown from a mast near the head of the West Pier:
offshore winds, in depths of 7 to 16m. 1. An orange triangle over an orange ball by day, or a
Caution.—During bad weather, vessels should keep at least
7.14 green light at night, indicates that vessels may enter the har-
2 miles from Beachy Head in order to avoid the overfalls. bor, but no vessels may leave.
Vessels proceeding E and close to the coast, in poor visibili-
7.14 2. An orange ball over an orange triangle by day, or a red
ty, should take care not to mistake Seaford Head for Beachy light at night, indicates that vessels may leave the harbor, but
Head. no vessels may enter.
Several designated dredging areas, which may best be seen
7.14 3. An orange triangle with an orange ball above and be-
on the chart, are situated S of Beachy Head and within the traf- low it by day, or a green light with a red light above and be-
Pub. 191
Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill 227
low it at night, indicates that the port is temporarily closed to about 0.8 mile NW of the marina, and is very conspicuous.
traffic. A prominent black windmill stands near the shore at Rot-
4. An orange ball by day, or a green light over a red light tingdean, about 1.3 miles ESE of the marina.
at night, indicates that vessels less than 15m in length may Tides—Currents.—Tides rise about 6.5m at MHWS and
can be taken, in a depth of 7m in Seaford Road, about 1.3 miles offshore between Brighton and Newhaven.
ESE of the breakwater head. It is reported (2006) that anchor- Several lighted buoys (special), which are used as recreation-
age can be taken in a depth of 14m, good holding ground, al racing marks, are moored up to 3 miles offshore between
about 1.7 miles SW of the breakwater head. Shoreham and Newhaven. Other temporary buoys may be
Caution.—High speed craft may be encountered in the ap-
7.15 moored close off Brighton, from March to October.
proaches to the port. A sewer outfall pipeline, the seaward end of which is marked
edge is required.
Rampion Offshore Wind Farm has been completed, 195
situated 0.4 mile E of the marina and is prominent from sea- Shoreham Port Home Page
A television tower stands on a hill at the E end of Brighton,
Pub. 191
228 Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill
up Western Arm. It can attain a rate of 4 knots at springs in the are nine berths, 80 to 346m long, with depths of 0.5 to 1.8m
narrowest section. Eastern Arm has practically no current, even alongside. Vessels up to 83m in length, 14.3m beam, and 5.5m
at the height of the flood. draft can be handled at HW.
The main quay in Eastern Arm is Outer Lay-by Wharf,
7.17 Two locks provide access to The Canal. Commercial vessels
which is situated on the S side. It is 260m long and has a depth enter the wet dock through Prince Philip Lock. Vessels up to
of 1.6m alongside. Vessels up to 120m in length, 20m beam, 106m in length and 16.4m beam can enter, with drafts up to
and 6.7m draft can be handled at this quay at HW. 6.7m at springs and 5.5m at neaps. Prior approval from the au-
thorities is required for vessels over 103m in length. A yacht
Shoreham—Berth Information lock is situated within the confines of the existing Prince
George Lock.
Berth Length Remarks
The wet basin has depths of 7 to 7.6m and provides about
Arc Terminal 3,600m of total quayage. There are 21 berths, 61 to 406m long,
and two turning basins. There are facilities for general cargo,
Cargo Quay 230m Aggregates and sand.
timber, bulk, and tanker vessels.
Baltic Wharf For more berthing information see the table titled Shore-
Brighton Terminal bor. The rear range light, known as the High Light, is shown
East Quay Steel products. from a prominent stone tower, 12m high.
719m A church, with a prominent tower and flagstaff, is situated in
West Quay — the W part of the port. The conspicuous chapel at Lancing Col-
Brighton Terminal Bulk lege stands inland, about 2.4 miles NW of the harbor entrance.
A conspicuous chimney, 103m high, stands at a power sta-
Cargo Quay 123m — tion located in the vicinity of the harbor. A prominent chimney,
Brighton Terminal Rhombus 91m high, stands at a cement works located about 3 miles NW
of the harbor entrance but is only visible between NNW and
Cargo Quay 110m — NNE.
Fishersgate Terminal Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over 50m in
Cargo Quay 250m Steel products. length and all vessels carrying dangerous cargo. Pilots can be
contacted on VHF channel 14 and board within 2 miles of the
Pub. 191
Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill 229
Shoreham—Contact Information
Port Authority
Telephone 44-1273-598-100 (office hours)
Facsimile 44-1273-592-492
Shoreham Harbor Entrance
E-mail [email protected]
harbor entrance.
Regulations.—Vessels over 50 gt should send an ETA to the
Port Control Office at least 12 hours in advance. The message VHF VHF channel 11
should include name, draft, beam, and length. Local Port Service
Vessels should then contact the Port Control 2 hours in ad-
vance of their ETA on VHF channel 14. A continuous listening Call sign Shoreham Harbour Radio
watch should be maintained on VHF channel 14 when entering
Pub. 191
230 Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill
Shoreham—Contact Information 4.5 miles E of Littlehampton and a gas storage tank stands 0.5
mile NE of it. Highdown Hill rises to an elevation of 80m
VHF VHF channels 6, 9, 11, 14, and 16 about 1.5 mile NW of the church. It has two chalk pits on the
Telephone 44-1273-592-366 W slope and one larger pit on the E slope.
Rackham Hill, with a conspicuous clump of trees, rises in-
Facsimile 44-1273-592-492 land about 6 miles NNE of Littlehampton. A deep break in the
E-mail [email protected] downs, formed by the valley of the River Arun, is located 2
miles W of this hill and is prominent from seaward.
Caution.—A sewer outfall pipeline extends about 3.5 miles
Call sign Shoreham Pilots S from a point on the shore about 2.5 miles W of Shoreham
harbor entrance.
VHF VHF channel 14
A sewer outfall pipeline, the outer end of which is marked by
Telephone 44-1273-592-366 a lighted buoy, extends about 2 miles SSE from a point on the
Facsimile 44-1273-595-988 shore 0.6 mile E of Littlehampton harbor entrance.
Buoys (special), used as racing marks, may be moored off-
E-mail [email protected] shore between Shoreham and Littlehampton from April to Oc-
Contact Information.—See the table titled Shoreham—
Several dangerous rocks, which may best be seen on the
Contact Information. chart, lie up to 2 miles offshore between Shoreham and Little-
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken anywhere S of the
7.17 hampton.
harbor, according to draft. The best holding ground lies in a
depth of 6m, sand and gravel over clay, about 1 mile S of the 7.19 Littlehampton (50°47'N., 0°32'W.) (World Port In-
entrance. dex No. 35610) lies at the mouth of the River Arun and is a
Caution.—Several wrecks lie in the approaches to the port
small commercial port and yachting center.
and may best be seen on the chart.
A sewer outfall pipeline, the seaward end of which is marked
be contacted for information concerning the latest depths. Tides—Currents.—See the table titled Tidal Ranges for
7.18 The coast between Shoreham and Littlehamton is low The tidal currents are strong and may attain a rate of 6 knots
and backed by the South Downs. Chanctonbury Ring, a clump between the piers. The flood current continues until about 1
of trees standing on the highest part of the downs, is prominent hour 30 minutes after HW at springs and 30 minutes after HW
and often the first landmark sighted when approaching the land at neaps. The ebb current continues until about 4 hours before
in this vicinity. HW.
The towns of Lancing, Worthing, and Goring by Sea stand
along the shore, with no break between them. Tidal Ranges for Littlehampton
A number of prominent buildings stand near the shore, about
3 miles W of Shoreham. A conspicuous gas storage tank is sit- HAT 6.5m
uated about 4.5 miles W of Shoreham, at the E end of Worth- MHWS 5.9m
Worthing is fronted by a pier, with a pavilion at its outer end, MHWN 4.4m
which is reported to be radar prominent. The town is low-lying, MLWN 1.7m
distinguishing it from Brighton, which stands on a cliff.
MLWS 0.4m
LAT -0.1m
Note.—Predicted heights are in meters
above charted datum.
reaches of the river. The entrance, 33m wide, lies between two
pile piers. A low training wall, covered at half-tide, extends
seaward from the E pier and is marked at its outer end by a bea-
The bar fronting the entrance dries up to 1m. The entrance
7.18 Worthing Pier channel dries until abreast of the E pier, where there are depths
of 1 to 2m. There are berths for recreational craft and a marina
A church, with a prominent spire, is situated Goring by Sea, along the W bank of the river.
Pub. 191
Sector 7. England—South Coast—Dover Strait—North Foreland to Selsey Bill 231
There are two commercial berths, 80m and 100m long, at the
7.19 Selsey Bill. Most of this area is a nature reserve.
E side of the harbor. Vessels take the ground at LW. Vessels up The entire coast between Bogner Regis and Selsey Bill
to 2,000 dwt and 70m in length can be handled, with drafts up (50°43'N., 0°47'W.) is fronted by an area consisting of foul
to 4.6m at springs and 3.8m at neaps. ground, rocks, and shoals. This area extends up to about 2
Aspect.—Lighted range beacons indicate the approach to
7.19 miles seaward and vessels should keep well clear of it. The
the harbor. A fort, in ruins, stands on the shore near the root of shore consists of a shingle beach with numerous groins.
the W pier. The town stands on the E bank and is centered The Park (50°40'N., 0°41'W.), an anchorage area, lies be-
about 1 mile N of the entrance. tween the Owers Shoals and the foul ground fronting Pagham
A prominent gas storage tank stands about 0.8 mile NW of
7.19 Harbour between Selsey Bill and Bognor Regis. It is well-shel-
the harbor entrance. A conspicuous block of apartments, 38m tered from W and SW winds, but dangerous with winds from E
high, and another conspicuous building are situated 0.3 mile to S. The holding ground is good, being a thin layer of gravel
ENE and 0.8 mile E, respectively, of the harbor entrance. over stiff clay, and there are depths of 5 to 11m. However, this
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over 50 gt.
7.19 anchorage cannot be recommended for large vessels, because
Vessels should send their ETA 24 hours in advance. Pilots will of frequent and sudden shifts in the wind and the rapidity with
board within 2 miles of the harbor entrance. which the sea gets up, especially during the winter months.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Littlehamp-
7.19 For a description of Selsey Bill and the dangers lying off this
Pub. 191
Glossary 233
Pub. 191
234 Glossary
Pub. 191
Geographic names of navigational features are generally those used by the nation having sovereignty and are listed
alphabetically. Diacritical marks, such as accents, cedillas, and circumflexes, which are related to specific letters in certain foreign
languages, are not used in the interest of typographical simplicity.
Geographic names or their spellings do not necessarily reflect recognition of the political status of an area by the United States
Government. Positions are approximate and are intended merely as locators to facilitate reference to the charts.
To use as a Gazetteer note the position and Sector number of the feature and refer to the Chart Information diagram for the
Sector. Plot the approximate position of the feature on this diagram and note the approximate chart number.
To use as an Index of features described in the text note the paragraph number at the right. To locate this feature on the best
scale chart use the Gazetteer procedure above.
Pub. 191
236 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
DKA LIGHTED BUOY 51 02 N 1 57 E 6.19 I
DODMAN POINT 50 13 N 4 48 W 1.15
DOVER 51 07 N 1 20 E 7.7 ILE ARGOT 48 38 N 2 10 W 3.29
DOVER PATROL MEMORIAL 51 09 N 1 24 E 7.5 ILE D’OUESSANT 48 28 N 5 05 W 3.2
DOVER STRAIT 51 00 N 1 20 E 6.2 ILE DE BATZ 48 45 N 4 01 W 3.5
DOWNS, THE 51 13 N 1 26 E 7.5 ILE DE BATZ LIGHT 48 45 N 4 02 W 3.5
DRILL STONE 51 26 N 1 42 E 7.3 ILE DE BREHAT 48 51 N 3 00 W 3.18
DUNGENESS 50 55 N 0 59 E 7.10 ILE DE CEZEMBRE 48 41 N 2 04 W 3.30
DUNGENESS NUCLEAR PW STN 50 55 N 0 58 E 7.10 ILE DES RIMAINS 48 41 N 1 50 W 3.34
DUNKERQUE 51 03 N 2 21 E 6.22 ILE GRANDE 48 48 N 3 35 W 3.10
DYCK LIGHTED BUOY 51 03 N 1 52 E 6.19 ILE HARBOUR 48 40 N 2 48 W 3.25
ILE TOME 48 50 N 3 24 W 3.13
ILE VIERGE LIGHT 48 38 N 4 34 W 3.3
E ILES CHAUSEY 48 52 N 1 49 W 3.39
ILES SAINT-MARCOUF 49 30 N 1 09 W 5.4
EAST CHANNEL LT BUOY 49 52 N 2 29 W 4.1 IN RUYTINGEN 51 13 N 2 16 E 6.18
EAST RUTTS 50 14 N 3 52 W 1.23 IRON GATES 50 04 N 5 26 W 1.11
EASTBOURNE 50 46 N 0 17 E 7.12 ISIGNY 49 19 N 1 06 W 5.5
EDDYSTONE ROCKS 50 11 N 4 16 W 1.21 ISLE OF WIGHT 50 40 N 1 18 W 2.20
EGYPT POINT 50 46 N 1 19 W 2.20
EIGHT FATHOM LEDGE 49 43 N 2 24 W 4.25
ELBOW 51 22 N 1 31 E 7.2 J
ENTREE DE LA DEROUTE 48 54 N 1 55 W 3.43
ERQUY 48 38 N 2 28 W 3.28 JERSEY 49 16 N 2 15 W 4.3
ETAPLES 50 31 N 1 38 E 6.13 JONES BANK 49 53 N 7 58 W 1.2
ETRETAT 49 42 N 0 12 E 6.3
EXMOUTH HARBOUR 50 37 N 3 25 W 2.9
F KAISER-I-HIND BANK 48 06 N 6 34 W 1.2
KEREON LIGHT 48 26 N 5 01 W 3.2
F1 LIGHTED BUOY 50 11 N 1 45 E 6.2
F2 LIGHTED BUOY 51 21 N 1 56 E 6.2
FALMOUTH 50 09 N 5 03 W 1.14 L
FALMOUTH BAY 50 08 N 5 04 W 1.13
FECAMP 49 46 N 0 22 E 6.4 LA CATHEUE 49 07 N 1 47 W 3.40
FLAMANVILLE NUCLEAR PW ST 49 32 N 1 53 W 3.44 LA CATIS 48 43 N 2 15 W 3.29
FOLKESTONE 51 05 N 1 12 E 7.9 LA CORBIERE LIGHT 49 11 N 2 15 W 4.4
FORT DOYLE 49 30 N 2 30 W 4.15 LA COUPE POINT 49 14 N 2 01 W 4.11
FOWEY HARBOUR 50 19 N 4 39 W 1.18 LA CROIX LIGHT 48 50 N 3 03 W 3.19
FOXTROT 3 LIGHT FLOAT 51 24 N 2 01 E 6.2 LA JUMENT LIGHT 48 25 N 5 08 W 3.2
LA PENZE RIVER 48 39 N 3 57 W 3.9
LA ROCQUE POINT 49 10 N 2 02 W 4.9
G LA SEINE MARITIME 49 30 N 0 15 E 5.13
LAND’S END 50 04 N 5 43 W 1.6
GOODWIN SANDS 51 14 N 1 32 E 7.6 LANGSTONE HARBOUR 50 47 N 1 02 W 2.29
GOREY 49 12 N 2 01 W 4.11 LANNION 48 44 N 3 28 W 3.11
GRANDCAMP MAISY 49 23 N 1 03 W 5.5 LE BECQUET 49 39 N 1 33 W 4.34
GRANDE AMFROQUE 49 31 N 2 25 W 4.18 LE CROTOY 50 13 N 1 38 E 6.12
GRANDE ECAMIAS 49 59 N 0 59 E 6.6 LE FOUR LIGHT 48 31 N 4 48 W 3.3
GRANDE ILE CHAUSEY 48 52 N 1 49 W 3.39 LE HAVRE 49 29 N 0 06 E 5.12
GRANDE RADE DE CANCALE 48 42 N 1 49 W 3.34 LE HAVRE-ANTIFER 49 39 N 0 10 E 5.19
GRANDE-CONCHEE 48 41 N 2 03 W 3.30 LE HOURDEL 50 13 N 1 34 E 6.12
GRANDE-HUPEE 48 41 N 2 06 W 3.30 LE LEGUE 48 32 N 2 45 W 3.27
GRAND-JARDIN 48 40 N 2 05 W 3.30 LE MONT SAINT-MICHEL 48 38 N 1 31 W 3.34
GRAND-LEJON 48 45 N 2 40 W 3.23 LE PAON LIGHT 48 52 N 2 59 W 3.18
GRANVILLE 48 50 N 1 36 W 3.36 LE ROHEIN 48 39 N 2 38 W 3.23
GRAVELINES 51 00 N 2 07 E 6.20 LE RONQUET 49 00 N 1 37 W 3.40
GRAVELINES POWER STATION 51 01 N 2 08 E 6.19 LE SENEQUET 49 05 N 1 40 W 3.40
GREAT BANK, THE 49 26 N 2 31 W 4.17 LE STIFF LIGHT 48 28 N 5 03 W 3.2
GREAT SOLE BANK 49 53 N 9 36 W 1.2 LE TREPORT 50 04 N 1 22 E 6.9
GREENWICH LIGHT FLOAT 50 24 N 0 00 E 6.2 LE TRIEUX 48 50 N 3 04 W 3.19
GRIBBIN HEAD 50 19 N 4 40 W 1.17 LE VIDECOQ 48 50 N 1 42 W 3.35
GROSNEZ POINT 49 16 N 2 15 W 4.4 LE VIEUX BANC 48 42 N 2 10 W 3.29
GUERNSEY 49 28 N 2 37 W 4.13 LEGUER 48 44 N 3 33 W 3.11
GULL STREAM 51 18 N 1 30 E 7.6 LES ARDENTES 48 58 N 1 52 W 3.38
GWENNAP HEAD 50 02 N 5 41 W 1.7 LES BUCHARATS 48 40 N 2 07 W 3.31
LES CHEMINEES 48 40 N 2 07 W 3.31
LES DERVINIS 48 52 N 3 27 W 3.12
H LES DIROUILLES 49 18 N 2 02 W 3.41
LES ECREHOU 49 17 N 1 56 W 3.41
HASTINGS 50 51 N 0 35 E 7.12 LES HANOIS 49 26 N 2 42 W 4.14
HAUT-FOND-DU-CHENAL 48 46 N 3 44 W 3.10 LES HEAUX 48 55 N 3 05 W 3.16
HELFORD RIVER 50 06 N 5 06 W 1.13 LES HUQUETS DE JOBOURG 49 39 N 1 57 W 3.45
HERM 49 28 N 2 27 W 4.18 LES MAISONS 48 59 N 2 10 W 3.38
HONFLEUR 49 25 N 0 15 E 5.14 LES RIDENS 50 45 N 1 18 E 6.2
HOPE'S NOSE 50 27 N 3 29 W 2.5 LES SAUVAGES 48 54 N 2 01 W 3.38
HUGH TOWN 49 55 N 6 19 W 1.4 LES SEPT ILES 48 53 N 3 29 W 3.12
HURD DEEP 49 40 N 3 00 W 4.2 LES TRIAGOZ LIGHT 48 52 N 3 39 W 3.12
HURST POINT 50 42 N 1 33 W 2.19 LEVI 49 42 N 1 28 W 4.34
HYTHE 51 04 N 0 04 E 7.10 LEZARDRIEUX 48 47 N 3 06 W 3.20
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Index—Gazetteer 237
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238 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
RUYTINGEN SW LIGHTED BUOY 51 05 N 1 47 E 6.2 ST. GEORGES ISLAND 50 20 N 4 27 W 1.20
RYDE 50 44 N 1 09 W 2.21 ST. MARY'S 49 55 N 6 19 W 1.4
RYDE MIDDLE 50 46 N 1 14 W 2.26 ST. MICHAEL’S MOUNT 50 07 N 5 29 W 1.8
RYE BAY 50 54 N 0 49 E 7.11 STANSORE POINT 50 47 N 1 21 W 2.19
RYE HARBOUR 50 57 N 0 44 E 7.11 START POINT 50 13 N 3 38 W 2.2
STRAIGHT POINT 50 36 N 3 21 W 2.10
SWINGE, THE 49 43 N 2 15 W 4.27
SAINT ALBANS HEAD 50 35 N 2 03 W 2.17 T
SAINT ANTHONY HEAD 50 09 N 5 03 W 1.13
SAINT AUBIN 49 11 N 2 10 W 4.6 TATER DU LIGHT 50 03 N 5 35 W 1.7
SAINT AUBIN BAY 49 11 N 2 08 W 4.6 TEIGNMOUTH HARBOUR 50 33 N 3 30 W 2.8
SAINT BRELADE BAY 49 11 N 2 12 W 4.5 THE BOA 49 58 N 5 17 W 1.11
SAINT CATHERINE BAY 49 13 N 2 01 W 4.11 THE BRIDGE 50 38 N 1 39 W 2.20
SAINT CATHERINES POINT 50 35 N 1 18 W 2.21 THE OWERS 50 42 N 0 44 W 2.30
SAINT HELIER 49 11 N 2 07 W 4.8 THE PARK 50 40 N 0 41 W 7.20
SAINT MARTINS POINT 49 25 N 2 32 W 4.16 THE SHAMBLES 50 30 N 2 22 W 2.13
SAINT OUEN BAY 49 13 N 2 15 W 4.4 TOR BAY 50 26 N 3 28 W 2.5, 9.
SAINT PETER PORT 49 27 N 2 32 W 4.20 TORQUAY 50 28 N 3 32 W 2.7
SAINT SAMPSON 49 29 N 2 31 W 4.19 TREGUIER 48 47 N 3 14 W 3.15
SAINT-MALO 48 39 N 2 01 W 3.32 TRINITY BAY 51 12 N 1 30 E 7.5
SAINT-QUAY-PORTRIEUX 48 39 N 2 50 W 3.26 TROUVILLE-DEAUVILLE 49 22 N 0 05 E 5.11
SAINT-VAAST-LA-HOUGUE 49 35 N 1 15 W 5.3
SAINT-VALERY-EN-CAUX 49 52 N 0 43 E 6.5
SAINT-VALERY-SUR-SOMME 50 11 N 1 39 E 6.12 U
SALCOMBE HARBOUR 50 14 N 3 46 W 1.24
SANDETTIE 51 15 N 2 00 E 6.2 USHANT ISLAND 48 28 N 5 05 W 3.2
SARK 49 26 N 2 22 W 4.21
SCILLY ISLES 49 55 N 6 20 W 1.3 V
SEINE, ESTUARY OF 49 30 N 0 01 W 5.10
SELSEY BILL 50 43 N 0 47 W 2.30 VARNE LIGHTVESSEL 51 01 N 1 24 E 6.2
SEVEN STONES 50 02 N 6 07 W 1.5 VARNE, THE 50 58 N 1 20 E 6.2
SEVEN STONES LIGHTFLOAT 50 04 N 6 04 W 1.5 VERGOYER 50 33 N 0 58 E 6.2
SHAMROCK KNOLL 48 11 N 7 34 W 1.2 VERGOYER N LIGHTED BUOY 50 33 N 0 58 E 6.2
SHINGLE BANK 50 44 N 0 35 E 7.13
SHINGLES 50 41 N 1 35 W 2.19
SHOREHAM 50 50 N 0 15 W 7.17 W
SKERRIES BANK 50 15 N 3 36 W 2.2
SMALL DOWNS, THE 51 15 N 1 26 E 7.5 WEYMOUTH HARBOUR 50 37 N 2 27 W 2.15
SOLENT 50 47 N 1 17 W 2.22 WOLF ROCK 49 57 N 5 49 W 1.5
SOLENT BANK 50 44 N 1 26 W 2.23 WORBARROW BAY 50 37 N 2 12 W 2.16
SOREL POINT 49 16 N 2 09 W 4.10
SOUTH FALLS 51 23 N 1 47 E 6.2
SOUTH FORELAND 51 08 N 1 22 E 7.5
SOUTHAMPTON 50 54 N 1 24 W 2.28 YARMOUTH 50 42 N 1 30 W 2.20
ST. ALDHELMS HEAD 50 35 N 2 03 W 2.17 YEALM HEAD 50 18 N 4 04 W 1.23
ST. CLEMENTS ISLE 50 05 N 5 32 W 1.8 YPORT 49 44 N 0 19 E 6.3
Pub. 191