Maxwell 4.0: Modeling, Presentation and Visualization of EM and Electrical Geophysical Data

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Modeling, Presentation and Visualization of

Maxwell 4.0 EM and Electrical Geophysical Data
Work with time or frequency
domain data any EM
survey with any instrument
Ground or airborne,
borehole, moving-loop,
3-D visualization of plate and
other models with OpenGL
Read and write industry
standard file formats,
including AMIRA, Geosoft,
PEM, Arcview shape
Modeling of B or dB/dt
responses in any units for
loop or dipole tx and rx
including all normalization
Linked plan, profile, section,
decay and model displays
Utilities to load EM data into
Geosoft database
Totally unique forward and
inverse plate modeling
Import and create grid files
for display in plan or section
Execute third-party modeling
routines from within Maxwell
Jointly model data from Maxwell has been written by people who understand
different EM systems
Automated overburden
whats required of EM geophysical processing and
response calculation modeling software. It is a unique environment that
Powerful tool to set or check makes EFFICIENT use of your time and effort. Maxwell
attributes of each field/model has grown into the 21st Century with new features and
High quality hardcopy user support that make it a tool that you cant afford not
Plot primary field lines to have if you interact with EM data.
Decay and spectrum
analysis, decay constant
Carry out synthetic modeling
Build templates to speed Geophysical Technology Development for Mineral
graphical presentation Exploration, Groundwater and the Environment.
Save templates, models,
system descriptions and
Custom tools and file-
handling routines developed EMIT is a Geosoft Plus Partner and Maxwell
Regularly updated on-line provides a powerful interface to Geosoft's
help, tutorial, documentation Oasis Montaj v5+.
View the location of all data, airborne or ground. Define A powerful tool to set parameters of model and field
sub-areas for modeling or display. Create effective data lines in Maxwell. Set the properties of the EM
colored plans of a particular channel, frequency or system so that modeling is straightforward. Check the
component to illustrate anomalies and facilitate actual values of the field data and model responses
modeling & quality control. Grid, contour and image they can be changed, deleted or sorted. Tool to
data within Maxwell or import a grid file to use as a base speed the import of EM system waveforms and
for the plan. window times. Set or check all the relevant properties
of the data including units, normalizations, transmitter
MODEL and receiver details.
Plate and plate in host multi-ribbon thin sheet models
included, layered earth to be included shortly. Run
external modeling algorithms (including plate, prism,
2.5-D and 3-D) with this powerful 3-D graphic interface.
Drag-and-drop plate models. Automatically setup
variable overburden models, even for moving-loop
surveys. Create a synthetic survey simply with any
geometry, transmitter waveform, units, window times
and frequencies. Select tx-rx horizontal and vertical
separation to model airborne responses. Plot primary
field lines in any plane. Plot field and model data in the
same presentation with user-selection of colors and
symbols. Import files of loop coordinates and borehole
geometry information.

Create the
style of
profile you
want to look
at on
screen and
or linear
Automatically bring up decays by double-clicking in a channels
profile window. Compare field and model responses. and
Calculate exponential decay constants and power law
decay rates over ranges of times. View EM response frequencies. Color by channel number, frequency,
versus frequency for frequency domain data. component, line. Plot auxiliary parameters such as
power line noise monitor, transmitter current or other
geophysical data. Add sections as located grids with
selectable color palette, draped on topography if
required. Choose scales, symbols, grids, line styles,
labels, title blocks and logos. Save the plot style in a
template for use with other data. Batch plot all lines from
your project without having to setup each one.
Automatically extracts annotation values from your data.

Maxwell provides graphical interfaces which can be
employed with third-party or in-house modeling codes.
The Maxwell GUI allows the design and visualization
SERVICE & SUPPORT EMIT is keen to incorporate of models that include conductive plates, prisms,
users suggestions into its Maxwell software and to layered hosts and 2.5-D and 3-D meshes. Maxwell
respond quickly to questions. Updated software and can launch the modeling algorithms and retrieve the
help files are regularly emailed to Maxwell users. results seamlessly.

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