GMSYS-3D Release Notes

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4 Release Notes

December 2006

New in Release 1.4 (Oasis montaj 6.4)

Gravity gradient calculations

Gravity gradient calculations are better integrated into GMSYS-3D. When defining the grids to be used
for observed anomaly, calculated anomaly, and error, you may specify the component to be associated
with the grids. Multiple components may be specified and you may switch the calculation to any

Gradient inversions

Gravity structural inversion and lateral density inversion can operate on normal gravity or the vertical
gradient of gravity (Gzz). Select the component to be used in the calculations when selecting the
anomaly in the Gravity pane when setting up the model. Inversion on other components of the
gravity gradient tensor are not yet supported.

Layer piercing added to inversion

A new layer property determines whether a horizon is pierceable during inversion. A pierceable
horizon may be modified during the structural inversion of an adjacent layer, allowing the inverted
horizon to pierce the adjacent grid. In reality, the pierced horizon and the inverted horizon will be
coincident and move together. If a horizon is not pierceable, then the inverted horizon will stop
moving when it encounters a non-pierceable horizon.

Constraints on inversion

An additional [Limits] button has been added to the dialogs for Structural and Lateral Density
inversions. For the Structural inversion, you may set a relative limit specifying how much the horizon
may change during the inversion and absolute limits preventing the inversion horizon from passing
specific elevations. In the Lateral Density inversion, you may set absolute limits for the minimum and
maximum density allowed.

Multiple Undo levels for inversion

Three methods are available to recover the previous model state after inversion. First, a simple one-
level undo restores the models previous inversion surface or density distribution grid and refreshes
the anomaly grids and maps to their original state. Secondly, the inversion target grid may be backed
up explicitly, or under an automatically incremented naming scheme. Finally, one may use the
[ChkPt] button to back up the entire model by invoking GMS3MDUP.GX to copy, or checkpoint the
entire model to a separate directory.

Scale GMSYS-3D models to a new size

Generate a copy of the current model, scaling the model by a factor n so that:

The grid cell size is scaled by 1/n

The number of grid cells in each dimension is scaled by n.

The scale factor n may be any positive decimal value, within reason. Values of n < 1 reduce the
number of grid cells and increase the size of the cells, resulting in a loss of resolution, whereas values
of n > 1 produce increase the number of grid cells and makes the cells smaller, resulting in models that
are capable of higher resolution.
Model Explorer updates

The Model Explorer provides basic statistics for all grids used in the model on mouse-over. Simply
move the mouse over the grid name and it will display the grid min, max, mean, and standard
deviation as a tool-tip.

Build a starting index grid

A new function allows you to build an index grid from scratch, greatly simplifying the process of
building a theoretical model. Specify the new grid name, dimensions, cell size, origin, and a constant
value for the grid.

Forward calculations from 3D grids (Geosoft voxels)

Calculate the gravity response or the magnetic response from a 3D grid containing density or
susceptibility values, respectively.

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