Axisvm V8.0 Features and Benefits: Integrated Building Model

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AxisVM v8.

0 Features and Benefits

AxisVM is a 3D structural analysis system based on the finite element method. It allows total
building calculation inclusive of different materials and structural elements like slabs, columns,
beams, ribs and more. Building geometry can be created with the CAD modeler or imported;
loading can be assigned by building component, by specified locations, or globally. Variable
conditions such as references or supports can be assigned or modified as required. Fast
calculation results allow the engineer to quickly review the building structural design, analyze and
make changes graphically or by editing the model table, and then quickly recalculate to see the
results of the modified parameters.

Integrated Building Model

These features allow the engineer to work with an entire structure and reduce the time
requirements and error potential of separate analysis processes. Independent preprocessing of
the model geometry allows components to be assigned values according to the needs and
requirements of the engineer, they are not restricted to pre-assigned building templates or limited
to predetermined element values. Full graphic editing permits fast selection of model elements
and intuitive dialog windows include the choices of all parameters for the selected element. Loads
can be combined and values of the combinations assigned that enable the engineer to determine
the optimum design value and the ultimate failure conditions.

Feature Functions and Benefits User Book

Graphic User Interface Drawing the model in 2D or 3D perspective views 3.0
using the multiple views feature makes 3D modeling
easy. User transition from 2D experience to 3D
competence is fast and accurate. Quickly make
changes to your design and arrive at optimized
models in the shortest time.
Element Definition Model geometry parts can be selected individually or 3.9
be assigned to domains and material properties
(concrete, steel, custom defined, etc.), finite element
types (beam, membrane, plate, etc.) defined,
constraints and conditions determined, relationships
between elements created, and loading assigned as
Postprocessing Results by parts, types, elevations, or materials allow 5.0
the engineer to compare the design to the building

Design The results of the model are based on code specific 5.4
design requirements, permitting a final design to
meet the parameters of the code and optimize the
Table Browser All details of the model can be organized by element, 1.7
material, cross section, domain, load or result.
Editing of individual items is reflected in the model in
real time.
Report Maker The Report Maker can include full project details 1.8
including images and tables and is compatible with
MS Office programs. Data is automatically updated
as model changes. Standard report requirements
can be saved as a template reducing the time
required to create and submit engineering details.
Graphic User Interface
These features enable fast and accurate modeling of the geometry of simple or complex
structures, individual components, and cross sections of building materials.

Feature Benefit User Book

Designed for Windows Most of the native Windows shortcuts, CTRL, ALT
and keyboard commands are available as well as the
use of Hot Keys. Drop down menus work like most
Windows programs
Units and Formats Settings Predefined units of measure and values of properties 1.7
such as SI Units or US units are included. User
defined settings allow for the model to be valued in
ft/in and the loadings or material settings to be an SI
value. During editing or upon completion of an
analysis, a model can be converted to/from one
Unit/Format to another to view the information as
needed by multiple users.
Grid Settings Most models can use the default settings associated
with the global Units/Formats setting, but if a desired
geometry requires unique conditions or precision,
then the grid, mouse snap, intersections, and
coordinate types or other values can be specified.
User Preferences Change the way and times that you save the model, 2.3.8
create specific undo/redo values, change the
appearance of the screen, the types and sizes of
fonts on the screen or in the reports, or set the report
language as independent from the license language.
Drawing Guidelines A guideline ruler can be turned on and off in the 1.9.5
model to assist the user to edit to the correct
coordinates and allows X, Y, X-Y or oblique settings.
Difficult drawings are easier to enter and user errors
Line Drawing Constraints Lines can be limited to perpendicular or parallel 1.9.6
conditions that ensure the speed and accuracy of the
graphical input. Planes can be restrained to the user
Dimensions and Text Dimensions of lines and angles can be added to the 1.9.7
Labels model and their display turned on/off as needed.
The values and conditions for the dimensions are
defined by the user, allowing for fast and accurate
Defining Parts of the Model Any part of the model can be uniquely identified, 1.9.8
assigned a name and displayed, allowing a single
component or single type of component to be edited
independent of the rest of the model. Identifying only
floors or walls or columns makes modeling faster,
and a part can also be assigned to a specialist work
group enhancing collaboration success. All of the
details, i.e. materials, cross-sections, thickness, and
loads are included in the part.
Section Lines and Planes The model can be graphically sectioned by lines or 1.9.9
planes that allow analysis results to be displayed in
these sections. The user can decide on the critical
areas and view only the results from his defined
section, allowing the display results to be more
conveniently displayed.
Find The Find tool will identify any element type, i.e. 1.9.10
beam, domain, support, or link and graphically
highlight the found item in the model. Using the find
tool with the Table Browser permits the engineer a
component-by-component edit capability ensuring a
model that meets the exact conditions necessary for
an accurate structural analysis.
Model Display Options Users can turn on/off the symbols, labels and info 1.9.11
windows of each type of model component so editing
and review of separate modeling steps can be further
enhanced. Display options work on the whole model
or on only a defined part. As an example, the
engineer can view only a wall with loads, and then
turn on/off the line support to verify the model is
defined as needed,
Multi Windowing Perhaps the best tool for modeling graphically with 2.5.2
accuracy. Users that normally use 2D software can
turn on the X-Y (Top View), Z-X (Front View) and Z-Y
(Side View) and still have a 3D perspective view
available upon demand, or see all four views at the
same time. Windows can be split horizontally or
vertically, each with its own display settings, allowing
multiple perspective views. Structural modeling in
3D has never been easier. Editing in one window
reflects in real time the display in other windows.
Geometry Entities Straight lines, polylines, rectangles and arcs draw 3.8.2-
simple shapes, but in a 3D combination allow the
most complex of models to be designed.

Mesh Refinement Tools Horizontal, Vertical, Line, Quad and Triangle 3.8.4-
Divisions can be applied to the surfaces and lines of
a model. Options to set the number and type of
divisions allow user control.
Geometry Editing Models or parts can be moved, copied, rotated, 3.8.9-
mirrored or resized with multiple options as to the
conditions of each action. The user needs only to
define a geometry component once, and then clone
the component and all its associated properties to
make modeling fast and eliminate repetitive steps.
Geometry Import An existing DXF, ArchiCAD or IFC design can be 2.1.6
imported as a new model or added to an existing
model. The user can select to import only to the
background layer, or to include nodes and lines in
the model. Intuitive import features save countless
modeling hours and enhance accuracy and allow
integration with other user software. The user can
turn on and off the imported background layer.
Element Definition
In addition to a large selection of material values and cross-sections, AxisVM provides various
types of finite elements with user defined properties. A structural model can be defined by
creating a mesh of user defined elements to the geometry of the model to assure that the analysis
represents the most accurate computer aided engineering representation of the structure. The
Structural model can include different element types allowing complex structures to be accurately

Finite Elements The user-defined properties for each type of finite 3.9
element permit the parameters determined by the
engineer to be taken into account in the analysis.
Depending on the type of finite element, the user can
define the following properties:
Finite Material Cross- Ref Stiff Surface
element section ness
Truss • • o
Beam • • • o
Rib • • o
Membrane • • •
Plate • • •
Shell • • •
Support • •
Spring o •
Gap •
Link •

Material Properties The material library includes most common 3.9.1

European building materials and their associated
properties. The property values in the default library
can be user modified as well, allowing for the
material data to match the building products that are
available in the local market.
Custom Materials The user can define new materials and properties 3.9.1
and add them to the library that saves them for future
use. Specific manufacturer materials can thus be
added. Custom materials can be defined with
isotropic or orthotropic parameters and the
associated material values assigned for each. This
allows the user to select customer specified
materials, which may be unique to the project. In
addition, when modeling an existing structure it can
be useful to assign a specific expected value to the
building’s existing material, especially if the material
properties were unknown at the time of construction.
Cross-Sections The included library of common shapes can be user 3.9.2
edited, or new shapes added. Shapes can be drawn
graphically or the details imported from a dbase
format supplied by an industry association, customer,
or component manufacturer. Modeling structures for
industrial or plant applications are simplified and the
versatility of the engineering applications enhanced.
References In addition to the assignment of automatic 3.9.3
references, which can be changed or deleted, the
user can define reference points, vectors, axes, or
planes. The proper assignment of the reference to
the finite elements will result in smooth internal force
and stress diagrams that are easy to understand and
Nodal Supports The user can define nodal support in a global 3.9.6
reference or relative direction, input the stiffness
values, and assign nonlinear resistance values. Each
node’s support conditions are listed in the table
browser and can be edited or found as needed for
complete model control by the engineer. Further
support stiffness values and end releases can be
defined for columns. The engineer can confidently
and accurately model buildings that include
combinations of steel and concrete materials.
Line/Surface Supports Beams, ribs or surface edges can be assigned 3.9.7
Winkler type support elements, with stiffness values
user defined. Nonlinear behavior can be specified.

Special Elements Rigid, spring, gap, and link elements allow highly 3.9.9-
accurate modeling of connections and supports.
Depending on the element, the stiffness, resistance,
mode of action (tension or compression), or
reference orientation, can be defined for each type.
Membrane-beam connections, bolted connections,
plate contacts, girder-purlin connections are a few
examples of how the engineer can use these special
elements for accurate modeling.
Nodal Degrees of Freedom Translational and rotational, and free or fixed 3.9.13
constraints can be defined for nodes. Default choices
for typical structures assign predefined settings
appropriate for plane truss girders, plane frames,
grillages, membranes, and plates. The model will
then include the least number of unknowns allowing
for a faster analysis.
Domains Domains can be defined for floors, walls and any 3.9.14
other complex surface geometry and multiple
domains can be used in a structural model. A domain
can further be defined as a part, and the engineer
can model and review the analysis on a domain-to-
domain basis. Holes and meshes can be specified
by the user to obtain the geometric accuracy needed
for the analysis result.
Loads Loads can be assigned to nodes, lines, domains and 3.10.
surfaces. Force, fluid, seismic, thermal load and
other types can be defined for modeling residential,
commercial or institutional buildings, industrial
structures, water tanks, towers, etc. are available to
the user.
Load combinations Load combinations can be defined by the engineer 3.10.1-
that can include one or more load cases representing
different loading conditions. Load groups can be
defined as permanent, incidental or exceptional. The
load cases in each load combination are taken into
account through the assigned load factors. Dead
loads, live loads, wind, snow, ice, crane runway,
earthquake, support settlement, explosion and other
engineer requested static loads can be modeled The
engineer can see the analysis results for an entire
structure, and by using the parts and section lines
and surface tools, see the results on individual
elements of the structure. The engineer has a macro-
analysis tool with a micro-analysis viewer.
AxisVM performs static, vibration and buckling analysis. The structural engineer can study the
behavior of the structure by viewing the graphic displays and considering the tables of results. In
AxisVM, the user does not have to specify a limit for the analysis calculations available. The
processing engine in the software is fast and the results obtained on most Pentium III or better
CPUs are available within a short time.

Result Display Options The user can view any of the analysis results by 5.1
selecting the type of analysis, envelope or critical
values with Min/Max definition, undeformed or
deformed shapes; diagram, section line, isoline or
isosurface display. The engineer can view the results
in 2D or 3D.
Result Labels The actual result of the load combinations and 5.1-
chosen node, line or surface element result can be
displayed. Labels of these results can be assigned to
the corresponding entities. The engineer can see the
graphic view and note the result label detail
concurrently. Changing from view to view,
component to component, or using multiple windows
to view the results of different result components
allow the engineer to quickly grasp the behavior of
the structure.
Result Components Displacements, internal forces, stresses and 5.1.5-
influence lines are result components that the user
can select. A min/max value can be requested for
each of these components and the location of these
min/max conditions will be highlighted graphically.
The user can zoom on a specific area and then move
to the elements tab to inspect the possible factors
that influenced the result.
Vibration/Buckling Analysis AxisVM will calculate and display the mode/buckling 5.2-
shapes, and frequencies/critical load parameters.
Animated result displays provide enhanced
comprehension of the structural behavior.

Concrete plate, beam/column or steel beam/column design based on the results of the analysis,
integrate the same Postprocessing features. Modifications based on the design results can be
made directly on the model for an interactive design process.

Concrete Surface Reinforcement for membranes, plates and shells is 5.4.1

Reinforcement based on the 3rd stress condition. The engineer can
specify the type of concrete, the steel rebar
properties, and the top and bottom concrete cover.
Calculations are related to the load cases and
combinations. The engineer has access to an
accurate and fast design process.
Crack Opening Calculation Engineers can verify that the potential crack opening
of the concrete element meets the requirements of
the design code or user.

Nonlinear plate deflection The nonlinear calculation follows up on the static
linear analysis utilizing moment-curvature diagrams
of the cracked cross sections. More accurate
prediction of deflection values is produced.
Column Reinforcement Graphic and tabular numeric values of the load- 5.4.3
moment diagram as compared to the design internal
forces produces a reinforcement value that is safe
and in compliance with the selected design code.
The parameters for calculation of the load-moment
strength interaction diagram can be user defined.
Display modes for the interaction diagram can be set
by the user in the column check mode.
Beam Reinforcement Longitudinal reinforcement about the y or z-axis and
the spacing of vertical stirrups considering the shear
forces are included in the beam design function. The
user can select the cross-section; the concrete and
steel rebar materials and the concrete cover for the
top and bottom. Tension, compression and minimum
reinforcement is displayed.
Steel Beam/Column and A selection of cross-section shapes is available for 5.5.1
Bolted Joint Design design, and the program calculates the member
resistances. The user can input the flexural, lateral-
torsional, web shear/buckling and other parameters.
The results are displayed graphically and in the
results tables. The user can input the joint geometry
for plates, bolt types, rows and spacing, and specify
the materials. The efficiency diagrams based on the
obtained results of the design, allow the engineer to
easily identify the critical parts of the members.

Table Browser
The complete model details, locations and values of the materials, cross-sections, references,
nodes, finite elements, domains …and the complete result details, locations and values for the
displacements, internal forces and stresses are included in the Table browser. The engineer can
view the model graphically and review the components and results of the model on an item-by-
item basis. Complete understanding of the model and the analysis results is easy. .

Selective Results Model data and result data can be limited by 1.7
selection of a part or other current graphic selection.
The engineer can review only what he needs to
Export The data from a selected table can be exported in 3.10.
Dbase, HTML, TXT or RTP format. These exported
files can be incorporated into any compatible
software, database or report. Times consuming
reporting tasks are eliminated.

Report Maker
The integrated report maker provides the engineer with the ability to create custom reports by
selecting only those model data tables and graphic results needed. Users can define a style
template required by regulatory authorities or contractor, saving time and enhancing cooperation.

Auto Update Model changes automatically update tables exported 1.8

from the Table Browser and incorporated in the
report, are automatically updated with the updated
model data and results. The user has confidence that
the report submitted is the most recent and accurate.
Multiple Saving/Embedded The user can see a result table or graphic image and 1.8.7
Tables/Images simply one-button click to save it to the report maker.
Tables and graphic views from any step of the
modeling process can be saved to the report maker.
Benchmark increments like post geometry import,
final geometry design, definitions of finite elements,
loading conditions, and final results are all available
to save as result tables and images. And of course,
user defined part or section views and their
independent parameters or results can be saved too.
The engineer can build a report that includes the
tables and images from every important step as he
finishes it, and can later edit the final report to reflect
only the values needed. The report can include
bitmap images (.BMP, .JPG) and Windows Metafiles

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