Urbano11 ENG
Urbano11 ENG
Urbano11 ENG
Water distribution
design software
Gas distribution design
Most functions are built to enable With pipe network design you can
• adaptable UI to most workflows you to permanently store their use a lot of equipment such as:
and user preferences settings and data, so they are ready • pipes
for use in future instances. • manholes
• program functions can be started
from the side-docking Workspace, • fittings and appurtenances
custom ribbons or directly from the Configurations are used to drive the
CAD command line output of most functions: All these items are stored in catalogs
• long sections & cross sections that you can edit, extend and
• most functions open in free- • data tables exchange with other program users.
floating windows • labels Equipment can be edited in
• you can operate several floating • plan styles spreadsheet mode, and you can
windows at the same time • data import/export import their data directly from MS
• automatic calculation of pipe inverts Excel.
• an additional docking window
enables you to monitor the
program’s status messages You can:
• have many different configurations
• you can inspect and edit node and for the same function
section data selected from the • store them on a local computer or
drawing a network server
• exchange them with other Urbano
Urbano provides advanced methods You can use different pipe network Data tables are the fastest solution
for selecting system elements in templates, styles and labels to for an overview of design data.
almost every program function, accurately draft and describe your They are based on configurations
including selection of: designs. and can:
• nodes • display any node/section data
• sections You can quickly apply different styles • you can use them to inspect, edit
• arrays and branches on different network parts in order to and validate data
• from node to node improve editing, inspect some
• from station to station elements or prepare the project for The contents can be used to create
• according to a query plotting. a CAD table or a simple MS Excel
• according to a long section report.
You can use the Terraform module You can draw the pipe network Long sections are created from fully
to create DTMs from: directly or convert existing CAD editable configurations that control
• CAD objects lines/polylines. content and style (e.g., data, color,
• block attributes alignment, text offset & size).
• text and shape files or databases Terrain elevations can be read from a
DTM or set by several methods Streamlined tools follow all steps of
You can: including direct input and linear the design process including:
• apply different visual styles to interpolation. • configuration editing
the DTM • data selection
• store it as a 3D Face objects Editing is very comfortable as any • invert design
• perform some basic editing change in nodes and sections is • long section management
and analysis automatically reflected in all • plot preparation
connected long sections, labels and
Once you define pipe network and data tables. You can move, copy and delete
trench, you can use the grading tools drawn long sections, as well as
to create a new DTM with the trench. You can apply various configuration- change their drawing direction or
As an alternative workflow, you can based labels on all design elements. switch configurations. All design and
directly use an Autodesk Civil 3D or In case of overlapping labels, they editing functions are interactive and
3D Face DTM as the basis of your can be repositioned interactively or immediately refresh the drawing and
design. with an automated procedure. data on all changes.
Urbano provides several options for: Trench configuration determines You can create complex parametric
• determining catchments areas some general properties like: trench models for multiple pipe
• calculating flows • side slopes networks e.g., storm and sanitary
• executing hydraulic calculations • layers sewage, water, gas.
• bedding and benching
You can do all the calculations for • design features like color, hatch The parametric model includes
storm and sanitary sewage and water and text properties features like multiple diverging/
networks with the integrated converging trenches, layers with
calculation engines. Or you can do You can apply different trench changing height, multiple benching
the calculations with external configurations on different pipe and multiple independent side
software for advanced hydraulic network parts with standard Urbano slopes.
modeling. selections e.g., by branch, by long
section, from node to node. You can create cross sections and
Both workflows are supported, and excavation calculations based on the
the results can be used throughout You can display trench borders in the trench model.
the program including long sections, plan view and perform trench
labels and reports. grading on a DTM.
Like long sections, you create cross You can import maps and terrain You can create custom import/export
sections from fully editable elevation data directly into CAD, and configurations for different data
configurations that control content then use Urbano functions to create sources. This makes it easy to test
and style: a digital terrain model. alternative import/export procedures
• color, alignment, text offset & size for complex data structures.
• terrain features There are multiple ways to do it, e.g., The imported data for nodes and
• characteristic points (e.g., road choose an area in a browser window, sections is used to draw a pipe
edges) or define a coordinate system and network directly. You can then
• pipe networks select an area in CAD. proceed with standard Urbano
• labels editing and analysis tools.
• data table The number of maps that will be
imported depends on the zoom Import and export configurations
You can perform volume calculations factor you set. A higher zoom factor can be:
for cut and fill surfaces and hatch will import more maps and create a • stored
them in the section. The calculation higher resolution picture. To have an • exchanged with the .dwg file
of surfaces and volumes is based on unlimited import area and unlimited • reused as a starting point for new
the specified terrain lines. number of import requests, you can projects
connect your own Google Cloud
Platform ID. Supported data exchange formats
include .shp, LandXML, databases
and Civil 3D. Supported BIM export
formats include .ifc and .nwc.
You can create parcels in an Additional analyses include buffer, Urbano includes tools for working
automated procedure by converting union, intersection and overlay. with large amounts of maps e.g. .tiff,
lines and polylines and then fix The special parcel/pipe analysis .jpeg, .dwg, .pdf.
problems with cleanup and editing allows you to detect intersection
tools. points between pipe networks and You can import images one by one,
parcels. The results can be stored in by reading a folder structure or from
Additional information like parcel custom data variables and added to a database, and then create groups
number, type and owner can be long sections. This polygon/pipe according to any criteria e.g., by
imported from a database or connection is dynamic and any scale.
converted from CAD texts. change in the pipe network or the
parcel will be refreshed automatically Maps are displayed only with a
You can use standard Urbano tools in all data views. polygon boundary and the map
to edit, label, search, query and name. This enables the program to
analyze the parcels. display thousands of map
-> boundaries with great speed.
You are free to use any of the interactive You can select any part of the pipe You can design and edit house
and automatic design tools for pipe network (e.g., a branch or an existing long connections with a set of special tools.
invert design. With the interactive design section), calculate and apply the
and editing tools you can preview the proposed solution. You can run different The design functions include:
results of all operations before execution. configurations on the same pipe network • setting starting depth and slope
part or use the interactive editing tools to • creating house connections with
You can: further improve the design. multiple pipe segments
• draw with determined slope steps • aligning reference points for the
• set a uniform slope across multiple PREFABRICATED MANHOLES connecting and main pipe (e.g., axis on
nodes axis)
• insert/move a node directly in the long You can define manholes using various
section prefabricated concrete elements. The The connecting point on the main pipe
included prefabricated elements catalog can be preserved even if the main pipe is
Automatic pipe invert calculation is was created according to EN 1917-2005 moved.
based on a set of editable criteria stored and DIN V 4034-1 standards and can be
in a configuration. The criteria include extended with user created elements. FLOW CALCULATION
settings like: The composition of elements is based
• maximum and minimum depth and on pipe inverts and manhole depth with Flow calculation manager handles
slope dynamic control and adjustment of total multiple calculation methods for storm
• preference to use drop manholes manhole height. The manhole with all its and sanitary, transit and total flows.
• existing lateral inlets and previously components can be drawn in the long It allows you to create, calculate and
drawn pipe inverts section and be rendered in 3D in plan compare multiple scenarios describing
-> view. different pipe network conditions.
Flow calculation scenarios help you CONNECTED WORKFLOWS: OPEN CHANNELS
analyze the network in more detail, EPA SWMM
helping you to adopt the best solution In Urbano you can create and set open
quicker. You can use Urbano to: channels of different cross-sectional
• design the pipe network in plan and shape (rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular,
HYDRAULIC CALCULATION long sections parabolic).
• determine catchment areas and set rain
Hydraulic calculation is based on the gages You can show open channels in different
Darcy-Weisbach and Colebrook-White • calculate storm and sanitary flows plan styles, long sections and cross
equations. • set pipes, pumps, flow regulators and sections, run excavation volume
other equipment calculation and hydraulic calculation
You can: • set all input parameters, curves and using integrated EPA SWMM calculation
• use calculated flows and set slopes for patterns required for hydraulic calculation engine.
pipe sizing
• run hydraulic calculation based on You can run single period hydraulic You can also show open channels in 3D
existing diameters calculation or complete time simulation view and export them to BIM file formats
based on the EPA SWMM engine such as .ifc and Navisworks .nwc.
For pipe sizing you can refine the final directly in Urbano or you can create .inp
result by adding additional requirements, file and import it in EPA SWMM or any
like setting a maximum pipe fill other hydraulic modelling software.
percentage. All network geometry and
catchment areas can be exported to an You can show the calculation results in
EPA SWMM file for further special data tables, graphs, long sections,
hydrodynamic calculations. labels, thematic maps, etc.
A distinctive feature of gas pipelines Once you determine the pipeline You can put in the labels all the
is the ability to design and represent route and calculate the arcs, you can information you need e.g., deflection
horizontal and vertical arcs. draw the horizontal arcs in the plan angle, arc radius, station.
view and the vertical arcs in the long
With Urbano, you can set arc sections. All arc data can be found in a special
calculation rules such as: group in the standard data selection
• preferred arc radius By changing the pipe invert, you will interface. This means you can use this
• depending on the deflection angle automatically recalculate the vertical data with the same program functions
between pipes arcs and refresh the long sections. as any other data, e.g.:
• depending on pipe diameter and • data tables
arc type e.g., inductive, cold bended, You can adjust the long section • reports
elastic configuration to show horizontal • labels
arcs, vertical arcs and all data in the • long sections
When you start the calculation, the table. Arc labels carry important • queries
program will filter the appropriate information for the construction • thematic maps
nodes and propose an arc radius phase and that is why you can set • data import/export functions
according to determined interval, them at the start, middle and end of
pipe diameter and arc type. the arc as well as in the vertex point.
-> ->
Can I visualize and export the Can I create a pipe network model as Can I perform clash analysis?
entire network in 3D? an .ifc and .nwc file? Yes, you can perform clash analysis
Yes, you can visualize and export Yes, you can create a data-rich pipe between different pipe networks and also
your entire network in 3D, but you network model as an .ifc and .nwc file, between Urbano and CAD elements
can continue to do most of your that you can use for project coordination such as lines, polylines, 3D Solid or
design work in 2D plan and long or send to external stakeholders. Actually, Mesh. Clash analysis functionality allows
sections, just like you’re used to. In with Urbano you can export the pipe you fast and powerful clash detection
fact, 2D or 3D is as simple as network and the trench with all layers, and report creation.
applying a different Urbano style to add all the data you need and even
your pipe network. You can also create Navisworks selection sets based You can check for hard clashes only or
create 3D Solids for the pipes and on any criteria (designed, calculated, determine minimum required clearances
manholes and get the trench in 3D. custom). around pipes, view relative position of
pipes (i.e., above/below) and label
Can I import, edit, visualize and export clashes in plan and long sections.
data? Clash analysis is fully dynamic and any
Yes, you can. Urbano includes change in design (plan or long section) is
straightforward handling of all data. Once automatically reflected in all data tables,
it becomes “part of Urbano”, you can use labels and reports.
the data seamlessly in any function e.g.,
labels, tables, long sections, thematic
maps, queries. You can even create
mathematic expressions to calculate
custom values.
Can I use BIM 360 and similar How is Urbano connected with How is Urbano connected with road
platforms? hydraulic modeling software for water design and site design software?
All Urbano designs and data are stored and sewage networks? Road design and site design software is
in the .dwg file, which you can manage Hydraulic modeling software for water often used as the starting point for storm
with BIM 360. It is a standard drawing, and sewage networks can be connected sewage design. With Urbano, you can
meaning you can view and annotate it with Urbano to a streamlined workflow. convert lines/polylines created with such
just like any other CAD design. Besides You can start your project in EPANET software to pipe networks - and then
BIM, there is a number of other and export the network with all defined proceed with detailed design (i.e., long
workflows that can incorporate Urbano. parameters to Urbano for detailed sections, cross sections, etc.). You can
design. Or you can design the water also import/export data with Civil 3D
How is Urbano connected with network in Urbano and export it to gravitational pipe networks and
Geographical Information Systems? EPANET .inp file for advanced hydraulic LandXML.
Geographical Information Systems are modeling and other analysis.
widely used and often represent one of
the starting points for a pipe network Regarding sewage networks, you can
project in the sense that existing pipe create an EPA SWMM file and use it with
network information comes from GIS. your standard hydraulic modeling
Urbano can import and export data with solution.
ESRI .shp, MapInfo .tab and
PostgreSQL, Access or any other
database with OLE DB driver.
Feature group Feature URB CAN CAN HYD HYD GAS GAS
Ult Pro Pro Pro
Digital terrain DTM creation from CAD elements, text, blocks, .txt file x x x x x x x
model (DTM) Breaklines, surface styles, multiple surfaces x x x x x x x
Direct use of Civil 3D DTM and 3D Face objects x x x x x x x
Data Import from Google Maps (Raster & Elevation points for DTM) x x x x
import/export Import/export GIS (.shp, .tab, databases) x x x x
Import/export LandXML, .txt, Isybau x x x x
Import/export Civil 3D gravitational pipe networks x x x x
Post-processing tools (pipes, manholes) x x x x x x x
External data links and document links x x x x
Export to BIM (.ifc, .nwc) x x x x
Raster/Vector Supported file types .tfw, .jgw, jpeg2000, .ecw and GeoTIFF x
map tools Supported file types .dwg, .dgn, .dwf and .pdf x
Group, draw boundaries, insert x
Attach and filter x
Single user x x x
Network user x x x
Software updates optional included included
Urbano is a full-featured design, calculation and analysis software for storm and sanitary
sewage (gravity, pressure and vacuum), water and gas distribution and other pipe
infrastructure networks. With the support of our users and partners, we develop and
implement the Urbano software collection in more than 10 language versions worldwide.
For more than 30 years we’ve been developing solutions for successful design.
Developed by