Ex07 MakeHorizon
Ex07 MakeHorizon
Ex07 MakeHorizon
MAKE HORIZON............................................................................................................................... 2
Exercise Overview:.................................................................................................................... 2
A) DEFINE THE 3D GRID DOMAIN............................................................................................... 2
Exercise Steps........................................................................................................................... 2
B) INSERT THE HORIZON INTO THE 3D SKELETON GRID.................................................................3
Comments................................................................................................................................. 4
C) OPTIONAL: HORIZON ADJUSTMENT USING EDIT 3D GRID..........................................................6
Locking Horizon Nodes.............................................................................................................. 6
Move Smooth Edits.................................................................................................................... 7
Exercise Overview:
A) Define the 3D grid domain
B) Insert the horizon into the 3D skeleton grid
C) Optional Exercise:
Adjust the horizon using Edit 3D grid process
Exercise Steps
1. Open the settings window of the 3D grid by double clicking on the 3D Grid name.
2. Set the domain to time under the Info tab.
Exercise Steps
1. Double-click on the Make Horizon process. A dialog will pop up. Select the Horizons tab as it
contains the primary controls for making horizons.
2. Use either the Append item in the table icon or the Set number of items in table icon
located near the top of the dialog to insert one or several new rows into the table. Create as
many rows as you have horizons to build (check the Petrel Explorer, Input tab).
3. Select the data to use to create the horizon - Do this by highlighting the file's name (make
bold) in the Petrel Explorer and then clicking on the blue arrow to the left of the Input #1
column. Insert four horizons as shown in the figure below. Use the 2D time surfaces (Base
Cretaceous, Top Tarbert, Top Ness, and Top Etive). Rather than insert each horizon
separately, all can be inserted at once using the following approach.
a. Right-click on the folder containing the 2D surfaces and select ‘Sort the files by depth’.
b. In the Make Horizon process, toggle on ‘Multiple drop’. This allows you to drop a range
of data by only selecting the first in a row.
c. Select the Base Cretaceous surface from the Petrel Explorer Input tab. Select it by
clicking on the name of the file (make it bold).
d. Click on the blue arrow below Input #1, as shown in the figure below. All the input files
will be added in the correct order.
7. Press OK.
8. In the Models tab you will now find four new horizons in the horizon folder. Display the
generated horizons and QC the fault displacement.
If the input data are in the depth domain, the well tops in depth should be used as input to this
process. If the input data are in the time domain you should do the adjustment to the well tops
(depth) in the Depth Conversion process. It is also possible to tie the time surfaces to the time
picks. Specify the well tops to be used in the Well Tops editor under the Depth Conv tab or the Geo
Mod tab. Select the Wells Tab - to access parameters that control how top picks are used during the
well tie process.
General (Top Tarbert, Top Ness, Top Etive) - Stands for general
depositional surface. Any horizon in the table can be set to General. These surfaces are
truncated by all erosional horizons above them (type = Erosion or Discont). They are also
truncated by all horizons of type General that lie above them and below the next higher
Discontinuity or Erosion horizon. These horizons can be thought of as the conformable horizons
of a sequence.
Base - If used it must be the lowest surface in the model. All surfaces
of type General above it will lap onto it. All surfaces of type Erosion or Discont will truncate it.
This horizon can be thought of as the base of a sequence.
Exercise steps
1. Click on the Edit 3D Grid process. This activates the editing tool bars, displays nodes for
selection, and allows the nodes to be moved along the pillars they are attached to.
2. Display a I or J intersection. Note that the nodes have shape points. Use the player to step
through the model and locate problem areas.
3. Click on a node to get the widget.
4. Edit a node and lock it using the Lock Horizon node icon. Note: the node must be
selected before it can be locked. Edit a few number of points (say 3 or 4).
5. Re-run the Make Horizon process. Make appropriate adjustments to the influence radius, do
this under the Settings tab in the Make Horizon process.
6. Inspect the result, and repeat the adjustment until satisfied.
Exercise steps
1. Click on the Edit 3D Grid process. This activates the editing tool bars, displays nodes for
selection, and allows the nodes to be moved along the pillars they are attached to.
2. Activate the Move Smooth tool by clicking on the button to the left of the number.
3. Adjust the radius of influence by adjusting the number to the right of the button.
4. Edit a node or smooth by clicking on a node. The edits will affect nodes around the target
node up to the radius of influence you specified. You can use the tool whether editing on the
horizon, edges, faults, or intersections.
Note: If you lock the node after making this edit, only the node that is selected and moved will be
locked. Therefore, if you reran Make Horizons, the Move Smooth radius affect would not be seen.