GM-SYS 3D Create New 3D Model
GM-SYS 3D Create New 3D Model
GM-SYS 3D Create New 3D Model 1
GM-SYS Profile Modelling How-To Guide
3D Model Example
The image below illustrates a three layer gravity model. Each layer description includes a grid defining the elevation of the
top surface and a density parameter describing the density distribution in the material below the top surface.
GM-SYS Profile Modelling How-To Guide
2. Select whether you are creating a Depth model (vertical axis is elevation) or a Time model (vertical axis is time).
3. Specify a new Model name.
By default, the model is saved in the current workspace directory, but you may save the model anywhere on your
4. Select whether to derive the model Geometry (X, Y) from an "index" Grid or a Voxel.
The horizontal "footprint" of the model – number of cells, dimensions, coordinate system, orientation, and distance
units -- will be the same as that of the selected file.
5. Depending upon the previous selection, specify an existing Geometry grid or Geometry voxel, either by selecting
from the list of files in the workspace or by browsing to locate the file. 3
GM-SYS Profile Modelling How-To Guide
The Model Geometry information will be displayed in the lower part of the dialog. If the parameters are not consistent
with a 3D model – e.g. cell sizes in X and Y are not the same – an error indicator will prompt you to pick another grid or
6. When satisfied with this information, click Next to continue. Depending on your choice of model type, the New Depth
Model (2/2) dialog or the New Time Model (2/2) dialog will appear.
Certain options (adding survey or DDT) are only allowed for Depth models.
You must define the top and bottom surfaces of the model volume. Together, these define a 3D volume in space that
will contain the GM-SYS 3D model.
2. Select how you want to define the top of the model, using either a Grid or a Constant elevation.
By default, Grid will be selected. The grid selected must completely cover the model footprint with valid data. If an
index grid was specified in the previous dialog, it will appear here by default.
3. If you select Grid, specify the Top elevation grid for the model from the list, or browse to find one.
4. If you select Constant, specify the constant top elevation for the model.
5. Specify the elevation of the Base of model, in the units specified. Try to set this value lower than the deepest layer
you intend to include in your model.
6. If you are satisfied with these settings, click Create to create the new Depth model and open it in Oasis montaj.
GM-SYS Profile Modelling How-To Guide
When the model is created, it will open as a document in Oasis montaj. The model is saved as a model file
<model>.geosoft_gmsys3d, an XML metadatafile <model>.geosoft_gmsys3d.xml, and a model folder
Post-Model Creation
Any subsequent grid or voxel (georeferenced data) that is selected to represent a part of the model - whether surface
elevation, gravity measurement, or density distribution, etc. - will always be reprojected and resampled to match the index
parameters provided when the model is created. Thus, all input data must be properly georeferenced (i.e. have a valid
coordinate system defined) prior to import.
For each data type, there is a threshold of acceptable coverage, below which the input will be rejected. If the coverage is
acceptable, but not complete, dummies in the grid or voxel will be automatically filled on import.
The distance units for the model are defined by the units specified in the Index grid or voxel projected coordinate
system. All other inputs to the model that are not explicitly defined are assumed to use these same distance units in
X, Y, and Z. 5