Final Exam Review
Final Exam Review
Final Exam Review
General Psychology
Dr. Thomas
1. A recurrent issue in psychology has been whether differences between individuals are
attributable to
.a experience or learning.
.b biology or physiology.
.c nutrition or learning.
.d hereditary or environment.
5. A psychologist wants to study fears in preschoolers. Thus, she uses the survey method,
and interviews 100 four year-old children. The children interviewed are to all
preschoolers as
a. A sample is to a population.
b. A control group is to an experimental group.
c. an experimental group is to a control group.
d. a population is to a sample.
6. Christines car breaks down on the highway. She looks into her engine and accidentally
touches something hot. Her hand immediately pulls away even before she realizes she
has burned herself. This pulling away behavior is controlled by the
a. spinal cord.
b. peripheral nervous system.
c. brain.
d. autonomic nervous system.
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7. Visual interpretation occurs mainly in the
a. frontal lobe.
b. parietal lobe.
c. occipital lobe.
d. temporal lobe.
10. If psychological test is designed to measure anxiety but is found to measure creativity
instead, the test is considered to be
a. unreliable.
b. invalid.
c. not objective.
d. not standardized.
11. The type of conditioning that depends on the consequence of the behavior is
a. higher order conditioning.
b. operant conditioning.
c. classical conditioning.
d. instinctive conditioning.
13. Infant Terry believes that when her father leaves the room he no longer exists.
According to Piaget, Terry lacks
a. intelligence.
b. centration.
c. object permanence.
d. cognitive dissonance.
14. Research suggests that facial expressions such as those of happiness, sadness, anger,
and fear are
a. recognized by people of all cultures.
b. learned and differ from society and society.
c. differentially expressed in the East and West.
d. expressions of secondary emotions.
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15. Pam must either write a ten-page term paper on an unappealing topic or read and
summarize fifteen journal articles for her least favorite class. This student is faced
with a(n)
a. approach-avoidance conflict.
b. avoidance-avoidance conflict.
c. approach-approach conflict.
d. multiple approach-avoidance conflict.
16. If Marie, in her debate class, gives a speech that is contrary to her own beliefs, she will
probably experience
a. cognitive dissonance.
b. cognitive consistency.
c. cognitive emotionality.
d. approach-approach conflict.
19. A type of therapy that examines distorted and unrealistic thinking is __________
a. Humanistic
b. Family
c. Behavioral
d. Cognitive
For 10 through 13 match the following psychological perspectives using the following:
a) Structuralism
b) Behaviorism
c) Functionalism
d) Psychoanalysis
e) Gestalt psychology
e) Gestalt psychology
21. Emphasized the practical nature of the mind and survival adaptation
22. Attempted to reduce conscious experience to its basic elements
23. Emphasized the practical nature of the mind and survival of adaptation
24. Believed the relationship between the parts is more important than individual parts
25. Emphasized the unconscious mind and sexual urges in influencing human behavior
Without the use of a calculator, use the following test scores [ 5, 20, 5, 5, 10, 10, 10, 15, 5,
15 ] to determine the answers for 26 through 29.
26. Mean: a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 20 e) 25
27. Mode: a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 20 e) 25
28. Median: a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 20 e) 25
29. Range: a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 20 e) 25
____ _____ __ __________ ____ _____________________
For 30 through 33, match the Lobe of the Cerebrum with the most common function:
For 35 through 39, match the following with the correct perception:
a) wavelength b) amplitude (wave height) c) consistency of wave length
40. The process of interpreting and organizing the nervous systems response to a stimulus
is known as
a. adaptation
b. sensation
c. perception
d. psychophysics
41. The process by which sensory organs transform mechanical, chemical, or light energy
into electrochemical energy or neural transmission is called
a. transduction
b. adaptation
c. psychophysics
d. perception
43. Sometimes when young children see lightening they cover their ears. The covering of
the ears following the flash of light is
a. a conditioned stimulus.
b. a conditioned response.
c. an unconditioned response.
d. an unconditioned stimulus.
44. Which of the following discovered that learning sometimes involves the
association of two stimuli (i.e. a bell with the presentation of dog food)?
a. Thorndike c. Tolman
b. Pavlov d. Skinner
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45. Any event that increases the probability that a response will occur is the
definition of
a. primary reinforcers. c. rewards.
b. operant conditioning. d. reinforcement.
46. The technique of rewarding success approximations of the desired behavior for
obtaining an initial operant response of a rat pressing a bar is called
a. shaping c. physical guidance
b. modeling d. verbal instruction
48. According to Banduras social-cognitive theory, children who view aggression are more
likely to be aggressive was based on the
a. Bobo doll experiment
b. Little Albert experiment
c. Milgrams experiment
d. Ashs experiment
50. Which memory system briefly holds a largely accurate reproduction of the original
sensory input?
a. sensory memory c. medium-term memory
b. short-term memory d. long-term memory
51. The most effective way to keep information in short-tem memory (STM) is by
a. overlearning it. c. rehearsing it over and over.
b. using a mnemonic device. d. converting it into a visual image.
52. The memories you have of your first day of psychology class this semester are in your
a. chronological memory. c. sensory memory.
b. long term memory. d. short term memory.
55. When you mentally group objects or events into general cognitive categories, you
a. solve a problem. c. form a concept.
b. form a mental image. d. make a decision.
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56. According to the lectures, in order to think you must first have
a) experiences
b) learning
c) memory
d) all of the above
58. _______ do (does) not guarantee a correct solution; while ________ do (does
guarantee a correct solution to a problem, but when they work they tend to allow
for more rapid solutions.
a. incubation / heuristics c. algorithms / heuristics
b. heuristics / incubation d. heuristics / algorithms
59. A course in grammar would be primarily concerned with ________; a literature course
would more likely be concerned with ________.
a. syntax / semantics c. syntax / morphemes
b. semantics / syntax d. morphemes / semantics
60. Whorfs hypothesis that people think differently in different languages is called
a. linguistic-relativity hypothesis.
b. genetic hypothesis.
c. exemplar hypothesis.
d. linguistic-acquisition-device hypothesis.
61. Whichofthefollowingisnotaneffectmotivationhasonouractions?
.a Itdirectsordefinesthedirectionoftheresultingbehavior.
.b Ithasanimpactonhowvigorousorintenseabehavioris.
.c Itcontrolsinstinctivebehaviors.
.d Itenergizesoractivatesonetobehaveinacertainway.
62. ThecorrectorderofMaslowshierarchyofneeds,fromlowesttohighest,is
a. safety,biological,esteem,loveandbelongingness,selfactualization.
b. selfactualization,esteem,loveandbelongingness,safety,biological.
c. biological,esteem,loveandbelongingness,safety,selfactualization.
d. biological,safety,loveandbelongingness,esteem,selfactualization.
63. ________ischaracterizedbyarefusaltoeatadequateamountsoffood.________isassociated
a. anorexianervosa/bulimia c. starvationdiets/apnea
b. bulimia/anorexianervosa d. bulimia/obesity
64. Thefourintegralcomponentsofhumanemotionsare
a. cognitiveprocesses,subjectivefeelings,behavioralreactions,andfacialexpressions.
b. primaryappraisal,secondaryappraisal,behavioralreactions,andphysiologicalarousal.
c. cognitiveprocesses,subjectivefeelings,physiologicalarousal,andbehavioralreactions.
d. cognitiveprocesses,stressors,physiologicalarousal,andsubjectivefeelings.
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65. Thephysiologicalcomponentofemotioniscloselyassociatedwiththe
a. autonomicnervoussystem. c. skeletalorsomaticnervoussystem.
b. centralnervoussystem. d. brainstemfunctions.
66. TheJamesLangetheoryissupportedbyevidencethatindicatesthat
a. thehypothalamusisinvolvedinemotionalexpression.
b. peoplereportlessintenseemotionalfeelingsaftersufferingaspinalcordinjury.
c. followingafearresponse,peopleexperienceelation.
d. individualstendtocognitivelylookforanappropriateemotionallabelforphysiological
67. TheCannonBardtheorystatesthat
a. emotionalexperiencesandphysicalchangesoccursimultaneously.
b. physicalchangesarenecessaryforemotionalexperiences.
c. emotionalexperiencesprecedephysicalchanges.
d. emotionalexperiencesfollowphysicalchanges.
68. InSchachterandSingersexperiment,subjectswhowereuninformedormisinformed
a. providenoemotionallabeltotheirarousal.
b. labeltheirarousalashappyalso.
c. labeltheirarousalasangerdirectedatthesillyconfederate.
d. reportnochangesintheirphysicalstate.
69. Unlikepsychologistswhoemphasizetheroleoflearning,psychologistswhoemphasize
a. continuous/qualitative c. discontinuous/qualitative
b. continuous/quantitative d. discontinuous/quantitative
70. Ifawomangivesbirthtotwins,andoneofthetwinsisaboyandtheotheragirl,itcanbe
a. monozygotic
b. dizygotic
c. identical
d. Yourequiremoreinformationbeforeyoucanreachaconclusion.
71. Inorder,thethreestagesofprenataldevelopmentare:
a. embryonic,fetal,prenatal. c. germinal(zygote),embryonic,fetal.
b. germinal(zygote),nonviable,viable. d. embryonic,germinal(Zygote),fetal.
72. Thatbabieshaveproportionallylargerheadsthanadultsillustratesthe________patternof
a. proximocaudal c. cephalocaudal
b. proximodistal d. cephalodistal
73. ThecorrectorderofPiagetsstagesofcognitivedevelopmentis:
a. sensorimotor,concreteoperations,preoperational,formaloperations.
b. preoperational,sensorimotor,concreteoperations,formaloperations.
c. concreteoperations,preoperational,sensorimotor,formaloperations.
d. sensorimotor,preoperational,concreteoperations,formaloperations.
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74. Harlowsstudyrevealedthat________wasmoreimportantinattachmentthenbeingfed.
a. theodorofthefeedingmother c. contactcomfort
b. thetypeoffoodbeinggiven d. thetasteofthemilk
75. Thestrangesituationisusedtoevaluate
a. achildsstageofcognitivedevelopment. c. motherinfantattachment.
b. infantmotherattachment. d. achildsstageofpsychosocial
76. Theparentwhoestablishesreasonablerulesinanatmosphereofwarmthandopendialogue
a. authoritarian c. permissive
b. authoritative d. autocratic
78. Foreverydevelopingindividual,duringthefirstfewweeksofprenataldevelopmentthegonads
a. eithertestesorovaries. c. Bothoftheabove.
b. eitherapenisoraclitoris. d. Neitheroftheabove.
79. Whichofthefollowingisasecondarysexcharacteristic?
a. pubichair c. adultheight
b. apenisorvagina d. noneoftheabove
80. Advantagessuchasbeingpoised,popular,andacademicallysuccessfulareassociatedwith
a. earlymaturinggirls. c. earlymaturingboys.
b. latematuringgirls. d. latematuringboys.
a. sensorimotor c. concreteoperations
b. preoperational d. formaloperations
82. Kohlbergwasmoreinterestedinapersons________ratherthaninhisorher________.
a. moralbehavior/moralreasoning
b. yesornoanswertoamoraldilemma/moralbehavior
c. yesornoanswertoamoraldilemma/moralreasoning
d. moralreasoning/yesornoanswertoamoraldilemma
83. Thepopularimageoftheteenageyearsasatimeofrebellion,storm,andstressis
a. substantiatedbystudies. c. moremyththanfact.
b. applicableonlytoearlyadolescentyears. d. trueonlyinAmerica.
84. ________intelligenceresultsfromaccumulatedknowledgeandiscloselylinkedtoeducation
a. Crystallized/Fluid c. Problemfinding/Dialecticoperation
b. Fluid/Crystallized d. Dialecticoperation/Problemsolving
85. Onestudylinkedsatisfactionwithsinglelifeto
a. avoidingthefearofdivorce. c. notneedingsexualrelations.
b. thenumberandtypesoffriendships. d. havingmoremoneytospend.
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86. Apossibleexplanationofwhyfluidintelligencedeclinesinolderyearsandcrystallized
a. fluidintelligenceisgenetic.
b. fluidintelligenceislearned.
c. olderpeoplearenotchallengedtousetheirfluidintelligence.
d. olderpeopledonotneedfluidintelligence.
87. Eriksonsdevelopmentaltaskoftheolderyearsegointegrityversusdespairisconsistent
a. selectalifestylethatreflectstheirpersonality. c. conductalifereview.
b. areconcernedwithproblemfinding. d. demonstratepostconventionalthought
88. Acommonthemeindefinitionsofpersonalityisthat
a. theunconsciousmindplaysaprominentrole.
b. theenvironmentshapesourpersonalities.
c. personalityreferstodistinctivepatternsofbehavior.
d. mansprimarymotivationsarenegativeinnature.
89. Thestorehouseoflargelyunconscious,biologicallybased,instinctivedrivesthatprovidethe
a. superego. c. libido.
b. id. d. ego.
90. The________uses________toprotectitselffromharshaspectsofreality.
a. ego/fixations c. superego/defensemechanisms
b. id/offensemechanisms d. ego/defensemechanisms
91. AccordingtoRogers,thepersonthatyouwouldliketobecomeisyour________self.
a. goal c. real
b. ideal d. future
92. Maslowproposedthatifalllesserneedsaremet,apersonwouldbemotivatedtoward
a. selfdetermination. c. selfesteem.
b. selfactualization. d. thethirdforce.
93. Ifapsychologistasksyoutotellastoryconcerningasceneonacardheorsheshowsyou,that
a. CPI. c. 16PF.
b. TAT. d. Rorschachinkblottest.
94. Ifapsychologistasksyoutotellwhatablotofinkmightbe,thatpsychologistisgivingyouthe
a. CPI. c. 16PF.
b. TAT. d. Rorschachinkblottest.
95. Personalityassessmenttechniquesdesignedtotapunconsciousthoughtsandfeelingsare
a. interviews. c. projectivetests.
b. subjectivetests. d. objectivetests.
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96. Whichofthefollowingcriteriaisnotusedtodistinguishnormalfromabnormalbehavior?
a. emotionaldiscomfort c. atypicality
b. depression d. socialunacceptability
97. Theterm________hashistoricallybeenusedtodescribelessseveredisorders.Theterm
a. psychological/psychiatric c. psychosis/neurosis
b. mooddisorder/schizophrenia d. neurosis/psychosis
98. Apersonwitha________experiencesanxietyinonlycertainspecificsituations,whereasan
a. phobia/generalizedanxietydisorderc.socialphobia/simplephobia
b. generalizedanxietydisorder/phobiad.simplephobia/obsessivecompulsivedisorder
99. IndividualslikeEvefromTheThreeFacesofEvewhodisplayanumberofseparate
a. dissociativeamnesia. c. schizophrenia.
b. conversiondisorder. d. dissociativeidentitydisorder.
100. Peoplewhobecomelethargicandsleepmorethanusualtypifythemooddisordertermed
a. majordepressivedisorder. c. conversiondisorder.
b. bipolardisorder. d. schizophrenicdisorder.