CBCP Monitor Vol13-N16
CBCP Monitor Vol13-N16
CBCP Monitor Vol13-N16
astute political leaders, but Lagdameo A known critic of the incumbent ad-
said they are not liars like many of the ministration, Lagdameo recounted the
traditional politicians. legacy Mrs. Aquino’s administration
Their idealism, moral values, strong has left the country.
faith in God, plus Cory’s unique na- “After six years, President Cory will-
tional and international stature as a ingly and readily turned over the gov-
freedom fighter make them a positive ernment to her successor. She rejected
FAREWELL, PRESIDENT CORY. Catholic nuns gather around the casket of the late former President Corazon Aquino at the Manila Cathedral on moral force, he said. the temptation to extend her stay in
August 3. Until her last breath, the former president talks about politics in moral and religious terms. Aquino’s death has left a void in the hearts of
many Filipinos in search of a leader steeped in moral values and truly committed in serving others.
The CBCP head lauded the Aquino Moral icon / A6
tion as their centerpiece during the meeting at the Eucharist, as “a unique experience of God’s
the Pope Pius XII Catholic Center in Paco, Manila dialogue with us and our response to God as a
from Aug. 10 to 16. dialogue of life and love.”
He said the delegates will certainly be discuss- The document deals with the subtopics of living
ing the challenges facing the evangelization of in community, in faith, hope and love, and living
their regions and find ways to accomplish their in mission.
In a continent where Christianity is a “very Other concerns FABC secretary-general and Cotabato Archbishop Orlando Quevedo gives a press briefing on the forthcoming Asian bishops’
plenary assembly on Aug. 11-16 at Pope Pius XII Center in Manila.
small” minority religion, Quevedo said working Aside from the main topic about Eucharist, the
together among them as church leaders is very FABC official said the floor is also open for other He said common issues in Asia like migration, The Manila assembly follows the last plenary on
important. “urgent concerns” which may not necessarily be social justice, and ecology including the religious the role of family in Asia in Daejon, Korea in 2004.
“It is important that we together collaborate in a on the program. side could also be discussed. Plenary assemblies, the highest governing body of
context that is very much interreligious, intercul- “Maybe some bishops would want to talk about “But these are not in the agenda. We just want the Federation, are held once every four years.
tural and, third, because of the massive poverty,” the problems of the church in other countries. It’s to contextualize the living of the Eucharist in Asia This year’s assembly was planned originally for
he said during a press briefing Friday. listed in the agenda but we give them freedom not and the living of the Eucharist would address some January 2009 in Bangalore, India but later post-
“From these three commonalities alone one to say,” Quevedo added. the particular issues,” he said. poned and transferred to Manila. (CBCPNews)
Pope sends condolences to Aquino family Many priests being urged to run in
HIS Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has
extended his heartfelt condolences
and assurances of his prayers to the
to the freedom of the Filipino people,
her firm rejection of violence and intol-
erance, and her contribution to the re-
and thus he prays that the same faith
and hope which guided her life will
now come to abundant fulfilment.”
2010—CBCP official
family of former President Corazon building of a just and cohesive political “Invoking upon all the Filipino MANY priests are being pushed to run for public office in the forthcoming national
C. Aquino and the Philippine gov- order in her beloved homeland.” people an outpouring of divine graces, elections, a Catholic Church official affirmed recently.
ernment. “His Holiness commends her noble the Holy Father cordially imparts his Fr. Francis Lucas said some of them are almost enticed to enter politics because of
In a communiqué sent to Manila soul to the eternal mercies of God our apostolic blessing to all taking part intense pressure from the parishioners seeking for reform in governance.
Archbishop Gaudencio B. Cardinal heavenly father,” Cardinal Bertone in the Mass of Christian burial, as a Lucas, who is a commission executive secretary in the Catholic Bishops’ Confer-
Rosales by the Vatican Secretary of said. pledge of consolation, strength and ence of the Philippines, said that for these priests, their decision provides the people
State His Eminence Tarcisio Bertone, The Secretary of State further said peace in our Lord Jesus Christ,” the a better choice.
the Holy Father recalled President the Holy Father “remembers her as a Secretary of State concluded. (Melo He said the current situation in the Philippines is the primary reason why people
Aquino’s “courageous commitment woman of deep and unwavering faith M. Acuna) resort to church leaders to serve for them.
And the complaint, he said, is valid.
If one will look at the kinds of candidates who ran for public office, he said, many of
Prelate asks Filipino youth to help them belong to political dynasties, scion of rich families and other popular figures.
Another reason why many people want priests in public office is the belief, Lucas
said, that they can provide a better leadership for the upliftment of the country.
promote Asian Youth Day Needless to say, according to Lucas, the country is really in a sad state.
Lucas also admitted that he himself is one of those priests who are being urged to
run for a local post in the 2010 elections.
He said a lot of people in Infanta, Quezon have been trying to convince him for
ALTHOUGH the fifth Asian Youth Day (AYD5) this Novem- Earlier, the AYD5 Media and Promotions Team has dis- many years to run for mayor there.
ber will only be open to a small delegation, Masbate Bishop tributed an AYD5 Diocesan Promotion and Information “I saw their point. We priests, we keep on looking for alternatives, pushing
Joel Baylon said youth groups from the diocesan and paro- Kit, which contains the AYD5’s posters, banners, logo, and for principles that are good for the people.
chial levels can still partake in the celebration by helping in audio-visual presentation for posting and viewing at the So they said why don’t we just
the promotion of the event. different parishes. run? But I said, as priests,
The chairman of the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Youth “These materials are being sent to the dioceses to help we are not allowed to run for
(ECY), Baylon disclosed that this year’s gathering of Asia’s them set up exhibits that will truly help the youth to be more public office based on Canon
Catholic youth is only eyeing at least 2,000 delegates, half of informed about AYD5. It will also make all Filipino youth be Law,” added Lucas.
which will come from 22 countries of the continent and the one in our efforts and prayers as we continue to prepare for To help him decide whether
remaining half will be filled by local delegates. the gathering,” the prelate added. to leave the priesthood or not,
“We are hoping to have with us at least 2,000 delegates. This Sponsored by the Federation of Asian Bishops Confer- Lucas asked for a “sign from
is quite a small number [because] we have decided that this ences, the CBCP-ECY and the Diocese of Imus, the AYD5 God” and this he got last June
Illustration by Bladimer Usi
event should not be a youth day [dominated by] the Filipinos. will be held at the Rogationist College of Silang, Cavite from when he was appointed ex-
This must have an Asian character,” he said. November 20 to 27. The week-long gathering is themed ecutive secretary of the CBCP’s
Given the limited number of participants, Baylon urged “Yasia Fiesta: Come Together, Share the Word, Live the Commission on Social Communi-
the youth interested to attend the AYD to instead bring the Eucharist!” cations and Mass Media.
spirit of AYD in their respective diocese and parishes by The Asian Youth Days began in Thailand in 1999, and the “I told them since you are pushing
putting up exhibits. most recent was held in Hong Kong in 2006. (Kris Bayos) Run / A6
World News
CBCP Monitor
A2 Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009
Catholics to honor St. John Vianney 150 years after his death
ON Tuesday, August 4, the Church will celebrate the feast day of St. John Vian- ted to the conversion of the people, he would spend up to 16 hours a day in the
ney, patron of priests. This day will mark the 150th anniversary of the saint’s confessional.
death and comes during the newly-begun Year for Priests. Plagued by many trials and besieged by the devil, St. John Vianney remained
John Vianney, also known as the Holy Curé de Ars, was born May 8, 1786 in firm in his faith, and lived a life of devotion to God. Dedicated to the Blessed
Dardilly, near Lyon, France to a family of farmers. He was ordained a priest in Sacrament, he spent much time in prayer and practiced much mortification. He
1815 and became curate in Ecully. He was then sent to the remote French com- lived on little food and sleep, while working without rest in unfailing humility,
© www.spiegel.de
munity of Ars in 1818 to be a parish priest. gentleness, patience and cheerfulness, until he was well into his 70s.
Upon his arrival, the priest immediately began praying and working for the John Vianney died on August 4, 1859. Over 1,000 people attended his funeral,
conversion of his parishioners. Although he saw himself as unworthy of his including the bishop and priests of the diocese, who already viewed his life as
mission as pastor, he allowed himself to be consumed by the love of God as he a model of priestly holiness. Cardinal Claudio Hummes
served the people. The Holy Curé of Ars was canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1925. He is the patron
Vianney slowly helped to revive the community’s faith through both his of priests. Over 450,000 pilgrims travel to Ars every year in remembrance of halting frequently before the tabernacle
prayers and the witness of his lifestyle. He gave powerful homilies on the mercy his holy life. for a visit to Jesus in the Blessed Sacra-
and love of God, and it is said that even staunch sinners were converted upon Commemorating the 150th anniversary of St. John Vianney’s death, this year ment.”
hearing him. In addition, he restored his church, formed an orphanage, “La has been declared the Year for Priests by Pope Benedict XVI. The Pope inaugu- And, he added, it was the saint’s
Providence,” and cared for the poor. rated the Year for Priests on June 19, and wrote a Letter to Clergy, encouraging “deep personal identification with the
His reputation as a confessor grew rapidly, and pilgrims traveled from all all priests to look to the Curé of Ars as an example of dedication to one’s priestly sacrifice of the cross [that] led him—by a
over France to come to him in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Firmly commit- calling. (CNA) sole inward movement—from the altar
to the confessional.” (Zenit)
bishop Gomez said Caritas In Veritate is trine cannot be separated from the defense
“not only a true source of guidance for all of the right to life and the “explicit proclama-
Catholics, but it is also a valuable contri- tion” of the Gospel.
bution to the building of the fundamental However, the encyclical is best understood The fourth insight the archbishop noted
structure of society that is the social doctrine “in the full context of the social doctrine of was that “all the aspects of the contemporary
of the Church.” the Church,” Archbishop Gomez said. world, such as globalization or the acceler-
Neither the secular media nor supporters “I believe that each Catholic should read it, ated development of technology, can and
of different economic theories have given ponder it, and live it,” he wrote, highlighting should be analyzed and judged from the KATHMANDU, Nepal, August 3, 2009—Many Catholic priests
a “proper interpretation” of the encyclical, five points. foundation of Faith and reason, to promote have received grave threats from unknown callers claiming to
he wrote. First, he remarked, it is important to know what is good and to prevent what is harmful be Hindu fundamentalists, urging them to leave the country “as
“Some have tried to find in the Pope’s that the Church has a “social doctrine,” a set to human beings.” soon as possible”.
third encyclical a reaffirmation of their own of proposals for the organization of public Finally, the San Antonio archbishop em- Fr. Pius Perumana, who runs the Vianney pastoral centre in
ideological and political tendencies, others, life that emanate from Christian charity phasized that Christians have the right and Godavari, told AsiaNews that in recent days strangers called
including some journalists who, in good under the governance of truth. the duty to take the Gospel to the public him on the phone and told him that he had “a month to leave
faith, have only reported on selected prin- The second point that the archbishop sphere because “the building of a world Nepal if I did not want to face grave consequences.”
ciples in the encyclical in a way that makes drew from the Pope’s encyclical was that without God necessarily leads to the build- The priest filed a complaint against person unknown but
it sound more like ‘news’, linking it to some Catholic social doctrine places the human ing of systems that go against the human the authorities did not provide any protection to the pastoral
fleeting events.” person and his “true development” at its person.” (CNA) centre.
The unknown voice said that he belonged to the Nepal Defence
Army, an extremist Hindu group headed by one R.K. Mainali,
Christian leaders seek peace following deadly rioting who is a suspect in the murder of Fr. John Prakash and the
bombing of the Church of the Assumption in Kathmandu on 23
May. A woman member of the group was arrested in connection
GOJRA, Pakistan, August 3, and two churches belonging to and Muslim clerics to stop any “either convert to Islam or leave with the blast.
2009—Church people have the Church of Pakistan and the further violence. the place.” He added, “They want Fr. Benjamin Pampackel, superior at the Don Bosco School
formed a committee to bring New Apostolic Church were de- “Christians in many surrounding a sort of religious cleansing.” in Lubhu, also received a threatening night time phone call on
peace to a troubled district in stroyed and livestock stolen. villages and towns (near Korian) Archbishop Lawrence John 20 July.
Punjab province after seven In the latest incident, families began receiving threats as mullah Saldanha, head of the Catholic The gatekeeper who was on duty that night picked up the
Catholics were burnt alive and of the deceased, who included (Muslim clerics) began preaching Church in Pakistan and chairper- phone and was told that anyone in the service of Christians
19 others injured in anti-Chris- two children and three women, hatred and revenge,” wrote Bishop son of the National Commission could lose his life.
tian rioting on Aug. 1. placed the coffins on railway Coutts in an Aug. 3 email to Church for Justice and Peace (NCJP) has Fr. Lawrence Manivar, who works at the St. Xavier School,
The violence came in the wake tracks in protest, disrupting people across the world. also called upon all Christian insti- told AsiaNews that a stranger claiming to be from the Nepal
of an attack on the nearby Chris- traffic for four hours on Aug. “There are indications that tutions in Punjab to close for three Defence Army “warned me either to leave Nepal or face death”.
tian village of Korian on July 30. 2. Hundreds of Christians also the attack on Korian as well as days to mourn the killings. The clergyman added that the caller told him that they wanted
Tension between the Christian staged protests led by Bishop on Gojra was planned and the A statement by the archbishop “Nepal to be Hindu and all Christians to be chased away.”
and Muslim communities in the Joseph Coutts of Faisalabad. He people instigated by a banned and Peter Jacob, NCJP’s execu- Chirendra Satyal with the Catholic Media Office said that “we
Korian area arose after pages and a Protestant bishop later Islamic group which wants to tive secretary, demanded that don’t know who the callers are” but added that they should not
containing Islamic inscriptions presided at the funerals. ‘purify’ Pakistan by making it a the government address the root be underestimated.
were found in front of a Chris- The Catholic Church has strictly Islamic, theocratic state. causes of religious intolerance in Msgr. Anthony Sharma, vicar apostolic of Nepal and titular
tian home on July 26 following a formed a committee compris- Democracy is rejected as some- Pakistan. “This is not a solitary bishop of Gigthi, urges prudence. He said that he had not re-
wedding. Muslims then accused ing two bishops, three Catholic thing Western and un-Islamic,” incident but a phenomenon that ceived any threats but that each incident was being reported to
a family there of blasphemy priests and several councilors, the bishop said. He also stated that has been there for quite some the authorities. (AsiaNews)
against Islam. About 60 houses who are meeting politicians the group wanted non-Muslims to time,” it said. (UCAN)
News Features
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009
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VATICAN, July 29, 2009—Pope Benedict XVI will focus on the recognizing they have an obligation to respect a gift God created environment is God's gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have
connection between protecting the environment and working for for all, it said. a responsibility toward the poor, toward future generations and
peace in the message he will publish for World Peace Day in 2010, Pope Benedict also wants to emphasize how the "current eco- toward humanity as a whole."
the Vatican said. logical crisis" is impacting the entire world and, therefore, requires While the encyclical focused on development, and therefore dis-
The theme the pope has chosen for the Jan. 1 celebration is "If international action to resolve, it said. cussed the need to share natural resources equitably and not exploit
You Want to Cultivate Peace, Safeguard Creation," the Vatican an- "If one wants to cultivate the good of peace, in fact, one must those found in poor countries, it also insisted there is a connection
nounced July 29. promote a renewed awareness of the interdependence that links the between environmental protection and peace.
The Vatican said the pope intends to discuss the fact that in a earth's inhabitants to one another," the Vatican statement said. "The stockpiling of natural resources, which in many cases are
globalized world there is a strict connection between protecting the Together people must preserve and restore the natural environ- found in the poor countries themselves, gives rise to exploitation
environment and promoting peace. ment, eliminating at least some of the causes of environmental and frequent conflicts between and within nations. These conflicts
"The use of resources, climate change, the application and use of disasters, it said. are often fought on the soil of those same countries, with a heavy toll
biotechnologies (and) demographic growth" are all issues that can The Vatican statement said Pope Benedict intends his World Peace of death, destruction and further decay," the encyclical said.
have repercussions across national borders for generations to come, Day message to be a further development of the four paragraphs Pope Benedict's message for the World Day of Peace in 2008, which
the statement said. on the environment included in his encyclical "Caritas in Veritate" focused on the family and on the world's population as forming one
The papal message will underline the fact that protecting the ("Charity in Truth"). human family, also included a section on the obligation to protect
natural environment is a challenge all people must face together, In his encyclical, published in early July, Pope Benedict said, "The the environment. (CNS)
News Briefs
Davao launches ‘tie a yellow ribbon campaign’
Archbishop launches
flood aid appeal
DAVAO CITY—The sadness of losing an icon of democracy is
also felt by the people here. When Cory Aquino died on Aug.1,
church groups particularly Marian movements initiated the “tie
a yellow ribbon campaign” in the streets as a way of paying
tribute to the former president. (Mark Ventura)
AFP recruitment of
was held July 18 at the St. Mary’s Academy. (Kate Laceda)
a version of this floating around, here’s a contribution to the debate usually held him for custody. They will
on kids and high tech. I’ve read it several times and still can’t figure slap him in the face urging him to reveal
out if it’s tongue-in-cheek or dead serious.” the house of Umbra Kato. Though we don’t
Whether or not it’s only an ironic presentation on how different know where he is, they still refuse to believe
today’s children are growing up from those of yesterday, it still it, said Nawal.
holds a lot of ‘ordinary tap’ water. This may be a good wakeup call The military has been branding the group
for both parents and educators to ask themselves if they’re gingerly of Abdulrahman Macapaar alias Com- BORONGAN, Eastern Samar— A recent fo- Other significant issues discussed were
raising children only for a palliative present that actually deprives mander Bravo and Ameril Umbra Kato as rum focusing on infrastructure development the practice of child labor in small mining
them of living on their own in an unknown and future. members of the LMG. Even 6th Infantry and environmental concerns may yet offer a sites and the operation of small and large-
Maybe it’s about time to unplug—and hopefully we’ve gotten Battalion Lieutenant Col. Jonathan Ponce ray of hope to the people of Eastern Samar to scale mining without proper consultation
around to unplugging ourselves—our children! said that the presence of improvised explo- see the much-deserved development happen and permit.
in their province. Jeff Rafa of Alyansa Laban sa Mina sa
Enough / A1 The Diocese of Borongan hosted on July 24 Mindoro (ALAMIN) presented the National
causes but does not agree with their methods. punish operations, end to terrorist bombings, bombard- the 4th Eastern Samar Peace and Develop- Situationer on Mining while Roslyn Arayata
Sr. Rose-Susan Pacheco Montejo, Superior General of ments, raids because ‘Enough is enough.’” ment Forum (ESPDF) which discussed the of Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM) National Sec-
the Oblates of Notre Dame read Quevedo’s statement. The prelate said due punishment for raids “has long current situation of the province’s infrastruc- retariat discussed the Alternative Mining
The 70-year old prelate said “collateral damage simply been meted out in an attrition of casualties and damaged tures and environmental issues. Bill.
means murder and deliberate unjustifiable destruction properties.” He added what remains is the “senseless A report presented during the forum by At least more than 100 people attended
of property.” logic of war, of action and reaction” and the “suffering the Eastern Samar Development Project the forum, representing parishes, ESDMT,
He explained armed conflict brings “more destruction on of thousands of civilian evacuees.” Monitoring Team (ESDMT) highlighted the non-government organizations, academe
civilians than on combatants” because for every combatant “For the sake of our evacuees and in the name of our controversies involving the unfinished con- and media.
killed “scores of civilians suffer or die.” He noted for the past one God of Peace, end your war! Go back to the negotiat- struction of road projects by the Department Representatives also came from govern-
12 months, he has seen thousands of civilians languishing in ing table,” he added. He appealed to both sides to let the of Public Works and Highways (DWPH). ment agencies, including the local govern-
evacuation camps “first in Pikit and PALMA areas and now thousands of evacuees to safely return to their homes as The dreadful condition of roads in Eastern ment, Department of Environment and
in Datu Piang and other places in Maguindanao.” he called on to “collaborate with one another and reha- Samar has always been a perennial prob- Natural Resources (DENR), Mining and
He said “such human tragedy, spawned brutal retal- bilitate the evacuees’ destroyed properties.” lem in the province which the people have Geosciences Bureau (MGB), Philippine
iatory terrorism elsewhere in our region” in Southern “Give them another chance for a truly human life,” the learned to live with. Army and Philippine National Police.
Philippines. prelate added. Environmental issues as regards the im- Resolutions concerning mining and en-
“From the depths of my soul I can only cry out to all He concluded by saying “there is no human conflict plementation of Ecological Solid Waste Man- vironmental issues have been drafted and
warring parties, ‘Enough is enough!’” as he appealed to that cannot be solved through a genuine honest dialogue agement Act (RA 9003) and mining concerns agreed on by the participants at the end of
the warring factions to end their respective “search and of the heart.” (Melo M. Acuna) were also tackled during the meeting. the meeting. (Pinky Barrientos, FSP)
A8 People, Facts & Places CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009
Nuncio leads
jubilee celebration
of San Jose diocese
THE diocese of San Jose, Nueva Ecija current bishop of Tarlac, Bishop Leo July 14, 2009 to July 14, 2010.
marked its 25th year of canonical erec- M. Drona, SDB, the 2nd Bishop of San Three churches were designated as
tion with a solemn mass on July 14, led Jose and current Bishop of San Pablo, official pilgrimage churches during the
by the Apostolic Nuncio in the Phil- and Bishop Oscar Solis, a native of San year-long jubilee celebration. They are
ippines, Archbishop Edward Joseph Jose and currently Auxiliary Bishop of the Cathedral of St. Joseph the Worker
Adams. the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, USA in San Jose City, St. Nicholas of Tolen-
Contributed photo
Themed Ika-25 taong anibersaryo: concelebrated the Eucharist. tine Church in Carranglan, St. Jerome
hamon sa patuloy na pagpapalaganap ng The clergy from the Dioceses of San Church in Sto. Domingo, and St. Roch
Damayang Kristiyano, the opening of the Jose, Cabanatuan, Tarlac and Cubao Church in Cuyapo.
year-long jubilee festivities was held at also joined the celebration. A plenary indulgence is granted to
the Cathedral of St. Joseph the Worker, A jubilee message from the Pope was the faithful who visit any of the jubilee San Jose, Nueva Ecija Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara with papal nuncio Archbishop Edward Joseph
Adams during the processional entrance.
San Jose City. read by Bishop Sofronio Bancud of Ca- Churches provided they observe the
Twenty-nine other prelates includ- banatuan during the Mass. necessary requirements needed to re- the mass. Among those cited were the tee meets once a month to plan for the
ing San Jose, Nueva Ecija Bishop Mylo Bishop Vergara read the declaration ceive the indulgence. papal nuncio, the former bishops and occasion.
Hubert Vergara, Bishop Florentino officially opening the Jubilee Year of the The diocese also distributed plaques two lay persons, Mr. Jayson Alejo who
Cinense, first bishop of San Jose and Diocese of San Jose, Nueva Ecija from of appreciation towards the end of won the logo making contest and Mr. Upcoming celebrations
Francisco Beni, who topped the song The year-long jubilee festivities also
writing contest. provided a means for the diocese to
Among the faithful who graced the thank the different sectors which jour-
occasion were representatives of differ- neyed with the bishopric through the
ent sectors and parishes of the diocese. years.
Government officials headed by the A monthly celebration will highlight
Governor of Nueva Ecija, Aurelio Um- the different sectors and their contribu-
ali, Representatives Cherry Umali and tion to the growth of the diocese: August,
Joseph Gilbert Violago also attended Religious; September, Catechists; Oc-
the celebration. tober, Indigenous People/Community
Based Health Program Workers; No-
Jubilee preparations vember, Schools; December, Damayang
Preparations for the jubilee have been Kristiyano; January 2009, Parish Workers
going on since 2007. Vergara formed an and Lay leaders; February, Clergy and
AdHoc committee headed by the Vicar Seminarians; March, Mandated Orga-
General Msgr. Rolando Mabutol to nizations; April, Youth; May, Farmers;
Contributed photo
oversee the groundwork for the jubilee June, Parish wide celebrations.
celebrations. A synthesis of the year-long celebra-
The committee heads and members tions will be the culminating activity
are composed of priests, religious nuns of the jubilee on July 2010. (Pinky Bar-
Twenty-nine Prelates concelebrated the jubilee mass. and lay leaders. The AdHoc Commit- rientos, FSP)
ELECTED. Fr. Manny Guazon, a priest from the Archdiocese of Lipa has
and foes, even within the Church. FABC has 15 Episcopal Conferences been recently elected as Chairman of the Association of Foundations,
And despite his retirement, the cardinal coming from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Inc. Guazon currently serves as Executive Director of Pondong Batangan
continued his advocacy for the Church in Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Laos-Cambodia, Community Foundation. He is also the chairperson of the Association
China and other key issues. Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei, Myanmar, of Foundations’ Community Foundations Committee and was former
president of SAIDI. An acknowledged expert in organization develop-
Catholics in China are split between a Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, ment, Guazon is a board member of the Lipa Metropolitan Chapter of the
state-sanctioned church and an underground Cardinal Joseph Zen Thailand and Vietnam. Bishops-Businessmen’s Conference for Human Development, serving as
church that opposes government ties and Center in Paco, Manila. It also has ten associate members from its Chairman of the Committee on Programs. With his election, the Board
follows only the Pope. Other cardinals attending the plenary Hong Kong, Macau, Mongolia, Nepal, has regional representation. Guazon joins Ms. Marichu Lopez in repre-
An estimated 120 prelates will be visiting meeting are Telesphore Toppo and Oswald Kyrgyzstan, Siberia (Russia), Tajikistan, senting Luzon. Mesdames Domi Chua, Edith Villanueva and Gina Martin
along with Sonny Carpio all hail from the Visayas while Dodoy Magdolot
the Philippines for the 9th plenary assembly Gracias, both from India, and John Baptist Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and East Timor, and Bro. Bob McGovern are from Mindanao. (Fr.Noni Dolor)
of the Federation of Asian Catholic Bishops’ Cardinal Phan Min Manh from Vietnam. which are Church territories with less than
Conferences (FABC) on August 10-16. The FABC secretariat said the Vatican will three dioceses or ecclesiastical territories. ELECTED. Fr. Randolf
Archbishops Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales also be sending Francis Cardinal Arinze to This will be the second time that such a ple- Flores, SVD as Chair-
man of the Board of
of Manila and Ricardo Cardinal Vidal of represent Pope Benedict XVI. nary takes place in Manila, after the foundation Trustees of the Catholic
Cebu are among the Filipino prelates attend- He is currently Prefect Emeritus of the of the Federation in Manila in1970, and the 6th Biblical Association of
ing the event at the Pope Pius XII Catholic Congregation for Divine Worship and the Plenary Assembly in 1995. (Roy Lagarde) the Philippines (CBAP)
for 2009-2010. Other
members of the Board
UST Theological Society holds Week of Prayer for Priests are: Sr. Bernardita Di-
anzon, FSP, secretary;
Sr. Miriam Alejandrino,
OSB, member; Fr. Gil
THE University of Sto. Tomas be recited at the start of the class the Ecclesiastical Faculties on On Aug. 3, the campus Alinsangan, SSP, mem-
Theological Society started this in their respective classrooms July 27. It was venerated dur- ministry facilitated a Taize ber; Fr. Cielito Almazan,
year’s “Week of Prayer and during the entire celebration of ing the second day by the High prayer for priests to students OFM, member; Fr. Leander Barrot, OAR, member; Fr. Victor Nicdao,
member; Fr. Felipe Fruto Ramirez, SJ, member; and Fr. Herbert Schneider,
Gratitude for Priests” with a the religious event. School Department and by the of the university, followed SJ, member. Flores is at the same time President/Executive Director
Mass led by Batanes Bishop The image of St. John Vianney Faculty of Medicine and Surgery by a solemn vespers held in and Dianzon is Secretary. The vice-president and treasurer have yet to
Camilo Gregorio at the UST will be venerated by faculty, on July 29. the Central Seminary gym- be elected in the next Board meeting on August 2009. The election took
chapel last July 27. heads, and students of desig- In the afternoon, the proces- nasium. place July 17-19, 2009 during the 10th annual convention of the organi-
zation held at Phinma, Tagaytay City. CBAP is an association of biblical
The Week of Prayer and nated departments or colleges. It sion of the image of St. John A Prayer Vigil was held at scholars and exegetes committed to studying and spreading the Word of
Gratitude for Priests, in line will stay in a particular depart- Vianney was led by the deans, the Central Seminary chapel God. The group also promotes partnership on common projects with the
with the Church’s celebra- ment throughout the day and professors, staff and students by the representative stu- other members of the recognized Biblical organizations worldwide. The
tion of the sesquicentennial through prayer, incensing the of the Faculty of Medicine and dents, deans and professors biblical organization works hand in hand with the Episcopal Commission
anniversary of St. John Mary image, and solemn procession, Surgery to the administrative from different faculties, col- on Biblical Apostolate (ECBA) of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the
Philippines (CBCP). (Kate Laceda)
Vianney and dedication for the image will be transferred to building. The image was brought leges, and institutes of the
the “Year for Priests”, will be another department on the suc- back to the Central Seminary, university at the culmination LAUNCHED. Two-year
holding a nine-day celebration ceeding day. July 31. of the nine-day liturgical preparation for the gold-
that will culminate on the Feast The procession of the image The Triduum Prayer in com- event. en jubilee celebration of
the Diocese of Laoag,
of St. John Mary Vianney on accompanied by the students of memoration of the Cure of Ars, A concelebrated mass July 26, St. William
Aug. 4. the Faculties of Sacred Theology the patron of the secular priests, capped the Week of Prayer and Cathedral, Laoag City.
The prayer for priests of St. and Philosophy was initiated by the Central Seminary com- Gratitude for Priests. (Vanessa Archbishop Edward
Therese of the Child Jesus will from the Central Seminary to munity began August 1. Puno) Joseph Adams, Apos-
tolic Nuncio in the Philip-
pines led the Eucharis-
shoes to give way to the tuition or an economic and moral problem. The
In the beginning one thought the tricycle “baon” of the children. Any posturing insatiable lusting for more—supported
will answer all the needs to go around of leadership whether parental, by desire and strengthened by greed—is
the town; then the craving for a jeep social, economic or national, without both a psychological and a spiritual
took over. Now it is SUV. discipline of self cannot ultimately be problem. If that lust and desire for
“As a want of a lower order is being moral. It needs personal spiritual effort resources, money and its equivalent is
satisfied, it becomes less and less to become a moral person. Morality so strong that it becomes compulsive,
important, with a want of the next cannot be proclaimed nor can it be then a more professional help must be
in a
highest-order becoming more and gained by advertising one’s self. urged.
more important… What matters is the The second requisite for the person’s
insight that wants are not absolute: moral conduct is not to cause anyone Detachment from anything or Person
the more a want is being satisfied, the harm. (Never to do evil). The Greek not Rooted in God
less its satisfaction matters”. (PETER physician Hippocrates prescribed However, most of us mortals are in
DRUCKER, People and Performance, for all those who would be involved the same boat and what we need is
p. 216). The truth about values and in the healing profession never to do Christ until the storm of our desires
behavior is evident in the way we have anybody any harm. “PRIMUM NON has passed, and we have all reached
things; our houses, offices, garages and NOCERE”. Above all, not knowingly the shore. Jesus is whom we need and
bodegas are cluttered with objects we to do harm to anyone. This is positive we may address him like the apostles
thought we urgently needed. Value manner of saying avoid what is evil. did, “Lord, save us”. Jesus saved the
scaling easily transits to greed. The Avoid hurting anyone. So many times Apostles in the boat with His Presence
worst part is that we may not be aware this advisory is heard in the home, the and His power. When a heavily loaded
of our own hierarchy of avarice. school, churches and streets. It is still boat is threatened and about to capsize,
stated in the negative. “Don’t” Huwag! the command of the Captain is to jettison
Avarice and Greed Silently Lurk Sinasaway! This is the root of the the load. In the human scale of values
behind the Desire for More Tagalog word “pasaway”. The whole anything can be thrown away in order
It now appears that in making money mentality behind the second requisite to save lives. For heaven and eternal life
(earning) and in the management of is preventive. everything can be cast away. Money,
money (banking and saving) the value The third requisite for moral conduct power, prestige, wealth, Presidency,
system of the person has been badly is very positive. It sources from a Senatorship, Barangay Captain’s office?
devastated. At the root of the present mentality that reaches out to another. This is the reason why Jesus counseled
financial and economic crisis is a moral It does what is good whenever and the rich young man, “Go, sell your
or ethical problem. People who handle wherever good is perceived. Moral possessions, give to the poor and come
huge amount of money or resources have individuals are proactive persons; they follow me”.
(Talk of Manila Archbishop Gaudencio lost their values; with management they
co-opt both the present and the future.
make initiatives for good, they do not
wait that they may retaliate. Obviously,
In all our scales of values God must
outbalance everything and everyone.
B. Cardinal Rosales during the First The idea of honesty and transparency is
lost. Management as the supreme form
high in the value of moral persons is
the practice of sharing. Obviously the
He tips the balance always to His side.
No one sits on the opposite side of the
Saturday MAGPAS on July 4, 2009 of stewardship is only imaginary. What
I have is not completely and ultimately
CEO’s and GM’s mentioned earlier in
our reflection would not fit rightly into
balance to even try to displace God.
From the idea of detachment the value of
at the Cardinal Sin Auditorium, Paco mine. We will be responsible not only
for what we hold in possession, but even
the category of moral management and
stewards we are today considering,
the Kingdom enters from the periphery
to take the center, because the idea of
Catholic School, Paco, Manila delivered for what we have desired. “Thou shalt
not covet thy neighbors’ good,” so says
just as not all will be worthy of the King brings us in human language/
Bishop ……………………………….. 1
Diocesan …………………………… 27
Filipino …………………….………… 6
Foreign ……………………………… 4
Brothers ……………………………… 9
Sisters ………………………………... 45
In Theology ……….………….. 13
In College …………………...…….. 21
In Pre-college ……………..………. 25
On guided regency …………….. 8
Parishes ……………...……………… 16
Quasi-Parish .…………………... 1
Population ……..……………… 783,179
Catholics ……………..………. 418,803
Area …………….…… 24,189.19 sq. km
Diocese of Kidapawan
“History is not only a record of the past. It is the unfolding of possibilities. Embedded
in it are seeds of change and creative acts for a better future.”
Liturgical Leadership (LLL) Program matched it with intensified persecution roamed the barangays to sow fear and and the resolve to implement the event that caused untold suffering to the
was launched. The aim was to form in the name of anti-insurgency campaign. perpetuate terror among the residents. Council’s Acts and Decrees. A massive people during this time was the ALL-
and train lay leaders to lead the Sunday The BCC’s were tagged as mass bases of It was common knowledge that these education campaign was launched OUT WAR of the government against
Celebration of the Word of God in the the NPA’s and the lay leaders were often fanatics were being used by the military and preparations for another diocesan the MILF. TABANG MINDANAO again
absence of the priest. the targets of harassments and killings. as part of the so-called “low intensity assembly were commenced. The was involved but this time not only in the
The growth of the Church in the But the BCC’s would continue to gather conflict” tactics and the primary targets following year, in 1992, the Fourth relief work but in peace-building efforts.
Archdiocese of Cotabato came to the on Sundays in their chapels to celebrate were those identified as members and Diocesan General Assembly DGA IV) While these calamities caused suffering
point when it was time for it to give birth their faith and derive inspiration from it leaders of the BCC’s and those actively was held. We were that fast to respond, to those who were directly affected,
to another local Church. So, in June 12, and from the solidarity with one another. involved in human rights work. Thus, for we thrived on challenges. they also brought greater solidarity of
1976, the Prelature of Kidapawan was Two more Prelature General Assemblies a new wave of persecution happened. The Fifth Diocesan General Assembly people in communities. One expression
created and a Jesuit, Bishop Federico O. were convoked to strengthen the resolve As a response, Bishop Pueblos issued a affirmed the Vision and Mission of such solidarity was the formation of
Escaler, SJ, D.D. became the first local to continue building BCC’s and respond Statement of Concern in June 24, 1987 Statement of the previous Assembly but the UPPIF (Ustadzes, Priests, Pastors,
Ordinary. At that time, there were only to the signs of the times based on the followed by an appeal to prayer and this time integrated the challenges of PCP Imams Forum), a brainchild of the
11 priests, mostly Oblates, one Jesuit, imperative of the Gospel. fasting in July 29 of the same year. II in the goals and recommendations. The BUF (Bishops-Ulamas Conference). Fr.
and three diocesan. The historical event The situation became so intolerable In September 4, 1987, the Regional three-pronged renewal call of PCP II – Eddie Pedregosa, the IRD Coordinator
became an added impetus to build and that on Easter Sunday in 1981, Bishop Trial Court in the Province of Cotabato Renewed Catechesis, Renewed Social of the Diocese, was very instrumental
strengthen the BCC’s. More and more Quevedo issued a Pastoral Letter bearing sentenced to life imprisonment the Apostolate, and Renewed Worship – in organizing this forum the primary
parishes went into BCC organizing. the title and the call: The Lord is Risen: killers of Fr. Favali. Then a year later, the became FSW (Formation, Services, and purpose of which was to contribute
Consequently, a lot of lay leaders Be Not Afraid – Ayaw Kahadlok. The Diocese was again shaken when the LLP Worship). This FSW schema became to the peace-building process at the
emerged so that the need to form them people stood their ground knowing (Lay Leadership Program) Coordinator the umbrella under which the different grassroot level.
in the faith and to equip them with that the Risen Lord was with them. The of San Isidro Parish, Tulunan – Rading pastoral programs were run and In January, 2001, the Diocese
leadership skills became evident. Thus, BCC’s continued to grow as the priests Fajurano – was murdered. But the implemented from the diocesan level culminated the JUBILEE YEAR
the LLL became LLP (Lay Leadership assisted by committed lay leaders went diocese never considered quitting down to the smallest units of the BEC’s – with another diocesan-level activity.
Program) to highlight the shift in focus about nurturing their faith through or even to slow down its praxis and the Family Groupings (FG’s). Ministries Thousands of pilgrims from the
from forming and training lay leaders for various ministries. Such growth led tone down its voice. The blood that under the Formation category were BEC’s came to celebrate for one day
liturgical functions to enabling them to to the elevation of the Prelature into a Fr. Favali and the deeply committed Lay Leadership, Christian Formation, and one night. The Apostolic Nuncio,
lead the BCC’s in all aspects of church diocese in November 15, 1982. In a period leaders and members of the BEC’s shed Youth, Family and Life, and the Vocation Archbishop Antonio Franco graced
life. of more than two years, two Diocesan became added source of strength and Program. Under the Service Ministry the occasion. The following day, the
Barely a year after the Prelature was General Assemblies (1983 and 1985) inspiration and the fuel that spurred us were Justice and Peace and Integrity of diocesan Jubilee Cross was enshrined
created, in March 1-3, 1977, Bishop were convoked. Diocesan-wide events all to continue. Creation – Women Empowerment (JPIC- on the Cathedral grounds where to this
Escaler convoked the First Prelature like these would always serve to provide In 1989, there was a respite from WEP), the Tribal Filipino Program (TFP), day people would come to pray or just
General Assembly (PGA I) in which greater solidarity with one another and persecution and relative calm pervaded the CBHP, the Social Action (SAC), to see it.
the overall thrust – EDUCATION TO to strengthen the commitment to mission the entire local Church. But on the and the IRD (Inter-religious Dialogue). A few months after the close of
JUSTICE – was formulated. The young as enshrined in the diocesan thrust. pastoral front, the Diocese moved on and The Worship Ministry included the the Jubilee Year, in June 12, 2001, the
local Church took on the challenge to As the local Church was elevated to the conducted the Third Diocesan General formation and training of the different Diocese turned 25 as a local Church.
educate the people in the faith and in the diocese so did it also rise to international Assembly (DGA III). The delegates of ministers involved in the celebration The celebration, however, took place
demands it entails with regard to living it media prominence but above all to a this assembly spelled out the Vision, of the liturgy. The unifying principle on the morning of August 20, 2001 as
out in situations of conflict and injustice. higher level of witnessing to the gospel Mission, and Goals of the Diocese and of operation among these pastoral an opening salvo of the Fifth Diocesan
At that time, the political conflict between as a lot of people were killed on suspicion reformulated the Thrust from “Education ministries was “INTEGRATION” – the General Assembly (DGA V) which
the Muslims and the Christians which of supporting the NPA’s or of being one to Justice” to “EMPOWERING THE workers of all ministries to work hand was held from August 20 to 24, 2001.
started in late 1960’s was continuing. with them or simply because they were BEC’S FOR JUSTICE AND INTEGRAL in hand where and when appropriate in The Diocesan Pastoral Team headed
There were cases of land grabbing and members of the GKK’s or happened to DEVELOPMENT”. They envisioned line with the diocesan Vision, Mission by Fr. Rolando T. Tabosares, DCK, the
land-related conflicts. Abuses by the respond to those who called for help. BEC’s as having five components and Thrust. Steering these changes at Diocesan Pastoral Coordinator, did a
military and para-military units were Crowning the long line of these victims corresponding to the five rays of a star: the diocesan level were the Diocesan lot of preparations to make the 25th
also rampant. Communist insurgency of violence and conflict was Fr. Tullio Ray 1 – Sharing based on the Bible; Pastoral Coordinator and the Diocesan Anniversary Celebration and the DGA
was spreading and intensifying. As a Favali, PIME who was murdered in Ray 2 – Service to the Community; Ray Pastoral Team (DPT). At this time, the V a resounding success.
response to these realities, the parishes La Esperanza, Tulunan in April 25, 3 – Educating to Justice and Peace; Ray need for initiatives towards greater The DGA V formulated a new Vision
conducted consultations and education 1985. Despite the persecution, the 5 – Self-reliant communities practicing self-reliance was again emphasized as and Mission Statement and updated
sessions in the BCC’s. Prominent among local Church moved on with its work solidarity in love. This metaphor of funds from abroad for the sustenance of the Goals and Recommendations of
these was the Farmers’ Consultations of educating the people to justice. The BEC’s became known as GKK STAR the pastoral programs dwindled. It was DGA IV.
and Couples Formation. situation of persecution and injustice MODEL that served to guide pastoral time to really stand on our own. In 2003, Fr. Rolando Tabosares, DCK,
These activities raised the level of became a challenge and an impetus for action just like the Star of Bethlehem the Diocesan Pastoral Coordinator
the consciousness of the people with growth in the faith and in other aspects that guided the Magi in their search for Building on the Gains of the Past, Kidapawan / B7
CBCP Monitor
B4 Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009
Archbishop of Jaro LET the entire nation pause in prayer to thank God for President
CBCP President Corazon C. Aquino. She was not just the President who gave back to
August 1, 2009 the Filipinos the freedom and democracy they had lost. She was both
President and Icon of what an authentic, truthful and honest leader was
to a people whose long experience was to look for a guide who would
Cory Aquino was said to have wrestled with herself and conscience
MILLIONS of Filipinos shouted many of her fellow campaigners side of the Marcos regime. We From afar I followed her progress before deciding to offer herself as an alternative to a harsh dictator-
the battle cry, “Cory! Cory! delighted the huge crowd in the during the campaign and prayed ship. And when finally, crowned with the people’s trust, she even
walked the few meters from the suffered more when in the process of guiding the country, countless
Cory!,” throughout the campaign town plaza, she came for a quiet Bishop’s residence to the grave for her to win. attempts were put to destabilize the people’s fledgling newly regained
period for the Snap Elections visit to the Bishop’s Residence. and we prayed for Fr. Tullio. We organized NAMFREL in democracy.
of 1986. Finally Filipinos had She wore her signature yellow Her brief visit and presence Kidapawan. Thank God, most
real hope in ousting President dress. Obviously she was the was a lifting of the spirit for a of our Clergy, Religious, and Lay Let the country thank Cory Aquino for she indeed completed Ninoy
Aquino’s dream of saving, serving and sacrificing his life for the Filipino
Ferdinand Marcos from an office darling of our lay staff and she Church that had known so much Leaders were willing. A handful People.
he had held since 1964. had picture taking with them. suffering from human rights did not think that the elections
More than an icon of democracy After exchanging pleasantries abuses from 1980 to 1985. would help and opted with the I cannot think of Cory, in her genuine simplicity and honesty, without
Cory was and is to me my I asked her to go with me and From that time on Cory was Left for boycott. remembering Ninoy Aquino and his passion to serve, to give and to
personal symbol of Inang Bayan, visit the grave of Fr. Tullio Favali, for me the woman who best Cory campaigned with a
our beloved Motherland. P.I.M.E., The brutal murder of this symbolized motherland, Inang simple down to earth, womanly Ninoy’s sacrifice for a dream for the Filipino made Corazon C. Aquino.
I first met President Cory gentle Italian missionary priest in Bayan. And her gracious, gentle, and motherly style of talking, Cory Aquino’s simplicity and fidelity to a dream to guide the people com-
Aquino during her campaign 1985 by paramilitary forces had laid back and kind manner just like telling a story, devoid pletes the story of the Filipino People. But the story needs subsequent
volumes that now the Filipino People will to fill up, live and write.
sortie to Kidapawan. While demonstrated for me the darkest reinforced that first intuition. Cory / B7
Requiem Mass for Former President Corazon Aquino May the ever Merciful God keep you Cory, closest to Him. And May
you now enjoy the Rest you deserve! May she rest in Peace!
Homily of Ricardo Cardinal Vidal at the Manila Metropolitan Cathedral; August 4, 2009
My dear Sisters and Brothers and insensitivity. Archbishop of Manila
in Christ: It was not our struggle from August 1, 2009
This is often the lot of leaders the beginning. At least not to
not to enter the land they have the majority of us. We were
promised to their followers.
Corazon Aquino did not
complacent at the loss of our
freedoms, too afraid to raise
She lived with a clear conscience
promise a land for us to enter a voice or too contented to AS the nation grieves over the darkening of humanity with the going
and own, but in each of our complain. And yet, her pain home of President Cory, we may speak of her as a person and as a presi-
minds, we imagined utopias awakened our indignation. In dent. As a person, she was one of deep and authentic Christian faith.
that suited our tastes, and so one woman’s pain, we felt the This faith was in her like the light which gave her life the consistent bond
of integrity; she lived, as the Apostle writes, “with a clear conscience.” In
began the unraveling of the loss of our dignity at last. She did one moment of levity, I told my brother bishops that Cory was far more
promise of EDSA. not paint for us a promised land, Christian than all of us...and no one contradicted me.
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media
receive the Eucharist. When we receive though we were capable of usurping the
the Eucharist, we don’t assimilate the power of God. We decide what God can
food, the Food assimilates us. When we and cannot do to effect our salvation.
receive the Eucharist, Jesus transforms That’s the beginning of today’s gospel. It
us. Instead of the food taking on our life, is a Pelagian attitude. That was a heresy
we take on the life of the Lord. We just we all share a bit in that says “I can
heard: “Just as the living Father sent me cause my own salvation.” No, it is not
and I have life because of the Father, so about me. It is about Jesus. Everything
also the one who feeds on me will have that matters is about Jesus. He saves
life because of me.” receive communion or when we come the reason why He became one of us, was that shall be shed for you and for all until me, and He does it for only one reason:
During the last three or four years, to pray before the Blessed Sacrament, we the gift of Himself in His passion, death the end of time.” When we receive the He loves me.
more and more people in our parish have don’t just kneel before a static object. It and resurrection: the Paschal Event. The Eucharist, Jesus is present as the Servant The marvelous paradox of our
recognized the importance of adoring is not a crucifix or a statue that reminds gift of His sacrificial love re-established of God who in his sacrificial death is Eucharistic relationship with Jesus is that
the Presence of the Lord in the Blessed us of something. This is Jesus. The One our union with God and our capacity saving us all. Right here, right now. the more we have Him, the hungrier we
Sacrament. A few years ago we added Who Is. When we receive communion or to share in his immortality. Or to put it Today’s Gospel states: ‘The one who are for Him. Only, God in His Infinite
four hours to the time set aside for First come to adoration, we come before the simply: because He died for us we can feds on my flesh and drinks my blood Wisdom could find a way to satisfy our
Friday adoration. A little while after dynamic, powerful Presence who speaks live forever with him. has life eternal.” In the real presence of hungry hearts while leaving us hungry
that we began the custom of initiating to us through the life He has given us. When Jesus gave us his Body and Jesus in the Eucharist we receive Jesus for Him. We can’t get enough of Him.
Lent with Forty Hours. One of the joys How great is our God. He has found Blood the night before He died and when saving his people. We never will until we are fully united
of the Life Teen program is that it leads a way for each of us to have continual, He gives us his Body and Blood every When we receive communion, to Him in heaven.
our young people to have a real hunger intimate encounters with Him. Pope time we receive communion, the Lord we receive Jesus saving us now. We Today we pray for the Gift of the Holy
to receive communion and to adore the Benedict XVI writes that the Eucharist gives us the total sacrifice of Himself to receive Christ strengthening us and Spirit called Reverence. May we revere
Lord in the Eucharist. is the Dynamic Presence that grasps us his Father. “This is my Body which shall transforming our joys and sorrows the Dynamic Presence that assimilates
The attraction of the Eucharist is and makes us His Own. be given up for you. This is the cup of my into prayers to his Father. Our union us into Himself every time we receive
dynamic. Jesus is dynamic. When we The fundamental action of Jesus’s life, Blood, the new and everlasting covenant with Christ in the Eucharist is union His Body and Blood.
Bo Sanchez
flattened cartons covered in plastic sheets leaned more. The poverty situation in the Philippines,
against shanties made of plywood scraps that according to the World Bank, is worse than that
joined upscale hovels made of tins cans beaten of its counterparts in the region.
Cory / B5 Requiem / B5
of the oratorical and sometimes honesty and integrity of the elections. to the hospital. I gave Cardinal Vidal power to choose our leaders, but duly elected president in 1992.
pompous style of many campaigners. He asked me to moderate the session, my three essential points for a draft: we did not always choose wisely. Today, selfless giving is a pipe dream.
Her enthusiastic reception by millions summarize and synthesize the results. (a) that the elections were substantially We were granted back our power to Today, shameless self-promotion is the
of people made it increasingly clear Each of the Bishops spoke. There was fraudulent; (b) that President Marcos protest, but we protested at every turn. order of the day. But we cannot even
that change was imminent, in the air. no doubt – the elections were filled had no moral basis to retain power; (c) At every level of society, there was blame those who promote themselves
The agents of change would be the with fraud, fraud that literally changed that this immoral situation had somehow only one desire to fulfill—to protect long before the election season has
enthusiastic millions, young and old, the results. to be corrected. I gave all my notes to one’s interest, to further one’s lot, to started. After all, we only vote for those
who listened to her and shouted “Cory! We then went to reflect on this situation Cardinal Vidal. extend one’s territory. We forgot that faces we see on our television screens.
Cory! Cory!” and pray before the Blessed Sacrament. Cory called for strikes and boycotts. the promise of Cory was simply this, We have wandered far from the land
The Snap Elections were held on The Bishops came together again and Then Minister Juan Ponce Enrile and that she would give us back what has we have promised ourselves.
February 7, 1986. On February 13-14, worked on a statement which they General Fidel Ramos broke away from been taken away from us, for she will Leaders oftentimes do not enter the
1986, the Bishops gathered in plenary approved by consensus. This was the the Marcos government. With that came not take it for herself, she will even land they promised to their followers.
assembly as they had previously agreed, dramatic post-election statement. The the call of Cardinal Jaime Sin for people give up her own life if only she can Cory did not paint a promised land
should any emergency take place. This Bishops declared: “According to moral to go to EDSA and protect the small give us back our life, our dignity, our for us. She only showed us the way.
was emergency. The government press principles, a government that assumes breakaway band of soldiers. freedom. The way is open for us, if we only
was saying that Marcos had already won or retains power through fraudulent For me the call to EDSA was genuinely Selfless giving was her one great learn how to sacrifice self-interest for
the elections. means has no moral basis.” a call to protect Cory, my personal promise, and she fulfilled it not only the sake of the common good. In the
Cardinal Ricardo Vidal, the President Until today I deeply regret that I symbol of Inang Bayan. when she took power at EDSA, not only end, it is our decision to commence
of the Bishops’ Conference, called for had no direct hand in drafting the final when she governed us for six years, entering the land we have promised
each Bishop to share the experience of statement. Cardinal Vidal had asked me +ORLANDO B. QUEVEDO, O.M.I. but most importantly, at the peaceful ourselves, or continue to wander in
NAMFREL in his diocese regarding the to help write the draft. But I had to go Archbishop of Cotabato transfer of power from her to the next the wilderness.
Kidapawan / B4
and a student in the OD emerged: 1) The parish is the The new role given the new team 5) sustainability: from too much D.D. arrived in June 19, 2008, we of the Vicariates are now called
Doctoral Program of SAIDI locus of pastoral action; 2) was to respond to the needs of dependence on outside sources rejoiced. We were very much Vicars Forane. For each Vicariate,
(Southeast Asia Interdisciplinary FSW (Formation, Service and the parishes when requested and to intensifying initiatives for grateful to the Holy Father, Pope a religious sister has been assigned
Development Institute) Worship) is the content of when necessary - with the explicit self-reliance, both human Benedict VI for gifting us with whose role is Vicariate Pastoral
introduced Appreciative Inquiry formation work and the basis of approval of the parish priest. hey and material; 6) relationship a shepherd who is not only at Animator and who functions
(AI) as an alternative approach to organizing activities and people; would also act as conduit of ideas with the BEC’s: from BEC’s as home but home with us as he is as resource person, capability
pastoral action. AI sees and acts 3) AI as an alternative approach and accomplishments among the beneficiaries of to BEC’s as active one of our own, a Kidapaweño. builder and co-journeyer. She
on problems from the perspective to pastoral action; 4) The Clergy diocesan districts and the parishes, participants in pastoral action. Many of us priests have known works with the parish priests
of positive possibilities, the and the lay people are partners and would prepare and facilitate Like in all change initiatives, the him closely because he was once within the Vicariate in equipping
perspective of the half-filled in the ministry; 5) Increase and diocesan-level activities agreed momentum for change picked our college seminary rector and parish lay animators to work in
glass. And the desired effect intensification of self-reliance on in the Clergy Meeting. The up slowly. Some said they were later spiritual director. After the the different ministries with a
is positive transformation, a initiatives. Giving rootedness DBPS, however, was transitional, groping for a sure footing and a euphoria of his installation as focus on Christian Formation
revolution in positive change on and meaning to these are Jesus for it was envisioned that the clearer horizon to focus on and Bishop of Kidapawan subsided, (Catechesis). What remains
the personal and collective level. and the Church and the expected diocesan pastoral programs walk towards. No matter how we lost no time to get down to at the diocesan level in this new
Experiencing the process itself is fruits are transformed individual would eventually be taken care of positive an approach is, the pull of business. In a meeting with set up? The Diocesan Pastoral
already transformative. Christians and empowered the district level. Some diocesan- traditional ways and the security the Diocesan Clergy (DCK) in Coordinator remains the priest
The shift from problem-solving BEC’s. These guide posts for level pastoral workers had to of old comfort zones are stronger August of 2008, the new bishop tasked to oversee and push
mode of conversations, dialogues, pastoral ministry were endorsed discontinue working with the than any desired state of things. listened to the call for a TOTAL for the implementation of the
and praxis to ever-expanding by the then Bishop Romulo G. Diocese. REVAMP of assignment of five principles throughout the
positive possibilities of individual Valles, D. D. during the Macro- During the annual Diocesan Moving on…Getting Better: priests in the parishes. After a entire diocese. To do this, he
and communal actions, though at Synchronized Assembly (an Macro-Synchronized Assembly “Duc in Altum” (2007-Present) series of consultations with the coordinates with the priests at
times painful and taxing, led to annual gathering of the Clergy in December of 2006, the The unfolding of our envisioned priests themselves and some the different levels and with the
some realizations and insights, and the lay pastoral animators) bishop officially declared the desired situation seemed to parishioners in several parishes, priests assigned as directors for
and to more actions. Following in December, 2005. composition of the DBPS and the stand still when in November new appointments were made the different ministries. He can
the introduction of AI, the The implementation of these adoption of the five principles of 2006 Rome announced the and then announced during the also be a resource person for the
Diocesan Clergy underwent an principles for pastoral action for pastoral action. The Diocesan appointment of our Shepherd, Chrism Mass at the Cathedral – parishes and other organizations
annual retreat in November of necessitated changes in the Pastoral Coordinator articulated Bishop Romulo G. Valles, Our Lady Mediatrix of All Grace and groups in such areas as
2003 using AI as the framework. pastoral programs from the several shifts that were taking D.D. as the new Archbishop Parish – on April 8, 2009. The planning and assessment,
Fr. Gregorio Bañaga of Adamson diocesan level down to the parish place: 1) pastoral approach: of Zamboanga. For the fourth new assignments took effect on education-formation work such
University in Manila facilitated level. The ever reliable Diocesan from problem-based to strength- time in 31 years our diocese June 1, 2009. The assignments as giving lectures, seminars,
the Retreat for us assisted by Sr. Pastoral Team (DPT), whose based; 2) pastoral work: from was again without a bishop. In of priests involved in non-parish trainings, recollections and
Bles Fabricante, PhD. Two more primary role was to manage pastoral programs to pastoral January of 2007 he was installed work were renewed for a period retreats, even personal coaching
AI-based Seminar-Workshops the Pastoral Programs, was ministries; 3) playing field: from in Zamboanga and in January 15 of three years only. and organizational consultancy
followed in 2004: Team Building reconstituted into DBPS (Diocesan diocese level to parish level, of the same year we elected Fr. Another very historical and services. He is accountable
and AI Trainers’ Training. BEC Pastoral Secretariate). The with the diocesan districts as Armando C. Angeles, DCK as the important decision made in directly to the bishop whom
On the second half of 2005, responsibility for the pastoral fora; 4) description of workers: Diocesan Administrator. that August 2008 meeting was he keeps updated on pastoral
after a series of meetings, five programs was assumed by the from pastoral workers (or When our new bishop, Most to open a diocesan seminary. matters.
principles of pastoral action parish priests at the parish level. contacts) to pastoral animators; Rev. Romulo T. De La Cruz, After careful preparations and In cases where diocesan level
series of meetings, the seminary pastoral activities and projects
was eventually opened last June are called for and agreed upon in
3, 2009 with 25 young men as the the Clergy Meeting, the Diocesan
first batch of seminarians. They Pastoral Coordinator assumes
are enrolled as First Year college the lead role of facilitating
students at the Notre Dame of and coordinating. The Clergy
Name _________________________________________________ Kidapawan College. The bishop Meeting is the venue to consult
(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name) appointed Frs. Allan Sasi, DCK, and make decisions with the
Rey Salvador, DCK and Charles Presbyterium, when appropriate.
Allan Nemenzo, DCK, as Rector, However, the bishop always has
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing Address _______________________________________________ Dean of Seminarians and Spiritual the prerogative, being the head
_________________________________________________ Director respectively. To prepare of the Diocese.
professors to teach Philosophy, At any rate, we are still in the
The CBCP Monitor is published fort- Phone No.: ________ Fax No.: ________ E-mail: ___________ two diocesan priests – Frs. Gerry midst of a transition period.
nightly by the CBCP Media Office, with Mode of Payment Tacdoro, DCK and Rey Salvador, There is so much room to grow
DCK. - have enrolled in the and develop, many possibilities
editorial and business offices at 470 Check/PMO enclosed Cash Payment masteral program for Philosophy to discover and even create. We
Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila. PO at Ateneo de Davao University in are all into this and together we
(Payable to: CBCP Communications Development Foundation Inc.)
Box 3601, 1076 MCPO Davao City. More priests will be sail, together we reach for the
• Domestic sent for further studies to teach destination we have been rearing
1 Year Php 500.00 _____________________________ the seminarians. to go. We may not arrive at this
2 Years Php 900.00 Signature On the pastoral front, a stronger situation in our lifetime. But the
• Foreign: Asia push for the implementation joy and fulfillment might be in the
of expected major changes at journey itself, for we know that
1 Year US$ 55.00
the diocesan level was made. God is always with us and Mary
• All Other US$ 80.00 The transitional DBPS was is journeying with us. That means
PLEASE SEND TO: dissolved and the members were we sharpen our focus but savor
CBCP Monitor, P.O. Box 3601, Manila, Philippines compensated. The four diocesan and enjoy the pilgrimage. And
470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila, Philippines | Tel (632) 404-2182 • Telefax (632) 404-1612 districts were reconstituted and so we say with the late Pope John
Or e-mail this at [email protected] renamed as Vicariates. The heads Paul II, “Duc in altum!”
B8 Entertainment CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009
Title: The Proposal matter including each other’s in her convincing and likeable
Cast: Sandra Bullock, Ryan family. Though together in the portrayal of the high-powered
Moral Assessment Technical Assessment
Reynolds, Mary Steen- office for 3 years, they virtually uptight New York woman (with
burgen, Craig T. Nelson, know nothing of each other. For the formidable look in pencil skirts
Abhorrent Poor Mary White, Ramon Oscar
Disturbing Below average
Nuñez, Dennis O’Hore familiarization, on the part of and stiletto heels) who is touched
Director: Anne Fletcher Margaret, they visit Andrew’s and transformed by the loving
Acceptable Average
Producers: David Hoberman, parents in Sitka, Alaska. Thinking embrace of Andrew’s family. Ryan
Wholesome Above average
Todd Lieberman Sitka is some God forsaken Alaska Reynolds’ performance is just
Exemplary E
xcellent Screenwriter: Pete Chiarelli outpost, she gets the shock of as commendable as he matches
Music: Aaron Zigman her life when she instead sees a Sandra’s snappy banter and comic
Editor: Priscilla Nedd-Friendly charming, urbanized town with skills. Very good support is given
Genre: Romantic Comedy warm welcoming people. Loving by Mary Steenburgen and Nelson
Cinematography: Oliver Staple- and very closely knit, Andrew’s Craig as Andrew’s parents, Mary
wacky family is thrilled to know White as the 90 year old grandma
Distributor: Touchtone Pictures
Location: USA Andrew and Margaret are getting and the preacher-exotic dancer
Running Time: 107 min. married. With no affection for each Ramon.
Technical Assessment: other, they have to pretend before The Proposal is entertaining
family and friends that they are in and enjoyable. Scenes of family
Moral Assessment:
CINEMA Rating: For viewers love. This situation is the well spring closeness, togetherness, affection,
age 13 and below with of many embarrassment and funny generosity and understanding
parental guidance moments. will not fail to touch a chord in the
The Proposal has a plot that hearts of those who value family
Young and attractive, Margaret is as old as the hills; two people relationships. It is heartwarming
Tate (Sandra Bullock), an executive who almost hate each other at the to see here depicted these “old
and book editor of a New York beginning end up getting to like fashioned” values still existing in
publishing empire, comes across each other, in spite of the madcap some towns though practically lost
also as tyrannical. Demanding, she obstacles that come their way. in the fast rat race in the cities. The
so intimidated her staff that they Very predictable and formulaic old grandma especially may be a bit
panic once she enters her office. but it does not bore. Cheerfully bizarre in her antics but she delights
Though seeming invulnerable, done, this romantic comedy with us in her simplicity, wit, and respect
one day she gets a notice from the all its conventions entertains with for family traditions. On the other
U.S. Immigration office informing its hilarious moments. The humor hand, there are some negative
her of her imminent deportation is devoid of vulgarity, though one elements here that should not be
to Canada due to an expired visa embarrassing funny scene involves glossed over. Like, for instance,
(She’s Canadian). She devises a plan the two lead actors in the nude. the way marriage is viewed by
to get the coveted visa, that is, by The cinematography enhances the Margaret and Andrew as a vehicle
marrying her surprised assistant viewers’ pleasure. Though said to to attain ambition, power, or
Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds). have been filmed in Massachusetts other mundane practical results
She proposes a sham marriage and Rhode Island, it replicates like getting a visa. But this sadly
followed by a quickie divorce once the pristine beauty of Alaska. happens in real life today. Young
she gets her visa. Often brow beaten The story is set in a picturesque people getting married should
and usually compliant, this time town with chic, quaint shops (no always start life right and that is
he refuses. But she blackmails him fast foods or franchise chains) by getting the right perspective
and bribes him by offering him an and a waterfront that looks like a regarding marriage. Infused with
editorship in the office. Ambitious, tourist haven. This setting exudes love, marriage should primarily
he consents. Suspecting something a charm befitting this fantasy. help fulfill each person’s quest for
fishy, the immigration officer Sandra Bullock is versatile as seen happiness and perfection as well
warns them of the punishments in various roles she has played in as realize God’s plan. It should
for fraud and informs them they other movies, but her talent in this never be considered a mere tool
will be questioned on intimate romantic comedy is remarkable for material advancements.
Buhay Parokya
Look for the three items:
Dalawang kuwentong Title: Manila Images of Saint Jude Thaddeus,
hango mula sa mga obra Cast: Piolo Pascual, Rosanna Cardinal Sin and Church Altar.
nina Ishmael Bernal at Roces, Jay Manalo, Alesandra (Illustration by Bladimer Usi)
Lino Brocka, ang unang de Rossi, Angelica Panganiban,
kuwento ay tungkol sa Jiro Manio, Anita Linda
isang drug addict na si Director: Adolfo Alix, Jr., Raya
William (Piolo Pascual) Martin
na gagala-gala sa kalye Screenwriters: Adolfo Alix, Jr., Raya
ng Maynila, tila may Martin
kung anong hinahanap Genre: Drama
sa kawalan. Ito’y sa Distributor: Star Cinema
kabila ng pag-aalala ng Location: Manila
ina niyang si Charito Running Time: 90 mins
(Rosanna Roces) kung Technical Assessment:
nasaan na siya. Sa
Moral Assessment: ½
kalye rin ng Maynila
CINEMA Rating: For viewers 14
magsasanga-sanga ang
and above
ilan pang mga taong may
kinalaman sa buhay ni William at sa pagkakalulong niya sa droga.
Ang ikalawang kuwento naman ay tungkol sa isang bodyguard na
si Philip (Piolo Pascual) na naninilbihan kay Barry (Jay Manalo)
anak ng isang Congressman ng Maynila. Tapat ang paglilingkod
ni Philip kay Barry sa pag-aakalang parang kapatid ang turing
nito sa kanya. Ang katapatang ito ay masusubukan nang maka-
enkuwentro ni Barry ang isang dating karibal. Makakapatay si
Philip sa pagtatanggol kay Barry at dito niya mapatutunayan
ang kawalang-saysay ng kanyang katapatan sa isang among
tau-tauhan lamang ang turing sa kanya.
Masarap balikan ang ilang obra ng mga batikang Pilipinong
direktor na naglagay sa Pilipinas sa mapa ng pandaigdigang
sining. Ang mga pelikulang pinaghanguan ng Manila ay talaga
namang maituturing na klasiko at nararapat lamang bigyan ng
kaukulang paggalang. Maganda ang intensiyon ng Manila ngunit
nagkulang ito sa akmang sinseridad na hinihinling ng kuwento.
Sa halip na mapalutang pang lalo sa kasalukuyang panahon ang
dalawang piling obra, ay lalo pang napalabo ang mensahe nito.
Sayang at pawang magagaling pa naman ang mga nagsiganap.
Maganda rin at mahusay ang kuha ng kamera pati na ang pag-
iilaw. Hindi rin masyadong problema ang editing. Marahil ang
tunay na problema ay ang kaiksian ng oras na inilaan nila para
sa kabuuan ng pelikula. Pilit ipinagsiksikan sa iisang pelikula ang
dalawang dapat sana’y malawak na istorya. Mahirap masundan
ang emosyon sapagkat hindi malinaw ang pinanggagalingan ng
bawat karakter. Sayang at malaki sana ang potensiyal ng pelikula
na maihanay sa mga obrang pinaparangalan nito.
Isang masukal at malupit na gubat ang lungsod ng Maynila.
Ito ang sinasabi ng pelikula. Ipinakita nito ang pinakamadidilim
na kasuluksulukan ng Maynila. Ang dalawang magkaibang
pangunahing tauhan ay sumisimbolo sa dalawang uri ng tao
Maynila. Isang nagpakalunod sa masamang bisyo upang maka-
limutan ang mga realidad ng siyudad at isang humaharap dito
nang buong katapatan sa pag-aakalang ito’y masusuklian ng
kaginhawahan. Anu’t-anupaman, sina William at Philip ay larawan
ng kadiliman at kawalang-pag-asa sa isang siyudad na siya
sanang kakalinga sa mga tulad nila. Kung tutuusin ang kuwento
ay nagpakita lamang ng isang parte ng mukha ng Maynila: ang
kasamaan at kadiliman nito. Malinaw naman ang itensiyong ito
ng pelikula. Hindi nga naman interesado ang mga manonood
sa maganda, mapayapa at maaliwalas na buhay. Maaring tunay
ang mga ipinakitang larawan ng Manila ngunit pawang hindi
malinaw ang nais nitong iparating at kung anong klaseng imahe
ng Maynila ang nais nilang ipakita sa ating mga kababayan at
maging sa mga dayuhang manonood. Kung puros kawalan
ng pag-asa at kabukutan ang ating makikita, ano nga ba ang
nararapat na gawin? Marahil sinasabi rin ng pelikula na bawat
isa sa atin ay may pananagutansa mga katulad nina William at
Philip. Hindi lamang sila ang may kagagawan ng kung anong
kapalaran nagkaroon sila. Malinaw na ang mismong lipunang
kanilang ginagalawan ang nagtulak sa kanila sa maling landas.
Dapat gabayan ang mga batang manonood upang maipaliwa-
nag ito ng husto, kung hindi’y maitatanim sa kanilang isipan na
ang Maynila ay isang malupit na siyudad sa mga mahihirap at
walang lakas. Maaring ito nga ay totoong nangyayari ngunit
dapat sana’y magpakita man lang ng kahit na isang kislap na
pag-asa ang pelikula upang makapaghimok ng mga natutulog
na damdaming makabayan.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009
In Pursuit of Christ story to tell. After celebrating the Holy the clergy and some CFC
Eucharist, joyful voices echoed in the elders.
auditorium. However, one voice stood The evening began with
out – that of JM Sangco who, in the first worship and segued into
talk, spoke of “The Journey” that we, as a talk given by Penny de
SFCs, were about to take. The journey Leon on our “Empty Pur-
of pursuing Christ is a journey towards suits.” She spoke about
being Christ-like. JM affirmed this the end of our pursuit
journey’s beauty because the goal, our and how it is more than
journey’s end, is achievable if we pursue magnificent; but some-
Christ. And the wonder of it all is that where along the way,
Christ pursued us first and will pursue we lose our focus and
us, whenever, wherever, however and turn to pursuing success,
whoever we are. satisfaction, security and
Talk 2 was delivered by Fr. Xavier service. These things of-
Olin, SJ, who asked us to take a deeper ten blind us and detract
look at ourselves in relation to our us from our pursuit of
journey “In Pursuit of Christ.” He spoke Christ. However, Penny
about the power of prayer and how it stressed that God calls us to succeed in
can change our lives. He spoke about one thing—our faithfulness to Him, to preview of “The Prize of the Pursuit.”
being able to see Christ in everyone satisfy our longings only with His love, The Lord wants to bring us to heaven,
By Dominic Apuan It all began with a celebration of and everything by turning our lives to secure our personal relationship with and will not stop pursuing us until we
all the gifts and blessings that God into a lifetime of prayer and how, in the Him, and to serve only because of love are His. Heaven is the prize of our
THE Lion’s Head, Camp John Hay bestowed upon us through worship. life we are given, God grants us grace and nothing else. pursuit of Christ…and in heaven God
airbase, Philippine Military Academy, Here the SFCs dressed up as treasure every step we take through the Holy The evening ended with a praise fest grants us eternal fulfillment where
Mansion House, Baguio Cathedral, hunters, voyagers and explorers to Sacraments. It is through having that that was characterized not by the noise we will no longer be broken no lon-
Mines View Park, Burnham Park, signify the start of their pursuit; the close relationship with God that we will of singing and dancing but by the initial ger impure, no longer empty! As we
Wright Park, Botanical Garden…from draping and wooden conviction boxes be able to see His grace move through few minutes that the SFCs spent in the pursue Christ, every step of the way,
its outskirts to its very core, there are added pizzazz to the main aesthetic of our lives and clearly appreciate His solitude of prayer, undistracted by the we become Christ-like and gain the 12
lots of places to go to, and lots of rea- the venue. Some SFCs showcased their plans for us. environment. fruits of the Holy Spirit: Charity, Joy,
sons to visit Baguio City; but last July talents in singing and dancing through Later that day, the participants were The SFCs welcomed the 3rd day Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness,
24 to 26, 2009, Singles for Christ Metro a friendly competition called “SFC’s Got dispersed into various workshops on by once again celebrating the Holy Generosity, Gentleness, Faithfulness,
Manila had but one reason: The Christ Talent.” Among the contestants was the sacraments, inner healing, spiritual Eucharist presided by His Excellency Modesty, Self-control and Chastity.
Pursuit. Rhea Bernandez from Central C, who direction, Christian virtues, praying Bishop Carlito Cenzon of the diocese At the end of the conference, God’s
What better place to pursue God than serenaded the judges with her guitar as with Scriptures, and many others. of Baguio. Marc Sebastian was tasked message for all of us SFCs was clear:
on the mountaintops of Baguio? The she sang her own beautiful composition. These enriching workshops, tools to to deliver the last talk of the confer- God is in pursuit of us and we, the SFCs,
SFC Metro Manila Leaders Conference The night ended with a praisefest where accompany us in our journey towards ence. According to Marc, the final are in pursuit of a life in union with
’09 was held at the CAP – John Hay the SFCs sang, danced, shouted, and Christ, were given by members of piece of the puzzle provides us with a Christ. What a wonderful thought!
Trade and Cultural Center. For three partied their hearts out
SFCs in Europe honor THE CFC International Council, in a statement issued July 23, 2009,
issued guidelines governing the community’s work with the poor,
ful movements for the poor are subject to the discernment and
approval of the CFC International Council, particularly in the
By Joe Tale, CFC Chairman I do not dream for my country to have the tallest skyscrapers nor
the biggest this or that, nor for Filipinos to be topping this or that
list of the wealthiest in the world. Those might be the benchmarks
of some, but they have nothing to do with what I truly care for – to
My Dream
see my country develop a heart.
I would like to see all Filipinos helping every other Filipino de-
velop their full potential. I dream of seeing men and women moving
into the future with lives full of meaning because they have used
their God-given gifts to the fullest. I therefore dream of a society
where the opportunities abound for this to happen.
I dream of a people whose culture of caring and sharing flows
into their stewardship of the environment, God’s wonderful gift of
creation. I dream of a country where the beaches and the moun-
tains, and the flora and the fauna, and the treasures of the land, air
and the seas are truly appreciated as gifts to be treasured and to be
AS I write this, my thoughts race back, not only to the beginnings of The self-sacrificing CFC caretaker teams and the overwhelming cared for, to be shared and enjoyed by all, and to be nurtured for
the work with the poor of Couples for Christ (CFC), which eventu- generous response of GK partners from all over the world, form the the generations that are to come.
ally evolved into Gawad Kalinga (GK), but even before that, to the grounding for my dream. I dream of a country of responsible citizens, who with wisdom
early years of CFC. We were even then a community of families who My dream is of a world, starting with the Philippines, where the and sincere love for God and country, will bring into office lead-
were dreamers. We took to heart the vision of being Families in the pervading culture and way of life is caring and sharing. ers who are God-fearing and who, by their actions, demonstrate
Holy Spirit, Renewing the Face of the Earth. I dream of a Philippines where all Filipinos, coming from this their pursuit for the common good, and not for their own selfish
The renewal of the face of the earth started with the renewal of the way of life, are able to hold their heads high because they live a interests. I dream of governance untainted by greed and evil use of
heart. The dream was pursued solidly anchored on faith. dignified existence, worthy of having been created in the image power. I dream of good men and women coming into their own as
Inevitably, the dream found its expression in the most challenging and likeness of God. just, competent, and courageous public servants. I dream of simple
work with the poor. This was a new frontier and honesty, transparency, integrity and expertise
uncharted waters for CFC. But the challenge as hallmarks of service.
found anchor in a passage in Acts 4:32-35, which I say, that when these elements are in place,
provided a pastoral framework and spiritual then economic prosperity for all will follow,
refuge that overcame the fears and doubts: “The and progress and development will happen,
community of believers was of one heart and economic well-being that emanate from and
mind, and no one claimed that any of his pos- stand firmly on solid rock.
sessions was his own, but they had everything And then, our beloved Philippines will rise
in common. With great power, the apostles gave up from the mud and ashes of poverty, cor-
witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and ruption, and war, and gain respect, and take
great favor was accorded them all. There was her rightful place of honor in the community
no needy person among them…” of nations.
The dream had been reality before. It can Just one more thing. We should not tire of
be done. The pioneering work thus attracted dreaming, and we should help create in all the
brethren with hearts overflowing with love for capacity to dream. We should hold on strong
God and neighbor. We continue to honor them to our ideals, strive to do our best in the pres-
all for what they started and for igniting this ent but also look beyond the problems and
same spirit that has flowed into the now tens difficulties, and see the future of a country of
or hundreds of thousands of caretaker teams, our dreams.
who are showing the world that we can be our Samuel Ullman writes: “Nobody grows old
brothers’ keepers, and that doing so is not a by merely living a number of years; people
burden, but a source of great joy. grow old by deserting their ideals.”
As it was then, so I believe it should continue I honor all who have remained young in
to be. And my own dreams are anchored on the their dreams and ideals, manifested in their
same firm foundation. I dream of a transformed continuing quest to “set the world on fire with
country and people, with renewed hearts filled the fullness of God’s transforming love” (from
with compassion, and lives lived in deep abid- CFC’s vision statement). May we all be blessed
ing faith in God. to see our dreams bear fruit that will last.
invitation of attending the CLPs and who subse- surgeries, especially heart and lung surgeries. I acter is Andrew, the so-called Protokletus (‘the ambitious and the few instances he was mentioned
quently became members of the community, I see make it a point to invite our medical trainees, first called’). His name, taken from the Greek word in the scriptures, we see him unaffected by playing
that they were actually people I encounter daily surgical residents and nurses to join me during the “andros’ (man) indicated his future role as one ‘second fiddle’ to his more prominent brother Peter
in my work in the hospital and the university. praying over session. It is amazing how showing facilitating the meeting of Jesus and the would-be or to the beloved disciple, John. He delighted in
My mentor in surgery of many years, Dr. Ency, people a simple and yet meaningful act of sharing disciples. telling others about Jesus.
was always solicitous of my welfare and that of Christ to them during periods of illness and treat- Andrew must have been earnestly in search of Truly Andrew is a worthy model for the CFC ev-
my family. So one day, I mustered the confidence ment made them receptive to the promptings for things spiritual which he and his fisherman col- eryday disciple. Like Andrew, we are called not just
to offer him a weekend CLP (as opposed to the a life-changing experience. league John found from listening to and following to “go and evangelize” but to be witness to God’s
regular 13-week course). Considering that he was Learning from the examples modeled by the John the Baptist. He was in this stage of his journey presence in our lives day after day. We are tasked to
always busy, I would not have faulted him if he apostle Paul is one good way of proclaiming when one day John the Baptist called out “Behold “evangelize as we go” and to indeed be instruments
had said no. Instead, he surprised me by showing Christ in words and action. Nearly everyone is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the by which others may come to know Christ.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009
Ugnayan C3
Paint By Faith
By Kolai Alegado The group aimed to ac-
complish seven themes
THE Metro Manila North A1-C Singles for Christ (composed of three units and four ministries -PFO, (commercial, worship songs,
creative heads, social ministry, music ministry), or a total of 16 individuals, launched last July 5, 2009 a Bible verse, gatherings, faith,
fund raising activity to help improve the GK site assigned to their chapter. The activity was held during Gawad Kalinga and portrai-
the Mission Core Gathering ture).
of the CFC North Sector at In the beginning, while
the Department of Agrarian tackling the first theme, ev-
Reform covered gym. erybody got cold feet since
The young people wanted no one could finish a paint-
the activity to be something ing within a day, the allotted
extraordinary, something time. On the last day of the
totally new. In the end, painting production, July 4,
the chapter decided to do the group managed to come
something artistic. For four up with 80 paintings, two themes and 25 paintings short.
months, the sixteen members At the MCG, the group set up their gallery a few yards away from the MCG session area. Mila Ya-
of the core group took up a mamoto, wife of CFC Executive Director Joe Yamamoto, made the first purchase, followed by sector
crash course on painting pro- head Ben Babilonia. Maan Dolino, SFC chapter head, shared about the group’s struggles and dreams,
vided by a new Christian Life pushing sales further. At the end of the gathering, the group had sold 38 pieces!
Program graduate, a fine arts The group is not resting on its laurels. They are gearing up to finally finish their project, to complete
student of the University of the 115 pieces originally aimed for and to achieve 100% sales.
Sto. Tomas. During that time, In the end, ‘Paint By Faith’ showed the 16 that it doesn’t really matter if you are a fine arts gradu-
the group learned all there is ate, an artist at heart or a complete novice. What matters most is that talent was put to good use, for
to know about oil painting. a noble purpose.
Oil??? Yes, you guessed it, The group is now going online to further promote their paintings. Pls visit: paintbyfaith.multiply.
this is not just your regular com. For inquiries please contact Leah Afos (Sun#0922 5267 352) (Globe#0906 4122 795)/ Kolai Alegado
water based painting thing. (Smart#0928 281 1820).