CBCP Monitor Vol13-N16

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•A3 Pope’s message for

2010 World Peace Day

•B1 Values Involved
in a Financial
The News Supplement
to focus on environment Crisis of Couples for Christ

Archbishop to warring www.cbcpnews.com [email protected] Bishop calls aerial

parties: ‘Enough is enough!’ spraying ‘inhuman’
COTABATO Archbishop Orlando B. Quevedo, AN official of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference
OMI strongly condemned the methods being of the Philippines has joined the growing chorus
used by warring parties in his ecclesial province against aerial crop spraying in Davao del Sur.
which covers the troubled Maguindanao and Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo
Sultan Kudarat provinces and several towns said aerial spraying is a moral issue because it
of Northern Cotabato. degrades the dignity of the people.
In his statement titled “Open Appeal for Bananas are the second most abundant exported
Peace and For Our Evacuees” and released in crop in the Philippines. The island of Mindanao
time for the SOBA – State of the Bakwits Ad-
dress (State of the Evacuees Address) at the
Protagonist of Truth, Promoter of Peace produces 75 percent of the country’s yield.
Philippine Banana Growers and Exporters
Notre Dame University in Cotabato City, the Association (PGBEA) claimed that the aerial
prelate said he respects the warring parties’ spraying ban will cause substantial economic
Enough / A7
August 3 - 16, 2009 Vol. 13 No. 16 Php 20.00 Spraying / A6

Nation mourns for loss of

moral icon By Kris Bayos
couple’s sacrifices like Mrs. Aquino’s
WITH the demise of former 17-month ordeal with colon cancer, be-
President Corazon Aquino, fore succumbing to cardio-respiratory
the country has lost one of arrest on August 1.
its moral forces, the Catholic “At the most crucial stage of our
country’s history, President Cory and
hierarchy said. Ninoy were there to become the symbol
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of of reformation and transformation our
the Philippines hailed Mrs. Aquino and country has long for,” Lagdameo said.
her husband, the late Senator Benigno “She was there not only to start the
“Ninoy” Aquino for their courageous movement of renewal and reform (be-
commitment to the freedom of the Fili- cause her example remained with) her
pino people. successors who tried to continue what
Archbishop Angel Lagdameo, CBCP she began.”
president, said no couple in Philippine “(Just recently) undergoing the pain-
history has had a great positive impact ful ordeal with cancer, President Cory
than the late Senator Benigno “Ninoy” had found a new meaning to the phrase
Aquino, Jr. and his wife, former Presi- ‘the Filipino people is worth dying for’
dent Corazon “Cory” Aquino. through her sickness that pinned her to
The couple might not be the most her hospital bed,” he added.
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

astute political leaders, but Lagdameo A known critic of the incumbent ad-
said they are not liars like many of the ministration, Lagdameo recounted the
traditional politicians. legacy Mrs. Aquino’s administration
Their idealism, moral values, strong has left the country.
faith in God, plus Cory’s unique na- “After six years, President Cory will-
tional and international stature as a ingly and readily turned over the gov-
freedom fighter make them a positive ernment to her successor. She rejected
FAREWELL, PRESIDENT CORY. Catholic nuns gather around the casket of the late former President Corazon Aquino at the Manila Cathedral on moral force, he said. the temptation to extend her stay in
August 3. Until her last breath, the former president talks about politics in moral and religious terms. Aquino’s death has left a void in the hearts of
many Filipinos in search of a leader steeped in moral values and truly committed in serving others.
The CBCP head lauded the Aquino Moral icon / A6

Asian bishops to tackle challenges of evangelization

SCORES of bishops from across Asia are to meet can see the necessity of collaboration among our
in Manila to review obstacles and problems they Episcopal conferences,” said the prelate who is
face in their ministry, and to deliberate how they presently Archbishop of Cotabato.
could get over it.
About 120 Asian archbishops and bishops, seven Eucharist
of them cardinals, are expected to address these Quevedo also said the expected participants are
concerns during a week-long plenary assembly of currently considering the working document on
the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences. “Living the Eucharist in Asia,” which is based in
Archbishop Orlando B. Quevedo, OMI, FABC recent church teachings on the topic.
secretary general, said they will put evangeliza- It also mirrors on Asia’s particular living of
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

tion as their centerpiece during the meeting at the Eucharist, as “a unique experience of God’s
the Pope Pius XII Catholic Center in Paco, Manila dialogue with us and our response to God as a
from Aug. 10 to 16. dialogue of life and love.”
He said the delegates will certainly be discuss- The document deals with the subtopics of living
ing the challenges facing the evangelization of in community, in faith, hope and love, and living
their regions and find ways to accomplish their in mission.
In a continent where Christianity is a “very Other concerns FABC secretary-general and Cotabato Archbishop Orlando Quevedo gives a press briefing on the forthcoming Asian bishops’
plenary assembly on Aug. 11-16 at Pope Pius XII Center in Manila.
small” minority religion, Quevedo said working Aside from the main topic about Eucharist, the
together among them as church leaders is very FABC official said the floor is also open for other He said common issues in Asia like migration, The Manila assembly follows the last plenary on
important. “urgent concerns” which may not necessarily be social justice, and ecology including the religious the role of family in Asia in Daejon, Korea in 2004.
“It is important that we together collaborate in a on the program. side could also be discussed. Plenary assemblies, the highest governing body of
context that is very much interreligious, intercul- “Maybe some bishops would want to talk about “But these are not in the agenda. We just want the Federation, are held once every four years.
tural and, third, because of the massive poverty,” the problems of the church in other countries. It’s to contextualize the living of the Eucharist in Asia This year’s assembly was planned originally for
he said during a press briefing Friday. listed in the agenda but we give them freedom not and the living of the Eucharist would address some January 2009 in Bangalore, India but later post-
“From these three commonalities alone one to say,” Quevedo added. the particular issues,” he said. poned and transferred to Manila. (CBCPNews)

Pope sends condolences to Aquino family Many priests being urged to run in
HIS Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has
extended his heartfelt condolences
and assurances of his prayers to the
to the freedom of the Filipino people,
her firm rejection of violence and intol-
erance, and her contribution to the re-
and thus he prays that the same faith
and hope which guided her life will
now come to abundant fulfilment.”
2010—CBCP official
family of former President Corazon building of a just and cohesive political “Invoking upon all the Filipino MANY priests are being pushed to run for public office in the forthcoming national
C. Aquino and the Philippine gov- order in her beloved homeland.” people an outpouring of divine graces, elections, a Catholic Church official affirmed recently.
ernment. “His Holiness commends her noble the Holy Father cordially imparts his Fr. Francis Lucas said some of them are almost enticed to enter politics because of
In a communiqué sent to Manila soul to the eternal mercies of God our apostolic blessing to all taking part intense pressure from the parishioners seeking for reform in governance.
Archbishop Gaudencio B. Cardinal heavenly father,” Cardinal Bertone in the Mass of Christian burial, as a Lucas, who is a commission executive secretary in the Catholic Bishops’ Confer-
Rosales by the Vatican Secretary of said. pledge of consolation, strength and ence of the Philippines, said that for these priests, their decision provides the people
State His Eminence Tarcisio Bertone, The Secretary of State further said peace in our Lord Jesus Christ,” the a better choice.
the Holy Father recalled President the Holy Father “remembers her as a Secretary of State concluded. (Melo He said the current situation in the Philippines is the primary reason why people
Aquino’s “courageous commitment woman of deep and unwavering faith M. Acuna) resort to church leaders to serve for them.
And the complaint, he said, is valid.
If one will look at the kinds of candidates who ran for public office, he said, many of

Prelate asks Filipino youth to help them belong to political dynasties, scion of rich families and other popular figures.
Another reason why many people want priests in public office is the belief, Lucas
said, that they can provide a better leadership for the upliftment of the country.

promote Asian Youth Day Needless to say, according to Lucas, the country is really in a sad state.
Lucas also admitted that he himself is one of those priests who are being urged to
run for a local post in the 2010 elections.
He said a lot of people in Infanta, Quezon have been trying to convince him for
ALTHOUGH the fifth Asian Youth Day (AYD5) this Novem- Earlier, the AYD5 Media and Promotions Team has dis- many years to run for mayor there.
ber will only be open to a small delegation, Masbate Bishop tributed an AYD5 Diocesan Promotion and Information “I saw their point. We priests, we keep on looking for alternatives, pushing
Joel Baylon said youth groups from the diocesan and paro- Kit, which contains the AYD5’s posters, banners, logo, and for principles that are good for the people.
chial levels can still partake in the celebration by helping in audio-visual presentation for posting and viewing at the So they said why don’t we just
the promotion of the event. different parishes. run? But I said, as priests,
The chairman of the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Youth “These materials are being sent to the dioceses to help we are not allowed to run for
(ECY), Baylon disclosed that this year’s gathering of Asia’s them set up exhibits that will truly help the youth to be more public office based on Canon
Catholic youth is only eyeing at least 2,000 delegates, half of informed about AYD5. It will also make all Filipino youth be Law,” added Lucas.
which will come from 22 countries of the continent and the one in our efforts and prayers as we continue to prepare for To help him decide whether
remaining half will be filled by local delegates. the gathering,” the prelate added. to leave the priesthood or not,
“We are hoping to have with us at least 2,000 delegates. This Sponsored by the Federation of Asian Bishops Confer- Lucas asked for a “sign from
is quite a small number [because] we have decided that this ences, the CBCP-ECY and the Diocese of Imus, the AYD5 God” and this he got last June
Illustration by Bladimer Usi

event should not be a youth day [dominated by] the Filipinos. will be held at the Rogationist College of Silang, Cavite from when he was appointed ex-
This must have an Asian character,” he said. November 20 to 27. The week-long gathering is themed ecutive secretary of the CBCP’s
Given the limited number of participants, Baylon urged “Yasia Fiesta: Come Together, Share the Word, Live the Commission on Social Communi-
the youth interested to attend the AYD to instead bring the Eucharist!” cations and Mass Media.
spirit of AYD in their respective diocese and parishes by The Asian Youth Days began in Thailand in 1999, and the “I told them since you are pushing
putting up exhibits. most recent was held in Hong Kong in 2006. (Kris Bayos) Run / A6
World News
CBCP Monitor
A2 Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009

Pope instructs envoy for

FABC meeting VATICAN, August 3, 2009—Pope Benedict they decided to discuss the theme, “Living from the Eucharist.
XVI has instructed his envoy to the upcom- the Eucharist in Asia” at their plenary as- He said he also wished to exhort the Asian
ing Federation of Asian Bishops’ Confer- sembly. The event is to be held Aug. 11-16 bishops to support their priests, “who are
ences meeting to ask the prelates to encour- in Manila. chosen by God and constituted as ministers
age Catholics to attend Sunday Mass, go for The Pope noted that for their deliberations, of the Eucharist.” The bishops are to do
Confession and draw spiritual nourishment the bishops are “also drawing inspiration” so “through prayer and sacrifices” so that
from the Scriptures. from “Sacramentum Caritatis” (“Sacrament priests “may remain faithful to the sublime
He has also asked the envoy, Cardinal of Charity”), the apostolic exhortation he is- mystery of their vocation.” The Pope wanted
Francis Arinze, a senior African prelate, sued after the October 2005 Synod of Bishops the bishops to do this particularly at this time
to encourage the bishops to support their on the Eucharist. when the whole Church is celebrating the
priests, especially during this special Year He revealed that the FABC had asked him Year for Priests.
for Priests. to send “an eminent prelate as his personal Cardinal Arinze, 76, is the most prominent
The Pope officially designated Cardinal envoy” to the meeting. African cardinal. When he was appointed
Arinze as his special representative to the The Pope said he concluded that Cardi- bishop of Onitsha in Nigeria by Pope Paul VI
FABC’s 9th plenary assembly on June 13, nal Arinze was the most “suitable” person in August 1965 at the age of 32, he was then
the Vatican said, when it released the Pope’s because of his “great concern” for “the the youngest bishop in the world.
letter to the cardinal on Aug. 1. good of souls” and for “the full celebra- Some years later, he was elected president
In sending the letter dated June 24, Pope tion of the divine worship in the rite the of the Nigerian bishops’ conference, and
Benedict followed a long-standing tradition Church.” in that role welcomed Pope John Paul II to
whereby the pontiff conveys his instructions Outlining his message to the assembly, the Africa in 1982.
in Latin to his personal envoys attending Pope said he wanted “all the pastors (of Asia) In 2002, the same Pope appointed him as
major events. to teach their Christian lay faithful” that they prefect of the Congregation for Divine Wor-
In the two-page letter, the pontiff said should “participate” in the celebration of the ship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, a
he knows that “all the bishops of Asia” are Sunday Eucharist, receive the Sacrament of post he held until last December when Pope
keen that their faithful “should understand Reconciliation, and draw nourishment for Benedict accepted his resignation, as he had
Cardinal Francis Arinze and love the Eucharist,” and for this reason their lives from the Sacred Scriptures and passed the age for retirement. (UCAN)

Pope to send clergy Congregation Prefect to Ars

ARS, France, July 31, 2009—Cardinal The celebration this year marks the Priests.” Later that day, Bishop Guy be the unveiling of a new statue of St.
Claudio Hummes will represent Bene- 150th anniversary of John Vianney’s Bagnard of Belley-Ars will give a talk on John Vianney.
dict XVI at celebrations in Ars on the death; the Year for Priests is marking the Year for Priests. A Mass will then be In the June 16 letter by which Benedict
feast of John Vianney, the saint the Holy that anniversary and a jubilee year in celebrated to pray for priestly vocations, XVI proclaimed the Year for Priests, the
Father has proposed as the model for Ars has also celebrated the event. and a prayer vigil with confessions will Pope reflected on the life of the saint
this Year for Priests. The sanctuary will have two days follow. of Ars.
The prefect of the Congregation for of celebration. On Aug. 3, Father Jean- Cardinal Hummes will celebrate “Saint John Mary Vianney taught
Clergy will be the papal legate for the Philippe Nault, rector of the sanctuary, Mass the next day. At the end of Mass, his parishioners primarily by the wit-
Aug. 4 Mass in the town where John will give a conference titled: “The Cure there will be adoration of the Blessed ness of his life,” he wrote. “It was from
Vianney practiced his ministry. d’Ars: Holy Patron of the World’s Sacrament, and the closing event will his example that they learned to pray,

Catholics to honor St. John Vianney 150 years after his death
ON Tuesday, August 4, the Church will celebrate the feast day of St. John Vian- ted to the conversion of the people, he would spend up to 16 hours a day in the
ney, patron of priests. This day will mark the 150th anniversary of the saint’s confessional.
death and comes during the newly-begun Year for Priests. Plagued by many trials and besieged by the devil, St. John Vianney remained
John Vianney, also known as the Holy Curé de Ars, was born May 8, 1786 in firm in his faith, and lived a life of devotion to God. Dedicated to the Blessed
Dardilly, near Lyon, France to a family of farmers. He was ordained a priest in Sacrament, he spent much time in prayer and practiced much mortification. He
1815 and became curate in Ecully. He was then sent to the remote French com- lived on little food and sleep, while working without rest in unfailing humility,

© www.spiegel.de
munity of Ars in 1818 to be a parish priest. gentleness, patience and cheerfulness, until he was well into his 70s.
Upon his arrival, the priest immediately began praying and working for the John Vianney died on August 4, 1859. Over 1,000 people attended his funeral,
conversion of his parishioners. Although he saw himself as unworthy of his including the bishop and priests of the diocese, who already viewed his life as
mission as pastor, he allowed himself to be consumed by the love of God as he a model of priestly holiness. Cardinal Claudio Hummes
served the people. The Holy Curé of Ars was canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1925. He is the patron
Vianney slowly helped to revive the community’s faith through both his of priests. Over 450,000 pilgrims travel to Ars every year in remembrance of halting frequently before the tabernacle
prayers and the witness of his lifestyle. He gave powerful homilies on the mercy his holy life. for a visit to Jesus in the Blessed Sacra-
and love of God, and it is said that even staunch sinners were converted upon Commemorating the 150th anniversary of St. John Vianney’s death, this year ment.”
hearing him. In addition, he restored his church, formed an orphanage, “La has been declared the Year for Priests by Pope Benedict XVI. The Pope inaugu- And, he added, it was the saint’s
Providence,” and cared for the poor. rated the Year for Priests on June 19, and wrote a Letter to Clergy, encouraging “deep personal identification with the
His reputation as a confessor grew rapidly, and pilgrims traveled from all all priests to look to the Curé of Ars as an example of dedication to one’s priestly sacrifice of the cross [that] led him—by a
over France to come to him in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Firmly commit- calling. (CNA) sole inward movement—from the altar
to the confessional.” (Zenit)

Archbishop Gomez: Caritas In Veritate a ‘valuable Catholic priests receive

contribution’ that requires a thorough read death threats
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, August 1, 2009—In center, a progress that “cannot be limited
his newest column, Archbishop of San An- to material success.”
tonio José H. Gomez has discussed Pope He linked Caritas In Veritate with Pope
Benedict XVI’s latest encyclical “Caritas In Paul VI’s 1967 encyclical Populorum
Veritate.” Highlighting some of its main Progressio, which said wise reflection
points, he exhorted all Catholics to read this and a “new humanism” are even more
“valuable contribution” to Catholic social necessary than technical experts to help
doctrine, since it cannot be captured by people enjoy love, friendship, prayer and
media sound-bites. contemplation.
Writing in his column for his archdioc- Archbishop Gomez then mentioned his
esan newspaper Today’s Catholic, Arch- third point, saying that Catholic social doc-
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bishop Gomez said Caritas In Veritate is trine cannot be separated from the defense
“not only a true source of guidance for all of the right to life and the “explicit proclama-
Catholics, but it is also a valuable contri- tion” of the Gospel.
bution to the building of the fundamental However, the encyclical is best understood The fourth insight the archbishop noted
structure of society that is the social doctrine “in the full context of the social doctrine of was that “all the aspects of the contemporary
of the Church.” the Church,” Archbishop Gomez said. world, such as globalization or the acceler-
Neither the secular media nor supporters “I believe that each Catholic should read it, ated development of technology, can and
of different economic theories have given ponder it, and live it,” he wrote, highlighting should be analyzed and judged from the KATHMANDU, Nepal, August 3, 2009—Many Catholic priests
a “proper interpretation” of the encyclical, five points. foundation of Faith and reason, to promote have received grave threats from unknown callers claiming to
he wrote. First, he remarked, it is important to know what is good and to prevent what is harmful be Hindu fundamentalists, urging them to leave the country “as
“Some have tried to find in the Pope’s that the Church has a “social doctrine,” a set to human beings.” soon as possible”.
third encyclical a reaffirmation of their own of proposals for the organization of public Finally, the San Antonio archbishop em- Fr. Pius Perumana, who runs the Vianney pastoral centre in
ideological and political tendencies, others, life that emanate from Christian charity phasized that Christians have the right and Godavari, told AsiaNews that in recent days strangers called
including some journalists who, in good under the governance of truth. the duty to take the Gospel to the public him on the phone and told him that he had “a month to leave
faith, have only reported on selected prin- The second point that the archbishop sphere because “the building of a world Nepal if I did not want to face grave consequences.”
ciples in the encyclical in a way that makes drew from the Pope’s encyclical was that without God necessarily leads to the build- The priest filed a complaint against person unknown but
it sound more like ‘news’, linking it to some Catholic social doctrine places the human ing of systems that go against the human the authorities did not provide any protection to the pastoral
fleeting events.” person and his “true development” at its person.” (CNA) centre.
The unknown voice said that he belonged to the Nepal Defence
Army, an extremist Hindu group headed by one R.K. Mainali,

Christian leaders seek peace following deadly rioting who is a suspect in the murder of Fr. John Prakash and the
bombing of the Church of the Assumption in Kathmandu on 23
May. A woman member of the group was arrested in connection
GOJRA, Pakistan, August 3, and two churches belonging to and Muslim clerics to stop any “either convert to Islam or leave with the blast.
2009—Church people have the Church of Pakistan and the further violence. the place.” He added, “They want Fr. Benjamin Pampackel, superior at the Don Bosco School
formed a committee to bring New Apostolic Church were de- “Christians in many surrounding a sort of religious cleansing.” in Lubhu, also received a threatening night time phone call on
peace to a troubled district in stroyed and livestock stolen. villages and towns (near Korian) Archbishop Lawrence John 20 July.
Punjab province after seven In the latest incident, families began receiving threats as mullah Saldanha, head of the Catholic The gatekeeper who was on duty that night picked up the
Catholics were burnt alive and of the deceased, who included (Muslim clerics) began preaching Church in Pakistan and chairper- phone and was told that anyone in the service of Christians
19 others injured in anti-Chris- two children and three women, hatred and revenge,” wrote Bishop son of the National Commission could lose his life.
tian rioting on Aug. 1. placed the coffins on railway Coutts in an Aug. 3 email to Church for Justice and Peace (NCJP) has Fr. Lawrence Manivar, who works at the St. Xavier School,
The violence came in the wake tracks in protest, disrupting people across the world. also called upon all Christian insti- told AsiaNews that a stranger claiming to be from the Nepal
of an attack on the nearby Chris- traffic for four hours on Aug. “There are indications that tutions in Punjab to close for three Defence Army “warned me either to leave Nepal or face death”.
tian village of Korian on July 30. 2. Hundreds of Christians also the attack on Korian as well as days to mourn the killings. The clergyman added that the caller told him that they wanted
Tension between the Christian staged protests led by Bishop on Gojra was planned and the A statement by the archbishop “Nepal to be Hindu and all Christians to be chased away.”
and Muslim communities in the Joseph Coutts of Faisalabad. He people instigated by a banned and Peter Jacob, NCJP’s execu- Chirendra Satyal with the Catholic Media Office said that “we
Korian area arose after pages and a Protestant bishop later Islamic group which wants to tive secretary, demanded that don’t know who the callers are” but added that they should not
containing Islamic inscriptions presided at the funerals. ‘purify’ Pakistan by making it a the government address the root be underestimated.
were found in front of a Chris- The Catholic Church has strictly Islamic, theocratic state. causes of religious intolerance in Msgr. Anthony Sharma, vicar apostolic of Nepal and titular
tian home on July 26 following a formed a committee compris- Democracy is rejected as some- Pakistan. “This is not a solitary bishop of Gigthi, urges prudence. He said that he had not re-
wedding. Muslims then accused ing two bishops, three Catholic thing Western and un-Islamic,” incident but a phenomenon that ceived any threats but that each incident was being reported to
a family there of blasphemy priests and several councilors, the bishop said. He also stated that has been there for quite some the authorities. (AsiaNews)
against Islam. About 60 houses who are meeting politicians the group wanted non-Muslims to time,” it said. (UCAN)
News Features
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009

Pope’s message for 2010 World

Peace Day to focus on environment

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VATICAN, July 29, 2009—Pope Benedict XVI will focus on the recognizing they have an obligation to respect a gift God created environment is God's gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have
connection between protecting the environment and working for for all, it said. a responsibility toward the poor, toward future generations and
peace in the message he will publish for World Peace Day in 2010, Pope Benedict also wants to emphasize how the "current eco- toward humanity as a whole."
the Vatican said. logical crisis" is impacting the entire world and, therefore, requires While the encyclical focused on development, and therefore dis-
The theme the pope has chosen for the Jan. 1 celebration is "If international action to resolve, it said. cussed the need to share natural resources equitably and not exploit
You Want to Cultivate Peace, Safeguard Creation," the Vatican an- "If one wants to cultivate the good of peace, in fact, one must those found in poor countries, it also insisted there is a connection
nounced July 29. promote a renewed awareness of the interdependence that links the between environmental protection and peace.
The Vatican said the pope intends to discuss the fact that in a earth's inhabitants to one another," the Vatican statement said. "The stockpiling of natural resources, which in many cases are
globalized world there is a strict connection between protecting the Together people must preserve and restore the natural environ- found in the poor countries themselves, gives rise to exploitation
environment and promoting peace. ment, eliminating at least some of the causes of environmental and frequent conflicts between and within nations. These conflicts
"The use of resources, climate change, the application and use of disasters, it said. are often fought on the soil of those same countries, with a heavy toll
biotechnologies (and) demographic growth" are all issues that can The Vatican statement said Pope Benedict intends his World Peace of death, destruction and further decay," the encyclical said.
have repercussions across national borders for generations to come, Day message to be a further development of the four paragraphs Pope Benedict's message for the World Day of Peace in 2008, which
the statement said. on the environment included in his encyclical "Caritas in Veritate" focused on the family and on the world's population as forming one
The papal message will underline the fact that protecting the ("Charity in Truth"). human family, also included a section on the obligation to protect
natural environment is a challenge all people must face together, In his encyclical, published in early July, Pope Benedict said, "The the environment. (CNS)

RU-486 is abortifacient and the Church Cardinal Bertone

offers encyclical
rejects it, Vatican official says as response
ROME, July 31, 2009—The president of the Pontifi- of itself because it takes a human life. This life,
cal Academy for Life, Archbishop Rino Fisichella,
on Friday lamented the decision by Italy’s govern-
ment to allow the distribution of RU-486, which is
which is only visible through the assistance of
technology, possesses the same dignity inherent
in every person.”
to society’s
a drug that aborts a developing child. The Church
will never accept it, he said.
In an article published by L’Osservatore Ro-
For this reason, he added, “the respect due the
embryo cannot be less than that that is given to
every person walking down the street, and it de-
mano, the archbishop pointed to the urgency of mands to be accepted for what it is: a person.”
defending human life from conception to natural The Church “can never be passive to what is
death, an issue addressed by Pope Benedict XVI happening in society,” Fisichella stated. “She is
in his new encyclical Caritas in Veritate. called to always make present the proclamation
Archbishop Fisichella also warned that “whether of life that has enabled her to be throughout the
the use of this pill is less traumatic than undergo- centuries a tangible sign of the respect for the
ing an operation [surgical abortion] has yet to be dignity of the person.”
demonstrated. The initial trauma occurs when the The task of forming consciences for the defense
pregnancy is not accepted and what must be done of life and human dignity not only entails a com-
is to intervene and help the woman understand the mitment from every person but also demands that
value of unborn life.” one speak out and be convincing, he explained.
The embryo, he went on, “is not a mass of cells “The Church’s opposition to all methods of
or a ‘thing,’ as some have defined it. It is a true abortion is a 'yes' to life and everything that it
and complete human life. No one can be allowed entails,” he added.
to kill it without fully understanding the conse- Archbishop Rino Fisichella In concluding his message, the archbishop called
quences.” for better formation of young people in the defense of life, and that they be
After noting that the drug is just another method for obtaining an abor- encouraged to embrace a correct understanding of sexuality, affection, and
tion, the archbishop underscored that this anti-life practice “is an evil in and love, “rather than succumbing to worry, anxiety and distress.” (CNA)

Filipinos, Australians denounce Oldest workers’ group seeks

‘destructive’ mining in RP party-list accreditation
MANILA, July 30, 2009— The Federation of
Free Workers (FFW), one of the oldest existing
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Contributed photo

labor federations in the country, has decided

to take part in politics after years of absten-
tion by filing for accreditation in the 2010
party-list polls at the Commission on Elections
MELBOURNE, Australia, July Australian companies continue area in danger, Indophil/Xstrata “As a primary economic driving force, there is
24, 2009— Filipino and Aus- to connive with the government which is continuously being op- a real need for lowly workers to be represented
tralian environmental activists to exploit our natural resources,” posed, Central Gold Asia facing and their voices be heard in Congress,” said Al- Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone
jointly condemned the "destruc- Galicha, in a media release sent opposition everyday in Masbate, lan Montaño, National President of the FFW.
tive" mining practices in the Phil- to CBCPNews, said. OceanaGold challenged by the Affiliates and members of the FFW have
ippines advocated by Australian Citing Philippine govern- local government of Nueva Viz- VATICAN, July 28, 2009—The Italian Senate took
registered with the COMELEC under the name time on Tuesday to hear about a topic not usually
companies in a protest that was ment’s failure to protect the caya for tax issues and opposed “Free Workers”, which will be known by the
simultaneously done in other people’s right to a sustainable by the indigenous communi- on their agenda—a papal encyclical. Cardinal
same acronym, FFW. Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican’s Secretary of State,
parts of world. livelihood and safe environment, ties, Pelican Resources with its FFW, the labor federation, has been in ex-
Activists unfurled banners Galicha further accused the gov- Filipino partner that caused the addressed the senators about “Caritas in Veritate”
istence since 1950. It was officially registered and how it can help them respond to the “ethical,
of protests on a bridge along ernment of implementing laws murder of a local official, Roy- and issued a certificate of registration by the
Melbourne’s Eastern Freeway, that favor mining companies. alco creating divisions among cultural and social challenges of today.”
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) The speech by Cardinal Bertone was delivered at
July 22, denouncing open-cut “The Philippine government indigenous peoples, and the list in November 19, 1956.
mining in the Philippines with still denies these abuses and viola- still continues,” Pepper said. the invitation of the president of the Italian Senate
FFW has been actively involved in many on Thursday morning.
words, “Open-cut mining scars tions, and continues to harmonize The environmentalist criticized tripartite bodies in the country, particularly on
the Earth, No to Roxby Expan- environmental policies in favor Australian investors for exploit- Cardinal Bertone highlighted some of the an-
issues involving labor-management relations. thropological and theological aspects of the Pope’s
sion” and “Philippines: Yes to of the mining law, thus mining ing people and resources in pur- It has consistently represented workers for 50
Food, No to Mining.” licenses are being given immedi- suit of their own convenience. latest encyclical, which is devoted to encouraging
years now, as part of the Philippine Tripartite countries to promote the true development of man,
The protest was also staged in ately without genuine consulta- “Through AusAID, we help Delegation to the International Labor Confer-
Mexico, Philippines and Canada tion and consent from communi- the Filipinos, but our fellow a development that encompasses the material,
ence of the International Labor Organization spiritual and moral arenas.
by members of Friends of the ties,” Galicha said, adding: Australians with mining invest- (ILO) held each year in the month of June in
Earth International. “Open-pit mining has been ments take the opportunity of The Secretary of State also recalled that in 2004
Geneva, Switzerland. the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had given a
An anti-mining alliance of promoted and causes wide- exploiting their resources and One of the main platforms of government by
various groups and organizations spread deforestation and land these poor people in the villages “lectio magistralis” in the Senate library on the
the FFW is the promotion of Decent Work. theme: “Europe. Its spiritual roots, yesterday,
called Mining Action Philippines- use conversion that causes 20 to where some of our aid go are “While they are most in numbers, the labor
Australia (MAP-Oz), joined 25 percent of carbon emissions being displaced, abused and today and tomorrow.” On that occasion, he re-
sector has not been truly represented in Con- minded, the future Pontiff had focused on certain
Friends of the Earth-Melbourne that cause climate change. We sometimes their lives at stake. gress these days”, Montaño stressed.
(FoE) in a Global Day of Action never learned our lesson,” he Australians should avoid expe- themes that are now contained in his third En-
“We, therefore, need representatives that cyclical, such as “the affirmation of the profound
against open-pit mining. lamented. diency,” she stressed. have the capacity and would genuinely repre-
MAP-Oz convenor and Aly- In the same media release MAP-Oz is a newly-formed reasons behind the dignity of individuals and their
sent the interest of workers in the legislature,” rights,” and marriage and the family as elements
ansa Tigil Mina (ATM) officer posted on MAP-oz blog, Austra- alliance of various Filipino and Montaño said.
Rodne Galicha denounced the lian Mia Pepper, an FoE mem- Australian groups and organi- that have forged European identity.
“This role can best be served by the FFW The cardinal said that he believes the represen-
trampling of human rights and ber, said Australians should be zations. The group monitors, representatives in Congress once given the
reckless ecological destruction conscious of real issues behind assesses, evaluates and exposes tatives of the Italian people will find the Pope’s
mandate,” he added. words to be “an exalted and profound source
caused by mining. anti-mining advocacies in the various environmental, human The FFW has historical ties with the Catholic
“Despite wanton environmen- Philippines. and indigenous peoples’ rights of inspiration when carrying out their mission.”
Church having been established by a Jesuit Hopefully, the encyclical will enable them to
tal degradation, human rights vi- “Australians should be aware issues of Australian mining com- priest and a group of idealistic youth almost
olations and indigenous peoples’ of mining companies like BHP panies in the Philippines. (Pinky respond “adequately to the ethical, cultural and
60 years ago. (Julius Cainglet) social challenges of today.” (CNA)
rights abuses, Philippine and Billiton which put a protected Barrientos, FSP)
A4 Opinion CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009


The makings of a heroic icon

AGAINST the backdrop of a sullied political dispensation of
the present and an equally murky conjugal regime of a haunting
past, there maybe no mistaking to the observation of CBCP
President and Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo that no couple
in Philippines history has had a greater positive impact than the
late Senator Benigno Aquino, Jr. and his wife, former President
Corazon Aquino.
Both of them have lived and believed that “the Filipino is worth
dying for”.
And that comes so nostalgic and endearing for both the masses
and the literati especially in the face of an exact antithesis where
thousands of Filipinos are dying of adversity because their leaders
have not valued their worth and where the value of the common
good is totally eclipsed by selfish if greedy pursuits. Indeed, there
is not any dearth of leaders around here today with greater negative
impact on the Filipino than what we all have in mind.
That was the reason why Filipinos spontaneously got to their feet
in hundreds of thousands to accompany Cory’s funeral march in
Manila, in their own provinces at requiem masses in churches and
even in several Filipino communities abroad—comparable only
in dignity and meaning to the one of her husband’s in August of
1983; and that of Mother Theresa in July of 1997 and Mahatma
Gandhi in February of 1948.
That was the reason, too, why the Church of Manila opened the
doors of the Metropolitan Cathedral for Cory’s wake—a fitting

Illustration by Bladimer Usi

privilege reserved only for the Archbishops of the Archdiocese
being shepherds willing to die for their flock.
“More than an icon of democracy Cory was and is to me my
personal symbol of Inang Bayan, our beloved Motherland,” said
Archbishop Orlando Quevedo.
“As a President, she demonstrated to all of us the clear example
of how to live beyond oneself, how to hold sacrifice as the raison
d’être of accepting to assume the presidency of a ruined country,
Francisco F. Claver, SJ
Church, government
inspite of her repeated confession that it was an office to which she
was not born for,” according to Archbishop Leonardo Legaspi.
“Selfless giving was her one great promise, and she fulfilled
it not only when she took power at EDSA, not only when she
governed us for six years, but most importantly, at the peaceful
Afterthoughts and politics
transfer of power from her to the next duly elected president in
1992…Today, selfless giving is a pipe dream. Today, shameless HOW should the Church deal with a government that is failing in its his image, we were unsupportive of them.
self-promotion is the order of the day,” so said Ricardo Cardinal obligations towards its citizens? Or, the contrary, that is doing right The operative word was neither cooperation nor opposition but
Vidal in his homily. by them? (By “Church”, I don’t mean just the bishops and clergy but critical. The term didn’t mean just carping or complaining, blaming,
all of us who profess its faith.) fault-finding, but careful and honest evaluation of the good points or
“Former President Corazon C. Aquino showed everyone that it is The answer many of us gave during the dictatorial regime of Presi- bad points of any act or scheme of governance, our criteria of judgment
possible to be a Catholic, a Filipino and a politician and remain dent Marcos was critical collaboration/opposition. It was what carried us the values of Christ’s kingdom. It called for real discernment—the
incorruptible,” said Bishop Francisco Claver. through the darkest moments of those dark times. The term was first effort to arrive at a right judgment in one’s thoughts and acts.
used by the AMRSP (the Association of Major Religious Superiors of In the beginning, we applied the formula mainly to Marcos’ military
For Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, Cory Aquino was not just the Philippines) practically from the very beginning of martial law. government. But as it worsened and the NDF, the NPA and their
the president that gave back to the Filipinos their freedom and (It was later adopted by Cardinal Sin to whom authorship is often supporters (many of them priests and religious) began pushing aggres-
democracy, she “was both president and icon of what an authentic, attributed—but wrongly.) sively their own ideas of what Philippine society should be according
truthful and honest leader was to a people whose long experience Its burden was the soul of simplicity. Of wisdom too. It meant that, to their Marxist ideology, we had to apply the same formula of judg-
was to look for a guide who would lead them out of history’s however we detested the origin and intent of Marcos’ dictatorial rule, ment to them and their blue-prints for reforming us as a people.
cruel political disarray.” we would cooperate with it in the pursuit of whatever measures it took In the end we came to the conclusion that these two contending
Without sounding too simplistic, the roadmap to a respectable and that we judged were for the genuine good of our people—develop- political forces, whatever were the differences in their mutually ex-
progressive Philippines is right at the characters of both Cory and ment projects, for instance, which were truly for their advancement. clusive ideas and programs of social reform, were, strangely enough,
Ninoy. All that a Filipino has to do is hold firm to his ballot in But we opposed it when it acted against their good. Thus, to use the of one mind in the way they would translate their visions into reality:
2010 and in succeeding elections and pick out the candidates that same example of development projects: when these were advertised they were not going to scruple about using force, even violence, in the
fit the mold. But if only it could be as easy as saying so. for the people’s good but were in reality primarily for the advance- pursuit of their program of reform—as they were actually doing even
ment of the businesses of Marcos’ cronies or simply for show to boost Afterthoughts / A6

Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS

The pursuit of peace Children need clear messages:
THE task of waging peace is formidable. We see it as a moral
struggle. We must not delude ourselves into thinking that periodic
bursts of enthusiasm will conquer evil. The task of waging peace
Do not have sex before marriage Love Life
is slow, painful, demanding, and crucifying. It will require a
holy endurance and relentless effort. It is not simply the work HAVE you ever heard of the “Law of Ex- condom in your pocket or handbag, just in Schools and organizations should there-
of one leader or of one government but it is the enterprise of a pected Behavior”? You know the one: if you case…and to be doubly sure, here is how fore respect the natural developmental
whole nation. expect Junjun to fail, he will; if you expect you put it on, ok? stages that the children go through, espe-
Peace is the work and fruit of solidarity (Sollicitudo Rei Socialis Nini to excel, she will. Psychologists and We expect our children to have self-control cially the latency period (pre-teens) wherein
, #39). Solidarity as “a firm and persevering determination to guidance counselors explain that to the par- in other areas of temptation. We don’t expect focus is on academic skills, arts, sports and
commit oneself to the common good; that is to say, to the good ent whenever she/he is called to look into the them to cheat on an exam if they don’t know virtues, rather than tickling them with sexual
of all and of each individual because we are all really responsible misbehavior of the student concerned. the answer. Or steal when they want a cell matters that leave their imagination stimu-
for all,” (Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, #38) is, in essence, rooted in But that is what has been happening in phone or a CD, or punch someone because he lated and distracted. Given the fact that we
the Gospel imperative of loving God and neighbor. sex education, to use their own words “safe is irritating. If we expect them to be in control are surrounded with such sex-stimulating
sex education” which is nothing more than of all these, do we also give them the clear ads, films and magazines, it is the role of the
Solidarity calls us to be ready “to lose” ourselves for the sake of contraception-promotion activities in the message No to Sex Before marriage? adults then to lessen the impact on the kids
others, to share with them out of justice and love, and to see the classroom. So is the doubling and tripling of the rates by helping them focus and providing them
face of Christ himself in the needy and the poor. Solidarity calls “They” are not only the pro-reproductive of premarital sex, early pregnancies, abortion with other worthwhile activities.
us to tear down walls that divide our communities. It calls us to health bill lawmakers who want to oblige all and sexually transmitted diseases a result of Why is self-control so hard to teach?
communion with God and among ourselves. schools, public and private to teach that kind lack of information on contraception is it the Maybe the fault lies in us adults who have
Together we can promote peace in a hundred and one different of promotion starting Grade 5 and all the double talk that our kids have been hearing given in to the sexual revolution slogans,
ways, stopping the mad glorification of violence on TV and way to Senior High School. Now how much from the adults. Parents can keep nagging the any-thing goes relativistic morality of
cinema, organizing peace-promoting and monitoring councils time does a person need in order to memorize their teens—“don’t get pregnant or don’t this consumerist society, to the me-first
all over our country, educating for justice and peace, in schools, all the different kinds of contraceptives so get a girl pregnant, mind you…” but if the convenience-instant mentalities and behav-
on stage, and on the streets. Active and vigilant People Power that they have to start learning them at age kids see condoms and pills lying around the ior. Will retreats, self-help books, prayer
through mobilization and prayer—and through generous sacrifice 10? Of course, they will also be taught their bedroom of their folks, that is an indication communities, support groups and advocacy
for the common good—will be the means to peace. anatomy and fertility and sexually transmit- that sex can’t be controlled and so, they can organizations assist us in getting back on
ted diseases and the travails of pregnancy go ahead and “express” themselves too in the right track regarding the plan of God
Our pilgrimage to peace is one of friends and not of hostile and the burden of being a father if you are not the most intimate way that they see and hear for human kind?
factions. Though we may belong to different classes and tribes, we ready—not ready meaning you do not have in the movies, videos, magazines, tabloids, That is our prayer—our urgent prayer—so
must band together for peace, listen to God’s call of peace together, a house and a car and a steady job. internet, and even the cell phones. that our children need not suffer unneces-
and dialogue for peace together, resolutely and ceaselessly seeking contraception? Because “they” do not Not that the Catholic Church and the pro- sarily just because we have not been true
peace, pursuing it, beating the swords of war into plowshares of think that Junjun and Nini will be able to life groups object to teaching sex at all. The to them.
integral development (cf. Is. 2:4). keep away from sex before marriage. Sure, primary teachers, as we always say, are the For materials, speakers and seminars for
abstinence is mentioned in that famous parents—who are also the primary teachers parents to help them impart value-oriented
“Seek Peace, Pursue It”, A CBCP Pastoral Letter, 1990
“ABC” slogan—“for the single, Abstain of love, relationships, discipline, virtues, sexuality education, call Pro-life office at
from sex; for the married, Be faithful; and good manners and right conduct, etc. To 733-7027. Pro-life Phil. has transferred to
if you are unable to follow the first two, use teach sex outside the context of these values San Lorenzo Ruiz Center, 2486 Legarda St.,
Condom”…that is why, be sure to keep a is like handing the children a time bomb. Sampaloc, Manila.
[email protected]

Fr. Francis B. Ongkingco

‘Unplugging our kids’

Pedro C. Quitorio
Editor-in-Chief I STUMBLED over this wonderful commentary about how we’re rors! We ate cupcakes, bread and butter, and drank soda pop with
raising our tech-savvy children today. Although it was in my e-mail sugar in it, but we were never overweight because we were always
Pinky Barrientos, FSP Kris P. Bayos archive dated 2005, I believe it is still very timely. outside playing. We shared one soft drink with four friends, from
Associate Editor Feature Editor I have yet to discover the author of such an intellectually challenging one bottle, and no one actually died from this.”
work. The commentary is entitled: PEOPLE OVER 35 SHOULD BE “We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then
Melo M. Acuña Laarni Bergado DEAD NOW. I think it would be appropriate to change 35 to 40 by now, rode down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running
Managing Editor Marketing Supervisor but the message will be clearly much the same and here’s why… into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem. We would
leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back
Roy Q. Lagarde Ernani M. Ramos
News Editor Circulation Manager *** when the streetlights came on. No one was able to reach us all day.”
“NO CELL PHONES!!! Unthinkable! We did not have Play sta-
Laurence John R. Morales Marcelita Dominguez “According to today’s regulators and bureaucrats, those of us tions, Nintendo 64, X-Boxes, no video games at all, no 399 channels
Layout Artist and Online Editor Comptroller who were kids in the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, or even the early 70’s probably on cable, movies on videotape or DVD, surround sound, personal
shouldn’t have survived. Our baby cribs were covered with bright cell phones, personal computers, or Internet chat rooms. We knew
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP Com- colored lead-based paint. We had no childproof lids on medicine how to chat without the Internet. We had friends! We went outside
munications Development Foundation, Inc., with editorial and bottles, doors or cabinets, and when we rode our bikes, we had no and found them.”
business offices at 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila.
P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO.
helmets. (Not to mention the risks we took hitch-hiking.) As children, “We played dodge ball, and sometimes, the ball would really hurt.
Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612. we would ride in cars with no seatbelts or air bags. Riding in the We fell out of trees, got cut and broke bones and teeth, and there were
ISSN 1908-2940 back of a pickup truck on a warm day was always a special treat. no lawsuits from these accidents. They were accidents. No one was
We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle. Hor- Whatever / A7
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009
Opinion A5
Bp. Leonardo Y. Medroso, JCD, DD Nicolo F. Bernardo
Canon Law and the
Tidbits Filipino migrants Lifeguard
IT is tragic to note that we are no longer
shocked with the fast growing number of
Filipinos exiting our country. It bespeaks of
and office, to the building up of the Body of
Christ.” Hence, the obligation hangs on the
Church in the Philippines to look after the
tion, the cause and the end of every social
institution” (Pacem in Terris, 31). Then he
added: “Every man has the right to life, to
Better than Harry
an attitude that has become accustomed, if not
calloused, to the alarming reality that the phe-
spiritual and moral needs of these Filipino
migrants. They may be far from its reach,
bodily integrity, and to the means which are
suitable for the proper development of life;
nomenon does not cause us anymore unease. but the obligation remains in its conscience. these are primarily food, clothing, shelter, YOUNGSTERS amazed with the “magic” of the fictional Harry
In the midst of this seeming indifference, we Foremost in its mind is what is demanded in rest, medical care, and finally the necessary Potter should know that there once was a real man who worked
are presented with some eight to nine million the Salvation History—God provided laws social services” (ibid, 32). For, every person miracles and marvels stranger than fiction. Reports of this “man
migrants. The last count up was just seven and guidelines regarding refugees. When is precious, people are more important than who performed wonders” were even recorded by the official Ro-
million some two or three years ago. Now it God commanded the Chosen People to be things, and the value of every institution is man historian around his time, Josephus Flavius, who was a Jew.
is nine million, Filipinos all. They are not mere hospitable to foreigners and strangers, as whether or not it threatens or enhances the The miracle man was Jesus. But the story does not end in his
faceless individuals, but warm bodies with hu- stated in Leviticus 19: 34, God reminded life and dignity of the human person. Pope lifetime. The gift to perform wonders, it appears, continuously
man feelings and Filipino needs that constantly them of the reason for the legal provision, Benedict XVI in his recent Encyclical “Caritas manifests to his followers, such as the saints and the mystics. As
call our attention. They are living persons who that is, “because you yourselves were for- in Veritate” reminds everyone of the prece- Jesus himself promised: “Whoever believes in me will do the
need food and the basic necessities of life to eigners in strange land.” CBCP sees this dence of dignity of man over other concerns works that I do, and will do greater ones than these.” (Jn 14:12)
keep themselves in one piece; rational beings text as a framework for its pastoral care for of development. He said: “I would like to The saints, before they were canonized, underwent decades-
who can foresee the need to provide for the Filipino migrants, that is, our people are remind everyone, especially governments long skeptical appraisal on testimonies of their reported
uncertainties of the future, responsible family strangers in foreign lands. It has to look engaged in boosting the world’s economic miracles, before and after death. Journalists, scientists, medical
men and women who in search for a better fu- after their pastoral needs, their well-being, and social assets, that the primary capital to researchers, and the Church’s Promotor Fidei or Devil’s Advocate
ture for their children, they set out of this coun- peace of mind, growth in spiritual life, and be safeguard and valued is man, the human (tasked to challenge reports) form part of the appraisal team.
try that they love, and settle in a foreign land their appreciation of their dignity as human person in his or her integrity: ‘Man is the Critical data on these can be gleaned in Herbert Thurston’s
which they surmise could give them a better beings and as children of God. The Church source, the focus and the aim of all economic revised Butler’s Lives of the Saints and The Physical Phenomena of
tomorrow; human persons who are endowed in the Philippines has the task to constantly and social life’” (n.25; cf. LG 63). Mysticism, the Jesuits’ Acta Sanctorum, Joan Carroll Cruz’ The
with rights and obligations, particularly the remind them and support them that no Our migrant workers, nine million of them, Incorruptibles, the Summario of evidence to the Congregation of
right to a decent environment that guarantees matter how menial their kind of work is, have dignity to uphold, human pride to pro- Rites for canonization procedures, the New Catholic Encyclopedia,
the protection of their human dignity. In brief, they remain children of God and bearers of tect, better quality of lives to pine for, mean- and the secular The Future of the Body by Michael Murphy.
they have to be cared for bodily, psychologi- human dignity. It is for this heavy respon- ing of life to keep intact, spirituality to hang Interestingly, a run-down of their “gifts” would make a defi-
cally, and spiritually. sibility that CBCP has to found the Com- on to, so that they can live as human persons nite put-down of Harry’s magic. These are:
The Church in the Philippines has not been mission for the Pastoral Care for Migrants, and as children of God in foreign places. Apparitions and Visions. In Mark 9:2-7, Jesus was seen by his
remiss in its obligation to extend its Pastoral and to demand from it a regular report and Who would articulate and protect their disciples transfiguring with the spirits of Elijah and Moses. The
Care to Filipino Migrants. It is aware of its evaluation of its mission. But nine million deep human longing? The Canon Lawyers of 20th century has its share of public apparitions too, especially of
task to look into the temporal and spiritual Filipino migrants is a number so staggering the Philippines (CLSP) with courage faced up the Virgin Mary. The Lady of Fatima appeared to three children
needs of its faithful. It is after all wary to the that the Commission is in a quandary on to this problem sometime on April 2009, in in 1917, accompanied by unusual solar and healing phenomena
rights of the migrants as well as to all the how to effectively and efficiently meet the Vigan, Ilocos Sur, during their annual meet- even reported in the anti-clerical newspaper O Seculo.
faithful which the Code enunciated, to wit: demands and expectations of the Bishops ing in that place. They are aware that they as Then in 1968, in the symborium of the Coptic Church in
“Christ’s faithful have the right to be assisted Conference of the Philippines. canon lawyers are called to give their share Zeitun, Cairo , Egypt , the Virgin reportedly appeared many
by their Pastors from the spiritual riches of One of the greatest pains of our migrant in the pastoral care of Filipino migrants. times before a million Egyptians, including unbelievers, athe-
the Church, especially by the word of God workers is the loss of the sense of self-pride. Theirs is to look closely into the provisions ists, Protestants, Jews and Muslims. The apparitions had been
and the Sacraments” (Canon 213). This right They pine to get it back, but no amount of of law, the social doctrine of the Church, as photographed and the Egyptian president Abdul Nasser was
is based on the constitutional right of each money that they receive can buy it back. expounded by Vatican II, the living Magiste- himself a witness. Authorities searched a 15-mile radius for any
individual faithful by virtue of baptism. The Church understands the depth of man’s rium of the Church, the provisions of PCP II electrical devices that could have been used to project the image,
Canon 208 expresses well this basic right in pain when he is deprived of such self-worth. and the subsequent acts of the Bishops Con- but soon they too were convinced that a strange event—ignored
these words: “Flowing from their rebirth in Hence, in its work for Christian justice and ference of the Philippines. These will give by the Western media—occurred. The General Information and
Christ, there is a genuine equality of dignity charity, its priority is to assist the concerned them the necessary framework to provide Complaints Department reported:
and action among all of Christ’s faithful. individual migrants get back their dignity. our Church leaders with legal guides to bet- “The official investigations have been carried out with the
Because of this equality they all contribute, Hence, the words of John XXIII echoed: ter meet the needs of our migrant workers. result that it has been considered an undeniable fact that the
each according to his or her own condition “Individual human beings are the founda- This is the task that lies ahead of them. Blessed Virgin Mary has been appearing on Zeitun church in a
clear and bright luminous body seen by all present in front of
Jose B. Lugay the church, whether Christian or Muslim.”
Bilocation/Teleportation, or a person’s simultaneous presence

PPP Laiko Lampstand

or instantaneous appearance from one place to another. St. Al-
phonsus Liguori, while jailed, reportedly made himself present
at the bedside of the dying Pope Clement XIV. Meanwhile, a
British pilot, whose plane was plummeting, testified that Padre
Pio—who earned the moniker “flying friar”—flew like Super-
IN working with the government, one must immediately be familiar not reported by the President for obvious reasons. man from his nearby monastery to land the plane safely.
with the initials used for different government agencies as well as The political noise is increasing in decibels by the day, and an Could these things be possible? Ask Einstein’s quantum phys-
the abbreviations of the Republic Acts (.R.A.) and Executive Orders increased roster of presidentiables: Governor Ed Panlilio, Jamby ics. Particles revolving in an orbit at one time can disappear and
(E.O.) and Implementing Rules and Regulations (I.R.R.). So, it came Madrigal (no wonder she was after the neck of real estate magnate simultaneously reappear in another!
to pass very recently the most famous initials, SONA, the State of Manny Villar), Loren Legarda, Robert Gordon, Gilbert Teodoro, Elongation. Who says adults cannot grow? A recorded case
the Nation Address, a constitutional mandate for the President of Bayani Fernando and frontrunners in the SWS statistical survey: V.P. for the beatification proceedings of Italian nun Sr. Veronica
the Philippines to report to the people her accomplishments for the Noli de Castro and Past President Joseph Estrada, Manny Villar, Laparelli, tells of witnesses seeing the sister while on trance
year. The SONA took months of preparation and her antagonists Mar Roxas and yet to declare his candidacy, Chiz Escudero, stretching by more than 10 inches “until her throat was out of
likewise planned counter-rallies, and egged all those against GMA, Meantime the Church, through Bishop Broderick Pabillo, head of proportion.” The astonished congregation even took time to
including the presidentiables who carry contrary political agenda the Commission on Social Action Justice and Peace issued a directive measure her body while she was in an ecstatic state.
against the incumbent to be as visible as possible with the help of to the laity to get involved in PPP, Principled Partisan Politics. They Incorruption of human cadavers. Without freezing or mum-
Media. As far as the Opposition is concerned the SONA is the most are not endorsing any of the candidates listed above. The Church mifying, the dead bodies of certain saints remain intact, supple,
publicized event of the Administration. Hence it is logical that all realizes now that politics need evangelization. The root cause of graft and fresh. Among which: St. Francis of Paula, despite his body
should be ready and prepared for the word war, the better for the and corruption and bad governance is the election of people to posi- was burnt by the Protestant Huguenots; St. Cajetan, whose
headlines to capture the electorate’s minds, the voters of the 2010 tions of power who do not possess the basic moral norms of honesty, corpse was thrown into a common pit; St. Lawrence Justinian,
elections. integrity and transparency. There are now very active movements whose body was exposed for 67 days; St. Charles Borromeo,
The President, wily in a diplomatic way, took the opportunity to towards this direction—the process of identifying potential candi- whose remains were placed in a damp and leaky coffin; St.
show her mastery and grasp of the economic situation and her moves dates within each parish. DILAAB Foundation of Cebu has been Josaphat, martyred and thrown into the river, whose body was
during the year to slow down the effects of the recession by her going around Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao to train lay leaders the fished up incorrupt; St. Francis Xavier, incorrupt for almost 500
directives on the use of the internally-generated funds (the EVAT), process of selection of the “evangelized laity” through the Circles of years; Sts. Bernadette Soubirous, John Vianney, Catherine of
the OFW remittances and the Central Bank’s monetary policies to Discernment, CiDE. The CiDE exercise is a selection process using Laboure, Vincent de Paul, and recently, Pope John XXIII and
prevent the abuse of banking and lending institutions. These moves the Nominal Group Technique, a management tool, to arrive at a the 24-year-old Blessed George Frassinetti.
prevented the collapse of the Philippine economy better than other consensus of the many suggested characteristics of a candidate that Inedia/Holy Anorexia or absence of nourishment for great
developing nations. the laity should choose to be nominated for the 2010 election. For lengths of time. Moses and Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights.
The subtle digs of the President on her accusers, which many those interested, contact Fr. Carmelo Diola of Dilaab Foundation, Meanwhile, historians Caroline Bynum and Rudolph Bell
columnists accede as justified, colored this specific SONA as a retalia- Archdiocese of Cebu. Let us hope, that together with the evangeliza- documented claims that St. Catherine of Siena survived on com-
tion to those who have abused civility expected from mature leaders tion of politics now being done in the diocese of Malaybalay, this will munion wafers alone at age 23, and abstained from water for
and representatives of the people. Oldtimers like us can only say mark the beginning of involvement of parishioners in the selection a month at age 33. The German mystic Therese Neuman, too,
in dismay, “Is there no more ‘Good Manners and Right Conduct’ process of candidates for the next and future elections. The Laity under the inspection of the bishop of Regensburg and a medical
subject taught in primary grades”? ATTENTION DepED: Restore should start learning Principled Partisan Politics, PPP! team that examined her day and night in 1927, confirmed reports
the GMRC subject in the primary grade curriculum! that she survived only on daily communion for years.
While the President is expected to report only those accomplish- *** Levitation or suspension of the human body into the air
ments that can make her scorecard attractive, listeners should un- without support. The Franciscan monk St. Joseph Cupertino
derstand that each achievement is a product of other departments At this writing, mass is being offered by our ECLA Bishop Gabriel was reported to levitate on more than a hundred occasions,
below her. Standard management procedures require that the V. Reyes at the wake of Past President Corazon Aquino at the La as confirmed by his “Devil’s Advocate,” Prosper Lambertini,
subordinates reporting to her should also report the results of their Salle Greenhills, San Juan. The whole country joins the family and later Pope Benedict XIV. The Carmelite nun St. Teresa of Avila
governance – the heads of the following institutions: DILG, DOTC, the nation in prayer for the repose of her soul. We do hope that her also had such raptures during Masses. St. Teresa describes the
DA, DSWD, DILG, DOE, DPWH, DOH, DOF, DENR, DOST, DBM, death will unite all who are presently divided after the SONA of experience in her Autobiography:
BI, BoC, BIR, BSP, the Government-Owned Controlled Corpora- GMA to reflect on her heroic role in Philippine history—restoring I confess that it threw me into great fear…and that with great
tions, (GOCCs), the Government Financial institutions (GFIs), etc. back our democracy—democracy that is now being threatened by sweetness if unresisted, the senses are not lost; at least I was so
Graft and corruption reported in many of these institutions, were political wranglings. much myself as to be able to see that I was being lifted up…After
the rapture was over, my body seemed frequently buoyant, as
if all weight have departed from it, so much that now and then
Rev. Euly B. Belizar, SThD I scarcely knew that my feet touched the ground.”
Charismatic Healing. Jesus made the blind see, the lame walk,
Cry not for the Icon the deaf hear, the mute speak, and the leper healed. So do annals
By the Roadside of the saints report this gift of healing.
Prophecy/Precognition. Like Jesus, who had foreknowledge of
events including the destruction of Jerusalem , Butler’s records
52 cases of saints’ prophecies coming to fulfillment.
ERIC Hoffer once wrote: “How frighteningly makes appreciators of the dead those they there was one President Corazon Aquino. In Visible Transubstantiation, or transformation of one substance
few are the persons whose death would spoil our leave behind. Not that it is a sign of ingrati- a word, for contemporary believers she could into another. Jesus turned water into wine at the Wedding of
appetite and make the world seem empty.” tude, rather only of the natural oversight we be an embodiment or, at least, a reminder of Cana (Jn 2:1-12). Meanwhile, Eucharistic miracles abound where
I submit that the statement is mostly true. often make of fellow humans who still breathe the Vatican II vision of the Catholic lay faithful, hosts visibly turned into human flesh and the wine into human
On the other hand, President Cory Aquino the same stale air of earthly reality as we do. not one who separates faith and (secular) life, blood as happened in Lanciano , Italy (700), Kerala , India before
was, doubtless, one such person. News of Among the many voices that we now hear but rather brings that faith right into her/his some 500,000 Mass attendants (1999), and Rome (2000).
her parting certainly spoiled many Filipinos’ or read on how we are to see President Cory acts of social engagement. Mystical Aureoles/Illuminations, or halos and radiances appear-
breakfast last August 1, 2009 and has left Aquino’s meaning and significance to us That she was a woman and a wife with ing from the body. Remember Moses going down from Mt. Sinai
such a void not only in her family but also Christian Filipinos who deeply care about an elite family background had been made with his face blindingly radiant? (Ex. 34: 2-35). It’s a phenomenon
in her country, one that even fewer will ever their country, let me add mine. much of by friend and foe alike as among taken by Benedict XIV, in his treatise De Servorum Dei Beatificatione
consider attempting to fill. It could even be I agree that she was an icon of democracy. her minuses. But she transformed them et Beatorum Canonizatione, as a sign of sanctity. He says: “It seems
asked if there would be, among our present But she was also more. To me she was a living into pluses because, precisely as a woman that there are natural flames which at times (are visibly encircling)
crop of leaders, those who would measure sign of the challenge of Christian disciple- president and a former wife of a senator, the head…in the form of sparks which are given off all around,
up to her standards of public service. Now ship in the contemporary effort to positively she courageously stood up to serious coup that some people become resplendent with a blaze of light.”
that she has left this side of life people have, transform society according to gospel values. attempts and the difficulties of rebuilding Thurston, in addition, lists Sts. Philip Neri, Charles Borromeo,
virtually in a wink of an eye, realized what Even when her adherence to Catholic teaching democratic institutions to meet the nation’s Ignatius of Loyola, and Francis of Sales among the saints seen
precious human jewel the country, nay the on certain policies of her government could so many serious problems and needs. Even with an aura glowing. Therese Neuman’s left hand too exhibited
world, has lost. She has been variously called be doubted, one would be hard put to ques- as she was being faulted for her inability to an aura which had been photographed even before the advent
“an icon of democracy”, “the Joan of Arc tion her sincere desire to serve the poor and turn her back on her own elite background of Kirlian photography that can capture subtle-energy radiances
of the Philippines”, “Mother of Philippine make the government institutions strong and as the reason behind the lack of true land or “aura” of the body.
Freedom”, “a leader who combined power independent enough to be truly democratic. reform during her watch and beyond, yet Stigmata or the spontaneous appearance of wounds resem-
and virtue” and many others. Praying presidents we have had many. But she disarmed critics by her simplicity and bling Christ’s. Stigmatists include St. Francis of Assisi, Anna
I know that much has already been said and praying presidents who validated their numerous quiet efforts to help countless Catherine Emmerich (whose visions influenced Mel Gibson’s
written, and will still be said and written, of prayerfulness with morally unquestioned poor people through micro-financing and movie The Passion), Therese Neumann, Padre Pio, Georgio Bon-
her and her significance to the Philippines and acts of governance we are not sure to count other poverty-alleviation efforts through Lifeguard / A6
to democracy the world over. Death somehow with our fingers. Still, how blessed we are that Roadside / A6
Local News
CBCP Monitor
A6 Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009

Dominicans of Asia-Pacific urged to be

more ‘involved’ in spreading the Word
THE Dominicans’ Philippine prior provin- this participation, he explained. lenses of his own culture,” Pedregosa said
cial has urged Dominican religious attend-
ing a month-long retreat/immersion study
to be more “involved” in their communities
But the religious must keep in mind that
they are only “participators” in God’s plan,
the provincial reiterated to participants at
last July 23 in Caleruega.
Earlier, the Dominican priests and broth-
ers stayed at Zamboanga City from July
IPs offhand to PGMA’s SONA
as they share the Word to non-Christians the Caleruega Retreat House in Batangas 5-12, to listen to lectures on interreligious DISCONTENTED, indigenous peoples who participated in the
across Asia. province. dialogue organized by the Silsilah ecu- State of the Indigenous Peoples Address (SIPA) said that after
This exhortation came after the partici- Pedregosa also discussed in a separate menical movement, interacted with Muslim eight years of Ms. Arroyo administration there is still discrimi-
pants stayed in Mindanao for two weeks families for two nights and one day, and nation, land grabbing, human rights violations, environmental
to interact with Muslim families and also to also witnessed the Friday prayers at the Sta. destruction, corruption and lies.
learn more about religious involvement in Catalina Mosque. In a statement sent to CBCPNews, Lumad leaders said that
caring for distressed migrant workers. Then the religious went to Davao city Ms. Arroyo’s legacy to the indigenous communities is death
Reports from the Philippine Dominican from July 13 to 19 to listen in sessions and displacement. “There is an integral link between ancestral
province showed 15 Dominican brothers, on migrant trafficking organized by the domain and our life, culture and livelihoods, but to the govern-
deacons and priests attended the Asia- Visayan Forum migrants’ advocacy group. ment our resource and biodiversity rich lands are only seen as
Pacific Dominican Common Study from Sociology professor Maruja Asis and Fr. sources for profit.”
June 28-July 25 2009 held in the Philippines. Edwin Corros, executive secretary of the Katawhanung Lumad sa Mindanao secretary general Dulphing
Four Filipino Dominicans attended the Episcopal Commission of Pastoral Care Ogan said that they will remember the Arroyo administration
Common Study which was themed “Dif- for Migrant Workers and Itinerant Peoples, for rapacious greed that has brought deprivation, dislocation,
ferent Cultures Complement and Enrich spoke about the importance of religious and death to lumad communities.
Each Other.” involvement in helping distressed overseas “Eight years is enough. Eight years of her corrupt, self-serving
Delegates from Vietnam, China, Japan workers. anti-poor administration has brought nothing but suffering to the
and Australia also joined the immersion During the course of the “Common country, especially the indigenous peoples who have borne the
project. Study,” the participants related to each brunt of her misguided development priorities. History’s verdict
In a July 21 lecture recorded by a provin- Father Quirico Pedregosa, O.P. other their experiences with evangelization is loud and clear. It is known to all Filipinos except for her most
cial report, Prior Provincial Father Quirico and opinions on the Faith. rabid sycophants and most zealous apologists,” he said.
Pedregosa, O.P. told the participants that it session that dialogue between religious and The Order of Preachers’ Asia Pacific Quintol Labuayan of La Bugal Tribal Association based in
is important that Dominicans should fully non-Christians in Asia must be rooted in the Common Study is a project aimed at en- Columbio, Sultan Kudarat also said that historical injustices
orient themselves toward being involved Gospel for inculturation to firmly take root couraging lay and ordained Dominicans against the lumad have not been corrected and even worsened
in “history” and be integrated in the com- among the latter. This is because it requires to “live together, strengthen commitment as the government championed corporate interests.
munities that they serve. It would help if changes within the culture of the peoples to the Dominican intellectual and spiritual The indigenous people also criticized Ms. Arroyo against giv-
they have awareness of the purpose of their that the religious are serving. tradition” and “deepen their formation” ing further economic rights to foreign individuals and corpora-
preaching so that in turn they can direct “Though God is above any other culture, in spreading the Word in the Asia-Pacific tions such as 100 percent ownership of lands.
“prayer, study, and community life” toward man can only understand him through the region. (Ruben Jeffrey Asuncion)
Moral icon / A1 Human rights abuses
IP leaders and communities have not been spared from the
power in any other way. Her leadership and everything that are the gentleness and the greatness of our own,” he said.
escalating cases of human rights violations. Military operations
being said about her are the legacy that we will long remember,” Arevalo also explained how the Cory magic worked throughout
continue to displace the B’laan communities in Columbio, Sultan
he said. the years, adding he found three reasons why.
Kudarat and the Manobo communities in Lianga, San Agustin
“One is because of her selflessness and on how she loved the
and Tago in Surigao del Sur.
‘Thank you’ country above all else, even above the family. Number two is in her
The Indigenous Peoples Rights Monitor has documented 137
Thousands of Filipinos from all walks of life joined the Catholic faith and dedication to the Lord. And number three is because of her
cases of killings of IP community members from 2001 to 2009,
Church to bid farewell to a woman described by Pope Benedict XVI courage for her abiding loyalty to the country that never wavered
13 of which are women (4 pregnant) and 19 youth. 16 cases of
as a “woman of deep and unwavering faith.” and never broken,” he said.
extra-judicial killings of IP leaders were also documented.
Mourners lined the streets around the Minor Basilica of the Im- Arevalo, one of the country’s most respected Theologian, added
Another IP women leader, Bae Rose Undag of Kahiusaan sa
maculate Conception as political and business leaders, students that Mrs. Aquino was a person that had no desire for power but only
mga Higanonon Incorporated (HKI) from Claveria, Misamis
and thousands of others heard the funeral rites for former president an unwavering want to help the people.
Oriental said that eight years of GMA presidency has given
Corazon Aquino.
lumad women nothing but utmost neglect.
Funeral rites for the country’s “icon of democracy” started 9 a.m. Jam-packed
In her 2001 SONA, GMA promised to distribute 100 Certificate
on August 5, with Balanga Bishop Socrates Villegas welcoming the The funeral mass was also attended by an array of church, govern-
of Ancestral Domain Titles (CADTs) per year but instead of se-
congregation. ment and showbiz personalities and was jam-packed to the capacity
curing lumads in their ancestral domains, the SIPA participants
Villegas led the nation in expressing thanks to Mrs. Aquino for of the Manila Metropolitan Cathedral.
felt more vulnerable now during her last SONA than they ever
all the sacrifices she made both as a devout Catholic and a public Catholic prelates who concelebrated the Mass were Papal Nuncio
had been. “
servant. Archbishop Edward Joseph Adams, Manila Archbishops Gaudencio
“Because of Arroyo’s projects, we lumad mothers are always
“Thank you Tita Cory, thank you very much. Thank you for Cardinal Rosales of Manila, Ramon Arguelles of Lipa and Paciano
full of fear and anxiety for future of the tribe and our territory”,
fighting for us. Thank you for teaching us how to live and die for Aniceto of San Fernando, Bishops Deogracias Iñiguez of Kalookan,
said Patricia Bulay of the Subanon Getaw Tasan from Midsalip,
others,” said Villegas. Antonio Tobias of Novaliches, Reynaldo Evangelista of Boac, Gabriel
Zamboanga del Sur, in the dialect.
“We promise to love this country as you loved us. There is dark- Reyes of Antipolo, John Du of Dumaguete and Honesto Ongtioco
The SIPA is organized by the Legal Rights and Natural Re-
ness in our land because you are gone. But we know, we have of Cubao.
sources Center (LRC-KsK/FoEI). Two conferences are being held
enough light within us because you have shared with us your fire,” Other prelates who attended the Mass include Bishops Pablo
simultaneously in Cagayan de Oro and at the University of the
he said. David of San Fernando, Francisco De Leon of Antipolo, Bernardino
Philippines in Quezon City yesterday. (Mark S. Ventura)
Villegas, a former aide of the late Jaime Cardinal Sin, lauded Mrs. Cortez of Manila, Prudencio Andaya of Tabuk, Leo Drona of San
Aquino for inspiring people being a good example of being a true Pablo, Rolando Tirona of Infanta, Leopoldo Tumulak of the Military
Filipino Christian. Ordinariate and Novaliches Bishop-Emeritus Teodoro Bacani. for the choice of the basilica as a temporary stop for her remains.
“Tita Cory, thank you for being our light during our darkest hours. Cardinal Sin helped Mrs. Aquino catapult to power in 1986 after
Thank you for being our strength when we were afraid,” he said. Singular tribute a church-led and peaceful people power revolution.
“You gallantly showed us that to be a Filipino is great blessing Like the multitudes that have paid tribute to Mrs. Aquino, the
from God. Thank you for showing us your greatness. You were born Catholic Church also gave a singular honor to her by allowing her Lagdameo’s prayer
to wealth and plenty but you lived in simplicity and humbly carried wake in the basilica. After the Mass ended, full police honors greeted the coffin of the
our painful misery,” the bishop added. The remains of Mrs. Aquino was moved to the Manila Cathedral former president before it was loaded into a flat-bed truck fully
on August 3 after two days from La Salle Greenhills in Mandaluyong adorned with white and yellow flowers.
‘Cory magic’ City. And while the coffin was slowly departing Intramuros, a helicop-
In his homily, Jesuit priest Catalino Arevalo trumpeted how the Fr. Genaro Diwa, head of Manila Archdiocese’s Ministry on Li- ter was seen hovering around the area with yellow confetti already
“Cory magic” captured the Filipinos in 1983 when her husband, turgical Affairs, has admitted they broke rules when they let Mrs. raining.
Sen. Benigno Aquino Jr. was assassinated, and in 1986 when she Aquino’s wake take place at the Cathedral. Mrs. Aquino was buried at the Manila Memorial Park in Paranaque
ran and won against strongman Ferdinand Marcos and again in “Wakes should really be held in parish churches only. So we broke City, beside her husband, Ninoy, after around a 6-hour funeral
her death last Saturday. all the rules here,” Diwa said. procession.
Arevalo, who was said to be the personal choice of Mrs. Aquino Villegas said that the holding of wakes in the cathedral is reserved Archbishop Lagdameo said he hopes that Filipinos shall see the
to give the homily in her funeral mass, hailed the former president only for the demise of an archbishop of Manila. rise of more courageous, decent and incorruptible citizens of con-
as a ‘true queen’ in the hearts of Filipinos. “(To date), only the archbishops of Manila and Cory were given science who shall defy moral evil and ambivalence in defense of
“Perhaps, she was the only true queen our people have ever had that honor,” he said. truth, social justice, godliness and genuine democracy. (With reports
and she was queen because we knew she truly held our hearts and Mrs. Aquino’s ties with Cardinal Sin is largely seen as the reason from Melo Acuna and Roy Lagarde)
Run / A1 Lifeguard / A5 Afterthoughts / A4
for that, I leave it to God. There must be a sign. giavani of South Dakota (1968), and Syrian then in their struggling against each other for power. tion well brings out, we do not condemn partisan politics
So when I was appointed as CBCP executive Myrna Nazzour (2004). Under those conditions of warring ideologies, we as evil. But it becomes such when, in our practice of it, we
secretary, I had to abide because I love my Telekinesis/Agility, or the instantaneous learned to add to our formula of critical collaboration/ ignore the fundamental demands of justice, truth, charity,
priesthood and serving the church, much movement of a material body from one place opposition something else: ANV—active non-violence, honesty, just so our candidates prevail in the polls. Thus
more than serving a local community which to another. Remember Elisha who made an the peaceful approach to dealing with violence itself. It the usual practice of mudslinging, character assassination,
I could also do even without me running as axe’s iron flat that slipped into the river Jordan worked, as we all know, eventuating in the EDSA Revo- unquestioning loyalty to candidates no matter how corrupt
mayor,” he said. float? (2 Kgs 6:5-7). A communion wafer from lution of 1986. And working, it discredited both rightist or incompetent they may be, etc. – we all know that these
But Lucas said he could very well under- St. John Vianney reportedly moved from his and leftist modes of social change as they were then, are the unyielding flaws of our political culture. Yet, some-
stand why some priests are sometimes forced hands to the mouth of a communicant. A simi- militaristic, intolerant of any opposition whatsoever, red- how, every time elections come around, we go on blithely
to run for public office just like priest-turned- lar incident happened to Therese Neumann handedly violent. ANV as our ordinary mode of working indulging in them, throwing aside whatever good sense we
Pampanga Gov. Eddie Panlilio, who recently and the Dominican general St. Raymund of for justice and social change was later put forward by the otherwise possess and make use of in ordinary times!
declared his intention of joining the presiden- Capua. As Thurston cites St. Capua: PCP II in 1991 as our accepted and proven way of going Critical collaboration, critical opposition: if we could
tial race in 2010. “(Capua) mentally saying ‘Come O Lord, To about translating its twofold message of salvation and only bring this principle to bear strongly and thoroughly
“I could relate with Panlilio. It has become Thy Spouse.’ ‘The thought,’ he goes on, ‘had liberation into reality. on our politics, especially during elections, perhaps, just
a strong desire for him (to run) because he hardly framed itself in my mind when, before In all the agitation today about the failures of govern- perhaps, we will finally be firmly on the road towards the
could help the people. But I’m looking at my I touched it, the Sacred host, as I clearly per- ment, the principle of critical, active but non-violent, col- reform of our unregenerate political culture.
priesthood. For me, that is the highest form of ceived, moved forward of Itself, the distance of laboration/opposition vis-à-vis its failures and successes, I propose we start right now applying the discerning
service. Being a politician is just secondary,” three inches or more, coming close to the paten still makes good sense and should at all times mark our force of the principle to all would-be candidates in the
said Lucas. which I was holding in my hand.’” approach as Church to government and its acts. coming elections – to the wildly burgeoning number of
A priest of the Prelature of Infanta in Que- Telepathic Intuition, or knowledge of an- The CBCP’s recent exhortation for the laity to fully take presidential aspirants especially. Or we will be forever
zon, Lucas devoted most of his 35 years in other’s state of mind and being, without the part in politics – the partisan kind – should be received doomed to getting what we richly deserve: second-rate,
the priesthood evangelizing and advocating use of the physical senses. As Jesus knew and acted on according to that principle. As the exhorta- and much too often corrupt, public servants.
for environmental, economic and agricultural the thoughts of the Pharisees (Lk 11: 17),
development thru media. and the life story of the woman at the well Roadside / A5
He is also one of the pioneers advancing the (Jn 4:16-19, 28-30), Butler’s records 24 cases non-government organizations. She remained true to her a simple wife, she, like Mary, was a visible testimony
community broadcasting approach in Asia. of such intuition among the saints, including declaration that her stepping down from the presidency to the Magnificat truth, to wit: “[The Lord] has shown
(CBCPNews) Sts. John Vianney and John Bosco who could would not mean ceasing to be involved in safeguarding might with his arm, dispersed the arrogant of mind and
know a person’s past and thoughts. the welfare of her country. She left government but she heart. He has thrown down the rulers from their thrones
Spraying / A6 Do these phenomena point to a different did not stop being a leader in espousing causes that, in but lifted up the lowly” (Lk 1:51-52).
damage to the region. reality? Of the supernatural or preternatural? her view, uphold that welfare. Above all, her prayerfulness, compassion especially in
But the bishop contends that behind the The extrasensory and paranormal? The ex- In a political culture that feeds on greed and ambition regard to the poor, sincerity of intention to be of service
economic benefits is severe damage to the treme dynamics of quantum phenomena? for power she dared to say “Maraming salamat at paalam to what is best for the country even if it meant stand-
environment and health of the people. As to what causes these, St. Paul says: (Thank you so much and goodbye)” to the highest office ing against former allies and friends to uphold moral
He said that health and welfare of the peo- “To one the Spirit gives wisdom in dis- of the archipelago with no visible hesitation. That she governance evince a noble Christian heart. President
ple around the banana plantation should be course, to another the power to express did so even when her own critics admitted that she could Cory Aquino now completely has what Michelangelo
given supremacy over business interests. knowledge. Through the Spirit one receives argue against being covered by the constitution’s term once called the “two wings that bear the good person to
“We are against it and these companies faith; by the same Spirit another is given the limit of six years for the presidency precisely because heaven”, namely “love and death”. Of her it is worth lis-
because what they are doing is inhuman. gift of healing and still another miraculous her government pre-dated the very constitution it helped tening to St. Cyprian: “Our brethren who have been freed
They are more concerned on their business powers. Prophecy is given to one; to another, establish spoke volumes of her strength of character and from the world by the summons of the Lord should not
than the public welfare,” Pabillo said. power to distinguish one spirit from another. her admirable detachment from the intoxication of power. be mourned, since they are not lost but sent before.”
He called on the authorities to ban the use One receives the gift of tongues, another that In President Cory Aquino we realize that a person does No, don’t cry for the icon. She is not asleep. Rather,
of aerial spraying for the sake of the common of interpreting the tongues. But one and the not have to be materially poor to be considered, to use she has finally awakened to never-ending day. Cry for
good. No doubt, he said that it endangers same Spirit provides all of these, distribut- biblical language, among the “anawim” or the ‘humble her nation instead—to the God in whom she lives, that
the lives of people and destroys the environ- ing them individually to each person as He poor of Yahweh’. Often looked down upon, perhaps even the light she left behind may not cease shining in this
ment. (CBCPNews) wishes.” (1 Cor 12: 8-11) despised, by her harshest critics for being a woman and country’s darkest places.
Diocesan News
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009

News Briefs
Davao launches ‘tie a yellow ribbon campaign’
Archbishop launches
flood aid appeal
DAVAO CITY—The sadness of losing an icon of democracy is
also felt by the people here. When Cory Aquino died on Aug.1,
church groups particularly Marian movements initiated the “tie
a yellow ribbon campaign” in the streets as a way of paying
tribute to the former president. (Mark Ventura)

Laguna priests to celebrate Priests Day

SAN PABLO CITY—Over a hundred priests, religious, deacons
led by Bishop Leo Drona marked Priests Day here recently. The COTABATO CITY— Cotabato Archbishop in South Upi, Maguindanao while crossing
Diocesan Catholic School System hosted the event that took place Orlando Quevedo appealed to the govern- the rampaging waters of Rifao River.
at the Liceo de San Pablo gym on Aug. 4, also the 150th Death ment to help residents in the city and those
Anniversary of St. John Mary Vianney, the Patron Saint of Parish in Maguindanao and North Cotabato who Alarming
Priests. (Fr. Romulo Ponte) have been displaced by floods. Archbishop Quevedo expressed deep
This city and more than 100 low-lying vil- concern over the serious destruction of
lages of Maguindanao and North Cotabato farms brought about by unabated floods in
Tau Mu marks 42nd anniversary
have been underwater for about a week Maguindanao and Sultan Kudarat.
DAVAO CITY—Ateneo de Davao’s College of Law Fraternal
now due to moderate to heavy downpour Taking a helicopter for an aerial inspec-
Order of St. Thomas More or Tau Mu marked its 42nd founding
in Central Mindanao region. tion of the affected areas on August 2, the
anniversary on July 29. Tau Mu, a fraternal order for students
Five persons have already been killed due archbishop said “it was an awful sight of
taking up law in ADDU is today composed of prominent law
to landslides, swelling of rivers and rampag- flooded homes, streets and rice fields the city
practitioners, political and civic leaders. (Mark Ventura)
ing floodwaters. and nearby towns.”
The National Disaster Coordinating Coun- He added low-lying areas from Simuay
IDPs to go on streets to call for peace cil reported that more than 200,000 persons to Bulalo and Salimbao in Sultan Kudarat
COTABATO CITY—Internally displaced persons trooped to have been affected by the flooding which hit town have remained under water. He said
the streets in Maguindanao on July 23 to call for a ceasefire in the region since July 27. mud and silt are common.
Mindanao. Dubbed as “Bakwit Power 2”, the rally dramatized Quevedo said the floods in Central Min- “I saw farms destroyed in the upstream
their experiences in the 2003 Bakwit Power in Pikit which suc- danao have exceeded the overflow brought areas in Montawal, Pagalungan, Datu Piang
cessfully convinced the government and the MILF to re-declare about by Typhoon “Frank” last year. and in Pigcawayan town,” the prelate said.
a ceasefire. (Mark Ventura) “Today’s flooding exceeded last year’s di- Pangalungan river has overflowed and
saster and the water is still rising,” he said. has reached the national highway to Kida-
Bishop opposes Laiban Dam project “I am appealing to government disaster pawan.
MANILA—The CBCP’s Episcopal Commission on Indigenous coordinating councils to move and act fast,” The prelate said small portions of the
Peoples (CBCP-ECIP) has declared its support to the indigenous he added. Mindanao River basin planted to rice have
peoples and environmental groups opposing the Laiban Dam At press time, thirty out of Cotabato City’s gone underwater.
project in Quezon province. Bishop Sergio Utleg, ECIP chairman, 37 villages have been underwater which “The river projects in Allah and Simuay
said they support the crusade of the Dumagat tribes to resist the prompted Mayor Muslimin Sema to place rivers have been swept away by rampaging
restoration of the project. (Kate Laceda) the city under state of calamity. floodwaters,” he added.
He released P1.5 million as emergency He described the situation as a “terrible
ECMI launches OFW club relief funds for the displaced families now tragedy” where people “will continue to
KALOOKAN CITY—Hundreds of OFWs’ families attended the housed in various public schools and baran- suffer for years with the bald mountains
launching of the Pamilyang OFW (Overseas Filipino Workers) gay centers around the city. in Alamada have manifested signs of
Savers and Wellness Club of the Kalookan Diocesan Desk for Two persons died in Cotabato City due to man’s sins against God and his creation.”
the Pastoral Care of Migrants and their Families. Organized by drowning while another two farmers died in (Edwin Fernandez and Fr. Jonathan Do-
the diocesan desk, Pioneer Life and the CBCP’s Commission for Alamada following a landslides and one died mingo, OMI)
the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, the launching

AFP recruitment of
was held July 18 at the St. Mary’s Academy. (Kate Laceda)

Surigao diocese launches aid to evacuees

SURIGAO DEL SUR—Last July 22, Bishop Nereo Odchimar has
launched relief operations to about 300 families from 15 villages

IPs as militiamen hit

of Lianga town in Surigao Del Sur that have been displaced due
to military operations. Sr. Lydia Lascano, ICM, Diocesan Social
Action Center director said this was the decision of the bishop
and his clergy after listening to the displaced lumads who sought
their help yesterday. She said food and medicines and clothing DAVAO CITY—An official of Davao’s Roman Catholic Church has ger because of this practice. Our IP communities live peacefully in
for the children would be distributed at the soonest possible criticized the military for allegedly recruiting indigenous peoples the hinterlands. The act of recruiting them to join the paramilitary
time. (Melo Acuna) as members of a paramilitary unit. group is undermining their order,” he said.
Fr. Florencio Acedo, Jr., Indigenous Peoples Apostolate director, He said that the trouble with this recruitment is the fact that
Claretian foundations launch “Living Your Strengths” claimed the military was enticing lumad residents in the region to lumads are usually becoming frontliners during military opera-
MANILA—The Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc and arm themselves and become members of the civilian armed forces tions.
the Claretian Hope Center Foundation, Inc has recently launched geographical unit (Cafgu). “We can say now that the motive is clearly to put the lumad
a book entitled “Living Your Strengths.” The launching was held According to the priest, the situation of the IP communities, at the frontline in its fight against the NPA (New People’s Army
last July 18, 2009 at the Hope Center in Loyola Heights, Quezon based on reports reaching his office, is already “very alarming.” rebels),” said Acedo.
City. (Kate Laceda) Acedo said “the military should understand that the indigenous The church official also said that it is clearly unfair to use the
peoples like any other civilians should be spared from being in- lumads as bait just to advance political interests.
volved in military works, field operations and campaigns.” “Safeguards must be set in place in order to protect the human
Whatever / A4 “We are actually exposing the lives of the IP communities in dan- rights of our lumads,” he added. (Mark S. Ventura)
to blame but us. Remember accidents? We had fights and punched
each other and got black and blue and learned to get over it.”
“We made up games with sticks and tennis balls, and although we
were told it would happen, we did not put out very many eyes. We
Torture, violence prevail in evacuation camp sites
rode bikes or walked to a friend’s home and knocked on the door, PAGALUNGAN, North Cotabato—In a sive devices (IEDs) during explosions is the violence in an attempt to arrest the rogue
or rang the bell or just walked in and talked to them.” desperate move of the government’s armed handiwork of LMG. MILF commanders.
“Sports teams had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those forces to bring into justice the so-called mem- The hot pursuit operations of the govern- Mariam said the civilians are dreaming of
who didn’t had to learn to deal with disappointment. Some students bers of the “lawless Moro Islamic Liberation ment troops against Bravo, Kato and their fol- a peaceful Mindanao and all they wanted
weren’t as smart as others, so they failed a grade and were held back Front (MILF) group” (LMG), they cared less lowers started after a series of bloody attacks now is to go back to their homes and fields
to repeat the same grade. Horrors! Tests were not adjusted for any about human rights protection and even in July and August last year that resulted to so they can start their lives anew.
reason. Our actions were our own. Consequences were expected. inflict torture and violence. the death of hundreds and thousands of civil- Saying that life now in the evacuation sites
The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke a law was unheard This was the view shared by some of ians and caused others to leave their homes is completely miserable, Mariam asked Mrs.
of. They actually sided with the law. Imagine that!” those internally displaced persons (IDP) and seek shelter in evacuation sites. Arroyo that if she is a true mother, she would
“This generation has produced some of the best risk-takers and or commonly called “bakwit” mothers in have the heart of a mother who worried so
problem solvers and inventors, ever. The past 50 years have been an Pagalungan, North Cotabato, adding that as IDPs appeal for peace much over the suffering of her children.
explosion of innovation and new ideas. We had Freedom, Failure, time passes their road to attaining a secured Kagi Mariam, one of the IDPs also ap- Monitoring groups reported that about
Success and Responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all.” living becomes narrower. pealed to the government particularly to 639,158 civilians have already been displaced
“Now we’re raising kids in a society with more distractions. The word IDP Asnairah Nawal recounted to CBCP- President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to order by the fighting in Central Mindanao since
‘parent’ has become a verb. We’ve been given more tools, more techniques News how she and her family feared the the military to stop the practice of torture and last year. (Mark Ventura)
to mold these children into the best they can possibly be, and to protect darkness of the night especially hearing the

Forum tackles dev’t issues in E. Samar

them from a host of new threats. We must shield them from viruses, bul- voices and footsteps of the military roaming
lies, junkies and terrorists, while exposing them to Mozart in the womb, around the camp sites.
Kumon in kindergarten, trigonometry in the third grade.” For Nawal, every step of a soldier would
“Renowned educator K.C. Smith recently came up with this list of also spell another hint of violence to take
‘All a child really needs: Radio. A bicycle. The public library. Swim- place in the area, unmindful that children are
ming lessons. Typing lessons. Tickets to the theater and to baseball also getting scared of their presence.
games. A grandparent. A brother or sister.’” She said government troops usually roam
“No mention of a computer.” around the evacuation camp sites and it
usually takes place before the sun sets till
*** evening. Some of the soldiers, she contin-
ued, also visit the abandoned places of the
This interesting reflection comes with a brief introduction from bakwits.
another anonymous recipient who says: “In case you haven’t seen “If they [army] see anyone around, they
© rfestin.wordpress.com

a version of this floating around, here’s a contribution to the debate usually held him for custody. They will
on kids and high tech. I’ve read it several times and still can’t figure slap him in the face urging him to reveal
out if it’s tongue-in-cheek or dead serious.” the house of Umbra Kato. Though we don’t
Whether or not it’s only an ironic presentation on how different know where he is, they still refuse to believe
today’s children are growing up from those of yesterday, it still it, said Nawal.
holds a lot of ‘ordinary tap’ water. This may be a good wakeup call The military has been branding the group
for both parents and educators to ask themselves if they’re gingerly of Abdulrahman Macapaar alias Com- BORONGAN, Eastern Samar— A recent fo- Other significant issues discussed were
raising children only for a palliative present that actually deprives mander Bravo and Ameril Umbra Kato as rum focusing on infrastructure development the practice of child labor in small mining
them of living on their own in an unknown and future. members of the LMG. Even 6th Infantry and environmental concerns may yet offer a sites and the operation of small and large-
Maybe it’s about time to unplug—and hopefully we’ve gotten Battalion Lieutenant Col. Jonathan Ponce ray of hope to the people of Eastern Samar to scale mining without proper consultation
around to unplugging ourselves—our children! said that the presence of improvised explo- see the much-deserved development happen and permit.
in their province. Jeff Rafa of Alyansa Laban sa Mina sa
Enough / A1 The Diocese of Borongan hosted on July 24 Mindoro (ALAMIN) presented the National
causes but does not agree with their methods. punish operations, end to terrorist bombings, bombard- the 4th Eastern Samar Peace and Develop- Situationer on Mining while Roslyn Arayata
Sr. Rose-Susan Pacheco Montejo, Superior General of ments, raids because ‘Enough is enough.’” ment Forum (ESPDF) which discussed the of Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM) National Sec-
the Oblates of Notre Dame read Quevedo’s statement. The prelate said due punishment for raids “has long current situation of the province’s infrastruc- retariat discussed the Alternative Mining
The 70-year old prelate said “collateral damage simply been meted out in an attrition of casualties and damaged tures and environmental issues. Bill.
means murder and deliberate unjustifiable destruction properties.” He added what remains is the “senseless A report presented during the forum by At least more than 100 people attended
of property.” logic of war, of action and reaction” and the “suffering the Eastern Samar Development Project the forum, representing parishes, ESDMT,
He explained armed conflict brings “more destruction on of thousands of civilian evacuees.” Monitoring Team (ESDMT) highlighted the non-government organizations, academe
civilians than on combatants” because for every combatant “For the sake of our evacuees and in the name of our controversies involving the unfinished con- and media.
killed “scores of civilians suffer or die.” He noted for the past one God of Peace, end your war! Go back to the negotiat- struction of road projects by the Department Representatives also came from govern-
12 months, he has seen thousands of civilians languishing in ing table,” he added. He appealed to both sides to let the of Public Works and Highways (DWPH). ment agencies, including the local govern-
evacuation camps “first in Pikit and PALMA areas and now thousands of evacuees to safely return to their homes as The dreadful condition of roads in Eastern ment, Department of Environment and
in Datu Piang and other places in Maguindanao.” he called on to “collaborate with one another and reha- Samar has always been a perennial prob- Natural Resources (DENR), Mining and
He said “such human tragedy, spawned brutal retal- bilitate the evacuees’ destroyed properties.” lem in the province which the people have Geosciences Bureau (MGB), Philippine
iatory terrorism elsewhere in our region” in Southern “Give them another chance for a truly human life,” the learned to live with. Army and Philippine National Police.
Philippines. prelate added. Environmental issues as regards the im- Resolutions concerning mining and en-
“From the depths of my soul I can only cry out to all He concluded by saying “there is no human conflict plementation of Ecological Solid Waste Man- vironmental issues have been drafted and
warring parties, ‘Enough is enough!’” as he appealed to that cannot be solved through a genuine honest dialogue agement Act (RA 9003) and mining concerns agreed on by the participants at the end of
the warring factions to end their respective “search and of the heart.” (Melo M. Acuna) were also tackled during the meeting. the meeting. (Pinky Barrientos, FSP)
A8 People, Facts & Places CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009

Nuncio leads
jubilee celebration
of San Jose diocese
THE diocese of San Jose, Nueva Ecija current bishop of Tarlac, Bishop Leo July 14, 2009 to July 14, 2010.
marked its 25th year of canonical erec- M. Drona, SDB, the 2nd Bishop of San Three churches were designated as
tion with a solemn mass on July 14, led Jose and current Bishop of San Pablo, official pilgrimage churches during the
by the Apostolic Nuncio in the Phil- and Bishop Oscar Solis, a native of San year-long jubilee celebration. They are
ippines, Archbishop Edward Joseph Jose and currently Auxiliary Bishop of the Cathedral of St. Joseph the Worker
Adams. the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, USA in San Jose City, St. Nicholas of Tolen-

Contributed photo
Themed Ika-25 taong anibersaryo: concelebrated the Eucharist. tine Church in Carranglan, St. Jerome
hamon sa patuloy na pagpapalaganap ng The clergy from the Dioceses of San Church in Sto. Domingo, and St. Roch
Damayang Kristiyano, the opening of the Jose, Cabanatuan, Tarlac and Cubao Church in Cuyapo.
year-long jubilee festivities was held at also joined the celebration. A plenary indulgence is granted to
the Cathedral of St. Joseph the Worker, A jubilee message from the Pope was the faithful who visit any of the jubilee San Jose, Nueva Ecija Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara with papal nuncio Archbishop Edward Joseph
Adams during the processional entrance.
San Jose City. read by Bishop Sofronio Bancud of Ca- Churches provided they observe the
Twenty-nine other prelates includ- banatuan during the Mass. necessary requirements needed to re- the mass. Among those cited were the tee meets once a month to plan for the
ing San Jose, Nueva Ecija Bishop Mylo Bishop Vergara read the declaration ceive the indulgence. papal nuncio, the former bishops and occasion.
Hubert Vergara, Bishop Florentino officially opening the Jubilee Year of the The diocese also distributed plaques two lay persons, Mr. Jayson Alejo who
Cinense, first bishop of San Jose and Diocese of San Jose, Nueva Ecija from of appreciation towards the end of won the logo making contest and Mr. Upcoming celebrations
Francisco Beni, who topped the song The year-long jubilee festivities also
writing contest. provided a means for the diocese to
Among the faithful who graced the thank the different sectors which jour-
occasion were representatives of differ- neyed with the bishopric through the
ent sectors and parishes of the diocese. years.
Government officials headed by the A monthly celebration will highlight
Governor of Nueva Ecija, Aurelio Um- the different sectors and their contribu-
ali, Representatives Cherry Umali and tion to the growth of the diocese: August,
Joseph Gilbert Violago also attended Religious; September, Catechists; Oc-
the celebration. tober, Indigenous People/Community
Based Health Program Workers; No-
Jubilee preparations vember, Schools; December, Damayang
Preparations for the jubilee have been Kristiyano; January 2009, Parish Workers
going on since 2007. Vergara formed an and Lay leaders; February, Clergy and
AdHoc committee headed by the Vicar Seminarians; March, Mandated Orga-
General Msgr. Rolando Mabutol to nizations; April, Youth; May, Farmers;
Contributed photo

oversee the groundwork for the jubilee June, Parish wide celebrations.
celebrations. A synthesis of the year-long celebra-
The committee heads and members tions will be the culminating activity
are composed of priests, religious nuns of the jubilee on July 2010. (Pinky Bar-
Twenty-nine Prelates concelebrated the jubilee mass. and lay leaders. The AdHoc Commit- rientos, FSP)

7 cardinals to attend Asian Markings

bishops’ confab in Manila APPOINTED. Fr. Francis Gustilo,
SDB, by Pope Benedict XVI, to the 30-
member International Theological Com-
mission under the Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith. Gustilo, an expert
HONG KONG’S controversial Joseph Cardi- Discipline of the Sacraments, having served
nal Zen is among the seven cardinals attend- as prefect from 2002 to 2008. in spiritual and dogmatic theology, is a
professor of theology and spirituality
ing the meeting of Asian Catholic bishops in Cardinal Arinze was one of the principal at the Don Bosco Center of Studies in
Manila this August. advisors to Pope John Paul II, and was con- Paranaque City. The Salesian was one
Cardinal Zen, who just retired last April sidered “papabile” before the 2005 papal of the three nominees endorsed by the
as the head of Hong Kong’s Catholic Church conclave, which elected Benedict XVI. CBCP to William Cardinal Levada, Pre-
fect of the Congregation for the Doctrine
after 12 years for reasons of age, is an out- The 120 expected participants are currently of the Faith. Gustilo, a former provincial
spoken advocate of democracy and religious considering the working document on “Liv- superior of the Salesians of Don Bosco,
freedom in China. ing the Eucharist in Asia,” which is based in became the third Filipino to sit in the
During his tenure, the 77-year-old cardinal recent Church teachings on the topic. Commission, after Jesuit theologian Catalino Arevalo and Imus Bishop Luis
Antonio Tagle who served from 1997-2003. The International Theological
criticized both the governments in Hong The plenary assembly is the highest legal Commission was erected in April 11, 1969 and had then Joseph Cardinal
Kong and Beijing. body within the FABC, which conclude Ratzinger as its first President from November 25, 1981 to April 19, 2005
As a result, his concern on social justice usually with final statements reflecting their when he was elected Supreme Pontiff. (Melo M. Acuna)
and human rights has won him both friends main considerations on the selected theme.
© www.catholic.org.hk

ELECTED. Fr. Manny Guazon, a priest from the Archdiocese of Lipa has
and foes, even within the Church. FABC has 15 Episcopal Conferences been recently elected as Chairman of the Association of Foundations,
And despite his retirement, the cardinal coming from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Inc. Guazon currently serves as Executive Director of Pondong Batangan
continued his advocacy for the Church in Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Laos-Cambodia, Community Foundation. He is also the chairperson of the Association
China and other key issues. Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei, Myanmar, of Foundations’ Community Foundations Committee and was former
president of SAIDI. An acknowledged expert in organization develop-
Catholics in China are split between a Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, ment, Guazon is a board member of the Lipa Metropolitan Chapter of the
state-sanctioned church and an underground Cardinal Joseph Zen Thailand and Vietnam. Bishops-Businessmen’s Conference for Human Development, serving as
church that opposes government ties and Center in Paco, Manila. It also has ten associate members from its Chairman of the Committee on Programs. With his election, the Board
follows only the Pope. Other cardinals attending the plenary Hong Kong, Macau, Mongolia, Nepal, has regional representation. Guazon joins Ms. Marichu Lopez in repre-
An estimated 120 prelates will be visiting meeting are Telesphore Toppo and Oswald Kyrgyzstan, Siberia (Russia), Tajikistan, senting Luzon. Mesdames Domi Chua, Edith Villanueva and Gina Martin
along with Sonny Carpio all hail from the Visayas while Dodoy Magdolot
the Philippines for the 9th plenary assembly Gracias, both from India, and John Baptist Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and East Timor, and Bro. Bob McGovern are from Mindanao. (Fr.Noni Dolor)
of the Federation of Asian Catholic Bishops’ Cardinal Phan Min Manh from Vietnam. which are Church territories with less than
Conferences (FABC) on August 10-16. The FABC secretariat said the Vatican will three dioceses or ecclesiastical territories. ELECTED. Fr. Randolf
Archbishops Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales also be sending Francis Cardinal Arinze to This will be the second time that such a ple- Flores, SVD as Chair-
man of the Board of
of Manila and Ricardo Cardinal Vidal of represent Pope Benedict XVI. nary takes place in Manila, after the foundation Trustees of the Catholic
Cebu are among the Filipino prelates attend- He is currently Prefect Emeritus of the of the Federation in Manila in1970, and the 6th Biblical Association of
ing the event at the Pope Pius XII Catholic Congregation for Divine Worship and the Plenary Assembly in 1995. (Roy Lagarde) the Philippines (CBAP)
for 2009-2010. Other
members of the Board

UST Theological Society holds Week of Prayer for Priests are: Sr. Bernardita Di-
anzon, FSP, secretary;
Sr. Miriam Alejandrino,
OSB, member; Fr. Gil
THE University of Sto. Tomas be recited at the start of the class the Ecclesiastical Faculties on On Aug. 3, the campus Alinsangan, SSP, mem-
Theological Society started this in their respective classrooms July 27. It was venerated dur- ministry facilitated a Taize ber; Fr. Cielito Almazan,
year’s “Week of Prayer and during the entire celebration of ing the second day by the High prayer for priests to students OFM, member; Fr. Leander Barrot, OAR, member; Fr. Victor Nicdao,
member; Fr. Felipe Fruto Ramirez, SJ, member; and Fr. Herbert Schneider,
Gratitude for Priests” with a the religious event. School Department and by the of the university, followed SJ, member. Flores is at the same time President/Executive Director
Mass led by Batanes Bishop The image of St. John Vianney Faculty of Medicine and Surgery by a solemn vespers held in and Dianzon is Secretary. The vice-president and treasurer have yet to
Camilo Gregorio at the UST will be venerated by faculty, on July 29. the Central Seminary gym- be elected in the next Board meeting on August 2009. The election took
chapel last July 27. heads, and students of desig- In the afternoon, the proces- nasium. place July 17-19, 2009 during the 10th annual convention of the organi-
zation held at Phinma, Tagaytay City. CBAP is an association of biblical
The Week of Prayer and nated departments or colleges. It sion of the image of St. John A Prayer Vigil was held at scholars and exegetes committed to studying and spreading the Word of
Gratitude for Priests, in line will stay in a particular depart- Vianney was led by the deans, the Central Seminary chapel God. The group also promotes partnership on common projects with the
with the Church’s celebra- ment throughout the day and professors, staff and students by the representative stu- other members of the recognized Biblical organizations worldwide. The
tion of the sesquicentennial through prayer, incensing the of the Faculty of Medicine and dents, deans and professors biblical organization works hand in hand with the Episcopal Commission
anniversary of St. John Mary image, and solemn procession, Surgery to the administrative from different faculties, col- on Biblical Apostolate (ECBA) of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the
Philippines (CBCP). (Kate Laceda)
Vianney and dedication for the image will be transferred to building. The image was brought leges, and institutes of the
the “Year for Priests”, will be another department on the suc- back to the Central Seminary, university at the culmination LAUNCHED. Two-year
holding a nine-day celebration ceeding day. July 31. of the nine-day liturgical preparation for the gold-
that will culminate on the Feast The procession of the image The Triduum Prayer in com- event. en jubilee celebration of
the Diocese of Laoag,
of St. John Mary Vianney on accompanied by the students of memoration of the Cure of Ars, A concelebrated mass July 26, St. William
Aug. 4. the Faculties of Sacred Theology the patron of the secular priests, capped the Week of Prayer and Cathedral, Laoag City.
The prayer for priests of St. and Philosophy was initiated by the Central Seminary com- Gratitude for Priests. (Vanessa Archbishop Edward
Therese of the Child Jesus will from the Central Seminary to munity began August 1. Puno) Joseph Adams, Apos-
tolic Nuncio in the Philip-
pines led the Eucharis-

Teresian Association marks St. Poveda’s 73rd death anniv

tic Mass together with
Laoag Bishop Sergio
Utleg and clergy. Pres-
ent during the launching
THE Teresian Association Luzon nial celebration of foundation of the ography of were delegates from the
chapter, an international catholic lay international Teresian Association St. Poveda different vicariates of the diocese and religious congregation of sisters.
association with pontifical approval established in Oviedo this coming and history Each parish was represented by members of their pastoral councils (PPC)
founded by St. Pedro Poveda has 2011. of Teresian and finance councils (PFC). The diocese will mark its golden jubilee in
2011. (Mark Vertido)
celebrated the commemoration of the Last July 27 was also the opening of Associa-
founder’s 73rd anniversary of martyr- the celebration of the 50th anniversary tion.
dom with their families and friends of Poveda College in 2010, according to Alumni of UP Madrigal graced the founder, educator and martyr.
held in Pedro Poveda College in Que- Dra. Emma Melgarejo, the president of affair by rendering songs of different A blessing was conferred on a group
zon City on July 26. Poveda College. genre that aptly relates to a brief de- of young new members of Institucion
It also marked the launching of the Dra. Azucena Camagan, zone direc- scription of chronicle of St. Poveda’s life Teresiana Youth of Poveda before the
preparation of the Teresian Associa- tor of Teresian Association of Luzon as their tribute to the commemoration end of the eucharistic celebration. (Van-
St. Pedro Poveda tion’s Luzon chapter for the centen- started the affair by reading a short bi- of the saint’s vocation as priest of God, essa Puno)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009 Pastoral Concerns B1

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

psychologist, who said that human one another, the unfailing guidance is true, but it would be very wrong to
desires tend to form a hierarchy of and accompanying of parents for their insist that only because we have the
importance. Hindi lahat ng gusto ay children, without self-sacrifice. Parents present crisis and financial problems
pare-pareho. Ang gusto ngayon, bukas can share with any of us the number of that today we busy ourselves with
ay hindi na. Mas malaki na ang hangad times they had to forgo the immediate ethical issues. The problem of desire,
sa makalawa! In life the changes in purchase of a pair of pants or new and the craving for more is not just
values is evident in what people seek.

shoes to give way to the tuition or an economic and moral problem. The
In the beginning one thought the tricycle “baon” of the children. Any posturing insatiable lusting for more—supported
will answer all the needs to go around of leadership whether parental, by desire and strengthened by greed—is
the town; then the craving for a jeep social, economic or national, without both a psychological and a spiritual
took over. Now it is SUV. discipline of self cannot ultimately be problem. If that lust and desire for
“As a want of a lower order is being moral. It needs personal spiritual effort resources, money and its equivalent is
satisfied, it becomes less and less to become a moral person. Morality so strong that it becomes compulsive,
important, with a want of the next cannot be proclaimed nor can it be then a more professional help must be

in a
highest-order becoming more and gained by advertising one’s self. urged.
more important… What matters is the The second requisite for the person’s
insight that wants are not absolute: moral conduct is not to cause anyone Detachment from anything or Person
the more a want is being satisfied, the harm. (Never to do evil). The Greek not Rooted in God
less its satisfaction matters”. (PETER physician Hippocrates prescribed However, most of us mortals are in
DRUCKER, People and Performance, for all those who would be involved the same boat and what we need is
p. 216). The truth about values and in the healing profession never to do Christ until the storm of our desires

behavior is evident in the way we have anybody any harm. “PRIMUM NON has passed, and we have all reached
things; our houses, offices, garages and NOCERE”. Above all, not knowingly the shore. Jesus is whom we need and
bodegas are cluttered with objects we to do harm to anyone. This is positive we may address him like the apostles
thought we urgently needed. Value manner of saying avoid what is evil. did, “Lord, save us”. Jesus saved the
scaling easily transits to greed. The Avoid hurting anyone. So many times Apostles in the boat with His Presence
worst part is that we may not be aware this advisory is heard in the home, the and His power. When a heavily loaded
of our own hierarchy of avarice. school, churches and streets. It is still boat is threatened and about to capsize,
stated in the negative. “Don’t” Huwag! the command of the Captain is to jettison

Avarice and Greed Silently Lurk Sinasaway! This is the root of the the load. In the human scale of values
behind the Desire for More Tagalog word “pasaway”. The whole anything can be thrown away in order
It now appears that in making money mentality behind the second requisite to save lives. For heaven and eternal life
(earning) and in the management of is preventive. everything can be cast away. Money,
money (banking and saving) the value The third requisite for moral conduct power, prestige, wealth, Presidency,
system of the person has been badly is very positive. It sources from a Senatorship, Barangay Captain’s office?
devastated. At the root of the present mentality that reaches out to another. This is the reason why Jesus counseled
financial and economic crisis is a moral It does what is good whenever and the rich young man, “Go, sell your
or ethical problem. People who handle wherever good is perceived. Moral possessions, give to the poor and come
huge amount of money or resources have individuals are proactive persons; they follow me”.
(Talk of Manila Archbishop Gaudencio lost their values; with management they
co-opt both the present and the future.
make initiatives for good, they do not
wait that they may retaliate. Obviously,
In all our scales of values God must
outbalance everything and everyone.
B. Cardinal Rosales during the First The idea of honesty and transparency is
lost. Management as the supreme form
high in the value of moral persons is
the practice of sharing. Obviously the
He tips the balance always to His side.
No one sits on the opposite side of the
Saturday MAGPAS on July 4, 2009 of stewardship is only imaginary. What
I have is not completely and ultimately
CEO’s and GM’s mentioned earlier in
our reflection would not fit rightly into
balance to even try to displace God.
From the idea of detachment the value of
at the Cardinal Sin Auditorium, Paco mine. We will be responsible not only
for what we hold in possession, but even
the category of moral management and
stewards we are today considering,
the Kingdom enters from the periphery
to take the center, because the idea of
Catholic School, Paco, Manila delivered for what we have desired. “Thou shalt
not covet thy neighbors’ good,” so says
just as not all will be worthy of the King brings us in human language/

by Bishop Broderick Pabillo, Auxiliary

Kingdom of Heaven. expression the supremacy of a God
the Tenth Commandment. who has neither equal or rival. And
Very recently it was revealed through
Bishop of Manila) investigations that at the root of the
world’s financial crisis was the selfish
Sharing the Littlest Good Unlocks the
Gates to the Kingdom of the Father
because God is the Greatest, then we are
able to let go of everything, we consent
The kingdom of the Father is a matter to be detached from everything and
managerial conduct of many a CEO of sharing, of giving up something for everyone, even from our spirituality,
(Chief Executive Officer) and GMs the sake of another. Those who are if only we can be with God.
WE continue the reflection on the one’s style of life. I vividly remember
(General Managers) who took it to incapable of and are unwilling to share The moral persons, who truly learn
different verses of our Apostolic a dialogue I had once with a group
themselves to cut the pie of investments even the smallest thing with another to love and serve God and accept Him
Vision in the Archdiocese of Manila. of housewives from the farmlands in
in such ways that the larger slice of will find it impossible (for them) to as the greatest (Kingdom), can be
This time we attune ourselves with the Bukidnon. These women complained
compensation is always on their side. dwell in the Father’s Kingdom. The trusted with resources, honor and the
current crisis that affects the financial in that open discussion against their
Some are completely without morals doors of the Father’s house will be economy of any institution, Church and
and economic globe. What happens husbands. When life was hard and
that given by their Government some locked to those incapable of sharing country. What they call stewardship is
to the money in one part of the world tough and they had difficulties making
aid in the form of “buy off”, they first with the weakest. We remember that nothing but the proper management of
influences money-making and the use both ends meet, they had only “one
proceeded to their blow out parties and in the Story of Lazarus the Rich Man resources, monies and / or its equivalent
of money in other places of the same fighting cock” in the yard. “Isa lamang
self-compensatory acts. It is evident was asking for a second chance, but done by men who are moral, transparent
world, including the Philippines. It ang kanilang tinaling sasabungin”.
that in the management of resources he was denied by God another try. In and compassionate.
is for this reason that we make this But after a bumper crop harvest the
two important things are required by everyone’s life on earth every episode, Stewardship does not mean
reflection. previous year, they had eight fighting
an ethical behavior. every encounter with a man in need is ownership, for when God said “Let
It is hard to make money; it is harder cocks to take care of. This only proves
to make proper and responsible use of that the moment one’s resources have a prelude to eternity and the unveiling us make humans to our image and
What Everyone Needs to be Moral in of Jesus Christ’s identity in the face of likeness, and let them be masters of
hard-earned money. And this brings us improved, the style of life begins to
the Use of Money or its Equivalent the poor. the sea, the fish” and the rest on earth
to the question of values. In moments change.
The first requisite for a moral conduct The mystery of eternity is that it is He did not mean exclusive ownership
of crisis the question will ultimately be Values have a great influence in the
is discipline. No person can be moral hidden in the disguise of a few seconds but providential care for the created
asked: what went wrong with values? life of anyone. Money has a way of
without full control of self. To do what that long for charity and compassion for resources for everyone to enjoy. To live
What is it that I value most or what changing the behavior and the ideals
is good and to avoid what is evil is not the needy. It is so easy to miss eternity on earth as God’s image is to share God’s
do I really desire most in my work, of the person. The more of it (money
left to chance or the whim and fancy of by being too careless with little things, gifts with others, while using from it
among friends and ultimately in my or things material) you have, the more
the individual. It requires personal and simple good acts and the unkempt face only what s/he needs and allowing
whole life? will man desire it... And the more
consistent effort to be good. Even the of the poor. others to share what is their share from
repeatedly you have “the more”; the
management of the home demands an We started the reflection by saying the bounty that is God’s. To claim from
Change in Values means a Change in less will it satisfy.
enormous degree of discipline or “dying that the root of the present financial the earth more than what he needs is
one’s Lifestyle Now that we are talking of values
to self”. For how can anyone explain crisis that has enveloped the world to destroy the balance of God’s wisdom
A change in value scale of any allow me to bring in the ideas of
the mutual fidelity of the spouses to economy and societies is ethical. That and mercy.
individual will mean a change in Abraham H. Maslow, a humanist
B2 Updates CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009

The Canonical Process (Part I)

By Fr. Jaime B. Achacoso, and cross-examination) of
J.C.D. (ii) Presentation of proofs.

AT times, I have been approached b. Principles Relative to the

by Catholic faithful citing some Processal Initiative. We can
grievances against fellow distinguish three levels:
Catholics—fellow laypersons, or 1) Opening of the Process. The
religious, or at times even clerics. instance of the part inchoates the
What brings them to consult a process; the opening of the process
priest is oftentimes their desire to ex officio does not happen in
resolve the matter amicably—intra Canon Law (c.1501).
Ecclesia—rather than suing in a 2) Impulse of the Process.
civil court. What they don’t know The impulse or propelling of
is that even within the Church, the the process through its different
canonical mechanism exists for stages belongs, in principle, to
legitimate redress. the parts, who should be the ones
After exhausting the extra- to propel the process (c.1452, §1).
judicial means to resolve a conflict, However, in cases that affect the
the faithful—or canonical juridic public good, the judge ex officio
person—who esteems that a should propel the process so that
legit¬imate interest has not been it does not lapse.
satisfied, can exercise his right 3) Presentation of Proofs.
to action by presenting his cause In principle, the parts should
before a judicial tribunal. What present the proofs. However, the
follows is a series of acts aimed at judge should make up for any
obtaining a resolutory decision negligence of the parts, both in the
from the tribunal. This is the presentation of proofs and in the
judicial process. interposition of exceptions.

1. The Canonical Judicial Process c. Principles of Preclusion and

(Processus) Concentration
In Canon Law—similar to 1) Principle of Preclusion.
civil law—a process is a series or requisites for which is that it have decision can be: subject matter of Part I of Book VII following principles. This refers to the extinction of a
succes¬sion of formal juridic acts, founda¬tion in law (cc.1504, 1° and (i) Declarative—merely (on Procedural Law) of the Code a. Oral vs. Written System facultative right (faculty) to carry
carried out before a tribunal of 1505, §2, 4°). declaring juridic facts or rights of Canon Law: 1) Written Process. This arose out a processal act once the time
justice, by virtue of a pretension— d) Confrontational: The process pre-existent to the process (c.1400, 1) Material Object: The matters in Europe from the common law limit or period for it has lapsed,
understoodasaclaim,formu¬lated is always confrontational—i.e., it is §1, 1°). that can, in general, be addressed (ius commune)—based on Roman and the process has moved on to
according to form and with between parts (also called parties) (ii) Constitutive—constituting by a tribunal (c.1400). Law—moved by the desire to the next phase. A part who does
fumus boni iuris—by a subject who do not have to be actually new rights or juridic situations, 2) Active Subject: The judge or foster impartiality on the part of the not make use of a faculty within
confronted by another, aimed at against each other, but are formally by creating, modifying or tribunal before whom the case is judge: to minimize direct contact its time limit looses the right to
obtaining in a binding way the positioned confrontationally extinguishing pre-existing juridical presented. Can.1401 states the between the judge and the parts. exercise it.
declaration or acknowledgment, with respect to each other. This phenomena. general principle that the Catholic 2) Oral Process. This was the 2) Principle of Concentration.
juridical constitution, or the contradictorium is at the core of (iii) Condemnatory—imposing Church does indeed have the right opposite tendency, moved by This refers to the tendency to
im¬position of a conduct, in the process and its presence in certain conducts or duties (c.1400, to hear certain cases; and cc.1404- reasons of expeditiousness, which concentrate all the processal acts in
relation to persons and matters each stage of the process is the §1, 2°), e.g., penalties. 1475 (Titles I-III) treat this matter became the ordinary way. one audience (so as to coun¬teract
subject to the jurisdictional power theoretical basis for its claim to the g) Limited Scope: On the one more in detail. 3) Conjugation of both principles the principle of preclusion).
of the Church. This exhaustive truth—i.e., such contradictorium hand the canonical process is 3) Form: The procedure or in the modern process. The
definition attempts to capture is what enables the court, fallible limited to persons and things solemnities that are followed in modern process gives preference d. Principle of Publicity and
the following essential elements as it may be, to arrive at the moral subject to the jurisdictional power the adjudication of certain matters. to one and the other princi¬ple Secrecy
of the process. certainly of having reached the of the Church (cc.1400-1401). Can.1402 states the general rule. depending on its aptness for the 1) Principle of Secrecy. The
a) Procedural: The process truth of the matter by the time of On the other hand, it is also 4) Passive Subject: The petitioner specific phase of the pro¬cess: subjects and the acts in the trial
entails a established way of sentencing, since both parts would limited in scope to that aspect of or respondent whose case is being a) There is a preference for are bound by secrecy with respect
proceeding (modus procedendi), have exerted everything possible juridical reality which is defined heard. This matter, along with the the written mode in the more to third parties who have no
wherein the series of juridic acts to demonstrate the two sides of in the dubium or litiscontestatio. procurators and advocates for the complicated phases requiring legitimate interest in the cause
follow each other in an ordered the contention. In other words, the process parties, is treated in cc.1476-1490 accuracy of documentation: (c.1455).
way—i.e., some are necessary e) Aimed at getting a judgment: will focus only on what the (Title IV). (i) Petition—since it is usually 2) Principle of Publicity. An
antecedents, while others are The series of acts which constitute Tribunal has established, early 5) Formal Object: The precise complicated. ecclesiastical trial is much more
obligatory consequences. a process pretend to obtain from on in the proceedings, to be the claim or counter-claim made by (ii) Testimonies—are taken private regarding third parties
b) Processal: These acts are the judicial tribunal a decision bone of contention, avoiding other the parties in a particular process. down in writing, since the sentence than are most civil trials—to which
processal inasmuch as they are which binds the opposed parties, issues—or even the introduction of This matter is treated in cc.1491- (and possible appeal) has to be private citizens and the press,
celebrated before a tribunal and—in some cases and in an certain evidences—as irrelevant to 1500 (Title V). based on them. and sometimes even television
of justice and proceed in a indirect and conditional manner— the particular case. b) On the other hand, there is cameras, have access (c.1470). For
con¬tentious manner. even third parties. 3. Processal Principles in a preference for the oral mode the most part, ecclesiastical trials
c) Fumus boni iuris (an apparent f) The content of the decision can 2. The Basic Elements of the General where immediacy between the are held in closed chambers, with
legal sense): This series of acts be of different sorts, con¬gruent Process As a specific instrument for the judge and the parts or witnesses just the judge (or tribunal) and a
starts with one inchoative act of with the content of the original In a schematic way, we can establishment of justice in any is desirable—i.e., for agility and notary present, while the parts and
formal claim—commonly called claim of the actor or plaintiff in consider five basic ele¬ments of juridic order, we can speak of the judicial accuracy: witnesses make their deposition
the libellus or charge—among the his charge or libellum. Thus the the process, which comprise the process being informed by the (i) Interrogation (examination one by one. (To be concluded.)

Masters of Ceremonies Laypeople’s Use of Oil

(Father Edward McNamara, professor First, it was an abuse to have an The qualities mentioned in these (Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum university,
of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum extraordinary minister (the Christian norms in no way exclude the possibility answers the following query:)
university, answers the following Brother) exposing the Blessed Sacrament of a lay master of ceremonies and,
indeed, there are many excellent lay Q: There are chaplains who minister at a local Catholic hospital and one of them likes to
query:) when ordained ordinary ministers were use “oil” when she prays with the patients (Catholics and non-Catholics). I feel that this causes
present. Furthermore it was a grave abuse masters in churches and cathedrals confusion. One of the chaplains attended a recent convention of chaplains and was told by a
Q: At a conference organized by for the religious brother to attempt to give around the globe. presenter that this practice is allowed as long as they tell the patients that they are not receiving
one of the ecclesial movements and a blessing with the Blessed Sacrament. In this sense the question of the sacrament of the sick. I seem to recall that years ago the Vatican came out with a document
attended by nine priests and two This rite is strictly reserved to the “obedience” toward a master of on the use of oil by laypersons. Could you please comment?—A.S., Bridgeport, New York
bishops, a Christian Brother was ordained ministers, and the brother might ceremonies or of his being “in
delegated by one of the lay-leaders even be subject to canonical penalties for charge” should be largely beside the
to bring the Blessed Sacrament to illegitimately carrying out these rites. point. Preparing a proper liturgical A: The document you refer to is probably the 1997 instruction “On Certain Questions Re-
celebration is a collaborative effort garding the Collaboration of the Non-Ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of Priest.” This
the hall for adoration each day. At Second, the General Instruction of the is an unusual document insofar as it was formally issued by the Congregation for Clergy but
both the beginning and end of the Roman Missal foresees that, insofar as in which the master of ceremonies was co-signed by no fewer than eight Vatican congregations and councils, including that of the
45-minute adoration, the Christian possible, concelebrating priests should be coordinates beforehand with the Doctrine of the Faith. This gives the document a certain weight with respect to its authority.
Brother proceeded to bless the people seated within the sanctuary. If this is not various persons involved.
with the monstrance—not just a possible due to elevated numbers, they A master of ceremonies who arrives The document first presents the theological principles behind its decisions before giving a
series of practical considerations on aspects of lay ministry in the Church. Then, having laid
single blessing, but rather the triple should be as close to the presbytery as saying he is “in charge” has probably the groundwork, it enunciates in 13 articles practical provisions and norms that outline the pos-
blessing used by a bishop. I relate the possible,withnootherfaithfulseatedbetween failed in his duties to adequately sibilities and limits of the collaboration of the lay faithful in priestly ministry.
details of this incident to inform you the ministers and the concelebrants. prepare the ceremonies in advance.
of how uninformed the lay-leaders Finally, the role of the master of If anybody is properly speaking The first article, on the “Need for an Appropriate Terminology,” attempts to clarify the multiple
uses of the expression “ministry.” This responds to an intuition of Pope John Paul II who, “In his
were. Also, on each occasion at Mass ceremonies is outlined in the Ceremonial “in charge” of the celebration, it is address to participants at the Symposium on ‘Collaboration of the Lay Faithful with the Priestly
the bishops were seated together of Bishops, Nos. 34-36. The norms make it the principal celebrant. For example, Ministry’ …, emphasized the need to clarify and distinguish the various meanings which have
near the altar with a lay master of clear that he is at the service of the liturgy in it is he, not the master of ceremonies, accrued to the term ‘ministry’ in theological and canonical language.”
ceremonies, and the priests were order that a solemn celebration be carried who determines the texts to be used,
The document accepts that the term “ministry” is applicable to the laity in some cases:
seated on a much lower level, at the out with grace, simplicity and order. which optional ritual elements are
front of the congregation, and at a He is needed to “prepare and direct included or omitted, and what is to “§3. The non-ordained faithful may be generically designated ‘extraordinary ministers’ when
distance of about 15 to 20 meters the celebration in close cooperation with be sung or recited. In preparing the deputed by competent authority to discharge, solely by way of supply, those offices mentioned
from the bishops—even though the bishop and others responsible for celebration the master of ceremonies in Canon 230, §3 and in Canons 943 and 1112. Naturally, the concrete term may be applied to
those to whom functions are canonically entrusted e.g. catechists, acolytes, lectors etc.
there was room for all or most of us planning its several parts.” It continues: may make suggestions to the celebrant
to be seated with the bishops. When I “He should seek to ensure an observance as to what is most appropriate. But “Temporary deputation for liturgical purposes—mentioned in Canon 230, §2—does not confer
complained before the last Mass about of liturgical laws that is in accord with the final decision rests with the any special or permanent title on the non-ordained faithful.”
the unnecessary distance between the true spirit of such laws and those celebrant. The celebration can even
However: “It is unlawful for the non-ordained faithful to assume titles such as ‘pastor,’ ‘chap-
priests and bishops, I was just ignored legitimate traditions of the particular make changes during the course lain,’ ‘coordinator,’ ‘moderator’ or other such similar titles which can confuse their role and that
and left to believe that I should have Church that have pastoral value.” of the celebration if unforeseen of the Pastor, who is always a Bishop or Priest.”
more respect for the authority of Before the celebration he should “arrange circumstances recommend it.
the lay-leaders. Are priests obliged with the cantors, assistants, ministers and The master of ceremonies is “in Another article, No. 9, is on “The Apostolate to the Sick.” Regarding our reader’s question
on the use of oil in a non-sacramental way, the article is very clear:
in these circumstances just to fall in celebrants the actions to be carried out charge” of coordinating all those who
with the wishes of lay-leaders? Have and the texts to be used, but during the assist at the Mass and these should “§1. […] The non-ordained faithful particularly assist the sick by being with them in difficult
lay-leaders the authority to direct how celebration he should exercise the greatest diligently follow his instructions. moments, encouraging them to receive the Sacraments of Penance and the Anointing of the
and where priests should sit in matters discretion: he is not to speak more than Although we have said that, strictly Sick, by helping them to have the disposition to make a good individual confession as well as
to prepare them to receive the Anointing of the Sick. In using sacramentals, the non-ordained
like this? Lastly, does a celebrant or is necessary, nor replace the deacon or speaking, concelebrants do not owe faithful should ensure that these are in no way regarded as sacraments whose administration is
principal celebrant have a right to say assistants at the side of the celebrant. The obedience to the master of ceremonies, proper and exclusive to the Bishop and to the priest. Since they are not priests, in no instance
that he has no need, or does not want master of ceremonies should carry out his this statement must be qualified in may the non-ordained perform anointings either with the Oil of the Sick or any other oil.
a master of ceremonies (particularly a responsibilities with reverence, patience some cases. There are situations in
Ҥ2. With regard to the administration of this sacrament, ecclesiastical legislation reiterates
lay MC) at a Mass? At the conference and careful attention.” which a large number of concelebrants the theologically certain doctrine and the age old usage of the Church which regards the priest
mentioned above, a lay MC before Regarding the qualities required of him, arrive shortly before the beginning of as its only valid minister. This norm is completely coherent with the theological mystery signified
one of the Masses commented to the the document says: “He should be well- Mass, and it is materially impossible to and realized by means of priestly service.
principal celebrant that “I am the one versed in the history and nature of the liturgy prepare the celebration beforehand.
“It must also be affirmed that the reservation of the ministry of Anointing to the priest is related
in charge today.”—T.M., Australia and its laws and precepts. But equally he In such cases the priests should to the connection of this sacrament to the forgiveness of sin and the worthy reception of the
should be well-versed in pastoral science, punctually follow the MC’s Holy Eucharist. No other person may act as ordinary or extraordinary minister of the sacrament
A: There are basically three so that he knows how to plan liturgical indications, not so much out of since such constitutes simulation of the sacrament.”
questions involved. I will address celebrationsinawaythatencouragesfruitful obedience to his person as to
To many it might appear that this document is excessively restrictive in its dispositions. Yet by
the first two briefly and expand a participation by the people and enhances obedience toward the reverent and providing clear guidelines and demarcations of proper competences based on solid theological
little on the third. the beauty of the rites.” dignified celebration of Mass. reasons, it actually facilitates fruitful collaboration between priests and laity in a true spirit of
charity and service to Christ, the Church and to souls.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009
By Fr. Rolando T. Tabosares, regard to issues affecting them. The of church life. the baby Jesus. Opening Up to New Possibilities
DCK BCC’s became the venue through The redefinition of the diocesan (1997-2006)
which the people found the strength New Shepherd, New Challenges, New thrust signaled a shift towards a more The fourth bishop of the Diocese was
and the courage to organize and to Pastoral Responses (1986-1995) wholistic pastoral approach to mission the then Bishop Romulo G. Valles, D.D.,
The Birth of the local Church have a collective voice to express their A new turning point in our journey that included care and advocacy for a diocesan priest of the Diocese of Tagum
The beginnings of the local Church sentiments and positions. Felt needs happened when the Pope John Paul II ecology and the establishment of zones and Rector of the Saint Francis Regional
in Kidapawan can be traced back to surfaced and later led to the creation transferred Bishop Orlando B. Quevedo of peace. In June 12, 1991 the Diocese Major Seminary in Davao before he
the initial evangelization work of the of various pastoral programs such as to the Archdiocese of Vigan, Ilocus Sur. issued A Pastoral Letter on Ecology to was appointed and consecrated bishop
Jesuit missionaries in Mindanao and PHC (Primary Health Care, later became Fr. Beato Tariman, OMI, took over as coincide with the Diocesan Ecology for our diocese. He took over the post
the succeeding missionary work of CBHP – Community-Based Health Diocesan Administrator until the new Day celebration. The main issue was vacated by Bishop Pueblos who was
the Oblate Fathers (OMI’s) who came Program), Christian Formation (CF), shepherd, Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos, the geothermal project of the PNOC assigned to the Diocese of Butuan in
in the 1930’s. The original inhabitants Family and Life (FLA), Social Action D.D. came in April 9, 1987. The euphoria at Mt. Apo National Reservation Park January, 1996.
then were the Moro and the Indigenous (SAC), Justice and Peace and Integrity of the EDSA Revolution was still very against which the Diocese held several Bishop Valles arrived in Kidapawan
Peoples. Then came the Christian settlers of Creation (JPIC), Christian Youth much in the national consciousness moves. There were also efforts to stop at the time when we were beginning
from Luzon and the Visayas who Formation (CYF), Tribal Filipino (TF), and there was hope that the local the logging operations done at the the three-year journey of our JUBILEE
brought along with them the Christian and Vocations. A big part of the funding situation would change for the better. Mt. Sinaka mountain range in Arakan CROSS in preparation for the JUBILEE
faith. There was so much goodwill for these programs came from foreign But we were mistaken! Bolo-wielding Valley. The Zones of Peace were YEAR in 2000. The Jubilee Cross we
among the inhabitants. The population funding agencies. fanatical groups sporting headbands of finally set up in Bituan, Tulunan and made for this occasion travelled from
in what came to be known as the Great The heightened awareness of the different colors and commonly labeled later expanded to other neighboring one BEC to another in every parish
Cotabato Basin grew and so was the people, the flurry of ministerial activities as “TADTADS” surfaced and freely barangays. The effort towards peace- throughout the diocese, staying one day
need for evangelization. The Christians in the BCC’s and the parishes caught building was finally given recognition and overnight in each and continued on
organized themselves into communities the attention and the ire of some local when the Diocese received the Aurora to another at dawn the next day. This
centered round rudimentary chapels government officials and the military. Aragon Peace Award from no less than was a time of grace and of conversion
and would request the services of a And so persecution started which led the National Government itself. To for many people including some non-
priest for patronal fiesta celebrations. the Church to take action and in turn mark these fruits of mission and the Catholics.
The Oblates founded parishes and provoked more persecution. action of God in its history, the Diocese In January of 2000, the JUBILEE
later set up Notre Dame Schools. The celebrated its 15th Anniversary on CROSS completed its pilgrimage. To
Parish of Kidapawan was the first to be Heightened Missionary Zeal Brought December 8-10, 1991. punctuate its arrival at the Cathedral and
established (1947). Forth Intensified Persecution (1980- When in January–February of 1991 to launch the JUBILEE YEAR 2000, about
In 1971, the First Mindanao-Sulu 1986) the Second Plenary Council of the 20,000 pilgrims from all over the diocese
Pastoral Conference was convened. The local Church of Kidapawan Philippines (PCP II) was conducted gathered at the plaza in Kidapawan City
The delegates led by the bishops and turned a new chapter in history when in Manila, the Diocese was ready to for an overnight celebration of God’s
priests captured the spirit of renewal in 1980 Bishop Escaler was transferred welcome it as a great milestone in the outpouring of goodness on His people.
called for by Vatican II and decided to the Prelature of Ipil in Zamboanga life of the Church in the Philippines A series of Jubilees, e.g. for families, the
to build Basic Christian Communities del Sur and a new local Ordinary was and as another turning point for its youth, the sick, the tri-peoples (IP’s, Moro
(BCC’s) as a new way of being Church. appointed to take his place – then Bishop own growth. We participated in the and Christian Settlers) followed. There
Spearheading this movement of Church Orlando B. Quevedo, OMI, D.D. The necessary preparations for this was so much jubilation and celebration.
renewal in the Archdiocese of Cotabato, orientation to justice remained Council and sent delegates But it was marred by the EL NIÑO
particularly in Kidapawan area was Fr. as the thrust. The BCC’s to its celebration. When phenomenon that caused starvation
Beato Tariman and a team of lay persons. experienced intense these delegates came to many of the farmers and the tribal
To spur the organization and formation growth but the back, they were communities in the mountains. Relief
of BCC’s or “GKK’s” (Gagmayng opposing filled with the services were organized spearheaded
Kristohanong Katilingban), the Lay f o r c e s inspiration by TABANG MINDANAO. Another

ON BACKGROUND: Our Lady Mediatrix of All

Grace Cathedral. BELOW: Most Rev. Romulo T. De
La Cruz, D.D.

Bishop ……………………………….. 1
Diocesan …………………………… 27
Filipino …………………….………… 6
Foreign ……………………………… 4
Brothers ……………………………… 9
Sisters ………………………………... 45
In Theology ……….………….. 13
In College …………………...…….. 21
In Pre-college ……………..………. 25
On guided regency …………….. 8
Parishes ……………...……………… 16
Quasi-Parish .…………………... 1
Population ……..……………… 783,179
Catholics ……………..………. 418,803
Area …………….…… 24,189.19 sq. km

Diocese of Kidapawan
“History is not only a record of the past. It is the unfolding of possibilities. Embedded
in it are seeds of change and creative acts for a better future.”
Liturgical Leadership (LLL) Program matched it with intensified persecution roamed the barangays to sow fear and and the resolve to implement the event that caused untold suffering to the
was launched. The aim was to form in the name of anti-insurgency campaign. perpetuate terror among the residents. Council’s Acts and Decrees. A massive people during this time was the ALL-
and train lay leaders to lead the Sunday The BCC’s were tagged as mass bases of It was common knowledge that these education campaign was launched OUT WAR of the government against
Celebration of the Word of God in the the NPA’s and the lay leaders were often fanatics were being used by the military and preparations for another diocesan the MILF. TABANG MINDANAO again
absence of the priest. the targets of harassments and killings. as part of the so-called “low intensity assembly were commenced. The was involved but this time not only in the
The growth of the Church in the But the BCC’s would continue to gather conflict” tactics and the primary targets following year, in 1992, the Fourth relief work but in peace-building efforts.
Archdiocese of Cotabato came to the on Sundays in their chapels to celebrate were those identified as members and Diocesan General Assembly DGA IV) While these calamities caused suffering
point when it was time for it to give birth their faith and derive inspiration from it leaders of the BCC’s and those actively was held. We were that fast to respond, to those who were directly affected,
to another local Church. So, in June 12, and from the solidarity with one another. involved in human rights work. Thus, for we thrived on challenges. they also brought greater solidarity of
1976, the Prelature of Kidapawan was Two more Prelature General Assemblies a new wave of persecution happened. The Fifth Diocesan General Assembly people in communities. One expression
created and a Jesuit, Bishop Federico O. were convoked to strengthen the resolve As a response, Bishop Pueblos issued a affirmed the Vision and Mission of such solidarity was the formation of
Escaler, SJ, D.D. became the first local to continue building BCC’s and respond Statement of Concern in June 24, 1987 Statement of the previous Assembly but the UPPIF (Ustadzes, Priests, Pastors,
Ordinary. At that time, there were only to the signs of the times based on the followed by an appeal to prayer and this time integrated the challenges of PCP Imams Forum), a brainchild of the
11 priests, mostly Oblates, one Jesuit, imperative of the Gospel. fasting in July 29 of the same year. II in the goals and recommendations. The BUF (Bishops-Ulamas Conference). Fr.
and three diocesan. The historical event The situation became so intolerable In September 4, 1987, the Regional three-pronged renewal call of PCP II – Eddie Pedregosa, the IRD Coordinator
became an added impetus to build and that on Easter Sunday in 1981, Bishop Trial Court in the Province of Cotabato Renewed Catechesis, Renewed Social of the Diocese, was very instrumental
strengthen the BCC’s. More and more Quevedo issued a Pastoral Letter bearing sentenced to life imprisonment the Apostolate, and Renewed Worship – in organizing this forum the primary
parishes went into BCC organizing. the title and the call: The Lord is Risen: killers of Fr. Favali. Then a year later, the became FSW (Formation, Services, and purpose of which was to contribute
Consequently, a lot of lay leaders Be Not Afraid – Ayaw Kahadlok. The Diocese was again shaken when the LLP Worship). This FSW schema became to the peace-building process at the
emerged so that the need to form them people stood their ground knowing (Lay Leadership Program) Coordinator the umbrella under which the different grassroot level.
in the faith and to equip them with that the Risen Lord was with them. The of San Isidro Parish, Tulunan – Rading pastoral programs were run and In January, 2001, the Diocese
leadership skills became evident. Thus, BCC’s continued to grow as the priests Fajurano – was murdered. But the implemented from the diocesan level culminated the JUBILEE YEAR
the LLL became LLP (Lay Leadership assisted by committed lay leaders went diocese never considered quitting down to the smallest units of the BEC’s – with another diocesan-level activity.
Program) to highlight the shift in focus about nurturing their faith through or even to slow down its praxis and the Family Groupings (FG’s). Ministries Thousands of pilgrims from the
from forming and training lay leaders for various ministries. Such growth led tone down its voice. The blood that under the Formation category were BEC’s came to celebrate for one day
liturgical functions to enabling them to to the elevation of the Prelature into a Fr. Favali and the deeply committed Lay Leadership, Christian Formation, and one night. The Apostolic Nuncio,
lead the BCC’s in all aspects of church diocese in November 15, 1982. In a period leaders and members of the BEC’s shed Youth, Family and Life, and the Vocation Archbishop Antonio Franco graced
life. of more than two years, two Diocesan became added source of strength and Program. Under the Service Ministry the occasion. The following day, the
Barely a year after the Prelature was General Assemblies (1983 and 1985) inspiration and the fuel that spurred us were Justice and Peace and Integrity of diocesan Jubilee Cross was enshrined
created, in March 1-3, 1977, Bishop were convoked. Diocesan-wide events all to continue. Creation – Women Empowerment (JPIC- on the Cathedral grounds where to this
Escaler convoked the First Prelature like these would always serve to provide In 1989, there was a respite from WEP), the Tribal Filipino Program (TFP), day people would come to pray or just
General Assembly (PGA I) in which greater solidarity with one another and persecution and relative calm pervaded the CBHP, the Social Action (SAC), to see it.
the overall thrust – EDUCATION TO to strengthen the commitment to mission the entire local Church. But on the and the IRD (Inter-religious Dialogue). A few months after the close of
JUSTICE – was formulated. The young as enshrined in the diocesan thrust. pastoral front, the Diocese moved on and The Worship Ministry included the the Jubilee Year, in June 12, 2001, the
local Church took on the challenge to As the local Church was elevated to the conducted the Third Diocesan General formation and training of the different Diocese turned 25 as a local Church.
educate the people in the faith and in the diocese so did it also rise to international Assembly (DGA III). The delegates of ministers involved in the celebration The celebration, however, took place
demands it entails with regard to living it media prominence but above all to a this assembly spelled out the Vision, of the liturgy. The unifying principle on the morning of August 20, 2001 as
out in situations of conflict and injustice. higher level of witnessing to the gospel Mission, and Goals of the Diocese and of operation among these pastoral an opening salvo of the Fifth Diocesan
At that time, the political conflict between as a lot of people were killed on suspicion reformulated the Thrust from “Education ministries was “INTEGRATION” – the General Assembly (DGA V) which
the Muslims and the Christians which of supporting the NPA’s or of being one to Justice” to “EMPOWERING THE workers of all ministries to work hand was held from August 20 to 24, 2001.
started in late 1960’s was continuing. with them or simply because they were BEC’S FOR JUSTICE AND INTEGRAL in hand where and when appropriate in The Diocesan Pastoral Team headed
There were cases of land grabbing and members of the GKK’s or happened to DEVELOPMENT”. They envisioned line with the diocesan Vision, Mission by Fr. Rolando T. Tabosares, DCK, the
land-related conflicts. Abuses by the respond to those who called for help. BEC’s as having five components and Thrust. Steering these changes at Diocesan Pastoral Coordinator, did a
military and para-military units were Crowning the long line of these victims corresponding to the five rays of a star: the diocesan level were the Diocesan lot of preparations to make the 25th
also rampant. Communist insurgency of violence and conflict was Fr. Tullio Ray 1 – Sharing based on the Bible; Pastoral Coordinator and the Diocesan Anniversary Celebration and the DGA
was spreading and intensifying. As a Favali, PIME who was murdered in Ray 2 – Service to the Community; Ray Pastoral Team (DPT). At this time, the V a resounding success.
response to these realities, the parishes La Esperanza, Tulunan in April 25, 3 – Educating to Justice and Peace; Ray need for initiatives towards greater The DGA V formulated a new Vision
conducted consultations and education 1985. Despite the persecution, the 5 – Self-reliant communities practicing self-reliance was again emphasized as and Mission Statement and updated
sessions in the BCC’s. Prominent among local Church moved on with its work solidarity in love. This metaphor of funds from abroad for the sustenance of the Goals and Recommendations of
these was the Farmers’ Consultations of educating the people to justice. The BEC’s became known as GKK STAR the pastoral programs dwindled. It was DGA IV.
and Couples Formation. situation of persecution and injustice MODEL that served to guide pastoral time to really stand on our own. In 2003, Fr. Rolando Tabosares, DCK,
These activities raised the level of became a challenge and an impetus for action just like the Star of Bethlehem the Diocesan Pastoral Coordinator
the consciousness of the people with growth in the faith and in other aspects that guided the Magi in their search for Building on the Gains of the Past, Kidapawan / B7
CBCP Monitor
B4 Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009

Monks celebrate jubilee of monastery

By Dom Martin Gomez, OSB beautiful story of how monks have made
a difference in the lives of the poor folks of
barangay San Jose where the monastery
THE Benedictine monks up on the hills is situated. As early as 1990, the “Friends
of Malaybalay count their blessings on of the Monastery” was launched, an
this year of jubilee celebration of their organization of friends and benefactors
foundation. who promise to support the apostolates
As the celebration of the Jubilee Year of the monks. All of these outreach
of the Monastery of the Transfiguration programs like the medical aid program,
comes to an end (August 6, 2008-August the scholarships, feeding program, etc.
6, 2009), it was blessed with the election of are handled by the TRANSFIGURATION
its first Conventual Prior after nine years FOUNDATION, INC. (TFI).
of being under an appointed superior. Situated within the monastery grounds
On June 13, 2009, the chapter elected is the Paul VI Institutes of Liturgy (PIL),
Fr. Savio Ma. Siccuan, OSB as Prior of which continues to hold seminars on
the monastery, signaling the start of a liturgy for both the clergy and the lay. The
new phase in the life of this Benedictine Formators’ Institute at Transfiguration
monastery on the hills of Bukidnon. (FIAT) on the other hand, offers special
Founded from the Abbey of Our training seminars for religious formators
Lady of Montserrat in Manila by Abbot every summer. Started in 2005, FIAT
Eduardo P. Africa, OSB, the monastery makes it possible for participants of the
was inaugurated on August 6, 1983 one week seminar to joyfully engage in a
in solemn rites presided over by the varietyofexperiencesinPrayer-Encounter-
Papal Nuncio, Msgr. Bruno Torpigliani, Workshop-Study, all facilitated within the
during the canonical visitation of Rt. Rev. structure of a formative community of
Dennis Huerre, OSB, Abbot President faith. FIAT is actually a double experience,
of the Subiaco Congregation and Rev. it is not only a formation seminar, it is also a
Mark Butlin, OSB, of Ampleforth monastic experience since participants get
Abbey, England. The monastery became to join the monks in their chanted prayers
autonomous in 1986, barely three years and experience the silence and beauty of
after it inauguration. the surroundings.
As the present Abbot President of As a monastery of the Third Millennium,
the Subiaco Congregation puts it, “The this monastic community has made
foundation of the Transfiguration in fact “Hospitality” an even more important
represents a certain polarity in relation and palpable element of their monastic
to the Mother House. In the latter, life. Aside from welcoming retreatants
there is a monastic life together with a and guests to the guesthouse, the monks
pastoral thrust (San Beda College), while started “BRUNCH WITH THE MONKS”
in Malaybalay, the way of life has a three years ago. Held every second Sunday
more contemplative style. This polarity of the month, the monks serve brunch “al
is creating a positive field of spiritual fresco” in the monastery garden right after
energy both for the Mother House and the 8am mass. This has become a very good
the Daughter House.” way for the monks and the mass-goers to
Transfiguration in Malaybalay today get to know one another.
is a small monastic community with Last August 6, 2008, on the occasion of
eight solemn-professed monks and five the Silver Jubilee of the monastery, the
formands. The monks vowed to follow MUSEUM OF TRANSFIGURATION
the Rule of St. Benedict by living a MONASTERY (MTM) was inaugurated.
contemplative life in their quest for God. MTM is envisioned to be a center of
The community observes the traditional culture and arts that will help shape the
monastic horarium of seven times of TOPMOST: The Transfiguration monastery in Malaybalay, Bukidnon. UPPER LEFT: Prior Savio Ma. Siccuan, OSB. UPPER RIGHT: The OSB community. cultural landscape of Mindanao. Former
prayer, the Liturgy of the Hours, all of President Corazon Aquino gladly donated
which are chanted. They start with Matins is a favorite venue for the religious who the Transfiguration,” a former president OCSO, and Mo. Irene Dabalus, OSB, have one of her precious paintings in time for
at 3:40 a.m. and end the day with Compline are preparing for their profession; and once said. The guesthouse has also all been special guest lecturers of the PMI. the inauguration. This coming August 6,
or night prayer at 7 p.m. Lectio Divina or faculty retreats, some coming from as far opened its doors to non-religious activities Through the years, the monastery has the FILIPINO VESTMENTS EXHIBIT will
spiritual reading is an important part of the as Surigao and Zamboanga. The monastery such as training seminars for NGOs and also brought to Malaybalay through the open at the museum, eleven years after its
day in the life of the monks and much time guesthouse is also open to guests who just government organizations, believing that Transfiguration Lecture Series and Music successful debut at the Ayala Museum in
is provided for it. True to the Benedictine want to spend some time away from the its very atmosphere of silence and the Festival such well-respected speakers 1998 for the celebration of the Centennial
motto of ORA ET LABORA, the monks are noise of the city and enjoy much time for beauty of nature, could not but touch the as President Corazon Aquino, Haydee of Philippine Independence. After a series
also involved in agricultural endeavors, silent reflection. Many people come to the hearts and souls of those who go there. Yorac and American Ambassador William of successful exhibits in the United States
planting rice and corn in their farm. monastery to find comfort and strength in Following the centuries-old tradition Hubbard, and artists like Coke Bolipata and at the Textile Museum of Canada, the
In May 1991, the monks started to life, “heavily laden” with all sorts of pain of Benedictine monasteries as centers for (violinist), Antonio Maigue (flutist), vestment collection finally comes to its
produce their high-quality coffee under and suffering. People from all walks of learning, culture and the arts, Abbot Africa Josephine Roces (mezzo-soprano), Irma permanent home at MTM.
the trade-name “MONKS’ BLEND life come to the monastery and they are all in 1997 gathered superiors and formators Potenciano (soprano), Rachel Herodias Looking at the past twenty-five years,
PREMIUM COFFEE” and thus was born received. For as St. Benedict says in his Rule of monastic communities in the country to (soprano) and Della Besa (pianist).The there is indeed much reason for joy and
MONASTERY FARMS, the name of the for Monks, “Welcome each one as if he were listen to the renowned Esther De Waal’s Monastery Boys Choir also gave a number thanksgiving. The monastery has certainly
company that now also produces piniato Christ Himself.” talks on THE RULE OF BENEDICT. This of memorable performances during its ten contributed immensely to the growth of
(peanut brittle) and peanut butter. “There are perhaps only a handful of was the beginning of what later came to be years of existence. the faith. May the good Lord continue to
As a spiritual center, the monastery places in this country, and in the world, and still is known today as the Philippine Over the years, the monastery has bless the monks of Transfiguration as they
providesfacilitiesforretreatsandrecollections that can give rest, relief and serenity to a Monastic Institute (PMI). Columba Stewart, maintained a strong apostolate of persevere in their work and in their prayer
both for the lay and the religious. The place person’s soul as does the Monastery of OSB, Mary Forman, OSB, David Lavich, reaching out to the poor. Theirs is the that, in all things God may be glorified!

FAQ on Asian Integral Pastoral Taize to launch final stage of preparation

Approach (AsIPA) for int’l meeting in Manila
(First of a series) THE final stage of preparation for the practical and spiritual dioceses of the National Capital
for the upcoming international preparation in the parishes will Region (NCR) and other parts
1. What does AsIPA stand for? access to the same information * Programmes for SCC members youth meeting “Pilgrimage be given. of the country.
Asian, Integral, Pastoral, and search together. to train for ministry to the sick, of Trust on Earth” slated in There are two different kinds After an initial contact with
Approach. * Discovering our common for home visiting; for infant Manila early next year will soon of involvement the parishes can the bishops of the NCR, they
Asian because we would like to mission that arises out of our baptism preparation; for liturgical be launched in an atmosphere take part of. have been able to establish
be very much a part of the local common vision is the work ministries like lectors, etc. of prayer and songs on August Parishes in several dioceses with relationships with priests,
culture and the gospel should of the people in our small * Programmes for social 29 at the San Carlos Seminary, easy public transport to Makati religious congregations,
take on the expression of the local communities. Just telling and awareness and analysis Makati City. City will be asked to host guests youth ministers and many
people and be a part of their own expecting results is the opposite of problems in society and Spearheaded by the Taize for the duration of the meeting and young adults who look
way of living. Sometimes we are of this approach. church. brothers in coordination with to organize a morning program forward to take part in the
thought of as a foreign church. * Leadership training the Episcopal Commission (during the three mornings of preparation and meeting of
This will be proved untrue if we 2. What are some of the programmes on Youth (ECY), the event the meeting, 4, 5 and 6 February) the “pilgrimage of trust” in
are rooted in the daily lives of programmes offered by the * Programmes for the spiritual which will open at 2 p.m. and in order to share the life of the February 2010.
very ordinary people. AsIPA desk? growth of leaders and to assist in ends at 6 p.m. will be marked parish, with all its joys and hopes, The brothers will have a
Integral because it is about The AsIPA programmes are the resolution of difficulties. with common prayers, with the international guests. In group of volunteers who
bringing together all the various supplemented by the Pastoral * Adult catechetical sessions familiarizing participants to these parishes, the brothers will will accompany the on-going
aspects of our parish life into training programmes coming for use in the journey of Faith of the typical Taize chants, the encourage young people to form preparation in the parishes and
community and mission in and from South Africa and the catechumens. meditative way of prayer, and a preparation group, meeting dioceses. A coordination center
with Christ. It is about weaving Philippines. There are many the value of silence. regularly during the coming will be set up at the St. John
together our faith with our daily types of programmes for 3. Who is behind the AsIPA Young adults from 16 to months in order to reflect about Bosco Parish, Makati City.
choices and actions. It is about different contexts and needs. programme? Who is promoting 35 years old who can be the spiritual and logistical aspects It is also there in the
trying to bring together the Some examples are: it? facilitators and ready to commit of the welcome. This preparation compound of the Don Bosco
different generations and various General awareness programmes * Basically it is the Office of themselves in the preparation groups will be in close contact Technical Institute, Makati
families into our small Christian which wake up the Sunday Laity and Family (OLF) of the and organization of the meeting with the brothers and volunteers City where the central venue
communities. congregation to the demands Federation of Asian Bishops’ on a parish and vicarial level are present in Manila. of the several thousand
Pastoral because it is about of the Church after Vatican Conferences (FABC). There is encouraged to attend. Forparishesoutsidethewelcome participants coming from all
caring for all who live with and II. About leadership; sharing an ‘AsIPA desk’ that is part of The Taize brothers have area in places farther from Makati over the Philippines, other
around us, regardless of their race responsibility for mission; our the OLF which is now based in invited parishes to send five City the youth could however also Asian countries, and different
or religion. The approach is about social responsibilities for the poor, Singapore. young adults who are active participate in the meeting. There is continents will be located.
making it possible for everyone to creation etc.; about what SCCs are * This was set up in 1993 in the parish and have good the possibility to find foster places The Brothers of the Taizé
participate according to their gifts and why we need them; about the to coordinate the needs of contacts with other parish closer to Makati City for those who Community will animate
in the work of bringing about the rites of Christian initiation and many dioceses for training. groups. These young people wish and/or are not able to travel the worldwide meeting in
reign of God. Pastoral because the why the church asks us to change The executive secretary of the will report about the different to Makati City everyday and to join collaboration with ECY and
work of all God’s people is the our way of catechizing adults, AsIPA desk receives requests for concerns tackled during the the morning activities in a parish the NCR Regional Youth
same as that of their shepherd. youth and children. training in different dioceses and meeting to the parish and the inside the welcome area. Coordinating Council.
Approach. The tools used * Programmes for small asks members of the Asian team parish council. All participants will be In a letter sent to Brother Alois,
to build up the community communities to: learn how to to oblige if they are available. Participating in the asked to share in the costs of prior of the Taize community,
must be such that they do Gospel sharing using different * The AsIPA Resource Team preparation of such a meeting the five-day meeting (printed ECY Chairman Bishop Joel Z.
enable participation, build methods for different occasions. (ART) is made up of various means taking a step forward papers, meals, etc.): P950.00 Baylon, said “that young people
up confidence, skills in the Learn how to start and maintain individuals who have been or are in our lives, by deepening (Participants from Luzon) and are called to bring the Good
various ministries as well as small Christian communities; workingontheAsIPAprogramme our faith together and living P750.00 (Participants from the News of God’s love by living
always addressing the question: learn how to choose the right at national or diocesan level out this faith through simple Visayas and Mindanao). simple yet upright lives, by
“Why are we doing this?” The leaders for the various ministries in their own countries. At the commitments. There is no limit to participants reaching out to be of service to
theological background to all and services. request of dioceses or bishops’ A reflection and sharing on aged 16 to 35 years (no slot others, by communal action on
we do is made available through * Programmes for parish teams conferences the team is formed how trust (in God, in others, in allotments or limitation). behalf of justice and truth…”
simple texts and scripture. to learn how to develop a mission for a training programme or oneself, in the future) helps us go However, there is a mode of Young adults who would
* Scripture is the presence of the statement and make their own consultation. Different dioceses forward and not be discouraged registration, details of which will like to participate on August
Risen Christ in our midst and that awareness programmes. give the programme very will also be taken up. be given later. 29 launching should contact
is the main way scripture is used * Programmes for parish different receptions. It is only The Brothers will explain their diocesan or parish youth
in the programmes of AsIPA. pastoral councils to learn what possible to implement the the different practical aspects Laying the groundwork director for more details and
* There are no ‘experts’ and it means to be a councilor and programme where the invitation and ways of participation During the last months, Brothers registration. (Bro. Andreas/
receivers in this approach. All have how to work with parishioners is forthcoming.(To be continued/ in the meeting. Materials of Taizé have been visiting the CBCPNews)
something to offer and all have and the parish priest. Compiled by Wendy Louis)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009

Message of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI

on President Cory C. Aquino’s Passing Away
Archbishop of Manila

The Holy Father was deeply saddened to learn of the

death of Mrs. Corazon Aquino and he asks you to convey
to her family and the government authorities his heartfelt
condolences and the assurance of his prayers for her eternal
rest. Recalling President Aquino’s courageous commitment
to the freedom of the Filipino people, her firm rejection
of violence and intolerance, and her contribution to the
rebuilding of a just and cohesive political order in her
beloved homeland, His Holiness commends her noble soul to
the eternal mercies of God our Heavenly Father . He likewise
remembers her as a woman of deep and unwavering faith
and thus he prays that the same faith and hope which guided
her life will now come to abundant fulfillment. Invoking
upon all the Filipino people an outpouring of divine graces,
the Holy Father cordially imparts his apostolic blessing to
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

all taking part in the Mass of Christian burial, as a pledge of

consolation, strength and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ.


Vatican Secretary of State

Message of the CBCP on the demise of Pastoral Statement on the

Mrs. Corazon Aquino passing over to new life of former
THE CBCP joins the Aquino family and the entire
nation in mourning the passing away of a great
President Maria Corazon C. Aquino
woman who was for six years the President of
our country. IT is with deep sadness accompanied with Christian hope that we,
It was a holy death in the midst of physical pain Catholics of the Local Church of Davao City, mourn the passing over
and suffering. Death occurred at three o’clock, the to new life of our former president, Maria Corazon C. Aquino.
Hour of Divine Mercy. It was First Saturday, the It was President Cory’s belief and hope, as it is ours, that our traditional de-
day of our Blessed Mother. Tita Cory was holding votion to the Sagrado Corazon de Jesus and Immaculada Corazon de Maria,
the Fatima Rosary which Sr. Lucia gave her many after whom she was named, will merit us the special grace of entering into
years ago. grace. She passed away and returned to her Creator on 01 August 2009, first
Saturday of the month.
Our country is very much indebted to this humble
and sincere woman, who though not a politician In gratitude to her and to Almighty God for restoring democratic institu-
herself and unprepared, she accepted the challenge tions after the 1986 People Power Revolution, we have decided through
of the Filipino people to lead them as President. It a Circular Letter of August 01 to observe the traditional nine-day period
was not she who pushed herself into the position; of mourning with a daily Mass and a special intention in the Prayers of
the Faithful. While extending our condolences to the children and family
but it was the people who called upon her. Eternal of the late president, we include them in our prayers.
gratitude is due to Cory and her husband, Ninoy,
for living it out that “The Filipino people is worth On the 9th day, Monday, August 10, we will celebrate the Holy
dying for.” Sacrifice of the Mass for President Cory at 12 noon at the San Pedro
Cathedral. All Catholics—priests, religious, and laity—and other people
Many eulogies and speeches will be delivered to of good will are invited to join us in praying for the eternal repose of
extol her goodness; we know she deserves them. her soul.
But now at the threshold of eternity, the only eulogy
she would hear is the invitation of the Lord of As a fitting reminder of her presidential regal figure, the color blue may
be used or displayed in the liturgical rites and by the worshippers.
Divine Mercy: “Come, blessed of my Father, enter
the kingdom which has been prepared for you.”
In her unassuming way she knew when to say
“enough is enough” and gently handed over +FERNANDO R. CAPALLA, DD
Archbishop of Davao
the government to her successor. It remained to August 3, 2009
succeeding generations of leaders to be worthy of Davao City
the trust of leadership and to continue what she
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

had begun, to dream again the dream of what is

Thank you, Mrs. Cory C. Aquino

best for the country.

Archbishop of Jaro LET the entire nation pause in prayer to thank God for President
CBCP President Corazon C. Aquino. She was not just the President who gave back to
August 1, 2009 the Filipinos the freedom and democracy they had lost. She was both
President and Icon of what an authentic, truthful and honest leader was
to a people whose long experience was to look for a guide who would

Cory – My Personal Symbol of Inang Bayan

lead them out of history’s cruel political disarray. Above all she was a
simple and humble person and leader.

Cory Aquino was said to have wrestled with herself and conscience
MILLIONS of Filipinos shouted many of her fellow campaigners side of the Marcos regime. We From afar I followed her progress before deciding to offer herself as an alternative to a harsh dictator-
the battle cry, “Cory! Cory! delighted the huge crowd in the during the campaign and prayed ship. And when finally, crowned with the people’s trust, she even
walked the few meters from the suffered more when in the process of guiding the country, countless
Cory!,” throughout the campaign town plaza, she came for a quiet Bishop’s residence to the grave for her to win. attempts were put to destabilize the people’s fledgling newly regained
period for the Snap Elections visit to the Bishop’s Residence. and we prayed for Fr. Tullio. We organized NAMFREL in democracy.
of 1986. Finally Filipinos had She wore her signature yellow Her brief visit and presence Kidapawan. Thank God, most
real hope in ousting President dress. Obviously she was the was a lifting of the spirit for a of our Clergy, Religious, and Lay Let the country thank Cory Aquino for she indeed completed Ninoy
Aquino’s dream of saving, serving and sacrificing his life for the Filipino
Ferdinand Marcos from an office darling of our lay staff and she Church that had known so much Leaders were willing. A handful People.
he had held since 1964. had picture taking with them. suffering from human rights did not think that the elections
More than an icon of democracy After exchanging pleasantries abuses from 1980 to 1985. would help and opted with the I cannot think of Cory, in her genuine simplicity and honesty, without
Cory was and is to me my I asked her to go with me and From that time on Cory was Left for boycott. remembering Ninoy Aquino and his passion to serve, to give and to
personal symbol of Inang Bayan, visit the grave of Fr. Tullio Favali, for me the woman who best Cory campaigned with a
our beloved Motherland. P.I.M.E., The brutal murder of this symbolized motherland, Inang simple down to earth, womanly Ninoy’s sacrifice for a dream for the Filipino made Corazon C. Aquino.
I first met President Cory gentle Italian missionary priest in Bayan. And her gracious, gentle, and motherly style of talking, Cory Aquino’s simplicity and fidelity to a dream to guide the people com-
Aquino during her campaign 1985 by paramilitary forces had laid back and kind manner just like telling a story, devoid pletes the story of the Filipino People. But the story needs subsequent
volumes that now the Filipino People will to fill up, live and write.
sortie to Kidapawan. While demonstrated for me the darkest reinforced that first intuition. Cory / B7

Requiem Mass for Former President Corazon Aquino May the ever Merciful God keep you Cory, closest to Him. And May
you now enjoy the Rest you deserve! May she rest in Peace!

Homily of Ricardo Cardinal Vidal at the Manila Metropolitan Cathedral; August 4, 2009
My dear Sisters and Brothers and insensitivity. Archbishop of Manila
in Christ: It was not our struggle from August 1, 2009
This is often the lot of leaders the beginning. At least not to
not to enter the land they have the majority of us. We were
promised to their followers.
Corazon Aquino did not
complacent at the loss of our
freedoms, too afraid to raise
She lived with a clear conscience
promise a land for us to enter a voice or too contented to AS the nation grieves over the darkening of humanity with the going
and own, but in each of our complain. And yet, her pain home of President Cory, we may speak of her as a person and as a presi-
minds, we imagined utopias awakened our indignation. In dent. As a person, she was one of deep and authentic Christian faith.
that suited our tastes, and so one woman’s pain, we felt the This faith was in her like the light which gave her life the consistent bond
of integrity; she lived, as the Apostle writes, “with a clear conscience.” In
began the unraveling of the loss of our dignity at last. She did one moment of levity, I told my brother bishops that Cory was far more
promise of EDSA. not paint for us a promised land, Christian than all of us...and no one contradicted me.
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

Corazon Aquino did not but we promised her justice for

paint for us a promised land. the wrong done to her, and in As a President, she demonstrated to all of us the clear example of
how to live beyond oneself, how to hold sacrifice as the raison d’etre of
She fell into the role of leader in the process, we also promised accepting to assume the presidency of a ruined country, in spite of her
an accidental way; she did not justice to ourselves, for the repeated confession that it was an office to which she was not born for.
aspire to become the first female indignities we have allowed to Her presidency, particularly the last two years, was difficult for all. It was
president of our country, but be done to ourselves. not her fault; it was largely ours – we demanded this from her.
the circumstances conspired to And yet, when justice was Both in her person and in her presidency, I like to remember her for
put her at the forefront of our accomplished in the most poetic the sterling quality of her Christian faith, the like of which we shall not
struggles. Cory was drawn to way at EDSA, we forgot that we did make. Politicians adventure. Even the press, freed easily find again in our time.
our struggles in a most personal justice can only be sustained by began to apportion power from the shackles of tyranny,
way through the pain of the subsequent acts of justice, not by for themselves, businessmen became quite irresponsible
loss of a beloved. But what commencing to do injustice to cornered contracts, militant in sowing intrigues and +LEONARDO Z. LEGASPI, OP, DD
pain and anger she felt, she each other. We asked her for the groups commenced their innuendos. Archbishop of Caceres
transformed into courage and promises she did not make, but divisive propaganda, military We were given back the August 1, 2009
grace in the face of arrogance we forgot about the promises adventurists resumed their Requiem / B7
Ref lections
CBCP Monitor
B6 Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009

The Dynamic Presence

By Fr. Joseph Pellegrino with Christ in passion, death and
resurrection. Sometimes we are full of
the joy of the Resurrection, sometimes
THIS week we come to the climax of John the sorrow of the Passion, but always we
6. It is not the last Sunday that we have are strengthened by the one who gives us
readings from this chapter. Next week
we’ll consider the disciples’ suggestion
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Jn 6:51-58); August 16, 2009 his body and blood. The Lord is always
in action. His Presence is dynamic.
that Jesus “tone down” His teaching. The first reading speaks about the
That’s the conclusion. Today, though, Wisdom of God. God has built a house
we have the climax. and invited us to a dinner. “Come and
John 6 is about sustenance. It is about eat and drink and live forever,” He says.
eating. It is about nourishment. It is He gives us the dream of living in peace
about the Eucharist. and happiness totally united to Him for
It is not about eating like we normally all eternity.
eat. Normally, when we eat, we assimilate In the beginning of the second reading
the food. Forgive my simplification, we heard about our human failures.
but basically, our body breaks down And all of us can be overwhelmed by
the food, takes the nutrients it needs, our humanity. We desire union with
and feeds our cell system. In a sense, God. This union is given by Jesus in his
the food becomes part of us, although Paschal triumph, His passion, death and
not as much of us as the guy in the resurrection. We give thanks to God for
commercial who eats so much chicken all that He has done for us.
that he starts growing feathers. I guess I And it is God who has done great
should qualify that, because I have met things for us, not us for God. Sometimes
a large number of people who share my we treat Union with God as just another
Italian heritage who look like they have item on our “to do” list. It is as though
been turned into meatballs. Still, eating we come to Church to keep God happy.
is about what we do with the food. We He does not need us. We need Him. We
assimilate the food. may come to Church with the attitude
But that is not what happens when we that we are winning our salvation, as

receive the Eucharist. When we receive though we were capable of usurping the
the Eucharist, we don’t assimilate the power of God. We decide what God can
food, the Food assimilates us. When we and cannot do to effect our salvation.
receive the Eucharist, Jesus transforms That’s the beginning of today’s gospel. It
us. Instead of the food taking on our life, is a Pelagian attitude. That was a heresy
we take on the life of the Lord. We just we all share a bit in that says “I can
heard: “Just as the living Father sent me cause my own salvation.” No, it is not
and I have life because of the Father, so about me. It is about Jesus. Everything
also the one who feeds on me will have that matters is about Jesus. He saves
life because of me.” receive communion or when we come the reason why He became one of us, was that shall be shed for you and for all until me, and He does it for only one reason:
During the last three or four years, to pray before the Blessed Sacrament, we the gift of Himself in His passion, death the end of time.” When we receive the He loves me.
more and more people in our parish have don’t just kneel before a static object. It and resurrection: the Paschal Event. The Eucharist, Jesus is present as the Servant The marvelous paradox of our
recognized the importance of adoring is not a crucifix or a statue that reminds gift of His sacrificial love re-established of God who in his sacrificial death is Eucharistic relationship with Jesus is that
the Presence of the Lord in the Blessed us of something. This is Jesus. The One our union with God and our capacity saving us all. Right here, right now. the more we have Him, the hungrier we
Sacrament. A few years ago we added Who Is. When we receive communion or to share in his immortality. Or to put it Today’s Gospel states: ‘The one who are for Him. Only, God in His Infinite
four hours to the time set aside for First come to adoration, we come before the simply: because He died for us we can feds on my flesh and drinks my blood Wisdom could find a way to satisfy our
Friday adoration. A little while after dynamic, powerful Presence who speaks live forever with him. has life eternal.” In the real presence of hungry hearts while leaving us hungry
that we began the custom of initiating to us through the life He has given us. When Jesus gave us his Body and Jesus in the Eucharist we receive Jesus for Him. We can’t get enough of Him.
Lent with Forty Hours. One of the joys How great is our God. He has found Blood the night before He died and when saving his people. We never will until we are fully united
of the Life Teen program is that it leads a way for each of us to have continual, He gives us his Body and Blood every When we receive communion, to Him in heaven.
our young people to have a real hunger intimate encounters with Him. Pope time we receive communion, the Lord we receive Jesus saving us now. We Today we pray for the Gift of the Holy
to receive communion and to adore the Benedict XVI writes that the Eucharist gives us the total sacrifice of Himself to receive Christ strengthening us and Spirit called Reverence. May we revere
Lord in the Eucharist. is the Dynamic Presence that grasps us his Father. “This is my Body which shall transforming our joys and sorrows the Dynamic Presence that assimilates
The attraction of the Eucharist is and makes us His Own. be given up for you. This is the cup of my into prayers to his Father. Our union us into Himself every time we receive
dynamic. Jesus is dynamic. When we The fundamental action of Jesus’s life, Blood, the new and everlasting covenant with Christ in the Eucharist is union His Body and Blood.

Bo Sanchez

For Cory Aquino:

Live your life with presentation Christmas
Reflection, 1989
HAVE you recently dined in a five-star the royal fowls served to King Phillip XII of with” person. Don’t be so goal-oriented and
restaurant? Nicose in the 18th century. From birth, the job-obsessed, you no longer open yourself to Peace is wisp of wind in the noonday heat
Let me refresh your memory. duckling is inebriated with the best French the rich blessings that God pours onto you Stirring the regal pines on distant hills
First, the waiters wear tuxedoes and wines and German beers. But one month at every moment of life!
toupees. The tablecloth is immaculate and before roasting, the bird drinks nothing else Value yourself! Put a little garnish. Have some Sweeping down the fields of golden rice
the orchids in front of you are fresh. The but prime Russian Vodka. It is incurably style. Create ambiance in your life. Be five-star! Cooling feverish cheeks.
ambiance is gorgeous.
Second, the dishes aren’t called on a first
alcoholic, the chef strikes a match two feet No, I’m not talking about luxury. (These Momentarily.
away and the duck explodes into flames. things simply burden life.)
name basis. Served crisp in a pool of Saki. I’m talking about enjoying life. About Peace can fade away, quickly, evanescent.
You have to use their complete names, My French Frogs’ Legs with Manicured breathing with passion.
such as Aroz a la Cobanna, and Paella de Sing. Dance. Dream. Stop to smell the
Barcelona. Or Drunkard Ducks Who Failed
Toenails will be described as Hand-picked
female freckled frogs from the mountains flowers. Listen to the birds and watch sunsets.
Peace is a young chirping bird
the Twelve Steps Program and French Frogs’ of Avion. In special breeding farms, toads Play like a child. Pray like a child. Eat more Sallying forth from its mother’s nest
Legs with Manicured Toenails. (Okay, okay, are born in pure Evian water and fed only ice cream. Embrace the people that you love. Flapping its wings testing the breeze
so I made those two up.) with vegetarian insects. Daily, their legs are Take vacations often. Give more. Smile more.
And the menu describes each dish so massaged—Shiatsu style—with extra-virgin Worry less. Say “thank you” with all your Exploring the sky and the earth.
verbosely; you’d think poets wrote them. olive oil mixed with Arabian spices, their heart. Have more fun! Blithely. Briefly.
The lowly “burger” becomes Salisbury steak
swathed in thick gravy sauce, sprinkled with
toenails cleaned by diamond-edged cuticle- Don’t be ordinary. Because you’re not.
You’re like my duck: You’ve got Royalty
Peace can be shot down, cruelly, fragile.
removers. Served raw and juicy.
roasted garlic, mixed with delectable button Why are they called five-star flowing through your veins.
mushrooms on a hot plate. Served with crisp, restaurants? So be like my duck: Be drunk with the Peace is a throbbing healing “yes”
buttered vegetables, hi-land rice, and sweet Because of presentation. Ambiance. Style. Holy Spirit everyday! You’re His child. Live
Japanese corn. Design. Atmosphere. with gusto!
To the wailing of children for food
Wow. Makes you want to eat the menu. I have a suggestion for you. The outstretched hands of the poor for justice
I imagine my Drunkard Ducks Who Failed Live your life with presentation. PS. About the frog? Sorry, no analogies The hunger of a nation for integrity
the Twelve Steps Program to be described as Don’t be cut and dried. Don’t just be with deep theological insight. Just wanted
Pedigreed ducks whose ancestry is traced to functional. Don’t be a “get-this-day-over- to have fun. I practice what I preach. The blessed outrage over blood-spewing
Fr. Roy Cimagala A drive. Spirit-force.
Peace is a flame in the heart searing,
Priorities Peace is frail infant on a manger
Who shall announce: To you
On whom my Father’s favour rests
THE gospel story of the sisters anything. We ought to be ready to others. It has nothing to do with or when we become vulnerable I give my peace
Martha and Mary (cfr Lk 10-38- to minister as requested and to creativity and originality. to envy and resentments—these A peace the world cannot give.
42) is classic for its great lesson go anywhere. Cases like this are getting can be symptoms we are losing
in priorities. Both did good And so, with this very active rampant, sad to say. They all the proper priorities.
Follow me.
things, but one got her priorities lifestyle, the possibility is quite point to a lack of priority in our For sure, we have to make use of
“Martha, Martha, you are
high for us to fall into activism.
That’s when we can start
attitudes and actuations. We need time, since there simply are just too How, Lord, shall we follow?
to see to it that we don’t get lost many things to be done. In the life
anxious and upset about many neglecting the most basic things in the flow of events during the of Christ with his disciples, there To drink of your peace?
things,” Christ said. “Only one like prayer, care and nourishment day, and to avoid getting tied are many references of how busy To end our wars and divisions?
thing is necessary. Mary has of our spiritual life. Even our down by the subtle threads of
chosen the better portion and she physical health can suffer. self-affirmation.
they were in their preaching such
that they hardly had time to eat.
Our mad scrambling for power?
shall not be deprived of it.” What’s worse is when we Thus, a certain detachment in This will always be the situation How, Lord, shall we become
It’s a lesson that, despite its unconsciously get into the fix of our activities is advisable. It’s of those who wish to follow Christ Sisters and brothers once more?
age, continues to be new to many some obsessions. That’s when we the detachment that’s meant to closely. Heroism up to being
people even up to now. Even get into a loop, doing our own prevent us from being swallowed squeezed like a lemon or even up
many priests can fall victim to this thing and not God’s, generating up by earthly things, thereby to death is to be expected. Pease is a passion to share, to serve
predicament. And I can readily energy from our own self and
understand why. Given their— not from God. This can only end
losing our contact with God. It’s
good that from time to time during
Yet, priorities should be A compassion for the world’s crippled and
observed, and there will be times
our—peculiar situation, we are in disaster. the day, we check ourselves if this when we have to say “no” to maimed
quite prone to this problem. Because of these obsessions, detachment is still working or we certain things even though they An embrace, a crucifixion, yet freedom to be,
We do lots of things from way many priests can get into are now sinking slowly into our too are good. And we just have
early in the morning to way late unrestrained social action, or get own world. to say “no.”
A love without retention limits.
at night. Twenty-four hours don’t immersed into partisan politics, or When the interest for prayer Again, these are easier said than Measureless breadth and depth.
seem to be enough for the day. to be involved in other temporal and other spiritual activities done. To be prudent in making Follow me, come!
Aside from the daily assignments affairs not meant for us as in like making sacrifices, going to the right judgments, when to
and routine, we are at the beck and making business, etc. the sacraments, developing and say “yes” and when to say “no”,
call of everyone—just about for Another sign of this grip of exercising the virtues wanes, it’s is most tricky. It would be good
any request like confessions, visits obsession on us is when we start proof that something is wrong that everyone avails himself of a +Orlando B. Quevedo, O.M.I.
and anointing of the sick, Masses losing the sense of team work, when and some rectification is needed. spiritual director or confidante Archbishop of Nueva Segovia, December 8, 1989
at wakes, blessings, etc. we prefer to do things alone, and Most likely, there is lack of priority who can help him.
That’s part of the reason why not to be told anything by anyone, involved. In the end, this confidante can (This was written after one of the several failed coups that tried
priests are asked to lead celibate nor to report and account things When we experience the surge only be Christ. We need to be President Aquino. I gave it to Cory Aquino to share with her my own
lives. It is to make us most to someone. We seem to confine of irritability, when being nice and friends of Christ, just as Martha concern for peace after three years of fledgling fragile democracy).
available for anyone and for ourselves to a certain area restricted patient becomes very hard to do and Mary were of him.
Social Concerns
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009

Visit the poor and

By Fr. Shay Cullen, SSC flat. Mosquito infested tires held down the rusting
tin roofs. Semi-naked mud daubed snotty nosed
kids ran through the maze of narrow board walk
I JUST came for a visit from rural communities raised on bricks. The women washed clothes in
where we help support 90 impoverished students plastic basins, the only work available. Food and

see the truth

go to school. As I hiked the muddy mountain road medicines were in their thoughts and on their lips.
in the pouring rain, a group of men passed by Did we bring any, they asked.
carrying the dead body of a young woman who Those who think that poverty in the Philippines
died of malnutrition and disease. Another died that has receded and claim it is a middle-income nation
same day with several others struggling for life in are living far removed from reality. The recession
the nearest hospital. Contaminated ground water has made it worse with millions more out of
perhaps. Typhoid the chief suspect. work. All orders for handicraft products from our
In the village, the evidence of crushing poverty livelihood projects have dried up and hundreds
is plain for all to see. A typical one room grass are jobless. That’s the result of the endless greed
roofed bamboo hut is home for a family of six. of the money moguls that control and manipulate
Arriving foot sore in another village, I saw the the Philippine and world economy as we well
people planting cassava on land not their own in know.
the pouring rain. They will have to give a share to Those not familiar with the reality on the ground
the land owner. “We have to plant now or we will believe the government figures. They are looking
be hungry”, a mother of five told me later as we at the bloated figures of GNP that are buoyed-up
shared a plate of their survival food, the Cassava by the estimated $14 billion that is remitted by
root crop, mainstay of the poor. the millions of overseas workers. An artificial
The steep rise in the prices of food commodities economy and production of durable goods or
a year ago made eating rice an occasional luxury. commodities are at an all time low. The Filipinos
Chicken and pork are rare too; most eat vegetables over seas are working themselves to exhaustion
and little fish. In another village, the mother of a 5 for low wages in the developed nations of Asia
year-old boy showed me a chest X-ray of her harelip and the West desperately trying to feed and house
child with primary infection. It is tuberculosis, their families left behind in the empty country side
a killer disease rampaging around the villages. where millions of landless peasants still eke out a
Skinny malnourished children looked on with subsistence living.
imploring eyes. I wish I could have fed them Three years ago, almost 33 percent of Filipinos
all. The only thing missing from the scene was a were living below the poverty line. Now it is even
waiting vulture. There are those who say poverty worse because of the recession. As of 2005, 10.8
is a thing of the past. percent of the country’s population survive on just
I visited a city slum to accompany a teenager $1 a day, and another 41.2 percent make do with
on a home visit after we had him released from less than $2 daily. 7 out of 10 peasants still do not
police cells where he was held without charge for own land while less than 1/3 of landowners own
4 months for allegedly stealing a cell phone worth more than 80% of agricultural land. In 2006, the
$20. The teeming slums were flooded; excrement Philippines oil companies extracting and retailing
was floating like the harbinger of plague. Shacks of fuel earned PhP 110 million a day, today it’s even

flattened cartons covered in plastic sheets leaned more. The poverty situation in the Philippines,
against shanties made of plywood scraps that according to the World Bank, is worse than that
joined upscale hovels made of tins cans beaten of its counterparts in the region.

Cory / B5 Requiem / B5

of the oratorical and sometimes honesty and integrity of the elections. to the hospital. I gave Cardinal Vidal power to choose our leaders, but duly elected president in 1992.
pompous style of many campaigners. He asked me to moderate the session, my three essential points for a draft: we did not always choose wisely. Today, selfless giving is a pipe dream.
Her enthusiastic reception by millions summarize and synthesize the results. (a) that the elections were substantially We were granted back our power to Today, shameless self-promotion is the
of people made it increasingly clear Each of the Bishops spoke. There was fraudulent; (b) that President Marcos protest, but we protested at every turn. order of the day. But we cannot even
that change was imminent, in the air. no doubt – the elections were filled had no moral basis to retain power; (c) At every level of society, there was blame those who promote themselves
The agents of change would be the with fraud, fraud that literally changed that this immoral situation had somehow only one desire to fulfill—to protect long before the election season has
enthusiastic millions, young and old, the results. to be corrected. I gave all my notes to one’s interest, to further one’s lot, to started. After all, we only vote for those
who listened to her and shouted “Cory! We then went to reflect on this situation Cardinal Vidal. extend one’s territory. We forgot that faces we see on our television screens.
Cory! Cory!” and pray before the Blessed Sacrament. Cory called for strikes and boycotts. the promise of Cory was simply this, We have wandered far from the land
The Snap Elections were held on The Bishops came together again and Then Minister Juan Ponce Enrile and that she would give us back what has we have promised ourselves.
February 7, 1986. On February 13-14, worked on a statement which they General Fidel Ramos broke away from been taken away from us, for she will Leaders oftentimes do not enter the
1986, the Bishops gathered in plenary approved by consensus. This was the the Marcos government. With that came not take it for herself, she will even land they promised to their followers.
assembly as they had previously agreed, dramatic post-election statement. The the call of Cardinal Jaime Sin for people give up her own life if only she can Cory did not paint a promised land
should any emergency take place. This Bishops declared: “According to moral to go to EDSA and protect the small give us back our life, our dignity, our for us. She only showed us the way.
was emergency. The government press principles, a government that assumes breakaway band of soldiers. freedom. The way is open for us, if we only
was saying that Marcos had already won or retains power through fraudulent For me the call to EDSA was genuinely Selfless giving was her one great learn how to sacrifice self-interest for
the elections. means has no moral basis.” a call to protect Cory, my personal promise, and she fulfilled it not only the sake of the common good. In the
Cardinal Ricardo Vidal, the President Until today I deeply regret that I symbol of Inang Bayan. when she took power at EDSA, not only end, it is our decision to commence
of the Bishops’ Conference, called for had no direct hand in drafting the final when she governed us for six years, entering the land we have promised
each Bishop to share the experience of statement. Cardinal Vidal had asked me +ORLANDO B. QUEVEDO, O.M.I. but most importantly, at the peaceful ourselves, or continue to wander in
NAMFREL in his diocese regarding the to help write the draft. But I had to go Archbishop of Cotabato transfer of power from her to the next the wilderness.

Kidapawan / B4

and a student in the OD emerged: 1) The parish is the The new role given the new team 5) sustainability: from too much D.D. arrived in June 19, 2008, we of the Vicariates are now called
Doctoral Program of SAIDI locus of pastoral action; 2) was to respond to the needs of dependence on outside sources rejoiced. We were very much Vicars Forane. For each Vicariate,
(Southeast Asia Interdisciplinary FSW (Formation, Service and the parishes when requested and to intensifying initiatives for grateful to the Holy Father, Pope a religious sister has been assigned
Development Institute) Worship) is the content of when necessary - with the explicit self-reliance, both human Benedict VI for gifting us with whose role is Vicariate Pastoral
introduced Appreciative Inquiry formation work and the basis of approval of the parish priest. hey and material; 6) relationship a shepherd who is not only at Animator and who functions
(AI) as an alternative approach to organizing activities and people; would also act as conduit of ideas with the BEC’s: from BEC’s as home but home with us as he is as resource person, capability
pastoral action. AI sees and acts 3) AI as an alternative approach and accomplishments among the beneficiaries of to BEC’s as active one of our own, a Kidapaweño. builder and co-journeyer. She
on problems from the perspective to pastoral action; 4) The Clergy diocesan districts and the parishes, participants in pastoral action. Many of us priests have known works with the parish priests
of positive possibilities, the and the lay people are partners and would prepare and facilitate Like in all change initiatives, the him closely because he was once within the Vicariate in equipping
perspective of the half-filled in the ministry; 5) Increase and diocesan-level activities agreed momentum for change picked our college seminary rector and parish lay animators to work in
glass. And the desired effect intensification of self-reliance on in the Clergy Meeting. The up slowly. Some said they were later spiritual director. After the the different ministries with a
is positive transformation, a initiatives. Giving rootedness DBPS, however, was transitional, groping for a sure footing and a euphoria of his installation as focus on Christian Formation
revolution in positive change on and meaning to these are Jesus for it was envisioned that the clearer horizon to focus on and Bishop of Kidapawan subsided, (Catechesis). What remains
the personal and collective level. and the Church and the expected diocesan pastoral programs walk towards. No matter how we lost no time to get down to at the diocesan level in this new
Experiencing the process itself is fruits are transformed individual would eventually be taken care of positive an approach is, the pull of business. In a meeting with set up? The Diocesan Pastoral
already transformative. Christians and empowered the district level. Some diocesan- traditional ways and the security the Diocesan Clergy (DCK) in Coordinator remains the priest
The shift from problem-solving BEC’s. These guide posts for level pastoral workers had to of old comfort zones are stronger August of 2008, the new bishop tasked to oversee and push
mode of conversations, dialogues, pastoral ministry were endorsed discontinue working with the than any desired state of things. listened to the call for a TOTAL for the implementation of the
and praxis to ever-expanding by the then Bishop Romulo G. Diocese. REVAMP of assignment of five principles throughout the
positive possibilities of individual Valles, D. D. during the Macro- During the annual Diocesan Moving on…Getting Better: priests in the parishes. After a entire diocese. To do this, he
and communal actions, though at Synchronized Assembly (an Macro-Synchronized Assembly “Duc in Altum” (2007-Present) series of consultations with the coordinates with the priests at
times painful and taxing, led to annual gathering of the Clergy in December of 2006, the The unfolding of our envisioned priests themselves and some the different levels and with the
some realizations and insights, and the lay pastoral animators) bishop officially declared the desired situation seemed to parishioners in several parishes, priests assigned as directors for
and to more actions. Following in December, 2005. composition of the DBPS and the stand still when in November new appointments were made the different ministries. He can
the introduction of AI, the The implementation of these adoption of the five principles of 2006 Rome announced the and then announced during the also be a resource person for the
Diocesan Clergy underwent an principles for pastoral action for pastoral action. The Diocesan appointment of our Shepherd, Chrism Mass at the Cathedral – parishes and other organizations
annual retreat in November of necessitated changes in the Pastoral Coordinator articulated Bishop Romulo G. Valles, Our Lady Mediatrix of All Grace and groups in such areas as
2003 using AI as the framework. pastoral programs from the several shifts that were taking D.D. as the new Archbishop Parish – on April 8, 2009. The planning and assessment,
Fr. Gregorio Bañaga of Adamson diocesan level down to the parish place: 1) pastoral approach: of Zamboanga. For the fourth new assignments took effect on education-formation work such
University in Manila facilitated level. The ever reliable Diocesan from problem-based to strength- time in 31 years our diocese June 1, 2009. The assignments as giving lectures, seminars,
the Retreat for us assisted by Sr. Pastoral Team (DPT), whose based; 2) pastoral work: from was again without a bishop. In of priests involved in non-parish trainings, recollections and
Bles Fabricante, PhD. Two more primary role was to manage pastoral programs to pastoral January of 2007 he was installed work were renewed for a period retreats, even personal coaching
AI-based Seminar-Workshops the Pastoral Programs, was ministries; 3) playing field: from in Zamboanga and in January 15 of three years only. and organizational consultancy
followed in 2004: Team Building reconstituted into DBPS (Diocesan diocese level to parish level, of the same year we elected Fr. Another very historical and services. He is accountable
and AI Trainers’ Training. BEC Pastoral Secretariate). The with the diocesan districts as Armando C. Angeles, DCK as the important decision made in directly to the bishop whom
On the second half of 2005, responsibility for the pastoral fora; 4) description of workers: Diocesan Administrator. that August 2008 meeting was he keeps updated on pastoral
after a series of meetings, five programs was assumed by the from pastoral workers (or When our new bishop, Most to open a diocesan seminary. matters.
principles of pastoral action parish priests at the parish level. contacts) to pastoral animators; Rev. Romulo T. De La Cruz, After careful preparations and In cases where diocesan level
series of meetings, the seminary pastoral activities and projects
was eventually opened last June are called for and agreed upon in
3, 2009 with 25 young men as the the Clergy Meeting, the Diocesan
first batch of seminarians. They Pastoral Coordinator assumes
are enrolled as First Year college the lead role of facilitating

students at the Notre Dame of and coordinating. The Clergy
Name _________________________________________________ Kidapawan College. The bishop Meeting is the venue to consult
(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name) appointed Frs. Allan Sasi, DCK, and make decisions with the
Rey Salvador, DCK and Charles Presbyterium, when appropriate.
Allan Nemenzo, DCK, as Rector, However, the bishop always has
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing Address _______________________________________________ Dean of Seminarians and Spiritual the prerogative, being the head
_________________________________________________ Director respectively. To prepare of the Diocese.
professors to teach Philosophy, At any rate, we are still in the
The CBCP Monitor is published fort- Phone No.: ________ Fax No.: ________ E-mail: ___________ two diocesan priests – Frs. Gerry midst of a transition period.
nightly by the CBCP Media Office, with Mode of Payment Tacdoro, DCK and Rey Salvador, There is so much room to grow
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editorial and business offices at 470  Check/PMO enclosed  Cash Payment masteral program for Philosophy to discover and even create. We
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2 Years Php 900.00 Signature On the pastoral front, a stronger situation in our lifetime. But the
• Foreign: Asia push for the implementation joy and fulfillment might be in the
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PLEASE SEND TO: dissolved and the members were we sharpen our focus but savor
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Or e-mail this at [email protected] renamed as Vicariates. The heads Paul II, “Duc in altum!”
B8 Entertainment CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009

Title: The Proposal matter including each other’s in her convincing and likeable
Cast: Sandra Bullock, Ryan family. Though together in the portrayal of the high-powered
Moral Assessment Technical Assessment
Reynolds, Mary Steen- office for 3 years, they virtually uptight New York woman (with
burgen, Craig T. Nelson, know nothing of each other. For the formidable look in pencil skirts
 Abhorrent  Poor Mary White, Ramon Oscar
 Disturbing  Below average
Nuñez, Dennis O’Hore familiarization, on the part of and stiletto heels) who is touched
Director: Anne Fletcher Margaret, they visit Andrew’s and transformed by the loving
 Acceptable  Average

Producers: David Hoberman, parents in Sitka, Alaska. Thinking embrace of Andrew’s family. Ryan
 Wholesome  Above average
Todd Lieberman Sitka is some God forsaken Alaska Reynolds’ performance is just

 Exemplary  E
xcellent Screenwriter: Pete Chiarelli outpost, she gets the shock of as commendable as he matches
Music: Aaron Zigman her life when she instead sees a Sandra’s snappy banter and comic
Editor: Priscilla Nedd-Friendly charming, urbanized town with skills. Very good support is given
Genre: Romantic Comedy warm welcoming people. Loving by Mary Steenburgen and Nelson
Cinematography: Oliver Staple- and very closely knit, Andrew’s Craig as Andrew’s parents, Mary
wacky family is thrilled to know White as the 90 year old grandma
Distributor: Touchtone Pictures
Location: USA Andrew and Margaret are getting and the preacher-exotic dancer
Running Time: 107 min. married. With no affection for each Ramon.
Technical Assessment:  other, they have to pretend before The Proposal is entertaining
family and friends that they are in and enjoyable. Scenes of family
Moral Assessment: 
CINEMA Rating: For viewers love. This situation is the well spring closeness, togetherness, affection,
age 13 and below with of many embarrassment and funny generosity and understanding
parental guidance moments. will not fail to touch a chord in the
The Proposal has a plot that hearts of those who value family
Young and attractive, Margaret is as old as the hills; two people relationships. It is heartwarming
Tate (Sandra Bullock), an executive who almost hate each other at the to see here depicted these “old
and book editor of a New York beginning end up getting to like fashioned” values still existing in
publishing empire, comes across each other, in spite of the madcap some towns though practically lost
also as tyrannical. Demanding, she obstacles that come their way. in the fast rat race in the cities. The
so intimidated her staff that they Very predictable and formulaic old grandma especially may be a bit
panic once she enters her office. but it does not bore. Cheerfully bizarre in her antics but she delights
Though seeming invulnerable, done, this romantic comedy with us in her simplicity, wit, and respect
one day she gets a notice from the all its conventions entertains with for family traditions. On the other
U.S. Immigration office informing its hilarious moments. The humor hand, there are some negative
her of her imminent deportation is devoid of vulgarity, though one elements here that should not be
to Canada due to an expired visa embarrassing funny scene involves glossed over. Like, for instance,
(She’s Canadian). She devises a plan the two lead actors in the nude. the way marriage is viewed by
to get the coveted visa, that is, by The cinematography enhances the Margaret and Andrew as a vehicle
marrying her surprised assistant viewers’ pleasure. Though said to to attain ambition, power, or
Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds). have been filmed in Massachusetts other mundane practical results
She proposes a sham marriage and Rhode Island, it replicates like getting a visa. But this sadly
followed by a quickie divorce once the pristine beauty of Alaska. happens in real life today. Young
she gets her visa. Often brow beaten The story is set in a picturesque people getting married should
and usually compliant, this time town with chic, quaint shops (no always start life right and that is
he refuses. But she blackmails him fast foods or franchise chains) by getting the right perspective
and bribes him by offering him an and a waterfront that looks like a regarding marriage. Infused with
editorship in the office. Ambitious, tourist haven. This setting exudes love, marriage should primarily
he consents. Suspecting something a charm befitting this fantasy. help fulfill each person’s quest for
fishy, the immigration officer Sandra Bullock is versatile as seen happiness and perfection as well
warns them of the punishments in various roles she has played in as realize God’s plan. It should
for fraud and informs them they other movies, but her talent in this never be considered a mere tool
will be questioned on intimate romantic comedy is remarkable for material advancements.

MAC en COLET Ni Bladimer Usi

Buhay Parokya
Look for the three items:
Dalawang kuwentong Title: Manila Images of Saint Jude Thaddeus,
hango mula sa mga obra Cast: Piolo Pascual, Rosanna Cardinal Sin and Church Altar.
nina Ishmael Bernal at Roces, Jay Manalo, Alesandra (Illustration by Bladimer Usi)
Lino Brocka, ang unang de Rossi, Angelica Panganiban,
kuwento ay tungkol sa Jiro Manio, Anita Linda
isang drug addict na si Director: Adolfo Alix, Jr., Raya
William (Piolo Pascual) Martin
na gagala-gala sa kalye Screenwriters: Adolfo Alix, Jr., Raya
ng Maynila, tila may Martin
kung anong hinahanap Genre: Drama
sa kawalan. Ito’y sa Distributor: Star Cinema
kabila ng pag-aalala ng Location: Manila
ina niyang si Charito Running Time: 90 mins
(Rosanna Roces) kung Technical Assessment: 
nasaan na siya. Sa
Moral Assessment:  ½
kalye rin ng Maynila
CINEMA Rating: For viewers 14
magsasanga-sanga ang
and above
ilan pang mga taong may
kinalaman sa buhay ni William at sa pagkakalulong niya sa droga.
Ang ikalawang kuwento naman ay tungkol sa isang bodyguard na
si Philip (Piolo Pascual) na naninilbihan kay Barry (Jay Manalo)
anak ng isang Congressman ng Maynila. Tapat ang paglilingkod
ni Philip kay Barry sa pag-aakalang parang kapatid ang turing
nito sa kanya. Ang katapatang ito ay masusubukan nang maka-
enkuwentro ni Barry ang isang dating karibal. Makakapatay si
Philip sa pagtatanggol kay Barry at dito niya mapatutunayan
ang kawalang-saysay ng kanyang katapatan sa isang among
tau-tauhan lamang ang turing sa kanya.
Masarap balikan ang ilang obra ng mga batikang Pilipinong
direktor na naglagay sa Pilipinas sa mapa ng pandaigdigang
sining. Ang mga pelikulang pinaghanguan ng Manila ay talaga
namang maituturing na klasiko at nararapat lamang bigyan ng
kaukulang paggalang. Maganda ang intensiyon ng Manila ngunit
nagkulang ito sa akmang sinseridad na hinihinling ng kuwento.
Sa halip na mapalutang pang lalo sa kasalukuyang panahon ang
dalawang piling obra, ay lalo pang napalabo ang mensahe nito.
Sayang at pawang magagaling pa naman ang mga nagsiganap.
Maganda rin at mahusay ang kuha ng kamera pati na ang pag-
iilaw. Hindi rin masyadong problema ang editing. Marahil ang
tunay na problema ay ang kaiksian ng oras na inilaan nila para
sa kabuuan ng pelikula. Pilit ipinagsiksikan sa iisang pelikula ang
dalawang dapat sana’y malawak na istorya. Mahirap masundan
ang emosyon sapagkat hindi malinaw ang pinanggagalingan ng
bawat karakter. Sayang at malaki sana ang potensiyal ng pelikula
na maihanay sa mga obrang pinaparangalan nito.
Isang masukal at malupit na gubat ang lungsod ng Maynila.
Ito ang sinasabi ng pelikula. Ipinakita nito ang pinakamadidilim
na kasuluksulukan ng Maynila. Ang dalawang magkaibang
pangunahing tauhan ay sumisimbolo sa dalawang uri ng tao
Maynila. Isang nagpakalunod sa masamang bisyo upang maka-
limutan ang mga realidad ng siyudad at isang humaharap dito
nang buong katapatan sa pag-aakalang ito’y masusuklian ng
kaginhawahan. Anu’t-anupaman, sina William at Philip ay larawan
ng kadiliman at kawalang-pag-asa sa isang siyudad na siya
sanang kakalinga sa mga tulad nila. Kung tutuusin ang kuwento
ay nagpakita lamang ng isang parte ng mukha ng Maynila: ang
kasamaan at kadiliman nito. Malinaw naman ang itensiyong ito
ng pelikula. Hindi nga naman interesado ang mga manonood
sa maganda, mapayapa at maaliwalas na buhay. Maaring tunay
ang mga ipinakitang larawan ng Manila ngunit pawang hindi
malinaw ang nais nitong iparating at kung anong klaseng imahe
ng Maynila ang nais nilang ipakita sa ating mga kababayan at
maging sa mga dayuhang manonood. Kung puros kawalan
ng pag-asa at kabukutan ang ating makikita, ano nga ba ang
nararapat na gawin? Marahil sinasabi rin ng pelikula na bawat
isa sa atin ay may pananagutansa mga katulad nina William at
Philip. Hindi lamang sila ang may kagagawan ng kung anong
kapalaran nagkaroon sila. Malinaw na ang mismong lipunang
kanilang ginagalawan ang nagtulak sa kanila sa maling landas.
Dapat gabayan ang mga batang manonood upang maipaliwa-
nag ito ng husto, kung hindi’y maitatanim sa kanilang isipan na
ang Maynila ay isang malupit na siyudad sa mga mahihirap at
walang lakas. Maaring ito nga ay totoong nangyayari ngunit
dapat sana’y magpakita man lang ng kahit na isang kislap na
pag-asa ang pelikula upang makapaghimok ng mga natutulog
na damdaming makabayan.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009

The News Supplement of

Couples for Christ

In Pursuit of Christ story to tell. After celebrating the Holy the clergy and some CFC
Eucharist, joyful voices echoed in the elders.
auditorium. However, one voice stood The evening began with
out – that of JM Sangco who, in the first worship and segued into
talk, spoke of “The Journey” that we, as a talk given by Penny de
SFCs, were about to take. The journey Leon on our “Empty Pur-
of pursuing Christ is a journey towards suits.” She spoke about
being Christ-like. JM affirmed this the end of our pursuit
journey’s beauty because the goal, our and how it is more than
journey’s end, is achievable if we pursue magnificent; but some-
Christ. And the wonder of it all is that where along the way,
Christ pursued us first and will pursue we lose our focus and
us, whenever, wherever, however and turn to pursuing success,
whoever we are. satisfaction, security and
Talk 2 was delivered by Fr. Xavier service. These things of-
Olin, SJ, who asked us to take a deeper ten blind us and detract
look at ourselves in relation to our us from our pursuit of
journey “In Pursuit of Christ.” He spoke Christ. However, Penny
about the power of prayer and how it stressed that God calls us to succeed in
can change our lives. He spoke about one thing—our faithfulness to Him, to preview of “The Prize of the Pursuit.”
being able to see Christ in everyone satisfy our longings only with His love, The Lord wants to bring us to heaven,
By Dominic Apuan It all began with a celebration of and everything by turning our lives to secure our personal relationship with and will not stop pursuing us until we
all the gifts and blessings that God into a lifetime of prayer and how, in the Him, and to serve only because of love are His. Heaven is the prize of our
THE Lion’s Head, Camp John Hay bestowed upon us through worship. life we are given, God grants us grace and nothing else. pursuit of Christ…and in heaven God
airbase, Philippine Military Academy, Here the SFCs dressed up as treasure every step we take through the Holy The evening ended with a praise fest grants us eternal fulfillment where
Mansion House, Baguio Cathedral, hunters, voyagers and explorers to Sacraments. It is through having that that was characterized not by the noise we will no longer be broken no lon-
Mines View Park, Burnham Park, signify the start of their pursuit; the close relationship with God that we will of singing and dancing but by the initial ger impure, no longer empty! As we
Wright Park, Botanical Garden…from draping and wooden conviction boxes be able to see His grace move through few minutes that the SFCs spent in the pursue Christ, every step of the way,
its outskirts to its very core, there are added pizzazz to the main aesthetic of our lives and clearly appreciate His solitude of prayer, undistracted by the we become Christ-like and gain the 12
lots of places to go to, and lots of rea- the venue. Some SFCs showcased their plans for us. environment. fruits of the Holy Spirit: Charity, Joy,
sons to visit Baguio City; but last July talents in singing and dancing through Later that day, the participants were The SFCs welcomed the 3rd day Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness,
24 to 26, 2009, Singles for Christ Metro a friendly competition called “SFC’s Got dispersed into various workshops on by once again celebrating the Holy Generosity, Gentleness, Faithfulness,
Manila had but one reason: The Christ Talent.” Among the contestants was the sacraments, inner healing, spiritual Eucharist presided by His Excellency Modesty, Self-control and Chastity.
Pursuit. Rhea Bernandez from Central C, who direction, Christian virtues, praying Bishop Carlito Cenzon of the diocese At the end of the conference, God’s
What better place to pursue God than serenaded the judges with her guitar as with Scriptures, and many others. of Baguio. Marc Sebastian was tasked message for all of us SFCs was clear:
on the mountaintops of Baguio? The she sang her own beautiful composition. These enriching workshops, tools to to deliver the last talk of the confer- God is in pursuit of us and we, the SFCs,
SFC Metro Manila Leaders Conference The night ended with a praisefest where accompany us in our journey towards ence. According to Marc, the final are in pursuit of a life in union with
’09 was held at the CAP – John Hay the SFCs sang, danced, shouted, and Christ, were given by members of piece of the puzzle provides us with a Christ. What a wonderful thought!
Trade and Cultural Center. For three partied their hearts out

CFC Issues Ancop Guidelines

days SFC gathered there, and came for the Lord. “The Christ
away feeling that their lives were for- Pursuit” had begun.
ever changed. Day two had a different

SFCs in Europe honor THE CFC International Council, in a statement issued July 23, 2009,
issued guidelines governing the community’s work with the poor,
ful movements for the poor are subject to the discernment and
approval of the CFC International Council, particularly in the

their icon - Jesus

or ANCOP. These guidelines clarify the relationship between following areas:
CFC and Gawad Kalinga and the channels of authority that will A. Determination of future partners
be followed in the GK villages that are existing. It also outlines B. Definition of scope of work, to include the proper accounting
the other work with the poor that ANCOP will be embarking on, of funds and periodic submission of accomplishment reports
work that goes beyond community building. C. Mobilization of CFC members’ attendance in major external
The statement is reprinted in full below. non–CFC events and conferences, (e.g. GK Expo, national Pro-life
CFC guidelines on Ancop (Our Work With The Poor) Consistent with the above guidelines, CFC supports and en-
Couples for Christ is an evangelistic community called to pro- courages the following expressions of Building the Church of the
claim Christ in word and action. Our CFC mission is focused on Poor:
Building the Church of the Home and the Church of the Poor. At 1. ANCOP mission components (stated above in no. 4) are the
its simplest, CFC is focused on Christ, the Family and the Poor. top priorities for our CFC work with the poor.
On April 30, 2009, the International Council issued a statement 2. Implementation of applicable ANCOP programs in GK sites
that CFC was “letting go” of Gawad Kalinga. We also issued sev- will be done within the parameters of the institutional partner-
eral circulars designed to define the new relationship and to guide ship.
CFC members working in GK sites during the transition process. 3. Evangelization and pastoral formation will be pursued in
The CFC leadership is issuing these guidelines regarding ANCOP, open and ready GK sites.
our work with the poor, to describe with clarity the scope, direction 4. Volunteer work by CFC members in GK “sustainability”
and priorities of our work with the poor. CFC ANCOP must be programs is encouraged provided it does not conflict with one’s
defined and accomplished in a manner that supports our primary fundamental CFC priorities (household, formation, conferences)
calling and charism as a Catholic community. through which we source our life and strength in Christ.
The following statements, which were covered in the IC circular 5. CFC will help generate and contribute funds and resources
dated May 7, 2009, provide the foundation of our ANCOP work: to support our ANCOP missions as a priority, and GK as one of
1. CFC, through the International Council, has let go of the the options.
By Chastine Rodriguez governance and corporate structure of Gawad Kalinga. In effect,
this means that CFC has let go of: CFC does not support or encourage:
EXCITEMENT was high as the 11th SFC European Conference went
- the foundation (Gawad Kalinga Community Development 1. Volunteer work that brings one outside the boundaries of our
underway on July 10, 2009. Having received confirmation of the
Foundation Inc.), Couples for Christ core values (Pro-God, Pro-Family, Pro-Life,
venue (the Ramada Hotel in Geneva) only the day before, everyone
- the governance of the IC over GK (as represented by the major- Pro-Poor) and our oneness with the Catholic Church. Christ is
was indeed excited, in awe at how the Lord arranged everything and
ity membership of the IC in the GK Board), always the Center and Mover of our mission.
confident that the three days to come would simply prove that He
- GK as the movement and more particularly, 2. Volunteer work that conflicts with or disrupts one’s fundamen-
was in control, as always.
- GK as a CFC ministry. tal commitment to CFC life and directions (household, teachings,
Hundreds of delegates from countries all over Europe gathered
2. Thus, as a result of No. 1 above, CFC and GK are now two conferences). This includes any specific ANCOP Work with the
to have fellowship, to learn from the sessions and most especially to
different, distinct movements with separate visions, missions, Poor or GK, which becomes one’s overriding or exclusive prior-
honor and praise the icon of the conference and of the community
leadership and structures. But, however different in calling and ity to the detriment of the fullness of the life and mission of CFC
– Jesus Christ.
charism, the two movements share a common goal – the upliftment (Christ, Family and Poor).
The usual features of any international conference were present
of the poor. How the two movements work together to achieve
– great food, especially the cheese and wine that were presented
this common goal can be discussed in a spirit of brotherhood and There are GK sites that are fully-funded and fully-managed by
at the “Cheese Fest” competition by each country represented; the
solidarity. Consequently the framework of such partnership will CFC. Together with the top GK leadership, we will discuss and
celebration of the Holy Eucharist; the dancing; the colorful costumes;
be mutually agreed upon. finalize guidelines for the continuing management of these sites.
the vibrant songs and the loud cheering; the prayers; the inspiring
3. Although CFC and GK are now independent of each other, In terms of organization, the IC memo dated June 2, 2009 has
and inspired testimonies of transformed lives; the Praise Parade,
with distinct leadership and corporate structure, CFC and GK are clarified that:
and of course, the praise fests.
committed to pursue a collaborative and cooperative relation- 1. “CFC leaders who are presently serving in the Metro Manila/
The conference sessions spoke of a single theme -- Freedom is a gift
ship. Thus CFC members serving in GK will continue to serve Provincial GK management Board and GK EXCOM are to be
and to be free is to liberate oneself from what hinders young Chris-
as volunteers. However, precisely because of this distinction in integrated into a core group for CFC ANCOP which shall report
tians like the Singles for Christ from becoming better Christians and
leadership, CFC members serving in GK will get their direction and likewise be accountable to the MM SGT/Provincial Area
striving for holiness. We have to strive for holiness because the God
and guidance from the established pastoral and organized lines Council;
we serve is perfect. But even though we keep falling back into sin,
of authority existing in CFC. 2. The MM Sector/Provincial GK Head, who is a member of the
He is a forgiving God and He loves us beyond our comprehension.
4. CFC ANCOP is the totality of our Work with the Poor. In the MMSGT/Provincial Area Council, is to be designated as Head of
This theme was further reinforced in the afternoon workshops of the
IC Memo dated May 22, 2009, we announced that we “envision CFC ANCOP in the area. He shall assign CFC Coordinators in
second day, especially the session on forgetting what lies behind us.
ANCOP to include the following areas”: GK villages under CFC caretaker teams.”
For the first time in an SFC event, a benediction and a Eucharistic
- The Social Ministries (Migrant Workers, Isaiah Prison Min-
celebration was held as the climax to the sessions on the second day.
istry) Our mission is clear – Building the Church of the Home and
It was an awesome and inspiring experience.
- Livelihood (Tekton Microfinance and Social Entrepreneur- Building the Church of the Poor. Both (the family and the poor)
SFC Europe Coordinator Lawrence Quintero came all the way
ship) are equally important and deserve our full commitment. The work
from the Philippines to talk about the mission and vision of SFC,
- Food for the Hungry (Partnership with Bayan-Anihan) may be vast and the challenges daunting, but as our theme for this
and to lead the pray-over of members who felt the calling for the
- Health (CFC GKare) year goes, we simply surge ahead, forgetting what lies behind and
- Education focusing only on Jesus, our guide and our goal.
The conference was officially closed by SFC Europe Mission Co-
- Communities for Christ (affordable housing for Church mis- Moving forward in Christ is not an option. It is our commitment.
ordinator Don Sarmiento.
sionaries, FTWs and needy CFC members) and May God bless us all.
The conference was over in three days but the love and fellow-
- Other social ministries that have been previously in place. Most
ship fostered in those days will remain for years to come. Clearly,
of these programs are ongoing while some are relatively new, hav- JOE YAMAMOTO
God’s love has been multiplied a million times for each and every
ing been recently organized. Executive Director
SFC who attended the Eurocon to bring home to their respective
5. CFC’s institutional partnerships with GK and other meaning- For the CFC International Council
corners of Europe.
C2 Ugnayan CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009

By Joe Tale, CFC Chairman I do not dream for my country to have the tallest skyscrapers nor
the biggest this or that, nor for Filipinos to be topping this or that
list of the wealthiest in the world. Those might be the benchmarks
of some, but they have nothing to do with what I truly care for – to

My Dream
see my country develop a heart.
I would like to see all Filipinos helping every other Filipino de-
velop their full potential. I dream of seeing men and women moving
into the future with lives full of meaning because they have used
their God-given gifts to the fullest. I therefore dream of a society
where the opportunities abound for this to happen.
I dream of a people whose culture of caring and sharing flows
into their stewardship of the environment, God’s wonderful gift of
creation. I dream of a country where the beaches and the moun-
tains, and the flora and the fauna, and the treasures of the land, air
and the seas are truly appreciated as gifts to be treasured and to be
AS I write this, my thoughts race back, not only to the beginnings of The self-sacrificing CFC caretaker teams and the overwhelming cared for, to be shared and enjoyed by all, and to be nurtured for
the work with the poor of Couples for Christ (CFC), which eventu- generous response of GK partners from all over the world, form the the generations that are to come.
ally evolved into Gawad Kalinga (GK), but even before that, to the grounding for my dream. I dream of a country of responsible citizens, who with wisdom
early years of CFC. We were even then a community of families who My dream is of a world, starting with the Philippines, where the and sincere love for God and country, will bring into office lead-
were dreamers. We took to heart the vision of being Families in the pervading culture and way of life is caring and sharing. ers who are God-fearing and who, by their actions, demonstrate
Holy Spirit, Renewing the Face of the Earth. I dream of a Philippines where all Filipinos, coming from this their pursuit for the common good, and not for their own selfish
The renewal of the face of the earth started with the renewal of the way of life, are able to hold their heads high because they live a interests. I dream of governance untainted by greed and evil use of
heart. The dream was pursued solidly anchored on faith. dignified existence, worthy of having been created in the image power. I dream of good men and women coming into their own as
Inevitably, the dream found its expression in the most challenging and likeness of God. just, competent, and courageous public servants. I dream of simple
work with the poor. This was a new frontier and honesty, transparency, integrity and expertise
uncharted waters for CFC. But the challenge as hallmarks of service.
found anchor in a passage in Acts 4:32-35, which I say, that when these elements are in place,
provided a pastoral framework and spiritual then economic prosperity for all will follow,
refuge that overcame the fears and doubts: “The and progress and development will happen,
community of believers was of one heart and economic well-being that emanate from and
mind, and no one claimed that any of his pos- stand firmly on solid rock.
sessions was his own, but they had everything And then, our beloved Philippines will rise
in common. With great power, the apostles gave up from the mud and ashes of poverty, cor-
witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and ruption, and war, and gain respect, and take
great favor was accorded them all. There was her rightful place of honor in the community
no needy person among them…” of nations.
The dream had been reality before. It can Just one more thing. We should not tire of
be done. The pioneering work thus attracted dreaming, and we should help create in all the
brethren with hearts overflowing with love for capacity to dream. We should hold on strong
God and neighbor. We continue to honor them to our ideals, strive to do our best in the pres-
all for what they started and for igniting this ent but also look beyond the problems and
same spirit that has flowed into the now tens difficulties, and see the future of a country of
or hundreds of thousands of caretaker teams, our dreams.
who are showing the world that we can be our Samuel Ullman writes: “Nobody grows old
brothers’ keepers, and that doing so is not a by merely living a number of years; people
burden, but a source of great joy. grow old by deserting their ideals.”
As it was then, so I believe it should continue I honor all who have remained young in
to be. And my own dreams are anchored on the their dreams and ideals, manifested in their
same firm foundation. I dream of a transformed continuing quest to “set the world on fire with
country and people, with renewed hearts filled the fullness of God’s transforming love” (from
with compassion, and lives lived in deep abid- CFC’s vision statement). May we all be blessed
ing faith in God. to see our dreams bear fruit that will last.

By Joe Yamamoto, CFC Director

The Everyday Disciple

ONE of the most basic and yet enduring lessons up at one of the weekend CLPs. At the close of the familiar with the very dramatic conversion of
that I have learned in CFC over the years is the program, he stood up to share. He narrated that he Paul on the road to Damascus. His courage, and
focus on everyday evangelization that stays at the attended because he saw in us, my wife and me, persistent attitude of evangelization, plus the
heart of our mission. Early on I learned a memo- the happiness that comes from the joy of service, dramatic and inspiring recounting of his experi- world” and pointed to Jesus. From that day on,
rable dictum that best describes what every CFC a fulfilled family life and contentment despite the ence of overcoming overwhelming obstacles are things were never the same anymore for ordinary
member must put to heart- the commitment to hectic demands of our professional life and our exemplary. He also taught countless generations Andrew- from being a follower of John, he became
GO AND EVANGELIZE and EVANGELIZE AS service to the community. In short, if we were of Christians through his Spirit-filled books and a faithful disciple of Jesus.
YOU GO. happy and joyful to be in CFC, then the CLP must epistles. His writings impacted magnificently in Andrew, in his selfless and unassuming way,
The last two years of our community work en- be something worth attending. terms of shaping the Catholic religion and other brought the people he knew to Christ. To his more
abled us to provide the anchor that resulted from Or consider our friends, Elmer and Marivic, Christian churches. famous brother, Simon, he declared “ I have found
revisiting our vision- Families in the Holy Spirit re- who are both doctors, who joined CFC because of Paul was unique because he was called during the Messiah “ and asked his older sibling to join
newing the face of the earth; and of course, fleshing our work in the medical missions, which puts us the fragile infancy of the Church and was used him in a life- and history-changing followership.
out our two-fold mission of Building the Church of in close contact with the sick and the poor. They mightily by God despite his past hostility to the Andrew delighted in using the day-to-day cir-
the Home and Building the Church of the Poor. In have become infected with the passion to serve. early Christian converts. No one has equaled, cumstances of his life to demonstrate his simple
the day to day context of a member’s life, each one Similar is my experience with a lawyer friend, much less surpassed, Paul in his missionary zeal ways of bringing people to the Lord and at the
is expected to “proclaim Christ in words and in ac- Raoul and his doctor wife, Thelma, who belonged and fervor. The width and depth of his writings same time show his utmost confidence that the
tion” (ipahayag si Kristo sa Gawa Lord makes things happen.
at Kalinga). The words “gawa” He figured prominently in
and “kalinga” are Pilipino words the feeding of the five thousand
that mean “work” and “care”. when Jesus, taking pity on the
How best do we translate people who had listened to him
evangelization? When one is set preach for hours, asked that his
to Go and Evangelize, it is in the disciples see to feeding the mul-
context of a leader and his team titude. He told his disciples that
making deliberate and careful the huge crowd of people were
plans. For instance, holding a “like sheep without a shepherd”
Christian Life Program involves (Mk.6:34). Per gospel record,
carefully working out all the the five thousand were men,
necessary details of preparation not counting the women and
- dates, venue, speakers, invita- their accompanying children.
tions for participants, assigning Altogether, the number would
the music ministry, appointing likely have been closer to fifteen
the service team including the thousand, perhaps more.
facilitators, organizing the prayer The other disciples were hor-
warriors, embarking on the the rified, with Philip pointing out
most important spiritual prepa- that not even 200 days worth of
ration, and last but not the least, wages would suffice to provide
making sure of the finances. food for everyone. It was humble
In a bigger sense, I have also and ordinary Andrew who took
come to deeply appreciate the charge. He went among the
flip side of evangelization and crowd and brought back a young
that is to Evangelize as you Go. boy with five barley loaves and a
Meaning, beyond planning and couple of fish. He said: ‘This is all
holding of CLPs and the other I could find, Master.” Jesus was
forms or tools of evangelization, able to perform one of the memo-
there is the mere simplicity of rable miracles in the Scriptures
using the daily and average cir- because Andrew had the faith
cumstances of life and work to to draw from that well spring of
bring people to Christ and pres- confidence that the Lord will do
ent Christ to the people. How do Members of the International Council paid a courtesy call on Bishop Jesse Mercado of the diocese of Paranaque last July 28. The bishop was recently elected Chairman something.
of the Episcopal Commission on the Laity. Pictured are (from left): Melo and Nini Villaroman, Rouquel Ponte, Jojo and Bambi Buncayo (South B sector head), Executive
we do that? Simply by witnessing Director Joe Yamamoto, the Bishop, Joey and Tess Arguelles, Manny and Ditas Garcia and Lito and Linda Tayag. What do we learn about An-
to a life in Christ and sharing the drew? He had such deep trust in
Christ that should be in you. You can’t honestly to the same parish church in our subdivision. They were truly inspired by the Holy Spirit. the Lord and an awareness that Jesus was Master,
share the Lord to others if you have not built an responded to the invitation to attend the CLP as an The everyday disciple need not be like Paul in even over the laws of nature. Andrew realized that
intimate and personal relationship with Him; if answer to their search for a community that will his speech and writing but must emulate him in his as long as the Lord was near, there was a solution.
you have not chosen to walk in and with the Lord. allow them to develop deeper spirituality while quest to imitate Christ. Paul is a good example of He knew that if he had to serve well, he had to do
Such a simple dictum and yet far reaching in its serving in their chosen professions. And their dying to oneself and loving the Lord selflessly. his best and let the gap in human capabilities be
implication because it defines our job and respon- search began because they came to immerse in the For us Christians, there are other saints and filled by God’s providence and attention.
sibility as CFC members. It is a great challenge that work with the poor. apostles worthy to be followed as appropriate Andrew epitomizes the everyday disciple- kind,
we are all expected to fulfill in faith. It has become almost second nature for me to examples of the everyday disciple. The one apostle mild, unassuming, friendly, approachable and
As I recall the people who responded to my pray over my patients before they undergo major that I admire for his unique and unassuming char- very trusting. He was not apparently aggressive or

invitation of attending the CLPs and who subse- surgeries, especially heart and lung surgeries. I acter is Andrew, the so-called Protokletus (‘the ambitious and the few instances he was mentioned
quently became members of the community, I see make it a point to invite our medical trainees, first called’). His name, taken from the Greek word in the scriptures, we see him unaffected by playing
that they were actually people I encounter daily surgical residents and nurses to join me during the “andros’ (man) indicated his future role as one ‘second fiddle’ to his more prominent brother Peter
in my work in the hospital and the university. praying over session. It is amazing how showing facilitating the meeting of Jesus and the would-be or to the beloved disciple, John. He delighted in
My mentor in surgery of many years, Dr. Ency, people a simple and yet meaningful act of sharing disciples. telling others about Jesus.
was always solicitous of my welfare and that of Christ to them during periods of illness and treat- Andrew must have been earnestly in search of Truly Andrew is a worthy model for the CFC ev-
my family. So one day, I mustered the confidence ment made them receptive to the promptings for things spiritual which he and his fisherman col- eryday disciple. Like Andrew, we are called not just
to offer him a weekend CLP (as opposed to the a life-changing experience. league John found from listening to and following to “go and evangelize” but to be witness to God’s
regular 13-week course). Considering that he was Learning from the examples modeled by the John the Baptist. He was in this stage of his journey presence in our lives day after day. We are tasked to
always busy, I would not have faulted him if he apostle Paul is one good way of proclaiming when one day John the Baptist called out “Behold “evangelize as we go” and to indeed be instruments
had said no. Instead, he surprised me by showing Christ in words and action. Nearly everyone is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the by which others may come to know Christ.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009
Ugnayan C3

Year of the Priesthood,

Year of the Hearts
By Arnel Santos
ARCHBISHOP Ramon C. Arguelles of the archdiocese of Lipa ad-
ney is now the patron saint of parish priests and the model for all
The archbishop emphasized that, “the priests must be the first
dressed the Mission Core Group (MCG) of Couples for Christ at ones to have the heart of Jesus and Mary.”
Xavier Gymnasium on July 21, 2009, on the significance of Pope But the archbishop explained that there must be stress on the
Benedict XVI’s proclamation of June 2009 through June 2010, as “heart,” which means the “kaibuturan ng pagkatao,” the essence of
the “Year of the Priesthood,” and the Catholic Bishops Conference existence. This “heart” must be “consecrated with the Sacred Heart”
of the Philippines’ (CBCP) dedication of the year 2009-2010 in our of Jesus – “the Priest who offers and is offered,” “the Perfect Priest.”
country as the “Year of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Our model is the “Immaculate Heart of Mary,” who shows how to
Heart of Mary.” be totally possessed by God, and “our way to the heart of God.”
The archbishop underlined that with the Pope’s proclamation last
March, 2009 of the “Year of the Priesthood,” “lalong gumanda ang
Philippine bishops’ deci-
The archbishop enjoined all to pray for priests. In praying, “all
of us must approach God with all our heart.” In the words of St.
Theresa of Avila, we all
CFC Zanorte Celebrates
sion to dedicate 2009-2010
as the “Year of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus and the Im-
must have a “heart to heart
talk with God.”
“Bring Christ to all people
17th Anniversary
maculate Heart of Mary.” and transform all in Christ” “RUNNING the Race to Win.” This was the theme during the
He noted that priests was the archbishop’s final 17th anniversary celebration of Couples for Christ Zamboanga
make available the Eu- message. In this year of del Norte, held at Mt. Sinai Convention Hall, Dipolog City on
charist to God’s people, the priesthood, the year July 11, 2009. CFC members from all over the province attended
and in the process, make of the hearts, Archbishop the said celebration with Ricky Cuenca, country head of CFC
a community which is Arguelles asked everyone Canada, as the guest speaker.
“what God has in mind.” to consecrate themselves The celebration started with a powerful praise and worship
In every Mass, because of to the Sacred Heart of Jesus led by CFC Zanorte’s Music Ministry and followed by a welcome
the Eucharist, we enter into and the Immaculate Heart message from Tata Guirgio, the Provincial Area Director. Ricky
the heart of God. of Mary. Cuenca’s anniversary address focused on our mission and vi-
He related the life of St. The archbishop likewise sion as Couples for Christ,
John Vianney, the parish commended CFC, stating punctuated by his account
priest for 40 years of Ars in at the beginning of his talk, of his missionary work in
France, who transformed that “Couples for Christ is other countries.
the community into a God- a grace for the Church…” The afternoon festivities
centered community. “He especially “now with the featured the different talents
was not a great theologian, realization that CFC is of the community, with
but he was a good preacher a movement within the CFC members and the fam-
because what he preached, Church and in the heart of ily ministries presenting
he lived.” St. John Vian- the Church.” dances and songs.

Know your Board of Elders

THE hierarchy of leadership of Couples holds the following positions: President career in the human resource field, as Program Director and member of the Ser- Married to Prosy for 40 years, with 4
for Christ includes the Board of Elders, 15 & Chairman, ANCOP Canada; Chair- well as in training and development vants of the Lord international council. children, all of them active in commu-
men and women elected at the same time man, ANCOP USA; Regional coordi- and strategic management. Married nity. Joined CFC in 1989 and presently
as the International Council, and who nator for Western Africa and Country for 35 years to Penny; with 4 children ERNIE MAIPID is the RH for Western Visayas, PAH for
serve as an advisory body to the IC. Their Coordinator of the United States. and 1 grandchild; 3 unmarried children Holds an AB in Broadcast Commu- Pampanga and Country Coordinator
term of office coincides with the IC. in SFC, YFC and KFC. Joined CFC in nications, Masters in Communications for Bahrain.
At the last elections on June 25, the BERNIE CUEVAS 1990; is now PAH of Laguna and RH of Research from UP, formerly with the
following were elected to the BOE. Attended two Christian Life Programs Central Visayas. United Nations Development Pro- REGGIE RAGOJOS
– the first one in 1985 in Manila and the gramme prior to becoming a fulltime Joined CFC in 1992; married to Janet,
DING AGUINALDO second in 1990 in Labo, Camarines Sur. DIDI GALSIM worker at CFC in 1996. Joined CFC in a registered nurse, for 29 years, with 4
A CPA, married for 32 years to Tess. Married for 13 years to Pinggoy Cuevas; The International Coordinator for 1987. Married for 26 years, to Gigi with children and 1 grandchild; all of the chil-
Joined CFC in 1990. Present service is now widowed for 17 years. With 3 chil- HOLD; married to Dwight (an interna- 3 children. Formerly an IC member. dren are in community, one in CFC and
Regional Head (RH) of Northeastern the rest in YFC. An architect, now owns
Luzon. Owns a catering business and and manages, with his wife, a success-
was formerly connected with a big ac- ful design and construction copmpany.
counting firm. With 3 children: 2 in SFC Present service: RH of the Calabarzon
and 1 in KFC. are (Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Quezon);
Country Coordinator for Morocco.
Joined CFC in 1987; married for 26 NIDES RESPICIO
years to Mayin with 3 children. Was a A lawyer (LLB from UP in 1978), with
seminarian, graduating with a degree private practice. Joined CFC in 1986;
in Philosophy. Was Liaison Officer married to Myra for 29 years; with 3
and Assistant to the President of an children. Now the STMA Coordinator
engineering corporation prior to work- and the Country Head of Guam.
ing fulltime for CFC in 1992. Present
service is as Country Coordinator of OCA TAGULINAO
Israel; member of the SOLD Council A plastic surgeon, also an associate
and assists the Metro Manila Mission professor at UST and private practitio-
Director. ner at the UST Hospital and Cardinal
Santos Medical Center. Joined CFC in
RAFFY BLASCO 1984. Married for 37 years to Tess, with
Joined CFC in 1988; married to Cely 1 daughter.
for 29 years. A known advocate of
health and wellness, left a lucrative job dren, two of whom are married. A nurs- tional pilot) for 37 years, with 3 children, MANNIX OCAMPO JUN URIARTE
with a multinational company to have ing graduate from St. Paul’s College of 2 of whom are in CFC and one in SFC. A graduate of Chemistry and En- Holds a BS Chemical Engineering
more time to serve in the community. Manila, with postgraduate courses in Joined CFC in 1988. Holds a BS Science trepreneurial Marketing, now VP for and Masters in Engineering degrees
Holds a marketing degree and an MBA cooperatives and management. Now a and a Master of Science degree in Math Sales and Marketing of a major tire from UP and a PhD Chem Engg degree
from the Ateneo. With 2 children, both fulltime pastoral worker serving in the from UP. Was a Math professor. company. Joined CFC in 1998. Married from Carnegie-Mellon University.
in SFC. Now Provincial Area Head Tekton Guild Ministry as President of to Aileen for 14 years with 5 children, 3 Has held top leadership positions in
(PAH) of Capiz. Tekton Foundation and Managing Di- CHARLY LAIZ in KFC and 1 in YFC. Now holds the the United Nations (ESCAP), ASEAN
rector of the CFC Cooperatives Federa- Joined CFC in 1990. Married to Mel following service: Sector Head, of South and the Philippine government (Sec-
RICKY CUENCA tion. Active in Handmaids of the Lord for 22 years with 3 children, one SFC and A, Metro Manila and PAH of Negros retary of the Department of Science
Based in Canada as a fulltime CFC as Bicol Regional Coordinator and Japan 2 YFC. A practicing architect working in Occidental. and Technology). Joined CFC in 1992.
worker; joined CFC in 1986 and married Country Coordinator. tandem with wife Mel who is an interior Married for 40 years to Jean with 5
to Irma for 30 years, with 2 daughters, designer, prior to becoming a fulltime RENE PUNSALAN children and 7 grandchildren. Pres-
both in SFC. Graduated with a com- MON DE LEON pastoral worker in 1999. Present service A CPA-lawyer with his own consul- ently serves as Regional Coordinator
merce degree from La Salle. Presently An industrial engineer, has a long is as RH for the Bicol region, CFC Prolife tancy firm, now CFC Legal Counsel. for Southeast Asia.

Great Things at the 28th CFC Anniversary

By James & Monica Ssemwangu, D-day was the 27th of June 2009. And it was a to stay in Quezon
Fr.Mathias Ssenyange (Uganda) & truly jovial mood of marching and band-playing City, Parañaque,
in Luneta. All the provinces from the Philippines San Juan, Laguna
Fr.Siegfried Mwatighina (Kenya) were present together with the foreign delegates and Rizal.
Great things happen when God meets with from Kenya, China, Kuwait, Ghana, South Africa,
Man Uganda, USA, Canada, Bangladesh and Malaysia. Great Lessons
We were greeted by heat and humidity at the A mammoth crowd of about fifty thousand people The number one
Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila, gathered for a mass celebrated by Cardinal Gau- lesson we learned
after an 18-hour flight from our respective places dencio Rosales which was concelebrated by the was teamwork.
of Kenya and Uganda on the 18th of June. foreign delegate priests from China, Bangladesh, Indeed, it is deep-
We had been in Manila for just a few days Uganda, Ghana and Kenya. ly rooted in CFC
when we started attending the anniversary No sooner had the mass ended when the praise as a community.
week events. We participated in the empower- fest started. And yes, it started in style. It kicked I easily noticed
ing International Leaders’ Forum, which sent off with clapping, dancing, singing, jumping, brothers and sisters joyfully serving. We truly CFC members. It turns out that they were actually
out the message from the prophet Joshua to the swinging. Name it, we did it. Different groups experienced a real community of brothers and sis- members of Opus Dei and the Legion of Mary.
CFC leaders present -- a call to determination, and CFC ministries took turns presenting on ters. When things were not going as planned, other They simply said, “We are happy to see you so we
courage and strong will to push on with the stage. Did you know that we even had not only brethren would reach out to give a hand or sort out request to have breakfast with you…” We never
global missions. singing but also dancing priests? The performing matters without second thoughts. You could not imagined such an encounter but it was possible
The following day, we had the Bishop, Clergy priests of Malaybalay, Bukidnon really proved single out one person as being in charge. because of Christ who brings us together whatever
and Lay Congress which focused on the youth their talent that night. The celebration went on Lesson number two was hospitality. It is true the differences.
and their importance in building the Church and till late in the night. And since we were pagod that brothers and sisters in CFC may be ranked It is undoubtedly true therefore to say, “Great
society. The Congress’ collective conclusion is (tired) after the singing and dancing, we were among the most hospitable of people. One needs things happen when God meets with Man.” God’s
that the clergy and laity need to work together treated to a very masarap (delicious) dinner by to experience this hospitality and go away with message to us throughout our month-long stay is
to give special attention to the youth. Finally, our host. lessons on how to treat others. clear: God is always with us and He reveals Him-
we had the Migrants’ Congress, which brought Our hosts were indeed wonderful brothers and self through the virtues of love and unity, joyful
to light the painful experience of exploitation sisters, who brought us to every imaginable place God’s Message service to our brothers and sisters and above all,
and abuse that many migrant workers face. CFC and activity from GK sites to hot spring swim- One memorable experience happened right after unconditional hospitality. It is by so doing that
responds to the call to be by the migrant workers’ ming, to having pedicures to sunset-watching, Holy mass which was celebrated by Bishop Jesse many other gifts of the Holy Spirit bless our com-
and their families’ side to give them spiritual and CFC assemblies and block rosary meetings. We Mercado of Parañaque. Two ladies invited us for munity and God becomes truly present in our
material support. hopped all over Metro Manila and beyond – we got breakfast. We were wrong to think that they were midst.
C4 Ugnayan CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 16
August 3 - 16, 2009

Paint By Faith
By Kolai Alegado The group aimed to ac-
complish seven themes
THE Metro Manila North A1-C Singles for Christ (composed of three units and four ministries -PFO, (commercial, worship songs,
creative heads, social ministry, music ministry), or a total of 16 individuals, launched last July 5, 2009 a Bible verse, gatherings, faith,
fund raising activity to help improve the GK site assigned to their chapter. The activity was held during Gawad Kalinga and portrai-
the Mission Core Gathering ture).
of the CFC North Sector at In the beginning, while
the Department of Agrarian tackling the first theme, ev-
Reform covered gym. erybody got cold feet since
The young people wanted no one could finish a paint-
the activity to be something ing within a day, the allotted
extraordinary, something time. On the last day of the
totally new. In the end, painting production, July 4,
the chapter decided to do the group managed to come
something artistic. For four up with 80 paintings, two themes and 25 paintings short.
months, the sixteen members At the MCG, the group set up their gallery a few yards away from the MCG session area. Mila Ya-
of the core group took up a mamoto, wife of CFC Executive Director Joe Yamamoto, made the first purchase, followed by sector
crash course on painting pro- head Ben Babilonia. Maan Dolino, SFC chapter head, shared about the group’s struggles and dreams,
vided by a new Christian Life pushing sales further. At the end of the gathering, the group had sold 38 pieces!
Program graduate, a fine arts The group is not resting on its laurels. They are gearing up to finally finish their project, to complete
student of the University of the 115 pieces originally aimed for and to achieve 100% sales.
Sto. Tomas. During that time, In the end, ‘Paint By Faith’ showed the 16 that it doesn’t really matter if you are a fine arts gradu-
the group learned all there is ate, an artist at heart or a complete novice. What matters most is that talent was put to good use, for
to know about oil painting. a noble purpose.
Oil??? Yes, you guessed it, The group is now going online to further promote their paintings. Pls visit: paintbyfaith.multiply.
this is not just your regular com. For inquiries please contact Leah Afos (Sun#0922 5267 352) (Globe#0906 4122 795)/ Kolai Alegado
water based painting thing. (Smart#0928 281 1820).

Intensely Inspiring: The 16th CFC – Youth

for Christ Oceania Leaders’ Conference
By Lianne Bernardo
FROM July 3-5, 450 young people all over Oceania came together
for the 16th CFC-Youth for Christ Oceania Leaders’ Conference.
The much-awaited event was held at the Exhibition Park at the Can-
berra Conference Centre to celebrate, praise and worship Christ.
There were four sessions during the weekend: “Journey to Christ,”
“Breaking Barriers,” “The Great Prize” and finally, “Stepping Up”
– all of the talks revolving around the overall theme of Couples for
Christ for the year 2009 – “Forward in Christ” taken from Philip-
pians 3:13-14. The sessions were inspired by St. Paul’s journey to
Damascus, and each of the sharers and speakers helped relay God’s
message to the youth in a personal and touching way.
On the second day of the OLC, several workshops were given.
The different workshops dealt with a variety of topics that the
youth aren’t necessarily familiar with; from how to use the inter-
net as a tool for reaching out to others (Virtual Evangelization);
to dealing with the different distractions during the celebration of
the Holy Eucharist (Weapons of Mass Distraction) and learning
Making a Loving Difference
to appreciate the Holy Mass; and even to getting to know Mother By Beng Prado
Mary more (Something about Mary). There was a little bit of
STEEL bars separated the volunteers of CFC Isaiah 61:1 Prison
Ministry from the inmates of Rodriguez (formerly Montalban)
Municipal Jail. But given the sincerity and candor that appar-
ently marked the discussions, it could well have been done in
an open field.
For almost three hours last July 11, over 200 prisoners took
turns clarifying legal issues and asking questions on their re-
spective cases, ranging from robbery to drugs to homicide and
murder. It did not matter that it was hot and humid, with all 200
cramped in only four cells. Or that they had to crowd behind bars
to get a better view of the speaker, or seat themselves on the cold
floor waiting out their turn to get enlightened on legal technicali-
ties they’ve struggled long to understand. All that mattered for
something for everyone. the moment was that there were people who were there to listen,
In true Youth for Christ tradition, the praise and worship sessions to try and help them, to give a flicker of hope.
were intensely inspiring. There’s always something amazing about The session was part of CFC Isaiah’s mission of providing de-
worshipping with a great number of brothers and sisters in Christ. tainees and prisoners with a range of services aimed at bringing
God’s presence was truly felt in every single worship and in every them to experience “total liberation in Christ.” The Rodriguez
prayer that was uttered during that weekend. City jail has been “adopted” by CFC volunteers from the East
The OLC was definitely one weekend that the young people of Sector, who visit regularly to provide assistance and spiritual
Oceania will never forget. nourishment. During their recent visit, they conducted a legal
clinic, with paralegal volunteers doing case profiles and lawyers

CFC International Leaders’ Forum

rendering consultations. Medical service was also provided for
the prisoners, most of whom were suffering from various skin
and respiratory ailments. Apart from sharing their time, the

Revisiting the Call after 28 years

group also turned over four electric fans – one for each cell.
“There is still so much more we can do,” said Tom Prado,
executive director of CFC Isaiah 61:1, “but this is only possible
if more volunteers heed the call to serve.” Prado explained that
doctors and dentists were especially needed by the prisoners
who are subject to extreme living conditions and are vulnerable
By Nirva Dela Cruz to all forms of illnesses.
“The services we provide our brothers in prison are such little
WHAT would it be like to gath- acts of kindness,” concluded Prado, “but seen from behind cold
er the whole world under one steel bars, these make a world of a difference.”
Last June 23, 2009, 150 people
from all across the five continents
gathered to find out. The 1st CFC
International Leaders’ Forum
brought together representa-
tives from the different countries
-- country directors, country
heads and other stakeholders of
the CFC international missions.
It was a conflagration of convic-
tions and commitment, both
rousing and moving.
The forum, held at the Acropo-
lis Clubhouse in Libis, Quezon
City, Philippines, revolved around Acts 1:8, “…you will receive power tion and response.
when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses “CFC…to the Ends of the Earth (Facing the Challenges of our
in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the Life and Mission)” was given by Rouquel Ponte, the CFC Interna-
earth.” These were the last words Jesus told His disciples moments tional Missions Director, and was all about what the past 28 years
before ascending to heaven after the Resurrection. What once inflamed had brought and what the next 28 years could bring to the global
the hearts of the first missionaries millennia ago continues to be the missions.
raison d’etre for the CFC global missions today. After the brief session, each of the continental representatives
For the first time also, CFC took a seriously objective look at the shared how their respective countries have been responding to
global status of CFC, in terms of membership and growth. While a challenges culturally unique to their area through the pro-God,
lot of areas were obviously growing in strength and number, other pro-family, pro-poor and pro-life core values of CFC. Among them leaders represented by James Ssemwangu for Africa, Rene Santayana
countries, particularly in Europe, seem to call for some urgent ac- were Nick and Norma Borja of CFC – Canada, representing the for Europe and Marcy Mission for Oceania gave us a glimpse of our
CFC Americas, who shared about CFC missions in the various continents localizing the CFC experi-
the increasing teenage pregnan- ences into the life and culture of the areas..
cies in Canada with adolescents To wrap up the half-day forum, a mass was celebrated by Arch-
as young as 15 years old get- bishop Ramon Arguelles of the Archdiocese of Lipa, Batangas,
ting pregnant. The Borja couple together with Bishop Matthew Gyamfi of Ghana and other guest
talked about how CFC – Canada priests from China, Kenya, Vanuatu and Uganda.
is stepping up to somehow re- True to a long-time anniversary tradition, the foreign delegates had
spond to this disturbing reality. a fellowship with provincial delegates to the 28th CFC anniversary
Israel Silud, the country head after the Forum. It was truly a sight to behold with couples – the
of China and representing CFC young, the middle-aged and the not-so-young filling the dance floor
Asia, talked about what has kept that night. They grooved to some baby boomer classics by the 29
China going, and shared about A.D. band. The night just sizzled with some spontaneous dancing
simply loving China and loving and fun games.
the people he served, despite dif- Going back to the question ‘what happens when we bring the
ficulties. Other CFC International whole world together?’ The answer? Pure passion.

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