MyGov 21st May 2024 & Agenda Kenya

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Board to release new Kenya receives Bungoma’s

financial reporting 450,000 doses of informal
templates for county family planning settlements
bursary and emergency medication worth set for
funds PAGE 7 Sh56.4m PAGE 3 transformation
with KISIP 2
May 21, 2024 initiative

Issue No. 45/2023-2024


Heroes Council to expand recognition

categories beyond liberation struggle
BY YOBESH ONWONG’A freedom fighters to incor- serve the invaluable con- the Council Chairman,

(MYGOV) porate 13 other categories tribution of the nation’s Jimmy Angwenyi, said the
he National He- in a bid to foster a deeper heroes and elevate public public will be involved in
roes Council has appreciation of Kenyan awareness. the nomination and vet-
mooted plans to heritage. Speaking to MyGov on ting of heroes to incorpo-
expand the cate- According to the Coun- the sidelines of the Coun- rate other categories such
A Deputy Secretary, State Department for Culture and Arts, gories of national heroes cil, this strategic para- cil’s Strategic Plan vali- as spiritual leadership,
Fatma Ahmed (left) chats with the Secretary General Mau from those involved in digm shift is designed to dation workshop for its
Mau War Association, Gitu Kahengeri. the liberation struggle as identify, honor, and pre- stakeholders in Nairobi, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

The Week State enforces stricter controls

to curb illegal mining in Kenya
In numbers

Sh2.9 b
The amount of
money the treasury
will disburse to
counties with mining
operations this
financial year

Revenue the
Authority of Kenya
(CA) is focused on
collecting in a span
of five years.

Tonnes of food and
non food items the
Indian Government
has donated to
Kenya to support
flood victims in the

Doses of
subcutaneous DMPA
family planning
medication Kenya
has received from CS says he has even BY KAZUNGU CHAI (PCO)

Cabinet Secretary Salim activities. the same efforts across the
its development
partners. recommended he State Depart-
ment of Mining
Mvurya said the State De-
partment for Mining has,
“One of the key re-
forms that we are bring-
country,” said the Cabinet
deportation of has taken deci- for the past year, been im- ing forward is the decisive The Cabinet Secretary
2025 some foreigners sive steps to clamp plementing reforms geared clamping down on illegal was speaking when he
The year down on illegal mining by towards streamlining the mining activities across appeared before the Sen-
construction of engaging in entities and individuals mining sector to safeguard the country, which is ate plenary to respond to
extracting minerals and the welfare of residents in ongoing, and we have a questions raised by several
the Lamu-Garissa
Highway is projected
mining without gemstones illegally across areas where mining activ- timetable. We have slowed senators regarding mining
to be completed requisite the country.
Mining, Blue Econ-
ities are ongoing, as well as
to prevent the loss of reve-
down a bit because of the
weather, but once it im-
activities in the country.

documents omy, and Maritime Affairs nue through illegal mining proves, we will continue CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
2 | NEWSFOCUS MAY 21, 2024


Heroes Council to State enforces stricter controls to

expand recognition curb illegal mining in the country
categories beyond CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

liberation struggle Mining Principal Sec-

retary Elijah Mwangi
and his Blue Economy
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 counterpart, Ms. Betsy
Njagi, accompanied CS
indigenous knowledge, cul- He said that the Council Mvurya to Parliament.
tural values and practices, will ensure that heroes are The CS informed the
arts, and sports. honoured, and their legacy senators that following
“The others will be schol- preserved to inspire acts of last October’s Cabinet
arship, professionalism, and heroism for the benefit of resolution to establish
research, peace-making, citizens. a Mining Police Unit,
statesmanship, entrepre- “Preserving the invaluable the police officers have
neurship and industry, phi- contributions of national he- reported and started
lanthropy, human rights, roes will help to amplify the working after undergo-
national cohesion and inte- voices of the nation’s he- ing orientation to ena-
gration, and environmental roes, elevate public aware- ble them to understand
conservation,” Angwenyi ness thus inspiring pride and mining laws and related
said. similar selfless, patriotic and issues. were engaging in min- open areas to which the question raised by
The Chairman reiterated courageous actions among “And one of the things ing without requisite CS said his ministry has Nandi Senator Samson
the Council’s commitment Kenyans,” Angwenyi said. that we have done, Mr. documents. developed mining and Cherargey, CS Mvurya
to preserve the data of the Commenting on budget- Speaker, is that there The senators com- safety regulation to deal said his ministry is not
country’s heroes, operate a ary cuts, the Council Chair was a big mining area in mended CS Mvurya for with environmental only keen on reviving
heroes fund, merit-based called on the government to Dabel, Marsabit, which his extensive grasp of and other risks issues. fluorspar mining in El-
honoring, and set up an ena- expedite the establishment has now been closed the mandate of his min- “Every applicant who geyo Marakwet County
bling policy and legal frame- of the National Heroes Fund because of illegal min- istry. Senate Majority is undertaking mining but also developing a
work. which will come in handy to ing and in the last two Leader Aaron Cherui- has also to submit an comprehensive policy
“The Council has mapped assist the families of fallen weeks or so, our officers yot and Senators Dan environmental man- on mineral value addi-
strategic collaborations heroes. were in Migori, Siaya Maanzo (Makueni), agement plan which we tion.
among the Council of Gov- Charles Wambia, the Chief and Narok, and they Boni Khalwale strictly follow to ensure “Our aim is to stop
ernors and county govern- Executive Officer of the Na- were able to close all (Kakamega) and Rich- that they rehabilitate the export of raw mate-
ments. We have commenced tional Heroes Council, noted the illegal mining op- ard Onyonka (Kisii) the areas where mining rials out of our country.
discussions on the recogni- that the Council is working erations in those coun- asked questions relating has taken place. All in- The approach we have
tion and honouring of he- to actualise the plan to have ties,” CS Mvurya said. to illegal mining. vestors will rehabilitate taken is that we don’t
roes from counties, funding special identification that In addition, the Cab- West Pokot Senator and regenerate all the just entice investment
and resource mobilization, will see the heroes accorded inet Secretary said his Julius Murgor asked mining areas as a post in mining but we also
education and awareness, the honour that they de- ministry has recom- about the measures mining activity,” he look at value addition,”
research, and legislative re- serve. mended deportation of put in place to protect said. the Cabinet Secretary
view,” Angwenyi said. some foreigners who locals from excavated Responding to a said.

Tourism Fund is a body corporate established under the Tourism Act, 2011, charged with the mandate of
mobilizing resources to finance sustainable development of the tourism and hospitality industry in Kenya.

The Fund invites sealed bids from interested and eligible bidders for the following tender;
KenGen Plc., a market leader in the provision of electric energy and the largest geothermal power
N0 Tender Description Tender Number Closing: Date & Time producer in Africa is seeking to recruit qualified and result oriented individuals to fill the following
1. Provision of Consultancy Services for TF/08/2023-2024 4th June, 2024 at 12:00 Noon positions:
Resource Mobilization Services for
1 General Manager ICT - (Re-advertisement) 1 CS/ICT/01/05/2024
The tender document can be viewed and downloaded free of charge from the following websites: or 2 General Manager Internal Audit - (Re-advertisement) 1 CS/IA/01/05/2024

NOTE: Bidders who download the document from the mentioned website MUST immediately forward
their particulars for records and for purposes of receiving any further clarifications and/or adden-
Interested candidates are requested to visit the KenGen website
dums to [email protected].
under opportunities section where the detailed Job descriptions are posted.
Completed Tender documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked on top with the title and reference
of the Tender should be addressed to: - Additional Requirements:
The Chief Executive Officer
Tourism Fund Interested candidates should submit application letters, detailed curriculum vitae and copies of
Tourism Fund Building, Access from Bishops Road, 6th floor certificate to the Managing Director & CEO, Stima Plaza, Pension Plaza II, 10th Floor, P.O Box
P.O. Box 46987-00100, Nairobi 47936 – 00100 Nairobi the reference number of the job applied for should clearly be indicated on
Tel. No. 020-2714900/1/2 Fax No.020-2714911 the envelope and application letter.
Email: [email protected]
Application can also be submitted to the following email address: [email protected]
And must be deposited in the Tender Box at 6th floor, Tourism Fund Building, Access from Bishops Road,
Nairobi so as to be received on or before 4th June, 2024 at 12 Noon East African time. Closing date for applications is 10th June 2024 at 5.00 p.m.
Tenders will be opened immediately after the closing time in the presence of the candidate’s represen-
KenGen is an equal opportunity Employer.
tatives who choose to attend in the Training Room no.1 on 6th Floor, Tourism Fund Building.


MAY 21, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 3

Kenya receives 450,000

doses of family planning
medication worth Sh56.4m
ment of all stakeholders access to quality family

he Ministry of Health towards advancing repro- planning services,” she
has received 450,000 ductive health commodity said.
doses of subcutane- security and accelerating The CS noted that the
ous Depot Medroxy-Pro- the achievement of fam- Kenya Demographic and
gesterone-Acetate ily planning objectives in Health Survey Key Indica-
(DMPA) family planning Kenya. tor Report of 2022 showed
medication worth Sh56.4 “I would like to extend that Kenya has an unmet
million from its develop- my gratitude to the FCDO, need for family planning Health stakeholders and officials from the Ministry of Health led by the Ag. Director
ment partners. UNFPA, and all other of 14 percent, with a tar- General of Health Dr. Patrick Amoth during the handover of the FCDO-USAID support-
Health Cabinet Secre- partners who have gener- get of reducing it to single ed family planning commodities at KEMSA National Supply Chain Centre in Embakasi.
tary Ms. Susan Nakhu- ously supported this criti- digits by 2030.
micha said this milestone cal initiative. Similarly, with a target
underscores their col- Your partnership and of modern contraceptive ity,” the CS said. parities in access to family adequate commodities to
lective commitment to dedication to improving prevalence rate of 64 per She acknowledged the planning services, par- meet the demand, which
addressing the unmet the health and well-be- cent by 2030 against the pivotal role of the political ticularly in the Arid and contributes to the unmet
need for family plan- ing of Kenyan women current 57 per cent, Na- leadership and goodwill Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) need for FP services.
ning services and im- and families is truly com- khumicha said sustained in driving the initiatives counties, highlight the ur- “Therefore, family plan-
proving health outcomes mendable. effort in implementing forward saying that the gent need for targeted in- ning architecture requires
for women and families Together, we have high impact interventions prioritization of family terventions to ensure that strengthening with re-
across Kenya. forged a powerful alliance is needed to realise these planning as a key com- no one is left behind. gards to financing, human
In a speech read on her that is driving positive goals. ponent of the healthcare “It is imperative that we resource, service provi-
behalf by the Acting Di- change and making tan- “Beyond the num- agenda reflects their un- continue to work collab- sion, commodity man-
rector General of Health, gible progress towards bers, the impact of our wavering commitment to oratively to address these agement, information
Dr. Patrick Amoth, during ensuring universal efforts is profound and promoting the rights and disparities and ensure management and govern-
the handing over of the far-reaching. By averting choices of individuals and equitable access to family ance,” Nakhumicha said.
FCDO-USAID supported “I would unintended pregnancies, couples to make informed planning services for all She called on stake-
family planning commod-
ities at KEMSA National
like to thank maternal deaths, and un-
safe abortions, we are not
decisions about their re-
productive health.
Kenyans who need them,”
Nakhumicha said.
holders to redouble their
efforts, strengthen part-
Supply Chain Centre in FCDO, UNFPA, only safeguarding the “While we celebrate The CS said despite the nerships and continue to
Embakasi, Ms. Nakhu- and others who health and well-being of the successes of today, we strides the country has strive towards the shared
micha said that the event our citizens but also fos- must also remain cogni- made in family planning, vision of a healthy, pros-
serves as a testament to supported this tering socio-economic zant of the challenges that each year there is a gap in perous, and equitable
the unwavering commit- initiative-CS development and prosper- lie ahead. Regional dis- funding. This results in in- Kenya for all.


The Higher Education Loans Board is a state corporation whose mandate is to The Sports, Arts and Social Development Fund (SASDF) is established under the Public Finance Management
(Sports, Arts and Social Development Fund) Regulations, 2018 with the mandate of providing financial support for
source for funds and provide loans, scholarships and bursaries to Kenyans studying the development and promotion of sports and arts, and the promotion of social development including universal
in recognized institutions of higher learning. health care.

HELB invites interested, reputable firms with experience for the submission of The Fund invites sealed applications from interested eligible Kenyan firms for purposes of pre-qualifying Law firms
to provide Legal Services for the period starting from 2024-2026 financial years.
sealed tenders as follows:-
Tender Number Tender Description Tender closing Eligibility 1 SASDEF/PRQ/OO1/2024-2026 PROVISION OF LEGAL SERVICES 4/06/2024 at OPEN TENDER
date 11.00 am

HELB/OT/10/2023-2024 Provision of Tuesday Open A complete set of the Pre-qualification/Registration of suppliers/contractor’s documents detailing relevant terms
Microsoft Licenses, 4th June 2024 and conditions may be downloaded from the Fund’s website: and the Public Procure-
ment Information Portal free of charge.
Cloud Services, 11.00am
Advisory & Support The firms that download the document must arrange to forward their particulars to the Procurement Office
through email address [email protected] before the closing date for records and for the purposes of
receiving clarifications and/or addendums, if any.
Interested and eligible firms may obtain further information and inspect the tender documents
at the Procurement office on 18th floor of Anniversary Towers, University Way, Nairobi, during Completed serialized tender documents one original and one copy in plain sealed envelope clearly marked on top
with the Tender Number and Tender Name/Description, should be addressed to the:
normal working hours or view and download the respective detailed tender advert and CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER,
tender document from our website or SPORTS, ARTS AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT FUND
P.O. BOX 4644-00200 NAIROBI.
Completed Bidding Documents must be deposited in the Tender Box provided at TALANTA PLAZA Headquarters,
All bidders interested in participating in the tender must notify HELB of their participation 9th Floor, along Kenya Road to be received on or before 4th June, 2024 at 11.00 am (East African Time).
in the tender by emailing their contact details to [email protected] in case of any The applications for pre-qualification shall be opened soon thereafter at SASDEF Boardroom, 9th Floor Wing B in
further tender addendum. the presence of the bidder’s representative(s) who choose to attend. Any canvassing in whatever way will render
the prospective bidder(s)/applicant(s) ineligible for participation.

This pre-qualification for the provision of legal services is open to bidders who meet the eligibility criteria. Only
bidders with capacity to perform can apply.


4 | NEWSFOCUS MAY 21, 2024


Media houses urged to internet and social media

usage shifting audiences

adopt digital technologies

to social media outlets
making radio, television
and print publications
look like a distant memory

to reach bigger audiences especially for the young

Adesina noted that two
thirds of the global pop-
also an appreciation that ing more audiences,” Om- ulation are turning to the

he media in Africa with great energy and col- woyo said. internet, social media and
has been called upon laboration, we can chart He noted that during pre-play to access real
to adopt digital tech- a brighter future for the the old days news was be- time news, information
nologies, enabling them to African media,” Omwoyo ing translated to African and entertainment.
reach an ever-changing said.The CEO said the languages but now the He said the dynamic
audience with real-time summit has come at a time technology has allowed shift is largely fueled by
news, which is increas- when the digital media is the newspaper to be read the widespread use of mo-
ingly becoming a key for taking off in Africa and it in one language and the bile phones adding that by
survival. offers media experts in the technology through Ar- African Development Bank President Dr. Akinwumi the year 2030, six billion
Media Council of Kenya continent an opportunity tificial Intelligence (AI) Adesina speaking during the all African Media Leaders people globally will have
(MCK) Chief Executive to discuss ways to trans- knows the language of Summit held in Nairobi. access to smartphones and
Officer David Omwoyo form traditional media consumption of the dif- ing lost as a result. racy and strengthening of 692 million of these people
said digital opportunities into digital media which ferent consumers. Additionally, he ad- the inclusive society,” he will be in Africa.
and technologies have al- is increasingly becoming He urged media leaders dressed the summit on the stated. “This transformative
lowed audiences who were a necessity for survival. not to fight technology but role of media in African Adesina said it has been changes have led to the
out of reach in the past to “The digital transition rather cooperate for better themed ‘Reengineering a rough ride for media and creation and distribution
access news and informa- has not only created more results instead of the scoop African Media in times of enterprise across Africa of diverse news and con-
tion through their phones, opportunities for the me- mentality where some- critical transformation.’ since Covid-19 pandemic. tent including AI gen-
adding that media houses dia and content creators, times the media compete “An independent, pro- He said: “We are living erated content and deep
should follow the audi- but has also allowed us to too much. fessional and responsible in dynamic times where fake. The line between
ences where they are go- go through a transition “Technology has shown media is critical for the technology continues to facts and fiction can be-
ing. where first of all, more that collaboration will freedom of speech and evolve rapidly with in- come blurred,” said Ades-
Speaking in Nairobi content is created and bring better results, cut development of democ- creased digitalization, ina.
during the All Africa Me- second the information down operation costs and
dia Leaders Summit, Om- and content is reach- also increase incomes,” he
woyo said the forum’s aim said.
is to discuss the media African Development
business, its progress, and Digital tran- Bank President, Dr. Ak-
its role in shaping Africa’s sition has inwumi Adesina noted
future. that the gathering is tak-
“This forum is not only a created more ing place at a period of
reflection of the centrality opportunities for great challenge for African
of the Kenyan and African
media landscape and its
the media and countries that have been
devastated by storms and
role in development; it is content creators floods with many lives be-
ISSUED ON: Tuesday, 21st May 2024.
CLOSING ON: Friday, 21st June 2024, 11:00am EAT
1. The Government of the Republic of Kenya through the Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry; State

STATE DEPARTMENT FOR TRADE Department for Trade intends to contract eligible bidders for the following Tender tabulated below for the
Moyale one stop border Post in Kenya with the financial assistance from the Common Market for Eastern and
Southern Africa (COMESA) Trade Facilitation Programme under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF).

CANCELLATION OF A TENDER No. Tender/Publication Reference No: Tender Description

1. MITI/SDT/OSBP/OT/003/2023-2024 Supply and Delivery of Clinical and Mini laboratory Equipment
and Reagents Under the Moyale Border Post Upgrade Project
II.1.1) Contract Notice Title: Design and Construction of Underground, High and Low-Level Water funded under the 11th European Development Fund Trade
Tanks, Septic Tank, Sewer System, Public Toilets, Cold Room, Hazardous Room and Transhipment Shed at Facilitation Programme.:
Moyale Border Post Lot 1: Supply and Delivery of Clinical and Mini Laboratory
Equipment and Reagents for Port Health.
II.1.1) Contract Notice Reference Number: MITI/SDT/OSBP/OT/001/2023-2024
Lot 2: Supply and Delivery of Mini Lab. Equipment for KEBS.
Section V: Award of contract 2. MITI/SDT/OSBP/OT/004/2023-2024 Supply, Delivery and Installation, commissioning of Smart Gate
Contract No: MITI/SDT/OSBP/OT/001/2023-2024 and Truck Parking System Equipment at the Moyale OSBP.
Procurement of works for OSBP Moyale under:
3. Bidding will be conducted through National Open tender procedure as specified in the EDF and COMESA
Lot 2: Design and Construction of Hazardous Goods Room at Moyale Border Post guidelines. Tenders must be submitted using the standard tender form included in the tender dossier, whose
A contract/lot is awarded: No format and instructions must be strictly observed.

4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the State Department for Trade and inspect the
V.1) Information on non-award
bidding document during office hours Monday to Friday 0800 hrs to 1600 hrs.
The lot is not awarded because there were no financial worthwhile tenders as the prices offered were
significantly above the market prices and did not represent value for money. 5. The tender dossier is available for inspection at the Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry, State Depart-
Notice reference: MITI/SDT/OSBP/OT/001/2023-2024 ment for Trade Teleposta Towers, Kenyatta Avenue, Nairobi, Kenya website and
Public Procurement Information Portal website
VI.3) Additional information: 6. Bids must be delivered to the address below in person, registered and be placed in the tender box at our of-
Should a new tender procedure be launched for this project, a new contract notice will be published, fices on 17th Floor, Teleposta Towers, Kenyatta Avenue, Nairobi, Kenya. Electronic bidding will not be permitted
unless the contracting authority awards the contract through a negotiated procedure – in which case only
7. The Tenders shall close and be opened on 21st June 2024 at 11:00hrs. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will
the award of the contract will be published. be publicly open in the presence of bidders or their designated representatives who choose to attend at the
address below.
NOTE: Apart from the Lot cancelled in the notice, all the other terms and conditions in the call for tender
remain unchanged. The above cancellation of the contract notice is integral part of the contract 8. Tenderers must provide a tender guarantee of 2% of the budget available for the contract for tenders.
notice. 9. The address referred to above is:
P.O BOX 30430-00100 NAIROBI
MAY 21, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 5

CS unveils Armored Personnel Carriers KENYA COPYRIGHT

in effort to combat organized crime BOARD

nterior and National Admin-
istration Cabinet Secretary
commitment to securing the
country from internal and ex- (CMOS) FOR 2024 PERIOD
ternal aggression through the
modernization of police equip-
FURTHER to the invitation by Kenya Copyright Board
To achieve this, Prof. Kindiki (KECOBO) for application for registration of companies as
flagged off ten state-of-the- Collective Management Organizations (CMOs) and further
art armored personnel carriers to the invitation for public comments on the same, the
(APCs) at the Port of Mombasa, Board wishes to invite the public for a public participation
which will bolster operations Cabinet Secretary (CS) Prof Kithure Kindiki for Interior and forum on the same from all interested persons on the suit-
in the Forward Operating Bases National Administration atop an Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) ability of the applicants as earlier published.
(FOBs) to tackle terrorism, ban- at the Port of Mombasa during the commissioning of ten APCs.
ditry, and organized crime. Stakeholders are invited to give their views and comments
Kindiki stated that the Gov- frontline to keep them away other forms of equipment, in-
about these organizations on Tuesday May 28, 2024 from
ernment is on course to im- from harm and provide mobil- cluding arms and ammunition,
plement a five-year Police ity to them. Some of the areas within the past year,” he added. 9am to 1pm at the NHIF Auditorium, NHIF Building
Equipment Modernization Pro- where our officers are working He mentioned that the Gov- 3rd floor.
gram which began last year. It are difficult terrain areas which ernment is expecting to receive
will cost a whopping Sh37 bil- cannot be accessed using the personal protective equipment Executive Director
lion, and already, Sh7 billion has ordinary vehicle equipment that and unmanned armored aerial KENYA COPYRIGHT BOARD
been used to purchase equip- we have,” the CS said. vehicles (drones) which can 21st May 2024
ment. “Today, we are receiving ten conduct surveillance and at-
“The Government intends to of a higher capacity version of tack when a command has been
protect officers who are on the the APCs. We have also received given remotely.

Kenya Power invites tenders from interested bidders for provision of the following:-
The Geothermal Development Company Limited (GDC) invites sealed tenders from eligible candidates NO. TENDER NO. ITEM TENDER PRE-BID MEETING/ TENDER
GROUP SECURITY DATE 1. KP1/9A.2/OT/ Repair of Live Line Labo- Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
AMOUNT 107/NM/23-24 ratory 21.05.2024 28.05.2024 04.06.2024
(KSHS) 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. at 10.00 a.m.
(Live Line Laboratory,
GDC/DEM/OT/061/2023:2024 Tender for Supply & Delivery Open to 500,000.00 13.06.2024
Institute of Energy
of Rig Spares for Baringo- All at 11.00am Studies & Research
Silali Geothermal Project (IESR)
2. KP1/9A.2/OT/ Procurement of Consultan- Thursday Thursday Thursday
GDC/DEM/OT/062/2023:2024 Tender for Supply, Installa- Open to 20.06.2024 112/HR /23-24 cy for Talent Assessment 23.05.2024 30.05.2024 06.06.2024
tion, Training, Commission- All 800,000.00 at 11.00am Tools 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. at 10.00 a.m.
ing & Maintenance of Rig (Stima Plaza,
Instrumentation System. Auditorium)
3. KP1/9A.3/OT/ Procurement of Wednesday N/A Wednesday
There will be a Mandatory site visit to GDC Project Site on Tuesday 11th June 2024 at 10.30 am (Supply, Installa- 50/23-24 Workstation Accessories 22.05.2024 05.06.2024
tion, Training, Commissioning & Maintenance of Rig Instrumentation System). (Bidders are required to Assemble at 10.00 a.m.
at GDC Kapkerwa Offices at 9.00am)
4. KP1/9A.3/OT/ Procurement of Tools for Wednesday N/A Tuesday
52/23-24 Infrastructure Development 22.05.2024 04.06.2024
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information and inspect the tender document from the office of at 10.00 a.m.
Manager, Supply Chain at Kawi House, South C off Mombasa Road, Red Cross Road between 9.00am and 4.00pm
during week days. 5. KP1/1/3A/4/1/ Provision of Consultancy Wednesday N/A Tuesday
RFP/001/23-24 Services for the Develop- 22.05.2024 04.06.2024
ment of A Master Plan for at 10.00 a.m.
A complete set of the tender documents may be obtained by interested firms upon payment of a non-refundable
The Institute of Energy
fee of Kshs.1000 payable to our accounts office in cash or by banker’s cheque. The documents can also be viewed
Studies and Research
and downloaded from the website or PPIP Portal free of charge. Bidders (IESR) and Design of a
who download the tender document from the website MUST forward their particulars immediately to Modern Training and
[email protected] for records and any further tender clarifications and addenda. Laboratory Block
6. KP1/9A.3/OT/ Procurement of Lube Oil Thursday N/A Thursday
The completed tenders in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with Tender No. and Tender reference name;
49/23-24 and Radiator Coolant for 23.05.2024 06.06.2024
shall be addressed to:
Off Grid Power Stations at 10.00 a.m.
Managing Director & CEO,
Geothermal Development Company 7. KP1/9A.2/OT/ Provision of SCADA Expan- Friday N/A Friday
P.O Box 100746-00101 098/ICT/23-24 sion in Existing Substation 24.05.2024 07.06.2024
NAIROBI, KENYA at 10.00 a.m.
8. KP1/9A.2/OT/ Supply and Installation of Friday N/A Friday
and deposited in the tender box at Ground Floor GDC office Kawi House, South C Off Mombasa Road, Red Cross 111/ICT/23-24 Radio Masts and Associated 24.05.2024 07.06.2024
Road on or before the dates specified above. Works at 10.00 a.m.
9. KP1/9A.3/OT/ Supply of Tools and Test Friday N/A Friday
Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives who
51/23-24 Equipment for Quality 24.05.2024 07.06.2024
choose to attend at Kawi House, South C GDC Board Room Ground Floor. Control Laboratory at 11.00 a.m.

Late tenders will not be accepted.

Tender documents detailing the requirements of the above tenders may be obtained from the Kenya Power website
( from the dates shown above.
6 | NEWSFOCUS MAY 21, 2024


7,000 schools to benefit from Sh2.5b KIPPRA to mentor

LPG Program, says Energy Ministry students to be future
stakeholders in
BY JOYCE LUTOMIA(PCO) 2024/25, the Ministry will have been formed to en-
only construct LPG facili- sure safety and security

he State Department ties in 300 to 500 schools for implementation of gas
for Petroleum is annually,” the PS told the for schools.
seeking Sh2.5 billion committee. “For schools, He said he chairs the cause they are students,

from the National Treasury we have already started technical committee that enya Institute of they are not stakehold-
to construct Liquified Pe- piloting the project. We is assessing the safety Public Policy and ers. They can actually
troleum Gas (LPG) facili- are also looking for a part- and security issues and Research Analysis bring an agenda for the
ties in schools and public ner to help us achieve that Committee, he said, (KIPPRA) is investing in policymaking process
institutions throughout this goal of connecting all comprises officials from University and Techni- from their participation
the country to transi- public institutions in the the ministry of Education, cal, Vocational, and Ed- even in public affairs
tion from using firewood country to LPG,” Mr. Li- Energy and Petroleum ucation Training (TVET) in their counties,” Dr.
to using green energy, ban said. Regulatory Authority, Na- students for future pol- Ngugi said. She added
funded by the Ministry of The Energy Commit- tional Environment and icymaking decisions in that they also involve
Energy and Petroleum’s Principal Secretary tee had recommended Management Authority the country. government institutions
Anti-Adulteration Levy. Mohammed Liban that the proceeds of the and the Kenya Bureau of Speaking during a that deal with youth af-
The Principal Secretary facilities. This funding can Anti Adulteration Levy be Standards. two-day mentorship fairs in such forums to
for the State Department, only be sourced from the channeled towards con- Mr Liban said the Min- program held at Meru help young people un-
Mohammed Liban, told Anti-Adulteration Levy. struction of LPG facilities istry has advertised for University of Science derstand that they can
the National Assembly’s “Over 7,000 schools in public institutions. procurement of the LPG and Technology, the in- become entrepreneurs
Committee on Energy that have expressed interest, However the commit- for public institutions stitute’s Executive Di- through funding from
he has written to the Na- and nearly 70 percent of tee directed the National and Nema is undertaking rector, Dr. Rose Ngugi, these institutions.
tional Treasury requesting these schools use firewood Treasury to present a sta- Environmental Impact said Meru is the 21st Prof Eustace Mwenda,
the green light to spend for cooking. Our strat- tus of implementation of Assessment in order to university to be vis- who represented Meru
Sh2.5 billion from the An- egy is to start with public the House resolution to ensure safety of the LPGs. ited by the institute so University’s Vice Chan-
ti-Adulteration Levy an- schools, then public in- transfer the Anti Adultera- “LPG will be alternative far, and more visits are cellor Professor Ro-
nually for the construction stitutions, hospitals, pris- tion Levy towards the LPG to mattresses which stu- planned for the future. manus Odhiambo, said
of LPG facilities in public ons, and NYS. With the Project.“In response, PS dent burn when there is Ngugi mentioned that they were delighted to
schools, health facilities, budgetary allocation Liban told the Committee a riot. We will have a pe- during such visits, they host the KIPPRA frater-
prisons, and the National for the financial year that the Treasury said the rimetre fence on these fa- engage with students nity for a two-day event
Youth Service (NYS). re-allocation of the Anti cilities to ensure students and cover various as- on mentorship which
Mr. Liban informed LPG will be Adulteration Levy to fund don’t access it,” he said. pects, such as ensuring will also help their
the committee, chaired
by Mwala MP Vincent
alternative the LPG Pogramme will
require some legislation
“We will also undertake
public education and sen-
they understand how
the public policymak-
learners a great deal.
“In Meru University of
Musyoka, that the Min- to mattresses for “us to get that money,” sitive the students and the ing process works and Science and Technology,
istry has mapped 7,000 which student If allowed to use the school management on providing them with a we basically have three
public schools that have funds on the LPG Pro- the safety and security is- clear picture of where roles including training,
expressed interest in be-
burn when there gramme, Mr Liban told the sues surrounding the LPG they can contribute.“It research and commu-
ing equipped with LPG is a riot-PS MPs three sub committees project,” Mr Liban said. does not mean that be- nity service.



Kenya National Assurance Company (2001) Limited and Kencent Holdings Limited are offering for sale 1377
1.0 The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) invites competent, self-motivated and qualified
Plots derived from L.R Number MN/397/1 Bamburi (Kwa Bulo) through competitive bidding. This offer is open
applicants for the following vacant positions: to everyone including those to whom the offer had been made earlier but for whatever reason failed to take up
the offer.
Job title/Description KNEC Grade No. of Vacant Posts
The bidding procedure
Assistant Director – ICT (Re-advertisement) 4 2
(a) Bid forms
Interested parties can obtain bid documents from the company office situated in Social Security House,
The Council will offer a competitive remuneration package commensurate with responsibilities of the Mombasa 1st Floor Room 103, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs 1000/=. The form will
position. describe the Plot and indicate the reserve price.

3.0 APPLICATION PROCEDURE (b) Completion of Bid Forms

Interested and suitably qualified candidates should fill and submit the Application for Employment Form The Bid for each plot must be made in a separate bid form clearly indicating the plot number, the name of
KNEC 2A – (External applicants) and Application for Employment Form KNEC 2B – (Internal applicants), the bidder and the amount offered. Incomplete bid forms will be rejected.
an application letter, accompanied by certified copies of academic and professional certificates, detailed
curriculum vitae giving details of daytime telephone contact, e-mail address, current remuneration (c) Submission of Bids
(enclose copy of your latest pay slip), names and valid current contacts of three referees, on or before
10th June 2024 to the address below: Completed bid forms should be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to the Principal Officer, Kenya
The Chief Executive Officer National Assurance Company (2001) Limited and shall be deposited in the Tender Box at the KNAC (2001)
Kenya National Examinations Council Limited Offices situated in Social Security House, Mombasa, 1st Floor, Room 103 Reception Area.
New Mitihani House, South C All bids should be received on or before 18th June, 2024 at 10.00 A.M. Any submission received after the
P.O Box 73598-00200 NAIROBI deadline will be disqualified.

(d) Opening of Bids

4.0 NOTES:
4.1 The Council will only contact the shortlisted candidates and canvassing will result in automatic Bidders and their representatives who may choose to attend are invited to witness the opening of the bids
disqualification; at the company offices situated at Social Security House, Mombasa, 1st Floor, Room 103 at 10.00 A.M
4.2 Successful applicants offered employment will be required to submit clearance under Chapter Six on the 18th June 2024. The Company reserves the right to accept or reject any bid.
(6) of the Constitution of Kenya;
4.3 KNEC is an equal opportunity employer and People Living with Disability and female candidates are
encouraged to apply. NB: Those who responded to the earlier offer and have fully paid for their plots are
invited to collect their titles.
For more details regarding the vacant position, please visit the KNEC website -
MAY 21, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 7

Board to release new financial statements from public

sector entities.
maintaining accurate ac-
counting records, imple-

reporting templates for county

“According to the PFMA menting internal controls
2012 Section 113, county to support the preparation
governments are required and fair presentation of

bursary and emergency funds

to allocate, each financial financial statements, and
year, emergency funds safeguarding fund assets.
not exceeding two per Additionally, the CEO
cent of the total revenue noted, they must oversee
BY MUTISO ity building for public as shown in the county the application of appro-
sector accountants, es- government’s audited fi- priate accounting policies

ll 47 county gov- tablishment of project nancial statements for the and procedures, includ-
ernments will be coordination committees, previous financial year. ing making reasonable
required to make and identification of as- “These emergency accounting estimates for
separate financial re- sets and liabilities by pub- funds and the allocated bursaries and emergen-
porting on their bursary lic sector entities among funds for bursaries should cies. The new templates,
and the emergency funds others. be accounted for and re- Ms Muchai said, have
based on new financial re- “Once public sector en- ported separately in the undergone public partic-
porting templates which tities embark on the adop- annual financial state- ipation and are being fi-
will be released by the tion of accrual accounting, ments for transparency nalised for release.
Public Sector Accounting a three-year transition and accountability,” She revealed that other
Standards Board (PSASB) period will be provided Muchai added. reporting templates
on 30th June this year. to facilitate full compli- With the issuance of the which are set to be re-
The new templates will PSASB Chairman Pius Nduati addressing accountants ance with the IPSAS” Ms new reporting templates, leased alongside the bur-
apply starting the current from county assemblies and county executives in Muchai revealed. the CEO further said, sary and emergency funds
financial year 2023/2024 Naivasha. She said the new re- templates include finan-
and the subsequent years porting templates for the These emer- cial reporting templates
to enhance accountability of a county public fund ing. county governments come for county governments,
and transparency in the shall prepare financial The forum was aimed at a time when there has gency funds technical vocational ed-
use of public resources. statements for the fund at sensitising accountants been increased scrutiny should be ucation and training
According to PSASB,
Acting CEO Ms Georgina
in accordance with the
standards and formats
from the county assem-
blies and county execu-
by the Parliamentary pub-
lic finance oversight com-
accounted for and (TVETs), national/county
self-reporting develop-
Muchai, the Public Fi- prescribed by PSASB. tives on basic International mittees on the application reported sepa- ment projects, county
nance Management Act The financial statements Public Sector Accounting of funds by public sector rately-Muchai c o r p o ra t i o n s / SAGA s ,
(2012) requires County should give a true and fair Standards (IPSAS) and the entities, particularly the national/county money
Governments to make fi- view of the state of affairs prerequisites for the adop- county governments. county governors will be lending entities, and
nancial reporting of the of the funds for and as at tion of accrual accounting Muchai added that the tasked with upholding county equalization funds.
bursary, and emergency the end of the financial by public sector entities standards also come at a robust financial manage- The Public Sector Ac-
funds. year,” Ms Muchai said. effective 1st July 2024. time when pertinent is- ment practices to ensure counting Standards Board
“Section 167 of the Pub- The CEO said this in Na- Some of the prereq- sues have been raised by continuous accountability (PSASB) is mandated by
lic Finance Management ivasha during the county uisites for accrual ac- the Office of the Auditor throughout the reporting section 194 of the PFM
Act, 2012 requires that, at governments’ forum on counting, according the General regarding adverse period. Act, 2012 to prescribe
the end of each financial the transition from cash to CEO, include stakehold- and disclaimer of opinions This responsibility, Ms frameworks and set gen-
year, the administrator accrual-based account- ers’ awareness, capac- on some of the financial Muchai added, includes erally accepted standards.

Advancement of Scientific Research, Inventions, and Innovations EUROPEAN UNION



The National Research Fund (NRF) is a State Corporation established under section 32 of the Science, Tech-
nology and Innovation Act No. 28 of 2013 with the objective to facilitate Research for the advancement of The Authority has received funding from the European Union under the Dryland Climate Action for Community
Science, Technology and Innovation. Drought Resilience (DCADR) Project. The project is supporting NDMA to, among others, broaden its resource
mobilisation base by pursuing innovative partnership arrangements with private entities, national government

We are seeking to recruit high competent, proactive, self-driven individuals to fill the following vacant two institutions, county governments, NGOs and similar actors for co-financing and implementation of drought
positions: NNN recovery, response and preparedness interventions within Kenya’s arid and semi-arid counties.

The National Drought Management Authority invites applications for tenders from interested and eligible
S/ POSITION GRADE REFERENCE NO. POSTS suppliers and service providers for the below tenders:
1 DEPUTY DIRECTOR, CORPORATE SERVICES NRF 2 NRFV/1/2024 1 Tender Number Tender Description Category

NDMA/32/2023-2024 Tender for the Supply and Delivery of Camels in Kolowa and Tirioko Open
The details of the posts and mode of application can be accessed on the National Research Fu Wards in Tiaty West Subcounty in Baringo County
nd website. NDMA/33/2023-2024 Tender for Supply and Deliver of Pure Galla Bucks in Mukogodo East Open
and West Wards, Laikipia North Sub County in Laikipia County
Interested and qualified persons are required to send their applications together with copies of
academic/ professional certificates and CV with names of three professional referees, daytime tele

phone contact, a cover letter indicating the position applied for in the subject header and all rel Interested eligible firms may inspect, view and download the tender document free of charge from the National
Drought Management Authority Website and the Public Procurement Information Portal
evant certificates and testimonials addressed to:

Chief Executive Officer Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in in plain sealed envelopes and clearly marked “TENDER
National Research Fund NUMBER and TENDER NAME” should be addressed to:
NACOSTI Building 3rd Floor, Upper Kabete, Off Waiyaki way
P.O Box 26036 – 00100 Chief Executive Officer
NAIROBI National Drought Management Authority

Lonrho House, Standard Street, 8th Floor

And P.O. Box 53547 – 00200, NAIROBI

Send via mail to: [email protected] and deposited in the tender box situated at the NDMA Reception, Lonrho House, Standard Street 8th Floor so as
to be received on or before Wednesday 5th June, 2024 at 10:30am.

The applications should be received on or before 21st February,2024 5:00 pm Tender Documents will be opened immediately thereafter in the Boardroom on 17th Floor, Lonrho House,
Standard Street, Nairobi in the presence of tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend.

Chief Executive Officer

8 | NEWSFOCUS MAY 21, 2024


State allocates Sh177m for various on equitable share with

Sh 250 million allocated
lion has been allocated to
the Kenya Urban Support

development projects in Kakamega

to the County Aggrega- Project (KUSP)-Urban
tion and Industrial Parks Institutional Grant (UIG)
Programme and a further and Sh24.4 million to the
allocation of over Sh235 Agricultural Development
Prisons at a cost of Sh6 million for roads mainte- (IFAD) Loan for the Aqua-

he National Govern- million, construction of nance fuel levy and over culture Business Develop-
ment has allocated office blocks for probation Sh99 million for the Com- ment Programme (ABDP).
Sh177 million for offices at a cost of Sh15 munity Health Promoters Emase, who is also the
various development pro- million, and improvement (CHPs). Teso South MP, assured
jects in Kakamega County of the Kakamega Mul- Primary Healthcare will residents of Kakamega
in the 2024/2025 Financial tipurpose Development receive over Sh16 mil- that their proposals will
Year. Training Institute (MDTI) lion, the Kenya Informal be factored in the budget.
Through the State De- through the State Depart- Settlement Improvement She said in the budget
partment for Roads, part ment for Basic Education Project (KISIP-2) Sh110 the total equitable share
of the Sh176,776,169 will at a cost of Sh3 million. million, the National Ag- from shareable revenue to
be used to rehabilitate the Speaking during a pub- ricultural Value Chain counties is Sh391.1billion
Kakamega-Webuye road lic participation forum on Development Project representing an increase of
at a cost of Sh85 million. the budget estimates for (NAVCDP) Sh151. 5 mil- Sh5.7 billion from the allo-
The Roads Department the 2024/2025 financial lion and Kenya Devolu- cation of 2023/2024 finan-
will also undertake Phase year, the National Assem- tion Support Programme cial year, which was Sh385
II of the construction of bly Budget and Appro- (KDSP-2) Sh37.5 million. million. Khwisero MP,
the Kakamega-Navakho- Teso South MP Mary Emase who is also the Vice Chair priation Committee Vice In the budget esti- Christopher Aseka noted
lo-Musikoma Road (C41/ Budget and Appropriation Committee at the National Chair Mary Emase said mates, Sh35 mil- that the Committee will
C777), under the Kenya Assembly together with Khwisero MP Christopher Kakamega will receive an be keen to allocate enough
Aseka addressing the media after a public Participation
Transport Sector Support
Project (KTSSP), at a cost forum on the 2024/2025 budget estimates.
additional Sh100 million
allocation to go towards
The state will to appropriate resources to
facilitate and operational-
of Sh35,070,009, as cap- other projects proposed by also under- ize the Kakamega Level VI
tured in the budget esti- sation and rehabilitation rehabilitation works at residents during the public take rehabil- hospital which Governor
mates. of the Kisumu-Kakamega Kakamega State Lodge, participation. Fernandes Barasa indi-
In the estimates, the Road through KTSSP. which has been allocated Additionally, she said, itation works at cated that he has handed
Government will use Sh15 The National Govern- Sh15 million, completion the county government Kakamega State it over to the national gov-
million for land compen- ment will also undertake of a store at the Kakamega will receive Sh13 billion ernment.


Invitation for Bids
The Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) is a State Corporation established under the Kenya
Roads Act, 2007, with the responsibility for the Management, Development Rehabilitation and Mainte- Project Name: NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL VALUE CHAIN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT
nance of National Roads.
Loan No: P176758
KeNHA invites sealed bids from eligible Service Providers/Consultants for the following tenders. RFB Reference No; KE-KALRO-401606

S/No. Tender No. Tender Description Tender Closing/Opening Contract Number KALRO/NAVCDP/NCB/015/2023-2024
Dates/ Time/Venue Contract Title Supply of Computers, Printers, Projectors, Photocopiers, Tablets and Camera
1. KeNHA/2769/2024 Tender for Supply and Fitting of 6th June, 2024 at 11.00am. Reference Number KE-KALRO -401606-GO-RFB
Motor Vehicle Tyres, Tubes and KeNHA Headquarters, Barabara
Batteries (Framework Contract) Plaza, Jomo Kenyatta Interna- 1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Developement has received financing from the World Bank
tional Airport (JKIA), Nairobi, Off toward the cost of the National Agricultural Value Chain Development Project, and intends to apply
2. KeNHA/2770/2024 Tender for the Supply of Fuel and
Mazao Road, Block C - 2nd Floor part of the proceeds towards payments under the contract for Supply of Computers, Printers, Projectors,
Lubricants using Fuel Card System
Board Room. Photocopiers, Tablets and Cameras
(Framework Contract)
3. KeNHA/2771/2024 Request for Proposal for Provision 4th June, 2024 at 11.00am. 2 The Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) now invites sealed bids from eligible
of Consultancy Services to Con- KeNHA Headquarters, Barabara bidders to supply Computers, Printers, Projectors, Photocopiers, Tablets and Cameras through the National
duct Internal Audit of the Author- Plaza, Jomo Kenyatta Interna- Competitive Bidding procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Bor-
ity’s Projects Financial Statements tional Airport (JKIA), Nairobi, Off rowers, September 2023; This advertisement is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the Procurement
for the Year Ending 30th June, Mazao Road, Block C - 2nd Floor Guidelines.
2024 Board Room.
4. KeNHA/2772/2024 Request for Proposal for Provision 4th June, 2024 at 11.00am. 4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Kenya Agricultural and Livestock
of Consultancy Services for KeNHA Headquarters, Barabara Research Organization, in the office of Director, Supply Chain Management, room 151, or email
Communication, Brand Monitor- Plaza, Jomo Kenyatta Interna- [email protected] and inspect the bidding document.
ing and Media Management tional Airport (JKIA), Nairobi, Off
Mazao Road, Block C - 2nd Floor 5. A complete tender document may be obtained by interested bidders upon payment of non-refundable fee
Board Room. of Kenya Shilling 1,000 in through ecitizen MPESA Paybill No. 222222, Account No. KALROD2. The
bid document can also be obtained free of charge from KALRO website or The National
Treasury portal [email protected]. Those who download the document and intend to submit a bid
A complete set of tender documents may be obtained by interested Bidders free of charge by down- are required to register their details with the Director, Supply Chain Management so as to be able to receive
loading from KeNHA website: or Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP): clarifications and addenda. or from KeNHA Office JKIA BaraBara Plaza Block C, 2nd Floor Supply Chain Office
during normal working hours upon payment of non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1,000.00 (One thousand 6. Bids must be accompanied with Bid Security as indicated in the bid document
shillings only) in form of a banker’s cheque payable to Kenya National Highways Authority.
7. The sealed bids should be addressed to;
Bidders are encouraged to download the Tender documents from the above websites to minimize
physical visits to the KeNHA Office. Director General
All interested bidders are required to continually check the Kenya National Highways Authority website: Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization and Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP) for any other tender addenda or P O Box 57811-00200
clarifications that may arise before the submission date.
Or be slotted into the Tender Box at the reception area of KALRO Headquarters, along Kaptagat Road, so as
Deputy Director – Supply Chain Management to be received on or before 21st June 2024 at The bids will be opened immediately thereafter in the
For: DIRECTOR GENERAL presence of bidder representatives who choose to attend.

For all your enquiries email us on: [email protected] Toll Free Line: 0800-211-244 Customer Care: 0700 423 606 #Road Safety Starts With You
Stevens Musewe
@KeNHAKenya Website: Kenya National Highways Authority For; Director General
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
MAY 21, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 9

KenGen launches tree-planting drive ment to sustainable prac-

tices and environmental

to support government’s green agenda conservation.”

KenGen, with over 90%
of its energy capacity de-
employees and key stake- ergy PS Eng. Alex Wachira broader objective of plant- rived from green sources,

he Kenya Electricity holders to achieve the among other dignitaries. ing 15 billion trees by 2032. is a leader in renewable
Generating Com- ambitious afforestation During the event, Eng. Eng. Njenga emphasized energy. The company is
pany (KenGen) has targets. Peter Njenga, alongside the importance of corpo- the number one producer
embarked on an ambi- The initiative, part of the CS Soipan Tuya and PS rate responsibility in com- of geothermal energy in
tious tree-planting ex- company’s commitment Wachira, planted tree bating climate change. Africa, significantly con-
ercise in support of the to environmental sustain- seedlings, symbolizing “KenGen is dedicated to tributing to the conti-
Government’s 15 billion ability, saw the partici- the beginning of a signif- supporting national ef- nent’s renewable energy
tree-growing target. pation of key government icant environmental res- forts to enhance forest landscape.
Announcing the initi- officials led by Cabinet toration project. KenGen cover and combat climate This commitment to
ative at Narasha Forest, Secretary for Environ- has adopted 90 hectares change. Our adoption of green energy underscores
Managing Director and ment, Climate Change, of Narasha Forest aim- 90 hectares here at Nara- the NSE-listed energy
CEO Eng. Peter Njenga and Forestry Ms. Soipan ing to plant 140,000 tree sha Forest and our goal to producer’s broader par-
said KenGen had commit- Tuya, accompanied by seedlings aligning with plant 140,000 trees are a ticipation in global climate
ted to involving both its State Department for En- the Kenyan government’s testament to our commit- action initiatives.

P.O.Box 73442 - 00200,
TELEPHONE: 254-20-2606500-4
Africa’s Premier Oil & Gas Company MOBILE: 0722 207 678/9
0734 333 217/219/234/226
E-mail: [email protected]


Kenya Pipeline Company Limited invites sealed tenders from eligible candidates for the following:
Contract number Contract name and Bid Security Mandatory Opening &
1. KPC/PU/OT – 363/HR/NBI/23 - 24 KES. 04-06-2024
Description Site visit Closing date 100,000.00
RFX No. 1000001108 Tender for Supply, Installation Kes;175,000.00 29.05.2024 05.06.2024 Provision of Pre- Retirement Training Services
and maintenance of CCTV @10:00 am 2. KPC/PU/OT – 364/HSE/NBI/23 - 24 KES. 04.06.2024
Cameras at REREC Kawi 100,000.00
House-Retender Environmental Risk Audit of Right of Way for Western Kenya Pipeline
Extension Line II ( Nairobi – Eldoret), Line 111 (Sinendet – Kisumu),
2. Tendering will be conducted under open competitive method (National) using a standardized tender Line IV (Nairobi – Eldoret) and Line VI (Sinendet – Kisumu)
document. Tendering is open to all qualified and interested Tenderers.
3. Qualified and interested tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the Tender Documents
3. KPC/PU/OT-298/HR/NBI/23-24 KES. 28-05-2024
during office hours 8.00am - 12.45pm to 1.45pm-4.00pm Monday to Friday in Rural Electrification and 100,000.00
Renewable Energy Corporation Offices situated in Kawi Complex, Block C, Ground floor. Provision of Training Needs Assessment
4. A complete set of tender documents may be viewed and downloaded by interested tenderers free of 4. KPC/PU/OT – 095/KPRL/NBI/23 - 24 KES. 28-05-2024
charge electronically from the Website under tender documents or through the e-pro- 200,000.00
Supply of Industrial Vacuum Tanker (Gulley Sucker)
curement portal using and on the Public Procurement
5. KPC/PU/OT - 100/I&C/NBI/23 - 24 KES. 28-05-2024
Information Portal
Tenderers who are not yet registered with REREC must register their companies in order to participate in Fuel Facs upgrade PS9 – Embakasi, PS25 - Nakuru, PS27 - Eldoret and
PS28 – Kisumu
the tender using link below that can be found from the website Procurement-Sup-
plier registration: 6. KPC/PU/OT - 058/MECH/NBI/23 – 24 KES. 29-05-2024
200,000.00 Supply and Installation of Reinjection Pumps at PS10 – Nairobi Terminal
5. Tender documents may be viewed and downloaded for free from the website
6. Tenders shall be quoted in Kenya Shillings and shall include all taxes. Tenders shall remain valid for
7. KPC/PU/OT-301/MECH/NBI/23-24 N/A 29-05-2024
147days from the date of opening of tenders.
7. All Tenders must be accompanied by a tender Security in form of a bank guarantee. Original Bid security Supply of Welding Generators
shall be delivered to the tender Box (Kawi Complex, Block C, Ground floor, Off Popo Road,) on/before the The Tender documents can be viewed and downloaded from the website and
tender closing date and time indicated above at no cost. Bidders will be required to register their companies on KPC SRM
portal and send ONLY queries to [email protected]. In addition, all addenda will be posted to
8. The Tenderer shall chronologically serialize all pages of the tender documents submitted. those bidders who indicate their intention to participate through the SRM portal.
9. Completed tenders must be delivered to Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation elec- No other email addresses shall be used and KPC shall not be liable if bidders choose to send their
tronically through on or before the tender closing queries to other email addresses.
date and time indicated above FRAMEWORK
10. Only Electronic Tenders will be permitted. 8. KPC/PU/FW -365/AIRWING/NBI/23 - 24 N/A 04.06.2024
11. Tenders will be opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified above or any dead line
Framework Contract for Helicopter Fuel for a period of 2 years
date and times specified later. Tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of the Tenderers’ designat-
The Tender documents can be viewed and downloaded from the website and
ed representatives who choose to attend at the address below. at no cost. Bidders will be required to register their companies on KPC SRM
12. Any addendum to this tender shall be uploaded to the Corporation’s website under portal and send ONLY queries to [email protected]. In addition, all addenda will be
posted to those bidders who indicate their intention to participate through the SRM portal.
tender documents.
No other email addresses shall be used and KPC shall not be liable if bidders choose to send their
13. Late tenders will be rejected.
queries to other email addresses.
14. The addresses referred to above are:
NOTE: Bidders who are not registered in KPC SRM System should first register using this link
Address for obtaining further information on tender documents
Original Bid security delivered to the tender Box (Kawi Complex, Block C, Ground floor, Off Popo Road,).
Contact Manager, Supply chain management, telephone number: 0709193000 and e-mail address: All bidders will be required to submit the tenders online via SRM Portal
portal and all documents MUST be uploaded to the COLLABORATION FOLDER. Bidders shall not attach their
[email protected].
documents at any other tab of the portal. To be received on or before the indicated closing date at 10.00 a.m.
Address for Submission of Tenders: Online Through
Address for Opening of Tenders. Kawi Complex, Block C, Ground floor, online opening system (NO BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED IN THE TENDER BOX EXCEPT FOR THE ORIGINAL TENDER SECURITY) Open-
ing of the tenders will take place at 10.30 a.m.


Designation: Chief Executive Officer
10 | NEWSFOCUS MAY 21, 2024


Kenya, Germany ink migration Migori launches

deal at last after intensive talks Menstrual Hygiene
The two countries
Management Policy
enya and Germany agreed to form the joint BY ANGELINE OGAL AND comes to obtaining, us-
have successfully committee in February GEORGE AGIMBA (KNA) ing, and disposing of
concluded the ne- this year following a meet- menstrual products.
gotiations of the draft ing held in Berlin between Migori has become the “The policy is custom-
Comprehensive Migration Labour CS Florence Bore first county to launch a ized to suit the commu-
and Mobility Partnership and her German counter- Menstrual Hygiene Man- nity members in Migori
Agreement. part Hubertus Heil. agement Policy that ad- County by way of assist-
The negotiations, which The on-going nego- dresses the access and ing the needy and vul-
took place in Nairobi last tiations result from the safe disposal of menstrual nerable girls and women
week, were a follow-up initiative conceptualized products. while avoiding environ-
to the initial round of ne- Diaspora PS Ms. Roseline Njogu(left) and her Labour between President Wil- Through the support of mental degradation,” Mr
gotiations held in Berlin, and Skills Development counterpart Mr. Shadrack liam Ruto and German organizations and part- Odhong’ said.
Germany, in March of this Mwadime (2nd left) with German officials Dr. Joachim Chancellor Olaf Scholz. ners including the West The health official noted
year. Stamp and Mr. Holger Schamberg During the first meet- Kenya Sanitation Pro- that cases of absenteeism
The agreement aims to Interior and Community. PS Mwadime affirmed ing, CS Bore informed the ject, the AMREF Kenya, among students is on
establish a framework for “Being an international his commitment to the German government of and Rongo University, the rise due to a lack of
cooperation on migration bilateral agreement, the process, which he said, the measures in place to the County aims to use menstrual products and
and labor mobility be- draft agreement shall be would smoothen the la- streamline Labour Migra- the policy to tackle issues that the document comes
tween the two nations. subjected to the relevant bour mobility for Ken- tion through restructuring around the accessibility handy in alleviating this
The Principal Secre- internal legal and pro- yans. of its policies and legal and of menstrual products challenge.
tary for Labour and Skills cedural checks by both “We are committed to institutional framework to among the less fortunate Moreover, he outlined
Development, Shadrack governments,” said the developing a clear frame- support seamless migra- in the society. that together with the
Mwadime, led the Kenyan officials in a joint com- work to allow migration tion and mobility with This is in addition to partners, the county has
delegation in the negotia- munique issued at the of Kenyan skilled work- Germany. the management of men- aligned the policy to enable
tions, while his counter- completion of the negoti- ers in a safe, orderly and “Kenya seeks to fill the strual waste products efficient use of incinerators
part, Ms. Roseline Njogu ations. regular manner. This will skills deficit in Germa- through proper disposal to burn menstrual waste in-
of Diaspora Affairs, was The official signing has ease mobility and fast- ny’s labour market with mechanisms, which will stead of disposing them in
the lead negotiator on been set for September track migration between its well-trained, quali- help avoiding environ- pit latrines which clog and
Kenya’s side. 2024, while implementa- the two countries.” PS fied, hardworking and mental degradation quickly fill septic tanks.
The German Federal Re- tion of the agreement will Mwadime said. disciplined labour force According to Mr. Tom Through the systematic
public delegation, on the commence with a job fair He thanked negotia- in various fields of ICT, Odhong’, the County Di- placement of bins in various
other hand, was led by in Nairobi. tors from both parties for health care, construction, rector of Public Health institutions, Odhong’ say,
Dr. Joachim Stamp, the Both countries have adopting a friendly en- agriculture and hospitality and Sanitation, the doc- the county aims to collect
Special Commissioner for committed to its full re- vironment, which made among others. We are able ument targets the needy all menstrual waste, which
Migration Agreements, alization through the joint it easy to arrive at a con- and ready to supply the and vulnerable in the will be transported to the
and Mr. Holger Scham- implementation commit- sensus on most of the sub- skills deficient in your la- community who are the County Referral Hospital
berg from the Ministry of tee. stantive issues in a record bour market,” said the PS. most affected when it for burning.

P O Box 377-90300 Makueni Cell: 0728 658649/0787294782

Email: [email protected] Web:

Ndera Conservancy is implementing Sustainable Management and Access to Water and Sanitation in the Asals OPEN TENDERS AND REGISTRATION OF SUPPLIERS
(SWASAP) Programme, targeting Tana River County funded by Water Sector Trust Fund (Water Fund) supported
by Government of Denmark through DANIDA. The Programme is aimed at Increasing community resilience and TENDER NOTICE
adaptation to climate change through sustainable, peaceful use of natural resources including improved access
to water and sanitation services in the target ASAL Counties. Wote Technical Training Institute invites bidders for the purpose of Tendering and Registration of Suppliers for
Goods, Works and provision of various Services for the financial year 2024-2025/2025-2026. Interested and
Ndera Conservancy invites tenders from eligible bidders as described in the table below. Qualified Suppliers are invited to apply clearly indicating the category they wish to participate in.

TENDER NO. TENDER DESCRIPTION A complete set of Tender documents may be obtained electronically from the Institute Website: www.wotetti. or from the Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP): free of charge. Tenderers
NDERA/WSTFSWASAP/01/2024 Lot 1: Excavation and construction of 30,000m3 capacity Water Pan at
who download the tender document must forward their particulars immediately to [email protected]
Weljan community, Ndera Location Tana River County.
to facilitate any further clarification or addendum.
NDERA/WSTFSWASAP/02/2024 Lot 2: Borehole equipping electromechanical works, fabrication and
Installation of 24m3 Elevated steel tank, fencing of borehole area, Alternatively, the tender documents may be obtained by interested candidates from Procurement Department
construction of 2 water Kiosks and associated pipeline for Baomo water during normal working hours, upon payment of Non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1,000 in bankers cheque payable to
supply, Tana River County. Wote Technical Training Institute or direct bank deposit to A/C No 1105324559 KCB, Wote Branch.

Completed tender/registration documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked the Tender Number and Cate-
Tender Documents are available Free of Charge to all qualified contractors and can be downloaded from this gory description should be deposited in the Tender Box situated next to Procurement Office and be addressed to:
website The Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP). Bidders who may want to
obtain further information or seek clarification can do so by sending an email to Ndera Conservancy The Principal
[email protected] Wote Technical Training Institute
P.O Box 377- 90300
Completed Tender documents in plain sealed envelopes should be submitted in two copies- Original and copy Cell: 0728-658649 / 0787-294782
clearly marked “Do not open before 30th May, 2024 at 10am .” showing the Tender No, Description and Lot Email: [email protected]
No. addressed to:
Conservancy Manager, MAKUENI
Ndera Community Conservancy Office
Next to Amanichoa village, Garsen North ward, Tana Delta Sub-County
P.O Box 154- 80201 Garsen So as to be received on or before Thursday, 30th May 2024 at 10.00 a.m. Late tender documents will NOT be
and delivered to the SWASAP Project Tender Box at Ndera Community Conservancy Office, Next to Amanichoa
village, Garsen North ward, Tana Delta Sub-County to be received on or before 30th May, 2024 at 10AM. Tender and registration documents will be opened immediately thereafter at the Main Dining Hall in presence
of bidders or their representatives who wish to be present.
Bidders will also be required to register their details as they drop their bids. Tenders will be opened immedi-
ately thereafter in the presence of bidders or representatives who wish to witness the opening. Late tenders
All Correspondence to the Principal
will be rejected.
MAY 21, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 11

CA sets ambitious targets “The Ministry is an in-

tegral stakeholder; you
Broadcasting and Tele-
communication, Prof.
Mugonyi added that the
Plan is people-centric,

for revenue collection in

will need to augment our Edward Kisiang’ani, CA embraces market-ori-
efforts in realizing our plays a critical role in the ented strategies and relies
mandate and create an digital age by effectively on evidence-based prac-

five year plan

enabling environment for regulating the dynamic tices.
the telecommunications industry players. Mr. Mugonyi empha-
sector to effectively de- The PS reiterated that sized that the Plan en-
liver their goals and ob- Kenya relies on CA to de- compasses four strategic
jectives,” the CS said. velop proper mechanisms goals which include the
An automated monitor- to address matters related promotion of meaningful
ing and evaluation frame- to cybersecurity and other connectivity to ICT ser-
work, the CS pointed out, emerging technologies. vices, empowerment, and
will be effective to meas- In his remarks, CA Di- protection of consumers of
ure the implementation of rector-General David Mu- ICT Services, fostering of
the Strategic Plan. gonyi said the Strategic competitive ICT markets
arising from resource Plan is anchored on five and emerging technolo-
mobilization strategies. values: Integrity, Innova- gies and enhancement of
According to the tion, Inclusion, Agility and organizational efficiency
Principal Secretary, Excellence. and effectiveness.

The Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Information, Communications and the Digital

Economy (MICDE), Mr. Eliud Owalo (third right) flanked by the Principal Secretary,
Broadcasting and Telecommunication, Prof. Edward Kisiang’ani (right) and the
Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) Board Chairperson, Ms. Mary Mungai dur-
ing the official launch of CA’s 5th Strategic Plan (2023-2027) in Nairobi.

BY EVALYNE GITHINJI Secretary, Mr. Eliud Ow- rica Community (EAC’s)

alo, commended the reg- Vision 2050, Africa Un-

he Communica- ulator for developing an ion (AU’s) Agenda 2063, P.O. BOX 8418-30100, ELDORET
tions Authority of elaborate Strategic Plan and the United Nations’ Tel (053) 2035000/200, Email:[email protected]
Kenya (CA) is fo- that will enable the organ- Sustainable Development
cused on collecting reve-
nue amounting to Sh117.4
ization to pursue its vision
and augment the efforts of
Goals (SDGs).
The CS said the CA had
billion, establishing an the Government in deliv- identified the milestones
S/No Category Reference No. Item description Category
ICT hub convention center ering on the overall devel- achieved while imple-
and a data center within a opment agenda. menting the previous A SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF GOODS
span of five years. Owalo said the Strategic Strategic Plan. He further 1 ELDOWAS/T/01/2024-2025 Supply and Delivery of Calcium hypochlorite. Open
Speaking during the Plan is aligned with the emphasized the need for
official launch of CA’s Strategic Plan of MICDE CA to create an enabling 2 ELDOWAS/T/02/2024-2025 Supply and Delivery of Aluminium Sulphate. Open
Fifth Strategic Plan (2023- and is in line with the environment to meet the 3 ELDOWAS/T/03/2024-2025 Supply and Delivery of Polyamines. Open
2027), Information, Com- government’s Bottom-Up expectations of the diverse
4 ELDOWAS/T/04/2024-2025 Supply and Delivery of General Office stationery. Women
munications, and the Economic Transformation stakeholder segments in
Digital Economy Cabinet Agenda (BETA), East Af- the country. 5 ELDOWAS/T/05/2024-2025 Supply and Delivery of Lab Equipment and chemical Open
6 ELDOWAS/T/06/2024-2025 Supply and Delivery of UPVC Pipes and Fittings. Open
7 ELDOWAS/T/07/2024-2025 Supply and Delivery of HDPE pipes and Fittings. Open
8 ELDOWAS/T/08/2024-2025 Supply and Delivery of Staff Uniforms and protective Open

9 ELDOWAS/T/09/2024-2025 Provision of Medical insurance Services. Open
10 ELDOWAS/T/10/2024-2025 Provision of General Insurance Services. Open


Provision of Motor Vehicle Insurances Services.
Provision of Cleaning Services.

The Kenya Airports Authority invites sealed tenders from eligible firms for the following tenders: 13 ELDOWAS/T/13/2024-2025 Provision of Catering Services Women

Tender Reference Number Tender Description Pre-Bid Meeting / Closing/
Site Visit Opening 14 ELDOWAS/P/14/2024-2025 Provision of Motor Vehicle Maintenance. Open
Date 15 ELDOWAS/P/15/2024-2025 Supply and Delivery of computer and printers. Open
KAA/OT/EIA/0256/2023-2024 Supply, Installation and There shall be a site 06/06/2024 16 ELDOWAS/P/16/2024-2025 Servicing of Photocopiers, Computers and Printers Youth
Commissioning of visit on 29/05/2024 at at 11.00 am
Airport Emergency Eldoret International 17 ELDOWAS/P/17/2024-2025 Supply and Delivery of office furniture and cabinets. PWD
Crash Alarm at Eldoret Airport at 10:00 am 18 ELDOWAS/P/18/2024-2025 Provision of Welding and fabrication works. Open
International Airport
19 ELDOWAS/P/19/2024-2025 Provision of Air ticketing services. Open.
KAA/OT/MBD/0257/2023-2024 Re-Tender for Provision N/A 06/06/2024
20 ELDOWAS/P/20/2024-2025 Supply and Delivery of tyres and tubes. Open.
of Brand and at 11.00 am
Communication Audit 21 ELDOWAS/P/21/2024-2025 Provision of Legal services. Open
Services for Kenya
22 ELDOWAS/P/22/2024-2025 Supply and Delivery of Electrical items Open.
Airports Authority
23 ELDOWAS/P/23/2024-2025 Supply and Delivery of Sand and Ballast Women
24 ELDOWAS/P/24/2024-2025 Supply and delivery of News papers PWD
Information on these tender notices and documents detailing the requirements, tendering
procedures and guidelines should be downloaded from our website at
corporate/procurement/ or or Public Procurement Informa- Participating firms are advised to Download Tender Documents Free of Charge from the Company’s website:
tion Portal at free of charge. or Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP) https//
Interested bidders who download the documents should send their particulars through email info@eldowas.
Bidders are advised to note that bidding process for the tenders is through our online tender portal for registration purposes before the tender closing date. Further, all prospective bidders are advised to visit
at For any information or clarifications, please contact us the website regularly to check any updates or addenda that may be issued. All other Terms and Conditions remain
through our email, [email protected] as per the Tender Document.

Completed Bid Documents enclosed in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with Reference Number and Name
Canvassing for the tender by the tenderer or by proxy shall lead to automatic disqualification of
send to Company’s Head Office without identifying the sender or be deposited in the Tender Box at Procure-
their tender.
ment Department not later than 04th June, 2024 at 12.00pm. Bids will be opened immediately thereafter at the
Company Boardroom in the presence of bidders or their representatives who wish to attend.

MANAGING DIRECTOR/CEO Tenders should be addressed to:

P.O BOX 8418-30100 ELDORET.
12 | NEWSFOCUS MAY 21, 2024


to replace lost
documents for
flood victims-PS
CLOSING DATE BY ANNE KANGERO target of 15 billion trees
1 KGN-GDD-063-2024 Tender for Supply of Advanced Compact Oil Bath Calibration Machine for PWD 3rd June, 2024 at (KNA) by 2032.
“Everyone must come

Reservoir Management Enterprises 10.00 a.m.
2 KGN-GDD-064-2024 Tender for Supply of Logging Cable and Associated Accessories for Youth 3rd June, 2024 at he government has out to plant trees which
Reservoir Management Enterprises 2.00 p.m. embarked on the will help in solving
3 KGN-OLK-038-2024 Tender for Supply of Condenser Fill Packs for Wellheads Power Plants. Youth 4th June, 2024 at
process of replac- the effects of climate
Enterprises 10.00 a.m. ing vital identification change,” Prof Bitok said.
documents for Kenyans Athi River Deputy
4 KGN-OLK-039-2024 Tender for Supply of Actuators for Non-Condensable Gas Cooling Tower Open 4th June, 2024 at
Control Valves for Olkaria IAU Power Plant International 2.00 p.m.
affected by floods. County Commissioner
State Department for Patrick Mwangi on his
5 KGN-HYD-026-2024 Tender for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of a 5 Tonnes Single Youth 5th June, 2024 at Immigration and Citizens part hailed Mavoko res-
Girder Electric Overhead Travelling Crane at Gitaru Power Station. Enterprises 10.00 a.m.
Services Principal Secre- idents for their cooper-
6 KGN-NGONG-005-2024 Tender for Supply of Strategic Spares for Vestas and Siemens Gamesa Open National 5th June, 2024 at tary Prof. Julius Bitok ation and support during
Wind Turbine Generators for Ngong Wind Farm 2.00 p.m.
said the Department will the floods which helped
7 KGN-NGONG-006-2024 Tender for Supply of 11KV Indoor Circuit Breaker for Ngong Windfarm Citizen 6th June, 2024 at visit each of the counties in saving lives.
Contractors 10.00 a.m. affected by the floods He encouraged them
8 KGN-ICT-011-2024 Tender for Supply, Delivery, Repair and Maintenance of Brand Laptops and Citizen 6th June, 2024 at and replace birth cer- to plant trees not only in
Accessories Contractors 2.00 p.m. tificates, identity cards the institutions but also
9 KGN-GDD-065-2024 Tender for Construction of The Proposed Drilling and Logistics Cementing Youth 12th June, 2024 and passports lost by the in their homes and work
Yard Facilities at Halliburton Enterprises at 2.00 p.m. flood victims. places.
The PS who was speak- Member of County As-
There shall be a Mandatory Site Visit on 29th May,2024 at Geothermal
Plaza, Olkaria starting at 10.00 a.m. ing at the Meat Train- sembly Jeremiah Kaloi
ing Institute in Mavoko urged Mavoko residents
10 KGN-KIP-018-2024 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Rooftop Women 12th June, 2024
Central Air Conditioner at Kipevu III Power Station Enterprise at 10.00 a.m.
when he led a tree plant- to focus on taking care of
ing exercise said, “we trees after planting and
There shall be a Mandatory Site Visit on 28th May,2024 at Kipevu III have set up a centre in creating a better envi-
Power station starting at 10.00 a.m.
Nyayo House for emer- ronment.
11 KGN-SONDU-016-2024 Tender for Supply, Delivery and Installation of Split Air Conditioner at Youth 12th June, 2024 gency replacement of The MCA decried the
Sondu & Turkwel Power Station Enterprises at 2.00 p.m your documents”. dire situation of the dis-
There shall be a Mandatory Site visit As detailed in the tender He called upon placed flood victims in
document Mavoko residents to keep Athi River and called
12 KGN-HYD-027-2024 Tender for Supply and Installation of Elevated Steel Water Tank at Women 13th June, 2024 on planting trees which upon the government
Kiambere Power Station. Enterprises at 2.00 p.m will help curb the sever- to intervene by giving
ity of the floods that have them alternative land in
There shall be a Mandatory Site Visit on 29th May, 2024 at
Kiambere Power Station starting at 10.00 a.m.
been caused by climate Mavoko.
change. He also called upon the
At least 3,000 tree government to give Athi
Interested firms may obtain further information from the office of the General Manager-Supply Chain, Tel: (254) (020) 3666230,
Email: [email protected] on normal working days beginning on the date of advert. Bidders who are unable to download the tender documents
seedlings were planted River flood victims Sh10,
from the website may collect them from any KenGen Supply Chain Office upon payment of a non-refundable fee of KShs.1, 000.00 paid via Mpesa, towards the realisation 000 stipend to help them
pay bill no. 400200 and account no. 01120069076000, then share the MPesa message to KenGen Finance office staff for receipt and issuance of on the government’s rebuild their lives.
official receipt.

The document can also be viewed and downloaded from the website, on E-procurement https://eprocurement.kengen. and on PPIP portal Government receives
Bidders are advised to refer to the website and on e-procurement regularly for any additional information /clarifications/addenda. Down-
loaded copies are FREE. 15 firearms through
1. Tender documents must be submitted online through KenGen E-Procurement web portal found on the KenGen website (
village elders
2. Bidders who are interested in this tender MUST ensure that they are registered in the E-Procurement Portal. Please ensure compliance to the
BY ABDUBA MAMO rity officers while on nor-
following; (KNA) mal patrols at Kulamawe
estate in Bulapesa Ward,

• For suppliers registering for the first time ensure the “Public Procurement” checkbox is ticked so that the login details are sent to suppliers
automatically. siolo Sub-County Isiolo town.
• All documents Must be uploaded to the SRM System through the found at
Security and Intelli- The administrator
• Prices to be entered under item of the RFx shall be similar to be prices in the price schedule. gence Committee has said the arms’ surrender
received 15 rifles and 22 shows that wananchi are
Note; Those Bidder who have submitted their bids and wish to amend them further should not click on WITHDRAW but click on EDIT to enable rounds of ammunition working closely with lo-
them amend their bid response and make appropriate changes.
surrendered through the cal chiefs leading to the
Bidders who require any form of assistance on how to bid via the system are advised to download a manual from the website or may contact influence of community reduction of livestock
[email protected]
elders. theft while several stolen
Tender Security:
Deputy County Com- animals recovered.
Electronic Tender Securities are acceptable subject to: missioner Mr. Patrick He attributed the iso-
i. Attachment of a scanned copy to the bid document. Musango confirmed that lated cases of insecurity
ii. Submission of the e-security to the address indicated below in plain sealed envelope clearly labelled. the voluntary surrender in the area to the pres-
iii. Such E-Security can be verified by use of a Quick Response (QR) code. had been going on for the ence of firearms in wrong
iv. Such E-Security can be verified via the issuing institution’s online portal last four months in the hands and warned that
Where a non-electronic security is submitted, the hard copy of the Original Tender Security in the form and amount specified must be delivered
area. the government would
in plain sealed envelope clearly labelled with the tender number and tender description before the closing date and Time to the following address: Musango said that deal with the criminals.
General Manager- Supply Chain, Ngaremara elders and He appealed to resi-
Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC, herders had volunteered dents to continue sur-
9th Floor, KenGen Pension Plaza II, nine firearms and 13 rendering illegal firearms
Kolobot Road, Parklands,
P.O. Box 47936, 00100 NAIROBI rounds of ammunition to the authority adding
through their chiefs and those volunteering them
Tenders will be opened online soon after the closing time in the presence of the candidates’ representatives who choose to attend at KenGen Pension
Plaza II, Tender opening room, 6th floor.
area elders. will be pardoned.
The DCC added that Musango urged chiefs
N/B: KenGen adheres to high standards of integrity in its business operations. Leparua elders from Old- and their assistants and
Report any unethical behavior immediately to the provided anonymous hotline service.
onyiro Ward surrendered the ‘nyumba kumi el-
1) Call Toll Free: 0800722626 two AK-47 rifles with ders’ to expose criminals
2) Free Fax: 00800 007788
3) Email: [email protected];
seven rounds of ammu- in the villages by using
4) Website: nition to local security SMS to senior security
teams. officers and forward the
GENERAL MANAGER, SUPPLY CHAIN Two homemade rifles same texts to his office
were recovered by secu- for ease of following up.
MAY 21, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 13

Electricity connectivity to hit Ministry issues advisory

95 per cent by 2027, PS Energy to mitigate dangers during
The PS was responding
to Eldama Ravine Mem-
ber of Parliament Musa
He called on the CFAs
and other stakeholders to
on going long rains
he government is Sirma who complained help the Ministry realize
committed to en- of low connectivity rates the target which trans-

suring 95 per cent in his constituency and lates to about 462,000 tree he State Depart-
electricity connectivity to called for the Last Mile ef- seedlings per month. ment for Public
Kenyans by the year 2027. fort from Tugumoi to Molo The PS stated that so Health and Profes-
State Department for River. as to meet the target, his sional Standards has is-
Energy Principal Sec- Mr. Wachira reiterated department has donated sued a maternal, infant,
retary Alex Wachira has the importance of envi- 25,000 tree seedlings to and young child nutri-
said the department is ronmental conservation be distributed to the res- tion advisory to mitigate
collaborating with Kenya as a mitigation measure idents of the area so that the risks faced by these
Electricity Generating for climate change whose they can plant in their vulnerable groups during
Company (KenGen) to in- effects have caused disas- homes. the long rains.
crease supply of the com- ters in the recent past. Baringo County Deputy The advisory, signed
modity. “Planting trees is the Governor Felix Kipng’ok by the Principal Secre-
“We are working to- only medicine to miti- urged the residents to con- tary for Public Health Ms. Muriuki further adequate hydration by
gether with the govern- gate the effects brought tinue planting trees even in and Professional Stand- encouraged pregnant drinking safe water reg-
ment of Kenya, KPLC and about by climate change; their homes, “we can also ards, Ms. Mary Muthoni women to maintain their ularly and for Infants of
Kengen to increase elec- seven months ago we had plant fruit trees like maca- Muriuki, acknowledges intake of iron and fo- o to 6 months reach out
tricity supply from the a serious drought and now damia, coffee and avocado the urgent need to ad- lic acid supplements to to health service pro-
current 78 per cent to 98 we have floods, these are which will give economic dress nutrition concerns prevent anemia, birth viders or humanitarian
per cent of the popula- the effects of climate benefit,” he said. as the long rains con- defects, and low birth organizations within the
tion before the next gen- change,” said the PS. Several state agencies tinue to impact commu- weight. displacement camp for
eral election,” PS Wachira The PS said planting participated in the exercise nities, especially among She told the expectant nutrition assessment,
said. trees will reduce impor- with the State Department vulnerable groups like mothers to increase their essential psychosocial,
The PS made the re- tation of timber while the for Energy donating 50,000 pregnant and breastfeed- meal intake to support practical, and material
marks at Narasha Forest, good climate caused by tree seedlings, Kenya Pipe- ing women, infants, and your own nutrition as support for breastfeeding
Eldama Ravine Constit- forest will lead to good line, led by their MD Joe young children. well as that of their un- and child stimulation”
uency in Baringo County food harvests and reduce Sang donated 20,000 seed- “Emergencies such as born baby besides en- Ms Muriuki said
during this year’s national importation of basic items lings while Kenya Power led floods, landslides, and suring that they drink If an infant is experi-
tree planting exercise. and in turn strengthen by its board members and food insecurity pose sig- sufficient safe water for encing breastfeeding dif-
Wachira also informed the foreign exchange re- the Managing Director do- nificant threats to their overall health. ficulties, the PS advised
the residents that the cost serves. nated 10,000 seedlings and nutritional well-being. The Advisory urges mothers to seek support
of electricity had gradu- Wachira promised to adopted a tree conservancy To mitigate these risks breastfeeding women to from the nearest health
ally decreased compared work with community in the forest. and safeguard the health seek support from health service providers within
to previous years. forest associations since The Baringo Forest Con- of our communities service providers or hu- the displacement camp
He called on the res- they are an integral part in servator Ann Nyaoke said during this ongoing pe- manitarian organizations or health facility.
idents to support the planting and taking care they have reduced the riod of rainfall, we urge within the displace- “Understand that
President’s vision for the of the trees. backlog of bare forest land pregnant women to seek ment camp for nutrition breastfeeding offers the
country instead of criti- The PS stated that the which stood at 700 hectares assistance from health screening, basic psycho- strongest protection for
cizing his agendas. Ministry of Energy and last year when the program service providers or local social and breastfeeding your baby’s health and
Mr. Wachira promised Petroleum has a target of was launched by the Energy humanitarian organiza- assistance. nutrition, particularly
the residents that they planting five million tree CS Davis Chirchir to current tions within displace- “Increase your meal during emergencies and
will benefit from the Last seedlings per year in Ker- 300 hectares. ment camps for nutrition intake to support your strictly adhere to exclu-
Mile Electricity Connec- icho and Baringo Counties She said they had received screening, essential psy- nutrition while breast- sive breastfeeding; breast
tivity programme which and added that this will 120,000 tree seedlings from chosocial support, and feeding and continue milk is crucial, safe, and
will be rolled out in the only be realized with all partners during this year’s appropriate feeding,” breastfeeding your child vital for your baby’s
coming financial year. the partners working to- tree planting exercise. stated the PS. besides maintaining well-being” she said.

Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited (KETRACO) is a State Corporation whose mandate is to plan,
design, construct, operate, own, and maintain high voltage national electricity transmission grid and regional
INVITATION TO TENDER power interconnectors.

Rongo University invites eligible and interested bidders to participate in the following tenders: KETRACO now invites tenders from interested/eligible firms to bid for the tender given below:

S/ Tender Description Tender Reference Closing Date Category

S.No. Tender No. Tender Description Tender Eligibil- Closing Date
no Number
security ity
(Kshs.) 1. Construction of CIPU Police Officers KETRACO-PT-022 11th June,2024 Tender is reserved
Accommodation at Athi River and -2024 at 10:30 am EAT for Youth, Women
1. RU/MH/012/2023- Renovation of Male N/A Youth 29/05/2024 Renovations to existing facilities at and People Living
Mwingi Substation with Disability
2024 Hostels
KETRACO tenders run on SAP ARIBA e-procurement platform and therefore the tender document detailing the
2. RU/LH/013/2023- Renovation of Ladies N/A Women 29/05/2024
requirements may be viewed by clicking on the link provided in KETRACO website ( begin-
2024 Hostels ning 22nd May 2024.

All enquiries on this tender should be channelled through [email protected]; [email protected];

Tender document with detailed information and instruction may be viewed and downloaded
[email protected] or through message board in SAP Ariba.
from the University`s website or Public Procurement Information Portal free of charge. Complete tender documents shall be electronically submitted through SAP ARIBA platform on or before the
dates as indicated in the table above for specific tenders.

Tenders will be opened electronically promptly thereafter in the presence of the tenderers or their representa-
The Vice Chancellor tives who choose to attend in KETRACO Procurement Office at Kawi Complex, Block B, Second Floor.
Rongo University
14 | NEWSFOCUS MAY 21, 2024


Lamu-Garissa Highway set

for completion by February
2025 to boost LAPSSET
BY AMENYA OCHIENG Ruto’s directive last year ther amplifying the need to
(KNA) to have the Lamu-Gar- ensure that the road net-

issa Road upgraded from work along the Northern
he construction murram to bitumen corridor is up to par.
of the Lamu-Gar- standard. “The docking of Ethio-
issa Highway will The road is currently pia’s MV Abby II arrived
be completed by being built by the Chinese at the Port of Lamu, laden
February 2025. Construction Communi- with 60,000 tonnes of fer-
Roads Transport and cation Company (CCCC) tiliser, cannot be under-
Public Works Cabinet and is expected to provide stated as it heralds a second
Secretary Kipchumba an immediate contin- logistics route through Ken- Transport, Roads and Public Works CS Kipchumba Murkomen in an assessment tour
of Lamu Port and local roads, where he pledged to ensure viability of the LAPSSET
Murkomen said the Gov- gency route for the trans- ya’s second-largest mari- corridor. Photo by Amenya Ochieng.
ernment is keen to en- port of 60,000 metrics time hub,” he said, adding
sure the completion of tonnes of fertilizer meant that political and financial tional Highways Authority to mention that most of the unified commitment by
the 257-kilometer road as for southern Ethiopia. commitments have been (KENHA), Lapsset Corridor murram roads have also Lamu leaders who, he
soon as possible as it is the His remarks come fol- made to ensure that the Development Authority been washed away by the stated, have gone beyond
gateway to the LAPSSET lowing a high-powered LAPSSET corridor and es- (LCDA), Kenya Ports Au- current floods,” Murkomen the call of duty to ensure
corridor. meeting between Kenyan pecially the Lamu-Garissa thority (KPA) and secu- said. that the LAPSSET initiative
The corridor will pro- transport and roads of- Road is completed in time. rity officials, the Transport The CS further acknowl- thrives.
vide connectivity to other ficials and the Ethiopian He further assured the and Roads CS traversed edged that road rehabilita- “Lamu leaders have
parts of Kenya through maritime delegation led Ethiopian delegation of ad- both the Lamu-Garissa tion in the coming financial stated that with the Lamu
a future railway and the by Ethiopian Maritime equate security for trucks Highway as well as the La- year will be a delicate bal- Port coming to life, the
highway. Authority Director Gen- plying the route while tak- mu-Witu-Garsen High- ancing act following the job opportunities available
The road is crucial for eral Engineer Abdulber ing the fertilizer to southern way for which he stated country’s projected rev- should first go to the Lamu
the LAPSSET Project, Shemsu over the recent Ethiopia. that resources will also be enue generated from fuel resident youths,” the Roads
connecting Lamu Port to docking of the first com- So far there are 110 trucks allocated towards its reha- levy which currently stands and Transport CS said.
Ethiopia and South Sudan mercial ship at the Lamu parked in Garissa enroute bilitation as it was cut off by at Sh70 billion. His sentiments were ech-
as well as hinterland mar- Port. Lamu with another 24 ex- the recent floods that have “Between moving for- oed by Lamu Governor Issa
kets along the LAPSSET Ethiopia has opted to use pected to leave the county ravaged the country. ward with the development Timamy, who stated that
Corridor counties. the Lamu Port to bring in its in transport of Ethiopia’s “We will need between of roads, and the rehabil- for devolution to work in
Once completed, the cargo meant for its south- fertilizer which is due later Sh25 to Sh30 billion to itation of the pre-existing the county, the jobs at the
road is likely to cost the ern region highlighting the this month ahead of the ensure that the roads de- ones, our ministry will have Lamu side of the LAPSSET
taxpayer Sh60 billion fol- growing importance of the coming planting season. stroyed by the floods are its work cut out,” he said. project should first consider
lowing President William LAPSSET initiative and fur- Flanked by Kenya Na- brought back to shape, not Murkomen lauded the the youth in Lamu.

Kenya Railway (KR) invites application from interested and eligible Firms for the below tenders:- Website :
Email : [email protected]

KR/SCM/122/2023 Proposed Construction of Residents Apartments in Msaada 1,000 OPEN 31st May, 2024 Empowering for Self-reliance
-2024 Estate (Tudor) in Mombasa County 10.00 a.m.

General Insurance Brokerage Service 1,000 OPEN
31 May, 2024

2.00 p.m.
KR/SCM/124/2023 3rd June, 2024
Purchase of Commercial Display Screens 1,000 OPEN
10.00 a.m. TENDER NOTICE
KR/SCM/125/2023 Relocation of Public Institution affected by Mombasa-Nairobi 3rd June, 2024
4. 1,000 OPEN
-2024 -Naivasha SGR Project (Mwamdudu Secondary School) 2.00 p.m. National Government Affirmative Action Fund is a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency (SAGA) under the
KR/SCM/126/2023 Relocation of Public Institution affected by Mombasa-Nairobi 4th June, 2024 Ministry of Finance and Planning. The Fund was enacted through Legal Notice No. 24 of the Public Finance Man-
5. 1,000 OPEN
-2024 -Naivasha SGR Project (Meat Training Institute – Athi River) 10.00 a.m. agement Act, 2012 and published on 13th February 2015. The fund is one of government initiatives anchored on
the vision 2030 development blue print under the social pillar to address the plight of vulnerable groups by re-
ducing poverty and inequality through enhanced access to financial facilities for social economic empowerment
KR/SCM/FRC/008/ 4th June, 2024 among women, youth, persons with disabilities, needy children and elderly persons in the country.
1. Printing of SGR Passenger Tickets (Framework Contract) 1,000 OPEN
2023-2024 2.00 p.m.
In order to effectively and efficiently deliver its mandate, the Fund invites eligible and competent service provid-
KR/SCM/FRC/009/ Supply and Delivery of Motor Vehicle and Heavy Machinery 5th June, 2024
2. 1,000 OPEN ers for the following tenders:
2023-2024 Tyres (Framework Contract) 10.00 a.m.
KR/SCM/FRC/010/ 5th June, 2024
3. Purchase of Locomotive Spare Parts (Framework Contract) 1,000 OPEN No. TENDER NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ELIGIBILITY CLOSING DATE
2023-2024 2.00 p.m.
Printing and Delivery of Printed Security Materials (Commuter
4. Train Tickets, Parking Tickets and Reconciliation Book) 1,000
2023-2024 GROUP 10.00 a.m.
– Framework Contract 2023 - 2024 SAFE HOUSE FOR NAIONAL GOV- AT 10.00 AM
Candidates are encouraged to peruse the Tender Document from KR Website:, and PPIP Website: FUND (NGAAF) NAIROBI - PHASE II or from the office of the General Manager- SCM, Kenya Railways Headquarters Block B, Ground floor, Nairobi
Interested bidders may obtain the Tender Documents from the office of the General Manager – SCM, Kenya Railways Headquarters, 2023-2024 ATMs AT 10.00 AM
Block B, Ground Floor upon payment of non-refundable fee of Kshs.1,000.00 or download the document from KR and PPIP website
at NO CHARGE. Bidders who download the Tender Document must register their interest immediately by sending an email to 3. NGAAF/NRB/TND/002/ SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF MOTOR OPEN TENDER 4TH JUNE, 2024
[email protected] stating their names, email, postal & telephone address and tender details. 2023-2024 BIKES, HELMETS, HEAVY DUTY AT 10.00 AM
Completed Tender Documents (accompanied by a Tender Security in the amount and form specified in the tender document) in plain
sealed envelopes must be clearly marked with the “Tender No. and the Description of the Tender”: and shall be addressed to:-
The eligible bidders shall be required to provide authenticated evidence that they have recently satisfactorily
The Managing Director carried out similar assignment.
Kenya Railways
P.O. Box 30121-00100 Tender documents with detailed specifications and conditions can be downloaded FREE OF CHARGE from
and be deposited in the Tender Box situated at the Reception Area, Ground Floor, Kenya Railways Headquarters, Block C on or
Completed tender documents in plain sealed envelopes should be deposited in tender box situated at Nyayo
before the closing date and time. Tenders will opened in the present of the tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend at the
Kenya Railways Headquarters. house 8th floor Door 14 Northern wing of the main building. So as to be received on or before 4TH JUNE, 2024
AT 10.00 AM. Opening of the bidding documents will be conducted publicly immediately thereafter at a venue
to be advised by Tender Opening Committee.
P. O. Box 983 -00100 NAIROBI.
MAY 21, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 15

Business Process Outsourcing Association CS Owalo leads

to market Kenya in new deal with Konza talks with Iranian
delegation on ICT
(MYGOV) ternet services, a well-ed-
ucated human resource co-operation
he Konza Techno- and higher English profi-
polis has signed a ciency,” Okwiri said. BY EVALYNE government services. To
Memorandum of “Business process support digital entrepre-

Understanding (MoU) outsourcing (BPO) is enya and the Is- neurship, the CS men-
with the Business Pro- a method of sub-con- lamic Republic of tioned that the Ministry
cess Outsourcing Associ- tracting various busi- Iran have formed has partnered with mo-
ation of Kenya (BPOAK) ness-related operations to a Joint Working Group to bile network operators to
to collaborate on mar- third-party vendors. Implement a Memoran- produce low-cost digital
keting Kenya as the most “As an association we dum of Understanding smartphones and other
preferred destination for are delighted to have this (MOU) signed by the two digital devices.
business outsourcing. collaboration with Konza countries on ICT cooper- Information, Com-
The MoU will also cover Ms Roselyn Maundu (left) Chairperson of BPOAK with Technopolis because our ation. The munication Technology
the development of fa- John Okwiri, CEO Konza Technopolis during the MoU members will enjoy nu- Cabinet Secretary for (ICT) and the Digital
vorable policies to attract signing ceremony merous and tremendous Information, Commu- Economy, Principal Sec-
BPOs and enhance digital benefits derived from nications, and the Dig- retary, Eng. John Tanui
skills among the youth. play. We have sufficient ing to Kenya’s knowledge Konza being a Special ital Economy, Mr. Eliud pointed out that the two
“This MOU heralds a new power through our green economy and the trans- Economic Zone (SEZ) and Owalo, held delibera- countries can exchange
dawn for the business pro- 400Kv sub-station and formation of the Kenyan also with a ready infra- tions with the Iranian ideas on various facets
cess outsourcing as it will a ready pool of digitally economy into a digitally structure that allows plug delegation, led by Deputy of ICT, adding that Kenya
allow us to leverage our skilled workforce through driven one. and play for our mem- ICT Minister Dr. Mey- can learn much from Iran
strength and make Kenya our Jitume Hubs,” Okwiri “Kenya is increas- bers,” Roselyn Maundu, sam Abedi, on how to on the development of
the preferred investment said. He noted that Konza ingly preferred as a BPO the Chairperson of BPOAK implement the MOU to science parks, where cit-
destination,” said the CEO Technopolis is a key flag- destination because of a said. optimally leverage ICT izens can explore more on
of Konza Technopolis, ship project of Kenya’s number of factors such “Kenya has two million in their respective coun- science and technology
John Paul Okwiri. Vision 2030 economic as, hosting six sub-ma- digital workers, we pro- tries. via inter-active exhibits.
Okwiri pointed out that development blueprint, rine fiber cables which duce over 10,000 gradu- Owalo stated that the Speaking as the Head
the Association brings to- which aims to transform provides reliable in- ates per year, we are the Government of Kenya of the delegation, Dr.
gether organizations in- Kenya into a middle-in- second country in Africa has laid out 100,000 Abedi acknowledged
volved in business process come country with higher As an asso- on English proficiency and kilometers of fiber-op- the vast milestones that
outsourcing in the country standards of living for our labour cost is com- tic cable, installed and the Islamic Republic of
with the vision of making Kenyans. ciation we petitive hence a preferred operationalized 25,000 Iran has accomplished in
Kenya the preferred and Okwiri said Konza is are delighted destination,” Maundu public Wi-Fi hotspots, technological advance-
largest BPO destination
in Africa. “We have ready
tasked with developing a
thriving sustainable smart
to have this col- added. She said the global
BPO industry is estimated
established 1,450 ward
innovation hubs, dig-
ment and expressed op-
timism in liaising with
infrastructure for BPO in- city and a vibrant innova- laboration with at trillion dollars and em- itized government re- the Kenyan Government
vestors to come plug and tion ecosystem contribut- Konza-Maundu ploys over 42m people. cords, and digitalized all to enhance ICT.

Tender Notice Public Notice

Kenya Revenue Authority invites bids from eligible candidates for the following tenders:
Public Participation on Valuation of Used Motor Vehicles
Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) informs the public that in compliance with the court
Supply, Delivery, Installation and
30TH May, 2024 13TH JUNE, 2024 ruling on petition 190 of 2018 and article 47 of the Constitution, KRA is required to
Commissioning of Local Area OPEN
11.00 AM 11.00 AM conduct public participation to obtain views on the Free on Board (FOB) Values for used
Networks (LAN) and routers in
motor vehicles before implementation of a new motor vehicle valuation database.
various KRA Stations

31 May, 2024
14TH JUNE, 2024 The importation of motor vehicles affects the public at large and in this regard, KRA
11.00 AM 11.00 AM is conducting engagement sessions with the motor vehicle importers value chain, the
Renewal of subscription licenses OPEN
for Cisco Webex Enterprise
VIRTUAL TIMES TOWER general public and any other interested party and are encouraged to send submissions
and feedback.
Tender documents detailing the requirements of the above tenders may be obtained from the Kenya Revenue Authority
website and the Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP) Kindly channel your submissions to the Commissioner Customs & Border Control,
Kenya Revenue Authority, P.O Box 48240-00100, Nairobi or by email to valuation@kra.
Deputy Commissioner - Supply Chain Management and [email protected] by 15th June, 2024.
Times Tower Building, 21st Floor,
P.O Box 48240– 00100 GPO,
Tel. +254709 012353 For clarification or further assistance please contact our Valuation Office on Tel:
Nairobi, Kenya. 0709013071 or 0709017137 or Email: [email protected]
Email :[email protected]
Any canvassing or giving of false information will lead to automatic disqualification. Commissioner for Customs & Border Control

Simplify your VAT and non-VAT business return filing by on-boarding on eTIMS today! Simplify your VAT and non-VAT business return filing by on-boarding on eTIMS today!
Disclaimer: KRA notifies taxpayers that it will not accept responsibility for payments not received, credited and validated in the relevant KRA accounts. Disclaimer: KRA notifies taxpayers that it will not accept responsibility for payments not received, credited and validated in the relevant KRA accounts.
Corruption Reporting: +254 (0726) 984 668, Email: [email protected]. Short Messaging Services (SMS): Dial (*572#) or Text to 22572. Corruption Reporting: +254 (0726) 984 668, Email: [email protected]. Short Messaging Services (SMS): Dial (*572#) or Text to 22572.
Contact Centre: +254 (020) 4 999 999, +254 (0711) 099 999, Email: [email protected]. Complaints & Information Centre Hotlines: +254 709 017 700 Contact Centre: +254 (020) 4 999 999, +254 (0711) 099 999, Email: [email protected]. Complaints & Information Centre Hotlines: +254 709 017 700
/ 800 Email: [email protected] / 800 Email: [email protected]
16 | NEWSFOCUS MAY 21, 2024


An ISO 9001:2015 Certified


1. Kenya Seed Company Limited invites sealed tenders from eligible tenderers for; Supply and delivery
EMERGENCY REINSTATEMENT WORKS FOR VARIOUS of paper packets and balers on framework contract for two (2) years.

ROADS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2023-2024 The tender information is as below: -

The Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) is a State Corporation established under the Kenya NO TENDER REFERENCE TENDER DESCRIPTION ELIGIBLE BID
Roads Act, 2007 with the responsibility for Management, Development, Rehabilitation and Maintenance NUMBER CATEGORY SECURITY
of National Roads. (KSH)
1 KSC/NOT/PPB/07/2023/24. Supply and delivery of paper OPEN 1,500,000.00
The Authority hereby invites bids from eligible contractors for Emergency Reinstatement Works for the packets and balers on framework
FY 2023-2024 to be funded through the Gok Development Funds. contract for two (2) years.
There shall be a Mandatory Pre-Tender Site Visit as specified in the detailed tender notice uploaded onto
the KeNHA website. 2. The tender is conducted under open tendering method and is open to all eligible and interested
A complete set of tender documents may be obtained by interested tenderers from the Kenya National
Highways Authority website: or PPIP portal: free of charge 3. Eligible and interested tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the Tender Documents
or from KeNHA Offices, Supply Chain Management Department during normal working hours upon during normal office working hours at Procurement Department, Kenya Seed Company Limited,
payment of non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1,000.00 (Kenya Shillings One Thousand only) in form of a Mbegu Plaza, Kitale.
banker’s cheque payable to Kenya National Highways Authority.
4. A complete set of tender documents may be obtained by interested candidates/tenderers upon
Bidders are encouraged to download tender documents to minimise physical visits to the KeNHA Office. payment of non-refundable fees of Ksh 1,000.00 in cash or Banker’s cheque payable to Kenya
Seed Company Limited or be accessed from Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP) or
The tender Closing/Opening date will be on 13th June, 2024 at 11.00 A.M. at KeNHA Headquarters, free of charge. Interested bidders who opt to download the Tender
Barabara Plaza, Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), Nairobi, Off Mazao Road, Block C - 2nd Floor Document shall be required to register/submit their contact details to
Board Room. [email protected] for recording and any further clarification or addenda.

All interested bidders are required to continually check the Kenya National Highways Authority website: 5. Completed tender documents properly SEALED, to be addressed to Managing Director, Kenya for any tender addenda or clarifications that may arise before submission date. Seed Company Limited, P.O Box 553 - 30200, Kitale and deposited into the tender box at the
Company’s Headquarters, Mbegu Plaza, Ground Floor, Kitale, so as to be received on or before 4th
Deputy Director, Supply Chain Management June, 2024 at 11.00 A.M. Tenders will be opened on the same date and time at Conference Room,
For: DIRECTOR GENERAL Mbegu Plaza, Kitale in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend.
Electronic tenders shall not be accepted and any late tenders shall be rejected.
For all your enquiries email us on: [email protected] Toll Free Line: 0800-211-244 Customer Care: 0700 423 606 #Road Safety Starts With You
@KeNHAKenya Website: Kenya National Highways Authority MANAGING DIRECTOR
ISO 9001:2015 Certified



GUARANTEE POLICY AND PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Commodities Fund, a Government agency established by the Crops Act, 2013 under the Ministry of Agriculture &
Livestock Development invites bids from prospective bidders to be considered for the following tenders:
The National Treasury and Economic Planning has developed a draft Credit Guarantee Policy and UNSERVICEABLE, SURPLUS STORES NATIONAL
proposed Amendments to the Central Bank of Kenya Act to support establishment of the Kenya AND ASSETS (GENERATOR)
Credit Guarantee Company. The Statutory Instruments Act, 2013 requires that all legal instruments
be subjected to public participation before they are published. COMFUND/SC/I/T/003/2023-2024 TENDER FOR THE PROVISION OF OPEN 5th June 2024
In this regard, the draft policy and proposed amendments have been hosted on the National
Treasury website for comments before publication. Meetings in other
regions have successfully been completed apart from Garissa which was postponed due to heavy
rains. Members of the general public are therefore invited to attend rescheduled meeting to be COMFUND/SC/I/REG/001/2023-2024 REGISTRATION OF SUPPLIERS OF OPEN & 5th June 2024

Wajir, Garissa and GARISSA Monday, 27 May 2024 9.00 a.m – 4.00 p.m
The Tender document with detailed information may be viewed and collected at the Fund’s offices situated at Utalii
Mandera Government Guest House-11th Floor; Utalii Street-off Uhuru Highway during normal working hours (8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and between
House 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m) at a cost of Ksh. 1,000.00. Prospective suppliers may also view and download the Docu-
ments free of charge from the Commodities Fund’s website: or from the Public Procurement
Information Portal (PPIP) portal. Those downloading the documents from the websites must
In order to facilitate timely consultations and have adequate time for consideration of the immediately forward the tender number applied, name of firm, address, and telephone number for recording, to:
comments, the comments should be forwarded in writing using the provided template to the [email protected] and/or [email protected]
undersigned or through the following email ([email protected]) not later than Wednesday,
Completed tender documents must be submitted enclosed in plain, sealed envelopes, clearly marked with the
29th May 2024.
Tender name, number, code number, and category as provided in the document, and deposit the documents in the
tender box located at the Reception, to be received on or before Wednesday, 5th June 2024 at 11.00 a.m. Tenders
shall be opened immediately after, at the Fund’s Boardroom, in the presence of bidders who choose to attend.
NJUGUNA NDUNG’U, EGH Late tenders shall be rejected.
For further inquiries, please call: 0728 602427/8 or email: [email protected] or [email protected]


MAY 21, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 17


THE FINANCIAL YEARS 2024/2025-2025/2026 UNDER NO. WPA/TN/03/2023-2024.
The Witness Protection Agency is an independent and autonomous state agency established under the Witness Protection No. Reference Number Category Description Eligibility Requirements
Act, Cap 79 of the Laws of Kenya. The Agency invites all eligible and qualified firms including those owned by Youth, Women
and Persons with Disabilities (YWPD) to submit sealed applications for purposes of registering suppliers of goods, works and 18. WPA/RS/32/2024-/2026 Provision of Car Hire and Taxi Services Open to All N/A
services for the period 2024/2025-2025/2026 under the categories listed below; (Nyanza, Western, Eastern, Coast, Rift
Valley, North Easter, Central and Nairobi
19. WPA/RS/33/2024-/2026 Provision of Auctioneering Services Open to All Registered with Auctioneers
No. Category Number Category Description Eligibility Requirements Licensing Board

1. WPA/RS/01/2024-/2026 Supply and Delivery of Office Equipment, Office Open to All N/A 20. WPA/RS/34/2024-/2026 Provision of Psychosocial Support Services Open to All N/A
Furniture, Furnishings & Fittings (Psychotherapists)

2. WPA/RS/02/2024-/2026 Supply and Delivery of Electrical items and Fit- Youth, Women and Persons with N/A 21. WPA/RS/35/2024-/2026 Provision of Branding, Printing and Publicity Youth, Women and N/A
tings Disabilities (YWPD) Services Persons with Disabili-
ties (YWPD)
3. WPA/RS/03/2024-/2026 Supply and Delivery of General Office Youth, Women and Persons with N/A
Stationery Disabilities (YWPD) 22. WPA/RS/36/2024-/2026 Provision of Professional Movers Services Open to All N/A

4. WPA/RS/04/2024-/2026 Supply and Delivery of Toners and Youth, Women and Persons with N/A 23. WPA/RS/37/2024-/2026 Supply, Installation, and Servicing of Fire- Open to All N/A
Cartridges Disabilities (YWPD) fighting Equipment

5. WPA/RS/05/2024-/2026 Supply and Delivery of Airtime Youth, Women and Persons with N/A 24. WPA/RS/38/2024-/2026 Supply, Installation, Servicing and Mainte- Open to All N/A
Disabilities (YWPD) nance of Generators

6. WPA/RS/06/2024-/2026 Supply and Delivery of Cleaning Materials and Youth, Women and Persons with N/A 25. WPA/RS/39/2024-/2026 Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Open to All Supply, Installation and Main-
Detergents Disabilities (YWPD) Access Control and CCTV Surveillance tenance of Access Control and
Systems and related accessories CCTV Surveillance Systems and
7. WPA/RS/07/2024-/2026 Supply and Delivery of Newspapers, Open to All N/A related accessories
Magazines, and Periodicals
26. WPA/RS/40/2024-/2026 Supply, Installation, Configuration and Open to All Valid Manufacturer’s Authoriza-
8. WPA/RS/08/2024-/2026 Supply and Delivery of Milk, Sugar and Beverages Youth, Women and Persons with N/A Maintenance of Enterprise Resource Plan- tion for the Microsoft Dynamics
Disabilities (YWPD) ning System (Microsoft Dynamics NAV and software and ICTA Accreditation
Dynamics 365 Business Central)
9. WPA/RS/09/2024-/2026 Supply and Delivery of bottled Drinking water Youth, Women and Persons with N/A
Disabilities (YWPD) 27. WPA/RS/41/2024-/2026 Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Open to All CA License
Internet and Domain Services
10. WPA/RS/10/2024-/2026 Supply and Delivery of Motor vehicle Tyres, Tubes Youth, Women and Persons with N/A
and Batteries Disabilities (YWPD) 28. WPA/RS/42/2024-/2026 Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Open to All CA License
Network Infrastructure and Data Centre NCA licence
11. WPA/RS/11/2024-/2026 Supply and Delivery of Branded Information, Youth, Women and Persons with N/A
Education and Communication (IEC) Materials Disabilities (YWPD) 29. WPA/RS/43/2024-/2026 Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Open to All CA License
and items Internet, Domain and hosting services
12. WPA/RS/12/2024-/2026 Supply and Delivery of Staff Uniforms, Youth, Women and Persons with N/A 30. WPA/RS/44/2024-/2026 Maintenance and Servicing of comput- Open to All ICTA Accreditation
Personal Protective Clothing and Foot ware Disabilities (YWPD) er equipment including Printers and
Photocopiers, Telephone system, document
13. WPA/RS/13/2024-/2026 Supply and Delivery of psychosocial Support tools Open to All N/A scanners, video conference equipment
14. WPA/RS/14/2024-/2026 Supply and delivery of Servers, UPs, Computers, Open to All N/A 31. WPA/RS/45/2024-/2026 Supply, delivery, design installation, config- Open to All Valid Manufacturer authorization
Laptops, Tablet Computers, Telephone handsets, uration, commissioning and maintenance for the software solution.
Mobile phones Printers and related computer of various software solutions including ICTA Accreditation
equipment. Electronic Document Management Systems,
Microsoft 365, CRM, websites.

32. WPA/RS/46/2024-/2026 Supply, delivery, Installation and configu- Open to All Valid Manufacturer authorization
CATEGORY B - SERVICES ration various computer software including for the software or Partnership
Windows Operating systems, MS SQL, certificate.
No. Reference Number Category Description Eligibility Requirements
Adobe, antivirus, Microsoft Office
1. WPA/RS/15/2024-/2026 Provision of Repair, Maintenance and service Open to All Registered Garages with
33. WPA/RS/47/2024-/2026 Supply, delivery, Installation, configuration, Open to All Partnership certifications for the
of Motor vehicles Ministry of Transport, Housing
commissioning and maintenance of network network equipment and security
& Urban Development
infrastructure, security and equipment. solutions
2. WPA/RS/16/2024-/2026 Provision of Air Travels Agency and Ticket- Youth, Women and IATA & KATA Certificate
ing Services Persons with
3. WPA/RS/17/2024-/2026 Provision of Legal Services Open to All Registered with Law Society of No. Reference Number Category Description Eligibility
Kenya (LSK)
1. WPA/RS/48/2024-/2026 Provision of HR related Consultancy Services Open to All
4. WPA/RS/18/2024-/2026 Provision of Transport, Postage and Courier Open to All
Services 2. WPA/RS/49/2024-/2026 Provision of Research Based Surveys Open to All
5. WPA/RS/19/2024-/2026 Provision of Event Planning and Youth, Women and N/A 3. WPA/RS/50/2024-/2026 Provision of ICT Related Consultancy Services Open to ALL
Management Services Persons with Disabili-
ties (YWPD)
6. WPA/RS/20/2024-/2026 Provision of Design, Document/Reports Open to All N/A 1. Duly Completed Signed and Stamped Confidential Business Questionnaire form (CBQ)
Writing and Editing and Publishing Services 2. Copy of Valid Tax Compliance Certificate
3. Copy of Company or Firm’s Registration Certificate/or Certificate of Incorporation
7. WPA/RS/21/2024-/2026 Provision of Conference Facility and Accom- Open to All N/A
4. CR 12 form for limited Companies and copy of ID for sole proprietor businesses
modation Services
5. Valid Business Permit/License from County Government
8. WPA/RS/22/2024-/2026 Provision of Motor Vehicle Insurance Open to All Registered with IRA/ AIBK 6. Valid AGPO certificate (for AGPO registered Firms)
Services (Underwriters Only) Additional requirements for specialized categories
9. WPA/RS/23/2024-/2026 Provision of Plant and Equipment Insurance Open to All Registered with IRA/ AIBK 1. Valid NCA certificate for building Contractors
Services (Underwriters Only) 2. Valid IATA and KATA license for travel Agents
3. Valid IHRM or relevant body for team building and HR Consultancy services
10. WPA/RS/24/2024-/2026 Provision of Medical Insurance Cover, Open to All Registered with IRA/ AIBK 4. Valid LSK registration for legal services
WIBA, GLA and GPA (Underwriters Only) 5. Valid ICTA/or CA Licence and Authorization/or partnership/or reseller Licenses for ICT related services as indicated above.
6. Membership of a Private Security Regulatory Authority for security guards’ services
11. WPA/RS/25/2024-/2026 Provision of Training and Team Building Open to All IHRM Certification 7. IRA for Insurance Service Provider firms

12. WPA/RS/26/2024-/2026 Provision of Asset Tagging and Bar-Coding Open to All N/A Note.
Services Applicants are required to Provide Valid and Current Certifications, Licenses, Membership documents as indicated in the table above at the time of
submission of the registration documents.
13. WPA/RS/27/2024-/2026 Provision of Security and Guarding Services Open to All Registered with Private Security
Interested bidders may obtain registration documents free of charge from our Liaison Office – Milimani Courts, 4th Floor, Room No. 413 from Tuesday
Regulatory Authority
14th May, 2024 between 09:00 a.m. and 03:00 p.m. The document can also be accessed from our website Downloaded document must be
14. WPA/RS/28/2024-/2026 Provision of Building and Construction Open to All Registered with NCA registered at our Liaison office before the closure of the advert.
Services Including Repair, Partitioning and Completed pre-qualification documents MUST be submitted in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked:
15. WPA/RS/29/2024-/2026 Provision of Valuation Services (Buildings, Open to All Registered with valuers Registra- 2024/25-25/26
Motor Vehicles, Computers and Office tion Board
CATEGORY……………………………………………………………………… and addressed to:
16. WPA/RS/30/2024-/2026 Provision of Fumigation & Pest Control Youth, Women and N/A WITNESS PROTECTION AGENCY,
Services Persons with Disabili- P.O.BOX 28801-00100, NAIROBI.
ties (YWPD)
and deposited in the Tender Box located at Liaison Office – Milimani Courts, 4th Floor, Room No. 413, Nairobi so as to be received on or before Friday
17. WPA/RS/31/2024-/2026 Provision of Letting/Housing Agents (Nyan- Open to All N/A 24th May, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.
za, Western, Eastern, Coast, Rift Valley, Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the bidder’s representatives who may choose to attend at Liaison Office – Mili-
North Eastern, Central and Nairobi Regions) mani Courts 4th Floor, Room No. 413, Nairobi. Late tenders will not be accepted.
18 | NEWSFOCUS MAY 21, 2024


MoH commences asset Kenyan is denied health

She noted that Kenya

verification of NHIF has made health financ-

ing one of the key pillars
for delivery of Universal
BY SHARON ATIENO AND She said that the verifi- the key sources to SHA,” Health coverage, adding
JOYCE KARANJA cation was in line with the she stated. that the government has

government’s commit- Speaking at Afya house enacted the Social Health
he Ministry of ment to ensuring a seam- in Nairobi on Monday as Insurance Act and pub-
Health (MoH) has less transition from NHIF she flagged off the exer- lished the regulations
flagged off the as- to SHA, one that does not cise, Nakhumicha said which establishes three
set verification disrupt service delivery to that the verification seeks funds including Primary
process of the National the people of Kenya. to ensure accountability Healthcare Fund, Social
Health Insurance Fund She acknowledged that and transparency as she Healthcare insurance fund
(NHIF) which is a pivotal the transition must be urged the team to be com- and Emergency Chronic
step towards transitioning seamless and that those mitted so that the verifi- Critical Illness Fund under
Ministry of Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha
to Social Health Insurance under NHIF cover should cation could be quick and speaking during the flagging off the asset verification the SHA umbrella.
(SHA). not realize the change ex- effective. process. The CS urged the stake-
Ministry of Health Cab- cept for the improved ser- The CS said that SHA holders to play their role
inet Secretary (CS) Susan vice they receive. would effectively run as She urged the health following receipts of nec- to ensure a seamless tran-
Nakhumicha said that “The verification seeks from July 1, 2024 and the service providers and fa- essary funds from the sition from NHIF to SHA in
they have embarked on to ascertain assets and li- registration of households cilities to continue pro- Treasury. order to facilitate a timely
the verification of NHIF abilities held by the NHIF would commence in the viding services to Kenyans Na k h u m i ch a an- transfer and initiation of
assets and liability to en- at the headquarters, month of May while she and reminded them that nounced that the MoH service provision by SHA
sure that there is an effec- branches, satellites and informed Kenyans that the MoH had begun the would continue to settle towards the attainment of
tive transition to the Social the various Huduma cen- the NHIF is still active and payments of the verified all the legitimate claims Universal Health Coverage
Health Authority. tres before handing over working. pending bills for NHIF in order to ensure that no (UHC).

State Department for Trade State Department for Trade

Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry


The Kenya National Multi Commodities Exchange Limited (KOMEX) is a
The Capital Markets 10 year Master Plan, under Pillar Il, observes that PHASE II - CALL FOR Financial Corporation under the State Department for Trade, Ministry
Kenya’s financial markets have reached the level of sophistication
CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST of Investments, Trade and Industry, with The National Treasury and The
from which the country can move to the next stage with the intro- EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (INVESTORS’ SELECTION) Nairobi Securities Exchange PLC as founding shareholders. It was incor-
duction of structured commodity markets & derivative markets as key (MEMBER REGISTRATION) porated in 2019 pursuant to a Government of Kenya Cabinet Directive
actions. PHASE I REOI No. KOMEX/001/2023-24
as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) and The National Implementing
Agency for establishing a private sector led National Multi-Commod-
REOI No. KOMEX/002/2023-24
The Kenya National Multi Commodities Exchange Limited (KOMEX) is a ities Exchange, a demutualised Commodities Exchange with region-
Financial Corporation under the State Department for Trade, Ministry SHAREHOLDING CATEGORIES: al and international linkages to operate a spot market segment for
of Investments, Trade and Industry, with The National Treasury and The MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES: over-the-counter (OTC) traded and Exchange traded spot contracts
A. Strategic Partners - 30%
Nairobi Securities Exchange PLC as founding shareholders. It was incor- for physical commodities securitized and warehoused at warehouse
1. Trading Members B. Public Sector - 25%
porated in 2019 pursuant to a Government of Kenya Cabinet Directive receipt system (WRS) certified warehouses as well as derivatives
2. Commodity Brokers C. Financial Institutions/DFIs - 25% market segment. The KOMEX Digital Marketplace facilitates efficient
as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) and The National Implementing 3. Clearing Members D. Agribusiness/Cooperatives - 10% price discovery, local/regional/international market access, financial
Agency for establishing a private sector led National Multi-Commod- 4. Affiliate Members E. Open -10% intermediation on trade & investments, and risk management.
ities Exchange, a demutualised Commodities Exchange with region-
al and international linkages to operate a spot market segment for TARGET GROUPS: REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICATION: KOMEX has an authorized share capital of KES Two (2) billion with
over-the-counter (OTC) traded and Exchange traded spot contracts a minimum subscription of 50,000 shares at KES. 100 per share
1. Farmers/Producers 1. Application Letter
for physical commodities securitized and warehoused at warehouse reserve price. The proceeds of capitalisation will be used for develop-
2. Cooperatives/Aggregators 2. Proof of Legal Status
receipt system (WRS) certified warehouses as well as derivatives mar- ing the commodities exchange technology & infrastructure; institutional
3. Agrodealers/Veterinarians 3. Proof of Business License/Permit
ket segment. The KOMEX Digital Marketplace facilitates efficient price supporting assets; investment in settlement guarantee fund; corpo-
4. Aggregators/Traders 4. Particulars of Partners
discovery, local/regional/international market access, financial inter- rate & operational purposes; strategic investments; trade & investment
5. Warehouse Operators Shareholders
mediation on trade & investments, and risk management. financing; other expenditures, and contingencies. Strategic & anchor
6. Commodity Brokers 5. Particulars of Directors investors will play a signifiant role in the success of the Exchange,
Driving Commodities Trade as a membership-based, Self-Regulatory 7. Manufacturers/Millers 6. Authorized Representative hence, KOMEX targets to have a diverse private sector led sharehold-
Organization (SRO), under the Capital Markets Act Cap 485A of 2019, 8. Institutions/Hotels/Restaurants 7. Copy of Historical Financials ing structure with co-investment from government and private investors
KOMEX promotes, facilitates and enables structured trading of qual- 9. Banks/Insurance/Fintech Firms 8. Investors’ Profile viz.,Famers, Farm Cooperatives, Individual Investors, Institutional Inves-
ity agricultural and non-agricultural commodities standardised and 10. Service Providers/Transporters 9. Proof of Financial Capability tors, Financial Institutions and Foreign investors. KOMEX will ensure a
securitised under the Warehouse Receipt System (WRS). The Capital 11. Associations/BMOs/CBOs/ balance between National and international shareholders, in its inves-
10. Proof of Relevant Experience
Markets Authority (CMA) has granted regulatory approval for the Trad- NGOs tor selection, to incorporate varied expertise, linkages & capacities in
ing Rules of The Exchange (KOMEX Rulebook 2023) and KOMEX has 12. Public Institutions & Agencies ownership & Board composition, and commodities value chain actors.
developed an integrated trading platform, Market Information System
REGISTRATION PROCESS: - Category A & C for Kenyan/ Applicants can access the EOI Submission Form & Investor Selec-
and payment settlement system, linked to the WRS Central Registry for
Foreign strategic institutional tion Criteria on and should indicate
buying and selling of raw and processed commodities, provision of Applicants will receive acknowl-
investors number of shares proposed for subscription, a non-binding offer price
market information, and fair market price discovery, all enabled by edgements by email from
- Category B for Kenyan Public in KES. per share, and attach relevant supporting documents in the
an eco-system of sector regulators, market participants, warehouse [email protected] and application. Prospective investors are invited to submit sealed EOIs
operators, financial institutions, trade support service providers, and shall be assigned dedicated KO-
referencing REOI No. KOMEX/001/2023-24 (KOMEX Equity Subscrip-
development partners. MEX Membership Officers to advise - Category D for Kenyan/EAC/
tion) in plain sealed envelopes (1 original + 2 copies) at the Tender Box
and guide on the fee structure, African institutional investors
situated on the 2nd Floor, KIBT Plaza, Ojijo Road, Parklands, Nairobi -
Seize The Opportunity to join KOMEX by registering as a member of the benefits, obligations, and on com- - Category E for Kenyan/Foreign KENYA and to send an electronic copy of the submission via email to
Exchange. Individuals and organizations interested in joining KOMEX pletion of membership registration, institutional or individual investors [email protected] both to be received at KOMEX not later than 11:00
are invited to complete and submit an online electronic Application training and on-boarding process. hrs EAT (Nairobi), Thursday 27th June 2024. EOIs will be opened imme-
Form on the KOMEX Registration Page at diately thereafter at the 4th Floor Boardroom, KIBT Building, Parklands,
tration or by downloading and completing the form, attaching and KOMEX MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS:
KOMEX MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS: Ojijo Road, Nairobi - KENYA, in the presence of applicants or their rep-
submitting it via email to [email protected] with the subject 1. Market Information resentatives who choose to attend.
reference REOI No. KOMEX/002/2023-24 (KOMEX Membership) 1. Market Information
2. Market Access & Linkages All EOI documents shall be in English and late EOIs shall be rejected.
2. Market Access & Linkages
3. Digital Trading Platform Successful applicants will access Information Memorandum, followed
Application and registration of KOMEX members is a continuous 3. Digital Trading Platform
process, and applications will be processed on a first come, first served 4. Price Discovery by due diligence, negotiations, confirmatory letters and formal sub-
4. Price Discovery scription.
basis. 5. Quality Commodities
5. Quality Commodities 6. Certified Warehouses
Kenya National Multi Commodities Exchange Ltd. (KOMEX) 6. Certified Warehouses 7. Timely Payment Kenya National Multi Commodities Exchange Ltd. (KOMEX)
Headoffice: 1st Floor, KIBT Plaza, Ojijo Road, Parklands, Nairobi 7. Timely Payment 8. Guaranteed Delivery Headoffice: 1st Floor, KIBT Plaza, Ojijo Road, Parklands, Nairobi
Address: P. O. BOX 30430 - 00100 GPO Nairobi - Kenya 8. Guaranteed Delivery 9. Financial Intermediation Address: P. O. BOX 30430 - 00100 GPO Nairobi - Kenya
Tel: +254 (0)20 315001/2-4 9. Financial Intermediation 10. Trade and Investment Support Tel: +254 (0)20 315001/2-4
Email: [email protected] | Website: 10. Trade and Investment Support Email: [email protected] | Website:
MAY 21, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 19

0716 208 470, 0712 307 083, 0763 664 752

For more Information contact
[email protected] SONGA
20 | NEWSFOCUS MAY 21, 2024


Lamu West’s water catchment areas Co-operatives

enhanced with 18,000 new trees Bill progresses
with resolution of
contentious issues
he State Department
for Shipping and
Maritime Affairs, led BY JOSEPH issues, and we are going
by Secretary of Adminis- NG’ANG’A(KNA) to submit a joint mem-

tration Mr. Isaiah Nakoru, he Government orandum to the National
in collaboration with NYS, ha s ex pre s s e d Assembly’s Trade and
KEFRI, KWS, KFS, Na- confidence that Cooperatives Committee,
tional Administration, and the Cooperatives Bill, which is collecting public
the community of Bomani 2024, which is meant to views on the bill,” the PS
in Lamu West constitu- streamline the indus- explained.
ency, has planted 18,000 try, will be passed into He noted that they met
seedlings on a 16.2-hec- law this year after key with the CoG Agriculture
tare piece of land in the contentious issues were Committee chairperson,
water catchment areas. agreed upon. Mr. Kenneth Lusaka, and
This activity is a re- State Department for his committee mem-
sponse to a presidential Cooperatives Principal bers and agreed on the
directive on tree planting Secretary, Mr. Patrick role that the Commis-
across the country, with Mr. Isaiah Nakoru, EBS (Secretary Administration) addressing the community before Kilemi, said he and his sioner for Cooperatives
Lamu County having a the tree planting session team have held a meeting will play, as well as the
target of planting 149 mil- with the Council of Gov- County Director of Co-
lion trees in the next ten bers of the community. of Lamu West, Mr. James lia spinosa (mwangati), ernors (CoG) and agreed operatives through the
years. He encouraged the local Githinji, lauded the activ- Erythriphleum guinen- on the delineation of du- County Executive Mem-
Speaking during the administration to organize ity, stating that it is their see (mkelekele), trichilia ties between the national ber for Cooperatives.
tree planting session, Mr. a multi-agency meeting to responsibility to collab- roka (mti maji), afzelia and county governments. The Cooperatives Bill
Nakoru stated that tree sensitize the community orate with agencies and quanzensis (mbambakofi) Speaking in Nairobi which has been in dis-
protection in the water about trees and their pro- participate in such activi- and Adansonia digitata during the launch of the cussion for about 15 years
catchment areas is critical tection. ties to protect the habitats (mbuyu or baobab). Ushirika activities in envisages a complete
and that the local admin- The Kenya Wildlife Ser- of the animals. Later the Ministry of 2024, Kilemi said the is- transformation of the co-
istration should address vice officer in charge “Lamu County is second Mining, Blue Economy sues agreed upon touch operative sector.
vices such as bush burn- in leading forest coverage and Maritime Affairs is on registration, inspec- The bill also seeks to
ing, which results in the Lamu in the country, and we planning to plant more tion, and agency notices, establish the Office of the
destruction of trees. are ready to assist in tree trees in collaboration with which were the last issues Commissioner for Coop-
Nakoru also urged the
County is planting and conserva- 13 schools situated within that CoG felt needed to erative Development at
community to take re- second in tion,” he said. the catchment areas be addressed to bring the the national level of gov-
sponsibility for looking
after the planted trees for
leading forest The tree species planted
include ,Tamarindas indica
where each student will
plant at least four seed-
cooperatives movement
into the devolution dis-
ernment and the Office
of the County Director
sustainability, as the trees coverage in the (mkwaju), Ficus Benjam- lings to spearhead the tree pensation. for Cooperatives in each
would benefit the mem- country ina (evergreen), Termina- planting agenda. “We have agreed on the county government.

Department of Lands, Physical Planning,
Housing & Urban Development


Kenya National Trading Corporation (KNTC) is a State Corporation in the Ministry of Investments,
Trade and Industry whose mandate is to provide Procurement agency services to the Government, LAND USE DEVELOPMENT PLAN
promote wholesale and retail trade through distribution of essential commodities within the coun-
try with flagship products including Fertilizers, Rice, Assorted Farm implements, Assorted Hardware
among other general supplies. KNTC also provides Warehousing space and services to the general LOCAL PHYSICAL AND LAND USE DEVELOPMENT PLAN
public besides supporting local SME’s through finding local and export markets for their products. FOR BONDENI INFORMAL SETTLEMENT IN GILGIL
The Corporation invites sealed tenders from eligible bidders for the listed tender. SUB-COUNTY, NAKURU COUNTY.
No. Tender No. Tender Description Eligibility Pursuant to the provision of Section 47 of the Physical and Land Use Planning Act 2019, NOTICE is hereby
given that the County Government of Nakuru in conjunction with the Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing
1. KNTC / TENDER/MEDICAL INSURANCE/ Provision of Medical Insurance cover Underwriters/
and Urban Development, intends to commence preparation of Local Physical and Land Use Development
01-2024-2025 for Board of Directors and staff Brokers Plan for Bondeni Informal Settlement.

Tender Documents containing detailed requirements can be downloaded for free of charge from The purpose of the Plan is: To enhance security of land tenure, regulate land use and development and
our website and the public procurement information portal (PPIP) improve access to basic services for the residents. The planning exercise will include: establishment of the
settlement’s boundaries, community mobilization; enumeration of residents and socio-economic surveys,
as the basis for preparation of the Plan. This Plan will form the basis for regularization of land tenure and
improvement of basic infrastructure within the settlement.
All clarifications and/or amendments will be published in the KNTC website and tenderers are
required to regularly check for any addendums or amendments in the course of bidding period This exercise will be carried out under Second Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP2), a
prior to the closing date. Government of Kenya project whose aim is formalize land tenure security of residents in participating urban
informal settlements and strengthen institutional capacity for slum upgrading in Kenya.
Completed Tender documents must be submitted in a plain sealed envelope clearly marked
Eg-‘TENDER NO: deposited in the Tender Box at KNTC Head Office, Ground Floor, Yarrow Road Preparation of this Plan will be participatory and therefore all the stakeholders are invited to the planning
Complex, Off Nanyuki Road, Industrial Area, Nairobi on or before 31st May 2024 at 11:00am, process. Any comments, enquiries or suggestions on the same may be done in writing to:
addressed to: The County Director of Physical and Land Use
The Managing Director P.O. BOX 2870-20100 Nakuru
Kenya National Trading Corporation
P.O. Box 30587-00100 NAIROBI Dated: 21st May, 2024.

Late Bids will NOT be accepted Hon. John Kihagi

County Executive Committee Member
Lands, Physical Planning Housing, and Urban Development
MAY 21, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 21

Milestone as Kenya validates first Draft Policy on

National Science, Technology, and Innovation
BY JOSEPH KAMOLO blueprint recognizes STI of science and technol- such as KALRO Act 2019,
(KNA) as a key enabler that is ogy sector priorities, ra- Biosafety Act 2009, Uni-
expected to drive the tionalize and re-structure versity Act, 2012 among

he Ministry of Edu- national development STI institutions, develop others, the PS said the STI
cation has validated agenda by ensuring that mechanisms for sustaina- Policy will be the overar-
the first draft of the all sectors of the economy ble financial resource mo- ching framework and a
Science, Technology, and have access to new tech- bilization as well enhance national policy guiding the
Innovation (STI) Policy to nologies and adequate the quality and capacity of research, science, tech-
serve as a cornerstone for knowledge in order to the human resource. nology and innovation
deploying science, tech- increase productivity and “The STI policy re-aligns ecosystem in Kenya.
nology, innovation, and efficiency. education and training The STI Policy focuses
technology for economic The STI Policy is geared programmes to national on facilitating transforma-
development. The Princi- towards the realization of goals and industry needs, tion of the economy from
pal Secretary in the State the country’s long-term strengthens STI infra- a factor-based to a knowl-
Department for Higher development goal of Vi- structure, facilitates the edge-based economy. The
Education and Research, sion 2030 in line with, development and growth end result of the Policy is
A senior Ministry of Education Official Fredrick
Dr. Beatrice Muganda In- Ndambuki delivers the keynote speech during the val- the Bottom-Up Economic of technology-based en- to mainstream STI into all
yangala, emphasized this idation exercise for the first Science Technology and Transformation Agenda terprises, and promotes a sectors through genera-
milestone during an ex- Innovation Policy in Kenya at the Kenya Institute of (BETA) which recognizes culture of STI in the coun- tion, acquisition, dissem-
ternal stakeholders’ vali- Curriculum Development(KICD) Nairobi Thursday. that true economic growth try,” Dr. Inyangala said, ination and utilisation of
dation workshop. starts by empowering adding that the objectives available capacities.
She stated that Kenya grassroots communities, will be achieved by creat- The document will now
has never had a national ument highlights compe- development,” Dr. Inyan- fostering innovation, and ing an enabling environ- be shared with the Par-
STI Policy since independ- tencies and opportunities gala said. leveraging the transform- ment that support talents liamentary Committee on
ence, and the one unveiled for technological learn- The PS noted that other ative power of STI. and creativity. Education for input and
will be the reference point ing, particularly within subsequent plans came She added that the ob- Although there are comments before being
for reflecting on the cru- industry and business en- before the Science and jectives of the STI Policy other sector specific poli- forwarded to the Cabinet
cial role played by science, terprises, ensuring a con- Technology Act (CAP 250) guide the identification cies and legal frameworks for approval.
technology, and innova- ducive policy environment of 1977 that was repealed
tion in the socioeconomic for STI to thrive. by enacting the Science,
development of the coun- “The initiative to have Technology and Inno-
try. an STI framework in place vation Act of 2013 which
In a speech delivered can be traced back to the focuses on STI Policy, as MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND WILDLIFE
on her behalf by the Sec- National Development enshrined in the Constitu-
retary for Administration Plan (1970 – 1974) which tion on the right to access STATE DEPARTMENT FOR WILDLIFE
in the Department, Mr. was based on the recog- information and scientific
Fredrick Ndambuki, Dr. nition of the important research as fundamental
Inyangala observed that role that STI play in the rights.
the key government doc- country’s social economic Kenya Vision 2030
Date: 21st May2024


S/ Reference Number Category Description Eligibility Requirements


1. SDW/ONT/O18/2023-2024 Civil works and routine maintenance of Open to all NCA


2. SDW/ONT/O19/2023-2024 Installation and refurbishment of fences Open to all NCA

BANDARI MARITIME ACADEMY 3. SDW/ONT/020/2023-2024 Installation of water tanks Open to all N/A

4. SDW/ONT/O21/2023-2024 Drilling, equipping, solarization and rehabili- Open to all NCA

Job Opportunities tation of boreholes

5. SDW/ONT/O22/2023-2024 Construction/ rehabilitation of water pans Open to all NCA

and dams
Bandari Maritime Academy was established through a Legal Notice No. 233 of 28 November, 2018, with the

mandate to develop academic and vocational skills and provide competent Maritime Human Resource for a 6. SDW/ONT/O23/2023-2024 Construction of toilets Open to all NCA
Sustainable Blue Economy.
Applications are invited from interested qualified persons for the vacant position below:
1. Duly Completed Signed and Stamped Confidential Business Questionnaire form
No. Ref. No. Position Grade 2. Copy of Valid Tax Compliance Certificate
3. Copy of Company or Firm’s Registration Certificate/or Certificate of Incorporation
1. BMA/23/MET/NS/6 Trainer Nautical Science (1 Vacancy) BMA 6 4. CR12 form for limited companies and copy of ID for sole proprietor business
2. BMA/23/MET/C/8 Coxswain – MET (2 Vacancies) BMA 9 5. Valid Business Permit/License from County Government
6. Valid NCA and EPRA certificate for building contractors

Successful candidates will be required to submit valid compliance certificates from Kenya Revenue Authority, Ethics ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS
and Anti- Corruption, a registered Credit Reference Bureau, Higher Education Loans Board and a certificate of good
conduct from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations before commencement of the employment contract. 1. Tendering will be conducted under open competitive method using standardized tender document.

Bandari Maritime Academy is an equal opportunity Employer promoting gender, equity and diversity. Qualified per- 2. Tendering is open to all qualified and interested tenderers.
sons with Disabilities are encouraged to apply. Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.
3. Interested eligible candidates may obtain the tender document from or
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. free of charge. Further information can be obtained at Supply Chain Management Unit, NSSF Building Block ‘A’
15 th floor P.O. Box 41394 - 00100 Nairobi, during normal working hours (from 0800hrs and 1700hrs).
4. The tenderer should chronically serialize all pages of the tender documents submitted with one copy.
Prospective candidates MUST fill out the online application form that is available on the Academy website at: After filling the online application form, applicants MUST submit a detailed CV 5. Application in plain sealed envelopes and clearly marked must be sent to the Principal Secretary, State Depart-
(with at least three referees), a copy of their national identification, accompanied with copies of academic certificates ment for Wildlife, P. O. Box 41394 - 00100, Nairobi or deposited into the Tender Box on the 15 th floor, NSSF
including Secondary Education certificate and professional certificates, in pdf format as one document, to be emailed Building Block ‘A’, so as to reach us on or before Wednesday 5th June, 2024 at 10.00 a.m.
to [email protected] so as to reach the Academy not later than Tuesday 11th June, 2024, 5pm Kenyan time.
6. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives who choose
Applicants must fill out the online application form and submit documents via email to be considered for the position. to attend the tender opening on 5th June, 2024, 10.00am at the NSSF Building.

Physical applications will not be accepted. 7. Tenderers who download the tender document and require clarification must forward their particulars at least 7 days
before the tender closing date to the head of procurement to facilitate any further clarification or addendum.
Applications received after the specified time will not be considered

The Director/CEO, 8. Tenders will be opened immediately after the deadline date. The tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of
Bandari Maritime Academy, tenderers or designated representatives
Bandari Maritime Building,
Bishop Makarios Close, 9. Late tenders shall be rejected.
P.O. Box 99409-80107,
22 | NEWSFOCUS MAY 21, 2024


Kenya forges ahead with National ICRAF, NDMA

Migration Policy amidst global challenges co-design
Climate Resilient
BY PATRICK NYAKUNDI event, the County Com-
missioner Mr Henry

he Na t i o n a l Wafula said he will sup-
Drought Man- port the project and
agement Author- urged the stakeholders
ity (NDMA), the World to use the national gov-
Agroforestry (ICRAF) ernment administration
and other stakehold- to reach the community
ers are co-designing and create awareness
a dashboard to help in about government pro-
decision-making in grams and policies
landscape restoration “I will support this
and climate resilience project to ensure it is
in Makueni County. realised. Our office
Members of the National Coordination Mechanism on Migration (NCM) during a stakeholders’ engagement held in Under the ‘Towards plays a key role in mo-
Kakamega. NCM embarked on a program to take the migration discourse from the national to the county level where the Ending Drought Emer- bilizing the community
actual migration takes place as government seeks to develop a national migration policy to provide a roadmap to address gencies (TWENDE)’ through its structures
impacts and challenges of migration in the country. PHOTO: GEORGE NDETO/ KNA project the dashboard in sub-counties. The
will help in proper county government of-
BY GEORGE KAIGA besides enhancing tion actually takes development plans, The National Coor- planning and coordi- ficers and other stake-
national security place. including through dination Mechanism nation and bring to- holders should work as a
and strengthening Awili emphasized the County Integrated on Migration (NCM), gether information and team,” he said.

he Government, the protection of mi- that the policy is cru- Development Plans established in 2016, is data in one platform. The administrator at
through the Na- grants. cial as Kenya is iden- (CIDPs). a government-led in- “The dashboard will the same time chal-
tional Coordi- George Awili, tified as one of the With support from ter-agency migration bring together in- lenged the area residents
nation Mechanism on a member of the countries of origin, the European Union coordination mech- formation and data to take advantage of the
Migration (NCM), is NCM Secretariat, transit, and desti- (EU) and German anism that brings in one platform that heavy rains pounding
developing a national while speaking in nation for migrants, Development Agency together all key gov- will easily be accessi- the county and plant
migration policy to Kakamega during the with many residing (GIZ), NCM seeks to ernment agencies ble to inform decision trees in their farms in a
provide a roadmap for 15th stakeholders’ within the jurisdic- invest and build local and non-state actors. making in developing bid to combat the effects
addressing the im- engagement forum, tions of county gov- capacity and to cre- Migration pol- shared understanding of climate change.
pacts and challenges mentioned that the ernments. ate knowledge about icy framework was of climate resilience On her part, NDMA
of migration in the policy also seeks to “Kenya being a mobile populations first mooted during in landscapes,” said County Drought Coor-
country. align with the 2010 two-tier govern- and affected com- the 74th Ordinary Christine Magaju, the dinator Ms Alice Munyao
The draft policy is Constitution, inter- ment, counties are munities, create mo- Session of Organi- Research Associate for said the project is being
currently undergo- national standards, the niche of migra- bility and migration zation of African Un- Soil and Land Health implemented in eleven
ing stakeholder dis- as well as the new tion, so people need County Focal Points ion (current AU) in at the World Agrofor- counties including Mars-
course and aims to realities that have to be sensitized to ac- or County Migration Bangui, Gambia, by estry (ICRAF) during a abit, Isiolo and Kajiado.
serve as the founda- emerged, especially knowledge both the and Mobility Work- Council of Ministers a TWENDE workshop Others are Garissa,
tion for mainstream- after the Covid-19 benefits, challenges ing Groups (CMWG) in the light of devel- in a hotel in Makindu. Tharaka Nithi, Kitui,
ing migration into pandemic and cli- as well as the emerg- on migration. opment of challenges During the work- Taita Taveta and Makueni
national develop- mate change emer- ing dynamics,” he It will also help ad- posed by migration shop, Magaju added where the project will
ment plans, improv- gency. He stated that added. dress issues of mobil- and later adopted that the dashboard benefit a total of 620,000
ing comprehensive the NCM has initiated He said NCM is ity, diaspora, IDPs, by the Intergovern- will also help to mon- households.
and coherent migra- a program to extend also keen to support human trafficking or mental Authority itor and report besides The project will be im-
tion management, the migration dis- counties to main- displacement, with a on Drought and De- building capacity on plemented in Makindu,
as well as harnessing course from the na- stream migration and broad range of stake- velopment (IGADD) data interpretation and Nguu Masumba, Thange,
the migration-devel- tional to the county human mobility into holders within and of which Kenya is a monitoring restoration Ngumo and Ivingoni/
opment relationship, level, where migra- county policies and among the counties. member. interventions. Nzambani Wards in the
Speaking at the same county.

Kisumu gears up for global sanitation governance conference in June

BY CHRIS potable water. amidst concerns over
Organized by the Water the slow pace in the im-
and Sanitation Provid- plementation of SDG VI

ver 5,000 dele- ers Association (WASPA) globally.According to the
gates are expected in collaboration with the United Nation (UN), one in
to converge in Ki- Ministry of Water and four people globally lack
sumu City in June 2024 for Irrigation, County Gov- safely managed drinking
this year’s Kenya Sanita- ernment of Kisumu, and water in their homes while
tion Governance and Ex- Kisumu Water and San- nearly half of the world’s
hibition Conference. itation Company (KI- population lacks safely
The forum will bring to- WASCO), the conference managed sanitation with
gether key stakeholders in will take stock of the gains only six years remaining
the Water, Sanitation, and made in enhancing access to the year 2030.
Hygiene (WASH) sector to clean drinking water Kenya’s progress to-
from Kenya and around and sanitation solutions wards achieving the SDG
the world to deliberate on across the country. VI has also been slow,
the prevailing challenges WASPA Chief Executive with only 60 per cent and
and share good practices. Officer Antony Ombugo, 20 per cent water and san-
Participants will also who paid a courtesy call itation coverage respec-
formulate strategies to on Kisumu Deputy Gov- tively.
accelerate the achieve- ernor Dr. Mathews Ow- Sewerage is currently
ment of Sustainable De- ili, said preparations for Water and Sanitation Providers Association team led by CEO Antony Ombugo (in blue available to only 3.9 mil-
velopment Goal (SDG) the conference are in top suit) during a courtesy call on Kisumu Deputy Governor Dr. Mathews Owili. lion people in 26 counties
VI, which requires gov- gear. Ombugo said key PHOTO: CHRIS MAHANDARA. in the country with two
ernments to ensure the stakeholders, including ernment agencies, have adding that the organizers class conference. thirds of this living in Nai-
availability of clean and national and county gov- confirmed attendance, are set to deliver a world- The conference comes robi City County.
MAY 21, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 23


Date:21st May, 2024
Sports Kenya (SK) is a state corporation established by the Sports Act, 2013 and given the mandate to
promote coordinate and implement national and international sports programmes, establish, manage, REFERENCE NO. WORKS AT 11.00 AM
develop and maintain sports facilities including convention centers, indoor sporting and recreational
facilities in the country and participate in the promotion of sports tourism among others. SK/REG/018/2024- Provision of transport, car hire and taxi Open 5th June 2024
2026 services
SK hereinafter referred to as “Procuring entity” invites tenders and registration of Suppliers and Service SK/REG/019/2024- Servicing, maintenance, and repair of motor Open 5th June 2024
providers for the under listed categories of goods, works and services. The resultant list will be updated 2026 vehicles
periodically as prescribed in Regulations and in accordance with the Public Procurement and Asset
SK/REG/020/2024- Repair and Maintenance of Computer Equip- Reserved 5th June 2024
Disposal Act (PPAD) 2015. SK now invites applications from interested eligible firms for registration as
2026 ment Printers and Ups Groups
Suppliers/Service providers for the years 2024 - 2026 as indicated in the schedule below:
SK/REG/021/2024- Provision of Travel and Related Services Open 5th June 2024
Categories marked “Open” are accessible to all interested, eligible candidates. Categories marked re- 2026
served groups are reserved for Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) SK/REG/022/2024- Supply, delivery and installation of ICT Open 5th June 2024
2026 software’s
SK/REG/023/2024- Provision of Print Management Services Open 5th June 2024
OPEN TENDER SK/REG/024/2024- Provision of Valuation Services Open 5th June 2024
AT 11.00 AM SK/REG/025/2024- Provision of Sanitary and Fumigation Services Reserved 5th June 2024
SK/001/2024-2025 Provision of Security Services Open 5th June 2024 2026 Groups

SK/002/2024-2025 Provision of Cleaning Services Open 5th June 2024 SK/REG/026/2024- Provision of Repairs, Servicing and Spares for Open 5th June 2024
2026 Generators, Pumps, Boiler Spares, kitchen
FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTS equipment and laundry machines
SK/FRAM/001/2024- Framework Agreement for The Supply and Reserved 5th June 2024 SK/REG/027/2024- Small Works, Mechanical, Plumbing, Civil, Open 5th June 2024
2026 Delivery of Foods Items for The Stadion groups 2026 Electrical Electronic, Building and Painting
SK/REG/028/2024- Provision of Garbage Collection Services Reserved 5th June 2024
SK/FRAM/002/2024- Framework Agreement for The Supply and Open 5th June 2024 2026 Groups
2026 Delivery of LPG gas for The Stadion Hotel
SK/REG/029/2024- Provision of pitch maintenance services Open 5th June 2024
REGISTRATION DESCRIPTION OF GOODS, SERVICES & ELIGIBILITY CLOSING DATE SK/REG/030/2024- Provision of team building facilitation Open 5th June 2024
REFERENCE NO. WORKS AT 11.00 AM 2026 services
SK/REG/001/2024- Supply and Delivery of General Stationery Reserved 5th June 2024 SK/REG/031/2024- Provision of hotel and conferencing facilities Open 5th June 2024
2026 and Other Consumables Groups 2026
SK/REG/002/2024- Supply and delivery of pool chemicals Open 5th June 2024 SK/REG/032/2024- Provision of Tents, Chairs and Décor Reserved 5th June 2024
2026 2026 Groups
SK/REG/003/2024- Supply and Delivery of Computer, Printers, Reserved 5th June 2024 SK/033/2024-2026 Provision of Insurance brokerage for General Reserved 5th June 2024
2026 Ups, Laptops and Accessories Groups & Motor Vehicle Insurance Groups
SK/REG/004/2024- Supply of Prepaid Airtime Open 5th June 2024 CONSULTANCY SERVICES
SK/REG/034/2024- Provision of Training Services, Manage- Open 5th June 2024
SK/REG/005/2024- Supply and Delivery of Office Furniture and Open 5th June 2024 2026 ment Consultancy Services in Research,
2026 Fittings Performance Contracting, Job Evaluation &
Strategic Planning
SK/REG/006/2024- Supply and Delivery of Branded Uniforms Open 5th June 2024
2026 and Protective Clothing SK/REG/035/2024- Provision of Communications related Open 5th June 2024
2026 Consultancy services (website development,
SK/REG/007/2024- Supply and Delivery of Hardware, Electrical Open 5 June 2024
brand development, media relations, public
2026 and Electronic Items
relations etc)
SK/REG/008/2024- Supply and Delivery of Goat Manure, Fertil- Reserved 5th June 2024
SK/REG/036/2024- Provision of Engineering Services, Civil Open 5th June 2024
2026 izers, Farm Chemicals, River Sand, Top Red Groups
2026 & Structural, Surveying, Mechanical and
Soil, Ballast, Hardcore
Electrical Services NB: APPLICATIONS MUST
SK/REG/009/2024- Supply and Delivery of Swimming Pool and Reserved 5th June 2024 INCLUDE ARCHITECT, QS, CIVIL/STRUCTUR-
2026 Water Treatment Chemicals Groups AL & SERVICE ENGINEERS

SK/REG/010/2024- Supply and Delivery of Detergents, Disinfec- Reserved 5th June 2024 The Registration documents containing the submission information, detailed terms and conditions of
2026 tants and Cleaning Materials Groups qualification may be downloaded free of charge from SK’s website and PPIP
SK/REG/011/2024- Supply and Delivery of Bed Linen and Up- Reserved 5th June 2024
2026 holstery Materials Groups Completed Registration documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes, marked with the
SK/REG/012/2024- Supply and Delivery of Fuel, Gases, Lubri- Open 5th June 2024 Registration Category number and name and be deposited in the tender box provided at The SPORTS
2026 cants, Motor Vehicle Tyres, Tubes, Batteries KENYA, MOI INTERNATIONAL SPORTS CENTRE, KASARANI, Nairobi or be
addressed to:

SK/REG/013/2024- Provision of Repairs Services and Spares for Open 5th June 2024 DIRECTOR GENERAL SPORTS KENYA,
SK/REG/014/2024- Supply and Delivery and Delivery of Cutlery Reserved 5th June 2024 NAIROBI
2026 and Crockery Groups
So as to be received on or before 5th June 2024 at 11:00 AM.
SK/REG/015/2024- Supply and Delivery of Sports Equipment Open 5th June 2024
2026 Applications for registration must be accompanied by a Bidder’s undertaking on Ethics and Integrity
form attached. The application documents will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the
SK/REG/016/2024- Supply,Delivery and servicing of Firefighting Open 5 June 2024
tenderers representatives who choose to attend the opening at the Board Room, 1st floor, Head office
2026 Equipment and Materials
SK/REG/017/2024- Designing and Printing of Branded Merchan- Reserved 5th June 2024 SPORTS KENYA
2026 dising Items, Promotional Materials and Groups
Communication Publications
24 | NEWSFOCUS MAY 21, 2024


Engineers Board to establish the goals, strategies, and ac-

tion plans, this document

Kenya School of Engineering to

serves as a compass that
will guide our organiza-
tion towards sustainable

execute infrastructural projects growth and enhanced

service delivery with dil-
igence, transparency, and
(MYGOV) world-class infrastruc- She pointed out that integrity,” said Eng. Ogai.

ture to support economic these infrastructure de- She noted that over the
ngineers Board of growth and regional inte- velopments are essential planning period, EBK will
Kenya (EBK) plans gration,” said Eng. Ogai. for enhancing agricultural focus on regulation of en-
to establish the Speaking to MyGov after productivity and promot- gineering services, de-
Kenya School of the launch of EBK’s strate- ing inclusive growth in ru- velopment of capacity for
Engineering that will play gic plan presided over by ral areas. general practice of engi-
a crucial role in ensuring Roads Cabinet Secretary Further, the Registrar neering, strategic partner-
that infrastructure projects Kipchumba Murkomen said that by leveraging in ships and collaborations
are executed to high engi- in Nairobi, the Registrar technology, Engineers can and institutional strength-
neering standards. said that EBK contributes be instrumental in devel- ening.
According to the EBK to the development of a oping and implementing “This strategic plan has
Registrar/CEO Eng. Mar- skilled engineering work- new technologies in agri- Engineers Board of Kenya Registrar/CEO Eng. Margaret been aligned with the
garet Ogai, the school will force through registration, culture, such as precision Ogai Constitution of Kenya
provide facilities and op- licencing and regulation. farming techniques, au- and adhere to regulations strategic plan envisages to 2010, the national de-
portunities for learning, “By encouraging engi- tomated systems, and re- and standards related to support capacity-building velopment agenda and
professional exposure and neers to adopt innovative newable energy solutions construction and infra- initiatives for engineers other key aspirations as
skills acquisition and cause practices and technolo- for agricultural operations. structure development. and technical profession- contained in various pol-
continuous professional gies, Engineers play a crit- “These innovations can “In agriculture, compli- als working in the agri- icy documents including
development programmes ical role in designing and lead to increased agricul- ance with environmental culture sector through the Bottom-up Economic
for engineers. implementing infrastruc- tural productivity and sus- regulations, land use plan- training and certification Transformation Agenda
“This aligns with the ture projects, including tainability, contributing ning, and safety standards programmes that help en- (BETA), Vision 2030, Afri-
Bottom-Up Economic roads, bridges, irrigation to agricultural transfor- is crucial to achieving in- gineers better serve the can Union’s agenda 2063
Transformation Agenda systems, and agricultural mation. The Board ensures clusive and sustainable needs of the agricultural and the Sustainable De-
(BETA) economic pil- processing facilities,” said that engineers involved in growth,” she said. industry. velopment Goals (SDGs),”
lar’s focus on developing Eng. Ogai. such projects are qualified Eng. Ogai said that the “By outlining clear she said.


The Kenya Civil Aviation Authority University of Choice
Tel, 0572505222/3 or 0733120020/2 or 0702597360, P.O. BOX 190 – 50100 Kakamega, Kenya
NOTICE FOR STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT ON REGULATIONS Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website:

Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA) was established under the Civil Aviation Act, 2013 (as amended) TENDER NOTICE
and mandated, among other functions, to regulate the aviation industry in Kenya. As obliged by the pro-
visions of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, the Authority, in regulating the aviation industry, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology hereby invites eligible and interested candidates to apply
has developed specific operating Regulations and issued subsidiary legislation, which incorporates Stan- for Registration of Suppliers, Contractors and Service Providers for Financial Year 2024/2025 & 2025-2026 and
dards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) issued for global uniformity and regularity in air navigation. Tenders as follows;

The Authority published draft regulations, on its website ( for stakeholder consultations CATEGORY A: REGISTRATION OF SUPPLIERS
on 9 May 2024, in compliance with the provisions of the Statutory Instruments Act, 2013. According-
Tender Number Tender Description
ly, and in line with the regulation making process, the Authority wishes to give notice for a stakeholder
engagement meeting to be held 21 days after the publication. 1. MMUST/REG/-/2024-2026 Registration of Suppliers, Contractors and Service Providers for Financial
Year 2024/2025 & 2025-2026
Therefore, a stakeholder engagement meeting shall be held from 12th to 14th June 2024, at Panari Hotel,
to provide stakeholders an opportunity to engage the Authority on the draft regulations as part of the reg-
ulation making process. CATEGORY B: TENDERS
Stakeholders who wish to attend the engagemet meeting are invited to register using the following link SECURITY ITY
available on our website as well: IN KSHS.
1. MMUST/SEC/007/2024-2025 Provision of Fire Fighting Equipment, 40,000 Open
The Draft Regulations are as follows: Servicing & Maintenance Services
2. MMUST/TRANS/008/2024-2025 Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicle Fuel 200,000 Open
Oil & Lubricants
3. MMUST/INS/009/2023-2024 Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing & 60,000 Open
1 Draft Civil Aviation (Aerial Works – General) Regulations, 2024 Commissioning of Closed Circuit Tele-
vision (CCTV)
2. Draft Civil Aviation (Aerial Works – Agricultural) Regulations, 2024
4. MMUST/010/DIS/2023 - 2024 Sale of Assorted Boarded Items - Open
3. Draft Civil Aviation (Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air) Regulations, 2024
4 Draft Civil Aviation (Environmental Protection – Engine Emissions) Regulations, 2024 Interested and eligible firms may obtain further information from procurement office during normal working
5 Draft Civil Aviation (Environmental Protection – Aircraft Noise) Regulations, 2024 hours. Tender documents may be viewed and downloaded FREE of charge from the University website: or PPIP Portal https//
6 Draft Civil Aviation (Hot Air Balloon) Regulations, 2024
Duly completed tender documents enclosed in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with Tender name and
7 Draft Civil Aviation (Fatigue Management) Regulations, 2024 Number shall be sent to;
8 Draft Civil Aviation (Aviation Security) Regulations, 2024 Vice Chancellor
Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology- MMUST
9 Draft Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations, 2024 P. O. Box 190-50100 Kakamega
Or, dropped in the Tender Box situated at the main entrance of the Administration Block (ABA) Building at
The Authority also welcomes written submissions and comments to be sent through email Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology (MMUST) main campus along Kakamega – Webuye Road in
[email protected] as part of the engagement process. Kakamega and not any other place so as to reach the University not later than 10:00am on Wednesday 5th June,
2023. Opening of the bid documents will be done immediately thereafter in the presence of applicants or their
representatives who choose to attend.
Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology
MAY 21, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 25

Parliament Approves New Lands Regulations


he National Assem-
bly has approved a
series of new regula-
tions aimed at improving
service delivery within
the state Department for VACANCIES
Lands and Physical Plan-
ning. The National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) is a State Agency established by The Persons
The Principal Secretary with Disabilities Act No. 14 of 2003. The mandate of the Council is to promote and protect the rights of
for Lands and Physical persons with disabilities. To achieve this mandate, the Board seeks to replace the following positions.
Planning Generali Nixon
Korir (pictured) said the No. Designation Job Grade No. of Positions
approval of these regula-
tions marks a significant 1 Assistant Director Human Resource and Administration NCPD 3 1
step forward in the reform Officer
of land administration in 2 Senior Records Management Assistant NCPD 7 1
the country. compassed in Legal No- actions) (Amendment) Reg-
“With the new meas- tices 69 through 77 of ulations, 2024 (Legal Notice 1. Detailed job descriptions, requirements and how to apply are available on the website
ures in place, the State 2024 comply with the No. 70)
Department for Lands and Constitution,the Statu- Survey (Amendment) 2. All applications MUST be received on or before 10th June, 2024 at 5.00 p.m.
Physical Planning is bet- tory Instruments Act of Regulations, 2024 (Legal 3. NCPWD is an equal opportunity employer. Persons with disabilities, females, marginalized and
ter equipped to provide 2013, and their respective Notice No. 71), Physical and minorities with requisite qualifications are encouraged to apply
efficient, transparent, and Parent Acts. These regu- Land Use Planning (Plan- 4. There is NO fees charged by NCPWD for any application of these positions
accountable services to lations were subsequently ning Fees) (Amendment) 5. Canvassing for any of these positions will result in disqualification of the candidate
the public,” said PS Korir. approved under the pro- Regulations, 2024 (Legal 6. ONLY shortlisted candidates will be contacted and will be required to avail the following documents
He added that the visions of the Statutory Notice No. 72) during the interview:
changes underscore the Instruments Act and the Community Land a) Original academic certificates
government’s commit- National Assembly’s (Amendment) Regulations, b) Chapter 6 Clearances
ment to addressing long- Standing Order 210(4)(a) 2024 (Legal Notice No.
7. Applicants are requested to fill in NCPWD application for employment form which can be download-
standing issues within the The approved regulations, 73),The land ( Amendment) ed from the organization’s website, attaching CV, copies of certificates & testimonials, professional
land sector and fostering which were tabled by the Regulations 2024, ( Legal certificates (where applicable) and copy of national identity card.
a more equitable and effi- State Department for Lands notice No. 74);The Land
cient land administration and Physical Planning for Registration (Revocation) Applications should be hand delivered or posted in the post office and addressed to:
system. consideration under Sec- Regulations 2024,( Legal
Chaired by Ainabkoi MP tion 12(1) of the Statutory notice No. 75),The Land EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR,
Samuel Chepkonga the Instruments Act of 2013, in- Adjudication (Amendment) National Council for Persons with Disabilities,
National Parliamentary clude the following:Valuers Regulations 2024, ( Le- Orthopedic centre compound, opposite ABC place,
Committee on Delegated (Forms and Fees) (Amend- gal notice No. 76) and The P.O Box 66577 – 00800
Legislation meticulously ment) Rules, 2024 (Le- Land Registration (General) NAIROBI, KENYA
reviewed and confirmed gal Notice No. 69),Survey (Amendment) Regulations
that the regulations, en- (Electronic Cadastre Trans- 2024, ( Legal notice No. 77).


The National Museums of Kenya (NMK) invites bids from reputable and qualified suppliers for the following tenders:-



1. NMK/T/03/INSURANCE/GEN/2024-2026 Provision of General Insurance Services ALL Northern Water Works Development Agency a State Corporation in the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation
has received funds from the National Treasury towards the cost of financing water projects and intends to use part
2. NMK/T/04/SECURITY/2024-2026 Provision of Security Guarding Services and ALL of these funds to cover eligible payment under the Contract as tabulated below
Alarm Systems
S/ Tender No Description County/ Eligibility Tender Closing
3. NMK/T/05/CLEANING SERVICES/2024-2026 Provision of Cleaning Services YWPD
No Constituency Security in Date/Time
4. NMK/T/06/GARBAGE/2024-2026 Provision of Garbage Collection Services YWPD Kshs

5. NMK/T/07/FIRE FIGHTING/2024-2026 Provision of Fire Fighting Services YWPD 1 NWWDA/T/CW/051/ Construction of Garissa - Reserved Tender 06-06-2024
2023-2024 Weeldoni Water Pan Dadaab for Youth, Securing 11.00 am
6. NMK/T/08/SANITARY/2024-2026 Provision of Sanitary Services YWPD Women & Declaration
7. NMK/T/09/GENERATOR/2024-2026 Maintenance and servicing of Generator(s) YWPD
2 NWWDA/T/CW/052/ Construction of Bogyar Garissa - Reserved Tender 06-06-2024
8. NMK/T/10/LIFTS/2024-2026 Maintenance and servicing of Lifts ALL 2023-2024 Water pan Dadaab for Youth, Securing 11.00 am
Women & Declaration
9. NMK/T/11/ACOND/2024-2026 Maintenance and servicing of Air Conditioners ALL PWDs
10. NMK/T/12/SERVERS/2024-2026 Maintenance and servicing of Computer Servers ALL

Interested bidders may obtain detailed information and inspect the tender documents at the Office of the Chief Procure-
PWDs- Persons With Disabilities
ment Officer, NMK Headquarters on Museum Hill during normal working hours Monday – Friday 9.00 am – 4:00
pm. Alternatively, the tender documents may be downloaded free of charge from the NMK Website – Tender documents may be obtained by Interested eligible bidders by downloading free of charge from NWWDA website: and Upon downloading bidders must immediately send/email
their names and contact details to [email protected] for recording and issuance of any clarifications if any.
A complete set of tender documents may also be obtained upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1,000 in cash
payable at the Cash Office – Heritage Centre. Addendum/Clarifications will also be posted in the NWWDA website immediately they become available.
Completed tender document shall be sealed and marked as instructed in the tender document, addressed to:-
Complete tender documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with the tender number should be depos-
Director General, ited in the tender box at Northern water Works Development Agency, G round Floor, Maji House Kismayo Road
National Museums of Kenya, Garissa and addressed to:
P.O.Box 40658-00100, The Chief Executive Officer
NAIROBI. Northern Water Works Development Agency
and deposited in the Tender Box located at the Earth Sciences Building reception area on or before 04th June, 2024 at
P.O. Box 495-70100
12:00 Noon. GARISSA

Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the Old Board Room in the presence of the Tenderers or their Tenders will be opened at 11.30 am same day in the conference room in the presence of the tenderers represen-
representatives who choose to attend. tatives who choose to attend. Late bids will not be accepted.
26 | NEWSFOCUS MAY 21, 2024


GDC plans an
extra 218 MW
Tel No: 254 20 3922000, Fax No: 254 20 3922400 Email: [email protected] Commercial Street, Industrial Area
P.O. Box 47715-00100 GPO Nairobi, Kenya
power from
Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) is a State Corporation established through an Act of Parliament, with the mandate to procure, warehouse and distribute drugs
AND JANE WAMBUI up and commissioned.
and medical supplies for prescribed public health programs, the national strategic stock reserve, prescribed essential health packages and national referral hospitals. (KNA) The demonstration
projects include steam-

Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) invites applications from suitable qualified candidates for the following position:
eothermal De- heated green houses,
velopment steam-heated aquacul-
Job title: Chief Executive Officer
Company (GDC) ture ponds, geothermal
Reports to: Board of Directors plans to pump an extra milk pasteurizer plant,
Term: Four Years (Renewable once subject to satisfactory performance) 218 megawatts (MW) geothermal laundry unit
into the national grid and geothermal grain
SUBJECT AND DESCRIPTION in the next five years. dryer.
GDC Managing Di- “The direct use demo
Job summary
rector and Chief Ex- project was set up to
The job holder is responsible for providing overall leadership and administration of the Authority’s operations overseeing all the strategic, operational and financial ecutive Officer Mr Paul showcase the viability
management of the Authority under the guidance of the Board of Directors. He/she will be required to develop and champion a bold and compelling strategy that Ngugi said to achieve of direct use technology
inspires commitment across the Authority to meet KEMSA’s mandate. this, the state-owned and act as a marketing
ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES corporation has laid tool for GDC to potential
out plans to drill 57 ge- investors, research and
Leadership and technical capabilities othermal wells, adding learning institutions and
• Provide strategic leadership to the Authority and all its departments in the achievement of KEMSA’s mandate.
that the firm will need the community that sur-
• Prepare the annual budgets and procurement plans and establish proper internal controls. Sh102.2 billion (USD rounds Menengai Crater.
• Lead in the planning, development and execution of strategic and operational goals and objectives. 802 million) to com- The steam powered
• Develop and implement best corporate governance practices in the Authority including crafting of new or enhancing existing policies and procedures. plete the project. grain dryer, the first of
• Oversee the development and implementation of the annual organisational work plan and budgets.
• Implement policies and programmes across the Authority ensuring alignment with the Authority’s philosophy, vision, mission and core values and reporting Mr Ngugi indicated its kind in Kenya and the
thereon to the Board. that to raise the funds, region has a capacity of
• Develop and implement deliberate and sustainable social enterprise initiatives that provide a surplus for the Authority. the firm is project- drying 20 tonnes of ce-
• Lead the day to day running and operation of the Authority including providing leadership to senior management and staff to ensure excellent performance in
line with KEMSA’s mandate.
ing to increase steam reals per day.
• Management of funds, property and affairs of the Authority. sales, commercialize He added GDC has
• Coordinate and champion the digital transformation of the Authority in delivering KEMSA’s mandate. direct-use projects, embarked on commer-
• Lead the implementation of universal healthcare by KEMSA in liaison with the Ministry of Health, County Governments and other associated stakeholders. engage in consultancy cializing the technology
• Lead and champion international best practices in operations, quality assurance and competitiveness of the Authority.
• Source, lead, coach and develop a strong management team, while fostering a culture of coaching and mentoring to ensure competitive advantage in human services, funding from by inviting investors to
capital assets in the Authority. the government, and use the technology to
• Implement a culture of innovation and initiate organisation wide process re-engineering, leveraging on the Authority’s existing internal infrastructure and ensuring investment and joint power processes in their
programmatic objectives are supported internally.
• Establish strong networks and partnerships for growth, ensuring enhanced public image and reputation.
development with firms or investments.
• Coordinate all stakeholder management initiatives, maintaining key relationships with the National government and County governments, key stakeholders, strategic partners. Mr Ngugi said the use
development partners and media, while spearheading collaboration and engagement. Speaking during of geothermal steam in
• Provide regular, thorough and prompt communication to the Board on key technical, financial and administrative matters the launch of the GDC industrial processes will
Operational responsibilities 2023-2027 Strategy reduce greenhouse gas
Plan the CEO indicated emissions and that it was
• Oversee budget allocation and advise leaders on use across the Authority. that the company has a reliable and available
• Manage the performance of assigned team and coach them to develop their competencies.
• Carry out any other role as assigned by the Board of Directors.
officially kicked off di- source of energy through
rect use of geothermal all seasons.
trial processes within that these innovations
• Bachelor’s degree in any of the following fields; Pharmacy, Medicine, Business Management, Finance, Supply Chain Management or any other related field from
a recognized University. the Special Economic will make Kenya a com-
• Post Graduate degree in any of the following fields; Pharmacy, Medicine, Business Management, Finance, Supply Chain Management or any other related field Zone at Menengai in petitive investment hub
from a recognized University. Nakuru County. as industrialists will save
• Minimum of 12 years’ experience in position of senior management for a period of at least five (5) years preferably in health, supply chain management, commer-
cial or public sector.
Besides electricity, a great deal on energy
• Over 5 years’ experience in management of diverse donor funded projects/ strategic partnerships. geothermal energy costs when they invest
• Certificate in Strategic Leadership Program of not less than 6 weeks from the Kenya School of Government or any other reputable institution. provides direct heat in geothermal steam
• Certification in Corporate Governance from a reputable institution. to industrialists, a powered facilities,” the
• Membership Certification from relevant professional body and in good standing.
by-product of electric- CEO indicated.
CORE COMPETENCIES REQUIRED FOR THE ROLE ity in the form of steam He observed that if
Technical competencies Behavioral competencies coming from power efficiently harnessed,
• Strategy and corporate planning • Warehousing and distribution of medical • Strong leadership skills plants at about 1,500° geothermal heat will
• Financial management supplies • Strategic thinking C which Mr Ngugi ob- deliver energy that will
• Asset and fund management • Strategic partnerships • Influencing and consensus-building served was affordable enable farmers and food
• Commercial awareness • Stakeholder engagement • Strong interpersonal skills
• Health and product knowledge • Program management • Team player
and “a game changer processors to increase
• Supply chain management • Diplomacy and strategic communication • Networking skills in the manner in which production and improve
• Demand forecasting and planning • ICT competency skills • Team-working skills Kenya’s wealth, as an food security.
emerging mid-income The steam, he ex-
The successful candidate will be required to satisfy the following requirements Applications to be submitted to the following address: industrial society, will plained, can also be used
of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution of Kenya 2010: be generated”. in the industrial drying
The Chairperson,
Kenya Medical Supplies Authority,
“Geothermal steam of fish, vegetables, tea,
1. Police Clearance Certificate from the Directorate of Criminal
Investigations; National Supply Chain Centre, Nairobi can be utilized for a and pyrethrum and in
2. Tax Compliance Certificate from the Kenya Revenue Authority. Off North Airport Road, opposite KQ Pride Centre, different range of ap- brewing.
3. Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) Clearance P.O. Box 47715-0010, plications ranging from The CEO added: “The
4. Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) Clearance NAIROBI industrial, agriculture, geothermal fluid boosts
5. Clearance from Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) tourism, leisure and tourist paradise in the
Online applications can be submitted via Email: [email protected]
HOW TO APPLY Applications should be received before 5 p.m. on 11th June 2024 domestic, depending form of medicinal spas,
on the resource tem- while in milk pasteur-
Interested candidates who meet the requirements should submit the following ‘The Kenya Medical Supplies Authority is an Equal Opportunity perature and usage,” ization manufacturers
documents: Employer committed to Diversity and Gender Equality’. Mr Ngugi noted. can cut up to 70 per cent
1. A Cover Letter
The CEO said GDC of their heating costs by
NOTE: Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification
2. A detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) with names and contacts of three (3) has been demon- using geothermal en-
referees. strating direct-use ergy.
3. A copy of the National Identity Card technology in the Me- Other studies show
4. Certified copies of Academic and Professional Certicates nengai geothermal that when it is used to
KEMSA: YOUR PARTNER IN HEALTHCARE field since 2015 where heat greenhouses, the
five demonstration cost of production drops
projects have been set by about 40 per cent.”
MAY 21, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 27

DCJ Mwilu urges magistrates to embrace

ICT solutions for better service delivery
(KNA) countability in the Ju- commonly referred to of the enormous task Kenyans seeking jus-

agistrates’ diciary. as Performance Man- they bear in the overall tice through the formal
Courts must “The use of data and agement and Measure- responsibility and ac- judicial system.
leverage Infor- ICT to enhance indi- ment Understandings countability for admin- Speaking at the same
mation Communica- vidual accountability (PMMU), as a corner- istration and human forum, the Chief Reg-
tion Technology (ICT) and to improve perfor- stone of the Judiciary’s resource management, istrar of the Judiciary
advancements and in- mance is here to stay. efficiency. She con- including wellness and Ms Winfridah Mokaya
novations in the Judi- I would urge us all to sequently encouraged psychosocial support. noted the need to in-
ciary to enhance access recognize this and do the magistrates to en- She underscored the crease the public and
to and dispense justice. the right thing,” she gage in the implemen- importance of subor- stakeholders’ under-
Deputy Chief Jus- said during the closing tation of their station’s dinate courts in access- standing of the work
tice (DCJ) Lady Justice ceremony for a mag- PMMU with the utmost ing justice for litigants done by the courts.
Philomena Mwilu said istrates’ forum in Kisii seriousness, sincerity, adding that magistrates Ms Mokaya pointed
the solutions provided County. and with an attitude of and Kadhis’ courts are out the need for each
by the data-tracking Lady Justice Mwilu achieving people-cen- the engine of justice and every court to have
dashboard and e-filing also underscored the tered service delivery. provision in the Judi- a way of reporting di-
system will enhance importance of perfor- The Deputy Chief ciary and the point of rectly to the local com-
Lady Justice Philomena Mwilu performance and ac- mance-based output, Justice reminded them contact for majority of munity.

First Lady calls for family unity amidst Government

rising divorce cases and climate crisis National Policy
Promotion and
he Ministry of La-
bour and Social
Protection has
launched the National BY SHARON ATIENO AND
Policy on Family Promo- JOYCE KARANJA (KNA)
tion and Protection, with

an emphasis on helping he Ministry of Labour
families mitigate and and Social Protection
adapt to the effects of has launched the Na-
climate change. tional Policy on Family Pro-
The First Lady, Rachel motion and Protection with
Ruto, said that the fam- emphasis on helping families
ily is the bedrock of any mitigate and adapt to the ef-
society and the com- fect of climate change.
pass for human life, as it The First Lady, Rachel
nurtures, protects, and Ruto, said that family is the
teaches humanity, while bedrock of any society and
also addressing the hu- the compass for human life
man need for association. since it nurtures, protects,
Speaking in Nairobi and teaches humanity, while
during the International it also answers the human
Day of Families (IDOF), need for association.
Mrs. Ruto noted that sep- Speaking in Nairobi dur-
aration and divorce rates ing the International Day of
have increased, leaving Families (IDOF), Mrs. Ruto
children suffering even noted that separation and
within the family setup. divorce rates have increased,
“In the recent past, leaving children suffering
domestic violence cases even within the family setup.
have been on the in- Ministry of Labour and Social Protection Cabinet Secretary (CS), Florence Bore, (right), First Lady Rachel Ruto “In the recent past, domes-
crease, which can be (centre) and State Department For Social Protection and Citizen Affairs Principal Secretary Joseph Motari (left), tic violence cases have been
pose for a photo during the International Day of Families (IDOF) 2024, which coincided with the National Policy
partly attributed to soci- on Family Promotion and Protection, held at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi. on the increase, which can
oeconomic factors, me- be partly attributed to social
dia, technology, climate economic factors, media,
change, and cultures that organizations, among motion and Protection lationship and promote role. technology, climate change
undermine the value of others, in the well-being across all the 47 counties. healthy child develop- She said the Program and cultures that undermine
family,” Mrs. Ruto said. of the family. Ministry of Labour and ment. will leverage the exist- the value of family,” Mrs.
She highlighted the “The vision of the Pol- Social Protection Cabi- “The Program will be ing support systems and Ruto said.
need to create awareness icy is to chart a path that net Secretary Ms Flor- delivered through the services available for She highlighted the need to
and sensitize families ensures family happi- ence Bore, said IDOF is existing structure of the families at community create awareness and sensi-
about the role they play ness; the goal is to pro- celebrated annually to counties, sub-county level including nutrition tize families on the role they
in the promotion, pro- vide an environment that acknowledge the im- and community levels education provided by play in the promotion, pro-
tection, and conserva- facilitates family wellbe- portance that the family through the services of the community health tection, and conservation of
tion of the environment, ing and empowers fam- plays as the firm foun- our well-trained social promoters among others. the environment with em-
with emphasis on hu- ilies to participate in the dation of human capital development officers, Further, she said par- phasis on human activities,
man activities, including socio-economic devel- development. children’s officers, and ents have the moral and including deforestation and
deforestation and indus- opment of the country,” She added that the child protection volun- statutory obligation to industrialization that have
trialization, which have Mrs. Ruto said. Ministry launched the teers,” she said. take care of children, ex- greatly contributed to cli-
greatly contributed to The First Lady called National Positive Parental Bore stated that the plaining that the coun- mate change.
climate change. upon the government, Program in 2023 which program will support try is transitioning from Mrs. Ruto noted that the Na-
Mrs. Ruto noted that actors, partners, and aims to enhance parents parents and caregivers of having children in in- tional Policy on Family Promo-
the National Policy on stakeholders, to support and caregivers’ skills, children of all ages and stitutions (children’s tion and Protection emphasizes
Family Promotion and the scaling-up of the behaviours, beliefs, prac- be able to provide a set homes), to family and on the role and the importance
Protection emphasizes National Positive Parents tices, and attitudes on of activities and services community-based care of all stakeholders includ-
the role and importance program and documen- parenting and strengthen aimed at improving how through the Care Reform ing faith-based organizations
of all stakeholders, in- tation of the National the capacity of families to parents approach and Strategy of 2022-2023. among others in the wellbeing
cluding faith-based Policy on Family Pro- have a healthy family re- execute their parenting of the family.


Kenya CEO
meeting on
Issue 125 • May 21, 2024 wage bill
P I C T U R E S P E A K P.4


Tree planting drive

gathers pace
The first week of a six-month drive in which
Ministries and State agencies are to plant trees at
allocated sites records a 100 per cent participation

overnment Ministries, Departments
and Agencies (MDAs) have stepped
up efforts to plant trees across the
country, sustaining the tempo set by President
William Ruto on May 10 during the National
Tree Planting Day.
All MDAs have been allocated sites to plant
trees and targets to achieve in a six-month
drive that kicked off during the May 10 tree
planting holiday.
Environment CS Soipan The institutions have taken up the challenge
Tuya (third right) and guns blazing, according to the Ministry of
PS Energy Alex Wachira
Environment, Climate Change and Forestry.
(centre) among other
officials in Narasha,
Londiani, during a tree
planting event. FULL STORY ON PAGE 2


The PS also gave a status update on the

Ministry’s digital transformation agenda
and the emerging issues in the operational

The Principal Secretary

in the State Department BARINGO COUNTY
for Broadcasting &
TeleCommunication Prof
Edward Kisiang’ani provided
11,000 km2 Sh200bn Kenya-
the Committee with the status Region has about Uganda trade gets
of the budget implementation boost after Ruto,
for FY 2023/24 670,000 people.
Museveni talks
2 May 21, 2024


C L I M AT E C H A N G E as well Kenya Forest Service officials and

Community Forest Associations in Narasha
Forest in Koibatek, Baringo County, some

Ministries and State agencies ramp up 80,000 seedlings were planted.

Similarly, Tourism CS Alfred Mutua with
his PS John Ololtuaa alongside Ms Tuya and

tree growing as six-month drive kicks off

Forestry PS Gitonga Mugambi and Chief
Conservator of Forests Alex Lemarkoko,
planted some 13,000 tree seedlings at Mumoni
Hills in Mwingi North, Kitui County.

The first week of a six-month drive in which Ministries and State agencies The two Cabinet Secretaries encouraged the
community to support the government’s 15
are to plant trees at allocated sites records a 100 per cent participation billion tree growing campaign by nurturing
the planted trees to help combat climate
change effects, which include the recent
devastating floods.
Further, Dr Mutua unveiled a project
where each tourist visiting the country
would be expected to plant a tree to bolster
environmental conservation efforts.
Dubbed “One tree per tourist”, the initiative
aims to leverage the symbiotic relationship
between tourism and environmental preser-
vation. It involves collaboration with various
stakeholders in the tourism sector, including
hotels and agencies.
“Those with hotels should have a plan
where, when tourists arrive, they are given a
tree seedling, make a hole and plant a tree. We
want a tree per tourist. If we get a minimum
of three million tourists, we will have three
million trees planted,” he said.
The dedication to the tree planting cam-
paign is a huge boost to the national drive as
Kenya battles effects of climate change that
include drought and floods that killed some
270 people during the long rains season.
The campaign is also expected to strengthen
the government’s comprehensive 10-year
ecosystem restoration strategy aimed at
achieving 30 percent forest cover.
Educational institutions, including primary
and secondary schools as well as technical
institutions, have also given the tree campaign
a big boost.
The institutions have mobilised their
students to plant thousands of trees, with
Kericho County Technical and Vocational
College targeting to plant 350,000 trees.
The Institution’s Deputy Principal Wilson
Koskey on Friday said the institution has so far

overnment Ministries, Departments sites,” said the Environment ministry. planted 15,000 seedlings since the president
and Agencies (MDAs) have stepped Ms Soipan Tuya, the Cabinet Secretary issued the directive.
up efforts to plant trees across the for Ministry of Environment, identified the More momentum is coming from the Kenya
country, sustaining the tempo set by President Ministry of Energy and Petroleum as one Defence Forces, which President Ruto asked
William Ruto on May 10 during the National of those that are setting the pace in the tree to help the country tackle climate change.
Tree Planting Day. planting drive. “I ask KDF to lead the way by providing
All MDAs have been allocated sites to plant The Ministry targets to grow 884,169 trees mechanisms, in collaboration with the Minis-
trees and targets to achieve in a six-month in May as part of the deliverables for CS Davis try of Environment, of achieving the 15 billion
drive that kicked off during the May 10 tree Chirchir. The institution’s bigger goal is to plant tree planting programme,” President Ruto
planting holiday. five million trees each year by undertaking Tourism CS said during a pass-out parade for officers at
Soipan Tuya
The institutions have taken up the challenge tree growing activities every second Friday the Defence Forces Recruit Training School
during tree
guns blazing, according to the Ministry of of each month. planting in Eldoret, Uasin Gishu County.
Environment, Climate Change and Forestry. “The Ministry of Energy and Petroleum has events with He pointed out that the recent floods that
The ministry said the first week of the fully distilled its 2024 long rains tree growing Kenya Forestry affected many parts of the country, leading to
exercise has been a roaring success, with the targets, assigning each of its two departments, officials. loss of lives and property, were a consequence
government institutions recording a 100 per nine agencies and development partners of climate change.
cent participation. monthly targets for its sites in Baringo and “As you secure our nation from emerging
“The first week of the six-month rapid tree Kericho counties,” said Ms Tuya. security threats, climate change is also going
growing exercise led by Cabinet Secretaries On Friday, during an event attended by to be our biggest threat. This is why we must
has been a tremendous success with a 100 Ms Tuya, Mr Alex Wachira, the Principal mobilise the military to provide solutions to
per cent turnout by MDAs in their assigned Secretary in the State Department for Energy, such emerging issues,” he said. ■


PS Kisiang’ani leads State Broadcasting PS, Prof

Department SAGAs in Edward Kisiang’ani

(centre), during the
sessions with MPs.

National Assembly ICT Inset: Kenya Yearbook

Editorial Board CEO
Lilian Kimeto.

Committee meeting
he National Assembly’s
Departmental Committee on
Communication, Information
and Innovation has in the past week with the status of the budget The Kenya Yearbook Editorial isation tour and to understand the
been considering the financial esti- implementation for FY 2023/24 and Board (KYEB) CEO, Ms Lilian Kimeto, organisation’s role in the country’s
mates of revenue and expenditure for The PS also gave a status the alignment of the estimates to the accompanied the Broadcasting PS development.
the Ministry of Information, Commu- Medium-Term Plan IV of the Vision for the meeting with the Committee, KYEB is mandated to enhance gov-
nications and the Digital Economy
update on the Ministry’s 2030 and Bottom-Up Economic which also considered the 2023/24 ernment communication and tell the
and its departments and agencies. digital transformation Transformation Agenda (BETA). financial year Supplementary Esti- story of the country’s transformation.
The Principal Secretary in the State agenda and the emerging The PS also gave a status update on mates II at Parliament Buildings. The Agency is currently undertaking
Department for Broadcasting and the Ministry’s digital transformation It is noteworthy that Members reforms that are expected to make it
Telecommunication, Prof Edward issues in the operational agenda and the emerging issues in the of the Committee, in March 2024 , a vibrant government storyteller and
Kisiang’ani, provided the Committee environment. operational environment. toured KYEB offices for a familiar- Official GoK Publisher. ■
May 21, 2024 3


Huduma Kenya CEO various Ministries, Departments

and Agencies.
takes part in wage bill The Human Resource Managers
have a key role in refining strategies

conference meeting and action plans on wage bill reduc-

tion in their respective Ministries
and Departments. This will see the

he Cabinet Secretary for stipulated in the Public Finance wage bill be reduced to within a
Public Service, Mr Moses Management Act, 2012. fiscal space and will at the same time
Kuria, has initiated the The plan seeks to reduce the wage align with the Bottom-up Economic
process to implement the resolution bill to 35 per cent of the revenue Transformation Agenda (BETA). Top left: Public
of the third wage bill conference. generated by 30 June, 2027 to make The Ministry of Public Service is in Service CS Moses
Mr Kuria was the chief guest at it sustainable. the process of developing a Cabinet Kuria.
a meeting attended by PS Amos Also in attendance at the work- Memo on suspension of all staff
Right: Public
Gathecha and Huduma Kenya Ag. shop held at the Kenya School establishments. It also aims to have Service PS Amos Access our products
CEO, Mr Mugambi Njeru, which of Government, Lower Kabete, business process reviews across Gathecha. through our website
explored the different strategies to were Heads and Deputies of public service institutions with an
And participants w w w. k e n ya ye a r b o o k . c o . k e
reduce the wage bill revenue ratio Human Resource Management aim of automating and digitising at the event held
from 46 per cent to 35 per cent as and Development Departments in government.■ at KSG.
or buy physical
copies at
B I L AT E R A L T I E S h tt p s : / / k y e b . e c i t i z e n . g o . k e /

Sh200bn Kenya-Uganda trade gets

boost after Ruto, Museveni talks

President William
Kenya agrees to Uganda in December 2023 filed a case at
the East African Court of Justice claiming
Ruto (right) and
his Ugandan
facilitate Uganda to the Kenyan government had restrained it counterpart Yoweri
Museveni at State
transit its petroleum from importing oil from Mombasa straining
House in Nairobi.
bilateral ties.
products through its “We have just witnessed this agreement Inset: Teams from
system in what resolves which enables the Uganda National Oil Uganda and Kenya
during talks.
Company Ltd to import refined petroleum
a dispute that had commodities directly from producer jurisdic-
stifled trade tions thus bringing to an end the challenges
faced by the sector in Uganda,” President

enya’s exports to Uganda are expect- Ruto said.
ed to grow significantly following the Adding, “As leaders, we are committed levels,” he said.
strengthening of relations between
the two nations.
to implementing all our obligations for our
people and nations to reap the full benefits.”
INFOBOX President Museveni said he had discussed
with President Ruto important issues affecting
President William Ruto and his Ugandan According to him, seven other agreements the two nations and East Africa.
counterpart Yoweri Museveni last week had been signed in Kampala, which are Mudavadi’s visit to Uganda “The agreements we signed during my
signed an agreement that will enable Uganda expected to consolidate the strong relationship He called for elimination of non-tariff visit carry the weight of historical context,
to transit petroleum products through Kenya between the two countries and eliminate barriers between Kenya and Uganda. aligning with our long-awaited missions. Over
in a major development that will boost trade trade barriers. The non-tariff barriers have 60 years ago, Africa gained independence,
between the two nations. Presidents Ruto and Museveni acknowl- hampered cross-border trade yet the true depth of our historical mission
Kenya’s exports to Uganda in 2023 stood at edged the importance of extending the between the two countries. remained unexplored,” he said.
Sh120 billion, having for the first time crossed Standard Gauge Railway from Naivasha to He emphasised the need for the two
He observed that there is need
Please contact our
the Sh100 billion mark. Malaba and all the way to Kampala and DRC to urgently address outstanding countries to eliminate barriers hindering the
The country’s main exports to her neigh- as an efficient and sustainable infrastructure issues relating to immigration, development of trade. marketing team
bour are petroleum products, manufactured for the transportation of goods and people. boundary reaffirmation and security “We should eliminate barriers which hinder for publication
goods and iron and steel. “President Museveni and I appreciated the cooperation. trade not only between Kenya and Uganda, partnerships and
Similarly, Kenya is the biggest export market benefits and power of our close coordination Mudavadi said diplomatic missions but also East Africa and Africa as a whole,”
for Uganda in the East African Community, with respect to the East African Community, and Foreign Affairs Ministries of the he said.
with the latter recording Sh116 billion in 2023. Intergovernmental Authority on Development, two countries will engage in regular Prime CS and Foreign Affairs minister E-mail:
It is for this reason that the signing of the the African Union and other regional organ- consultations on implementation of Musalia Mudavadi said the two countries [email protected]
agreement comes as a major break in the isations, which we recognise as the building agreed issues. would foster a robust and unified East African
trade relations that had thawed following a blocks for the greater integration of our Community that transcends economic and Tel: +254 20 271 5390
dispute over oil transit. countries at the continental and international diplomatic ties. ■
4 May 21, 2024


From left, President

PICTURESPEAK William Ruto, Deputy
President Rigathi
Gachagua, Prime CS
and Foreign Affairs
minister Musalia
Mudavadi, Defence CS
Aden Duale, Interior
CS Kithure Kindiki
and Transport CS
Kipchumba Murkomen
at JKIA on Sunday. The
leaders were seeing off
President Ruto who
travelled to the US for a
historic visit.

Inset: DP Rigathi
Gachagua waves to the

Treasury CS
Njuguna Ndung’u
and his East
African Community
counterpart Peninah Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) officials during a groundbreaking ceremony for
Malonza in Arusha, the KDF Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Housing Project in Lanet, Nakuru.
Tanzania for the The project will boost access to housing in the country.
16th Meeting of the
Sectoral Council
of Finance and
Economic Affairs
and Pre-Budget

Kenya’s Sevens
Rugby team Shujaa
celebrate in Munich
after qualifying for the
playoff in Madrid.
The PS State Department for Devolution, Office of the Deputy President, Teresiah
Inset: Fans celebrate Mbaika, with a member of a high-level delegation from the Kingdom of Eswatini, who
the win. are on a study visit on the devolution system of Government.


NHIF Building , 4th Floor, P.O. Box 34035-00100 Email: [email protected] Tel: 0202715390 / 0757029456
MAY 21, 2024

NAIROBI-KENYA I Issue No. 45/2023-2024

First shipment of fertilizer to Ethiopia BRIEFS

Indian Government donates
boosts performance of the Lamu Port 40 tonnes of aid to help
BY SADIK HASSAN(KNA) channel, then we will bring
flood hit Kenyans

he arrival of the first the economies not only of The Indian Government the country and thanked
60,000 tons of fer- this country but the entire has donated 40 tonnes of the Indian Government for
tilizer bound for East Africa to its knees,” he food and food assistance its quick humanitarian re-
Ethiopia has bolstered the said. to Kenya to support the sponse in support of Kenya
people affected by flood .She said the Govern-
performance of the Sh75 The Port of Lamu is a nat- victims in the country. The ment was in the frontline
billion Lamu Port, a key ural port with a draft of 18 consignment, delivered via in offering humanitarian
component of the Lamu meters and 21 meters dur- an Indian military cargo emergency response and
Port South Sudan Ethiopia ing low tide and high tide plane, was presented to resettlement to persons af-
Transport (LAPSSET) pro- respectively. Kenyan officials by the In- fected by the recent floods.
ject. “We have constructed the dian High Commissioner to The Secretary to the Cabi-
Ali Mbogo, Chairman port in such a way that the Kenya, Namgya Khampha. net Ms Mercy Wanjau also
of the LAPSSET Corridor three berths have a quay The 40-tonne consign- thanked the Indian Gov-
Development Authority of 1,200 meters which can ment was received at ernment for the aid noting
the Embakasi Air Base in that the assistance under-
(LCDA), termed the pro- allow post-panamax ves-
Nairobi by the Cabinet scores the historic bond
ject a beacon of economic sels to berth at that port Secretary for East African between the two countries
renaissance for Kenya and without any challenges. Community, ASALs, and of mutual understanding,
the entire Eastern Africa Those vessels cannot berth Regional Development, Ms. solidarity, common values
region. in the Port of Mombasa,” Peninah Malonza, Secre- and mutual respect.
He emphasized that the Workers loading Ethiopia-bound fertilizer at the Port of Lamu. said Mbogo. tary to the Cabinet Mercy Wanjau said the assistance
project, jointly owned by The completion of the first The LAPSSET chairma Since the completion of Wanjau, Principal Secre- will bring the much needed
three states, would propel three berths equipped with noted that Africa is the least the first berth in 2019, Lamu taries Harsama Kello and relief to flood victims in the
the once sleepy Lamu ar- modern Ship-to-Shore integrated continent in the Port has been underutilized, Yusuf Dokota, among other country adding that it was
chipelago to become the gantry cranes by the Kenya world and the intra-im- but the LAPSSET Corridor high-ranking Government a clear testimony of the
officials. Earlier last week, power of global coopera-
country’s and region’s next Ports Authority (KPA) is ports between African Development Authority another consignment of tion in times of crisis.
economic frontier. poised to increase the effi- countries amount to about board successfully wooed food aid arrived at Mom- The Indian High Com-
The LAPSSET Corridor ciency of the Port of Lamu. 17 per cent. Ethiopians to use the Port basa Port via an Indian missioner to Kenya Ms
aims to enhance connec- “This comprehensive de- The Lamu Port, Mbogo which is shorter compared Naval ship. Speaking dur- Namgya Khampha said In-
tivity, foster economic in- velopment will catalyze a added, has given Kenya an to the ports of Djibouti and ing the ceremony, Ms. dia stands in solidarity with
tegration, and stimulate cascade of economic activ- alternative route of com- Tadjourah both in Djibouti. Peninah Malonza said the Kenya and her flood victims
socio-economic devel- ities, making Kenya a nexus merce as the country de- “The route from Lamu to aid would immediately be adding that her country will
opment across Ethiopia, of international trade and pends entirely on the Port Moyale is long, it is 1,300 dispatched to people af- do all possible to provide
Kenya, and South Sudan. logistics, particularly im- of Mombasa which has a kilometres but still it is fected by floods who were assistance.
living in 187 camps across By Munyasya Musya (PCO)
The project includes the portant for fostering trade narrow channel. shorter by 300 kilometers
Port of Lamu, a Standard relations with Asian mar- “If you go to Mama Ngina compared to the current
Gauge Railway, highways, kets,” said Mbogo dur- Waterfront, you’ll see that route that Ethiopians are Lands ministry aims to plant
two oil pipelines, three in- ing the annual meeting of channel. We have a very using to import their goods
ternational airports, and the Economists Society of narrow channel. If anything from Djibouti which is 200 million trees in two years
three resort cities. Kenya in Mombasa. were to happen to that 1,600 km,” Mbogo said. The Ministry of Lands, ment has been directed by
Housing, and Urban Devel- the president to register
opment has set a target of Kenya as a beneficiary of
Bungoma’s informal settlements set for planting over 200 million
tree seedlings in the next
carbon credits thanks to
our on-going conservation

transformation with KISIP 2 initiative

two years. and tree growing efforts.
The Cabinet Secretary, Ms. Africa has the least car-
Alice Wahome, who was bon emission and that is
speaking at South Mar- why developed nations
BY MYGOV REPORTER floodlights have been in- manet Forest in Rwathia have a duty to pay for pol-
stalled by KISIP2 at a cost of

Block, Laikipia County, luting the environment as
overnor Kenneth Lu- Sh 27 million, while another said that her ministry has we grow the vegetation to
saka has described project worth Sh380 million already secured 16 million absorb the emissions,” she
the interventions has already been awarded to tree seedlings for planting said, adding” that is why
carried out by the Second a contractor who will un- in Nyeri and Laikipia coun- we are planting more trees
Kenya Informal Settlement dertake drainage works and ties, which will be rolled out and registering the country
Improvement Project (KISIP road repairs. in the next few months. as a beneficiary of carbon
“Among the seedlings we credits”. The CS noted that
2) in Bungoma County as a “This project will improve have procured are those climate change is now a
game changer, which is in lives of people in Bungoma of fruit trees, which will be global threat and therefore
sync with the State’s Bot- County, which is the main distributed to individual the need to act fast to save
tom-Up Economic Trans- objective of KISIP 2 – giving farmers to plant on their the planet for future gen-
formation Agenda (BETA) people dignified lives. Al- farms as a way of ensur- erations and declared that
approach. ready with lights, we have ing food security, while her ministry would identify
Speaking during a train- witnessed an emergence of the remaining indigenous tree champions to develop
ing session of the settlement 24 hour economy, where varieties will be planted tree nurseries and those
executive, grievance re- women can sell until late, in degraded forest areas who plant most number of
Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka(Middle, in White) con- such as this,” Ms. Wahome trees for possible recogni-
dress, and assembly sector ferswith KISP2 Head of Community and Gender Component with guaranteed security tion.
said, adding that one out
committees by the National Ms GladysJuma (LEFT) and the Gender Based Violence Lead and in the next six months, of every five tree seedlings Laikipia Governor Joshua
Project Coordination Team at KISIP2 Ms Shamsa Abdi (2nd Left) and KISIP 2 Social lives of our people will her ministry had resolved Irungu said his government
(NPCT), Lusaka added that Safeguarding Consultant Ms Joy Wasirimba(Right) definitely change,” Lusaka to plant shall be fruit trees. would set dates for regular
the move by KISIP, the World added. The CS further noted that county tree planting exer-
Bank, Agence Française de “I am happy that two in- who was also flanked by the KISIP 2 is a state project the country is set to reap cises that will be continu-
Développement (AFD), and formal settlements, Landi county’s top leadership and being implemented by Gov- big on carbon credits ally sustained.
the European Union will Matope and Mjini in Chwele the County Project Coordi- ernment of Kenya (GOK) thanks to the sustained Irungu called on residents
offer succor to thousands of and Bungoma towns respec- nation Team (CPCT) drawn through funding by the tree planting and conser- to take individual responsi-
people living in two infor- tively, are poised to improve from the two settlements. World Bank and the AFD. It vation efforts initiated by bility to plant as many trees
President William Ruto. as possible on their farms.
mal settlements in the de- courtesy of these interven- During the meeting, Mr. is a key Vision 2030 enabler “The Ministry of Environ- By Martin Munyi (KNA)
volved unit. tions,” said the governor, Lusaka also mentioned that project.

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