Ms PDF 20250101
Ms PDF 20250101
Ms PDF 20250101
Kiribati leads
first countries
to enter 2025
HE Philippine and/or Babuyan Islands. With the
National Police current trend in its intensification,
By possibility
the Charles Dantesof reaching super
(PNP) is reopening typhoon category is not ruled out,”
its investigation into PAGASA said S inPRESIDENT
its advisory.
Meanwhile, the National Disas-
the 2020 murder of Ferdinand
ter Risk Reduction and Manage-
Philippine Charity ment Council "Bongbong"
(NDRRMC) said that
Sweepstakes Office a total of 1.9 million family food
packs worthJr.’s
P1.48 billion, other
(PCSO) board secretary administration
food items worth P276 enters
million, and
its mid-term, its prepared
key by
Wesley Barayuga. non-food items (NFIs) worth P919
million were already
On Sunday, PNP Chief Police economic reforms have
the Department of Social Welfare
General Rommel Francisco Mar- and Development (DSWD).
Some P171 in better
million in lives for
bil said he ordered the reopening of
the cold case after whistleblower Filipinos
fund under for
is also available theutilization
Police Lt. Col. Santie Mendoza told of “Bagong Pilipinas,”
by the DSWD, including P123 mil-
lion which can be allotted as Quick
the House Quad Committee that he
helped carry out the killing at the Response
the Palace Fundon (QRF) in the cen-
behest of ex-PCSO general manager tral office
said. of the DSWD.
Royina Garma. In Batanes, the Provincial Di-
Mendoza narrated before con- saster
Mr.Risk Reduction
Marcos likewiseand made
Manage- sig-
gressmen how Garma allegedly fa- ment Office (PDRRMO)
nificant strides in infrastructure advisedde-
cilitated the PCSO official’s roadside residents
velopmenttoinsecure their
his first roofs
three andin
assassination on July 30, 2020 by install
bolsteringshutters as Typhoon
connectivity, energy
providing the necessary information Julian is expected to make landfall
reliability, and public transportation
about his schedule, details about his across the country. Next page
vehicle and the funding necessary to Part of the administration’s com-
carry it out. A WEB OF CRIME? House leaders Aurelio Gonzales and David Suarez presented this matrix during the last QUAD mitment to strengthen the economy
PH lobbies UN
The whistleblower also implicated Comm hearing which shows the operations of a criminal syndicate allegedly led by fugitive Michael Yang, then economic were sustained investments in irriga-
adviser of former President Rodrigo Duterte, that controlled the illegal activities of the POGOs and was involved in the drug
incumbent National Police Com-
trade and extrajudicial killings.
tion, flood control, supply chain logis-
for Security
tics, and climate change adaptation.
missioner Edilberto Leonardo in the
planning of the murder. There was also a push to liberalize
Barayuga was a retired police restrictions on information transfer
general and lawyer who supposedly
threatened to expose corruption with-
Yang's lawyer mocks probers amid heated inquiry Council seat
technology, an agenda that prompted
Google to expand its business in the
in the PCSO shortly before he was Philippines.
shot dead 2025. Fireworks
in Mandaluyong City. light up the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House during the early New Year’s Eve celebrations in Sydney on December 31, THEPresident
Marcosgovernment on
met with execu-
2024. In
Garma, Bishkek,
herself anAzerbaijan,
ex-police inset,
Lt. the main
THEattraction in Central Ala-Too
legal counsel Square is the
of Chinese colorful
adviser ofand brightly-lit
former 2025Rodrigo
President sign welcoming
of the Newdrugs
illegal Year. AFP
and illegal activities Sunday publicly called for the Unit-
tives of Google in April after his
Colonel, allegedly gained the top businessman Tony Yang sought to Duterte. associated with POGOs,” Suarez said ed Nations (UN) to give it a seat Nexton
spot at the PCSO because of her in- disparage lawmakers’ conclusions Fortun, a lawyer who often finds in a mixture of Filipino and English. the UN Security Council, highlight-
Next page himself at the center high-profile ing the country’s strong record and
DOTr’s Bautista
with Philippine Overseas Gaming congressmen, calling their probe other individuals involved in illicit
Operators (POGOs) and even “unacceptable.” activities, including the operations of Department of Foreign Affairs
ment agencies to spend their alloca- struction
down for and rehabilitationinofa flood
ay wrongdoing real Sustainable
and Infrastructure
Deputy Speaker David SuarezProjects
of kidnapping. rule of law and the integrity of the
tions more conscientiously. mitigation
criminal facilities within major river
court. Quezon presented a matrix showing Next page The two firms supposedly multilateral system in the face of to-
“I am very interested in how they Yang’s first appearance and his have connections with the Baofu day’s global challenges.”
[Quad Comm members] can prove subsequent activities at the Quad Compound in Bamban, Tarlac, Quoted by reports, Manalo also
Black Nazarene
of military exercises in Scarborough shoal
home and abroad as the nation wel- of 2024, emphasizing resilience
comed the New Year. and unity as key takeaways from
BAUTISTA Next page
the past year. Next page
By Rex Espiritu cent Trinidad told reporters that
By Darwin Amojelar Manila troops did not monitor
OME of the surrogate mothers repatriated from Cambodia and Supervised and Attached Agencies families yesterday (Monday). The said.
have been reunited with their respective families, the (ASA) said seven surrogate mothers seventh surrogate mother travelled by The 13 Filipina mothers were
and one baby have already been reinte- plane Tuesday morning and she is now among the 24 foreign women caught
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) grated to their respective families. safe with her family,” she added. by Cambodian police in Kandal prov-
reported. “After the coordination meeting Two other surrogate mothers staying ince in September 2024 and charged
yesterday (December 30) with the six with the DSWD’s center and residen- with attempted cross-border human
The DSWD said it facilitated the re- dren anytime in 2025. DSWD Field Offices, it was learned tial care facility (CRCF) are scheduled trafficking.
integration of several surrogate mothers, “The reunion with their respective that contacts made with the families of for reintegration with their respective They were sentenced to four years
who were repatriated to the country on families before the New Year can be seven surrogate mothers, one of whom families on Saturday (January 4). in jail in Cambodia and were later
December 29 after being granted a Royal considered the best Christmas gift the has a baby, have proved successful “The remaining four mothers and given Royal Pardon based on the ap-
Pardon in Cambodia. DSWD can give them,” DSWS Secretary paving the way for their reintegration two babies will continue in their tem- peal by the Philippine Embassy in
Three of the surrogate mothers have Rex Gatchalian said on Tuesday. to their respective families before new porary stay with our CRCF. These are Phnom Penh and with the endorse-
their babies with them while the 10 oth- In her report to Gatchalian, Assis- year,” Fallarcuna said. the mothers who expressed intention to ment of the Royal Government of
ers are expecting their respective chil- tant Secretary Elaine Fallarcuna of the “The first six mothers and the baby stay temporarily until they are ready to Cambodia.
From A1
standing power instability in the Vi-
The Mindanao-Visayas Intercon-
In November, Mr. Marcos inau-
gurated Phase 1 of the LRT-1 Cavite
Extension Project, adding five new
tal transformation, the government
also set in place a legislation that
would protect financial consumers
1 dead, 1 missing
trilateral meeting with US President
Joe Biden and Japan Prime Minister
nection Project, featuring a high-
voltage direct cable with a 450 MW
transfer capacity, marked a defining
stations and extending the line by six
kilometers. The extension, serving
80,000 additional passengers daily,
through the Anti-Financial Accounts
Scamming Act. The VAT on Digital
Transactions Act, on the other hand,
in Samar vessel
Kishida Fumio in Washington where
they discussed ways to strengthen
economic and maritime cooperation
moment for national energy integra-
The President underscored these
reduces travel time between Baclaran
and Bacoor from over an hour to just
25 minutes.
expands and streamlines the author-
ity of the Bureau of Internal Revenue
to collect value added tax on foreign
sinking — OCD
between the three countries. projects' long-term impact, including On the legislative front, the admin- digital services. By Rex Espiritu
He asked Google to increase cy- lowering electricity costs and enhanc- istration remains on track in achiev- The Anti-Agricultural Economic
bersecurity activity in the Philippines ing national resilience. ing its agenda of further expanding Sabotage Act and the Agricultural ONE died and one remained miss-
and to come up with a system that will President Marcos also inaugurated the Philippine economy while pro- Tariffication Act are expected to for- ing while 13 individuals were marked
provide efficient digital services for the Panguil Bay Bridge, Mindanao's tecting the welfare of Filipinos and tify support to Filipino farmers and safe after a vessel submerged in San
all Filipinos across the country. longest bridge, connecting Tangub the country’s interests. protect consumers from unjust in- Jose, Northern Samar on Rizal Day,
The Marcos administration also December 30.
City in Misamis Occidental to Tubod The President signed and ap- creases in prices of basic commodi-
achieved a milestone by interconnect- The maritime tragedy struck when
in Lanao del Norte in September. proved over 100 laws for both local ties.
MV Jerlyn Khatness, a vessel trans-
ing the power grids in Luzon, Visayas, The 3.16-kilometer bridge, com- and national levels this year, eleven President Marcos also signed into porting cement from Naga City, Cebu
and Mindanao, completing several pleted despite delays due to the CO- of which came from the Legislative- law twin measures – the Philippine
transformative energy projects. to San Jose, Northern Samar sank
VID-19 pandemic and funding chal- Executive Development Advisory Maritime Zones Act and the Archipe- amid rough seas.
The Mariveles-Hermosa-San Jose lenges, reduced travel time between Council (LEDAC). lagic Sea Lanes Act – that are crucial "The incident occurred around
(MHSJ) 500-kilovolt (kV) trans- the provinces from two hours to just Among these priority laws was the in asserting the country’s sovereign 2:30 PM, as the vessel was battered
mission line, inaugurated in July, seven minutes. New Government Procurement Act. rights and maritime domain, includ- by large waves that ultimately cap-
strengthened Luzon’s power grid, The President highlighted its sig- The President was clear on his direc- ing over the West Philippine Sea. sized it,” the Office of Civil Defense
while the Cebu-Negros-Panay back- nificance for economic growth, faster tive on making public procurement He also boosted support to local (OCD) said in a statement.
bone project and the Cebu-Bohol goods transport, and improved quality practices at par with international defense industries through the Self- By Tuesday morning, the Coast
Interconnection Project, energized of life for over 10,000 daily commut- standards. Reliant Defense Posture (SRDP) Re- Guard Station in Northern Samar
earlier in the year, addressed long- ers. With the country’s journey to digi- vitalization Act. confirmed the sunken vessel's loca-
tion in the waters near Lavezares.
Of the 15 crew members onboard,
PH‘s... anihan—the Filipino tradition of com-
munal unity and effort—that emerged Kiribati... Northern Mariana Islands, a small part
13 were rescued, while one crew
member—a 64-year-old male—re-
From A1 during times of adversity. of Antarctica, and Guam. mains missing. A 30-year-old male
From A1
He urged the nation to channel this An hour before the Philippines, was confirmed dead after his body
He emphasized the importance of spirit into building a “Bagong Pilipi- mostly Asian countries celebrate the was discovered in Biri.
resilience and solidarity in overcom- nas", where opportunities abound and coconut flowers serving as a common new year. Namely, these are Japan, OCD Eastern Visayas is actively
ing challenges, particularly the ca- every Filipino can thrive. beverage consumed in tandem with South Korea, North Korea, a small part coordinating search and rescue op-
lamities that disrupted lives and com- "As we move forward into 2025, water, tea, or alcohol. of Indonesia, Timor-Leste, Palau, a erations led by the Philippine Coast
munities in the past year. we look ahead with renewed hope and A quarter after Kiribati, the Cha- small part of Russia, and western Aus- Guard.
"Reflecting on the resilience we optimism knowing that our experienc- tham Islands off the eastern coast of tralia. To enhance the operations, a re-
have shown in overcoming [these es will guide us into building a future New Zealand are next to welcome Finally, the Philippines enters 2025 quest has been made to the National
challenges], it is crucial for our prog- filled with promise and purpose," the 2025. six hours after Kiribati. The country Disaster Risk Reduction and Man-
ress to esteem such moments as hall- chief executive said. An hour later, most of New Zea- celebrates the new year along with agement Council (NDRRMC) for air
marks of the extraordinary strength The president’s message un- land, Tokelau, Samoa, Tonga, Kiribati's China, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, assets to assist in the ongoing search
we gain through solidarity and perse- derscored the significance of in- Phoenix Islands, and some Antarctica Singapore, Macao, Brunei, parts of In- and retrieval operations.
verance," the President said. trospection and growth, encour- regions are next in line. donesia, most of Mongolia, Russia's Joint efforts with the local Coast
Mr. Marcos called on Filipinos to aging citizens to balance past In the next several hours, much of Irkutsk region, and more parts of Ant- Guard, the Municipality of Allen, and
draw inspiration from the countless realities with tomorrow's prom- Oceania and parts of other continents arctica. nearby towns have been underway
acts of courage, compassion, and bay- ises. Charles Dantes take turns entering the new year. These On the other hand, among the last since this morning to expedite search
include Fiji, a small portion of east- places to kick off the 2025 New Year are operations.
VP... and collaborates for the good of our
families,” she added.
ern Russia, the Marshall Islands and
Tuvalu among other Pacific islands,
American Samoa, as well as Ha- The OCD also reached out to the
Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction
From A1 waii, Alaska, and the outlying islands
Duterte also expressed heartfelt much of Australia, Vanuatu, the Solo- and Management Office (MDRRMO)
gratitude to Filipinos for their unwav- of the U.S., which are among the terri-
mon Islands, Papua New Guinea, New tories that will be the last to participate in Lavezares for additional resources.
She vowed to face the upcoming ering love and support for the coun- An aerial survey was likewise con-
challenges of 2025 with unwavering Caledonia, parts of Micronesia, the in the New Year’s festivities.
try, urging everyone to continue their ducted to help expedite search efforts.
determination. pursuit of excellence and service for a OCD Eastern Visayas provided
“The year 2024 tested our resil- brighter future. hygiene kits to the rescued crew
ience and molded us as a nation that “As we welcome the New Year, I
stands for justice and development,”
she said in Filipino.
thank you for your tireless love for our
country that you have demonstrated
PBBM... In his veto message made public
on Tuesday, the President empha-
members, addressing their immedi-
ate needs while transportation ar-
"In 2025, let us together face the From A1 sized that the 2025 budget reflects rangements are being finalized with
through, perseverance and patience
various challenges that would solidify for a better tomorrow,” the Vice Presi- the “liberal exercise of Congress' local authorities and OCD Central
us as a country that has faith in god dent said. Rachelle Tonelada Alleviating Gaps- Flood Mitiga- power of the purse.” Visayas.
tion Structures protecting Major or “I call on the conscientious uti-
Strategic Public Buildings and Fa- lization of this Budget with the end
Chiz:... ry this spirit of hope and solidarity into
the new year. We can easily overcome cilities, and P150 million for Basic in mind of sustaining the country's
From A1 any challenge as long as we are united Infrastructure Program-Flood Miti- high-growth trajectory and manag-
and work together,” he stressed in a gation Structures protecting Major ing inflation while accelerating the From A1
Escudero acknowledged the chal- mixture of English and Filipino. or Strategic Public Buildings and implementation of well-targeted so-
lenges faced by Filipinos throughout Escudero also urged the Filipi- Facilities. cial services and structural reforms brought out of the Quiapo Church in
2024 but urged the nation to reflect on nos to exercise their right to vote and The President rejected the high- geared towards achieving our medi- a yellow carroza for a procession at
the year with gratitude and optimism. choose wisely the politicians that they est amount of flood control projects um-term goals of reducing poverty around midnight.
The Senate President reminded Fil- want to elect. in Region 3 with P7 billion, fol- incidence, decreasing unemploy- The image of Jesus carrying a cross was
ipinos to carry the spirit of hope and He emphasized that the country lowed by Region 2 with P3.2 bil- ment rates, and achieving upper placed on a float, instead of on a platform
solidarity into the New Year, express- needs leaders who will help Filipinos lion. middle-income status,” Mr. Marcos called andas, which was used to be pulled
ing confidence in the nation’s collec- rise out of poverty. In November, Mr. Marcos said said. by the faithful during the procession.
tive strength. “Addressing the pressing issue of he supported legislators’ review of Although the final GAA for 2025 This year’s procession was described
“Although 2024 presented many poverty requires leaders who prioritize the various flood control projects differs significantly from the Execu- by organizers as “the most solemn and
challenges for Filipinos, we should poverty alleviation and social reforms. amid a series of typhoons that hit tive’s proposed budget, the chief ex- orderly,” adding that even those who fol-
reflect on this year with gratitude and By choosing leaders who champion the country, leaving scores of areas ecutive reaffirmed his administration’s lowed the event on social media noticed
optimism, knowing that brighter days equity and prosperity for all, we can flooded for days and even killing commitment to “continued implemen- the behavior of the crowd.
lie ahead,” Escudero said. build a brighter future for our nation,” over 100 individuals. tation and innovation of reforms in pub- The thanksgiving procession on the
“Looking ahead to 2025, let us car- Escudero concluded. Ralph Rirao Meanwhile, the President urged lic financial management, procurement, last day of the year is held annually
agencies to use their share of the and digitalization.” ahead of the big religious procession
2025 national budget responsibly. Mr. Marcos stressed the impor- called ‘Traslacion’ every Jan. 9.
Speaker:... in various aspects of national life, it also
came with major challenges, particu-
On Monday, Mr. Marcos signed tance of a “whole-of-government
and whole-of-society approach”
Traslacion, which means transfer,
From A1
the 2025 General Appropriations is often referred to as the Feast of the
larly the devastating series of typhoons, for a more efficient and transparent
floods and other calamities.
Act (GAA) after vetoing P194 bil- Black Nazarene. It emulates the “sol-
lion in line items he deemed incon- public service. emn transfer” of the image from its
unity and determination, encouraging “The year 2024 has created many “While we have attained much
sistent with his administration’s pri- original shrine in the old Manila to the
them to embrace the New Year as an indelible memories. We had many thus far, we still have a long way
orities. Minor Basilica in Quiapo in 1787.
opportunity to build a stronger, more successes, but this has also been a
resilient Philippines. year of great challenges – a series of
The original budget was set at to go in achieving a truly inclusive, The Black Nazarene is a life-size
“As we welcome the New Year, typhoons, floods and other calami-
P6.352 trillion, but the vetoes re- sustainable and future-proof econo- image of a dark-skinned, kneeling Je-
duced it to P6.326 trillion. my,” he added. sus Christ carrying the cross.
I would like to extend my heartfelt ties have brought hardship and tri-
wishes for a peaceful, prosperous and als to our countrymen,” the Speaker
hopeful 2025 to every Filipino fam- said.
of firecracker victims recorded,” the
ily,” he said in Filipino.
Romualdez described the New Year
Despite these challenges, the House
chief highlighted the resilience of Filipi-
Firecracker,... health department said in a statement.
which 4 are related to motorcycle ac-
as a fresh start and a chance for collec- nos, who exhibited unity and the spirit From A1 Meanwhile, the DOH also recorded The newest motorcycle death in-
tive action to create a brighter future for of Bayanihan in overcoming hardships. 39 new road traffic incidents. volves an individual who was not
the nation under President Marcos. “As we step into 2025, let us carry Furthermore, 72 percent or 136 of According to their data recorded wearing a helmet, the DOH reported.
“The New Year is a symbol of a with us the lessons of the past year. the victims are due to illegal firecrackers from December 22, the total road inci- The data shows that 356 out of 496
new beginning – an opportunity to Let us remain united in our resolve such as boga, 5 star, and piccolo. dent cases are now logged at 496. road-incident cases were due to mo-
work together again and build a stron- to rise above challenges, to rebuild One hundred twenty-three victims or Based on the 8 pilot sites that DOH torcycles, while 427 of the accidents
ger future for our people,” pointed out. what has been lost and to ensure that 65 percent of the cases were due to ac- is monitoring, the recorded cases are were caused by the improper use of
The Speaker noted that while 2024 no Filipino is left behind,” Romualdez tive use of firecrackers. 33 percent higher in comparison to last safety accessories such as helmets for
was marked by significant achievements said. Maricel V. Cruz “Eye injury, burnt skin, or severed year. two-wheel riders and seatbelts for cars
body parts are the common complaints There are now 6 recorded deaths of or similar vehicles.
[email protected]
Fabella Hospital
ready to welcome
expectant moms
THE Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hos-
pital in Manila is prepared to welcome
expectant mothers likely to give birth
on New Year’s Day, a hospital official,
quoted by ABS-CBN News, said.
Dr. Jeglen Cruz, the hospital’s senior
house officer, quoted by the report, said
all staff members are on standby, with
medical equipment and supplies ready
for use.
As of 8 a.m., three mothers have been
admitted and are expected to give birth
soon. Among the patients was Arnieth
Edaño, 33, who is expecting her fourth
The government-run Dr. Jose Fabella
Memorial Hospital, located in the Sta.
Cruz district is considered the largest
maternity and children’s hospital in the
Philippines. According to Cruz, this
makes it a key indicator of the country’s
birth rate.
“Of course, new life, new grace—it’s
a blessing for us. For Filipinos, a new
baby is always a new blessing for the
The hospital anticipates more admis- HEADBANDS TO WELCOME 2025. Consumers wear headbands which will be used to welcome the New Year. The said headbands are now available
sions as New Year’s Eve approaches. for purchase in Divisoria, Manila for P20 to P30 each. Norman Cruz
“Definitely, we are confident that we
are prepared for all the patients that we
Five children
die in fire in
residential area breaks new ground in 2024
in Tondo, Manila By Maricel V. Cruz of crimes against humanity against Duterte,
along with Senators Christopher Lawrence
Go and Ronaldo Dela Rosa, two former
Davao Model on rewards system to officers
involved in EJKs, the Davao Death Squad,
the killing of three suspected Chinese drug
Authorities reported that a fire broke HE House of Representatives broke new ground in chiefs of the Philippine National Police and lords inside the Davao Penal Colony on Du-
out on the third floor of a residential 2024 when for the first time since its establishment, it two other ranking police officers in connec- terte’s orders, the formation of a national
building in Tondo, Manila, on Mon- tion with the alleged extra-judicial killings drug task force which implemented the
day claiming the lives of five chil- consolidated four separate committees to investigate of more than 30,000 victims during the Du- bloody drug war, among others.
dren. Philippine overseas gaming operators (POGOs), Chinese terte administration’s bloody war on drugs. Barbers earlier said when former Presi-
According to arson investiga- Before Congress went on Holiday break dent Duterte attended the 11th Quadcom
tor SFO3 Sergio Pangan Jr., the fire
crime syndicates, the narcotics trade, and extra-judicial last Dec. 18, Barbers, the QuadComm over- hearing last November 13, the latter con-
started at 10:39 p.m. on Monday killings during the previous administration into a single panel all chair, reported to the plenary the mega firmed the existence of the so-called Davao
panel’s recommendation that was contained Death Squad, the Davao Template or Model
along Varona Corner Malvar St., called the “Quad Comm.” in a 43-page progress report, compiled from of reward system to police offices involved
Barangay 97. 13 hearings from August 16 to December in EJKs, advising and encouraging offic-
The fatalities include three female 12 this year. It outlined the facts estab- ers to have “nanlaban” (goaded to fight
and two male children. Lawmakers made this decision after real- gust 12, 2024, to collectively examine and
lished, evidence gathered, actions taken, back) scenarios against drug suspects, and
izing there was a common thread tying all deliberate, via thorough and unified discus-
Media reports quoted neighbors and recommendations for remedial legis- assumed “full legal responsibility” of the
those issues together – the Duterte admin- sions, on the interrelated and complex issues
saying the children had been left by lations concerning EJKs, illegal drugs, il- bloody drug war aftermath.
istration. during public hearings on EJKs, POGOs,
their mother, who was selling fruit legal POGOs, and anomalous transactions “The former President unequivocally
The four committees and their chairmen and illegal drugs.
in Divisoria, Manila when the fire involving local government units in various confirmed the existence of the reward sys-
were Rep. Robert Ace Barbers of the Com- The Quad Comm held a series of hear-
unlawful activities. tem targeting drug personalities and using
started. The father works abroad. mittee on Dangerous Drugs, Rep. Bienve- ings where it compelled big personalities
The House is expected to adopt the Quad- leftover campaign funds to finance and sup-
The fire was declared out at 11:25 nido Abante of the Committee on Human like former President Rodrigo Duterte, dis-
Comm’s recommendations when it resumes port the reward system, in contravention of
p.m. Rights, Rep. Dan Fernandez of the Com- missed Bamban Mayor Alice Guo, retired
session in January 2025,. If approved in the Comelec rules concerning the return of ex-
Manila Police District investigator mittee on Public Order and Safety, and Rep. colonel and former PCSO chair Royina
plenary, the chamber would later provide cess campaign funds,” the lawmaker from
PSSg. Kennedy Arellano said the Bu- Joseph Stephen Paduano of the House Com- Garma, among others to appear before the
a copy of the report to the Department of Mindanao said, citing the Quadcom panel
reau of Fire Protection will release an mittee on Public Accounts. mega panel to give their testimonies which
Justice and other agencies concerned which progress report.
The QuadComm was constituted on Au- helped the panel to recommended the filing
official report on the cause of the fire. shall be tasked to conduct further investiga- The Quadcom reports said that despite
tion, gather evidence, and build up a case the “noises” being made by some quarters
against the personalities concerned. identified with the Duterte camp, the Dan-
The QuadComm said once prima facie gerous Drugs Board (DDB), in a study, said
evidence is established, the DOJ and other the bloody drug war during the previous ad-
agencies concerned shall file the appropriate ministration resulted only in a slight decline
charges in court. in the number of drug users in the country.
Apart from Duterte, Go and Dela Rosa, The QuadComm report stated the joint
five other police officers were recommend- panel has filed four (4) bills to immediately
ed to be filed with charges under section 6 address some legislative gaps on certain
(other crimes against humanity) of Republic laws, and they include HB No. 10986 or an
Act 9851, also known as the “Philippine Act Act classifying EJKs as a Heinous Crime;
on Crimes Against International Humani- HB No. 10987 or an Act Prohibiting HB No.
tarian Law, Genocide, and other Crimes 10987 or an Act Prohibiting All Forms of
against Humanity. They were former PNP POGOs in the country; HB No. 11043 or an
chiefs Oscar David Albayalde and Debold Act Providing for a Civil Forfeiture in Favor
Sinas; Garma and Edilberto Leonardo and of the State any Unlawfully Acquired Real
Palace aide Herminia “Muking” Espino. Estate Properties by any Foreign National,
Enacted in 2009, or two years before the and HB No. 11117 or an Act Providing for
Philippines became a signatory to the Rome Administrative Cancellation of Birth Cer-
Statute of the International Criminal Court, tificates Registered Through Fraudulent
RA 9851 defines and punishes crimes Means by Foreign Nationals.
against international humanitarian law, gen- The issue on POGOs and its links to il-
ocide and other crimes against humanity. legal drugs flourished during a September
Former Sen. Leila De Lima, who ap- 23, 2023 seizure of some 560 kgs of shabu
peared as a resource person in several Quad- worth P3.6 billion at a warehouse in Mexico,
com hearings, said that RA 9851 holds not Pampanga which turned out to be owned by
just the direct perpetrators responsible, but Empire 999 Realty Corporation led by a sus-
also those in leadership positions who order pected Chinese drug lord identified as Wil-
and induce such crimes. lie Ong (Cai Qimeng).
During the 9th hearing of Quadcom, she The Quad Comm investigations indicated
explained that RA 9851, enacted two years that Ong is a Chinese national with a ques-
before the Philippines became a signatory to tionable background. When his firm was
the Rome Statute of the International Crimi- scrutinized by Barber’s dangerous drugs
nal Court (ICC), covers the systematic kill- panel, it revealed that it was registered with
ILLEGAL FIRECRACKERS. Members of the Bicol police regional office seized 2,772 illegal firecrackers during a two-day ings under Duterte’s drug war. the Securities and Exchange Commission
operation conducted from December 29 to 30, 2024. The illegal firecrackers were also crushed. Rosas Olarte Garma, a former trusted officer of Du- (SEC) with fellow Chinese nationals as in-
terte, disclosed the Duterte administration’s corporators using fake Filipino identities.
HE Philippines and
China began 2024
with seemingly
amicable talks during the
Eighth Meeting of the
China-Philippines Bilateral
Consultation Mechanism
(BCM) on the South China
Sea in January.
Both sides agreed to “improve mari-
time communication, manage disputes
through consultation, and mutually handle
emergencies in areas like Ayungin Shoal.”
However, by mid-year, these agreements
were overshadowed by escalating tensions
and repeated provocative act by China in
the disputed West Philippine Sea (WPS).
Confrontation at the Ayungin Shoal on
June 17 shocked the international commu-
nity. Departing from the usual tactics of
water cannon use, ramming, and towing
boats, a Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) ves-
sel further escalated tensions by severing
the thumb of Seaman First Class Jeffrey
Facundo of the Philippine Navy (PN) and
confiscating eight high-powered firearms.
The CCG also punctured rigid hull in-
flatable boats (RHIBs) of the Navy critical
for resupply missions.
These unprecedented actions drew
condemnation from the United States and
other allies such as the European Union,
Australia, Japan, and the United Kingdom, SCRUMPTIOUS LECHON. What would the New Year’s midnight feast (media noche) be like without the mouth-watering lechon which traditionally
who denounced China’s “aggressive, dan- sell like the proverbial hotcakes during the holidays despite the usual price increase. Manny Palmero
gerous maneuvers” that injured Philippine
personnel and obstructed lawful maritime
law on NTRH
litia Vessels, nine CCG ships, and nine Peo-
ple’s Liberation Army Navy warships.
Despite these Chinese aggressions, Phil-
ippine Navy Rear Admiral Roy Vincent
Trinidad gave assurance that the country By Maricel V. Cruz
remains “undeterred” in asserting its sov-
ereign rights. RIZAL Rep. Fidel Nograles thanked
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) President Marcos for enacting this week a
Secretary Enrique Manalo hinted at the law establishing the Northern Tagalog Re-
possibility of filing a new arbitral case after gional Hospital in Montalban town, say-
a CCG vessel that “intentionally rammed”
ing the facility said would provide easier
BRP Teresa Magbanua.
“We have made the necessary approach-
access to healthcare for the people of Rizal
es to China in terms of contacting them and neighboring areas.
through various means to express our com- “We sincerely thank President Fer-
plaint and displeasure at what happened. dinand Marcos Jr. in his signing of our
And not only that, our concern about rais- House Bill No. 955, now known as Repub-
ing tensions over what was basically just lic Act No. 12112, or the law that seeks to
innocent movement by Philippines vessel,” establish the Northern Tagalog Regional
Manalo said. Hospital (NTRH) in Montalban under the
The G7 and other international allies Department of Health,” Nograles said in
rallied behind the Philippines. The EU de- Pilipino.
nounced China’s actions as violations of “We have been dreaming for a long
international law, specifically the 2016 Ar- time to provide fast and reliable medical
bitral Award and the United Nations Con- services and free health care to our senior
vention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). citizens, PWDs (persons with disability),
Japan called for adherence to interna- women, and our less fortunate country-
tional law, while New Zealand labelled the men who no longer have to go out and go
ramming of Philippine vessels as part of a PAF PROMOTIONS. Twenty enlisted personnel of the Philippine Air Force’s Air Combat Command promoted to the next further. With Republic Act No. 12112, we
“recent pattern of destabilizing actions” in rank in Chevron ceremony held Sunday at Edwin Andrews Air Base in Zamboanga City, presided by ACC commander Maj. Gen. can achieve our dream, our new hope,” he
the region. Araus Robert Musico and deputy chief Col. Joycelyn Antig. said.
In October, tensions flared anew when
The lawmaker added that the NTRH
a Chinese vessel sideswiped a Philippine
promoted for
minor damage.
46 in anti-crime drive
The BFAR reported that the incident “Right now, the people of Rizal still
occurred during a routine maritime patrol need to commute and brave hours of traf-
excellent service
as China engaged in “dangerous maneu- fic for their medical needs. The NTRH, a
vers” to block its path, coinciding with the well-equipped health and medical institu-
ASEAN Summit. SOUTHERN Police District director Brig. In Taguig City, a man named Ferdinand, tion, would eliminate that need, and en-
China’s aggression extended beyond Gen. Manuel Abrugena has announced the 31, and a certain Ryan, 28, were arrested on sure that not only Montalbeños, but also
maritime confrontations. Beijing issued THE Philippine Air Force’s (PAF) Air arrest of 46 suspects following a series of op- Dec. 22 and 26, respectively, also for posses- residents of San Mateo and other towns
multiple warnings over Manila’s plans Combat Command (ACC) on Sunday erations targeting persons wanted for vari- sion of illegal drugs, while 56 year old Arnel of Rizal, along with parts of Quezon City,
to acquire US-made Typhon mid-range honored 20 troopers with promotion to ous criminal charges. was arrested on Dec. 26 for qualified theft. and San Jose del Monte, Bulacan are at-
missile system, which would enhance the the next higher rank in ceremony held Those arrested included 22 “most want- The Las Piñas City police brought in a tended to immediately,” Nograles noted.
Philippines’ defense capabilities within its at the Edwin Andrews Air Base in Zam- ed persons” and 24 others with various certain Allan, 39, on Dec. 26 for theft and Nograles, chair of the House Commit-
exclusive economic zone. boanga City. criminal records, notably a 42-year-old air one alias Ryan on Dec. 27 for attempted tee on Labor and Employment, is the au-
“Any deployment and procurement of ACC commander Maj. Gen. Araus conditioning technician from Pasay City murder. thor of the said law, which he pushed since
assets related to the Philippines’ security Robert Musico and his deputy chief Col. who was nabbed on Dec. 23, wanted for a In Makati City, a certain Margarito, 46, his first term in 2019.
and defense fall within its sovereign pre- Joycelyn Antig pinned the promotion in- case of alleged violence against women and was arrested on Dec. 24 for rape and child
The NTRH is a Level II 200-bed ca-
rogative,” Secretary of National Defense signias to the 20 enlisted personnel children, and a 46-year-old family driver abuse, while a 34-year old man named Elm-
pacity hospital under the Department of
Gilberto Teodoro asserted. In his remarks, Musico expressed sin- who was collared on Dec. 24 for alleged er was apprehended on Dec. 26 for violating
grave threats. a city ordinance. Health. It is the first national hospital in
Teodoro criticized China’s “saber-rattling” cere appreciation for the hard work and
and called for the withdrawal of its illegal dedication of the newly-promoted Air- In Muntinlupa City, a man identified Abruegena said “these arrests demon- Rizal, as well as the first hospital in Re-
presence within the Philippines’ waters. men “whose contributions have been only as Jonel, 32, was apprehended on Dec. strate the Southern Police District’s unwa- gion IV-A with an infectious disease labo-
“If the Chinese Communist Party is tru- crucial to the unit’s success in fulfilling 23 for possession of illegal drugs. Another vering commitment to upholding the law ratory.
ly intent on reducing tensions, they should its mission.” suspect, identified as Hermie, 38, was ap- and ensuring community safety.” Nograles said the NTRH will offer such
stop their provocative actions,” he said. “The event served as a reminder that prehended on Dec. 25 for theft. He commended the relentless efforts of services as consultations for pediatrics
Thus far, the Philippines has filed 60 promotions are a reflection of the strug- In Parañaque City, a 50-year-old sewing the police units involved in these operations medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, and
diplomatic protests against China in 2024 gles and perseverance of individuals, mechanic named Bernie was collared on and reiterated the importance of continued surgery. It will also have a clinical labo-
alone, bringing the total to 193 under Presi- with their achievements being recog- Dec. 27 over a charge of lascivious conduct vigilance in the pursuit of justice. Joel E. ratory for blood testing, a pharmacy, and
dent Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s administration. nized and valued.,” the PAF said. under Republic Act No. 7610. Zurbano first level X-ray and ultrasound services.
[email protected]
Back to basics
What authorities should guard then this would significantly clip the
against is the use of private armed wings of what the Quad Comm has
groups by politicians intent on im- described as the former president’s
posing their will on the electorate “criminal enterprise” and adversely
through intimidation and brute force. affect even Sara Duterte’s fond wish
Related to this is the dominance of to take over the presidency by any
political dynasties in certain regions means necessary.
and provinces. In the economic sphere, the admin-
The 1987 Constitution has an ex- istration should focus on attaining E BEGIN suffer the effects of a long-term af- usual ways.
plicit prohibition on political dynasties food security and taming inflation, fliction. It caused health systems to Health and economic lessons not-
to allow equal access to opportuni- since prices of most basic commodi- 2025 with collapse and economies to slow down withstanding, it is good to recall the
or contract. Different countries’ re- days of the pandemic as we mark the
ties for public service, except that the ties have gone through the roof. a plea from sponses were varied, and some coped beginning of a new year today. Those
framers of the fundamental law left it It is disturbing that even before the
to Congress to pass an enabling law. year ended, the Agriculture Depart- the World Health better than others. days were marked by darkness, un-
certainty, and impermanence – the
That is the fatal flaw of that specif- ment had warned of a ‘food emer- Organization for China very same things that led people to
ic provision, as lawmakers belonging gency’ amid rising prices of rice, our
to political dynasties are not likely to staple food. to share information look inward and ask themselves what
give up their positions of power and It is in the foreign policy front, in on how exactly May we begin this new was truly important to them.
Often, wherever in the world, the
influence, if not pelf and privilege,
and would want to stay in power for
particular the West Philippine Sea
issue, that the Marcos Jr. administra- COVID-19 began five year with a courageous answers tended to be the same: Being
as long as they can. tion faces immense pressure from the years ago. Experts look at the past to in the company of loved ones, virtu-
ally or otherwise. Staying healthy
The political dynasties with little to Chinese side that has consistently at-
and policy makers arm ourselves for the and starting/ maintaining good hab-
show in terms of good performance tacked our victory in the 2016 ruling
and concrete achievements while in of the Permanent Court of Arbitra- future. its. Doing something of meaning.
public office are likely to resort to tion as baseless and unfounded.
need to understand Everything else was secondary.
underhanded means, including the We should continue to build on our the pandemic’s Five years on, the world has re-
covered, and now many people re-
COVID is still around but no long-
er at an alarming rate. Still, let us not
use of private armed groups, so they growing alliance with friendly na-
can protect their political and eco- tions, such as Japan, Australia and origins so the world member those days of COVID as lose touch with our realizations dur-
they would remember a war -- a sig- ing those terrible years. May we be-
nomic interests. the European Union that have also could confront the nificant, life-changing event that left gin this new year with a courageous
We fully support efforts by some opposed the bullying and intimida-
sectors who are saying the Constitu- tion of our Coast Guard and fisher- next pandemic more bad memories and numerous lessons. look at the past to arm ourselves for
tional prohibition on politic al dynas- folk by the Chinese Coast Guard and effectively. That, or a nightmare.
Travel has resumed, business has
the future, a clear vision of where we
want to go, and a renewed commit-
ties is “self-executing” and does not their maritime militia to assert our
really need congressional action to claim over our exclusive economic picked up, schools have reopened, ment to cherish what is truly impor-
COVID killed and sickened mil- and people have gone back to their tant.
make it work. zone based on the UN Conference on lions, while some patients continue to
Another significant milestone this the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
year is that on June 30, President (Email: [email protected])
shows the way.” to existing labor laws and promotes a pines.
There are many outstanding busi- harmonious labor-management envi- SMC is also in the list of Forbes
ness leaders in our country who have ronment. Magazine’s World’s Best Employers
made their imprint not only in their SMC has put in place programs to in 2024, a recognition it also earned in
organizations but in the country as ensure open lines of communication. 2023. It is ranked among the World’s
well. They have been working hand- These programs are the Grievance Top Companies for Women 2024 and
in-hand with government to provide a Machinery, organization of Labor- is included in Time Magazine’s list of
nurturing environment for economic Management Councils, organization the World’s Best Companies. At the
growth. of town halls for non-unionized em- 2021 Asia CEO Awards was the Em-
Among these leaders is San Miguel ployees, and speak-ups. ployer of the Year.
de Roxas, corner Perea St., Legaspi Village, Makati City.
Telephone numbers 8-5646225 and 8-5646229
Philippine Press Institute Edgar M. Valmorida Circulation Manager Lino M. Santos Chief Photographer
The National Association
(connecting all departments), (Editorial) 832-5554, of Philippine Newspapers
(Advertising) 832-5550. P.O. Box 2933, Manila Central Post
Office, Manila. Website: Emil P. Jurado Chairman Emeritus, Editorial Board
[email protected]
World greets 2025 after sweltering
year of Olympics, turmoil, Trump
SYDNEY—Crowds will marvel places,” insurance worker Stuart Ed-
at fireworks and toast champagne wards, 32, told AFP as early crowds
to greet 2025 on Tuesday, wav- swelled on Sydney’s waterfront.
ing goodbye to a year that brought “It would be nice for the world if
Olympic glory, a dramatic Donald it all sort of fixed itself, sorted itself
Trump return, and turmoil in the out.”
Middle East and Ukraine. The self-proclaimed “New Year’s
It is all but certain 2024 will go capital of the world” will spray nine
down as the hottest year on record, tonnes of fireworks from its famed
climate-fueled disasters wreaking Opera House and Harbour Bridge at
havoc from the plains of Europe to midnight.
the Kathmandu Valley. More than a million spectators are
As New Year’s Eve parties kicked expected to pack the city’s foreshore
into gear along Australia’s pictur- to catch a glimpse of the pyrotech-
esque Sydney Harbor on Tuesday nics.
afternoon, many revellers were re- “Just to see all the beautiful colors
HYPED-UP INQUIRY. Police forensics personnel and National Bureau of Investigation officials work at the scene lieved to see the past 12 months in and enjoy being in this situation with
where a Jeju Air Boeing 737-800 aircraft crashed and burst into flames at Muan International Airport in Muan, 288
kilometerss southwest of Seoul on Tuesday. The Boeing 737-800 was carrying 181 people from Thailand to South the rearview mirror. so many people in wonderful Aus-
Korea when it crashed on arrival on Sunday, killing everyone aboard -- save two flight attendants pulled from the “Obviously there’s a lot of war tralia,” said 71-year-old retired nurse
twisted wreckage of the worst aviation disaster on South Korean soil. AFP and disruption going on in various Ruth Rowse.
secret graves
of the Monumental
Lighthouse of La Serena
after strong waves
hit the seafront in La
MEXICO CITY—Mexican authori- Serena, Chile the other
ties said they recovered a total of 31 day. Three deaths, one in
Chile, have been blamed
bodies from pits in a southeastern
on large waves up to
state plagued by cartel violence since 13 feet pummeling
they began excavating the improvised Ecuador, Chile and
graves at the weekend. Peru, where nearly
Chiapas State Governor Eduardo 100 ports have been
Ramirez at the weekend announced closed because of the
an operation to restore stability to rough conditions. The
Frailesca, an agricultural region near phenomenon began
Guatemala where rival drug cartels on Christmas and is
have been involved in a turf war. expected to last until
“As of today (Monday), we have today, authorities said.
found a total of 25 clandestine graves, AFP
31 bodies found, 29 of them male and
two female,” said Jorge Luis Llaven,
the state prosecutor of Chiapas in a
The Chiapas state government
initially said it had discovered 15
bodies on Saturday. A further two
were found on Sunday and 14 more
China slams ‘groundless’ claims of attack on US Treasury Appeals court
on Monday.
The prosecutor said his office and
the state security secretariat will
BEIJING—Beijing on Tuesday hit
back at accusations that a China
state-sponsored actor was behind
attacks, and we are even more opposed
to the spread of false information
against China for political purposes”.
In its letter to the leadership of the
Senate Banking Committee, the Treasury
said: “Based on available indicators, the
upholds verdict
continue investigating until they find
“each one of the bodies of the people
who have been reported missing”.
a cyber breach at the US Treasury
Department, calling the claims
“We have stated our position many
times regarding such groundless
accusations that lack evidence,” foreign
incident has been attributed to a China
state-sponsored Advanced Persistent
Threat (APT) actor.”
in Trump case
Mexico’s cartel-related violence is The Treasury said the attack ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said. An APT refers to a cyberattack NEW YORK—A federal appeals
concentrated along drug trafficking resulted in access to some of its The Treasury contacted the US where an intruder establishes and court on Monday (Tuesday in Ma-
routes, borders and ports of entry. workstations, according to a letter to Cybersecurity and Infrastructure maintains unauthorised access to a nila) upheld a jury verdict ordering
Chiapas state, on Mexico’s Congress seen by AFP. Security Agency after it was alerted target, remaining undetected for a President-elect Donald Trump to pay
southern border, has been described According to the Treasury, the of the situation by its provider sustained period of time. $5 million for sexually abusing and
by the InSight Crime think tank as “a incident happened earlier this month, BeyondTrust, and has been working The department did not provide defaming writer E. Jean Carroll.
major smuggling hub of both drugs when the actor compromised a third- with law enforcement to ascertain further details on what was affected by A New York jury found after a
and migrants”. party cybersecurity service provider the impact. the breach, but said more information nine-day civil trial last year that the
Violence has coincided with the and was able to remotely access the “The compromised BeyondTrust would be released in a supplemental former president had sexually abused
Jalisco New Generation Cartel workstations and some unclassified service has been taken offline and report at a later date. Carroll at a Manhattan department
incursion into areas that were once documents. there is no evidence indicating the “Treasury takes very seriously store in 1996.
strongholds of the Sinaloa Cartel, one China denied the claims, with the threat actor has continued access to all threats against our systems, and Trump was ordered to pay $2 mil-
of Mexico’s biggest drug trafficking foreign ministry saying Beijing “has Treasury systems or information,” the the data it holds,” the spokesperson lion for sexual abuse and another $3
organizations, it said. AFP always opposed all forms of hacker department’s spokesperson said. added. AFP million for defaming Carroll, a former
advice columnist for Elle magazine.
Trump denied the allegations and
China says COVID information shared appealed the verdict on the grounds
that two other women who said
‘without holding anything back’ Trump had sexually assaulted them
too should not have been allowed to
BEIJING—Beijing insisted on Tues- spokeswoman Mao Ning said on The three-judge panel of the Sec-
day it had shared information on CO- Tuesday. ond US Circuit Court of Appeals dis-
VID-19 “without holding anything “Without holding anything back, agreed.
back,” after the World Health Orga- we shared our prevention, control and “We conclude that Mr. Trump has
nization implored China to offer more treatment experience, making a huge not demonstrated that the district
data and access to understand the dis- contribution to the international com- court erred in any of the challenged
ease’s origins. munity’s pandemic-fighting work,” rulings,” they said.
COVID-19, which first emerged in she told reporters at a regular press “Further, he has not carried his bur-
the central Chinese city of Wuhan, briefing. den to show that any claimed error or
killed millions of people, shredded This month marks the fifth anniver- combination of claimed errors affect-
economies and crippled health sys- sary since the outbreak in Wuhan was ed his substantial rights as required to
tems. first reported. warrant a new trial.”
The WHO published a statement on Over the course of the COVID-19 Carroll was awarded $83 million
Monday saying it was a “moral and pandemic, the WHO repeatedly criti- by another jury in a separate case she
scientific imperative” for China to cized Chinese authorities for their brought against Trump.
share more information. lack of transparency and cooperation. CASUALTIES FROM EXPLOSION. Trucks are parked near the site of an He has appealed that verdict and
“Five years ago... China imme- A team of specialists led by the explosion at a weapons depot the previous day at the Industrial area of Adra, some Steven Cheung, a Trump spokesman,
diately shared epidemic informa- WHO and accompanied by Chinese 30 kms from the Syrian capital Damascus on Monday. An official from a nearby area, said the Republican would lodge a
tion and viral gene sequence with colleagues conducted an investigation requesting anonymity, told AFP ‘an explosion of unknown origin’ rocked the Adra further appeal against the $5 million
the WHO and the international into the pandemic’s origins in early industrial area, reporting an unspecified number of casualties and adding rescue damages awarded in the sexual abuse
community,” foreign ministry 2021. AFP operations were ongoing. AFP and defamation case. AFP
Haas F1 Team’s British driver Oliver Bearman attends a press conference ahead of the Formula One Azerbaijan Grand Prix at the Baku City Circuit in Baku. AFP
Suryavanshi, who could become the
ARIS— There currently have with the EU
which resulted in Almayew
reaching the semi-finals at the French
youngest-ever to play in the money-
spinning IPL.
may not be an being denied the chance to “I definitely knew she was a young The teenage batter’s rise has been
Olympics but there compete at the Diamond player to watch, she was beating very swift. He made his domestic debut
League Finals in September. top players,” said coach Conchita Mar- aged 12 in the Ranji Trophy in January,
is still plenty of sport to Hopefully, she will be able tinez. “I did my homework and imme- then was selected for India’s Under-19
look forward to in 2025 to clear the visa hurdle next diately could see she has a lot of poten- squad against a touring Australia team,
year as the World Athletics tial, everybody can see.”
and while some will be Championships are in Tokyo. Andreeva’s first WTA title arrived
promptly hitting a 58-ball century.
“He is the kind of player who has
looking at it as a final Tennis - Mirra Andreeva in Iasi, Romania, before she added an come on Earth to play cricket, he
swansong, others will see The 17-year-old Russian
already served warning of
Olympic silver medal in doubles in Paris.
Now ranked at 16, that record sug-
settles for nothing else,” said his state
coach, Pramod Kumar. AFP
the year as the springboard “I always feel like I’m at home when her precocious talent when gests she is ready to challenge Iga
to sporting greatness. I get in an F1 car, which is nice. And she reached the last 16 of Wimbledon in Swiatek and Aryna Sabalenka for the
every time I get in an F1 car, I feel more 2023 and then again at the Australian No.1 ranking.
and more at home. It’s a good feeling,” Open in 2024, only to eclipse that by Baseball - Roki Sasaki
AFP Sport looks at five young pre- he said. It is 60 years since Masanori Muraka-
tenders to keep an eye on over the next Athletics - Sembo Almayew mi became the first Japanese player to
12 months: Ethiopia has a wealth of middle and feature in Major League Baseball but the
Formula 1 - Oliver Bearman long-distance runners but 19-year-old arrival this season of another pitcher Roki
The 19-year-old, who will race Almayew is a star in the making. Sasaki could prove almost as exciting.
alongside Esteban Ocon at Haas, is In some ways she has already arrived: The 23-year-old from Iwate, who
not going to win the 2025 Formula at the Paris Olympics she was outshone regularly exceeds 100mph on pitches,
One title but this will be the season by another youngster, 20-year-old Ke- has been described in the US media as
when the young Briton lays down a nyan Faith Cherotich, but still finished a “generational talent on the mound”.
marker for years to come. fifth in the 3000m steeplechase. In 2022, he threw a perfect game
A graduate of the Ferrari driver acade- She then went on to win gold in the with 19 strikeouts, nearly repeating the
my, Bearman made his F1 debut as a late U20 World Athletics Championships in feat a week later with eight more per-
replacement for Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz in Lima in a new championship record. fect innings.
Saudi Arabia in 2024. Driving a mature That resulted in her winning the World He has been linked with Los Angeles
race, he finished seventh, provoking ex- Athletics Rising Star for 2024 awards. Dodgers, where he would team up with
citement over another young talent join- The only fly in the ointment has countryman Shohei Ohtani, but the Chi-
ing the grid. been the visa problems that Ethiopians ba Lottes Marines pitcher may have to
PH MMA finds its footing in Cordillera’s shadow sawen yielding to Marawi’s Marwin
Quirante via submission and Songaben
falling to Camarines Norte’s Jayson
have been coming and going, offering
seminars and refining the local scene.
Cross-training is no longer seen as ta-
also remains “The Face of In a country where basketball, box- Miralpez in brutal fashion. boo. The information that was once
Philippine MMA.” ing, billiards, and volleyball have It didn’t end there. At ZCL 2: Su- elusive is now readily available, right at
But the accolades don’t reigned supreme, MMA earned its premacy in October, Team Lakay ended their fingertips.
stop there. Cordillera’s seat at the table through the sacrifice the night 0-2, with Joris Jonker losing MMA has grown, and so have its
influence extends to the and determination of these highland- a hard-fought welterweight title bout to athletes and stakeholders. Today,
veterans, ranked contend- ers. In the sport’s early years, it wasn’t Davao’s Hero Manguray and Estrada it’s not just Cordillerans represent-
In The Red Corner ers, and rising stars. From just the absence of resources but the Donga-as suffering a brutal knockout at ing the country on the global stage.
Nissi Icasiano Edward Kelly to Danny absence of a blueprint that made the hands of Negros Occidental’s Kim- Fighters like Denice Zamboanga,
Kingad, from Mark Ed- their rise so exceptional. There were bert Alintozon. Fritz Biagtan, and Eros Baluyout are
diva to Jhanlo Sangiao — no state-of-the-art gyms, no endless For long-time fans of Philip- proving that talent exists beyond the
FOR years, it’s been said that Philip- these are just a few of the sponsors. What they had was a hun- pine MMA, this was jarring. The mountains.
pine mixed martial arts goes wher- names shaping the sport’s legacy, all ger to succeed — a hunger that turned Cordillerans, who had once steam- Is this the dawn of a paradigm shift?
ever Cordillera leads it. And why hailing from the highlands. doubters into believers. rolled through the local competition, It’s too soon to say. But if we learned
wouldn’t it? This region has been And yet, despite being nestled at 5,900 But, as with all things, times change. seemed vulnerable for the first time. anything from 2024, it’s this: expect
home to the athletes who, with grit feet above sea level, far from the mod- The rest of the country has caught up. So, what happened? Was it the high- the unexpected. More fighters from
and heart, put the Philippines on the ern resources and accessibility of Metro Just like the journey from Manila to profile exodus that shook Team Lakay all corners of the country are rising up,
global MMA map. Manila, Cordillera’s athletes stand as Baguio City, which now takes just over to its core in 2023? Or perhaps the and 2025 promises to be the next chap-
Joshua Pacio, Kevin Belingon, Hon- the gold standard for Philippine MMA. four hours with the help of the SCTEX limited opportunities for MMA in ter in Philippine MMA’s evolution — a
orio Banario, Stephen Loman, Geje They’ve maintained a level of excel- and TPLEX, the rest of the Philippines ONE Championship, where many of chapter that the pioneers only dreamed
Eustaquio, and Crisanto Pitpitunge lence that others struggled to match. But has bridged the gap. our stars reside? of back when they were clawing for re-
— each of them has donned a major it wasn’t just skill. It was an unrelenting This was confirmed in 2024 when Li- The answer, my friends, is simpler spect and recognition.
world title and, in their own way, so- work ethic, forged in simplicity and raw ons Nation MMA went 1-2 at the inau- than it appears: times have changed. At the end of the day, all athletes,
lidified the region’s dominance. And determination. It was a relentless drive gural Zeus Combat League (ZCL) event MMA in the Philippines has evolved. regardless of where they come from,
let’s not forget Eduard Folayang, who to outwork anyone, even with the most in May. Aaron Posawen and Denver We now have a growing list of Brazil- dream of one thing: to leave the sport
isn’t just a former world champion but limited of resources. Songaben both suffered losses —Po- ian jiu-jitsu black belts. Industry experts better than they found it.
RANDY M. CALUAG, Asst. Editor
prepares for
5th duel with
KEVIN “The Silencer” Belingon
admitted that fighting Bibiano
“The Flash” Fernandes again was
the last thing on his mind as he
wrapped up 2024.
But as fate would have it, it seems
like their stories are forever inter-
twined. They’re now set to fight for an
unprecedented fifth time at ONE 171:
Qatar on February 20, 2025, inside Lu-
sail Sports Arena in Doha.
This fight is a fitting conclusion to
their eight-year rivalry dating back to
2016, when Belingon showed up as the
perfect challenger to then-dominant
bantamweight king Fernandes.
“When the fight was offered, of
course I was surprised. I never expect-
First Lady Liza Araneta Marcos and William Vincent ‘Vinny’ Araneta Marcos (seventh and sixth from left) with (from left) Philippine National Volleyball ed to fight him again,” Belingon said.
Federation (PNVF) vice president Ricky Palou and secretary-general Donaldo Caringal, Philippine Sports Commission chairman Richard Bachmann, Tourism “But then I thought, I’ll get the
Secretary Christina Garcia Frasco, Senator Alan Peter Cayetano, Volleyball World CEO Finn Taylor, PNVF president Ramon ‘Tats’ Suzara and national team chance to settle the score, so I’m truly
mainstay Bryan Bagunas make the victory sign after the first organizational meeting for the world championship in Malacañang on April 30, 2024. excited. I feel blessed to still compete.”
That excitement, though, could be
about sticking with the game plan.”
He’ll be well equipped to go toe-
REPARATIONS shift into Adding confidence to a potentially best-ever edition by the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) last No-
to-toe with Fernandes now, especially
of the FIVB MWCH 2025 is Malacañang’s commit- vember at the Rizal Memorial Sports Complex.
high gear on New Year’s Day ment that was forged during the first top level organiza- The Local Organizing Committee for the FIVB since he used his time away from the
ring to focus on his grappling. And he
Wednesday as the countdown tion meeting at the Palace on April 30, 2024, that was MWCH 2025 is also composed of Senator Pia Cay-
believes his new-found confidence on
presided over by First Lady Liza Araneta Marcos and etano, Manuel V. Pangilinan, Philippine Olympic
dwindles to nine months for the William Vincent “Vinny” Araneta Marcos, co-chair of Committee president Abraham “Bambol” Tolentino the ground will show in this fight.
Philippines’ first-ever solo hosting of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) with Senator and PSC chairman Richard Bachmann.
the FIVB Men’s World Championship Alan Peter Cayetano, also PNVF chairman emeritus, Significant activities will precede the world cham-
and Tourism Secretary Christina Garcia Frasco. pionship, including the International Road Show
(MWCH) 2025. The commitment was broadened in last Septem- spread over the first half of the year and Mascot Con-
ber’s One-Year Countdown and Drawing of Lots at test and Launch, Trophy Tour, Media Broadcast Con-
Thirty-one of the world’s top volleyball nations in the Solaire that was followed immediately by the “Con- ference, Team Managers Meeting, Test Event and
32-team roster will descend on Philippine soil for the cierto sa Palacio,” a night of music held at the Malaca- 100-Day Countdown in June.
September 12 to 28 world championship set at the SM ñang grounds with no less that President Ferdinand The Philippines is in Pool A with 11-time Af-
Mall of Asia Arena and Smart Araneta Coliseum. R. Marcos Jr., First Lady Marcos and the young Mar- rican champion Tunisia, current Africa titlist and
“This is the time when the preparations and organiza- cos hosting top FIVB and LOC officials. Paris Olympian Egypt and 2024 Asian champion-
tion start to be meticulous every single day, it’s the world Then FIVB secretary-general now president Fabio ship runner-up Iran.
championship year of the FIVB and as host country for Azevedo praised President Marcos and the First Family World No. 1 Poland wisas in Pool B with Romania,
first time—and solo host at that—the mission borders for their enthusiasm in volleyball and sports as a whole. Qatar and The Netherlands, while Volleyball Nations
from an excellent to almost perfect hosting of the event,” “It was fantastic to see how committed the Presi- League champion France was grouped in Pool C with
said Ramon “Tats” Suzara, head of the Philippine Nation- dent [Marcos] is in promoting volleyball and it’s as Korea, Finland and Argentina; the United States in Pool
al Volleyball Federation who in 2024 was elected presi- fantastic to see the volleyball euphoria in the Phil- D with Colombia, Portugal and 2010 silver medalist
dent of the Asian Volleyball Confederation and executive ippines,” said Fabio, who gifted President Marcos a Cuba; Slovenia in Pool E with Chile, Bulgaria and 2014
vice president of the FIVB. painting by Slaven Dizdarevic, an Olympian decath- bronze medalist Germany; 2022 world champion Italy
“We’ve done it before and we’re expected to do it lete from Slovakia, during the “Concierto.” in Pool F with Algeria, Belgium and Ukraine; Libya,
again,” added Suzara, who was on top of the coun- Government’s high-level involvement in the world European league 2023 winner Turkiye and Canada in
try’s co-hosting of the FIBA World Cup in 2023 as championship also got rolling with the first Inter- Pool G; and Brazil, 2024 Challenge Cup winner China,
its chief implementor. Agency Technical Working Group Meeting initiated Czech Republic and Serbia in Pool H.
By Randy Caluag
THE Philippine Sambo Team con-
of trustees meeting in Davao City.
Tancontian, a Davao City-based
martial artist and founder of the
Hart triple-double
cluded 2024 with a triumphant perfor-
mance at the Asia and Oceania Open
Beach Sambo Championships, held
Sambo National Sports Association
(NSA), will serve as president from
2025 to 2028.
sparks Knicks to
recently in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
National Training Pool standout Cre-
sente Navares delivered an outstanding
Upon his re-election, he expressed
gratitude for the community’s un-
wavering trust in his leadership and
8th straight win
showing, winning gold in the beach commitment to grassroots develop- WASHINGTON—Josh Hart delivered
team sambo event and bronze in the ment. “I am honored to have been his third triple-double of the season on
71kg men’s sambo category while John re-elected as President of the Philip- Monday to spark the New York Knicks
McLeary Ornido, earned a silver med- pine Sambo Federation (PSFI). I ex- to a 126-106 victory at Washington that
al in the same division. tend my deepest appreciation to all stretched their win streak to eight games.
The team was guided by Coach Syd- our members for their unwavering Hart had 23 points, 15 rebounds and 10
ney Sy, whose expertise has played a support and belief in our shared vi- assists for his ninth triple-double with the
crucial role in advancing the sport in sion: to elevate and expand the reach Knicks while Karl-Anthony Towns had
the country. of Sambo within the Philippines. We a game-high 32 points and 13 rebounds.
Paolo Tancontian, president of the are committed to surpassing our pre- Jalen Brunson and O.G. Anunoby each
Pilipinas Sambo Federation, expressed vious accomplishments and driving scored 18 points for New York, which im-
optimism for the future. “As we look Sambo to even greater heights with proved to 23-10.
forward to the new year, we are confi- our newly elected officers. We will Paolo Tancontian (extreme right) with some members of the sambo national team The Knicks led 59-57 at half time over
dent that Pilipinas Sambo will continue work tirelessly to ensure its contin- the Eastern Conference doormats and
to soar to greater heights and inspire fu- ued growth and success. Maraming for Philippine Sambo. Consigna earning bronze medals at the pulled away in the third quarter before
ture generations of athletes,” said Tan- salamat po sa inyong tiwala at supor- The country achieved significant World Beach Sambo Championships, dominating the fourth to win.
contian, who was re-elected to a fresh ta,” Tancontian said. success on the international stage, and Aislinn Yap also bagging a bronze “We executed, we got stops, we played
four-year term during the recent board The past year has been exceptional with Sydney Sy-Tancontian and Jeniva at the World Sambo Championships. fast,” Hart said. “We played to our
strengths. Sometimes it takes us a little
while to wake up. We always do.”
P712 billion
International visitor receipts
tourism receipts
reached record P712b in 2024
16.4m By Othel V. Campos including visa delays, economic stay increased from 9 nights in 2019
pressures, and geopolitical issues. to over 11 nights in 2024, with 70
EPARTMENT of Tourism (DOT) Secretary Despite these hurdles, the DOT percent of visitors being repeat
pushed for reforms, such as the travelers.
Christina Frasco underscored the agency’s
Filipinos employed commitment to advancing the country’s tourism
Cruise Visa Waiver program and the
implementation of e-visa systems for
According to the April 2024 Labor
Force Survey, tourism employed 16.4
in 2025. key markets like India. million Filipinos, accounting for 34
in tourism “With optimism and unwavering She highlighted the industry’s
It also shifted its focus from sheer
visitor numbers to quality tourism
percent of the nation’s workforce.
CALABARZON led employment
safe fireworks
Pangandaman joins
other Cabinet officials
in a news briefing
allowing everyone to enjoy the
festivities with peace of mind,”
Roque said.
Globe intensifies measures against online fraud To assist consumers, the DTI,
through the Bureau of Philippine
Standards (BPS), published a
By Darwin G. Amojelar empowering individuals and families which more and more Filipinos fall comprehensive list of certified
to protect themselves against victim every day. These threats rob fireworks on its official website.
GLOBE Telecom Inc. said it intensified prevalent online scams. online customers of their hard-earned This list serves as a reliable guide,
A recent GASA study highlighted money, impacting their mental and helping consumers make informed
its efforts to combat the growing online
the urgency of these efforts, revealing physical health,” said Yoly Crisanto, choices by selecting products that
fraud in the Philippines. meet rigorous safety standards.
Globe said its award-winning Digital that one in three Filipinos experienced chief sustainability and corporate
attempted fraud in the past year. communications officer at Globe. The DTI said it remains vigilant in
Thumbprint Program (DTP) reached protecting consumers and ensuring
6,196 participants this year, educating Despite 73 percent of respondents “Globe believes the antidote is
a safe holiday season for all.
them on digital citizenship, cybersecurity claiming they could recognize scams, education, that’s why we are bringing “We encourage everyone to check
PH set to exit and ethical technology use.
The company said that in
many still fell victim.
Such findings underscore the urgent
DTP to schools across the country. If
our young people are aware of what
the official list of certified fireworks
before making any purchase and
GSP+ trading November, 450 individuals in Ilocos
Sur, Pampanga, Rizal and Davao del
need to educate Filipinos about the
perils that lurk online.
to look out for and how to protect
themselves online, they will get to
support our efforts in promoting
safety. Let us celebrate responsibly
B3 Norte benefited from DTP workshops. “With the accelerated digital enjoy the benefits of technology and prioritize the well-being of
These sessions provided invaluable transformation comes growing safely, spared from becoming another ourselves and our loved ones,”
lessons on cybersecurity awareness, online threats, particularly fraud, to scam statistic,” she said. Roque said. Othel V. Campos
and debt amortization. It incurred a budget deficit of P1.2
Data showed that gross borrowings trillion in the first 11 months of 2024,
NFA RICE. National Food Authority (NFA) administrator Larry Lacson assures the reached P2.49 trillion in the 11-month as the revenue collection of P4.1
public that the agency is ready to release NFA rice to relief giving institutions in the
occurrence of emergencies and calamities even in holiday seasons. He issued the
period, while debt amortization trillion was not enough to cover the
statement following reports of the volcanic activity of Mt. Kanlaon and the monitored amounted to P1.25 trillion. expenditures amounting to P5.28
forecasts on intertropical convergence and rain showers in most parts of the country. Government debt continued to trillion.
[email protected]
Calamba Medical
Center (CMC) in
Bounty Fresh
Laguna holds
its first event for
children with health
conditions (congenital
to integrate hydrocephalus,
leukemia, colostomy
and global
developmental delay)
on Dec. 28, 2024. The
hospital welcomed
more than 50 young
participants from
By Darwin G. Amojelar different areas in the
PLDT Enterprise, the corporate arm
of PLDT, teamed up with Bounty
Fresh Group Holdings Inc., the parent
company of Chooks-to-Go, to deliver
integrated connectivity and commu-
nication solutions aimed at improving
operational efficiency and enhancing
customer experiences.
“At PLDT Enterprise, our mis-
sion is to help businesses thrive by
providing technology their compa-
CMC in Laguna
AirAsia PH designated
ny needs to enable seamless opera-
tions and build stronger customer
connections,” said Jay Lagdameo,
vice president and head of Enter-
prise Revenue Group at PLDT En-
hosts charity
event for kids
Muslim-friendly airline
“This partnership with Chooks-to-
Go demonstrates our commitment
to driving business success ensuring By Roy Tomandao
they remain competitive in an in-
creasingly digital world,’ he said. CALAMBA Medical Center
Known for its iconic roast chicken, By Othel V. Campos The Philippines had 17 DOT-rec- (CMC) in Laguna held a charity
Chooks-to-Go previously faced op- ognized Muslim-friendly accommo- event for children with health con-
erational hurdles due to limitations HE Department of Tourism (DOT) said it is set to dation establishments (MFAEs) as of ditions on December 28, 2024.
in traditional SIM-based internet sys- Dec. 5, 2024, 13 of which are Mega-
formalize an agreement with AirAsia Philippines, world Hotels and Resorts properties.
welcoming more than 50 young
officially designating it as a Muslim-friendly The DOT earlier signed a memoran- participants from different areas
These challenges led to service in the province.
disruptions and inefficiencies during airline to enhance the travel experience for Muslim dum of understanding with Mega-
world Hotels. These children have congenital
high-demand periods, impacting both visitors. Other developers also committed to heart disease, autism spectrum
operations and customer satisfaction.
converting their properties into Mus- disorder, epilepsy, hydrocephalus,
With the shift to PLDT Enterprise’s Tourism Secretary Christina Frasco Travel Index announced during the lim-friendly standards by next year.
fiber network, Chooks-to-Go now
leukemia, colostomy and global
confirmed that the agreement would Halal in Travel Global Summit 2024 AirAsia teamed up with the Uni- developmental delay).
benefits from high-speed, reliable in- be signed in January 2025. in Singapore,” she said. versal Islamic Center (UIC) and the
ternet that ensures uninterrupted op- The event, titled “Little Brave
“This dedication to inclusivity has Visitor arrivals from Muslim- Philippine Halal Trade & Tourism to
erations across all branches. Warriors”, was organized to cel-
allowed the Philippines to earn rec- majority countries posted signifi- enhance its offerings for Muslim trav-
The infrastructure provides higher ognitions, such as the Emerging Mus- cant growth, with 547,197 visitors elers. ebrate and support these children
bandwidth and unlimited internet lim-friendly Destination of the Year recorded from January to November The collaboration will allow Halal- and their families. It featured
access, empowering the business to for non-OIC Countries at the Master- 2024, a 9.8-percent increase from certified meal options to be served on games, cash prizes, grocery give-
scale efficiently. card CrescentRating Global Muslim 2023. all flights. aways for media noche and dona-
tions from CMC employees.’
other government agencies, such as which took effect on Dec. 31, 2024.
the Philippine Economic Zone Au- PEZA director-general Tereso Pan- THE Philippine Health Insurance
HE Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is thority (PEZA), to ensure seamless ga echoed the need to strengthen in- Corp. (PhilHealth) was told to in-
intensifying efforts to boost intra-ASEAN trade implementation next year. tra-ASEAN trade, citing its resilience crease its benefit packages for the
10 most common illnesses in the
and investments as part of its strategy to mitigate Roque revealed active discussions amid global disruptions.
with various international partners, “This year, foreign and local in-
the potential impacts of the impending graduation of including Japan, Israel, and India. vestments are balanced at 50-50. Finance Secretary Ralph Recto
the Philippines from the European Union’s Generalized “We’re still in talks with the Japanese Beyond traditional export markets in made the call during a news brief-
System of Preferences Plus (GSP+) by 2026. minister. We also met with the Israeli the US and Europe, we’re promoting ing in Malacañang following the
ambassador and a company from India intra-ASEAN trade and investments,” signing of the 2025 General Ap-
exploring opportunities in healthcare Panga said. propriations Act (GAA).
DTI Secretary Ma. Cristina Roque “We have trade missions and en- and pharmaceuticals,” she said. He said global investors, including Recto said raising PhilHealth’s
emphasized the importance of diver- gagements with countries that already Roque also emphasized invest- those from the EU and the US, are in- benefit packages would ensure the
sifying trade partnerships and attract- have investments here. We want them ments from the Middle East and op- creasingly eyeing the Philippines as a effective use of the state health in-
ing foreign investments. to invest more,” Roque said. portunities arising from the Korea- gateway to the Asia-Pacific region. surer’s funds.
“Maybe we should focus on the
top 10 illnesses. I think that’s it.
P.A. Alvarez readies Let’s increase the benefit package
for the top 10 illnesses by 100 per-
expansion as it marks cent, even 200 percent. This would
greatly benefit the public,” he said.
Pope Francis
the Philippines, he brought a unique perspective tential future collaborations and events. His
and enthusiasm to the event, the 4FAB said. involvement is a testament to the battalion’s
“Mr. Mangosong is very optimistic about join- commitment to building relationships and fos-
appoints new
Rhowell Mangosong (center), a well-known motocross ing the reserve force in such a way that he could tering camaraderie with individuals from di-
personality, joins the reserve force of the Philippine Army. extend his service to the public and encourage the verse backgrounds and industries.”
Tarlac bishop
Wadhwani Foundation, DOST forge partnership POPE Francis appointed Bishop Roberto Mal-
Keeping it reel
Why showbiz experts should lead MMFF
Senator Jinggoy Estrada
actress Aicelle
Santos plays
charges five in
death of singer
Liam Payne
FIVE people have been indicted in Argentina
over the death of British singer Liam Payne,
who fell from a Buenos Aires hotel balcony
in October after consuming alcohol and drugs,
prosecutors said Monday.
Three of the five were charged with
manslaughter and the other two with supplying
the former One Direction pop star with
illegal drugs, prosecutors said, identifying the
suspects only by their initials.
The latter two have been taken into custody
but the others have been allowed to remain
free, the prosecutors said.
Payne died on Oct. 16 after falling from the
balcony of his third-floor room at the Casa Sur
Hotel in the Argentine capital
His death at age 31 prompted a global
of a timeless classic
manslaughter are a representative of the
singer who was traveling with him, a woman
managing the hotel where Payne died, and the
head of its reception desk, they added.
The ones charged with supplying Payne
with drugs are a hotel employee and a waiter
As the film is adapted from a musical, the that Payne met elsewhere in the city, the
By Abigail Adriatico
Artist Ricky Lee, who adapted the original He had spoken publicly about struggling
screenplay into a musical with composer Vincent with substance abuse and coping with fame
ATIONAl Artist de Jesus, shone throughout the film as the script from an early age. AFP
Ishmael Bernal was gave ample time for both spoken lines and songs.
Santos delivers her lines in an angelic
one of the biggest manner, cementing how the people from
names in the history Cupang and the pilgrims from distant places
revered her as a living saint. Kakki Teodoro,
of the local film industry, as his who took home the Best Supporting Actress
works showcased his artistry award for her role as Nimia, served as the
perfect mirror to Santos’ gentle but enabling
and innate talent for telling portrayal of Elsa, embodying the cattiness yet
stories that mirrored societal Kakki Teodoro takes home the Best Supporting kindhearted nature of her character.
Actress award for her role as Nimia Apart from the main cast, the ensemble
issues of his time. One of his was impeccable in every scene, adding to the
works that garnered immense When the film Isang Himala: The Musical ambiance of the town with their depictions of
recognition is his 1982 film was reportedly in the works, helmed by MMFF the blind and desperate faith of its inhabitants,
2023 Best Director Pepe Diokno, avid fans of which were widely apparent and convincing.
Himala, which stars renowned Bernal and film critics set their expectations While the film managed to display a
actress Nora Aunor. high, as the revered work from decades ago somewhat realistic view of man’s
deserved to be treated well. desperate attempt to rid himself
To the delight of many, the of responsibility through blind
film, based on the 2018 theatrical faith, as well as the greed that
adaptation of Bernal’s work, garnered comes with taking advantage
numerous accolades during the 50th of those who do not know
Metro Manila Film Festival Gabi ng any better, its depiction of the
Parangal, such as 4th Best Picture, town of Cupang sometimes felt
Best Supporting Actress, Best Original too stagelike. Some parts of the
Theme Song, Best Musical Score, and film made the audience detach
Special Jury Prize. from their immersion, as the feeling
Upon viewing the film, it follows of watching the story unfold on a
the same plot as the original—a young theatrical stage lingered.
woman named Elsa (Aicelle Santos) Overall, Isang Himala has not
from the allegedly cursed town only accomplished the feat of telling
of Cupang claims to have seen an a relevant story that warrants accolades
apparition of the Virgin Mary, which and awards, but it has also successfully
has granted her the power to heal, bridged Ishmael Bernal’s past genius to
subsequently drawing many people to a newer generation who may benefit from Liam Payne became popularly known as one
‘Isang Himala: The Musical’ is based on the 2018 theatrical the town, be it for their faith or their the viewpoints, criticisms, and discussions his of the members of One Direction alongside
adaptation of Ishmael Bernal’s work, ‘Himala’ own nefarious purposes. work aims to showcase and cultivate. Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, and
Niall Horan