CBCP Monitor Vol13-N10

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•A3 Pope pleads for peace •B1 ‘New Technologies, New

Relationships. Promoting a •C1 The CROSS

A Supplement Publication of KCFAPI
in the Holy Land Culture of Respect, Dialogue
and Friendship.’ and the Order of the Knights of Columbus

CBCP issues pastoral

exhortation on Swine flu
OBSERVING precautionary health measures,
coupled with prayers, is the best response
towards the outbreak of the “Swine Flu” pan-
Thus says Jaro, Iloilo Archbishop Angel Lag-
dameo in his recent pastoral exhortation, where-
in he urged the Filipino faithful to pray for the
countries affected by the infamous influenza
virus strain that has become a global pandemic
since its outbreak in Mexico last month.
Swine Flu / A6
May 11 - 24, 2009 Vol. 13 No. 10 Php 20.00

Bishop calls on GMA to fulfill

promise to extend CARP
By Roy Lagarde
AS the life of the Compre-
hensive Agrarian Reform
Program (CARP) nears end, a leads moves
for alternative
church leader urged govern-
ment officials to fulfill their
promises of extending the
program free from any ‘killer
Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick
mining bill
Pabillo said even President Gloria Ar- THE Archdiocese of Cagayan the Oro is
royo has vowed for support for CARP at the forefront of an initiative pushing
but from the perspective of the farmers, for an alternative mining bill (AMB).
nothing significant development took A forum titled “Discussion on Alter-
place as yet. native Mining Bill” was convened by
Pabillo said some lawmakers, both the Archdiocesan Social Action Center
from the Senate and the lower House, on May 13 at the Archbishop Patrick
have succeeded in delaying the ap- Cronin Hall of St. Augustine Metro-
proval of bills seeking to extend CARP politan Cathedral in collaboration with
implementation with reforms. the Legal Rights and Natural Resources
These coming weeks, he said, they Center-Kasama sa Kalikasan/Friends
expect a deluge of killer amendments so of the Earth Philippines (LRC-KSK/
that even if the program is extended, the FoEP).
already weak law would be rendered The discussion was a parallel activity
inutile with more loopholes. to the official filing of the Alternative
“President Arroyo promised us to Mining Bill on May 13 at the House
support CARP. We ask her now to of Representatives by Rep. Lorenzo
implement it without the killer amend- “Erin” R. Tañada III (Liberal Party,
ments,” he said. 4th District, Quezon) and AKBAYAN
“Placing some killer amendments CHURCH-LABOR DIALOGUE. Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales (center) reads the contents of a position paper brought by representatives representative, Congresswoman Riza
into the program is not according to of various labor unions including Federation of Free Workers, Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino, LABOREM, ZOTO, and Alliance of Progressive Hontiveros.
Labor, Kanlungan Center Foundation and AMLC. The meeting, held at the Residencia de Arzobispo recently, secured a commitment from the Prelate
CARP / A6 of Manila for a more aggressive church intervention for labor protection and labor rights. (Contributed Photo) Social Action director Rev. Fr. Jose
A. Cabantan called on the House of
Representatives to support the passage

Cardinal Rosales meets labor leaders

THE Church of Manila has responded to the need The cardinal then asked the workers to present met with labor leaders. Last month, he also met
of the AMB, saying “it is now time to
scrap the RA 7942.”
“The AMB aims to bring back the
exploration, development and utiliza-
for the protection of ordinary workers amid the eco- their proposal to him and other Catholic bishops for with a handful of union leaders and asked them to tion of mineral resources within the
nomic downturn and growing fears of job losses. unemployment insurance. “concretize” their demands so he could generate framework of national development,
Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales Rosales said he will seek the attention of the Catho- support for the proposals easily. the right of peoples to self determina-
yesterday met with union leaders and vowed to ad- lic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) to Workers are also asking for a moratorium on tion, and respect for human rights and
vocate for worker’s welfare with organized labor. include in their next meeting an audience with the demolitions, evictions and foreclosures of unpaid the environment,” Cabantan said.
Rosales is all out for the establishment of un- labor groups. housing loans. They also want to put a stop on the Archbishop Antonio J. Ledesma,
employment insurance which he proposed to call “Labor is very happy with the support the cardinal increase of tuition and other fees. S.J., D.D. also joined Cabantan’s call,
“Pondo ng Pinoy para sa mga Manggagawa.” is giving to workers,” said Julius Cainglet, Media Of- Union leaders also sought the help of the church stressing that after fourteen years of
He said the fund to be generated from the pro- ficer of the Federation of Free Workers (FFW). in making sure that companies do not make the the implementation of the Mining Act
gram “could be used to provide direct services to “The invitation to the CBCP meeting is a clear indi- crisis an excuse to violate core labor standards on of 1995, no solid proof of progress espe-
workers like providing free legal assistance.” cation of the commitment of the Cardinal to prioritize job security, wages and working conditions. cially in the sites of struggles (SOS, the
Rosales is the brainchild of the successful Pondo workers, especially since the global financial crisis is Other groups joining the Church-Labor Con- term used to refer to communities in the
ng Pinoy which the Catholic has used to fund feed- already taking its toll on labor,” Cainglet added. ference are the Urban Missionaries, Partido ng mining areas) is evidenced.
ing programs for poor families, among others. The FFW has historical ties with the church, having Manggagawa, Alliance of Progressive, Bukluran “Fourteen years of the implementa-
But the church leader expressed apprehension been established by a Jesuit priest almost 59 years ago. ng Manggagawang Pilipino, Labor’s Advocacy tion of the Mining Act of 1995 had
over how the program will be implemented. The cardinal reached out to the workers through the for Reform Movement (LABOREM), Zone One brought about the physical and eco-
“I’m wary that the social security contributions Archdiocesan Ministry for Labor Concerns (AMLC) Tondo Organization (ZOTO), Kanlungan Center nomic dislocation of many indigenous
of workers who avail of the insurance scheme will headed by Fr. Erik Adoviso. Foundation and the Archdiocesan Ministry for peoples and other upland rural com-
be wiped out,” he said. This was the second time that Manila archbishop Labor Concerns. (CBCPNews) Mining Bill / A6

CFC lets go of GK control

PRO-POOR housing advocate to let go of GK as one of its
Bishop scoffs at Pacquiao’s DOJ roles
A CATHOLIC bishop scoffed at the appointment ing to be an intelligence agent should have been
of Manny Pacquiao as the Department of Justice’s appointed.
Gawad Kalinga Community ministry is not tantamount to special assistant on “intelligence matters.” Pabillo also said that the pound-for-pound
Development Foundation Inc. the group’s neglect of its pro- Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo king could be better utilized if he is ap-
(GK) will soon have a leader- poor ministry. said the boxing champ was tapped by the pointed in a field where his
ship board and corporate “CFC members who are DOJ as its new aide not because of his ex- skills are beyond doubt, such
identity independent from the currently involved in GK are pertise but due to his popularity. as in sports.
Couples for Christ Interna- enjoined to continue their pres- “They are just using his popularity, not his DOJ Secretary Raul Gonzalez
tional Council (CFC-IC). ence and work in the GK com- expertise,” he said. yesterday named Pacquiao
This transpired as CFC ex- munities. CFC and GK, while Pabillo questioned the capability as his special assistant, in an
ecutive director Joe Tale an- with distinct governance and of Pacquiao to fulfill his role, saying “honorary status”, and can now
nounced the major decision corporate structure, will con- that his expertise clearly lies in the perform functions as assigned
of the CFC-IC “to let go of tinue to collaborate in the GK sport of boxing. by the former and the National
the governance and corporate villages. This is because of “His clout is on boxing. One’s Bureau of Investigation (NBI).
structure of GK” so the latter CFC Executive Director Joe Tale CFC’s solidarity with and com- expertise in one field cannot just The DOJ chief said Pacquiao
can focus on its expanding work within and out- mitment to the poor,” he said, adding that CFC will be transferred to others,” he and his vast influence, especial-
side the country as a non-religious organization. focus on their work in the Prison Ministry, Feed My added. ly in Mindanao, could be used
Tale justified the decision in saying that as GK Sheep and the Migrant Workers Program. Instead of Pacquiao, according in gathering vital intelligence
grew and upscaled in the recent years, the “CFC Since CFC will cease to have institutional author- to the bishop, a person deserv- Illustration by Bladimer Usi information. (CBCPNews)
Mission” and the “GK Way” evolved distinctly, ity over GK, Tale will cease to be the GK Board
highlighting fundamental and deepening diversity Chairman and Melo Villaroman, Jr. will step down

Poll watchdogs’ summit urged

in approach and implementation. as GK President as the CFC-IC members will tran- The former envoy to the
“While CFC is pursuing the fullness of the mis- sition out of the 12-man GK Board. Holy See added that having
sion, GK is focused on nation building and poverty “The vacancies will be filled by new board such a convention would
alleviation, which necessitate that it mainstreams members, some of whom may possibly be CFC A CHURCH-BASED election PPCRV chairperson Hen- show that many people are
and partners with all sectors of society. It is even members. Of the five remaining GK board mem- watchdog is open to the idea rietta de Villa said a national willing to sacrifice for genu-
poised to enter non-Christian countries (such as bers, four are CFC members; Ateneo de Manila of holding a “national sum- summit could facilitate the ine change in the govern-
India, Indonesia and the Middle East) as a non- University President Fr. Ben Nebres, S.J. is the fifth mit” for all non-government setting of common direction ment.
religious organization,” Tale said. member,” Tale said. organizations involved in for all groups also looking for Commission on Elections
“[As such], there has been honest divergence of For his part, GK executive director Antonio the campaign for credible change in the country’s politi- (Comelec) Commissioner
opinions [from] these fundamental differences. We “Tony” Meloto only said that the consequences 2010 polls. cal system. Rene Sarmiento agreed with
have tried to resolve these differences in various of the decision and “the spirit of the proposal was The head of the Pastoral “That’s a good idea so that De Villa in saying it would
ways especially in the last two years, including for greater empowerment of both CFC and GK, to Council for Responsible Vot- we will have common direc- be good to unite efforts all
the attempt to strengthen oneness of leadership remove confusion and to restore relationships.” ing (PPCRV) made the state- tion... but without sacrificing aiming for a clean, honest
through the changes in the organizational struc- “We believe that the work with the poor should ment May 11 amid the mush- the individual identities of each and credible elections.
ture. However, despite our common best efforts not suffer because of our differences. We believe rooming of several groups group,” said De Villa who also “That is a good proposal to
and intentions, unity continues to be elusive under that allowing GK to operate independently of the all seeking for change in the chairs the National Movement bring together the forces of
the present structure,” he added. authority of the IC is the right step to take for CFC, country’s electoral system. for Free Elections. Watchdogs / A6
Tale, however, clarified that the decision of CFC GK and the poor,” he added. (Kris Bayos)
World News
CBCP Monitor
A2 Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009

Benedict XVI reiterates church’s

link to Jews Papal pilgrimage begins overlooking the

wandering in the desert.

Promised Land
the Promised Land after 40 years of from the dead.”
“The ancient tradition of pilgrim-
pany you, or rather follow you, just
as once the people of Israel followed
“It is appropriate that my pilgrim- age to the holy places also reminds us Moses and were led by him.”
age should begin on this mountain, of the inseparable bond between the “Today,” he continued, “we still
where Moses contemplated the Prom- Church and the Jewish people,” the feel as though we are in the desert
ised Land from afar,” the Pontiff said. Pontiff explained. “From the begin- and we need someone who leads us
“Moses gazed upon the Promised ning, the Church in these lands has to the Lord, someone who helps us
Land from afar, at the end of his commemorated in her liturgy the great get to know him as a provident and
earthly pilgrimage. His example re- figures of the Patriarchs and Prophets, compassionate Father, as Our Lord
minds us that we too are part of the as a sign of her profound appreciation Jesus Christ revealed him to us.”
ageless pilgrimage of God’s people of the unity of the two Testaments.” “Your Holiness, we entrust our-
through history.” “May our encounter today,” the selves to you on this pilgrimage,” the
“From the earliest times,” the Holy Pope concluded, “inspire in us a re- Franciscan priest declared. “Take our
Father continued, “Christians have newed love for the canon of sacred pleas to the Lord and address us again
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come on pilgrimage to the sites linked Scripture and a desire to overcome with that Word, which is the only one
to the history of the Chosen People, all obstacles to the reconciliation of that can give us salvation.”
the events of Christ’s life and the na- Christians and Jews in mutual respect In his remarks, the Holy Father
scent Church.” and cooperation in the service of that thanked in particular Father Carballo
“This great tradition,” he added, peace to which the word of God calls and the Franciscan friars who minister
“which my present pilgrimage is us!” to the Holy Land pilgrims for “their
meant to continue and confirm, is age-old presence in these lands, their
grounded in the desire to see, to New Moses joyful fidelity to the charism of St.
AMMAN, Jordan, May 9, 2009—Bene- The Pope visited the Basilica of the touch, and to savor in prayer and Father José Rodrígez Carballo, Gen- Francis, and their generous concern
dict XVI is affirming the continued Moses Memorial at Mount Nebo to- contemplation the places blessed by eral Minister of the Franciscans living for the spiritual and material welfare
unity of Christians and Jews in the day, commencing his weeklong Holy the physical presence of our Savior, in the Holy Land, who welcomed the of the local Christian communities and
ancient practice of pilgrimage to the Land pilgrimage. Tradition holds that his Blessed Mother, the apostles and Holy Father, said, “You are not alone the countless pilgrims who visit the
Holy Land. it was here that God showed Moses the first disciples who saw him risen on this journey. We want to accom- Holy Land each year.” (Zenit)

English-speaking priests called to Rome Sichuan earthquake: quake

for ‘Year for the Priests’ seminar victims mark anniversary
HARRISBURG, Pa., May 10, 2009—In honor of
the 223rd birthday of St. John Vianney, two of the
organized a special seminar in Rome to “promote
ongoing formation of the clergy in a fraternal
with silent protests
largest English-speaking associations for parish setting.” The seminar is in response to the call BEIJING, China, May 11, 2009—Dozens of families who lost
priests and deacons have announced a joint confer- of the Second Vatican Council and supported by children in the 12 May 2008 Sichuan earthquake will take
ence in Rome to encourage the ongoing formation Cannon Law. part in a sit-in and go on a hunger strike to protest against the
of clergy. Speakers will be selected based upon their provincial government’s unwillingness to investigate why so
Pope Benedict has designated 2010 as the Year of “orthodoxy and loyalty to the Magisterium.” All many schools collapsed.
Priests and has invoked the patronage of the Curé priests and deacons from English speaking coun- Some parents said that they will stand in silent protest as
of Ars, St. John Vianney. Vianney, the patron saint tries are invited to attend the event regardless of President Hu Jintao and United Nations Secretary General Ban
of parish priests, who was born on May 8, 1786 and their membership to either the ACCC or CCC. Ki-moon take part in a ceremony commemorating the deaths of
ministered in France. He became so well-known National Chairman, Rev. Michael Kennedy, PP, 1,400 high school students in the city of Beichuan.
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for his spiritual direction that pilgrims would come (Australia) and President, Rev. John Trigilio, Jr, According to official figures, some 5,335 students were killed
from distant places to speak with him. PhD, (U.S.A.) have urged their members to “honor (other sources put the actual number at more than 7,000) under
The Australian Confraternity of Catholic Clergy Pope Benedict’s Year for the Priests by coming to the rubble of their schools as if they had been built with tofu
and the American Confraternity of Catholic Rome in January 2010 to spend time in prayer, whilst adjacent buildings withstood the quake.
Clergy have responded to the Year of Priests and study, and sacerdotal fraternity.” (CNA) Provincial authorities reassured the public right after the
event, saying that investigations would quickly follow, only to

Obama is both ‘Angel and Demon’ at the

reject demands by parents to know how schools were built.
Recently provincial construction director Yang Hongbo said
there was limited evidence of poor construction.

Vatican, Magister says

However, the authorities insisted that the power of the quake
VATICAN CITY, May 8, 2009— The Vatican expert reveals
was to blame for the scale of human losses, this despite the fact
In an article published this that French Archbishop Roland
that China’s National Audit Office determined that schools
morning, Italian Vatican ana- Minnerath and Belgian priest
were forced to operate on 55 per cent of their budget with the
lyst Sandro Magister notes that, and scholar Michel Schooyans
rest embezzled.
while L’Osservatore Romano coordinated their conferences
Parents are warning that they are not going to give up or ac-
has praised Barack Obama for to deliver a harsh criticism on
cept compromises. Many of them lost their only child and are
his “moderation,” two scholars the “messianic” mentality of
now set to dedicate the rest of their life to justice.
from the Pontifical Academy both President Obama and Tony
“I feel I have no future, nothing,” said Lin Changhen who
for Social Sciences have harshly Blair.
lost her only daughter.
criticized the U.S. President for Before reproducing the second
For her the 60,000 yuan the government gave her in compen-
his position on life issues. part of Schooyans’ conference,
sation is “dirty.”
In his article titled “Angel or Magister notes that Archbishop
“We don’t necessarily want compensation or trials, but we
Demon? At the Vatican, Obama Minnerath, 62, is “well known”
want a fair, just answer,” said Zheng Chenglong, whose son
is both,” Magister explains that by Pope Benedict XVI, who ap-
Zheng Jiajie died in a collapsed school.
the divide between the “olympic pointed him special secretary to
By contrast, the government is more interested in helping the
calmness” of the Vatican news- the Synod of Bishops of 2005.
local economy recover in an area the size of Germany with a
paper in evaluating Obama’s Schooyans, on his part, is one
population of 87 million people, and this despite the huge dam-
first 100 days and the “growing of the top scholars on interna-
ages inflicted by the quake: 3,340 schools damaged or destroyed,
number of critics among lay tional policies related to life
more than 300 kilometers of highways and 1,700 kilometers of
people and bishops” in the U.S., issues.
local roads in need of repair.
has created a “stupor” in some US President Barack Obama and Vatican Analyst Sandro Magister The second part of Schooyans’
Following the quake the government invested heavily in
Vatican dicasteries. been a venue for sharp criticism post as the U.S. Ambassador to conference, titled “Obama and
reconstruction. Despite five million homeless people, public
Unlike some U.S. analysts, against the U.S. President. the Holy See. Blair Messianism Reinterpreted,”
money raised the local GDP by 9.5 per cent over the previous
who claim that there is no sign of The meeting was held at the Professor Glendon recently in which the Belgian scholar claims
year. In the third quarter of 2008 the provincial economy actu-
animosity toward Obama in the Vatican, May 1 – 5. rejected the Laetare Medal from that abortion worldwide will dra-
ally grew by 10.1 per cent.
Roman Curia, Magister says that, Magister recalls that the Presi- the University of Notre Dame matically grow as a consequence
However, many businesses in the petrochemical, machinery,
following the pro-Obama article dent of the Pontifical Academy is in protest for the university’s of Obama’s anti-life policies, is
electricity and food industries are still reeling from the impact
of L’Osservatore Romano, the none other than Professor Mary decision to bestow an honorary fully reproduced by Magister at:
of the quake, so are many residents, still feeling the effects of
plenary meeting of the Pontifical Ann Glendon, who recovered degree to President Obama on http://chiesa.espresso.repub-
huge human losses. (AsiaNews/Agencies)
Academy of Social Sciences has her position after leaving her May 17. blica.it/?eng=y. (CNA)

Neocatechumenal Way founder awarded doctorate

ROME, May 8, 2009—The Pontifical John Paul II It also pointed out the value of the lay group’s
Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family is “promotion, together with other ecclesiastical or-
awarding an honorary doctorate to Kiko Argüello, ganizations, of major initiatives in support of the
one of the initiators of the Neocatechumenal family,” especially the “Family Day in Italy and the
Way. 2007 Feast of the Holy Family in Madrid.”
The institute, situated at Rome’s Lateran Uni- Donati, the other doctorate recipient, is a profes-
versity with other locations around the world, sor from the University of Bologna, and was named
announced that on May 13 it will invest as doc- by the institute as “one of the top experts in the
tors “Honoris Causa” both the Spanish founder, world of family sociology.”
Francisco (Kiko) Argüello, and an Italian sociology The institute stated that Donati has made a
professor, Pierpaolo Donati. valuable contribution to building “a humanistic
A statement from the institute notes that the sociology that distances itself from all forms of
contributions of both men to the field of family scientific reductionism and cultural relativism,”
studies are valued as “authoritative references for with a particular criticism of the functionalist and
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its own teaching and research work.” Marxist approaches.

The institute underlined “the strong commit- It added, “From this [arises] the idea of relational
ment of the Neocatechumenal Way on family sociology,” Donati’s “original and fruitful creation:
issues” by its emphasis on “the experience of the
‘domestic celebration’ with which it sends families
from this perspective, the family is not a simple
sum of individuals or an organic body, but a set Pro-life buses to operate in
51 cities in Spain until June
Founder Francisco Argüello on a mission.” of vital relations.” (Zenit)

Pro-life ‘Imagine’ adoption ad approved to run during ‘American Idol MADRID, Spain, May 4, 2009—Right to Life in Spain announced
WASHINGTON D.C., May 11, 2009—A new all adopted. by NBC officials on the grounds it involved on May 1 that it is launching a “Tour for Life,” consisting of
pro-life video listing famous people who It closes with the tagline “Life: Imagine political candidates or issues. The ad ran three buses that will travel through 51 Spanish cities between
have been adopted has received initial ac- the Potential” and shows the website of on Black Entertainment Television during May 1 and June 15, 2009. The buses will feature information on
ceptance for broadcast on the closing episode CatholicVote.org. its January 21 coverage of President Barack abortion and alert people to the government’s plan to liberalize
of “American Idol.” The previous entry in the series featured Obama’s inauguration. the country’s law on the issue.
The ad, produced by CatholicVote.org as an ultrasound of a baby in the womb. The It was viewed more than 1.8 million times The three buses left Madrid’s Compultense University on May
part of its “Imagine the Potential” series, ad said the baby will grow up in a broken on YouTube. 1 after a commissioning ceremony.
shows people such as John Lennon, Nelson home but despite hardships will become Speaking at the National Catholic Prayer “The Right to Life buses will travel three separate routes
Mandela, Babe Ruth, Nancy Reagan, Bill the first African-American president. A Breakfast on Friday, EWTN host Raymond through Spain. They will remain in each city for two to three
Clinton, J.R.R. Tolkien, Sarah McLachlan, picture of President Barack Obama was then Arroyo announced that the video received days, informing residents about abortion and the plan to modify
Steve Jobs, and Jesse Jackson. displayed. “initial acceptance” to be broadcast on the the law, distributing pamphlets and products from the Right to
Asking what such different people have The first ad was initially accepted to run closing episode of the Fox Network’s singing Life campaign,” organizers said. (CNA)
in common, the ad answers that they were the 2009 Super Bowl but was later rejected competition “American Idol.” (CNA)
News Features
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009

Pope pleads for peace in the Holy Land

JERUSALEM, Israel, May 11, Saying that the “eyes of the
Jerusalem City from Mt. Olives
2009—”Even though the name world are upon the peoples
Jerusalem means ‘city of peace,’ of this region as they struggle
it is all too evident that, for to achieve a just and lasting
decades, peace has tragically solution to conflicts that have
eluded the inhabitants of this caused so much suffering,”
holy land,” Pope Benedict said Pope Benedict emphasized that
in Israel, as he called for “every the future of many depends on
possible avenue” to be pursued “the outcome of negotiations
to find peace. for peace between Israelis and
The Pope was welcomed to Is- Palestinians.”
rael at Ben Gurion International “In union with people of good
Airport by a military honor will everywhere, I plead with
guard, a cadre of religious and all those responsible to explore
civil officials and Israel’s presi- every possible avenue in the
dent, Shimon Peres on Monday search for a just resolution of
morning. the outstanding difficulties, so
Benedict XVI delivered a that both peoples may live in
speech in which he first noted peace in a homeland of their
that he stands “in a long line own, within secure and inter-
of Christian pilgrims to these nationally recognized borders.
shores, a line that stretches In this regard, I hope and pray
back to the earliest centuries that a climate of greater trust
of the Church’s history ... I can soon be created that will
come, like so many others be- enable the parties to make real
fore me, to pray at the holy progress along the road to peace
places, to pray especially for and stability.”
peace—peace here in the Holy The Holy Father also offered a

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Land, and peace throughout special greeting to the Catholics
the world.” present. Pointing out that he
Pointing to the shared belief will join in the closing ceremony
in every person’s human dig- for the Year of the Family in
nity, the Pope said, “Christians, Nazareth, the Pope stressed the
Muslims and Jews alike believe dation for a proper understand- he said “continues to rear its wherever it is found, and to pro- that “Even though the name important role of the family in
to be created by a loving God ing of inalienable human rights ugly head in many parts of the mote respect and esteem for the Jerusalem means ‘city of peace,’ contributing to peace.
and destined for eternal life. is placed in jeopardy.” world.” members of every people, tribe, it is all too evident that, for Later this afternoon the Pope
When the religious dimension This reflection on human “This is totally unacceptable,” language and nation across the decades, peace has tragically will visit the Holocaust Memo-
of the human person is denied dignity led the Holy Father to he stated. “Every effort must be globe.” eluded the inhabitants of this rial at the Yad Vashem Museum.
or marginalized, the very foun- condemn anti-Semitism, which made to combat anti-Semitism He also underscored the fact holy land.” (CNA)

Pope Benedict praises

‘prophetic role of women’
German pope at the Holocaust Memorial
at Jordanian Mass Message takes on greater significance, suggests Aide
JERUSALEM, Israel, May 11, 2009— the Pope is visiting this country, it
AMMAN, Jordan, May 10, 2009─On Sunday
Benedict XVI’s visit to Jerusalem’s is appropriate to say that all of us
morning 20,000 faithful attended the Papal Mass
Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial have the mission that the Holy Father
celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI at Jordan’s Inter-
today represents a strong message presented in his discourse: to work
national Stadium of Amman, where in 2000 John
for the entire Church, according so that these tragedies do not happen
Paul II also celebrated Mass. Pope Benedict in his
to a Vatican aide accompanying again in the history of humanity.”
homily stressed the “prophetic role” of women in
the Holy Father on his weeklong Furthermore, Father Atuire contin-
God’s plans.
pilgrimage. ued, “the Pope is German, the nation
In the only public Papal Mass in Jordan, which
Father Caesar Atuire, the delegate to which belonged the Nazis who
conceded a holiday to the country’s 100,000 Chris-
administrator of Opera Romana Pel- organized the Holocaust.”
tians today, the Holy Father reminded Christians,
legrinaggi, spoke with ZENIT about His national origin, the priest sug-
including groups from Lebanon and Iraqi refugees,
the Pope’s arrival today in Israel gested, gives even greater weight to
that the Church in the Holy Land has dedicated
and the events on the Holy Father’s his message and his pilgrimage to
this year to the family, speaking of the “strong
schedule during this, the third full the holy places.
Christian families of these lands.”
day of his Holy Land pilgrimage. His words are particularly elo-
“How much the Church in these lands owes to
The Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi quent when he says, “we do not want
the patient, loving and faithful witness of countless
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is the Vatican institution whose these things to be repeated, and faced

Christian mothers, religious Sisters, teachers, doc-
mission is to evangelize through with the horror of what happened,
tors and nurses!” he explained. “How much your
pastoral tourism and the ministry we have to learn to do everything we
society owes to all those women who in different
of pilgrimage. can so that this world can be a better
and at times courageous ways have devoted their
Father Atuire said he considered world,” Father Atuire proposed.
lives to building peace and fostering love!”
choosing the Yad Vashem as one of In this context, the priest con-
“From the very first pages of the Bible,” he con-
the first stops in Israel to be a coura- tended that the first leg of the Pope’s
tinued, “we see how man and woman, created in Yad Vashem Hall of Names
geous move. pilgrimage in Jordan was a good
the image of God, are meant to complement one
In a moving address focused on the importance What is to become of him or her? Who could have example of this message.
another as stewards of God’s gifts and partners in
of a name, Benedict XVI said at the memorial, imagined that they would be condemned to such “Jordan is a country where Christians, Muslims
communicating his gift of life, both physical and
“Gazing upon the faces reflected in the pool that a deplorable fate!” and the other religions coexist in peace,” he said,
spiritual, to our world.”
lies in stillness within this memorial, one cannot Father Atuire declared that the Pope’s words noting that “in that nation, though the Christians
Pope Benedict lamented that this God-given
help but recall how each of them bears a name. I were not merely his personal reflections, but de- are a tiny minority, they have an important role
dignity and role of women has not always been
can only imagine the joyful expectation of their livered as the head of the Church. from the perspective of works of charity and also
sufficiently understood and esteemed.
parents as they anxiously awaited the birth of “The Catholic Church rejects all that is violence,” from the perspective of education and culture.”
“The Church, and society as a whole,” he added,
their children. What name shall we give this child? he said, “and I think that, in this moment in which (Mercedes de la Torre/Zenit)
“has come to realize how urgently we need what
the late Pope John Paul II called the ‘prophetic
charism’ of women as bearers of love, teachers of
mercy and artisans of peace, bringing warmth and Vote for politicians who ACIM-Asia warns on condom promotion
humanity to a world that all too often judges the DAVAO CITY, May 7, 2009—The Catholic Association of Doctors,
value of a person by the cold criteria of usefulness
and profit.”
“By its public witness of respect for women, and
emulate Rizal’s leadership, Nurses and Health Professionals in Asia (ACIM-Asia) warned that
condom promotion is a questionable enterprise that will only end up
in a dangerous proposition.
its defense of the innate dignity of every human
person, the Church in the Holy Land can make
an important contribution to the advancement of
Lagdameo tells youth Yolly Eileen Gamutan, RN, secretary of ACIM-Asia–Philippines
said that by promoting condom it is also encouraging the practice of
premarital sex or free sex.
a culture of true humanity and the building of the MANILA, May 8, 2009— “Condom is really dangerous. If we are promoting truthful public
civilization of love,” he explained. Almost a year before the information then tell the people that using condom is dangerous.
The Pontiff concluded by telling Catholics that 2010 national polls, the Thailand’s experience clearly says that using condom is not safe sex,”
he came to encourage them to persevere in faith, head of the Catholic said Gamutan.
hope and love, in fidelity to the ancient traditions Bishops’ Conference “(See,) there is no right way to do a wrong thing,” Gamutan
and the distinguished history of Christian witness of the Philippines has added.
that they trace back to the age of the Apostles. called on voters to re- Meanwhile, in a statement issued by ACIM–Asia, it said, “members
“The Catholic community here,” he explained, flect on Dr. Jose Rizal’s of the Philippine Legislators Committee on Population and Develop-
“is deeply touched by the difficulties and uncer- leadership example in ment (PLCPD) are vehemently opposed to the Catholic Church and the
tainties which affect all the people of the Middle choosing the politicians pro-life cause, and financially backed by European Union Legislators,
East.” He added, “May you never forget the worthy to be elected for seek to force the Philippine Government to jack up the family planning
great dignity which derives from your Christian public office. budget from P180 million to P2 billion, to be spent on promoting and
heritage.” Jaro, Iloilo Archbish- distributing contraceptives like condoms and pills, on the pretext of
Archbishop Angel Lagdameo
“May the courage of Christ our shepherd,” he op Angel Lagdameo sustainable development and economic progress.”
continued, “inspire and sustain you daily in your specifically urged the youth, the biggest sector comprising the voting popu- Gamutan said that because PLCPD is encountering a strong resis-
efforts to bear witness to the Christian faith and lace, to use their right to suffrage wisely for the sake of political renewal tance in the national level, it is then pushing for policy changes in the
to maintain the Church’s presence in the changing and moral reform. countryside.
social fabric of these ancient lands.” “If we want our country to experience political renewal and moral reform, “PLCPD defends the condom companies against condom ad bans,
The Holy Father added: “Fidelity to your Chris- both elected officials and civil society must accept the challenge for such a insisting that condom companies have the right to free expression
tian roots, fidelity to the Church’s mission in the change. There must be some models for it: not only some saints canonized and that the people have the right to make informed choices,” said
Holy Land, demands of each of you a particular by the Church, but more importantly, some of our Filipino heroes. And Na- Gamutan, adding:
kind of courage: the courage of conviction, born poleon Almonte offers us one model of political and moral leader—Rizal,” “PLCPD lobbies for informed choice but choose not to tell the public
of personal faith, not mere social convention or Lagdameo said in endorsing Almonte’s book titled “Rizal is my President: about the established fact in that in Thailand–Philippine experience,
family tradition; the courage to engage in dialogue 40 Leadership Tips from Jose Rizal.” condom campaign has been proven to be a dangerous proposition.”
and to work side by side with other Christians in The prelate even said the book suggests a voter’s checklist in measuring Record shows that in 1984, the first HIV case was detected in both
the service of the Gospel and solidarity with the the qualifications of politicians vying for national and local positions. Thailand and the Philippines. By 1987, Thailand had 112 cases of Ac-
poor, the displaced, and the victims of profound “The 40 tips are Almonte’s personal reflections from his reading of the quired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and the Philippines had
human tragedies; the courage to build new bridges letters and communications of Rizal with other heroes. His theory-proposal 135 cases. In 1991, the World Health Organization (WHO) predicted
to enable a fruitful encounter of people of differ- is that anyone who aspires for leadership, such as the Presidency, must have that by 1999, Thailand could have 70,000 deaths from the disease, and
ent religions and cultures, and thus to enrich the the leadership values and virtues which the national hero wrote about in his the Philippines would have 85,000 deaths.
fabric of society.” letters,” he added. In 1991, both nations took concrete and comprehensive measure
Two hundred children received their first Holy Meanwhile, the Episcopal Commission on Youth has also expressed its against the spread of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) but both
Communion at the Papal Mass, including 40 Iraqi favorable endorsement of the theatrical adaptation of Almonte’s book. directed their efforts in completely different directions. Thailand had
children who are refugees in Jordan. Some of them Directed by Raffy Tejada of the Philippine Educational Theater Association, “100% condom use program.”
received the Sacrament from Benedict XVI. the play titled “Rizal is my President: A Musical Satire” is now showing at In the Philippines, Dr. Rene Bullecer of Human Life International
In attendance at Sunday’s Mass was Prince the Henry Lee Irwin, SJ Theatre, Ateneo Loyola Heights until May 10; St. established the organization AIDS-Free Philippines to combat HIV/
Ghazi Bin Mohammad, the King of Jordan’s chief Cecilia’s Hall, St. Scholastica’s College, Manila from May 29 to 31; Far Eastern AIDS nationwide, as authorized by the Catholic Bishops Conference
advisor on religious affairs and one of the chief University Auditorium, Morayta from June 19 to 21; and the AFP Theater, of the Philippines. The government also signed on to this effort.
signatories of a letter by 138 Muslim scholars. It Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City from June 27 to 28. However, by the end of 2003, records show that for two countries,
was he who accompanied Benedict XVI during According to organizers, tickets prices are pegged at P200, P300, and P500 Thailand got the highest percentage of HIV/AIDS cases with 570,000
his visit to the al-Hussein bin-Talal Mosque in each. Proceeds will go for the youth and teacher training of the Rizal Youth Condom / A6
Amman, Jordan. (CNA) Leadership Institute. (Kris Bayos)
A4 Opinion CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009


Filipino resiliency
IT would be unrealistic to claim that there was ever a time
when the Philippines wallowed in opulence or abundance,
when the Filipinos had all that progress and development
could give. The truth rather is, this country and its people
are usually wanting in life and challenged in living. It
has always been a question of more or less resources, a
matter of more or less possibilities—never much. This
is why simply for political correctness, instead of an
underdeveloped nation, the Philippines is among those
qualified as a “developing” one.
History is a witness that there are some particular similarities
between the Japanese occupation and the rule of the present
administration concretely in conjunction with the matter
of depressing national economy. Presence of hunger and
sickness, absence of work or employment, craving for
education, revulsion at criminality, reign of corruption,
rarity of honesty and integrity in government—all these
socio-moral liabilities are then and now realities in this
country. Specifically as to a regime of corruption that
contributes much to the national financial crisis, it is
tops during the regime of the incumbent administration.
According to the World Bank, about a whopping 235 billion
pesos yearly are lost to corruption in the Philippines.
There are even signs that the above cited concrete indicators
of a practically bankrupt national economy are now much
worse than before. Otherwise, it would be difficult to
explain the phenomenon of OFW, i.e. million of Filipinos Illustration by Bladimer Usi
trying their best to leave the country for them to make a
living for themselves and their families, and at the same
time willing to face all odds and dangers in foreign soil. In
effect, such is their sad plight and pitiful lot that recently Jose B. Lugay
one haughty and triumphant character categorized the
Philippines as a “Nation of servants”.
But the good news over and above such financial crisis Laiko Lampstand the cry of the day
in the Philippines is the Filipino resiliency. Not really
used to plenty and bounty, Filipinos will and do usually
find a way to be able to bear it, seek means to survive it. THE headlines of the recent months would seem to indicate that on them considering that Congress has provided additional P11.3
nothing is right in this country. It has gotten into the consciousness billion budget for the automation process alone.
Take away his chair, he will lie on the floor. Take away of all the Pacquiao followers that we Filipinos need a redeeming A World Bank report—a case study of India’s Power Sector, which
the floor, and he will just build another. Not really used act of God to lift the bad image of this country from being the most needed reform, states:
to an easy life, it is precisely in difficult times that the corrupt in Asia, a notoriety doubly emphasized by the Philippines “Reform programs all over the world often come to grief because
Filipinos demonstrate their “fighting spirit”, i.e. use his being the most Catholic nation in this part of the world! The 2-round of the lack of sustained political will.”
creativity, show his ingenuity, prove his flexibility. It is spectacle of a prayerful Filipino, Manny Pacquiao, beating an over- “The ultimate success of any reform program requires that there
not altogether a pun to say that the song “I will survive” bearing humbug Briton, Ricky Hatton with a left hook was what the be an explicit melding of the “political” with the “technical”. If
fits well as a great attribute of Filipino soul. “nation of servants” needed to catapult us once again to our long these two tracks are not joined together, the proposed reforms are
lost Rizal identity—the pride of the Malay race! not likely to succeed.”
As the Filipinos survived the Japanese regime and all the The World War II and the Japanese occupation dissipated what- On that note, the capability of the present COMELEC to handle
economic woes that went with it, they too will definitely ever finesse in political governance our congressmen and senators the complex technical process of a full automation system in our
survive the present economic crisis plus the present practiced. The two-party system has now degraded into multi-parties 2010 electoral process is a big question. COMELEC in an earlier
boggling the mind of the voters on “what parties are for?” The report by Ateneo G-Watch on its budgetary system, an entry point
administration that is has sadly become their burden and “masa” have chosen voting for popularity instead of parties. After to the study of Good Governance, did not have the basic operating
misfortune for all the past nine years—and counting. all whatever platform they support will surely not be followed. manual for systems and procedures that would be operational in
Politicians today, once elected are there to make a living in a grand all their offices throughout the country.
style like the encomienderos of the past supported by their faith- While the news headlines in recent days show the meticulous
ful farmhands. This way of life must be sustained for the coming implementation of the technical process of procurement, in fact
God’s call to mission on politics generations, hence once the three-termer politician ends his reign, disqualifying all 7 bidders for the automation equipment, the rest of
the “hanap-buhay” should be passed on to the next of kin or to the the processes of technical training for the operators of the machines,
ANY serious believer in God cannot allow the state of our wife, whoever is most acceptable to the local electorate. of ballot printing, education of the voters, handling complaints
national politics as to persist. And in fact there is a duty for What has been their source of funds to maintain this lifestyle? at the local voting units must also be given equal importance in
the Christian Catholic to transform politics by the Gospel. Obviously, funds come from taxpayers’ money. How are they able COMELEC’s management planning. These are potential causes of
The Church, God’s people, must evangelize politics. God’s to do it? Through pork barrel mis-allocation, through contractors failures in the coming 2010 elections.
of infrastructure projects (about 30% of overpriced bids), through About 40 organizations convened for the Good Governance Sum-
call to the Church is to preach the integral Gospel, the
lobby groups of vested interests, and through party funds, and good mit held last April 29 at the Ateneo, Rockwell, Makati. It opened the
Gospel with all its social dimensions. The Gospel must connections with the Administration who at the same time are the discussion on the present state of governance and how the citizens
influence every phase of life, every stratum of society, and protectors of the wrong-doer. Jocjoc Bolante is the prime example. together can implement a reform. The capability of the present in-
“restore all things under Christ” (Eph. 1:10). This is one for the books—Joc-joc Bolante recently had, reportedly, adequacy of the present COMELEC was discussed in the context of
the guts to announce that he will run for governor of Capiz in the good governance. The reform for governance must start first with the
Strangely, there are not a few people, even within the coming elections! election of reform-minded individuals who have to be identified by a
Church, who do not believe that to renew politics is part Filipinos are patient people but there is a limit to their patience selection process. Archbishop Angel Lagdameo, the CBCP President
of the Church’s mission. When Church officials praise (“may hangganan ang pasyensiya”) as evidenced by the People was the keynote speaker. Having attended Dilaab Foundation’s ses-
government policies, government officials welcome Power revolution. People’s movements have started to be orga- sion in Cebu which focused on determining the criteria for political
such support warmly and are only too happy. But when nized long before the Hyatt 10 group seceded from Malacanang. candidates that Catholics should know, he stressed that the Ateneo
Church officials criticize and denounce government The impeachment attempts due to the Hello Garci scandal was an Good Governance Summit is an initiative to increase awareness
policies, the same people immediately cry out: “Violation indication of a rising uneasiness and distrust of our political system that we have to be united in our effort for political reform. We do
The Supreme Court’s decision that COMELEC did not follow the hope that COMELEC will be up to the challenge. Failure in election
of the separation of Church and State! Church meddling procurement law in the purchase of automation equipment for the reform due to incompetence in the technical aspects of governance
in politics! Let the Church stick to religion!” They cite previous election, has made COMELEC extra careful this time in the may become the cornerstone that the builder’s rejected which will
the words of Christ: “Render to Caesar the things that purchase of automation equipment for 2010 elections. All eyes are cause the collapse of the whole institution.
are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” (Mt.
22:21). They say that the Church should have nothing Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS
to do with politics because Christ said to Pilate: “My
kingdom is not of this earth!” (Jn. 18:36). They therefore
conclude that the Church should not say anything about ‘Deeply Damaged’
politics and politicians. Love Life
How wrongly they interpret Scriptures and the doctrine
of separation of Church and State! Quite unjustly they “IF only someone had told me to go on with I get very upset each time a woman comes girls and women admitted for bleeding and
selectively level this charge of interference in politics my pregnancy, not to have an abortion, she to me after an abortion, knowing that she incomplete abortion claim they have been
against the Catholic Church, even while some other sects will find help for me…I would not have need not have undergone such devastation instructed to insert the tablet in their vagina,
may be loudly intervening in the political process especially aborted”. Mimi sobbed as she related to me if she had only received some support dur- besides swallowing several tablets at a time.
during elections. how the tragic death of her parents a couple ing the time that she was desperate. And I Hospital admissions for induced abortion are
of years ago drove her to go into a live-in wonder why our churches and organizations only a small percentage of the women who
Pastoral Exhortation on Philippine Politics, 1997 relationship—in depression, in loneliness, in cannot give that support to those who go aborted. Many have not gone to the hospitals
anger, in vengeance against things she could to them. because they have not suffered physical side-
not even identify due to her confusion. This is a call then for all parishes to put effects such as profuse bleeding, ruptured
The relationship of course led to a preg- a poster or announcement in their bulletin uterus or infections. We have no data on
www.cbcpmonitor.com nancy. When her “lover” told her to get rid boards or directory the hotline numbers number of these women.
[email protected] of the baby, she sought help from a nearby that people can call when they need our as- Any Pregnancy loss such as a miscar-
parish, only to be told by the parish staff sistance. We realize that not all parish staff riage or still birth, but especially induced
worker that there was no one there who will be able to attend to them but the least abortion have intensive, extensive, deep,
could talk to her. Desperate, she then had they can do if the parish priest is not avail- and widespread ramifications. There are
a suction abortion that afternoon. Her boy- able is to listen to them and give them our approximately 25,000 abortions a year in
friend paid the “doctor” P6,000 for killing numbers. A few minutes of their time could the Philippines. There are about 60 million
their baby. save not only the life of the baby but of the abortions a year in the world.
Pedro C. Quitorio Mimi was referred to me for post-abortion mother herself. Please copy this and post in After 25 years of Pro-life in the Philip-
Editor-in-Chief counseling by some nuns in that province. a public place—“PREGNANT? Need help? pines, the question that bothers those who
She remembers that people commented how Text 0919-233-7783 or call (02) 851-5770. have devoted so much of their time and ef-
Pinky Barrientos, FSP Kris P. Bayos pale she was. She had been bleeding for two There are people who care.” Print it in your fort in the “stop abortion” campaign is why
Associate Editor Feature Editor weeks. They had her treated in a hospital own dialect if necessary. the continuous increase in abortion rates.
where she was prescribed antibiotics and Upon the request of Pro-life Philippines, Various answers are offered for the sake of
Melo M. Acuña Laarni Bergado medicine to stop the bleeding. data gathered from five hospitals in Manila knowing what could be better strategies.
Managing Editor Marketing Supervisor Mimi confessed that she decided to sepa- revealed an increase in induced abortions The task seems insurmountable when the
rate from her partner after a year and a half over the past ten years. Most significant are answers proposed are: materialism, hedo-
Roy Q. Lagarde Ernani M. Ramos as she could no longer take his battering (he the statistics submitted by Fabella Maternity nism, contraceptive and anti-life mentalities,
News Editor Circulation Manager
uses drugs and drinks a lot). She began to Hospital showing a 50% increase, that is, pornography and prostitution, convenience
Laurence John R. Morales Marcelita Dominguez hate him after the abortion. She had not been from 469 cases in 1990 to 976 cases in year and deliberate withholding of truth from
Layout Artist and Online Editor Comptroller sleeping for days, often crying and hearing 2000. In majority of the cases, Cytotec (miso- those with vested interests.
babies crying. protol) was used. We recall that Cytotec was Preventive measures never seem to catch up
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP Com- What she was experiencing is what we not as rampantly sold in the early 90’s as they with the healing and reconciliation that have
munications Development Foundation, Inc., with editorial and call post-abortion syndrome. We pro-life are being distributed now through the black to be offered to the thousands of post-aborted
business offices at 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila. counselors know that it is so much easier to market. Even if they are sold at P150 to P200 women in distress, to the children whom we
P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO.
counsel a pregnant girl not to abort than to a tablet, people bent on having the abortion now call as the abortion-survivors, to abor-
Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612.
ISSN 1908-2940 help in the healing of the trauma and guilt would still buy fifteen or twenty tablets as tion providers (health professionals, vendors,
of a woman after an abortion. prescribed by the vendors themselves. The Love Life / A6
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009
Opinion A5
Oscar V. Cruz, DD Rev. Euly B. Belizar, SThD

‘Global Filipino’
Views and Points By the Roadside
SOMEONE has finally and rightfully achieved In the event that the now world famous honesty and integrity to ruling politicians.

the eminent title of “Global Filipino”. The at- and admired Filipino succumb to the Rightly or wrongly, there is this persistent
tribution is definitely not something claimed whisperings of devious politicians plus the perception that having a political office is
by a merely personal caprice of the title holder questionable promptings of certain money antithetical to living an upright life.
but legitimately conferred on him by both salivating individuals, this would be not sim- Furthermore, in the here and now of this
THAT is the local lingo among some of us diocesan priests when
official and popular acclamation. Determina- ply a big pity but also a veritable whammy. country, there is that strong and distinct con-
we talk of changes, which often mean transfers, in our (parish
tion, sacrifice and sweat plus faith are truly In other words, for him to in effect register sciousness that politicians and self-interest,
a formidable combination. And this recipe himself as a political candidate even with a self-promotion plus consequent self-service or other) assignments. This is where we are now in my home
for success has been long since observed and proper political party—this would be noth- are the one and the same composite reality. diocese. I was probably absent during the priest’s assembly in
lived by the world boxing champion several ing less than his shameful entrapment into This is exactly why “helping the people” which the word was adopted and soon gained fame or notoriety
times over. Result: he does not only enjoy eroding his now much cheered and idolized and being a politician does not exactly go among priests. Webster explains the word ‘reshuffling’ in terms
fame but also has built a fortune. and well loved and admired person. hand-in-hand in the real world of Philip- of ‘redistribution’ or ‘restructuring’ of various elements within
The only key let-down in this living history In this country and during these particu- pine politics. With his stature and fame and a system, as when a prime minister ‘reshuffles’ his cabinet. I
is that the same global figure seems to aspire lar times, politicians by and large are not resources, the World Champ should rather ask myself if our almost natural penchant for the word could
at being a district politician. From being a exactly admired, much less respected indi- put up Foundations for food production, for indicate our having allowed some invasion by the political into
uniting person in the country, there seems viduals. True or false, a very big majority education and for other worthy causes—with the realm of the sacred. But then again I realize how naïve I
to be a strong temptation for him to instead of politicians from the local to the national the collaboration of other international and could be for asking the question in the first place.
become a disuniting character in the land levels are likewise identified with local national Foundations with the same avowed But what does ‘reshuffling’ mean in concrete? I look at the
precisely by throwing his hat into the political and national graft and corrupt practices, generous and genuine objectives. books, sheets of paper, letters, notes, envelopes, cards, cds,
arena—with the probably honest intention are looked upon as infamous incarnations Wherefore, why would someone who DVDs and just plain trash all about my room that I am trying
of “helping the people” which has been long of greed and deceit. There is the pervasive practically have the world in his hands, even to sort out so I could pack up those I will be bringing home or
since the tired and tiring excuse of practically sense in Philippine society that it is down- but think of going down to the perceived to my next assignment. It is then that I receive an urgent mes-
all reigning and wannabe politicians. right hypocrisy to append the virtues of dirty world of local politics? sage about an article I need to submit pronto, to which I could
only utter, “Oh, Mother most compassionate…” Still, I leave
Fr. Francis B. Ongkingco the chaos in my room aside and begin to type away my grief
and joy at the thought of leaving my present assignment and

Flunking to love God of arriving at a new one.

In the first place, ‘reshuffling’ means putting on a smile to
Whatever hide a disappointment over a dreaded, unexpected and difficult
(which explains the first two adjectives) assignment. It means,
sometimes, feigning ignorance of how some parishioners are
“CONGRATULATIONS, James!” I shook the hand of the brilliant already achieved. Dad just told me to learn from my failures or relieved you will be ministering somewhere else (any pastor
new high school graduate. limitations.” knows this part only too well). But it also means genuinely
“You’re welcome, Father,” he said. He took out a handful of shiny “You know James?” I said. trying to find ways to console parishioners who think, wrongly
gold medals from his pocket and asked, “Oh, Father. I was wondering “Yeah?” he noticed I was speaking in a more serious tone. of course, that you need to be rewarded for your hard work
if you can bless my medals.” “There’s nothing wrong with flunking in the many good things of through an extension of your term. “Do we need to write the
“Sure!” I was also happy that besides being their school’s valedic- life, but we have to know how to flunk out of the bad ones.” bishop a petition?” a lay leader asked me. “Please don’t do that,”
torian he also received numerous leadership awards. “In the name “I don’t get you there, Father,” he frowned at me.
I answered, embarrassed. But, for the life of me, I couldn’t tell
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit…,” I blessed his “Let’s say, you expected to get a good grade for a project you re-
him, “Please, if you think I have to be rewarded for my hard
medals. ally invested a lot of time for. But then in the end you get a low grade
work (a word which could be debatable in the parish context,
“Thanks, Father,” he smiled while pocketing the medals. because you may have overlooked something. You shouldn’t really
not to say in my own conscience), how could a reward take the
“Strange,” I said, “shouldn’t you be wearing them instead of hiding worry about this, especially when you’ve done the best you could.”
“Okay, so what?” form of an extension of hard work?”
them in your pocket?”
“You’re right, Father,” the medals jingled as he slowly pulled “Where you and I should learn and be ready to flunk would be in It is then that I have recourse to my next act. I tell people—and
them out again. “But you see, Father, I didn’t get our school’s high- the things that separate us from God. Since we’re all ‘experts in sin- frankly I have become convinced how Spirit-inspired the idea
est award.” ning,’ we ought to aim for getting ‘Fs’ in pride, vanity, anger, greed is—that the diocese needs to go through the ‘reshuffling’ of its
“What would it be then?” I asked. and lust.” clergy to remind us collectively of three things.
“It’s called the Most Distinguished Student Award,” he said while “Isn’t this approach a bit negative, Father?” One, priests cannot become good shepherds if they do not
staring blankly at the medals. “It may seem like that at first, but flunking out of these vices actually have the Good Shepherd’s mindset. And just what is that, you
“So how’s that supposed to be more special than being valedicto- means struggling to get A’s in the virtue oppose to them. It would be may ask. I find the Good Shepherd’s words instructive: “I have
rian?” I said shrugging my shoulders. wrong to over focus on what one does wrong or what one ought to other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I have also to lead
“It’s supposed to be for the student who has never flunked any avoid. It would be more positive and fruitful to consider what good them and they shall hear my voice” (Jn 10:16). The priest is not
subject during his entire high school. So even if you average highest, one can concretize each day out of love for God and fellowmen.” in a position to object. He is transferred because, in doing so, he
but had some failing marks then you can no longer deserve such a “How about the occasions when our weaknesses do come up once manifests the Lord’s concern for the flock other than the ones
much coveted award.” in a while, Father?” he is ministering. ‘Reshuffling’ is our concrete statement of the
I was trying to figure out in my mind what subject it could have “Well, even though they may seem like failures, they are actually universality of the call of salvation.
been that James could have failed. The boy was a born winner, except only apparent failures. This is true if the person resolves to immedi- Two, God’s love is everlasting. What has this truth got to do
that –it dawned upon me– he wasn’t much into sports. So I asked, ately go back to God with the humility like that of the Prodigal Son. with priests’ transfers? It is stark to me. When a pastor leaves,
“Was it P.E.?” And he manages to even learn from his mistakes and his conversion another takes his place. In a word, pastors are human instru-
“That was back in first year when there was no other sport ‘cept becomes more firm and sincere.” ments that come and go but the One who uses them to express
basketball,” he gave me a smile expressing that it was something “You mean to say, Father… that…,” he smiled as he came upon a his love for his people always walks with them. I remember a
obvious. realization. groom who requested a singer friend to sing for him to his bride
“That’s alright dude. Guess you’re dad would have said that…,” “Yes, James! That one can really never fail in the spiritual life as the words of a song that say: “Tomorrow morning when you
“You can’t have everything,” he completed exactly what I was long as he struggles with the sincere resolve to begin again, use the wake up and the sun does not appear, I will be there”. Being
about to say. supernatural means and to find—like St. Paul—strength and joy in there for those one loves is a quality only God can really do (I’ll
“You got me there, James,” I chuckled. his own weaknesses. In this way, he no longer struggles alone, but take objections to this but won’t back down). And, truly, he is
“Mom and dad understand and are very proud with what I’ve always in and with the grace and love of God.” always there for his people in particular through his priests and
pastors. Isn’t this what exactly happens when, as one pastor
Fr. Russell Bantiles leaves, another pastor takes his place to continue ministering
to God’s people? In fact, ‘reshuffling’ is a living testament to

Pruning the words of Jesus, “Behold, I am with you always until the end
of time” (Mt 28:20). Priests and pastors who willingly, freely
Cogito and lovingly submit to this sacrifice become instruments to the
Lord’s faithfulness to this promise.
Three, everything is temporary and passing in our pilgrimage
WHY are grapes pruned? In the Philippines, whole world and all of mankind. In a manner *** on earth. I remember being with a group of priests and we were
where seldom we have viticulture, pruning of speaking he is ‘writing on the wall’ the on our way to the rice terraces of Banaue when we stopped by a
grapes could strike us as mysterious. All we scenario he intends to follow to fulfill his vow Many would call it a “fight” and, I think church under the care of a Belgian missionary priest. He asked us
know is that it is necessary. Proper pruning of that before his term of office closes ‘EVERY they’re right. I would like to call it an “oc- where we were going. The most elderly priest among us almost
grapevines is essential to maintain vine size, COUNTRY OF THE WORLD WILL HAVE casion”, and I think I owe them an explana- immediately answered, “Father, we are just passing through.” I
shape, and yield of the grapes. If vines are A VIBRANT REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS tion. was kind of expecting the missionary priest to retort, “So am I.”
not pruned, they will become unruly, tangled PROGRAM!’” In the history of Church, whenever the He simply nodded with a knowing smile. That, for me, is what
messes. Fruit ripeness will suffer. Overpro- Whether it is just a black propaganda “Boat of Peter” traverses stormy seas, a lot best describes not only the human condition but also the human
duction of the vine may lead to premature or not, we don’t need to have a lot of wild of good things come out. In the era of great aspect of all ministries, including that of ministerial priests. I
death. imagination or paranoia in order to take heresies, we have excellent Doctors of the find the grief of some parishioners, not excluding the priests
Jesus, in last Sunday’s Gospel, makes use notice of a very obvious movement in the Church. During the dark ages when the so- themselves, over priests’ transfers not unlike the grief of the
of this image to teach us one essential aspect world of what Pope John Paul II called “the ciety was somehow plunged into deep moral bereaved. In fact, a few days ago I saw some parishioners behave
of our Christian life. “I am the true vine, and culture of death”. This culture takes various degradation, there arose a great number of like their pastor who is being transferred to another parish has
my Father is the vine grower. He takes away forms and under the noble guise of curbing saints. just died. There is an analogy of dying in priests’ ‘reshuffling’.
every branch in me that does not bear fruit, population explosion but through abomi- Could it be that God is preparing us once But that is also where its positive note lies. I believe both priests
and every one that does he prunes so that it nable means like birth control, abortion and more—through the seeming darkness of the and parishioners could take tremendous comfort from the words
bears more fruit.” even euthanasia. “culture of death”—to receive great gifts from of the Lord himself: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Have
Are we “branches of the True Vine that bear The “culture of death” is creeping into Him? It could be. But He is challenging us to faith in God and have faith in me. In my Father’s house there
fruit”? Or are we the barren ones? In both our society. And it is gaining grounds! remain steadfast till the end of this trial. are many mansions. Otherwise how could have I told you that
cases, we need to be pruned in order to yield Our continued indifference and passivity I was preparing a place for you? I am indeed going to prepare
much fruit. And the pruning process could be is its force. Here in Spain, there is a move *** a place for you and then I shall come back to take you with me
painful and enduring. now to modify the law on abortion. It that where I am you also may be” (Jn 14:1-4).
comes after the successful modification True enough, “God can write straight with I must confess that I’m often tempted to tell the parishioners
*** of the definition of “matrimony” in the crooked lines”. But crooked lines are un- of my next parish that we should work together so as to make
Constitution and the legalization of same- necessary for Him in order to write straight. the rectory I’ll be residing in become a good ‘anticipation’ of
Recently, I received an alarming e-mail sex marriage. He can do without them. However, man at those beautiful ‘mansions’ the Lord talks about. But then they
which goes: “It is urgent that we all please take That the Lord allows this “painful prun- times does “need” them. Mejor dicho, man might petition the bishop to bring their former pastor back. So,
cognizance of and review (Barack) Obama’s ing” in His Church is comprehensible needs to experience his own “crookedness” up until this writing, I have prudently chosen to keep my lips
pronouncements in the last two or three weeks. through Jesus’ words. But how should we, in order to come across with God’s mercy. safely shut.
These are signs of where he wants to drag the Christians, respond to this trial? Those who grieve over priests’ ‘reshuffling’ say: “The trouble
Cogito / A6
with hello is goodbye”. But, with those who choose the upside
of ‘reshuffling’, I answer back: “The good thing with goodbye
Melo M. Acuña is hello.”

Some disturbing signs DADITAMA / A6

ILO’s Tethis Mangahas said a third of the world’s migrants come
Issues and Concerns from Asia and one half of the world’s victims are also from Asia.
They have noted the continuous flow of Burmese, Cambodians and
Laotians into Thailand while Indonesians and Filipinos continue
AS the country’s able-bodied men and women hope to find well-pay- to slump as the world faced its serious downturn. It’s the sixth suc- to find their way to Malaysia. They also look for employment in
ing jobs abroad, our very own “King of the Ring” Manny Pacquiao cessive month of declines though there was an improvement on the Taiwan, South Korea and Japan.
was tapped by Justice Secretary Raul Gonzales to be his “special 39% decline posted in February. It is during these times exploitation and trafficking have become
assistant” on “intelligence matters.” Though Mr. Gonzales said the Foreign remittances continue to help the country’s economy more often. The preparatory conditions happen in the country of
position was “honorary” and would not receive compensation, one though there have been projections of decline this year because some origin. We have heard of undocumented workers who leave the
can’t help but think why Manny was given such designation. 48% of $16 B or so remittances last year that came from the United country as tourists, taking the risk of getting themselves into the
Earlier, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo named Pacman as the States of America. It would be interesting to find out that 8.5% of flesh trade. Recruitment and deception occur in the country of origin
country’s “Ambassador for Peace and Understanding.” Quite a feat these remittances have come from Saudi Arabia while Filipinos in while actual exploitation takes place in the country of destination.
indeed for the man who brought honor to the country continuously Canada contributed at least 8% of the total amount. Still, Filipinos What is disturbing is the fact it behooves upon government to
searching for role models in the face of its being the most corrupt in the United Kingdom contributed 4.8% while those in Italy sent provide jobs to its qualified workers. The sad part is other Asian
in Asia as well as being touted as one of the most dangerous place 4.2% which is still significant. countries seem to walk way ahead of the Philippines. Take the case
for journalists. However, reports from the government’s Philippine Overseas of Vietnam, ravaged by war for decades now have good infrastruc-
Pacman was also named “head” of DENR’s “Task Force Ka- Employment Administration noted the deployment of newly-hired tures and world-class telecom facilities. With the kind of education
likasan.” Mr. Gonzales was quoted saying “There’s nothing wrong land-based overseas Filipino workers fell by nearly 30% in 2008 they give their school children, they would be way ahead of the
with that.” Some are indeed smarter than others. compared to 2007. Only 216,803 newly-hired land-based workers Philippines in five years.
Going back to reality, the country’s exports fell by 30.0% in March were deployed in 2008 compared to 306,383 in 2007. The agency’s The harsh realities may be too difficult for a hundred Manny
because shipments of electronic products and garments continued full report on OFW deployment for 2008 has yet to be released. Pacquiaos to overcome.
Local News
CBCP Monitor
A6 Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009

Cash rewards won’t cut political

killings, bishop says
THE Arroyo administration’s strategy to end politi- National Police (PNP).
Konsult Mindanaw complements
peace consultation with drama series
“The public is paying for their salaries and THE Konsult Mindanaw, a flagship program of the Bishops
cal killings will not work, a Catholic bishop said.
it’s their obligation to investigate, make arrests Ulama Conference (BUC) that leads the on-going peace consul-
Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo
and bring to court those who are behind these tation across the island has produced a drama series broadcast
said the P25 million fund to reward informants
extrajudicial killings,” he said. on radio starting May to June 2009.
who could help solve political killings will never
President Arroyo announced on Tuesday the The drama series dubbed as “Radyo Kalinaw” is a 10-part
have much impact.
establishment of the hefty fund to pay informants Tagalog drama translated into Cebuano aims to complement the
Pabillo, who heads the Episcopal Commission
in an attempt to curb political killings that have on-going community peace consultations in Mindanao and is
on Social Action, Justice and Peace of the Catholic
victimized activists, rights lawyers and govern- produced by the BUC and aired through Bombo Radyo Network
Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP),
ment officials. and the Notre Dame Broadcasting Corporation.
said cash reward is not an effective way to reduce
The fund would go to those “who provide Konsult Mindanaw Team Leader Jesuit Priest Fr. Albert Alejo
or cut crimes.
information that foils political assassination at- said the drama series is in keeping with the belief that effective
“The government has got the wrong strategy.
tempts or leads to their solution, especially the communication lies at the heart of any effort to consult mean-
Political will and not money is more needed to
identification of their masterminds,” she said. ingfully with the people.
solve the wave of political killings in the coun-
Arroyo has been criticized for the series of kill- The radio program narrates the trials and triumphs of Chris-
try,” he said.
ings, for which she has been blamed for either tian, Muslim, and Lumad families in Mindanao where their
The bishop said allocating special fund
condoning the attack or not doing enough to stop fears and hopes are chronicled in classic radio drama, stuffed
for such campaign is irrelevant because
them. (Roy Lagarde) with the sounds of battle and the lingering melody of the project
the duty, primarily, falls on the Philippine Bishop Broderick Pabillo
musical theme, “Isang Paanyaya.”

Nat’l summit of barefoot doctors slated

The drama series is composed of various peace episodes and
each episode runs for 20 minutes, and will be aired at least three
times a week.
BUC co-convenor and Davao Archbishop Fernando Capalla
A SUMMIT of Tribal Community ers, to share their experiences nity Health Workers (Barefoot of the poor and underprivileged also gave his full support to the project.
health workers organized by the and achieve possible opportuni- Doctors) Development Program people in the Philippines. Capalla is optimistic that through the concerted efforts of the
Foundation of Our Lady of Peace ties for education and livelihood organized by the Our Lady of Misereor Ihr Hilfswerk is people the dream for peace in Mindanao will come true.
Mission Inc. in cooperation with through linkages with govern- Peace Mission, Inc. a German Catholic Bishops’ Ronie Flores, Bombo Radyo Davao division head, expressed
Misereor Ihr Hilfswerk will be ment and non-government or- The convention’s theme is organization for development optimism that the program “will make a significant impact on
held on May 20-21at the SMX ganizations. “Indigenous Peoples: Partners cooperation which promotes the people’s perceptions on peace,” noting his station’s “exten-
Convention Center, Pasay City. Two-hundred twenty-nine in Health and Wellness.” justice, freedom, peace and rec- sive and reliable coverage.”
Dubbed as the 1st Indigenous Tribal Barefoot Doctors in the The Foundation Of Our Lady onciliation in the world, fights Konsult Mindanaw is also coming up with Kalinaw Komiks
Barefoot Doctor National Sum- country will participate in the Of Peace Mission Inc. is a be- worldwide poverty, exercises with a slug “Abot –Tanaw ang Kapayapaan…Tatlong mag-
mit, the meeting will gather the convention. The tribal health nevolent, non-political, non- unity with the poor and the vic- anak ng Mindanao na pinagtagpo ng kasaysayan. Sundan ang
barefoot doctors, better known workers graduated from the profit, non-stock organization timized and helps create “One kanilang kuwento ng paglalakbay…”
as the community health work- Indigenous Peoples Commu- committed to the improvement World.” (CBCPNews) For those who are interested you can place your orders at
Konsult Mindanaw/ Project Management Office, San Pablo
CARP / A1 Parish Compound, Juna Subdivision, Matina, Davao City or
social justice asked by our farmers,” the tation of CARP law because of the slated sine door dialogue last March 16 with some CBCP call telephone number (082) 298 -5854 or e-mail at konsultmin-
bishop added. die adjournment of Congress on June 5. representatives, other church groups and [email protected]. (Mark S. Ventura)
Pabillo chairs the Episcopal Commission “There are, I think, 3 weeks to go or nongovernmental organizations.
on Social Action, Justice and Peace of the about 9 session days remaining and noth- The Congress, in a recent dialogue be-
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philip-
pines (CBCP).
ing significant happened in Congress so
far. We are really worried about this,”
tween the bishops and lawmakers led by
Speaker Prospero Nograles, also pledged Congress on Catechesis,
He said it is now important for the govern-
ment officials to exert effort to show sincerity
to protect the rights of the farmers, one of the
Pabillo said.
In case the killer amendments would be
approved, Pabillo said the CARP law will
to extend CARP before it goes on sine die
Nograles assured that the compulsory
Christian Formation slated
country’s most vulnerable sectors. be virtually dead because the landlords land acquisition and distribution (LAD) A CONGRESS which will focus on Catechesis and Christian
will push for the exemption of their huge component of the law would be reinstated Formation aiming to share the experiences and knowledge of
Killer amendments agricultural lands. covering all private agricultural lands. the participants with public and private schools is slated for
Pabillo said bishops are bothered about the The restoration of the compulsory LAD, May 20-22.
killer amendments that are being inserted Assurance of Arroyo and Legislators which was removed when Congress ap- The assembly which is dubbed “Pope Benedict XVI Congress”
by several legislators because they would Last March, Arroyo has personally assured proved Joint Resolution 19 in December, will be held at the Yuchengco Hall, De La Salle University in
destroy some provisions which are central Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Ro- extending the agrarian reform program for Taft Avenue, Manila.
to CARP. sales and Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal another six months, is one of the bishops’ This is convened by CEAP, Association of Catechetical Cen-
Pabillo also called on Senators and Con- Vidal she would approve CARP extension main concerns. ters and Colleges with Religious Education (ACCCRE) and the
gressmen to unite in opposing the killer with reforms. Meanwhile, Bishop Pabillo urged farmers Catechetical Foundation of the Archdiocese of Manila (CFAM)
provisions of some lawmakers owning vast Arroyo, however, agreed with the cardi- not to resort to violence if the government in collaboration with the Theology and Religious Education
agricultural lands to weaken CARP. nals that they should talk with the senators fails to extend the program. Department and Lasallian Catechetical Center of DLSU.
The bishop said both legislating bodies and congressmen, conceding that Congress According to the Department of Agrarian Expected participants of the said gathering are the Catechists,
must work together to approve the renewed was the battleground for getting CARP Reform (DAR), 1.6 million hectares of land Christian Living Educators, Volunteer Catechists, Campus Min-
provisions of CARP. He said the final version extended—which the bishops did. still have to be covered by CARP. Of the isters, and Catechetical Directors and Directress from various
must be ratified the soonest for the approval Senators assured leaders of the Catholic 1.6 million hectares, one million are private catechetical centers in the Philippines.
of the President. Church in their recent meeting that they agricultural lands and nearly 600,000 are Organizers added that the output made by the participants
would approve a measure extending CARP public lands. in the workshop can also be a material during their catechesis
Pressed for time for another five years. The DAR has estimated that CARP still and religious instruction.
Church officials are worried of the limited The senators vowed to pass the measure needs at least P160 billion for a 10-year Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales will be
time in order to finally extend the implemen- before CARP expires in June during a closed- implementation of CARP beyond 2008. the presider for the opening of the first day session of the
Mining Bill / A1 The Eucharistic celebration on May 21 will be presided by
munities, as well as aggravated the already dire situation of our the masses and the local government units to bear the brunt of such Most Reverend Pablo Virgilio David, DD, Auxiliary Bishop of
environment—by handing over our lands and mineral resources for impacts; (3) It prioritizes exploration, development and utilization San Fernando, Pampanga.
corporate exploitation. All these, in exchange for a grossly disadvan- of resources over and above food security and environmental con- Resource speakers of the meeting are prelates from various
tageous amount from mining revenues,” Ledesma said. servation; (4) It grants too much power for decision-making to the diocese and religious institutions.
The AMB, according to LRC team leader for Cagayan de Oro City President, when resources are the only heritage of the Filipino peo- Malaybalay Bishop Honesto Pacana, DD will give a talk on
Carl Cesar C. Rebuta, is the product of years of consultations by the ple, meanwhile disempowering local communities through lack of the topic “Spirituality of Catechists and Religion Teachers on
Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center-Kasama sa Kalikasan/ participatory mechanisms; (5) The law is not consistent with sustain- May 20.
Friends of the Earth Philippines (LRC-KSK/FoEP) and its partners able development; (6) It grants too many incentives for investments, The topic “Synod of Bishops: The Word of God in the Life
in the Alternative law Groups (ALG) with different sectors of society including confidentiality of information, return of investments, and Mind of the Church” on May 21 will be facilitated by Most
in response to the damages wrought and posed by The Mining Act tax-breaks, etc.; (7) It lacks systems that would ensure payment and Reverend Broderick Pabillo, Auxiliary Bishop of Manila and
of 1995 (RA 7942). compensation of affected communities and local government units; the Chairman of the National Secretariat for Social Action
“The Alternative Mining Bill is dedicated to countless women and (8) It fails to provide for punishment and accountability on social (NASSA) of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philip-
men who have risked, and those continuing to risk, their lives for impacts, including human rights violations; (9) It fails to provide a pines (CBCP).
genuine freedoms,” he said. rational and comprehensive benefit-sharing among the stakeholders; Msgr. Gerardo Santos, President of the Catholic Educational
According to Rebuta, “the time for change has come” and that the (10) It fails to consider the physical characteristics of the Philippines Association of the Philippines (CEAP), will discuss the “Strategic
1995 Mining Act must be repealed because of its many flaws such as that is not conducive to industries like these, despite claims that the Directions on Integral Faith Formation”.
(1) It promotes the exportation of raw minerals without maximizing Philippines has a rich mineral resource, when the country in fact is Meanwhile, Bro. Armin Luistro, FSC, President of the De La
the benefits of such resources for the Filipino people; (2) It fails to also a rich agricultural country; and (11) It allows 100% ownership Salle University (DLSU) will welcome the participants of the
take into consideration externalities or negative impacts, thus leaving and control of natural resources to foreigners. (Bong D. Fabe) congress.
Love Life / A4
Culminating the event is a Eucharistic Celebration which will
be presided by Balanga Bishop Socrates Villegas, DD, Chairman
or family and friends who led the women to men who contribute to the termination of interferes with immune function and their of the CBCP’s Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic
abort) who need conversion and forgiveness. one of their children, are greatly conflicted by general health. This explains the high rate of Education (ECCCE). (Kate Laceda)
Dr, Philip Ney, a Canadian psychiatrist, guilt and unresolved grief, fears, and anger. repeated abortions. And the high number of
describes how women who suffered child These men and women have difficulty resolv- women and men drifting through life, unable
abuse or neglect or rejected are more prone ing the conflicts. Unresolved conflicts result to bond or be responsible individuals, citizens Condom / A3
to abort because they themselves have been in pathological signs and symptoms known or parents.” These are persons who are within adults and children living with HIV as compared to 9,000 in the
dehumanized. Women who have been as Post-Abortion Syndrome (PAS). Our evi- your parish and neighborhood! Philippines; 58,000 AIDS deaths in 2003 for Thailand while only
abused or neglected as children have great dence shows abortion results in deeper and If you feel you are called to be generous 500 are recorded in the Philippines.
anxiety about having children. They fear more damaging conflicts than almost any with your time and energy to reach out to And in terms of HIV infection rates per million, Thailand got
they will mistreat their children as they had other trauma because it cuts at the roots of these men and women needing God’s com- 9,072 compared to 113 in the Philippines.
themselves been mistreated, and thus ratio- humanity. Post aborted people are more likely passion and healing, join the Pro-life Volun- “This only shows that the 100% condom use program in Thailand
nalize that is it better to abort than to abuse to have pathological, incomplete grief, and teer Services. There are different programs is not effective. Even if all brothels were required to have supplies
a child they may have. therefore become depressed and alienated. you can be assigned to: Project Veronica or of condoms, and condom vending machines were installed in all
There is an urgent need for pro-life volun- This depression 1) interferes with the bonding Project Rachel, Project Michael or Project supermarkets, bars, restaurants, and other public gathering places
teers in order to stop the cycle of killing. of parents to the other children, 2) diminishes Gabriel. Curious? Check our website at still it did not deter the widespread of HIV/AIDS,” ended Gamu-
Dr. Ney, in his book “Deeply Damaged” their ability to respond to their infant’s cry, www.prolife.org.ph or contact Sr. Pilar at tan. (Mark S. Ventura)
says, “Women who have an abortion, and 3) disrupts their parenting ability and 4) 0920-945-5494.
Watchdogs / A1
Swine Flu / A1 Cogito / A5
“Prayer may be as powerful as or even may be more powerful Only afterwards, man may “bear much fruit”. good and I hope it will push through,” Sarmiento said.
than anti-biotic or anti-virus pills which may not be accessible to The process is called “pruning”, by which a person has to live But according to De Villa, politicians should not be allowed to
many very poor people. The combination of prayer and prescribed through his own “nothingness”, emptiness, misery and wickedness join in the summit in order to maintain the non-partisan status
medical precaution would be a proactive response to the present in order to realize his great need for God. Man needs to be “pruned” of the various groups.
concern,” said the president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of like the branches of the vine—to appear dry and barren for a time— Over the past few weeks, several groups have been launched
the Philippines. with almost same goals to initiate changes in politics, including the
in order to embrace the truth of Jesus’ words: “Without me you can
Although the N1H1 influenza virus has not yet reached the coun- Task Force 2010, which is composed of first-time voters; Supreme
do nothing”.
try’s boundaries, Lagdameo called on all local Church organizations Court Chief Justice Reynato Puno’s Moral Force Movement; and
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta once said: “God cannot fill you
to include a prayer addressed to the Divine Healer, the Sacred Heart the Transparent Elections Movement.
of himself until you recognize your nothingness, your emptiness.” On May 10, former Department of Social Welfare and Develop-
of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
“We exhort the people to pray for our country as well as for the ment Secretary Corazon “Dinky” Soliman led the launching of
countries already affected by the ‘swine flu:’ that it may be effectively *** Change Politics Movement seeking to get rid of vote-buying in
controlled. Earnest and humble prayer addressed to the Divine the country.
Healer, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of The message is clear:“For us, brothers, it is always a time for pruning” A new group called “10@10 for 2010” was launched Monday
Mary, is the need of the hour,” he added. (St. Bernard). But the Lord has given us His word: “You are already calling on everyone for a ten-minute daily prayer for the inten-
Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales also ordered the pruned because of the word that I spoke to you. Remain in me, as I tion of 2010 polls.
praying of “Oratio Imperata on Swine Flu” after communion in all remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it But unlike the “Change Politics Movement” the “10@10 for 2010”
churches under the Archdiocese of Manila since May 3. (Kris Bayos) remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me.” said it will not endorse anyone in particular. (Roy Lagarde)
Diocesan News
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009
News Briefs Rapu-Rapu probe on marine
pollution starts anew
Bishop says to seek truth is a fundamental option
MATI CITY—For Catholics, the desire to seek the truth is a
fundamental option, said Bishop Patricio Alo who explained
that craving for the truth is not seasonal but by daily living.
He said that amid the crevices and complexities of this earthly
life, Catholics must have the craving for the truth. (Mark S. LEGAZPI CITY—Environmentalists has
Ventura) launched another fact-finding mission, aim-
ing to uncover new threats on the coastal
Lumad scholar is cum laude graduate waters of Rapu-Rapu Island in Albay, as
DAVAO CITY—Best things in life are free and this goes true the controversial Lafayette Mining Limited
for Jun Mark Amban, a Lumad scholar who finished his college starts operating again.
education cum laude in Ateneo de Davao University (ADDU) Rapu-Rapu is considered as a haven for
last March. Amban is a BS Secondary Education scholar sup- marine biologists and diving enthusiasts
ported by the Davao Light Power Company (DLPC) through alike for its rich marine resources.
the Mindanawon Initiatives for Cultural Dialogue. (Mark S. A three-day International Solidarity Mis-
Ventura) sion (ISM), which has started last May 10,
was organized by the Kalikasan People’s
Pangasinan holds youth day Network for the Environment (Kalikasan
DAGUPAN CITY—Thousands of youth from Archdiocese of PNE) and the Center for Environmental
Lingayen-Dagupan joined the Archdiocesan Youth Day on April Concerns Philippines (CEC Phils) along
21-24 at the Holy Cross Parish in Laoac, Pangasinan. Organized with international and local delegates from
by the archdiocese’s Youth Apostolate, the event was intended the church, health professionals, scientists,

Photo courtesy of CBCP-NASSA

to assemble young people and learn and live their youthful lives youth and members of the media.
as Christians. (Kate Laceda) “The case of Rapu-Rapu is one of the most
popular and dynamic of the mining struggles
Prelate sees ‘goodness’ among drug dependents in the Philippines. The relentless campaign
DAVAO CITY—Is there good in being a drug addict, pusher and of the local organizations and residents with
lord? Archbishop Fernando Capalla believes so—like anybody their supporters from local, national and inter-
else who are born with such goodness. He said that “there is national organizations has led to a bittersweet
goodness in drug addicts, drug pushers and drug lords and victory when the previous major shareholder
it cannot be cancelled out by evil deeds like sin and crime.” of the project Lafayette Philippines, Inc. (LPI) tions in early 2008 after Lafayette declared dumped in the Pacific Ocean.
(Mark S. Ventura) with its wholly foreign-owned joint venture bankruptcy. “This is probably the reason why the tailings
company Lafayette Mining Limited (Aus- Community residents continue to oppose dam doesn’t overflow even if it has been rain-
Men usually caught in trouble than women, says nun tralia) caved in to the protests of the people the project, which resumed operations anew ing often for the past six months,” he said.
MALABANG, Lanao del Sur—A nun said it is usually men and declared bankruptcy in December 2008,” last year.
who are caught in trouble as compared to women, in a place says Clemente “Enteng” Bautista Jr., national “These new developments in the anti- DENR: adding insult to injury
where there is the prevalence of masochistic (male dominance) coordinator of the Kalikasan-PNE in a state- mining struggle in Rapu-Rapu are the Environmentalists and scientist-delegates
character like here. Sr. Cecilia Fonacier, MA, said that Christian ment sent to CBCPNews. primary focus of the ISM. New information to the ISM assailed the Department of En-
men here are already afraid to be seen publicly participating While the protests temporarily halted coming from the communities related to vironment and Natural Resources (DENR)
in community formation for fear of being caught in trouble. Lafayette’s operations, the threat against the environmental impacts of continued for allowing the sale of the mining project
(Mark S. Ventura) the environment is there again as Koreans large-scale mining need to be verified. Also, to Korean investors, despite the damage it
had resurrected the already dead company, documenting social issues that confront the has already incurred to the soils and waters
Baustista said. residents of the island, including possible of Rapu-Rapu.
Construction of interfaith prayer houses kicks off
Rapu-Rapu mining project is one of the violation of human rights need to be looked “Lafayette has run off with millions of
Silsilah’s 25th year 63 priority large-scale mining projects of the into,” said Bautista. profits without paying for its crimes against
SINUNUC, Zamboanga—Zamboanga Archbishop Romulo Philippine government and the pet project of the local community and the Filipino people.
Valles, along with Ustadz Abdullah Ibrahim, led the ground- President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. A toxic marine pollution cover-up Adding insult to injury, the Department
breaking ceremony for the construction of a Christian and a It opened in 2005 and incurred two mas- The ISM is also to probe the alleged direct of Environment and Natural Resources
Muslim prayer house here in time for the 25th foundation anni- sive mine tailings spills five months after dumping of toxic wastes to Rapu-Rapu bay (DENR), backed up by Pres. Gloria Macapa-
versary of the Silsilah Dialogue Movement (SDM) on May 9. The starting operations in this typhoon-stricken which maybe the reason why the tailing gal Arroyo sold the project to Korean inves-
construction of two prayer houses inside the Silsilah Harmony and small island. dam is not overflowing notwithstanding tors. The new Korean owners, which were
Village, Pitogo, Sinunuc is a part of SDM’s Tulay 5 Project, which Previously owned by Australian junior heavy rains. immediately allowed to resume operations,
promotes interfaith dialogue and cooperation among different firm Lafayette Mining Limited, the project’s Said Tony Casitas of the Sagip Isla, Sagip are feared to continue the destructive and
religious sectors in Mindanao. (Kris Bayos) ownership was transferred to a consortium Kapwa, their group has been receiving re- pollution-inducing operation of open-pit
between Korea Resources Corporation, LG ports that a ship was seen getting the tailings mining in the island,” said Bautista. (Noel
Hedcor’s ECC issuance done in haste due to PGMA’s visit International, and Malaysia Smelting Opera- from the dam which was suspected to be Sales Barcelona)
DAVAO CITY—Environmental groups said that the issuance by

Bishop leads protest vs Surigao mining

the Environmental Management Bureau of the Environmental
Compliance Certificate to Hedcor Aboitiz was done in “haste”
and preceded by President Arroyo’s recent visit. The EMB
granted the ECC to Hedcor on the basis of the latter’s Initial
Environmental Evaluation, “a very shallow and cursory look CANTILAN, Surigao Del Sur—Over 1,000 residents from various Development Corporation (CDC) two months prior of having been
at the project,” said the Interface Development Interventions, towns and sectors of Surigao del Sur recently joined a three-kilometer assured of ‘looking deeply’ into the watershed proclamation vis-à-
Inc. (IDIS). (Mark S. Ventura) march to condemn mining operations here. vis mining in a dialogue with Sec. Lito Atienza.”
CBCP Vice President and Tandag bishop Nereo Odchimar led Cantilan Mayor Tomasa Guardo in unity with her Sangguniang
Bishop warns people on too much desire for wealth the march and presided over the concelebrated mass held after the Bayan members also issued an ordinance against mining.
MATI CITY—Bishop Patricio Alo has cautioned the people of street protest. “As long as I am the mayor, no mining will ever be approved in
the possible dangerous effect if they desire too much wealth Demonstrators claimed the mining operations have threatened this municipality,” said Guardo.
thus forgetting their faith in God. Alo said that if one aspires watersheds providing critical support to the province’s irrigation Emma Hotchkiss, president of CBFI, read Presidential Proclama-
for more wealth then it could be a dangerous state of mind and system, water supply and Cantilan’s proposed mini-hydro power tion 1747, declaring the portion of the public domain of Alamyo,
will lead the person to a materialist tendency like Judas Iscariot project. Buyaan, Paniki Rivers and Sipangpang Falls situated in the Munici-
who betrayed Christ. (Mark S. Ventura) To top it all, they said, the proposed mining sites infringe upon palities of Carascal, Cantilan and Madrid, Province of Surigao del
the indigenous peoples’ ancestral lands. Sur and in the Municipalities of Jabonga, Santiago and Cabadbaran,
Ateneo sees low turn-out in college enrollment rate
The protest march was convened by the CarCanMadCarLan Bay- Province of Agusan del Norte as critical watershed forest reserves.
DAVAO CITY—Ateneo de Davao University foresees a lower watch Foundation, Inc. (CBFI), Surigao del Sur Irrigators’ Federation, “We shall take a unified action and urge the government to cancel
turnout this coming school year due to a drastic decrease of Inc. (SURIF), Cantilan Irrigation System Federation of Irrigators As- the Mineral Production Sharing Agreements (MPSAs) of MMDC and
67% in its enrollees this recent school year. In a report posted sociation, Diocese of Tandag Social Action Center, Philippine Eagle CDC and not only depend on the protection of the said presidential
April 27 in the school’s website, the actual number of enrollees Foundation, Immaculate Conception Parish (Cantilan), Parish Youth proclamation,” Hotchkiss said.
never reached the estimated 2,000 mark for 2008-2009. In order Apostolate, CAHAYAG and Lovers of Nature, Inc. Rodne R. Galicha, ATM Sites of Struggle officer, presented the
to reach the number target, an increase in numbers of about 654 The groups are supported by Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM), Legal national mining situation and strongly stated that “real progress is
is needed in order to reach the projection. (Mark S. Ventura) rights and Natural Resource Center-Kasama sa Kalikasan/ Friends to live sustainably, in accordance with the processes of nature and
of the Earth-Philippines (LRC-KSK/FOE-Phils.), and BALAOD should not abuse the rights of those who live at present and of the
MINDANAW. coming generations.”
Cebu opens jubilee year
Expressing his disappointment with the government, Odchimar The gathering ended with the symbolic signing of the petition
CEBU CITY—In an elaborate yet solemn ceremony at the Cebu said that he “felt betrayed upon learning that the Department of by sectoral representatives and stakeholders for the cancellation of
Metropolitan Cathedral, Cebu Archbishop Ricardo J. Cardinal Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) had already issued the MPSAs of the two aforementioned companies. They are legally
Vidal opened the year-long celebration of the Diamond Jubilee Environmental Compliance Certificates (ECCs) to Marcventures supported by BALAOD Mindanaw’s lawyer Pilipinas Palma. (Tinty
of the establishment of the Archdiocese of Cebu last April 28. Mining and Development Corporation (MMDC) and Carac-an Iriberri)
With President Gloria Arroyo, Manila Archbishop Gaudencio
Cardinal Rosales, and Papal Nuncio Archbishop Joseph Edward
Adams and among other dignitaries in attendance, Cardinal CBCP Communications Development Foundation, Inc. (CBCP Media Office)
Vidal opened the jubilee door of the cathedral at 4:30 p.m. to
mark the beginning of the holy year. (Fr. Marnel Mejia) Schedules of Training Seminars for 2009
1. Web design – Beginners’ course 4. Information Technology Awareness

Concerted efforts needed

(Learn how to conceptualize, design and maintain websites. This (This seminar is an introduction to information technology. Participants
module is tailored for catechists, pastoral workers and youth groups are taught the basic knowledge and skills in computer, internet and
interested in harnessing websites as a new avenue for catechesis multimedia. This is best for school administrators, nuns, priests and

vs. prostitution
and evangelization.) bishops.)

May 25-29 (Monday – Friday) - 1:00-5:00 p.m. No date yet (Thursday – Friday) - 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Minimum of 10 and maximum of 15 participants Maximum of 15 participants
CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY—Archbishop Antonio Ledesma has Registration fee: P800 (inclusive of snacks) Registration fee: P500.00 (inclusive of lunch and snacks)
called on for concerted efforts from all sectors of the society to pre- Venue: CBCPWorld Training Room, 3rd Flr., 470 Gen. Luna St. Venue: CBCPWorld Training Room, 3rd Flr., 470 Gen. Luna St.
vent women, especially the youth, from engaging in flesh trade. Intramuros, Manila Intramuros, Manila
The Cagayan de Oro archbishop said this is the challenge now
(Note: This seminar-workshop is scheduled from May until August.
facing modern civilized society. June-August seminar dates will be made available later.) Watch for the schedule dates of the following:
Ledesma made the statement after police recently raided a cy-
bersex den here and nabbed its operators, two Swedish nationals 2. Web design 2 5. Educational Technology (Ed Tech)
identified as Stefan Sederholms and Emil Andreas Solemo. Eighteen (Participants should have basic knowledge of MSQL and PHP) (This training module is intended for teachers of Catholic schools.
young girls were also questioned. It teaches how to integrate computer/internet applications into the
The 66-year-old Jesuit prelate said efforts to stop young people September 21-25 (Monday-Friday) academic subject/curriculum.)
from engaging in the flesh trade must be done by all sectors of society 1:00-5:00 p.m.
aside from the government and Church. Minimum of 10 and maximum of 15 participants July, August, September (or depending on the availability of cli-
There must be a sincere campaign against commercial sex trade Registration fee: P800 (inclusive of snacks) ents)
by the government, multi-sectoral group, the Church, parents, youth Venue: CBCPWorld Training Room, 3rd Flr., 470 Gen. Luna St. Venue: On site
Intramuros, Manila
and private sector organizations. 6. Multimedia for Catechists
“And this campaign must start with the parents as it is their re- 3. System Administration (SysAd) (for CBCPWorld clients only) (An introductory course to the amazing world of multimedia which
sponsibility to teach values to their children,” he said. (A highly technical training course for Systems and Network Adminis- includes videography, video editing and online sharing. This is
Ledesma said the arrest of Sederholms and Solemo is not enough trators, this program is offered especially to those administering local best for catechists and pastoral workers.)
to stop the youth from engaging in prostitution. The schools, he said, area networks of Catholic schools. The training features bandwidth
must also do their part in diverting the youth from such activities. and server management on a Linux platform.) October 2009 (tentative)
“It is a challenge to the parents as well. Our schools must have
a balanced presentation of information on human sexuality,” he May 4-5 (tentative) 7. PC Assembly/Hardware/Software Troubleshooting
said. Participants: Laguna cluster (Intended for computer technicians, this training module teaches basic
Venue: Laguna skills in network management which includes hardware configurations,
The discovery and eventual busting of a cybersex den in the city IP addressing and network structuring.)
raised concerns of the present values of the youth. May 11-12 (tentative)
According to Rep. Teofisto Guingona III of the 3rd District of Participants: Manila cluster 8. Newswriting
Bukidnon, the discovery of the cybersex den in the city “could just Venue: CBCPWorld Training Room, CBCP Building, Intramuros (This seminar-workshop features writing news stories from a distinc-
be a tip of the iceberg of human trafficking in Mindanao.” tively catholic perspective which CBCPNews calls “Catholic Journal-
“There could be other dens and other forms of human trafficking October, November 2009 ism.” This is especially intended for those involved in print media or
operating in other key cities of the island,” he said. those contemplating on putting up one.)
The cybersex den which victimized young women using the latest
computer technology has been operating in a respectable residen- Most of these training programs are conducted for free, especially to institutions that are members of the CBCPWorld Network. Trainings are
held either at the CBCPWorld Training Center in Intramuros, Manila or at local dioceses. Interested party may contact CBCP Media Office at
tial area in the city since last year as a strategy to escape detection. tel/fax 5274139 / CBCPWorld at tels. 404-2182; 404-1612.
(Bong D. Fabe)
A8 People, Facts & Places CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009

Cardinal holds special mass for

THE struggles and gifts of people with disabilities received
another special attention from the head of Manila’s Catholic
Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales held a special service
at the Santo Niño Parish in Tondo, Manila last May 9 for anyone
with mental disabilities, as well as their family members.
The event was part of the “sharing day” organized by the
Faith and Light Community, a global ecumenical and spiritual
movement among persons with intellectual disabilities, their
families, and friends.
The Mass which was concelebrated by several priests started
at 1 p.m.
The gathering also introduced Faith and Light to the com-
munity, encouraging people to learn more about its mission to
promote friendship and growth with and among persons with
intellectual disabilities.
Faith and Light was founded by Jean Vanier and Marie Helene
Matthieu following a pilgrimage in Lourdes, France, to meet
the needs of families of persons with intellectual disability.
There are now 1,500 such communities in 76 countries on five

© Noli Yamsuan
In the Philippines, Jean Vanier, while visiting the Little Sisters
of Jesus in 1984 inspired a prayer group to start the first Faith
and Light community in the country.
Today, Faith and Light is found in 12 parishes in Metro Ma-
nila. The group meets regularly for fellowship, celebration and Children with mental disabilities received special blessings from Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales after a Mass celebrated for them and their families at the Sto. Niño
prayer. (Roy Lagarde) Parish, Tondo last May 9.

Foundress of Little Sisters of

the Poor to be canonized soon
tra Señora Virgen del
of our vocation, of our work, of the way [to pines the first community, the San Lorenzo Rosario, 50th anniver-
holiness which] our foundress ha[d] shown Ruiz Home for the Elderly, was established sary of canonical coro-
us. And also we are happy for the elderly in Pasay in January 2004. It currently houses nation, April 18, 2009.
people in the world, because she is a saint for 43 elderly residents. The 400 year-old mi-
raculous image of the
the elderly, a special patroness,” said Mother A second that can accommodate 60 resi- Blessed Virgin Mary
Imelda Primosh, the superior of San Lorenzo dents was built in Pangasinan in 2008. A for- was crowned in 1959
Ruiz Home in Lancaster St., Pasay City. mation house for novices and postulants was and enthroned at the
Primosh, an American, said a delegation also built in the same site. The community altar of Orani Church in
Bataan which in 1714
from the Philippines will go to Rome in Oc- now has three novices and three postulants. was an independent
tober to witness the canonization. Although the congregation is new in the mission post under the Dominicans. The Dominican friars constructed the
“There will be two from each community country, it has already a large number of church and became their residence in Bataan. The statue was believed
of Pasay and Bolinao, one postulant, one Filipino Sisters. to have been made in 1581 and was brought to the Philippines by the
novice, three volunteers, and maybe two Primosh said their Filipino vocations were Dominicans in 1588. The Church of Samal, second oldest church in Bataan,
was said to be the first place where the image was housed. It could not
priest-friends,” she said. either migrants or overseas Filipino workers be explained why the image was found in the Church of Orani, where the
The nun said more than a thousand are who entered abroad. statue is now permanently placed.
expected to participate in the event from all Sr. Ofelia Ripasa, one of the two Filipinas
their communities all over the world. who are currently assigned at San Lorenzo C E L E B R AT E D . L a
Virgen Divina Pastora
“We heard that India will send more than Home said she met the sisters while working 45th anniversary of
a hundred in delegation. Surely, countries in Hong Kong.
© www.over-blog.com

canonical coronation
that are closer [to Rome] will send more,” “I was a volunteer to the Home of the Sis- and 23rd anniversary of
she said. ters. I saw the work they were doing. That’s the Declaration of Her
National Shrine, April
A local celebration is slated on October how I was encouraged in my vocation,” she 26, 2009. The Shrine
24 with a thanksgiving mass at the Manila explained. is at Three Kings Par-
Cathedral to be led by Cardinal Gaudencio “Those who have entered abroad are ish in the Diocese of
THE foundress of a religious congregation Rosales. The Papal Nuncio is also expected mostly working there. There are a few who Cabanatuan. Most Rev.
Sofronio Bancud, SSS
for women who worked for the elderly poor to grace the event as well as other bishops are migrants, but many of them were over- presided the concel-
is set to be canonized in a solemn ceremony and priests. seas workers,” Primosh added. ebrated Mass at 2 p.m. The image of La Virgen Divina Pastora is about
on October 11, 2009 in Rome. On October 25, birthday of Jeanne Jugan, “We have the export quality,” Ripasa one and a half feet tall. The church has been publicized as the biggest
Jeanne Jugan, a Frenchwoman who the Sisters will open their convent to friends quipped. “Our Filipino vocations are not and most respected neo-classic or Byzantine structure of the eighteenth
century in Central Luzon. Augustinian friars built the church in 1856 under
founded a congregation called Little Sisters and benefactors for a day-long festivities and rooted here,” she added. the patronage of Fathers Francisco Loredo, Antonio Cornejo, and Leandro
of the Poor will be elevated to sainthood thanksgiving for the grace received. The six sisters in San Lorenzo Home are Llanera from 1856-1872. The church was built through forced labor during
together with four other blesseds including a mixture of five nationalities: two Filipinas the Spanish regime. The workers had to line up between the source of
Fr. Damien, the leper of Molokai. Caring for the elderly poor who entered abroad, one American, one Sri materials and place of construction and had to pass the bricks from one
The Little Sisters of the Poor has two com- Of French origin, the congregation was Lankan, one British and one Singaporean. hand to another. The miracles of the Divine Shepherdess has enthralled
church authorities that on April 26, 1964, she was crowned the Queen at
munities here in the Philippines, one is Pasay founded in 1839 to care for the elderly poor But with their patroness in heaven and a the church plaza creating Gapan as an official pilgrimage city like that of
and another in Bolinao, Pangasinan where who have nothing to eat and nowhere to formation house in place, the community is the Virgin of Good Voyage in Antipolo City. The declaration of the church
the novitiate is located. go. The Little Sisters are now spread in 32 hopeful local vocations will come. (Pinky as the National Shrine of La Virgen Divina Pastora was promulgated on
“We are very happy. It is an affirmation countries in five continents. In the Philip- Barrientos, FSP) January 26, 1986 by His Eminence Cardinal Ricardo Vidal.

CELEBRATED. Sacred Heart College,

Prisoners take part in int’l art contest

Lucena City, 125th founding anniversary;
April 27, 2009. Established in April 27,
1884, the college is said to be the oldest
Catholic institution for men and women
in Quezon Province. The school begun
THE Catholic Bishops’ Conference participants from 24 dioceses in the through the vision of a simple and saintly
of the Philippines-Episcopal Com- Philippines won. woman named Hermana Fausta Labrador.
mission on Prison Pastoral Care Judges of the art contest were She was 26 years old when she initiated a
Charity school to develop the youth in ac-
(CBCP-ECPPC) has collaborated in Manny Galang and Ed Instrella cordance to the principles of the Catholic
the 2nd International Art Contest who are both resource persons of faith. Hermana Fausta received her faith
for prisoners which was primar- the ECPPC, and Menchu Arandilla, formation from the nuns, having studied at
ily organized by the International Jun Martinez and Dave Tan from the Colegio de Santa Rosa under the Daughters of Charity. In August 14,
1937, at the twilight of her life, she entrusted her school to the Daughters of
Commission on Prison Pastoral the Tuesday Group of the Group Charity. In 1939, the school was operating the complete primary, intermedi-
Care (ICPPC) of Visual Artists. ate and high school courses. True to their Vincentian spirit and in keeping
Rodolfo Diamante, Executive ICPPC was established at an with the legacy of Hermana Fausta, the Sisters worked and prayed hard to
© Kate Laceda / CBCP Media

Secretary of ECPPC, said the con- international assembly in Rome shape young people into becoming well rounded individuals. The school
continues to improve itself, living up to its commitment of providing integral
test aimed to showcase the creative during the Holy Year in 1950 by the spiritual formation and quality education to its thousands of students who
talents of prisoners and to bring Secretary of State which included have crossed its portals through the years. The school seal symbolizes
their life, struggles and hopes to the Pope Paul VI. the mission on which it has been founded—a heart that beats, bleeds and
the attention of the public. This commission aspires to burns for the poor and the less privileged, of the whole humanity.
Various Dioceses in Parañaque, stimulate Episcopal Conferences ORDAINED. Rev. Jovane T. Cañete to the Order of priesthood, at San
Nueva Segovia, San Fernando to establish prison pastoral care Isidro Labrador Parish, Tudela, Misamis Occidental, by Archbishop Jesus
(Pampanga), Legaspi (Albay), Balanga (Bataan), Capiz, Boac, and to plan ongoing training courses, study, information and Dosado, CM, April 21, 2009. Cañete took his minor seminary formation at
Calbayog, Baguio, Iligan, Davao, San Fernando (La Union), San meetings for the prison pastoral agents and for the members of Mother of Life Seminary in Iligan City and finished his Theology at Saint
Mary Theologate Seminary, Gango, Ozamiz City. He was ordained deacon
Jose, Nueva Ecija, Dumaguete, Dipolog, Cubao, Pasig, Cagayan the commission. on October 7, 2008. The rise of the number of vocations in the Archdiocese
De Oro, Palo, Tugegarao, Bacolod, Maasin and Cebu joined the The initial art contest established by ICPPC awarded the first can be attributed to the influence of the Columban missionaries and the
said contest. prize to a woman prisoner detained in Guayaquil City, Ecuador. strong foundation of faith developed at the Basic Ecclesial Communities
This year’s theme was “Signs of Life.” She received the first prize of US $1,000 and a certificate. and from catholic teachers, according to Cañete. The priestly ordination
The judging of the drawings, paintings, and/or graphic arts In the Philippines, eight detainees had won the international art of Cañete coincided with the 33rd sacerdotal anniversary of Ozamiz Vicar
General Msgr. Emie Bienes and Fr. Boy Toledo who were ordained at San
was held at the CBCP main office in Intramuros, Manila where 20 contest in 2006. (Kate Laceda) Isidro Labrador Parish, Tudela 33 years ago.

Assembly for priests focused on catechism

CATECHESIS as principal program of the Church echetical encyclicals including Redemptoris Missio
in the Philippines was the area of interest in the and Deus Caritas Est.
recent summer catechetical institute held at the Sta. Fr. Joel Jason from the Theology Department of
Catalina Spirituality Center in Marcos Highway, the San Carlos Seminary explained the catechesis
Baguio City. on family, life and love.
Organized by the Episcopal Commission on A review on the prospects and challenges
Catechesis and Catholic Education (ECCCE) of the of the National Catechetical Directory for the
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines Philippines (NCDP) 2007 was presented by
(CBCP), the theme of the assembly was “Signs and Msgr. Gerardo Santos, Executive Secretary of
Settings of Hope: Catechesis for Family and Basic ECCCE.
Ecclesial Communities (BEC).” BEC and Catechesis were discussed by Most
Dubbed as the 2nd Summer Catechetical Insti- Reverend Francisco Claver, SJ, former Vicar Ap-
tute for Priests, the meeting gathered 86 priests ostolic of Bontoc-Lagawe.
Philippine Church Canon lawyers gathered in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur last April 21-22 for the 17th National Convention of
from 54 dioceses in the Philippines. Organizers said the assembly achieved its objec-
the Canon Law Society of the Philippines (CLSP). Fr. Jaime Achacoso (5th from right, first row), Executive Secretary of Several lectures were organized to clearly pres- tives of gathering priests in the spirit of communio-
CBCP Episcopal Commission on Canon Law (ECCL) spoke on “Shepherding an Itinerant Flock: A Survey of Possible ent the subject matter to the participants. in-missio, review the framework of the NCDP and
Organizational and Jurisdictional Structures.” Also in photo are ECCL Chairman, Bishop Leonardo Medroso of Tagbilaran Fr. Antonio Rosales, OFM of the Santuario De its challenges, and present a working Family and
(6th from right) and Archbishop Ernesto Salgado of Nueva Segovia, (7th from right). (Contributed Photo) San Antonio Parish tackled the summary of cat- BEC Catechesis. (CBCPNews)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009 Pastoral Concerns B1

‘New Technologies,
New Relationships.
Promoting a Culture
of Respect, Dialogue
and Friendship.’

Message of the Holy Father, Benedict XVI, for the 43rd
World Day of Communications, May 24, 2009
Dear Brothers and Sisters! to relate to each other. This desire for people from different countries, cultures
In anticipation of the forthcoming communication and friendship is rooted and religions. The new digital arena,
World Communications Day, I in our very nature as human beings and the so-called cyberspace, allows them
would like to address to you some cannot be adequately understood as a to encounter and to know each other’s
reflections on the theme chosen for response to technical innovations. In the traditions and values. Such encounters,
this year - New Technologies, New light of the biblical message, it should if they are to be fruitful, require honest
Relationships: Promoting a culture of be seen primarily as a reflection of our and appropriate forms of expression
Respect, Dialogue and Friendship. The participation in the communicative together with attentive and respectful
new digital technologies are, indeed, and unifying Love of God, who desires listening. The dialogue must be rooted in
bringing about fundamental shifts to make of all humanity one family. a genuine and mutual searching for truth
in patterns of communication and When we find ourselves drawn towards if it is to realize its potential to promote
human relationships. These changes other people, when we want to know growth in understanding and tolerance.
are particularly evident among those more about them and make ourselves Life is not just a succession of events or
young people who have grown up with known to them, we are responding experiences: it is a search for the true, the
the new technologies and are at home to God’s call—a call that is imprinted good and the beautiful. It is to this end
in a digital world that often seems quite in our nature as beings created in the that we make our choices; it is for this that
foreign to those of us who, as adults, image and likeness of God, the God of we exercise our freedom; it is in this - in
have had to learn to understand and communication and communion. truth, in goodness, and in beauty - that
appreciate the opportunities it has The desire for connectedness and the we find happiness and joy. We must not
to offer for communications. In this instinct for communication that are so allow ourselves to be deceived by those
year’s message, I am conscious of those obvious in contemporary culture are best who see us merely as consumers in a
who constitute the so-called digital understood as modern manifestations market of undifferentiated possibilities,
generation and I would like to share of the basic and enduring propensity where choice itself becomes the good,
with them, in particular, some ideas of humans to reach beyond themselves novelty usurps beauty, and subjective
concerning the extraordinary potential and to seek communion with others. experience displaces truth.
of the new technologies, if they are In reality, when we open ourselves to The concept of friendship has enjoyed
used to promote human understanding others, we are fulfilling our deepest need a renewed prominence in the vocabulary
and solidarity. These technologies are and becoming more fully human. Loving of the new digital social networks that
truly a gift to humanity and we must is, in fact, what we are designed for by have emerged in the last few years.
endeavor to ensure that the benefits they our Creator. Naturally, I am not talking The concept is one of the noblest

offer are put at the service of all human about fleeting, shallow relationships, I achievements of human culture. It is
individuals and communities, especially am talking about the real love that is at in and through our friendships that
those who are most disadvantaged and the very heart of Jesus’ moral teaching: we grow and develop as humans. For
vulnerable. “You must love the Lord your God with this reason, true friendship has always respect for human life and the good of of communications and information
The accessibility of mobile telephones all your heart, with all your soul, with all been seen as one of the greatest goods creation. These networks can facilitate technology the values on which you
and computers, combined with the your mind, and with all your strength” any human person can experience. We forms of co-operation between people have built your lives. In the early life of
global reach and penetration of the and “You must love your neighbor as should be careful, therefore, never to from different geographical and cultural the Church, the great Apostles and their
internet, has opened up a range of disciples brought the Good News of
means of communication that permit the It is gratifying to note the emergence of new digital networks that Jesus to the Greek and Roman world. Just
almost instantaneous communication seek to promote human solidarity, peace and justice, human rights as, at that time, a fruitful evangelization
of words and images across enormous
distances and to some of the most
and respect for human life and the good of creation. These networks required that careful attention be given to
understanding the culture and customs
isolated corners of the world; something can facilitate forms of co-operation between people from different of those pagan peoples so that the truth of
that would have been unthinkable for geographical and cultural contexts that enable them to deepen their the gospel would touch their hearts and
previous generations. Young people, in
particular, have grasped the enormous
common humanity and their sense of shared responsibility for the good minds, so also today, the proclamation of
Christ in the world of new technologies
capacity of the new media to foster of all. We must, therefore, strive to ensure that the digital world, where requires a profound knowledge of
connectedness, communication and such networks can be established, is a world that is truly open to all. this world if the technologies are to
understanding between individuals serve our mission adequately. It falls,
and communities, and they are turning yourself” (cf. Mk 12:30-31). In this light, trivialize the concept or the experience contexts that enable them to deepen their in particular, to young people, who
to them as means of communicating reflecting on the significance of the new of friendship. It would be sad if our common humanity and their sense of have an almost spontaneous affinity
with existing friends, of meeting new technologies, it is important to focus desire to sustain and develop on-line shared responsibility for the good of all. for the new means of communication,
friends, of forming communities and not just on their undoubted capacity to friendships were to be at the cost of our We must, therefore, strive to ensure that to take on the responsibility for the
networks, of seeking information and foster contact between people, but on availability to engage with our families, the digital world, where such networks evangelization of this “digital continent”.
news, and of sharing their ideas and the quality of the content that is put into our neighbors and those we meet in can be established, is a world that is Be sure to announce the Gospel to your
opinions. Many benefits flow from this circulation using these means. I would the daily reality of our places of work, truly open to all. It would be a tragedy contemporaries with enthusiasm. You
new culture of communication: families encourage all people of good will who education and recreation. If the desire for the future of humanity if the new know their fears and their hopes, their
are able to maintain contact across great are active in the emerging environment for virtual connectedness becomes instruments of communication, which aspirations and their disappointments:
distances; students and researchers of digital communication to commit obsessive, it may in fact function to permit the sharing of knowledge and the greatest gift you can give to them is
have more immediate and easier access themselves to promoting a culture of isolate individuals from real social information in a more rapid and effective to share with them the “Good News” of
to documents, sources and scientific respect, dialogue and friendship. interaction while also disrupting the manner, were not made accessible to a God who became man, who suffered,
discoveries, hence they can work Those who are active in the production patterns of rest, silence and reflection those who are already economically died and rose again to save all people.
collaboratively from different locations; and dissemination of new media content, that are necessary for healthy human and socially marginalized, or if it Human hearts are yearning for a world
moreover, the interactive nature of therefore, should strive to respect the development. should contribute only to increasing where love endures, where gifts are
many of the new media facilitates dignity and worth of the human person. Friendship is a great human good, the gap separating the poor from the shared, where unity is built, where
more dynamic forms of learning and If the new technologies are to serve the but it would be emptied of its ultimate new networks that are developing at freedom finds meaning in truth, and
communication, thereby contributing good of individuals and of society, all value if it were to be understood as an the service of human socialization and where identity is found in respectful
to social progress. users will avoid the sharing of words end in itself. Friends should support and information. communion. Our faith can respond to
While the speed with which the new and images that are degrading of encourage each other in developing their I would like to conclude this message these expectations: may you become its
technologies have evolved in terms of human beings, that promote hatred and gifts and talents and in putting them at by addressing myself, in particular, to heralds! The Pope accompanies you with
their efficiency and reliability is rightly intolerance, that debase the goodness the service of the human community. young Catholic believers: to encourage his prayers and his blessing.
a source of wonder, their popularity and intimacy of human sexuality or that In this context, it is gratifying to note them to bring the witness of their faith
with users should not surprise us, exploit the weak and vulnerable. the emergence of new digital networks to the digital world. Dear Brothers From the Vatican, 24 January 2009, Feast
as they respond to a fundamental The new technologies have also that seek to promote human solidarity, and Sisters, I ask you to introduce into of Saint Francis de Sales.
desire of people to communicate and opened the way for dialogue between peace and justice, human rights and the culture of this new environment BENEDICTUS XVI
B2 Updates CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

A Survey of Current Institutions and Jurisdictional Structures for
the Pastoral Care of Filipino Migrant Workers1 Lighting the
Easter Candle
Shepherding an
Itinerant Flock (Part I)
(Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina
Apostolorum university, answers the following query:)

Q: Quick question on the paschal candle: When in the

sanctuary during Eastertide, is it to be lit during exposition of
the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction? As an altar boy some
By Fr. Jaime B. Achacoso, J.C.D. may succeed in accompanying them in their provided by the particular Churches through 30 or so years ago I remember the Easter candle being solemnly
place of oversees employment. the territorial parishes in the Philippines. Thus, extinguished at the end of vespers and before adoration and
In this article, I would like to focus on the
I would like to limit this discussion to the care solemn Benediction. Is this still correct liturgical practice? Was
Prologomena possible solutions to the pastoral problems of the OFWs themselves in their respective it ever?—A.B., Palm Beach, Florida
Even Church documents recognize that posed by the aforementioned phenomenon of countries of deployment.
today’s migration makes up the vastest Philippine labor migration. In the process, I Finally, the canonico-pastoral orientations A: There is very little in the way of present rules regarding
movement of people of all times. “In these hope to go beyond simply solving the problem and norms applicable to the case of OFWs the use of the Easter candle. Of the few precise norms, there
last decades—the latest major document posed by the Filipino migrant workers, in their countries of deployment can be is No. 99 of “Paschales Solemnitatis,” a circular letter from the
affirms—the phenomenon, now involving and—following the lines of the familiar SWOT divided into two kinds: (1) those addressed Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments on the
about two hundred million individuals analysis in management—to look at how to to the host Church (ad quam) if and where Easter celebrations. To wit:
worldwide, has turned into a structural reality convert an erstwhile weakness into a veritable such ecclesiastical hierarchy exists; (2) those “The paschal candle has its proper place either by the ambo
of contemporary society. It is becoming an opportunity, an ecclesial problem into a factoraddressed to the Church of origin (a qua)—i.e., or by the altar and should be lit at least in all the more solemn
increasingly complex problem from the social, for evangelization. the Catholic Church in the Philippines. Now liturgical celebrations of the season until Pentecost Sunday,
cultural, political, religious, economic and In short, making a sneak preview of the then, since—realistically and practically whether at Mass or at Morning and Evening Prayer. After the
pastoral points of view.” conclusion of this article, and very much in speaking—there is little we can really do Easter season, the candle should be kept with honor in the
line with this year’s 2000th Anniversary of as regards the Churches ad quam, I would baptistery, so that in the celebration of baptism, the candles
The Philippine Culture of Migration and the St. Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, I would like to focus this discussion on what the of the baptized may be lit from them. In the celebration of
Ecclesial Response like to explore the possibilities offered by Church Hierarchy in the Philippines—either funerals the paschal candle should be placed near the coffin
Closer to our topic, since the 1970s the Canon Law to squarely face the challenge of as individual dioceses or as the Catholic to indicate that the death of a Christian is his own Passover.
Philippines has supplied all kinds of skilled adequately shepherding the itinerant flock Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines The paschal candle should not otherwise be lit nor placed in
and low-skilled workers to the world’s more of OFWs, so as to convert them into effective collectively—can do in order to better take the sanctuary outside the Easter season.”
developed regions. As of December 2004, an agents of evangelization—in much the same care of the OFWs. The expression that it should be lit “at least in all the more
estimated 8.1 million Filipinos—nearly 10% way that St. Paul and the early Christians, A final distinction is in order. On the one solemn liturgical celebrations of the season” would seem to
of the country’s 85 million people—were forced into the diaspora by the persecution hand are those Overseas Filipinos (OFs) allow for a certain degree of flexibility. For example, a parish
working and/or residing in close to 200 of the Jews in Palestine, became the intrepid who are stably migrated—i.e., mostly with with numerous baptisms and funerals during the year might
countries and territories. As one expert on sowers of the seeds of the Gospel throughout resident visas or even dual citizenships, opt to light it only on Sundays and solemnities so that it
Filipino migration would affirm: lasts the whole year long. A religious community with few
“In the last 30 years, a culture While the positive economic effects presently numbering around 3.7
million—and are therefore already celebrations outside of Eastertide might prefer to light it for
of migration has emerged, with of the millions of OFWs— religiously incorporated to the particular all paschal liturgies.
millions of Filipinos eager to remitting their hard-earned foreign Churches (host Churches) where The present norms don’t mention anything regarding lighting
the Easter candle during exposition. But if we may be guided
work abroad, despite the risks and they are. On the other hand are the
vulnerabilities they are likely to currency to their families at so-called overseas contract workers by the norms applicable to the extraordinary form, these would
face.” home—are undeniable, it is equally (OCWs)—presently numbering indicate that in general it would not be done.
On one hand, this same expert undeniable that many of these souls 4.1 million—usually on two-year According to the collection “Decreta Authentica” of the then
Congregation of Rites, the Easter candle could not be lit only for
continues, “the development contracts, albeit renewable but also
of a culture of migration in the are oftentimes in quite precarious rescindable at a moment’s notice exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Decree 3479,3). It would
Philippines has been greatly aided situations. While the Philippine for a host of reasons, including the be lit, however, if vespers were celebrated before the Blessed
by migration’s institutionalization. Government has taken important steps unstable political situation in their Sacrament exposed, or Benediction followed immediately after
The government facilitates vespers (Decree 4383,1-2). The principle behind these decrees
migration, regulates the operations towards institutionalizing Philippine areas of deployment. Given that
the latest official records place the would appear to be that lighting the Easter candle is reserved
of the recruitment agencies, and labor migration—to the point that number of Overseas Filipinos at 8.7 for liturgical acts celebrated with some degree of solemnity.
looks out for the rights of its migrant the Philippines has been cited as an million, the unaccounted balance All the same, it is not incompatible with exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament if a liturgical celebration is held during
workers. More importantly, of 900 thousand would have to
the remittances workers send international model for best practices be comprised of what have been adoration.
homes have become a pillar of the in migration policy—the ecclesiastical referred to as illegals. It is this group Likewise, although the earlier decrees spoke only of vespers,
country’s economy.” response to the OFW phenomenon of 4.1 million OCWs and 0.9 million the present norms include lauds and could perhaps be extended
to other hours of the Liturgy of the Hours if celebrated with
On the other hand, the illegals who I would henceforth
phenomenon of Filipino migrant leaves much to be desired. refer as OFWs, since one and the some solemnity.
workers—more commonly referred to as the Roman Empire. other are all Filipinos, overseas and working
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)—does one way or another. These are the 5 million
not seem to be something temporary. On the Limiting the Discussion unstably migrated Filipinos, who are in dire
contrary, if at all it seems to be a phenomenon Before proceeding further, I would like to need of pastoral care.
which is on the rise and destined to become limit the scope of the discussion not only to
more significant in the near and middle- a more manageable level, but to what in my
term future. As such, it is something that the mind is the more relevant aspect as far as the I. A Brief Historical Review of the Ecclesial
Philippine hierarchy cannot fail to attend to, OFWs are concerned. Response
especially since majority of the OFWs, as is the In effect, Church documents on the subject to the Phenomenon of Human Mobility
Philippine population at large, are faithful of of the pastoral care of migrants and itinerant
the Catholic Church. people have always made a distinction A. Early Attempts at Pastoral Care of
The ecclesial dimension of this phenomenon between the Church of origin (ecclesia a Migrants: Pius XII’s Exsul Familia (1952)
is a veritable challenge to the Philippine qua) and the host Church (ecclesia ad quam). The efforts of the Church to take care of the
hierarchy. In effect, while the positive economic Insofar as the Philippines is basically a spiritual needs of Catholic migrants in the past
effects of the millions of OFWs— religiously labor exporting country, rather than a host 150 years have been concretized in various
remitting their hard-earned foreign currency country for migrants (whether workers or initiatives on the part of the common faithful,
to their families at home—are undeniable, it is otherwise), the canonico-pastoral criteria and of religious institutes and of the Hierarchy
equally undeniable that many of these souls norms regarding host countries are of limited itself. Initially, members of the clergy had
are oftentimes in quite precarious situations. application. accompanied groups setting off abroad to
While the Philippine Government has taken Thus, the canonico-pastoral issue connected colonize new lands, but from the middle of
important steps towards institutionalizing with the OFWs can be conveniently pared the 19th Century onwards, the pastoral care
Philippine labor migration—to the point down to two: (1) the care of the Filipino of migrants was entrusted more frequently to
that the Philippines has been cited as an migrant workers themselves in their respective missionary Congregations.
international model for best practices in countries of deployment; (2) the care of the More at the hierarchical-jurisdictional level,

migration policy—the ecclesiastical response families that the Filipino migrant workers the first initiatives addressed immediate
to the OFW phenomenon leaves much to be leave behind in the Philippines. With respect needs. For instance, in 1914 Pope Pius X erected
desired. Many OFWs, especially in those to the latter, I am of the opinion that their a seminary for the formation of priests destined
countries of Catholic minority or where there pastoral needs do not really present any for the pastoral care of Italian immigrants,
is no Catholic hierarchy, are literally like significant complications as to warrant a although it was not inaugurated until 1920 due
sheep without shepherds, relying solely on separate canonico-pastoral treatment—i.e., to the outbreak of World War I. This same year,
the isolated missionaries or chaplains who distinct from the cura ordinaria animarum Shepherding / B7
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009
ON BACKGROUND: Archbishop of Davao, Most Rev. Fernando R. Capalla, (3rd from left) 2nd bishop of Iligan, led the concelebrated Jubilee Mass in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the erection of Iligan as a diocese in November 2008. Other
bishops who joined the occasion were: (From left) Bishop Emilio L. Bataclan, 3rd bishop of Iligan, now assigned as Auxiliary Bishop of Cebu; Bishop Emmanuel T. Cabajar, Bishop of Pagadian; Bishop Elenito D. Galido, now the 4th bishop of Iligan
Diocese; Archbishop Jesus A. Dosado, Archbishop of Ozamiz; and Bishop Edwin A. De La Peña, Bishop of the Prelature of Marawi. INSET: Maria Cristina Falls. BELOW: Cathedral of St. Micheal the Archangel.

By Fr. Rodrigo Maata

Historical Back ground

Diocese of
The province of Lanao del
Norte, of which Iligan is the
electric power for the province.
Heavy-powered industries have
made Iligan their home base,
industries such as steel plants,
fertilizer plants, ferro-alloy
plants, flour mills and cement
Society of St. Columban (SSC)
assumed administration of
the two parishes and worked
tirelessly in opening up new
parishes, establishing parochial
schools and welcoming other
appointed Co-adjutor bishop of
Davao. On his election, Msgr.
Labiste was the Vicar General
of the Diocese of Iligan. In
1995, Bishop Emilio Bataclan
was appointed third Bishop
in his Coat of Arms, “Prayer,
Service and Peace.”

Thrusts and
intervention of the Philippine
As it was then and in-between,
so it is now. The months of
August to December 2008
brought back the horrible
capital, lies in the northern plants. religious congregations in Iligan. of Iligan, taking over the post Peace Building memories of the past, for those
part of Mindanao, where the Ecclesiastically, all of Around this time, all parishes vacated by Bishop Capalla. When the Most Rev. who still care to remember ─
Zamboanga Peninsula joins Mindanao and Sulu came under of Iligan and Lanao were ceded Msgr. Ramon O. Fruto, CSsR Bienvenido Tudtud assumed mayhem, bloodshed, destruction
with the mainland of Mindanao the jurisdiction of the Diocese of to the newly created Diocese of became Apostolic Administrator jurisdiction of the newly created of properties, lingering hatred
between Yllana and Iligan Cebu during the Spanish era. Ozamiz separating them from of Iligan from June 22, 2004 Prelature of Iligan in 1971, he and innocent civilians being
Bays. When the Diocese of Zamboanga the Dioceses of Cagayan de Oro to September 18, 2006, to fill saw chaos and violence all over victimized and displaced.
The two Lanaos formed just was created in 1910, it had and Zamboanga. up the post vacated by Bishop the place. It was a period that Thus the primordial current
one province before, and as such jurisdiction over the whole of In 1971, Iligan became a Bataclan who was assigned in saw the boldness of the Muslim thrust of the diocese is as old
was home to the Maranaos, a Mindanao. In 1933 the Diocese of prelature nullius and suffragan the Archdiocese of Cebu. rebel group “barracuda”, the as the conflict itself. After the
native tribe of the region, a fierce Cagayan de Oro was separated of the Archdiocese of Cagayan fearlessness of the Christian attacks of MILF rebels in August
and proud people who resisted from that of Zamboanga and got de Oro. 4th Local Ordinary vigilante “Ilaga” and the bloody and bombings in December
colonization by the Spaniards last year, the commission on
and later by the Americans. The When the Most Rev. Bienvenido Tudtud assumed jurisdiction of the newly the Interreligious Dialogue of
old province of Lanao was never created Prelature of Iligan in 1971, he saw chaos and violence all over the the Diocese is again having
really subjugated. The Maranaos
continued to wage their bloody
place. It was a period that saw the boldness of the Muslim rebel group its hands full pursuing peace
initiatives and raising awareness
wars of resistance. Fortresses “barracuda”, the fearlessness of the Christian vigilante “Ilaga” and the bloody of its importance through
in Iligan today are mute relics intervention of the Philippine military. different activities, including
of those bloody encounters. In symposiums, dialogue and
1913 they were finally subdued jurisdiction over Surigao, both Prelature of Iligan On September 18, 2006, Bishop concentrating on the same theme
by the Americans. In 1914 the Misamises, Bukidnon, and part On February 17, 1971 Pope Elenito D. Galido was installed and aspiration ─ “that although
province of Lanao was formally of the old Lanao, presumably the Paul VI issued the papal bull as the 4th local ordinary of we are a people of different faiths
organized. northern part nearer to it. “Qui in Apostolica” creating the the diocese after having been and cultures, we come from the
With new stability in the Iligan has started as a parish Prelature of Iligan and appointed appointed by Pope Benedict XVI same Creator, we have common
region, migrants from islands named after the Archangel, St. the Most Rev. Bienvenido Tudtud on March 25 of the same year. hopes and dreams and that it is
north of Mindanao poured in Michael by the Augustinian as its first Prelate Ordinary. He replaced Bishop Bataclan always possible to live and
the northern part of the province. Recollects (OAR) in 1834. In 1913, On November 15, 1982, the who in 2004 returned to the co-exist in the same
Because of the large numbers of the last of the OAR priests left the Vatican elevated the Prelature Archdiocese of Cebu for health land in harmony
Christian migrants that settled parish and the returning Jesuit of Iligan to a Diocese with the reasons. Bishop Galido, on and peace”.
there, as Muslims also settled missionaries took over. They Most Rev. Fernando R. Capalla a study-leave in New York, Alongside these
in the south, the division of served through World War as its first diocesan bishop, USA when appointed, hailed activities are the
Lanao into two provinces II and even having earlier replaced Bishop from Malaybalay, Bukidnon relentless efforts
was deemed necessary. This established Bienvenido Tudtud in 1976 as and spent most of his of the Disaster
division finally took place in a n o t h e r the latter moved to the newly priestly life in that diocese. and Social Action
1959, and since then Lanao parish in the town created Prelature of St. Mary in During his installation Apostolate in
del Norte has become more of Kolambugan, about Marawi. he promised to serve coordinating
Christian, while Lanao del 50 kms west of Iligan. Very Rev. Leo E. Labiste served the faithful of Iligan and dispensing
Sur has become more In 1948 a new group as Diocesan Administrator from Diocese with sincerity basic help to the
Muslim. of missionaries, August 22, 1994 to July 18, 1995 and compassion guided victims.
Iligan City today is a mostly Irish, the when then Bishop Capalla was by the motto inscribed
boom town, with more Basic Ecclesial
migrants coming in. Communities
Recent years have Another
seen a sprouting of thrust that the
stores, streets and Diocese is
schools. This growth currently
is attributed to the Iligan / B5
power generated by
the Agus River which
begins at Lake Lanao,
traverses Lanao del
Norte, and provides

Bishop ……………………………………… 1
Diocesan ………………………………….. 36
Religious ………………………………….. 14
Seminaries …………………………………. 3
Theology ………………………………….. 2
Philosophy ………………………………… 32
SFY ……………………………………….. 3
Diocesan Division:
Vicariates …………………………………. 5
Parishes …………………………………… 24
Educational Centers:
College ……………………………………. 1
High Schools:
Diocesan …………………………………. 12
Religious …………………………………. 2
Elementary Schools:
Diocesan …………………………………. 6
Religious …………………………………. 2
Diocesan ………………………………… 5
Religious …………………………………. 2
Population ……………………………. 1,400,488
Catholics ……………………………... 918.418
Area ………………………………. 3,092 sq. kms
St. Michael Cathedral
CBCP Monitor
B4 Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009

“Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.”

Cardinal Ratzinger: “Every image of Christ must contain these three essential
aspects of the mystery of Christ and in this sense, must be an image of Easter.”

The Paschal Mystery in Art

and an Abueva Crucifix
By Fr. Catalino G. Arevalo, SJ “There is a decisive turn to what is human, historical, in Christ, but it is animated
by a sense that these human afflictions belong to the mystery. The images are
consoling, because they make visible the overcoming of our anguish in the incarnate
“We adore you, O Christ and we bless you, because by your holy cross you have redeemed God’s sharing in our suffering, and so they bear within them the implicit image
the world!” of the Resurrection.”
To jump several centuries, we have Pope Benedict bringing us to our present
THIS prayer, often attributed to St Francis of Assisi, is recited by the faithful as they time. A strong, even radical reaction, “a kind of new iconoclasm” has tried to
come to each of the Stations of the Cross. This devotion of the via crucis, which is destroy or eliminate religious images—above all in the West. (This reaction
practiced by many Catholic families in our country during the Lenten season and goes back to the 1920s, Ratzinger believes.) After the Second Vatican Council
specially in Holy week, goes back to the Middle Ages in Europe, probably toward much kitsch and unworthy art were rightly eliminated, “but ultimately this
the end of the 13th century. The prayer, then, originated at a time when devotion left behind a void, the emptiness and wretchedness of which we are now
to the Lord and his sacred passion focused with strong emotion on the historical experiencing.”
crucifixion of Jesus. The Stations of the Cross—fourteen in number—which are We are now massively surrounded with images created by advertising, often
even today found in all our churches, terminate with the burial of Jesus in the huge and cheap, with which Metro-Manila is inundated, really with incredible
tomb. The Resurrection of Jesus was not, until our own time, made part of these ugliness. A recent visitor remarked how defaced the city has become.
Both in the imaging and in the mind of so many of the faithful, the death of The “Essential Crucifix”
Jesus was (and is?) the center and the term of Holy Week. Easter was an epilogue; Pope Benedict asks, regarding the present situation, what are we called to do?
it was not really part of Holy Week. This, for most, was so, despite the fact that His fuller answer, which we cannot develop here, is: that we go back to the roots
the Church’s official rites of worship, the so-called Sacred Triduum, culminate and principles of true Christian art that we return to its deepest and truest source
in the Easter Vigil. Holy Week celebrations find their high point in the renewed in faith, in prayer and contemplation; to genuine Christian understanding, feeling
proclamation of the Resurrection of Jesus: and life. We must renew again, receive from grace again, “the eye of faith which
Christ yesterday and today, To make a long story short, how does this affect the crucifix in our churches?
the beginning and the end, Let me cite Joseph Ratzinger at some length here.
Alpha and Omega
all time belongs to him, [Religious images] point to presence; they are essentially connected with what
and all ages. happens in the liturgy. Now history becomes sacrament in Christ, who is the
To him be glory and power source of the sacraments. Therefore, the icon of Christ is the center of sacred
through every age and forever! iconography. The center of the icon of Christ is the Paschal Mystery:
Alleluia. Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ is presented as the

Crucified, the
And so it has been suggested that the prayer at risen Lord, the One who will come again and who here now hiddenly reigns
each station of the Cross begin instead with one of the responses we give at every over all. Every image of Christ must contain these three essential aspects of the
Mass, after the presider’s invitation, “Let us proclaim the mystery of faith!” mystery of Christ and, in this sense, must be an image of Easter. At the same
time, it goes without saying that different emphases are possible. The image may
Lord, by your Cross and Resurrection, give more prominence to the Cross, the Passion, and in the Passion to the anguish
you have set us free. of our own life today, or again it may bring the resurrection or the Second
You are the Savior of the world! Coming to the fore. But whatever happens, one aspect can never be completely
isolated from another, and in the different emphases the Paschal Mystery as a
The “mystery of faith” (mysterium fidei) is the Cross and Resurrection seen whole must be plainly evident. An image of the Crucifixion no longer transparent
as one total mystery, truly understood as one. This is the Paschal Mystery. to Easter would be just as deficient as an Easter image forgetful of the wounds
It is the centerpiece of the entire Christian faith, of Christian worship and and the suffering of the present moment. And, centered as it is on the Paschal
theology, of all of the Christian life. Cross and Resurrection are “linked from Mystery, the image of Christ is always an icon of the Eucharist, that is, it points
within” as both revelation and reality. The Cross finds its God-planned, God- to the sacramental presence of the Easter mystery. (Spirit of the Liturgy, 132-133;
willed term in the Resurrection; the Cross loses its meaning, cut off from the italics mine)
Did not Jesus himself say, in the words of John’s Gospel: “This is why the Father An Abueva Crucifix
loves me: that I lay down my life, so that I may take it up again. [The Greek text’s Thus far, Pope Benedict XVI. Here I would like to turn our attention to a remarkable
“so that, in order that” is clear.] No one takes it from me; I lay it down of myself. crucifix which our national artist Dean Napoleon Abueva crafted, only a few years
I have the power to lay it down, and the power to take it up again. This is the back, for the new parish church of Our Lady of Pentecost (OLPP). (The church is
charge I have received from my Father.” (John 10, 17-18). on Fabian de la Rosa St., Loyola Heights, very near the Ateneo de Manila.) The
We must keep the same words in mind when we turn to the Cross and to crucifix dominates the altar-space and the nave of the really superb church, designed
representations of Jesus on the Cross. by architect Veepee Pinpin, for the pastor Fr. Steven Zabala and the wonderfully
participative parish community. (Fr. José Tupino is now pastor.)
The Crucifix: A Brief History If, following Pope Benedict’s norms, the image of Jesus on the Cross must
The author of a rather exhaustive history of the cross and the crucifix and their somehow include the entire Paschal Mystery,
presence in Christian art (in the Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967/USA) writes that
most of the early depictions of the cross (from the 6th century onward), and of the Christ has died,
crucifix (from the 8th or 9th century, it would seem), showed Christ alive, with Christ is risen,
eyes open, standing upright, with two nails fixing his feet in place, in an attitude Christ will come again,
of serene victory and triumph. “Regnavit a ligno Deus” – “God has reigned then every artist carving a cross for an altar faces a daunting challenge.
from the tree of the cross.” Jesus on the cross is the orans, he who prays for us
and gathers us into his saving victory. Often enough he wears the colobium, a Dr. Abueva’s Jesus is a strong, striking figure, standing before us “in the power of
tunic without sleeves, or (later) a full robe denoting majesty, kingly authority or his Resurrection.” His arms are wide open, as the orans, ever living and interceding
priestly sacredness. for us, the high priest of the Letter to the Hebrews (cc. 4, 5 ff.). The burial cloths
But from the 13th century, more and more this changes. In Italy, specially, wrapped around him in the tomb are shown as falling away from his body. He is
the representation of “the historical crucifixion” becomes less symbolic, more risen, and rising upwards, surges toward his Father.
representational, and more visually dramatic. In much Rhenish art of the time Again, in an enigmatic turn, Jesus’ hands are still nailed to the wood of the Cross,
too, “Christ’s suffering is strikingly shown, in his emaciated body, with wounds but they are seen pulling away from the crossbeam, pulling the nails with them.
covering it, Jesus’ face distorted by pain and anguish.” Or perhaps some artists This says clearly that he was crucified and truly died. The lance-wound on Jesus’
show a Christ “in the calm of death, but with the crown of thorns a heavy weight side is starkly highlighted. In much of his writing, Joseph Ratzinger has insisted
upon his head.” on the ‘real-symbolism’ of this lance-wound. Seen through John 19, 37’s citation,
This is not the time or place to go more deeply into the history of the cross and “They shall look on him whom they have pierced,” in a true sense it distills “all of
crucifix. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, wrote a superb book, Christian faith and spirituality.” It proclaims that Jesus is the new Adam, eschatos
The Spirit of the Liturgy, published in 2000, only a few years before his election Adam, and the Church the new Eve is born from his opened side.
to the papacy. We will try to pick up some of his points on the portrayal of the The “great cross in the sky” is there also, massively behind him. In Christian
Paschal Mystery, from his chapter on images and their place in worship. art, that cross is “the sign in the sky”, symbol of Christ’s return. Thus the Abueva
Ratzinger points out that in most Christian art in both East and West, prior to crucifix gathers all the three dimensions of the Paschal Mystery: Jesus’ death, his
the Gothic period in European art, “it is always the risen Christ, even on the Cross, real burial, his rising again in power, and his awaited return in glory.
to whom the community looks as the true Oriens.” Christian art is still primarily More than fifty years ago, as a young artist at the University of the Philippines,
ordered to the mystery which becomes present in the liturgy, that mystery which Abueva was chosen by Fr. John P. Delaney to craft an unusual two-sided altar
we proclaim still every day at the Mass. cross: Christ dying, on one side; Christ risen, on the other. Decades later, the
But as the age of the Gothic emerges, slowly the central image changes; from new OLPP altar cross combines both death and resurrection into one image,
orans and oriens, from victorious Lord and Pantocrator—“the Lord of all who leads one crucifix.
us to the eighth day,” the consummation of cosmos and history. We turn instead Pope Benedict would approve. And Father Delaney? From where he is now,
to the image of the crucified Lord in the agony of his passion and death. In a true he surely blesses this remarkable new depiction of the mysterium fidei which the
sense, popular piety takes over from the church’s liturgy, the “official worship Eucharist proclaims.
rites”. (Did the Franciscan movement have some role in this shift?) Religious art Joseph Ratzinger’s Spirit of the Liturgy ends its chapter on images with the
now turns chiefly to “the meditation on the mysteries of the earthly life of Jesus. point that true art cannot be just “produced”. It is “grace-given” to the artist. “It
A devotion to the Cross of a more historicizing kind replaces orientation to the The crucifix on the altar of the Our Lady of is always a gift.” The inspiration is given as gift, and received as gift. That gift,
Risen Lord who has gone ahead of us.” Pentecost (OLPP) Parish Church in Loyola the Holy Father says, is “a faith that sees.” And, he adds, “Wherever that exists,
Here Ratzinger refers to the moving and masterly altarpiece—the so-called Heights, Quezon City depicts a strong, strik-
ing figure of Jesus, standing “in the power of
art finds its proper expression.”
Isenheim altarpiece—of Matthias Grunewald, which “takes the realism of the his Resurrection.” With arms wide open, the From the beginning we have spoken of the understanding of the total Paschal
Passion to a radical extreme.” Even if in fact it was meant to be a source of strength burial cloths wrapped around him in the tomb Mystery as central to our worship, central to our theology as well as to the whole
and consolation to plague victims and others afflicted with disfiguring diseases, are shown as falling away from his body. He is of our Christian life. May we learn to understand it ever better, and live it more
risen, and rising upwards, surges toward his
who could see in the “terrible crucifix” God’s own Son, making his own all their Father. (Photo courtesy of Noli Yamsuan) fully in our lives and our deeds. May we receive as gift, ever more truly, “the
brokenness, pain and misery. faith that sees.”
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009

Pastoral Exhortation on
the ‘Swine Flu’ pandemic
The alarming news of the outbreak of “swine flu” or “influenza A” in several
countries, after Mexico, behooves us to take some health precautions as
may be coming from our Doctors of Medicine or the Department of Health.
There is no news yet of the flu having reached our shore. Panic would
not be the correct response. Let us rather be guided by the precautionary
measures which health practitioners may give.
Alongside with this counsel, we exhort the people to pray for our country as well as for the countries
already affected by the “swine flu”: that it may be effectively controlled. Earnest and humble prayer
addressed to the Divine Healer, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is
the need of the hour. Prayer may be as powerful as or even may be more powerful than anti-biotic or
anti-virus pills which may not be accessible to many very poor people. The combination of prayer and
prescribed medical precaution would be a proactive response to the present concern.
Let us pray that the rise of “swine flu” cases in other countries may be put under control. We call

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

upon the Apostleship of Prayer, the Charismatic Movements, all Church organizations to include this
intention in their prayer, as individuals, as families and communities.


Archbishop of Jaro and
CBCP President
May 2, 2009

‘Natural Law Is a Universal Guide Recognizable to Everyone’

Papal address to the members of the Social Sciences Academy, May 4, 2009
Dear Brothers in the Episcopate and the In the middle of the last century, after the “natural law”, which is nothing other than a
Priesthood, vast suffering caused by two terrible world participation in the eternal law: “unde...lex
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, wars and the unspeakable crimes perpetrated naturalis nihil aliud est quam participatio legis
As you gather for the fifteenth Plenary Session by totalitarian ideologies, the international aeternae in rationali creatura” (St. Thomas
of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, I community acquired a new system of Aquinas, ST I-II, 91, 2). The natural law is a
am pleased to have this occasion to meet with international law based on human rights. In universal guide recognizable to everyone, on
you and to express my encouragement for this, it appears to have acted in conformity with the basis of which all people can reciprocally
your mission of expounding and furthering the message that my predecessor Benedict XV understand and love each other. Human
the Church’s social doctrine in the areas of proclaimed when he called on the belligerents rights, therefore, are ultimately rooted in a
law, economy, politics and the various other of the First World War to “transform the participation of God, who has created each
social sciences. Thanking Professor Mary Ann material force of arms into the moral force of human person with intelligence and freedom.
Glendon for her cordial words of greeting, I law” (“Note to the Heads of the Belligerent If this solid ethical and political basis is ignored,
assure you of my prayers that the fruit of your Peoples”, 1 August 1917). human rights remain fragile since they are
deliberations will continue to attest to the Human rights became the reference point of deprived of their sound foundation.
enduring pertinence of Catholic social teaching a shared universal ethos - at least at the level The Church’s action in promoting human
in a rapidly changing world. of aspiration—for most of humankind. These rights is therefore supported by rational
After studying work, democracy, rights have been ratified by almost every State reflection, in such a way that these rights
globalization, solidarity and subsidiarity in in the world. The Second Vatican Council, in can be presented to all people of good will,
relation to the social teaching of independently of any religious
the Church, your Academy has The Church’s action in promoting affiliation they may have.
chosen to return to the central Nevertheless, as I have observed
question of the dignity of the human
human rights is therefore supported in my Encyclicals, on the one
person and human rights, a point by rational reflection, in such a way hand, human reason must undergo
of encounter between the doctrine that these rights can be presented to constant purification by faith,
of the Church and contemporary
all people of good will, independently insofar as it is always in danger of a
certain ethical blindness caused by
The world’s great religions and of any religious affiliation they disordered passions and sin; and,
philosophies have illuminated may have. Nevertheless, as I have on the other hand, insofar as human
some aspects of these human rights, rights need to be re-appropriated
which are concisely expressed
observed in my Encyclicals, human by every generation and by each
in “the golden rule” found in reason must undergo constant individual, and insofar as human
the Gospel: “Do to others as you purification by faith, insofar as it is freedom - which proceeds by a
would have them do to you” (Lk
6:31; cf. Mt 7:12). The Church has
always in danger of a certain ethical succession of free choices - is always
fragile, the human person needs the
always affirmed that fundamental blindness caused by disordered unconditional hope and love that
rights, above and beyond the passions and sin; and insofar can only be found in God and that
different ways in which they lead to participation in the justice
are formulated and the different
as human rights need to be re- and generosity of God towards
degrees of importance they may appropriated by every generation and others (cf. Deus Caritas Est, 18, and
have in various cultural contexts,
are to be upheld and accorded
universal recognition because they
by each individual, and insofar as
human freedom - which proceeds by a to This
are inherent in the very nature of succession of free choices - is always problems of recent decades, such
Spe Salvi, 24).
perspective draws attention
some of the most critical social Labor Day
man, who is created in the image
and likeness of God. If all human
beings are created in the image and
likeness of God, then they share a
fragile, the human person needs the as the growing awareness—which
unconditional hope and love that can has
only be found in God and that lead
in part arisen with globalization
and the present economic crisis—of
a flagrant contrast between the
common nature that binds them to participation in the justice and equal attribution of rights and
WE celebrate Labor Day today when the working person
together and calls for universal the unequal access to the means
respect. The Church, assimilating
generosity of God towards others. of attaining those rights. For is threatened with the loss of work and the ever thinning
the teaching of Christ, considers the person as the Declaration Dignitatis Humanae, as well Christians who regularly ask God to “give compensation for work. The present financial crisis has
“the worthiest of nature” (St. Thomas Aquinas, as my predecessors Paul VI and John Paul II, us this day our daily bread”, it is a shameful brought to our country the loss of much work together with
De potentia, 9, 3) and has taught that the ethical forcefully referred to the right to life and the tragedy that one-fifth of humanity still goes less pay for the worker. Trained observers and analysts agree
and political order that governs relationships right to freedom of conscience and religion as hungry. Assuring an adequate food supply, in many ways as to the cause of the problem; and they say
between persons finds its origin in the very being at the centre of those rights that spring like the protection of vital resources such as that the culprit basically is an aberration in values, more
structure of man’s being. The discovery of from human nature itself. water and energy, requires all international spiritual than material.
America and the ensuing anthropological Strictly speaking, these human rights leaders to collaborate in showing a readiness to There has to be a cap to the human lust for profit. Humans
debate in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century are not truths of faith, even though they work in good faith, respecting the natural law cannot forever go for more, and still manage to get some more.
Europe led to a heightened awareness of human are discoverable—and indeed come to full and promoting solidarity and subsidiarity with Although human desires are limitless, there is, however, a
rights as such and of their universality (ius light—in the message of Christ who “reveals the weakest regions and peoples of the planet limit as to what s/he can have and use. To go beyond that
gentium). The modern period helped shape man to man himself” (Gaudium et Spes, 22). as the most effective strategy for eliminating limit is to reinforce one’s self-seeking which is destructive of
the idea that the message of Christ - because They receive further confirmation from faith. social inequalities between countries and the society a person lives in. We are reminded by the Church’s
it proclaims that God loves every man and Yet it stands to reason that, living and acting in societies and for increasing global security. teaching that “selfishness is the most insidious enemy of an
woman and that every human being is called to the physical world as spiritual beings, men and Dearfriends,dearAcademicians,inexhorting ordered society. History shows how hearts are devastated
love God freely - demonstrates that everyone, women ascertain the pervading presence of a you in your research and deliberations to be when men and women are incapable of recognizing other
independently of his or her social and cultural logos which enables them to distinguish not credible and consistent witnesses to the defense values or other effective realities apart from material goods,
condition, by nature deserves freedom. At the only between true and false, but also good and and promotion of these non-negotiable human the obsessive quest for which suffocates and blocks their
same time, we must always remember that evil, better and worse, and justice and injustice. rights which are founded in divine law, I ability to give themselves.” (CSDC, 581)
“freedom itself needs to be set free. It is Christ This ability to discern - this radical agency - most willingly impart to you my Apostolic Management and Production need to balance their
who sets it free” (Veritatis Splendor, 86). renders every person capable of grasping the Blessing. programs for profit with that of the welfare of Labor. For
sheer survival—and this we learn from what is happening in
the financial and economic world today—there are positions
Iligan / B3 that study how to factor the welfare of workers and that of
society into the equation of production. We encourage such
pursuing with renewed focus EducationoftheLaityandContinuing these initiatives will be able life and dignity and care for the efforts that lead to the security and welfare of all involved in
and effort is the organization of Formation of the Clergy to help address the issues and integrity of creation; c) Sustain the process of production.
BEC’s or GSK’s. To date almost During the Diocesan Pastoral enhance the cooperation and peace through the dialogue of But for the State, it is not just a matter of providing work
four thousand families all over Assembly held last year, only the collaboration between the clergy life, faith and culture among the for our fast growing working population. The State inspires
the diocese have already been 3rd since 1971, most participants, and the faithful. Lumads, Muslims and Christian; and helps (to) legislate laws through which the needs of the
introduced to or organized clergy and laity alike, voiced and d) Discern and respond to workers and their families have already been factored in
according to the concept of BEC. out two important issues ─ Vision the challenges and signs of the production. A healthy balance is constantly sought whereby
Again this is not something the laity’s hunger for more Empowered by the Holy times. the welfare of the worker and that of the community cannot
new to the Diocese of Iligan, knowledge and formation and Spirit, We, as disciples of Jesus The Diocese of Iligan can still compromise the survival of the company, but neither can the
since the diocese was one of the the clergy’s personal and pastoral Christ, envision ourselves as fully be considered a very young profit factor be allowed to threaten the welfare of the workers.
few pioneering communities in shortcomings. The diocese is transformed community, living juridical ecclesiastical entity, Moreover, in the economic world, neither politics nor trade
Mindanao which worked on this now organizing groups and the values. as it had only turned 25 years unions are given the capacity to destroy the interest of these
model of being church in the 70’s. putting up plans to address old in November last year. Yet, two important factors of business and industry.
But now it is carrying it out with these two distinct but related Mission the seed of faith of the diocese For the healthy Filipino working class we pray for God’s
more clarity of purpose and in issues. A group has recently Through the intercession of goes back to the early 17th blessings that as the workers are protected, the country is
a more orderly and organized been organized to deal with the the Blessed Virgin Mary and century—planted and nurtured also thereby secured.
approach. The dream is to have first and the diocese has already St. Michael, the Archangel, our by God’s grace—through the
the BEC spirit animating all coordinated and networked Patron, we commit ourselves to: faith and hard toil of the early +GAUDENCIO B. CARDINAL ROSALES, D.D.
groups and organizations in the with some existing renewal a) Witness to the truth, justice, missionaries who zealously, Archbishop of Manila
Diocese in their life and journey programs for the clergy to deal peace and love for the poor; b) through the years, made it grow 01 May 2009
as a church in the near future. with the second. Hopefully, Promote and respect human and bear fruit.
Ref lections
CBCP Monitor
B6 Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009

The Church as vine and branches

Fifth Sunday of Easter - B (John 15:1-8) May 10, 2009
By Msgr. Lope C. Robredillo Unlike in the government where people faith. His existence is always in relation to
are bound to their head by virtue of law, Christ, both as a purpose and as a norm.
the members of the Church are linked It is too obvious to note that one cannot
WHEN some people think of a church, to Christ in virtue of the fact that Christ be a Christian apart from Christ. Just as
they usually associate it with an himself calls each one and sustains them. a branch that is severed from the vine
organization, governed by laws that define The members, on the other hand, are to be dies, so it is with a Christian in relation
the relationship among the members. In committed to him in person. The Church, to Christ. For it is Christ who nourishes
their view, it is a society as visible as the therefore, is a relationship of persons, the Christian, and once he no longer
political set-up, hierarchically structured, and the principle of unity, the one that lives on in him, the Christian dies. “A
that mediates salvation to all its members binds the head and the members, is the man who does not live in me is like a
by means of the preaching of the Word, person of Jesus himself. A comparison withered, rejected branch, picked up to be
prayer, and the administration of the is probably in order. In the government, thrown in the fire and burnt” (John 15:6).
sacraments. And as in any organization, one need not be sustained by President This means, of course, that the personal
what unites the members is law that Estrada or believe in his slogan Erap relationship is mutual. Christ must remain
regulates the life of the church. Law, in para sa Mahirap to be a functionary. As in the Christian, just as the Christian must
other words, is the principle that binds long as one believes in the class struggle abide in Christ. Both are aspects forming
the members to one another. This Sunday, and the revolution, one can be called a one reality, which is the unity of persons
however, John provides us an alternative communist without having to follow in the Church.
view of its principle of unity. the footsteps of Karl Marx, the founder Obviously, we have here a different
Admittedly, today’s Gospel (John of communism. But in Christianity, it is perspective of what unity in the Church
15:1-8) is not primarily about the Church. entirely different. To be called a Christian is all about. Law, of course, has a place
It is obviously about Jesus who, in is not a matter of following a law or a in the Church. As a hierarchical body, it
contrast with Israel of old, came to fulfill principle. In Christianity, the central place shares the nature of human organizations
the calling to be fruitful for God. In the is not given to the law, or even the Ten that need laws to put order to human
Old Testament, the image of the vine is Commandments. There is only one who relations. But to make law the sole
used to describe Israel (Hos 10:1; Ezek grafts a person to the Church—Christ, principle to regulate the relationship
15:1-6; 17:5-11; 19:10-14; Jer 2:21). Despite who binds all the members in unity, and between the head and the members, and
Yahweh’s lavish care for her, Israel bore all of them are personally bound to him. among the members, and to unite them
bitter or non-existent fruits. Now in the This is why St. Paul can even say that it is into one body is certainly inadequate.
gospel, Jesus claims to be the true vine. Christ who makes us grow and joins each What the Gospel today emphasizes is that
But in portraying himself as the vine, Jesus member to the body: “Through [Christ] the personal relationship between Jesus and
describes the relationship that ought to whole body grows, and with the proper the disciples has a central place in the unity
exist between him and the disciples, that is functioning of the members joined firmly of the Church. The Acts of the Apostles
to say, between the head of the Church and together by each supporting ligament, expresses the unity in quite similar
its members. For this reason, the parable builds itself in love” (Eph 4:16). language: “The community of believers
can be applied to the Church. In a passage Since the principle of unity in the Church was of one heart and one soul” (Acts

that has ecclesiological overtones, Jesus is Christ, binding each member to himself 4:32). Christianity, after all, is a religion
says: “Live on in me and I do in you… I and to one another, it is obvious that for of a person, not of law. Being Christian is
am the vine, you are the branches” (John one to be a part of the Church, he has to not about laws to be fulfilled, but about
15:4a-5a). And one way of looking at this live or abide in Christ. As the Johannine life—the life of Christ—to be lived in the
text is to interpret it in terms of what binds Jesus declares, “Live on in me, as I do body of relationships: the vine sustaining
the members of the community to their in you” (John 15:4a). One then has to be the branches, and the branches remaining
head and their fellow members. faithful, and make a constant decision for in the vine.

The Church as a community of lovers Bo Sanchez

Sixth Sunday of Easter - B (John 15:9-17); May 17, 2009

You create
your own
By Msgr. Lope C. Robredillo 15:9-10.17).
his passport.” The evidence that one is a
But we should take a special note about this
lawyer is his membership in the Integrated
love. This love is not our feeling for Jesus, or
Bar of the Philippines. But what is one to
IN last Sunday’s Gospel (John 15:1-8), we our good disposition toward other members
show that he is a Christian? Time was when

draw an ecclesiological implication of the of the Church. It is not even our effort,
one can easily distinguish a Catholic from a
parable on the vine and the branches, namely, however heroic, to serve the community.
Protestant, since the latter was identified with
the principle of unity. We noted that in the Rather, this love results from chain of loving
the Bible, whereas the latter was associated
Church, the one that binds the members that begins with God the Father himself.
with the Rosary or devotion to Mary. But
to the head and to one another First of all, the Father loves Jesus; LET me tell you a story.
is a person—Christ himself,
unlike in government and other
Take a special note about love. This then Jesus loves the disciple; and Three construction workers were on top of their half-
finally, the community members finished skyscraper. “Rrrrrrrrrng!” the lunch bell sounded,
organizations where law and love is not our feeling for Jesus, or our love one another. It is not, then, and the three men sat on a steel beam of the 56th floor with
authority gather the members into good disposition toward other members a question of our own love. It is their lunch boxes in hand.
one. In the Church, he dwells in
the members, even as the members
of the Church. It is not even our effort to rather about divine love itself. We The first guy opens his and groans in exasperation, “Tuyo!
love the brothers with the love There is not a day that I don’t get tuyo for lunch!” He turns
dwell in him; there is a mutual serve the community. Rather, this love that, through his resurrection, to his buddies and announces, “Mark my words. If I still
indwelling: “Live on in me, as I results from chain of loving that begins we share with the Lord, whose get tuyo tomorrow, I’m going to throw myself from this
do in you… I am the vine, you are
the branches… A man who does
with God the Father himself. love comes from the Father. And building.”
the greatest love one can exhibit The second guy opens his lunch box and moans, “Tinapa.
not live in me is like a withered, rejected neither the Bible nor the devotion to Mary in the community is love unto death. This Everyday, I get this for lunch.” He looks at his friends and
branch, picked up to be thrown in the fire and gives testimony to one’s being Christian, is the love which Jesus had for us, and we declares, “Believe me when I say this. If I get tinapa tomorrow,
burnt” (John 15:4a.5a.6). From today’s Gospel even though to be one, he ultimately has to are to imitate this love in the community of I’m going to jump from here and kill myself.”
(John 15:9-17), one may draw a theme that have both. According to the Gospel reading, brothers. “This is my commandment: love The third guy opens his lunch box and it was his turn to
continues the ecclesiological implication of our abiding in Christ is validated by love. one another, as I have loved you. There is despair, “Galunggong. All I get is galunggong!” He looks
last Sunday’s. It could be taken as answering “As the Father has loved me, so I have loved no greater love than this: to lay down one’s to his co-workers and says, “I’m telling you, if I still get
the question: how do we know that we remain you. Live on in my love. You will live in my life for one’s friends” (John 15:12-13). John galunggong tomorrow, I’m going to jump from this building
or live on in Christ? love if you keep my commandments, even expresses this different in his letter: “The and die.”
If we ask the question, “what is the evidence as I have kept my Father’s commandments, way we come to understand love was that The next day, the lunch bell rings and all three men are
that one is an Israeli?” probably one will and live in his love,… The command I give he laid down his life for us; we too must lay again seated on the 56th floor.
say, “his citizenship, which is printed in you is this, that you love one another” (John Church / B7 The first guy opens his lunch box and starts crying,
“Tuyoooooo!” And so in front of his shocked companions,
Fr. Roy Cimagala he jumps off the building and crashes on the ground.
The second guy opens his lunch box and wails loudly,
“Tinapaaaaaa!” And before his remaining friend, he jumps

Seed, leaven, remnant If we don’t like our jobs, if

we don’t like the state of our
relationships, if we don’t like
what’s happening to our spiritual
of developments. A saint once latter ways cut our link with God, unfavorable number should
ONLY 10 percent of Catholics
go to Sunday Mass in the said that Christianity is not so from whom we all come. just spur us to be more faithful,
lives—we have no one to blame
Philippines? This was what much the glory of Mt. Tabor as Christianity will always take more apostolic, more holy. Christ but ourselves; because God has
a bishop claimed recently. It it is the suffering and pain of Mt. the way of the lowly, the hidden, assured us through St. Peter that given us free will.
obviously is not a good piece Calvary. the few. It goes directly to the the gates of hell shall not prevail
of news. But neither should it Christianity certainly has its substance and essence of things, against the Church. off the building and hits the ground and dies.
surprise us. triumph, but it’s never the empty not the icing and the bubbles. It’s We should just focus more on The third guy opens his lunch box and screams,
For sure, we need to improve or illusory triumphalism common interested in souls and hearts, not how to strengthen the true inner “Galunggonggggg!” And so he too jumps off the building
the statistics. Christ came to save in this world. In this life, it is always in numbers and appearance. life of the Church. The numbers and dies.
all. He wants everyone to have organically connected with the Remember what St. Paul said in will just come as a consequence. Days later, during the funeral of the three men, their three
life to the full. And if we go by cross. It is the victory over nothing his first Letter to the Corinthians. And in this regard, a lot of things wives embrace and began to weep together.
what our faith teaches us about less than sin and death, not just God chooses the foolish, the weak need yet to be done. The first wife cries out, “I didn’t know my husband didn’t
the Holy Eucharist, somehow some earthly enemy. and the base to confound the wise, Among them is the clarification like tuyo anymore! Why didn’t he tell me? If only he told
fullness of Christian life here on Christian life works differently. the strong and the proud, lest man of the role of clergy in our temporal me, I would have prepared something else!”
earth must involve our active It has always been associated with gets spoiled in his self-glory. (cfr. affairs. Many people tell me how The second wife echoed her statement, “Yes! If only I knew,
participation in the Holy Mass. discouraged they get when they see I would have cooked something else, not tinapa!”
The third wife, between sobs, spoke up, “I don’t know
But that’s something we have Christianity certainly has its triumph, priests and even bishops getting
badly mixed up in politics. why my husband killed himself.” The two wives looked at
to work on. It will be work in
progress always, with its ups and but it’s never the empty or illusory Some, according to them, have her curiously. “Why?”
downs, twists and turns, gains and triumphalism common in this world. even gone to the extent of calling She went on, “Because… my husband prepares his own
lunch everyday.”
losses, etc. Thus, we have to expect In this life, it is always organically politicians names, and of branding
them as if they can never do I love this crazy story because it presents a very important
problems. And we just have to try
to solve them. connected with the cross. It is the anything good. These clerics have truth: all of us prepare our own lunch. If we don’t like our
In fact there are many other victory over nothing less than sin and obviously gone partisan. jobs, if we don’t like the state of our relationships, if we don’t
like what’s happening to our spiritual lives—we have no one
depressing news to contend with death, not just some earthly enemy. No matter how right these priests
and bishops are in their views, to blame but ourselves.
these days. In the US now, there
is this report that Christianity has they said, if they use foul language Because God has given us free will.
declined drastically. It should be small things like seed, leaven 1, 27-29) and bad manners, they will only He has given us the power to prepare our own lunch.
an interesting study to know the and remnant. Recall the many And in Church life, both in its succeed in alienating people. If we want to put more joy in our marriages, if we want to
causes and factors of this decline. parables comparing the kingdom pre-history and its history proper Other clerics, again according to grow in our relationship with God, if we want to earn more
Besides,itseemsthatdevelopments of heaven with the seed and the up to now, it has always been them, seem to be more skillful in and be free from debt—then go back to your kitchen and
in the world, especially in politics leaven. Though hardly anything, characterized by the strategic role of commercializing their services, or prepare yourself another dish.
which in turn reflects the state of they contain the germ of life and acertainremnantofpeoplethathave ministry, than in putting spiritual Because you design your own future.
socio-cultural life in the people, have transformation. managed to preserve their integrity and supernatural zeal and content You create your own destiny.
largely been secularized, that is, all These and that directive given and fidelity in spite of all odds. There into them. Ask yourself? What kind of future do you want to
but purged of anything related to by our Lord for us to enter always will always be a remnant, even in These are some concerns that have?
faith, religion, God. by the narrow gate only show how the worst scenario. need to be ironed out urgently, What kind of millennium?
I suppose Christians will Christianity is averse to anything No, we should not worry if the Church has to thrive in our You decide.
have to tussle with this kind that is pompous and showy. These too much about statistics. Any confusing times.
Social Concerns
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009

Protecting whose agenda?

By Bishop Broderick S. Pabillo “I shudder at the thought of unfair
competition for land between
I RECENTLY visited the lobby of the House Filipinos, citizens of this country
of Representatives session hall. I immediately who have made land productive and
noticed the newly renovated walls bearing foreign entities with nothing but
pictures of significant events in Congress’s abundant financial resource to offer.
history. Among those pictures pertaining to the I am jolted by the terrible scenario of
present Congress was a photo of a booklet with Filipinos becoming squatters in their
the following words printed on its cover: own land.”

“Sustaining the Growth, Spreading the Benefits: to be used for food production, help protect the rights of my
there is also a risk that most of fellow Filipinos, here and in
A Legislative Reform Agenda for the House of the the produce of our lands will the countryside, who remain
People.” be exported and yet we will no landless. I am challenged to
– House Speaker Prospero Nograles longer have a say on the matter. continue pushing for laws which
This will be an attack not only on will protect the rights of the
our food security but also to our marginalized Filipino, laws such
This made me ponder for a clearly excluded. integrity as a people as well. as the Comprehensive Agrarian
while. Amidst all the seemingly Under HR 737, the State will do With the threat of enabling Reform Program Extension
unsound and doubtful legislative away entirely with the restriction foreign corporations and (CARPER) with Reforms. I feel
proposals and policies cropping on foreign ownership. The associations to hold, acquire, challenged but I remain hopeful
up in Congress these days, I could proponents of this Resolution and be granted the right to and vigilant. I am hopeful
not help but wonder. Whose seek to amend the constitution possess, own, utilize and develop because I see that there are still
growth are our national leaders and open our land to foreigners, land in our country, what will those leaders in government who
trying to sustain? Are the laws with the haste and neglect be left for the Filipinos? As we work with us, their constituency,
churned out by this body upon unbecoming of any honorable all know, the agrarian reform to make sure that the government
which we, as a people, have national leader. program is still underway, and works for national interest

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

entrusted our wisdom really for This Resolution is actually thousands of farmers still await instead of the interest of the
the benefit of the Filipino? There another try to resuscitate the emancipation from the land they privilege few.
is one House measure which failed Cha-Cha attempt by the have tilled for generations. Over Together with people from
has piqued my concern at the solons. It becomes apparent one million hectares of land await the peasant sector, among
moment. I came across this House that, despite the claim of limiting distribution. Our government others, I remain vigilant and
Resolution (HR) No. 737 which, amendments only to economic cannot feed its own people, and urge Congress to fast track the
essentially, proposes to grant provisions (foreign ownership yet we open up all our resources enactment of socially just bills
ownership of Philippine land to of lands) which will help gear for non-Filipinos, as if without such as the CARPER bill and call
CBCP-Nassa chairman and Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo talks with law-
foreigners. up development, productivity, makers led by Speaker Prospero Nograles in Congress in Quezon City . Pabillo, along
regard for our own people whom on them to disapprove oppressive
Under the proposal, alienable and efficiency in the country, with other bishops, spent a day meeting with solons to lobby for CARP extension. it is supposed to serve. and unfair bills like House
lands of the public domain— this pursuit for Charter Change It is said that only fifteen Resolution No. 737. I am hopeful
which are agricultural lands— may become a vehicle for who have remained poor even not have been God’s intention to million hectares of alienable and that amidst underhanded efforts
with a maximum area of one other unwanted changes in during times when ownership encourage excesses when there are disposable agriculture lands to go against the wisdom of the
thousand hectares, can now be government—a vehicle highly of land access to land and other those who lack not only as regards are available to answer for the Constitution, to further deprive
leased to foreign corporations for vulnerable to derailment. This natural resources were ensured land but also dignity. food security of Filipinos. HR the marginalized Filipinos of their
a maximum of fifty years. And Resolution, dangerous in itself to Filipinos only? As it is, the Government 737 does not help improve this basic rights, and to evade laws on
disturbingly, ownership, not substantially, may also usher I shudder at the thought of unfair already has designated millions situation. HR 737 poses grave accountability, we Filipinos will
just lease, of agricultural lands in procedural irregularities in competition for land between of hectares of our lands for the danger to our national security prevail if we work together and
measuring up to twenty-five amending the Constitution. Filipinos, citizens of this country benefit of foreign corporations, and sustainability. It is also fight with the guidance of our
hectares is granted to foreign There is a danger, real as it is who have made land productive without consideration for the unjust, considering that there righteous God.
corporations. This proposal grave, that this measure could and foreign entities with nothing farmers, indigenous peoples, are millions of Filipino peasants I also find comfort in the pockets
seeks to change the proviso in be used to influence answers to but abundant financial resource and other members of the still not owning the lands their of brilliance and statesmanship
the 1987 Constitution which questions of good governance to offer. I am jolted by the terrible communities affected by these families have tilled for decades. It found in the history of Philippine
restricts ownership of Philippine and accountability. scenario of Filipinos becoming government exploration and is unjust that our resources should Congress. I am praying fervently
lands to Filipinos and Filipino I tried hard to weigh the squatters in their own land. I biofuel contracts. be used primarily for the benefit that our national leaders will,
corporations. possible benefits of this Resolution remember that God told us that the I believe that the Constitutional of foreigners, and not those who true to their promise, Sustain
Under Section 2, Article XII for the Filipino people vis-à- earth and all its bounty is for us to restriction on foreign ownership do not have a stake in domestic the Growth and Spread the
of the 1987 Constitution, the vis the obvious dangers that share, maybe this measure is not of land obviously involves a development and peace. Benefits for the Filipino people.
ownership-in-trust of natural would come with it. Assuming bad after all. But then I realize that national security issue. I have As I take in the implications and I urge every Filipino to act
resources is vested with the that HR 737 is indeed merely the Filipinos who have been gifted been informed that there is no consequences of this measure, I with vigilance in ensuring that
State and the State may sell, an economic proposal, would with stewardship of this country cap to the total area allowable for find myself challenged and government agenda will reflect
lease, or otherwise alienate the foreign ownership of lands really have not even had their rightful foreign ownership. If this is true, hopeful at the same time. Though that of the people, in calling for
rights to these resources through result in economic development share and yet they will have to give there might come a time that we I am saddened by the apparent accountability in governance and
contracts to Filipinos and Filipino of the country? And if it will, way to those who have the might will run out of agricultural lands prioritization of this bill by the in seeking the just distribution
corporations only. Thus, foreign will this economic development and wealth to take part of more which serve as food sources. House of Representatives, I of Philippine land and natural
individuals or corporations are trickle down to the people than they need. Surely, it must And even if these lands continue feel challenged as a Filipino to resources.

Shepherding / B2

a proper Prelate was constituted for the territorial principle rigidly in place in ordinary pastoral care provided by the fishermen and seafarers, air travellers, publication of Pope Paul VI’s Motu
Italian immigrants. Meanwhile in 1918, the Pio-Benedictine Code, by giving a local churches; (2) by introducing new road transport workers, nomads, circus Proprio Pastoralis migratorum cura and
a sole Ordinary had also been constituted series of competencies to the Consistorial criteria for ecclesiastical organization, people, fairground workers, pilgrims the Congregation for Bishops’ related
for the Catholic refugees (mostly from Congregation and establishing a series other than the strictly territorial one; and and tourists, as well as those categories Instruction De pastorali migratorum cura
eastern Europe) in Italy. of offices—both at the national and local (3) by offering a new vision of the People of people who, for various reasons, are (Nemo est). It can very well be considered
At the normative level, the growing levels—thus laying the groundwork for of God and the constitutional situation involved in human mobility, such as as the new magna carta for the pastoral
concern of the Holy See was concretized in a pastoral organization—still partially in of its members, more specifically the so- students abroad, and operators and care of migrants and itinerant people in
1914 when the Consistorial Congregation force today—to provide people on the called fundamental rights and duties of technicians engaged in large projects or the Third Millennium.
(later to become the Congregation for move the spiritual care more fitting to the faithful. We shall deal more at length scientific research at the international
Bishops) issued the decree Etnographica their circumstances. For example, in 1952 with this matter further on. level who are obliged to move from one 1 Based on a lecture given at the 17th National
studia, which laid down the praxis to he established the Higher Council for In 1969, Pope Paul VI issued the Motu country to another. Convention of the Canon Law Society of the Philip-
be followed by the clergy dedicated Emigration within the aforementioned Proprio Pastoralis migratorum cura and pines, on the theme The Filipino Migrant Worker:
A Canonico-Pastoral Challenge to the Philippine
to the pastoral care of immigrants and Sacred Congregation. In the same year, authorized the subsequent Instruction De C. Pastoral Care of Migrants in the Church, in Vigan City, 20-23 April 2009.
underscored the responsibility of the host the Apostolatus Maris was established on pastorali migratorum cura (sometimes Third Millennium: The Instruction Erga
Church (ecclesia ad quam) of providing behalf of seafarers in the same dicastery. cited by its opening words Nemo est), migrantes (2004) 2 Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of
Migrants and Itinerant People, Instruction Erga
pastoral care to the faithful from other Finally, in 1958 he gave the same dicastery aimed at adapting the dispositions of Such concern grew during the migrantes caristas Christi, 3.V.2004.[Henceforth
nations. the responsibility for providing spiritual the Pius XII’s Exsul Familia to the new pontificate of John Paul II, as shown referred to as Erga migrantes.]
The Pontificate of Pius XII witnessed an assistance to the faithful with specific ecclesiological principles of Vatican II. by the creation of a separate dicastery 3 Maruja Asis, The Philippines’ Culture of Migra-
upsurge in human migration, occasioned duties and activities on board planes Cf. Paul VI, Motu Proprio Pastoralis for the pastoral care of migrants and tion, Scalabrini Migration Center-Philippines,
by World War II and its aftermath, and as well as to passengers travelling by migratorum cura, 15.VIII.1969, in AAS, 61 itinerant people, the Pope’s discourses January 2006.
consequently also a marked development air, establishing what was called the (1969), pp.601-603; and S.C, for Bishops, in the World Day of Migrants, the new 4 In AAS, 44 (1952), pp.649-704.
in the pastoral care of migrants. A Apostolatus Coeli or Aëris. Instruction De pastorali migratorum regulation for the apostolate of the sea 5 Cf. Decr. Christus Dominus, n.18.
landmark document was the Apostolic cura, 22.VIII.1969, in AAS, 61 (1969), and other documents.
Constitution Exsul Familia, of 1.VIII.1952, B. The Era of Vatican II: Paul VI’s Erga pp. 614-643. Taking into consideration the new 6 Cf. Paul VI, Motu Proprio Pastoralis migratorum
cura, 15.VIII.1969, in AAS, 61 (1969), pp.601-603;
generally regarded as the Magna Carta migratorum cura and the Instruction On 19 March 1970, with the Motu migration flows and their characteristics, and S.C, for Bishops, Instruction De pastorali
for the pastoral activity of the Church in Nemo est (1969) Proprio Apostolicae Caritatis, Pope Paul the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral migratorum cura, 22.VIII.1969, in AAS, 61 (1969),
favor of people on the move. It was the The Second Vatican Council brought VI established the Pontifical Commission Care of Migrants and Itinerant People pp. 614-643.
first document of the Holy See to delineate great innovations as regards the pastoral for the Pastoral Care of Migrants issued on 3.V.2004 the Instruction Erga 7 Cf. John Paul II, Apost. Const. Pastor Bonus,
the pastoral care of migrants globally and principles in favor of migrants: (1) by and Itinerant People, with the task of migrantes caritas Christi, which aimed 28.VI.1988, in AAS, 80 (1988), pp.841-912, §§149-
systematically, from both the historical explicitly declaring the responsibility of studying and providing pastoral care to to update the ecclesiastical doctrine
and canonical points of view. In that the pastors towards those faithful who “people on the move” such as: migrants, and praxis regarding the pastoral care 8 Cf. John Paul II, Motu Proprio Stella Maris,
document, Pius XII tried to mitigate the may have difficulty in receiving the exiles, refugees, displaced people, of migration, thirty-five years after the 31.I.1997, in AAS, 89 (1997), pp. 209-216.

Church / B6

down our lives for our brothers” Gospel reading today, John adds
(1 John 3:16). a precisely description of that

CBCPMonitor Name _________________________________________________

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Today’s gospel, then, makes
precise what was initially
described in last Sunday’s. In
indwelling: it is an indwelling of
love. In the Church, the members
allow themselves to be loved by
the latter, it was noted that what Jesus who himself is the bearer
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The CBCP Monitor is published fort-
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B8 Entertainment CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009

Angels and Demons; 11th May 2009
Just what everyone has been waiting for: a film of a Dan Brown novel!
However, with the report of a review in L’Osservatore Romano after
the film’s premiere in Rome saying that the film was commercial and en-
tertaining and that Ron Howard had made an effective thriller (although
the review also suggested a mind game while watching the film, to pick the
inaccuracies!), it means that a lot of the heat should have gone out of any
controversy. SIGNIS Cinema Desk would certainly endorse the reviewer’s
conclusion that the film is ‘two hours of harmless entertainment’ and not
a danger to the church.
Had there been no Da Vinci Code novel, film or controversy, then Angels
and Demons would have probably been reviewed as a blockbuster dooms-
day, murder mystery thriller with a Vatican setting (looking rather authentic),
discussions about the church and science with the Catholic Church treated
quite respectfully. (References to persecution of scientists in the 16th and
17th centuries was sometimes inquisitorial – and is documented; prison
was not easy for Galileo.) There are speculations about the secret society
of scientists, The Illuminati, who seem to be a Masonic equivalent.
Angels and Demons was written some years before The Da Vinci Code
and is a better written book though it is an ‘airport novel’, a page-turner.
As with many historical novels (and Shakespeare himself was not above
creating ‘historical’ scenarios that were inventive rather than factual), the
author takes imaginative license with characters, events, and hypotheses:
what if...? But Angels and Demons has a character who seems to do a
180 degree turn in character and behaviour which makes the psychologi-
cal realism of the book rather absurd. In the film, there is less depth of
explaining this character and so the revelation tends to be a cinema twist
which, however preposterous, is somewhat more credible, at least in terms
of the far-fetched plot itself.
While Ron Howard did not have permissions to film in the Vatican, the
sets of the Sistine Chapel, St Peter’s interiors, the Vatican Archives look
quite convincing and were commented on favourably by the L’Osservatore
Romano reviewer.
The scenes of the CERNS reactor are very impressive.
The key point about Angels and Demons is its church subject: church
and science, past conflicts, the present challenge, a feature of recent Vati-
can discussions about evolution and creationism, the meeting of science
and religion rather than antagonism. Not a difficult subject when one thinks
MAC en COLET Ni Bladimer Usi of Galileo and Pope John Paul’s apology in 2000. Which means that the
central issues are not as threatening or offensive as the hypothesis of The
Da Vinci Code with its relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene
and their descendants.
The day before the preview of Angels and Demons in London,
channel 5 screened The Body which came and went several years ago
without too much angst or even discussion. Antonio Banderas portrayed
a Jesuit from Rome going to Jerusalem to examine bones discovered in
what might have been Jesus’ tomb and which would threaten a traditional
understanding of the resurrection. There are plenty of novels and films
which raise such issues by way of interest and entertainment but are not
put forward as theology.
The controversy about The Da Vinci Code, book and film, certainly
got people going all around the world, given the number of books sold and
the multi-millions of readers. The Opus Dei connection also contributed
to some of the furore.
However, this time, with only science and the church (and issues of
anti-matter and its potential for mass destruction in the wrong hands) and
the Vatican itself calling in Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) to solve the prob-
lems, the potential for argument is limited. As with the screenplay for The
Da Vinci Code, lines have been inserted more favourable to the church.
Langdon reminds the Vatican that, despite the previous controversy, they
have called him in this time. There are respectful lines concerning faith and
non-belief – and a final request to Langdon from Cardinal Strauss that he

Buhay Parokya
Find the images of St. write gently about the church!
Gregory VII and Archangel One of the issues facing the conclave in the film is the ‘Church in the
Gabriel, and a candle. Modern World’ vis-a-vis science, with the dialogue for the meeting of ideas
of science and theology or extremist attitudes towards religion capitulating
Illustration by Bladimer Usi to science and so destroying the church – the point being that this kind of
fanatic stance can become a cause, righteously crusading with violence
against those who hold more moderate views – leading to what could be
labelled ‘ecclesiastical terrorism’.
A key issue prior to the release of the film has been the raising of
controversy about the film, sight unseen, a protest that undermines the
protesters’ credibility.
Any controversy and protest about a film is a challenge for the church to
look at how it responds. The Vatican comments from Fr Federico Lombardi
deflected some heat with offhand humour (that he would say something
if the film-makers took out 1000 10 year subscriptions to L’Osservatore!).
However, several Italian papers began making comments about Vatican
officials possibly criticising the film some months earlier. This made headlines
in the media that the Vatican would object or was objecting. And publicists
must have been offering prayers of thanksgiving that these rumours were
doing some of their job for them.
But, in the Catholic world, the main protest has come from William
Donohue, president of the Catholic League in the United States. As he did
with The Da Vinci Code and The Golden Compass, he issued lists of errors
in the book and said that they were to insult the church. It was alleged that
he had a Canadian priest contact, not wearing clerical dress, on the set of
Angels and Demons who reported that director Ron Howard and members
of the production were verbally anti-Catholic. On the basis of this, spurred
by an Indian journalist who is linked with the Catholic League, processions
of protest were held in India and Taiwan. Many of the errors and alleged
insults to the church in the Catholic League list are not in the film.
Ron Howard’s publicist (or Howard himself) came up with some smart
repartee, that William Donohue must be a man of faith because ‘he believes
without seeing’. And that Donohue and himself were in agreement – that
Angels and Demons was fiction. There were some acrid comments reported
from the producers about the Vatican prohibiting filming in the Vatican and
parts of Rome but there were also many quotes from Tom Hanks and Ron
Howard that the film was not anti-Catholic and that the Vatican would enjoy
it (as has seemed to be the case from the review). The Donohue one-liner
was that Howard was ‘delusional’
This kind of thing (which may not go much further because of the
L’Osservatore favourable comments) indicates that there is a profound
difference in responding to a film, or anything that is challenging, from an
‘education’ point of view which leads to dialogue rather than a ‘crusading’
point of view which leads to two-sided polemic with antagonists rather en-
joying the experience of battle in crusade. Dialogue can lead somewhere.
Polemic leads nowhere but simply confirms antagonists in their positions
and stances and introduces the hurling of invective which in no way mirrors
the charity and peace of Christ.
The (good) news is that Dan Brown has completed another conspiracy
novel, The Lost Code, due for publication and optioned for filming!


May to August in the northern hemisphere spring and summer is a
time for almost weekly release of blockbusters with huge budgets, action
and effects and potential for high grosses at the box office. 2009 has seen
Wolverine, Star Trek, followed by Angels and Demons, with Night at the
Museum 2, Transformers 2 and Terminator Salvation in the offing.
Here is a doomsday plot, murder mystery, action thriller with a cast
led by Tom Hanks as symbologist Robert Langdon and Ewan McGregor
as the Vatican Camerlengo and an international cast portraying scientists,
police, bishops and cardinals.
Angels and Demons, unlike the film of The Da Vinci Code, is fast-paced,
the L’Osservatore Romano review referring to Ron Howard’s dynamic
direction. It also used the word ‘commercial’ as well as noting that it was
‘harmless entertainment’ and not a danger to the Church.
In fact, the film treats the church quite interestingly, scenes behind a
conclave and inside the conclave, fine sets of the Sistine Chapel, the interiors
of St Peter’s, Castel San Angelo, the Vatican Necropolis, the Swiss Guards
centre, the Vatican archives and several churches with art by Bernini. The
film won’t harm tourism to Rome or to the Vatican. Probably, the contrary.
The issue is science and religion. There are some very impressive
scenes of CERN in Switzerland where the Big Bang was re-created in 2008.
Dan Brown, writing years earlier, posited this explosion and the formation
of anti-matter which is then used as a terrorist threat in Rome. Arguments
are put forward about the church’s record in persecuting scientists in past
centuries, especially Galileo (true) with some inquisitorial interrogations
and tortures. The material about the Illuminati, the underground society of
scientists has some foundation but was not as extensive as speculated on
here – a kind of Masonic brotherhood of scientists. (They appeared in the
first Lara Croft film without anybody taking to controversy.)
One of the issues facing the conclave in the film is the Church in the
Modern World vis-a-vis science, with the dialogue for the meeting of ideas
of science and theology or extremist attitudes towards religion capitulating
to science and so destroying the church – the point being that this kind of
fanatic stance can become a cause, righteously crusading with violence
against those who hold more moderate views – leading to what could be
labelled ‘ecclesiastical terrorism’.
Oh, the tale has so many plot-holes (with the action moving so fast
you don’t quite have time to follow through on them) that they don’t bear
thinking about – so, either one sits irritated at the inaccuracies about dates
and historical figures and driven up the wall by the lack of coherence in the
course of events or, as one does, offer a willing suspension of disbelief and
enjoy the action for what it is, a lavishly-mounted, pot-boiling thriller.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
112- -24,
The Cross
A Supplement Publication of KCFAPI

and the Order of the Knights of


Fraternal Counselors from FC of the Year, Runner-Ups and Fr. Willmann Knights of the Round Table (WKRT), their spouses and Area Managers with KCFAPI Officers in Hong Kong along the Avenue of Stars.

Asian Trip for KCFAPI’s Sales Force

Wow in Macau, Live Long in Hong Kong!
By Bro. Gari San Sebastian fairy tale experience, from the lo-
comotive that toured us around
LAST April 27 – 30, 2009, KC- to the flying elephant, known as
FAPI’s FBG (Finest and the Best Dumbo ride. Jungle adventure
Group) Salesforce were off for an twenty five percent of their as- amazed by the dashing colorful Aside from the night-outs, the Mong Kok or the shopping bar- gave us a thrilling boat ride (with
adventure, leisure and pleasure! signed target in 2008 also joined neon lights of what Macau can city also offers a local version of gain capital in Hong Kong. some surprise attractions) while
So far, the latest Asian trip del- the tour. These were Bro. Efren offer. Strolling in the city at night Western-inspired theme parks Day three of the trip was en- Tomorrowland were mostly
egation was the biggest totaling Casupanan, (CLBelievers); Bro. can truly give you a glittery mo- like the Rocks, Roman amphi- chanting and magical. First stop space age features.
to twenty-two participants. Noni Ayon, (SWL Stars); Bro. Vic ment! The blinking and running theater, structure of the Xian was a souvenir group shot of What made us proud to be
Nine Fraternal Counselors Pulangco, (CLDiamonds); Bro. lights that adorned every edifice City, and a man-made volcano. Hong Kong along the Avenue of Filipinos was when we met a lot
from FC of the Year, Runner-Ups Joe Valencia, (NWL Thunders); welcomed all our participants as The Macau city tour was done Stars (similar to Walk of Fame in of Disneyland’s Filipino cast like
and Fr. Willmann Knights of the Bro. Well Naldoza, (CLCon- we witnessed the “City in China on the second day of sightsee- Hollywood); then to the jewelry the parade dancers, musicians,
Round Table (WKRT) qualified querors); Bro. Demy Hernandez, that never sleeps.” ing, starting from the Ruins of factory where we were hypno- park attendants, entertainers and
for the trip. They were accompa- (MMChancellors); and Bro. Jun A former Portuguese colony, St. Paul, to the shopping spree tized by the finest masterpieces we were just waiting for mascots
nied by their spouses. Dator, (SLakers). the place still enjoys the culture in Senado square. They bought of China. like Mickey to say “Kumusta na
The FCs were Bro. Larry and Two Home Office personnel, from its colonizers, a mixture of one of Macau’s favorite almond The last stop was the half-day kayo mga kababayan?” The day
Sis. Cecile Evangelista, (CLBe- Sis. Bong Ruiz (Underwriting the European architecture and cookies and some thinly sliced long tour in Hong Kong Disney- ended with a sumptuous dinner
lievers); Bro. Ray and Sis. Chato Manager) and this writer com- Chinese accents, imagine seeing cold cuts. It was truly a memo- land. Both the young ones and sponsored by KCFAPI to all who
Segismundo, (NWL Thunders); pleted the Asian tour group. an Italian inspired building with rable and fascinating experience young once really enjoyed this made it last 2008.
Bro. Boni and Sis. Mila Morales, a Dragon engraved on the doors. all of us had in the beautiful and magical journey from the parade On the final stretch of the
(CLBelievers); Bro. Ven and Sis. Wow Macau! Among all the resort-hotels that historic city of Macau. of characters led by Mickey and four-day, three night tour this
Alice Capiral, (SLakers); Bro. From Hong Kong airport, the we visited, the Venetian caught Minnie in Main Street to Disney’s year, we carried nothing but the
Danny and Nora Tullao, (NEL participants were immediately our attention, not because of its Live-long in Hong Kong! trademark Princess’ castle. Oth- good memories, moments of
Cavaliers); Sis. Rosa Hernan- transferred to Macau by ferry. casino but with its spectacular After a very tiring yet fulfilling ers went for a ride, they proved bonding, shared laughters and
dez, (MMChancellors); Sis. Tes There we saw the three grand showcase of what fame, glamour trip in Macau, our Asian awardees that they were all young at heart beautiful experiences and all
and Bro. Edmund De la Mota, span bridges (approximately 10 and sparkle were all about. It has were ferried back to Hong Kong and the child in us was still very looked forward to be part of next
(WV Bulls); Bro. Dong Miranda, kms. long) that connect the pen- a mini-lagoon on the third floor (Kowloon side) where they spent much alive. Some preferred to year’s Asian trip! We promise
(CLDiamonds); and Bro. Jun insula to major islands Coloane with a gondola ride (similar to a night full of shopping and din- eat, shopped for souvenirs or to spread the virus known as
Castillo, (MMDragons). and Taipa (where we stayed the mode of transportation in ing. The hotel was situated at the simply spent time seeing other the Awardees virus – see you in
Seven Area Managers who overnight). Tagged as the new Venice) that moved around to heart of the Kowloon known as park-goers and strolled in the Kota Kinabalu or Kuala Lumpur
met more than one-hundred Las Vegas of Asia, everyone was shops and restaurants. Yau Ma Tei, which is very near park. The Fantasyland was a or Ho Chi Minh City.

For Brother Knights by Brother Knights

KCFAPI sponsors The KCFAPI holds Benefits Convention for

Outstanding Knights
of Columbus Awards
Fraternal Counselors
By Joseph Teodoro
THE Knights of Columbus Fraternal As-
sociation of Philippines Inc. (KCFAPI),
the second-to-none insurance provider
of KC members, is embarking to reach
a new milestone as it sponsors the
prestigious The Outstanding Knights
of Columbus Award (TOKCA) for
The TOKCA Awards aims to recog-
nize the outstanding achievements of
members in their respective professions KCFAPI Officers, Area Managers and Fraternal Counselors at the Luzon Fraternal Benefits Convention:
D.R.I.V.E. 110 on April 24 and 25 at Monte Vista Conference Center, Pansol Calamba, Laguna.
worthy of emulation, to project a strong
public knowledge of the Mission of THE Knights of Columbus Fraternal as salesforce for KCFAPI which offers Mr. Joseph P. Teodoro, Vice-President warming message before the conference
the Order of the Knights of Columbus Association of the Philippines, Inc (KC- insurance solely to the members of the of the Fraternal Benefits Group, tackled proper started while Mr. Antonio B.
as a tool to attract new members, to FAPI) held a Fraternal Benefits Conven- Knights of Columbus in the Philip- selling process and techniques. Borromeo, KCFAPI President provided
spur KCFAPI’s quest for its relevance tion for Luzon Fraternal Counselors last pines. The topic titled, “Launching of KC an inspirational message to all the con-
not only to the Order of the Knights of April 24-25 at the Monte Vista Confer- It was also intended to hone the skills website and technology as a selling vention delegates.
Columbus but to the nation as well and ence Center in Los Baños, Laguna. of fraternal counselors particularly in tool,” was explained by the Senior IT The convention started with an open-
to provide inspiration, to all members The sales convention for qualified promoting KCFAPI to the members of Manager, Mr. Ronulfo G. Infante. ing prayer led by Mr. Gari San Sebas-
to live up to the cardinal principles of fraternal counselors in Luzon discussed the Knights of Columbus in the three The Manager of the Underwriting tian, manager of the Fraternal Benefits
CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY & various selling techniques, underwrit- Philippine jurisdictions. Department, Ms. Carmelita S. Ruiz, ex- Services and later acted as facilitator of
PATRIOTISM. ing updates, importance of technology Different officials from KCFAPI plained the underwriting processes. the program.
in selling. were the resource speakers of the KCFAPI Executive Vice-President A fellowship and group meeting
Who May Qualify It also aimed to enhance their skills convention. Ms. Ma. Theresa Curia gave a heart- ended the convention. (Kate Laceda)
K of C members who are current in

KC holds national gathering of priests-scholars

his council dues and nominated by his
council may qualify and earn a chance
to win the coveted title. The nomination
must be endorsed by the parish priest
of his council. He may qualify to any of THE Knight of Columbus (KC) Priests ference of the Philippines, discussed Antonio Tagle, Virac Bishop Manolo de III, Msgr. Joselito Asis, Msgr. Gaspar
following professions or fields of en- Scholars Association held its 6th Na- the topic, “Spirituality of Stewardship: los Santos, Bontoc-Lagawe Bishop Ro- Balerite, and Fr. Rene Sapungan, the
deavor: a) Government Service; b) Ac- tional Annual Fellowship/Retreat last Disciples’ Response” during the second dolfo Beltran, Msgr. Pedro C. Quitorio Association’s president. (Kate Laceda)
countancy and Business; c) Engineering, April 15-17, 2009 at the Villa Escudero day of the retreat.
Science and Technology; d) Academe; in Tiaong, Quezon Province. Bishop Rodolfo Beltran of Bontoc-
e) Medical and health care services; f) Organizers said that among the Lagawe also shared on the spirituality
Law and judiciary; g) Sports and enter- items taken up was the review of the of stewardship.
tainment; h) Journalism and media; i) formation manual of the Knights of This year’s theme is “KC Priests:
Agriculture; j) Youth and Community Columbus used during exemplification Called to Witness the Spirituality of
development; k) Arts and literature, and of members from the first to the fourth Stewardship.”
l) Entrepreneurship. degrees. A Eucharistic celebration culminated
KCFAPI reserves the right to consider The retreat also discussed the life the retreat which was presided by
a limited number of categories even if and work and the advancement of the Bishop Beltran with thirty KC priests
there are nominees in all and the above cause of Fr. George Willmann, SJ, who concelebrating.
categories. is attributed to have popularized the There are now 107 KC priests, three
The following are not eligible to be Knights of Columbus in the Philip- of whom have become bishops, who
nominated in the SEARCH for TOKCA: pines. graduated from the scholarship of-
1) Incumbent members of KCFAPI Msgr. Joselito Asis, assistant secretary fered by KC Fr. Willmann Charities,
TOKCA / C2 general of the Catholic Bishops’ Con- Inc. Among them are Imus Bishop Luis KC Priests-Scholars held their National Gathering at Villa Escudero, Tiaong, Quezon last April 15-17.
The Cross
CBCP Monitor
C2 Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009

Chairman’s President’s Message

Antonio B. Borromeo
Message 1977, when in
celebration of
the 80th birth-
selected qualified young
men who will “delight in
the law of the Lord” and
coverage, the earnings
from invested contribu-
tions of BC Holders, and
Foundations. Kindly get in
touch with us so we may
facilitate your donations

Patrocinio R. Bacay
day of Rev. Fr. experience the three secrets operating expenses. The to the beneficiaries of the
George J. Will- of true lasting happiness bottom line is simply that benevolent activities of the
mann, S.J., the (intimacy with the Three KCFAPI’s BC Holders are Foundations. (KC Philip-
I WISH to acknowledged Divine Persons, inner joy the direct contributors to pines Foundation, Inc. and
welcome leader of the and peace, and loving sen- the financial support given KC Fr. George J. Willmann
home our FOR the past 30 years, founders of KCFAPI, the sitivity toward one’s broth- to seminarians and priest Charities, Inc. with Tel. No.
awardees, every 4th Sunday of Eas- Fr. Willmann SJ Fund for ers and sisters) in their own scholars. 527-22-23 loc. 230)
fraternal ter of each Columbian Seminarians was estab- lives, and, then go out and Therefore, we enjoin all Allow me to remind all
counselors Year, we, Knights of Co- lished. Then in August 6, share it with others. We brother knights and family true Knights of the obli-
and area lumbus members and our 1996, the KC Fr. George need more good priests members to participate, gation and commitment,
managers respective families com- J. Willmann Charities, – more witnesses – more in whatever amount you emphasized during our
with their memorate, Order-wide, the Inc. (FGJWCI) was es- shepherds! can afford, in our Order’s initiation to the First De-
families. World Day of Prayer for tablished as a charitable During its regular Board unique family protection gree of Knighthood – “so
Truly you Vocations. Last month, we and religious institution of Trustees monthly meet- and savings programs. that widows and orphans
deserve the rejoiced at the first anniver- whose primary objective ing last April 3, 2009, the In the Philippines these of dearly departed brother
exciting sary of the proclamation of is to provide scholarship amount of PhP1,530,085.64 programs are made avail- knights may not find them-
time with our beloved founder, Rev. assistance to poor but was donated by KCFAPI able by KCFAPI. We have selves in dire financial
your loved Fr. Michael J. McGivney, as deserving diocesan semi- to the FGJWCI from the programs that are specially straits.” KCFAPI helps
ones in Hong Kong. This goes with the wish that Venerable Servant of God narians and priests, and, earnings of its 2008 op- designed and tailor-fit to and provides the avenue
our special KCFAPI supporters will aim higher in by Pope Benedict XVI last to render assistance to erations. The major portion provide adequately for in fulfilling our obligation
performing even much better than they have ever Palm Sunday 2008. Church programs. of the yearly earnings of every possible financial as Knights. Not only do we
done before. May you never tire out of serving St. Vincent de Paul says: In the corporate struc- the FGJWCI goes to pro- need in the future at very provide a secure financial
the Lord thus helping brother knights in sharing “In truth nothing is more ture of KCFAPI, FGJWCI viding financial support affordable contribution future for our families, we
a brighter tomorrow not only to their families but acceptable to God, and is one of the two Founda- for seminarian and priest rates not available else- also are active contributors
also to the wider beneficiaries of KCFAPI. More more profitable to souls tions listed as subsidiaries. scholars. where, and, that may be to the continued vibrant
than ever in this difficult time in our nation, KC- than the precious gift of a The other is the Knights The amount of yearly acquired through the ser- success of the Order’s pro-
FAPI has to reach out much more to alleviate the holy priest.” of Columbus Foundation donations is directly pro- vices of brother knights grams, especially on Priest
suffering of a very big portion of the marginalized I am very pleased and of the Philippines, Inc., portional to the amount and family members who Vocations.
population. With your dedication and determina- honored to report that (KCFPI). By reasons of of the Excess of Revenues are accredited KCFAPI Do something – NOW!
tion, God and His Blessed Mother will always be the Knights of Columbus their respective objectives, Over Expenses After De- Fraternal Counsellors, or, Enjoin everyone to support
there to provide you with the strength and will Fraternal Association of they are the centerpieces duction of Participation of through the Home Office Priestly vocations, semi-
power to be of greatest help to the Order particu- the Philippines, Inc. (KC- of the KCFAPI’s corpo- KCFAPI’s Benefit Certifi- in Intramuros, Manila, or, narian, and our clergy! Vo-
larly KCFAPI. FAPI), the fraternal insur- rate social responsibility cate Holders. The amount, through the six Service cations are EVERYBODY’S
We are in the month of May which seems to be a ance provider of brother (CSR) thrusts in putting in turn, is influenced by the Offices spread throughout business. Solid Priestly vo-
favorite month of our Blessed Mother. This gives us knights and KC families into concrete realization new acquisition of fraternal the country. cations are built on the rock
the opportune time to celebrate her motherhood by in the Philippines, has the favorite theme of the life insurance products by Lastly, we would like of Jesus Christ. By standing
giving support to the many ways that our people been actively supporting Knights of Columbus – brother knights and fam- to invite and enjoin those with our seminarians and
have been used to in honoring her. Knowing she this worthy program of Faith In Action. ily members, the faithful who have been generously priests today, we are join-
holds the strongest link to Christ, we can perhaps the Order for 32 years KCFAPI, through the remittances of contribu- blessed by our Lord and ing the work of tomorrow’s
hope and ask her for a better world for all our this coming June 29, 2009. FGJWCI, is continually tions by Benefit Certificate who would like to share salvation.
brother knights through KCFAPI. It all started in June 29, searching and supporting Holders for their insurance their blessings through the Vivat Jesus!

Atty. Rizal V. Katalbas, Jr. KC Fraternal Cebu Service

Legal Manager
“JUN” as he is fondly called among his peers is the
incumbent Assistant Corporate Secretary of KCFAPI
and its subsidiaries (Keys Realty & Development THE Cebu Service Office is located at the core of the city’s business hub, the Cebu Business Park where Ayala
Corporation, Mace Insurance Agency, Inc. KC Center is found. The place is similarly and recognized as “Little Makati” because of its high rise commercial
Philippines Foundation, Inc. and KC Fr. George J. buildings.
Willmann Charities, Inc.) He was also the former The exact address is 2nd Floor, Knights of Columbus Square, #36 Archbishop Reyes Avenue cor. Molave Sts.,
Corporate Secretary of Anchor Savings Bank, a Lahug, Cebu City with telephone numbers #(032) 2328560 and (032) 2323045 (telefax). The Knights of Columbus
subsidiary of KCFAPI, before the bank was sold
Visayas Jurisdiction occupies the ground floor of the same building.
to Equicom Manila Holdings, Inc. in January 2008.
When I started working with the Knights of Columbus as Secretary to the first Visayas Territorial Deputy, the
Presently, he holds the position of Legal Manager
late Angel C. Veloso, Sr. in July 1988, Cebu Service Office was already established. I have witnessed KCFAPI
Jun attained his degree in Bachelor in Laws at celebrating “Pearl Anniversary”, Fortified at Forty” and the recent “Golden Jubilee” celebration held at Manila
San Sebastian College – Manila and was admitted to the Bar in 1997. His vast ex- Hotel last September 13, 2008. A clear manifestation and reality of the long existence of our office in Cebu.
perience in the field of legal practice includes, among others, heading the Legal The purpose of having a Service Office in different regions is to bring KCFAPI Home office closer to our brother
Department of Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) before joining KCFAPI knights and their families in line with the mission of our Association which is to provide optimum fraternal
in February 2006. A third degree member of K of C Holy Family Parish Council benefits. Cebu Service Office caters the needs and services of Central Visayas, consisting the whole province
6238, in Almanza, BF Homes, Las Pińas, Jun was exemplified into the Order in of Cebu, Bohol, Negros Oriental and Siquijor, likewise the entire Eastern Visayas. Our office has spacious con-
October 2007 as a first degree knight. ference room where we hold meetings and conferences. We also extend the use of conference room with the
Jun hails from his native hometown in Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental approval from Home Office for the different functions of the Knights of Columbus Visayas Jurisdiction like;
and is happily married to Eveny Galicia – Katalbas, a dentist by profession. He is Officers, District Deputies and Grand Knights meeting. We are also inspired and motivated by the support of
a father to five loving children. the Chairman of the Board, Engr. Patrocinio R. Bacay who is holding office in Cebu.
Aside from attending his regular office work, Jun was assigned to head the Spiri- The success of Cebu Service is achieved through the unending support and guidance from the Officers and
tual Committee of KCFAPI. He is also an active member of the Brotherhood for Staff of Home Office.
Christian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP) – Greenhills Chapter, a Catholic- Daghang salamat sa inyong pagbulig. VIVAT JESUS. (Sis. Allen C. Bohol)
led charismatic organization. (Gregorio E. Asis)

Founders Members Committee (FMC)

Creation and Composition and 8) any of the State Secretaries or
THE Knights of Columbus Fraternal State Treasurers of the three Philip-
Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KC- pine jurisdictions, serving alternately,
FAPI) was incorporated in September the said original deed of trust a Founder during the meeting of the FMC on 06 the Philippines (CBCP); 3) the Father not concurrently. The execution of
1958 when 64 founder members and Membership Committee (FMC) was cre- July 2007, the Committee finally agreed Provincial of the Society of Jesus in the this Deed was duly attested by the
councils of the Knights of Columbus in ated composed of eight members. to further amend the amended Deed of Philippines; 4) the Luzon Deputy; 5) Immediate Past and Past Deputies
the Philippines put an initial capital of During the past years, a series of Trust by executing the “Deed Reiterat- the Visayas Deputy; 6) the Mindanao of the Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao
P32,000.00. Later, 55 out of 64 founder amendments to the deed were made ing the Principles of Original Deed of Deputy; 7) the Vice Supreme Master of jurisdictions.
members transferred to Fr. George J. increasing its membership by including Trust Creating the Founder Members KC, provided that if he is concurrently During the annual meeting of the
Willmann, S.J., then Philippine Deputy the immediate past and past deputies Committee” to restore the member- the Deputy for Luzon or for the Visayas Founder Members held on the first
of the KC in the Philippines, their mem- for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao ju- ship of the FMC to eight members or for Mindanao, he shall be replaced Friday of July, the Founder Members
bership certificates in KCFAPI through risdictions. It was found out however, composed only of the following mem- by the Master of the Fourth Degree in are being represented by the Founder
a deed of trust entitled “Assignment of after a careful deliberation, to be not in bers, namely: 1) the Roman Catholic any of the three Philippine jurisdictions Members Committee who has vested
Transfer of Founder Membership Cer- accordance with the provision of the Archbishop of Manila; 2) the President of KC with the highest percentage of control in KCFAPI. (Atty. Rizal V.
tificates of the KCFAPI”. By virtue of original deed of trust. Accordingly, of the Catholic Bishops Conference of insured members in his jurisdiction; Katalbas, Jr.)
Board of Trustees/Directors of subsidiaries; 2) c) Membership in KCFAPI - Max 20pts 4. All nomination forms, endorsements and at- ing:
Employees of KCFAPI and Subsidiaries, KCFAPI Total of 100 pts tachments shall become the property of KCFAPI a) Trophy or plaque to be awarded during
Area Managers and their immediate families (fa- or may be returned to the nominee if it deems the 2010 Tri-state convention to be held in Cebu
thers, husbands and sons); 3) Five State Officers, Search and Nomination Procedures necessary. City.
the State Program and Membership Directors and 1. Nomination and endorsements must be in 5. Evaluation. The Search Committee will assign b) Round-trip airplane fare (as appropriate)
their immediate families, and 4) Members of the the hands of KCFAPI Search Committee by Sep- points and prepare a short list of nominees which and hotel accommodation for two (himself and
Board of Jurors. tember 15, 2009 for initial screening. This should will be forwarded to the Board of Jurors for selec- wife). This item is non-cash convertible and not
include all original attachments in support of the tion of winners not later than January 15, 2010. The transferrable.
Awards Criteria nomination. points earned shall merely serve as guide for the c) Cash allowance of P20,000.00 which will
The nominee must accept his nomination in 2. Validation. The search committee together Board of Jurors in selecting the winners. include other transportation expenses other than
the prescribed form not later than December 15, with the sub-committee on validation will conduct 6. Search Committee. This Search Committee plane fare and meals outside of the hotel package.
2009. verification of statements made on the nominations will be composed of KCFAPI officers headed by The travel booking and hotel accommodation shall
The nominee must have engaged in his field of including endorsements and supporting docu- its President as Chairman. be arranged by KCFAPI.
endeavor with documented proof within the past ments submitted. The validation period will end 7. The Board of Jurors. The Board of Jurors shall d) Attend as official delegate to the Tri-state
five (5) years subject to validation by the Board of until November 15, 2009. be composed of the Spiritual Director, The Chair- convention.
Jurors and the Search Committee. 3. The qualified nominees will be informed in man of KCFAPI, the President, the 3 State Deputies 10. KCFAPI will donate in the name of awardee
writing for their acceptance. The list of qualifiers and another member to be selected by the Board. P10,000.00 to his parish and P10,000.00 to his
Points System will be announced officially through KCFAPI’s 8. The Board of Jurors will choose the winners council.
a) Professional Excellence - Max 50pts; chosen publications and circulars. Acceptance of not later than March 1, 2010 and notify them of For the complete awards information, you may
b) Participation in Council, Parish and Com- nominations must be received by the search com- their selection. contact KCFAPI Home Office at (02) 527 – 2223.
munity - Max 30pts mittee on or before December 15, 2009. 9. The winners will be entitled to the follow- (See below for TOCKA forms)
The Cross
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009

United for Life

can really speak or act as a Christian simply on
his own. Msgr. Joseph Murphy, author of Christ
Our Joy: The Theological Vision of Pope Benedict
XVI (Ignatius, 2008) and an official at the Vatican
Secretariat of State, puts it this way: “To speak or
act as a Christian means that one is never simply
By Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson an isolated self. To become a Christian entails ac-
cepting the Church in her entirety into oneself or,
Being a Catholic means accepting the Church in its en- more precisely, it means allowing oneself to be
interiorly accepted into her.”
tirety, especially in respecting the lives of all. This observation has deep meaning for the
Knights of Columbus, committed as we are to the
IN HIS 1968 book Introduction to Christianity Both these arguments seem to resonate well in principles of charity, unity and fraternity. It gives
(Ignatius), Pope Benedict XVI— then Father Joseph societies with a long Protestant tradition and also rise to our strong tradition of solidarity with our
Ratzinger—takes up a question that he describes where increasing secularism finds little place for priests, bishops and popes, and explains why we
as a “basic stumbling-block” to the Christian faith. strong Church institutions. work so hard to help build up our parishes. It is
He puts the issue this way: “It irritates us that God Interestingly, Pope Benedict agrees with the also why, following Pope Benedict’s trip to the
should have to be passed on to us through outward fundamental insights of both questions: God does United States last April 2008, we seek more strong-
forms: through Church, sacrament, dogma…. All not dwell in manmade institutions and he has no ly to follow him in building up our Church.
this provokes the question, Does God dwell in need of anything, including intermediary chan- It also has great meaning as we continue to strive
institutions, events or words? As the eternal Be- nels. But Benedict insists there is a further truth to be what Pope John Paul II called us to be: a peo-
ing, does he not make contact with each of us from to consider. ple of life and a people for life—united as Catholics
within? … God needs no intermediary channels by He writes, “precisely at this point we must in the great cause of defending life, especially at its
which to enter the soul of the individual…nothing also add the further statement: Christian faith is most vulnerable stages. Unfortunately, being pro-
can reach more intimately and deeply into man not based on the atomized individual but comes life remains a “stumbling-block” for some Catho-
than he” (p. 183). from the knowledge that there is no such thing as lics. On this issue they have isolated themselves
We have all heard these concerns before. Prot- the mere individual, that on the contrary man is from the Catholic tradition. As Knights, our duty
estants sometime object to what they regard as the himself only when he is fitted into the whole.” He is always to promote unity within the Church. We
manmade structure of the Catholic Church and later adds, “Being a Christian means essentially must increase our efforts to help every Catholic see
defend the lack of similar structure in their own changing over from being for oneself to being for more clearly that being Catholic means accepting
faith communities. We also hear from those who do one another” (p. 190). the Church in its entirety, especially in respecting
not belong to any church because they see no need In other words, to be a Christian is to be the lives of all. Building up the culture of life is the
for organized religion; they are quite content with brought into a community and into a tradition. task of every Catholic.
their own personal relationship with God. As Christians we find a new unity, and no one Vivat Jesus!

Swine Influenza A (H1N1) Update KC seminarian-scholar

By Dr. Jaime Talag

SWINE Influenza (swine flu) is a

highly contagious acute respira-
tory disease of pigs caused by
The main mode of transmis-
sion from human to human is
through droplets, by coughing
the vaccinated people. For treat-
ment, there are two classes of
such medicines, 1) adamantanes
graduates with honors SEMINARIAN Joseph Basilla Longasa of the
type A influenza viruses most or sneezing of an infected per- (amantadine and remantadine), Diocese of Legazpi recently finished his Theo-
commonly of the H1N1 sub- son. Infected people may be able and 2) inhibitors of influenza logical studies as Magna Cum Laude at the Uni-
type. Outbreaks in pigs occur to infect others beginning a day neuraminidase (oseltamivir and versity of Santo Tomas Central Seminary. He
year round. The virus is spread before symptoms develop and zanamivir). Some influenza vi- completed his Philosophical Studies at Mater
among pigs by aerosols, direct up to 7 or more days after be- ruses develop resistance to the Salutis College Seminary in Daraga, Albay
and indirect contact, and asymp- coming sick. Generally, clinical antiviral medicines, limiting the with the rating Cum Laude and Summa Cum
tomatic carrier pigs. Although symptoms are similar to regular effectiveness of treatment. The Laude in Oral Comprehensive Examination in
swine influenza viruses are nor- human flu and include fever, viruses obtained from the recent Philosophy.
mally species specific and only cough, sore throat, body aches, human cases in the United States Aside from maintaining good academic
infect pigs, they do sometimes headaches, chills, lack of ap- are sensitive to oseltamivir and performance, Sem. Longasa was also active in
cross the species barrier to cause petite and fatigue. Some people zanamivir but resistant to aman- all seminary activities. He was the Editor of
disease in humans. In late March have reported diarrhea, runny tadine and remantadine. These BENAVIDES, the official newsletter of the UST
and early April 2009, cases of hu- nose, sore throat and vomiting. drugs should only be taken upon Central Seminary, for 2007-2008 and the Buk-
man infection were first reported In the past, severe illness (pneu- the advice of health providers. luran Games. His proud parents are Mr. Victor
in Southern California and near monia and respiratory failure) The general preventive mea- Longasa, Jr. and Mrs. Concepcion Longasa of
San Antonio, Texas. Reported and deaths have been reported. sures for influenza are: avoid Bacacay, Albay.
cases of swine flu infection in It may also cause a worsening close contact with people who Sem. Longasa has been a scholar of the KC
humans have been reported of underlying chronic medical appear unwell and who have Fr. George J. Willmann Charities, Inc. for two
internationally as well. conditions. fever and cough, wash your school years: 2006-2007 and 2008-2009. He is set
Swine influenza has not been There are no vaccines that con- hands with soap and water to undergo a year of Spiritual Pastoral Forma-
shown to be transmissible to tain the current swine influenza frequently and thoroughly, and tion beginning June. Sem. Longasa was one of
people through eating properly virus causing illness in humans. practice good health habits in- Sem. Longasa is shown being congratulated by Rev. Fr. Rodel E.
the seven seminarian-scholars who graduated
Aligan, OP, Dean of the Faculty of Theology, University of Santo
handled and prepared pork and It is not known whether current cluding adequate sleep, eating Tomas Central Seminary, during his graduation. this school year. (Denise Solina)
pork products. Cooking pork human seasonal influenza vac- nutritious food, and keeping
to an internal temperature of cines can provide any protection. physically active. If you have re- accredited facilities (Research the phase descriptions, the cur- strong signal that a pandemic is
160◦F kills the swine flu virus. Influenza viruses change very cently traveled to countries with Institute for Tropical Medicine, rent WHO phase of pandemic imminent and that the time to
Human infection with flu vi- quickly. It is important to develop known swine influenza cases San Lazaro Hospital, and Lung alert is 5. This is characterized finalize the organization, com-
ruses from pigs are most likely a vaccine against the currently and are experiencing signs and Center of the Philippines) for by human to human spread of munication, and implementa-
to occur when people are in circulating virus strain for it to symptoms of the disease, please further evaluation. virus into at least two countries tion of the planned mitigation
close proximity to infected pigs. provide maximum protection to proceed to any of the DOH- Following the 2009 revision of in one WHO region. There is a measures is short.

Contact KCFAPI through our TEXT CONNECT To inquire for the status of Benefit Certificate:
Send to: 0917-825-KOFC or 0917-825- BIRTHDATE
5632 Example: BCINQ 1002840 01061971

To register: To text a particular Department:

KCREG <space> FCCODE <space> PINCODE DEPTCODE<space>Your Name <space>
<space> CONFIRM CODE Your Message
Example: KCREG 00000 123456 123456 Example: To text Underwriting Department
To inquire allowance for follow-up UND Juan Dela Cruz Follow-
ALLW <space> FCCODE <space> PINCODE up application of Bro. Joel Garcia
Example: ALLW 00000 123456 DEPTCODE:
UND - for Underwriting
To inquire for Submitted, Released & Paid FBG - for FBG
BCs: FMAS - for FC’s Account
SRP <space> FCCODE <space> SERVICE - for BC Services
Example: SRP 00000 012008 FGJWF - for Foundations
The Cross
CBCP Monitor
C4 Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009

Knights join Archdiocese

of Cebu’s Diamond Jubilee WHEN Cebu Archbishop Ricardo J.
Cardinal Vidal invited the Knights of
ting true knights, in the presence of
thousands of Cebuano Catholic faithful
Again, the Knights of Columbus took
Columbus to join the Archdiocese’s who literally filled the Cathedral and center stage during the show featuring
75th anniversary celebration at the its grounds. costumes of the different church lay
Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral, over a Among church dignitaries in atten- organizations existing in Cebu dubbed
hundred knights were mobilized by dance aside from Cardinal Vidal were as “Vestidas Para Confradias”. Visayas
Visayas Deputy SK Dionisio R. Esteban, Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales of the Deputy Esteban wowed the audience
Jr. and District VIII Master of the Fourth Archdiocese of Manila, Papal Nuncio when he modeled the Knights of Co-
Degree SK Loreto Pablo, to take part as Archbishop Edward Joseph Adams, lumbus regalia.
honor guards during the solemn bless- Archbishop Angel Lagdameo of Jaro, The Cebu Archdiocese’s theme: “At
ing of the Holy Door and the Pontifical Iloilo who is also the current President 75, Growing Together In Grace As The
Concelebrated Mass. of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Body of Christ”, has struck a sentimen-
The afternoon rain on April 28, 2009 the Philippines (CBCP), and many other tal chord of affection in every well-
failed to dampen the enthusiasm of archbishops and bishops from all over meaning Cebuano and Visayan knight.
brother knights to represent the Order the Philippines. It was at the K of C Cebu Metropolitan
of the Knights of Columbus as the President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Cathedral Council No. 3106 on Febru-
Archdiocese celebrated its historic and other national and local officials ary 22, 1948 who began the Knights of
Diamond Jubilee amidst the backdrop were also present. Columbus in the Visayas. They GREW
of the grandeur of the newly renovated After the ceremonies at the Cathedral, TOGETHER IN GRACE to become
Cathedral. the Archdiocese tendered a dinner show more than five hundred councils and
Even with rain soaked regalia, brother depicting the rich history of the “Sug- fifty thousand knights all throughout
knights performed their duty to the buanong Simbahan” (Cebuano Church) the Visayas today… and still growing!
Church with dignity and pride, befit- at the Cebu International Convention (Bro. Junjie Navales Cruz)

KC holds first national Columbian Squires Jamboree

THE Knights of Columbus in the Philippines con- Different dignitaries and officials handled vari- In order to inspire the Columbian Squires, the Kenneth De Belen, Marvin Ronquillo, Robert Jay
vened the largest gathering of Columbian Squires ous conferences and meetings organized in the said awarding ceremony for the Squire Advancement Ramos.
in the country last April 22-25, 2009 at the Bataan jamboree. Program of the Supreme Council was held at last To date, there are eight awardees of the afore-
Technology Park, Inc. (BTPI) in Morong, Bataan. SK Laczi, SK Yap and SK Martinez gave lectures day of the jamboree. mentioned program where six of them came from
Dubbed as the 1st Columbian Squires Philippine during the KC State Officers Night. The five Columbian Squires who achieved the Luzon and two are from the United States of
National Jamboree, it was attended by over seven At the Government and Business Night, talks rank of the “Squires of the Body of Christ” are America. (CBCPNews)
hundred squires and counselors that came mostly were given by SK Sanglay, together with Comelec Jimwell Sales, Gamaliel Marion Sampedro, Alden
from the Luzon State jurisdiction. Commissioner Rene Sarmiento and Justice Jose
With the theme, “Columbian Squires in the Phil- Reyes.
ippines: Dynamic Youth of Today, United in Help- Morong Parish Priest, Fr. Fernando Loreto and
ing Build up the Ecclesial Community,” the gather- Msgr. Quitorio led the Clergy Night while the
ing consisted of spiritual activities with the daily Counselors Meeting was prepared by Cuaresma
Eucharistic celebrations and the Taize prayers, and the Squires Key Officers Meeting by Raymund
jamboree activities, and thematic lectures. Gubat, Luzon Squires Deputy Chair for Education
Facilitators of the said convention were Miguel and Romeo Navoa, Luzon Chief Squires.
T. Yu, State Ways and Means Chairman and Camp Meanwhile, Rodolfo Manumbas gave a talk on
Director; Conrado S. Dator, Jr., State Youth Direc- Squires Advancement Program.
tor, Amado A. Sanglay, District Deputy of the 131 This Advancement Program began in 2006
and BTPI Administrator; Bonifacio B. Martinez, which requires a squire to accomplish activities
State Program Director; Eduardo G. Laczi, Direc- in four categories on each of the five levels of de-
tor for Philippine Affairs; Msgr. Pedro Quitorio velopment which are the “Page,” “Shield Bearer,”
III, Luzon Assistant State Chaplain and Squires Swordman,” “Lancer,” and the highest “ Squire of
State Father Prior; Morong Mayor Cynthia Linao the Body of Christ.”
Estanislao; Alonso L. Tan, Luzon Deputy; Arsenio According to this program, a squire must com-
Isidro G. Yap, Luzon State Secretary; Joven B. plete a total of at least 96 activities within 1½ years
Joaquin, State Treasurer and Jose F. Cuaresma, that incorporates service activities on behalf of the
Four of the five Columbian Squires who have achieved the rank of the Body of Christ were recognized during the closing of the Columbian
State Columbian Squires Chairman. Church organization. Squires tri-state convention last April 25.

13th Mindanao Jurisdiction Convention, a tremendous success!

Regional Conventions in Visayas
IT is time for the Regional Conventions in Visayas.
Last April 21, 2009, brother knights from Central Visayas (Cebu, Bohol,
Siquijor and Oriental Negros) gathered at the Cebu Business Hotel for the
4th Central Visayas Regional Convention, reflecting on the theme, “Building
A Civilization of Love through Charity, Unity and Fraternity”.
Dignitaries in attendance were Bro. Patrocinio R. Bacay – Chairman of the
Board of the Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines,
Inc. (KCFAPI), Bro. Alberto P. Solis Sr. – Supreme Director, Bro. Panfilo O.
Pacubas, Sr. – Vice Supreme Master of the Fourth Degree and Bro. Eduardo
G. Laczi – Director for Philippine Affairs based in New Haven, Connecticut,
The convention featured the video greetings of Supreme Knight Carl A.
Anderson who made a report of the Order’s achievements. For his part,
Visayas Deputy Bro. Dionisio R. Esteban, Jr. reported that the Visayas Juris-
diction is faring well in terms of membership growth and service programs
vis-à-vis the goals set way back in July 2008.
Similar gatherings will be held in Iloilo City on May 16, 2009 for Western
Mindanao Jurisdiction Secretary-SK Jose D. Bacalanmo, Mace Insurance President-SK Antonio T. Yulo, KCFAPI President-SK Antonio B. Borromeo, Supreme Office’s Visayas (knights from Panay Island and Negros Occidental) and on May 24,
Director for Philippine Affairs-SK Eduardo G. Laczi, Archbishop of Zamboanga City-Most Rev. Romulo G. Valles, DD, Mindanao Jurisdiction Deputy-SK Sofronio R.
Cruz, KCFAPI EVP-Sis. Ma. Theresa G. Curia, Visayas Jurisdiction Deputy-SK Dionisio R. Esteban, Jr., and Past Mindanao Deputy-SK Pedro M. Rodriguez, Jr. 2009 for Eastern Visayas (knights from Samar-Leyte).
The regional conventions are under the care of Bro. Pete Guyos – Western
THE Mindanao Knights of Columbus hensive report given by the Mindanao Jordan about membership and retention Visayas Regional Deputy, Bro. Gaspar Sudario – Central Visayas Regional
convened its 13th Mindanao Jurisdic- Deputy. was read before the delegates by SK Jose Deputy and Bro. Dalmacio Grafil – Eastern Visayas Regional Deputy. (Bro.
tion Convention of the Knights last May The State Dinner in the evening of D. Bacalanmo, the State Secretary. Junjie Navales Cruz)
1-3 at Zamboanga City. Hosted by the May 1 was sponsored by no less than the The Election and induction of Board
Caballeros de Colon de Zamboanga City Mayor. Hon. Celso Lobregat. It was of Trustees of Mindanao Columbian
(Knights of Columbus of Zamboanga) an evening to remember, with cultural Knights Fraternal Foundation Inc. on the last day of the Convention. Pre- only because they were given the op-
the convention was held at the Astoria and social presentations rendered by (MCKFFI) was also conducted during siding for the Resolutions Committee portunity to experience for themselves
Regency Convention Center, Paso- students from various schools and col- the day. was Regional Secretary Atty. Emiliano the hospitality of the Chavacanos but
nanca, with the theme: “Building a leges of Zamboanga City. An open Forum followed with lively Deleverio from Pagadian City. also enjoyed the experience of attending
Civilization of Love through Charity, After the State Dinner, Mindanao discussions on various matters. Re- Raffle draws followed with two win- the convention in a land where kidnap-
Unity and Fraternity.” Deputy Sofronio R. Cruz, presided a source persons were the Director for ners from Gen. Santos City and Iligan ping and abductions are the news of
More than 700 knights from all over meeting attended by the State Officers, Philippine Affairs, Fraternal Services, both bagging the first prize, with P100, the day.
Mindanao flocked to the City of Zam- District Deputies, Regional and Pro- Eduardo G. Laczi, Mindanao Deputy 000 each. Also present during the Conven-
boanga despite news of kidnapping vincial Secretaries to trace problems Sofronio R. Cruz. State Secretary Jose The Convention was officially closed tion was Former Mindanao Deputies,
and abductions, which Zamboanga had in Membership Recruitment, Reacti- D. Bacalanmo, Jr. and SK Antonio R. by SK Sofronio Cruz at around 11:30 Alfredo Taruc, Ernesto San Juan and
become famous for. vation and the need to act as team to Borromeo, KCFAPI President. a.m. on Sunday, May 3. his Lady Buena and Alberto Solis, now
Participants did not only want to accomplish goals set by the Supreme Various resolutions were presented The delegates went home happy, not Supreme Director.
savor the experience of being part of Office.
the largest Fraternal Organization in The Mindanao Deputy also informed
the world but also to see for themselves those present regarding the restruc-
what the Zamboangenos had to offer turing of the Regions comprising the
for visiting strangers. Surely, they did Jurisdiction to be more responsive to
not regret coming to Zamboanga City, their needs. A lively discussion took
the only Latin City in Asia, as the Cha- place and the meeting ended with
vacanos called their city. everybody exhibiting confidence that
The Convention officially opened they will meet their respective goals
with a Mass in the afternoon of May 1, with success.
presided by no less than Rt. Rev. David The ladies had fun visiting tourist
Alonzo of St. Joseph Parish, Zamboanga spots in the city, like the Lady of Port
City. Pilar and the Barter Trade in Canelar.
The welcome address of the City The men attended the plenary ses-
Mayor of Zamboanga, Hon. Celso L. sions on the second day which started
Lobregat, was read by his Representa- with a mass officiated by Msgr. Peter
tive. The Mayor was out of town during B. Garces, Parish Priest of Our Lady of
the Convention. Purification, Sta. Maria, Zamboanga
The afternoon session was high- City. Guest Speaker during the morning
lighted by the “State of the Jurisdiction plenary session was no other than the
Address” (SOJA) given in a power point Archbishop of Zamboanga, Most Rev.
presentation by the Mindanao Deputy, Romulo G. Valles.
SK Sofronio R. Cruz. It was indeed, The written message of the State State officers with Mayor Cynthia Linao Estanislao of Morong during the opening of the 1st Columbian Squires Philippine National Jamboree held at Bataan
Technopark last April 22.
one of the most complete and compre- Membership Director SK Hernando

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