CBCP Monitor Vol13-N10
CBCP Monitor Vol13-N10
CBCP Monitor Vol13-N10
come on pilgrimage to the sites linked Scripture and a desire to overcome with that Word, which is the only one
to the history of the Chosen People, all obstacles to the reconciliation of that can give us salvation.”
the events of Christ’s life and the na- Christians and Jews in mutual respect In his remarks, the Holy Father
scent Church.” and cooperation in the service of that thanked in particular Father Carballo
“This great tradition,” he added, peace to which the word of God calls and the Franciscan friars who minister
“which my present pilgrimage is us!” to the Holy Land pilgrims for “their
meant to continue and confirm, is age-old presence in these lands, their
grounded in the desire to see, to New Moses joyful fidelity to the charism of St.
AMMAN, Jordan, May 9, 2009—Bene- The Pope visited the Basilica of the touch, and to savor in prayer and Father José Rodrígez Carballo, Gen- Francis, and their generous concern
dict XVI is affirming the continued Moses Memorial at Mount Nebo to- contemplation the places blessed by eral Minister of the Franciscans living for the spiritual and material welfare
unity of Christians and Jews in the day, commencing his weeklong Holy the physical presence of our Savior, in the Holy Land, who welcomed the of the local Christian communities and
ancient practice of pilgrimage to the Land pilgrimage. Tradition holds that his Blessed Mother, the apostles and Holy Father, said, “You are not alone the countless pilgrims who visit the
Holy Land. it was here that God showed Moses the first disciples who saw him risen on this journey. We want to accom- Holy Land each year.” (Zenit)
for his spiritual direction that pilgrims would come (Australia) and President, Rev. John Trigilio, Jr, According to official figures, some 5,335 students were killed
from distant places to speak with him. PhD, (U.S.A.) have urged their members to “honor (other sources put the actual number at more than 7,000) under
The Australian Confraternity of Catholic Clergy Pope Benedict’s Year for the Priests by coming to the rubble of their schools as if they had been built with tofu
and the American Confraternity of Catholic Rome in January 2010 to spend time in prayer, whilst adjacent buildings withstood the quake.
Clergy have responded to the Year of Priests and study, and sacerdotal fraternity.” (CNA) Provincial authorities reassured the public right after the
event, saying that investigations would quickly follow, only to
Pro-life ‘Imagine’ adoption ad approved to run during ‘American Idol MADRID, Spain, May 4, 2009—Right to Life in Spain announced
WASHINGTON D.C., May 11, 2009—A new all adopted. by NBC officials on the grounds it involved on May 1 that it is launching a “Tour for Life,” consisting of
pro-life video listing famous people who It closes with the tagline “Life: Imagine political candidates or issues. The ad ran three buses that will travel through 51 Spanish cities between
have been adopted has received initial ac- the Potential” and shows the website of on Black Entertainment Television during May 1 and June 15, 2009. The buses will feature information on
ceptance for broadcast on the closing episode CatholicVote.org. its January 21 coverage of President Barack abortion and alert people to the government’s plan to liberalize
of “American Idol.” The previous entry in the series featured Obama’s inauguration. the country’s law on the issue.
The ad, produced by CatholicVote.org as an ultrasound of a baby in the womb. The It was viewed more than 1.8 million times The three buses left Madrid’s Compultense University on May
part of its “Imagine the Potential” series, ad said the baby will grow up in a broken on YouTube. 1 after a commissioning ceremony.
shows people such as John Lennon, Nelson home but despite hardships will become Speaking at the National Catholic Prayer “The Right to Life buses will travel three separate routes
Mandela, Babe Ruth, Nancy Reagan, Bill the first African-American president. A Breakfast on Friday, EWTN host Raymond through Spain. They will remain in each city for two to three
Clinton, J.R.R. Tolkien, Sarah McLachlan, picture of President Barack Obama was then Arroyo announced that the video received days, informing residents about abortion and the plan to modify
Steve Jobs, and Jesse Jackson. displayed. “initial acceptance” to be broadcast on the the law, distributing pamphlets and products from the Right to
Asking what such different people have The first ad was initially accepted to run closing episode of the Fox Network’s singing Life campaign,” organizers said. (CNA)
in common, the ad answers that they were the 2009 Super Bowl but was later rejected competition “American Idol.” (CNA)
News Features
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009
© www.wikimedia.org
Land, and peace throughout special greeting to the Catholics
the world.” present. Pointing out that he
Pointing to the shared belief will join in the closing ceremony
in every person’s human dig- for the Year of the Family in
nity, the Pope said, “Christians, Nazareth, the Pope stressed the
Muslims and Jews alike believe dation for a proper understand- he said “continues to rear its wherever it is found, and to pro- that “Even though the name important role of the family in
to be created by a loving God ing of inalienable human rights ugly head in many parts of the mote respect and esteem for the Jerusalem means ‘city of peace,’ contributing to peace.
and destined for eternal life. is placed in jeopardy.” world.” members of every people, tribe, it is all too evident that, for Later this afternoon the Pope
When the religious dimension This reflection on human “This is totally unacceptable,” language and nation across the decades, peace has tragically will visit the Holocaust Memo-
of the human person is denied dignity led the Holy Father to he stated. “Every effort must be globe.” eluded the inhabitants of this rial at the Yad Vashem Museum.
or marginalized, the very foun- condemn anti-Semitism, which made to combat anti-Semitism He also underscored the fact holy land.” (CNA)
Filipino resiliency
IT would be unrealistic to claim that there was ever a time
when the Philippines wallowed in opulence or abundance,
when the Filipinos had all that progress and development
could give. The truth rather is, this country and its people
are usually wanting in life and challenged in living. It
has always been a question of more or less resources, a
matter of more or less possibilities—never much. This
is why simply for political correctness, instead of an
underdeveloped nation, the Philippines is among those
qualified as a “developing” one.
History is a witness that there are some particular similarities
between the Japanese occupation and the rule of the present
administration concretely in conjunction with the matter
of depressing national economy. Presence of hunger and
sickness, absence of work or employment, craving for
education, revulsion at criminality, reign of corruption,
rarity of honesty and integrity in government—all these
socio-moral liabilities are then and now realities in this
country. Specifically as to a regime of corruption that
contributes much to the national financial crisis, it is
tops during the regime of the incumbent administration.
According to the World Bank, about a whopping 235 billion
pesos yearly are lost to corruption in the Philippines.
There are even signs that the above cited concrete indicators
of a practically bankrupt national economy are now much
worse than before. Otherwise, it would be difficult to
explain the phenomenon of OFW, i.e. million of Filipinos Illustration by Bladimer Usi
trying their best to leave the country for them to make a
living for themselves and their families, and at the same
time willing to face all odds and dangers in foreign soil. In
effect, such is their sad plight and pitiful lot that recently Jose B. Lugay
one haughty and triumphant character categorized the
Philippines as a “Nation of servants”.
But the good news over and above such financial crisis Laiko Lampstand the cry of the day
in the Philippines is the Filipino resiliency. Not really
used to plenty and bounty, Filipinos will and do usually
find a way to be able to bear it, seek means to survive it. THE headlines of the recent months would seem to indicate that on them considering that Congress has provided additional P11.3
nothing is right in this country. It has gotten into the consciousness billion budget for the automation process alone.
Take away his chair, he will lie on the floor. Take away of all the Pacquiao followers that we Filipinos need a redeeming A World Bank report—a case study of India’s Power Sector, which
the floor, and he will just build another. Not really used act of God to lift the bad image of this country from being the most needed reform, states:
to an easy life, it is precisely in difficult times that the corrupt in Asia, a notoriety doubly emphasized by the Philippines “Reform programs all over the world often come to grief because
Filipinos demonstrate their “fighting spirit”, i.e. use his being the most Catholic nation in this part of the world! The 2-round of the lack of sustained political will.”
creativity, show his ingenuity, prove his flexibility. It is spectacle of a prayerful Filipino, Manny Pacquiao, beating an over- “The ultimate success of any reform program requires that there
not altogether a pun to say that the song “I will survive” bearing humbug Briton, Ricky Hatton with a left hook was what the be an explicit melding of the “political” with the “technical”. If
fits well as a great attribute of Filipino soul. “nation of servants” needed to catapult us once again to our long these two tracks are not joined together, the proposed reforms are
lost Rizal identity—the pride of the Malay race! not likely to succeed.”
As the Filipinos survived the Japanese regime and all the The World War II and the Japanese occupation dissipated what- On that note, the capability of the present COMELEC to handle
economic woes that went with it, they too will definitely ever finesse in political governance our congressmen and senators the complex technical process of a full automation system in our
survive the present economic crisis plus the present practiced. The two-party system has now degraded into multi-parties 2010 electoral process is a big question. COMELEC in an earlier
boggling the mind of the voters on “what parties are for?” The report by Ateneo G-Watch on its budgetary system, an entry point
administration that is has sadly become their burden and “masa” have chosen voting for popularity instead of parties. After to the study of Good Governance, did not have the basic operating
misfortune for all the past nine years—and counting. all whatever platform they support will surely not be followed. manual for systems and procedures that would be operational in
Politicians today, once elected are there to make a living in a grand all their offices throughout the country.
style like the encomienderos of the past supported by their faith- While the news headlines in recent days show the meticulous
ful farmhands. This way of life must be sustained for the coming implementation of the technical process of procurement, in fact
God’s call to mission on politics generations, hence once the three-termer politician ends his reign, disqualifying all 7 bidders for the automation equipment, the rest of
the “hanap-buhay” should be passed on to the next of kin or to the the processes of technical training for the operators of the machines,
ANY serious believer in God cannot allow the state of our wife, whoever is most acceptable to the local electorate. of ballot printing, education of the voters, handling complaints
national politics as to persist. And in fact there is a duty for What has been their source of funds to maintain this lifestyle? at the local voting units must also be given equal importance in
the Christian Catholic to transform politics by the Gospel. Obviously, funds come from taxpayers’ money. How are they able COMELEC’s management planning. These are potential causes of
The Church, God’s people, must evangelize politics. God’s to do it? Through pork barrel mis-allocation, through contractors failures in the coming 2010 elections.
of infrastructure projects (about 30% of overpriced bids), through About 40 organizations convened for the Good Governance Sum-
call to the Church is to preach the integral Gospel, the
lobby groups of vested interests, and through party funds, and good mit held last April 29 at the Ateneo, Rockwell, Makati. It opened the
Gospel with all its social dimensions. The Gospel must connections with the Administration who at the same time are the discussion on the present state of governance and how the citizens
influence every phase of life, every stratum of society, and protectors of the wrong-doer. Jocjoc Bolante is the prime example. together can implement a reform. The capability of the present in-
“restore all things under Christ” (Eph. 1:10). This is one for the books—Joc-joc Bolante recently had, reportedly, adequacy of the present COMELEC was discussed in the context of
the guts to announce that he will run for governor of Capiz in the good governance. The reform for governance must start first with the
Strangely, there are not a few people, even within the coming elections! election of reform-minded individuals who have to be identified by a
Church, who do not believe that to renew politics is part Filipinos are patient people but there is a limit to their patience selection process. Archbishop Angel Lagdameo, the CBCP President
of the Church’s mission. When Church officials praise (“may hangganan ang pasyensiya”) as evidenced by the People was the keynote speaker. Having attended Dilaab Foundation’s ses-
government policies, government officials welcome Power revolution. People’s movements have started to be orga- sion in Cebu which focused on determining the criteria for political
such support warmly and are only too happy. But when nized long before the Hyatt 10 group seceded from Malacanang. candidates that Catholics should know, he stressed that the Ateneo
Church officials criticize and denounce government The impeachment attempts due to the Hello Garci scandal was an Good Governance Summit is an initiative to increase awareness
policies, the same people immediately cry out: “Violation indication of a rising uneasiness and distrust of our political system that we have to be united in our effort for political reform. We do
The Supreme Court’s decision that COMELEC did not follow the hope that COMELEC will be up to the challenge. Failure in election
of the separation of Church and State! Church meddling procurement law in the purchase of automation equipment for the reform due to incompetence in the technical aspects of governance
in politics! Let the Church stick to religion!” They cite previous election, has made COMELEC extra careful this time in the may become the cornerstone that the builder’s rejected which will
the words of Christ: “Render to Caesar the things that purchase of automation equipment for 2010 elections. All eyes are cause the collapse of the whole institution.
are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” (Mt.
22:21). They say that the Church should have nothing Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS
to do with politics because Christ said to Pilate: “My
kingdom is not of this earth!” (Jn. 18:36). They therefore
conclude that the Church should not say anything about ‘Deeply Damaged’
politics and politicians. Love Life
How wrongly they interpret Scriptures and the doctrine
of separation of Church and State! Quite unjustly they “IF only someone had told me to go on with I get very upset each time a woman comes girls and women admitted for bleeding and
selectively level this charge of interference in politics my pregnancy, not to have an abortion, she to me after an abortion, knowing that she incomplete abortion claim they have been
against the Catholic Church, even while some other sects will find help for me…I would not have need not have undergone such devastation instructed to insert the tablet in their vagina,
may be loudly intervening in the political process especially aborted”. Mimi sobbed as she related to me if she had only received some support dur- besides swallowing several tablets at a time.
during elections. how the tragic death of her parents a couple ing the time that she was desperate. And I Hospital admissions for induced abortion are
of years ago drove her to go into a live-in wonder why our churches and organizations only a small percentage of the women who
Pastoral Exhortation on Philippine Politics, 1997 relationship—in depression, in loneliness, in cannot give that support to those who go aborted. Many have not gone to the hospitals
anger, in vengeance against things she could to them. because they have not suffered physical side-
not even identify due to her confusion. This is a call then for all parishes to put effects such as profuse bleeding, ruptured
The relationship of course led to a preg- a poster or announcement in their bulletin uterus or infections. We have no data on
www.cbcpmonitor.com nancy. When her “lover” told her to get rid boards or directory the hotline numbers number of these women.
[email protected] of the baby, she sought help from a nearby that people can call when they need our as- Any Pregnancy loss such as a miscar-
parish, only to be told by the parish staff sistance. We realize that not all parish staff riage or still birth, but especially induced
worker that there was no one there who will be able to attend to them but the least abortion have intensive, extensive, deep,
could talk to her. Desperate, she then had they can do if the parish priest is not avail- and widespread ramifications. There are
a suction abortion that afternoon. Her boy- able is to listen to them and give them our approximately 25,000 abortions a year in
friend paid the “doctor” P6,000 for killing numbers. A few minutes of their time could the Philippines. There are about 60 million
their baby. save not only the life of the baby but of the abortions a year in the world.
Pedro C. Quitorio Mimi was referred to me for post-abortion mother herself. Please copy this and post in After 25 years of Pro-life in the Philip-
Editor-in-Chief counseling by some nuns in that province. a public place—“PREGNANT? Need help? pines, the question that bothers those who
She remembers that people commented how Text 0919-233-7783 or call (02) 851-5770. have devoted so much of their time and ef-
Pinky Barrientos, FSP Kris P. Bayos pale she was. She had been bleeding for two There are people who care.” Print it in your fort in the “stop abortion” campaign is why
Associate Editor Feature Editor weeks. They had her treated in a hospital own dialect if necessary. the continuous increase in abortion rates.
where she was prescribed antibiotics and Upon the request of Pro-life Philippines, Various answers are offered for the sake of
Melo M. Acuña Laarni Bergado medicine to stop the bleeding. data gathered from five hospitals in Manila knowing what could be better strategies.
Managing Editor Marketing Supervisor Mimi confessed that she decided to sepa- revealed an increase in induced abortions The task seems insurmountable when the
rate from her partner after a year and a half over the past ten years. Most significant are answers proposed are: materialism, hedo-
Roy Q. Lagarde Ernani M. Ramos as she could no longer take his battering (he the statistics submitted by Fabella Maternity nism, contraceptive and anti-life mentalities,
News Editor Circulation Manager
uses drugs and drinks a lot). She began to Hospital showing a 50% increase, that is, pornography and prostitution, convenience
Laurence John R. Morales Marcelita Dominguez hate him after the abortion. She had not been from 469 cases in 1990 to 976 cases in year and deliberate withholding of truth from
Layout Artist and Online Editor Comptroller sleeping for days, often crying and hearing 2000. In majority of the cases, Cytotec (miso- those with vested interests.
babies crying. protol) was used. We recall that Cytotec was Preventive measures never seem to catch up
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP Com- What she was experiencing is what we not as rampantly sold in the early 90’s as they with the healing and reconciliation that have
munications Development Foundation, Inc., with editorial and call post-abortion syndrome. We pro-life are being distributed now through the black to be offered to the thousands of post-aborted
business offices at 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila. counselors know that it is so much easier to market. Even if they are sold at P150 to P200 women in distress, to the children whom we
P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO.
counsel a pregnant girl not to abort than to a tablet, people bent on having the abortion now call as the abortion-survivors, to abor-
Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612.
ISSN 1908-2940 help in the healing of the trauma and guilt would still buy fifteen or twenty tablets as tion providers (health professionals, vendors,
of a woman after an abortion. prescribed by the vendors themselves. The Love Life / A6
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009
Opinion A5
Oscar V. Cruz, DD Rev. Euly B. Belizar, SThD
‘Global Filipino’
Views and Points By the Roadside
SOMEONE has finally and rightfully achieved In the event that the now world famous honesty and integrity to ruling politicians.
the eminent title of “Global Filipino”. The at- and admired Filipino succumb to the Rightly or wrongly, there is this persistent
tribution is definitely not something claimed whisperings of devious politicians plus the perception that having a political office is
by a merely personal caprice of the title holder questionable promptings of certain money antithetical to living an upright life.
but legitimately conferred on him by both salivating individuals, this would be not sim- Furthermore, in the here and now of this
THAT is the local lingo among some of us diocesan priests when
official and popular acclamation. Determina- ply a big pity but also a veritable whammy. country, there is that strong and distinct con-
we talk of changes, which often mean transfers, in our (parish
tion, sacrifice and sweat plus faith are truly In other words, for him to in effect register sciousness that politicians and self-interest,
a formidable combination. And this recipe himself as a political candidate even with a self-promotion plus consequent self-service or other) assignments. This is where we are now in my home
for success has been long since observed and proper political party—this would be noth- are the one and the same composite reality. diocese. I was probably absent during the priest’s assembly in
lived by the world boxing champion several ing less than his shameful entrapment into This is exactly why “helping the people” which the word was adopted and soon gained fame or notoriety
times over. Result: he does not only enjoy eroding his now much cheered and idolized and being a politician does not exactly go among priests. Webster explains the word ‘reshuffling’ in terms
fame but also has built a fortune. and well loved and admired person. hand-in-hand in the real world of Philip- of ‘redistribution’ or ‘restructuring’ of various elements within
The only key let-down in this living history In this country and during these particu- pine politics. With his stature and fame and a system, as when a prime minister ‘reshuffles’ his cabinet. I
is that the same global figure seems to aspire lar times, politicians by and large are not resources, the World Champ should rather ask myself if our almost natural penchant for the word could
at being a district politician. From being a exactly admired, much less respected indi- put up Foundations for food production, for indicate our having allowed some invasion by the political into
uniting person in the country, there seems viduals. True or false, a very big majority education and for other worthy causes—with the realm of the sacred. But then again I realize how naïve I
to be a strong temptation for him to instead of politicians from the local to the national the collaboration of other international and could be for asking the question in the first place.
become a disuniting character in the land levels are likewise identified with local national Foundations with the same avowed But what does ‘reshuffling’ mean in concrete? I look at the
precisely by throwing his hat into the political and national graft and corrupt practices, generous and genuine objectives. books, sheets of paper, letters, notes, envelopes, cards, cds,
arena—with the probably honest intention are looked upon as infamous incarnations Wherefore, why would someone who DVDs and just plain trash all about my room that I am trying
of “helping the people” which has been long of greed and deceit. There is the pervasive practically have the world in his hands, even to sort out so I could pack up those I will be bringing home or
since the tired and tiring excuse of practically sense in Philippine society that it is down- but think of going down to the perceived to my next assignment. It is then that I receive an urgent mes-
all reigning and wannabe politicians. right hypocrisy to append the virtues of dirty world of local politics? sage about an article I need to submit pronto, to which I could
only utter, “Oh, Mother most compassionate…” Still, I leave
Fr. Francis B. Ongkingco the chaos in my room aside and begin to type away my grief
and joy at the thought of leaving my present assignment and
Pruning the words of Jesus, “Behold, I am with you always until the end
of time” (Mt 28:20). Priests and pastors who willingly, freely
Cogito and lovingly submit to this sacrifice become instruments to the
Lord’s faithfulness to this promise.
Three, everything is temporary and passing in our pilgrimage
WHY are grapes pruned? In the Philippines, whole world and all of mankind. In a manner *** on earth. I remember being with a group of priests and we were
where seldom we have viticulture, pruning of speaking he is ‘writing on the wall’ the on our way to the rice terraces of Banaue when we stopped by a
grapes could strike us as mysterious. All we scenario he intends to follow to fulfill his vow Many would call it a “fight” and, I think church under the care of a Belgian missionary priest. He asked us
know is that it is necessary. Proper pruning of that before his term of office closes ‘EVERY they’re right. I would like to call it an “oc- where we were going. The most elderly priest among us almost
grapevines is essential to maintain vine size, COUNTRY OF THE WORLD WILL HAVE casion”, and I think I owe them an explana- immediately answered, “Father, we are just passing through.” I
shape, and yield of the grapes. If vines are A VIBRANT REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS tion. was kind of expecting the missionary priest to retort, “So am I.”
not pruned, they will become unruly, tangled PROGRAM!’” In the history of Church, whenever the He simply nodded with a knowing smile. That, for me, is what
messes. Fruit ripeness will suffer. Overpro- Whether it is just a black propaganda “Boat of Peter” traverses stormy seas, a lot best describes not only the human condition but also the human
duction of the vine may lead to premature or not, we don’t need to have a lot of wild of good things come out. In the era of great aspect of all ministries, including that of ministerial priests. I
death. imagination or paranoia in order to take heresies, we have excellent Doctors of the find the grief of some parishioners, not excluding the priests
Jesus, in last Sunday’s Gospel, makes use notice of a very obvious movement in the Church. During the dark ages when the so- themselves, over priests’ transfers not unlike the grief of the
of this image to teach us one essential aspect world of what Pope John Paul II called “the ciety was somehow plunged into deep moral bereaved. In fact, a few days ago I saw some parishioners behave
of our Christian life. “I am the true vine, and culture of death”. This culture takes various degradation, there arose a great number of like their pastor who is being transferred to another parish has
my Father is the vine grower. He takes away forms and under the noble guise of curbing saints. just died. There is an analogy of dying in priests’ ‘reshuffling’.
every branch in me that does not bear fruit, population explosion but through abomi- Could it be that God is preparing us once But that is also where its positive note lies. I believe both priests
and every one that does he prunes so that it nable means like birth control, abortion and more—through the seeming darkness of the and parishioners could take tremendous comfort from the words
bears more fruit.” even euthanasia. “culture of death”—to receive great gifts from of the Lord himself: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Have
Are we “branches of the True Vine that bear The “culture of death” is creeping into Him? It could be. But He is challenging us to faith in God and have faith in me. In my Father’s house there
fruit”? Or are we the barren ones? In both our society. And it is gaining grounds! remain steadfast till the end of this trial. are many mansions. Otherwise how could have I told you that
cases, we need to be pruned in order to yield Our continued indifference and passivity I was preparing a place for you? I am indeed going to prepare
much fruit. And the pruning process could be is its force. Here in Spain, there is a move *** a place for you and then I shall come back to take you with me
painful and enduring. now to modify the law on abortion. It that where I am you also may be” (Jn 14:1-4).
comes after the successful modification True enough, “God can write straight with I must confess that I’m often tempted to tell the parishioners
*** of the definition of “matrimony” in the crooked lines”. But crooked lines are un- of my next parish that we should work together so as to make
Constitution and the legalization of same- necessary for Him in order to write straight. the rectory I’ll be residing in become a good ‘anticipation’ of
Recently, I received an alarming e-mail sex marriage. He can do without them. However, man at those beautiful ‘mansions’ the Lord talks about. But then they
which goes: “It is urgent that we all please take That the Lord allows this “painful prun- times does “need” them. Mejor dicho, man might petition the bishop to bring their former pastor back. So,
cognizance of and review (Barack) Obama’s ing” in His Church is comprehensible needs to experience his own “crookedness” up until this writing, I have prudently chosen to keep my lips
pronouncements in the last two or three weeks. through Jesus’ words. But how should we, in order to come across with God’s mercy. safely shut.
These are signs of where he wants to drag the Christians, respond to this trial? Those who grieve over priests’ ‘reshuffling’ say: “The trouble
Cogito / A6
with hello is goodbye”. But, with those who choose the upside
of ‘reshuffling’, I answer back: “The good thing with goodbye
Melo M. Acuña is hello.”
vs. prostitution
and evangelization.) bishops.)
May 25-29 (Monday – Friday) - 1:00-5:00 p.m. No date yet (Thursday – Friday) - 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Minimum of 10 and maximum of 15 participants Maximum of 15 participants
CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY—Archbishop Antonio Ledesma has Registration fee: P800 (inclusive of snacks) Registration fee: P500.00 (inclusive of lunch and snacks)
called on for concerted efforts from all sectors of the society to pre- Venue: CBCPWorld Training Room, 3rd Flr., 470 Gen. Luna St. Venue: CBCPWorld Training Room, 3rd Flr., 470 Gen. Luna St.
vent women, especially the youth, from engaging in flesh trade. Intramuros, Manila Intramuros, Manila
The Cagayan de Oro archbishop said this is the challenge now
(Note: This seminar-workshop is scheduled from May until August.
facing modern civilized society. June-August seminar dates will be made available later.) Watch for the schedule dates of the following:
Ledesma made the statement after police recently raided a cy-
bersex den here and nabbed its operators, two Swedish nationals 2. Web design 2 5. Educational Technology (Ed Tech)
identified as Stefan Sederholms and Emil Andreas Solemo. Eighteen (Participants should have basic knowledge of MSQL and PHP) (This training module is intended for teachers of Catholic schools.
young girls were also questioned. It teaches how to integrate computer/internet applications into the
The 66-year-old Jesuit prelate said efforts to stop young people September 21-25 (Monday-Friday) academic subject/curriculum.)
from engaging in the flesh trade must be done by all sectors of society 1:00-5:00 p.m.
aside from the government and Church. Minimum of 10 and maximum of 15 participants July, August, September (or depending on the availability of cli-
There must be a sincere campaign against commercial sex trade Registration fee: P800 (inclusive of snacks) ents)
by the government, multi-sectoral group, the Church, parents, youth Venue: CBCPWorld Training Room, 3rd Flr., 470 Gen. Luna St. Venue: On site
Intramuros, Manila
and private sector organizations. 6. Multimedia for Catechists
“And this campaign must start with the parents as it is their re- 3. System Administration (SysAd) (for CBCPWorld clients only) (An introductory course to the amazing world of multimedia which
sponsibility to teach values to their children,” he said. (A highly technical training course for Systems and Network Adminis- includes videography, video editing and online sharing. This is
Ledesma said the arrest of Sederholms and Solemo is not enough trators, this program is offered especially to those administering local best for catechists and pastoral workers.)
to stop the youth from engaging in prostitution. The schools, he said, area networks of Catholic schools. The training features bandwidth
must also do their part in diverting the youth from such activities. and server management on a Linux platform.) October 2009 (tentative)
“It is a challenge to the parents as well. Our schools must have
a balanced presentation of information on human sexuality,” he May 4-5 (tentative) 7. PC Assembly/Hardware/Software Troubleshooting
said. Participants: Laguna cluster (Intended for computer technicians, this training module teaches basic
Venue: Laguna skills in network management which includes hardware configurations,
The discovery and eventual busting of a cybersex den in the city IP addressing and network structuring.)
raised concerns of the present values of the youth. May 11-12 (tentative)
According to Rep. Teofisto Guingona III of the 3rd District of Participants: Manila cluster 8. Newswriting
Bukidnon, the discovery of the cybersex den in the city “could just Venue: CBCPWorld Training Room, CBCP Building, Intramuros (This seminar-workshop features writing news stories from a distinc-
be a tip of the iceberg of human trafficking in Mindanao.” tively catholic perspective which CBCPNews calls “Catholic Journal-
“There could be other dens and other forms of human trafficking October, November 2009 ism.” This is especially intended for those involved in print media or
operating in other key cities of the island,” he said. those contemplating on putting up one.)
The cybersex den which victimized young women using the latest
computer technology has been operating in a respectable residen- Most of these training programs are conducted for free, especially to institutions that are members of the CBCPWorld Network. Trainings are
held either at the CBCPWorld Training Center in Intramuros, Manila or at local dioceses. Interested party may contact CBCP Media Office at
tial area in the city since last year as a strategy to escape detection. tel/fax 5274139 / CBCPWorld at tels. 404-2182; 404-1612.
(Bong D. Fabe)
A8 People, Facts & Places CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009
© Noli Yamsuan
In the Philippines, Jean Vanier, while visiting the Little Sisters
of Jesus in 1984 inspired a prayer group to start the first Faith
and Light community in the country.
Today, Faith and Light is found in 12 parishes in Metro Ma-
nila. The group meets regularly for fellowship, celebration and Children with mental disabilities received special blessings from Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales after a Mass celebrated for them and their families at the Sto. Niño
prayer. (Roy Lagarde) Parish, Tondo last May 9.
canonical coronation
that are closer [to Rome] will send more,” “I was a volunteer to the Home of the Sis- and 23rd anniversary of
she said. ters. I saw the work they were doing. That’s the Declaration of Her
National Shrine, April
A local celebration is slated on October how I was encouraged in my vocation,” she 26, 2009. The Shrine
24 with a thanksgiving mass at the Manila explained. is at Three Kings Par-
Cathedral to be led by Cardinal Gaudencio “Those who have entered abroad are ish in the Diocese of
THE foundress of a religious congregation Rosales. The Papal Nuncio is also expected mostly working there. There are a few who Cabanatuan. Most Rev.
Sofronio Bancud, SSS
for women who worked for the elderly poor to grace the event as well as other bishops are migrants, but many of them were over- presided the concel-
is set to be canonized in a solemn ceremony and priests. seas workers,” Primosh added. ebrated Mass at 2 p.m. The image of La Virgen Divina Pastora is about
on October 11, 2009 in Rome. On October 25, birthday of Jeanne Jugan, “We have the export quality,” Ripasa one and a half feet tall. The church has been publicized as the biggest
Jeanne Jugan, a Frenchwoman who the Sisters will open their convent to friends quipped. “Our Filipino vocations are not and most respected neo-classic or Byzantine structure of the eighteenth
century in Central Luzon. Augustinian friars built the church in 1856 under
founded a congregation called Little Sisters and benefactors for a day-long festivities and rooted here,” she added. the patronage of Fathers Francisco Loredo, Antonio Cornejo, and Leandro
of the Poor will be elevated to sainthood thanksgiving for the grace received. The six sisters in San Lorenzo Home are Llanera from 1856-1872. The church was built through forced labor during
together with four other blesseds including a mixture of five nationalities: two Filipinas the Spanish regime. The workers had to line up between the source of
Fr. Damien, the leper of Molokai. Caring for the elderly poor who entered abroad, one American, one Sri materials and place of construction and had to pass the bricks from one
The Little Sisters of the Poor has two com- Of French origin, the congregation was Lankan, one British and one Singaporean. hand to another. The miracles of the Divine Shepherdess has enthralled
church authorities that on April 26, 1964, she was crowned the Queen at
munities here in the Philippines, one is Pasay founded in 1839 to care for the elderly poor But with their patroness in heaven and a the church plaza creating Gapan as an official pilgrimage city like that of
and another in Bolinao, Pangasinan where who have nothing to eat and nowhere to formation house in place, the community is the Virgin of Good Voyage in Antipolo City. The declaration of the church
the novitiate is located. go. The Little Sisters are now spread in 32 hopeful local vocations will come. (Pinky as the National Shrine of La Virgen Divina Pastora was promulgated on
“We are very happy. It is an affirmation countries in five continents. In the Philip- Barrientos, FSP) January 26, 1986 by His Eminence Cardinal Ricardo Vidal.
Secretary of ECPPC, said the con- international assembly in Rome shape young people into becoming well rounded individuals. The school
continues to improve itself, living up to its commitment of providing integral
test aimed to showcase the creative during the Holy Year in 1950 by the spiritual formation and quality education to its thousands of students who
talents of prisoners and to bring Secretary of State which included have crossed its portals through the years. The school seal symbolizes
their life, struggles and hopes to the Pope Paul VI. the mission on which it has been founded—a heart that beats, bleeds and
the attention of the public. This commission aspires to burns for the poor and the less privileged, of the whole humanity.
Various Dioceses in Parañaque, stimulate Episcopal Conferences ORDAINED. Rev. Jovane T. Cañete to the Order of priesthood, at San
Nueva Segovia, San Fernando to establish prison pastoral care Isidro Labrador Parish, Tudela, Misamis Occidental, by Archbishop Jesus
(Pampanga), Legaspi (Albay), Balanga (Bataan), Capiz, Boac, and to plan ongoing training courses, study, information and Dosado, CM, April 21, 2009. Cañete took his minor seminary formation at
Calbayog, Baguio, Iligan, Davao, San Fernando (La Union), San meetings for the prison pastoral agents and for the members of Mother of Life Seminary in Iligan City and finished his Theology at Saint
Mary Theologate Seminary, Gango, Ozamiz City. He was ordained deacon
Jose, Nueva Ecija, Dumaguete, Dipolog, Cubao, Pasig, Cagayan the commission. on October 7, 2008. The rise of the number of vocations in the Archdiocese
De Oro, Palo, Tugegarao, Bacolod, Maasin and Cebu joined the The initial art contest established by ICPPC awarded the first can be attributed to the influence of the Columban missionaries and the
said contest. prize to a woman prisoner detained in Guayaquil City, Ecuador. strong foundation of faith developed at the Basic Ecclesial Communities
This year’s theme was “Signs of Life.” She received the first prize of US $1,000 and a certificate. and from catholic teachers, according to Cañete. The priestly ordination
The judging of the drawings, paintings, and/or graphic arts In the Philippines, eight detainees had won the international art of Cañete coincided with the 33rd sacerdotal anniversary of Ozamiz Vicar
General Msgr. Emie Bienes and Fr. Boy Toledo who were ordained at San
was held at the CBCP main office in Intramuros, Manila where 20 contest in 2006. (Kate Laceda) Isidro Labrador Parish, Tudela 33 years ago.
‘New Technologies,
New Relationships.
Promoting a Culture
of Respect, Dialogue
and Friendship.’
Message of the Holy Father, Benedict XVI, for the 43rd
World Day of Communications, May 24, 2009
Dear Brothers and Sisters! to relate to each other. This desire for people from different countries, cultures
In anticipation of the forthcoming communication and friendship is rooted and religions. The new digital arena,
World Communications Day, I in our very nature as human beings and the so-called cyberspace, allows them
would like to address to you some cannot be adequately understood as a to encounter and to know each other’s
reflections on the theme chosen for response to technical innovations. In the traditions and values. Such encounters,
this year - New Technologies, New light of the biblical message, it should if they are to be fruitful, require honest
Relationships: Promoting a culture of be seen primarily as a reflection of our and appropriate forms of expression
Respect, Dialogue and Friendship. The participation in the communicative together with attentive and respectful
new digital technologies are, indeed, and unifying Love of God, who desires listening. The dialogue must be rooted in
bringing about fundamental shifts to make of all humanity one family. a genuine and mutual searching for truth
in patterns of communication and When we find ourselves drawn towards if it is to realize its potential to promote
human relationships. These changes other people, when we want to know growth in understanding and tolerance.
are particularly evident among those more about them and make ourselves Life is not just a succession of events or
young people who have grown up with known to them, we are responding experiences: it is a search for the true, the
the new technologies and are at home to God’s call—a call that is imprinted good and the beautiful. It is to this end
in a digital world that often seems quite in our nature as beings created in the that we make our choices; it is for this that
foreign to those of us who, as adults, image and likeness of God, the God of we exercise our freedom; it is in this - in
have had to learn to understand and communication and communion. truth, in goodness, and in beauty - that
appreciate the opportunities it has The desire for connectedness and the we find happiness and joy. We must not
to offer for communications. In this instinct for communication that are so allow ourselves to be deceived by those
year’s message, I am conscious of those obvious in contemporary culture are best who see us merely as consumers in a
who constitute the so-called digital understood as modern manifestations market of undifferentiated possibilities,
generation and I would like to share of the basic and enduring propensity where choice itself becomes the good,
with them, in particular, some ideas of humans to reach beyond themselves novelty usurps beauty, and subjective
concerning the extraordinary potential and to seek communion with others. experience displaces truth.
of the new technologies, if they are In reality, when we open ourselves to The concept of friendship has enjoyed
used to promote human understanding others, we are fulfilling our deepest need a renewed prominence in the vocabulary
and solidarity. These technologies are and becoming more fully human. Loving of the new digital social networks that
truly a gift to humanity and we must is, in fact, what we are designed for by have emerged in the last few years.
endeavor to ensure that the benefits they our Creator. Naturally, I am not talking The concept is one of the noblest
offer are put at the service of all human about fleeting, shallow relationships, I achievements of human culture. It is
individuals and communities, especially am talking about the real love that is at in and through our friendships that
those who are most disadvantaged and the very heart of Jesus’ moral teaching: we grow and develop as humans. For
vulnerable. “You must love the Lord your God with this reason, true friendship has always respect for human life and the good of of communications and information
The accessibility of mobile telephones all your heart, with all your soul, with all been seen as one of the greatest goods creation. These networks can facilitate technology the values on which you
and computers, combined with the your mind, and with all your strength” any human person can experience. We forms of co-operation between people have built your lives. In the early life of
global reach and penetration of the and “You must love your neighbor as should be careful, therefore, never to from different geographical and cultural the Church, the great Apostles and their
internet, has opened up a range of disciples brought the Good News of
means of communication that permit the It is gratifying to note the emergence of new digital networks that Jesus to the Greek and Roman world. Just
almost instantaneous communication seek to promote human solidarity, peace and justice, human rights as, at that time, a fruitful evangelization
of words and images across enormous
distances and to some of the most
and respect for human life and the good of creation. These networks required that careful attention be given to
understanding the culture and customs
isolated corners of the world; something can facilitate forms of co-operation between people from different of those pagan peoples so that the truth of
that would have been unthinkable for geographical and cultural contexts that enable them to deepen their the gospel would touch their hearts and
previous generations. Young people, in
particular, have grasped the enormous
common humanity and their sense of shared responsibility for the good minds, so also today, the proclamation of
Christ in the world of new technologies
capacity of the new media to foster of all. We must, therefore, strive to ensure that the digital world, where requires a profound knowledge of
connectedness, communication and such networks can be established, is a world that is truly open to all. this world if the technologies are to
understanding between individuals serve our mission adequately. It falls,
and communities, and they are turning yourself” (cf. Mk 12:30-31). In this light, trivialize the concept or the experience contexts that enable them to deepen their in particular, to young people, who
to them as means of communicating reflecting on the significance of the new of friendship. It would be sad if our common humanity and their sense of have an almost spontaneous affinity
with existing friends, of meeting new technologies, it is important to focus desire to sustain and develop on-line shared responsibility for the good of all. for the new means of communication,
friends, of forming communities and not just on their undoubted capacity to friendships were to be at the cost of our We must, therefore, strive to ensure that to take on the responsibility for the
networks, of seeking information and foster contact between people, but on availability to engage with our families, the digital world, where such networks evangelization of this “digital continent”.
news, and of sharing their ideas and the quality of the content that is put into our neighbors and those we meet in can be established, is a world that is Be sure to announce the Gospel to your
opinions. Many benefits flow from this circulation using these means. I would the daily reality of our places of work, truly open to all. It would be a tragedy contemporaries with enthusiasm. You
new culture of communication: families encourage all people of good will who education and recreation. If the desire for the future of humanity if the new know their fears and their hopes, their
are able to maintain contact across great are active in the emerging environment for virtual connectedness becomes instruments of communication, which aspirations and their disappointments:
distances; students and researchers of digital communication to commit obsessive, it may in fact function to permit the sharing of knowledge and the greatest gift you can give to them is
have more immediate and easier access themselves to promoting a culture of isolate individuals from real social information in a more rapid and effective to share with them the “Good News” of
to documents, sources and scientific respect, dialogue and friendship. interaction while also disrupting the manner, were not made accessible to a God who became man, who suffered,
discoveries, hence they can work Those who are active in the production patterns of rest, silence and reflection those who are already economically died and rose again to save all people.
collaboratively from different locations; and dissemination of new media content, that are necessary for healthy human and socially marginalized, or if it Human hearts are yearning for a world
moreover, the interactive nature of therefore, should strive to respect the development. should contribute only to increasing where love endures, where gifts are
many of the new media facilitates dignity and worth of the human person. Friendship is a great human good, the gap separating the poor from the shared, where unity is built, where
more dynamic forms of learning and If the new technologies are to serve the but it would be emptied of its ultimate new networks that are developing at freedom finds meaning in truth, and
communication, thereby contributing good of individuals and of society, all value if it were to be understood as an the service of human socialization and where identity is found in respectful
to social progress. users will avoid the sharing of words end in itself. Friends should support and information. communion. Our faith can respond to
While the speed with which the new and images that are degrading of encourage each other in developing their I would like to conclude this message these expectations: may you become its
technologies have evolved in terms of human beings, that promote hatred and gifts and talents and in putting them at by addressing myself, in particular, to heralds! The Pope accompanies you with
their efficiency and reliability is rightly intolerance, that debase the goodness the service of the human community. young Catholic believers: to encourage his prayers and his blessing.
a source of wonder, their popularity and intimacy of human sexuality or that In this context, it is gratifying to note them to bring the witness of their faith
with users should not surprise us, exploit the weak and vulnerable. the emergence of new digital networks to the digital world. Dear Brothers From the Vatican, 24 January 2009, Feast
as they respond to a fundamental The new technologies have also that seek to promote human solidarity, and Sisters, I ask you to introduce into of Saint Francis de Sales.
desire of people to communicate and opened the way for dialogue between peace and justice, human rights and the culture of this new environment BENEDICTUS XVI
B2 Updates CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009
migration policy—the ecclesiastical response families that the Filipino migrant workers the first initiatives addressed immediate
to the OFW phenomenon leaves much to be leave behind in the Philippines. With respect needs. For instance, in 1914 Pope Pius X erected
desired. Many OFWs, especially in those to the latter, I am of the opinion that their a seminary for the formation of priests destined
countries of Catholic minority or where there pastoral needs do not really present any for the pastoral care of Italian immigrants,
is no Catholic hierarchy, are literally like significant complications as to warrant a although it was not inaugurated until 1920 due
sheep without shepherds, relying solely on separate canonico-pastoral treatment—i.e., to the outbreak of World War I. This same year,
the isolated missionaries or chaplains who distinct from the cura ordinaria animarum Shepherding / B7
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009
ON BACKGROUND: Archbishop of Davao, Most Rev. Fernando R. Capalla, (3rd from left) 2nd bishop of Iligan, led the concelebrated Jubilee Mass in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the erection of Iligan as a diocese in November 2008. Other
bishops who joined the occasion were: (From left) Bishop Emilio L. Bataclan, 3rd bishop of Iligan, now assigned as Auxiliary Bishop of Cebu; Bishop Emmanuel T. Cabajar, Bishop of Pagadian; Bishop Elenito D. Galido, now the 4th bishop of Iligan
Diocese; Archbishop Jesus A. Dosado, Archbishop of Ozamiz; and Bishop Edwin A. De La Peña, Bishop of the Prelature of Marawi. INSET: Maria Cristina Falls. BELOW: Cathedral of St. Micheal the Archangel.
Thrusts and
intervention of the Philippine
As it was then and in-between,
so it is now. The months of
August to December 2008
brought back the horrible
capital, lies in the northern plants. religious congregations in Iligan. of Iligan, taking over the post Peace Building memories of the past, for those
part of Mindanao, where the Ecclesiastically, all of Around this time, all parishes vacated by Bishop Capalla. When the Most Rev. who still care to remember ─
Zamboanga Peninsula joins Mindanao and Sulu came under of Iligan and Lanao were ceded Msgr. Ramon O. Fruto, CSsR Bienvenido Tudtud assumed mayhem, bloodshed, destruction
with the mainland of Mindanao the jurisdiction of the Diocese of to the newly created Diocese of became Apostolic Administrator jurisdiction of the newly created of properties, lingering hatred
between Yllana and Iligan Cebu during the Spanish era. Ozamiz separating them from of Iligan from June 22, 2004 Prelature of Iligan in 1971, he and innocent civilians being
Bays. When the Diocese of Zamboanga the Dioceses of Cagayan de Oro to September 18, 2006, to fill saw chaos and violence all over victimized and displaced.
The two Lanaos formed just was created in 1910, it had and Zamboanga. up the post vacated by Bishop the place. It was a period that Thus the primordial current
one province before, and as such jurisdiction over the whole of In 1971, Iligan became a Bataclan who was assigned in saw the boldness of the Muslim thrust of the diocese is as old
was home to the Maranaos, a Mindanao. In 1933 the Diocese of prelature nullius and suffragan the Archdiocese of Cebu. rebel group “barracuda”, the as the conflict itself. After the
native tribe of the region, a fierce Cagayan de Oro was separated of the Archdiocese of Cagayan fearlessness of the Christian attacks of MILF rebels in August
and proud people who resisted from that of Zamboanga and got de Oro. 4th Local Ordinary vigilante “Ilaga” and the bloody and bombings in December
colonization by the Spaniards last year, the commission on
and later by the Americans. The When the Most Rev. Bienvenido Tudtud assumed jurisdiction of the newly the Interreligious Dialogue of
old province of Lanao was never created Prelature of Iligan in 1971, he saw chaos and violence all over the the Diocese is again having
really subjugated. The Maranaos
continued to wage their bloody
place. It was a period that saw the boldness of the Muslim rebel group its hands full pursuing peace
initiatives and raising awareness
wars of resistance. Fortresses “barracuda”, the fearlessness of the Christian vigilante “Ilaga” and the bloody of its importance through
in Iligan today are mute relics intervention of the Philippine military. different activities, including
of those bloody encounters. In symposiums, dialogue and
1913 they were finally subdued jurisdiction over Surigao, both Prelature of Iligan On September 18, 2006, Bishop concentrating on the same theme
by the Americans. In 1914 the Misamises, Bukidnon, and part On February 17, 1971 Pope Elenito D. Galido was installed and aspiration ─ “that although
province of Lanao was formally of the old Lanao, presumably the Paul VI issued the papal bull as the 4th local ordinary of we are a people of different faiths
organized. northern part nearer to it. “Qui in Apostolica” creating the the diocese after having been and cultures, we come from the
With new stability in the Iligan has started as a parish Prelature of Iligan and appointed appointed by Pope Benedict XVI same Creator, we have common
region, migrants from islands named after the Archangel, St. the Most Rev. Bienvenido Tudtud on March 25 of the same year. hopes and dreams and that it is
north of Mindanao poured in Michael by the Augustinian as its first Prelate Ordinary. He replaced Bishop Bataclan always possible to live and
the northern part of the province. Recollects (OAR) in 1834. In 1913, On November 15, 1982, the who in 2004 returned to the co-exist in the same
Because of the large numbers of the last of the OAR priests left the Vatican elevated the Prelature Archdiocese of Cebu for health land in harmony
Christian migrants that settled parish and the returning Jesuit of Iligan to a Diocese with the reasons. Bishop Galido, on and peace”.
there, as Muslims also settled missionaries took over. They Most Rev. Fernando R. Capalla a study-leave in New York, Alongside these
in the south, the division of served through World War as its first diocesan bishop, USA when appointed, hailed activities are the
Lanao into two provinces II and even having earlier replaced Bishop from Malaybalay, Bukidnon relentless efforts
was deemed necessary. This established Bienvenido Tudtud in 1976 as and spent most of his of the Disaster
division finally took place in a n o t h e r the latter moved to the newly priestly life in that diocese. and Social Action
1959, and since then Lanao parish in the town created Prelature of St. Mary in During his installation Apostolate in
del Norte has become more of Kolambugan, about Marawi. he promised to serve coordinating
Christian, while Lanao del 50 kms west of Iligan. Very Rev. Leo E. Labiste served the faithful of Iligan and dispensing
Sur has become more In 1948 a new group as Diocesan Administrator from Diocese with sincerity basic help to the
Muslim. of missionaries, August 22, 1994 to July 18, 1995 and compassion guided victims.
Iligan City today is a mostly Irish, the when then Bishop Capalla was by the motto inscribed
boom town, with more Basic Ecclesial
migrants coming in. Communities
Recent years have Another
seen a sprouting of thrust that the
stores, streets and Diocese is
schools. This growth currently
is attributed to the Iligan / B5
power generated by
the Agus River which
begins at Lake Lanao,
traverses Lanao del
Norte, and provides
Bishop ……………………………………… 1
Diocesan ………………………………….. 36
Religious ………………………………….. 14
Seminaries …………………………………. 3
Theology ………………………………….. 2
Philosophy ………………………………… 32
SFY ……………………………………….. 3
Diocesan Division:
Vicariates …………………………………. 5
Parishes …………………………………… 24
Educational Centers:
College ……………………………………. 1
High Schools:
Diocesan …………………………………. 12
Religious …………………………………. 2
Elementary Schools:
Diocesan …………………………………. 6
Religious …………………………………. 2
Diocesan ………………………………… 5
Religious …………………………………. 2
Population ……………………………. 1,400,488
Catholics ……………………………... 918.418
Area ………………………………. 3,092 sq. kms
St. Michael Cathedral
CBCP Monitor
B4 Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009
Crucified, the
And so it has been suggested that the prayer at risen Lord, the One who will come again and who here now hiddenly reigns
each station of the Cross begin instead with one of the responses we give at every over all. Every image of Christ must contain these three essential aspects of the
Mass, after the presider’s invitation, “Let us proclaim the mystery of faith!” mystery of Christ and, in this sense, must be an image of Easter. At the same
time, it goes without saying that different emphases are possible. The image may
Lord, by your Cross and Resurrection, give more prominence to the Cross, the Passion, and in the Passion to the anguish
you have set us free. of our own life today, or again it may bring the resurrection or the Second
You are the Savior of the world! Coming to the fore. But whatever happens, one aspect can never be completely
isolated from another, and in the different emphases the Paschal Mystery as a
The “mystery of faith” (mysterium fidei) is the Cross and Resurrection seen whole must be plainly evident. An image of the Crucifixion no longer transparent
as one total mystery, truly understood as one. This is the Paschal Mystery. to Easter would be just as deficient as an Easter image forgetful of the wounds
It is the centerpiece of the entire Christian faith, of Christian worship and and the suffering of the present moment. And, centered as it is on the Paschal
theology, of all of the Christian life. Cross and Resurrection are “linked from Mystery, the image of Christ is always an icon of the Eucharist, that is, it points
within” as both revelation and reality. The Cross finds its God-planned, God- to the sacramental presence of the Easter mystery. (Spirit of the Liturgy, 132-133;
willed term in the Resurrection; the Cross loses its meaning, cut off from the italics mine)
Did not Jesus himself say, in the words of John’s Gospel: “This is why the Father An Abueva Crucifix
loves me: that I lay down my life, so that I may take it up again. [The Greek text’s Thus far, Pope Benedict XVI. Here I would like to turn our attention to a remarkable
“so that, in order that” is clear.] No one takes it from me; I lay it down of myself. crucifix which our national artist Dean Napoleon Abueva crafted, only a few years
I have the power to lay it down, and the power to take it up again. This is the back, for the new parish church of Our Lady of Pentecost (OLPP). (The church is
charge I have received from my Father.” (John 10, 17-18). on Fabian de la Rosa St., Loyola Heights, very near the Ateneo de Manila.) The
We must keep the same words in mind when we turn to the Cross and to crucifix dominates the altar-space and the nave of the really superb church, designed
representations of Jesus on the Cross. by architect Veepee Pinpin, for the pastor Fr. Steven Zabala and the wonderfully
participative parish community. (Fr. José Tupino is now pastor.)
The Crucifix: A Brief History If, following Pope Benedict’s norms, the image of Jesus on the Cross must
The author of a rather exhaustive history of the cross and the crucifix and their somehow include the entire Paschal Mystery,
presence in Christian art (in the Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967/USA) writes that
most of the early depictions of the cross (from the 6th century onward), and of the Christ has died,
crucifix (from the 8th or 9th century, it would seem), showed Christ alive, with Christ is risen,
eyes open, standing upright, with two nails fixing his feet in place, in an attitude Christ will come again,
of serene victory and triumph. “Regnavit a ligno Deus” – “God has reigned then every artist carving a cross for an altar faces a daunting challenge.
from the tree of the cross.” Jesus on the cross is the orans, he who prays for us
and gathers us into his saving victory. Often enough he wears the colobium, a Dr. Abueva’s Jesus is a strong, striking figure, standing before us “in the power of
tunic without sleeves, or (later) a full robe denoting majesty, kingly authority or his Resurrection.” His arms are wide open, as the orans, ever living and interceding
priestly sacredness. for us, the high priest of the Letter to the Hebrews (cc. 4, 5 ff.). The burial cloths
But from the 13th century, more and more this changes. In Italy, specially, wrapped around him in the tomb are shown as falling away from his body. He is
the representation of “the historical crucifixion” becomes less symbolic, more risen, and rising upwards, surges toward his Father.
representational, and more visually dramatic. In much Rhenish art of the time Again, in an enigmatic turn, Jesus’ hands are still nailed to the wood of the Cross,
too, “Christ’s suffering is strikingly shown, in his emaciated body, with wounds but they are seen pulling away from the crossbeam, pulling the nails with them.
covering it, Jesus’ face distorted by pain and anguish.” Or perhaps some artists This says clearly that he was crucified and truly died. The lance-wound on Jesus’
show a Christ “in the calm of death, but with the crown of thorns a heavy weight side is starkly highlighted. In much of his writing, Joseph Ratzinger has insisted
upon his head.” on the ‘real-symbolism’ of this lance-wound. Seen through John 19, 37’s citation,
This is not the time or place to go more deeply into the history of the cross and “They shall look on him whom they have pierced,” in a true sense it distills “all of
crucifix. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, wrote a superb book, Christian faith and spirituality.” It proclaims that Jesus is the new Adam, eschatos
The Spirit of the Liturgy, published in 2000, only a few years before his election Adam, and the Church the new Eve is born from his opened side.
to the papacy. We will try to pick up some of his points on the portrayal of the The “great cross in the sky” is there also, massively behind him. In Christian
Paschal Mystery, from his chapter on images and their place in worship. art, that cross is “the sign in the sky”, symbol of Christ’s return. Thus the Abueva
Ratzinger points out that in most Christian art in both East and West, prior to crucifix gathers all the three dimensions of the Paschal Mystery: Jesus’ death, his
the Gothic period in European art, “it is always the risen Christ, even on the Cross, real burial, his rising again in power, and his awaited return in glory.
to whom the community looks as the true Oriens.” Christian art is still primarily More than fifty years ago, as a young artist at the University of the Philippines,
ordered to the mystery which becomes present in the liturgy, that mystery which Abueva was chosen by Fr. John P. Delaney to craft an unusual two-sided altar
we proclaim still every day at the Mass. cross: Christ dying, on one side; Christ risen, on the other. Decades later, the
But as the age of the Gothic emerges, slowly the central image changes; from new OLPP altar cross combines both death and resurrection into one image,
orans and oriens, from victorious Lord and Pantocrator—“the Lord of all who leads one crucifix.
us to the eighth day,” the consummation of cosmos and history. We turn instead Pope Benedict would approve. And Father Delaney? From where he is now,
to the image of the crucified Lord in the agony of his passion and death. In a true he surely blesses this remarkable new depiction of the mysterium fidei which the
sense, popular piety takes over from the church’s liturgy, the “official worship Eucharist proclaims.
rites”. (Did the Franciscan movement have some role in this shift?) Religious art Joseph Ratzinger’s Spirit of the Liturgy ends its chapter on images with the
now turns chiefly to “the meditation on the mysteries of the earthly life of Jesus. point that true art cannot be just “produced”. It is “grace-given” to the artist. “It
A devotion to the Cross of a more historicizing kind replaces orientation to the The crucifix on the altar of the Our Lady of is always a gift.” The inspiration is given as gift, and received as gift. That gift,
Risen Lord who has gone ahead of us.” Pentecost (OLPP) Parish Church in Loyola the Holy Father says, is “a faith that sees.” And, he adds, “Wherever that exists,
Here Ratzinger refers to the moving and masterly altarpiece—the so-called Heights, Quezon City depicts a strong, strik-
ing figure of Jesus, standing “in the power of
art finds its proper expression.”
Isenheim altarpiece—of Matthias Grunewald, which “takes the realism of the his Resurrection.” With arms wide open, the From the beginning we have spoken of the understanding of the total Paschal
Passion to a radical extreme.” Even if in fact it was meant to be a source of strength burial cloths wrapped around him in the tomb Mystery as central to our worship, central to our theology as well as to the whole
and consolation to plague victims and others afflicted with disfiguring diseases, are shown as falling away from his body. He is of our Christian life. May we learn to understand it ever better, and live it more
risen, and rising upwards, surges toward his
who could see in the “terrible crucifix” God’s own Son, making his own all their Father. (Photo courtesy of Noli Yamsuan) fully in our lives and our deeds. May we receive as gift, ever more truly, “the
brokenness, pain and misery. faith that sees.”
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 10
May 11 - 24, 2009
Pastoral Exhortation on
the ‘Swine Flu’ pandemic
The alarming news of the outbreak of “swine flu” or “influenza A” in several
countries, after Mexico, behooves us to take some health precautions as
may be coming from our Doctors of Medicine or the Department of Health.
There is no news yet of the flu having reached our shore. Panic would
not be the correct response. Let us rather be guided by the precautionary
measures which health practitioners may give.
Alongside with this counsel, we exhort the people to pray for our country as well as for the countries
already affected by the “swine flu”: that it may be effectively controlled. Earnest and humble prayer
addressed to the Divine Healer, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is
the need of the hour. Prayer may be as powerful as or even may be more powerful than anti-biotic or
anti-virus pills which may not be accessible to many very poor people. The combination of prayer and
prescribed medical precaution would be a proactive response to the present concern.
Let us pray that the rise of “swine flu” cases in other countries may be put under control. We call
that has ecclesiological overtones, Jesus is Christ, binding each member to himself 4:32). Christianity, after all, is a religion
says: “Live on in me and I do in you… I and to one another, it is obvious that for of a person, not of law. Being Christian is
am the vine, you are the branches” (John one to be a part of the Church, he has to not about laws to be fulfilled, but about
15:4a-5a). And one way of looking at this live or abide in Christ. As the Johannine life—the life of Christ—to be lived in the
text is to interpret it in terms of what binds Jesus declares, “Live on in me, as I do body of relationships: the vine sustaining
the members of the community to their in you” (John 15:4a). One then has to be the branches, and the branches remaining
head and their fellow members. faithful, and make a constant decision for in the vine.
draw an ecclesiological implication of the of the Church. It is not even our effort,
one can easily distinguish a Catholic from a
parable on the vine and the branches, namely, however heroic, to serve the community.
Protestant, since the latter was identified with
the principle of unity. We noted that in the Rather, this love results from chain of loving
the Bible, whereas the latter was associated
Church, the one that binds the members that begins with God the Father himself.
with the Rosary or devotion to Mary. But
to the head and to one another First of all, the Father loves Jesus; LET me tell you a story.
is a person—Christ himself,
unlike in government and other
Take a special note about love. This then Jesus loves the disciple; and Three construction workers were on top of their half-
finally, the community members finished skyscraper. “Rrrrrrrrrng!” the lunch bell sounded,
organizations where law and love is not our feeling for Jesus, or our love one another. It is not, then, and the three men sat on a steel beam of the 56th floor with
authority gather the members into good disposition toward other members a question of our own love. It is their lunch boxes in hand.
one. In the Church, he dwells in
the members, even as the members
of the Church. It is not even our effort to rather about divine love itself. We The first guy opens his and groans in exasperation, “Tuyo!
love the brothers with the love There is not a day that I don’t get tuyo for lunch!” He turns
dwell in him; there is a mutual serve the community. Rather, this love that, through his resurrection, to his buddies and announces, “Mark my words. If I still
indwelling: “Live on in me, as I results from chain of loving that begins we share with the Lord, whose get tuyo tomorrow, I’m going to throw myself from this
do in you… I am the vine, you are
the branches… A man who does
with God the Father himself. love comes from the Father. And building.”
the greatest love one can exhibit The second guy opens his lunch box and moans, “Tinapa.
not live in me is like a withered, rejected neither the Bible nor the devotion to Mary in the community is love unto death. This Everyday, I get this for lunch.” He looks at his friends and
branch, picked up to be thrown in the fire and gives testimony to one’s being Christian, is the love which Jesus had for us, and we declares, “Believe me when I say this. If I get tinapa tomorrow,
burnt” (John 15:4a.5a.6). From today’s Gospel even though to be one, he ultimately has to are to imitate this love in the community of I’m going to jump from here and kill myself.”
(John 15:9-17), one may draw a theme that have both. According to the Gospel reading, brothers. “This is my commandment: love The third guy opens his lunch box and it was his turn to
continues the ecclesiological implication of our abiding in Christ is validated by love. one another, as I have loved you. There is despair, “Galunggong. All I get is galunggong!” He looks
last Sunday’s. It could be taken as answering “As the Father has loved me, so I have loved no greater love than this: to lay down one’s to his co-workers and says, “I’m telling you, if I still get
the question: how do we know that we remain you. Live on in my love. You will live in my life for one’s friends” (John 15:12-13). John galunggong tomorrow, I’m going to jump from this building
or live on in Christ? love if you keep my commandments, even expresses this different in his letter: “The and die.”
If we ask the question, “what is the evidence as I have kept my Father’s commandments, way we come to understand love was that The next day, the lunch bell rings and all three men are
that one is an Israeli?” probably one will and live in his love,… The command I give he laid down his life for us; we too must lay again seated on the 56th floor.
say, “his citizenship, which is printed in you is this, that you love one another” (John Church / B7 The first guy opens his lunch box and starts crying,
“Tuyoooooo!” And so in front of his shocked companions,
Fr. Roy Cimagala he jumps off the building and crashes on the ground.
The second guy opens his lunch box and wails loudly,
“Tinapaaaaaa!” And before his remaining friend, he jumps
“Sustaining the Growth, Spreading the Benefits: to be used for food production, help protect the rights of my
there is also a risk that most of fellow Filipinos, here and in
A Legislative Reform Agenda for the House of the the produce of our lands will the countryside, who remain
People.” be exported and yet we will no landless. I am challenged to
– House Speaker Prospero Nograles longer have a say on the matter. continue pushing for laws which
This will be an attack not only on will protect the rights of the
our food security but also to our marginalized Filipino, laws such
This made me ponder for a clearly excluded. integrity as a people as well. as the Comprehensive Agrarian
while. Amidst all the seemingly Under HR 737, the State will do With the threat of enabling Reform Program Extension
unsound and doubtful legislative away entirely with the restriction foreign corporations and (CARPER) with Reforms. I feel
proposals and policies cropping on foreign ownership. The associations to hold, acquire, challenged but I remain hopeful
up in Congress these days, I could proponents of this Resolution and be granted the right to and vigilant. I am hopeful
not help but wonder. Whose seek to amend the constitution possess, own, utilize and develop because I see that there are still
growth are our national leaders and open our land to foreigners, land in our country, what will those leaders in government who
trying to sustain? Are the laws with the haste and neglect be left for the Filipinos? As we work with us, their constituency,
churned out by this body upon unbecoming of any honorable all know, the agrarian reform to make sure that the government
which we, as a people, have national leader. program is still underway, and works for national interest
Shepherding / B2
a proper Prelate was constituted for the territorial principle rigidly in place in ordinary pastoral care provided by the fishermen and seafarers, air travellers, publication of Pope Paul VI’s Motu
Italian immigrants. Meanwhile in 1918, the Pio-Benedictine Code, by giving a local churches; (2) by introducing new road transport workers, nomads, circus Proprio Pastoralis migratorum cura and
a sole Ordinary had also been constituted series of competencies to the Consistorial criteria for ecclesiastical organization, people, fairground workers, pilgrims the Congregation for Bishops’ related
for the Catholic refugees (mostly from Congregation and establishing a series other than the strictly territorial one; and and tourists, as well as those categories Instruction De pastorali migratorum cura
eastern Europe) in Italy. of offices—both at the national and local (3) by offering a new vision of the People of people who, for various reasons, are (Nemo est). It can very well be considered
At the normative level, the growing levels—thus laying the groundwork for of God and the constitutional situation involved in human mobility, such as as the new magna carta for the pastoral
concern of the Holy See was concretized in a pastoral organization—still partially in of its members, more specifically the so- students abroad, and operators and care of migrants and itinerant people in
1914 when the Consistorial Congregation force today—to provide people on the called fundamental rights and duties of technicians engaged in large projects or the Third Millennium.
(later to become the Congregation for move the spiritual care more fitting to the faithful. We shall deal more at length scientific research at the international
Bishops) issued the decree Etnographica their circumstances. For example, in 1952 with this matter further on. level who are obliged to move from one 1 Based on a lecture given at the 17th National
studia, which laid down the praxis to he established the Higher Council for In 1969, Pope Paul VI issued the Motu country to another. Convention of the Canon Law Society of the Philip-
be followed by the clergy dedicated Emigration within the aforementioned Proprio Pastoralis migratorum cura and pines, on the theme The Filipino Migrant Worker:
A Canonico-Pastoral Challenge to the Philippine
to the pastoral care of immigrants and Sacred Congregation. In the same year, authorized the subsequent Instruction De C. Pastoral Care of Migrants in the Church, in Vigan City, 20-23 April 2009.
underscored the responsibility of the host the Apostolatus Maris was established on pastorali migratorum cura (sometimes Third Millennium: The Instruction Erga
Church (ecclesia ad quam) of providing behalf of seafarers in the same dicastery. cited by its opening words Nemo est), migrantes (2004) 2 Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of
Migrants and Itinerant People, Instruction Erga
pastoral care to the faithful from other Finally, in 1958 he gave the same dicastery aimed at adapting the dispositions of Such concern grew during the migrantes caristas Christi, 3.V.2004.[Henceforth
nations. the responsibility for providing spiritual the Pius XII’s Exsul Familia to the new pontificate of John Paul II, as shown referred to as Erga migrantes.]
The Pontificate of Pius XII witnessed an assistance to the faithful with specific ecclesiological principles of Vatican II. by the creation of a separate dicastery 3 Maruja Asis, The Philippines’ Culture of Migra-
upsurge in human migration, occasioned duties and activities on board planes Cf. Paul VI, Motu Proprio Pastoralis for the pastoral care of migrants and tion, Scalabrini Migration Center-Philippines,
by World War II and its aftermath, and as well as to passengers travelling by migratorum cura, 15.VIII.1969, in AAS, 61 itinerant people, the Pope’s discourses January 2006.
consequently also a marked development air, establishing what was called the (1969), pp.601-603; and S.C, for Bishops, in the World Day of Migrants, the new 4 In AAS, 44 (1952), pp.649-704.
in the pastoral care of migrants. A Apostolatus Coeli or Aëris. Instruction De pastorali migratorum regulation for the apostolate of the sea 5 Cf. Decr. Christus Dominus, n.18.
landmark document was the Apostolic cura, 22.VIII.1969, in AAS, 61 (1969), and other documents.
Constitution Exsul Familia, of 1.VIII.1952, B. The Era of Vatican II: Paul VI’s Erga pp. 614-643. Taking into consideration the new 6 Cf. Paul VI, Motu Proprio Pastoralis migratorum
cura, 15.VIII.1969, in AAS, 61 (1969), pp.601-603;
generally regarded as the Magna Carta migratorum cura and the Instruction On 19 March 1970, with the Motu migration flows and their characteristics, and S.C, for Bishops, Instruction De pastorali
for the pastoral activity of the Church in Nemo est (1969) Proprio Apostolicae Caritatis, Pope Paul the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral migratorum cura, 22.VIII.1969, in AAS, 61 (1969),
favor of people on the move. It was the The Second Vatican Council brought VI established the Pontifical Commission Care of Migrants and Itinerant People pp. 614-643.
first document of the Holy See to delineate great innovations as regards the pastoral for the Pastoral Care of Migrants issued on 3.V.2004 the Instruction Erga 7 Cf. John Paul II, Apost. Const. Pastor Bonus,
the pastoral care of migrants globally and principles in favor of migrants: (1) by and Itinerant People, with the task of migrantes caritas Christi, which aimed 28.VI.1988, in AAS, 80 (1988), pp.841-912, §§149-
systematically, from both the historical explicitly declaring the responsibility of studying and providing pastoral care to to update the ecclesiastical doctrine
and canonical points of view. In that the pastors towards those faithful who “people on the move” such as: migrants, and praxis regarding the pastoral care 8 Cf. John Paul II, Motu Proprio Stella Maris,
document, Pius XII tried to mitigate the may have difficulty in receiving the exiles, refugees, displaced people, of migration, thirty-five years after the 31.I.1997, in AAS, 89 (1997), pp. 209-216.
Church / B6
down our lives for our brothers” Gospel reading today, John adds
(1 John 3:16). a precisely description of that
Angels and Demons; 11th May 2009
Just what everyone has been waiting for: a film of a Dan Brown novel!
However, with the report of a review in L’Osservatore Romano after
the film’s premiere in Rome saying that the film was commercial and en-
tertaining and that Ron Howard had made an effective thriller (although
the review also suggested a mind game while watching the film, to pick the
inaccuracies!), it means that a lot of the heat should have gone out of any
controversy. SIGNIS Cinema Desk would certainly endorse the reviewer’s
conclusion that the film is ‘two hours of harmless entertainment’ and not
a danger to the church.
Had there been no Da Vinci Code novel, film or controversy, then Angels
and Demons would have probably been reviewed as a blockbuster dooms-
day, murder mystery thriller with a Vatican setting (looking rather authentic),
discussions about the church and science with the Catholic Church treated
quite respectfully. (References to persecution of scientists in the 16th and
17th centuries was sometimes inquisitorial – and is documented; prison
was not easy for Galileo.) There are speculations about the secret society
of scientists, The Illuminati, who seem to be a Masonic equivalent.
Angels and Demons was written some years before The Da Vinci Code
and is a better written book though it is an ‘airport novel’, a page-turner.
As with many historical novels (and Shakespeare himself was not above
creating ‘historical’ scenarios that were inventive rather than factual), the
author takes imaginative license with characters, events, and hypotheses:
what if...? But Angels and Demons has a character who seems to do a
180 degree turn in character and behaviour which makes the psychologi-
cal realism of the book rather absurd. In the film, there is less depth of
explaining this character and so the revelation tends to be a cinema twist
which, however preposterous, is somewhat more credible, at least in terms
of the far-fetched plot itself.
While Ron Howard did not have permissions to film in the Vatican, the
sets of the Sistine Chapel, St Peter’s interiors, the Vatican Archives look
quite convincing and were commented on favourably by the L’Osservatore
Romano reviewer.
The scenes of the CERNS reactor are very impressive.
The key point about Angels and Demons is its church subject: church
and science, past conflicts, the present challenge, a feature of recent Vati-
can discussions about evolution and creationism, the meeting of science
and religion rather than antagonism. Not a difficult subject when one thinks
MAC en COLET Ni Bladimer Usi of Galileo and Pope John Paul’s apology in 2000. Which means that the
central issues are not as threatening or offensive as the hypothesis of The
Da Vinci Code with its relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene
and their descendants.
The day before the preview of Angels and Demons in London,
channel 5 screened The Body which came and went several years ago
without too much angst or even discussion. Antonio Banderas portrayed
a Jesuit from Rome going to Jerusalem to examine bones discovered in
what might have been Jesus’ tomb and which would threaten a traditional
understanding of the resurrection. There are plenty of novels and films
which raise such issues by way of interest and entertainment but are not
put forward as theology.
The controversy about The Da Vinci Code, book and film, certainly
got people going all around the world, given the number of books sold and
the multi-millions of readers. The Opus Dei connection also contributed
to some of the furore.
However, this time, with only science and the church (and issues of
anti-matter and its potential for mass destruction in the wrong hands) and
the Vatican itself calling in Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) to solve the prob-
lems, the potential for argument is limited. As with the screenplay for The
Da Vinci Code, lines have been inserted more favourable to the church.
Langdon reminds the Vatican that, despite the previous controversy, they
have called him in this time. There are respectful lines concerning faith and
non-belief – and a final request to Langdon from Cardinal Strauss that he
Buhay Parokya
Find the images of St. write gently about the church!
Gregory VII and Archangel One of the issues facing the conclave in the film is the ‘Church in the
Gabriel, and a candle. Modern World’ vis-a-vis science, with the dialogue for the meeting of ideas
of science and theology or extremist attitudes towards religion capitulating
Illustration by Bladimer Usi to science and so destroying the church – the point being that this kind of
fanatic stance can become a cause, righteously crusading with violence
against those who hold more moderate views – leading to what could be
labelled ‘ecclesiastical terrorism’.
A key issue prior to the release of the film has been the raising of
controversy about the film, sight unseen, a protest that undermines the
protesters’ credibility.
Any controversy and protest about a film is a challenge for the church to
look at how it responds. The Vatican comments from Fr Federico Lombardi
deflected some heat with offhand humour (that he would say something
if the film-makers took out 1000 10 year subscriptions to L’Osservatore!).
However, several Italian papers began making comments about Vatican
officials possibly criticising the film some months earlier. This made headlines
in the media that the Vatican would object or was objecting. And publicists
must have been offering prayers of thanksgiving that these rumours were
doing some of their job for them.
But, in the Catholic world, the main protest has come from William
Donohue, president of the Catholic League in the United States. As he did
with The Da Vinci Code and The Golden Compass, he issued lists of errors
in the book and said that they were to insult the church. It was alleged that
he had a Canadian priest contact, not wearing clerical dress, on the set of
Angels and Demons who reported that director Ron Howard and members
of the production were verbally anti-Catholic. On the basis of this, spurred
by an Indian journalist who is linked with the Catholic League, processions
of protest were held in India and Taiwan. Many of the errors and alleged
insults to the church in the Catholic League list are not in the film.
Ron Howard’s publicist (or Howard himself) came up with some smart
repartee, that William Donohue must be a man of faith because ‘he believes
without seeing’. And that Donohue and himself were in agreement – that
Angels and Demons was fiction. There were some acrid comments reported
from the producers about the Vatican prohibiting filming in the Vatican and
parts of Rome but there were also many quotes from Tom Hanks and Ron
Howard that the film was not anti-Catholic and that the Vatican would enjoy
it (as has seemed to be the case from the review). The Donohue one-liner
was that Howard was ‘delusional’
This kind of thing (which may not go much further because of the
L’Osservatore favourable comments) indicates that there is a profound
difference in responding to a film, or anything that is challenging, from an
‘education’ point of view which leads to dialogue rather than a ‘crusading’
point of view which leads to two-sided polemic with antagonists rather en-
joying the experience of battle in crusade. Dialogue can lead somewhere.
Polemic leads nowhere but simply confirms antagonists in their positions
and stances and introduces the hurling of invective which in no way mirrors
the charity and peace of Christ.
The (good) news is that Dan Brown has completed another conspiracy
novel, The Lost Code, due for publication and optioned for filming!
Fraternal Counselors from FC of the Year, Runner-Ups and Fr. Willmann Knights of the Round Table (WKRT), their spouses and Area Managers with KCFAPI Officers in Hong Kong along the Avenue of Stars.
Patrocinio R. Bacay
day of Rev. Fr. experience the three secrets operating expenses. The to the beneficiaries of the
George J. Will- of true lasting happiness bottom line is simply that benevolent activities of the
mann, S.J., the (intimacy with the Three KCFAPI’s BC Holders are Foundations. (KC Philip-
I WISH to acknowledged Divine Persons, inner joy the direct contributors to pines Foundation, Inc. and
welcome leader of the and peace, and loving sen- the financial support given KC Fr. George J. Willmann
home our FOR the past 30 years, founders of KCFAPI, the sitivity toward one’s broth- to seminarians and priest Charities, Inc. with Tel. No.
awardees, every 4th Sunday of Eas- Fr. Willmann SJ Fund for ers and sisters) in their own scholars. 527-22-23 loc. 230)
fraternal ter of each Columbian Seminarians was estab- lives, and, then go out and Therefore, we enjoin all Allow me to remind all
counselors Year, we, Knights of Co- lished. Then in August 6, share it with others. We brother knights and family true Knights of the obli-
and area lumbus members and our 1996, the KC Fr. George need more good priests members to participate, gation and commitment,
managers respective families com- J. Willmann Charities, – more witnesses – more in whatever amount you emphasized during our
with their memorate, Order-wide, the Inc. (FGJWCI) was es- shepherds! can afford, in our Order’s initiation to the First De-
families. World Day of Prayer for tablished as a charitable During its regular Board unique family protection gree of Knighthood – “so
Truly you Vocations. Last month, we and religious institution of Trustees monthly meet- and savings programs. that widows and orphans
deserve the rejoiced at the first anniver- whose primary objective ing last April 3, 2009, the In the Philippines these of dearly departed brother
exciting sary of the proclamation of is to provide scholarship amount of PhP1,530,085.64 programs are made avail- knights may not find them-
time with our beloved founder, Rev. assistance to poor but was donated by KCFAPI able by KCFAPI. We have selves in dire financial
your loved Fr. Michael J. McGivney, as deserving diocesan semi- to the FGJWCI from the programs that are specially straits.” KCFAPI helps
ones in Hong Kong. This goes with the wish that Venerable Servant of God narians and priests, and, earnings of its 2008 op- designed and tailor-fit to and provides the avenue
our special KCFAPI supporters will aim higher in by Pope Benedict XVI last to render assistance to erations. The major portion provide adequately for in fulfilling our obligation
performing even much better than they have ever Palm Sunday 2008. Church programs. of the yearly earnings of every possible financial as Knights. Not only do we
done before. May you never tire out of serving St. Vincent de Paul says: In the corporate struc- the FGJWCI goes to pro- need in the future at very provide a secure financial
the Lord thus helping brother knights in sharing “In truth nothing is more ture of KCFAPI, FGJWCI viding financial support affordable contribution future for our families, we
a brighter tomorrow not only to their families but acceptable to God, and is one of the two Founda- for seminarian and priest rates not available else- also are active contributors
also to the wider beneficiaries of KCFAPI. More more profitable to souls tions listed as subsidiaries. scholars. where, and, that may be to the continued vibrant
than ever in this difficult time in our nation, KC- than the precious gift of a The other is the Knights The amount of yearly acquired through the ser- success of the Order’s pro-
FAPI has to reach out much more to alleviate the holy priest.” of Columbus Foundation donations is directly pro- vices of brother knights grams, especially on Priest
suffering of a very big portion of the marginalized I am very pleased and of the Philippines, Inc., portional to the amount and family members who Vocations.
population. With your dedication and determina- honored to report that (KCFPI). By reasons of of the Excess of Revenues are accredited KCFAPI Do something – NOW!
tion, God and His Blessed Mother will always be the Knights of Columbus their respective objectives, Over Expenses After De- Fraternal Counsellors, or, Enjoin everyone to support
there to provide you with the strength and will Fraternal Association of they are the centerpieces duction of Participation of through the Home Office Priestly vocations, semi-
power to be of greatest help to the Order particu- the Philippines, Inc. (KC- of the KCFAPI’s corpo- KCFAPI’s Benefit Certifi- in Intramuros, Manila, or, narian, and our clergy! Vo-
larly KCFAPI. FAPI), the fraternal insur- rate social responsibility cate Holders. The amount, through the six Service cations are EVERYBODY’S
We are in the month of May which seems to be a ance provider of brother (CSR) thrusts in putting in turn, is influenced by the Offices spread throughout business. Solid Priestly vo-
favorite month of our Blessed Mother. This gives us knights and KC families into concrete realization new acquisition of fraternal the country. cations are built on the rock
the opportune time to celebrate her motherhood by in the Philippines, has the favorite theme of the life insurance products by Lastly, we would like of Jesus Christ. By standing
giving support to the many ways that our people been actively supporting Knights of Columbus – brother knights and fam- to invite and enjoin those with our seminarians and
have been used to in honoring her. Knowing she this worthy program of Faith In Action. ily members, the faithful who have been generously priests today, we are join-
holds the strongest link to Christ, we can perhaps the Order for 32 years KCFAPI, through the remittances of contribu- blessed by our Lord and ing the work of tomorrow’s
hope and ask her for a better world for all our this coming June 29, 2009. FGJWCI, is continually tions by Benefit Certificate who would like to share salvation.
brother knights through KCFAPI. It all started in June 29, searching and supporting Holders for their insurance their blessings through the Vivat Jesus!
Contact KCFAPI through our TEXT CONNECT To inquire for the status of Benefit Certificate:
Send to: 0917-825-KOFC or 0917-825- BIRTHDATE
5632 Example: BCINQ 1002840 01061971