Lesson Plan: Weksa Fradita Asriyama/2201408085

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Weksa Fradita Asriyama/2201408085

Lesson plan
School name

: English
: XI/2

Standard competence : Mendengarkan

8. memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog
berbentuk narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari.
10. mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan esei
berbentuk narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari
Basic competence

: Mendengarkan
8.2 merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancer, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan
sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: narrative, spoof, dan hortatory
10.2 mengungkapkan makna dalam esei dengan ragam bahasa lisan secara
akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam
text berbentik: narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition


: . 1. Students are able to recall information in the hortatory exposition

monolog text.
2.Students are able to retell the hortatory exposition video that they watch
to their friends.

Weksa Fradita Asriyama/2201408085

3. Students are able to identify the generic structure and communicative
purpose of the text.

Time allotment

: 4 X 40 minutes

A Learning objectives
By the end of the lesson students will be able to recall the information in the hortatory
exposition monologue, retell the hortatory exposition video to their friends, and identify
the generic structure of the hortatory exposition text.
Enabling conditions : 1. Students know the generic structure of the hortatory exposition
2. Students know the communicative purpose of the hortatory
exposition text.
3. Students know how to retell a hortatory exposition video to their
4. student master the simple present tense.
B Learning material
1 A recorded monologue of hortatory exposition text.
2 A hortatory exposition video, provided with the Indonesian subtitle.
3 Grammar
Simple present tense
S + V1s/es+ O
S + does/do not V1 + O
does/do + S + V1 + O ?
Conditional sentences
a. Type 1
If + simple present, S + will + Vbase
b. Type 2
If + simple past, S + would + Vbase

Modal verb and adverb of certainty

Can ; Will ; Should : Must ; May + Vbase


: Pertanian


: Pestisida


: Merusak


: Kebal

Weksa Fradita Asriyama/2201408085


: Alami




: Hama


: Sintesis

Farming : /f.m/


: /pes.t.sad/

Damage : /dm.d/


: /rzs.t n t s/

Stress and Pronunciation


: /nt. r. l/


: /sef/


: /pest/


: /snet.k/

The Communicative purpose

A hortatory exposition text is designed to persuade the readers or listeners that
something should or should not be the case.

The generic structure of the hortatory exposition text

a. Thesis ; announcement of issue concern
b. Arguments ; reasons for concern, leading to recommendation
c. Recommendation; statement of what ought or ought not to happen

Model of the hortatory exposition text,

Organic Farming

Organic farming is a form of agriculture which excludes the use of synthetic fertilizers
and pesticides, plant growth regulators, livestock feed additives, and genetically modified
organisms. It is believed that organic farming should replace conventional one for some reasons.
Firstly, as far as possible, organic farmers rely on crop rotation, integrated pest
management, crop residue, compost and mechanical cultivation to maintain soil productivity and
control pests.
Secondly, studies have shown that people who work with pesticides have an increased
risk of developing Parkinsons disease.
Finally, a 2001 study demonstrated that children who are fed organic diets experienced
significantly lower organophosphorus pesticide exposure than children fed conventional diets.

Weksa Fradita Asriyama/2201408085

Therefore, organic farming should replace conventional one to reduce the using of pesticides
which usually remain in farm production such as fruits and vegetables since there are a lot of
research which prove that pesticides may be harmful for the consumers if people use pesticides
Adapted from: http://www.wikipedia.com

C Learning method
a Discussion
b Question and answer
c Exercises
d Speaking activities
e Listening activities
D Steps of learning activities
First meeting
Opening activities
Checking attendance
Lead in:
1 Students are asked whether they have ever read or heard a hortatory exposition or not.
2 Students are told the communicative purpose of the hortatory exposition text.
3 Students are told the generic structure of the hortatory exposition text.
Main activities
1 Students listen to the recording of hortatory exposition monologue.
2 Students are asked some question about the monolog. They are asked about the

communicative purpose, the generic structure and the grammar used in the monolog.
Students and teacher discuss about the communicative purpose, the generic structure

and the grammar use.

Students are grouped in 4. Students are given the script of a new recording with some


missing part. Each student receives the same script but different missing part.
Students listen to the recorded monolog about a hortatory exposition.
Students are asked to filling the blank part in the script. The recording is played third
times. In first time students are supposed to filling their own script. In the second and
third times they are doing it together with their group.

Closing activities
Students and teacher recall the communicative purpose and the generic structure of a
hortatory exposition text

Weksa Fradita Asriyama/2201408085

Second meeting
Opening activities
Checking attendance
Lead in:
1 Students are asked some question related to the last lesson.
2 Students and teacher review the communicative purpose and the generic structure of
the hortatory exposition text.
Main activities
1 Students are watching a video of a hortatory exposition text.
2 After watching the video, students are asked to work in a group of 3.
3 Each group is given some picture cards about the hortatory exposition video that they
watched. The pictures are telling them the outline of the video. Each student in the

group get different picture.

In the group, students are asked to make an outline of the video based on the picture

that they got.

Each student in their group take turn to retell the video based on the picture card,
started from those who got the picture that tells the beginning until those who get the

The groups members are asked to combine each students work so that the text

completed. Then they suppose to practice to tell the whole text in their group.
Each student is asked to retell the video in front of the class.

Closing activities
Students and teacher review the generic structure, and the communicative purpose of the
hortatory exposition text.
E Learning sources
English textbook for senior high school students in sains and social program grade XI/2
Picture cards related to the hortatory exposition video
A monologue of a hortatory exposition text
A video of a hortatory exposition text
F Assessment
1 Technique
2 Form





Weksa Fradita Asriyama/2201408085


Students are able to



the Listen to the monolog and

recall information in the



complete the blank spaces.



hortatory exposition
monolog text.
Students are able to retell Oral test
the hortatory exposition



exposition video and retell it

video that they watch to

to your classmates.

their friends.
Oral test
Students are able to
identify the generic
structure and
communicative purpose
of the text.


Listen the questions and

and answers

answer orally.


hortatory exposition text that

you have just listened, which



Student :


a Listening test
School name:
Grade / Semester: XI/2
SK no 8 and 10
KD no 8.2 and 10.2
Hortatory exposition monolog
Time : 30 minutes
Listen to the short monolog carefully and complete the blank spaces.

First students script

The second floor of the fairy market (a)____________ for organics. Speak to some people about
the differences between organic and non organic food.


Weksa Fradita Asriyama/2201408085

For health, for health because I think it its. And I think its the right way in general for the soil
and for (b)__________. to choose as much organics as we can. Bananas, avocados which are
absolutely essential for me. A lot with the things have gone up. Its not. Its (c)_________.
This costs a lot.
Here shoppers are dedicated to eat organics. Pay one dollar more (d)_________ for organic
Second students script
I will probably got other things first and or choose (e)__________organic versions of something
before I really stop buying organics.
On the corner of Hoboken, New Jersey Michael Sobsy is on his organic grocery store. Though
his prices are rising, (f)_________ rise to meet him.
My wife thinks that some kind of people used to comfort
Rising prices are high in the price of product and the commodity because the dollar
(g)_______than euro, imported organic are especially expensive.
Before its used to grow up and now its goes a way out, for example (h)________. Right now
they are cheap. But one day, when the high price were, you know, they were close to six dollar
for a little though in a half pound package.
Third students script
To make a profit on the six dollar blueberries, Sobsy has to sell them for ten dollars. He buys
from distributor enhance point and such now he has paid (i)________ fill per charge each week.
Im no last men in line. All down the line people are buying the stuff, you know, the farmer sell
this to the house seller and he bring this to the house (j)__________ seller and I buy there but
when the people take it home. Im no last got to see. Im no one who will take the heat.
Shopper has also a good reason to skip stores all together and pick their producer of the street, of
the (k)_________, of the farmer market. Like here in square.
New Yorkers can walk to many farmer markets across Manhattan, where they can find locally
(l)__________. This full of the middle man and some farmers say cost back the cost on the
Fourth students script

Weksa Fradita Asriyama/2201408085

Farmer market promo supporting local farmers, so that means that the food has to
(m)_________to get to the city which means less car is used.
this is more cheaper that going to a store or a (n)________, and you get better choice, with you
apples, different quality, different (o)__________of the apples.
Whether or not our assumption, American are what we eat. So, (p)_________ your wallet and
bon apetite. Im tailor mitter. New York news service
The answer key
a. is dedicated

i. 20 dollars

b. our bodies

j. sell market

c. not cheap

k. farmers market

d. per pound

l. grown product

e. less expensive

m. travel less

f. loyal customers

n. grocery

g. is weaker

o. quantity

h. blueberries

p. spread out

Speaking test
School name:
Grade / Semester: XI/2
SK no 8 and 10
KD no 8.2 and 10.2
Hortatory exposition monolog
Time : 60 minutes
Listen the questions and answer orally.
1 What is the purpose of a hortatory exposition text?
2 What kind of tenses that used in the hortatory exposition text?
3 From the hortatory exposition text that you have just listened, which part that
shows the recommendation?

G Students assessment rubric


Weksa Fradita Asriyama/2201408085


Students Name

Aspect that being assessed

Identify the information
(filling the blank)

Definitely correct

Almost correct




Students Aspect that being assessed

Retell the video


Identify the generic structure,
and communicative purpose
Correctly Correct

Pronunciation and Fluency


3 2 1 3 2



Score scale
Content :
3 : covering all the story ( orientation, complication and resolution)
2 : almost covering the whole story but missing one or two part in the complication
1 : not covering all the story and missing more that two part in the complication.
3 : correct grammar structure
2 : incorrect grammar structure but doesnt effect the meaning
1 : incorrect grammar structure and effect the meaning
Pronunciation and intonation
3 : correct pronunciation and intonation
2 : pronunciation correct but intonation incorrect or intonation correct but pronunciation
1: incorrect pronunciation and intonation
3 : retelling the story fluently without any pauses
2 : retelling the story with some short pauses but can end the story
1 : retelling the story with many long pauses and in the end cant end the story
H Assessment orientation


Weksa Fradita Asriyama/2201408085


Listening test
- Score maximum is 32
- Students score is got by adding all his score then adding it by 8. Then dividing

the sum by 4
For example:
Jesses score for identifying the information : 24
Jesse final listening score is : (24 8) 4 = 8

Speaking test
- Score maximum is 30
- Students score is got by adding all his score then divided the sum by 3
- Taylors score for retelling the short movie
: 10
identifying communicative purpose, generic structure, & language features : 12

So, Taylors score is

Taylor final speaking score is 22 3 = 7.3

: 22

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