English4 q4 Mod7 Simplesentence and Compound Sentence v4
English4 q4 Mod7 Simplesentence and Compound Sentence v4
English4 q4 Mod7 Simplesentence and Compound Sentence v4
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Quarter 4 - Module 7:
Week 7: Use Simple Sentence: Simple Subject and
Simple Predicate, Compound Subject and Simple
Predicate, Simple Subject and Compound
Predicate, Compound Sentence
Management Team:
Chairperson: Rebonfamil R. Baguio
Schools Division Superintendent
Co-Chairperson: Eugene I. Macahis, Jr.
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
Quarter 4 - Module 7:
Week 7: Use Simple Sentence: Simple Subject and
Simple Predicate, Compound Subject and Simple
Predicate, Simple Subject and Compound
Predicate, Compound Sentence
What This Module is About
Hi, learner!
It’s time to learn new insights with the help of this module. This
module is especially made for you.
With this module, you will learn how to use simple sentence:
simple subject and simple predicate, compound subject and simple
predicate, simple subject and compound predicate, compound
For you to achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
What I Know
Directions: Read the sentences and identify the simple subject and
simple predicate to complete the table below.
Example: My mother reads a book.
Simple Subject: mother Simple Predicate: reads
1. Grandfather thinks of a clever way to teach Andy to sleep early.
2. Andy learns his lesson.
3. The large balloon floated across the sky.
4. All of the students passed the final exam.
5. Our English teacher encouraged us how to try our best.
6. My brother walked eight miles for charity.
7. The children in my neighborhood love to play on the park.
8. The zipper on my bag broke.
9. The young girl wanted to buy a new dress for her birthday.
10. Ernest’s older brother plays the flute very well.
What’s In
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the box that will
complete the sentences. Write your answer on the blank.
What’s New
Many schools find that pupils learn better and remember more
when they go to school all year long.
Does that mean pupils won’t get a vacation? No. It means that
pupils will get many short breaks instead of just a long one.
It’s good!
- I can remember more of what I learned.
- I like having more short breaks.
It’s bad!
- I can’t go to summer activities.
- I like to play outside.
Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the space
1. What are many schools finding out?
2. What does going to school all year long mean?
3. Why do some pupils say a year-round school is good?
4. Why do some pupils say a year-round school is bad?
What is It
A simple sentence is composed of one subject and a simple
If a sentence has only one subject, it is called a simple
subject. The simple subject of a sentence is the main word in the
complete subject. It is always noun or pronoun.
If a sentence has only one predicate, it is called a simple
predicate. The simple predicate is the complete verb within the
complete predicate.
The left column contains the complete subject for each sentence.
The right column contains the complete predicates. Put the two
columns together and you have a simple sentence.
Simple Subject and Simple Predicate
What’s More
4. AZ loves to watch cartoons.
a. Simple predicate b. Simple subject
What I Can Do
Post Assessment
Additional Activities
What I Know
Directions: Read the sentences and identify the simple subject and
simple predicate to complete the table below.
Example: Karla and Gina played with dolls.
1. My brother and I feel very excited.
2. Families and friends help each other.
3. Mario and Karl read a story.
4. Roses and Lilies are beautiful.
5. Jodel and Ruben returned the taperecorder.
6. Shiela and Shine wait at the court.
7. The priests and the nuns are religious.
8. Bystanders and vendors also joined the parade.
9. Buildings and houses must be insured.
10. Bella and Genefer noticed my tears.
What’s In
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the box that will
complete the sentences. Write your answer on the blank.
rode picked calmed wait strolled
1. Mary and Jane __________ along the road.
2. Liza and Jona __________ me down.
3. The campers and the rangers __________ straight into a bush.
4. Time and tide __________ for no man.
5. Sarah and Rachelle __________ wild flowers.
What’s New
At the School Canteen
Susan and her cousin join the line of pupils buying food for
recess. They talked to the canteen lady.
SUSAN AND HER COUSIN: Okay, We’ll take them. Here’s the
CANTEEN LADY: Here they are, and here’s your change. Please
count it before you go.
SUSAN AND HER COUSIN: The sandwich costs ₱6.50 and the
chocolate, ₱6.00 for a total of ₱12.50.
Subtract this from ₱15.00 and our
change is two pesos and fifty centavos.
Directions: Read the dialog below then answer the questions that
follow. Write your answer on the blank.
What is It?
If there is a compound subject and simple predicate, it is a
simple sentence.
If a sentence has two or more subjects, it is called a
compound subject. The simple subject of a sentence is the main
word in the complete subject. It is always noun or pronoun.
If a sentence has only one predicate, it is called a simple
predicate. The simple predicate is the complete verb within the
complete predicate.
Compound Subject and Simple Predicate
Father and Jerome painted our garage.
Complete Subject Complete Predicate
What’s More
What I Can Do
Post Assessment
Additional Activities
What I Know
Directions: Read the sentences and underline the simple subject once
and compound predicate twice to complete the table below.
4. Mang Pedro hammered and sawed.
5. Jane strolled along the road and picked flowers.
What’s In
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct pair of words from the box
that will complete the sentences. Write your answer on the blank.
clapped/smiled practice/play
What’s New
Directions: Read the dialog below then answer the questions that
follow. Write your answer on the space provided
LOURDES : Are there other hobbies besides collecting cards?
ERIC : Yes, there are. Hobbies vary depending on your interest.
You can collect other things like stamps, shells, old
coins, paper bills, buttons, stationeries even bottle caps.
NICNIC : I don’t like collecting things. I like making things from
scraps of wood, tin, and paper. Is it a hobby, too?
ERIC : Yes, it is. My cousin Dario tends his vegetable garden
during his free time. Gardening is a hobby, too. He earns
from his hobby.
NICNIC : Really. Then maybe I can also sell my things.
LOURDES : I’d like to have a hobby, too. I can use some extra money.
ERIC : Why not? There are books and magazines in the library
that can help you start your hobby.
MELISSA : Let’s have a hobby club. In that way, we can help one
another with our hobbies.
2. What is a hobby?
What is It
If there is a simple subject and compound predicate, it is still
a simple sentence.
If a sentence has only one subject, it is called a simple
subject. The simple subject of a sentence is the main word in the
complete subject. It is always noun or pronoun.
If a sentence has two predicate, it is called a compound
predicate. The compound predicate is the complete verb within the
complete predicate.
1. Parents watched and enjoyed the presentation.
(SS) (CP)
What’s More
What I Have Learned
2. Her father takes the bus to work and walks home afterward.
a. Compound predicate b. Simple subject
What I Can Do
Post Assessment
Example: The puppy played with its toy and chased its tail.
Example: The puppy played with its toy and chased its tail.
Additional Activities
Compound Sentence
Lesson 4 focuses on compound sentences. Coordinating
Conjunctions play an important role in a compound sentence because
they link the two independent clauses and help your writing flow better.
The given exercises and activities are carefully chosen to vitally
motivate your interest in learning compound sentence.
What I Know
What’s In
What’s New
Long, long ago, Sun and Water lived on earth. They were good friends.
Sun often went to the house of Water, but Water never visited Sun. Moon, the
wife of Sun wondered about this and asked Sun to invite Water to their house
without fail.
SUN: Nonsense! I have a big house. Big enough for all of you.
And up to this very day, there they have lived high above the water.
Source: Language Arts 4, Page 262
Directions: Read the legend below and answer the questions that
follow. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. Where did the sun and the water live long ago?
2. What kind of relationship did they have?
3. Which sentence expresses what the water fears would happen if he
and his relatives would visit the sun?
4. Which sentence tells why the sun, moon and stars had to go up the
What is It
Compound Sentence
1. Sun often went to the house
of Water but
had no place to go
except up to the sky
What’s More
What I Have Learned
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________
What I Can Do
Post Assessment
Additional Activities
What’s More
1. simple subject 6. Simple subject
2. simple predicate 7. Simple predicate
Additional Activities 3. simple subject 8. Simple predicate
1. answers may vary 4. simple predicate 9. Simple subject
2. answers may vary 5. simple predicate 10. Simple subject
3. answers may vary
4. answers may vary
5. answers may vary What’s New
1. Many schools find that pupils learn better
and remember more than they go to school
all year long.
Post Assessment 2. It means that pupils will get many short
A. 1. waved B. 1. man breaks instead of just a long one.
2. held 2. woman 3. They can remember more of what they
3. walked 3. boy learned.
They like having more short breaks.
4. did 4. girl 4. They can’t go to summer activities.
5. finished 5. student They like to play outside.
What I can Do What’s In
1. answers may vary 1. drove
2. answers may vary 2. asked
3. answers may vary 3. carried
4. answers may vary 4. broke
5. answers may vary 5. arrived
What I have Learned What I know
1. b 1. grandfather/thinks 6. Brother/walked
2. a 2. Andy/learns 7. Children/love
3. b 3. balloon/floated 8. Zipper/broke
4. a 4. students/passed 9. Girl/wanted
5. a 5. teacher/encouraged 10. Brother/plays
Answer Key
What’s More
1. compound subject
2. simple predicate
3. compound subject
Additional Activities 4. simple predicate
answers may vary 5. compound subject
What’s New
Post Assessment
1. Susan and her cousin went to the
A. 1. Shiela and her sister canteen.
2. Cherry , Girlie and Roselyn 2. They bought an egg sandwich and
3. Teacher and principal chocolate drink.
4. Apples and Oranges 3. The sandwich and chocolate cost ₱ 12. 50.
5. Mother and father
B. 1. stopped What’s In
2. practice 1. strolled
3. present 2. calmed
4. live 3. rode
5. jog 4. wait
5. picked
What I can Do What I know
1. answers may vary Compound Subject Simple
2. answers may vary Predicate
3. answers may vary A. 1. My brother and I feel
2. families and friends help
4. answers may vary
5. answers may vary 3. Mario and karl read
4. Roses and Lilies Are beautiful
What I have Learned 5. Jodel and Ruben returned
1. b 6. Shiela and Shine wait
2. b 7. The priests and the nuns Are religious
3. a 8. Bystanders and vendors joined
4. b 9. Buildings and houses insured
5. a 10. Bella and Genefer noticed
Answer Key
What’s More
Additional Activities 1. compound predicate
1. answers may vary
2. simple subject
2. answers may vary 3. compound predicate
3. answers may vary
4. simple subject
4. answers may vary 5. compound predicate
5. answers may vary
What’s New
Post Assessment 1. Eric is collecting cards.
A. 1. Jessy
2. A hobby is a thing that you enjoy doing
2. snow when you are free.
3. We 3. NicNic
4. puppy 4. Dario tends his vegetable graden and sells
5. Zia Its products.
What I can Do What’s In
1. b 1. speak/read
2. d 2. clapped/smiled
3. a 3. jogs/swims
4. e 4. practice/play
5. c 5. hopped/ate
What I have Learned What I know
1. a 1. boy ( approached and asked)
2. b 2. Mariel ( folded and cut)
3. a 3. workers (pushed and shoved)
4. b 4. Mang Pedro ( hammered and sawed)
5. a 5. Jane ( strolled and picked)
Answer Key
Additional Activities
1. answers may vary
What’s More
2. answers may vary 1. Alex likes video games, and he likes
3. answers may vary reading.
4. answers may vary 2. Melenie can write but Lovely can’t read.
5. answers may vary 3. Can you run or can you jump?
4. Netherv Mother cooks dinner nor Lola
Post Assessment does the marketing.
B. 1. The farmer has been working the whole 5. Some deeds carry us heavenward, yet
day, yet he never gets tired. many do not.
2. You should finish your assignment or
you won’t come to watch the movie.
3. The students are starting to line up What’s New
and they are getting ready for the flag 1. The sun and water lived on earth.
4. Mary Joy likes cats but Bella likes dogs. 2. They were good friends.
5. We cannot understand nor the reason 3. We would drive you out of your house or
of it. some of them would break your things.
4. It reached the very top of the roof and
Sun, Moon and the stars had no place to go
Post Assessment except up to the sky.
A. 1. B
2. A
3. C
What’s In
4. D 1. c
5. A
2. e
3. d
What I can Do
4. b
1. but
5. a
2. or
3. and
4. yet
What I know
5. nor
A. 1. B B. 1. A
2. C 2. A
What I have Learned
3. A 3. C
1. She studied hard for the test but It wasn’t
enough. 4. C 4. B
2. Elvie woke up early but she was late in her 5. A 5. C
class. LESSON 4
3. Either she brings an umbrella or she’ll get
wet in the rain. Answer Key
4. Teachers prepare lesson plans and they
compute student’s grade.
5. Take it or leave it!