Chopper - DC To DC Converter

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Chopper | DC to DC Converter
Under Power ElectronicsDC to DC converter is very much needed nowadays as many industrial
applications are dependent upon DC voltage source. The performance of these applications will be improved if we
use a variable DC supply. It will help to improve controllability of the equipments also. Examples of such
applications are subway cars, trolley buses, battery operated vehicles etc. We can control and vary a constant dc
voltage with the help of a chopper.
Chopper is a basically static power electronics device which converts fixed dc voltage / power to variable
dc voltage or power. It is nothing but a high speed switch which connects and disconnects the load from source at a
high rate to get variable or chopped voltage at the output.

Chopper can increase or decrease the dc voltage level at its opposite side. So, chopper serves the same
purpose in dc circuit transfers in case of ac circuit. So it is also known as DC transformer.
Devices used in Chopper
Low power application : GTO, IGBT, Power BJT, Power MOSFET etc. High power application : Thyristor
or SCR. These devices are represented as a switch in a dotted box for simplicity. When it is closed current can flow
in the direction of arrow only.


1) Step down Chopper : Step down chopper as Buck converted is used to reduce the i/p voltage level at the output
side. Circuit diagram of a step down chopper is shown in the adjacent figure.

When CH is turned ON, Vs directly appears across the load as shown in figure. So VO = VS.

When CH is turned off, Vs is disconnected from the load. So output voltage VO = 0.

The voltage waveform of step down chopper is shown below:


TON It is the interval in which chopper is in ON state. T OFF It is the interval in which chopper is in OFF state.
VS Source or input voltage. VO Output or load voltage. T Chopping period = TON + TOFF
Operation of Step Down Chopper with Resistive Load
When CH is ON, VO = VS When CH is OFF, VO = 0

Where, D is duty cycle = TON/T. TON can be varied from 0 to T, so 0 D 1. Hence output voltage V O can
be varied from 0 to VS.

So, we can conclude that output voltage is always less than the input voltage and hence the name step down chopper
is justified. The output voltage and current waveform of step down chopper with resistive load is shown below.


Operation Of Step Down Chopper with Inductive Load
When CH is ON, VO = VS When CH is OFF, VO = 0
During ON time of chopper

Therefore, peak to peak load current,

During OFF Time of Chopper

If inductance value of L is very large, so load current will be continuous in nature. When CH is OFF
inductor reverses its polarity and discharges. This current freewheels through diode FD.

By equating (i) and (ii)

So, from (i) we get,


The output voltage and current waveform of step down chopper with inductive load is shown below

2) Step up Chopper or Boost Converter Step up chopper or boost converter is used to increase the input voltage
level of its output side. Its circuit diagram and waveforms are shown below in figure.

Operation of Step up Chopper

When CH is ON it short circuits the load. Hence output voltage during TON is zero. During this period inductor gets
charged. So, VS = VL



Where I is the peak to peak inductor current. When CH is OFF inductor L discharges through the load. So,
we will get summation of both source voltage VS and inductor Voltage VL as output voltage, i.e.

Now, by equating (iii) & (iv),

As we can vary TON from 0 to T, so 0 D 1. Hence VO can be varied from VS to . It is clear that output
voltage is always greater than the input voltage and hence it boost up or increase the voltage level.


3) Buck-Boost Converter or Step Up Step Down Converter
With the help of Buck-Boost converter we can increase or decrease the input voltage level at its output side
as per our requirement. The circuit diagram of this converter is shown below.

Operation of Buck-Boost Converter

When CH is ON source voltage will be applied across inductor L and it will be charged. So VL = VS

When chopper is OFF inductor L reverses its polarity and discharges through load and diode, So.

By evaluating (v) and (vi) we get,

Taking magnitude we get,


D can be varied from 0 to one. When, D = 0; V O = 0 When D = 0.5, VO = VS When, D = 1, VO = Hence, in the
interval 0 D 0.5, output voltage varies in the range 0 V O VS and we get step down or Buck operation.
Whereas, in the interval 0.5 D 1, output voltage varies in the range V S VO and we get step up or Boost


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