Buck Converter
Buck Converter
Buck Converter
Types of converter
DC to DC converters are mainly classified into following types:
Basic DC chopper
Output waveform
Average DC output voltage
The average output voltage is given by integrated area under the curve:
where T=1/f is the period of the switching frequency f and k is the duty cycle.
𝑡 𝑂𝑁
𝑡 𝑂𝑁 +𝑡 𝑂𝐹𝐹
RMS output voltage
𝑡 𝑂𝑁
𝑡 𝑂𝑁 +𝑡 𝑂𝐹𝐹
The DC chopper has a resistive load of R=10 Ω and the input voltage is =220V.
When the chopper switch remains on, its drop is =2V and the chopping frequency
is f=1 KHZ. If thee duty cycle is 50%, determine the average output voltage, RMS
output voltage and chopper efficiency.
Average output voltage:
RMS voltage
In steady state, the rise in current in the on state must match the fall in
current in the off state. That leads to the following condition:
When the switch is OFF(DCM)
In the discontinuous case, things get more complicated since the current drops
to zero before the end of the cycle. Hence cant be used for time when the
inductor current falls to zero. Hence we have used λ.
So λ is the fraction of time when inductor current drops to zero. This mode of
operation is undesirable an usually avoided by proper choice of chopping
frequency or suitable value of inductance.
Designing of Buck converter with low pass filter
The charge, which is the integral of current, is the area of the triangle with
Finding value of inductor to be in
continuous mode
Since from slide 12 the ripple inductor current in the continuous mode,
The boundary is found when the inductor current drops to zero at exactly the
end of the off state. It is also the case when the ripple current is the double
of the load current.
In steady state, the average load current is:
The boundary is when the ripple current is the double of the load current:
Power Electronics Handbook by Muhammad H.Rashid