DC To DC Buck and Boost Converter

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Design and Analysis of a DC -DC Buck converter and

Boost Converter to Achieve High Efficiency by

altering duty cycle and input voltage
department of electronics and
department of electronics and department of electronics and
communication (ECE)
communication (ECE) communication (ECE)
[email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract — This paper explains DC to DC buck convertor and

boost converter which cites the dependency of duty cycle and down the voltage level, equally a device change of magnitude
input voltage on output voltage. It consists of elements like the voltage level. for instance, it would be necessary to step
switch/mosfet, transistor, inductor, resistors. A NGSpice down the ability of an oversized battery of 24V to 12V to run a
simulation has been conducted to analyze the efficiency of the DC- radio.
DC buck converter and boost converter. The result shows the
efficiency of the DC-DC buck and boost converter increases as we The device takes the ability from the battery and cuts down the
increase the duty cycle and the input voltage. voltage level, equally a device change of magnitude the
Keypoints—DC-DC buck and boost converter, ,efficiency , input voltage level. for instance, it would be necessary to step down
voltage , duty cycle the ability of an oversized battery of 24V to 12V to run a
radio.The Buck device represented in Power provides Module
I. INTRODUCTION three.1 produces a DC output in an exceedingly vary from 0V
While doing literature survey, we came across that DC- to simply but the input voltage. The boost device can turn out
DC buck and boost converter was not designed with the help associate output voltage starting from identical voltage because
of switches, instead it was designed with the transistors. So, in the input, to grade abundant over the input.There square
order to form a novel project we decided to design this DC to measure several applications but, like powered systems,
DC convertor with the help of a switch. As we know that, to wherever the input voltage will vary wide, beginning at full
change the values of MOSFETs we had to alter the values of charge and bit by bit decreasing because the battery charge is
gate in order to get the output response. But in our case switch employed up. At full charge, wherever the battery voltage is
is used in place of MOSFET. This was the difficulty and the also over truly required by the circuit being supercharged, a
challenge which we incurred during our project simulation. As buck regulator would be ideal to stay the availability voltage
a solution to this we decided to give different voltages at the steady. but because the charge diminishes the input voltage
switch so that we can observe different ON and OFF time as falls below the extent needed by the circuit, and either the
per our desire which will fetch us buck or boost converter. battery should be discarded or re-charged.
This entire project simulation is done on NGSpice which is
widely used for the simulation purpose. It consists of a very
simple yet efficient interface. We can design very interesting i. DC-DC buck converter
circuits on this platform which can be a problem while trying
to attempt all those circuits on some other platform. Circuit configuration of a DC-DC buck converter using switch.
A DC power offer is employed in most of the appliances
wherever a relentless voltage is needed. DC stands for
electrical energy, during which the present flow is one-way.
the method of DC conversion are often done by DC
Converters. The charge carriers in DC offer travel in a very
single direction. star cells, batteries and thermocouples square
measure the sources of DC offer.. In AC offer the charge
carriers modification their direction sporadically. AC offer is
employed as utility current for home desires.
A DC to DC device takes the voltage from a DC supply and
converts the voltage of offer into another DC voltage level.
they're wont to increase or decrease the voltage level. this is Fig. 1.1 DC-DC buck converter circuit configuration
often unremarkably used cars, moveable chargers and In a DC to DC buck converter the output voltage is lower than
moveable optical disk players. Some devices want an exact the input voltage i.e. step down chopper.
quantity of voltage to run the device. an excessive amount of
of power will destroy the device or less power might not be Vout = K x Vin where k= (TON/T)
ready to run the device. The device takes the ability from the
battery and cuts
When the switch is turned off, a free wheeling diode is used to The load is resistive and inductive (R-L) type, in which the
allow the load current to flow through it,. Due to the load inductance of the load is small.. Initially during the ON period
inductance, the load current must be allowed a path, which is (TON ≥ t ≥ 0), The output voltage is zero (V0=0). The switch
provided by the diode .In the absence of the diode it may cause S is kept OFF during the period T ≥ t ≥ TON, where the OFF
damage to the switching device like MOSFET due to the high period is TOFF = T – TON . A boost converter (dc-dc) is
induced emf of the inductance. During the ON period (TON ≥ shown in Fig. Normally transistor is used as a switch. Also, a
t diode is used in series with the load. The load is of the same
≥ 0), the output voltage is same as the input voltage i.e. v0 = type as given earlier. An inductance, L is assumed in series
Vs. ( The ON period is TON).During the OFF period (T ≥ t ≥ with the input supply. The position of the switch and diode is
TON), the output voltage is zero i.e. v0 = 0 and diode DF starts different as compared to their position in the buck converter.
conducting. ( The OFF period is TOFF = T-TON).The total
The operation of the circuit is explained as follows. Firstly, the
time period is T = TON +TOFF and the frequency is f= 1/T.
switch, S (i.e., the device) is put ON (or turned ON) during the
The duty ratio is k= (TON/T) = [TON/(TON/(TON+TOFF))],
period . If no battery (back emf) is connected in series with the
its range being 1.0≥k≥0.0.
load,output voltage is zero and also as stated earlier. The
Circuit configuration of a DC-DC buck converter using current from the source flows in the inductance L. The value of
MOSFET. current increases linearly with time in this interval, with being
positive. As the current through L increases, the polarity of the
induced emf is taken as positive.
the average value of the output voltage is

Fig. 1.2 DC-DC buck converter circuit configuration

A variable dc output voltage is obtained from a constant dc

input voltage. A buck converter (dc-dc) is shown in Fig. 1.1
Only a switch is shown, for which a device as described earlier ii. DC-DC BOOST CONVERTER
belonging to transistor family is used. The load is inductive (R- The average value of the output voltage
L) one. Resistor is connected in parallel with capacitor to
discharge it. Due to the load inductance, the current across
load must be allowed a path, which is provided by the diode;
otherwise, i.e., in the absence of the above diode, due to the
high induced emf of the inductance load current decrease, may
cause damage to the switching device.
ii. DC-DC boost converter
Circuit configuration of a DC-DC boost converter using
Fig. 2.1 DC-DC boost converter circuit configuration
The converter is designed by using NGSPICE. The
converter is arranged by 10V input DC source. MOSFET
switch which is considered as a switching device where the
switching frequency has been set to 50KHz, as well as
inductors L1 set at 50uH, load resistance RL 5Ω and output
filter capacitor CL at 25µF. Table below represents the
specifications of the circuit.
up chopper.
Input DC Voltage Vin = 10V
Inductor L1 = 50uH
In a DC to DCCapacitor
buck converter CL = 50u
the output voltage is higher
Resistor RL = 5Ω
than the input voltage i.e. step

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Table 1 Specification converter.
of the buck
Variation of Voltage
A.Result from ngspice B. Quantitative gain with respect to
Simulation : Comparison duty cycle
The waveform plot Variation of Voltage gain
presented in Fig. shows the and efficiency with respect
simulation result of the DC- to duty cycle
DC buck converter.
Simulation result Fig shows
output voltage received Table 1 below shows the
from the simulation is comparative analysis
significantly smaller than between DC-DC buck
the input signal. The fig converter under duty cycle
containing currents passing and voltage gain variation,
through diodes D inductors where circuits are switched
L capacitor CL and resistor at 50kHz means total time
is 20us. When circuits are
RL respectively. Here the
performing under duty
input voltage 10V and the variation, the switching
output voltage 8V and frequency 50kHz fixed for Current across inductor
efficiency 83.79% buck circuit and other
GRAPHS: V(1) Input paramters also fixed. The
Voltage V(3) Output comparison analysis
Voltage between efficiency verses

Voltage gain=output
voltage/input voltage
From above graph,Voltage
gain increases with increase in
Output current duty cycle variation of DC- value of duty cycle.
DC buck converter shows
that as we increases the
duty cycle the efficiency
increases. We get maximum
efficiency of 83.93 at
100%duty cycle.

Table 1 Performance
Comparison under Duty

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Variation of efficiency with duty cycle


The converter is designed by using NGSPICE. The
converter is arranged by 10V input DC source. MOSFET
switch which is considered as a switching device where
the switching has been set to 10KHz, as well as inductors
L1 set at 0.7mH, and output filter capacitor CL at 1nF.
Table below represents the specifications of the circuit.

Table 1 Specification of the boost converter.

Input DC Voltage Vin = 10V
Inductor L1 = L2 = 0.7mHH
Efficiency of Buck conveter is increases with increase
Capacitor CL = 1nF
in the value of duty cycle.maximum efficiency is for 100%
duty cycle . As for 100% duty cycle output volteg should be
equal to that of input voltage.But here output voltage is
A..Result from ngspice Simulation
coming out to be
16.8 V and with 84% efficiency. The classical wave shapes presented in Fig. shows the
Variation of efficiency for different amplitude in simulation result of the DC-DC BOOST converter. Simulation
different duty cycles result Fig shows output voltage received from the simulation is
significantly larger than the input signal. The fig containing
currents passing through diodes D inductors L capacitor C L
Moreover, Table 2 below shows the comparison between duty
respectively. Here the input voltage 10V and the output
cycle and voltage gain for conventional DC-DC boost voltage 12.8V and efficiency 95.5%
converter where switching frequency is kept at 10kHz.
GRAPHS: V(1) Input Voltage V(3) Output Voltage
Furthermore, the ratio between duty cycle and voltage gain of
proposed circuit indicated below.

Table 2 Performance Comparison under input voltage.

V(3) Output Voltage

B.Quantitative Comparison
variation of efficiency with duty cycle:

variation of voltage gain with duty cycle: A buck and boost DC to DC converter can be used for
the purpose of increasing the output voltage according to the
variation in the duty cycle and the input voltage. In this
operation, buck boost converter provides step down output
voltage and the total circuit has drawn by using the same
element of conventional DC-DC buck converter. It can be
concluded from the results of DC-DC buck and boost
converter output simulations performs better with variation of
duty cycle. It is also seen that with increase in duty cycle, there
is magnificent increase in efficiency. Not only that, we get a
tremendous increase in the voltage gain too. The novelty of
this project is we can get high and low voltage as per our
application with maximum efficiency. This circuit can
efficiently work for DC power supply appliances where a
constant voltage is required. There is no such significant
increase in output current when we increase the input voltage
in Buck converter. This can be surely viewed as a novelty.
. The proposed DC-DC buck and boost converter will be
suitable to use in audio and instrumentation amplifier, line
drivers and receivers.
Our sincere gratefulness to the Professor of ECE
department of VNIT, Prof. Ganesh Patil for their motivation to
do research level project in device modelling.

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