Rubber and Elastomer Piping Systems

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EM 1110-1-4008

5 May 99

Chapter 6 6-2. Design Factors

Rubber and Elastomer Piping Systems
In selecting and sizing a rubber or elastomeric piping
system, four factors must be considered: service
6-1. General
conditions, (pressure and temperature); operating
The diverse nature of the chemical and physical conditions (indoor/outdoor use, vibration resistance,
characteristics of rubber and elastomeric materials makes intermittent of continuous service, etc.); end connections;
these material suited for many chemical handling and and environment requirements (flame resistance, material
waste treatment applications. The most common conductivity, labeling requirements, etc.).
elastomeric piping systems are comprised of hoses.
These hoses are constructed of three components: the a. Service Conditions
tube, the reinforcement, and the cover. The tube is most
commonly an elastomer and must be suitable for the For applications requiring pressure or vacuum service
chemical, temperature, and pressure conditions that a reinforcement can improve the mechanical properties of
particular application involves. Table 6-1 lists several the hose. The maximum recommended operating
elastomers used in piping systems and the chemical pressure in industrial applications utilizing Society of
identifications of the polymers. Physical and chemical Automotive Engineers (SAE) standards hose
characteristics of elastomers used in hose manufacturing designations is approximately 25% of the rated bursting
are specified in ASTM D 2000. Hose reinforcement is pressure of the specific hose. Table 6-2 lists common
designed to provide protection from internal forces, SAE hose standards.
external forces, or both. Reinforcement usually consists
of a layer of textile, plastic, metal, or a combination of In determining the maximum operating conditions,
these materials. Hose covers are designed to provide special consideration must be given to the operating
hoses with protection from negative impacts resulting temperatures. Rubber and elastomer materials are
from the environment in which the hose is used. Covers temperature sensitive, and both the mechanical qualities
are also typically composed of textile, plastic, metal, or a and chemical resistance properties of the materials are
combination of these materials. effected by temperature. Appendix B provides
information regarding the effects of temperature on
chemical resistance, and Table 6-1 provides information

Table 6-1
Common Materials Used in Rubber/Elastomer Piping Systems

ASTM Minimum Service Maximum Service

D 1418 Common or Temperature - Temperature -
Elastomer Class Trade Name Continuous Operations Continuous Operations

Fluoroelastomer FKM FKM, Viton, -23EC (-10EF) 260EC (500EF)

Isobutylene Isoprene IIR Butyl -46EC (-50EF) 148EC (300EF)
Acrylonitrile NBR Buna-N, -51EC (-60EF) 148EC (300EF)
Butadiene Nitrile
Polychloroprene CR Neoprene -40EC (-40EF) 115EC (240EF)
Natural Rubber or NR or Gum Rubber; -51EC (-60EF) 82EC (180EF)
Styrene Butadiene SBR Buna-S
Source: Compiled by SAIC, 1998.

EM 1110-1-4008
5 May 99

Table 6-2
Rubber and Elastomer Hose Standards

SAE Designation Tube Reinforcement Cover

100R1A one-wire-braid synthetic-rubber

100RIT one-wire-braid thin, nonskive
100R2A two-wire-braid synthetic rubber
100R2B two spiral wire plus one wire-braid synthetic rubber
100R2AT two-wire-braid thin, nonskive
100R2BT two spiral wire plus one wire-braid thin, nonskive
100R3 two rayon-braided synthetic rubber
100R5 one textile braid plus one wire-braid textile braid
100R7 thermoplastic synthetic-fiber thermoplastic
100R8 thermoplastic synthetic-fiber thermoplastic
100R9 four-ply, light-spiral-wire synthetic-rubber
100R9T four-ply, light-spiral-wire thin, nonskive

Source: Compiled by SAIC, 1998.

on the temperature limitations of the mechanical General compatibility information for common elastomer
properties of rubber and elastomeric materials. As the is listed in Table 6-3. Information regarding the
operating temperature increases, the use of jacketed or compatibility of various elastomers with specific
reinforced hose should be considered to accommodate chemicals can be found in Appendix B. In addition,
lower pressure ratings of the elastomeric materials. standards for resistance to oil and gasoline exposure have
been developed by the Rubber Manufacturer's
Like plastic piping systems, rubber and elastomer Association (RMA). These standards are related to the
systems do not display corrosion rates, as corrosion is effects of oil or gasoline exposure for 70 hours at 100EC
totally dependent on the material's resistance to (ASTM D 471) on the physical/mechanical properties of
environmental factors rather than on the formation of an the material. Table 6-4 summarizes the requirements of
oxide layer. The corrosion of rubbers and elastomers is the RMA oil and gasoline resistance classes.
indicated by material softening, discoloring, charring,
embrittlement, stress cracking (also referred to as b. Operating Conditions
crazing), blistering, swelling, and dissolving. Corrosion
of rubber and elastomers occurs through one or more of In most cases, the flexible nature of elastomers will
the following mechanisms: absorption, solvation, compensate for vibration and thermal expansion and
chemical reactions, thermal degradation, and contraction in extreme cases. However, designs should
environmental stress cracking. incorporate a sufficient length of hose to compensate for
the mechanical effects of vibration and temperature.

EM 1110-1-4008
5 May 99

Table 6-3
General Chemical Compatibility Characteristics of Common Elastomers

Material Good Resistance Poor Resistance

Fluoroelastomer Oxidizing acids and Aromatics; fuels containing >30%

oxidizers, fuels containing aromatics
<30% aromatics

Isobutylene Isoprene Dilute mineral acids, Hydrocarbons and oils, most solvents,
alkalies, some concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids
concentrated acids,
oxygenated solvents

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Oils, water, and solvents Strong oxidizing agents, polar solvents,
chlorinated hydrocarbons

Polychloroprene Aliphatic solvents, dilute Strong oxidizing acids, chlorinated and

mineral acids, salts, aromatic hydrocarbons

Natural Rubber or Styrene Butadiene Non-oxidizing acids, Hydrocarbons, oils, and oxidizing agents
alkalies, and salts

Notes: See Appendix B for more chemical resistance information.

Source: Compiled by SAIC, 1998.

Table 6-4
RMA Oil and Gasoline Resistance Classifications

RMA Designation Maximum Volume Change Tensile Strength Retained

Class A (High oil resistance) +25% 80%

Class B (Medium-High oil resistance) +65% 50%

Class C (Medium oil resistance) +100% 40%

Source: RMA, "The 1996 Hose Handbook," IP-2, p. 52.

EM 1110-1-4008
5 May 99

c. End Connections hose is designated as conducting or nonconducting, the

electrical properties are uncontrolled. Standards do not
Hose couplings are used to connect hoses to a process currently exist for the prevention and safe dissipation of
discharge or input point. Methods for joining elastomeric static charge from hoses. Methods used to control
hose include banding/clamping, flanged joints, and electrical properties include designing contact between a
threaded and mechanical coupling systems. These body reinforcing wire and a metal coupling to provide
methods are typically divided into reusable and non- electrical continuity for the hose or using a conductive
reusable couplings. Table 6-5 lists common types of hose cover. ASTM D 380 describes standard test
couplings for hoses. Selection of the proper coupling methods for the conductivity of elastomeric hoses. For a
should take into account the operating conditions and hose to be considered non-conductive, it should be tested
procedures that will be employed. using these methods.

d. Environmental Requirements 6-3. Sizing

Hose is also manufactured with conductive, non- The primary considerations in determining the minimum
conductive, and uncontrolled electrical properties. acceptable diameter of any elastomeric hose are design
Critical applications such as transferring aircraft hose or flow rate and pressure drop. The design flow rate is
transferring liquids around high-voltage lines, require the based on system demands that are normally established in
electrical properties of hose to be controlled. Unless the the process design phase of a project and which should be

Table 6-5
Typical Hose Couplings

Class Description

Reusable with clamps 1. Short Shank Coupling

2. Long Shank Coupling
3. Interlocking Type
4. Compression Ring Type

Reusable without clamps 1. Screw Type

2. Push-on Type

Non-reusable couplings 1. Swaged-on

2. Crimped-on
3. Internally Expanded Full Flow Type
4. Built-in Fittings

Specialty couplings 1. Sand Blast Sleeves

2. Radiator and Heater Clamps
3. Gasoline Pump Hose Couplings
4. Coaxial Gasoline Pump Couplings
5. Welding Hose Couplings
6. Fire Hose Couplings

Source: Compiled by SAIC, 1998.

EM 1110-1-4008
5 May 99

fully defined by this stage of the system design. Pressure 6-6. Isobutylene Isoprene
drop through the elastomeric hose must be designed to
provide an optimum balance between installed costs and Isobutylene isoprene (Butyl or IIR) has excellent abrasion
operating costs. Primary factors that will impact these resistance and excellent flexing properties. These
costs and system operating performance are internal characteristics combine to give isobutylene isoprene very
diameter (and the resulting fluid velocity), materials of good weathering and aging resistance. Isobutylene
construction and length of hose. isoprene is impermeable to most gases, but provides poor
resistance to petroleum based fluids. Isobutylene
6-4. Piping Support and Burial isoprene is also not flame resistant.

Support for rubber and elastomer piping systems should 6-7. Acrylonitrile Butadiene
follow similar principles as metallic and plastic pipe.
However, continuous piping support is recommended for Acrylonitrile butadiene (nitrile, Buna-N or NBR) offers
most applications due to the flexible nature of these excellent resistance to petroleum oils, aromatic
materials. Also due to its flexible nature, elastomer hydrocarbons and many acids. NBR also has good
piping is not used in buried service because the piping is elongation properties. However, NBR does not provide
unable to support the loads required for buried service. good resistance to weathering.

When routing elastomer hose, change in piping direction 6-8. Polychloroprene

can be achieved through bending the hose rather than
using fittings. When designing a rubber or elastomer Polychloroprene (neoprene or CR) is one of the oldest
piping system, it is important to make sure that the bend synthetic rubbers. It is a good all-purpose elastomer that
radius used does not exceed the maximum bend radius for is resistant to ozone, ultraviolet radiation, and oxidation.
the hose used. If the maximum bend radius is exceeded, Neoprene is also heat and flame resistant. These
the hose may collapse and constricted flow or material characteristics give neoprene excellent resistance to aging
failure could occur. As a rule of thumb, the bend radius and weathering. Neoprene also provides good chemical
should be six times the diameter of a hard wall hose or resistance to many petroleum based products and
twelve times the diameter of a soft wall hose. aliphatic hydrocarbons. However, neoprene is vulnerable
to chlorinated solvents, polar solvents, and strong mineral
6-5. Fluoroelastomer acids.

Fluoroelastomer (FKM) is a class of materials which 6-9. Natural Rubber

includes several fluoropolymers used for hose products.
Trade names of these materials include Viton and Fluorel. Natural rubber (styrene butadiene, gum rubber, Buna-S,
Fluoroelastomers provide excellent high temperature NR, or SBR) has high resilience, good tear resistance,
resistance, with the maximum allowable operating and good tensile strength. It also exhibits wear resistance
temperatures for fluoroelastomer varying from 232 to and is flexible at low temperatures. These characteristics
315EC (450 to 600EF), depending upon the make natural rubber suitable for general service outdoor
manufacturer. Fluoroelastomers also provide very good use. However, natural rubber is not flame resistant and
chemical resistance to a wide variety of chemical classes. does not provide resistance to petroleum based fluids.


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