Mil R 83248B
Mil R 83248B
Mil R 83248B
13 Julv 1990
17 February 1984
1.1 &c@&. Thk specification covers high temperature, compression set, and fluid
resistant fluorocarbon elastomer sheets, strips, molded parts, an extruded shapes for
aeronautical and aerospace applications.
1.2. Classification. Th synthetic rubber shall be furnished in the specified types and
classes (see 6.2).
b. Type fl Molded parts (other than sealing devices), sheets, strips, and
extruded shapes
a. Class 1: 75 ~ 5 hardness
b. Class 2: 90 L 5 hardness
2.1.1 Specifications and standards. The following specifications and standards for
part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the
issues of these documents are those listed in the issue of the Department of Defense
Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS) and supplement thereto, in the
solicitation (see 6.2)
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(Unless otherwise indicated copies of federal and military specifications and standards
are available from the Standardization Documents Order Desk, Building 4D, Robblns
Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094)
(Applications for copies should be addressed to American Society for Testing and
Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1137)
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(Applications for copies should be addressed to McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc.. 1221
Avenue of the Americas, New York,. New York, 10020)
(Non-Government standards and other publications are normally available from the
organizations that prepare or distribute the documents. nese documents also may be
available in or through libraries or other informational services)
2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of thk document
and the references cited herein, the text of thk document takes precedence. Notl-ing in
thk document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specified
exemption has been obtained.
3.1 Fkst article. When specified (see 6.2) before production is commenced, a sample..
of the specified rubber shall be submitted or made available to the contracting officer
or his authorized representative for approval in accordance with 4.4, 4.4.1, 4.4.2,, 4.4.4 and 4.4.5. The approval of the first article sample authorizes the
commencement of production, but does not relieve the supplier of responsibility for
compliance with all applicable provisions of thk specification. The first article sample
shall be manufactured in the same facilities to be used for the manufacture of the
production items.
3.3 Phvsical properties. The physical properties of the fluorocarbon elastomer rubber
shall conform to the requirements specified in table I, II, III, and lV as applicable.
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class 1 Class 2
(75 hardness) (90 hardness)
Tensile strength, psi, min 1400 1400
Elongation, % min. 125 100
Hardness, points 75 *5 90 *5
Specific, gravity As determined As determined
Temperature retraction, 10%
(TR-1O)OF, max. +5 +5
Compression set, % of originsl
deflection, msx. after 70 hours
@ 75W *5W
under 0.100 inch 20 25
over 0.100 inch 15 20
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The following properties shall be determined on O-rings that have been aged for
28 days at 770F +20F and 95 *3 percent relative humidity.
Class 1 Class 2
(75 hardness) (90 hardness)
Tensile strength, psi, min 1400 1400
Elongation, %, min. 125 100
Tensile strength decrease, %, max. l/ 10 10
Elongation decrease, ?4, max. ~/ 10 10
~ Shall be based on the original tensile strength and elongation found when tested to
the requirements of table I.
~ Shall be based on the tensile strength and elongation found after aging 28 days at
77oF ~20F and 95 *3 percent relative humidity.
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Class 1 Class 2
(75 hardness) (90 hardness)
Tensile strength, psi, xnin 1600 1600
Elongation, Yo, min. 125 100
Hardness, points 75 *5 90 *5
Specific, gravity As determined As determined
Temperature retraction, 107o
(TR-1O) ‘F, max. +5 +5
Compressionset, 70 of original
deflection, max. after 70 hours
@ 750F *SW 10 20
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The following properties shall be determined on specimens that have been cut
from 6 inches by 6 inches by 0.075 inch platen sheets and have been aged for
28 days at 770F ~20F and 95 ~3 percent relative humidity.
Class 1 Class 2
(75 hardness) (90 hardness)
Tensile strength, psi, min 1600 1600
Elongation, %, min. 125 100
Tensile strength decrease, %, max. ~/ 10 10
Elongation decrease, Yo, max. L/ 10 10
~ Shall be based on the original tensile strength and elongation found when tested to
the requirements of table III.
~ Shall be based on the tensile strength and elongation found after aging 28 days at
770F ~20F and 95 *3 percent relative humidity.
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3.4.1 S~ Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2) the width of the sheet
material shall be 36 *1 inch, and the tolerances on tfickness shall be as shown in
table V. The width of strip material, or of shapes cut from sheet, shall be as specified
by the procuring activity, witiln a tolerance of ~5 percent. The tilckness of strip
material, other than shapes cut from sheet, shall be as specified by the procuring
activity within a tolerance of ~5 percent, and the length shall be as specified by the
proctilng activity, witlin a tolerance of *1 percent. -
3.4.3 Tvoe II dimension. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2) dimensions and
tolerances of molded parts (excluding O-rings) and extruded shapes (including tubing)
shall be as specified in the contract or order.
3.5 Q!QL. The color of the material furnished to thk specification shall be either
black or brown. No other color shall be acceptable.
3.6.1 Sheets and strios. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2) sheet material (includlng
strips cut from sheets) shall be marked to show the specification number, type, class,
and the manufacturer, the manufacturer’s designation (compound and lot number), and
the cure date by quarter and yew, for example 2Q82, thus
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The identification shall be applied by suitable means using markhg fluid that is not
deleterious to the fluorocarbon elastomer. The color shall be whhe. The marking shall
not be obliterated by normal handling. The identification shall recur constantly, from
one end of the sheet to the other, in rows spaced approximately 5 inches apaw, shall
be clear, legible, and not less than three-eight inch high.
3.6.2 Molded Darts and extruded shaDes fincludin~ tubintz). Where the size of the
product permits, the identification shall be marked as indicated in 3.6.1. When
identification marking of the product is impracticable, the unit package shall show the
compound and lot number and manufacturer in addition to those markings specified in
5.3. Temporary marking of O-rings for the manufacturer’s identification shall be
permitted at the time of manufacture but shall in no way affect the properties or
function of the O-rings.
3.7 Workmanship. The product shall be uniform in quality and condition, clean, and
free from foreign materials and from defects detrimental to fabrication, appearance, or
performance of parts.
4.1.1 Responsibility for comtiiance. Afl items shall meet all the applicable
requirements of section 3 and 5. They shall meet all inspections set forth in the
inspection system or quality program. The absence of any inspection requirements in
the specification shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that
all products or supplies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with all
requirements of the contract. Sampling inspections as part of manufacturing
operations, is an acceptable practice to ascertain conformance to requirements,
however thk does not authorize submission of known defective material, either
indicated or actual, nor does it commit the Government to acceptance of defective
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4.3.1 co ntrol fluid. The oil aging in tiIs specification shall be conducted using
ARM-1OO, or approved equal, asthe control fluid. The weight percent composition of
ARM-1OO, or approved equal is:
4.3.2 Atmospheric conditions. All fluid coofing, conditioning, and physical property
determinations of rubber shall reconducted in an atmosphere of 50 M5 Percent
relative humidity and at a temperature of 75oF t50F.
4.4 First article inspection l%starticletests are to be conducted every three years as a
minimum. Each compound formulation shall be subject to first article and
conformance testing at the frequency specified in thk specification.
4.4.1 Waiver of first article tests. The first article tests need not be repeated for
new orders or different parts, provided the materials and processes have not been
changed and certified statement to thk effect is furnished to the procuring activity.
The waiving of the first article tests will be strictly at the discretion of the procuring
activity. Test results to previous revisions on thk specification are not acceptable. Fb’st
article tests over three years old shall not be acceptable.
4.4.2 Fkst article sa males. Test samples for type I materials shall be O-rings
conforming to MlL-R-83248/l orh41L-R-83248/2, size -214. Hardness shall be
determined on specimens of sufficient dimensions to comply with ASTM D2240.
Samples for ~pe II material shall be obtained from 6 inches by 6 inches by 0.075
platen sheets.
4.4.3 First article tests. The first article shall meet all the requirements in 3.3 when
tested in accordance with 4.6.
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4.4.4 Submittal of first article samples. When specified (see 6.2) and as soon as
practicable after the award of contractor order, first article samples (see 4.4.2) shall
be separately packaged and forwarded to the laboratory designated by the contracting
officer. Samples shall be plainly identified by securely attached durable tags, marked
with the following information:
4.4.5 Fkst article reDort. After the supplier completes the first article inspection he
shall prepare a first article test report for each type and class. The report shall show
completion of inspection and the results of the inspections performed by the contractor
to demonstrate that the first article unit(s) conform to the applicable contract technical
requirements. The report shall delineate the particular inspection procedure(s), by
description or appropriate reference, the specific resuks obtained, the witnesses, and
any other pertinent observations. As applicable, the first article inspection report shall
identify any deviations or limitations in the first article unit(s) involved, the
recommended actions relating to each deviation or limitation and summary conclusions.
Any exceptions, deviations or limitations noted during the tests will be submitted as an
enclosure and will reference the appropriate page, paragraph, or column. A COPY Of
the first article test report shall be furnished the Wright Research Development Center,
Attn: MLSE, Wright-Patterson Base, OH 45433-6503. Anupdated test report shall be
prepared whenever a change is made in the materials, processes, orthk specification.
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MIL-R-83248B m A lot shall consist of all material of the same identity cured in the
same production run, from the same batch, and submitted at the same time for
inspection. Samolimz. Except where otherwise indicted herein, sampling for quality
conformance inspection shall be in accordance with MIL–STD-105.
4.5.2 Sampline Dlan A. Whenever possible, the end item, or specimens cut from the “’
end item, shall be used as the sample. If these items are unsuitable for use as test
samples, tests shall be performed on samples of identical composition and state of
cure as that of the end item. The type I O-ring sizes that are suitable for test are
shown in table VI. For all other sizes, the tests on type I materials shall be conducted
on size –214 O–rings. If the type II items are unsuitable for test, the samples shall be cut
from 6inches by6inchesby 0.075 inch platen sheets. Ifat all possible, compression set and
specific gravity tests shall be conducted on the end item. The samples shall be
subjected to the following tests that are conducted on each lot of material:
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MIL-R-83248B Reiection criteria. A lot shall be rejected upon the failure of the samples to
meet the test requirements specified herein. A lot that has been rejected may be
reworked to correct the deficiencies and resubmitted for acceptance.
Cs .070 -011 to -014
1/4” SDOOI
1/2” SDOOI
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MIL-R-83248B Molded parts includine O-rines. The sample unit shall be one molded part
and the inspection shall be in accordance with MIL–STD-413 for O–rings and
MIL-STD-407 for other molded products. The sample size shall be in accordance with
inspection level II of MIL-STD-105 and the AQL related to percent defective shall be
1.5. sheets. strim. and extruded shapes. The sample unit shall be 1 linear
yard, except if the end item is less than 1 linear yard, the sample unit shall be the end
item. Tlte inspection shall be in accordance with MII-STD-289 and MIL-STD-298, as
applicable. Defects in markhg such as “incomplete, not legibly identified”, or not as
specified in 5.1, shall be considered minor. The sample size shall be in accordance
with inspection level II of MIL–STD-105 and the AQL related to percent defective
shall be 2.5. Molded oarts includine O-rines. The sample unit shall be one molded part.
The sample size shall be in accordance with inspection level II of IWL-STD-105 and
the AQL related to percent defective shall be 1.5. Sheets. strios. and extruded shaDes. The sample unit shall be 1 linear yard,
except if the end item is less than 1 linear yard, the sample unit shall be the end item.
The dimensions shall be withh the tolerances specified in 3.4.1. Dimensions for
extruded shapes shall be as specified in the contract or order. The sample size shall be
in accordance with inspection level II of MIL-STD-105 and the AQL related to percent
defective shall be 1.5.
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I!MQ=s- Ikf.wt
The sample size shall be in accordance with inspection level fl of MIL-STD-105 and
the AQL related to percent defective shall be 2.5.
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4.6.1 Physical properties tests. Conformance with the rubber product properties shall
be determined in accordance with the applicable test methods specified in table VIII.
ASTM Method
4.6.2 Air a~ine at 528oF test. Air aging shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM
D 573, except that the rubber shall be aged for 70 hours at 528oF &50F. Tensile
strength, elongation, and hardness changes shall be determined as specified in 4.6.1.
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MIL-R-83248B Weizht loss test. The weight loss test shall be conducted on samples air-aged
in accordance with 4.6.2. Test specimens shall be condhioned for 24 hours in a
desiccator before and after air-aging. The specimens shall be weighted immediately
after the desiccation period before and after aging. The percentage weight loss shall be
calculated as follows:
w, - w,
x 100
weight 10SS= w,
4.6.3 Oil aeimz test. Oil aging of specimen’s shall be conducted in clean 38
millimeters (mm) OD by 300 mm pyrex glass test tubes fitted with two-hole cork
stoppers. Each stopper shall be fitted with two lengths of 8 mm pyrex glass tubhtg
(chimneys), one 3 inch in length, the other 5 inches in length. The 3-inch chimney
shall extend through and one–half inch above the top of the stopper. The 5–inch
chknney shall extend through and 3–1.2 inches above the top of the stopper. An
aluminum block heater shall be used for aging the specimens. Use of an oil bath is
permissible, but is not desired. For each test, 140 milliliters (ml) of oil shall be used. ‘“
The test shall be inserted into the aluminum block or oil bath in such manner that the
fluid level in the test tubes shall be approximately 1-5/8 inches above the heating unit
of the aluminum block or surface of the oil bath. The distance shall not be measured
from the top of the aluminum block or covering of the oil bath. The specimens shall
be suspended in the oil by soft iron or nichrome wire hangers as follows:
a. Tvoe I Three specimens shall be suspended horizontally in the fluid, one each at
depths of 1-1/2 inches, 3-1/2 inches, and 5-1/2 inches below the surface of the fluid.
Hardness specimens shall be placed in separate chimney stoppered tube keeping
approximately the same rubber-to-oil ratio.
b. Type II. Four dumbbells cut with a die “C”, conforming to ASTM D 412, shall be
tested. There shall be only two specimens aged in a single test tube. The specimens
shall be suspended vertically in the fluid, one each at depths of 1 inch and 2 inches
below the surface of the fluid. The measurement of specimen depth in the fluid shall
be made between the top edge of the specimen and the fluid level. Care shall be taken
to prevent contact of specimens with each other or the wall of the test tube.
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MIL-R-83248B Oil a~ine time and temperature. The oil-aging time and temperature shall be
70 hours at 392oF ~50F. After aging and prior to the physical property determinations,
the specimens shall be removed from the hot fluid and cooled 30 minutes in fresh
fluid. Tensile strength, elongation, hardness, and volume change shall them be
determined as specified in 4.6.1.
4.6.4 Fuel
~ Specimens shall be immersed in test fluid conforming to
TT-S-735, type fIf for 70 hours at 750F ~50F. The ratio of fluid to rubber shall be
approximately 40 ml per gram. Aging shall be conducted in a glass container. An
airtight seal shall be maintained for the duration of the test. One sample at a time
shall be removed from the fluid, immediately blotted dry, and tested. The tensile
strength, elongation hardness and volume change tests shall be conducted in
accordance with 4.6.1.
4.6.5 Commission set test. Compression set shall be determined in accordance with
ASTM D 395, method B. Specimens for type I materials shall be two O-rings. Two
circular plied-up bottoms with dimensions to 1.129 ~0.010 inches diameter and
approximately 0.5 inch Wick shall be used for type II material. Ak aced test. Compression set shall be determined on specimens air aged for
70 hours at 750F +50F, on specimens air aged for 166 hours at 347oF +50F and on
specimens air aged 22 hours at 392oF +50F. .. Oil aged test for sr)ecimens. Compression set shall be determined on
specimens aged 70 hours 392oF ~50F immersed in ARM-1OO, or approved equal fluid.
The compression set plates for testing type I material shall be approximately 0.375
inches by 2 inches by 4 inches. There shall be six one-fourth inch bolt holes, one on
each corner and one located in the middle of each 4-inch edge and on the center line
of the corner holes. There shall also be one–fourth inch holes through the middle of
each half of the plates to allow fluid to be in contact with the inside diameter of the
O-rings. The compression set plates for type I compression seals plates for type I
compression seals other than O-rings and type If material shall be in accordance with
ASTM D 395. The original tfickness of the specimens shall be measured and the test
fixtures shall be assembled using two test specimens. The specimens shall be
compressed 25 percent. The test fixture shall be placed in a 1 liter stainless steel
beaker and 800 milliliters of ARM-1OO, or approved equal, shall be added to the
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beaker. The beaker shall be fitted with a suitable vented stainless steel cap. The cap
shall be sealed with an O-ring conforming to type I, class 1 of this specification (size
-240, AS 568 has been used). The beaker shall be placed in a suitable oven at 392oF
&50F with vent open. After the fluid has reached the test temperature (approximately
two hours) the vent shall be closed and the beaker left in the oven for a total aging
time of 70 hours. At the end of the aging time, the specimens shall be removed from
the compression plates immediately and allowed to cool on paper towels for 30
minutes. Excess fluid shall be blotted from the specimens with paper towels and the
final tilckness determined.
4.6.6 Humiditv aced test. Aging shall be conducted in a suitable chamber maintained
at 77oF & 20F and 95 *3 percent relative humidity for 28 days. Methods of obtaining
these conditions are given in the International Critical Tables of Numerical Data,
Physics, Chemistry and Technology, section entitled “Laboratory Methods for
Maintaining Constant Humidity”. The specimens shall be tested or subsequent
exposures initiated witfin 30 minutes after removal from the humidity chamber.
5. PACKAGING Tvpe I O-rines. Type I O-rings (require unit pack) shall be packaged in
accordance with the requirements of MIL–P-4861. Tvoe I comrmession seals other than O-rines and tvoe II material Sheets. Rubber sheets shall be interleaved with any suitable paper that will
extend over the full area of contact between sheets. Unit quantity shall be a stack not
to exceed 10 inches. ~ Rubber strips shall be wound on suitable cores that will provide rigid
support and that will not distort nor change shape during handling or shipping. Each
roll shall be wrapped in draft paper conforming to UU-P-268 and sealed with tape
conforming to PPP–T-45. Unless otherwise specified, each roll shall consist of 75 feet
~ 1 feet of rubber strip.
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MIL-R-83248B Extruded sha!3es. Extruded rubber shapes shall be wrapped in any suitable
5.2.1 Level A Tvoe I O-rines. Type I O-rings (requires unit pack) shall be packaged in
accordance with the level A requirements of MIL-P-4861. ..
5,2.1.2 T~ - e I co Sh]pping
containers shall contain identical synthetic rubber items of the same shape and size
and shall enclose the contents in a snug, tight-fitting manner. The inside height of
containers for rubber sheet shall not exceed 10 inches. Rubber strip shall be packaged
one roll per container. Containers for extruded rubber shapes shall have an inside
maximum cross-sectional area of 36 square inches and, unless otherwise specified by
the procuring activity, a maximum length of 10 feet. Unless otherwise specified by the
procuring activity, rubber material, other than O-rings shall be packed in wood
cleated-plywood shipping container conforming to PPP-B–601, overseas type. As far as
practical, containers shall be uniform in shape and size and contain identical
quantities. Container closure and strapping shall be in accordance with the appendix to
PPP-B-601. Gross weight of containers shall not exceed 200 pounds.
5.2.2 Level B. Type II materials that have been preserved and packaged as specified
in 5.1 shall be packaged in exterior type shipping containers that conforms to
PPP-B-636, class weather resistant. The closure of the shipping container shall be in
accordance with the appendix of the applicable shipping container specification.
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5.2.3 Level C. Type II materials that have been preserved and packaged as specified
in 5.1 shall be packed in accordance with the requirements of h& Sfi-2073~1.
Fluorocarbon elastomer material preserved and packaged as specified in 5.1.2 shall be
packed in manner which affords adequate protection against damage during direct
sti]pment from the supply source to the first receiving activity for immediate use.
5.2.4 Commercial. Type II materials that have been preserved and packaged as
specified in 5.1 shall be packed in accordance with the requirements of ASTM
5.3 Markinq
5.3.2 Commercial. Type II material shall be marked in accordance with the applicable
requirements of ASTM D–3951.
5.3.3 P~lletization. Unitized loads, commensurate with the level of packing specified in
the contract or order shall be palletized in accordance with MIL-STD-147. Palletized
loads shall be uniform in size and quantities to the greatest extent possible. If the
container is of a size which does not conform to any of the pallet patterns specified in
MIL-STD-147, the pallet pattern shall first be approved by the contracting officer (see
6.1 Intended use. The rubber procurable to this specification is intended for use
where resistance to jet fuel, synthetic engine lubricants and petroleum base hydraulic
fluids are required. Generally, materials meeting this specification are usable over
temperature range of -200F to 5000F. Each application, however, has to be considered
individually. Instances are known where thk material has been used below -20LIF and
also above 5000F. Material furnished to this specification must be either, black or
brown in color.
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6.3 Fkst article. When first article inspection is required, the contracting officer should
provide specific guidance to offerors whether the item(s) should be first article
sample, first production item, or standard production item from the contractors’
current inventory and the number of items to be tested as specified in 4.S. The
contracting officer should include specific instructions in acquisition documents
regardhg arrangements for examinations, approval of first article test results and
disposition of first articles. Invitations for bids should provide that the Government -
reserves the right to waive the requirement for samples for first article inspection to
those bidders offering product which has been previously acquired or tested by the
Government and that bidders offering such products, who wishs to rely on such
production of tests must furnish evidence with the bid that prior Government approval,
is presently appropriate for the pending contract. Bidders should not submit alternate
bids unless specifically requested to do so in the solicitation.
Control fluid
Molded parts
Temperature retraction (TR-1O)
Tensile strength
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6.5 Control fluid source. The source for Aerospace Referee Material -100 (ARM- 100)
AlTN: Customer Service Representative
400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA 15096
6.6 Chance from orevious issue. Marginal notations are not used in ths revision to
identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the extensiveness of the
Review activities:
Navy - SH
Air Force -82, 99
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.. -