Piping and Pipe Support Systems

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, . .

This buuk is dedicated to i tu is«: uli« gill'l' us IIIi' support I](,(,l'ssary Iii com plct ; our uiurl: Hut]: l trccssvn, Hunt er-Ta ylor, Wlldl' Lursun, u n d (;('lll'l'i('[I(' Smith.

Ca!alo"in;;· i n Puhlicat ion I Jat a


- Desil(ll and c"'lsl"",'li",, ~. I';pc

Van Laan, Thomas ,I.,

hv Md;,awHill, l n« All r'Khts reserved. inih·d S[ .. It's of Ame r u-a. Except us permitted l lnit ed Siaies C"pvri;d11 Act of 1!i7!i. no par t "I

may ft'fHodun_·d or dist r ihutr-d in a nv

UW<!U!-i, or sturt·!! in a du+a lun,e- o( rr-t r u-va l prtuf wr n t en pt·fmi:-.siull Ht lilt' puldi",IH'r

til!.'\ /;I/uh Ii ('n' Hitt , SUIl uru! -l u n+! n /1(11'1", III,'

HW" Nill/HIi .11lf'rfHld/. und Ih"/ITlH/lldiulI,>uIJrI-"I.'I}rllfh AI/lll'l(,' iff L'rnt ur: .~'dlllulhfJl/k /1\ t '11/1'('r."il \ {"lfIIJ/II(,'>. 1111

Pr\llllllc~ .1


CIHllptef 1.

and Power Plant Evolution

1.1 Introduction

1.2 liieioricill Ol/ilIrview 01

1.3 OVllrvilllW 01 Thermoelectric

1.4 Comm@rcial Nuclll!!r Reactor: Ol/l!Irvi~w

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Hlillory 01 Applicable Docurnents jCodel§, SII'lIldIlVdll, Rlllcomml!lnded

Practicell, lind Quidu) HI

2.3 Ov«llrvilllw of Applicable nocuments Reiliting 10 Pipinlil

2.3.1 Amerleiln Inllliitule 01 51111111 COl1lllvuclion

2.3.2 Amlliricllln Nalionlll SllIndllrdll inl§lilullll

2.3.3 Manufactur@vs Standllvdizlltion Socillily 0111'1111 VillI/III IIInd


2.3.4 Society 01 M«IChllll1icllli EngimllivlI

2.3.5 Jurlllldicliol1l1l Boundarilill

2.3.& Amarican Sociely for TIII,lIng lind MllIlerillltll

2.3.1 IJl1i1orm Boiler and Pvelaur4il 'lfllllllllllllWIl Society

2.3.11 Nlltionlll Board 01 Boilev lind Pressure lIeuellnllpeclorlil 30

2.3.9 Amllricllln SOCill1y 01 Reivigerlliion, lind Air

Conditioning Engineev,

2.3.10 Fabricllliion Institule

2.3.11 SlIlely lind Heallh Adminillltr!lliion 30

2.3.12 Americ!!1l Welding Society

2.3.13 Building Codell

2.3.14 NucilllllV Reguilitory. Comnuesion 2.:U 5 TllchniCliI Pubucatlene

2.3. HI Iniemllilonlli Standard;

2.3.11 Inhllrl'llllllonlli Atomic Energy Agency 2.3. Hi Atomic Indu81rlal Forum

2.3.19 Inlltilulll 01 Nuclear POWIIV Operation I! 2.3.20 Nllltionlill Fire Prolection Anocililtion 2.3.21 Americlln Nuclear Socililly

2.~ Rolli ollhll OUllllily Auuvlllncli Organizlltion Within Ihill Nucllllllf Inelllililry



C4lIW4I)Omlit~ DfIRw,ino;IIl lind SCIIIEII MIXIIIII Piping iil~tric Orlllwmglll

Str@itlllll IllIomlltl'k::lII

ill"l-SIiInrk::CIII illlllP1l'ctioo Drawingil

nutOl'lIItiul 01111&11 for Pipmg CIXI.1iI flDill.lflil rh4ll0l'~!I

Strltlil ClIllIgOMII

51rlllill limit.

Oeclllilionillii Imd ServiclI llllv(!I11

Commiitlllit Projllcill

e:U.1 POWllf Piping Cod4ll

0:11.3 ChClmic4II1 Phil'll and P4I!troieum RCilil'l«lry Piping CIXIII 931.1 NuclclIlIiIr Pow., Piping CIXIIII

831.1 GIllIIi 'l"rllnimilllllioo and Distribulioll Piping CIXlIiI ASME Boilll&f I1Ind PrlllllllYflll 11111111111111 CIXIIII. SIiIclioll III. Subncaioll H9

ASMIE Boil., III!nd Prllillll.ifll VIilIilIilIiII CIXIIII. SlIIction m. SUbMCaiol'l1 HC and NO

Il1trlXlucaioo SUlLilIIIiMd lOllidl

SUllIiamllld lOllldll-Wlllighi

SUlllilIIIil1llld lO4ldl-PUIIIIIIIIlf41

OecflljOl'lIl11 ludl

Oecllllliol"lllllilollldl-Wind Oecllillioollilludl-fielilli Io'lIIIilfl!B Dilllch4lrg' Oecniol1lllllollc:iIl-Sllililmic


EIII~lIrlilicm ludl

DtIIllllrminalilicm €II 'l"hClrmallll04ldlll IIInd SInlU41!11 Oelllllrmmlliion 01 Thermlill MOvllllfI1IIInl1ll Comi:lin4llioo

Compl.lllllf Cllk::uI!IIliooll

61 lit 1i2 62 53 64 1i6 611 69 70 12 16 11


15 15 Ill' 117 91

102 103 HI!! 112 121 1211 1211 134 150 150


6.3 11.4

lUi SW4lY 8rll(;1I1II

6.6 8111111111plalllllll

6.1 MI.IIUplll-Pipe fiellrainl !"ramell

1. t InlroducliQIl

1.2 Prllpliluilion olinlormllliion lind 0l1li111 Rllquirlld lor Pipe Support Dllllllign

1.3 SlIIllIIction 01 Pipe Support lOC1l1io1'll1

1.4 Mariling Support 011 IIII0mlllliricil

1.5 PiP1l' Slrlllll Al1l11lYlil

Hi Oetlllrmill&llioo 01 Support Design lO!Dc:i!l

1.1 PiP1l' Support: Conceptulill Dellign

1.1 Pipe Support: D«IllIIil D61ign

1.9 D4IllIIil Deillign Dr4lwillg lind Bill 01 M!Dteriilllll

:i'.10 Chllc!!ing

1.11 flilbriciilion. Inlllllllllltion. lind Verification 01 AI-iBuill Configllflliion

Chapter I. Mal'llJa' Calculation MethQdlil

1.1 Introductior,

11.2 Strength of Ml!lteriall

tU!.l SlrClIIII-Slr!Din Relationship

1.2.2 luilll Stuluelll

1.2.3 Slreneiil

1.2.4 1.2.5 DlIIli@ction

tl.l Support AmllYlilll

1.3.1 local Sarlllllil EvalulIItion

11.3.2 Evaluation et VcmdclrIIS' HardwlIIfll

1.3.3 Struclural Anlll'Yllilll of Support Sleel

1.3.4 E1I1I1I.Iaiion of Structural Aitillchm4llnil

1'1.4 S4Imple Problem!!


9.1 Introducucn

11.1.1 Introduction 10 the Computer

9.1.2 input/Outpul Devices

9. j.3 Centrlll' Procening Unit

11.2 Compuler·Aided Design lind [lrlliling

9.3 Computer-Aided Engineering

9.3.1 tntroducuon

9.3.2 input Methoos lor Compuler·Alded EOQil1llerll1g

~.3,3 SllImp!e Structural Analysill Problem

1.3.4 Slim pi iii Pipe Siren Problem



of systems.

attention 10 the support of these

systems to a lack of material Oil the

the full scope of this book includes power, and chemical

and goes beyond the system to show the role of

criteria in the setting of the as a whole. The intention has

the theoretical basis and the


the fields of piping and support

have significant

desires to optimize and economic

as well as new forms of technology, have led to in

To protect the public in the nuclear and chemical

numerous international, state, and local

have been enacted since the late 1960s. In response, various groups have established codes and standards

The concern for safety has forced the

design criteria aimed at ensuring the of

under unusual conditions, such as those

ruptures, or in-line equipment loads. The traditional

were inadequate to meet these new thus new ana-

tools were and have been the last few

as an extension of the power of computers. In such

design .has become a task for the

both the value of the traditional methods and of engineering progress. For normal loads are usually low in magnitude and may hardware for support. Circumstances such as these may

addressed hy traditional design which the text therefore

and presents. In addition, this hook discusses

design of such state of the art methods as comand

The discussion herein of codes and standards this hook a value

I.m"'~.,.{1 that of a piping The text emphasizes the

documents with the power especially those associated

nuclear power industry, because the most compte-

set of technical and documentation These require-

most cases are more severe than those of fossil hydroelec-

and cornrnercinl and can he said to

them. It is to note thai the evaluation 01' applicable

standards, guide!>, regulations, recommended prac-

is an process. this hook addresses those docu-

that are viewed as signilinmt to the subject at the lime of puhli-

the latest edition oi' a document is discussed except

where an earlier version has historical Of other siguificance. Since 1111' minimum guidelines, and utt en cover a ions, SOIlW have 111'('11 modilied or have had por-

the authors ill order 10 t hose areas considered

Hecause of this, I he reader is herein out of context,


of and sUjljlort and analysis are explained

visual aids ami sample I'akliial iOIlS, which will serve 10 clarify

criteria as well as problems normally hy t he piping

The text is also designed 10 serve as a reference hand hook and currently ill the piping industry, at process, or industrial facilities. Since the material covered provides source for data and it is that engineers and will use this text as II dailv reference and design tool. Therefore, design (iata is ext racted from commonly used

herein. Adrlit I he d!:'sigll and analysis pro-

along wit h informal ion to aid I he

ill I he met hod for application til other situat ions

may encounter. Methods presented here not only emphasize analysis

but stress til!' various types of commercially avuilable

used in the industry, along with their selection criteria.

iii what I he author» believe 10 lie I he mosl for a reader with minimum foreknowledge .. f piping Hcalil'fs may read only those sections I hut hest

serve liS an introduction Lo the engineer unfa-

er i introduces the subject of systems

historical and I echniral hodies

and other

documentation required when systems.

deal wit h 4 outlines stress

5 covers the determination of support loads.

cover the actual details of ami support

'V ""d IJ'U-' , 6 describes the various types ami uses of support

process, from ami installation

structurul the use of the computer computer calculations

with respect 10

While the material is believed 10 he currect,

authors do not warrant it suitable for any use. The same recom-

mendation that was made earlier with respect to codes continues

the reader is to refer to I he actual suunes

restrrcuons upon t he lise of the

This book originated from II set of student lecture notes

a series of and analysis seminars which the authors conducted over

100 at elect ric utilities. for architects and and 1.11 tech-

nical centers ill six major cities United States.

The material feedback from the students

seminars. It is thai educational groups such us

and centers will consider this hook as the hasis for a tech-

ami The

ami computeruse III'

of the academic curriculum.

Much as this book has IWlldill'd from Ihe fel'dllil!"k from host, al endthe authors reali/t, il I·Hull! benefil ~Iill further from readers' comments. The aut hors I herelure welcome suggl'suons for for Iu lure ed i I iOlls.

lions for the assistance

American National Standards Institute of Mechanical

and Management, Inc.

James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation Standardization Society of the Valve and



Nuclear Power Services, Inc.

Terracom Services Research Council

Electric Corporation

Certain pages in this book have been

Grinnell Literature with

01 ITt' Grinnell

1.1 Introduction

purposes. is generally considered to include the ""'''I,'''' including in-line components such as

heat exchangers, and tanks are also consid-

system. The contributions of systems are

essential in lin industrialized water to cit-

water to farms, and water to and

systems are the arteries of our industrial processes; transmit the steam to turn the turbines which drive generators, thus

the that illuminates the world and powers machines.

LI illustrates the of

Piping systems account for a cost, at times as much as one-third of the total

of the


1,2 is an artist's illustration of another type power

that burns fossil fuels, 1,3 illustrates a computerized model

showing the and These

an enormous amount of within a smaller

area than the chemical process of

within a very confined area call be an added

of a piping system is established 1.1 Iluid from one point

()OO M W foss i I

power supports, whil« a 1100-

MW nuclear power supports and restraints.

superstructures must he built lor 1111.' purpose


This book will review piping system

power as well as all relevant

teria used to engineer,

This book hoth describes the

... 'Ii""",.nu the development of sl n'ss

and shows their role in I he

such criteria as the type of fluid iJeing transported,

pressure or energy loss cost power J, desired

available materials of construction, etc.

the of systems and their supports, the factors that need

into consideration depend on the type of plant in which the be installed. As noted, systems constitute a major

in process and power plants, so economy is usually the major COIl-

An occurs the design of piping and restraints

when the minimization of environmental hazard nrernier motivating factor. For nuclear submarine piping sysspace limitations may be of critical

of systems


the as a whole, The discussion of ('odes alld stand;m lIlaiH'S

textuseful Ior illslrudiollal and n·fen'Il(,1' purP"St's,

The text desnih.,s the t echnicul basis for and pradi('al approaches

and svst .. ms wit h allt'lIl ,n

allowahl .. nilt'ria, '1'111' 11Ir<

1.2 Historical Overview of


" '2 1<Ili"n, hI' Il<lSil' 1""ls IIst'd hy lnuu.ms wr-n-

TIlt' ,l!hl'!l1 "I lilt' .sl";11I1 P"\\{'I' ill lilt' 1700", n'qlllfl,d t h«

(0 WIIII.sl;lI1<1 lilt' fihOfS "I <'Oll\'l'yillg t"lIlhill;!I j"ll "I vcrv high pn'SSIIft'S, Ilwrlllill

Illal jOlls ft'qllirt'd t h.u 1lllldillllt'lll.al h,' dl'\·('lop('<I. However,

lili II' "I' 110 sl;llldards or I'"dl'

indusl rlill n'\"ltll i011.

'1'111' l'h,I'! rlcal It,y,,llIl ion il i! .. n~ll'fil'lt II.S.

PIIl'fhV IISI'. En'l! Ihough dt'dri{'ilv {'III'rg\'

{' till' tad I hal il {"I II 1l0! hl~ '!Ivl'nit'lll (hi' lIIi1de

IH' form "I' t he hoolilillg U.S, indusl!'v, 'I'll!' illlr"dlll'lioll,

IIII'd till' d('dri!'al dr-m.uul, "f tur hine (!:HI7 [" till' 1!I~Osj wit

s!l'ilm I kllllH'falnres 1;00° F (:! Hi°!, I <llld g;lllgl~

flrl'ssun's .. I :100 (~ MN/Ill'II pos!'d t he twxl ilIajor I sv,,(pm

TII,'sl' d('sign conditions P)(('('l,tkd saft, 1';10.1 11'.>11

valtH's 11:,0° F (~;t~O(' II, I hus I he illl r .. dlld j"ll "I t'ast s(o,d for

nilit·"I,'{jlllfHIIII'Il!S. As lalt' as 1;1~:I, til!' prt'SSlIfI' was

"t ill tll,ball,d, hut! lit' I n'lHI toward n'qllin'llll'llh had

"In'ild" IWglll1. HI' I~J~I, Ih!' SI!'HIil gall!.!,' pn'sslIn' had illn";ls"d to Iii

( I I\IN/IiI 'j, d"uhlillg III Ilisl a ft,w VI'ars lilt· v,'ar l.ur-r. sl,'am I'rI'Ssllll'S .uul )('lllpI'r;!ltll'I's of I~OO pSI ({1 MN/III ') ;lIld ,IHI",," 1:17 "(', WI'fI' illhi"\'I,d, d('III"lIs!ralilig th('.advilll('('S llIi1dto ill IIf' d('vl'lllpnli'lli , 0.1"<1111 g('III'I';lI",. illid <tliadlt'd piping.

!I:)" :--01111' I HHI°!<' (:)!J:l°('l wr-n- ill Sl'wvin' Will! l~oo°F

Ifi I!IO( ') prlOll'l'lt,d, using iHlSli'lIifit'

high-I"IIIP"fil!tlrt' /IOn('s ('lInt'lIllv, Ill!' '''P gilllgl' pn'ssllrt' is ~,100 I\IN/IlI" 1,,1' lII"sl lossil lilt>! plilllh. Wit h IlI'W IIl;1il'l'iids

h"d,'r, urbuu-. <llId plpillf; 11<1\'" slrt'llglh lilitH'S.

To protect the numerous state, Lind local

have been enacted over the past 20 years. III response, various f:WUps have established codes and standards

ing This text collects and this dahl in such u way that

piping can refer to those codes and standards that to

specific or

The text focuses on both traditional and

activities to ensure the

analysis, for ensures the safe

their structural and under

to occur over the lifetime 011 he installation.

I his has been a mathematical

design loads are

tlt'sign rriteri»

under unusual condit ions, such as those

pipe ruptures, or in-line equipment loads. The magnitude of t lu-se design criteria lools for slress have InTi! only ill the past 10 years. The art of has ()penlllt' I he bailiwick of the (If t·"IIlIHllers allows more accurate determination of

I I Ill' and supporting structures. muk

methodology for most role of computers I hese newer mel


1.3 Overview of Thermoelectric Power Plants


Most 01 Ill' eledric power ill the United Slates IS rur n-ut lv

fossil fuels and high turbines. The

sdedcd is usually hased 011 ecollomic runsiderutions principal elements:



'uuqHitf'ri/t·d !Hudd til piping :--'V~lt'lIl~ {( 'II/ull''> \ II/ {'(lI/',(IIIIIII111 .,",'\-'(1'/11.., . Mur ntt«. L'(f }

.J Fud ("osl

, 1\

cost includes the cost of such components

condenser, Ieedwater

pumps, fuel and waste structures, and

cost is calculated based on the average anticipated lifetime. Such future costs are often difficult to esti-

events, such as the oil of the early

may suddenly and radically

them. The cost of the must be balanced against

cost of fuel operation and maintenance as well as the future

UC'l:UIiIUII"""'''''''''''' the plant. For a nuclear power plant is

its coot and significantly

cost than would be found in a fossil fuel 1.5 illustrates how electricity is ..... ,ru'r .. ,," ...

thermoelectric station. The

or the

fossil fuel

consisting listed, are as follows:

container into which water is fed lind heat is applied by

fuel is a boiler. This heat the water into steam much

and generator. The turbine is a device used to change the

in steam to much as a windmill uses air. A turbine con-

of blades mounted on a shaft that turns. In most fossil fuel stathis shaft rotates at 3600 rpm. The generator is a device which

It has two parts, a stationary made of coils of

part that is a connected to the tur

container where the steam used in the turbine is back to water is a condenser. It accomplishes this by circucool water inside tubes which causes the steam to cool and con- 011 the outside of the tubes, much as misty water forms on a mil" after a hot shower. This water is called condensate. The condenser sst of tubes cool so that the steam condenses into water. The

condenser tubes are cooled in

and condensate pump. The hot well is a reservoir at the botthe condenser which provides a place for the condensate to colThe condensate pump is a mechanism that moves the condensate the hot well toward the boiler.

circuit of

water, as

heaters. For more these devices heat the con-

before it enters the boiler so that less fuel is used in the boiler. the heaters use some of the same steam that turned the turbine, This steam is removed before it enters the condenser and reduces the amount of heat lost to the condenser cooling water.

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"" pump. The main pump that returns tile condensate

and feedwater tn the boiler at very pressure is the boiler feed

and air The

air into the furnace of the boiler to helps the fuel to burn better by before it enters the boiler.

the air

and ,tad. The ts fI

device used to remove and collect len over from the burning

of fuel after the furnace. The is fA large fall

that burned gases out of the boiler. The .tcu:h ill simply Ii tall

Screenhouse. The screl'llhuuse is Ii located near a source €If

willier [i.e., river or ocean) which houses the fllilowing: the t rusli

rack, which prevents items, such 88lngs, from entering the build-

the screens, which remove smaller items such as twigs,

seaweed. and tish Irorn the water; end the pump s

which force the cooling water the condenser,

the generation of when Willer is

!If fuel to form steam. The steam passes through

the of the rotor axle connected to it When

8 roil of wire within a magnetic tield, producing must be delivered through transmission wires

10 the user as !I(lllrl as it is aince cannot he stored ill

economical manner.

The fuel used in 1.5 is not power plants may lise coal,

natural 188, or even refuse 88 fuels. The steam generators shown

In 1.5 could lIisel use the heat of fission (splitting of atomic pari ides I nuclear fuel to boil the water. A nuclear power plant, therefore, produces in milch the same way as a fossil fuel plant, except t hut the fuel is fissionllble material (e.g., uranium or plutonium). Note I hal

is nuclear there is no such thing as nuclear electric I"'WN.

once regardless of fuel type, is used 10 generate 1,!t'I·hit·

ill the same way whether in a fossil fuel or nuclear power plant.

For II fair of energy content, the nisi of energy availnbb

lissionable fuel must be increased, compared 10 fossil fuel, hy a fadll'

account (!If the additional engineering, design, licensing, and decom effurts associated with nuclear power. Since nuclear power for engineering lind design (including piping) are fur than those associated with fossil fuel power plants, the overall CII!d or nuclear power may exceed the cost of fOSllil fuel power.

Fossil fuels be abundant however, some face depletion


within the Ioreseeable future. Alternative energy s"urn", such lis nuclear power and are needed while more allradivl' !'II!'rgy sources

(solar, fusion, etr.) lire heinK developed. .

Most of the electric power currently used ill the Iltu!!'" Siaies 'is

duced plants using fossil fuels and turbines.

utilize steam-driven generators of flO~MW 10 I:lHIIMW

with steam from boilers rlllO,OI~1 I"

10,000,000 lh/h (I, I 00,000 to 22,000,000 The 197:1-1!:174 lIil embargo threw the world's eiwr~y hHlllIu'e into comIt put numerous strains on both Ihe l'l<>lwmic lind technical resources of iudustrialized nations. 'I'he

at least the

trialized na 1 ions.

Like oil, uatural gus is also prey to

like oil, it is a Iinite energy source, recent est imates

indicate that om 1111 tura I gas reserves may than

the nISI of recovery is uncertain and may he prohibitiv« lIil and naturnl gas life vital feeds teres in the

fertilizer, and needs

fur oil and natural gas require considerauon various

sources of energy for the f uture.

We cannot eliminate uncertainty from om attempts 10 sl'e the

future. all the U.s. population and economy grow, there is g.",,1 rea

son III believe that the demand fOf electric energy will grow 100.

the transportation, and life at home will

heavily influenced the reliabihty and

ply. To maintain thai supply, conservation,

and nuclear electricity are reported to he necessary.

The 1979 Three Mile Island nuclear power accident caused the

United States to stop and reevaluate its attitude toward its nuclear power energy generation prutessionals still helieve tOil! nuclear power is indispensable to industrialized natiuns.

A survey of U.S. scientists was conducted iii 19110, !Iller the

Three Mile Island accident. The detailed quest ionuuire 011 energy issues was sent t .. 11 random sample of {II scientists listed in Amf'nnm Men (lml

WfJ'1lf'fl 0/ Sfll'fln', U) scientists in energ y rdilled lind (:1) .. ~

. . . 1-' SCI

1'111 isis ill he I.S related "0 nuclear em-rg y The s"i~Il';"

". . ,". «SaS were

asked II> rame the energv sourres whuh were expected I .. mak e Ihe gft'lil.

': I"tllllnhllholls III om needs lIy the vear 2000. The qlJt>sliwlIIllire Iisted

III sources. rllil~ill~ aiphuht'l hom hiomuss 10 wind I

T II' xrwe r.

11 ne 1.1 surnruar rzes lilt' n'sl"'llses I .. Ihe quest ionuaire, rr-Iat iv« I .. si~

ellerl:Y sources. Most fesp<>lIdl'llls viewed ("oal ~s I he

SOUfce of the ful me, follow(·11 oil, nut urn] gas,

H uiservat ion,

1"1" 1'i«l11D04'lIII4D1I c_er~~ Ie Our

Other OuhHir

Ali~m~ ~r@lr 'nduAiry, .·jnfllfH.·~r$l. NHC. f«'f« uial Hf"lS. ('HHf(rr~, t'll&wrl~.

!!6 7~ 1114 15 ~I ~[I
~7 !W i3 1114 Ii? 7~
44 41 :M .uI r.~ 67
II h2 ~4 • ~2 'l.!1 ;!.I
I II 3 It III 1
H~I I' • III W hi ;1/1 .: 11~la hum N"d<Q' ~;I.'·I"<lI.Y·- "'"" St .. ,.. "'II ere. ({' .... r •• y '" Iftr .0; Il,~,' / ... hI" am' Shmln HH4IQ"'4"t }

the utilizatiun (If nudelllf power continues to KWW wllrldThii> dermml>trateli that nuclear power will continue to he Ii primary

contributor ou the scene, of its immediate future iii the


ditfenmt nuclear power reactor designs are commercially available.

hw; been that at leut 1200 combinauons lie reactor type vari-

IiIhlet; ellist. The reader is referred til other teats for some IIf these variables comhinatnu» •.

Nuctear p"wt:r Ior peaceful me in the United States in Wfl7 with

l>ucceSl>!'u! !If a 6O-MW unit at Shippint:l.I4lrl. Ilerllltiylvllllia. the mld-I~~, tWI.! lYpe!lllr eummerciel reactors-c the h4lililll(-water reactor mWHI IImeJ the re!ldllf WWHI-- had evolved u the tWII mail! types lie reacturs in the United Staten. AVIJWximalt'iy &J percent II. the wlJrltl's :)11 nuclear plants reported lhwut(h 191i2 use these

relu'hlf types, Huth the HWH and .. WH are ndll'd -wlIll'r rt'(I('-

because their clllIll>lnt, IIf heal transfer medium. is urdinury

the lil(ht iS4ILIlIJe !If I!llumic wl'i~hl II liS

til hydnlt:ell IIf deuterium {atllmil' weillht 21.

HWIt is similar III the l"liler ill it j"lleiSii Iue] I'uwer "ialll ill I hill IIII' ill'lhe 1"111'1 is used directly III huil the Ieedwater, IlWdUI'iuj( the sll'am driVel! the turbine which turns the electri« j(l!lIcraluf. illsh'ali .. I I"c)JI;l-iil Iue], the reactor lhe liS!!ilm .... the nucleur hid III hea}. '1'111:' BWH is fueled IIy slij(hlly enriched uranium Unr exruu 2111 ;11~rnmL "'ll iSllhl.~1 in the f"rm «II urnnium IIxide pdtl'ls hl'ltl luiIt'S ill the cure. W~ler h; pumJ.K'd Ihwllj(h ihl' n,n',

the heal the Iissi4lnillj( uranium, I'm

sh'l:IlID which is piped III the turbine. This pWn'ss j(ives IIII' rl'udor

f'-ClII", 'I'he rdal of IIII' rt'lId"r I" III(> s,.sll'lllS is ,IH.WIl III

, I

t ..
w s
'" iii
'" @ '"
III '"
:::I I
I~ Ii'! ~ .§
Illi ._
! 1 ' ! ~ c
I '"
'" /
5 /
'::: ; , /
~ , :
... 0-
0. \ \





reactor enriched

held in the

the core to transfer heat from the however,

under pressure to prevent boiling, hence the

reactor. This coolant is circulated through the known as the steam generator, where heat is ",,""'"'n,''' to the Ieedwater on the shell side. The feedwater boils in the

to steam, which to the turbine.

of reactor has the of isolation of the

side) from the feedwater and main swam (sec-

swam is used to electricity in exactly

This swam drives the turblrte which is essentially the same in all

IS too. A

is nothing more than a steam-electric generation stain which the reactor takes the place of a furnace and the heat comes the of uranium rather than from the burning of fossil

1.8 indicates the tremendous amount of as well as the complexity of 1.8 illustrates

2.1 Introduction

demands on the power to generate

and efficient energy has brought forth ever more

of systems has increased for power

in and specifically for nuclear power

Standardization can, and does, reduce the cost, and con-

fusion that result from unnecessary and undesirable differences ill

rnent, systems, materials, and Standards can also document

practice in areas such as and installa-

tion. Within an engineering standardization is furthered

the vehicle of othcial company Between organizations, it is often

dards, Between it is "'N',,~n,,'

rnents and standards. For example, the General

Trade which became effective

estab lishes 1:1 code to promote the use of international standards and to prevent local and national standards, and certification from technical barriers to trade.

Most of the architectural or firms in the

United Stales and western Europe have

reference power of varying fuel type and

reference phmb reduce the cost allocated

since many components and systems are for similar types of standards are generally



often munici-

UeVl>:llUIJI standards. For example, the

of Mechanical (ASME) has an active stan-

has also developed the ASME Boiler and Pressure

nuclear power there is a compelling need for standards

and safety of the Most of the approved

and those now in preparation. are related to

of codes and standards to systems is

nresenteu here with a discussion of some of the organizations that

nW"M"'.,.'" these standards.

use of boilers in the late 17008 led to the need for regulations

which would the public fCOIn catastrophic boiler failures. Boil-

steam with pressures far above that of the atmosphere. Care-

lessness and of operators, design of safety valves, and

~b."ti,"no led to many boiler ruptures and explosions in the until sufficient regulations were imposed. committee of the Council of the City of Philadel-

addressed the of steamship boiler explosions. This committee

that state legislators institute a law requiring the pressure

to be listed on the boiler. safety valves to be used,

and Insurance Co. was founded for such purposes under

charter the Connecticut

Most of the earlier explosions resulted in the loss of life of one or two persons and III number of injuries. More disastrous boiler explosions have such as on the steamboat Sultana on the Missis- 1865. This accident resulted in the loss of 1500


lives. More than two decades

ers at the Mine in

town and killed thousands.

Just over 10 years on March 1905.!1 boiler

in a shoe in Brockton, Massachusetts,

117 others. As a result of the 1905 the first known

1908, Ohio rules similar to those of MassachuseUs. Other states

and to adopt

many to the legislative

council of the ASME to resolve conflicts and prevent future disasters. This led to the ultimate creation of the ASME described later in

of 27 boil-


demonstrated a need for standards to protect

In addition to the need for boiler for pur-

poses, the industrial revolution created the need for standardization

mechanical for the smooth the main-

tenance of

As a result of the codification of

for there

The ASME and

has been a remarkable history of in

Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. have data that dem-

onstrates in safety.

In response to obvious design and standardization numerous

societies were formed between 1911 and 1921. such as the American Stalldards Association (ASA), now the American National Standards Institute (ANSI); the American Institute of Steel Construction and the

American Society (A WS). Codes and standards were established

to methods for manufacturing, and data.

The intent of various applicable documents is often since definitions 01 a code, standard, recommended

not understood. The following definitions are

Code. A group of general rules or fabrication, installation, and manner that it can be adopted by a

Standards. Documents prepared a

believed to be good and proper which are written with mandatory

group practice and the verb shall is


group good engineering

the verb should is

agencies, organizations, and

various methods which are con-

without any specific recommendation Of require-

may be used at the discretion.

in order to have COll-

in-house procedures and to avoid one project differ

from others. It is another way to standardize the specific

Most of these are standards mod-

specific design philosophy. recommended practices, and of persons representing

societies, consultants, and occa-

bodies. These codes arc usually developed by volun-

are experts in their providing their accu-

Committee besides

must also be of moral standing since they hear

as of srxiety's

documents make known specific areas of concern and idenin the form of basic principles. Generally, n(OI1II1I'U(IrIS Of cautions to he followed in the standardizefor safety considerations. Economics and enforce-

are basic considerations for any code and must be

considerations. Although some technological lags

codes are reviewed and periodically to hold


, .. "" ... v the concurrence of an overwhelming majority (between two-

thirds and 90 of committee members is required to formulate a

01' standard. Codes thus establish practices acceptable to the

as a whole. Codes and standards, as well as being be considered "design aids" since they provide guid-

from experts. If one does not comply with standards, professional

suits may especially if this noncompliance results in an

omission which causes failure.

'''''''''1'''''' come in the form of addenda, errata sheets, or new edithe code on a triannual basis). When a code requireand an official interpretation is requested, the result-

committee response may relax that requirement; in that case the

would be 11 code case [or the ASME codes and be

number for subsequent identification. These code cases do not constitute revision of the code, and users of the code cases are cautioned

sure to the given problem. Code changes are usually

retroactive and are 6 months after the dale of issue, unless


The codes for mechanical are those ellect

the time the purchase order is awarded. These codes and stan-

dards should be listed in the system which may have

to be or revised once the I .uter revisions

to be issue is

occurs in the code and

way, the or

to the attention of the owner to determine whether

The inclusion of the code to the basis must he


for com-


2.3 Overview of to


To protect the numerous

government regulations have been enacted. III response to these

and in the interest of public societies

design guidelines, and codes in existence create the need

available data as a reference to

identitication of active in the

standards enables the reader to foclls 011 that

affects the engineering and design work of a

should he used only as II and for instructive purposes. The

user ula reference cannot substitute this information for the chenr's ::;p,. ilication or for any regulatory commitments.



2.3.1 American Institute of Steel Construction

The AI~;C was founded ill 1921. The firs! AIS(, manual was issued ill 1926.

ill its eighth edition, the manual has invaluable ill pro-

and codes 10 maximize structural steel

The AISC code contains design

design for structural steel. Its use is recummeuded for the

or bridges, or any steel structure, those


Am@riclIIn N.tionai Sllln&ilrdl il'lllltilut@!l

established in 1911:1 as the American Standards Association this group changed its name in 1967 to USA Standards Institute (USASII. In 1969, the name was to the American National Standards Institute IANS!). Standerde issued are prefixed with ANSI, may have originally been termed ASA or USASI.

ANSI is the clearinghouse for more than 200 major organizations which

nevetoe standards. It aids in the precision and quality of the U.S.

standards system and the only recognized mechanism

the United States for es~blishing lI~ndards u U.S. rultionals~ndardB. This mechanism requires that every proposed standard submitted to A NS I fm be subjected to a of public review and comment. any interested party may obtain III copy of the draft lind submit comments. All comments must be fully considered by the

committee, ANSI's Board uf Standards Review (BSR) then determines, on the basis of the evidence presented, if national consensus exists.

its federated membership, eouncile and committees,

" Identifies what standards lUI! <eu",,,,.,.. ftor competent and or, if none

life required

to undertake their organizes the required competence

., Pwvides effective procedures that and effective

management services to ensure efficient use of resources and

to eliminate duplication or effurt

Lendll its 1.0 the standard wruers

organizations run

Nut all U.S. standerds are issued ANSI. The ASME, the AISC,

and numerous €Ither organizations issue standards and codes IAI Nuclear-related standards are published as ANSI N series standards and lire authored standing committees IIf both the American Nuclear Society {ANSI and the ASMK A listing of all stan dards and applicable tu piping design, together with their

effective edition reference, appears in an of the Code

Pressure (ANSI B:lI).

The ANSI/ASMf.~ lUI Code f!lf Pressure is at present a non-

code in the United Stales, although most U.S. slate legislative Ixldies and Canadian provinces have adopted these codes as legal require ments. The minimum design of these codes have been

the industry as a standard for all outside the jurisdic-

tion of other codes, i.e., the ASMI<~ Hoiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The c: .. vered hy the separate sections of the code are listed ill



and petroleum rehnery pipi", petroleum tr .. ".portllli ... , "illi", system

UA.·.; ..... A. piping

Nuclear p .... er pi"ing (superseded by ASME. S"C'!i"" lin

,;u Ir""omi •• i"n and diatribution ";1';"1 I!:IUI

1i1liidi"l1 services piping

Table 2. l . ANSI also has dimensional standards fur and

bolts, and valves. Since the issuance of standards is IIIl

.. n,Il'''I,nl1' process, users should find that date of issuance to which are

committed before using the standard in any

2.3.3 Manu'llicturer. Stanc:illlrc:iiutioll Society of d1e VllllvlII IiInd fitting III indy.try

The Manufacturers Standardization

teer (If the valve and

sury standards which are considered These MSS standards are

national volun The MSS issues advi the

Pipe Hangen lind Supports: Meterial», Design, lind MUlluflidurer" Pipe Hllinl!e~8 and Supports: Selection lind Application

SI'·515 SP·69 SP·77 81'·119 ~H'.!IO

GuidelineiS (or

Support Contractual Helllltionahips

ripe Hangere 11111:1 Supports: Fahrication and lnstalle tio» Pradices GuidelilleiS on Terminology of Pipe Hangers end Supports

2.:U Am.ric.n Society of MeclulIlliclll Ellg!n'IHUI

III Hili, in New York II group of mel to review laws

the construetiun and operation of steam boilers monwealth or Massachusetts II.Ild the Ohio slate

til the 19115 MasliIIchuseHs,lmiler

the basis fllr the Iorrnation of ASM K the states' codes lind 10 Iormulate a materials standard. III 191:1, the committee issued the lirst preliminary report tu 2000 mechanical engineers, professionals, and insuraru-e issued ill I!H4, Section I of the ASME code WIIS one of the first codes and standards ill the United States. The ASME

its areas €If concern in 1924 data ill Section

which defined for various types of materials. Today, the

covers the and construction of power boilers, heating boilers.

nucleae components, and any pressure vessel which operates III II pressure of at lead 15 psi. These seetions of the code, with their

issue year, are summarized:

ASME Boibr ~nd Pr~flllI!.Ir. V.fIINt Cod4Il ~II

I«~ I: PowM ~fII (III~ 11'1 111114" Thill construction code covers

electric and miniature and bilil·

service. The section includes power boilers used in and tracuon service.

U: MalIMl&IIIIIPfIIClkll~!i (ilitwN 11'1111241· This section is divided intu

parts CA, H. snd C) and contains Oil

ferrous materials; nonferrous materials; and IiIler metals.

1«6i@n1il: i116.II:illllf po ... 1V planl c:~nlfllliillll.Nld iIl1IMiJ). Division I of Secuon III is subdivided into seven subsections. Divisioll 2 of Section III WII·

the of concrete containment vessels. The subsections of Dilli·

are IlII follows:


Rules and design criteria for items which are curnmon I .. all RU'" HdillllS, Ihm indiUlinl! 111'111'£111 requirements.

Hulet! fur CIUl! I which lUI' Ih,_ within the reactur

c!lolllni pressure CISllli I components include the reac-

lor vessel, pipifll, pumps, lind VIIIVeli.

Rules fur C'.fIII 2 which lire IhOllie Ihal lire import ant

Iu §!Ieety lind rllr emergency c .. re CHulil1!(, accident mit

illllli"I'l, containment heat removal, lI"slllnidenl lissi,," pr"dOll'l removal, IImG containment isolation. ClIIS>! :1 cumponeuts include pressure vessels, piVin". pumps, valves, lind wl"rlll(e tanks.

Rules fllr Clalill :1 cumponents, whicb lire those Iound in the "(MIl inl! water and lIuxiliary Ieedwater systems. CllltIB :1 "tlIllj)<,nt'llh include pressure vessels, pipinl:. pump!!, VII I VI'!I, and 81orlll:" lank~,

Rule» for containment vessels, which are referred t .. as ('lass MI' <metal containment]. This subsection contains rules for "Illy the containment vessel And dues nut include pipill!(, pumps or valves, since Ih,l1II' portiuns of the cuntainrnent system lire l!imerlllly designed as CIIIII6lI 2

Subsecti.m Nfo' contain» the rules fur CllltIB I, :!, :1, IIlId Me ""m lIullptlrls. These may I,., plste lind shell. line .. r. or stau ""pptlrls, These items lice used 10 suppur! the v"ss"ls, P'OI"PS, lind pilliill( systems.

:!>Klioo IV: Hillllifl9 boiklril!iu,," U'l 19231. Sect ion I V is ,'wlsiru.! ion uKle

the lint! or steam boilers which lire

:!>K~ 'If: N<l<'IdIIIllllr(,l(;li"illlluuninli~ ji@llllll\1ld 11'1 Hllll. This sedi .. 1l presents

methods for use by the code: ultrusonics.

current, visual allli leak

:!>K~ VI: RKommlln~ Mlill 101' Cllr~ 11100 ~ralioo @j ".u,hng boil<llfil (illlllll.Nld ill

lllti. Section VI regulates steel and caat-iron boiler»,

Ii to the maintenance, and this

Huiler mom accessories and facilities. automatic fuel

11m.! lind water treatments lire covered.

:!>KIloI') VII: RKGmln9rwHd mills 101' I:lIIrll @I PO"'<lIf ooliliOr~ (i!l!lu~d in

1922,. Similar to Section VI, this section addresses the and

maintenance of

:!>KI~ VUI: PrClul.ln, 1lII1Ie4ll18, Olllillli@n 1 lillltll.Nld m UI:!SI. This section pro-

vides basic rules for the construction, Iebrication,

certificatioil (If pressure vessels. These rules life formulated 011 I he basis

of and construction

desre ned for pressures up to HOOO (55 X Ht Pa).

are also covered.

SIIc~ vm: Prllllllllurll 1111111"1$, I)jlli!lion 21111$1.1" in 151:25,. Division provideu an alternative 10 construction for pressure vessels out lrned ill Division I. The rules are more restrictive ill the choice of materials

which may he used, but the rules stress

values in the range of temperatures over which the

value is controlled the ultimate or More precise

lire and some common details are

Permissible fabrication procedures are delineated, IIlId more

lind lire called for. The rules ill this section

vessels to be installed at atationery locat iuns.

:!>K~ Ill[: We~.Md bi'1II1I1I'Ig qWilikll~ €iul.&liOd ill 111311- This section 1't1V·

ers the of welders and in order to

with the code. Under procedure eurh process is hsted and

! he essential IIlId nonessential variables of ell('h prowess life out qualiticat iuns lire als« included,

SKIioo l(: f~rglllllllH.inlorCliOd plnhc prlllUI.I<1D VIlUIIIIII i,uUllld on 1!1691. TillS

section establishes specificat iona (or the and resin used

fabricate such vessels. It sets limits 011 the service condilions

and sets rules under which fllilnC!lIillg It

outlines the for stamping and

asaermnv of power

Steel-plate cast-iron sectional heating

Lined portable water heaters

Locomotive boilers

Miniature boilers

Nuclear vessels lind piping systems Nuclear vessel nsrlll

Nuclear instellation

Nuclear vessel safety valves


pressure vessels

Power boilers

Pressure vessels (Division I) Pressure vessels (Division 2) Miniature pressure vessels Pressure-vesael safety valve.

Boiler valves


)(1: Rukl$ tor il1-urvice il111P4llcli011 01 nuctear power plant components

'This section outlines the for maintenance of

condition and for returning or maintenance shutdown.

power in a safe

to service following a

including all the sections previously discussed, is

in most states, and with the code is required in the

United States and Canada in order to for certain insurance and

licenses. Additionally, countries must comply with the

in order to receive nuclear fuel from the United States.

the code has numerous editions, it is that the code year as well as the applicable addenda with which the design

be stated in contract documents.

ASME issues fabricators of within the jurisdiction of

code official stamps certifying their engineering and quality control

competence. 'The ASME code is the code known to require third-

inspection. Failure to satisfactorily meet inspection will cause the ASME to force the fabricator to cease this of fabrication. 'The ASME code stamps and their coverage are listed

Table 2.2 an indication of the areas addressed hy the codes.

Discussion of Uniform Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws Society and the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors later in this

nr""ull ... , an overview of the aspects of the code. Note that

ASME code is utilized even when the local jurisdiction does

Insurance company or legal require-

of either fabrication or ultimate use usually make it

noncode would be used. Within the United

Title 10 of the Code of Federal makes ASME code

nuclear power components. These

less of the local jurisdiction's

2.3.5 Juri~dictional boundaries

When more than one code provides criteria for a system or components,

or when various sections of a code different the limit of those

criteria must be defined. It is understood that struc-

tures are according to AISC and and other

mechanical are designed to the ASME code. 'The

transuion between the building structure {jill! the support

structure determines which code is ::!. and 2.2 mark

the code group having

a which defines these

r..i.S~lI:'- S~TIO'" m NI'" C~I"fRIA

r+: r-
._ -
I' , ~
.--_ I

,__ - .,


JI 1

V ~I

.1 ,

<I' '1

1'19'''l1li 2.1 Author-,' iliterpr~llIti,,,, "I ASl\lE IIlId AIS!' jurisdict iona! huundaries hetween iluddiliK s t r uct ur e 1111.1 pipe support structure

current issues of the AISC and ASME codes have not sanctioned

definitions. contractors are cautioned to have

boundaries defined for their specific The engineer

the technical specifications the boundaries of building

2.3 shows the boundaries between ditfer-

Note that in the the piping class changes at a

with the valve within the jurisdiction of the



Authors' inter pr et atiun of ,'oml'iex ASME and A!SC boundaries fur pipe suppurts in which supplementary huiltlinl( stee]


t.L,,,H\$ II "'.,,&@I

H'Il.'M.f\fl1! "fe •• ~'6 WIi"&..l)

St e e m Gene'~IUI


CIi:tS£ 2 Vessel (Httal E)(chiUlytH)

L-<J I (j
Cta s s 1 CldS~ :3 V4!vO
Pump , I
:xj I ( ) Cta s s 2 Pump


Cta s s J s y stem. Re actor c ootaur s y st e.u

Class 2 System, Re sruuat heat r emcvat s v sr em Class 3 system, Component c octmq w a t e r Sy:.ICIH

Figur@ 2.3 ('(lmpollt'lit da:isdin!tiun typical code jur isduuon ill" PWH I'owe, plant.

2.3.6 AmeriClB1l SOCiety 'or IUDd


The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) was founded

1898 standards on the characteristics and

suppliers, and services and to promote related knowlThe 198:1 ASTM standards consist of 66 volumes divided among

sections on standard specifications, test detini-

and related topics. All "~'c .... na

been tested and assigned ASTM numbers and

Based 011 ASTM testing and the ASME and AISC codes

establish the maximum allowable stresses for materials as function of

Usually ASME-accepted materials are

an S preceding the A for

A-:16 is an ASTM-endorsed structural steel while SA-:i6 is an

ASME-emJorsed piping material.

2.3.7 Uniform Boiler and Pre,sstlre VE!uel laws

This is a noncommercial,

is to secure uniformity ill the affect the boiler and pressure-vessel industry,

users. The promotes nationally

recommends the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code as the standard construction lind the Inspection Code of the National Hoard of HOlier

Pressure Vessel for administration and inspection.

several states have not the ASME code. the code as

relates to nuclear is in effect since the Nuclear Regulatory Com-

miSSIOn in its Code of Federal Regulations lOCFR50.55(a). man-

that the ASME code (Section is required. In addition. the use

the ASME code is for insurance purposes.

National Bo~ud ot Boiler and Preul.lre In~~ctor,

group promotes ( ) uniform enforcement of boiler and pressure-ves-

and (2) standards for of boilers,

and parts; (:H a standard of qualifications and exarninawho are to enforce the requirements of the code; and

one uniform code and one standard stamp to be placed on pressure vessels, and parts constructed in accorwith the code. The National Hoard of Boiler and Pressure Vessel nsnectors is the enforcement agency of the ASME Boiler lind Pressure

AmeriClllln Society of w .. , .. ti"" ... hi" ...... h"'''' lind Air Conditioning

purpose of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air (ASH RAE) is to advance the technology of heatair conditioning, and ventilation for the benefit of the

Pipe fllbrh::llltion Institute

purpose of the Fabrication Institute (PFIl is 10 serve proven

fabrication industry both at the design level and in by providing recommended procedures which

been demonstrated collective to fulfill code compli-

and Health


and Health Administration was created by ('ontherefore its regulations hold the foftl' of law in oil st at es OSHA such matters as clearance for 1lH'IIIlS of fllTess and egrf.'SS and

sufficient headroom in to OSHA rules, the

and no shall

floor. OSHA

work environments. For shall not he less than 7 It lower than 6 It H in above the



2.3.12 American "" ........ , ... The A WS was founded in 1919 and IS the art and practice of



codes include requirements

of Within the

to the structural soundness United States most states have

with state The

adopted one of three national codes

Standard Code (SHC).

Code International (SHCCI), is

Code (HHC), Code Administrators International Inc. (BOCA), is

northeast and midwest. The Uniform Code (

the International Conference of Officials

used in the west.

2.3.14 Nuclear

The Atomic Commission (A which was the forerunner of the

NHC, was founded in 1946 as a result of an ad of abolished and the NHC was created under the Ad of 1974. 1975, responsibilities were further divided between the NHe and the Energy Research and (ERDA), separating the regulatory and

power. All of the nuclear power

The of energy forms. such as

Is the Department of


The NHC is a regulatory agency which acts as the of the federal gover nment, issuing nuclear

and, above cunstruct ion permits and

plants. The NBC's rules and regulations are issued

site criteria, of the CFR are of particular

n".,U'H •• '" of Defects and of Production lind Utilization Facilities

Reactor Site Criteria

numerous documents in order to to provide data on

inform and the

documents are discussed in the following sections.

guidance on or research, and to problems.

The NRC issues guides to

describe and make available to the methods acceptable to the NHC

specific parts of the NRC to delineate

the staff in evaluating specific or postulated

to Regulatory guides are

substitutes for regulations, and compliance with them is not always

Methods and solutions different from those set out in

if approved the NRC. Regulatory guides

on piping design are listed in Table 2.3.

are generally divided into four sections:

Introduction. This describes regulation and an

I:IC~:eJ:'U1'l.Ile method of compliance.

Discussion. This part describes the background with an

tll!l.llJlllinllltlu!U as to how the method of compliance was established.

This section describes the acceptable method of in detail and discusses the applicability, if any, of ANSI standards to the method of

only after the applicant

have the alternative of developing their own rnethit is usually not feasible to do so because of the lengthy involved. Levels of documentation include the (SAR), quality assurance manual, implementing controls, and specific instructions.

NRC inlllpectic:m llil'ld lIu'iforCetmEll'lt dir.ciht$!J. When the NRC becomes aware of inadequacies or defects in a facility that seem to be of

nature, the NRC Office of and Enforcement may



Quality (;wup Ctassiticauous and SllIlld""b lor Wul"r. Steam.

Radioactive- Wasie·Containing Componeut s of Nuclear Power Plants (Revisions 3, 2/76)

Quality Assurance Prog rarn Requiremeurs (ilesign II",i

Constructjon] (Safety Guide zs, 6/7!7~.

Seismic Design Classificatiun mevisi"" ~, '!.l7tiJ Protection against Pipe Whip Inside {'""tammenl (5/7:0

Design Limits lind Loading Coruhinat ions for Seismic C"tegury I Fluid System Components (5/7:1)

Design Limits lind Loading Comhinauous for Metal Primary Reactor Containment System COIllP'""'IltJ; (6/7:1)

Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design or Nuclear Power Plants (Hevisiun, I, I U7:l)

Damping Values for Seismic Deslllll "I Nuclear Power Plunts (10/ 7:0

Quality Assurance Hequiremeuts tor t he iJesil(ll "f Nuclear Power Plants (Hevision 2, 6176)

l nst.allatiun of Overpressure Prut ecuun ievices (10/7:0

Init ial Test Program. fur Water·Cooled H"udor Power l 'lants (Hevisiun I, 1/77)

Preoperational and Initial Startup Testing of Feedwater ""d Condensate Systems fur Boiling Water Heactor !'"wer I'la .. ts (He vision I, 1/77)

Code Case Acceptability-ASME Sect ion HI De"gn "",I Fabrication (Revision 10, HI??)

Code Case Acceplability-- ASME Section III Materials (Itevisiou W,I\177)

Collection, Storage. and Maiutenance of Nuclear Power I-'IIInl Qu"lily Assurance Hecurds (Heviaion :1, 10/76)

Combining Modal Hesponses and Spatial Components ill Seismic Response Analysia (Revision I, ~/7Ii)

Design of Main Steam Isolation Valve l."akul:" Control Systems for Boiling Waler Reactor Nuclear Power Plants (Hevision .6/ 76)

Development uf Floor Desigu Response Spectra for Seismic Desil:n of Floor-Supported Equipment or Components [Hevision 1,1/78)

Service Limits and Loading Comhinauuns fur Cles. Linear-Type

Component Supports (Hevision I, 1/7t1)

Service Limits and I.,,"ding Cumbinat i'>lIS for Clas« I Plate Shell-Type Component SUI''''''!' (I{evision I, IO!7Hj

Auditing of Quality Assurance I'rol:"""S lor Nucle ar Power Plants (Hevision I, 9/!!O, :U:! I)

1.29 146 IAIi



1.6 !


67 I.otl






\ \

issue 1;1 bulletin to Ii group of licensees

correction of

some cases, is not

ance at the individual facility). The

Caiis to to the action of a bulletin. Thus, II

bulletin carriea force. Rather design lind evaluation

for nuclear plant lind restraints are included in these

"''''''''1,'''', IE Bulletin 79·14, Seismic Analyses for As- Built

Systems, which nuclear plants

reeiatanee of their piping systems, caused large

reIUl!lIYIl18 and in eonstruction changes in

UCCI!~IIOI1aIIIY the NRC ill informed about III aitUl!tion which does not

the criteria fof II bulletin in eitMr or immediacy, but

could hllwe generic impliClltioM. In aheM ~ lUI inllpedion and Imforcement circular ill iIIII!!ed. Generally. III cireua.1I' I't!commends that llceneees review the information and take certain specific preventive IIdiuml. Since the circular identifiee potentilll problema not of immediatehealth and safety significance, no reporting is required. Thus, the circulse ill Ii mechanism for the diesemineuon or information "P,,""m"" areas lind recommended licensee actions.

newest c&telory of inspection and enforcement (IE) issuence is the notice. The IE information notice provides early notification matter. It is iasued when the NRC becomes aware lIigniliclmt matter but does not yet know the extent or seriousness or the deficiency. Licensees life expected 1.0 review the information (or 1.0 their facility, bill no specific action is required

I'm response is required. If further evaluation warrants additional

licensee the requirement will be upgraded by illlluance !If Ii circular


circulere lind information notices require no formal response,

Office of IIInd Enforcement hill! indicated that licensee

<I ...... m •• ni .. and resultant actionll life subject to audit by

HUREG W4I'pMtll. These documents are formal reports issued by

NRC which clirry the NUREG series code. They may contain infurmlltiml to be considered in NIlC licensing lind policy decisions, may present the results or NRC licensing and policy decisions, or may present the results or technical research conducted for the Nile. There lire four cat-

nr NUREG reports:

" NUHEG: technical or procedural reports written hy tine or more NHe

NUHEG/CH: technical reports written as II (If NIH',spolIsored

research (i.e., contract report)

NUREG/CP: documentation of discussions held lit NRC'sponsoH'd meetings, or workshops [i.e., conference rwct'edin~s)

IJn~(~n'R: technical reports translated fur the NBC

NUREG reports have no otlieial as and

in most cases serve to document a current situation. In those cases where II NUREG report is written to document a !Italf positioll, it must

be some other vehicle such as an ,I<: bulletin. lk:4Im1lH «tllent f«tpMtii. For each licensed abnorma! events must be reported 1.0 the NHe. for licensed facilities are defined in in lice use provisions, and in the technical specifications. The abnormal events lire desoccurrences," and the reports are known as licensee event reports (LERa •.

Til sort, store, retrieve, and evaluate information

licensee events the AEC established. in the summer of I !}7:I,

tER file. This file III centralized source of data

for assessment of abnormal events in the nuclear as well as a reference and index tu the SIIUfce material (LEH) for more detail. This file

is accessible not 1.0 the NHC but also to the Shlndlllrd r.lIH&w pI.nll. The director of

standard review (SRI's) as for use in

1.0 construct lind operate nuclear power

There lire over 200 SHPs. Each SHI' is identified the safety analysis report (SAl{) section to which it The SHl's specify what technical information ill in order I." obtain a con~lrlJdion permit.

.u, ..... , ..... <1 for the guidance of the slaff reviewers of the Nuclelu Reactor iNRH) otlice of the NRC who perform the detailed safety review of applications to construct or operate nuclear power pillllts.

A purpose of the SRP is to the and

of staff reviews. A second purpose is 1.0 present a well deli ned hase from

which to evaluate changes in the scope and

reviews. Another purpose of the SRI' is to

making information about regulatory matters availahle.

intended to understanding IIf the statf review process

ested members of the public and the nuclear power

Table 2.4 lists the SRPs which have a pipillK lind restraints,


2.3.15 T Glchniclill j:I!JblicllIlionl

Tech~lical papers may be prepared by I(WIlP!l, edurat ionu! or.:a.

Im:atlllns, individuals. or ell~illeerin~ firms. These papers may be

Issued or in trade of usefu] techru

nil papers life the Welding Hesean-h Council (WHC)lIulletill l!lH '''Set' ondary Stress Indices for IUlc~rHI SlrlldmHI AUadHllt'1i1s I ..

s"i.mi,· ('Ia""ih .... tion

Sy.l~m ~" .. llly I;",up CI .. ""iliuli o "

!'hllli U., .. i~n for Prnleclion PU<!Ilul .. ted !'ipinK ~'III,lu, es ill

~'Iuid Sy.lem. oullllide u>nI4lJn~M"1

l>ele,min .. liu" .. I Rr .. all. l..ocal~ lind i)y" .. mi .. Elfecllll "_",i .. ted

",itll the P""lulated R~n 01 ripil»l s"i.mi<: I"pul

s"n..mi< Syatem

I»yWlmic Tnli"l Al\IIllfIIMl 01 M«rumiclll Syatema amI

Code ClaM I, 2, and ;) CIlm~IIII, COOlpoMlII1 SuW",IIII, IIInd Cllre Support Sirucluf.

CHolr,,1 RHd OrivIP of

Systems") and 107 Shellll due to Esternel

and codes. For the IIwndard ill used in W~t (Ierin the United Kin£dom also

cm.mtri~ also iIIIIue IwndiUds Deutsches hl.$titl.ll FUr Normu",

The 8ritish Swndards Imtitute iuu~ many IIWndtll'da.

there are two Iroop!l whose sole pur-

l,UIJ,«;lJnIUJUn and approval or lIohmwry international stanthe Internatillnai Swndlirdization OrSlllnization (ISO) and its oolmterpart in the electrical/eledwnia fields. the International Electro· technical Commillllion (HOC), ISO ANSI u the official U.S. m~'ml~l', lind lEe accords similar recognition to the U.S. Nstillnal Comwhich is tIIlfiliated with ANSI.

RI:l,;.,1I!t!)', II third body, the Pacific Area Standards Cungfet!S IPASC),

wu formed ANSI in cooperation with the nalillnal standards associa-

ticDIlsllf Al.I8tl'lAlia, and New ualand. The purpose of the

ISO and lEe and the ability of the nations of the in these .. n' ...... " ..

In*erM~ Atomic; The l lnited States IIf International Atomic .,,'''''"'', .. the otlice IIf NRC. Nuae that

reviewing, amending, and IIAI<:AI documents

tice and Guides issued the IAEA is <llIiy for meml,,'r

stales who enter into an agreement with the IAEA fm the IISSIS

lance in connecuon with the

tiun, or

2.3.11 Alomic IndullltEillll forum

The Atomic Industrial Forum (AWl is a (If lind individuals interested ill the and utilization (II commercial nuclear energy. i<:::;wblished III I!.If);I, t he Forum

has more than 00) organizstional members in the l lnued States and

some 20 countries. Through conferences,

and committee activities, the All"

abreast of technical lind economic issues.

and inferrnation program stlilf many

and nontechnical brochures and II

the Nuclear Industry is

The electric estabtished the Institute of Nuclear

(I NPO) to ensure operation of

Its purposes. in brief, are to estsbhsh for excellence in nuclear operation and 1..0 conduct evalue tions to assist utilities in meeting these benchmarks. INPO aiso determines edecational and for persoliliei and accredits

The National Fire Protection Association

" ... , ..... ,"" regulations to lire hIiZIUJS.

..... "1"'''''-' many of the NFPA

The American Nuclear (ANS). established in 1954, is

scientitie and educatiunal orgllllizutillil made up of I :!,OOO

individual scientists IIlId active in nuclear science and technol

0KY· Its main include the advancement of science sud



all with ft'sped to lIud"ar s,·i

research, and dissenunatiun 01 vuce and

of the Auun:'lnce

within the Nuclear ......... ,,,nI

NRC has made it clear that electric utilities and their suppliers must quality assurance practices applicable to all work associated with the design, construction, and operation of nuclear power

the scope of a total assurance program is

responsibility. The senior management

determine the extent of the total assurance program for the

a specific group of people are held responsible for

and COli trolling They may be called inspec-

quality assurance, etc. Regardless of the group's

it must develop objectives. the setting of

the project can concentrate on essentials,

programs to achieve the desired results, have a visible and

timetable for their accomplishment, and measure progress. has its unique requirements. Therefore, a total quality assurance program must be tailored to tit the particular project. The qualprogram and its supporting systems must be adapted to the project

A successful assurance program should not be

the management of any other organization, although serve as an excellent

There exist four major documents that define exactly what

basis for these should be:

Code of Federal

Part 50, Appendix B

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) N45.2

00 Pressure Vessel Code (ASME), Section

Subsection NCA-4000

these four documents have distinct characteristics which make

appear the bulk of the requirements contained in each are

the same. All four standards consist of at least 18 sections or



Procurement and procurement document control

Instructions, control


material, !'quil'm!'fI!, /lnd s!'rvln's

8. Identification and control of



9. Control of 10. r. Test control

12. Control of and test

13. storage, and


test, and operating status


15. Control of nonconforrnances

16. Corrective action

17. 18. Audits

assurance records

The assurance department for the

overall program auditing, and

ciencies are identified and corrected. the manual and the proce-

of the program. The critical IS

assurance those tools for

3.1 Introduction

ann construction activities associated with

may be under the direction of a

responsible for all activities control and accountability. submit to the manager on not. on tech-

department engineers to a specific

areas of responsibility: systems; components; buildventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC); and the


.. support

restraint and jet shield



.. Coordination of

fabrication contract

The duties of the include with

to ensure that the and associated components

are delivered to the site and erected in accordance with the codes and

technical specifications, construction and

There are a number of technical documents tout the

helps to which methods and

phases of analysis, procurement,

and in-line components systems.

reviews the establish

which documents are needed and when are to be submitted to the

client and to other participants for review sud The prep-

aration of these documents is normally the three

of documents include

P, ~ <MTl Dt'"'1ciUf,ltlIenl S~lhc<llilOn Ae'lIe .....

Pr ocur emenr Document ReI/law Malluf0CtUlHW$ SUfv~dl.m,e

ConH! uc trco SYfliellfoBll<:e/fflsp¢CIIOH Au(JJit

PrUJel! LUtHI ,d l

Cu~t EIH,IHIt't:IHIIj P!.tHH!I\~ .Hle! SdH:duIHH_J PfLh..Ult'ffH:II!

Hnlt.k!ll EfHJIHt't'1

Eons tr uc non SU&wI \l1$IOn field AdmHlH{fotiIOIl St.-Hlu,", _.td feu

PI Hjt"C r SCI Y IU ~

T hllfl!L"d Sl~I'IJl'/r (~ SCC1t'ldI141/Clt'Ill..dl

f~ ceU1 thJCU! I t';,PUIIU-t:IH':1:

t Iectrrc al MnhtHllcal HYUII1UIlc


tflvHUWfle,\lal fh~.H)II~ Per nut ,

L4\1U<.1! ,HId Mu,j.;1$ EnVlfu/lll1cllt41

AiJlJht'U EflYIIlt't:II"~ A!l4Iy~,~

I lie

Cht"flj'l.!li BUIh.hn\l $.erlt!Lt:$ Sl,u tu~ arlQ T fUf

F'lIur@ l. 1 TYl'il'ul "'''Jed t e a m orgullllut',,1l

Erection isometrics

Technical Design eoecificstione Vallie lind mlscellaneous inIine drlllwifll@

SYllum delluiplion

dWlllwinlllll ilIIOmehiCll Fllli:lriclltiuirn ilIIOmetriCll

Support and restraint drllwinll$ 11111111)1111$ reports

rupture drliwifllil impinlll!ment drllwifll$ Clilrtifilild ~pool piece sheeu

CIl.mli)llllllite drllwinllll ~mod!ll

Piplfll ill-!I!lrviCll inspection drawings 1f.I111:1I_nllll: IIIIrnd d~illn

COMuudion dep!llrtmellt IIChedule All-built drlll.iflle

~i!ln IUld field reports

of plant


I. specification lind

orders [i.e., turbine] are

eetimawil and cash How ill begua, with the greate!lt effort

I1C~IUlJlnll, drawings. and lists.

3. The detail design Imd are finalized .


...11> .. ."1,,,. ie mainly concerned with the preparation of those docu-

COlrnl>ie~!il durin, phase 3 or the development. 111 this phase

coordinated ucllange or information among the major u~_"""''''''' eoeeeraune on the

system design. and therefore all piping

ill the flow This ill the systems

.... ,"''''11 .. '''' the master plsn of each plant system. It indicates the types of preeeaa equipment lind interconnecting piping required 10 the function for which the system is intended.

ftm~ also known as the CHId ins(rumenlalwlI

is usually the initial drawing in the piping design pro-

CHI!. This document shows the in the system, the instrumen

.... TO .. "'. of the process. and the piping connections between

The PlhlD showa the supporting services

are lISU III

, -." ... '/('''.~J·

a ... C

1_"".,. .. IhlW.'-'tc"It


1.,"'2 t

.. \ i,

MAJN Slt.AM Sl*"Pt y SystfM i oos-s It. t C


line number provides ut a

II minimum of illformlll jon:

nominal diameter

• I

belollgs nurnher for the lillc safet y dass (if lipplicahld

line numbers refer to Ii or 3-in

boiler feed system, 824-in (OOO-mml main steam

1'1 16-in nominal-diameter containment line

CIa&! 21, with unique identifien 8, 51. snd 34, respectively.

The numbera are u to trace the

the line list The Jine list contaioo IRlliinM on the project, grouped system end then numerically by number. The line list

all for the line, including, but not limited 10,

well thicknese or schedule, fluid contents, temperature

and pressure [design and insula-

tion thickness, and appliceble code. A page (rum a line liat is

shown in :1.3.

In addition to a line list, most maintain Ii valve list of all valves

in the iiYl.ltems. The valve number,

identilieii the sYlitem, dUll, and POIIIIibiy type of valve. valve num-

are -MSS-MOVF-OOOlamd I-MSS- V -0220. These numbers identify I valvea from the main Iteam lIystem. The first valve is 8 flanged

while the IIeCOnd ill Ii manually valve. The

0001 lind 0220, these valves.

specification issued rflr each specitic joh describes the

au be used in the dellign and construction of the piping systems

f4~r the This specification dictates

appliclIl~ie piping material8, fabricatioll

components, lind supports.

mswrial8 mUlit be considered in the specification. not

because allowsble streeses vary with material hut also because cor

il! concern. Corrosion may be defined 118 the undesired

deteri4Jflltilli1 or a material through chemical or interac-

with the environment or destruction or materials by pure rnechanica!

Failure occur!! corrosion when the corrosive agent renders the

system of performing its function.

or this corrosion process has enviwnmenl.tli. electro-

aspects. lin the cumhilllllioli of

lind mechanical Iaetors, numerous types of l"lIf-

meehaniarns can be active The rate of corrosiou is

the environmental effects:

all cases, an increase in temperature results increase in the corrosion rate.

11155 -001 i I I

!fISS 1102 00 I I

HISS 00:' 00:'-1

1115S !lO~ Ill:' I

11155 o o ; 114

11'155 O:'~ s r a

11155 l~O 9.1

11iSS - 1:"0 I





!JAIl OffkAI 'H, "lSI

Sill CLASS IH[~ fHS I f S

(lNI tlNI IS' (' II 51 I

2.000 151


().1::;O 901


.O()O V i I

I . 000 ~O::

.000 1101

:'.000 901

:'.000 901

:'.000 1:;3

:0.000 15.1

:'.000 1~3

::.000 I ~ I

:?OOO l!j I

2,000 1::'1

4.000 901

24.00 901

:!4.00 901

:'4,00 901

O. 7~O 153

O,1~0 I~J



O. I~'!

O. i ~)}



O. ::

0.1)1 J

0.0 :;

(I. 011


0.0 I

0, III





5,0 ,)

I .0


022.0 5'50

. I V I

10',0.0 ",~,O

O~,O. 0 ',',0

I. .'()

I I. 1.'0

o .o . 0 :;',()

i 1 .0 !.'O


~, )',


! '

~ J',


In increasing the at which a fluid passes

metal surface will tend to increase the corrosion rate.

This factor affects the corrosion rate of

material. Factors to consider are the of the fluid, the concert-

tration of solids, and the presence of or reducing

Corrosion processes have been classified in many different ways. Several

corrosion are direct chemical corrosion, crevice

corrosion, erosion corrosion, biological corrosion, and stress corrosion.

line and are used the pip-

to out the piping and to generate the design drawings.

of the size and schedule indicated must be routed between equip-

shown on the flow diagrams. will be affected by system

pipe weight, installation and material costs,

pressure requirements, and equip-

and structure locations. The major equipment and building

locations should be available on arrangement and struc-

may vary depending on the design criteria involved. When

is involved, the can be easily supported at large

minimal amount of hardware. Thus, for non-safety-

the concern is to minimize the pipe length by

a more direct route. If the loads are other than simple weight

the may need to be close to the building steel. Therefore, for

should be located adjacent to the walls and ceil." .. A''''''II!; in the use of more piping hut also savings in the

of the pipe and any attached equipment during operamust be accommodated by the flexibility of the piping run.

equipment usually require low

'hor4lf,,,r,,, the pipe routing in this area should permit

supports close to the nozzle to take loads

classification should be grouped, if possible, at the same elevation in order to promote the common supports.

4. All should be and all low in the sys-

tem be drained. Intermediate should be avoided.

5. A minimum headroom of 7 ft measured from the lowermost

of the should be maintained in areas.


should be avoided in front of pumps or other

maintenance; should not be run above

7. In-service must be considered in the

and maintenance

All components, and

in a neat and simple manner.

room for free access to all operating to

component removal, and sufficient maintenance area.

Free area should be near the location of in-line such

as valve operators, snubbers, etc., for the same reasons. Suitable access and maintenance clearances are illustrated in :1.4 and :l.S. Fol-

figUfll 3.4 Minimum access dimension", (a) downstairs. (Cuurtesy of Efll5,neertnx f'lofl'HflX

NOli VAlVI ,liM MAV I:U iU~N( U


Mllintenallce pointers-convenient valve locat ions. (Cuurtesy of f:n!lill""""M Pi,,,,,,,,,. lind M{m.a,~ml!nl. lnc.)

these recommendations permits maintenance crews to work within

comfort zones of their body Additionally, valve operators and

other should avoid projecting into walkways where they might

constitute hazards.

connections between piping and should be provided

the which will occur periodic maintenance,

Piping should be arranged so as not to interfere

through manholes. doorways. or


Once the is

that show the routing. The

ment used the piping design groups.

and views. (A plan view is a view from

view is a view seen from a point in the horizontal

A view of a system is shown in :Ui.

vessels and as well as

show the in eleva I

3.7) are needed to

systems are usually routed in sections com Lined with 90"

elbows rather than following the shortest route to the of termina-

tion, This the route to follow the structural steel

support work.

3.7 illustrates an elevation view of the system. III this

me in the of the system are more visualized.

Some areas of the piping system that are not identified ill the

view can be clarified in the elevation view. For ill :l.6, the

elevation of the attachment to tank ident ified. In

the to the nozzle is more evident.

shown as a solid


Tonk ~''----'






figUf41 l.1I 1'1"" view 01 piping


Noulfl A



t Looking novlh}

line. In some may Ill:' shown with the diameter drawn to scale in order to facilitate interference checks. The in-

line components, such as valves,

and reducers, lire

has been established, it must he located 0111 the accessible reference

ill structures such M walls or

columns. Columns life identified as intersections of column

which lire labeled numbers in one direction and letters ill the other,

shown in :l8. In a circular building, of interest either may be

dimensioned [rom the center of the or

be identified azimuth lind radius, WI shown in

8 reference for a dimension, one should consider that measurements

taken will most at that location. Locations which are not

easily such as the centerline of the stmllge are !lot rec-

ommended reference lind should be avoided. If one location is dimensioned to column lines and 1111 on

the then lilly other point on the

Another reference for the piping system is the north arrow. The

north arrow is shown on the piping and serves as constant

direction of reference for and The north indicated is

true north; father, it is a reference axis chosen The north arrow is usually selected to he column lines lind thus to the structural steel.



/ il[ I


COlmpO'II~ n, ..... d ... ' .... !lind Scllal4ll MoHII

of a them ill mI need for Ii

the work of 1111 discipliML Thill ill n~ry to allocate space

and to prevent interferences,

groopIB WIe the to out their

thua emu ring tM of each dilldpline to pro-

of any other,

lAllllnll:MliliOii.e IU,IIlWnUI8 are "'ayerings" of tlquipment, and struc-

found ill II single lues IIInd include systems, cable


UVAC systems, IIlld other These serve

tools lo ensure II coordinated lind effective use of availuhle space.

is shown ill :1. III

basis as

on Ii

do not always use composite as a ,,,,,I. Instead,

a scale model may lie used. The scale model is II reduced versiun of the

under construction, including structures, and

Thill visual assists in the lind

installation of and supports.

The cost of a scale model may lie as as 11.1 percent the total

cost. For if the cost of 1111 I WO·MW nuclear ia

the scale model can cost es much as $:I,UOO,UOO. This cost is

1.0 lie offset reduced lime lind mminuzauon of con-

struction interference.

The model is similar to drawings ill that it must show the most current

lind loeauons. If are drastic. the model

may have to be reconstructed. Although the model is 1111 excellent 1001, it

for must design Once are con-

the model, exact dimensions must lie .. htaiued [rom


groups 011

groups tind it necessary 1.0 work from isometrics life three-dimensional

shown ill two dimensiens on ing isometric ill used where conceptual

exact scaled dimensions, Isometric are

ing erectisn purposes end as stress analysis models.

:U I shows sample isometric views of systems, The three-

dimensional etfect is created by the two h(lriwll~1 aaes 1.1:

lind r] IIf the system 30" clockwise ami :W"

Irem the horizontal axis of the paper while the vertical

axis conforms t41 the vertical Ollis of the paper. thai is nut

parallel til (JIll' the three major axes can he

components the other Illes. From the

metriai need nut lie drawn IH scale; the

I(illes dimensions relative 10 the center of the

centerline elevat ion is III uue point Oil the A

vertica] reference dimension is 11l'1'ded euch lime the devalio!!

dlanl(e!l, Dimensions aloll!: I tit' pip,' 1!:'1l~1 h lire

allcl lu the Illes of the hlliltlillt: Tht·

rulurnn lines ill order 10 specify its 1""'lliun ill I Ill'


An isometric shows the complete hom one .. f

to another. It is prepared to facilitate Iahrication lind assem-

In its form, the isometric may contain informut ion con-

fabrication and erection as well as the most current sup-

port datil. When life used by the and

construction groups, isometrics give Ii dearer presentation of con-

than is available from plans and elevations.

supports are required to protect the system hom the

conditions. design conditions can var y from the

11I8ds up to comples transient loads asecciated wilh rupture. Initial selections of support locations lind types life 011 design loadings, pipe size, system configuration, lind build-

steel locations, with the design the minimization of the

number of supports lind restraints. The initial support locatiuns and types

should he marked on the isometric for use the stress IIn8-

The various types of supports as well as criteria for them life

discussed in 5,6, lind 7.

Ir, the course of the stress fllhricatioll, or installation,

support function, location. or direction of action the isometric

should be to reflect this

Streas isometrics life developed by using the piping and isomet rica I"IS references. These isometric serve as models for the stress analysis work lind so must show 1111 relevant information. As seen in the stress isometric in 3.12. the items are npeded t .. lie included:

I. The !lind

coordinate system should lie shown with the positive linear direction indicated fur the .1:, y, and z reference axis,

2. The system must lie located with respect to II reference

location. The centerline elevation and two horizontal

sions from column lines ere usually used ill

the elevation, IIInd aairnuth are used in circular

;1. node points should be selected iii locntiuns of slich as

of estimated high stress or dellect inn The

may lie estimated by the ,,!'.1Il

boundary comlitiolls. Additiollal node !luill!!> are

III concentrated loads [i.e. ell'. I, support

parameter transi! iun points, lind .:eomelry intersec! ion puurts.

a aualysi« is Ilt'illl( it may he necessary 10 add

node 10 serve as lIlass ""ints ill the model. Eadl

liode must he numhered uuiquelv


~ .
~ ..
~ E
'" ..
'( 'I)
, ~
... 5. Dimenaions between node should be resolved into com-

to each of the three II:U~S_

6. Other

design parameters (such lIS

material, valve support seismic

etc.) may be shown either 011 the isumetric itself documents.

reference in located on the

isometric as supports are

is ill rIO way to use the minimum number or SUPPIICIa that permit ali atress criteria to he mel. The locauons shown Oil the isometrics represent only those suggested locations where

needed supports may be installed.

(OF restraints) life usually dllSSitied 10 both direc-

tion and Iunction. The directions of reslreinlace those

to the three local axes of the pipe, skewed restraints with components in more than one of these directions are found The

local axes (or a in the horizontal

• Vertical... Axial:


run (sometimes called

II! Lateral: to both the vertical and the axial aaes (some-

times called transverse axisl

of restraint in terms uf resistance to

cases. For example, a II force W counter II

weight while little resistance to either thermal nr

loads. Ii snubber .", -iv ,,"_ or

function names are also degrees of freedom restrained. For

of downward loado are

purl s.

Irallslllltionalllllld three rotational) are

or supof freedom Hhwee called anchors .

ill from I to 5 degrees uf freedom. are knuwn as rest raint s However, this hook uses the Keneric -term support for all supports I1l1d restraints {fur except in those csses where a Inure specitir- term IS


reHenllltion 011 the stress isumetri« is of hsrdwllre I ype ('011

veutions are sumet irnes 111111 1111 anchor may n'pn'sl'lIiI'd


3.12, NP 100,400, and 490), an

or some other simple

Anchors are required at the and end of stress analysis

The anchor is used as a location of transition between the pipe the building structure, or simply the continuation of the

Forces moments from one side of the anchor are not trans-

to the piping beyond. Anchors may be added to stress

that are too to handle in order to break up the

two or more problems. Such a use of

where possible, to reduce construction costs.

uses the stress isometric as the model

4. As significant changes and support configurations further design or the isometric will revision, and it may be nee-

the stress analysis for the new conditions.

piping and generally two types

are when stress analyses are prepared. One is called a

report and is required for all assurance seismic category

This report confirms either analysis or test data that

component can satisfy the code requirements applicable to seismic

These are defined in the project design specification.

second is called a stress report and is required for ASME code,

Section Class 1, Class MC, and Class 2 components designed accord-


stress is a complete set of stress analysis calculations which

establishes that the component satisfies all safety requirements and is ,,<.11,,""""""" (01' all conditions, as specified by the rules of ASME

Section III. Stress reports and seismic reports usually contain a checklist to ensure that compliance with all requirements has been reviewed and by the cognizant engineers. In the United States,

stress must be approved a professional engineer licensed in the

in which the nuclear plant is constructed.

systems normally require in-service inspection to give detection of potential failure, with the degree of attention given proto the criticalness of the system. In some systems, in-service is not performed until and unless leaks occur. However,

power periodic inspection for maintenance purposes is pru-

For nuclear power plants, Section XI of the ASME Boiler and PresVessel Code outlines the rules for in-service inspection. Piping design must reflect minimum clearances necessary for equipment that performs pressure

til ~€
0 _ X
H !~:
r- ~~~
<I ~ ..
u it !O
H ~
H i
w ~h
til II !5!
til E~a > ..

(/) ul ,o z

4.1 introduction

should underthe

and regulations. These

system design and and therefore HS H group

~JllltlV'."i :! introduced the

If the

need not be

areas of concern and

in the form of The ANSI Pres-

Code series and the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel

are the governing standards for the

contain information the such as

stress values and equal ions

and other environments.

of this chapter will deal with this extracted Of

summarized from the codes. However, it should not lie construed that the

herein are and The

code information summarized here should not be by competent citic situations.

systems. material

aubscribe to one of two failure theories in

tbe of piping aystems. The ANSI B:II codes as well as

ASME Section Il}, Subsections NC and ND (CI&!I!Ies 2 and :H, have as

hrulill the maximum principal stres» making this theory the

basis (or moot applications. Thia theory etates that yielding occurs

the of any of the three mutually perpendicular principal

stresses exeeeda the strength of the m!.lterilli. This method has the

V<l" ....... ,," of easy 1.0 apply; and when it is used with II suitable factor

it safe results.

more detailed evaluation or the state of stresses in ill material coupled

mllre accurate failure theory would permit the use of allow-

stresses without Il reduction in This more accurate failure thewhich forms the basis for Subsection NR (CI_ I) of ASME, Section

the maximum shear stress This states that failure

when the maximum sheaf stress in III material exceeds the shear

in III uniaxial lest sample lit or

maximum sheer stress T ..... is to one-heff or the difference

between the largest and smallest of the three principal atressee, II!I illustrated in the Mohr', circle shown in 4.1. In 4.1.

lind @J are the principal stresses in the material. and '1> 1t. and 1;1 the sheIn stresses. Mnimum shear stress 1:1 '" (al - (1,,)/2. So yielding eccura when



the mathematical operations (by deleting the par-

divisions 2), the CI_ I code defines a stresa called the equivalent

combined stresses, or stress intensity. This stress intensity iIB defined es twice the maximum sheer stress, and yielding is said to

occur when the stress intensity exceeds the yield of the material.

4.1 Mull,', t'i,d~,

ms s inrum shear strf'HK


both theories seem




maximum sheaf stress theory seems more conservetivs than the maai-

mum stresa theory since it considers the effects of

orthogonal stresses. However, if !.III three stresses ill II material

the shear stresses calculated would be zero, ami the maximum would allow unlimited stresses. For this reason, the stresses.

4.2.2 Stl4It1ll1il e4II€~1§

Various failure modes could affect a stress cerrosion, and brittle fracture. These are not cov-

ered by the but the effects of these failure modes must be

considered engineer when out

and system.

The failure modes that the piping codes address lire excessive

deformation or plastic instability, or incrementa]

cycling in the range; and highstrain

these failure modes is caused a different type of stress lind so it has been necessary to separate them into three dirferent categories lind set different limits for each. The piping codes have broken the types of

stresses. lind the failure modes they against, into the

st re ss . Plastic deformation ami

stress Plastic instability

10 incremental fwm "vdle

• Peak sl ress.

failure collapse

by 'ffi"''''''',1

is not self-limiting. IS

the entire cross section ',f the structural material used

in piping then failure can be prevented removal of the

Illading IIr strain in the material.

stresses may be further categorized as general

brane stress, hx-al membrane stress, and

These three categories are of interest because the

the entire section has reached the

stresses may exceed however. under this stress stute

behave as stresses and redistribute themselves as the 10cIII

wall distortion occurs. The failing moment would be that the entire cross section of the pipe in plasti«

fiber. the permissible primary

the calculated stress) may be increased over the moment

shape (actor.

stress is developed in a structure

structure displacements, whether thermal

I!Ind'lor Ilnd restraint movements. Under seconua tem must conform til imposed straim, father than forces, S41 that the Call be satisfied by system distortiona, Distortiun of the piping sYlltem 811 well liS local yielding tends to relieve the developed stresses due 80 theee IIUeues tie uid to he self-limiting. stresees are chluified liS those stresses caused

comtraints of which caUH distortion, stresses are

UU~ which cause virtually no dilltortion and therefore strees levels.

"" .... ".'11''''''' would be thermal wall or atress con-

eentratkm at a diocontinuily such U i!I 01' III weld. Peak stress

the slri!!llil in 8 local and ill . for causing

Str@llUl jjmi~1iI

limill! fill' each stress type have been determined the

limit elutic and material behavior)

All mentioned a ill assumed tu filii when an applied

inducil$ Ii general primlDry membrane atress to the yield


.'",,,,, re 1 .... di .. 1t ver .... de •• ,," lorn.!. (reda"Kul,,,


of the material. Faihrre under a moment requires that

the total cross section be lit the yield this will not occur until the

moment is increased above the yielding moment III the

the factor. Combination of these membrane and

would result in reduced allewables for both and mem-

brane stress. 118 shown ill 4.2, in which S, == tensile stress, So '" bend-

stress, and "" stress. The stress [irnita defined for gen-

membrane stresa (~S,) lind for combined calculated have been shown to provide an

vent failure.

Limits fur stresses are in terms of allowable calculated

81 ress range. The secondary stresses, when combined with stresses (If even when taken alone, are to slress the

pipe ill! point The reason for this allowable overatress is tbut

II load which initially forces the into the

range after a few cycles, "shake down" and be reduced til elastic

action in the system.

Thill stress theory can 1.Ie understood by a

an which is

"" calculated stress S2 == residual stress due to defor-

"''''''V"', shows the calculated stress value would be equal to the product

the modulus of E and the strain e, resulting in a value which

When the displacement is removed, the

tlAI~-e~:u,,'''' the yield will retain Ii residual distortion

the strain less the strain. This distortion will

a residual stress, opposite in nature to that developed during loadto the difference between the calculated stress value and

material stress. This residual tension stress, for example,

be overcome on each subsequent loading before the can

The elastic-and the allowable-range

the value of the or E« For this

reason, the stress range may be as as (times

suitable factor of

This "shakedown" is also known I:IS and it can be

hastened the process known M in which a pipe is

OInd,,,,,,hr,,ulliv cut and installed short to the prestress normally

deformation. This pretensioning of the piping system

reducmz the calculated thermal stresses (and the actual in the system; however, there is 110 difference in

range to the whether it is or self-sprung. The

calculated stress range in a system may not be reduced through

any kind of prestress.

the third type of stress, stress, is caused

is a secondary stress, and produces virtually

distortion. FOIl' these reasons, peak stresses cannot cause failure from

or the continued cycling of high-stress con-

centrations may cause Ii crack which propagates and results in

""~I""'l['" This failure mechanism is called

Note that the term which was adopted well over a century ago,

be the best choice of word. The actual aspects of this phenomenon are different from the process of biological fatigue. First, fatigue failoccur with little 01' 110 warning. Also, periods of rest with the stress removed will not lead to any healing or recovery from the

effects of the stress. Thus, damage once done during the fatigue pro-

cumulative and normally unrecoverable.

failure is ciassified in textbooks under two different

and in both cases the failure is caused by different

mechanisms. With one type of fatigue, significant plastic strain

each This type of fatigue, called lou=cvc!» [atigue , is

loads and a small number of cycles before failure.

The second type of results from strain

this mechanism is called high-cycle includes those failures occurring within

failure has been understood and used ill the

this type of fatigue is of the type. In

a stress level known as the erulurance

an infinite number of times without is calculated.

most of the loading encountered would be of the

low-cycle expected to occur less than times the

service life of the system. For low-cycle failure will occur with

stress levels in the plastic range. The stresses which cause

in the are the stresses.

For every a fatigue curve can be

analysis which correlates peak stress range with the number of

failure. A curve, also known as the SoN curve, is shown in

Fig. 4.4. The stress SA is defined as one-half of the calculated

peak stress. that the number of load N that the system

is fewer than the number for the stress

failure may be

the alternating stress may be vary

in the system service life. These variations make the direct use of the fatigue curves inapplicable since the curves are ueveronen for constant-stress amplitude operation. engineer to have a theory or hypothesis, verified

vations, that will use of the curve for the

One asserts that the fraction of any stress level S,

to the ratio of the number of of

105 Number of cyCles 10 failure Figure 4.4 Typical fatigue curve


at stress level to the total number of

that stress level. This means that failure is

that would produce failure to occur if


usage factor = L ~ for all stress levels N,

11, "" number of cycles at stress level i

"" number of cycles to Iailure at stress level i as per material curve

since more complex cumuimnrovement In

OCC8IiOI'l81 loadl Ind SeNlce Levell

codes separate primary loads and stresses into two types based

duration of their application. The first is called sustained

or loads which can be to be present virtually at all times

of sustained loads would be weight and pres-

iosmnea associated with the normal operating COI1-

The second is called occasional loads, or loads which are

a small fraction of the piping system operating time.

of occasional loads are winds, fluid relief valve

",>&I·th.'II6I,Ir .. and high-energy break.

levels are defined for nuclear piping by the

Section m. They are, in order of decreasing likelihood and

IC[I~WlIII~ ~~'''~.'' .. , of occurrence, levels and also known as

emergency, and respectively. The piping codes

the stress levels permitted, but they do not define types of load-

be considered under each service level. The responsibility for deter-

the to be considered under each service level rests with

the owner upon advice of the architect or engineer and concurrence

the NRC. The definition of loading combinations would be recorded in

"a.o~';j"''''''''''''''' or, in the case of a nuclear in the safety

11J1J1!ni'U~~ refer to design conditions to which the piping system the performance of its specified service function. ... " e ...,,,"','\1 be loads due to operating pressure and weight. UI.I'UlHU!:; include those occasional loadings which the piping

must withstand without requiring repair. Usual

of level B loadings would include fluid hammer, relief valve dis-

and basis earthquake defined as the maximum

to occur within the lifetime of the plant or

one-half of the safe shutdown (see level

The codes allow stress levels for level B

not sutlicient to allow damage to occur.

Leoel C are normally those

accidents of the During level C

hie of their safety functions to

ClUJCCLen that any damage will occur components would be

to of service after a level C

is safe sh ut doum which is

deli ned as the maximum earthquake to occur at the

at any time. The limits set by the codes for level C deformation in areas of structural

damping values are

associ!lied with the

the systems must be capa-

shut down the It


are those associated with the most extreme accidents design conditions, such as a loss of coolant accident.

yet loads and and

in the piping. As long as the components retain their

their function, an increase in

As described in 2, the need for a national code for pressure

evident from 1900 to 1925. To meet this H31

initiated in March at the request of the sole sponsor. After several years of a

into separate industry committees power

with each issuing its own code. The ASM E has

are published jointly as codes.

contain basic reference data and formulas necessary

the committee fuel gas these



and component standards which are

for code usage


standards for the elements


for the pressure

of component parts and assem


for the evaluation and limitation of stresses

and movements associated with pressure, and external


for the fabrication,

and erection of




may not be followed but must be adhered

sections of this chapter provide summaries of

the stress contained in the more codes. Where met-

units are not in the original code, conversion has been by the authors.

summaries are for instructional purposes and the reader is

to obtain a copy of the complete code of to appli-

any code

831.1 Power

scope of the 831.1 Power

for the materials,

for power and service piping systems

stations, industrial and institutional central

and district systems both on the prop-

of and within of the users. Power services include,

not limited to, steam, water, gas, and air services.

discussed in this code include those for

relief devices, and the pressure-containing

It also covers restraints and other the pressure-containing

StU.IIIIIEUI dll(l to Illltitained loadingll. The effects of pressure, weight, and

sustained mechanical loads must meet the of the Iol-

lSI IlllIhl

where P "" internal pressure (gauge), psi Od'a)

.. outside diameter of in (mm)

t ; '" nominal wall thickness of

in (mm)

= resultant moment on cross section due to weight

other sustained loads, in-Ib (rnm N)

Z '" section modulus of in"

i "" stress intensification factor (the product U.75i shall never be taken as less than 1.0)

== basic material allowable stress at maximum temperature from

allowable stress tables, (kPu)

Str\l)uefj dl.l~ to occniol1ll1l loading II. other sustained loads, and occasional loads meet the


1.15 for occasional loads acting less than 10 percent of

"" 1.2 for occasional loads period

Mfj = resultant moment loading 011 cross section due to

loads; if is only one half the

moment range should be used, inIb (mrn N)

less than I percent


Streu r!Drage due to «9 !I! pili 1"1 llIion loading I. The effects of thermal

stresses must the following


where M, range of resultant moments due to thermal (rnm-N)


== allowable stress range for thermal expansion stresses == 111.25S, + 0.2580), psi (k Pe)

S, .. basic material allowable stress at minimum (cold) temperature

from the allowable stress psi (IIPa)

I = stress range reduction factor for cyclic conditions modes (see Table 4.11

81 = s ust ainr«] 81 ress cBlcul"',,d in Eq :\1



7000- 14,000 14,000- 22,000 22,000- 45,000 45,000-100,000


0.9 0.11 0.7 <Hi 0.5

Pipiflll Code. (Cuurle.yof A.SME.)

that the piping be designed for a metal

the maximum temperature The B31.1 code states

shall be to be the same as the fluid

unless calculations are to support other values.

no circumstances shall the be less than the

of the temperature and the outside wall temperature.

basic material allowable stresses to be used for and Sh for most

are determined by selecting the minimum value of the following stresses: (1) 0.25 times the ultimate tensile strength of

used at 0.25 times ultimate tensile

at installation temperature, 0.625 times the strength at

or 0.625 times the yield at installation

These values are tabulated for a wide range of materials and in Appendix A of the B31.1 code.

factor i is applied as an factor of

and other locations where stress concentrations failure could occur. The B31.1 code requires the use

common value for in-plane and out-of-plane

moments as well as for torsion. The formulas for stress intensification fac-

are in D of the code and are also shown in Table 4.2.

831.3 Chemk:4111 Plllnt and P~tr@kI!Jm Cod.

scope of Code B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping

within the limits of facilities processing

petroleum, or products. A few examples are

refineries, loading and natural gas

Excluded from B31.3 are carrying nonhazardous

with an internal gauge pressure lower than i5 (l03 kPa) and a

below 366°F (lOOCC); steam and feedwater per ANSI

and plumbing, sewers, and fire protection systems. to be considered for B31.3 are pressure, weight

(including shock), wind, earth-

"'! "
<:: di1
- ..
M '?-
"0 .5
.( ..... -
(:) '" if.)
Ej r-
OQ. CJ) o

CJ) a



." if)
'" '"
0 0
t t
.;; .;:; .;:;
,_ l- .-
0 0 0 '" '"
.. ~
.. ..
Ci 0
z z
!:i '0
s ~
8 8
1lt: s: i.J
.., L.
~~ C '"
~ <;>
~- til vihrauon Iluid lead iOIlS, I her.

to expansion and cOllimclioll, thermal and

due to support, anchor, lind terminal IIWllemellt!l. The require. menta of the ANSI 8:11.:1 code life as follows:

Str".MI duIJ 10 fiult&lIMd loading,. The sum of the 8L due to pressure, weight, lind other sustained

When 81. ill the thickness of the

allowances (or erosion, or grll(we

beaic allowable atress lilt maximum metal temperature.

Stre'MilI duIJ to OCCIII,iofIl111 ~.din.o ..

due to pressure, lind other sustained

by ocCilsionalloads such as wind or

Wind and forces need not be considered as

Str~', rllll1~ due to IIUpllllulion !c>.dings. The

shall be to

s! t 4Sfl'"

where S~ '" resultant



M, .. tmeionlli moment, in Ib (rnrn NI Z .. section modulus of pipe, in" (mm']

(4.6) sha]! be ulculaled as


where D, m illpillne atress intensilil'siion factor

I" '" uut ·or plane stress iut e "sihnilillll 'lId",

M ~ in·plllile momeut , iii II, (111m NI

M" '" lJut·"r·plsllelM:'lIdiIlK moment, ill It. [mm Nl


stress rlUl!:e limit must be

S •. :s SA

where S~ !U'.!.:,s, j O:!:"'i,,I, psi 11d',,1

II' III :!:.I.\ IS,,) s, I. pSi tkl',,1

blisi" IIUuwahie> SirlOSS III minimum metal temperature, psi 1111'111

calculated lunl(iludiruil stressee due 10 pressure, weight , and other austaiued loadings, pei (kPIII)

stress rllnge reduction (lIdor fur cyclic nmliilons for tul al nurn ber .. r futl-tempesature cyclu over life, per T .. llle 4.1

bMic material allowable IItr~ to be IJIIed for S, and Sh (or must mllteriadll a.re determined by se1ectilll the minimum value of: «I) one- third

the minimum tel1llile at room temperature, (2) one

(Ii the tensile III (3) two-thirds of the

, .. "' ... ", ... , nummum Iltreillth at room temper.awre, ( .. , two-thirds IIf

lit desiln for lIIW1tenitic stainless

IIInd certain nickel 18110)'11, where this value milly be a high a

........ u ee s . 151 100 percent or the IIverage etrees fur a 0,01 percent

rate per WOO h (6) 67 percent of the averlij(e stress [ur rupture at 1&( 100,1100 h, and 17100 percent of the minimum stress fur rupture the end Ilf IOU,OUO h. These values have been tabulated fur approved

mliterililis and temperatures in A of the code,

ttl 1,:1 code the UIIe or separate stress intensification factum

1I1'IUI&me lind lIut·or-plane moment loadings, with nil intensiticauon

(.,f torsional moments, The formula (or the intel1llifi-

in Table 4,2,

8:U,1 was the original Nuclear Power Cude which has since

Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure V~I

the withdrawal. this rode still may see UIIe oocklit

lin Illder lIuclear phmll which had 1i:1I.7 a the code of record,

!!COile !If this code covered those systems designed ttl provide

barrier fllr u(ely·related systems in nuclear power

1<;lIICluded hom this rode is specifically covered by other sec-

II( the pressure piPilll code (such a the conventional steam piping

1»( III nudellf which would be designedacecrding ttl 1i:11, I);

IJIIed for prOCelllling nuclear some parts of piping

marine inl!talilitimls subject to supplementary requirements under

ITIIU~lIe building and distrihutioll steam pip·

wilh a I(al.ll:e pressure leIIII than 15 110:1 11I'aim hot-water heating

sy!>tems with Ii gauKe pressure leIIII than :10 psi 1206 nonnuclear roof

!lum drains, sewers, 'ire systems, and piping for

IIf components Clf 1.41018 end

ANSI n:U.1 introduced uret)' classea to nuclear pipinll:, calling for sep-

l'rileria I'llf Class I, 2, and:) Cin order of

tu the the the appru-

4,4.4 S:U.' Gill TrlllOiunluKin!llnd

otiltributioo C~

The scope of Code H31.8 Gas Transmission and I h~1 rihut ion encompasses in gas dislrihulioll systems up to customers" meters, Excluded from this code is piping with metal Lemperllhue!! below -20"1" ( 29"CI or above 450"1" (2:1:!"C);

meters; in oil natural ga extraction

plants, etc" thai is covered other ANSI 1:131 code

at pressures fur waste gages; and petroleum

piping systems.

SiI'elUl4ll111 dl.l\li I@ primlll'l IoadinQ', The sum of the

stress and the I di pressure

. )en IIlg stress due to external loads such

wea"hlof lind contents, wind, etc" shall be limited to

S, :5 u 75SFT

where S ~ specined minimum yield strength, psi UtI'a}

T = temperature Iactoe , for steel (see Tallie

~ constructiun type flllet .. r:

2~~IOF (lll.Clur I~". ;I<MIO~' U4!l'n

,1:.41'" 017·1'1

4IH'·.' 121""1 ')

~!~I·" I:.!:I:.!·",

IWWI II :~i7 II~;U II :I(~I

Str.II rllnge due to expanlion stress range S/i

be as and limited to

s 0.72S (410)

where S. "" resultant bending stress = iMJZ.

"" lOOOiMJZ, kPIi

torsional stress '"

m resultant bending moment, in -Ib (mm N) '" torsional moment, in-Ib (mm N)

'" section modulus of pipe, inl

'" stress intensification factor



StnulIUl1I due to pilll explllnfiloll loadingfll. The sum of the expan-

stress range, the longitudinal pressure stress, and the longitudinal stress due to primary loadings shall not exceed the specified min-

imum S.

ANSI B3tS uses in-plane and stress intensification fac-

for which formulas are in Table 4.2.

ASME Boller !lind PrIllIUUlf. '11.'111111 Cod., Section III, Sub,.ction HB

Subsection NB of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section details the requirements pertaining to those sections of nuclear piping as CIIlSS 1. This piping code is an outgrowth of, and has the CIIlSS 1 section of the previously discussed B31.7 code.

The consideration in the design of piping under sub-

section NB are pressure, weight (live and dead loads), impact.earthquake,

."w ..... "". and loadings induced thermal and contraction.

The stress which must be met to satisfy the Class 1 code are


PrimaI)' IItWililll intefllity check. The isfied when

stress intensity limit is sat-




primary stress indices for specific component under investigation

P = design gauge pressure, psi (k l'u) = outside diameter of pipe, in (mm)

'" nominal wall in (mm)

I '" moment of inertia. in"

= resultant moment due to combination of mechanical

loads, in-Ib (mm-N)

Pi '" 1.5 for level A. 1.8 for level S, 2.25 for level C

== allowable design stress

value, psi (kPa)

SltrelUl rlllnge. This evaluates a stress

range as the system goes from one load set moment, and force loading) to any other load set which follows in time. It is the range of pressure, temperature, and moments between the two load sets which is to be used in the calculations. For each of load sets, calculate S,,:







+ 21 + (\E".II>a1'«-"61'61

C, = secondary stress indices for component under investigation

M, == resultant range of moment which occurs when system goes from one service load set to another, in-Ib (rnrnN)

Ta, 1'b == range of average temperature on side a or b of gross

structural or material 0 JI.'


"a,b == coefficient of thermal expansion on side a Of b of II

gross structural or material

at room temperature, in/(in·QF) [mm/Imm

of two sides "I' gr oss

material room temperature, psi (k Pa]

P" = range of service pressure, psi (ltt'a)



limit applies:

If this is not satisfied for all

nent may still be qualified by using the described below; range calculation.

of load sets, then the cornpodjscon-

Iatl,c-DlaII~IUIC dlacOl'ltlmlity If S; exceeds its limit for

of load sets, a simplified elastic-plastic analysis may be perstress ratchet is not present. This analysis is required

load sets that the secondary

range check. The two sets of equations must be


= resultant range of moments due anchor movements, in-Ib (mm N), and


resultant range of moment which occurs when system goes from one service load set to another, moments due

thermal and thermal anchor moments, in ·111


"" stress index for component under

the thermal stress ratchet must be evaluated and dern.,,,,,,',,n.·v before a simplified elastic-plastic discontinube performed. This ratchet is a function of the I I equation must be satisfied:


3.3:1, 2.00, 1.20, and 0.80 for x "" 0.:1, 0.5, 0.7, and u.s.

maximum pressure for conditions under considerut ion, psi

for Ierritic material and 1.3 for austenitic material "" modulus of elasticity at room temperature, psi (kPa)

value taken at average lluid temperature under


Cl I,

fiQwGiI 4.5 Ternperutur e distr ibutiun in II pipe wall.

Peak Itf~1UI nmge and

in which T, internal surface

"" average temperature of d x + (1'" +

Please refer to external surface ternJ.'l', ==

wall thickness

== temperature as function of distance wall. For each

condition peak stress values must be calculated:


t ------- K.f':,! I , I

2( 1- p) -

K.I == local stress indices for component under v "" Poisson's ratio of material

II '" absolute value of range of temperature difference between temperature of outside surface lind inside SIU-

face of pipe Willi, morne 11 I

alent linear temperature distribution (see (OC)

absolute value of range of that port.iuu nonlinear

thermal the wall thickness

4.;»), OF (OC)

must he cait-uial

For each





j 1.0



m, YI material parameters given ill Table

Ml1teri!!1 m n
2.0 0.2
2.0 0.2
3.0 0.2
1.7 0.3
!.7 0.3 Boiler and Pressure V_Ie Code Sec-

m. Subeecticn NR (Courtesy of ASME.)


intensities are used to evaluate the cumulative

the This is done

number of times each stress cycle of type I, 2, 3, etc. is repeated the life of the system shall be designated as n I, nl> fl" etc. Cycles

shall be such that the maximum stress

stress intensity

use the applicable fatigue curve to deter-

the maximum number of cycles if this were the only

fatigue curves are found in the appendices to code.I These values shall be called N .. N2, N3, etc.

of stress cycle, calculate the usage factor:

"" 11.2 U, "" ~

N, . N,

usage factor U is the sum of the individual usage

U, + LI, +

ASME Boiler IIInd Pressure Veuel Section III, Sublectionll HC and HD

scope of Subsections NC and ND of the AS~E Boiler and Pr~ssure

Section encompasses the requirements pertaming to

sections of nuclear piping designated as Class 2 and Class 3, respecFor discussion of the determinations of piping class, see Chap. 2.

The to be considered for Subsections NC and ND are

effects of expansion, and other sustained and occa-

The to be satisfied in order to meet the require-

Subsections NC and ND are IlS follows:

51ro III 1110 III duo to sustained loadings. The effects of pressure,

other sustained loads (SL) must meet the of the







stress indices fur the particular component under investigation

P = internal design gauge pressure, psi (kPal D" = outside diameter of pipe, in (nun}

In = nominal wall thickness, in (mill)

= resultant moment loading on cross sect iun due to weight

and other sustained in ·11l (rnrn . N)

Z = section modulus of pipe, in' (mm "

So = basic material allowable 81 ress at (kPa)

temperature, psi

The pressure (

occasional loads may be replaced


S!.p '" --;,----,

of the above

ami that for


where P ==

or peak gauge pressure, as applicable, psi (kPa)

'" nominal inside diameter of pipe, in (nun)

StUUlllllilUI due to occuional loadings. other sustained loads, and occasional

must meet the of the

SUI. 21" + ruses,
S',tI = -t :S IIISh lSI
21" where J',,, .. = peak gauge pressure, psi (k Pa)

Mil = resultant moment loading on cross section due 10 occasiollal

loads, such as thrusts from relief or safety loads Irom

pressure and lIow and if required.

effects of anchor to may L~

excluded If they are included under exp!lllsioo; inJb (mrn-N)

to those conditions

For service levels C lind D value 1.28" should he

Str.IIU~~IUI dl.l. te thermal must meet either

The effects of thermal expansion







"" range of resultant moment due to thermal expansion (also moment effects of anchor displacements due to earthquake if

not included under occasional in -lb (rnm N)

= allowable stress range for psi (kPa)

== basic material allowable stress at minimum temperature, psi (k Pa)

'" stress range reduction factor for

conditions, as per Table

Strene, due 10 I.Inulpe&lited anchor movement. The effects of an unre-

anchor movement as settlement) must meet



resultant moment due to anchor movement.

basic material allowable stresses to be used for S, and SfI for most materials are determined by selecting the minimum of: (I) 0.25 times the ultimate tensile at temperature, (2) 0.25 times the ultimate tenInK''l:UI~UI at installation temperature, (3) 0.625 times the yield strength

and 0.625 times the strength at installation tern-

These values for approved materials are tabulated in the appenthe codes.

Subsections NC and ND require use of both stress indices, as used in

Subsection and Ii common stress intensification factor for both in-

and bending moments as well as for torsion. The

formulas for these are in to the code and in

5.1 Introduction

The purpose of stress analysis is to ensure the safe

verifying their structural and

son to values of, stress


the stress analyst is for

loads for the support so that the system may be restrained

The for stress analysis of systems are laid out in

a system of rules and standards for safe design,

In the industry, the code is a series of

codes administered under the authorization of ANSI and ASME. The var-

ious their requirements, and the under their

tion are discussed in Chap. 4.

is typically organized into two broad overall

and detailed component The system is defined

distribution system all in-line

(vessels, pumps, and include the in-line

as well as the piping supports.

The system analysis is used to the to the component anal-

ysis in the form of equipment nozzle loads and support loads. In this way, system is usually separated from the component In many instances, the separation is necessary because

tiona within the team the component

to the analysis. System

while component

"",,."',,"', are typically divided into two main categories an~ ~hen

in Basically, pipelines are usually divided

and cold Hot lines are defined here as those that have a

"'1.1'C''''~'''''' in excess of 150"F (66"C). The fundamental reason division is that hoi lines must potentially a flexibility to determine thermal forces, stresses, and displacements.

hot and cold systems are further subdivided into and small-

lines. Typically, those lines with nominal diameters of 2 mrn) and under are classified as small; those with diameters of 2.5

(65 mm) and are large. .

third category which piping systems may be divided is b~ code.

codes more rigorous analyses than others, depending on

of hazard associated with failure. For example, a hot, large-

nuclear Class 1 system would probably require a sophisti-

analysis, probably with a modal or time history .... ,"''''''". whereas a cold, small-bore system designed to B31.8 code would probably be restrained by using chart

methods 011' judgment.

the codes developed from the same original code-the ASA

Code for Pressure Piping, published in June 1935. Because of this common ancestry, many features are shared by these codes. One of these features is the classification of loads into three types: sustained loads, or due to forces present throughout normal operation; occasional or those due to forces present at rare intervals during operation; or those due to displacements of pipe. Examples of within each of the three categories are weight and wind, seismic load, vibration, pipe rupture, relief valve (occasional); and pipe thermal expansion, settlement, and differential anchor displacement owing to seismic or thermal equipment movements

The loads on the pipe must, in all cases, be transmitted from

to the structure. This is done by use of pipe supports

and restraints. To ensure that the supports and restraints are capable of

the it is necessary to calculate the loads generated by


conditions listed above and to combine them to arrive at a design load.

methods used to determine pipe support loadings under various hand calculations to sophisticated cornput-

on the of the problem and the f <I". ·,1,,,,, 1;.1",1 1",,,1

ing are

these loads to

as well as methods for load.



as previously noted, are classified as those

forces which are present the normal

These loads include both and pressure

5.2.1 Sl.lltain~d ........... --

All systems must be designed for sys-

tems can be described as irregular space frames which are not self-

supporting; must be with supports to prevent col-

lapse. The supports must be capable of the entire of the

system, that of the pipe, components, and the

supports themselves.

The method of estimating stresses and support loads due

to weight is to model the pipe as a loaded its

length. This is especially suitable in cases where the travels in COIl-

tinuous horizontal runs, a minimum of in-line components or geom-

etry The of the beam is to the distance


There are two possible ways to model the on the end

conditions assumed-the simply supported

fixed-end beam. a simply supported the maximum stress and

support loads are

(J '"
1-'= WL
2 (51)


where (J = bending stress, psi (Nzmm ')

W = weight per linear unit of pipe, Ill/in (Nzmm} L = of pipe, in (rnrn)

F force on support, III (N)

Z = section modulus of pipe, in' (111m ')

the maximum stress and support loads are


(J =-_


r WL


the load on each half of the

suspended However,

on the model chosen, the stress in the pipe varies. Depending allowable stresses, the beam model chosen could affect spacing.

supports force reaction, the

as those in the simply beam model. However,

of support is not free to rotate fully, since it is par-

its attachment to the segment beyond the

runs were of length and equally loaded,

segment end rotations would cancel each other, causing the pipe to behave as filled-end beams. Therefore, the true case lies somewhere between the

models. For simplicity's most analysis have adopted a

which stress is calculated as IJ = WU/OOZ), = WU/(8Z) may be used when conservatism

runs of horizontal are used, it is relatively

~illnn.flrr spacings and subsequently support loads due is determined


maximum allowable lipan between supports for hori-

wntsl in (mm)

S "" Illiowable weight stress (dependent on pipe material, tempera-

ture, pressure, and code used), (N/mm~)

with all other terma u previously defined

force on the from each side is F "'" WLl2, 80 the weight load

would be equal to


support spacing calculations, Manufacturers StandardizaStandard Practice SP-69 has provided recommended for various piping sizes. These spans (see Table 5.1),

which have been by ASME and ANSI, have been determined hy

standard wall-thickness pipe, filled with water, lim-

to a maaimum combined bending and shear stress of 1500 psi (10.3

and maximum pipe sag of 0.1 in (2.5 When these recom-

mended are adhered to, the stress levels in the piping

system due need not be explicitly

size Steum, air. ~U",
III mrn ft III
------ '-----~-
I 25 7 2.
2 50 10 :10 :1 4,0
:l 75 12 3.7 f) 4,6
4 100 14 4:1 5,~
6 150 17 5,~ 21
Ii 200 19 5,8 ~~
12 :Jl)O Z:l 7,0 :10
16 '27 :i[}
,,~HIW t-:: Since most systems are not made of

runs, the standard support may not be

Locations of supports should consider

supports should be located as near as

"""' .. <I • ..,. such as etc. From a

best location for support attachment is how-

ever, this location is often difficult, because of restrictions caused

attachment configuration manufactur-

ers' or operation and maintenance space needs. When it is

necessary to calculate stress loads in the the

modeled as a concentrated force, the effects of which can be

on the loaded beam.

2. When of direction in a horizontal the

pipe and associated supports, such as with It IS that

the be to three-fourths of the standard span shown in Table 5.1, to promote stability and reduce eccentric It is preferred that the supports be located neal' elbows to reduce moments due

to between supports. Note that supports

directly on elbows are not recommended since any attachment will

stilfen the elbow and require complex stress evaluations.

3. The standard span does not to vertical runs of

therefore no stress, as the

to gravity loads in a riser. selected, and the number of supports per riser length and the desired distribution of

various tloon, It is recommended that Ii support be located on the upper

half riser, to prevent due to forces in the

or the pipe under its

Guides mllY be used on vertical risers to reduce sag

eacessive piping deflectione. Theile are usually

in span intervals of twice the nominal horizontal span listed in Table 5.1 lind do not carry any

;-,unnon locations should be selected I1Mf

eaee or and construction IIIInd to minimize

mental structural meterials used to tiraflllmit t..I'MI structure.

steel to the suppleback to the

cases where the piping does not loads mill)' be determined

This method involves system into

with supports which mlly be modeled as free and wived This weight balancing is done segments such that the number of supports in the

is to the number of forces and moments on the

segment due to For a hcrizonte] pipe run may

til one verticil I force lind one moment about the lat.

uis II Iliad; therefore. two supports are to make a

determinste !lY!ltem. A pipe run that direction in a Iwri:wl'li.al

!lUI[)jeCU:~ t41 a vertical force and two perpendicular moments. and three hangers before a solution could be found, An the technique of balancing is presented below,

with reference to the piping isometric shown in 5.1,

,,~ ft. 1 .1 ... ,",8 II pipeline cunnect iug '''''' equipment nuz z le« lal

p',i n am .illlnd Nule that 1111 pipe in ."11 [>I iM 12·i n 1:14III·mm~ numin .. 1 diam

I!'leF ~l3nd.m! schedule, lilled ",ilh "'Iller and covered ",ilh 4~in n 14mml Ihi,·k iIlSuilll;on; 11111 elhmvs are lonll ... dius, IIIntl,,1I valves lire i!\O psi« W:14 U',,' pres· sure u.1inlllllllle valves. Puints .IIllIId II are equipment nozales adinf( as aruh .. " The desilllle< is (Alced willl the Ilisk of sUPP',rlinK this 11111' '-ur wei!:hl '.wolvu bOlh locllllinllihe supp ... l. and <'",kulalinK liwi, IIIlId,

the rules l .. i<l out previously ( .. , 1'><:IIII;nl( .. .,;!(hI "ul'"",I", I h" """~II «"'!C'ne!'v .. "uld proceed hy tirst determining ,h ... MlaIHIf"cl span l{"r"rr;III( 10

I'd, ......... e th .. t the atandard span fo, so .I, .. i~hl l:lin 1:11"1111011 ""l1n"I~' ", .. ter-frlled pille is 2:1 h (7 rn] Therefore t h e <li.I .. m- e betwe ... " any Iwo "'I'I'",ls .!rlli!!hl h""zonI81 .p .. na should .... I exceed 2:1 fI (7 rn I I"r I his sysiem

Pipe should be selected 1i,.1 n"II' concentr et .. d "''''I(hls in Ihis ,·as e ,

h'It' Th e BUIlP'IIh should he 118 do ..... II' p" .... ihl ... 10 the v .. lves, u"",d

e rinK .11.1 .. 111111."", inspectiun, lind maintenance requirements. Fo, Ihi s e aurnp] e , '''1'1-'''''8 ",ill 1, e selected 1111 points H .. nd F, ",hich 111'1' 1"("IIII e d I fi nUft rnm] from

hurizonilli pipe run 1..,I"'e e n ""inl fj .. 1111 II ... "s .. r chan~ .. s di, .... li"" III Ilw h .. rizunrat plane. so Ill@' distence I .. the ,,~.I slll'l,,,,1 sh .. ukl ""I e""·~,lll7f'li,,, ... "

the 2:I·ft (7·mlslllllde,d "1'811, or 17.:.!511 15:t1l ",I Tlw"'o,e, ilw , .... , '''I'pml sh uu I<I be located iii II poinl convenient I .. h"IIr1",~ "Ipel """'me, IIHI'

Iilinll the iniermeditlll' 81'IIn within the reduced "lIo"'ahle In II", '8"', t he ""I" P"~I will be located halrway d .. ",,, the l nis 'U", 17 fll!i:l ",11<"",1'''''''

rhe rsser. If supported properly, ",;111<""",,,;1 !In , .. ",I (or"" I" II .. 1"",," .. 11111

.~n lind thua lid liS II IlII that locali"" The di"6'''' h",,, 1''''''' (' I" Ih"

rtser I" less thae the sp .. n, so n" "ddil'ulllll."I'I",,1 ne e .J included Hn

Ihi8 ~I:menl of pipe.

As 81"lld previously, there is generally IlU 'I}fIIl '''IIUlr.mell' I", "",,;<1001: pipe supports on III riser,. since lillie moment, Slid I herefore limiled ,1'.'6, i"lIe"ullled by the "''''Ighl IOllldm". As noted, the riser .h""kl he support.d AI ~ 1''';0' Oil the upper hilI( uf ih he'gh!. The nurnbe of suppo,t. ""I,,;,.d I", t he rrser depends

0" the of the 8Ul'p",1 hlll,d"'Ii,e 811d the desi,e" d'"I,;hul;u" of

weighl (0 11;" building steel structure In II1Is uw"'ple, the ""~;n"N

chooses to use I",,, 8Ul'I">r1.l! on the rise" located al po;n'. II ami f;

The dist .. nee bel"'een the riser, which sets sa .. 801'1,,,,11 or the lo",er h",;, o nt .. 1 Sl'I1In, lind p',i"l F i. 22 1'1 164 m}. Therefore, "" .ddili""al '''1'1",,1.

fur Ih.8 segmelll because this distance i. within Ih,,:.n n (1 rn] 8110wal.l"

The distance h~lwe,," point. F and II in Fil( ;,.2 IS 2:111 (7 m}, I",wever, srru-e there '8 QI change on pipe direct ion in the hll,izonl .. 1 plane, this ,1'"I,,"~e "'''1',,<18

the reduced . span or 17.2ft fI (5.26 m] Theref",e" ,upporl 's '''IIII""d

and ia 1111 III pomt close I .. the elb .... w lind conven .. eut I .. III .. ld'''1: '11'1'1,

Ihls case a

Once 8uppnrh have been IO(,lIled Oil the syst ern , Ih e ~n~"w'" "'".,

male Ih~ I<".d'nls un them. As the inilial $1,,1', wei"hl' of the "ip'nK rn .. I e rilll~

lind in-line ",,,.1 be determined and 1"",,luled

There life !lvail.hle and puhlished by va,io". l"l'in~, 1""" "'1'1''''1,

"4IU'lllml~m. manuf .. eturers. tahlea, .. sample .. r ... huh i. I',,, ..... ,,,d in '1'"1.1,,

5.2, W""II-ol$ Ilf cuml-"menl8 otccordinl( I .. prpe size.

The type. lie round in Ihi. p,ohlem m",,,' "f I 2 II, CU~I

mm) nominal pipe, filled with "''''1'', wilh 4!) ill ( 1 rum]

3)( ~H ~ '111>1:12 I'll

411)( ~U !III I!> t4:1ii


119 Ih/lt 111:17 1'41"'1

mlbll:l:l:I I'll

is determined, one need unly verrfy t hat it rs he] .. w Ihe 8,""m"d vHI"e

for calcul .. tiune. If 1101, the l',eVIOIi. I:aicultll'ons .h",,1<1 he ''''11'",.,<1 jo

mine the 'iIlPOld .. r the mcre ased 1" .. <1.111(

No"" that the """'Mllt of the pipe and pil""~ ... ,mp"n,,"ls II., 10""" .. ,111>1,,1<:<1, the des'gn engineer may, for """Iysi. purposee, i>e~ln , .. hre.k I h e- 1"1'''';( "y.I e- rn into segmente represeur ing determinate at ruct ure«. The Ii", '.g"',,'" t se e Fill. 5.1) may be chosen between poinis It and Ii tstraig ht """l,,"lsl "'" wuh ".,,' supports] or bel ween poinrs It lind (' [change or dire.:llOIO In 1 h .. l"'rtwIl, .. II'I"ne

",ilh three This problem Illustrate. the lat ter ,h",n

Guvily on Ihis segment (viewed ill plan, F,,, 5 'La' ""II ~.,,,e'''le (one

IIlo"lIlhe y 118;S 0' vertical direction Support 1"'1111" "' IIw noz z le (poinl the supports (poinls Ii and (') .. lfer resiat ance , .. Ill" 1 .... .1"'1: The centers or grlllvily oi the var iuus piping component weillhls lUI' a, (,,110"'"




1170 II> (52U6 NI at 15 fI HI 46 m) hum 1'",,,1 A

8.5 X 119 ~ 774 lb (;1444 N) a' 6.25 II II 91 rn] [s om


:l991b (I:l:I~ NI "I 105 H (:12 rn] (Will 1'<""' rI, Ii '" I" 1111

poinl C

1:1.5 X 119 = WI21h (45!J:1 N) 11115.75 h (175 m] t nw .. ,d 1''';''' ('


NIIII' The IlIclIIl;on of the center IIf "ravily of an "Ih .. w .. <1.,1"''''111.,,1, 'IS ,h"wII in Fill 52b, by the equation

/ill (',,,. W)

wh€re 4J m distsflt'e to croat'r Hf t(rlllvity milcmoc IJ!IUII0 Hlrrf'8.JHlO(iwK tUlt-> lit ... ,tli e- f

VilJ't' &U4u'hf'tj tu rlhuw hhmension$ t'OOliIMie-n@ wuh It IluHt"U"IIJU'It

"'" flAUIUU of cur vet ure of ett .. lw tdunenlillonn ton~I~h..·u' ""lIll f) dmu'H:'''oO:') ". an~le 01 fJ.E!'nd HI e lbow, t ad


The 1"lId on the MupI'<"l III p"jn' (' can I.., deterrnmed hy ,·II'M"1Ol1( the ' .. IS

t .. run ihwulI:h I",jlll!! A lind 8 lind by 8umminl( the mumenh "b"ul Ihlll ...... AccordillJil til 1111)111""8 o( 8ulin, tile summation .. f moments !Ahuut the • lUis wiil eqW1lI UfO, The support load lit puilll (' can be round ilia r"I1"""s:


uses 1111.1$;

II ~IJ~i - 10121" 751 t 10('

I Q_I~ ~! lP,> ",1 - Ml7 II> t,U<hlll! up)

199 II) 1012 It>

11332 I'll / ("~H I'll

I 0 I


R II - <0,81 e


"umple I'II'I>I~ '~lIler ,,( ICrM\'11 y

SI unit s:

(I m 1:I:IWII!>1 450:1(175' I :1115(,

I' m 2M!! N lUl'l

Kn ..... ",IC the RUPI'<lrt load iii 1,,,,"1 I',. t he ""KlIle"r 'H" luke (loinl A: \

[Ai, e lises ,,,,ih

II 17111 fll I

H .)51411>'''1'1

~ ~ ~ ~

I-+_+_O_' +----11-- .... --+--+----.+--- .. 1---- ---- .. --+----1

~ ~ ~ ~M ~N i: ~~ ~:

o .. .... - t- . __ 1- __ 1-- __ +-. __ 1----_


c, .. U

00 '" '"

8 (f; "< :2 "0

C"') ..-j r'4 N .......

f-- C"'-- f--- t-------l'-- __

SS 8"' ?:l""

-- -~

o ~ ~ ~


1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ !~ §~ I~ I~ I: ~:

tM ....


§ s ~ -.e, ~


§s~ ""'






C1l r-

f-"': "If' t.ci


---+----1---+._- ._.

- ._---._ ... _-.

<Dif.> "'r .

- -

1- '--,1--_ ---_.+ __ -1 8 ~ '" s·,.,

"I$' .-<1....-1 N 1"""1

.-- -- .. -1-·---- ---.

8 ~ ~ ~,~ ~ l,,? S ~

('f) _r'4 _.--i __ N~

- ... ~---- ..

S<: ~"< ~"<

~ C")- M-

S<: ;)5.,., ;2""

r.:o N- N-


;)5"< ~"<

N..-I C"?-

---1----+.-+- .. -_ +---t---J - '-1.-. __ . .. __ .. _

---I---.....IC. ;---_



;;; 1···- .... -. ---.- .. -+_ ----4'.----

~ U ~ R~ ~~


o "" N

---. --- ~.- __ L. -- t _

"" <::


'" '" o


c o


I~ : SiS"! 8"'! §-: en
;:: ... ~en ... 00 .-<
~~ 8en 8 .... 00
~: ~
~ao .... ,- ....
I~~ O<Q SiS",! ~;: ~
;2;..: :::00
I~ ~ ~~ ~:;s """" '"
~tD '"
I§~ ~"'! ~oo ~: ""
0", ~~ 55"*: ~: I-
N . ""
'C"" ,__", ",00
I~~ ~ '" ~oo 55"! :::~ ~~ c-a
." ..: '" 1- ::ct>
--- .
§"! ~~ ~
",,'" '"
~;;; ~;;; goo ~~ ~:'l 8", 8"" ...
:: .... -", ::::i"" ....
I~~ ~:;; "" "" 8"'! 55"'! C;;
~'': .... - ,__ ....
N . ::<- ~'" ~'" .
........ eN ....
.~~ ~~ 55'" ~oq ~~ 80q O'l
",00 _w ::w
I~~ :'is''' ~~ ~'" ~'" "'''' ct>
..... ...
........ .... '" -'" 00'"
: ~"" il"'! ~~ §;'3 ""00 8'" '"
eN • ....
i ... w "' .... .-<.0
i ~'" ~'" il",
: I~~ ~;;; ~~ 000 ;
1:0.-: .... 00 ..... '" :::'"
I~'" i"'! ~~ 8"l ioq ~;;; "" ... ""
.- . ....
<")<tl .... <- "'.- <.Oct>
.: ~ -
... .. .., -~ ~ ;:
c e .. e .. !!
e c c e OIl 0 OJ ._
~ .8 .8 .. .8 £ :, £ .. - 0
j C>..~
'ij .. t .:. ... ' 1:'0
t ~ ~ e '0 ~ e:
.. ~ ....... ::l ... <:> ...
::'.8 ~~ ~ a ! 2 (J ...
,:"' .., ~] ., e
<:> • C.c t c .!.Sil C G3
..ci .s ~ (J ... .8 ... .8 o<&::
(,(J j ... e-- "" ",,'"
tl ;j
> -0
;.... o:l M U

SI units:

o ~ 5~06(O.46) f 1.228 - :!441I UIl)- I:l:!21:12)- 450:ICUti) t Lli4!JI:I :t6) 15,955 N (up)

The third equilibrium equation [P, nozzle A:

o can be used 10 lind t he support

tF, es. () uses units:

o ~ II - 1!70 t :1574 774 - 299 Wl2 t [,!l7

916 II:! (reacting down)

SI units:

~ II 5206 + 15,955 :1444 I :J:12 450:1 i 2!l49

II 119 N (down)

The loads calculated lit It and B are the tut al "ding on t he supports at

these locations. At point ,however, the load cakullited represents only th at COil tributed from the segment on one side of the support. To rumplet e the load calculst ion. it is necessary to continue the operat iun. The next segment chosen for analysis is that funning between points (' and l), as shown in


load on the support !II point J) can be determined by s"lving [M, II

about point C:

uses units:

o ~ IUD ~ 1607(lO) -- 299W5j 1012(425)

I) 2321 II> (r."cllog upward)

SI units:

o 305V 7149(:l05) ~ 1:132(29) ~ 4W3( U) ~

U ~ W,:!34 N (up)

By selling the sum of the forces acung on the segment equal t o zero, the the support at point (. can be calculated:


15 II

(4 S8 rn)

1012 + 2321

- 1332 - 4503 + 10.33.

calculation of the load on the C is again only the partial

C; the result must be to 1000d calculated from segment

the total reliction of the at point C is (597 + 597 '"

lb) (5296 N) (the pipe 1000d on acta downward).

calculation the load on must be in a like

manner, since segment C-D provides from one side. The segment on the

of point D is II riser section, running between D and E.

Loadings Oil multiple supports on II riser ClIlUIOl solved by determinate

analysi», since no momenta IIU! developed on the segment. Indeterrnianalysis shows that when the two supports are essentially rigid, the weight the riser between the two supporta is divided equally between the two. Thus

contribution to the support at point D is (20 X 119)/2, or 1190 Ib (5296 N). on riser supports may be tailored to suit the engineer's needs through and variable- or conetant-apring supports. For example,

support at D had been a spring to a hot (operating)

of 1500 lb (6675 N), the support at point be forced to assume lin

additional loed or i 190 + 2321 - 1500 - 2011 lb (8949 N). This would be done

the steel at point D were not capable of supporting the entire calcu-

load. 1011(18 may be distributed between supports on II riser without

disturbing the balance of the system.

the system into segmenta E·F lind F-G-H and using the above for each of the supports in Fig. 5.1 may be calculated.

Sl.iltalru~d lo~dl-prGIUlI.m~

are under internal pressure from the fluid

This pressure is known for creating stresses in the

rather than on the This is because pressure forces

at the crOS8 section tension in the pipe wall, as shown

to zero net loads on the system as a whole. In Fig.

force at any cross section is to P(Ap) -- (PAp/AmlAni = 0,

Slip JOlnl

I'iglmlli.i§ Pipe slip joint.

where P = internal press me, psi

and = metal area of

When the wall is not continuous from anchor

pressure force cannot be counteracted tension in the

pressure force must be resisted

when devices (such as or

as a result of thermal

joint (see 5.5) is

of a sealant material to prevent Huid The

free to move within the cannot transmit the pressure forces to the

those forces due to friction of the the

of device, the bellows

sists of a series of metal corrugations welded to the

The bellows looks like and behaves as an

when a compressive force is under tension. Since the bellows has a

well as a limited and load

internal area

constant as it does not have the pressure forces. A restraint is to prevent the pressure force from

and the pressure

The pressure force developed in the pressure times the cross-sectional In the elise of the slip joint, this is the outer dimension of the pipe, Of

to transmit each side of the

is to the

area over which it IS to the area covered

where D"

pipe outer diameter


area for a bellows is the maximum cross-sectional area or


maximum internal diameter cor rug at ion


buill up of lIulld helldi


light Qa9ll sheer

Toridlil Icircutar l or semi loroidal (elliplical)

lillol 9Il9Il strip

Round4ld or S-$haplld

formlld trorn lighl 9Il9Il c'Ilindil,



e apansion joints.

is by this internal in the


Probl~m 5.2 Consider the example illustrated ill Fig ;) 7 t lus example 2-

in (300-mm) diameter pipe is under IHI internal g~"g .. pressure of 250 psi ( kPa) and has a slip joint located at point C. The pipe is restrained by anchors (full tranalational lind rotational restraints) at poillls A and E. and vertical (Y axis) restraints at points Blind D.

The force due to pressure IH the slip Join' must be absorbed by

restraints on both sides of the joint. The joint Iorce, for II nominal 12-in (:100- mm) diameter pipe with internal gauge pressure "f LbO psi (17:!4 k Pa] is

lilted 118 follows:


~ :11,919 III 4


; 142,()()5 N

On the C-f) E side of the expansion joint, this pressure for.-" is resisted by

D. This restraint must be designed 10 withsrand the pressur"

force in to pipe deadweight, thermal forces, lind any ot he r

which it will be subjected.

On the A-R-(' side of Fig. 5.7, the situation is dilferenl ill t hat a moment is

because of the run of the pipe pur alle] 10 the x axis prior the

restraint at B. This pipe segment may be modeled as II beam hx"d III oue end and pinned at the other with tin eccentric loading (as shown ill Fig. 5.11).

From beam theory.

Ph 2

1./'" j :11'1>

SO II liS 25 ml

Vel t r Co! Suppar f

lI.. POll sron )01 nl


the loads on the anchor and restraint can be calculated, with P 042,005 N), b '" 15 ft 14.58 m), a = 50 ft 05.25 rn]:

restraint must be to withstand the load of 46,283 lb

(205,997 N) (of uplift, in this case), lind the anchor must be calculated force and moment, in addition to any other

OcC811lollUili load I

which are to Ii system a small . (typically

of the plant's life are usuall~ classified as occ~-

This classification encompasses loads which vary from penOO]CSlilV annueu live loads (such as snow), extreme natural phenomena "',.""."'" earthquake), postulated plant accidents [pipe rupaccident (LOCA), in the case of nuclear plants], and

An"r~,U"''''1l (relief valve .

occaseonar loads will subject a system to horizontal

loads as well as vertical loads, whereas sustained loads will normaH~ be

It is quite likely that the support locations

for occasionslloads will not coincide with those required for sus-

loads. It is recommended where possible, a little extra con-

servatism be into the piping design, to the use of the

locations for both sustained and occasional loads. This can the calculated occasional-load spans to coincide with of the sustained-load spans. The additional cost incurred due

design will be more than offset the economy

the use of a structure for functions.

mal movements are too

may be Snubbers act as

because of hardware cost and

support locations

1. Select initial locations to

cussed in Sec. 5.2.

2. Determine the support span for occasional loads

in this section. Reduce this span until it coincides

of the span found in step .



supports at all locations.

4. On hot determine locations where supports may be used

in Sec. 5.~J. These locations will coin-

cide with locations where "free thermal" movements are minimal. At

all other a snubber will be A number

programs (such as may be used to

this step.

Occasional discussed in this relief valve

and seismic and vibration Some codes allow

for an increase in allowable stress levels of structural materials used for

piping and supports. This allowable stress may be for

these loads because they are short in duration and will not has-

ten creep failure failure under sustained loads at

Lure) of the

5.3.1 Occnioll8l1 load I-wind

conditions, an estimate of which

5.9. This wind which usually varies with

IS estimated from observances.

A iii caused the loss of momentum of

the wind system. localized the force

modeled as a uniform load over the

to the direction of the wind. The

from Bernoulli's

for fluid How as follows:

C F=





where F =

linear dynamic pressure luad 011 projected



I.J pressure.Tb/It ' (N/m') = ~fi

1) pipe diameter, including insulut iun, ill (111m)

11 of air, Ihm/It'

11 uf uir, It/s (rn/s]

1 ()(X)

r--.. .. i __ -- ~--L .- t·_-
f---.- ~ ~ ... r········· ... .-
- 1-- \. .- .. t--
r- 100

o U



001 0 I

10 10' 10' 10' 105 106 10' 10' 10' Reynolds nurnbe


1 ()(X)

100 -_-

o U



Reynolds number


flg'''1II5.11l Dra;: coetticients. (a) circul ar cylinder": (b) cirr-ular and "quare platea.

The value I)f the coefficient ill I! function of the of the structure

dimenllionle!18 flow factor called the number. 5.1 (10

lind b ilhJlItrate!l the coefficient for Ii [a pipe) and for flat

support components) versus the Reynolds number. (Null'

0111 the support lIIIually need be considered in cases

..... """,.r. hall a lIurflictl area projected into the wind.]

"'~"_~"'a number ill III dimcmlllionl~ which gives an

of turbulence in ftuid 8ow. values of the Hey-

nolds number indicate llteat:iy Illite or leminsr flow while high values indicate hlilmient or turbulent 80w of the fluid. Thill factor ill calcu-

all follows:



eir density, lhrn/It ' (k,,/m 'I

IJ wind velocity, his [rn/s]

pipe diameter m structural lengf.h, in (mrn) " ,. dynamic vifICosity "f air, lbf s/It ' I kg/1m 811

this perameter, the coefficient may be estimated from Fig.

Will or Under ctlrlllin conditiona, an additional factor of mllY be used in calculating the wind load on a

Thill (Ilctor, which I11.1u811y ranges between 1.0 lind 1.3, ill to account

the effects or non-eteady-state air 8ow. The load calculated

'1IF""""'''~''' should be multiplied this Iactcr when necessary.

Pw~ 5.3 An esample of the jusl described is ""orked lIul I""" I"

demunllhllle the major Iteps thllt I~ taken lUI'" minimum I .. desi!(" II pip

system f"r IIuldool wind In.dinll_ (This "uml'l" does nul include the .. ,r e ds

limy migile esrrted by lhim wind.1

lid I lin outdoor pipin« system, or thn (2oomm' nom;" .. 1 ,Ii a m

(W.S·mml insulatiun, I .. !!I postulated maximum wi .. d

in the nurlh,sHulh directiun. is II lank connection al 1I11l/1 .. A,

imd pifM! ""I"'lIlh" building 1111 point I. The aupport eflEineer is required I .. <I .. ,,,,

mine the !"!!Ids lit I directiun restraints C, E, and U.

The linllilep in clliculat;nl! wind I" .. ds IIIl supports is '" delNmi.w Ih e li"l'a, wind l .. lId per projected lenKlh of pipe:

II m 1~ mpo m 110 rtf. 13:1 fib mi ••

m O.II14llllom/ll' IU9I! k,/m " ai :IY \11 .... H_ and 70'.' 111·n

"_ m :19 16 X IU • 1M _111'11 HI X Ill' ki/lm .,

II m U.1i25Ip'''''' I 2 X 2 un ... I.llo,,1 m 11615 in 1:1:10 7 mml

Nenl, the Reynolda number i. r .. und u. loll"",,",


From Fil. I). lOa, C. im found to he about 0.6 for I!I Reynold. ",,,,,I,,,, .. r lUi )( The IinelU drill force CIlII he calculated, by usin!! .. !luol furlo< or 1:1, iii.


'I'hta force must nuw he apl'li.d 811d distr ibut ed over t he I""'"K 'y"I.·",

previoualy. the wi lid load is apphed to only those "",I",,,. IIf iit e p.p. I""

jecllllK perpendicular lu the wind direct inn; in Ih,. n13" , thai i~ tllIO"1: ""Y

paretlel to the y or z ui., 118 shown in rill 5.11.

..,m:m,,, ... parullel to the assumed wind direcrion ... ,·h •• run ".~m""i. will experience minimal wind loadi"!! in the, <lire"'i .. n S~l:me"l

II ml

30 " 192 !TIl

IN m wind I • ..di",. Il>/fl IN/ml

p"'~led ~",Ih. porl"l&>dic1.l .... W .. ;1>11 di.fKlioD. film' L ® .lldu,,1 1e",lh. €I ( ... ,

IUllidilll im applied to the F-G lIe,mum' ,how" in Fill· lU I only ill the K

on the supports can be determined by Ulinlll method aimilar I .. -blI,llIlrICU11! method. This sYBum CIIiI be broken into two Hllmenu •• "

shollm lFil. t'i.12. load, .h"""n III thei,. pointa 01' IIIctioll. .

For lIe!lml!ni A·£. the equilibrium tequlIihollll mllY be used 10 ~etermme the "" the relllrlllBllu Tmllilllll IUmml!llWllilf moments lIill<>I.Il pornt A, .... e lIel

I) .. :.IIlE - 12:1011 lUI .. Will>

u IIM4M 2:104451 M1!422.M I i 5('

.. I12'J

I) .. 1\1941:1111 10:170:1.111 2:1461691 t 41;('


.. Mil t W1J 11);17 - 2:146 + ;I .. 0


~"lImO!:nl £·H:

.. :~~U 22!112M In 51151 B u

II .. :II~I f' It. Itln NI

, .. :II~I~ 2:1\1 IHI> I t: .. II

:II! I t!l~NI

IS If 146 m l

ZU /2 1 B II 6 l;Z112UI

n 8 '1/01 ' 2346 N 45111 SI ' SIS 10

4 611101 ' 762 N 15(1151 112)lb

30 II 192 ml


10 II 10 II

(305m) (j OS ml

1511 IF ') II 10 IZ3m11535m1Ulm)

S4!Qmenl A· t ,

vl@wed Oh:>f'9 R CJIU$. (north)

5e\lmenl f H, \f!t-wed 'tom obove

)( R'thOIf'lt 10(01100

@ CG ot W"IOO load 109

f~ iii. III iE:U1mpie ... 1 .. 1II1l '","11"'1£ (',"leul.lion

ThO!: l"tlDllOllid "11 the fI!lllrmi,,1 III E i. the sum of the '''Bld (rom ea"h .i.I", or E ..... 115 t :.Ill I ~ :111. II>

51!! I iIIH ~ UI:I N

Relief valves are used in piping systems to an outlet on UW!>e OCCIlIsiol1.8 when preasure builds up beyond that desired for safe operation. When the peesaure ill reached. the valve opens, sufficient Huid to escspe [rom the piping system to lower the pressure. This perrnits II controlled or ftuid l1li a means of pressure vessel ruptures.

When II relief valve discharges. the fluid initiates I} force, which ill

transferred the piping system. This force must be resisted

Hupporl!i if the ill not capebleof resisting the load m., .. r" .. ,

magnitude or the force is usually provided the valve manufacturer.

If this value ill not it may be calculated fur those cues

where the valve vents to the atmosphere. If the fluid through ft cloeed system to a vessel, transient Ilow conditions may whir-h mlilke the valve [oree dithcult I .. calculate.

FOf iii relief valve 10 the atruospherr-. the ANSI Itll.I

recommenns that the discharge force as shown in ClIl'llIU::U as follows:

5.13 be-cal-

'" DLF (MY + PA) 32.2

( PA

m DLF MY + 1 X




load factor see below)

'" mass flow rate from valve X 1.1l,Ibm/s (kg/s)

Y fluid nit velocity (see below), n/8

'" static gauge pressure at (see below),

'" discharge flow area, in2



(J/kg), and a and

b (dimensionless)


Wet, <90':" quality :S'".lmu~'~, >90% quality

291 823


4.33 4.33

pressure, psi


terms are as before

load factor (DLF) is used to account for the increased load

the sudden application of the force. This factor will

vary between 1.1 and 2.0, depending on the

tion and the time of the valve. If the

rearrameo. the DLF may be calculated of vibration of the valve installation:

of the valve installa-

T .. 0.1846


T 114.59


where W == mass of safety valve H "" distance from run

Ibm (kg)

to center of outlet pipe, in (mrn)

E == material modulus of


I == moment of inertia of inlet pipe, in"

temperature, psi

Ned find the ratio of the valve t; to the T calculated

above. For the ratio a DLF can be found from data

codes or structural dynamics texts. A

shown in 5.14 for instructional purposes

Once the relief valve discharge force has been the load can

be distributed to supports segment

its as a beam.

Probllllm 5.4 Given a relief valve discharge force of 1500 Ib (6675 N) (as specifiad by the valve manufacturer, including DLF) lind the configuration shown in Fig. 5.15, the run pipe at the tee is subjected to the force as well as (due to the 2-h

M, V, P A taken Of trus loco lion

Fig"'l1 !Ii.13 Relief valve disdllHg£ load calculet iou

~ -_

r---. r-
---r-- r-. 01




40 60 80 10


Rallo of waive operunq time to per ro d of Vibration 1.11 Hypothetical dynamic load ractur.

moment IIrmllll moment of 3000 It -Ib (4072 m NI. The resulting r eac-

at restreints cen be estimated IU


1- - 375111

3000 20

1125 II>

Occ~.iol'llill IOllldl-leilmic

in nuclear power plants as well as nonnuclear piping

are must be designed to

with an estimate of the earthquake is partially based

of previous activity in the area and is

through a literature search that notes the intensity date on which a seismic event may have occurred. The literature

consists of a review of reports etc., and is used to

and other instruments have not been available

of known intensities. An 5.16 which details the expected observations " .. ~ ... , .. r on the modified Mercalli scale. a search for ten documents to estimate the

E revet Ion


fill ....... 5. Hi He lief valve cunfigur auun: (6)


I Ib

(6675 NI

(0 1

M ' 1 500 I z 1 3000 f I I b 14072 M NI


load dl.lribll[wll: luI phy"cul lI",del

etc.) have been established Ill! criteria, analytical

to which the structure must be designed can be determined.

Prior to the of the twentieth century, few formal design cri-

teria were used fur earthquake in areas !If seismic activ-

were coustructed with sufficient space or of such lightweight material failure {If any structure would cause minimal damage to adjacent structures and minimal injury tu lhe inhabitants. Japanese design of

earthquakes resulted in single-story

elide was both produced because Hf

1,0 the U.S. build

The I!n:1 lineae to issue their first of 1927 codes were have many similarities.

lind Yokohllmll code, while the Santa the United Stllies I" do likewise. at about lhe slime

Code (lIHC)

the VIH-

A varies """"'I!'''',n

of !In:e1eral ion of the charecterisucs of the

structure, and the nature of the foundation the structure to

codes have devised methods Hf these

to equivalent static loads. For the UHC rec-

ommends that iii lateral seismic force, assumed 10 act

the ues of the structure, be calculated IlS

- ZJ«('W

where II ~ lateral seismic force, Ib IN)

Z M seismic zone factor: 0.1 for wile 0, 0.25 for wne ,1!.fj,U (ur zone

2, lind 1.00 for zone :1

J( m type Iactor. usually between tUi? IIl1d :10

(' .. 0.05/1"/:1 but not greater HUIll 0 I

T '" fundemental period of atructur«,

W '" totlll weight of building, lb (NI

This method may be in those


used to determine seismic 011 commercial

covered by the UBC after it is veri lied HIIH the rmposea on the use of this formula have been

5.l.3.2 Nm:I~allr Ii*hlmic delligl'l: Prior 10 1001 in regions of low seismic such as in the north, south, and midwest of the United

there was little seismic damage postulated in The deve].

°llment or the U.S_ nuclear power

with the 01 com pulers, hilS

The puhlicut ion of WCFH 100 "'''''''''m"

of nuclear safetyrelated slnldures Slid systems wilhshwd


A commitment

a nuclear licensee ttl with

criteria is made in the report

which is eubmitted for approval at both the construction permit lind uper-

license stages of regulatory review. criteria

established in IOCfo'R 100, plant documentation must substantiate the

of all seismic category I systems end components to with-

stand two levels of site-dependent These are

called the shutdown earthquake


The S.~E is sn

hased 011 1111 evaluation the re"iollill IIl1d h~'111 characteristics 01 loclil subsurface material. which produces the maximum motion for which certain structures, systems, and components to remain functional. These structures, systems, lind cor 11 jlHnents life those defined ill IOCFltlOO II!! necessary to assure (II the

of the reactor coolant pressure (21 the shut

down the reactor and maintain it ill II safe shutdown I:Ollditillll, or (:I) the

The OUE is all to

aired the site the operating life of the plant. 10'01' cOl1serva-

118m, the ORE must usually be equal til lit least oneheff of the SSE.

may be nne ollhret' meth-

ods: time or static rime IUlltmy IIIMlyail. Time is Lased 011 II record

.... u ......... " versus time. Uata in the form of dis-

or ecceleration (as shown in 5.11:1) II!

the duration of the estimated earthquake record, which may 8. Thill information is plotted for three directions east-west, and or the 1111.'8 of the structure]. 'I'his data is then w;ed to simulate the seismic excitation of the

erized ","'., ........

accurate, is "a,nn.·~II ..

a new calculation.


removal of the applied acceleration from all

C the will vibrate at an frequency of Wn ==

Hz. This value is called the undamped natural and is used to determine the dynamic response

oscillator. d

(harmonic) motion to the above system coul

accelerations (and therefore forces) on the mass than had

at the depending on the simultaneous status of the vel~-

fat the location and time of interest. The acceleration

factor can be solved and it is found to be


factor ""

"" forcing angular frequency of input motion, rad/s

natural angular frequency of oscillator, rad/s

ratio of dampin~oefficient to critical .. 2VKM

of the motion is determined from the

~"~I"''''''''' time The natural of the oscillator is that

it will vibrate naturally with no outside stimulus and no damp-

Critical is that level of at which the system will

oscillate. .

"'''' ...... ". of critical damping to be assumed for systems IS

the NRC in Regulatory Guide as shown in Table 5.3. Alter-

native values (to those given in Table 5.3 for ASME, Sectio~ H~, Division I, Classes 1, 2, and :3 piping) are in Fig. 5.20 for s~IBmlc

of The damping values shown in this figure are applicable

both OBE and SSE. This alternative is currently published by ASME case N-4U, which was approved on September 17, 1984.

the above amplification a maximum response may be

calculated (or oscillators of all natural frequen-

where critical

Structure of component

OBE or 4 sse


Equipment and large-diameter piping systems, pipe diameter than 12 in

Small-diameter piping systems, diameter equal to or less in

steel structure

steel structures Preetseseed concrete structures concrete structures

2 4 '2 4


4 7 5 7

4 ..
.~ 3 ..
a '2
a Fr"quency. HI

GENERAL NOTE Applicable to both OBE a'ld SSE. inde pendent 01 pipe diameter .

Fill'''!! !i.:ro Damping value for seismic analysis of pipi!!". SO(ltH'~:: Code case N411 (Courtesy of ASME).

the course of an

need not occur at the same time the

ted as the response spectrum. This process is shown in

response spectrum is shown in 5.21.

""'1.1""1.:.,11111: the amplification factor, the reason for the shape of the response spectra becomes When the natural frequency of the oscillator is very small relative to the the

""'\.."' .. ,,'" factor approaches zero. This of the response spec-

trum is known as the flexible range. As the oscillator approaches the forcing frequencies (most structures transmit motions through their first two modes of

factor becomes very hence the two

response spectra. This is known as the resonant range.

lator is much larger than the

lion 1.0 and the acceleration the same as the

imposed motions. This is known as the range, and the "'''-'-<:;''''''/1<1.''0''

is as the zero-period acceleration

As stated the total response of the

the sum of the responses of the individual modes of

the dependent on the system natural

,,"'V'''''''''Y and restraint affect the system nat-

Therefore these may be to "tune" the system to

response and to reduce loads.


Rnonant ronge

P'lriod. $ Typical response spectrum.

"'{I"","<C''''''', such as a in the building mass or a build-

"''''''''''''''. will affect the characteristics location and magnitude of

on the of the response spectra. A perfectly symmetric build-

such as a square or circular would probably have the same

horizontal response for the north-south and east-west axes. Con-

an building has north-south and east-west


The response magnitudes increase with the elevation in

the peak acceleration values occur at approximately the

These curve characteristics assume there are no

in the building design between the various elevations. helps to reduce acceleration values, with a more significant acceleration reduction in the resonant range, as shown in 5.22. it is most important to use an accurate damping value in the calculations. This value is a function of internal structural "friction" and is usually best determined through experimental "'~ ... " .... "'. As mentioned previously, NRC Regulatory Guide 1.61 provides "'''''''''''''110 values which may be used for systems when actual values are not known.

When response are used for purposes, the frequencies at

which accelerations occur must be given tolerances to account for calculation uncertainties. Figure 5.23 shows how response spectra peaks

to envelop the The degree of peak


IS data used to estimate the

As stated the


c: o

+o '-



u u <I

frequency, Hz -- ...

Figl.O'" 5.22 Varilltioll

response ~p~.ctrum with vttfyin~ fl:Htos

on the conlidelH:e level of the

F'llu,,, 5.2J 1I'·SpO.bC sped rum peak spn~adillg. ,

beams. The conditions is




natural frequency of nth mode, rad/s = natural frequency of nth mode, Hz

= mode of interest

'" modulus of elasticity, = moment of inertia of pipe, in'

=< mass per length of pipe, Ibm/in '" span between supports, in (mml

estimate would lead to error on the low side of the ~ctual frequen~

would a lower bound for purposes. If this causes a pro .

more exact methods should be used. h

the natural frequencies for all modes have been t. e

the earthquake can be calculated. For syst~ms With

the modal response would be written as a



force vector for mode n (of forces at each node point), lb (N) mass matrix for system (of lumped masses at each node point), Ibm (kg)

of mode n normalized to maximum displacement of 1.0 (dimensionless)

= mass participation factor for mode Yl (this is measu:e of e xcit ability of mode and decreases as mode number increases), dimensionless

= acceleration picked from response spectrum, currespnnding

to of mode n, H/Si (m/s')

f d the forces for each indio

forces on the system are OUiI . h

mode Since the mass participation factor decreases Wit

. the contribution of modes may usually be neglected.

for combining loads are the square root of the sum of the absolute sum methods, as shown:

(C, I 'J)

Absolute sum method:

+ + I



response from lH1 actual time in the flexible and resonant range of the response spectra. How-

ever, in the range the SRSS method is not

because there all responses will occur

when modes of a system have closely

percent of each the forces must he summed

This is due to the fact that modes with similar natural

receive their maximum excitation from the same time

A third summation rule used in some programs is known as

Naval Research (NRL) rule. This rule that the max.

imum modal response be added to the SHSS of the

modal responses.

rule such as SHSS or NHL is based on trial and error, so users of

these methods should realize that there could be in which

these rules do not represent an accurate response,

kant or rigid-range modes are present. Studies have been

conducted the time history method to modal the

SRSS summation method. The SHSS results were shown

those of the time analysis in a few cases, therefore

further of the use of the SRSS rule may be

5.:lJ.5 Static 1II1'I1II1),5j$. Modal than time history must be done on a computer. Where a computer is not

such a level of accuracy is not necessary, loads on may

be by static analysis.

One form of static earthquake was described earlier

discussion of the Uniform Huilding- Code. The formula for quake \ there a static based zone, the natural frequency of the structure, and the


may also be analyzed by static trum is available. This may he done when the i ururament.at

quenr-y of the system is to the of the on the response

spectra or, better yet, in the rigid runge. The acceleration

to this on the response spectra may

of the total


of this acceleration and on the

A sample system is shown in Fig. 5.24. The system uses 8·in (200·

schedule 40 not insulated, filled with water, weight"" 5U.24 Ib/ft (7:l:l

restraints are spliced typically at 18·ft (5.5·ml intervals. The

acceleration response spectrum to the building and eleva-

which this system is located is shown in 5.25.

fundamental frequency of the system estimated by modeling the

spans between restraints as simply beams. The lowest frequency,

therefore the frequency of interest, is where the span is the longest

'-""',1'1',"" restraints. In ,"'ig. 5.24, all the restraints life equally spaced. This will occur in reality, so the longest unrestrained span in the direction of inter-

must used.

determined in Eqs. (5.1711) and (5.170),

~ natural frequency of mode = !4~ Hz >lim number of ronde ;z: 1

modulus uf elasticity ~ 27.7 x Ill" 1'8; (l9t X 10' kN/m'i z moment 01 inert; .. of pipe = n.f> in' (J.02 X 10' mrn")

~ m~ •• of pipe per unu lengtb $ (50.24 lu/U)/I( 12)(386.411 0.01Ot! Ibm/in (0.075 kg/mm)

length of span D 216 in (5486 mm)

5.25, the corresponding acceleration for !I frequency of 14.5 Hz is 2g. would cause iii seismic loading in both the Jt lind 1 directions of 2 X 50.24 ~ Ib/h (2 X 0.075 X 1000 X 9.8 .. 1470 N/ml.

Once the uniform seismic load is the restraint loads may be calculated

method similar to the one for other types of uniform loads, such

or wind loads.

Problem 5.5,

C 3.0
Oi 2.0
10 Frequency, Hz Response spectrum.

. Often a tr ade-otf may be achieved by tuning the uat urul frequency of the

IIlIl system, For example, the design loads for the system decrease as the Iundamental frequency of the system moves Irum the resonant to the rigid runge. This would require more restramts. but the total rest r a in! and pipe louds would be reduced, possibly leading to a material savings. The minimum pipe span between resrnunts to achieve II response in the rigid range could he calculated hy

~ \


where F,. ; frequency designating start of rigid range, Hz.

For FI~. 5.25 the ri.gid range begins at about :.w Hz, With !111 acceleration 0.7511. This would designate a maximum span of 11).:1 fl (4.67 m ). Therefore. by decreasing the seisrnrc span from 18 to IS.:'! It (5A!:! tu 4.1>7 rn l, the seismic lateral load would be decreased from 100.5 to (0 75)(f)O,24) '" :lI:i Ih/It (551 N/m).

When no response spectrum is available to indicate the It h iaid

I' • . 0 ue nM~

range, yet the ZPA 18 known, a fundamental frequency of :1:1 Hz is as rigid.

5.:U Vibrlltion

such as compressors, pumps, turbine motors

etc., cre~te ~ . source of mechanical vibration. The rotation creates '

har~omc sinusoidal unbalance, force which can

excite the system.

Unless IS very l'u."I .. I! ..

all elastic foundation designed for vibration

be transmitted through the

is in the neighborhood of the natural

system, additional resonant vibrations will be failure.

"," .... 'm ..... loads

that as more restraints are added to a system, the pipe

restrained for and occasional loads.

when operating, increases in temperature and which is too well restrained will not be able to expand,

forces will at the points of lockup, causing large stresses

in the

ideal restraint condition for thermal considerations is a total lack

restraint. Since this is not feasible, other loads, some forces due

will on restraints even in the most optimally sup-

In this section we show how these loads can be calculated.

we show how to determine thermal movements for

selection and of clearances in restraints.

is of concern primarily direction}, Thermal expansion can be

to the pipe length axis by the following


thermal expansion in direcuon

in dir ecti .. n of 11111'1'1'111. in t mrn]

coetticient of II'INm.1 UIIIIIM",n. in/lm °t'llmm/lmm °nl temperature. ·.'I"CI


so in inches per foot between an ambient

and various has been worked out

materials, Values for some 01' these materials are


thermal loads on supports is

the system, This

of the axial runs are absorbed

cantilevers. For a an dis-

induces the following moment and force at each end:

M "" 6E1J.


force, III (N)

(JPvP''''l<"n moment, inJb (rnm N)

E "" modulus of at installed temperature, psi (N/mm'J

moment of inertia of pipe, in' (mm")

displacement, ill (rnm)


of leg perpendicular to direction of growth, in (film)

The amount of thermal absorbed (~) is

to the ratio of the stiffness of the to the sum of the

stiffnesses of all absorbing the thermal The moments and

."',,,,,,,,,,.,,, must be resisted the restraint system, whether it

a force of two restraints.

Problem !i.6 The system in Fig. 5.26 is made of carbon steel und operates :!f,O°F (177°e). It uses 12-in CWO-mm) standard schedule line with = 279 (1.16 X 10" mm ') and E = 27.7 X 10'; psi u.st X lU" Nzm"). From Table 5.4, the thermal expansion is found to be O.02:!6 in/I! (lH8:1 rum/rn l. The system is

restrained two anchors [at points A and G) and two vertical restraints (at

points n E').

The first step ill tinding the thermal loads is to cakulat e he pipe eKIHl!lS;OflS and determine the legs which will resist them. The resist i ng legs are 1111 those perpendicular to the growth, except in those cases where the pipe is restr ained at intermediate points. The summary of pipe movements and resisting legs is shown ill Table 5.5.

The stiffness of each pipe segment is calculated !IS vr oss-sectional and mat.er ial propt'rties of all t h« pi

'21,;1/ 1. ' I he

in this pr ol il ern IHe he

§~§~~ ~~~8~ ~~~~~ 000 .............. N C") "V ~ 1- ;:~?l~~ ~C")t.OQ')C'.i ~~::!~ ~~~<i;~ ~~~~~
-~t-~ao _~r-SSM -..q.t-I"""l
~ "" r- ...... - ...... N N ~~~~M <!: <!:02 ~~~~~ c~~~~ .............. NNM :::!~~~
00008 ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 00000 '""'" 1""'1....-4 ...... _ .................... ...-1 ......
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00006 00000 M r..Q t~ 00 t-- ...... tt) (J) ...... NNC'-4 1"'>"1.-4 _.-I


.-t.f)Olf) r-o.q.r- 0.-1 __

...... _.-4 ......




00000 00000


000 ......

...... - - ......





the fehlliv\!! stiifne83 (If eIIrh leg i. given hy in.'. Therefore. the proportion ,,{ tM w~1 diapllllcemenlllllOlorbed by .. ny 1It;l/en lell n ia defined u

.. h""M d.. w <li."lac.",.nl a"""'!Mod by ~ ". i .. (mml L; W '''''ilh ,,( 1"11 ". fl (llill

L, • '''''ill> o( .... d. other ~ ~1lI! opKidi..d <lis"l.c.menl. It (ml

t:t. r - loul <lia"I .. .,.. ..... OI I<> he .. IIIIor!Mod, jill 10 .... '

Once the di.plll~ml!nl sbeorbed by the pi1M' Iorcee 1100 momelltli can be found by mubmtilutiorl. mOllulntlilln lM r"l •• inu in Fia· 6.26 un be found:

ill known, the sheer thi. 1II'8Y, the forces and

from Eq. 15.241,


3011 (915 m)

x y

1 y

Hl0226)( 15) w 014 in {II 6 mill' W U226 )( 101 w 0.68 in 07 :1 m rn] W0226 )( 601 u 1:16 in (:14 5 rrrm] W0226 )( :10) - U68 in (!7 :I

II I', (' F.

M. !' HC,

From Eq. 15.23), for segment A R,

- 1212 II> 15661 I'll

" 6127 7 )(

m,,· £1$1

M'"'_~I''' _ M.A,. _ I :J6DI~ll 61277". W"1I27!H

i5't:iOlt:~li --- :11;0'

- 228,987 m II> 125,899 m I'll

Therefore Ihe approximate thermal l .... ds on the anchor 1111 I'",n' A ar e

f', - 6<llh I:II.JO NI M., - 228.967 m II> (2~,H99 III I'll

r, - Il72 III 15liii1 I'll M, - ~!j9,0!16 on II> 1:Il.h97 m NI

Similarly. the load. can he ( .. und 011 the venin.1 r eat rarnts 1111 pomts !J ""d IJ

.l"I'~ ~1J478in(l2Imml

1'" " _ 12121.7 )(

J.", ~ Htiljjn(171mml 121277 x

I".' ...

- 4f1<i7 II> 121U:!1 NI

The mum""," ,,( "<li,,ts [) sud t' are ''',,,(ed r",I"'lIIh. The 101,,1 fu, ... !" call he [ound I~y:

F,,, _ :1210 :1II4,IiH5 ~47,421

accurate results to rotate ttl some moment, In must cases (I; is

have been developed for the purpose of

with accurate load calculatioM for III wide range of config-

" .. nUll''',. Table 5.6 presents a seri~ of cham by the I'IT Grill-

and reprinted here with their permisaion. The full series

available ill ITT Grinnell'lI ond Sufti-

the to break

either by the

..... n Illfe of Through

"" •• 1' ., ." or 8upporlil. eacessive thermal

support locauons which direct the stresses call be con- 5_27 are used to are designed to

overstressed or overloaded by escessive moments end Iorces 011 the nozguides at loceuons C and F and II limit stop or rigid

restraint !lit location R. as shown in 5.27b. the thermal expansion can

directed into the eapaneion Thus the un the terminal con-

neetions can be reduced RI!l'fUIIU~lllnl.I\I.

o.tMmiNl8lon o. ThemMII MoII.fMftl~

thermal movements may be estimated lit intermediate points in a

& linear variatioll between IIf known displace-

For if the movement uf Ii puiol located [) fa 0.5 m] hum

(tllwllrd Rl in Io'ig. 5.26 were desired. it could he computed by the the displecements at point H determined in Prob-

II.! I in €2.1i uun]

~ Il.um in II. '7 mm I "" o.o:n in 10.69 mm)

in the y direction for use ill the method for deter-

Overshe':.'i.ed CQW1t."<t!OH

['''.ot IOn

Ib I

I" dlred t herma] ~", .. Ih, ~ai I.K.p ",,!tWlIl dlfuled therml.ll! movement

Puint A; Point C:

P"inl f':

P"illl K:

2 ill (5().I! mm] up, cold 10 hoi o ill

~ in !iOU; mm] down, wid I" hoi I in (~5.4 mm) 111'. cold 10 hoi

P"inl lJ in

Pllml AI:


Othe, sources "r vertical movement are the risen H· D d J.J '-' ,

1Ullilili fr T hi s: A L . tm. which e'p'lru:l

. om III e o, ~ we see that the expanslOll is "" (Ul70? infh 10 005

mi. IW Ihe fiU, UPl1ll81OIlB lire computed U follows: . 9 mml

LSI' g (O.0107HI51- UJ6101269mmiup

L", - W0701H:K)) - 212"'~5:1t1"'mld"w"

J - W071J7HWI ~ 070linOHOmmi

00 t-- M) ..-.l {- U) cr) ..-{ NM"4"Y?

- -.-...--!

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a) I.£) 0 CQ ..... (x)ONMlJ";) NMMMM





li) r- O,_" N




~ 1"""1 __

t.C "'<f' co C"-4 N (Y).-. en 1- tD

;~g;!~ g~~~~

----- -NNNN



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cD <.&i ' . .:) to <.Q


o ,~

en U)

00 '"

~-----+--+--.-.----.-~-- .. ----.--.-

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"4" q ~ c: a W~W~w~u:u~ ~U u U

,. .o


f------ f---~ f-- --. !

;;; ;:;
~ .
51 N
~ 0 0)
.,. !
t: ..
2 9 u,
'" c '" 8
c s 8, ..
E '"
§ ~ .. ~ "
~ .. e ~
J:l g 0
'o '" K ~
-c i> c;
! .;: :> Ii: E
,_ The Ii rat of interest is the locut iun of t he sprinl( hanger H .. 4

point on pipe segment A -8_ The movement of the endpoints has

II given quantity (as was point A I or computed from therrnul 8). The thermal movement III illtermediate point s propor tiunal 10 their distance from the endpoints:

H, ~ L06 + ~(2 UJ6) ~ I\) m (:102 "'''')

The vertical muvement at H, call be determined in the same manner us described

above, once the movement at point Eo: is known The displflccmenl 10-'

be cakulllted, since the life k nown at eudpuints dis-

placement at Eo: is found by

Displacements may now be found at any point between points displacements at these points are known 12_12 in 15:1-1> mrn) down and

(64J:l mill) down, respectively]. Therefore the IIi II, is 2_

!\12_55 - 2_ i 2) == 2,2 ill (55,9 mm) down,

Tutul displacement to be absorbed by the horizon!al legs be! ween points K and M is the difference between the nuzzle niove ment at K and expansion or riser I-J, or ! - (J_707 == 0_27:1 in (6_9 mrn). The t ot al horil<mlal 1"lIglh he tweerj and M is 94 It 128_7 m]. Therefore, the displaceuieut ill point J is IIPIHOl(imately

- <l1(O,27:l) = 0_983 in (25_0 mill) up, the al point is U!lH:! _

0_707 == 0,276 in 17_0 mill) up, the displacement at point M is zero, and the displacement at any intermediate point may be estim!lted by linear interpolation.

The support may locale restraints

of zero displacement, and direct thermal culated locations, The permissible location is

ment to be by the the

able stress of the The formula for the minimum

to the first

restraint is



where L

distance to first rigid restraint, fa (m)

OU"'Q"'Q'" to he in (mill)

outer diameter of


allowable stress of


5.7 (ill to the first restraint for

stresses of 10,000 psi (68,948 kN/ml).

the restraints have been loads and movemeuu,

be calculated as



i §

















o co:i

o 00

M .()

'" M






\ .()






"-' ..



." .,; ..

.() ...

." .,.,

. ()

ai ,.,




a N


cco o





o u


Load Combination

supporte must be designed to withstand any combination of loading 11"'"''''''''"''''' to occur simultaneously. Normal operating loads are 'i .... <'!''''' ... ,,1lI or deadweight thermal. These loads may he cornwith eccesioual toeda, u required !.he desil€n criteria or the spe-

certain cl.mditiu'ns, 01 ma~riala may be increased fur

Ilu'uim'lld Illads. An esample is t..h«! oIl1el'Vice level instituted

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Section III «or more information

4). A specification for desi,n I04IJd combinations is u

Deadweight Ue!!dweight + thermal

Norm!!1 + relief valve discharge

Nurmllli t earthquake IOH~1 t relief valve diaduHI(e Normal 1 wllter hammer

N"rmllli t earthquake (SSE) Normlll i e.llrlhqullke (SS .. :,

relief valve discharge pipe rupture

loads may be added either algebrllically to arrive at realistic values

for added ronservatiam, 1.0 the criteria

this fllr we have dealt with manual methods used to estimate

support loads. However, most piping work today ill done with the UIIilltance or computer pipe stress Illllllysia programs. A large number of programs are available today. vafyil1l with respect 1.0 capabilities and requrrements which reflect their intended industrial applications. However, the differences are moatly esternel, since all the pro-

life similar. The pipe atreea programs are actually struc-

huel progrlllms, where the solution ia determined by either a stilrness til' a mahil!. The pipil1l system ill modeled u an irregular space

and tAl the varillus desired loading cases. The supports

Iliads !III part of the indeterminate analysis; these elm he printed each case III' combined (rum I.WIIIII:' more load cases as desired. information 1111 computerized pipe stress programs, all well as a

annotated output, can be found in 9.


6.1 Introduction

For ellery function of pipe support, several choices of hurdware types and sizes may be used depending on the constraints Hf the design lind the magnitude of the loads. support hardware refers to

the structural elements such as

Iatruts, springs, damps, etc.] and structural steel. In this

tel' we discuss the various types of hardware

ing vendors lind their use in ~~ •. ,~ .. ~,

items such as "'''fn.IIMY." ded IIInd welded these items in III

Th~ criteria governing hardware selection lire support

magmtude of the expected load, and space Iimitations. the 1'01.

lowinl must 111110 be in mind:

I. The temperature used for selection of l J

straps, and other steel in direct contact with the is that (If the lluid

c~ntenu of the. The strength of these items may he upecled 10 de. dme as the design temperature increases.

. ~'he effects of pipe temperature must also he considered in

sl<:mg gaps lind designing fur friction forces.

2. at high lemperature or

the uuter surface will usually he 'insulated. The IIlllSI be to accommodate the insulation .

. Figure 6.2 illustrates insulation, which would COlier I he

pipe aUachment 88 well as the pipe. For hostile euvironrnents such !IS ill

nuclear conteinment areas, the insulation must he resistant to

humidity, and radiation. Addilillllully, it should he !lilt!

to COlldelisal iOIl "II support

reinstalled to allow



should be determined

selection of the hardware.


be periodically with the

The follow-up inspection schedule is dependent on criticalness of the system, the service record of the hardware type, and

of the service environment. Hardware types requiring less

~Fn'~,.n'h'~ wherever

types are listed below. A discussion

the hardware selection and process for load-

, '

..... 1';11'''Il10 1i.2 Typi,al insulat;o" fo, I>iuilw. (C'

e- b ourt vs-; uj ()II'01.',--( 'f!rtllflJ.: Fltlf'rJ.:/Os


and anchors

struts, support


:1. Snubbers ( 4. Sway braces













,n_=, '", '" " v
~ u "' a '"
" " "
, It
rl HALf !I, II
Attachments CLAMP
SINGLE BOL T . Long T anganl
fiG 170-172
FIG 190
i I
I I typically used in weight ,ul'puriS ((,,,,,rei'" ul ('urtler 6( l.u d a

from the steel. A number of hardware items, 6.:l, are available for the rod to either

structure on one side or the on the other. Examples of


by manas shown in process by providing a

support. Whenever hardware is

of steel may be eliminated, sav-

time. Aside from load the designer must

some additional considerations in mind when designing a rod hanger

thermal movement must

the vertical axis movement both lifts the

not an excessive

condition (see Fig. 6.5a). .. ,,'111,,'1"'" additional pipe system or

I.' I

I ~ I

TABU: 6,1 "-36)

Nominal rod diameter, ill

Hool an-a thread, ill'


Hod il'mperattlf{' :..:: 1;;;0";.'

I( .. d I~"'p"r"ture 7;,o°F

IH~;8 11126 II.~U2

1)10 1.1111 ,KIO


O.:III:! lUI!!

~,7W :1,770

1 IA

V.bM!) 1.:.'\);1

ii,IMMI 11,(;:111


l.7~4 :1.:IIXI :L02:1

,\700 :'>0,7110 :.'7,:!IKI

I,IXXI II-UtiO ~4,2IiO

:1.71\J Vii!' fd;:11

;1:1/,11(1 I,:)HO _________ ,~() __ ,[)_tS~

:.'!J,IiMP :17,OfiH ,L~,l!IiS


:1\ :I! :Ij

li.no 7lJIH !):! 14

WAllO 71,:.'i-M) K!,H!!<I


~},\,,IOO 1II:1,IHXI :!;I,IHKI




I :)~!K) 17~1)(1


the support may have fUll). Where this is not pusshould he used,

:1. As a il" (I

II I 'Rill O-Illln! dWIlIt'IN rod shot!I(1

Silla lOre 1:2 in ICII j I

,I mill (1<l1lH'II'r and ulldl'rI I :111( i


diameter rod should be used for

diameter and

hardware shown in 6.4 has some amount of hanger

The rod and bolt assemblies shown in arrangements 2 and

while the shown in 1

rod may be attached to the structure in various

some of these are illustrated in 6.4. The attachments shown are

Cold to hot - movement tel

(b I

Cold 10 hot--

Olbe! Iimitatiuns iur rod hang ers movement ill ax ia] direction; fb) cold pipe cold; (21 opull1inll position. hot

( )

lUi (0) Twobolt pipe clamp; fbI threebolt pipe clump. (('"urlesy uf ('".Inc)

used in both commercial and nuclear

to of

After the type of attachment and its orienta-

the size of attachment must also be verified CO!1-

The recommended pipe attachments for or clevis hangers and Preengineered

supports on are used with rods as struts, which are

are available for both commercial

from thicker insulation.

of pipe support data sheets (when required) and maintains the tiles for client po'.nP,Qr .. ,<>

the load capacdata in their

based on a maximum a manufacturer can value to reflect material

stresses at 01' lower

When standard hardware does not Iultill the support

ment, a nonstandard can be used.

stress (see

When no overhead steel is convenient, it may be more to sup-

the from with a support. supports accept

"1)'111"';'" load through bearing and allow the to slide, in

to accommodate horizontal thermal pipe movements. The support consist of any of a variety of saddle types, a trunnion attachment,

the resting directly on restraint steel. The type of

is chosen based on the thermal pipe movement, the pipe and the distance from the pipe to the support steel.

supports are shown in 6.8.

When a is used, the support should be designed for fric-

tion forces in addition to the calculated design loads. The friction force be calculated as the product of the coefficient of friction (normally

0.3 and 0.7 for steel sliding steel) and the force applied

normal to the of movement (in this case the bearing load). For very

supports, use of this friction force may lead to the calculation of excessive loads and deflections. A more realistic representation of friction

could be achieved in this circumstance imposing a displacement

Figuf .. S.7 Two·holt riser clamp. (Courtesy of Corner & l.ada Cu. Inc)



I b 1


I d 1



FiIlU'. Il.~ Types of slidin" supports: (u) insullll'(jll saddle; (b) trunnion; (d, (d), Ie) various types or ruller support.

to th~ thermal movemen.t at the support unto the support

smce the support deflectIOn will be limited to the movement of

a slide


As noted rod h d

. angers an supports may he used in

locations where vertical thermal movements are minimal. .-"m"'''n

thermal movements are large, the result of

he either the pipe off of the support

support) or lhermallockup at the support, with

overstres~ in the In these cases, it is necessary to support the

sy~t~m With which an force while still per-

nllttlng the


uW wher.

Ihe SptlnQ !S 10 be lOCate<J on lop of a pa« 01 chanfl4li$ and adJustment 04 the S{)'!f'l9 1$ de $1(010" Hom above 1M Sup porting sle«rl


F04' uM htsadrOQm may be'mo<w Fu< nlshed wlft! chu bI.w~lugS



u~ when Ihe spt'lflg IS 10 I>e «aled un d8H)('tililh ree P'P "'\I

,~ I{lSufhcoenl ()i an IOlerterenC$ tl!t1Slsdmtdty abo .... lhe p.p 'n<)


l Jr- c

variable-spring hangers. (Cuurtesy o] Corner & Lado Cu, Inc)


the resisting force,

applications is to provide Ii spring setting which load subsequent to the growth of the pipe to Simultaneously, it is desired that the dif'-

nonoperating "cold load" and the operating "hot to prevent significant system imbalance,

or cold load, of a variable spring may be calcu.,,,,,,,'..,11"" formula:

hot load + Ktl


cold load load

installation setting lb (N)

load at support. determined from weight-halancing calculation plus weight of support hardware carried

by lb (N)


constant of variable

f.lO() S<l( A

NOO&"A;I ~l h~~O l[M...IH 01 A t1 ItftA.O 5.{( TA.&,.( IMlOW

'" .

~illdur .. (~. 10 St andard spring types A '111<1 B .a" II., Inc)


typical duue naions. ('(lurle," (f ,--_

,"; ur nc-r {i(:


with the direction of the thermal which is father a

nUIClIIl.m of and restraint

it is desirable to limit the variability of the force between the hot and cold conditions. The variability is cal-


... " .... ,"" in U.S. industry on critical piping this

thermal movement are dictated the piping

the variability of the spring can be controlled only

rate. Most manufacturers preengineered

with three different spring rates per load recommended for

toO.5-in 02.7-mm) movement], midrange 10.5 in 02.7 mm) and long range 11 in (25.4 mm) to 2 in (50.8 mm) J thermal movement, with spring rate ratios of 4: 2: 1, respectively.

Variable are selected by a manufacturer's selection chart

to that shown in Table 6.2. The for selecting a variable-

is as described on Table 6.2.

thermal movements are too over 2 in (50.8 rnrn] J to

the use of a variable spring, the engineer may elect 1.0 use a conConstant springs are also used when pipe stress conare critical or at locations near equipment at which very low nozzle

loads must be These supports provide a virtually uniform

''''''''''P'''''''' force throughout the travel range of the pipe. One method of this constant load is through the use of a pulley and weight or

system; however, these of supports have disad-

additional weight support and general lack of

-."'~u~,'-' constant supports, as shown in Fig. 6.11, have most of

and few of the drawbacks of the counterweight systems. of the principles of mechanical advantage, this ",,,on,nv, provides a nearly flat load response throughout its travel range, with variability deviation or load variation typically of the 5

of the constant-support hanger assures perfectly

the entire deflection of the load. This coun-

lo .. d and moments about the main pivot is


use of carefully tension rods. moves from the compressed and the resulting

moment arm creates a

which is . moment

d and Opposite to the

an moment arm.

As the


moves from the low to the and the


PO$lllOn md,ea!Or and Hlivel stop

K rod

LOad 1I0l<e

, load

sprinll PIVOI

pivot lOad adjustmerl! boll


Sproog II(0SIon roo

C""SI~IlISprlfl!: SUppor!. (' ( ourt ... '1' "I !"iT t;rlllfldl 'u'l' I

(for down movement] the IJflldud tt4" i. nut lve<'ihed, I£'MKi peactice would


00 116


- _




(tift 1,01t1 1.1',


141 IMI












J u tillZf Il

I. Calcul.14I

above 4 Calcul.t. the wid '''''''.nd ch""h tlt.t b"tt. hOi and wid "-"'d. 1.11 within th. "0""'5 ""S' 5 If this ctmdition ia not met, move to an adjacent aile and rtl!'W'lurli:.

U load, movement, valli$lhilit)', 04' available ftV4Ice prooibfts the Im4l Hf $I vllfl$ule .upport .hould "" ce, .... d<t"o<!




I diU

'Hi ',1.111 1.1W 4.:t~~1 ~.M,ll H,Il" "'H< .. ;,'71 "',"" 2'.,.11'«' ",7:. .. ".,,~,


T,,,,,8_I,,,,,C Iv"" 0

I ofll\lanl ltprin« IIlpphl &lf~HrH ft

I yi'<' [

\ HI 11'-, (;'U11H,1I f 'flf Jl )

restraints life used when it is necesaary 1.0 resist and occasionel Ioeds ala single location or where thermal movements

small to UIl4! of a rigid restraint it is more eco-

nomica] to lise i!I restraint than one which permits movement. such

or Ii snubber uaembly.

restraints may be provided either preengineered hard-

struts) or frames built up of atructural steel.

back - to-back channels, or tubes are used structural

steel sectiulls ill sections are sometimes used,

the nature of their CWllS section added

cedures. The decision of whether In usc III strut or 10 restrain the

II steel Irame is dictated by considerations such as space ('(HI-

number of directions ill which the restrained. lead time fur hardware

load-rated since it eliminales


N 00


00 '"






co '" ""


00 r-

<D ,_

,<:'1 C'i

cry 00

<D [,-

00 N ,_

N M , -

en .,-

-e." 00

00 c-r 00





<:) ....


M .-



c:n ...

o <D


assembly shown in 6.13 is sired (or load capac-

well all !§tillneM criteria, if necessary. the strut assembly is

hued on the applied load. If the stmt does not meet required

criteria, II strut size should be selected. The dirnen-

shown in 6.13 are used to calculate the strut The

ail.!!illlil:lM!1l' mU!lt ensure that adequate speee is Iftveilable when a strut ill used.

i!! made up of two end .. with for welded

to intermediate of varyilll In mo1It one paddle is

threaded to some field 'I'he failure mode which lim-

" .. """"", or the iltrut is normelly bucldilll of the For this rea-

son, the vendor's lead is usually ... alid only up to iii certain specified

the distance (L in 6.13). At lengths,

"""""'-".1 or the shut will decreaee all the slenderness ratio lncreases,

sccoent (or the reduction in buckling load capeeity. Strut at

are normally available from the manufacturer.

ill based on II tolerance or ollsel from the line of action force, normally stated all :I: 6" from the installation refer Therefore, in certain situations, such all when tension if! the con-

load, when the length of the strut if! below the

for the loed or when it ill known that there will


[ c I

(0 )

be no strut strut (for the

of the

III review of its component

IIrIrlllnge relative to the pipe

6.15. Where DelfPl!ncliclulair Illes, two struts

lUes. loads on

IIl11tie equilibrium, lUI

Imd PH ,. F~ - 0.9167f'

it ill ~t 1.0 use an included

H ... ti ...... ",., other tiuln struts, when it ill used in with struc-

r~trillinl One of the most common types of





ltd AI'R.I .......... "j ri~id .Irul and ,1", ... ",,,1 'I,,~i


Ii· l""ll 100Il001 U -bo" C· 5"...:" ... ", $I"'"

O' 8o'@pl,,'@

E • 80.",,1<1'" "",no. I>olls

F. I"l'e 1"11" €Io' 0&1(,1) '@o',,,m,

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