PAC Meeting Minute On December 2, 2014

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PAC Meeting December 2, 2014

Present: Averill Groeneveld-Meijer, Annie ODonoghue, Mio Kiyooka, Daphne Beck ,

Stephanie Lewinson, Esther Rosillo, Cheryl Roehlig, Liping Wu, Peter Kokan,
Michelle Kokan
Welcome: Averill Groeneveld-Meijer
-Additions to agenda: hot lunch issue, Stephanie has XXXXX
-Minutes from previous PAC, motion for acceptance by Heidi, seconded by Cheryl
CHAIR Report (Averill Groeneveld-Meijer)
-Everything is up and running
-IB Update: School based Pro D on Friday, in January will be IB training provincewide. It is very encouraging because the staff are interested in the professional
development even though it is on their own time.
- Kindergarten registration: serve our own catchment area first, but because we are
a school of choice, we must have info meetings regarding IB schools. We had a
session last Wednesday, it was extremely well-attended (47 people).
-VSB Choice programs has a big evening at Tupper; Annie attended and there was a
LOT of interest.
-Cross-boundary for older grades is being re-designed by the VSB. Meeting will be
held re: upcoming policy and Annie will attend that on Friday morning
-Student Council is having its second annual bike event as a Unicef fundraiser
(Friday Dec 12); $2 entry fee
-Fundraiser collecting toonies and other change by Student Council as well
-Thanks to everyone who came to the Grade 1 assembly on Curiousity
-Thank you to parents for supporting volleyball teams
-Choir confirmed for Winter Social which is now on Dec 18. Tables ordered,
hopefully will have enough chairs
-Lots of thanks sent in for all the things the parent volunteers do!
-Lots of field trips happening: Science World, VSO, BC Biodiversity Museum,
-Swing for physically challenged students: site to start being cleared tomorrow for
installation, FINALLY.
-Some classrooms will be painted; VSB has been checking for lead
-Winter report cards being written and will be sent home soon
-last day of term is Dec 19th, return Jan. 5th
Dec. 4: Divs 4,5,6 field trip to Science World
Dec. 8 Hot lunch
Dec. 12, 2:00 pm band concert
Dec. 15 Hot lunch
Dec. 16 Subway
Dec. 18 5:30-7:30 Winter Social

Dec. 19 Norman Foot Winter/Holiday songs

QUESTION: if classrooms are painted during school time, where will the students
go? ANSWER: we are not yet sure if the painting will be during school time. Options
include pod, gym, art room, stage area, library, etc.
-Purdys went well, ended up with almost $2800 in sales (in the 12th hour); we make
approx. 25% from that fundraiser. Will arrive Tuesday Dec 9th, will be ready for
pickup on Dec 10th.
- Winter social on the 18th, Santa will be in, arts and crafts table, Grade 7s holding
used book and DVD sale (in art room), library will have the famous bake sale,
concession stand in gym with dinner items, choirs will sing until 6, then live auction
for Christmas wreaths (and goodies), Grade 7s raffling a gourmet basket . Flyers
will go home this week requesting baked goods donations for bake sale. Wrapping
baked goods will be on Wednesday the 17th. Need parent volunteers to man arts
and crafts tables, concession, book sale, decorating (during the day Thursday).
There will be sign up sheets for volunteers, also in PAC email. We will need the
library closed on the 17th and 18th. We will need the gym closed on the 18th, possibly
on the 17th as well. NO admission fee.
-Dinner/dance will be the first Saturday in May: May 2nd. This is already booked at
La Notte.
-Christmas gift cards in on Dec. 5th
-Pie and cookie dough arrives on Dec. 11
-Direct appeal has gone out, looks to be quite successful so far. $5000 donated from
one family specifically for the playground
TREASURERS REPORT (Averill for Nicky McConnell)
-Everything on track in both revenues and expenses.
-On balance sheet, there is $500 in petty cash for floats for Winter Social.
Any questions? No.
-Esther: in January we will have both choir and recorder. Modifications: recorder
will open to younger kids if they have previous experience. Recorder opened for
older grades for kids who want to join (up to a max). Choir will open to
kindergartens too (up to a max). Senior choir can hold more, too. Couple teacher
concerns re: supervision, but the procedures are being re-visited to ameliorate these
concerns. New recorder teacher in new year, she is coming to observe and to meet
us soon. Heidi: one reason senior choir is so small is that it is after school. Maybe
early morning?
-Cheryl: Hotdog/Pizza going well. Cheryl considering some online ordering, etc., but
Cheryl not too keen to make severe changes. Perhaps simplify the paper forms to
streamline the administering of the program. Judy is going to manage all of the
Musqueam orders for Cheryl to streamline the ordering process. CONCERN: Heidi
has been told the Musqueam will only pay up to $150/child for the year for hot

lunches (Subway, hotdog, pizza, etc). If this is the case, these kids are already almost
maxed for the year. Heidi has submitted receipt to the band for about $1200, and
we have not yet been paid. ACTION: Heidi will talk to Judy to see if we can clarify
this information.
February 6th is the first week to start back up.
CONCERN: Daphne Beck: the hotdogs are always cold. ACTION: Cheryl will monitor.
For the most part, volunteers have been steady.
-Stephanie: new fundraising idea: Lavish Online: specializes in eco-friendly lunch
gear (water bottles, lunch bags, etc). 10% cut of profits sold. This information could
be sent home in the new year with the hot lunch forms. ACTION: Heidi will take a
look at it.
-Cheryl: Choices wants to do more fundraising thing, such as a coffee sale, etc. They
will also do a community BBQ. Could do car wash too (Grade 7 idea: Scotia Bank
and IGA on 41st and Dunbar).
-Esther: Choir teacher: is it possible for the children to do a show outside in the
community, perhaps at Crofton Manor for seniors? Does not necessarily need to be
for holiday season. This is possible, but requires significant planning.
-Daphne Beck: there is a group of teachers interested in creating a garden. Would
the gardening committee be interested in expanding to include a community veggie
garden? There is a VSB process that must be followed. Need a call for volunteers:
AVERILL to put in the weekly update, parents to contact Daphne Beck in the
classroom, or email [email protected].
No PAC meeting in January.
Next meeting is February 3rd at 7 pm, Southlands Library. There will be a
playground presentation.

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