Education: Vocabulary Quiz!!
Education: Vocabulary Quiz!!
Education: Vocabulary Quiz!!
Children who study at school The place or class to prepare A small white or coloured stick
are: children aged five for school: for writing on the board:
a. puppets
b. pupils a. asylum a. crayon
c. puppies b. childhood b. plaster
c. kindergarten c. chalk
A book that contains the list of The place in a school where food A school where children can live
students’ names: and drink are served: during the school year:
Exams that UK secondary An area of knowledge studied in Copying from books, notes or
pupils take in their final year a school or college, e.g. biology, another student’s paper during a
of school: maths, etc.: test or exam:
a. A-levels a. matter a. cheering
b. High levels b. subject b. cheating
c. National levels c. topic c. chatting
A test which is designed to find A talk given to teach students a The person who is in the same
the appropriate level for particular subject, often as part class as you at school or college:
students in a course: of a university course:
a. scholar
a. IQ test a. lecture b. companion
b. placement test b. lesson c. classmate
c. blood test c. class
What’s the word that How do you call a How do you call the
means “the qualifications department or group of subject in which you
obtained by students who related departments in a study about electronic
successfully complete a equipment, especially
college or university?
university or college computers?