Revised As On 27th Oct 2012 Ph.D. Rakesh Kumar

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Human Security and Civil Society

Concepts and Implications in Dark Continent

Dr. Rakesh Kumar
My Parents
My present dissertation work is my earnest approach towards
perfection and it would not have been possible without the
admirable support, kind co-operation, and active participation of my
teachers, friends and well wishers who have made this research
work a reality.

I am extremely grateful to my respected supervisor Dr. A. .
!aringum whose able guidance, intellectual ingenuity and avid
suggestion helped me in completing this academic exercise.
I am also indebted to all the faculty members of our Department
who shaped my thought and knowledge. I also got support from Dr.
"ribhuwn #rasad, Dr. uresh $umar, Dr. %ashmi $apoor and all the
faculty members of our department. I am also thankful to our
Department sta& for their cooperation.
May 'od relieve my parents( pain that shaped my destination in a
positive direction without whose support it would not have been
possible for me to arrive at this highest centre of excellence.
I am thankful to all sta& of Delhi )niversity *ibrary, +awaharlal
,ehru )niversity *ibrary, Indian -ouncil of .orld A&airs and
Institute of Defence tudies and Analysis /IDA0 library, without
whose support this work would not have been completed.

I am thankful to my Abhishek, hailesh, Dharmendra, Dibya,
Arshad, %a1endra, Duregsh, ankar, Ashok, %obinson, $anhiya, who
always extended all kinds of support in every possible way in my
endeavour to complete this work.
2aving been privileged in receiving such love and support, I own
responsibility for all the errors or omissions that might have crept
into the work.

Dr. %akesh $umar


Chapter Pae No

!. "ntroduction !!#$%
&. "ntroduction o' Human Security and Civil Society $!#((
$. Human Security and Civil Society in )'rica (*#!&(
+. Human Security and Civil Society in ,ots-ana !&*#!*.
/. Human Security as Human Development in ,ots-ana !*0#&%+
(. Conclusion &%/#&!!
1ist o' )22reviations
ADF------------------Allied Democratic Forces (Uganda)
AGOA --------------Arican Gro!t" and O##ort$nit% Act
A&'( ----------------Arican &$man 'ec$rit% (nitiati)e
A*+, ---------------Arican *eer +e)ie! ,ec"anism
AU -------------------Arican Union
-A.A----------------ots!ana Ad$lt .d$cation Association
--D/----------------o0onong -rigades De)elo#ment /r$st
-11------------------ots!ana 1"ristian 1o$ncil
-1D------------------ots!ana 1o$ncil or t"e Disa0led
-F/U----------------ots!ana Federation o /rade Union
-GGA---------------ots!ana Girl G$ides Association
-231---------------ots!ana 2ational 3o$t" 1o$ncil
-O1A(*------------ots!ana 1"ristian A(D' (nter)ention *rogram
-O11(,-----------ots!ana 1onederation o 1ommerce4 (nd$str% and ,an#o!er
-O1O2GO--------ots!ana 1o$ncil o 2onGo)ernmental Organi5ations
-O2A'O-----------ots!ana 2et!or6 o A(D' 'er)ice Organi5ations
-O2.7A-----------ots!ana 2et!or6 on .t"ics4 7a! and &(89A(D'
-:O-----------------ots!ana :or6cam# Organi5ation
1O+D.------------1o-o#eration or +esearc"4 De)elo#ment and .d$cation
1+D.---------------1oo#erati)e or +esearc"4 De)elo#ment and .d$cation
1'&DO-----------1omm$nit% 'el-&el# De)elo#ment Organi5ation o -ots!ana
1'O -----------------1i)il 'ociet% Organisation
D1':--------------De#artment o 1$lt$re and 'ocial :elare
DF(D ---------------De#artment or (nternational De)elo#ment (U;)
D+1 ----------------Democratic +e#$0lic o 1ongo
.-:A--------------.mang -asadi :omen<s Association
.1O:A' ---------.conomic 1omm$nit% o :est Arican 'tates
FO2'AG----------For$m on '$staina0le Agric$lt$re
(1+1 ---------------(nternational 1ommittee o t"e +ed 1ross
(GAD ---------------(ntergo)ernmental A$t"orit% on De)elo#ment
;-D/--------------;an%e -rigade De)elo#ment /r$st
;1'-----------------;ala"ari 1onser)ation 'ociet%
;D*----------------;$r$ De)elo#ment /r$st
7+A ----------------7ord<s +esistance Arm% (Uganda)
7U+D --------------7i0erians United or +econciliation and Democrac%
,FD*--------------,inistr% o Finance and De)elo#ment *lanning
,7&A--------------,inistr% o 7a0o$r and &ome Aairs
,OA----------------,inistr% o Agric$lt$re
,OD.7 ------------,o)ement or Democrac% in 7i0eria
,*1( ---------------,o)ement *atrioti>$e de 1?te d<()iore
,'F -----------------,edecins 'ans Fronti@res
,:(1---------------,et"aestsile :omen<s (normation 1entre
2A/O ---------------2ort" Atlantic /reat% Organisation
2D*-----------------2ational De)elo#ment *lan
2.*AD -------------2e! *artners"i# or Arica<s De)elo#ment
2GO -----------------2onGo)ernmental Organisation
ODA ----------------O)erseas De)elo#ment Assistance
*'(-------------------*o#$lation 'er)ices (nternational
+D1-----------------+$ral De)elo#ment 1o$ncil
+UF -----------------+e)ol$tionar% United Front
'AD1-12GO------'o$t"ern Arican De)elo#ment 1omm$nit% 1o$ncil
o 2onGo)ernmental Organisation
'*DF----------------'$dan *eo#le<s Deence Force
'*7,9A ------------'$dan *eo#le<s 7i0eration ,o)ement9Arm%
U2(/A --------------UniAo 2acional #ara a (nde#endBncia /otal de Angola
:F&-----------------:omen<s Finance &o$se
:21-----------------:omen<s 2GO 1oalition
3O&O---------------3o$t" &ealt" Organi5ation
CA2U(*F) ----------Cim0a0!e Arican 2ational Union *atriotic Front
Chapter3 One
&$man 'ec$rit% is #o#$lari5ed 0% instit$tions s$c" as t"e United 2ation
De)elo#ment *rogramme (U2D*)4 0% t"e go)ernments o so called middle #o!ers
(1anada4 Ea#an and 2or!a%) and 0% a 2o0el *ri5e !inning academic s$c" as
Amart%a 'enF &$man sec$rit% conce#t4 rame!or64 area o st$d%4 or #olic% agenda
remains #oorl% consens$all% deined or delineatedF .ac" actor and academic
#roesses "is o!n deinition4 !"ic" leads +oland *aris to #roess t"at Gt"e content o
"$man sec$rit% reall% is in t"e e%e o t"e 0e"olderHF DrF ,a"0$0 $l &a> irst dre!
glo0al attention to t"e conce#t o "$man sec$rit% in t"e United 2ations De)elo#ment
*rogrammeIs 1==4 &$man De)elo#ment +e#ort and so$g"t to inl$ence t"e U2Is
1==5 :orld '$mmit on 'ocial De)elo#ment in 1o#en"agenF /"e U2D*Is 1==4
&$man De)elo#ment +e#ortIs deinition o "$man sec$rit% arg$es t"at t"e sco#e o
glo0al sec$rit% s"o$ld 0e eJ#anded to incl$de t"reats in se)en areasK .conomic
sec$rit%4 Food 'ec$rit%4 &ealt" 'ec$rit%4 1omm$nit% 'ec$rit%4 *olitical 'ec$rit%4
.n)ironmental 'ec$rit%4 and *ersonal 'ec$rit% 4S. Neil 5ac6ralane and 7en 6oon
Khon8 &%%(9.
&$man sec$rit% is an emerging #aradigm or $nderstanding glo0al )$lnera0ilities
!"ose #ro#onents c"allenge t"e traditional notion o national sec$rit% 0% arg$ing t"at
t"e #ro#er reerent or sec$rit% s"o$ld 0e t"e indi)id$al rat"er t"an t"e stateF &$man
sec$rit% "olds t"at a #eo#le-centered )ie! o sec$rit% is necessar% or national4
regional and glo0al sta0ilit%F /"e conce#t emerged rom a #ost-1old :ar4 m$lti-
disci#linar% $nderstanding o sec$rit% in)ol)ing a n$m0er o researc" ields4
incl$ding de)elo#ment st$dies4 international relations4 strategic st$dies4 and "$man
rig"tsF /"e United 2ations De)elo#ment *rogrammeIs 1==4 &$man De)elo#ment
+e#ort is considered a milestone #$0lication in t"e ield o "$man sec$rit%4 !it" its
arg$ment t"at ins$ring Lreedom rom !antL and Lreedom rom earL or all #ersons
is t"e 0est #at" to tac6le t"e #ro0lem o glo0al insec$rit%F Fre>$entl% reerred to in a
!ide )ariet% o glo0al #olic% disc$ssions and sc"olarl% Mo$rnals4 "$man sec$rit% is
oten ta$g"t in $ni)ersities as #art o international relations4 glo0ali5ation4 or "$man
rig"ts st$diesF
&istoricall%4 t"e idea o ci)il societ% ta6es t!o )er% im#ortant ormsF (n t"e irst4 ci)il
societ% is #olitical comm$nit% encom#assing a state $ndierentiated rom societ%F
&ere4 ci)il societ% is cotermino$s !it" t"e stateN t"at is #o!er relations ordered
t"ro$g" la! and instit$tions !it" t"e o0Mecti)e o ens$ring social "armon%F (n t"e
second4 ci)il societ% is a sel reg$lating4 sel-go)erning 0od% o$tside and oten in
o##osition to t"e state4 re#resented 0ot" as t"e neJ$s o societal associations eJ#ected
to generated ci)ilit%4 social co"esion and moralit%4 and as t"e state o reci#rocal
economics relations among indi)id$als engaged in mar6et eJc"ange acti)it%F
1i)il societ% is not onl% one o t"e most im#ortant #illars or smoot" $nctioning o
#olitical s%stem o a co$ntr% 0$t it also #ro)ides energ% or )i0rant societ%F 1i)il
societ% in Arican continent is )er% !ea6 and in nascent stageF 1olonial regime in
Arica co$ld not gi)e s#ace or ci)il societ% to gro!F O$tside o Arica4 ci)il societ%
de)elo#ment "as oten #receded democrati5ation and #ro)ided t"e im#et$s or
esta0lis"ing elections4 as !ell as t"e leaders"i# and reso$rces or #olitical #arties
contesting t"ese electionsF :it" t"e eJce#tion o 'o$t" Arica and Cim0a0!e4 t"e
emergence o ci)il societ% "as t"$s ar 0een minimal in AricaF 'ocial organi5ations
are too !ea6 to 0ring do!n a$t"oritarian regimesF &o!e)er4 t"e recent
democrati5ations are #ro)iding ne! o##ort$nities or gro$# inl$ences relati)e to t"e
stateF /"e res$lt is t"at ci)il societ% is coming into eJistence at t"e same time as t"e
"olding elections4 t"e organi5ation o com#etiti)e #olitical #arties and t"e reorming
o legislati)e assem0liesF (n eect4 t"e de)elo#ment o ci)il societ% and democrac%
are occ$rring in m$c" o Arica as #arallel and related #rocessF
1i)il societ% reers to an associations o citi5ens (o$tside t"eir amilies4 riends and
0$sinesses) entered into )ol$ntaril% to ad)ance t"eir interests4 ideas and ideologies)F
/"e term does not incl$de #roit-ma6ing acti)it% (t"e #ri)ate sector) or go)erning
(t"e #$0lic sector)F /"e conce#t o ci)il societ% "as 0een or a long #art o t"e
!estern intellect$al traditionF (t "as 0een associated !it" c"anges in societ%4 s$c" as
t"e emergence o sec$lar a$t"orit%4 t"e de)elo#ment o instit$tion o #ri)ate #ro#ert%4
t"e a##earance o an $r0an c$lt$re4 t"e demise o a0sol$tist states4 t"e rise o
democratic mo)ements o t"e nineteent" cent$r% and modern constit$tionalism4 t"e
r$le o la!F -$t as a conce#t4 ci)il societ% emerged as a serio$s #olitical disco$rse
d$ring eig"teent" to nineteent" cent$r% in .$ro#eF (n recent %ears t"e notion o ci)il
societ% "as come 0ac6 into circ$lation and deined !"at t"e% "ad 0een de#ri)ed o
and !ere str$ggling to recreate a !e0 o a$tonomo$s associations4 inde#endent o t"e
state !"ic" 0o$nds citi5ens toget"er in matters o common concern and 0% t"eir mere
eJistence or action co$ld "a)e an action on #$0lic #olic%F
/"e ci)il societ% lies in 6e% #"ase o modernit% in t"e late eig"teent" and earl%
nineteent" cent$riesF /"e !riters in classical #"iloso#"% and #olitical econom% 0egan
to disting$is" s%stematicall% 0et!een t"e s#"ere o state and societ%F (n e$dal
societ%4 t"e same social relations 0et!een s$#eriors and ineriors "ad em0raced 0ot"
#rod$ction and amil% lie on t"e one "and4 and #olitical and militar% a$t"orit%4 on
t"e ot"er "andF :it" t"e dissol$tion o e$dal relation4 t"ese t!o areas o social lie
0ecome more clearl% demarcated in modern conditions as Osociet%< and Ostate<F /"e
term ci)il societ% !as irst $sed to disting$is" a s#"ere in !"ic" social relation !ere
0ased on t"e ree association o indi)id$als rat"er t"an a iJed "ierarc"% o legal
instit$tionF For classical !riters li6e t"e #"iloso#"er Georg &egal and t"e
re)ol$tionar% t"eorist ;arl ,arJ4 ci)il societ% !as an incl$si)e conce#t o Osociet%
min$s t"e state<F 1i)il societ% !as declined 0% t"e emergence o a distinct #olitical
econom% in !"ic" indi)id$al related to eac" ot"er as inde#endent agents rat"er t"an
as #eo#le !"o illed #rescri0ed social rolesF
1i)il societ% is a conce#t o im#ortant strategicall% at t"e cross-section o im#ortant
strands o intellect$al de)elo#ment in t"e social scienceF 1i)il societ% reers to arena
o $norced collecti)e action aro$nd s"ared interests4 #$r#ose and )al$esF (n t"eor%4
its instit$tional orms are distinct rom t"ose o t"e state4 amil% and mar6et t"o$g" in
#ractice4 t"e 0o$ndaries 0et!een state4 ci)il societ%4 amil% and mar6et are oten
com#leJ4 0l$rred and negotiatedF 1i)il societ% commonl% em0races a di)ersit% o
s#ace4 actors and instit$tional orms )ar%ing in t"eir degree o ormalit%4 a$tonom%
and #o!erF 1i)il societies are oten #o#$lated 0% organi5ation s$c" as registered
c"arities de)elo#ment non go)ernment organi5ations4 comm$nit% gro$#s4 !omen<s
organi5ation4 ait" 0ased organi5ations4 #roessional associations4 trade $nions4 sel-
"el# gro$#s4 s#ecial mo)ements4 0$siness association4 collection and ad)ocac% gro$#F
/"e :orld -an6 $ses t"e term ci)il societ% to t"e reer to t"e4 !ide arra% o non-
go)ernmental and not-or-#roit organi5ations t"at "a)e a #resence in #$0lic lie4
eJ#ressing t"e interests and )al$es o t"eir mem0ers or ot"ers4 0ased on et"ical4
c$lt$ral4 #olitical4 scientiic4 religio$s or #"ilant"ro#ic considerationsF 1i)il 'ociet%
Organi5ations (1'Os) t"ereore reer to a !ide o arra% o organi5ationsK comm$nit%
gro$#s4 non-go)ernmental organi5ations (2GOs)4 la0or $nions4 indigeno$s gro$#s4
c"arita0le organi5ations4 ait"-0ased organi5ations4 #roessional associations4 and
o$ndations (http3::---.-orld2ank.or9.
The ;NDP<s de'inition o' civil society
1i)il societ% is toget"er !it" state and mar6et one o t"ree s#"eres t"at interace in
t"e ma6ing o democratic societiesF 1i)il societies is t"e s#"ere in !"ic" social
mo)ement 0ecome organi5edF /"e organi5ations o ci)il societ% !"ic" re#resent
man% di)erse and some time contradictor% social interests are s"a#ed to it t"eir
social 0ase4 1onstit$enc%4 t"ematic orientations (eFgF en)ironment4 gender4 "$man
rig"ts) and t%#es o acti)it%F /"e% incl$de c"$rc" related gro$#s4 trade $nions4
coo#erati)e4 ser)ice organi5ations4 comm$nit% gro$#s and %o$t" organi5ations as
!ell as academic instit$tions and ot"er (http3::---.undp.or9.
O$tside o Arica4 ci)il societ% de)elo#ment "as oten "as oten #receded
democrati5ation and #ro)ided t"e im#et$s or esta0lis"ing elections4 as !ell as t"e
leaders"i# and reco$rses or #olitical #arties contesting t"ese electionsF :it" t"e
eJce#tion o 'o$t" Arica and #ossi0le Cim0a0!e4 t"e emergence o ci)il societ% "as
t"$s ar 0een minimal in AricaF 'ocial organi5ations are too !ea6 to 0ring do!n
a$t"oritarian regimesF 1olonial r$le did not c"ange t"e relations"i# 0et!een
-ots!ana state and ci)il societ%F /"e -ritis" #ercei)ed t"e c"ie and "eadman as t"e
#rimar% re#resentati)es o /s!ana #o#$lation4 e)en incor#orating t"e c"ie on an
ad)isor% co$ncil at one #ointF /"e traditional a$t"orities also ser)ed as go)ernment<s
main )e"icle or #olic% im#lementation at t"e grass roots le)elF /"is str$ct$re
eecti)el% eJcl$ded t"e ed$cated class !"ic" go)ernment and missionar% sc"ools
!ere creatingF /o o0tain some inl$ence4 t"is ne! class ormed a small n$m0er o
social organi5ations inde#endent o t"e traditional and colonial "ierarc"F ,ost
signiicant !ere -ots!ana /eac"ers Union4 -ots!ana 1i)il 'er)ants Association4 t"e
+ed 1ross and 3o$ng :omen 1"ristian AssociationF /"e irst t!o associations arose
0eca$se t"eir mem0ers elt eJ#loited 0% .$ro#ean colleag$es and t"e colonial
go)ernmentF /"e t!o emerged to deal !it" crisis o dro$g"t and #o)ert%4 !"ic" t"e
-ritis" !ere slo! to ta6e serio$sl%F /"e ormation o t"ese o$r gro$#s esta0lis"ed or
t"e irst time in /s!ana "istor% t"at social organi5ations co$ld 0e created t"e
traditional a$t"orit% str$ct$re to deal !it" collecti)e #ro0lemsF /"$s roles o ci)il
societ% 0ecame signiicant or ostering "$man sec$rit% in -ots!anaF
Human Security in ,ots-ana
-ots!ana is a landloc6ed co$ntr% s$rro$nded to t"e so$t" 0% t"e +e#$0lic o 'o$t"
Arica4 to t"e !est and nort" 0% 2ami0ia4 and to t"e east 0% Cim0a0!eF (t is 57D4DDD
s>$are 6ilometres a0o$t t"e si5e o France or ;en%aF /"e en)ironment is mostl% arid
and 84P o t"e co$ntr% is ;ala"ari sand4 s$##orting t"orn 0$s" sa)annas )egetationF
8DP o t"e #o#$lation li)es in a long stri# in t"e east o t"e co$ntr% along t"e line o
rail !"ic" lin6s 'o$t" Arica !it" Cim0a0!e and !as originall% 0$ild 0% +"odes
-ritis" 'o$t" Arica 1om#an%F A0o$t 4P o all t"e land can 0e easil% c$lti)atedN t"e
0$l6 o land4 incl$ding t"e desert areas4 is rangeland s$ita0le or seasonal gra5ingF
/"e ancestors o t"e modern /s!ana tri0es migrated into t"e area o modern da%
-ots!ana in t"e eig"teent" cent$r% rom t"e so$t"-east (modern 'o$t" Arica) and
are closel% related to t"e -asot"o o modern da% 7esot"o (ant"ro#ologists reer to
/s!ana-'ot"o lang$age and c$lt$re)F /"e% con>$ered t"e indigeno$s 'an and ot"er
tri0es !"o !ere 0asicall% amalgamated into t"e /s!anaF -% 18DDs se)eral related
/s!ana societies !ere esta0lis"ed and o)er time ne! ones !ere created as gro$#s
0ro6e a!a% rom t"e eJisting onesF For instance4 t"e -ang!ato res$lted rom a s#lit
in t"e -a6!ena and t"e -ata!ana !as created as a res$lt o a s#lit in t"e -ang!atoF
'e)eral eat$res o /s!ana #olitical and economic organi5ation stand o$tF /"e c"ie
!as t"e central #olitical ig$re in t"ese societies !it" #o!er to allocate land or
gra5ing cro#s and residencesF &is a$t"orit% !as eJercised t"ro$g" a "ierarc"% o
relati)es and oicials and !ard "eadmenF A s#ecial t%#e o !ard !as or o$tsiders
!"o t"e /s!ana amalgamated into t"eir tri0al str$ct$resF Alongside t"is "ierarc"%
!as a series o #$0lic or$msF /"e 6gotla !as an assem0l% o ad$lt males in !"ic"
iss$es o #$0lic interest !ere disc$ssedF -ot" !ards and t"e !"ole societ% itsel "ad
6gotlas and t"o$g" t"e% !ere s$##osed to 0e ad)isor% t"e% seem to "a)e 0een an
eecti)e !a% or commoners to critici5e t"e 6ingF /"e% also !ere t"e )en$e !"ere
t"e 6ing "eard co$rt cases and la! !as dis#ensedF
/o stim$late ind$str%4 t"e go)ernment introd$ced in 1=7D t"e -ots!ana De)elo#ment
1or#oration and in 1=82 t"e% created t"e Financial Assistance *olic% to s$0sidi5e
ind$strial )ent$resF /"o$g" t"ese "a)e not led to large scale ind$striali5ation it is
signiicant t"at man$act$ring as 5P4 !"ic" >$ite an ac"ie)ement is gi)en t"e
dominance o reso$rces in t"e econom%F As 7eit" notes Gt"e gro!t" o t"e -ots!ana
econom% is not sim#l% a stor% o a mineral encla)e !it" an e)er gro!ing
Go)ernment4 attac"ed to a stagnating traditional econom%FH (n general nearl% e)er%
as#ect o -ots!ana economic #erormance is s#ectac$larF (nlation "as rarel% 0een
a0o)e 1DP4 in)estment "as 0een 0et!een 2DP and 3DP o GD*4 and t"ere "as 0een
"$ge in)estment in "$man ca#italF /"e 0alance o #a%ments "as t%#icall% 0een in
s$r#l$s and t"ere are large acc$m$lated reser)esF /"e go)ernment "as not needed t"e
ser)ices o t"e (nternational ,onetar% F$nd or :orld -an6F /"o$g" t"is gro!t" #at"
"as 0een $elled 0% diamonds4 t"e income rom !"ic" "as largel% accr$ed directl% to
t"e go)ernment4 t"ese reso$rces rents "a)e 0een in)estedF
Political Security
*olitics o -ots!ana ta6es #lace in a rame!or6 o a #residential re#resentati)e
democratic re#$0lic4 !"ere0% t"e *resident o -ots!ana is 0ot" "ead o state and
"ead o go)ernment4 and o a m$lti-#art% s%stemF .Jec$ti)e #o!er is eJercised 0% t"e
go)ernmentF 7egislati)e #o!er is )ested in 0ot" t"e go)ernment and t"e *arliament
o -ots!anaF 'ince inde#endence t"e #art% s%stem is dominated 0% t"e -ots!ana
Democratic *art%F /"e E$diciar% is inde#endent o t"e eJec$ti)e and t"e legislat$reF
-ots!ana is ormall% a m$lti#art% constit$tional democrac%F .ac" o t"e elections
since inde#endence in 'e#tem0er 1=66 "as 0een reel% and airl% contested and "as
0een "eld on sc"ed$leF /"e co$ntr%Is small !"ite minorit% and ot"er minorities
#artici#ate reel% in t"e #olitical #rocessF /"ere are t!o main ri)al #arties and a
n$m0er o smaller #artiesF &o!e)er4 -ots!ana is also a dominant #art% state in t"at
t"e -ots!ana Democratic *art% "as ne)er lost #o!er since inde#endenceF 'ome
arg$e t"at t"e o#enness o t"e co$ntr%Is #olitical s%stem "as 0een a signiicant actor
in -ots!anaIs sta0ilit% and economic gro!t"F General elections are "eld at least e)er%
i)e %earsF /"ere are a n$m0er o o##osition #arties and dissenting )oices are "eard
and )isi0le in t"e mediaF .lections in t"e co$ntr% are re#orted to meet international
standards o ree and air elections4 t"o$g" t"ere !ere some com#laints made 0%
o##osition mem0ers a0o$t $ne>$al access to state o!ned tele)ision d$ring t"e
cam#aigning #rocess in t"e electionF /"ere is a )i0rant comm$nit% o ci)il societ%
organi5ations in -ots!anaF /"ese organi5ations are come $nder -ots!ana 1o$ncil o
2on-Go)ernment Organi5ationsF Alt"o$g" ci)il societ% is >$ite acti)e4 )ocal
criticism o t"e go)ernment is relati)el% rareF (n recent %ears4 it "as 0ecome
increasingl% diic$lt or non-go)ernment organi5ation to o0tain international
$nding4 d$e to t"e de#art$re o donors as a res$lt o co$ntr%<s ran6ing as middle
income co$ntr%F -ots!ana is generall% considered to "a)e a good "$man rig"ts
recordF A sta0le go)ernment and t"e a0sence o ci)il !ar or )iolent re#ression means
t"at t"e co$ntr% "as 0een s#ared t"e large scale "$man rig"ts a0$se t"at "a)e #lag$ed
ot"er co$ntries in t"e regionF -ots!ana is considered to "a)e a relati)el% ree
#ri)atel% o!ned #ress and a some!"at restricted state mediaF /"e co$ntr% "as one
go)ernment tele)ision station alt"o$g" 'o$t" Arican satellite tele)ision is also
a)aila0le to s$0scri0ersF Freedoms o eJ#ression are generall% res#ected in -ots!anaF
Economical Security
'ince inde#endence4 -ots!ana "as "ad one o t"e astest gro!t" rates in #er ca#ita
income in t"e !orldF -ots!ana "as transormed itsel rom one o t"e #oorest
co$ntries in t"e !orld to a middle income co$ntr% !it" a #er ca#ita GD* o Q16445D
in 2DD7F .conomic gro!t" a)eraged o)er =P #er %ear rom 1=66 to 1===F /"e
go)ernment "as maintained a so$nd iscal #olic%4 des#ite consec$ti)e 0$dget deicits
in 2DD2 and 2DD34 and a negligi0le le)el o oreign de0tF (t earned t"e "ig"est
so)ereign credit rating in Arica and "as stoc6#iled oreign eJc"ange reser)es
amo$nting to almost t!o and a "al %ears o c$rrent im#ortsF -ots!anaIs im#ressi)e
economic record "as 0een 0$ilt on t"e o$ndation o !isel% $sing re)en$e generated
rom diamond mining to $el economic de)elo#ment t"ro$g" #r$dent iscal #olicies
and a ca$tio$s oreign #olic%F De0s!ana4 t"e largest diamond mining com#an%
o#erating in -ots!ana4 is 5DP o!ned 0% t"e go)ernment and generates a0o$t "al o
all go)ernment re)en$esF (n 2DD74 signiicant >$antities o Urani$m !ere disco)ered4
and mining is #roMected to 0egin 0% 2D1DF 'e)eral international mining cor#orations
"a)e #ros#ected in -ots!ana or diamonds4 gold4 $rani$m4 co##er4 and e)en oilF
Health Security
&o!e)er4 economic de)elo#ment s#ending !as c$t 0% 1DP in 2DD2-2DD3 as a res$lt
o rec$rring 0$dget deicits and rising eJ#endit$re on "ealt"care ser)icesF -ots!ana
"as 0een "it )er% "ard 0% t"e A(D' e#idemicN t"e a)erage lie eJ#ectanc% in
-ots!ana at 0irt"4 1==DK 64 %ears4 2DD5K 34 %earsF /"is is 0arel% "al t"e 5=-%ear
a)erage or lo!-income co$ntries4 and -ots!ana residents4 along !it" t"ose o
'!a5iland4 "a)e t"e s"ortest a)erage lies#an in t"e !orldF A##roJimatel% one in siJ
-ats!ana "as &(84 gi)ing -ots!ana t"e second "ig"est &(8 inection rate in t"e
!orld ater '!a5ilandF /"e go)ernment recogni5es t"at &(89A(D' !ill aect t"e
econom% and is tr%ing to com0at t"e e#idemic4 incl$ding ree Anti-retro)iral dr$g
treatment and a nation-!ide *re)ention o ,ot"er to 1"ild /ransmission #rogramF
-ots!ana "as made Mo0 creation a to# #riorit% o go)ernment #lanning in t"e #ast e!
%earsF Alt"o$g" em#lo%ment rates "a)e gro!n4 $nem#lo%ment is ormall% estimated
at 21P4 0$t is closer to 4DP in $noicial estimates in 2DD2F /"e go)ernment "as a
long-standing #olic% o #romoting "$man ca#ital de)elo#ment and "ealt" careF All
ed$cation t"ro$g" t"e $ni)ersit% le)el is ree4 0$t 3DP o t"e #o#$lation o)er 15 in
2DD2 !as illiterateF Great im#ortance is #laced on t"e de)elo#ment o r$ral areas so
as to red$ce r$ral-$r0an migrationF (n lig"t o t"e limited reso$rces4 -ots!anaIs
go)ernment no! ollo!s Lood sec$rit%L agric$lt$ral #olic% o #romoting onl% t"ose
oodst$s !"ic" can 0e gro!n economicall%F
-ots!anaIs long-term economic #ros#ects are "ig"l% de#endent on 'o$t" Arica and
its ot"er 'o$t"ern Arican neig"0o$rsF /"e go)ernment "as 0een a strong #ro#onent
o economic integration among t"e o$rteen mem0ers o t"e 'o$t"ern Arican
De)elo#ment 1omm$nit% ('AD1)F /"e organi5ationIs 2DDD /rade *rotocol called or
t"e elimination o all tari and nontari 0arriers to trade 0% 2D12 among t"e 11
co$ntries signing t"e #rotocolF -ots!ana "as 0een rated t"e least-corr$#t co$ntr% in
Arica4 according to /rans#arenc% (nternationalF /"e co$ntr% aims to di)ersi% its
econom% a!a% rom minerals4 and ecoto$rism is 0eing #romotedF -ots!ana "as 0een
a )ictim o t"e &(89A(D' #andemic4 and t"e go)ernment "as ta6en ste#s to tac6le t"e
)ir$s t"ro$g" #re)ention #rograms and t"e #ro)ision o ad)anced dr$g t"era#ies to
t"ose inectedF (n 2DD34 t"e 2ational De)elo#ment *lan 2ine !as ort"coming4 $nder
!"ic" economic de)elo#ment #roMects !ere d$e to 0e t$rned o)er to t"e #ri)ate
Community Security
/raditional )ie!s o male dominance are #er)asi)e in -ots!anaF 1$stomar% la!
allo!s men to #"%sicall% #$nis" t"eir !i)es or !rongdoings and s#o$sal a0$se is
commonF 'eJ$al "arassment4 ra#e4 and ot"er )iolence against !omen are !ides#readF
:omen are accorded t"e same ci)il rig"ts as men4 0$t $nder traditional marriage
la!s4 t"e% re>$ire t"eir "$s0andsI consent to 0$% or sell #ro#ert%4 o0tain a loan4 or
sign a contractF /"ere are legal #ro)isions4 "o!e)er4 t"at allo! !omen to marr% Lo$t
o common #ro#ert%L and t"ere0% retain t"eir legal rig"tsF *ol%gam% is legal4 0$t is
not !idel% #racticedF :"ile et"nic minorities are not s$0Mect to discrimination4 some
gro$#s remain marginali5ed and $nderre#resented in go)ernmentF &$man rig"ts are
generall% res#ected in -ots!anaF &o!e)er4 t"ere are still re#orts o a0$si)e #olice
tactics4 and #rison conditions remain #oorF
Personal and 6ood Security
.ac" %ear since 1==D t"e &$man De)elo#ment +e#ort "as #$0lis"ed t"e "$man
de)elo#ment indeJ !"ic" loo6s 0e%ond GD* to a 0roader deinition o !ell-0eingF
/"e &D( #ro)ides a com#osite meas$re o t"ree dimensions o "$man de)elo#mentK
li)ing a long and "ealt"% lie (meas$red 0% lie eJ#ectanc%)4 0eing ed$cated
(meas$red 0% ad$lt literac% and enrolment at t"e #rimar%4 secondar% and tertiar%
le)el) and "a)ing a decent standard o li)ing (meas$red 0% #$rc"asing #o!er #arit%4
***4 income)F /"e indeJ is not in an% sense a com#re"ensi)e meas$re o "$man
de)elo#mentF (t does not4 or eJam#le4 incl$de im#ortant indicators s$c" as gender or
income ine>$alit% and more diic$lt to meas$re indicators li6e res#ect or "$man
rig"ts and #olitical reedomsF :"at it does #ro)ide is a 0roadened #rism or )ie!ing
"$man #rogress and t"e com#leJ relations"i# 0et!een income and !ell-0eingF /"e
&D( or -ots!ana is DF6544 !"ic" gi)es t"e co$ntr% a ran6 o 124
o$t o 177
co$ntries 4;NDP Human Development Report &%%*:%.9.
Revie- o' 1iteratures
Shahr2anou Tad=2akhsh8 )nuradha 5 Chenoy8 4&%%(98 Human Security
Concepts and Implications, Routlede8 1ondon and Ne- 7ork.
/"is 0oo6 traces t"e 6e% e)ol$tions in t"e de)elo#ment o t"e conce#t o "$man
sec$rit%4 t"e )ario$s deinitions and criti>$es4 "o! it relates to ot"er conce#ts4 and
!"at it im#lies or #olities4 #olitics4 and #olic%F &$man sec$rit% is an im#ortant
s$0Mect or t"e !"ole !orld4 in #artic$lar Asia4 as it deals !it" interactions among
ields o social c"ange4 s$c" as de)elo#ment4 conlict resol$tion4 "$man rig"ts4 and
"$manitarian assistanceF (n a glo0ali5ing !orld4 in !"ic" t"reats 0ecome trans-
national and states lose #o!er4 sec$rit% can no longer 0e st$died in a one-dimensional
as"ionF :ritten 0% a$t"ors !"o are eJ#erts in t"is ield and !it" case st$dies rom
dierent regions #resented t"ro$g"o$t4 t"is 0oo6 contri0$tes to t"is ne!
m$ltidimensional conce#tion o sec$rit%4 anal%5es its strengt"s and !ea6nesses4 and
oc$ses on its im#lications or anal%sis and actionF
Heather Deaar8 4&%%098 Africa Today: culture, economic, religion, security8
Rouutlede8 1ondon and Ne- 7ork.
/"is 0oo6 disc$ssed a0o$t t"e contem#orar% #ro0lems acing AricaF /"e 0oo6
contains detail disc$ssion a0o$t t"e de)elo#ment4 democrac%4 terrorism as !ell as
diseases and "$man sec$rit%F /"e 0oo6 "as $se de)elo#ment indicators rom
international organisations li6e United 2ationsF One o t"e c"a#ter o t"is 0oo6 ga)e
s#ecial em#"asis on "$man sec$rit%4 !"ic" is )er% inormati)eF /"e 0oo6 is )er%
$se$l or m% researc" !or6F
Caroline Thomas and Peter >ilkin 4eds.98 4!00098 Globalisation, Human Security
and the African !perience""" ,oulder3 1ynne Reinner Pu2lications.
/"is 0oo6 aims to eJ#lore sec$rit% rom a "$man #ers#ecti)e (as o##osed to t"e more
ort"odoJ state #ers#ecti)e) and to ill$strate t"is #ers#ecti)e 0% dra!ing on case
material rom s$0-'a"aran AricaL !it" t"e o0Mecti)e to "el# generate Lan alternati)e
de0ate and $nderstanding o sec$rit% in a glo0al econom%F /"e "$man sec$rit%
#ers#ecti)e is #$t or!ard as emanici#ator%4 oc$sing on t"e "o$se"old (as o##osed
to t"e neo-li0eral indi)id$al) and collecti)it% (rat"er t"an indi)id$al mar6et c"oice)F
(t centers on 0ot" 0asic s$r)i)al needs and li0eration rom o##ressi)e str$ct$res as
necessar% or "$man sec$rit%F -roadl% s#ea6ing t"is a##roac" is designed to
encom#ass non-con)entional concerns s$c" as ecolog%4 "$man rig"ts4 and social
Elliot8 Carolyn 5. 4&%%*98 Civil Society and Democracy3 ) Reader8 O?'ord
;niversity Press.
/"is 0oo6 disc$sses t"e idea o ci)il societ% and its relations"i# !it" democrac% and
go)ernance in (ndiaF (t eJ#lores "o! t"e conce#t o ci)il societ% de)elo#ed in
!estern tradition o #olitical t"o$g"t4 and com#ares (ndia<s eJ#erience !it" t"ose
c"ina4 'o$t"east Asia4 7atin America and t"e ,iddle .astF *ro)iding $se$l models
o anal%sis and 0enc"mar6s or (ndia<s de)elo#ment4 t"e 0oo6 !ill 0e $se$l or
#olitical scientists4 sociologists4 non-go)ernmental organi5ations4 )ol$ntar% agencies4
st$dents4 teac"ers and researc"ersF
@hils8 Paul8 International Ci#il Society: International $on%go#ernmental
&rgani'ation in the International System, "nternational Social Science Aournal,
Bolume ++8 No.!$$ 4)uust !00&98 pp +!*#+$!
/"is article deals a0o$t t"e role and $nction o international non-go)ernmental
organi5ation in de)elo#ment sectorF /"e article contains a lot o inormation a0o$t
international non-go)ernmental organi5ation regarding t"eir origin4 $nding4
categori5ation4 !or6ing !it" go)ernment and acco$nta0ilit%F /"ese international non-
go)ernmental organi5ations are !or6ing !it" sometime go)ernment and sometime
against go)ernmentF /"is article also #oint o$t t"e contradiction 0et!een
international non-go)ernmental organi5ations !it" local non-go)ernmental
5olustsi8 Patrick P.C Holm Aohn D.8 De#eloping Democracy (hen Ci#il Society is
(eak: The Case of )ots*ana, )'rican )''airs8 Bolume .08 No.$/( 4Auly!00%98
/"is article<s arg$ment is t"at a #l$ralist democrac% cannot emerge in -ots!ana and
in man% #arts o Arica eJce#t t"ro$g" a #eriod o transition4 !"ic" most #ro0a0l%
!ill 0e meas$red in decadesF -ots!ana<s #ro0lems o a$t"oritarian c$lt$re4 a
#o!er$l state str$ct$re4 an a0sence o organi5ed and #oliticall% oriented gro$#s4
#aternalistic re#resentation4 a s$0missi)e mass media4 and elitist #art% str$ct$res are
not $ni>$eF /"e% are to 0e o$nd in e)en t"ose co$ntries !"ic" are la0eled more
#rogressi)e s$c" as /an5ania and 'enegalF 1o#ing !it" t"ese #ro0lems is a realit% o
democratic de)elo#ment in AricaF
Holm8 Aohn DC 5olusti8 Patric PC Somolekae8 @loria8 The De#elopment of Ci#il
Society in a Democratic State: The )ots*ana +odel, )'rican Studies Revie-8
Bolume $08 No.&. 4Septem2er !00(98 pp +$#(0
/"is article "as !ritten a0o$t4 #olitics in t"e #re-colonial4 colonial and #ost
inde#endence #eriod re)ol)ed aro$nd elite com#etition oc$sed on #ersonal4
comm$nal and intra- 0$rea$cratic str$ggles t"is conlict !as not dri)en 0%
a$tonomo$s social organi5ation co$ld organi5e to inl$ence go)ernment #olic%F 1i)il
societ% in -ots!ana can 0est 0e descri0ed as mo)ing rom intermittent acti)it% to
instit$tionali5ed str$ct$resF /"is de)elo#ment is more ad)anced in gro$#s enMo%ing a
geogra#"ic concentration o mem0ers"i#4 #ermanent sta4 reg$lar circ$lation o
leaders"i#4 close association !it" similar organi5ation in neig"0oring states and
minimal go)ernment reg$lationF Gro$#s !it"o$t t"ese c"aracteristics are more li6el%
to oc$s on rec$rring re)i)als o dormant str$ct$resF
Terrance CarrollC ,ar2ara >ake Carroll8 The rapid emergence of ci#il society in
)ots*ana, Common-ealth D Comparative Politics, Bolume +&8 "ssue $
4Novem2er &%%+98 pp.$$$#$//
1i)il societ% !as almost noneJistent in -ots!ana in t"e late 1=8Ds4 0$t it de)elo#ed
eJtraordinaril% ra#idl% in si5e and inl$ence in t"e decade t"at ollo!edF -% t"e t$rn
o t"e cent$r%4 -ots!ana "ad an acti)e4 )i0rant and inl$ential ci)il societ%F /"ere are
t!o im#ortant modiications to t"e con)entional conce#tion o ci)il societ% t"at
increase its $tilit% in -ots!ana4 and in man% ot"er de)elo#ing co$ntriesF (t t"en
identiies actors t"at #ermitted t"e ra#id emergence o ci)il societ% in t"at co$ntr%4
and it anal%ses t"e conse>$ences o s$c" a ra#id gro!t"F /"e $t$re #ros#ects o ci)il
societ% in -ots!ana4 and a disc$ssion o t"e eJtent to !"ic" its eJ#erience ma% 0e
rele)ant to ot"er de)elo#ing co$ntriesF
)rea o' Study
/"e researc" !o$ld anal%sis o "$man sec$rit% and ci)il societ% o Arican continent
in general and #artic$lar o -ots!anaF /"e researc" "as co)ered t"e t"eoretical
as#ects o &$man 'ec$rit% and 1i)il 'ociet%F :"% Arica "a)e #oor &$man 'ec$rit%
and !ea6 ci)il societ%R :"at is t"e stat$s o &$man 'ec$rit% in Arica in general and
-ots!ana in #artic$larR /"e area o researc" !ill co)er Arica in general and main
oc$s !ill on -ots!anaF
Relevance and Scope o' Study
/"ese da%s "$man sec$rit% is )er% signiicant in nation state de0ateF -eca$se o
democrati5ation t"e co$ntr%4 #ro0lem o "$mans are not sol)eF 'o t"ese da%s "$man
sec$rit% is more im#ortant in com#arison to inde#endence4 so)ereignt%F /"e main aim
o an% st$d% is to gat"ering inormation a0o$t o &$man 'ec$rit% and 1i)il 'ociet%
in Arica in general and !it" #artic$lar to -ots!anaF /"en t"e inormation ma% 0e
$se as $rt"er st$d% as !ell as #ro)iding #ro#er sol$tions i t"ere eJits some t%#e o
#ro0lemsF (n t"is st$d%4 m% aim is to searc" a0o$t -ots!ana<s &$man 'ec$rit% and
1i)il 'ociet%F :"% -ots!ana de)elo#ed in s"ort s#an o timeR -ots!ana got
inde#endence on 3Dt" 'e#tem0er 1=66 rom -ritis" #rotectorateF General #erce#tion
is t"at4 main reasons o de)elo#ment o -ots!ana are #olitical sta0ilit%4 diamond
dri)en econom% as !ell as eJ#ort o 0eeF ( !ant to eJamine "ere4 t"e role o ci)il
societ% in t"e de)elo#ment o &$man 'ec$rit% in -ots!anaF
(n centrali5ed state li6e -ots!ana4 t"e roles o acti)e ci)il societ% are
signiicant or ostering &$man 'ec$rit%F
(n s#ite o #olitical sta0ilit% in -ots!ana4 t"e stat$s o "$man sec$rit% is not in
good #ositionF
(n international #olitics "$man sec$rit% iss$e is $se as 0argain #olitical !ea#on
or Arican co$ntries 0% !estern co$ntriesF
&$man sec$rit% is more im#ortant or Arican co$ntries in com#arison to
national sec$rit%F
Research O2=ectives
1F /o anal%sis t"e reasons 0e"ind Arican co$ntries "a)e #oor national sec$rit% as
!ell as "$man sec$rit%R
2F :"% "as -ots!ana !ea6 "$man sec$rit%4 in s#ite o strong national sec$rit%
eJits t"ereR
3F /"e "$man sec$rit% concern initiated !it" t"e emergence o ci)il societ% in
late 1==D<s in -ots!anaF
4F /"e acco$nta0ilit% is t"e maMor #ro0lem ci)il in t"e societ% in -ots!anaF
5F ,ost o t"e Arican states are ailed in #ro)iding social ser)ices so t"e roles o
ci)il societ% 0ecome signiicantF
6F /o st$d% t"e stat$s o &$man 'ec$rit% in Arica in general and in -ots!ana in
7F /o anal%sis t"e role o 1i)il 'ociet% in ostering t"e &$man 'ec$rit% in
8F /o anal%sis t"e dierent model o "$man sec$rit% modelsF
Research 5ethodoloy
/"e st$d% "as 0een 0ased on #rimaril% 0ased on secondar% so$rces o inormationF
/"e inormation "as gat"er t"ro$g" dierent 0oo6s4 articles4 Mo$rnals4 go)ernment
!e0sites4 dissertation as !ell as t"esisF /"e st$d% "as also anal%5ed t"e data o United
2ation De)elo#ment *rogramme +e#ort as !ell as Glo0al 1i)il 'ociet% +e#ort
!"ic" is #$0lis"ed rom 7ondonF &istorical4 anal%tical4 descri#ti)e met"ods "a)e also
a##lied in t"is st$d%F /"is anal%sis o t"ese so$rces s"all 0e done 0% 0ot" ind$cti)e
and ded$cti)e met"odsF
!. "ntroduction
/"is c"a#ter !ill disc$ss a0o$t t"e origin o &$man 'ec$rit% since t"e re#ort
o United 2ations De)elo#ment *rogramme 1==4 to 1ontem#orar% #eriodF (t
also ela0orates o "$man sec$rit% in dierent sc"ool o t"o$g"ts li6e U2D*
and 1anadian 'c"oolF &o! "$man sec$rit% is dierent rom traditional
sec$rit%F /"is c"a#ter !ills also anal%sis t"e origin o ci)il societ% in t"ird
!orld co$ntriesF :"at are t"e dierent #erce#tions o #olitical t"in6ers a0o$t
ci)il societ%R :"at are its relations"i#s !it" stateR :"at are t"e nat$res o
ci)il societ%R (s ci)il societ% #ro)iding de)elo#ment s$##ort to stateR /"is
c"a#ter !ill deal t"eoretical as#ects o "$man sec$rit% as !ell as ci)il societ%F
&. Human Security and Civil Society in )'rica
/"is c"a#ter !ill st$d% a0o$t t"e general stat$s o "$man sec$rit% and ci)il
societ% in Arican continentF :"% Arican states "a)e !ea6 ci)il societ% as
!ell as "$man sec$rit%R /"e c"a#ter !ill disc$ss a0o$t ci)il societ% in Arica
rom dierent #ers#ecti)e li6e colonial and #rotectorate s%stemF (n t"is section4
st$d% !ill relate t"e role o international organi5ations and regional
organi5ations in #romoting "$man sec$rit% in AricaF
$. Human Security and Civil Society in ,ots-ana
(n t"is c"a#ter4 t"e main oc$s !ill on "$man sec$rit% and ci)il societ% in
-ots!anaF -ots!ana is "ig"l% centrali5ed and #olitical sta0le co$ntr%N in s#ite
o t"at t"e role o ci)il societ% in ostering "$man sec$rit% is signiicantF (n t"is
section4 st$d% !ill relate t"e role o international organi5ations and regional
organi5ations in #romoting "$man sec$rit% in -ots!anaF /"e role non-
go)ernmental organi5ation !ill also co)er in t"is section in ostering "$man
+. Human Security as Human Development in ,ots-ana
-ots!ana "as m$c" 0etter #osition in Arican states in terms o social4
economic and #olitical de)elo#mentF /"e social and economic indicators are
)er% m$c" im#ressi)e or $sF (n s#ite o t"at t"ere "a)e #ro0lems li6e
&(89A(D'4 en)ironment degradation4 dis#lacement4 centrali5ed #olitical
instit$tions4 $nem#lo%ment and one #art% domination r$leF /"is c"a#ter !ill
co)er on *olitical +ig"ts4 *olitical De)elo#ment and democrati5ations t"ro$g"
)i0rant o ci)il societ% in -ots!anaF
/. Conclusion
/"is c"a#ter !o$ld "a)e o)er all anal%sis o "$man sec$rit% and ci)il societ%
in Arica in general and -ots!ana in #artic$larF
1F 1aroline /"omas and *eter :il6in (edsF)4 (1===) Glo0alisation4 &$man
'ec$rit% and t"e Arican .J#erienceFFF -o$lderK 7%nne +einner *$0licationsF
2F 1"and"o6e4 2eera (1==5)4 'tate and 1i)il 'ociet%K .J#lorations in *olitical
/"eor%4 'age4 Del"iF
3F 1la%ton4 Andre! (edF) (1==6)4 2GOs4 1i)il 'ociet% and t"e 'tateK -$ilding
Democrac% in /ransitional 'ocieties4 OJord Uni)ersit% *ress4 U;F
4F 1omaro4 EoMn 7F and Eean 1omaro (1===)4 1i)il 'ociet% and t"e *olitical
(magination in AricaK 1ritical *ers#ecti)es4 Uni)ersit% o 1"icago *ress4
5F Deagar4 &eat"er4 (2DD=)4 Arica /oda%K c$lt$re4 economic4 religion4 sec$rit%4
+o$$tledge4 7ondon and 2e! 3or6F
6F .lliott4 ,F 1arol%nm (ed) (2DD7)4 1i)il 'ociet% and Democrac% A +eader4 2e!
Del"iK OJord Uni)ersit% *ressF
7F ;a0iraM4 '$di#ta and ;"ilnani4 '$nil4 (2DD6)4 1i)il 'ociet% &istor% and
*ossi0ilit%, 2e! Del"iK 1am0ridge Uni)ersit% *ressF
8F ,cgre!4 Ant"on% and *o6$4 2ana ;F (eds)4 (2DD7)4 Glo0ali5ation4
De)elo#ment and &$man 'ec$rit%4 *olit% *ress4 U;F
=F '"a"r0ano$ /adM0a6"s" and An$rad"a , 1"eno%4 (2DD6)4 &$man 'ec$rit%
1once#ts and (m#lications, +o$tledgeF
1DF'F 2eil ,acFralane and 3en Foong ;"ong4 (2DD6)4 &$man 'ec$rit% and t"e
U2K A 1ritical &istor%4 -loomingtonK (ndiana Uni)ersit% *ressF
11F Osler &am#son4 .en (2DD2)4 ,adness in t"e ,$ltit$deK &$man 'ec$rit% and
:orld Disorder4 OJord Uni)ersit% *ress4 7ondonF
1F -a%art4 Eean-Francois (1=86)4 O1i)il 'ociet% in Arica4< in *atric6 1"a0al (edF)4
*olitical Domination in Arica4 1am0ridge Uni)ersit% *ress4 U;F
2F -ratton4 ,F (1==4)4 1i)il 'ociet% and *olitical /ransition in Arica<4 in EF-F
&ar0eson4 DF +ot"c"ild and 2F 1"a5an (edsF)4 1i)il 'ociet% and t"e 'tate in
Arica4 -o$lder4 1OK 7%nne +einner4 64-71F
3F -aM#ai4 ;antiF G&$man 'ec$rit%K 1once#t and ,eas$rementF /"e Eoan -F ;roc
(nstit$te or (nternational *eace 't$dies4 Uni)ersit% o 2otre Dame4 Occasional
*a#er S1= (A$g$st 2DDD)
4F -ald!in4 Da)id AF (1==7)4 G/"e 1once#t o 'ec$rit%FH Review of International
Studies4 )olF 234 ##F 5-26F
5F G"ils4 *a$l4 (nternational 1i)il 'ociet%K (nternational 2on-go)ernmental
Organi5ation in t"e (nternational '%stem4 International Social Science Journal,
8ol$me 444 2oF133 (A$g$st 1==2)4 ## 417-431
6F Good4 ;ennet"4 1orr$#tion and ,ismanagement in -ots!anaK A -est 1ase
.Jam#leR The Journal of Modern African Studies4 8ol$me 324 2oF3F
('e#tem0er 1==4)4 ##F 4==-521
7F &a>4 ,a"0$0 $lF (1==4)4 2e! (m#erati)es o &$man 'ec$rit%4 +G(1' *a#er
2oF 174 +aMi) Gand"i (nstit$te or 1ontem#orar% 't$diesF 2e! Del"iK +aMi)
Gand"i Fo$ndationF
8F &a>4 ,a"0$0 $lF (1==4)4 G2e! (m#erati)es o &$man 'ec$rit%K -ar0ara :ard
7ect$re4 1=72FH Development4 )olF 24 ##F 4D-43F
=F &olm4 Eo"n DN ,ol$sti4 *atric *N 'omole6ae4 Gloria4 /"e De)elo#ment o 1i)il
'ociet% in a Democratic 'tateK /"e -ots!ana ,odel4 African Studies Review,
8ol$me 3=4 2oF2F ('e#tem0er 1==6)4 ## 43-6=
1DF7e!is4 *F (1==2)4 G*olitical /ransition and t"e Dilemma o 1i)il 'ociet% in
Arica4 Journal of International Affairs, )olF464 2oF14 ##31-54
11F ,a$ndeni4 CF (1==6)4 -ots!ana 'till at 1rossroads4 Africa Quarterly4 8ol$me
364 2oF34 2e! Del"iF
12F,ol$stsi4 *atric6 *FN &olm Eo"n DF (1==D)4 De)elo#ing Democrac% :"en 1i)il
'ociet% is :ea6K /"e 1ase o -ots!ana4 African Affairs, 8ol$me 8=4 2oF3564
E$l%4 ##F323-34D
13FO0assi4 (F2F and /F/F ,ori0ameF (2DD5)4 (n)estigation o t"e inl$ence o 2GOs
in *$0lic #olic% ma6ing and (m#lementation in -ots!anaF *$laK Botswana
Journal of African Studies, 1=(1)F
14F/errance 1arrollN -ar0ara :a6e 1arroll4(2DD4)4 The rapid emerence of civil
society in Botswana, !ommonwealth " !omparative #olitics, 8ol$me 424 (ss$e
34 2o)em0er4 ##F333-355
15F/sie4 -alei4 /"e *olitical 1onteJt o -ots!ana<s De)elo#ment *erormance4
Journal of Southern African Studies, 8ol$me 224 2oF 4F (Decem0er 1==6)4 ##
$% United 2ations De)elo#ment *rogramme (U2D*) (1==3)4 &uman
Development Report $''(4 *eo#le<s *artici#ation 2e! 3or6K OJord
Uni)ersit% *ressF
)% United 2ations De)elo#ment *rogramme (U2D*) (1==4)4 &uman
Development Report$''*, 2e! Dimension o &$man 'ec$rit%4 2e! 3or6K
OJord Uni)ersit% *ressF
(% United 2ations De)elo#ment *rogramme (U2D*) (2DDD)4 &uman
Development Report )+++, &$man +ig"ts and &$man De)elo#ment4 2e!
3or6K OJord Uni)ersit% *ressF
*% An"eier4 &elm$t4 ,arlies Glasi$s and ,ar% ;aldor (edsF) (2DD1)4 ,lo-al !ivil
Society )++$, 7'.4 7ondonF
.% &uman Security /ow4 +e#ort 0% t"e 1ommission on &$man 'ec$rit%4 2DD3
0% A more secure world4 +e#ort o t"e 'ecretar%-GeneralIs &ig" 7e)el *anel on
/"reats4 1"allenges and 1"ange4 2DD4
1% In 2arer 3reedom4 +e#ort o t"e 'ecretar%-General4 2DD5
4% &uman Security for All5 Interated Responses to #rotect and 6mpower #eople
and !ommunities4 O1&A &$man 'ec$rit% Unit4 2DD6
'% The &uman Security 3ramewor7 and /ational &uman Development Reports4
+ic"ard Eoll%4 Dee#a%an -as$ +a%4 U2D* 2DD6F
Chapter3 T-o
Human Security
and Civil Society
Human Security and Civil Society
One o t"e #rimar% roles o t"e state is to #ro)ide #eace and sec$rit% or its
citi5ens 0ot" !it"in t"e nation state and to ens$re t"eir #rotection against t"reats rom
o$tsideF A maMor so$rce o militar% conlict t"at #ro)ided oc$s or t"e !estern
!orld<s #erce#tion o t"e t"reat to "$man sec$rit% !as remo)ed !"en t"e cold !ar
came to an endF 8ario$s attem#ts "a)e 0een made to #ro)ide an ade>$ate
conce#t$ali5ation o "$man sec$rit%F &$man sec$rit%<s contri0$tion to sec$rit%
st$dies is to designate t"e indi)id$al rat"er t"an t"e state as t"e reerent o0Mect o
sec$rit%4 alt"o$g" t"is does not a0rogate t"e sec$rit% o state4 !"ic"4 in t$rn4 can
#rotect its indi)id$alsF /"$s4 t"e comm$nit%4 t"e nation4 and ot"er gro$#s are
reerents o sec$rit% as long as t"e sec$rit% tric6les do!n to #eo#leF &$man sec$rit%
#romises a oc$s on indi)id$als and #eo#les4 0$t more !idel%4 on )al$es and goals
s$c" as dignit%4 e>$it% and solidarit%F -$t t"is ne! #aradigm in)ol)es more t"an M$st
setting t"e indi)id$al $# t"e centre o a constellation o t"reats4 actors and
#rogrammesF /"$s4 "$man sec$rit% is com#rised o a m$ltit$de o dierent t"reats
militar% or traditional sec$rit% ris6sF
'ocio-economic t"reats are t"ose !"ic" #ertain to sec$rit% o em#lo%ment and
income or access o indi)id$als to maMor #$0lic ser)ices s$c" as "ealt" care4 ade>$ate
"o$sing4 and ed$cationF -e%ond t"e more traditional t"reats o $nderde)elo#ment eFgF
#o)ert%4 "$nger4 access to ood4 disease4 #oll$tion and str$ct$ral )iolence is also
incl$ded in t"e deinition o insec$rit%F Food sec$rit%4 deined as not onl% t"e
a)aila0ilit% o ood4 0$t also t"e ca#acit% to gain access to it t"ro$g" li)eli"oods
co$ld also 0e in t"is categor%F /"is dimension4 !"ic" can 0e meas$red >$antitati)el%4
is generall% associated !it" reedom rom !ant in t"e 0roadest senseF
*ersonal sec$rit% t"reats are t"ose !"ic" are attri0$ted 0e%ond criminalit%4 to
indi)id$al #erce#tions and earsN or eJam#le4 ear o losing access to "ealt" ser)ices
in t"e #rocess o "ealt" ins$rance reorm or ear o losing a Mo0 in t"e #rocess o
restr$ct$ring contri0$te to #ersonal le)els o insec$rit%F /"e% encom#ass t"reats rom
t"e state t"ro$g" #"%sical tort$re4 t"reats rom ot"er states4 rom international or
cross-0order terrorism4 rom ot"er gro$#s and rom indi)id$als or gangs4 domestic
)iolence4 )iolence against c"ildren and e)en )iolence against one<s selF
.n)ironment t"reats are deined in t"is rame!or6 as not onl% t"reats to t"e
en)ironment 0$t "o! t"ese im#acts on #eo#le and increase t"eir )$lnera0ilit% eFgF
#oll$tion and manmade or nat$ral disasters s$c" as loods eart">$a6esF *olitical
t"reats incl$de ci)il and "$man rig"ts )iolations4 )iolence stemming rom conlicts4
as !ell as ar0itrar% 0e"a)io$r4 a corr$#t ci)il ser)ice4 t"e $n#redicta0ilit% o
instit$tional settings4 a #oorl% $nction M$diciar%4 t"e lac6 o enorcement o t"e r$le
o la!4 etc4 generall% associated !it" reedom rom earF (n t"is categor% co$ld also
0e incl$ded t"e U2D* 1==4 deinition o comm$nit% sec$rit% dimension4 !"ic"
designates 0ot" t"e sec$rit% o t"e comm$nit% as regards its identit% and #ractices4
and t"e sec$rit% o t"e indi)id$al against #ossi0le t"reats rom t"e comm$nit% s$c" as
discriminator% #racticesF
/"e 1==4 U2D* &$man De)elo#ment +e#ort s%nt"esi5ed t"reats to "$man sec$rit%
in se)en com#onentsK economic4 ood4 "ealt"4 en)ironmental4 #ersonal4 comm$nit%
and #olitical sec$rit% as ollo!s 4S. Neil 5ac6ralance and 7en 6oon8 &%%(93
6conomic security, !"ere t"e main t"reat is #o)ert%4 re>$ires an ass$red 0asic income
eit"er rom #rod$cti)e and rem$nerati)e !or6 or rom go)ernment inanced social
saet% netsF
3ood security re>$ires t"at all #eo#le at all times "a)e 0ot" #"%sical and economic
access to 0asic oodF According to t"e United 2ations4 t"e o)erall a)aila0ilit% o ood
is not a #ro0lemN rat"er t"e #ro0lem oten is t"e #oor distri0$tion o ood and a lac6
o #$rc"asing #o!erF (n t"e #ast4 ood sec$rit% #ro0lems "a)e 0een dealt !it" at 0ot"
national and glo0al le)elsF &o!e)er4 t"eir im#acts are limitedF According to U24 t"e
6e% is to tac6le t"e #ro0lems relating to access to assets4 !or6 and ass$red incomeF
&ealth Security, !"ere t"e t"reats incl$de inM$r% and disease4 re>$ires access to
"ealt" care and "ealt" ser)ices4 incl$ding sae and aorda0le amil% #lanningF /"e
t"reats to "ealt" sec$rit% are greater or #oor #eo#le in r$ral areas4 #artic$larl%
!omen and c"ildren4 !"o are eJ#osed to diseaseF
6nvironmental security aims to #rotect #eo#le rom t"e s"ort- and long-term ra)ages
o nat$re4 man-made t"reats in nat$re4 and deterioration o t"e nat$ral en)ironmentF
(n de)elo#ing co$ntries4 lac6 o access to clean !ater reso$rces is one o t"e greatest
en)ironmental t"reatsF (n ind$strial co$ntries4 one o t"e maMor t"reats is #oll$tionF
Glo0al4 ca$sed 0% t"e emission o green"o$se gases4 is anot"er en)ironmental
sec$rit% iss$eF
#ersonal security aims to #rotect #eo#le rom #"%sical )iolence4 !"et"er rom t"e
state or eJternal states4 rom )iolent indi)id$als and s$0-state actors4 rom domestic4
or rom #redator% ad$ltsF For man% #eo#le4 t"e greatest so$rce o anJiet% is crime4
#artic$larl% )iolent crimeF
!ommunity security, !"ere t"e t"reat is to t"e integrit% o c$lt$ral di)ersit%4 re>$ires
sec$rit% rom o##ressi)e traditional #ractice4 treating !omen "ars"l%4 discriminating
against et"nic or indigeno$s gro$#s and re$gee4 gro$# re0ellion and armed conlictsF
#olitical security, !"ere t"e t"reat is #olitical re#ression4 re>$ires res#ect or "$man
rig"ts4 #rotection rom militar% dictators"i#s or a0$se4 rom #olitical or state
re#ression4 rom t"e #ractice o tort$re4 ill treatment or disa##earance4 and rom
#olitical detention and im#risonmentF
T-o Schools o' Thouht on Human Security
/"e "$man sec$rit% agenda "a)e led to t"e emergence o t!o maMor sc"ools o
t"o$g"t on "o! to 0est #ractice "$man sec$rit% Freedom rom Fear and Freedom
rom :antF :"ile t"e U2D* 1==4 re#ort originall% arg$ed t"at "$man sec$rit%
re>$ires attention to 0ot" freedom from fear and freedom from want, di)isions "a)e
grad$all% emerged o)er t"e #ro#er sco#e o t"at #rotection (eFgF o)er !"at
t"reats indi)id$als s"o$ld 0e #rotected rom) and o)er t"e a##ro#riate mec"anisms
or res#onding to t"ese t"reatsF
6reedom 'rom 6ear
/"is sc"ool see6s to limit t"e #ractice o &$man 'ec$rit% to #rotecting indi)id$als
rom )iolent conlicts !"ile recogni5ing t"at t"ese )iolent t"reats are strongl%
associated !it" #o)ert%4 lac6 o state ca#acit% and ot"er orms o ine>$ities'o9. /"is a##roac" arg$es t"at limiting t"e
oc$s to )iolence is a realistic and managea0le a##roac" to!ards &$man 'ec$rit%F
.mergenc% assistance4 conlict #re)ention and resol$tion4 #eace-0$ilding are t"e
main concerns o t"is a##roac"F 1anada4 or eJam#le4 !as a critical #la%er in t"e
eorts to 0an landmines and "as incor#orated t"e Freedom rom Fear agenda as a
#rimar% com#onent in its o!n oreign #olic%F &o!e)er4 !"et"er s$c" narro!
a##roac" can tr$l% ser)e its #$r#ose in g$aranteeing more r$it$l res$lts remains to
0e an iss$eF For instance4 t"e conlicts in Dar$r are oten $sed in >$estioning t"e
eecti)eness o t"e +es#onsi0ilit% to *rotect4 a 6e% com#onent o t"e Freedom rom
Fear agendaF
6reedom 'rom >ant
/"e sc"ool ad)ocates a "olistic a##roac" in ac"ie)ing "$man sec$rit% and arg$es t"at
t"e t"reat agenda s"o$ld 0e 0roadened to incl$de "$nger4 disease and nat$ral disasters
0eca$se t"e% are inse#ara0le conce#ts in addressing t"e root o "$man insec$rit%

t"e% 6ill ar more #eo#le t"an !ar4 genocide and terrorism com0inedF Dierent rom
Freedom rom Fear4 it eJ#ands t"e oc$s 0e%ond )iolence !it" em#"asis on
de)elo#ment and sec$rit% goalsF
Fig$reK &$man sec$rit% as t"e neJ$s 0et!een reedom rom ear4 !ant and r$le o
la! 4Tad=2askhash8 Shahr2anou and Chenoy8 )nuradha 58 &%%*9
Human Security and State Security
&$man sec$rit% com#lements state sec$rit% in o$r res#ectsK
(ts concern is t"e indi)id$al and t"e comm$nit% rat"er t"an t"e stateF
,enaces to #eo#le<s sec$rit% incl$de t"reats and conditions t"at "a)e not
al!a%s 0een classiied as t"reats to state sec$rit%F
/"e range o actors is eJ#anded 0e%ond t"e state aloneF
Ac"ie)ing "$man sec$rit% incl$des not M$st #rotecting #eo#le 0$t also
em#o!ering #eo#le to end or t"emsel)esF
Comparison o' the Human Security and State Security
"ssue Human Security State Security
'ec$rit% or
*rimaril%4 t"e indi)id$al *rimaril%4 t"e state
'ec$rit% o
!"at )al$es
*ersonal saet% and indi)id$al
/erritorial integrit% and
'ec$rit% rom
!"at t"reats
Direct t"reats rom states and
non-state actors T indirect
Direct t"reats rom ot"er
'ec$rit% 0%
!"at means
Force as a secondar%
to 0e $sed #rimaril% or
cosmo#olitan ends and
collecti)el%N sanctions4 "$man
de)elo#ment4 and "$mane
go)ernance as 6e% instr$ments
o indi)id$al centered sec$rit%
-alance o #o!er is o limited
$tilit%N sot #o!er is
increasingl% im#ortant
1oo#eration 0et!een states4
international organi5ations and
2GOs can 0e eecti)e and
2orms and instit$tions matterN
democrati5ation and
re#resentati)eness in
instit$tions en"ance t"eir
+etaliator% orce or t"reat o its
$se4 0alance o #o!er4 militar%
means4 strengt"ening o
economic mig"t4 little attention
#aid to res#ect or la! or
Force as t"e #rimar%
instr$ment o sec$rit%4 to 0e
$sed $nilaterall% or a state<s
o!n saet%
-alance o #o!er is
im#ortantN #o!er is e>$ated
!it" militar% ca#a0ilities
1oo#eration 0et!een states
is ten$o$s 0e%ond alliance
2orms and instit$tions are
limited )al$e4 #artic$larl% in
t"e sec$rit%9militar% s#"ere
*romoting "$man
de)elo#mentK 0asic needs
#l$s e>$it%4 s$staina0ilit%4
and greater democrati5ation
and #artici#ation at all
*romoting "$man rig"tsF
*romoting #olitical
de)elo#mentK glo0al norms
and instit$tions #l$s
collecti)e $se o orce as
!ell as sanctions in case o
genocide4 coo#eration
0et!een states4 reliance on
international instit$tions4
net!or6 and coalitions and
international organisationsF
Source3 4"ndependent Commission on "nternational Development "ssues3
,rand Report8 !0.%3!$9
The )pproaches o' Human Security
5ah2u2 ul HaG )pproach
/"e idea o "$man sec$rit% is generall% t"o$g"t to go 0ac6 to t"e United 2ations
De)elo#ment *rogramme +e#ort o 1==4F 1losel% associated !it" t"e idea rom t"e
late ,a"0$0 $l &a>4 !"o "ad earlier #la%ed a 6e% role in t"e constr$ction o t"e
&$man De)elo#ment (ndeJ (&D() and !"o !as s$0se>$entl% t"e mo)ing orce
0e"ind t"e more recent &$mane Go)ernance (ndeJF &a> ans!ers t"e >$estion o
sec$rit% or !"om >$ite sim#l%F &$man sec$rit% is not a0o$t states and nations4 0$t
a0o$t indi)id$als and #eo#leF /"$s4 "e arg$es t"at t"e !orld is entering a ne! era o
"$man sec$rit% in !"ic" t"e entire conce#t o sec$rit% !ill c"ange and c"ange
dramaticall%F (n t"is ne! conce#tion4 sec$rit% !ill 0e e>$ated !it" t"e sec$rit% o
indi)id$als4 not M$st sec$rit% o t"eir nations or4 to #$t it dierentl%4 sec$rit% o
#eo#le4 not M$st sec$rit% o territor%F
F$ndamentall%4 "$man sec$rit% !ill 0e ac"ie)ed t"ro$g" Gde)elo#ment4 notU
t"ro$g" armsFH (n #artic$lar4 i)e rat"er radical ste#s are necessar% to gi)e lie to t"e
ne! conce#tion o sec$rit%K a "$man de)elo#ment conce#tion !it" em#"asis on
e>$it%4 s$staina0ilit%4 and grassroots #artici#ationN a #eace di)idend to $nder!rite t"e
0roader agenda o "$man sec$rit%N a ne! #artners"i# 0et!een 2ort" and 'o$t" 0ased
on M$stice4 not c"arit% !"ic" em#"asi5es e>$ita0le access to glo0al mar6et
o##ort$nities and economic restr$ct$ringN a ne! rame!or6 o glo0al go)ernance
0$ilt on reorm o international instit$tions s$c" as t"e (,F4 :orld -an64 and United
2ationsN and inall%4 a gro!ing role or glo0al ci)il societ%F
,a"0$0 $l &a> o$tlines a long list o tr$l% ar-reac"ing #ro#osals or glo0al "$man
:"ic" are as ollo!ingK
DevelopmentallyK s$staina0ilit%N e>$it% o o##ort$nities (0etter distri0$tion o
#rod$cti)e assets4 incl$ding land and creditN o#en access to mar6et o##ort$nitiesN Mo0
creationN social saet% nets)N and glo0al M$stice )ia a Ga maMor restr$ct$ringH o t"e
!orld<s income4 cons$m#tion4 and liest%le #atterns
MilitarilyK red$cing arms eJ#endit$resN closing all militar% 0asesN con)erting militar%
aid to economic aidN sto##ing arms transersN eliminating arms eJ#ort s$0sidiesN
retraining !or6ers in deence ind$stries
/orth8South restructurinK e>$ita0le access to glo0al mar6ets or t"e #oor co$ntries
0$ilt on t"e remo)al o trade 0arriers (es#eciall% in teJtiles and agric$lt$re)N inancial
com#ensation rom t"e ric" co$ntries in ret$rn or immigration controls and or
o)er$se o glo0al en)ironmental reso$rcesN and a glo0al #a%ment mec"anisms or
)ario$s ser)ices rendered (eFgF en)ironmental ser)ices4 control o narcotics and
disease)4 or GdamagesH in cases o economic inM$r%4 and or 0ad economic cond$ct
(eFgF enco$raging t"e 0rain drain4 restricting migration o lo!-s6ill la0o$r4 eJ#ort
InstitutionallyK t"e res$scitation and restr$ct$ring o t"e (,F4 :orld -an64 and U2 to
oc$s more on "$man de)elo#mentN economic adM$stments !"ic" target t"e ric" more
t"an t"e #oorN ne! go)ernance #atterns e)er%!"ere !"ic" em#o!er t"e #oorN ne!
instit$tions s$c" as a !orld central 0an64 a glo0al taJation s%stem4 a !orld trade
organi5ation4 an international in)estment tr$st4 a !orld treas$r%4 and a0o)e all4 a
re#resentati)e and )eto-less .conomic 'ec$rit% 1o$ncil in t"e U2 !"ic" !o$ld 0e
t"e "ig"est decision ma6ing or$m to deal !it" all iss$es conronting "$manit%H
incl$ding ood and en)ironmental sec$rit%4 #o)ert% and Mo0 creation4 migration and
dr$g traic6ing
The evolution of a lo-al civil society5 all o t"e a0o)e !o$ld re>$ire grassroots
#artici#ation and a c"ange rom a$t"oritarian to democratic go)ernmentF
;NDP )pproach
/raditional notions o sec$rit% !ere concerned !it" sec$rit% o territor% rom eJternal
aggression4 or as #rotection o national interests in oreign #olic%4 or as glo0al
sec$rit% rom t"e t"reat o n$clear "oloca$stF (t "as 0een related more to nation-states
t"an to #eo#leF :"at t"is conce#tion o)erloo6ed !as t"e legitimate concerns o
ordinar% #eo#le !"o so$g"t sec$rit% in t"eir dail% li)esF &$man sec$rit%4 on t"e ot"er
"and4 is #eo#le-centredF /"$s4 t"e &$man De)elo#ment +e#ort (1==4) insists4 as did
&a>4 t"at t"e reerent o0Mect o "$man sec$rit% is indi)id$al or #eo#leF (n s$##ort o
t"is contention4 t"e re#ort cites t"e o$nding doc$ment o t"e U2 and its original
delineation o sec$rit% as Greedom rom earH as also Greedom rom !antH and Gt"e
e>$al !eig"t to territories and to #eo#leH t"at t"at distinction im#liedF Unort$natel%4
d$ring t"e cold !ar4 sec$rit% t"in6ing "ad tilted o)erl% to!ards t"e #rotection o
territor%N ater t"e cold !ar4 t"e re#ort #ro#oses4 it is time to redress t"e 0alance and
incl$de t"e #rotection o #eo#leF
/"e &$man De)elo#ment +e#ort<s treatment o sec$rit% )al$es is in t!o #artsF (t4
irst o all4 ma6es a n$m0er o rat"er general statements a0o$t )al$es !"ic"
em#"asi5e t"e saet%4 !ell 0eing4 and dignit% o indi)id$al "$man 0eings in t"eir
dail% li)esF /"$s4 reminiscent o &a>4 t"e re#ort notes t"at t"e traditional conce#tion
o sec$rit%4 in oc$ssing on territorial integrit%4 t"e ad)ancement o t"e national
interest4 and n$clear deterrence4 ignored clear and more #resent dangers aced at
e)er% t$rn 0% ordinar% men and !omenF For man%Usec$rit% s%m0oli5ed #rotection
rom t"e t"reat o disease4 "$nger4 $nem#lo%ment4 crime4 social conlict4 #olitical
re#ression4 and en)ironmental "a5ardsF 7ess a0stractl%4 "$man sec$rit% is a c"ild !"o
did not die4 a disease t"at did not s#read4 a Mo0 t"at !as not c$t4 an et"nic tension t"at
did not eJ#lode in )iolence4 a dissident !"o !as not silencedF &$man sec$rit% is not
a concern !it" !ea#onsN it is a concern !it" "$man lie and dignit%F (t is concerned
!it" "o! #eo#le li)e and 0reat"e in a societ%4 "o! reel% t"e% eJercise t"eir man%
c"oices4 "o! m$c" access t"e% "a)e to mar6et and social o##ort$nities and !"et"er
t"e% li)e in conlict or in #eaceF &$man sec$rit% also encom#asses a sense o
#ersonal c"oice and s$ret% a0o$t t"e $t$re and o #ersonal eicac% and o##ort$nit%F
/"$s4 in dra!ing attention to t"e dierence 0et!een "$man sec$rit% and its cognate4
"$man de)elo#ment4 t"e +e#ort arg$es t"at t"e latter is a 0roader conce#t and reers
to a #rocess o !idening t"e range o #eo#le<s c"oices4 !"ile t"e ormer im#lies t"at
#eo#le can eJercise t"ese c"oices sael% and reel% and t"at t"e% can 0e relati)el%
conident t"at t"e o##ort$nities t"e% "a)e toda% are not totall% lost tomorro!F Along
!it" a sense o c"oice and s$ret% a0o$t t"e $t$re4 #eo#le s"o$ld 0e eicacio$s and
em#o!ered eno$g" to 0e a0le to ta6e care o t"emsel)esF All #eo#le s"o$ld "a)e t"e
o##ort$nit% to meet t"eir most essential needs and to earn t"eir o!n li)ingF
-e%ond t"ese generalities4 t"e +e#ort lists se)en com#onents or se)en s#eciic )al$es
o "$man sec$rit%K economic sec$rit%4 ood sec$rit%4 "ealt" sec$rit%4 en)ironmental
sec$rit%4 #ersonal sec$rit%4 comm$nit% sec$rit%4 and #olitical sec$rit%F .conomic
sec$rit% reers to an indi)id$al<s enMo%ment o a 0asic income4 eit"er t"ro$g" gain$l
em#lo%ment or rom a social saet% netF Food sec$rit% reers to an indi)id$al<s access
to ood )ia "is or "er assets4 em#lo%ment4 or incomeF &ealt" sec$rit% reers to an
indi)id$al<s reedom rom )ario$s diseases and de0ilitating illnesses and "is or "er
access to "ealt" careF .n)ironmental sec$rit% reers to t"e integrit% o land4 air4 and
!ater4 !"ic" ma6e "$man "a0itation #ossi0leF *ersonal sec$rit% reers to an
indi)id$al<s reedom rom crime and )iolence4 es#eciall% !omen and c"ildren !"o
are more )$lnera0leF 1omm$nit% sec$rit% reers to c$lt$ral dignit% and to inter-
comm$nit% #eace !it"in !"ic" an indi)id$al li)es and gro!sF Finall%4 #olitical
sec$rit% reers to #rotection against "$man rig"ts )iolationsF
According to t"e +e#ort4 t"e more locali5ed t"reats can 0e $nderstood in relation to
t"e se)en )al$es o "$man sec$rit%F /"ese are s$mmari5ed 0elo!K
/"reats to economic sec$rit%K lac6 o #rod$cti)e and rem$nerati)e
em#lo%ment4 #recario$s em#lo%ment4 a0sence o #$0licl% inanced saet%
/"reats to ood sec$rit%K lac6 o ood entitlements incl$ding ins$icient
access to assets4 !or64 and ass$red incomesF
/"reats to "ealt" sec$rit%K inectio$s and #arasitic diseases4 diseases o t"e
circ$lator% s%stem and cancers4 lac6 o sae !ater4 air #oll$tion4 lac6 o access
to "ealt" care acilitiesF
/"reats to en)ironmental sec$rit%K declining !ater a)aila0ilit%4 !ater
#oll$tion4 declining ara0le land4 deorestation4 desertiication4 air #oll$tion4
nat$ral disasters
/"reats to #ersonal sec$rit%K )iolent crime4 dr$g traic6ing4 )iolence and
a0$se o c"ildren and !omenF
/"reats to comm$nit% sec$rit%K 0rea6do!n o t"e amil%4 colla#se o
traditional lang$ages and c$lt$res4 et"nic discrimination and strie4 genocide
and et"nic cleansingF
/"reats to #olitical sec$rit%K go)ernment re#ression4 s%stematic "$man rig"ts
)iolations4 militari5ationF
(n addition to t"e more locali5ed t"reats listed a0o)e4 t"e +e#ort cites a n$m0er o
more glo0al or transnational t"reats !"ose s#read or eects go !ell 0e%ond an%
gi)en national 0o$ndariesF /"ese are gro$#ed into siJ areasK
*o#$lation gro!t" !"ic" increases t"e #ress$re on non-rene!a0le reso$rces
and is lin6ed intimatel% to glo0al #o)ert%4 en)ironmental degradation4 and
international migrationF
Gro!ing dis#arities in glo0al income leading to o)ercons$m#tion and
o)er#rod$ction in t"e ind$striali5ed co$ntries and #o)ert% and en)ironmental
degradation in t"e de)elo#ing !orldF
(ncreasing international migration as a $nction o #o#$lation gro!t"4 #o)ert%4
and t"e #olicies o t"e ind$strial co$ntries "a)e contri0$ted to t"e lo! o
international migrants as also an increase in re$gees and internall% dis#laced
8ario$s orms o en)ironmental deca% (t"at among ot"er t"ings ca$se acid rain4
s6in cancer4 and glo0al !arming) as !ell as red$ced 0iodi)ersit%4 and t"e
destr$ction o !etlands4 coral rees4 and tem#erate orests as !ell as tro#ical
Dr$g traic6ing4 !"ic" "as gro!n into a glo0al4 m$ltinational ind$str%F
(nternational terrorism !"ic" "as s#read rom 7atin America in t"e 1=6Ds to a
glo0al #"enomenon
The Canadian and 5iddle Po-ers< )pproach
/"e 1anadian led middle #o!ers< a##roac" to "$man sec$rit% o)erla#s
!it" t"e U2D* a##roac" 0$t o)er t"e %ears "as dierentiated itsel rom itF
Disentangling t"e 0asics o Otta!a<s a##roac" on t"e 0asis o o$r o$r orienting
>$estions re)eals t"at t"e t!o sc"ools are >$ite distinct in some res#ectsF 1anada "as
made t!o maMor statements o its #osition 4!00*8 !0009 and along !it" 2or!a%
organi5ed a middle #o!ers< conerence in 1ysoen in Nor-ay 4!0009 !"ic" largel%
airmed its )ie!#ointF For 1anada4 as m$c" as t"e U2D*4 "$man sec$rit% im#lies
sec$rit% or t"e indi)id$al4 a #eo#le-centred )ie! o sec$rit%4 -e%ond sec$rit% or
!"om is t"e iss$e o sec$rit% o !"at )al$esF As noted a0o)e4 "$man sec$rit% )al$es
incl$de Gan acce#ta0le >$alit% o lie4H and Ga g$arantee o $ndamental "$man
rig"tsHF ,inimall%4 it im#lies 0asic needsU4 s$stained economic de)elo#ment4
"$man rig"ts and $ndamental reedoms4 t"e r$le o la!4 good go)ernance4
s$staina0le de)elo#ment and social e>$it%F /"e 1ysoen declaration arg$es t"at t"e
$ndamental )al$es o "$man sec$rit% are reedom rom ear4 reedom rom !ant4
and e>$al o##ort$nitiesF /"e core )al$e o a "$man sec$rit% conce#tion t"o$g" is
reedom rom #er)asi)e t"reats to #eo#le<s rig"ts4 t"eir saet% or t"eir li)es4 t"at is4
!"at t"e declaration calls reedom rom earF /"e 1anadian #a#er is less eJ"a$sti)e
and less s%stematic t"an t"e U2D* re#ort4 0$t ne)ert"eless #resents a rat"er
im#ressi)e list o t"reatsF /"e 1==7 #a#er cites among ot"ers t"e income ga# 0et!een
ric" and #oor co$ntries4 internal conlict and state ail$re4 transnational crime4 t"e
#rolieration o !ea#ons o mass destr$ction4 religio$s and et"nic discord4
en)ironmental degradation4 #o#$lation gro!t"4 et"nic conlict and migration4 state
re#ression4 t"e !ides#read $se o anti-#ersonnel landmines4 c"ild a0$se4 economic
$nderde)elo#ment4 and a $nsta0le4 #rotectionist international trading s%stemF
Glo0ali5ation is anot"er actor4 !"ic" "as 0ro$g"t in its !a6e )iolent crime4 dr$g
trade4 terrorism4 disease and en)ironmental deteriorationH and internal !ar o$g"t 0%
irreg$lar orces o et"nic and religio$s gro$#s e>$i##ed !it" small armsF /"e decline
o state control and t"e gro!t" o organi5ed crime4 dr$g traic6ing4 and #ri)ate
sec$rit% orces4 all t"ese "a)e increased )iolence against indi)id$alsF (n addition4 a
0roadening range o transnational t"reats renders indi)id$als more )$lnera0leK
economic glo0ali5ation and 0etter comm$nications and trans#ortation increase
#oll$tion4 disease )ectors4 and economic insta0ilities !orld!ideF
(n 1==74 1anada s$ggested t"at #eace0$ilding4 #eace6ee#ing4 disarmament es#eciall%
t"e a0olition o anti-#ersonnel landmines4 saeg$arding t"e rig"ts o c"ildren4 and
economic de)elo#ment t"ro$g" r$les-0ased trade !ere 6e% areas o t"e "$man
sec$rit% endea)o$r or Otta!aF /o mo)e t"is agenda or!ard4 1anada !o$ld "a)e to
rel% increasingl% on sot #o!er4 t"e art o disseminating inormation in s$c" a !a%
t"at desira0le o$tcomes are ac"ie)ed t"ro$g" #ers$asion rat"er t"an coercionF 1anada
and )ario$s ot"er middle #o!ers !ere ideall% s$ited to net!or64 0$ild coalitions4 and
0ring ot"ers ro$nd to $nderstand t"e im#ortance o "$man sec$rit%F Go)ernments4
2GOs4 academics4 0$sinesses and ordinar% citi5ens !ere all #otential #artners in t"is
/"e 1=== 1anadian #a#er am#liies t"e 1==7 a##roac" 0% listing siJ 0roader
#rinci#les t"at mig"t g$ide actionsF 1om0ined4 t"ese 0oil do!n to t"ree maMor
First4 t"e international comm$nit% m$st consider coercion incl$ding t"e $se o
sanctions and orce i necessar%F 'econd4 national sec$rit% #olicies t"emsel)es m$st
0e altered4 to gi)e d$e consideration to t"e #romotion o "$man sec$rit% goalsF
(ntegral to t"e ne! sec$rit% #olic% agenda m$st 0e t"e #romotion o norms o
instit$tions and t"e $se o de)elo#ment strategies norms9instit$tions (eFgF "$man
rig"ts4 "$manitarian and re$gee la!) !o$ld set standards o cond$ctN and
de)elo#ment strategies !o$ld4 #res$ma0l%4 0ring a0o$t conditions !it"in !"ic" it
!o$ld 0e easier or states and non-state actors to o0ser)e t"ose normsF /"e 1ysoen
declaration4 !"ic" 1anada "el#ed drat4 lists ten areas in !"ic" norms !ere re>$iredK
anti-#ersonnel landmines4 small arms4 c"ildren in armed conlict4 international
criminal co$rt #roceedings4 eJ#loitation o c"ildren4 saet% o "$manitarian
#ersonnel4 conlict #re)ention4 transnational organi5ed crime4 and reso$rces or
de)elo#mentF Also im#ortant t"o$g" are im#ro)ements in go)ernance ca#acities4
0ot" !it"in states and internationall%F /"e ormer im#lies democrati5ation and t"e
latter a more eecti)e U2 str$ct$reF A t"ird #rinci#le o eecti)e action on 0e"al o
"$man sec$rit% is to constr$ct a coalition o states4 international organi5ations4 and
2GOs t"at !o$ld #romote de)elo#ment and "el# enorce agreed-$#on normsF
Comparison o' the ;NDP and Canadian Schools o' Human Security
;NDP School Canadian School
or !"om
*rimaril% t"e indi)id$al *rimaril% t"e indi)id$al4 0$t state
sec$rit% also is im#ortant
o !"at
*ersonal saet%9!ell-
0eing and indi)id$al
*ersonal saet%9!ell-0eing and
indi)id$al reedom
Direct and indirect
)iolenceN greater
em#"asis on indirect
)iolence4 es#eciall%
en)ironmental actors
Direct and indirect )iolenceN
greater em#"asis on direct
)iolence at t!o le)els V
national9societal and
0% !"at
*romoting "$man
de)elo#mentK 0asic
needs #l$s e>$it%4
s$staina0ilit%4 and
greater democrati5ation
and #artici#ation at all
le)els o glo0al societ%
*romoting #olitical de)elo#mentK
glo0al norms and instit$tions
(go)ernance) #l$s collecti)e $se
o orce as !ell as sanctions i
and !"en necessar%
6ear >ant Dinity
#ositivist analytic /ormative operational
minimalist9narrow ma:ima9-road
traditional security human rihts focused
fi:ed definition postmodern
6iure3 The de'initional mappin tool o' Human Security o' di''erent school.
/"e sim#lest deinition o "$man sec$rit% is a0sence o insec$rit% and t"reats4 iFeF
reedom rom 0ot" ear and !antF &$man sec$rit%4 t"ereore4 deals !it" dierence
t"e ca#acit% to identi% t"reats4 or a)oid t"em !"en #ossi0le4 and mitigate t"eir
eects !"en t"e% do occ$rF /"is 0roadened $se o t"e !orld sec$rit% encom#asses
t!o ideasK one is t"e notion o saet% t"at goes 0e%ond t"e conce#t o mere #"%sical
sec$rit% in t"e traditional sense4 and t"e ot"er4 t"e idea t"at #eo#le<s li)eli"ood s"o$ld
0e g$aranteed against s$dden disr$#tionsF Deining "$man sec$rit% t"ereore 0egins
!it" its M$Jta#osition !it" t"e traditional state centric deinition o sec$rit% rom t"e
realist and neo-realist sc"oolF /"e most minimalist a##roac" to "$man sec$rit%4 iFeF
reedom rom ear see6s to ens$re indi)id$als< saet% rom direct t"reat4 t"eir #"%sical
integrit% and satisaction o 0asic needsF /"reats to 0e addressed remain relati)el%
traditionalK armed conlict4 "$man rig"ts a0$ses4 #$0lic insec$rit% and organised
crimeF '$c" a narro! deinition is M$stiied 0% its anal%tical >$alit% and its #olic%
a##lica0ilit%4 in o##osition to t"e all encom#assing deinition o "$man sec$rit% t"at
is deemed to 0e a $seless s"o##ing list o t"reats 4Krause8 &%%+9.
1anada endorses t"is $nderstanding o "$man sec$rit% and deends reedom rom
#er)asi)e t"reats to #eo#le<s rig"ts4 saet% or li)esF /"e 0roadest categor% o
deinitions adds a lie o dignit% to reedom rom !ant and earF Deended 0% t"e
"$man sec$rit% net!or6 as !ell as U2D*4 t"e com0ination o sec$rit%4 de)elo#ment
and dignit% encom#asses 0ot" material and >$antitati)e as#ects o "$man sec$rit%F
/"e rationale 0e"ind t"e Ea#anese )ie! o "$man sec$rit%4 de)elo#ment and dignit%
encom#asses 0ot" material and >$antitati)e as#ects o "$man sec$rit%F /"e rationale
0e"ind t"e Ea#anese )ie! o "$man sec$rit%4 or eJam#le4 #reser)ation and #rotection
o t"e lie and dignit% o indi)id$al "$man 0eings<4 is t"e essential indi)isi0ilit% o
"$man sec$rit% com#onents4 t"e #re sense o a !ide range o non classical iss$es
aecting indi)id$als and interconnectedness o t"reatsF
Civil Society
/"e ci)il societ% lies in 6e% #"ase o modernit% in t"e late eig"teent" and earl%
nineteent" cent$riesF /"e !riters in classical #"iloso#"% and #olitical econom% 0egan
to disting$is" s%stematicall% 0et!een t"e s#"ere o state and societ%F (n e$dal
societ%4 t"e same social relations 0et!een s$#eriors and ineriors "ad em0raced 0ot"
#rod$ction and amil% lie on t"e one "and4 and #olitical and militar% a$t"orit%4 on
t"e ot"erF :it" t"e dissol$tion o e$dal relations4 t"ese t!o areas o social lie
0ecome more clearl% demarcated in modern conditions as societ% and state
4Chandhoke8 Neera !00/9. /"e term ci)il societ% !as irst $sed to disting$is" a
s#"ere in !"ic" social relations !ere 0ased on t"e ree association o indi)id$als
rat"er t"an a iJed "ierarc"% o legal instit$tionF For classical !riters li6e t"e
#"iloso#"er George &egel and t"e re)ol$tionar% t"eorist ;arl ,arJ4 ci)il societ% !as
an incl$si)e conce#t o societ% min$s t"e stateF 1i)il societ% !as declined 0% t"e
emergence o a distinct #olitical econom% in !"ic" indi)id$al related to eac" ot"er as
inde#endent agents rat"er t"an as #eo#le !"o illed #rescri0ed social rolesF
1i)il societ% is a conce#t o im#ortant strategicall% at t"e cross section o im#ortant
strands o intellect$al de)elo#ment in t"e social sciencesF 1i)il societ% reers to arena
o $nco)ered collecti)e action aro$nd s"ared interests4 #$r#ose and )al$esF (n t"eor%4
its instit$tional orms are distinct rom t"ose o t"e state4 amil% and mar6et t"ro$g"
in #ractice4 t"e 0o$ndaries 0et!een state4 ci)il societ%4 amil% and mar6et are oten
com#leJ4 0l$rred and negotiatedF 1i)il societ% commonl% em0races a di)ersit% o
s#aces4 actors and instit$tional orms )ar%ing in t"eir degree o ormalit%4 a$tonom%
and #o!erF 1i)il societies are oten #o#$lated 0% organisation s$c" as registered
c"arities4 de)elo#ment nongo)ernmental organisation4 comm$nit% gro$#s4 !omen<s
organisation4 ait" 0ased organisations4 #roessional associations4 trade $nions4 sel-
"el# gro$#s4 social mo)ements4 0$siness associations4 collection and ad)ocac% gro$#F
1i)il societ% !as central to t"e !or6 o some o t"e most im#ortant #olitical t"in6ers
rom t"e se)enteent" centa$r% on!ardsF Among ot"ers4 &o00es4 7oc6e and e)en
&egel disting$is"ed 0et!een state and ci)il societ%4 t"at is t"e organised societ% o)er
!"ic" t"e state r$lesF '$c" a distinction is not entirel% )alidN since t"e state is itsel
#art o societ%F &o!e)er4 !e a!are t"at4 as !ell as instit$tions 0o$nd $# !it" ormal
a$t"orit% and #olitical control4 t"ese eJists a set o interlin6ed and sta0le social
instit$tions !"ic" "a)e m$c" inl$ence on4 or control o)er4 o)er li)esF /"e
distinction4 and t"e conse>$ent im#ortance o ci)il societ% as a conce#t4 originates
!it" t"e state o nat$re t"eorists4 es#eciall% &o00es and 7oc6eF /"e% "eld t"at
#olitical a$t"orit% !as at least "%#ot"etical dis#ensa0leN t"at is4 t"e% arg$ed as t"o$g"
it !as #ossi0le not "a)e a state4 and t"e% t"ereore needed a conce#t to descri0e t"e
remaining instit$tionsF 1i)il societ%4 t"en4 is t"e rame !or6 !it"in !"ic" t"ose
!it"o$t #olitical a$t"orit% li)e t"eir li)es economic relations"i#4 amil% and 6ins"i#
str$ct$res4 religio$s instit$tions and so onF (t is a #$rel% anal%tic conce#t 0eca$se ci)il
societ% does not eJist inde#endentl% o #olitical a$t"orit%4 nor )ice )ersa4 and4 it is
generall% 0eli)ed4 neit"er co$ld long contin$e !it"o$t t"e ot"erN t"ereore4 no )er%
clear 0o$ndar% can 0e dra!n 0et!een t!oF
/"e neglect o ci)il societ% in recent decades "as t!o main ca$sesF One is t"e act
t"at t"e state itsel "as 0een disc$ssed less4 "a)ing 0een re#laced4 inade>$atel%4 0%
notions li6e t"e #olitical s%stemF /"e ot"er is t"at t"e gro!ing trend to!ards $sing
sociological models in #olitical t"in6ing "as tended to aect t"e 0arriers 0et!een
#olitical acti)it% and social acti)it%N 0ot" are treated as maniestations o $nderl%ing
ideological4 c$lt$ral or e)en economic #atternsF (n act4 t"e >$estion o t"e
inter#enetration o state and societ% in t"is sense mig"t more sensi0l% 0e treated as an
em#irical >$estion to 0e sol)ed in eac" #artic$lar caseF *er"a#s t"e real $se o t"e
conce#ts is to stress t"at #olitical s%stems are normall% i not sociologicall%4
secondar% to4 and o$g"t to 0e relections o direct and sometimes )ol$ntar% "$man
relationsF .)en t"is #oint !o$ld 0e denied 0% some4 es#eciall% t"ose inlations 0% t"e
classical Gree6 #olitical tradition4 !"o arg$e t"at t"e state creates ci)il societ%4 rat"er
t"an itsel 0eing a##ended to t"e latterF
/"e eJistence o ci)il societ% organisations in mar6et econom% is $ndo$0tedl% a
$ni>$e #"enomenonF /"e $ndamental ass$m#tion in"erent in s$c" organisations is
t"at #roit or #ersonal economic gain is not t"e sole moti)ation or determining t"e
economic 0e"a)io$r o "$man 0eingsF /"ere are certain needs o indi)id$als in
modern societ% !"ic" cannot 0e satisied t"ro$g" t"e sel-interested #$rs$it o #roit
in mar6et relationsF ,an% a time mar6ets do not res#ond or are sim#l% not interested
in #rod$cing goods or ser)ices !"ic" are not economicall% re!arding to #rod$cersF
'ometimes4 t"e s#ecial nat$re o goods or ser)ices re>$ires s$c" small scales o
#rod$ction as are not #roita0le at allF .)en at times4 mono#ol% o mar6et o mar6et
#rod$ces goods or ser)ices o s$0standard >$alit% or t"e ca#ti)e clientsN "ence t"ere
is al!a%s a cra)ing or >$alit% goodsF On t"e ot"er "and4 t"ere are al!a%s man% areas
or ser)ices or goods !"ic" $s$all% remain $nattended or ignored 0% a modern stateF
(n s$c" a sit$ation interested #eo#le come toget"er and esta0lis"ed ci)il societ%
organi5ations to #rod$ce goods or ser)ices eit"er or t"e 0eneit o its mem0ers or or
!ider $se o comm$nit% or societ%F 1i)il societ% organi5ations !"ic" #rod$ce goods
or more or less4 eJcl$si)el%4 or t"e 0eneits o its mem0ers are ca6ed m$t$al-0eneit
organi5ationsF /"e ot"ers4 !"ic" ser)e t"e 0roader interest o comm$nit% or some
)$lnera0le sections o societ%4 are called #$0lic 0eneit organi5ationsF
The >orld ,ank uses the term civil society to re'er to the3
;ide array of non8overnmental and not for profit orani<ations that have a
presence in pu-lic life, e:pressin the interests and values of their mem-ers or others
-ased on ethical, cultural, political, scientific reliions or philanthropic
considerations% !ivil society orani<ations therefore refer to a wide of array of
orani<ations5 community roups, charita-le orani<ations, faith -ased
orani<ations, professional associations and foundations
The ;NDP<s de'inition o' civil society3
!ivil society is toether with state and mar7et one of three spheres that
interface in the ma7in of democratic societies% !ivil society is the sphere in which
social movement -ecome oranised% The oranisations of civil society which
represent many diverse and some time contradictory social interests are shaped to fit
their social -ase, constituconary, thematic orientations =e%% environment, ender,
human rihts> and type of activity% They include church related roups, trade unions,
cooperative, service oranisations, community roups and youth oranisations as
well as academic institutions and other%
The 1ondon School o' Economics Centre 'or Civil SocietyHs -orkin de'inition
o' civil society is as 'ollo-K
!ivil society refers to the arena of uncoerced collective action around
shared interests, purposes and values% In theory, its institutional forms are distinct
from those of the state, family and mar7et, thouh in practice, the -oundaries
-etween state, civil society, family and mar7et are often comple:, -lurred and
neotiated% !ivil society commonly em-races a diversity of spaces, actors and
institutional forms, varyin in their deree of formality, autonomy and power% !ivil
societies are often populated -y orani<ations such as reistered charities,
development non8overnmental orani<ations, community roups, women?s
orani<ations, faith8-ased orani<ations, professional associations, trade unions,
self8help roups, social movements, -usiness associations, coalitions and advocacy
roups" .I>hat is civil societyJI Centre 'or Civil Society8 1ondon School o'
Economics. &%%+#%$#%!. Retrieved &%%(#!%#$%9
@lo2al Civil Society
1ritical allo$t o glo0alisation "as 0een t"e erosion o so)ereignt% o modern nation
statesF 2on-state instit$tions "a)e 0$ilt trans0order lin6s and are o#erating relati)el%
inde#endent o statesF /rans!ord acti)ities are no more ta6ing #lace !it"in t"e
eJcl$si)e M$risdiction o inter-state relationsF +at"er4 man% s$#er state instit$tions4
mar6et agencies4 m$ltilateral instit$tions and ci)il societ% organisations are no!
$nctioning 0e%ond t"e direct control o modern stateF /"e United 2ations and its
s$0sidiar% 0odies "a)e considera0l% enlarged t"eir tas6s and s$0stantiall% inl$encing
!orld aairsF Originall% esta0lis"ed or intergo)ernmental cons$ltations and
coordination4 t"ese 0odies ma% no! 0e easil% designated as glo0al go)ernance
agenciesF (nternational ,onetar% F$nd and :orld -an6 are #$rs$ing t"eir inancial
and de)elo#ment agendas !"ic" at times are not consistent !it" t"e )ie!s o modern
nation statesF ,ar6et instit$tions are #la%ing increased role in !orld aairs illing in
t"e ga#s let $nattended 0% #$0lic sector agencies o modern states4 glo0al iss$es and
concerns related to s$staina0le de)elo#ment4 ecological degradation4 "$man rig"ts4
gender e>$it% and t"e li6e are increasingl% coming $nder t"e #$r)ie! o non-state
instit$tions and organisationsF A nota0le conse>$ence o glo0alisation #ertains to t"e
emergence o non-state4 non-#roit t"ird sector o glo0al ci)il societ%F 1iti5ens all
o)er t"e !orld "a)e mo0ilised to orm )ol$ntar% organisations to s"a#e glo0al
#olicies and dee#er str$ct$res o relations among dierent societies4 irres#ecti)e o
nation statesF /"ese ci)ic associations are glo0al in nat$re4 since t"e% address
trans!orld #ro0lems and #$rs$e de)elo#mental "$manitarian and ot"er ca$ses 0%
"arnessing t"e in"erent #otential o glo0alisationF /"e #rec$rsors o contem#orar%
trans0order )ol$ntar% organisations date 0ac6 to t"e nineteent" cent$r%N "o!e)er4
t"eir c$rrent acti)ities in)ol)e a ar larger n$m0er o #eo#le4 greater instit$tional
reso$rces and 0igger im#acts in t"e glo0al arenaF 'ome o t"e )ol$ntar% ci)ic
mo)ements are glo0al in t"e sense t"at t"e% !or6 t"ro$g" trans!ord net!or6s li6e
Amnest% (nternational4 OJam4 1are4 and De)elo#ment Alternati)es !it" :omen in
2e! .raF
(n contrast4 ot"er ci)ic gro$#s t"in6 glo0all% 0$t act locall%4 iFeF t"e% ad"ere to glo0al
orientation !"ile o#erating at grassroots le)el in dierent societiesF 'ome ci)ic
gro$#s !or6 in isolation !"ile man% ot"ers #$rs$e t"eir agendas t"ro$g" large
coalitions o glo0al ci)ic 0odiesF Glo0al ci)il societ% acti)ities incl$de 0ot" s#oradic
amate$r inter)entions and long term #roessional and instit$tional #rogrammes o t"e
6ind s$stained 0% Green#eace and 1"ristian AidF F$rt"er4 ci)ic gro$#s "a)e ado#ted a
)ariet% o strategies in t"eir glo0all% str$ct$red o#erationsF 'ome "a)e considered it
it to !or6 !it" oicial agencies and #ri)ate 0$siness concernsN !"ile man% ot"ers
"a)e iercel% g$arded t"eir inde#endence and a$tonomo$s eJistenceF /"e% regard an%
colla0oration !it" state esta0lis"ments or #ri)ate 0$siness "o$ses as an $nacce#ta0le
com#romise o t"eir )ision and #"iloso#"%F Glo0al ci)ic associations "a)e eJerted
considera0le inl$ence to #romote t"e contem#orar% concerns o de)elo#ing
societiesF /"e% "a)e s$staina0l% contri0$ted to #olic% inno)ations in area s$c" as
s$staina0le de)elo#ment4 ecological s$staina0ilit%4 "$man rig"ts #rotections4 disaster
relie4 !elare #ro)isions and comm$nit% de)elo#ment all o)er t"e !orldF ,an%
glo0al ci)ic associations "a)e #la%ed im#ortant roles 0ot" in ad)ising t"e oicial
instit$tions o de)elo#ed co$ntries and in "el#ing t"em to im#lement de)elo#ment
#olicies and #rogrammes in t"ird co$ntriesF Glo0al ci)il societ% "as stri)ed to c"ange
oicial #olicies and "as s$0stantiall% contri0$ted to t"e reconstr$ction o #rogressi)e
and enlig"tened glo0al de)elo#ment agendaF /"e eJ#ansion o glo0al ci)il societ%
"as "el#ed to ma6e #o#$lar #artici#ation in !orld aairs more direct and eJtensi)e
t"an t"e earlier eras o "egemonic statesF Glo0al ci)il societ% "as also emerged as a
relia0le medi$m to sec$re democrac% in t"e contem#orar% glo0alised !orldF
6eatures o' Civil Society Oranisations
/"e c"aracteristics o ci)il societ% organisations )ar% rom co$ntr% to co$ntr%F /"e
constit$tion4 legal4 and M$dicial s%stem4 taJ and reg$lator% instit$tions o a co$ntr%
inl$ence t"e nat$re and c"aracter o ci)il societ% organisationsF F$rt"er4 actors s$c"
as social )al$e4 c$lt$ral attit$des4 religio$s traditions and #eo#le<s dis#osition to!ards
state also s"a#e t"e o)erall eJistence o ci)il societ% in societ%F Democratic societies
"a)e long-esta0lis"ed #"ilant"ro#ic and )ol$ntar% traditions4 la!s and #olicies !"ic"
generall% enco$rage #ri)ate non#roit initiati)es to en"ance #$0lic interest and
general !ell 0eing o #eo#leF /"e $ndamental tenet o ci)il societ% !as )er% !ell
in"erent in traditional #"ilant"ro#% and c"arita0le #$rists in "istor%F /"e role o
traditional #"ilant"ro#% and c"arities mostl% remained limited to eJtending "el# to
#oor4 destit$te4 disa0led and so on or #ro)iding relie d$ring times o nat$ral disasterF
1i)il societ% organi5ations ac>$ired inno)ati)e c"aracteristics s$c" as #rod$ction or
distri0$tion o goods4 )al$e-state and ca#italist mode o #rod$ctionF
/"ere are ollo!ing eat$res o ci)il societ% organi5ationsK
/"e% are #redominantl% engaged in entre#rene$rial acti)ities and
#rod$ction o goods and ser)icesF
:"ile organi5ing a #rod$cti)e acti)it% t"e% generated t"eir reso$rces rom
)ol$nteers4 donations4 #$0lic $nds and ot"er so$rces4 and are mar6et
/"e% dis#la% inno)ations !"ile #ro)iding social ser)ices and #rod$ction o
goods as or instance4 rendering ser)ices to marginali5ed and )$lnera0le
sections4 em#o!erment o s$##ressed strata o societ%F
/"e% contri0$te to t"e creation o Mo0s and training o##ort$nities es#eciall%
or $nem#lo%ed %o$t"F
/"e% esta0lis"ed strong lin6ages !it" !ell deined local comm$nities and
stri)e or t"e $#litmentF
(n #rinci#le4 t"e% do not distri0$te #roitsF &o!e)er4 t"e% do not 0ecome
0lind )ictims o non distri0$ti)e constraints !"ile stri)ing to ac"ie)e clearl%
deined social goalsF /"e% gi)e e>$al re#resentations to sta6e"olders and
im#ortance to democratic management and control o organisationF
,ore inde#endent and dis#la% a$tonom% since t"e% de#end $#on #l$ralit%
o reso$rces4 and relate !it" t"e state t"ro$g" contracts as inde#endent
,ore sensiti)e to generate em#lo%ment o##ort$nities or disad)antage
sectionsN 0eca$se o t"ese reasons t"e% $s$all% dis#la% 6een interest in
colla0orations !it" or #roit 0$siness organisationsF
Alert to democratic o!ners"i#4 "ence ens$ring t"e in)ol)ement o mem0ers
in sel managementF
Us$all% small in si5e and com#letel% em0edded in local comm$nitiesF
(nterested in t"e creation o ne! ser)ices and !illing to inno)ate to meet
t"e social needsN and
2ot inclined to!ards ad)ocac%4 or consider ad)ocac% as a secondar%
/"e most signiicant inno)ation o contem#orar% non #roit organi5ation is t"e
creation o m$lti-sta6e"older orm o organi5ationF /"e administration are s"ared 0%
)ol$nteers4 !or6ers4 cons$mers and e)en re#resentati)es o #$0lic a$t"orities4
considering t"e dierent interests in)ol)ed in #rod$ction o goods and ser)icesF
&ence ci)il societ% organi5ations "a)e transormed not onl% in res#ect to t"eir goals
0$t also in terms o o#erational met"ods and management o organi5ationsF
State and Civil Society OraniEations
/"e rise o !elare state in :estern .$ro#e im#inged on t"e eJistence o ci)il societ%
organi5ationsF 'ince t"e late 1=4Ds state #olicies !ere generall% orm$lated aro$nd
t"e conce#t o $ni)ersal !elare o societ%F (t !as 0asicall% a s%stem in !"ic" state
a$t"orities #la%ed a maMor role in deli)ering o collecti)e goods and #$0lic ser)icesF
'ince t"e s%stems and instit$tions designed 0% state #la%ed a leading role in t"e
!elare o societ%4 t"e not or #roit organi5ation came $nder serio$s #ress$re to
c"ange t"eir 0asics or s$r)i)alF /"e im#ortance o ci)il societ% organi5ations
decreasedF /"e% increasingl% stared to concentrate t"eir acti)ities in ields "a)ing
decreasedF /"e% increasingl% started to concentrate t"eir acti)ities in ields "a)ing
decreasedF /"e% increasingl% started to concentrate t"eir acti)ities in ields "a)ing
least economic or distri0$ti)e im#licationsF A large n$m0ers o ci)il societ%
organi5ations c"anged t"eir c"aracter )is-a )is t"eir original nat$re since t"e% !ere
com#elled to eJists !it"in t"e #$0lic sectorF 'ome ci)il societ% organi5ations !ere
incor#orated in t"e !elare s%stemF /"e% ormall% and legall% remained #ri)ate
organi5ations 0$t !ere s$0Mect to administrati)e and 0$rea$cratic controls4 "ence
losing t"eir econom%F 1i)il societ% organi5ations !"ic" "ad not 0ecome a #art o
!elare s%stem !ere #re)ented rom engaging in #rod$cti)e acti)ities4 iFeF #rod$ction
and distri0$tion o #$0lic goods or ser)icesF &ence4 role o ci)il societ% organi5ations
!as red$ced and remained more or less ad)ocac% $nctionsF
Theoretical )pproaches to Civil Society OraniEations
/"e t"eoretical interest in ci)il societ% organi5ations is relati)el% recent #"enomenonF
/ill t"e end o 1=7Ds4 t"ere !ere "ardl% an% s%stemic st$dies on t"e dimensions o
non#roit sectorF /"e initial t"eoretical interest stemmed rom t"e reali5ation t"at non-
#roit "ad its o!n s#eciic d%namics and considera0le #resence in t"e #rocess o
#rod$ction o goods and ser)ices4 and generated em#lo%ment o##ort$nities in societ%F
'ince t"en attem#ts "a)e 0een made to anal%se sector in )ario$s societiesF
Economic )pproaches
/"e eJisting economic a##roac"es to non-#roit organisation can 0e 0roadl%
classiied in to t!o categories 0ased on t"e conce#ts o state ail$re and contact
State 6ailure
/"e conce#t o state ail$re as t"e 0asis or t"e emergence o non-#roit organisation
is considered in t"e t"eor% de)elo#ed 0% >eis2rod !"ic" is also 6no!n as #$0lic
goods t"eor%F /"e essential arg$ment o :eis0rod is t"at it is generall% not #ossi0l%
or t"e state to s$##l% all t"e #$0lic goods in res#onse to t"e demand in societ%F /"e
state !ill al!a%s ma6e inade>$ate #ro)isions as regarding t"e total >$alit% o goods
re>$ired in societ%F F$rt"er4 state s"all ne)er t"e means4 reso$rces and !"ere!it"al to
#rod$ce a di)erse range o >$alit% goods and ser)ices re>$ired to satis% t"e tastes4
#reerences and c"oices o indi)id$als in societ%F -asicall%4 state can #ro)ide too e!
#$0lic goods and an ins$icient range o t"em since t"e state is s$0Mect to )ario$s
social4 #olitical and economic constraints and limitationsF For instance4 t"e ca$se o
s"ortall is identiied in t"e #olitical eJ#edienc% o stateF (n order to sta% in oice4 a
go)ernment m$st satis% t"e demand or #$0lic goods and ser)ices o t"e median
)oterF /"e go)ernment !ill raise taJes to co)er t"e cost o #$0lic goods and ser)icesF
-$t t"ere !ill al!a%s 0e #eo#le in societ% !"o !ill 0e #a%ing more taJes or t"e
#rod$ction o #$0lic goods and ser)ices t"an t"e% act$all% !ant to meet t"eir needsF
On ot"er "and4 t"ere !ill 0e ot"ers or !"om t"ere are ins$icient >$alit% #$0lic
goods or ser)ices a)aila0le to s$it tastes4 #reerences or c"oicesF /"e o)erall scenario
!ill lead to t"e s"ortall in t"e s$##l% o #ri)ate goods rom go)ernmentF According
to :eis0rod4 t"e $nsatisied demand !ill e)o6e a res#onse in #ri)ate sector or t"e
#rod$ction o goods and ser)icesF (n t"e case o #$0lic goods and ser)ices4 it !ill 0e
non-#roit organisation !"ic" re#resents a mec"anism to satis% t"e resid$al demand
0% means o #ri)ate #rod$ction o #$0lic goods4 "ence t"e eJistence o non-#roit
organisations in democratic and ca#italist societiesF On t"e one "and4 t"ere !ill 0e
non-#roit organisations !"ic" ma% #rod$ce goods to satis% t"e demand o mem0ers
onl%F On t"e ot"er "and sociall% moti)ated non-#roit organisations ma% #rod$ce
goods or ser)ices to satis% t"e #artic$lar demands o disad)antage4 #oor or
marginalised section o societ%F
5arket 6ailure
&ansmann !as t"e irst to de)elo# a t"eor% !"ic" too6 into acco$nt t"e contact
ail$re dimensions o mar6etF &ansmann considered contact ail$re as t"e limitation
o cons$mers to ascertain t"e >$alit% o goods t"ro$g" ordinar% contract$al de)icesF
'ince cons$mers are generall% $na0le to monitor and assess t"e s$##l% o goods at
t"e desired le)el o >$alit%4 t"e #"enomenon re#resents a #artic$lar 6ind o mar6et
ail$reF 1ontract ail$re ta6es #lace !"en cons$mers "a)e no means to determine t"e
>$alit% or >$antit% o goods and ser)ices s$##lied to t"emF For instance4 t"e >$alit%
o ser)ices can not normall% 0e ascertained in t"e case o medical care4 n$rsing
"omes4 da% care centres or c"ildren and so onF (n s$c" sit$ations or #roit 0$siness
irms !ill attem#t to s$##l% lo! >$alit% or >$antit% ser)ices or goods or a gi)en
#rice4 "ence creating sco#e or a##ro#riating #roitsF 'ince non-#roit organisation
$nction on t"e $ndamental ass$m#tion t"at no #roits can 0e a##ro#riated 0%
mem0ers or #atrons4 c$stomers eel ass$red a0o$t t"e >$alit% or >$antit% o #rod$ctsF
2on-#roit organisations are not moti)ated 0% an% incenti)e in case o 0$siness irms
to decei)e t"e c$stomersF (n t"is regard4 non-#roit organisations are more
tr$st!ort"% t"an or #roit organisationsF 1ontract ail$re a##roac" "as a direct
0earing on commercial non-#roit organisations !"ic" generate t"eir reso$rces 0%
selling o goods or ser)ices to clientsF F$rt"er4 t"is a##roac" "as a distincti)e a##eal
or donati)es non-#roit organisations !"ic" are eJcl$si)el% de#endent $#on
#"ilant"ro#% and donationsF 2o! donations ma6e sense onl% i t"e donor is ass$red
o t"e act t"at $nds !ill 0e #ro#erl% $tili5ed or ac"ie)ing t"e #$r#ose en)isaged 0%
t"e donorF For instance4 i t"e or #roit organisation recei)es donations4 it !ill
nat$rall% 0e tem#ted to a##ro#riate it as #roitF On t"e ot"er "and4 non-#roit
organisation !ill 0e legall% 0o$nd to $tili5e all donations or t"e declared goals o t"e
organisationsF (n t"e case o #"ilant"ro#% and donations4 contract ail$re a##roac"
considers non-#roit organisations as a res#onse to t"e tr$st!ort"% relations"i#
0et!een #rinci#al and agent #rinci#al 0eing t"e donor and t"e agent 0eing t"e entit%
entr$sted to manage t"e $ndsF 1ontract ail$re a##roac" "as a direct 0earing on
commercial non#roits organi5ations !"ic" generate t"eir reso$rces 0% selling o
goods or ser)ice to clientsF F$rt"er4 t"is a##roac" "as a distincti)e a##eal or
donati)es non#roits organi5ations !"ic" are eJcl$si)el% de#endent $#on
#"ilant"ro#% and donationsF 2o! donations ma6e sense onl% i t"e donor is ass$red
o t"e act t"at $nds !ill 0e #ro#erl% $tili5ed or ac"ie)ing t"e #$r#ose or goal
en)isaged 0% t"e donorF For instance4 i t"e non #roit organi5ation recei)es donation4
it !ill nat$rall% 0e tem#ered to a##ro#riate it as #roitF On t"e ot"er "and4 non #roit
organi5ation !ill 0e legall% 0o$nd to $tili5e all donations or t"e declared goals o t"e
organi5ationF (n t"e case o #"ilant"ro#% and donations4 contract ail$re a##roac"
considers non#roits organi5ations as a res#onse to t"e tr$st!ort"% relations"i#
0et!een #rinci#al and agent 0eing t"e donor and agent 0eing t"e entit% entr$sted to
manage t"e $ndsF 2on#roits organi5ations can correct a t%#ical mar6et ail$re4
!"ic" res$lts rom t"e cons$mers< ina0ilit% to eJercise control o)er or #roit
0$siness irmsF 'ince non#roit organi5ations are managed and controlled 0%
mem0ers and #atrons4 t"e clients are ass$red o a s$icientl% "ig" >$alit% o goods or
ser)icesF &o!e)er4 in case !"ere t"e #riorit% is to minimi5e #rices #aid 0% clients4
non #roit organi5ations ac>$ire resem0lance to economic $nctions o coo#erati)esF
On t"e ot"er "and4 t"e maMor regarding maintenance o "ig" >$alit% o #rod$cts is
ac"ie)ed t"ro$g" t"e esta0lis"ment o m$t$al non#roit organi5ationsF
Socioloical )pproaches
'ociological a##roac"es 0% considera0le em#"asis on an indi)id$al<s a0ilit% to #lace
$ne>$i)ocal tr$st in t"e moti)ation and 0e"a)io$r o ot"er ello! indi)id$als in
societ%F (t is arg$ed t"at t"ere is al!a%s #re-rational and #re-eJisting tr$st !"ic" lies
at t"e root o all contractsF (ntrinsic to e)er% contract are a n$m0er o tacit arg$ments
!"ic" are generall% not concreti5ed or gi)en ormal s"a#e in ro$tine contract$al
descri#tionsF '$c" $nstated arg$ments are $s$all% ass$med4 $nderstood and ad"ered
to in contract$al transactions 0% indi)id$alsF &ence a sociological $nderstanding o
tr$st "as an essence o #res$med relia0ilit%4 !"ic" is entirel% dierent rom
rationalistic or ris6% conce#tions o tr$st in"erent in national-c"oice models4 o
economic a##roac"es to non #roit organi5ationF (n economic models t"e conce#tion
o rationalit% is merel% a s$0Mecti)e #ro0a0ilit% calc$lation in sit$ation o $ncertaint%F
/"e cons$mers sim#l% tr% to ma6e assessment !"et"er or not s$##liers !ill "ono$r
contract$al commitment and deli)er goods according to t"eir eJ#ectationsF According
to t"ese a$t"ors in sociological #ers#ecti)e4 t"is 6ind o instr$mental calc$lation is
misleading since it de)al$es tr$st to sim#l% an eJercise o ris6 assessment4 t"$s
missing t"e real im#ort o tr$stF (n s$##ort t"e% cite Ant"on% Giddens t"at $ltimatel%
all tr$st is in a certain sense 0lind tr$stF /"is sociological inter#retation "as
signiicant im#lications or t"e $nderstanding o tr$st and non #roit organi5ationsF
/"e e)al$ation o tr$st does not ta6e #lace t"ro$g" m$t$all% 0eneit interactions
medicated m% mar6et #laceF +at"er4 tr$st is seen as rooted in normati)e social
str$ct$reF /"is social distincti)eness rom t"e mar6et is t"e cr$cial dimension !"ic"
acilities t"e gro!t" o tr$stF (n act4 it is t"e a0sence o mar6et logic t"at #ermits t"e
real e)ol$tion and strengt"ening o tr$stF
/r$st is seen as a ta6en or granted ass$m#tion !"ic" determines social relations and
transactions among indi)id$alF /r$st and )ol$ntar% action are essential attri0$tes o
non#roit sector as interest and #roit see6ing are )ital or 0$siness organi5ationsF
According to economic t"eor%4 non#roit organi5ations $s$all% $nction in an
en)ironment inl$enced 0% eJtraneo$s considerations and inormation im0alancesF (n
s$c" a sit$ation4 #re-eJisting tr$st ma% gi)e #reerence to #artic$lar 6ind o #ro)iders
o goods and ser)icesF 1i)il societ% organi5ations t$rn o$t to 0e tr$st!ort"%
intermediaries a)ora0l% #osition 0et!een s$##l% and demandF For instance4 man%
ci)il societ% organi5ations are de#endent $#on religio$s #"ilant"ro#% and c"aritiesF
'$c" organi5ations "a)e an ad)antageo$s #osition to dra! on reso$rces o #re-
eJisting tr$st4 !"ic" is $s$all% not >$estioned in )ario$s transactionsF 'ince tr$st
0ecomes sim#le a ta6en or granted eJ#ectations and elimination t"e calc$lation o
ris6F *otential clients consider s$c" religio$s organi5ation as a #riori tr$st!ort"%F A
sim$ltaneo$s critical dimension associated !it" t"is 6ind o $ne>$i)ocal
tr$st!ort"iness is t"at s$c" ci)il societ% organi5ations are also "ig"l% ragileF /r$st
once )iolated cannot 0e easil% restoredF .)en modest )iolations ma% res$lt in ar-
reac"ing and $nimagina0le conse>$ences or s$c" ci)il societ% organi5ationsF
'ocial relations in traditional societies !ere not eJtensi)el% determined 0% tr$st4 0$t
rat"er !ere str$ct$ral in conidenceF 'ocial and economic relations !ere rooted in an
ela0orate s%stem o 6ins"i# str$ct$reF 'ocial and economic 0e"a)ior !as s$0Mected to
an eJtensi)e s%stem o ormal and inormal sanctionsF /"e s%stem #romoted and
enco$raged #redicta0ilit% !"ic"4 in t$rn4 s$0stantiall% red$ced de#endence $#on
tr$stF (t is lac6 o #redicta0ilit% and a0sence o amiliarit% in social and economic
relations !"ic" osters t"e en"anced signiicance4 rele)ance and need or tr$stF 'ocial
relations in modern societ% are more $n#redicta0le t"an in traditional societies since
t"ere is "ardl% an% s%stem o im#osing sanctions and an% common 0asis o amiliarit%
among indi)id$alsF &ence4 modern societ% relies more and more on instit$tional tr$st
and least de#endent $#on c"aracteristics 0ased tr$stF
Relationship 2et-een State and Civil Society
/"e ci)il societ% is ma6ing a s$0stantial contri0$tion to t"e #rocess o de)elo#ment
in man% co$ntries t"ro$g"o$t !orldF /"ere are a large n$m0er o actors !"ic"
inl$ence t"e im#act o ci)il societ% on de)elo#mentF /"e most signiicance
dimension !"ic" 0roadl% inl$ences most o t"ese actors is t"e relations"i# 0et!een
t"e state and ci)il societ%F /"e nat$re o relations"i# 0et!een ci)il societ% and state is
determined 0% actors s$c" as state #olicies and #racticesN state<s commitment to
de)elo#mentN #o)ert% eradicationN social o0Mecti)esN colla0oration 0et!een state and
ci)il societ%N and strengt" o ci)il societ%F -ot" state and mar6et "a)e 0een o$nd
im#erect in meeting t"e demands o societ%F 'tate ma% gi)e #riorit% to de)elo#ment
#rogrammes 0$t it generall% lac6s reso$rces or is conronted !it" inade>$ate
mec"anism or strategies or de)elo#mentF On t"e ot"er "and in t"e mar6et
mec"anism4 #ro)isions and reg$lations "ardl% gi)e #riorit% to )$lnera0le sections o
societ%F (t is ci)il societ% !"ic" is in !ell in 0et!een mar6et and state to address t"e
de)elo#ment needs o societ%F /"e ci)il societ% artic$late t"e needs o !ea6er
sections4 create de)elo#ment a)en$es in remote areas4 enco$rage c"anges in attit$de4
ig"t against discrimination4 address t"e en)ironmental concerns4 #ro)ide ser)ice to
"andica##ed and disa0led #ersons4 and $rnis" s$##ort to landless4 to mention someF
/"e #otential o ci)il societ% is !ell recognised since it enco$rages t"e state to #$rs$e
s$c" #riorities !"ic" are generall% neglectedF (t assists t"e state instit$tions to ac"ie)e
t"e o0Mecti)es o de)elo#mentF A si5ea0le ci)il societ% !"ic" interacts !it" state is
a0le to ac"ie)e an im#ortant m$lti#lier eect on its o!n de)elo#ment eorts and
#rogrammesF /"is 6ind o scaling $# o state de)elo#ment agenda $nder t"e
inl$ences o )ol$ntar% sector "as recei)ed #artic$lar attention in )ario$s st$diesF /"e
literat$re s$ggests t"at in addition to emerging as an alternati)e #ro)ider o !elare
ser)ices or contri0$tor to de)elo#ment4 t"e ci)il societ% can inl$ences mainstream
de)elo#ment agenda o state as ollo!sK
,oti)ating oicial aid agencies or state instit$tions to ado#t s$ccess$l
a##roac"es de)elo#ed !it"in t"e ci)il societ%F
'#reading a!areness and sensitising #eo#le a0o$t t"eir rig"ts and #ri)ileges
$nder state #rogrammesF
,o$lding state #rogramme to #eo#le<s need 0% acting as a medi$m o local
o#inions and eJ#eriencesF
.ntering into o#erational colla0orations4 #artners"i#s !it" stat$tor% 0odiesF
.Jercising inl$ences on local de)elo#ment #olicies and strategies o
national and international instit$tionalF
Facilitating state and donor agencies in t"e orm$lation and im#lementation
o eecti)e de)elo#ment strategiesF
The State and Potential o' Civil Society
/raditionall%4 t"e ci)il societ% sector de)oted attention mainl% to s$##l% side o
de)elo#ment #rocess as4 or instance4 deli)er% o ser)ices4 im#lementing
de)elo#ment #rogrammes4 #ro)iding assistance to stat$tor% 0odiesF 7atel%4 t"e ci)il
societ% sector "as started gi)ing serio$s attention to t"e demand side o de)elo#mentF
/"e ci)il societ% organisations are ena0ling comm$nities to artic$late t"eir
#reerences and concerns4 gi)ing )oice to t"e local #eo#le4 strengt"ening t"eir
0argain #osition4 im#arting tec"nical s6ills4 incl$ding inormation tec"nolog%4
net!or6ing and ad)ocac% s6ills4 t"$s em#o!ering #oor and disad)antage sections o
societ%4 )ol$ntar% organisations "a)e emerged as acti)e torc" 0earers o ci)il societ%F
.orts o )ol$ntar% sector at grassroots mo0ilisation "as increasingl% 0ro$g"t iss$es
o trans#arenc%4 acco$nta0ilit%4 reedom o eJ#ression and decision ma6ing to centre
stage in t"e de)elo#ment agenda o t"e stateF /"e s#eciic attri0$tes o ci)il societ%
organi5ations !"ic" en"ance its s$ita0ilit% to t"e de)elo#ment #rocess areK t"e s"ear
scale and si5e o t"e ci)il societ% sectorN ca#acit% to reac" #oor #eo#le in remote
areas4 inno)ati)e met"ods to ac"ie)e targets !"ic" are ot"er!ise diic$lt or
stat$tor% 0odiesN leJi0ilit%N a0ilit% o res#ond to local needs re#resentati)e o #oor
and )$lnera0le sections o societ%4 and enco$raging #artici#ator% a##roac"F 'ince t"e
role o )ol$ntar% sector is com#lementar% to de)elo#ment eorts o state4 it ma6es
t"e !"ole de)elo#ment #rocess more trans#arent acco$nta0le and #artici#ator% in
nat$reF /"e im#lications in relation to state are as ollo!K
-eca$se o t"e reac" and #otential o ci)il societ% organi5ations4 state
instit$tions gi)e #reerence to t"em !"ile addressing iss$es related to
indigeno$s #eo#le4 !omen4 ood insec$rit%4 c"ildren and old #ersons in
need and ot"er )$lnera0le gro$#sF
/"e ci)il societ% organi5ations "a)e a com#arati)e ad)antage o)er state
!"ile addressing en)ironmental iss$es in sociall% and #oliticall% sensiti)e
/"ro$g" #artici#ator% a##roac" and grassroots mo0ili5ation ci)il societ%
organi5ations t"ro!s $# eJ#erienced #ersons and com#eting #ers#ecti)es
or consideration in t"e state le)el de)elo#ment #lanningF
/"e retreat o t"e !elare state 0eca$se o mar6et reorms "as $rnis"ed
more o#erational s#ace or ci)il societ% in t"e #rocess o de)elo#mentF
6unctional Relationship 2et-een State and Civil Society OraniEations
( t"e commitment o state to de)elo#ment is !ee64 ci)il societ% organi5ations ind it
diic$lt to ma6e a meaning$l contri0$tion to t"e #rocess o de)elo#mentF F$rt"er4
re#ressi)e states generall% mistr$st t"e in)ol)ement o ci)il societ% organi5ations
!it" eJ#loited sections o societ%F (n sit$ations !"ere a state dis#la%s strong
commitment to t"e de)elo#ment o all sections o societ%4 t"e ci)il societ% sector
eecti)el% translates its #otential into strong colla0orati)e relations"i# !it" stateF /"e
#redominant trend is t"at more and more ci)il societ% organi5ations are 0$ilding
colla0orati)e relations"i#s and #artners"i# !it" stateF '$c" a relations"i# is
considered "ealt"% i it is 0ased on m$t$al tr$st and a$tonom% o ci)il societ%
organi5ationsF A certain degree o inancial a$tonom% o ci)il societ% sector is cr$cial
or maintain "ealt"% relations"i# !it" stateF 1onse>$entl%4 t"e state gets eJ#osed to
grassroots #ers#ecti)es4 concerns and eJ#eriences o de)elo#mentF 'tate res#onds 0%
in)ol)ing re#resentati)e o ci)il societ% sector in orm$lation o #olicies and
strategies o de)elo#mentF /"e 0asis o gen$ine colla0oration rests not on oering
com#eting alternati)es4 0$t rat"er on ma6ing com#limentar% contri0$tion to t"e
#rocess o de)elo#mentF ,istr$st and $ns"ared o0Mecti)es res$lt in tensions4 riction
and $ltimatel% an ad)erse relations"i# 0et!een state and ci)il societ%F 1ontrar% to
t"at i t"e relations"i# is )er% co5%4 t"e ci)il societ% organisations ace t"e ris6 o
0eing red$ced to t"e stat$s o s$0-contracting #artners in de)elo#mentF /"e ci)il
societ% sector tends to acce#t $ncriticall% state<s de)elo#ment agenda and is $s$all%
content to ill ga#s as desired 0% t"e instit$tions o t"e stateF /"e ci)il societ% sector
loses its ca#acit% to serio$sl% >$estion t"e de)elo#ment #aradigm o state4 and
$ltimatel% ails to inMect grassroots #ers#ecti)es in #olicies4 #lanning and
im#lementation o de)elo#ment #rogramme in societ%F /"e state can create a
cond$cti)e en)ironment or a "ealt"% relations"i# t"ro$g" ollo!ing #olic%
'ocial #olicies s"o$ld stri)e to 0$ild a "ealt"% ci)il societ%N
*$0lic acco$nta0ilit% o state instit$tionsN
/aJation #olicies4 #ro)iding incenti)es to ci)il societ% organisationsN
+eg$lation to "el# and acilitate o ci)il societ% organisationsN
.limination o corr$#tion4 restricti)e la!s and #roced$resN
'tate<s colla0oration !it" ci)il societ% organi5ations "a)ing a #ro)en trac6
recordF /"is !a% ci)il societ% organi5ation tr$e to t"eir agenda and
acco$nta0le to t"eir constit$enciesF
Oering a role to ci)il societ% organi5ations4 in)itation to t"eir leaders to
ser)e on oicial commission4 dissemination o inormation and so onN
'tate s"o$ld rame mec"anisms o coordination on t"e 0asis o m$t$al
res#ect and not dominate $nnecessar% t"e ci)il societ% sectorN
*ro)ision o state $nds on t"e 0asis o #erormance !it"o$t com#romising
t"e inde#endence and a$tonom% o t"e ci)il societ% sectorN
Assisting in t"e training o man#o!er re>$ired 0% ci)il societ%
O2stacles to State and Civil Society Relationship
/"e main actors !"ic" im#air t"e $nctional relations"i# 0et!een state and ci)il
societ% organi5ationsK
.n)ironment o #olitical mistr$st and ideological dierencesN
1i)il societ% organi5ation<s isolation and $n!illingness to dialog$e !it" stateN
Uno$nded s$s#icion o Mealo$s% o 0$rea$crac% o ci)il societ% organi5ation<s
access to reso$rcesN
Flo! o more $nds to s$ccess$l ci)il societ% organi5ations ma6es t"em laJ
leading to decline in #erormanceN
1i)il societ% organi5ation<s narro! target s#eciic oc$s is sometimes
contradictor% to state<s 0roader goal o o)erall de)elo#mentN
/"e $nso$nd claims o #erormance o )ol$ntar% organi5ationsN
'tate<s !ea6 commitment to de)elo#ment agenda )i5F (m#ro)ing ser)ices4
eradicating #o)ert% and ot"er #ro0lems reinorced 0% corr$#tion and ne#otism
are serio$s im#edimentsN
*olitical s$s#icion and s$0se>$entl% s$##ression o )ol$ntar% sectorN
'$s#icion o oreign donors recei)ed 0% ci)il societ% organi5ationsN
/endenc% o 0$rea$crac% to )ie! t"e ci)il societ% organi5ation as s$0ordinate
to t"em eJ#ect it to t$ne t"eir #rogrammes according to its !is"esF
/"e modern !elare state and ci)il societ% organi5ations toget"er are t"e most
6iure3 State8 market and civil society each has complementary role in
providin8 promotin and protectin the human security.
im#ortant contri0$tion to t"e !elare and de)elo#ment o a societ%F -ot" "a)e
distinct a##roac"es to de)elo#mentF /"e relations"i# 0et!een t"em is )er% com#leJF
/"e >$alit% o t"is relations"i# is #redominantl% determined 0% t"e nat$re and
c"aracter o modern state4 since it is t"e most #o!er$l and dominant #olitical
instit$tion !"ic" eJercises $ne>$i)ocal "egemon% o)er all t"e material and non-
material reso$rces o societ%F
1F -lat54 :illiam .rnestF &uman Security5 Some Reflections% 7ondonK
Uni)ersit% o 7ondon *ress4 1=67F
2F -$5an4 -arr%4 Ole :W)er4 and Eaa# de :ildeF Security5 A /ew 3ramewor7
for AnalysisF -o$lderK 7%nne +ienner4 1==8F
3F 1aroline /"omas and *eter :il6in (edsF)4 (1===) Glo0alisation4 &$man
'ec$rit% and t"e Arican .J#erienceFFF -o$lderK 7%nne +einner
4F 1"and"o6e4 2eera (1==5)4 'tate and 1i)il 'ociet%K .J#lorations in
*olitical /"eor%4 'age4 Del"iF
5F 1la%4 .d!ard4 and Ola) 'to66eF 3ood Aid and &uman Security% 7ondonK
Fran6 1ass *$0lis"ers4 2DDDF
6F 1la%ton4 Andre! (edF) (1==6)4 2GOs4 1i)il 'ociet% and t"e 'tateK
-$ilding Democrac% in /ransitional 'ocieties4 OJord Uni)ersit% *ress4
7F .lliott4 ,F 1arol%nm (ed) (2DD7)4 1i)il 'ociet% and Democrac% A +eader4
2e! Del"iK OJord Uni)ersit% *ressF
8F .)ans4 /on%4 and 1aroline /"omasF The #olitics of &uman Rihts5 A
,lo-al #erspective =&uman Security in the ,lo-al 6conomy>% *l$to *ress4
=F Gra"am4 Da)id /F4 and 2ana ;F *o6$4 edsF Miration, ,lo-ali<ation and
&uman SecurityF 7ondonK +o$tledge +esearc" in *o#$lation and
,igration4 2DDDF
1DF Eones4 +ic"ard :%nF Security, Stratey, and !ritical Theory% -o$lder4 1OK
7%nne +ienner4 1===F
11F ;a0iraM4 '$di#ta and ;"ilnani4 '$nil4 (2DD6)4 1i)il 'ociet% &istor% and
*ossi0ilit%, 2e! Del"iK 1am0ridge Uni)ersit% *ressF
12F ;a%4 1ristX0al4 edF ,lo-alisation, !ompetitiveness and &uman Security%
7ondonK Fran6 1ass and 1om#an% 7imited4 1==7F
13F ;ra$se4 ;eit"4 and ,ic"ael 1F :illiams4 edsF !ritical Security Studies5
!oncepts and !asesF 7ondonK U17 *ress4 1==7F
14F 7%nn-Eones4 'ean ,F4 and 'te)en .F ,iller4 edsF ,lo-al Daners5
!hanin Dimensions of International Security% 1am0ridge4 ,AK ,(/
*ress4 1==5F
15F ,ats$mae4 /ats$ro4 and 7incoln 1F 1"en4 edsF !ommon Security in Asia @
/ew !oncepts in &uman SecurityF /o6%oK /o6ai Uni)ersit% *ress4 1==5F
16F ,cgre!4 Ant"on% and *o6$4 2ana ;F (eds)4 (2DD7)4 Glo0ali5ation4
De)elo#ment and &$man 'ec$rit%4 *olit% *ress4 U;F
17F ,c+ae4 +o04 and Don &$0ert4 edsF &uman Security and the /ew
Diplomacy5 #rotectin #eople, #romotin #eaceF ,ontrealK ,cGill-
Y$een<s Uni)ersit% *ress4 2DD1F
18F 2e4 EorgeF &uman Security and Mutual Aulnera-ility% 2nd .dF 1anadaK
(nternational +esearc" De)elo#ment 1entre4 1===F
1=F Osler &am#son4 .en (2DD2)4 ,adness in t"e ,$ltit$deK &$man 'ec$rit%
and :orld Disorder4 OJord Uni)ersit% *ress4 7ondonF
2DF *asic4 AmirF !ulture, Identity, and Security5 An BverviewF 2e! 3or6K
+oc6eeller -rot"ers F$nd4 (ncF4 1==8F
21F *o6$4 2ana ;F4 and Da)id /F Gra"am4 edsF Redefinin Security5 #opulation
Movements and /ational Security% :est#ort4 1/K *raeger4 1==8F
22F +ag"a)an4 8F+F (ed)4 1i)il 'ociet% and &$man 'ec$rit%K 'o$t" and 'o$t"
.ast Asian .J#eriences4 ,acmillan4 2e! Del"i4 2DD=
23F +isse4 /"omas4 'te#"en 1F +o##4 and ;at"r%n 'i66in64 edsF The #ower of
&uman Rihts5 International /orms and Domestic !haneF 2e! 3or6K
1am0ridge Uni)ersit% *ress4 1===F
24F 'F 2eil ,acFralane and 3en Foong ;"ong4 (2DD6)4 &$man 'ec$rit% and
t"e U2K A 1ritical &istor%4 -loomingtonK (ndiana Uni)ersit% *ressF
25F /andon4 +aMes" and ,o"ant%4 +anMita (eds)4 Does 1i)il 'ociet% ,attersR
Go)ernance in 1ontem#orar% (ndia4 'age *$0lication4 2e! Del"i4 2DD3
26F /adM0a6"s"4 '"a"r0ano$ and 1"eno%4 An$rad"a ,F (2DD6)4 &$man
'ec$rit% 1once#ts and (m#lications, +o$tledgeF
27F 'tedman4 'te#"en Eo"nF International Actors and Internal !onflictsF 2e!
3or6K +oc6eeller -rot"ers F$nd4 (ncF4 1===F
28F 'toett4 *eterF &uman and ,lo-al Security5 An 6:ploration of TermsF
/orontoK Uni)ersit% o /oronto *ress4 1===F
2=F /e"ranian4 ,aMid4 edF ;orlds Apart5 &uman Security and ,lo-al
,overnanceF (n association !it" t"e /oda (nstit$te or Glo0al *eace and
*olic% +esearc"F 7ondonK (F-F /a$ris4 1===F
3DF /"a6$r4 +ames"4 and .d!ard 2e!man4 edsF /ew Millennium, /ew
#erspectives the Cnited /ations, Security, and ,overnance% U2U
,illenni$m 'eriesF /o6%oK United 2ations Uni)ersit% *ress4 2DDDF
31F /"omas4 1arolineF ,lo-al ,overnance, Development and &uman Security5
The !hallene of #overty and IneDualityF 7ondonK *l$to *ress4 2DDDF
1F A0ad4 ErF4 ,F1F G/"e 1"allenge o -alancing 'tate 'ec$rit% !it" &$man
'ec$rit%FH Indonesian Quarterly ZZ8((F4 (2DDD)K 4D3-41DF
2F Annan4 ;oiF G&$man 'ec$rit% and (nter)entionFH Aital Speeches of the
Day 66F1 (1===)F
3F Arias 'anc"e54 OscarF G&$man 'ec$rit%K O$r 1ommon +es#onsi0ilit%FH
Disarmament, A #eriodic Review 1=F3 (1==6)
4F AJ!ort"%4 7lo%dF 1anada and &$man 'ec$rit%K /"e 2eed or 7eaders"i#F
International Journal 52F2 (1==7)K 183-1=6F
5F -aM#ai4 ;antiF G&$man 'ec$rit%K 1once#t and ,eas$rementF /"e Eoan -F
;roc (nstit$te or (nternational *eace 't$dies4 Uni)ersit% o 2otre Dame4
Occasional *a#er S1= (A$g$st 2DDD)
6F -aM#ai4 ;antiF G/"e (dea o a &$man 'ec$rit% A$ditFH Report 1= (2DDD)K 1-
7F -ald!in4 Da)id AF (1==7)4 G/"e 1once#t o 'ec$rit%FH Review of
International Studies4 )olF 234 ##F 5-26F
8F -$tteda"l4 *a5F G8ie!#ointK /r$e ,eas$res o &$man 'ec$rit%FH IRD!
Reports 22F3 (Octo0er 1==4)K 1-5F
=F 1a#eling-Ala6iMa4 '"aronF G'"ared 8isionK :omen and Glo0al &$man
'ec$rit%FH Development 2 (1==4)K 44-48F
1DF G"ils4 *a$l4 (nternational 1i)il 'ociet%K (nternational 2on-go)ernmental
Organi5ation in t"e (nternational '%stem4 International Social Science
Journal, 8ol$me 444 2oF133 (A$g$st 1==2)4 ## 417-431
11F &aterdorn &F G/"e 'ec$rit% *$55leK /"eor%--$ilding and Disci#line-
-$ilding in (nternational 'ec$rit%FH International Studies Quarterly 35F1
(,arc" 1==1)K 3-17F
12F &am#son4 Fen Osler4 and Dean FF Oli)erF G*$l#it Di#lomac%K a 1ritical
Assessment o t"e AJ!ort"% DoctrineFH International Journal 7(((F3
(1==8)K 37=-4D6F
13F &a>4 ,a"0$0 $lF (1==4)4 G2e! (m#erati)es o &$man 'ec$rit%K -ar0ara
:ard 7ect$re4 1=72FH Development4 )olF 24 ##F 4D-43F
14F &a>4 ,a"0$0 $lF (1==4)4 2e! (m#erati)es o &$man 'ec$rit%4 +G(1'
*a#er 2oF 174 +aMi) Gand"i (nstit$te or 1ontem#orar% 't$diesF 2e!
Del"iK +aMi) Gand"i Fo$ndationF
15F &a>4 ,a"0$0 $l-F G&$man +ig"ts4 'ec$rit%4 and Go)ernanceFH #eace "
#olicy Journal of the Toda Institute for ,lo-al #eace and #olicy Research
3F2 (Fall9:inter 1==8)F
16F &a>4 ,a"0$0 $l-F G2e! (m#erati)es o &$man 'ec$rit%K -ar0ara :ard
7ect$re4 1=72FH Development 2 (1==4)K 4D-43F
17F &ein0ec6er4 *a$lF G&$man 'ec$rit%FH !anadian 3orein #olicy 7F1 (1===)K
18F &ein0ec6er4 *a$lF G&$man 'ec$rit%K /"e &ard .dgeFH !anadian Military
Journal 1F1 ('#ring 2DDD)F
1=F ;a$l4 (ngeF GG$est .ditorial V A 2e! .t"ic o Glo0al &$man 'ec$rit%FH
Development 3 (1==5)F
2DF ;a$l4 (ngeF G*eace 2eeds 2o :ea#onsK From ,ilitar% 'ec$rit% to &$man
'ec$rit%FH The 6cumenical Review 47F3 (1==5)F1D
21F ;"ong4 3$en FoongF G&$man 'ec$rit%K A '"otg$n A##roac" to Alle)iating
&$man ,iser%RH ,lo-al Go)ernance (2DD1)K Fort"comingF
22F ;ilgo$r4 Da)idF G/"e U2 and t"e 1"allenge o &$man 'ec$rit%FH Mc,ill
International Review 1F1 (:inter 2DDD)F
23F ;ing4 Gar%4 and 1"risto#"er ,$rra%F G+et"in6ing &$man 'ec$rit%FH
#olitical Science Quarterly (:inter 2DD2)K
24F ;irdar4 UnerF GA /rilog% o -asic &$man 1oncernsK &$man +ig"tsN
'$staina0le &$man De)elo#mentN &$man 'ec$rit%FH #erceptions, Journal
of International Affairs (((F4 (Decem0er 1==8 V Fe0r$ar% 1===)F
25F ;lare4 ,ic"aelF G+edeining 'ec$rit%K /"e 2e! Glo0al 'c"ismsFH !urrent
&istory =5F6D4 (1==6)K 353-358F
26F *ratt4 1ranordF G1om#eting +ationales or 1anadian De)elo#ment
AssistanceK +ed$cing Glo0al *o)ert%4 .n"ancing 1anadian *ros#erit% and
'ec$rit%4 or Ad)ancing Glo0al &$man 'ec$rit%FH International Journal
7(892 ('#ring 1===)K 3D6-323F
27F +ic"mond4 Oli)erF G&$man 'ec$rit%4 t"e O+$le o 7a!< and 2GOsK
*otentials and *ro0lems or &$manitarian (nter)entionFH &uman Rihts
Review 2F4 (2DD1)K
28F 'orenson4 GeorgeF G(ndi)id$al 'ec$rit% and 2ational 'ec$rit%K t"e 'tate
+emains t"e *rinci#al *ro0lemFH Security Dialoue 27F4 (1==6)F
2=F '$"r6e4 AstriF G&$man 'ec$rit% and t"e (nterests o 'tatesFH Security
Dialoue 3DF3 (1===)K 265-276F
3DF United 2ations De)elo#ment *rogramme (U2D*)F G+edeining 'ec$rit%K
/"e &$man DimensionFH !urrent &istory =4 (,a% 1==4)K 22=-236F
31F :atson4 Do$glasF GOn &$man 'ec$rit%FH !urrent &istory =5F6D4 (1==6)K
1F United 2ations De)elo#ment *rogrammeF &uman Development Report
$''' @ ,lo-alisation with a &uman 3aceF 2e! 3or69OJordK OJord
Uni)ersit% *ress4 1===F
2F United 2ations De)elo#ment *rogrammeF &uman Development Report
$''* @ /ew Dimensions of &uman SecurityF 2e! 3or6K OJord Uni)ersit%
*ress4 1==4F
3F United 2ations *anel on *eace O#erationsF Report of the #anel on Cnited
/ations #eace BperationsF A95593D5 V '92DDD98D=F 21 A$g$st 2DDDF
4F United 2ations De)elo#ment *rogramme (U2D*) (1==3)4 &uman
Development Report $''(4 *eo#le<s *artici#ation 2e! 3or6K OJord
Uni)ersit% *ressF
5F United 2ations De)elo#ment *rogramme (U2D*) (1==4)4 &uman
Development Report$''*, 2e! Dimension o &$man 'ec$rit%4 2e! 3or6K
OJord Uni)ersit% *ressF
6F United 2ations De)elo#ment *rogramme (U2D*) (2DDD)4 &uman
Development Report )+++, &$man +ig"ts and &$man De)elo#ment4 2e!
3or6K OJord Uni)ersit% *ressF
7F An"eier4 &elm$t4 ,arlies Glasi$s and ,ar% ;aldor (edsF) (2DD1)4 ,lo-al
!ivil Society )++$, 7'.4 7ondonF
8F &uman Security /ow4 +e#ort 0% t"e 1ommission on &$man 'ec$rit%4 2DD3
=F A more secure world4 +e#ort o t"e 'ecretar%-GeneralIs &ig" 7e)el *anel
on /"reats4 1"allenges and 1"ange4 2DD4
1DF In 2arer 3reedom4 +e#ort o t"e 'ecretar%-General4 2DD5
Chapter3 Three
Human Security
and Civil Society
in )'rica
11F &uman Security for All5 Interated Responses to #rotect and 6mpower
#eople and !ommunities4 O1&A &$man 'ec$rit% Unit4 2DD6
12F The &uman Security 3ramewor7 and /ational &uman Development
Reports4 +ic"ard Eoll%4 Dee#a%an -as$ +a%4 U2D* 2DD6F
Human Security and Civil Society in )'rica
1i)il societ% is a tr$l% international ideaF (ts roots can 0e o$nd in 0ot" t"e
li0eral and ,arJist traditions o .$ro#ean #olitical t"o$g"t4 or eJam#le in de
/oc>$e)illeIs em#"asis on t"e im#ortance o )ol$ntar% associations in #romoting
democratic citi5ens"i# and in GramsciIs em#"asis on t"e role o social instit$tions in
eit"er 0$ttressing or c"allenging state #o!erF /"e emergence o a democratic
o##osition to a$t"oritarian socialist #art%-states in 1entral and .astern .$ro#e
#ro)ided t"e im#et$s to t"e contem#orar% re)i)al o ci)il societ%F /"e decline o ci)ic
)al$es in t"e ad)anced ca#italist co$ntries and "as 0een most recentl% a##lied to
social mo)ements and #olitical transitions in +$ssia4 1"ina and co$ntries in AricaF
1ommon elements in t"e ci)il societ% disco$rse are a criti>$e o state domination o
#$0lic lie4 a #reerence or reorm o)er re)ol$tion4 and a strateg% or #olitical c"ange
0ased $#on negotiations and electionsF /"e conce#t o ci)il societ% oers an
o##ort$nit% to $nderstand4 and inl$ence4 t"e #rocess o democrati5ationF /"e conce#t
o ci)il societ% is $sed $nrelecti)el%F
The Nature o' Civil Society and its Relationships -ith the State
1i)il societ% is deined "ere as a s#"ere o social interaction 0et!een t"e "o$se"old
and t"e state !"ic" is maniest in norms o comm$nit% coo#eration4 str$ct$res o
)ol$ntar% association4 and net!or6s o #$0lic comm$nicationF One m$st
ac6no!ledge t"at ci)il societ%4 li6e t"e state and #olitical societ%4 is a t"eoretical
conce#t rat"er t"an an em#irical oneF (t is a s%nt"etic conce#t$al constr$ct t"at is not
necessaril% em0odied in a single4 identiia0le str$ct$reF
The norms o' civic community
/"e most im#ortant )al$es or t"e constr$ction o ci)il societ% are tr$st4 reci#rocit%4
tolerance4 and incl$sionF /r$st is a #rere>$isite or indi)id$als to associate
)ol$ntaril%N reci#rocit% is a reso$rce or red$cing t"e transaction costs o collecti)e
actionN #olitical tolerance ena0les t"e emergence o di)erse and #l$ral orms o
associationF /"ese )al$es are #romoted 0% citi5ens !"o acti)el% see6 to #artici#ate in
#$0lic aairsF /"e #resence o ci)ic norms can 0e meas$red 0% sam#le s$r)e%s and
#$0lic o#inion #olls and o0ser)ed in )oting4 Moining4 and )arieties o collecti)e
0e"a)io$rF /"ese norms o ci)ic comm$nit% are ta$g"t not onl% in t"e amil% 0$t also
0% ci)ic organi5ations s$c" as sc"ools4 c"$rc"es4 and comm$nit% gro$#sF
The structures o' associational li'e
(n order or ci)ic lie to 0ecome instit$tionali5ed4 it m$st 0e eJ#ressed in
organi5ational ormF /"e most common organi5ational str$ct$re in ci)il societ% is t"e
)ol$ntar% association4 a gro$#ing o citi5ens !"o come toget"er 0% reason o identit%
or interest to #$rs$e a common o0Mecti)eF /"ere are )ario$s t%#es o )ol$ntar%
associations ranging rom t"e locali5ed4 inormal4 and a#olitical on t"e one "and to
national4 legall%-registered4 #olic% ad)ocac% organi5ations on t"e ot"erF :"ile #olic%
ad)ocac% gro$#s ma% "a)e t"e largest and most direct im#act on national #olitical
lie4 t"e% do not eJ"a$st t"e rele)ant organi5ations in ci)il societ%F :"et"er or not
t"e% are eJ#licitl% oriented to ci)ic or #olitical $nctions4 all t%#es o )ol$ntar%
association "el# to #o#$late and #l$rali5e ci)il societ%F
The net-orks o' pu2lic communication
(n order to 0e #oliticall% acti)e4 citi5ens re>$ire means to comm$nicate !it" one
anot"er and to de0ate t"e t%#e o go)ernment t"e% desire or t"emsel)esF 1i)ic
disco$rse can ta6e #lace in )ario$s orms4 t"e most im#ortant o !"ic" are t"e #$0lic
comm$nications media4 0ot" #rint and electronicF 'tate or #ri)ate mono#olies o
media o!ners"i# and #$0lic o#inion are not cond$ci)e to ci)il societ%N ci)il societ% is
al!a%s stronger !"ere t"ere is a di)ersit% o media o$tlets and #olitical )ie!sF 2e!
tec"nologies o #ersonal comm$nication incl$ding cell$lar tele#"ones and aJ and
#"otoco#%ing mac"ines can strengt"en ci)il societ% 0% em#o!ering citi5ens to
comm$nicate inde#endentl% o state s$#er)isionF A "ealt"% ci)il societ% is a m$lti
stranded !e0 o crossc$tting c"annels o comm$nicationF
+o0ert *$tnam em#"asi5es t"at ci)ic comm$nit% is 0$ilt $#on norms and net!or6sK
norms o reci#rocit% t"ro$g" !"ic" social actors learn to tr$st one anot"er and
net!or6s o inter#ersonal comm$nication and eJc"angeF /oget"er4 s$c" norms and
net!or6s com#rise a stoc6 o social ca#ital !"ic" social actors can dra! $#on !"en
t"e% $nderta6e collecti)e actionF ,ic"ael :al5er arg$es t"at ci)il societ% 0reeds
comm$nal men and !omenFFFt"e #ict$re "ere is o #eo#le reel% associating and
comm$nicatingFFForming and reorming gro$#s o all sortsFFF or t"e sa6e o
socia0ilit% itselF (n "is )ie! t"e good lie can onl% 0e li)ed in ci)il societ% !"ere
citi5ens are g$ided 0% s$c" norms o ci)ilit% as social tr$st4 #olitical tolerance4 and
comm$nit% acti)ismF (n a similar )ein4 1o"en and Arato see ordinar% #eo#le as t"e
agents o modern ci)il societ%4 creating it t"ro$g" orms o sel-constit$tion and sel-
mo0ili5ationF 1i)il societ% is4 0% deinition4 #artici#ator%F (t comes into 0eing !"en
#eo#le constr$ct a s#"ere ot"er t"an and e)en o##osed to t"e state almost al!a%s
$ns%stematicall%4 some com0ination o net!or6s o legal #rotection4 )ol$ntar%
association4 and orms o inde#endent eJ#ressionF
Civil society lies 2eyond the household
:"ile acti)it% in ci)il societ% ma% 0e moti)ated 0% a >$est or #ri)ate ad)antage4 it is
not #ri)ate in t"e sense o 0eing conined to t"e domestic arenaF (nstead4 it is
decidedl% #$0lic in t!o sensesK it is collecti)e action in !"ic" indi)id$als Moin to
#$rs$e s"ared goals4 and it ta6es #lace in t"e instit$tional commons t"at lie 0e%ond
t"e 0o$ndaries o t"e "o$se"oldF (n e)er% #olit%4 #eo#le s"are identities and interests
t"at are inade>$atel% eJ#ressed 0% amil% or state instit$tionsF 1i)il societ% itsel is a
#$0lic ormation !"ose #$r#ose is to manage matters o common concern !it"o$t
resort to state inter)entionF
1i)il societ% is t"e cr$ci0le o citi5ens"i# in !"ic" indi)id$als "a)e t"e o##ort$nit%
to !ean t"emsel)es rom de#endence on eit"er amil% or stateF As citi5ens4 #eo#le
deine comm$nit% needs4 assert claims o #olitical rig"ts4 and acce#t #olitical
o0ligationsF /"e% do so #rimaril% 0% cl$stering toget"er in organi5ed gro$#s o li6e-
minded indi)id$als in order to o0tain common o0Mecti)esF
Civil Society Stands apart 'rom the State
/"e state as t"e realm o t"e #olitics o orce 0% !"ic" go)erning elites eJert t"eir
domination o)er societ%F -% contrast4 ci)il societ% is t"e realm o consent t"ro$g"
!"ic" citi5ens ma% c"oose to acce#tor to reMect t"e $se o orce 0% state oicialsF
:"en citi5ens consent4 t"e% #erorm a "egemonic role4 "el#ing to re#rod$ce t"e
#re)ailing social orderF :it"in t"e state4 #olitical action is moti)ated 0% means o
command 0ac6ed4 im#licitl% or eJ#licitl%4 0% t"e sanction o )iolenceF (n contrast4
social initiati)es are )ol$ntar% !it"in ci)il societ%4 eit"er 0eca$se actors #ercei)e a
material ad)antage or 0eca$se t"e% are moti)ated 0% commitment to an et"ical or
#olitical )al$eF :"ile t"e state ma% #ossess a legitimate claim to t"e mono#ol% o
)iolence4 it cannot claim eJcl$si)e dominion o)er economic or et"ical lieF 3et
economic interest and moral )al$es are 6e% #oles aro$nd !"ic" #olitical acti)it%
reg$larl% cl$stersF
1i)il societ% is disting$is"a0le not onl% rom t"e amil% and t"e state 0$t also rom
t"e realm o social action 6no!n as #olitical societ%F :"ereas t"e ci)il societ%
contains instit$tions li6e neig"0o$r"ood associations4 #roessional 0odies4 and
organi5ed religions4 #olitical societ% reers to #olitical #arties4 elections and
legislat$resF '#eciicall%4 #olitical societ% reers to t"e instit$tions t"ro$g" !"ic"
social actors see6 to !in and eJercise state #o!erF /"e instit$tions o #olitical societ%
!"ic" are located in societ% and not in t"e state s#eciali5e in #artisan #olitical
contestation and in t"e constr$ction o go)erning coalitionsF :"ile actors in ci)il
societ% learn t"e #$0lic arts o associating toget"er and eJ#ressing collecti)e
interests4 t"e% almost al!a%s see6 a$tonom% rom t"e stateF /"e eJ#ression o ci)ic
interests does not eJtend to eorts to gain and eJercise control o)er state #o!erF
1i)il societ% is an arena or t"e eJ#ression o economic interestN it is not al!a%s
cotermino$s !it" t"e mar6et econom%F /"e mar6et econom% tends to atomi5e societ%
0% treating #eo#le as indi)id$al cons$mers rat"er t"an as mem0ers o solitar% gro$#sF
/"e o#erations o t"e mar6et also tend to #romote ine>$alit% 0et!een ric" and #oor
and t"ere0% to $ndermine t"e "ori5ontal lin6ages among #olitical e>$als t"at are t"e
0asis o )ol$ntar% associationF (n its most eJtreme maniestations4 t"e mar6et#lace
ma% e)en allo! t"e emergence o economic mono#olies t"at s%stematicall%
$ndermine #l$ralism and com#etition in societ%F /"$s mar6et econom% and ci)il
societ% are com#lementar% onl% to t"e eJtent t"at 0ot" sim$ltaneo$sl% #romote
incl$sionar% orms o com#etitionF Under t"ese circ$mstances4 ci)il societ% is t"e
#olitical maniestation o economic interest4 or eJam#le ta6ing t"e orms o
c"am0ers o commerce and ind$str% or o organi5ed la0o$r $nionsF
/"e ci)il societies are "eterogeneo$s entities4 com#osed o di)erse elements4
relecting t"e #olitical clea)ages and conlicts o t"e !ider societies in !"ic" t"e% are
locatedF /"e incidence o social conlict in t"e orms o #olitical o##osition and
economic com#etition can 0e eJ#ected to rise as long-standing #olitical mono#olies
are dissol)ed and re#laced 0% a #let"ora o a$t"entic organi5ations 0ased in societ%F
(n dee#l% di)ided societies4 t"e emergence ci)il societ% is li6el% to 0e accom#anied
0% an intensiication o et"nic identit%F
(n #atriarc"al societies4 !omen !"o organi5e on gender lines can eJ#ect to enco$nter
an alternating #rocess o #rogress and 0ac6las"F (n ind$striali5ing societies4 t"e
middle classes are li6el% to 0e t"e #rotagonists o ci)il societ%K on one "and t"e%
artic$late $ni)ersal )al$es and 0$ild 0road4 m$lticlass #olitical coalitionsN on t"e
ot"er "and4 t"e emergence o a 0o$rgeoisie #rom#ts ne! orms o resistance rom
!or6ing #eo#le4 !omen4 and t"e dis#ossessedF (n time4 "o!e)er4 0% allo!ing s#ace
or #artic$lar interests to )ent t"eir as#irations4 ci)il societ% "olds o$t t"e "o#e o
red$cing t"e sta6es o #olitical conlict and e)ent$all% domesticating nationalismF
.)ent$all%4 in t"e 0est o all #ossi0le circ$mstances4 t"e #ractice o #olitical
toleration can lead to an aggregation o #olitical organi5ations and an emerging
consens$s on #olitical )al$esF
/"e state is not going to !it"er a!a%F /"ere are man% 0asic de)elo#mental $nctions
!"ic" m$st 0e #erormed or !"ic" t"e state is $ni>$el% e>$i##ed4 not least t"e
g$ardians"i# o territorial 0o$ndaries and social orderF For t"is reason4 a strong ci)il
societ% is li6el% to 0e associated not onl% !it" a com#etiti)e mar6et econom% 0$t
also !it" an eecti)e and ca#a0le stateF Associational lie !ill 0e st$nted in a conteJt
o #olitical )iolence4 in t"e a0sence o t"e r$le o la!4 or !"ere essential ser)ices are
intermittentF 2et!or6s o #$0lic comm$nication cannot de)elo# $ll% $nless t"e state
esta0lis"es and enorces g$arantees o reedom o s#eec"F (n s"ort4 ci)il societ% needs
an ena0ling en)ironment o legal rig"ts and inrastr$ct$ral s$##ortsF (t cannot o#erate
!"ere #$0lic order or t"e state is colla#sing or o#erating !ell 0elo! ca#acit%F (n s$m4
t"ere is no #ossi0ilit% o c"oosing4 li6e t"e old anarc"ists4 ci)il societ% aloneF (nstead4
ci)il societ% is instit$tionali5ed and generali5ed t"ro$g" la!s es#eciall% s$0Mecti)e
The Civil Society in )'rica
Arican societies seem to #ossess e! intermediar% organi5ations t"at
occ$#% t"e #olitical s#ace 0et!een "o$se"old and stateF 3et4 on closer eJamination4
one can discern c$lt$ral and religio$s instit$tions t"at eJ#ress collecti)e identities
s$c" as clan4 age-set4 and 0rot"er"ood to !"ic" r$ral ol6 contin$e to grant
allegianceF (n addition4 Aricans constr$cted res" orms o )ol$ntar% association in
res#onse to t"e disr$#ti)e eects o $r0ani5ation and t"e mar6et econom% d$ring t"e
colonial #eriodF 'ometimes t"ese !ere $#dated eJ#ressions o long standing inormal
solidarities li6e et"nic !elare associations4 #ro#"etic mo)ements4 and agric$lt$ral
!or6 #artiesN in ot"er cases t"e% ga)e eJ#ression to ne! occ$#ational and class
identities #easant mo)ements4 la0o$r $nions4 teac"ersI associationsF /"ese
associations 0ecame eJ#licitl% #olitical4 irst 0% #rotesting t"e indignities o colonial
r$le and4 later4 0% orming t"e 0$ilding 0loc6s o nationalist #olitical #artiesF Ater
inde#endence4 Arican r$ling elites ga)e to# #riorit% to state so)ereignt% and national
sec$rit% and so$g"t to 0ring a0o$t de#artici#ationF Alt"o$g" t"e% in)ested "ea)il% in
t"e constr$ction o one-#art% and militar% regimes4 elites !ere not al!a%s s$ccess$l
at disco$raging a$tonomo$s organi5ations rom ta6ing root in ci)il societ%F 'ome
leaders ni##ed t"em in t"e 0$d 0% incor#orating t"em $nder t"e !ing o go)erning
#artiesN ot"ers 0anned t"em entirel%F -$t4 in man% #laces4 )ol$ntar% associations
#ro)ed too strong to 0e s$0ordinated and s$r)i)ed as an alternati)e instit$tional
rame!or6 to oicialdomF
Associational lie too6 dierent orms in dierent co$ntriesK 1"ristian c"$rc"es in
;en%a and -$r$ndi4 (slamic 0rot"er"oods in 'enegal and '$dan4 la!%ers and
Mo$rnalists associations in G"ana and 2igeria4 armer organi5ations in Cim0a0!e and
;en%a4 and mine!or6ers $nions in Cam0ia and 'o$t" AricaF -$t e)er%!"ere t"ose
inde#endent associations s$r)i)ed t"e% #ro)ided ordinar% Aricans !it" an o$tlet or
t"e $rge to com0ine in #$rs$it o s"ared goalsF
/"e #oor #erormance o #lanned economies in Arica ga)e an added im#et$s to
a$tonomo$s acti)it% 0e%ond t"e #$r)ie! o t"e stateF As a means o e)ading t"e costs
and ineiciencies o economic reg$lation4 #rod$cers and traders c"ose increasingl% to
#artici#ate directl% in t"at #art o t"e econom% )ario$sl% reerred to as t"e second4
#arallel4 inormal4 $ndergro$nd4 0lac6 or irreg$lar econom%F (n sco#e and ormalit%4
trading net!or6s ranged rom ad "oc )illage mar6ets to organi5ed sm$ggling rings
s#anning international rontiersF -% 1=8D4 t"e si5e o t"e second econom% in se)eral
Arican co$ntries !as estimated to a##roac"4 i not eJceed4 t"e si5e o t"e oicial
gross domestic #rod$ctF
/"e act t"at Arican citi5ens a$tonomo$sl% $ndertoo6 a !ide gam$t o organi5ed
economic acti)it% "ad #roo$nd #olitical im#licationsF As trade s"ited to illegal or
inormal net!or6s4 taJes 0ecame diic$lt to collect and #$0lic re)en$es diminis"ed4
es#eciall% in )al$a0le oreign eJc"ange4 t"ere0% eJacer0ating t"e iscal crisis o t"e
stateF Financiall% de#ri)ed go)ernments "ad little o#tion 0$t to loosen restrictions on
a$tonomo$s net!or6s and organi5ations 0% #ermitting t"em to #erorm some o t"e
$nctions #re)io$sl% mono#oli5ed 0% go)ernmentF -% t"e end o t"e 1=8Ds4
inde#endent associations and alternati)e economic net!or6s toget"er #ro)ided a
recr$iting gro$nd or a #o#$lar $#s$rge against #ost-colonial a$tocrac%F
1i)ic actors in Arica deri)ed ne! o$nd energ% rom t"e climate o #olitical
li0erali5ation in t"e 1==DsF (n res#onse to #o#$lar #rotest and donor #ress$re4 Arican
#olitical leaders created #olitical o#enings or eJam#le4 0% releasing #olitical
#risoners and a0andoning one #art% constit$tion t"at im#ro)ed t"e legal en)ironment
or ree eJ#ression and associationF /"ere is considera0le e)idence t"at #re)io$sl%
closed #olitical s#ace !as occ$#ied 0% gen$ine maniestations o ci)il societ%4
namel% 0% str$ct$res o associations4 net!or6s o comm$nication4 and norms o ci)ic
AricaIs greatest original contri0$tion to ci)il societ% is t"e national conerence4 a
orm o #olitical association t"at "as 0een con)ened in more t"an "al a do5en
ranco#"one statesF A national conerence is an assem0l% o national elites4 0et!een
se)eral "$ndred and se)eral t"o$sand strong4 !"ic" incl$des re#resentati)es o all
maMor segments o societ% and is oten c"aired 0% a c"$rc" leaderF /"e conerence
meets to address a co$ntr%Is #olitical crisis and to attem#t to orm$late constit$tional
r$les or #olitical transitionF A critical #oint comes !"en t"e conerees demand
so)ereignt% to re)ise t"e constit$tion or4 as in -enin and 1ongo4 to cond$ct a #$0lic
im#eac"ment in !"ic" t"e sitting #resident is acc$sed o corr$#t #ractices and
stri##ed o eJec$ti)e #o!ersF
/"e international s#read o ne! comm$nications tec"nologies4 nota0l% aJ mac"ines
and satellite /84 "as "el#ed #romote #$0lic #olitical disco$rseF A$t"oritarian
go)ernments ind diic$lt% in controlling t"ese decentrali5ed tec"nologies and in
#re)enting t"e dissemination o international ne!s4 inormation4 and #olitical )al$es
!it"in t"eir 0ordersF .s#eciall% in )olatile $r0an areas4 Arican citi5ens o0tain
inormation rom 1a0le 2e!s 2et!or64 +adio France (nternational4 and t"e -ritis"
-roadcasting 1or#oration4 so$rces !"ic" t"e% sa% t"e% tr$st more t"an go)ernment-
o!ned media o$tletsF /"e ledgling o##osition mo)ement in ,ala!i "as 0een
organi5ed #artl% t"ro$g" aJ messages rom eJiled leaders in Cam0iaF And4 in :est
Arica4 t"e #roceedings o t"e national conerence in -enin !ere 0roadcast into
neig"0o$ring /ogo and 2iger4 #er"a#s em0oldening #ro-democrac% orces t"ereF
.)idence or t"e emergence o a consens$s aro$nd norms o democratic #roced$re
and good go)ernance is less tangi0le and more diic$lt to locateF One can #oint to
t"e emergence o #$0lic de0ate a0o$t "$man rig"ts4 a s$0Mect t"at !as almost
noneJistent a decade ago 0$t !"ic" Aricans no! eel com#elled to tal6 a0o$tF Anti-
corr$#tion is anot"er eecti)e message or #olitical mo0ili5ation4 more eecti)e
#ro0a0l% t"an a##eals to m$lti#art% democrac%F And4 !"ere ree and air elections
"a)e 0een cond$cted4 inc$m0ent leaders "a)e $s$all% 0een o$sted4 $s$all% 0% a clear
maMorit% )oteF
2e)ert"eless4 )oter t$rno$t in transition elections "as oten 0een remar6a0l% lo!4
s$ggesting t"at citi5ens "ar0o$r dee# le)els o distr$st to!ards #olitics and
#oliticiansF ,oreo)er4 t"e a$tonomo$s s#ace 0e%ond t"e state "as its dar6 sideK !"ile
Linormal economies #ro)ide a criticall% im#ortant so$rce o economic s$r)i)alFFFt"e%
are also #art o $ni)erse in !"ere t"et and )iolence are common c$rrenc%F &ere4 too4
maniestations o s#irit$al #o!er4 li6e religion4 !itc"crat4 and magic4 can $nderc$t
eorts to 0$ild reci#rocal relations"i#s 0$ilt on an $nderl%ing normati)e consens$sF
On t"e 0asis o a)aila0le e)idence4 a #rima acie case can 0e made t"at instit$tions o
ci)il societ% eJist in some Arican co$ntriesF On t"e #ositi)e side4 t"ere are elements
o #olitical c$lt$re in Arican co$ntries t"at are cond$ci)e to 0$ilding strong ci)ic
instit$tionsF -eca$se man% Aricans still dra! t"eir identities rom collecti)e social
$nits li6e amil%4 clan and et"nic gro$#4 t"ere is a irm 0asis o gro$# solidarit% $#on
!"ic" to constr$ct #rimar% associationsF /"e eJ#ansion o associational lie in
Arican co$ntries "as also c$t across class lines4 0eing e>$all% i not more #re)alent
among economicall% marginal gro$#s as among emergent middle classesF
*oliticall% mo0ili5ed gro$#s s"are a !ides#read #erce#tion t"at inc$m0ent leaders
"a)e neglected t"eir #olitical o0ligations to #ro)ide or t"e !elare o t"eir ollo!ersF
/"is #erce#tion "as $eled a res$rgence o demands or #olitical acco$nta0ilit% !"ic"
is "el#$l in t"e constr$ction4 not M$st o ci)il societ%4 0$t also o democrac%F And4
"o!e)er tentati)el%4 organi5ed gro$#s "a)e 0eg$n to #roMect t"eir #reerences into t"e
#olic% #rocessF /"e 0est eJam#les can 0e o$nd in la0o$r $nion re#resentations o)er
state reg$lation o collecti)e 0argaining and armer $nion re#resentations o)er land
reorm and agric$lt$ral #ricingF
On t"e ot"er "and4 ot"er as#ects o t"e economic and c$lt$ral en)ironments o
Arican co$ntries a##ear to 0e inertile gro$nd or n$rt$ring ci)il societ%F As is !ell
6no!n4 most Arican co$ntries are 0ecalmed in a long-term economic crisis
c"aracteri5ed 0% s"rin6ing o$t#$t #er ca#ita4 escalating inde0tedness4 and alling
li)ing standardsF *eo#le !"o are #reocc$#ied !it" meeting dail% needs o economic
s$r)i)al and amil% !elare "a)e neit"er t"e time nor inclination to de)ote
t"emsel)es to ci)ic and comm$nit% aairsF 2or are inanciall% stra##ed go)ernments
a0le to s$stain t"e in)estments in ed$cation and ad$lt literac% necessar% to c$lti)ate a
!e0 o #$0lic comm$nication among !ell-inormed citi5ensF 'ocieties ri)e 0% !ide
and gro!ing ga#s 0et!een ric" and #oor are str$ct$rall% ill-s$ited to t"e c$lti)ation
o norms o reci#rocit% and #artici#ation on !"ic" ci)il societ% is 0asedF (ndeed4 t"e
glo0al association 0et!een sta0le democrac% and ad)anced ind$strial econom%
s$ggests t"at democratic instit$tions are diic$lt to constr$ct $nder conditions o
mass economic #ri)ation and great social ine>$alitiesF
+electing t"e #o)ert% o t"eir clienteles4 ci)ic organi5ations in Arica s$er gross
s"ortages o material reso$rcesK t"e% o!n e! organi5ational assets4 o#erate !it" tin%
0$dgets4 and are al!a%s $nderstaedF Fe! #recedents eJist or mo0ili5ing inancial
contri0$tions t"ro$g" cor#orate s#onsors"i#4 $ser ees4 or t"e #a%ment o d$esF
(nstead4 ci)ic organi5ations "a)e $s$all% t$rned to oreign donors to co)er t"e costs
o not onl% ca#ital #roMects 0$t also core o#erating eJ#ensesF O)er-de#endence on
oreign $nding "as se)eral #at"ological conse>$ences or t"e de)elo#ment o
)ol$ntar% organi5ations and4 "ence4 or ci)il societ%F
For eJam#le4 t"e direction o acco$nta0ilit% is re)ersed !it"in t"e organi5ation4 !it"
leaders re#orting to donors rat"er t"an to mem0ers or clientsF ,oreo)er4 reliance on
$nds rom a0road can 0e a #olitical lia0ilit%4 red$cing t"e credi0ilit% o claims 0%
associations to 0e a$t"entic ad)ocates or domestic #olitical constit$encies and
ena0ling "ost go)ernments to dismiss t"em as agents o oreign interestsF
-e%ond economic constraints4 a second consideration is c$lt$reF Arican co$ntries
also #ossess #olitical c$lt$res em0edded $nder a$t"oritarian regimes in t"e #re
colonial4 colonial and #ost-colonial #eriodsF At t"e ris6 o o)ersim#liication4 t"ese
c$lt$res can 0e descri0ed as neo#atrimonialF 2eo#atrimonialism originates in t"e
Arican eJtended amil%4 !it" t"e dominance o older males and strong inter#ersonal
tiesF (t "as 0een rein)ented in t"e orm o t"e 0ig men and #ersonal #olitical
relations"i#s t"at #er)ade #ost-colonial Arican #olitical instit$tions4 incl$ding
go)ernment 0$rea$craciesF At t"e elite le)el4 neo #atrimonialism is maniest in t"e
o)er centrali5ation o #o!er ar0itrar% decision ma6ing and t"e $se o #$0lic
reso$rces or #ersonal ad)ancementF At t"e mass le)el4 neo #atrimonial c$lt$re
re)eals itsel in o0eisance and deerence to #olitical s$#eriors4 in conormit% in gro$#
0e"a)io$r and in economic de#endence $#on !ealt"% indi)id$alsF
As m$c" as contesting t"is illi0eral #olitical c$lt$re4 ci)ic organi5ations in Arica
tend to em0od% and to re#rod$ce itF /"e% are $s$all% led 0% #ersonalit% leaders !"o
$se t"e distri0$tion o material re!ards and ind$cements to 0$ild s$##ort aro$nd an
et"nic4 ling$istic4 or regional coreF Once t"e% "a)e sec$red oice4 s$c" leaders
t%#icall% resort to ar0itrar% decision-ma6ing and resist initiati)es or democratic
control or leaders"i# t$rno)er !it"in t"e organi5ationF /o t"e eJtent t"at s$c" leaders
enco$rage #olitical lin6ages among ollo!ers4 t"e% #romote L)erticalL relations"i#s
0et!een #atron and s$0ordinates rat"er t"an L"ori5ontalL relations"i#s among
#olitical e>$alsF 2eedless to sa%4 it is t"e latter sort o association t"at is most
cond$ci)e to ci)ic comm$nit%F /"is is not to sa% t"at t"e am0itions o #atrons al!a%s
go $nc"allengedF /"e mem0ers o )ol$ntar% associations "a)e sometimes 0een a0le
to eMect corr$#t or $nres#onsi)e leaders or to 0rea6 a!a% to orm s#linter
organi5ationsF &o!e)er4 t"e esta0lis"ment o internal democrac% !it"in ci)ic
organi5ations is an im#ortant #rere>$isite to t"eir eecti)eness as a orce or #olitical
acco$nta0ilit% in relation to t"e stateF
1i)il societ% man$act$res #olitical consentN it is t"e so$rce o t"e legitimation o
state #o!erF /"e rig"t o an% elite to eJercise state #o!er is $ltimatel% de#endent
$#on #o#$lar acce#tanceF /"is consens$s is man$act$red 0% t"e instit$tions o ci)il
societ%F (n t"is !a%4 ci)il societ% ser)es t"e L"egemonicL $nction o M$sti%ing state
dominationF For as long as ci)ic actors grant consent4 ci)il societ% eJists in a
com#lementar% relations"i# to t"e stateF O)er time4 "o!e)er4 citi5ens ma% come to
#ercei)e t"at r$ling elites are a0$sing t"e #o!er granted t"emF A e! 0ra)e
indi)id$als ma% la$nc" an o##ositional criti>$e !"ic"4 !"en circ$mstances #ermit4 is
ta6en $# and #o#$lari5ed in inormal social mo)ements and #er"a#s e)ent$all% 0%
leaders o esta0lis"ed instit$tionsF /"is disco$rse can )ar% in de#t" o o##ositionN it
ma% critici5e t"e oi0les o #artic$lar inc$m0ents4 im#licate t"e regime o go)ernance
t"at s$c" leaders re#resent4 or e)en >$estion t"e str$ct$re o state #o!erF -$t4 in all
cases4 t"e $nctions o domination and "egemon% 0ecome se#arated and co$nter
#osedF O##osition ideas gain "egemon% o)er societ% t"e stateIs domination o)er t"e
econom% and4 e)en more4 t"e #olice and t"e arm% remain intactF
/"e legitimac% o a #olitical leaders claim to eJercise state #o!er t"$s deri)es rom
ci)il societ%F *$t anot"er !a%4 res#onsi)e and eecti)e go)ernment can onl% 0e 0$ilt
on a o$ndation o ci)ic comm$nit%F (n t"is essential o0ser)ation lies !"at *$tnam
calls t"e seeds or a t"eor% o democratic go)ernanceF :al5er conc$rsK t"e >$alit% o
o$r #olitical and economic acti)it% and o$r national c$lt$re is intimatel% connected to
t"e strengt" and )italit% o associations named 1o"en and Arato ad)ise t"at #olitical
leaders !o$ld do !ell4 i t"e% )al$e t"eir long-term legitimac%4 to #romote
democratic instit$tion-0$ilding in ci)il societ%4 e)en i t"is seems to increase t"e
n$m0er o social demands on t"emF/"e roles t"at ci)il societ% #la%s )ar% according
to t"e stage o t"e #olitical transition #rocessF
(t is no! c$stomar% to disting$is" at least o$r stages o regime c"angeK #re-
transition4 li0erali5ation4 transition4 and consolidation 4Sorenson8 !00$C OHDonnell
and Schmitter8 !0.(9.
*re-transition descri0es t"e #eriod in !"ic" t"e a$t"oritarian regime "as consolidated
its r$le and aces no signiicant #olitical c"allengeF A$t"oritarian go)ernments
ro$tinel% emasc$late #olitical societ% 0% 0anning #olitical #arties and controlling
electionsF (n res#onse4 #olitical nonconormists4 !"o can no longer o#erate o#enl%4
ta6e re$ge in t"e occ$#ational associations and religio$s and ed$cational
organi5ations o ci)il societ%F Free #olitical disco$rse ma% s$r)i)e !it"in t"ese ci)ic
instit$tions d$ring t"e #re-transition #eriod4 0$t it in)aria0l% ass$mes $ndergro$nd or
disg$ised ormsF Artists4 intellect$als4 or religio$s leaders 0ecome t"e sole #$r)e%ors
o #olitical criticism4 !"ic" is $s$all% cloa6ed in #arod%4 Margon4 or allegor%F :"ile
street demonstrations ma% occ$r reg$larl%4 #rotesters $s$all% oc$s on economic
rat"er t"an eJ#licitl% #olitical iss$esF
*olitical li0erali5ation occ$rs !"en a r$ling elite grant #re)io$sl% denied ci)il and
#olitical rig"ts4 mar6ing an im#ortant de#art$re rom a$t"oritarian #ractices and t"e
onset o #olitical transitionF :"ile li0erali5ation ma% occ$r at t"e initiati)e o a
#rogressi)e action t"at s#lits t"e state elite4 more commonl% it is a res#onse to
escalating economic #rotest 4,ratton and van de >alle8 !00$C Cohen and )rato8
!00$8 /%9F
At t"is stage4 #rotest is gal)ani5ed not onl% 0% den$nciations o elite corr$#tion 0$t
also 0% calls or m$lti#art% democrac%F 1i)il societ% comes to 0e dominated 0% loose
social mo)ements !it" an ill-deined reorm agenda t"at oc$s almost eJcl$si)el% on
t"e o$ster o inc$m0entsF D$ring t"is #eriod4 interim national leaders emerge rom
!it"in t"e c"$rc"es4 #roessions4 $nions4 and $ni)ersities to "ead #re#art% LrontsL
li6e national committees4 national conerences4 and general stri6e coalitionsF
A #olitical transition is t"e inter)al 0et!een one regime and anot"erF D$ring a
transition4 #olitical actors str$ggle to esta0lis" #olitical r$les t"at #ro)ide ad)antage4
not onl% in t"e immediate contest o)er state #o!er 0$t also o)er an% $t$re
redistri0$tion o #$0lic reso$rcesF /"e critical moment o t"e transition occ$rs !"en
t"e inc$m0ent regime concedes t"at t"e r$les o #olitical com#etition can 0e c"anged
to allo! t"e ormation o inde#endent #olitical #artiesF From t"is moment on!ard4
and es#eciall% ollo!ing t"e anno$ncement o com#etiti)e elections4 t"e initiati)e in
t"e democrati5ation s"its 0ac6 rom ci)il societ% into a reconstit$ted #olitical
societ%F O##osition #oliticians come o$t o "iding in ci)il societ%4 or international
eJile4 and r$s" to orm #olitical #arties t"ro$g" !"ic" to mo$nt a 0id or state #o!erF
(ndeed4 0eca$se $ll democratic transition re>$ires t"e ormation o organi5ations
aimed at ca#t$ring #o!er4 it m$st in)ol)e #olitical societ%F /"is is not to sa% t"at ci)il
societ% 0ecomes irrele)ant d$ring #olitical transitionF Far rom itK in t"e t$r0$lence o
an election cam#aign4 ci)il societ% 0ecomes "ig"l% mo0ili5ed4 onl% its role c"anges
rom #artisan to ne$tralF (nstead o #ro)iding a re$ge o last resort or dissident
#oliticians4 actors in ci)il societ% are reed to ta6e on tr$l% ci)ic $nctions or !"ic"
t"e% "a)e a more nat$ral a#tit$deF /"e #ros#ect o com#etiti)e elections s$ddenl%
raises a #let"ora o demands or citi5en ed$cation4 #$0lic comm$nication4 ar0itration
0et!een contending #arties4 and #re)ention o electoral ra$dF
(ne)ita0l%4 $nder #re)io$s mono#olistic regimes4 ci)ic organi5ations ne)er eJisted to
#erorm t"ese $nctions or !ere dormantF 2e! organi5ations "a)e to 0e $rgentl%
ormed or re)i)ed in order to ens$re elections are ree and air and t"at citi5ens are
ade>$atel% inormed to #artici#ate in t"emF
*olitical transitions sometimes lead to democrac%4 !"ic" is a set o r$les to g$arantee
#olitical #artici#ation and contestation incl$ding4 at minim$m4 reg$lar elections or
national leadersF Ot"er #ossi0le o$tcomes incl$de li0erali5ed or rein)igorated orms
o a$tocrac%4 or anarc"%F /"e consolidation o a regime 0egins !"en a #olitical
transition ends !"ic"4 in t"e case o a democratic transition4 is mar6ed 0% t"e
installation o a ne! go)ernment as t"e res$lt o a ree and air electionF :"et"er a
democratic regime 0ecomes consolidated de#ends $#on t"e acce#tance 0% all
#olitical actors4 es#eciall% t"e losers o t"e election4 o a ne! and sta0le set o
#olitical r$les incl$ding t"e con)ocation o reg$lar s$0se>$ent electionsF (t ma% ta6e
generations to consolidate a democrac%F +egime consolidation can onl% 0e said to
"a)e occ$rred ater signiicant t"reats o regime re)ersal "a)e 0een eecti)el%
eliminated or containedF /"e instit$tions o ci)il societ% "a)e a cr$cial role to #la% in
t"e consolidation o democrac%F At t"e dee#est le)els o #olitical c$lt$re4 ci)ic
instit$tions incl$de t"e #olitical norms and )al$es t"at $nder#in t"e r$les o
democratic com#etitionF Democrac% de#ends $#on attac"ments among citi5ens to a
matriJ o ci)il li0erties !"ic" t"e% are !illing to deend against encroac"ment 0% t"e
eJec$tors o state #o!erF At a more concrete le)el4 ci)il societ% is t"e arena o
)ol$ntar% associational lieF A "ealt"% democrac% is o$nded on a #l$ralit% o
organi5ed social gro$#s t"ro$g" !"ic" citi5ens learn t"e arts o associating toget"er4
#ractice t"e #roced$res o democratic go)ernance4 and eJ#ress gro$# interests to
#olic% ma6ersF (t is t"ro$g" ci)ic organi5ations t"at #eo#le #artici#ate in #olitics and
de)elo#mentF 1i)il societ% also #ro)ides net!or6s o comm$nication among citi5ens4
and 0et!een citi5ens and t"e stateF (deall%4 t"e media o comm$nication are not
mono#oli5ed 0% t"e r$ling #art% or 0% an% ot"er single interest in societ%4 0$t relect a
di)ersit% o )oices and o#inionsF /"e #rime $nction o t"ese media incl$de ed$cating
citi5ens a0o$t #$0lic #olic% iss$es4 im#ro)ing t"e trans#arenc% o #$0lic decisions4
and "el#ing to "old #$0lic oicials acco$nta0leF
(n #ractice4 ci)il societies do not generall% #erorm !ell in t"e earl% stages o
democratic consolidationF /"e reasons can 0e o$nd in t"e d%namics o t"e
democrati5ation #rocess4 nota0l% in t"e delation o #olitical energies t"at occ$rs
immediatel% ater transitionF /"e ne! regime ma% dra! ci)ic leaders into leaders"i#
#ositions in go)ernment or #art% instit$tions4 t"ere0% eecti)el% co-o#ting and
silencing t"emF Among citi5ens4 t"e intense le)els o #olitical engagement t"at !ere
!"i##ed $# d$ring t"e election cam#aign cannot 0e s$stained $nder normal #olitical
conditionsF (ndeed4 #olitical elites deli0eratel% see6 to de$se and contain t"e
e0$llience and $nrealistic eJ#ectations o citi5ensF (n addition4 #olitical actions !"o
$nited aro$nd t"e common goal o o$sting an a$t"oritarian leader redisco)er
dierences o interest t"at can di)ide4 inca#acitate4 and e)en destro% ci)ic
organi5ationsF And4 in #oor co$ntries4 man% o t"e #eo#le !"o 0ecame #oliticall%
acti)e d$ring t"e transition c"oose to !it"dra! again into t"e "o$se"old realm in
order to address #ressing and neglected needs o economic s$r)i)alF
(n s$m4 t"e re)i)al o #olitical societ% and t"e concl$sion o a #olitical transition can
"a)e demo0ili5ing conse>$ences or ci)il societ%F /"e rein)igoration o ci)il societ%
as a orce or democratic go)ernance o)er t"e long term is a maMor item or t"e #ost-
transition agendaF As instr$ments o #olitical consent4 t"e instit$tions o ci)il societ%
can eit"er #ro)ide #olitical legitimac% to go)ernments4 or !it""old itF An% #olitical
legitimac% !on at t"e #olls is a scarce reso$rce !"ic" is easil% dissi#ated and m$st 0e
constantl% rene!edF Go)ernments t"at are attem#ting a cras" #rogram o
mar6eti5ation are es#eciall% need% o democratic instit$tions in societ% t"at can
ed$cate citi5ens4 0$ild s$##ort4 and di)ert o##osition into constr$cti)e c"annelsF
2o!"ere is t"is c$rrentl% more tr$e t"an in s$0-'a"aran AricaF
The 1eislative Environment 'or Civil Society
(n almost all Arican co$ntries4 #olitical li0eration !as s$##orted eJtensi)el% 0%
#eo#le<s mo)ements4 ait"30ased ormations and )ario$s constellations o ci)il
societ%F /"ere !as a close lin6 0et!een ci)il societ% and #olitical societ%F From 2ort"
to 'o$t"4 :est to .ast4 ci)il societies organi5ed and inormal #la%ed critical roles in
t"e dismantling o colonialism4 a#art"eid and ot"er orms o dominationF /"is !as
not onl% tr$e o Arica it !as also tr$e o ot"er #arts o t"e !orldF (n .astern and
1entral .$ro#e4 ci)il societ% #la%ed a maMor role in t"e all o comm$nist states and
t"e s$0se>$ent !a)e o democrati5ation t"at ollo!edF (ns#ired 0% t"e c"anges t"at
!ere 0ro$g"t a0o$t 0% #eo#le<s #o!er4 a n$m0er o donors and some go)ernments
in)ested "ea)il% on ci)il societ% as an agent o c"angeF (n some >$arters ci)il societ%
!as e)en considered as a Omagic 0$llet< 4Ed-ards and Hulme8 !00*9.
1i)il societ%<s role !as not limited onl% to t"e #olitical and ci)il li0erties arena it !as
also seen as instr$mental in #romoting de)elo#ment4 red$cing #o)ert% and
administering "$manitarian aidF 1i)il societ%4 in #artic$lar4 non3go)ernmental
organisations ass$med maMor roles and 0ecame maMor orces in de)elo#mentF .)en
recent st$dies across t"e glo0e "a)e attem#ted to s"o! t"at ci)il societ%4 or !"at is
generall% reerred to as t"e t"ird sector ma6e massi)e contri0$tions to t"e Gross
Domestic *rod$cts o t"eir go)ernmentsF /"ese st$dies !ere cond$cted as a res#onse
to t"e act t"at t"is sector "as more oten 0een sidelined 0% #olic%3ma6ersF (n t"e
!ords o reno!ned sc"olar 7ester 'alamon o /"e Eo"ns &o#6ins Uni)ersit%4 Osocial
and #olitical disco$rse remains "ea)il% dominated 0% a Ot!o3sector model< t"at
ac6no!ledges t"e eJistence o onl% t!o social s#"eres o$tside o t"e amil% $nit t"e
mar6et and t"e state4 or 0$siness and go)ernment< 4Salamon8 &%%$9F And or a long
time4 ci)il societ% contri0$tions !ere 6e#t o$t o t"e oicial statisticsF /"is is still t"e
case in man% co$ntriesF As a res$lt ci)il societ%<s #otential and real contri0$tion in
#olic% de0ates and orm$lation "as 0een ignored or at !orst c"allengedF
&o!e)er as The Johns &op7ins !omparative /on#rofit Sector Studies "a)e s"o!n4
Ot"e t"ird sector is a maMor economic orce<F A st$d% o 35 co$ntries in 2DD3 (16
ad)anced4 14 de)elo#ing and 5 transitional) s"o!ed t"at t"e t"ird sector !as a Q1F3
trillion ind$str% as o t"e late 1==Ds t"is re#resented a0o$t 5F1P o t"e com0ined
GD* o t"e 35 co$ntriesF F$rt"er4 t"e st$d% s"o!ed t"at t"e sector !as t"e se)ent"
!orld largest econom% t"at is i ci)il societ% !as a national econom% it !o$ld 0e t"e
se)ent" a"ead o (tal%4 -ra5il4 +$ssia4 '#ain and 1anada and M$st 0e"ind t"e United
;ingdom and FranceF /"e sector is also a maMor em#lo%er4 em#lo%ing more t"an 3=F5
million $lltime e>$i)alent !or6ers 4Salamon8 &%%$9F
1learl%4 t"e t"ird sector is a maMor orce to rec6on !it" "ence o)er t"e %ears
es#eciall% in de)elo#ed co$ntries4 t"ere "as 0een a mo)e to!ards loo6ing or a
middle !a% as a res$lt o t"e state and t"e mar6etF 1i)il societ% "as 0ecome t"at
middle !a% 0et!een t"e sole reliance on t"e state and sole reliance on t"e mar6et to
co#e !it" #$0lic demands 4Salamon8 &%%$9F /"is is not so "o!e)er in man% o t"e
de)elo#ing or transitional statesF /"ere is still t"e tendenc% to ignore t"e contri0$tions
or e)en roles #la%ed 0% )ario$s constellations o ci)il societies in t"e )ario$s s#"eres
are t"e% #olitical4 economic4 c$lt$ral4 and social or )ario$s com0inationsF (n most
co$ntries as !e disc$ss later4 t"is sector is )ie!ed !it" s$s#icion des#ite t"e act t"at
most o t"ese go)ernments came into #o!er t"ro$g" t"e s$##ort o ci)il societ%
ormations or !ere t"emsel)es ci)il societ% ormations 0eoreF
,ore recentl%4 t"e s#ace or citi5ens< #artici#ation in )ario$s le)els o t"e 0od%
#olitic "as 0een s"r$n6F ,ore and more4 legal instr$ments "a)e emerged to reg$late
"o! gro$#s s"o$ld cond$ct t"eir acti)itiesF /"e recent attem#ts to close t"e s#ace or
citi5ens and t"eir ormations are not #artic$larl% Arican it is a glo0al #"enomenon
s%m#tomatic o t"e gro!ing 0ac6las" and #$s"0ac6 on democrac%F /"e democrac%
deicit is a go)ernance >$estion and citi5ens as maMor #la%ers in t"at arena 0ecome
(t is t"ereore im#ortant t"at an anal%sis o t"e recent clos$re o #$0lic s#"eres 0%
nation states 0e located in t"e 0roader go)ernance >$estionF /"ere is no dis#$te t"at
reg$lation is necessar% and is an international #ractice "o!e)er most o t"ese la!s do
not meet t"e international standards and #rinci#les t"at #rotect citi5ens< rig"tsF
(ronicall%4 t"ese la!s also )iolate t"eir o!n constit$tions reinorcing t"e )ie! t"at in
t"e maMorit% o t"ese co$ntries t"ere are Oconstit$tions !it"o$t constit$tionalism<F (n
addition to legal instr$ments some o !"ic" are directed #rimaril% at ci)il societ%
ormations in #artic$lar 2GOs o t"e ad)ocac% t%#e and ot"ers are indirect t"ere are
ot"er non3legal tools t"at go)ernments $se to c$rtail t"e acti)ities o t"e t"ird sectorF
/r$e4 some gro$#s "a)e not cond$cted t"emsel)es in trans#arent !a%s4 and some
"a)e 0een in)ol)ed in >$estiona0le acti)itiesN t"e res#onse "o!e)er is
dis#ro#ortionate to t"e 0e"a)io$r dis#la%ed 0% ci)il societ%F
)'rican 1a-s on Civil Society
/"e rise o strong ci)il societ% organisations4 )i0rant and )ocal media instit$tions in
Arica !as not 0esto!ed 0% some 0ene)olent leaders"i#F /"e% relect t"e !ill o t"e
#eo#le to "old t"e leaders"i# o t"eir co$ntries acco$nta0leF (t is t"is )i0ranc% and t"e
need to "old go)ernments acco$nta0le t"at most ci)il societ% organisations "a)e 0een
targeted 0% restricti)e la!s and "ostile #olitical en)ironmentsF /"e res#onse to t"ese
gro$#s )aries rom co$ntr% to co$ntr% de#ending on t"e #olitical en)ironmentF (n
some!"at ena0ling en)ironments li6e 'o$t" Arica4 ci)il societ% is )ie!ed as a
#artner in de)elo#ment and as s$c" man% rig"ts are res#ectedF /"e% "o!e)er ace t"e
c"allenges o $nding4 ragmentation and t"e general ca#acit% and leaders"i#
(t is "o!e)er in restricti)e en)ironments t"at t"is #a#er #$ts a lot o em#"asisF
Generall% most o t"ese la!s in t"eir negati)e nat$re are $sed to c$rtail t"e acti)ities
o ci)il societ% and at t"e eJtreme render citi5ens< action or t"e #$0lic good a
dangero$s acti)it% leading to "arassment4 arrests4 im#risonment4 and at times tort$re
or t"ose in)ol)ed 41arok8 &%%09F /"e :orld ,o)ement or Democrac% "as o$tlined
in t"eir glo0al re#ort on Defendin !ivil Society4 t"e )ario$s met"ods $sed to restrict
ci)il li0ertiesF /"e% remar6 t"at in less t"an a %ear4 more t"an t!ent% co$ntries
glo0all% "a)e introd$ced restricti)e legislation and reg$lations aimed at $ndermining
ci)il societ% and diminis"ing t"e s#ace in !"ic" t"e% o#erateF /"e% $rt"er o0ser)e
t"at t"e ongoing 0ac6las" against democrac% "as 0een c"aracteri5ed 0% a #rono$nced
s"it rom o$trig"t re#ression o democrac%4 "$man rig"ts and ci)il societ% acti)ists
and gro$#s to more s$0tle go)ernment eorts to restrict t"e s#ace in !"ic" ci)il
societ% es#eciall% democrac% oriented gro$#s o#erateF /"e )ario$s met"ods $sed )ar%
rom im#risonment4 tort$re4 disa##earances and "arassment to more so#"isticated
meas$res s$c" as legal and administrati)e o0stacles s$c" as 0arriers to entr%4
0$rea$cratic #a#er!or6 and stringent re>$irements or registrationF Ot"er o0stacles
incl$de ar0itrar% dissol$tion o 2GOs4 stringent o)ersig"t and control 0% t"e state4 as
!ell as creation o loo6ali6e Go)ernment #atroni5ed 2GOsF /"e im#act diers rom
co$ntr% to co$ntr% 0$t in general t"e ollo!ing 0arriers are createdK
Narro- De'inition o' N@Os
/"ese la!s are #remised on )er% narro! $nderstanding o !"at ci)il societ% is more
oten t"e% e>$ate 2GOs !it" ci)il societ%F For eJam#le4 t"e Ugandan 2GO 7a!
deines an 2GO as Oan organisation esta0lis"ed to #ro)ide )ol$ntar% ser)ices4
incl$ding religio$s4 ed$cational4 literar%4 scientiic4 social or c"arita0le ser)ices4 to
t"e comm$nit% or an% #art o it<F /"e #ro0lem !it" t"is deinition is t"at it eJcl$des
or rat"er it is silent on go)ernance matters4 #olic% and "$man rig"ts iss$es most o
!"ic" deine t"e #olitical landsca#e in AricaF /"e danger is t"at as long as t"e state
enacts a la! 0ased on t"is narro! deinition4 it can and !"en it deems necessar%
in)o6e t"is la! to c$rtail t"e acti)ities o t"ose gro$#s t"at o#erate in t"e democrac%4
go)ernance and "$man rig"ts ieldsF
Cum2ersome Reistration
/"e registration #rocess in most o t"ese co$ntries is stringent and c$m0ersomeF (t is
also 0$rea$craticF ,ore oten registration ta6es more t"an siJ mont"s4 or eJam#le in
State Centric ,oard
(n most o t"ese co$ntries t"e state "as #$t in #lace a go)erning -oard !"ic" is
dominated 0% go)ernment oicialsF (n Uganda or eJam#le4 t"e 2GO +egistration
-oard does not #ro)ide or re#resentation 0% 2GOsF +at"er it "as re#resentation rom
state sec$rit% o#erati)es (internal sec$rit% organi5ation and eJternal sec$rit%
organi5ation)F 1o$ld t"is 0e a conirmation t"at t"e state )ie!s ci)il societ% as a
sec$rit% t"reatR (n Cam0ia4 t"e 0ill en)isages t"at 1D mem0ers o t"e -oard s"all 0e
ministerial a##ointeesF (n addition4 s$c" 0oards are a##ointed 0% t"e minister
res#onsi0le or t"e registration o 2GOsF /"ese -oards are gi)en $nettered
discretion on 2GO matters and t"eir decisions as s"o!n 0elo! can onl% 0e a##ealed
t"ro$g" t"e minister in c"arge and not t"ro$g" t"e co$rts o la!F
No Provision 'or )ppeal
,ost o t"e 2GO la!s do not #ro)ide or an a##eal #rocess in t"e e)ent t"at an 2GO
is aggrie)ed 0% t"e decision o t"e -oardF And !"ere t"ere is an a##eal #rocess4 it is
to t"e minister res#onsi0le or 2GOs and "is or "er decision is inalF /"e minister
0ears so m$c" a$t"orit% and ar0itrar% #o!er o)er t"e ate o 2GOsF And %et in
ena0ling en)ironments 2GOs can a##eal to t"e co$rts o la!F
,arrier to 6reedom o' )ssociation8 )ssem2ly and E?pression
/"ese la!s )iolate t"e reedom o association t"at is ens"rined in constit$tionsF /"is
is also in )iolation o man% international and regional agreements s$c" as t"e
(nternational 1o)enant on 1i)il and *olitical +ig"ts (articles 1=4 21 and 22)4 t"e U2
Declaration on &$man +ig"ts Deenders (article 1= and 2D)4 t"e Arican 1"arter on
&$man and *eo#le<s +ig"ts4 among ot"ersF
,arrier to Riht to 6undraise
,ost o t"ese la!s "a)e restrictions on $ndraisingF For eJam#le4 t"e .t"io#ian
*roclamation re>$ires t"at local 2GOs !or6ing on go)ernance and #olitical areas
mo0ili5e not more t"an 1DP o t"eir reso$rces rom international so$rcesF ( t"e% do
so4 t"e% cease to 0e .t"io#ianF And %et international organisations are not allo!ed to
!or6 on #olitical areasF F$nding is also restricted 0% t"e Cim0a0!e 2GO 0illF :"at
t"is #a#er "as so$g"t to s"o! is t"at t"e legal o#erational en)ironment or ci)il
societ% s"o$ld 0e located !it"in t"e 0roader go)ernance and )ario$s e#oc"s o state
ormationF /"e c"aracter o t"e state and its record in go)ernance determines t"e
nat$re o relations it esta0lis"es !it" t"ose t"at see6 to monitor its acti)itiesF
'econdl%4 t"is #a#er "as s"o!n t"at t"e res$rgence o restrictions on citi5ens<
#artici#ation in #$0lic s#"eres and in t"e 0od% #olitic is a glo0al #"enomenonF (t is a
0ac6las" on democrac% and not necessaril% an attac6 on ci)il societ%N ci)il societ%
"a##ens to 0e collateral damageF &o!e)er !"ere t"ere are good go)ernance
#rinci#les and instit$tions and democrac% is t"ri)ing4 t"e legal en)ironment is
ena0lingF A >$estion t"at needs to 0e #$rs$ed in s$ccessi)e researc" acti)ities is
!"et"er t"e greatest t"reat to ci)il societ%<s o#erating s#ace is t"e reg$lator%
en)ironment or ci)il societ% itselF
5a=or donor )encies 'or civil society in )'rica
Donors t"at s$##ort ad)ocac% organisations as #art o a 0roader democratisation
strateg% all into t!o main categoriesF /"e irst gro$# is t"e oicial donors4 !"ic"
incl$de 0ilateral agencies s$c" as t"e United 'tates Agenc% or (nternational
De)elo#ment (U'A(D)4 and m$ltilateral agencies s$c" as t"e :orld -an6F Oicial
donors orm t"e #rinci#al so$rce o s$##ort or ci)il societ%F /"e second categor%
incl$des non-go)ernmental 0odies or o$ndations t"at s#ecialise in "$man sec$rit%
#romotion and oten act as intermediaries or 0ilateral agenciesF 'ome o t"ese
o$ndations are $nded 0% t"e #ri)ate sector4 s$c" as t"e U'-0ased Ford Fo$ndation
!it" its roots in cor#orate #"ilant"ro#%4 0$t t"e maMorit% distri0$te oicial
de)elo#ment assistanceF
Anot"er s#ecialised grant-ma6ing 0od% is t"e U; :estminster Fo$ndation or
Democrac%4 esta0lis"ed in 1==2F (t recei)es t"e 0$l6 o its $nding4 [2F5 million4 rom
t"e Foreign and 1ommon!ealt" OiceF /"e 0l$rring o I#$0licI and I#ri)ateI is
Iact$all% a str$ct$ral eat$re o oreign #olic% in t"e c$rrent eraIF /"is o0ser)ation is
a##lica0le to t"e 0road donor comm$nit% 4>illiam Ro2inson8 !00(3 0(9F
Ea#an4 t"e !orldIs largest 0ilateral donor4 does not incl$de t"e term in its aid
disco$rseF Anot"er im#ortant actor is t"e :orld -an64 a ne! 0$t "ig"l% inl$ential
c"am#ion o ci)il societ% in AricaF (t s"o$ld 0e noted "ere t"at a stri6ing eat$re o
international aid lo!s to ci)il societ% is t"eir smallnessF For eJam#le4 in Uganda and
G"ana4 t"e democrac% 0$dget o t"e U' aid #rogramme acco$nts or some 4 #er cent
o o)erall U' aidN !it"in t"at4 ci)il societ% assistance is M$st one com#onentF (n t"e
case o G"ana4 a0o$t 3 #er cent o U' aid goes s#eciicall% to!ards a ci)il societ%
#rogrammeF (n Uganda4 t"e #ercentage is e)en lessF As !e s"all see4 'o$t" Arica is
an eJce#tionF -eca$se o its #olitical signiicance4 0et!een 2D and 6D #er cent o its
aid is democrac% assistanceF (t is diic$lt to >$anti% eJactl% "o! m$c" aid goes to
ci)il societ% 0eca$se t"ere is no com#re"ensi)e centralised data and it is oten
eJtremel% diic$lt to disaggregate ci)il societ% assistance rom ot"er aidF 1i)il
societ% s$##ort can 0e dis0$rsed in t"o$sands o dollars rat"er t"an millions 0eca$se
it re>$ires no ca#ital eJ#endit$re 4Rooy and Ro2inson8 !00.9F
The ;nited States o' )merica
-% ar and a!a% t"e leading donor in aid to ci)il societ% !orld!ide is t"e United
'tatesF Ban Rooy and Ro2inson 4!00.3 !09 calc$late t"at t"e United 'tates is
res#onsi0le or 85 #er cent o total ci)il societ% assistanceF Anot"er st$d% indicates
t"at t"e United 'tates s#ent o)er Q1DD million on ci)il societ% s$##ort in 1==3 and
1==44 e>$i)alent to one t"ird o its #olitical aid s#endingF /"e United 'tates aid
#rogrammes in 'o$t" Arica and G"ana #artic$larl%4 and to a lesser eJtent in Uganda4
relect t"e eJtent to !"ic" t"e United 'tates is t"e "ome to academic disco$rse on
ci)il societ% in Arica4 and t"e degree to !"ic" U'A(D "as dra!n on t"is academic
reser)e to g$ide its aid #rogrammesF 2o ot"er donor $ses t"is t"eoretical rame!or6
o societ% to $nder#in its aid #rogrammeF
At least t!o 6e% actors eJ#lain U' dominance in t"is areaF First is t"e #lace o
democrac% #romotion !it"in t"e international role o t"e United 'tatesF Alt"o$g"
democrac% "as long "ad r"etorical im#ortance in U' oreign #olic%4 it !as not $ntil
t"e 1=8Ds t"at it came to #la% a central role 4>illiam Ro2inson !00(9F :it" t"e end
o t"e 1old :ar and t"e s$rge o democratisation !orld!ide4 t"e -$s" administration
made democrac% one o its t"ree #illars o o)erall oreign #olic%F From 1==3 t"e
1linton administration intensiied :as"ingtonIs commitment to democrac%F (nternal
0$rea$cratic str$ct$res !ere de)elo#ed to instit$tionalise democrac% #romotion
!it"in U'A(D4 an agenc% t"at "ad long oc$sed almost eJcl$si)el% on social and
economic #roMectsF /"e 1entre or Democrac% and Go)ernance !as esta0lis"ed to
centralise democrac% #oliciesF Unli6e an% ot"er oicial donor4 U'A(D missions in
se)eral Arican co$ntries "a)e co$ntr% democrac% ad)isers4 in addition to regional
democrac% ad)isers4 oc$sing solel% on creating t"e instit$tions o li0eral democrac%F
/"e #oint is t"at 0eca$se o its leading international role t"e United 'tates "as no
ot"er c"oice 0$t to engage !it" t"e rest o t"e !orld4 and one o its #rinci#al means
o engagement is t"ro$g" democrac% #romotionF
'econd4 t"ere are im#ortant )ariations in em#"asis among donors in t"eir democrac%
#romotionF /"e -ritis" go)ernment #romotes good go)ernment as one o its core
o0Mecti)es4 %et m$c" o t"is !or6 is directed at #$0lic sector reorm and en"anced
com#etence o go)ernmentF '!eden em#"asises "$man rig"ts !it"in its democrac%
assistanceF (n contrast4 t"e United 'tates em#"asises ci)il societ%F /"ere are se)eral
reasons !"% t"e United 'tates s"o$ld 0e t"e leader in t"is areaF First4 t"e idea o ci)il
societ% resonates eJce#tionall% !ell !it" mainstream U' #olitical #"iloso#"% !it" its
ear o t"e state and its #romotion o #l$ralism 4Rooy and Ro2inson8 !00.3 !*9
The @erman 6oundations
German% "as #ro)ided democrac% assistance since t"e 1=6Ds t"ro$g" its #olitical
o$ndations4 eac" ailiated !it" one o t"e main #olitical #arties in German%F (n t"e
area o democrac% assistance t"is aid is s$0stantial4 amo$nting to a0o$t Q23D million
(D,35D million) in 1==64 4 #er cent o t"e total oreign aid 0$dget 45air N.D.3&9F
/"ese are t"e Friedric" .0ert Fo$ndation ailiated !it" t"e 'ocial Democrats4 t"e
;onrad Adena$er Fo$ndation associated !it" t"e 1"ristian Democrats4 t"e Friedric"
2a$mann Fo$ndation lin6ed to t"e li0eral #art%4 t"e &ans 'eidel Fo$ndation
esta0lis"ed 0% t"e -a)arian 1"ristian 'ocial Union4 and4 t"e most recent4 t"e
&einric" -\ll Fo$ndation ormed in 1==7 rom a merger o se)eral organisations
ailiated !it" t"e Green *art%F *olitical aid is di)ided among t"e i)e o$ndations
according to t"eir #arliamentar% strengt"F /"e Friedric" .0ert Fo$ndation and t"e
;onrad Adena$er Fo$ndation4 as t"e o$ndations o German%Is t!o main #olitical
#arties4 eac" distri0$te one t"ird o t"e o$ndationsI 0$dgetF
'o$t" Arica is t"e most im#ortant Arican co$ntr% or t"e o$ndationsF All i)e
o$ndations are acti)e in t"e co$ntr%4 and t"eir largest #rogrammes in Arica are
t"ereF /"e ;onrad Adena$er o$ndation4 or eJam#le4 "ad a Q1F= million (D,3F2
million) co$ntr% #rogramme in 1==7F :it" t"e eJce#tion o t"e ne! &einric" -\ll
Fo$ndation t"e% "a)e 0een closel% in)ol)ed in t"e #olitical de)elo#ment o t"e
co$ntr%F 'ince t"e earl% 1=8Ds4 t"e ;onrad Adena$er Fo$ndation "as s$##orted
-$t"ele5i and t"e (n6at"a ,o)ement4 t"e Friedric" .0ert Fo$ndation "as !or6ed
closel% !it" t"e Arican 2ational 1ongress (A21)4 and t"e Friedric" 2a$mann
Fo$ndation "as strengt"ened t"e li0eral comm$nit% t"ro$g" assistance to 6e%
organisations s$c" as t"e 'o$t" Arican (nstit$te o +ace +elations ('A(++) and t"e
&elen '$5man Fo$ndationF (t is in 'o$t" Arica t"at t"e% "a)e made t"eir largest
im#act t"ro$g" t"eir contacts !it" #olitical elitesF Uganda is t"e t"ird-largest
#rogramme in Arica o t"e ;onrad Adena$er Fo$ndation4 and t"e o$ndationIs !or6
t"ere is set to contin$e to eJ#andF (n 1==7 its 0$dget or #roMect acti)ities in Uganda
!as M$st $nder Q5DD4DDD (D,8DD4DDD)F /"e Friedric" .0ert Fo$ndation "ad a similar
0$dget or Uganda4 o nearl% Q6DD4DDD (D,1 million)F -ot" o$ndations "a)e a long
"istor% in t"e co$ntr% #rior to 1=87 !"en an agreement !it" t"e Ugandan
go)ernment and t"e o$ndations mar6ed t"e oicial reo#ening o t"eir oices in
;am#alaF /"e Friedric" .0ert Fo$ndation !as lin6ed to t"e Uganda *eo#leIs
1ongress (U*1)4 #ro)iding s$##ort or a ,ilton O0ote Fo$ndation4 !"ic" it no
longer doesF /"e ;onrad Adena$er Fo$ndation s$##orted t"e Democratic *art% (D*)4
!it" !"ic" it contin$es to "a)e close4 i indirect lin6s4 t"ro$g" core s$##ort to t"e
Fo$ndation or Arican De)elo#ment (FAD)F (t is onl% t"ese t!o largest o$ndations
t"at "a)e #rogrammes in UgandaF (n G"ana t"e% are Moined 0% t"e li0eral Friedric"
2a$mann o$ndationF /"e ;onrad Adena$er Fo$ndation "as 0een in G"ana since
1=66 and t"e Friedric" .0ert Fo$ndation since 1=7DF :it" t"eir %ears o on-t"e-
gro$nd eJ#erience and "ost o local contacts4 t"e o$ndations are an im#ortant
international #resence !it"in elite-0ased Arican ci)il societ%F Alt"o$g" #olitical
#arties "a)e 0een a traditional oc$s or o$ndation s$##ort in Arica4 and t"e
Friedric" .0ert Fo$ndation "as s#ecialised in $nding trade $nions4 t"e o$ndations
s$##ort a range o ci)il societ% organisationsF /"ese are oten t"e most #rominent and
t"e most #o#$lar actors !it" donorsF (n Uganda4 according to m% calc$lations t"e
Friedric" .0ert Fo$ndation "ad t"e second-largest n$m0er o relations"i#s !it"
1'Os ater t"e United 'tatesF Under its #rogramme or strengt"ening ci)il societ%
actors4 t"e o$ndation s$##orts trade $nions and !omenIs 1'OsF /"e latter incl$de
t"e national !omenIs organisation t"e 2ational Association o :omenIs
Organisations in Uganda (2A:OU) and national !omen<s 11 net!or64 t"e Uganda
:omenIs 2et!or6 (U:O2./)F /"e o$ndationIs #rogramme o o#ening $# t"e
#olitical c$lt$re to #$0lic de0ate "as 0een an im#ortant area o colla0oration !it"
1'OsF /"e o$ndation "as recentl% !or6ed !it" o$r main 1'Os in addition to
#arastatals and local go)ernmentF /"e% incl$de #rominent organisations r$n 0%
UgandaIs 6e% ci)il societ% leaders4 li6e t"e For$m or :omen in De)elo#ment
(FO:OD.) and t"e Uganda /"in6 /an6 Fo$ndationF 7i6e!ise in G"ana4 t"e
Friedric" .0ert Fo$ndation !or6s !it" 6e% elite-0ased 1'Os li6e t"e (nternational
Federation o :omen 7a!%ers (F(DA) and t"e G"ana Eo$rnalists AssociationF (n
G"ana t"e Friedric" 2a$mann Fo$ndation s$##orts instit$tions directl% #romoting a
li0eral economic agenda s$c" as t"e (nstit$te or .conomic Aairs ((.A) and t"e
Association o G"ana (nd$stries (AG()F O)er t"e %ears4 in some cases decades4 t"e
o$ndations "a)e 0$ilt $# )er% close relations"i#s !it" t"eir #artners in ci)il societ%F
/"e lengt" and de#t" o contact !it" ci)il societ% are oten $n#aralleled 0% an% ot"er
The >orld ,ank
Alt"o$g" t"e :orld -an6 is dierent rom ot"er donors4 #rimaril% #ro)iding loans to
mem0er go)ernments4 its lead #osition in t"e donor comm$nit% #ro)ides it !it" a
#otentiall% #o!er$l role in s$##orting ci)il societ%F G"ana is t"e :orld -an6<s
largest #rogramme in AricaF -et!een 1==3 and 1==54 t"e 0an6 #ro)ided one t"ird o
t"e co$ntr%<s total aidF (n Uganda o)er t"e same #eriod4 :orld -an6 lending
acco$nted or nearl% one >$arter o t"e co$ntr%<s o)erall aidF Alt"o$g" t"e :orld
-an6<s lending #rogramme is min$sc$le in 'o$t" Arica4 it "as #la%ed a "ig"l%
inl$ential role at t"e le)el o #olic% in 'o$t" Arica4 and "as an acti)e #rogramme
aimed at !inning o)er elite o#inion on economic li0eralismF (n all t"ese co$ntries4
des#ite its #rotestations o 0eing Oa#olitical<4 t"e :orld -an6 "as a sta6e in seeing an
ena0ling #olitical en)ironment or its economic #olic%F
'ince t"e mid-1==Ds4 #artic$larl% !it" t"e a##ointment o a ne! #resident4 Eames
:olenso"n4 t"e :orld -an6 "as increasingl% em0raced t"e non-go)ernmental sector4
#ercei)ing it as a #otential all% rat"er t"an as a t"reatF As :olenso"n told t"e 0an6<s
ann$al general meeting in 'e#tem0er 1==7K O:e m$st listen to sta6e"oldersF O$r
#artners"i#s m$st 0e incl$si)e in)ol)ing U la0or organisations4 2GOs4 o$ndations
and t"e #ri)ate sectorF<
:it"in t"is conteJt4 t"e 'o$t" Arican oice o t"e :orld -an6 in)ited t"e 2GO
comm$nit% to orm a :orld -an6 2GO For$m in E$ne 1==7F :"en t"e ormer
director o t"e :orld -an64 +o0ert ,c2amara4 )isited Uganda on an anti-corr$#tion
to$r in 1==74 a meeting !it" re#resentati)es rom ci)il societ% !as #art o "is
sc"ed$leF /"ere are t"ree ne! mec"anisms t"ro$g" !"ic" t"e 0an6 #romotes t"e
in)ol)ement o li0eral ci)il societ%F /"ese are its 1o$ntr% Assistance 'trateg%4 t"e
a##ointment o 2GO liaison oicers4 and an international4 #artici#ator% re)ie! o its
adM$stment #oliciesF :"at is interesting a0o$t t"ese initiati)es is t"e eJtent to !"ic"
t"e :orld -an6 "as incor#orated t"e term Oci)il societ%< into 0ot" its !or6 and t"e
disco$rse t"at comes !it" itF Alt"o$g" it is most amiliar !it" ser)ice #ro)ision
de)elo#ment 2GOs4 as a s$0categor% o ci)il societ%4 "a)ing !or6ed !it" t"em
#artic$larl% since t"e earl% 1==Ds on t"e eJec$tion o de)elo#ment #roMects4 it a##lies
t"e 0roader (and arg$a0l%4 more o)ertl% #olitical) term Oci)il societ%< to its ne!
initiati)esF /"e irst mec"anism $sed 0% t"e :orld -an64 its 1o$ntr% Assistance
'trategies4 $sed to 0e internal #rocesses in cons$ltation !it" t"e 0orro!ing
go)ernmentF 'ince t"e mid-1==Ds4 cons$ltation "as 0roadened o$t to incl$de
re#resentati)es o ci)il societ%<F /"is !as t"e case !it" t"e 1==7 Assistance
'trategies in Uganda and G"anaF
&o!e)er4 "o! s$0stantial t"is cons$ltation is4 is "ig"l% >$estiona0leF (t a##ears to 0e
more a case o incl$ding ci)il societ% in order to add legitimac% to t"e strateg% !"ic"
remains $ndamentall% intactF According to one #artici#ant in t"e Ugandan
cons$ltation4 t"e meeting !as called at )er% s"ort notice4 !it" no time or
#re#aration4 and "ad an air o Or$00er-stam#ing< a0o$t itF /"e second mec"anism
t"ro$g" !"ic" t"e :orld -an6 is gi)ing ci)il societ% a "ig"er #roile4 t"e
a##ointment o 2GO liaison oicers4 is 0eing $sed in Uganda4 G"ana and 'o$t"
AricaF All t"ree co$ntries are among t"e more t"an it% o t"e :orld -an6<s eig"t%
local oices t"at no! "a)e sta res#onsi0le or liaising !it" ci)il societ%N t"is
com#ares !it" onl% one oice in 1==5F &o!e)er4 t"e initiati)e t"at 0est re#resents
t"e :orld -an6<s ne!l% o$nd interest in ci)il societ% is its international 'tr$ct$ral
AdM$stment *artici#ator% +e)ie! (nitiati)e ('A*+()4 la$nc"ed in :as"ington4 D1 in
E$l% 1==7F /"e re)ie! aims to eJamine t"e im#act o s#eciic adM$stment meas$res
rom t"e #oint o )ie! o t"ose aected in se)en 0orro!ing co$ntries4 incl$ding o$r
in AricaK Uganda4 G"ana4 ,ali and Cim0a0!eF .ac" co$ntr% eJercise in)ol)es man%
o t"e most #rominent national 1'Os4 t"e maMorit% o !"om are donor-$ndedF
The 1ike#5inded @roup
Alt"o$g" t"e co$ntries o t"e 7i6e-,inded Gro$# o donors are reerred to as maMor
donors in t"is ield4 t"eir aid to ci)il societ% is on a m$c" smaller scale t"an t"at o
t"e United 'tates and German%F (n addition4 t"eir aid "as neit"er t"e conce#t$al
clarit% o t"e U' #rogrammes nor t"e s#ecialised oc$s o t"e German o$ndationsF
As Diamond descri0es t"em4 t"e% are O0road-0ased o)erseas de)elo#ment
organi5ations4 !"ic" "a)e added democrac% #romotion onto more traditional
de)elo#ment assistance 4Diamond8 !00*3 /&#(!9F
Alt"o$g" t"ese donors "a)e a long social democratic tradition o s$##orting
democrac% and "$man rig"ts4 e)en i t"is !as ne)er ormall% descri0ed !it"in a ci)il
societ% rame!or64 ci)il societ% aid is a )er% minor oc$s o t"eir !or6F /"e
o0ser)ations are t"at !"ere it does #la% a role it #redominantl% ta6es t"e orm o
s$##ort to "$man rig"tsF 1once#t$all%4 t"ese co$ntries do not eJ#ress t"emsel)es in
t"e lang$age o ci)il societ%F /"eir #rogrammes are descri0ed in terms o "$man
rig"ts and democrac% s$##ort4 !it" a noticea0le lac6 o reerence to Oci)il societ%< in
doc$mentation and disc$ssionF /"e de)elo#ment o ci)il societ% is ass$med to 0e
integral to democratisation4 0$t "as not 0een #ro0lematical and intellect$all%
interrogatedF /"ere is no e)idence o an% strategic t"in6ing in regard to t"eir
assistance to t"is sector o t"e #olit%4 !"ic" is e)ident in t"e irst t"ree categories o
(t is in 'o$t" Arica !"ere t"e 7i6e-,inded Gro$# o donors "as made t"e most
signiicant contri0$tion to ci)il societ%F '!eden #ro)ided more t"an Q4DD million4
0et!een 1=72 and 1==34 to 'o$t" Arica<s $ndergro$nd ci)il societ% )ia t"e anti-
a#art"eid str$ggleF .)en in t"is case4 "o!e)er4 t"e United 'tates #ro)ided Q338
million o)er less t"an "al t"e time4 1=85 to 1==3F Denmar6 and 2or!a% eac"
contri0$ted less t"an "al t"e U' total4 again o)er #eriods t"at stretc" 0ac6 into t"e
1=6Ds and 1=7Ds res#ecti)el% 4Danida !00/3 +9F
Des#ite reoc$sing t"eir aid to t"e ne!l% legitimate go)ernment since 1==44 t"e
2ordic co$ntries and t"e 2et"erlands contin$e to #ro)ide signiicant s$##ort to
1'OsF D$ring t"e middle to late 1==Ds4 t"e 2et"erlands and '!eden "a)e $nded
some se)en 1'Os4 incl$ding t"e 2et!or6 o (nde#endent ,onitors4 t"e 7egal
+eso$rces 1entre and 7a!%ers or &$man +ig"tsF All o$r donors s$##ort (DA'A
and t"e .lectoral (nstit$te o 'o$t" AricaF (n Uganda4 Denmar6 "as t"e largest
#rogramme o s$##ort to ci)il societ% among t"ese donors4 !it" a relations"i# !it"
some siJ main 1'OsF /"e 0readt" o its s$##ort is $n$s$alK it !or6s !it" t"e Uganda
2ational Farmers Association and t"e Arican 1entre or t"e /reatment and
+e"a0ilitation o /ort$re 8ictims (A1/8) as !ell as $nding 1'Os #o#$lar !it"
donors li6e Action or De)elo#ment (A1FOD.) and FO:OD.F &o!e)er4 its
reso$rces are irml% concentrated on t!o 1'Os4 !"ose creation it assistedF /"ese are
A1/8 and t"e Uganda &$man +ig"ts .d$cation and Doc$mentation 1entre
(U&.DO1)4 !"ic" are 0ot" "$man-rig"ts-centredF
'!eden too "as concentrated its reso$rces on one main 1'O #artner4 t"e &$man
+ig"ts 2et!or6 (&U+(2./)F Anot"er im#ortant orm o s$##ort t"at '!eden and
2or!a% #ro)ide to ci)il societ% is trainingF For eJam#le4 since 1=87N 2or!a% "as
s$##orted coo#eration 0et!een t"e Uni)ersit% o Oslo and t"e Uni)ersit% o
Cim0a0!e on a regional co$rse in !omen<s la!F Ugandans !"o "a)e #artici#ated in
t"e co$rse no! "old 6e% #ositions in organisations s$c" as :omen and 7a! in .ast
Arica4 t"e 2ational Association o :omen E$dges and t"e Federation o :omen
7a!%ers4 F(DAF /"ese are all 1'Os t"at "a)e recei)ed donor s$##ortF Among t"e
O7i6e-,inded< Gro$# o donors4 t"e 2et"erlands "as t"e smallest democrac%
#rogramme4 amo$nting to less t"an one #er cent o its 1==8 aid #rogramme to
UgandaF (ts main 1'O #artner in t"is #eriod "as 0een t"e .conomic *olic% and
+esearc" 1entre (.*+1)4 !"ic" is #ro)iding training to ,*s on national 0$dget-
(n G"ana onl% Denmar64 t"e 2et"erlands and 1anada "a)e aid #rogrammesF D$ring
t"e 1==Ds4 none o t"em "a)e s$##orted more t"an o$r or i)e 1'Os at a timeF All
t"ree co$ntries "a)e $nded t"e most #o#$lar ci)il societ% organisation amongst
donors in G"anaK t"e (nstit$te o .conomic Aairs ((.A)F O t"e t"ree4 1anada and
Denmar6 #ro)ides t"e most s$##ort to ci)il societ% organisations4 and t"eir aid is on a
larger scale t"an t"at o t"e :estminster Fo$ndationF -ot" "a)e s$##orted t"e !or6
o t"e $m0rella 2GO organisation t"e G"ana Association o *ri)ate 8ol$ntar%
Organisations in De)elo#ment (GA*8OD)4 !"ic" lo00ies go)ernment on 0e"al o
t"e interests o t"e 2GO sectorF /"e% "a)e s$##orted s$c" !ell-esta0lis"ed 1'Os as
t"e 2ational Union o G"ana 't$dents4 t"e (nternational Federation o :omen
7a!%ers (F(DA) and t"e "$man rig"ts lo00%ists G"analertF (n addition4 !it"in t"e
gro$#4 t"ere are s$0stantial dierences in le)els o s$##ortF Denmar6 is t"e leading
donor to ci)il societ% in G"ana and Uganda in terms o amo$nt o aid as !ell as o
n$m0er and range o 1'Os s$##ortedF 1anada4 on t"e ot"er "and4 des#ite a long
"istor% o #artners"i# !it" 2GOs and #eo#le-to-#eo#le contacts4 is not a signiicant
donor to ci)il societ% in an% o t"e t"ree co$ntriesF (n 'o$t" Arica4 its assistance
#rogramme is one o t"e most state-centred4 concentrating on s"a#ing central
go)ernment #olic%F 1anadian aid "as 0een in)ol)ed in t"e #rod$ction o eig"t green
and !"ite #a#ers or legislationF &o!e)er4 !it"in t"is oc$s its aim is to de)elo#
$rt"er a #olitical c$lt$re t"at stresses 0road #artici#ation and consens$s4 a c$lt$re
t"at 0egan to ta6e root in t"e or$ms o t"e transition #eriodF (ts s$##ort o ci)il
societ% is t"$s im#licit 0$t in no !a% directF (n Uganda at t"e end o 1==74 it !as onl%
0eginning to de)elo# a ci)il societ% #rogrammeF (t is in G"ana4 t"e reci#ient o its
largest Arican aid #rogramme4 !"ic" it #ro)ides t"e most s$##ort to ci)il societ%4
and "ere t"e em#"asis is on comm$nit% #artici#ation in !ater managementF /"ere are
t"$s some eig"t 6e% oicial donors !"o "a)e ci)il societ% #rogrammes in addition to
#ri)ate donors s$c" as t"e Ford Fo$ndation4 !"ic" "as !ell-esta0lis"ed #rogrammes
in 'o$t" Arica and UgandaF O t"e oicial donors4 t"e United 'tates4 German% )ia
its o$ndations4 and t"e :orld -an6 "a)e t"e most #rominent in#$t into t"is sector o
Arican societiesF /"e United 'tates "as de)elo#ed t"e conce#t$al rame!or6 o ci)il
societ% t"e most eJtensi)el%4 0ac6ed 0% t"e largest amo$nt o donor reso$rcesF /"e
German o$ndations "a)e 0$ilt $# %ears o s#ecialised eJ#erience in t"is area4 also
s$##orted 0% considera0le reso$rcesF /"e :orld -an6 is a relati)el% ne! #la%er in
t"is area 0$t 0eca$se it "as att$ned itsel to t"e donor conce#tion o ci)il societ% so
!ell and 0eca$se o its "egemonic #osition !it"in de)elo#ment disco$rse4 it is also
setting t"e ci)il societ% agenda in Arican co$ntriesF
Ot"er donors4 s$c" as t"e U;4 do not "a)e signiicant #rogrammes in t"is areaF /"e
U;4 in its democrac% and go)ernance assistance4 generall% em#"asises #$0lic sector
s$##ortF 2one o t"e -ritis" aid #rogrammes s$##orted ad)ocac% organisationsF /"e
#rimar% mec"anism t"ro$g" !"ic" s$c" organisations !ere $nded 0% t"e U;
go)ernment is t"e :estminster Fo$ndation or Democrac%4 and in its o!n )ie!4 onl%
in 'o$t" Arica "as it "ad a large eno$g" #rogramme to ma6e an% im#actF One ot"er
donor !"ic" is #la%ing a signiicant role in 'o$t" Arican ci)il societ% is t"e
.$ro#ean UnionF (t "as $nded t"e .U Fo$ndation or &$man +ig"ts4 $ni>$e to
'o$t" AricaF /"e Fo$ndation or &$man +ig"ts #ro)ides grants eJcl$si)el% to
1'Os4 !it" an ann$al 0$dget or 1==6 to 1==8 o a0o$t Q4 million (.c$5 million)F
1"ina "as recentl% 0ecome economicall% strong eno$g" to signiicantl% increase its
#resence as a donor o o)erseas de)elo#ment aidF 1"ina<s aid #olic% "as 0een
criticised or o)ertl% s$##orting 1"inese energ% strategies and di#lomatic goalsF (ts
dis0$rsement modalities ris6 $ndermining Arican ca#acit% de)elo#ment and
go)ernanceF 1"ina "as e)en 0een im#licated in t"e ne! scram0le or Arica<s
reso$rcesF On t"e ot"er "and4 its Arica #olic% claims an et"os o solidarit% and
res#ect !it" de)elo#ing co$ntries4 and #ro)ides all ro$nd #ac6ages t"at com0ine
in)estment !it" aidF (ts sco#e s#ans 1"inese aid4 in)estment4 trade and di#lomatic
ties4 as t"e t"ree are closel% lin6edF (n as ar as ci)il societ% organisations and
de)elo#ment 2GOs es#eciall% !or6 !it"in t"e aid c"ain c"anges to t"e aid landsca#e
"a)e im#lications or t"e !a%s in !"ic" 2GOs $nctionF
'ome o t"e most t"o$g"t #ro)o6ing areas t"at 1"ina<s engagement in Arica raises
Go)ernance and ci)il societ% s#ace inding t"e 0alance 0et!een an aid donor<s
role in s$##orting good go)ernance and str$ct$ral sta0ilit%4 and non
intererence in internal aairs
Y$estioning em#o!erment4 rig"ts-0ased a##roac"es and s$staina0ilit% as
central tenets o o)erseas de)elo#ment aid
.conomic de)elo#mentK is t"e nat$re o 1"inese in)estment and aid cond$ci)e
to long term economic #rogress
1"ina "as de)elo#ment coo#eration ties to Arica since t"e 1=6Ds4 !it" ed$cation
eJc"anges and inrastr$ct$re constr$ction 0ased on ideolog%4 solidarit% and
esta0lis"ing cold !ar allies in ri)alr% !it" 'o)iet comm$nismF ,an% o t"ese
#roMects !ere !ell recei)ed4 s$c" as t"e em0lematic Dar es 'alaam V ;a#iri ,#os"i
O/a5ara< +ail!a%F /a5ara lin6ed Cam0ia to a #ort cit% and allo!ed t"at co$ntr% to
maintain t"e 0loc6ade against +"odesia and minorit% r$le 'o$t" AricaF /"e /a5ara
rail!a% is still $sed toda% 0% traders and tra)ellersF ,ean!"ile4 1"ina<s relations"i#
to Arica "as c"anged as m$c" as t"e #olitical landsca#e t"at made t"e rail!a% a
necessit%F Arica "as eat$red signiicantl% in 1"ina<s Going O$t 'trateg% and
gest$res s$c" as Eiang Cemin<s to$r o state )isits in 1==6 signalled t"at 1"ina is
serio$s a0o$t AricaF /oda%4 !"ile small traders $se t"e train to trans#ort 0$c6ets o
Cam0ian )egeta0les to /an5anian mar6ets4 t"e 1"inese go)ernment s"its 0illions o
dollars in aid lo!s to t"e continentF 1"ina<s OGo Glo0al< or OGoing O$t< strateg%
enco$rages 1"inese enter#rises to in)est a0roadF
(t "as 0een made #ossi0le 0% an increasing acc$m$lation o ca#ital in 1"ina ater its
1=78 ,ar6et riendl% economic reorms and "ig" gro!t" ratesF *resident Eiang
Cemin )isited i)e Arican co$ntries in 1==64 orm$lating t"e 0asis o coo#eration to
maintain traditional riends"i# and #$s" or ne! de)elo#ment o 'ino-Arican
relationsN maintain m$t$al assistance and 0eneit and #romote common #ros#erit% or
1"ina and AricaN maintain close co-o#eration and #rotect t"e interests o de)elo#ing
/"e irst For$m o 1"ina-Arica 1oo#eration (FO1A1) !as "eld in 2DDD4 and in
2DD4 *resident &$ Eintao )isited ,orocco4 2igeria and ;en%a Oin a 0id to inMect ne!
energ% into 'o$t"V'o$t" co-o#erationF Ater &$<s to$r and t"e second FO1A1 in
2DD64 1"ina anno$nced its oicial Arica #olic%4 incl$ding aid and in)estmentF
Arica is t"e largest reci#ient o 1"inese aid4 recei)ing 44P o ann$al aid lo!sF /"is
incl$des all 53 co$ntries on t"e Arican continent4 0$t !it" Angola4 '$dan4 /an5ania4
Cam0ia and .t"io#ia leading t"e list according to 1"inese anal%stsF /"e eJact )ol$me
o 1"inese aid is $nclear4 as it is administered in conM$nction !it" eJ#ort #romotion
and in)estment 0% se)eral ministries deined as t"ose lo!s to de)elo#ing co$ntries
and m$ltilateral instit$tions #ro)ided 0% oicial agencies4 incl$ding state and local
go)ernments4 or 0% t"eir eJec$ti)e agencies4 eac" transaction o !"ic" meets t"e
ollo!ing testsK
(t is administered !it" t"e #romotion o t"e economic de)elo#ment and
!elare o de)elo#ing co$ntries as its main o0Mecti)eN and
(t is concessional in c"aracter and con)e%s a grant element o at least 25
#ercent m$ltilateral instit$tions4 non-O.1D donors as !ell as traditional
0ilateral donorsF
/"e lang$age o 1"inese aid does not $se terms li6e #o)ert% eradication4 o!ners"i#
and #artners"i#4 or democratisation and )oice t"at c"aracterise t"e 0$l6 o !estern
donor de)elo#ment disco$rse o t"e #ast decadesF :estern aid ma% or ma% not "a)e
"ad a 0eneicial eect on Arican economic de)elo#ment and integrit%4 0$t some o
its more recent disco$rse a0o$t "$man de)elo#ment is an im#ro)ement t"at 1"ina
co$ld 0eneit rom ta6ing on 0oardF 2onet"eless4 1"ina<s credentials as a
de)elo#ment actor are 0ased on creating an astonis"ing economic t$rnaro$nd at "ome
and on solidarit% 0et!een de)elo#ing nationsF
As #art o t"e Go Glo0al strateg%4 1"inese o)erseas de)elo#ment aid $nam0ig$o$sl%
ollo!s 1"inese commercial4 strategic energ% and di#lomatic interestsK (n inancial
terms 0% ar t"e most signiicant dimension o 1"inese engagement in de)elo#ing
co$ntries is t"e m$lti0illion dollar agreements it "as concl$ded in t"e energ% sector4
es#eciall% in AricaF (ndeed4 1"inese aid ollo!s in)estmentF Ot"er economic
acti)ities and assistance #ale in com#arisonF -ased on strategic energ%
considerations4 t"is incl$des 0idding or oil eJtraction contracts in4 or eJam#le
2igeria and Angola4 oering additional trans#ort and #i#eline constr$ction in ret$rn
or t"e concessionsF
'ome c"aracteristic eat$res o 1"inese aid in Arica areK
,odalitiesK grants4 in)estment9tied aid4 concessional loans4 and go)ernment
g$arantees or in)estmentF 1"ina "as also cancelled Arican oreign de0ts in
2DD3 and #ro)ided lo! tari mar6et access or eJ#orts rom Arica<s least-
de)elo#ed co$ntries
(t is oicial 1"inese #olic% to dis0$rse aid in !a%s t"at 0eneits 1"ina
economicall%4 iFeF tied aid in 6ind4 tec"nical assistance and inrastr$ct$re
constr$ction or initiati)es t"at a)o$r 1"inese in)estmentF
Deli)er%K m$c" 1"inese aid is deli)ered t"ro$g" #ri)ate-sector or state-o!ned
/"ere are e!4 i an%4 mentions o 1"inese social de)elo#ment #roMects in t"e
a)aila0le literat$reF
/"ere is no 1"inese de)elo#ment constit$enc%4 de)elo#ment line ministr%4 large
o)erseas 2GOs or e>$i)alent #ress$re gro$#s #$s"ing or #o)ert% red$ction goals in
o)erseas de)elo#ment aidF .sta0lis"ing s$c" a constit$enc% co$ld do m$c" to
im#ro)e t"e eects o 1"inese aidF /"ere are signs t"at 1"ina is re)ising some o its
aid #ractice according to eJisting modelsF For eJam#le4 t"ere is a )ol$nteer cor#s
sending mem0ers o t"e 1omm$nist 3o$t" 7eag$e o)erseas to $nderta6e ca#acit%
0$ilding !or6 and 1"inese ci)il ser)ants !or6ing !it" o)erseas de)elo#ment aid are
$nderta6ing st$d% )isits to longer-esta0lis"ed de)elo#ment de#artmentsF 1"inese aid
also incl$des sc"olars"i#s or training in 1"ina4 medical assistance and concessional
loansF 1"ina<s economic #resence in Arica "as4 "o!e)er4 0een !idel% met !it" #anic
disco$rse rom !estern commentatorsF -eiMing-0ased anal%sts 1"ina De)elo#ment
-rie arg$e t"at t"is "as less to do !it" 1"ina<s aid lo!s4 and 0orro!s its tone more
rom t"e !orld!ide anJiet% s#ar6ed 0% 1"ina<s gro!ing economic m$scleF
/"e initiati)e and $nding or de)elo#ment #roMects can also come in #arallel t"ro$g"
1"inese em0assies4 !"o #ro#ose #roMects to t"e ,inistr% o Foreign AairsF /"e
.J#ort- (m#ort -an6 "as a more signiicant aid role4 administering eJ#ort credits and
oreign direct in)estment or aid-dis0$rsing #ri)ate enter#risesF .Jim0an6<s acti)it%
raises concern 0eca$se o re#orted a0$ses V eFgF in terms o en)ironmental im#act and
social standards V in #roMects inanced 0% it4 more on !"ic" in t"e section 0elo!F
/"e str$ct$re o t"ese aid c"annels is cond$ci)e to $nding large4 ca#ital-intensi)e
de)elo#ment #roMectsF (ndeed4 1"inese aid is oten dis0$rsed t"ro$g" state-o!ned
cor#orations and Moint )ent$resF ,$c" o it consists o constr$ction and engineering
#ro)iding t"e contracted irms !it" o##ort$nities or ma6ing $rt"er 0$siness lin6s on
t"e continent in addition to t"e aid contract mostl% oc$sing on t"e energ% sector 0$t
also logging4 agric$lt$re4 rail!a%s4 man$act$ring and telecomm$nicationsF
2o)em0er 2DD6 sa! t"e t"ird For$m on 1"ina-Arica 1oo#eration (FO1A1)4 t"e
main 'ino-Arican coo#eration or$m4 !"ere #olitical leaders and 0$siness
re#resentati)es meetF At t"e 2DD6 s$mmit4 *resident &$ Eintao #romised s$0stantial
ne! #reerential loans4 eJ#ort credits and FD( $nding or Arica4 in addition to
#romising to do$0le 1"inese aid to Arica 0% 2DD=F
'ino-Arican relations"i#s "a)e 0een criticised or 0%#assing m$ltilateral or$msF
1"ina is $nli6el% to enter non-d$#lication and 0as6et $nding arrangements !it"
ot"er donors in t"e s"ort term4 #otentiall% detracting rom aid "armonisation eortsF
&o!e)er4 t"in6 tan6 (**+ #oint o$t t"at 1"ina "as not 0een in)ited to ot"er
#otentiall% #rod$cti)e coordination or$ms s$c" as t"e Arica *artners"i# For$m a
gro$# o 0ilateral and m$ltilateral donors and Arican go)ernments and t"at t"e
.$ro#ean 1ommission<s 1"ina #artners"i# strateg% #ro)ides anot"er o)erloo6ed
coordination toolF
1onsidering t"e !ider *aris Declaration #rinci#les ("armonisation4 alignment4 m$t$al
acco$nta0ilit%4 o!ners"i# and managing or res$lts)4 1"ina seems to oster
Ogo)ernment o!ners"i#< rat"er t"an Ociti5en o!ners"i#< and c"annels or m$t$al
acco$nta0ilit% are $nclearF (t does4 "o!e)er4 ollo! t"e #rinci#les o aid alignment4
a)o$ring reci#ient co$ntr% #rioritiesF
2on-intererence in internal Arican aairs is a central #art o 1"inese oreign #olic%
lang$age and $nder#ins its a##eal to reci#ient go)ernmentsF /"e tenets o 1"ina<s
Arica #olic% are Osincerit%4 e>$alit% and m$t$al 0eneit4 solidarit% and common
de)elo#ment $sing lang$age t"at stresses de)elo#ing-co$ntr% solidarit%4 res#ect4
#eace and riends"i#F :"et"er t"is is maniest in realit% as !ell as in #olic% is a
dierent matter V commentator Ali As6o$ri4 or eJam#le4 acc$ses 1"inese com#anies
o Oo##ort$nistic in)ol)ement !it" dictators"i#s<F
/"e international image 1"ina is ostering is one o a #ri)ileged relations"i# o
so$t"Vso$t" coo#eration4 !it" s"ared #ro0lems o #o)ert% and t"e a0ilit% to
o)ercome t"ose #ro0lemsF
And in addition to t"e mercenar% la)o$r o 1"inese aid4 it contains an as#ect o
a$t"entic so$t"Vso$t" solidarit% t"at gi)es it #otenc% and clo$tF 1"ina "as 0een a
#oor co$ntr% or a long time and "as recentl% red$ced t"e n$m0er o its #o#$lation
li)ing 0elo! t"e #o)ert% line 0% "$ndreds o millionsF :it"o$t an% assistance rom
m$ltilateral inancing instit$tions4 str$ct$ral adM$stment4 good go)ernance or ot"er
eJternal de)elo#ment inter)entions4 it "as com0ined ree mar6et mec"anisms !it"
strict go)ernment control to ac"ie)e its a!esome gro!t" rates al0eit at a "ea)% #rice
o accelerating social ine>$alit% and en)ironmental degradationF
Alt"o$g" Arican internal mar6ets are ar too small to re#licate t"e 1"inese economic
s$ccess #at"4 its eJam#le o a$tonomo$s non-!estern de)elo#ment is em#o!ering
and com#ellingF And as 'a$tman and &airong #oint o$t4 t"e inrastr$ct$re 0$ilt 0%
1"inese com#anies is a signiicant reso$rce or !ider Arican ind$strialisation and
economic de)elo#mentF -$ilding t"e 0asis or ind$strial de)elo#ment ma% !ell 0e a
more constr$cti)e contri0$tion to Arica t"an t"e !estern oc$s on social
de)elo#ment V in a c"anging economic !orld order4 Arica<s ind$strialisation and
endogeno$s gro!t" ma% "a)e a ne! c"ance o de)elo#ingF
On t"e ot"er "and4 as !it" ot"er international actors4 1"inese economic assistance is
a carrot or s$##orting 1"ina in m$ltilateral or$msK in t"e :"ite *a#er on 1"ina<s
Arican *olic%4 t"e orm$lation is 1"ina !ill strengt"en coordination !it" Arica in
t"e U2 and ot"er m$ltilateral s%stems 0% s$##orting eac" ot"ers M$st demand and
reasona0le #ro#ositionsF
One s$c" eJam#le is Arican s$##ort or 1"inese #ositions in t"e U2 General
/"e most o0)io$s 1"inese concern on t"e international arena is t"e di#lomatic
marginalisation o /ai!an4 clearl% stated in t"e :"ite *a#erF (n t"is sense4 1"ina<s
s$##ort or Arican de)elo#ment "as t"e #otential to inl$ence Arican 0e"a)io$r on
international arenas4 e)en t"o$g" /ai!an is t"e onl% iss$e 1"ina is c"am#ioning at
1"ina<s #olitical disco$rse #ro)ides a contrast to !estern dominance and
democratisation and neoli0eral ideolog%F /"e dominant donor instit$tions "a)e long
$sed t"eir ad)antage to la$d t"e com0ination o #olitical and economic li0eralisation
as t"e onl% #ossi0le model or reac"ing !estern le)els o #ros#erit% c"oosing to
ignore t"e signiicant role o state direction in earl% stages o economic de)elo#ment
in t"e !est as !ell as in .ast AsiaF
1"ina<s economic and #olitical s#ace "as al!a%s 0een ar more tig"tl% state-
controlled t"an in !estern donor co$ntries 0$t its econom% "as nonet"eless gro!n
enormo$sl%F &ence4 1"ina #ro)ides a do$0le-edged eJam#leK !"ile demonstrating a
s$ccess stor% o economic gro!t" !it"o$t an eJ#licit neoli0eral ideolog%4 !it" some
concern or s"aring t"e r$its o de)elo#ment4 it also s"o!s economic gro!t" !it"o$t
ci)il li0erties or #artici#ator% democrac%F
/"e a##eal o t"is Ode)elo#ment !it"o$t democrac%< "as 0een noted 0% se)eral
Arican ci)il societ% anal%sts4 !"o are !ar% t"at t"e 1"inese eJam#le ($ndermining
t"e m$c"-la$ded lin6 0et!een de)elo#ment and #olitical li0eralisation) !ill 0e $sed
to t"e #olitical ad)antage o inc$m0ent Arican go)ernmentsF 1"ina<s a##roac" to
de)elo#ment eJcl$des4 and "ence im#licitl% discredits t"e notion t"at an a$tonomo$s4
)i0rant ci)il societ% is central to de)elo#mentF
Recommendations 'or civil society advocacy
1"ina<s aid #resence in Arica is im#ortant to 1'Os !"o !or6 in areas s$c" as
0$dget monitoring4 aid #olic% and democratisationF Arican go)ernments< relati)el%
ree access to loans4 in)estment and aid rom 1"ina means decreased reliance on
ot"er income so$rces4 s$c" as traditional donor aid and internal taJ re)en$eF &ence4
inasm$c" as $nding 0$%s acco$nta0ilit%4 go)ernment acco$nta0ilit% ma% s"it a!a%
rom donors and Arican citi5ensF *ress$re rom traditional donor conditionalit%
!"ic" "as at times a)o$red ci)il societ% as an as#ect o good go)ernance and
democratisation ma% lessenF &ence4 1'Os ma% need ne! a)en$es or #$tting
ad)ocac% #ress$re on t"e 1"inese to #re)ent t"eir aid $nding re#ressi)e
go)ernments4 damaging ind$str% and reso$rce eJtraction4 or sociall% di)isi)e Omal-
Alt"o$g" Arican ci)il societ% "as 0eneited rom a #ri)ileged #osition in !estern
donor $nding4 a more inde#endent #osition is #reera0le or Arican ci)il societ% to
0$ild t"eir integrit% and legitimac% !"en tac6ling #ro0lems at "omeF /"ereore4
decreased !estern donor inl$ence #ro#ortional to 1"inese inl$ence can 0e seen as a
0lessing in disg$iseK a c"ance or Arican 1'Os to disassociate t"emsel)es rom t"eir
re#$tation as donor-led go)ernment antagonistsF (nde#endence rom all non-ci)il
societ% instit$tions 0e t"e% !estern or 1"inese donors or domestic go)ernments4 is
somet"ing t"at Arican 1'Os s"o$ld !or6 to!ardsF ,ean!"ile4 de#ending on eac"
1'O<s #riorities4 O0iora" "as t"e ollo!ing recommendations or Arican ci)il
societ%<s engagement !it" 1"inaF /"ese are es#eciall% rele)ant or !a%s or!ard in
im#ro)ing t"e "$man rig"ts4 en)ironmental and redistri0$ti)e im#act o 1"ina in
1reating a #arallel 'ino-Arican ci)il societ%4 0$siness4 la0o$r and cons$mer
gro$#s< meeting at t"e 1"ina-Arica 1oo#eration For$m !o$ld 0e )er%
#rod$cti)e or en"ancing #eo#le-to-#eo#le lin6s4 eJc"anging ideas and
esta0lis"ing lo00%ing #ositionsF
(n terms o Arican ci)il societ% lo00%ing 1"inese instit$tions4 t"e 0est !a% is
#ro0a0l% to ta6e ad)antage o !estern 1"ina-related concerns t"ro$g"
Ocoalitions o interest< !it" !estern go)ernments and 2GOs4 #ro)iding an
o##ort$nit% or more international lo00%ingF O#tions incl$de mass 0o%cotts o
1"inese #rod$cts on "$man rig"ts and en)ironmental gro$ndsK O1"ina is not
totall% o0li)io$s o #otential "arm to its glo0al re#$tation i it came to 0e
#ercei)ed as t"e #rinci#al #atron and #rotector o Arica<s t%rants<F /"is can 0e
$sed as a le)er to em0arrass t"e 1"inese go)ernment at international ormF
Arican 1'Os ma% 0e a0le to mo0ilise coalitions and relations"i#s !it" 1"ina
and a0o$t 1"ina relati)el% >$ic6l% V certainl% aster t"an Arican go)ernmentsF
/"is gi)es more room or manoe$)re or Arican 1'Os !"o c"oose to
mo0ilise toget"erF
Alt"o$g" Oname and s"ame< cam#aigning tactics t"at are commonl% $sed to
#ress$re !estern com#anies to im#ro)e t"eir #olic% are less li6el% to !or6 on
$nres#onsi)e 1"inese 'O.s (state-o!ned enter#rises)4 it is !ort" #ersisting
!it" #olic% le)ers lin6ed to 1"ina<s economic interestsF O2ame and s"ame< can
!or6 on 1"inese transnational cor#orations4 es#eciall% as t"ese mo)e $# t"e
)al$e c"ain and in)est #restige in t"e re#$tation o t"eir 0randsF
'etting $# 1"ina st$dies in Arican ed$cation instit$tions is a m$c"-needed
ste# or 0etter inormed engagementF
/"e increasing 1"inese re#$tation o coll$ding !it" re#ression #$ts 1"inese
citi5ens at ris6 rom )iolence rom re0el gro$#s V eFgF in t"e 2iger DeltaF '$c"
t"reats $nderscore t"e im#ortance o #eace and sta0ilit% or contin$ed
#ros#erit% and sae o#erations in Arica
Arican 1'Os can also ma6e eorts to connect directl% to t"e 1"inese
go)ernment or s$##ortF :it" t"e c"anging aid #riorities in 1"ina and
a)aila0ilit% o reso$rces4 1"ina<s engagement can #resent ne! o##ort$nities
or Arica<s de)elo#ment among 1'OsF
/"e met"ods s$ggested 0% O0iora" mainl% all into t"e categor% o acti)ist ad)ocac%4
as t"ere are #resentl% e! eJisting #latorms or ormal ci)il societ% engagement !it"
Arican as !ell as nort"ern 1'Os !o$ld do !ell to start long-term cam#aigning
coalitions !it" 1"inese 1'Os no!F :it"in t"e 1"inese go)ernment t"ere !ill 0e
dierent instit$tions and le)els !it" O#ress$re #oints< t"at can 0e $sed or ad)ocac%
as !ell as constr$cti)e engagementN #ro)incial go)ernments 0eing one eJam#leF
1"ina<s in)ol)ement in Arican de)elo#ment can 0e seen as an o##ort$nit% to oster
lin6s 0et!een #eo#le and as a ne! #o!er s"it a!a% rom t"e entrenc"ed !orld orderF
1"ina in Arica is a to#ic t"at aro$ses 0ot" concern and ascination in t"e
de)elo#ment comm$nit%F On t"e one "and4 t"ere are t"e man% retrograde acets o
1"ina<s gro!ing #resenceK t"e tied aidN t"e no-strings-attac"ed coo#eration r"etoricN
t"e lac6 o conditionalit% and o standardsN t"e in)estments and tradeN t"e energ%
#olitics4 t"e militar% s$##ortF
1"ina<s com0ined aid and commercial #resence resem0les t"e 6ind o earl%
#ostcolonial modernist de)elo#ment eorts rom !estern co$ntries t"at "a)e 0een
o$nd not to !or64 namel% sending tec"nolog% and eJ#ertsN large-scale inrastr$ct$re
rom donor-$nded com#aniesN and aid in ret$rn or U2 General Assem0l% lo%alt%F
Among O.1D donors t"ese instr$ments "a)e largel% 0een s$#erseded 0%
em#o!erment4 s$staina0ilit% and rig"ts a##roac"es #er"a#s at t"e eJ#ense o serio$s
in)estments into an ind$strial 0ase or Arican economic de)elo#mentF 2e)ert"eless4
alt"o$g" traditional !estern donors ma% "a)e c"anged t"eir lang$age and de)elo#ed
t"eir ODA de#artments4 oreign #olic%4 sec$rit% and trade #riorities still d!ar t"eir
ODA concernsF /"e alarm !"ic" accom#anies 1"ina<s entr% into Arica mirrors t"e
!estern co$ntries< ear o 1"ina<s #osition as a c"allenger in t"e !orld econom%F
Aside rom t"e legitimate and serio$s concerns a0o$t 1"ina<s ODA a##roac"4 t"e
tone o t"e de)elo#ment literat$re on 1"ina in Arica eJ#oses t"e comorta0le and
#aternal #osition o nort"ern aid in Arica4 and t"e #roo$nd t"reat to t"is #osition
rom t"e emerging aid #ro)idersF :e 0egin to realise t"e eJtent to !"ic" Arican
co$ntries still are reliant on m$ltilateral #olic% conditionalit%N to !"at eJtent nort"ern
aid agencies relis" t"e role o 0eneactor des#ite t"e all-#er)asi)e O#artners"i#< and
Oo!ners"i#< Margon4 and t"e g$l 0et!een small 0eneits rom aid and enormo$s
damage rom !orld trade str$ct$resF 1"ina<s acti)ities ma% #$t #ress$re on nort"ern
donors to ma6e more serio$s eorts to lead 0% eJam#le and gi)e reci#ient
go)ernments a$tonom%4 to $ntie aid and to #$s" or s$staina0ilit% in 0inding glo0al
Human Security in )'rica
/"e realt% o toda%<s !orld con$tes t"e traditional t"esis t"at t"e state is t"e sole
#$r)e%or o "$man sec$rit% and t"at it is onl% !"en t"e state<s sec$rit% is t"reatened
t"at t"e s"ield o #rotection is ine)ita0l% remo)ed rom its citi5enF 1ontem#orar%
t"reats to "$man sec$rit% are ar more di)erse and innoc$o$s t"an #re)io$sl%
$nderstood and originate mostl% rom !it"in concerned statesF ,ore t"an "al t"e
!orld<s most 0r$tal conlict is c$rrentl% located in AricaF /"e conlicts in Dar$r4 in
t"e '$dan4 -$r$ndi4 t"e Democratic +e#$0lic o 1ongo4 Uganda and ()or% 1oast are
constant reminders o t"e internecine conlicts t"at dail% n$lli% t"e li)es o millions
in AricaF /"e "$man sec$rit% "as ollo!ing dimensionsF
(a) Food 'ec$rit% in Arica
(0) .n)ironmental sec$rit% in Arica
(c) *olitical (Go)ernance) 'ec$rit% in Arica
(d) .conomic sec$rit% in Arica
(e) 1omm$nit% 'ec$rit% in Arica
() &ealt" 'ec$rit% in Arica
(g) *ersonal 'ec$rit% in Arica
6ood Security in )'rica
Food sec$rit% eJits !"en all #eo#le4 at all times4 "a)e #"%sical and economic access
to s$icient4 sae and n$tritio$s ood to meet t"eir dietar% needs and ood #reerences
or an acti)e and "ealt"% lieF /"$s4 ood sec$rit% im#lies t"at all #eo#le4 rom t"e
le)el o indi)id$al "o$se"olds to t"e le)el o t"e !orld as a !"ole4 s"o$ld 0e a0le to
access ood at all timesF 2ot onl% s"o$ld ood 0e accessi0le4 0$t it s"o$ld 0e
s$icient4 sae and n$tritio$s and m$st also cater to t"e dietar% needs and #reerences
o t"e indi)id$al "o$se"oldF 1onse>$entl%4 ood sec$rit% im#lies t"at it is not
s$icient t"at t"ere is eno$g" ood to go ro$nd t"e !"ole !orldF *eo#le m$st "a)e
read% access to ood as >$aliied eit"er 0% gro!ing it t"emsel)es4 0% 0$%ing it4 or
t"ro$g" a #$0lic ood distri0$tion s%stemF (t is no! acce#ted act t"at alt"o$g" t"e
a)aila0ilit% o ood is a necessar% condition or ood sec$rit%4 it is $ndo$0tedl% not
s$icient as #eo#le can still star)e d$ring amilies4 e)en !"en s$icient ood is
a)aila0le4 i t"e% cannot access t"e a)aila0le oodF /"is means t"at #eo#le ma% 0e
ood insec$re in t"e midst o a)aila0le oodF Food insec$rit% ma% t"$s not 0e ca$sed
0% t"e ail$re to #rod$ce ood4 0$t rat"er 0% t"e ail$re o li)eli"ood s%stems to
g$arantee s$icient access to itF
Food sec$rit% is #rimaril% concerned !it" access to oodF /o 0e ood sec$re4
"o$se"olds s"o$ld "a)e t"e reso$rces necessar% to access t"e ood t"e% need or
cons$m#tion and t"is access ma% 0e in t"e orm o income4 land4 li)estoc64 tools or
la0o$r4 de#ending on !"et"er t"e "o$se"old is r$ral or $r0anF 'econd dimension o
ood sec$rit% "as a tem#oral com#onentF /"is denotes t"e acts t"at or "o$se"olds to
0e ood sec$re t"em m$st not onl% "a)e access to ood 0$t s$c" access m$st 0e
consistent or relia0leF /"ird dimension o ood sec$rit% t"at can 0e gleaned rom t"e
deinition is its n$tritional as#ectF &ence4 #eo#le s"o$ld "a)e access not onl% to an%
t%#e o ood4 0$t one t"at is sae4 s$icient and n$tritio$s according to t"eir s#eciic
dietar% needs and #reerencesF
According to t"e Food and Agric$lt$re Organisation4 a total o 848 million #eo#le
s$ered rom "$nger in 2DD3-D54 t"e #eriod or !"ic" t"e FAO "as t"e most recent
com#lete estimates o $nderno$ris"ment at t"e co$ntr% le)elF O t"is n$m0er4 s$0-
'a"aran Arica acco$nted or 25 #ercent !"ilst t"e 2ear .ast and 2ort" Arica
acco$nted or a0o$t 3F= #ercentF (t is estimated t"at t"e #ro#ortion o #eo#le !"o
s$er rom "$nger in t"e total #o#$lation o t"e !orld remains "ig"est in s$0-
'a"aran Arica4 !"ere one in t"ree #ersons is c"ronicall% "$ngr%F /"ese are grim
acts and t"e onl% )ia0le concl$sion t"at one can dra! rom a sit$ation !"ere one in
t"ree #eo#le is c"ronicall% "$ngr% is t"at s$c" a #lace is ood insec$reF /"ere are
ollo!ing reasons or ood insec$rit% in AricaK
The Colonial 1eacy
Food sec$rit% in Arica s$ered a do!nt$rn d$ring t"e colonial era d$e to se)eral
reasonsF First4 man% o t"e colonial go)ernment em#"asised t"e #rod$ction o cas"
cro#s or eJ#ort rat"er t"an ood cro#s or domestic cons$m#tionF /"is led to ood
scarcit% and 0% im#lication4 ood insec$rit%F F$rt"ermore4 as #art o t"e larger eort
to eJ#loit "$man and nat$ral reso$rces4 colonialism oten destro%ed t"e indigeno$s
instit$tions and #ractices t"at "el#ed #romote ood sec$rit%F
1and @ra2s
Anot"er recent actor !"ic" co$ld eJacer0ate ood insec$rit% in Arica is t"e ne!
!a)e o land gra0sF 7and gra0s reer to t"e c$rrent #"enomenon !"ere0% ric"
co$ntries and com#anies rom aro$nd t"e !orld o$tso$rce ood #rod$ction 0% t"e
ac>$isition o armland a0road t"ro$g" #$rc"ases or leasesF :it" #artic$lar reerence
to Arica4 t"e land gra00ers "a)e incl$ded t"e go)ernments and #ri)ate sector
com#anies o some ric" co$ntriesF /"e target co$ntries in Arica "a)e incl$ded
.t"io#ia4 '$dan4 .ritrea4 'enegal4 Uganda4 ,o5am0i>$e4 /an5ania4 1ameroon and
Cim0a0!eF /"e #ro0lem !it" t"ese land gra0s is t"at t"e% "a)e t"e #otential o
$ndermining small scale arming and r$ral li)eli"oods4 es#eciall% !"ere t"e target
go)ernment ar0itraril% ac>$ire c$stomar% lands or t"e #$r#ose o leasing t"em to
The )'rican Environment
/"o$g" t"e Arican continent is large and its terrain and climatic !idel% )aria0le4 one
o t"e c"allenges it aces is t"e act t"at most o t"e continent is geologicall% inacti)e
and "ot %ear-ro$ndF As a conse>$ence o t"is4 t"e soils are "ig"l% leac"ed !it" little
#lant n$trients and organic material4 all leading to lo! agric$lt$ral #rod$cti)it%F A#art
rom t"e nat$re o t"e Arican soil4 anot"er c"allenge to t"e Arican en)ironment is
t"e #attern o rainall in man% #arts o t"e continentF (n man% #arts o Arica4 d$e to
t"e #"enomenon o (nter tro#ical con)ergence 5one4 rainall is c%clical or seasonal
and is not e)enl% distri0$ted o)er t"e co$rse o t"e %earF /"ese nat$ral reso$rce
constraints indeed "inder agric$lt$ral #rod$cti)it% in man% #arts o Arica and co$ld
0e said to acco$nt or some o t"e ood insec$rit% in AricaF &o!e)er4 a closer
anal%sis o t"e sit$ation discloses ot"er reasons or ood insec$rit% in AricaF
;nderdeveloped )riculture Sector
/"e agric$lt$ral sector o Arica to a large eJtent is $nderde)elo#ed 0eca$se o
tec"nical inno)ations4 s$c" as irrigation and agric$lt$ral !ater management4 are not
intensi)el% em#lo%ed in man% Arican co$ntriesF And since most cro#s in Arica are
rained4 ollo!s a strongl% seasonal #atternF /"e Arican agric$lt$ral sector does "a)e
remar6a0le #otential i m$c" more o t"e a)aila0le ara0le land can 0e $tili5edF (t is
act$all% estimated t"at onl% a0o$t ten #ercent o t"e s$race area o Arica is $sed or
c$lti)ation !"en it is act$all% #ossi0le to $se to t"irteen to o$rteen #ercentF
Environmental security in )'rica
/"e term en)ironment sec$rit% "as 0een deined as encom#assing t"e a)aila0ilit% o
en)ironmental ser)ices or man and nat$reF :"en "$man societies can eed and sta%
!arm rom t"e reso$rces t"at nat$re can #ro)ide4 an% conlicts 0et!een s$c" societies
!ill certainl% not 0e rooted in en)ironment ca$sesF +eso$rce scarcit% in t$rn leads to
conlict 0et!een contesting gro$#s 0eca$se t"e $ndamental tenet in t"e deinition o
en)ironmental sec$rit% !ill "a)e 0een remo)edF .>$all%4 t"e conlict itsel leads to
$t$re en)ironmental destr$ction t"at ma6es t"e a)aila0ilit% o en)ironmental ser)ice
scarcer to e)en more #eo#leF /"e attit$de o states to!ards addressing t"reats to
en)ironmental sec$rit% "as )aried considera0l%F :"ile some co$ntries are #roacti)e
and4 it ma% 0e arg$ed4 more radical in t"eir eorts4 some "a)e 0een less ent"$siasticF
+eso$rces scarcit% as a res$lt o en)ironmental degradation is not onl% a #otential
ca$se o conlict in t"e traditional sense encom#assing armed )iolence4 it is moreo)er
t"e direct catal%st or all t"e e)ils o $nderde)elo#ment4 incl$ding4 among ot"ers4
malno$ris"ment4 "ig" c"ild deat" rates4 #o#$lation mo)ements and illiterac%F /"is
sit$ation is $rt"er com#o$nded 0% t"e act t"at man% Arican co$ntries can )alidit%
0e classiied as eit"er ailed or !ee6 statesF /"$s $nli6e t"e de)elo#ed !orld !"ere
t"e a)erage citi5en can generall% rel% on t"e state in times o "ards"i# as matter o
social !elare4 t"e a)erage Arican citi5en !o$ld not t"in6 in t"ose termsF '$ccessi)e
generations o Arican "a)e died o amine4 "ad t"eir mineral reso$rces #l$ndered 0%
a$t"oritarian regimes4 and moreo)er aced 0r$tal re#ression and "ars" dictators"i#sF
/"$s4 rele)ant #olicies m$st #ro)ide an alternati)e li)eli"ood acce#ta0le to t"e man%
"$ngr% and eJas#erated #eo#le !"o "a)e resorted to #ractices t"at lead to
deorestation !it" its catastro#"ic conse>$encesF (t is also im#erati)e t"at alternati)e
li)eli"ood 0e s$staina0le in t"e long termF /"e #rotection o Arica<s ragile
en)ironment is not im#ortant onl% in res#ect o t"e "$man sec$rit% o t"at continent
and t"e s#ill o)er o en)ironmental re$gee into ot"er #arts o t"e !orldF -e%ond t"is
o0)io$s calamit%4 t"e dense tro#ical orests o central Arica act as one o t"e largest
nat$ral ilters so t"e car0on dioJide emission o t"e !orld<s ind$strialised nationsF (
t"ese orests !ere to disa##ear t"is !o$ld "a)e an im#act not onl% on t"e glo0al
en)ironment as !"ole4 0$t also on t"e glo0al econom% and #$0lic "ealt"F /"is act
!as recentl% stressed 0% Arican leaders in t"e conteJt o t"e 2DD= 1o#en"agen
'$mmit on climate c"angeF /"e% made it clear i t"e central Arican green 0elt !as to
remain intact signiicant $nding !as re>$ired rom ind$striali5ed nationsF
Political 4@overnance9 Security in )'rica
Go)ernance iss$es are closel% lin6ed to t"e em#o!erment o #eo#le and
comm$nitiesF :it"o$t eecti)e go)ernance4 #eo#le are not em#o!eredF And $nless
#eo#le and comm$nities are em#o!ered to let t"eir )oices 0e "eard or to #artici#ate
in decision-ma6ing4 go)ernance is not easi0leF Go)ernance is )er% im#ortant to
"$man sec$rit%F 1entral to t"e !"ole eJamination o t"e conce#t o "$man sec$rit% is
t"e need to reoc$s attention do!n rom t"e le)el o t"e state to t"at o comm$nities
and indi)id$alsN ne)ert"eless4 national and local go)ernance is a 6e% iss$e4 or good
and or illF
An im#ortant as#ect o t"e constit$tion is #rotection and #romotion o "$man rig"tsF
/"is "el#s ens$re saet%4 li0ert%4 and #re)ention o conlictF /"e Uni)ersal
Declaration o &$man +ig"ts and related international con)entions are essential
models and a so$rce o ins#irationF 'ome Arican go)ernments "a)e ta6en im#ortant
strides to deal !it" t"e saeg$arding o "$man rig"tsF -$r$ndi "as created a ministr%
or "$man rig"tsN ot"er co$ntries "a)e esta0lis"ed national commissions or ot"er
str$ct$resF /"e eecti)eness o t"ese de#ends on t"e strengt" o instit$tional
ca#acities and t"e )igo$r o leaders"i# in ens$ring constant attention to t"e #rotection
o t"e )$lnera0le4 t"e #oor and t"e #o!erlessF
*artici#ation rom all >$arters consolidates gro$# )al$es4 red$ces tensions and 0$ilds
#eaceF (t allo!s comm$nities to eJ#ress concerns and #ro)ides o##ort$nities or
oicials to eJ#lain #olicies and 0$ild s$##ortF /"e "olding o elections at national
and local le)els is a )er% im#ortant element4 and t"e% m$st 0e generall% recogni5ed as
ree and airF /"ese are eJtremel% diic$lt criteria to meet s"ortl% ater a )iolent
conlict4 0$t t"e election o oicials !"ose legitimac% is #o#$larl% recogni5ed is
essential or an en)ironment o sta0ilit%4 #eace 0$ilding and de)elo#mentF Alt"o$g"
t"ere is a danger t"at contenders !ill see6 to o0tain in negotiations and elections
more t"an t"e% co$ld on t"e gro$nd4 t"e res$lts in 'ierra 7eone $ltimatel% s"o!ed t"e
#o!er o citi5ens to o)ercome t"eir ears and t"eir o##ressorsF Also4 t"e recent ree
and air election o .llen Eo"nson-'irlea as *resident o 7i0eria creates t"e
o##ort$nit% or t"at co$ntr% to em0ar6 on t"e reco)er% #at"F
*o#$lar #artici#ation m$st go 0e%ond elections and #olitical incl$sion also means
ens$ring t"at comm$nities "a)e a role in o)erseeing elected and a##ointed oicials4
and t"at t"e% can eJercise inl$ence to ens$re eicienc%4 e>$it%4 trans#arenc% and
acco$nta0ilit% in t"e cond$ct o go)ernment 0$sinessF -ot" maMorit% and minorit%
rig"ts and res#onsi0ilities m$st 0e res#ectedF /"ese are core elements to ac"ie)ing
indi)id$al and comm$nit% le)el "$man sec$rit% t"ro$g" go)ernanceF /"ere is oten a
Gt$g o !arH 0et!een oicial instit$tions and long-standing et"nic4 ling$istic or
religio$s ailiationsF
*o#$lar #artici#ation also means t"at non- go)ernmental organi5ations (2GOs) and
ot"er comm$nit% 0ased elements o ci)il societ% need to 0e a0le to eJ#ress
t"emsel)es and contri0$te to decision-ma6ingF '$c" #artici#ation "as 0een ma6ing
itsel increasingl% elt in Arica4 des#ite t"e otentimes limited ca#a0ilities and
inancial reso$rces o t"ese organi5ationsF 2GOs can 0e !"istle-0lo!ers and
so$rces o ideasF /"e% can also 0e not )er% re#resentati)e o #o#$lar )ie!sF (n some
co$ntries4 2GOs are maMor #eace 0$ilding actors and #olic% o#inion leadersF /"ese
ma% 0e indigeno$s organi5ations or eJtensions o international onesF /"e LDirector%
o Arican 1i)il 'ociet% Organisations in t"e Field o 1onlict *re)ention and *eace
0$ilding4L lists some 6DD s$c" 2GOsF '#eciicall% on t"e role o ci)il societ% in t"e
#re)ention o armed conlict in Arica4 t"e United 2ations Oice o t"e '#ecial
Ad)iser on Arica (O'AA) #$0lis"ed in 2DD4 an assessment !it" n$mero$s
recommendations or strengt"ening action at all le)elsF On a 0roader scale4 O'AA
#$0lis"es a com#endi$m o Arican 2GOsF /"e t"ird (2DD4) edition o t"is incl$des
nearl% 348DD entriesF /"e Director% is #art o t"e United 2ation<s ongoing eorts to
im#ro)e colla0oration and acilitate inormation eJc"ange among ci)il societ%
organi5ations (1'Os)4 as !ell as !it" ot"er de)elo#ment #artnersF /"e Director%
inorms and #romotes a )i0rant ci)il societ% in Arica4 t"ro$g" !"ic" listed gro$#s
ma% learn rom eac" ot"er<s s$ccesses4 strengt"en t"eir o!n local instit$tions4 and
net!or6 eecti)el% or s$staina0le de)elo#mentF
*$0lic administration is a maMor iss$e or go)ernance and "$man sec$rit% on t"e
continentF As noted in a recent eJamination on conlict #re)ention and #eace
0$ilding4 es#eciall% in t"e conteJt o t"e United 2ations4 GUt"e relations"i# 0et!een
ailed and de legitimi5ed go)ernance and t"e emergence o conlict is no! !ell
recogni5edF 1i)il ser)ice diic$lties relate to #erormance4 ser)ice deli)er%4 !aste4
corr$#tion4 and lac6 o comm$nal o)ersig"tF ,oreo)er4 !"ere t"e #$0lic sector is
$na0le to #ro)ide eecti)e reg$lation4 standard-setting and instit$tional s$##ort4 t"e
#ri)ate sector cannot maJimi5e its #otential eit"erF :ea6 and incom#etent #$0lic
administration drains a!a% m$c"-needed inances and gi)es rise to tensions and
insta0ilit%F (n #artic$lar4 corr$#tion negates air com#etition erode t"e )al$es o
com#etence and meritF
Health Security in )'rica
Good "ealt" is 0ot" essential and instr$mental to ac"ie)ing "$man sec$rit%F (t is
essential 0eca$se t"e )er% "eart o sec$rit% is #rotecting "$man li)esF &ealt" sec$rit%
is at t"e )ital core o "$man sec$rit%F &ealt" and sec$rit% "a)e long 0een distinct
ields4 to t"e detriment o 0ot"F &ealt" "as 0een seen as a Gmedical #ro0lemH4 and
sec$rit%4 as a matter o militar% deenceF Good "ealt" is 0ot" an end in itsel and a
means to an end it is an im#ortant indicator o de)elo#ment and a necessar% #redictor
o gro!t"F (n a sense4 it is t"e em0odiment o t"e !"ole de)elo#ment $nderta6ingF
Good "ealt" is not onl% t"e a0sence o disease 0$t it is a #ositi)e state o #"%sical4
mental and social !ell-0eingF 1onse>$entl%4 good "ealt" is directl% related to "$man
dignit%4 t"e a0ilit% to eJercise c"oice and lose ear o t"e $t$reF *oor #eo#le are
#artic$larl% )$lnera0le to maln$trition4 #oor re#rod$cti)e "ealt"4 imm$ne deicienc%
and comm$nica0le diseaseF
On t"e ot"er "and4 ill "ealt" is a s$re ro$te to #o)ert%F Families ma% lose t"eir "omes
and lietime sa)ings 0eca$se o ill "ealt"F Alt"o$g" "ealt" "as generall% im#ro)ed in
Arica in t"e #ast se)eral decades4 #oor "ealt" remains a maMor c"allenge on t"e
continentF 2earl% "al o all c"ildren !"o die 0eore t"eir it" 0irt"da% !orld!ide
come rom s$0-'a"aran Arica4 and #ne$monia4 diarr"oea4 malaria4 measles and
A(D' acco$nt or t"e deat"s o "al o t"emF For Arican c"ildren $nder i)e4 t"e
negati)e "ealt" im#acts t"at arise rom diarr"oeal disease lin6ed to inade>$ate !ater4
sanitation and "%giene are $# to 24D times "ig"er t"an or c"ildren in "ig"- income
(n 2DDD4 t"e co$ntries !it" t"e "ig"est maternal mortalit% ratios (maternal deat"s #er
1DD4DDD li)e 0irt"s) !ere all in AricaF /"e to# t!el)e4 !it" rates o 143DD or more4
!ere4 in ran6 order4 +!anda4 'ierra 7eone4 -$r$ndi4 .t"io#ia4 'omalia4 1"ad4 t"e
'$dan4 1?te dI()oire4 .>$atorial G$inea4 -$r6ina Faso4 Angola and ;en%aF (n all4 21
co$ntries in s$0-'a"aran Arica "ad rates o 14DDD or moreF -% contrast4 t"e maternal
,ortalit% ratio in ind$striali5ed co$ntries !as 12 #er 1DD4DDD li)e 0irt"sF 'e)eral
eat$res "inder "ealt" sec$rit% in AricaF (n addition to #o)ert%4 t"e root ca$ses
incl$de #oor le)els o n$trition4 $na)aila0le or $nsae !ater4 lo! le)els o ed$cation4
#oor "o$sing and )iolent conlictF ( n t"e 0$rgeoning $r0an areas4 limited sanitation4
lac6 o drainage s%stems4 and $ncollected gar0age are maMor detriments to #$0lic
"ealt"F '"ortage o "ealt" #ersonnel and training4 and #oor distri0$tion o !ell
trained "ealt" care #ro)iders t"ro$g"o$t t"e region are also im#ortantF /"e migration
o tens o t"o$sands o doctors4 n$rses and ot"er "ealt" care !or6ers to de)elo#ed
co$ntries costs Arican co$ntries t"eir in)estments4 !"ile it sim$ltaneo$sl% de#ri)es
#eo#le o needed trained staF '$c" "ealt" care #roessionals migrate 0eca$se o
inade>$ate rem$neration at "ome and greater o##ort$nit% else!"ereF
/"e maMorit% o #eo#le in Arican co$ntries "a)e little or no access to "ealt"
ins$rance4 !"ic" lea)es t"em )er% eJ#osed to ris6F ,oreo)er4 decent medical care is
$na)aila0le to most #eo#leF /"e im#act o str$ct$ral adM$stment #rograms o t"e
1=8Ds and 1==Ds dealt a se)ere 0lo! to "ealt" care s%stemsF 1$rrent ste#s to!ard
international orgi)eness o national de0ts4 and t"e em#"asis on ac"ie)ing
,illenni$m De)elo#ment Goals4 are ste#s in a #ositi)e directionF Among t"e ca$ses
o "ealt" insec$rit% in Arica4 t"e &(89A(D' #andemic merits s#ecial attentionF '$0-
'a"aran Arica "as M$st o)er 1D #ercent o t"e !orld<s #o#$lation4 0$t is "ome to
more t"an 6D #ercent o all #eo#le li)ing !it" &(8 some 25F4 millionF (t is not t"e
#rinci#al ca$se o deat" o)erall in most co$ntries4 0$t "as ta6en a signiicant toll on
t"e economicall% acti)e #o#$lationF Among %o$ng #eo#le aged 15-24 %ears4 an
estimated 6F= #ercent o !omen and 2F2 #ercent o men !ere li)ing !it" &(8 at t"e
end o 2DD4FAmong #regnant !omen )isiting $r0an clinics in so$t"ern Arica t"e
rates are m$c" "ig"erF /"e ri##le eects o t"e disease are as dist$r0ing as its deat"
tollF .d$cational attainment s$ers !"en c"ildren lose t"eir teac"ers to &(89A(D'F
1"ildren dro# o$t o sc"ool to ass$me "o$se"old res#onsi0ilities and care or ailing
#arents4 and 0eca$se ed$cational costs 0ecome $naorda0leF
( ormer sc"ool girls enter t"e seJ trade to s$r)i)e4 t"is reinorces t"e c%cle o
&(89A(D' #re)alenceF &(89A(D' red$ces t"e n$m0er and ca#a0ilities o arm
!or6ersF 1o$ntries most aected ris6 losing $# to 26 #ercent o agric$lt$ral la0o$r in
t"e neJt 2D %earsF &(89A(D'-aected amilies ma% 0e orced to sell amil%
#ossessions4 li)estoc6 and land to care or inected mem0ersF Food a)aila0ilit% and
n$tritional >$alit% s"o! mar6ed declineF Attention to malaria and /- "a)e 0een
ecli#sed 0% t"e &(89A(D' #andemic4 0$t t"e% act$all% acco$nt or larger n$m0ers o
deat"s in AricaF Also4 co- inections o t$0erc$losis and &(89A(D' se)erel% im#act
0ot" t"e indi)id$al and t"e "ealt" care s%stemF (n 2DD14 nearl% 7D #ercent o all
t$0erc$losis #atients on t"e continent !ere also inected !it" &(8F :it" regard to
malaria4 it is estimated t"at t"is aects 3DD-5DD million #eo#le eac" %earN 85 #ercent
o t"e res$lting deat"s occ$r in s$0-'a"aran AricaF /"e im#act o malaria on
economic gro!t" in s$0-'a"aran Arica is alarmingN it red$ces economic
de)elo#ment 0% 1F3 #ercent eac" %ear4 !it" economic losses estimated at 12 0illion
dollarsF /"e attention gi)en to >$antitati)e !or6 on ,DGs in t"e area o "ealt" can
0e "el#$l to $t$re anal%ses on "$man sec$rit% in AricaF ,illenni$m goals 44 5 and
6 oc$s on red$cing c"ild mortalit%4 im#ro)ing maternal "ealt"4 and com0ating
&(89A(D'4 malaria and ot"er diseasesF 'e)eral indicators are 0eing trac6ed or eac"4
0ot" nationall% and internationall%F
The Role o' civil society in Promotin Human Security in )'rica
/"e notion o ci)il societ% "as a long #edigree in :estern #olitical #"iloso#"%N
amongst ot"ers4 in t"e !ritings o Eo"n 7oc6e4 /"omas *aine4 AleJis de /oc>$e)ille
and Antonio GramsciF (n t"e :estern deinition o ci)il societ%4 a$tonomo$s and
acti)e )ol$ntar% associations are regarded as a co$nter-0alance to state #o!er4 a
training gro$nd or democratic #ractices4 and as a necessar% conse>$ence o
increasingl% dierentiated str$ct$res o go)ernance t"at "a)e increased t"e distance
0et!een citi5ens and t"e stateF (n t"ese co$ntries !it" t"eir e)er more com#leJ
s%stems o social4 #olitical and economic interactions4 go)ernments can satis% onl% a
small and diminis"ing #ro#ortion o t"e needs o t"eir citi5ens and t"e latter loo6
more and more to ci)ic associations to c"annel a gro!ing range and )ariet% o social
interactionsF /"ese4 in t$rn4 need a rame!or6 o go)ernance o$tside t"e M$risdiction
o t"e stateF (n Arica4 it is rat"er t"e a0sence o go)ernance t"at necessitates and
$els t"e gro!t" o ci)il societ%F
(n 0ot" instances4 ci)il societ% reers4 0roadl% s#ea6ing4 to t"e social and #olitical
s#ace !"ere )ol$ntar% associations (distinct rom t"e a$tomatic4 0inding and
com#$lsor% mem0ers"i# o state"ood) attem#ts to s"a#e norms and #olicies to
reg$late #$0lic lie in social4 #olitical4 economic and en)ironmental dimensionsF
/"ese are seen to incl$deK religio$s organisationsN social cl$0sN social mo)ementsN
ree #ress and inde#endent mediaN trade $nionsN #roessional associationsN and non-
go)ernmental organisations (2GOs)F /"ere "as 0een an eJ#onential gro!t" in t"e
n$m0er o ci)il societ% actors4 and in t"e )ol$me o transnational net!or6s in !"ic"
t"e% are em0eddedF At t"e international le)el4 t"eir increased im#act is relected in
t"e role t"at ci)il societ% #la%ed in t"e esta0lis"ment o t"e (nternational 1riminal
(n Arica4 it is rat"er t"e a0sence o go)ernance t"at necessitates and $els t"e gro!t"
o ci)il societ%F :"ile states are t"e #rimar% actors in t"e international s%stem4 ci)il
societ% "as 0ecome an im#ortant secondar% actor inl$encing t"e agenda o t"e
#rimar% actorsF 1learl%4 t"e m$lti#licit% o t"ese $noicial actors also #resents ne!
#ro0lems4 s$c" as lac6 o co-ordination o eorts and o clear acco$nta0ilit%F /"is is
generall% not a #ro0lem in esta0lis"ed and mat$re democracies4 !"ere go)ernments
acce#t t"at e)en t"e most o#en and trans#arent s%stem s"o$ld allo! or )ol$ntar% and
non-#roit associations to #$rs$e s#eciic aimsF (n de)elo#ing societies4 incl$ding
Arica4 t"e sit$ation is dierent4 "o!e)erF On t"e one "and4 mem0ers"i#
organisations (s$c" as trade $nions and #roessional associations) are readil%
#ercei)ed as #osing a #otential #olitical t"reat to inc$m0ent ]lites 0orne o$t 0% t"e
#olitical mo)ements t"at "ad t"eir origins !it"in organised la0o$r and e)ent$all%
de#osed ;ennet" ;a$nda in Cam0ia4 and t"e close association 0et!een t"e
Cim0a0!e 1ongress o /rade Unions and t"e ,o)ement or Democratic 1"ange in
neig"0o$ring Cim0a0!eF On t"e ot"er4 iss$e-0ased and ad)ocac% organisations
(necessaril% $nded 0% oreign go)ernments4 de)elo#ment agencies and #"ilant"ro#ic
o$ndations) are readil% >$estioned on iss$es o acco$nta0ilit% and re#resenti)it%F
2GOs !or6ing or democrac%4 "$man rig"ts and trans#arenc% are t"ereore oten
lam0asted 0% go)ernments on t"e 0asis o G!"om do t"e% re#resentRH4 or as
organisations acting at t"e 0e"est o some oreign cons#irac% or #olitical or
commercial gainF :"ile go)ernments #oint to t"e reliance on oreign donor $nding
o 2GOs to delegitimise t"em4 t"e 2GOs4 in t$rn4 #oint o$t t"at most Arican
go)ernments (and intergo)ernmental organisations s$c" as 'AD14 .1O:A'4 (GAD4
t"e AU and 2.*AD) are t"emsel)es "ea)il% de#endentF
(t s"o$ld come as no s$r#rise to note t"at t"e relations"i# 0et!een Arican leaders
and ci)il societ% (in #artic$lar4 inde#endent 2GOs) "as t"$s 0een c"aracterised 0%
m$t$al s$s#icion and4 in some cases4 o$trig"t "ostilit% eJce#t !"ere 1i)il 'ociet%
Organisations (1'Os) are #re#ared to !or6 as an eJtension o go)ernment4 #ro#agate
its #olicies and sometimes ser)e as an alternati)e cond$it to gain additional income
or inno)ati)e leadersF (n 'o$t" Arica4 a co$ntr% t"at #ro)ides eJtensi)e s#ace or
ci)il societ%4 t"e #artners"i# and colla0oration t"at c"aracterised t"e #ost-a#art"eid
era "as since gi)en !a% to an 2e)ert"eless4 r"etorical recognition o t"e need or
#o#$lar #artici#ation in go)ernance is gro!ing at t"e le)el o t"e AU and t"e im#et$s
is on ci)il societ% organisations to $se and eJ#and t"e s#ace created or t"eir
in)ol)ementF :"en t"e Gt"ird !a)eH o democratisation "it Arican s"ores in t"e
earl% 1==Ds4 t"is !as as m$c" a "ome-gro!n mo)ement4 as it !as #art o t"e glo0al
c"ain o e)entsF .Jternal de)elo#ments4 s$c" as t"e all o comm$nism and #ress$re
rom oreign donors !ere im#ortant or la%ing t"e gro$nd!or6 or ormal democrac%F
-$t it !as oten t"e reso$rce$lness4 dedication4 and tenacit% o t"e continent<s
nascent ci)il societies t"at initiated and s$stained t"e #rocess o democratic o#ening
and #olitical li0eralisationF (n late 1=8=4 ci)il ser)ants4 teac"ers and traders in -enin
!ere t"e irst to 0ring an end to a$tocrac% and economic mismanagementF (n Cam0ia4
t"e 1ongress o /rade Unions ollo!ed s$it 0% s$ccess$ll% c"allenging t"e t"ree
decade inc$m0enc% o ;ennet" ;a$ndaF (n 'ierra 7eone4 t"e irre#ressi0le resol)e o
t"e :omen<s For$m t"!arted t"e designs o t"e inc$m0ent militar% regime to
orestall t"at co$ntr%<s ret$rn to democratic r$le in 1==6F And t"e damning #astoral
letters o s$c" 1"ristian leaders as -is"o# (sodore /"e inormation re)ol$tion "as
"el#ed to end state-im#osed isolation and allo! or net!or6s to gro! 0e%ond national
0ordersF For eJam#le4 it "as 0een arg$ed t"at t"e aJ4 #"otoco#ier4 #ersonal com#$ter
and des6to##$0lis"ing sot!are !as central to t"e #ro-democrac% mo)ement<s
cam#aign to discredit t"e -anda dictators"i# in ,ala!i in 1==2V=3F /"e gro!ing $se
o e-mail and t"e internet in t"e #ast ten %ears "a)e strengt"ened t"is #"enomenon
0est relected in t"e eJtent to !"ic" inormation on t"e s$##ression o democrac% and
a0$se o #o!er 0% CA2U(*F) in Cim0a0!e in recent %ears is still a0le to reac" t"e
o$tside !orld4 des#ite t"e assa$lt on t"e inde#endent media in t"at co$ntr%F /!o
arg$ments "a)e t"$s ar 0een made t"at #ro)ide or an im#ortant role 0% ci)il societ%
in Arican sec$rit%F /"e irst is t"at t"e maMorit% o #oor Arican co$ntries s$er rom
a concentration o #olitical4 economic and social #o!er in t"e eJec$ti)e 0ranc" o t"e
stateF (n a sit$ation !"ere t"e state is 0ot" t"e dominant economic actor and largest
so$rce o em#lo%ment4 and !"ere economic c"oices are "ig"l% #oliticised4 ci)il
societ% oten #ro)ides t"e onl% c"ec6 on t"e $ntrammelled #o!er o t"e eJec$ti)eF
/"is is4 "o!e)er4 ine)ita0l% a conrontational relations"i#F 'econdl%4 !e "a)e earlier
arg$ed t"at t"e notion o "$man sec$rit% "as im#acted $#on traditional notions o
national sec$rit%F /oda%4 non-state actors 0eneit rom closer in)ol)ement !it" t"e
local comm$nit% d$ring internal conlicts and "a)e greater #otential or local conlict
resol$tion t"an ot"er mec"anismsF Organisations s$c" as t"e (nternational 1ommittee
or t"e +ed 1ross4 OJam and ,edecins sans Fronti@res act as relie agencies !"en
go)ernments are $na0le or $n!illing to do soF .lse!"ere 2GOs4 s$c" as t"e inter-
religio$s co$ncils in 'ierra 7eone and
7i0eria and t"e 1omm$nit% o 'an .gidio4 acilitate negotiations 0et!een !arring
#artiesF (n man% instances t"ese entities $nction !it"o$t t"e constraints (and !it"o$t
t"e legal and ot"er #o!ers) o state instit$tionsF
1i)il societ%4 t"ereore4 incl$des #olitical #artiesN non-go)ernmental organisationsN
religio$s mo)ementsN academic comm$nitiesN t"e mediaN c$lt$ral comm$nitiesN trade
$nions4 etcF :e "a)e also "inted at a t"ird arg$ment or a role 0% ci)il societ% in
de)elo#ing co$ntriesF /"e ca#acit% constraints4 eJ#erienced 0% 0ot" national
go)ernments and intergo)ernmental organisations4 "a)e o#ened $# a )ie! t"at ci)il
societ% organisations can com#lement oicial str$ct$res adding ca#acit% !"ere t"ose
o mandated str$ct$res are lac6ingF /"eir #resence in t"e ield can 0e a )ital lin6 in
#ro)iding earl% !arnings or dealing !it" "$manitarian crisesF /"eir s#ecialised
6no!ledge and contacts can 0e im#ortant com#onents o t"e #ost-conlict #eace
0$ilding #rocessF /"e% can mediate 0et!een t"e #eace and sec$rit% $nctions o
intergo)ernmental organisations4 and t"e needs and !ants o local ci)ilian
#o#$lationsF /"e% can eJert a #ositi)e inl$ence on t"e restoration o a climate o
conidence or reconstr$ctionN and t"e% can 0ring additional eJ#ertise and
com#arati)e #ractices to 0ear in t"e #rocess o #olic% de)elo#ment4 monitoring and
re#ortageF 1i)il societ% is not a s$0stit$te or t"e state4 nor can it claims to 0e t"$s4
0$t is !ell #ositioned to #la% t!o cr$cial roles in relation to !ea6 states in AricaF
/"e irst is to a$gment t"e ca#acit% or de)elo#ment and sec$rit%F /"e second is 0%
"olding t"e go)ernment and leaders acco$nta0le to t"e citi5enr% in Arica4 !"ile
sim$ltaneo$sl% eJerting #ress$re in ca0inet oices and t"e 0oardrooms o t"e ric"
co$ntries to res#ond to t"e s#ecial needs o de)elo#ing co$ntriesF
1F Allison4 Gra"am /F ErF and -esc"el4 +o0ert *F ErF 1==2F L1an t"e United
'tates *romote Democrac%RL *olitical 'cience Y$arterl%4 1D74 14 '#ringF
2F At6inson4 DoreenF 1==2F 'tate and 1i)il 'ociet% in Fl$JK *arameters o a
1"anging De0ateF /"eoria4 ,a%4 ##F 1-28F
3F -ates4 +o0ertF 1==2F 'ocial Dilemmas and +ational (ndi)id$alsK An .ssa%
on t"e 2e! (nstit$tionalismF D$6e Uni)ersit% *rogram in *olitical
.conom%4 :or6ing *a#er4 2oF 1644 A#rilF
4F -endiJ4 +ein"ard4 Eo"n -endiJ4 and 2orman F$rnissF 1=87F L+elections
on ,odern :estern 'tates and 1i)il 'ocietiesFL +esearc" in *olitical
'ociolog%F EA( *ress (ncF4 8ol$me 34 ##F 1-38F
5F -lair4 &arr%F 1==3aF Doing Democrac% in t"e /"ird :orldK De)elo#ing an
A##lied /"eor% o 1i)il 'ociet%F A #a#er or t"e Ann$al ,eeting o t"e
American *olitical 'cience AssociationF :as"ington DF1F4 2-5 'e#tem0erF
6F -lair4 &arr%F 1==30F 1i)il 'ociet% and Democratic De)elo#mentK A 1D(.
.)al$ation *a#erFL :as"ingtonK U'A(D4 *O791D(.9.9*OA4 2o)em0er =F
7F -o00io4 2or0ertoF 1=88F Gramsci and t"e 1once#t o 1i)il 'ociet% in
;eane4 73-1DDF
8F -ronisla!4 Germe6F 1==2F 1i)il 'ociet%K /"en and 2o!F Eo$rnal o
Democrac%4 34 24 3-12F
=F -ro!n4 7F Da)id and ;orten4 Da)idF 1=8=F L/"e +ole o 8ol$ntar%
Organi5ations in De)elo#mentFL -oston4 (nstit$te or De)elo#ment
+esearc"4 1once#t *a#er #re#ared or t"e :orld -an6F 1lar64 Eo"nF 1==1F
Democrati5ing De)elo#mentK /"e +ole o 8ol$ntar% Organi5ationsF :est
&artordK ;$marian *ressF
1DF 1o"en4 Eean 7F and Arato4 Andre!F 1==3F 1i)il 'ociet% and *olitical
/"eor%F 1am0ridge4 ,FAFK ,F(F/F *ressF
11F 1o"en4 Eos"$a and +ogers4 EoelF 1==2F L'econdar% Association and
Democratic Go)ernanceFL *olitics and 'ociet%4 2D4 4 Decem0er4 3=3-472F
12F 1oleman4 EamesF 1=88F L'ocial 1a#ital and t"e 1reation o &$man
1a#italFL American Eo$rnal o 'ociolog%4 =4 (s$##lement)4 =5-12DF
13F De7$e4 'te)en ,F 1==2F L2ationalism and t"e (dea o a 7i0eral 1i)il
'ociet%FL &istor% o .$ro#ean (deas4 )olF 154 4D64 483-4=DF
14F .)ans4 *eter4 Dietric" +$esc"eme%er4 and /"eda '6oc#olF 1=85F -ringing
t"e 'tate -ac6 (nF 2e! 3or6K 1am0ridge Uni)ersit% *ressF
15F Fran6s4 1F.F'F 1=8=F Dissent and t"e 'tateF /orontoK OJord Uni)ersit%
16F Gellner4 .rnestF 1==1F L1i)il 'ociet% in &istorical 1onteJtFL (nternational
'ocial 'cience Eo$rnal4 '#ring4 4=5-51DF
17F &a0ermas4 E$rgenF 1=78F L7egitimation *ro0lems in t"e ,odern 'tateL in
1omm$nication and t"e .)ol$tion o 'ociet% (/ransF /"omas ,c1art"%)F
-ostonK -eacon *ress4 178-2D5F
18F &a)el4 8acla)4 etF alF 1=85F /"e *o!er o t"e *o!erlessF 2e! 3or6K ,F.F
1=F &a)el4 8acla)F 1=88F LAnti-*olitical *oliticsL in ;eane4 381-3=8F
2DF &irsc"man4 Al0ert OF 1=78F L.Jit4 8oice and t"e 'tateFL :orld *olitics4 2=4
14 =D-1D7F
21F &oare4 Y$intin and Geore%4 2o!ell 'mit"F (edsF) 1=71F 'elections rom
t"e *rison 2ote0oo6s o Antonio GramsciF 2e! 3or6K (nternational
22F &o##le4 Gerald :F and &$s0ands4 Eo 7F 1==1F Assessing *rogress /o!ard
Democrac%K '$mmar% +e#ort o a :or6s"o#F :as"ingtonF DF1FK 2ational
Academ% *ressF
23F ;eane4 Eo"n (edF)F 1=88F 1i)il 'ociet% and t"e 'tateF 7ondonK 8ersoF
24F ;orten4 Da)id 1F 1==DF Getting to t"e 21st 1ent$r%K 8ol$ntar% Action and
t"e Glo0al AgendaF :est &artordK ;$marian *ressF
25F ,igdal4 EoelF 1=88F 'trong 'ocieties and :ea6 'tatesK 'tate-'ociet%
+elations and 'tate 1a#a0ilities in t"e /"ird :orldF *rinceton 2FEFK
*rinceton Uni)ersit% *ressF
26F ,igdal4 Eoel4 At$l ;o"li4 and 8i)ienne '"$eF ort"coming4 1==4F 'tate
*o!er and 'ocial ForcesK 'tr$ggles and AccommodationF 1am0ridge ,FAFK
1am0ridge Uni)ersit% *ressF
27F ,inear4 7arr%F 1=87F L/"e Ot"er ,issions o 2GOsK .d$cation and
Ad)ocac%FL :orld De)elo#ment4 15 (s$##lement) 2D1-211F
28F 2elson4 Eoan and .glington4 'te#"anie EF 1==2F L.nco$raging Democrac%K
:"at +ole or 1onditioned AidRL *olic% .ssa% 2oF4F :as"ington4 DF1FK
O)erseas De)elo#ment 1o$ncilF
2=F 2ordlinger4 .ricF 1=87F L/a6ing t"e 'tate 'erio$sl%4L in ,%ron :iener and
'am$el &$ntington (edsF)4 Understanding *olitical De)elo#mentF -ostonK
7ittle -ro!n and 1om#an%F
3DF Ostrom4 .linorF 1==DF Go)erning t"e 1ommonsK /"e .)ol$tion o
(nstit$tions or 1ollecti)e ActionF 1am0ridge ,FAFK 1am0ridge Uni)ersit%
31F *$tnam4 +o0ertF 1==3F ,a6ing Democrac% :or6K 1i)ic /raditions in
,odern (tal%F
*rinceton 2FEFK *rinceton Uni)ersit% *ress4
32F +o0erts4 -radF (ed)F 1==DF /"e 2e! DemocraciesK Glo0al 1"ange and UF'F
*olic%4 A :as"ington Y$arterl% +eaderF 1am0ridge4 ,FAFK /"e ,(/ *ressF
33F 'alamini4 7eonardoF 1=81F /"e 'ociolog% o *olitical *raJisK An
(ntrod$ction to GramsciIs /"eor%F 7ondonK +o$tledge and ;egan *a$lF
34F 'c"mitter4 *"illi#e 1F 1==2F L/"e 1onsolidation o Democrac% and
+e#resentation o 'ocial Gro$#sFL American -e"a)ioral 'cientist4 )olF 354
nosF 4-54 422-44=F
35F 'orenson4 GeorgF 1==3F Democrac% and Democrati5ationF -o$lder 1FOFK
:est)ie! *ress4 1==3F
36F /andon4 +aMes"F 1==1F L/"e 'tate4 1i)il 'ociet%4 and t"e +ole o 2GOsFL
-oston and 2e! Del"i4 (nstit$te or De)elo#ment +esearc"9'ociet% or
*artici#ator% +esearc" in Asia4 drat #a#er4 A$g$stF
37F United 'tates Agenc% or (nternational De)elo#mentF 1==DF /"e
Democrac% (nitiati)eF :as"ington4 DF1FK U'A(D4 Decem0erF
38F United 'tates Agenc% or (nternational De)elo#mentF 1==1F LDemocrac%
and Go)ernanceK U'A(D *olic%FL :as"ington4 DF1FK U'A(D4 2o)em0erF
3=F United 'tates Agenc% or (nternational De)elo#mentF 1==3aF LU'A(D
'trateg% *a#ersL (Drat)F :as"ington4 DF1FK U'A(D4 7*A re)ision4 Octo0er
4DF United 'tates Agenc% or (nternational De)elo#mentF 1==30F LDemocrac%K
Drat G$idelinesFL :as"ington4 DF1FK U'A(D4 drat #a#er4 Decem0er 3F
41F :al5er4 ,ic"aelF 1==1F L/"e (dea o 1i)il 'ociet%FL Dissent4 '#ring4 ##F
42F :ilda)s6%4 AaronF 1==2F L1an 1$lt$ral /"eor% 1ontri0$te to
Understanding and *romoting Democrac%4 'cience and De)elo#mentRL
*a#er #resented at an (nternational 1onerence on 1$lt$re and
De)elo#ment in Arica4 A#ril 2 and 34 :orld -an64 :as"ington DF1F
43F :ise0erg4 7a$rie 'F 1==3F LDeending &$man +ig"ts DeendersK /"e
(m#ortance o reedom o Association or &$man +ig"ts 2GOsFL .ssa%s
on &$man +ig"ts and Democratic De)elo#ment4 2oF34 1entre or &$man
+ig"ts and Democratic De)elo#mentF
44F :ole4 AlanF 1=8=F :"ose ;ee#erR 'ocial 'cience and ,oral O0ligationF
-er6ele%K Uni)ersit% o 1aliornia *ressF
45F :ood4 .llen ,ei6sinsF 1==DF L/"e Uses and A0$ses o I1i)il 'ociet%IL in
+al#" ,ili0and4 7eo *anitc"4 and Eo"n 'a)ille (edsF) 'ocialist +egister4
1==DF 7ondonK ,erlin *ressF :orld -an64 1==DF :orld De)elo#ment
+e#ort4 1==DK *o)ert%F :as"ington DF1F4 /"e :orld -an6F
46F :$t"no!4 +o0ert (ed)F -et!een 'tates and ,ar6etsK /"e 8ol$ntar% 'ector
in 1om#arati)e *ers#ecti)eF *rinceton4 2FEFK *rinceton Uni)ersit% *ressF
47F 3o$ng4 DennisF 1==2F LOrgani5ing *rinci#les or (nternational Ad)ocac%
AssociationsFL 8ol$ntas4 14 1==24 1-28F
48F Annis4 '"eldonF 1=87F 1an 'mall-'cale De)elo#ment 0e a 7arge -'cale
*olic%R /"e 1ase o 7atin AmericaF :orld De)elo#ment (s$##lement)4 154
4=F As"e4 GartonF 1==DF /"e ,agic 7anternK /"e +e)ol$tion o I8= :itnessed
in :arsa!4 -$da#est4 -erlin4 and *rag$eF 2e! 3or6K +andom &o$seF
5DF -ar6an4 EoelF 1==DF L2$rt$ring 1i)il 'ociet% rom -elo!K 7ocal 8ol$ntar%
Associations and 'tate +es#onse in Arica and 'o$t" AsiaFL *a#er
#resented at t"e 33rd Ann$al ,eeting o t"e Arican 't$dies Association4
-altimore4 ,ar%land4 2o)em0erF
51F -erg4 +o0ert FF 1=87F 2on Go)ernmental Organi5ationsK 2e! Force in
/"ird :orld De)elo#ment and *oliticsF .ast 7ansingK ,ic"igan 'tate
Uni)ersit%4 1enter or Ad)anced 't$d% in (nternational De)elo#mentF
52F -ianc"i4 +o0ertF 1=88F L(nterest Gro$# *olitics in t"e /"ird :orldL in
7o$is EF 1antori and Andre! &F Ceigler (edsF) 1om#arati)e *olitics in t"e
*ost--e"a)ioral .raF -o$lder 1FOK 7%nne +ienner *ress4 2D3-22=F
53F 1arroll4 /"omas FF 1==2F (ntermediar% 2GOsK /"e '$##orting 7in6 in
Grassroots De)elo#mentF :est &artordK ;$marian *ressF
54F De Ean)r%4 Alain and 'ado$let4 .lisa0et"F 1==3F L,ar6et4 'tate and 1i)il
Organi5ation in 7atin America -e%ond t"e De0t 1risis4 /"e 1onteJt or
+$ral De)elo#mentFL :orld De)elo#ment4 214 44 65=-674F
55F De 'oto4 &ernandoF 1=8=F /"e Ot"er *at"K /"e (n)isi0le +e)ol$tion in t"e
/"ird :orldF 2e! 3or6K &ar#er and +o!F
56F Diamond4 7arr%F 1==2cF L(ntrod$ctionK 1i)il 'ociet% and t"e 'tr$ggle or
Democrac%4L in 7arr% Diamond4 edF4 /"e Democratic +e)ol$tionK 'tr$ggles
or Freedom and Democrac% in t"e De)elo#ing :orldF 2e! 3or6K Freedom
&o$se4 1-27F
57F .c6stein4 '$sanF 1=8=F *o!er and *o#$lar *rotestK 7atin American 'ocial
,o)ementsF -er6ele%K Uni)ersit% o 1aliornia *ressF
58F .t5ioni4 AmitaiF 1==DF /"e ,oral DimensionK /o!ards a 2e! .conomicsF
2e! 3or6K /"e Free *ressF
5=F Fo!ler4 Alan4 *eter 1am#0ell4 and -rian *lattF 1==2F L(nstit$tional
De)elo#ment and 2ongo)ernmental in AricaK *olic% *ers#ecti)es or
.$ro#eFL De)elo#ment Agencies4 (2/+A1 2GO ,anagement 'eries4 2oF
6DF Gold4 /"omas -F 1==DF L/"e +es$rgence o 1i)il 'ociet% in 1"inaFL
Eo$rnal o Democrac%4 14 14 18-31F
61F G$stason4 /"aneF 1=8=F L1i)il 'ociet% in t"e 'o)iet UnionL in 'O8'./
2e!s4 /"e .conomic 2e!sletter o 'o)iet 't$dies4 54 Octo0er 2F
62F ;enned%4 ,ic"ael DF 1==1F *roessionals4 *o!er and 'olidarit% in *olandK
A 1ritical 'ociolog% o 'o)iet /%#e 'ocietiesF 1am0ridge ,FAFK
1am0ridge Uni)ersit% *ressF
63F ,acDonald4 7a$raF 1==2F L/$rning to t"e 2GOsK 1om#eting 1once#tions
o t"e 1i)il 'ociet% in 7atin AmericaFL *a#er #resented to t"e Ann$al
,eeting o t"e 7atin American 't$dies Association4 7os Angeles4 24-27
64F ,ain!aring4 'cott and 8iola4 .d$ardoF 1=84F L2e! 'ocial ,o)ements4
*olitical 1$lt$re4 and Democrac%K -ra5il and Argentina in t"e 1=8DsFL
/elos4 614 17-51F
65F *elc5%ns6i4 CFAF 1=88F L'olidarit% and /"e +e0irt" o 1i)il 'ociet% in
*oland4 1=76-1=81L in ;eane4 361-38DF
66F +a$4 C0ignie!F 1==1F L(ntrod$ction4L to /"e +eemergence o 1i)il 'ociet%
in .astern .$ro#e and t"e 'o)iet UnionF -o$lder 1FOFK :est)ie! *ressF
67F +a$sser4 Gordon4 and Eo"nson4 'F+F 1==3F L'tate-,ar6et-1i)il (nstit$tionsK
/"e 1ase o .astern .$ro#e and t"e 'o)iet +e#$0licsFL :orld
De)elo#ment4 214 44 675-68=F
68F 'amir4 AminF 1==DF L/"e (ss$e o Democrati5ation in t"e 1ontem#orar%
/"ird :orldFL *a#er #resented at a 1OD.'+(A s%m#osi$m on Academic
FreedomK +esearc" and t"e 'ocial +es#onsi0ilit% o t"e (ntellect$al in
Arica4L ;am#ala4 Uganda4 2o)em0erF
6=F '"$e4 8i)ienneF 1==DF L'tate 'ocialism and ,oderni5ation in 1"inaK
/"ro$g" /"ic6 and /"inFL *a#er #resented at a s%m#osi$m on 'tate *o!er
and 'ocial ForcesK Domination and /ransormation in t"e /"ird :orld at
t"e Uni)ersit% o /eJas4 A$stin4 Fe0r$ar%F
7DF '5elen%i4 ()anF 1=88F 'ocialist .ntre#rene$rsK .m0o$rgeoisement in +$ral
&$ngar%F ,adison :F(FK Uni)ersit% o :isconsin *ressF
71F /"om#son4 Andres AF 1=8=F L/"e 8ol$ntar% 'ector in /ransitionK /"e 1ase
o ArgentinaFL GAD('4 2oF 4F
72F U#"o4 2ormanF 1==3aF 7earning rom Gal O%aK *ossi0ilities or
*artici#ator% De)elo#ment and *ost-2e!tonian 'ocial 'cienceF (t"aca4
2F3FK 1ornell Uni)ersit% *ressF
73F U#"o4 2ormanF 1==30F LGrassroots Organi5ations and 2GOs in +$ral
De)elo#mentK O##ort$nities !it" Diminis"ing 'tates and .J#anding
,ar6etsFL :orld De)elo#ment4 214 44 6D7-622F
74F :orld -an6F 1==3F :orld De)elo#ment +e#ort4 1==3F 2e! 3or6K OJord
Uni)ersit% *ressF
75F 3o$ng4 ,alcolm4 Gerardo -ert"in4 and Eoel E$t6o)it5F 1==3F LA *lan or
t"e Assessment o AF(FDFIs 1i)il 'ociet% '$##ort in t"e Dominican
+e#$0licK 1=65-*resentFL Arlington4 8FAFK De)elo#ment Associates4
76F Arican 1"arter or *o#$lar *artici#ation in De)elo#ment and
/ransormationF 1==DF Ar$s"a4 /an5ania4 (nternational 1onerence on
*o#$lar *artici#ation in t"e +eco)er% and De)elo#ment *rocess in Arica4
77F Ag0aMe4 Adig$nF 1==2F L(n 'earc" o -$ilding -loc6sK /"e 'tate4 1i)il
'ociet%4 8ol$ntar% Action and Grassroots De)elo#ment in AricaFL Arica
Y$arterl%4 3D4 3-44 24-4DF
78F -ar6an4 EoelF 1==1F L/"e +ise and Fall o a Go)ernance +ealm in ;en%a4L
in Goran &%den and ,ic"ael -ratton (edsF) Go)ernance and *olitics in
AricaF -o$lder 1FOFK 7%nne +ienner *ress4 167-1=2F
7=F -ar6an4 EoelF 1==DF L+es$rrecting ,oderni5ation /"eor% and t"e
.mergence o 1i)il 'ociet% in ;en%a and 2igeriaFL A #reliminar% drat o
an essa% #re#ared or incl$sion in a #ost"$mo$s estsc"rit in "onor o
Eames 'F 1oleman4 Untitled4 edited 0% Da)id .F A#ter and 1arl +F
8DF -ates4 +o0ertF 1=71F Unions4 *arties and *olitical De)elo#mentK A 't$d% o
,ine!or6ers in Cam0iaF 2e! &a)enK 3ale Uni)ersit% *ressF
81F -a%art4 Eean-FrancoisF 1=86F L1i)il 'ociet% in AricaL in 1"a0al4 *atric6F
(edF) *olitical Domination in AricaF 2e! 3or6K 1am0ridge Uni)ersit%
82F -a%art4 Eean-FrancoisF 1==3F /"e 'tate in AricaK /"e *olitics o t"e -ell%F
2e! 3or6K 7ongmanF
83F -ratton4 ,ic"aelF 1=8=F L-e%ond t"e 'tateK 1i)il 'ociet% and Associational
7ie in AricaFL :orld *olitics4 414 34 4D7-43DF
84F -ratton4 ,ic"aelF 1==DF L.na0ling t"e 8ol$ntar% 'ector in AricaK /"e
*olic% 1onteJtL in +ic"ard Eose#" (edF) Arican Go)ernance in t"e 1==DsF
Atlanta GFAFK /"e 1arter 1enter4 1D4-113F
85F -ratton4 ,ic"aelF 1==2F L1i)il 'ociet% and *olitical /ransition in AricaK
;en%a and Cam0ia 1om#aredFL *a#er #re#ared or a 1onerence on 1i)il
'ociet% in Arica at t"e &arr% 'F /r$man (nstit$te or (nternational *eace4
&e0re! Uni)ersit% o Eer$salem4 (srael4 Ean$ar% 1==2F
86F -ratton4 ,ic"aelF ort"coming 1==4F L,icro-Democrac%R /"e ,erger o
Farmer Unions in Cim0a0!eFL Arican 't$dies +e)ie!4 374 1F
87F -ratton4 ,ic"ael and 7iatto-;at$nd$4 -eatriceF 1==3F L-aseline 't$d%K
-eneiciar% *roileFL +e#ort on a national sam#le s$r)e% o #olitical
attit$des #re#ared or U'A(D9Cam0ia4 Octo0erF
88F -ratton4 ,ic"ael and )an de :alle4 2icolasF 1==2F L*o#$lar *rotest and
*olitical +eorm in AricaFL 1om#arati)e *olitics4 244 44 41=-442F
8=F -ratton4 ,ic"ael and )an de :alle4 2icolasF 1==3F L+egime /%#es and
*olitical /ransitions in AricaFL ,'U :or6ing *a#ers on *olitical +eorm
in Arica4 2oF14 ,a%F
=DF 1allag"%4 /"omasF ort"coming 1==4F L1i)il 'ociet%4 Democrac% and
.conomic 1"ange in AricaK A Dissenting O#inion a0o$t +es$rgent
'ocietiesFL 1i)il 'ociet% and t"e 'tate in Arica4 edF 0% Eo"n :F &ar0eson4
Donald +ot"c"ild4 and 2aomi 1"a5anF -o$lder 1FOFK 7%nne +ienner *ressF
=1F 1"arlic64 +o0ertF 1==2F L/"e 1once#t o Go)ernance and (ts (m#lications
or AF(FDFIs De)elo#ment Assistance *rogram in AricaFL :as"ington DF1FK
Associates in +$ral De)elo#ment4 E$neF
=2F 1"a5an4 2aomiF 1=82F L/"e 2e! *olitics o *artici#ation in /ro#ical
AricaFL 1om#arati)e *olitics4 144 24 16=-8=F
=3F 1"a5an4 2aomiF 1==DaF L.ngaging t"e 'tateK Associational 7ie in '$0-
'a"aran AricaFL *a#er #resented at a s%m#osi$m on 'tate *o!er and
'ocial ForcesK Domination and /ransormation in t"e /"ird :orld at t"e
Uni)ersit% o /eJas4 A$stin
=4F 1"a5an4 2aomiF 1==2F LAricaIs Democratic 1"allengeK 'trengt"ening 1i)il
'ociet% and t"e 'tateFL :orld *olic% Eo$rnal4 =4 24 27=-3D7F
=5F 1"e#6!on%4 AgnesF 1=87F L/"e +ole o 2on-Go)ernmental Organi5ations
in De)elo#mentK A 't$d% o t"e 2ational 1"ristian 1o$ncil o ;en%a
(211;)4 1=63 -1=78FL U##sala4 't$dia ,issionalia U##saliensia4 Z7(((4
3=1 ##F
=6F Diamond4 7arr%4 7in5 E$an4 and ,artin 7i#set 'e%mo$r (edsF)F 1=88F
Democrac% in De)elo#ing 1o$ntriesK AricaF -o$lder 1FOFK 7%nne +ienner
*ress4 8ol$me ((F
=7F .6e"4 *eterF 1=75F L1olonialism and t"e /!o *$0lics in AricaK A
/"eoretical 'tatementFL 1om#arati)e 't$dies in 'ociet% and &istor%4 174 14
=8F .sman4 EF ,ilton and U#"o4 2orman /F 1=84F 7ocal Organi5ationsK
(ntermediaries in +$ral De)elo#mentF (t"aca 2F3FK 1ornell Uni)ersit%
==F Fatton4 +o0ertF 1==2F *redator% +$leK 'tate and 1i)il 'ociet% in AricaF
Al0an%4 2F3FK 'tate o 2e! 3or6 Uni)ersit% *ressF
1DDF Fine4 +o0ertF 1==2F L1i)il 'ociet% /"eor% and t"e *olitics o /ransition
'o$t" AricaFL +e)ie! o Arican *olitical .conom%4 2o)em0er4 71-83F
1D1F FoJ4 7eslie ,F 1==3F LAn Assessment o U' *8Os and Arican 2GOsK
/"eir *otential For An (ncreased +ole (n t"e *romotion o Arican 1i)il
'ociet%FL *a#er #re#ared or Associates in +$ral De)elo#ment and
,anagement '%stems (nternational $nder t"e U'A(D Arica -$rea$
Democrac% and Go)ernance *rogramF
1D2F Ge0r$4 ,ers"aF 1==DF L/"e 'tate and 1i)il 'ociet% !it" '#ecial +eerence
to .t"io#iaFL *a#er #re#ared or t"e 1o$ncil or t"e De)elo#ment o
.conomic and 'ocial +esearc" in Arica (1OD.'+(A) '%m#osi$m on
Academic Freedom +esearc" and t"e 'ocial +es#onsi0ilit% o t"e
(ntellect$al in Arica4 26-2= 2o)em0er 1==D4 ;am#ala4 UgandaF
1D3F Gert5el4 1"err%F 1=75F L7a0o$r and t"e 'tateK /"e 1ase o t"e Cam0ia
,ine!or6ersI UnionFL Eo$rnal o 1ommon!ealt" and 1om#arati)e
*olitics4 134 44 (2o)em0er)F
1D4F &ar0eson4 Eo"n :F 1==4F L1i)il 'ociet% and *olitical +enaissance in
AricaFL 1i)il 'ociet% and t"e 'tate in Arica4 edF Eo"n :F &ar0eson4
Donald +ot"c"ild4 and 2aomi 1"a5anF -o$lder 1FOFK 7%nne +ienner *ressF
1D5F &ar0eson4 Eo"n :F4 Donald +ot"c"ild4 and 2aomi 1"a5an (edsF)F 1==4F
1i)il 'ociet% and t"e 'tate in AricaF -o$lder 1FOFK 7%nne +ienner *ressF
1D6F &eale%4 Eo"nF ,F 1==3F L-ots!ana4 A 't$d% in *olitical Acco$nta0ilit%L
(drat)F 7ondonK O)erseas De)elo#ment (nstit$teF
1D7F &olm4 Eo"n DF 1=8=F L(nterest Gro$#s4L in Democrac% in -ots!ana4 edF 0%
Eo"n DF &olm and *atric6 *F ,ol$tsiF At"ens OF&FK O"io Uni)ersit% *ressF
1D8F &olm4 Eo"n DF 1==1F L1i)il 'ociet% and Democrac%K +elections on
-ots!anaIs .J#erienceFL Annee AricaineF
1D=F &olm4 Eo"n DF and *atric6 *F ,ol$tsiF 1==2F L'tate and 'ociet% +elations
in -ots!anaK -eginning 7i0erali5ation4L in Goran &%den and ,ic"ael
-ratton (edsF) Go)ernance and *olitics in AricaF -o$lder 1FOFK 7%nne
+ienner *ress4 75-=5F
11DF &%den4 GoranF 1==2F LGo)ernance and t"e 't$d% o *oliticsFL in Goran
&%den and ,ic"ael -ratton (edsF) Go)ernance and *olitics in AricaF
-o$lder 1FOFK 7%nne +ienner *ress4 1-26F
111F &%den4 GoranF 1==3F LFrom -argaining to ,ar6etingK &o! to +eorm
Foreign Aid in t"e 1==DsFL ,'U :or6ing *a#ers on *olitical +eorm in
Arica4 2oF6F .ast 7ansing ,F(FK ,ic"igan 'tate Uni)ersit%F
112F Eose#"4 +ic"ardF 1==DF L*olitical +ene!al in '$0-'a"aran AricaK /"e
1"allenge o t"e 1==Ds4L in t"e 1arter 1enter4 Arican Go)ernance in t"e
1==DsF Atlanta GFAFK /"e 1arter 1enterF
113F ;asir4 2elsonF 1=84F 'tate and 1lass in AricaF 7ondonK Fran6 1assF
114F ;ilson4 ,artinF 1==3F LA$tocrac%4 1i)il 'ociet% and Democrati5ation in
Arican 'tatesFL *raJis4
115F ;$n54 Fran6 AF 1==1F L7i0erali5ation in AricaK 'ome *reliminar%
+electionsFL Arican Aairs4 =D4 223-235F
116F 7andell-,ills4 *ierre .F 1==2F LGo)ernance4 1$lt$ral 1"ange4 and
.m#o!ermentFL Eo$rnal o ,odern Arican 't$dies4 3D4 2 (E$ne)4 543-567F
117F 7emarc"and4 +eneF 1==2F LUnci)il 'tates and 1i)il 'ocietiesK &o! (ll$sion
-ecame +ealit%FL Eo$rnal o ,odern Arican 't$dies4 3D4 2 (E$ne)4 ##F 177-
118F 7e!is4 *eter ,F 1==2F L*olitical /ransition and t"e Dilemma o 1i)il
'ociet% in AricaFL Eo$rnal o (nternational Aairs4 464 1 ('$mmer)F
11=F 7$ng$4 Gatian FF 1=86F L/"e 1"$rc"4 7a0o$r4 and t"e *ress in Cam0iaK /"e
+ole o 1ritical O0ser)ers in a One-*art% 'tateFL Arican Aairs4 854 34D
12DF ,acGae%4 EanetF 1=87F .ntre#rene$rs and *arasitesK /"e 'tr$ggle or
(ndigeno$s 1a#italism in CaireF 2e! 3or6K 1am0ridge Uni)ersit% *ressF
121F ,onga4 1elestineF 1==3F L/"e +$les o t"e Game in Arican *olitical
,ar6etsFL .Jtracts rom Ant"ro#olog%4 1i)il 'ociet% and Demogra#"% in
Arica4 $n#$0lis"ed man$scri#tF
122F ,e%ns4 *eterF 1==2F L1i)il 'ociet% and Democrati5ation in AricaF
Disc$ssion #a#er #re#ared or t"e 'o$t"ern Arica '$mmer 'c"ool 1==19=2
on 2ational Unit% and Democratic /ransition in 'o$t"ern Arica4L &arare4
Ean$ar%9Fe0r$ar% 1==2F
123F ,ol$tsi4 *atric6 and &olm4 Eo"n DF 1==1F LDe)elo#ing Democrac% :"en
1i)il 'ociet% is :ea6K /"e 1ase o -ots!anaFL Arican Aairs4 8= (E$l%)4
##F 323-34DF
124F 2ational 1o$ncil o 1"$rc"es o ;en%aF 1=84F A +e#ort on t"e 1"$rc"Is
(n)ol)ement in De)elo#mentF 2airo0i4 211;F 2ational +esearc" 1o$ncilF
1==2F Democrati5ation in AricaK Arican 8ie!s4 Arican 8oicesF
:as"ington DF1FK 2ational Academ% *ressF
125F 2!an6o4 1lementF 1==2F L/"e 1i)il 7i0erties Organi5ation and t"e
'tr$ggle or &$man +ig"ts and Democrac% in 2igeriaL in 7arr% Diamond
(edF) /"e Democratic +e)ol$tionF 2e! 3or6K Freedom &o$seF
126F O6$ll$4 &enr%F 1=85F 1"$rc" and *olitics in .ast AricaF 2airo0iK U5ima
*ressF Ol$6os"i4 Ade0a%o OF 1==DF LAssociational 7ie D$ring t"e
2igerian /ransition to 1i)ilian +$leFL Un#$0lis"ed man$scri#tF
127F +a6er4 7iseF 1==2F L/rade Unions in t"e *rocess o Democrati5ationK A
't$d% o *art% 7a0or +elations in Cam0iaFL Oslo4 2or!a%K ,ic"elson
(nstit$te De#artment o 'ocial 'cience and De)elo#mentF
128F +ot"c"ild4 Donald and 1"a5an4 2aomi (edsF)F 1=88F /"e *recario$s
-alanceK 'tate and 'ociet% in AricaF -o$lder 1FOFK 7%nne +ienner *ressF
12=F 'and0erg4 .)eF ort"coming 1==4F /"e 1"anging *olitics o 2GOs and t"e
Arican 'tateF 2e! 3or6K *raegerF
13DF '"a!4 /imot"% ,F 1==DF L*o#$lar *artici#ation in 2on-Go)ernmental
'tr$ct$res in AricaK (m#lications or Democratic De)elo#ment in AricaFL
Arica /oda%4 374 34 5-22F
131F '6alnes4 1==3F L/"e 'tate4 (nterest Gro$#s and 'tr$ct$ral AdM$stment in
Cim0a0!eFL /"e Eo$rnal o De)elo#ment 't$dies4 2=4 34 4D1-428F
132F 8i)ian4 Eessica ,F 1==3F L2ongo)ernmental Organi5ations4 (nstit$tional
+eorm and +$ral De)elo#mentK Findings rom Cim0a0!eFL Gene)a4
'!it5erlandK United 2ations +esearc" (nstit$te on 'ocial De)elo#ment4
drat #a#erF
133F :idner4 Eennier and *$tnam4 +o0ertF 1==3F 't$d%ing Associational 7ie4
Go)ernmental .ecti)eness and .conomic De)elo#ment in AricaF
1am0ridgeK &ar)ard Uni)ersit%4 drat #a#erF
134F :oods4 D!a%neF 1==2F L1i)il 'ociet% in .$ro#e and AricaK 7imiting 'tate
*o!er t"ro$g" a *$0lic '#"ereFL Arican 't$dies +e)ie!4 354 24 77-1DDF
135F 1ot$la4 7oren5o4 'onMa 8erme$len4 +e0eca 7eonard4 and Eames ;eele%
(2DD=)F 7and gra0 or de)elo#ment o##ort$nit%R +omeK FAO4 ((.D4 and
136F Dinar4 Ariel4 +as"id &assan4 +o0ert ,endelso"n4 Eames -en"in et alF
(2DD8)F 1limate 1"ange and Agric$lt$re in AricaK (m#act Assessment and
Ada#tation 'trategiesF 7ondonK .art"scanF 7ondonF
137F FAO (2DD7)F Gro$nd U#K A *.7U,9*'A #$0lication #romoting
s$staina0le comm$nit% de)elo#mentF 8olF 34 2oF 1=F 2o)em0erF (2DD5)F
GAricaK :"ate)er %o$ t"o$g"t4 t"in6 again4H in 2ational Geogra#"icF
'#ecial (ss$eF 'e#tem0erF
138F *a6 '$m 7o! (edF) (2DD5) 1limate 1"ange and AricaF 1am0ridgeK
1am0ridge Uni)ersit% *ressF
13=F +e#$0lic o Uganda (2DD7)F 1limate 1"angeK Ugandan 2ational
Ada#tation *rogrammes o ActionF ;am#alaF
Chapter3 6our
Human Security
and Civil Society
in ,ots-ana
Human Security and Civil Society in ,ots-ana
-ots!ana is a co$ntr% located in 'o$t"ern AricaF Geogra#"icall% t"e co$ntr%
is lat and $# to se)enteen #ercent o -ots!ana is co)ered 0% t"e ;ala"ari DesertF (t
is 0ordered 0% 'o$t" Arica to t"e so$t" and so$t"east4 2ami0ia to t"e !est and
nort"4 and Cim0a0!e to t"e nort"eastF (t meets Cam0ia at a single #ointF A small4
landloc6ed co$ntr% o M$st o)er t!o million #eo#le4 -ots!ana !as one o t"e #oorest
co$ntries in Arica at t"e time it gained inde#endence rom -ritain in 1=66F -ots!ana
"as transormed itsel4 mo)ing into t"e ran6s o middle-income stat$s to 0ecome one
o t"e astest gro!ing economies in t"e !orld !it" its a)erage ann$al gro!t" rate o
a0o$t nine #ercentF -ots!ana "as im#ressi)e trac6 record o good go)ernance and
economic gro!t" s$##orted 0% #r$dent macroeconomic and iscal managementF
:"ile ed$cation eJ#endit$re is "ig" at ten #ercent o gross domestic #rod$ct and
signiicant ed$cational ac"ie)ements "a)e 0een attained4 incl$ding t"e #ro)ision o
$ni)ersal and ree ed$cationF :"en t"e Union o 'o$t" Arica !as ormed in 1=1D
o$t o t"e main -ritis" colonies in t"e region4 t"e -ec"$analand
*rotectorate4 -as$toland and '!a5iland !ere not incl$ded4 0$t #ro)ision !as made
or t"eir later incor#orationF (n E$ne 1=644 -ritain acce#ted #ro#osals or a
democratic sel-go)ernment in -ots!anaF /"e seat o go)ernment !as mo)ed in
1=65 rom ,ai6eng in 'o$t" Arica4 to t"e ne!l% esta0lis"ed Ga0orone4 !"ic" sits
near its 0orderF /"e 1=65 constit$tion led to t"e irst general elections and to
inde#endence on 3D 'e#tem0er 1=66F 'eretse ;"ama4 a leader in t"e inde#endence
mo)ement and t"e legitimate claimant to t"e 2g!ato c"ies"i#4 !as elected as t"e
irst #residentF
/"e #olitics o -ots!ana ta6e #lace in a rame!or6 o a re#resentati)e
democratic re#$0lic4 !"ere0% t"e *resident o -ots!ana is 0ot" "ead o
state and "ead o go)ernmentF .Jec$ti)e #o!er is eJercised 0% t"e
go)ernmentF 7egislati)e #o!er is )ested in 0ot" t"e go)ernment and t"e *arliament
o -ots!anaF 'ince inde#endence !as declared4 t"e #art% s%stem "as 0een
dominated 0% t"e -ots!ana Democratic *art%F /"e M$diciar% is inde#endent o t"e
eJec$ti)e and t"e legislat$reF According to /rans#arenc% (nternational4 -ots!ana is
t"e least corr$#t co$ntr% in AricaF At t"e time o inde#endence -ots!ana "ad no
armed orcesF (t !as onl% ater attac6s rom t"e +"odesian and 'o$t" Arican armies
t"at t"e -ots!ana Deence Force !as ormed in sel-deence in 1=77F /"e #resident
is commander in c"ie and a##oints a deence co$ncilF
-ots!ana<s com#etiti)e 0an6ing s%stem is one o Arica<s most ad)ancedF Generall%
ad"ering to glo0al standards in t"e trans#arenc% o inancial #olicies and 0an6ing
s$#er)ision4 t"e inancial sector #ro)ides am#le access to credit or entre#rene$rs
-ots!anaIs main et"nic gro$#s are -ats!ana4 ;alanga4 -$s"men or A0a/"!a also
6no!n as -asar!aF Ot"er tri0es are -a%ei4 -am0$6$s"$4-as$0ia4 -a"erero and
-a6galagadiF Ot"er gro$#s o et"nicities in -ots!ana incl$de !"ites and (ndians4
0ot" gro$#s 0eing ro$g"l% e>$all% small in n$m0erF -ots!anaIs (ndian #o#$lation is
made $# o man% (ndian-Aricans o se)eral generations4 rom ,o5am0i>$e4 ;en%a4
/an5ania4 ,a$riti$s4 and 'o$t" Arica4 etcF as !ell as irst generation (ndian
immigrantsF /"e !"ite #o#$lation is nati)e to -ots!ana or rom ot"er #arts o Arica
incl$ding Cim0a0!e and 'o$t" AricaF /"e !"ite #o#$lation s#ea6s eit"er .nglis" or
Ari6aans and ma6es $# ro$g"l% t"ree #ercent o t"e #o#$lationF
Civil Society in ,ots-ana
1i)il 'ociet% in -ots!ana is emerging in a co$ntr% t"at "as done )er% !ell in terms
o socio-economic de)elo#ment and managementF -ots!ana is a small co$ntr% t"at
!as 0lessed !it" t"e disco)er% o diamondsF /"e go)ernment "as4 o)er t"e %ears4
$sed inances earned rom t"e diamond ind$str% to de)elo# t"e econom% and #ro)ide
a )ariet% o de)elo#mental and social ser)ices to its #eo#leF /"e co$ntr% "as also
ado#ted )er% good macroeconomic management #olicies !"ic" "a)e "el#ed
-ots!ana design and im#lement )ario$s inrastr$ct$ral and de)elo#ment #roMectsF
/"e co$ntr% 0oasts one o t"e longest s$r)i)ing democracies in all o Arica and also
"as a sta0le #olitical econom%F
Des#ite s$c" strides4 ci)il societ% "as emerged in order to s$##lement t"e state<s
eorts in #ro)iding s$staina0le de)elo#ment4 social ser)ices and #rograms to its
#eo#leF /"e ci)il societ%4 in 0ot" de)elo#ed and de)elo#ing co$ntries4 "as emerged in
order to s$##lement t"e ail$res o t"e state to eecti)el% deli)er ser)ices and
de)elo#ment to all to its citi5enF (t is t"ro$g" t"e com#lementar% eorts o ci)il
societ% and interest gro$#s t"at good go)ernance can 0e #romotedF /"ese same
eorts also "el# to ens$re t"at go)ernment goods and ser)ices reac" t"e grassroots4
t"e #oor4 t"e marginali5ed4 t"e disad)antaged in societ%4 0ot" airl% and e>$ita0l%F
/"e state and ci)il societ% need to s$##lement and com#lement eac" ot"er<s eorts in
terms o t"e de)elo#mental and ser)ice deli)er% agendaF 1i)il societ% emerged in
Arica4 #artic$larl% in t"e 1=8Ds !"en international inancial instit$tions4 donor
agencies and :estern go)ernments s"ited some t"eir aid rom Arican go)ernments
to ci)il societ%F
2on-Go)ernmental Organi5ations no! #la% an im#ortant role in an% co$ntr%F 2on-
Go)ernmental Organisations #ro)ide an $m0rella o ser)ices incl$ding t"e #romotion
o e>$alit% and "$man rig"ts4 legal ser)ices4 ed$cation and training #rograms4 socio-
economic #olitical em#o!erment4 and em#lo%ment creation sc"emesF 1i)il societ%
contin$es to #la% an im#ortant role in an% de)elo#ed and de)elo#ing societ% 0eca$se
t"e% "el# citi5ens #artici#ate and inl$ence t"e decision ma6ing #rocess as !ell as t"e
management o #$0lic aairsF /"ro$g" ci)il societ%4 citi5ens too can ma6e an im#act
on t"e decision ma6ing #rocesses at 0ot" central and local go)ernment le)elsF
According to Diamond (1==4)4 ci)il societ% reers to t"e Orealm o organi5ed social
lie t"at is )ol$ntar%4 sel-generating4 sel s$##orting4 a$tonomo$s rom t"e state4 and
0o$nd 0% a legal order or set o s"ared r$lesF
According to 5aundeni 4&%%/94 ci)il societ% in -ots!ana is )er% !ea6 and
organi5ations $s$all% lo00% 0$rea$crac% rat"er t"an #oliticians as a res$ltF
F$rt"ermore4 5aundeni asserts t"at ci)il societ% is c"aracteri5ed 0% ad-"oc !a%s o
organi5ingF /"at is4 ci)il societ% organi5ations are tem#orar% in nat$re as t"e% address
#artic$lar iss$es in t"e societ% and t"en go into a state o declineF 1ekor-e 4!0009
also arg$es t"at Oci)il societ% in -ots!ana is !ea6 and lac6s t"e ca#acit% to organi5e
itsel<F 1ekor-e 4!0009 arg$es $rt"er t"at des#ite t"e act t"at -ots!ana "as 0$ilt a
s$ccess$l democrac%4 t"e ci)il societ% str$ct$res still remain !ea6F Democrac% is
0elie)ed to 0e one o t"e mec"anisms t"at #romotes and acilitates t"e gro!t" o a
strong ci)il societ%F As #ointed o$t 0% ,olomo and 'omole6ae4 Oit is an $ndis#$ta0le
act t"at democrac% is "ollo! and meaningless i not accom#anied 0% t"e eJistence o
a strong ci)il societ% see6ing to re#resent non-go)ernmental interests<F 7e6or!e
arg$es t"at one o t"e actors t"at im#ede t"e gro!t" o a strong ci)il societ% in
-ots!ana is a s"ortage o citi5ens 6no!ledgea0le in t"e management o 2GOsF
F$rt"ermore4 7e6or!e arg$es t"at t"e act t"at t"ere are onl% a limited n$m0er o
)ol$nteers t"at r$n t"e aairs o 2GOs also "as an eect on t"eir de)elo#mentF /"ere
is also t"e iss$e o ade>$ate time a)aila0ilit%4 es#eciall% in terms o t"e #$0lic and
#ri)ate sector em#lo%ees !"o lend t"eir ser)ices and 6no!ledge to ci)il societ%F (n
addition4 7e6or!e maintains t"at t"e act t"at ci)il ser)ants are not #ermitted to
engage in lo00%ing and ot"er #olitical acti)ities act$all% "am#ers t"e de)elo#ment o
2GOs in t"e co$ntr%F /"e limited n$m0er o ed$cated indi)id$als !"o s$##ort and
acti)el% #artici#ate in t"e acti)ities o ci)il societ% also aects t"e gro!t" o 2GOs
and interest gro$#sF /"e act t"at t"e state controls t"e #$0lic media also "as an eect
on t"e de)elo#ment o ci)il societ% in -ots!anaF /"e so$rces o #$0lic media4 s$c"
as ne!s#a#ers4 radio and tele)ision4 !"ic" are accessed 0% t"e maMorit% o t"e
#o#$lation are controlled 0% t"e stateF /"is limits t"eir #otential $se and creates
0iased #$0lication regarding ci)il societ% iss$esF /"e 0iggest #ro0lem4 as noted 0%
&irsc"man4 is t"e attit$de o t"e #eo#le4 0eca$se t"e% 0elie)e t"at t"ere is no $se in
#$tting #ress$re on t"e state Osince no one is #re#ared to listen to t"emF
,ol$tsi arg$es t"at one o t"e actors contri0$ting to t"e !ea6nesses o ci)il societ%
is t"at t"e conce#t o non-go)ernmental organi5ations !as im#orted rom o$tside 0%
donor agencies in res#onse to t"e Arican statesF /"e str$ct$re o ci)il societ% is
in!ard loo6ing and less engaging !"en it comes to #olic% iss$esF (n some cases4
go)ernments in Arica s#ite ci)il societ% 0eca$se o t"e s%m#at"etic attention t"e%
recei)e rom international organi5ations and donor agenciesF F$rt"ermore4 donor
agencies "a)e oten a)o$red notVor-#roit organi5ations in order to generate
conrontational #olitics 0et!een ci)il societ% and Arican statesF &o!e)er4 7e6or!e
arg$es t"at some o t"e ci)il societ% and interest gro$#s in -ots!ana are mani#$lated
0% t"e go)ernment t"ro$g" state $ndingF 'ome o t"e ci)il societ% organi5ations are
t"ereore not a0le to o#enl% critici5e and c"allenge go)ernment 0eca$se o t"eir
de#endenc% on state $ndingF As #ointed o$t 0% ,olomo and 'omole6ae4 2GOs in
-ots!ana are more interested in !elare iss$es t"an iss$es relating to #olitics and
good go)ernanceF /"e reasoning 0e"ind t"is #ers#ecti)e is t"at t"e% ind s$c" matters
to 0e too #oliticalF For eJam#le4 c"$rc"es are more interested in moral and s#irit$al
iss$es t"an de)elo#mental iss$esF &o!e)er4 t"e a$t"ors $rt"er arg$e t"at t"ere are
ot"er 2GO sectors t"at ad)ocate or #olitical iss$es incl$ding iss$es dealing !it"
democrac%4 good go)ernance4 as !ell as legal4 constit$tional and "$man rig"tsF
.Jam#les incl$de !omen<s 2GOs !"ic" ad)ocate or t"e #romotion and
em#o!erment o !omen4 t"e #ro)ision o ed$cational o##ort$nities or sc"ool dro#
o$ts4 and o#erating da% care centres4 !"ile "$man rig"ts 2GOs ad)ocate or
democrac%4 good go)ernance4 in addition to legal and constit$tional rig"tsF
&o!e)er4 as noted 0% ,a$ndeni4 a lot "as "a##ened since 1==64 incl$ding socio-
economic and #olitical c"anges t"at "a)e occ$rred in -ots!anaF /"e ci)il societ% "as
0een transormed as !ell4 in terms o its str$ct$re4 core roles and t"e o)erall
management o t"eir acti)itiesF &o!e)er4 t"e eecti)e management o t"ese 2GOs is
still aected 0% inancial and managerial constraints4 as !ill 0e demonstrated later in
t"e #a#erF /"e ollo!ing section 0riel% disc$sses t"e roles4 acti)ities4 and o)erall
management o selected 2GOs in -ots!anaF
Nature o' Civil Society
1i)il societ% in -ots!ana is !ea6 in relation to t"e state and t"at ci)il
societ% in general !as #rimaril% concerned !it" #romoting t"e interests o t"eir
mem0ers and not so m$c" !it" t"eir relations"i# !it" t"e stateF For man% %ears4 t"e
state in -ots!ana #roMected t"e ci)il societ% organi5ations as t"e ideal castigating
t"ose !"o see6 to inl$ence #olic%F /"e% !ere la0elled eit"er as #romoting oreign
interests4 or as iniltrated 0% t"e o##ositionF /"e -ots!ana state "as on a n$m0er o
occasions initiated t"e ormation o ci)il societ% organi5ationsF /"is is common
among armer gro$#s as !ell as ci)il ser)ice gro$#s s$c" as t"e -ots!ana 1i)il
'er)ice Association or t"e -ots!ana /eac"ers UnionF
As 5olutsi 4!00/9 rig"tl% concl$ded4 G/"ro$g" t"is cor#oratist strateg%4 t"e state "as
a##ro#riatel% deined t"e role and $nctions o eac" organi5ation and circ$mscri0ed
t"ese s$c" t"at it 0ecomes eas% to la0el and isolate ot"ers as #oliticalF /"is strateg%
s$cceeded orm man% %ears 0eca$se t"e state !as a #rimar% so$rce o inance or
t"ese organi5ationsF &o!e)er4 t"e eect o t"is strateg% !as t"at t"e state
s%stematicall% denied itsel a c"ance to "ear t"e )oice o t"e #eo#leFH /"e state also
$sed t"e la! at times to r$strate or to ma6e diic$lt t"e initiati)es and acti)ities o
t"ese gro$#sF For eJam#le4 /rade Union oice 0earers $sed to 0e or0idden 0% la! to
!or6 $ll-time or t"e UnionsF Also4 0eore t"e 1==2 Amendment4 t"e minister co$ld
a##oint "is re#resentati)e to sit in all eJec$ti)e meetings o t"e /rade UnionsF All
/rade Unions see6ing to ailiate to an (nternational Federation "ad to see6 t"e
minister<s #ermissionF For man% %ears4 -ots!ana did not sign t"e (nternational
7a0o$r Organisation<s con)entionsF 'tri6es and demonstrations 0% teac"ers4 st$dents4
and trade $nions and ot"er ci)il ser)ants !ere illegalF &o!e)er4 since 1==7 alone4 t"e
state "as ratiied o)er t!el)e (nternational 7a0o$r Organisation<s con)entionsF /"e
0iggest c"allenge no! is to incor#orate t"ese international la!s into t"e constit$tionF
/"e classiication o organi5ations into #olitical or a#olitical is #ro0lematicF
&o!e)er4 #ast eJ#erience s"o!s t"at in -ots!anaF ,ost organi5ations incl$ding
0$rial societies4 s#ort and religio$s organi5ations "a)e oc$sed more on t"eir internal
iss$es and #rogrammes and "a)e not engaged t"e state at #olic% le)elF /"at is !"%
ci)il societ% classiied t"em as #oliticalF /"e eJce#tion "as 0een !omen<s gro$#sF
Civil Society 1eads to Su2tational Democracy
/"e conce#t o ci)il societ% "as 0ecome one o t"e catc"!ords in
disc$ssions o democrac% and go)ernance in AricaF 7i0eral democratic t"eor%
essentiall% ass$mes a dic"otom% 0et!een t"e #olitical s#"ere4 !"ic" is associated
!it" a str$ggle or #olitical #o!er4 and ci)il societ% !"ic" constit$te t"e so$rce o
mandate or t"ose in t"e #olitical s#"ere to go)ernF (n t"is sit$ation4 t"e state is seen
as t"e mediator o t"e )ario$s str$ggles rom dierent ci)il societ% gro$#sF
&o!e)er4 t"is sit$ation is not straig"tor!ard as commonl% #roMectedF As alread%
o0ser)ed4 Ga distinction 0et!een t"e #olitical and ci)il is t"eoretical and
met"odological rat"er t"an realF /"e t!o conce#ts are dialecticall% interlin6edF Foc$s
on ci)il societ% and state relations are a recent de)elo#ment in Arican #oliticsF (t can
act$all% 0e traced to t"e 1=8Ds !"en it !as reali5ed t"at t"e state ailed to deli)er
!"at !as eJ#ected o it4 Ode)elo#ment<F Acti)ists and4 to some eJtent4 t"e donor
comm$nit% started to ad)ocate or t"e s"rin6age o t"e role o t"e state and oc$s on
ci)il societ% !"ic" oered a #ossi0le alternati)e str$ct$re o$tside t"e o)er-0$rdened
and ineecti)e stateF /"e neglect o t"e role o ci)il societ% in #olitical disco$rse "as
also 0een e)ident in -ots!anaF /"is is #artl% indicated 0% t"e )er% limited em#irical
st$dies on t"e role and str$ct$re o ci)il societ% in -ots!ana<s democrac%F
Oslen (1==4) "as categori5ed t"e -ots!ana ci)il societ% gro$#s into t"reeK
(a) Gro$#s !"ic" emerged and de)elo#ed as #rimar% sel-"el# organi5ations
esta0lis"ed to #romote t"e !elare4 interests and 0elies o t"eir mem0ersF
Among t"ese are c"$rc"es4 0$rial societiesN social and s#orting cl$0s and %o$t"
(0) *oliticall% acti)e organi5ations !"ic" in addition to #ro)iding ser)ices to
mem0er4 #artic$lar minorities4 or )$lnera0le gro$#s4 acti)el% see6 to inl$ence
go)ernment #olic%F (ncl$ded in t"ese are trade $nions4 !omen<s rig"ts gro$#s4
en)ironmental action gro$#s4 and international "$man rig"ts organi5ationsF
(c) /"e ad "oc or iss$e s#eciic gro$#s !"ic" emerge s#ontaneo$sl% in reaction to
a #artic$lar iss$e o concernF (ncl$ded "ere !ere t"e en)ironmental gro$#s
!"ic" came a0o$t in t"e 2ort"!est district o -ots!anaF
Olsen "as rig"tl% #ointed o$t t"at t"is categori5ation is not rigidF For eJam#le4 ad "oc
gro$#s do 0ecome #ermanent and also t"at t"e mandate o gro$#s can c"angeF
*er"a#s a good eJam#le "ere is t"e !omen<s 2GO coalitionF /"is gro$# came a0o$t
ater !omen<s gro$#s learnt t"at t"e go)ernment !as contem#lating to cond$ct a
reerend$m to solicit )ie!s o t"e nation on !"et"er or not t"e discrimination o
!omen s"o$ld 0e made la!$lF /"e go)ernment "ad lost a case in !"ic" a !omen
married to an American citi5en "ad c"allenged t"e constit$tionalit% o t"e 1iti5en Act
in den%ing a$tomatic citi5ens"i# to c"ildren o -ots!ana !omen !"o are married to
oreign menF /"e go)ernment lost t"e caseF /"e coalition "as remained e)en ater t"e
iss$e "as 0een settled and deals !it" ot"er iss$es #ertaining to t"e ad)ancement o
!omen "a)e 0een madeF
Classi'ication o' Civil Society in ,ots-ana
/"e #olic% ta6es cognisance t"at nongo)ernmental organisations o#erate as
indi)id$al organisations and or gro$#s !it" similar interest or concernsF For #$r#oses
o t"is #olic% t"e% are organised 0% net!or6s and coalitions according to t"eir sectors
o o#erationF /"e role o net!or6s and coalitions is to acilitate inormation s"aring4
eJc"ange o ideas and eJ#eriences4 net!or6ing and ca#acit% 0$ildingF /"eir
secretariats also acilitate dialog$e !it" 6e% indi)id$al organisations and international
and regional de)elo#ment agencies4 0ot" 0ilateral and m$ltilateralF Gi)en t"e
d%namics o c"ange in t"e en)ironment in !"ic" t"e% o#erate4 t"e com#osition and
nat$re o eac" sector ma% c"ange o)er timeF /"e #olic% classiies ci)il societ%
organisations in -ots!ana $nder t"e ollo!ing sectoral net!or6s or coalitionsF
Development )rm o' Reliious Oranisations
At #resent t"e sector is co-ordinated 0% -ots!ana 1"ristian 1o$ncil (-11)F &o!e)er
ot"er religio$s net!or6s !ill 0e accommodated as t"e% emergeF /"e 6e% areas o
inter)ention t"at relect t"e main c"allenges t"e sector ace incl$de4 #romoting
c"$rc" $nit%4 co$nselling and s#ecialised ministries4 conteJt$alisation o t"eor% and
ec$menical s#irit$alit%4 ena0ling t"e #oor to li)e a 0etter lie4 care or #eo#le in need4
and ad)ocac% or t"e marginalised and o##ressedF
/"e sector is co-ordinated 0% t"e -ots!ana 1o$ncil or t"e Disa0led (-1D)F One o
t"e main aims o it is to lo00% and ad)ocate or t"e !elare o #eo#le !it"
disa0ilitiesF /"e co$ncil "as also t"e res#onsi0ilit% to mo0ilise reso$rces or ca#acit%
0$ilding4 monitoring and e)al$ation o #rogramme deli)er% 0% sta6e"olders directl%
or indirectl% in)ol)ed !it" t"e !elare o #eo#le !it" disa0ilitiesF
Environment and Sustaina2le )riculture
2ongo)ernmental organisations are dealing !it" conser)ationN en)ironmental iss$es
and s$staina0le agric$lt$re are co-ordinated 0% t"e For$m on '$staina0le Agric$lt$re
(FO2'AG)F FO2'AG is a or$m or #romoting needs oriented s$staina0le
en)ironmental and agric$lt$ral #ractices in #artners"i# !it" armers4
nongo)ernmental organisations4 and go)ernment and #ri)ate sector instit$tionsF
FO2'AG also #romotes 0est #ractices on s$staina0le agric$lt$re and en)ironmental
Population8 Health and H"B:)"DS
2ongo)ernmental organisations t"at deal !it" "ealt" iss$es incl$ding &(89A(D' are
coordinated t"ro$g" -ots!ana 2et!or6 o Aids 'er)ice Organisations (-O2A'O)F
-O2A'O<s role is to co-ordinate and acilitate net!or6ing4 "ealt" related #rogramme
im#lementation4 reso$rce mo0ilisation4 #olic% ad)ocac%4 and ca#acit% 0$ilding and
instit$tional strengt"ening or its mem0er organisationsF -O2A'O re#resents
nongo)ernmental organisations at t"e 2ational Aids 1o$ncilF
Human Rihts
/"is sector is coordinated 0% D(/'&:A2.7O4 -ots!ana 1entre or &$man +ig"tsF
/"e sector<s o0Mecti)e is to eJ#and #$0lic a!areness and 6no!ledge o "$man rig"tsF
/"e sector also ad)ocates or t"e de)elo#ment o a##ro#riate la!s t"at ta6e
cognisance o 0asic "$man rig"ts and #romotes t"e #rotection o s$c" rig"tsF /"e
sector #a%s s#eciic attention to t"e interests o marginalised4 $nder#ri)ileged and
discriminated #ersonsF
/"is sector is coordinated 0% ,edia (nstit$te o 'o$t"ern Arican4 -ots!ana (,('A)F
/"e sector aims to deend and #romote reedom o eJ#ression o t"e media and
lo00ies or t"e remo)al o o0stacles and im#ediments to t"e ree lo! o inormationF
Small8 5edium and 5icro Enterprise
/"is sector4 !"ic" is co-ordinated 0% 1o-o#eration or +esearc"4 De)elo#ment and
.d$cation (1O+D.)4 #ro)ides training and management ad)isor% ser)ices mainl% to
small and medi$m enter#risesF /"e o)erall o0Mecti)e is to !iden t"e socio-economic
o#tions o r$ral #eo#le t"ro$g" 'mall4 ,edi$m and ,icro .nter#rises (',,.)F
>omen8 @ender and Development
/"e sector is co-ordinated 0% :omen<s 2ongo)ernmental Organisations 1oalitionF
(ts o)erall o0Mecti)e is to #romote and s$##ort t"e em#o!erment o !omen and
gender e>$alit%F /"e sector #ro)ides net!or6ing o##ort$nities4 ca#acit% 0$ilding and
instit$tional strengt"ening to mem0er organisationsF
/"e sector is coordinated 0% -ots!ana 2ational 3o$t" 1o$ncil (-231)F -231
aims to em#o!er %o$ng #eo#le t"ro$g" t"e im#lementation o )ario$s #rogrammes
incl$ding sel-de)elo#ment and a##reciation o one<s a0ilit% and com#etenceF /"e
1o$ncil #la%s an ad)ocac% role4 #romotes and mo0ilises reso$rces or researc" on
critical areas t"at concern and aect %o$t" de)elo#mentF
Culture and Per'ormin )rts
Alt"o$g" t"e sector "as not ormall% a##ointed a sectoral coordinator4 se)eral
organisations are acti)eF /"e ,inistr% o 7a0o$r De#artment o 1$lt$re and 3o$t" in
colla0oration !it" -O1O2GO !ill organise a cons$ltati)e meeting or t"e sectorF
Education and Trainin
Alt"o$g" t"e sector "as not ormall% a##ointed a sectoral coordinator4 se)eral
organisations are acti)eF /"e ,inistr% o .d$cation in colla0oration !it"
-O1O2GO !ill organise a cons$ltati)e meeting or t"e sector earl% 2DDD4 to select
t"e sector coordinatorF
@overnment Policy to-ards Civil Society
/"e ,inistr% o 7o0o$r and &ome aairs4 Go)ernment o -ots!ana4 "as released
irst 2ational *olic% or 2on-Go)ernmental Organi5ations (2GOs) in Fe0r$ar%4
2DD1F (n t"is #olic%4 t"e Go)ernment o -ots!ana recogni5es t"e strategic role and
com#lementar% contri0$tion o non-go)ernmental organi5ations #rogrammes in
national de)elo#mentF (n )ie! o t"ese4 t"e go)ernment ta6es cogni5ance o $rgent
need to address and artic$late t"e needs o t"e 2GOs sector in order to reali5e its
#otentialF (t is on t"is #remise t"at t"e Go)ernment "as de)elo#ed t"e 2GOs #olic%F
/"e #olic% #ro)ides a general rame!or6 to g$ide c$rrent and $t$re de)elo#ment 0%
t"e 2GOs sector and artic$lates t"e relations"i# and #artners"i# modalities !it"
go)ernment and ot"er de)elo#ment #artnersF
/"e national #olic% or non-go)ernment organisation4 Fe0r$ar% 2DD14 deines t"e
2GOs asU 2on-Go)ernment organisation as legall% ormed a$tonomo$s
organisations t"at #ossess non-#roit stat$s !"ose #rimar% moti)ation is to im#ro)e
t"e !ell 0eing o t"e #eo#leF /"e% are ser)ice dri)en and ser)e in di)erse and
com#leJ acti)ities t"at relate to t"e de)elo#ment #rocess t"at #romote social
transormation and s$staina0le de)elo#mentF /"is deinition does not incl$de
#olitical #arties or organisations #olitical interestsF 2GOs )ie! de)elo#ment in terms
o a #artici#ator% #rocess o ca#acit% 0$ilding and em#o!erment o comm$nities to
im#ro)e t"eir socio-economic !ell0eing and eJ#and s$staina0le li)eli"ood
/"e #olic% also mentions t"at 2GOs o#eration can 0e o$nd at comm$nit% as !ell as
national le)elF /"e #olic% said t"at 2GOs dier in ailiations4 o0Mecti)es4 met"od4
str$ct$res and le)els o o#eration4 0$t t"e% s"o$ld "a)e ollo!ing 0asic nat$reF
/"e% s"o$ld not or #roitF
/"e% s"o$ld )ol$ntar%F
/"e% s"o$ld inde#endent o go)ernment and #ri)ate sectorF
/"e% s"o$ld not sel ser)ing in aims and #rinci#lesF
/"e% s"o$ld in)ol)e in national and comm$nit% socioeconomic de)elo#mentF
/"e% $se #artici#ator% a##roac"es in de)elo#ment !or6 and #eo#le centredF
/"e )ision o t"is #olic% is to create a strong4 a$tonomo$s4 sel s$##orting4
s$staina0le4 disci#lined and 0road-0ased 2GO sector in -ots!ana t"at is a0le to enter
into end$ring #artners"i#s !it" t"e central and local go)ernment4 t"e #ri)ate sector4
regional and international de)elo#ment #artners and ot"er sta6e"oldersF '$c" a sector
s"all 0e anc"ored in and 0e a0le to deend t"e #rinci#les and c$lt$re o democrac%4
social M$stice4 good go)ernance and #olitical !isdom in t"e interest o t"e !ider
societ% and )$lnera0le gro$#sF
Reulation and 5anaement o' Civil Society
/"ere is a 2on-Go)ernment Organi5ation *olic% 1o$ncil or management and
reg$lation o ci)il societ% in -ots!anaF /"e main $nctions o t"is co$ncil are
#ro)iding g$idelines to 2GOs and also monitor t"e im#lementation #rocess in
colla0oration !it" t"e 2GOs sectorF /"e co$ncil "as nineteen mem0ers re#resenting
t"e )ario$s sta6e"olders as ollo!F
1F Go)ernment ,inistries
(a) ,inistr% o Finance and De)elo#ment *lanning
(0) ,inistr% o 7ocal Go)ernment
(c) ,inistr% o &ealt"
(d) ,inistr% o 7a0o$r and &ome Aairs
(e) ,inistr% o 1ommerce and (nd$str%
() ,inistr% o Agric$lt$re
(g) ,inistr% o .d$cation
(") Oice o Attorne% General
(i) ,inistr% o 7ands4 &o$sing and .n)ironment
2F /!o re#resentati)es rom t"e *ri)ate 'ector
3F .ig"t re#resentati)e rom -ots!ana 1o$ncil o 2on-Go)ernment organisation
,ots-ana Council o' Non#@overnment Oranisation 4,OCON@O9
/"e -ots!ana 1o$ncil o 2on-Go)ernmental Organisations (-O1O2GO) is t"e
national $m0rella 0od% or non-go)ernmental organisations in -ots!anaF
-O1O2GO !as oiciall% registered in 1==5 !it" t"e +egistrar o 'ocietiesF Assist in
esta0lis"ing an ena0ling en)ironment or t"e 2GOs sector to 0ecome a recognised
#artner in t"e de)elo#ment #rocess in -ots!ana and internationall% and to #ro)ide a
#latorm or net!or6ing4 ad)ocac%4 ca#acit% 0$ilding or local 2GOs and mo0ilising
o reso$rces or t"e sel-s$staina0ilit% o t"e 2GOs sector in -ots!anaF /"ere are
ollo!ing o0Mecti)es o -ots!ana 1o$ncil o 2on-Go)ernment organisationsF
/o acilitate ca#acit% 0$ilding or local 2GOs and 1-Os and to ens$re t"eir
$ll and eecti)e #artici#ation in t"e de)elo#ment #rocess at 0ot" national and
international le)elsF
/o acilitate net!or6ing amongst 2GOs and 1-Os4 Go)ernment4 t"e #ri)ate
sector4 donor agencies and ot"er de)elo#ment #artnersF
/o acilitate a coordinated res#onse 0% 2GOs and 1-Os on iss$es t"at re>$ire
consens$s 0$ilding
/o #la% a leading role in #olic% ad)ocac% and lo00%ing
5onitorin and Evaluation o' the Policy
/"e 2GOs *olic% 1o$ncil is res#onsi0le or o)erall monitoring and e)al$ationF /"e
#olic% !ill 0e e)al$ated #eriodicall% to ens$re t"at it remains res#onsi)e and rele)ant
to t"e needs o 2GOs and t"ose o ot"er sta6e"oldersF /"e im#lementation o t"e
#olic% !ill also 0e mentioned and e)al$ated reg$larl% to ens$re t"at t"e o0Mecti)es o
t"e #olic% are 0eing ac"ie)edF /"e ,onitoring and e)al$ation #rocess and t"e timing
or it s"o$ld relate as m$c" as #ossi0le to district and national #lanning c%clesF
Sources o' 6undin 'or Civil Society
Finance and reso$rces mo0ili5ation are o critical im#ortance to t"e eJistence o ci)il
societ%F 7i6e all ot"er ormal organi5ation4 ci)il societ% re>$ires "$man4 material and
inancial reso$rces or t"eir s$r)i)al and s$ccessF &o!e)er4 $nli6e ot"er modern
organi5ation4 t"e% generate onl% meager reso$rces on t"eir o!n !"ic" constraints
t"eir $nctioningF 'ince )ol$ntar% organi5ations do not o$t rig"tl% engage in direct
#rocess o #rod$ction and mar6eting4 t"e% in)aria0l% do not "a)e a stead% and sta0le
so$rce o incomeF &ence4 t"e% "a)e to rel% on )ario$s means or mo0ili5ing inancial
reso$rces rom ot"er so$rces or instit$tions o state and societ%F /"e #rime so$rces o
$nding to ci)il societ% are ollo!ingK
State 6undin
/"e -ots!ana state "as 0een ma6ing #ro)isions or eJtending inancial s$##ort to
ci)il societ% since inde#endenceF /"ese #ro)isions "a)e 0een t"e o$tcome o t"e
#"iloso#"% o #l$ralist !elarism and democratic state<s commitment to c"ange and
de)elo#mentF /"e -ots!ana 1o$ncil o 2on-Go)ernment Organi5ation is one o t"e
main state $nding or ci)il societ% in t"e co$ntr%F
Contri2ution o' Companies
-$siness concerns "a)e al!a%s 0een in)ol)ed in )ar%ing degree !it" t"e !elare o
comm$nitiesF 'ince inde#endence4 more and more 0$siness organi5ations "a)e
engaged in de)elo#ment acti)ities 0eca$se o taJ incenti)es oered to com#anies 0%
t"e go)ernmentF D$ring t"e last decade 0$siness concerns "a)e 0ecome more
conscio$s o t"eir social res#onsi0ilit%F ,ore and more cor#orate 0odies and 0$siness
com#anies are ta6ing social initiati)es and getting in)ol)ed t"ro$g" non-go)ernment
#roMects in related to de)elo#mentF /"ere is gro!ing trend o oering inancial
s$##ort and ot"er reco$rses to ci)il societ% as ollo!K
O$trig"t donations in cas" and in 6indF
'#onsors"i# o e)ents organi5ed 0% ci)il societies4 !"ere com#anies gi)e
mone% in ret$rn or endorsement or #$0licit% o t"eir #rod$cts or ser)icesF
*artners"i#s !it" ci)il societ% in t"e act$al im#lementation o de)elo#ment
1om#anies enco$rage t"eir em#lo%ees to im#art 6no!ledge and s6ills to ci)il
societ% organi5ationF
,an% a times4 com#anies o$tso$rce t"e #rod$ction o accessories to ci)il
societ% organi5ationF
&o!e)er4 recentl% t"e oc$s "as s"ited to!ards a more com#re"ensi)e conce#t o
cor#orate social res#onsi0ilit% !"ic" goes 0e%ond t"e traditional t"in6ing o sim#l%
reso$rces to need% ci)il societ%F :it"in t"e am0it o cor#orate social res#onsi0ilit%4
0$siness cor#orations ma% li6e to enter into a "ealt"% #artners"i# !it" ci)il societ%
organi5ation so as to gi)e 0ac6 to societ% in terms o "ealt"4 ed$cation and
em#lo%ment etcF s$c" #artners"i# ma% stri)e to ens$re en)ironment riendl% and
s$staina0le de)elo#ment in -ots!anaF /"ere are "ardl% an% relia0le >$antities
estimates o act$al $nding 0% 0$siness concerns to t"e )ol$ntar% sectorF
Reliious OraniEations
/"ere are no statistics on "o! m$c" religio$s organi5ations recei)e rom t"e #$0lic
and "o! m$c" gi)e to ci)il societ% organi5ations in -ots!anaF &o!e)er4 t"ere is a
large #ool o mone% !it" religio$s organi5ations !"ic" can 0e a #otential so$rce o
$nding t"e acti)ities o ci)il societ% in -ots!anaF +eligio$s organi5ations are
c$rrentl% not signiicant so$rces o $nding to )ol$ntar% sector in -ots!anaF
"ndividual :Community Donations
(ndi)id$al donors not onl% gi)e mone% to )ol$ntar% organi5ations 0$t also gi)e time4
la0o$r and s6ills to s$##ort t"eir acti)itiesF ,ost o t"e monetar% donations 0%
indi)id$als go to )ol$ntar% organi5ations and to religio$s organi5ation in -ots!anaF
&o!e)er4 most o )ol$nteer donating time and la0o$r to comm$nit% de)elo#ment
acti)ities 0elong to middle and lo! income "o$se"olds in -ots!anaF
1omm$nit% contri0$tions 0elong to t"e same genre as indi)id$al<s donations since it
is $ltimatel% t"e indi)id$als !"o donate cas"4 6ind4 la0o$r4 time or s6illF 1omm$nit%
contri0$tion to )ol$ntar% action $sed to t"e #rime so$rce or generating reso$rces or
common good and !elareF
6orein Contri2utions
:it" t"e ad)ent o glo0ali5ation and o#ening o mar6et econom%4 international
contri0$tions "a)e emerged as a maMor so$rce o $nding to )ol$ntar% sectorF /"is
so$rce o $nding #ertains to grants rom oreign donors4 and 0ilateral and
m$ltilateral aid gi)en 0% international instit$tionsF *ri)ate oreign so$rces o $nding
to ci)il societ% organi5ations are indi)id$al #"ilant"ro#istsN international cor#orate
0odiesN international 2GOs s$c" as 7ions 1l$04 (nternational +ed 1ross 'ociet%4
Amnest% (nternational4 OJam4 1A+.4 and Action AidF (nternational non-
go)ernmental sector remains a maMor so$rce o $nding to ci)il societ% sector in
-ots!anaF -ilateral $nding #ertains to aid gi)en 0% t"e state instit$tions o co$ntries
s$c" as U'A4 U;4 German%4 (tal%4 '!eden4 Denmar64 2or!a%4 1anada4 A$stralia and
Ea#anF -$l6 o aid is made a)aila0le to go)ernment s#onsored #rogrammesF A small
#ro#ortion o aid is a)aila0le to )ol$ntar% organi5ations or s#eciic #rogrammes
s$0Mect to t"e a##ro)al o -ots!ana go)ernmentF
,$ltilateral aid is a)aila0le rom )ario$s instit$tions and agencies o $nited nations
Oraganitation )i5F4 U2.'1O4 U2(11.F4 U2D*4 :&O4 U2F*A4 FAO etcF -ots!ana
ci)il societ% also recei)es inancial reso$rces rom m$ltilateral instit$tions as :orld
-an64 (nternational ,onetar% F$nd4 and Arican De)elo#ment -an6F
)ccounta2ility o' Civil Society
/"e image4 moral standing and legitimac% o ci)il societ% are intrinsicall% tied $#
!it" t"e iss$es related to t"eir acco$nta0ilit%F 1i)il societ% organi5ations )ar% in
terms o sco#e4 si5e4 mem0ers"i#4 nat$re o acti)ities4 geogra#"ical s#read and so onF
De#ending $#on t"e nat$re and c"aracter o ci)il societ% organi5ations4 t"e iss$es
related to acco$nta0ilit% "a)e dierent im#lications or t"eir administration and
managementF Administration o an incor#orated ci)il societ% organi5ation is mainl%
acco$nta0le to 0oard o management or tr$stees in -ots!anaF (n a )ol$ntar% ci)il
societ% organi5ation4 t"e go)erning 0od% is $s$all% elected 0% mem0ersF /"$s
administration !"ile 0eing acco$nta0le to t"e go)erning 0od% "as also to 0e
acco$nta0le to all t"e mem0ers o t"e )ol$ntar% organi5ationF F$rt"er4 administration
is s$##osed to remain conscio$s o t"e act t"at )ol$ntar% organi5ations are
$ltimatel% acco$nta0le to t"e #eo#le in societ%F An% o)ersig"t 0% administration o
t"is act ma% "a)e serio$s re#erc$ssions or t"e legitimac% o ci)il societ%F /"e
#rocess o registration and reg$lations eJercised 0% state or conditions im#osed 0%
#ri)ate $nding agencies also determines t"e #arameters or acco$nta0ilit% o
administrationF /"e iss$es related to acco$nta0ilit% ac>$ire an altoget"er dierent
dimension4 !"ere ci)il societ% organi5ations are !or6ing or t"e !elare o
marginali5ed and disad)antaged #eo#leF
,an% a times4 ci)il societ% organi5ations are act$all% r$n and controlled 0% t"e
em#lo%ed or salaried sta4 administrators and ot"er inl$ential #ersonsF /"e
go)erning 0od% is sim#l% red$ced to a r$00er stam# or endorsing t"e decisionsF (n
s$c" a sit$ation4 administration ma% M$st 0e acco$nta0le to no0od% 0$t t"emsel)esF (n
man% instances4 some indi)id$al or #$rs$ing t"eir #ersonal agendas or #olitical
am0itions $nder t"e g$ise o re#resenting ca$ses or !elare o #eo#leF /"e iss$es
related to t"e acco$nta0ilit% o administration ac>$ire "a5% and m$r6ier dimensions
in s$c" ci)il societ% organi5ationsF /"$s a small n$m0er o a6e )ol$ntar%
organi5ations ma% M$st remain $nacco$nta0le and $nre#resentati)e4 "ence $ndermine
t"e integrati)e and "onest% o t"e ci)il societ% organi5ationsF
-ots!ana "as a airl% si5ea0le n$m0er o non-go)ernment organi5ations4 man% o
!"ic" !or6 on t"e "$man sec$rit% in -ots!anaF /"ese organi5ations incl$de t"e
-ots!ana 1"ristian 1o$ncil (-11)K a nongo)ernmental organi5ation t"at
#romotes de)elo#ment4 social M$stice4 and s#irit$al 0etterment in -ots!anaF
1ancer Association o -ots!ana (1A-)K is a )ol$ntar% non-#roit4 non-
go)ernmental organi5ation 0ased in Ga0orone !"o s dedicated to red$cing t"e
im#act o cancer on all aected in -ots!ana
-ots!ana 1o$ncil o 2on-Go)ernment Organi5ations (-O1O2GO)K a
consorti$m o -ots!ana nongo)ernmental organi5ations4 0ased in Ga0orone
-ots!ana 'ociet%K a 0road-0ased nongo)ernmental organi5ations t"at
#$0lis"es a Mo$rnal4 "osts scientiic meetings4 and #romotes c$lt$ral and
en)ironmental a!arenessN it is 0ased in Ga0orone
1onser)ation (nternational (1()K an nongo)ernmental organi5ations engaged in
conser)ation and r$ral de)elo#ment acti)ities !it" #artic$lar em#"asis on t"e
O6a)ango Delta and on t"e :estern ;galagadi 1onser)ation 1orridorN it is
0ased in Ga0orone
D(/'&:A2.7O (t"e -ots!ana 1enter or &$man +ig"ts)K an
nongo)ernmental organi5ations t"at #romotes "$man rig"ts o all #eo#les4
gro$#s4 and indi)id$als in -ots!ana4 !it" #artic$lar em#"asis on t"ose !"o
are disad)antagedN it is 0ased in Ga0orone Forestr% Association o -ots!ana
(FA-)K an 2GO in)ol)ed !it" esta0lis"ment o agro orestr% #rograms4
researc" into indigeno$s s#ecies4 and eJtension !or6N it is 0ased in Ga0orone
Gantsi 1ratK an nongo)ernmental organi5ations t"at is in)ol)ed !it" t"e
#romotion4 #$rc"ase4 and mar6eting o crats o 'an and ot"er #eo#leN some o
t"e !or6 o Gantsi 1rat oc$ses on training and on t"e de)elo#ment o ne!
#rod$cts and inormation dissemination a0o$t crats and c$lt$ral iss$esN it is
0ased in G"an5i4 G"an5i District
(U12 ((nternational Union or t"e 1onser)ation o 2at$re and 2at$ral
+eso$rces :orld 1onser)ation Union)K an nongo)ernmental organi5ations t"at
is engaged in 0road-0ased conser)ation and nat$ral reso$rce management
iss$es in so$t"ern AricaN it is 0ased in Ga0orone
;ala"ari 1onser)ation 'ociet% (;1')K an nongo)ernmental organi5ations
mainl% in)ol)ed !it" !ildlie conser)ation 0$t it also deals !it" integrated
reso$rces management and conser)ation ed$cationN it is 0ased in Ga0oroneN it
!as in)ol)ed !it" comm$nit%-0ased nat$ral reso$rce management in t"e 2ata
1onser)ation Area in 1entral District
;$r$ Famil% o Organi5ations (;FO)K (ormerl% ;$r$ De)elo#ment /r$st4
;D/)K a com#leJ o nongo)ernmental organi5ations in)ol)ed in m$ltiaceted
r$ral de)elo#ing and conser)ation eorts !it" #artic$lar em#"asis on 'an
comm$nities in G"an5i and 2ort" :est DistrictsN it is 0ased in ,a$n4 2ort"
:est District4 !it" 0ranc"es in D<;ar4 G"an5i District7etloaK an
nongo)ernmental organi5ations t"at carries o$t comm$nit%-0ased de)elo#ment
!or6 in 2gamilandF (t is 0ased in '"a6a!e4 2ort" :est DistrictF
,aite6o /s"!aragano De)elo#ment /r$st (,/D/) a de)elo#ment oriented
nongo)ernmental organi5ations !or6ing on en)ironmental iss$es4 income
generation acti)ities and comm$nit% ca#acit%0$ildingN it is 0ased in C$ts!a4
;galagadi District
*ermac$lt$re /r$stK an nongo)ernmental organi5ations t"at #romotes
s$staina0le agric$lt$re4 "o$sing4 and nat$ral reso$rce management
im#ro)ement in r$ral areasN its main oice is in 'ero!e4 1entral District4 and
t"ere is a 0ranc" oice in G"an5iF
/"$sano 7eats"engK an nongo)ernmental organi5ations in)ol)ed #rimaril%
!it" t"e #rotection and $tili5ation o indigeno$s s#ecies o )eld #lants s$c" as
senga#arile4 (De)il<s 1la!4 Gra##le *lant4 &ar#ogo#"%t$m #roc$m0ens) and
,orama (tsin 0eans4 /%losema esc$lent$m)N it is 0ased at /"$sego Farm near
;olo0eng in ;!eneng District
8eld *rod$cts +esearc" and De)elo#ment (8*+D)K an nongo)ernmental
organi5ations t"at carried o$t researc" and de)elo#ment !or6 on !ild #lant
#rod$cts4 agro orestr%4 and a##ro#riate tec"nolog%N it is 0ased in Ga0ane4
;!eneng DistrictF
:or6ing Gro$# o (ndigeno$s ,inorities in 'o$t"ern Arica (:(,'A)K an
nongo)ernmental organi5ations t"at concentrates on r$ral de)elo#ment and
ad)ocac% or 'an #eo#lesN it is regional in sco#e and "as a main oice in
:ind"oe64 2ami0ia and a -ots!ana co$ntr% oice in D<;ar4 G"an5i District
Civil Society -orkin in Promotin Human Security
/"e Go)ernment o -ots!ana recogni5es t"e strategic role and com#lementar%
contri0$tion o nongo)ernmental organi5ations #rogrammes in national
de)elo#mentF Go)ernments rom de)elo#ed nations s$c" as German% and t"e
U'A "a)e 0een s$##orting !or6 in dierent areas o social !elare4 #o)ert%
alle)iation4 disa0ilit%4 c$lt$ral de)elo#ment4 en)ironmental management4 training
and de)elo#ment o small4 medi$m and micro enter#risesF -ots!ana #la%s an
im#ortant role in t"e 'o$t"ern Arican De)elo#ment 1omm$nit% ('AD1) and is a
mem0er o se)eral international organi5ations4 nota0l% t"e 1ommon!ealt"4
U2.'1O4 :&O4 (nter#ol and ot"ersF /"e -ots!ana De)elo#ment (normation
1enter (-D(1) is a #artners"i# #rogramme t"at incl$des t"e go)ernment4 ci)il
societ% organi5ations and de)elo#ment agencies acti)e in -ots!anaF
-ots!ana "as a s$stained record o m$lti-#art% #olitics in AricaF &o!e)er4 one-#art%
dominance is a maMor acet o t"is democrac%F Unli6e most co$ntries in t"e 'AD1
region and t"e rest o Arica4 "as no "istor% o armed conlict or t"at o )iolent
ci)il societ% #rotestsF (t is a co$ntr% t"at "as since its inde#endence enMo%ed #eace
as !ell as #eace$l relations 0et!een t"e state and ci)il societ% organisationsF (n
t"is !a%4 t"e co$ntr% #resents a cond$ci)e atmos#"ere or ci)il societ%
organisations to engage in de)elo#ment !or6F Alt"o$g" ci)il societ% remains
relati)el% !ea6 in relation to t"e state4 it "as "ad an im#act on state #oliciesF (t is
in t"is conteJt t"at t"e role o -ots!ana 1o$ncil o 2on-Go)ernmental
Organisations (-O1O2GO) in t"e ad)ancement and #romotion o "$man
sec$rit% is signiicantF -ots!ana 1o$ncil o 2on-Go)ernmental Organisations
(-O1O2GO) ormed in 1==54 -O1O2GO is -ots!ana<s national $m0rella
association t"at 0rings non-go)ernmental organisations toget"erF (t "as a !ide
mem0ers"i#4 as relected 0% t"e n$m0er o sectors it re#resents4 t"at at #resent
stands at eig"t% o$r nongo)ernmental organisationsF /"ese incl$de t"ose t"at
ad)ance gender and de)elo#ment iss$esN agric$lt$ral and en)ironmentalN arts and
c$lt$reN iss$es o t"e c"$rc"N disa0ilit%N &(89A(D' iss$es and "ealt"N iss$es o
t"e mediaN "$man rig"tsN iss$es o %o$t" and c"ildrenN science tec"nolog% and
training iss$es4 as !ell as iss$es concerning micro inance4 credit and
em#o!erment amongst ot"ersF According to -O1O2GO4 t"e )ario$s sectors it
re#resents are in)ol)ed in )ario$s #roMects t"at are tailored to!ards t"e 0etterment
o t"e li)es o -ats!ana and "ence de)elo#ment o t"is co$ntr%F /"is s"o!s t"at
-O1O2GO #ercei)es itsel as a de)elo#ment #artnerF -O1O2GO see6s to
create an atmos#"ere t"at !ill acilitate t"e o#erations o ci)il societ%
organi5ations as an ac6no!ledged #artner in -ots!ana<s de)elo#ment #rocess
and 0e%ondF (t also see6s to oer a or$m or eJc"anging inormation4 #romote4
0$ild ca#acit% and "el# to mo0ili5e reso$rces or t"e nongo)ernmental
organisations sector t"$s !or6 to!ards a s$staina0le nongo)ernmental
organisations sector in -ots!anaF (n t"is !a%4 t"e nongo)ernmental organisations
sector !ill #la% a meaning$l role in t"e de)elo#ment #rocess t"ro$g" lo00%ing
and inl$encing state #olicesF
)'rican Development 6oundation
Ater inde#endence4 t"e go)ernment o -ots!ana made a deli0erate eort to de)elo#
t"e necessar% inrastr$ct$re to address 0asic "$man needsF 1$rrent grants oc$s on
t"e 'an and remote ;galagdi gro$#s as !ell as *D, in small r$ral )illages aro$nd
*al#%e and 'ero!eF A../ is U'ADFIs -ots!ana #artner organi5ation4 and t"eir
stas contri0$tes to t"e socio-economic de)elo#ment o -ots!ana 0% "el#ing
comm$nit%-0ased enter#rises and locall% o!ned small 0$sinesses initiate4 im#lement4
and manage s$staina0le income generating acti)ities and 0$siness #lans in r$ral and
$r0an areas o t"e co$ntr%F At t"e core o A../Is acti)ities is t"e #romotion o small
and medi$m enter#rises (',.s) t"at generate income and em#lo%ment o##ort$nities
or t"e disad)antagedF
S.N. Name o' the Civil
6unctional )reas o' Civil Society in
;"ama +"ino
'anct$ar% /r$st
F$nds are $sed to im#ro)e lodge acilities4
increase local management ca#acit%4 and
eJ#and t"e ecoto$rism 0$siness lin6ed !it"
t"e r"ino sanct$ar%
'an Arts and 1rats
F$nds are $sed to eJ#and o#erational ca#acit%
and ser)ices to artisans t"ro$g" t"e
ac>$isition o e>$i#ment4 storage s#ace4 and
mar6eting ser)ices
3F 'an6$%o
,anagement /r$st
F$nds are $sed to eJ#and t"e comm$nit%
tr$stIs ecoto$rism lodge and sec$re a Moint
)ent$re #artner to #ro)ide training and
management assistance
1oo#erati)e 'ociet%
As a ollo!-$# to t"e s$ccess$l com#letion
o an .D( grant4 t"is ..( grant ena0les t"e
1oo#erati)e to en"ance and $ll% $tili5e
eJisting #rod$cti)e assets and meet t"e
eJ#anding mar6et demandF
;gagodi &ortic$lt$re
/"e #roMect #ro)ides ;DA mem0ers access to
land4 tec"nical assistance4 #rod$ct distri0$tion
#lanning s6ills and access to trans#ort or
cro# distri0$tion to local and regional
6F ,oi%a0ana
7eat"er!or6s and
&andicrats *roMect
/"is #roMect #ro)ides inancial and tec"nical
s$##ort to ,oi%a0ana )illage mem0ers
t"ro$g" t"e #rod$ction and sale o leat"er and
"andicrat goodsF
Diloro ,illing
/"is #roMect esta0lis"es a milling #lant in t"e
Diloro )illage to oer s$0sistence armers in
t"e area a mar6et or grain #rod$ced4
em#lo%ment o##ort$nities to its mem0ers and
access to milling acilities and milled
#rod$cts in t"e )illageF
,oga#in%an%a 3o$t"
,etal :or6
:it" U'ADF inancial assistance4 t"e
Association !ill address t"e core #ro0lem o
%o$t" $nem#lo%ment 0% #rod$cing )ario$s
metal #rod$cts or sale4 and $rt"er eJ#anding
#rod$ction once tec"nical s6ills are im#ro)edF
/amasane 'mall
'toc6 and *o$ltr%
:it" t"e "el# o U'ADF $nds4 t"e
Association !ill esta0lis" a comm$nit% arm
to raise s"ee#4 goats and #o$ltr% in s$icient
>$antities to sell li)e animals and eggs at t"e
local mar6etF
,olema 1omm$nit%
/r$st .nter#rise
/"is U'ADF $nded #roMect !ill $se t"e
*artici#ator% De)elo#ment ,et"odolog% V
1omm$nit% (nitiati)es (*D,-1() rame!or6
!it" ADF<s #artner in -ots!ana4 to en"ance
t"e /r$st<s a0ilit% to identi% and #lan income
generation acti)itiesF
-a0ina /s"i#a
Association (-DA)
:it" U'ADF $nds4 -DA !ill 0e a0le to
esta0lis" a arm !it" s"ee#4 goats4 and #igs
0% #roc$ring animals4 o0taining training and
co)ering o#erating and constr$ction
12F Gantsi 1rat /r$st U'ADF $nds !ill 0e $sed or administrati)e
s$##ort4 o#erating eJ#enses4 and training and
ca#acit% 0$ilding costs to "el# de)elo# t"e
design4 man$act$ring4 and mar6eting o 'an
arts and cratsF
1omm$nit% /r$st
U'ADF $nding !ill 0e $sed to #$rc"ase
li)estoc64 co)er o#erational and constr$ction
eJ#enses4 and "el# t"e comm$nit% ac>$ire
training to esta0lis" and s$##ort a "ortic$lt$re
and #igg% armF
14F 2goma 7odge
/o$rism *roMect
U'ADF $nding !ill 0e $sed to inance a
#ortion o t"e constr$ction cost or t"e lodgeF
GoM!ane 3o$t"
U'ADF $nding !ill "el# to eJ#and t"e
0$siness4 0$ild and e>$i# a ne! "o$sing s"ed
or 14DDD c"ic6s4 install sla$g"tering
mac"ines4 inance training4 and di)ersi% its
#rod$ct %ield to incl$de eggsF
,o!ana /r$st
U'ADF $nding !ill inance ca#acit%
0$ilding and training in "ortic$lt$re and
#o$ltr% #rod$ctionF
+o0elela 3o$t"
*o$ltr% Farm
U'ADF grant !ill $nd im#ro)ements to
acilities4 inancial s%stems im#ro)ements4
and mar6eting #lanningF
18F 'er$le 1omm$nit%
De)elo#ment /r$st
U'ADF grant !ill $nd im#ro)ements to t"e
inancial s%stems4 create a 0$siness #lan and
ma6e im#ro)ements to acilitiesF
&$i6$ 1omm$nit%-
-ased 2at$ral
1onser)ation /r$st
U'ADF $nds !ill #ro)ide training4 an
en)ironmental im#act assessment4 #re#aration
o a cam#site4 and t"e creation o a mar6eting
and 0$siness #lanF
;om6$ /r$st (;/)
U'ADF $nds !ill "el# ma6e im#ro)ements
to inancial s%stems4 training4 a arm
de)elo#ment and li)estoc6 management #lan4
and a i)e %ear 0$siness #lanF
;gagodi +emmogo
-asadi Association
U'ADF $nding !ill "el# im#ro)e ;+-A<s
management ca#acit% 0% e>$i##ing an oice
and #ro)iding training and inancial
management4 $nding comm$nit%-!ide
!or6s"o#s4 and #ro)iding materials and
training in 0ee6ee#ing o#erationsF
1omm$nit% +eso$rce
,anagement /r$st
U'ADF $nds !ill "el# #ro)ide
im#ro)ements to inancial s%stems4 0$siness
and mar6eting training4 animal "$s0andr%
s$##lies4 and e!es and ramsF
,odise De)elo#ment
'ociet% (,D')
U'ADF $nds !ill "el# #ro)ide
im#ro)ements to inancial s%stems4 training4 a
#ig s"elter4 and da% old c"ic6s and a c"ic6en
Fate &ood
Association (F&A)
U'ADF $nds !ill "el# #ro)ide
im#ro)ements to inancial s%stems4 training
and e>$i#mentF
/"amaga *otter%
.J#ansion *roMect
U'ADF $nds !ill "el# #ro)ide or ne!
mac"iner%4 training4 and ceriication rom t"e
-ots!ana -$rea$ o 'tandardsF
;$r$ De)elo#ment
/"is #roMect !ill $nd comm$nit% go)ernance
and ca#acit% 0$ilding4 inancial management
training4 "ortic$lt$ral in#$ts4 and
leat"er!or6s in#$tsF
Source5 http599www%adf%ov98Quic7Source!ountry#ortfolio#ae8Botswana%htm
(access on 15FD3F2D11)
Southern )'rican Development Community
/"e 'o$t"ern Arican De)elo#ment 1omm$nit% started as rontline states !"ose
o0Mecti)e !as #olitical li0eration o 'o$t"ern AricaF 'o$t"ern Arican
De)elo#ment 1omm$nit% !as #receded 0% t"e 'o$t"ern Arican De)elo#ment
1oordination 1onerence ('AD11)4 !"ic" !as ormed in 7$sa6a4 Cam0ia on A#ril
D14 1=8D !it" t"e ado#tion o t"e 7$sa6a Declaration4 'o$t"ern AricaK /o!ards
.conomic 7i0erationF /"e ormation o 'AD11 !as t"e c$lmination o a long
#rocess o cons$ltations 0% t"e leaders o t"e t"en onl% maMorit% r$led co$ntries o
'o$t"ern Arica4 t"$s Angola4 -ots!ana4 7esot"o4 ,o5am0i>$e4 '!a5iland4 United
+e#$0lic o /an5ania and Cam0ia4 !or6ing toget"er as Frontline 'tatesF (n ,a%
1=7= cons$ltations !ere "eld 0et!een ,inisters o Foreign Aairs and ,inisters
res#onsi0le or .conomic De)elo#ment in Ga0orone4 -ots!anaF '$0se>$entl% a
meeting !as "eld in Ar$s"a4 /an5ania in E$l% 1=7= !"ic" led to t"e esta0lis"ment
o 'AD11F On A$g$st 174 1==24 at t"eir '$mmit "eld in :ind"oe64 2ami0ia4 t"e
&eads o 'tate and Go)ernment signed t"e 'AD1 /reat% and Declaration t"at
eecti)el% transormed t"e 'o$t"ern Arican De)elo#ment 1oordination
1onerence ('AD11) into t"e 'o$t"ern Arican De)elo#ment 1omm$nit%
('AD1)F /"e o0Mecti)e also s"ited to incl$de economic integration ollo!ing t"e
inde#endence o t"e rest o t"e 'o$t"ern Arican co$ntriesF 1$rrentl% 'AD1 "as a
mem0ers"i# o 15 ,em0er namel%N Angola4 -ots!ana4 Democratic +e#$0lic o
'tates4 7esot"o4 ,adagascar4 ,ala!i4 ,a$riti$s4 ,o5am0i>$e4 2ami0ia4 'e%c"elle
s4 'o$t" Arica4 '!a5iland4 United +e#$0lic o /an5ania4 Cam0ia and Cim0a0!eF
'AD1Is 8ision is t"at o a common $t$re4 a $t$re !it"in a regional comm$nit%
t"at !ill ens$re economic !ell-0eing4 im#ro)ement o t"e standards o li)ing and
>$alit% o lie4 reedom and social M$stice and #eace and sec$rit% or t"e #eo#le o
'o$t"ern AricaF /"is s"ared )ision is anc"ored on t"e common )al$es and
#rinci#les and t"e "istorical and c$lt$ral ainities t"at eJist 0et!een t"e #eo#le o
'o$t"ern AricaF /"e 'AD1 ,ission is to #romote s$staina0le and e>$ita0le
economic gro!t" and socio economic de)elo#ment t"ro$g" eicient #rod$cti)e
s%stems4 dee#er co-o#eration and integration4 good go)ernance4 and d$ra0le #eace
and sec$rit%4 so t"at t"e region emerges as a com#etiti)e and eecti)e #la%er in
international relations and t"e !orld econom%F
S)DC Create a Common Security )enda
'AD1 is c"aracteri5ed 0% t"e ollo!ing strategic eat$res4 !"ic" #ro)ide a good
arg$ment or t"e creation o a common sec$rit% agendaF
First4 almost all t"e maMor t"reats to t"e sec$rit% o #eo#le and states deri)e rom
internal rat"er t"an eJternal actorsF /"e act t"at t"e t"reats are not eJternal is an
added ad)antage in t"e sense t"at states s"o$ld 0e a0le to control and deal !it"
t"reats o t"eir o!n ma6ingF 2e)ert"eless4 t"e domestic crises in some states are so
se)ere t"at t"e% $ndermine sta0ilit% in neig"0o$ring co$ntries4 and oten #ro)o6e
cross-0order "ostilitiesF All t"e same4 t"is is a good reason or ot"er states to assistF
/"e% s"o$ld act as mediators to resol)e t"e crisis4 0eca$se t"eir o!n sec$rit% ma% 0e
t"reatenedF 'econd4 t"e most serio$s sec$rit% #ro0lems are #olitical4 social4 economic
and en)ironmental rat"er t"an militar% in origin and c"aracterF Alt"o$g" t"e% ma%
gi)e rise to )iolence4 leading to t"e de#lo%ment o t"e #olice and #ossi0l% e)en t"e
armed orces4 t"eir sol$tions lie in socio-economic de)elo#ment and t"e
consolidation o democrac%F /"ird4 certain critical iss$es s$c" as re$gees4
en)ironmental destr$ction4 t"e de#letion o nat$ral reso$rces and t"e #rolieration o
small arms are common to man% co$ntries and transcend national 0ordersF
Addressing t"em !ill t"ereore re>$ire a "ig" le)el o colla0oration not onl% among
mem0er states 0$t in t"e !ider !orld comm$nit%F Fo$rt"4 in t"e a0sence o eJternal
militar% t"reats to indi)id$al states or t"e region as a !"ole4 'AD1 co$ld engage in a
#rocess o s$0stantial disarmamentF Fit"4 t"ere is t"e #ros#ect o im#ro)ing eJisting
instit$tions and o creating str$ct$res to maintain #eace4 #romote economic and social
ad)ancement and ens$re a $t$re t"at oers t"e c"ildren o t"e 'AD1 co$ntries 0etter
#ros#ects t"an 0eoreF Finall%4 t"ere is t"e o##ort$nit% to assert t"e common core
)al$es aro$nd !"ic" t"e region<s ancestors $nitedF /"e c$lt$res and lang$ages o t"e
'o$t" Arican region are interconnected4 and t"e common "istorical eJ#eriences4 o
t"e region<s #eo#les4 t"eir common #ro0lems and as#irations4 remain a irm and
end$ring o$ndation or common actions to #romote regional economic !elare4
collecti)e sel-reliance and integration in e>$it% and #artners"i#F All t"ese
o##ort$nities can 0e t$rned into strategies $#on !"ic" 'AD1 can create a common
agenda or #eace4 "$man sec$rit% and conlict #re)ention in t"e regionF
)pproach to a common security aenda
'AD1<s conce#t$al rame!or6 on #eace and sec$rit% recogni5es t"e ne! a##roac" to
sec$rit%4 !"ic" em#"asi5es t"e sec$rit% o #eo#le and t"e non-militar% dimensions o
sec$rit%F /"e model also ac6no!ledges t"at t"e sec$rit% o states does not necessaril%
"a)e t"e same meaning as t"e sec$rit% o #eo#leF /"e #"iloso#"% o t"e 'AD1
rame!or6 is 0ased on t"e #rinci#le t"at sec$rit% is a "olistic #"enomenon t"at is not
restricted to militar% matters4 0$t incor#orates #olitical4 social4 economic and
en)ironmental iss$esF (ts o0Mects are not conined to states4 0$t eJtend in !idening
circles to incl$de a #eo#le4 t"e in"a0itants o a geogra#"ic region and t"e glo0al
comm$nit%F /"reats to sec$rit% are not limited to militar% c"allenges4 to state
so)ereignt% and territorial integrit%N t"e% incl$de a0$se o "$man rig"ts4 economic
de#ri)ation4 social inM$stice and destr$ction o t"e en)ironmentF /"e o0Mecti)es o
sec$rit% #olic% go 0e%ond ac"ie)ing an a0sence o !ar to encom#ass t"e #$rs$it o
democrac%4 s$staina0le economic de)elo#ment4 social M$stice and #rotection o t"e
en)ironmentF /"e $se o militar% orce is a legitimate means o deence against
eJternal aggression4 0$t it is not an acce#ta0le instr$ment or cond$cting oreign
#olic% and settling dis#$tesF /"e rame!or6 also recogni5es t"at states can mitigate
t"e sec$rit% dilemma and #romote regional sta0ilit% 0% ado#ting a deensi)e rat"er
t"an an oensi)e militar% doctrine and #ost$reF /"e conce#t$al rame!or6 ado#ted
0% 'AD1 also em#"asi5es t"at domestic sec$rit% #olic% s"o$ld #a% greater attention
to social so$rces o insta0ilit% s$c" as t"e #ro0lem o )iolence against !omen and
c"ildrenF +a#e4 !ie 0attering4 c"ild a0$se and di)erse t%#es o "arassment "a)e a
tra$matic im#act on t"e #"%sical and #s%c"ological sec$rit% o o)er "al t"e
#o#$lation4 0$t are largel% ignored 0% state agenciesF /"is conce#t o sec$rit% sets a
0road agendaF Deining #ro0lems s$c" as #o)ert%4 o##ression4 social inM$stice4 t"e
need or good go)ernance4 t"e $ne)en distri0$tion o income4 !ealt" and #o!er4
et"nic tensions4 #oor "ealt" acilities4 $nem#lo%ment4 A(D'4 dr$g traic6ing4 and t"e
need or land restit$tion4 as sec$rit% iss$es raises t"eir #olitical #roileF 'AD1 as a
comm$nit% "as considered t"ese actors as t"e greatest t"reats to domestic sta0ilit%
and economic de)elo#mentF /"ereore t"ese are !"at go)ernments and societies "a)e
to address on a contin$ing 0asisF All 'AD1<s #rotocols and terms o reerence on a
common regional sec$rit% a##roac" are 0ased on t"ese #ractical #rinci#les o t"e ne!
a##roac" to "$man sec$rit%F /"e% recogni5e t"e need to esta0lis" a rame!or6 and
mec"anisms to strengt"en regional solidarit% and #ro)ide or m$t$al #eace and
sec$rit%F7 /"e common sec$rit% regime !ill #ro)ideK earl% !arning o #otential
crisisN t"e 0$ilding o militar% conidence and sta0ilit% t"ro$g" disarmament and
trans#arenc% in deence mattersN engagement in Moint #ro0lem-sol)ing and t"e
de)elo#ment o colla0orati)e #rogrammes on sec$rit% iss$esN t"e negotiation o
m$ltilateral sec$rit% agreementsN and t"e management o conlict t"ro$g" #eace$l
meansF /"e #rotocols are 0ased on t"e recognition t"at !ar and insec$rit% are t"e
enemies o economic #rogress and social !elareF Good #olitical relations among t"e
co$ntries o t"e region4 toget"er !it" #eace and m$t$al sec$rit%4 are critical
com#onents o t"e total en)ironment or regional coo#eration and integrationF
5ethods and strateies on peace and security
'AD1 ado#ted t"e strategies o disarmament4 t"e #eace$l resol$tion o conlict and
instit$tional de)elo#ment as t"e o$ndations on !"ic" #eace4 "$man sec$rit% and
conlict #re)ention s"o$ld 0e 0$iltF 'AD1 also ado#ted a #olic% o Oreeing reso$rces
rom militar% to #rod$cti)e de)elo#ment acti)itiesF /"e rationale !as t"at an arms
0$ild-$# !as dangero$s or t"e region 0eca$se it "eig"tened #olitical insta0ilit%4 t"e
ris6 o armed "ostilities and t"e "$man and economic costs o !arareF F$rt"er4 it
di)erted reso$rces rom more #rod$cti)e ends and ca$sed a maMor net o$tlo! o
ca#ital4 in t"is !a% contri0$ting to $nderde)elo#ment in man% co$ntries and
contri0$tesF (t is not eas% to integrate ormer com0atants into ci)ilian societ% and to
ind em#lo%ment or t"emF (n t"e case o Cim0a0!e4 2ami0ia4 ,o5am0i>$e and
'o$t" Arica4 most o t"e demo0ili5ed soldiers remained $nem#lo%ed and resorted to
Deence 0$dget c$ts oten lead to lo!er !ages and deteriorating conditions in t"e
armed orces4 !"ic" in t$rn create a crisis o morale4 !"ic" co$ld res$lt in an
attem#ted co$#4 as in 7esot"oF /"e 1old :ar #ers#ecti)e on t"e $se o militar%
orce as instr$ment o oreign #olic% "as not 0een com#letel% a0andoned 0% t"e
'AD1 statesF An eJam#le is t"e reinstatement o 7esot"o<s go)ernment ollo!ing
t"e co$# in 1==44 in !"ic" 'AD1<s di#lomatic eorts !ere Oreinorced< 0% t"e
t"reat o a militar% 0loc6ade against t"e land-loc6ed mo$ntain 6ingdomF11 A
$rt"er eJam#le is t"e 1==3 'AD1 *rogramme o Action4 !"ic" states4 Ot"ere is a
sense in !"ic" militar% orce is an acce#ta0le orm o oreign #olic%F 'AD1 !o$ld
need to agree on conditions $nder !"ic" t"e $se o armed orce !ill 0e acce#ta0le4
and also consider conditions $nder !"ic" militar% inter)ention anot"er mem0er
state mig"t 0e #ermissi0leF /"is s"o!s little a##reciation 0% 'AD1 o t"e most
$ndamental r$le o international la!4 t"at t"e $se or t"reat o orce in international
relations is onl% M$stiied in t"e case o sel-deence against an armed attac6 or4 in
t"e a0sence o an attac64 !it" t"e eJ#licit a$t"ori5ation o t"e U2 'ec$rit% 1o$ncilF
'AD1<s commitment to #eace$l conlict resol$tion needs to 0e gro$nded in a
ormal endorsement o t"e la! on armed conlictF
Proress on collective peace and security
(n #ast decades4 'AD1 "eads o state "a)e s$##orted meas$res t"at #romoted
collecti)e sec$rit% in t"e regionF On t"e #olitical ront4 t"ese meas$res incl$ded t"e
ormation o t"e F7' in 1=7D4 'AD11 in 1=8D and 'AD1 in 1==2F /"ro$g" t"ese
0odies4 'AD1 "as s$ccess$ll% esta0lis"ed a #olitical solidarit% t"at "as s$stained
and dee#ened t"e desire or regional integrationF 'AD1 "as also created common
#olitical )al$es4 s%stems and instit$tions in order to 0$ild a irm o$ndation or
democratic go)ernanceF /"is is ill$strated 0% t"e act t"at a maMorit% o ,em0er
'tates "as a0andoned mono-#art% one-#erson r$le and militar% a$t"oritarianism
since t"e 1==Ds4 and em0raced #olitical #l$ralism and reg$lar m$lti-#art% electionsF
/"is #rocess o n$rt$ring and consolidating democratic go)ernance in 'o$t"ern
Arica is cr$cial4 not onl% or t"e 0roadening o #olitical #artici#ation 0$t also to
ens$re t"e relati)e sta0ilit% o #olitical s%stems and t"e legitimac% o go)ernmentsF
'AD1 "as also made #rogress to!ards #olitical integration 0% esta0lis"ing t"e
'AD1 *arliamentar% For$m o$tside t"e ormal str$ct$resF /"is is a cons$ltati)e
0od% !"ic" lac6s s$icient legislati)e #o!ers to "a)e real im#act on 'AD1F
'AD1 "as also esta0lis"ed a 'AD1 .lectoral 1ommissions For$m4 !"ic" is again
a cons$ltati)e 0od%4 and also lac6s eJec$ti)e a$t"orit% to ma6e an% real im#act on
t"e electoral #rocess in 'AD1F Alt"o$g" m$c" #rogress "as 0een made in t"e
"olding o reg$lar elections4 t"e o0ser)ance o "$man rig"ts4 t"e strengt"ening o
local go)ernment4 t"e acti)e #artici#ation o ci)il societ% actors and t"e increased
#artici#ation o !omen in t"e #olitical #rocess4 m$c" remains to 0e done to
instit$tionali5e democrac% and translate t"e constit$tional #ro)isions o
$ndamental reedoms and rig"ts into t"e #olitical c$lt$re and #ractice o societies
in t"e regionF /"e ,ala!i '$mmit in A$g$st 2DD1 agreed on a consolidated teJt o
t"e 'AD1 treat% !"ic" incl$des some im#ortant amendmentsF /"e c"anges "a)e
made t"e 'AD1 0$rea$crac% 0igger in some !a%s4 0$t also clearerF /"ere is no! an
(ntegrated 1ommittee o ,inisters !"ic" re#orts to t"e 1o$ncil ater reac"ing
agreement 0% consens$sF (t !ill o)ersee core integration areas and 0e em#o!ered to
act !it"o$t a ormal 1o$ncil meeting !"ic" "as dela%ed matters in t"e #astF /"e
#art o t"e treat% concerning t"e Organ (Article 1Da) is made clearer (as disc$ssed
a0o)e) and t"e r$les o re#orting and decision-ma6ing are s#elled o$tF /"e 1o$ncil
!ill meet o$r times eac" %ear and !ill 0e s$##orted 0% t"e secretariatF /"e
secretariat4 !"ic" alread% "as a long list o $nctions4 is no! also res#onsi0le or4
amongst ot"ers Ogender mainstreaming<4 Ode)ising a##ro#riate strategies or sel-
inancing< and O$nderta6ing researc" on comm$nit% 0$ildingF
Proress on military and state security
A n$m0er o 0ilateral deence agreements "a)e 0een set $#F Among t"e more
#ractical meas$res !ere t"e creation o t"e 'AD1 Organ on *olitics4 Deence and
'ec$rit% 1o-o#eration in 1==64 and t"e esta0lis"ment o t"e (nterstate Deence and
'ec$rit% 1ommittee4 t"e +egional *eace-6ee#ing /raining 1entre and t"e 'o$t"ern
Arica *olice 1"ies< 1o-o#eration Organisation ('A+*11O)F ,ost o t"ese
arrangements are c$rrentl% o#erating4 alt"o$g" in conlict sit$ations t"ere are still
#ro0lems o o)erla# and di)ergent #erce#tions o !"at s"o$ld 0e done4 0% !"om4 and
"o!F /"ese #ro0lems s"o$ld 0e sol)ed in t"e near $t$re4 since t"e "eads o state
signed t"e *rotocol on *olitics4 Deence and 'ec$rit% 1o-o#eration at t"e -lant%re
'$mmit o A$g$st 2DD1 and t"e 1o$ncil o ,inisters a##ro)ed t"e ,$t$al Deence
*act *rotocol4 !"ic" "as to 0e or!arded to "eads o state or signat$re at t"e neJt
'AD1 '$mmitF /"e *act is im#ortant 0eca$se it is t"e legal instr$ment em#o!ering
t"e o#erational mec"anism o t"e 'AD1 Organ or m$t$al coo#eration in deence
and sec$rit% mattersF
1reating a c$lt$re o democrac% and tolerance !o$ld entail t"e creation o organs
o ci)il societ% to carr% o$t mass ed$cation on t"e conce#t and #ractice o
democrac% and toleranceF /"e esta0lis"ment o or$ms and medi$ms !o$ld allo!
go)ernment to interact !it" t"e )ario$s sectors o t"e #o#$lation4 #artic$larl% in t"e
design and im#lementation o #$0lic #oliciesF 1reating a "$man rig"ts c$lt$re is t"e
#illar $#on !"ic" a democratic societ% is 0$iltF (t is essential to esta0lis" and
strengt"en instit$tions t"at are s#eciicall% geared to inorming and ed$cating
#eo#le a0o$t t"eir rig"tsF /"ese 0odies co$ld also ser)e as !atc"dogs4 #re)enting
go)ernment eJcessesF 1reating a c$lt$re o constr$cti)e conlict resol$tion is
essentialF *ro#er tec"ni>$es and strategies or alternati)e conlict management and
resol$tion met"ods need to 0e de)elo#edF (t is im#erati)e t"at indigeno$s
mec"anisms o conlict resol$tion 0e eJ#lored4 as t"e% co$ld 0e a##lied to c$rrent
t%#es o conlictsF A !ide le)el o ed$cational training in t"e s6ills o conlict
management and resol$tion !o$ld need to 0e em#lo%edF *romoting !omen<s $ll
access to4 and control o)er4 #rod$cti)e reso$rces to red$ce t"e le)el o #o)ert%
among !omen is anot"er $rgent tas6 to 0ring a0o$t an im#ro)ement in social
conditionsF 'trengt"ening 'AD1 str$ct$res4 s$c" as t"e *arliamentar% For$m and
t"e .lectoral 1ommissions For$m4 !o$ld entail organi5ing !or6s"o#s in order to
e>$i# $nctionaries !it" t"e necessar% s6illsF (m#ro)ing t"e management o t"e
ed$cation s%stem4 a#art rom de)ising cost-eecti)e !a%s o deli)ering ed$cation
ser)ices s$c" as cost s"aring4 Moint #roc$rement o sc"ool materials and mo$nting
Moint training #rogrammes is an $rgent #riorit% or 'AD1 co$ntriesF
&el#ing to increase t"e ca#acit% or &(89A(D' a!areness cam#aigns4 or #lanning
and or researc"4 is an essential acti)it% to "el# address t"e A(D' e#idemicF
(nstit$ting an o#erational legal mec"anism to ma6e t"e *rotocol on *olitics4
Deence and 'ec$rit% 0inding on all ,em0er 'tates is anot"er im#ortant #riorit%F
/"is !o$ld also "el# to gi)e direction in some areas !"ere t"e *rotocol articles are
$nclearF .sta0lis"ing an earl%-!arning s%stem4 !it" !ell->$aliied #ersonnel and a
conlict management team to "el# deal !it" dis#$tes and also to ad)ise t"e ,em0er
'tatesF :o$ld assist 'AD1 in de$sing #otentiall% desta0ili5ing sit$ationsF /"e role
s$ggested a0o)e or ci)il societ% ass$mes t"at go)ernment and t"e #ri)ate sector
coo#erate and #artici#ate in t"e #rocessF Go)ernment can create t"e ena0ling
en)ironment in !"ic" ci)il societ% can 0e eecti)eF 7i6e!ise4 t"e #ri)ate sector can
assist 0% #ro)iding t"e necessar% reso$rces to carr% o$t s$c" acti)it%F
SOS ChildrenHs Billaes3 ,ots-ana
(n all co$ntries !"ere 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illages o#erates4 t"e aim is to orm a national
association !"ic" is its o!n legal entit%4 !it" its o!n stat$tes and -oard o DirectorsF
1ommon or all o t"em is mem0ers"i# o t"e international $m0rella association4 and
t"e act t"at t"eir -oard o Directors !or6 on an "onorar% 0asisF .ac" mem0er
association "as to com#l% !it" t"e international stat$tes and #rinci#les or ed$cation
and c"ild-care o 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illages (nternational4 and or inancial and
administrati)e #racticesF /"e national associations are registered and organised as a
o$ndation4 tr$st4 association4 non-#roit com#an% or societ%F As a $ll mem0er o
'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illages (nternational4 t"e% "a)e t"e rig"t to a##l% or $nding
t"ro$g" t"e $m0rella association4 and to re>$est ser)ices rom t"e General
'ecretariatF ,an% national 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage associations #resent t"emsel)es in
a )ariet% o !a%s to interested (nternet $sersF 8isit national !e0sites in t"e section
!"ere !e "el#F First contacts !ere made in 1=8D and t"e ollo!ing %ear t"e national
association4 L'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage Association o -ots!anaL !as o$ndedF (t !as
t"ree %ears later t"at constr$ction started on t"e irst 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage in
/lo6!eng4 a small to!n a0o$t 12 6m rom t"e ca#ital o Ga0oroneF :"en it !as
com#leted4 t"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage consisted o siJ amil% "o$ses4 a 6indergarten
and a c"ic6en armF D$e to t"e contin$all% increasing demand t"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs
8illage /lo6!eng !as eJtended in 1==1 and 1===4 irst to ten amil% "o$ses and
inall% to a total o iteenF /"e reason or t"e eJtensions !as t"at t"e or#"an sit$ation
in -ots!ana !as #ro)ing to 0e e)er-more diic$ltF Also4 t"e e)er-increasing n$m0er
o #eo#le !it" A(D' meant t"at t"ere !as going to 0e a dramatic increase in t"e
n$m0er o or#"ans in t"e co$ntr%F O)er t"e %ears t"e need or s$ita0le
accommodation or t"e %o$t"s !"o !ere o$tgro!ing t"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage also
arose and so4 0et!een 1==3 and 1==54 t!o %o$t" "o$ses !ere constr$cted4 one on t"e
site o t"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage and t"e ot"er in Ga0orone itselF
7ocal s$##ort meant t"at in 1==7 it !as #ossi0le to add t!o sim#le )ocational
training centres or t"e %o$t"s to t"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illageF 1o$rses in car#entr%4
!elding4 "ome-economics and crat ind$stries are oered "ereF (n t"e same %ear4 t"e
cornerstone !as laid or t"e second 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage in Francisto!n4 in t"e
nort" o -ots!ana4 !"ic" started o#erating in 1==8F
(n 2DD6 t"e constr$ction o t"e t"ird 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage in 'ero!e startedF /"e
#roMect "as 0een esta0lis"ed in se)eral #"ases and t"e constr$ction #rocess co$ld 0e
com#leted in 2DD=F (n 2DD84 'O' 1"ildren<s 8illages started to o#erate Famil%
'trengt"ening *rogrammes4 !"ic" ena0le c"ildren !"o are at ris6 o losing t"e care
o t"eir amil% to gro! !it"in a caring amil% en)ironmentF /o ac"ie)e t"is4 'O'
1"ildren<s 8illages !or6s directl% !it" amilies and comm$nities to em#o!er t"em
to eecti)el% #rotect and care or t"eir c"ildren4 in coo#eration !it" local a$t"orities
and ot"er ser)ice #ro)idersF At #resent t"ere are t"ree 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illages in
-ots!ana4 t!o 'O' 3o$t" Facilities4 t"ree 'O' ;indergartens and t!o 'O' 'ocial
1entres (amil% strengt"ening #rogrammes)F
SOS ChildrenHs Billae 6rancisto-n
/"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage in Francisto!n is located in t"e s$0$r0an area o
Francisto!n4 !"ic"4 !it" a##roJimatel% 6D4DDD in"a0itants4 is t"e second largest
cit% o -ot!anaF /"e "o$ses !ere 0$ilt in a sim#le !a% and t"eir st%le is ada#ted
to local traditionsF /"e site !as made a)aila0le to 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illages 0% t"e
go)ernment o -ots!anaF On 17 ,arc" 1===4 t"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage
Francisto!n !as oiciall% o#ened in t"e #resence o *rincess -enedi6te o
Denmar6 and "er "$s0and *rince +ic"ard4 ,inister ;!elago0e o -ots!ana and
man% ot"er "onorar% g$estsF :"en t"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage Francisto!n !as
o#ened in 1===4 it consisted o iteen amil% "o$ses4 and in 2DD4 an additional
amil% "o$se !as erectedF /oda%4 t"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage Francisto!n
com#rises not onl% siJteen amil% "o$ses4 0$t also an administration area4 a small
clinic and a m$lti#$r#ose "all4 and "o$ses or t"e )illage director and t"e 'O'
a$ntsF /"e 'O' ;indergarten on t"e same #remises "as 0een in o#eration since
'e#tem0er 1==8 and "as a ca#acit% or 1DD c"ildren4 !"o are loo6ed ater in o$r
gro$# roomsF A 6itc"en and #la%gro$nd also 0elong to t"e 'O' ;indergartenF (n
2DD44 an 'O' 3o$t" Facilit% consisting o t!o "o$ses !as o#ened4 !"ere $# to
t"irt% %o$t"s can sta% d$ring t"eir )ocational training or $rt"er ed$cation and
#re#are or 0ecoming inde#endentF 'ince t"e esta0lis"ment o t"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs
8illage in Francisto!n4 an increasing n$m0er o c"ildren "a)e o$nd a ne! "ome
t"ere and can li)e in #eace in t"eir amil% "o$ses s$rro$nded 0% large4 s"ad%
SOS ChildrenHs Billae Sero-e
'ero!e4 !it" its a##roJimatel% 8D4DDD in"a0itants4 is t"e ca#ital o -ots!anaIs
1entral District and is an im#ortant trade and commerce centreF (t lies a0o$t 25D
6ilometres nort"east o Ga0oroneF 'ero!e "as 0een t"e main )illage o t"e 2g!ato
#eo#le4 one o t"e eig"t #rinci#al tri0es o -ots!ana4 e)er since ;ing ;"ama mo)ed
t"ere in 1=D2F (n 1=744 it ins#ired t"e 'o$t" Arican-0orn !riter -essie &eadIs 0oo6
L'ero!eK 8illage o t"e +ain :indLF /oda%4 a##roJimatel% 3D4DDD or#"ans li)e in t"e
'ero!e area and t"e n$m0er o c"ild or grann% "eaded amilies is steadil%
increasingF /"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage is located on t"e o$ts6irts o 'ero!e4 in a
middle class residential areaF /"e #lot o land !as donated 0% t"e go)ernment o
-ots!anaF 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage 'ero!e c$rrentl% com#rises i)e amil% "o$ses4 an
administration 0loc6 and an 'O' ;indergartenF /"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage !ill 0e
eJtended ste# 0% ste# $ntil all acilities #lanned "a)e 0een com#letedF Ater its
com#letion4 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage 'ero!e !ill oer a ne! "ome to $# to 12D
c"ildrenF (t !ill com#rise t!el)e amil% "o$ses4 a "o$se or t"e )illage director4 sta
"o$ses4 an administration and ser)ice area and a comm$nit% "allF /"e 'O'
;indergarten on t"e same #remises "as a ca#acit% o 1DD c"ildren 0et!een t!o and
se)en %ears o age4 !"o are loo6ed ater in o$r gro$# roomsF A 6itc"en and
#la%gro$nd also 0elong to t"e 'O' ;indergartenF (t is o#en to c"ildren 0ot" rom t"e
'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage and rom t"e s$rro$nding comm$nit%4 !"ic" greatl% assists
!it" t"e integration o t"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illageF
SOS ChildrenHs Billae Tlok-en
/lo6!eng is a small to!n in t"e so$t"east o -ots!ana close to t"e 'o$t" Arican
0order4 a0o$t 12 6ilometres rom Ga0oroneF Ga0orone !as named ater ;gosi
Ga0orone !"o led t"e -atlo6!a tri0e into t"e area in t"e 188Ds4 !"en t"e% settled in
/lo6!engF (n t"e earl% 18=Ds a colonial ort !as 0$ilt in an area no! 6no!n as /"e
8illage near /lo6!engF /"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage /lo6!eng oers a ne! "ome to
$# to 1=2 c"ildren and !as oiciall% o#ened 0% t"e ,inister o &ome Aairs in
1=86F (t com#rises siJteen amil% "o$ses4 "o$ses or t"e )illage director and t"e 'O'
a$nts4 an administration area4 a small clinic and a m$lti-#$r#ose "allF
/"e ancillar% 'O' ;indergarten consists o o$r gro$# rooms4 a 6itc"en and a
#la%gro$nd4 and "as a ca#acit% or $# to 1DD c"ildrenF Fr$it orc"ards and )egeta0le
0eds !ere laid o$t on a0o$t t!o "ectares o land4 s$##l%ing t"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs
8illage !it" most o t"e ood neededF /"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage /lo6!eng also
incl$des t!o 'O' 8ocational /raining 1entres4 !"ic" !ere esta0lis"ed !it" local
inancial s$##ortF 8ocational training co$rses in !elding4 car#entr%4 se!ing4 coo6ing
and "ome-economics are oeredF /"e 'O' 3o$t" Facilit% accommodates %o$t"s
d$ring t"e time o t"eir )ocational training or ed$cation and gi)es t"em a c"ance to
#re#are or an inde#endent lie $nder t"e g$idance o t"eir %o$t" leadersF (t consists
o t"ree 0$ildings4 one on t"e #remises o t"e 'O' 1"ildrenIs 8illage4 one in t"e to!n
o /lo6!eng and one in Ga0orone4 and eac" "o$se "as a ca#acit% or iteen %o$t"sF
Civil Society -orkin 'or Promotin Human Security to Re'uees
/"e co$ntr% is a #art% to t"e 1=51 1on)ention relating to t"e 'tat$s o +e$gees4 t"e
1=67 *rotocol relating to t"e 'tat$s o +e$gees4 and t"e 1=6= Arican Union
1on)ention Go)erning t"e '#eciic As#ects o t"e +e$gee *ro0lem in AricaF /"e
go)ernment "as esta0lis"ed a s%stem or #ro)iding #rotection to re$geesF /"e
go)ernment granted re$gee stat$s or as%l$mF /"e go)ernmentIs s%stem or granting
re$gee stat$s !as accessi0le 0$t slo!F (n #ractice t"e go)ernment #ro)ided
#rotection against t"e eJ#$lsion or ret$rn o #ersons to co$ntries !"ere t"eir li)es or
reedom !o$ld 0e t"reatened on acco$nt o t"eir race4 religion4 nationalit%4
mem0ers"i# in a #artic$lar social gro$#4 or #olitical o#inionF /"e go)ernment also
#ro)ided tem#orar% #rotection to indi)id$als !"o ma% not >$ali% as re$gees $nder
t"e 1=51 1on)ention or t"e 1=67 *rotocolF D$ring t"e %ear e!er t"an 1DD #ersons
!ere granted re$gee stat$sF /"e go)ernment coo#erated !it" t"e U2&1+ and ot"er
"$manitarian organi5ations in assisting re$gees and as%l$m see6ersF /"e go)ernment
"eld ne!l% arri)ed re$gees and as%l$m see6ers4 #rimaril% rom Cim0a0!e4 in t"e
1enter or (llegal (mmigrants in Francisto!n $ntil t"e +e$gee Ad)isor% 1ommittee
(+A1)4 a go)ernmental 0od% !"ose c"air#erson is t"e district commissioner o
Francisto!n4 made a stat$s recommendationN t"e U2&1+ !as #resent at +A1
meetings in t"e stat$s o o0ser)er and tec"nical ad)isorF Once #ersons !ere granted
re$gee stat$s4 t"e go)ernment transerred t"em to t"e D$6!e +e$gee 1am#F
+e$gee a##licants !"o !ere $ns$ccess$l in o0taining as%l$m !ere nonet"eless
allo!ed to remain at D$6!e i t"e% !is"ed !"ile t"e go)ernment reerred t"eir cases
to t"e U2&1+F +e$gees in D$6!e !ere #ro)ided access to ed$cation and "ealt"
careF /"e U2&1+ critici5ed t"e detention o as%l$m see6ers at t"e 1enter or (llegal
(mmigrants on t"e gro$nds t"at as%l$m see6ers s"o$ld not 0e "eld in detention
acilities4 alt"o$g" as%l$m see6ers !ere "o$sed se#aratel% rom illegal immigrantsF
1onditions at t"e center !ere generall% ade>$ate4 0$t c"ildren in t"e center did not
"a)e s$icient access to ed$cation or t"e d$ration o t"eir detention4 !"ic" in a e!
cases lasted man% mont"sF A##roJimatel% 6DD o t"e co$ntr%Is 345DD registered
re$gees !ere li)ing and !or6ing o$tside D$6!e 1am# at t"e 0eginning o t"e %earF
'ince 1==7 t"e go)ernment "ad allo!ed re$gees to a##l% or s#ecial residenc%
#ermits to li)e and !or6 o$tside o t"e cam# or a one-%ear #eriod !it" t"e
#ossi0ilit% o rene!alF (n E$ne t"e go)ernment decided to restrict t"e a0ilit% o
registered re$gees to li)e and !or6 o$tside t"e cam#F /"e ,inistr% o Deense4
E$stice4 and 'ec$rit% inormed t"e re$gees t"at t"eir #ermits !o$ld not 0e rene!ed
and t"at t"e% !o$ld recei)e assistance !it" ret$rning to t"e cam# on a rolling 0asis as
#ermits eJ#ired and circ$mstances allo!ed4 incl$ding com#letion o sc"ool terms or
c"ildrenF /"e go)ernment stated t"at in some eJce#tional cases4 s$c" as or re$gees
enrolled in "ig"er ed$cation or !it" L$ni>$e s6ills4L residence o$tside t"e cam#
!o$ld 0e #ermittedF -% %earIs end =5 re$gees "ad ret$rned to D$6!eF
Re'uees in ,ots-ana
Residin in ,ots-ana
+e$gees 34D22
As%l$m 'ee6ers 2D6
+et$rned +e$gees D
(nternall% Dis#laced *ersons ((D*') D
+et$rned (D*s D
'tateless *ersons D
8ario$s D
/otal *o#$lation o 1oncern 34228
Oriinatin 'rom ,ots-ana
+e$gees 3D
As%l$m 'ee6ers 1=7
+et$rned +e$gees D
(nternall% Dis#laced *ersons ((D*') D
+et$rned (D*s D
8ario$s D
/otal *o#$lation o 1oncern 227
Source: http:,,***"unhcr"org,pages,/0e/12/23"html, Access on 44
+arch, 4566
Nationalities o' Re'uee in ,ots-ana
'F2F 2ationalities *ercentage
1F Angola 55F4
2F Cim0a0!e 23F4
3F 'o$t" Arica 12F7
4F +!anda 2F2
5F 7esot"o 2F1
6F 7i0eria 2F1
7F Uganda 2F1
Total !%%
Source: ***"ditsh*anelo"org"b*,images,7efugee845Assessment"pdf,
)ccess on &&
5arch8 &%!!
-ots!ana !as t"e irst co$ntr% in so$t"ern Arica to roll o$t an antiretro)iral
treatment #rogramme4 !"ic" no! "as almost $ni)ersal co)erage4 0$t is among t"e
last to incl$de its relati)el% small re$gee #o#$lationF Ater %ears o lo00%ing 0%
t"e U2 +e$gee Agenc% (U2&1+)4 and local Aids and "$man rig"ts gro$#s4 in
A#ril 2DD= t"e go)ernment agreed to relaJ a #olic% t"at eJ#licitl% 0arred non-
citi5ens rom accessing treatmentF /"e re)ised #olic% sto##ed s"ort o incl$ding
&(8-#ositi)e re$gees in t"e national treatment #rogramme4 0$t -ots!ana as6ed t"e
U' go)ernment to $nd a #arallel #rogramme or t"e a##roJimatel% 345DD re$gees
at D$6!i4 !"o are mostl% rom Cim0a0!e4 2ami0ia4 Angola and 'o$t" AricaF 'o
ar4 a0o$t 17D re$gees "a)e started A+8 treatment and a $rt"er 65 are 0eing
monitored in a #rogramme im#lemented 0% t"e -ots!ana +ed 1ross4 !it"
o)ersig"t 0% U2&1+ and $nding rom t"e U' *residentIs .mergenc% *lan or
Aids +elieF *re)ention o mot"er-to-c"ild transmission ser)ices is no! also
a)aila0le to &(8-#ositi)e #regnant !omen in t"e cam#F From 2DD4 $ntil 2DD=4 a
go)ernment-r$n clinic at D$6!i !as onl% a$t"ori5ed to #ro)ide s$c" ser)ices to
local -ats!ana !omenF 2o one 6no!s "o! long t"e U' !ill 6ee# $nding
treatment or t"e re$geesF L(tIs 6ind o dice% 0eing in a #ri)atel% $nded
#rogramme4L said U%a#o 2dadi4 Acting Director o t"e -ots!ana 2et!or6 on
.t"ics4 7a! and &(8 and Aids (-O2.7A)F /"e% !ill 0e in a #recario$s sit$ation i
t"e $nding endsF /"e go)ernmentIs decision to allo! re$gees to recei)e A+8s
!as a #artial )ictor%F :e eel t"e go)ernment s"o$ld "a)e integrated t"em into t"eir
mainstream #rogrammeF -O2.7A "as 0een lo00%ing t"e go)ernment to c"ange its
#olic% o eJcl$ding oreigners rom Aids treatment and U2&1+ is contin$ing its
ad)ocac% eortsF Gloria *$ertas4 t"e agenc%Is senior regional &(8 and Aids
coordinator4 said t"e go)ernmentIs arg$ments or not eJtending treatment to incl$de
re$gees t"at it !o$ld attract more re$gees to t"e co$ntr%4 and t"e% !ere alread%
str$ggling to #ro)ide treatment to t"eir o!n #eo#leF
Civil Society -orkin 'or "ndienous Community
&istor% "as it t"at t"e 'an #eo#le4 commonl% reerred to as -$s"men or -asar!a4
are t"e original in"a0itants o -ots!anaF /"e% originated in t"e nort" and grad$all%
migrated so$t"!ardsF A##roJimatel% 24DDD %ears later4 t"e &ottentots ollo!ed t"e
-$s" #eo#le !"o !ere t"en ollo!ed 0% -ant$ s#ea6ersF /"e irst /s!ana settled in
t"e so$t"-east o -ots!ana in a##roJimatel% t"e 15
cent$r%4 #ossi0l% "a)ing
migrated rom t"e so$t"F
&o!e)er4 t"e 'an remain t"e single largest indigeno$s comm$nit% in t"e co$ntr%F
/"e% consist o man% dierent small tri0es and s#ea6 a )ariet% o lang$ages4 all o
!"ic" incor#orate Lclic6L so$ndsF /"e small -$s"men comm$nities "ad t"eir
c$stoms and ol6lore and !ere ond o games and t"eir traditional m$sic as a )ital
#art o t"eir li)esF /"e% also made t"eir o!n m$sical instr$ments and enMo%ed
/"e -asar!a remain economicall% and #oliticall% marginali5ed4 "a)e lost access to
t"eir traditional land in ertile regions o t"e co$ntr%4 and remain )$lnera0le to
eJ#loitation 0% t"eir non -asar!a neig"0o$rsF /"eir isolation4 lac6 o ed$cation4
ignorance o ci)il rig"ts and lac6 o #olitical re#resentation "a)e st%mied t"eir
#rogressF (n 1=614 t"e colonial go)ernment o -ots!ana esta0lis"ed t"e more t"an
5248DD 6m^ 1entral ;ala"ari Game +eser)e (1;G+) to #rotect t"e ood s$##l% o
some -asar!a gro$#s still #$rs$ing a s$0sistence "$nter-gat"erer li)eli"oodF
&o!e)er4 in 1==74 t"e go)ernment 0egan to relocate t"e -asar!a to t!o settlements
M$st o$tside t"e 1;G+ V ;a$d!ane and 2e! ZadeF
A maMor de0ate relating to 'an rig"ts "as 0een o)er t"e 1entral ;ala"ari Game
+eser)e4 one o Arica<s largest conser)ation areasF /"e 1entral ;ala"ari Game
+eser)e co)ers a )ast area o 5248DD 6m^ and !as originall% esta0lis"ed in order to
#ro)ide #rotection or t"e 'an 0$s"men !"o li)ed in increasingl% small and remote
comm$nities !it"in t"e reser)eF /"e landsca#e is #redominantl% sand% !it" dr%
ossil )alle%s4 d$ne ields and grass% #lainsF -et!een 1==7 and 2DD24 t"e go)ernment
o -ots!ana decided to resettle residents o t"e 1entral ;ala"ari Game +eser)e to
ne!l% esta0lis"ed settlements o$tside t"e reser)eF (n res#onse to t"is eJercise4 a
coalition o local organi5ations !as ormed to dialog$e !it" t"e go)ernmentF /"is
9igure: A San )ushmen in Central :alahari Game 7eser#e of )ots*ana
4The Hindu Ne-spaper8 &$
5arch8 &%!!9
Source5 http599www%thehindu%com9news9international9article$$*+.**%ece,
access on 23
,arc"4 2D11
incl$ded local 2ongo)ernment organisations s$c" as t"e First *eo#le o t"e ;ala"ari
(;gei6ani ;!eni)4 ;$r$ De)elo#ment /r$st4 t"e :or6ing Gro$# o (ndigeno$s
,inorities in 'o$t"ern Arica4 and se)eral ot"er -ots!ana-0ased non-go)ernmental
organi5ations eFgF Dits"!anelo4 t"e -ots!ana 1o$ncil o 2on-Go)ernmental
Organi5ations (-O1O2GO) and t"e -ots!ana 1"ristian 1o$ncil (-11)F /"ese
2ongo)ernment organisations esta0lis"ed a cons$ltati)e gro$#4 called t"e
2egotiating /eam4 to carr% o$t disc$ssions !it" t"e go)ernment o -ots!ana on t"e
$t$re o t"e #eo#le o t"e 1entral ;ala"ari Game +eser)eF 2egotiations !it" t"e
go)ernment #ro)ed $tileF
/"e A##eal 1o$rt M$dgment is a remar6a0le )ictor% or t"e -$s"menF 2ot onl% "as
t"e co$rt $#"eld t"eir rig"t to !ater in t"e ;ala"ari Desert4 0$t it "as criticised t"e
go)ernmentIs treatment o t"e -$s"men as GdegradingHF '$r)i)al (nternational4 t"e
7ondon-0ased organisation !"ic" cam#aigns or t"e rig"ts o indigeno$s #eo#les and
"as strongl% 0ac6ed t"e -$s"men<s legal 0attle4 descri0ed t"e a##eal co$rtIs decision
as Gmomento$sHF .)er since 1==74 !"en t"e -ots!anan go)ernment decided to mo)e
t"e -$s"men o t"eir ancestral "$nting-gro$nd in t"e ;ala"ari4 t"e -$s"men<s 0attle
to ret$rn "as 0een a losing oneF (n 2DD24 t"e Arm% mo)ed t"e maMorit% o t"e
-$s"men o$t o t"e ;ala"ari4 oten 0r$tall%4 0$t some re$sed to lea)eF Ot"ers drited
0ac6 rom t"e so$lless s"ant% to!ns !"ere t"e% !ere orced to li)eF For tens o
t"o$sands o %ears4 t"e -$s"men "a)e managed to li)e and t"ri)e in t"is dee#l%
"ostile en)ironmentF /"e -ritis"4 !"o !ere t"e colonial #o!er in -ots!ana 0eore its
inde#endence4 #romised it to t"em in #er#et$it%F /"e -ots!ana go)ernmentIs
decision to mo)e t"e -$s"men ollo!ed t"e disco)er% o diamonds in t"e 1entral
;ala"ari Game +eser)e (1;G+)4 t"e "eart o t"e -$s"men<s territor%F (t "as oten
0een alleged t"at t"e t!o t"ings !ere lin6ed4 t"o$g" s$ccessi)e go)ernments "a)e
denied t"isF /"e legal 0attle oc$sed on a single !ell4 on !"ic" t"ose -$s"men !"o
still li)ed in t"e 1;G+ de#ended or t"eir !aterF /"e Arm% 0loc6ed $# t"e #i#e !it"
concrete and illed t"e 0asin !it" sandK a melanc"ol% sig"t in t"is in"os#ita0le desertF
2e)ert"eless t"e -$s"men managed to s$r)i)e !it"o$t t"e !ellF /"e% o$nd !ater in
t"eir traditional !a%s4 and sometimes t"e% managed to raise t"e mone% to 0$% 0ottled
!ater rom a store 486m a!a%F
On at least one occasion4 as a gro$# !as ret$rning rom t"e 1D8-6m !al6 carr%ing
"$ndreds o 0ottles4 t"e% !ere sto##ed 0% g$ards at t"e 1entral ;ala"ari Game
+eser)e4 !"o #o$red all t"e !ater on to t"e gro$ndF /"e 2D1D M$dgment4 !"ic" t"e
a##eal co$rt "as no! re)ersed4 !as criticised inside and o$tside -ots!ana or its
toneF *residing M$dge t"en E$dge :alia said t"e -$s"men "ad G0ro$g"t $#on
t"emsel)es an% discomort t"e% ma% end$reHF -ots!ana is in man% !a%s a model
Arican co$ntr%4 !ealt"%4 democratic and not o0)io$sl% corr$#tF -$t e)en its
s$##orters "a)e 0een em0arrassed 0% t"e treatment o t"e -$s"menF
Civil Society -orkin 'or Environmental Security
-ots!ana "as a re#$tation or o#en4 democratic instit$tionsF &o!e)er4 t"ese "a)e
almost all 0een im#osed rom a0o)eF /"ere "as 0een )er% little s#ontaneo$s
de)elo#ment o nongo)ernment organisations or ot"er instit$tions o ci)il societ%4
and t"ose !"ic" "as 0egan to gro! $# "a)e oten 0een co-o#ted or dominated 0%
go)ernment4 lea)ing ci)il societ% relati)el% !ea6 45olutsi and Holm8 !0.09F /"e
democratic acade "ides t"e act t"at t"e co$ntr% "as 0een r$led since inde#endence
0% t"e same small elite4 !it" senior ci)il ser)ants and #oliticians interc"anging
#ositions in a manner )er% rare in !estern li0eral democraciesF &a)ing !on all t"e
elections since inde#endence4 t"e -ots!ana Democratic *art (-O*) "as enMo%ed 28
%ears in #o!er4 !"ic" com#ares !it" o$rteen %ears or t"e conser)ati)es in t"e
United ;ingdom (UF;) and t"irteen %ears or CA2U (*F) in Cim0a0!eF
One indicator o t"e a##arent relati)e lac6 o im#ortance o nongo)ernment
organisations in -ots!ana is t"e relati)e lac6 o reerences on nongo)ernment
organisationsF Until )er% recentl% t"ere "as 0een no #$0lis"ed director%4 0$t a total
o onl% ort% o$r registered )ol$ntar% organi5ations !as listed 4Nteta8 !0..9F O
t"ese onl% t"ree co$ld 0e called national en)ironmental organi5ations4 namel% t"e
Forestr% Association o -ots!ana (FA-)4 ;ala"ari 1onser)ation 'ociet% (;1') and
:ildlie 1l$0sF +ecent inormal estimates #$t t"e n$m0er o 2ongo)ernment
organisations at national or district le)el !it" some en)ironmental interest at aro$nd
iteen to t!ent%4 o !"ic" #er"a#s e!er t"an "al-a-do5en !ere o#erating 0eore
a0o$t 1=8=F /"ese estimates #ro0a0l% do not incl$de international 2ongo)ernment
organisations or )er% local gro$#sF
&o!e)er4 t"is is clearl% a rat"er small le)el o acti)it%F /"ere is some indication
t"at at local le)el as !ell t"e n$m0ers are relati)el% lo! traditional orms o
organi5ation ma% #redominate o)er )ol$ntar% gro$# ormation4 !"ic" ma% 0e seen
as alien 4Nteta8 !0..94 t"o$g" t"is is a to#ic re>$iring care$l st$d% 0eore an%
deine #rono$ncements s"o$ld 0e madeF 2ongo)ernment organisations are o man%
t%#es4 and se)eral !riters "a)e #$t or!ard t%#ologies or s$ggested #rinci#les or
disting$is"ing4 sa%4 Grassroots Organi5ations (G+Os) rom ot"er nongo)ernment
organisations 4;pho''8 !00$9F /"e a$t"or "as s$ggested else!"ere 4Thomas8 !00&9
t"at it is im#ortant to disting$is" m$t$al 0eneit organi5ations4 0ased on
mem0ers"i#4 rom #$0lic 0eneit organi5ations4 incl$ding c"arities and ot"er
nongo)ernment organisations set $# to s$##l% ser)ices to ot"ers as !ell as
cam#aigning or researc" organi5ations !"ic" do not necessaril% "a)e a deined4
client gro$#F (t is also im#ortant to recognise dierences in sco#e and scaleN
nongo)ernment organisations !or6ing amo$sl% at local4 national and international
le)els s"o$ld not 0e eJ#ected to !or6 in similar !a%sF (n -ots!ana4 t"ere are
im#ortant dierences 0et!een nongo)ernment organisations in terms o t"eir
c$lt$ral 0ac6gro$nd and "istorical de)elo#ment as mo)ementsF (n #artic$lar4
:estern-st%le conser)ationist nongo)ernment organisations4 !it" acti)ities
incl$ding )ol$ntar% eorts in s$##ort o !ildlie and so ort"4 m$st 0e disting$is"ed
rom indigeno$s national and comm$nit% 0ased nongo)ernment organisationsF
Alt"o$g" e! in n$m0er4 t"e ormer t%#e incl$de some longstanding eJam#les s$c"
as t"e ;ala"ari 1onser)ation 'ociet%4 t"e Forestr% Association o -ots!ana and t"e
:ildlie 1l$0sF /"ese !ere originall% eJ#atriate-led and4 alt"o$g" t"e% are not
identiied !it" #artic$lar economic interests li6e t"eir settler-led e>$i)alents in4 sa%4
Cim0a0!e4 t"eir concerns are still sometimes dismissed as a !"ite manIs #ro0lemF
(n act4 to >$ite a large eJtent t"e !"ole nongo)ernment organisations mo)ement in
-ots!ana "as $ntil recentl% 0een identiied !it" t"e eJ#atriate !"ite comm$nit%F
&o!e)er4 !it" t"e gro!t" o an $r0an salaried middle class t"ese conser)ationist
nongo)ernment organisations ma% 0e ta6ing on ne! 0lac6 leaders"i# toget"er !it"
some o t"e c"aracteristics o en)ironmental #ress$re gro$#s in .$ro#e or t"e U'AF
One ne! nongo)ernment organisations4 'omarelang /i6ologo (.n)ironmental
:atc") -ots!ana ma% 0e considered in t"is regardF
Generall% s#ea6ing t"e >$estion o land ten$re s%stems and t"eir reorm is one !"ic"
is diic$lt or nongo)ernment organisations to addressF (n -ots!ana4 an e>$all%
diic$lt orm o reso$rces or 2ongo)ernment organisations to address is cattleF /"is
t"ird )ie! !o$ld4 in t"e case o -ots!ana4 loo6 at t"e distri0$tion o cattle as !ell as
o access to land and ot"er nat$ral reso$rcesF One s#eciic #oint "ere !o$ld 0e t"e
>$estion o Ld$al gra5ing rig"tsL4 !"ere an indi)id$al !it" a commercial "erd ma%
retain "ereditar% rig"ts to comm$nal gra5ing and t"$s 0e a0le to mo)e cattle 0et!een
comm$nal and commerciall% 5oned areas4 to t"e en)ironmental detriment o t"e
ormerF (n -ots!ana t"e rig"t to consolidate !ealt" t"ro$g" cattle is o great
im#ortance4 and t"is a##lies also to $r0ani5ed mem0ers o t"e #olitical elite4 some o
!"om 0eneit rom d$al gra5ing rig"tsF 2ongo)ernment organisations cannot c"oose
o##osition as a constant strateg% - t"eir interests oten coincide at least #artiall% !it"
t"ose o decision-ma6ers in Ggo)ernment and else!"ereF &o!e)er4 i t"ere is clear
conlict 0et!een #olic% stated as a0o$t to 0e im#lemented and interests re#resented
0% 2ongo)ernment organisations4 t"e a0o)e stories tend to s"o! t"at o$trig"t
o##osition ma% 0e more li6el% to get res$lts t"an tr%ing to colla0orate and "o#ing or
agreed modiicationsF(nternational lin6s are #ro0a0l% essential i o##osition is to
s$cceedF /"e% can onl% !or6 i t"ere is gen$inel% an international dimension to t"e
#artic$lar iss$e - 0$t t"en t"ere is t"e danger o dierent #erce#tions o an iss$e rom
o$tside t"an !it"in -ots!ana itselF
On more local iss$es4 indirect cam#aigning ma% 0e more li6el% to s$cceed4 t"o$g" its
eects are so long term4 t"an attem#ts at lo00%ing on a colla0orati)e 0asisF +eal
o##ort$nities or nongo)ernment organisations acti)ists to enter t"e #olic% net!or6s
are li6el% to remain )er% e! and ar 0et!een4 and to carr% )er% strong dangers o co-
o#tation !"en t"e% do arise or certain eminent indi)id$alsF U# to no!4 international
concern or en)ironment in Arica and -ots!ana in #artic$lar "as mostl% related to
iss$es aro$nd !ildlie and 0io-di)ersit%F /"e desertiication con)ention is attracting
m$c" less #artici#ation rom 0ig 2ort"ern 2ongo)ernment organi5ations t"an does
t"e 0io-di)ersit% con)ention4 or eJam#leF &o!e)er4 t"e desertiication con)ention is
no! signed and incl$des reerence to comm$nit%-0ased s$staina0le de)elo#ment4 t"e
im#ortance o indigeno$s 6no!ledge and tec"ni>$es4 and t"e need or inde#endent
.(As on 0ig engineering #roMectsF (t ma% t"en 0ecome #ossi0le or 2ongo)ernment
organi5ations in -ots!ana to in)o6e t"is international con)ention and gain
international s$##ort at t"e #olic% orm$lation or e)en agenda-setting stage or a
0roader4 more #artici#ati)e a##roac" to en)ironmental iss$es s$c" as t"eseF
$% -F :eimer4 O/"e 'o$t"ern Arican De)elo#ment 1o-ordination
1onerenceK *ast and F$t$re<N Arica (nsig"t4 8olF 214 2oF 24 1==14 ##F78-
)% -att"%an%4 ; (2DD4) GO0stacles to "$man sec$rit% Anal%sis o t"e 2DD4
'ocial :atc" national re#ortsH4 /"e -ig (ss$esK +e#orts 0% 1ommitment4
(% -ots!ana 1o$ncil o 2on-Go)ernmental Organi5ations (-O1O2GO)N
*% 1a!t"ra4 G (2DD4)4 A 1once#t$al Frame!or6 or +egional 'ec$rit% 4
Field4 ' (ed) *eace in AricaK /o!ards a 1olla0orati)e 'ec$rit% +egime4
Eo"annes0$rgK (nstit$te or Glo0al Dialog$eF
.% 1"ari4 *F+ (2DD1) G'ec$rit% and Go)ernance in 'o$t" AsiaK /"eir
7in6agesH4 1"ari4 *F+ (ed) 'ec$rit% and Go)ernance in 'o$t" Asia4
1olom0oK +egional 1entre or 'trategic 't$diesF Diamond4 7 (1===)
De)elo#ing Democrac%K /o!ard 1onsolidation4 -altimoreK /"e Eo"n
&o#6ins Uni)ersit% *ressF
0% Ditl"a6e4 A (2DD7) GU#date on 'AD1 1' For$mH4 .ns$ring .ecti)e
1i)ic *artici#ation in De)elo#ment and Democratic Go)ernance in
'o$t"ern Arica4 /"e /"ird 'AD1 1i)il 'ociet% For$m *roceedings
+e#ort4 /"e 'o$t"ern Arican De)elo#ment 1omm$nit% 1o$ncil o 2on-
1% D$mas4 74 E (2DD4) G-$ilding 'ec$rit% 0% -$ilding Democrac% and
-alanced .conomic +elations"i#sH4 &arris4 G (edF) Ac"ie)ing 'ec$rit% in
'$0-'a"aran AricaK 1ost .ecti)e Alternati)es to t"e ,ilitar%4 *retoriaK
(nstit$te or 'ec$rit% 't$dies
4% For inormation see t"e #roceedings o t"e Ga0orone meeting o 18
Ean$ar% 1==6F 'ee also EF 1illiers4 O/"e .)ol)ing 'ec$rit% Arc"itect$re in
'o$t"ern Arica<4 Arican 'ec$rit% +e)ie! 4 8olF 44 2oF 54 1==5F
'% &ammerstad4 A (2DD3)4 -$ilding 'ec$rit% in 'o$t"ern Arican 'tatesK
+egional /"reatsR (nternational 1o$ncil on 'ocial :elare -rieing *a#er4
$+% Ea66ie 1illiers4 -$ilding 'ec$rit% in 'o$t"ern AricaN ('' ,onogra#"
'eries4 2oF 434 2o)em0er 1===4 #F3F /"e F7' !as constit$ted as an
inormal or$m or t"e disc$ssion o mainl% #olitical and4 to a lesser eJtent4
militar% #ro0lems common among t"e li0eration mo)ements4 and t"e
#ro0lems aced 0% t"e ne!l% inde#endent go)ernments in Cam0ia4
,o5am0i>$e and AngolaF
$$% ,$tesa4 F and 2c"ito4 : (2DD5) G&$man 'ec$rit% and *o)ert% +ed$ction
in Cam0iaH4 ,$loon"o4 ;F4 ;i0asom0a4 + and ;ariri4 E42 (eds) /"e man%
Faces o &$man 'ec$rit%K 1ase 't$dies o 'e)en 1o$ntries in 'o$t"ern
Arica4 *retoriaK (nstit$te or 'ec$rit% 't$diesF2ami0ian 2on-
Go)ernmental Organi5ations For$m (2A2GOF)N
"tt#K99!!!FnangoFi!a%Fna9Organi5ations4 7$sa6aF
$)% Osei-&!edie4 - (2DD3) _*ers#ecti)es on *eace and 'ec$rit% 4 A *a#er
*resented at t"e +egional 'ol$tionsR 4 A *a#er *resented at t"e :or6s"o#K
1reating t"e Fo$ndation or 'AD1 +egional 'ec$rit% (ntegrationK
De)elo#ing '"ared 8al$es and (deas4 Eo"annes0$rgK 'o$t" Arican
(nstit$te o (nternational AairsF
$(% 'c"al6%64 GF8 (2DD5) GFriend or FoeK 1i)il 'ociet% Organi5ations and
*eace and 'ec$rit% in 'AD1 in &ammerstad4 A (ed) *eo#le4 'tates and
+egionsK -$ilding a 1olla0orati)e 'ec$rit% +egime in 'o$t"ern Arica4
-raamonteinK /"e 'o$t" Arican (nstit$te o (nternational Aairs 'o$t"ern
Arican De)elo#ment 1omm$nit% ('AD1) (2DD4) 'trategic (ndicati)e *lan
or t"e Organ on *olitics4 Deence and 'ec$rit% 1oo#eration4 Ga0oroneK
'AD1 &o$seF
$*% +F *reston (edF)4 /"e integration o ret$rned eJiles4 ormer com0atant and
ot"er !ar-aected 2ami0ians4 re#ort o t"e 2ami0ian (nstit$te or 'ocial
and .conomic +esearc"4 Uni)ersit% o 2ami0ia4 1==3F 'ee also 7F 1oc64
O/"e social integration o demo0ilised soldiers in contem#orar% 'o$t"
Arica<4 $n#$0lis"ed re#ort o ,ilitar% +esearc" Gro$#4 Eo"annes0$rg4
$.% :or6s"o# on Democrac%4 *eace and 'ec$rit%K +e#ort o t"e Oicials and
:or6s"o# on Democrac%4 *eace and 'ec$rit%K :or6s"o# +esol$tions4
:ind"oe64 'o$t"ern Arican De)elo#ment 1omm$nit%4 E$l% 1==4F'o$t"
Arican 2ational 2GO 1oalition ('A2GO1O)N
"tt#K99!!!FsangocoForgF5a9'o$t"ern AricaK A Frame!or6 and 'trateg% or
-$ilding t"e 1omm$nit%4 &arare4 'o$t"ern Arican De)elo#ment
1omm$nit%4 1==34 ##F 24-6F
$0% 'o$t"ern AricaK A Frame!or6 and 'trateg% or -$ilding t"e 1omm$nit%4
&arare4 'o$t"ern Arican De)elo#ment 1omm$nit%4 1==34 #F 25F 'AD1
Declaration4 o#F citF4 ##F =-1DF
$1% 'o$t"ern AricaK A Frame!or6 and 'trateg% or -$ilding t"e 1omm$nit%4
&arare4 'o$t"ern Arican De)elo#ment 1omm$nit%4 1==34 #F 26F'o$t"ern
Arican De)elo#ment 1omm$nit% ('AD1) (2DD1) 1onsolidated /eJt o t"e
/reat% o t"e 'o$t"ern Arican De)elo#ment 1omm$nit%4 as AmendedF
Ga0oroneF 'o$t"ern Arican De)elo#ment 1omm$nit% ('AD1) ($ndated)
+egional (ndicati)e
$4% 'o$t"ern Arican +e#ort4 2 'e#tem0er 1==44 and 'o$t" 'can4 8olF =4 2oF
324 2 'e#tem0er 1==4F 'trategic De)elo#ment *lan4 Ga0oroneK 'AD1
$'% /o!ards t"e 'o$t"ern Arica De)elo#ment 1omm$nit%K A Declaration 0%
t"e &eads o 'tates or Go)ernment o 'o$t"ern Arican 'tates4 1==24
:ind"oe64 #F1F 'AD1 Declaration4 o# citF4 ##F =-1DF
)+% United 2ations De)elo#ment *rogramme (1==4) &$man De)elo#ment
+e#ort 1==44 2e! 3or6K OJord Uni)ersit% *ress
)$% Olsson O4 O1onlict Diamonds<4 Journal of Development 6conomics4 824
2DD74 ##F 267 286F
))% ,c'"err% -4 O/"e *olitical .conom% o Oil in .>$atorial G$inea<4 African
Studies Quarterly4 84 34 2DD64 ##F 23V45F
)(% Allen 14 O:arare4 .ndemic 8iolence ` 'tate 1olla#se in Arica<4 Review
of African #olitical 6conomy4 814 1===4 ##F 367V384F
)*% -ratton , ` 2 )an de :alle4 Democratic 6:periments in Africa5 Reime
Transitions in !omparative #erspectiveF 1am0ridgeK 1am0ridge Uni)ersit%
*ress4 1==7F
).% ,ol$tsi *4 O-ots!anaK /"e #at" to democrac% and de)elo#ment< in
G%ima"--oadi . (ed)4 Democratic Reform in Africa5 The Quality of
#roressF 7ondonK 7%nne +ienner *$0lis"ers4 2DD4F
)0% *arson E4 O1attle4 class and t"e state in r$ral -ots!ana<4 Journal of
Southern African Studies4 174 24 1=814 ##F 236V255F 'ee also *arson E4 /"e
la0o$r reser)e in "istorical #ers#ecti)eK /o!ard a #olitical econom% o t"e
-ec"$analand *rotectorate< in *icard 7A (ed)4 The 6volution of Modern
BotswanaF 7ondonK +eJ 1ollings4 1=85F
)1% .dge :A4 O-ots!anaK A de)elo#mental state< in .dge :A ` ,& 7e6or!e
(eds)4 Botswana5 #olitics and SocietyF *retoriaK E7 )an 'c"ai6 *$0lis"ers4
)4% ,ats"e6a / ` C, -otl"omil!e4 O.conomic conditions and election
o$tcomes in -ots!anaK (s t"e s#$rio$sR< Botswana Journal of African
Studies4 144 14 2DDD4 ##F 36V46F
)'% 1"i#as$la E1 ` ; ,iti4 Botswana in Southern Africa5 ;hat 2ies AheadF
Del"iK AManta *$0lications4 1=8=N
(+% 'amatar A(4 An African Miracle5 State and !lass 2eadership and !olonial
2eacy in Botswana DevelopmentF *ortsmo$t"K &einemann4 1===N &ill0om
.4 ODiamonds or de)elo#mentR A str$ct$ral assessment o -ots!ana<s ort%
%ears o s$ccess<4 Journal of Modern African Studies4 464 24 2DD84 ##F 1=1V
($% Gossett 1: ` ; 7ots"!ao4 O/"e -ec"$analand General .lections o 1=65
and 1=66<4 .lection +e#ort4 2DD8F
()% +e#$0lic o -ots!ana4 O+e#ort to t"e ,inister o *residential Aairs and
*$0lic Administration on t"e 2DD4 General .lectionsF Ga0oroneK /"e
(nde#endent .lectoral 1ommission4 2DD4F
((% +e#$0lic o -ots!ana4 O2ational De)elo#ment *lan 8K 1==798V2DD293<F
Ga0oroneK Go)ernment *rinter4 1==7F
(*% :allis ,4 Bureaucracy5 Its Role in Third ;orld DevelopmentF &ong ;ongK
,acmillan4 1=8=N
(.% /a%lor (4 OAs good as it getsR -ots!ana<s democratic de)elo#ment in
,el0er & (ed)4 2imits to 2i-eration in Southern Africa5 The Cnfinished
Business of Democratic !onsolidationF 1a#e /o!nK &$man 'ciences
+esearc" 1o$ncil *ress4 2DD3F
(0% +e#$0lic o -ots!ana4 O2ational De)elo#ment *lan 2K 1=7DV1=75<F
Ga0oroneK Go)ernment *rinter4 1=7DF
(1% 7et!ic" A4 O-ringing #olitics 0ac6 inK /o!ards a model o t"e
de)elo#mental state<F The Journal of Development Studies4 314 34 1==54 ##F
(4% 'omole6ae G4 O-$rea$crac% and democrac% in -ots!anaK :"at t%#e o a
relations"i#< in 'tedman 'E (ed)4 Botswana5 The #olitical 6conomy of
Democratic DevelopmentF 7ondonK 7%nne +ienner *$0lis"ers4 1==3F
('% 7et!ic" A4 OOn t"e #rimac% o #olitics in de)elo#ment< in 7et!ic" A
(ed)4 Democracy and DevelopmentF 1am0ridgeK *olit% *ress4 1==64 #F 286F
*+% Eo"nson 14 O/"e de)elo#mental stateK Od%sse% o a conce#t< in :oo-
1$mings , (ed)4 The Developmental StateF 7ondonK 1ornell Uni)ersit%
*ress4 1===F
*$% &olm E4 ODe)elo#ment4 democrac% and ci)il societ% in -ots!ana< in
7et!ic" A (ed)4 Democracy and Development5 Theory and #racticeF
1am0ridgeK *olit% *ress4 1==6F
*)% :iseman EA4 O,$lti-#art%ism in AricaK /"e 1ase o -ots!ana<4 African
Affairs4 764 3D24 1=774 ##F 7DV7=F
*(% United 2ations De)elo#ment *rogramme (U2D*)4 &$man De)elo#ment
+e#ort 2DD792DD8F 2e! 3or6K *algra)e ,acmillan4 2DD7F
**% :iseman EA4 O2otes on recent electionsK /"e Octo0er 1==4 elections in
-ots!ana<4 6lectoral Studies4 764 14 1==54 ##F 1VDDF
*.% &olm E ` ** ,ol$tsi4 O'tate-ci)il societ% relations in -ots!ana< in &%den
G et al (eds)4 ,overnance and #olitics in AfricaF 7ondonK 7%nne +ienner
*$0lis"ers4 1==2F
*0% /sie -4 O/"e 'tate and De)elo#ment *olic% in -ots!ana<4 in &o#e +; et al
(eds)4 #u-lic Administration and #olicy in BotswanaF 1a#e /o!nK E$ta `
1o 7td4 1==8F
*1% /rans#arenc% (nternational4 a!!!Ftrans#arenc%Forgb4 assessed on 2D
'e#tem0er 2DD8F
*4% 'e0$d$0$d$ D ` * ,ol$tsi4 O-ots!ana<s democrac%K .J#lanations or
s$ccessR<4 #olitea, South African Journal for #olitical Science and #u-lic
Administration4 274 14 ##F 47V64F
*'% ,a$ndeni C4 O'$ccession to "ig" oi ceK /s!ana c$lt$re and modern
-ots!ana #olitics< in ,a$ndeni C (ed)4 *+ Eears of Democracy in
Botswana5 $'0.@)++.F Ga0oroneK ,megi *$0lis"ing &o$se4 2DD5F
.+% +ot0erg (4 The Roots of AfricaFs 2eadership DeficitF -eler 1enterK Eo"n F
;enned% 'c"ool o Go)ernment4 $ndatedFU2D*4 -ots!ana &$man
De)elo#ment +e#ort 2DD5K &arnessing 'cience and /ec"nolog% or &$man
De)elo#mentF Ga0oroneK *rinting and *$0lis"ing 1om#an% o -ots!ana4
.$% 'i#"am0e ';4 OForeign direct in)estment in AricaK -ots!ana case st$d%<
in AMa%i '( (ed)4 3orein Direct Investment in Su-8Saharan Africa5
Briins, Tarets, Impact and #otentialF 2airo0iK Arican .conomic
+esearc" 1onsorti$m4 2DD6F
.)% 'omole6ae G4 O*olitical *arties in -ots!ana<4 6ISA Research Report /o
)1F Eo"annes0$rgK .lectoral (nstit$te o 'o$t"ern Arica (.('A)4 2DD54 #F 6F
.(% 'e0$d$0$d$ D ` -C Osei-&!edie4 O*italls o #arliamentar% democrac% in
-ots!ana<4 Afri7a Spectrum4 414 14 2DD64 ##F 35V53F
.*% &er0ert + ` ' Gr$5d4 The African #eer Review Mechanism5 2essons from
the #ioneers% Eo"annes0$rgK /"e 'o$t" Arican (nstit$te o (nternational
Aairs4 2DD8F
..% Acemogl$ D4 Eo"nson ' ` +o0inson EF 2DD3F An Arican s$ccess stor%K
-ots!ana4 in +odri6 D (ed)4 In Search of #rosperity5 Analytical /arrative
on 6conomic ,rowthF *rincetonK *rinceton Uni)ersit% *ressF
.0% Aro0arometerF 2DD4F A !omparative Series of /ational #u-lic Attitude
Surveys on Democracy, Mar7ets and !ivil Society, Aro0arometer :or6ing
*a#er 2oF 34F
.1% -al$le /F 2DD6F O,edia as a *illar o t"e 2ational (ntegrit% '%stem<F *a#er
#resented at t"e O2ational (ntegrit% '%stem in -ots!ana< s%m#osi$mF
/rans#arenc% (nternational -ots!ana4 12 Octo0er 2DD6F
.4% 1arroll / ` 1arroll -:F 2DD4F /"e ra#id emergence o ci)il societ% in
-ots!ana4 !ommonwealth " !omparative #olitics4 42(3)4 ## 333-355F
.'% 1"ie E$sticeF 2DD5F OAn (nde#endent E$diciar% as a G$arantor or
Democrac%<F '#eec" deli)ered 0% &ono$ra0le 1"ie E$stice EF , 2gan$n$
at t"e O4D 3ears o Democrac% in -ots!ana< s%m#osi$m4 28 'e#tem0er
2DD54 G(114 Ga0oroneF
0+% Dandas 1:4 ,a$ndeni C ` -al$le /F 2DD4F OA$dit o t"e (nde#endent
.lectoral 1ommission<s ((.1) *re#aredness to 1ond$ct 7egitimate and
1redi0le .lections in Octo0er 2DD4<F Ga0oroneK (.1F Da)ids 3 `
,a$ndeni CF 2DD4F #olitical #arty and !ivil Society Discussion )++*
6lection5 ;hat Do the #eople Thin7 a-out the Cpcomin )++* ,eneral
6lectionG +esearc" #a#er or (DA'A *$0lic O#inion 'er)ice4 1a#e /o!nF
0$% Done)ad AF 1==3F Development #lannin and the Importance of
Democratic Institutions in BotswanaF -ergenK 1"ristian ,ic"elson
0)% .dge :F 1==8F -ots!anaK A de)elo#mental state4 in .dge : ` 7e6or!e ,
(eds)4 Botswana5 #olitics and SocietyF *retoriaK 8an 'c"ai6F Fom0ad 1,F
2DD5F /"e se#aration o #o!ers and constit$tionalism in AricaK /"e case o
-ots!ana4 Boston !ollee Third ;orld 2aw Journal ZZ8(2)4 ## 31D- 342F
0(% Gaolat"e -F 2DD6F O-$dget '#eec"<F Deli)ered 0% ,inister o Finance and
De)elo#ment *lanning4 t"e &ono$ra0le -aled5i Gaolat"e4 to t"e
2ationalAssem0l% on 6 Fe0r$ar% 2DD6F Ga0oroneK Go)ernment *rinterF
0*% Good ;F 1==6F A$t"oritarian li0eralismK Deining c"aracteristic o
-ots!ana4 Journal of !ontemporary African #olitics 14(1)F
0.% Good ;F 2DD1F A$t"oritarian li0eralismK A deining c"aracteristic o
-ots!ana4 Journal of !ontemporary African Studies 14(1)4 ## 2=-51F
00% Good ;F 2DD2F +et"in6ing corr$#tion and non-acco$nta0ilit% in -ots!ana4
Africa Insiht 32(3)4 ## 11-18F
01% Good ;F 2DD3F Bushmen and DiamondsK Cncivil Society in BotswanaF
Disc$ssion *a#er 23F U##salaK 2ordic Arica (nstit$teF
04% Grant ' ` .gner -F 1=8=F /"e #ri)ate #ress and democrac%4 in &olm E and
,ol$tsi * (eds)4 Democracy in BotswanaF Ga0oroneK ,ac,illan -ots!ana
*$0lis"ing 1om#an%F
0'% &olm E ` ,ol$tsi *F 1=8=F Democracy in BotswanaF *roceedings o a
s%m#osi$m"eld in Ga0orone4 1-5 A$g$st 1=88F Ga0oroneK ,ac,illan
1+% &olm EF 1==6F De)elo#ment4 democrac% and ci)il societ% in -ots!ana4 in
7et!ic" A (ed)4 Democracy and Development5 Theory and #racticeF
1am0ridgeK *olit% *ressF
1$% &o#e ;+ ` 'omole6ae G (eds)F 1==8F #u-lic Administration and #olicy in
BotswanaF ;en!%nK E$ta ` 1oF 7tdF
1)% &o#e ;+F 1==8F (m#ro)ing #rod$cti)it% in t"e #$0lic sector4 in &o#e ;+
` 'omole6ae G (eds)4 #u-lic Administration in Botswana% ;en!%nK E$ta `
1o 7tdF
1(% (nde#endent .lectoral 1ommissionF 2DD2F O8oter A#at"% +e#ortK An
A0ridged 8ersion<F Ga0oroneK Go)ernment *rinting and *$0lis"ing
1*% (nde#endent .lectoral 1ommissionF 2DD4F O+e#ort to t"e ,inister o
*residential Aairs and *$0lic Administration on t"e 2DD4 General
.lections<F Ga0oroneK (.1F
1.% ;amoc"e ;4 De0ra" 34 &or!it5 F ` ,$$6a 24 (eds)F 2DD4F Manain
&uman Resources in AfricaF 7ondonK +o$tledgeF
10% ;ealots!e (F 2DD4F O/o :"at .Jtent is t"e +ig"t o Access to (normation
*rotected in -ots!anaR< A o$rt"-%ear #roMect or t"e De#artment o 7a!4
Uni)ersit% o -ots!anaF
11% ;goman%ane 7F 2DD5F Gaolat"e ca$g"t on dice% gro$nds4 Midwee7 Sun4 23
14% 7andell-,ills *F 1==2F Go)ernance4 c$lt$ral c"ange4 and em#o!erment4
Journal of Modern African Studies 3D(4)4 ## 543-567F
1'% 7et!ic" AF 1==6F /!o c"eers or democrac%R Democrac% and t"e
de)elo#mental state4 in 7et!ic" A (ed)4 Democracy and DevelopmentF
1am0ridgeK *olit% *ressF
4+% 7e6or!e , &F 1==8F 7ocal go)ernment4 interest gro$#s and ci)il societ%4
in &o#e ;+ ` 'omole6ae G (eds)4 #u-lic Administration and #olicy in
BotswanaF 1a#e /o!nK E$ta ` 1o4 7tdF
4$% 7e6or!e ,F 1=8=F /"e 7otla and t"e reedom s>$areK One-!a% or t!o-
!a% comm$nicationR4 in &olm E ` ,ol$tsi * (eds)4 Democracy in
BotswanaF Ga0oroneK ,acmillan -ots!anaF
4)% 7inc"!e ((F 1==3F 1"ietains"i# in t"e 21st cent$r%4 in -ot"ers '4 &erman
E4 ` 2teta D (eds)4 Botswana in the )$st !entury4 #roceedings o a
s%m#osi$m organised 0% t"e -ots!ana 'ociet%4 18-21 Octo0er 1==3F
Ga0oroneK -ots!anaF
4(% ,a6gala EF 2DD6F 6lite !onflict in BotswanaF *retoriaK Arica (nstit$te o
'o$t" AricaF ,a$ndeni C ` -al$le4 /F 2DD5F .lections and ci)il societ% in
-ots!ana4 in ,innie E (ed)4 Butside the Ballot Bo:5 #reconditions for
6lections in Southern AfricaF :ind"oe64 ,('AF
4*% ,a$ndeni C (ed)F 2DD5F *+ Eears of Democracy in Botswana5 $'0.8)++.F
Ga0oroneK ,megi *$0lis"ing &o$seF ,a$ndeni C4 ,olomo ,G4 Osei-
&!edie -4 /a%lor ( ` :"itman 'F 2DD2F
4.% Democratic,overnance and !ommon Security in Southern Africa5 The
!ase of BotswanaF De#artment o *olitical and Administrati)e 't$dies4
'AD'., r9 (D+1 +esearc" *roMectF
40% ,a$ndeni CF 1==8F /"e str$ggle or #olitical reedom and inde#endence4 in
.dge : ` 7e6or!e , (eds)4 Botswana5 #olitics and SocietyF *retoriaK 8an
41% ,a$ndeni CF 2DD1F 'tate c$lt$re and de)elo#ment in -ots!ana and
Cim0a0!e4 Journal of Modern African Studies4 ## 1D5-132F
44% ,a$ndeni CF 2DD3F O+e#ort o t"e (nde#endent .lectoral 1ommission on
t"e 1i)ic and 8oter .d$cation<F 2ational :or6s"o# or +eligio$s
4'% ,a$ndeni CF 2DD4F ,$t$al criticism and state9societ% interaction in
-ots!ana4 Journal of Modern African Studies 42(4)4 ## 61=-636F
'+% ,a$ndeni CF 2DD5F O,a##ing 7ocal Democrac% in 7o0atse<F :or6s"o#
#a#er4 -ots!ana Association o 7ocal A$t"orities4 7o0atseF
'$% ,a$ndeni CF 2DD6F 2ocal Democracy in the Hatlen DistrictF *roceedings
rom a !or6s"o# on leaders"i# or local a$t"orities4 23-24 ,a%F
')% ,iller ;F 2DD2F OAd)antages and Disad)antages o 7ocal Go)ernment
Decentrali5ation<F *resentation to t"e 1ari00ean conerence on O7ocal
Go)ernment and Decentrali5ation<4 Ocean (nternational &otel4 Georgeto!n
G$%ana4 25-28 E$ne 2DD2F
'(% ,o6o#a6gosi - ` ,olomo ,F 2DDDF Democrac% in t"e ace o a !ea6
o##osition4 #ula5 Botswana Journal of African Studies 14(1)F
'*% ,olomo G, (ed)F 2DDDF .lections and democrac% in -ots!ana4 Botswana
Journal of African Studies 14 (1)4 ## 1-1=F
'.% ,olomo , ` 'omole6ae GF 1==8F ,a6ing a dierenceK 2ongo)ernment
organisations4 good go)ernance and ser)ice deli)er%4 in &o#e ;+ `
'omole6ae G (eds)4 #u-lic Administration and #olicy in BotswanaF 1a#e
/o!nK E$ta ` 1o4 7tdF
'0% ,olomo ,F 2DD5F .lectoral s%stems and democrac% in -ots!ana4 in
,a$ndeni C (ed)4 *+ Eears of Democracy in Botswana $'0.8)++.4
Ga0oroneK ,megi *$0lis"ingF
'1% ,ol$tsi4 *F 2DD5F -ots!ana<s democrac% in a 'o$t"ern Arica regional
#ers#ecti)e4 in ,a$ndeni C (ed)4 *+ years of democracy in Botswana $'0.8
)++.F Ga0oroneK ,megi *$0lis"ingF
'4% ,orna 17F 2DD5F Missin the Mar75 Audit of the SAD! Declaration on
,ender and Development in Decision8Ma7inF '!edenK (nternational (deaF
''% ,#a0anga DF 2DDDF Declining )oter #artici#ation in -ots!anaK /rends and
#atterns4 #ula5 Botswana Journal of African Studies 14(1)4 ## 47-58F
$++% ,#a0anga DF 2DD4F &$man reso$rce management in -ots!ana4 in
;amoc"e ;4 De0ra" 34 &or!it5 F ` 26om0o ,$$6a G (eds)4 Manain
&uman Resources in AfricaF 7ondonK +o$tledgeF
$+$% 2tseane D ` 'ents"o EF 2DD5F :omen<s re#resentation in #arliament and
co$ncilK A com#arati)e anal%sis4 in ,a$ndeni C4 *+ Eears of Democracy in
BotswanaF ,megi *$0lis"ing &o$seK Ga0oroneF
$+)% Osei-&!edie - ` 'e0$d$0$d$ DF 2DD4F Strenthenin #arliamentary
Democracy in SAD! !ountries5 Botswana !ountry ReportF *arliaments o
t"e 'o$t" 'eries editor4 / &$g"esF Eo"annes0$rgK 'o$t" Arican (nstit$te o
(nternational AairsF
$+(% Osei-&!edie -F 2DD1F /"e #olitical o##osition in -ots!anaK /"e #olitics o
actionalism and ragmentation4 Transformation 454 ## 57-77F Ot"ata O `
'ele6e /F 2DD6F O/"e -$siness 'ector as *art o t"e 2ational (ntegrit%
'%stem in -ots!ana<F *art o ongoing researc" or /rans#arenc%
$+*% *icard 7AF 1=7=F District co$ncils in -ots!ana V a remnant o local
a$tonom%4 Journal of Modern African Studies 71(2)4 ## 2=5-3D8F
$+.% *icard 7AF 1=87F The #olitics of Development in Botswana5 A Model for
SuccessF 7%nne +einnerK -o$lder
$+0% +etengF 2DD5F 7et -asar!a li)e in 1;G+4 Botswana ,uardian4 28 Octo0er
$+1% 'al6in E4 ,#a0anga D4 'el!e E ` :rig"t , (eds)F 1==7F Aspects of the
Botswana 6conomy5 Selected #apers% Ga0oroneK 7ents!e la 7esediF
$+4% 'e0$d$0$d$ D ` Osei-&!edie C-F 2DD5F Democratic !onsolidation in
SAD!5 BotswanaFs 2DD4 .lectionsF Eo"annes0$rgK .('AF
$+'% 'e0$d$0$d$ DF 1==8F OA 2eeds Assessment *roile or *arliamentarians
and 1o$ncillors in -ots!ana<F *a#er #resented at a !or6s"o# on
OGo)ernance in 'o$t"ern AricaK /raining o *arliamentarians and
1o$ncillors<4 'A*.' /r$st4 &arare4 =-1D 'e#tem0er 1==8F
$$+% 'e0$d$d0$d$ DF 2DD4F /"e role o #olitical rallies in -ots!ana<s electoral
#rocess4 6lection Tal7 134 14 ,a% 2DD4F
$$$% 'elol!ane O4 2DD1F O,ono#ol% *oliti6osK &o! -ots!ana<s O##osition
*arties &a)e &el#ed '$stain One-*art% Dominance<F *a#er #resented at a
De#artment o 'ociolog% seminar4 Uni)ersit% o -ots!ana4 27 'e#tF
$$)% /a%lor (F 2DD3F As good as it getsR -ots!ana<s Odemocratic de)elo#ment<4
Journal of Modern African Studies 21(2)F
$$(% /a%lor (F 2DD6F ,rowin Authoritarianism in the African Miracle @ Should
Botswana Be a !ause for !oncernG Danis" (nstit$te or (nternational
't$dies4 D((' :or6ing *a#er 2o 2DD5924F
$$*% /a%lor (F 2DD6F /"e 7imits o t"e Arican ,iracleK Academic reedom in
-ots!ana and t"e De#ortation o ;ennet" Good4 Journal of !ontemporary
African Studies 24(1)4 ## 1D1-122F
$$.% /ordo :F 1=88F 7ocal administration in -ots!ana4 #u-lic Administration
" Development4 84 ## 183-2D2F
$$0% :allis E ` Doller% -F 2DD2F 2ocal ,overnment !apacity and Social
!apital4 .conomic Disc$ssion *a#ers 2oF D2D74 Uni)ersit% o OtagoF
$$1% :$sc" E'F 2DD4F Decentrali5ation4 local go)ernment and t"e democratic
transition in 'o$t"ern AricaK A com#arati)e anal%sis4 African Studies
Quarterly4 /"e Online Eo$rnal or Arican 't$dies4
Chapter3 6ive
Human Security
as Human
Development in
Human Security as Human Development in ,ots-ana
/"e 0asic o0Mecti)e o de)elo#ment is to create an ena0ling en)ironment or
#eo#le to enMo% long4 "ealt"% and creati)e li)esF /"is ma% a##ear to 0e a sim#le tr$t"F
-$t it is o ten orgotten in t"e immediate concern !it" t"e acc$m$lation o
commodities and inancial !ealt"F /ec"nical considerations o t"e means to ac"ie)e
"$man de)elo#ment and t"e $se o statistical aggregates to meas$re national income
and its gro!t" "a)e at times o0sc$red t"e act t"at t"e #rimar% o0Mecti)e o
de)elo#ment is to 0eneit #eo#leF /"ere are t!o reasons or t"isF First4 national
income ig$res4 $se$l t"o$g" t"e% are or man% #$r#oses4 do not re)eal t"e
com#osition o income or t"e real 0eneiciariesF 'econd4 #eo#le oten )al$e
ac"ie)ement s t"at do not s"o! $# at all4 or not immediatel%4 in "ig"er meas$red
income or gro!t" ig$resK 0etter n$trition and "ealt" ser)ices4 greater access to
6no!ledge4 more sec$re li)eli"oods4 0etter !or6ing conditions4 sec$rit% against
crime and #"%sical )iolence4 satis%ing leis$re "o$rs4 and a sense o #artici#ating in
t"e economic4 c$lt$ral and #olitical acti)ities o t"eir comm$nitiesF
O co$rse4 #eo#le also !ant "ig"er incomes as one o t"eir o#tionsF -$t income is not
t"e s$m total o "$man lieF
/"is !a% o loo6ing at "$man de)elo#ment is not reall% ne!F /"e idea t"at social
arrangements m$st 0e M$dged 0% t"e eJtent to !"ic" t"e% #romote L"$man goodL
goes 0ac6 at least to AristotleF &e also !arned against M$dging societies merel% 0%
s$c" t"ings as income and !ealt" t"at are so$g"t not or t"emsel)es 0$t desired as
means to ot"er o0Mecti)esF L:ealt" is e)identl% not t"e good !e are see6ing4 or it is
merel% $se$l and or t"e sa6e o somet"ing elseF
Aristotle arg$ed or seeing t"e dierence 0et!een a good #olitical arrangement and a
0ad one in terms o its s$ccesses and ail$res in acilitating #eo#leIs a0ilit% to lead
lo$ris"ing li)esLF &$man 0eings as t"e real end o all acti)ities4 !as a rec$rring
t"eme in t"e !ritings o most o t"e earl% #"iloso#"ersF .mman$el ;ant o0ser)edK
L'o act as to treat "$manit%4 !"et"er in t"eir o!n #erson or in t"at o an% ot"er4 in
e)er% case as an end !it"al4 ne)er as means onl%F &as o0sc$red t"at #o!er$l
#ers#ecti)e4 s$##lanting a oc$s on ends 0% an o0session !it" me rel% t"e meansF
+ecent de)elo#ment eJ#erience "as once again $nder lined t"e need or #a%ing
/"e 0asic #$r#ose o de)elo#ment is to enlarge #eo#leIs c"oicesF (n
#rinci#le4 t"ese c"oices can 0e ininite and can c"ange o)er timeF *eo#le oten )al$e
ac"ie)ements t"at do not s"o! $# at all4 or not immediatel%4 in income or gro!t"
ig$resK greater access to 6no!ledge4 0etter n$trition and "ealt" ser)ices4 more sec$re
li)eli"oods4 sec$rit% against crime and #"%sical )iolence4 satis%ing leis$re "o$rs4
#olitical and c$lt$ral reedoms and sense o #artici#ation in comm$nit% acti)itiesF
/"e o0Mecti)e o de)elo#ment is to create an ena0ling en)ironment or #eo#le to
enMo% long4 "ealt"% and creati)e li)esF 45ah2u2 ul HaG9
&$man de)elo#ment4 as an a##roac"4 is concerned !it" !"at ( ta6e to 0e t"e 0asic
de)elo#ment ideaK namel%4 ad)ancing t"e ric"ness o "$man lie4 rat"er t"an t"e
ric"ness o t"e econom% in !"ic" "$man 0eings li)e4 !"ic" is onl% a #art o itF
4)martya Sen9
/"e &$man De)elo#ment (ndeJ is an a)erage meas$re o a M$risdiction
ac"ie)ement in t"e t"ree essential dimensions o "$man de)elo#ment a long and
"ealt"% lieN 6no!ledgeN and a decent standard o li)ingF /"e #roJ% )aria0les $sed in
eac" case are res#ecti)el%4 lie eJ#ectanc% at 0irt"4 t"e ad$lt literac% rate and income
#er ca#itaF /"e GD( meas$res dis#arities in "$man de)elo#ment o$tcomes or men
and !omen in t"e same dimensions o "$man de)elo#ment co)ered 0% t"e &D(F /"e
G., is %et anot"er de)elo#ment indeJ t"at eJ#licitl% eJamines dierential o$tcomes
or men and !omenF (t eJamines !omen em#o!erment in terms o re#resentation in
instit$tions o #olitical and economic decision ma6ingF /"e &*( meas$res "$man
#o)ert%4 !"ic" is deined as de#ri)ation in a m$lti#licit% o dimensions o ca#a0ilities
long and "ealt"% lie4 6no!ledge4 income and #artici#ationF /"e &*( is a !eig"ted
a)erage o t"ree )aria0lesK t"e #ercentage o #eo#le eJ#ected to die 0eore age 4D4 t"e
ad$lt illiterac% rate and de#ri)ation in o)erall economic #ro)isioning #$0lic and
#ri)ateF /"e #roJ% )aria0le or de#ri)ation in o)erall economic #ro)isioning is a
com#osite o t"e #ercentage o #eo#le !it"o$t access to 0asic "ealt" ser)ices and sae
!ater and t"e #ercentage o $nder!eig"t c"ildrenF &$man de)elo#ment is too
com#leJ and too ric" a conce#t to 0e red$ced to a single com#osite indeJF
2onet"eless4 signiicant attem#ts "a)e 0een made to ca#t$re and meas$re t"e
conce#tF Until 1==D4 GD* #er ca#ita !as t"e dominant com#osite meas$re o
de)elo#ment des#ite its o0)io$s limitations4 in #artic$lar t"e state4 in ens$ring
indi)id$als access to t"e attendant reedomsF /"$s4 as a $ni)ersal claim4 t"e rig"t to
ed$cation4 or instance4 0$ttresses t"e 6no!ledge ca#a0ilit% 0% o0liging t"e state to
#ro)ide $ni)ersal access to >$alit% 0asic ed$cation and o0liging #arents to send t"eir
c"ildren to sc"oolF
/"e "$man rig"ts agenda also 0eneits rom "$man de)elo#mentF &$man
de)elo#ment4 0% its )er% nat$re4 $lils "$man rig"tsF At a minim$m4 "$man
de)elo#ment is meas$red in terms o t"e eradication o "$man #o)ert%F /"is coners
$#on indi)id$als a m$lti#licit% o reedoms amongst t"em reedom rom !ant4
reedom rom discrimination4 reedom to de)elo# and reedom to #artici#ate
associated !it" t"e social and #olitical rig"ts $nder#inned 0% t"e Uni)ersal
Declaration o &$man +ig"tsF (t is also in t"e nat$re o "$man 0eings to demand o
"ig"er rig"ts and reedoms as more o t"eir 0asic !ants are met4 or "$man
de)elo#ment is an em#o!ering #rocessF /"$s4 in 'o$t" .ast Asia4 economic
#ros#erit% "as led to a stronger mo)ement or #olitical and ci)il rig"ts and t"e rig"t to
c"ooseF (n )irt$all% all societies4 t"e relati)el% more de)elo#ed sections o societ%
"a)e led t"e str$ggle or greater democrati5ationF
A rec$rring #ro0lem in t"e rig"ts disco$rse is t"e legal enorcea0ilit% o "$man
rig"tsF (n t"e rig"ts a##roac" to "$man de)elo#ment4 a distinction is made 0et!een
"$man rig"ts and legal rig"tsF 7egal rig"ts are 0% t"eir )er% nat$re enorcea0le
t"ro$g" t"e co$rt s%stem 0eca$se t"e% deri)e rom eJisting la!sF &$man rig"ts on
t"e ot"er "and transcend t"e limits o legal enorcea0ilit%F /"e% eJist #rior to t"e
eJistence o t"e str$ct$res o t"eir enorcement and t"ereore cannot 0e s$0Mect to t"e
same #rinci#les o legal enorcea0ilit% t"at legal rig"ts areF :"ilst man% o t"e
re>$entl% $n$lilled rig"ts o *7:A are legal rig"ts4 man% are notF /"is neit"er
denies t"eir eJistence nor M$stiies t"eir non-$lilmentFits red$ction o de)elo#ment
to economic gro!t"F /"e &$man De)elo#ment (ndeJ (&D()4 in $se since 1==D !"en
t"e irst &$man De)elo#ment +e#ort !as #rod$ced4 adds t!o dimensions t"at relect
"$man o$tcomes to #er ca#ita GD* in t"e meas$rement o "$man de)elo#mentF
Alt"o$g" it co)ers onl% t"ree dimensions o "$man de)elo#ment4 it is a $se$l
com#liment4 i not alternati)e4 to #er ca#ita GD*F (t ne)ert"eless is not
com#re"ensi)e eno$g"F
1onse>$entl%4 com#lementar% meas$res are $sed conc$rrentl% !it" &D(F /"ese
incl$de t"e &$man *o)ert% (ndeJ (&*()4 !"ic" meas$res t"e distri0$tion o #rogress
in "$man de)elo#ment 0% oc$ssing on "$man de#ri)ationF /!o gender-related
meas$res are also $sedF
/"e Gender-related De)elo#ment (GD() considers dis#arities in o$tcomes or men
and !omen in t"e same dimensions o "$man de)elo#ment t"at &D( co)ersF
/"e Gender .m#o!erment ,eas$re (G.,) loo6s at !omen #artici#ation in t"e
economic and #olitical li)es o t"eir comm$nitiesF /"e $se o t"e indices t"at
com#lement &D( - GD(4 G., and &*( testiies to t"e eJistence o man% dimensions
o "$man de)elo#mentF /"e incl$sion o #er ca#ita income in &D( attests to t"e
im#ortance o income and economic gro!t" in t"e #rocess o "$man de)elo#mentF
-$t t"e ail$re o tric6ledo!n economics s$ggests t"at t"e o$tcome o economic
gro!t" co$ld 0e !ider income dis#arities rat"er t"an t"e red$ction o #o)ert%F
O)ercoming "$man #o)ert% re>$ires #ro #oor gro!t" or gro!t" !it" e>$it%F &$man
reedom is t"e $ltimate eJ#ression o "$man de)elo#mentF (n #olitics and social
d%namics4 it inds eJ#ression in $ni)ersal acce#tance o t!o 0asic #rinci#lesK t"at
"$man dignit% is in"erentl% sacrosanctN and t"at "$man 0eings are 0orn ree and
e>$al in dignit% and rig"tsF At t"e economic le)el4 it inds eJ#ression in ade>$ate
#ro)isioning or "$man needs t"ro$g" #$0lic and #ri)ate meansF /"ereore4 in its
totalit%4 "$man reedom g$arantees t"e dignit% and !ort" o t"e "$man #erson
Uni)ersal Declaration o &$man +ig"tsF
Human Development "nde?
/"e irst &$man De)elo#ment +e#ort introd$ced a ne! !a% o meas$ring
de)elo#ment 0% com0ining indicators o lie eJ#ectanc%4 ed$cational attainment and
income into a com#osite "$man de)elo#ment indeJ4 t"e &D(F /"e 0rea6t"ro$g" or
t"e &D( !as t"e creation o a single statistic !"ic" !as to ser)e as a rame o
reerence or 0ot" social and economic de)elo#mentF /"e &D( sets a minim$m and a
maJim$m or eac" dimension4 called goal#osts4 and t"en s"o!s !"ere eac" co$ntr%
stands in relation to t"ese goal#osts4 eJ#ressed as a )al$e 0et!een D and 1F
'o$rcesK U2D* +e#ort 1==1
/"e ed$cation com#onent o t"e &D( is no! meas$red 0% mean o %ears o
sc"ooling or ad$lts aged 25 %ears and eJ#ected %ears o sc"ooling or c"ildren o
sc"ool entering ageF ,ean %ears o sc"ooling are estimated 0ased on ed$cational
attainment data rom cens$ses and s$r)e%s a)aila0le in t"e U2.'1O (nstit$te or
'tatistics data0ase and -arro and 7ee (2D1D) met"odolog%)F .J#ected %ears o
sc"ooling estimates are 0ased on enrolment 0% age at all le)els o ed$cation and
#o#$lation o oicial sc"ool age or eac" le)el o ed$cationF .J#ected %ears o
sc"ooling are ca##ed at 18 %earsF /"e indicators are normali5ed $sing a minim$m
)al$e o 5ero and maJim$m )al$es are set to t"e act$al o0ser)ed maJim$m )al$e o
mean %ears o sc"ooling rom t"e co$ntries in t"e time series4 1=8DV2D1D4 t"at is 13F1
%ears estimated or 15ec" +e#$0lic in 2DD5F .J#ected %ears o sc"ooling are
maJimi5ed 0% its ca# at 18 %earsF /"e ed$cation indeJ is t"e geometric mean o t!o
/"e lie eJ#ectanc% at 0irt" com#onent o t"e &D( is calc$lated $sing a minim$m
)al$e o 2D %ears and maJim$m )al$e o 83F4 %earsF /"is is t"e o0ser)ed maJim$m
)al$e o t"e indicators rom t"e co$ntries in t"e time series4 1=8DV2D1DF /"$s4 t"e
longe)it% com#onent or a co$ntr% !"ere lie eJ#ectanc% 0irt" is 55 %ears !o$ld 0e
For t"e !ealt" com#onent4 t"e goal#ost or minim$m income is Q1DD (***) and t"e
maJim$m is Q1D74721 (***)4 0ot" estimated d$ring t"e same #eriod4 1=8D-2D11F
/"e decent standard o li)ing com#onent is meas$red 0% G2( #er ca#ita (***Q)
instead o GD* #er ca#ita (***Q) /"e &D( $ses t"e logarit"m o income4 to relect
t"e diminis"ing im#ortance o income !it" increasing G2(F /"e scores or t"e t"ree
&D( dimension indices are t"en aggregated into a com#osite indeJ $sing geometric
,ots-ana<s Economic Development
-ots!ana is reno!ned or its consistent so$nd macroeconomic #olic%4
good go)ernance and or its diamond ind$str%4 0eing t"e !orld<s largest #rod$cer 0%
)al$eF /"e role o diamonds in economic de)elo#ment is addressed 0elo!F ,$c" o
t"e #rogress made in economic4 social and #olitical de)elo#ment is meas$red and
relected in statistics on GD*4 #er ca#ita income4 em#lo%ment rates4 oreign eJc"ange
reser)es4 le)els o #o)ert%4 ed$cational enrolment and attainment4 literac% rate4
mortalit% rate4 lie eJ#ectanc%4 access to "ealt" acilities4 #ota0le !ater and
electricit%4 indices o "$man de)elo#ment4 and ratings on trans#arenc%4 go)ernance
and credit-!ort"inessF O0ser)ers "a)e also noted t"at -ots!ana<s record o close to
o$r decades o ra#id economic gro!t" "as e! #arallels in modern economic "istor%F
.)en more nota0le is t"e act t"at -ots!ana "as not s$cc$m0ed to t"e Greso$rce
c$rseH4 !"ic" "as oten derailed reso$rce-ric" co$ntries rom transorming mineral
!ealt" into s$stained economic de)elo#mentF -ots!ana<s eJce#tional record o
gro!t" deri)es irst and oremost rom t"e so$nd4 gro!t" #romoting economic
#olicies !"ic" t"e co$ntr% #$rs$edF /"ese #olicies !ere s"a#ed 0% leaders !"o "ad
t"eir origins in4 and !ere conditioned 0%4 traditional societ%F /"eir leaders"i# st%le
relected t"e 0roader interests o t"e democratic nat$re o -ots!ana societ%F
/"e 0ac60one o economic #olic% management is t"e instit$tion o 2ational
De)elo#ment *lans (2D*s)4 t"e irst o !"ic" !as in #lace e)en 0eore
inde#endenceF /"$s4 t"e #re-re>$isites or so$nd #olicies !ere in #lace !ell 0eore
diamonds 0ecame an im#ortant actorF /"e irst GBechuanaland #rotectorate
Development #lan, $'0(804H re#orted t"at minerals contri0$ted onl% 5F5 #ercent to
national eJ#orts4 !it" t"e 0$l6 coming rom as0estosF .nco$raging #ros#ects or 0ot"
co##er and coal !ere re#orted4 0$t diamonds !ere not mentioned4 #artl% 0eca$se
#ros#ecting "ad not %et %ielded a desira0le res$ltF
/"e #rocess o #re#aring 2D*s "as ser)ed to 6ee# go)ernment eJ#endit$res rom
gro!ing aster t"an go)ernment re)en$es o)er t"e long termF '$r#l$s re)en$es "a)e
res$lted in t"e acc$m$lation o go)ernment sa)ings in t"e orm o oreign eJc"ange
reser)es4 !"ic" are c$rrentl% e>$i)alent to a##roJimatel% 3D mont"s o im#ort co)er
o goods and ser)icesF /"is sa)ing o go)ernment re)en$es in good %ears "as
#ro)ided an im#ortant c$s"ion t"at "as ena0led t"e co$ntr%<s #olic% ma6ers to deal
!it" intermittent do!nt$rns in t"e diamond mar6et4 !it"o$t "a)ing to resort to
str$ct$ral adM$stment #rogrammes and maMor contractions in #lanned go)ernment
(t is im#ortant to note t"at -ots!ana<s a##roac" to inancial #r$dence !as de)elo#ed
in t"e conteJt o limited reso$rcesF .)en !"en con)erted into toda%<s #rices4 a)erage
ann$al eJ#endit$re 0% t"e Go)ernment in t"e #eriod 1=66V1=7D !as a##roJimatel%
*8DD million (a0o$t U'D 13D million)4 or less t"an t"ree #ercent o t"e amo$nt
anno$nced in t"e 2DD8 -$dget '#eec"F (n t"e same #eriod4 donor grants a)eraged 6D
#ercent o ann$al re)en$es4 and t"e irst iscal o0Mecti)e !as to ac"ie)e inancial
inde#endence 0% eliminating reliance on grants or rec$rrent $ndingF /"is !as
ac"ie)ed not long ater inde#endence and4 0% t"e earl% 1=7DsN t"e s#ecial $nds to
ser)ice #$0lic de0t and co)er re)en$e s"ortalls !ere esta0lis"edF (t is clear rom
t"ese earl% initiati)es t"at t"e #rinci#les o iscal s$staina0ilit% !ere standard #ractice
in -ots!ana 0eore t"e% 0ecame !idel% as"iona0le else!"ereF
Fort% %ears on4 t"e sit$ation "as c"anged a)o$ra0l%F 'ince t"e earl% 1=8Ds4 t"e
ann$al 0$dget "as 0een in s$r#l$s on all 0$t t"ree occasions4 and iscal #olic% "as
e)ol)ed to 6ee# t"e #rinci#le o #r$dence rele)ant to c"anging circ$mstancesF Fiscal
#olic% is no! 0ased on some r$les aimed at limiting total #$0lic eJ#endit$re4
containing 0$dget deicits !it"in reasona0le limits4 and ens$ring t"at t"e re)en$es
rom diamonds4 !"ic" is an eJ"a$sti0le reso$rce4 are #$t to #rod$cti)e $seF
5onetary D E?chane Rate Policies
'ince 1=764 monetar% inde#endence "as 0een a #art o t"e #olic% miJF For
man% %ears t"e o0Mecti)e "as oc$ssed on maintaining inlation at lo!4 #redicta0le
and s$staina0le le)elsF -$t4 as !it" iscal #olic%4 t"e cond$ct o monetar% #olic% "as
e)ol)ed o)er time and !ill contin$e to do soF
/"e o0Mecti)e o ac"ie)ing and maintaining #rice sta0ilit% "as #ro)ed a c"allenging
assignment or t"e -an6 o -ots!anaF /"e econom% is o#en and )er% s$sce#ti0le to
eJternal inlationar% s"oc6s4 s$c" as t"e recent eJ#erience o rising oil and ood
#ricesF (n addition4 t"ere "a)e 0een domestic #rice s"oc6s4 s$c" as t"e introd$ction o
8al$e Added /aJ (8A/) in 2DD2 and t"e 2DD4 and 2DD5 c$rrenc% de)al$ations4 !"ic"
!ere ollo!ed 0% t"e ado#tion o t"e cra!ling 0and eJc"ange rate regimeF (t ma% 0e
as6ed i t"e central 0an6 is not "el#less in t"e ace o s$c" de)elo#mentsF /"e ans!er
is t"at4 !"ile t"e initial #rice s"oc6 m$st 0e a0sor0ed4 t"ere is m$c" t"at can 0e done4
t"ro$g" monetar% #olic%4 to control "o! s"oc6s aect t"e econom% more !idel%F (n
t"is res#ect4 a 6e% com#onent o monetar% #olic% in -ots!ana "as 0een t"e ann$al
,onetar% *olic% 'tatements and t"e mid-%ear re)ie!s4 !"ic" "el# to eJ#lain recent
#olic% de)elo#mentsN t"e% also inl$ence eJ#ectations on $t$re inlation trends and
"el# contain second ro$nd eectsF 1losel% related to monetar% #olic%4 t"ere is t"e
"otl%-de0ated >$estion o setting an a##ro#riate #olic% or t"e )al$e o t"e eJc"ange
rate (*$la)F /"is de0ate !ill ne)er end in $ni)ersal consens$s4 or t"e sim#le reason
t"at #eo#le 0$% and sell c$rrencies or di)erse reasonsF &o!e)er4 in t"e conteJt o
-ots!ana4 it is diic$lt to arg$e against t"e #riorit% accorded to maintaining t"e real
eecti)e eJc"ange rate at a le)el t"at is s$##orti)e o t"e com#etiti)eness o local
ind$str%F /"is "as meant ta6ing meas$res to a)oid !"at is reerred to as t"e GD$tc"
diseaseH4 !"ere allo!ing t"e eJc"ange rate to 0e determined 0% large inlo!s o
diamond re)en$es !o$ld "a)e se)erel% com#romised eJternal com#etiti)enessF (n
an% case4 e)en !"en a##ro#riatel% set4 t"e eJc"ange rate cannot4 0% itsel4 ens$re
com#etiti)enessF Ultimatel% t"is re>$ires attention to t"e more $ndamental iss$es o
The economic role o' diamond minin
/"e role o diamonds in de)elo#ing -ots!ana<s econom% is largel% sel-
e)ident4 #artic$larl% or t"ose amiliar !it" t"e co$ntr%F /"e de)elo#ment o t"e
ca#ital cit%4 Ga0orone4 is a good case in #ointF /"e original to!n #lanners t"o$g"t
t"at t"e #o#$lation o t"e cit% !o$ld gro! to 3D DDD 0% t"e late 1=8Ds4 0$t it "ad
gro!n ar 0e%ond t"e n$m0er at t"e timeF (n act 0% 2DD1 t"e #o#$lation "ad risen to
a0o$t 1=D DDD4 and t"is does not incl$de t"ose li)ing in s$0$r0an areas aro$nd t"e
cit%F 1$rrentl%4 diamonds contri0$te a##roJimatel% 5D #ercent to go)ernment
re)en$e4 3D #ercent to GD* and com#rise a0o$t 8D #ercent o eJ#ortsF /"e economic
orecasts or 2D* 6 (1=85986V1==D9=1) ass$med t"at diamond o$t#$t "ad alread%
reac"ed a #latea$ at aro$nd 15 million carats #er ann$mN 0$t #rod$ction more t"an
do$0led in 2DD7 to a0o$t 33 million caratsF (n realit%4 t"e m$c"-tal6ed-a0o$t ail$re
to di)ersi% t"e econom% is in large #art d$e to t"e contin$ed s$ccess o diamond
mining rat"er t"at a lac6 o gro!t" in ot"er sectorsF
/"e Go)ernment is t"e single most im#ortant mec"anism lin6ing t"e mining sector to
t"e rest o t"e econom%F /"is is done 0% c"annelling diamond re)en$es to ot"er
sectors o t"e econom% t"ro$g" in)estments in "$man ca#ital ormation4
inrastr$ct$ral de)elo#ment and incenti)es or non-mining acti)itiesF /"e s$0stantial
"$man de)elo#ment "as transormed a largel% r$ral4 agrarian #o#$lation into an
increasingl% ed$cated and trained $r0an la0o$r orceF :"ile t"e sco$rge o
&(89A(D' t"reatens to t$rn 0ac6 m$c" o t"e "$man de)elo#ment #rogress4 t"ere
contin$es to 0e in)estments in "ealt" and s6ills de)elo#mentF Alt"o$g" income
ine>$alit%4 as meas$red 0% t"e Gini coeicient4 is "ig" and "as not 0een red$ced o)er
t"e #ast t!o decades4 t"e gro!t" o real incomes "as 0een s#read t"ro$g"o$t t"e
econom%4 and a s$0stantial #ortion o t"e #o#$lation "as 0een resc$ed rom #o)ert%F
/"e one area !"ere diamonds "a)e not directl% contri0$ted in #ro#ortion to t"e
im#ortance o t"e sector is em#lo%mentF According to t"e most recent estimates4
mining acco$nts or onl% 4 #ercent o total ormal sector em#lo%ment4 and man% o
t"ese em#lo%ees !or6 or non-diamond mining o#erationsF (ndeed t"e creation o
additional em#lo%ment o##ort$nities is a #rinci#al o0Mecti)e o t"e ongoing
0eneiciation initiati)eF
Possi2le lessons 'or other )'rican countries
1an -ots!ana<s relati)e economic s$ccess #ro)ide lessons or ot"er co$ntries to
ollo!R (n ans!ering t"is >$estion4 it co$ld 0e s$ggested t"at t"e anatom% o
-ots!ana<s de)elo#ment s$ccess can 0e anal%sed in i)e interrelated actors !"ic"
can 0e re#licated in similar economic settingsF
(1) Ad"erence to democrac% and good go)ernance
(2) Disci#lined and #r$dent macroeconomic management
(3) 1ommitment to ac"ie)ing #riorit% de)elo#ment goals
(4) Disco)er% and eJ#loitation o mineral !ealt"N and
(5) (nternational good!ill
As a res$lt o t"e a)o$ra0le #rogress realised in all t"e i)e areas4 -ots!ana "as
ac"ie)ed ra#id economic de)elo#ment and !ides#read gains in "$man !elareF /"ese
i)e de)elo#ment actors relate to t"e 6e% economic #olicies -ots!ana ado#ted and
t"e instit$tions s"e esta0lis"ed to im#lement t"ose #oliciesF /"e ado#tion o s$c"
so$nd #ro-de)elo#ment #olicies !as t"e res$lt o -ots!ana<s democratic s%stem4
!"ic" is tem#ered 0% tradition4 instit$tions4 leaders"i# and a modic$m o iscal
One actor to em#"asise is t"e im#ortance o instit$tional >$alit%F For #$r#oses o
economic #olic%4 0ot" t"e ,inistr% o Finance and De)elo#ment *lanning and t"e
-an6 o -ots!ana are "eld in "ig" regard internationall%F From t"is comes tr$st t"at
a##ro#riate #olicies !ill contin$e to 0e de)elo#edF As a related matter4 gi)en t"e
relati)e o#enness in economic #olic% ma6ing4 t"e entrenc"ed role o t"e A$ditor
General and inde#endent M$diciar%4 -ots!ana is less inclined to!ards corr$#t
#racticesF &ence /rans#arenc% (nternational "as ran6ed t"e co$ntr% relati)el% "ig"l%
com#ared to man% de)elo#ing co$ntriesF -ots!ana<s democratic #olitical
dis#ensation4 ree #ress and )i0rant ci)il societ% are also a good c"ec6 against
-ots!ana "as also recei)ed international recognitionF For eJam#le4 in 2DD14 0ot"
leading credit rating agencies4 'tandard ` *oor<s and ,ood%<s (n)estors 'er)ice
assigned -ots!ana t"e "ig"est so)ereign credit ratings in AricaF /"ese are
com#ara0le !it" t"ose o se)eral more ad)anced economies4 and "a)e 0een
s$ccess$ll% maintained e)en in t"e ace o recent economic c"allengesF /"ere are
ot"er enco$raging #erormance indices as !ell4 s$c" as t"ose o t"e :orld .conomic
For$m and t"e :orld -an6F
Alt"o$g" some de)elo#ment eJ#erts attri0$te -ots!ana<s relati)e s$ccess to t"e
eJ#loitation o diamond de#osits4 t"is is onl% #art o t"e stor%F 2at$ral reso$rces4 no
matter "o! endo!ed and l$crati)e4 cannot4 on t"eir o!n4 de)elo# a co$ntr%F :"at is
im#ortant is t"e >$alit% o economic #olic% ma6ing4 and it is in t"is s#"ere t"at
-ots!ana is disting$is"ed rom some de)elo#ing co$ntries4 certainl% not onl% 0% t"e
good ort$ne o "a)ing diamondsF
/"ere are se)eral im#ortant dimensions to -ots!ana<s s$ccess$l economic #olic%
ma6ingF /"e irst 6e% element is com#limentaril% regarding iscal4 monetar% and
eJc"ange rate #oliciesF /"e second is #olic% consistenc% and ac"ie)ing sta0ilit% in t"e
#olic% en)ironment4 gi)en t"eir #artic$lar im#ortance to 0ot" domestic and oreign
in)estorsF /"e t"ird element is co"erence and creation o s%nergies in #olic%
Admittedl%4 -ots!ana can learn rom ot"er (de)elo#ing) co$ntries as !ellF /"is
a##lies in #artic$lar to en"ancing #rod$cti)it% !"ere4 alt"o$g" rele)ant data is in
scarce s$##l%4 it is clear t"at t"ere is m$c" to 0e learntF (m#ro)ing #rod$cti)it% is t"e
res#onsi0ilit% o e)er%one in -ots!ana4 going !ell 0e%ond t"e Go)ernment<s
commitment to remo)e $nnecessar% 0$rea$crac%F -$siness o!ners and em#lo%ees
m$st loo6 at !a%s to !or6 "arder and smarterF As a related matter4 t"ere is a need to
de)elo# a la0o$r orce t"at does not M$st #ossess academic >$aliications4 0$t one t"at
can also #ro)ide t"e s6ills re>$ired 0% 0$sinessesF
F$rt"ermore4 as indicated a0o)e4 t"ere is a !orr%ing trend in recent $#dates o
#erormance indices t"at -ots!ana co$ld loose #osition to t"ose co$ntries read% to
$nderta6e reorms t"at im#ro)e t"e 0$siness en)ironmentF (n t"is res#ect4 it is
enco$raging t"at t"e a$t"orities recognise t"e $rgent need to remo)e t"e remaining
administrati)e 0arriers and 0ottlenec6s t"at contin$e to "am#er 0$siness o#erationsF
Anot"er area t"at -ots!ana can learn rom ot"er co$ntries is di)ersiication o t"e
econom%F 2ot onl% does mining eJert a strong inl$ence on t"e econom%4 it also
eJ#oses t"e econom% to t"e ris6s o signiicant eJternal s"oc6s d$e to l$ct$ations in
t"e international minerals mar6etsF (n order to contain s$c" ris6s4 -ots!ana needs a
m$c" more di)ersiied econom%F
+ecent indicators o rene!ed gro!t" in t"e non-mining #ri)ate sector are
enco$ragingN and some o##ort$nities eJist across a range o -ots!ana<s economic
sectorsF First4 0eneits rom diamond mining s"o$ld s#read t"ro$g" man$act$ring
into increased demand or related ser)icesF 'econd4 mining is ra#idl% di)ersi%ing
a!a% rom diamonds to a )ariet% o ot"er minerals4 !it" #otential or s$##orting
maMor energ%-related #roMects to ser)e t"e regionF 7ast 0$t not least4 recent st$dies
"a)e indicated tremendo$s #otential or di)ersiied de)elo#ment o t"e to$rism
/"ere is no do$0t t"at4 in order to sei5e t"ese o##ort$nities4 -ots!ana m$st 0e $ll%
a!are o t"e constraints t"at need to 0e o)ercome4 and some o t"em re>$ire ta6ing
diic$lt #olic% decisionsF (n recent re)ie!s4 0ot" ,ood%<s (n)estors 'er)ice and
'tandard ` *oor<s "a)e made it clear t"at -ots!ana needs to ste# $# at least one gear
i t"ere is to 0e an $#gradeF (t goes !it"o$t sa%ing4 t"ereore4 t"at a lot o #rogress
still needs to 0e made to maintain t"e c$rrent so)ereign credit ratingsF
/"ose tas6ed !it" maintaining so$nd macroeconomic #olicies also ace c"allengesF
/"e Go)ernment needs to #lan or a sit$ation !"ere re)en$es rom diamonds !ill
start to slo! do!nF /"is !ill re>$ire a #ro#er control o s#ending #rogrammes and
#ossi0l% a 0$ild-$# o ade>$ate oreign eJc"ange reser)es or sa)ingsF For t"e -an6 o
-ots!ana4 t"e c"allenge o containing inlation and ens$ring t"at it is lo!4 sta0le and
#redicta0le is $nendingF Discerni0le #rogress is 0eing made on all t"ese ronts4 and
t"is s"o$ld sec$re good #ros#ects or -ots!ana<s econom%F
Socio#Economic Chanes and Social Development
Human development in ,ots-ana
Alt"o$g" #o)ert% "as declined rom 5= #ercent in 1=86 to 3D #er cent in
2DD3 (,ogae 2DD5)4 #o)ert% is still #er)asi)eF /"e United 2ations De)elo#ment
*rogramme (U2D*) re#orts t"at 55F5 #er cent o t"e #o#$lation li)e 0elo! t"e
#o)ert% line o t!o dollars #er da%4 and "al o all emale-"eaded "o$se"olds li)e on
less t"an one dollar a da% (U2D* 2DD7)F /"e #ro#ortion o -ots!ana<s !"o are
$nderno$ris"ed "as increased rom 1==D-1==2 le)els o 23 #er cent to 32 #er cent or
t"e #eriod 2DD2-2DD4 (U2D* 2DD7)F
Economic ro-th and employment in ,ots-ana
U# to t"e time o its inde#endence in 'e#tem0er 1=664 -ots!ana !as
one o t"e least de)elo#ed and #oorest nations in t"e !orld4 !it" a #er ca#ita income
estimated at 0et!een U'Q7D and U'Q=D (,ogae 2DD5)F /"e maMorit% o t"e
#o#$lation !as de#endent on s$0sistence agric$lt$re4 !it" 0ee #rod$ction or eJ#ort
as t"e mainsta% o t"e econom%F 'ince inde#endence4 -ots!ana<s economic gro!t"
as meas$red 0% GD* "as 0een !as one o t"e !orlds "ig"estF -et!een 1=8D and
1=8=4 economic gro!t" a)eraged 11 #er cent #er %ear (-/( 2DD8)F (n t"e earl% 1==Ds4
economic gro!t" declined 0$t s"o!ed stead% gains 0et!een 1==4 and 1==74 #ea6ing
at 7 #er cent4 and4 in t"e last decade4 t"e econom% !as gro!ing ann$all% at 5F4 #er
cent $# to 2DD7 ((,F 2DD7)F /"e orecast or GD* gro!t" in 2DD8 !as eJ#ected to 0e
4 #er cent (O.1D and Arican De)elo#ment -an6 2DD8)F -ots!anaIs la$da0le
economic record "as 0een 0$ilt on t"e o$ndation o $sing re)en$e generated rom
diamond mining to s$stain economic gro!t"F (U'A De#artment o 'tate 2DD8)F /"ere
is also a rigoro$s ad"erence to de)elo#ment #lans t"at are dri)en 0% consens$s-
see6ing across dierent sectors o societ%4 !"ic" $rt"er strengt"ens -ots!ana<s
economic #erormance (,ogae4 2DD5)F
2onet"eless4 "idden 0e"ind -ots!ana<s "ealt"% economic gro!t" are "ig" le)els o
ine>$alit%4 #o)ert%4 and $nem#lo%mentF -ots!ana remains o)erl% reliant on mining
or economic gro!t"4 #artic$larl% t"e mining o diamondsF ,ining acco$nts or 41F1
#er cent o GD* (U'A4 De#artment o 'tate 2DD8)F Ot"er sectors4 s$c" as agric$lt$re4
man$act$ring and to$rism4 acco$nt or 1F7 #er cent4 4F1 #er cent and 1D #er cent
(Good 2DD7) o GD* res#ecti)el%F
-ots!ana<s slo!ing gro!t" rate "as translated into rising $nem#lo%ment4 increasing
rom 21 #er cent o t"e la0o$r orce in 2DD1 to 24 #er cent in 2DD3 ('e0$d$0$ and
Osei&!edie 2DD5)4 rising again to 27 #er cent in 2DD7 (.('A -ots!ana Fact File
2DD8)F Aro 0arometer '$r)e% indings (2DD5) "ig"lig"t citi5en concerns a0o$t
$nem#lo%ment in -ots!anaF :"en res#ondents !ere as6ed !"at !ere t"e most
im#ortant #ro0lems acing t"e co$ntr% t"at go)ernment s"o$ld address4 t"e #ro0lem
o $nem#lo%ment !as raised most re>$entl%F /"e most n$m0er o res#onses (41 #er
cent) !ere or t"is iss$eF
(n t"e gro$# disc$ssions and in-de#t" inter)ie!s4 res#ondents in ,an%an%a4 'ero!e
and D$tl!e comm$nities #ercei)ed $nem#lo%ment and lac6 o inrastr$ct$ral4
man$act$ring and ind$strial de)elo#ment as t"e maMor c"allenges aecting t"e
co$ntr%<s de)elo#mentF /"e ollo!ing comments rom res#ondents "ig"lig"t
-ats!anans concerns a0o$t t"e econom% and t"e #ro0lems o $nem#lo%mentK
Social development
/"is section "ig"lig"ts some o t"e social de)elo#ment #rogrammes in
-ots!ana t"at address t"e c"allenges o #o)ert%4 t"e de)elo#ment o social and
#"%sical inrastr$ct$re s$c" as sc"ools4 "o$sing and roads4 and in addressing t"e
needs o )$lnera0le gro$#s incl$ding older #ersons and t"ose inected !it"
1omm$nities in -ots!ana organise t"emsel)es to #ro)ide comm$nal s$##ort or
mem0ers in need (-ro!n 1==6K68)F /"$s4 go)ernment eorts at comm$nit%
de)elo#ment t"ro$g" t"e 1omm$nit% De)elo#ment De#artment "a)e demonstrated a
le)el o incl$sionF
/"ere "a)e 0een some s$ccess$l road4 "o$sing and sc"ools #roMects t"ro$g"
comm$nit% #artici#ation (-ro!n 1==6N 7D)F
:elare and social s$##ort #rogrammes in -ots!ana ollo! $ni)ersal standards in
#ro)iding care and s$##ort4 and t"ere "a)e 0een reg$lar inter)entions in t"e
de)elo#ment o social s$##ort and !elare #rogrammes in res#onse to c"anging
social #atterns and t"e emergence o social #ro0lemsF /"e -ots!ana go)ernment
#ro)ides a !ide range o ser)ices aimed at red$cing #o)ert% and #ro)iding a social
saet% net or )$lnera0le gro$#sF 'ome o t"ese incl$de t"e *rogram or Destit$te
*ersons4 t"e Or#"an 1are *rogram in res#onse to t"e
&(89A(D' #andemic4 '$##lementar% Feeding or 8$lnera0le Gro$#s and t"e
$ni)ersal old age #ension (0ot" introd$ced in 1=66) (-ots!ana Federation o /rade
Unions4 2DD7)4 :orld :ar /"e im#act o democrac% in -ots!ana 13(( 8eterans
(introd$ced in 1==8)4 and 7a0o$r -ased Dro$g"t +elie *rogram (introd$ced
Additionall%4 d$e to t"e "ig" #re)alence rate o &(89A(D' (disc$ssed later)4
-ots!ana r$ns social assistance sc"emes or t"ose aected and inected 0%
&(89A(D'F /"ese sc"emes are integrated into t"e general #olic% and #rogrammatic
res#onse to t"e &(8 #andemicF
'ome o t"ese #rogrammes are t"e or#"an care #rogramme (as noted a0o)e)4 t"e
national destit$te #rogramme4 t"e comm$nit% "ome-0ased care #rogramme4 t"e
antiretro)iral t"era#% (A+8) #rogrammeF (n act e)er% decade "as seen t"e
introd$ction and de)elo#ment o some 6ind o social s$##ort or !elare-related
inter)ention in -ots!anaF
7ie eJ#ectanc% at 0irt" rose rom 48 %ears in 1=66 to 65F3 %ears in 1==14
0eore declining to 55F7 %ears in 2DD14 and s"o!ing a $rt"er decline in 2DD4 to 4D
%ears or 0ot" males and emalesF /"is signiicant dro# in lie eJ#ectanc% is
attri0$ta0le largel% to t"e &(89A(D' #andemic t"at "as lo!ered a)erage lie
eJ#ectanc%F According to :&O (2DD6)4 &(89A(Ds related deat"s acco$nted or 8D
#er cent o total deat"s in 2DD5F /"e inant mortalit% rate declined rom 1DD #er 1DDD
li)e 0irt"s in 1=71 to 55 in 2DD1 45oae &%%/98 0$t increased to again to 75 #er 1DDD
li)e 0irt"s in 2DD4F -ots!ana does considera0l% 0etter t"an t"e rest o t"e :&O
Arica region4 !"ere 1DD #er 1DDD li)e 0irt"s is t"e meas$red norm or t"e region
(:&O 2DD6)F
:"ereas #$0lic eJ#endit$re on ed$cation !as 6 #er cent o GD*4 eJ#endit$re on
"ealt" care "as 0een lo!erF (n 2DD4 it com#rised 4 #er cent o GD* (U2D* 2DD7) and
increased to 5F6 #er cent o GD* in 2DD6F +es#ondents "ig"lig"ted t"e lac6 o
"ealt"care inrastr$ct$re (incl$ding "os#itals and clinics) as !ell as t"e s"ortage o
medical #roessionals to manage4 co-ordinate and #ro)ide ade>$ate "ealt" ser)icesF
:"ile t"e decentralised "ealt" care s%stem is relati)el% !ell de)elo#ed and almost
ree in -ots!ana4 c"allenges remain !it" res#ect to #ro)iding $ni)ersal "ealt"care to
citi5ens4 e)en t"o$g" all )illages are ser)ed 0% a #rimar% "ealt" care clinic4 or at t"e
)er% least 0% a mo0ile clinic4 as t"e ollo!ing >$ote rom a res#ondent indicatesK
G.)er% #erson in -ots!ana is located !it"in a radi$s o t"irt% 6ilometres o a "os#ital
o #rimar% "ealt" care clinic4 e)en in )illages t"at are ser)ed onl% 0% a mo0ile $nitH
H"B:)"DS prevalence
An estimated 25 #er cent4 or ro$g"l% 3DD DDD (in 2DD7) #eo#le in -ots!ana
are &(8- #ositi)eF ,ore t"an =D #er cent o t"ose inected are 15 %ears or olderF
(:&O4 U2A(D'4 U2(1.F 2DD8)F /"e incidence o &(8 inection in t"e most
economicall% acti)e segment o t"e #o#$lation (#eo#le aged 15-4= %ears) is 24F= #er
cent4 do!n rom 27F8 #er cent in 2DD1(i0id)F /"ere are an estimated =5 DDD (in 2DD7)
c"ildren or#"aned d$e to &(89A(D'4 an increase rom t"e 57 DDD estimated in 2DD1F
Go)ernment eJ#endit$re on &(89A(D' #rogrammes4 "as steadil% increased since
2DD5F (n 2DD54 U'Q165 million !as allocated4 and 0% 2DD7 some U'Q2D3F8 million
!as s#ent ig"ting t"e disease (U2A(D' 2DD8)F (nter)entions incl$de ca#acit%
0$ilding (inrastr$ct$re and "$man reso$rces)4 t"e #re)ention o mot"er-to-c"ild
transmission4 or#"an care4 ro$tine &(8 testing4 comm$nit%-0ased "ome care4 and
eJtensi)e inormation4 ed$cation and comm$nication cam#aigns (,ogae 2DD5)F As at
2DD74 =3 DDD o t"e 12D DDD #eo#le t"at re>$ire antiretro)iral (A+8) t"era#% !ere
recei)ing t"e treatmentF (:&O4 U2A(D'4 U2(1.F 2DD8)F
Education and 1iteracy
7e)els o ed$cation and literac% "a)e increased s$0stantiall% since
inde#endenceF At inde#endence in 1=664 t"ere !ere onl% t"ree secondar% sc"ools in
-ots!anaN secondar% sc"ools n$m0ered a0o$t 3DD in total 0% 2DD3 (1lo)er 2DD3)F
/"e ad$lt literac% rate (15 %ears and older) im#ro)ed s$0stantiall% rom 68F8 #er cent
in 1==5 to 81F2 #er cent in 2DD5 and t"e %o$t" literac% rate (aged 15-24) less
s$0stantiall%4 0$t still signiicantl%4 rom 8=F3 #er cent in 1==5 to =4 #er cent in 2DD5
(&$man De)elo#ment +e#ort 2DD792DD8)F /"is s"o!s e)idence o a s$stained oc$s
on #rimar% ed$cation and contin$ing ad$lt ed$cationF At #rimar% sc"ool le)el4
enrolment rose rom 66 1DD in 1=66 to 327 6DD in 2DDD4 re#resenting an a)erage
com#o$nd gro!t" rate o 4F8 #er cent #er ann$m (,ogae 2DD5)F -% 2DD7 -ots!ana
"ad ac"ie)ed its millenni$m de)elo#ment goal (,DG) target o a 1DD #er cent
enrolment rate at #rimar% sc"ools4 and a $rt"er 1DD #er cent transition rate rom
#rimar% sc"ool into M$nior secondar% ed$cation (O.1D and Arican De)elo#ment
-an6 2DD8)F /"ere is also a #olic% oc$s on t"e im#ro)ement o t"e >$alit% o
ed$cation on oer4 !it" a strong em#"asis on tec"nical4 management and )ocational
ed$cation and s6ills trainingF Go)ernment in)estment in ed$cation is s$0stantialN
ed$cation stands at 21 #er cent o t"e 0$dgetF
.J#ressed as a #ercentage o GD*4 ed$cation eJ#endit$re or t"e #eriod 2DD2-2DD5
remainedconstant at 1DF7 #er cent V almost do$0le !"at is s#ent on "ealt" (&$man
De)elo#ment +e#ort 2DD792DD8)F /"e eJtent o in)estment in #"%sical inrastr$ct$re
and 0$ilding t"e ca#acit% o teac"ers is relected in statistics and also in t"e res#onses
rom oc$s gro$#sF ,oreo)er4 oc$s gro$# indings re)eal t"at go)ernment
in)estment in ed$cation in t"e area o ed$cation s$0sidies and teac"er training is
#a%ing di)idends in terms o >$alit% and commitment o ed$cators4 as res#ondents
seem to 0e "ig"l% satisied !it" t"e >$alit% o and access to ed$cationF
>ater8 Sanitation8 and Electri'ication
Access to 0asic ser)ices in -ots!ana "as im#ro)ed o)er t"e %earsF :it"
regard to 0asic ser)ices4 im#ro)ements in access to clean4 $sa0le and drin6a0le !ater4
increased rom 77 #er cent in 1==6 to =7F7 #er cent in 2DDDF Alt"o$g" t"e ig$re
marginall% declined (=6 #er cent) in 2DD54 t"e go)ernment #ro)ides and maintains at
least one stand#i#e in eac" o -ots!ana<s oiciall% recognised settlements G:it"
regard to r$nning !ater V e)er% "o$se"old !ill at least "a)e a %ard stand#i#eF /"e
distri0$tion o t"e net!or6 is !ideUH Alt"o$g" t"ere are dis#arities 0et!een $r0an
and r$ral areas in terms o access to !ater4 t"e :orld &ealt" Organisation (:&O
2DD6) statistics4 s"o! increases in t"e #ercentage o t"e #o#$lation t"at "as access to
im#ro)ed !ater so$rces 0ot" in $r0an and r$ral areasF ,odest im#ro)ements "a)e
0een made on sanitation4 as 41 #er cent o -ots!ana<s r$ral and $r0an #o#$lations
"a)e access to sanitation acilities (O.1D and Arican De)elo#ment -an6 2DD7N
:&O 2DD8)F /"e electriication rate in -ots!ana is s$0stantiall% lo!er at 3= #er
cent o)erall
(&$man De)elo#ment +e#ort4 2DD792DD8)4 re#resenting m$c" slo!er #rogress as
com#ared to !ater and sanitationF 1iti5ens< #erce#tions o democrac% seem to also
s$ggest t"at a maMorit% o t"e #eo#le in -ots!ana are satisied t"at democrac% !or6s
4)'ro2arometer Survey &%%/9F -ots!ana is also !idel% )ie!ed as an Arican
s$ccess stor% !it" res#ect to go)ernance and de)elo#ment #rogressF &o!e)er4 t"e
co$ntr% does ace some distinct go)ernance and de)elo#ment c"allengesN t"e main
c"allenges concern t"e acco$nta0ilit% o local leaders and t"e co-ordination o
de)elo#ment eortsF Findings rom t"is researc" s$ggest t"at a #erce#tion o
#olitical acco$nta0ilit% o local #olitical leaders does not matc" -ots!ana<s #olic% o
strengt"ening #olitical acco$nta0ilit% and deli)er% at t"e local comm$nit% le)elF For
eJam#le4 !"ile t"e maMorit% o citi5ens a##eared to 0e a!are o !"om t"eir elected
local leaders !ere4 man% citi5ens "ad ne)er contacted an% o t"ese leaders4 !"en
t"ere !as a need 4)'ro2arometer Survey &%%/9F
-ots!ana "as eJ#erienced s$stained de)elo#ment o)er t"e decades since it ac"ie)ed
inde#endenceF /"e co$ntr% "as 0eneited rom its ric" minerals #artic$larl% diamonds
and "as $sed its reso$rces !ell to im#ro)e t"e li)es o its #eo#leF -ots!ana "as 0een
credited !it" "a)ing a state !it" an eecti)e and eicient 0$rea$crac%4 committed to
socio-economic de)elo#mentF (t co$ld 0e arg$ed t"at -ots!ana<s economic
ac"ie)ements "a)e ser)ed democrac% !ellF /"e relations"i# 0et!een de)elo#ment
and democrac% in t"e co$ntr% is m$t$all% reinorcing4 0eca$se citi5ens a##ear to 0e
satisied !it" democrac% 0eca$se t"e% attri0$te t"eir im#ro)ed >$alit% o lie in #art
to t"e c$rrent #olitical s%stemF
-ots!ana "as a strong trac6 record in economic and "$man de)elo#mentF From 0eing
among t"e #oorest co$ntries in Arica at inde#endence t"e co$ntr% no! "as t"e
"ig"est #er ca#ita GD* on t"e continent d$e to its s$0stantial mineral !ealt"F
.conomic gro!t" com0ined !it" in)estment in "ealt"4 ed$cation and !elare "a)e
led to mar6ed im#ro)ements in man% indicators o de)elo#ment4 ranging rom lie
eJ#ectanc% and "ealt" stat$s4 literac% and access to "ealt" ser)icesF -ots!ana is one
o )er% e! Arican co$ntries !it" an esta0lis"ed social !elare s%stem !"ic"
incl$des grants and ot"er s$##ort or t"e )er% #oor and )$lnera0leF
/"ro$g" #r$dent iscal #olicies4 t"e -ots!ana go)ernment "as ens$red in)estment o
s$0stantial s$r#l$ses rom mineral income to #ro)ide or longer-term economic
s$staina0ilit%F /"e co$ntr%<s sta0le democratic go)ernment "as o)erseen t"e co$ntr%<s
dramatic de)elo#ment and ens$red social sta0ilit%4 as !ell as "ig" le)els o
acco$nta0ilit% and lo! le)el o corr$#tionF (n addition4 it "as #laced em#"asis on
im#ro)ing t"e lie c"ances o c"ildren and %o$t" in its de)elo#ment #rogramme and
is a signator% o t"e United 2ations 1on)ention on t"e +ig"ts o t"e 1"ildF /"is
commits go)ernment to ma6ing t"e needs o c"ildren #aramo$nt t"ro$g"o$t its
de)elo#ment strategies and to #rioritise t"e o$r #illars o t"e 1on)entionK s$r)i)al
rig"ts4 de)elo#ment rig"ts4 #rotection rig"ts and #artici#ation rig"tsF
Role o' Civil Society in H"B and )"DS Response
/"e &ealt" 'ector in -ots!ana reers to all organi5ations t"at #ro)ide ser)ices and
t"is incl$des t"e #$0lic4 #ri)ate and ci)il societ% organi5ationsF /"e ,inistr% o
&ealt" (,O&) "as t"e leaders"i# and ste!ards"i# roleF (n its mandate t"e ,O&
orm$lates "ealt" #olicies4 g$idelines and de)elo# standards o 1areF (t also "as t"e
mandate to ens$re t"at t"ere is rele)ant ca#acit% and com#etenc% or ser)ice deli)er%
across t"e "ealt" deli)er% s%stemF &ealt" ser)ice s$##ort re#resent a 0road 0ased
m$ltidisci#linar% a##roac" !"ic" dra!s rom 1i)il 'ociet% Organi5ations4 amilies
and comm$nit% t"ro$g" s$##ort rom t"eir net!or6sF /"e 1i)il 'ociet%
Organi5ations (1'Os) commonl% "as 6no!n as &ealt" 'er)ice '$##ort 2et!or6
com#lements t"e go)ernment in "ealt" ser)ice deli)er%F /"e% are t"e maMor
sta6e"olders in im#lementation o &(8 and A(D' #rogrammesF 'ome o t"e actors
t"at inl$enced t"e gro!t" o 1'Os #artici#ation in "ealt" iss$es in -ots!ana incl$de
t"e ollo!ingK
t"e Alma Ata Declaration !"ic" em#"asised comm$nit% #artici#ation and
#artners"i# 0$ilding to attain "ealt" or all4
5Dt" :&A resol$tion in 1==7 as a means o reac"ing )ision o "ealt" or all 0%
strengt"ening *artners"i# or colla0oration 0et!een go)ernments4 :&O and
2on go)ernmental organisation (2GOs) in t"e "ealt" sector
:&O9AF+O resol$tion in Da6ar in Fe0r$ar%4 1==8F
(n -ots!ana t"e tri#artite #artners"i# meeting too6 #lace in 'e#tem0er4 1==8
!"ere resol$tion !as made to strengt"en t"e Go)ernment and 2GOs
#artners"i# in "ealt" ser)ice deli)er%F
(n -ots!ana t"e in)ol)ement o 1'Os in t"e "ealt" sector and &(8 and
A(D' res#onse 0ecame more e)ident in t"e earl% 1==Ds !"en t"e &(8 and A(D'
e#idemic 0ecame more mat$red res$lting in o)er!"elming t"e ca#acit% o t"e #$0lic
sector to deli)er ser)ices to all #eo#le in needF (n 1==54 t"e go)ernment ado#ted
comm$nit% "ome 0ased care #rogramme as a strateg% to ens$re contin$it% o care and
s$##ort to *7:&A and ot"er c"ronicall% ill #atients and to ed$cate comm$nities on
&(8 and A(D'F Famil% and comm$nit% mo0ili5ation strateg% !as ada#ted as one t"e
maMor comm$nit% "ome 0ased care c1&-1d #rogram inter)entionsF /"is strateg%
!as s$ccess$l as t"ere "as 0een #ositi)e comm$nit% res#onseF 1omm$nities
res#onded 0% orming comm$nit% 0ased organisations (8&1s4 1&-1 committees4
'$##ort gro$#s or #eo#le li)ing !it" &(8 and A(D'4 comm$nit% 0ased
organisations (1-Os)4 Fait" 0ased organisations (F-Os) and 2ongo)ernmental
organisations(2GOs) !"ic" are collecti)el% 6no!n as 1i)il 'ociet% OrganisationsF
/o date t"ere are more t"an 3DD 7ocal 1'Os in)ol)ed in 1&-1 #rogrammeF
-ots!ana 1o$ncil or 2on-Go)ernmental Organi5ations (2et!or6 o -O1O2GO) is
t"e $m0rella 0od% or all 2GOs in t"e co$ntr%F (t "as ailiates net!or6s li6e
-ots!ana net!or6 o Aids 'er)ice Organi5ation (-O2A'O)F -O2A'O is t"e
$m0rella 0od% or all t"e organi5ations in)ol)ed in "ealt" and &(8 and A(D'
res#onseF Ot"er 6e% local 2GO 2et!or6s in)ol)ed in coordinating &(8 and A(D'
res#onse incl$de4 -ots!ana net!or6 o #eo#le li)ing !it" &(8 and A(D'F -ots!ana
net!or6 o #eo#le li)ing !it" &(8 and A(D' (-O2.*:A)4 -ots!ana 2et!or6 o
.t"ics 7a! and &(8 and A(D' (-O2.7A)4 -ots!ana 1"ristian Aids (nter)ention
*rogram (-O1A(*) and -ots!ana -$siness 1oalition on A(D' (--1A)
/"ese 1'Os #ro)ide strategic o##ort$nities to increase access to ser)ices and
geogra#"ical co)erage o ser)icesN t"e% reac" marginali5ed )$lnera0le and
$nderser)ed comm$nit% gro$#s !it" easeF /"ese 1'O "a)e an added ad)antage o
ado#ting comm$nit%-0ased inter)entions t"$s acilitating comm$nit% em#o!erment4
#artici#ation and o!ners"i# o t"e &(8 and A(D' e#idemicF 1'Os #ro)ide range o
ser)ices eit"er as stand alone or integrated ser)ices de#ending on organi5ation<s
ca#a0ilit% and com#arati)e ad)antageF /"ese ser)ices incl$de
1omm$nit% mo0ili5ation4
distri0$tion o "ealt" commodities s$c" as condoms4 0ed nets4
comm$nit% /- DO/'4
,onitoring and Ad)ocac% or >$alit% o "ealt" ser)ices
Dissemination o "ealt" #romotion messages4 incl$ding dissemination &(8
#re)ention messagesF
*ro)ision o s#irit$al 9#astoral careF
,o0ili5ing material and inancial s$##ortF
/raining "ome 0ased care caregi)ersF
/"e ,O& eJ#erience !or6ing in colla0oration !it" 1'Os is t"at t"e%
ace some c"allenges in deli)ering t"e a0o)e mentioned ser)icesF /"ese c"allenges
incl$deK inade>$ate n$m0er o s6illed "$man reso$rce4 inancial and material
reso$rces to im#lement t"eir ser)ices and !ea6 monitoring and e)al$ation s%stemsF
&ence t"e% re>$ire ca#acit% strengt"ening to ena0le t"em to #la% a more signiicant
role in t"e &(8 and A(D' #re)ention and care in -ots!anaF /"ere is need or t"e
Go)ernment4 colla0orati)e #artners and donors to assist in ca#acitating t"e societ% to
ena0le t"em to deli)er t"eir ser)ices ade>$atel%F (n )ie! o t"is t"e go)ernment o
-ots!ana in colla0oration !it" t"e 2GOs is in t"e #rocess o de)elo#ing 1i)il
'ociet% 2ational 1a#acit% -$ilding 'trateg% !"ic" !ill #ro)ide g$idance or donor
s$##ort to ci)il societ% organi5ationF 1olla0oration 0et!een t"e Go)ernment and
1'Os "as increased 0ot" geogra#"ical co)erage and accessi0ilit% to &(8 and A(D'
'er)icesF /"ereore strengt"ening ca#acit% o 0ot" t"e #$0lic sector and 1'Os "ealt"
deli)er% s%stems is critical to ac"ie)e t"e Uni)ersal accessF
1F Al6ire4 'F (2DD2)F ODimensions o &$man De)elo#ment<F :orld
De)elo#ment4 3D (2)K 181-2D5F
2F -erg4 &F (2DD2)F ODoes Ann$al +eal Gross Domestic *rod$ct #er 1a#ita
O)erstate or Understate t"e Gro!t" o (ndi)id$al :elare o)er t"e *ast
/!o 1ent$riesR< (nde#endent +e)ie!4 7 (2)K 181-=6F
3F 1a"ill4 ,F -F (2DD2)F ODiminis"ing +et$rns to GD* and t"e &$man
De)elo#ment (ndeJ<F A##lied .conomic 7etters4 = (13)K 885-7F
4F 1"arnes4 AF4 :F :F 1oo#er4 and .F +"odes (1=81)F OData .n)elo#ment
Anal%sis as an A##roac" to .)al$ating *rogram and ,anagerial
.icienc%K :it" an A##lication to t"e *rogram Follo!-/"ro$g"
.J#eriment in U' *$0lic .d$cation<F ,anagement 'cience4 27K 668-88F
5F 1oelli4 /F4 DF 'F *F +ao4 and GF .F -attese (1==8)F An (ntrod$ction to
.icienc% and *rod$cti)it% Anal%sisF -ostonK ;l$!erF
6F 1oo#er4 :F :F4 7F ,F 'eiord4 and ;F /one (2DDD)F Data .n)elo#ment
Anal%sisF -ostonK ;l$!erF
7F DeMian4 7F (2DD3)F O*rinci#al 1om#onents Anal%sis on &$man
De)elo#ment (ndicators in 1"ina<F 'ocial (ndicators +esearc"4 61 (3)K 31=-
8F Fere4 +F4 and 'F Gross6o# (1==8a)F +eerence G$ide to On FrontF 7$ndK
.conomic ,eas$rement and Y$alit% i 7$nd A-F
=F Fere4 +F4 and 'F Gross6o# (1==80)F User<s G$ide to On FrontF 7$ndK
.conomic ,eas$rement and Y$alit% i 7$nd A-F
1DF Fere4 +F4 'F Gross6o#4 and 1F AF ;F 7o)ell (1==4)F *rod$ction FrontiersF
1am0ridgeK 1am0ridge Uni)ersit% *ressF
11F F$6$da-*arr4 'F (2DD1)F O(ndicators o &$man De)elo#ment and &$man
+ig"ts O)erla#s4 DierencesFFF and :"at a0o$t t"e &$man De)elo#ment
(ndeJR< 'tatistical Eo$rnal o t"e U2 .conomic 1ommission or .$ro#e4
18K 23=-48F Glo0statF A)aila0le atK
12F ()ano)a4 (F4 FF Arcel$s4 and GF 'rini)asan (1==7)F OAssessing 1o$ntr%
Dierences in (nternational 1om#etiti)eness<F Eo$rnal o (nternational
,anagement4 3K 8=-118F ()ano)a4 (F4 FF Arcel$s4 and GF 'rini)asan (1==8)F
OAssessment o t"e 1om#etiti)eness *osition o t"e 7atin American
1o$ntries<F (nternational Eo$rnal o 1ommerce and ,anagement4 8K 7-32F
13F ()ano)a4 (F4 FF Arcel$s4 and GF 'rini)asan (1===)F OAn Assessment o t"e
,eas$rement *ro#erties o t"e &$man De)elo#ment (ndeJ<F 'ocial
(ndicators +esearc"4 46 (2)K 157-7=F
14F Ea"an4 'F (2DD3)F O,eas$ring 7i)ing 'tandard and *o)ert%K &$man
De)elo#ment (ndeJF as an Alternate ,eas$re<F A)aila0le atK
15F 7asso de la 8ega4 ,F 1F4 and AF ,F Urr$tia (2DD1)F O&D*(K A Frame!or6
or *oll$tionsensiti)e &$man De)elo#ment (ndicators<F .n)ironment4
De)elo#ment and '$staina0ilit%4 3K 1==-215F 15
16F 7ind4 DF4 :F ,arc"al4 +F ,ason4 'F G$#ta4 'F ;a0adi4 and EF 'ing" (2DD3)F
'tatistical /ec"ni>$es in -$siness and .conomics4 First 1anadian .ditionF
/orontoK ,cGra!&ill +%ersonF
17F ,a5$mdar4 ;F (2DD3)F OAn Alternate A##roac" or .stimating &$man
De)elo#ment (ndeJ<F :or6ing *a#erF 1alc$ttaK .conomic +esearc" Unit4
(ndian 'tatistical (nstit$teF
18F 2asiero!s6i4 :F4 and FF Arcel$s (2DD3)F OOn t"e .icienc% o 2ational
(nno)ation '%stems<F 'ocio-.conomic *lanning 'ciences4 37 (3)K 215-34F
1=F 2e$ma%er4 .F (2DD1) O/"e &$man De)elo#ment (ndeJ and '$staina0ilit%K
A 1onstr$cti)e *ro#osal<F .cological .conomics4 3= (1)K 1D1-14F
2DF 2oor0a6"s"4 FF (1==8)F OA ,odiied &$man De)elo#ment (ndeJ<F :orld
De)elo#ment4 26 (3)K 517-28F
21F 2oor0a6"s"4 FF (2DD2)F O&$man De)elo#ment and +egional Dis#arities in
(ranK A *olic% ,odel<F Eo$rnal o (nternational De)elo#ment4 14 (7)K =27-
22F +aa04 +F4 *F ;otamraM$4 and 'F &aag (2DDD)F O.icient *ro)ision o 1"ild
Y$alit% o 7ie in 7ess De)elo#ed 1o$ntriesK 1on)entional De)elo#ment
(ndeJes )ers$s a *rogramming A##roac" to De)elo#ment (ndeJes<F 'ocio-
.conomic *lanning 'ciences4 34 (1)K 51-67F
23F +anis4 GF4 FF 'te!art4 and AF +amire5 (2DDD)F O.conomic Gro!t" and
&$man De)elo#ment<F :orld De)elo#ment4 28 (2)K 1=7-21=F
24F 'agar4 AF DF4 and AF 2aMam (1==8)F O/"e &$man De)elo#ment (ndeJK A
1ritical +e)ie!<F .cological .conomics4 25K 24=-64F
25F 'c"$lt54 /F :F (1==3)F Origins o (ncreasing +et$rnsF OJord and 2e!
3or6K -lac6!ellF
26F 'en4 AF ;F (1==D)F ODe)elo#ment as 1a#a0ilit% .J#ansion<4 in ;F Griin
and EF ;nig"t (eds)4 &$man De)elo#ment and t"e (nternational
De)elo#ment 'trateg% or t"e 1==DsF 7ondonK ,acmillanF
27F 'en4 AF ;F (1==2)F De)elo#ment as FreedomF 2e! 3or6K Anc"or -oo6sF
28F 'iegel4 'F4 and 2F EF 1astellan (1=88)F 2on#arametric 'tatistics or t"e
-e"a)ioral 'ciencesF 2e! 3or6K ,cGra!-&illF /"anasso$lis4 .F (2DD1)F
(ntrod$ction to t"e /"eor% and A##lication o Data .n)elo#ment Anal%sisF
-ostonK ;l$!erF
2=F U2D* (2DD3)F &$man De)elo#ment +e#ort 2DD2F A)aila0le atK
!!!99"drF$nd#ForgF United 2ations ()ario$s %ears)F 3ear0oo6 o 2ational
(ncome 'tatisticsF 2e! 3or6K United 2ationsF
3DF 8arian4 &F (1===)F (ntermediate ,icroeconomicsK A ,odern A##roac"F
2e! 3or6K 2ortonF
31F Caim4 OF4 +F Fere4 and 'F Gross6o# (2DD1)F OAn .conomic A##roac" to
Ac"ie)ement and (m#ro)ement (ndeJes<F 'ocial (ndicators +esearc"4 56
(1)K =1-118F
32F C"$4 EF (2DD3)F Y$antitati)e ,odels or *erormance .)al$ation and
-enc"mar6ingF -ostonK ;l$!erF
33F Arican Go)ernance For$m (AGF)F 2DD7F -ots!anaK -$ilding t"e 1a#a0le
'tate in AricaN -ots!ana 1o$ntr% +e#ort4 +e#$0lic o -ots!ana4 #a#er
date 3 Octo0er 2DD7N 7t" Arica Go)ernance For$m V O$agado$go$4
-$r6ina Faso4 #resented 24-26 Octo0er 2DD7F Aro0arometer '$r)e%4
+o$nd 34 2DD592DD6F
34F -ots!ana Federation o /rade UnionsF 2DD7F *olic% *osition *a#er on
'ocial 'ec$rit% and 'ocial *rotection in -ots!anaF
35F -ots!ana /elecomm$nications A$t"orit%-1o$ntr% re#ort to 1+A'A 1D/&
AG, V 2DD74 "tt#K99!!!FcrasaForg9docs9re#orts91DAG,-
36F -ertelsmann /ransormation (ndeJ4 (-/() -ots!ana 1o$ntr% +e#ort4 2DD8F
-ertelsmann Fo$ndation and t"e 1entre or A##lied *olic% 't$dies(1A*)4
,$nic" Uni)ersit%F
37F 1lo)er4 EF 2DD3F -ots!anaK F$t$re *ros#ects and t"e 2eed or -road-0ased
De)elo#mentN Arican 'ec$rit% Anal%sis *rogramme4 'it$ation +e#ort4 D1
'e#tem0er 2DD34 (nstit$te or 'ec$rit% 't$diesF /"e im#act o democrac%
in -ots!ana 1= 1ommon!ealt" 7ocal Go)ernment For$mF 2DD8F
"tt#K99!!!FclgForgF$69$seriles9clg9ile9co$ntries9-ots!anaF#d4 accessed
D2 A$g$st 2DD8F
38F Ferg$rson--ro!n4 &FAF 1==6F /"e origins o t"e :elare and 1omm$nit%
De)elo#ment *rogrammes in -ots!ana4 *$laK -ots!ana Eo$rnal o Arican
't$dies4 8ol 1D4 2oF2F F.'F 2DD3F /rade Unions in -ots!ana - 1o$ntr%
+e#ort 2DD34 Friedric" .0ert Fo$ndation4 Ga0orone4 -ots!anaF
3=F Good4 ;F 1==4F 1orr$#tion and mismangament in -ots!anaK a 0est-case
eJam#leR Eo$rnal o ,odern Arican 't$dies4 324 34 1==4F
4DF Good4 ;F 2DD7F Diamonds4 democrac% and #residentialism in -ots!ana4 in
G1"allenges o conlict4 democrac% and de)elo#ment in AricaH4 ;F
,atlosa4 EF .l6lit and -F 1"iroro (eds)4
41F .('A4 2DD74 Eo"annes0$rg4Go)ernment o -ots!anaF 2DD7F /"ree )illages
0eneit rom r$ral electriication #roMect 26 2o)em0er4 2DD7F
42F &$man De)elo#ment +e#ortF 2DD792DD8F United 2ations De)elo#ment
*rogramme4 2DD7
(,F 2DD7 statistical a##endiJ4 :orld .conomic and Financial s$r)e%sN
+egional .conomic O$tloo6 '$0 'a"aran Arica4 A#ril 2DD84 (nternational
,onetar% F$nd4 :as"ingtonF
43F 7odge /4 DF ;adima and DF *ottie (eds)F 2DD2F 1om#endi$m o .lections
in 'o$t" Arica4 .lectoral (nstit$te o 'o$t"ern Arica4 Eo"annes0$rgF
44F ,a$ndeni et alF 2DD7F 1onsolidating Democratic Go)ernance in 'o$t"ern
AricaK -ots!ana4.lectoral (nstit$te o 'o$t"ern Arica4 2DD5N
Eo"annes0$rg4 +esearc" +e#ort 31F
45F ,o6!ena4 7 and .F Fa6irF 2DD=F Democratic decision-ma6ing and
de)elo#ment at t"e local le)elK lessons rom r$ral -ots!anaF +esearc"
+e#ort 111F1entre or *olic% 't$diesF
46F ,ogae4 FF 2DD5F -ots!anaK "o! !e created an Arican s$ccess stor%F 2e!
Arican 1 A#ril 2DD54 irst gi)en as a s#eec" titled -ots!anaIs de)elo#ment
eJ#erience lect$re 0% *resident Fest$s ,ogae at t"e (nstit$te o
De)elo#ment 't$dies4 21 Fe0r$ar% 2DD5F
47F O.1D and Arican De)elo#ment -an6F 2DD8F Arican .conomic O$tloo6
2DD792DD8 O.1D *$0lis"ing 9 Arican De)elo#ment -an64 21 ,a% 2DD8F
O.1D De)elo#ment 1entreF /"e im#act o democrac% in -ots!ana
48F +ic"ards4 +F 2DD8F Assessing "$man de)elo#ment in 'AD1K 1==D-2DD8F
*olic% -rie 52F 1entre or *olic% 't$diesF
4=F :orld &ealt" OrganisationF 2DD6F 1o$ntr% &ealt" '%stem Fact '"eetN

5DF :orld &ealt" Organisation 2DD8F United 2ations *rogramme on
&(89A(D' (U2A(D') and U2(1.F 2DD84 .#idemiological Fact '"eet on
&(8 and A(D'
51F Arican 2ational 1ongress4 (1==4)F +econstr$ction and De)elo#ment
*rogramme4 Eo"annes0$rg4 -ots!ana
52F -a)a4 24 *rod$cti)it% in *$0lic AdministrationK 1once#t and A##lication in
(ndia4 8olF 414 2oF14 A#ril V E$ne 2DDDF D*'AF -at"o *eleK /oget"er
-eating t"e dr$m o 'er)ice Deli)er%F !!!Fgo)F5aF
Chapter3 Si?
/"e notion o ci)il societ% "as a long #edigree in !estern #olitical #"iloso#"%
in t"e !ritings o Eo"n 7oc6e4 /"omas *aine4 AleJis de /oc>$e)ille and Antonio
GramsciF (t res$raced as an im#ortant conce#t in democratic t"eor% to!ards t"e end
o t"e cold !ar4 !"en ordinar% citi5ens em0ar6ed $#on mass mo)ements or c"angeF
7i6e t"e 'olidarit% ,o)ement in *oland4 t"e 8el)et +e)ol$tion in 15ec"oslo)a6ia4
t"e United Democratic Front against a#art"eid in 'o$t" Arica4 #rotests in /iananmen
'>$are in 1"ina and t"e Green0elt ,o)ement in ;en%aF
(n t"e !estern deinition o ci)il societ%4 a$tonomo$s and acti)e )ol$ntar%
associations are regarded as a co$nter 0alance to state #o!er4 a training gro$nd or
democratic #ractices4 and as a necessar% conse>$ence o increasingl% dierentiated
str$ct$res o go)ernance t"at "a)e increased t"e distance 0et!een citi5ens and t"e
stateF (n t"ese co$ntries !it" t"eir e)er more com#leJ s%stems o social4 #olitical and
economic interactions4 go)ernments can satis% onl% a small and diminis"ing
#ro#ortion o t"e needs o t"eir citi5ens and t"e latter loo6 more and more to ci)ic
associations to c"annel a gro!ing range and )ariet% o social interactionsF
/"ese need a rame!or6 o go)ernance o$tside t"e M$risdiction o t"e stateF (n Arica4
it is rat"er t"e a0sence o go)ernance t"at necessitates and $els t"e gro!t" o ci)il
societ%F For instances4 ci)il societ% reers4 0roadl% s#ea6ing4 to t"e social and #olitical
s#ace !"ere )ol$ntar% associations attem#ts to s"a#e norms and #olicies to reg$late
#$0lic lie in social4 #olitical4 economic and en)ironmental dimensionsF /"ese are
seen to incl$deK religio$s organisationsN social cl$0sN social mo)ementsN ree #ress
and inde#endent mediaN trade $nionsN #roessional associationsN and non-
go)ernmental organisationsF
/"ere "as 0een an eJ#onential gro!t" in t"e n$m0er o ci)il societ% actors4 and in t"e
)ol$me o transnational net!or6s in !"ic" t"e% are em0eddedF At t"e international
le)el4 t"eir increased im#act is relected in t"e role t"at ci)il societ% #la%ed in t"e
esta0lis"ment o t"e (nternational 1riminal 1o$rtN t"e ado#tion o t"e Otta!a /reat%
on t"e #ro"i0ition on anti-#ersonnel minesN t"e oc$s on t"e lin6ages 0et!een
diamonds and conlict t"ro$g" t"e ;im0erle% *rocessN and to ease t"e de0t o t"e
"ig"l% inde0ted #oor co$ntries t"ro$g" E$0ilee 2DDD4 to name 0$t a e!F Undenia0l%4
t"e% #la% an im#ortant and gro!ing role as an inormation c"annel4 a o$nt o
legitimac% and a catal%st or acco$nta0ilit% and trans#arenc%F /"e net res$lt o
eJ#anding glo0al citi5en action "as 0een to eJtend t"e t"eor% and dee#en t"e #ractice
o grass roots democrac% !it"in 0ordersF :"ile states are t"e #rimar% actors in t"e
international s%stem4 ci)il societ% "as 0ecome an im#ortant secondar% actor
inl$encing t"e agenda o t"e #rimar% actorsF 1learl%4 t"e m$lti#licit% o t"ese
$noicial actors also #resents ne! #ro0lems4 s$c" as lac6 o coordination o eorts
and o clear acco$nta0ilit%F /"is is generall% not a #ro0lem in esta0lis"ed and mat$re
democracies4 !"ere go)ernments acce#t t"at e)en t"e most o#en and trans#arent
s%stem s"o$ld allo! or )ol$ntar% and non#roit associations to #$rs$e s#eciic aimsF
(n de)elo#ing societies4 incl$ding Arica4 t"e sit$ation is dierentF On t"e one "and4
mem0ers"i# organi5ations4 s$c" as trade $nions and #roessional associations4 are
readil% #ercei)ed as #osing a #otential #olitical t"reat to inc$m0ent elites 0orne o$t
0% t"e #olitical mo)ements t"at "ad t"eir origins !it"in organised la0o$r and
e)ent$all% de#osed ;ennet" ;a$nda in Cam0ia4 and t"e close association 0et!een
t"e Cim0a0!e 1ongress o /rade Unions and t"e ,o)ement or Democratic 1"ange
in neig"0oring Cim0a0!eF On t"e ot"er4 iss$e 0ased and ad)ocac% organi5ations4
necessaril% $nded 0% oreign go)ernments4 de)elo#ment agencies and #"ilant"ro#ic
o$ndations4 are readil% >$estioned on iss$es o acco$nta0ilit% and res#onsi0ilit%F
1i)il 'ociet% !or6ing or democrac%4 "$man rig"ts and trans#arenc% are t"ereore
oten lam0asted 0% go)ernments on t"e 0asis o !"om do t"e% re#resent or as
organisations acting at t"e 0e"est o some oreign cons#irac% or #olitical or
commercial gainF :"ile go)ernments #oint to t"e reliance on oreign donor $nding
o ci)il societ% to delegitimi5e t"em4 t"e ci)il societ%4 in t$rn4 #oint o$t t"at most
Arican go)ernments and intergo)ernmental organisations s$c" as 'AD14 .1O:A'4
(GAD4 t"e AU and 2.*AD are t"emsel)es "ea)il% de#endent on oreign aid4 and t"at
t"eir agenda<s are determined not in ;igali4 Accra or 7ilong!e4 0$t in t"e 0oardrooms
o 0ilateral donors t"e (,F and t"e :orld -an6F
/"e relations"i# 0et!een Arican leaders and ci)il societ% in #artic$lar4 inde#endent
2GOs "as t"$s 0een c"aracteri5ed 0% m$t$al s$s#icion and4 in some cases4 o$trig"t
"ostilit% eJce#t !"ere 1i)il 'ociet% Organisations are #re#ared to !or6 as an
eJtension o go)ernment4 #ro#agate its #olicies and sometimes ser)e as an alternati)e
cond$it to gain additional income or inno)ati)e leadersF (n 'o$t" Arica4 a co$ntr%
t"at #ro)ides eJtensi)e s#ace or ci)il societ%4 t"e #artners"i# and colla0oration t"at
c"aracterised t"e #ost a#art"eid era "as since gi)en !a% to an instr$mentalist )ie! o
t"e relations"i# 0et!een ci)il societ% and go)ernmentF
2e)ert"eless4 r"etorical recognition o t"e need or #o#$lar #artici#ation in
go)ernance is gro!ing at t"e le)el o t"e AU and t"e im#et$s is on ci)il societ%
organisations to $se and eJ#and t"e s#ace created or t"eir in)ol)ementF :"en t"e
t"ird !a)e o democratisation "it Arican s"ores in t"e earl% 1==Ds4 t"is !as as m$c"
a "ome-gro!n mo)ement4 as it !as #art o t"e glo0al c"ain o e)entsF As @yimah
,oadi notesK
I6:ternal developments, such as the fall of communism and pressure from
forein donors were important for layin the roundwor7 for formal democracy% But
it was often the resourcefulness, dedication, and tenacity of the continentFs nascent
civil societies that initiated and sustained the process of democratic openin and
political li-eralisation% In late $'4', civil servants, teachers and traders in Benin
were the first to -rin an end to autocracy and economic mismanaement% In
Jam-ia, the !onress of Trade Cnions followed suit -y successfully challenin the
three8decade incum-ency of Henneth Haunda% In Sierra 2eone, the irrepressi-le
resolve of the ;omenFs 3orum thwarted the desins of the incum-ent military reime
to forestall that countryFs return to democratic rule in $''0% And the damnin
pastoral letters of such !hristian leaders as Bishop Isodore de Sou<a of Benin, and
Arch-ishop 3ano7o Hpod<ro of Too proved hihly successful in underminin the
authority of the old reimes%K
(ss$es o de)elo#ment4 sec$rit% and deence no! go 0e%ond t"e state
s%stemF Glo0alisation in)ol)es t"e s"aring o #o!er 0et!een state and non state
actors4 !it" t"e res$lt t"at t"e state is no longer a0le to mono#olise t"e conce#t and
#ractice o sec$rit%4 or indeed o go)ernanceF /"e inormation re)ol$tion "as "el#ed
to end state im#osed isolation and allo! or net!or6s to gro! 0e%ond national
0ordersF For eJam#le4 it "as 0een arg$ed t"at t"e aJ4 #"otoco#ier4 #ersonal com#$ter
and des6to# #$0lis"ing sot!are !as central to t"e #ro democrac% mo)ement<s
cam#aign to discredit t"e -anda dictators"i# in ,ala!i in 1==2V=3F /"e gro!ing $se
o email and t"e internet in t"e #ast ten %ears "a)e strengt"ened t"is #"enomenon
0est relected in t"e eJtent to !"ic" inormation on t"e s$##ression o democrac% and
a0$se o #o!er 0% CA2U(*F) in Cim0a0!e in recent %ears is still a0le to reac" t"e
o$tside !orld4 des#ite t"e assa$lt on t"e inde#endent media in t"at co$ntr%F
/!o arg$ments "a)e t"$s ar 0een made t"at #ro)ide or an im#ortant role 0% ci)il
societ% in Arican sec$rit%F /"e irst is t"at t"e maMorit% o #oor Arican co$ntries
s$er rom a concentration o #olitical4 economic and social #o!er in t"e eJec$ti)e
0ranc" o t"e stateF (n a sit$ation !"ere t"e state is 0ot" t"e dominant economic actor
and largest so$rce o em#lo%ment4 and !"ere economic c"oices are "ig"l%
#oliticised4 ci)il societ% oten #ro)ides t"e onl% c"ec6 on t"e $ntrammeled #o!er o
t"e eJec$ti)eF
'econdl%4 t"e earlier arg$ed t"at t"e notion o "$man sec$rit% "as im#acted $#on
traditional notions o national sec$rit%F /oda%4 non-state actors 0eneit rom closer
in)ol)ement !it" t"e local comm$nit% d$ring internal conlicts and "a)e greater
#otential or local conlict resol$tion t"an ot"er mec"anismsF Organisations s$c" as
t"e (nternational 1ommittee or t"e +ed 1ross4 OJam and ,edecins sans Frontieres
act as relie agencies !"en go)ernments are $na0le or $n!illing to do soF .lse!"ere
ci)il societ%4 s$c" as t"e inter-religio$s co$ncils in 'ierra 7eone and 7i0eria and t"e
1omm$nit% o 'an .gidio4 acilitate negotiations 0et!een !arring #artiesF (n man%
instances t"ese entities $nction !it"o$t t"e constraints o state instit$tionsF
/"ere are some 0asic distinction 0et!een t"e #$0lic sector4 #ri)ate sector and ci)il
societ%F 1i)il societ% are non-go)ernmental organisationsN religio$s mo)ementsN
academic comm$nitiesN t"e mediaN c$lt$ral comm$nitiesN trade $nions4 etcF /"ere is
also "inted at a t"ird arg$ment or a role 0% ci)il societ% in de)elo#ing co$ntriesF /"e
ca#acit% constraints4 eJ#erienced 0% 0ot" national go)ernments and
intergo)ernmental organisations4 "a)e o#ened $# a )ie! t"at ci)il societ%
organisations can com#lement oicial str$ct$res adding ca#acit% !"ere t"ose o
mandated str$ct$res are lac6ingF /"eir #resence in t"e ield can 0e a )ital lin6 in
#ro)iding earl% !arnings or dealing !it" "$manitarian crisesF /"eir s#ecialised
6no!ledge and contacts can 0e im#ortant com#onents o t"e #ost-conlict #eace
0$ilding #rocessF /"e% can mediate 0et!een t"e #eace and sec$rit% $nctions o
intergo)ernmental organisations4 and t"e needs and !ants o local ci)ilian
#o#$lationsF /"e% can eJert a #ositi)e inl$ence on t"e restoration o a climate o
conidence or reconstr$ctionN and t"e% can 0ring additional eJ#ertise and
com#arati)e #ractices to 0ear in t"e #rocess o #olic% de)elo#ment4 monitoring and
re#ortageF 1i)il societ% is not a s$0stit$te or t"e state4 nor can it claims to 0e t"$s4
0$t is !ell #ositioned to #la% t!o cr$cial roles in relation to !ea6 states in AricaF
/"e irst is to a$gment t"e ca#acit% or de)elo#ment and sec$rit%F /"e second is 0%
"olding t"e go)ernment and leaders acco$nta0le to t"e citi5enr% in Arica4 !"ile
sim$ltaneo$sl% eJerting #ress$re in ca0inet oices and t"e 0oardrooms o t"e ric"
co$ntries to res#ond to t"e s#ecial needs o de)elo#ing co$ntriesF /"e de0ates
regarding t"e 2.*AD A*+, "as o#ened $# a #artic$larl% im#ortant o##ort$nit% or
Arican ci)il societ% organisations to engage in !"at some )ie! as a s"ado! s%stem
o #eer re)ie!F
Des#ite t"e dramatic c"anges in t"e notion o eJcl$si)e so)ereignt% in recent %ears4
t"e !orld s%stem retains a nat$ral tendenc% to!ards state ormation e)en in t"e 21st
cent$r%F /oda%4 states still #ro)ide t"e 0asis or t"e international s%stem and4
collecti)el%4 or t"e reg$lation o t"ose relations and iss$es t"at all o$tside4 or
0et!een4 t"e control o an% single stateF /"ere is no clear alternati)e to geogra#"ical
states as t"e 0asic 0$ilding 0loc6 and #rere>$isite or domestic saet% and a sta0le
international s%stemF /"ere is an emerging glo0al consens$s on t"e norms t"at a##l%
to acce#ta0le state 0e"a)iorF
/"e legac% o colonialism and t"e 1old :ar is an Arica di)ided along 0o$ndaries
!it"in !"ic" Aricans toda% deine t"emsel)es as 2igerian4 1ongolese4 Cam0ian or
;en%anF For t"e most #art4 t"e 0orders car)ed o$t 0% t"e colonial #o!ers are "ere to
sta% alt"o$g" some !ill e)ent$all% ade a!a% in t"e eorts to create )ia0le national
$nits !"ere t"e% do not #resentl% eJist4 #ossi0l% most e)ident in #arts o 1entral and
:est AricaF Des#ite t"e !ea6ness and #ro0lems in man% regions o t"e !orld4 t"e
state remains t"e most eecti)e instr$ment or t"e redistri0$tion o !ealt" in societ%4
and !ill remain so or t"e oreseea0le $t$reF As is t"e case in .ast Asia4 state
inter)ention can 0e 0eneicial to economic gro!t"4 and its role in t"is res#ect ma% 0e
critical alt"o$g" t"e !ea6ness o Arican go)ernments mean t"at e! can im#lement
a state-led a##roac" to de)elo#mentF
A0o)e all4 t"e state is t"e 6e% #ro)ider o sec$rit%F :"ile t"ere "as 0een considera0le
o$tso$rcing o some o t"e sec$rit% $nctions o t"e state in dierent orms across t"e
!orld4 t"ere are clear limits to t"e eJtent to !"ic" a state can #arcel o$t its most 0asic
$nction to commercial com#aniesF (n an increasingl% glo0al and interconnected
!orld4 in)estment ca#ital see6s t"e "ig"est ret$rns and since #redicta0ilit% is a 6e%
consideration in s$c" a calc$l$s4 sec$rit% is a #rere>$isite or de)elo#ment t"at needs
to attract more t"an ris6 ca#italF
(n :est and 1entral Arica4 t"ere is discerni0le trend to!ards regional a##roac"es to
crises o go)ernance relecting t"e ac$te crises aecting t"e co$ntries o t"ese
regionsF /"ese a##roac"es are most e)ident in meas$res to co$nter t"e #rolieration
o small armsN eorts to deal !it" t"e ragilit% o sec$rit% sectorsN com0ating cross-
0order mo)ement o !ea#ons4 dr$gs and armed gro$#sN ameliorating t"e mass
mo)ements o re$gees4 de)elo#ment4 !ides#read #o)ert%N and !ea6 state
instit$tionsF /"ese cross-c$tting c"allenges transcend national 0o$ndaries and re>$ire
an integrated and "olistic s$0-regional a##roac" to a$gment national sol$tionsF
/oda%4 most Arica go)ernments "a)e Mettisoned direct state management o actories
and arms or greater reliance on t"e #ri)ate sector and see6 oreign in)estment4 as
o##osed to de)elo#ment assistanceF Arican leaders4 at least t"ose t"at ascri0e to
2.*AD4 "a)e committed t"emsel)es #$0licl% to social democrac% rat"er t"an
democratic centralismF Go)ernments attem#t to #ractice good go)ernance and
ca#acit% 0$ilding4 and to oster #artners"i#s !it" t"e #ri)ate sector to #$rs$e
m$t$all% 0eneicial goalsF 2.*AD "as done m$c" to c"ange t"e conteJt o Arican
engagement on t"e continent4 0et!een Arica and its de)elo#ment #artners4 and t"e
international de0ate a0o$t AricaF Arican o!ners"i# is demonstrated in t"e de0ates
a0o$t de)elo#ment and sec$rit% 0% Aricans or AricaF
/"e 1onstit$tion o -ots!ana stresses t"e se#aration o t"e state rom ci)il societ%
and g$arantees citi5ens ree #olitical acti)it%4 reedom o s#eec"4 association4 and
religionF /"is is at least !"at t"e 1onstit$tion sa%sF -$t "as t"e go)ernment created
t"e necessar% climate to allo! ci)il societ% organisations to artic$late t"eir
#rogrammes and #la% a constr$cti)e role in ostering a c$lt$re o o#enness4 tolerance
and acco$nta0ilit%R
-ots!ana "as a m$lti#art% s%stem and a strong decentralisation #rogrammeN
nonet"eless4 it is one o t"e e! co$ntries t"at "a)e 0$ilt a li0eral democrac% !"ilst
its ci)il societ% is !ea6F Alt"o$g" in t"e #ast e! %ears legislati)e and #ractical
de)elo#ments "a)e #ro)ided or increased #artici#ation4 ci)il societ%4 a#art rom a
e! eJce#tions4 "as not 0een a0le to inl$ence #$0lic #olic% and eJert democratic
#ress$re on t"e stateF /"ree reasons "a)e 0een gi)enK c$lt$ral4 "istorical4 and
1i)il societ% is generall% )er% acti)e and #ro)ides an alternati)e to t"e state as an
agent or #ro)iding "$man sec$rit% $nder t!o circ$mstancesK !"en states ail to
deli)er !"at t"e% are eJ#ected to and d$ring ci)il and #olitical $nrestF -ots!ana is an
eJce#tional caseK rom an economic and social #oint o )ie!4 its "$man de)elo#ment
record is im#ressi)eN rom a #olitical #oint o )ie!4 it "as maintained a democratic
en)ironmentF Unli6e ot"er Arican co$ntries4 -ots!ana !as ne)er in)ol)ed in a
li0eration str$ggleF /ransition rom colonialism to inde#endence !as >$ite smoot"F (
%o$ loo6 at ci)il societ% in 'o$t" Arica4 2ami0ia4 and Cim0a0!e4 it is )er% )i0rant4
0$t onl% 0eca$se t"ose co$ntries "a)e eJ#erienced ci)il $nrest o some 6indF One o
t"e $nintended conse>$ences o t"e eicienc% o -ots!ana<s !elare s%stem is t"at
citi5ens "a)e "ig" eJ#ectations o go)ernmentF /"e eecti)eness o go)ernment in
deli)ering social ser)ices is #ositi)e on t"e one "and4 0$t on t"e ot"er "and "as
created a c$lt$re o de#endenc%N t"e go)ernment #ro)ides almost e)er%t"ing is reeF

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