Os at Kancor

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Angamaly South, Ernakulam
Project Report
Dissertation Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
the Degree of
Bachelor of Commerce
Of Calicut University
Jackson Jose
Naipunnya Institute of Management and Information Technology

Pongam, oratty !ast
Thrissur, erala"
Kancor Ingredients
N#IP$NN%# IN&TIT$T! '( M#N#)!M!NT #N* IN('RM#TI'N T!C+N',')%
Pongam, Koratty East, Thrissur, Krala!
'R)#NI&#TI'N#, &T$*%
This is to $rti%y that th r&ort is a r$or' o% th Organi(ational Stu'y 'on )y
*a$kson *os, s$on' yar )at$h, in &artial %ul%illmnt o% th r+uirmnts %or th
'gr in )a$hlor o% $ommr$ o% $ali$ut Uni,rsity!
Re- "(r" Paul aithotungal Ms" Treasa Parackal Ms" #khila
Prin$i&al -a' o% D&artmnt Pro.$t gui'

Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology /
Kancor Ingredients
I, *a$kson *os, hr)y '$lar that this Pro.$t titl' 0'rgani.ational &tudy at ancor
Ingredients ,imited1 is r$or' o% th stu'y )y m, in &artial %ul%illmnt o% th r+uirmnt %or
th s$on' yar 'gr in )a$hlor in $ommr$ an' 2hi$h I am su)mitting this &ro.$t as a r$or'
o% original 2ork 'on )y m an' has not )n &r,iously %orm' on th )asis %or th a2ar' o% any
a$a'mi$ +uali%i$ation, %llo2shi& or othr similar titl o% any othr uni,rsity!
*a$kson *os
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology 3
Kancor Ingredients
Behind every successful effort there lies a contribution from numerous
sources irrespective of their magnitude. My project is no exception and I take this
opportunity to express my sincere thanks those helping hands whole heartedly.
It is 2ith grat &lasur an' gratitu' I a$kno2l'g my in')t nss to thos 2ho ha,
hl&' m in $om&lting this &ro.$t 2ork! Lt m tak this o&&ortunity to 4&rss my sin$r
thanks to all o% thm, although thy all $an5t ) mntion' hr!
I thank my &ro.$t gui' 6s! Akhila, an' 6r! Sa)u 7arghs #a$ulty Nai&unnya Institut
o% 6anagmnt an' In%ormation T$hnology, Pongam an' all othr %a$ultis o% th $ollg %or
th hl&ing han' &ro,i'' )y thm in making th &ro.$t a su$$ss!

I also 4tn' my sin$r gratitu' to #r!S)astian Kala&ura$kal, th 'ir$tor an'
R,!#r!Paul Kaithotungal %or &ro,i'ing th su&&ort!

I 2oul' lik to 4&rss my sin$r thanks to 6iss 6ra Ramankutty, Sr! E4$uti, o%
-R '&artmnt, Kan$or ingr'ints Limit' 8Gui' %or th organi(ational stu'y9 %or &rmitting
m to 'o this &ro.$t!
I gi, my &ro%oun' thanks to my %rin's %or hl&ing m! Last )ut not last I 2ish to
thank my %amily %or thir hl& an' su&&ort that I n'' s&$ially 2hil not at sit it 2ill not )
&ossi)l %or m to $om&lt this &ro.$t satis%a$torily 2ithout thm!
A)o, all I 2ish to thank Go' Almighty %or ha,ing )lss' m to $om&lt this &ro.$t!

Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology :
Kancor Ingredients

Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology
Page No
1 Profile of the Industry 7
2 Profile of the Company 8
3 History
4 ANCO! an acti"e partner
5 ANCO! relia#le responsi"e resourceful
6 Mission $
Certificates $
! %i"ision
" ANCO! Management
1# Product policy statement &(
11 O#)ecti"es of the study &*
12 +imitations of the study &,
13 !esearch methodology &-
14 .unctional departments &/
15 Information Technology %epartment &7
16 .inance %epartment ('
1 Commercial %epartment (*
1! Production %epartment (-
1" Mar0eting %epartment (8
2# Human !esource %epartment *&
21 1uality Assurance %epartment *-
22 1uality Control %epartment *8
23 !esearch and %e"elopment %epartment ,'
24 Maintenance %epartment ,(
25 Material Planning department ,,
26 23OT Analysis ,/
2 23OT Analysis ,7
2! .indings ,8
2" .acilities to 4or0ers ,$
3# suggestion -'
31 Conclusion -&
32 A##re"iation -(
33 5i#liography -,
Kancor Ingredients

PR'(I,! '( T+! IN*$&TR%
In In'ia, 2 )lss' 2ith a 2i' ,arity o% $ultur< s&i$s '$orat on among thm,
2hi$h ma' this $ountry most %a,orit %or th %orignr! 6any &o&l $am to our $ountry an'
many )attls 2r %ought %or o2ning this 2alth!
This s&i$s &ro'u$' in In'ia in$lu'ing &&&r, turmri$, $hilly, $umin, $ar'amom,
$lry, gingr, $innamon, $assia, %nnl, %nugrk, Dill, $lo,s, nutmg!
"hangs o$$urr' in t$hnology $hang' th tra'itional tra' &ra$ti$s an' th li%
styl o% th &o&l! In or'r to mt th 'man' o% %oo' &ro$ssing in'ustry, s&i$ 4tra$ts an'
%la,ors 2r ',lo&'! This n2 %orm ga, th s&i$s a longr shl% li%, asy storag an'
mor $onsistn$y in %la,or!
Th story o% In'ian s&i$s )a$k to =>>> yars in th &ast! It is $h$k' history o% lan's,
'is$o,r' an' 'stroy', King'oms )uil' or )rought 'o2n, 2ars 2on or lost, tratis sign'
or %lout', %la,ors sought or o%%r'!
?ithin th &ast on '$a', th intrnational tra' in s&i$ has gro2n ra&i'ly! An
stimat' ;>>>>> tons o% s&i$s an' hr)s ,alu' @;>> million US 'ollars ar no2 im&orting
glo)ally ,ry yar! An im&rssi, :AB o% this su&&ly $oms %rom in In'ia! In'ia5s 4&ort o%
s&i$s 4tra$ts ha, sho2n s&$ta$ular gro2th attaining o,r ;>B o% glo)al markt 2ith in
short s&an o,r th &ast '$a', th In'ian s&i$s in'ustry has ma' +uality th $utting 'g o%
its glo)al sam &lan!
In r$nt yars, 4&ort o% In'ian s&i$s has )n taking grant la&s! Th In'ian 4&ort
o% s&i$s has $ross' th :;> million US 'ollar mark an' has ra$h' :AC million US 'ollar!
This rasona)l a$hi,mnt is )orn o% a sa $hang in th in'ustry s$nario %rom tra'itional
$ommo'ity 4&ortsD In'ian s&i$s ha, ,ol,' in to a stat o% th art in'ustry! A)sor)ing
t$hnology, )roa' )asing its &ro'u$ts rang ',lo&ing ,alu a''' &ro'u$ts, i'nti%ying
ni$h markts, %orging stratgi$ allian$ $lin$hing glo)al $olla)oration an' .oint ,nturs!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology A
Kancor Ingredients
PR'(I,! '( T+! C'MP#N%
Th 6ari2ala %amily has )n in s&i$ )usinss %or o,r a $ntury! Thy start'
)usinss o&rator in @E@@ a kan.i mora.i tra'ing in s&i$ lik &&&r, gingr an' turmri$! In
@E3;, 7alla)ha'as kan.i lt' %orm' in all&&y, krala to sour$ an' &ro$ur s&i$s an' $o&ra
in @E:=! Fom)ay oil in'ustris 8FOI9 sta)lish' to r%in $o$onut, groun'nut an' othr oilsD
&ionring )ran'' &a$kag' $onsumrs5 &ro'u$ts lik &ara$hut $o$onut oils, an' sa%%ola in
krala in@E=>, FOI start' olorsins an' )otani$al 4tra$ts 'i,ision in angamaly krala!
Th 2hol grou& rstru$tur' itsl% in @ECE, th 'i,ision into in'&n'nt $om&anis
%or a$h lins o% )usinss!
Olorsins 'i,ision )$am KAN"OR #la,or an' E4tra$ts Limit' 8K#EL9
S&i$s 4&rts Organi(' un'r 7alla)ha'as Kan.i Lt' 87KL9
Stari$ a$i's an' $astor oil rmain' 2ith FOI
"onsumr &ro'u$tion 'i,ision )$am 6ori$o In'ustris Lt'!
In@EE>, K#EL )$am a .oin ,ntur )t2n th * 7 6ari2ala grou&s 8A>B9 an' 6$
"ormi$k an' "o!Ln$ :>B! In @EEA, th * 7 mari2ala grou& r+uir' 6$ $ormi$ks :>B
hol'ing! Th grou&s5 main %oo' )usinsss ar KAN"OR, 7KL an' K6 %oo' Ingr'ints!
In />>=, *anuary @ th nam o% th KAN"OR #la,or an' E4tra$ts Lt' $hang' to
KAN"OR Ingr'ints Limit'!

KANCOR n active partner in innovation
Pro'u$t ,ntur &artnrshi& thy hl& translat $on$&t into $ommr$ially su$$ss%ul
&ro'u$ts, 2orking $losly 2ith th $ustomr! Th task %or$ un'rtaks th 2hol s&$trum o%
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology =
Kancor Ingredients
a$ti,itis %rom s$anning ra2 matrials, ',lo&ing su&&lirs, st u& la) tst mtho's, &ilot
&lant s$al u&s an' a&&li$ation traits!
!alue chain partnershipD )ing ,rti$ally intgrat', thy $an o%%r $om&lt solution a$ross
,arious ,alu station along a$h lin o% )usinss %rom %arm sour$' agri$ultural ra2 matrials
to so&histi$at' isolat' mol$uls! A)o, all, th &rin$i&l o% 'li,ring ,alu %or mony
'ri,s all &rograms!
"roup synergy partnershipD rsar$h an' ',lo&mnt tam 2orks in tan'm 2ith th sal an'
markting tam! Thy ar su&&orting )y mo'rn in%rastru$tur $om&rising o% la)oratory
%a$ilitat' 'o$umntation $ntr &ilot &lants, tst kit$hns an' tiGu&s 2ith intrnational
la)oratoris an' tsting institution!

KANCOR #eliable responsive resourceful
Th logisti$s sr,i$s &ro,i' 'oorGtoG'oor 'li,ris an' managmnt o% 'li,r'
$ost in k&ing 2ith th $hanging glo)al s$nario! Stru$tur' &ro$urmnt solutions o%%r our
$ustomrs total assistan$ in &lanning an' managing in,ntory, markting in%ormation risk
managmnt an' o&timi(ation $ost! A LANH?AN an' ERP in,stmnt in IT an'
$ommuni$ation systm nsurs %%i$in$y an' intgrity in in%ormation trans%r an' su&rior
l,l o% sr,i$! Also +uality assuran$ systm in $r'it' ISO E>>> )y FSI, UK sin$ @EE:!
To )uil' an intrnational )usinss in 4tra$ts oils sasoning ingr'ints %la,ors an'
To ) an inno,ati, rsour$%ul an' &ro%ita)l $om&any
To mt $ustomrs r+uirmnt o% +uality sr,i$ an' &ri$ $onsistn$y
To mak IDoing, )usinss 2ith us asy1 an' 'light%ul to our $ustomrs!
To &ro,i' $ongnial an' ntr&rnurial 2ork n,ironmnt! In 2hi$h m&loys $an
rs&on' to th n's o% )usinss an' sr,i$ arn %air r2ar's an' $an ) satis%i'!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology C
Kancor Ingredients
ISOH-A""PHG6P 8$roduction process9
US #DA 8Bio terrorism ct %&&% 'ompliance9
KOS-ER 8$roduction9
ISO E>>> 8(.'9

To'ay, KAN"OR gi,s $om&lt rang o% s&i$ 4tra$ts, sasoning, mint an' ssntial
oil o&rations, hr)al ra2 matrials an' 4tra$ts assurs no $hlorinat' 4tra$ts thus $om&lying
2ith lgal r+uirmnts all a$ross th 2orl'! It is to'ay ISO, -ALAL an' KOS-ER $rti%i'
%or assuring +uality in th &ro'u$ts! It 'li,rs has th ,ision to ) an inno,ati, rsour$%ul
an' &ro%ita)l $om&any to mt $ustomrs satis%a$tion in +uality an' &ri$ an' &ro,i' th
)st intrnal n,ironmnt %or all m&loys!
It allo2s $om&lt trans&arn$y an' ultimat $ustomr s&$i%i$ation, r+uirmnts
satis%a$tion )y s&$i%ying th +uality o% th &ro'u$t manu%a$tur' at sour$s! Stan'ar'i(ation
o% +uality o% ra2 matrial until its 'stiny! It has st u& a''itional &aramtrs on &ro'u$t
s&$i%i$ation to assur its r+uirmnt $ritria )y th $ustomr!
Thy also m&hasi( on $ost sa,ing through $oor'inat' 2ith it5s sistr $on$rn 7KL
%or this thy a&&ly a&&ro&riat t$hnology "o/ 4tra$tion, &sti$i's %r 2ith ERP u& gra''
ky s$inti%i$ instituts an' othr in'ustry %orums na)ling $lari%i$ation o% analysis an sam&ls
an' othr rsar$h mtho'ology
KAN"OR5s )usinsss ar organi(' an' : 'i,ision to &ro,i' a $lar an' synrgisti$
%o$us to a$h )usinss %or $ustomr5s sr,i$, &ro'u$t inno,ation an' &ro%ita)ility!
). *leoresins and extracts
KAN"OR &ro'u$ts an' su&&lirs s&i$ olorsins, natural $olors an' )otani$al
4tra$ts %or all in'ustrial %ormulation n's! Pro'u$ts ar a,aila)l in li+ui' &arts
&o2'rs an' 2atr J solu)l ,rsion!
%. +ssential *ils
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology E
Kancor Ingredients
Th su&&ly a %ull s&$trum o% ssntial oils, s&i$ oils, s2t oil, mint oils an'
isolats, mnthol, $rystals an' &r%umry an' %la,or %ormulation all o,r th 2orl'
,. -ood Ingredients
KAN"OR has &osition' itsl% as an intgrat' su&&lir o% $ustom ',lo&'
sasoning, )attrs, marina's, sau$s an' 'rssings! 6ayonnais, %la,ors %or %oo'
an' ),rags, %un$tional ingr'ints lik l$ithins an' $ommo'itis lik
hr)s, s&i$s, tomato &o2'r t$! This 'i,ision is lo$at' at ?llington
islan' "o$hin!
:! Botanicals
KAN"OR5s )otani$al 'i,ision has )n st u& to 4&rtis th a,aila)ility o%
'i%%rnt s&i$s o% m'i$inal &lants, roots an' hr)s! This 2ill su&&ort' all your n's o%
hr)al an' )otani$al ra2 matrials %or m'i$inal an' nutra$uti$al &ur&os
#NC'R Management
Mr" &anjaya Mari1ala is th managing 'ir$tor, 2ho is 2ll su&&ort' )y th
%ollo2ing 'ir$tor, 2ho $onstituts th FOD5s!
Mr" Jayanish 0 Mari1ala, Chairman
Mr" #jay J Mari1ala, *irector
A tam o% %%i$int an' 4&rin$' mangr in th in'ustry assists Mr" &anjay

Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology @>
Kancor Ingredients
PR'*$CT P',IC% &T#T!M!NT
Promoting th $on$&t o% K&r,nti, halth $ar5 $o %rin'ly &ro'u$ts, KAN"OR
o%%r a 2i' rang o% &ro'u$ts mting $ustomr 4&$tation %or sr,i$ an' +uality! Th rang
o% &ro'u$ts in$lu's olorsins an' 4tra$ts oils, natural $olors, natural isolats, an' tr&ans!
KAN"OR 4&rtis 4tn's to sour$ing agri$ultural matrials, $laning an' gra'ing thm,
4tra$tion, 'istillation, isolation an' &uri%i$ation stan'ar'i(ation o% 4tra$ts granulation
%ormulation o% s&$ialty )ln's an' &ro'u$ts KAN"OR &ro'u$t &oli$y aims at
Esta)lishing strong analyti$al &aramtrs an' +uality systms to masur th
&rsn$ o% a$ti, ingr'ints in th ra2 matrials an' 'li,r th sam &ro%il in
%inish' &ro'u$ts!
Us so&histi$at' 4tra$tion systms 2hi$h minimi( 'gra'ation o% natural
%la,or or $olor $hara$tristi$s 'uring 4tra$tion an' 'sol,ti(ation
D,lo&ing )ln's o% 'i%%rnt l,ls o% a$ti, ingr'ints $om&osition to
mat$h 'i,rs tast, %la,or an' $olor r+uirmnts
Ensuring %inal &ro'u$ts ha, a minimal slu'g, 2a4s an' &hysi$al im&uritis
through im&ro,' sl$ti, 4tra$tion an' %iltration systms!
D,lo&ing stan'ar'i(ation )ln' 2ith minimi(' s&aration an' uni%orm
'is&nsa)ility in 'ry an' oil )as' m'ia as 2ll as $on%i'ntial $ustomi(' )ln's!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology @@
Kancor Ingredients
Tra$king $onsistn$y o% +uality through systms %or tra$a)ility or ra2 matrial
an' )at$h an' $ustomr history!
In$or&orating &aramtrs o% -A""P %or &ro'u$t sa%ty into ISO EE>/
rgistr' +uality systm
Pro,i'ing 4tra$ts using nonG$hlorinat' sol,nts an' %oo' gra', KOS-ER
'ilunts an' mulsi%irs!

'BJ!CTI0!& '( T+! &T$*%
Primary O).$ti,
To stu'y a)out o,rall %un$tioning, )usinss stratgis an' $or&orat )ha,ior o%
KAN"OR Ingr'ints Limit'!
S$on'ary O).$ti,s
To %amiliari( 2ith a &arti$ular )usinss organi(ation!
To 'issminat 2ith 'i%%rnt '&artmnts in th organi(ation an' larn thir
stru$tur an' %un$tioning!
To gi, suggstion i% any to th $om&any
To stu'y a)out 'i%%rnt )n%its a,aila)l to human rsour$s!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology @/
Kancor Ingredients
,IMIT#TI'N& '( T+! &T$*%
This stu'y is not %r %rom limitations! #ollo2ing ar ma.or limitations o% this stu'y< G
@! Tim &rio' 2as lss!
/! "annot go '&r into th %un$tioning as&$ts o% Kan$or Ingr'ints Limit'!
3! Gtting $om&anyIs 2illingnss to im&lmnt th &ro&os' t$hni+u n's
stratgi$ '$isions! This is tim $onsuming &ro$ss!
:! "om&any 2as not ra'y to &ro,i' 'ata soon! Thy 'i' a%tr a lot o% thoughts
an' &ro&r $on,in$ing that this 2ill ) using %or a$a'mi$ intrsts!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology @3
Kancor Ingredients
R!&!#RC+ M!T+'*',')%
To $on'u$t this stu'y, 'i%%rnt mtho'ologis ha, a'o&t'! Th singl most
im&ortant on is o)sr,ation mtho'! In a''ition to that, I $on'u$t' intr,i2s an' ma'
intra$tion 2ith managrial sta%%, 2orkrs to larn %rom thir 4&rin$s! Fsi's that, I
2alk' through ,arious 'o$umnts, manuals, )oar's, an' $om&utr systms to un'rstan' mor
a)out &ro$'urs an' systms!
*#T# C',,!CTI'N
Primary Data
Primary 'ata ar thos that ar $oll$t' %or th %irst tim an' thus thy ar original in
$hara$tr! Th &rimary 'ata $oll$t' through 'ir$t &rsonal in,stigation! Th %ollo2ing
2ays a'o&t'!!!
@! O)sr,ation
/! Intr,i2s
3! Intra$tions
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology @:
Kancor Ingredients
S$on'ary Data
S$on'ary 'ata ar thos 'ata that has alra'y $oll$t'! Th main s$on'ary sour$s
us' %or $oll$tion o% 'ata ar<
?)sit o% th organi(ation
Organi(ation manuals

($NCTI'N#, *!P#RTM!NT&
KAN"OR lik manu%a$turing $on$rn 2ith @/; yars 4&rin$s ha, many %un$tion
&r%orm' in th organi(ation! Th 'i,isions in th $om&any hl& in &r%orming to gt th
'sir' rsult! KAN"OR has @@ '&artmnts! Ea$h '&artmnt %un$tion s&aratly ,n
though in an intrGrlat' 2ay, to o%%r &ro'u$t +uality an' $ustomr sr,i$ 2hi$h mt
+uality o% th most 'man'ing stan'ar' o% a$$&ta)ility in th 2orl' %oo' in'ustry!
&6 Information Technology %epartment
(6 .inance %epartment
*6 Commercial %epartment
,6 Production %epartment
-6 Mar0eting %epartment
/6 Human !esource %epartment
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology @;
Kancor Ingredients
76 1uality Assurance And 1uality Control %epartment
86 !esearch And %e"elopment %epartment
$6 Maintenance %epartment
&'6 Material Planning department
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology @A
Kancor Ingredients
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology @=
Kancor Ingredients
Th IT '&artmnt is 2orking un'r th $ontrol o% 6anaging Dir$tor! It $an $all'
)rain as it $ontrols th ntir systm! Dstru$tion or %ailur o% this may n' u& all th a$ti,itis
o% th organi(ation! Thr%or, IT '&artmnt is ,ry im&ortant in KAN"OR! T$hnology o%
KAN"OR Ingr'int is a',an$ing 'ay )y 'ay 2ith th hl& o% this systm!
Th systm '&artmnt &ro,i's th a&&li$ation so%t2ar $all' Lotus Not %or
Email a$$ss an' othr $ommuni$ation o% 'i%%rn$ '&artmnt n' an' natur o%
&ro$ssing! It is also training %or all m&loys 2ho ha, to 2ork 2ith th hl& o%
It also hl&s in r&ort $ration, 2hi$h has to 'on at ,arious l,ls o% th organi(ation
%or 'i%%rnt &ur&os! Th '&artmnt hl&s to organi(ation to mo, in th 2orl' o% l$troni$
an' IT ag! Its us 'i%%rs in 'i%%rnt '&artmnt! #or 4am&l in &rsonnl an' a'ministration
us' to maintain &ayroll an' 2orkrs 'tails su$h as &rsonnl 'tails, attn'an$, la, t$!
#or this &ur&os, thy ar using so%t2ar! Th Payroll so%t2ar has ',lo&' in #o4Pro!
Anothr a',antag o% this '&artmnt is, thy ',lo& a&&li$ation so%t2ar %or thir on
In a''ition, it hl&s to k& an intrGlink' $onn$tion in th organi(ation! All
m&loys $an $onta$t' )y sn'ing mssag to 2hi$h liminat th %%orts o%
sn'ing mssags )y th tra'itional 2ay! So )$aus o% this, it )$om so asy to
$onta$t any m&loy in th organi(ation an' ths is no 'i%%i$ulty in sn'ing any
noti$ to all th m&loys!
Th '&artmnt maks th 2hol 'ata &ro$ssing in $ntrali(' %ormat! Th
'&artmnt a$ti,itis run through th organi(ation in 'ata $oll$ting, &ro$ssing,
storag an' rtri,al!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology @C
Kancor Ingredients
Th a$ti,itis ar
To gi, t$hni$al su&&ort to n' usrs
Pro,i' so%t2ar an' -ar'2ar su&&ort to a$h '&artmnt
Training to n2 m&loys a)out so%t2ar
To tak th )a$ku& o% th 'ata)as an' stors into rmo,a)l
-ar' 'isk

Th sr,rs ar
Data)as Sr,r
"ommuni$ation Sr,r 8Lotus9
Tally Sr,r
Thin "lint Sr,r
#il Sr,r
Th a',antags ar
"ntrali(' storag o% th 'ata
Easy u&'ating o% th 'ata
Easy rtri,al o% th 'ata
R'u$ th tim o% th 'ata &ro$ssing
6or s$uritis to th 'ata )y &ro,i'ing ID an' &ass2or'
Stting th &rioritis to a$h '&artmnt
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology @E
Kancor Ingredients
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology />
Kancor Ingredients
#inan$ial '&artmnt 2ill han'l all th %inan$ial a$ti,itis in th $om&any lik
maintain th r$or' o% r$i&t an' &aymnt! A$$ountant maintains th sals r$or's,
maintaining th r$or' %rom )uyrs an' $ustomrs! Th %inan$ '&artmnt han'ls ta4ation
an' insuran$! Th %inan$ '&artmnt also 'als th lgal mattrs! It also 'os %orign )ill
'is$ounting through thir %orign 4$hang )ank! Rising o% 2orking $a&ital sun'ry ')tors5
managmnt, managmnt o% loans t$! ha, 'on )y th %inan$ '&artmnt! Th $om&any
has a ,ry strong &osition! It 'os 2ork togthr 2ith th 6IS '&artmnt %or &r&aration an'
U&'ating o% &ro%it an' loss a$$ount, %inal a$$ount, $ash %lo2 statmnt an' %un' %lo2
A$ti,itis o% #inan$ial D&artmnts
6anagmnt o% all in%lo2s an' out%lo2s o% $ash
A$$ounting o% th transa$tion an' un'rtaking all ty& o% statutory au'it
?orks rlat' to in$om ta4, sals ta4, $om&any la2 t$!
Forro2ing mony %rom %inan$ial institution
Pr&aration o% )u'gt an' r&orting th ,arian$ in any &ro&os'
s$hms rlat' to )uying or slling o% th &ro'u$ts
"osting o% th &ro'u$ts
Sttlmnt o% m&loys a$$ount an' &aymnt o% rmunration as &r
th mmos r$i,' %rom th &rsonnl '&artmnts
#inan$ial D&artmnt has thr 'i,isions
23 (inance *i-ision
Th main %un$tion o% %inan$ 'i,ision is arranging th mony %or th
$om&any o&rationsD thir 'i,ision arrangs mony %or $om&any o&rations )y
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology /@
Kancor Ingredients
$r'it %rom )ank, issuing shars, ')nturs, loans, rtain' $onomy t$! This
$om&any mainly '&n' t2o ty&s o% $r'it %a$ility %rom th )ank! Thy ar
a9 Pa$king "r'it 8&r shi&mnt $r'it9
Pa$king $r'it manually gi,n to 4&ortrs! It has lo2 intrst rat! Its
hl& th &ro'u$tion an' &a$kaging %or th shi&mnt &ro$ss!
)9 #orign "r'it 8Post shi&mnt $r'it9
"r'it shoul' li+ui'at 2ith in A months )y &ro'u$ing th 4&ort
Th $om&any issus t2o ty&s o% shars, that ar E+uity shars an' Pr%rn$ shars! Th
6ari2ala %amily mm)rs su)s$ri) all shars!
43 #ccounts *i-ision
Th a$$ounts '&artmnt using tally so%t2ar %or thir a$$ounting &ur&os!
A$$ounting $larly r$or's all th transa$tion an' u&'ats all n$ssary %ils! Thr
r$or's ar to ) maintain' in th a$$ounts '&artmnt! Thy ar maintaining
Sals Fook
Gnral L'gr
Prsonnl L'gr
6atrial sto$k l'gr
Falan$ Sht
53 MI& *i-ision
Th main %un$tion o% this 'i,ision is to &r&ar )u'gt r&ort! 6IS 'i,ision
$oll$ts 'ata %rom all '&artmnts, 2hi$h is using %or )u'gt &r&aration! 6IS also
'oing th a$ti,itis %or $oll$ting a$tual rsults an' $om&aring 2ith th 'ata has
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology //
Kancor Ingredients
an' a$$or'ing to th )u'gt is &r&aring! It hl&s th %inan$ial to r'u$ ',iation
o% a$tual rsults %rom )u'gting!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology /3
Kancor Ingredients
As a manu%a$turing $om&any, th most im&ortant %un$tion is th sour$ing an'
&ro$ssing ra2 matrials! Th $ommr$ial '&artmnt $on$ntrating on logisti$,
a',an$ li$nsing an' )uying o% ra2 matrials! This '&artmnt r&ort to "EO! Th
'&artmnt %un$tions intr lo$ks 2ith th &ro'u$tion '&artmnt!

This '&artmnt $oll$ting in%ormation a)out glo)al a,aila)ility o% th ra2 matrials!
Th main ra2 matrials o% KAN"OR ar P&&r, "hilly, Turmri$, "lry, Nutmg, Nut
maks t$!Ra2 matrials ar $oll$ting %rom lo$al markt as 2ll as im&ort' %rom 'i%%rnt
$ountris lik 7itnam, Sri Lanka, In'onsia an' 6alaysia! Almost E;B o% &&&r has
im&ort' %rom th Sri Lanka an' mor than C>B o% Gingr %rom In'onsia!

In th $as o% n2 su&&lirs, %irstly thy tak a sam&l %rom th $ustomrs! Thn th
+uality assuran$ '&artmnt $h$ks th +uality o% th ra2 matrials! Th +uality o% th ra2
matrials is goo' thn thy &ass to &ro'u$tion '&artmnt %or a trail lot! I% trail lot is
a$$&ta)l, su&&lir has a''' thir su&&lir list!
6ain %un$tions
A',an$ li$nsing
Fuying ra2 matrials
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology /:
Kancor Ingredients
Th $om&any has th storag $a&a$ity o% 3>> to :>> million tons o% goo's! Go 'o2ns
ar mant %or 3 ty&s o% goo's! Ra2 matrials, intrm'iat goo's an' %inish' goo's!
Sam&ls snt )y th $ustomrs ar $h$k' )y s+uar root' sam&ling t$hni+u, that is s+uar
root' num)r o% $ontainrs &lus on ar sl$t' an' th sam&ls ar $h$k' to ,rity
2hthr th mt th stan'ar' or not! 8#or 4< Th $om&any got a @>> kg o% ra2 matrial!
Thy ha, takn @>kg &lus @kg %or $h$king!9! Th $om&any is n,r ra'y to mak
a'.ustmnt 2ith th +uality o% th goo's! It $on$ntrats on a$ti, ingr'ints an' not on
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology /;
Kancor Ingredients
Th &ro'u$tion '&artmnt is th most ,ital on as rgar's KAN"OR! Foth
managmnt an' sta%% 2orkrs %a$ilitat hr an' thy maintain n' o% $ustomr
satis%a$tion! This '&artmnt has intrGlink' 2ith $ommr$ial an' &rsonnl
'&artmnt in &arti$ular 2ith th )a$ku& o% markting '&artmnt! Th '&artmnt
has th %un$tion lik $ru' manu%a$turing, maintaining %%i$in$y in &ro'u$tion an'
man&o2r managmnt rlat' to th &ro'u$tion t$!
Th )asi$ 2ork o% this '&artmnt has $om&limnt' 2ith &lants install' in
th sit 2ith its ,i'nt %aturs as )lo2!
Plant and capa6ilities
Pro$ssing o% @>>>> 6TA o% ra2 matrials
6intH'ri,ati,s $ontra$t %a$ility
Sol,nt E4tra$tion Plant 8SEP9
?atr 4tra$tion %a$ility %or hr)s
Stam 'istillation &lant %or s&i$ oils
6ustar' &lant
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology /A
Kancor Ingredients
Sasoning &ro'u$tion %a$ility
La) %a$ility
Isolation units
Plattr s&i$ &ro'u$ts unit
#inish' goo's storag 8#GS9
Manufacturing Process
Ra1 materials inspection78 Th ra2 matrial has $h$k' 2hthr it $an gi, s&$i%i'
%in' &ro'u$ts! This ha&&ns at th initial ,hi$l an' matrials $h$ku& an' th la) analysis
2ith th %inal '$ision o% matrial +uality )y th $ommr$ial '&artmnt!
Pre8cleaning78 This has 'on %or th initial oil 4tra$tion in s&i$s lik
&&&r, $lry
Pre8Treatment9si.ing78 This &ro$ss in,ol,s %laking, grin'ing or
&lltisation )%or &utting in to th 4tra$tor!
!:traction78 Th matrial has mi4' 2ith th sol,nt, a mi4tur o%
a$ton an' h4an in &ro&ortion '&n'ing on th s&i$, an' it 'on using hat )y
stram! Th tim %or a$h 4tra$tion )lo2Go%% 2ill ) 'on in 4tra$tion an' s&i$s 2ill
) rmo,ing
!-aporation78 ?hr th sol,nts ar taking out %rom th 4tra$ts o%
s&i$s this sag! This &ro$ss has 'on through th ,a&oration systm! ?hr th
sol,nt is ,a&orat' )y using a mtho' o% %ilm ,a&oration an' is %' into '$antr
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology /=
Kancor Ingredients
*esol-entisation78 ?ill ) 'on using stam an' %or %inal
$on$ntration, it is %' into th stri&&r 2hr th olorsin is almost 2ithout th
sol,nt $ontnt is it!
Blending78This is th &ro$ss 2hr th a$tual s&$i%i$ation o% th
$ustomr is mting! 6atrial 2ill ) )ln' in )ln'ing tank, i% th matrial nt
$ustomr s&$i%i$ation! "hmist 2ill tak sam&ls at 'i%%rnt stags o% &ro'u$tion an'
analy( th sam&l
(illing and Packaging78This is h %inal stag, 2hr th &a$kaging
matrial a%tr +uality $h$k r takn an' ar loa'' 2ith th %inal matrial ra'y to shi&
to th %in'ing 'stiny
,a6eling #nd *ispatching
KAN"OR la)ling systm nsurs that )oth innr an' outr &a$kaging $arrir a
stan'ar'i(' la)l in$or&orating all n$ssary in%ormation to mt all stan'ar' $ustom an'
&ur$has r+uirmnt! "ustomrs s&$i%y 'ata $an %urthr in$or&orat' on in'i,i'ual r+ust!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology /C
Kancor Ingredients
6arkting is a %un$tion, 2hi$h $on,rt th $ustomr n's 2ith th s&$i%i$ation, into
th 'sir' &ro'u$t! ? ha, th )n%it o% an un)rokn tra'ition in s&i$ 4tra$tion in'ustry
o,r @/; yars! Th $om&any5s long 4&rin$ in this %il' arn' $ustomrs %rom almost all
o,r th 2orl'! "om&any has markts a)roa' than in this loyalty! It has markt all o,r th
2orl' lik Grmany, US, Thailan' an' S2it(rlan'!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology /E
Kancor Ingredients
KAN"OR o%%r s&$iali(' sr,i$s su$h as $ro& r&orts an' $onomi$ s$nario
u&'ats to hl& $ustomrs in arri,ing at stratgi$ )uying '$ision! T$hni$al rsour$s ar
al2ays a,aila)l %or rsol,ing &ro)lms through inno,ati, $ost %%$ti, solutions!
#r+unt markt stu'is ha, 'on in or'r to gt th &uls o% th markt! 6arkting
stratgis a'o&t' )y a $om&any is on o% th im&ortant %a$tors that hl& to a$hi, su$$ss in
)usinss! Th Gnral 6anagr stu'is th &ro.$ts an' maks n$ssary im&ro,mnt!
Gnral mangr in 6um)ai O%%i$, h $on'u$ts stu'is an' ',lo&mnt a$ti,itis %oo'
ingr'ints sho2s, tra' %ars t$ ar som o% th t$hni+u us' %or $a&turing th markt an'
it has agnt5s &la$s! E,n $om&any has 2arhouss in US, Australia an' Kora! KAN"OR5s
glo)al nt2ork stri,s to o%%r $om&rhnsi, $ustomr su&&ort )y o%%ring a &a$kag an'
+uality an' sr,i$s!
6arkting '&artmnts r$i,s n+uiring %rom $ustomr 2ith thir s&$i%i$ation! Thy
2ork 2ith all n2 $ustomrs on &r shi&mnt +uality ins&$tion an' in &ro'u$ 2hr thr
might 4ist 2i' rang in trms o% +uality &aramtrs!
KAN"OR markting "hain
&uppliers ancor Customers
8Ra2 matrials9 8Pro'u$tion9
6arkting '&artmnt5s tris to $oor'inat 2ith th &otntial $ustomr %rom an asy
stag on yar5s r+uirmnt, su&&ly )y ntring into shortHlong trm $ontra$ts to nsur that
$ustomr n's mt an' &rot$t thm %rom th ,ariations in &ri$ +uality an' su&&ly
#un$tions o% markting '&artmnt
Intra$ting 2ith th $ustomrs!
"on,ying th $ustomr n's to th &ro'u$t an' RLD '&artmnt!
Analy(ing th a',antag in )usinss 2ith a &arti$ular $ustomr!
Daling 2ith $ustomr $om&laints!
"on'u$ting sho2s all o,r In'ia!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology 3>
Kancor Ingredients
N2 &ro'u$t intro'u$tion!
En$ouraging $ustomrs to $ommuni$at!
To mt "GSat 8"ustomr Satis%a$tion9!
E4tra$ts Pro'u$t List
S&i$ E4tra$ts
Fln'' E4tra$ts
S&$ialty E4tra$ts
?atr Dis&rsi)l E4tra$ts
Natural %oo' $olours
"olour mi4s
2atr 'is&rsi)l $olours
Essntial Oils Pro'u$t List
S&i$ Oils
6int Oils
S2t Oils
Essntial Oils
Aromathra&y oils
Fotani$als Pro'u$t List
Ra2 Fotani$als
-r) E4tra$ts
6'i$inal Plants
Organi$ s&i$s L -r)s
Nutra$uti$als Pro'u$t List
Natural Isolats
Fotani$al E4tra$ts
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology 3@
Kancor Ingredients

Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology 3/
Kancor Ingredients
Th &rsonnl managr an' thr o%%i$rs to manag th 2hol o% th a$ti,ity
an' $arry out th %un$tion 2ith )ln' o% in'ustrial rlation an' human rlation
a$ti,itis, th tim o%%i$ manag any in%ormation on monitory an' non monitory
rlat' as&$ts o% ,ry m&loy, 2hthr is a 2orkman or th managmnt sta%% in
Th '&artmnt has )as' u& )y in%ormation systms to maintain &ayroll,
m&loy 'tails, a$$ounting 'tails, &rtaining to ESI, &ro,i'nt %un', halth
insuran$ s$hms an' othr )n%its o% th m&loy! Thy also tak $ar o% th
la, an' attn'an$ making an' salary issus 2ith allo2an$s $on$rn' 2ith a$h
Any mattrs $on$rn' 2ith th m&loy ar in th systm an' maintain'
manually! ?hthr is any &rsonnl 'tails $on'u$t, $om&laints, n+uiry 'tails ar
all in systm an' r$or' in shl%! This is to maintain th &roo% o% a$h a$tion
un'rtakn %or or against a$h m&loy!
Th '&artmnt 2orks %or th 2llG)ing o% m&loys )y a halthy
rlationshi& an' thus hl&s to attain th organi(ation all as 2ll as in'i,i'ual goals
asily! #un$tions o% this '&artmnt ha, )a$k' u& )y th in%ormation systm to
maintain &ayroll, m&loy 'tails, &ro,i'nt %un' t$! 6ain %un$tions o% this
'&artmnt ar &ro$urmnt, training to 2orkrs, $om&nsation, maintain m&loys
&ro)lms! Th a$ti,itis o% this '&artmnt $an ) $lassi%i' into, mainly %our grou&s!
-uman rsour$ has %our 'i,isions
2 +R Related
Th main -R rlat' %un$tions o% ths '&artmnts ar
i! Training An' D,lo&mnt
Thy gi, )oth on th .o) an' o%% th .o) training! Lo2r gra''
m&loys ar gi,ing on th .o) training! "om&any sn's its r&rsntati,s to
th $on%rn$ an' othr tra' sho2s an' utili(s this in%ormation to )oost th
2orking o% KAN"OR5s %un$tion!
ii! "om&tn$y, Larning 'iary an' training $aln'ar thy
o)sr, an' analy(' $om&tn$y in a$h in'i,i'ual, it in$lu's
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology 33
Kancor Ingredients
Angli$i(ing ths %a$tors, a larning 'iary o% a$h in'i,i'ual has &r&ar' in
2hi$h thy aras to ) gi,n training is mntion' a$$or'ing to th n's %or
gi,ing training, training $aln'ar is &r&ar'!
iii! Pr%orman$ a&&raisal
Pr%orman$ a&&raisal t2i$ in a yar or annually! Ea$h &rson5s ,alu
traits, &ro%ssionalism an' &rsonality ar ,aluating! Foth a&&riss an'
a&&ris maks th ,aluation! Th %orm o% this $ontains in%ormation lik nam,
num)r, 'signation, attn'an$, 'uring th systmGgnrat' &rio'!
Skill an' talnt assssmnt
Ky rsult ara
Su$$ss %a$tors an' %ailur %a$tors
O,rall &r%orman$
i,! Gri,an$ -an'ling
Thr is r'rss' %orum 2orking %or this &ur&os! Th -R mangr
mts th m&loys an' 'is$usss thir &ro)lms, 2hi$h '%in thm %rom
2orking %%i$intly!
,! Poli$y managmnt
Th %un$tion in$lu's intro'u$ing n2 $on$&t an' &ro$ss rlating to
intrnational tra,l &oli$y, a&&ointmnt &oli$y, in$rmnt &oli$y t$!
4 IR Related
KAN"OR ha, a thr $atgory o% 2orkrs
6anagmnt Em&loys
Skill' 2orkrs
Unskill' 2orkrs
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology 3:
Kancor Ingredients
Th '&artmnt has im&os' 2ith th 'utis o% rn2ing agrmnt )t2n
th 2orkrs! It hl&s in sta)lishing an' maintaining tru in'ustrial 'mo$ra$y,
2hi$h is a &rr+uisit %or th sta)lishmnt o% a so$ialist so$ity! In a''ition,
this hl&s th managmnt )oth in th %ormulation o% in%orm' la)or rlation
&oli$is an' in thir translation into a$tion!
5 Personnel and administration
This '&artmnt k&s ,ry 'tails an' in%ormation rlating to a$h
&rsonnl in th organi(ation! R$ruitmnt o% m&loy5s ligi)l 'on )y
,a$an$is mtho' su$h as $am&us sl$tion, &la$mnt agn$is an' through
a',rtismnt! -ighGgra' m&loys ar r$ruiting 2ith th hl& o% &la$mnt
This '&artmnt also %un$tions th a$ti,itis lik salary %i4ation, la,
managmnt, annual in$rmnt t$! Th attn'an$ has 'on using a systm o%
$ar' ntry %or th 2orkrs an' %or th sta%% in th attn'an$ $hart!
; ,egal Related
KAN"OR ha, th maintnan$ o% goo' n,ironmnt %or th m&loys
an' m&loyrs! Th '&artmnt &ro,i's lgal su&&ort to th organi(ation! Th
in$nti, s$hms &ro,i'' to th m&loys ar t2o ty&s &ro%itGlink' in$nti,s
s$hms %or th sta%% an' &ro'u$ts link' %or th 2orkrs! Ths &ro'u$t link'
in$nti,s ar gi,n monthly 2hit othr is gi,n yarly
.he loans provided to employees are
'ompany loan/ a sum o% rs@;>>HG is gi,n an' r$o,r' 2ithin @> months
through installmnt! It has ''u$t' %rom th monthly salary!
-estival loan/ A sum o% rs/>>>HG ha, gi,n 2hi$h ''u$t' %rom th salary!
0ousing loan/ an amount o% rs3>>>>HG is n$has' an' is r,rs' as @>>
1pecial loans/ this is th a''itional %a$ility, 2hi$h sr,r any s&$ial &ur&os
o% th m&loys!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology 3;
Kancor Ingredients
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology 3A
Kancor Ingredients
KAN"OR aims at mting $ustomr 4&$tation %or sr,i$ an' +uality! "om&any
&ro'u$ts ar koshr $rti%i' an' &a$kaging UN a&&ro,'! All th %un$tion o% this '&artmnt
is a$$or'ing to th ISO stan'ar' systm!
Thr is on managr %or th +uality assuran$ '&artmnt! Thy ar a$$ounta)l to
"TO! D&artmnt a$ti,ats in$lu' 'ayGtoG'ay +uality $ontrol, 2hi$h is ,ry ,ital %or th
su$$ss o% th $om&any!
Th '&artmnt 2orks in asso$iation 2ith $ommr$ial '&artmnt! All a$ti,itis o%
2hat $ommr$ial '&artmnt n's to ) takn as it r+uirs s&$i%i$ation an' 2hat a$tually
th $ustomr n's %rom thm is taking a%tr th la) $onsnt, ,n though at many situation it
n's to ) 'is$ar'' 'u to th ,ari' s&$i%i$ation o% $ustomr!
Th main analy(s 2orks o% +uality assuran$ '&artmnts
Guarant %or &ro'u$ts &aramtrs 2ith $rti%i$at o% analysis
6i$ro)iologi$al an' to4i$ologi$al 'ata on r+ust
7is$omtr )as' %lo2 &ro%iting %or olorsins
G" &ro%iling o% ,olatil oils
6i$ro)iologi$al tsting
Snsory &ro%iting an' a&&li$ation tst as &r r+ust
Psti$i' rsi'u an' to4in s$rning %or s&i$s
Muality $h$k
Ra2 matrial
"lanlinss< G %or $h$king 2hthr th ra2 matrials $ontain 'ir$t or othr tst' )y
,isual $h$k!
6oistur< G CG@/B moistur has s&$i%i'
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology 3=
Kancor Ingredients
A$ti, $om&onnts< G "h$king th &ro&ortion o% oil, &ungnt %ra$tion, $olor t$!
Purity o% th sol,nt $h$k' )%or sto$king! #or th 'i%%rnt sol,nt, th minimum
l,l r+uir' 'i%%rs!
Th l,ls ar as %ollo2s
A$ton N /;&&m
ED" N /;&&m
-4an N /;&&m
6thanol N ;>&&m
Iso&ro&yl al$ohol N ;>&&m
Ethyln $hlori' N 3>&&m
Physi$al &ro&rtis GGG s&$i%i$ gra,ity, r%ra$ti,, o&ti$al rotation
"om&osition GGGG GL" 8Gas Li+ui' $hromatogra&hy9 oils has mainly tr&hin
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology 3C
Kancor Ingredients
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology 3E
Kancor Ingredients
This '&artmnt %un$tions along 2ith +uality assuran$ 2ith a managr an' asst!
managr along 2ith t2o 4$uti,s! Muality $ontrol %o$uss on th %inal &ro'u$t! It 2ill
monitor th +uality o% th %inal &ro'u$t! 6arkting '&artmnt 2ill ) %or2ar'ing th $ustomr
s&$i%i$ation to th +uality $ontrol '&artmnt an' it 2ill ) $h$king 2hthr th %inal
&ro'u$t is mting th $ustomr s&$i%i$ation!
A',antags o% +uality $ontrol
R'u$tion in $ost o% &ro'u$tion
6a4imum utili(ation o% rsour$s
"onsumrs satis%a$tion
6inimi( ,ariation
In$ras in sals
R'u$ 2astags
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology :>
Kancor Ingredients
<" R!&!#RC+ #N* *!0!,'PM!NT *!P#RTM!NT
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology :@
Kancor Ingredients
Th rsar$h an' ',lo&mnt '&artmnt 'os a ma.or &art o% analysis %or th
$om&any5s &ro'u$tion! Thy 'o 2ork on sam&l tsting $hmist 'os th 2ork that su&&ort th
ssntials oil, )otani$al an' th nutra$nti$als 'i,ision! Thy also analy( on sol,nt that n's
to ) using %or 4tra$tion an' '$i' on thir %%$ti, mi4tur!
Th %un$tions o% thr '&artmnts
N2 &ro'u$t ',lo&mnt
A''ing mor ,alus to th 4isting &ro'u$t
Pro$ss im&ro,mnt
"ost r'u$tion
Im&ro, th &ro'u$t +uality to mt th $ustomr n's

Th r+ust to th rsar$h an' ',lo&mnt $an ) intrnal or 4trnal! Th
intrnal r+ust is mainly %rom th &ro'u$tion '&artmnt! Th rsar$h an' ',lo&mnt 2ill
tak a&&ro&riat st&s in that r+ust! Th 4trnal r+ust 2ill ) %rom th $ustomr! Th
$ustomr r+uirmnt %or2ar'' %rom markt '&artmnt, Rsar$h an' ',lo&mnt 2ill
analy( th $ustomr n's an' '$i's 2hthr to a$$&t or r.$t that o%%r! I% th Rsar$h
an' ',lo&mnt a$$&t th o%%r, thy 2ill analy( th r+uirmnt o% th rsour$ an' 'o
r,i2 o&ration in th &ilot &lant!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology :/
Kancor Ingredients

Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology :3
Kancor Ingredients
6aintnan$ in$lu's ins&$tion, $h$k u&, lu)ri$ation, &lanning an' s$h'uling,
training to maintnan$ sta%%, storag o% s&a$ t$! maintnan$ '&artmnt 'i,i'' in to %our
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology ::
Kancor Ingredients
@9 6$hani$al '&artmnt
/9 El$tri$al '&artmnt
39 Pro.$ts
:9 Utilitis
6$hani$al '&artmnt
6$hani$al '&artmnt han'l r&air an' maintnan$ o% m$hani$al +ui&mnts lik
%lakrs, $ntri%ugs, &um&s, mill, &ul,ri(, grin'r t$! this '&artmnt mainly $on$ntrats
on &r,nti, maintnan$ to a,oi' unn$ssary )rak'o2n an' smooth running o%
El$tri$al '&artmnt
El$tri$al '&artmnt han'l maintnan$ o% l$tri$al +ui&mnts lik motor an' othr
l$tri$al ',i$s! 6onthly &r,nti, maintnan$ s$h'ul has %ollo2' %or th )ttr
&r%orman$ o% all l$tri$al +ui&mnts!
Pro.$t '&artmnt
Th %un$tions o% &ro.$t '&artmnt ar n2 &lant 'signing, r$tion an' 4isting
&lant 4&ansion, $i,il $onstru$tion t$!

In this unit thr &lants ar thr
E%%lunt tratmnt &lant
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology :;
Kancor Ingredients

Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology :A
Kancor Ingredients
6atrial &lanning '&artmnt to ) &r$isly is th turn 2hl o% th $om&any
thr%or, 'os in,it th )asi$ attntion o% anyon in th organi(ation!

(unctions of material planning department
Pro'u$tion &lan
Pur$has &lan o% olorsin an' s&i$ oils
Pa$king matrial &lanning
In,ntory managmnt
Emulsi%ir %inish' goo' stors
Dis&at$h Planning
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology :=
Kancor Ingredients
S+OT A,al-.i.
Fran' nam!
Muality 4tra$ts!
Fttr sta)ility in th markt!
Goo's an' 4&rin$' 2ork %or$!
En,ironmnt %rin'ly 2orkrs!
"ar%ul sl$tion o% ra2 matrial!
E$o %rin'ly &ro'u$t!
Skill' human rsour$s!
No 2astag o% &ro'u$t!
Duration o% &ro'u$t!
Tra' unionism among 2orkrs!
No 'ir$t $onta$t 2ith th %inal $ustomrs!
Sasonal natur o% ra2 matrials!
Su&&lirs ar s&ra'ing all o,r th 2orl'!
La$k a',rtismnt!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology :C
Kancor Ingredients
Sin$, th markt to ) $a&tur' mor as $om&any has lo2 markt
shars, %or2ar' intgration!
Trmn'ous s$o& %or gro2th in In'ian markt!
"an a'o&t n2 t$hnology %or th &ro'u$tion!
Pro'u$t 'i,rsi%i$ation!
Agri$ultur )as $ountris lik "hinaD Tai2an t$ ar $om&any to th
stram go,rnmnt &oli$y!
"om&tition %rom its ri,al $om&anis!
Larg num)r o% Pro'u$ts!
Sasonal natur o% ra2 matrials!

Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology :E
Kancor Ingredients

A '$lining trn' 2as noti$' in &&&r in'ustry!
/! Th issu o% 'uty %r li$ns to s&$i%i' ,alu
a''ition norms an' 4&ort o)ligations has )n a',antags to th $om&any!
3! Gingr oil 4&ort has )n '$lin'!
:! *a&an 2as mrging as a ma.or tra'ing
$om&titor %or &&&r oil an' USA is th ma.or )uyr o% gingr oil!
;! #inan$ially soun'!
A! Goo' in'ustrial rlation!
=! Muali%i' an' skill' 2orkrs!
C! En,ironmnt %rin'ly!
E! USA is th ma.or )uyr o% gingr oil!
@>! LongGtrm 4&rin$ in th markt!
@@! 6a.ority o% m&loys 2r satis%i' 2ith th
2orking $on'ition!
@/! Th $om&any ha, goo' RLD '&artmnt!
@3! Th $om&any has $ntrali(' $om&utr systm!
@:! Em&loymnt to th lo$al &o&l!
@;! ?l%ar %a$ilitis to th 2orkrs
@A! P&si, Nstl, -in'ustan unil,r lt', ?i&ro,
Da)ur ar th main $ustomrs!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology ;>
Kancor Ingredients
@=! A k #la,ours an' A7T ar main $om&titors!
(#CI,ITI!& T' T+! /'R!R&
"antn %a$ility to ,ry on 2athr it is &rson on to& or th thir' gra' 2orkr has
%oo' at sam &ri$!
S$holarshi& an' othr r$ration %a$ility %ollo2' )y th Kan$or %or th $hil'rn o%
m&loys on th a$$ount o% th a&&r$iation in stu'is!
Kan$or 'ay $l)ration is th &art o% %ormal mting among all m&loys!
Kan$or ha, th rstroom an' in'oor gams %or 2orkrs to tak a2ay th )or'om o%
All managmnt sta%% is also takn $ar o% thir ma.or 4&ns lik th tl&hon an'
$ar an' its maintnan$ )y th $om&any! I% in th $as an m&loy in any mony %rom
his &o$kt o% th $om&any n', h is rim)urs'!
Training %a$ilitis an' ',lo&mnt a$ti,itis lik sminars mtings ar arrang'
insi' th $om&any!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology ;@
Kancor Ingredients


@! 6anagmnt shoul' $onsi'r th &r%orman$ o% m&loys %or taking
&romotion '$ision!
/! "om&any shoul' 4&loit th 'omsti$ markt!
3! It shoul' 4&an' 4&ort o&&ortunitis!
:! Th organi(ation shoul' &ro,i' )ttr in r$ration %a$ilitis to th
m&loys lik ra'ing room, li)rary, $ultur asso$iation t$!
;! Th $om&any shoul' in$ras th sals &romotion a$ti,itis in th
In'ian markt!
A! "om&any shoul' im&ro, th logisti$ orintation an' try to ha, a
logi$al ,ision an' turn its %%orts to mt ths ,isions!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology ;/
Kancor Ingredients

KAN"OR ingr'ints Limit' ar on o% th 2orl's la'ing manu%a$turing o% s&i$s,
olorsins, s&i$ oils, ssntials oils an' natural $olors! KAN"OR ingr'ints ha, a
signi%i$ant strngth in &ro'u$tion rsar$h &ro$ssing $a&a)ilitis an' managrial skills! Th
$om&any 2as a)l to mt intrnational stan'ar's an' to satis%y its $ustomr5s r+uirmnt )y
its stri$t +uality $ontrol an' $ustomr orint' managmnt styl! U& $om&romising systm
+uality managmnt has na)l' th $om&any to o)tain ISO stan'ar' an' -A""P
a$$r'itation %rom FSI!
S&i$s in'ustris %a$ a ma.or $hallng lik &ro'u$ti,ity $hallngs, +uality
$hallngs, ,alu a''ition $hallngs, an' +uity $hallngs t$! N2 %rontirs o% s$in$ an'
t$hnology &arti$ularly Fiot$hnology, in%ormation t$hnology, s&i$ t$hnology an'
rn2a)l nrgy! T$hnology 2ill &lay a 'ominant rol in %utur s&i$ in'ustry! Thr is
urgnt n' to mor rsar$h, 'issmination an' &o&ulation o% th tra'itional us o% th s&i$s
in In'ia!
KAN"OR has a signi%i$ant strngth in a &ro'u$tion rsar$h &ro$ssing $a&a)ilitis
an' managrial skills! Arm' 2ith all ths, KAN"OR has urg', 2ill aha' in th
intrnational markt an' 2ill &ro, a %or$ to r$kon 2ith in th %utur!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology ;3
Kancor Ingredients
KAN"OR &ro,i'' to th so$ity lik m&loymnt to th lo$al &o&l in th unskill'
ar an' 2l%ar amnitis to th 2orkrs as 2ll as to thir %amilis $om&any is 2orking un'r
th stri$t rul to n,ironmnt &rot$tion status, 'is&osing 2astr is s$inti%i$ mannr an'
k&ing n,ironmnt %rin'ly surrn'rs!
KAN"OR %inan$ial &r%orman$ is an in'i$ator o% th $om&any su$$ss! On o% th
im&ortant assts o% KAN"OR is th skill' human rsour$s! Th gnral a2arnss o% th
2orkrs is ,ry high! It na)ls to im&ro,' %%i$in$y in &ro'u$tion an' ,alu a''ition to th
&ro'u$ts! -r 2 $an $on$lu' that 2ith its 4$llnt managmnt styl an' goo' in'ustrial
rlation an' KAN"OR is gro2ing lik )ig tr!

FOD G Foar' O% 'ir$tors
6D G 6anaging Dir$tors
"EO G "hi% E4$uti, O%%i$r
"TO G "hi% T$hni$al O%%i$r
G6 G Gnral 6angr
A6 G Assistant 6angr
A6P G Assistant 6angr Path
#LA G #inan$ an' A$$ounts
R6 G Ra2 6atrials
A6 FL# G Assistant 6angr Fln'ing an' #inishing
F6D G Fusinss D,lo&mnt 6angr
6PGE G Assistant mangr Path nginring
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology ;:
Kancor Ingredients
EOD G Essntial oil Di,ision
A6GANA G Assistant 6angr Analysis
6GR PERS G 6angr Prsonnl
A6GADD G 6angr %or )usinss ',lo&mnt a''iti,s
FDGNUTRA G T$hni$al Di,ision Nutra$uti$als
EDD G El$troni$ Data Pro$ssing
PD G Pro'u$tion
IR G In'ustrial Rlation
PA to G Prsonnl assistant to 6D
NPD G N2 Pro'u$t D,lo&mnt
TR G Train
? G ?orkrs
6TR G 6anagmnt Train
" G "ontra$tor
ISD G Intrnational Stan'ar' Di,ision
-A""P G -a(aious Analysis $riti$al $ontrol &oint
ERP G Entr&ris Rsour$s Planning
6TA G 6tri$ Ton &r Annum
-PL" G -igh Pr%o%%ilan$ Li+ui' "hromatogra&hy
G" G Gas "hromatogra&hy
RLD G Rsar$h an' D,lo&mnt
LTA G la, Tra,ling Allo2an$s
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology ;;
Kancor Ingredients

Primary 'ata5s lik o)sr,ation an' %a$GtoG%a$ intr,i2!
Data5s %rom &r,ious &ro.$t r&orts 'on at KAN"OR!
Naipunnya Institute Of Management And Information Technology ;A

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