Warid and The Struggle To Be Number 1 in Telecom Industry: Preston University
Warid and The Struggle To Be Number 1 in Telecom Industry: Preston University
Warid and The Struggle To Be Number 1 in Telecom Industry: Preston University
Under the Su er!ision " #uidance o$% Submitted &y% Professor Ali Dawood BBA
Table o$ 'ontents (bstract 1) Introduction 1.1 In roduc ion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!..!!1 1." Brief His or#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. !!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!..5 1.$ Pro%lem Defini ion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. !!!!!! "& 1.& De'elopin( he H#po hesis!!!!!!!. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!"5 1.5 )%*ec i'es of + ud#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..!.!..", 1., -imi a ions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!". *) Research +ethodology ".1 -i era ure /e'iew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!. !!. "0 "." Desi(nin( 1ues ionnaire !!.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..!!!!!....$0 ".$ Personal In er'iew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. !!!!.!!!!!..$& $.& Collec in( Da a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..!!!..!!!.. !!..$. ,) (nalysis $.1 +2)3 Anal#sis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. !!..!!..!!!!!. $0
$." Per 3echni4ues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..!..!. !!!!!.&$ -) .indings/Obser!ations &.1 Ma*or 5indin(s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..!..!. !!!!!5$ &." ) her 5indin(s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..!. !!..!5& 0) Suggestions/Recommendations 5.1 +u((es ions for Mana(emen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!..!!!.!!!!5, 5." +u((es ions for Produc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!.!..5. &ibliogra hy!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. !!!!!!!!.!!!!.50 1uestionnaire Sam le !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. !!..,0
I dedica e his research wor6 o m# paren s who ha'e offered lo s of pra#ers and rendered heir comple e possi%le suppor hrou(hou all phases of i s comple ion. I will %e a%solu el# unfair o e7clude m# dear eachers of BBA ha ha'e afforded me oppor uni # o %enefi from he rich e7perience and a'aila%le facili ies8 I dedica e i o hem all9 as well.
Man# people ha'e helped me direc l# or indirec l#9 wi h he comple ion of his s ud#. 5irs 9 I would li6e o e7press m# sincere (ra i ude o m# super'isor9 Professor. Ali Ahmed Dawood from he Pres on :ni'ersi # has (i'en his 'alua%le super'ision and encoura(emen durin( he comple ion of his pro*ec . +econdl#9 I would li6e o e7press m# han6s o all hose differen people in he socie # whom I in er'iewed. 3he# had all helped me a lo in unders andin( how socie # roles on and differen classes in he socie #. 3hen I would li6e o han6 a couple of m# eachers and friends from differen %usiness schools who pro'ided me he coura(e o coopera e wi h he pro%lems in he wa# of course. I wish o a6e his oppor uni # o e7press m# sincere (ra i ude o m# fa her Mohammed Hashim for his uncondi ional suppor and encoura(emen hrou(hou he s ud#.
5etter o$ Transmittal
To, Professor, Ali Ahmed Dawood Preston University Main Campus, Karachi
Dear +ir9 Please find enclosed herewi h a comprehensi'e pro*ec research on ;2arid < he s ru((le o %e no.1 in elecom Indus r#= which is o%li(a or# for comple in( m# de(ree. 3he repor as %een (eared up under #our 'i%ran leadership as well as he (uidelines pro'ided o #ou. I hope and deem ha he followin( repor will %e immense in eres o he communal and o familiar person who has a fana ical o collec he informa ion on %ehalf of m# researched and (i'e an a rac i'e superior indul(en o he issue %ein( discussed as onward in o m# pro*ec . +incerel#9
(hmed 6ashim &&( 7 8II 1011911:9
5etter o$ (
Pro;ect Title% ;2arid < he s ru((le o %e no.1 in elecom Indus r#= To% Ahmed Hashim 1511-1103he Board of Ad'anced + udies a P>/+3)? :?I@>/+I3A has appro'ed his /esearch Pro*ec 9 su%mi ed in par ial fulfillmen of he re4uiremen s for he de(ree of Bachelors of Business Adminis ra ion.