GSA 2014 Information Book

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General Services Association

Information Document
Author Lead Officer Date of Issue Date of Review Date of Next Review December 2012 March 2014 2016

Information Book





"ission statement #oreword from the honorar$ %resident Introduction Sco%e O&'ectives Com%an$ Limited &$ Guarantee Roles and res%onsi&ilities Structure "em&ershi% Benefits of mem&ershi% (e&site Su%%ort Network Contact %oint for further information

3 4 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10


"ission statement

The Association is Committed to Developing and Disseminating Best Practice in the Prevention and Management of Aggression and Violence on a National and International level


#OR)(ORD #RO" *ONORAR+ R)SID)N, The system Control and Restra nt !eneral "er# ces$ %rom &h ch th s 'ssococ at on ta(es ts name$ &as n t ated n )o#ember 1988. *t de#ol#ed$ n +art$ %rom the earl er &or( o% the ,hys cal on /ranch o% the ,r son "er# ce n de# s n0 &ays to enable sta%% to co+e sa%ely$ e%%ect #ely and la&%.lly & th m nor and lar0er scale d sr.+t on n establ shments. 1rom "e+tember 1981$ the ,r son "er# ce had already made bas c and *nstr.ctor tra n n0 a#a lable to 23 4ealth "er# ce Tr.sts &hose sta%% &ere res+ons ble %or and med .m +ro# s on$ to "+ec al 4os+ tals and to the "cott sh "tate 4os+ tal at Carsta rs. ,ro0rammes &ere ch e%ly concerned & th the sa%e conta nment o% and$ &here necessary$ the remo#al to a 5. eter +lace$ dan0ero.sly threaten n0 or % 0ht n0 s.b6ects$ to0ether & th a ran0e o% other techn &h ch m 0ht be needed n d sr.+t #e s ons. ' certa n amo.nt o% bas c one7to7one +ersonal de%ence &as also co#ered. /y the late 19808s$ t had become ncreas n0ly clear that the need and demand %or 0. dance and tra n n0 n the sa%e mana0ement o% # olent beha# o.r had 0one &ell beyond that o% sta%% &or( n0 n care sett n0s. "ta%% n other cl n cal areas$ n 0eneral hos+ tals and +sych atr c .n ts$ n the % elds o% soc al and onal care$ and those &or( n0 n the comm.n ty at lar0e &ere amon0 those &hose da ly tas( n#ol#ed to +oss ble a00ress on. 'ccord n0ly$ n )o#ember 1988$ Control and Restra nt !eneral "er# ces &as ntrod.ced and ada+ted to meet the #ary n0 and more s+ec % c needs o% those n the c sector. 'n nd cat on o% areas co#ered$ and "er# ce 2sers s s+elt o.t n the sect on o% th s *n%ormat on ,ac( deal n0 & th :b6ect #es$ ,h loso+hy and ; " nce ts n t al %ormat on$ the sco+e o% !eneral "er# ces has stead ly ncreased across a & de ran0e o% or0an sat ons$ both n the 23 and o#erseas. !eneral "er# ces T.tors ha#e the tas( o% sett n0 .+ tra n n0 +ro0rammes to meet the o+erat onal needs o% sta%% and to +ro# de %or the necessary on0o n0 s.++ort. *n <.ne 1996$ o% the e9tent and d #erse o% the r rem t$ !eneral "er# ces T.tors %elt t &o.ld be to %orm an 'ssoc at on &h ch dre& to0ether those &or( n0 n all areas to re# e& c.rrent +ract ce and to +ro# de n%ormat on$ 0. dance and s.++ort to members$ to share o+erat onal e9+er ence and = most
219997951.doc 5

m+ortantly = that the +r nc +les and o% !eneral "er# ces &ere %.lly ma nta ned. )o re+.table techn %or deal n0 sa%ely & th # olent nc dents can e#er be totally e%%ect #e n e#ery emer0ency. !eneral "er# ces tra n n0 a ms to 0o as %ar alon0 th s d %% road as +oss ble$ cons stent & th the la& and & th 0ood +ro%ess onal +ract ce. Th s *n%ormat on ,ac($ n some res+ects$ de% nes th s 6o.rney. * ho+e yo. % nd t .se%.l and nterest n0 and %eel %ree at all t mes to ma(e contact & th the D rectors o% the 'ssoc at on$ & th members o% the "en or T.tor !ro.+$ or a collea0.e &ho may be n a +os t on to meet a +art cl.lar need.

Aidan Healey, OBE

*onorar$ resident Au!ust -./0


/1 Introduction The !eneral "er# ces 'ssoc at on >the !"'$ the 'ssoc at on? s an assoc at on o% t.tors tra ned and assessed n the del #ery o% !eneral "er# ces techn %rom the med cally r s( assessed !eneral "er# ces Core C.rr c.l.m. -1 Sco%e The %ollo& n0 ob6ect #es are ntended to s.++ort the %ollo& n0 0ro.+s@ 2.1. ).rses$ Doctors$ 'nc llary Aor(ers and sec.r ty sta%% res+ons ble %or the sa%ety o% the c &ho come to )4" or +r #ate hos+ tals or to "+ec al 2n ts and to schools and other ser# ces as +at ents$ # s tors or escorts. 2.2. Those members o% the c &or( n0 n the & der comm.n ty$ +art c.larly those res+ons ble %or the care$ s.++ort and treatment o% ad.lts or ch ldren n res dent al homes$ %or :.treach "er# ces$ a%ter care +ro# s on and %or sa%ely meet n0 emer0enc es. 2.3. "ta%% loo( n0 a%ter ad.lts$ ch ldren and yo.n0 +eo+le & th +otent al %or ser o.sly d sr.+t #e and # olent beha# o.r 2.4. Those n "+ec al )eeds or ma nstream on by tra n n0 sta%% n a++ro+r ate means o% restr ct #e +hys cal nter#ent on &here th s s essent al n the nterest o% sa%ety. 01 O&'ectives 3.1. To de#elo+$ ma nta n and d ssem nate best +ract ce n the sa%e +re#ent on and mana0ement o% a00ress on and # olence on a nat onal and nternat onal le#el. 3.2. To +rotect and +reser#e the health and sa%ety o% the c$ +art c.larly those n need o% s+ec al care and treatment. 3.3. To +rotect and +reser#e the health and sa%ety o% those res+ons ble %or +ro# d n0 care to the c. 3.4. To de#elo+$ ma nta n and e9+and +ro# s on o% tra n n0 n the sa%e mana0ement o% a00ress on and # olence. 3.5. To de#elo+$ ma nta n and e9+and s.++ort and ad# sory ser# ces n sa%e mana0ement o% a00ress on and # olence. 3.6. To de#elo+$ ma nta n and e9+and tra n n0 sta%% n a++ro+r ate means o% restr ct #e +hys cal nter#ent on &here th s s essent al n the nterest o% sa%ety. 3.7. To establ sh and ma nta n e%%ect #e &or( n0 relat onsh +s & th !o#ernment de+artments$ sta%% assoc at ons$ com+an es$ or0an sat ons$ .n #ers t es$ other +ro%ess onal bod es$ ha# n0 +art c.lar re0ard to those &h ch most closely a%%ect the a++roach$ +lann n0$ c.rr and standards o% tra n n0 .nderta(en by members 3.8. To +romote and ma(e a#a lable$ & tho.t restr ct #e +ract ce$ any research and on n mana0 n0 a00ress on that may be to members and to other or0an sat ons



To enco.ra0e$ s.++ort and +romote the 0eneral &el%are o% members nd # or collect #ely &here#er they are en0a0ed n tra n n0$ n an o+erat onal sett n0 or .nderta( n0 research. 3.10. To ma nta n and e9+and so %ar as reso.rces allo&$ the Com+any8s re0.lar % nanc al s.++ort %or char table or0an sat ons to +ro# de %or those n ser o.s need at home and abroad. 21 Com%an$ Limited &$ Guarantee 4.1. The 'ssoc at on s a Com+any B m ted by !.arantee. Com+an es B m ted by !.arantee are +r #ate l m ted com+an es &here the l ab l ty o% ts members s l m ted. 4.2. ' !.arantee Com+any does not ha#e a share ca+ tal$ b.t has members &ho are 0.arantors nstead o% shareholders. B m tat on o% l ab l ty ta(es the %orm o% a 0.arantee %rom ts members to +ay a nom nal s.m n the e#ent o% the com+any be n0 &o.nd .+ &h le they are a member or & th n one year o% the r ceas n0 to be a member. 4.3. The amo.nt o% money that s 0.aranteed %or 'ssoc at on members s a ma9 m.m o% C1 and s stated & th n the Memorand.m D 'rt cles o% 'ssoc at on. 31 Roles and Res%onsi&ilities 5.1. ,he Board of Directors 5.1.1. The /oard o% D rectors cons sts o% .+ to t&el#e nd # d.als elected at the ' !eneral Meet n0 E'!MF o% the 'ssoc at on. 1rom & th n ts membersh +$ the /oard a++o nts a Cha r ,erson$ !eneral "ecretary Ecom+any secretaryF$ and Treas.rer. :ne th rd o% the /oard res 0ns each year$ +r or to the '!M$ and may be re elected or re+laced by ne& /oard Members. 5.1.2. The /oard has a set o% ob6ect #es &h ch To ra se %.nds and rece #e contr b.t ons b.t not to .nderta(e any s.bstant al +ermanent trad n0 act # t es. To em+loy sta%% as may be necessary n t o% the 'ssoc at onGs :b6ect #es. To co7o+erate & th char t es$ #ol.ntary bod es and stat.tory a.thor t es o+erat n0 n %.rtherance o% the 'ssoc at onGs :b6ect #es. To a++o nt and const t.te ad# sory comm ttees as the /oard o% D rectors may th n( % t. To ta(e any other la&%.l ste+s as may be necessary to ach e#e the 'ssoc at onGs :b6ect #es. 5.2. ,he Senior ,utor Grou% 5.2.1. The "en or T.tor !ro.+ s the 'ssoc at ons ad# sory body. *t +ro# des ad# ce$ 0. dance and s.++ort n all as+ects o% the 'ssoc at ons de#elo+ment. *n +art c.lar$ the !ro.+ n%l.ence and mana0e the 'ssoc at ons Core C.rr c.l.m and ran0e o% 'dd t onal Techn





Members o% the "en or T.tor !ro.+ &or( closely & th the /oard o% D rectors # a the Cha r o% the "en or T.tor !ro.+. The cha r o% the sen or t.tor 0ro.+ attends all board meet n0s n a non7#ot n0 ca+ac ty. Members o% the "en or T.tor !ro.+ ha#e res+ons b l ty %or the des 0n$ del #ery and on o% T.tor Tra n n0 and 2+date co.rses and are res+ons ble %or contr b.t n0 to the on70o n0 de#elo+ment o% the 'ssoc at ons systems and +rocesses. Members o% the "en or T.tor !ro.+ are made .+ o% nd # d.als &ho & ll ha#e a m n m.m o% three years e9+er ence as a !eneral "er# ces T.tor$ and &ho ha#e met the a++ro+r ate cr ter a & th n the a++l cat on +rocess. "en or T.tor stat.s s s.b6ect to clear cr ter a$ ned n the "en or T.tor ,ol cy Doc.ment.


,he "em&ershi% 5.3.1. Members o% the 'ssoc at on are 0eneral ser# ces t.tors %rom a & de ran0e o% bac(0ro.nds. 5.3.2. Members n%l.ence n the &or( and de#elo+ment o% the 'ssoc at on thro.0h attendance at 2+date tra n n0$ and thro.0h attendance at the ' !eneral Meet n0.

41 Structure


"em&ershi% There are three ty+es o% membersh +$ nd #$ cor+orate and %rom the 1st '+r l 2014$ honorary membersh +. 'ccord n0 to the Memorand.m and 'rt cles o% 'ssoc at on Membersh + 1ees be +a d by the end o% <.ly '++l cat on and rene&al %orms ncl.d n0 membersh + costs can be %o.nd on the !"' &ebs te. &&& 7.1. Individual 7.1.1. *nd # Membersh + s a#a lable to all those &ho ha#e s.ccess%.lly com+leted a reco0n sed !eneral "er# ces T.tor tra n n0 co.rse and there%ore hold a !eneral "er# ces 'ssoc at on T.tor cert % cate. 7.1.2. 'll Members are re5. red to de#elo+ and ma nta n an 'ssoc at on +ort%ol o &h ch re%lects the r act # t es as a T.tor. ,ort%ol os are s.b6ect to random a.d t$ and all members t the r +ort%ol o8s %or a.d t +r or to mandatory .+date tra n n0. 7.1.3. 'll Members attend an .+date that ncl.des assessment o% the (ey +r nc +als o% each area o% the Core C.rr c.l.m learned thro.0ho.t the co.rse o% T.tor tra n n0.

219997951.doc 2+date tra n n0 s three days n d.rat on and concl.des & th an assessment +rocess. 7.2. Cor%orate "em&ershi% 7.2.1. Cor+orate Membersh + s a#a lable to or0an sat ons that ha#e h 0her n.mbers o% T.tors. The re5. rements %or el 0 b l ty %or th s ty+e o% membersh + are the same as those ned n *nd # Membersh +. The (ey d %%erence bet&een the t&o ty+es o% membersh + s the &ay n &h ch %ee8s are le# ed. 7.2.2. Cor+orate Membersh + %ees are based on a sl d n0 scale &h ch re%lects the n.mber o% T.tors & th n the or0an sat on. The cost o% membersh + ncreases n accordance & th the n.mber o% T.tors. 7.3. *onorar$ "em&ershi% 4onorary Membersh + s a ne& cate0ory e%%ect #e %rom 1st '+r l 2014. 7.3.1. 4onorary Members are !"' t.tors &ho no lon0er +ro# de tra n n0 e ther o% ret rement or chan0e n 6ob roles. They ha#e #ast e9+er ence as tra ners and & sh to cont n.e to s.++ort the !"' n de#elo+ments. 7.3.2. 4onorary members need to be nom nated and seconded by board members. 7.3.3. 4onorary Members & ll ha#e %.ll membersh + r 0hts. 61 Benefits Of "em&ershi% 8.1. Members ha#e the r 0ht to #ote at the ' !eneral Meet n0. 8.2. Members ha#e the ab l ty to n%l.ence the de#elo+ment and d rect on o% the 'ssoc at on. 8.3. Members can #ote or stand n elect ons %or any #acanc es &h ch may ar se n the 'ssoc at on. 8.4. Members & ll be el 0 ble %or a d sco.nted dele0ate rate %or the 'ssoc at ons con%erences and e#ents and & ll ha#e access to %.rther tra n n0 o++ort.n t es made a#a lable by the 'ssoc at on. 71 (e&site 9.1. "em&ers 9.1.1. :nce re0 stered & th the 'ssoc at on$ members & ll ha#e +ass&ord +rotected access to the members area o% !"' &ebs te at &&& 9.1.2. The &ebs te conta ns a &ealth o% n%ormat on to s.++ort members n the sa%e mana0ement o% a00ress on and # olence. 9.1.3. Members access n0 the Aebs te & ll ha#e access to a Members 'rea ncl.d n0@ D on ,ol c es$ *n%ormat on Doc.ments and ,os t onal "tatements. Co.rse n%ormat on ; deo and a c.rrent co+y o% the Core C.rr c.l.m. Deta ls o% e#ents as con%erences ncl.d n0 co+ es o% con%erence +resentat ons. )e&s on c.rrent n t at #es and de#elo+ments n the % eld.
219997951.doc 10

2se%.l B n(s ' & de ran0e o% related &ebs te addresses and .se%.l re%erences. /.llet n /oard M n.tes o% Meet n0s

/.1 Su%%ort Network 10.1. The !eneral "er# ces 'ssoc at on s one o% the lar0est membersh + or0an sat ons %or +hys cal nter#ent on tra ners n the 2n ted 3 n0dom. 10.2. Members & ll become +art o% a h.0e net&or( o% T.tors across the 23 and abroad. 10.3. Members & ll ha#e access to n%ormat on$ reso.rces and s.++ort n % eld o% a00ress on mana0ement %rom a & de #ar ety o% occ.+at onal 0ro.+ n0s and %rom all areas o% health$ on and soc al care$ ncl.d n0 many s+ec al st ser# ces. 10.4. Members & ll be able to see( ad# ce and 0. dance n all as+ects o% des 0n$ del #ery and on o% tra n n0 e#ents$ and also n mana0ement o% o+erat onal s ons. //1 Contact oint #or #urther Information *% yo. &o.ld l (e any %.rther deta ls abo.t the 'ssoc at on or abo.t becom n0 a member$ +lease contact The !eneral "ecretary. Contact Deta ls can be %o.nd on the !"' &ebs te. &&& Date of Review8 "arch -./2



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