Edu3460 Lesson Plan
Edu3460 Lesson Plan
Edu3460 Lesson Plan
Author: Catherine Lader (Lader, 2013) Title: MyPlate Grade Level and Michigan Curriculum Framework (MCF) and Technology Service: Grades 9-12. Aligned to o!!on ore state standards: " #L. 9-10.2: $ntegrate !%lti&le so%r es o' in'or!ation &resented in di(erse !edia
or 'or!ats (e.g., (is%ally, )%antitati(ely, orally) e(al%ating the redi*ility and a %ra y o' ea h so%r e. " #L. 11-12.2: $ntegrate !%lti&le so%r es o' in'or!ation &resented in di(erse 'or!ats and !edia (e.g., (is%ally, )%antitati(ely, orally) in order to !a+e in'or!ed de isions and sol(e &ro*le!s, e(al%ating the redi*ility and a %ra y o' ea h so%r e and noting any dis re&an ies a!ong the data. " #t%dents ,ill *e a*le to %tili-e MyPlate 'ood g%ide to gain %&dated n%tritional in'or!ation. " ./a!ine !eal !en% and !a+e hanges to in rease n%tritional (al%e.
Rationale: 0his lesson is *eing ta%ght to hel& st%dents %nderstand and learn the di''eren e *et,een di''erent ty&es o' 'oods and ,here they are &la ed on MyPlate. $t ,ill sho, st%dents ho, to !a+e healthier li'estyle hoi es in the '%t%re *y %sing MyPlate as a g%ide. #t%dents sho%ld *e a*le to %nderstand ho, i!&ortant the on e&t o' MyPlate is and %nderstand n%tritional (al%e in the 'oods they eat e(eryday. 0hey sho%ld also *e a*le to %nderstand ,hat !a+es a healthy 'ood hoi e and ,hy. Prere ui!ite Skill!" #t%dents !%st *e a*le to read and interr%&t n%tritional (al%e la*els on 'ood ite!s. 0hey sho%ld also *e a*le to %nderstand ,hat ea h ite! on the list ty&i ally !eans. Antici#atory Set ($ocu!)" #t%dents ,ill olle t three e/a!&les o' 'ood ite!s &rior to lass and *ring it ,ith the!. 1ith %sing the 'irst 2-10 !in%tes o' lass the tea her ,ill e/a!ine the 'ood ite!s *rie'ly and hel& the st%dents deter!ine ,ho is s%&&lying the in'or!ation. #t%dents ,ill then identi'y 'a t%al in'or!ation 'ro! their 'ood ite! &a +aging (ers%s ,ording3 lai!s %sed 'or !ar+et &%r&oses. 0he tea her ,ill then as+ the st%dents to re'er to the 4#5A and ,hat it stands 'or. 0he st%dents ,ill also *e as+ed ,hat is its &%r&ose. 0he st%dents ,ill then share ,hat they ha(e learned in a *rie' lass dis %ssion. The Le!!on Plan Goal and %&'ective(!) and Pur#o!e" Gi(en the MyPlate tear &ad sheet ,ith )%estions on the re(erse side and a o!&%ter in the o!&%ter la*, the st%dents ,ill ,or+ in gro%&s to hel& ea h other ans,er the )%estion thoro%ghly and learly. 6ro! then they ,ill reate a *etter %nderstanding a*o%t ,hat ty&es o' 'oods are onsidered #o6A# and ,hi h ty&es o' 'oods are onsidered to *e a good 'ood hoi e a ording to ,hat they are learning ,ith MyPlate. $n order to &ass this assign!ent, st%dents !%st sho, &arti i&ation in their gro%&s as ,ell as &arti i&ation in the MyPlate tear &ad sheet they ,ere gi(en.
(n!tructional (n#ut" 0he (o a*%lary and on e&ts that tea her ,ill i!&art to the st%dents in order to *e s% ess'%l are MyPlate, 4#5A, #o6A#, and the on e&t on ho, to !a+e healthy 'ood hoi es *ased on MyPlate. Modeling" 0ea her ,ill sho, a MyPlate &oster to the st%dents and &ro(ide a 'e, e/a!&les o' #o6A# to gi(e the st%dents an idea o' ,hat they ,ill *e doing ,hen the assign!ent is o!&leted. #t%dents ,ill not *e allo,ed to %se the sa!e e/a!&les and !%st thin+ o' their o,n. Checking $or )nder!tanding" 0he tea her ,ill he + 'or %nderstanding *%t o*ser(ing the st%dents as they ,or+ in their gro%&s. 0he tea her ,ill *e loo+ing 'or st%dents %nderstanding the on e&t *ehind MyPlate and ho, it di''ers 'ro! MyPyra!id. 0he tea her ,ill also he + 'ro %nderstanding *y he +ing to see i' the st%dents are ans,ering the )%estions assigned to ea h gro%& on the *a + o' the MyPlate tear &ad orre tly. 0hey sho%ld *e ,or+ing together to ans,er the )%estions and olle t a *etter %nderstanding a*o%t the to&i . Guided Practice" 1hile the lass is s&lit %& into their assigned gro%&s, the tea her ,ill ,al+ aro%nd and !a+e s%re all the st%dents are on the right tra +. 0he tea her ,ill intera t ,ith the st%dents to hel& the! get !ore engaged into the assign!ent and *e o!e !ore reati(e ,ith their ans,ers as+ed on the *a + o' the MyPlate ,or+sheet. 0ea her ,ill *e there 'or s%&&ort and instr% tion7 i' needed. Clo!ure: 0he tea her ,ill o!&lete the assign!ent *y allo,ing the st%dents to %se adhesi(e notes ,ith 'ood la*els on the! to &la e on a MyPlate &oster. 0hey sho%ld *e a*le to identi'y ,hi h 'oods are onsidered &art o' the MyPlate re)%ire!ents and ,hat is onsidered a #o6A#. $' a st%dent is %ns%re they an &la e their ard on the &oster ,ith a )%estion !ar+ on it. (nde#endent Practice" 0he ,ay st%dents ,ill &ra ti e on their o,n is *y o!ing in 'ront o' the lass and &la ing an adhesi(e note ard on the MyPlate &oster. 0his ,ay all st%dents get an o&&ort%nity to &ra ti e &la ing di''erent ty&es o' 'oods in di''erent ategories. 0hey are also getting an o&&ort%nity to &ra ti e ,hile in their assigned gro%&s. 0hey an also &ra ti e ,ith their lass!ates on ,hat ty&es o' 'oods are onsidered #o6A#, %nhealthy and healthy 'oods. Technology: a. #t%dents ,ill ha(e li!ited a ess to the $nternet in the s hools o!&%ter la*. 0hey ,ill *e dire ted to the MyPlate and MyPrya!id ,e*sites 'or their gro%& assign!ent. *. 0he st%dents ,ill o*tain !any s+ills ,hen o!&leting this assign!ent. 0hey ,ill *e a*le to *ro,se the $nternet in sear h 'or a s&e i'i ,e*site. 0hey ,ill also *e a*le to o*tain %se'%l in'or!ation 'ro! the $nternet 'or their assign!ent to hel& the! 'ind ans,ers. . 0he reso%r es that are needed to tea h the te hnology s+ills 'or this lesson is the ,e*site needed to ans,er the )%estions on the MyPlate ,or+sheet. d. #t%dents ,ill already ha(e so!e +no,ledge on ho, to %se the o!&%ter 'ro! &re(io%s lessons. 8%t the tea her ,ill de!onstrate ho, to o&en the &re'erred ,e*site and ho, to na(igate the &age. #t%dents sho%ld *e 'a!iliar ,ith the *asi s and i' they need hel&, they !ay as+. e. 0he ,e*sites that are &art o' the this lesson are ,,,.!y&rya!id.go( and ,,,.!y&late.go( ,e*site. 0hese ,e*sites ,ill *e %sed in !y lesson 'or the st%dents to ans,er the
)%estions on the MyPlate ,or+sheet in their gro%&s. 0he ,e*sites ,ill hel& the! %nderstand the di''eren e *et,een MyPlate and MyPry!aid. Material!*re!ource!" " MyPlate &oster " MyPlate tear &ads3&la e !ats " MyPlate 'ood +it " MyPlate Cling 9it " Co!&%ter la* and $nternet a ess " #el'-adhesi(e notes " Large )%estion !ar+ and #o6A# sign " Gra&hi o' retired MyPyra!id: #te&s to a :ealthier ;o%. Time Frame" 0he assign!ent sho%ld ta+e the entire day o' lass. Activitie!*Procedure!" 0here are three a ti(ities that ,ill ta+e &la e in this lesson. 1. 6or the 'irst a ti(ity that sho%ld ta+e a*o%t 12-20 !in%tes, the tea her ,ill introd% e MyPlate and ea h st%dent re ei(es a tear &ad sheet3&la e !at ,ith a hart o' )%estions on the re(erse side. 2. #t%dents !a+e o!&arisons *et,een MyPlate and the 2002 MyPyra!id: #te&s to a :ealthier ;o% (the !a<or di''eren e is MyPyra!id stresses a day=s inta+e ,hile MyPlate is <%st one !eal at a ti!e). 3. 0he lass ,ill then *e di(ided into three gro%&s ,ith the 'ollo,ing tas+s to o!&lete in the o!&%ter la* %sing the ,,,.MyPlate.go( ,e*site. >. 0he se ond a ti(ity sho%ld ta+e a*o%t 10-12 !in%tes. Large gro%& dis %ssion ,ill ta+e &la e ,here st%dents ,ill dis %ss ,hat ha(e ,e learned so 'ar? 2. Gro%&s go thro%gh their MyPlate )%estions and ans,ers ,ith lass. :o, do they s%&&ort healthy eating and ,ellness? 4sing MyPlate in'or!ation, ,hat hanges sho%ld to *e !ade? @. 0he third a ti(ity sho%ld ta+e a*o%t 2 !in. 0he tea her ,ill then &la e the MyPlate &oster on a entrally lo ated 'lat s%r'a e. 8ased on the MyPlate &la e !at, st%dents e/&lain the !eaning o' #o6A# (#olid 6ats and Added #%gars) and &ro(ide e/a!&les. A. #t%dents ,ill sort their 'ood ite!s onto the &oster along ,ith a(aila*le 'ood re&li as and 'ood lings. 1hen a st%dent is %ns%re ,here a 'ood ite! *elongs, they &la e it on the large )%estion !ar+ and %se the #o6A# sign 'or %nhealthy 'ood hoi es. B. 0o ,ra& %& the assign!ent, three st%dent gro%&s re(ie, 'ood ite!s on their se tion(s) o' the &oster. 9. 0hey deter!ine ,hi h are e/a!&les and non-e/a!&les o' healthy 'ood hoi es. 10. .a h gro%& shares t,o e/a!&les and t,o non-e/a!&les o' healthy hoi es ,ith the lass and e/&lains their rationale (i.e., ,hole grain (ers%s &ro essed Per$ormance A!!e!!ment" $ ,ill +no, that the instr% tion ,as s% ess'%l *y ,at hing the st%dents as they &la e their ards on the orre t s&ot. $' the st%dents %nderstand the on e&t o' assign!ent they sho%ld +no, ,here ea h &i t%re o' 'ood sho%ld *e &la ed orre tly. 0he designed lesson &lan did !eet the intended o*<e ti(es *e a%se all o' the st%dents ,ere s% ess'%l ,hile doing the assign!ent. 0hey all &la ed the ards in the right &la e and as+ed 'or hel& ,hen they needed it. 0he st%dents ,ere a*le to a hie(e the desired a&a*ilities that ,ere de'ined in the
o*<e ti(es. 0hey o*tained a *etter %nderstanding a*o%t ,hat 'ood are onsidered a healthier 'ood hoi e in o!&arison to a 'ood that is onsidered a *ad 'ood hoi e. Follow+u#*,-ten!ion Activity" 6or ho!e,or+, the st%dents ,ill *e assigned to '%rther their +no,ledge *y !o(ing one ste& '%rther. 0hey ,ill *e assigned to disse t a 'ood ad or &a +age &rior to the ne/t lass. 0his is %sed to sho, that they %nderstand the 'a t%al in'or!ation and *e a*le to %nderline the ,ording3 lai!s %sed 'or !ar+eting &%r&oses. Re$lection!" $ tr%ly en<oyed !a+ing this lesson &lan *e a%se it geared !e to,ards a lesson $ an a t%ally tea h as a tea her in the '%t%re. $ en<oyed this assign!ent *e a%se it ,as !y 'irst ti!e reating a lesson &lan. $t ,as a great e/&erien e to o&en !y !ind on ho, things are ,hen $ do *e o!e a tea her one day. 0he !ain reason $ hoose this lesson 'ro! !any other is *e a%se the st%dents ,or+ in gro%&s. $ 'elt that ,or+ing in gro%&s and getting a !ore hands on e/&erien e is s% h a great ,ay to learn so!ething as a st%dent. Re$erence!" Lader, Catherine. (2013) MyPlate-C%trition and 1ellness. Nasco, Volume 19, htt&:33,,,.share!ylesson. o!3Deso%r
Poor . Point! Content 2nowledge
All ans,ers ,ere in o!&lete and does not dis&lay the orre t in'or!ation o(ered in lass Co )%estions ,ere ans,ered orre tly
Fair / #oint!
5is&laying so!e in orre t in'or!ation o(ered in the lass 1-2 ans,ers ,ere orre tly ans,ered
Good 0 #oint!
4nderstands s%*<e t at hand *%t does not e/&lain thoro%ghly eno%gh 3-2 )%estions orre tly and e''i iently 1or+ed ,ell ,ith &eers *%t did not gi(e it 100F #o!e,hat reati(e *%t la +ed o(erall enth%sias! Co%&le s&elling and gra!!ar !ista+es
,-ceed! 1. #oint!
4nderstands the s%*<e t at hand e''i iently.
3ork 4uality*,$$ort
1as not reati(e at all ,ith the assign!ent and la +ed any e''ort C%!ero%s s&elling and gra!!ar !ista+es.
1as there *%t ,as not a ti(ely engaged in the assign!ent #ho,ed a little o' reati(ity *%t ,as not engaged in the assign!ent 6e, s&elling and gra!!ar !ista+es
Ans,ers all )%estions orre tly and sho,ed great %nderstanding o' the s%*<e t 1or+ed great ,ith &eers and sho,ed '%ll enth%sias! a*o%t the s%*<e t #ho,ed great reati(ity and enth%sias! on the assign!ent Co s&elling or gra!!ar !ista+es. Great Go*HH