Glad Tidings - September 2009

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No.6. Vol 10 September 2009

Fall Gathering Church School

Welcome Back Registration
Sunday is
September 20 R egistration forms for
Christ Episcopal Church
Sunday School classes will be
J oin us to celebrate the
beginning of a new program
year at Christ Episcopal Church
available in the church on Sun-
day September 13 and Sunday,
Septemer 20. Sunday School
on Sunday, September 20. Holy Director Susan Jillson and her
Eucharist will be celebrated at dedicated group of Sunday
8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Following School teachers are anticipating
the 10 a.m. Eucharist, we will an exciting and active year with
gather for a “carry-in” brunch the children of our parish.
and hot dog roast. Church Susan A. Jillson
School will re-convene on this Sunday School Director
Sunday School classes begin on
Sunday. Sunday, September 20. Classes
New Adult
Thursday begin each week at 9:30 a.m.
We will celebrate the beginning
Mother and Others of Church School with our Formation Series
Bible Study annual Fall Gathering/Welcome

F ather Tony will, once again,

lead our Thursday morning
Back Sunday celebration. Join
us for a carry-in brunch and
Hot Dog roast on September
B eginning on Tuesday,
September 15 at 7:00
p.m. Christ Episcopal Church
Bible Study each week at 20. will offer a new ADULT
9:30 a.m. All are welcome to CHRISTIAN FORMATION
participate. Come and learn SERIES. We will begin by
with us as we explore Holy exploring and discussing
Scripture and the meaning of Christian Spirituality in the
its centuries old message for Wednesday Healing Anglican tradition.
our lives as Christians in the
21st Century. This is a relaxed Eucharists Resume We will share readings from the
and “no-experience necessary” Rev. Henri Nouwen, author of
study time. Participants are
asked to bring a Bible. B eginning on Wednesday,
September 23 we will again
offer a weekly Holy Eucharist
Bread for the Journey, and the
Rev. Margaret Guenther, author
of On Holy Ground. This will be
of Healing each Wednesday at a 12 part series concluding on
12 o’clock noon. The weekly Tuesday, December 1.
service includes intercessory
prayers for healing, sacramental If you are able to attend all or
laying on of hands, and some of the offerings, please
anointing with holy oil. The plan on joining us for lively
service is usually about thirty discussions and explorations of
five minutes long. All are the history, study, and practice
welcome and encouraged to of Christian Spirituality in the
bring a friend. Anglican tradition.
CELEBRATE THE Concertato Search Committee
FEAST OF 2009/2010 Report

ST. FRANCIS he Concert committee
he Rector Search Committee

is pleased to announce
n honor of the Feast of Saint a stellar line up for the built the text of the Parish
Francis of Assisi, Christ second season of Concertato. Profile over the summer
Episcopal Church will offer a months. This overview of our
“Blessing of the Animals” Service  October 3: Mixed Company ,  a church and congregation will be
on Saturday, October 3 at 12 noon choral group from Yale published in a limited hard copy
on the Guilford Green. All are format and posted on the internet.
welcome to bring their pets to October 24 : Halloween concert This posting will make it available
receive a special blessing in honor for children for any candidate interested in
of St. Francis, patron saint of becoming the next Rector of our
animals and ecology. Novemebr 21: Adam and friends Church.
on the Great Organ
Animal Blessing Services are held Like many documents and
around the country in observance March 13 : Paul Tipton, tenor
presentations, much more
of St. Francis Day which is and Adam Pajan, piano
information was composed and
actually October 4. Since our assembled than what will be in the
Guilford Crop Walk is held that May 15: Will Duchon (of Classic
FM fame) piano published product. The text is now
day we have chosen to celebrate in the “layout” process with photos
on Saurday.
June 12 : Boughton Piano Trio of the church and past events,
sketches, and maps being inserted.
The service held in the Episcopal Season tickets will be available After approval by the whole search
Cathedral of St. John the Divine after church on September 20 . committee, it will be submitted
in New York City, the largest Cost will be $75 for the season or to the Diocese for final approval
gothic cathedral in the world,
often includes elephants, llamas,
$15 for individual concerts.  Gold before we begin our actual search.
Series Sponsorship is $150 and
horses, boa constrictors and a comes with special mention
wide variety of domestic and Resumes of the candidates, which
in the program and a season have passed through Diocese’s
exotic animals. ticket.  We are also looking screening, will be forwarded to the
for sponsorship for individual committee in October and, then,
concerts. Please let Fr Tony know
several levels of interview will be
if you will volulnteer to help out.
in process before All Saints Day.

The details of our full church

profile serve as a common
knowledge base for the committee
members when they break into
smaller groups for visitations with
candidates at their home parished.
The search committee will present
a list of finalists to the Vestry for
the final selection.
WELCOME Festival Days Fair
Saturday, November 7, 2009
nitting needles are clicking, sewing machines are humming,
pots are cooking on the stove,
Saturday paint brushes are dabbing the
canvas, and small indoor plants are being
September 26, 2009 started. All this activity in preparation for

our church-wide, participatory fair.
he Episcopal Church
Women of Christ Church,
The fair will offer something for everyone. 
Guilford invite you to
Plan to Stop-for-a-Bite lunch which will be
join us for our first of the church
offered.  A new addition this year is Dinners
year dinner in the Parish Hall of
to Go.  You will have the opportunity to
Christ Episcopal Church, On-
pre-order a home-made dinner and all the fixings and pick it up the
the-Green, Guilford from 5:30
day before the fair, on Friday, November 6. 
pm to 7:00 p.m. 
Watch for the menu and order form that will be forthcoming very
The Menu for this wonderful
shortly.  We will also offer a dedicated Cheese Table with aged Vermont
evening of fellowship and sharing
cheddar cheese and Jeanette Koncz's wonderful Hungarian cheese
spread. In addition, our Silent Auction will offer a lovely pastoral scene
painting by Sheila Bruce.
Complimentary Wine and
There will be an opportunity to buy a new-but never used gift at our
Fruit Juice and Chips for children
Re-Gift table, and for those that like to rummage, a chance to find old
Baked Spiral Ham with Curried
treasures from Granny's Attic  And, please don't forget the wonderful
choices from our Bake Shoppe and Boutique tables.  And...there will be
Gourmet Potatoes
Green Beans Almondine
Rolls and Butter
As you can see, a fun-filled, festive day is planned for all.  Mark your
Blueberry Buckle With Whipped
calendar to come and bring your friends to join this festive day! Of
course we need volunteers to assist us. How about you?
Tea and Coffee
  Diocesan News
Our invitation is open to all in
the community The next Bishop of the
Diocese of Connecticut
Advance ticket purchase  -  $12 will be elected at the
per adult  ($13.00 at the door) Convention this October
$6 children 7-12 23 to 24
$3 children 6 and under
Information about the
  Candidates, including
For Tickets and information call video interviews posted
Jeannette Koncz  453-2335 or and can be found at :
Hope Sperry 453-3958 or from
the Epicopal Diocese of
Connecticut link on www.
Christ Episcopal Church Non-Profit Organization
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a publication of
Christ Episcopal Church Episcopal Church Women
11 Park Street
Guilford, Connecticut 06437 Christ Episcopal Church
The Rev’d. Anthony C. Dinoto
Guilford - on - the - Green
Interim Rector will host a
[email protected]
Military Whist
Carol Bellucci, Commander-in-Chief’
Edward Seibert Friday, October 18, 2009
Senior Warden
[email protected] 7 p.m.
Tickets $7
Pat Wakefield Available at the door
Parish Administrator Advance sales or table reservations accepted
[email protected]
203-453-2279 Doors open at 5 p.m.
William D. Glover
Light supper served for $5 per person.
Managing Editor Complementary refreshments served 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
[email protected] Card game will start promptly at 7 p.m.
Door prizes, raffles and table prizes
Vicky Pantalone For information, call Diane W. Link 458-1806
[email protected]

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