Preparing The Way: December 2010

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December 2010

Preparing the Way

By the time you receive this issue, a new year in the life of the Church will have begun! The Church does not keep time quite like the secular calendar: Days begin at sunset the day before (the source of Christmas Eve, etc.); the seasons are seven in number instead of four and vary in length (Christmas is only twelve days, while the Season after Pentecost lasted six months this year); and then the Church Year begins on the First Sunday of Advent, not January 1. In 2010, November 28 begins the New Year and the season of Advent while we are finishing up leftover turkey. The season of Advent is about preparing the way, anticipation, and watchful waiting for the birth of a new beginning. The Hebrew Scriptures are full of this anticipation for a new age, a day of the Lords favor, when relationships between God and humanity will be restored and a reconciled humanity will be drawn together on Mount Zion. The New Testament similarly looks to a day when Gods reign will be established and history will be fulfilled. The proclamation of Advent is that this hoped-for, longed-for day is dawning. Preparing, watching, and waiting are the business of Advent. That is the context for all we do as we get ready for Christmas. From my first conversations with the leadership of Christ Church, I have heard about the Tree Lighting on the Green and all that goes with it: the decorated homes on Broad Street; the parishs chili supper and music program; and the sale of cookies, wreaths, and other goodies. This year all of that happens on Friday, December 3. Excited anticipation is in the air. Preparations are well under way; details about the evening and how you can participate are inside this issue of Glad Tidings. On the following Friday, December 10, the musicians and youth (two overlapping groups) of Christ Church will lead us in the beautiful Anglican tradition of Advent Lessons & Carols. Frank Dodds article provides more information. Our Sunday worship during Advent will reflect the expectant awe of the season. At both 8 and 10 a.m., the Gloria will give way to the ancient Trisagion -- Holy God, Holy and mighty, Holy immortal One, have mercy on us. The Eucharistic Prayers and the Prayers of the People will take up the seasons themes by switching to more solemn forms in Rites I and II. The service music at 10 a.m. will be the haunting, and very singable, settings by David Hurd. When the Christmas celebrations come, the changes then will be all the more joyful.

Speaking of Christmas, there will be more details in a letter in mid-December. For now, the Pageant will be the Liturgy of the Word -- yes, including the sermon -- for the 10 a.m. service on Sunday, December 19. The Choristers are scheduled to sing at a 5 p.m. child-friendly service on Christmas Eve with the Christ Church Choir singing for the 10 p.m. festal Christmas Eve service. Again, preparations have begun, anticipation is building and watchful waiting is the order of the season. In faith and hope, Harrison+

Lessons & Carols for Advent and Christmas

For many Anglican parishes, holding a service of Lessons & Carols is common practice during the month of December. Lessons & Carols is based on a liturgy that originated in England at the end of the 19th century. Today, there are two different forms of the Lessons & Carols liturgy: one for Advent and another for Christmas. At the core of both forms are Scripture readings that look to coming of the Christ and the birth of Jesus. Also, anthems and hymns are sung between the readings to elaborate on the message of each particular scriptural passage. Advent Lessons & Carols is one form of the service, with its own readings and bidding prayer, and emphasizes themes of anticipation and preparation. This year at Christ Church we will have a service of Advent Lessons & Carols on Friday, December 10, at 7 p.m. The Adult Choir and the Choristers will share anthems and the youth will present the readings. Please join us for this reflective and inspiring service. Christmas Lessons & Carols can have as many as nine readings from the Old and New Testaments, which recall the fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden, foretell the coming of the Messiah, and proclaim Christs birth. Kings College, Cambridge, is particularly known for their worldwide broadcast of A Festival of Lessons & Carols on Christmas Eve. Although often performed during the week before Christmas, at Christ Church this year Christmas Lessons & Carols will be on the First Sunday of Christmas, December 26th, at 10 a.m. Please help sustain the celebration of Christmas, and join us for another go at favorite Christmas carols. Frank Dodd Organist/Choirmaster

Outreach During Advent:

Mitten Tree

The Mitten Tree will return to Christ Church on the First Sunday of Advent, November 28.Let's join in providing hats, mittens, gloves, and scarves to warm
the heads and hands of those who need them. The Mitten Tree will remain up through December 19, when all items will be donated to the Guilford Food Bank for distribution. As we watch and wait for our Lord's appearing, let our prayers lead to service to gladden his heart.

Christ Church Outreach: Angels

Under the Balcony

In a new twist on a beloved institution, Christ Church's Angels Under the Balcony program is going in a slightly different direction this year.
We will be partnering with Guilford Social Services' "Giving Tree" program for needy Guilford families and helping to make Christmas special for our friends and neighbors right here in town. The program will work pretty much the same as always -- around Thanksgiving time the angels will begin to "fly," parishioners will select their angels and purchase requested gifts for adults and children, and then return the wrapped gifts to church in time for Christmas delivery. One change is that we will be adopting a smaller number of families, so the requests for gifts will not be quite so overwhelming. The program remains a lovely way for us to express our love and concern for our neighbors at a blessed time of the year. Stay tuned for more details!

Sunday School News

As we enter the Advent season, our classes gather each Sunday around their homemade Advent wreaths to light candles and share Advent devotions.
The wreaths, made at our Advent wreath workshop, symbolize this period of waiting for Jesus' coming. As we wait, however, we must also prepare -- this is why you've heard the children already practicing their Christmas carols during Children's Chapel! Make plans to attend the annual Christmas pageant on Sunday, December 19, at the 10 a.m. service. Children will lead the worship with their enactment of the Nativity Story and provide special music both before and during the service. There will be a full dress rehearsal on Saturday, Dec. 18, at 10 a.m. Volunteers are needed to help organize and dress the children. Please contact Lisa Ste. Marie if you can help. There will be no Children's Chapel or Sunday School on Dec. 26 and Jan. 2. We look forward to beginning a new year together on Jan. 9, filled with the joyful noise of children's voices and the love from God that surrounds us all.
Pictures from last years Christmas pageant. 3

Lisa Ste. Marie, Director of Sunday

A Jazz Christmas, Chili Supper and More

Friday, December 3, 2010, beginning at 5 p.m.
Once again, on Tree Lighting Night, Christ Episcopal Church will abound with joy, music, and wonderful food. The annual chili supper will be served up at 5p.m. for a minimal cost of $6, which includes regular or vegan chili, baked potato, corn bread and brownies, and a beverage. At the same time you can browse the best cookie selection of the year at the ECW cookie sale, under the direction of Jean Meiselman, and take home treats to pop in the freezer (and pass them off as your own). Then take a quick breath of fresh air to witness the magical transformation of the Christmas tree on the town Green, and go into the sanctuary at 7 p.m. for a wonderful musical program, A Jazz Christmas, which will feature Patricia Snyder, vocals; Joe McWilliams, piano; Bill Morrison, bass; and Tom Devino, drums. They will perform favorite carols and seasonal songs from the Great American Songbook. Patricia is a resident of Madison and has appeared at Chez Suzette and the Starlight Caf in Manhattan, the Atrium in Stamford, and, most recently, at the Scranton Library in Madison. We always anticipate a full house at this event, so come early and enjoy one of the highlights of the festive season at the church of your choice! Vicky Reeve

We will be cooking chili and setting up on Friday morning. In addition, we will need help with pre-baking cornbread and brownies, serving and logistics the night of the event, and especially cleanup afterwards. Even if you cant do any of these things, please grace us with your presence and bring ALL your friends! Jane Ferrall To volunteer, e-mail Jane Ferrall at [email protected].
The chili supper will also have Audrey Monroe's Christmas on Broad Street print available for purchase. This makes a great gift and remembrance of a very special night. Also featured will be prints of Faulkner's Island, Grass Island, the churches on the Green, and our town's historical homes. All proceeds from this sale go to the restoration fund for the Rectory. Carol Iovanna

The youth of the parish -- aided and abetted by Jen McShane and Sue Shackford, among others -- are conspiring to offer Christmas wreaths for sale during the chili supper. They will gather on Thursday afternoon, December 2, to decorate the wreaths that will be for sale, as well as wreaths for the church, parish house, and Rectory. Because therell be no room left in the inn, uh, parish house, they will be selling from the Rectory garage!

ECW News
United Thank Offering Ingathering
On Thursday, November 4, Diane Barker, the UTO Coordinator for Christ Church, and Sue Rogers journeyed to St. Johns Church, Niantic, for the Fall United Thank Offering Ingathering of the Connecticut Episcopal Churchwomen (ECW). The event was hosted by The Rev. E. Page Rogers, Sues daughter and Rector of St. Johns, and the main celebrant and preacher was The Rt. Reverend Ian Douglas, Bishop of Connecticut. During the Mass, representatives from various contributing parishes around the state came forward at the Offertory and placed envelopes containing checks from their Fall campaigns in the plate. Christ Churchs contribution came to $317, which, added to the $184 collected in the Spring, made a total of $501 for the year. The funds from Connecticut are sent to the national ECW organization, which makes grants to churches in Connecticut, the United States, and around the world. A speaker from a parish in New Haven detailed how their grant helped to fund a program this year for at-risk youths in the inner city. Following questions from the audience, we all went to the parish hall for a delicious lunch. Thanks to everyone who contributed! Diane Barker

A Word of Thanks -- I would like to thank all the wonderful families for all the
snacks and juice boxes you brought in on November 14 to contribute to the Guilford Food Bank. What an amazing response! They were truly thankful for these much-needed items. Once again, the support of our parish in our outreach projects has been wonderful. Jean Meiselman, President, ECW

An Invitation to Lunch
The ECW will be holding its annual Christmas luncheon party at La Luna in Branford on December 9 at 11 a.m., and all women of the parish are invited to join in. Contact Jean Meiselman (203-453-3118) for a place at the table. It is always nice to see everyone!

Harvest Home-Gatherings - starting soon

Become better acquainted with our still-new Rector, and, more importantly for Harrison, help him become better acquainted with you. The gatherings (coffee, lunch, tea, happy hour, supper or dessert) will be hosted by volunteers in the Rectory or their own homes. (If you would like to volunteer to be a host yourself, please be in touch with Stewardship Chair, Bob Donahue at 203-453-2279.) We will visit, talk about our harvest of blessings at Christ Church and hopes for the future.

Christ Episcopal Church on the Green Stewardship for 2011

Participating in the gracious and generous hospitality of Christ
Our Stewardship Drive is starting. Give Joyfully... Give Proportionally... Give Sacrificially... Give Thoughtfully... We thank you for your generous support.

November Vestry Meeting Highlights

At its meeting on Tuesday, November 16, in the Rectory living room, the Vestry: Began with Devotions for the Early Evening (BCP, p.139) and shared prayer concerns; Heard the Treasurer report that, through October, pledged giving lags the budget (by almost $13,000), but so do expenses. Paying the rectors mover (about $7,200, $300 below the allowance) in October was possible because of special gifts. Bob Donahue, Stewardship chair, presented a draft letter and leaflet for a campaign to support the 2011 operating budget, which are to be mailed next week. Pledges will be celebrated on Sunday, January 9. After conversation, the Vestry adopted a goal of $174,000 in pledges for 2011; Authorized the Junior Warden to contract for heating oil service for the current season, and to have repairs made to the chancel ceiling and the naves tile floor. Continued discussion of a proposed and amended Parish Gift Policy to encourage both restricted and unrestricted gifts of cash, securities, and other assets by establishing a process for receiving them and committing them to the purposes designated by the donor. Following further clarifying amendments, the Policy was adopted; Continued discussion of a Maintaining Christ Church as a Safe Church statement implementing the Diocese of Connecticuts Policies for the Protection of Children and Youth, which seems similar to the Guilford School Districts Helping Hands training and expectations. Discussion will continue next month; Approved a $100 non-profit membership in the Guilford Chamber of Commerce as a good buy for promoting parish outreach events like Concertato; Approved a proposal developed by an ad hoc committee -- Kay Claiborn, Jean Valentine, and Cindy Smith -- for an oak aumbry for the Reserved Sacrament funded by a special gift. The aumbry, to be made by a local craftsman, will sit on the retable below the altar cross; Discussed the pricing, durability, and wide approval of the outside banners, e.g., the Welcome! banner. Other sources and materials will be explored; And, discussed traditions, hopes, and goals for Advent and Christmastide.



Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

7:30 AA PH 6:45 pm Dog Club PH

NOTES: SSR = Sunday School Room PH = Parish Hall R = Rectory CH = Church GR = Guild Room

2 7:30 AA PH 3 7:30 AA PH 9:30 Bible Study 5 -7 pm Chili Supper & 10:30 ECW PH Cookie-Wreath-Print Sale 5:45 Chorister Rehearsal 7:15 Choir Rehearsal 7 pm A Jazz Christmas Wreath Decorating R 10 7:30 AA PH
7 pm Lessons & Carols

7:30 AA PH

7:30 AA PH


7:30 AA PH

8 a.m. HE, Rite I 9 a.m. Rectory Forum 9:30 Childrens Gospel 10 a.m. HE, Rite II 5:30 Youth Movie Night

5:30 AA/Alanon 8pm AA SSR & PH

7 7:30 AA PH 8 7:30 AA PH 5:30 AA PH 7 pm HE & Vestry Mtg 7:30 OA SSR 7pm Womens AA PH 7pm Finance Committee 14
7:30 AA PH 5:30 AA PH 7:30 OA SSR 7pm Womans AA PH

9 7:30 AA PH 9:30 Bible Study ECW Holiday Luncheon 5:45 Chorister Rehearsal 7:15 Choir Rehearsal 16 7:30 AA PH 17


13 7:30 AA PH

15 7:30 AA PH

7:30 AA PH


7:30 AA PH 10 a.m. Pageant Rehearsal

8 a.m. HE, Rite I 9 a.m. Rectory Forum 9:30 Childrens Gospel 10 a.m. HE, Rite II

5:30 AA/Alanon 8pm AA SSR & PH

9:30 Bible Study 10:30 ECW PH 5:45 Chorister Rehearsal 7:15 Choir Rehearsal

7:30 AA PH 5:30 AA PH 7:30 OA SSR 7pm Womans AA PH

20 7:30 AA PH

21 7:30 AA PH


23 7:30 AA PH


Christmas Day 7:30 AA PH 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist

8 a.m. HE, Rite I 9 a.m. Rectory Forum 10 a.m. HE & Pageant

5:30 AA/Alanon 8pm AA SSR & PH

24 Christmas Eve No Bible Study 7:30 AA PH 5:45 Chorister Rehearsal Church O ce Closed 7:15 Choir Rehearsal 5 pm Holy Eucharist 10 pm Holy Eucharist 30 7:30 AA PH
No Bible Study

5:30 AA PH 7:30 OA SSR 7pm Womans AA PH

27 7:30 AA PH 8 a.m. HE, Rite I 5:30 AA/Alanon 10 a.m. Lessons & Carols 8pm AA SSR & PH

28 7:30 AA PH

29 7:30 AA PH

31 New Years Eve

7:30 AA PH Church O ce Closed

All other programs are cancelled today

Rector in Oregon thru Friday

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December, 2010

Christ Episcopal Church 11 Park Street Guilford, Connecticut

Glad Tidings

Chili Supper & Cookie-Wreath-Print Sale and A Jazz Christmas at 7 p.m.

Friday, December 3, from 5 -7 p.m.

The Rev. Harrison West Rector [email protected] 203-453-2279 Edward Seibert Senior Warden [email protected] 203-458-6516 Pat Wakefield Parish Administrator [email protected] 203-453-2279 Diane Barker Managing Editor [email protected] 203-457-9484 Pat Daunic Graphic Design

Advent Lessons and Carols

Friday, December 10, at 7 p.m.

Christmas Pageant

Sunday, December 19, at 10 a.m. Service


Christmas Services
12/24, Christmas Eve: 5 p.m., Child Friendly Service 10 p.m., Festal Christmas Service with Choir 11/25, Christmas Day: 10 a.m. Service with Hymns 12/26, Sunday: 10 a.m. Lessons and Carols with Communion

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