Glad Tidings: and Now For Something Completely Different

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Glad And Now for Something Completely Different Tidings

August 2011

as well as the completely familiar. In addition to our familiar 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services in August, I would like to invite some of you to join me in an experiment at 9:10 a.m.: a short communion service in the Memorial Garden. Designed for the short attention spans of our younger members, we will say our prayers, hear only two readings, and have communion, all within 35 minutes. Some of us might then want to run around the garden a bit, or to the beach or lake.

During August, our rst reading will tell the stories of Joseph and his brothers. A kidfriendly reection -- like the childrens sermon previously at the summer 10 a.m. service -- will help us to learn these stories. We might also sing two simple songs a capella or with guitar. Perhaps we should call the 9:10 a.m. service a Rite III alternative to the 8 a.m. Rite I and 10 a.m. Rite II formats. The easiest way to reach the garden is through the gate at the southwest corner of the church from the Town Hall parking lot. Feel free to bring a blanket and sit on the grass or on one of the ve benches. Whether at 8, 9:10 or 10 a.m., I look forward to the adventure of worship with you this August! Warmly, Harrison+
Special music will continue at the 10 a.m. service through September 4. Also, dont forget to take advantage of the Music Camp that will be held at Christ Church on August 22-26 from 9 a.m. to Noon. This camp is open to any child about to be a 2nd 8th grader. To give you a taste, here are some of the things that will be taught at the camp: fundamentals of music reading and good vocal singing; learning how to conduct; and practicing proper concert etiquette at mini-recitals given by guest musicians. Registration forms are located at the back of the Sanctuary and are available from Pat in the church office. Registration forms are due Friday, August 12. Even if you do not have children who are eligible to attend, perhaps you have other relatives or neighbors who might like to know about this free camp. Spread the word! Frank Dodd Music Director

From the Music Director

While it's difficult to think of fall during our 90 degree days, it is time to begin planning our new Sunday School year. I've had several people ask if they could donate supplies to Sunday School and the answer is a resounding yes! Here's a list of items that would be most helpful: magic markers (all sizes), crayons, calligraphy pens, foam stickers, pipe cleaners, artist's paper, large rolls of paper (that can t on an easel), Scotch tape, felt, glitter glue, Elmer's glue, fabric markers All items can be brought to the church office during the week or to the church on Sunday. Thank you for your support and generosity. Lisa Ste. Marie Director of Sunday School P.S. Sign up now for Vacation Bible School and Choir Camp! If you don't have a form, feel free to send an email indicating your interest.

Sunday School Update

Throughout the year we are in need of office angels to assist in the day to day activities of the church. Whether its helping prepare the newsletter for mailing, putting together the weekly bulletin, or special, seasonal projects, there are many opportunities to help in the church office. Currently we are in need of volunteers to ll in for Pats vacation the weeks beginning August 14 and 21. Please call the church office for more information or if you able to ll some of the dates (203-453-2279). Thank you.

Help Wanted

As in past years, Christ Church is supporting the efforts of the Shoreline Arts by making our facilities available for the cast & crew of The Three Musketeers. The live production will take place on the green in August. We expect to have guests/visitors in and out of the Sunday School Rooms from August 18. If you see new faces or someone in unusual garb, please help us welcome them to Christ Church.

The Three Musketeers at Christ Church

Calling all ministry/church leaders, vestry, and anyone interested in helping us plan out the upcoming program year. We will take a little time to review what worked and what didnt this past year and make plans for the next six months or so. Please join us on Wednesday, August 17; a light dinner will be available at 6 p.m., and we will start the meeting shortly afterwards. Please call Pat (203-453-2279) and let her know if you will be joining us.

Church Planning Meeting & Dinner

Christ Episcopal Church

P. O. Box 574, Guilford, CT 06437

(203) 453-2279

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Glad Tidings Christ Episcopal Church 11 Park Street Guilford, Connecticut 06437
The Rev. Harrison West Rector [email protected] 203-453-2279 Edward Seibert Senior Warden [email protected] 203-458-6516 Pat Wakeeld Parish Administrator [email protected] Diane Barker Managing Editor [email protected] 203-457-9484 Pat Daunic Graphic Design

Look inside for information about Vacation Bible School AND Summer Music Camp August 2226

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