1 Lent

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email : [email protected] Archdiocesan website : liverpoolcatholic.org.uk

Parish Priest : Rev. John Gorman Deacon : Rev. Malcolm Cunliffe 725522
Masses for the week 12 - 20 March 2011 Rosary Mon - Sat 8.30am ; Sun 9.30am
First Sunday of Lent Confession Sat 11.00am - 12 noon; 6 - 6.45pm
First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm Parishioners Novena Wednesday 7.30pm.
Sunday 10.00am John Haslam Stations of the Cross Tues 2.30pm; Fri 7pm
Weekday Masses Lenten Talks Friday 8.15pm in the Smith Room:
Monday 7.30am Phil Johnston Looking at the Lenten Sunday Gospels.
9.00am Brian Topping
Tuesday 7.30am James Oakley Memorial Book
10.00am Requiem for Iris King 12th March John Haslam
Wednesday 7.30 am Percy Parkinson Francis Neafcy
9.00am Stan and Doris Hull 13th March Patrick Joseph O’Brien
Thursday 7.30am Special Intention Jose Gonzalez
9.00am Ann, Josephine & Mary Cunliffe 14th March Lottie Twist
Friday 9.00am Peggy Burns 15th March Ben Porter
7.00pm O’Connell Family 16th March Patrick Raftrey
17th March Mary Smith
Saturday 9.00am Private Intention
18th March Ann Sharples
19th March William Giverin
Second Sunday of Lent
First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm William Giverin
Sunday 10.00am Vinnie Robinson Pastoral Area Newsletter
This has details of Masses and services
The Sanctuary Lamp throughout the Pastoral Area and are
will burn this week for available as you leave the church. Please
Vinnie Robinson. take one with you.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults : In his Lenten address, Pope Benedict speaks of Lent as ‘ a journey
accompanying Jesus as he travels to Jerusalem, the place where the mystery of his Passion, Death and
Resurrection is to be fulfilled.’ It reminds us, he says, that ‘ the Christian life is a road to be travelled
consisting not so much in a law to be observed as in the person of Christ himself who must be encountered,
welcomed and followed. On this Lenten journey, let us be attentive to welcoming Christ’s invitation to follow
him more decisively and coherently, renewing the grace and commitments of our Baptism, so as to abandon
the old nature which is in us, and clothe ourselves in Christ.’
As Lent marks our journey towards Easter, so it marks the final period of preparation for those seeking to be
received into full communion with the Church. On Sunday afternoon in the Cathedral, the Archbishop will
greet all those preparing to receive the sacraments at Easter in the Rite of Election. This includes Andrew
Wilkinson who will be received into the Church here during the Easter Vigil. During Mass on Sunday
morning, we will recognise the journey he himself has made and formally ‘send’ him to be welcomed by the
Archbishop. Please keep Andrew, his wife Elaine and their family in your prayers at this time.
Cafod Lenten Fast Day takes place next Friday, 18 March. Gift Aid envelopes are available at the back of
the church and can be returned next weekend when there will be a retiring collection.
Lenten Alms ; Once again we will be having our loose change appeal which will go towards supporting the
Church in the Holy Land via the Latin Patriarchate. There will be a basket at the back of church for all your
loose slummy i.e. 1p, 2p 5p etc. Many thanks.
Last week’s collection ; Gift Aid : £343.20 Loose Plate : £305.11 Total : £648.31. Many thanks.
Question of the Week : What helps you do the right thing when you want to do something wrong? What
would you say to someone facing temptation?

Your Parish Priest: Fr. John Gorman

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