Odelco Lesson PLan

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Attachment 1: Selection for the 7

week. 5-day Lesson Plan
STOR!S"L"#T$O%: Pollution: A Serious Ecoloic!l Pro"le#
Poll&tion of the atmos'here is one of o&r most serio&s ecolo(ical 'ro)lems. The main
waste 'rod&cts that 'oll&te the air are (asses s&ch as s&k'h&r dio*ide and car)on mono*ide. Smoke can
also ca&se 'oll&tion as it consists of small 'articles of solid materials as tar and car)on+ s&s'ended in
the air. There were )ad for health and ca&se 'lants and cro's to (row lesser a)&ndantly. The so&rces of
these 'oll&tants descend from the atmos'here. ,ind also )reaks &' concentrated 'oll&tants away from
the crowded cities. And tho&(h 'hotosynthesis+ o*y(en is emited )y (reen 'lants which+ in effect+
'ro-ides the co&nter )alance to harmf&l (ases like car)on dio*ide. $n this as'ect+ man can hel' )y
kee'in( the s&rro&ndin( clean and (reen with trees.
S... /$$
,eek 7
Attachment 0: .ialo(&e of the inter-iew for Lesson Plan 1 .ay 2
Listenin( in the inter-iew cond&cted )y a writer in the school 'a'er with a new teacher
in the cassette ta'e.
Pa&lo: $3m here to inter-iew yo& for the school 'a'er. $ wo&ld like to know what are yo&r o'inion a)o&t
the effects of 'oll&tion to o&r en-ironment.
4rs. #r&5: $ )elie-e that each one of &s has contri)&ted to the 'oll&tion in o&r en-ironment today.
Pa&lo: $n what ways+ we 'eo'le contri)&ted to the 'ro)lem of 'oll&tion in o&r en-ironment6
4s. #r&5: ,ell+ )y throwin( o&r waste e-erywhere. Smoke )elchin( from from o&r cars+ d&m'in( solid
wastes to o&r ri-ers+ harmf&l 'esticides to o&r 'lants and soil and other acti-ities that 'oll&te o&r
Pa&lo: ,hat do yo& think can we contri)&te to the sol&tion of this 'ro)lem6
4s. #r&5: $ think+ e-ery)ody sho&ld )e -i(ilant and coo'erati-e. 7el' o&r (o-ernment sol-e this
'ro)lem thro&(h ed&cation and information disseminations as well.
Pa&lo: To end this inter-iew+ what is yo&r messa(e to yo&r '&'ils6
4s. #r&5: $ wo&ld like to tell them that $3m "*'ectin( them to follow a&thorities and elder who
im'lemented some ways on how to 're-ent 'oll&tion.
Pa&lo: Thank yo& for yo&r time+ 4iss #r&5.
4s. #r&5: $t3s my 'leas&re.
Illustr!tin: T$e Inter!te% Fr!#e&or' Usin T$e Selection
Poll&tion: A Science "colo(ical Pro)lem
8A 9i-e-.ay Lesson :&ide; :ra-e /$
I( O")ecti*e:
A( Es+ressi*e
1. To make the children reali5e that 'oll&tion is a serio&s ecolo(ical 'ro)lem.
0. To instill amon( the children the im'rotance of how to control or minimi5e air
,( S'ills
D!- .:
1. To (i-e the meanin( of words thro&(h conte*t cl&es and semantis we).
0. To &se the new words learned in -ario&s conte*ts.
2. $dentify the details+ headin( for an o&tline.
D!- /:
1. To res'oned to the selection thro&(h one of the followin( acti-ities:
a. "n&merate the ca&ses of air 'oll&tion
). .raw and e*'lain the effects of air 'oll&tion to man and other li-in(
c. 4ake a slo(an a)o&t ways to control and minimi5e 'oll&tion.
d. List all 'ossi)le worst effcets of 'oll&tion to the f&t&re and 'ro(ress of
o&r co&ntry.
e. ,rite a cam'ai(n letter askin( 'eo'le to hel' control air 'oll&tion.
0. To answer the different le-els of <&estions d&rin( the disc&ssion.
2. #han(e statement to <&estion.
D!- 0:
1. To listen to the ta'ed inter-iew.
0. To (i-e the details )ased on the inter-iew.
2. To choose the correct synonym of the word (i-en in a sentence.
D!- 1:
1. To disc&ss how 'oll&tion )ecomes one of o&r most serio&s ecolo(ical
0. To constr&ct (ood sentences from the words in the selection &sin( $9-
D!- 5:
1. To disc&ss how 'oll&tion )ecomes one of o&r most serio&s ecolo(ical
0. To dic&ss ways )y which one can hel' to control or minimi5e 'oll&tion.
II( Su")ect 2!tter:
Selection: Poll&tion: A Serio&s "colo(ical Pro)lem
Skills: Re-$dentify the details+ headin( for an o&tline
,ritin( a #am'ai(n Letter
$ll&stratin( im'ortant information thro&(h chart!drawin(
:i-e the details )ased on the inter-iew
#han(e Statement to <&estion
Sentence #onstr&ction
:rammar: =sin( air $9-#la&se
#&rric&l&m Link: Poll&tion as one of the most serio&s ecolo(ical 'ro)lem
III( 2!teri!ls:
#harts+ 'ict&res+ word cards+ cassette ta'e
I3( Proce%ure:
.ay 1:
A. Pre-Readin( Acti-ities
1. =nlockin( diffic&lt words and conce'ts 8=sin( 'ict&res and conte*t cl&es;
Show the followin( 'ict&res as shown in the &nderlined word and 'hrases.
These are some .( &!ste +ro%ucts( They /( +ollute o&r air water and soil.
8Show 'ict&res of 'oll&ted water and soil; d&e of the so&rces of these 'oll&tants is the 0(
e4$!ust 5u#es of o&r cars. 8Show 'ict&re of smoke comin( from the e*ha&st f&mes of
cars;. This will 'rod&ce more 1( c!r"on #ono4i%e 8Show 'ict&res of factories+ cars
)lowin( o&t smokes from their e*ha&st;.
$f this cannot )e controlled+ it will ca&se serio&s 5( ecoloic!l 'ro)lems 8Show
ill&stration of ecolo(y;.
Ask: ,hich words means &sed materials6
,hich word means not clean6
,hich word means the system of 'i'es thro&(h which (as esca'es6
,hich word means (ases that comes o&t from the e*ha&st 'i'e of cars and
,hich word means 'ro)lem with relation )etween li-in( thin(s.
0. 4oti-ation:
,hat comes to yo&r mine when yo& see a 'ict&re of!hear the word POLLUTION6
=sin( Semantic ,">
8As the children (i-e words+ write them aro&nd the we);
2. 4oti-e <&estion:
$n the selection that yo& will read.
9ind o&t: ,hy 'oll&tion is serio&s+ ecolo(ical 'ro)lems.
>. .&rin( Readin(
8P&'ils may read the story silently or orally. As the children read orally+ 'a&se after a
'ara(ra'h or sentences and ask <&estions that enco&ra(e 'rediction or monitor
After sentence 1: ,hat is one of o&r most serio&s ecolo(ical 'ro)lems6
After sentence 0: ,hat are the waste 'rod&cts that 'oll&te the air6
After sentence 2: ,hat will ha''en if 'articles of solid materials s&ch as tar and car)on
s&s'ended in the air6
After sentence ?: ,hy 'oll&tion makes o&r cro's (row lesser a)&ndantly6
,hat wo&ld ha''en if o&r cro's contin&e to (row less a)&ndantly6
After sentence 5: ,hat are the so&rces of these 'oll&tants6
After 'ara(ra'h 0: 7ow can we control and minimi5e air 'oll&tion6
#. Lan(&a(e
PA:" 5 1. Presentation:
St&dy the followin( sets of sentence a)o&t the selection:
,hen $ read the selection a)o&t 'oll&tion+ $ learned that:
1.1 The Causes of Air Pollution are (ases+ smoke and 'oll&tants.
1.0 The Effects of Air Pollution are )ad for o&r health and ca&se 'lants and cro's to
(row lesser and will not (i-e (ood har-est.
1.2 The Pollution can be controlled )y nat&re and man himself.
0. .ialo(&e:
0.1 ,hat is the sentence all a)o&t in n&m)er 16 =nderlined it.
0.0 ,hat is the sentence all a)o&t in n&m)er 06 =nderlined it.
0.2 ,hat is the sentence all a)o&t in n&m)er 26 =nderlined it.
0.? ,hat are the words or 'hrases that tells a)o&t the &nderlined 'hrases in sentence
16 06 and 26 "ncircle those 'hrases.
0.5 Let3s read the &nderlined 'harese in sentence 1+ 0 and 2.
8As the children read+ write the &nderlined 'hrases on the )oard. >e s&re to ha-e
s'ace for the details;
0.@ Let3s read the encircled words!'hrases in sentence 1+ 0 and 2.
8 As the children read+ write the encircled words immediately &nder the
&nderlined words!'hrases;.
This will lead to this o&tline:
Air Pollution: A Serious Ecoloic!l Pro"le#
I. Causew of Air Pollution
1. (ases
0. smoke
2. 'oll&tants
II. Effects of Air Pollution
1. )ad to o&r health
0. ca&se 'lants and cro's to (row lessen and will not (i-e (ood har-est
III. The Control of Air Pollution
1. nat&re
0. man
2. :enerali5ation:
,hat do we call for these &nderlined words!'hrases6
,e call it a 7"A.$%:
7ow a)o&t the encircled words and 'hrases6 ,hat do we call it6
,e call it+ ."TA$LS
,hat then is a 7eadin(6 A .etails6
?. Assi(nment: Read a short article then make an o&tline o&t of it.
.ay 0
.. After Readin(
1. "n(a(ement Acti-ity 1
Small (ro&' acti-ities+ whole class or inde'endent '&'ils. $ will di-ide yo& into
AAAAAA (ro&'s. "ach (ro&' will do one of the followin( acti-ities:
:ro&' 1: #a&ses of Air Poll&tion
,rite in the chart the ca&ses and factors of air 'oll&tion
:ro&' 0: "ffects of Air Poll&tion
.raw and e*'lain the effects of air 'oll&tion to man and other li-in(
:ro&' 2: ,ays to #ontrol Air Poll&tion
4ake at least 5 slo(ans a)o&t 8&nreada)le;
PA:" @ :ro&' ?: Poll&tion: $t3s ,orst Scenario
List all 'ossi)le worst effect of 'oll&tion in the f&t&re of the h&manity.
S&''ly it with 'oster makin( to s&mmari5e all yo&r inter-iew.
:ro&' 5: A letter to the 'eo'le of the world tellin( them yo&r idea of a 'oll&tion-
free world.
:ro&' @: $ am a role model.
"n&merate yo&r role in the <&est for 'oll&tion free world.
0. "n(a(ement Acti-ity 0
.isc&ssion!=sin( @ Le-els of B&estionin(
Cnowled(e Le-el 0.1 ,hat are the ca&ses and factors contri)&tin( to air 'oll&tion6
:ro&' 1 show &s yo&r work.
#om'rehension Le-el 0.0 7ow wo&ld yo& descri)e the "ffect of Air Poll&tion to &s6
,hat are the h&man acti-ities that worsen the effect of 'oll&tion.
:ro&' $$ 'lease show yo&r work6
A''lication Le-el 0.2 $n what way can we control air 'oll&tion6
7ow wo&ld yo& a''ly yo&r knowled(e in 'oll&tion in sol-in( these
'ro)lems6 :ro&' $$$ will show to &s ,ays to #ontrol Poll&tion
Analysis Le-el 0.? ,hat will ha''en to the f&t&re of the h&manity if these 'ro)lems cannot )e
sol-e immediately6 :ro&' $/ will show their work.
Synthesis Le-el 0.5 ,hat3s yo&r idea of 'oll&tion free world6
#an yo& desi(n in yo&r ima(ination what is 'oll&tion free world wo&ld like6
:ro&' / Show yo&r work.
"-al&tion Le-el 0.@ ,hat is yo&r role in sol-in( this 'ro)lem6
:ro&' /$ 'lease show yo&r work.
". Lan(&a(e
1. Sets re-iew the r&les on how to chan(e the statement to <&estion. >&t )efore
that let3s st&dy the followin( sentence:
St!te#ent 7uestion
1. The main waste 'rod&cts +ollute% o&r
1. .id the main waste 'rod&cts +ollute o&r
0. ,ind also "re!'s &' concetrated 'oll&tants
away from the city.
0. .oes wind also "re!'s &' concentrated
'oll&tants away from the city6
2. Some 'eo'le t$ro& their (ar)a(e in the ri-er. 2. .o some 'eo'le t$ro& their (ar)a(e in the
?. Poll&tion is )ad for o&r health ?. Is 'oll&tion )ad for health6
- These <&estions are answera)le )y yes or no. ,e call it "S 1 %o B&estion. Point the
-er)s in the statements. 7ow are they transformed in <&estions6 .o they retain the same tense6 ,hen
do we &se do, does and did?
throw .o ---------------- throw
)reaks .oes -------------- )reak
'oll&ted .id ---------------- 'oll&te
- To ask <&estions that re<&ires s'ecific facts we &se ,7 1 B&estion.

St!te#ent 7uestion
1. The main waste 'rod&cts 'oll&ted o&r
1. 7ow main waste 'rod&cts 'oll&ted o&r
0. ,ind also )reaks &' concentrated 'oll&tants
away from the city
0. ,hat )reaks &' concetrated 'oll&tants away
from the city6
2. Some 'eo'le throw their (ar)a((e in the ri-er 2. ,ho throws their (ar)a(e in the ri-er6
?. Poll&tion is )ad to health ?. ,hy 'oll&tion is )ad to o&r health6
0. :&ided Practice
#han(e the ff. statements to "S-%O B&estion and ,7-B&estion.
1. The #ity 4ayor la&nched the #lean and :reen #am'ai(n last month.
0. Poll&tion in the atmos'here is one of o&r most serio&s ecolo(ical
2. %at&re also offers some hel' to control 'oll&tion.
?. The st&dents share their 'art to sol-e o&r 'ro)lems in 'oll&tion.
5. Air 'oll&tion can )e controlled and minimi5ed.
2. :i-e own sentence
:i-e yo&r own sentence or statements and chan(e them to "S-%O
B&estions and ,7-B&estions the )oys will (i-e a statement then the (irls
will chan(e it <&estion or -ice--ersa.
Assi(ment: Read any selection a)o&t 'ro)lems in 'oll&tion. >e ready to
share it to yo&r classmate tomorrow.
.ay 2
9. Skills .e-elo'ment on #om'rehension
1. Readin( tyeh selection
#hildren+ let3s read the selection silently
0. "*ercise 1: #ond&ctin( an $nter-iew
8 The teacher may &se a cassette ta'e and let children listen;
To the inter-iew or select '&'ils to read the dialo(&e of the selected
'&'ils+ then ask the followin(:
0.1 7ow wo&ld yo& descri)e the inter-iew6
0.0 ,hat <&estion are shown in the followin( statements6
:ood mornin(+ 4s. #r&5
Thank yo& for yo&r time
$t3s my 'leas&re
- O'en yo&r )ook in lan(&a(e+ English for All Times at 'a(e 70
Ask: ,hat are some ti's for an effecti-e and fr&itf&l inter-iew6
2. "nrichment acti-ity: work in .AO
$nter-iew yo&r 'artner a)o&t the selection in 'oll&tion that he reads
yesterday. Afterwards $ will call some of yo& to re'ort the information yo&
(athered from yo&r inter-iew.
PA:" D
:. Skills .e-elo'ment on /oca)&lary
1. "*ercise 1
=sin( the words in the )o*+ write the synonym )efore each n&m)er for each of the
itali5ed words )elow.
Serious suspended consists descend waste
AAAAAAAA1. "n-ironmental 'ro)lems is now a critical iss&es for &s today.
AAAAAAAA 0. The discarded materials from the factories were thrown to the ri-er.
AAAAAAAA2 The smoke is com'osed of solid material s&ch as tar and car)on s&s'ended
in the air.
AAAAAAAA ?. #ar)on remained han( on the air+ contri)&ted a lot in the increase amo&nt
of 'oll&tion in the atmos'here.
AAAAAAAA 5. Thro&(h (ra-ity+ 'oll&tants in the air (oes down to the atmos'here.
0. "*ercise 0
#om'lete each sentence with a correct word.
AAAAAAAAA1. ,e cannot hel' )&t make a 8(rim+ (reen; &'on o)ser-in( how 'eo'le
destroyed their en-ironment.
AAAAAAAAA0. The 8cro's+ crafts; (row lesser a)&ndantly if the car)on mono*ide remians
s&s'ended in the air.
AAAAAAAAA2. 7e is the one and only 8heir+ air; of tehri family )&siness.
AAAAAAAAA ?. ,e sho&ld 8wear+ were; mask to 'rotect o&rsel-es from the smoke emitted
from cars and factories.
AAAAAAAAA 5. $ts not a 8wasist+ waste; of time to hel' 'rotect o&r en-ironment.
2. "*ercise 2
9orm new words )y addin( affi*es to new word earned in the selection
To choose: ic+ f&l+ o&s+ ion+ cal.
1. e*ha&st AAAAAAAA 2. ecolo(y AAAAAAAAA 5. harm AAAAAAAAA
0. or(an AAAAAAAAA ?. dan(er AAAAAAAAA

.ay ?
7. Skills .e-elo'ment in S'ellin(
,rite the correct s'ellin( of the words that will dictate:
1. 'oll&tion @. emitted
0. 'hotosynthesis 7. )reathe
2. Atmos'here D. controlled
?. e*ha&st f&mes E. s&l'h&r dio*ide
5. dan(ero&s 1F. car)on mono*ide

$. Skills .e-elo'ment: Sentence #onstr&ction
#hoose 5 o&t of 1F s'ellin( words. #onstr&ct a sentence for each (ro&' words.
St&dy the followin( sets of sentences.
1. If the pollution in our atmosphere cannot be solve,
it will )ecome o&r most serio&s ecolo(ical 'ro)lems.
0. If smoe remain suspended in the air, it will ca&se 'lants and cro's to (row lesser
2. If the sources of there pollutants cannot be lessen, it will endan(er the air we
?. If onl! man eeps his surroundings clean and green, the air we )reathe will )ecome
fresh and not harmf&l for &s.

PA:" E Ask: ,hat do yo& notice a)o&t the itali5ed 'art of each sentence6 The itali5ed 'art of
each sentence starts with i5+ this is called the I58cl!use( The remianin( 'art of the
sentence is called the #!in cl!use(
,hat are if-clause6 ,hat do they show6 The statement show that:
$f the -er) in the if-clause+ The -er) in the main
$s in the 'resent tense....... #la&se is in the f&t&re tense
7ow is the f&t&re tense shown in these main cla&ses6
G............. it will )ecome o&r most ecolo(ical 'ro)lems.
G............ it will ca&se 'lants and cro's to (row less a)&ndantly.
G............ it will endan(er the air we )reath
G............ the air we )reathe will )ecome fresh and not harmf&l to &s.
$t is shown )y &sin( the word ,$LL.
$9 G...................H ,$LL
$f-cla&se G..........H main cla&se
"*ercise 1. #om'lete the followin( if cal&se with a''ro'riate main cla&ses.
1. $f all nations will hel' each other AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
0. $f the weather is (ood+ AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
2. $f the rain doesn3t sto'+ AAAAAAAAAAAAA.
?. $f there is no 'o-erty in this world+ AAAAAAAAAAAAA.
5. $f we take care o&r en-ironment+ AAAAAAAAAAAAA.
"*ercise 0. "ach (ro&' will (et a 'ict&re in the )asket. A mem)er of the (ro&' will (i-e
a sentence a)o&t I &sin( $f-#la&se.
1. They will call if AAAAAAAAAAAAA.
0. $ will (i-e yo& this candy if AAAAAAAAAAA.
2. The dress will dry if AAAAAAAAAA.
?. $ will finish this AAAAAAAAAAAA.
5. The 'roJect will )e finished if AAAAAAAAAAA.
Assi(nment: >rin( the followin( for tomorrow3s acti-ity 'ict&res of #lean encironment.
Assi(n one '&'il to )rin( seeds of maho(any tree.
.ay 5
I. $nte(ration with other s&)Jects
A. 4ake (ro&'in( and do the followin( aacti-ities
1. Art: 4ake a colla(e of a #lean and :reen "n-ironment.
0. Science: 4ake a chart a)o&t air 'oll&tion: its effects and control
C!uses E55ects Ho& to control
2. Social st&dies: .is'lay news'a'ers+ articles that to&ches the iss&e of air
?. 4&sic: #om'ose a son( a)o&t the iss&e on 'oll&tion.
5. P": .ramati5e effects of 'oll&tion &sin( 'antomime or inter'retati-e dance.
@. "PP: Plant the seedlin(s of 4aho(any at eth desired 'lace of the school.
%ame it A Tree for Humanity.
3( Assi#ent:
>e s&re to 'ractice what yo& learned a)o&t yo&r role in sol-in( 'ro)lems in 'oll&tion.
Pre+!re% "- :
I=A% A4OR4$O .. #A>AR.O
O."L#O "!S 1 .$STR$#T /$$$

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