Ea Project Awareness

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Finally I acknowledge with deep appreciation the indispensable help and encouragement received from my friends. Last but not the least is my parents for their unconditional support and encouragement.


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The ozone layer ! a layer n Earth"! at#o!$here% &h ch conta n! relat 'ely h (h concentrat on! o) ozone *O+,. Th ! layer a-!or-! .+/..0 o) the !1n"! h (h )re21ency 1ltra' olet l (ht% &h ch ! $otent ally 3a#a( n( to l )e on earth. O'er .40 o) the ozone n Earth"! at#o!$here ! $re!ent here. It ! #a nly locate3 n the lo&er $ort on o) the !trato!$here )ro# a$$ro5 #ately 46 7# to 86 7# a-o'e Earth% tho1(h the th c7ne!! 'ar e! !ea!onally an3 (eo(ra$h cally. The ozone layer &a! 3 !co'ere3 n 4.4+ -y the French $hy! c !t! 9harle! Fa-ry an3 :enr ;1 !!on. It! $ro$ert e! &ere e5$lore3 n 3eta l -y the ;r t !h #eteorolo( !t <. M. ;. Do-!on% &ho 3e'elo$e3 a ! #$le !$ectro$hoto#eter *the Do-!on #eter, that co1l3 -e 1!e3 to #ea!1re !trato!$her c ozone )ro# the (ro1n3. ;et&een 4.=> an3 4.8> Do-!on e!ta-l !he3 a &orl3& 3e net&or7 o) ozone #on tor n( !tat on!% &h ch cont n1e! to o$erate to3ay. The ?Do-!on 1n t?% a con'en ent #ea!1re o) the col1#nar 3en! ty o) ozone o'erhea3% ! na#e3 n h ! honor.

4.=A The $hotoche# cal #echan !#! that ( 'e r !e to the ozone layer &ere 3 !co'ere3 -y the ;r t !h $hy! c !t S 3ney 9ha$#an n 4.+6. Ozone n the Earth"! !trato!$here ! create3 -y 1ltra' olet l (ht !tr 7 n( o5y(en #olec1le! conta n n( t&o o5y(en ato#! *O=,% !$l tt n( the# nto n3 ' 31al o5y(en ato#! *ato# c o5y(en,B the ato# c o5y(en then co#- ne! & th 1n-ro7en O= to create ozone% O+. The ozone #olec1le ! al!o 1n!ta-le *altho1(h% n the !trato!$here% lon(/l 'e3, an3 &hen 1ltra' olet l (ht h t! ozone t !$l t! nto a #olec1le o) O= an3 an ato# o) ato# c o5y(en% a cont n1 n( $roce!! calle3 the ozone/o5y(en cycle% th1! creat n( an ozone layer n the !trato!$here% the re( on )ro# a-o1t 46 to 86 7# *+=%666 to 4CD%666 )eet, a-o'e Earth"! !1r)ace. A-o1t .60 o) the ozone n o1r at#o!$here ! conta ne3 n the !trato!$here. Ozone concentrat on! are (reate!t -et&een a-o1t =6 an3 D6 7#% &here they ran(e )ro# a-o1t = to > $art! $er # ll on. I) all o) the ozone &ere co#$re!!e3 to the $re!!1re o) the a r at !ea le'el% t &o1l3 -e only a )e& # ll #eter! th c7.

De$let on o) ozone layer@

1.3 Antarctica was an early victim of ozone destruction. A massive hole in the ozone layer right above Antarctica now threatens not only that continent, but also many others that could be the victims of Antarctica's melting icecaps. In the future, the ozone problem will have to be solved so that the protective layer can be conserved the ozone layer can be depleted by free radical catalysts, including nitric oxide !"#, nitrous oxide !$"#,hydroxyl "%#, atomic chlorine &l#, and atomic bromine 'r#. (hile there are natural sources for all of these species, the concentrations of chlorine and bromine have increased mar)edly in recent years due to the release of large *uantities of manmade organo halogen compounds, especially chlorofluorocarbons &+&s# and bromofluorocarbons. ,hese highly stable compounds are capable of surviving the rise to the stratosphere, where &l and 'r radicals are liberated by the action of ultraviolet light. -ach radical is then free to initiate and catalyze a chain reaction capable of brea)ing down over 1..,... ozone molecules. ,he brea)down of ozone in the stratosphere results in the ozone molecules being unable to absorb ultraviolet radiation. &onse*uently, unabsorbed and dangerous ultraviolet/' radiation is able to reach the -arth0s surface.1citation needed2 "zone levels, over the northern hemisphere, have been dropping by 34 per decade.

"ver approximately 54 of the -arth's surface, around the north and south poles, much larger but seasonal# declines have been seen6 these are the ozone holes. In $..7, nitrous oxide !$"# was the largest ozone/depleting substance emitted through human activities.

FF CT!8 1.3 E'en # nor $ro-le#! o) ozone 3e$let on can ha'e #ajor e))ect!. E'ery t #e e'en a !#all a#o1nt o) the ozone layer ! lo!t% #ore 1ltra' olet l (ht )ro# the !1n can reach the Earth. E'ery t #e 40 o) the ozone layer ! 3e$lete3% =0 #ore EV/; ! a-le to reach the !1r)ace o) the $lanet. EV/; ncrea!e ! one o) the #o!t har#)1l con!e21ence! o) ozone 3e$let on -eca1!e t can ca1!e !7 n cancer. The ncrea!e3 cancer le'el! ca1!e3 -y e5$o!1re to th ! 1ltra' olet l (ht co1l3 -e enor#o1!. The EPA e!t #ate! that C6 # ll on A#er can! -orn -y the year =6F8 & ll (et !7 n cancer -eca1!e o) ozone 3e$let on. A-o1t one # ll on o) the!e $eo$le & ll 3 e. In a33 t on to cancer% !o#e re!earch !ho&! that a 3ecrea!e3 ozone layer & ll ncrea!e rate! o) #alar a an3 other n)ect o1! 3 !ea!e!. Accor3 n( to the EPA% 4F # ll on #ore ca!e! o) cataract! can al!o -e e5$ecte3. The en' ron#ent & ll al!o -e ne(at 'ely a))ecte3 -y ozone 3e$let on. The l )e cycle! o) $lant! & ll chan(e% 3 !r1$t n( the )oo3 cha n. E))ect! on an #al! & ll al!o -e !e'ere% an3 are 'ery 3 )) c1lt to )ore!ee. Ocean! & ll -e h t har3 a! &ell. The #o!t -a! c # cro!co$ c or(an !#! !1ch a! $lan7ton #ay not -e a-le to !1r' 'e. I) that ha$$ene3% t &o1l3 #ean that all o) the other an #al! that are a-o'e $lan7ton n the )oo3 cha n &o1l3 al!o 3 e o1t. Other eco!y!te#! !1ch a! )ore!t! an3 3e!ert! & ll al!o -e har#e3. The $lanet"! cl #ate co1l3 al!o -e a))ecte3 -y 3e$let on o) the ozone layer. W n3 $attern! co1l3 chan(e% re!1lt n( n cl #at c chan(e! thro1(ho1t the &orl3.

Causes 4.8 Only a )e& )actor! co#- ne to create the $ro-le# o) ozone layer 3e$let on. The $ro31ct on an3 e# !! on o) 9F9!% chloro)l1orocar-on!% ! -y )ar the lea3 n( ca1!e. Many co1ntr e! ha'e calle3 )or the en3 o) 9F9 $ro31ct on -eca1!e only a )e& $ro31ce the che# cal. :o&e'er% tho!e n31!tr e! that 3o 1!e 9F9! 3o not &ant to 3 !cont n1e 1!a(e o) th ! h (hly 'al1a-le n31!tr al che# cal. 9F9! are 1!e3 n n31!try n a 'ar ety o) &ay! an3 ha'e -een a#az n(ly 1!e)1l n #any $ro31ct!. D !co'ere3 n the 4.+6! -y A#er can che# !t Tho#a! M 3(ley% 9F9! ca#e to -e 1!e3 n re)r (erator!% ho#e n!1lat on% $la!t c )oa#% an3 thro&a&ay )oo3 conta ner!. Only later 3 3 $eo$le real ze the 3 !a!ter 9F9! ca1!e3 n the !trato!$here. There% the chlor ne ato# ! re#o'e3 )ro# the 9F9 an3 attract! one o) the three o5y(en ato#! n the ozone #olec1le. The $roce!! cont n1e!% an3 a ! n(le chlor ne ato# can 3e!troy o'er 466%666 #olec1le! o) ozone. In 4.FD% Sher&oo3 Ro&lan3 an3 Mar o Mol na )ollo&e3 the $ath o) 9F9!. The r re!earch $ro'e3 that 9F9! &ere enter n( the at#o!$here% an3 they concl13e3 that ..0 o) all 9F9 #olec1le! &o1l3 en3 1$ n the !trato!$here. Only n 4.>D% &hen the ozone layer hole &a! 3 !co'ere3 o'er Antarct ca% &a! the $roo) tr1ly concl1! 'e. At that $o nt% t &a! har3 to 21e!t on the 3e!tr1ct 'e ca$a- l t e! o) 9F9!. E'en ) 9F9! &ere -anne3% $ro-le#! &o1l3 re#a n. There &o1l3 !t ll -e no &ay to re#o'e the 9F9! that are no& $re!ent n the en' ron#ent. 9learly tho1(h% !o#eth n( #1!t -e 3one to l # t th ! nternat onal $ro-le# n the )1t1re. !olutions" 1.C The 3 !co'ery o) the ozone 3e$let on $ro-le# ca#e a! a (reat !1r$r !e. No&% act on #1!t -e ta7en to en!1re that the ozone layer ! not 3e!troye3. ;eca1!e 9F9! are !o & 3e!$rea3 an3 1!e3 n !1ch a (reat 'ar ety o) $ro31ct!% l # t n( the r 1!e ! har3. Al!o% ! nce #any $ro31ct! alrea3y conta n co#$onent! that 1!e 9F9!% t &o1l3 -e 3 )) c1lt ) not #$o!! -le to el # nate tho!e 9F9! alrea3y n e5 !tence. The 9F9 $ro-le# #ay -e har3 to !ol'e -eca1!e there are alrea3y (reat 21ant t e! o) 9F9! n the en' ron#ent. 9F9! &o1l3 re#a n n the !trato!$here )or another 466 year! e'en ) none &ere e'er $ro31ce3 a(a n. De!$ te the 3 )) c1lt e!% nternat onal act on ha! -een ta7en to l # t 9F9!. In the Montreal Protocol% +6 nat on! &orl3& 3e a(ree3 to re31ce 1!a(e o) 9F9! an3 enco1ra(e3 other co1ntr e! to 3o !o a! &ell.

:o&e'er% #any en' ron#ental !t! )elt the treaty 3 3 ?too l ttle% too late?% a! the Nat1ral Re!o1rce! De)en!e 9o1nc l $1t t. The treaty a!7e3 )or 9F9 #a7er! to only el # nate hal) o) the r 9F9 $ro31ct on% #a7 n( !o#e $eo$le )eel t &a! na3e21ate. ;y the year =666% the ES an3 t&el'e nat on! n E1ro$e ha'e a(ree3 to -an all 1!e an3 $ro31ct on o) 9F9!. Th ! & ll -e h (hly ! (n ) cant% -eca1!e the!e co1ntr e! $ro31ce three 21arter! o) the 9F9! n the &orl3. Many other co1ntr e! ha'e ! (ne3 treat e! an3 &r tten la&! re!tr ct n( the 1!e o) 9F9!. 9o#$an e! are ) n3 n( !1-!t t1te! )or 9F9!% an3 $eo$le n (eneral are -eco# n( #ore a&are o) the 3an(er! o) ozone 3e$let on


$.1 9epletion of "zone :ayer8

It ! an a'era(e ncrea!e n the earthG! te#$erat1re 31e to (reenho1!e e))ect a! a re!1lt o) -oth nat1ral an3 h1#an act ' t e!. In co##on 1!a(e% H(lo-al &ar# n(I o)ten re)er! to the &ar# n( that can occ1r a! a re!1lt o) ncrea!e3 e# !! on! o) (reen ho1!e (a!e! )ro# h1#an act ' t e!% e(B car-on 3 o5 3e% #ethane% &ater 'a$or an3 )l1or nate3 (a!e!% &h ch act l 7e a (reenho1!e aro1n3 the earth% tra$$ n( the heat )ro# the !1n nto the earthG! at#o!$here an3 ncrea! n( the earthG! te#$erat1re. 9l #ate chan(e re)er! to any chan(e! n cl #ate thro1(h te#$erat1re% $rec $ tat on% & n3 etc )or an e5ten3e3 $er o3 a! a re!1lt o) nat1ral $roce!!e! *e.(.J!1nG! nten! ty% oceanG! c rc1lat on, an3 h1#an act ' t e! ca1! n( chan(e! n the at#o!$hereG! co#$o! t on thro1(h e.(.@ ;1rn n( )o!! l )1el! an3 3e)ore!tat on. The ter# H9l #ate 9han(eI ! o)ten 1!e3 nterchan(ea-ly & th the ter# (lo-al &ar# n(. En$rece3ently cata!tro$h c% recent cl #at c ano#al e! are clearly (lo-al &ar# n( thro1(h -laz n( hot !1##er!% -r1tal & nter!% h1rr cane!% ty$hoon! an3 cyclone! )ro# N. A#er ca to A)r ca an3 )ro# A! a to E1ro$e. It ! no& con! 3ere3 -y the o'er&hel# n( #ajor ty o) !c ent !t that (lo-al &ar# n( ! the #o!t #$ortant threat to h1#an ty. It ! -eco# n( #ore a$$arent that h1#an ty #ay -e )ac n( #o!t 3ra!t c $ro-le#! n the near )1t1re a! the re!1lt o) (lo-al &ar# n( &h ch & ll -e 1na'o 3a-le 1nle!! (reat #ea!1re! are ta7en 'ery !oon.

2.2 Ozone Layer De$let on A Threat to the En' ron#ent

There is enough on this earth for mans needs but not for his greed.
:o& tr1eK Man ha! -een cont n1o1!ly $l1n3er n( an3 $ lla( n( Mother Nat1re not only )or h ! nee3! -1t al!o )or h ! !el) !h 3e! re! )or #ore. Whether t ! e#anat on o) !#o7e )ro# a1to#o- le! or e# !! on o) $o !ono1! (a!e! )ro# )actor e!% relea!e o) to5 cant! )ro# a r con3 t oner! or l -erat on o) lethal che# cal! )ro# re)r (erator!% each one o) the!e ha'e $oll1te3 the en' ron#ent to !1ch an e5tent that to3ay the &orl3 !1))er! )ro# the eye/!#art n(% l1n(/!carr n( c1r!e &e call HOzone Layer De$let onI.

The ozone layer ! a th n -an3 n the 1$$er at#o!$here% &h ch !er'e! to !h el3 the earth )ro# the !1n"! har#)1l 1ltra' olet ray!. It al!o hel$! n re31c n( the r !7! o) #1tat on an3 har# to $lant an3 an #al l )e a! &ell a! hel$! to re31ce cataract% !1n-1rn an3 !7 n cancer &h ch are ca1!e3 -y the 1ltra' olet ra3 at on! o) the !1n. In the 4.F6!% !c ent !t! 3 !co'ere3 that h1#an act ' t e! &ere the (reate!t ca1!e o) 1$!ett n( th ! 3el cate -alance o) $ro31ct on an3 3e!tr1ct on o) ozone. It &a! )o1n3 that the layer &a! -e n( attac7e3 -y relea! n( Ozone De$let n( S1-!tance! *ODS, l 7e chloro)l1orocar-on! or 9F9! co# n( )ro# a r con3 t oner!% clean n( !ol'ent!% aero!ol !$ray! an3 re)r (erator!. It &a! al!o ca1!e3 31e to the react on o) n tro(en o5 3e! & th hy3rocar-on! n the a r to $ro31ce al3ehy3e! an3 7etone!. In Ne& Delh % Lo! An(ele!% Lon3on an3 other (reat c t e! t co#e! n lar(e $art! )ro# a1to#o- le en( ne!. In To7yo th n(! ha'e co#e to !1ch a !ta(e that tra)) c $ol ce#en $a1!e re(1larly to -reathe o5y(en. The con!e21ence! o) the 3e$let on o) the ozone layer are 3ra#at c. Increa!e3 1ltra' olet ra3 at on lea3! to a (ro& n( n1#-er o) !7 n cancer! an3 cataract! an3 al!o re31ce! the a- l ty o) $eo$le"! ##1ne !y!te#! to re!$on3 to n)ect on. EV ra3 at on! al!o a))ect $lant! -y ncrea! n( (er# nat on that re31ce! cro$ y el3. It ca1!e! !e'ere 3a#a(e n the early 3e'elo$#ent !ta(e o) !hr #$!% cra-! an3 a#$h - an!. A33 t onally% the (ro&th rate! o) the &orl3"! ocean c $lan7ton% the -a!e o) #o!t #ar ne )oo3 cha n!% ha'e -een ne(at 'ely a))ecte3% lea3 n( to ncrea!e3 at#o!$her c car-on 3 o5 3e an3 th1! to (lo-al &ar# n(. Sc ent !t! an3 (o'ern#ent o)) c al! ha'e no& real ze3 that &e are n tro1-le unle!! &e !to$ a-1! n( o1r ' tal l )e/!1$$ort !y!te#!% they & ll )a l. We #1!t #a nta n the#% or $ay the $enalty. The $enalty ! 3eath. So #1ch ! -e n( !a 3% 3 !c1!!e3% an3 &r tten a-o1t #an ra'a( n( the en' ron#ent that &e !tart )eel n( $an c7y. Tho1(h the ! t1at on 3oe! &arrant concern the ne&! ! not all -a3. There ! $lenty to cheer a-o1t on the en' ron#ent )ront. The ozone layer ! on the $o nt o) reco'ery. Th ! !1cce!! !tory 3ate! -ac7 to 4.>F% &hen !c ent !t! -e(an to 'o ce the r concern!. The &orl3G! (o'ern#ent! #o'e3 n j1!t n ne #onth! to concl13e a treaty to el # nate chloro)l1orocar-on! *9F9!, an3 other ozone/ 3e!troy n( che# cal!. To3ay al#o!t t&o 3eca3e! later the re!1lt ! enco1ra( n(. :o&e'er har3 the (o'ern#ent! try% they canGt & $e o1t th ! $ro-le# 1nt l &e the co##on $eo$le 3o o1r - t. So#e t #e -ac7 the In3 an <o'ern#ent ha3 la1nche3 a l teracy $ro(ra##e calle3 LEach One Teach OneG. E'en then I ha3 l 7e3 the 3ea ##en!ely% tho1(h t ha3 )a le3 to ta7e o)). I th n7 th ! ca#$a (n !ho1l3 -e re/la1nche3 / not -y any <o'ern#ent -1t -y 1!% yo1 an3 #e. In &h che'er $art o) the &orl3 &e #ay -e% ) &e con! 3er o1r!el'e! the concerne3 an3 co## tte3 c t zen! o) the &orl3 &e !ho1l3 ch $ n. We !ho1l3 3ent )y the ll terate n o1r ' c n ty an3 teach the# the -a! c! o) Rea3 n(% Wr t n( an3 Ar th#et c -1t al!o a-o1t :y( ene% :ealth an3 the $ro-le#!% &h ch &e are )ac n( 31e to ncrea! n( $oll1t on le'el!.

Th ! # (ht !o1n3 ! #$l !t c to #any o) yo1. ;1t $lea!e 7ee$ n # n3 that all (reat re'ol1t on! ha'e -e(1n & th a ! #$le !te$ an3 e'ent1ally le3 to terr ) c re!1lt!. Dr. Ra3ha7r !hnan once !a 3% HWe ha'e learnt to race n the &ater!% &e ha'e learnt to )ly n the a r -1t ala! &e ha'e not yet learnt to &al7 on th ! earth.I So let 1! then each one o) 1! ta7e a $le3(e to $rotect o1r (reate!t )r en3% Mother Nat1re% )ro# all har# an3 rea$ the -ene) t! !he ha! -e!to&e3 on 1!. Let 1! learn to &al7 on the earth creat n( har#ony an3 to(etherne!! & th nat1re.

So1thern State! / Marnata7a/;an(alore "TOE<:ER LAWS NEEDED TO STOP DEPLETION OF OZONE LAYER" $.+ Wh le ozone 3e$let on ! !t ll ca1! n( !er o1! concern% #any $eo$le n ;an(alore cont n1e to 1!e ozone/3e$let n( !1-!tance! *ODS, n the )or# o) aero!ol !$ray!% re)r (erator!% ) re e5t n(1 !her!% an3 e'en !o#e ty$e! o) #attre!!e!. Many o) the# conta n 9F9! *chloro)l1orocar-on!,% &h ch enter the 1$$er at#o!$here an3 3a#a(e the ozone layer & th 3 !a!tro1! con!e21ence! to the en' ron#ent% ncl13 n( chan(e! n &eather $attern!. The 9ha r#an o) the 9entral Poll1t on 9ontrol ;oar3% D.M. ; !&a!% !a 3 here on Fr 3ay that In3 a &a! a lateco#er re(ar3 n( en' ron#ental la&! to !to$ the 1!e o) ODS -y #an1)act1rer! -1t ha3 #a3e ! (n ) cant $ro(re!! ! nce the late 4.>6!. A! a ! (natory to the Montreal Protocol on $ha! n( o1t ODS% In3 a ha3 #ana(e3 to $ha!e o1t lea3e3 $etrol 1!e3 n 'eh cle! an3% to a lar(e e5tent% 9F9/-a!e3 re)r (erator!. The t #e ha3 no& co#e )or #ore le( !lat on% ) nece!!ary% an3 to e#$o&er the State! to tac7le local n31!tr e!. Mr. ; !&a! &a! 3el 'er n( the 7eynote a33re!! at the nat onal &or7!ho$ on Ozone De$let n( S1-!tance! *Re(1lat on an3 9ontrol, R1le! =666 an3 the Montreal Protocol. Lata Mr !hna Rao% Secretary% Marnata7a De$art#ent o) En' ron#ent an3 Ecolo(y% !a 3 the State an3 En on (o'ern#ent! !ho1l3 th n7 n ter#! o) ncent 'e! )or #an1)act1rer! 1! n( N(reen $ro31ct!"% an3 enco1ra(e other! to !& tch o'er to $ro31ct!% &h ch 3 3 not a))ect the ozone layer. The 3ea3l ne )or n31!tr e! to chan(e o'er )ro# ODS $ro31ct! # (ht ha'e to -e rela5e3 to a #ore $ract cal t #e)ra#e% !he !1((e!te3. The 9ha r#an o) the Marnata7a State Poll1t on 9ontrol ;oar3% O. Ale5an3er% !a 3 that -eca1!e -oth the ozone layer an3 ODS &ere lar(ely n' ! -le% #ore a&arene!! !ho1l3 -e create3 a#on( #an1)act1rer! an3 con!1#er!. R. 9han3ra#ohan% Oo nt Secretary% En on M n !try o) En' ron#ent an3 Fore!t!% &elco#e3 the 3ele(ate!.



!"1 O#one dep$etion: Ozone ! #a3e 1$ )ro# three o5y(en ato#!% &herea! the o5y(en that &e -reathe ha! only t&o. It ! a # nor (a! n o1r at#o!$here an3 #o!tly occ1r! n the ?ozone layer? at he (ht! -et&een 46 an3 +8 7 lo#eter!. !.2 Re%earch@ / Re!earch ! a !c ent ) c an3 !y!te#at c !earch )or $ert nent n)or#at on on a !$ec ) c to$ c. !"! Tit$e: DE&LETION O' O(ONE LAYER !") O*+ECTI,E O' THE RESEARCH: To $ortray acc1rately the character !t c! o) an n3 ' 31al% ! t1at on an3 (ro1$! ' e& on the $art c1lar area o) ntere!t. The o-ject 'e o) the to$ c ! that &e nee3 to -e a&are o) the con3 t on o) the ozone layer an3 ta7e !te$! to &or7 )1ll/)le3(e3 to !to$ the rre$ara-le 3a#a(e! that can -e ca1!e3 -y the 3e$let on o) the ozone layer. !"- DATA COLLECTION: The 3ata collect on techn 21e &h ch ha! -een 1!e3 ! -a!e3 on the ) r!t han3 n)or#at on% -a!e3 on a !1r'ey re!1lt n( )ro# a !et o) 21e!t onna re $re$are3. The 3ata ha! -een !a#$le3 & tho1t any !$ec ) c $re)erence! an3 the !1r'ey ha! -een con31cte3 on a ran3o# -a! !. !". AREA ST/DY: The area ta7en n ntere!t n (enerally a (ro1$ o) l terate $ro)e!! onal! Who ha'e a$$l ca-le 7no&le3(e re(ar3 n( the a-o'e concerne3 o-ject 'e! 3e) ne3. ;a! cally t ha! -een cla!! ) e3 n t&o 3 !t nct (ro1$! na#ely / 4, Men P 4= n n1#-er! =, La3 e! P 4+ n n1#-er!

&hapter 3 'INDINGS"


The!e are the ) n3 n(! 3one -y #e 31r n( the nter' e&. F n3 n(! are the #$ortant $art o) a $roject &h ch hel$! 1! n ) n3 n( the rat o o) the an!&er! that $eo$le ha'e !a 3 n the nter' e&. F n3 n(! ( 'e 1! a ' e& on the #atter o) re!earch 3one% th1! hel$ n( 1! n )1t1re co1r!e o) !t13y. I S# ta M Ph l $ ha'e nter' e&e3 =8 $eo$le an3 ha'e co#$lete3 the !1r'ey. I ha'e 3one the )ollo& n( ) n3 n(!. I ha3 3one #y !1r'ey n the area o) ;ha1 $at l roa3B ;o$o3 .The $eo$le &ho# I nter' e&e3 &ere 'ery enth1! a!t c an3 !1$$orte3 the $roce!! o) nter' e&.

Ma nly the $eo$le I nter' e&e3 &ere !t13ent! )ro# !chool! an3 colle(e! an3 #o!t o) the# &ere not a&are a-o1t the to$ c. I (ot 3 ))erent ' e&! )ro# the#% they &ere con)1!e3 the#!el'e! a-o1t the #atter. So )ro# th ! I )o1n3 the )ollo& n( $ercenta(e. T:ESE WERE T:E FOLLOWIN< QEESTIONS ASMED TO T:E PEOPLE




13 Are 4ou a5are o6 the ter7 89o#one $a4er99: An%: ;-< %aid 8YES9 2-< %aid 8NO9" 23 Did 4ou =no5 that air conditioner% and re6ri>erator% re$ea%e C'C9% 5hich de%tro4 the o#one $a4er: An%: --< %aid 8YES9 )-< %aid 8NO9"

!3 Acid rain% do not har7 the en?iron7ent: An%: !-< %aid 8YES9 .-< %aid 8NO9

)3 Did 4ou =no5 that the ho$e in the o#one $a4er %end u$tra ?io$et ra4% that cau%e %=in cancer: An%: .-< %aid 8YES9 !-< %aid 8NO9 -3 Do 4ou =no5 a@out the >reen hou%e e66ect: An%: !A< %aid 8YES9 ;A < %aid 8NO9 .3 Do 4ou thin= u%in> rene5a@$e re%ource% i% ad?i%a@$e or non rene5a@$e re%ource%: An%: .A< %aid Rene5a@$e )A< %aid Non rene5a@$e" ;3 O#one i% not nece%%ar4 6or our 6uture: An%: ;)< %aid 8YES9 2.< %aid 8NO9

B3 0hat do 4ou thin= a@out G$o@a$ 0ar7in>: An%: )-< %aid that 8I97 %eriou%$4 thin=in> C do 74 @e%t to pre?ent in 74 o5n 5a4% --< %aid 8I =no5 a@out itD *ut 5hat can I do"

E3 In 4our hou%e do 4ou rec4c$e reu%e artic$e% that can @e reu%ed: An%: .-< %aid 8YES9 !-< %aid 8NO9

1A3 Are 5e re%pon%i@$e 6or the dep$etion o6 o#one $a4er :" An%: !-< %aid 8YES9 2-< %aid 8NO9 )A< %aid 8MAY *E9

113 Do 4ou 5e9d e?er @e a@$e to reco?er the dep$eted o#one $a4er: An%: )-< %aid 8YES9 --< %aid 8NO9

123 Doe% the o#one $a4er chan>e 6ro7 %ea%on to %ea%on: An%: );< %aid 8YES9 -!< %aid 8NO9

1!3 Do 4ou thin= the 5or$d i% >oin> to end in 2A12: An%: 2-< %aid 8YES9 ;-< %aid 8NO9

1)3 Do 4ou per%ona$$4 =no5 o6 an4 chan>e% in 4our en?iron7ent 4ou can attri@ute to G$o@a$ 0ar7in>: An%: !A< %aid 8YES9 ;A< %aid 8NO9

1-3 Do 4ou @e$ie?e CO2 cau%e% >$o@a$ 5ar7in>: An%: )-< %aid 8YES9 --< %aid 8NO9

1.3 0i$$ the o#one $a4er cau%e har76u$ e66ect% in the >ro5th o6 ?e>etation C p$ant%: An%: ;A < %aid 8YES9 !A < %aid 8NO9

1;3 Can chan>e% in the %un9% output @e re%pon%i@$e 6or the o@%er?ed chan>e% in the o#one: An%: )A < %aid 8YES9 .A < %aid 8NO9

1B3 Ho5 %e?ere i% the o#one dep$etion no5 C i% it eFpected to >et 5or%e: An%: .A < %aid 8YES9 1A < %aid 8MAY*E9 !A < %aid 8NO9

1E3 0ho cau%e% 7ore da7a>e to the o#one $a4er: An%: EA < %aid 8MAN9 1A < %aid 8NAT/RE9

C#$%T & ' & CO(( N)$TION * LI(IT$TION"+ '., The !1((e!t on! $lace3 -y the n3 ' 31al! o) !1r'ey! are )ollo&!@/ 4, Wal7 &hen the 3 !tance ! not that )ar =, A'o 3 1!e o) aero!ol! n!tea3 1!e nat1ral #etho3! or nat1ral aro#a! to 7ee$ the ho1!e )ra(rant. +, S& tch o) the re)r (erator &hen not n 1!e D, A'o 3 1!e o) 'eh cle! an3 all the # n n( act ' t e! to -e 3one.



4. All the !1r'ey carr e3 &a! & th &ell/e31cate3 $er!onnelG! an3 3 3nGt really (et the o$$ort1n ty to carry the !1r'ey to the relat 'ely ol3 $eo$le. =. Not #any $eo$le &ere a&are o) the to$ c.


The re!1lt! &h ch &ere o-ta ne3 )ro# the 3eta le3 !1r'ey an3 & th 31e con! 3erat on o) the r $er!e'erance $lace3 -y the r re!$on!e! the re!earch &h ch &a! carr e3 o1t re(ar3 n( the HDe$let on o) ozone layerI ha'e to -e concl13e3 a! H $1-l c 3oe! not ha'e a3e21ate 7no&le3(e o) the har#! the 3e$let on o) ozone layer. Peo$le are not a&are o) the ter# ozone. The !1r'ey ( 'e! 1! an n! (ht that &e 3o not ha'e or care )or the at#o!$here nor are a&are that &hat are the 3 !ea!e! that &e can !1))er & th !1ch a 3e$let on o) ozone layer. So th ! ! an atte#$t that ha! #a3e to #a7e $eo$le a&are o) the ozone layer an3 t! e))ect on 1!.

& F & NC !"



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