Ea Project Awareness
Ea Project Awareness
Ea Project Awareness
Finally I acknowledge with deep appreciation the indispensable help and encouragement received from my friends. Last but not the least is my parents for their unconditional support and encouragement.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The ozone layer ! a layer n Earth"! at#o!$here% &h ch conta n! relat 'ely h (h concentrat on! o) ozone *O+,. Th ! layer a-!or-! .+/..0 o) the !1n"! h (h )re21ency 1ltra' olet l (ht% &h ch ! $otent ally 3a#a( n( to l )e on earth. O'er .40 o) the ozone n Earth"! at#o!$here ! $re!ent here. It ! #a nly locate3 n the lo&er $ort on o) the !trato!$here )ro# a$$ro5 #ately 46 7# to 86 7# a-o'e Earth% tho1(h the th c7ne!! 'ar e! !ea!onally an3 (eo(ra$h cally. The ozone layer &a! 3 !co'ere3 n 4.4+ -y the French $hy! c !t! 9harle! Fa-ry an3 :enr ;1 !!on. It! $ro$ert e! &ere e5$lore3 n 3eta l -y the ;r t !h #eteorolo( !t <. M. ;. Do-!on% &ho 3e'elo$e3 a ! #$le !$ectro$hoto#eter *the Do-!on #eter, that co1l3 -e 1!e3 to #ea!1re !trato!$her c ozone )ro# the (ro1n3. ;et&een 4.=> an3 4.8> Do-!on e!ta-l !he3 a &orl3& 3e net&or7 o) ozone #on tor n( !tat on!% &h ch cont n1e! to o$erate to3ay. The ?Do-!on 1n t?% a con'en ent #ea!1re o) the col1#nar 3en! ty o) ozone o'erhea3% ! na#e3 n h ! honor.
4.=A The $hotoche# cal #echan !#! that ( 'e r !e to the ozone layer &ere 3 !co'ere3 -y the ;r t !h $hy! c !t S 3ney 9ha$#an n 4.+6. Ozone n the Earth"! !trato!$here ! create3 -y 1ltra' olet l (ht !tr 7 n( o5y(en #olec1le! conta n n( t&o o5y(en ato#! *O=,% !$l tt n( the# nto n3 ' 31al o5y(en ato#! *ato# c o5y(en,B the ato# c o5y(en then co#- ne! & th 1n-ro7en O= to create ozone% O+. The ozone #olec1le ! al!o 1n!ta-le *altho1(h% n the !trato!$here% lon(/l 'e3, an3 &hen 1ltra' olet l (ht h t! ozone t !$l t! nto a #olec1le o) O= an3 an ato# o) ato# c o5y(en% a cont n1 n( $roce!! calle3 the ozone/o5y(en cycle% th1! creat n( an ozone layer n the !trato!$here% the re( on )ro# a-o1t 46 to 86 7# *+=%666 to 4CD%666 )eet, a-o'e Earth"! !1r)ace. A-o1t .60 o) the ozone n o1r at#o!$here ! conta ne3 n the !trato!$here. Ozone concentrat on! are (reate!t -et&een a-o1t =6 an3 D6 7#% &here they ran(e )ro# a-o1t = to > $art! $er # ll on. I) all o) the ozone &ere co#$re!!e3 to the $re!!1re o) the a r at !ea le'el% t &o1l3 -e only a )e& # ll #eter! th c7.
"ver approximately 54 of the -arth's surface, around the north and south poles, much larger but seasonal# declines have been seen6 these are the ozone holes. In $..7, nitrous oxide !$"# was the largest ozone/depleting substance emitted through human activities.
FF CT!8 1.3 E'en # nor $ro-le#! o) ozone 3e$let on can ha'e #ajor e))ect!. E'ery t #e e'en a !#all a#o1nt o) the ozone layer ! lo!t% #ore 1ltra' olet l (ht )ro# the !1n can reach the Earth. E'ery t #e 40 o) the ozone layer ! 3e$lete3% =0 #ore EV/; ! a-le to reach the !1r)ace o) the $lanet. EV/; ncrea!e ! one o) the #o!t har#)1l con!e21ence! o) ozone 3e$let on -eca1!e t can ca1!e !7 n cancer. The ncrea!e3 cancer le'el! ca1!e3 -y e5$o!1re to th ! 1ltra' olet l (ht co1l3 -e enor#o1!. The EPA e!t #ate! that C6 # ll on A#er can! -orn -y the year =6F8 & ll (et !7 n cancer -eca1!e o) ozone 3e$let on. A-o1t one # ll on o) the!e $eo$le & ll 3 e. In a33 t on to cancer% !o#e re!earch !ho&! that a 3ecrea!e3 ozone layer & ll ncrea!e rate! o) #alar a an3 other n)ect o1! 3 !ea!e!. Accor3 n( to the EPA% 4F # ll on #ore ca!e! o) cataract! can al!o -e e5$ecte3. The en' ron#ent & ll al!o -e ne(at 'ely a))ecte3 -y ozone 3e$let on. The l )e cycle! o) $lant! & ll chan(e% 3 !r1$t n( the )oo3 cha n. E))ect! on an #al! & ll al!o -e !e'ere% an3 are 'ery 3 )) c1lt to )ore!ee. Ocean! & ll -e h t har3 a! &ell. The #o!t -a! c # cro!co$ c or(an !#! !1ch a! $lan7ton #ay not -e a-le to !1r' 'e. I) that ha$$ene3% t &o1l3 #ean that all o) the other an #al! that are a-o'e $lan7ton n the )oo3 cha n &o1l3 al!o 3 e o1t. Other eco!y!te#! !1ch a! )ore!t! an3 3e!ert! & ll al!o -e har#e3. The $lanet"! cl #ate co1l3 al!o -e a))ecte3 -y 3e$let on o) the ozone layer. W n3 $attern! co1l3 chan(e% re!1lt n( n cl #at c chan(e! thro1(ho1t the &orl3.
Causes 4.8 Only a )e& )actor! co#- ne to create the $ro-le# o) ozone layer 3e$let on. The $ro31ct on an3 e# !! on o) 9F9!% chloro)l1orocar-on!% ! -y )ar the lea3 n( ca1!e. Many co1ntr e! ha'e calle3 )or the en3 o) 9F9 $ro31ct on -eca1!e only a )e& $ro31ce the che# cal. :o&e'er% tho!e n31!tr e! that 3o 1!e 9F9! 3o not &ant to 3 !cont n1e 1!a(e o) th ! h (hly 'al1a-le n31!tr al che# cal. 9F9! are 1!e3 n n31!try n a 'ar ety o) &ay! an3 ha'e -een a#az n(ly 1!e)1l n #any $ro31ct!. D !co'ere3 n the 4.+6! -y A#er can che# !t Tho#a! M 3(ley% 9F9! ca#e to -e 1!e3 n re)r (erator!% ho#e n!1lat on% $la!t c )oa#% an3 thro&a&ay )oo3 conta ner!. Only later 3 3 $eo$le real ze the 3 !a!ter 9F9! ca1!e3 n the !trato!$here. There% the chlor ne ato# ! re#o'e3 )ro# the 9F9 an3 attract! one o) the three o5y(en ato#! n the ozone #olec1le. The $roce!! cont n1e!% an3 a ! n(le chlor ne ato# can 3e!troy o'er 466%666 #olec1le! o) ozone. In 4.FD% Sher&oo3 Ro&lan3 an3 Mar o Mol na )ollo&e3 the $ath o) 9F9!. The r re!earch $ro'e3 that 9F9! &ere enter n( the at#o!$here% an3 they concl13e3 that ..0 o) all 9F9 #olec1le! &o1l3 en3 1$ n the !trato!$here. Only n 4.>D% &hen the ozone layer hole &a! 3 !co'ere3 o'er Antarct ca% &a! the $roo) tr1ly concl1! 'e. At that $o nt% t &a! har3 to 21e!t on the 3e!tr1ct 'e ca$a- l t e! o) 9F9!. E'en ) 9F9! &ere -anne3% $ro-le#! &o1l3 re#a n. There &o1l3 !t ll -e no &ay to re#o'e the 9F9! that are no& $re!ent n the en' ron#ent. 9learly tho1(h% !o#eth n( #1!t -e 3one to l # t th ! nternat onal $ro-le# n the )1t1re. !olutions" 1.C The 3 !co'ery o) the ozone 3e$let on $ro-le# ca#e a! a (reat !1r$r !e. No&% act on #1!t -e ta7en to en!1re that the ozone layer ! not 3e!troye3. ;eca1!e 9F9! are !o & 3e!$rea3 an3 1!e3 n !1ch a (reat 'ar ety o) $ro31ct!% l # t n( the r 1!e ! har3. Al!o% ! nce #any $ro31ct! alrea3y conta n co#$onent! that 1!e 9F9!% t &o1l3 -e 3 )) c1lt ) not #$o!! -le to el # nate tho!e 9F9! alrea3y n e5 !tence. The 9F9 $ro-le# #ay -e har3 to !ol'e -eca1!e there are alrea3y (reat 21ant t e! o) 9F9! n the en' ron#ent. 9F9! &o1l3 re#a n n the !trato!$here )or another 466 year! e'en ) none &ere e'er $ro31ce3 a(a n. De!$ te the 3 )) c1lt e!% nternat onal act on ha! -een ta7en to l # t 9F9!. In the Montreal Protocol% +6 nat on! &orl3& 3e a(ree3 to re31ce 1!a(e o) 9F9! an3 enco1ra(e3 other co1ntr e! to 3o !o a! &ell.
:o&e'er% #any en' ron#ental !t! )elt the treaty 3 3 ?too l ttle% too late?% a! the Nat1ral Re!o1rce! De)en!e 9o1nc l $1t t. The treaty a!7e3 )or 9F9 #a7er! to only el # nate hal) o) the r 9F9 $ro31ct on% #a7 n( !o#e $eo$le )eel t &a! na3e21ate. ;y the year =666% the ES an3 t&el'e nat on! n E1ro$e ha'e a(ree3 to -an all 1!e an3 $ro31ct on o) 9F9!. Th ! & ll -e h (hly ! (n ) cant% -eca1!e the!e co1ntr e! $ro31ce three 21arter! o) the 9F9! n the &orl3. Many other co1ntr e! ha'e ! (ne3 treat e! an3 &r tten la&! re!tr ct n( the 1!e o) 9F9!. 9o#$an e! are ) n3 n( !1-!t t1te! )or 9F9!% an3 $eo$le n (eneral are -eco# n( #ore a&are o) the 3an(er! o) ozone 3e$let on
It ! an a'era(e ncrea!e n the earthG! te#$erat1re 31e to (reenho1!e e))ect a! a re!1lt o) -oth nat1ral an3 h1#an act ' t e!. In co##on 1!a(e% H(lo-al &ar# n(I o)ten re)er! to the &ar# n( that can occ1r a! a re!1lt o) ncrea!e3 e# !! on! o) (reen ho1!e (a!e! )ro# h1#an act ' t e!% e(B car-on 3 o5 3e% #ethane% &ater 'a$or an3 )l1or nate3 (a!e!% &h ch act l 7e a (reenho1!e aro1n3 the earth% tra$$ n( the heat )ro# the !1n nto the earthG! at#o!$here an3 ncrea! n( the earthG! te#$erat1re. 9l #ate chan(e re)er! to any chan(e! n cl #ate thro1(h te#$erat1re% $rec $ tat on% & n3 etc )or an e5ten3e3 $er o3 a! a re!1lt o) nat1ral $roce!!e! *e.(.J!1nG! nten! ty% oceanG! c rc1lat on, an3 h1#an act ' t e! ca1! n( chan(e! n the at#o!$hereG! co#$o! t on thro1(h e.(.@ ;1rn n( )o!! l )1el! an3 3e)ore!tat on. The ter# H9l #ate 9han(eI ! o)ten 1!e3 nterchan(ea-ly & th the ter# (lo-al &ar# n(. En$rece3ently cata!tro$h c% recent cl #at c ano#al e! are clearly (lo-al &ar# n( thro1(h -laz n( hot !1##er!% -r1tal & nter!% h1rr cane!% ty$hoon! an3 cyclone! )ro# N. A#er ca to A)r ca an3 )ro# A! a to E1ro$e. It ! no& con! 3ere3 -y the o'er&hel# n( #ajor ty o) !c ent !t that (lo-al &ar# n( ! the #o!t #$ortant threat to h1#an ty. It ! -eco# n( #ore a$$arent that h1#an ty #ay -e )ac n( #o!t 3ra!t c $ro-le#! n the near )1t1re a! the re!1lt o) (lo-al &ar# n( &h ch & ll -e 1na'o 3a-le 1nle!! (reat #ea!1re! are ta7en 'ery !oon.
There is enough on this earth for mans needs but not for his greed.
:o& tr1eK Man ha! -een cont n1o1!ly $l1n3er n( an3 $ lla( n( Mother Nat1re not only )or h ! nee3! -1t al!o )or h ! !el) !h 3e! re! )or #ore. Whether t ! e#anat on o) !#o7e )ro# a1to#o- le! or e# !! on o) $o !ono1! (a!e! )ro# )actor e!% relea!e o) to5 cant! )ro# a r con3 t oner! or l -erat on o) lethal che# cal! )ro# re)r (erator!% each one o) the!e ha'e $oll1te3 the en' ron#ent to !1ch an e5tent that to3ay the &orl3 !1))er! )ro# the eye/!#art n(% l1n(/!carr n( c1r!e &e call HOzone Layer De$let onI.
The ozone layer ! a th n -an3 n the 1$$er at#o!$here% &h ch !er'e! to !h el3 the earth )ro# the !1n"! har#)1l 1ltra' olet ray!. It al!o hel$! n re31c n( the r !7! o) #1tat on an3 har# to $lant an3 an #al l )e a! &ell a! hel$! to re31ce cataract% !1n-1rn an3 !7 n cancer &h ch are ca1!e3 -y the 1ltra' olet ra3 at on! o) the !1n. In the 4.F6!% !c ent !t! 3 !co'ere3 that h1#an act ' t e! &ere the (reate!t ca1!e o) 1$!ett n( th ! 3el cate -alance o) $ro31ct on an3 3e!tr1ct on o) ozone. It &a! )o1n3 that the layer &a! -e n( attac7e3 -y relea! n( Ozone De$let n( S1-!tance! *ODS, l 7e chloro)l1orocar-on! or 9F9! co# n( )ro# a r con3 t oner!% clean n( !ol'ent!% aero!ol !$ray! an3 re)r (erator!. It &a! al!o ca1!e3 31e to the react on o) n tro(en o5 3e! & th hy3rocar-on! n the a r to $ro31ce al3ehy3e! an3 7etone!. In Ne& Delh % Lo! An(ele!% Lon3on an3 other (reat c t e! t co#e! n lar(e $art! )ro# a1to#o- le en( ne!. In To7yo th n(! ha'e co#e to !1ch a !ta(e that tra)) c $ol ce#en $a1!e re(1larly to -reathe o5y(en. The con!e21ence! o) the 3e$let on o) the ozone layer are 3ra#at c. Increa!e3 1ltra' olet ra3 at on lea3! to a (ro& n( n1#-er o) !7 n cancer! an3 cataract! an3 al!o re31ce! the a- l ty o) $eo$le"! ##1ne !y!te#! to re!$on3 to n)ect on. EV ra3 at on! al!o a))ect $lant! -y ncrea! n( (er# nat on that re31ce! cro$ y el3. It ca1!e! !e'ere 3a#a(e n the early 3e'elo$#ent !ta(e o) !hr #$!% cra-! an3 a#$h - an!. A33 t onally% the (ro&th rate! o) the &orl3"! ocean c $lan7ton% the -a!e o) #o!t #ar ne )oo3 cha n!% ha'e -een ne(at 'ely a))ecte3% lea3 n( to ncrea!e3 at#o!$her c car-on 3 o5 3e an3 th1! to (lo-al &ar# n(. Sc ent !t! an3 (o'ern#ent o)) c al! ha'e no& real ze3 that &e are n tro1-le unle!! &e !to$ a-1! n( o1r ' tal l )e/!1$$ort !y!te#!% they & ll )a l. We #1!t #a nta n the#% or $ay the $enalty. The $enalty ! 3eath. So #1ch ! -e n( !a 3% 3 !c1!!e3% an3 &r tten a-o1t #an ra'a( n( the en' ron#ent that &e !tart )eel n( $an c7y. Tho1(h the ! t1at on 3oe! &arrant concern the ne&! ! not all -a3. There ! $lenty to cheer a-o1t on the en' ron#ent )ront. The ozone layer ! on the $o nt o) reco'ery. Th ! !1cce!! !tory 3ate! -ac7 to 4.>F% &hen !c ent !t! -e(an to 'o ce the r concern!. The &orl3G! (o'ern#ent! #o'e3 n j1!t n ne #onth! to concl13e a treaty to el # nate chloro)l1orocar-on! *9F9!, an3 other ozone/ 3e!troy n( che# cal!. To3ay al#o!t t&o 3eca3e! later the re!1lt ! enco1ra( n(. :o&e'er har3 the (o'ern#ent! try% they canGt & $e o1t th ! $ro-le# 1nt l &e the co##on $eo$le 3o o1r - t. So#e t #e -ac7 the In3 an <o'ern#ent ha3 la1nche3 a l teracy $ro(ra##e calle3 LEach One Teach OneG. E'en then I ha3 l 7e3 the 3ea ##en!ely% tho1(h t ha3 )a le3 to ta7e o)). I th n7 th ! ca#$a (n !ho1l3 -e re/la1nche3 / not -y any <o'ern#ent -1t -y 1!% yo1 an3 #e. In &h che'er $art o) the &orl3 &e #ay -e% ) &e con! 3er o1r!el'e! the concerne3 an3 co## tte3 c t zen! o) the &orl3 &e !ho1l3 ch $ n. We !ho1l3 3ent )y the ll terate n o1r ' c n ty an3 teach the# the -a! c! o) Rea3 n(% Wr t n( an3 Ar th#et c -1t al!o a-o1t :y( ene% :ealth an3 the $ro-le#!% &h ch &e are )ac n( 31e to ncrea! n( $oll1t on le'el!.
Th ! # (ht !o1n3 ! #$l !t c to #any o) yo1. ;1t $lea!e 7ee$ n # n3 that all (reat re'ol1t on! ha'e -e(1n & th a ! #$le !te$ an3 e'ent1ally le3 to terr ) c re!1lt!. Dr. Ra3ha7r !hnan once !a 3% HWe ha'e learnt to race n the &ater!% &e ha'e learnt to )ly n the a r -1t ala! &e ha'e not yet learnt to &al7 on th ! earth.I So let 1! then each one o) 1! ta7e a $le3(e to $rotect o1r (reate!t )r en3% Mother Nat1re% )ro# all har# an3 rea$ the -ene) t! !he ha! -e!to&e3 on 1!. Let 1! learn to &al7 on the earth creat n( har#ony an3 to(etherne!! & th nat1re.
So1thern State! / Marnata7a/;an(alore "TOE<:ER LAWS NEEDED TO STOP DEPLETION OF OZONE LAYER" $.+ Wh le ozone 3e$let on ! !t ll ca1! n( !er o1! concern% #any $eo$le n ;an(alore cont n1e to 1!e ozone/3e$let n( !1-!tance! *ODS, n the )or# o) aero!ol !$ray!% re)r (erator!% ) re e5t n(1 !her!% an3 e'en !o#e ty$e! o) #attre!!e!. Many o) the# conta n 9F9! *chloro)l1orocar-on!,% &h ch enter the 1$$er at#o!$here an3 3a#a(e the ozone layer & th 3 !a!tro1! con!e21ence! to the en' ron#ent% ncl13 n( chan(e! n &eather $attern!. The 9ha r#an o) the 9entral Poll1t on 9ontrol ;oar3% D.M. ; !&a!% !a 3 here on Fr 3ay that In3 a &a! a lateco#er re(ar3 n( en' ron#ental la&! to !to$ the 1!e o) ODS -y #an1)act1rer! -1t ha3 #a3e ! (n ) cant $ro(re!! ! nce the late 4.>6!. A! a ! (natory to the Montreal Protocol on $ha! n( o1t ODS% In3 a ha3 #ana(e3 to $ha!e o1t lea3e3 $etrol 1!e3 n 'eh cle! an3% to a lar(e e5tent% 9F9/-a!e3 re)r (erator!. The t #e ha3 no& co#e )or #ore le( !lat on% ) nece!!ary% an3 to e#$o&er the State! to tac7le local n31!tr e!. Mr. ; !&a! &a! 3el 'er n( the 7eynote a33re!! at the nat onal &or7!ho$ on Ozone De$let n( S1-!tance! *Re(1lat on an3 9ontrol, R1le! =666 an3 the Montreal Protocol. Lata Mr !hna Rao% Secretary% Marnata7a De$art#ent o) En' ron#ent an3 Ecolo(y% !a 3 the State an3 En on (o'ern#ent! !ho1l3 th n7 n ter#! o) ncent 'e! )or #an1)act1rer! 1! n( N(reen $ro31ct!"% an3 enco1ra(e other! to !& tch o'er to $ro31ct!% &h ch 3 3 not a))ect the ozone layer. The 3ea3l ne )or n31!tr e! to chan(e o'er )ro# ODS $ro31ct! # (ht ha'e to -e rela5e3 to a #ore $ract cal t #e)ra#e% !he !1((e!te3. The 9ha r#an o) the Marnata7a State Poll1t on 9ontrol ;oar3% O. Ale5an3er% !a 3 that -eca1!e -oth the ozone layer an3 ODS &ere lar(ely n' ! -le% #ore a&arene!! !ho1l3 -e create3 a#on( #an1)act1rer! an3 con!1#er!. R. 9han3ra#ohan% Oo nt Secretary% En on M n !try o) En' ron#ent an3 Fore!t!% &elco#e3 the 3ele(ate!.
&hapter 3 'INDINGS"
The!e are the ) n3 n(! 3one -y #e 31r n( the nter' e&. F n3 n(! are the #$ortant $art o) a $roject &h ch hel$! 1! n ) n3 n( the rat o o) the an!&er! that $eo$le ha'e !a 3 n the nter' e&. F n3 n(! ( 'e 1! a ' e& on the #atter o) re!earch 3one% th1! hel$ n( 1! n )1t1re co1r!e o) !t13y. I S# ta M Ph l $ ha'e nter' e&e3 =8 $eo$le an3 ha'e co#$lete3 the !1r'ey. I ha'e 3one the )ollo& n( ) n3 n(!. I ha3 3one #y !1r'ey n the area o) ;ha1 $at l roa3B ;o$o3 .The $eo$le &ho# I nter' e&e3 &ere 'ery enth1! a!t c an3 !1$$orte3 the $roce!! o) nter' e&.
Ma nly the $eo$le I nter' e&e3 &ere !t13ent! )ro# !chool! an3 colle(e! an3 #o!t o) the# &ere not a&are a-o1t the to$ c. I (ot 3 ))erent ' e&! )ro# the#% they &ere con)1!e3 the#!el'e! a-o1t the #atter. So )ro# th ! I )o1n3 the )ollo& n( $ercenta(e. T:ESE WERE T:E FOLLOWIN< QEESTIONS ASMED TO T:E PEOPLE
13 Are 4ou a5are o6 the ter7 89o#one $a4er99: An%: ;-< %aid 8YES9 2-< %aid 8NO9" 23 Did 4ou =no5 that air conditioner% and re6ri>erator% re$ea%e C'C9% 5hich de%tro4 the o#one $a4er: An%: --< %aid 8YES9 )-< %aid 8NO9"
!3 Acid rain% do not har7 the en?iron7ent: An%: !-< %aid 8YES9 .-< %aid 8NO9
)3 Did 4ou =no5 that the ho$e in the o#one $a4er %end u$tra ?io$et ra4% that cau%e %=in cancer: An%: .-< %aid 8YES9 !-< %aid 8NO9 -3 Do 4ou =no5 a@out the >reen hou%e e66ect: An%: !A< %aid 8YES9 ;A < %aid 8NO9 .3 Do 4ou thin= u%in> rene5a@$e re%ource% i% ad?i%a@$e or non rene5a@$e re%ource%: An%: .A< %aid Rene5a@$e )A< %aid Non rene5a@$e" ;3 O#one i% not nece%%ar4 6or our 6uture: An%: ;)< %aid 8YES9 2.< %aid 8NO9
B3 0hat do 4ou thin= a@out G$o@a$ 0ar7in>: An%: )-< %aid that 8I97 %eriou%$4 thin=in> C do 74 @e%t to pre?ent in 74 o5n 5a4% --< %aid 8I =no5 a@out itD *ut 5hat can I do"
E3 In 4our hou%e do 4ou rec4c$e reu%e artic$e% that can @e reu%ed: An%: .-< %aid 8YES9 !-< %aid 8NO9
1A3 Are 5e re%pon%i@$e 6or the dep$etion o6 o#one $a4er :" An%: !-< %aid 8YES9 2-< %aid 8NO9 )A< %aid 8MAY *E9
113 Do 4ou 5e9d e?er @e a@$e to reco?er the dep$eted o#one $a4er: An%: )-< %aid 8YES9 --< %aid 8NO9
123 Doe% the o#one $a4er chan>e 6ro7 %ea%on to %ea%on: An%: );< %aid 8YES9 -!< %aid 8NO9
1!3 Do 4ou thin= the 5or$d i% >oin> to end in 2A12: An%: 2-< %aid 8YES9 ;-< %aid 8NO9
1)3 Do 4ou per%ona$$4 =no5 o6 an4 chan>e% in 4our en?iron7ent 4ou can attri@ute to G$o@a$ 0ar7in>: An%: !A< %aid 8YES9 ;A< %aid 8NO9
1-3 Do 4ou @e$ie?e CO2 cau%e% >$o@a$ 5ar7in>: An%: )-< %aid 8YES9 --< %aid 8NO9
1.3 0i$$ the o#one $a4er cau%e har76u$ e66ect% in the >ro5th o6 ?e>etation C p$ant%: An%: ;A < %aid 8YES9 !A < %aid 8NO9
1;3 Can chan>e% in the %un9% output @e re%pon%i@$e 6or the o@%er?ed chan>e% in the o#one: An%: )A < %aid 8YES9 .A < %aid 8NO9
1B3 Ho5 %e?ere i% the o#one dep$etion no5 C i% it eFpected to >et 5or%e: An%: .A < %aid 8YES9 1A < %aid 8MAY*E9 !A < %aid 8NO9
1E3 0ho cau%e% 7ore da7a>e to the o#one $a4er: An%: EA < %aid 8MAN9 1A < %aid 8NAT/RE9
C#$%T & ' & CO(( N)$TION * LI(IT$TION"+ '., The !1((e!t on! $lace3 -y the n3 ' 31al! o) !1r'ey! are )ollo&!@/ 4, Wal7 &hen the 3 !tance ! not that )ar =, A'o 3 1!e o) aero!ol! n!tea3 1!e nat1ral #etho3! or nat1ral aro#a! to 7ee$ the ho1!e )ra(rant. +, S& tch o) the re)r (erator &hen not n 1!e D, A'o 3 1!e o) 'eh cle! an3 all the # n n( act ' t e! to -e 3one.
4. All the !1r'ey carr e3 &a! & th &ell/e31cate3 $er!onnelG! an3 3 3nGt really (et the o$$ort1n ty to carry the !1r'ey to the relat 'ely ol3 $eo$le. =. Not #any $eo$le &ere a&are o) the to$ c.
The re!1lt! &h ch &ere o-ta ne3 )ro# the 3eta le3 !1r'ey an3 & th 31e con! 3erat on o) the r $er!e'erance $lace3 -y the r re!$on!e! the re!earch &h ch &a! carr e3 o1t re(ar3 n( the HDe$let on o) ozone layerI ha'e to -e concl13e3 a! H $1-l c 3oe! not ha'e a3e21ate 7no&le3(e o) the har#! the 3e$let on o) ozone layer. Peo$le are not a&are o) the ter# ozone. The !1r'ey ( 'e! 1! an n! (ht that &e 3o not ha'e or care )or the at#o!$here nor are a&are that &hat are the 3 !ea!e! that &e can !1))er & th !1ch a 3e$let on o) ozone layer. So th ! ! an atte#$t that ha! #a3e to #a7e $eo$le a&are o) the ozone layer an3 t! e))ect on 1!.