Debris Hits Satellite

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Bellarmine 2011-2012 Space Situational

Awareness AFF
Rane /Prabhakar
Harms - Space Debris Hits Satellite
Space debris can actually cause significant economic and physical damage.
NICHOLAS ST. FLEUR http :// cornellsun .com /node /4!"# The Cornell $%&l' sun ($e)r&s *%'
Thre%ten Future Sp%ce Ende%+ors
Lo,-E%rth or)&t t'p&c%ll' encomp%sses the %re% e.tend&n/ 012 to #3222 4&lometers %)o+e the
E%rth5s sur6%ce. At th&s %lt&tude3 %tmospher&c dr%/ h%s %n e66ect on or)&t%l de)r&s3 so some l%r/e
o)7ects %re )rou/ht to cr%sh do,n on the E%rth3 %nd other sm%ller o)7ects )urn up &n the
%tmosphere. NASA reported th%t 8" percent o6 %ll tr%c4ed sp%ce de)r&s &s &n the LEO3 the rest
occur &n the h&/her %lt&tude /eos'nchronous-e%rth or)&t re/&on3 ,here s%tell&tes %re t'p&c%ll'
6ound.The m%7or&t' o6 sp%ce de)r&s 6lo%t&n/ &n these le+els &s sm%ll3 %)out 4 &nches or less.
$esp&te the&r s&9e3 these sm%ll de)r&s %re de+%st%t&n/ &n or)&t. In 0!"3 % sm%ll p%&nt 6l%4e struc4
the sp%ce shuttle Ch%llen/er - punch&n/ % sm%ll cr%ter &nto the shuttle5s ,&ndo, result&n/ &n
:;23222 o6 d%m%/e. (<ec%use these p%rt&cles %re or)&t&n/ the E%rth3 the' %re mo+&n/ %t %)out ;
m&les % second3= <urns s%&d. (And ,hen th&n/s coll&de %t ; m&les % second3 the' essent&%ll' )lo,
up ,h%te+er the' h&t.= In order to rem%&n &n or)&t3 m%n' 6r%/ments h%+e to tr%+el %t #2 t&mes the
speed o6 sound ,h&ch %mounts to %lmost 03222 m&les per hour. In 6%ct3 tr%+el&n/ %t th&s speed3 %
cherr'-s&9ed p&ece o6 sp%ce de)r&s c%n str&4e ,&th the 6orce o6 % h%nd /ren%de %nd de)r&s one
th&rt'-6&6th the s&9e o6 %n %sp&r&n c%n cre%te the s%me &mp%ct %s % ."2 c%l&)er )ullet.

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