Sample Provisional Utility Patent Application

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Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I.

. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite".

IN THE UNITED STATES ATENT AND T!ADE"A!# $FFI%E Uti&ity 'tent A((&ic'tion ) rovision'&*

+Aids/(ro,r'ms - ' com(&eted tem(&'te e.'m(&e is (rovided 't (',es /-10, 'nd t1e 2irm3s (rovision'& '((&ic'tion (ro,r'ms 're o4t&ined 't (',es 15-16. 7 +8et9een t1ese ty(e o2 m'rks 're instr4ctions/comments/e.'m(&es to 1e&( yo4 to com(&ete t1is tem(&'te. T1ese instr4ctions, comments 'nd e.'m(&es m4st :e de&eted 4(on com(&etion o2 t1e tem(&'te.7 +T1e e.'m(&es 4sed 1ere 're :'sed on 'n im',in'ry '((&ic'tion 2or ' c1'ir. kno9n.7 retend c1'irs 're not

+Te.t :e&o9 in :&'ck 're 1e'din,s, tit&es, st'nd'rd sections t1't s1o4&d :e &e2t in t1e com(&eted '((&ic'tion.7

,arning - I2 yo4 1've t1o4,1t o2 ' -goo" na$e. or tra"e$ark to c'&& it )s4c1 's 1ere, ;E'sy Se't<*, "o not 4se it 'ny91ere in t1is tem(&'te. +=o4r ;,ood n'me< is ' (ros(ective )' soon-to-:e or m'y:e* :r'nd n'me/tr'dem'rk, 'nd t1ere2ore it is not t1e re>4ired ,eneric termino&o,y. Usin, it c'n 2't'&&y 2&'9 t1e '((&ic'tion?s disc&os4re.7 ---------- tem(&'te st'rts immedi'te&y :e&o9 ---------+Insert very :rie2 ,eneric tit&e@ e.'m(&e A Se'tin, Device7 +insert t1e n'me)s* o2 inventors, o(tion'&&y 9it1 city/st'te residence@ e.'m(&e A %1'r&es %1'n, Bos An,e&es, %'&i2orni', C'ne Smit1, ort&'nd, "'ine7 /,arning 0 Do not 4se ' nick n'me or s4c1@ 4se t1e n'me on yo4r driver?s &icense so t1't &'ter yo4 c'n re'di&y identi2y yo4rse&2.7 S E%IFI%ATI$N %!$SS-!EFE!EN%E T$ !EBATED A Not A((&ic':&e BI%ATI$NS


Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite".

!EFE!EN%E T$ SEFUEN%E BISTIND, A TA8BE, $! A %$" UTE! !$D!A" BISTIND %$" A%T DIS# A ENDIG Not A((&ic':&e /,arning1 I 1've recent&y seen more t1'n one 4ninte&&i,i:&e )inconsistent termino&o,y/disc&os4re, 2'4&ty 9ord c1oices, &iter'cy iss4es* diy ('tent '((&ic'tion. A (rovision'& '((&ic'tion?s e22ective 2i&in, d'te 9i&& :e 9ort1&ess i2 t1e '((&ic'tion is 4ninte&&i,i:&e.7 /*lea e tr' to a!oi" (ch "eficiencie , an" in tea"1 Use t1e s'me 9ords, in t1e s'me order, 2or t1e s'me e&ement, or s(e&& o4t 'ny e>4iv'&ency. Use t1e sim(&est 9ords (ossi:&e, :ec'4se c&'rity is re>4ired 'nd (se4do-&e,'&ese is not re>4ired. %1eck '&& 9ords in ' diction'ry to con2irm its me'nin, is consistent 9it1 91't yo4 're tryin, to s'y. %1eck t1't 'ny n4m:ers 4sed on dr'9in,s 're consistent 9it1 t1e n4m:ers 4sed in t1e descri(tion. Do not 'dd ('rent1esis 'ro4nd t1e re2erence n4m:ers, eit1er in t1e dr'9in,s or in t1e te.t. Hrite in sentences on&y, 'nd m'ke t1em sim(&e sentences. )A sentence 't minim4m 1's ' s4:Iect 'nd ' ver:. Anyt1in, 9it1o4t eit1er is not ' sentence.* H've not1in, in t1e dr'9in,s e.ce(t )'* :&'ck &ines on ' 91ite :'ck,ro4nd )t1e US T$?s :&'ck 'nd 91ite &ine dr'9in, re>4irement*, ):* t1e re2erence n4m:ers, 'nd )c* &ines 2rom t1e re2erence n4m:ers to t1e re2erenced ('rt o2 t1e dr'9in,. Fi&e not1in, 9it1o4t (ro2ession'& screenin, 2or 2't'& 2&'9s.7 8A%#D!$UND $F THE INEENTI$N +,arning 0 "o not talk a&o(t 'o(r in!ention here. In t1is section s'y not1in, ':o4t yo4r ne9 s4:Iect ot1er t1'n identi2yin, t1e :ro'd 2ie&d in 91ic1 it is, t1en one or more s(eci2ic 2ie&ds.7 T1e (resent invention is in t1e tec1nic'& 2ie&d o2 +insert7 "ore ('rtic4&'r&y, t1e (resent invention is in t1e tec1nic'& 2ie&d o2 +insert7 +E.'m(&e A T1e (resent invention is in t1e tec1nic'& 2ie&d o2 24rnit4re. "ore ('rtic4&'r&y, t1e (resent invention is in t1e tec1nic'& 2ie&d o2 se'tin, devices. "ore ('rtic4&'r&y, t1e (resent invention is in t1e tec1nic'& 2ie&d o2 (ort':&e se'tin, devices. 7 +O%tional A insert ' :rie2 descri(tion o2 (rior 'rt. I2 yo4 kno9 o2 ('tents, identi2y e'c1 :y ('tent n4m:er, iss4e d'te 'nd 2irst-n'med inventor. O%tional A insert ' :rie2 descri(tion o2 t1e s1ortcomin,s o2 t1e (rior 'rt.7 SU""A!= $F THE INEENTI$N T1e (resent invention is ' +insert7

Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite".

+In t1is section insert ' :rie2 st'tement o2 yo4r ne9 s4:Iect, n'me&y 91't it is (&4s ' non-s(eci2ic descri(tion o2 t1e critic'& ne9 2e't4re or 2e't4res t1't yo4 :e&ieve m'ke it ne9 'nd nono:vio4s7 +E.'m(&e A T1e (resent invention is ' se'tin, device 2or 4sers to sit on 1'vin, 'n e&ev'ted se'tin, (&'t2orm 'nd ' (&4r'&ity o2 &e,s. 7 8!IEF DES%!I TI$N $F THE D!AHINDS Fi,. 1 is ' (ers(ective vie9 o2 ' +insert7 o2 t1e (resent invention@ Fi,. 2 is ' side vie9 o2 ' +insert7 o2 t1e (resent invention@ Fi,. J is ' to( vie9 o2 ' +insert7 o2 t1e (resent invention@ 'nd Fi,. K is ' (ers(ective vie9 o2 ' +insert7 o2 t1e (resent invention. +,arning 0 the "rawing $( t &e &lack an" white line "rawing an" each "rawing 'o( incl("e $( t ha!e a e%arate 23ig. n($&er, tarting with 3ig. 1, then 3ig. 2, etc. ,arning0 the "rawing are hown on e%arate heet that follow the te4t ection . ,arning 0 "o not %(t an' wor" on the "rawing heet. 5ee -co$%lete" te$%late. e4a$%le at the en". ,arning - In t1is L8rie2 Descri(tionL section yo4 identi2y )"o not "e cri&e* 91't is s1o9n in e'c1 dr'9in, yo4 're 4sin, to i&&4str'te e.'m(&es o2 yo4r ne9 s4:Iect m'tter. A,'in, identi2y on&y@ do not descri:e. T1e descri(tion ,oes t1e section :e&o9, not 1ere. %1'n,e t1e 9ords (ers(ective/side/to( to m'tc1 yo4r dr'9in,s. B':e& e'c1 dr'9in, 9it1 t1e Fi,. n4m:er yo4 'ssi,ned to it 1ere. A&so &':e& e'c1 dr'9in, 9it1 t1e com(onent re2erence n4m:ers 4sed in t1e descri(tion :e&o9.7 +E.'m(&e A Fi,. 1 is ' (ers(ective vie9 o2 ' se'tin, device o2 t1e (resent invention. 7 DETAIBED DES%!I TI$N $F THE INEENTI$N +In t1is ('rt ' descri(tion 91ic1 is s422icient to en':&e ' re'der to m'ke 'nd 4se t1e invention 9it1o4t 4nd4e e.(eriment'tion is re>4ired. T1ere 're 2o4r or more sections :e&o9.7 !e2errin, no9 to t1e invention in more det'i&, in Fi,. 1 +or Fi,. 1 to Fi,. ____7 t1ere is s1o9n +insert7 +In t1e 2irst section, identi2y t1e s4:Iect s1o9n in Fi,. 1 )or ' r'n,e o2 Fi,. 1 to Fi,. __ (rovided '&& 're t1e s'me version*, t1en identi2y e'c1 o2 t1e com(onents, 'nd t1en identi2y e'c1 o2 t1e s4:com(onents, i2 'ny, 'nd 'ssi,n ' n4m:er to e'c1 e&ement, st'rtin, 9it1 10, 12, 1K, etc. Add t1ese n4m:ers 'ro4nd Fi,. 1, 9it1 ' &ine 2rom e'c1 n4m:er to t1e com(onent. T1en re(e't e'c1 n4m:er '2ter e'c1 9ord 91enever it is mentioned.7 J

Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite".

+E.'m(&e A !e2errin, no9 to t1e invention in more det'i&, in Fi,. 1 t1ere is s1o9n ' c1'ir 10 1'vin, ' se'tin, (&'t2orm or se't 12 1e&d in ' s4:st'nti'&&y 1oriMont'& (osition e&ev'ted ':ove t1e 2&oor :y 2o4r 4(ri,1t &e,s, n'me&y ' 2irst &e, 1K, ' second &e, 15, ' t1ird &e, 1/ 'nd ' 2o4rt1 &e, 20. E'c1 o2 t1e &e,s 1K, 15, 1/, 20 is 'tt'c1ed to t1e 4nderside o2 t1e se't 12 ne'r or ('te ' corner o2 t1e se't 12. In more det'i&, sti&& re2errin, to t1e invention o2 Fi,. 1 +to ____7 +insert7 +In t1e second section, descri:e 91't it does, 1o9 it 9orks, re(e'tin, t1e s'me 9ords 'nd n4m:ers 2or e'c1 com(onent mentioned.7 +E.'m(&e A In more det'i&, sti&& re2errin, to t1e invention o2 Fi,. 1, t1e c1'ir 10 's s1o9n inc&4des ' :'ck rest 22 'nd t9o s('ced-'('rt 'rm rests 2K, 25, e'c1 o2 91ic1 is sec4red to t1e to( side or to t1e sides o2 t1e se't 12 o2 t1e c1'ir 10.7 In 24rt1er det'i&, sti&& re2errin, to t1e invention o2 Fi,. 1 +to ____7, +insert7 +In t1e t1ird section, descri:e t1e re&'tive siMes or (ro(ortions or conditions or ot1er 2e't4res necess'ry to m'ke yo4r ne9 s4:Iect 9ork, re(e'tin, t1e 9ords 'nd n4m:ers 2or e'c1 com(onent mentioned.7 +E.'m(&e A In 24rt1er det'i&, sti&& re2errin, to t1e invention o2 Fi,. 1, t1e se't 12 is s422icient&y 9ide 'nd &on, 2or com2ort':&e se'tin,, s4c1 's ':o4t 10 to 20 inc1es dee( 'nd ':o4t 10 to ':o4t 22 inc1es 9ide. T1e &e,s 1K, 15, 1/, 20 're s422icient&y t'&& to 1o&d t1e se't 12 ' com2ort':&e dist'nce o22 t1e ,ro4nd, s4c1 's ':o4t 10 to 22 inc1es o22 t1e ,ro4nd. T1e constr4ction det'i&s o2 t1e invention 's s1o9n in Fi,. 1 +to ____7 're +insert7 +In t1e 2o4rt1 section, descri:e t1e <'s s1o9n< 'nd ;c'n :e< m'teri'&s, dimensions, ot1er ('r'meters 7 +E.'m(&e A T1e constr4ction det'i&s o2 t1e invention 's s1o9n in Fi,. 1 're t1't t1e c1'ir 10 m'y :e m'de o2 9ood or o2 'ny ot1er s422icient&y ri,id 'nd stron, m'teri'& s4c1 's 1i,1-stren,t1 (&'stic, met'&, 'nd t1e &ike. F4rt1er, t1e v'rio4s com(onents o2 t1e c1'ir 10 c'n :e m'de o2 di22erent m'teri'&s. !e2errin, no9 to t1e invention s1o9n in Fi,. __ +insert7

Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite".

+In t1is 2i2t1 section, re(e't '&& o2 t1e ste(s yo4 4sed ':ove 2or e'c1 o2 t1e ot1er dr'9in,s. ,arning - i2 t1e e.'ct s'me item is s1o9n in more t1'n one dr'9in,, 2or inst'nce, t1e s'me item is s1o9n 2rom ' (ers(ective, 'nd t1en 2rom t1e side, etc., t1e s'me re2erence n4m:ers 're 4sed in t1ese dr'9in,s. I2 inste'd, ' di22erent version is 4sed in one o2 t1e dr'9in,s, yo4 s1o4&d 4se t1e s'me 9ords to identi2y t1e s'me ty(e o2 com(onents, :4t m4st 4se di22erent re2erence n4m:ers, even 2or t1e s'me com(onents. See t1e com(&eted e.'m(&e 't t1e end, in 91ic1 Fi,. 1 'nd Fi,. 2 :ot1 s1o9 t1e s'me 2irst version, Fi,. J 'nd Fi,. K :ot1 s1o9 t1e s'me second version, 'nd Fi,. 0 'nd Fi,. 5 e'c1 se('r'te&y s1o9 t9o more versions.7 +S4,,estion A inc&4de ' dr'stic'&&y di22erent version to s1o9 t1't, 2or inst'nce, 2o4r &e,s 're not necess'ry. E.'m(&e A )'dd ' dr'9in, 'nd ' descri(tion o2 ' c1'ir 9it1 t1ree &e,s )' stoo&* or one &e, )(edest'& stoo&**7 T1e 'dv'nt',es o2 t1e (resent invention inc&4de, 9it1o4t &imit'tion, +insert7 +In t1is o(tion'& si.t1 section, descri:e t1e 'dv'nt',es.7 +%omments A my c1'ir is c&e'r&y neit1er ne9 nor nono:vio4s 'nd t1ere2ore is not ('tent':&e, :4t it is 'n e'sy e.'m(&e to im',ine, 'nd i2 I 9'nted to descri:e its 'dv'nt',es, t1is section 9o4&d (ro:':&y descri:e 91y t1e c1'ir is more (ort':&e t1'n ' rock 'nd 1's :etter er,onomics t1'n sittin, on t1e ,ro4nd.7 In :ro'd em:odiment, t1e (resent invention is +insert7 +In t1is o(tion'& sevent1 section, descri:e t1e invention in terms :ro'der t1'n 4sed in t1e dr'9nversion descri(tions.7 +E.'m(&e A In :ro'd em:odiment, t1e invention is ' se't e&ev'ted ':ove t1e ,ro4nd :y 't &e'st one 4(ri,1t &e, mem:er.7 +T1e ('r',r'(1 :e&o9 s1o4&d '((e'r 't t1e end. A&& descri(tions m4st :e inserted ':ove it.7 H1i&e t1e 2ore,oin, 9ritten descri(tion o2 t1e invention en':&es one o2 ordin'ry ski&& to m'ke 'nd 4se 91't is considered (resent&y to :e t1e :est mode t1ereo2, t1ose o2 ordin'ry ski&& 9i&& 4nderst'nd 'nd '((reci'te t1e e.istence o2 v'ri'tions, com:in'tions, 'nd e>4iv'&ents o2 t1e s(eci2ic em:odiment, met1od, 'nd e.'m(&es 1erein. T1e invention s1o4&d t1ere2ore not :e &imited :y t1e ':ove descri:ed em:odiment, met1od, 'nd e.'m(&es, :4t :y '&& em:odiments 'nd met1ods 9it1in t1e sco(e 'nd s(irit o2 t1e invention. +H'rnin, - com('re e'c1 n4m:ered dr'9in, 9it1 its descri(tion, 'nd i2 t1e n4m:ers do not corres(ond )dr'9in, 'nd descri(tion*, rere'd t1e directions 'nd m'ke t1e needed corrections.7

Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite".

%BAI" $! %BAI"S I c&'imN 1. +5trong Reco$$en"ation 0 "o not atte$%t a$ate(r clai$ "rafting 0 'o( can le've t1is (',e in :4t ot1er t1'n t1e 1e'din,, &e've it :&'nk A do not t'ke o4t t1e (',e :re'ks.7

Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite".

A8ST!A%T A +insert7 +In t1is section yo4 s1o4&d insert ' :rie2 s4mm'ry o2 t1e descri(tion yo4 9rote 2or t1e ;Det'i&ed Descri(tion section, :4t do not 4se 'ny n4m:ers 'nd do not re2er to 'ny o2 t1e dr'9in,s.7

+ $n&ine 2i&in,, m'i& orders 'nd se&2-2i&in, in2orm'tion st'rts on t1e (',e '2ter t1e ;%om(&eted E.'m(&e<7

Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite".

6o$%lete" 74a$%le1 IN THE UNITED STATES ATENT AND T!ADE"A!# $FFI%E Uti&ity 'tent A((&ic'tion ) rovision'&* Se'tin, Device %1'r&es %1'n, Bos An,e&es, %'&i2orni', C'ne Smit1, ort&'nd, "'ine S E%IFI%ATI$N %!$SS-!EFE!EN%E T$ !EBATED A Not A((&ic':&e BI%ATI$NS

STATE"ENT !EDA!DIND FEDE!ABB= S $NS$!ED !ESEA!%H $! DEEEB$ "ENT Not A((&ic':&e !EFE!EN%E T$ SEFUEN%E BISTIND, A TA8BE, $! A %$" UTE! !$D!A" BISTIND %$" A%T DIS# A ENDIG Not A((&ic':&e 8A%#D!$UND $F THE INEENTI$N T1e (resent invention is in t1e tec1nic'& 2ie&d o2 24rnit4re. "ore ('rtic4&'r&y, t1e (resent invention is in t1e tec1nic'& 2ie&d o2 (ort':&e se'tin, devices %onvention'& se'tin, devices, s4c1 's rock &ed,es, to(s o2 stone 2ences 'nd t1e &ike, 're ty(ic'&&y eit1er immov':&e or e.ceedin,&y di22ic4&t to tr'ns(ort. It is di22ic4&t to move t1ese devices into ' 1o4se or o22ice :ec'4se t1ey 're &'r,e 'nd 1e'vy. "ovin, s4c1 devices ty(ic'&&y re>4ires sever'& stron, (ersons, or ' st4rdy 91ee&ed ve1ic&e s4c1 's ' rein2orced 9',on or 1'nd c'rt. T1e di22ic4&ties o2 :rin,in, s4c1 ' device into ' 1o4se or o22ice 're m4&ti(&ied 91en st'irs m4st :e c&im:ed. F4rt1er, it is not 'n 4ncommon e.(erience to re'&iMe t1't t1e device c'nnot ('ss t1ro4,1 t1e door9'y 9it1o4t its 9idenin,. F4rt1er, t1e devices c'nnot re'di&y :e moved 2rom s(ot to s(ot once inside ' room, SU""A!= $F THE INEENTI$N T1e (resent invention is ' se'tin, device 2or 4sers to sit on 1'vin, 'n e&ev'ted se'tin, (&'t2orm 'nd ' (&4r'&ity o2 &e,s. 8!IEF DES%!I TI$N $F THE D!AHIND /

Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite".

Fi,. 1 is ' (ers(ective vie9 o2 ' se'tin, device o2 t1e (resent invention@ Fi,. 2 is ' side vie9 o2 ' se'tin, device o2 Fi,. 1@ Fi,. J is ' (ers(ective vie9 o2 ' se'tin, device o2 t1e (resent invention@ Fi,. K is ' side vie9 o2 ' se'tin, device o2 Fi,. J@ 'nd Fi,. 0 is ' (ers(ective vie9 o2 ' se'tin, device o2 t1e (resent invention. Fi,. 5 is ' (ers(ective vie9 o2 ' se'tin, device o2 t1e (resent invention. DETAIBED DES%!I TI$N $F THE INEENTI$N !e2errin, no9 to t1e invention in more det'i&, in Fi,. 1 'nd Fi,. 2 t1ere is s1o9n ' c1'ir 10 1'vin, ' se'tin, (&'t2orm or se't 12 1e&d in ' s4:st'nti'&&y &eve& (osition e&ev'ted ':ove t1e 2&oor :y 2o4r 4(ri,1t &e,s, n'me&y ' 2irst &e, 1K, ' second &e, 15, ' t1ird &e, 1/ 'nd ' 2o4rt1 &e, 20. E'c1 o2 t1e &e,s 1K, 15, 1/, 20 is 'tt'c1ed to t1e 4nderside o2 t1e se't 12 ne'r or ('te ' corner o2 t1e se't 12. In 24rt1er det'i&, sti&& re2errin, to t1e invention o2 Fi,. 1 'nd Fi,. 2, t1e se't 12 is s422icient&y 9ide 'nd &on, 2or com2ort':&e se'tin,, s4c1 's ':o4t 10 to 20 inc1es dee( 'nd ':o4t 10 to ':o4t 22 inc1es 9ide. T1e &e,s 1K, 15, 1/, 20 're s422icient&y t'&& to 1o&d t1e se't 12 ' com2ort':&e dist'nce o22 t1e ,ro4nd, s4c1 's ':o4t 10 to 22 inc1es o22 t1e ,ro4nd. T1e constr4ction det'i&s o2 t1e invention 's s1o9n in Fi,. 1 'nd Fi,. 2 're t1't t1e c1'ir 10 m'y :e m'de o2 9ood or o2 'ny ot1er s422icient&y ri,id 'nd stron, m'teri'& s4c1 's 1i,1-stren,t1 (&'stic, met'&, 'nd t1e &ike. F4rt1er, t1e v'rio4s com(onents o2 t1e c1'ir 10 c'n :e m'de o2 di22erent m'teri'&s. !e2errin, no9 to Fi,. J 'nd Fi,. K, t1ere is s1o9n ' c1'ir 00 1'vin, ' se'tin, (&'t2orm or se't 02 1e&d in ' s4:st'nti'&&y &eve& (osition e&ev'ted ':ove t1e 2&oor :y 2o4r 4(ri,1t &e,s, n'me&y ' 2irst &e, 0K, ' second &e, 05, ' t1ird &e, 0/ 'nd ' 2o4rt1 &e, 50. E'c1 o2 t1e &e,s 0K, 05, 0/ 'nd 50 is 'tt'c1ed to t1e 4nderside o2 t1e se't 02 ne'r or ('te ' corner o2 t1e se't 02. In more det'i&, sti&& re2errin, to t1e invention o2 Fi,. 2, t1e c1'ir 10 's s1o9n inc&4des ' :'ck rest 52 'nd t9o s('ced-'('rt 'rm rests 5K, 55, e'c1 o2 91ic1 is sec4red to t1e to( side or to t1e sides o2 t1e se't 02 o2 t1e c1'ir 00. In 24rt1er det'i&, sti&& re2errin, to t1e invention o2 Fi,. J 'nd Fi,. K, t1e se't 02 is s422icient&y 9ide 'nd &on, 2or com2ort':&e se'tin,, s4c1 's ':o4t 10 to 20 inc1es dee( 'nd ':o4t 10 to ':o4t 22 inc1es 9ide. T1e &e,s 0K, 05, 0/ 'nd 50 're s422icient&y t'&& to 1o&d t1e se't 02 ' com2ort':&e dist'nce o22 t1e ,ro4nd, s4c1 's ':o4t 10 to 22 inc1es o22 t1e ,ro4nd. O

Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite".

T1e constr4ction det'i&s o2 t1e invention 's s1o9n in Fi,. J 'nd Fi,. K 're t1't t1e c1'ir 00 m'y :e m'de o2 9ood or o2 'ny ot1er s422icient&y ri,id 'nd stron, m'teri'& s4c1 's 1i,1-stren,t1 (&'stic, met'&, 'nd t1e &ike. F4rt1er, t1e v'rio4s com(onents o2 t1e c1'ir 00 c'n :e m'de o2 di22erent m'teri'&s. !e2errin, no9 to Fi,. 0, t1ere is s1o9n ' stoo& 110 1'vin, ' se'tin, (&'t2orm or se't 112 1e&d in ' s4:st'nti'&&y &eve& (osition e&ev'ted ':ove t1e 2&oor :y t1ree 4(ri,1t &e,s, n'me&y ' 2irst &e, 11K, ' second &e, 115, 'nd ' t1ird &e, 11/. E'c1 o2 t1e &e,s 0K, 05, 0/ 'nd 50 is 'tt'c1ed to t1e 4nderside o2 t1e se't 112. In 24rt1er det'i&, sti&& re2errin, to t1e invention o2 Fi,. 0, t1e se't 112 1's ' s4:st'nti'&&y circ4&'r (ro2i&e 91ic1 is o2 ' s422icient di'meter, 2or inst'nce ' di'meter o2 ':o4t 10 to 20 inc1es. T1e &e,s 11K, 115, 11/ 're s422icient&y t'&& to 1o&d t1e se't 112 ' com2ort':&e dist'nce o22 t1e ,ro4nd, s4c1 's ':o4t 10 to 22 inc1es o22 t1e ,ro4nd. T1e constr4ction det'i&s o2 t1e invention 's s1o9n in Fi,. 0 're t1't t1e stoo& 100 m'y :e m'de o2 9ood or o2 'ny ot1er s422icient&y ri,id 'nd stron, m'teri'& s4c1 's 1i,1-stren,t1 (&'stic, met'&, 'nd t1e &ike. F4rt1er, t1e v'rio4s com(onents o2 t1e stoo& 100 c'n :e m'de o2 di22erent m'teri'&s. !e2errin, no9 to Fi,. 5, t1ere is s1o9n ' stoo& 100 1'vin, ' se'tin, (&'t2orm or se't 102 1e&d in ' s4:st'nti'&&y &eve& (osition e&ev'ted ':ove t1e 2&oor :y ' sin,&e 4(ri,1t &e, 10K. T1e &e, 10K is mo4nted on ' :'se 15K o2 s422icient :4&k 'nd 9ei,1t to st':i&iMe t1e stoo& 100. T1e 'dv'nt',es o2 t1e (resent invention inc&4de, 9it1o4t &imit'tion, t1't it is (ort':&e 'nd e.ceedin,&y e'sy to tr'ns(ort. It is e'sy to move t1ese devices into ' 1o4se or o22ice :ec'4se t1ey 're re&'tive&y sm'&& 'nd &i,1t9ei,1t. "ovin, s4c1 devices ty(ic'&&y re>4ires ' sin,&e (erson, 'nd ty(ic'&&y 't most t9o (ersons 91en t'kin, t1e device 4( or do9n st'irs. F4rt1er, t1e devices ,ener'&&y 9i&& ('ss t1ro4,1 most door9'ys 9it1o4t 'ny 9idenin,. F4rt1er, t1e devices c'n e'si&y :e moved 2rom s(ot to s(ot once inside ' room, In :ro'd em:odiment, t1e (resent invention is ' se't e&ev'ted ':ove t1e ,ro4nd :y 't &e'st one 4(ri,1t &e, mem:er. H1i&e t1e 2ore,oin, 9ritten descri(tion o2 t1e invention en':&es one o2 ordin'ry ski&& to m'ke 'nd 4se 91't is considered (resent&y to :e t1e :est mode t1ereo2, t1ose o2 ordin'ry ski&& 9i&& 4nderst'nd 'nd '((reci'te t1e e.istence o2 v'ri'tions, com:in'tions, 'nd e>4iv'&ents o2 t1e s(eci2ic em:odiment, met1od, 'nd e.'m(&es 1erein. T1e invention s1o4&d t1ere2ore not :e &imited :y t1e ':ove descri:ed em:odiment, met1od, 'nd e.'m(&es, :4t :y '&& em:odiments 'nd met1ods 9it1in t1e sco(e 'nd s(irit o2 t1e invention 's c&'imed.


Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite".

A8ST!A%T $F THE DIS%B$SU!E A se'tin, device 1's ' se'tin, (&'t2orm 'nd 't &e'st one &e, s4((ortin, it in its e&ev'ted (osition.


Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite".



20 15 1K 1/ Fi,. 1



15 1K Fi,. 2


Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite".


52 55



50 05 0K 0/ Fi,. J


Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite".



02 00



Fi,. K


Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite".

110 112


115 11/ Fi,. 0

100 102

10K 15K Fi,. 5


Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite". Provisional Template Program Order Form (Page 1 of 2)

Available Programs: Basic Service plan - $36 1! "#amination of completed template and dra$ings! 2! %arnings (single-pass) of evident errors &ased on template content! Basic-Pl's Service plan - $() pl's $6* (micro entit+) ,SPTO filing fee ($*(* com&ined) 1! "#amination of completed template and dra$ings! 2! %arnings (single-pass) of evident errors &ased on template content! 3! ,SPTO filing of Provisional -pplication (after +o'r corrections)! (! .otification of filing date and n'm&er! Be+ond-Basic Service plan - $6 pl's $6* (micro entit+) filing fee ($66* com&ined) 1! "#amination of completed template and dra$ings! 2! %arnings (single-pass) of evident errors &ased on template content! 3! ,SPTO filing of Provisional -pplication (after +o'r corrections)! (! .otification of filing date and n'm&er! *! T/ree-mont/ $arning prior to deadline for conversion to non-provisional! Template Program requires: 0o'r completion of a provisional patent application template descri&ing t/e s'&1ect matter +o' see2 to protect3 and dra$ings t/ereof! 0o'r providing t/e completed template and dra$ings in electronic format (4S %ord and5or !1pg formats3 as an email attac/ment)! 0o'r name3 address and email address for contact and inventors/ip association! 0o'r $ritten confirmation t/at +o'3 or +o' and identified ot/ers3 invented t/e s'&1ect matter! 6onfirmation of +o'r micro entit+ stat's

Confidentiality Statement: 6onfidentialit+ is of paramo'nt importance in 7P la$! 6onfidentialit+ is maintained t/ro'g/o't a representation and t/ereafter! .o confidential information is ever disclosed &e+ond t/e representation e#cept $/en a't/ori8ed in $riting &+ a client! T/e identities of clients and initial in9'iries find t/eir $a+ to no list $/atsoever! T/e firm:s rep'tation and m+ license to practice la$ depend on t/is commitment! T/is confidentialit+ statement and its commitment e#tend to all matters /andled &+ t/e Firm!


Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite".


Form revised 11/01/2012, Attorney Docket No. __________ 2007-2012 The Law Office of Joan I. Norek, All Right Re er!e" # e of thi Te$%late i re tricte" to a%%lication %re%aration &' the "ownloa"ing in"i!i"(al in co$&ination with thi fir$) *ro!i ional Te$%late +a ic or +a ic-%l( %rogra$. All other ( e , "i %la' or "i tri&(tion of thi Te$%late are trictl' %rohi&ite". Provisional Self-Prepared Template Program Order Form Provide Contact/ nventors!ip nformation (.ame3 address3 email3 inventors/ip re9'ired!) 0o'r .ame56ompan+ .ame 0o'r -ddress (line 1) 0o'r -ddress (line 2) 0o'r Telep/one n'm&er 0o'r email address Ot/er 7nventors = identif+

;ip code ( ) < (identif+ t/e names5addresses of an+ co-inventors)

Basic Service plan - $36 1! "#amination of completed template and dra$ings! 2! %arnings (single-pass) of evident errors &ased on template content! Basic-Pl's Service plan - $() pl's $6* (micro entit+) ,SPTO filing fee ($*(* com&ined) 1! "#amination of completed template and dra$ings! 2! %arnings (single-pass) of evident errors &ased on template content! 3! ,SPTO filing of Provisional -pplication (after +o'r corrections)! (! .otification of filing date and n'm&er! Be+ond-Basic Service plan - $6 pl's $6* (micro entit+) filing fee ($66* com&ined) 1! "#amination of completed template and dra$ings! 2! %arnings (single-pass) of evident errors &ased on template content! 3! ,SPTO filing of Provisional -pplication (after +o'r corrections)! (! .otification of filing date and n'm&er! *! T/ree-mont/ $arning prior to deadline for conversion to non-provisional! Payment Options Online de&it5credit card pa+ment (/ttp>55$$$!nore2la$!com5provisional?online?pa+ment!/tm) 6/ec2 or mone+ order pa+a&le to @oan 7! .ore2 (&+ mail3 see &elo$) Ordering nstructions 6omplete template (in 4S %ord) and dra$ings (convert to !1pg or %ord)! 6omplete contact information a&ove! 6/ec2-off selected service plan and pa+ment option a&ove! Transmit template3 dra$ings and t/is page as attac/ments to 1!nore2<nore2la$!com!

Pa+ online (/ttp>55$$$!nore2la$!com5provisional?online?pa+ment!/tm) or &+ mail $it/ pr prior to template transmission!

"ailing Address @oan 7! .ore23 T/e Aa$ Office of @oan 7! .ore2 2* "! %as/ington3 S'ite 1( 6/icago3 7llinois 6 6 2 Beceipt of +o'r order $ill &e confirmed no later t/an t/e ne#t &'siness da+! T/e selected services $ill &e performed 'pon receipt of f'll pa+ment! 6lients $ill /ave an opport'nit+ to correct ma1or and5or repetitive errors! 7f selected plan incl'des filing3 not/ing $ill &e filed $it/o't a't/ori8ation! Please allo$ 2 to ( &'siness da+s for t/e e#amination and $arning stage! Orders $ill &e ret'rned for non-pa+ment!


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