B. Tech. First Year (Common For All Branches) : (Batch 2010)

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(Batch 2010)
Sr.No. Course No. Titl e L T P Crei ts
1. HSS 101 Communi cat i on Ski l l s * 2 1 0 2. 5
2. ECE 101 El ect ri cal Sci ence 3 1 0 3. 5
3. BAS 101 Appl i e !h"si cs #$ 3 1 0 3. 5
%. BAS 102 Appl i e &at hemat i cs # $ 3 1 0 3. 5
5. BAS 103 Appl i e Chemi st r " * 3 1 0 3. 5
'. HSS 151 Communi cat i on Ski l l s (a) * 0 0 2 1. 0
*. &CE 151 En+i neeri n+ ,raphi cs * 1 3 0 2. 5
-. BAS 151 Appl i e !h"si cs # $ (a) 0 0 2 1. 0
.. BAS 153 Appl i e Chemi st r " (a) * 0 0 2 1. 0
!" # $ %%
Tot&l Co't&(t Hours) %*
+ BAS 103/ BAS 153/ HSS 101/ HSS 151/ C!E 101/ C!E 151/ &CE 151/ &CE 102/ &CE 152 0 ECE 153
paper s 1i l l )e t au+ht i n )ot h t he s emes t er s / o2 2 er e i n s uch a 1a " t hat t he s t uent s s t u" hal 2 o2 t hes e
paper s i n 2 i r s t s emes t er an t he r emai ni n+ hal 2 i n secon s emes t er.
BAS 151/ BAS 153/ HSS 151/ C!E 151/ &CE3151/ &CE 152 an ECE 153 are
pract i cal papers onl ". 4here 1i l l not )e an" t heor " e5ami nat i on 2or t hese papers.
$n ai t i on t o a)o6e ment i one su)7 ect s/ t here 1i l l )e a course on !un7 a)i as a
8ual i 2 "i n+ su)7 ect . ,roup A 1i l l st u" t hi s course i n 9i rst Semest er an ,roup B 1i l l
st u" t hi s course i n secon semest er
L T P Creits
% ! , %. "
Se(tio' A
Communication: !rocess o2 communication/ 4"pes an channels o2
;eain+ Skills: ;eain+ purpose/ strate+ies an methoolo+ies/ ;eain+
acti6i ties an structure o2 reain+ techni8ues.
Se(tio' B
<ri tin+ Skills: Elements o2 e22ecti6e 1ritin+/ 1ritin+ st"les/ use o2 homon"ms/
clo=e tests/ one 1or su)stitutions/ a))re6iations etc.
Business Corrosponence: Elements 0 kins o2 )usiness letters> o22ice orer/
purchase orer/ 8uotations 0 teners etc.
Se(tio' C
(istenin+ Skills: !rocess o2 listenin+/ )arriers to listenin+/ note takin+ 0 note
makin+ an 2ee)ack skills.
Se(tio' .
Speakin+ Skills: Speech mechanism/ articul ation o2 souns/ phonetic
transcription/ components o2 e22ecti6e talk/ oral presentation/ +roup iscussion/
conuctin+ meetin+s etc. 4"pes an use o2 auio 6isual ais in presentation.
Re(o//e'e Boo0s)
1. ? Sunara7an/ Business Communication/ Sura Colle+e o2
Competition/ Chennai
2. Asha @aul/ Business Communication/ !rentice Hall o2 $nia/ ?e1
3. &atthukutt" & &onippall"/ Business Communication Strate+ies/ 4ata
&c,ra13Hill !u)lishin+ Co. / ?e1 Aelhi
%. & B ;ori8ues/ E22ecti6e Business Communication/ Concept
!u)lishin+ Compan"/ ?e1 Aelhi
L T P Creits
1 ! , 1. "
@irchho22C s la1s an their applications in sol6in+ electrical net1ork pro)lems/
Star3elta trans2ormation
A. C. ?et1orks: Superposition theorem. 4he6eninC s theorem/ ?ortonC s theorem/
&a5imum po1er trans2er theorem/ Step 6olta+e response o2 ;( an ;C series
Sinusoial Stea"3 State ;esponse o2 Circuits: Concept o2 !hasor ia+ram/ 2orm
2actor an peak 2actor o2 a 1a6e2orm. Series an parallel circuits/ po1er an
po1er 2actors/ ;esonance in circuits/ Balance 33phase 6olta+e/ current an
po1er relations/ 33 phase po1er measurement.
Sin+le3!hase 4rans2ormers: Constructional 2eature/ <orkin+ principle o2 a
trans2ormer/ em2 e8uations/ 4rans2ormer on no3loa an its phasor ia+ram/
4rans2ormer on loa/ 6olta+e rops an its phasor ia+ram/ E8ui6alent circuit/
$eal trans2ormer/ open an short circuit tests/ Calculation o2 e22icienc"/
conition 2or ma5imum e22icienc"
Electrical &achines: Construction/ !rinciple o2 1orkin+/ 9unction o2 the
commutator 2or motorin+ an +eneration action/ Characteristi cs an applicat ions
o2 AC &otor/ $nuction motors (sin+le phase)
Re(o//e'e Boo0s
1. E1ar Hu+he/ Electrical 4echnolo+"/ Aison3<isle"/ ?e1 Dork.
2. ?aiu an S. @amakshai ah/ $ntrouction to Electri cal En+ineerin+ 4ata
&c,ra1 Hills/ ?e1 Aelhi.
3. B. Aeltoro/ !rinciple o2 Electrical En+ineerin+/ 4ata &c,ra1 Hill/ ?e1
%. Smi th an Aor2/ Circuits Ae6ices an S"stems/ Eohn <ile" an Sons B. (.
4hera7 a FBasic Electrical En+ineerin+ Bol. 3$F/ S. Chan 0 Compan"/ ?e1
5. C. (. <ah1a FBasic Electrical En+ineerin+F/ ?e1 a+e international
!u)lishers/ ?e1 Aelhi.
L T P Creits
1 ! , 1. "
Se(ti o' A) 3&4es &' Os(i l l &ti o's
Si mpl e har moni c mot i on: Ai 22erent i al e8uat i on/ l i ssa7 ous 2i +ures 2orme )"
superposi t i on o2 t 1o SH&/ Char+e osci l l at i ons i n a (C ci rcui t . Aampe osci l l at or:
Ai 22erent i al e8uat i on/ met hos o2 escri )i n+ ampi n+ o2 an osci l l at or3 l o+ari t hmi c
ecrement / rel a5at i on t i me/ 8ual i t " 2act or/ Aampe osci l l at i ons i n a (C; ci rcui t /
9orce osci l l at i ons (8ual i t at i 6e i eas onl ") .
Se(ti o' B) P56si (&l O7ti (s
$nt er2erence )" i 6i si on o2 ampl i t ue: pl ane paral l el t hi n 2i l ms/ col ors i n t hi n 2i l ms/
non3re2l ect i n+ 2i l msG coat i n+s/ hi +h re2l ect i 6i t " t hi n 2i l m coat i n+s/ &i chel son
i nt er2eromet er.
9raunho22er i 22ract i on 2rom ci rcul ar apert ure/ ou)l e sl i t an a +rat i n+ (nor mal
i nci ence case)/ ;a"l ei +hHs cri t eri a o2 resol ut i on/ resol 6i n+ po1er o2 t el escope/
mi croscope an +rat i n+.
!ol ari =at i on )" ou)l e re2ract i on/ i chroi sm/ ?i col pri sm/ Concept o2 pl ane/ ci rcul ar
an el l i pt i cal pol ari =at i on 1i t h mat hemat i cal e5pressi on.
Se(ti o' C) L&sers &' o7ti (&l 8i 9ers
4ransi t i ons )et 1een ener+" st at es/ Ei nst ei n coe22i ci ent s/ pri nci pl e an propert i es o2
l aser )eam/ t hree an 2our l e6el l asers/ el ement ar " escri pt i on o2 pri nci pl e/
const ruct i on an operat i on o2 He3?e l aser/ CI2 l aser/ ru)" l aser/ ?3DA, l aser an
semi 3 conuct or l aser. Appl i cat i ons o2 l asers.
!ropa+at i on o2 l i +ht t hrou+h opt i cal 2i )er/ i t s +eomet r "/ numeri cal apert ure an
accept ance an+l e/ st ep i ne5 an +rae i ne5 2i )ers/ Si +nal at t enuat i on an
i spersi on (8ual i t at i 6e i eas). Appl i cat i ons o2 opt i cal 2i )ers.

Se(ti o' .) I'trou(tor6 :u&'tu/ /e(5&'i (s
!ost ul at es o2 ol 8uant um t heor "/ 1a6e 2unct i ons an 1a6e packet s/ t i me epenent
an t i me i nepenent Schroi n+er 1a6e e8uat i on/ e5pect at i on 6al ue/ appl i cat i on o2
Schroi n+er e8uat i on t o part i cl e i n an i n2i ni t e pot ent i al )o5/ part i cl e i n a 2i ni t e
pot ent i al 1el l / pot ent i al )arri er (t unnel i n+ e22ect )/ l i near harmoni c osci l l at or/ coherent
superposi t i on o2 st at es an el ement ar " i ea o2 8uant um comput i n+.
Re(o//e'e Boo0s
1. <a6e an Bi)rat i ons )" H. E. !ai ns
2. 9unament al s o2 opt i cs )" Eenki ns an <hi t e (&c,ra1 Hi l l s)
3. &oern !h"si cs concept s an appl i cat i ons )" S. !uri (?arosa !u)l i shers)
%. (asers3 4heor " an appl i cat i ons )" 4h"a+ra7 an an ,hat ak (&c&i l l an !u)l i shers)
L T P Creits
1 ! , 1. "
Se(tio' A
9unctions o2 se6eral 6aria)les
(i mit an Continuit " o2 2unctions o2 t1o 6aria)les/ partial eri6ati6es/ total
i22erential an eri6ati6es. Appro5imation )" total i22erentials. Aeri6ati6es o2
composi te an impl icit 2unctions. Homo+eneous 2unctions/ Euler Hs 4heorem.
4a"l or Hs 4heorem. &a5ima an &inima/ (a+ran+eHs metho o2 mult ipli ers.
&ultiple inte+rals.
Se(tio' B
Ei+en 6alues an Ei+en 6ectors
&atri5 al+e)ra/ some special matrices/ eterminants an its properties/ Solutions
o2 s"st em o2 e8uations. Bector Spaces/ su)spaces/ (inear epenence an
inepenence o2 6ectors. Aimensions an Basis. (inear 4rans2ormations. Ei+en
6alues an Ei+en 6ectors o2 matrices/ Simil ar an Aia+onali=a)le matrices.
Juaratic 2orms.
Se(tio' C
$mproper $nte+rals
$mproper inte+rals o2 2irst kin/ $mproper inte+rals o2 secon kin. A)solute
con6er+ence o2 i mproper inte+rals. $mproper inte+rals in6ol6in+ a paramet er.
Beta an ,amma 2unctions an their con6er+ence.
Se(tio' .
Compl e5 Anal "sis
Compl e5 num)ers> polar 2orms/ po1ers an roots. (i mit/ Continuit " an
Aeri6ati6es o2 comple5 2unctions. Anal "t ic 2unctions. C;3e8uations/ (aplace
e8uation. Con2ormal mappin+. E5ponential/ 4ri+onometric/ H"per)ol ic an
(o+arithmi c 2unctions.
Re(o//e'e Boo0s)
1. ;. @. Eain an S. ;. @. $"en+e/ A6ance En+ineerin+ &athematics/ ?arosa
!u)lishin+ House/ ? Aelhi.
2. E. @re"=ic/ A6ance En+ineerin+ &athematics (Ei+hth Eition)
L T P Creits
1 ! , 1. "
Se(ti o' A
Chemi st r " o2 En6i ronment an Chemi cal anal "si s3 puri 2i cat i on o2 1at er 2or omest i c
an i nust ri al use/ )oi l er 2ee 1at er/ e22l uent l i 8ui st reams/ BIA/ CIA an t race
el ement s/ +ui i n+ pri nci pl es o2 +reen chemi st r ".
Corrosi on3 &echani sm o2 r " an 1et corrosi on/ t "pes o2 corrosi on/ cont rol l i n+
corrosi on.
!ol "mers3 &ol ecul ar 1ei +ht et ermi nat i on/ st ereochemi st r " o2 pol "mers/ ph"si cal
propert i es o2 pol "mer s. Ai 22erent t "pes o2 pol "mers3 2i )re 2ormi n+/ conuct i n+ an
phot ochromi c pol "mer s> s"nt hesi s an appl i cat i ons o2 en+i neeri n+ pol "mer s/ si l i cone
pol "mers/ pol "ur et hanes an epo5" resi ns.
Se(ti o' B
El ect rochemi st r "3 &i +rat i on o2 i ons/ t rans2erence num)er/ et ermi nat i on o2
t rans2erence num)er )" Hi t t or2 Hs met ho/ i 22usi on an i oni c mo)i l i t "/ conuct omet ri c
t i t rat i ons. 4"pe o2 el ect roes/ concent rat i on cel l s 1i t h an 1i t hout t rans2erence/ l i 8ui
7 unct i on pot ent i al / pot ent i omet ri c t i t rat i ons.
Anal "t i cal 4echni 8ues # $nt rouct i on t o chromat o+raphi c t echni 8ues/ 1orki n+ an
appl i cat i ons o2 ,C/ i on e5chan+e an hi +h pressure l i 8ui chromat o+raph".
Se(ti o' C
!hot ochemi st r "3 (a1s o2 phot ochemi st r "/ !hot o e+raat i on o2 e5ci t e st at es )"
6ari ous phot oph"si cal process32l ourscence/ phosphorescence an ot her processes.
Spect roscopi c t echni 8ues3 $nt rouct i on/ t "pes o2 mol ecul ar spect ra/ pri nci pl e an
appl i cat i ons o2 $;/ KB3Bis an ?&; spect roscop". !ri nci pl e an appl i cat i ons o2
At omi c a)sorpt i on spect roscop".
Se(ti o'2.
;eact i on mechani sm2 al i phat i c nucl eophi l i c su)st i t ut i on react i ons/ el ect rophi l i c an
nucl eophi l i c ai t i on react i on t o car)on3car)on mul t i pl e )on/ L an M el i mi nat i ons.
Chemi st r " o2 Bi omol ecul es3 (i pi s/ Car)oh"rat es/ prot ei ns an nucl ei c aci s/ en="me
an coen="mes.
Re(o//e'e Boo0s)
1. At ki ns/ !.<. !h"si cal Chemi st r " '
t h
Ei t i on/ I52or Kni 6ersi t " !ress I52or
pri nt e i n $ni a at ?oi a.
2. Ban1el l / C. ?. &cCash/ E. &. 9unament al s o2 &ol ecul ar Spect rocsop"/ t at a &c
,ra1 Hi l l !u)l i shi n+ Co. / (t . ?e1 Ael hi .
3. &orri son/ ;. 4. an Bo"/ ;. ?. Ir+ani c chemi st r "/ !rent i ce3Hal l / ? Ael hi .
%. &ukher7 ee/ S. &. / Si n+h S. !. ;eact i on &echani sm i n Ir+ani c Chemi st r " &acmi l l an
$ni a (t / &aras.
5. &i sra ,. S. / $nt rouct or " pol "mer Chemi st r "/ ?e1 A+e $nt ernat i onal (!) (t /
!u)l i shers/ ?e1 Ael hi .
'. Skoo+/ <./ $nst rument al met hos o2 anal "si s/ (on+man/ K@.
*. Aara S. S. / A t e5t )ook o2 En+i neeri n+ Chemi st r "/ S. Chan 0 Co. / (t / ? Ael hi
-. !uri / B. ;. Sharma (. ;. !at hani a &. S. A t e5t )ook o2 pri nci pl es o2 ph"si cal
Chemi st r "/ Sho)an (al ?a+i n Chan 0 Co. Eal anhar.
.. Sa1"er an &acCart "/ Chemi st r " 2or En6i ronment al En+i neeri n+/ &c,ra1 Hi l l
!u)l i cat i ons/ ?e1 Ael hi .
L T P Creits
, , % !. ,
;eco+ni=in+ an articulatin+ speech souns/ mock ialo+ueGcon6ersation.
&akin+ an oral presentation/ class seminars/ paper reain+.
!articipatin+ in a +roup iscussion.
Holin+ a mock meetin+.
Ae6elopin+ skills relate to Business Corrosponence
!reparation 2or participatin+ in a mock inter6ie1 2or a 7o) etc.
(earnin+ the skills o2 a compeer.
Ae6elopin+ skills 2or conuctin+ a meetin+> attenin+ telephonic calls.
;eport makin+.
L T P Creits
! 1 , %. "
(ines/ (etterin+/ Aimensionin+/ Scales> ;e2erence an Au5illar" !lanes> S"stems o2
Irtho+raphic !ro7ections> !ro7ection o2 !oints an (ines> 4rue len+th o2 lines an their true
an+les o2 inclination 1ith the re2erence planes> !ro7ection o2 !lanes an their true shape.
!ol"heral an Solis o2 ;e6olution> !ro7ection o2 Solis in simple positions: A5is parallel to
)oth the re2erence planes/ parallel or perpenicular to one an incline to the other or incline to
)oth the re2erence planes.
Section o2 solis: Section !lanes/ Sections an pro7ection o2 sections on the re2erence planes>
4rue shape o2 sections o2 simple solis.
Ae6elopment o2 lateral sur2aces o2 simple solis such as cu)es/ prisms/ c"liners/ p"ramis/
cones/ spheres etc. $ntersection o2 lateral sur2aces o2 simple solis penetratin+ into one another>
!ro7ection o2 linesGcur6es o2 intersectionGinterpenetration on the re2erence planes.
$sometric a5es/ lines an planes> $sometric scale> Ara1in+GSketchin+ isometric 6ie1 o2 planes/
plane 2i+ures an simple solis 2rom ortho+raphic pro7ections> Con6ersion o2 pictorial 6ie1 o2
simple solis into ortho+raphic pro7ections.
Re(o//e'e Boo0s)
1. !.S. ,ill/ A 4e5t Book o2 ,eometrical Ara1in+/ @astson !u)lishin+ House.
2. 9rench an Birck/ ,raphic Science/ &c,ra1 Hill !u)lisher.
3. (a6ens/ ,raphics in En+ineerin+ an Science/ Eohn <ille" an Sons.
%. No==ora/ En+ineerin+ Ara1in+/ &c,ra13Hill !u)lication.
5. ;.@ Aha1an/ A 4e5t Book o2 En+ineerin+ Ara1in+/ @atson !u)lishin+ House.
L T P Creits
, , % !. ,
List o8 E;7eri/e'ts
1. 4o measure the 1a6elen+th o2 (aser (He3?e) li+ht )" usin+ re2lection
2. 4o measure an+le o2 prism usin+ a spectrometer.
3. 4o measure re2racti6e ine5 o2 prism usin+ a spectrometer.
%. 4o etermine 1a6elen+th o2 soium li+ht usin+ a plane i22raction +ratin+.
5. 4o etermine speci2ic rotation o2 su+ar usin+ !olarimeter.
'. 4o stu" 4rans6erse nature o2 li+ht.
*. 4o stu" use o2 C;I to measure amplitue an 2re8uenc" o2 i22erent 1a6e2orms.
-. 4o superposition o2 t1o 1a6es usin+ (issa7 ous 2i+ures.
.. 4o etermine numerical aperture o2 an optical 2i)re.
10. 4o stu" optical 2i)re transmitter 0 recei6er 2unction 2or auio si+nal.
L T P Creits
, , % !. ,
List o8 E;7eri/e'ts
1. 4o etermine the total harness o2 1ater )" EA4A metho.
2. 4o etermine the composi tion o2 a mi5ture o2 aci (HCl O CH3CIIH).
3. 4o etermine the composi tion o2 a mi5ture o2 )ases (?aIH O ?a 2CI3).
%. 4o etermine the copper content in a +i6en sampl e $oometricall ".
5. !reparation o2 KreaG2ormaleh"e an !henolG2ormaleh"e resin.
'. !reparation o2 aspirin )" con6entional Gnon3con6entional metho an
anal "sis )" mel tin+ point an ,C anal "sis.
*. !reparation o2 Aiels Aler auct o2 &aliec aci an anthracene )"
con6entional methoGnon3con6entional metho an anal "sis )" melt in+
point an ,C anal "sis.
-. 4o etermine the stren+th o2 a +i6en aci )" titrat in+ 1ith ?G10 ?aIH/ pH
metricall ".
.. 4o 6eri2" BeeeHr la1 an to 2in the concentrat ion o2 an unkno1n solution
usin+ colori meterG K63 Bis spectrophotometer.
10. 4o 2in the percenta+e purit" o2 A+?I3 solution conuctometrical l " usin+
?G10 @Cl solution.
11. 4o estimate the stren+th o2 the +i6en HCl solution )" titratin+ 1ith ?G10
?aIH potentiometrical l " usin+ Juinh"rone as the inicator electroe.
12. Aetermination o2 issol6e o5"+en present in a +i6en 1ater sample )"
<inkler Hs metho.
13. E5tract ion o2 A?A 2rom +reen peas an its ienti2ication )" KB anal "sis.
1%. 4o etermine the amount o2 9e
an 9e
ions in the +i6en ore solution )"
usin+ e5ternal @2Cr20* inicator.

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