Gooden Jacob Bibliography

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Jake Gooden

Professor Padgett
English 1102
24 February 2014
Annotated Bibliography
Inquiry: o! does the a"ount e#posure to so$ial "edia affe$t the o%erall health of teens&
Proposed Thesis: 'As e#posure is in$reased( the physi$al and "ental affe$ts on teens !ill
$ontinue to be "ore detri"ental)
Agar!al( *+( , -hanasekaran( .+ /2012( April0+ 1edia and 2hildren+ Journal of Indian
Association for Child & Adolescent Mental Health+ pp+ 20324+
Agar!al states throughout the arti$le that a"ount of ti"e that $hildren spend on
so$ial "edia is taking 4uite on the toll on their o%erall health+ As stated in the
arti$le( '5. $hildren 6 to 16 spend on a%erage 7 hours and 86 "inutes on so$ial
entertain"ent per day+) For "yself( that is sho$king and pro%ides in depth on !hy
the health issues in the 5nited .tates are as bad as they are+ .o$ial "edia
pro"otes sedentary lifestyle a"ongst our youth be$ause the ti"e that our $hildren
!ould nor"ally be playing outside+ 9 felt that the arti$le !as %ery $redible be$ause
it tou$hed on the other side of the argu"ent by stating ho! so$ial "edia
$ontributed to o%erall intelle$tual !ellness by ha%ing 4ui$k a$$ess to e%ents
around the !orld+ :he author also dire$tly states '.tudies ha%e reported a strong
$ausal link bet!een tele%ision %ie!ing( so$ial "edia use and %ideo ga"es all
$ontributing to the risk of de%eloping obesity+) ;ith $hildren not ha%ing
de%eloped the dis$ipline to stay a!ay fro" these distra$tions( they $ould end up
de%eloping a serious addi$tion and ne%er be able to es$ape fro" this type of
lifestyle+ :his also relates to the "ental health of $hildren( these distra$tions $an
really affe$t their grades and dri%e for edu$ation+ 9n addition to "ental( the arti$le
notes the $orrelation bet!een aggressi%eness a"ongst $hildren !ith !hat they
!at$h or read on the internet+ :he "ore graphi$al it is( the "ore aggressi%e the
$hild tends to be+
Agar!al( *+( , -hanasekaran( .+ /20120+ ar"ful Effe$ts of 1edia on 2hildren and
Adoles$ents+ Journal Of Indian Association For Child & Adolescent Mental Health( 8/20( 863
:his arti$le depi$ts %arious negati%e health affe$ts that so$ial "edia has on today=s
$hildren+ :he arti$le pri"arily notes ho! $hildren tend to see on "edia and
tele%ision and ho! they are not able to separate it fro" the real !orld+ 9n turn( this
"akes the" think that %iolen$e and fighting is a $redible !ay to sol%e their
proble"s+ .o$ial "edia also has a !ide %ariety of al$ohol $onsu"ption ads that
are easily assessable to $hildren and often en$ourage the" to try it far "ore early
than a $hild that does ha%e that ad%ertising e#posure+ :o ba$k this $lai" up( the
arti$le spe$ifi$ally states that these ads depi$t 'ro"an$e( so$iability( and
rela#ation+) 9n addition( %ery e#pli$it se# ads are easily found all throughout the
!eb> it !ould literally take a parent "onitoring e%ery keystroke to pre%ent their
$hild fro" finding at least one ad on the !eb+ :hese ads en$ourage se#ual
beha%ior in our youth far "ore than they are ready !hi$h often leads to in$reased
pregnan$y and se#ually trans"itted diseases+ As stated in the arti$le( '%ery little
infor"ation about the risks asso$iated !ith early se#ual initiation) "eaning
although these ads en$ourage it( the youth are unable to fully understands the risks
asso$iated !ith se#+
?eep your teen safe fro" so$ial "edia+ /20180+ Prevention India( 11
:his arti$le depi$ted on ho! teens use so$ial "edia to better portray their so$ial
i"age+ :he arti$le states that ';e li%e in a !orld !here our sense of self is linked
to the nu"ber of =likes=( =friends= and =follo!ers= !e ha%e+) and the $hildren of
today are taking it to the ne#t le%el+ :eens are going to !hate%er e#tre"e possible
to be able to get another like on the pi$tures that they post and the rush that they
get fro" ea$h like is be$o"ing a serious addi$tion+ :he addi$tion $an get to a
point !here teens are on their phones all night posting and $hatting until "orning
!here they are for$ed to sleep during the day at s$hool+ :eens are also portraying
the"sel%es falsely( be$ause pri"arily e%ery pi$ture they post is edited and photo3
shopped to "ake the"sel%es see" "ore attra$ti%e and gi%e the" false $onfiden$e+
.haron( J+( @.haronJayson( , 5.A( :+ /n+d0+ .o$ial "edia setting the stage for kids !ho !ant to
++ USA Today
:his arti$le notes ho! teens today are e#$essi%ely using so$ial "edia in order to
seek fa"e+ :he fa"e $ould "ean Aust popularity a"ongst their peers or to be the
ne#t national superstar that is dis$o%ered through "edia+ As stated( resear$hed
indi$ates that teens !anting fa"e post and staggering higher rate than so"eone
!ho does not !ant fa"e+ :hese teens also able to tailor their publi$ i"age
ho!e%er the please be$ause they are able to $ontrol e#a$tly !hat they !ant to say
$o"pared not being able to in a s$hool setting+ 9f teens are not re$ei%ing the
attention they !ant( it $ould be detri"ental to their o%erall health due addi$tion(
distra$tion and hu"iliation it $an $ause+
Bayliss( .+ /20180+ Pe!: :een .o$ial 1edia 5se Bising+ i!rary Journal( "#8/110( 26
:his arti$le states on ho! teens are posting "ore and "ore personal infor"ation
on so$ial "edia+ E%ery $ategory of personal infor"ation ranging fro" ho"eto!n
to $ell phone nu"ber sa! an in$rease in the a"ount of ti"es they !ere posted on
so$ial "edia+ :eens still feel prote$ted fro" any sort of identity theft be$ause
their profiles are set to pri%ate !hi$h "eans only their friends !ill be able to
a$$ess it+ :his report also states that teens are often lying about their age in order
to get a$$ess to e#pli$it se#ual sites !ithout kno!ing the potential $onse4uen$es+
;hen these teens a$$ess to these types of sites they lea%e the"sel%es open to
stalking( se#ual assault( and rape+ 9 feel that teens are %ery "isinfor"ed about ho!
"u$h so"eone $an do !ith %ery little infor"ation and potential $onse4uen$es that
e#posing the"sel%es to others o%er so$ial "edia $an ha%e on their li%es+

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