Topic 7. Food - Drink - Health-Welfare
Topic 7. Food - Drink - Health-Welfare
Topic 7. Food - Drink - Health-Welfare
Tea - "n #ndispensa le Drink for the $ietna%ese. "s you &alk along the streets' so%e&here near a la%p post' under the shade of a tree' or ne(t to a door' there is a lo& ta le &ith glass pots containing different kinds of candies' roasted ground nuts' and sugar coated cakes. )sually ne(t to these treats' there is a hu% le tea co*y &ith a tray of cups. "round the ta le are se+eral s%all &ooden stools. This is traditionally a co%plete description of a %ake-shift tea shop' &hich is a +ery popular part of $ietna%ese street life. This drink is considered indispensa le to e+ery inha itant of the city. Tea is drunk e+ery day fro% the early %orning until late at night. ,eople drink tea at their ho%es' at their &ork places' and e+en in tea shops on their &ay to and fro% &ork. Whene+er the $ietna%ese feel thirsty' they are likely to look for this drink. #t is drunk in oth the su%%er and the &inter %onths. #n the &inter' a sip of hot tea %akes you feel &ar% inside and etter a le to cope &ith the cold te%peratures outside. )nlike northerners' &hose preference is for a cup of hot stea%y tea' people in the south like to drink their tea cold' tending to add ice cu es. -o& do &e %ake a good tea cosy! The o&ner skillfully lifts the cap of the tea co*y' takes out the tea pot' and then pours the hot tea into a s%all cup. The o&ner then hands the cup of stea%ing tea to the custo%er Section .: health 1. ,eople do %any different things to stay healthy. What do you do for good health! )se specific reasons and e(a%ples to support your ans&er. /ur health is the only thing &e really ha+e in the &orld. 0ou can take a&ay our %oney' our house' or our clothes and &e can sur+i+e. Take a&ay our health and &e &ill die. That is &ay # eat healthfully' e(ercise regularly and keep up %y social life.1 2ating healthfully is i%portant to %aintain ones health. # try to a+oid foods high in fat like french fries or cookie!. # also try to li%it the a%ount of ani%alprotein # consu%e. # ne+er eat %ore than a fe& ounces of fish or chicken a day and # rarely eat %eat. # eat a lot of +egeta les and fresh fruit &hich are fullof fi er and +ita%ins. #t is i%portant to kno& ho& to cook these foods so the nutrients are not lost in the cooking process.1 0our %uscles %ust continue to e strong to support your ody as it gro&s older. 2sercise helps the ones uild density and helps you %aintain your posture. " regular e(ercise progra% of cardio+ascular training and &eight training is an i%portant part of keeping your health.1 Friends are an i%portant of ones health. Studies ha+e sho&n that people &ith a &ide range of socila contacts get fe&er colds and ha+e fe&er co%plaintsthan those &ho dont. laughing is also an i%portant part of health. # like to lauhg &ith %y friends and # al&ays feel etter &hen # a% &ith the% than &hen #a% alone.1 3y eating properly and e(ercising regularly' # can keep %y ody at an appropriate &eight and can %aintain %y health. 3y spending ti%e &ith %y friends'i can keep %y %ind as &ell as %y ody happy. #ts all a part of %y recipe for healthful li+ing... ,re+ention is etter than cure. /ut of a country44s health udget' a large proportion should e di+erted fro% treat%ent to spending on health education andpre+entati+e and that the indi+idual should ha+e the right to choose &hether or not to participate. Section 5: Welfare 1. Topic55: " go+ern%ent44s role is only to pro+ide defence capa ility and ur an infrastructure 6roads' &ater supplies' etc.7. "ll other ser+ices 6education'health' social security7 should e pro+ided y pri+ate groups or indi+iduals in the co%%unity. To &hat e(tent do you agree or disagree &ith this opinion prepare for ielts 1.8.- 9o+ern%ents can only pro+ide a li%ited range of ser+ices for citi*ens. :ertain types of ser+ice' ho&e+er' %ust e pro+ided y go+ern%ents' &hereas othgo+ern%ents and pri+ate groups or indi+iduals can share the responsi ility to pro+ide other ser+ices.- " go+ern%ent %ust pro+ide those ser+ices &hich are essentila to a country. These include defence capa ilities and social security. ,ri+ate enterprise andthe profit %oti+e should not for% part of these essential ser+ices. /n the other hand' so%e ser+ices could e pro+ided y either go+ern%ents or pri+ategroups or oth. 2ducation and health care are e(a%ples of such ser+ices. " go+ern%ent %ust pro+ide at least a asic le+el of education and health care soall citi*ens can ha+e access to the%. ,ri+ate enterprise' though' could also pro+ide ser+ices in these areas for those &ho &ish to pay for the%.- )r an infrastructure is another area &here go+ern%ents and pri+ate groups or indi+iduals can share responsi ility. 9o+ern%ents %ust uild and %aintaina syste% of roads' ut toll roads can e uilt and road %aintenance carried out y pri+ate contractors. Si%ilarly' other infrastructure' such as &ater or electricity supply' can e operated y pri+ate co%panies.- To su% up' there are so%e ser+ices such as defence and social security &hich %ust e pro+ided y go+ern%ent. /ther ser+ices' for e(a%ples &ater supplyor education' could e pro+ided y
oth go+ern%ent and pri+ate enterprise. :onse;uently' it is not true to say that a go+ern%ents role is only to pro+ideso%e ser+ices &hile others should e pro+ided y the pri+ate sector. #n fact' oth go+ern%ent and pri+ate groups can share in the pro+ision of %ostser+ices... #n 3ritain' &hen so%eone gets old' they often go to li+e in a ho%e &ith other old people &here there are nurses to look after the%. So%eti%es thego+ern%ent has to pay for this care.Who should e responsi le for our old people! 9i+e reasons.- Their children.- 9o+ern%ent.5. What should a go+ern%ent do for a country to eco%e successful!- -u%an resources.- :onsolidate the national solidarity.- ,urify the go+ern%ent leadership.8. "lthough a uses of the syste% are ine+ita le' social &elfare pay%ents are essential to protect the rights citi*ens ha+e to a guaranteed inco%e in ade%ocratic society. Discuss .<. e(ercise 1.<.Social &elfare is an essential ele%ent of an ad+anced society. 9ood syste%s are al&ays a used' ut that does not %ean they are faulty. #n %y opinion' thet&o %ain reasons &hy &elfare pay%ents are necessary are as follo&s:- first of all' critics forget that there are %any for%s of &elfare esides pay%ents to the une%ployed. Their negati+e opinions har% those &ho are capa leof earning a &age' such as single-parent %others' the disa led' and the sick. =oreo+er' the une%ployed ha+e the right to an inco%e' too. They are notal&ays at fault for not ha+ing a >o ' and in %ost cases the ta( they ha+e paid in the past entitles the% to assistance. - The second reason is that cri%e increases &hen people ha+e no %eans of support. The desperately poor ine+ita ly turn to cri%e' &hich is not onlydangerous ut costly. ,olicing the streets is %ore e(pensi+e than pro+iding &elfare. " police%ans &age is four or fi+e ti%es higher than a ?dole@ pay%ent.- :ertain %e% ers of society elie+e that people should look after the%sel+es. They point out that &elfare increases depandency on others and destroysdignity. This %ay e true' ut in the case of the une%ployed' the relief pay%ents are usually te%porary. #t is surely the fault of the go+ern%ent if there arelong ter% une%ployed. Welfare critices also elie+e that it is the responsi ility of a +icti%s fa%ily to pro+ide financial assistance. -o&e+er' it is tooe(pensi+e to pro+ide co%plete help for a se+erely disa led person.- To conclude' it is +ital to understand the need for &elfare in a %odern de%ocratic society. Without &elfare pay%ents the poor are destined to eco%epoorer. The first duty of a go+ern%ent is to pro+ide a financial safety net for all disad+antaged persons' and that includes those &ithout &ork.A. The &elfare state %akes people less self-reliant: a o+e ;uestionB. " %uch de ated issue these days is &hether citi*ens should take out pri+ate health insurance or not- " %uch de ated issue these days is &hether citi*ens should take out pri+ate health insurance or not. The cost of pro+iding free %edical care for oth the&ealthy and the poor is far too great for any go+ern%ent' and %ost people agree that if you can pay for insurance' you should. #n this essay' # &ill arguethat all &ho can afford it should e insured' ut free %edical care %ust e %ade a+aila le for those too poor to do so.- The %ost i%portant reason for encouraging people to take out pri+ate health insurance is the cost to the go+ern%ent of health care. Free health co+er for people &ho are a le to pay for it is a &aste of pu lic %oney. /f course' people &ill only pay health insurance pre%iu%s if they kno& that they are gettinggood +alue for their %oney. #f they get sick' they should pay +ery little or nothing at all. #n addition' the pri+ately insured are entitled to special enefitssuch as ha+ing the choice of their o&n doctors' and eing a le to a+oid long &aiting lists for hospital eds.- /n the other hand' those &ho really cannot afford to pay pri+ate insurance pre%iu%s' &hich are often +ery high' are still entitled as citi*ens to the est%edical care a+aila le - they cannot e e(pected to pay their o&n %edical ills. -o&e+er' if they are &orking' they should still pay a percentage of their &age 6say 1 to .C7 as a ta( &hich pays to&ards the cost of pro+iding Dfree %edical ser+ices.- #n conclusion' %ost people should pri+ately insure their health' ut it is unreasona le to suppose that all citi*ens can afford it. Therefore' a safety net inthe for% of a asic free health care syste% %ust e(ist for the +ery poor and the une%ployed. 65<1 &ords7 Section 8: food 1. Eo&adays' food has eco%e easier to prepare. -as this change i%pro+ed the &ay people li+e! )se specific reasons and e(a%ples to support your ans&er. T/2FF51 The t&entieth century has roght &ith it %any ad+ances. With those ad+ances' hu%an li+es ha+e changed dra%atically. #n so%e &ays life is &orse' ut%ostly it is etter. :hanges in food preparation %ehtod' for e(a%ple' ha+e i%pro+ed our li+es greatly.1 The con+enience of preparing food today is a%a*ing. 2+en sto+es ha+e gotten too slo& for us. =icro&a+e cooking is %uch easier. We can press a fe& uttons and a %eak is co%pletely cooked in a short ti%e. ,eople used to spend hours for an o+en-cooked %eal' and no& &e can use that ti%e for other' etter things. ,lus' there are all kinds of portanle' prepacka le foods &e can uy. -eat the% in the office %icro&a+e' and lunch at &ork is ;uick and easy.1 Food preparation today allo&s for %ore +ariety. With refrigerator and free*ers' &e can preser+e a lot
of different foods in our ho%es. Since technology%akes cooking so %uch faster' people are &illing to %ake se+eral dishes for e+en a s%all %eal. ,arents are %ore likely to let children e picky' no& thatthey can easily heat the% up seo%e prepackaged %acarani and cheese on the side. Eeedless to say' adults li+ing in the sa%e house %ay ha+e +ery differenteating ha its as &ell. #f they dont &ant to cook a lot of different dishes' its co%%on no& to eat out at restaurants se+eral ti%es a &eek.1 -ealthful eating is also easier than e+er no&. When people cook' they can use ne& fat su stitues and cooking sprays to cut fat and calories. This reducesthe risk of heart disease and high cholesterol. "dditionally' &e can uy fruits and +egeta le fresh' fro*en or canned. They are easy to prepare' so %any of us eat %ore of those nutritious ite%s daily. " hundred years ago' you couldnt i%agine the process of taking so%e fro*en fruit and ice fro% the free*er'adding so%e lo& fat yogurt fro% a plastic cup and so%e >uice fro% a can in the refrigerator' and &hipping up a lo& fat s%ootine in the lender.1 /ur lifestyle is fast' ut people still like good food. What ne& food preparation technology has gi+en us is %ore choices. Today' &e can prepare food thatis %ore con+enient' healthier' and of greater +ariety than e+er efore in history... So%e people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. /ther people prefer to prepare and eat food at ho%e. Which do you prefer! )se specific reasonsand e(a%ples to support your ans&er.151 So%e people like to eat out at food stands and restaurants' &hile other like to prepare food at ho%e. /ften it depends on the kind of lifestyle people ha+e.Those &ith +ery usy >o s outside the house dont al&ays ha+e ti%e to cook. They like the con+enience of eating out. /+erall' though' it is cheaper andhealthier to eat at ho%e.1 While eating in restaurant is fast' the %oney you spend can add up. When # ha+e dinner at restaurant &ith a friedn' the ill is usually o+er t&enty dollars. #can uy a lot of groceries &ith that %uch %oney. 2+en lunch at a fast food stand usually costs fi+e or si( dollarss for one person. Thats enough to feedthe &hole fa%ily at ho%e.1 2ating at ho%e is etter for you' too. =eals at restaurants are often high in fat and calories' and they ser+e ig plates of food %uch %ore food than youneed to eat at one %eal. #f you cook food at ho%e' you ha+e %ore control o+er the ingredients. 0ou can use %argarine instead of utter on your potatoes' or not put so %uch cheese on the top of your pi**a. "t ho%e' you can control your portion si*e. 0ou can ser+e yourself as little as you &ant. #n a restaurant'you %ay eat a full plate of food ? ecause you paid for [email protected] #t is true that eating out is con+enient. 0ou dont ha+e to shop' to cook' to clean up. 3ut real ho%e cooking doesnt ha+e to take up a lot of ti%e. Ther arelots of si%ple %eals that dont take long to %ake. #n fact' theyre faster than eating out' especially if you think of the ti%e you spend dri+ing to a restaurant'parking' &aiting for a ta le' &aiting for ser+ice' dri+ing ho%e.1 3oth eating at restaurants and cooking at ho%e can e satisfying. 3oth can taste good and e en>oyed &ith fa%ily and friends. # prefer cooking at ho%e ecause of the %oney and health issues' ut people &ill %ake the choice that fits their lifestyle est.#nter+ie&1. Descri e your fa+ourite restaurant.1 =oca Gestaurant - location1 The food:1 The ser+ice:1 The decoration:1 The price:1 The feature:1 The strength:1 Why suita le for foreigner:.. Traditional food:1 Which $ietna%ese traditional dish do you particularly like!- Sticky rice cakes are a $ietna%ese traditional dish that %ust e part of Tet %eals. "s a %atter of fact' e+ery $ietna%ese fa%ily %ust ha+e sticky ricecakes a%ong the offerings placed on the altar to their ancestors.1 Do you kno& ho& to %ake the dish!- 3anh chung is %ade of glutinous rice' pork %eat' and green eans paste &rapped in a s;uare of a% oo lea+es' gi+ing the rice a green colour after oiling.- =aking sticky rice cakes is a +ery %eticulous >o . To o tain the est cakes' rice has to soak in &ater for an entire day. The pork %eat %ust include skinand fat' the green eans %ust e of the sa%e si*e' and the a% oo lea+es %ust e fresh.- S;uaring off and tying cakes &ith a% oo strings re;uires skilful hands.- Sticky rice cakes are a+aila le at any ti%e of the year' although one is sure to en>oy the% &ith relati+es and friends during Tet. During Tet' rice cakes areser+ed &ith gio lua and hanh %uoi lean %eat pie and salted sour onions.5 "re $ietna%ese peoples eating ha its changing! :an you gi+e an e(a%ple of such changes.- #ncreasing nu% er of people co%e to restaurant- #%pro+ed standard and =ore dishes than efore due to upgraded li+ing standard.- Garely the &hole fa%ily can gather due to usiness.8. Do you think people in your country prefer eating traditional food to international one! Why! Why not!- Traditional one.- not %any opportunities for trying international delicacies.A. Speculate on a &orld in &hich people ate all the sa%e kinds of food.- not +ery fa+oura le.- ,refer a +ariety of delicacies.- /ne part of each countrys culture one part of the country.A. -o& is your countrys traditional culture reflected in the eating ha it of the people!- "griculture culture reflected in dishes.- :lose knit relationship et&een fa%ily %e% ers.- Traditional role of &o%en. 2nd of topic 7.Topic H: -appiness friendship - %arriage Section 1: Happiness-friendship
1. ,eople re%e% er special gifts or presents that they ha+e recei+ed. Why! )se specific reasons and e(a%ples to support your ans&er. T/2FF15..Why &e re%e% er those gifts!- Feel >oy &hen looking at the%: Feeling of eing lo+ed' recall good ti%e together' etc.- ,inpoint special e+ents in li+es.- Gecall %e%ories of special people..7 9ood health is %ore i%portant than %oney for a happy life. Do you agree!5. What do you &ant %ost in a friend so%eone &ho is intelligent' or so%eone &ho has a sense of hu%or' or so%eone &ho is relia le! Which one of these characteristics is %ost i%portant to you! )se reasons and specific e(a%ples to e(plain your choice. T/2FF8. So%e people prefer to spend %ost of their ti%e alone. /thers like to e &ith friends %ost of the ti%e. Do you prefer to spend your ti%e alone or &ithfriends! )se specific reasons to support your ans&er. T/2FFH5Why &ant e alone!- -a+e ti%e think a out %y goals and to de+elop a strategy to reach the% -I really think a out %y life and &hat # &ant to do &ith it.- 9ood &ay to listen to the silence and rela( co%pletely: lo&er stress le+el' sharpen the po&er of concentration.- 3eing alone -I ha+e ti%e to step ack' see the real +alue of things &ithout eing influenced y the opinions of others- #f &ith others: distort our +ie&s of things' &orried a out &hat others think of A. So%e people prefer to spend ti%e &ith one or t&o close friends. /thers choose to spend ti%e &ith a large nu% er of friends. :o%pare the ad+antages of each choice. Which of these t&o &ays of spending ti%e do you prefer! )se specific reasons to support your ans&er. T/2FFH8What does friendship gi+e us!- Fearn ho& to trust each others.- What to e(pect fro% others.- -o& to profit fro% e(periences.Why the %ore friends the etter!- "l&ays a+aila le &hen &e need the%' not only in ti%es of trou le ut also in ti%es of happiness.- Want to ha+e people around %e that surprise %e. 2ach has his o&n &ay of reacting to a situation -I learn ho& to deal &ith different kinds of people.- Teach us a out life. lots friends J plenty of infor%ation and e(perience.B. So%e people choose friends &ho are different fro% the%sel+es. /ther schoose friends &ho are si%ilar to the%sel+es. :o%pare the d+antages of ha+ingfriends &ho are different fro% you &ith the ad+antages of ha+ing friends &ho are si%ilar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself! Why!T/2FFK<Why different fro% us!- 9i+ing you different &ays of looking at the &orld.- #ntroduce you to ne& interesting things.:orrect your &eakness: spontaneous kind of person -I &ell organi*ed.- 2(periences fro% different fields.Why si%ilar to us!- 2n>oy doing the sa%e things.- )nderstand each other -I easy to share pro le%s.7. )se specific reasons and e(a%ples to e(plain your ans&er. #t is so%eti%es said that orro&ing %oney fro% a friend can har% or da%age the friendship.Do you agree! Why or &hy not! )se reasons and specific e(a%ples to e(plain your ans&er. T/2FF185-o& can orro&ing %oney har% friendship!- -o& to kno& the lender can afford or not! -I e% rassed- When youll ack the loan! -I a&k&ardness.- #nterest issues -I hurt feelings -I har% to friendship #nter+ie&1. Talking.- What kinds of people do you %ost like to talk &ith!- Sense of hu%or: co%forta le' rela(ed. - What do you usually talk a out!- Fife' career' e+erything in+ol+ed oth.. Who do you think are etter in con+ersation %en or &o%en! Why!- Wo%en: sensi le' e%otional' understanding.5 What ad+ice could you gi+e to so%eone &ho is shy a out talking!- The %ore she talks the %ore confident she is.8. What role do friends play in your life!Why &e need friends!- -elp you to sol+e pro le%s.- Share happiness.- 9i+ing you the sense of lo+e and eing lo+ed- Share kno&ledge and e(perience.A. Descri e your est friend.- Why do you get kno&n each other!- What is his character! - -o& do you feel a out your friendship &ith hi%!8. What are so%e of the differences et&een a $ietna%ese friend and a foreign friend!- characters:- topics for talking: S2:T#/E .: MARRIAGE 1. The ad+antages and disad+antages of arranged %arriages.L. "d+antage:- Financial security. Fack of %oney -I stress in any relationship.- ,arents %ake etter choice than their children.M ,arents are older and &iser M 2(perience: at assessing characteristics 6e(periences7 -I kno& &hat ;ualities are desira le in a spouse.M 3etter >udges of character than young people' &ho often let e%otions influence their >udge%ent.parents choose &ith theirN head not their heart.1 Disad+antage:- =isery for 5 people if they ha+e fallen in lo+e &ith the other.Fikelihood of unhappy life for their children. The asis of the %arriage is lo+e. Fack of lo+e -I unsuccessful %arriage for their &hole life. Fo+e can %akepeople %ore tolerance 6enhancing sy%pathy to each other7.- )nfair for their children: Their daughter and son are %ature enough to %ake their o&n decision for their future spouse. ,arents &ould rather e thead+isors' not decision %aker.- Fife has changed. ,arents choices are pro a ly no longer suita le for their children. For instance' in World War ##' hard- &orking is a desira le character for any person. -o&e+er' in these days' its acti+e and &ell educated ones that are desira le for a spouse... 0oung people should li+e together efore getting %arried!1 "d+antages:- 2nhancing %utual understanding:M #n daily life: cooking' li+ing ha it' OM Their fa%ily life: eha+ior &ith their relati+e- "n effecti+e &ay to e(a%ine if
they are a good couple or not. 2asy to sol+e pro le% if they are not suita le to each other: financial issues and children.1 Disad+antages.- 9reater likehood of reaking up relations' &hich &ould lead to a lot of serious conse;uences' due to no legal ond et&een the%. /ne %inor argu%entcan cause their reak' for instance.M &o%en are +ulnera le if their relation are roken up: difficult to find a replace%ent ecause of pre>udice.M #n case there are children of this un %arried couple -I they are of %isery: not perfect parents' an unhappy childhood' o session a out their parents.- For society: the increase of infectious disease due to a lease LLLual li+ing style: -#$' O -I a great threat to the &hole society.5. Do &o%en usually &ork after getting %arried in your country!1 " co%%on pheno%enon in se+eral countries: %any &o%en drop their full-ti%e e%ploy%ent after %arriage. #nstead they find so%e part ti%e >o andspend %ore ti%e caring their fa%ily issues: house&ork' children rearing' fa%ily health care' etc.1 #n $ietna%' its not of so popular. #n fact' $nese &o%en continue their e%ploy%ent after %arriage. They share nearly the sa%e responsi ility of read &inner like their hus ands.So%e other rele+ant ;uestions relating to PfriendshipP:1 "re there any fa%ous stories of friendship in your culture!1 Descri e one of your closest friends.1 Do you ha+e any childhood friendships that are still strong today! Tell us a out the%.1 Do you ha+e any long distance friends!1 -o& do you keep in touch &ith your longdistance friends!1 -o& often do you see your long-distance friends!1 -a+e you %ade any friends o+er the #nternet!1 -o& often do you &rite to the%!1 -a+e you e+er %et the% in person!1 -o& are your friendships different no& than they &ere &hen you &ere a child!1 -o& do you %aintain a good friendship!1 -o& do you %ake ne& friends!1 -o& %any people do you consider your P est friends!P1 #s it co%%on to ha+e friendships across generations!1 What are the ad+antages and disad+antages of these types of friendships.1 Do you ha+e any friends fro% a different generation than you!1 There is a saying PTo ha+e a good friend' you need to e a good friend.P-o& can you e a good friend!1 What do you usually do &ith your friends!1 What factors %ay result in the reakdo&n of a good friendship! 1 What is the longest friendship that you ha+e had!1 What %akes friends different fro% fa%ily!1 What ;ualities do you think are i%portant in a friend! Topic K: Social pro le%s housing--istory religion- ,olitic cli%ate Section 1: Climate -history - religion. 1. Do you agree or disagree &ith the follo&ing state%ent! #t is %ore i%portant for students to study history and literature than it is for the% to study scienceand %athe%atics. )se specific reasons and e(a%ples to support your opinion... What kind of cli%ate does your country ha+e!44The cli%ate of $ietna%' >ust as its geography' is su >ect to %any +ariations.E/GT- $#2TE"=- The cli%ate in the north is +ery si%ilar to that of southern :hina. #t is characteri*ed y great seasonal differences in te%perature' and sudden changes arenot unco%%on.There are t&o %ain seasons in Eorth $ietna%' &inter and su%%er. Winter generally lasts fro% Eo+e% er to "pril &ith rather pleasant cool &eather. Thisseason is usually rather dry. The su%%er season egins in =ay and lasts till /cto er. #t is a ti%e of tre%endous heat' hea+y rainfall' and typhoons.S/)T- $#2TE"=- The south has a %onsoon cli%ate. There are t&o %ain seasons---&et and dry. The dry season lasts fro% Eo+e% er to "pril &ith arely a day of rain andthen changes to the rainy season &hich lasts fro% =ay to /cto er.- The hottest and %ost unpleasant ti%e in South $ietna% is generally et&een Fe ruary and "pril &hen the at%osphere is hu%id and the %any stor%sseldo% reak into a cooling rain.- #n :entral $ietna%' the cli%ate is a transition et&een the cli%ates of the north and south.-/TT2ST =/ET-S- E/GT- $#2TE"=- Qune' Quly' and "ugust.- S/)T- $#2TE"= - =arch' "pril' and =ay Section .: Social pro lems -politic. --ousing1. Why i%%igrants lea+e their o&n coutries!- so%e are in political danger at ho%e.- Qoin relati+es &ho already li+e a road.- " third group si%ply &ant a etter social and econo%ic future for their fa%ilies... pro le%s caused y i%%igration:- take >o s fro% other people.- Gefuse to integrate &ith the rest of the population.- :ontri ute to social pro le%s 6drugs' cri%es' etc7.Why de ate:- those pro le%s caused y i%%igration are &orse in recent years: une%ploy%ent' cri%e and prices increase.- The death of the :o%%unis% -I freedo% to tra+el %ulti racial.-5. "ny li+es are in danger &hen hastily erected uildings collapse ecause safety standards ha+e een sacrificed to hopes of a ;uick profit. To pre+entdisasters of this kind' go+ern%ents should play a greater role in setting and enforcing safety standards for uilding construction.8. Safety standards are i%portant &hen uilding peoples ho%es. Who should e responsi le for enforcing strict uilding codes the go+ern%ent or thepeople &ho uild the ho%es!A. Should a city try to preser+e its old' historic uildings or destroy the% and replace the% &ith %odern uildings! )se specific
reasons and e(a%ples tosupport your opinion. T/2FFB. Students at uni+ersities often ha+e a choice of places to li+e. They %ay choose to li+e in uni+ersity dor%itories' or they %ay choose to li+e in apart%entsin the co%%unity. :o%pare the ad+antages of li+ing in uni+ersity housing &ith the ad+antages of li+ing in an apart%ent in the co%%unity. Where &ouldyou prefer to li+e! 9i+e reasons for your preference. T/2FF7. " countrys first duty to its citi*en is to protect the%. Therefore it is logical that defence should take up a significant proportion of national udget. For or gainst!..R..Rco%prehensi+e #n the late .<th century' %any cities are eing rapidly rede+eloped. #n this process' the needs of special interest groups' such as people &ith physicaldisa ilities' are so%eti%es taken into account. -o& can society i%pro+e conditions for people &ith physical disa ilities!K. " pu lic figure should not e(pect to ha+e hisSher pri+ate life.- ,D/thers ;uestions:1 Do you agree that teachers should use corporal punish%ent as a %eans of discipline!1 Do you think in +itro fertilisation should e a+aila le to parents so they can choose the LLL of their child!1 #n an o+erpopulated &orld' should people e free to ha+e as %any children as they &ant!1 #s there pu lic assistance in your country!1 What are so%e e(pectations parents ha+e for their children!1 What are so%e reasons that people eco%e ho%eless!1 What are so%e things people can do to eli%inate discri%ination and pre>udice!1 What do you think is the %ost serious pro le% in the &orld!1 Why do you think so!1 What can &e do as indi+iduals to sol+e this pro le%!1 What types of noise pollution do you hate the %ost!1 Who takes care of the elderly &hen they are no longer a le to care for the%sel+es! Topic 1<: Hometo!n" 1. 0ou ha+e decided to gi+e se+eral hours of your ti%e each %onth to i%pro+e the co%%unity &here you li+e. What is one thing you &ill do to i%pro+eyour co%%unity! Why! )se specific reasons and details to e(plain your choice. T/2FFB- # &ill organi*e a contest for the initiati+es of i%pro+ing the li+ing of people in %y ho%eto&n a%ong the%sel+es.- :onsolidate the solidarity in the ho%eto&n.- 9et a lot of nice ideas for the purpose of i%pro+ing the co%%unity. T&o heads is al&ays etter than one... What change &ould %ake your ho%eto&n %ore appealing to people your age! )se specific reasons and e(a%ples to support your opinion. B<entertain%ent facility: -I ha+e a place to go after school: sociali*e' ha+e %eetings' and >ust rela(.5. #f you could change one i%portant thing a out your ho%eto&n' &hat &ould you change! )se reasons and specific e(a%ples to support your ans&er.T/2FF8. Where do you co%e fro%!A. Descri e your ho%eto&n to %e.B. What is your ho%eto&n &ell-kno&n for!7. What is life like for you in your ho%e to&n! What are the good and ad points a out li+ing there!- 2n+iron%ent:- ,eople:- Fi+ing pace:- 2ducation:- Facility:H. Descri e so%e of the changes that ha+e taken place in your ho%e city recently!B. What changes ha+e happened recently in your to&n and &hat do you think &ill happen in the future!- Facility: Goad syste%' entertain%ent.- 2ducation:- Touris%:Transport %eans7. What are the effects of such changes on the local peoples socio-econo%ic li+es!- Fi+ing standard upgraded.- Spirit life i%pro+ed.H. What are the reactions of the local people to these changes!,ositi+e: en>oy a etter life.- Eegati+e: transport' factory -I polluted air K. What are your reactions to these changes! Which of the% do you like! Which dont you like!- ,ositi+e: en>oy a etter life.- Eegati+e: transport' factory -I polluted air 1<. #f you could change so%ething in your city' &hat &ould you change! Why!11. What are your local industries!1.. Descri e a fa%ous eauty your ho%eto&n:15. "fter you graduate do you &ant to li+e in your ho%eto&n! Why or &hy not!18. Do you like your ho%eto&n! Why or &hy not!- 0es.- The place # &as orn and there had &itnessed %y eautiful childhood %e%ories1A. What is the est thing a out your ho%eto&n! .1B. ... the night-life in your citySto&n.17. What is the &orst thing a out your ho%eto&n! .1H. What44s there to do in your ho%eto&n!ans&er to these ;uestions are up to each person therefore i don44t post %y ans&er here. ,lease prepare yourself for these ;uestions. # think it is ;uitei%portant for the inter+ie& section Topic 11. =edia- tele+ision -co%%unication -Geading &atching %o+ies section 1: Mo#ies -films 1. #t has recently een announced that a ne& %o+ie theater %ay e uilt in your neigh orhood. Do you support or oppose this plan! Why! )se specificreasons and details to support your ans&er. .7-o& useful is a ne& %o+ie theatre!- %ore opportunities for recreation.- Geduce >u+enile deli;uency: teens need acti+ities to keep the% usy and out of trou le.- Fead to se+eral i%pro+e%ents in the to&n.- -elp other usninesses: %ore +isitor -Ishopping' etter road... Fil%s can tell us a lot a out the country &here they &ere %ade. What ha+e you learned a out a country fro% &atching its %o+ies! )se specific e(a%plesand details to support your response.1A5What ha+e you learned a out a country fro% &atching its %o+ies!,eople all around the &orld are alike in their goals and e%otions.9oals: kno&ledge' earning a li+ing.2%otions: &ant to e entertained' spend
ti%e &ith fa%ily and friends' en>oy so%e for% of sports' %usic and dancing.5. =o+ies are popular all o+er the &orld. 2(plain &hy %o+ies are so popular. )se reasons and specific e(a%ples to support your ans&er.1A<people &ant to &atch other peoples li+es -Ifind e(cite%ent: ad+enturous and gla%orous.- Fike to li+e +icariously: cry 6sad %o+ies7 and laugh6co%edies7. - 2scape out o&n li+es' share other e%otions' and i%agine oursel+es as so%eone else 6prepare in ad+ance7.8. So%e %o+ies are serious' designed to %ake the audience think. /ther %o+ies are designed pri%arily to a%use and entertain. Which type of %o+ie doyou prefer! )se specific reasons and e(a%ples to support your ans&er.BA,refer %o+ies that a%use and entertain.- %ake %e rela(' laugh- keep %e in good spirit.B. #n your opinion &hat factors contri ute to a good %o+ie! Section .: Reading -!atching A. ,op %usic:/pinions1 ,op is an international industry its a as si%ple as that. Gecord co%panies are in usiness to %ake a profit.1 ,op %usic gi+es pleasure to illions of people. #t sa+es li+es' too. Think of all the %oney that 3and "id sent to "frica' for e(a%ple. Things like that arei%portant.,op in the DH<s:- The %ost i%portant %usical e+ent of the DH<s &as ?3and aid@. the progra% &as for the purpose of raising %oney for the star+ing people of 2thiopia in1KH8. That concert' on 15 Quly 1KH8 raised o+er T 1<< %illion' &ith the contri ution of fa%ous %usic perfor%ers. #t sho&ed that top %usicians and their fans could change the &orld.So%ething else changed in the H<s' too: %usical technology. #n less than ten years' +ideo co%pact discs and co%puters all eca%e i%portant in the poindustry.- Thanks to +ideo' e+ery single suddenly had its o&n three %inute fil%.- Thanks to co%pact discs' the ;uality of recorded sound &as etter than e+er.- Thanks to co%puters it &as possi le to play and record thousands of ne& sounds.- ,op has co%e a long &ay since the days of 2l+is ,resley.- #n the A<s it &as fun- #n the B<s it &as escape- #n the 7<s it &as ig usiness- #n the H<s it eca%e part of an international youth culture.B. " singer that you like.=ichael Qackson.Data: orn .K "ugust 1KAH.First in the Qackson Fi+e' then a solo artist' =Q has een a superstar fro% the age of ele+en. Today' he really is a li+ing legend. Whats %ore' %edia reportsof plastic surgery' e(otic pets and strange eliefs only see% to increase his fa%e. 3ehind it' though' stands one of the greatest: - singers dancers +ideo %akers perfor%ers' pop has e+er seen.9reatest hits include: 3en' /ff the &all' Thriller' 3illie Qean' 3eat it' 3ad' S%ooth :ri%inal' Dirty' Diana' # cant stop lo+ing you.7. -o& do you think a out the ooks on the screen! ,ros:- /n the screen -I it reaches a huge ne& audience. So if %ore people can en>oy a story y seeing it in a +isual for%' &hats &rong &ith that!- " successful screen adaptation helps to pro%ote the original ook and increase its sales.- ,ictures %ake stories %ore +i+id and life like easier to understand of co%ple( and old fashioned languages.- ,u lishing industry de+elop.- ,eople lead usy li+es these days. They dont &ant to spend a &eek reading a no+el &hen they can &atch the fil% +ersion in t&o hours. #ts a ;uestion of con+enience.- =ake %ore choices for people: read or &atch or oth' in &hich order!:ons:- reading is acti+eO your %ind has to &ork and create i%ages. Watching is passi+e. 0ou >ust sit there and all the &ork is done for you. #ts less satisfying.- Geading -I free to stop and start other >o s. Watching you dont ha+e the freedo% to stop and think for A %inutes efore you carry on.- Screen adaptatons are ne+er as su tle and co%ple( as the ook or plays theyre ased on. :haracters are cut out' scenes re%o+ed -I fit in . hours.- 3ooks can tell you &hat characters are thinking.- $ital differences et&een a no+el and a seri.- )nfair influence on the ook industry. 3ooks not fil%ed -I not good selling.- 3ad screen +ersion of your fa+ourite ook can ruin the original no+el for you.H. Do you agree or disagree &ith the follo&ing state%ent! Geading fiction 6such as no+els and short stories7 is %ore en>oya le than &atching %o+ies. )sespecific reasons and e(a%ples to e(plain your position.1<<"gree. Geasons:- The %ore you read' the stronger your i%agination eco%es. Geading e(ercises your i%aginati+e po&ers- De+elop your storytelling skill. The %ore reading you do the etter you eco%e at creating plots and characters.=o+ies ad+antages:- the i%ages in %o+ie are %uch %ore +i+id: in a large screen in a dark roo%.- Sitting in a large screen &ith other people is fun.K. #s the a ility to read and &rite %ore i%portant today than in the past! Why or &hy not! )se specific reasons and e(a%ples to support your ans&er.158"gree. Geason:- co%%unicate through e%ail using the #nternet.- 9etting infor%ation through #nternet.- 2 co%%erce: ad+ertising on net.1<. ,eople learn in different &ays. So%e people learn y doing thingsU other people learn y reading a out thingsU others learn y listening to people talk a out things. Which of these %ethods of learning is est for you! )se specific e(a%ples to support your choice. HK1 3est: learning y doing is the %ethod &ork est.1 gi+e a learner- first-hand e(perience.1 Disad+antages of other for%s:11. Do you agree or disagree &ith the
follo&ing state%ent! ,eople should read only those ooks that are a out real e+ents' real people' and esta lishedfacts. )se specific reasons and details to support your opinion.KB- Why should reading other kinds of e+ents!- -alf of all the great ooks that ha+e e+er een &ritten' not to %ention the plays' short stories and poetry are i%aginary.- Geading stories as a child help de+elop our creati+ity. - Storytelling is an e%otional need for hu%an eings.-I fictions is too i%portant to our culture' our %inds and our e%otions.1.. " folk story in your culture that has significance.3anh :hung' 3anh Day printed.15. The plot of a good ook you ha+e read recently.- The fiction called ?9one &ith the &ind@- The author: =agarret =ichel.- The ackground: the "%erican ci+il &ar.- The plot:- The story co+ers 1. years in the life of a +ery eautiful and haughty girl' na%ed Scarlett /-ara' also the %ain character' &ho &ere ha+ing the %ost eautiful days of her life in a no le fa%ily at the ti%e the &ar happened.- Surrounding her &ere nu%erous young' handso%e guys &ho lo+ed her &ith all their hearts.- Due to the &ar the /-aras lost all their properties to their ene%ies.- 3eing an innocent sno ish girl' Scarlet &as suddenly put under hea+y urden of rearing all her younger sisters and caring for her %ental father. Sheser+ed as the read&inner for a large fa%ily in an e(tre%ely difficult period.- #n her &ay' Scarlet had to cope &ith a lot of o stacle. -o&e+er' &ith the essense of a resilent' resourceful girl' Scarlet %anaged to get her fa%ilyo+erco%e the %ost hard inter+al in their li+es.#ndeed' Scarlet had left %e a +ery intensi+e i%pression for her characteristic and her energy for sol+ing her lifeti%e pro le%. /ne useful tip she used&hene+er facing &ith headache situation &as: ?Thinking of to%orro&. #t is a different day &ith righter +ie&V@. #t is also useful for all of us.- #n fact' 9one &ith the &ind is not only a historical and dra%a no+el ut also one no+el of ro%ance. The lo+e affair et&een Scarlet and Ghett 3urtler &ould e going on all the ti%e. "lthough the no+el ended &ith the fact that Ghett left Scarlet alone' # do hope that he &ould late on turn ack &ith Scarlet ecause they did really lo+e each other and oth deser+ed.18. Fil%:What type of fil%s do you generally like! ro%ance.- Tell %e a out a fil% that you really en>oyed.- 9one &ith the &ind .5< %inutes 1K5K -color 6a o+e7.- The fil% get 1< oscars' &hich includes the est fil%' the est actress' the est director 6$ictor Fle%%ing7' and so%e others.1A What do you think a out all the ad+ertise%ents sho&n efore the fil%!- #f it last not too long' for a out less than A %inutes' # &ould e easy going.- 3ut in fact' so%eti%es the ti%e for ad+ertise%ent reaches nearly ten %inutes. :onse;uently' any audiences &ould e outraged. # a% not an e(ception.- # understand that the profits co%e to the %edia producer %ainly fro% the ad+ertise%ent fee. -o&e+er' the editor should li%it the ti%e in an accepta leli%it. Section 5: Comm$nication 1. Do you agree or disagree &ith the follo&ing state%ent! Face-to-face co%%unication is etter than other types of co%%unication' such as letters' e%ail'or telephone calls. )se specific reasons and details to support your ans&er. T/2FFA7.Why face to face co%%unication is the est type!- 2li%inate %isunderstandings i%%ediately: ody language.- :e%ent relationship: eyes and hands -I stronger relationship.- 2ncourage continued interaction: longer con+ersation... Do you agree or disagree &ith the follo&ing state%ent! Telephones and e%ail ha+e %ade co%%unication et&een people less personal. )se specificreasons and e(a%ples to support your opinion. T/2FF not a+aila le.Section 8: =edia -tele+isionWSsi*eJ.X1. =edia " &orld of infor%ation %iracle or =onster:Today' thanks to %odern science' its possi le to send &ords and pictures around the &orld in seconds. #nternational e+ents can e follo&ed y illions of people e+ery day. -istory takes place in our ho%es. 3ut &hat effect does all this infor%ation ha+e on society! Does it %ake us %ore a&are' tolerant' andpeaceful! /r on the hand does it %ake so%e people confused' depressed and +iloent... &hat is ne&s!&hat are factors that %ake a good ne&spaper story:- #t %ust e ne&. - #t has to e dra%atic- Eot a out ordinary' e+eryday life.- in+ole in conflict and Danger -I ne&s %eans ad ne&s.- Theres -u%an #nterest.- ,eople are interested in other people rich' fa%ous' po&erful' like: pop stars' T$ personalities' actors' politicians' royalty.- Fa%iliarity: stories a out people' places and e+ents &hich their readers kno& -I different fro% different regions.5. your +ie&s of %edia:- in %y opinion' todays younger generation is the est infor%ed e+er. Were really lucky. "nd &hy do &e kno& so %uch!O ecause of the %edia. /Y not all papers and progra%%es are good' # ad%it ut so &hat! 0ou dont ha+e to read or &atch the ad ones. #ts like an infor%ation super%arketOyou goin' look at &hats a+aila le and choose &hat you &ant.8. -o& do %o+ies or tele+ision influence peoples eha+ior! )se reasons and specific e(a%ples to support your ans&er.7-o& do %o+ies or tele+ision influence peoples eha+ior!- ,ositi+e effects:- 3roader &indo& on the &orld.- 2(posed to people of different races and cultures -Io+erco%e pre>udices %ore easily.- Ee&s' useful
infor%ation in docu%entary progra%%es.- Gela(ation' reduce stress' enhance interest in art.- 2scape our o&n pro le%s for a little &hile.- Sho& positi+e &ays to resol+e pro le%s.- 2ducational progra%:- ,eople &ill kno& %any educational progra%s on the %ass %edia such as cooking' dri+ing' and ani%als li+es.- Eegati+e effects:=ore +iolent:- "ttract +ie&ers -I e%phasi*e on +iolence- 2+en in educational fl%s' %ore or less' there are so%e +iolent scenes - Fess sensiti+e to +iolent acts' can e+en co%%it oursel+es.- Fess acti+e: passi+e acti+ity- )nhelathy' oth %entally and physically.- Stop using i%agination.- Fa*iness oth physical and %ental.- Wasting ti%e to do other acti+ities. =ostly popular tele+ision progra%s' such as cartoons or soap operas' are roadcast at night.Secondly' so%eti%es %ass %edia influences people s idea. =any people &ill %isunderstand the issues.A. Ee&s editors decide &hat to roadcast on T$ and &hat to print in ne&spapers. What factors do you think influence their decisions! ca% ridge1 1A<.=edia- 3efore ne&s is roadcast to the %ass audience' it goes through a process called gatekeeping in &hich the editors decide &hat to roadcast ased on three%a>or factors: politics' sponsorship and %ass appeal.- The first factor that influences this process is politics. #f the T$ station or ne&spaper is in fa+our of a political party' the topics roadcast &ill support thatparty or discredit the opposition party.- "nother factor that influences editors is sponsorship. #f a ne&spaper is sponsored y a fa%ous to acco co%pany' it surely contains fe& topics a out theanti-s%oking %o+e%ent. /ther&ise' the ne&spapers &ill lose its ig sponsor.- =oreo+er' editors tend to focus on the topics that the %ass audience &ant to see' so%ething that attracts attention right a&ay' and so%ething that is easyto understand. Thus' a T$ co%pany or a ne&spaper can attract %ore audience and thus gain %ore ad+ertising.- Eo&adays' people accessing ne&s fro% T$ or ne&spapers tend to understand the &orld as they see it in the %edia. 9atekeeping influences the &aypeople see the &orld and %ay distort &hat people see ecause of the factors associated &ith gatekeeping.B. Tele+ision has destroyed co%%unication a%ong friends and fa%ily. Do you agree or disagree &ith this state%ent!7. Do &e eco%e used to ad ne&s! Would it e etter if %ore good ne&s &as reported! ,aper good ne&s:- it does not sell ne&spapers.- Fack of listeners. ad ne&s:- &e ha+e eco%e i%%une to ad ne&s and the ne&spaper and radio stations are a&are of this.- =ain o >ecti+e is to sell their products.H. Watching too %uch tele+ision reduces people capacity to think for the%sel+es -,reparation and practice 1BH.1 Firstly' &atching tele+ision %akes people la*y as +ie&ers are gi+en second hand opinions' &hich can e used as a su stitue for indi+idual thought.1 Secondly' %ost tele+ision progra%%es are pri%arily entertain%ent as they are designed to attract +ie&ers a&ay fro% ri+al channels. Therefore they areai%ed to appeal to the lo&est co%%on deno%inator and ha+e little educational +alue.1 )nlike ooks or e+en radio' tele+ision lea+es little scope for the i%agination and so tends to dictate si%plified role %odels of &hat life should e like.K. Do you agree or disagree &ith the follo&ing state%ent! Tele+ision' ne&spapers' %aga*ines' and other %edia pay too %uch attention to the personal li+esof fa%ous people such as pu lic figures and cele rities. )se specific reasons and details to e(plain your opinion..K- #s it too %uch!- Tele+ision' ne&spaper' %aga*ine and &e sites dig up all kinds of past ad actions- so%e of these are things people did as teenagers.- Those incidents in+ol+e e(peri%ents &ith drugs or eing reckless in a car.- #t has an effect on the cele ritys fa%ily' especially the children I they %ay find their career ruined -I society lost one talented indi+idual.- -I un>ust -I pu lic dont need to kno&.- Why they pay so %uch attention to such su >ects!- What are the disad+antages!1<. Do you agree or disagree &ith the follo&ing state%ent! Watching tele+ision is ad for children. )se specific details and e(a%ples to support your ans&er.una+aila le11. Do you agree or disagree &ith the follo&ing state%ent! Tele+ision has destroyed co%%unication a%ong friends and fa%ily. )se specific reasons ande(a%ples to support your opinion.- Why is this an e(aggeration!- #t depends on the kind of progra%%es and type of +ie&ers:- 2%pty progra% M passi+e +ie&ers J destroy.- 2ducational progra% M acti+e +ie&ers J enhance ielts topic 3aitaplon-YA1:Z Fte Fink Doc